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						                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.

            2017 Annual Report

                 April 2018

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

           Section I Important Statements, Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management of Jiangsu
Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby guarantee that
the information presented in this report is free of any false records, misleading statements or material
omissions, and shall Individually and together be legally liable for truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of its contents.

Mr. Wang Yao, responsible person for the Company, Mr. Cong Xuenian, responsible person for
accounting work and Mr. Yin Qiuming, responsible person for the Company’s financial affairs
(Accounting Supervisor) have warranted that the financial statements in this report are true and

All directors all attended the board meeting to deliberate this report.

The future plans and some other forward-looking statements mentioned in this report shall not be
considered as virtual promises of the Company to investors. Therefore investors are kindly reminded to
pay attention to possible investment risks.

In the annual report, the risks and countermeasures in the operation of the company are described in
detail (see 9. Outlook for the Future Development of the Company in Section IV Performance Discussion
and Analysis). Investors are kindly reminded to to pay attention to possible investment risks.

The profit distribution plan approved by the board of directors: based on 1,506,988,000 shares, a cash
dividend of RMB 25.50 will be distributed for every 10 existing shares held, 0 shares of Bonus shares
(Tax inclusive), and reserves would not be converted into share capital.

                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.


Section I Important Statements, Contents and Definitions ........................ 2

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Results .............................. 5

Section III Business Profile ......................................................................... 10

Section IV Performance Discussion and Analysis.................................... 13

Section V Significant Events ....................................................................... 29

Section VI Changes in shares and information about Shareholders ...... 68

Section VII Preference Shares .................................................................... 78

Section VIII Profiles of Directors, Members of Supervisory Committee,

Senior Management and Employees.......................................................... 79

Section IX Corporate Governance .............................................................. 91

Section X Information about Corporate Bond ......................................... 100

Section XI Financial Report ...................................................................... 101

Section XII Documents Available for Preference .................................... 232

                                               The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.


                    Term                       Reference                         Definition
The company, this company, Yanghe                            Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,
                                              Refer to
Joint-Stock                                                  Ltd.
Yanghe Group, Controlling shareholder         Refer to       Jiangsu Yanghe Group Co.,Ltd.
The current year, In the reporting period     Refer to       1 Jan. 2017 to 31 Dec. 2017
The report                                    Refer to       2017 Annual Report
Yuan, Ten thousand yuan,A hundred million                    RMB 0.00, RMB 10,000,RMB
                                          Refer to
yuan                                                         10,000,000.00
                                                             The shareholders' general meeting, the
The shareholders' meeting, the board of
                                              Refer to       board of directors and the board of
directors, the board of supervisors
                                                             supervisors of the Company
                                                             Articles of incorporation of Jiangsu
Articles of incorporation                     Refer to
                                                             Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.
SSE                                           Refer to       Shenzhen Stock Exchange
SRC,CSRC                                      Refer to       China Securities Regulatory Commission
Jiangsu Suya, Suyajincheng, Accounting
                                              Refer to       Jiangsu Suyajincheng CPA LLP
Blue Alliance                                 Refer to       Jiangsu Blue Alliance Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.
Blue Sky Trade                                Refer to       Suqian Blue Sky Trade Co.,Ltd.
Blue Ocean Trade                              Refer to       Suqian Blue Ocean Trade Co.,Ltd.

                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

          Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Results
1. Corporate Information
Stock abbreviation      Yanghe Joint-Stock                Stock code                   002304
Stock exchange where
                     Shenzhen Stock Exchange
the shares of the
Company are listed
Name of the Company
in Chinese
Abbr. of the Company
name in Chinese
Name of the Company
                    Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.
in English (if any)
Abbr. of the Company
name in English (if any)
Legal representative    Wang Yao
Registered address      No.118 Middle Avenue, Yanghe Town, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, China
Postal code             223800
Business address        No.118 Middle Avenue, Yanghe Town, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, China
Postal code             223800
Company website         http://www.chinayanghe.com
E-mail                  yanghe002304@vip.163.com

2. Contact us
                                                                             Representative for Securities
                                           Company Secretary

Name                               Cong Xuenian                          Lu Hongzhen, Sun Dali
                                   No. 18, Feng Hui Avenue, Yuhua Economic Development Zone,
Tel.                               025-52489218                          025-52489218
Fax                                025-52489218                          025-52489218
E-mail                             yanghe002304@vip.163.com              yanghe002304@vip.163.com

3. Information Disclosure and Place Where the Annual Report Is Kept
Newspaper designated by the Company         Securities Times, Shanghai Securities Times, China Sec
for information disclosure                  urities Journal, Securities Daily
Website designated by the China
Securities Regulatory Commission
                                            http://www. cninfo.com.cn
(CSRC) for the publication of the Annual
Place where the Annual Report of the        shareholder reading room, No.118 Middle Avenue, Yanghe
Company is kept                             Town, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province

                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

4. Company Registration and Alteration
Organization code                  9132000074557990XP
Changes in main business
activities since the Company was None
listed (if any)
Changes of controlling
shareholders of the Company (if None

5. Other Relevant Information
Accounting firm engaged by the Company
Name of the accounting firm Jiangsu Suyajincheng CPA LLP
Business address of the       22-23/F., Central International Plaza, NO.105-6 Zhongshan North Road,
accounting firm               Nanjing.
Name of accountants for
                              Xu Xuzhen, Kan Baoyong
writing signature

Sponsors engaged by the Company to continuously perform its supervisory function during the
Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A
Financial advisor engaged by the Company to continuously perform its supervisory function during the
Reporting Period Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

6. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
Whether the Company performed a retroactive adjustment to or restatement of accounting data due to
changes of accounting policies and correction of accounting errors
□ Yes √ No
                                      2017                  2016              Change                2015

Operating revenues (RMB)        19,917,942,238.16 17,183,109,620.08              15.92% 16,052,444,099.28
Net profits attributable to
shareholders of the              6,627,169,959.16     5,827,168,870.88           13.73%       5,365,185,534.99
Company (RMB)
Net profits attributable to
shareholders of the
Company before                   6,136,386,923.71     5,406,580,095.74           13.50%       4,915,933,247.98
non-recurring gains and
losses (RMB)
Net cash flows from
                                 6,883,169,799.31     7,405,044,600.62           -7.05%       5,836,355,328.67
operating activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share                      4.40                    3.87       13.70%                       3.56

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Diluted earnings per share
                                                4.40                    3.87       13.70%                       3.56
Weighted average ROE                       24.08%                   24.01%          0.07%                   25.37%
                                 At the end of 2017 At the end of 2016                        At the end of 2015
Total assets (RMB)               43,258,140,702.38 38,804,062,249.63                11.48% 33,860,320,967.06
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the              29,515,040,285.72 26,052,771,070.00               13.29% 22,937,096,378.95
Company (RMB)

7. Differences in Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting
7.1. Differences in the net profits and net assets disclosed in the financial reports
prepared under the international and China accounting standards

□ Applicable √ N/A
No such differences for the Reporting Period.

7.2. Differences in the net profits and net assets disclosed in the financial reports
prepared under the overseas and China accounting standards

□ Applicable √ N/A
No such differences for the Reporting Period.

8. Key Financial Results by Quarter
                                    Q1                  Q2                     Q3                      Q4
Operating revenues            7,588,577,705.68 3,941,913,368.50 5,347,834,958.10                3,039,616,205.88
Net profits attributable to
shareholders of the           2,742,957,007.05 1,165,303,467.90 1,673,401,613.10                1,045,507,871.11
Net profits attributable to
shareholders of the
Company before                2,659,071,451.71 1,055,711,871.31 1,590,617,648.83                  830,985,951.86
non-recurring gains and
Net cash flows from
                              1,170,374,437.00 -294,040,969.09 3,413,052,676.10                 2,593,783,655.30
operating activities
Whether there are any material differences between the financial indicators above or their summations
and those which have been disclosed in quarterly or semi-annual reports
□ Yes √ No

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

9. Non-recurring Profits and Losses
√ Applicable □ N/A

                 Item                       2017                  2016                 2015                Note
Profit or loss from disposal of
                                         -8,598,844.11        -5,823,628.96            975,736.62
non-current assets
Government grants accounted for,
in the profit or loss for the current
period (except for the government
grants closely related to the
                                         44,745,640.94        29,064,221.47        18,262,639.04
business of the Company and given
at a fixed amount or quantity in
accordance with the State's uniform
Except for effectively hedging
business related to normal business
operations of the company, profit or
                                                                                     Profit from
loss arising from the change in the
                                                                                     the disposal
fair value of held-for-trading
financial assets and liabilities, as     90,627,738.02 128,763,897.76 448,386,160.59
well as investment profit or loss
                                                                                     sale financial
produced from the disposal of
held-for-trading financial assets and
liabilities and available-for-sale
financial assets
Impairment provision reversal of the
accounts receivable on which the
                                           300,000.00            165,859.73
impairment test is carried out
Other non-operating income and
expenditure except                       11,559,390.23        10,469,328.20          6,151,424.76
above-mentioned items
Other profit and loss items that
conform to the definition of            516,824,879.08      398,923,011.53 125,736,753.20
non-recurring gains and losses
Less: Corporate income tax              164,658,711.09 140,783,607.73 150,252,775.39
     Minority interests (after tax)          17,057.62           190,306.86               7,651.81
Total                                   490,783,035.45 420,588,775.14 449,252,287.01                         --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as a non-recurring profit/loss according to the
definition in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering
Their Securities to the Public-Non-Recurring Profits and Losses, or classifies any non-recurring
profit/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurring profit/loss item.
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                               Section III Business Profile

1. Business Scope in the Reporting Period
Whether the Company needs to comply with the requirement disclosure of special industry.

The Company is mainly engaged in the production and sales of liquor. The production of liquor adopts
solid-state fermentation, mainly including starter-making, brewing, stocking, packaging and so on. The
sales of liquor mainly adopts two modes, namely distribution and retailing. During the reporting period,
the company's primary business and business mode had not changed. According to the Guidelines for
the Industry Classification of Listed Companies (2012 Revision) issued by CSRC, the Company belongs
to C15 Manufacturing industry of liquor, beverages and refined tea.

The company is the national large-scale liquor production enterprise. Among the enterprises in the liquor
industry, the Company is the only one that has two China' time-honored brands, the two famous Chinese
liquor, namely Yanghe and Shuanggou. and the Company has six China' well-known trademarks. The
leading products of the Company are a series of mellow liquor including Dream Blue, Yanghe Blue
Classic, Shuanggou Zhenbaofang, Yanghe Daqu, Shuanggou Daqu. They have high brand awareness
and reputation throughout the country.

During the reporting period, there was a new round of growth period in the liquor industry after the deep
adjustment. The consumption of liquor market is obviously upgraded. High-end and secondary high-end
Liquor showed the simultaneously rising of volume and price during the year. The concentration of the
industry has accelerated significantly, and the famous liquor enterprises developed better. According to
the disclosed liquor industry periodic report, the Company's revenue and profit ranked third in the liquor

2. Significant Changes in the Main Assets
2.1 .Significant Changes in the main assets

                                                    Reasons for any significant change
          Main assets

                                 A decrease of 90.58% YOY for equity investment was mainly due to
                                 the reduction of capital of Dream Blue Haichuanhui (Shiyan) Trade
Equity assets
                                 Investment Co., Ltd., forming the business combination not involving
                                 enterprises under common control.
                                 An increase of 32.73% for available-for sale financial assets was
                                 mainly due to the increase of equity investment
Fixed assets

Intangible assets

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Construction in progress
                                  A fall 56.96%YOY was mainly due to the carry-forward to fixed assets
                                  that reach the using condition

2.2 .Main Assets Overseas
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Analysis of Core Competitiveness
Whether the Company needs to comply with the requirement disclosure of special industry.

The Company has obvious advantages in natural environment, quality technology, brand influence,
sales network and so on. Those are the Company’s unique core competitiveness. The core
competitiveness of the company has not changed during the reporting period.

3.1 .Natural Environment Advantage
The Company is based in Suqian, the capital of Chinese liquor with 'three rivers, two lakes and one
wetland'. Suqian is one of the three famous wetland liquor producing areas in the world, enjoying equal
popularity with the Scotch Whisky producing area and the French Cognac producing area. It is the only
natural oxygen bar in Jiangsu province without acid rain. The long history and unique ecological
environment provide a good source of water, soil and air for production of liquor and spirits. Especially
the microorganism condition significantly benefits the production of liquor and spirits. The Yanghe
brewing originated in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It had been
sold in Jianghuai area during the period of Yong Zheng of Qing Dynasty. It has a good reputation that
'Dainty taste derived from fortune spring and liquor ocean, which makes Yanghe rank first place in
Jianghuai area'. Shuanggou alongside Yanghe has been praised as the origin of Chinese natural liquor
by domestic and overseas experts due to the discovery of drunken ape fossils in Xiacaowan.

3.2 .Quality Advantage
Considering the diversification and individuation of consumption demand, the Company took the lead in
breaking the traditional classification of liquor flavor. The Company classifies the liquor by taste and put
emphasis on taste value. The Company strengthens the mellowness of liquor, puts forward the new style
of the mellow liquor quality, and deeply meets the core demand of the target consumers. It successfully
establishes the system framework of new production technology and mellowness mechanism of mellow
liquor catering to market consumption. In June 2008, 'Mellowness' was first written into the national
standard in China Protected Geographical Indication Product- Yanghe Daqu ( Standard No.

3.3 .Talent Advantage
The Company has 26 National Liquor Tasting Committee members, 69 Provincial Liquor Tasting
Committee members and 1845 technicians. The Company also has a number of national and provincial
technical research and development platforms. The obvious advantage of technical talents provides
technical support for the continuous improvement of the quality. Dream Blue and Mellow Sujiu, the
representative products of mellow liquor, have won the national quality awards, such as National Best

                                               The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Quality Award, Liquor and Spirits Design Award and National Liquor and Spirits Sensory Quality Award.
In 2017, in the national liquor taster contest sponsored by China Alcoholic Drinks Association, the
national liquor taster Zhu Fanggang from the Company, standing out from more than 120 contestants,
ranked the first place in the contest. 3 prize-winners of the top 10 were from the Company. The Company
has the most prize-winners in the Top 10 enterprises. It highlights the strong talent advantage of the
Company again.

3.4 .Brand Advantage
The Company, as one of the eight old famous liquor enterprises, is the only one that has two China'
time-honored brands, the two famous Chinese liquor, namely Yanghe and Shuanggou and the Company
has six China' well-known trademarks, including Yanghe, Shuanggou, Yanghe Blue Classic,
Zhenbaofang, Dream Blue, Su. The Company whose brand worth $4.281 billion has been selected in
2017 Global Liquor Brand Value Top 50 and ranked third/second globally/in China by Brand Finance, a
world-famous brand value research organization. In 2017, the Company whose brand worth RMB
35.526 billion ranked the top 100 in China's 500 Most Valuable Brands released by World Brand Lab.
The Company also was listed in the Global Top 2000 World listed companies published by Forbes, the
world finance and economics magazine. Dream Blue was selected as one of the top 10 brands in CCTV
National Brand Plan.

3.5. Marketing Network Advantage
The Company has a sales and marketing team with the largest number of personnel, the latest concept
and the strongest executive force in the industry. The Company has cooperated with more than 8000
distributors, has more than 30 thousand ground promotion employees, and continues to enhance the
deep distribution mode. At present, the Company has the most powerful marketing network platform in
the Chinese liquor industry. It has penetrated into every county and city throughout the country. High
speed channel has been basically established, laying a solid foundation for market expansion and
category extension in the future. At the same time, as a traditional enterprise, the Company has also
insisted on exploring new marketing mode, and has made certain achievements in internet application

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

               Section IV Performance Discussion and Analysis
1. Overview
In 2017, the Company made solid progress in all aspects of work according to laws and regulations such
as Corporation Law, Securities Law, Articles of Incorporation, Rules Governing Listing of Stocks on
Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Guidelines on standard operation of SME Board Listed Companies on
Shenzhen Stock Exchange and achieved sustainable and healthy development. During the year, the
Company achieved operating revenue of RMB 19.918 billion, up 15.92% from last year; and net profit
attributable to shareholders of the listed company of RMB 6.627 billion, a 13.73% year-on-year increase.

During the reporting period, the Company carried out main tasks and performance including the
following six aspects:

1.1 Focused on excellent execution and channel deepening to improve sales and marketing to a higher
level with indomitable struggle attitude. Firstly, marketing was significantly enhanced through laying a
solid foundation and storing potential energy. Core products’ prices were steadily raised through precise
positioning of marketing strategy and strictly execution and control. New breakthroughs of group
purchase and attracting investment were achieved through taking further selected policy. Grabbing
opportunity of consumption upgrade and accelerated volume-driven growth of Dream Blue improved
marketing performance to a higher level. Secondly, focusing on resource and telling good stories to
enhance brand building. “China Dream, Dream Blue” sounded the strongest voice at the New Year’s
Concert in the National Centre For The Performing Arts. Dream Blue obtained the naming right of Boao
Forum and held auctions for dealership of “Dream Blue Handcraft Class” successfully. “Blue Dream
Manual Class” was widely praised for “Excellent Quality and Creative Design”. High-end brand
connotation was manifested and brand influence was enhanced through a series of creative event
marketing such as “CCTV National Brand Experience Day— state-run media into Yanghe”, “Guyu
Forum” and “Open Toupai Liquor Cellar Festival”.

1.2 Focused on “Quality First”, striving for benchmarking and making liquor quality better with
painstaking craftsman’s attitude. Firstly, “Quality First” made liquor quality better. Focusing on the overall
requirements of “strengthening soft feeling and satisfaction” and the orientation of quality improvement,
base liquor quality and soft degree were steadily enhanced through optimizing process parameters
scientifically. Meanwhile, core product quality was overall upgraded through large-scale market research
and multiple inferior-quality product selection, in order to improve consumer experience further. Secondly,
deepening scientific research guided by technology. Among 5 categories 21 research projects, most
achieved good results though comprehensive advance and priority breakthrough at difficult points. The
Company positively participated in establishing industry standards and achieved the transformation from
“guiding the company” to “leading the industry”.

1.3 Focused on “San Xing jiu Hua”, solidifying foundation, enhancing efficiency and improving
management with unremitting effort. Firstly, focused on upper and lower linkage and exemplary role;
issued and implemented “Sujiu Basic Law”, which became the staff’s basic code of conduct. The
Company comprehensively optimized working standard and content related to employees. Execution

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

was further enhanced through deepening the movement and strengthening work-style construction.
Secondly, linking work at selected spots with that in entire areas and stimulating vitality comprehensively.
The Company insisted on the orientation of question and the core of rectifying and reforming, promoted
long-term management and achieved sharp decline of recurrence rate of all types of problems. The
Company pushed forward the progress of improvement projects to further improve operating efficiency
and performance. Thirdly, "unity of knowledge and practice" and highlighting initiative. The Company
pushed forward initiative management to a higher level through creating atmosphere, improving
mechanism and optimizing environment. Meanwhile, as deepening “San Xing jiu Hua”, the Company
achieved the steady improvement of basic management.

1.4 Focused on service upgrade, precise development and enhancing supply-guarantee capacity with
sustaining and high efficiency. Firstly, supply-guarantee capacity was enhanced during peak season.
Linkage between production and sales was improved efficiently. The Company devoted to “internal
enhancing efficiency and external synergy”. Detailed programme smoothed the pace and overall
arrangements. Accurate plan made inventory appropriate and smoothed production. Flexible scheduling
boosted production and enhancing safeguarding capacity. Paying attention to improvement decreased
cost, enhanced performance and smoothed production, which reduced cost of around RMB 10 million.
Secondly, deepening projects brought about good results and the effect of supply chain management
was significant. The Company carried out 7 research projects efficiently and positively pushed forward
the supply chain management improvement project. Overall optimization process and innovative
management mode improved the performance of economy and management.

1.5 Focused on concept interaction, multidimensional deepening and promoting culture construction with
using the lion sheep effect. Firstly, further expand cultural atmosphere. Employees’ pride and honor and
team cohesion and centripetal forces were enhanced though organizing festival art performance at
Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Lantern Festival and so on. Art performance told stories of
craftsmen, promoted enterprise spirit and showed employees’ style through the form of song, cross talk,
comedy sketches, reciting and so on. Secondly, further enhancing cultural diffusion. The Company
attracted more and more audiences and fans through online and offline activities based on “First Class”
cultural construction standard. During the sealed ceremony, the Company elucidated and diffused the
stories of craftsmen and their spirits and skills based on the theme of “Ingenuity, Dream Blue”. The sales
rose more than expected and public praise effect achieved the desired goal. Thirdly, further deepening
interaction culture. During the year, the Company helped 300 needy workers and succored 133 poor
families. Employees’ sense of gain was enhanced by health examination and gratuitous treatment.
Employees’ skill level was improved by skill competitions and business contests. The Company further
promoted the enterprise spirit and ingenuity through setting up typical examples of dedicated advanced

1.6 Focused on thinking leading, taking a giant leap, improving new business to a higher level with
development trend of creativity and Innovation. Firstly, focused on Innovation and steady upgrade of
Internet transformation. The Phase I of Overall Marketing Project was successfully online on a trial basis.
FFC and Eco-sphere Project over-fulfilled the annual sale quota. The Banquet Platform Project, internet
business research and IT projects were further deepened. These work brought about significant data
application effect, pushed forward the channel management optimization and lay a solid foundation for

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

accurate marketing control. The Company focused on “Guide Platform” and “Interactive Product”. These
two business modules successfully bred “WeChat Business Project Team” and “Customer Management
Project Team”. Secondly, steady improvement of capital operation with great concentration. The
Company built Maotai-flavor liquor production and management platform and invested in a wine
company whose comprehensive strength ranked No.2 in Chile. It laid a solid foundation for improving
wine quality and the investment maintained a good income level for three consecutive years.

2. Analysis of Main Business
2.1. Overview
Same with the contents presented in “1.Overview” of this section

2.2. Revenues and Costs
2.2.1. Breakdown of Operating Revenues
                             2017                                    2016
                                         As a
                                                                          As a percentage
                                     percentage                                           YoY Change(%)
                    Amount                               Amount             of operating
                                     of operating
                                                                           revenues (%)
                                    revenues (%)
Total          19,917,942,238.16           100% 17,183,109,620.08                       100%               15.92%
By business segment
               19,468,365,663.88         97.74% 16,782,694,581.25                    97.67%                16.00%
Other             449,576,574.28          2.26%       400,415,038.83                   2.33%               12.28%
By product
Liquor         19,183,149,960.51         96.31% 16,499,265,778.30                    96.02%                16.27%
Wine              285,215,703.37          1.43%       283,428,802.95                   1.65%                0.63%
Other             449,576,574.28          2.26%       400,415,038.83                   2.33%               12.28%
By geographical segment
Jiangsu        10,630,640,220.89         53.37%     9,453,996,756.17                 55.02%                12.45%
                9,287,302,017.27         46.63%     7,729,112,863.91                 44.98%                20.16%

2.2.2. Business Segment, Products or Geographical Segments Contributing over
10% of the Operating Revenues or Profits
√ Applicable □ N/A
Whether the Company needs to comply with disclosure requirements of special industry
                                                             YoY change YoY change YoY change
                 Operating                      Gross profit
                                Operating costs              of operating of operating of gross profit
                 Revenue                          margin
                                                             revenue (%) costs (%)      margin (%)
By business segment
Alcoholic    19,468,365,663.8 6,285,763,095.9         67.71%            16.00%            7.87%             2.43%

                                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

beverage                         8                    7
By product
               19,183,149,960.5 6,152,292,657.6
Liquor                                                         67.93%            16.27%            7.78%             2.53%
                              1               5
By geographical segment
               10,229,347,294.3 3,458,623,474.9
Jiangsu                                                        66.19%            11.18%            9.15%             0.63%
                              9               1
Outside                              2,827,139,621.0
               9,239,018,369.49                                69.40%            21.86%            6.34%             4.47%
Jiangsu                                            6
Under the circumstances that the statistical standards for the Company’s main business data adjusted in
the Reporting Period, the Company’s main business data in the current year is calculated based on
adjusted statistical standards at the end of the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

2.2.3. Whether Revenue from Physical Sales is higher than Service Revenue
√ Yes □ No
  By business                                                                                              YoY Change
                          Item                 Unit                  2017                 2016
   segment                                                                                                     (%)
                       Sale volume             ton                    215,950.8           198,198.83                 8.96%
Liquor             Output volume               ton                   220,136.14           204,470.02                 7.66%
                        Inventory              ton                    27,308.53            23,123.19                18.10%
                       Sale volume             ton                      5,212.34             5,158.93                1.04%
Wine               Output volume               ton                      5,283.01             5,038.31                4.86%
                        Inventory              ton                        334.01               263.34               26.84%
Reason for any over 30% YoY movements in the data above
□ Applicable √ N/A

2.2.4. Execution of Significant Sales Contracts in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

2.2.5. Breakdown of Operating Costs
By business and product segment
                                        2017                                       2016
                                                  As a                                       As a
By business                                                                                                     YoY
                Item                          percentage of                              percentage of
 segment                    Amount                                     Amount                                Change(%)
                                                operating                                  operating
                                                costs(%)                                   costs(%)
Alcoholic                6,285,763,095.9                          5,827,106,186.4
                                                      94.08%                                     93.94%              7.87%
beverage                               7                                        8
                                              2017                                     2016                  YoY
By product
                  Item                                   As a                                    As a      Change(%
 segment                             Amount                                  Amount
                                                      percentage                             percentage of     )

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                               of operating                            operating
                                                 costs(%)                              costs(%)
Alcoholic   Raw
                           4,243,329,762.51         63.51% 3,453,636,775.70                 55.68%         22.87%
beverage    materials
            Labor costs     541,519,432.79           8.11%      453,949,036.71                7.32%        19.29%
Alcoholic   Fuels and
                            212,403,387.26           3.18%      164,151,899.51                2.65%        29.39%
beverage    energy
Alcoholic   manufacturin
                            263,652,646.09           3.95%      242,199,036.34                3.90%         8.86%
beverage    g overhead
            n tax and  1,024,857,867.32             15.34% 1,513,169,438.22                 24.39%        -32.27%
The 32.27% decrease in consumption tax and surcharges was mainly due to the change of tax paying
method from withholding and remitting tax by trustee to direct payment by the Company on September 1,
2017. In addition, the accounting method of consumption tax changed from the cost of production of
manufacturing consignment to the taxes and surcharges generated from producing and selling liquor by
the company.

2.2.6. Change in the Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements for the
Reporting Period
√ Yes □ No
     ①The subsidiary corporations newly consolidated in the current year
                          Name                                            Measure of gaining
ZYG TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT LTD                                  Merger of enterprises under different
                                                                        controlling group
Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock Co.,Ltd                            Merger of enterprises under different
                                                                        controlling group
Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan) Trade Investment               Merger of enterprises under different
Co.,Ltd.                                                                controlling group
Suqian Sujiu Logistics Co.,Ltd.                                              Establishment
Jiangsu Blue Dream E-commerce Co.,Ltd.                                       Establishment
Jiangsu Yanghe      Weiketang     Network     Technology                     Establishment
YANGHE CHILE SPA                                                             Establishment

    ②The subsidiary corporations no longer consolidated in the current year
                          Name                                                  Reason
Taizhou Mengye Trading Co.,Ltd.                                     Liquidation and cancellation
Siyang Yanghe Package Service Co.,Ltd.                              Liquidation and cancellation

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

2.2.7. Major Changes in the Business, Products or Services in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

2.2.8. Main Customers and Suppliers
Sales to major customers of the Company
Total sales to top five customers(RMB)                                                         687,470,036.10
Total sales to top five customers as a
percentage of the total sales for the year(%)
Total sales to related parties among top five
customers as a percentage of the total sales                                                                0.00%
for the year(%)
Information on top five customers
                                                   Sales             As a percentage of the total sales for
    No.                Customer
                                                amount(RMB)                      the year(%)
1                      Customer A               287,461,741.63                                              1.44%
2                      Customer B               114,647,993.35                                              0.58%
3                      Customer C               113,743,537.26                                              0.57%
4                      Customer D                86,293,109.97                                              0.43%
5                      Customer E                85,323,653.89                                              0.43%
Total                      --                   687,470,036.10                                              3.45%
Other information on major customers
□ Applicable √ N/A
Major suppliers of the Company
Total sales to top five suppliers(RMB)                                                      1,268,441,014.78
Total sales to top five suppliers as a
percentage of the total sales for the year(%)
Total sales to related parties among top five
suppliers as a percentage of the total sales                                                                0.00%
for the year(%)
Information on top five suppliers
                                                                              As a percentage of the total
    No.                  Supplier                Purchases(RMB)
                                                                               purchase for the year(%)
1                       Supplier A                     449,255,761.82                                       8.14%
2                       Supplier B                     249,120,685.48                                       4.51%
3                       Supplier C                     203,713,954.46                                       3.69%
4                       Supplier D                     186,513,439.98                                       3.38%
5                       Supplier E                     179,837,173.04                                       3.26%
Total                       --                      1,268,441,014.78                                       22.98%
Other information on major suppliers
□ Applicable √ N/A

2.3. Expense

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                                 YoY              Reason for any significant
                           2017               2016
                                                              Change(%)                   change
Selling and
                       2,387,447,107.0 1,869,001,821.5
distribution                                                         27.74%
                                     5               3
General and
                       1,532,148,106.9 1,582,435,251.4
Administrative                                                       -3.18%
                                     3               5
                                                                           Increased interest income on
                                                                           deposit and decreased note
Finance costs           -33,912,331.47      -8,947,212.14         -279.03%
                                                                           discount expense in the
                                                                           current period

2.4. R&D input
√ Applicable □ N/A

In the Reporting Period, the Company continued to push forward technology research and development.
The Company achieved significant results from twenty-one research projects in five areas. Through
conducting a systematic research on healthy liquor in Health Liquor Theory System Project. Healthy
functional substances in Yanghe Liquor have been found and some good results in health experience
have been achieved. Beneficial Elements of Brewing By-product Project achieved deep utilization of
fermented grains and this project was successfully selected for key research and development plan of
Jiangsu Province. Solid State Fermentation of Fermented Grains Testing Project obtained industry
standard approval and achieved the transformation from “guiding the company” to “leading the industry”.
Meanwhile, focused on the overall requirements of “strengthening soft feeling and satisfaction” and the
orientation of quality improvement, base liquor quality and soft degree were steadily enhanced through
optimizing process parameters scientifically

Information about R&D input
                                     2017                          2016                     YoY Change(%)
Number of R&D
                                                 348                             355                        -1.97%
R&D personnel as a
percentage in total                           2.32%                          2.38%                          -0.06%
R&D input(RMB)                       37,807,634.80                 36,735,345.28                             2.92%
R&D personnel as a
percentage in operating                       0.19%                          0.21%                          -0.02%
Capitalized R&D
                                     12,062,387.60                 10,339,739.27                            16.66%
Capitalized R&D input
percentage in total R&D                      31.90%                         28.15%                           3.75%

                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Reason for any significant YPY change in the percentage of the R&D input in the operating revenues
□ Applicable √ N/A

Reason for any sharp variation in the percentage of the capitalized R&D input and rationale
□ Applicable √ N/A

2.5. Cash Flows

           Item                     2017                         2016                     YoY Change(%)
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                24,139,022,765.44           22,990,557,358.58                              5.00%
from operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
due to operating                17,255,852,966.13           15,585,512,757.96                             10.72%
Net cash flows from
                                 6,883,169,799.31            7,405,044,600.62                             -7.05%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                30,970,188,282.84            8,465,713,608.96                           265.83%
from investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                35,131,210,561.81           14,430,046,744.26                           143.46%
due to investing activities
Net cash flows from
                                -4,161,022,278.97           -5,964,333,135.30                             30.23%
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                 3,417,116,090.61            3,697,079,125.01                             -7.57%
due to financing activities
Net cash flows from
                                 -3,417,116,090.61          -3,697,079,125.01                              7.57%
financing activities
Net increase in cash and
                                  -706,674,482.79           -2,251,169,180.44                             68.61%
cash equivalent

Explanation of why the data above varied significantly
√ Applicable □ N/A
a. Mainly due to the increased cash received from returns on investment, cash inflows from investing
activities increased 265.83% from last year.
b. Mainly due to the increased cash paid for investments, cash outflows due to investing activities
increased 143.46% from last year.
c. Mainly due to more increased cash received from returns on investment than the increased cash paid
for investments, net cash flows from investing activities increased 30.23% from last year.
d. Mainly due to the positive net cash flows from investing activities and net cash flows from financing
activities as compared with last year, in cash and cash equivalent increased 68.61% from last year.

Explanation of main reasons leading to the material difference between net cash flows from operating
activities during the Reporting Period and net profit for the year
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                         The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

3. Analysis of Non-Core Business
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                             As a percentage
                           Amount                of total           Formation reasons                Sustainability
                                                              Holding and disposal of
Investment                                                    available-for-sale
                         623,953,064.97                 7.05%                         No
income                                                        financial assets and
                                                              financial management
                                                              Preparation of
                                                              provision for goodwill
Impairment                                                    impairments, bad debt
                          22,867,778.12                 0.26%                         No
losses                                                        of account receivables,
                                                              depreciation of
                                                              Mainly due to default
                          19,822,054.76                 0.22% fine, indemnity income No
Non-operating                                                    Expenditures for
                            8,340,532.81                0.09%                                  No
expense                                                          donations etc.
Other income              44,745,640.94                 0.51% Government subsidy               No

4.Assets and Liabilities
4.1 Material Change of Asset Items
                       As at the end of 2017              As at the end of 2016
                                             As a                                                           Explanation
                                                                               As a     Change in
                                          percentag                                                          about any
                                                                            percentag percentage
                        Amount             e of total      Amount                                             material
                                                                             e of total   (%)
                                            assets                                                            change
                                                                            assets (%)
Cash at bank
                       1,751,452,876.18        4.05%     2,456,627,358.97          6.33%          -2.28%
and on hand
                           8,485,382.83        0.02%        10,824,186.90          0.03%          -0.01%
Inventories        12,861,503,434.11         29.73%     12,221,515,305.37        31.50%           -1.77%
equity                     1,980,046.94                     21,029,470.42          0.05%          -0.05%
Fixed assets           8,249,559,468.26      19.07%      7,970,035,119.29        20.54%           -1.47%
                        234,431,457.83         0.54%      544,670,924.38           1.40%          -0.86%
in progress

                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                        145,452.00                    181,816.00

4.2 Assets and liabilities measured at fair value
□ Applicable √ N/A

4.3 Restricted Asset Rights as of the end of this Reporting Period
There was letter of credit deposit of RMB 1.5 million in cash at bank and on hand. The right was

5. Investment Made
5.1. Total Investment Made
√ Applicable □ N/A

  Investment made in the Reporting        Investment made in the prior
                                                                                          YoY Change
           Period(RMB)                            year(RMB)
                       636,340,416.13                       414,283,740.11                                53.60%

5.2. Significant Equity Investment Made in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

5.3. Significant Non-equity Investment ongoing in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

5.4. Financial Assets at a Fair Value
□ Applicable √ N/A

5.5. Use of Funds Raised
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period

6. Sale of Major Assets and Equity Interests
6.1. Sale of Major Assets
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period

6.2. Sale of Major Equity Interests
□ Applicable √ N/A

7. Analysis of Major Subsidiaries
√ Applicable □ N/A

Main subsidiaries and joint companies with an over 10% influence on the Company’s net profit

                                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Company       Company      Business Registere             Total                     Operating Operating
                                                                      Net assets                        Net profit
 name           type        scope   d capital            assets                     Revenue     profit
Su Liquor                 Wholesaling
Trade                     and retailing
                                                       25,422,035, 5,041,358,0 19,357,324, 5,596,701,9 4,211,512,5
Group        Subsidiary   of              334,400,00
                                                            451.92         65.32        408.80          95.12        05.23
Limited by                prepackaged 0.00
Share Ltd                 food
                          and sales of                 5,244,345,6 1,926,340,3 2,580,125,8 1,738,155,6 1,556,718,1
Distillery   Subsidiary                   110,000,00
                          liquor and                         85.22         04.48         13.82          34.05        68.28
Stock                                     0.00
Yanghe                    Wholesaling
Liquor                    of                           7,660,821,1 762,656,12 5,965,176,5 938,241,99 703,678,78
             Subsidiary                   10,000,000
Operation                 prepackaged                        37.07           8.10        20.81           4.22          3.25
Manageme                  food
nt Co.,Ltd
Jiangsu                   Wholesaling
Shuanggou                 and retailing
                                          5,000,000.   435,914,61 405,141,57 1,754,610,9 523,104,04 392,049,94
Liquor       Subsidiary   of
                                          00                   5.18          6.73        76.83           1.91          8.52
Operation                 prepackaged
Co.,Ltd                   food
Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                  How subsidiary was acquired or                   Impact on overall
             Subsidiary name                       disposed during the Reporting                     operation and
                                                              Period                                 results(RMB)
ZYG TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT                        Merger of enterprises under
LTD                                              different controlling group
                                                 Merger of enterprises under
Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock Co.,Ltd                                                         Tiny
                                                 different controlling group
Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan)                  Merger of enterprises under
Trade Investment Co.,Ltd.                        different controlling group
Suqian Sujiu Logistics Co.,Ltd.                  Establishment                              Tiny
Jiangsu Blue Dream E-commerce
                                                 Establishment                              less
Jiangsu Yanghe Weiketang Network
                                                 Establishment                              Tiny
Technology Co.,Ltd.
YANGHE CHILE SPA                                 Establishment                              Tiny
Taizhou Mengye Trading Co.,Ltd.                  Canceled                                   Tiny
Siyang Yanghe Package Service
                                                 Canceled                                   Tiny

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

8. Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company
□ Applicable √ N/A

9. Outlook for the Future Development of the Company
9.1. Analysis of Industry Situation
First, accelerated development and rapid growth of liquor industry profit. In 2017, the revenue and profit
of liquor industry continued to maintain the rapid growth benefited from mass consumption upgrade,
consumption structure shift and so on. According to statistic data published by National Bureau of
Statistics, during the year, liquor enterprise above designated size accumulatively achieved revenues of
RMB 565.442 billion, up 14.42% from last year and accumulatively achieved total profit before tax of
RMB 102.848 billion, up 35.79% from last year. In the future, liquor industry will benefit from
consumption upgrade dividend further with simultaneously rising of volume and price of high-end and
secondary high-end products and the rise of middle class.

Second, increased competition and gradual formation of liquor industry structure. In 2017, with the
further intensification of liquor market, the industry comprehensively entered the era of squeeze
competition. Famous liquor enterprises constantly strengthened the advantage of products, brand,
channel and market. In each product segments – high-end, secondary high-end, mid-/low-end and
small-packaged products, national brands or representative brands in different mainstream consumption
price ranges have preliminarily emerged. The liquor industry development structure and competitive
situation are being gradually formed and it will be further enhanced in the further market competition.

Third, divergence accelerated and strong players turn stronger. In 2017, the high-end and secondary
high-end products benefited from the rapid growth of market size. It showed the prosperity of
simultaneously rising of volume and price during the year. The growth rate of famous liquor enterprises
that had great capacity of product, brand and channel was significantly higher than industry average
level. With continued rising trend of merger and acquisition and industry concentration,famous liquor
enterprises that had great advantage in capital, management, brand, talent and channel will win out in
the liquor market competition and obtain more market share in the future.

9.2 The company's future development strategy and next operating plan
9.2.1 Further Development Strategy
In 2018, the Company continued to adhere to the strategy of “Wu Du Wu Mi”. The Company tried to be
the most dedicated, professional and far-sighted liquor enterprise that understands, distills and sells
liquor. The further development goal is to become a long-lasting leading enterprise across the life cycle

9.2.2 2018 Operating Plan
In 2018, the general work vision is to develop better, comprehensively push forward “One Six Eight”
Strategy and strive for achieving more than 20% year-on-year growth of operating revenue.
The meaning of so-called “One Six Eight” Strategy as follows:
“One” refers to focusing on one growth target and striving for leading position in the industry.
“Six” refers to adhering to six principles: trend position principle, Internet plus principle, quality
breakthrough principle, high-end breakthrough principle, foundation reinforcement principle and bottom

                                                      The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

line improving principle.
“Eight” refers to pushing forward eight projects:

First, marketing innovation project. The Company pushes forward brand strategy innovation, focuses on
content production and transmission mode, tells brand stories and improves brand value through big
event and public benefit marketing. The Company pushes forward product innovation and brand
upgrade of “Dream Blue” while constantly improving the product image of “Sea Blue” and “Sky Blue” and
releasing the potential of “Shuanggou”. The Company enhances marketing strategy innovation and
pushed forward the dynamic and precis control of marketing, thus creating powerful potential energy of

Second, intelligent manufacturing project. The Company proactively pushes forward “integration of
informatization and industrialization” and establishes the intelligent brewery with brewing network as
principal line. The brewery has clear hierarchy including equipment, craft, control, management,
decision-making analysis and etc. It achieves integration of management and control and optimum
distribution of resources. The Company establishes new generation intelligent brewery that achieves
digitization, visualization, integration and intelligence, leading to intelligent production and

Third, technology research and development project. The Company comprehensively pushes forward
the upgrade of six key projects including mellow quality, health examination,research topic selection and
application of results. The Company endeavour to complete the six projects including the meaning of
mellow health and database of microorganism, focuses on health mechanism analysis of mellow spirit
and leads the healthy development direction of mellow spirit.

Fourth, management optimization project. The Company focuses on quality management and control,
financial auditing and team building. The Company pushes forward making “San Xing jiu hua”, long-term
management, new mode of financial management and control, management auditing and automation of
mechanism practicable. The Company puts emphasis on high-level talent training, provides a
competitive platform for the promotion, fully designs a scientific assessment scheme and establishes
more flexible incentive mechanism of market-oriented employment.

Fifth, digital transformation project. The Company deepens the data business development, completes
the establishment of front-end business scenario of community and user program and further deeps
sustainable operation of micronet business. The Company focuses on application breakthrough and
achieves Information exchange and sharing, focuses on transformation breakthrough and achieves
preliminary digitization to support “Weiketang” ecosphere, focuses on system breakthrough and builds
user-centered operation strategy mechanism with multidimensional convergence of product, content,
scenario, community and data, focuses on program breakthrough and improves platform service ability
of overall marketing program, thus achieving digital transformation.

Sixth, capital strategy project. The Company focuses on consumption upgrade and Internet
transformation opportunity, pushes forward making core business, development business and financial
investment program practicable, carries out research and analysis on unmanned retail business mode

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

and current situation and development trend of new retailing, conducts a study on “big health” and
consumption upgrade, looks for new channel and operation mode, pushes forward resources sharing
between Yanghe and Interested parties, thus establishing a multidimensional ecosphere of symbiosis,
alternation and recycle.

Seventh, the Party building project. The Company takes the Thought on Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics for a New Era as a guide to action, studies spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress
thoroughly and firmly, comprehends the instructions and spirit of plenary session of provincial Party
committee and municipal Party committee, disaggregates and implements spirit of the meeting of the
Company’s party committee, trade union and youth league. The Company improves the Party building
project to higher level through pushing forward the Party building and talent organization based on today
and future.

Eighth, culture-shaping project. The Company enhances characteristic culture construction, pushes
forward Shuanggou sealed ceremony, ensures the improvement of reputation and marketing, improves
sense of ritual and experience of “Open Toupai Liquor Cellar Festival” and enhances the brand
reputation. The Company pushes forward making “Ten Thousand People Brand Plan” practicable, telling
good stories of Sujiu based on reputation and characteristic, cultivating multilevel fans and absorbing
more Sujiu fans. The Company creates the career development platform that helps employee growth
and promotion, thus achieving the common growth and development of employees and the Company.

9.2.3 Potential Risk Faced
First, uncertain risk of macro-economy. Nowadays, the external International economic development
environment is unpredictable. It may have some influence on sustainable medium-to-high speed growth
of China economy. Once there is unpredictable or uncontrolled change of domestic macroeconomic
environment or industrial policy, it brings some risks to the healthy development of liquor industry or
liquor enterprises.

Second, increased market competition risk. Nowadays, liquor market starts a new round of market
competition. Famous liquor enterprises recover rapid growth, optimize product structure, Intensify efforts
to attract investment, enhance channel construction and further deepen terminal, leading to more
tensive market competition. Meanwhile, liquor industry faces reconstruction of price, channel and
service system. It poses a serious challenge to enterprises whether they can adapt to the new
transformational change.

Third, risk of consumption concept change. Nowadays, in daily life, the preference of spirit consumers
decreases and there is a diversified development trend of liquor consumption as consumers pay more
attention to healthy life concept, promote moderate drinking and the age structure adjustment of liquor
consumers. The liquor industry and liquor enterprises need to face a realistic problem that how they
precisely grasp the consumption change and lead the future spirit consumption trend.

10. Visits Paid to the Company for Purposes of Research, Communication, Interview,
10.1 In the Reporting Period

                                              The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                 Index to main inquiry
      Date of visit            Way of visit        Type of visitor
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                          Activities for 13 January 2017
13 January 2017        Field survey           Institution
                                                                          on www.cninfo.com.cn(No:
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                          Activities for 1 March 2017 on
1 March 2017           Field survey           Institution
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                          Activities for 7 March 2017 on
7 March 2017           Field survey           Institution
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                          Activities for 10 March 2017 on
10 March 2017          Field survey           Institution
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                       Telephone                                          Activities for 16 March 2017 on
16 March 2017                                 Institution
                       communication                                      www.cninfo.com.cn(No:
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                       Telephone                                          Activities for 2 May 2017 on
2 May 2017                                    Institution
                       communication                                      www.cninfo.com.cn(No:
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                          Activities for 5 May 2017 on
5 May 2017             Other                  Other
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                          Activities for 19 May 2017 on
19 May 2017            Field survey           Other
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                          Activities for 29 August 2017 on
29 August 2017         Field survey           Institution
                                                                          Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                       Telephone                                          Activities for 29 August 2017 on
29 August 2017                                Institution
                       communication                                      www.cninfo.com.cn(No:

                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                                Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                Activities for 22 September
22 September 2017   Field survey    Institution
                                                                2017 on www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                Activities for 7 November 2017
7 November 2017     Field survey    Institution
                                                                on www.cninfo.com.cn(No:
                                                                Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                    Telephone                                   Activities for 9 November 2017
9 November 2017                     Institution
                    communication                               on www.cninfo.com.cn(No:
                                                                Log Sheet of Investor Relations
                                                                Activities for 25 December 2017
25 December 2017    Field survey    Institution
                                                                on www.cninfo.com.cn(No:

                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                       Section V Significant Events
1.Profit Distribution and Converting Capital Reserves into Share Capital
for Common Shareholders

Formulation, execution or adjustments of profit distribution policy, especially cash
dividend policy, for common shareholders in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

On May 19, 2017, the Company held 2016 annual shareholders' meeting, and the plan for
profit distribution for 2016 was deliberated and approved by this meeting. Plan for profit
distribution for 2016: Based on its total of 1506.988 million shares as at 31 December
2016, the company distributed a cash dividend of RMB 21 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to
all shareholders. The total cash dividend is RMB 3164.6748 million (including tax). The
book closure day was 15 June 2016 and the ex-right & ex-dividend day 16 June 2016.

A special statement of the policy of cash dividends
Whether it meets the requirements of the articles of
incorporation or the resolution of shareholders' Yes
Whether the standard and proportion of dividends
are clear.
Whether the relevant decision-making process and
systems are complete.
Whether independent directors perform their duties
and play their due role.
Whether the minority shareholders have the
opportunity to fully express their opinions and
appeals and whether their legitimate rights and
interests have been adequately protected.
Whether the conditions and procedures are
                                               The company's cash dividend policy
compliant and transparent it the cash dividend
                                               has not been adjusted or changed.
policy is adjusted or changed.
Plans (or preliminary plans) for profit distribution and converting capital reserves into
share capital for common shareholders for the recent three years (including the Reporting
Period) are as following:

Preliminary plan for profit distribution for 2017: Based on its total of 1506.988 million
shares as at 31 December 2017, the company is to distribute a cash dividend of RMB
25.5 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to all shareholders. The total cash dividend is RMB
3842.8194 million (including tax).

                                         The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

   Plan for profit distribution for 2016: Based on its total of 1506.988 million shares as at 31
   December 2016, the company distributed a cash dividend of RMB 21 (tax inclusive) per
   10 shares to all shareholders. The total cash dividend is RMB 3164.6748 million (including
   tax). The book closure day was 15 June 2016 and the ex-right & ex-dividend day was 16
   June 2016.

   Plan for profit distribution for 2015: Based on its total of 1506.988 million shares as at 31
   December 2015, the company distributed a cash dividend of RMB 18 (tax inclusive) per
   10 shares to all shareholders. The total cash dividend is RMB 2712.584 million (including
   tax). The book closure day was 16 June 2015 and the ex-right & ex-dividend day was 17
   June 2015.

   Cash dividend distribution over the recent three years (including the Reporting Period)
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                             Net profit attributable     Ratio to net profit
                                  to common            attributable to common      Cash        Ratio of cash
           Cash dividends
                             shareholders in the        shareholders in the     dividends in    dividends in
   Year     (tax included)
                                 consolidated          consolidated statement other forms       other forms
                             statement in the year          in the year

   2017   3,842,819,400.00 6,627,169,959.16            57.99%                   0.00           0.00%
   2016   3,164,674,800.00 5,827,168,870.88            54.31%                   0.00           0.00%
   2015   2,712,578,400.00 5,365,185,534.99            50.56%                   0.00           0.00%

   The Company made a profit in the Reporting Period and the profit distributed to common
   shareholders of the Company (without subsidiaries) was positive, but it did not put forward
   a preliminary plan for cash dividend distribution to its common shareholders
   □ Applicable √ N/A

2.Preliminary Plan for Profit Distribution and Converting Capital Reserves
into Share Capital for the Reporting Period

   √ Applicable □ N/A
   Bonus shares for every 10 shares
   (share)                          0

   Dividend for every 10 shares (RMB) (tax
   included)                               25.50

   Additional shares converted from capital
   reserves for every 10 shares (share)     0

   Total shares as the basis for the
   preliminary plan for profit distribution 1,506,988,000

                                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.


Total cash          dividends      (RMB)       (tax

Distributable profit (RMB)

Percentage of cash dividends in the
total distributed profit (%)

Cash dividend policy

The development stage of the company is mature and the Company has no major fund
expenditure arrangement. When the profit distribution is carried out, the proportion of
cash dividends in this profit distribution should at least reach 80%.
Details about the preliminary plan for profit distribution and converting capital reserves
into share capital

As audited by Jiangsu Suyajincheng CPA LLP, the Company realized a net profit of RMB
5,686,271,702.98 for 2017 (consolidated statements attributable to shareholders of the
parent company net profit of RMB 6,627,169,959.16). It provided RMB0 as statutory
surplus reserves. Plus undistributed profit at the beginning of the year of
RMB16,215,863,370.70 and minus the distributed profit of RMB3,164,674,800, the actual
distributable profit would be RMB18,737,460,273.68. In line with both the long-term
development needs of the company and the principle of giving appropriate returns to
shareholders, based on its total of 150,6.99 million shares as at 31 December 2017, the
company is to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 25.5 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to all
shareholders. The total cash dividend is RMB 3,842,819,400 (including tax). The
remaining undistributed profit shall be carried forward for future distribution.

3.Performance of Undertakings

3.1. Undertakings of the Company's Actual Controller, Shareholders,
Related Parties and Acquirer, as well as the Company and Other
Commitment Makers Fulfilled in the Reporting Period or ongoing at the
√ Applicable □ N/A
                               Type    of                                                             s on the
                  Undertakin                Details             of
Undertaking                    undertakin                            Undertaking date Term            performa
                  g giver                   undertaking
                               g                                                                      nce

Stock    reform

                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

made in the
report        of
acquisition or
change        of
made in the
of assets
                                           1. The commitment
                                           to avoid competition
                                           in the industry:
                                           (1) At present, the
                                           company         has       not
                                           engaged         in        the
                                           business                   of
                                           competing with the
                                           joint stock company.
                                           The     company             is
                                           committed                  to
                                           maintaining               the
                                           existing        business
                              Interbank    structure and does
                                                                                                     has been
                              competitio not       directly           or
Undertakings Jiangsu                                                                                 no
                              n,   related indirectly       operate
given in time Yanghe                                                                   Long-standi violation
                              transaction any    business            that 2009.08.26
of   IPO      or Group                                                                 ng            of      this
                              s         and competes with the
refinancing        Co.,Ltd.                                                                          undertaki
                              capital      actual operation of
                              occupation the       joint         stock
                                           company         or      may
                                           constitute                  a
                                           competition,         or     a
                                           subsidiary                 or
                                           subsidiary enterprise
                                           that is engaged in
                                           the above business.
                                           (2) If the company
                                           violates the above
                                           commitments,              the
                                           joint stock company
                                           has    the      right      to
                                           require the company

The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

to          immediately
terminate               its
competition and to
compensate for the
economic            losses
caused to the joint
stock company. At
the same time, the
company should pay
liquidated damages
to the joint stock
company for RMB
10 million.
(3)   The      company
has committed itself
to    the     legitimate
rights and interests
of the shareholders
of            joint-stock
companies,           other
shareholders            of
companies and the
creditors               of
companies        without
the   use      of     their
holding shareholder
status in the joint
stock company.
(4) This undertaking
shall enter into force
on    the      date     of
signing,      and     shall
not    be       revoked
without the consent
of      the          stock

2. The commitment
to reduce the related
transactions:          the
company will strictly

                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                           follow                        the
                           requirements of the
                           relevant      laws            as
                           Corporation               Law,
                           Securities Law and
                           Code of Corporate
                           Governance                    for
                           Listed      Companies,
                           and further reduce
                           and                     strictly
                           standardize                   the
                           various                 related
                           between                       the
                           company        and            the
                           joint                    stock
                           companies, so as to
                           ensure        that            the
                           shareholders               and
                           the actual control are
                           not used. The status
                           of making a person
                           damages                       the
                           interests          of         the
                           shareholders             of    a
                           joint stock company
                           and                      other
                           shareholders               and
                           does not occur in the
                           case of new share
                           holding companies.
                           After a year of Stock                                       This
Suqian                     trading       in         stock                              undertaki
Blue     Sky               exchange,                     the                           ng     has
Trade                      shares of the issuer                                        expired
                           will not exceed 25%                                         and there
Co.,Ltd. ,
               Share       of the total number                              2009.08.26- has been
Suqian         reduction   of shares held by the                            2017.11.23 no
Blue                       issuer,      and              the                           violation
Ocean                      issuer's shares and                                         of     this
Trade                      changes            in         the                           undertaki
Co.,Ltd.                   shares are declared                                         ng.
                           to the issuer in a

                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                            timely manner.
                            The commitment to
                            avoid competition in
                            the industry:
                            1. The company is
                            mainly engaged in
                            management               and
                            does not operate the
                            same or associated
                            business      with       the
                            issuer. The company
                            will not engage in
                            the business of the
                            same or associated
                            business      with       the
                            issuer,            without
                            prejudice         to     the                              This
                            interests         of     the                              undertaki
Blue     Sky
               Interbank    issuer, nor from the                                      ng     has
               competitio issuer        for        unfair                             expired
Co.,Ltd. , n,     related interests.                                                 and there
               transaction 2. If the company 2009.08.26                               has been
Suqian                                                                  2017.11.23
               s         and violates the above                                       no
               capital      commitment,              the                              violation
               occupation issuer has the right                                        of     this
                            to                     claim                              undertaki
                            compensation for the                                      ng.
                            economic                loss
                            resulting    from        the
                            issuer, and to pay a
                            liquidated penalty of
                            RMB 5 million, and
                            the right to purchase
                            the business item at
                            the market price of
                            the business item or
                            the establishment of
                            a cost price (which is
                            the principle of the
                            lowest value).3. This
                            undertaking             shall
                            enter into force on
                            the date of signing,

                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                            and      shall      not     be
                            revoked without the
                            consent          of        the
                            After     a      year       of
                            trading in the stock
                            exchange,                  the
                            shares of the issuer                                     There
Jiangsu                     will not exceed 25%                                      has been
Blue                        of the total number                                      no
              Share                                                    Long-standi
Alliance                    of shares held by the 2017.11.23                         violation
              reduction                                                ng
Joint-Stock                 issuer,        and         the                           of      this
Co., Ltd.                   issuer's shares and                                      undertaki
                            changes             in     the                           ng.
                            shares are declared
                            to the issuer in a
                            timely manner.
                            The commitment to
                            avoid competition in
                            the industry:
                            1. The company is
                            mainly engaged in
                            management                 and
                            does not operate the
                            same or associated
                            business         with      the
              Interbank     issuer. The company                                      There
Jiangsu       competitio will not engage in                                          has been
Blue          n,   related the business of the                                       no
Alliance      transaction same or associated 2017.11.23                              violation
Joint-Stock s           and business         with      the                           of      this
Co., Ltd.     capital       issuer,              without                             undertaki
              occupation prejudice              to     the                           ng.
                            interests           of     the
                            issuer, nor from the
                            issuer        for        unfair
                            2. If the company
                            violates the above
                            commitment,                the
                            issuer has the right
                            to                       claim
                            compensation for the

                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                          economic                          loss
                          resulting             from         the
                          issuer, and to pay a
                          liquidated penalty of
                          RMB 5 million, and
                          the right to purchase
                          the business item at
                          the market price of
                          the business item or
                          the establishment of
                          a cost price (which is
                          the principle of the
                          lowest value).
                          3. This undertaking
                          shall enter into force
                          on      the            date         of
                          signing,              and         shall
                          not       be               revoked
                          without the consent
                          of the issuer.
                          Shareholders                        of
                          Blue Sky Trade,as
                          supervisors                       and
                          senior                managers,
                          made                               the
                          1. During the tenure
                          of the issuer, Blue
                                                                                               ng     has
                          Sky      Trade                equity
Zhu                       transferred annually
             Other                                                                             and there
Guangshe                  shall        not            exceed                     2009.08.26-
             undertakin                                             2009.08.26                 has been
ng,   Cong                25%          of        the        total                2017.11.23
             g                                                                                 no
Xuenian                   number                of     shares
                          held by Blue Sky
                                                                                               of     this
                          Trade。                                                              undertaki
                          2. If I leave the
                          issuer,           I        will    not
                          transfer the shares
                          of Blue Sky Trade
                          that     I        have            held
                          within        six           months
                          after my departure.

                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                        3. If I leave from the
                        issuer, the number of
                        Blue Sky transferred
                        shares trade within
                        twelve months after
                        six          months                 of
                        departure does not
                        exceed 50% of the
                        total share of Blue
                        Sky Trade.
                        Shareholders                        of
                        Blue                         Ocean
                        Trade,as               directors,
                        supervisors                       and
                        senior                managers,
                        made                               the
                        1. During the tenure
                        of the issuer, Blue
                        Ocean Trade equity
                        transferred annually
                        shall        not            exceed
                        25%          of        the        total
                        number                of     shares
                                                                                             ng     has
                        held by .Blue Ocean
Zhong      Other                                                                             and there
                        2. If I leave the                                      2009.08.26-
Yuye, Feng undertakin                                             2009.08.26                 has been
                        issuer,           I        will    not                 2017.11.23
Pantai     g                                                                                 no
                        transfer the shares
                        of Blue Ocean Trade
                                                                                             of     this
                        that     I        have            held
                        within        six           months
                        after my departure.
                        3. If I leave from the
                        issuer, the number of
                        Blue                         Ocean
                        transferred                  shares
                        trade within twelve
                        months                after        six
                        months of departure
                        does         not            exceed
                        50%          of        the        total
                        share of Blue Ocean

                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                        Shareholders                        of
                                        Blue         Alliance,              as
                                        supervisors                       and
                                        senior                managers,
                                        made                               the
                                        1. During the tenure
                                        of the issuer, Blue
                                        Alliance                      equity
                                        transferred annually
                                        shall        not            exceed
                                        25%          of        the        total
                                        number                of     shares
                                        held              by              Blue
              Zhong                                                                                          has been
              Yuye, Feng Other                                                                               no
                                        2. If I leave the                                      Long-standi
              Pantai,      undertakin                                             2017.11.23                 violation
                                        issuer,           I        will    not                 ng
              Cong         g                                                                                 of      this
                                        transfer the shares
              Xuenian                                                                                        undertaki
                                        of Blue Alliance that I
                                        have held within six
                                        months                after        my
                                        3. If I leave from the
                                        issuer, the number of
                                        Blue                        Alliance
                                        transferred                  shares
                                        trade within twelve
                                        months                after        six
                                        months of departure
                                        does         not            exceed
                                        50%          of        the        total
                                        share                 of          Blue
              Jiangsu                   1. From January 15,                                                  There
              Yanghe                    2016 to January 15,                                                  has been
Equity        Group                     2017, it does not                                                    no
                           Share                                                               2016.01.15-
incentive     Co.,Ltd.,                 reduce the shares 2016. 01.15                                        violation
                           reduction                                                           2017.01.15
undertaking   Zhong                     held              by              any                                of      this
              Yuye, Feng                company in any way.                                                  undertaki
              Pantai,                   2.      If        the         above                                  ng.

                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                     Cong           undertakings       are
                     Xuenian,Zh     violated,           all
                     ou    Xinhu,   proceeds from the
                     Zheng          reduction of shares
                     Bujun          shall be owned by
                                    the company.
Whether       the
undertaking is
fulfilled     on Yes

reasons       for
failing to fulfill
and plan for
the next step

3.2. Where any Earnings Forecast was Made for any of the Company's
Assets or Projects and the Reporting Period is still within the Forecast
Period, the Company Shall Explain Whether the Performance of the
Asset or Project Reaches the Earnings Forecast and Why
□ Applicable √ N/A

4.Occupation of the Company's Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or
Its Related Parties for Non-Operating Purposes
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5.Explanation of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and
Independent Directors (If Any) Regarding the "Non-standard Audit
Opinion" for the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

6.Reason for Changes in Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates and
Accounting Methods as Compared to the Financial Report for the Prior
√ Applicable □ N/A

In 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued The Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.42-

                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Non-current assets held for sale, disposal group and termination of operation. It has been
implemented since 28 May 2017. The non-current assets, disposal group and termination
of operation existing in the implement date are treated by prospective application.

In 2017, the Ministry of Finance revised The Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 16-
Government Grants. Since 12 June 2017, the government grants existing in 1 January
have been treated by prospective application. The recent government grants from 1
January 2017 to the implementation date are adjusted according to the revised standard.

In 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Revising the
format of general corporate financial statements. It revises the formation of general
corporate financial statements, which is applicable for financial statements of fiscal year
2017 and subsequent periods.

The above changes in significant accounting policies were approved by sixth session of
the third meeting of the board of directors. The adjustment was made by the Company
based on requirements of the above standards and notices. The impact of items and
amounts in financial report stated as follows:

   Content and reason of         Name of affected       Affected amount Affected amount in
   changes in accounting           report items          in the current the same period last
         policies                                            period            year
(1)Since 1 January 2017, Non-operating                  -44,745,640.94                           N/A
the government grants         income
related to the Company’s     Other income                 44,745,640.94
daily activities has been
adjusted from “Non-operating
income” to “Other income”.
Comparative data was not
(2) Disposal gains and        Non-operating                  -43,724.37                -727,962.06
losses from assets originally   income
listed in “Non-operating       Non-operating              -8,642,568.48              -6,551,591.02
income” and “Non-operating    expenses
expenses” were reclassified    Gains          from        -8,598,844.11              -5,823,628.96
to the new item “Gains from    disposable assets
disposable assets” in the
income statement.
Comparative data was

7.Reason for Retrospective Restatement of Major Accounting Errors
during the Reporting Period

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

□ Applicable √ N/A

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

8.Reason for Changes in Scope of the Consolidated Financial
Statements as Compared to the Financial Report for the Prior Year
√ Applicable □ N/A

    Newly incorporated subsidiaries in this period
Name                                      Acquisition mode
ZYG     TECHNOLOGY         INVESTMENT Merger of enterprises under different controlling
LTD                                                       group
Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock Co.,Ltd        Merger of enterprises under different controlling
Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan) Trade Merger of enterprises under different controlling
Investment Co.,Ltd.                                       group
Suqian Sujiu Logistics Co.,Ltd.                                 Establishment
Jiangsu    Blue    Dream    E-commerce                          Establishment
Jiangsu Yanghe Weiketang Network                                Establishment
Technology Co.,Ltd.
YANGHE CHILE SPA                                                Establishment

    Subsidiaries that is no longer included in the consolidated range from this period
Name                               Reasons for not incorporating the scope of the merger
Taizhou Mengye Trading Co.,Ltd.                    Liquidation and cancellation
Siyang Yanghe Package Service                      Liquidation and cancellation

9.Engagement and Disengagement of CPAs Firm
CPAs firm at present

Name of the domestic CPAs firm
                                               Jiangsu Suyajincheng CPA LLP

The Company’s payment for the domestic
CPAs firm (RMB’0,000)                  180

Consecutive years of the audit service
provided by the domestic CPAs firm     11

Names of the certified public accountants
from the domestic CPAs firm               Xu Xuzhen, Kan Baoyong

                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Consecutive years of the audit service
                                             Xu Xuzhen(4years), Kan Baoyong(1 year)
provided by the certified public accountants
Whether the CPAs firm was changed in the current period
□ Yes √ No

Engagement of any CPAs firm for internal control audit, financial advisor or sponsor
√ Applicable □ N/A

The Company appointed Jiangsu Suyajincheng CPA LLP as the internal control auditor for
this year. The remuneration in total paid by the Company to Jiangsu Suyajincheng CPA
LLP for its audit of the Company’s financial report and internal control conditions for 2017
was RMB530 thousand.

10.Possibility of Listing Suspension and Termination after Disclosure of
this Annual Report
□ Applicable √ N/A

11.Bankruptcy and Reorganization
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

12.Material Litigation and Arbitration
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

13.Punishments and Rectifications
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

14.Credit Conditions of the Company as well as Its Controlling
Shareholder and Actual Controller
□ Applicable √ N/A

15.Implementation of any Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock
Ownership Plan or Other Incentive Measures for Employees
□ Applicable √ N/A

16. Significant Related-Party Transactions
16.1. Related-party Transactions Arising from Routine Operation
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

16.2. Related-party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets
or Equity Interests
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

16.3. Related-party Transitions Arising from Joint Investments in
External Parties
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

16.4. Credits and Liabilities with Related Parties
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

16.5. Other Significant Related-party Transactions
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

17. Significant Contracts and Their Execution
17.1. Trusteeship, Contracting and Leasing
17.1.1. Trusteeship
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

17.1.2. Contracting
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

17.1.3. Leasing
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

17.2. Major Guarantees
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

17.3. Entrusted Cash Asset Management
17.3.1. Entrust assets management
√ Applicable □ N/A
Entrust assets in the Reporting Period.

                                                       The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB0, 000
                  Source of                                                        Undue amountat
  Product type                                                  Amount                                                  outstanding
               entrusted assets                                                    the end of 2017
Bank finance              Equity Fund                             717,588.63                 717,588.63                                    0
Trust finance             Equity Fund                                   677,466                    677,466                                 0
Broker finance Equity Fund                                               60,000                       60,000                               0
Other                     Equity Fund                                    96,000                       35,000                               0
Total                                                           1,551,054.63             1,490,054.63                                      0
Information about significant amount of individual entrust finance or high-risk entrust
finance with principle unguranteed and poor liquidity.
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB0,000
                                                                                                      Actu                      her
                                                                                                        al              Whet there
                                                                         Me Ref pros Actu                      unt                      Sum
                                                                                                      princi            her it will
                                                                         tho ere pecti        al               reser                    mary
                                                                                                       pal               go      be
                                           Com Ter                        d nce     ve       profit            ved                      and
Nam                               Sour                                                                 amo              throu entru
        Trus                               men min                       of   d earni          &                for                     refer
 e of           Produc Amo ce of                                Funds                                  unt               gh      st
          tee                              cem atio                      Re ann ngs          loss              impa                     ece
trust            t type    unt fundi                       allocation                                  reco             statu finan
        type                                ent        n                 mu uali (if         for              irme                     (if
 ee                                   ng                                                               vere              tory    ce
                                           date date                     ner zed appli the                     nt (if                   appli
                                                                                                      d for              proc plan
                                                                         atio retu cable perio                 appli                    cabl
                                                                                                       the               edur s in
                                                                          n   rn    )          d               cabl                     e)
                                                                                                      perio              es     the
                                                                                                        d                       futur
                                                           ng trust
                                                           plan or
                Avic                                       ng trust
                Trust-T                                    usufruct
                ainxin                             28      held by
Avic                                       28
                No.98             Equit            April beneficia
Trust Trus                 10,0            April                         Ca   7.5 1,50                750.
                Collecti          y                201 ry under                               750                     0 Yes     Yes
Co.,L t                     00             2016                          sh   0%         0            00
                ve                Fund             8       the trust
                Fund                                       plan
                Trust                                      managed
                Plan                                       by trust
                                                           Idle fund

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                      in the
                                                      form of
                                                      in bank
                                                      e funds
                                                      with 1%
                                                      on of
Xing                                                  fixed-inc
ye                                                    ome
Inter                                 7       7       assets,b
natio                            Equit Nove May anking
        Trus     No.3 20,0                                         Ca   5.3 1,46 930. 930.
nal                              y    mber 201 credit                                             0 Yes    Yes
        t        Colle     00                                      sh   0% 8.96     44 44
Fiduc                            Fund 2016 8          assets.tr
iary                                                  ansferred
Co.,L                                                 asset in
td.                                                   register
                                                      with high
                                                      g assets.
               Wester                                 Used for
               nTrust-                                Zhengzh
               Evergr                                 ou
West           ande                   15              Evergran
ern            Guang             Equit Nove           de
        Trus              10,0                ust                  Ca   7.5 1,31         750.
Trust          he                y    mber            Feicuihu                     750            0 Yes    Yes
        t                  00                 201                  sh   0% 0.96          00
Co.,L          Receiv            Fund 2016            ating
td.            able                                   Project
               Claim                                  develop
               Collecti                               ment and
               ve                                     construct

                                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

               Fund                                      ion
               Wester                                    Southern
               nTrust-                                   City Real
               Sunshi                                    Estate
               ne City                                   Develop
               Jade                                      ment
West           Beauty                    10              Co.,Ltd.
ern            Bay               Equit Marc              will use
        Trus              15,0                   emb                 Ca   7.0 1,84 822. 822.
Trust          Receiv            y       h               the fund                                    0 Yes    Yes
        t                  00                    er                  sh   0%    1.1    74 74
Co.,L          able              Fund 2017               for
td.            Claim                                     develop
               Collecti                                  ment and
               ve                                        construct
               Fund                                      ion
               Trust                                     Emerald
               Plan                                      Bay
                                                         Phrase II
                                                         Used for
               Pingan                                    capital
               Fortun                                    loans to
Ping           e-Hong                    10              Jiangsu
an             taiNo.1           Equit Octo              Jintan
        Trus              7,00                   ch                  Ca   6.0
Trust          89Colle           y       ber             Chenlin                840     00           0 Yes    Yes
        t                   0                    201                 sh   0%
Co.,L          ctive             Fund 2017               Economi
td.            Fund                                      c
               Trust                                     Technolo
               Plan                                      gy
               Wester                                    Used for
West           nTrust-                           1       capital
ern            HNA               Equit           July increase
        Trus              20,0           April                       Ca   7.0 1,74 1,00 1,00
Trust          Industr           y               201 of HNA                                          0 Yes    Yes
        t                  00            2017                        sh   0% 9.04 8.77 8.77
Co.,L          y No.3            Fund            8       Industry
td.            Collecti                                  Group
               ve                                        and

                                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

               Fund                                      working
               Trust                                     capital
               Plan                                      supplem
                                                         ent of
                                                         Used for
                                                         e funds
                                                         with 1%
                                                         on of
               Xingye                                    cash
                 Trust                                   asset,
                 Yuan                                    fixed-inc
Inter                                            8
                 ding                    5               ome
natio                            Equit           July
        Trus     No.3 10,0               April           assets,b Ca       5.2 528. 261. 261.
nal                              y               201                                                 0 Yes    Yes
        t        Colle     00            2017            anking       sh   5%   13     42 42
Fiduc                            Fund            8
                 ctive                                   credit
                 Fund                                    assets.tr
                 Trust                                   ansferred
                 Plan                                    asset in
                                                         with high
                                                         g assets
                                                         Used for
               HNA                               9
West                                                     capital
               Invest                    9       Aug
ern                              Equit                   increase
        Trus ment         6,00           May ust                      Ca   6.9 518.
Trust                            y                       of HNA                         00           0 Yes    Yes
        t      No.3         0            2017 201                     sh   0%   35
Co.,L                            Fund                    Investme
               Collecti                          8
td.                                                      nt

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                        Used for
                                                        ment and
                                                        ion of
Shan                                                    an
ghai           Shang                                    Project
Inter          hai                                      Phase V
natio          Xintuo-                          12      and
nal            Road              Equit          May Phase
        Trus              10,0           May                        Ca   5.9 1,18
Xintu          King              y              201 VI. The                            00           0 Yes    Yes
        t                  00            2017                       sh   0%      0
o              Credito           Fund           9       idle
Trad           rs'                                      funds
e              Invest                                   can be
Com            ment                                     used to
pany                                                    invest
                                                        in bank,
               Zhongr                                   Used for
               ong                                      subscribi
               Trust-                                  ng
               Guaran                           23      financial
               tee-ass                   23     Jun investme
Inter                            Equit
        Trus istant       15,0           June e         nt          Ca   7.4 2,22
natio                            y                                                     00           0 Yes    Yes
        t      Fund        00            2017 201 products sh            0%      0
nal                              Fund
               No.190                           9       or other
               Collecti                                 projects
               ve                                       permitted
               Fund                                     by the
               Trust                                    laws and

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

               Plan                                   regulatio
                                                      ns such
                                                      in bank,
                                                      fund and
                                                      was used
                                                      equity of
Zhon                                                  g
gron                                                  Property
               he                             30
g                                                     Co., Ltd.
               Glory                     30   Jun
Inter                            Equit                The
        Trus of the       10,0           June e                   Ca   7.6 1,52
natio                            y                    surplus                        00           0 Yes    Yes
        t      World       00            2017 201                 sh   0%      0
nal                              Fund                 funds
               No.26C                         9
Trust                                                 deducted
Co.,L                                                 related
               e Fund
td.                                                   expense
                                                      s and
                                                      e fund
                                                      as a
                                                      der loan
West           Wester            Equit 5      5       Capital
        Trus              10,0                                    Ca   7.4 1,66 342. 342.
ern            nTrust-           y       July Oct increase                                        0 Yes    Yes
        t                  00                                     sh   0% 6.52      63 63
Trust          Evergr            Fund 2017 ober for

                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Co.,L          ande                         201 Evergran
td.            Enping                       9       de Real
               Equity                               Estate
               Invest                               Group
               ment                                 Enping
               Collecti                             Co.,Ltd.
               ve                                   and
               Fund                                 construct
               Trust                                ion of
               Plan                                 Evergran
                                                    de Spring
                                                    al Project
                                                    Phase III
                                                    Phase IV
                                                    in bank,
               pocaly                       29
                                       30           bond
Avic           pse                          Aug
                               Equit Augu           fund and
Trust Trus No.556 13,0                      ust                  Ca   7.0 907.
                               y       st           other                          00           0 Yes    Yes
Co.,L t        Tianch     00                201                  sh   0%   51
                               Fund 2017            fixed-inc
td.            engjufu                      8
                                                    with high
                                                    by the
                                                    laws and
West           Wester                  11   11      Used for
ern     Trus     Trust 12,0            Sept Sep develop          Ca   6.8 1,63
                               y                                                   00           0 Yes    Yes
Trust t          -TAN     00           emb tem ment and sh            0%     2
Co.,L            DE                    er   ber construct

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

td.              (Pha                   2017 201 ion of
                 se V)                         9       Qujiangxi
                 Colle                                 angdu
                 ctive                                 Block C
                 Fund                                  Project
                 Trust                                 by Xi’an
                 Plan                                  Tiandiyu
                                                       an Real
                                                       Co., Ltd.
                                                       ent of
             China                                     Used for
             Touris                                    develop
Chin         m                                         ment and
a            Internat                                  construct
Touri        ional                                     ion of
sm           Trust-Z                                   Evergran
Inter        hixin                      14             de
natio        No.374                     Sept           Nanjing
                                Equit          tem
nal     Trus Evergr 10,0                emb            Feicuihu Ca        7.5         189. 189.
                                y              ber                              750                0 Yes    Yes
Fiduc t      ande         00            er             ating         sh   0%           14 14
                                Fund           201
iary         Nanjing                    2017           Project
Inves        Feicuih                                   and
tmen         uating                                    repaying
t            Collecti                                  the
Co.,L        ve                                        financial
td.          Fund                                      institution
             Trust                                     borrowin
             Plan                                      g
             Shaanx                                    Used for
             i                                 27      develop
nxi                                     27
             Internat                          Sep ment and
Inter                                   Sept
             ional              Equit          tem construct
natio Trus               10,0           emb                          Ca   7.6 1,52 181. 181.
             Trust              y              ber ion of                                          0 Yes    Yes
nal     t                 00            er                           sh   0%      0    56 56
             Wuxi               Fund           201 Tainyu
Trust                                   2017
             Railwa                            9       Garden
             y                                         Residenti
             Station                                   al Project

                                               The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

            North                                  Phase I
            Square                                 and
            A Block                                Phase II
            Project                                3-7#
            Loan                                   Building
            Collecti                               in Wuxi
            ve                                     Railway
            Fund                                   Station
            Trust                                  North
            Plan                                   Square A
                                                   Block in
                                                   Wuxi City
                                                   by Wuxi
                                                   ment and
                                                   Used for
                                                   ent of
Shan                                               Ningbo
ghai                                               Zhedao
Inter                                              Investme
natio                                      19      nt
            NG                      19
nal                         Equit          Oct Holdings
        Trus GROU 10,0              Octo                       Ca   6.2
Xintu                       y              ober Co.,Ltd.                  620     00           0 Yes    Yes
        t   P          00           ber                        sh   0%
o                           Fund           201 Idle
            Credito                 2017
Trad                                       8       funds
            rs '
e                                                  can be
Com                                                used for
pany                                               investme
                                                   nt in
                                                   in bank,

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                      and ruby
                                                      issued by
Chin           Touris
a              m
Touri          Internat                               Used for
sm             ional                                  develop
Inter          TrustZ                         27      ment and
natio          hixin                          Oct construct
                                 Equit Octo
nal     Trus No.358 1,50                      ober ion of          Ca   7.3 109.
                                 y    ber                                            00           0 Yes    Yes
Fiduc t        Zhongti      0                 201 Future           sh   0%     5
                                 Fund 2017
iary           an                             8       Ark
Inves          Future                                 Project
tmen           ArkColl                                F10
t              ective                                 Group
Co.,L          Fund
td.            Trust
Touri                                                 Used for
sm                                                    develop
Inter                                                 ment and
               hixin                  27      27
natio                                                 construct
               No.358            Equit Octo April
nal     Trus              8,50                        ion of       Ca   7.4 942. 99.2 99.2
               Zhongti           y    ber     201                                                 0 Yes    Yes
Fiduc t                     0                         Future       sh   0%   64      44
               an                Fund 2017 9
iary                                                  Ark
Inves                                                 Project
tmen                                                  F10
t                                                     Group

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                       Used for
Shaa            TrusG
nxi             reen                           31
                                       31              ent     of
Inter           Source                         Oct
                                  Equit Octo           offering
natio Trus farmers 10,0                        ober                 Ca   7.7 1,54
                                  y    ber             trust                          00           0 Yes    Yes
nal      t      market      00                 201                  sh   0%     0
                                  Fund 2017            loans to
Trust           Trust                          9
Co.,L           Loan
td.             Collecti
                                                       Used for
Huat                                                   working
                Securiti               1       1
ai                                                     capital
         Sec es                   Equit Nove May
Secu                       10,0                        supplem Ca        4.9 242.
         uriti -Huatai            y    mber 201                                       00             Yes    Yes
rities                      00                         ent of       sh   0%   99
         es     Hengyi            Fund 2017 8
Co.,L                                                  Huatai
td.                                                    Securitie
                                                       s Co.,Ltd.
                                                       Used for
                                               1       fellow-up
West                                   1       Feb construct
ern                               Equit Nove ruar ion of
         Trus ne City 15,0                                          Ca   7.8 1,46 160. 160.
Trust                             y    mber y          Sunshine                                    0 Yes    Yes
         t      Yujing      00                                      sh   0%   4.9    27 27
Co.,L                             Fund 2017 201 City
td.                                            9       Yujing
Shan            Shang                                  Used for
ghai            hai                                    develop
Inter           Xintuo-                                ment and
natio           Ocean                  9               construct
nal             wide              Equit Nove           ion of
         Trus              10,0                May                  Ca   6.5 972.
Xintu           Wuhan             y    mber            Yunhai                         00           0 Yes    Yes
         t                  00                 201                  sh   0%   33
o               Yunhai            Fund 2017            Garden
Trad            Garden                                 Project
e               Collecti                               (Block
Com             ve                                     24-1) by
pany            Trust                                  Wuhan

                                               The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

               Zhongr                              Used for
               ong                                 offering
gron                                       14
               Trust-X                             working
g                                     14   Nov
               iangron                             capital
Inter                            Equit Nove emb
        Trus g No.        15,0                     loans to     Ca   7.4 1,11 109. 109.
natio                            y    mber er                                                  0 Yes    Yes
        t      166Coll     00                      Chuying sh        0%     0    48 48
nal                              Fund 2017 201
               ective                              Agro-Pas
Trust                                      8
               Fund                                toral
               Trust                               Group
               Plan                                Co.,Ltd.
a                                                  Used for
Touri                                              offering
sm                                                 financing
               Trust-Z                     22
Inter                                              capital to
               hixin                  22   Nov
natio                                              Beijing
               No.359            Equit Nove emb
nal     Trus              20,0                     Fuhuyunt Ca       7.2 1,44         92.0
               Shimao            y    mber er                                    92            0 Yes    Yes
Fiduc t                    00                      ong Real sh       0%     0         0
               Beijing           Fund 2017 201
iary                                               Estate
               Tongzh                      8
Inves                                              Develop
tmen                                               ment
t                                                  Co.,Ltd.
                                                   Used for
               Avic                                ng trust
               Trust-Ti                            plan or
                                      2    Dec
Avic           anxin                               transfer
                                 Equit Dece emb
Trust Trus No.38C 20,0                             trust        Ca   7.5 1,57 78.0 78.0
                                 y    mber er                                                  0 Yes    Yes
Co.,L t        ollectiv    00                      usufruct     sh   0% 3.97      88
                                 Fund 2017 201
td.            e Fund                              held by
               Phase                               beneficia
               IV                                  ry under
                                                   the trust

                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                 by trust
                                                 fund is
                                                 in the
                                                 form of
                                                 in bank
                                                 Used for
Chin                                             offering
a                                                trust
Touri        China                               loans to
sm           Touris                              Shanghai
Inter        m                                   Fukong
                                    14   Dec
natio        Internat                            Interactiv
                               Equit Dece emb
nal     Trus ional      20,0                     e            Ca   8.0 1,60
                               y    mber er                                     00           0 Yes    Yes
Fiduc t      Trust.Z     00                      Entertain sh      0%     0
                               Fund 2017 201
iary         hixin                               ment
Inves        No.423                              Co.,Ltd
tmen         Fukong                              and
t            Trust                               supplem
Co.,L                                            ent of
td.                                              working
                                                 Used for
                                                 ng trust
                                                 plan or
             Avic                                ng trust
             Trust-Ti                            usufruct
                                    14   Dec
Avic         anxin                               held by
                               Equit Dece emb
Trust Trus No.38C 10,0                           beneficia Ca      7.5 762. 12.3 12.3
                               y    mber er                                                  0 Yes    Yes
Co.,L t      ollectiv    00                      ry under sh       0%   33      33
                               Fund 2017 201
td.          e Fund                              the trust
             Phase                               plan
             V                                   managed
                                                 by trust
                                                 and idle
                                                 fund is

                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                 in the
                                                 form of
                                                 in bank
                West                             Used for
            ern                                  develop
            TrustS                               ment and
            unshin                               construct
            e City                               ion of
            Qingyu                       15      Qingyun
            n Park                  15   Dec Park
ern                         Equit
        Trus Accoun 10,0            Dece emb Phase II Ca          7.9
Trust                       y                                           790     00           0 Yes    Yes
        t   t          00           mber er      project     sh   0%
Co.,L                       Fund
            Receiv                  2017 201 by
            ables                        8       Changsh
            Collecti                             a
            ve                                   Zhongfan
            Fund                                 Real
            Trust                                Estate
            Plan                                 Co.,Ltd.
                                                 Used for
            Avic                                 or other
            Trust.A                              projects
            pocaly                       15      and
Avic        pse                     15   Dec products
Trust Trus No.556 20,0              Dece emb permitted Ca         7.2 1,44
                            y                                                   00           0 Yes    Yes
Co.,L t     Tianch     00           mber er      by the      sh   0%      0
td.         engjufu                 2017 201 laws and
            Invest                       8       regulatio
            ment                                 ns such
            Fund                                 as
                                                 in bank,
                                                 fund and

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                        Co., Ltd.
                                                        used the
                                                        funds to
Zhon                                                    existing
gron                                                    debts
g              Zhongr                    15             and
Inter          ong-Ju            Equit Dece             acquire
        Trus              15,0                  emb                 Ca   8.0 2,40
natio          ndun              y       mber           equity                         00           0 Yes    Yes
        t                  00                   er                  sh   0%      0
nal            No.1Tr            Fund 2017              shares of
Trust          ust                                      Sichuan
Co.,L                                                   Tengdun
td.t                                                    Technolo
                                                        And its
                                                        Used for
                                                        ment and
                                                        ion of
               Wester                                   Nanjing
                 nTru                                   courtyard
                 st.C                                   project
West             AC                             18      by
ern              Grou            Equit          Mar Nanjing
        Trus              20,0           Dece                       Ca   7.9 1,96
Trust            p               y              ch      Jiqin                          00           0 Yes    Yes
        t                  00            mber                       sh   0% 9.59
Co.,L            Credi           Fund           201 Real
td.              tors '                         9       Estate
                 Inves                                  Co.,Ltd.
                 tm                                     wholly-o
                 Trust                                  wned by

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                       in bank,
Chin                                                   short-ter
a                                                      m current
Touri                                                  asset,
sm                                                     China
Inter                                                  Tourism
natio                                     26   2       Internatio
               ional              Equit
nal     Fun                20,0           Dece July nal             Ca   7.0 721.
               Fortun             y                                                   00           0 Yes    Yes
Fiduc d                     00            mber 201 self-colle sh         0%      1
               e Enjoy            Fund
iary                                      2017 8       ctive
Inves                                                  fund trust
tmen                                                   plan
t                                                      investme
Co.,L                                                  nt
td.                                                    including
                                                       pledge of
                                                       Used for
                   st-Hu                       29
West                                                   ment and
                   aibei                  28   Dec
ern                               Equit                construct
        Trus       Ever 10,0              Dece emb                  Ca   8.5
Trust                             y                    ion of                  850    00           0 Yes    Yes
        t          gran     00            mber er                   sh   0%
Co.,L                             Fund                 Huaibei
                   de                     2017 201
td.                                                    Evergran
                   Bayv                        8

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                       Used for
                                                       ment and
Xing                                                   ion of
ye                                                     Baima
               Xingye                         29
Inter                                                  Road
                Trust                   29    Dec
natio                          Equit                   East
        Trus    -Xing 10,0              Dece emb                   Ca   7.0
nal                            y                       G102                   700      00         0 Yes    Yes
        t       hui      00             mber er                    sh   0%
Fiduc                          Fund                    Block by
                No.T                    2017 201
iary                                                   Nanjing
                rust                          8
Co.,L                                                  Huiyao
td.                                                    Real
                        443,                                                         5,78
Total                              --    --       --       --      --   --    01.9          --    0   --     --    --
                        000                                                           8.1

Entrust finance expected to be failed to recover principle or other situation leading to
□ Applicable √ N/A

17.3.2 Entrust Loans
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

17.4 Other Significant Contracts
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

18. Social Responsibilities
18.1 Information about Taking Social Responsibilities
The information about taking social responsibilities disclosed in 2017 Annual Social
Responsibilities Report in detail on www.cninfo.com.cn on 27 April 2018.

18.2 Information about Targeted Poverty Alleviation
18.2.1 Targeted Poverty Alleviation plan
According to the overall arrangement of overcoming poverty and achieving prosperity
(work of “Gua Cun Bao Hu”) by Suqian municipal committee and municipal government,
the Company actively responded the municipal appeal and made the work practicable.
The Company’s counterpart support objects were Qiuzhuang village and 200 low-income

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

families living in Dagou village and Taiping village, Zhenglou Town, Yanghe New District.
The goal of target poverty alleviation is to achieve that the collective economic income of
reaches more than 180 thousand by the end of 2019 and 200 low-income families living in
Dagou village and Taiping village out of poverty.

18.2.2 Summary of Annual Targeted Poverty Alleviation
The Company has continued to work hard for counterpart support( work of “Gua Cun Bao
Hu” and “San Jin San Bang”) since 2017 as follows:

First, the Company worked hard for counterpart support (work of “Gua Cun Bao Hu” and
“San Jin San Bang”) required by municipal government including poverty alleviation
information submission, feedback on problems shown on the public number (Jiangsu Visit)
and concerns raised by farmers, “Gua Cun Bao Hu ”-Plan,Progress and Performance,
“Zoujiceng, Tiaojiegou, Zhusanxia” ,mass poverty alleviation fellowship, “Sunshine
alleviation”. The donation of mass poverty alleviation fellowship amounted to RMB 3
million by the Company and employees. The Dream Blue charitable foundation financed
poor college students and helped poor students attend university. The Company
advocated setting up “Yuanmeng Plan” education fund with Suqian chamber of commerce
in Nanjing. The donation amounted RMB 500 thousand and helped 50 college freshmen
from poor families in Suqian.

Second, the Company pushed forward the annual work plan of (work of “Gua Cun Bao
Hu”) and helped poor families out of poverty. The total donation amounted more than
RMB 100 thousand by cadres and Party members. The Company assisted the villages in
industrial restructuring and leveling 700 mu of land for circulation. The Company also
helped the villages pave more than 400 meters cement road, established a convenient
service center. The air-conditioning in Party member activity room was installed to
improve the condition. In particular, the Company donated RMB 400 thousand taken from
the party membership dues to set up party group service center for 8 poor rural party
branches in Suqian in order to actively respond to the “party membership dues warm
grass roots activity” organized by organization department of the provincial party
committee. The Company donated RMB 100 thousand to help Qiuzhaung village build
infrastructure and donated RMB 100 thousand to help 200 low-income families living in
Dagou village and Taiping village in order to make the work of “Gua Cun Bao Hu” and
“San Jin San Bang” practicable. By the end of 2017, there were 87 families out of poverty
among 101 families in Dagou village and the year-over-year increase of annual income
per head of other families reached more than RMB 500. There were 66 families out of
poverty among 99 families in Taiping village and the year-over-year increase of annual
income per head of other families reached more than RMB 500. The collective economic
income of Qiuzhuang village reached RMB 185.2 thousand and fulfilled the annual task

Third, the Company organized featured activities related to poverty alleviation including
the special activity of Dragon Boat Festival (“Thousands of words are always friendship”)

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

and organizing young volunteers to visit nursing home in Zhenglou Town for caring
activities. The Company took the opportunity of celebrating the 96th birthday of the CPC
and institutionalization and normalization of the party building studies mechanism to bring
the work of “Gua Cun Bao Hu” and “San Jin San Bang” into a series of activities and
education content and to organize new Party members to have an oath ceremony in
Qiuzhuang village.

18.2.3 Poverty Alleviation Achievement
               Indicator                       Unit         Amount/Implementation Situation
A,Overall situation                            ——                           ——
                                         Ten thousand
  Including:1.Fund                                                                          361.86
              2.Goods converted into     Ten thousand
cash                                         yuan
              3.Establishing card for
                                             Person                                              186
archives of poor people out of poverty
B,Input by project                             ——                           ——
  1.Industrial development                     ——                           ——
  2.Transfer and employment                    ——                           ——
  3.Removal and relocation                     ——                           ——
  4.Educational poverty alleviation            ——                           ——
                                         Ten thousand
Including:4.1 Aiding poor students                                                              350
  5.Health poverty alleviation                 ——                           ——
  6.Ecological protection                      ——                           ——
  7.Basic guarantee                            ——                           ——
  8.Social poverty alleviation                 ——                           ——
  9.Other project                              ——                           ——
Including:9.1.Item                            ——                                                 6
                                         Ten thousand
           9.2.Input amount                                                                    22.64
C,Awards(content and level)                  ——                           ——

18.2.4 Fellow-up Poverty Alleviation Plan
In 2018, the Company will studies spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress thoroughly
and firmly. The Company will take targeted poverty alleviation and accelerating poverty
eradication as its own duty and continue to make counterpart support plan seriously
based on the task of poverty alleviation. The Company will push forward the poverty
alleviation plan and work hard to complete the annual task of counterpart support. The
Company will push forward the work of “Gua Cun Bao Hu” and “San Jin San Bang” with
high quality and efficiency in order to enhance the rural development, enrich the people,
build closer relationship between cadres and the masses and make a contribution to
“Liang Ju Yi Gao”.

                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

18.3 Information about Environment Protection
Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to heavy polluting industries
prescribed by the environmental protection departments of China
        Name of                  Distrib
          main     Disc Amount ution                                      Excessi
                                         Emission Pollution Total ved
Company pollutant harg     of      of                                        ve
                                         concentra discharge emissi total
 name     and        e discharg discha                                    dischar
                                            tion   standard   on emiss
        particular type e outlet rge                                         ge
        pollutant                outlet
                                                                 COD: 1960
                                                                 188.6 tons
                                                                 ton per per
Jiangsu                                    COD:      of water
                     Indir                                       year,A year,
Yanghe                                     50-200m pollutants
          COD        ect                                         mmoni Amm
Brewery                             Within g/L,Amm for liquor
          Ammonia    disc 1                                      a       onia No
Joint-Sto                           site   onia       and spirit
          nitrogen   harg                                        nitroge nitrog
ck Co.,                                    nitrogen: industry
                     e                                           n:22 en:
Ltd.                                       1-20mg/L Sheet 2
                                                                 tons    174.3t
                                                                 per     ons
                                                                 year    per
                                                               COD:8 540.6
                                                               2.94to 1tons
                                                      Pipeline n per per
                                           COD:      standard year,A year,
           COD                             130mg/L, of water   mmoni Amm
ou                                  Within
           Ammonia Pipel 2                 Ammonia pollutants a        onia No
Distillery                          site
           nitrogen ine                    nitrogen: for      nitroge nitrog
                                           5mg/L      Shuanggo n:3.19 en:
                                                      u Town   tons    56.31t
                                                               per     on
                                                               year    per
                                                      Discharge          COD:1     COD:
                                                      standard           .97ton    2.04
                  Dire                     COD:100 of water              per       tons
Guizhou COD       ct                       mg/L,Am pollutants            year,A    per
Guijiu   Ammonia disc 1                    monia      for liquor         mmoni     year, No
Co.,Ltd. nitrogen harg                     nitrogen: and spirit         a         Amm
                  e                        10mg/L industry               nitroge   onia
                                                      Sheet 2            n:       nitrog
                                                      Direct             0.275     en:

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                            discharge tons          0.308
                                                                      per           tons
                                                                      year          per
Information about construction and operation of anti-pollution installations
18.3.1 Waste water treatment: In 2017, sewage treatment stations of the Company and
subsidiaries worked properly and efficiently and effluent quality was superior to related
industry standards.

18.3.2 Solid waste treatment: the solid waste of the Company and subsidiaries mainly
included vinasse, sludge and household garbage. The Company entrusted Jiangsu Gugui
New Material Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd., Guizhou Maifeng Biology Co.,Ltd., Jiangsu Woye
Biology Technology Development Co.,Ltd., Sihong County Hengli Property Management
Co.,Ltd. and local office of environment and sanitation to dispose the above solid waste.

Information about environmental impact assessment of construction project and other
authorization from the administrative department in charge of environmental protection

The Company and subsidiaries have all necessary licenses and certificates including
environmental impact assessment report of construction project, “San Tong Shi” materials
examination and acceptance report and waste discharge permit.

The prepared plan for environmental emergencies

The Company and subsidiaries made prepared plan for environmental emergencies
respectively and have all necessary licenses and certificates related to the contingency
plan. They were put on record by Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Office and
Guizhou Provincial Environmental Protection Office. In 2017, the Company and
subsidiaries carried out emergency exercises about operating trouble of waste water
treatment and pipe network blocking. 6 emergency exercises were carried out during the
year and environment emergency response capability was enhanced.

Environment self-monitoring scheme

The Company and subsidiaries respectively prepared environment self-monitoring
schemes based on requirement in order to achieve the quality control and guarantee of
overall process of pollutant source monitoring. The schemes were put on record by
Suqian environmental monitor station and Xiuwen County environmental monitor station.
The Company entrusted Taike Detection Technology Jiangsu Co.,Ltd., Sihong
environmental monitor station and Xiuwen County environmental monitor station as the
third party to conduct sewage testing monthly and the testing results were timely issued
on information distributing platform.

Other environment information should be disclosed

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.


Other information about environment protection

Information about emissions and saving energy
A.In 2017, the Company and subsidiaries spent more than RMB 3.8 million upgrading and
rebuilding the sewage treatment stations. Air environmental quality within site was greatly
improved and the indicators were superior to related standards.
B.The performance of recovery and comprehensive utilization of marsh gas was
significant and the steam output from marsh gas burning was more than 43 thousand tons.
It achieved the economic result valued more than 7.9 million.
C.The Company actively responded to state and local requirements and shut down 2
coal-fired boilers (20 tons) and 1 coal-fired boilers (10 tons). The Company adopted
centralized heating and the environment performance was greatly improved. It saved
more than 25 thousand tons of coal and reduced 50.88 tons of sulfur dioxide, 55 tons of
oxynitride, 9.9 tons of dust particles, more than 12 thousand tons of slag and 58 thousand
tons of greenhouse gas.
D.In 2017, the environment protection work was professionally recognized and was
awarded honorary title of “All-China Excellent Enterprise in Environment Protection”
issued by All-China Environment Federation.

19. Other Significant Events
√ Applicable □ N/A

19.1 Suqian Blue Sky Trade Co., Ltd. was the company’s second-largest shareholder and
held 166,702,906 shares. The shareholding ratio is 11.06%; Suqian Blue Ocean Trade
Co., Ltd. was the company’s third-largest shareholder and held 156,435,720 shares. The
shareholding ratio is 10.38%. On 16 August 2016, Jiangsu Blue Alliance Joint-Stock Co.,
Ltd., Suqian Blue Sky Trade Co., Ltd. and Suqian Blue Ocean Trade Co., Ltd. signed a
merger agreement. The shares held by Suqian Blue Sky Trade Co., Ltd. and Suqian Blue
Ocean Trade Co., Ltd. was succeeded to Jiangsu Blue Alliance Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. after
merger. The Company issued a prompted announcement of changes in equity (No.
2016-021), a detailed report of change in equity and 2 simplified report of change in equity
on 18 August 2016. The Company disclosed the announcement of completion of
registration of shares held by more than 5% shareholders. The negotiability registration
was completed by Blue Alliance, Blue Sky Trade and Blue Ocean Trade.

19.2 The Company indirectly held partnership share of Jiangsu Jiequan Emerging
Industry Development Fund (Limited Partnership) via Jiangsu Xinghe Investment
Management Co.,Ltd. and Nanjing Xingnahe Venture Capital Investment partnership
(Limited Partnership). Jiangsu Jiequan Emerging Industry Development Fund (Limited
Partnership) completed fund-raising and put in record in AMAC. The record numbers are
SCF515 and SCL005. It was disclosed in detail on the announcement of cooperative
investment with professional investment institutions (No: 2017-021) on 30 December

                              The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

2017 and the announcement of progress of cooperative investment with professional
investment institutions (No: 2018-011) on 12 April 2018.

20.Significant Events of Subsidiaries
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

        Section VI Changes in shares and information about


1. Changes in Shares
                    Before                                       +,-                                   After
                                        Issuan Bonu Capitalizati
                             Proporti   ce of         s        on of                                              Proporti
                Number                                                       Other       Subtotal    Number
                             on (%)      new        share      capital                                            on (%)
                                        shares        s       reserves
1.Restricted   266,271,99                                                    -1,478,0 -1,478,0 264,793,98
                             17.67%             0         0              0                                        17.57%
shares                   0                                                        03          03              7
held by the              0    0.00%             0         0              0           0          0             0    0.00%
held by
                         0    0.00%             0         0              0           0          0             0    0.00%
held by other 266,271,99                                                     -1,478,0 -1,478,0 264,793,98
                             17.67%             0         0              0                                        17.57%
domestic                 0                                                        03          03              7
               249,480,00                                                                           249,480,00
Shares held                  16.55%             0         0              0           0          0                 16.55%
                         0                                                                                    0
by domestic

Shares held                                                                  -1,478,0 -1,478,0
               16,791,990     1.12%             0         0              0                          15,313,987     1.02%
by domestic                                                                       03          03
held by
                         0    0.00%             0         0              0           0          0             0    0.00%
Shares held              0    0.00%             0         0              0           0          0             0    0.00%
by foreign

                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Shares held
                          0    0.00%       0      0            0         0          0            0    0.00%
by foreign
2.Non-restric 1,240,716,0                                          1,478,00 1,478,00 1,242,194,0
                               82.33%      0      0            0                                      82.43%
ted shares               10                                              3          3           13
                 1,240,716,0                                       1,478,00 1,478,00 1,242,194,0
common                         82.33%      0      0            0                                      82.43%
                         10                                              3          3           13
ly listed
                          0    0.00%       0      0            0         0          0            0    0.00%
listed foreign            0    0.00%       0      0            0         0          0            0    0.00%
4.Others                  0    0.00%       0      0            0         0          0            0    0.00%
3.Total          1,506,988,0   100.00                                                   1,506,988,0   100.00
                                           0      0            0         0          0
shares                   00        %                                                            00         %
Reasons for the change in shares
√ Applicable □ N/A

The main reason for the change in shares is that the shares of directors and top managers
are locked.
Approval of share changes
□Applicable √N/A

Transfer of share ownership
√Applicable □N/A

Blue Alliance merged and signed the Merger Agreement with Blue Sky Trade and Blue
Ocean Trade.After the merger, there was existence of Blue Alliance and cancellation of
Blue Sky Trade and Blue Ocean Trade. Blue Alliance took up the rights and obligations of
Blue Sky Trade and Blue Ocean Trade. 166,702,906 shares (including 37,993,906
circulation stock and 128,709,000 restricted shares before IPO) held by Blue Sky Trade
and 156,435,720 shares ( including 35,664,720 circulation stock and 120,771,000
restricted shares before IPO)were fully transferred to Blue Alliance on 23 November

Effects of changes in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share
attributable to common shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the
last year and the last Reporting period
□Applicable √N/A

                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Other contents that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities
regulatory authorities to disclose
□Applicable √N/A

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

√Applicable □N/A
                     Opening                                             Closing in
       Name of                      Unlocked in     Increased in                           Reason for        Date of
                     restricted                                          restricted
  shareholder                      current period   current period                           change        unlocking
                      shares                                              shares
                                                                                          Locked up
                                                                                          due to his
Wang Yao                22,502                 -1                    0       22,501 chairman of           N/A
                                                                                          the board
                                                                                                          50% of
                                                                                                          shares were
                                                                                          Locked up
                                                                                                          released on
                                                                                          due to his
                                                                                                          23 March
Zhong Yuye           4,434,007                 0         1,478,004        5,912,011 former
                                                                                                          2018. The
                                                                                          director and
                                                                                                          left will be
                                                                                          CEO position
                                                                                                          released on
                                                                                                          23 March
                                                                                          Unlocked due
                                                                                          to expiration
Zhu                                                                                       of his former
                     2,956,006        -2,956,006                     0                0                   201-7-8
Guangsheng                                                                                senior

                                                                                          Merger of
Jiangsu Blue                                                                              Blue Sky
Alliance                                                                                  Trade and
                               0               0       249,480,000 249,480,000                            N/A
Joint-Stock Co.,                                                                          Blue Ocean
Ltd.                                                                                      Trade , share
Suqian Blue          120,771,0                                                            Consolidated
                                   -120,771,000                      0                0                   N/A
Ocean Trade                  00                                                           by Blue

                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Co.,Ltd.                                                                                  Alliance,
                                                                                          share transfer
Suqian Blue Sky 128,709,0                                                                 by Blue
                                 -128,709,000                        0                0                          N/A
Trade Co.,Ltd.            00                                                              Alliance,
                                                                                          share transfer
Total                            -252,436,007        250,958,004 255,414,512                       --                   --
2.Issuance and Listing of Securities
2.1 Securities(excluding preference shares) Issued in the Reporting
□Applicable √N/A

2.2 Changes in Total Shares of the Company and the Shareholder
Structure, as well as the Asset and Liability Structure
□Applicable √N/A

2.3 Existing Staff-held Shares
□Applicable √N/A

3. Shareholders and Actual Controller
3.1 Total Number of Shareholders and Their Shareholdings
                                                                                                  number of
                         Total number of                       Total number of
Total number                                                                                      shareholde
                         common                                preference
of common                                                                                         rs with
                         shareholders at the                   shareholders with
shareholders                                                                                      resumed
                 24,648 prior month-end            26,637 resumed voting                      0                              0
at the end of                                                                                     voting
                         before the                            rights at the
the Reporting                                                                                     rights at
                         disclosure date of                    period-end(if
Period                                                                                            the
                         the annual report                     any)(see note 8)
                                                                                                  (if any)(see
                                                                                                  note 8)
  Shareholdings of shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5% or the top 10 shareholders
                                                                                           Number             Pledged or
                                                  Total        Increase/ Number
                                  Shareholdi                                                  of            frozen shares
                                                 shares        decrease         of
    Name of          Nature of        ng                                                  non-restri Status
                                                held at the during the restricte
   shareholder    shareholder percentag                                                      cted           of         Number
                                                period-en Reporting d shares
                                       e                                                   shares         share of shares
                                                    d              Period      held
                                                                                             held           s
Jiangsu Yanghe   State-owne                     514,858,9                                  514,858, Froze
                                     34.16%                    0                      0                            3,400,000
Group Co.,Ltd.   d                                        39                                       939 n

                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Jiangsu Blue         Domestic
Alliance             non-state-o                 323,138,6 323,138,6 249,480, 73,658,6
Joint-Stock Co.,     wned                               26 26                000         26
Ltd.                 corporation
Shanghai Haiyan
Logistics                                        145,708,1                         145,708,
                     d                   9.67%               0                 0
Development                                             37                              137
jieqiang Tobacco State-owne
                                                 65,827,14                         65,827,1
Sugar                d                   4.37%               0                 0
                                                         7                               47
&wine(Group)Co. corporation
Hong Kong
                     Foreign                     61,943,62                         61,943,6
Clearing                                 4.11%                                 0
                     corporation                         3                               23
Company Ltd.
Nantong Zongyi
                     non-state-o                 22,050,00 -13,261,6               22,050,0 Pledg 15,000,00
Investment                               1.46%                                 0
                     wned                                0 00                            00 ed                0
China Securities Domestic
Finance              non-state-o                 13,736,57 13,736,57               13,736,5
                                         0.91%                                 0
Corporation          wned                                00                              70
limited              corporation
Central Huijin
Asset                                            12,766,40                         12,766,4
                     d                   0.85%               0                 0
Management                                               0                               00
Co., Ltd.
Xingyuan Asset
Management           Domestic                    11,119,29 -3,355,70               11,119,29
                                         0.74%                                 0
Co.,Ltd.-clients' corporation                           80                                8
                     Foreign                     10,951,23 -4,248,30               10,951,2
UBS AG                                   0.73%                                 0
                     corporation                         63                              36
Strategic investors or general
corporations becoming top-ten
shareholders due to placing of N/A
new shares(if any)(see note
Related-parties or

                                      The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                        Shareholdings of the top 10 non-restricted shareholders
                                 Number of non-restricted shares held in the period         Type of shares
     Name of shareholder
                                                        end                              Type     Number
Jiangsu Yanghe Group                                                                             514,858,9
                                                                          514,858,939 on
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                39
Shanghai Haiyan Logistics                                                                        145,708,1
                                                                          145,708,137 on
Development Co.,Ltd.                                                                                    37
Jiangsu Blue Alliance                                                                            73,658,62
                                                                           73,658,626 on
Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.                                                                                        6
ShangHai jieqiang Tobacco                                                                        65,827,14
                                                                           65,827,147 on
Sugar &wine(Group)Co.,Ltd                                                                                    7
Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                                    61,943,62
                                                                           61,943,623 on
Company Ltd. (HKSCC)                                                                                         3
Nantong Zongyi Investment                                                                        22,050,00
                                                                           22,050,000 on
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                     0
China Securities Finance                                                                         13,736,57
                                                                           13,736,570 on
Corporation Limited                                                                                          0
Central Huijin Asset                                                                             12,766,40
                                                                           12,766,400 on
Management Co., Ltd.                                                                                         0
Xingyuan Asset Management                                                  11,119,298 RMB         11,119,29

                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Co.,Ltd.-clients' capital                                                                comm             8
UBS AG                                                                       10,951,236 on
Strategic investors or general
corporations becoming top-ten
shareholders due to placing of N/A
new shares(if any)(see notes
Explanation on the top 10
common shareholders
participating in the securities   N/A
margin trading(if any)(see
notes 4)
Did any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top non-restricted common
  shareholders of the Company conduct any promissory repurchase during the Reporting
□ Yes √ No

The top 10 non-restricted common shareholders,the top10 common shareholders did not
conduct any promissory repurchase during the Reporting Period.

3.2 Controlling Shareholder
Nature of controlling shareholder:Local state-owned
Type of controlling shareholder:Corporation
       Name of
                       representative/C        Date of                                   Main business
      controlling                                                 Credibility code
                           ompany           establishment                                   scope
                                                                         Sales of brewing
Jiangsu Yanghe                                                           Liquor Export,
Brewery                                                    9132130014233 Import of various
                       Han Feng                 1997-05-08
Joint-Stock Co.,                                           4989Y         raw and auxiliary
Ltd                                                                      material used for
                                                                         equipment and

                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                municipal public
                                                                                tourism cultural
Shareholdings of
the controlling
shareholder in
other controlled or
non-controlled      N/A
listed companies
at home or
abroad during the
Reporting Period
Change of the controlling shareholder during the Reporting Period
□Applicable √N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period

3.3 Actual Controller
Nature of actual controller:Local State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Type of actual controller:Corporation
 Name of actual representative/C        Date of                                   Main business
                                                           Credibility code
   controller       ompany           establishment                                   scope
                                                                                Execution of duty
                                                                                of state-owned
                                                                                investor on
State-owned                                                                     behalf of the
Assets                                                                          people's
Supervision and                                                                 government of
                   Ye Feng             2005-10-22        N/A
Administration                                                                  suqian and
Commission of                                                                   implement of
Suqian                                                                          supervision and
                                                                                administration of
                                                                                assets and

                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Share holdings of
the controlling
shareholder in
other controlled or
non-controlled      N/A
listed companies
at home or
abroad during the
Reporting Period.
Change of the actual controller during the Reporting Period
□Applicable √N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company

              State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Suqian


                                    Jiangsu Yanghe Group Co.,Ltd.


                             Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.

The actual controller control the company via trust or other ways of assets management

□Applicable √ N/A

3.4 Other Corporate Shareholders with a Shareholding Percentage
Above 10%
√Applicable □ N/A
                                             Date of
    Name of actual        representative/                      Registered          Main business
      controller             Company                            capital               scope
                                                                     Sales of daily
                                                                     products, research
Jiangsu Blue Alliance                        2016-07-2               and development
                          Zhang Yubai                  104,544,000.0
Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.                      8                         of biology

                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                                       s management
                                                                       consulting service,
                                                                       planting fruit
                                                                       tree,sales of
                                                                       prepackaging food.

3.5 Limits on the Company’s Shares Held by its Controlling Shareholder,
Actual Controller, Restructuring party and Other Commitment Subjects.

□Applicable √ N/A

                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                    Section VII Preference Shares

□ Applicable √ N/A
No such cases in the Reporting Period

                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

       Section VIII Profiles of Directors, Supervisory, Senior

                             Management and Employees
1. Change in Shares own by Directors, Members of Supervisory
   Committee, Senior Management and Employees
                                                              increa     Shares      Other
                                                    s held
                     Incum               Period               sed at     decrease   increa     Shares held
                                                    at the
         Office      bent/   Gen   Ag      of                  the       d at the   se/dec        at the
Name                                                year-
             title   Form    der   e     servic               Report     Reportin    rease      period-end
                      er                    e                  ing       g Period   (share        (share)
                                                              Period     (share)       )
Wang     Chair       Incum   Mal         .10-20     30,00
                                   53                                0          0          0         30,002
Yao      man         bent    e           21.1.2           2
         y                               2015.2
Zhon     Chair       Incum   Mal         .10-20
                                   54                     0          0          0          0                 0
g Yu     man,P       bent    e           21.1.2
         reside                                 9
Han      Direct      Incum   Mal         .10-20
                                   56                     0          0          0          0                 0
Feng     or          bent    e           21.1.2
         Presid                          2015.2
         ent,Se      Incum   Mal         .10-20     3,378
Xueni                              52                                0          0          0      3,378,291
         cretary     bent    e           21.1.2      ,291
         of the                                 9
         or,Vice                         2015.2
Zhou     Presid      Incum   Mal         .10-20     3,378
                                   56                                0    500,000          0      2,878,291
Xinhu    ent,Ch      bent    e           21.1.2      ,291
         ief                                    9

                                         The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Liu                                       2018.1
Huas     Direct       Incum   Mal         .29-20
                                    48                   0          0            0         0                0
huan     or           bent    e           21.1.2
g                                               9
Wang     Direct       Incum   Mal         .19-20
                                    41                   0          0            0         0                0
Kai      or           bent    e           21.1.2
         Indepe                           2015.2
         ndent        Incum   Mal         .10-20
Zhijia                              54                   0          0            0         0                0
         Direct       bent    e           21.1.2
         or                                     9
         Indepe                           2015.2
         ndent        Incum   Fem         .10-20
Yunqi                               66                   0          0            0         0                0
         Direct       bent    ale         21.1.2
         or                                     9
         Indepe                           2015.2
         ndent        Incum   Mal         .10-20
Xueqi                               47                   0          0            0         0                0
         Direct       bent    e           21.1.2
         or                                     9
Chen     Indepe                           2015.2
Tong     ndent        Incum   Mal         .10-20
                                    52                   0          0            0         0                0
guan     Direct       bent    e           21.1.2
g        or                                     9
         man of                           2015.2
         Super        Incum   Mal         .10-20    5,677
Panta                               58                              0            0         0       5,677,986
         visory       bent    e           21.1.2      ,986
         Comm                                   9
         er      of                       2015.2
Chen     Super        Incum   Mal         .10-20
                                    57                   0          0            0         0                0
Yiqin    visory       bent    e           21.1.2
         Comm                                   9
         er      of                       2015.2
         Super        Incum   Mal         .10-20
Taiqin                              53                   0          0            0         0                0
         visory       bent    e           21.1.2
         Comm                                   9
Chen     Memb         Incum   Mal   50    2015.2         0          0            0         0                0

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Taiso     er      of   bent       e                .10-20
ng        Super                                    21.1.2
          visory                                         9
          er      of                               2015.2
          Super        Incum      Fem              .10-20
Wenq                                      52                      0          0            0         0                0
          visory       bent       ale              21.1.2
          Comm                                           9
Lin                    Incum      Fem              .10-20
          Presid                          43                      0          0            0         0                0
Qing                   bent       ale              21.1.2
Zhen                   Incum      Mal              .10-20    71,40
          Presid                          51                                 0       6,400          0            65,000
Bujun                  bent       e                21.1.2         0
Zhu                    Incum      Mal              .10-20
          Presid                          41                      0          0            0         0                0
Wei                    bent       e                21.1.2
Tang      Direct       Form       Mal
                                          48       .31-20         0          0            0         0                0
Jian      or           er         e
Zhon      or,Exe
                       Form       Mal              .10-20    5,912
g         cutive                          61                                 0            0         0        5,912,011
                       er         e                17.9.2      ,011
Yuye      Presid
Total                                                                        0     506,400          0      17,941,581

2. Change in Directors, Members of Supervisory Committee, Senior
   Management and Employees
        Name                       Office title                State of Position         Date              Reason
Tang Jian              Director                               Dimission             2017.4.1            Resign
Zhong Yuye             Director,Executive President           Dimission             2017.9.23           Retire

3. Basic Information
Professional background, work experience and major position of directors, members of
supervisory Committee, senior management.

                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

3.1 Directors
Mr. Wang Yao, born in December 1965, Master of engineering of Jiangnan University,
Master of Business Administration of Nanjing University, Senior Engineer of the
researcher level, Representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of
China, Craft master of Chinese liquor. He used to serve as Secretary of the Party branch
and Director of crushing and starter-making workshop of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery
Joint-Stock Co., Ltd., Chairman, General Manager and Secretary of the Party Committee
of Jiangsu Yanghe Group Color Printing CO.,Ltd., Deputy General Manager, Vice
Secretary of Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of
Jiangsu Shuanggou Co., Ltd., Deputy General Manager, Vice Secretary of Party
Committee and President Assistant of Jiangsu Su Wine industry Co., LTD., General
Manager and Vice President of Jiangsu Shuanggou Brewery Co., Ltd., Chairman and
Secretary of the the Party Committee Su Wine Trading Co., Ltd.. He is Chairman and
Secretary of the the Party Committee of the Company, Chairman of Su Wine Trading Co.,
Ltd., Director of Blue Alliance currently.

Mr. Zhong Yu, born in May 1964, Master Degree, Senior Engineer, Master of Chinese
liquor. He was the Director of Technology and Environmental Protection Department of
Jiangsu Shuanggou Brewery; Vice Chief Engineer, President Assistant and Director of
Production and Technology Center of Jiangsu Shuanggou Brewery Co., Ltd., Vice
General Manager of Yanghe Branch of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.,
Brewing Director, President Assistant, Vice President of the Company, General Manager
of Siyang Branch. Currently, He is Deputy Chairman, President, Vice Secretary of the the
Party Committee of Yanghe, General Manager of Yanghe Branch and Chairman of
Jiangsu Shuanggou Brewery Co., Ltd.

Mr. Han Feng, born in October 1962, Master Degree. He served as Deputy Head of
Siyang County in Jiangsu province, Member of the Party Committee, Member of standing
Committee of Siyang, Chairman of Jiangsu Yanghe Group CO., Ltd. and Jiangsu
Shuanggou Group CO., Ltd. At present, he is Director of Yanghe, Chairman and Secretary
of the the Party Committee of Suqian Industry Development Group CO., Ltd., Chairman,
General Manager of Jiangsu Yanghe Group CO., Ltd. and Jiangsu Shuanggou Group CO.,

Mr. Wang Kai was born on August 1977, Bachelor Degree, Intermediate Economist. He
was Manager of Brand department in Marketing Center of SHANGHAI TOBACCO
GROUP CO., Ltd., President Assistant of Shanghai Haiyan Logistics Development CO.,
Ltd. He is one of the Directors of Yanghe and Vice General Manager of Shanghai Haiyan
Logistics Development CO., Ltd.

Mr. Cong Xuenian, born in January 1966, Master Degree, Senior Economist. He served
as Chief Accountant and Finance Director Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery, Finance Minister of
Yanghe Group, Secretary of the Board, Financial Administrator, Director and vice
President of the Company. At present, he is Secretary of the Board, Financial

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Administrator, Director, and Vice President of the Company, Chairman of Su Wine Fortune
management Co., Ltd. and Diector of Blue Alliance.

Mr. Zhou Xinhu, born in August 1962, Master Degree, Senior Engineer, Member of the
Expert group of Liquor professional Committee of China Food Industry Association, Chief
wine taster of China and Master of Chinese Wine Critic. He was Technician of Yanghe
Group, Director of Quality Inspection department and Storage department, Vice General
Manager of Jiangsu Yanghe Liquor Co., Ltd., Vice Chief Engineer, Chief Engineer and
Vice President of Company. At present, he is Director, Vice President and Chief Engineer
of Company.

Mr. Liu Huashuang was born on December 1970, Master of Business Administration of
Fudan University, Accountant. He was the Director of Marketing department and Vice
General Manager of Jiangsu Yanghe Liquor Co., Ltd., General Manager of Yanghe Blue
Classic, General Manager of Jiangsu Yanghe Liquor Co., Ltd., Member of the Standing
Party Committee of Company, Deputy General Manager and Vice Secretary of Party
Committee of Jiangsu Su wine industrial Co., Ltd., Vice Chairman of Su wine trade group
Limited by Share Ltd. He is the Member of the Standing Party Committee of Company and
Director of Strategic Studies, Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of Su
wine trade group Limited by Share Ltd. now.

Mr. Xu Zhijian was born on March 1964, Master and Doctor Degree, Professor. He was
Director of China&Netherlands Business Administration Education Center of Nanjing
University, Director of EMBA Program of Nanjing University& Cornell University, Director
of International Business Administration Education Center of Nanjing University, Assistant
Dean of Business College of Nanjing University, Director of the Department of Business
Administration of Nanjing University. At present, he is Independent Director of Yanghe,
Nanjing Port Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Maysta Chemical Co., Ltd. and Glarun Technology Co.,
Ltd., Professor of Business College of Nanjing University.

Ms. Cai Yunqing, born in December 1952, Doctor of Medicine, Professor and Doctoral
Supervisor. She was Director of Food Health department and Assistant Station-Master of
Jiangse Sanitation and Antiepidemic Station, Director of department of nutrition and food
hygiene, school of public health, Nanjing Medical University, Director of Institute of
nutrition and food science. At present, she is Independent Director of company,
Supervisor of Chinese Nutrition Society, Honorary President of Nutrition Society of
Jiangsu Province, Vice President of Jiangsu Intelligent aged Research Association and
Health food evaluation Expert of National food and drug Administration.

Mr. Ji Xueqing was born on July 1971, Master degree. He used to be the Project Manager
of China Chuangye Investment Group Limited, Chairman and President of Nanjing
Qinghe Investment Group Co., Ltd., Executive Director of Nanjing Shuijinshi Investment
Group Co., Ltd., Senior Vice President of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. At present,
he is Independent Director of Yanghe, Independent Director of Nanjing Balance Network

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Technology Co., Ltd., Chairman of Nanjing Suhe Venture Capital Center, Director of
Nanjing Liheng Investment Limited Partnership, Supervisor of Xuzhou Zm-Besta Heavy
Steel Structure Co., Ltd., Partner of China soft Investment Group.

Mr. Chen Tongguang, borm in April 1966, Bachelor Degree. He was Accountant of
Jiangsu Huaiyin Electric Company, Vice Director of Finance department of Jiangsu
Agricultural College, Vice Director of Accounting Center and Finance department of
Yangzhou University, Vice and General Manager Yangda branch of Yangzhou University
Asset Operation Co., Ltd. At present, he is Independent Director of Yanghe, General
Manager Yangda branch of Yangzhou University Asset Operation Co., Ltd. and
Independent Director of Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

3.2 Supervisory
Mr. Feng Pantai was born on October 1960, College degree, Senior Economist. He was
Vice Director of Sihong Food Bureau, Vice General Manager of Yanghe Group, Director
and Vice President of Company. He has been Chairman of the Supervisory Committee,
Member of Standing Committee, Chairman of Trade Union, Director of Blue Alliance.

Mr. Chen Taiqing, born in May 1965, Master degree, Senior Political Engineer, Member of
Communist Party of China. He was Member of the Party Committee of Jiangsu Yanghe
Group Co., Ltd., Director of Executive Office, Member of the Party Committee, Director of
Human Resource Department, Director of Integrated Department, President Assistant,
Vice General Manager of Yanghe branch and Secretary of Discipline Inspection
Commission of Yanghe. At present, he is Supervisory, Vice Secretary of the Party
Committee, General Manager and Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu
Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., Ltd.

Mr. Chen Yiqin, born in August 1961, College degree, Auditor, Certified Public Accountant.
He was Director of the Suqian Municipal Audit Bureau, CFO of Suqian Water Investment
Company, Financial Director of Suqian Industry Development Group Co., Ltd. At present,
he is Supervisory of Yanghe and Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Suqian
Industry Development Group Co., Ltd.

Ms. Zhou Wenqi, born in April 1966, College degree, Senior Accountant. She was
Financial Director of Shanghai Jieqiang No.3 and No.4 distribution center, Financial
Assistant, Deputy Manager, Manager of ShangHai jieqiang Tobacco Sugar &wine (Group)
Co., Ltd. She is Supervisory of Yanghe and CFO of ShangHai jieqiang Tobacco Sugar
&wine (Group) Co., Ltd. currently.

Mr. Chen Taisong, born in January 1968, Master degree. He was Member, Secretary of
Siyang Legal Bureau of, secretary, Vice Section Chief, Section Chief, Director Assistant,
Vice Director of Siyang Government Office, Alcalde and Secretary of the Party Committee
of Chuancheng town in Siyang country, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and
Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission and Chairman of the Supervisory

                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Committee of Su wine industrial Co., Ltd., Vice Secretary of Discipline Inspection
Commission of Yanghe. At present, he is Supervisory, Member of Standing Committee,
Director of Organization department of company, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee
and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission and Chairman of the Supervisory
Committee of Su wine trade group Limited by Share Ltd.

3.3 Senior Executives
Mr. Zhong Li, President of company, resume as above.

Mr. Cong Xuenian, Vice-President of company, resume as above.

Mr. Zhou Xinhu, Vice-President of company, resume as above.

Ms. Lin Qing, born in May 1975, Master degree, Senior Accountant, Certified Public
Accountant. She was Deputy Director of Enterprise department of Suqian Finance Bureau,
Director Assistant of Suqian Price Bureau, Member and Vice Director of the Party
Committee of National Development and Reform Commission, Member of the Standing
Committee of Yanghe, Vice-President of company. At present, she is a member of the
Standing Committee of Yanghe and Vice-President of company

Mr. Zhen Bujun, born in January 1967, Master of Business Administration, Senior
Engineer. He was General Manager of Jiangsu Yanghe Group Co., Ltd., General Manager
of Suqian State-owned Investment Co., Ltd., Vice General Manager of Jiangsu
Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., Ltd., Logistics & Purchasing Director and President
Assistant of Yanghe. At present, he is Vice-President, member of the Standing Committee
of company, General Manager and Secretary of the Party Committee of Siyang branch.

Mr. Zhu Wei, born in May 1977, Master of Nanjing University. He was Director of Human
Resource department of company, Director of Marketing department, Chief Marketing
Officer and Vice General Manager of Su wine trade group Limited by Share Ltd., Director
of Strategy of company, Vice General Manager of Su wine trade group Limited by Share
Ltd. He is Vice President of Yanghe and General Manager of Su wine trade group Limited
by Share Ltd. currently.

  Position in Shareholder-Holding Companies
   √ Applicable □ N/A
                                      Position in     Beginning                      remunerations
                   Name of                                            Ending
                                    Shareholder-          Date of                       received
  Name       Shareholder-Holding                                      Date of
                                       Holding            office                           from
                 Companies                                          office term
                                     Companies             term                    Shareholder-Holdin
                                                                                      g Companies
Han Feng    Jiangsu Yanghe Group    Chairman,Ge       2012.03.0                   NO
            Co.,Ltd.                neral             8

                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Zhou Wenqi     ShangHai        jieqiang      CFO                 2013.07.0               YES
               Tobacco Sugar &wine                               1
               (Group) Co.,Ltd.
Wang Kai       Shanghai        Haiyan        Vice General        2017.03.0               YES
               Logistics Development         Manager             1
Wang Yao       Jiangsu Blue Alliance         Director            2016.07.2               NO
               Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.                             6
Feng Pantai    Jiangsu Blue Alliance         Director            2016.07.2               NO
               Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.                             6
Cong           Jiangsu Blue Alliance         Director            2016.07.2               NO
Xuenian        Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.                             6

Position in Other Companies
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                               Position in
                   Name of Other                    Other        Beginning   Ending
  Name                                                                                         received
                       Companies               Companie              Date     Date
                                                                                              from Other
Han Feng      Suqian              Industry     Chairman         2011.09.05              YES
              Development          Group
Han Feng      Jiangsu       Shuanggou          Chairman,        2012.03.08              NO
              Group Co.,Ltd.                   General
Chen Yiqin    Suqian              Industry     Chairman         2014.01.28              YES
              Development          Group       of         the
              Co.,Ltd.                         Supervisor
Xu Zhijian    Nanjing University               Professor        2003.11.11              YES
Xu Zhijian    Nanjing Port Co., Ltd.           Independe        2016.03.30              YES
                                               nt Director
Xu Zhijian    Jiangsu Maysta Chemical          Independe        2015.12.04              YES
              Co., Ltd.                        nt Director
Xu Zhijian    Glarun        Technology         Independe        2017.05.12              YES
              Co.,Ltd.                         nt Director
Cai           Chinese Nutrition Society        Supervisor       2017.05.01              NO
Yunqing                                        y
Cai           Jiangsu Intelligent aged         Vice             2017.03.01              NO
Yunqing       Research Association             President
Cai           Chinese Nutrition Society        Honorary         2015.04.01              NO

                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Yunqing                                          President
Cai          State   Food       and      Drug    Evaluation    2008.08.01                  NO
Yunqing      Administration                      Experts of
Ji Xueqing   Nanjing      Suhe        Venture    Chairman      2017.01.01                  NO
             Capital Center (Limited
Ji Xueqing   Xuzhou Zm-Besta Heavy               Supervisor    2017.03.01                  NO
             Steel Structure Co., Ltd            y
Ji Xueqing   China      soft    Investment       Partner       2017.01.01                  NO
Ji Xueqing   Nanjing Balance Network             Independe     2017.10.01                  NO
             Technology Co., Ltd.                nt Director
Ji Xueqing   Nanjing           Li       Heng     Director      2017.01.01                  NO
             Investment               Limited
Chen         Yangzhou               University   General       2013.10.01                  YES
Tongguang    Yangda Branch                       Manager
Chen         Yangzhou                 Yangjie    Independe     2017.06.19                  YES
Tongguang    Electronic         Technology       nt Director
Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulators on the
incumbent directors, supervisors and senior management as well as those who left in the
Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
The following describes the decision-making procedures, grounds on which decisions are
made and actual remuneration payment of directors, supervisors and senior executives.
Decision-making procedures for directors, supervisors and senior executives: Based on
the "trial implementation measures for the annual salary of general manager (amended)”
proposed by the second session and 9th meeting of the board of directors on December
29, 2008, "trial method about the annual salary system of chairman (amended)” proposed
by the first interim shareholders' meeting on January 18, 2009.
Grounds on which decisions are made of directors, supervisors and senior executives:
Based on the Company's operating conditions, refer to the standard of regional economic,
industry and market.
Actual remuneration payment of directors, supervisors and senior executives: According
to the performance and salary system and pay on time.
Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
  Name               Position               Gender     Age     Incumbent/          Total         Remuneration

                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                           Former          before-tax        from related
                                                                         remuneration        parties of the
                                                                            from the           Company
Wang Yao     Chairman                   Male      53     Incumbent               128.19     NO
Zhong Yu     Deputy
                                        Male      54     Incumbent               121.49     NO
Han Feng     Director                   Male      56     Incumbent                      0   YES
Wang Kai     Director                   Male      41     Incumbent                      0   YES
Cong         Director,Vice
Xuenian      President,Secretary        Male      52     Incumbent                91.25     NO
             of the Board,CFO
Zhou Xinhu   Director,Vice
             President,Chief            Male      56     Incumbent                92.04     NO
Xu Zhijian   Independent Director       Male      54     Incumbent                      6   NO
             Independent Director       Female    66     Incumbent                      6   NO
Ji Xueqing   Independent Director       Male      47     Incumbent                      6   NO
             Independent Director       Male      52     Incumbent                      6   NO
Feng         Chairman              of
Pantai       Supervisory                Male      58     Incumbent                91.92     NO
             Supervisory                Male      53     Incumbent                91.01     NO
Chen Yiqin   Supervisory                Male      57     Incumbent                      0   YES
             Supervisory                Female    52     Incumbent                      0   YES
             Supervisory                Male      50     Incumbent                87.91     NO
Lin Qing     Vice President             Female    43     Incumbent                91.96     NO
Zhen Bujun   Vice President             Male      51     Incumbent                91.63     NO
Zhu Wei      Director                   Male      41     Incumbent                96.64     NO
             Director                   Male      61     Former                  103.46     NO
Tang Jian    Director,Executive
                                        Male      48     Former                         0   YES
Total                                                                            1,111.5
Share incentives for directors, supervisors and senior executives in the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ N/A

5. Staff in the Company
5.1 Number, Functions and Educational Backgrounds of the Staff
                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Number of in-service staff of the Company                                                             6,914
Number of in-service staff of main subsidiaries                                                        8,112
Total number of in-service staff                                                                     15,026
Total number of staff with remuneration in the period                                                15,026
Number of retirees to whom the Company or its main subsidiaries need to pay
retirement pension
Function                                                                                   Number of staff
Production                                                                                            5,866
Sales                                                                                                 5,036
R&D                                                                                                   1,845
Financial                                                                                               219
Administrative                                                                                        1,625
Inner Retired                                                                                           435
Total                                                                                                15,026
                                        Educational backgrounds
Educational background                                                                     Number of staff
Master and doctor                                                                                       234
Bachelor                                                                                              3,421
College, technical secondary school                                                                   4,049
Senior high school                                                                                    3,579
Junior high school and under                                                                          3,743
Total                                                                                                15,026

5.2 Staff Remuneration Policy
The remuneration consists of basic payments performance-related payments and benefit
float award. The company implemented the mechanism of self-promotion of positions in
2017, and prepared the measures for the management of position automatic management.
According to the the main working responsibilities, working content of the department, the
quality, efficiency and economic value of employees, the company aimed to establish an
adequate evaluation index of employees’ performance. Based on this remuneration policy,
employees were capable to be self-motivated and highly efficient. Therefore, the
management of the company would be improved and achieve the win-win goal with staff.

5.3 Staff Training Plans
The staff training can divide into three levels in 2017: company training, subsidiary training
and department training, they are carried out by training department of human recourse
center, human recourse department and various departments respectively. Company
training includes special training for su wine ecosphere leading talents, special training for
Internet business, win at the middle-level learning project (level 1 strategic reserve talent),
primary action learning project (level 2 strategic reserve talent), "soldier assault" talent
training program for excellent employees at the grassroots level (level 3 strategic reserve
talent), TTT project for internal trainer training, maintenance personnel training program in
production base and so on. Subsidiary training contains packaging, wine making and staff

                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

comprehensive quality improvement training, etc. Department training mainly focuses on
the professional training of department business.

In the past one year, the training carried out in an orderly manner according to
management methods and other relevant regulations. Classes and courses were based
on the characters of enterprise talents, reserved strategic talents from three levels,
specific training of Internet talents. During the year, there were 371 training sessions,
28,228 participants, with an average attendance of 11.27 hours per person.

5.4 Labor Outsourcing
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                   Section IX Corporate Governance

1. Basic Situation of Corporate Governance
The Company constantly perfects corporate governance structure and internal control
system to enhance the corporate governance level strictly according to the Corporate Law,
the Securities Law, The Listed Company Governance Standards, Rules Governing Listing
of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Guidelines on Standard Operation of SME
Board Listed Companies on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other relevant Laws and
regulations. The Company operates normatively with sound corporate governance and
normative information disclosure. The situation of corporate governance of the Company
meet the requirements of authority files of listed company corporate governance by

1.1. Shareholders and Shareholders’ General Meeting
According to the regulations such as Articles of Incorporation, Company Rules of
Procedure of The Shareholders’ General Meeting. the Company convenes and holds the
shareholders’ general meeting and discusses business affairs in the meeting normatively.
The Company hires legal advisor to issue the legal opinion for the shareholders’ general
meeting; The Company can treat all shareholders equally, especially makes minority
shareholders have equal status and fully exercise their own power. During the reporting
period,the overall requirements of the Party building work were added in the articles of
incorporation; During the reporting period, the Company held 1 shareholders’ general
meeting and 8 proposals were passed in the meeting. The board carried out all the
decisions made by the annual meeting of shareholders carefully. The board carried out
the decisions made by shareholders’ general meeting seriously.

1.2. Relationship between Controlling Shareholders and the Company
According to the requirement of the Company Law, the controlling shareholders take
duties of sponsor and undertake commitments. During the reporting period, controlling
shareholders have no priority beyond the rights of shareholders’ general meeting that
directly and indirectly affect the decision-marking and operation of the Company. There is
no situation that controlling shareholders damage the legal interests of other shareholders.
The Company and the controlling shareholders implement independent accounting of
personnel, assets, finance, organizations and business. They take responsibilities and
risks separately. There is no significant related party transaction between the Company
and the controlling shareholders. There is on situation that controlling shareholders
occupy the funds of the listed company and the listed company tenders guarantee for
controlling shareholders and the subsidiaries.

1.3. Directors and Board of Directors
The directors are elected seriously under the regulations of the Corporate Law and
Articles of Incorporation. The board of the Company consists of 11 directors including 4
independent directors. The structure of the board of directors satisfies the requirements of

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

laws and regulations. The board discusses business affairs according to corporate law
and articles of incorporation. All the directors are able to attend the meeting and take
responsibilities diligently according to the Discussion Rules of the Board of Directors and
The Working System of Independent Director, Behavior Guidelines of Directors of SME
Board Listed Companies. All the directors seriously consider proposals and make
scientific and reasonable decisions for significant events. They also protect the legal
interests of the Company and all shareholders. Strategy Committee, Nomination
Committee, Audit Committee, Remuneration and Appraisal Committee are 4 professional
committees set under the board. The Committees have clear division of work and
responsibilities and fully play professional role to offer scientific and professional
suggestions for the decision-making of the board.

1.4. Supervisors and Board of Supervisors
The supervisors are elected according to the Corporate Law and the Articles of
Incorporation. The board of supervisors of the Company consists of 5 supervisors,
including 2 stuff representative supervisors. The structure of the board of supervisors
satisfies the requirements of laws and regulations. The board of supervisors discusses
business affairs according to corporate law and articles of incorporation. Supervisors can
attend the meeting according to the requirements of Rules of Discussion Rules of the
Board of Supervisors. They takes their own responsibilities seriously, supervise and make
independent suggestions for the Company’s significant events, financial conditions and
the duties of directors and CEO, thereby, protecting legal interests of the Company and

1.5. Mechanism of Evaluation and Motivation
The Company keeps improving the mechanism of evaluation and motivation. The
appointment of directors, supervisor and senior managers is open and transparent, which
satisfies the requirements of relevant regulations and laws. The fair and transparent
evaluation mechanism of the management has been built. During the reporting period, the
management carried out the performance assessment according to the goal of annual
operation plan. The management takes their responsibilities seriously and fulfills the
duties and completed the operation management tasks arranged by the board of

1.6. Stakeholders
The Company fully respects and protects legal interests of stakeholders and fulfills the
duties of social responsibility. The Company strengthens the awareness of social
responsibility and achieves the interest balance among society, shareholders, company
and employees. The clients and suppliers can be treated honestly and every employee is
trained seriously. The Company adheres to principles of win-win of stakeholders and
pushes forward the harmonious and sound development.

1.7. Information Disclosure and Transparency
The information disclosure of the Company is implemented according to the requirements

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

of supervision departments. The Company seriously implement the rules including
information disclosure management rule and investors relationship management rule. The
Company enhances the management of information disclosure affairs and takes
responsibility of information disclosure legally and carefully, achieving the accuracy,
integrity, fairness, timeliness of information disclosure. The information can be equally
obtained by all shareholders. The media of public disclosure for the Company are
Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Journal, Securities Daily,

1.8. Investors Relationship Management
The Company focuses on the management of investors relationship to protect legal rights
of investors. Except for the duties like diligence or honesty, the Chairman, the CEO, the
Board Secretary have good communications and interactions with investors through
reception of investor investigation and participating in performance explanation session
and broker strategy meeting online. As the professional organization for investor
relationship management, the securities department strengthens the communication with
investors through telephone, email and irm.cninfo.com.cn. It fully makes sure that
investors have right to know and protects their legal interests.

1.9. Methods of Improving Internal Control System Construction
The Company keeps on enhancing the corporate governance and the internal control
system, which improves the management to a higher level. The Audit Committee fully
examines and supervises the financial condition,the efficiency of internal control,the
efficiency and rationality of corporate governance. The audit department of the Company,
as an internal audit unit, carries out regular and continuous examination on perfection and
implement situation of internal control system. It finds the Internal control defects and
improves deficiencies timely, thus the effectiveness of internal control can be guaranteed.
The operation management and anti-risk capacity are enhanced.

Any incompliance with the regulatory documents issued by the CSRC governing the
governance of listed companies
□Yes√ No

There is no incompliance with the regulatory documents issued by the CSRC governing
the governance of listed companies

2. Independency of Businesses, Personnel, Assets, Organizations and
Finance which are Separate from the Controlling Shareholder

2.1. In the Aspect of Business
The Company has independent and integrated business structure and the ability to
operate independently in the market. There is no horizontal competition between
controlling shareholders and the Company. Besides, there is no such kind of situation that
controlling shareholders intervene with operation of the company directly or indirectly.

                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

2.2 In the Aspect of Personnel
The Company has built independent personnel management system and salary
management system. Futhremore, the Company signed labor contracts with employees.
Chairman of the board, the CEO, Vice-president, the Board Secretary and the responsible
person for the Company’s financial affairs obtain compensation from the Company rather
than the controlling shareholders. The directors, senior managers and supervisors do not
have positions illegally in other companies that have the same or similar business.

2.3 In the Aspect of Assets
There are clear property relations between the Company and controlling shareholders.
The Company owns the independent land usage right and ownership of buildings. The
Company independently registers and manages the properties with setting up accounts
and accounting treatment for them. There is no situation that the controlling shareholders
occupy and control the assets of the Company or intervene the operation management of
the assets.

2.4 In the Aspect of Organization
The Company has well-structured organization system , including the shareholders’
general meeting, the board of directors, supervisory committee, the management and
functional departments. Related internal management and control system is established
for clear division of function and interaction with each other. It forms an organic whole that
ensures the legal operation.There is no affiliation with functional departments of
controlling shareholders.

2.5 In the Aspect of Finance
Our company has completed and independent organization with professional financial
employees. Independent accounting system and financial management are established.
The Company sets bank accountants, pays taxes and makes financial decisions
separately. There is no situation that controlling shareholders affect the financial

3. Horizontal Competition
□Applicable √N/A

4. Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Special Meetings of Shareholders
Convened during the Reporting Period

4.1. Meetings of Shareholders Convened during the Reporting Period

Meeting         Type            participation        Convened date Disclosure Date Disclosure Index
2016      Annual General Meeting 75.18%              2017-05-19         2017-05-20         Announcement

                                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

General Meeting of shareholders                                                                No,2017-011,
of shareholders                                                                                disclosed      on

4.2. Special Meetings of Shareholders Convened at the Request of
Preference Shareholders with Resumed Voting Rights
□Applicable √ N/A

5. Performance of Independent Directors during the Reporting Period
5.1.Attendance of Independent Directors in Board Meeting and Meeting
of Shareholders
Attendance of independent directors in Board meeting
                  Presence                   Presence
                                                            Presence                  Absence for
                  due in the Presence        by
Independent                                                 through    a Absence(ti two              Presence(ti
                  Reporting   on             telecommu
director                                                    proxy(times mes)          consecutive mes)
                  Period(time site(times)    nication(tim
                                                            )                         times
                  s)                         es)
Wu Zhijian        3           3              0              0            0            No             1
Cai Yunqing       3           3              0              0            0            No             1
Ji Xueqing        3           3              0              0            0            No             1
                  3           3              0              0            0            No             1
Explanation of absence of independent directors in meetings of the board for twice

5.2. Objections from Independent Directors in Related Issues of the
Were there any objections on related issues of the Company from independent director
□ Yes √ No

Independent director has no objection on related issues of the Company during the
Reporting Period.

5.3. Other Details about the Performance of Duties by Independent
Were there any suggestions from independent directors adopted by the Company
√ Yes □ No

Details about advice of independent directors adopted by the Company
Company adopted the advice of independent directors.

                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

6. Performance of Duties by Special Committees under the Broad during
the Reporting Period
1.During the reporting period, the Strategic Committee held 1 meeting. It investigated the
Board work report in advance, made the 2017 annual wok plan, offered scientific and
reasonable suggestions and fulfilled the duties.

2. During the reporting period, the Nominations Committee held 1 meeting. It examined
the qualification of director candidates nominated in fifth session of the eighth board of
directors and formed the consensus. The committee fulfilled the duties.

3. During the reporting period, the Audit Committee held 4 meetings. It considers the
affairs seriously including periodic reports, regular audit by internal audit department and
special audit. It knows about the financial and operational conditions in detail and
examines the execution of internal control system. It plays a effective role in guidance and
supervision. The committee fulfilled the duties.

4. During the reporting period, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee held 1
meeting. It examines the salary of directors and senior managers in 2016.The information
disclosure of the Company about the salary of directors and senior managers is correct
and true and as the same as the examination.

7. Performance of Duties by the Supervisory Committee
Were there any risks to the Company identified by Supervisory Committee when
performing its duties during the Reporting Period
□ Yes √ No
The Supervisory Committee has no objection during the Reporting Period.

8. Evaluation and motivation Mechanism for the Senior Management
At the beginning of the establishment of the evaluation and motivation mechanism, it was
explicitly illustrated in Proposed Regulation of Annual Salary System of General Manager.
The evaluation and motivation of senior managers are mainly reflected in annual salary
system. The board of directors evaluates and motivates the senior managers mainly
according to the satisfaction of clients, safety index, quality index and financial index. The
management implements the annual salary system. The basic part of annual salary is
paid monthly on average and the remaining part will be paid at the end of the year
according to the results of evaluation. If it does not reach the evaluation index, the
remining parts will not be paid. In 2017, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
examined the situation of the management’s performance. In the opinion of the
committee:During the reporting period,the Management has achieved the main purpose
of sustainable development.
9. Internal Control
9.1. Serious Internal Control Defects Found in the Reporting Period
□ Yes √ No

                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

9.2. Self-evaluation Report in Internal Control
Disclosure date of the internal
control self-evaluation report
Index to the disclosed internal For details, please refer to the 2018-4-27 Audit’s Report on the
control self-evaluation report         internal Control, which has been disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn
Ratio of the total assets of the
appraised     entitles        to    the 92.23%
consolidated total assets
Ratio of the operating revenues of
the    appraised   entitles    to   the 95.78%
consolidated operating revenue
Defect identification standard
Type                                   Financial-report related                        Non-financial-report related
                                       (1)The clue of serious defect of
                                       financial report including : Corrupt
                                       transaction        of     directors,senior
                                       manager and supervisors;ii. The
                                       managers cannot figure out the
                                       serious misstatement, but these
                                       misstatements           are    found      by
                                                                                       If condition below appear, it can
                                       others ;iii. The results of evaluation
                                                                                       be considered as serious defect,
                                       of internal control, the serious
                                                                                       others     can   be   divided   into
                                       defect is still existing ; iv. Audit
                                                                                       important    defect    or   normal
                                       committee         and     Internal      audit
                                                                                       defect according to affection.:
                                       agency are not effective to the
                                                                                       (1)The Company suffer from
                                       internal control.(2)The important
                                                                                       serious loss due to Lake of
                                       defects including : i. Accounting
                                                                                       democratic        decision-making
                                       policy has not been chosen or used
                                                                                       system ; ( 2 ) Obey national
Nature standard                        under       the      general     accepted
                                                                                       regulations and laws seriously;
                                       accounting principles;ii. The fraud
                                                                                       (3)Lake of important manage
                                       program and control methods have
                                                                                       regulations or system doesn’t
                                       not been built;iii. The controlling
                                                                                       work;(4)Important defects of
                                       system or compensation system of
                                                                                       internal    control   or    serious
                                       accounting treatment of irregular or
                                                                                       defects of internal control cannot
                                       special trade has not formed;iv.
                                                                                       be regulated in time;(5)A lot of
                                       The control of the process of Final
                                                                                       important or serious defects of
                                       Financial     Reporting         exist    the
                                                                                       the company appear.
                                       situation     that      one     or      more
                                       advantages are found and the
                                       Veracity and Accuracy of Financial
                                       Report cannot be proved.(3)Other
                                       control defects except for serious
                                       defects,     important        defects    are
                                       called normal defects.

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                         Serious defect:Misstatement> 3%
                                         of      total        operating     revenue ;
                                         Misstatement > 5% of total profits;
                                         Misstatement > 2% of total assets。
                                         Important defect : 1% of total
                                         operating                 revenue           < Serious defect:ratio of loss of
                                         Misstatement≤3% of total operating total                 assets≥1%.Important
Quantitative standard                    revenue ; 3% of total profits< defect:0.5%≤ratio of loss of total
                                         Misstatement≤5% of total profits; assets<1% Normal defect:ratio
                                         1%              of        total       assets< of loss of total assets<0.5%
                                         Misstatement≤2% of total assts 。
                                         Normal defect:Misstatement≤1% of
                                         total       operating             revenue   ;
                                         Misstatement≤3% of net profits ;
                                         Misstatement≤1% of total assets
Number of serious financial-report
 related defects
Number              of         serious
Non-financial-report           related 0
Number             of       important
financial-report related defects
Number             of       important
Non-financial-report           related 0

10. Auditor’s Report on Internal Control
Auditor’s Report on Internal Control
Opinion paragraph in the audit’s report on internal control
The internal control auditor holds the view that on 31 December 2017, the company maintained an
effective internal control of a financial report in all significant aspects based on the General Specifications
of Company Internal Control and relevant specification.
Auditor’s report on internal
control disclosed or not
Date of disclosing the full
text of the auditor’s report on 2018.04.27
internal control
Index to the disclosed full
                                   For details, please refer to the 2018-4-27 Audit’s Report on the internal
text of the auditor’s report on
                                   Control, which has been disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn
internal control
Type of the audit’s opinion       Standard unqualified opinion
non-financial-related defects

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Whether any modified opinions are expressed by the accounting firm in its auditor’s report
on the Company’s internal control
□ Yes √ No

Whether the auditor’s report on the company’s internal control issued by the accounting
firm is consistent with the self-evaluation report of the Board
√ Yes □ No

                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

          Section X Information about Corporate Bond

Whether there exists a public issue and listing of corporate bond that is not yet due or
failed to be redeemed at the date of the financial report authorized.

                                      The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                           Section XI Financial Report

1.Auditor’s report
Type of audit report                               Standard & unqualified
Signing date of auditor’s report                  2018-04-26
                                                   Jiangsu Suya Jincheng Certified Public
Name of Audit
                                                   Accountants LLP
No. of auditor’s report                           SUYASHEN[2018]No.778
Names of auditors                                  Xu Xuzheng, Kan Baoyong
                                    Text of Auditor’s Report
                                      Auditor’s Report
To the shareholders of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.:

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery
Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the“Company”), which comprise the
consolidated balance sheet and balance sheet as at December 31st 2017; consolidated
income statement and income statement, consolidated statement of cash flows and
statement of cash flows, consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity and
statement of changes in owners’ equity for the year then ended; and notes to the financial
In our opinion, the financial statements of the Company are prepared, in all material
respects, in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and present
fairly the financial position of the Company as at December 31st 2017 and its operating
results and cash flows for the year then ended.

Basis for Our Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Certificated Public
Accountants in China. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in
the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our
report. According to the Code of Ethics for Chinese CPA, we are independent of the
Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Chinese CPA and we have fulfilled
our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that
the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our audit opinion.

Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most
significant in our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters
were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in
forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

     1.Recognition of Revenue

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

      Please refer to Notes 3.23 and Notes 5.34 of the Financial Statements

              Key audit matter                      How our audit addressed the matter
The Company’s specific condition of
                                         We implemented the main audit procedures in
revenue recognition is that revenue is respect of revenue recognition:
recognized after customer acceptance
                                         1.Understood, tested and evaluated the
based on receiving           payment or
                                         effectiveness of internal control of sales and cash
obtaining the rights of claiming payment
                                         receipts cycle designed and executed by the
for goods according to signed sales
contracts or agreements. In 2017, the
                                         2.Judged whether there is an abnormal
Company’s annual operating revenue
                                         fluctuation of revenue in the reporting period with
was RMB 19,917,942,238.16, up
                                         the analytic review of revenue and gross profit
15.92% from last year. It increased
                                         margin in combination with product category.
greatly. Operating revenue is an
                                         3.Sampling inspection of supporting documents
important    component       of   income
                                         related to revenue recognition including sales
statement. Therefore, we identified
                                         contracts or orders, invoices, delivery lists or
operating revenue as a key audit
                                         receiving reports, shipping lists and bank slips.
                                         4.Implemented the external confirmation of
                                         selected major franchisers and inspected the
                                         payback of account receivables after the
                                         reporting period in combination with audit of
                                         account receivable.
                                         5.Sampling inspection of calculation and
                                         accounting treatment of sales discount and sales
                                         6.Chose samples from sales revenue records
                                         before and after the balance sheet date,
                                         inspected related supporting documents and
                                         evaluated whether the revenue recorded in the
                                         appropriate accounting period.
    2.Calculation of Consumption Tax and Change of Tax Payment
   Please refer to Notes 4 and Notes 5.35 of the Financial Statements
              Key audit matter                      How our audit addressed the matter
According to Notice on further
                                           We implemented the main audit procedures in
Strengthening the Collection and respect of calculation of consumption tax and
Management of Liquor Consumption change of tax payment:
Tax (Guoshuihan (2017) No. 144) 1.Understood, tested and evaluated the
issued by the State Administration of Company’s key control procedures related to
Taxation(SAT) issued, if a liquor calculation of consumption tax and change of tax
manufacturing enterprise sets up payment.
muti-level sales units selling liquor, the 2.Obtained the consumption tax return and
SAT     should    verify    the    lowest checked the carrying amount.
assessable price of the manufacturing 3.Obtained the lowest tax assessable price sheet

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

enterprise based on external sales price and conducted a sampling inspection.
of final sales unit. Since 1 May 2017, 4.Chose samples to review the calculation
the lowest assessable price of liquor process and results of consumption tax.
consumption tax has been adjusted to 5.Chose samples to inspect the actual
60% uniformly from 50% to 70%. The consumption tax payment
tax payment of the Company’s liquor
consumption tax has been changed
from withholding and remitting tax by
trustee from direct payment by the
liquor manufacturing enterprise since 1
September 2017. The accounting
method of consumption tax was
changed        from       manufacturing
consignment reckoned in cost of liquor
production to self-production and
self-sale reckoned in consumption
taxes and surcharges. The tax price of
liquor consumption tax with ad valorem
taxation has been changed from
composite assessable price to the
lowest assessable price of the
manufacturing enterprise based on
external sales price of final sales unit
since 1 May 2017.The above
calculation of consumption tax and
change of tax payment is important for
the Company. Taxes and surcharges is
an important component of income
statement. Therefore, we identified
calculation of consumption tax and
change of tax payment as a key audit

Other Information
The Company’s management (hereinafter referred to as “management”) is responsible for
the other information. The other information comprises all of the information included in
the Company’s 2017 Annual Report other than the financial statements and our auditor’s
report thereon.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do
not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the
other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially
inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or
otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed,
we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are

                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance
for the Financial Statements
The Company's management is responsible for preparing the financial statements in
accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to
achieve a fair presentation, and for designing, implementing and maintaining internal
control that is necessary to ensure that the financial statements are free from material
misstatements, whether due to frauds or errors.

In preparing the financial statements, management of the            Company is responsible for
assessing the Company's ability to continue as a going              concern, disclosing matters
related to going concern and using the going concern                basis of accounting unless
management either intends to liquidate the Company or to            cease operations, or has no
realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company's financial
reporting process.

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to
issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level
of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the audit
standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can
arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate,
they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on
the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgment and
maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:
(1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,
whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those
risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher
than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
(2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.
(3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management of the Company.
(4) Conclude on the appropriateness of using the going concern assumption by the
management of the Company, and conclude, based on the audit evidence obtained,
whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast
significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude
that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report
to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate,
to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the

                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company
to cease to continue as a going concern.
(5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements,
including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying
transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
(6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the
entities or business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial
statements and bear all liability for the opinion. We communicate with those charged with
governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit
and significant audit matters, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that
we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied
with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with
them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our
independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. From the matters
communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that
were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and
are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report
unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in
extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in
our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected
to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

Jiangsu Suya Jincheng Certified Public Accountants LLP
Nanjing, China

Kan Baoyong
Certified Public Accountant of China

Xu Xuzheng,
Certified Public Accountant of China

April 26th, 2018

2.Financial Statements
Monetary Unit: RMB

2.1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
                       As at December 31, 2017

Prepared by: Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.

                                      The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                     Monetary Unit: RMB

         Assets            Balance as at December 31,
                                                               Balance as at December 31, 2016
Current assets:
Cash and cash
                                     1,751,452,876.18                                  2,456,627,358.97
Settlement funds
Lending funds
Financial assets
measured at fair value
through profit or loss
Derivative financial
Notes receivable                       212,812,236.57                                    151,616,983.85
Accounts receivable                      8,485,382.83                                      10,824,186.90
Prepayment                              86,661,808.28                                      69,319,933.22
Premium receivable
Reinsurance accounts
Provision of cession
Interests receivable
Dividends receivable
Other receivables                       57,084,601.83                                    110,535,658.50
Redemptory monetary
capital for sale
Inventories                         12,861,503,434.11                                 12,221,515,305.37
Assets held for sale
Non-current assets
                                       552,200,000.00                                    238,900,000.00
maturing within one year
Other current assets                12,996,375,380.41                                 10,065,235,053.84
Total current assets                28,526,575,720.21                                 25,324,574,480.65
Non-current assets:
Disbursement of loans
and advances
                                     3,460,279,142.76                                  1,458,069,647.18
financial assets
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity
                                         1,980,046.94                                      21,029,470.42

                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Investment properties
Fixed assets                 8,249,559,468.26                                 7,970,035,119.29
Construction in progress      234,431,457.83                                    544,670,924.38
Project materials                 788,063.58                                         788,063.58
Disposal of fixed assets
Productive biological
Oil and gas assets
Intangible assets            1,653,546,427.07                                 1,634,624,841.57
Development expenses
Goodwill                      276,001,989.95                                    276,001,989.95
Long-term deferred
                                 1,091,644.16                                      2,158,153.24
Deferred tax assets           649,659,107.71                                    568,074,960.43
Other non-current
                              204,227,633.91                                  1,004,034,598.94
Total non-current
                            14,731,564,982.17                                13,479,487,768.98
       Total assets         43,258,140,702.38                                38,804,062,249.63
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans
Borrowings from central
Customer deposits and
deposits from banks and
other financial
Borrowing funds
Financial liabilities
measured at fair value
through current profit or
Derivative financial
Notes payable                    8,200,000.00                                   960,000,000.00
Accounts payable             1,111,403,574.47                                   784,213,000.76
Advances from
                             4,199,846,323.30                                 3,847,491,823.75
Financial assets sold
under repurchase
Handling charges and
commissions payable

                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Employee benefits
                                  209,658,648.29                                    165,454,185.74
Taxes and surcharges
                                 2,289,562,127.67                                 1,807,842,582.92
Interest payable
Dividends payable                                                                      4,696,611.20
Other payables                   5,620,040,515.94                                 4,867,632,425.33
Dividend payable for
Reserve fund for
insurance contracts
Receivings from
vicariously traded
Receivings from
vicariously sold
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities
maturing within one year
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities       13,438,711,189.67                                12,437,330,629.70
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans                       145,452.00                                         181,816.00
Bonds payable
Perpetual bond
Long-term payables
Long-term           employee
benefits payable
Payables      for    specific
                                  199,107,530.75                                    199,978,943.07
Deferred income                   107,349,666.67                                     111,085,666.67
Deferred tax liabilities           17,957,771.10                                      18,499,326.73
Other          non-current
Total          non-current
                                  324,560,420.52                                    329,745,752.47
    Total liabilities           13,763,271,610.19                                12,767,076,382.17
Owners' equity (or

                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

shareholders' equity):

Share capital                        1,506,988,000.00                                 1,506,988,000.00
Other equity instruments
Perpetual bond
Capital reserves                       741,704,076.44                                   741,704,076.44
Less: treasury stock
Other comprehensive
                                           915,704.03                                      1,141,647.47
Special reserves
Surplus reserves                       753,494,000.00                                   753,494,000.00
General risk reserve
Undistributed profits               26,511,938,505.25                                23,049,443,346.09
Total equity
attributable to owners              29,515,040,285.72                                26,052,771,070.00
of the parent company
Non-controlling interests              -20,171,193.53                                    -15,785,202.54
Total owners' equity
(or shareholders'                   29,494,869,092.19                                26,036,985,867.46
Total liabilities and
owners' equity (or                  43,258,140,702.38                                38,804,062,249.63
shareholders' equity)
Legal representative: Wang Yao
Person in charge of accounting affairs: Cong Xuenian
Person in charge of accounting department: Yin Qiuming

2.2. Balance Sheet
                                                                                    Monetary Unit: RMB

Assets                      Balance as at December 31, 2017        Balance as at December 31, 2016
Current assets:
Cash and cash
                                             1,109,561,846.20                         1,570,426,948.87
Financial assets
measured at fair value
through current profit or
Derivative financial
Notes receivable                               162,947,960.82                             63,202,344.00
Accounts receivable                          7,526,709,429.22                         1,855,067,908.49

                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Prepayment                               2,635,654.78                             2,276,112.00
Interests receivable
Dividends receivable                2,605,425,138.06                         5,170,157,529.06
Other receivables                   1,160,366,132.04                        10,362,461,481.74
Inventories                         9,944,024,331.15                         9,636,992,631.75
Assets held for sale
Non-current assets
maturing within one year
Other current assets                8,803,227,424.95                         1,707,917,932.03
Total current assets               31,464,897,917.22                        30,368,502,887.94
Non-current assets:
                                    2,038,625,617.54                           810,770,442.49
financial assets
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity
                                    5,408,241,180.24                         2,614,965,815.66
Investment properties
Fixed assets                        5,402,239,827.59                         5,131,698,753.07
Construction in progress               49,968,361.62                           338,015,916.65
Project materials                          788,063.58                               788,063.58
Disposal of fixed assets
Productive biological
Oil and gas assets
Intangible assets                   1,275,763,366.60                         1,292,239,478.41
Development expenses
Long-term deferred
Deferred tax assets                      6,093,941.15                             6,365,178.40
Other non-current assets              165,885,624.34                           410,334,832.94
Total non-current
                                   14,347,605,982.66                        10,605,178,481.20
       Total assets                45,812,503,899.88                        40,973,681,369.14
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans
Financial liabilities
measured at fair value
through current profit or
Derivative financial

                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Notes payable
Accounts payable                    1,166,484,374.31                         1,494,301,071.17
Advances from
                                   21,608,300,346.42                        19,234,222,657.20
Employee benefits
Taxes and surcharges
                                      383,026,142.73                           102,989,580.63
Interest payable
Dividends payable
Other payables                        169,460,166.49                           173,587,366.51
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities
maturing within one year
Other current liabilities
     Total current
                                   23,327,271,029.95                        21,009,389,598.19
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans                            145,452.00                               181,816.00
Bonds payable


Long-term payables
Long-term employee
benefits payable
Payables for specific
                                      145,437,496.65                           145,961,936.65
Estimated Liabilities
Deferred income                             79,166.67                               174,166.67
Deferred tax liabilities
Other non-current
Total non-current
                                      145,662,115.32                           146,317,919.32
    Total liabilities              23,472,933,145.27                        21,155,707,517.51
Owners' equity (or

shareholders' equity):

Share capital                       1,506,988,000.00                         1,506,988,000.00

                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

    Other equity


Preferred stock
Capital reserves                            1,341,628,480.93                         1,341,628,480.93
Less: treasury stock
Other comprehensive
Special reserves
Surplus reserves                              753,494,000.00                           753,494,000.00
General risk reserve                       18,737,460,273.68                        16,215,863,370.70
Total owners' equity
(or shareholders'                          22,339,570,754.61                        19,817,973,851.63
Total liabilities and
owners' equity (or                         45,812,503,899.88                        40,973,681,369.14
shareholders' equity)

2.3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                   Monetary Unit: RMB

                   Item                  Year 2017                          Year 2016
 1. Total operating income            19,917,942,238.16                             17,183,109,620.08
 Including: operating income          19,917,942,238.16                             17,183,109,620.08
            Interest income
            Earned premium
            Fee and commission
 2. Total operating costs              11,741,569,054.09                            10,003,035,000.07
 Including: operating costs             6,681,148,562.16                              6,202,978,828.59
            Interest expenses
            Fee and commission
            Surrender value
            Net payments for
insurance claims
          Net peovision insurance
          Bond insurance expense

                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

             Reinsurance Expenses
       Taxes and surcharges                      1,151,869,831.30                                309,567,399.64
       Selling and distribution
                                                 2,387,447,107.05                              1,869,001,821.53
       General and administrative
                                                 1,532,148,106.93                              1,582,435,251.45
       Financial expenses                          -33,912,331.47                                  -8,947,212.14
       Impairment losses                            22,867,778.12                                 47,998,911.00
 Plus: gains from changes in fair
value ("-" for losses)
       Investment income ("-" for
                                                   623,953,064.97                                547,210,021.50
       Including: income from
investment in associates and joint                   -1,299,882.30                                 -3,893,529.35
           Foreign exchange gains ("-"
For Losses)
           Asset disposal income ("-"
                                                     -8,598,844.11                                 -5,823,628.96
For Losses)
           Other income                             44,745,640.94
 3. Operating profits ("-" For
                                                 8,836,473,045.87                              7,721,461,012.55
 Plus: non-operating income                         19,822,054.76                                 45,149,806.09
 Less: non-operating expenses                        8,340,532.81                                  5,645,254.90
 4. Total profits before tax      ("-" For
                                                 8,847,954,567.82                              7,760,965,563.74
Total Losses)
 Less: income tax expenses                       2,229,168,424.15                              1,956,036,449.75
 5. Net profit ("-" For Net Loss)                6,618,786,143.67                              5,804,929,113.99
    5.1 Net income from continuing
                                                 6,618,786,143.67                              5,804,929,113.99
operations ("-" For net deficiency)
    5.2 Net income from discontinued
operations ("-" For net deficiency)
   Attributable to owners of the
                                                 6,627,169,959.16                              5,827,168,870.88
parent company
   Attributable to Minority interest
                                                     -8,383,815.49                               -22,239,756.89
 6. Net of tax from other
                                                       -226,957.05                                 1,143,061.03
comprehensive income
Net of tax from other comprehensive
income to the owner of the parent                      -225,943.44                                 1,125,312.56
6.1 Other comprehensive income
cannot reclassified into the profit and

                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

 Including: Re-measure the variation
of net indebtedness or net asset of
defined benefit plans
            Share in other
comprehensive income that cannot be
classified into profit and loss under
equity method
6.2 Other comprehensive income that
will be reclassified into the profit and             -225,943.44                                 1,125,312.56
 Including: Share in other
comprehensive income that will be
classified into profit and loss under
equity method
            Changes in fair value of
available-for-sale financial assets
investment reclassified into
available-for sale financial assets
            Effective part of cash-flow
hedge profit and loss
            Balance arising from the
translation of foreign currency                      -225,943.44                                 1,125,312.56
financial statements
 Net of tax from other comprehensive
                                                       -1,013.61                                     17,748.47
income to minority shareholders
 7. Total comprehensive income                 6,618,559,186.62                              5,806,072,175.02
 Total comprehensive income
attributable to owners of the parent           6,626,944,015.72                              5,828,294,183.44
 Total comprehensive income
                                                   -8,384,829.10                               -22,222,008.42
attributable to minority shareholders
 8. Earnings per share
 (1)Basic earnings per share                                 4.40                                          3.87
 (2)Diluted earnings per share                               4.40                                          3.87
Legal representative: Wang Yao
Person in charge of accounting affairs: Cong Xuenian                                            Person in
charge of accounting department: Yin Qiuming

2.4. Income Statement

                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                  Monetary Unit: RMB

              Item                   Year 2017                              Year 2016
 1. Operating income                    7,287,432,948.05                             6,894,824,928.20
 Less: operating costs                  6,025,125,159.75                             6,007,511,662.33
        Business taxes and
                                           790,967,616.84                               73,103,638.46
        Selling and distribution
        General and
                                           813,483,459.91                              879,948,170.35
administrative expenses
        Financial expenses                -129,591,360.68                             -250,219,369.17
        Impairment losses                      480,654.94                                1,062,334.79
 Plus: gains from changes in
fair value ("-" for losses)
        Investment income ("-"
                                        5,917,308,205.89                             4,854,529,199.01
for losses)
        Including: income from
investment in associates and                -2,074,635.42                                -4,128,507.78
joint ventures
          Asset disposal
                                              -547,317.20                                -4,967,642.85
income ("-" For Total Losses)
          Other income                      12,565,700.00
 2. Operating profits ("-" For
                                        5,716,294,005.98                             5,032,980,047.60
 Plus: non-operating income                  2,466,263.97                                7,268,092.83
 Less: non-operating
                                             4,200,000.00                                1,671,313.14
 3. Total profits before tax
                                        5,714,560,269.95                             5,038,576,827.29
("-" For Total Losses)
 Less: income tax expenses                  28,288,566.97                               88,390,042.91
 4. Net profit ("-" For Net
                                        5,686,271,702.98                             4,950,186,784.38
     4.1Net income from
continuing operations ("-" For          5,686,271,702.98                             4,950,186,784.38
net deficiency)
     4.2 Net income from
discontinued operations ("-"
For net deficiency)
 5. Net of tax from other
comprehensive income

 (1)Other comprehensive

income cannot reclassified

                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

into the profit and loss:
 Including: Re-measure the
variation of net indebtedness
or net asset of defined benefit
            Share in other
comprehensive income that
cannot be classified into profit
and loss under equity method

 (2)Other comprehensive

income that will be reclassified
into the profit and loss
 Including: Share in other
comprehensive income that
will be classified into profit and
loss under equity method
            Changes in fair
value of available-for-sale
financial assets
investment reclassified into
available-for sale financial
            Effective part of
cash-flow hedge profit and
            Balance arising
from the translation of foreign
currency financial statements
 6. Total comprehensive
                                               5,686,271,702.98                             4,950,186,784.38
 7. Earnings per share
7.1 Basic earnings per share
7.2 Diluted earnings per share

2.5 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

                                                                                         Monetary Unit: RMB

                     Item                             Year 2017                         Year 2016
1. Cash flows from operating activities

                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

  Cash received from sale of goods and
                                                     23,711,590,313.33                  22,869,510,223.76
rendering of services
  Net increase in customer bank
deposits and placement from banks and
other financial institutions
  Net increase in loans from central
  Net increase in loans from other
financial institutions
  Premiums received from original
insurance contracts
  Net cash received from reinsurance
  Net increase in deposits and
investments from policyholders
  Net increase from disposal of financial
assets held for trading
  Cash received from interest, handling
charges and commissions
  Net increase in loans from banks and
other financial institutions
  Net capital increase in repurchase
  Refunds of taxes and surcharges
  Cash received from other operating
                                                        427,432,452.11                     121,047,134.82
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                                                     24,139,022,765.44                  22,990,557,358.58
  Cash paid for goods purchased and
                                                      6,973,376,753.35                   6,203,990,821.87
services received
  Net increase in loans and advances to
  Net increase in deposits in central
bank and other banks and financial
  Cash paid for original insurance
contract claims
  Cash paid for interests, handling
charges and commissions
  Cash paid for policy dividends
  Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                      1,532,216,356.37                   1,510,429,701.30
  Cash paid for taxes and surcharges                  6,535,601,442.87                   5,758,348,700.63

                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

  Cash paid for other operating activities               2,214,658,413.54                    2,112,743,534.16
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                        17,255,852,966.13                  15,585,512,757.96
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating activities                 6,883,169,799.31                   7,405,044,600.62
2. Cash flows from investing activities
  Cash received from disposal of
                                                        30,400,345,558.70                   8,035,647,871.18
  Cash received from returns on
                                                           564,117,891.26                     422,339,653.09
  Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                       608,832.88                       7,726,084.69
long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash received from other investing
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
                                                        30,970,188,282.84                   8,465,713,608.96
  Cash paid to acquire and construct
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                  325,345,429.44                      480,211,104.59
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investments                             34,805,329,229.53                  13,758,155,971.19
  Net increase in pledge loans
  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
                                                                535,902.84                    191,679,668.48
and other business units
  Cash paid for other investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
                                                        35,131,210,561.81                  14,430,046,744.26
Net cash flows from investing activities                -4,161,022,278.97                   -5,964,333,135.30
3. Cash flows from financing activities
  Cash received from investors
  Including: cash received by
subsidiaries from investments by
minority shareholders
  Cash received from borrowings
  Cash received from bonds issue
  Cash received from other financing
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
  Cash paid for debt repayments                                  36,364.00                      83,536,364.00
  Cash paid for distribution of dividends
                                                         3,169,375,338.20                   2,713,542,761.01
and profits or payment of interest

                                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

  Including: dividends and profits paid to
                                                               4,696,611.20                           80,672.15
minority shareholders by subsidiaries
  Cash paid for other financing activities                  247,704,388.41                     900,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing
                                                          3,417,116,090.61                   3,697,079,125.01
Net cash flows from financing activities                  -3,417,116,090.61                  -3,697,079,125.01
4. Effect of fluctuation in exchange rate
                                                             -11,705,912.52                       5,198,479.25
on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                           -706,674,482.79                   -2,251,169,180.44
  Plus: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of the                       2,456,627,358.97                   4,707,796,539.41
6. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                                          1,749,952,876.18                   2,456,627,358.97
at the end of the period

2.6. Statement of Cash Flows
                                                                                           Monetary Unit: RMB

                    Item                                Year 2017                         Year 2016
1. Cash flows from operating activities
  Refunds of taxes and surcharges                         4,993,174,559.67                  11,515,039,389.71
  Cash received from other operating
  Cash received from other operating
                                                          9,395,953,342.76                      260,746,751.78
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                                                         14,389,127,902.43                  11,775,786,141.49
  Cash paid for goods purchased and
                                                          6,084,319,424.50                    5,870,321,906.28
services received
  Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                            628,353,375.71                      525,173,610.23
  Cash paid for taxes and surcharges                      1,959,696,424.05                    1,711,283,007.62
  Cash paid for other operating activities                  153,591,847.77                    4,412,432,440.40
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                          8,825,961,072.03                  12,519,210,964.53
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating activities                  5,563,166,830.40                     -743,424,823.04
2. Cash flows from investing activities
  Cash received from disposal of
                                                         13,595,278,733.32                    3,672,690,576.05
  Cash received from returns on
                                                          8,423,249,140.68                    4,013,672,891.09
  Net cash received from disposal of
                                                             16,755,029.89                       11,965,331.46
fixed assets, intangible assets and other

                                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash received from other investing
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
                                                         22,035,282,903.89                    7,698,328,798.60
  Cash paid to acquire and construct
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                   325,294,764.78                      312,984,934.17
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investments                              24,564,483,908.37                    3,216,081,257.61
  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units
  Cash paid for other investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
                                                         24,889,778,673.15                    3,529,066,191.78
Net cash flows from investing activities                 -2,854,495,769.26                    4,169,262,606.82
3. Cash flows from financing activities
  Cash received from investors
  Cash received from borrowings
  Cash received from bonds issue
  Cash received from other financing
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
  Cash paid for debt repayments                                   36,364.00                           36,364.00
  Cash paid for distribution of dividends
                                                          3,164,678,727.00                    2,712,585,527.00
and profits or payment of interest
  Cash paid for other financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing
                                                          3,164,715,091.00                    2,712,621,891.00
Net cash flows from financing activities                 -3,164,715,091.00                   -2,712,621,891.00
4. Effect of fluctuation in exchange rate
                                                              -4,821,072.81                           55,948.78
on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                           -460,865,102.67                      713,271,841.56
  Plus: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of the                       1,570,426,948.87                      857,155,107.31
6. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                                          1,109,561,846.20                    1,570,426,948.87
at the end of the period

                                                                                                              The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

     2.7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
                                                                                                                                                             Monetary Unit: RMB

                                                                                              Year 2017

                                                       Equity attributable to owners of the parent company
                                         Other equity                                                                                                              Total
         Item                            instruments                              Other                                                    Non-controllin
                                                                         Less:                            General                                             shareholders'
                         Share               Perp           Capital             Compreh Special    Surplus             Undistributed        g interests
                                      Prefe                             Treasury ensive                      risk                                                 equity
                         capital             etual          reserve                     reserve    reserve                profit
                                       rred        Other                  stock                            reserve
                                             bon                                 Income

1. Balance as at
                        1,506,988,0                        741,704,07           1,141,647          753,494,
December 31 of last                                                                                                   23,049,443,346.09 -15,785,202.54 26,036,985,867.46
                              00.00                              6.44                  .47           000.00

Plus: adjustments for
changes in accounting

Adjustments for
correction of
accounting errors in
prior year

Combinations Under
Common Control
2. Balance as at
                      1,506,988,0                          741,704,07           1,141,647          753,494,
January 1 of the                                                                                                      23,049,443,346.09 -15,785,202.54 26,036,985,867.46
                            00.00                                6.44                  .47           000.00
current year
Increases/decreases                                                             -225,943.
                                                                                                                       3,462,495,159.16      -4,385,990.99     3,457,883,224.73
in the current year                                                                    44
(“-” for decreases)
(1) Total
comprehensive                                                                                                          6,627,169,959.16      -8,384,829.10     6,618,559,186.62
                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.
(2) Capital contributed
                                                                 3,998,838.11          3,998,838.11
or reduced by owners
a. Capital contributions
by owners
b. Capital contributions
by other equity
instruments holders
c. Amounts of
payments recognized
in owners' equity
d. Others                                                        3,998,838.11         3,998,838.11
(3) Profit distribution                  -3,164,674,800.00                       -3,164,674,800.00
a. Withdrawal of
surplus reserves
b. Withdrawal of
general risk reserve

c. Profit distributed to
owners (or                               -3,164,674,800.00                       -3,164,674,800.00

d. Others

(4) Internal
carry-forward of
owners' equity

a. Conversion of
capital reserves into
paid-in capital (or
share capital)
b. Conversion of
surplus reserves into
paid-in capital (or
share capital)

c. Surplus reserves
offsetting losses

d . Others

(5) Special reserves

                                                                                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

a. Withdrawal for the

b. Use for the period

(6) Others
4. Balance as at
December 31 of the
current year            1,506,988,0                     741,704,07           915,704.0         753,494,
                                                                                                                  26,511,938,505.25 -20,171,193.53 29,494,869,092.19
                              00.00                           6.44                   3           000.00

                                                                                                                                                      Monetary Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Year 2016
                                                 Equity attributable to owners of the parent company
                                       Other equity
         Item                          instruments                                                                                                           Total
                                                                               Other                                       Non-controlli
                                             Per                      Less:                          Genera                                             shareholders'
                         Share        Prefe            Capital                Compre Special Surplus         Undistributed ng interests
                                            petu Ot                  Treasury hensive reserve reserve l risk                                                equity
                         capital      rred             reserve                                                  profit
                                              al he                    stock Income                  reserve
                                            bon r

1. Balance as at
                        1,506,988,                    741,745,168            16,334.9         753,494,          19,934,852,875.
December 31 of                                                                                                                  4,384,481.94 22,941,480,860.89
                           000.00                             .83                   1          000.00                        21
last year

Plus: adjustments
for changes in
accounting policies

Adjustments for
correction of
accounting errors in
prior year

                                                                      The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.
Combinations Under
Common Control
2. Balance as at
                    1,506,988,   741,745,168   16,334.9    753,494,         19,934,852,875.
January 1 of the                                                                            4,384,481.94 22,941,480,860.89
                       000.00            .83          1     000.00                       21
current year
                                               1,125,31                      3,114,590,470.8 -20,169,684.4
es in the current                 -41,092.39                                                                         3,095,505,006.57
                                                   2.56                                    8             8
year (“-” for
(1) Total
                                               1,125,31                     5,827,168,870.8 -22,222,008.4
comprehensive                                                                                                        5,806,072,175.02
                                                   2.56                                   8             2
(2) Capital
contributed or                    -41,092.39                                                      2,132,996.09            2,091,903.70
reduced by owners
a. Capital
contributions by
b. Capital
contributions by
other equity
instruments holders
c. Amounts of
recognized in
owners' equity
d. Others                         -41,092.39                                                      2,132,996.09            2,091,903.70
(3) Profit distribution                                                                             -80,672.15      -2,712,659,072.15
a. Withdrawal of
surplus reserves
b. Withdrawal of
general risk reserve

                                                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

c. Profit distributed
to owners (or                                                                                           -80,672.15      -2,712,659,072.15

d. Others

(4) Internal
carry-forward of
owners' equity

a. Conversion of
capital reserves into
paid-in capital (or
share capital)
b. Conversion of
surplus reserves
into paid-in capital
(or share capital)

c. Surplus reserves
offsetting losses
d . Others

(5) Special reserves

a. Withdrawal for the

b. Use for the period
(6) Others
4. Balance as at
December 31 of
the current year        1,506,988,   741,704,076   1,141,64    753,494,         23,049,443,346. -15,785,202.5
                           000.00            .44       7.47     000.00                       09             4

                                                                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

2.8.Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
                                                                                                                                                  Monetary Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Year 2017

                                     Other equity
        Item                                                             Less:      Other                                                             Total
                        Share                                                                Special      Surplus           Undistributed
                                                     Capital reserve    Treasury Comprehens reserve                                                shareholders'
                        capital                                                                           reserve              profit
                                     Pre Per                              stock   ive Income                                                          equity
                                     ferr petu
                                      ed al
                                     sto bon
                                      ck d

1. Balance as at
                       1,506,988,0                                                                     753,494,000.0
December 31 of                                       1,341,628,480.93                                                16,215,863,370.70 19,817,973,851.63
                             00.00                                                                                 0
last year

Plus: adjustments
for changes in
accounting policies

Adjustments for
correction of
accounting errors in
prior year

2. Balance as at
                       1,506,988,0                                                                     753,494,000.0
January 1 of the                                     1,341,628,480.93                                                16,215,863,370.70 19,817,973,851.63
                             00.00                                                                                 0
current year
es in the current                                                                                                          2,521,596,902.98 2,521,596,902.98
year (“-” for
(1) Total                                                                                                                  5,686,271,702.98 5,686,271,702.98

                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.
(2) Capital
contributed or
reduced by owners
a. Capital
contributions by
b. Capital
contributions by
other equity
instruments holders
c. Amounts of
recognized in
owners' equity
d. Others
(3) Profit distribution                                -3,164,674,800.00 -3,164,674,800.00
a. Withdrawal of
surplus reserves
b. Profit distributed
to owners (or                                          -3,164,674,800.00 -3,164,674,800.00
 c. Others

(4) Internal
carry-forward of
owners' equity

a. Conversion of
capital reserves into
paid-in capital (or
share capital)
b. Conversion of
surplus reserves
into paid-in capital
(or share capital)

                                                                                                       The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

c. Surplus reserves
offsetting losses

d. Others

(5) Special reserves

a. Withdrawal for the

b. Use for the period

(6) Others

4. Balance as at
                        1,506,988,0                                                                         753,494,000.0
December 31 of                                       1,341,628,480.93                                                     18,737,460,273.68 22,339,570,754.61
                              00.00                                                                                     0
the current year

                                                                                     Year 2016
                                       Other equity
        Item                                Per                  Less:
                         Share       Prefe           Capital             Compre Special      Surplus
                                           petu                  Treasur hensive reserve                      Undistributed profit        Total shareholders' equity
                         capital     rred       Othe reserve                                 reserve
                                             al                  y stock Income
                                     stoc         r

1. Balance as at
                        1,506,988,                  1,341,628,
December 31 of                                                                             753,494,000.00          13,978,254,986.32                 17,580,365,467.25
                           000.00                      480.93
last year

                                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Plus: adjustments
for changes in
accounting policies

Adjustments for
correction of
accounting errors in
prior year
2. Balance as at
                        1,506,988,   1,341,628,
January 1 of the                                        753,494,000.00         13,978,254,986.32                 17,580,365,467.25
                           000.00       480.93
current year
es in the current                                                                2,237,608,384.38                  2,237,608,384.38
year (“-” for
(1) Total
comprehensive                                                                    4,950,186,784.38                  4,950,186,784.38
(2) Capital
contributed or
reduced by owners
a. Capital
contributions by
b. Capital
contributions by
other equity
instruments holders
c. Amounts of
recognized in
owners' equity
d. Others
(3) Profit distribution                                                         -2,712,578,400.00                 -2,712,578,400.00
a. Withdrawal of
surplus reserves
 b. Profit distributed                                                          -2,712,578,400.00                 -2,712,578,400.00
                                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.
to owners (or
c. Others
(4) Internal
carry-forward of
owners' equity
a. Conversion of
capital reserves into
paid-in capital (or
share capital)
b. Conversion of
surplus reserves
into paid-in capital
(or share capital)
c. Surplus reserves
offsetting losses

d. Others

(5) Special reserves

a. Withdrawal for the

b. Use for the period

(6) Others
4. Balance as at
                        1,506,988,   1,341,628,
December 31 of                                          753,494,000.00         16,215,863,370.70                 19,817,973,851.63
                           000.00       480.93
the current year

                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

3. Basic Situation of the Company

Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”)was established
in 26 December 2002, verified by the Government of Jiangsu Province, details referred to Reply on The
approval of Establishment of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. by the provincial
government (SuZhengFu [2002]No.155),and was a joint-stock company founded by Jiangsu Yanghe
Group Co.,Ltd, Shanghai Haiyan Logistics Development Co.,Ltd, Nantong Zongyi Investment
Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai Jieqiang Tobacco Sugar & Wine (Group) Co.,Ltd, Jiangsu Venture Capital Co.,Ltd,
China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries Co. Ltd, Nantong Shengfu
Industrial Trade Co., Ltd and Yang Yandong and other totally 14 nature persons. On 27 December, the
Compamy obtained the unified social credit code (91460000201357188U) issued by Jiangsu Provincial
Administration for Industry and Commerce. The registered capital was RMB 68 million and the share
capital was 68,000,000 (1 yuan per share). According to the documents verified by Jiangsu Provincial
Department of Finance (Su Cai Guo Zi [2002] No.178), all the fund capital converts into share capital
according to the ratio 1:0.65561,among which, Jiangsu Yanghe Group Co.,Ltd contributed RMB
52,264,100 of evaluated physical assets and RMB 735,900 of currency, covered into 34,747,330 shares,
accounting for 51.099% of the total share capital;Shanghai Haiyan Logistics Development Co.,Ltd
contributed RMB 15,000,000 of currency, convered into 9,834,150 shares, accounting for the 14.462%
of the total share capital; Nantong Zongyi Investment Co.,Ltd contributed RMB 15,000,000 of currency,
converted into 9,834,150 shares, accounting for 14.462% of the total share capital; ShangHai Jieqiang
Tobacco Sugar & Wine (Group) Co.,Ltd contributed RMB 7,000,000 of currency converted into
4,589,270 shares, accounting for 6.749% of the total share capital; Jiangsu Venture Capital Co.,Ltd
contributed RMB 3,000,000 of currency concerted into 1,966,830 shares, accounting for 2.892% of the
total share capital; China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries Co. Ltd
contributed RMB 1,000,000 of currency, converted into 655,611 shares, accounting for 0.964% of the
total share capital; Nantong Shengfu Industrial Trade Co., Ltd contributed RMB 1,000,000 of currency,
converted into 655,611 shares, accounting for 0.964% of the total share capital; Yang Yandong and
other totally 14 nature persons contributed RMB 8,720,200 of currency, converted into 5,717,050 shares,
accounting for 8.408% of the total share capital.

On 13 September 2009, the Company was verified by China Securities Regulatory Commission,
according to the document Reply on Approving Initial Public Offering of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery
Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (Zheng Jian Approval [2009] No.1077).The Company announced the initial public
offering of 45,000,000 common shares on 27 February 2009 and was listed for transactions in SZSE
since 6 November 2009.

According to the decisions of 2010 Shareholders’ General Meeting on 23 April 2011, based on the total
capital of 450,000,000 shares on 31 December 2010, the capital reserves per 10 shares were converted
into 10 shares. After the conversion, the total share capital of the Company was 900,000,000 as well as
registered capital of RMB 900,000,000.

According to the decision of 2011 Shareholders’ General Meeting on 17 May 2012, based on the total
capital of 900,000,000 shares on 31 December 2011, the capital reserves per 10 shares were converted
into 2 shares. After the conversion, the total share capital of the Company was 1,080,000,000 as well as
registered capital of RMB 108,000,000.

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

According to the Proposal of Initial Share Repurchase of Public Shares approved by 2012 Shareholders’
General Meeting on 17 May 2013, the Company used own funds to repurchase public shares and the
price of public shares was no more than RMB 70.00 per share, as well as the total amount of repurchase
shares was no more than RMB 10 billion. The way of repurchase was centralized competitive bidding
approved by SZSE. Until May 2014, the amount of repurchase shares was 3,580,000 and the total
amount of payment RMB 157,793,218.58. The shares repurchased had been canceled according to the
law with the procedure of capital reduction. After the repurchase, the registered capital became RMB
1,076,420,000 and the total share capital of the Company became 1,076,420,000.

According to the decision of 2014 Shareholders’ General Meeting on 26 May 2015, based on the total
capital of 1,076,420,000 shares on 31 December 2011, the capital reserves per 10 shares were
converted into 4 shares. After the conversion, the total share capital of the company was 1,506,988,000
as well as the registered capital of RMB 1,506,988,000.

Registered address of the Company:118 Middle Avenue,Yanghe Town, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province

Company type: Incorporated company (Listed)

Industry of the Company: Brewing food industry

Business scope of the Company:production and sale of liquor, wholesaling and retailing of prepackaged
food,grain purchase, self-operating and agency of import and export of various types of merchandise
and technology excluding merchandise and technology limited or prohibited by the state for import and
export, domestic trade, construction of e-commerce platform and online sales.( Business activities of
projects needed to be approved by law must be approved according to related departments)
Parent company of the Company:Jiangsu Yanghe Group Co.,Ltd.

The scope of the Company's consolidated financial statements is based on control, and all subsidiaries
are included in the consolidation scope of the consolidated financial statements.

Changes of the scope of consolidation are as follows:

3.1 Subsidiaries that are newly incorporated into the scope of consolidation are shown in the following
                          Name                                             Measure of gaining
ZYG TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT LTD                                   Merger of enterprises under different
                                                                         controlling group
Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock Co.,Ltd                             Merger of enterprises under different
                                                                         controlling group
Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan) Trade Investment                Merger of enterprises under different
Co.,Ltd.                                                                 controlling group
Suqian Sujiu Logistics Co.,Ltd.                                               Establishment
Jiangsu Blue Dream E-commerce Co.,Ltd.                                        Establishment
Jiangsu Yanghe Weiketang Network Technology Co.,Ltd.                          Establishment

3.2 Subsidiaries that are no longer incorporated into the scope of consolidation are shown in the
following table:

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

                           Name                                                     Reason
Taizhou Mengye Trading Co.,Ltd.                                         Liquidation and cancellation
Siyang Yanghe Package Service Co.,Ltd.                                  Liquidation and cancellation
Details of the subsidiaries incorporated into the consolidated financial statements show on ‘9. Interests
in subsidiaries’, Changes in the scope of consolidation show on ‘8, change in consolidated scope’.

4.Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements
4.1.Basis of preparation of financial statements
The company has prepared its financial statements on a going concern basis, and recognized and
measured its accounting items in compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises—Basic Standards and various concrete accounting standards, and other relevant provisions
on the basis of actual transactions and events.

4.2. Going concern
The Company has sustainable operation ability for at least 12 months from the end of the reporting
period. In addition, there is no significant event affecting going concern.

5.Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
Whether the Company needs to comply with the requirement of special industry
The notes of detailed accounting policies and accounting estimates:
Refer to Note 5 the Change of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

5.1. Statement of compliance with the ASBE
The financial statements of the company have been prepared in accordance with ASBE, and present
truly and completely, the group’s financial position, the Company’s and results of operations, and
changes in shareholders' equity, cash flows and other related information for the reporting period.

5.2. Accounting period
The Company’s accounting period is calendar year as its accounting year, i.e. from January 1st to
December 31st.

5.3. Operating cycle
The Company’s accounting period is 12 months.

5.4. Functional currency
The Company has adopted China Yuan (RMB) as functional currency.

5.5. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under
common control and not under common control
5.5.1. Accounting treatment method for business combination under common

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Business combination under common control is accounted for under pooling of interest method. Assets
and liabilities obtained by the Company through business combination under common control shall be
measured at the book value as stated in the combine’s accounting record on the combination date. The
share of the book value of the merged party’s owner’s equity in the consolidated financial statements is
taken as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments in individual financial statements.
The capital reserve (stock premium or capital premium) is adjusted according to the difference between
initial investment cost and the book value of consideration paid for the combination (including paid cash,
transferred non-cash assets, book value of liabilities incurred or assumed or total par value of shares
issued). If the capital reserve (stock premium or capital premium) is insufficient to offset, the retained
earnings shall be adjusted.

5.5.2. Accounting treatment method of business combination not under common

The Company accounts for business combination not under common control under purchase method.

All the net identifiable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities obtained by the Company through
business combination not under common control shall be measured based on the fair values of assets
paid, liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued as consideration for combination on
the acquisition date, and differences between their fair values and book values shall be included in the
current profit and loss.

A.The cost of acquisition shall be respectively determined for the following conditions;

1.Business combination of a transaction implementation, the combination cost shall be the sum of the
fair values of the assets given, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the
Company in exchange for the control on the acquisition date, and contingent considerations meeting the
recognition conditions. The combination cost is the initial investment costs of long-term equity

2.Business combination through multiple transactions step by step to realized, the combination cost shall
be the sum of the fair value measurement on the acquisition of the equity investment that holding before
the acquisition date and cost of all the new investment on the acquisition date. Long-term equity
investment cost in individual financial statements shall be the sum of the book value of the equity
investment that holding before the acquisition date and cost of all the new investment on the acquisition
date. Except for a single transaction.

B.The Company, on the acquisition date, allocates the combination costs between the identifiable assets
and liabilities acquired

1.All assets of the acquiree obtained by the Company through business combination(not limited to those
that have been recognized by the acquiree), other than intangible assets, shall be separately recognized
and measured at fair value when the future economic benefits arising thereafter are expected to flow into
the Company and the fair value can be reliably measured.

2.Intangible assets of the acquiree obtained by the Company through business combination shall be
separately recognized and measured at fair value when their fair values can be reliably measured.

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3.All liabilities of the acquiree obtained by the Company through business combination, other than
contingent liabilities, shall be separately recognized and measured at fair value when fulfillment of
relevant obligations are expected to bring future economic benefits to the Company and the fair value
can be reliably measured.

4.Contingent liabilities of the acquiree obtained by the Company through business combination shall be
separately recognized as liabilities and measured at fair value when their fair values can be reliably

5.When the Company allocates the cost of business combination and recognizes the identifiable assets
and liabilities acquired through combination, it shall not include any goodwill and deferred income taxes
that have been recognized by the acquiree before the business combination.

C.Treatment of the difference between the business combination costs and the fair value of net
identifiable asset acquired from the acquiree through combination

1.The Company shall recognize the difference of the combination costs in excess of the fair value of the
net identifiable asset acquired from the acquiree through combination as goodwill. The Company shall
not amortize the goodwill after initial recognition, but shall conduct impairment test at the end of the year.
The goodwill is measured at the amount of its cost minus accumulated provision for the impairment.

2.The Company shall recognize the difference of the combination costs in short of the fair value of the
net identifiable asset acquired from the acquiree through combination according to the following

2.1Review the measurement of fair values of all the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
acquired from the acquiree and the combination costs;

2.2After the review, if the combination costs are still in short of the fair value of the net identifiable asset
acquired from the acquiree through combination, include the difference in the current profit and loss.

5.5.3. Treatment of relevant expenses arising from the Company’s business

A.Relevant expenses directly arising from the business combination of the Company (including the
expenses for audit, legal services, evaluation and consultation or other intermediary costs for business
combination) shall be included in the current profit and loss when they are incurred.

B.Commissions, fees and other expenses paid on issuance of bonds and undertaking of other debts for
the business combination shall be included in the initial measurement amount of debt securities.

1.Where the bonds are issued at discount or par value, that part of expenses will increase the amount of
the discount;

2.Where the bonds are issued at premium, that part of expenses will decrease the amount of the

C.Fees, commissions, and other transaction expenses paid on issuance of equity securities as
combination consideration in the business combination shall be included in the initial measurement
amount of equity securities.

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1.Where the equity securities are issued at premium, that part of expenses shall be deducted from
capital reserves (stock premium);

2.Where the equity securities are issued at par value or discount, that part of expenses shall be
deducted from the retained earnings.

5.6.Preparation of consolidated financial statements.
5.6.1. Consistency of accounting policies and accounting period

All the subsidiaries within the consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements shall adopt the
same accounting policies and accounting periods as those of the Company. If the accounting policies or
accounting periods of a subsidiary are different from those of the Company, the financial statements of
the subsidiary, upon preparation of consolidated financial statements, shall be adjusted according to the
accounting policies and accounting periods of the Company.

5.6.2. Preparation method of consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of the Company and its
subsidiaries, and are prepared by the parent company according to other relevant information after the
adjustment to long-term equity investments in subsidiaries under the equity method and the elimination
of effects of the internal transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries and between the
subsidiaries on the consolidated financial statement.

5.6.3. Reflection of excess losses incurred to a subsidiary in the consolidated
financial statements

In the consolidated financial statements, where the current losses undertaken by the parent company
are in excess of its share of owners’ equity in the subsidiary at the beginning of the period, the balance
shall reduce the owners’ equity (retained earnings) of the parent company; where the current losses
undertaken by a subsidiary’s non-controlling shareholders excess those non-controlling shareholders’
share of owners’ equity in the subsidiary at the beginning of the period, the balance shall reduce the
non-controlling interests.

5.6.4. Changes in number of subsidiaries during the reporting period

A.Acquisition of subsidiaries during the reporting period

1.Treatment of acquiring subsidiaries from business combination under common control during the
reporting period

During the reporting period, if the Company acquires subsidiaries from the business combination under
common control, the beginning balance in the consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted. The income,

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

expenses and profits of the newly acquired subsidiaries from the beginning to the end of the reporting
period shall be included in the consolidated income statement. The cash flows of the newly acquired
subsidiaries from the beginning to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated
statement of cash flows.

2.Treatment of acquiring subsidiaries from business combination not under common control during the
reporting period

During the reporting period, if the Company acquires subsidiaries from the business combination not
under common control, the beginning balance in the consolidated balance sheet shall not be adjusted.
The income, expenses and profits of the newly acquired subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end
of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated income statement. The cash flows of the
newly acquired subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be included
in the consolidated statement of cash flows.

B.Treatment of disposing subsidiaries during the reporting period

During the reporting period, if the Company disposes subsidiaries, the beginning balance in the
consolidated balance sheet shall not be adjusted. The income, expenses and profits of the newly
disposed sub diaries from the beginning to the disposal date shall be included in the consolidated
income statement. The cash flows from the beginning to the disposal date shall be included in the
consolidated statement of cash flows.

5.7.Classification of joint venture arrangements and the accounting treatment
method of common operation
5.7.1. Classification of joint venture arrangements

A joint arrangement is classified as either a joint operation or a joint venture. A joint operation is a joint
arrangement whereby the joint operators have rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities,
relating to the arrangement. A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the joint ventures only have
the rights to the net assets under this arrangement.

A joint arrangement that is not structured through a separate vehicle shall be classified as a joint
operation. A separate vehicle refers to a separately identifiable financial structure, including separate
legal entities or entities without a legal personality but recognized by statute.

A joint arrangement that is structured through a separate vehicle is usually classified as a joint venture.
However, when a joint arrangement provides clear evidence that it meets any of the following
requirements and complies with applicable laws and regulations as a joint operation:
    a)   The legal form of the joint arrangement indicates that the parties that have joint control have
rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.
    b)   The terms of the joint arrangement specify that the parties that have joint control have the rights
to the assets, and the obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.
    c)   Other facts and circumstances indicate that the parties that have joint control have rights to the
assets, and the obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement---for example, the parties that

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have joint control have rights to substantially all of the output of the arrangement, and the arrangement
depends on the parties that have joint control on a continuous basis for settling the liabilities of the

5.7.2. Accounting treatment of a joint operation
    A joint operator shall recognize the following items in relation to its interest in a joint operation, and
account for them in accordance with relevant accounting standards:
    a)   Its solely-held assets, and its share of any assets held jointly;
    b)   Its solely-assumed liabilities, and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;
    c)   Its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;
    d)   Its share of the revenue from sale of the output by the joint operation; and
    e)   Its solely-incurred expenses and its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

5.8.Cash and cash equivalents

Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand.

Cash equivalents are the company’s short-term (due within 3 months from purchase date), highly liquid
investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an
insignificant risk of changes in value.

5.9.Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency statements
5.9.1. Accounting method of foreign currency transactions
A.Initial recognition of foreign currency transactions
For foreign currency transactions incurred, the Company converts the amount in foreign currency into
the amount in functional currency at the spot exchange rate (middle rate) announced by the People’s
Bank of China on the transaction date. Among them, for foreign currency exchange occurred or
transaction involving foreign currency exchange, the Company converts at the exchange rate actually
adopted on the transaction date.

B.Adjustment or settlement on the balance sheet date or settlement date
On the balance sheet date or the settlement date, the Company handles foreign currency monetary
items and foreign currency non-monetary items separately in accordance with the following methods:

1.Accounting principles for handling foreign currency monetary items
For foreign currency monetary items, on the balance sheet date or the settlement date, the Company
converts them by using the spot exchange rate (middle rate) prevailing on the balance sheet date or
settlement date, and adjusts the amount in functional currency of foreign currency monetary items in
respect of the difference arising from exchange rate fluctuations, which shall be treated as exchange
difference at the same time. Among them, the exchange differences arising from foreign currency loans
relating to the acquisition, construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization shall be included
in the costs of assets eligible for capitalization; other exchange differences shall be included in the
current financial expenses.

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2.Accounting principles for handling foreign currency non-monetary items
a) For foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost, the Company shall convert
them at the spot exchange rate (middle rate) prevailing on the transaction date, with their amounts in
functional currency remaining unchanged and no exchange differences incurred.

b) For an inventory that is measured at the lower of its costs or its net realizable values, if the net
realizable value is determined in foreign currency, the Company, when determining the value of the
inventory at the end of the period, shall firstly convert the net realizable value into functional currency
and then compare it with the inventory cost reflected in functional currency.

c)Non-monetary items measured at fair value that is reflected in foreign currency at the end of the period,
the Company shall firstly translate the foreign currency into the amount in functional currency at the spot
exchange rate on the date when the fair value is determined, and then compare it with the original
functional currency amount. Difference between the translated functional currency amount and the
original functional currency amount is treated as profit or loss from changes in fair value (including
changes in exchange rate) and is recognized in current profit and loss.

5.9.2. Accounting treatment method for translation of foreign currency statements

A.The Company shall translate the financial statements of foreign operations in accordance with the
following methods:

1.Assets and liabilities in the balance sheets shall be translated at the spot exchange rates on balance
sheet date. Shareholders’ equity items, except for the item of "undistributed profits", are translated at the
spot exchange rates on the dates when the transactions occur.

2.Revenue and expense items in the income statement are translated at the spot exchange rates on the
dates when the transactions occur or at the exchange rate determined in a systematical and reasonable
method and similar to the spot exchange rate on the day when the transactions occur.

3.Differences arising from the above translations of foreign currency financial statements are separately
listed under ‘other comprehensive income’ in the consolidated balance sheet.

a) The Company shall translate the financial statements of foreign operations that are in virulent inflation
economy in accordance with the following methods:

i.The Company restates the items in the balance sheet by using the general price index, and restates the
items in the income statement by using the changes in general price index, and then converts those
items at the spot exchange rate on the latest balance sheet date.

ii. Where the foreign operations are no longer in virulent inflation economy, the Company ceases to
restate the financial statements and converts the financial statements restated according to the price
level on such cease.

b) Where the Company disposes of an overseas business, it shall transfer the foreign currency financial
statements exchange difference, which relates to the business disposed of and is presented under the
items of the other comprehensive income in the balance sheet, from the other comprehensive income

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item to the gain or loss on disposal for the current period. If the overseas business is partly disposed of,
the foreign currency financial statements exchange difference shall be calculated in proportion to the
percentage of disposal and transferred to gain or loss on disposal for the current period.

5.10. Financial Instruments

Financial instruments include financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments.

5.10.1. Classification of financial instruments

A.Classification of financial assets

Based on business characteristics, investment strategies and risk management requirements, the
Company classifies the financial assets it has obtained into the following four categories: (1) financial
assets measured at fair value through current profit and loss; (2) held-to-maturity investments; (3) loans
and receivables; and (4) available-for-sale financial assets.

Financial assets measured at fair value through current profit and loss include: (1) financial assets held
for trading ; (2)financial assets directly designated to be measured at fair value through current profit and
loss; (3)investments in subsidiaries that shall not be consolidated by the investment entities ;
(4)investments held by venture capital organizations, mutual funds or similar entities.

The equity investment which hasn’t control , joint control or significant influence over the investee, based
on business characteristics, investment strategies and risk management requirements, can be divided
into the first kind of financial assets measured at fair value through current profit and loss or the fourth
kind of available-for-sale financial assets. In some special cases, the equity investment can be
measured under the cost method.

B.Classification of financial liabilities

Based on business characteristics and risk management requirements, the Company classifies the
financial liabilities it undertakes into the following two categories: (1) financial liabilities measured at fair
value through current profit and loss (including financial liabilities held for trading and financial liabilities
directly designated to be measured at fair value through current profit and loss); and (2) other financial

5.10.2. Recognition basis and measurement method of financial instruments

A. Recognition basis of financial instruments

When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument, it shall recognize a financial asset or
financial liability.

B.Measurement method of financial instruments

1.Financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value through current profit and loss: they are
initially measured at the amount of fair value upon acquisition, and relevant transaction expenses are
included in the current profit and loss when incurred. For cash dividends declared but not distributed or
bond interest matured but not drawn that have been included in the actual price paid, they shall be

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separately recognized as dividends receivable or interest receivable. Cash dividends or bond interest
gained during the holding period shall be recognized as investment income. On the balance sheet date,
they shall be measured at fair values and the changes in their fair values shall be included in current
profit or loss. When disposing of a financial asset held for trading, the Company recognizes the
difference between the payment actually received (dividends receivable or interest receivable, if any,
shall be deducted) and the book value of the financial asset held for trading on the disposal date, and
transfers the accumulative amount previously included in profit or loss on changes in fair value to the
investment income.

2.Held-to-maturity investments: they are initially measured at the total amount of their fair values upon
acquisition and related transaction expenses. For bond interest matured but not drawn that is included in
the actual price paid, they are independently recognized as interest receivable. Interest income is
calculated and recognized during the holding period according to the amortized cost and effective
interest rates, and included in the investment income. The effective interest rate is determined upon
acquisition, and remains unchanged during the expected duration or any applicable shorter period. On
the balance sheet date, they are measured at amortized costs. Upon disposal, the difference between
the actual proceeds (interest receivable, if any, shall be deducted) and the book value of the
held-to-maturity investment is recognized as investment income.

3.Loans and receivables: mainly refer to the loans issued by financial enterprises and creditor’s rights
receivable arising from external sales of goods or rendering of service by enterprises. It is measured
based on amortized cost by adopting effective interest method. The sum of principal and related trading
expenses of loans issued by financial enterprises according to current market conditions is recognized
as initial recognition amount. For creditor’s rights receivable arising from external sales of goods or
rendering of service by enterprises, their initial recognition amounts shall be the contract price or
agreement price receivable from the purchaser. Receivables’ interest income is recognized under the
effective interest method. Upon recovery or disposal, the difference between the price received and the
book value of a receivable is included in the current profit and loss.

4.Available-for-sale financial assets: they are initially recognized at the sum of fair value upon acquisition
and relevant transaction expenses. For cash dividends declared but not distributed or bond interest
matured but not drawn that has been included in the actual price paid, it shall be separately recognized
as dividends receivable or interest receivable. Cash dividends or bond interest gained during the holding
period shall be recognized as investment income. On the balance sheet date, the available-for-sale
financial assets are measured at fair values and the changes in their fair values are included in other
comprehensive income. Upon disposal, the difference between the payment actually received (dividends
receivable or interest receivable, if any, shall be deducted) and the book value of an available-for-sale
financial asset shall be included in investment income; and meanwhile, the amount arising from the
accumulated changes in fair value, which have been previously included in other comprehensive income,
shall be transferred out and included in the investment profit or loss.

5.Other financial liabilities: they are initially recognized at fair values at the time of occurrence plus
related transaction costs. Other financial liabilities, whose interest expenses are recognized by using the
effective interest method, are measured at their amortized costs on the balance sheet date.

5.10.3. Recognition basis and measurement method of transfer of financial assets

                                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

A.Derecognition criteria of financial assets

When transfer of financial assets occurs, if nearly all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the
financial assets have been transferred to the transferee, the Company derecognizes the financial assets;
if nearly all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets are retained, the Company shall
not derecognize the financial assets.

When determining whether the transfer of a financial asset meets the above derecognition criteria of
financial assets, the Company adopts the principle of substance over form.

B.Treatment of transfer of financial assets satisfying the criteria of derecognition

The Company classifies the transfer of a financial asset into the entire transfer and the partial transfer of
financial asset.

1.If the entire transfer of financial asset satisfies the criteria of derecognition, the difference between the
amounts of the following two items shall be included in the current profit and loss:

a) The book value of the transferred financial asset;

b) The sum of the consideration received from the transfer and the accumulated amount of the changes
in fair value originally and directly included in other comprehensive income (the situation where the
financial asset transferred is an available-for-sale financial asset is involved in).

2.If the partial transfer of financial asset satisfies the criteria of derecognition, the entire book value of the
transferred financial asset shall be divided between the derecognized and recognized parts according to
their respective fair values and the difference between the amounts of the following two items shall be
included in the current profit and loss:

a) The book value of derecognized part;

b)The sum of the consideration for the derecognized part and the portion of derecognition corresponding
to the accumulated amount of the changes in fair value originally and directly included in other
comprehensive income (the situation where the financial asset transferred is an available-for-sale
financial asset is involved in).

3.Treatment of transfer of financial assets not satisfying the criteria of derecognition

If the transfer of financial assets does not meet the derecognition criteria, the financial assets shall
continue to be recognized, and the consideration received will be recognized as a financial liability.

5.10.4. Derecognition criteria of financial liabilities

A.A financial liability shall be wholly or partly derecognized if its present obligations are wholly or partly
dissolved. Where the Company enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing
financial liabilities with any new financial liability, and the new financial liability is substantially different
from the contractual stipulations regarding the existing financial liability, it shall derecognize the existing
financial liability, and recognize a new one at the same time.

B.Where substantial revisions are made to some or all of the contractual stipulations of the existing
financial liability, the Company shall derecognize the existing financial liability wholly or partly, and at the

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same time recognize the financial liability with revised contractual stipulations as a new financial liability.

C.Upon whole or partial derecognition of financial liabilities, the difference between the book value of the
financial liabilities derecognized and the consideration paid (including non-cash assets surrendered or
new financial liabilities assumed) shall be included in the current profit and loss.

D.Where the Company repurchases part of its financial liabilities, it shall, on the repurchase date,
allocate the entire book value of financial liabilities according to the comparative fair value of the part that
continues to be recognized and derecognized part. The difference between the book value allocated to
the derecognized part and the considerations paid (including non-cash assets surrendered and the new
financial liabilities assumed) shall be included in the current profit and loss.

5.10.5.    Method to determine the fair value of financial instrument

A.The fair value of a financial asset or financial liability for which there is an active market shall be
determined in accordance with the quoted price in such active market at the measurement date.

B.The fair value of a financial asset or financial liability for which there isn’t an active market shall be
using valuation techniques. The recognition of the specific principles and methods are dealt with under
“Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.39—Fair Value Measurement”.

5.10.6. Criteria to identify, way to test and method to provide for the impairment of
financial assets (excluding receivables)

On the balance sheet date, the Company shall check the book values of its financial assets (excluding
the financial assets measured at fair value through current profit and loss), whether on an individual
basis or on a combination basis, recognizes impairment losses on the financial assets with objective
evidence of impairment, and provides reserves for the impairment. The objective evidence of impairment
of a financial asset includes the serious financial difficulties faced by the issuer or debtor, potential
bankruptcy or other financial reorganization incurred to the debtor, and the incapability of the financial
asset to be continuously traded in active market caused by the serious financial difficulties incurred to
the issuer, severe or prolonged decline in the fair value of equity instrument investment and other
adverse situations.

Methods to test and make provision for impairment of held-to-maturity investment

On the balance sheet date, if there is any objective evidence showing that any impairment has occurred
to a held-to-maturity investment, the impairment loss is recognized at the difference between its book
value and its present value of estimated future cash flows.

1.For a held-to-maturity investment that is individually significant, the Company conducts separate
impairment test. If there is any objective evidence of impairment, the Company recognizes the
impairment losses at the difference of its present value of estimated future cash flows in short of its book
value, and shall accordingly make the provision for such impairment.

2.For held-to-maturity investments that are individually insignificant and held-to-maturity investments
that are individually significant but have no impairment according to the separate test, they are divided
into several groups according to similar credit risk characteristics. The impairment losses and provisions
for impairment of these groups are calculated and determined based on certain proportions of their

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balances on the balance sheet date.

3.Methods to test and make provision for impairment of available-for-sale financial asset

On the balance sheet date, if there is any objective evidence showing that an available-for-sale financial
asset is impaired, the impairment provision shall be accrued and the impairment loss shall be recognized.
For an equity instrument investment, if significant or non-temporary decline in fair value of the
available-for-sale equity investment is found after giving comprehensive consideration to relevant factors,
it can be concluded that the available-for-sale equity investment is impaired. The "significant decline"
refers to a cumulative decline in the fair value exceeding 50% of the cost; and the "non-temporary
decline" refers to a continuous decline in the fair value of more than 12 months.

When making provision for the impairment of an available-for-sale financial asset, the accumulated loss
arising from the decline in fair value that is previously included in other comprehensive income shall be
transferred out and included in the current profit and loss. The accumulated loss transferred out shall be
balance of the available-for-sale financial asset’s initial acquisition cost after deducting the principal
recovered and amortized amount, present fair value and impairment loss previously recorded in profit or

After the recognition of an impairment loss, if there is objective evidence showing that the value of
financial assets has been recovered and such recovery is objectively related to the events occurring
after the recognition of such loss, the impairment loss previously recognized shall be reversed, the
impairment loss of available-for-sale equity investment shall be reversed and recognized as other
comprehensive income, and the impairment loss of available-for-sale debt instrument shall be reversed
and included in the current profit and loss.

For an equity instrument investment that has no quoted price in active market and whose fair value
cannot be reliably measured, or a derivative financial asset that is linked to the equity instrument and
settled through delivery of such equity instrument, when they are impaired, the difference between the
book value of the financial asset and the present value of future cash flows discounted based on the
prevailing market rate of return for a similar financial asset shall be recognized as an impairment loss
and included in the current profit and loss. Once recognized, the impairment loss shall not be reversed.

5.10.7. Accounting treatment method of reclassifying the undue held-to-maturity
investments as available-for-sale financial assets

Where it is not suitable to classify one investment as a held-to-maturity investment any more due to the
change in intention or ability to hold the investment, the Company shall reclassify such investment as
available-for-sale financial assets; where the Company partly disposes or reclassifies a held-to-maturity
investment large in amount, and such disposal or reclassification does not arise from any independent
event that is not under the control of the Company, not expected to recur and difficult to reasonably
anticipated, the remaining portion of the investment shall also be classified as available-for-sale financial

                                                               The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd


5.11.1. Individually significant receivables whose provisions are made separately

                                                                  Individually significant receivables refer to accounts
Recognition criteria of individually significant receivables      receivable whose ending balances are over RMB5,000,
                                                                  On the balance sheet date, the Company separately
                                                                  conducts impairment tests on those individually significant
                                                                  receivables. If there is any objective evidence of
                                                                  impairment, an impairment loss is recognized and a
                                                                  provision for bad debt is made, according to the difference
                                                                  of the present value of estimated future cash flows in short
                                                                  of the book value; Individually significant receivables that
                                                                  are proved to be not impaired according to the tests shall be
                                                                  incorporated into other individually insignificant receivables,
Provision method of individually significant receivables
                                                                  and their provisions for bad debts shall be made by using
                                                                  the aging analysis method based on their ending balances.
                                                                  Objective evidence of impairment incurred to receivables
                                                                  includes: (1) the debtor has significant financial difficulty; (2)
                                                                  the debtor violates contractual terms (such as the breach of
                                                                  contract or delay in repaying interest or principal); (3) a
                                                                  concession is made to the debtor in financial difficulty after
                                                                  considering economic or legal reasons; (4) the debtor is
                                                                  likely to face bankruptcy or other debt restructuring.

5.11.2. Receivables whose bad debt provisions are made by portfolio

                      Portfolio name                                            Provision method of bad debt
Aging Portfolios                                                  Aging analysis method
Other Portfolios                                                  Other method
Among portfolios, adopting aging analysis method:
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                               Proportion of provision for   Proportion of provision for other
                                                accounts receivable (%)              receivables (%)
Within 1 Year (Inclusive)                                              5.00%                             5.00%
1-2 years                                                                    10.00%                                       10.00%
2-3 Years                                                                    30.00%                                       30.00%
3-4 Years                                                                    50.00%                                       50.00%
4-5 Years                                                                    80.00%                                       80.00%
Over 5 Years                                                                100.00%                                     100.00%
Among portfolios, adopting percentage of balance method:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Among portfolios, adopting other method:
□Applicable √ N/A

5.11.3. Individually insignificant receivables whose provisions are made separately

                                                    Individually insignificant receivables refer to
Reason for making provision for bad debt
                                                    accounts receivable whose ending balances are
                                                    less than RMB5,000, 000.
                                                    The Company carries out separate impairment
                                                    tests on receivables that are individually
                                                    insignificant but have the following characteristics
                                                    (such as receivables involved in dispute or
                                                    litigation with the debtor and requiring arbitration;
                                                    and receivables for which there are clear
                                                    indications that the debtor is unable to fulfill the
                                                    repayment obligations). If there is any objective
                                                    evidence of impairment, the Company shall
Provision method of bad debt
                                                    recognize the impairment loss and make the bad
                                                    debt provision according to the difference of the
                                                    present value of future cash flows in short of the
                                                    book value. Meanwhile, for receivables that are
                                                    individually insignificant after the bad debt
                                                    provisions separately made are deducted, their
                                                    bad debt provisions shall be made according to
                                                    principles applied to portfolios of receivables with
                                                    similar credit risk characteristics by aging.


Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirement of special industry.

5.12.1. Classification of inventory

Inventories are classified as: raw materials, goods in progress, stock commodities, consigned
processing materials, revolving materials (including low-cost consumables, etc.

Measurement method of dispatched inventories

Dispatched materials and stock commodities are accounted for by using the weighted average method.

5.12.2. Basis to determine net realizable values of inventories and method of
provision for diminution value of inventories

A.Determination basis of net realizable values of inventories

1.In normal operation process, for merchandise inventories held directly for sale, including stock
commodities (finished goods) and materials for sale, their net realizable values are determined at their

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

estimated selling prices minus their estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges.

2.In normal operation process, for material inventories that need further processing, their net realizable
values are determined at the estimated selling prices of finished goods minus estimated costs to
completion, estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges.

3.For inventories held to execute sales contract or service contract, their net realizable values are
calculated on the basis of contract price. If the quantities of inventories specified in the sales contracts
are less than the quantities held by the Company, the net realizable value of the excess portion of
inventories shall be based on general selling prices.

4.The materials held for production shall be measured at cost if the net realizable value of the finished
products is higher than the cost. If a decline in the value of materials shows that the net realizable value
of the finished products is lower than the cost, the materials shall be measured at the net realizable

B.Provision for diminution in value of inventory

Provisions for diminution in value of inventory are made at the lower of costs or net realizable values on
a single basis. For inventories with large quantity and relatively low unit prices, the provision for loss on
decline in value of inventories shall be made on the ground of the categories of inventories.

5.12.3. Inventory system

The Company adopts perpetual inventory system and takes physical inventory counts on a regular

5.12.4. Amortization method of revolving materials

A.Amortization method of low-cost consumables:

Low-cost consumables are amortized in full at once.

B.Amortization method of packaging materials

Packing materials are amortized in full at once when fetched for use by the Company.

5.13. Assets held for sale

A.Scope of assets held for sale and disposal groups
The Company will classify the non-current asset or disposal groups as asset held for sale when the
Company recover the book value of non-current or disposal group mainly by selling (including exchange
of non-monetary assets with commercial nature ) rather than continuous usage.

Disposal group refers to a group of assets recognized as a whole to be sold or disposed by other ways in
a transformation and the liabilities directly related to these assets in this transformation.

B.Recognition condition of assets held for sale and disposal groups
The Company recognizes the non-current assets or disposal groups which meet with the following

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conditions as assets held for sale:

The assets or disposal groups will be immediately sold according to the usual terms of selling this kind of
components under the current conditions;The transformation will most likely occur,and namely the
Company had made a decision on the transformation and obtained certain purchase commitments. The
transformations should be completed within 1 years. The components shall be sold after gaining the
approval from the relevant authority institutions of the Company or supervision department according to
the regulations

C.Accounting treatment method and presentation of assets held for sale and disposal group
The Company measures the book value of the non-current assets or disposal groups according to
relevant accounting standards before classifying them as assets held for sale for the first time.

When the Company initially measures or remeasures the non-current assets or disposal groups held for
sale on the balance sheet date, if the book value is higher than its fair value minus selling expenses, the
book value shall be written down to the fair value minus selling expenses. The amount written down is
recognized as an impairment loss and it is included in current profits and losses. Meanwhile, the
provision for assets held for sale shall be made. For the amount of impairment losses of disposal groups
held for sale, firstly it deducts the book value of goodwill in the disposal groups,and then deducts the
book value in proportion according to the proportion of the book value of each non-current asset to the
total book value. The non-current assets held for sale are not depreciated or amortized.

The non-current assets held for sale or assets in the disposal groups held for sale cannot offset the
liabilities in the disposal groups. They should be separately listed as current assets and current liabilities.

For the Company that loses control of its subsidiaries because of selling its investment in subsidiaries,
whether the Company retain a part of equity investment or not, the investment in subsidiaries shall be
classified as assets held for sale as whole in the individual financial statements of the parent company
and all assets and liabilities of the subsidiaries shall be classified as assets held for sale in the
consolidated financial statement, when the investment in subsidiaries planned to be sold meets the
classifying conditions of the assets held for sale.

5.14. Long-Term Equity Investment

5.14.1. Recognition of the initial investment costs of long-term equity investments

A.For long-term equity investments from business combinations, the initial investment cost shall be
recognized in accordance with the provisions mentioned in Note 3.5, Accounting Method for Long-term
Equity Investment from Business Combinations under Common Control and Business Combination not
under Common Control.

B.Except for the long-term equity investments arising from business combinations, those obtained by
other means shall recognize their initial investment costs in accordance with the following provisions:

1.For the long-term equity investments obtained by cash paid, the Company recognizes the actual
purchase price as the initial investment costs. The initial investment costs include directly related

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expense, taxes and other necessary expenses of obtaining long-term equity investments.

2.For the long-term equity investments acquired by the issue of equity securities (equity instrument), the
initial investment cost shall be the fair value of the equity securities (equity instrument) issued. If the fair
value of the long-term equity investment obtained is more reliable than equity securities issued, the initial
investment cost shall be the fair value of the long-term equity investment made by the investors. The
cost directly attributable to the issue of equity securities (equity instrument), including fees, commissions,
etc., write-downs premium price of the issue, if premium price of the issue is insufficient, write-downs
surplus reserve and undistributed profit in turn. For the long-term equity investments acquired by the
issue of debt securities (debt instrument) , reference through the issuance of equity securities (equity

3.For long-term equity investments obtained by debt restructuring, the Company recognizes the fair
value of shares of debt-for-equity swap as the initial investment costs.

4.For long-term equity investments obtained by non-monetary assets exchange, under the condition that
an exchange of non-monetary assets is of commerce nature and the fair value of assets exchanged can
be reliably measured, non-monetary assets traded in is initially stated at the fair value of the assets
traded out, unless there is conclusive evidence indicating that the fair value of the assets traded in is
more reliable; if the above conditions are not satisfied, initial investment costs of long-term equity
investments traded in shall be recognized at the book value of the assets traded out and the relevant
taxes and surcharges payable.

Expenses, taxes and other necessary expenses incurred to the Company and that are directly related to
the obtainment of long-term equity investments shall be recognized as the initial investment costs of
long-term equity investments.

For long-term equity investments obtained by the Company by any means, cash dividends or profits
declared but not yet distributed in the actual payments or the consideration actually paid for the
investment shall be separately accounted as dividends receivable and shall not constitute the costs of
long-term equity investments.

5.14.2. Subsequent measurement and recognition of gains and losses of long-term
equity investments

A.If the Company can control an investee, namely investment in subsidiary,                    the long-term equity
investment shall be measured under the cost method.

For long-term equity investments accounted at the cost method, except cash dividends or profits
declared but not yet distributed which are included in the actual payments or the consideration actually
paid for the investment, the cash dividends or profits declared by the investee shall be recognized as the
investment income irrespective of net profits realized by the investee before investment or after

B.Long-term equity investments measured under the equity method

1.For the long-term equity investment which has joint control or significant influence over the investee,
the equity method is adopted for accounting.

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2.For long-term equity investments measured at the equity method, if the initial investment costs are
higher than the investor’s attributable share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets, no
adjustment will be made to the initial costs of the long-term equity investments; if the initial investment
costs are lower than the investor’s attributable share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net
assets, the difference shall be recognized in current profit and loss and at the same time the adjustment
will be made to the initial costs of the long-term equity investments.

3.After obtaining the long-term equity investments, the Company shall, according to the shares of net
profits and other comprehensive income realized by the investee that shall be enjoyed or borne by the
Company, recognize the profit and loss on the investments and adjust the book value of the long-term
equity investments. When recognizing the net profits and losses and other comprehensive income of the
investee that the Company shall enjoy or bear, the Company shall make a recognition and calculation
based on the net book profits and losses of the investee after appropriate adjustments. However, where
the Company is unable to obtain the relevant information due to failure to reasonably determine the fair
value of the investee’s identifiable assets, minor difference between the investee’s identifiable assets
and the book value thereof or other reasons, the profits or losses on the investments shall be directly
calculated and recognized based on the net book profits and losses of the investee. The Company shall
calculate the part distributed from cash dividends or profits declared by the investee and correspondingly
reduce the book value of the long-term equity investments.

When recognizing the income from investments in associates and joint ventures, the Company shall
write off the part of incomes from internal unrealized transactions between the Company and associates
and joint ventures which are attributable to the Company and recognize the profit and loss on
investments on such basis. Where the losses on internal transactions between the Company and the
investee fall into the scope of losses on assets impairment, full amounts of such losses shall be
recognized. Profit and loss from internal unrealized transactions between the Company’s subsidiaries
included into the combination scope and associates and joint ventures shall be written off according to
the above principles and the profit and loss on investments thereafter shall be recognized on such basis.

When the share of net loss of the investee attributable to the Company is recognized, it is treated in the
following sequence: Firstly, write off the book value of the long-term equity investments; where the book
value of the long-term equity investments is insufficient to cover the loss, investment losses are
recognized to the extent that book value of long-term equity which form net investment in the investee in
other substances and the book value of long-term receivables shall be written off; after all the above
treatments, if the Company still assumes additional obligation according to investment contracts or
agreements, the obligation expected to be assumed should be recognized as provision and included into
the investment loss in the current period. If the investee is profitable in subsequent accounting periods,
the Company shall treat the loss in reverse order against that described above after deducting
unrecognized share of loss: i.e. write down the book value of the recognized provision, then restore the
book value of long-term interests which substantially form net investments in the investee, then restore
the book value of long-term investments, and recognize investment income at the same time.

5.14.3. Basis for judgment of common control or significant influence over the

A.Basis for judgment of common control over investee

                                                       The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Common control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only
when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
Relevant activities of an arrangement usually include selling and purchasing of goods or services,
managing financial assets, acquiring or disposing of assets, researching and developing activities and
financing activities. A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the joint ventures have rights to the
net assets of the arrangement. The parties have rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities,
relating to the arrangement, which is a joint operation, but not a joint venture.

B.Basis for judgment of significant influence over investee

The term ‘significant influence’ refers to the power to participate in decision-making on the financial and
operating policies of the investee, but with no control or joint control over the formulation of these policies.
Where the Company is able to exert significant influence over the investee, the investee is its associate.

5.15. Fixed assets

5.15.1. Recognition of fixed assets

Fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for the purpose of producing commodities, providing services,
renting or business management with useful life exceeding one accounting year. Fixed assets are
recognized when the following criteria are satisfied simultaneously:

A.It is probable that the economic benefits relating to the fixed assets will flow into the Company;

B.The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.

5.15.2. Depreciation of fixed assets

                                                     Estimated                    Annual
                           Estimated Useful                                                              Estimated Useful
      Category                                     Residual Value               Depreciation
                               Life (Yr)                                                                     Life (Yr)
                                                     Rate (%)                    Rate (%)
                      Straight-line method    20~25                   5                         3.80~4.75
Machinery Equipments Straight-line method     10                       5                         9.50
                      Straight-line method    10                       5                         9.50
Other Equipments      Straight-line method    8                        5                         11.88

A.Except for the fixed assets that have been fully depreciated but are still in use and the land, the
Company makes provisions for depreciation of all fixed assets.

B.Depreciation of fixed assets of the Company is provided for on a straight-line basis from the month
immediately following the month when they reach the working condition for their intended use. The
depreciation amount and depreciation rate shall be calculated and recognized according to the category,
estimated useful lives and estimated net residual value rate of fixed assets and respectively included into
the costs of the relevant assets or the current profit and loss by purpose.

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

C.When making provision for impairment on fixed assets, the Company shall recalculate the
depreciation rate and depreciation amount according to the book value, the estimated net residual value
rate and useful lives of the fixed assets.

D.On the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the estimated useful life, estimated net residual
value rate and depreciation method of the fixed assets. If there is any change, they shall be treated as
changes in accounting estimate.

E.Decoration expense of fixed assets that meet the condition of capitalization shall be depreciated
separately by adopting straight-line method within the short period between twice decoration and useful
life of the fixed assets.

5.15.3. Recognition standard, valuation method and depreciation method for fixed
assets acquired under financing lease

A.At the inception of the lease, the Company recognizes the leased fixed assets meeting the standards
for financial leases as fixed assets acquired under financing leases.

B.At the inception of the lease, the Company shall state the assets acquired under financing lease at the
lower of the fair value of the leased assets or the present value of the minimum lease payments, as well
as the initial and direct expenses occurred, recognize a long-term payable at the amount of the minimum
lease payments, and shall charge the difference of the lower of the fair value of the leased assets or the
present value of the minimum lease payments and the minimum lease payments to unrecognized
finance expenses. Unrecognized finance expenses shall be amortized at the effective interest rate
method in each period during the lease term.

C.Adapt the same depreciation method as the one used on other fixed assets owned by the company. If
there is reasonable assurance that the Company will obtain the ownership of the leased assets when the
lease term expires, the leased assets should be depreciated over its useful life; if there is no reasonable
assurance that the Company will obtain the ownership of the leased assets when the lease term expires,
the leased assets should be depreciated over the shorter of the lease term or the useful life of the leased

5.16. Construction in Progress

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirement of special industry.

5.16.1. Categories of Constructions in Progress

Constructions in progress are accounted on individual project basis.

5.16.2. Criteria and Commencement of Conversion of Constructions in Progress into
Fixed Assets

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

The book entry values of the fixed assets are stated at total expenditures incurred before construction in
progress reaches the working condition for their intended use. For self-operating projects, total
expenditures are measured according to the expenditures of direct materials, direct labor, direct
measurement mechanical construction costs and other expenditures; for contracting projects, total
expenditures are measured according to project costs payable and other expenditures. Borrowing costs
incurred before the projects that are undertaking with borrowing costs reach working condition for their
intended use and meeting the condition for capitalization shall be capitalized and included into the costs
of construction in progress.

For construction in progress that has reached working condition for intended use but for which the
completion of settlement has not been handled, it shall be transferred into fixed assets at the estimated
value according to the project budget, construction price or actual cost, etc. from the date when it
reaches the working condition for intended use and the fixed assets shall be depreciated in accordance
with the Company’s policy on fixed asset depreciation; adjustment shall be made to the estimated value
based on the actual cost after the completion of settlement is handled, but depreciation already provided
will not be adjusted.

5.17. Borrowing costs

5.17.1. Scope of borrowing costs

The Company’s borrowing costs include interest thereon, amortization of discounts or premiums,
ancillary expenses and exchange differences incurred from foreign currency loan, etc.

5.17.2. Recognition principles of capitalization of borrowing costs

The borrowing costs incurred to the Company and directly attributable to the acquisition and construction
or production of assets eligible for capitalization should be capitalized and recorded into relevant asset
costs; other borrowing costs should be recognized as costs according to the amount incurred and be
included into the current profit and loss.

Assets eligible for capitalization include fixed assets, investment properties, inventories and other assets
which may reach the working condition for their intended use or sale by acquisition and construction or
production activities for quite long time.

5.17.3. Recognition of capitalization period of borrowing costs

A.Recognition of commencement of capitalization of borrowing costs

Borrowing costs may be capitalized when asset disbursements have already been incurred, borrowing
costs have already been incurred and the acquisition and construction or production activities which are
necessary to prepare the assets for their intended use or sale have already been started. Among which,
asset disbursements include those incurred by cash payment, the transfer of non-cash assets or the

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

undertaking of interest-bearing debts for acquiring and constructing or producing assets eligible for

B.Recognition of period of capitalization suspension of borrowing costs

If the acquisition and construction or production activities of assets eligible for capitalization are
interrupted abnormally and this condition lasts for more than three months, the capitalization of
borrowing costs should be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during interruption are charged to
profit or loss for the current period, and the capitalization of borrowing costs continues when the
acquisition and construction or production activities of the asset resume. If the interruption is necessary
for the acquisition and construction or production to prepare the assets for their intended use or sale, the
capitalization of borrowing costs should continue.

C.Recognition of period of capitalization cessation of borrowing costs

Capitalization of borrowing costs should cease when the acquired and constructed or produced assets
eligible for capitalization have reached the working condition for their intended use or sale. Borrowing
costs incurred after the assets eligible for capitalization have reached the working condition for their
intended use or sale should be recognized as the current profit and loss when they incur.

If all parts of the acquired and constructed or produced assets are completed, each part may be used or
sold externally in the process of continuous construction of other parts and the necessary acquisition or
production activities have been substantially completed to make the part of assets reach the working
condition for their intended use or sale, the capitalization of borrowing costs related to the part of assets
should be ceased; if all parts of the acquired and constructed or produced assets are completed but the
assets cannot be used or sold externally until overall completion, the capitalization of borrowing costs
should cease at the time of overall completion of the said assets.

5.17.4. Recognition of capitalized amounts of borrowing costs

A.Recognition of capitalized amounts of interest on borrowing costs

During the period of capitalization, capitalized amount of the interest of each accounting period
(including amortization of discounts or premiums) shall be recognized according to the following

1.As for special loan borrowed for acquiring and constructing or producing assets eligible for
capitalization, borrowing costs of special loan actually incurred in the current period less the interest
income of the loans unused and deposited in bank or return on temporary investment should be
recognized as the capitalization amount of borrowing costs.

2.As for general loans used for acquiring and constructing or producing assets eligible for capitalization,
the interest of general loans to be capitalized should be calculated by multiplying the weighted average
of asset disbursements of the part of accumulated asset disbursements in excess of special loans by the
capitalization rate of used general loans. The capitalization rate is calculated by weighted average
interest rate of general loans.

3.Where there are discounts or premiums on loans, the amounts of interest for each accounting period
should be adjusted taking account of amortizable discount or premium amounts for the period by

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

effective interest method.

4.During the period of capitalization, the capitalized amount of interest of each accounting period shall
not exceed the current actual interest of the relevant loans.

B.Recognition of capitalized amounts of auxiliary expenses of loans

1.Auxiliary expenses incurred from special loans before the acquired or constructed assets eligible for
capitalization reach the working condition for their intended use or sale should be capitalized when they
incur and charged to the costs of assets eligible for capitalization; those incurred after the acquired or
constructed assets eligible for capitalization reach the working condition for their intended use or sale
should be recognized as costs according to the amounts incurred when they incur and charged to the
current profit or loss.

2.Auxiliary expenses incurred from general loans shall be recognized as costs according to the amounts
incurred when they occur and included in the current profit and loss.

C.Recognition of capitalized amount of exchange differences

During the period of capitalization, exchange differences incurred from the principal and interest of
special foreign currency loans should be capitalized and included in the costs of the assets eligible for

5.18. Intangible Assets

5.18.1. Measurement, Useful Life and Impairment Test

A.Initial measurement of intangible assets
Initial measurement of outsourcing intangible assets
Costs of outsourcing intangible assets shall be recognized according to the purchase price, related taxes
and other expenses directly attributed to reaching the working condition for their intended use. The cost
of intangible assets shall be recognized based on present value of purchase price when deferred
payment over normal credit conditions with financial nature. The difference between actual payment and
purchase price, expect for capitalized amount, shall be included into the current profit and loss in the
period of credit.

Initial measurement of internally researched and developed intangible assets
Costs of internally researched and developed intangible assets shall be recognized according to the total
expenses during the period after the assets are eligible for capitalization and before they reach the
intended purpose and the expenses that have been included in the previous periods shall no longer be

Expenses on the research phase of internally researched and developed intangible assets shall be
included in the current profit and loss when they incur; those on the development phase ineligible for
capitalization shall be included in the current profit and loss; those eligible for capitalization shall be
recognized as intangible assets. If it is unable to distinguish expenditure on the research phase and

                                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

expenditure on development phase, the research and development expenditures shall be all included in
the current profit and loss.

B.Subsequent measurement of intangible assets
The useful lives of intangible assets are analyzed on acquisition. Intangible assets obtained by the
Company are divided into intangible assets with limited useful lives and intangible assets with indefinite
useful lives.

1.Subsequent measurement of intangible assets with limited useful lives
The intangible assets with limited useful lives are amortized on a straight-line basis when they reach
intended use over their useful lives with no residual value reserved. Amortizations of intangible assets
are usually recorded into the current profit and loss; where the economic benefits of an intangible asset
are realized by the products or other assets produced thereafter, the amortizations are recorded into the
costs of the relevant assets.

Category, estimated useful life, estimated net residual value rate and annual amortization rate of
intangible assets are shown below:
                                                                 Estimated net residual value   Annual amortization rate
Category of intangible assets   Estimated useful life (years)
                                                                          rate (%)                       (%)
Land use right                               50                               0                                        2.00

Trademark                                   7-10                              0                                14.29-10.00
Computer software                            10                               0                                       10.00

The useful lives and amortization methods of intangible assets with limited useful lives on the balance
sheet date shall be reviewed.

2.Subsequent measurement of intangible assets with indefinite useful lives
Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are not amortized in the holding period, but impairment tests
are performed at the end of each year.

3.Estimates of useful lives of intangible assets
a) For intangible assets from any contractual right or other statutory rights, their useful lives shall be
recognized according to the period no more than that of the contractual or other statutory rights; when
the contractual right or other statutory rights contract is extended due to renewal of contracts and there is
evidence that the renewal of the Company does not need large costs, the renewal period shall be
included into the useful lives.

b)Where the contract or the law fails to specify the useful lives, the Company integrates situations in all
aspects and determine the period of intangible assets that can bring economic benefits for the Company
by hiring the relevant experts to demonstrate or comparing with the situation of the industry as well as
referring to the Company’s historical experience or otherwise.

c)If it is still unable to reasonably determine that intangible assets may bring economic benefits for the
Company according to the above methods, the intangible assets are taken as intangible assets with

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

indefinite useful lives.

5.18.2. Accounting policies of internal research and development expenditure

According to the actual situation of the research and development, the Company classifies the research
and development project into that on the research phase and that on the development phase.

a)Research stage
Research stage is the stage when creative and planned investigations and research activities are
conducted to acquire and understand new scientific or technological knowledge.

b)Development stage
Development stage is the stage when the research achievements or other knowledge are applied to a
plan or design, prior to the commercial production or use, so as to produce any new or substantially
improved material, device or product.

Expenditure of an internal research and development project on the research phase shall be included in
current profit and loss when it occurs.

Specific criteria for qualifying expenditure on the development phase for capitalization
Expenditure on the development phase of an internal research and development project shall be
recognized as intangible assets only when the following conditions are simultaneously satisfied:

a)It is technically feasible to finish intangible assets for use or sale;
b)It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;
c)The usefulness of intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being
able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible
assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets themselves or the intangible assets will be
used internally;
d)It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets,
with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources;
e)The expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be measured

5.19. Impairment of long-term assets

For the long-term equity investments, investment properties measured at cost model,fixed assets,
construction in progress and intangible assets with limited useful lives,if there are signs of impairment,
an impairment test will be conducted on the balance sheet date. If the result of impairment test indicates
that recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its book value, the difference should be recognized as
a provision for impairment and recognized in impairment losses. The recoverable amount of the asset is
the higher of the net amount of its fair value less disposal expenses and the present value of its
estimated future cash flows. The provision for impairment shall be calculated and recognized based on
individual assets. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Company

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will estimate the recoverable amount of the asset group that the individual asset belongs to.

Asset group is the smallest asset portfolio that is able to generate independent cash flow.

The Company should conduct an impairment test on goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful
lives at least at the end of each year whether there is an indication of impairment.

When the Company conducts an impairment test on assets, the book value of goodwill formed by
business combination shall be apportioned to related asset groups by reasonable method from the date
of purchase. If it is difficult to be apportioned to relevant asset groups, it shall be apportioned to relevant
portfolio of asset groups. When apportioning the book value of goodwill to relevant asset groups or
portfolio of asset groups, it shall be apportioned on the basis of the proportion of the fair value of each
asset group or portfolio of asset groups to the total fair value of the relevant asset groups or portfolio of
asset groups. If the fair value is difficult to be measured reliably, it shall be apportioned on the basis of
the proportion of the book value of each asset group or portfolio of asset groups to the total book value of
the relevant asset groups or portfolios of asset groups. When conducting an impairment test on the
relevant asset groups or portfolio of asset groups containing goodwill, if there is an an indication of
impairment of asset groups or portfolio of asset groups related to the goodwill, the Company shall first
conduct an impairment test on the asset groups or portfolio of asset groups, calculate the recoverable
amount, compare it with the relevant book value and recognize the corresponding impairment loss. Then
the Company shall conduct an impairment on the asset groups or portfolio of asset groups containing
goodwill, and compare the book value of these relevant asset groups or portfolio of asset
groups(including apportioned part of the book value of goodwill) with the recoverable amount. If the
recoverable amount of relevant asset groups or portfolio of asset groups is lower than its book value, the
impairment loss of the goodwill shall be recognized.

Once the above impairment losses are recognized, it is not allowed to be reversed in subsequent period.

5.20. Long-term deferred expenses

5.20.1. Scope of long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses refer to various expenses which have been already incurred but will be
born in this period and in the future with an amortization period of over 1 year (exclusive).

5.20.2. Initial measurement of long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses shall be initially measured according to the actual costs incurred.

5.20.3. Amortization of long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses are amortized using the straight-line method over the beneficial period.

5.21. Employee benefits
5.21.1. Accounting Treatment of Short-term Benefits

Short-term benefits are the benefits that the Company expect to pay in full within 12 months after the

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

reporting period in which the employee provided relevant services, excluding the compensation for
employment termination.

Short-term benefits include: wage, bonus, allowance and subsidy; employee welfare, social securities
including health insurance and work injury insurance; housing common reserve fund; union expenditure
and employee training expenditure; short-term paid leave; short-term profit-sharing; non-monetary
welfare and other short-term benefits.

Actual short term benefits will be recognized as liability during the accounting period in which the
employee is providing the relevant service to the Company. The liability will be included in the current
profits and losses or the cost relevant assets.

5.21.2. Accounting Treatment of Post-employment Benefits

The defined contribution plan of the Company include payments of basic pension, unemployment
insurance, annuity, etc. that accord to relevant provisions. The amount which the Company deposit on
balance sheet date in exchange for the service of the employee during the accounting period will be
recognized as employee benefits liability and shall be included into the profit or loss for the current

5.21.3. Accounting Treatment of Termination benefits

Termination benefits are the benefits the Company provide to the employee when the Company
terminates the employment before labor contract expires or encourages voluntary resignation. Employee
benefits liabilities shall be recognized and included into profit or loss for the current period on the earlier
date of the two following circumstances:

A.When the Company is not able to withdraw the benefits from termination of employment or resignation
persuasion unilaterally;

B.When the Company recognizes costs and fees relevant to reforming the termination benefits payment.

5.21.4. Accounting Treatment of Other long-term employee benefits

Other long-term employee benefits are all employee benefits other than short-term benefits,
post-employment benefits and termination benefits. At the end of reporting period, the company will
recognize the employee benefits cost from other long-term employee benefits as the following

A.Service cost;

B.Net amount of interest from other long-term employee benefits net liabilities or assets;

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

C.Changes from recalculation of the net liabilities or assets from other long-term employee benefits.

In order to simplify related accounting procedure, the net amount of the above subjects shall be included
into current profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets.

5.22. Provisions

A.Recognition principals of provisions.
The Company should recognize provisions. When the related obligation of contingent events including
external guarantee, pending litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance, onerous contract and
restructuring meets the following three conditions:
1. The obligation is a present obligation of enterprise
2. it is probable to have an outflow of economic benefits of the enterprise since implementation of
A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

B. Measurement method of estimated liability
The amount of estimated liability should be the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the
liability. Where there is a range of possible amounts of expenditure required to settle the liability, the best
estimate should be determined according to the average of the lower and upper limit of the range.

Under other circumstance, the best estimate should be determined in accordance with the following
1.Where the contingency involves a single item, the best estimate should be determined according to the
most likely outcome;
2,Where the contingency involves several items, the best estimate should be determined by weighting
all possible outcomes by their associated probabilities of occurrence.

5.23. Revenue

Whether the Company needs to comply with the requirement disclosure of special industry

Operating revenue of the Company mainly includes revenue from sales of goods, revenue from
rendering of service and revenue from transfer of asset use right, for which the recognition principles are
as follows:

5.23.1. Recognition principals of revenue from sales of goods

Revenue from sales of goods is recognized when the Company has transferred significant risks and
rewards of ownership of the goods to the purchaser; the Company retains neither continuing managerial
involvement usually related to the ownership nor effective control over the sold goods; revenues can be
measured reliably; the relevant economic benefits are highly likely to flow into the Company; and the
relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably.

The Company’s specific condition of revenue recognition is that revenue is recognized after customer

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

acceptance based on receiving payment or obtaining the rights of claiming payment for goods
according to signed sales contracts or agreements.

The Company offers a certain percentage discount to dealers according to marketing policies and sales
status of dealers of liquor products. The settlement with dealers is made regularly or irregularly. The
sales revenue is recognized based on (net) invoice amount after discount when the discount is included
to invoice. According to accrual basis principle , the discount incurred but not yet settled shall be
recognized in sales revenue and included to other payables.

5.23.2. Recognition principals of revenue from rendering of service

Recognition principals of revenue from rendering of service under the circumstance that the outcome of
service transactions can be estimated reliably

The Company recognizes revenue from rendering of service using the percentage-of-completion method
on the balance sheet date when the outcome of service transactions can be estimated reliably.

When the amount of revenues can be measured reliably, related economic interests are likely to flow into
the company, schedule of completion of the transitions can be measured reliably and the cost of
transactions incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably, the outcome of service transactions
can be estimated reliably.

Recognition principals of revenue from rendering of service under the circumstance that the outcome of
service transactions cannot be estimated reliably

If the outcome of rendering of services on the balance sheet date cannot be measured reliably, the
revenues from rendering of services shall be recognized according to the following three conditions:

A.If the labor costs that have already incurred can be fully compensated, the revenues from rendering of
services are recognized at the amounts recovered or expected to be recovered and the labor costs that
have already incurred shall be carried forward;

B.If the labor costs that have already incurred can be partially compensated, the revenues from
rendering of services are recognized at the recoverable amounts of compensated labor costs and the
labor costs that have already incurred shall be carried forward;

C.If it is expected that all the labor costs that have already incurred cannot be compensated, the labor
costs that have already incurred are included into the current profit and loss (costs of primary business)
and the revenues from rendering of services are not recognized.

5.23.3. Recognition principals of revenue from transfer of asset use right

When economic benefits related to transactions are highly likely to flow into the Company and the
amount of revenue can be reliably measured, the revenue from transfer of asset use right is recognized.

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5.24. Government grants

5.24.1. Judgement basis and accounting treatment method of government grants
related to assets

Government grants related to assets refer to the government grants obtained by enterprises for the
purchase and construction of long-term assets or other ways to form the long-term assets.

The government grants related to assets shall be recognized to write down the book value of related
assets or as deferred income at the actual entry amount on acquisition. The latter shall be allocated
evenly over the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profit or loss. Government
grants measured at the nominal amount shall be directly included in current profit and loss.

5.24.2. Judgement basis and accounting treatment method of government grants
related to income

Government grants related to income refer to the government grants beyond the scope of government
grants related to assets.

Government grants related to income shall be separately handled according to the following

A. If government grants related to income are used to compensate the Company’s relevant expenses or
losses in future periods, such government grants should be recognized as deferred income on
acquisition and be included into the current profit and loss or to write down related expenses during the
period of recognition of the relevant expenses.
B..If government grants related to income are used to compensate the Company’s relevant expenses or
losses incurred, such government grants are directly included into the current profit and loss or to write
down related expenses on acquisition.

5.25. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

The Company adopts the balance sheet liability method to account for income tax.

5.25.1. Recognition of deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities
A.The Company recognizes its tax base on acquisition of assets and liabilities. On the balance sheet
date, the Company analyzes and compares the book value of the assets and liabilities and the tax base.
If there are temporary differences in book value of the assets and liabilities and the tax base, under the
circumstance that the temporary differences incur in the current period and meet the recognition criteria,
the Company shall respectively recognize taxable temporary differences or deductible temporary
differences as deferred tax liability or deferred tax assets.

B.Recognition basis of deferred tax assets
1.Deferred tax assets incurred from deductible temporary differences are recognized to the extent that

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

they shall not exceed the taxable income probably obtained in future periods to be against the deductible
temporary difference. In determining the taxable income probably obtained in future periods, including
the taxable income from normal production and operation activities in future periods and the increase of
taxable income due to the reversal of taxable temporary differences during the period of reversal of
deductible temporary differences.

2.For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward to the next years, the Company is
likely to recognize the corresponding deferred tax assets to the extent that the assets shall not exceed
the taxable income in the future for deducting deductible losses and tax credits and that are probably
obtained by the Company.

3.On the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the book value of deferred tax assets. If it is
probably unable to obtain sufficient taxable income in the future period to offset the benefits of the
deferred tax assets, the Company shall write down the book value of the deferred tax assets; when it is
probable to obtain sufficient taxable income, the write-downs shall be reversed.

C.Recognition basis of deferred tax liabilities
The Company recognizes the current and previous taxable temporary differences payable but unpaid as
deferred tax liabilities. But they exclude temporary differences arising from goodwill; transactions which
are formed other than from business combinations and neither affect the accounting profits nor affect
taxable income at the time of occurrence.

5.25.2. Measurement of deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities
A.On the balance sheet date, the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the
applicable tax rate during the period of expected recovery of the assets or liquidation of the liabilities in
accordance with the provisions of the tax law.

B.Where the applicable tax rate changes, the Company remeasures deferred tax assets and deferred
tax liabilities recognized, except for those incurred in transactions or events directly recognized in the
owner’s equity, of which the effect shall be included in the income tax expenses in the current period
when the rate changes.

C. When the Company measures the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities, the tax rate and tax
base in consistent with the expected recovery of assets or liquidation of liabilities shall be adopted.

D.Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities of the Company shall not be discounted.

5.26. Lease

5.26.1. Accounting treatment method of operating lease

The rents from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee in the relevant asset costs or profits and
losses of the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term. The
initial direct costs incurred shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the current period. The

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contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they actually

A lessor shall include the assets subject to operating leases in relevant items of its balance sheets in
light of the nature of the asset. The rents from operating leases shall be recorded in the profits and
losses of the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term. The
initial direct costs incurred to a lessor shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
As for the fixed assets subject to operating leases, the lessor shall calculate the depreciation of it by
adopting depreciation policy for similar assets. As for other leased assets, systematic and reasonable
methods shall be adopted for its amortization. The contingent rents shall be recorded in the profits and
losses of the period in which they actually arise.

5.26.2. Accounting treatment method of financing lease

On the lease beginning date, a lessee shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and
the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the entering value in
an account, recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as the entering value in an account of
long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the recorded amount of the leased asset and
the long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges. The initial direct costs such as
commissions, attorney’s fees and travelling expenses, stamp duties directly attributable to the leased
item incurred during the process of lease negotiating and signing the leasing agreement shall be
recorded in the asset value of the current period. Unrecognized financing charges are apportioned in
each period of lease term. The lessee shall adopt the effective interest rate method to calculate and
recognize the financing charge in the current period. Contingent rents shall be recognized as an
expense in the period in which they are actually incurred.

On the beginning date of the lease term, a lessor shall recognize the sum of the minimum lease receipts
on the lease beginning date and the initial direct costs as the entering value in an account of the
financing lease values receivables, and record the unguaranteed residual value at the same time. The
balance between the sums of the minimum lease receipts, the initial direct costs and the unguaranteed
residual value, and the sum of their present values shall be recognized as unrealized financing
income.Unrealized financing income is apportioned in each period of lease term. The lessor shall
calculate the financing income at the current period by adopting the effective interest rate method.
Contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the period in which they actually arise.

27,Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

27.1 Changes in significant accounting policies
√ Applicable □ N/A

Content and reason of changes in Procedure for examination and
      accounting policies                  approval
1,Since 1 January 2017, the
                                 Deliberations of the third session
government grants related to the
                                 of the sixth board of directors
Company’s daily activities has

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

been adjusted from
“Non-operating expenses” to
“Other income”. Comparative
data was not adjusted. 2,
Disposal gains and losses from
assets originally listed in
“Non-operating income” and
“Non-operating expenses” were
reclassified to the newly added
item “Asset disposal income” in
the income statement.
Comparative data was adjusted.

In 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued The Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.42- Non-current
assets held for sale, disposal group and termination of operation. It has been implemented since 28 May
2017. The non-current assets, disposal group and termination of operation existing in the implement
date are treated by prospective application.

In 2017, the Ministry of Finance revised The Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 16- Government
Grants. Since 12 June 2017, the government grants existing in 1 January have been treated by
prospective application. The newly added government grants from 1 January 2017 to the implementation
date are adjusted according to the revised standard.

In 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Revising the format of
general corporate financial statements. It revises the formation of general corporate financial statements.
It is applicable for financial statements of fiscal year 2017 and subsequent periods.

The above changes in significant accounting policies were approved by the third session of the sixth
board of directors. The adjustment were made by the Company based on requirements of the above
standards and notices. The financial report items and affected amounts as follows:
  Content and reason of changes in        Name of affected Affected amount Affected amount in the
        accounting policies                 report items    in the current same period last year
(1)Since 1 January 2017, the              Non-operating         -44,745,640.94                              N/A
government grants related to the               income
Company’s daily activities has been        Other income           44,745,640.94
adjusted from “Non-operating
expenses” to “Other income”.
Comparative data was not adjusted.
(2) Disposal gains and losses from        Non-operating              -43,724.37                   -727,962.06
assets originally listed in                    income
“Non-operating income” and                 non-operating         -8,642,568.48                 -6,551,591.02
“Non-operating expenses” were               expenses
reclassified to the newly added item        Asset disposal         -8,598,844.11                 -5,823,628.96
“Asset disposal income” in the income       income
statement. Comparative data was

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5.27.2. Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable √ N/A


6.1.Major tax types and rates

             Tax Type                       Taxation Basis                               Tax Rate
                                   Output VAT-Deductible input
Value-added tax (VAT)                                                     [Note1]17%,13%,11%,6%,19%
                                   Sales or composite assessable
Consumption tax                                                           [Note2]
Utility maintenance tax            Applicable turnover tax amount         7%,5%
Cororate income tax                Applicable income tax rate             25%,16.5%,0%,27%
Disclosure statement if there are various taxpaying bodies with different corporate income tax rates
                Company Name                                            Applicable Tax Rate
JSSJ Industry (HK) Holdings Co., Limited          16.5%
ZYG E-Commerce HK Limited                           16.5%
YANGHE CHILE SPA                                    27%
YangHe International Investment Ltd,ZYG LTD         0%
ZYG TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT LTD                       0%

6.2. Other information

[Note 1] Value-added tax is calculated and levied according to the difference between output VAT and
deductible input. The applicable tax rates are 17%, 13%, 11%, 6% and 19%. According to Notice on
trial implementation of the assessment of the deduction method of VAT input tax of agricultural products
in some industries (Cai Shui [2012] No.38) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State
Administration of Taxation, general VAT payers with purchasing agricultural products as raw material to
produce and sell liquid milk and dairy products, alcohol and alcohol, vegetable oil are involved into the
pilot scope of deduction of VAT input tax of agricultural products. Whether the purchased agricultural
products are used for production of above products or not, input VAT shall be deducted according to
Pilot implementation measures of assessment of the deduction of VAT input tax of agricultural products.
It is no longer deducted by VAT deduction certificate. The input VAT of purchased goods, taxable labor
service and taxable service excluding agricultural products is deducted according to current related

The Company adopted input-output method to calculate permitted deductible VAT input of agricultural
products according to consumed amount of outsourcing agricultural products per sale based on national
and industrial standards.The VAT rate of YANGHE CHILE SPA is 19%. JSSJ Industry (HK) Holdings
Co., Limited,ZYG E-Commerce HK Limited,ZYG LTD,YangHe International Investment Ltd,ZYG

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd


[Note 2] 1.Ad valorem taxation :Consumption tax of liquor is calculated and levied according to 20% of
sales. For taxable liquor with manufacturing consignment, it is calculated and levied according to sale
price of trustees’ congeneric liquor. If there is no sale price of congeneric liquor, it is calculated and
levied according to composite assessable price. Consumption tax of wine is calculated and levied
according to 10% of sales

According to Notice on further Strengthening the Collection and Management of Liquor Consumption
Tax (Guoshuihan [2017] No. 144) issued by the State Administration of Taxation(SAT) issued, if a liquor
manufacturing enterprise sets up muti-level sales units selling liquor, the SAT should verify the lowest
assessable price of the manufacturing enterprise based on external sales price of final sales unit. Since
1 May 2017, the lowest assessable price of liquor consumption tax has been adjusted to 60% uniformly
from 50% to 70%. The tax payment of the Company’s liquor consumption tax has been changed from
withholding and remitting tax by trustee from direct payment by the liquor manufacturing enterprise since
1 September 2017. The accounting method of consumption tax was changed from manufacturing
consignment reckoned in cost of liquor production to self-production and self-sale reckoned in
consumption taxes and surcharges. The tax price of liquor consumption tax with ad valorem taxation has
bee changed from composite assessable price to the lowest assessable price of the manufacturing
enterprise based on external sales price of final sales unit since 1 May 2017.

2.Volume-based taxation:Consumption tax of liquor is calculated and levied according to RMB 0.50 per

7.Notes to the consolidated financial statements

7.1. Cash at bank and on hand

                 Item                         Ending Balance                         Beginning Balance
Cash                                                             4,883.33                                  9,416.09
Bank deposit                                           1,726,983,843.15                           2,454,194,648.21
Other cash and cash equivalents                            24,464,149.70                              2,423,294.67
Total                                                  1,751,452,876.18                           2,456,627,358.97
  Including: Total overseas deosits                       343,070,375.12                             16,859,599.01

7.2. Notes receivable

7.2.1. Classification of notes receivable

                 Item                         Ending balance                          Beginning balance
Bank acceptances                                          212,812,236.57                            151,616,983.85
Total                                                     212,812,236.57                            151,616,983.85

                                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.2.2 Notes receivable that have been endorsed to other parties by the Company but
have not expired at the end of year

                    Item                            Recognition stopped at ending                       Recognition continue at ending
Bank acceptance bill                                                        40,889,186.00
Total                                                                       40,889,186.00

7.3. Accounts receivable

7.3.1 An analysis of accounts receivable by categories
                                         Ending balance                                                 Beginning balance
                                                Provision for bad                                            Provision for bad
                           Book balance                                               Book balance
        Type                                          debt             Book                                          debt                Book
                                   Proporti               Proporti     value      Amoun Proporti                      Proportion         value
                      Amount                    Amount                                                      Amount
                                   on (%)                 on (%)                  t            on (%)                 (%)
receivable tested     10,833,5      100.00 2,348,17                   8,485,38                  100.00 2,702,23                      10,824,18
                                                           21.67%                     ,425.0                                19.98%
for impairment on a        55.19            %      2.36                    2.83                         %      8.10                         6.90
portfolio basis
                      10,833,5      100.00 2,348,17                   8,485,38                  100.00 2,702,23                      10,824,18
Total                                                      21.67%                     ,425.0                                19.98%
                           55.19            %      2.36                    2.83                         %      8.10                         6.90
With amounts that are individually significant and that the related provision for bad debts is provided on
the individual basis:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Accounts receivable that the related provision for bad debts is provided on grouping basis using the
ageing analysis method:
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                               Ending balance
                                       Accounts receivable                 Provision for bad debt                           Proportion
Within 1 year                                        5,149,816.55                               257,490.82                                5.00%
1-2 years                                            3,621,893.85                               362,189.39                               10.00%
2-3 years                                                 12,493.33                               3,748.00                               30.00%
3-4 years                                                634,408.63                             317,204.32                               50.00%
4-5years                                                  37,015.00                              29,612.00                               80.00%
Over 5 years                                         1,377,927.83                          1,377,927.83                                  100.00%
Total                                               10,833,555.19                          2,348,172.36                                  21.67%
Explanation of the determination of the portfolio basis:
Accounts receivable that the related provision for bad debts is based on the proportion of ending
□ Applicable √ N/A
Accounts receivable that the related provision for bad debts is based on other methods:

                                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

□ Applicable √ N/A

7.3.2. Provision and recovery for bad and doubtful debt in the current period

Provision for bad debt in current period is 0.00 yuan;Provision and recovery for bad is 354,065.74 yuan.
Items of recovery that are important in this term are as follows:
            Company Name                           Recovery amount                                      Method

7.3.3. Top five entities with the largest balances of the account receivables

             Company name                      Ending Balance           Proportion in the total      Provision Amount
First                                                 2,007,251.49                          18.53                100,362.57
Second                                                 600,000.00                            5.54                300,000.00
Third                                                  454,356.93                            4.19                454,356.93
Fourth                                                 319,041.73                            2.95                 15,952.09
Fifth                                                  292,730.90                            2.70                 14,636.55
                 Total                                3,673,381.05                          33.91                885,308.14

7.4 Prepayment

7.4.1       Aging analysis
         Aging                            Ending balance                                    Beginning balance
                                 Amount              Proportion (%)                  Amount                Proportion (%)
Within 1 year                    85,033,318.92                      98.12%           66,079,124.96                      95.32%
1-2 years                           341,247.89                       0.40%               1,676,635.79                    2.42%
2-3 years                         1,197,641.47                       1.38%
Over 3 years                         89,600.00                       0.10%               1,564,172.47                    2.26%
Total                            86,661,808.28               --                      69,319,933.22                --
Explanation of prepayment with age longer than 1 year:
There is no prepayment with age longer than 1 year.

7.4.2. Top five entities with the largest balances of prepayments

                 Company name                              Ending balance                 Proportion in the total (%)
First                                                              71,240,000.00                                        82.20
Second                                                              2,410,000.00                                         2.78
Third                                                               1,950,148.44                                         2.25
Fourth                                                              1,850,000.00                                         2.14
Fifth                                                               1,500,000.00                                         1.73
                         Total                                     78,950,148.44                                        91.10

                                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.5. Other receivables

7.5.1. Other receivables disclosed by categories
                                        Ending Balance                                                Beginning Balance
                                              Provision for bad                                          Provision for bad
                         Book Balance                                              Book Balance
        Category                                    debt              Book                                     debt                Book
                                   Proporti              Proporti    Value        Amoun Proporti                   Proportion      Value
                        Amount                Amount                                                    Amount
                                   on (%)                 on (%)                    t        on (%)                   (%)
Other receivables
with significant
single amount and 80,747,0                    47,839,9              32,907,1                            48,139,9                  89,966,26
                                   67.33%                 59.25%                  6,189. 81.31%                       34.86%
tested for                48.93                 24.27                     24.66                            24.27                       4.93
Portfolio under the                                                               31,751
                        39,188,9              15,011,4              24,177,4                            11,181,9                  20,569,39
aging analysis                     32.67%                 38.31%                  ,310.2 18.69%                       35.22%
                          22.37                 45.20                     77.17                            16.68                       3.57
method                                                                                   5
                        119,935,    100.00 62,851,3        100.00 57,084,6                   100.00 59,321,8                      110,535,6
Total                                                                             7,499.                            100.00%
                         971.30          %      69.47          %          01.83                   %        40.95                     58.50
Other receivables with significant single amount and tested for impairment individually
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                           Ending Balance
   Company Name                Book Balance              Provision balance for Proportion of Provision                    Reason
                                                               bad debt                         (%)
Industrial Commercial
Bank of China Ltd.
                                     42,907,124.66              10,000,000.00                           23.31% Tort liability
Zhengzhou Jiefang
road branch.
Industrial Commercial
Bank of China Ltd.                   22,839,924.27              22,839,924.27                          100.00% Tort liability
Kaifeng Haode branch
 ofJiangsu Juntai
 Properties Co.,Ltd.,                15,000,000.00              15,000,000.00                          100.00% Estimated uncollectible
 Suqian Guotai
 Department Store
Total                                80,747,048.93              47,839,924.27                    --                          --
Analysis of provision under the aging analysis method:
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

                                                                       Ending Balance
                                      Other receivables             Provision for bad debt         Proportion of Provision
Within 1 year                                 14,638,635.49                       731,931.78                           5.00%
1-2 years                                      2,497,442.07                       249,744.21                          10.00%
2-3 years                                      7,213,051.26                     2,163,915.38                          30.00%
3-4 years                                      5,313,489.29                     2,656,744.65                          50.00%
4-5 years                                      1,585,975.38                     1,268,780.30                          80.00%
Over 5 years                                   7,940,328.88                     7,940,328.88                         100.00%
Total                                         39,188,922.37                    15,011,445.20                          38.31%
Explanation of the determination of the portfolio basis:
Other receivables that the related provision for bad debts is based on the proportion of ending balance:
□ Applicable √ N/A
Other receivables that the related provision for bad debts is based on other methods:
□ Applicable √ N/A

7.5.2. Provision and recovery for bad and doubtful debt in the current period
Provision for bad debt in current period is 2,805,205.95 Yuan; Provision and recovery for bad is
300,000.00 Yuan.
Items of recovery that are important in this term are as follows:

            Company Name                            Recovery amount                                  Method

7.5.3. Other actual receivable write-off in this period
                             Item                                                    Amount of write off
Amount of other receivables that are actually written off                                                         262,956.32

The important write off of accounts receivable are as follows:
                                                                                                              Whether the
                                                                                                           amount of money
                                                                Reasons for Write
 Company Name              Category       Amount of write off                        Write off procedure generated by the
                                                                                                             related party

7.5.4. Analysis of other receivables by category
                Category                          Ending Book Balance                        Beginning Book Balance
Cash reserve                                                         65,747,048.93                            123,106,189.20
Security deposit                                                     23,738,248.46                             21,428,842.17
Cooperation payment                                                   3,910,000.00                              3,910,000.00
Business loans, Petty cash and other.                                26,540,673.91                             21,412,468.08
Total                                                               119,935,971.30                            169,857,499.45

                                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.5.5. Top five entities with the largest balances of the other receivables

                                                                                      Proportion in total
 Company Name               Category           Ending Balance           Aging                                 amount at period
                                                                                        receivables (%)
Commercial Bank
of China Ltd.          Saving Deposits            42,907,124.66 3-4 years                         35.78%         10,000,000.00
Zhengzhou Jiefang
road branch.
Commercial Bank
of China Ltd.          Saving Deposits            22,839,924.27 3-4 years                         19.04%         22,839,924.27
Kaifeng Haode
administrator of
Jiangsu Juntai
Properties             Security deposit           15,000,000.00 Over 5 years                      12.51%         15,000,000.00
Co.,Ltd., Suqian
Guotai Department
Store Co.,Ltd.
                       Security deposit             4,487,500.00 2-3 years                         3.74%          1,346,250.00
Nanjing Peilong
sports culture Co.,                                 3,910,000.00 Over 5 years                      3.26%          3,910,000.00
Total                            --               89,144,548.93           --                      74.33%         53,096,174.27

7.6. Inventories

Does the company need to comply with the disclosure requirements of real estate industry.

7.6.1. Categories of Inventory
                                       Ending Balance                                       Beginning Balance
                                          Provision for                                       Provision for
                      Book Balance                         Book Value        Book Balance                         Book Value
                                          depreciation                                        depreciation
Raw material          375,309,467.17      10,371,479.92 364,937,987.25 280,670,400.11          11,916,333.34 268,754,066.77
Work             in
                      523,779,562.33                      523,779,562.33 449,206,347.58                         449,206,347.58
Finished goods 1,512,612,958.8               720,789.05 1,511,892,169.8 1,690,891,419.2                        1,690,891,419.2

                                                               The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

                                  6                                      1                   7                                        7
                      7,316,606.29      2,270,576.29          5,046,030.00
Semi-manufactu 10,455,847,684.                            10,455,847,684. 9,812,663,471.7                             9,812,663,471.7
red goods                        72                                     72                   5                                        5
                    12,874,866,279.                       12,861,503,434. 12,233,431,638.                             12,221,515,305.
Total                                  13,362,845.26                                                11,916,333.34
                                 37                                     11                  71                                       37
Does the company need to comply with the disclosure requirements of “Shenzhen Stock Exchange
disclosure guide No. 4 - listed companies engaged in seed or planting business?”

7.6.2. Provision for decline in value of inventories
                                        Increases in current period            Decreases in current period
                    Beginning Book                                                                                     Ending Book
   Category                                                                    Recovery or
                       Balance           Amount                Other                                   Other             Balance
                                                                                Write off
Raw material         11,916,333.34      1,239,211.93                            2,784,065.35                           10,371,479.92
Finished goods                               720,789.05                                                                   720,789.05
                                        2,270,576.29                                                                     2,270,576.29
Total                11,916,333.34      4,230,577.27                            2,784,065.35                           13,362,845.26

7.7. Current portion of non-current assets

                    Item                                  Ending Balance                              Beginning Balance
Trust financial products                                               552,200,000.00                                 238,900,000.00
Total                                                                  552,200,000.00                                 238,900,000.00

7.8. Other current assets

                    Item                                  Ending Balance                              Beginning Balance
Short-term financial products                                      12,823,346,324.01                                 9,874,140,247.83
Reclassification of the negative number
                                                                       173,029,056.40                                 191,094,806.01
of taxes and fees
Total                                                              12,996,375,380.41                                10,065,235,053.84

7.9. Available-for-sale financial assets

7.9.1. Available-for-sale financial assets
                                          Ending Balance                                          Beginning Balance
            Item                              Provision for                                         Provision for
                           Book Balance                        Book Value      Book Balance                             Book Value
                                              impairment                                            impairment
Available-for-sale equity 1,936,227,14                         1,935,279,14 1,459,017,647                             1,458,069,647.1
                                                948,000.00                                             948,000.00
instruments                           2.76                              2.76                .18                                      8
Measured by cost.           1,936,227,14        948,000.00 1,935,279,14 1,459,017,647                  948,000.00 1,458,069,647.1

                                                              The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

                                    2.76                                  2.76           .18                                         8
                            1,525,000,00                      1,525,000,00
                                    0.00                                  0.00
                            3,461,227,14                      3,460,279,14 1,459,017,647                          1,458,069,647.1
Total                                          948,000.00                                         948,000.00
                                    2.76                                  2.76           .18                                         8

7.9.2. Available-for-sale financial assets measured at cost at period end
                           Book Balance                               Provision for impairment                Proportio
                                                                                                                n of       Current
                         Increase Decrease                                 Increase Decrease                   Equity      Period
             Beginning in Current in Current    Ending       Beginning in Current in Current     Ending        Held in      Cash
                         Period    Period                                   Period   Period                   Investee dividends
Rural        7,987,200                         7,987,200                                                                  3,081,296
Commerc            .00                               .00                                                                        .68
ial Bank
             948,000.0                         948,000.0 948,000.0                             948,000.0
Investme                                                                                                         0.09%
                     0                                   0            0                                   0
&            52,500,00                         52,500,00
Casualty          0.00                              0.00
Investme 175,864,8                13,422,38 162,442,4                                                                     2,958,899
nt               77.23                 3.84        93.39                                                                        .83
Jiatai(Tia 243,876,3              53,722,44 190,153,9                                                                     2,300,569
njin)Equit       52.38                  1.11       11.27                                                                        .90
y Funds

                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Bank of
             300,000,0   300,000,0                                                           5,599,381
Group                                                                                3.16%
                00.00       00.00                                                                   .75
             105,000,0   105,000,0
Managem                                                                            62.50%
                00.00       00.00
Consume 30,000,00        30,000,00
r Finance         0.00        0.00
             30,000,00   30,000,00
nt                                                                                 28.20%
                  0.00        0.00
e (Limited
             100,000,0   100,000,0
Internet                                                                           10.00%
                00.00       00.00

                                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Power       56,242,57 4,230,153 7,818,362 52,654,36                                                             3,757,910
Investme         5.51       .10       .56        6.05                                                                  .51
nt Fund
Century     5,000,000                       5,000,000
culture           .00                             .00
Investme 542,012.8                          542,012.8
nt                  8                              8
            102,271.5                       102,271.5                                                           102,271.5
nt                                                                                                      6.82%
                    0                              0                                                                     0
Investme 3,600,000 11,400,00                15,000,00
nt                .00      0.00                  0.00
            25,341,85 125,710,2 84,167,73 66,884,38
Phase II                                                                                              13.45%
                 7.68    63.03       3.04        7.67

                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

nt Fund
              1,507,500               1,507,500
Outdoor                                                                                           5.00%
                    .00                     .00
              505,000.0               505,000.0
ed                                                                                                5.00%
                     0                       0
nt            20,000,00 50,000,00     70,000,00
Partnersh          0.00        0.00        0.00
Investme 300,000,0                    300,000,0
nt               00.00                   00.00
Cheng                     330,000,0   330,000,0
Securities                   00.00       00.00
jiyan                     15,000,00   15,000,00
Food                           0.00        0.00

                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

             100,000,0   100,000,0
Food                                                                                 2.74%
                00.00       00.00
Xintuo R
oad King
             100,000,0   100,000,0
                00.00       00.00
fund Trust
g Trust-
nt Fund      150,000,0   150,000,0
No.190C         00.00       00.00
Glory of
the World    100,000,0   100,000,0
No.26Coll       00.00       00.00
City         150,000,0   150,000,0
Yujing          00.00       00.00

                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

trust plan
             100,000,0   100,000,0
                00.00       00.00
g-Jundun     150,000,0   150,000,0
No.1Trust       00.00       00.00
Trust -
             200,000,0   200,000,0
                00.00       00.00
Ping An
No. 189      70,000,00   70,000,00
trust fund        0.00        0.00
de Enping
             100,000,0   100,000,0
                00.00       00.00

                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

West trust
n (Phase
             120,000,0   120,000,0
                00.00       00.00
             85,000,00   85,000,00
                  0.00        0.00
tive Fund
Plan B
farmers      100,000,0   100,000,0
market          00.00       00.00
TrustWu      100,000,0   100,000,0
xi Railway      00.00       00.00
Square A

                                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

              1,459,017 2,161,340 159,130,9 3,461,227 948,000.0                                              948,000.0               17,800,33
Total                                                                                                                       --
                 ,647.18      ,416.13         20.55     ,142.76                 0                                   0                        0.17

7.9.3. Changes in provision for the impairment of the available-for-sale assets during
the reporting period

       Classification of
                                Equity instruments            Debt instruments
     available-for-sale                                                                                                          Total
                                 available for sale           available for sale
Balance of the
provision for
                                             948,000.00                                                                            948,000.00
impairment at the
beginning of this period
Balance of the
provision for
                                             948,000.00                                                                            948,000.00
impairment at the end
of this period

7.10. Long-term equity investments

                                                        Changes in Current Period                                                         Ending
                                                 Profit or                             Announc                                           Balance
             Beginnin                              loss                                ement to Provision                                   of
                                                              adjustme         Other                                       Ending
Investee         g                    Decreas recogniz                                 distribute      for                               provision
                           Increase                            nts in     changes                                Other     Balance
             Balance                     e      ed under                                 cash       depreciat                               for
                                                               overall    in equity
                                                  equity                                divided        ion                               depreciat
                                                 method                                or profit                                            ion
10.1 Joint Venture
10.2 Associated Enterprise
ihui         18,813,0                 -1,000,0 -2,074,6                                                         -15,738,
(Shiyan)         15.04                  00.00         35.42                                                      379.62

                                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Cultural     2,216,45                         774,753.                      -238,000             -773,161 1,980,04
Transmis            5.38                           12                             .00                  .56      6.94
             21,029,4              -1,000,0 -1,299,8                        -238,000             -16,511, 1,980,04
                  70.42               00.00     82.30                             .00              541.18       6.94
             21,029,4              -1,000,0 -1,299,8                        -238,000             -16,511, 1,980,04
                  70.42               00.00     82.30                             .00              541.18       6.94

Statement: Other change in long-term equity investment of Jiangsu Sujiu Cultural Transmission Co., Ltd.
in current period is the adjustment to reduce the long-term equity investment due to unrealized sales
profit in the downstream transaction; Other change of Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan) Trade
Investment Co., Ltd. owe to decrease of capital caused by the merger of enterprises under the different

7.11. Fixed Assets
7.11.1. Fixed Assets
                            Buildings and        Machinery           Transportation
           Item                                                                         Other equipment           Total
                            constructions        equipment            equipment
Original     cost     of
fixed assets
                           7,019,271,211.79    2,878,570,277.50        61,672,451.42      262,149,933.21 10,221,663,873.92
2.Increase            in
                            764,276,607.82      104,446,735.54          7,957,740.37       68,784,120.65       945,465,204.38
current period
                             24,634,525.91       15,998,967.60          7,264,843.98       68,409,304.31       116,307,641.80
(2)Transfer         from
projects          under     536,659,736.57       75,481,341.30                                                 612,141,077.87
(3)Increase           in
                            202,982,345.34       12,966,426.64            692,896.39          374,816.34       217,016,484.71
Corporate merger

3.Decrease in
                               2,255,101.95      13,494,296.41          1,522,911.59        1,139,423.90        18,411,733.85
current period
(1)Elimination and
                               2,255,101.95      13,494,296.41          1,522,911.59        1,139,423.90        18,411,733.85
sell off

4.Ending Balance           7,781,292,717.66    2,969,522,716.63        68,107,280.20      329,794,629.96 11,148,717,344.45

                                                         The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

                         1,183,013,186.84    844,048,154.38       41,589,485.44       182,977,927.97     2,251,628,754.63
2.Increase          in
                           351,739,908.06    271,685,244.02         8,126,518.73       25,181,507.61       656,733,178.42
current period
(1)Provision               340,557,321.38    271,270,392.20         7,750,847.22       25,060,227.84       644,638,788.64
(2)Increase         in
                            11,182,586.68        414,851.82          375,671.51           121,279.77        12,094,389.78
Corporate merger
3.Decrease          in
                              823,452.96        6,150,928.25        1,180,097.62        1,049,578.03          9,204,056.86
current period
(1)Disposal         or
                              823,452.96        6,150,928.25        1,180,097.62        1,049,578.03          9,204,056.86

4.Ending Balance         1,533,929,641.94   1,109,582,470.15      48,535,906.55       207,109,857.55     2,899,157,876.19
Provision for fixed
asset impairment
2.Increase          in
current period

3.Decrease          in
current period
(1)Disposal         or

4.Ending Balance
Carrying Amount
1.Ending      carrying
                         6,247,363,075.72   1,859,940,246.48      19,571,373.65       122,684,772.41     8,249,559,468.26
                         5,836,258,024.95   2,034,522,123.12      20,082,965.98        79,172,005.24     7,970,035,119.29
carrying amount

7.11.2. Profile of no property right certificate

                    Item                               Book Value                  Reason for no property right certificate
Blue-collar workers apartment of
                                                                 221,955,307.39                  In process
R&D building of Yanghe                                           419,555,847.41                  In process
Shop building of Yanghe and so on                                117,594,817.75                  In process
Shiyan Baiquan Wine Industry packing
                                                                  52,213,993.66                  In process
workshop and so on

7.12. Construction in progress
                                                         The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.12.1. Details of the construction in progress
                                     Ending Balance                                   Beginning Balance
        Item                          Provision for                                       Provision for
                    Book Balance                      Net book value   Book Balance                        Net book value
                                       impairment                                         impairment
project of 30
                                                                         6,666,559.82                        6,666,559.82
thousand tons
of famous and
excellent wine
R&D center
                     10,431,829.70                     10,431,829.70 302,588,447.96                        302,588,447.96
building project
Shuanggou new
area bottle
storage and
                     91,252,560.31                     91,252,560.31    96,388,223.63                       96,388,223.63
Packaging and
logistics project
od Shuanggou         33,759,459.32                     33,759,459.32    51,167,728.82                       51,167,728.82
wine Industry
Shuanggou new
                     16,950,999.28                     16,950,999.28    16,930,509.39                       16,930,509.39
                        650,166.18                        650,166.18       622,807.69                          622,807.69
packaging            10,610,699.88                     10,610,699.88    23,073,156.17                       23,073,156.17
production line
workers and
                                                                        12,056,070.60                       12,056,070.60
Shiyan Baiquan
Wine Industry         1,542,699.41                      1,542,699.41     9,501,129.27                        9,501,129.27
packing project
Other Project        69,233,043.75                     69,233,043.75    25,676,291.03                       25,676,291.03
Total               234,431,457.83                    234,431,457.83 544,670,924.38                        544,670,924.38

7.12.2. Significant changes in construction in progress

  Item       Budget Beginni Increas Transfer Decreas Ending Proporti Progres Capitali Include: Capitali Source

                                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

                         ng       e in     into     e in     Balance    on of        s      zed      Capitali   zation of funds
                       Balance current    fixed    current             accumul            interest     zed      rate for
                                 period   assets   period               ative                        interest     the
                                                                       project                       for the    period
                                                                       input in                      period       (%)
of       30 1,630,0
                       6,666,5 17,174, 23,841,                          121.50 stage of
thousan 00,000.                                                                                                            Other
                         59.82   904.02   463.84                             % Enginee
d     tons       00
t wine
R&D                                                                               End
center       260,510 302,588 206,480 498,637                 10,431,    195.42 stage of
building     ,000.00 ,447.96 ,394.54 ,012.80                  829.70         % Enginee
project                                                                           ring
gou new
             640,270 96,388, 3,359,7 8,495,4                 91,252,    121.27 stage of
and                                                                                                                        Other
             ,000.00    223.63    62.25    25.57              560.31         % Enginee
ng and
project                                                                           End
of           495,000 51,167, 3,131,6 20,539,                 33,759,    204.87 stage of
Shuang       ,000.00    728.82    34.42   903.92              459.32         % Enginee
gou                                                                               ring

                                                      The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

gou new                                                                   End
area        528,180 16,930, 20,489.                   16,950,   162.20 stage of
wine-m      ,000.00    509.39      89                 999.28            % Enginee
aking                                                                     ring
gou new
            70,000, 622,807 27,358.                  650,166    172.35 stage of
area                                                                                                           Other
             000.00       .69      49                     .18           % Enginee
gou                                                                       End
packagi 120,000 23,073, 8,393,4 20,855,               10,610,             stage of
                                                                89.53%                                         Other
ng          ,000.00    156.17    53.08   909.37       699.88              Enginee
producti                                                                  ring
on line
workers                                                                   End
and                   12,056, 632,110 12,688,                             stage of
undergr                070.60      .23   180.83                           Enginee
aduate                                                                    ring
Baiquan                                                                   End
Wine        80,000, 9,501,1 16,771, 24,730,           1,542,6   127.54 stage of
Industry     000.00     29.27   804.24   234.10         99.41           % Enginee
packing                                                                   ring
                      518,994 255,991 609,788        165,198
Total       60,000.                                                --         --                                   --
                      ,633.35 ,911.16 ,130.43         ,414.08

7.13. Engineering material

                  Item                            Ending Balance                         Beginning Balance
Cable type                                                              6,320.03                               6,320.03
electric equipment                                                 781,743.55                               781,743.55
Total                                                              788,063.58                               788,063.58

                                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.14. Intangible assets

7.14.1. Intangible assets

                                                    No-patent right                       Computer
      Item         Land use right    Patent right                     Trademark right                          Total
                                                      technology                           software
Original book
value of
1. Beginning       1,735,697,530.0                                                                       2,206,749,383.0
                                                                      394,665,660.00     76,386,192.99
Balance                         6                                                                                        5
2. Increase in
                    47,109,108.00                                       2,075,715.76     17,104,987.47     66,289,811.23
current period
(1)Acquired        5,592,608.00                                       2,075,715.76     17,091,402.57     24,759,726.33
(3)Increase in
Corporate           41,516,500.00                                                            13,584.90     41,530,084.90

3. Decrease in
current period

4. Ending          1,782,806,638.0                                                                       2,273,039,194.2
                                                                      396,741,375.76     93,491,180.46
Balance                         6                                                                                        8
amortization of
1. Beginning
                   171,557,124.89                                     380,998,405.47     19,569,011.12 572,124,541.48
2. Increase in
                    37,367,241.95                                       1,759,157.84      8,241,825.94     47,368,225.73
current period
(1)Provision      35,167,241.95                                       1,759,157.84      8,228,241.04     45,154,640.83
(2)Increase in
Corporate            2,200,000.00                                                            13,584.90      2,213,584.90
3. Decrease in
current period

4. Ending          208,924,366.84                                     382,757,563.31     27,810,837.06 619,492,767.21

                                                         The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Net value of
1. Ending Book 1,573,882,271.2                                                                            1,653,546,427.0
                                                                        13,983,812.45     65,680,343.40
Value                            2                                                                                        7
2. Beginning       1,564,140,405.1                                                                        1,634,624,841.5
                                                                        13,667,254.53     56,817,181.87
Book Value                       7                                                                                        7
Intangible assets formed by internal R&D accounted for 0.00% of the book value of intangible assets at
the end of this term.

7.15. Goodwill

7.15.1. Book value of Goodwill

  Company be
   invested or       Beginning
                                              Increase                            Decrease                Ending balance
 event result in      balance
                   276,001,989.95                                                                          276,001,989.95
Distillery Stock
                     6,940,018.79                                                                            6,940,018.79
                    21,250,284.80                                                                           21,250,284.80
Guizhou Guijiu
                    18,826,210.01                                                                           18,826,210.01
                                      5,057,111.19                                                            5,057,111.19
Welcome Drink                        11,333,195.25                                                          11,333,195.25
Stock Co.,Ltd
Dream Blue
                                     3,405,542.42                                                            3,405,542.42
(Shiyan) Trade

                                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

       Total       323,018,503.55   19,795,848.86                                                         342,814,352.41

7.15.2. Impairment

 Company be
  invested or        Beginning
                                             Increase                            Decrease                Ending balance
 event result in      balance
                     6,940,018.79                                                                           6,940,018.79
                    21,250,284.80                                                                          21,250,284.80
Guizhou Guijiu
                    18,826,210.01                                                                          18,826,210.01
                                     5,057,111.19                                                            5,057,111.19
Welcome Drink                       11,333,195.25                                                          11,333,195.25
Stock Co.,Ltd
Dream Blue
(Shiyan) Trade                       3,405,542.42                                                           3,405,542.42
       Total        47,016,513.60   19,795,848.86                                                          66,812,362.46

Impairment test procedure, parameter and recognition method of impairment are as follows:

The impairment test determined by the present value of asset group is based on estimated future cash
flows. According to the free cash flow prospect of future five years based on recent financial budget, and
estimate the future year cash flows, discount rate is 10%. According to the test, there is no impairment
happened caused by the acquisition of Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., ltd.

The subsidiary corporation ZYG TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT LTD, Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock
Co., Ltd and Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan) Trade Investment Co., Ltd. had operating loss and there
is low possibility to reverse to profit, full amout of them needed to be the provision for impairment loss

                                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.16. Long-term prepaid expenses

                                              Increase in the      Amortization for
        Item            Beginning Balance                                                Other decreases      Ending Balance
                                              current period      the current period
Renovation costs
  of the rented              2,158,153.24            34,925.57          1,101,434.65                               1,091,644.16
Total                        2,158,153.24            34,925.57          1,101,434.65                               1,091,644.16

7.17. Deferred tax assets/liabilities

7.17.1. Recognized deferred tax assets

                                            Ending Balance                                    Beginning Balance
          Item              Deductible Temporary                               Deductible Temporary
                                                     Deferred Tax Assets                                  Deferred Tax Assets
                                Differences                                           Differences
Provision for asset
                                   73,619,863.33               18,404,334.67            74,687,658.60            18,671,330.75
Unrealized profits from
                                   44,667,749.86               11,166,937.46            59,064,027.69            14,766,006.93
internal transactions
Deductible losses                   9,122,967.34                2,280,741.83            19,247,490.99              4,811,872.75
The difference
between book value of           2,471,228,375.00             617,807,093.75           2,119,303,000.00          529,825,750.00
debt and tax base
Total                           2,598,638,955.53             649,659,107.71           2,272,302,177.28          568,074,960.43

7.17.2. Recognized deferred tax liabilities

                                            Ending Balance                                    Beginning Balance
          Item             Temporary differences                               Temporary differences
                                                    Deferred tax liabilities                             Deferred tax liabilities
                                   of tax                                               of tax
Appraisal increment.of
assets under
                                   71,831,084.40               17,957,771.10            73,997,306.92            18,499,326.73
non-identical control
enterprise merges
Total                              71,831,084.40               17,957,771.10            73,997,306.92            18,499,326.73

7.17.3. Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                   Item                                Ending Balance                               Beginning Balance
Deductible Temporary Differences                                        5,890,523.76                                 200,753.79
Deductible losses                                                     179,672,013.58                            114,741,899.58
Total                                                                 185,562,537.34                            114,942,653.37

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.17.4. Deductible losses from unrecognized deferred tax assets will due on the
following years

           Year                     Ending Amount              Beginning Amount                     Notes
2020                                      29,839,655.24                32,580,839.65
2021                                      82,161,059.93                82,161,059.93
2022                                      67,671,298.41
Total                                    179,672,013.58               114,741,899.58                  --

7.18. Other non-current assets

                  Item                          Ending Balance                         Beginning Balance
Compensation for land compensation.                          158,606,824.94                           158,606,824.94
Trust products more than one year                                                                     802,200,000.00
Prepaid construction equipment
expense and purchase and house                                45,620,808.97                            43,227,774.00
Total                                                        204,227,633.91                         1,004,034,598.94

7.19. Notes payable

              Category                          Ending Balance                         Beginning Balance
Bank acceptances bill                                          8,200,000.00                           960,000,000.00
Total                                                          8,200,000.00                           960,000,000.00
The amount of outstanding notes payable at the end of this term is 0.00 Yuan.

7.20. Accounts payable

7.20.1 Description of accounts payable

                  Item                          Ending balance                          Beginning balance
Material purchase                                            949,161,768.88                           734,696,568.55
Construction&Equipment payment                               162,241,805.59                            49,516,432.21
Total                                                       1,111,403,574.47                          784,213,000.76

7.21. Advance from customers

7.21.1. Description of advance from customers

                  Item                          Ending balance                          Beginning balance
Advances on sales                                         4,199,846,323.30                          3,847,491,823.75
Total                                                     4,199,846,323.30                          3,847,491,823.75

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.22. Employee benefits payable

7.22.1. Employee benefits payable shown as follows

                                              Increase in Current     Decrease in Current
           Item         Beginning Balance                                                         Ending Balance
                                                    Period                   Period
Short-term benefits         164,075,562.59       1,460,796,537.91         1,416,557,372.84            208,314,727.66
benefits- defined              1,378,623.15        115,624,281.01           115,658,983.53              1,343,920.63
contribution plans
Total                       165,454,185.74       1,576,420,818.92         1,532,216,356.37            209,658,648.29

7.22.2. Short-term employee benefits payable shown as follows

                                              Increase in Current     Decrease in Current
           Item         Beginning Balance                                                         Ending Balance
                                                    Period                   Period
   Wages, bonuses,
                            154,319,487.22       1,271,942,013.55         1,223,417,685.88            202,843,814.89
allowances and grants
 Employees’ welfare                                85,925,472.16             85,925,472.16
   Social insurance
                                427,981.79          49,588,855.47             49,589,382.42               427,454.84
  Including: Medical
                                373,278.50          43,046,808.40             43,047,210.40               372,876.50
  insurance premium
  Work-related injury
                                 38,730.04           3,473,007.21              3,473,068.41                 38,668.84
         premium                 15,973.25           3,069,039.86              3,069,103.61                 15,909.50
    Housing funds               884,580.00          52,046,558.71             52,046,315.71               884,823.00
        Labor union
   expenditures and
                               8,443,513.58          1,293,638.02              5,578,516.67             4,158,634.93
 employee education
Total                       164,075,562.59       1,460,796,537.91         1,416,557,372.84            208,314,727.66

7.22.3. Defined Contribution Plan shown as follows

                                              Increase in Current     Decrease in Current
           Item         Beginning Balance                                                         Ending Balance
                                                    Period                   Period
  Basic endowment
                               1,301,269.67        112,263,722.58           112,298,284.85              1,266,707.40
  insurance premium
                                 77,353.48           3,360,558.43              3,360,698.68                 77,213.23
  insurance premium
Total                          1,378,623.15        115,624,281.01           115,658,983.53              1,343,920.63

                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.23. Taxes payables

                  Item                 Ending Balance                         Beginning Balance
Value-added tax                                     16,566,945.18                                6,979,433.49
Consumption tax                                    301,944,997.98                             209,868,425.32
Enterprise income tax                           1,865,510,244.69                             1,545,930,464.04
Individual Income Tax                               51,144,185.46                                3,721,050.52
Urban maintenance and construction
                                                    16,322,641.43                              10,683,692.27
Land use tax                                         4,946,210.32                                3,649,621.62
Property tax                                        13,262,451.18                              12,758,747.31
Education Surcharge and Local
                                                    16,034,117.97                              10,678,328.04
Education Surcharge
Stamp duty                                           1,787,929.52                                 247,344.18
Integrated fund                                           5,144.20                                    419.88
Other tax                                            2,037,259.74                                3,325,056.25
Total                                           2,289,562,127.67                             1,807,842,582.92

7.24. Dividends payable

                  Item                 Ending Balance                         Beginning Balance
Dividends payable for subsidiaries                                                               4,696,611.20
Total                                                                                            4,696,611.20

7.25. Other payables

7.25.1. Categories by nature

                  Item                 Ending Balance                         Beginning Balance
Dealer unsettled discount                       2,249,550,630.00                             1,983,303,000.00
Dealer deposit                                  1,996,000,543.52                             1,723,365,918.35
Dealer risk pledged capital                        618,260,719.07                             570,948,123.37
Accrued expenses                                   473,980,800.72                             295,862,459.83
Quality guarantee deposit,
                                                   176,017,865.12                             207,536,931.07
Performance bond
Other                                              106,229,957.51                              86,615,992.71
Total                                           5,620,040,515.94                             4,867,632,425.33

7.25.2. Other important payables aging more than 1 year
                                                                         Reasons for Being Unpaid or
                  Item                 Ending Balance
Dealer risk pledged capital, deposit               533,358,390.27 Risk pledged capital, deposit
Total                                              533,358,390.27                       --

                                                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.26. Long-term loans

7.26.1. Classification of long-term loans

                     Item                                     Ending Balance                            Beginning Balance
Credit loans                                                                     145,452.00                                 181,816.00
Total                                                                            145,452.00                                 181,816.00

7.27. Specific payable

                                                Increase in Current        Decrease in
           Item        Beginning Balance                                                       Ending Balance          Reason
                                                      Period              Current Period
replacement                 199,978,943.07                                       871,412.32     199,107,530.75
Total                       199,978,943.07                                       871,412.32     199,107,530.75              --

7.28. Deferred Incomes

                                                Increase in Current        Decrease in
           Item        Beginning Balance                                                       Ending Balance          Reason
                                                      Period              Current Period
                             111,085,666.67           5,116,000.00              8,852,000.00    107,349,666.67
Total                        111,085,666.67           5,116,000.00              8,852,000.00    107,349,666.67              --
                                                Non-operati       Other             Cost
                                 Increase in                                                                               Relevant to
                  Beginning                     ng Income       income in       reduction in    Other        Ending
Liability Item                    Current                                                                                   Asset or
                   Balance                       in Current      Current          Current      Changes      Balance
                                   Period                                                                                    Income
                                                  Period          Period           Period
fund for
recycling         174,166.67                                     95,000.00                                   79,166.67 Asset
project of
waste water
Subsidy for
of Shiyan
Baiquan           33,708,600. 5,116,000.0                       4,257,000.0                                34,567,600.
Wine                        00              0                               0                                         00

                                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

fund for
and logistics
                    24,000,000.                               3,000,000.0                                   21,000,000.
project of                                                                                                                Asset
                            00                                             0                                        00
fund for
construction 41,202,900.                                                                                    41,202,900.
of Harbin                   00                                                                                      00
sewage              12,000,000.                               1,500,000.0                                   10,500,000.
treatment                   00                                             0                                        00
                111,085,666 5,116,000.0                       8,852,000.0                               107,349,666
Total                                                                                                                          --
                            .67             0                              0                                        .67

7.29. Share Capital

                                                                                                                           (Unit: Share)
                                                    Increases/decreases in the current period (+, -)
                                                                    Conversion of
                      Beginning                                                                                             Ending
                                      Issuance of                        reserves
                       Balance                        Bonus share                         Others        Subtotal           Balance
                                      new shares                         funds into
Total Number         1,506,988,00                                                                                         1,506,988,00
of Shares                     0.00                                                                                                  0.00

7.30. Capital reserves

                                                          Increase in Current         Decrease in Current
             Item                 Beginning Balance                                                              Ending Balance
                                                                 Period                     Period
Share premium
                                      741,674,076.44                                                                741,674,076.44
(Capital premium)
Other capital reserves                     30,000.00                                                                        30,000.00
Total                                 741,704,076.44                                                                741,704,076.44

                                                                The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.31. Other Comprehensive Incomes

                                                                                    Current Period
                                                                          Previously                                   Amount
                                                         Amount in recognized in                      Amount          attribute to
                                         Beginning        current           other                    attribute to non-contro Ending
                  Item                                                                    Less:
                                          Balance          period        comprehensi                   parent            lling       Balance
                                                                                        income tax
                                                           before         ve income                   company sharehold
                                                         income tax transferred to                    after tax        ers after
                                                                          profit and                                      tax
Other consolidate incomes that          1,141,647.4 -226,957.0                                       -225,943.4                      915,704.
will reclassify into profit and loss                 7               5                                            4                       03
Difference from conversion of
                                        1,141,647.4 -226,957.0                                       -225,943.4                      915,704.
financial statements in foreign                                                                                        -1,013.61
                                                     7               5                                            4                       03
Other comprehensive Income              1,141,647.4 -226,957.0                                       -225,943.4                      915,704.
Total                                                7               5                                            4                       03

7.32. Surplus reserves

                                                          Increase in Current          Decrease in Current
           Item                 Beginning Balance                                                                      Ending Balance
                                                                Period                       Period
Statutory surplus
                                    753,494,000.00                                                                         753,494,000.00
Total                               753,494,000.00                                                                         753,494,000.00
Explanation of surplus reserves, including explanation of change in current period:

When the statutory surplus reserves already reach 50% of registered capital, there is no need for
statutory surplus reserves in current period.

7.33. Undistributed profits

                         Item                                       Current Period                              Last Period
Undistributed profit before adjustment at the
                                                                           23,049,443,346.09                            19,934,852,875.21
end of the last year
Adjustment in the total undistributed profits at
                                                                           23,049,443,346.09                            19,934,852,875.21
the beginning of year
Plus: net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                            6,627,169,959.16                             5,827,168,870.88
parent company for the current period
Conversion of ordinary share dividends into
                                                                            3,164,674,800.00                             2,712,578,400.00
share capital
Undistributed profits at the end of the period                             26,511,938,505.25                            23,049,443,346.09

                                                       The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Details of adjustment to beginning balance of undistributed profits:
1). Due to traced back to adjustment according to the accounting standards for enterprises and relevant
new regulations, influence to beginning balance of undistributed profits is 0.00 Yuan.
2). Due to accounting policy alternative, influence on beginning balance of undistributed profits is
3). Due to major accounting error correction, influence on beginning balance of undistributed profits is
0.00 Yuan.
4). Due to merge scope changes resulting from the same control, influence on beginning balance of
undistributed profits is 0.00 Yuan.
5). Due to other adjustments, influence on beginning balance of undistributed profits is 0.00 Yuan.

7.34. Operating income and operating costs

                                      Current Period                                    Previous Period
                          Operating income       Operating cost           Operating income           Operating cost
Primary business           19,468,365,663.88      6,285,763,095.97          16,782,694,581.25          5,827,106,186.48
Other business                449,576,574.28           395,385,466.19            400,415,038.83           375,872,642.11
Total                      19,917,942,238.16      6,681,148,562.16          17,183,109,620.08          6,202,978,828.59

7.35. Business taxes and surcharges

                   Item                          Current Period                             Previous Period
Consumption tax                                                719,619,698.60                              20,668,766.89
Urban maintenance and construction
                                                               187,348,938.98                             131,284,324.47
Educational surcharge                                          158,110,821.96                             106,672,396.74
Property tax                                                    56,062,041.01                              37,032,242.70
Land use tax                                                    21,020,413.58                              10,478,033.38
Stamp duty                                                       9,705,637.17                               3,185,863.58
Business tax                                                                                                  244,691.51
Other                                                                 2,280.00                                  1,080.37
Total                                                       1,151,869,831.30                              309,567,399.64
Other Explanation:

The package of finished products is entrusted to subsidiaries Jiangsu Yanghe Package Co., Ltd., Siyang
Yanghe packing service Co., Ltd. and Shiyan Yunyang Lihua village packing service Co., Ltd., the
package of products of subsidiary Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., Ltd. entrusted to its
subsidiary Sihong Shuangtai Drinks Cans Filling Co., Ltd. Consumption taxes and surcharges of the
Company and its subsidiary Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., Ltd. were withheld and remitted by
the trustee,. The consumption taxes and surcharges were recorded into the cost of product.

According to Notice on further Strengthening the Collection and Management of Liquor Consumption
Tax (Guoshuihan [2017] No. 144) issued by the State Administration of Taxation(SAT) issued, if a liquor
manufacturing enterprise sets up muti-level sales units selling liquor, the SAT should verify the lowest
assessable price of the manufacturing enterprise based on external sales price of final sales unit. Since

                                                 The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

1 May 2017, the lowest assessable price of liquor consumption tax has been adjusted to 60% uniformly
from 50% to 70%. The tax payment of the Company’s liquor consumption tax has been changed from
withholding and remitting tax by trustee from direct payment by the liquor manufacturing enterprise since
1 September 2017. The accounting method of consumption tax was changed from manufacturing
consignment reckoned in cost of liquor production to self-production and self-sale reckoned in
consumption taxes and surcharges. The tax price of liquor consumption tax with ad valorem taxation has
bee changed from composite assessable price to the lowest assessable price of the manufacturing
enterprise based on external sales price of final sales unit since 1 May 2017.

The consumption taxes and surcharges from manufacturing consignment of liquor products withheld and
remitted by trustee was RMB 1,024,857,867.32 during the reporting period, including the Company and
its subsidiary Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., Ltd.

7.36. Selling and distribution expenses

                    Item                     Current Period                           Previous Period
Advertising promotion expense                         1,210,783,150.98                             820,863,674.35
Employee compensation                                    484,601,462.80                            445,331,462.10
Handling charge                                          233,747,902.25                            234,593,648.46
Labor expense                                            112,430,439.21                             70,679,484.73
Travel expense                                           275,629,936.19                            239,659,340.73
Business entertainment expense                             1,881,714.48                              2,339,613.86
Other expense                                             68,372,501.14                             55,534,597.30
Total                                                 2,387,447,107.05                           1,869,001,821.53

7.37. General and administrative expenses

                    Item                     Current Period                           Previous Period
Employee compensation                                    546,050,904.30                            537,881,111.56
Travel expense                                            46,464,950.04                             37,913,166.58
Office allowance                                           9,035,598.20                             15,377,085.77
Wate, electric and steam expense                          55,857,399.91                             49,398,354.96
Business entertainment expense                            13,876,207.36                             14,095,681.47
Depreciation cost                                        409,604,948.24                            373,549,882.92
Rental expense                                            12,784,133.46                             13,860,579.38
Repair charge                                             45,643,052.23                             39,009,754.21
Amortization of intangible assets.                        45,154,640.83                             95,644,671.94
Taxes and fees                                                                                      43,840,026.30
Vehicle use expense                                       15,547,860.17                             14,944,371.08
Transportation charges.                                   52,448,446.71                             29,987,119.91
R&D expense                                               25,745,247.20                             23,676,172.43
Other expense                                            253,934,718.28                            293,257,272.94
Total                                                 1,532,148,106.93                           1,582,435,251.45

                                               The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.38. Financial expenses

                   Item                    Current Period                           Previous Period
Interest expenses                                              3,927.00                               718,066.64
Less: Interest income                                   48,793,842.12                             35,922,111.00
Plus: Losses from currency exchange                     11,705,912.52                             -4,054,303.70
Plus: Bill discounted cost                                                                        26,997,905.56
Plus: Handling charges                                   3,171,671.13                              3,313,230.36
Total                                                   -33,912,331.47                            -8,947,212.14

7.39. Impairment losses

                   Item                    Current Period                           Previous Period
Bad debt loss                                            2,151,140.21                               -434,243.27
Inventory value loss                                        920,789.05                             1,416,640.67
Goodwill impairment loss                                19,795,848.86                             47,016,513.60
Total                                                   22,867,778.12                             47,998,911.00

7.40. Investment income

                    Item                      Current Period                          Previous Period
Income from long-term equity investments
                                                             -1,299,882.30                        -3,893,529.35
under the equity method
Investment income gained during the
period of holding the available-for-sale                     17,800,330.17                        23,416,641.56
financial assets
Investment income from the disposal of
                                                             90,627,738.02                       128,763,897.76
available-for-sale financial assets
Other investment income                                     516,824,879.08                       398,923,011.53
Total                                                       623,953,064.97                       547,210,021.50
Other explanation
Investment income is from purchasing finance product.

7.41. Income on disposal of assets

 Source of income on disposal of
                                           Current Period                          Previous Period
Gains or losses on disposal of
                                                       -8,598,844.11                            -5,823,628.96

7.42. Other income

        Source of other income             Current Period                          Previous Period
Government grants                                      44,745,640.94

                                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.43. Non-operating income

                                                                                            The amount included in
                                                                                            the extraordinary gains
               Item                Current Period                Previous Period
                                                                                           and losses of the current
Government grants                                                        29,064,221.47
Liquidated damages                        11,966,175.47                   7,248,389.96                   11,966,175.47
Service charge from
                                           2,400,925.65                   5,072,081.31                    2,400,925.65
withholding taxes
Compensation payment                       4,244,301.19                                                   4,244,301.19
Others                                     1,210,652.45                   3,765,113.35                    1,210,652.45
Total                                    19,822,054.76                   45,149,806.09                  19,822,054.76

7.44. on-Operating Expenses

                                                                           The Amount Included in
                                                                            Extraordinary Gains &
               Item           Current Period Amount Previous Period Amount
                                                                             Losses in Previous
Donation                                   4,255,000.00                   2,151,829.00                    4,255,000.00
Integrated fund                                  77,868.28                    28,998.48
Compensation expense                         441,197.00                   1,575,000.00                      441,197.00
Other expense                              3,566,467.53                   1,889,427.42                    3,566,467.53
Total                                      8,340,532.81                   5,645,254.90                    8,262,664.53

7.45. Income Tax Expense

7.45.1. Statement of Income tax Expense

                  Item                       Current Period Amount                    Previous Period Amount
Current Period Income Tax                                 2,316,822,437.89                           1,941,720,992.66
Deferred Income Tax                                          -87,654,013.74                             14,315,457.09
Total                                                     2,229,168,424.15                           1,956,036,449.75

7.45.2. Adjustment for Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

                           Item                                                Current Period Amount
Total profit                                                                                            8,847,954,567.82
Income Tax Expenses Determined by Statutory/Applicable
Tax Rate
Impact from Subsidiaries’ Different Tax Rates                                                               -465,717.35
Adjust for Impact from Income Tax Expense in Previous

                                                       The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Impact from Non-taxable Income                                                                             -3,115,509.21
Non-Deductible Costs, Expenses and Losses                                                                  9,484,414.24
Impact from deductable temporary losses due to
Unrecognized Deferred tax Asset at early stage of Current                                                   -685,296.10
Impact from deductable temporary difference or losses due
to Unrecognized Deferred tax Asset at the end of Current                                                  13,605,204.99
Income tax expense                                                                                     2,229,168,424.15

7.46. Other comprehensive income

Detail in Note 7. 31

7.47. Notes to the cash flow statement

7.47.1 Cash Received from Other Operation Activities

                   Item                        Current Period Amount                    Previous period Amount
Risk deposit                                                       47,312,595.70                          18,084,975.17
Security deposit                                                  153,130,574.87
Interest income                                                    48,793,842.12                          35,922,111.00
Liquidated damages                                                 16,210,476.66                           7,247,389.96
Service charge from withholding taxes                               2,400,925.65                           5,072,081.31
Government grants                                                  35,893,640.94                          20,723,821.47
Intercourse funds and others                                      123,690,396.17                          33,996,755.91
Total                                                             427,432,452.11                         121,047,134.82

7.47.2. Cash Paid for Other Operating Activities

                   Item                        Current Period Amount                    Previous Period Amount
Traffic expense                                                   275,767,664.19                         265,080,768.37
Advertising promotion expense                                 1,150,193,005.98                           834,463,674.35
Rental expense                                                     15,515,018.50                          13,860,579.38
Repair charge                                                      45,714,951.47                          39,009,754.21
Travel expense                                                    313,614,903.30                         277,572,507.31
Entertainment expense                                              15,832,355.68                          16,435,295.33
Insurance expenses                                                  2,398,922.19                           2,695,859.61
Labor cost                                                        113,395,206.68                         106,182,629.07
Intercourse funds and others                                      282,226,385.55                         557,442,466.53
Total                                                         2,214,658,413.54                         2,112,743,534.16

                                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

7.47.3. Cash Received for Other Investment Activities

                         Item                    Current Period Amount                   Previous Period Amount
Government subsidies related to
Total                                                               5,116,000.00

7.47.4 Cash Paid for Other Financing Activities

                         Item                    Current Period Amount                   Previous Period Amount
Payment of shareholders borrowed
form subsidiary before the equity
acquisition under the merge of not the
same control
Letter of credit deposits                                          1,500,000.00
Bill financing                                                                                             900,000,000.00
Total                                                            247,704,388.41                            900,000,000.00

7.48. Supplementary Information to Cash Flow Statement

7.48.1. Supplementary Information to Cash Flow Statement

                         Item                    Current Period Amount                   Previous Period Amount
1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow
                                                           --                                        --
from operating activities
Net Profit                                                      6,618,786,143.67                          5,804,929,113.99
Add: Provision for Asset Impairment                               22,867,778.12                             47,998,911.00
Depreciation of Fixed Asset, Oil & Gas
                                                                 644,638,788.64                            629,710,645.12
Assets and Productive Biological Assets
Amortization of Intangible Assets                                 45,154,640.83                             95,644,671.94
Amortization        of    Long-Term   Deferred
                                                                    1,101,434.65                             5,241,156.99
Losses from Disposal of Fixed Assets,
Intangible Assets and Other Long-Term                               8,598,844.11                             5,823,628.96
Assets (Gains use “-”)
Financial Expenses (Gains use “-”)                               11,709,839.52                             -3,336,178.17
Losses on Investments (Gains use “-”)                          -623,953,064.97                          -547,210,021.50
Decrease in deferred income tax assets
                                                                  -81,584,147.28                            28,714,211.70
(Gains use “-”)
Increase in deferred income tax liabilities
                                                                     -541,555.63                            -14,401,042.72
(Losses use “-”)
Decrease in inventories (Gains use “-”)                        -634,118,034.37                          -883,707,312.20
Decrease in operating receivables
                                                                  -20,895,686.14                          -229,079,055.90
(Gains use “-”)

                                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Increase in operating payables (Losses
                                                                 891,404,818.16                           2,464,715,871.41
use “-”)
Net cash flows from operating activities                        6,883,169,799.31                          7,405,044,600.62
2. Significant Investing and Financing
                                                           --                                        --
Activities not Involving Cash Flow:
3.Net Change in Cash & Cash
                                                           --                                        --
Ending Balance of Cash                                          1,749,952,876.18                          2,456,627,358.97
Less:Beginning Balance of Cash                                 2,456,627,358.97                          4,707,796,539.41
Net Change in Cash and Cash
                                                                 -706,674,482.79                          -2,251,169,180.44

7.48.2. Net Cash Paid during Current Period for Subsidiaries’ Acquisitions

                                  Item                                                   Amount
Cash & Cash Equivalents Paid for Business Combinations
during Current Period
Including:                                                                                 --
ZYG TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT LTD                                                                                 1,707,369.77
Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock Co., Ltd.                                                                        10,000,000.00
Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan) Trade Investment Co.,Ltd.
Less: Cash & Cash Equivalents Held by Subsidiaries at
Including:                                                                                 --
ZYG TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT LTD                                                                                     3,399.08
Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock Co., Ltd.                                                                            27,542.66
Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan) Trade Investment Co.,Ltd.                                                    11,140,525.19
Including:                                                                                 --
Net Cash paid for Subsidiaries’ Acquisitions                                                                   535,902.84

7.48.3. Composition of Cash & Cash Equivalent

                           Item                             Beginning Balance                     Ending Balance
1.    Cash                                                            1,749,952,876.18                    2,456,627,358.97
Including: Cash on hand                                                       4,883.33                            9,416.09
             Unrestricted Bank Deposit                                1,726,983,843.15                    2,454,194,648.21
             Other Unrestricted Cash & Cash
                                                                         22,964,149.70                        2,423,294.67
2.    Ending Balance of Cash & Cash Equivalents                       1,749,952,876.18                    2,456,627,358.97

7.49. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Rights

                    Item                          Ending Book Balance                     Reason for Restriction

                                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Cash & Cash Equivalents                                               1,500,000.00 Letter of Credit Deposits
Total                                                                 1,500,000.00                      --

7.50. Foreign Currency Transactions

7.50.1 Foreign Currency Transactions

                               Ending Balance in Foreign
            Item                                                       Exchange Rate              Ending Balance in RMB
Cash & Cash Equivalents                      --                              --                              353,971,704.10
Including: USD                               54,045,724.59                              6.5342               353,145,573.62
          HKD                                      988,300.75                        0.83591                       826,130.48
Other Receivable                                                                                                   190,307.95
Including: HKD                                     227,665.60                        0.83591                       190,307.95
Account Payable                                                                                                   1,299,724.45
Including: USD                                     198,911.03                           6.5342                    1,299,724.45
Other Payable                                                                                                     2,036,701.39
Including: HKD                                    2,436,507.98                       0.83591                      2,036,701.39

7.50.2. Foreign Business Entities Disclosure
                 Company                            Operation Site                                   Choosing Reason
                                                                                                 Currency    in    the   main
JSSJ Industry (HK) Holdings Co., Limited        Hong Kong, China                HKD            economic environment of
                                                                                                 business operations
                                                                                                 Currency    in    the   main
ZYG E-Commerce HK Limited                         Hong Kong, China                HKD            economic environment of
                                                                                                 business operations
                                                                                                 Currency    in    the   main
ZYG LTD                                            Cayman Islands                 USD            economic environment of
                                                                                                 business operations
                                                                                                 Currency    in    the   main
YangHe International Investment Ltd           British Virgin Islands              USD            economic environment of
                                                                                                 business operations
                                                                                                 Currency    in    the   main
ZYG TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT LTD                 British Virgin Islands              USD            economic environment of
                                                                                                 business operations
                                                                                                 Currency    in    the   main
YANGHE CHILE SPA                                    Santiago, Chile               PESO           economic environment of
                                                                                                 business operations

                                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

8.Changes in Consolidated Scope

8.1. Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

8.1.1. Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control
incurred in current year

                                                                                                   Revenues of Net profit of
                                                                                                    Acquired      Acquired
                  Time                                                                              company       company
   Target                  Acquisition    % interest   Acquisition    Acquisition       basis of
                    of                                                                               from the     from the
  Comany                      cost        acquired       method            dates    acquisition
             acquisition                                                                           acquisition   acquisition
                                                                                                   dates to the dates to the
                                                                                                    year-end      year-end
TECHNOLO                                                                            Change of
             31 March      1,707,369.7                                31 March
GY                                           71.03% Acquisition                     shareholdin                  -124,825.67
             2017                     7                               2017
INVESTME                                                                            g
                                                                                    Change of
Welcome      16 August     10,000,000.                                16 August                                  -5,628,223.1
                                            100.00% Acquisition                     shareholdin
Drink Stock 2017                     00                               2017                                                   1
Co., Ltd.
Dream Blue
             13                                                       13            Change of
i (Shiyan)                 15,738,379.                 Reduction of
             September                       48.54%                   September     shareholdin                   -68,491.34
Trade                                62                capital
             2017                                                     2017          g
Other explanation:
(1) Accroding to Equity Transfer Agreement between indirect holding subsidiary YangHe International
    Investment Ltd and Geng libin on 31 March 2017, Geng transferred 71.03% equity of ZYG
    TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT LTD on his own behalf to YangHe International Investment Ltd with
    the price of 247,470.00 US dollars. From 31 March 2017 bring it into the scope of consolidated
    financial statements.
(2) According to Acquisition Agreement between subsidiary Guizhou Guijiu Co.,Ltd.,Guizhou Guijiu
    Trade Co.,Ltd.and Liang mingfeng, Liang mingwang, Wang xiaojun on 12 August 2017, Guizhou
    Guijiu Co.,Ltd. acquire 3.5 million and 4 million shares of Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock Co., Ltd.
    owned by Liang mingfeng and Liang mingwang respectively, Guizhou Guijiu Trade Co.,Ltd acquire
    2.5 million shares of Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock Co., Ltd. owned by Wang xiaojun, totally acquire
    100% stock of Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock Co., Ltd., form business combinations involving
    enterprises not under common control, and transact the registration procedures for the change of
    industry and Commerce on 16 August 2017. From August 2017 bring it into the scope of
    consolidated financial statements.

                                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

(3) According to resolution of the shareholder committee of joint venture Dream Blue Chuanhaihui
    (Shiyan) Trade Investment Co., Ltd., Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan) Trade Investment Co., Ltd.
    reduce registered capital of 13.9 million yuan. Registered capitals is 20 million Yuan after reduction
    of capital, including 19 million yuan from company (95%), form business combinations involving
    enterprises not under common control, and transact the registration procedures for the change of
    industry and Commerce on 13 September 2017. From October 2017 bring it into the scope of
    consolidated financial statements.

8.1.2. Details of costs of combination and goodwill
                                                                                                   Dream Blue Chuanhaihui
                                     ZYG TECHNOLOGY                Guizhou Welcome Drink
    Costs of combination                                                                           (Shiyan) Trade Investment
                                     INVESTMENT LTD                     Stock Co., Ltd.
-- Cash consideration                            1,707,369.77                     10,000,000.00
-- Fair value of previously
held equity at acquisition                                                                                        15,738,379.62
Total costs of combination                       1,707,369.77                     10,000,000.00                   15,738,379.62
Less: Share of fair value of
the identifiable net assets                      -3,349,741.42                    -1,333,195.25                   12,332,837.20
obtained Goodwill
Goodwill/ combined cost less
 than the amout of acquire
                                                  5,057,111.19                    11,333,195.25                    3,405,542.42
 fair value of net identifiable

8.1.3. Assets and liabilities of Target Company at acquisition dates

                                                                                                  Dream Blue Chuanhaihui
                        ZYG TECHNOLOGY                  Guizhou Welcome Drink Stock
                                                                                               (Shiyan) Trade Investment
                         INVESTMENT LTD                             Co., Ltd.
                                        Carrying                                Carrying                              Carrying
                    Fair value at                       Fair value at                         Fair value at
                                       amount at                            amount at                              amount at
                     acquisition                         acquisition                          acquisition
                                       acquisition                          acquisition                            acquisition
                        dates                              dates                                   dates
                                         dates                                   dates                                 dates
Cash and cash
                          3,399.08         3,399.08         27,542.66             27,542.66   11,140,525.19       11,140,525.19
Inventory                                                5,046,030.00       5,046,030.00
Fixed assets                                           204,843,641.23 204,843,641.23               78,453.70             78,453.70
                                                        39,316,500.00      27,800,000.00
                                                         2,540,067.22       2,540,067.22
                                                                                               2,963,000.00        2,963,000.00

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Other current
                                                   688,361.04        688,361.04
                      3,388.45       3,388.45 250,916,212.40 250,916,212.40          1,200,045.00      1,200,045.00
Deferred Tax
non-current       4,715,963.63   4,715,963.63
Net assets       -4,715,953.00   -4,715,953.00   -1,333,195.25    -9,970,570.25     12,981,933.89     12,981,933.89
Less: Minority
                 -1,366,211.58   -1,366,211.58                                         649,096.69        649,096.69
Net assets
                 -3,349,741.42   -3,349,741.42   -1,333,195.25    -9,970,570.25     12,332,837.20     12,332,837.20

8.2. Changes in consolidation scope due to other reasons

Explanation of consolidation scope changes caused by other reasons (e.g., new subsidiary, Clearing
subsidiary, etc.) and related conditions:
(1) On January 2017, subsidiary Su wine trade group Limited by Share Ltd. invest 10 million yuan to set
up Jiangsu Blue Dream E-commerce Co., Ltd., there is no contribution of capital as of December 31,
2017. It will be incorporated into the consolidated financial statements from January 2017.
(2) On March 2017, company invests 10 million yuan to set up Jiangsu Yanghe Weiketang Network
Technology Co., Ltd., 0.3 million yuan has been contributed as of December 31, 2017. It will be
incorporated into the consolidated financial statements from March 2017.
(3) On October 12, 2017, company invest 5 million yuan to set up Suqian Sujiu Logistic Co.,Ltd., there is
no contribution of capital as of December 31, 2017. It will be incorporated into the consolidated financial
statements from October 2017.
(4) On October 31, 2017, company set up YANGHE CHILE SPA in Santiago, Chile, there is no
contribution of capital as of December 31, 2017. It will be incorporated into the consolidated financial
statements from October 2017.

Clearing of subsidiary

(1) Indirect holding subsidiary Taizhou Mengye Trading Co., Ltd. written off in current period, obtain the
Allowe Notice to cancel the registration. It will not be incorporated into the consolidated financial
statements from August 2017.

(2) Indirect holding subsidiary Siyang Yanghe Package Service Co., Ltd. written off in current period,
liquidation finished on December 2017, and acquired Notice of tax matters from Siyang Local Taxation
Bureau first branch and Siyang State Taxation Bureau on December 12, 2017 and December 2, 2017
respectively, obtain the Allowe Notice to cancel the registration from Siyang Administration for Market
Regulation. It will not be incorporated into the consolidated financial statements from December 31,

                                                       The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

9.Interests in Other Entities

9.1. Interests in Subsidiaries

9.1.1 Group Composition:

       Name of   Major business       Place of        Nature of               Shareholding                 Acquisition
  Subsidiaries       location       registration      business           Direct           Indirect           method
Jiangsu Yanghe
                 Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
Package Co.,                                       Liquor package           100.00%                     Establishment
                 province         province
Nanjing Yanghe Nanjing,           Nanjing,
Blue Classic     Jiangsu          Jiangsu          Commerce                                   100.00% Establishment
Co.,Ltd.         province         province
Beijing Yanghe
Commerce and Fengtai,Beijing Fengtai,Beijing Commerce                                         100.00% Establishment
Trade Co.,Ltd.
Jiangsu Huaqu Nanjing,            Nanjing,
Wine Group       Jiangsu          Jiangsu          Commerce                                    97.00% Establishment
Co.,Ltd.         province         province
TianhaiCommer Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
                                                   Commerce                                   100.00% Establishment
ce and Trade     province         province
Wine             Huaian, Jiangsu Huaian, Jiangsu
                                                   Commerce                                   100.00% Establishment
Development      province         province
Suqian Yanghe
                 Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
Guibinguan                                         Hotel industry           100.00%                     Establishment
                 province         province
Jiangsu Huaqu Nanjing,            Nanjing,
Wine Group       Jiangsu          Jiangsu          Commerce                                   100.00% Establishment
Nanjing Co.,Ltd. province         province
Sujiu Group
Trade            Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
                                                   Commerce                  83.63%            16.37% Establishment
Jiont-Stock      province         province
Wuxi Huaqu
Wine             Wuxi, Jiangsu    Wuxi, Jiangsu
                                                   Commerce                                   100.00% Establishment
Development      province         province
Taizhou Huaqu Taizhou,            Taizhou,
                                                   Commerce                                   100.00% Establishment
Wine             Jiangsu          Jiangsu

                                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Development        province        province
                   Taizhou,        Taizhou,
Taizhou Mengye
                   Jiangsu         Jiangsu           Commerce                                  100.00% Establishment
Trading Co.,Ltd.
                   province        province
Jiangsu Huaqu
                   Nantong,        Nantong,
Wine Group
                   Jiangsu         Jiangsu           Commerce                                  100.00% Establishment
                   province        province
Jiangsu Huaqu Suzhou,              Suzhou,
Wine Group         Jiangsu         Jiangsu           Commerce                                  100.00% Establishment
Suzhou Co.,Ltd. province           province
Jiangsu Huaqu
                   Yancheng,       Yancheng,
Wine Group
                   Jiangsu         Jiangsu           Commerce                                  100.00% Establishment
                   province        province
Jiangsu Yanghe
                   Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
Operation                                            Commerce                100.00%                     Establishment
                   province        province
                   Sihong, Jiangsu Sihong, Jiangsu
Liquor                                               Commerce                                  100.00% Establishment
                   province        province
Jiangsu Dongdi
Union              Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
                                                     Commerce                100.00%                     Establishment
International      province        province
Trade Co.,Ltd.
Dongdixinghui      Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
                                                     Commerce                100.00%                     Establishment
International      province        province
Trade Co.,Ltd.
Suqian Blue
                   Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
Dream Trade                                          Commerce                                  100.00% Establishment
                   province        province
Siyang Lantu
Liquor             Siyang, Jiangsu Siyang, Jiangsu
                                                     Commerce                100.00%                     Establishment
OperationCo.,Lt province           province
JSSJ Industry
                   Hong Kong,      Hong Kong,
(HK)Holdings                                       CORP                                      100.00% Establishment
                   China           China
Co., Limited

                                                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Siyang Yanghe
                   Siyang, Jiangsu Siyang, Jiangsu
Package                                              Liquor package              100.00%                     Establishment
                   province        province
Service Co.,Ltd.
Hubei Lihuacun Shiyan, Hubei       Yunxian, Hubei
                                                     Commerce                                      100.00% Establishment
Trade Co.,Ltd.     province        province
Jiangsu                                                                                                      combinations
Shuanggou          Sihong, Jiangsu Sihong, Jiangsu                                                           involving
                                                     manufacture                  99.99%             0.01%
Distillery Stock   province        province                                                                  enterprises not
                                                     and sales
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    under common
Sihong                                                                                                       combinations
Shuangtai          Sihong, Jiangsu Sihong, Jiangsu Liquor                                                    involving
Package            province        province          packaging                                               enterprises not
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                     under common
                   Sihong, Jiangsu Sihong, Jiangsu Waste material                                            involving
Antai waste                                                                                        100.00%
                   province        province          recycle                                                 enterprises not
                                                                                                             under common
Shiyan Baiquan                                       Process liquor,
                   Shiyan, Hubei   Yunxian, Hubei                                                            involving
Wine Industry                                        wine and fruit              100.00%
                   province        province                                                                  enterprises not
Co., Ltd.                                            wine
                                                                                                             under common
                                                     Manufacture                                             combinations
Miluo Miluo
                   Ningxiang,      Ningxiang,        and sale of                                             involving
Chunjiuye                                                                        100.00%
                   Hunan province Hunan province liquor and                                                  enterprises not
                                                     compound wine                                           under common
Harbin Binzhou Binxian,            Binxian,
Brewery            Heilongjiang    Heilongjiang      Liquor-making               100.00%
                                                                                                             enterprises not
Co.,Ltd.           province        province
                                                                                                             under common
Sujiu Group        Nanjing,        Nanjing,          Assets/investme
Jiangsu            Jiangsu         Jiangsu           nt management,              100.00%                     Establishment
Wealth             province        province          information

                                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Management                                           consultation
Miluo Miluo
                     Ningxiang,      Ningxiang,
Chunjiuye Trade                                      Commerce                                    100.00% Establishment
                     Hunan province Hunan province
Jinagsu Kelite
                     Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu enzyme
Technology                                                                     100.00%                     Establishment
                     province        province        preparation
                                                     research and
Institute Co.,Ltd.
Xuzhou Huaqu
                     Xuzhou,         Xuzhou,
                     Jiangsu         Jiangsu         Commerce                                    100.00% Establishment
                     province        province
Suqian Sky Blue Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
                                                     Commerce                                    100.00% Establishment
Trade Co.,Ltd.       province        province
Shiyan Yunyang
                                                     compound wine,
Lihuacun             Shiyan, Hubei   Shiyan, Hubei
                                                     health wine                                 100.00% Establishment
Package              province        province
Service Co.,Ltd.
Jiangsu Lion                                         development,
and Sheep            Nanjing,        Nanjing,        technical
Network              Jiangsu         Jiangsu         consultation,             100.00%                     Establishment
Technology           province        province        technical
Co.,Ltd.                                             services;
Jiangsu                                                                                                    combinations
                     Nanjing,        Nanjing,
Zhaiyougou                                                                                                 involving
                     Jiangsu         Jiangsu         Commerce                                    100.00%
E-commerce                                                                                                 enterprises not
                     province        province
Co.,Ltd                                                                                                    under common
NanjingTongme Nanjing,               Nanjing,                                                              combinations
ng City Logistics Jiangsu            Jiangsu                                                      99.99% involving
Co.,Ltd.             province        province                                                              enterprises not
                                                                                                           under common

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Nanjing jinling                                Freight                                               combinations
                  Nanjing,     Nanjing,
Tongmeng City                                  Transport,                                            involving
                  Jiangsu      Jiangsu                                                      51.00%
Logistics                                      Warehouse                                             enterprises not
                  province     province
Co.,Ltd.                                       service                                               under common
                                               Import and                                            Business
Nanjing                                        export business                                       combinations
                  Nanjing,     Nanjing,
Oubaosi                                        of self-run                                           involving
                  Jiangsu      Jiangsu                                                     100.00%
International                                  goods, agency                                         enterprises not
                  province     province
Trade Co.,Ltd.                                 goods and                                             under common
                                               technology                                            control
Huaian                                         Freight                                               combinations
Tongmeng City Huaian, Jiangsu Huaian, Jiangsu Transport,                                             involving
Logistics         province     province        Warehouse                                             enterprises not
Co.,Ltd.                                       service                                               under common
                                               Freight                                               combinations
Jiezzhong         Changzhou,   Changzhou,
                                               Transport,                                            involving
Tongmeng City Jiangsu          Jiangsu                                                      51.00%
                                               Warehouse                                             enterprises not
Logistics         province     province
                                               service                                               under common
Nantong                                        Freight                                               combinations
                  Nantong,     Nantong,
Tongmeng City                                  Transport,                                            involving
                  Jiangsu      Jiangsu                                                      51.00%
Logistics                                      Warehouse                                             enterprises not
                  province     province
Co.,Ltd.                                       service                                               under common
Suzhou                                         Freight                                               combinations
                  Suzhou,      Suzhou,
Tongmeng City                                  Transport,                                            involving
                  Jiangsu      Jiangsu                                                      51.00%
Logistics                                      Warehouse                                             enterprises not
                  province     province
Co.,Ltd.                                       service                                               under common
Taizhou                                        Freight                                               combinations
                  Taizhou,     Taizhou,
Tongmeng City                                  Transport,                                            involving
                  Jiangsu      Jiangsu                                                      51.00%
Logistics                                      Warehouse                                             enterprises not
                  province     province
Co.,Ltd.                                       service                                               under common
Wuxi Tongmeng Wuxi, Jiangsu    Wuxi, Jiangsu   Freight                                      51.00% Business

                                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

City Logistics   province       province       Transport,                                           combinations
Co.,Ltd.                                       Warehouse                                            involving
                                               service                                              enterprises not
                                                                                                    under common
Yancheng                                       Freight                                              combinations
                 Yancheng,      Yancheng,
Tongmeng City                                  Transport,                                           involving
                 Jiangsu        Jiangsu                                                    51.00%
Logistics                                      Warehouse                                            enterprises not
                 province       province
Co.,Ltd.                                       service                                              under common
Zhenjiang                                      Freight                                              combinations
                 Zhenjiang,     Zhenjiang,
Tongmeng City                                  Transport,                                           involving
                 Jiangsu        Jiangsu                                                    51.00%
Logistics                                      Warehouse                                            enterprises not
                 province       province
Co.,Ltd.                                       service                                              under common
Yangzhou                                       Freight                                              combinations
                 Yangzhou,      Yangzhou,
Tongmeng City                                  Transport,                                           involving
                 Jiangsu        Jiangsu                                                    53.00%
Logistics                                      Warehouse                                            enterprises not
                 province       province
Co.,Ltd.                                       service                                              under common
Suqian                                         Freight                                              combinations
Tongmeng City Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu Transport,                                            involving
Logistics        province       province        Warehouse                                           enterprises not
Co.,Ltd.                                        service                                             under common
Pizhou                                         Freight                                              combinations
                 Xuzhou,        Xuzhou,
Tongmeng City                                  Transport,                                           involving
                 Jiangsu        Jiangsu                                                    51.00%
Logistics                                      Warehouse                                            enterprises not
                 province       province
Co.,Ltd.                                       service                                              under common
                                               Freight                                              combinations
Huaxing          Lianyungang,   Lianyungang,
                                               Transport,                                           involving
Tongmeng City Jiangsu           Jiangsu                                                    51.00%
                                               Warehouse                                            enterprises not
Logistics        province       province
                                               service                                              under common
Jiangsu          Nanjing,       Nanjing,                                                            Business
Zhaibianli       Jiangsu        Jiangsu        Commerce                                   100.00% combinations
E-commerce       province       province                                                            involving

                                                      The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Co.,Ltd                                                                                                enterprises not
                                                                                                       under common
Hongkong                                                                                               combinations
Zhaiyougou       Hong          Hong                                                                    involving
                                                 Commerce                                    100.00%
International    Kong,China    Kong,China                                                              enterprises not
Trade Co.,Ltd                                                                                          under common
                                                 Liquor                                                combinations
                 Guiyang,      Guiyang,
Guizhou Guijiu                                   production;                                           involving
                 Guizhou       Guizhou                                     100.00%
Co.,Ltd.                                         Liquor and                                            enterprises not
                 province      province
                                                 alcohol sales                                         under common
Guizhou Guijiu
Liquor           Guiyang,      Guiyang,
Operation        Guizhou       Guizhou           Commerce                                    100.00% Establishment
Management       province      province
                 Guiyang,      Guiyang,
Guizhou Guijiu
                 Guizhou       Guizhou           Commerce                                    100.00% Establishment
Trade Co.,Ltd.
                 province      province
                                                 Guijiu series
Guizhou Guijiu   Guiyang,      Guiyang,          liquor,
Package          Guizhou       Guizhou           compound wine,                              100.00% Establishment
Co.,Ltd.         province      province          health care wine
Guanmeng         Suzhou,       Suzhou,           Information
Information      Jiangsu       Jiangsu           technology                                  100.00% Establishment
Technology       province      province          development
                 Hong          Hong              Industrial                                            involving
E-Commerce                                                                                   100.00%
                 Kong,China    Kong,China        investment                                            enterprises not
HK Limited
                                                                                                       under common
ZYG LTD          Cayman Islands Cayman Islands                                                69.08% involving
                                                                                                       enterprises not
                                                                                                       under common

                                                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

                     British Virgin   British Virgin   Industrial
International                                                                                      100.00% Establishment
                     Islands          Islands          investment
Investment Ltd
Nanjing Huiteng
                     Nanjing,         Nanjing,         development,
                     Jiangsu          Jiangsu          design,                                     100.00% Establishment
                     province         province         production,
                                                       agency, release
Jiangsu                                                Healthy wine,
Shuanggou                                              nutrition and
                     Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
Healthy Liquor                                         health food                                 100.00% Establishment
                     province         province
Research                                               research and
institute Co.,Ltd.                                     development
ZYG                                                                                                          combinations
TECHNOLOGY British Virgin             British Virgin   Industrial                                            involving
INVESTMENT           Islands          Islands          investment                                            enterprises not
LTD                                                                                                          under common
Jiangsu Blue
Dream                Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
                                                       Commerce                                    100.00% Establishment
E-commerce           province         province
Jiangsu Yanghe
Weiketang            Nanjing,         Nanjing,
Network              Jiangsu          Jiangsu                                    100.00%                     Establishment
Technology           province         province
                                                       technical servic
Guizhou              Renhuai,         Renhuai,         Liquor
Welcome Drink Guizhou                 Guizhou          manufacture                                 100.00%
                                                                                                             enterprises not
Stock Co., Ltd.      province         province         and sales
                                                                                                             under common
Dream Blue
                                                       Industrial                                            combinations
                     Shiyan, Hubei    Shiyan, Hubei    investment,                                           involving
(Shiyan) Trade                                                                    95.00%
                     province         province         Online business                                       enterprises not
                                                       consultation                                          under common

                                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

                                                     Road general
Suqian Sujiu                                         cargo transport,
                  Suqian, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu
Logistics                                            cargo                      100.00%                       Establishment
                  province         province
Co.,Ltd.                                             distribution,
                                                     freight forwarder
                                                     Movable and
                                                     real estate
                  Santiago, Chile Santiago, Chile services,                     100.00%                       Establishment

9.2. Interests in associates and a joint venture

9.2.1. The impact of the Group’s associates on the Group is not significant.
Summarized information is as follows:

                                              Ending Balance/Amount in current        Beginning Balance/Amount in previous
                                                             period                                  period
Associates:                                                     --                                     --
Aggregated carrying amount of
                                                                      1,980,046.94                             21,029,470.42
Aggregate of the following items
                                                                --                                     --
calculated in proportion to shareholding
Joint ventures:                                                 --                                     --
Aggregate of the following items
                                                                --                                     --
calculated in proportion to shareholding
--Net profit                                                          -1,299,882.30                             -3,893,529.35
-- Total comprehensive income                                         -1,299,882.30                             -3,893,529.35

10. Risks Related to Financial Instruments

The Group is exposed to various financial risks in the ordinary course of business, mainly including: Credit risk, Liquidity
risk, Market Risk, etc. The company's management is fully responsible for the formulation of risk management objectives
and policies, and takes responsibility for risk management objectives and policies. The objective of the Group's risk
management is to identify and analysis risk, minimizing the adverse impact of financial risks without excessive influence
on the company's competitiveness and resilience.

10.1. Credit Risks
Credit risk refers to the risk that one party of the financial instruments fails to perform its obligations and
causes the financial losses of the other party. Credit risk mainly related to accounts receivable, in order
to control the risk, company takes the following measures:

(1) Account receivable

                                                    The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

Company mainly trade with franchiser, according to company credit policy, adopts the way of delivery
after the payments finished. For some group purchase business, only deal with the reputable group
clients, and continuously monitor the balance of accounts receivable, as a result, there is no collateral
required, credit risk management concentrate on the clients. The balance of accounts receivable is small
till December 31, 2017. The company does not hold any collateral or other credit enhancement for the
balance of accounts receivable.

(2) Other receivable

The other receivables are mainly deposits, security deposits and reservation fund, employee business
loan and so on, which are related to infringement liability disputes. The company manages other
receivables and continuously monitors its balance, to ensure the company does not face significant bad
debt risks.

(3) The amount included in account receivables which does not overdue, impaired, and financial assets
overdue but not impaired, duration analysis are as follows:
      Item                                               Ending Balance
                    Within 1 year      1-2 years             2-3 years        Over 3 years              Total
Account                5,149,816.55     3,621,893.85            12,493.33        2,049,351.46         10,833,555.19
Other receivable      14,638,635.49     2,497,442.07         7,213,051.26      14,839,793.55          39,188,922.37

      Item                                               Beginning Balance
                     Within 1 year      1-2 years             2-3 years       Over 3 years              Total
Account                10,606,134.17        215,155.07           634,408.63      2,070,727.13         13,526,425.00
Other receivable       11,429,831.72      8,983,426.12         1,027,111.55     10,310,940.86         31,751,310.25

(4) The impairment of company financial assets are Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Limited
 Zhenzhou Jiefang Road Branch and Kaifeng Haode Branch 65,747,048.93 yuan deposit of Other
 receivable, the security deposit pay to Jiangsu Juntai Properties Co.,Ltd., Suqian Guotai Department
 Store Co.,Ltd. bankruptcy administrator 15,000,000.00 yuan, bad debts provision of individual event is
 47,839,924.27 yuan, and investment to Suqian Traffic Investment Company Limited of
 available-for-sale financial assets measure by cost is 948,000.00 yuan, full provision is made for
 available-for-sale financial assets impairment provisions.

10.2. Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk refers to the risk of capital shortage when enterprise performs its obligations related to
financial liabilities. The company uses various financing methods such as bill clearing and bank loan to
optimize the financing structure and maintain the balance between financing continuity and flexibility.

The company's financial liabilities according to the expiration of the remaining contract obligations as
     Item                                                Ending Balance

                                                              The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

                       Within 1 year            1-2 years             2-3 years         Over 3 years                Total
Notes payable              8,200,000.00                                                                              8,200,000.00
Account                1,111,403,574.47                                                                          1,111,403,574.47
Other payables         5,620,040,515.94                                                                          5,620,040,515.94
long-term loan                                     145,452.00                                                         145,452.00
Special payable                                                                         199,107,530.75            199,107,530.75

        Item                                                     Beginning Balance
                         Within 1 year            1-2 years           2-3 years         Over 3 years                Total
Notes payable              960,000,000.00                                                                         960,000,000.00
Account payables           784,213,000.76                                                                         784,213,000.76
Other payables            4,867,632,425.33                                                                       4,867,632,425.33
long-term loan                                                          181,816.00                                    181,816.00
Special payable                                                                         199,978,943.07            199,978,943.07

10.3. Market risk
Market risk is the fair value of financial instrument or future cash flow fluctuates due to the fluctuation of
market price, it mainly including: Interest rate risk, Foreign exchange risk, etc.

10.3.1. Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk refers to the fair value of financial instrument or future cash flow fluctuates due to the
   fluctuation of interest rate.

10.3.2. Foreign exchange risk
Foreign exchange risk arises from fluctuation in exchange rate, relevant to the assets and liabilities in
foreign currency. The less import and export business happened, the lower impact of exchange rate
fluctuation on company's operation.

The carrying amounts in RMB of the Group’s assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are
summarized below:
        Item                       Ending Balance                                            Beginning Balance
                      Balance in       Exchange                            Balance in
                                                   Balance in RMB                            Exchange rate   Balance in RMB
                  foreign currency       rate                            foreign currency
Cash and cash
Include: USD          54,045,724.59       6.5342     353,145,573.62         1,876,834.37            6.9370         13,019,600.02
         HKD            988,300.75       0.83591            826,130.48      2,502,326.06           0.89451          2,238,355.68
 Include: USD                                                                        20.00          6.9370                  138.74
           HKD          227,665.60       0.83591            190,307.95        217,030.02           0.89451            194,135.52

                                                             The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd

e         financial
Include: USD          8,058,272.79       6.5342         52,654,366.05      8,112,175.00          6.9370        56,274,157.98
Include: USD            198,911.03       6.5342          1,299,724.45
Other payables
Include: HKD          2,436,507.98      0.83591          2,036,701.39
Net amount                                          403,479,952.26                                             71,726,387.94

11.Related Parties and Related Party Transactions

11.1.The parent company of the Company

    Name of Parent                                                                    Shareholding Ratio
                                                                                                         Voting Ratio by the
                      Registration Place    Business Nature        Registered Capital by the Parent
      Company                                                                                            Parent Company
                                                                                      Company (%)
                                           Sales of brewing
                                           equipment, export
                                           of liquor, import of
                                           various raw and
Jiangsu Yanghe                             auxiliary materials,
                      Suqian, Jiangsu                              RMB 110.00 million             34.16%               34.16%
Group Co.,Ltd.                             equipment and
                                           required for
Information about the Company’s parent company
The final control party of the Company is State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of Suqian

11.2. Subsidiaries of the Company:

The information about the subsidiaries of the Company refers to Note 9 Equity in Subsidiaries.

11.3. Joint venture and associate of the Company

                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

The information about the joint venture and associate of the Company refers to the Notes.
Other joint ventures and associates whose related party transactions with the Company in
the current period or balance formed from related party transactions with the Company in
the prior period.
         Name of Joint Venture and Associate                     Relationship with the Company
Dream Blue Chuanhaihui (Shiyan) Trade                Joint venture from January to September 2017 and
Investment Co.,Ltd.                                  holding subsidiary since October 2017
Jiangsu Sujiu cultural transmission Co.,Ltd.         Joint venture

11.4. Other related party

            Name of Other Related Party                          Relationship with the Company
Shanghai Haiyan Logistics Development Co.,Ltd.       Holding 9.67% shares
Suning Consumer Finance Co.,Ltd.                     joint stock company, holding 10% shares

11.5. Related party transactions

11.5.1. Related transactions of purchase of goods / supply and receipt of
labor services

Statement of Purchase of Goods / Receipt of Labor Services
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                      Approved        Whether it is over
                   Transaction      Amount in
 Related Party                                       Transaction         transaction       Amount in 2016
                      Content          2017
                                                       amount           amount or not
Statement of Sales of Goods and Rendering of Labor Services
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
      Related Party         Transaction Content         Amount in 2017                 Amount in 2016
Shanghai Haiyan
Logistics Development      Sales of liquor                    21,254,112.01                  19,859,376.09
Jiangsu Sujiu cultural
                           Sales of liquor                    29,337,312.84                  18,076,786.32
transmission Co.,Ltd.
Jiangsu Zhaiyougou
E-commerce Co.,Ltd.        Sales of liquor                                                    3,240,000.00
Statement of Purchase and Sales of Goods, Supply and Receipt of Labor Services

[Note]Amount in 2016 was the related party transactions before share acquisition from
January to March 2016.

11.5.2. Related party leasing

The Company as Lessor:

                                      The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                   Leasehold Income
                                                       Leasehold Income
                                                                                   Recognized during
    Name of Lessee      Type of Leased Asset           Recognized during
                                                                                   Previous Reporting
                                                    Current Reporting Period
The Company as Lessee:
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                    Leasing Fee Recognized Leasing Fee Recognized
    Name of Lessor       Type of Leased Asset       during Current Reporting   during Previous
                                                             Period           Reporting Period
Jiangsu Yanghe Group
                                  Building                         666,666.67                 198,198.20

11.5.3. Other related party transactions

Deposit Business

The holding subsidiary Sujiu Group Jiangsu Wealth Management Co.,Ltd. separately
deposited RMB 60 million,RMB 40 million and RMB 50 million in Suning Consumer
Finance Co.,Ltd. as one-year deposit. The total deposit is RMB 150 million.

11.6.Receivables and payables of related parties

11.6.1. Payables

           Item              Related Party               Ending Balance            Beginning Balance
                       Shanghai Haiyan
Payment in Advance     Logistics Development                       244,800.00                     2,319.00
                       Shanghai Haiyan
Other Payables         Logistics Development                       120,920.00              20,553,000.00
                       Jiangsu Sujiu cultural
Other Payables                                                     100,000.00
                       transmission Co.,Ltd.

12.Commitments and Contingencies

12.1. Significant commitments

Significant commitments existing on the balance sheet date

By the end of December 31st 2017, there were no important commitment issues to be

                                        The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

12.2. Contingencies

12.2.1Significant contingencies existing on the balance date

The holding subsidiary Sujiu Group Trade Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd. deposited RMB 1.3 billion
in ICBC Zhengzhou Jiefang Road Sub-branch and ICBC Kaifeng Dehao Sub-branch. For
the tort liability dispute events, Su wine trade group Limited by Share Ltd. had started civil
proceedings to recover losses from the relevant responsible unit and person. On 12
February 2015, Jiangsu Suqian intermediate people's court received the case acceptance
notice and accepted and heard the case. Jiangsu Suqian intermediate people's court sent
civil ruling paper separately on 30 October 2015 and 14 December 2015. The above tort
liability dispute events were accepted by Jiangsu Suqian intermediate people's court.
Some infringers involved in criminal offence were tried. The above civil lawsuits are still in
the process of trial. By the end of 31 December 2017, the amount not yet recovered was
RMB 65,747,048.93.

Except for the above event, by the end of 31 December 2017, the Company had no other
significant contingencies required to be disclosed.

13.Post Balance Sheet Event

13.1. the distribution of profits

Profits or dividends planed to be distributed                                             3,842,819,400.00

13.2. Other description for post balance sheet events

Significant foreign investment

On 5 January 2018, the holding subsidiary of the Company, Yanghe Chile SpA purchased
4,996,212,080 shares of VSPT, Via San Pedro Tarapacá S.A. by bidding. The proportion
of the total share capital is 12.50%。 The price per share is 7.90 peso.

Except for the above event, the Company had no other post balance sheet events
required to be disclosed by the end of 26 April 2018.

14. Notes to Main Items of Parent Company Financial statements

14.1.Accounts receivable

14.1.1Disclosure of accounts receivable by categories

                            Ending balance                              Beginning balance
      Type                      Provision for                                Provision for
                   Book balance bad debt      Book                 Book       bad debt               Book

                                         The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                       value      balance                             value
                                        rtion                                     Proporti
                          Propo                                     Propo
                    Amoun        Amoun    of                   Amou                on of
                           rtion                                     rtion Amount
                      t            t   Provis                   nt                Provisio
                            (%)                                       (%)
                                         ion                                      n (%)
              7,526,7                                 7,526,7 1,855,
tested for            100.00                                           100.00                         1,855,06
              09,429.                                 09,429. 067,9
impairment on             %                                                  %                        7,908.49
                   22                                      22 08.49
a portfolio
                    7,526,7                           7,526,7 1,855,
                               100.00                                  100.00                         1,855,06
Total               09,429.                           09,429. 067,9
                                   %                                         %                        7,908.49
                         22                                22 08.49
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and tested for impairment individually:
□ Applicable √ N/A
In the portfolio,accounts receivable tested for impairment by aging analysis method:
□ Applicable √ N/A
In the portfolio,accounts receivable tested for impairment by balance percentage method:
□ Applicable √ N/A
In the portfolio,accounts receivable tested for impairment by other methods:
Other portfolios are account receivables of holding subsidiaries with no provision for bad

14.1.2.Top five entities with the largest balances of the account

           Name of debtors                    Ending balance                                        Provision
                                                                     Proportion in the total (%)      Amount

Jiangsu    Yanghe     Liquor    Operation        6,667,481,941.23                          88.58
Managment Co.,Ltd
Siyang Lantu Liquor Operation Co.,Ltd.             479,592,284.37                           6.37
Jiangsu Dongdi Union International                 204,709,486.55                           2.72
Trade Co.,Ltd.
Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock                  94,826,123.22                           1.26
Miluo Miluo Chunjiuye Co.,Ltd.                      31,301,728.79                           0.42
                 Total                           7,477,911,564.16                          99.35

                                            The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

14.2. Other receivables

14.2.1Disclosure of other receivable by categories

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                  Ending balance                                  Beginning balance
                                        Provision for                   Book              Provision for
                     Book balance        bad debt                                          bad debt
        Type                             rtion Book                     Proporti                                    Book
                           Propo                          Propo
                     Amoun        Amoun    of  value Amou                on of                                      value
                            rtion                          rtion Amount
                       t            t   Provis        nt                Provisio
                             (%)                            (%)
                                          ion                           n (%)
receivables with
significant single                                                    15,00
                     15,000,            15,000, 100.00                                   15,000,
amount and                      1.27%                                0,000. 0.14%                   100.00%
                      000.00            000.00         %                                 000.00
tested for                                                              00
receivables          1,161,7                               1,160,3                                                 10,362,4
                                 98.73 1,363,1                       3,606,     99.86 1,145,4
tested for            29,311.                              66,132.                                                 61,481.7
                                    %    79.37                        962.4         %      80.75
impairment on a           41                                   04                                                           4
portfolio basis
                     1,176,7                               1,160,3                                                 10,362,4
                                        16,363,                      8,606,              16,145,
Total                 29,311.                              66,132.                                                 61,481.7
                                        179.37                        962.4              480.75
                          41                                   04                                                           4
Other receivable with significant single amount and tested for impairment individually:
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                             Ending balance
Other receivables(by
                                                  Provision for bad           Proportion of
         unit)           Other receivables                                                             Reason
                                                        debt                   Provision
Jiangsu Juntai
Properties Co.,Lt.,
Suqian Guotai                                                                                      Estimated unable to
                                15,000,000.00         15,000,000.00                     100.00%
Department Store                                                                                   recover
Co.,Ltd. bankruptcy
Total                           15,000,000.00         15,000,000.00                --                         --
In the portfolio,accounts receivable tested for impairment by aging analysis method:

                                       The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                          Ending Balance
                               Other receivables      Provision for bad debt      Proportion of Provision
Subtotal of amount within 1 year
Subtotal of amountwithin 1
                                      3,198,436.61                  159,921.84                       5.00%
1-2 years                               294,595.44                   29,459.54                     10.00%
2-3 years                             1,381,353.00                  414,405.90                     30.00%
3-4 years                               181,525.40                   90,762.70                     50.00%
4-5 years                               716,850.78                  573,480.62                     80.00%
Over 5 years                             95,148.77                   95,148.77                    100.00%
Total                                 5,867,910.00                1,363,179.37                     23.23%
Statement of determining the basis of portfolio:
In the portfolio,accounts receivable tested for impairment by balance percentage method:
□ Applicable √ N/A

In the portfolio,other receivable tested for impairment by other methods:
√ Applicable □ N/A

Other portfolios are receivables of holding subsidiaries with no provision for bad debt.

14.2.2. Provision, recovery or reversal for bad debt in the current period.

The provision for bad debt was RMB 480,654.94 in the current period; The amount of
recovery or reversal was RMB 0.00.
Significant recovery or reversal for bad debt in the current period:
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
            Company name                 recovery or reversal                    Way of recovery

14.2.3. Disclosure of other receivable by nature

                                                                                              Unit: RMB
               Nature                       Ending balance                     Beginning balance
Loans of subsidiaries within the
                                                     1,155,861,401.41                  10,357,689,016.70
scope of the merger
Deposit                                                 15,020,000.00                       15,770,022.17
Business loans and cash reserve                          3,572,581.57                        1,561,174.87
Other                                                    2,275,328.43                        3,586,748.75
Total                                                1,176,729,311.41                  10,378,606,962.49

14.2.4. Top five entities with the largest balances of the other receivables

                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                  The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                                                                     Proportion in     Provisioning
Company Name        Category   Ending Balance          Aging       total receivables    amount at
                                                                           (%)          period end
Guizhou Guijiu                                   within 1
                  Loans        598,294,192.86                               50.84%
Co.,Ltd.                                         year ,RMB
                                                 in 1 to 2years
                  Loans        326,710,000.00 Within 1 year                 27.76%
Sujiu Group
Jiangsu Wealth
                  Loans        113,725,408.38 Within 1 year                  9.67%
                                                 within 1
                                                 year ,RMB
                                                 4,373,000.00 in
                                                 1 to 2 years,
Shiyan Baiquan                                   RMB
Wine Industry     Loans         98,893,000.00 33,960,000.00                  8.40%
Co.,Ltd.                                         in 2 to 3years,
                                                 in 3 to 4
                                                 in 4 to 5years
Jiangsu Juntai
Co.,Lt., Suqian
Department Store Deposit        15,000,000.00 Over 5 years                   1.28%     15,000,000.00
Total                     --                             --                 97.95%     15,000,000.00

14.3. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                           The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                           Ending Balance                                    Beginning Balance
     Item                    Impairment                                         Impairment
              Book balance                book value             Book balance                  book value
                              provision                                          provision
Investment in 5,408,241,18                5,408,241,18            2,596,152,80                2,596,152,80
 subsidiaries          0.24                       0.24                     0.62                                0.62
Investment of
 the joint                                                        18,813,015.0                      18,813,015.0
 venture and
 Associated                                                                    4                                     4
               5,408,241,18               5,408,241,18            2,614,965,81                      2,614,965,81
                       0.24                       0.24                     5.66                                5.66

14.3.1. Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                   Provision for    End balance of
    Investee                         Increase       Decrease     Ending Balance impairment of the    provision for
                                                                                   current period    impairment

Yanghe             153,109,422.                                  153,109,422.
Package                         39                                           39
                    700,000.00                                     700,000.00
Shuanggou          1,713,152,32                                  1,713,152,32
Distillery Stock           0.00                                            0.00
Su wine
trade group        285,225,078.                                  285,225,078.
Limited by                      23                                           23
Share Ltd
Yanghe Liquor
                   10,983,280.0                                  10,983,280.0
                                 0                                            0
Dongdi Union
                   5,000,000.00                                  5,000,000.00
Trade Co.,Ltd.
                   5,000,000.00                                  5,000,000.00

                                     The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Trade Co.,Ltd
Siyang Lantu
                 3,161,700.00                               3,161,700.00
Baiquan Wine
                 3,000,000.00                               3,000,000.00
Siyang Yanghe
                 4,000,000.00                4,000,000.00
Miluo Miluo
Chunjiuye        2,129,000.00                               2,129,000.00
                 2,000,000.00                               2,000,000.00
Sujiu Group
                 200,000,000. 2,800,000,00                  3,000,000,00
                          00          0.00                          0.00
Jinagsu Kelite
Technology       10,000,000.0                               10,000,000.0
Research                   0                                            0
Jiangsu Lion
  and Sheep
  Network        5,392,000.00    50,000.00                  5,442,000.00
Guizhou Guijiu 193,300,000.                                 193,300,000.
Co.,Ltd.                  00                                          00
Weiketang                       300,000.00                   300,000.00

                                          The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

Dream Blue
                                  15,738,379.6                    15,738,379.6
(Shiyan) Trade
                                              2                              2
                   2,596,152,80 2,816,088,37                      5,408,241,18
Total                                              4,000,000.00
                           0.62           9.62                            0.24

14.3.2. Investment of the joint venture and associated enterprise

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                            Changes in Current Period
                                     Profit or                     Announc
                                                 Other                                                  Balance of
         Beginnin                       loss                       ement to Provision
                                               adjustme Other                                   Ending provision
Investee    g                       recognized                        pass     for
                  Increase Decrease               nts in changes                      Other     Balance     for
         Balance                       under                         cash depreciatio
                                                 overall in equity                                      depreciatio
                                      equity                        divided     n
                                                income                                                       n
                                      method                        or profit
1.Joint Venture
2.Associated Enterprise
           18,813,          -1,000, -2,074,                                          -15,738
(Shiyan                                                                                            0.00
            015.04           000.00 635.42                                           ,379.62
) Trade
           18,813,          -1,000, -2,074,                                          -15,738
Subtotal                                                                                           0.00
            015.04           000.00 635.42                                           ,379.62
           18,813,          -1,000, -2,074,                                          -15,738
            015.04           000.00 635.42                                           ,379.62

14.3.3. Operating income and operating costs

                                    Current Period                              Previous Period
                        Operating income     Operating cost          Operating income     Operating cost
Primary business         6,723,099,100.17         5,495,546,962.23    6,409,829,378.90        5,527,753,361.73
Other business             564,333,847.88          529,578,197.52       484,995,549.30          479,758,300.60
           Total         7,287,432,948.05         6,025,125,159.75    6,894,824,928.20         6,007,511,662.33

14.3.4. Investment income

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                      The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

                   Item                     Current Period                      Previous Period
Income from long-term equity
                                                   5,590,572,005.23                       4,665,873,473.65
investments under the cost method
Income from long-term equity
investments under the equity                          -2,074,635.42                          -4,128,507.78
Investment income from the
disposal of long-term equity                           5,873,795.89                         -12,746,480.13
Investment income from holding
                                                      13,940,148.16                         22,535,410.38
available-for-sale financial assets
Investment income from the
disposal of available-for-sale                        90,627,738.02                        130,338,112.14
financial assets
Other investment income                              218,369,154.01                         52,657,190.75
Total                                              5,917,308,205.89                       4,854,529,199.01

15.Supplementary Information

15.1. Detailed statement of non-recurring profits and losses

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                   Item                         Amount                               Notes
Profit or loss from disposal of
non-current assets
Government grants
accounted for, in the profit or
loss for the current period
(except for the government
grants closely related to the
business of the Company
and given at a fixed amount
or quantity in accordance
with the State's uniform
Except for effectively
hedging business related to
normal business operations
of the company, profit or loss                                         Disposal of available-for-sale
arising from the change in                                             financial assets
the fair value of
held-for-trading financial
assets and liabilities, as well

                                       The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

as investment profit or loss
produced from the disposal
of held-for-trading financial
assets and liabilities and
available-for-sale financial
Impairment provision
reversal of the accounts
receivable on which the                                   300,000.00
impairment test is carried out
Other non-operating income
and expenditure except                                 11,559,390.23
above-mentioned items
Other profit and loss items
that conform to the definition
of non-recurring gains and
Less: Effect of income tax                            164,658,711.09
    Effect of minority equity                               17,057.62
Total                                                 490,783,035.45                     --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as a non-recurring profit/loss
according to the definition in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-Recurring Profits
and Losses, or classifies any non-recurring profit/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurring profit/loss item
□ Applicable √ N/A

15.2. Return on Equity & Earnings per Share

   Profit During Reporting                                                         EPS
                                Weighted Average ROE(%)
              Period                                                 Basic EPS                Diluted EPS
Net profits attributable to
    ordinary shareholders of                           24.08%                    4.40                   4.40
    the Company
Net profits attributable to
ordinary shareholders of the
                                                       22.30%                    4.07                   4.07
Company after deduction of
extraordinary gain and loss

                                   The 2017 Annual Report of Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.

           Section XII Documents Available for Preference

1. Financial statements signed and stamped by the legal representative, the financial
head and the accounting supervisor;
2. The original of the auditor’s report with the seal of the accounting firm, and signed and
stamped by CPAs;
3. The originals of all company documents and announcements that are disclosed to the
public via reports designated by CSRC during the Reporting Period;
4. The original of the 2017 annual report signed by the legal representative.
The above documents placed in shareholder reading room of corporate headquarters.
Address: No.118 Middle Avenue, Yanghe Town, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province
