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						                                                       Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

Stock code: 000045,200045 Stock Abbreviation: Shen Textile A ,Shen Textile B Announcement No.:

                                      Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd.

                               Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

§1 Important notes
1.1 The board of directors and directors of the Company hereby guarantees that there are no false records,
misleading representation or important omissions in this report and shall assume joint and several liability for the
authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.
This summary of the semi-annual report is extracted from the full text of the semi-annual report. The full text of
the report was published on www.cninfo.com.cn simultaneously. Investors should read the full text of the
semi-annual report carefully to know the details.
1.2Directors other than the followings presented the Board Meeting on which this report was examined:
                                                                               Reason for not presenting the
  Name of the director absented                    Position                                                      Name of consignee
Zhang Yong                                  Independent director                     On business trip               Shi Weihong
1.3 The financial report of the semi-annual report has not been audited.
1.4 Wang Bin, Chairman of the board, Zhu Jun, Chief Financial and Liu Yi, and the Chief of accounting
represent and warrant the financial and accounting report in the Semi-annual report is true and complete.

§2 Basic Information
2.1 Basic information
        Stock abbreviation                                             Shen Textile A, Shen Textile B
             Stock code                                                        000045、200045
     Stock exchange for listing                                             Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                                                     Secretary of the Board of Directors
               Name                                                                 Chao Jin
          Contact address                      6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
                 Tel                                                            0755-83776043
                Fax                                                             0755-83776139
               E-mail                                                        chaoj@chinasthc.com
2.2 Highlights of financial data and indicators

2.2.1 Highlights of financial data and indicators


                                                        End of the report
                                                                              End of the previous
                                                              year                                      Increase /Decrease (%)

                    Total assets                        1,649,822,837.21 1,655,422,298.41                                    -0.34%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                        1,373,680,813.21 1,345,969,224.97                                     2.06%
                 listed company
                   Share capital                          336,521,849.00         336,521,849.00                               0.00%
Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of                  4.08                     4.00                           2.00%

                                                        Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

          the listed company(RMB/share)
                                                        Report period(Jan- Same period of the        Increase /decrease over the same
                                                               June)          previous year          period of the previous year(%)
              Total operating income                       319,182,717.75       322,369,136.74                                  -0.99%
                  Operating profit                          25,179,211.88        26,044,164.29                                  -3.32%
                    Total profit                            40,796,734.67        31,025,623.77                                  31.49%
              Total operating income                        32,363,976.69        24,858,502.70                                  30.19%
                  Operating profit                          18,953,108.64        13,945,642.99                                  35.91%
                    Total profit                                       0.10                0.10                                  0.00%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
                                                                       0.10                0.10                                  0.00%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
company after deducting non-recurring gains and                       2.38%               5.03%                   Decreased by 2.65%
       Basic earnings per share(RMB/share)                            1.39%               2.82%                   Decreased by 1.43%
      Diluted earnings per share(RMB/share)                 12,543,748.76         2,414,949.85                                 419.42%
Return on equity(%)                                                  0.04                0.01                                300.00%
Weighted average return on equity after
  deducting non-recurring gain and loss(%)
  Net cash flow arising from operating activities
  Net cash flow per share arising from operating
              activities (RMB/share)
     2.2.2 Items   of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
 Item of non-recurring gains and losses           Amount                               Notes (if applicable)
The loss for disposal of non-current assets         52,994.00
                                                                "Governmental subsidy accounted for as profits or losses for current
                                                             period" includes governmental R&D subsidy of RMB 3,954,990.00
                                                             appropriated by Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission,
                                                             national aid of RMB 500,000.00 for special project of new-type panel
Governmental Subsidy        accounted     as                 display industrialization, supporting funds of RMB 100,000.00 for
current gain/loss                                            technology industrialization demonstration project and loan discount of
                                                             RMB 49,600.02 appropriated by Shenzhen Financial Bureau, which
                                                             were apportioned in current period, and economic development
                                                             supporting fund of RMB 85,500 received from Futian Chamber of
                                                               The investment income from financial assets available for sale is the
The disposal available-for-sale financial
                                                1,482,128.46 income from the Company's sale of shares of Shenzhen Victor Onward
assets gains return on investment
                                                             Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                        “Other non-operating income and expenditure except the
                                                     above-mentioned items” mainly due to receipt of 1,085,733 A shares of
                                                     Guangdong Sunrise Group Co., Ltd. (the market value of these shares
                                                     was RMB 9,847,598.31 according to the closing price of A shares of *
Net amount of non-operating income and               ST Sunrise on May 17, 2010 (the last trading day before suspension of
expense except the aforesaid items                   listing), i.e., RMB 9.07 per share) and cash of RMB 702,694.14 (RMB
                                                     10,550,292.45 in total as recognized non-operating income) according
                                                     to (2010) Shen Zhong Fa Min Qi Zhong Zhen Zi No. 5-5 Civil Award
                                                     and the Plan for Reorganization of Guangdong Sun Rise Group Co.,
                                                     Ltd(Refer to No. 2011-39 Announcement of the Company for details).
Amount of influence of income tax              -3,688,783.20
                   Total                       13,410,868.05                                      -

                                                    Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

2.2.3 Difference of domestic and foreign accounting standards

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

§3 Particulars about the Changes of Share Capital and shareholders

3.1 Schedule of Change in share Capital

□applicable √ not applicable

3.2 Top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of unconditional shares


  Total of shareholders                                                                                                    16,643
             Top 10 shareholders
                              Properties of         Share                                                         Pledged or
Name of the shareholder                                              Total shares        Conditional shares
                              shareholder        proportion %                                                       frozen
Shenzhen Investment        State-owned legal
                                                       54.26%            182,611,460              37,634,408                    0
Holdings Co., Ltd.         person
Shenzhen Shenchao
                           State-owned legal
Technology Investment                                   4.79%             16,129,032              16,129,032                    0
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Silicon Valley
                           Domestic    non-
Tiantang Kuncheng
                           State-owned legal            4.23%             14,245,161              14,245,161                    0
Chuangye Investment
Co., Ltd.
                           Domestic    non-
Huabao Intrust Co., Ltd.   State-owned legal            3.04%             10,215,053              10,215,053                    0
PICC Health Insurance Domestic    non-
Co., Ltd.- Universal  State-owned legal                 2.56%               8,602,150               8,602,150                   0
Insurance Production person
Changzhou Investment       State-owned legal
                                                        0.72%               2,421,495               2,421,495                   0
Group Co., Ltd.            person
China People’s Life
                           Domestic    non-
insurance Co.,
                           State-owned legal            0.64%               2,150,550               2,150,550                   0
Ltd.-Dividend –Individual
CHINA OPPORTUNITIES        Foreign       Legal
                                                        0.38%               1,271,367                         0                 0
H-B FUND                   person
                           Domestic nature
Zheng Bangsheng            person shares
                                                        0.35%               1,169,000                         0                 0

China Merchants           State-owned legal
                                                        0.28%                 956,617                         0                 0
Securities (HK) Co., Ltd. person
           Top 10 holders of unconditional shares
          Name of the shareholder                               Unconditional shares                      Type of shares
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.                             144,977,052                        RMB Common shares
                                                                                                     Foreign shares placed in
CHINA OPPORTUNITIES H-B FUND                                        1,271,367
                                                                                                       domestic exchange

                                                    Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

                                                                                                          Foreign shares placed in
Zheng Bangsheng                                                     1,169,000
                                                                                                            domestic exchange
                                                                                                          Foreign shares placed in
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Ltd                             956,617
                                                                                                            domestic exchange
Shenzhen Zhongnan Liankang Technology
                                                                     916,603                               RMB Common shares
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Foreign shares placed in
Xu Ruijiang                                                          757,188
                                                                                                            domestic exchange
                                                                                                          Foreign shares placed in
Liu Hong                                                             710,000
                                                                                                            domestic exchange
                                                                                                          Foreign shares placed in
Zheng Chuangjian                                                     643,800
                                                                                                            domestic exchange
                                                                                                          Foreign shares placed in
Hong Yuansheng                                                       635,000
                                                                                                            domestic exchange
                                                                                                          Foreign shares placed in
Jin Mingfei                                                          621,950
                                                                                                            domestic exchange
                            The Chinese legal person Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. is a 100%
   Notes to the related     subsidiary of Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd, which thus is a person acting in
relationship between the    concert. There is no affiliation among the other state-owned legal persons as a shareholder.
 top ten shareholders or    Except this, the Company does not know whether there is relation between social public
  their concerted action    shareholders or whether they are persons taking concerted action defined in Regulations on
                            Disclosure of Information about Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.
3.3    Change of the controlling shareholder and actual controller
□ Applicable√ Not applicable

§4 Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

4.1 Change of Shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
□ Applicable√ Not applicable

§5 Report of the Board of Directors

5.1 Table of the status of key business in terms of industry of business and product


                                      The Status of key business in terms of industry of business
                                                                                Increase/decreas                           Increase or
                                                                                   e of income                          decrease of Gross
                                                              Gross      profit                     e of cost of main
                            Income from key    Cost of key                          from main                            profit ratio from
On industry or production                                                                             operation over
                                business        business      ratio(%)          operation over                         main operation
                                                                                                    the previous year
                                                                                the previous year                       over the previous
                                                                                       (%)                                   year (%)
Domestic and foreign
                                 13,361.59        13,295.98              0.49%           -14.68%            -14.77%                0.11%
Manufacturing                    14,880.97        11,669.22             21.58%            15.05%              8.56%                4.68%

                                                  Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

Lease and Management
                                 3,492.47           970.24            72.22%              0.83%            22.74%            -4.96%
of Property
                                     Table of the status of main operation in terms of product
Income from Lease and
                                 3,492.47           970.24            72.22%              0.83%            22.74%            -4.96%
Management of Property
Income from textile              3,647.10        2,846.34             21.96%            56.68%             39.54%             9.58%
Income from Polarizer
                                11,233.87        8,822.87             21.46%              5.91%             1.31%             3.57%
Income from Trading             13,361.59       13,295.98              0.49%           -14.68%            -14.77%             0.11%

5.2 The   status of key business in terms of areas


                         Area                                Income from key business             Increase/decrease of income(%)
Domestic                                                                           13,458.98                                 29.12%
Foreign                                                                            18,276.05                                -15.53%

5.3   Reasons for the material change of key business and its structure
□Applicable√ Not Applicable
5.4 Reasons for the material change of the profitability ( gross profit rate) of the key business
compared with the previous year
□Applicable√ Not Applicable
5.5. Analysis of the reasons for the material change of operating results and profit structure
compared with the previous year
√Applicable □Not applicable

For the reporting period the total profits contain: the industrial profits, Since Guangdong Sunrise Holdings Co., Ltd.
has implemented the debt reorganization plan, the company has gained its repayment of 1,085,700 of Share A and
RMB 702,700 in cash, which is recognized as the non-business income of RMB 10,550 during the reporting period,
this extraordinary factor is the main reason of an increase of the total profits over last year. If excluding this effect
of incomparable factor on the total profits, the industrial enterprises account for 50.03% of total comparable profits,
18.93 percentage points higher than that in the same period of previous year.The profits of the property leasing and
management business which occupied 48.22% and the trading profits which occupied 1.76% decreased 18.69%
and 0.23% respectively, compared to the same period of last year.

5.6 Utilization of raised funds

                                                                                                        Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

5.6.1 Utilization of raised funds

√Applicable □Not applicable
              Total Amount of Raised Capital                                            82,876.80
                                                                                                   Total Amount Of Raised Capital Invested in the
   Total Amount of Raised Capital for Use Changed in the                                                                                                                          32,990.30
                                                                                              0.00              Reporting Period
                    Reporting Period

  Total Amount for Accumulative Changed Raised Capital                                        0.00
                                                                                                     Total Amount Of Accumulated Raised Capital
 Total Amount Proportion for Accumulative Changed Raised                                                                                                                          46,748.29

                                                                                                              Balance between
                                                                                                              Total Amount for                 Access to                          Change
                                Projects     Total Amount of               Total Amount Total Amount for                           Usable                      Achieve the
                               Changed                       Total Amount                                       Accumulative                   Benefits in                    Greatly for
  Promised Projects of                        Raised Capital              Invested within Accumulative Put
                                                              of Adjusted                                                          Date For                     Expected
      Investment            (Including Part For Investment                the Reporting   up to the End of        Invested
                                                              Investment                                                                      the Reporting                       Projects
                            of Changing)       Promised                       Period         Period (2)                           Projects                      Benefits
                                                                                                              & Promised Up To                   Period                       Feasibility
                                                                                                              The End of Period
  Promised Projects of
Polarizer sheet for                                                                                                               December                     Not
                            No                   82,876.80     82,876.80      32,990.30          46,748.29               56.41%                         0.00                 No
LCD                                                                                                                               1,2012                       applicable

Subtotal of the committed
                                      -          82,876.80     82,876.80      32,990.30          46,748.29           -                -                 0.00        -                -
  investment projects
Intended investment with
   unbooked proceeds
 Repayment of bank loan
                                      -                                                                                               -             -               -                -
      (If any)
Replenishing the working
                                      -                                                                                               -             -               -                -
   capital(If any)
   Subtotal of intended
investment with unbooked              -                0.00          0.00           0.00               0.00          -                -                 0.00        -                -

                                                                                                   Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

          Total                     -           82,876.80   82,876.80      32,990.30        46,748.29           -              -              0.00       -            -
 Analysis For Failure To
   Reach The Planned     The company has a schedule to change the narrow bound of production line to the wide one, but it is unsuccessful, which influences the
 Schedule And Earnings construction progress of the narrow lines. (Refer to No. 2011-14,2011-19 and 2011-22 Announcement of the Company for details)
   (Specific Projects
   Notes to significant
change in feasibility of the Not applicable
 Amount, application and
application progress of the Not applicable
   unbooked proceeds
 About the change of the
implementation site of the
                           Not applicable
projects invested with the
  About the change of the
implementation method of
                            Not applicable
 the projects invested with
        the proceeds
     About the initial
investment in the projects
  planned to be invested Not applicable
with the proceeds and the

Using the idle proceeds to On February 22, 2011,The 8th meeting of the Fifth board of directors of the Company “the proposal of supplementing raising partial unused
 supplement the working funds into circulating funds”,approved of using 80 million RMB for supplementing raising partial unused funds into circulating funds, the
capital on temporary basis duration of service will not exceed 6 months

Balance of the proceeds in
    process of project
                           Not applicable
 implementation and the
  About application and
                            As of June 30, 2011, The balance amount of fundraising special account is RMB 288.6461 million, it will be fully used in committed
  status of the proceeds
          unused            investment project.
   Problems existing in
application of the proceeds
    and the information
 disclosure or other issues

                                         Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

5.6.2 Changes of projects

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5.7 The plan of the board of directors for revising the operation plan for the second half-year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5.8 The warning of possible losses for the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the
next report period on accumulative basis or great change of accumulative net profit compared with
she same period of the previous year and the explanation of reasons.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5.9 The management’s remarks on the “non-standard opinions” by the auditors for the report period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5.10 The management’s remarks on any changes in and results of issues related to the “non
opinions” by the auditors for the previous year.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

§6 Important Events

6.1 Acquisition or disposal of assets and asset reorganization

6.1.1 Acquisition or swap in of assets

Applicable √ Not applicable

6.1.2 Disposal or swap out of assets

Applicable √ Not applicable

6.1.3 The progress of the event after the publishing of asset reorganization report or announcement
of acquisition or disposal of assets and its influence on the operating results and financial status for
the report period.

Applicable √ Not applicable

6.2 Significant guarantee

√Applicable □Not applicable

6.2 Significant guarantee

                                                   Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

√Applicable □Not applicable

                                       External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)
                       Relevant                                                                                        Guarantee
                                                      Date of
                      disclosure                                                                                           for
                                           Amount   happening Actual                                      Complete
 Name of the          date/No. of                                              Guarantee      Guarantee                associated
                                             of      (Date of mount of                                  implementation
  Company                 the                                                    type           term                     parties
                                          Guarantee signing guarantee                                       or not
                      guaranteed                                                                                        (Yes or
                        amount                                                                                            no)
         Total of external guarantee                                    Total of actual external
                                                                 0.00                                                       0.00
          approved in Period(A1)                                        guarantee in Period(A2)
                                                                        Total balance of actual
         Total of external guarantee
                                                                 0.00    external guarantee at                              0.00
        approved at Period-end(A3)
                                    Guarantee of the Company for the controlling subsidiaries
                       Relevant                                                                                        Guarantee
                                                      Date of
                      disclosure                                                                          Complete         for
 Name of the                                Amount happening Actual
                      date/No. of                                              Guarantee      Guarantee implementation associated
  Company                                     of      (Date o mount of
                          the                                                     type          term          or         parties
 guaranteed                                guarantee signing guarantee
                      guaranteed                                                                             not        (Yes or
                        amount                                                                                            no)
Shengbo         June                                                         Guaranteeing
                                                       May 31,
Optoelectronic 1,2010(Announcement          3,000.00                3,000.00 of joint     18 months No                 No
Technology Co., No.:2010-22-25)                                              liabilities.
Shengbo         July                                                       Guaranteeing
                                                       September                        12 months
Optoelectronic 13,2010(Announcement        12,000.00             12,000.00 of joint               No                   No
                                                       15,2010                          y
Technology Co., No.:2010-29,31)                                            liabilities.
                                                                          Total of actual
   Total of guarantee for subsidiaries                                      guarantee
                                                                 0.00                                                       0.00
      approved in the Period (B1)                                     for subsidiaries in the
                                                                           Period (B2)
                                                                           Total of actual
   Total of guarantee for subsidiaries                                       guarantee
                                                          15,000.00                                                   15,000.00
     approved at Period-end (B3)                                         for subsidiaries at
                                                                          Period-end (B4)
                 Total of Company’s guarantee(namely total of the large two aforementioned)
                                                                           Total of actual
     Total of guarantee in the Period                                       guarantee in
                                                                 0.00                                                       0.00
                (A1+B1)                                                      the Period
                                                                           Total of actual
    Total of guarantee at Period-end                                        guarantee at
                                                          15,000.00                                                   15,000.00
                (A3+B3)                                                     Period-end
The proportion of the total amount of actually
guarantee in the net assets of the Company(that is A4+

                                                    Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
associated parties(C)
The debts guarantee amount provided for the
Guaranteed parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed                                                                          0.00
70% directly or indirectly(D)
Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of
the Company exceed 50%(E)
Total guarantee amount of the abovementioned
Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating            There was no undue guarantee for which the
 responsibilities for undue guarantees                                    Company may bear joint liability for repayment.

6.3 Related transactions regarding normal operation

√Applicable □Not applicable


                                         The Company's financing to related party       Financing of related party to the Company
        Name of related party
                                        Transaction amount           Balance            Transaction amount          Balance
Shenzhen Tianlong Industry Trading
                                                        0.00                   68.64                   0.00                     0.00
Co., Ltd.
Jordan Garment Factory                                  0.00                   18.39                   0.00                     0.00
Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Co., Ltd                      0.00                   16.93                   0.00                     0.00
Shenzhen Xinfang Knitting Co., Ltd.                     0.00                    0.00                   0.00                    21.68
Shenzhen Xiangjiang Leather
                                                        0.00                    0.00                  11.00                    24.00
Produce Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Changlianfa Printing &
                                                        2.40                    0.00                   0.00                    83.24
dyeing Company
Shenzhen Hengseng Investment
                                                        0.00                    0.00                   0.00                    136.79
Shenzhen Haohao Property Leasing
                                                       15.00                    0.00                   0.00                    315.39
Co. Ltd.
               Total                                   17.40                   103.96                 11.00                    581.10
Including: In the report period, the Company provided funds of RMB 0.00 to its controlling shareholder and subsidiaries. The
balance of the funds provided by the Company to its controlling shareholder and subsidiaries was RMB 0.00.

6.4 Material lawsuits/Arbitrations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

6.5 Notes to the other significant Events and their Influences and Analysis on the Solutions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
6.5.1 Stock investment

                                                          Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
6.5.2 Shareholding in other listed companies

√ Applicable            □Not    applicable                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                Investment                                                            Change of owner’s
 Stock                                         Proportion of Book Value at the     Profit & loss in
         Stock abbreviation:   amount at the                                                          equity in the report   Accounting    Share Source
 Code                                          shareholding    end of report      the report period
                                 beginning                                                                  period
         ST Victor Onward
000018                         11,356,638.86            5.64%   69,189,606.50       1,482,128.46          -4,652,388.45 financial         IPO
                                                                                                                          Disposable      Debt
000030 *ST Sunrise A            9,847,598.31            0.38%   9,847,598.31        9,847,598.31                     0.00 financial
                                                                                                                          assets          restructuring

          Total                21,204,237.17        -           79,037,204.81      11,329,726.77          -4,652,388.45          -               -

6.5.3    Fund Occupancy by principal Shareholder and Subsidiaries for non-operating purpose and payment

□applicable √ not applicable

6.5.4 Implementations of commitments by the Company, shareholders and actual controller

Companies or shareholders holding more than 5% equity during the reporting period or the
commitments continued to the reporting period
√ Applicable □Not applicable

   Items of commitments                 Promisee                                 Content of commitments                                Implementation
Promise in share holding
                         N/A                             N/A                                                                           N/A
structure reform
Commitments made in
Acquisition Report or
                                  N/A                    N/A                                                                           N/A
Reports on Change in
Commitments made in
Material assets                   N/A                    N/A                                                                           N/A

                                                         Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. signed a “Letter of
                                                         Commitment and Statement on Horizontal Competition
                                                         Avoidance” when the company issued non-public stocks in
                                                         2010. Pursuant to the Letter of Commitment and Statement,
                                                         Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and its wholly owned
                                                     subsidiary, subsidiaries under control or any other companies
Commitments made in                                  that have actual control of it shall not be involved in the                       Under
issuing                                                                                                                                fulfillment.
                                  Holdings Co., Ltd. business the same as or similar to those Shenzhen Textile
                                                         currently or will run in the future, or any businesses or activities
                                                         that may constitute direct or indirect competition with Shenzhen
                                                         Textile; if the operations of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,
                                                         Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiaries, subsidiaries under
                                                         control or other companies that have actual control of it compete
                                                         with Shenzhen Textile in the same industry or contradict the

                                                     Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

                                                    interest of the issuer in the future, Shenzhen Investment
                                                    Holdings Co., Ltd. shall urge such companies to sell the equity,
                                                    assets or business to Shenzhen Textile or a third party; when the
                                                    horizontal competition may occur due to the business expansion
                                                    concurrently necessary for Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,
                                                    Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiaries, subsidiaries under
                                                    control or other companies that have actual control of it and
                                                    Shenzhen Textile, Shenzhen Textile shall have priority.

                                                           As Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., the controlling
                                                    shareholder     of   the   company,     committed     when      the
                                                    restricted-for-sale shares from the shares restructuring were
                                                    listed for circulation in the market: i. if they plan to sell the
                                              shares through the securities exchange system in the future, and
Other commitments          Shenzhen           the decrease of the shares they hold reaches 5% within 6 months Under
(Including: supplementary Investment
commitments)              Holdings Co., Ltd. after the first decrease, they will disclose an announcement
                                                    indicating the sale through the company within two trading days
                                                    before the first decrease; ii. They shall strictly observe the
                                                    “Guidelines on Transfer of Restricted-for-sale Original Shares of
                                                    Listed Companies” and the provisions of the relevant business
                                                    principles of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

6.5.5 Plans for profit distribution and transferring capital reserves to equity by the Board of Directors
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

6.5.6 Other misc. income subjects


                           Items                                    Occurred current term               Occurred in previous term
1.Gains(losses)from sellable financial assets                                   -6,058,769.00                          -29,671,389.46
Less:Income tax influence of sellable financial assets                          -1,406,380.55                            -6,534,833.42
Net amount written into other gains and transferred into
gain/loss in previous terms
Subtotal                                                                         -4,652,388.45                          -23,136,556.04
2.Shares in the other misc. income subjects in the investee
on equity basis
Less:income tax influence of shares in other gains of
investees on equity basis
Net amount written into other gains and transferred into
gain/loss in previous terms
3.Amount of gains(or losses) from cash flow hedge
Less: Income tax influence of cash flow hedge instruments
Net amount written into other gains and transferred into
gain/loss in previous terms

                                                       Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

Adjusted amount transferred to initial amount of the target
4.Difference from translating of foreign currency
 financial statements
Less: Net amount of disposing overseas Business and
transferred to current gain/loss
Less:Income tax influence by other accounted into other
 misc. incomes
Net amount accounted into other misc. income and
transferred into current gain/loss in previous terms
Total                                                                               -4,652,388.45                       -23,136,556.04

6.6 The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report period for
future reference

                                                                                                  Content of discussion and materials
            Date                 Place                  Mode                      Visitor

                                                                                                 Get a general idea of the company’s
From January 1, 2011                                                     Individual              business, the progress of polarizer
                            The Company      Telephone
  June 30,to2011                                                         Investor                projects and the impact of Japanese
                                                                                                 earthquake on the company

                                                                                                 Get a general idea of the progress of
June 20,2011                The Company      Onsite investigation
                                                                         Individual              polarizer projects and also, offer the
                                                                         Investor                printed copy of Annual Report 2010.

§7 Financial Report

7.1 Audit opinions

        Financial Report         √Not Audited                 □     Audited

7.2 Financial Statement

7.2.1 Balance Sheet
Prepared by::Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.                             June 30, 2011       Unit:(RMB)
                                                   Year-end balance                                  Year-beginning balance
               Items                                                Parent Company.                                    Parent Company.
                                          Consolidated                                          Consolidated

Current asset:
   Monetary fund                           498,986,454.63             299,746,287.48             830,236,037.30            483,902,800.37
   Settlement provision
   Outgoing call loan
   Trading financial assets

                                         Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

  Bill receivable                  2,107,763.05
  Account receivable             57,469,117.54                                 48,148,305.15
     Prepayments                 24,594,257.01           2,092,000.00           4,681,130.84              881,080.00
  Insurance receivable
  Reinsurance receivable
  Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable
  Interest receivable              1,836,339.85          1,836,339.85           2,203,227.00            2,203,227.00
  Dividend receivable
  Other account receivable       25,654,944.30          21,377,171.00          30,015,024.72           25,218,113.04
     Repurchasing of
financial assets
  Inventories                    67,936,176.52                                 60,986,770.44
  Non-current asset due in 1
  Other current asset
Total of current assets          678,585,052.90       325,051,798.33          976,270,495.45         512,205,220.41

Non-current assets:
  Loans and payment on
      other’s behalf
  Disposable financial asset     79,037,204.81          79,037,204.81          75,481,853.50           75,481,853.50
  Expired investment in
  Long-term receivable
  Long term share equity
                                 46,947,791.21        775,424,838.98           47,250,337.33         575,727,385.10
  Property investment            164,910,744.18       154,844,864.74          168,268,522.84         157,914,202.69
  Fixed assets                   160,142,264.53         33,764,093.25         166,482,617.12           34,758,106.27
  Construction in progress       454,072,158.61          2,006,624.19         155,260,944.31
  Engineering material
  Fixed asset disposal
  Production physical assets
  Gas & petrol
  Intangible assets              47,605,567.53           1,568,439.80          48,642,431.17            1,763,383.44
  R & D petrol
  Goodwill                         9,614,758.55                                 9,614,758.55
  Long-germ expenses to be
                                   1,111,955.26                                    897,757.98
  Differed income tax asset        7,795,339.63          4,374,127.20           7,252,580.16            4,339,038.67
  Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets      971,237,784.31     1,051,020,192.97          679,151,802.96         849,983,969.67
Total of assets                1,649,822,837.21     1,376,071,991.30        1,655,422,298.41       1,362,189,190.08
Current liabilities

                                        Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

  Short-term loans                                                             2,000,000.00
  Loan from Central Bank
   Deposit received and hold
for others
  Call loan received
   Trade off financial
  Bill payable
  Account payable               34,112,216.58           1,590,881.57          33,098,532.04            1,732,905.87
  Advance payment               35,627,099.58             639,024.58          13,922,128.20              639,024.58
  Selling of repurchased
  financial assets
  Fees and commissions
  Employees’ wage payable      18,308,399.02           4,581,840.45          20,785,444.97            6,529,841.13
  Tax payable                   -27,001,427.03          4,089,769.37           4,011,683.39            2,333,265.14
  Interest Payable               2,298,867.02                                     154,092.20
  Dividend Payable
  Other account payable         49,231,541.90          65,138,344.05          47,759,095.14           63,396,499.56
  Reinsurance fee payable
  Insurance contract
  Entrusted trading of
  Entrusted selling of
 Non-current liability due in
1 year
 Other current liability
Total of current liability      112,576,697.07         76,039,860.02         142,730,975.94           74,631,536.28

Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan                96,719,008.30                                 96,719,008.30
  Bond payable
  Long-term payable
  Special payable
  Expected liabilities
  Differed income tax
                                14,039,722.96          13,927,636.24          15,446,103.51           15,334,016.79
   Other non-current
                                52,806,595.67                                 54,556,985.69
Total of non-current
                                163,565,326.93         13,927,636.24         166,722,097.50           15,334,016.79
Total of liability              276,142,024.00         89,967,496.26         309,453,073.44           89,965,553.07
Owners’ equity

                                           Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

  Share capital                    336,521,849.00       336,521,849.00          336,521,849.00           336,521,849.00
  Capital reserves                 835,144,726.68       826,561,744.89          839,797,115.13           831,214,133.34
  Less:Shares in stock
 Special reserve
  Surplus reserves                 34,086,443.10          34,086,443.10             34,086,443.10        34,086,443.10
  Common risk provision
  Undistributed profit             167,927,794.43         88,934,458.05         135,563,817.74           70,401,211.57
  Different of foreign
currency translation
Total of owner’s equity
belong to the parent             1,373,680,813.21     1,286,104,495.04        1,345,969,224.97       1,272,223,637.01
  Minor shareholders’ equity
Total of owners’ equity         1,373,680,813.21     1,286,104,495.04        1,345,969,224.97       1,272,223,637.01
Total of liabilities       and
                                 1,649,822,837.21     1,376,071,991.30        1,655,422,298.41       1,362,189,190.08
  owners’ equity

7.2.2 Profit statement

Prepared by::Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.             January-June 2011        Unit:(RMB)
                                           Current term                                Same period last year
                                 Consolidated       Parent Company            Consolidated          Parent Company
I. Total business income           319,182,717.75         27,412,012.19         322,369,136.74           26,185,085.38
Incl:Business income              319,182,717.70         27,412,012.19         322,369,136.74           26,185,085.38
       Interest income
  Insurance fee earned
 Fee and commission
II.Total business cost             297,505,664.40         17,464,616.24         308,208,839.07           22,813,394.18
Incl:Business cost                261,172,573.17          5,806,617.39         273,132,795.71             5,209,763.11
   Interest expense
  Fee and commission paid
Insurance discharge payment
Net claim amount paid
Net insurance policy reserves
 Insurance policy dividend
 Reinsurance expenses
 Business tax and surcharge          3,553,081.05          2,426,440.81              3,153,374.16          2,271,266.87
      Sales expense                  3,444,774.44                                    1,815,600.87
  Administrative expense           30,654,365.07          13,462,239.34             26,403,627.56        10,919,104.25
       Financial expenses          -4,343,761.14          -4,084,479.09              2,175,589.19          1,125,555.37
Asset impairment loss                3,024,631.81           -146,202.21              1,527,851.58          3,287,704.58

                                                   Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

   Add:Gains from change
   of fir value (“-”for loss)
Investment gain(“-”for loss)           3,502,158.53             2,960,216.90             11,883,866.62          11,391,272.25
Incl: investment gains from
                                               97,453.88                97,453.88               979,077.01              979,077.01
Gains from currency
exchange(“-”for loss)
III. Operational profit(“-”for
                                          25,179,211.88            12,907,612.85             26,044,164.29          14,762,963.45
   Add:Non-business income               15,619,413.07            10,919,223.05              4,982,567.16

Less:Non business expenses                     1,890.28                     88.28                1,107.68                  200.00

Incl:Loss from disposal of
  non-current assets
IV.Gross profit(“-”for loss)           40,796,734.67            23,826,747.62             31,025,623.77          14,762,763.45

Less:Income tax expenses                  8,432,757.98             5,293,501.14              6,167,121.07           2,785,058.36

V. Net profit(“-”for net loss)        32,363,976.69            18,533,246.48             24,858,502.70          11,977,705.09
Net profit attributable to the
                                          32,363,976.69            18,533,246.48             24,858,502.70          11,977,705.09
owners of parent company
Minor shareholders’ equity
VI. Earnings per share:
 (I)Basic earnings per
                                                     0.10                     0.06                    0.10                     0.05
   (II)Diluted earnings per
                                                     0.10                     0.06                    0.10                     0.05
VII. Other comprehensive income           -4,652,388.45            -4,652,388.45          -23,136,556.04           -23,136,556.04
VIII. Total comprehensive income          27,711,588.24            13,880,858.03              1,721,946.66         -11,158,850.95
Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the          27,711,588.24            13,880,858.03              1,721,946.66         -11,158,850.95
parent company
 Total comprehensive income
attributable minority shareholders
For the enterprises under the same control consolidated in the report period, the net profit realized by the consolidee before the
consolidation is RMB 0.00.

7.2.3 Cash flow statement

Prepared by::Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.                      January-June 2011          Unit:(RMB)
                                                   Current term                                 Same period last year
                                       Consolidated          Parent Company             Consolidated          Parent Company
I. Net cash flow from
business operation
Cash received from sales of
  products and providing of              311,780,179.42            24,909,346.70          326,450,091.77            23,885,694.18
 Net increase of customer
deposits and capital kept for

                                         Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

brother company
 Net increase of loans from
  central bank
 Net increase of inter-bank
  loans from other financial
Cash received against
original insurance contract
Net cash received from
reinsurance business
Net increase of client deposit
and investment
    Net increase of trade
financial asset disposal
 Cash received as interest,
  processing fee and
 Net increase of inter-bank
  fund received
     Net increase of
repurchasing business
   Tax returned                  23,683,459.82                                 26,585,651.90
Other cash received from
                                  7,189,737.10           9,248,049.28              900,678.20           2,807,176.52
business operation
   Sub-total of cash inflow      342,653,376.34         34,157,395.98         353,936,421.87           26,692,870.70
 Cash paid for purchasing of
                                 259,863,190.15          1,719,903.98         294,294,890.06            2,155,381.46
  merchandise and services
 Net increase of client trade
and advance
Net increase of savings n
central bank and brother
Cash paid for original
contract claim
 Cash paid for interest,
processing fee and
 Cash paid for policy
  Cash paid to staffs or paid
                                 33,599,761.08           8,992,339.31          24,298,731.85            5,260,089.92
  for staffs
 Taxes paid                      18,805,471.26           4,895,304.51          15,839,658.03            3,612,360.21
  Other cash paid for
                                 17,841,205.09           7,800,603.93          17,088,192.08           70,329,994.03
business activities
  Sub-total of cash outflow
                                 330,109,627.58         23,408,151.73         351,521,472.02           81,357,825.62
  from business activities
  Cash flow generated by
                                 12,543,748.76          10,749,244.25           2,414,949.85         -54,664,954.92
business operation, net

                                         Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

II.Cash flow generated by
 Cash received from
                                   1,957,406.46          1,957,406.46          10,377,879.04           10,377,879.04
investment retrieving
 Cash received as investment
                                   1,654,292.08          1,415,634.56           1,440,403.30              947,808.93
Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets,
                                     64,494.00              52,994.00
intangible assets, and other
long-term assets
Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
Other investment-related
                                 208,638,835.75       201,433,611.71
cash received
 Sub-total of cash inflow due
                                 212,315,028.29       204,859,646.73           11,818,282.34           11,325,687.97
to investment activities
Cash paid for construction of
    fixed assets, intangible
                                 330,575,486.29          2,195,961.37          61,974,424.22            4,581,603.75
    assets and other
    long-term assets
Cash paid as investment                               200,000,000.00
 Net increase of loan against
    Net cash received from
  subsidiaries and other
  operational units
Other cash paid for
investment activities
 Sub-total of cash outflow
  due to investment              330,575,486.29       202,195,961.37           61,974,424.22            4,581,603.75
 Net cash flow generated by
                                -118,260,458.00          2,663,685.36         -50,156,141.88            6,744,084.22
III.Cash flow generated
     Cash received as
  Incl: Cash received as
investment from minor
     Cash received as loans                                                   132,553,666.34         130,000,000.00
    Cash received from
  bond placing
  Other financing –related
                                   2,850,000.00                                 2,300,000.00
  ash received
   Sub-total of cash inflow
                                   2,850,000.00                               134,853,666.34         130,000,000.00
from financing activities
     Cash to repay debts         23,000,000.00                                 77,000,000.00           70,000,000.00

                                          Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

 Cash paid as dividend,
                                      564,471.66                                 3,204,422.50            1,176,930.00
profit, or interests
     Incl: Dividend and
profit paid by subsidiaries to
minor shareholders
Other cash paid for financing
                                                                                    226,003.51             226,003.51
 Sub-total of cash outflow
                                  23,564,471.66                                 80,430,426.01           71,402,933.51
due to financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                  -20,714,471.66                                54,423,240.33           58,597,066.49
IV.Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash        -248,959.27                                     212,147.38              -2,265.86
V.Net increase of cash and
                                 -126,680,140.17         13,412,929.61           6,894,195.68           10,673,929.93
cash equivalents
 Add: balance of cash and
cash equivalents at the           417,686,594.80         84,353,357.87         101,340,314.95           19,539,632.30
beginning of term
VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                  291,006,454.63         97,766,287.48         108,234,510.63           30,213,562.23
equivalents at the end of term

                                                                                                                                                                               Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

7.2.4 Consolidated Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity

                                 Prepared by::Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                June 30, 2011                                                           Unit:(RMB)

                                                                      Amount of the Current term                                                                                                               Amount of the previous term

                                      Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company                                                                                          Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company

                                                  Less:                                                                      Minor                                                          Less:                                                                     Minor
                                                                                    Common                                                 Total of owners’                                                                  Common                                                Total of owners’
    Items                                                                                                                 shareholders’                                                                                                                           shareholders’
                                    Capital       Shares Special       Surplus                    Attributable                                                                 Capital      Shares Special       Surplus                   Attributable
                 Share Capital                                                         risk                       Other                         equity         Share Capital                                                     risk                      Other                         equity
                                   reserves         in    reserve     reserves                       profit                  equity                                            reserves       in    reserve     reserves                      profit                  equity
                                                                                    provisions                                                                                                                                provisions
                                                  stock                                                                                                                                     stock

I.Balance at

the end of       336,521,849.00 839,797,115.13                      34,086,443.10                135,563,817.74                            1,345,969,224.97 245,124,000.00 119,181,307.65                     31,832,178.67                97,108,810.95                             493,246,297.27

last year


Change of




of previous



II.Balance at

the beginning
                 336,521,849.00 839,797,115.13                      34,086,443.10                135,563,817.74                            1,345,969,224.97 245,124,000.00 119,181,307.65                     31,832,178.67                97,108,810.95                             493,246,297.27
of current



in the current                    -4,652,388.45                                                   32,363,976.69                              27,711,588.24 91,397,849.00 720,615,807.48                        2,254,264.43                38,455,006.79                             852,722,927.70


                                                                                 Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

  (I) Net
                                32,363,976.69   32,363,976.69                                                          40,709,271.22              40,709,271.22

                -4,652,388.45                   -4,652,388.45                 -16,754,346.56                                                     -16,754,346.56

 Total of (I)
                -4,652,388.45   32,363,976.69   27,711,588.24                 -16,754,346.56                           40,709,271.22              23,954,924.66
and (II)


Investment or

decreasing of                                                   91,397,849.00 737,370,154.04                                                     828,768,003.04

capital by



                                                                91,397,849.00 737,370,154.04                                                     828,768,003.04
inputted by


2.Amount of

shares paid


accounted as



 3. Other


Profit                                                                                               2,254,264.43       -2,254,264.43


                  Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011


of surplus                            2,254,264.43       -2,254,264.43



of     common




to the owners




 (V) Internal


of owners’




of capital

reserves (or

to capital




of surplus

reserves (or

to capital

                                                                                                                                                         Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011



up losses by



4. Other

(VI) Special


1. Provided

this year

2.Used this



IV. Balance

at the end of   336,521,849.00 835,144,726.68             34,086,443.10              167,927,794.43                  1,373,680,813.21 336,521,849.00 839,797,115.13            34,086,443.10          135,563,817.74                   1,345,969,224.97

this term

7.2.5 Statement on changes of parent company owners’ equity

                    Prepared by::Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                                                       June 30, 2011                                                        Unit:(RMB)
                                                            Amount of the Current term                                                                                         Amount of the previous term

                                                   Less:                                                                                                               Less:
                                                                                         Common                                                                                                         Common
                                         Capital   Shares Special         Surplus                     Attributable   Total of owners’                       Capital   Shares Special      Surplus                     Attributable   Total of owners’
       Items        Share Capital                                                           risk                                         Share Capital                                                     risk
                                        reserves     in     reserve       reserves                       profit           equity                            reserves     in    reserve     reserves                       profit           equity
                                                                                        provisions                                                                                                     provisions
                                                   stock                                                                                                               stock

                                                                                                                Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

I.Balance at

the end of last 336,521,849.00 831,214,133.34     34,086,443.10   70,401,211.57 1,272,223,637.01 245,124,000.00 110,598,325.86            31,832,178.67          50,112,831.71   437,667,336.24



Change of




of previous



II.Balance at

the beginning     336,521,849.00 831,214,133.34   34,086,443.10   70,401,211.57 1,272,223,637.01 245,124,000.00 110,598,325.86            31,832,178.67          50,112,831.71   437,667,336.24

of current year

III.Changed in

the current                       -4,652,388.45                   18,533,246.48   13,880,858.03 91,397,849.00 720,615,807.48               2,254,264.43          20,288,379.86   834,556,300.77


  (I) Net
                                                                  18,533,246.48   18,533,246.48                                                                  22,542,644.29    22,542,644.29

                                  -4,652,388.45                                    -4,652,388.45                 -16,754,346.56                                                  -16,754,346.56

 Total of (I)
                                  -4,652,388.45                   18,533,246.48   13,880,858.03                  -16,754,346.56                                  22,542,644.29     5,788,297.73
and (II)


Investment or                                                                                      91,397,849.00 737,370,154.04                                                  828,768,003.04

decreasing of

                                 Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

capital by


       1. Capital

inputted by         91,397,849.00 737,370,154.04                                                  828,768,003.04


2.Amount of

shares paid and

accounted as

owners’ equity

 3. Other

                                                            2,254,264.43          -2,254,264.43

1.Providing of

surplus                                                     2,254,264.43          -2,254,264.43



of      common

risk provisions

3.Allotment to

the owners (or



 (V) Internal

transferring of

owners’ equity

                                                                                                            Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011


Capitalizing of

capital reserves

(or to capital



Capitalizing of


reserves (or to

capital shares)

 3.Making up

losses by



4. Other

(VI) Special


1. Provided

this year

2.Used this



IV. Balance at

the end of this 336,521,849.00 826,561,744.89   34,086,443.10   88,934,458.05 1,286,104,495.04 336,521,849.00 831,214,133.34          34,086,443.10          70,401,211.57 1,272,223,637.01


                                            Shenzhen Textile (Holding) Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2011

7.3 Notes to the financial statements

7.3.1 Changing of accounting policies, accounting estimations or correcting of accounting errors

□Applicable     √Not applicable

7.3.2 Major change in consolidation range of financial report

□Applicable     √Not applicable

7.3.3 Provide statements on the issues if non-standard auditing report without qualified opinions
was issued..

□Applicable     √Not applicable

This report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall

                                    The Board of Directors of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

                                                                              August 10,2011
