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                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                    Interim Report 2023


                                      INTERIM REPORT 2023

                                           August 2023

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                          Interim Report 2023

           Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior manage ment of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of
the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.
Wu Shenghui, the Company’s legal representative, Tang Qionglan, the Company’s Chief
Financial Officer (CFO), and Liang Yuefei, the person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting
organ (equivalent to accounting manager) hereby guarantee that the Financial Statements
carried in this Report are factual, accurate and complete.
All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report
and its summary.
Any plans for the future and other forward-looking statements mentioned in this Report and
its summary shall NOT be considered as absolute promises of the Company to investors.
Therefore, investors are reminded to exercise caution when making investment decisions.
The Company has described in detail in this Report the risk of macro-economic fluctuations
and intensified market competition, the risk of rising raw material prices, the risk of exchange
rate fluctuations, and the risk of the recoverability of accounts receivable. Please refer to the
section headed “Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures” in Item X of Part III of
this Report.
The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.
This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there
be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions
shall prevail.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2023

                                                     Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions ........................................................... 2

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ................................................... 6

Part III Manage ment Discussion and Analysis ............................................................................. 10

Part IV Corporate Governance ...................................................................................................... 30

Part V Environme ntal and Social Responsibility .......................................................................... 32

Part VI Significant Events ............................................................................................................... 50

Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information ............................................................... 66

Part VIII Preferred Shares ............................................................................................................. 72

Part IX Bonds ................................................................................................................................... 73

Part X Financial Statements ........................................................................................................... 74

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                          Interim Report 2023

                               Documents Available for Reference

1. The financial statements signed and stamped by the Company’s legal representative, Chief

Financial Officer, and the person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ.

2. The originals of all the Company’s announcements and documents disclosed to the public during

the Reporting Period on the media designated by the CSRC for information disclosure.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2023


                        Term                                                               Definition
                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries,
The “Company”, “listed company”, “FSL” or “we”
                                                       except where the context otherwise requires
Rising Holdings                                       Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd.
Electronics Group                                     Guangdong Electronics Information Industry Group Ltd.

Hong Kong Rising Investment                           Rising Investment Development Limited
Hongkong Wah Shing                                    Hongkong Wah Shing Holding Company Limited
                                                      Guangdong Rising Capital Investment Co., Ltd. (formerly known as
Rising Capital
                                                      “Guangdong Rising Finance Holding Co., Ltd.”)
Shenzhen Rising Investment                            Shenzhen Rising Investment Development Co., Ltd.
NationStar Optoelectronics                            Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (stock code: 002449)

NationStar Semiconductor                              Foshan NationStar Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.
Sigma                                                 Foshan Sigma Venture Capital Co., Ltd.
Nanning Liaowang                                      Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd.
Fenghua Semiconductor                                 Guangdong Fenghua Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.
CSRC                                                  China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE                                                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange

General meeting                                       General meeting of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
Board of Directors                                    The board of directors of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
Supervisory Committee                                 The supervisory committee of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                      Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi, expressed in tens of thousands
RMB, RMB’0,000, RMB’00,000,000
                                                      of Renminbi, expressed in hundreds of millions of Renminbi

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2023

      Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

 Stock name                       FSL, FSL-B                    Stock code               000541, 200541
 Stock exchange for stock
                                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Company name in Chinese          佛山电器照明股份有限公司
 Abbr. (if any)                   佛山照明
 Company name in English (if
 any)                             FOSHAN ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING GO.,LTD
 Abbr. (if any)                   FSL
 Legal representative             Wu Shenghui

II Contact Information

                                                        Board Secretary               Securities Representative
 Name                                      Huang Zhenhuan                     Huang Yufen
                                           No. 64, Fenjiang North Road,       No. 64, Fenjiang North Road,
 Address                                   Chancheng District, Foshan City,   Chancheng District, Foshan City,
                                           Guangdong Province, P.R.China      Guangdong Province, P.R.China
 Tel.                                      (0757)82810239                   (0757)82966028
 Fax                                       (0757)82816276                   (0757)82816276
 Email address                             fsldsh@chinafsl.com                fslhyf@163.com

III Other Information

1. Contact Information of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the registered address, office address and their zip codes,

website address, email address and other contact information of the Company in the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No change occurred to the said information in the Reporting Period, which can be found in the 2022 Annual


2. Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report is Kept

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the information disclosure media and the place for

keeping the Company’s periodic reports in the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The website of the stock exchange, media and other websites where the Company’s periodic reports are

disclosed, as well as the place for keeping such reports did not change in the Reporting Period. The said

information can be found in the 2022 Annual Report.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2023

3. Other Information

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to other information in the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

 Yes □ No

Reason for retrospective restatement:
Business combination involving entities under common control and change to accounting policies

                                                                     H1 2022                         Change (%)
                                  H1 2023
                                                         Before                   Restated            Restated
Operating revenue
(RMB)                         4,566,062,729.02      4,348,268,999.31           4,433,331,393.42               2.99%
Net profit attributable
to the listed company’s        168,935,232.54        160,664,433.28            163,528,019.78                3.31%
shareholders (RMB)
Net profit attributable
to the listed company’s
shareholders before             180,389,211.53        160,862,524.18            162,214,595.34               11.20%
exceptional gains and
losses (RMB)
Net cash generated
from/used in operating          387,869,057.20        150,034,906.39            177,102,491.01              119.01%
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per
share (RMB/share)                          0.1252                 0.1191                 0.1212               3.30%
Diluted earnings per
share (RMB/share)                          0.1240                 0.1180                 0.1201               3.25%
Weighted average
                                            3.23%                  2.68%                     2.03%            1.20%
return on equity (%)
                                                                31 December 2022                     Change (%)
                               30 June 2023
                                                         Before                 Restated              Restated
Total assets (RMB)          15,119,943,822.76       15,287,061,119.70     15,288,860,907.09                   -1.10%
Equity attributable to
the listed company’s         5,156,107,466.23      5,173,066,095.76           5,173,011,348.74              -0.33%
shareholders (RMB)

Reason for changes in accounting policies:

The Ministry of Finance issued in November 2022 Interpretation No. 16 for the Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “Interpretation No. 16”), which stipulates the accounting

treatments for deferred income taxes associated with assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction to

which the initial recognition exemption does not apply. For further information, see “44. (1) Changes to

significant accounting policies” under Item V of Part X.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2023

V Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign
Accounting Standards

1. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.

2. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.

VI Exceptional Gains and Losses

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                        Item                               Amount                     Note
Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets
(inclusive of impairment allowance write-offs)                    -1,399,118.95
Government subsidies charged to current profit
or loss (exclusive of government subsidies
consistently given in the Company’s ordinary                     27,400,992.05
course of business at fixed quotas or amounts
as per government policies or standards)
Capital occupation charges on non-financial
enterprises that are recognized in profit or loss                    145,423.54
Gain or loss on fair-value changes on held-for-
trading financial assets and liabilities & income
from disposal of held-for-trading financial
assets and liabilities and available-for-sale                    -20,978,503.38
financial assets (exclusive of the effective
portion of hedges that arise in the Company’s
ordinary course of business)
Non-operating income and expense other than
the above                                                           -841,057.39
Less: Income tax effects                                            -966,253.59
      Non-controlling interests effects (net of
tax)                                                              16,747,968.45
Total                                                            -11,453,978.99

Details of other items that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the

Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the

Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.   Interim Report 2023

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

                     Part III Management Discussion and Analysis

I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period

(I) Principal business

The Company has been committed to the R&D, production and sale of high-quality and energy-efficient
lighting products in order to provide integrated lighting solutions for customers. It is the controlling shareholder
of Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd. ("Nanning Liaowang") and Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,
Ltd. ("NationStar Optoelectronics") through acquisition programs starting from 2021. At present, the principal
business of the Company mainly includes the R&D, production and sale of general lighting products, electrical
products, automotive lighting products, and LED packaging products.

The general lighting business of the Company mainly covers LED light sources, LED luminaries, traditional
lighting products and comprehensive lighting solutions for home lighting, commercial lighting, industrial
lighting, municipal road lighting and landscape lighting. Over recent years, the Company has been exploring
new fields, including smart lighting, healthy lighting, marine lighting, and animal and plant lighting.

Electrical products mainly include switches, sockets, smart control panels, and smart door locks.

Based on its own automotive light sources and modules, the Company, relying on its majority-owned subsidiary
Nanning Liaowang, has expanded the automotive lighting business into the automotive light assembly sector,
involving basically all the lights that an automobile requires, such as headlights, rear light combos, fog lights,
backup lights, interior lights, and license plate lights. The main clients of Nanning Liaowang include SAIC-
GM-Wuling Automobile, Chongqing Changan Automobile, Bestune, SAIC Maxus Automotive, Dongfeng
Liuzhou Motor, Dongfeng Sokon, SERES and other whole-automobile manufacturers.

The Company conducts LED packaging business mainly by relying on its majority-owned subsidiary
NationStar Optoelectronics (stock code: 002449). The LED packaging business mainly involves components
(including components for display, lighting, and optoelectronics), modules (including display and backlight
modules as well as mini backlight modules), and LED epitaxial wafers and chips (including blue and green
display / digital indication / automotive high power flip-flop / Mini LED chip products), electronic components,
integrated circuit products and accessories (including MOS/Si/IC products), and third generation semiconductor
products (including silicon carbide discrete devices/power modules, gallium nitride series device products),
which are widely used for consumer electronics, home appliances, computers, communications, display and
lighting products, general lighting, automotive lighting, sterilization and purification, plant lighting, and other

(II) Industry development

Currently, the lighting industry is affected by the unfavourable factor of sluggish market demand, which brings
greater pressure to business expansion. The industry reshuffle was still in progress. Enterprises with advantages
in technology, fund and brand were gradually expanding their market shares, and high-quality resources were
being channeled to leading players. With the national policy of "Carbon Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality",

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2023

major enterprises accelerated the development of high energy-saving and intelligent products with better light
quality. Concurrently, with the continuously upgraded technologies and policy encouragement, segmentations
such as intelligent lighting, healthy lighting, marine lighting, animal and plant lighting embrace fresh
development opportunities.

Automotive lights are core parts of an automobile, which are closely linked to the development of the
automotive industry. In accordance with the statistics released by the China Association of Automobile
Manufacturers (CAAM), the automobile output and sales in China for the first half of the year reached 13.248
million and 13.239 million, up by 9.3% and 9.8% year on year, respectively. Particularly, the new energy
vehicle industry achieved ongoing fast growth. Statistically, the output and sales of new energy vehicles for the
first half of the year reached 3.788 million and 3.747 million, up by 42.4% and 44.1% year on year, respectively.
Additionally, the market share of new energy vehicles reached 28.3%. The growth in automobile output and
sales boosted the demand in the automotive light market. As the R&D capabilities of the upstream, midstream
and downstream enterprises along the domestic automotive-light industrial chain have improved in the last few
years, Chinese auto parts enterprises have gradually been incorporated by vehicle companies into their supply
chain systems. This has contributed to the continuously accelerated replacement with domestic products and
given more opportunities to Chinese automotive light enterprises. At the same time, with the development of
automotive industry technologies, the increasingly electronic and intelligent automotive light-related
technologies have enabled automotive lights to carry more functions in addition to traditional lighting, which
has not only brought users more environmental, safe, recreational, and intelligent driving experience but also
injected new growth impetus into the industry.

With the resumption of commercial, cultural, tourist, sports and other activities, LED packaging demand is
gradually picking up. With the upgraded technologies, new application sub-markets will be constantly expanded.
Meanwhile, the emerging application fields, such as new Mini/Micro LED displays, plant lighting, intelligent
lighting, and the Internet of Things are going to enter a critical phase of rapid development, bringing new
development opportunities for the LED packaging industry. Additionally, with the rollout of relevant industry
policies and consumption upgrading, the transformation toward high energy-saving, highly reliable, and
intelligent LED semiconductors with better light quality will be expedited, which has set a stricter requirement
for enterprises' innovation capability. Top players in the industry will have more say.

(III) Business models

1. Procurement model

The Company's procurement department should ensure that the procured materials and products meet the
prescribed requirements and that procurement activities are under control. Besides, it should consider the needs
of each department and the reasonable stock quantity before carrying out any procurement, determine suppliers
by means of bidding, price negotiation, and price comparison, and follow up on the procurement orders. There
should be several backup suppliers of each principal raw material to ensure fair procurement price, timely
material supply, and high quality.

2. Production model

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2023

For routine products, the production plan for the next month is prepared based on the analysis of the sales of
each month and changes in the future market demand and the safe stock benchmark. Each production
department produces products as planned so as to control the stock and meet the sales demand. For customized
products, the make-to-order strategy is implemented to effectively control the stock quantity of raw materials,
reduce the funds that are tied up, and improve the Company's operational efficiency.

3. Sales model

In the general lighting business, for domestic sales, the Company adopts the model of agency distribution and
direct supply to engineering projects. The Company boasts hardware distribution, home, engineering, and e-
commerce & retail sale channels. For foreign sales, the Company adopts the models of OEM and independent
brands. The sale of products of independent brands abroad is carried out mainly via agencies.

In the automotive lighting business, in the factory-installed market, the model of supplying automotive light
products directly to OEMs is mainly adopted; in the aftermarket, products are mainly sold by agencies.

In the LED packaging business, the direct sale model is mainly adopted, in which products are sold through
direct communication with clients.

(IV) Main driving forces for growth

The Company upholds the overall idea of "stabilizing the fundamentals and expanding new businesses", and
continuously strengthens the innovation driver and refines the business portfolio. Additionally, it promotes the
change of the marketing model, intensifies management improvement, and vigorously explores market
segments. Since 2021, the Company has acquired Nanning Liaowang and NationStar Optoelectronics, which
has provided strong support for the Company to rapidly enter the OEM market and make the automobile vehicle
lamp business of the Company stronger and bigger, as well as to strengthen integration upstream and
downstream of the industrial chain of LED. Meanwhile, with the evolution of the industrial competition model,
consumers are getting increasingly concerned with product quality and brand. As a result, companies with weak
competitiveness will be gradually elbowed out of the market while large enterprises or enterprises with core
competitiveness will have more market opportunities. By virtue of its advantages in technology, brand, channel
and scale, the Company has continued to promote the technical upgrading of products, improve product quality,
beef up market expansion and optimize the business portfolio through sustained spending on R&D and
technical innovation. Meanwhile, it has gained an advantageous position in the process of enhancing market
concentration by increasing the level of production automation, effectively controlling purchase costs and
ramping up production efficiency.

II Core Competitiveness Analysis

During the Reporting Period, through continued accumulation, the Company’s core competitiveness has been
further enhanced, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Channel advantage

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2023

The Company has been sticking to the market strategy of deeply cultivating and refining channels. Over years
of development and experience, the Company has been equipped with four major sales channels in domestic
market (hardware distribution, home, engineering, and e-commerce & retail sales channels), forming a
marketing network covering the whole country; in foreign market, the Company has made active steps to
develop international market business, sold products to more than 120 countries and regions in North America,
Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa and Oceania, and kept improving overseas sales channel. By virtue of its
powerful and comprehensive sales channels, the Company has enabled its products to enter market rapidly,
substantially enhancing its market development abilities and competitiveness. Nanning Liaowang is a major
manufacturer in the Chinese automotive light industry. It has accumulated stable whole-automobile
manufacturing clients and has been developing new clients. Its client entities are increasingly diverse.
NationStar Optoelectronics has an excellent client structure. It has established a long-term cooperative
relationship with industry-leading display manufacturers and internationally famous home appliance enterprises,
has successfully showcased its products in many large events and high-end venues at home and abroad, and is
widely recognized by end clients and the market.

Brand advantage

The Company has accumulated 65 years' experience in the lighting industry and enjoyed continuously
increasing influence and brand value for its "FSL". For 18 consecutive years, the Company has been included in
the list of "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands". In 2023, the value of FSL brand reached RMB31.219 billion. In
recent years, with the enhancement of its development positioning, product design and user experience, the
Company has initiated the strategy of brand upgrading and carried out promotion by centering around the new
"Professional, Healthy, Fashionable and Intelligent". In addition, it has accelerated brand building through high-
end mainstream media platform, Internet emerging media and offline terminal advertising respectively,
maximized the brand and product communication effect, formed a comprehensive and diversified publicity
position, and driven the transition of “FSL” from an industrial brand to a popular brand to maintain the brand
vitality and competitiveness. The brand "FSL" has become one of the most influential and popular industrial
brands in China, and the powerful brand influence has played a key role in driving the sustained growth of the
Company’s sales. Nanning Liaowang strictly abides by the national industry standards when producing
automotive lights of the "Liaowang" brand. It has been hailed as a high-quality supplier of car manufacturers for
quite a few times. NationStar Optoelectronics has been awarded honors such as "National High-tech Enterprise
Certification", "Brand Power", "Top 10 LED Packaging Brands", “GG Golden Globe Award”, and “Company
of the Year 2022”, which constantly enhances its image of professionalism and brand advantages.

R&D technical advantage

The Company values the R&D of new products and the development of innovation and R&D teams, and has
established a scientific and independent science and technology innovation system, and a team of well-
structured, collaborative and efficient talents. It has further increased spending on technology and independent
product innovation and introduced first-class R&D equipment and facilities from home and abroad to provide
high-quality conditions for scientific and technological innovation. The Company is a national high-tech
company, and its testing center has the CNAS-approved qualification. In addition, the Company has built
innovative platforms such as "Guangdong Engineering Technology Development Center", "Guangdong
Industrial Design Center", "Guangdong Enterprise Technology Center", and "Lighting Research Institute".
Besides, the Company has won the title of "National IP Demonstration Enterprise" and established a

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

"Postdoctoral Research Station (Substation)" and a "Guangdong Science and Technology Expert Workstation"
to explore and intensify efforts in the cutting-edge technology of LEDs, and address key issues and common
technology issues in the industry. It has formed technical barriers with proprietary intellectual property rights in
lighting, spectroscopic, electrical, IoT, AI and many other fields. Cumulatively, the company and its holding
subsidiaries have been granted more than 1,900 valid patents. Also, they have led or participated in the
formulation or revision of 160 standards at all levels, which have been issued. The Company actively integrates
internal and external resources and collaborates with Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Sun Yat-sen
University, South China University of Technology, Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering of CAS,
Dalian Ocean University and other scientific research institutes to establish in-depth industrial and research
cooperation, so as to promote key technological breakthroughs and transformation of scientific and
technological achievements. Meanwhile, the Company has formed a smooth R&D talent cultivation channel to
provide a strong guarantee for the Company to maintain technological leadership and continuous product
innovation. Nanning Liaowang boasts a provincial enterprise technology center, a provincial R&D center, and a
Guangxi automotive lighting parts engineering technology research center; and established the Automotive
Lighting Research Institute. In recent years, Nanning Liaowang has increased investment in R&D, accelerated
investment in various lens modules and interactive signal lamp technologies, and continuously enhanced its
R&D strength. NationStar Optoelectronics has created 16 R&D platforms, including the Postdoctoral Research
Station, and the National- and local-joint Engineering Laboratory for Semiconductor Lighting Materials and
Components. It has undertaken near 30 national research projects such as the national "863" program and the
key national R&D program, in addition to more than 100 provincial and ministerial research projects. Besides,
it has won honors such as "National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise", “Gold Award at the 24th
China Patent Awards”, "China Award for Excellent Patents", "Guangdong Science and Technology Progress
Award (first/second prize)", as well as Advanced Technology Golden Globe Award "2022 Company of the
Year” and “2022 Innovative Technology". Moreover, it has constantly made breakthroughs and surmounted
technological challenges in emerging areas such as Mini/Micro LED, the third generation of semiconductor,
smart wear, automotive components, and new optoelectronic components.

Scale advantage

As one of the enterprises to first step into the industry of producing and selling lighting products, the Company
forms a capability of mass manufacturing by years of experience accumulation. After years of continuous
investment, the Company has greatly improved its production automation level. The large-scale and centralized
production brings obvious economic benefits to the Company, which not only shows in manufacture cost of
products, but also shows in aspects such as raw material procurement and price negotiation. With
manufacturing bases in Nanning, Liuzhou, Chongqing, Qingdao, and Indonesia, Nanning Liaowang has an
annual production capacity of more than five million sets of automotive lights. NationStar Optoelectronics
began engaging in LED packaging in 1976. It is included in the first batch of enterprises that have produced
LED products and the first Chinese enterprise to go public with LED packaging as its principal business.
Besides, it is one of the largest LED manufacturers in China.

Advantage of a vertical and integrated LED industrial chain

By controlling NationStar Optoelectronics, whose business covers the entire LED industry chain, including
upstream LED chip manufacturing, midstream LED packaging, and downstream LED application products, the
Company has optimized the industry chain and enhanced its competitiveness and visibility in the industry.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2023

III Analysis of Principal Operations


In the first half of 2023, aiming at the annual objectives, the Company made every effort to stabilise growth and
promote development by focusing on the four drivers of "internal management, market expansion, innovation-
driven growth, and M&A support". As a result, the Company achieved a steady, high quality year-on-year
increase in both operating revenue and profit. During the Reporting Period, the Company recorded operating
revenue of RMB 4566.0627 million, up 2.99% year on year, and a net profit attributable to its shareholders of
RMB 168.9352 million, increasing by 3.31% year on year.

During the Reporting Period, the Company mainly focused on the following tasks:

1. Spared no effort to expand growth

The Company prioritised the expansion of business growth as the main theme for the whole year. To this end,
the leadership members took the lead in surveying the market, visiting key customers, and delving into market
demands in order to expand business orders. Also, it intensified efforts to complete large customer projects,
secured several big project orders, and undertook 20 automotive light projects. Based on its years of
technological accumulation in lighting, especially intelligent lighting, the Company sped up the segmentation
layout, with a focus on deep-sea lighting, fish-collecting lighting, aquaculture lighting, and coastal lighting. It
established 27 sales outlets and six experiencing zones (halls) in eight coastal provinces in China and the
Southeast Asian markets and laid out more than 40 aquaculture demonstration bases. With intelligent home as
the focus, the Company constantly expanded into intelligent lampposts, intelligent buildings, and other
intelligent application fields, doing so to continue to provide customers with diversified products and services
and expand markets. In terms of overseas business, the Company constantly consolidated its cooperation with
big customers by improving its service capabilities in R&D, manufacturing, and marketing. Meanwhile, it
actively developed new customers, securing a stable increase in the proportion of sales of overseas independent

2. Took a variety of measures to minimise costs

Adhering to the "tighten the belt" philosophy, the Company launched the cost reduction campaign to dig for
more cost reduction space from multiple perspectives. Specifically, it partnered with professional institutions,
enhanced the research and judgment of the trends of commodity prices, and took measures such as price inquiry
and comparison, price negotiation, new material replacement, and supplier optimisation to reduce the
procurement cost. The "robot assembly line" strategy was promoted on an ongoing basis by transforming and
upgrading assembly lines with automation equipment. Additionally, measures such as automated production,
process and procedure optimisation, and implementing standard costing were employed to reduce the
manufacturing cost.

3. Improved management for higher quality and efficiency

Based on the "three refinements in management" plan with "five optimisations, six decreases, and seven
reductions" at the core carried out last year, the Company further refined tasks and measures to secure in-depth

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2023

and solid advances. In terms of organisational streamlining, the Company further optimised the position set-up,
simplified the approval procedures, and intensified the authority delegation. As a result, the productivity per
capita in the first half of the year was significantly boosted. In terms of management refinement, efforts were
redoubled at comprehensive budget management and expenditure control through stringent "standard costing"
and cost control. Carry out a series of special actions such as improving quality, "accounts receivable and
inventory" management and control, and achieved certain effects. In terms of lean operations, the Company
optimised the R&D system to promote integrated innovation, focused on the R&D and production of luminaries,
intelligent products, and products in the new segmentation, optimised the product mix, and increased the
proportion of products with high added value. Doing so helped the Company constantly boost its core

4. Strengthened innovation unswervingly

In terms of product iteration and upgrading, to develop differentiated and functional products and the "light
plus" overall solution, the Company developed 367 new products in the first half of the year. Additionally, it
rolled out the "photocatalysis" second-generation healthy lighting product, optimised and upgraded eight
intelligent systems, including the intelligent home, and made arrangements for cutting-edge technologies,
including deep-sea laser illumination, doing so to sharpen up its competitive edge. In terms of the packaging
field, the Company targeted several emerging areas, including Mini/Micro LED, the third-generation
semiconductor, and automotive components, thereby cultivating new development drivers. In terms of
technology R&D, the Company applied for 182 new patents, including 62 patents for invention, and steered or
participated in the formulation of 15 international, national, industry, and group standards. Moreover, for
technologies with the Company's participation, the ultraviolet core technology won the Guangdong Science and
Technology Progress Award (second prize); the deep-sea laser illumination technology won the Award of
Excellence of the 1st Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Postdoctoral Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Competition; the full-colour light-emitting device and display module won the China Patent
Award (Gold).

Year-on-year changes in key financial data:
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                  H1 2022/31 December
                           H1 2023/30 June 2023                         Change (%)        Main reason for change
Operating revenue             4,566,062,729.02      4,433,331,393.42             2.99%
Cost of sales                 3,733,474,828.88      3,654,061,368.03             2.17%
Selling expense                 131,921,130.00        111,269,248.57            18.56%
Administrative expense          200,946,085.42        186,307,739.44             7.86%
Finance costs                   -30,162,622.41        -24,237,724.21           -24.44%
Income tax expense               31,304,364.49          41,412,077.91          -24.41%
R&D expense                     227,718,701.74        224,438,932.77             1.46%
                                                                                          The Company as the
Net cash generated
                                                                                          parent enhanced
from/used in operating          387,869,057.20        177,102,491.01           119.01%
activities                                                                                inventory control in the
                                                                                          current period.
                                                                                          The same period of last
Net cash generated                                                                        year saw more cash
from/used in investing           -4,465,936.70        121,495,601.82          -103.68%    from the recovery of
activities                                                                                bank’s wealth
                                                                                          management products.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                Interim Report 2023

                                                                                 The same period of last
                                                                                 year saw a higher
                                                                                 payment for the
Net cash generated
                                                                                 acquisition of equity
from/used in financing         -359,583,672.75    -823,625,807.19      56.34%
activities                                                                       interests in subsidiary
                                                                                 Optoelectronics under
                                                                                 common control.
                                                                                 Increased net cash
Net increase in cash                                                             generated from
and cash equivalents             28,750,024.39    -504,782,096.83     105.70%    financing activities in
                                                                                 the current period
                                                                                 Recovery of wealth
Held-for-trading                                                                 management products
                                 81,882,834.67    261,541,896.45      -68.69%    upon maturity in the
financial assets
                                                                                 current period
                                                                                 Reclassification of
                                                                                 additional large-
                                                                                 amount deposit
Other current assets            173,015,911.64     79,438,576.89      117.80%
                                                                                 certificates to other
                                                                                 current assets in the
                                                                                 current period
                                                                                 Changes in the fair
                                                                                 value of forward forex
                                 23,741,475.00      4,679,000.00      407.40%    settlement contracts as
financial liabilities                                                            a result of exchange
                                                                                 rate fluctuations
                                                                                  Mainly due to the
                                                                                 transfer of some
                                                                                 current dividend
Other receivables               150,403,234.75     32,902,865.98      357.11%    payment to China
                                                                                 Securities Depository
                                                                                 and Clearing
                                                                                 Corporation Limited.
                                                                                 Decrease in advances
Advances from
                                     196,200.00     2,532,442.44      -92.25%    of rentals in the current
                                                                                 Mainly due to the
                                                                                 declaration of cash
                                                                                 dividends in the current
Other payables                  645,736,648.53    440,230,081.05       46.68%    period and withdrawal
                                                                                 the amount of profit
                                                                                 distribution for 2022.
                                                                                 Mainly due to the
                                                                                 declaration of cash
                                                                                 dividends in the current
Dividends payable               134,915,110.77         15,646.07    862193.92%
                                                                                 period and withdrawal
                                                                                 the amount of profit
                                                                                 distribution for 2022.
                                                                                 Increased undue notes
                                                                                 receivable that were
Other current liabilities       136,138,329.46    100,192,681.00       35.88%
                                                                                 endorsed in the current
                                                                                 Repayment of some
Long-term borrowings            493,362,857.84    747,931,023.71      -34.04%    long-term borrowings
                                                                                 in the current period
                                                                                 Decreased liabilities of
Other non-current                                                                subsidiary to be
                                     206,307.09       308,780.61      -33.19%    liquidated and de-
                                                                                 Increased provisions
Taxes and levies                 37,443,299.13     25,534,415.81       46.64%
                                                                                 for value-added

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                              Interim Report 2023

                                                                               surtaxes and property
                                                                               tax in the current
                                                                               Increased interest on
Interest expense                 14,255,244.44      7,068,335.84     101.68%   borrowings in the
                                                                               current period
                                                                               Increased interest on
Interest income                  24,520,047.73     13,000,154.06     88.61%    deposits in the current
                                                                               Decreased continuing
Other income                     27,389,992.05     40,797,290.95     -32.86%   government grants in
                                                                               the current period
                                                                               Increased net profits of
Share of profit or loss                                                        associates attributable
of joint ventures and             1,186,031.53        650,457.40     82.34%    to owners of the
associates                                                                     Company as the parent
                                                                               in the current period
                                                                               Changes in the fair
                                                                               value of forward forex
Gain on changes in fair
                                -22,153,522.56     -10,766,595.97   -105.76%   settlement contracts as
value                                                                          a result of exchange
                                                                               rate fluctuations
                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                               influence of the
                                                                               increase in the balance
Credit impairment loss
                                -18,947,421.03     -10,246,248.56    -84.92%   of accounts receivable
(“-” for loss)
                                                                               for the current period
                                                                               on the increase in bad
                                                                               debt provision.
                                                                               Increased income from
                                                                               the disposal of fixed
Asset disposal income                110,475.52        82,362.19     34.13%
                                                                               assets in the current
                                                                               In the same period of
                                                                               last year, subsidiary
Non-operating income              2,440,914.48      8,990,018.61     -72.85%
                                                                               transferred payables
                                                                               that it did not need to
                                                                               pay to non-operating
                                                                               The same period of last
                                                                               year saw a greater loss
Non-operating expense             4,780,570.32      7,994,166.62     -40.20%
                                                                               on the disposal of fixed
                                                                               Decreased amount of
                                                                               changes in the fair
Other comprehensive                                                            value of investments in
                                -49,800,869.38    -128,025,149.83    61.10%    other equity
income, net of tax
                                                                               instruments in the
                                                                               current period
Other comprehensive                                                            Decreased amount of
                                                                               changes in the fair
income, net of tax
                                                                               value of investments in
attributable to owners          -50,939,650.35    -128,036,703.73    60.21%    other equity
of the Company as the                                                          instruments in the
parent                                                                         current period
Changes in the fair                                                            Decreased amount of
                                                                               changes in the fair
value of investments in         -52,237,967.85    -128,132,332.34    59.23%    value of investments in
other equity                                                                   other equity

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2023

instruments                                                                                          instruments in the
                                                                                                     current period
Differences arising
from the translation of                                                                              Fluctuations of the
foreign currency-                   1,298,317.50                 95,628.61                1257.67%   RMB against foreign
denominated financial                                                                                currencies
Other comprehensive
                                                                                                     Fluctuations of the
income, net of tax
                                    1,138,780.97                 11,553.90                9756.25%   RMB against foreign
attributable to non-                                                                                 currencies
controlling interests
                                                                                                     Decreased amount of
                                                                                                     changes in the fair
Total comprehensive                                                                                  value of investments in
                                  175,304,418.91           115,521,481.07                  51.75%    other equity
                                                                                                     instruments in the
                                                                                                     current period
                                                                                                     Decreased amount of
Total comprehensive                                                                                  changes in the fair
income attributable to                                                                               value of investments in
                                  117,995,582.19            35,491,316.05                  232.46%   other equity
owners of the
Company as the parent                                                                                instruments in the
                                                                                                     current period
Material changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company in the Reporting Period:
□ApplicableNot applicable
No such changes in the Reporting Period.

Breakdown of operating revenue:
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                       H1 2023                                  H1 2022
                                                 As % of total                          As % of total
                                                                                                             Change (%)
                          Operating revenue        operating      Operating revenue   operating revenue
                                                 revenue (%)                                 (%)
Total                     4,566,062,729.02                100%    4,433,331,393.42                100%                2.99%
By operating division
Lighting products
and luminaries            2,710,661,113.22              59.37%    2,698,671,734.04             60.87%                 0.44%
component                 1,360,444,139.66              29.79%    1,316,554,701.04             29.70%                 3.33%
Export trade and
                           494,957,476.14               10.84%     418,104,958.34                9.43%               18.38%
By product category
General lighting
products                  1,792,551,295.05              39.26%    1,713,682,850.48             38.65%                 4.60%
LED packaging
and components            1,253,523,386.12              27.45%    1,320,355,785.57             29.78%                -5.06%
Auto lamps                 806,133,465.65               17.65%     788,150,928.31              17.78%                 2.28%
Trade and other            713,854,582.20               15.63%     611,141,829.06              13.79%                16.81%
By operating segment
Domestic                  3,478,275,919.17              76.18%    3,315,915,661.48             74.80%                 4.90%
Overseas                  1,087,786,809.85              23.82%    1,117,415,731.94             25.20%                -2.65%

Operating Division, Product Category or Operating Segment Contributing over 10% of Operating Revenue or

Operating Profit:
 Applicable □ Not applicable

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2023

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                    YoY change       YoY change       YoY change in
                                                                  Gross profit
                    Operating revenue         Cost of sales                         in operating      in cost of       gross profit
                                                                                    revenue (%)       sales (%)        margin (%)
By operating division
products and        2,710,661,113.22       2,126,704,067.38           21.54%              0.44%           -2.02%              1.97%
component           1,360,444,139.66       1,149,050,783.53           15.54%              3.33%            3.47%            -0.11%
Export trade
                      494,957,476.14        457,719,977.97             7.52%             18.38%           22.72%            -3.27%
and other
By product category
lighting            1,792,551,295.05       1,375,368,424.17           23.27%              4.60%            0.32%              3.27%
LED packaging
and                 1,253,523,386.12       1,015,930,695.77           18.95%             -5.06%           -6.80%              1.51%
Auto lamps            806,133,465.65        668,454,235.14            17.08%              2.28%            2.14%             0.11%
Trade and other       713,854,582.20        673,721,473.80             5.62%             16.81%           25.08%            -6.24%
By operating segment
Domestic            3,478,275,919.17       2,796,411,970.75           19.60%              4.90%            4.69%              0.16%
Overseas            1,087,786,809.85         937,062,858.13           13.86%             -2.65%           -4.66%              1.82%

Data of principal operations of the latest period adjusted according to the changed statistical caliber in the

Reporting Period:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV Analysis of Non-Principal Operations

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                      As % of profit before
                                  Amount                                             Source/Reason               Recurrent or not
                                                                                 Dividend income from
                                                                                 other equity
                                                                                 investments held
Return on investment             22,449,570.63                       8.76%       during the period, and
                                                                                 gains on forward forex
                                                                                 settlement contracts
                                                                                 Gain/loss on changes
Gain/loss on changes
in fair value                   -22,153,522.56                      -8.64%       in fair value of          Not
                                                                                 financial instruments
                                                                                 Inventory valuation
Asset impairments               -16,390,888.73                      -6.39%       allowances
                                                                                 Receipt of
                                                                                 compensation, sale of
                                                                                 retired equipment, and
Non-operating income              2,440,914.48                       0.95%       carryforwards of
                                                                                 payables that require
                                                                                 no payment
                                                                                 Loss on retirement of
Non-operating expense             4,780,570.32                       1.86%       non-current assets
                                                                                 Receipt of continuing
Other income                     27,389,992.05                      10.68%       government grants
Credit impairment loss          -18,947,421.03                      -7.39%       Allowances for            Not

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2023

                                                                       doubtful notes
                                                                       receivable, accounts
                                                                       receivable and other
                                                                       Gains or losses on the
Asset disposal income                110,475.52                0.04%   disposal of non-current     Not

V Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                            30 June 2023                   31 December 2022                                  Reason for
                                                                                        Change in
                                     As % of total                   As % of total                           significant
                       Amount                           Amount                        percentage (%)
                                         assets                          assets                                change
Monetary            2,518,177,71                     2,484,508,90
assets                                      16.65%                          16.25%                0.40%
                            4.99                             7.43
                                                                                                          Increased sales
Accounts            2,347,099,72                     1,920,770,94
                                           15.52%                          12.56%                 2.96%   in the current
receivable                  4.92                             1.76
Contract assets     5,153,358.98            0.03%    5,466,875.07           0.04%                -0.01%
                                                                                                          The Company
                                                                                                          as the parent
                    1,646,526,19                     2,031,637,40                                         enhanced
Inventory                                  10.89%                          13.29%                -2.40%
                            5.36                             1.87                                         inventory
                                                                                                          control in the
                                                                                                          current period.
Investment          43,366,716.4                     44,611,882.4
                                            0.29%                           0.29%                 0.00%
property                       9                                4
                    183,117,824.                     181,931,792.
equity                                      1.21%                           1.19%                 0.02%
investments                   19                               66
                    3,365,628,09                     3,508,094,28
Fixed assets                               22.26%                          22.95%                -0.69%
                            2.29                             2.41
Construction in     1,377,403,87                     1,282,780,33
                                            9.11%                           8.39%                 0.72%
progress                    3.06                             5.14
Right-of-use                                         13,047,727.7
assets              9,832,756.11            0.07%                           0.09%                -0.02%
Short-term          190,926,526.                     157,715,359.
                                            1.26%                           1.03%                 0.23%
borrowings                    02                               35
Contract            131,700,995.                     125,143,161.
                                            0.87%                           0.82%                 0.05%
liabilities                   68                               61
                                                                                                          Repayment of
                                                                                                          some long-term
Long-term           493,362,857.                     747,931,023.
                                            3.26%                           4.89%                -1.63%   borrowings in
borrowings                    84                               71
                                                                                                          the current
Lease liabilities    6,477,932.48           0.04%     7,055,542.18          0.05%                -0.01%
Notes                811,254,925.                     821,537,774.
                                            5.37%                           5.37%                 0.00%
receivable                     34                               07
Receivables          444,845,917.                     569,868,831.
                                            2.94%                           3.73%                -0.79%
financing                      62                               79
Other current        136,138,329.                     100,192,681.
                                            0.90%                           0.66%                 0.24%
liabilities                    46                               00
 Other              150,403,234.                     32,902,865.9
                                            0.99%                           0.22%                 0.77%
receivables         75                               8

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2023

2. Major Assets Overseas

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                               on fair-    Cumulative   Impairment
                                value      fair-value    allowance               Sold in the
               Beginning                                               in the                   Other           Ending
    Item                      changes in    changes        for the                Reporting
                amount                                               Reporting                 changes          amount
                                 the       charged to    Reporting                 Period
                              Reporting      equity        Period
1. Held-
               60,004,84     978,980.8                               110,000,0   90,000,00                   80,983,83
                    9.31             2                                   00.00        0.00                        0.13
Derivative     972,032.9             -                                                                       899,004.5
financial              2     73,028.38                                                                               4
Investment                           -
               864,191,3                   525,202,9                             981,292.1                   801,753,6
s in other                   61,456,43
equity             46.40                       60.76                                     2                       21.52
               569,868,8                                                         125,022,9                   444,845,9
                   31.79                                                             14.17                       17.62
s financing
Subtotal of                          -
               1,495,037                   525,202,9                 110,000,0   216,004,2                   1,328,482
financial                    60,550,48
assets           ,060.42                       60.76                     00.00       06.29                     ,373.81
Total of the   1,495,037                   525,202,9                 110,000,0   216,004,2                   1,328,482
above                        60,550,48
                 ,060.42                       60.76                     00.00       06.29                     ,373.81
                       -             -                                                                               -
liabilities    4,679,000     19,062,47                                                                       23,741,47
                     .00          5.00                                                                            5.00

Details about other changes:


Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:

□ Yes  No

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2023

4. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
           Item                Ending carrying value                                  Reason for restriction
                                                            Security deposits for notes, performance bonds, payments by buyers for
      Monetary assets                        535,698,818.93
                                                            pre-sale of properties
                                                            In pledge for notes pool and notes receivable that are endorsed and
      Notes receivable                       729,042,157.57
       Fixed assets                          143,870,553.97 As mortgage and guarantee for related party, see XIV (III)
     Intangible assets                        10,808,229.15 “Guarantees” in Part X
           Total                           1,419,419,759.62                                     --

VI Investments Made

1. Total Investment Amount

 Applicable □ Not applicable
   Investment amount in the Reporting         Investment amount in the same period of
                                                                                                       Change (%)
             Period (RMB)                                 last year (RMB)
                       30,578,843.07                               1,175,378,372.86                                       -97.40%

2. Major Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Major Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. Financial Investments

(1) Securities Investments

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                          Gain/    Accu
                                                           Loss    mulat
                                                            on       ed     Purch
                                      Meas       Begin                                Sold    Gain/l    Endin
                            Initial                        fair-    fair-    ased
Securi    Securi   Securi             ureme       ning                                 in     oss in      g      Accou      Fundi
                            invest                        value    value      in
  ty        ty       ty                 nt       carryi                              Repor    Repor     carryi   nting       ng
                             ment                         chang    chang    Repor
 type      code    name               metho        ng                                 ting     ting      ng       title    source
                             cost                          es in     es      ting
                                        d        value                               Period   Period    value
                                                          Repor    charg    Period
                                                           ting    ed to
                                                          Period   equity
                                                               -                                                 ments
sticall            Gotio      83,01   Fair        493,9             390,2                                473,2   in        Self-
y/Ove      0020    n                  value                20,73
                             4,485.               67,19             20,82                                35,30   other     funde
rseas     74       High-              metho               1,887.
                                 13                4.53              2.29                                 7.42   equity    d
listed             tech               d                       11                                                 instru

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Interim Report 2023

                                                                    -                                                         ments
sticall                                 Fair
                   Xiam        152,9                   328,6             134,9                           16,63   287,9        in       Self-
y/Ove      6011                         value                   40,72
                   en          57,60                   64,29             82,13                          3,969.   39,74        other    funde
rseas     87                            metho                  4,545.
                   Bank         6.83                    0.95              8.47                              35    5.30        equity   d
listed                                  d                          65                                                         instru
Dome               branc
sticall            h of                 Fair
                                                                                                                              in       Self-
y/Ove              Guan        500,0    value          500,0                                                     500,0
          N/A                                                                                                                 other    funde
rseas              gdong       00.00    metho          00.00                                                     00.00        equity   d
listed             Devel                d
stock              opme
sticall                                 Fair
                   Lifan       1,176,                              -                                                          tradin
y/Ove      6017                         value          972,0                                                     899,0
                   Techn       008.7                           73,02                                                          g        Other
rseas     77                            metho          32.92                                                     04.54
                   ology           4                            8.38                                                          financ
listed                                  d
                               237,6                   824,1             525,2                           16,63   762,5
Total                          48,10       --          03,51             02,96     0.00      0.00       3,969.   74,05          --       --
                                0.70                    8.40              0.76                              35    7.26

(2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Derivative Investments for Hedging Purposes in the Reporting Period

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                              Unit: USD’0,000
                                   Gain/Loss on         Accumulated
                                                                                                               Ending            investment
                     Initial         fair-value           fair-value    Purchased in      Sold in the
   Type of                                                                                                                      amount as %
                  investment         changes in            changes      the Reporting      Reporting         investment
  derivative                                                                                                                        of the
                    amount         the Reporting         recorded in        Period          Period             amount            Company’s
                                       Period               equity
                                                                                                                                ending equity
                           1,000                0.00               0                0            1,000                    0            0.00%
                           1,000           -49.23                  0                0                   0          1,000               0.84%
                           1,000           -49.23                  0                0                   0          1,000               0.84%
Forex option                250            -12.32                  0             250                    0            250               0.21%
Forex option                300            -15.28                  0             300                    0            300               0.25%
Forex option                375            -19.64                  0             375                    0            375               0.31%
Forex option                375            -20.15                  0             375                    0            375               0.31%
Forex option                375            -20.63                  0             375                    0            375               0.31%
Forex option                375            -21.10                  0             375                    0            375               0.31%
Forex option                250            -12.63                  0             250                    0            250               0.21%
Forex option                300            -15.66                  0             300                    0            300               0.25%
Forex option                375            -20.06                  0             375                    0            375               0.31%

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2023

Forex option                 375           -20.57                0              375                0              375           0.31%
Forex option                 375           -21.08                0              375                0              375           0.31%
Forex option                 375           -21.56                0              375                0              375           0.31%
Total                      7,100          -319.14                0            4,100            1,000            6,100           5.08%
changes      in
policies and
adopted for        No
hedges in the
compared to
the        last
gain/loss in
                   The actual gain stood at 2.154 million in the Reporting Period.
the Reporting
                   The Company carries out foreign exchange hedging business appropriately according to specific situations, which
                   can effectively reduce the foreign exchange market risk, lock in industrial profit of export business and avoid
of hedging
                   exchange rate risk.
                   Risk analysis of the forward foreign exchange settlement: 1. Market risk: Given the unpredictability of economic
                   changes at home and abroad, the foreign exchange hedging business faces market risk, to some extent. 2. Foreign
                   currency risk: When the foreign currency trend greatly deviates from the Company's judgment of such trend, the
Analysis of        expenses after locking the exchange rate might exceed that before doing so, resulting in losses to the Company. 3.
risks       and    Internal control risk: Imperfect internal control policies probably triggers risks to the foreign exchange hedging
control            business, as it is highly professional and complex. 4. Trading default risk: If the counterparty of foreign exchange
measures           hedging defaults by failing to pay hedging earnings to the Company as agreed, the actual exchange loss of the
associated         Company will not be offset. 5. Collection forecast risk: Marketing departments forecast collection based on the
with               actual and expected orders of customers. In practice, customers may adjust such orders. As a result, the
derivative         Company's collection forecast will not be accurate, leading to delivery risks.
investments        Adopted risk control measures: 1. The Company will strengthen the research and analysis of the exchange rate.
held          in   When the exchange rate fluctuates greatly, it will adjust the business strategy in a timely manner to stabilize the
Reporting          export business and avoid exchange losses to the utmost. 2. The Company has established the Management
Period             System for Foreign Exchange Hedging and majority-owned subsidiary NationStar Optoelectronics has also
(including         formulated the Management System for Forward Forex Settlement and Sale and Forex Option Transactions,
but         not    clearly defining the operating principles, approval authority, responsible department and responsible person,
limited      to    internal operation procedures, information isolation measures, internal risk reporting system, risk management
market risk,       procedures, and information disclosure related to the foreign exchange hedging business. 3. In order to prevent
liquidity risk,    any delay in the foreign exchange hedging, the Company will strengthen the management of accounts receivable,
credit risk,       actively collect receivables, and avoid any overdue receivables. In the meantime, the Company plans to increase
operational        the export purchases and purchase corresponding credit insurance so as to reduce the risk of default and customer
risk,     legal    default. 4. The Company’s foreign exchange hedges must be strictly based on the Company’s foreign exchange
risk, etc.)        earnings prediction. Besides, the Company shall strictly control the scale of its foreign exchange hedges, and
                   manage all risks that the Company may face within a controllable range. 5. The internal audit department of the
                   Company shall check the actual signing and execution situation of all trading contracts on a regular or irregular
Changes in
market prices
                   The Company carries out recognition and measurement in accordance with the Accounting Standard for Business
or fair value
                   Enterprises No. 22—Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, the Accounting Standard for
of derivative
                   Business Enterprises No. 24—Hedges, the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 37—Presentation of
                   Financial Instrument and other applicable regulations. Fair value is arrived at based on the price provided by
in Reporting
                   pricing service providers such as banks or the price obtained. Fair value measurement and recognition are carried
Period (fair
                   out on a monthly basis. Changes in the fair value of forward exchange settlement contracts entered into by the
                   Company are mainly attributable to difference arising from exchange rate fluctuations.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2023

method and
Legal matters
involved (if      N/A
date of
nt on board’s
                  13 August 2022
(if any)
                  The independent directors are of the opinion that: The foreign exchange hedging transactions conducted by the
Opinion of
                  Company are based on normal production and operation, are supported by specific businesses, aim to avoid and
                  prevent foreign exchange risks associated with export businesses, do not involve speculative operations and are
directors on
                  consistent with the needs of the Company's operation and development. The Company has established relevant
                  business management policies and risk control and prevention measures. The risk is controllable. The proposal
                  was passed following a lawful, valid decision-making procedure, has no negative impact on the Company's
and        risk
                  normal operation and business development and does not undermine the interest of the Company and its
                  shareholders. Therefore, the Company's conducting foreign exchange hedging transactions is approved.

2) Derivative Investments for Speculative Purposes in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Use of Funds Raised

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VII Sale of Major Assets and Equity Investments

1. Sale of Major Assets

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Sale of Major Equity Investments

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VIII Major Subsidiaries

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2023

Major fully/majority-owned subsidiaries and those minority-owned subsidiaries with an over 10% effect on the

Company’s net profit:

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                Principal   Registered                                    Operating   Operating
  Name           p with the                               Total assets   Net assets                                Net profit
                                activity     capital                                       revenue     profit
                               Manufactur     618,477     6,310,970      3,770,239        1,758,744   58,065,52   53,804,45
Optoelectro      Subsidiary
                               ing          ,169.00         ,021.75        ,883.45          ,095.83        1.34        2.96
nics Co.,
Liaowang                       Manufactur     35,055,     2,237,010      900,208,3        720,209,3   26,841,13   22,341,74
Auto Lamp                      ing          700.00          ,389.09          04.91            06.91        1.01        9.52
Co., Ltd.
FSL Zhida
Electric                       Manufactur     38,150,     205,091,1      78,302,38        138,646,7   10,426,88   8,695,560
Technology                     ing          000.00            92.08           1.89            88.74        3.92         .09
Co., Ltd.
                               Manufactur     72,782,     828,103,9      312,506,0        649,913,1   99,750,15   83,226,37
Optoelectro      Subsidiary
                               ing          944.00            42.50          62.67            58.96        1.28        1.37
nics Co.,

Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable  Not applicable

Information about major majority- and minority-owned subsidiaries:

—In a major asset restructuring in February 2022, the Company acquired a 21.32% interest in Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics

Co., Ltd. (NationStar) from Rising Holdings and its acting-in-concert party. Upon the conclusion of the transaction, the Company

eventually holds a 21.48% interest in NationStar, and NationStar has become a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company. The

Company has included NationStar in its consolidated financial statements since Q1 2022.

—Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd. signed an equity agreement with its existing shareholders in July 2021,

and acquired Nanning Liaowang through equity acquisition and capital increase and share expansion. Upon the

conclusion of the transaction, the Company eventually holds a 53.79% interest in Nanning Liaowang, and

Nanning Liaowang has become a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company. The Company has included

Nanning Liaowang in its consolidated financial statements from the date when the Company obtained actual

control of it.

—FSL Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd. (FSL Zhida) was incorporated by the Company, Foshan Zhibida

Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. and Dongguan Baida Semiconductor Material Co., Ltd. on a joint investment

basis. FSL Zhida obtained its business license on 21 October 2016. FSL Zhida changed its registered capital on

the basis of paid-in-capital on 16 January 2023. Upon the completion of the change, the Company holds a stake of

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

66.84% in it. The Company has included FSL Zhida in its consolidated financial statements since the date of FSL

Zhida’s incorporation.

—FSL Chanchang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (renamed on 19 June 2018 from “Foshan Chanchang Electric

Appliances (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.”), which is a Sino-foreign joint venture invested and established by the Company

and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd, had obtained license for business corporation on 23 August 2005

through approval by Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming District, Foshan with

document “MWJMY Zi [2005] No. 79”. The Company holds 70% equities of the said company; therefore the said

subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since the date of foundation. On 23

August 2016, the Company and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd signed the equity transfer agreement. The

Company purchased 30% equity of Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliances (Gaoming) Co., Ltd. held by

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd. After the purchasing, the Company held 100% equity of FSL Chanchang

Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

IX Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures

1. Risks of macro economic fluctuations and fiercer market competition

At present, economic uncertainties remain at home and abroad. If economic growth continues to slow down, it

may have an adverse impact on the development of the industry. Meanwhile, the lighting industry is a fully

competitive industry. And as market demand slows down in growth, the Company could be facing fiercer


Countermeasures: The Company will adhere to the set strategies, spend greater effort in developing new products,

constantly refine the business portfolio, and actively explore segment markets such as intelligent lighting, healthy

lighting, ocean lighting, animal and plant lighting. It will also accelerate the introduction of new manufacturing

processes, technologies and products to the market for new competitive edges. At the same time, by optimizing

marketing network and strengthening the business focus and expansion on domestic and foreign major customers,

the Company will improve service quality, strengthen internal management, and increase core competitive

capacity constantly.

2. Risk of raw material price fluctuations

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2023

The main raw materials of the Company and its subsidiaries include chips, lamp beads, electronic components,

aluminum substrates, plastic parts, metal materials, etc., and the price fluctuations of main raw materials will have

an impact on the Company's production costs. If the price of raw materials continues to rise in the future, it may

adversely affect the Company's production and operation.

Countermeasures: The Company will pay attention to market dynamics, collect information, analyze and pre-

judge supply of main raw materials and price trends, so as to make excellent sourcing plans. By enhancing

negotiation, refining suppliers, perfecting supply chain management, and promoting alternative materials, the

Company is able to decrease procurement costs.

3. Risk of exchange rate fluctuations

The Company has significant overseas sales, which are mainly settled in USD. If RMB experiences significant

appreciation, the price competitiveness of overseas sales could be undermined and exchange losses may increase,

which will produce adverse impacts on the Company’s net profit.

Countermeasures: By keeping abreast of and analyzing exchange rate policies and fluctuation trend of settlement

currencies in time, intensifying settlement currency management, ,and carrying out foreign exchange hedging

business when the timing is right, the Company can relatively lock in exchange rates and minimize the risks

brought by exchange rate fluctuations.

4. Risk associated with the recoverability of accounts receivable

Receivables grow along with the Company's business. Customers who fail to repay loans timely or become

insolvent, due to changes in macroeconomic trends, market environments, and their business, will place the

Company at the risk of non-performing receivables.

Countermeasures: In order to reduce the receivable collection risk, the Company can constantly optimize the

receivable risk management system, regularly assess customers' credit profiles, and enhance customer risk

assessment. Meanwhile, it can reinforce contract approval and management, double its effort to collect receivables,

and incorporate the collection of receivables into the performance assessment system for business departments.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2023

                                    Part IV Corporate Governance

I Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

                                                Investor                                             Resolutions of the
     Meeting                 Type                                 Convened date    Disclosure date
                                           participation ratio                                             meeting
The First                                                                                            Resolutions of the
Extraordinary           Extraordinary                                                                First Extraordinary
                       General Meeting                43.60%     31 March 2023    1 April 2023
General Meeting                                                                                      General Meeting
of 2023                                                                                              of 2023
                                                                                                     Resolutions of the
The 2022 Annual         Annual General
General Meeting            Meeting                    43.16%     10 May 2023      11 May 2023        2022 Annual
                                                                                                     General Meeting

2. Extraordinary General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preference Shareholders with Resumed
Voting Rights

□ Applicable  Not applicable

II Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable  Not applicable

The Company’s directors, supervisors and senior management remained unchanged during the Reporting Period.

For further information, see the 2022 Annual Report.

III Interim Dividend Plan

□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.

IV Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures
for Employees

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Equity incentives

On 12 June 2023, the 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft) and Its Summary, together with other

relevant proposals, were approved at the 44th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors and the 22 nd Meeting of

the Ninth Supervisory Committee. As such, it was approved to grant no more than 13,000,000 restricted shares

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

(accounting for 0.95% of the Company’s total share capital of 1,361.9946 million shares at the date of the

announcement on the draft plan of the incentive plan) to 262 awardees. To be specific, there were 11.7 million

shares for the first grant, accounting for 90.00% of the total grant under the incentive plan; and there were 1.3

million reserved shares, accounting for 10.00% of the total grant under the incentive plan. The restricted shares

were A-stock ordinary shares repurchased by the Company. And the grant price for the first grant was

RMB3.81/share. This equity incentive plan is subject to approval by the State-owned Assets Supervision and

Administration Commission of Guangdong Province and a general meeting of shareholders of the Company.

For further information, see the 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft) and Its Summary and other

relevant proposals that have been disclosed on http://www.cninfo.com.cn/ dated 13 June 2023.

2. Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Other Incentive Measures for Employees

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2023

                   Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I Major Environmental Issues

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is identified as a major polluter by the
environmental protection authorities.

 Yes □ No

Environmental policies and standards:

During production and operations, the Company conscientiously implemented guidelines and policies for

environmental protection at all levels and strictly observed relevant laws and regulations for environmental

protection, such as Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Protection, Law of the People's

Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, Law of the People's Republic of China on

Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of

Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, and Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control

of Noise Pollution. Meanwhile, it has put in place facilities for pollution prevention and control, and ensures the

stable operation of facilities. Additionally, the Company regularly commissions third parties to carry out

monitoring work in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Monitoring Management Measures

to ensure that all pollutants are discharged in accordance with the standards.

Environment-related administrative permits:
                  Document name of
    No.       administrative license of               Approver            Date of approval             Approval No.
              environmental protection
          Approval for Environmental
          Impact Report on New Project Environmental Protection
1         of Foshan Electrical and          Bureau of Gaoming          3 November 2004       /
          Lighting Co., Ltd. Gaoming        District, Foshan City
          Environmental Protection
          Acceptance Opinions on Phase I Environmental Protection
2         of Foshan Electrical and          Bureau of Gaoming          28 August 2008        MHY [2008] No. 26
          Lighting Co., Ltd. Gaoming        District, Foshan City
          Acceptance Opinions on Flue
          Gas Emission Continuous           Environmental Protection
3         Monitoring System of Foshan Bureau of Gaoming                22 February 2010      MHY [2010] No. 8
          Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. District, Foshan City
          Gaoming Branch
          Approval for Environmental
          Impact Report on Energy-saving Environmental Protection
4         Lamp Expansion Project of         Bureau of Gaoming          30 August 2013        MHGYB [2013] No. 030
          Foshan Electrical and Lighting District, Foshan City
          Co., Ltd. Gaoming Branch
5         Letter of Environmental           Environmental Transport    19 February 2014      MGY

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2023

          Protection Acceptance Opinions and Urban Management                              [2014] No. 2
          on Energy-saving Lamp             Bureau of Gaoming
          Expansion Project of Foshan       District (Environmental
          Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. Protection)
          Gaoming Branch
          Approval from Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Gaoming
          District, Foshan City, of         Environmental Protection
6         Environmental Impact Report on Bureau of Gaoming             13 February 2015    MHS [2015] No. 14
          Expansion Project of Foshan       District, Foshan City
          Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
          Gaoming Branch
          Approval from Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Gaoming
          District, Foshan City, of Kiln    Environmental Protection
7         Expansion and Flue Gas Control Bureau of Gaoming             26 November 2015    MHS [2015] No. 157
          and Remediation Project of        District, Foshan City
          Foshan Electrical and Lighting
          Co., Ltd. Gaoming Branch
          Letter from Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Gaoming
          District, Foshan City of
          Environmental Protection          Environmental Protection
8         Acceptance Opinions on Kiln       Bureau of Gaoming          24 December 2015    MHY [2015] No. 83
          Expansion and Flue Gas Control District, Foshan City
          and Remediation Project of
          Foshan Electrical and Lighting
          Co., Ltd. Gaoming Branch
          Approval from Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Gaoming
          District, Foshan City, of
          Environmental Impact Report on Environmental Protection
9         New LED Luminaries R&D            Bureau of Gaoming          30 September 2017   MHS [2017] No. 138
          Production Base Construction District, Foshan City
          Project of Foshan Electrical and
          Lighting Co., Ltd. Gaoming
          Approval from Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Gaoming
          District, Foshan City, of
                                            Environmental Protection
          Environmental Impact Report on
10                                          Bureau of Gaoming          14 January 2019     MHS [2019] No. 11
          Glass Kiln (Change)
                                            District, Foshan City
          Construction Project of Foshan
          Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
          Gaoming Branch
          Letter from Foshan Municipal
          Ecology and Environment
          Bureau of Environmental
          Protection Acceptance Opinions
          on Solid Waste Pollution          Ecology and Environment
11                                                                     12 September 2019   FMHY [2019] No. 126
          Prevention and Control Facility Bureau of Foshan City
          for New LED Luminaries R&D
          Production Base Construction
          Project (Phase I) of Foshan
          Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                            Ecology and Environment
12        Sewage Discharge License                                     1 June 2020         91440600784850061B001U
                                            Bureau of Foshan City
          Reply on the Environmental
          Impact Report of Liuzhou Guige
          Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. Liuzhou Environmental
13                                                                     25 September 2015   LHS Zi [2015] No. 134
          with an Annual Output of 1.35 Protection Bureau
          Million Sets of Auto Parts
          (Motor Vehicle Lamps)
          Reply on Completion               Liuzhou Liudong New
14                                                                     28 October 2019     LDSPHB Zi [2019] No. 70
          Acceptance of Environmental       Area Administrative

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

          Protection Facilities of Liuzhou Examination and Approval
          Guige Lighting Technology Co., Bureau
          Ltd. with an Annual Output of
          1.35 Million Sets of Auto Parts
          (Motor Vehicle Lamps) (Solid
                                           Liuzhou Liudong New
                                           Area Administrative
15        Sewage Discharge License                                    18 July 2023       914502000836092085001V
                                           Examination and Approval
          Approval for the Report on the
          Environmental Influence of the Environmental Protection
16        New Semiconductor Light-         Bureau of Chancheng        12 April 2005      B2005-0132
          emitting Device Construction     District, Foshan City
          Application for the Completion-
          based Environmental Protection
                                           Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of
17                                         Bureau of Chancheng        10 October 2007    C.H.Y. [2007] No. 161
          the New Semiconductor Light-
                                           District, Foshan City
          emitting Device Construction
          Registration Form of the
          Environmental Influence of the Environmental Protection
18        New Semiconductor Light-         Bureau of Chancheng        20 December 2005   D2006-0034
          emitting Device Construction     District, Foshan City
          Approval for the Report on the
          Environmental Influence of the
          Upgrading of the Surface-mount
                                           Foshan Environmental
19        Semiconductor Light-emitting                                22 March 2006      FBC2006-02
                                           Protection Bureau
          Device Industry of Foshan
          NationStar Optoelectronic
          Technology Co., Ltd.
          Application for the Completion-
          based Environmental Protection
                                           Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of
20                                         Bureau of Chancheng        10 October 2007    H.Y. [2007] No. 163
          the Upgrading Project of the
                                           District, Foshan City
          Surface-mount Semiconductor
          Light-emitting Device Industry
          Approval for the Report on the
          Environmental Influence of the Environmental Protection
21        Relocation Project of Foshan     Bureau of Chancheng        29 July 2009       CB2009-0083
          NationStar Optoelectronics Co., District, Foshan City
          Application for the Completion-
          based Environmental Protection
                                           Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of
22                                         Bureau of Chancheng        7 May 2010         C.H.Y. [2010] No. 35
          the Relocation Project of Foshan
                                           District, Foshan City
          NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,
          Approval for the Report on the
                                           Environmental Protection
          Environmental Influence of the
                                           and Urban Management
          Project of the National- and
23                                         Bureau Zhangcha Sub-       8 November 2011    ZCB2011-020
          Local-Joint Engineering
                                           bureau of Chancheng
          Laboratory for Semiconductor
                                           District, Foshan City
          Lighting Materials and Devices
          Application for the Completion-
          based Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of Environmental Protection
24        the Project of the National- and Bureau of Chancheng        24 June 2015       C.H.Y.B [2015] No. 35
          Local-Joint Engineering          District, Foshan City
          Laboratory for Semiconductor
          Lighting Materials and Devices
          Approval for the Report on the Foshan Environmental
25                                                                    21 January 2008    F2008-8
          Environmental Influence of the Protection Bureau

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2023

          Project of Key Technology for
          Semiconductor Lighting Lamps
          and Industrialization of Foshan
          NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,
          Letter of Opinions from Foshan
          Environmental Protection
          Bureau on the Completion-based
          Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of Foshan Environmental
26                                                                  16 May 2016        F.H.H. [2016] No. 456
          the Project of Key Technology Protection Bureau
          for Semiconductor Lighting
          Lamps and Industrialization of
          Foshan NationStar
          Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
          Approval for the Report on the
          Environmental Influence of the
          LED Backlight Technology        Foshan Environmental
27                                                                  21 January 2008    F2008-9
          Improvement Project of Foshan Protection Bureau
          NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,
          Letter of Opinions from Foshan
          Environmental Protection
          Bureau on the Completion-based
          Environmental Protection
                                          Foshan Environmental
28        Inspection and Acceptance of                              16 May 2016        F.H.H. [2016] No. 455
                                          Protection Bureau
          the LED Backlight Technology
          Improvement Project of Foshan
          NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,
          Approval for the Report on the
          Environmental Influence of the
          Technological Improvement
                                          Foshan Environmental
29        Project for Power-based LED                               21 January 2008    F2008-10
                                          Protection Bureau
          and LED Luminary Module of
          Foshan NationStar
          Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
          Letter of Opinions from Foshan
          Environmental Protection
          Bureau on the Completion-based
          Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of Foshan Environmental
30                                                                  16 May 2016        F.H.H. [2016] No. 457
          the Technological Improvement Protection Bureau
          Project for Power-based LED
          and LED Luminary Module of
          Foshan NationStar
          Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
          Approval for the Report on the
          Environmental Influence of the
          Technological Improvement
                                          Foshan Environmental
31        Project for New Surface-mount                             21 January 2008    F2008-11
                                          Protection Bureau
          Light-emitting Diodes of Foshan
          NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,
          Letter of Opinions from Foshan
          Environmental Protection
          Bureau on the Completion-based
          Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of Foshan Environmental
32                                                                  16 May 2016        F.H.H. [2016] No. 458
          the Technological Improvement Protection Bureau
          Project for New Surface-mount
          Light-emitting Diodes of Foshan
          NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,
          Approval for the Report on the Environmental Protection
33                                                                  29 November 2010   CB2010-0135
          Environmental Influence of the Bureau of Chancheng

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

          New Top LED Manufacturing District, Foshan City
          Technology and
          Industrialization Project
          Application for the Completion-
          based Environmental Protection Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of and Urban Management
34                                                                    29 December 2014   C.H.Y.B [2014] No. 47
          the New Top LED                  Bureau of Chancheng
          Manufacturing Technology and District, Foshan City
          Industrialization Project
          Approval of the Environmental
          Protection and Urban
          Management Bureau of             Environmental Protection
          Chancheng District to the        and Urban Management
35                                                                    5 September 2014   C.B. [2014] No. 0036
          Report on the Environmental      Bureau of Chancheng
          Influence of the Expansion       District, Foshan City
          Project of Foshan NationStar
          Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
          Application for the Completion-
          based Environmental Protection Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of and Urban Management
36                                                                    29 December 2014   C.H.Y.B [2014] No. 46
          the Expansion Project of Foshan Bureau of Chancheng
          NationStar Optoelectronics Co., District, Foshan City
          Approval of the Environmental
          Protection and Urban
          Management Bureau of
                                           Environmental Protection
          Chancheng District to the
                                           and Urban Management
37        Report on the Environmental                                 19 December 2014   C.B. [2014] No. 0073
                                           Bureau of Chancheng
          Influence of the Expansion
                                           District, Foshan City
          Project for Small Spacing and
          Outdoor Surface-mount LED
          Display Components
          Opinions of the Environmental
          Protection and Urban
          Management Bureau of
          Chancheng District, Foshan
          City, on the Completion-based Environmental Protection
38        Environmental Protection         Bureau of Chancheng        20 May 2016        C.H.Y.B. 2016-4-032
          Inspection and Acceptance of District, Foshan City
          the Expansion Project for Small
          Spacing and Outdoor Surface-
          mount LED Display
          Approval of the Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Chancheng
          District, Foshan City, to the
          Report on the Environmental
          Influence of the Project of the Environmental Protection
39        Innovation in Packaging          Bureau of Chancheng        1 November 2016    C.B. 2016-4-205
          Technology and Technological District, Foshan City
          Transformation of Key
          Packaging Equipment of LEDs
          with High Color Rendering
          Index for Illumination
          Opinions of the Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Chancheng
          District, Foshan City, on the
          Environmental Protection
                                           Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of
40                                         Bureau of Chancheng        11 April 2017      C.H.Y.B. 2017-4-110
          the Project of the Innovation in
                                           District, Foshan City
          Packaging Technology and
          Technological Transformation
          of Key Packaging Equipment of
          LEDs with High Color
          Rendering Index for

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

          Approval of the Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Chancheng
          District, Foshan City, to the
          Report on the Environmental
                                            Environmental Protection
          Influence of the Project of the
41                                          Bureau of Chancheng        1 November 2016   C.B. 2016-4-206
          Innovation in Packaging
                                            District, Foshan City
          Technology and Technological
          Transformation of Key
          Packaging Equipment of LEDs
          with Small Spacing for Display
          Opinions of the Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Chancheng
          District, Foshan City, on the
          Environmental Protection
                                            Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of
42                                          Bureau of Chancheng        11 April 2017     C.H.Y.B. 2017-4-111
          the Project of the Innovation in
                                            District, Foshan City
          Packaging Technology and
          Technological Transformation
          of Key Packaging Equipment of
          LEDs with Small Spacing for
          Approval of the Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Chancheng
          District, Foshan City, to the
          Report on the Environmental
          Influence of the Project of the Environmental Protection
43        Innovation in Packaging           Bureau of Chancheng        8 December 2017   C.B. 2017-4-065
          Technology and Technological District, Foshan City
          Transformation of Key
          Packaging Equipment of LEDs
          with High Color Rendering
          Index for Illumination (Phase II)
          Approval of the Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Chancheng
          District, Foshan City, to the
          Report on the Environmental
          Influence of the Project of the Environmental Protection
44        Innovation in Packaging           Bureau of Chancheng        8 December 2017   C.B. 2017-4-064
          Technology and Technological District, Foshan City
          Transformation of Key
          Packaging Equipment of LEDs
          with Small Spacing for Display
          (Phase II)
          Approval of the Environmental
          Protection Bureau of Chancheng
          District, Foshan City, to the
          Report on the Environmental
          Influence of the Project of the
                                            Foshan Municipal Ecology
45        Innovation in Packaging                                      31 March 2023     F.C.H.S. [2023] No. 4
                                            and Environment Bureau
          Technology and Technological
          Transformation of Key
          Packaging Equipment of LEDs
          with Small Spacing for Display
          (Phase V)
          Registration Receipt for the
                                            Foshan Municipal Ecology
46        Discharge of Fixed Pollution                                 19 January 2020   914406001935264036001X
                                            and Environment Bureau
          Approval from Foshan
          Environmental Protection
          Bureau to the Report on the
                                            Foshan Municipal Ecology
47        Influence of Environment                                     14 July 2016      F.H.H. [2016] No. 746
                                            and Environment Bureau
          Change of the Epitaxial Chip
          Project (Phase I) of Foshan
          NationStar Semiconductor Co.,

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

          Letter of Opinions from Foshan
          Environmental Protection
          Bureau on the Acceptance
          Inspection of the Environmental
                                           Foshan Municipal Ecology
48        Protection of the Changed                                   3 May 2017         F.H.H. [2017] No. 426
                                           and Environment Bureau
          Completion Environment of the
          Epitaxial Chip Project (Phase I)
          of Foshan NationStar
          Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
                                           Foshan Municipal Ecology
49        Sewage Discharge Permit                                     21 November 2022   91440600570160743B001Q
                                           and Environment Bureau
          Inspection Opinions on the       Environmental Protection
          Report on the Environmental      Bureau of Guangzhou
50        Influence of the First Phase of Economic and                12 February 2004   S.K.H.Y.Z [2004] No. 15
          Project of Guangdong Yuejing Technological
          High-tech Co., Ltd.              Development Zone
          Approval for the Completion-
                                           Environmental Protection
          based Environmental Protection
                                           Bureau of Guangzhou
          Inspection and Acceptance of
51                                         Economic and               15 December 2006   S.K.H.B.Y.Z [2006] No. 153
          the First Phase of Project of
          Guangdong Yuejing High-tech
                                           Development Zone
          Co., Ltd.
          Approval for the Report on the
                                           Environmental Protection
          Environmental Influence of the
                                           Bureau of Guangzhou
          New Employee Canteen and
52                                         Economic and               2 February 2007    S.K.H.B.Y.Z [2007] No. 17
          Standby Generator Project of
          Guangdong Yuejing High-tech
                                           Development Zone
          Co., Ltd.
          Approval for the Completion-
          based Environmental Protection Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of Bureau of Guangzhou
53        the New Employee Canteen and Economic and                   19 November 2007   S.K.H.B.Y.Z [2007] No. 166
          Standby Generator Project of     Technological
          Guangdong Yuejing High-tech Development Zone
          Co., Ltd.
          Approval for the Report on the
                                           Environmental Protection
          Environmental Influence of the
                                           Bureau of Guangzhou
          New Triode Tin Deposition
54                                         Economic and               6 November 2006    S.K.H.B.Y.Z [2006] No. 242
          Assembly Line Project of
          Guangdong Yuejing High-tech
                                           Development Zone
          Co., Ltd.
          Approval for the Completion-
          based Environmental Protection Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of Bureau of Guangzhou
55        the New Triode Tin Deposition Economic and                  11 December 2007   S.K.H.B.Y.Z [2007] No. 168
          Assembly Line Project of         Technological
          Guangdong Yuejing High-tech Development Zone
          Co., Ltd.
          Approval for the Report on the
          Environmental Influence of the Construction and
          Third Phase of the Project with Environmental Protection
          an Annual Packaging Output of Bureau of Guangzhou
56                                                                    17 August 2011     S.K.H.J.Y.Z [2011] No. 272
          Two Billion New                  Economic and
          Semiconductor Devices of         Technological
          Guangdong Yuejing High-tech Development Zone
          Co., Ltd.
          Approval for the Completion-
          based Environmental Protection Environmental Protection
          Inspection and Acceptance of and Urban Management
          the Third Phase of the Project Bureau of Guangzhou
57                                                                    19 March 2015      S.K.H.Y.Z [2015] No. 44
          with an Annual Packaging         Economic and
          Output of Two Billion New        Technological
          Semiconductor Devices of         Development Zone
          Guangdong Yuejing High-tech

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Interim Report 2023

              Co., Ltd.
              Approval of the Report on the Environmental Protection
              Environmental Influence of the and Urban Management
              Technological Improvement      Bureau of Guangzhou
58                                                                               4 July 2014                 S.K.H.Y.Z [2014] No. 130
              Project for the Production of  Economic and
              SOP-SOT Chip Semiconductor Technological
              Devices                        Development Zone
              Approval for the Completion-
              based Environmental Protection
                                             Construction and
              Inspection and Acceptance of
                                             Environmental Protection
              the Technological Improvement
                                             Bureau of Guangzhou
59            Project for the Production of                                      11 January 2017             S.K.J.H.B.Y.Z [2017] No. 6
                                             Economic and
              SOP-SOT Chip Semiconductors
              of Guangdong Fenghua
                                             Development Zone
              Semiconductor Technology Co.,
              Approval for the Report on the Environmental Protection
              Environmental Influence of the Bureau of Guangzhou
60            Plant Expansion II of          Economic and                        23 February 2008            S.K.H.B.Y.Z [2008] No. 25
              Guangdong Yuejing High-tech Technological
              Co., Ltd.                      Development Zone
              Approval for the Completion-
              based Environmental Protection
                                             Construction and
              Inspection and Acceptance of
                                             Environmental Protection
              the Plant Expansion II of
                                             Bureau of Guangzhou
61            Guangdong Fenghua                                                  14 June 2017                S.K.H.Y.Z [2017] No. 151
                                             Economic and
              Semiconductor Technology Co.,
              Ltd. (Formerly Known as
                                             Development Zone
              Guangdong Yuejing High-tech
              Co., Ltd.)
              Registration Receipt for the   Guangzhou Municipal
62            Discharge of Fixed Pollution   Ecological Environment              27 February 2020            91440000725451562J001Y
              Sources                        Bureau

Discharge standards and pollutants discharged in production and operation activities:
 Name of        Type of      Name of
Company        Major and    Major and                                Outlet                     Pollutant        Total       Total
                                          Discharge      Outlet                   Concentrat                                            Excessive
   or          Characteri   Characteri                             Distributio                  Discharge       Actual     Discharge
                                           Method       Quantity                      ion                                               Discharge
Subsidiary        stic         stic                                     n                       Standards      Discharge   Approved
Company        Pollutants   Pollutants
                                          Discharge                                             for Air
               Exhaust                    d in an                  In the         SO2: 289      Pollutants                    SO2:
Lighting                    SO2                            1                                                   6.264                      None
               gas                        organized                plant          mg/m3         in Glass                   39.937 t/y
Co., Ltd.
                                          manner                                                Industry
                                          Discharge                                             for Air
and            Exhaust                                                            Oxynitride                               Oxynitride
                                          d in an                  In the                       Pollutants
Lighting                    Oxynitride                     1                      :                            57.236       : 83.549      None
               gas                        organized                plant                        in Glass
Co., Ltd.                                                                         550mg/m3                                     t/y
                                          manner                                                Industry
                            nitrogen                                                            Integrated
Liuzhou                     oxide,                                                Discharge     Emission
Guige          Exhaust      benzene,                                              d upon        Standards
                                          d in an                  In the
Lighting                    toluene,                       1                      reaching      of Air         /           /              None
               gas                        organized                plant
Technolog                   particulate                                           applicable    Pollutants
y Co., Ltd.                 matter,                                               standards     (GB16297
                            volatile                                                            -1996)
Liuzhou        Exhaust      Volatile      Discharge                               Discharge     Integrated
                                                                   In the
Guige                       organic       d in an un-      2                      d upon        Emission       /           /              None
               gas                                                 plant
Lighting                    compound      organized                               reaching      Standards

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2023

Technolog                 s             manner                        applicable    of Air
y Co., Ltd.                                                           standards     Pollutants
                                                                                    Table 1
                                                                                    for direct
                                                                                    in water
                          Chemical                                                  pollutant
                                                                      COD: 8
Foshan                    oxygen        Discharge                                   discharge     COD:0.24
NationStar                demand        d by            Wastewate                   limits” in   t/a
              Wastewate                                               Ammonia
Optoelectr                ("COD")       standards   1   r treatment                 Discharge     Ammonia       /             None
              r                                                       nitrogen:
onics Co.,                and           after           station                     Standard      nitrogen:0.
Ltd.                      ammonia       treatment                                   of Water      00201t/a
                          nitrogen                                                  Pollutants
                                                                                    of Volatile
                                                                                    ds for
                          Total                                       Total         Furniture
                          volatile                                    VOCs:         Manufactu
                          organic                                     0.215mg/      ring          Total
Foshan                                  Discharge       Rooftop of
                          compound                                    m             (DB44/81      VOCs:0.0
NationStar                              d by            East
              Exhaust     s                                           NMHC:         4-2010) of    4 t/a
Optoelectr                              standards   2   Tower and                                               /             None
              gas         ("VOCs"),                                   2.79mg/m Guangdon           NMHC:
onics Co.,                              after           West
                          NMHC,                                       Particulate   g             0.53568
Ltd.                                    treatment       Tower
                          and                                         matters:      Province:     t/a
                          particulate                                 ≤            Discharge
                          matters                                     20mg/m        limits for
                                                                                    funnels for
                                                                                    Period II.
                                                                                    for Noise
Foshan                                                                Daytime:
NationStar                              Discharge                     57;
Optoelectr    Noise       Noise         d by        /   /             nighttime:                          /         /         None
                                                                                    s at
onics Co.,                              standards                     49, Unit:
Ltd.                                                                  dB (A)
                                                                                    Class II
Foshan                    COD,          Discharge                     PH: Six to    Discharge                   COD:
NationStar    Wastewate   ammonia       d by            Wastewate     nine          Limits of     COD:0.67      3.129t/a
                                                    1                                                                         None
Semicond      r           nitrogen,     standards       r station     COD: 90       Water         t/a           Ammonia
uctor                     suspended     after                         mg/L          Pollutants    Ammonia       nitrogen:

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2023

Technolog               solids, and   treatment                 BOD5: 20      (DB44/26-     nitrogen:   0.201t/a
y Co., Ltd              fluoride                                mg/L          2001) of      0.000515t/
                                                                Suspended     Guangdon      a
                                                                solids: 60    g
                                                                mg/L          Province:
                                                                Ammonia       Standard
                                                                nitrogen:     Class I for
                                                                10 mg/L       Time
                                                                Fluoride:     Period II.
                                                                              Limits of
                                                                oxide: 120
                                                                              7-2001) of
                        Sulfur                                                Guangdon
                        dioxide,                                              g
                        nitrogen                                              Province:
                        oxide,                                                Standard
                        particulate                                           Class II
                                                                gas: 20
                        matter,                                               for Time
                        ammonia,                                              Period II.
                        ozone                                                 Emission
                        concentrat                                            Standard                   SO2:0.25t/
Foshan                                                          ion: 6000                   SO2:0t/a;
                        ion,          Discharge                               of Volatile                a;
NationStar                                                      mg/m                        NOX:
                        hydrogen      d by                                    Organic                    NOX:11.9
Semicond      Exhaust                                           hydrogen                    2.3233 t/a
                        chloride,     standards   6   Rooftop                 Compoun                    6t/a            None
uctor         gas                                               chloride:                   Total
                        fluoride,     after                                   ds for                     Total
Technolog                                                       100                         VOCs:
                        chlorine      treatment                               Furniture                  VOCs:
y Co., Ltd.                                                     mg/m                        0.4589t/a
                        gas,                                                  Manufactu                  2.45t/a
                                                                fluoride: 9
                        sulphuric                                             ring
                        acid mist,                                            (DB44/81
                        stupid,                                               4-2010) of
                                                                65 mg/m
                        toluene                                               Guangdon
                        and                                                   g
                                                                acid mist:
                        xylene,                                               Province:
                                                                35 mg/m
                        total                                                 Discharge
                                                                benzene: 1
                        VOCs                                                  limits for
                                                                xylene: 20
                                                                              funnels for
                                                                              Period II.
                                                                VOCs: 30
                                                                Daytime:      for Noise
                                      Discharge                 60;           of
              Noise     Noise         d by        /   /         nighttime:    Industrial        /               /        None
                                      standards                 50, Unit:     Enterprise
                                                                dB (A)        s at
y Co., Ltd.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                           Interim Report 2023

                                                                                    Class II
                                                                                    Limits of
Guangdon                                                              PH(6-9);
                                        Discharge                                   (DB44/26-
g Fenghua                 Wastewate                     Total         COD(500
                                        d by                                        2001) of
Semicond      Wastewate   r:PH,                        outlet near   mg/L);                     COD:0.21
                                        standards   1                               Guangdon                   /          None
uctor         r           COD, and                      the north     Copper                     9t/a
                                        after                                       g
Technolog                 copper                        duty room     (≤2.0mg/L
                                        treatment                                   Province:
y Co., Ltd.                                                           );
                                                                                    Class III
                                                                                    for Time
                                                                                    Period II.
                          Exhaust                                     Particulate
                           gas                                        matter:      Guangdon
                          :                                          120mg/m       g
Guangdon                   Particulat                                 hydrogen      StandardD    Particulate
g Fenghua                  e matter,                                  chloride      B44/27-      matter:
                                        d by            Rooftop of
Semicond      Exhaust      total                                      mist:        2001,        0.018t/a;
                                        standards   7       Phase I                                            /          None
uctor         gas          VOCs,                                      100mg/m       Discharge    Total
                                        after               plant
Technolog                  sulphuric                                  sulphuric     Limits for   VOCs:0.1
y Co., Ltd.                acid mist,                                 acid          Class II     27t/a
                           hydrogen                                   mist:        for Time
                           chloride                                   35mg/m        Period II;
                           mist                                       oil
                                                                                    for Noise
Guangdon                                                              Daytime:      of
g Fenghua                                                             65            Industrial
Semicond                                                              Nighttime:    Enterprise
              Noise       Noise         d by        /   /                                        /             /          None
uctor                                                                 55            s at
Technolog                                                             Unit:        Boundary
y Co., Ltd.                                                           dB(A)         (GB12348
                                                                                    Class III

Pollutant treatment:

Emission and treatment of the Company's main pollutants:

(1) Exhaust gas:

FSL: The flue gas of glass kilns and the high-temperature melting of glass raw materials generated air

pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide, nitric oxide, and smoke, during the manufacturing of semi-products, such as

glass bulb shells and lamp tubes. Such flue gas was treated with semi-dry desulfurization, electric precipitation,

and SCR denitration. Upon treatment, the standard limits for glass kilns in the Emission Standards for Air

Pollutants in Glass Industry (DB44/2159-2019): Table 1 Emission Limits of Air Pollutants were met.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

Nanning Liaowang: Exhaust gases like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), were mainly generated during the

manufacturing of auto luminary, which were treated through Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) catalytic

combustion and UV activated carbon adsorption. Upon treatment, the discharge limits and requirements

stipulated in Comprehensive Discharge Standards for Air Pollution (GB16297-1996) were met.

NationStar Optoelectronics: The manufacturing of LED components mainly caused pollutants such as VOCs,

NMHC, and particulate matters, which was treated through dry filtration and secondary activated carbon

adsorption. Upon treatment, the Emission Limits of Air Pollutants (DB 44/27-2001), the Emission Standard of

Volatile Organic Compounds for Furniture Manufacturing (DB44/814-2010), and the Integrated Emission

Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds for Stationary Pollution Source (DB44/ 2367—2022) were met.

NationStar Semiconductor: a) Pollutants, such as ammonia gas, was mainly generated during the

manufacturing of LED epitaxial wafers. Upon treatment through Edwards combustion, the Emission Limits of

Air Pollutants (DB44/27-2001): Standard Class II for Time Period II and Emission Standards for Odour

Pollutants (GB14554-93): Table 2 30-meter High Exhaust Pipes for Ammonia were met. b) The manufacturing

of LED chips mainly caused pollutants such as sulfuric acid mist, hydrochloric acid mist, chlorine, hydrogen

chloride, fluorides, and particulate matters. Upon treatment through Scrubber combustion-based washing and

spraying equipment and scrubbing towers for acid and alkali exhaust gas, the Emission Limits of Air Pollutants

(DB44/27-2001) of Guangdong Province: Standard Class II for Time Period II were met. c) Wastes, such as

acetone, isopropyl alcohol, esters, ethers, and amines, were mainly caused during the manufacturing of LED

chips. Upon treated through UV photolysis and activated carbon adsorption, the discharge limits and

requirements stipulated in the Emission Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds for Furniture Manufacturing

(DB44/814-2010) of Guangdong Province: Discharge limits for VOCs through exhaust funnels for Time Period

II were met.

Fenghua Semiconductor: The sealing test of electronic components mainly generated pollutants, such as dust

and particulate matters, organic exhaust gas, sulfuric acid mist, and hydrogen chloride mist. Through filter vats

and activated carbon adsorption, and spraying alkali liquor for neutralization, the Emission Limits of Air

Pollutants (DB44/27-2001) of Guangdong Province: Standard Class II for Time Period II were met.

(2) Wastewater:

FSL: The Company's wastewater mainly came from offices and living. Domestic wastewater was treated with a

tertiary septic tank. Oily sewage from the canteen was pre-treated with an oil and residue separation system, and

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

then transferred to wastewater treatment stations for centralized treatment. Upon treatment, the discharge limits

and requirements stipulated in the Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants (DB44/26-2001) of Guangdong

Province: Standard Class III for Time Period II were met.

Nanning Liaowang: The manufacturing of auto luminary did not generate industrial wastewater and mainly

caused wastes, such as domestic wastewater. Upon treatment through physicochemical and biochemical, the

discharge limits and requirements stipulated in the Level 1 standards of the Integrated Wastewater Discharge

Standard (GB 8978-1996) were met.

NationStar Optoelectronics: wastes, such as COD and ammonia nitrogen, was mainly generated during the

manufacturing of LED components. Upon treatment through coagulation, sedimentation, and frame filtering,

the discharge limits and requirements stipulated in the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Electronic

Industry (GB 39731-2020) were met.

NationStar Semiconductor: The manufacturing of LED chips mainly generated wastes, such as COD,

ammonia nitrogen, SS, and fluorides. Upon treatment through physicochemical and biochemical, the discharge

limits and requirements stipulated in the Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants (DB44/26-2001) of Guangdong

Province: Standard Class III for Time Period II were met.

Fenghua Semiconductor: Pollutants, such as COD, ammonia nitrogen, and heavy metals, were mainly

generated during the sealing test of electronic components. Through physicochemical and biochemical

treatment, MBR films, and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, the discharge limits and requirements stipulated

in the Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants (DB44/26-2001) of Guangdong Province: Standard Class III for

Time Period II.

(3) Noises:

FSL: Noises mainly came from the operation of production machinery. Specifically, water pumps and fans that

would cause loud noises were placed in a soundproof room or covered with a noise enclosure. Hush pipes were

attached to exhaust gas exhaust pipes that would cause loud noises.

Nanning Liaowang: Noises mainly came from the operation of production machinery. Specifically, basic

damping, soundproof rooms, and soundproof cottons were applied to injection moulding and friction welding

that would cause loud noises. The Emission Standard for Noise of Industrial Enterprises at Boundary

(GB12348-2008): Standard Class III were met.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2023

NationStar Optoelectronics: Noises mainly included mechanical and aerodynamic noises. Specifically,

production and process equipment were placed in a closed workshop. Soundproof rooms, vibration dampers,

and noise enclosures were adopted for Equipment, such as air compressors, water pumps, and fans, that would

cause loud noises. Hush pipes were attached to exhaust gas exhaust pipes that would cause loud noises.

NationStar Semiconductor: Noises mainly included mechanical and aerodynamic noises. Production and

process equipment was placed in a closed workshop. Soundproof rooms, vibration dampers, and noise

enclosures were adopted for equipment, such as air compressors, water pumps, and fans, that would cause loud


Fenghua Semiconductor: Noises mainly came from the operation of production machinery. Specifically, water

pumps and fans that would cause loud noises were placed in a soundproof room or covered with a noise


Contingency plan for environmental emergencies:

The Company formulated the Contingency Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Foshan Electrical and

Lighting Co., Ltd. Gaoming Branch (Including Risk Assessment Report and Material Survey of Environmental

Emergencies in August 2017, had it reviewed by experts on 13 September 2017, and had it filed with the Foshan

Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau Gaoming Sub-bureau (Filing No.: 440608-2017-094-L) on 24

October 2017. This document was revised in August 2020, reviewed by experts again on 7 September 2020, and

filed with the Foshan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau Gaoming Sub-bureau (Filing No.: 440608-

2020-056-M) on 25 September 2020.

In June 2018, Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. completed the preparation of the Emergency Plan for

Environmental Emergencies of Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (including the Risk Assessment

Report for Environmental Emergencies and the Investigation Report for Emergency Resources for Environmental

Emergencies), which was reviewed by experts and released, and filed with Liudong Branch of Liuzhou

Environmental Protection Bureau on 29 August 2018 (No. 450203-2018-022-1). In August 2021, the Emergency

Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (including the Risk

Assessment Report for Environmental Emergencies and the Investigation Report for Emergency Resources for

Environmental Emergencies) was updated and compiled, passed the expert review and released, and on 27

December 2021, the Emergency Plan was filed with the Ecological Environment Bureau of Liudong New Area,

Liuzhou City (No. 450203-2021-0019-L).

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2023

NationStar Optoelectronics formulated the Contingency Plan for Environmental Emergencies of NationStar

Optoelectronics (Including Risk Assessment Report and Material Survey of Environmental Emergencies)

according to the requirements of the Management Methods for Environmental Emergencies, and had it filed with

the Foshan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau Chancheng Sub-bureau (Filing No.: 440604-2020-032-L)

in 2020.

NationStar Semiconductor formulated the Contingency Plan for Environmental Emergencies of NationStar

Semiconductor (Including Risk Assessment Report and Material Survey of Environmental Emergencies)

according to the requirements of the Management Methods for Environmental Emergencies, and had it filed with

the Foshan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (Filing No.: 440600-2020-047-M) on 12 August 2020.

Fenghua Semiconductor formulated the Contingency Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Guangdong

Fenghua Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (including Risk Assessment Report and Material Survey of

Environmental Emergencies) according to the requirements of the Management Methods for Environmental

Emergencies, and had it filed with the Guangzhou Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (Filing No.:

440112-2022-032-L) on 3 March 2022.

Input in environmental governance and protection and the payment of environmental protection-related taxes:

During the Reporting Period, the input of the Company and its subsidiaries in the construction of environmental

protection facilities, the development of environmental protection standards, the treatment of exhaust gas,

wastewater, and waste residue, and routine detection totaled RMB4.3354 million, and their environmental

protection-related taxes paid amounted to RMB41.5 thousand.

Environmental self-monitoring plan:

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. Gaoming Branch developed an environmental self-monitoring plan,

numbered: FSLFMF001. It entrusted a third-party environmental testing agency, Guangdong Spectrum Testing

Technology Co., Ltd., to perform the annual inspection of the exhaust outlet. All the inspection results were

lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it accepted the annual supervision and monitoring by local

environmental protection departments. All the monitoring results were lower than the standard limits.

Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. has put in place the Self-monitoring Plan of Liuzhou Guige

Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. It entrusted a third-party environmental testing agency, Guangxi Huaqiang

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

Environmental Monitoring Co., Ltd., to perform the annual inspection of the exhaust outlet. All the inspection

results were lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it accepted the annual supervision and monitoring by

local environmental protection departments. All the monitoring results were lower than the standard limits.

NationStar Optoelectronics, following the self-monitoring plan, entrusted a qualified third-party environmental

testing agency to perform inspection of various pollutants every half a year. All the inspection results were

lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it accepted the quarterly supervision and monitoring by local

environmental protection departments. All the monitoring results were lower than the standard limits.

Foshan NationStar Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. abided by its self-monitoring plan. It entrusted a

qualified third-party environmental testing agency to perform the inspection of the pollutants on a half-year

basis. All the inspection results were lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it accepted the quarterly

supervision and monitoring by local environmental protection departments. All the monitoring results were

lower than the standard limits.

According to its self-monitoring plan, Guangdong Fenghua Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. entrusted a

qualified third-party environmental testing agency to perform the inspection of the pollutants on a half-year

basis. All the inspection results were lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it accepted the quarterly

inspection by local environmental protection departments. All the monitoring results were lower than the

standard limits.

Administrative punishments received with respect to environmental issues in the Reporting Period:
                                                                                  Impact on the
       The                  Reason for
                                              Incompliance         Punishment      Company’s           Rectification
 Company/subsidiary         punishment
N/A                   N/A                  N/A               N/A                N/A               N/A

Other environment-related information that should be disclosed:


Measures taken during the Reporting Period to reduce carbon emissions and the impact:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

During the Reporting Period, the Company reduced electricity consumption under the same output value by

selecting high-efficiency and energy-saving equipment. The Company insists on constantly publicizing

environmental protection knowledge to employees, improving their awareness of environmental protection, and

realizing the sustainable development goal of harmonious coexistence between enterprises and the environment

through the joint efforts of all employees.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

Other relevant information:


II Social Responsibility

The Company places a high value on corporate social responsibility and commitment. Adhering to the "create the

value of light" corporate mission, the Company vigorously performs its social responsibility and constantly

enhances its protection for the interests of stakeholders in order to create a healthy and beautiful life of light for

customers, create and improve the space for personal development for employees and help them achieve the value

of life, and contribute to the sound and sustainable development of the society.

1. Protection of the rights and interests of our shareholders and creditors

We continuously improve our corporate governance structure, regulate our operation and enhance our

management on information disclosure and investor relations. We treat all our investors fairly and justly, ensure

their rights to know about, participate in and vote on the significant events of the Company, and safeguard the

legal rights and interests of all our shareholders, especially our minority shareholders.

2. Protection of the rights and interests of our employees

Considering employees the most valuable resource for our survival and development, we constantly improve our

employment system, improve the compensation packages for our employees and attach importance to talent

cultivation so as to provide opportunities and space for the sustainable development of our employees as well as

realize the common development of the employees and the Company. We also pay attention to the health of our

employees, attach importance to production safety and labor protection, and improve the working and living

conditions for our employees so as to formulate harmonious and stable labor relations.

3. Protection of the rights and interests of our customers and consumers

We have been upholding the “Customer First” principle in our provision of quality products and services to

customers. We operate honestly and disallow any unfair trade practice against commercial ethics, market rules

and the fair competition principle. We also improve our product quality and after-sales services and try to build a

win-win relationship with our customers.

4. Protection of the rights and interests of our suppliers

We respect and protect the legal rights and interests of our suppliers, carefully protect their secret and proprietary

information, encourage and push them to continuously improve the quality of their products and services through

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2023

creating an environment for open and fair competition among them so as to realize mutual benefits and mutual

development of the suppliers and the Company.

5. Production Safety, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

The Company sees production safety, environmental protection and energy conservation as an important part of

its strategy of sustainable development. It implements accountability systems in relation environmental protection

and production safety in strict accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. In addition, it is ISO9001-(a

quality management system), IATF16949-(a quality management system), ISO14001-(an environment

management system), ISO45001-(a management system for occupational health and safety) and ISO50001-(an

energy management system) certified. In 2018, upon the review and publication by the Ministry of Industry and

Information Technology, the Company was certified as one of the second batch of National Demonstration Entity

of Green Factory.

6. Public relations and welfare

We attach importance to the realization of our social value and see creating a prosperous society as a

commitment that we should take on, trying to boost the local economy through our own development. During

the Reporting Period, the Company spent more than RMB90,000 on consumption assistance products. It also

organised voluntary blood donations, attracting more than two hundred participants. Moreover, it launched the

"Fulfil Our Original Aspiration and Mission, Carry Forward the Lei Feng Spirit" Party Day & Voluntary

Service activity in elderly care communities, giving gifts such as little nightlights and milk to the seniors there.

Additionally, to fulfil the social responsibility of state-owned enterprises, the Company cared about special

retirees in the communities. On the Learn from Lei Feng Day, the Company, under the coordination and

arrangements of the public service offices of the communities, joined hands with other caring enterprises to

launch the "Learn the Lei Feng Spirit, Fulfil Our Original Aspiration and Mission" series of caring and

voluntary assistance services, helping 65 households of special seniors in the communities change or install

lights for free.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                  Interim Report 2023

                                           Part VI Significant Events

I Commitments of the Company’s De Facto Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and
Acquirers, as well as the Company Itself and Other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting
Period or Ongoing at the Period-End

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

II Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or any of Its
Related Parties for Non-Operating Purposes

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

III Irregularities in the Provision of Guarantees

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor

Are the interim financial statements audited?

□Yes  No
These interim financial statements are unaudited.

V Explanations Given by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee Regarding
the Inde pendent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements of the
Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VI Explanations Given by the Board of Directors Regarding the Independe nt Auditor's
“Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements of Last Year

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VII Insolvency and Reorganization

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Interim Report 2023

VIII Legal Matters

Significant lawsuits and arbitrations
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Other legal matters
 Applicable □ Not applicable
      Basic                             Whether                            Lawsuit           Execution of
                      Amount                               Lawsuit
  information                           there are                        (arbitration)         lawsuit             Date of         Disclosure
                      involved                           (arbitration)
   on lawsuit                            accrued                          results and        (arbitration)        disclosure         index
                    (RMB’0,000)                           progress
  (arbitration)                         liabilities                       influences          judgment
71 other
                                                        31 cases
litigation                                                               No
                                                        have been
matters that                                                             significant
                          6,717.3   No                  closed; 40                           N/A                                 N/A
did not meet                                                             influence on
                                                        cases is not
litigation                                                               the Company

IX Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X Credit Quality of the Company as well as its Controlling Shareholder and De Facto

 Applicable □ Not applicable

In the Reporting Period, the Company and its controlling shareholder and de facto controller were not involved
in any unsatisfied court judgments, large-amount overdue liabilities or the like.

XI Major Related-Party Transactions

1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                         As %
                                                                                   Appro                            marke
                                                                           of                                                            Index
           Relati                                                                     ved       Over                t price
                                                      Trans      Total    total                                                             to
           onshi       Type    Specif      Pricin                                  transa         the    Metho         for
Relate                                                action     value    value                                                Disclo    disclo
           p with       of        ic         g                                       ction      appro     d of      same-
  d                                                   price(   (RMB       of all                                                sure       sed
            the       transa   transa      princi                                     line       ved     settle       type
party                                                 RMB’    ’0,000   same-                                                  date      infor
           Comp        ction    ction       ple                                    (RMB        line or   ment       transa
                                                      0,000)       )      type                                                           matio
            any                                                                    ’0,000        not               ctions
                                                                         transa                                                             n
                                                                                        )                           (RMB
Guan       Under     Purch     Purch                                                                     Bank                           www.
gdong      same      asing     ase of      Marke      142.7      142.7                                   transf     142.7               cninfo
Fengh      actual                                                        0.05%      4,500      Not                             March
                     produ     materi      t price    1              1                                   ers or     1                   .com.
ua         contro                                                                                                              2023
                     cts       als                                                                       bank                           cn

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2023

Adva     ller      and                                                                accept
nced               receiv                                                             ance
                   ing                                                                notes
Holdi              labor
ng                 servic
Co.,               e
Ltd.               from
Prosp    holder                                                                       Bank
erity    that      and
Lamp     holds     receiv   Purch                                                                               www.
                                                                                      ers or           2
s&       over      ing      ase of    Marke                                                                     cninfo
Comp     5%                                     5.73     5.73   0.00%    700    Not   bank     5.73    March
                   labor    materi    t price                                                                   .com.
onents   shares                                                                       accept           2023
                   servic   als                                                                                 cn
Limit    of the                                                                       ance
ed       Comp                                                                         notes
         any       from
Shenz              cts
hen                and
         Under              Recei                                                     transf
Yuepe              receiv
         same               ving                                                      ers or
ng                 ing                Marke
         actual             labor               75.45   75.45   0.36%                 bank     75.45
Const    contro    labor              t price
                            servic                                                    accept
ructio   ller      servic
                            e                                                         ance
n Co.,             e
Ltd.               from
                   asing                                                                                        www.
                                                                                Not                    2
Guan               produ                                                                                        cninfo
                                                                        3,800                          March
gzhou              cts                                                                                          .com.
                                                                                      Bank             2023
Haixi              and                                                                                          cn
         Under              Recei                                                     transf
nsha               receiv
         same               ving                                                      ers or
Indust             ing                Marke
         actual             labor               46.71   46.71   0.85%                 bank     46.71
ry       contro    labor              t price
                            servic                                                    accept
Gener    ller      servic
                            e                                                         ance
al                 e
Comp               from
any                relate
Fosha              Purch                                                              Bank
         Under              Recei
n                  asing                                                              transf
         same               ving
Fulon              produ              Marke                                           ers or
         actual             labor               16.29   16.29   0.08%                          16.29
g        contro    cts                t price                                         bank
Envir    ller      and                                                                accept
onme               receiv                                                             ance

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2023

ntal               ing                                                  notes
Techn              labor
ology              servic
Co.,               e
Ltd.               from
ang                                                                     Bank
Dongj    Under              Recei                                       transf
iang     same               ving                                        ers or
                   ing                Marke
Indust   actual             labor               11.67   11.67   0.06%   bank     11.67
         contro    labor              t price
rial                        servic                                      accept
         ller      servic
Waste                       e                                           ance
Treat                                                                   notes
ian                                                                     Bank
Envir    Under              Recei                                       transf
onme     same               ving                                        ers or
                   ing                Marke
ntal     actual             labor               7.69    7.69    0.04%   bank     7.69
         contro    labor              t price
Protec                      servic                                      accept
         ller      servic
tion                        e                                           ance
Techn                                                                   notes
Dongj                                                                   Bank
iang     Under              Recei                                       transf
Envir    same               ving                                        ers or
                   ing                Marke
onme     actual             labor               7.00       7    0.03%   bank     7.00
         contro    labor              t price
ntal                        servic                                      accept
         ller      servic
Techn                       e                                           ance
ology                                                                   notes
Zhuha              Purch
i                  asing
         Under              Recei                                       transf
Dongj              produ
         same               ving                                        ers or
iang               cts                Marke
         actual             labor               1.31    1.31    0.01%   bank     1.31
Envir    contro    and                t price
                            servic                                      accept
onme     ller      receiv
                            e                                           ance
ntal               ing
Techn              labor

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2023

ology              servic
Co,                e
Ltd.               from
Guan               cts
gdong                                                                                   Bank
The      Under              Recei                                                       transf
Great    same               ving                                                        ers or
                   ing                Marke
Wall     actual             labor               8.70      8.7     0.04%                 bank     8.70              N/A
Buildi   contro    labor              t price
                            servic                                                      accept
ng       ller      servic
                            e                                                           ance
Co.,               e
Ltd.                                                                                    notes
gdong                                                                                   Bank
Tianxi             and
         Under              Recei                                                       transf
n                  receiv
         same               ving                                                        ers or
Com                ing                Marke
         actual             labor               8.38     8.38     0.04%                 bank     8.38              N/A
         contro    labor              t price
al                          servic                                                      accept
         ller      servic
Servic                      e                                                           ance
e Co.,                                                                                  notes
Ltd.               from
         Share     produ
Prosp    holder    cts                                                                  Bank
erity    that      and                                                                  transf
Lamp     holds              Sellin                                                                                 www.
                   provid                                                               ers or            2
s&       over               g         Marke     1,264.   1,264.                                  1,264.            cninfo
Comp     5%        ing                                            0.14%   4,000   Not   bank              March
                            produ     t price   15           15                                  15                .com.
onents   shares    labor                                                                accept            2023
                            cts                                                                                    cn
Limit    of the    servic                                                               ance
ed       Comp      e to                                                                 notes
         any       relate
Guan               Sellin
gdong              g
Fengh              produ                                                                Bank
ua                 cts                                                                  transf
         Under              Sellin                                                                                 www.
Adva               and                                                                  ers or            2
nced                        g         Marke     746.6    746.6                                   746.6             cninfo
         actual    provid                                         0.09%   1,500   Not   bank              March
Techn                       produ     t price   6            6                                   6                 .com.
         contro    ing                                                                  accept            2023
ology                       cts                                                                                    cn
         ller      labor                                                                ance
ng                 servic                                                               notes
Co.,               e to
Ltd.               relate

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2023

                   cts                                                                Bank
         Under     and                                                                transf
Zhong                       Sellin                                                                              www.
         same      provid                                                             ers or           2
nan                         g         Marke     301.2   301.2           13,00                  301.2            cninfo
         actual    ing                                          0.03%           Not   bank             March
Const                       produ     t price   5           5               0                  5                .com.
         contro    labor                                                              accept           2023
ructio                      cts                                                                                 cn
         ller      servic                                                             ance
n Co.,
                   e to                                                               notes
         Under     and
jin                         Sellin
         same      provid
Lingn                       g         Marke
         actual    ing                          71.04   71.04   0.01%                          71.04
an                          produ     t price
         contro    labor
Nonfe                       cts
         ller      servic
                   e to                                                               Bank
                   relate                                                             transf
                   d                                                                  ers or
                   party                                                              bank
                   Sellin                                                             accept
                   g                                                                  ance
Shand              produ                                                              notes
ong                cts
Zhong    Under     and                                                                                          www.
jin      same      provid                                                                              2        cninfo
                            g         Marke                                     Not
Lingn    actual    ing                          22.38   22.38   0.00%   1,550                  22.38   March    .com.
                            produ     t price
an       contro    labor                                                                               2023     cn
Coppe    ller      servic
r Co.,             e to
Ltd.               relate
                   cts                                                                Bank
         Under     and                                                                transf
Lingn                       Sellin
         same      provid                                                             ers or
an                          g         Marke
         actual    ing                          2.31    2.31    0.00%                 bank     2.31
Engin                       produ     t price
         contro    labor                                                              accept
eering                      cts
         ller      servic                                                             ance
                   e to                                                               notes
Guan     Under     Sellin   Sellin                                                    Bank                      www.
gdong    same      g        g         Marke                                           transf                    cninfo
                                                1.23     1.23   0.00%   1,800   Not            1.23    March
Zhuyu    actual    produ    produ     t price                                         ers or                    .com.
an       contro    cts      cts                                                       bank                      cn

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                       Interim Report 2023

Const     ller     and                                                        accept
ructio             provid                                                     ance
n and              ing                                                        notes
Engin              labor
eering             servic
Co.,               e to
Ltd.               relate
                   cts                                                        Bank
                   and                                                        transf
Rising    Actua             Sellin
                   provid                                                     ers or
Holdi     l                 g         Marke
                   ing                          0.28     0.28   0.00%   Not   bank     0.28             N/A
ngs       contro            produ     t price
                   labor                                                      accept
Group     ller              cts
                   servic                                                     ance
                   e to                                                       notes
                   cts                                                        Bank
          Under    and      Provi                                             transf
          same     provid   ding                                              ers or
know                                  Marke
          actual   ing      labor               57.79   57.79   0.01%   Not   bank     57.79            N/A
n as                                  t price
          contro   labor    servic                                            accept
          ller     servic   e                                                 ance
                   e to                                                       notes
Guan               Sellin
gdong              g
Rising             produ
Resea              cts
          Under             Provi                                             transf
rch                and
          same              ding                                              ers or
and                provid             Marke
          actual            labor               0.44     0.44   0.00%   Not   bank     0.44             N/A
Devel              ing                t price
          contro            servic                                            accept
opme               labor
          ller              e                                                 ance
nt                 servic
Institu            e to
te                 relate
Co.,               d

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2023

Ltd.               party
                                                        2,799               30,85
Total                                      --    --                 --                --        --         --     --        --
                                                          .17                   0
Large-amount sales return in detail   N/A
                                      In June 2023, the Company estimated the total value of its continuing transactions with
                                      related parties Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology Holding Co., Ltd., Prosperity
                                      Lamps & Components Limited and its majority-owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Rising
                                      Investment Group and its majority-owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Huajian Enterprise
Give the actual situation in the      Group Co., Ltd. and its majority-owned subsidiaries, Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet
Reporting Period (if any) where an    Co. Ltd. and its majority-owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Rising Real Estate Group Co.,
estimate had been made for the        Ltd. and its majority-owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Electronic Technology Research
total value of continuing related-    Institute, Guangdong Rising Research and Development Institute Co., Ltd. and its majority-
party transactions by type to occur   owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Rising Property Group Co., Ltd. and its majority-owned
in the Reporting Period
                                      subsidiaries, as well as Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited and its majority-owned
                                      subsidiaries. Concerning the purchases from related parties, the actual amount in H1 2023
                                      was RMB3.3164 million, accounting for 3.49% of the estimate for 2023. As for the sales to
                                      related parties, the actual amount in H1 2023 was RMB24.6753million, accounting for
                                      9.77%of the estimate for 2023.
Reason for any significant
difference between the transaction
price and the market reference        N/A
price (if applicable)

2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity Interests

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Related Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Amounts Due to and from Related Parties

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Non-operating amounts due to and from related parties or not

□ Yes  No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Transactions with Related Finance Companies

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Deposit business:
Related party    Relationship         Daily       Interest rate    Beginning               Actual amount               Ending

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2023

                                   maximum             range         balance             Total           Total           balance
                                    limits                         (RMB’0,000)       deposited in    withdrawn        (RMB’0,000)
                                 (RMB’0,000)                                        (RMB’0,000)    (RMB’0,000)
Guangdong        Controlled
Rising           by the same
Finance Co.,     controlling           120,000      0.25%-3.3%          119,172.29   272,402.11      289,629.86        101,944.54
Ltd.             shareholder
Loan business:

Credit or other financial business:
                                                                                      Total amount             Actual amount
      Related party             Relationship             Type of business
                                                                                      (RMB’0,000)             (RMB’0,000)
Guangdong Rising          Controlled by the same
                                                      Credit granting                            150,000                        0.00
Finance Co., Ltd.         controlling shareholder

6. Transactions with Related Parties by Finance Company Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No finance company controlled by the Company was involved in making deposits, borrowing, credit granting or
any other financial business with any related party.

7. Other Major Related-Party Transactions

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. List of major infrastructure related-party transactions
                                      Type of     Specific   Pricing amoun Method of                                     Disclosure
 Related party        with the                                                                  Disclosure date
                                    transaction transaction principle     t      settlement                               website
  Guangdong                                                                    Bank transfers
                                     receiving Receiving                                        9 July 2021, 17
   Zhongnan         Under same                              Market      5,850.    or bank                             www.cninfo.com
                                        labor      labor                                      August 2021, and 12
Construction Co., actual controller                           price         05 acceptance                                  .cn
                                       service    service                                         March 2022
      Ltd.                                                                         notes
Guangdong Yixin                                                                Bank transfers
                                     receiving Receiving
  Changcheng        Under same                              Market      4,245.    or bank                             www.cninfo.com
                                        labor      labor                                         6 May 2021
  Construction actual controller                              price         36 acceptance                                  .cn
                                       service    service
     Group                                                                         notes
  Guangdong                         Purchasing                                 Bank transfers                         www.cninfo.com
Zhongren Group Under same             products              Market      2,667.    or bank                                   .cn
                                                   labor                                       1 December 2020
Construction Co., actual controller      and                  price         77 acceptance                             (announcement
      Ltd.                           receiving                                     notes                               of subsidiary

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2023

                                      labor                                                         NationStar
                                     service                                                      Optoelectronics)

XII Major Contracts and Execution thereof

1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases

(1) Entrustment

 Applicable □ Not applicable

On 30 August 2022, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, Foshan Kelian New Energy Technology Co.,

Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Foshan Kelian"), issued the Bidding Announcement for Operation and Investment

Attraction and Property Management Services of Kelian Building on the open platforms and conducted public

bidding for the operation and investment attraction and property management services of Kelian Building. After

the corresponding procedures of qualification inspection, accreditation and publicity, the winning bidder was

determined to be Guangdong Huajian Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huajian Group"). On

10 October 2022, the Board of Directors of the Company reviewed and approved the Proposal on a Related-Party

Transaction Due to a Call for Public Bids. It agreed to entrust the properties encompassing Kelian Building

Industrial (R&D Centre) (located in Building 1), commercial property (service-oriented apartments), commercial

property (shops), and part of the underground parking lot, 70,340.04 square meters in total, to Huajian Group for

operation and investment attraction. After the Company hands the foregoing properties to Huajian Group, the

latter shall pay RMB300 million to the Company within the operation and investment attraction period (ten years)

as the minimum guaranteed rental income. For details, see the Announcement on a Related-Party Transaction Due

to a Call for Public Bids dated 11 October 2022 disclosed by the Company on www.cninfo.com.cn. On 21 April

2023, Foshan Kelian and Huajian Group entered into the Contract on the Operation and Investment Attraction

Services for Kelian Building.

Projects that generated a gain/loss that accounted for 10% or more of the Company’s gross profit in the
Reporting Period:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2023

There is no entrustment project that generated a gain/loss that accounted for 10% or more of the Company’s
gross profit in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Leases

The Company was not involved in any significant lease in the Reporting Period.

2. Major guarantees

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB'0,000
          Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries for external parties (exclusive of those for subsidiaries)
               re date                                                                                                       Guarante
                of the    Line of     Actual                  Type of                 Counter      Term of      Having        e for a
                                                 guarante               Collatera
  Obligor     guarante   guarante occurren                    guarante                guarante guarante         expired       related
                                                     e                  l (if any)
                e line       e        ce date                     e                  e (if any)       e          or not      party or
              announc                                                                                                           not
 Total approved line                             Total actual balance
 for such guarantees                             of such guarantees at
 at the end of the                            0 the end of the                                                                        0
 Reporting Period                                Reporting Period
 (A3)                                            (A4)
                                Guarantees provided by the Company as the parent for its subsidiaries
               re date                                                                                                       Guarante
                of the    Line of     Actual                  Type of                 Counter      Term of      Having        e for a
                                                 guarante               Collatera
  Obligor     guarante   guarante occurren                    guarante                guarante guarante         expired       related
                                                     e                  l (if any)
                e line       e        ce date                     e                  e (if any)       e          or not      party or
              announc                                                                                                           not
 Total approved line                             Total actual balance
 for such guarantees                             of such guarantees at
 at the end of the                            0 the end of the                                                                        0
 Reporting Period                                Reporting Period
 (B3)                                            (B4)
                                              Guarantees provided between subsidiaries
               re date                                                                                                       Guarante
                                                  Actual                              Counter
                of the    Line of     Actual                  Type of                              Term of      Having        e for a
                                                 guarante               Collatera
  Obligor     guarante   guarante occurren                    guarante                guarante guarante         expired       related
                                                     e                  l (if any)
                e line       e        ce date                     e                  e (if any)       e          or not      party or
              announc                                                                                                           not
 Nanning                                                                                          25 April
 Liaowan 2 March                     21 June                                                      2022 -31
                             4,500                1,547.33 Secured         Yes         None                    No            No
 g Auto       2023                   2023                                                         Decemb
 Lamp                                                                                             er 2025

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2023

 ogy Co.,
 ogy Co.,
 g Auto
                                                                                                  15 June
                                                                                                  2020 -15
 Ltd.,                               10
              2 March                                                                             2023,
 Chongqi                     9,900   February     5,826.87    Secured       Yes         None                 No       No
              2023                                                                                25 May
 ng                                  2023
                                                                                                  2023 -24
 ogy Co.,
 g Auto
                                                                                                  24 April
 Foreshin                            24
              2 March                                                                             2022 -31
 e                           9,600   March           9,600    Secured       Yes         None                 No       No
              2023                                                                                Decemb
 Technol                             2023
                                                                                                  er 2025
 ogy Co.,
 ogy Co.,
 Total approved line                             Total actual amount
 for such guarantees                             of such guarantees in
 in the Reporting                       24,000 the Reporting Period                                                    16,974.2
 Period (C1)                                     (C2)
 Total approved line                             Total actual balance
 for such guarantees                             of such guarantees at
 at the end of the                      24,000 the end of the                                                          16,974.2
 Reporting Period                                Reporting Period
 (C3)                                            (C4)
                                Total guarantee amount (total of the three kinds of guarantees above)
 Total guarantee line                            Total actual
 approved in the                        24,000 guarantee amount in                                                     16,974.2

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Interim Report 2023

 Reporting Period                                      the Reporting Period
 (A1+B1+C1)                                            (A2+B2+C2)
                                                       Total actual
 Total approved
                                                       guarantee balance at
 guarantee line at the
                                            24,000     the end of the                                                                      16,974.2
 end of the Reporting
                                                       Reporting Period
 Period (A3+B3+C3)
 Total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4)
 as % of the Company’s net assets                                                                                                          3.29%

Compound guarantees:

Chongqing Guinuo Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Chongqing Guinuo”), Liuzhou Guige
Foreshine Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Liuzhou Foreshine”), and Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology
Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Liuzhou Lighting”) are all wholly-owned subsidiaries of Nanning Liaowang Auto
Lamp Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Nanning Liaowang”). As of 30 June 2023, guarantees between Nanning
Liaowang and its subsidiaries and collaterals are set out in “3. Other” under “XIV Commitments and
Contingencies” in Part X of this Report.

3. Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                                                                              Provision for
                                                                                                    Unrecovered              impairment on
        Type              Funding source               Amount               Undue amount
                                                                                                   overdue amount             unrecovered
                                                                                                                            overdue amount
Bank financial
                         Self-owned funds                   24,000                     8,000                          0                         0

Total                                                       24,000                     8,000                          0                         0

High-risk wealth management transactions with a significant single amount, or with low security and low
 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                                                                             x to
                 Typ                                                                           Actu                       Pres              actio
                                                                             Ann                               Allo
                 e of                                                                            al    Rec                crib     Plan        n
                                                                             ualiz                             wan
                 weal                                               Dete             Exp       gain    eipt/               ed       for     sum
                                  Sour                                         ed                               ce
        Typ        th                      Begi             Use     rmin             ecte      /loss    pay               proc      mor      mar
                                   ce                Endi                     yiel                              for
Trus    e of     man      Prin             nnin              of      atio             d          in    men                edur       e         y
                                   of                 ng                        d                              imp
 tee    trust    age      cipal             g               prin    n of             yiel      Rep      t of                e      trans     and
                                  prin               date                     rate                             airm
         ee      men                       date             cipal    yiel            d (if     ortin   such               exec     actio    othe
                                  cipal                                        for                              ent
                    t                                                 d              any)         g    gain               uted      n or       r
                                                                             refer                              (if
                 prod                                                                          Peri    /loss               or       not     infor
                                                                             ence                              any)
                  uct                                                                            od                        not              mati
Fosh    Ban      Stru     4,00            30      4         Othe    Subj      2.98   57.0      56.0    To                          Inco     Ann
                                  own                                                                                     Yes
an      k        ctur        0            Dec     July      r       ect         %       9         9    be                          mpli     ounc

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2023

bran           ed              fund    emb   202           to                          recei            ance    eme
ch             depo            s       er    3             actu                        ved              with    nt
of             sit                     202                 al                                           pres    No.
Ban                                    2                   inve                                         crib    202
k of                                                       stme                                         ed      3-
Chin                                                       nt                                           appr    007
a                                                          peri                                         oval    on
                                                           od                                           proc    Entr
                                                                                                        edur    ustm
                                                                                                        e       ent
                                                                                                                t on
                                                                                                        Inco    on
                                                           Subj                                         mpli    Entr
                                                           ect                                          ance    ustm
                                             6             to                                           with    ent
bran           Stru            Self-   9
                                             Sept          actu                        To               pres    of
ch             ctur            own     Mar
       Ban              4,00                 emb    Othe   al     3.15   58.6   36.7   be               crib    Som
of             ed              ed      ch                                                      Yes
       k                   0                 er     r      inve     %       1      5   recei            ed      e
Ban            depo            fund    202
                               s             202           stme                        ved              appr    Idle
k of           sit                     3
                                             3             nt                                           oval    Fun
                                                           peri                                         proc    ds
                                                           od                                           edur    for
                                                                                                        e       Wea
                                                                                                                t on

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

                        8,00                                        115.   92.8
Total                           --         --   --   --   --   --                 --      0    --        --     --
                           0                                           7      4

Situation where the principal is expectedly irrecoverable or an impairment may be incurred:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. Other Significant Contracts

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIII Other Significant Events

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Share offering to specific parties

The Company intends to raise gross proceeds of no more than RMB1,094.5518 million through an offering of

A-stock shares to specific parties. The amount exclusive of the issuance costs will be used to invest in the FSL

automation and digital transformation construction project, the FSL Hainan Industrial Park Phase I, the

intelligent street light construction project, the automotive lamp module production and construction project,

and the R&D centre construction project. The said share offering plan has been approved at the 39th Meeting of

the Ninth Board of Directors and a general meeting of shareholders on 14 March 2023 and 31 March 2023,

respectively, as well as by the Public Offering Review Centre of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 17 July 2023.

The plan is still subject to final approval of the CSRC before implementation. And there is uncertainty with

respect to the said approval and the timing.

XIV Significant Events of Subsidiaries

 Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Expropriation of land and above-ground housing of Nanjing Fozhao

The Company held the 24th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors on 15 December 2021, where the Proposal

on Expropriation of Land and Above-ground Housing of the Wholly-owned Subsidiary Nanjing Fozhao Lighting

Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., was deliberated and adopted. The Board of Directors agreed that Nanjing

Lishui District People's Government expropriates the land use rights and above-land housing of Nanjing Fozhao

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2023

Lighting Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing Fozhao"), a wholly-owned

subsidiary of the Company, at a compensation amount of RMB183,855,895, and Nanjing Fozhao signed an

expropriation and compensation agreement with Lishui County House Dismantling, Moving & Resettling

Development Co., Ltd., the implementing unit of the housing expropriation. As of 30 June 2023, Nanjing Fozhao

has received 30% of the compensation, that is, RMB55,160,000.00, and the land use right certificate and house

ownership certificate of the assets involved have been cancelled. As of the date of this report, the site handover is

still in progress.

2. Cancellation of FSL LIGHTING GmbH

On 22 October 2021, FSL held an office meeting of the general manager, where the proposal for cancellation of its

wholly-owned subsidiary FSL LIGHTING GMBH was deliberated and adopted. As of the date of this Report, the

Company is handling the relevant procedures for liquidation and cancellation.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2023

             Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information

I Share Changes

1. Share Changes

                                                                                                                         Unit: share
                        Before                      Increase/decrease in the Reporting Period (+/-)                   After
                                                                      Shares as
                                                         Shares as
                            Percentag      New                        converted                                           Percentag
               Shares                                    converted                    Other       Subtotal   Shares
                                 e (%)     issues                        from                                               e (%)
              10,753,65                                                                                      10,753,65
Restricted                        0.79%                                                                                      0.79%
                      8                                                                                              8
held by
the state
held by
                        1         0.00%                                                                               1      0.00%
held by
              1,826,025           0.13%                                                                      1,826,025       0.13%
held by       1,338,434           0.10%                                                                      1,338,434       0.10%
held by
domestic        487,591           0.04%                                                                       487,591        0.04%
              8,927,632           0.66%                                                                      8,927,632       0.66%

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                            Interim Report 2023

held by
held by
oversea       8,927,632       0.66%                                            8,927,632     0.66%
              1,351,240                                                        1,351,240
Unrestrict                   99.21%                                                         99.21%
                   ,989                                                             ,989
ed shares
2.1 RMB
              1,056,501                                                        1,056,501
ordinary                     77.57%                                                         77.57%
                   ,050                                                             ,050
              294,739,9                                                        294,739,9
ally listed                  21.64%                                                         21.64%
                    39                                                               39
2.4 Other
3. Total      1,361,994                                                        1,361,994
                            100.00%                                                        100.00%
shares             ,647                                                             ,647

Reasons for share changes:

□Applicable  Not applicable

Approval of share changes:

□Applicable  Not applicable

Transfer of share ownership:

□Applicable  Not applicable

Progress on any share repurchase:

□Applicable  Not applicable

Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding:

□Applicable  Not applicable

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2023

Effects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the
Company’s ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior accounting
period, respectively:

□Applicable  Not applicable

Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be


□Applicable  Not applicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

□Applicable  Not applicable

II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

□Applicable  Not applicable

III. Total Number of Shareholders and Their Shareholdings

                                                                                                                     Unit: share

Total number of ordinary                                  Total number of preference shareholders
shareholders at the period-                     66,019    with resumed voting rights at the period-                           0
end                                                       end (if any) (see Note 8)
            Shareholding of ordinary shareholders holding more than 5% shares or the top 10 of ordinary shareholders
                                               Total      Increase/de                                  Shares in pledge, marked
                             Shareholdi      ordinary      crease in    Restricted                              or frozen
  Name of      Nature of                                                                restricted
                                 ng        shares held        the        ordinary
shareholder shareholder                                                                  ordinary
                             percentage       at the       Reporting    shares held                      Status          Shares
                                                                                       shares held
                                            period-end      Period
Hong Kong
Wah Shing
                Foreign                      188,496,43                                 188,496,43
Holding                          13.84%
              corporation                             0                                            0
Lamps &         Foreign                      146,934,85                                 146,934,85
Component     corporation        10.79%
                                                      7                                            7
s Limited
Electronics      State-
                                             122,694,24                                 122,694,24
Informatio       owned            9.01%
n Industry    corporation                             6                                            6
Group Ltd.
Rising           State-
Holdings         owned            6.10%      83,130,898                                 83,130,898
Group Co.,    corporation
Internation     Foreign
al            corporation         2.78%      37,896,494 1,758,035                       37,896,494

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2023

Huijin            State-
Asset             owned            2.43%      33,161,800                                     33,161,800
Manageme       corporation
nt Co., Ltd.
Investment       Foreign
Developme      corporation         1.87%      25,482,252                                     25,482,252
nt Limited
Zhuang           Foreign
Jianyi          individual         0.87%      11,903,509                     8,927,632        2,975,877
Zhang           Domestic
                                   0.86%      11,700,000    999,950                          11,700,000
Shaowu          individual
Hong Kong
Clearing       corporation         0.68%       9,296,300    9,296,300                         9,296,300
Strategic investors or
general       corporations
becoming            top-ten
shareholders     due     to
placing of new shares (if
any) (see Note 3)
                              Among the top 10 shareholders, Hongkong Wah Shing Holding Company Limited, Guangdong
                              Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Electronics Information Industry Group Ltd. and
Related or acting-in-
                              Rising Investment Development Limited are acting-in-concert parties; and Prosperity Lamps &
concert parties among the
                              Components Limited and Zhuang Jianyi are acting-in-concert parties. Apart from that, it is unknown
shareholders above
                              whether there is among the top 10 shareholders any other related parties or acting-in-concert parties
                              as defined in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies.
Above         shareholders
involved                 in
entrusting/being entrusted    Naught
with voting rights and
giving up voting rights
Special account for share
repurchases     (if   any)    As of the period-end, the Company had 13,000,000 A-shares of it in its special account for share
among     the     top   10    repurchases, accounting for 0.95% of the Company’s total share capital.
shareholders (see note 11)
                                             Top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders
                                                                                                                Type of shares
   Name of shareholder                     Unrestricted ordinary shares at the period-end
                                                                                                              Type         Shares
Hong Kong Wah Shing
                                                                                                          denominate      188,496,43
Holding Company                                                                             188,496,430   d ordinary               0
Prosperity Lamps &                                                                                        denominate      146,934,85
Components Limited                                                                          146,934,857   d ordinary               7
Guangdong Electronics
                                                                                                          denominate      122,694,24
Information Industry                                                                        122,694,246   d ordinary               6
Group Ltd.
Guangdong Rising                                                                                          denominate
Holdings Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     83,130,898   d ordinary      83,130,898
Essence International                                                                                     Domestical
Securities (Hong Kong)                                                                       37,896,494                     37,896,494
                                                                                                          ly listed

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2023

Limited                                                                                               foreign
Central Huijin Asset                                                                                  denominate
Management Co., Ltd.                                                                     33,161,800   d ordinary        33,161,800
Rising Investment                                                                                     ly listed
Development Limited                                                                      25,482,252                     25,482,252
Zhang Shaowu                                                                             11,700,000   d ordinary        11,700,000
Hong Kong Securities
Clearing Company                                                                          9,296,300   d ordinary         9,296,300
Limited                                                                                               stock
China Merchants
                                                                                                      ly listed
Securities (HK) Co.,                                                                      9,196,898                      9,196,898
Limited                                                                                               foreign
Related or acting-in-
concert parties among the      Among the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders, Hong Kong Wah Shing Holding Company
top      10     unrestricted   Limited, Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Electronics Information Industry
ordinary shareholders, as      Group Ltd., and Rising Investment Development Limited are acting-in-concert parties; Apart from
well as between the top 10     that, it is unknown whether there is among the top 10 shareholders any other related parties or
unrestricted       ordinary    acting-in-concert parties as defined in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed
shareholders and the top       Companies.
10 ordinary shareholders
Top        10      ordinary
shareholders involved in
securities margin trading
(if any) (see note 4)

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary

shareholders of the Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.

□Yes  No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV Change in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□Applicable  Not applicable

No changes occurred to the shareholdings of the directors, supervisors and senior management in the Reporting

Period. See the 2022 Annual Report for more details.

V Change of the Controlling Shareholder or the Actual Controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                  Interim Report 2023

□Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period

□Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                            Interim Report 2023

                                      Part VIII Preference Shares

□Applicable  Not applicable

No preference shares in the Reporting Period.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                   Interim Report 2023

                                           Part IX Bonds

□Applicable  Not applicable

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                             Interim Report 2023

                                      Part X Financial Statements

I Auditor’s Report

Whether the interim report has been audited?
□Yes  No
The interim report of the Company has not been audited.

II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                  30 June 2023

                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Item                         30 June 2023              1 January 2023
Current assets:
  Monetary assets                                       2,518,177,714.99          2,484,508,907.43
  Settlement reserve
  Interbank loans granted
  Held-for-trading financial assets                        81,882,834.67            261,541,896.45
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                        811,254,925.34            821,537,774.07
  Accounts receivable                                   2,347,099,724.92          1,920,770,941.76
  Accounts receivable financing                           444,845,917.62            569,868,831.79
  Prepayments                                              41,451,120.26             45,526,548.93
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance receivables
  Receivable reinsurance contract reserve
  Other receivables                                       150,403,234.75             32,902,865.98
   Including: Interest receivable
              Dividends receivable
  Financial assets purchased under resale
  Inventories                                           1,646,526,195.36          2,031,637,401.87
  Contract assets                                           5,153,358.98              5,466,875.07
  Assets held for sale                                     17,147,339.84             17,147,339.84
  Current portion of non-current assets
  Other current assets                                    173,015,911.64             79,438,576.89
Total current assets                                    8,236,958,278.37          8,270,347,960.08
Non-current assets:
  Loans and advances to customers
  Investments in debt obligations
  Investments in other debt obligations
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                            183,117,824.19            181,931,792.66
   Investments in other equity
instruments                                               801,753,621.52            864,191,346.40

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                             Interim Report 2023

   Other non-current financial assets
  Investment property                             43,366,716.49      44,611,882.44
  Fixed assets                                 3,365,628,092.29   3,508,094,282.41
  Construction in progress                     1,377,403,873.06   1,282,780,335.14
  Productive living assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                             9,832,756.11       13,047,727.73
  Intangible assets                             337,814,725.13      340,166,852.37
  Development costs
  Goodwill                                       421,831,593.46      421,831,593.46
  Long-term prepaid expense                      171,879,033.97      190,126,627.91
  Deferred income tax assets                      94,138,960.42       90,186,993.64
  Other non-current assets                        76,218,347.75       81,543,512.85
Total non-current assets                       6,882,985,544.39    7,018,512,947.01
Total assets                                  15,119,943,822.76   15,288,860,907.09
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                         190,926,526.02      157,715,359.35
  Borrowings from the central bank
  Interbank loans obtained
   Held-for-trading financial liabilities         23,741,475.00       4,679,000.00
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                1,853,353,460.65   1,975,743,568.71
  Accounts payable                             2,437,263,015.38   2,513,177,458.14
  Advances from customers                            196,200.00       2,532,442.44
  Contract liabilities                           131,700,995.68     125,143,161.61
  Financial assets sold under repurchase
  Customer deposits and interbank
  Payables for acting trading of securities
  Payables for underwriting of securities
  Employee benefits payable                     162,300,069.89      173,034,152.18
  Taxes payable                                  78,233,220.74       64,295,552.10
  Other payables                                645,736,648.53      440,230,081.05
   Including: Interest payable
                  Dividends payable             134,915,110.77           15,646.07
  Handling charges and commissions
  Reinsurance payables
  Liabilities directly associated with
assets held for sale
  Current portion of non-current
liabilities                                       63,473,244.52      65,540,510.67
  Other current liabilities                      136,138,329.46     100,192,681.00
Total current liabilities                      5,723,063,185.87   5,622,283,967.25
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserve
  Long-term borrowings                          493,362,857.84      747,931,023.71
  Bonds payable
   Including: Preferred shares
                    Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                               6,477,932.48        7,055,542.18
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits payable
  Provisions                                      9,518,319.01        9,587,043.31
  Deferred income                                80,860,487.74       97,078,233.43
  Deferred income tax liabilities               196,099,462.78      204,371,264.18
  Other non-current liabilities                     206,307.09          308,780.61

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                    Interim Report 2023

Total non-current liabilities                           786,525,366.94                   1,066,331,887.42
Total liabilities                                     6,509,588,552.81                   6,688,615,854.67
Owners’ equity:
 Share capital                                        1,361,994,647.00                   1,361,994,647.00
 Other equity instruments
  Including: Preferred shares
                   Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserves                                         7,245,971.54                       7,245,971.54
 Less: Treasury stock                                    82,165,144.15                      82,165,144.15
 Other comprehensive income                             447,201,368.35                     498,141,018.70
 Specific reserve
 Surplus reserves                                        91,359,027.15                      91,359,027.15
 General reserve
 Retained earnings                                    3,330,471,596.34                   3,296,435,828.50
Total equity attributable to owners of the
Company as the parent                                 5,156,107,466.23                   5,173,011,348.74
Non-controlling interests                             3,454,247,803.72                   3,427,233,703.68
Total owners’ equity                                 8,610,355,269.95                   8,600,245,052.42
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                15,119,943,822.76                  15,288,860,907.09
Legal representative: Wu Shenghui                                   Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                    Item                        30 June 2023                      1 January 2023
Current assets:
  Monetary assets                                       681,210,754.40                     616,301,656.56
  Held-for-trading financial assets                                                        200,565,014.22
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                      110,657,146.53                     130,473,889.36
  Accounts receivable                                 1,086,975,621.84                     914,875,676.00
  Accounts receivable financing                          60,666,671.99                      14,127,710.41
  Prepayments                                             7,737,747.01                      13,129,004.94
  Other receivables                                     978,598,589.43                     511,036,345.72
   Including: Interest receivable
                 Dividends receivable
  Inventories                                           306,898,828.61                     475,047,674.61
  Contract assets                                         5,153,358.98                       5,466,875.07
  Assets held for sale
  Current portion of non-current assets
  Other current assets                                  105,373,508.94                       9,844,377.83
Total current assets                                  3,343,272,227.73                   2,890,868,224.72
Non-current assets:
  Investments in debt obligations
  Investments in other debt obligations
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                        2,506,749,062.60                   2,505,563,031.07
   Investments in other equity
instruments                                             761,675,052.72                     823,131,485.48
   Other non-current financial assets
  Investment property                                    39,800,117.43                      40,982,686.40
  Fixed assets                                          555,297,116.18                     548,743,031.51
  Construction in progress                              220,291,866.58                     187,318,584.50
  Productive living assets

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                          Interim Report 2023

  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                           5,813,183.28                       6,963,639.23
  Intangible assets                            95,701,146.70                      94,698,330.35
  Development costs
  Long-term prepaid expense                    30,215,256.11                      37,118,287.24
  Deferred income tax assets                   37,984,595.01                      31,202,848.92
  Other non-current assets                     45,361,377.95                      48,873,160.34
Total non-current assets                    4,298,888,774.56                   4,324,595,085.04
Total assets                                7,642,161,002.29                   7,215,463,309.76
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings
   Held-for-trading financial liabilities      23,741,475.00                       4,679,000.00
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                               795,588,488.59                     826,037,810.34
  Accounts payable                          1,285,429,617.40                     788,288,700.08
  Advances from customers                                                          2,285,714.30
  Contract liabilities                        73,386,563.67                       47,498,783.11
  Employee benefits payable                   60,341,858.15                       49,182,531.44
  Taxes payable                               30,073,622.90                        9,700,312.91
  Other payables                             417,929,824.40                      202,509,326.09
   Including: Interest payable
                  Dividends payable          134,899,464.70
  Liabilities directly associated with
assets held for sale
  Current portion of non-current
liabilities                                    1,427,782.66                        1,881,117.79
  Other current liabilities                    74,912,121.36                      88,215,663.53
Total current liabilities                   2,762,831,354.13                   2,020,278,959.59
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                                           182,912,120.75
  Bonds payable
   Including: Preferred shares
                    Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                            4,385,400.62                        5,082,521.44
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits payable
  Deferred income
  Deferred income tax liabilities              78,774,921.62                      88,165,954.92
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                  83,160,322.24                     276,160,597.11
Total liabilities                           2,845,991,676.37                   2,296,439,556.70
Owners’ equity:
  Share capital                             1,361,994,647.00                   1,361,994,647.00
  Other equity instruments
   Including: Preferred shares
                    Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserves                             7,426,635.62                        7,426,635.62
  Less: Treasury stock                        82,165,144.15                       82,165,144.15
  Other comprehensive income                 446,550,316.94                      498,788,284.79
  Specific reserve
  Surplus reserves                            322,663,096.39                     322,663,096.39
  Retained earnings                         2,739,699,774.12                   2,810,316,233.41
Total owners’ equity                       4,796,169,325.92                   4,919,023,753.06
Total liabilities and owners’ equity       7,642,161,002.29                   7,215,463,309.76
Legal representative: Wu Shenghui                         Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                         Interim Report 2023

Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                   Item                           H1 2023                  H1 2022
1. Revenue                                            4,566,062,729.02        4,433,331,393.42
   Including: Operating revenue                       4,566,062,729.02        4,433,331,393.42
               Interest income
               Insurance premium income
               Handling charge and
commission income
2. Costs and expenses                                 4,299,771,626.28        4,165,508,040.62
   Including: Cost of sales                           3,733,474,828.88        3,654,061,368.03
               Interest expense
               Handling charge and
commission expense
               Net insurance claims paid
               Net amount provided as
insurance contract reserve
               Expenditure on policy
               Reinsurance premium
               Taxes and surcharges                      37,443,299.13           25,534,415.81
               Selling expense                          131,921,130.00          111,269,248.57
               Administrative expense                   200,946,085.42          186,307,739.44
               R&D expense                              226,148,905.26          212,572,992.98
               Finance costs                            -30,162,622.41          -24,237,724.21
   Including: Interest expense                           14,255,244.44            7,068,335.84
                  Interest income                        24,520,047.73           13,000,154.06
Add: Other income                                        27,389,992.05           40,797,290.95
       Return on investment (“-” for loss)             22,449,570.63           19,613,744.86
          Including: Share of profit or loss
of joint ventures and associates                            1,186,031.53             650,457.40
           Income from the derecognition
of financial assets at amortized cost (“-”
for loss)
       Exchange gain (“-” for loss)
       Net gain on exposure hedges (“-”
for loss)
       Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
for loss)                                               -22,153,522.56          -10,766,595.97
       Credit impairment loss (“-” for
loss)                                                   -18,947,421.03          -10,246,248.56
       Asset impairment loss (“-” for
loss)                                                   -16,390,888.73          -23,341,049.45
       Asset disposal income (“-” for
loss)                                                        110,475.52               82,362.19
3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                    258,749,308.62          283,962,856.82
Add: Non-operating income                                 2,440,914.48            8,990,018.61
Less: Non-operating expense                               4,780,570.32            7,994,166.62
4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                   256,409,652.78          284,958,708.81
Less: Income tax expense                                 31,304,364.49           41,412,077.91
5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                      225,105,288.29          243,546,630.90
  5.1 By operating continuity
   5.1.1 Net profit from continuing
operations (“-” for net loss)                         225,105,288.29          243,546,630.90
   5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2023

operations (“-” for net loss)
  5.2 By ownership
      5.2.1 Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company as the                                168,935,232.54                              163,528,019.78
parent (“-” for net loss)
      5.2.1 Net profit attributable to non-
controlling interests (“-” for net loss)                          56,170,055.75                              80,018,611.12
6. Other comprehensive income, net of
tax                                                               -49,800,869.38                             -128,025,149.83
   Attributable to owners of the
Company as the parent                                             -50,939,650.35                             -128,036,703.73
      6.1 Items that will not be
reclassified to profit or loss                                    -52,237,967.85                             -128,132,332.34
         6.1.1 Changes caused by
remeasurements on defined benefit
         6.1.2 Other comprehensive
income that will not be reclassified to
profit or loss under the equity method
         6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other equity instruments                           -52,237,967.85                             -128,132,332.34
         6.1.4 Changes in the fair value
arising from changes in own credit risk
         6.1.5 Other
      6.2 Items that will be reclassified to
profit or loss                                                       1,298,317.50                                   95,628.61
         6.2.1 Other comprehensive
income that will be reclassified to profit
or loss under the equity method
         6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other debt obligations
         6.2.3 Other comprehensive
income arising from the reclassification
of financial assets
         6.2.4 Credit impairment
allowance for investments in other debt
         6.2.5 Reserve for cash flow
         6.2.6 Differences arising from the
translation of foreign currency-                                     1,298,317.50                                   95,628.61
denominated financial statements
         6.2.7 Other
   Attributable to non-controlling
interests                                                            1,138,780.97                                   11,553.90
7. Total comprehensive income                                     175,304,418.91                              115,521,481.07
   Attributable to owners of the
Company as the parent                                             117,995,582.19                               35,491,316.05
   Attributable to non-controlling
interests                                                           57,308,836.72                              80,030,165.02
8. Earnings per share
   8.1 Basic earnings per share                                             0.1252                                      0.1212
   8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                           0.1240                                      0.1201
Where business combinations under common control occurred in the current period, the net profit achieved by the acquirees before
the combinations was RMB0.00, with the amount for the same period of last year being RMB 0.00.
Legal representative: Wu Shenghui                                                 Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                       Interim Report 2023

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                      H1 2023                  H1 2022
1. Operating revenue                               1,767,119,810.22         1,809,179,992.86
Less: Cost of sales                                1,475,930,147.80         1,476,364,107.19
      Taxes and surcharges                            14,118,151.89            10,450,725.11
      Selling expense                                 76,993,414.88            60,671,112.08
      Administrative expense                          77,700,935.31            65,659,865.20
      R&D expense                                     72,152,520.98            80,982,862.27
      Finance costs                                  -23,728,727.28           -11,830,352.67
         Including: Interest expense                   3,685,018.81             4,427,927.34
                      Interest income                  7,478,589.21             3,313,721.07
Add: Other income                                      1,095,070.80             5,635,099.60
       Return on investment (“-” for loss)          27,748,972.71            21,542,755.12
           Including: Share of profit or loss
of joint ventures and associates                          1,186,031.53             650,457.40
            Income from the derecognition
of financial assets at amortized cost (“-”
for loss)
       Net gain on exposure hedges (“-”
for loss)
       Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
for loss)                                            -23,059,475.00           -10,811,400.00
       Credit impairment loss (“-” for
loss)                                                 -9,630,073.47            -9,623,686.25
       Asset impairment loss (“-” for
loss)                                                 -1,814,506.09            -6,552,785.39
       Asset disposal income (“-” for
2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                  68,293,355.59           127,071,656.76
Add: Non-operating income                                 36,865.24              -667,333.19
Less: Non-operating expense                              745,254.33             4,998,457.51
3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                 67,584,966.50           121,405,866.06
Less: Income tax expense                               3,301,961.09            15,251,135.30
4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                    64,283,005.41           106,154,730.76
  4.1 Net profit from continuing
operations (“-” for net loss)                       64,283,005.41           106,154,730.76
  4.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)
5. Other comprehensive income, net of
tax                                                  -52,237,967.85          -129,543,043.34
   5.1 Items that will not be reclassified
to profit or loss                                    -52,237,967.85          -129,543,043.34
      5.1.1 Changes caused by
remeasurements on defined benefit
      5.1.2 Other comprehensive income
that will not be reclassified to profit or
loss under the equity method
      5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other equity instruments              -52,237,967.85          -129,543,043.34
      5.1.4 Changes in the fair value
arising from changes in own credit risk
      5.1.5 Other
   5.2 Items that will be reclassified to
profit or loss
      5.2.1 Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method
      5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other debt obligations

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                    Interim Report 2023

      5.2.3 Other comprehensive income
arising from the reclassification of
financial assets
      5.2.4 Credit impairment allowance
for investments in other debt obligations
      5.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges
      5.2.6 Differences arising from the
translation of foreign currency-
denominated financial statements
      5.2.7 Other
6. Total comprehensive income                            12,045,037.56                     -23,388,312.58
7. Earnings per share
    7.1 Basic earnings per share
    7.2 Diluted earnings per share

Legal representative: Wu Shenghui                                   Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                     Item                         H1 2023                            H1 2022
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
   Proceeds from sale of commodities
and rendering of services                             3,850,932,261.31                   4,073,694,274.24
  Net increase in customer deposits and
interbank deposits
  Net increase in borrowings from the
central bank
  Net increase in loans from other
financial institutions
  Premiums received on original
insurance contracts
  Net proceeds from reinsurance
  Net increase in deposits and
investments of policy holders
  Interest, handling charges and
commissions received
  Net increase in interbank loans obtained
  Net increase in proceeds from
repurchase transactions
   Net proceeds from acting trading of
  Tax rebates                                           100,132,103.39                     145,624,893.13
  Cash generated from other operating
activities                                              141,107,593.13                     127,521,912.96
Subtotal of cash generated from
operating activities                                  4,092,171,957.83                   4,346,841,080.33
  Payments for commodities and services               2,663,359,134.35                   3,081,521,621.90
   Net increase in loans and advances to
  Net increase in deposits in the central
bank and in interbank loans granted
  Payments for claims on original
insurance contracts
  Net increase in interbank loans granted
  Interest, handling charges and
commissions paid
  Policy dividends paid
  Cash paid to and for employees                        687,281,073.20                     732,832,071.44
  Taxes paid                                            204,166,141.70                     184,736,431.09

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                    Interim Report 2023

  Cash used in other operating activities               149,496,551.38                     170,648,464.89
Subtotal of cash used in operating
activities                                            3,704,302,900.63                   4,169,738,589.32
Net cash generated from/used in
operating activities                                    387,869,057.20                     177,102,491.01
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from disinvestment                           190,981,292.12                     502,992,240.66
  Return on investment                                   22,659,407.23                      21,038,833.14
  Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-                 1,402,000.00                         232,233.41
lived assets
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal of cash generated from
investing activities                                    215,042,699.35                     524,263,307.21
   Payments for the acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-               109,147,876.06                     331,071,942.08
lived assets
  Payments for investments                              110,000,000.00                      71,695,763.31
  Net increase in pledged loans granted
  Net payments for the acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash used in other investing activities                  360,759.99
Subtotal of cash used in investing
activities                                              219,508,636.05                     402,767,705.39
Net cash generated from/used in
investing activities                                     -4,465,936.70                     121,495,601.82
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
   Capital contributions received
      Including: Capital contributions by
non-controlling interests to subsidiaries
   Borrowings raised                                    126,598,725.21                     687,436,000.00
   Cash generated from other financing
activities                                                  381,437.71                      53,126,214.00
Subtotal of cash generated from
financing activities                                    126,980,162.92                     740,562,214.00
  Repayment of borrowings                               323,893,000.00                     342,313,038.15
   Interest and dividends paid                          160,367,407.65                     159,780,554.62
      Including: Dividends paid by
subsidiaries to non-controlling interests                30,294,736.68                      24,282,863.70
   Cash used in other financing activities                2,303,428.02                   1,062,094,428.42
Subtotal of cash used in financing
activities                                              486,563,835.67                   1,564,188,021.19
Net cash generated from/used in
financing activities                                   -359,583,672.75                    -823,625,807.19
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates
changes on cash and cash equivalents                      4,930,576.64                      20,245,617.53
5. Net increase in cash and cash
equivalents                                              28,750,024.39                    -504,782,096.83
Add: Cash and cash equivalents,
beginning of the period                               1,945,971,307.26                   1,940,209,052.92
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
period                                                1,974,721,331.65                   1,435,426,956.09

Legal representative: Wu Shenghui                                   Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                     Interim Report 2023

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Item                     H1 2023                  H1 2022
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
   Proceeds from sale of commodities
and rendering of services                        1,496,145,578.96         1,647,925,557.33
  Tax rebates                                          53,498,627.75         66,177,691.70
  Cash generated from other operating
activities                                             33,751,986.68         49,023,640.18
Subtotal of cash generated from
operating activities                             1,583,396,193.39         1,763,126,889.21
  Payments for commodities and services          1,035,027,746.06         1,182,528,555.48
  Cash paid to and for employees                   232,728,601.56           279,898,010.00
  Taxes paid                                        35,941,134.26           111,471,325.43
  Cash used in other operating activities           56,041,082.96            63,008,054.83
Subtotal of cash used in operating
activities                                       1,359,738,564.84         1,636,905,945.74
Net cash generated from/used in
operating activities                                  223,657,628.55        126,220,943.47
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from disinvestment                         100,000,000.00        492,992,240.66
  Return on investment                                 27,483,617.76         23,125,665.53
  Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-                                        42,771.45
lived assets
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal of cash generated from
investing activities                                  127,483,617.76        516,160,677.64
   Payments for the acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-              11,143,401.81         59,178,832.68
lived assets
  Payments for investments                                                1,166,664,444.95
  Net payments for the acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing
activities                                             11,143,401.81      1,225,843,277.63
Net cash generated from/used in
investing activities                                  116,340,215.95       -709,682,599.99
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
   Capital contributions received
   Borrowings raised                                                        382,336,000.00
   Cash generated from other financing
Subtotal of cash generated from
financing activities                                                        382,336,000.00
  Repayment of borrowings                             178,893,000.00        197,016,000.00
   Interest and dividends paid                        119,898,677.90        135,641,014.35
   Cash used in other financing activities
Subtotal of cash used in financing
activities                                            298,791,677.90        332,657,014.35
Net cash generated from/used in
financing activities                              -298,791,677.90            49,678,985.65
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates
changes on cash and cash equivalents                    1,541,521.95         15,401,360.65
5. Net increase in cash and cash
equivalents                                            42,747,688.55       -518,381,310.22
Add: Cash and cash equivalents,                       461,062,144.20        861,826,014.29

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2023

beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
period                                                               503,809,832.75                             343,444,704.07

Legal representative: Wu Shenghui                                                      Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

H1 2023
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                         H1 2023
                                       Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent
                             Other equity                          Oth                                               Non
                              instruments                  Less     er                                                  -
     Item         Shar                             Capi      :    com Spe        Surp Gen Reta                       cont
                         Pref Perp                                                                                            own
                    e                                tal   Trea preh cific        lus    eral    ined   Oth   Subt    rolli
                         erre     etua                                                                                        ers’
                  capi                     Oth      rese sury      ensi rese rese rese earn             er    otal     ng
                          d          l                                                                                        equi
                   tal                      er      rves stoc       ve     rve   rves    rve     ings                inter
                         shar      bon                                                                                         ty
                                                             k    inco                                                ests
                          es        ds
                  1,3                                                                             3,2         5,1    3,4      8,6
                                                            82,    498            91,
1. Balance as     61,                                7,2                                          96,         73,    27,      00,
                                                            165    ,14            359
at the end of     994                                45,                                          490         066    280      346
the period of                                               ,14    1,0            ,02
                  ,64                                971                                          ,57         ,09    ,73      ,83
prior year                                                  4.1    18.            7.1
                  7.0                                .54                                          5.5         5.7    5.8      1.6
                                                               5     70              5
                    0                                                                               2           6      5        1
Add:                                                                                                                            -
                                                                                                   -            -      -
Adjustment                                                                                                                    101
                                                                                                 54,          54,    47,
for change in                                                                                                                 ,77
accounting                                                                                       747          747    032
policy                                                                                           .02          .02    .17
correction of
for business
2. Balance as     1,3                                                                            3,2          5,1    3,4      8,6
                                                         82,     498             91,
at the            61,                            7,2                                             96,          73,    27,      00,
                                                         165     ,14             359
beginning of      994                            45,                                             435          011    233      245
the                                                      ,14     1,0             ,02
                  ,64                            971                                             ,82          ,34    ,70      ,05
Reporting                                                4.1     18.             7.1
                  7.0                            .54                                             8.5          8.7    3.6      2.4
Period                                                     5      70               5
                    0                                                                              0            4      8        2
                                                                   -                                            -
3. Increase/                                                                                     34,                 27,      10,
                                                                 50,                                          16,
decrease in                                                                                      035                 014      110
                                                                 939                                          903
the period (“-                                                                                  ,76                 ,10      ,21
” for                                                           ,65                                          ,88
                                                                                                 7.8                 0.0      7.5
decrease)                                                        0.3                                          2.5
                                                                                                   4                   4        3
                                                                   5                                            1
 3.1 Total                                                         -                             168          117    57,      175
comprehensi                                                      50,                             ,93          ,99    308      ,30

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                 Interim Report 2023

ve income                                  939   5,2   5,5   ,83     4,4
                                           ,65   32.   82.   6.7     18.
                                           0.3    54    19     2      91
  3.2 Capital
and reduced
by owners
increased by
increased by
holders of
other equity
included in
                                                   -     -     -       -
                                                 134   134   30,     165
 3.3 Profit                                      ,89   ,89   294     ,19
distribution                                     9,4   9,4   ,73     4,2
                                                 64.   64.   6.6     01.
                                                  70    70     8      38
n to surplus
n to general
                                                   -     -     -       -
   3.3.3                                         134   134   30,     165
                                                 ,89   ,89   294     ,19
n to owners
(or                                              9,4   9,4   ,73     4,2
shareholders)                                    64.   64.   6.6     01.
                                                  70    70     8      38
Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from capital
Increase in
capital (or
share capital)

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2023

from surplus
   3.4.3 Loss
offset by
Changes in
transferred to
ve income
transferred to
Increase in
the period
   3.5.2 Used
in the period
   3.6 Other
                 1,3                                                                            3,3          5,1    3,4     8,6
4. Balance as                                           82,     447             91,
                 61,                            7,2                                             30,          56,    54,     10,
at the end of                                           165     ,20             359
                 994                            45,                                             471          107    247     355
the                                                     ,14     1,3             ,02
Reporting        ,64                            971                                             ,59          ,46    ,80     ,26
                                                        4.1     68.             7.1
Period           7.0                            .54                                             6.3          6.2    3.7     9.9
                                                          5      35               5
                   0                                                                              4            3      2       5
H1 2022

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                        H1 2022
                                      Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent                    No
                            Other equity                          Oth                                                n-
                             instruments                  Less     er                                               con    Total
    Item         Shar                             Capi      :    com Spe        Surp Gen Reta                       trol   owne
                        Pref Perp                                                                                    lin    rs’
                   e                                tal   Trea preh cific        lus    eral    ined   Oth   Subt
                        erre     etua                                                                                 g    equit
                 capi                     Oth      rese sury      ensi rese rese rese earn             er    otal
                         d          l                                                                                int     y
                  tal                      er      rves stoc       ve     rve   rves    rve     ings
                        shar      bon                                                                               ere
                                                            k    inco
                         es        ds                                                                               sts
                 1,3                            1,0                                             3,1          7,0      54
                                                        250     982             741                                        10,5
1. Balance as    99,                            51,                                             11,          36,      3,
                                                        ,60     ,98             ,35                                        79,8
at the end of    346                            158                                             864          108      74
the period of                                           0,8     7,4             3,3                                        49,9
                 ,15                            ,61                                             ,07          ,77      1,
prior year                                              74.     54.             47.                                        47.7
                 4.0                            4.1                                             6.8          2.5      17
                                                         54      08              96                                           5
                   0                              8                                               6            4      5.
Add:                                                                                            18,          18,     16    35,1
                                                                                                918          918     ,2    70.5
for change in
accounting                                                                                      .22          .22     52       1

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                   Interim Report 2023

policy                                                                         .2
correction of
for business
2. Balance as     1,3                      1,0                     3,1   7,0   54
                                                 250   982   741                      10,5
at the            99,                      51,                     11,   36,   3,
                                                 ,60   ,98   ,35                      79,8
beginning of      346                      158                     882   127   75
                                                 0,8   7,4   3,3                      85,1
the               ,15                      ,61                     ,99   ,69   7,
Reporting                                        74.   54.   47.                      18.2
                  4.0                      4.1                     5.0   0.7   42
Period                                            54    08    96                         6
                    0                        8                       8     6   7.
                                             -                             -   55
                    -                              -     -     -
3. Increase/                               1,0                     129   1,6   ,7        -
                  37,                            168   228   604
decrease in                                43,                     ,54   16,   47     1,56
                  351                            ,43   ,95   ,26
the period (“-                            912                     5,7   506   ,3     0,75
” for            ,50                            5,7   3,9   9,6
                                           ,64                     79.   ,26   01     8,96
decrease)         7.0                            30.   27.   97.
                                           2.6                      27   5.2   .3     3.95
                    0                             39    92    37
                                             4                             7    2
                                                                   163   35,   ,0
                                                       128                            115,
 3.1 Total                                                         ,52   491   30
                                                       ,03                            521,
comprehensi                                                        8,0   ,31   ,1
ve income                                              6,7                            481.
                                                                   19.   6.0   65
                                                       03.                              07
                                                                    78     5   .0
                                                        73                      2
                                             -                             -
                    -                              -           -
                                           1,0                           1,5             -
  3.2 Capital     37,                            168         604
                                           43,                           17,          1,51
increased         351                            ,43         ,26
                                           912                           098          7,09
and reduced       ,50                            5,7         9,6
by owners                                  ,64                           ,11          8,11
                  7.0                            30.         97.
                                           2.6                           6.6          6.62
                    0                             39          37
                                             4                             2
                    -                              -           -
     3.2.1                                   -
                  37,                            168         126
Ordinary                                   4,8
                  351                            ,43         ,25
shares                                     25,
increased by      ,50                            5,7         8,2
owners            7.0                            30.         74.
                    0                             39          79
increased by
holders of
other equity
included in

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                             Interim Report 2023

                                             -                       -
                                           1,0                     1,5             -
                                           39,                     17,          1,51
    3.2.4                                              ,01
                                           086                     098          7,09
Other                                                  1,4
                                           ,69                     ,11          8,11
                                           4.0                     6.6          6.62
                                             4                       2
                                                               -     -   24
                                                             134   134   ,2
 3.3 Profit                                                  ,89   ,89   82
distribution                                                                    182,
                                                             9,4   9,4   ,8
                                                             64.   64.   63
                                                              70    70   .7
n to surplus
n to general
                                                               -     -   24
   3.3.3                                                                           -
                                                             134   134   ,2
Appropriatio                                                                    159,
                                                             ,89   ,89   82
n to owners                                                                     182,
(or                                                          9,4   9,4   ,8
shareholders)                                                64.   64.   63
                                                              70    70   .7
 3.4                                                         100
Transfers                                                    ,91
within                                                       7,2
owners’                                         7,2
equity                                           24.
Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from capital
Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from surplus
   3.4.3 Loss
offset by
Changes in
transferred to

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2023

   3.4.5                                                         -
Other                                                                                      100
comprehensi                                                                                ,91
ve income                                                                                  7,2
transferred to                                                 7,2
retained                                                       24.
earnings                                                        19
Increase in
the period
   3.5.2 Used
in the period
   3.6 Other
                 1,3                                                                       3,2               5,4   59
4. Balance as                                         82,      754          137
                 61,                            7,2                                        41,               19,   9,     9,01
at the end of                                         165      ,03          ,08
                 994                            45,                                        428               621   50     9,12
the                                                   ,14      3,5          3,6
Reporting        ,64                            971                                        ,77               ,42   4,     6,15
                                                      4.1      26.          50.
Period           7.0                            .54                                        4.3               5.4   72     4.31
                                                        5       16           59
                   0                                                                         5                 9   8.
Legal representative: Wu Shenghui                                                 Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent

H1 2023
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                    H1 2023
                           Other equity instruments                      Other
                                                      Capita    Less:    compr    Specif   Surplu   Retain               Total
    Item         Share     Prefer   Perpet               l     Treasu ehensi        ic        s       ed                owner
                 capital     red     ual     Other    reserv      ry       ve     reserv   reserv   earnin                s’
                           shares   bonds               es      stock    incom       e       es       gs                equity
1. Balance as    1,361                                                                              2,810               4,919
                                                      7,426     82,16   498,7              322,6
at the end of    ,994,                                                                              ,316,               ,023,
the period of                                         ,635.     5,144   88,28              63,09
                 647.0                                                                              233.4               753.0
prior year                                               62       .15    4.79               6.39
                     0                                                                                  1                   6
for change in
correction of
2. Balance as
                 1,361                                7,426     82,16   498,7              322,6    2,810               4,919
at the
beginning of     ,994,                                ,635.     5,144   88,28              63,09    ,316,               ,023,

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                     Interim Report 2023

the               647.0                    62   .15    4.79   6.39   233.4            753.0
Reporting             0                                                  1                6
3. Increase/                                              -              -                -
decrease in
                                                      52,23          70,61            122,8
the period (“-
” for                                                7,967          6,459            54,42
decrease)                                               .85            .29             7.14
 3.1 Total                                                           64,28            12,04
comprehensi                                                          3,005            5,037
ve income                                             7,967
                                                                       .41              .56
  3.2 Capital
and reduced
by owners
increased by
increased by
holders of
other equity
included in
                                                                         -                -
 3.3 Profit                                                          134,8            134,8
distribution                                                         99,46            99,46
                                                                      4.70             4.70
n to surplus
   3.3.2                                                                 -                -
                                                                     134,8            134,8
n to owners
(or                                                                  99,46            99,46
shareholders)                                                         4.70             4.70
Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from capital
Increase in
capital (or
share capital)

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2023

from surplus
   3.4.3 Loss
offset by
Changes in
transferred to
ve income
transferred to
Increase in
the period
   3.5.2 Used
in the period
   3.6 Other
4. Balance as    1,361                                                                             2,739             4,796
at the end of                                         7,426    82,16    446,5             322,6
                 ,994,                                                                             ,699,             ,169,
the                                                   ,635.    5,144    50,31             63,09
Reporting        647.0                                                                             774.1             325.9
                                                         62      .15     6.94              6.39
Period               0                                                                                 2                 2

H1 2022
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                    H1 2022
                           Other equity instruments                      Other
                                                      Capita    Less:    compr   Specif   Surplu   Retain             Total
    Item         Share     Prefer   Perpet               l     Treasu ehensi       ic        s       ed              owner
                 capital     red     ual     Other    reserv      ry       ve    reserv   reserv   earnin              s’
                           shares   bonds               es      stock    incom      e       es       gs              equity
1. Balance as    1,399                                                                             2,738             5,635
                                                      22,56    250,6    984,6             741,3
at the end of    ,346,                                                                             ,229,             ,592,
the period of                                         8,665    00,87    95,76             53,34
                 154.0                                                                             003.2             062.4
prior year                                              .93     4.54     5.83              7.96
                     0                                                                                 7                 5
for change in
correction of
2. Balance as
at the           1,399                                22,56    250,6    984,6             741,3    2,738             5,635

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                           Interim Report 2023

beginning of      ,346,                    8,665   00,87   95,76   53,34   ,229,            ,592,
the               154.0                      .93    4.54    5.83    7.96   003.2            062.4
                      0                                                        7                5
3. Increase/          -                        -       -       -       -                        -
decrease in                                                                72,17
                  37,35                    4,825   168,4   230,4   440,7                    472,8
the period (“-                                                            2,490
” for            1,507                    ,948.   35,73   60,26   91,83                    21,33
decrease)           .00                       60    0.39    7.53    0.02                     2.51
                                                               -                                -
 3.1 Total                                                                 106,1
                                                           129,5                            23,38
comprehensi                                                                54,73
ve income                                                  43,04                            8,312
                                                            3.34                              .58
  3.2 Capital         -                        -       -               -                        -
increased         37,35                    4,825   168,4           440,7                    314,5
and reduced       1,507                    ,948.   35,73           91,83                    33,55
by owners           .00                       60    0.39            0.02                     5.23
      3.2.1           -                        -       -               -
                  37,35                    4,825   168,4           126,2
increased by      1,507                    ,948.   35,73           58,27
owners              .00                       60    0.39            4.79
increased by
holders of
other equity
included in
                                                                       -                        -
    3.2.4                                                          314,5                    314,5
Other                                                              33,55                    33,55
                                                                    5.23                     5.23
                                                                               -                -
 3.3 Profit                                                                134,8            134,8
distribution                                                               99,46            99,46
                                                                            4.70             4.70
n to surplus
   3.3.2                                                                       -                -
                                                                           134,8            134,8
n to owners
(or                                                                        99,46            99,46
shareholders)                                                               4.70             4.70
 3.4                                                           -
Transfers                                                                  100,9
within                                                                     17,22
owners’                                                   17,22
equity                                                      4.19
Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from capital

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                       Interim Report 2023

Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from surplus
   3.4.3 Loss
offset by
Changes in
transferred to
Other                                                              -
comprehensi                                                                            100,9
ve income                                                                              17,22
transferred to                                                 17,22
retained                                                        4.19
Increase in
the period
   3.5.2 Used
in the period
   3.6 Other
4. Balance as    1,361                                                                 2,810            5,162
at the end of                                 17,74    82,16   754,2           300,5
                 ,994,                                                                 ,401,            ,770,
the                                           2,717    5,144   35,49           61,51
Reporting        647.0                                                                 493.5            729.9
                                                .33      .15    8.30            7.94
Period               0                                                                     2                4

Legal representative: Wu Shenghui                                      Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

III Company profile

(I) Basic information
Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a joint-stock limited
company jointly founded by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Company, Nanhai Wuzhuang Color Glazed Brick
Field, and Foshan Poyang Printing Industrial Co. on 20 October 1992 by raising funds under the approval of
YGS (1992) No. 63 Document issued by the Joint Examination Group for Experimental Enterprises in Stock
System of Guangdong Province and the Economic System Reform Commission of Guangdong Province, is an
enterprise with its shares held by both the corporate and the natural persons. As approved by China Securities
Regulatory Commission with Document (1993) No. 33, the Company publicly issued 19.3 million shares of
social public shares (A shares) to the public in October 1993, and was listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange for
trade on 23 November 1993. The Company was approved to issue 50,000,000 B shares on 23 July 1995. And,
as approved to change into a foreign-invested stock limited company on 26 August 1996 by (1996) WJMZEHZ
No. 466 Document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People’s

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2023

Republic of China. On 11 December 2000, as approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission with ZJGS
Zi [2000] No. 175 Document, the Company additionally issued 55,000,000 A shares. At approved by the
Shareholders’ General Meeting 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014 and 2017 the Company implemented the plan of
capitalization of capital reserve, after the transfer, the registered capital of the Company has increased to
RMB1,399,346,154.00. The Company held the 26th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on 14 January 2022,
where the Proposal on Cancelling Some Shares of the Company's Repurchase Special Securities Account was
deliberated and adopted. The repurchased 13 million A shares were used for the equity incentive plan. The
remaining 18,952,995 A shares and the repurchased 18,398,512 B shares, totalling 37,351,507 shares, were all
deregistered. On 8 February 2022, it was confirmed by Shenzhen Branch of CSDC that the number of
repurchased public shares canceled this time was 37,351,507, accounting for 2.67% of the total share capital of
the Company before the cancellation, including 18,952,995 A shares and 18,398,512 B shares. Upon the
cancellation of the shares, the total share capital of the Company was changed from 1,399,346,154 shares to
1,361,994,647 shares. The Company's registered capital was changed to RMB1,361,994,647.00.
Credibility code of the Company: 91440000190352575W.
Legal representative: Mr. Wu Shenghui
Address: No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Foshan, Guangdong Province
Main business of the company and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”): lighting products,
electro technical products, vehicle lamp products, epitaxy and chip products, LED packaging and component
products, trade and application products,etc.
The business term of the Company is long-term, which was calculated from the date of issuance of License of
Business Corporation.
The Financial Report was approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on 29 August 2023.
(II) Consolidation scope of financial statements
The consolidation scope of the financial statement during the Reporting Period including the Company and FSL
Chanchang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. ( referred to as “Chanchang Company”), Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and
Lanterns Co., Ltd. ( referred to as “Taimei Company”), Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Co., Ltd.
( referred to as “Nanjing Fozhao”), FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting Co., Ltd. ( referred to as “Xinxiang Company”),
Foshan Fozhao Zhicheng Technology Co., Ltd. ( referred to as “Zhicheng Technology Company”), FSL Zhida
Electric Technology Co., Ltd ( referred to as “Zhida Company”), FSL LIGHTING GMBH (referred to as “FSL
Europe Company”), Foshan Hortilite Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. (referred to as “Hortilite Company”), Fozhao
(Hainan) Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Hainan Technology”), Foshan Kelian New Energy Technology
Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Foshan Kelian”), Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Nanning
Liaowang”), Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (referred to as “NationStar Optoelectronics”) and
Foshan Sigma Venture Capital Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Sigma”) in total 13 subsidiaries and Liuzhou Guige
Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Liuzhou Lighting”), Liuzhou Guige Foreshine Technology Co.,
Ltd. (referred to as “Liuzhou Foreshine”), Chongqing Guinuo Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as
“Chongqing Guinuo”), Qingdao Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Qingdao Lighting”),
Indonesia Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Indonesia Liaowang”), Foshan NationStar Electronic
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Guoxing Electronic”), Foshan NationStar Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
(referred to as “NationStar Semiconductor”), Nanyang Baoli Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd. (referred to as
“Nanyang Baoli”), Guangdong New Electronic Information Ltd. (referred to as “New Electronic”), NationStar
Optoelectronics (Germany) Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Germany NationStar”) and Guangdong Fenghua
Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Fenghua Semiconductor”)in total 11 sub-subsidiary.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2023

Given that Nanyang Baoli Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of NationStar Optoelectronics, is in a state
of non-continuous operations, the Interim Report 2023 of Nanyang Baoli for the current period was formulated
at fair value or costs whichever was lower.
Compared with the beginning of the year, the consolidated scope of financial statements in this period does not
change. For details, see note IX "equity in other entities".

IV Basis for Preparation of Financial Statements

1. Preparation Basis

The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the "Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises - Basic Standards" and various specific accounting standards, guidelines for the
application of accounting standards for business enterprises, interpretations of accounting standards for business
enterprises and other relevant regulations (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises") issued by the Ministry of Finance, as well as the relevant provisions of "No. 15 of the
Rules Governing the Preparation of Information Disclosures by Companies Offering Securities to the Public -
General Provisions on Financial Reporting" of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

2. Going Concern

The Company has the ability to continue as a going concern for at least 12 months from the end of the
Reporting Period and there are no material matters affecting its ability to continue as a going concern.

V Important Accounting Policies and Estimations

Reminders of the specific accounting policies and accounting estimations:

The following significant accounting policies and accounting estimates of the Company have been formulated
in accordance with ASBEs. Operations not mentioned are treated in accordance with the relevant accounting
policies in the ASBE.

1. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Company are in compliance with the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises, which factually and completely present the Company’s and the consolidated financial
positions, business results and cash flows, as well as other relevant information.

2. Fiscal Year

A fiscal year starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st according to the Gregorian calendar.

3. Operating Cycle

An operating cycle for the Company is 12 months, which is also the classification criterion for the liquidity of
its assets and liabilities.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

4. Recording Currency

Renminbi is the recording currency for the statements of the Company, and the financial statements are listed
and presented by Renminbi.

5. Accounting Methods for Business Combination Involving Enterprises under and not under the Same
1. Business combination under the same control
In case of a long-term equity investment resulting from a business combination under the same control, if the
acquirer pays cash, transfers non-cash assets, assumes debts as merger consideration, the share of the Company's
equity of the acquiree obtained on combination date in the carrying value of the financial statements of the
ultimate controlling party is deemed as an initial investment cost of long-term equity investments. If the acquirer
issues equity instruments as consideration for a combination, the total par value of the shares issued is treated as
equity. The difference between the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment and the carrying
amount of the consideration for consolidation (or the total nominal value of shares issued) shall be adjusted to
capital surplus; if capital surplus is not sufficient to offset the difference, retained earnings shall be adjusted.
2. Business combination not involving entities under the same control
The Company measured the paid assets as the consideration of business combination and liabilities happened or
undertaken by fair value. The difference between fair value and its book value shall be included into the current
losses and gains. The Company distributed combined cost on the purchasing date.
The difference of the combination cost greater than the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree
acquired is recognized as goodwill; the difference of the combination cost less than the fair value of the
identifiable net assets of the acquiree acquired is included into current losses and gains.
As for the assets other than intangible assets acquired from the acquiree in a business combination (not limited to
the assets which have been recognized by the acquiree), if the economic benefits brought by them are likely to
flow into the Company and their fair values can be measured reliably, they shall be separately recognized and
measured in light of their fair values; intangible asset whose fair value can be measured reliably shall be
separately recognized as an intangible asset and shall be measured in light of its fair value; As for the liabilities
other than contingent liabilities acquired from the acquiree, if the performance of the relevant obligations is likely
to result in any out-flow of economic benefits from the Company, and their fair values can be measured reliably,
they shall be separately recognized and measured in light of their fair values; As for the contingent liabilities of
the acquiree, if their fair values can be measured reliably, they shall separately recognized as liabilities and shall
be measured in light of their fair values.
6. Preparation Methods for Consolidated Financial Statements
1. Scope of consolidated financial statements
The Company includes all subsidiaries (including separate entities controlled by the Company) in the scope of the
consolidated financial statements, including enterprises controlled by the Company, divisible portions of investees
and structured entities.
2. Unification of accounting policies, balance sheet dates and accounting periods of parent and subsidiary
If the accounting policies and accounting period adopted by the subsidiaries are inconsistent with those of the
Company, necessary adjustments are made in accordance with the accounting policies and accounting period of
the Company when preparing the consolidated financial statements.
3. Offsetting items in the consolidated financial statements
The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries
and have been offset by internal transactions that occurred between the Company and its subsidiaries and between
subsidiaries. The share of owners' equity of subsidiaries that do not belong to the Company is presented as
minority interests in the consolidated balance sheet under the item of shareholders' equity as "minority interests".

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2023

Long-term equity investments held by subsidiaries are deemed as the Company's treasury stock and presented as a
deduction from shareholders' equity in the consolidated balance sheet under the item "Less: treasury stock".
4. Accounting treatment of the acquisition of subsidiaries through consolidation
For subsidiaries acquired through a business combination under common control, the assets, liabilities, operating
results, and cash flows are included in the consolidated financial statements from the beginning of the period of
consolidation as if the business combination had occurred at the time the ultimate controlling party began to
exercise control; for subsidiaries acquired through a business combination, not under the same control, the fair
value of the identifiable net assets on the acquisition date is used as the basis for preparing the consolidated
financial statements. The financial statements are adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets on
the acquisition date.
5. Accounting treatment of disposal of subsidiaries
If a long-term equity investment in a subsidiary is partially disposed of without loss of control, the difference
between the disposal price and the share of the net assets of the subsidiary corresponding to the disposal of the
long-term equity investment calculated on an ongoing basis from the acquisition date or the consolidation date is
adjusted to capital surplus (capital surplus or share premium) in the consolidated financial statements, and retained
earnings is adjusted if the capital surplus is not sufficient to cover the reduction.
If the control over the investee is lost due to the disposal of part of equity investments, the residual equity are re-
measured at fair value on the date of loss of control. The aggregate of the consideration obtained by disposing of
the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity less the portion of the net assets of the subsidiary that has
been measured, as calculated at the original shareholding proportion, from the acquisition date or combination
date is recognized in profit and loss of the current period on investments in which the control is lost, and goodwill
shall be offset. Other comprehensive income related to the equity investments in the former subsidiary shall be
included in the return on investment for the current period when the Company lost the control.
7. Classification of Joint Operation Arrangements and Accounting Methods for Joint Operations
1. Classification of joint arrangements
Joint arrangements are divided into joint operations and joint ventures. The joint arrangements not reached
through separate entities are classified as joint operations. Separate entities refer to entities with separate
identifiable financial structures, including separate legal entities and entities that do not have legal entity status but
are recognized by law. The joint arrangements reaching through separate entities are usually classified as joint
ventures. Where changes in relevant facts and circumstances result in changes in the rights and obligations of the
joint venture parties in the joint venture arrangement, the joint venture parties shall reassess the classification of
the joint venture arrangement.
2. Accounting treatment of joint operations
As a participant in a joint operation, the Company recognizes the following items related to its share of interest in
the joint operations. It accounts for them following the relevant Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises:
Recognition of assets or liabilities held separately, and recognition of assets or liabilities held jointly on a share
basis; recognition of revenue from the sale of the share of output from the joint operation to which it is entitled;
recognition of revenue from the joint operation arising from the sale of output on a share basis; and recognition of
expenses incurred separately, and recognition of expenses incurred in the joint operation on a share basis.
If the Company is a participant in a joint operation that does not enjoy joint control, and it owns the underlying
assets of the joint operation and assumes the liabilities related to the joint operation, the accounting treatment of
the joint operation partner shall be referred to; otherwise, the accounting treatment shall be carried out in
accordance with the relevant enterprise accounting standards.
3. Accounting treatment of joint ventures
If the Company is a joint venture partner, it shall account for its investment in joint ventures following the
provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 2-Long-term Equity Investments; if the
Company is a non-joint venture partner, it shall account for its investment in such joint ventures based on the
extent of its influence on such joint ventures.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2023

8. Recognition Criteria of Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash, as determined by the Company in preparing the statement of cash flows, represents the Company's cash on
hand and deposits that are readily available for disbursement. Cash equivalents identified in the preparation of the
statement of cash flows are investments that are held for a short period of time, are highly liquid, are readily
convertible to known amounts of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.
9. Translation of Transactions and Financial Statements Denominated in Foreign Currencies
1. Conversion of foreign currency business
Foreign currency shall be recognized by employing systematic and reasonable methods, and shall be translated
into the amount in the functional currency at the exchange rate which is approximate to the spot exchange rate of
the transaction date. On the balance sheet date, the monetary items in foreign currencies are translated at the spot
exchange rate. Exchange differences arising from the difference between the spot rate on that date and the spot
rate at initial recognition or on the previous balance sheet date are recognized in profit or loss, except for
exchange differences on special borrowings in foreign currencies that qualify for capitalization, which are
capitalized in the period in which they are capitalized and charged to the cost of the related assets. Non-monetary
items measured at historical costs in foreign currencies are still translated at the spot exchange rate on the
transaction date with the amount of standard currency for accounting unchanged. Non-monetary items measured
at fair value in foreign currencies are translated at the spot exchange rate on the date when the fair value is
determined. The difference between the amount of standard currency for accounting after translation and the
original amount shall be treated as a change in fair value (including exchange rate changes) and recognized in
current profit or loss or in other comprehensive income.
2. Conversion of foreign currency financial statements
If the Company's subsidiaries, joint ventures, and affiliated business use a different bookkeeping base currency
from the Company's, they need to convert their foreign currency financial statements before conducting
accounting and preparing consolidated financial statements. The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be
translated at the spot rate on the balance sheet date. All items of owners' equity, except for "undistributed profit",
shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time of occurrence. Items under revenue and expenses in the
income statement are translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. The exchange difference in
translating foreign operations arising from the translation are shown under other comprehensive income in the
owner's equity line in the balance sheet. Cash flows in foreign currencies shall be translated at the spot exchange
rate on the date of occurrence of the cash flows. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash is presented
separately in the cash flow statement. When an overseas operation is disposed of, the foreign currency statement
translation difference related to the overseas operation is transferred to the current profit and loss of the disposal in
full or in proportion to the disposal of the overseas operation.
10. Financial Instruments
1. Classification and reclassification of financial instruments
Financial instruments refer to contracts that form the financial assets of a party and form financial liabilities or
equity instruments of other parties.
(1) Financial assets
The Company classifies financial assets as financial assets measured at amortized cost if they meet both of the
following conditions: a) The Company's business model of managing financial assets aims at obtaining
contractual cash flows; b) and, as stipulated by term contract of the financial assets, the cash flows generated on a
specific date are merely for the payment of principal or the interest from the unpaid principal.
The Company classifies financial assets as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income if
they meet both of the following conditions: a) The Company's business model of managing the financial assets
aims at obtaining contractual cash flows as well as selling financial assets; b) and, as stipulated by contract clauses
of the financial assets, the cash flows generated on a specific date are merely for the payment of principal or
interest from the unpaid principal.
For instruments in non-business equity instruments, the Company may irrevocably assign such investments as
financial assets (equity instruments) measured at fair value through other comprehensive income at initial

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2023

recognition. The assignment is made based on investments by item, and the relevant investments meet the
definition of an equity instrument from the issuer's perspective.
The financial assets measured at amortized cost and financial assets other than those measured at fair value
through other comprehensive income are classified by the Company as financial assets measured at fair value
through profit and loss for the current period. At initial recognition, if the accounting mismatch can be eliminated
or reduced, the Company shall designate the financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value through the
profit or loss for the current period.
When the Company changes its business model for managing financial assets, it will reclassify all affected
relevant financial assets as of the first day of the first reporting period following the change in business model,
and the prospective application shall be adopted for accounting treatment. The previously recognized profits,
losses (inclusive of impairment losses or profits), or interest shall not be traced and adjusted.
(2) Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are classified into the following four categories when they are initially recognized: Financial
liabilities at fair value through current profit or loss; financial liabilities arising from the transfer of financial asset
not meeting the derecognition criteria or from the continuing involvement in the transferred asset; financial
guarantee contracts that do not fall within the categories above; financial liabilities measured at amortized cost.
All financial liabilities are not reclassified.
2. Measurement of financial instruments
The Company's financial instruments are measured at fair value upon initial recognition. For financial assets or
liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction expenses are directly included in the
profit or loss of the current period; for other categories of financial assets or liabilities, relevant transaction
expenses are included in the initial recognition amount. For notes receivable and accounts receivable arising from
sales of goods or provision of service which do not include or consider the compositions of major assets, the
Company takes the consideration expected to be received as the initial recognition amount. The follow-up
measurement of financial instruments depends on their categories:
(1) Financial assets
a) Financial assets are measured at the amortized cost. After initial recognition, the effective interest method
measures such financial assets at amortized cost. Gains or losses arising from a financial asset measured at
amortized cost which does not form any hedging relationship are recorded in current profit or loss at the time of
derecognition, reclassification, amortization according to the effective interest method or recognition of
b) Financial assets are measured at fair value through profit and loss for the current period. After initial
recognition, such financial assets (except for a portion of financial assets that are part of a hedging relationship)
are subsequently measured at fair value. The resulting gains or losses (including interest and dividend revenue)
are included in the profit or loss for the period.
c) Investments in debt instruments are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. After initial
recognition, the financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value for this category. Interest, impairment loss
or gain and exchange gain/loss calculated using the effective interest method are recorded in current profit or loss,
other gains or losses are recorded in other comprehensive income. The accumulative gains or losses which are
previously included in other comprehensive income are transferred out from other comprehensive income and
included in current profit or loss upon derecognition.
d) Investments in non-business equity instruments are designated as fair value through other comprehensive
income. After initial recognition, the financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value for this category.
Except for dividends received (except for the portion which forms part of investment cost recovered), which are
recognized in profit or loss, all other related gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income and
are not subsequently transferred to current profit or loss.
(2) Financial liabilities
a) Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss for the current period. These financial
liabilities include trading financial liabilities (including the derivative instruments belonging to financial liabilities)

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2023

and financial liabilities designated to be measured by the fair value and their changes are recorded in the current
profit or loss. After initial recognition, such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value, and gains
or losses resulting from changes in the fair value of the financial liabilities held for trading (including interest
expense) are recognized in profit or loss, except for a portion of financial assets that are part of a hedging
relationship. For financial liabilities designated as measured at fair value through profit or loss, changes in fair
value arising from the change of the company's credit risk shall be included in other comprehensive income, and
other changes in fair value are included in profit or loss for the current period. If the treatment made for the impact
of the changes in the financial liability's credit risk may cause or expand the accounting mismatch in profit or loss,
the Company shall include all gains or losses of such financial liabilities in profit and loss for the current period.
b) Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost. After initial recognition, such financial liabilities are measured
at amortized cost using the effective interest method.
3. The Company's method for recognizing the fair value of financial instruments
For a financial instrument with an active market, its fair value is determined by its quoted price in the active
market; for a financial instrument without an active market, its fair value is determined by valuation techniques.
Valuation techniques mainly include the market approach, the income approach and the cost approach. Under
limited circumstances, if the information used to determine fair value is insufficient, or if the range of possible
estimates of fair value is wide and the cost represents the best estimate of fair value within that range, the cost
may represent its appropriate estimate of fair value within that range of distribution. The Company uses all
information available after the initial recognition date about the investee's performance and operations to
determine whether the cost represents fair value.
4. Determination basis and measuring methods for transfer of financial assets and financial liabilities
(1) Financial assets
The Company's financial assets shall be derecognized when meeting any of the following conditions: a) The
contractual right to charge the cash flow of the financial assets is terminated; b) The financial assets have been
transferred and the Company has transferred almost all risks and remuneration of the financial assets ownership to
the transferee; and c) The financial assets have been transferred and the Company does neither transfer nor retain
almost all remuneration of the financial assets ownership but retain the control over the financial assets.
The Company does neither transfer nor retain almost all remuneration of the financial assets ownership but retain
the control over the financial assets, the relevant financial assets shall be continuously recognized according to the
extent of involving in the financial assets transferred and relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly.
If the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for derecognition, the difference between the
following two amounts shall be recorded in profit and loss of the current period: a) The carrying value of the
transferred financial asset as of the date of derecognition; b) Sum of the consideration received for the transfer of
the financial asset, and the portion of the cumulative amount of fair value changes previously recorded in other
comprehensive income that corresponds with the portion of the asset de-recognized (the transferred financial asset
is an investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income).
If a portion of the financial asset has been transferred and the transferred portion as a whole satisfies the
derecognition criteria, the carrying value of the financial asset as a whole prior to its transfer is allocated between
the portion of the asset derecognized and the portion that remains recognized, according to their relative fair value
as of the transfer date, and the difference between the two amounts mentioned below is recorded in current profit
or loss: a) The carrying value of the derecognized portion; b) Sum of the consideration received for the
derecognition portion, and the portion of the cumulative amount of fair value changes previously recorded in other
comprehensive income, which corresponds with the derecognized portion (the transferred financial asset is an
investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income).
When the Company's investments in non-trading equity instruments designated as at fair value through other
comprehensive income are derecognized, the accumulative gain or loss previously included in other
comprehensive income shall be transferred from other comprehensive income to retained earnings upon
(2) Financial liabilities

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2023

If current obligations of the financial liability (or part of the liability) have been released, the Company shall
derecognize the financial liability (or the part of the liability).
If a financial liability (or a portion thereof) is derecognized, the Company includes the difference between the
book value and the consideration paid (inclusive of the transferred non-cash assets or the liabilities assumed) in
the profit or loss of the current period.
11. Notes Receivable
The determination methods and accounting methods of notes receivable are detailed in Note 12, Accounts
Receivable, under this note.
12. Accounts Receivable
The Company's financial assets subject to impairment loss recognition are financial assets measured at amortized
cost, investments in debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, and lease
receivables, which mainly include notes receivable, accounts receivable, receivables financing, other receivables,
debt investments, other debt investments, and long-term receivables. In addition, provision for impairment and
recognition of credit impairment losses should also be made for contract assets and certain financial guarantee
contracts in accordance with the accounting policies described in this section.
1. Determination and accounting methods of the expected credit losses of contract assets
The Company provides for impairment and recognises credit impairment losses for each of the above items on the
basis of expected credit losses in accordance with its applicable expected credit loss measurement method.
Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flow receivable by the Company under contracts
which are discounted according to the original effective interest rate, and all the cash flow expected to be received,
namely, the present value of all cash short. In particular, for financial assets purchased or originated by the
Company that are credit impaired, they should be discounted at the credit-adjusted effective interest rate of the
financial assets.
The general approach to measuring expected credit losses is that the Company assesses at each balance sheet date
whether the credit risk of a financial asset (including other applicable items such as contract assets, etc., the same
below) has increased significantly since initial recognition, and if the credit risk has increased significantly since
initial recognition, the Company measures the allowance for losses at an amount equal to the expected credit
losses over the entire life of the asset; if the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition, the
Company measures the allowance for losses at an amount equal to the expected credit losses over the next 12
months. The Company considers all reasonable and substantiated information, including forward-looking
information, in assessing expected credit losses.
For financial instruments with low credit risk at the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that the credit risk
has not increased significantly since initial recognition and elects to measure the allowance for losses at an
amount equal to the expected credit losses over the next 12 months.
2. Criteria for determining whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition
The credit risk of a financial asset increases significantly if the probability of default over the expected life of the
financial asset as at the balance sheet date is significantly higher than the probability of default over the expected
life of the financial asset as at initial recognition. Except in exceptional circumstances, the Company uses the
change in the risk of default occurring within the next 12 months as a reasonable estimate of the change in the risk
of default occurring over the entire duration to determine whether there has been a significant increase in credit
risk since initial recognition.
3. Portfolio approach to assessing expected credit risk on a portfolio basis
The Company evaluates credit risk for individual items of notes receivable, accounts receivable and other
receivables that have significantly different credit risks with the following characteristics. For example,
receivables from related parties; receivables that are in dispute with the other party or involved in litigation or
arbitration; and notes and accounts receivable for which there are clear indications that the debtor is likely to fail
to meet its repayment obligations.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2023

In addition to financial assets for which credit risk is assessed individually, the Company classifies financial assets
into different groups based on common risk characteristics and assesses credit risk on a portfolio basis.
4. Accounting method for impairment of financial assets
To reflect changes in the credit risk of a financial instrument since the initial recognition, the Company
remeasures the expected credit losses on each balance sheet date. The resulting increase or reversal of the
provision for losses shall be recognized as an impairment loss or gain in profit or loss and, depending on the type
of financial instrument, offset against the carrying amount of the financial asset presented in the balance sheet or
recorded as provisions (loan commitments or financial guarantee contracts) or recorded in other comprehensive
income (investments in debt obligations measured at fair value through other comprehensive income).
5. Recognition method for credit losses on financial assets
The Company accounts for financial assets measured at amortized cost (including receivables), financial assets
classified as at fair value through other comprehensive income (including receivables financing), and lease
receivables based on expected credit losses, and recognizes impairment accounting and provision for losses.
The Company assesses whether the credit risk of the relevant financial instruments has increased significantly
since the initial recognition on each balance sheet date, divides the process of credit impairment of financial
instruments into three stages, and applies different accounting treatments to the impairment of financial
instruments at different stages: (1) in the first stage, if the credit risk of a financial instrument has not increased
significantly since the initial recognition, the Company will measure the loss reserves according to the amount
equivalent to the expected credit losses in the next 12 months, and calculate the interest revenue according to the
book balance (i.e., before deducting the provision for impairment) and the actual interest rate; (2) In the second
stage, if the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly since the initial recognition but no
credit impairment has occurred, the Company will measure the loss reserves based on the expected credit loss
over the entire life of the financial instrument and calculates interest revenue based on the carrying amount of the
financial instrument and the effective interest rate; (3) In the third stage, if credit impairment occurs after the
initial recognition, the Company will measure the loss reserves based on the expected credit loss over the life of
the financial instrument and calculates interest revenue based on the amortized cost (carrying amount less
provision for impairment) and the effective interest rate.
(1) Method of the provision for losses on the measurement of financial instruments with lower credit risk
For financial instruments with lower credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company makes a direct assumption
that the credit risk of the instrument has not increased significantly since the initial recognition without comparing
it with the credit risk at the time of its initial recognition.
If the financial instruments have low default risk, the debtor's ability to meet its contractual cash flow obligations
in the short term is strong, and even if adverse changes in economic conditions and business environment in the
longer term don't necessarily reduce the borrower's ability to meet its contractual cash flow obligations, the
financial instruments are considered to have low credit risk.
(2) Receivables and contract assets with no significant financing component
For receivables or contract assets arising from transactions governed by Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue that do not have a significant financing component, the Company uses a simplified
approach whereby the allowance for losses is always measured on the basis of expected credit losses throughout
their lives.
Depending on the nature of the financial instrument, the Company assesses whether there is a significant increase
in credit risk on an individual financial asset or a portfolio of financial assets basis. The Company classifies notes
receivable and accounts receivable into certain portfolios based on credit risk characteristics, and calculates
expected credit losses on a portfolio basis, which is determined on the following basis:
① Accounts Receivable with a Single Significant Amount and a Separate Provision for Expected Credit Losses

 Judgment basis or amount criteria for Accrual method of expected credit losses that are individually significant
    significant individual amounts                                 and accrued

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2023

                                         The impairment tests are conducted separately for accounts receivable
Accrual method of expected credit with individually significant amounts. If there is objective evidence of
losses that are individually significant impairment, an impairment loss is recognized based on the difference
and accrued                              between the present value of future cash flows and their carrying amount,
                                         and an expected credit loss is recorded

② Accounts Receivable with Expected Credit Losses Provision Based on Credit Risk Portfolio

       Portfolio name              Basis for portfolio recognition             Determination method of expected credit losses

                            General lighting, auto lamps and other
                            relevant business with the Company as Prepare the comparative list between aging of accounts
Business portfolio of       the parent and the subsidiary Nanning receivable and expected credit loss rate over the entire life and
general lighting and auto   Liaowang as the representative, this calculate the expected credit loss by consulting historical
lamps                       portfolio takes the aging of accounts experience in credit losses, combining current situation and
                            receivable     as    the    credit    risk prediction for future economic situation.
                            LED packaging, components and other
                                                                       Prepare the comparative list between aging of accounts
                            relevant business with the subsidiary
                                                                       receivable and expected credit loss rate over the entire life and
Business portfolio of LED NationStar Optoelectronics as the
                                                                       calculate the expected credit loss by consulting historical
packaging and components representative, this portfolio takes the
                                                                       experience in credit losses, combining current situation and
                            aging of accounts receivable as the
                                                                       prediction for future economic situation.
                            credit risk characteristics
Internal business portfolio Related parties and internal transactions Other methods

Accounts Receivable for which the Expected Credit Loss is Withdrawn by Credit Risk Characteristics

       Portfolio name              Basis for portfolio recognition             Determination method of expected credit losses

Portfolio 1                  Bank acceptance bill                     Low credit risk with no provision for bad debts

                             Trade acceptance                         Prepare the comparative list between aging of accounts
                                                                      receivable and expected credit loss rate over the entire life and
Portfolio 2                                                           calculate the expected credit loss by consulting historical
                                                                      experience in credit losses, combining current situation and
                                                                      prediction for future economic situation.

The aging analyses are based on their date of entry into the accounts.
Among portfolios, expected credit losses accrued by aging analysis:

                                                                     Accrual rate of expected credit losses
                                            Business portfolio of general lighting and     Business portfolio of LED packaging and
                                                           auto lamps                                     components

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                3%                                            2%

1 to 2 years                                                   10%                                            10%

2 to 3 years                                                   30%                                            30%

3 to 4 years                                                   50%                                            50%

4 to 5 years                                                   80%                                            80%

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2023

Over 5 years                                                100%                                           100%

③ Accounts Receivable with an Insignificant Single Amount but for which the Expected Credit Loss is Made

 Reasons for a separate provision for expected
                                                           Conclusive evidence of significant differences in recoverability
                 credit losses

                                                 An impairment loss is recognized for expected credit losses based on the difference
Determination method of expected credit losses
                                                 between the present value of expected future cash flows and their carrying amount

(3) Method of measuring loss provision for other financial assets
For financial assets other than those mentioned above, such as debt investments, other debt investments, other
receivables and long-term receivables other than lease receivables, the Company measures the allowance for
losses in accordance with the general method, i.e. the "three-stage" model.
The Company considers the following factors in assessing whether there has been a significant increase in credit
risk when measuring credit impairment on financial instruments:
The Company divides other receivables into certain combinations based on the nature of the amounts. It calculates
expected credit losses based on the combinations, and the basis for determining the combinations is as below:
Other receivables portfolio 1: Deposit, antecedent money
Other receivables portfolio 2: Related party money
Other receivables portfolio 3: Advance money
Of this, the expected credit loss rate for the ageing portfolio is referenced to accounts receivable.
13. Accounts Receivable Financing
The determination methods and accounting methods of receivables financing are detailed in Note 12, Accounts
Receivable, under this note.
14. Other Receivables
Determination methods and accounting methods of expected credit losses on other receivables
The determination methods and accounting methods of expected credit losses of other receivables is the same as
that of accounts receivable, as detailed in Note 12, Accounts Receivable, in this note.
15. Inventory
1. Classification of inventories
Inventories refer to the Company's finished goods or commodities for sale held in daily activities, unfinished
goods in manufacturing process, and materials and supplies consumed in process of manufacturing products or
providing services, etc. Inventories mainly include raw materials, goods in process, materials in transit, finished
goods, commodities, turnover materials, materials commissioned for processing, etc. Turnover materials include
low-value consumables and packaging materials.
2. Pricing method of issuing inventories
Inventories are valuated at the actual cost of the acquisition, and the inventory costs include procurement costs
and processing costs. Inventories are valuated using the weighted average method when being issued.
3. Accrual method of provision for decline in value of inventories
Net realizable value refers to the amount after deducting the cost estimated until completion, estimated selling
expenses, and relevant taxes from the estimated selling price of the inventory. The Company determines the net

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

realizable value of inventories based on solid evidence obtained and after taking into consideration the purpose for
which the inventory is held, and the impact of post-balance sheet events.
The net realizable value of finished goods, materials for sale, and other merchandise inventories used directly for
sale is determined in the normal course of production and operation as the estimated selling price of such
inventories, less estimated selling expenses, and related taxes.
The net realizable value of material inventories subject to processing is determined in the normal course of
production operations as the estimated selling price of the finished goods produced, less the estimated costs to be
incurred to completion, estimated selling expenses, and related taxes.
4. Inventory system of inventories
The perpetual inventory system is adopted for the inventories of the Company.
5. Amortization of low-value consumables and packing materials
The one-off charge-off method is used for low-value consumables and packaging materials.
16. Contract Assets
The Company presents the right to receive consideration for goods or services that have been transferred to the
customer (and which is dependent on factors other than time-lapse) as a contract asset. Provision for impairment
of contract assets is made with reference to the expected credit loss method for financial instruments. For contract
assets that do not contain significant financing components, the Company uses a simplified measurement method
to measure the loss reserves. For contract assets containing significant financing components, the Company uses a
general measurement method to measure the loss reserves.
When an impairment loss is incurred on a contract asset, the amount to be written down is debited to "impairment
losses on assets" and credited to provision for impairment of contract assets; the reverse entry is made when the
provision for impairment is reversed.
17. Contract Costs
not applicable
18. Assets Held for Sale
The Company classifies non-current assets or disposal groups that meet both of the following conditions as assets
held for sale: First, the assets or disposal groups can be sold immediately under current conditions based on the
practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions; and second, the sales are highly likely to
occur, that is, the Company has already made a resolution on a sale plan and obtained a certain purchase
commitment, and the sale is expected to be completed within one year. The relevant regulations require the
approval of the relevant or regulatory authority of the enterprise before the sale shall have been approved.
When the Company initially measures or remeasures non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale on the
balance sheet date, if the carrying value is higher than the fair value minus the net amount of the sale costs, the
carrying value will be written down to the net amount of fair value minus the sale costs. The amount written down
will be recognized as asset impairment loss and included in current profit and loss, and provision for impairment
of assets held for sale will be made.
Assets in the balance sheet in the non-current assets held for sale or disposal groups held for sale are presented as
assets held for sale, and liabilities in the disposal groups held for sale are presented as liabilities held for sale.
A discontinued operation is a separately distinguishable component meeting one of the following conditions and
which has been disposed of by the Company or is classified by the Company as held for sale:
1. The component represents a separate primary business or a separate primary operating area;
2. The component is part of an associated plan for the proposed disposal of a separate primary business or a
separate major operating area;
3. The component is a subsidiary acquired exclusively for resale.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

19. Investment in Debt Obligations
Not applicable
20. Other Investment in Debt Obligations
Not applicable
21. Long-term Receivables
Not applicable
22. Long-term Equity Investments
1. Determination of initial investment cost
For long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination, in the case of a business combination
under the same control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the share of the
owners' equity of the party being combined in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling
party on the combination date; in the case of a business combination not under the same control, the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the cost of combination determined on the acquisition
date; for long-term equity investments acquired by paying cash, the initial investment cost is the actual purchase
price paid; for long-term equity investments acquired by issuing equity securities, the initial investment cost is the
fair value of the equity securities issued; for long-term equity investments acquired through debt restructuring, the
initial investment cost is determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 12-Debt Restructuring; for long-term equity investments acquired through exchange of
non-monetary assets, the initial investment cost is determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7-Exchange of Non-monetary Assets.
2. Method of subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss
Long-term equity investments in which the Company can exercise control over the investees are accounted for by
the cost method, and long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for by the equity
method. If a portion of the Company's equity investments in affiliates is held indirectly through venture capital
institutions, mutual funds, trust companies, or similar entities, including investment-linked funds, regardless of
whether the above entities have significant influence over this portion of the investment, the Company treats it in
accordance with the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22-Recognition
and Measurement of Financial Instruments and accounts for the remaining portion with the equity method.
3. Determination basis of the same control and significant influence on the investee
Having the same control over an investee refers to that the activities that significantly affect the return on an
arrangement can only be decided with the unanimous consent of the participants sharing control, including sales
and purchases of goods or services, management of financial assets, acquisitions and disposals of assets, research
and development activities, and financing activities; having significant influence over an investee refers to having
a considerable impact when more than 20% to 50% of the investee's voting capital is held. Or, although less than
20%, having a considerable impact when one of the following conditions is met: Representation on the board of
directors or similar authority of the investee; participation in the policy-making process of the investee;
assignment of management personnel to the investee; reliance of the investee on the technology or technical
information of the investee; and major transactions with the investee.
23. Investment Properties
Measurement model of investment property
Measurement of cost method
Depreciation or amortization method
The Company's investment property include leased land use rights, leased buildings, and land use rights held and
ready to be transferred after appreciation. Investment property is initially measured according to cost, and then
measured by cost model.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2023

The Company uses the composite life depreciation method for buildings leased out of investment properties, and
the specific accounting policies are the same as those for fixed assets. Land use rights leased out of investment
properties and land use rights held and intended to be transferred after appreciation are amortized through the
straight-line method with the same accounting policies as those for the intangible assets segment.
24. Fixed Assets
(1) Recognition conditions
The fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for production of goods, provision of labour services, lease or
business with a service life of over a fiscal year. Recognition is made when the following conditions are met: The
economic benefits associated with the fixed-asset will probably flow to the enterprise; the cost of the fixed-asset
can be measured reliably.
(2) Depreciation method

                                                                                                   Annual depreciation
       Category             Depreciation method      Depreciable life      Residual value rate

Houses and buildings                              3-36 years             1%-10%                  31.67%-3.17%
                          depreciation method

Machinery equipment                               2-11years              1%-10%                  47.50%-8.18%
                          depreciation method

Transportation            Straight-line
                                                  5-10 years             1%-10%                  19.00%-9.50%
equipment                 depreciation method

Electronic equipment                              2-8 years              1%-10%                  47.50%-11.88%
                          depreciation method

Other equipment                                   5 years                1%-10%                  19%-18%
                          depreciation method

(3) Impairment testing methods for fixed assets and provision for impairment

For details, see Note 31 “Impairment of long-term assets”.
(4) Disposal of fixed assets
Fixed assets are derecognised when they are disposed of, or when no economic benefits are expected to arise from
their use or disposal. Proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets on sale, transfer, retirement or destruction, net of
their carrying amount and related taxes, are recorded in current profit or loss.
(5)Recognition Basis, Pricing and Depreciation Method of Fixed Assets by Finance Lease

Not applicable
25. Construction in Progress
The cost of construction in progress is determined on the basis of actual construction expenditure, including all
construction expenditure incurred during the period of construction, borrowing costs capitalised before the
construction reaches its intended useable state and other related costs.
Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when it reaches its intended useable state and depreciation
commences from the following month. If the construction in progress has reached its intended useable state but
has not yet been finalised, it is transferred to fixed assets at its estimated value from the date it reaches its intended
useable state, based on the project budget, cost or actual cost of the project, and is depreciated in accordance with
the Company's policy on depreciation of fixed assets, and the original provisional estimated value is adjusted to
the actual cost after the finalisation of the project.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2023

See Note 31, "Impairment of long-term assets" for details of the impairment testing method and provision for
impairment for construction in progress.
26. Borrowing Costs
1. Recognition principles for the capitalization of borrowing costs
If the borrowing costs incurred by the Company can be directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or
production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions, they shall be capitalized and included in the costs of
the underlying assets; other borrowing costs recognized as costs according to the amount incurred shall be
included in the profit and loss for the current period. Assets eligible for capitalization refer to assets, such as fixed
assets, investment properties, and inventories that require a long period for their acquisition or production
activities to reach the expected usable or saleable status.
2. Calculation of capitalization amount
The capitalization period refers to the period from when the capitalization of borrowing costs starts to when the
capitalization stops. The period during which capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended is not included.
Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended if there is an abnormal interruption in the course of
acquisition or production and the interruption lasts for more than three consecutive months.
Borrowing of special borrowings is determined by the interest expense incurred in the period of the special
borrowings, less the interest revenue expenditure earned by depositing the unused borrowed funds in banks or the
investment income earned by making temporary investments; the appropriation of general borrowings is
determined by multiplying the weighted average amount of asset expenses over the portion of special borrowings
by the capitalization rate of the general borrowings appropriated, which is the weighted average interest rate of
general borrowings; if there is a discount or premium on borrowings, the amount of discount or premium to be
amortized in each accounting period is determined by the effective interest rate method. The amount of interest is
adjusted for each period.
The effective interest rate method is a method of calculating the amortized discount or premium or interest
expense on a borrowing based on its effective interest rate. The effective interest rate method calculates the
amortized discount or premium or interest expense on a borrowing based on its effective interest rate.
27. Living Assets
Not applicable
28. Oil and Gas Assets
Not applicable
29. Right-of-use Assets
The determination methods and accounting methods of right-of-use assets are detailed in Note 42, Leases, under
this note.
30. Intangible Assets
(1) Pricing method, useful life and impairment test
1. Recognition criteria of intangible assets
Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary assets that are owned or controlled by the Company without
physical form. The intangible assets are recognized when all the following conditions are met: (1) Conform to the
definition of intangible assets; (2) Expected future economic benefits related to the assets are likely to flow into
the Company; (3) The costs of the assets can be measured reliably.
2. Initial measurement of intangible assets
Intangible assets are initially measured at cost. Actual costs are determined by the following principles:
(1) The cost of the acquisition of intangible assets, including the purchase price, relevant taxes and other expenses
directly attributable to the intended use of the asset. If the amount paid for the purchase of intangible assets

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2023

witnesses postponed payment due to that the normal credit conditions are exceeded and is actually financing in
nature, the costs of such intangible assets shall be determined on the basis of the present value of the purchase
price. The difference between the actual payment price and the present value of the purchase price shall be
recorded into the current profits and losses in the credit period except that can be capitalized in accordance with
the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 17 - Borrowing Cost.
(2) The cost of investing in intangible assets shall be recognized according to the value agreed upon in the
investment contract or agreement, except that the value of the contract or agreement is unfair.
3. Subsequent measurement of intangible assets
The Company shall determine the useful life when it obtains intangible assets. The useful life of intangible assets
is limited, and the years of the useful life or output that constitutes the useful life or similar measurement units
shall be estimated. The intangible assets are regarded as intangible assets with uncertain useful life if the term that
brings economic benefits to the Company is unforeseeable
Intangible assets with limited useful life shall be amortized by straight line method from the time when the
intangible assets are available until can’t be recognized as intangible assets; intangible assets with uncertain useful
life shall not be amortized. The Company reviews the estimated useful life and amortization method of intangible
assets with limited useful life at the end of each year, and reviews the estimated useful life of intangible assets
with uncertain useful life in each accounting period. For intangible assets that evidence shows the useful life is
limited, the useful life shall be estimated and the intangible assets shall be amortized in the estimated useful life.
4. Recognition criteria and withdrawal method of intangible asset impairment provision
The impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of intangible assets are detailed in
Note 3, (20): “Long-term asset impairment”.
(2) Accounting policy for internal research and development expenditures
The expenditures in internal research and development projects of the Company are classified into expenditures in
research stage and expenditures in development stage. The expenditures in research stage are included in the
current profits and losses when incurred. The expenditures in development stage are recognized as intangible
assets when meeting the following conditions:
(1) The completion of the intangible assets makes it technically feasible for using or selling;
(2) Having the intention to complete and use or sell the intangible assets;
(3) The way in which an intangible asset generates economic benefits, including the proof that the products
produced with the intangible assets can be sold in a market or the proof of its usefulness if the intangible assets
can be sold in a market and will be used internally;
(4) Having sufficient technical, financial resources and other resources to support the development of the
intangible assets and the ability to use or sell the intangible assets;
(5) Expenditure attributable to the development stage of intangible assets can be measured reliably.
The cost of self-developed intangible assets includes the total expenditure incurred after meeting intangible assets
recognition criterion and before reaching intended use. Expenditures that have been expensed in previous periods
are no longer adjusted.
The cost of intangible assets acquired by non-monetary assets exchange, debt restructuring, government subsidies
and business combination are recognized according to relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 7 - Non-monetary Assets Exchange, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 12 - Debt
Restructuring, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 16 - Government Subsidies, Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 20 - Business Combination respectively.
31. Impairment of Long-term Assets
For long-term assets having the indication of impairment on balance sheet date such as long-term equity
investments, investment property measured in cost mode, fixed assets, construction in progress, productive living
assets measured in cost mode, oil and gas assets, and intangible assets, the Company shall test the impairment. If

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2023

the impairment test results indicate that the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its book value, the
impairment provision shall be made at the difference and included in the impairment loss.
The recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value of the asset minus the disposal cost and the present value of
the expected future cash flow of the asset. The provision for impairment of assets is calculated and recognized on
the basis of individual assets. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of individual assets, the
recoverable amount of the asset group shall be recognized by the asset group to which the asset belongs. The asset
group is the smallest portfolio of assets that can generate cash inflows independently.
Goodwill presented separately in the financial statements shall be tested for impairment every year, whether or not
there is any indication of impairment. The book value of the goodwill shall be apportioned to the asset group or
portfolio of asset groups that is expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination when the
impairment test is conducted. The corresponding impairment loss is recognized if the test results indicate that the
recoverable amount of the asset group or portfolio of asset groups containing the apportioned goodwill is lower
than its book value. The amount of the impairment loss shall offset the book value of the goodwill apportioned to
the asset group or portfolio of asset groups, and offset the book value of other assets in proportion according to the
proportion of the book value of other assets except the goodwill in the asset group or portfolio of asset groups.
Once the impairment loss of the above asset is recognized, the portion that the value is restored will not be written
back in subsequent periods.
32. Long-term Prepaid Expense
Long-term prepaid expense refers to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year (excluding one
year) that have occurred but are attributable to the current and future periods. Long-term prepaid expense shall be
amortized averagely within benefit period. In case of no benefit in the future accounting period, the amortized
value of such item that fails to be amortized shall be transferred into the current profits and losses.
33. Contract Liabilities
The Company presents the obligation of transferring goods to or providing services for customers for
consideration received or receivable as a contract liability.
The Company presents contract asset and contract liability under the same contract on a net basis.
34. Payroll
Employee benefits refer to all forms of remuneration or compensation given by the Company for services
rendered by employees or for the termination of employment relationships. Employee benefits mainly include
short-term benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other long-term employee benefits.

(1) Accounting treatments for short-term benefits The short-term compensation actually happened during the
accounting period when the active staff offering the service for the Company should be recognized as liabilities
and is included in the current profits and losses except for those required or allowed to be included in the assets
cost by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. The employee services benefits actually happened in
the Company shall be included in the current profits and losses or relevant assets cost according to the actual
amount. Of which the non-monetary benefits should be measured according to the fair value. During the
accounting term in which employees provide service, the Company calculates and determines the corresponding
payroll amount in accordance with the withdrawal basis and withdrawal proportion specified in regulations with
the social insurance premiums such as medical insurance premiums, industrial injury insurance premium and birth
insurance premium, housing fund, and the labour union budget and employee education budget withdrawn in
regulations, and then recognizes it as liabilities that are included in the current profits and losses or relevant assets
(2) Accounting treatment of the welfare after demission
The payable and deposit amount calculated according to the defined contribution plan during the accounting
period when the active staff offering the service for the Company is recognized as liabilities and is included in the
current profits and losses or relevant assets cost. The benefit obligations arising from the defined benefit plan shall

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

be attributable to the period in which the employees provide services based on the formula determined by
expected cumulative welfare unit method and included in current profits and losses or cost of relevant asset.
(3) Accounting treatment of the demission welfare
When offering the demission welfare, the Company shall recognize the payroll liabilities incurred from the
demission welfare on the earlier of the date when the Company could not unilaterally withdraw the demission
welfare offered by the plan or layoff proposal owing to termination of the labour relationship or the date when the
Company recognizes the cost related to the reorganization of the payment of the demission welfare, and include
the payroll liabilities into the current profits and losses:
(4) Accounting treatment of the welfare of other long-term staffs
The other long-term welfare that the Company offers to the staff, if met with the setting drawing plan, shall be
disposed of according to the relevant setting drawing plan; except for that, net liabilities or net assets of the
welfare of other long-term staff shall be recognized and measured according to the setting drawing plan.
35. Lease Liabilities
The determination methods and accounting methods of leases are detailed in Note 42, Leases, under this note.
36. Provisions
The obligation pertinent to contingencies shall be recognized as provisions when that obligation is a current
obligation of the Company, and it is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result
of performance of the obligation, while the amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way. The
Company conducts the initial measurement in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the
performance of the current obligation. If there is a sequent range for the necessary expenses and if all the
outcomes within this range are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined in accordance with
the midpoint estimate within the range; if the contingencies concern two or more items, the best estimate shall be
calculated and determined in accordance with all possible outcomes and the relevant probabilities.
Review of the book value of provisions shall be conducted on the balance sheet date. The book value shall be
adjusted in accordance with the current best estimate when there is definite evidence indicating that the book
value cannot reflect the current best estimate in faithfulness.
37. Share-based Payment
Not applicable
38. Other Financial Instruments such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Bonds
Not applicable
39. Revenue
The Accounting Policy Adopted for Recognition and Measurement of Revenue
The Company recognizes revenue when it has satisfied its performance obligations under the contract, i.e., when
the customer has obtained control of relevant goods or services. Obtaining control of relevant goods or services
means being able to direct the use of them and obtain substantially all benefits from them.
Where the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company, at the inception date of the
contract, allocates the transaction price to each performance obligation in accordance with the relative proportion
of the stand-alone selling price of the goods or services promised by each performance obligation. The Company
measures revenue on the basis of the transaction price allocated to each performance obligation.
Transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in exchange for
transferring goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties and amounts
expected to be returned to the customer. The Company determines the transaction price in accordance with the
terms of the contract, with past business practices taken into account. When determining the transaction price, it
considers the impact of variable consideration, the existence of a significant financing component in the contract,
non-cash consideration, consideration payable to a customer and other factors. The transaction price is recognized
only to the extent that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

recognized will not occur when the relevant uncertainty is resolved. Where a contract contains a significant
financing component, the Company determines the transaction price on the basis of the amount presumably
payable in cash when the customer obtains control of the goods or services, and uses the actual interest method to
amortize the difference between the transaction price and the contract consideration during the contract period.
A performance obligation is satisfied over time if one of the following conditions is met; otherwise, it is treated as
satisfied at a point in time:
(1) The customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Company's performance as
the Company performs.
(2) The customer can control the goods as they are created during the Company's performance.
(3) The goods produced by the Company's performance have no alternative use, and the Company has the right to
collect payment for performance completed to date during the entire contract period.
Where a performance obligation is to be satisfied over time, the Company recognizes revenue in accordance with
the progress of performance during the period, except when the progress cannot be reasonably determined. In
determining the progress of performance, the Company takes into account the nature of the goods or services and
adopts the output methods or the input methods.
Where the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, and the costs incurred are expected to be
recovered, the Company recognizes revenue according to the amount of the costs incurred until the progress can
be reasonably determined.
Where the performance obligation is to be satisfied at a certain point in time, the Company recognizes revenue at
the point when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services. When judging whether the customer
has obtained control of goods or services, the Company considers the following indicators:
(1) The Company has a present right to receive payment for the goods or services, i.e., the customer has a present
obligation to pay for the goods or services.
(2) The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer, i.e., the customer has obtained
the legal ownership of the goods.
(3) The Company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer, i.e., the customer has taken
physical possession of the goods.
(4) The Company has transferred significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the customer, i.e., the
customer has obtained significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods.
(5) The customer has accepted the goods or services.
2. Specific methods
 (1) Recognition of domestic sales revenue: Under the conventional settlement mode, the Company has delivered
goods that have passed inspection to the purchaser as required by the purchaser; the amount of revenue has been
determined, a sales invoice has been issued and the payment has been received or is expected to be recovered;
under the consignment sales settlement mode, the Company recognizes sales revenue when the product is issued
and the settlement notice is issued after the customer inspection is qualified.
(2) Recognition of export sales revenue: The Company has produced goods according to the requirements
stipulated in the sales contract, and completed the export declaration procedures after the goods have passed
inspection; the freight company has shipped the goods, the amount of revenue has been determined, an export
sales invoice has been issued, and the payment has been received or is expected to be recovered.
Differences in accounting policies for the recognition of revenue caused by different business models for the same
type of business
40. Government Subsidies
1. Category of and accounting treatment for government subsidies

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2023

Government subsidies refer to the monetary assets or non-monetary assets obtained by the Company from the
government (excluding the capital invested by the government as an equity holder). If a government subsidy is a
monetary asset, it shall be measured according to the amount received or receivable. If a government subsidy is a
non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value, and shall be measured at a nominal amount when the fair
value cannot be obtained reliably.
Government subsidies related to the daily activities are included in other income in accordance with the nature of
economic business. Government subsidies unrelated to the daily activities are included in non-operating revenue.
Government subsidies are recognized as asset-related subsidies when stipulated by government documents to be
used for acquisition, construction or otherwise formation long-term assets. Government subsidies without subsidy
object specified by the government document, able to form a long-lived asset, and corresponding to the asset
value are asset-related government subsidies, while the rest are government subsidies related to income. For
government subsidies containing both part related to asset and part related to income, the Company shall conduct
the accounting treatment respectively to the different part; if the part is difficult to distinguish, it shall be classified
as government subsidy related to income; government subsidies related to assets are recognized as deferred
income. The amount recognized as deferred income is included in the current profits and losses in accordance
with reasonable and systematic method in the useful life of relevant assets.
Government subsidies other than asset-related government subsidies are recognized as government subsidies
related to income. Government subsidies related to income used to compensate the relevant costs, expenses or
losses of the Company in the subsequent period shall be recognized as deferred income, and shall be included in
the current profit and loss during the period of confirming the relevant cost, expenses or losses; subsidies used to
compensate the relevant costs, expenses or losses incurred by the Company shall be directly included in the
current profits and losses (subsidies related to the daily activities of the Company are included in other income;
while subsidies unrelated to the daily activities of the Company are included in non-operating revenue).
In the case that the Company obtains a policy favourable loan interest subsidy, and the fiscal system allocates the
fund of interest subsidy to the lending bank, who provides loans to the Company at a policy favourable interest
rate, the actual loan amount received is recognized as the recorded value of the loan, and the relevant borrowing
costs are calculated based on the loan principal and the policy favourable interest rate; if the fiscal system
allocates the fund of interest subsidy to the Company directly, the Company reduces the corresponding interest
subsidy against relevant borrowing costs.
2. Recognition time of government subsidies
Government subsidies shall be recognized when the Company satisfies the conditions attached to the government
subsidies and is able to receive them. Government subsidies measured according to the receivable amount shall be
recognized when there is positive evidence at the end of the period that they can meet the relevant conditions
stipulated by the financial support policies and are expected to receive financial support funds. Other government
subsidies other than government subsidies measured by amount receivable are recognized when the Company
actually receives the subsidies.

41. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

1. The Company recognizes the deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities in accordance with
the applicable tax rate during the estimated period of recapturing the assets or paying the liabilities for the
different amount between the book value of assets or liabilities and its tax base (for items not recognized as assets
and liabilities, if its tax basis can be determined according to the tax law, the tax basis is recognized as the
different amount).
2. The recognition of deferred income tax assets is subject to the amount of taxable income obtained to offset the
deductible temporary differences. On the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets without recognition
during the former accounting period shall be recognized if there are definite indications representing that it is
probable to have sufficient taxable income to offset the deductible temporary differences during the future period.
If it is likely that sufficient taxable income will not be available to offset the benefit of the deferred income tax
assets in the future period, the book value of the deferred income tax assets will be written down. However, for a
transaction with the following characteristics concurrently, the deferred income tax assets arising from the initial
recognition of assets or liabilities shall not be recognised: 1) The transaction is not a business combination; 2) the

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2023

transaction affects neither the accounting profit nor the taxable income (or the deductible losses) when it is
3. For taxable temporary differences related to the investment in subsidiaries and associated enterprises, the
deferred income tax liabilities are recognized unless the time of temporary differences reversal can be controlled
by the Company and are probably not to be reversed in foreseeable future. For deductible temporary differences
related to the investment in subsidiaries and associated enterprises, the deferred income tax assets are recognized
if the temporary differences are probably to be reversed in foreseeable future and it is likely to have taxable
income to offset the deductible temporary differences.
42. Lease
(1) Accounting treatment of operating lease
1. Accounting treatment of leased assets
On the start date of the lease term, the Company deems the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities of all the
operating leases except for the short-term leases and low-value leases, and recognizes the depreciation expense
and interest expense respectively within the lease term.
In each period in lease term, the Company includes the lease payment of short-term leases and low-value leases in
the current expense with the straight-line method.
(1) Right-of-use assets
Right-of-use assets refer to the right of the lessees to use the leasehold property in the lease term. At the start date
of the lease term. The Company initially measures the right-of-use assets at cost. The cost includes: a) The initial
measurement amount of the lease liabilities; b) the lease payment paid on or before the start date of the lease term.
If there is a lease incentive, the amount related to the lease incentive taken should be deducted; c) the initial direct
cost incurred by the lessee; d) the estimated cost that the lessee will use to pull down and remove the leasehold
property, and restore the site of the leasehold property or restore the leasehold property to the state agreed in the
lease clauses.
The Company depreciates the right-of-use assets with the straight-line method. If it is reasonably certain that the
ownership of the leasehold property will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Company will depreciate the
leasehold property over its estimated remaining service life. If it is not reasonably certain that the ownership of the
leasehold property will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Company will depreciate the leased assets
over the lease term or the remaining service life, whichever is shorter.
The Company will determine the impairment of right-of-use assets and conduct accounting treatment in
accordance with relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.8 - Asset
(2) Lease liabilities
The Company initially measures the lease liabilities at the current value of the lease payments outstanding at the
start date of the lease term. Lease payments include: a) fixed payment (including substantial fixed payment), and
the relevant amount after deducting the lease incentive if any; b) variable lease payments depending on index or
ratio; c) estimated payments due to the guaranteed residual value provided by the lessee; d) exercise price of the
purchased option, provided that the lessee reasonably determines that the option will be exercised; and e) the
amount to be paid for the exercise of the lease termination options, provided that the lease term reflects that the
lessee will exercise the options to terminate the lease.
The Company uses the interest rate implicit in lease as the rate of discount. If the interest rate implicit in lease
cannot be reasonably determined, the Company's incremental borrowing rate is used as the rate of discount. The
Company calculates the interest expenses of the lease liabilities during each period of the lease term at a fixed
periodic interest rate, and includes them in financial expenses. The periodic interest rate refers to the rate of
discount employed by the Company or the rate of discount after revision.
Variable lease payments that are not covered in the measurement of the lease liabilities are included in current
profit or loss when actually incurred.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2023

When there is a change in the Company's evaluation results of lease renewal options, lease termination options or
purchase options, the Company will re-measure the lease liabilities utilizing the present value of the changed lease
payment and the revised rate of discount, and adjust the book value of right-of-use assets accordingly. Where
there is a change in substantial lease payment, estimated payments due to the guaranteed residual value, or
variable lease payments depending on index or ratio, the Company will re-measure the lease liabilities leveraging
the present value of the changed lease payment and the original rate of discount, and adjust the book value of
right-of-use assets accordingly.
2. Accounting treatment of lease assets
(1) Accounting treatment of operating leases
The lease receivable of the operating lease in each period in the lease term is deemed as a rental on a straight-line
basis. The Company capitalizes the initial direct cost related to the operating finance, amortizes and includes it in
the current profits on the basis same as the recognition of rentals in the lease term.
(2) Accounting treatment method of financial lease
On the start date of lease, the difference between the sum of finance lease receivable and unguaranteed residual
value and its present value is recognized as unrealised lease income by the Company, which is recognized as lease
income in each period when the rent is received in the future. The initial direct cost incurred related to lease
business is included in the initial recorded value of financial lease receivable.

43. Other Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates


44. Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Change in accounting policies

 Applicable □ Not applicable
         Changes to the accounting policies and why                       Approval process                     Remark
In November 2022, the Ministry of Finance ("MOF")
issued Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
Interpretation No. 16 (hereinafter referred to as
"Interpretation No. 16"), which regulated the accounting
treatment for the exemption from initial recognition of the
deferred income taxes related to assets and liabilities
arising from a single transaction. It specified that, for
single transactions that are not business combinations, that
affect neither accounting profit nor taxable income (or
deductible losses) at the time the transaction occurs, and
where the initial recognition of assets and liabilities results                                      Refer to Note 44. Changes
                                                                  Deliberation and approved by the
in taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary                                            in Main Accounting Policies
                                                                  46th Meeting of the 9th Board of
differences of equal amounts, exemption from initial                                                 and Estimates-(3) for
recognition of deferred income tax liabilities and deferred                                          details.
income tax assets under Article XI (II) and Article XIII of
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 18 --
Income Taxes is not applicable. An enterprise shall
recognise the corresponding deferred income tax liabilities
and deferred income tax assets for the taxable temporary
differences and deductible temporary differences arising
from the initial recognition of assets and liabilities in
respect of the transaction when the transaction occurs. This
provision came into force on 1 January 2023 and can be
executed in advance.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2023

(2) Changes in accounting estimates

□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Adjustments to Financial Statement Items at the Beginning of the Year of the First Implementation of
the New Accounting Standards Implemented since 2023

 Applicable □ Not applicable


The account data of financial statements are retroactively adjusted as follows:

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                         Consolidated balance sheet
                                                              1 January 2022
                                  Item                                         Before                After              Affected
Deferred income tax assets                                                      82,261,788.58         84,159,937.92     1,898,149.34
Deferred income tax liabilities                                                280,172,789.59        282,035,768.42     1,862,978.83
Retained earnings                                                           3,111,864,076.86       3,111,882,995.08        18,918.22
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent            7,036,108,772.54       7,036,127,690.76        18,918.22
Non-controlling interests                                                   3,543,741,175.21       3,543,757,427.50        16,252.29
Total owners’ equity                                                      10,579,849,947.75      10,579,885,118.26        35,170.51

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                         Consolidated balance sheet
                                                              1 January 2023
                                  Item                                         Before                After              Affected
Deferred income tax assets                                                      88,387,206.25         90,186,993.64     1,799,787.39
Deferred income tax liabilities                                                202,469,697.60        204,371,264.18     1,901,566.58
Retained earnings                                                           3,296,490,575.52       3,296,435,828.50       -54,747.02
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent            5,173,066,095.76       5,173,011,348.74       -54,747.02
Non-controlling interests                                                   3,427,280,735.85       3,427,233,703.68       -47,032.17
Total owners’ equity                                                       8,600,346,831.61       8,600,245,052.42      -101,779.19

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                       Consolidated income statement
                                   Item                                          Before                After             Affected
Income tax expense                                                                30,874,328.03        31,011,277.73     136,949.70
Net profit                                                                       350,843,355.72       350,706,406.02     -136,949.70
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company as the parent             230,394,235.91       230,320,570.67      -73,665.24
Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests                             120,449,119.81       120,385,835.35      -63,284.46

Note: The amount affected by the retroactive adjustment of this accounting policy change has not been audited.

45. Other


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2023

VI. Taxes

1. Main Taxes and Tax Rates

            Category of taxes                                 Tax basis                                    Tax rate
                                             Sales volume from goods selling or
VAT                                                                                        3%, 6%, 9%, 13%
                                             taxable service
Urban maintenance and construction tax       Turnover tax payable                          7%, 5%
Enterprise income tax                        Taxable income                                10%, 15%, 25%
Education surcharge                          Turnover tax payable                          3%
Local educational surtax                     Turnover tax payable                          2%

Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate
                             Name                                                            Income tax rate
The Company, Zhida Company, Chanchang Company,
Haolaite, Nanning Liaowang, Chongqing Guinuo, Liuzhou
Lighting, Liuzhou Foreshine, Qingdao Guige, Headquarters of         15%
NationStar Optoelectronics, NationStar Semiconductor,
Germany NationStar, Fenghua Semiconductor
FSL Lighting GmbH                                                   15%
Indonesia Liaowang                                                  10%
Other subsidiaries                                                  25%

2. Tax Preference

1. The Company passed the re-examination for High-tech Enterprises in 2020, as well as won the “Certificate of
High-tech Enterprise” after approval by Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province,
Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial Bureau of State Taxation and Guangdong
Provincial Bureau of Local Taxation. In accordance with relevant provisions in Corporate Income Tax Law of the
People’s Republic of China and the Administration Measures for Identification of High-tech Enterprises
promulgated in 2007, the Company paid the corporate income tax based on a tax rate of 15% within three years
since 1 January 2020.
2. Chanchang Company passed the examination for High-tech Enterprises respectively in December 2021, and
thus Chanchang Company paid the corporate income tax based on a tax rate of 15% within three years since 1
January 2021 in accordance with relevant provisions in Corporate Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of
China and the Administration Measures for Identification of High-tech Enterprises promulgated in 2007.
3. According to the Decision on Tax Matters approved by the Local Taxation Bureau of Nanning High-tech
Industrial Development Zone (NGDSSB [2015] No. 1), Nanning Liaowang will enjoy the preferential tax
reduction and exemption of enterprise income tax in the western development from 1 January 2015, and the
enterprise income tax will be levied at a reduced rate of 15%.
4. After being examined and filed by the competent tax authorities, Chongqing Guinuo will enjoy the preferential
tax reduction and exemption of enterprise income tax in the western development from 1 January 2019, and the
enterprise income tax will be levied at a reduced rate of 15%.
5. According to the third batch of high-tech enterprises identified by the relevant authorities of Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region in 2022 publicized on 19 December 2022, Liuzhou Optoelectronics has been certified as a
high-tech enterprise (certificate number: GR202245001221) for 2022 to 2024, with a high-tech enterprise
preferential income tax rate of 15%.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

6. According to the letter "Gui Ke Gao Han [2021] No. 237" issued jointly by the Department of Science and
Technology of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Department of Finance and the Taxation Bureau of
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the State Administration of Taxation on 30 November 2021, Liuzhou
Fuxuan has been certified as a high-tech enterprise (certificate number: GR202145001045) for 2021 to 2023, with
a high-tech enterprise preferential income tax rate of 15%.
7. Subsidiary NationStar Optoelectronics was recognized as a high-tech enterprise on 16 December 2008 with
certificate number GR200844000097. In 2020, the company was re-certified as a high-tech enterprise with
certificate number GR202044006337, issued on 9 December 2020, and the corporate income tax rate of the
company is 15% for the years 2020 to 2022.
8. Foshan NationStar Semiconductor Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of subsidiary NationStar
Optoelectronics, was recognized as a high-tech enterprise with certificate number GR201544001238 on 10
October 2015; NationStar Semiconductor was re-certified as a high-tech enterprise with certificate number
GR202144008779 in 2021, issued on 20 December 2021, and the corporate income tax rate of the company is 15%
for the years 2021 to 2023.
9. The subsidiary, Haolaite, passed the certification of high-tech enterprise in 2022 and obtained the certificate of
high-tech enterprise (Certificate No. GR202244003711) approved by the Department of Science and Technology
of Guangdong Province, the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, the State Taxation Bureau of
Guangdong Province and the Local Taxation Bureau of Guangdong Province. In accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China promulgated in 2007 and the
Administrative Measures for the Recognition of High-tech Enterprises, the Company is entitled to a reduced
corporate income tax rate of 15% for three years commencing from 1 January 2022.
10. On 14 December 2022, Qingdao Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. was recognized as a high-tech
enterprise and subject to the preferential tax rate of 15% for high-tech enterprise income tax in accordance with
the relevant provisions of the Administrative Measures for the Recognition of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa
Huo [2016] No. 32) and the Administrative Guidelines for the Recognition of High-tech Enterprises (Guo Ke Fa
Huo [2016] No. 195).
11. Fenghua Semiconductor, a majority-owned subsidiary of subsidiary NationStar Optoelectronics, was
recognized as a high-tech enterprise on 16 December 2008 and its certificate number was GR200844000295. It
was re-recognized as a high-tech enterprise in 2021, and its new certificate number is GR202144008851 dated 31
December 2021. Its corporate income tax rate for 2021-2023 is 15%.
12. The subsidiary, Zhicheng, is a small and micro enterprise. From 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024, the
people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government
shall determine, in accordance with the actual situation in the region and the needs of macroeconomic regulation
and control, that resource tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, property tax, urban land use tax, stamp
duty (excluding stamp duty on securities transactions), arable land occupation tax and education surcharge and
local education surcharge may be reduced within a tax range of 50% for small and micro enterprises.
13. Zhida Company passed the certification of high-tech enterprise in December 2019 and was re-recognized as a
high-tech enterprise in 2022. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the
People's Republic of China promulgated in 2007 and the Administrative Measures for the Recognition of High-
tech Enterprises, the Company is entitled to a reduced corporate income tax rate of 15% for three years
commencing from 1 January 2022.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2023

3. Other

Pay in accordance with the relevant provisions of the tax law

VII. Notes to Main Items of Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary Assets

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                   Item                          Ending balance                     Beginning balance
Cash on hand                                                   45,923.56                           52,093.54
Bank deposits                                           1,979,561,171.78                    1,957,903,758.15
Other monetary assets (note 1)                            530,315,488.92                      522,361,684.92
To-be-received interest (note 2)                            8,255,130.73                        4,191,370.82
Total                                                   2,518,177,714.99                    2,484,508,907.43
  Of which: Total amount deposited
overseas                                                   28,196,729.48                        34,169,227.46

              Total amount with
restrictions on use due to mortgage,                      535,698,818.93                       534,826,528.99
pledge or freeze
Other notes
Note 1: Other monetary assets were security deposits for notes and performance bonds, as well as investments
placed with security firm and the balance with e-commerce platforms, of which the security deposits for notes
and performance bonds were restricted assets (see “81. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use” in
Note “VII Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements”).
Note 2: To-be-received interest was interest receivable on undue bank deposits and term deposits as of the end
of the Reporting Period, which is not recognized as cash and cash equivalents.

2. Trading Financial Assets

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                   Item                          Ending balance                     Beginning balance
Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss                                             81,882,834.67                       261,541,896.45
Wealth management products                                 80,983,830.13                       260,569,863.53
Equity instrument investments                                 899,004.54                           972,032.92
Total                                                      81,882,834.67                       261,541,896.45

3. Derivative Financial Assets


4. Notes Receivable

(1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                   Item                          Ending balance                     Beginning balance

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2023

Bank acceptance bill                                                750,857,065.95                           786,244,513.66
Commercial acceptance bill                                           60,397,859.39                             35,293,260.41
Total                                                               811,254,925.34                           821,537,774.07
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                Ending balance                                            Beginning balance
                Carrying amount     Bad debt provision                    Carrying amount      Bad debt provision
Categor                                            Withdra                                                 Withdra
                                                              Carrying                                                 Carrying
   y                     Proporti                    wal                             Proporti                wal
            Amount                   Amount                    value     Amount                  Amount                 value
                           on                      proporti                            on                  proporti
                                                     on                                                      on
            812,487                 1,232,6                   811,254    822,258                 720,270               821,537
wn bad                  100.00%                    100.00%                          100.00%                100.00%
            ,534.72                   09.38                   ,925.34    ,044.69                     .62               ,774.07
n by
            750,857                                           750,857    786,244                                       786,244
acceptan                 92.41%            0.00      0.00%                           95.62%        0.00     0.00%
            ,065.95                                           ,065.95    ,513.66                                       ,513.66
ce bill
cial        61,630,                 1,232,6                   60,397,    36,013,                 720,270               35,293,
                           7.59%                   100.00%                            4.38%                100.00%
acceptan     468.77                   09.38                    859.39     531.03                     .62                260.41
ce bill
            812,487                 1,232,6                   811,254    822,258                 720,270               821,537
Total                   100.00%                    100.00%                          100.00%                100.00%
            ,534.72                   09.38                   ,925.34    ,044.69                     .62               ,774.07
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: RMB1,232,609.38

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                          Ending balance
                                           Carrying amount               Bad debt provision           Withdrawal proportion
Within 1 year                                     61,630,468.77                  1,232,609.38                            2.00%
Total                                             61,630,468.77                   1,232,609.38


Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other receivables if adopting the
general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of notes receivable:
□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Collected during the Reporting Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2023

   Category                                                   Reversed or                                            Ending balance
                        balance            Withdrawn                              Verified             Other
withdrawn bad          720,270.62          512,338.76                                                                1,232,609.38
debt provision
by group
Total                  720,270.62          512,338.76                                                                1,232,609.38

Of which, bad debt provision collected or reversed with significant amount:
□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                             Item                                                   Amount pledged at the period-end
Bank acceptance bill                                                                                              654,426,305.62
Total                                                                                                             654,426,305.62

(4) Notes Receivable which Had Endorsed by the Company or Had Discounted and Had not Due on the
Balance Sheet Date at the Period-end

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                              Amount of recognition termination at the       Amount of not recognition termination at
                                                            period-end                                   the period-end
Bank acceptance bill                                                448,926,920.31                                   74,615,851.95
Total                                                               448,926,920.31                                   74,615,851.95

(5) Notes Transferred to Accounts Receivable because Drawer of the Notes Fails to Executed the Contract
or Agreement


(6) Notes Receivable with Actual Verification for the Reporting Period


5. Accounts Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                    Ending balance                                              Beginning balance
               Carrying amount          Bad debt provision                   Carrying amount         Bad debt provision
Categor                                            Withdra                                                      Withdra
   y                                                           Carrying                                                     Carrying
                         Proporti                    wal        value                  Proporti                   wal        value
              Amount                   Amount                              Amount                    Amount
                           on                      proporti                              on                     proporti
                                                     on                                                           on
Account     19,769,                    19,769,                             25,123,                  25,123,
s                          0.80%                  100.00%                                1.23%                  100.00%
             199.92                     199.92                              263.57                   263.57

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2023

wn bad
le           2,465,2                                        2,347,0    2,019,1                                         1,920,7
withdra                             118,195                                                   98,359,
wn bad       95,096.     99.20%                   4.79%     99,724.    30,602.      98.77%                   4.87%     70,941.
                                    ,371.65                                                    660.29
debt              57                                             92         05                                              76
n by
of           1,843,9                                        1,738,9    1,499,7                                         1,412,6
general                 74.20%      104,946     5.69%                              73.37%     87,156,     5.81%
             21,468.                                        74,578.    83,089.                                         26,414.
lighting                            ,889.16                                                   675.78
             08                                             92         81                                              03
and auto
of LED
packagin     621,373    25.00%      13,248,     2.13%       608,125    519,347     25.40%     11,202,     2.16%        508,144
g and        ,628.49                482.49                  ,146.00    ,512.24                984.51                   ,527.73
             2,485,0                                        2,347,0    2,044,2                                         1,920,7
                                    137,964                                                   123,482
Total        64,296.    100.00%                   5.55%     99,724.    53,865.     100.00%                   6.04%     70,941.
                                    ,571.57                                                   ,923.86
                  49                                             92         62                                              76
Individual withdrawal of bad debt provision: RMB19,769,199.92

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                      Ending balance
                              Carrying amount           Bad debt provision     Withdrawal proportion       Withdrawal reason
                                                                                                        Involved in the lawsuit,
                                                                                                        the Company won the
                                                                                                        lawsuit in the second
Customer A                        11,220,827.14             11,220,827.14                    100.00%
                                                                                                        instance, which had not
                                                                                                        yet executed
                                                                                                        Less likely to be
Customer B                        5,711,450.39               5,711,450.39                    100.00%
                                                                                                        Less likely to be
Customer C                           815,484.27                 815,484.27                   100.00%
                                                                                                        Expected to be
Customer D                           761,769.31                 761,769.31                   100.00%
                                                                                                        The customer is
                                                                                                        insolvent, a judgment
Customer E                           526,858.54                 526,858.54                   100.00%    has been filed and
                                                                                                        enforcement has been
                                                                                                        applied for

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2023

                                                                                                         The customer is
Customer F                           523,448.92                 523,448.92                 100.00%
                                                                                                         Expected to be
Customer G                           171,282.32                 171,282.32                 100.00%
                                                                                                         Expected to be
Customer H                            21,928.68                  21,928.68                 100.00%
                                                                                                         Expected to be
Customer I                            16,150.35                  16,150.35                 100.00%
Total                             19,769,199.92           19,769,199.92

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: RMB118,195,371.65

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                       Ending balance
                                           Carrying amount            Bad debt provision             Withdrawal proportion
Credit risk group                            2,465,295,096.57               118,195,371.65                              4.79%
Total                                        2,465,295,096.57               118,195,371.65


Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other receivables if adopting the
general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable.
□Applicable  Not applicable

Disclosure by aging
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                             Aging                                                      Ending balance
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                            2,217,602,166.86
1 to 2 years                                                                                                  172,512,834.98
2 to 3 years                                                                                                   41,194,435.41
Over 3 years                                                                                                   53,754,859.24
3 to 4 years                                                                                                    6,082,506.14
4 to 5 years                                                                                                   25,601,627.43
Over 5 years                                                                                                   22,070,725.67
Total                                                                                                       2,485,064,296.49

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Collected during the Reporting Period

Bad debt provision withdrawn in the Reporting Period:

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
   Category                                              Reversed or                                            Ending balance
                       balance             Withdrawn                         Verified           Other
Bad debt
provision           25,123,263.5                                                                                19,769,199.9
separately                                                                5,354,063.65
                               7                                                                                           2
Bad debt
provision           98,359,660.2      19,695,758.5                                                              118,195,371.
withdrawn                                                 140,000.00              47.15
                               9                 1                                                                        65
according to

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2023

                     123,482,923.       19,695,758.5                                                            137,964,571.
Total                                                     140,000.00      5,354,110.80
                               86                  1                                                                      57
Of which, bad debt provision collected or reversed with significant amount:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

           Name of the entity                    Amount collected or reversed                         Way
No. 1                                                                 140,000.00     Court enforcement funds
Total                                                                 140,000.00

The amount of expected credit losses accrued during the current period was RMB19,695,758.51, the amount of
expected credit losses recovered or reversed during the current period was RMB140,000.00, and the amount of
expected credit losses verified during the current period was RMB5,354,110.80, which was RMB23,101.38
different from the amount of credit impairment loss on accounts receivable accrued during the current period of
RMB19,672,657.13, which was due to the difference in translation of foreign currency statements at the end of
the current period.

(3) Accounts Receivable with Actual Verification for the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                               Item                                                       Amount
No. 1                                                                                                           4,687,053.33
No. 2                                                                                                             521,689.32
No. 3                                                                                                             145,321.00
Other retails accounts                                                                                                 47.15

Of which, verification of significant accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                          Whether occurred
Name of the entity            Nature            Amount                Reason             Procedure        because of related-
                                                                                                          party transactions
                                                                                     Perform the
                                                                 The enterprise is
                                                                                     procedures in
                                                                insolvent and not
No. 1                    Payment for goods     4,687,053.33                          accordance with      Not
                                                                expected to be
                                                                                     the Company’s bad
                                                                                     debt management
                                                                                     Perform the
                                                                 The enterprise is
                                                                                     procedures in
                                                                insolvent and not
No. 2                    Payment for goods       521,689.32                          accordance with      Not
                                                                expected to be
                                                                                     the Company’s bad
                                                                                     debt management
                                                                                     Perform the
                                                                 The enterprise is
                                                                                     procedures in
                                                                insolvent and not
No. 3                    Payment for goods       145,321.00                          accordance with      Not
                                                                expected to be
                                                                                     the Company’s bad
                                                                                     debt management

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

Total                                         5,354,063.65


The approval procedure for the verification of accounts receivable during the Reporting Period had been
performed in accordance with provisions of the bad debt management system of the Company.

(4) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                 Proportion to total ending
                                  Ending balance of accounts                                    Ending balance of bad debt
        Name of units                                              balance of accounts
                                          receivable                                                    provision
                                                                      receivable (%)
No. 1                                       261,026,852.86                            10.50%                7,830,805.59
No. 2                                       152,452,817.41                             6.13%                4,573,584.52
No. 3                                        93,476,069.87                             3.76%                2,804,282.10
No. 4                                        55,627,701.25                             2.24%                1,283,037.33
No. 5                                        55,226,986.80                             2.22%                1,675,758.38
Total                                       617,810,428.19                            24.85%

(5) Derecognition of Accounts Receivable due to the Transfer of Financial Assets


(6) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement

of Accounts Receivable


6. Accounts Receivable Financing

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                  Item                                 Ending balance                          Beginning balance
Bank acceptance bills                                           444,845,917.62                            569,868,831.79
Total                                                           444,845,917.62                            569,868,831.79

The changes of accounts receivable financing in the Reporting Period and the changes in fair value
□Applicable  Not applicable
Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if
adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable
□Applicable  Not applicable

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2023

7. Prepayment

(1) Listed by Aging

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                           Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
                                    Amount                Proportion                     Amount                 Proportion
Within 1 year                      31,552,324.47                   76.12%               36,419,452.21                    80.00%
1 to 2 years                        2,624,032.73                     6.33%               3,345,048.70                      7.35%
2 to 3 years                        4,381,417.53                   10.57%                3,313,296.20                      7.28%
Over 3 years                        2,893,345.53                     6.98%               2,448,751.82                      5.38%
Total                              41,451,120.26                                        45,526,548.93
Notes of the reasons of the prepayment aging over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time:


(2) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Prepayments Collected according to the Prepayment Target

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                    Relationship with the                                                             Proportion to total
Name of units                                   Ending balance                  Aging
                          Company                                                                     prepayments (%)

No. 1               Non-related supplier                8,853,527.27         Within 1 year                              21.36%

No. 2               Non-related supplier                2,540,646.17 1 to 2 years, 2 to 3 years                          6.13%

No. 3               Non-related supplier                1,327,340.00         2 to 3 years                                3.20%

No. 4               Non-related supplier                1,322,725.73         Within 1 year                               3.19%

No. 5               Non-related supplier                1,311,535.80         Within 1 year                               3.16%

     Total                                             15,355,774.97                                                    37.05%

8. Other Receivables

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                    Item                                Ending balance                              Beginning balance
Other receivables                                                 150,403,234.75                                 32,902,865.98
Total                                                             150,403,234.75                                 32,902,865.98

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable


2) Significant Overdue Interest


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2023

3) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Dividends Receivable

1) Category of Dividends Receivable


2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aged over 1 Year


3) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Other Receivables

1) Other Receivables Disclosed by Account Nature

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                    Nature                             Ending carrying amount                  Beginning carrying amount
Dividend payment (note)                                              111,892,889.20
Other current accounts                                                43,848,497.77                           45,041,494.42
Performance bonds                                                     18,415,192.27                           14,472,948.78
Export VAT rebates                                                    11,326,131.26                           10,011,271.72
Staff loans and imprests                                               1,984,223.92                            1,164,918.15
Rents and utilities                                                      724,524.41                            1,220,591.91
Total                                                               188,191,458.83                            71,911,224.98

Note: refer to the dividend payment transferred to China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation

2) Information of Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                   First stage             Second stage               Third stage
                                                        Expected loss in the
  Bad debt provision                                                            Expected loss in the            Total
                             Expected credit loss of      duration (credit
                                                                                  duration (credit
                              the next 12 months          impairment not
                                                                               impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January
2023                                   584,406.20             4,785,285.13            33,638,667.67           39,008,359.00
Balance of 1 January
2023 in the Current
Withdrawal of the
Current Period                         210,014.79              -701,413.34               -728,736.37          -1,220,134.92

Balance of 30 June
                                       794,420.99             4,083,871.79            32,909,931.30           37,788,224.08

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2023

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period

□Applicable  Not applicable

Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                             Aging                                                        Ending balance
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                               149,905,951.05
1 to 2 years                                                                                                     3,027,584.32
2 to 3 years                                                                                                     6,134,698.71
Over 3 years                                                                                                    29,123,224.75
3 to 4 years                                                                                                     3,781,427.91
4 to 5 years                                                                                                     1,721,323.52
Over 5 years                                                                                                    23,620,473.32
Total                                                                                                          188,191,458.83

3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Bad debt provision withdrawn in the Reporting Period:

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
   Category                                               Reversed or                                            Ending balance
                       balance             Withdrawn                          Verified              Other
Other                39,008,359.0                -                                                                37,788,224.0
receivables                     0     1,220,134.92                                                                           8
                     39,008,359.0                -                                                                37,788,224.0
                                0     1,220,134.92                                                                           8

The amount of expected credit losses accrued during the current period was RMB1,220,134.92, the amount of
expected credit losses recovered or reversed during the current period was RMB0.00, and the amount of
expected credit losses verified during the current period was RMB0.00, which was RMB17,439.94 different
from the amount of credit impairment loss on other receivables accrued during the current period of
RMB1,237,574.86, which was due to the difference in translation of foreign currency statements at the end of
the current period.

4) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Reporting Period


5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                         Proportion to total
                                                                                         ending balance of     Ending balance of
Name of the entity          Nature             Ending balance          Aging
                                                                                         other receivables     bad debt provision
No. 1                 Dividend payment         111,892,889.20    Within 1 year                     59.46%                   0.00
                      Other intercourse
No. 2
                      accounts                  20,000,000.00    Within 5 year                     10.63%        20,000,000.00
No. 3                 VAT export tax            11,326,131.26    Within 1 year                       6.02%          339,783.94

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

                      Other intercourse
No. 4                                          5,000,000.00    Within 1 years                2.66%          5,000,000.00
                      Other intercourse
No. 5                                          4,289,457.98    Within 3 year                 2.28%          4,289,457.98
Total                                       152,508,478.44                                  81.05%         29,629,241.92

6) Accounts Receivable Involving Government Grants


7) Derecognition of Other Receivables due to the Transfer of Financial Assets


8) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement
of Other Receivables


9. Inventory

Whether the Company needs to comply with disclosure requirements for real estate industry


(1) Category of Inventory

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                      Ending balance                                   Beginning balance
                                       Falling price                                     Falling price
                                        reserves of                                       reserves of
                                       inventory or                                      inventory or
        Item          Carrying         depreciation                        Carrying      depreciation
                                                       Carrying value                                       Carrying value
                      amount            reserves of                        amount         reserves of
                                         contract                                           contract
                                       performance                                       performance
                                            cost                                              cost
                   379,135,335.                        369,490,024.     414,134,452.                        407,241,210.
Raw materials                         9,645,310.90                                      6,893,242.38
                             60                                  70               55                                  17
Goods in           227,936,650.                        227,936,650.     239,412,167.                        239,412,167.
process                      78                                  78               33                                  33
Inventory          796,421,911.       142,385,621.     654,036,290.     1,019,990,15    139,368,445.        880,621,713.
goods                        36                 23               13             9.16              90                  26
                   295,172,317.                        292,209,391.     391,149,213.                        381,344,043.
Goods in transit                      2,962,926.23                                      9,805,170.06
                             67                                  44               49                                  43
Semi-finished      87,046,434.8                        85,632,110.3     113,621,240.                        112,706,998.
goods                                 1,414,324.51                                        914,242.37
                              3                                   2               54                                  17
                   2,036,927.65                        2,036,927.65     2,742,435.82                        2,742,435.82
                   15,184,800.3                        15,184,800.3
Others                                                                  7,568,833.69                        7,568,833.69
                              4                                   4

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2023

                   1,802,934,37       156,408,182.        1,646,526,19        2,188,618,50    156,981,100.        2,031,637,40
                           8.23                 87                5.36                2.58              71                1.87

(2)Falling Price Reserves of Inventory and Depreciation Reserves of Contract Performance Cost

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                    Increase                              Decrease
        Item                                                                   Reversal or                       Ending balance
                       balance             Withdrawal           Other                              Other
Raw materials      6,893,242.38       3,250,464.48                             498,395.96                         9,645,310.90
Inventory          139,368,445.       13,794,313.6                            10,777,138.3                        142,385,621.
goods                        90                  4                                       1                                  23
Goods in transit   9,805,170.06                                               6,842,243.83                        2,962,926.23
                      914,242.37           500,423.64                               341.50                        1,414,324.51
                   156,981,100.       17,545,201.7                            18,118,119.6                        156,408,182.
                             71                  6                                       0                                  87

For the Reporting Period, the falling price reserves of inventory were accrued RMB17,545,201.76, reversed
RMB2,968,819.12 and verified RMB15,149,300.48.

(3) Notes to the Ending Balance of Inventories Including Capitalized Borrowing Expense


(4) Amortization Amount of Contract Performance Cost during the Reporting Period


10. Contract Assets

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                      Ending balance                                         Beginning balance
        Item          Carrying         Depreciation                             Carrying       Depreciation
                                                          Carrying value                                          Carrying value
                       amount            reserves                                amount          reserves
Contract assets       6,074,305.63         920,946.65          5,153,358.98     6,074,305.63       607,430.56        5,466,875.07
Total                 6,074,305.63         920,946.65          5,153,358.98     6,074,305.63       607,430.56        5,466,875.07

Amount of significant changes in carrying value of contract assets in the Reporting Period and reasons thereof:


If the bad debt provision for contract assets in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, the

information related to the bad debt provision shall be disclosed by reference to the disclosure method of other


□Applicable  Not applicable

Withdrawal of impairment provision for contract assets in the Reporting Period

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2023

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

           Item                   Withdrawal                  Reversal                     Verification                 Reason
                                                                                                                 Normal withdrawal at
Contract assets                             313,516.09
Total                                       313,516.09

11. Held-for-Sale Assets

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                        Ending                                                                            Estimated
                                            Depreciation       Ending                                                      Estimated
        Item           carrying                                                  Fair value                disposal
                                             reserves      carrying value                                                disposal time
                       amount                                                                              expense
buildings and       17,147,339.8                           17,147,339.8        183,855,895.          55,718,333.9      31 December
land involved                  4                                      4                  00                     5      2023
in expropriation
                    17,147,339.8                           17,147,339.8        183,855,895.          55,718,333.9
                               4                                      4                  00                     5
Other notes:
Note: For details, see Part X-XVI.Other Major Events-8.Other: "Demolition Matters of Nanjing Fozhao" of this
Report. The estimated disposal costs include employee resettlement fees, compensation for the termination of
the original tenant's contract, and taxes related to the proceeds of demolition.

12. Current Portion of Non-current Assets


13. Other Current Assets

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                   Item                                    Ending balance                                  Beginning balance
Large bank certificates of deposit (note)                               100,000,000.00
Input tax of VAT to be certified and
deducted                                                              63,856,804.78                                       72,851,826.53
Advance payment of enterprise income
tax                                                                      5,462,208.91                                      3,676,607.32
Others                                                                   3,696,897.95                                      2,910,143.04
Total                                                                     173,015,911.64                                  79,438,576.89
Note: refer to large bank certificates of deposit matured over three months which can be transferred but not be
redeemed in advance.

14. Investments in debt obligations


15. Other Investments in Debt Obligations


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2023

16. Long-term Accounts Receivable


17. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                  Gains                                                                          Ending
               Beginni                              and                           Cash                                           balance
                                                            Adjust                          Withdra                  Ending
                  ng                              losses                          bonus                                             of
Investe                   Additio      Reduce              ment of   Change                  wal of                 balance
               balance                           recogni                            or                                           depreci
  es                         nal          d                 other      s of                 depreci                 (carryin
               (carryin                             zed                          profits               Other                      ation
                          investm      investm             compre     other                  ation                  g value)
               g value)                           under                          announ                                          reserve
                            ent          ent               hensive   equity                 reserve
                                                    the                          ced to                                             s
                                                           income                              s
                                                  equity                          issue
I. Joint ventures
II. Associated enterprises
onix        181,93                                                                                                  183,11
(Nanho      1,792.                                                                                                  7,824.
)                                                031.53
                 66                                                                                                     19
            181,93                                                                                                  183,11
Subtota                                          1,186,
l           1,792.                                                                                                  7,824.
                 66                                                                                                     19
            181,93                                                                                                  183,11
Total       1,792.                                                                                                  7,824.
                 66                                                                                                     19

18. Other Equity Instrument Investment

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                  Item                                      Ending balance                            Beginning balance
Gotion High-tech Co., Ltd.                                               473,235,307.42                             493,967,194.53
Xiamen Bank Co.,Ltd.                                                     287,939,745.30                             328,664,290.95
Guangdong Rising Finance Co., Ltd.                                        30,000,000.00                              30,000,000.00
Beijing Guangrong Lianmeng
Semiconductor lighting Industry                                             7,078,568.80                                  8,059,860.92
Investment Center(L.P.)
Foshan Nanhai District United
Guangdong New Light Source Industry                                         3,000,000.00                                  3,000,000.00
Innovation Center
China Guangfa Bank Co.,Ltd.                                                    500,000.00                                      500,000.00
Total                                                                    801,753,621.52                                 864,191,346.40

Disclosure of non-trading equity instrument investment by items
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Amount of        Reason for            Reason for
                                            Accumulative     Accumulative           other          assigning to            other
        Item                income
                                               gains            losses          comprehensive     measure in fair      comprehensive
                                                                                   income         value and the           income

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

                                                                         transferred to        changes      transferred to
                                                                            retained         included in       retained
                                                                            earnings            other          earnings
                                                                                          Not satisfied
                                                                                          with the
Gotion High-
                                       390,220,822.29                                     condition of
tech Co., Ltd.                                                                            trading equity
                                                                                          Not satisfied
                                                                                          with the
Xiamen Bank
                     16,633,969.35     134,982,138.47                                     condition of
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                  trading equity
Lianmeng                                                                                  Not satisfied
                                                                                          with the
                         52,364.46         653,627.87                                     condition of
lighting                                                                                  trading equity
Industry                                                                                  instrument
                                                                                          Not satisfied
Guangdong                                                                                 with the
Rising Finance                               4,080.96                                     condition of
Co., Ltd.                                                                                 trading equity

19. Other Non-current Financial Assets


20. Investment Property

(1)Investment Property Adopting the Cost Measurement Mode

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                               Construction in
          Item              Houses and buildings        Land use right                                       Total
I. Original carrying
1. Beginning balance                 54,404,787.78                                                            54,404,787.78
2. Increased amount of
the period
(1) Outsourcing
(2) Transfer from
assets/construction in
(3) Enterprise
combination increase
3. Decreased amount of
the period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer
4. Ending balance                    54,404,787.78                                                            54,404,787.78

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2023

II. Accumulative
depreciation and
1. Beginning balance                   9,792,905.34                                                               9,792,905.34
2. Increased amount of
the period                             1,245,165.95                                                               1,245,165.95
(1) Withdrawal or
amortization                           1,245,165.95                                                               1,245,165.95
3. Decreased amount of
the period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer
4. Ending balance                     11,038,071.29                                                              11,038,071.29
III. Depreciation
1. Beginning balance
2. Increased amount of
the period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decreased amount of
the period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer
4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying
value                                 43,366,716.49                                                              43,366,716.49
2. Beginning carrying
value                                 44,611,882.44                                                              44,611,882.44

(2) Investment Property Adopting the Fair Value Measurement Mode

□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Investment Property Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property


21. Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                  Item                                    Ending balance                        Beginning balance
Fixed assets                                                         3,362,929,170.95                       3,505,729,627.80
Disposal of fixed assets                                                 2,698,921.34                           2,364,654.61
Total                                                                3,365,628,092.29                       3,508,094,282.41

(1) List of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                     Houses and            Machinery      Transportation      Electronic
     Item                                                                                     Other(Note)           Total
                      buildings            equipment        equipment         equipment
   I. Original
 carrying value
  1. Beginning       1,945,505,958.      5,026,525,744.                                                         7,173,744,661.
     balance                                                42,934,087.94     71,546,378.97   87,232,491.32
                                 75                  08                                                                     06
  2. Increased        12,588,085.08     107,093,477.39       1,240,590.88      2,770,437.76    1,010,300.93    124,702,892.04

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2023

 amount of the
                                      22,416,839.6                                                            27,977,891.2
 (1) Purchase         1,707,909.03                           1,230,973.46   2,200,324.01     421,845.13
                                                 3                                                                       6
  (2) Transfer
       from                           83,014,052.5                                                            94,903,443.2
construction in      10,738,504.05                                          569,758.82       581,127.85
                                                 5                                                                       7
 (3) Others             141,672.00          1,662,585.21         9,617.42          354.93         7,327.95       1,821,557.51
 3. Decreased
 amount of the        4,301,800.00         34,205,228.18     1,698,224.38       45,882.86     1,472,933.96      41,724,069.38
(1) Disposal or
       scrap          4,301,800.00         31,285,387.93     1,698,224.38       45,882.86     1,424,801.82      38,756,096.99
 (2) Equipment
transformation                                198,725.31                                        48,132.14          246,857.45
 (3) Others                                  2,721,114.94                                                        2,721,114.94
      4. Ending      1,953,792,243.        5,099,413,993.                                                      7,256,723,483.
     balance                                                42,476,454.44    74,270,933.87   86,769,858.29
                                 83                    29                                                                  72
  1. Beginning                             2,779,752,635.                                                      3,656,540,089.
     balance        721,782,611.67                          33,394,916.40    52,921,576.93   68,688,348.72
                                                       53                                                                  25
  2. Increased
 amount of the       40,831,789.42     213,421,265.70        1,198,443.95     3,180,364.58    3,872,346.01    262,504,209.66
(1) Withdrawal       40,831,789.42     210,964,319.41        1,188,969.19     3,180,014.92    3,865,126.77    260,030,219.71
  (2) Transfer
construction in                             2,044,078.82                                                         2,044,078.82
   (3) Others                                 412,867.47         9,474.76          349.66         7,219.24         429,911.13
 3. Decreased
 amount of the        4,227,078.99         30,998,798.93     1,613,313.16       44,465.80     1,342,263.27      38,225,920.15
(1) Disposal or
       scrap          4,086,710.00         29,173,107.69     1,613,313.16       44,465.80     1,294,709.41      36,212,306.06
   Equipment                                  149,506.56                                        47,553.86          197,060.42
     (3) Others         140,368.99           1,676,184.68                                                        1,816,553.67
    4. Ending                              2,962,175,102.                                                      3,880,818,378.
     balance        758,387,322.10                          32,980,047.19    56,057,475.71   71,218,431.46
                                                       30                                                                  76
  1. Beginning
     balance                               11,129,431.94           69.83       343,855.06         1,587.18      11,474,944.01
  2. Increased
 amount of the                              1,500,990.00                                                         1,500,990.00
(1) Withdrawal                              1,500,990.00                                                         1,500,990.00
 3. Decreased
 amount of the
(1) Disposal or
    4. Ending
     balance                               12,630,421.94           69.83       343,855.06         1,587.18      12,975,934.01
  IV. Carrying
    1. Ending        1,195,404,921.        2,124,608,469.                                                      3,362,929,170.
carrying value                                               9,496,337.42    17,869,603.10   15,549,839.65
                                 73                    05                                                                  95

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2023

  2. Beginning       1,223,723,347.        2,235,643,676.                                                               3,505,729,627.
 carrying value                                                  9,539,101.71        18,280,946.98    18,542,555.42
                                 08                    61                                                                           80

Note: Fixed Assets-Other refer to cooling system and sewage treatment station of NationStar Optoelectronics
and instruments and implement of Nanning Liaowang.

(2) List of Temporarily Idle Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Original carrying          Accumulated            Depreciation
       Item                                                                                     Carrying value            Note
                             value                depreciation            reserves
                            50,680,329.86           41,182,831.19               3,651,651.37         5,845,847.30            Idle
                             7,785,983.92             7,370,095.02               342,427.13            73,461.77             Idle
                              137,560.60               130,682.57                     69.83              6,808.20            Idle
Others                           3,645.30                1,875.86                   1,587.18               182.26            Idle
Total                       58,607,519.68           48,685,484.64               3,995,735.51         5,926,299.53

(3) Fixed Assets Leased out by Operation Lease


(4) Fixed Assets Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

The Company's Fuwan Standard Workshop J3, Fuwan Standard Workshop K1, Building 8 of Gaoming Family
Dormitory, Fuwan Staff Dormitory Building 7, Family Dormitory Building 3 to 6, Staff Village Dormitory
Building A, Staff Village Dormitory Building 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 to 13, Staff Dormitory Building 1 to 4, Fuwan
Energy Saving Lamp Workshop 2, Glass Workshop 8, Glass Workshop 9, Fluorescent Lamp Workshop,
Standard Workshop A, led Workshop, R&D Workshop 11 to 14 and R&D Workshop 18 have been completed
and put into use and carried forward fixed assets. As of 30 June 2023, the relevant real estate licenses are being
processed. The management believed that there are no substantive legal barriers to the handling of these title
certificates, and it will not have a significant adverse impact on the normal operation of the Company.

In addition, the T5 warehouse in the North Zone, the equipment warehouse, the materials warehouse (east end
of the single-end workshop), the storage tank pond of the gas station in the North Zone, the LPG station in the
North Zone, the subsidiary warehouse of the new finished goods warehouse, the 3662M2 new finished goods
warehouse and the assembly plant of Gaoming LED lamps have no property ownership certificates due to
historical matters, and these buildings and constructions are involved in the "pending expropriation" project,
which is planned to be implemented by the relevant government departments, as detailed in Note VII (31) Other
non-current assets.

(5) Proceeds from Disposal of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                  Item                                      Ending balance                               Beginning balance
Applying for scrapping indisposed
                                                                          2,698,921.34                                 2,364,654.61

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                                         Interim Report 2023

Total                                                                              2,698,921.34                                   2,364,654.61

22. Construction in progress

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                         Item                                      Ending balance                                    Beginning balance
Construction in progress                                                          1,377,403,873.06                               1,282,780,335.14
Total                                                                             1,377,403,873.06                               1,282,780,335.14

(1) List of Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                 Ending balance                                             Beginning balance
        Item                Carrying              Depreciation                                 Carrying       Depreciation
                                                                   Carrying value                                                 Carrying value
                            amount                  reserves                                   amount           reserves
Construction in            1,378,931,428.                             1,377,403,873.       1,284,307,890.                           1,282,780,335.
                                                    1,527,554.99                                                 1,527,554.99
progress                               05                                         06                   13                                       14
                           1,378,931,428.                             1,377,403,873.       1,284,307,890.                           1,282,780,335.
Total                                               1,527,554.99                                                 1,527,554.99
                                       05                                         06                   13                                       14

(2) Changes in Significant Construction in Progress during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                    tion of                                      Capital
                                                                                                          Accum        amoun
                                                                                    accum                                        ization
                                                                                                          ulative         t of
                                                   Transf    Other                  ulative                                      rate of
                          Beginn    Increas                                                               amoun        capital
                                                   erred     decrea     Ending       invest        Job                           interes    Capital
                           ing        ed                                                                    t of         ized
 Item      Budget                                     in      sed       balanc        ment       schedu                           ts for    resour
                          balanc    amoun                                                                 interes      interes
                                                    fixed    amoun        e            in           le                              the       ces
                            e          t                                                                      t         ts for
                                                   assets       t                   constr                                       Report
                                                                                                          capital         the
                                                                                    uctions                                         ing
                                                                                                          ization      Report
                                                                                       to                                        Period
Kelian         726,73      566,25                                        569,70                             36,640                         financi
                                        3,452,                                         88.58    90.00
Buildi         8,900.      4,746.                                        7,364.                             ,953.0                         ng and
                                       617.96                                             %     %                                          Borro
ng                 00          61                                            57                                  2
Project                                                                                                                                    Self-
of the          1,714,     421,30                                        427,00                                                            financi
                                        6,157,      458,40                             27.44    27.44       110,08      72,249
Geely          546,70      8,508.                                        7,925.                                                  3.52%     ng and
                                       824.38         7.06                                %     %             5.00         .18             Borro
Industr           0.00         55                                            87
ial                                                                                                                                        wing
inan           310,40      37,522      59,621                            97,144                                                            Self-
                                                                                       34.11    61.00
Industr        0,000.      ,769.1      ,359.8                            ,128.9                                                            financi
                                                                                          %     %
ial                00           0           9                                 9                                                            ng
Park I
               148,27      68,275      24,759                            93,034                                                            Self-
smart                                                                                  68.39    83.00
               1,900.      ,373.8      ,409.8                            ,783.7                                                            financi
LED                                                                                       %     %
                   00           7           4                                 1                                                            ng

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                               Interim Report 2023

in the
ng         115,00    73,222    18,438                        91,660                             Self-
                                                                       86.88   87.00
office     0,000.    ,239.6    ,005.8                        ,245.5                             financi
                                                                          %    %
buildin        00         9         4                             3                             ng
           89,680    23,808                                  23,808                             Self-
manuf                                                                  30.00   30.00
           ,000.0    ,849.5                                  ,849.5                             financi
acturin                                                                   %    %
                0         7                                       7                             ng
on         26,632    12,629    18,382      19,32             10,782                             Self-
                                                     905,1             78.00   78.00
Jihua      ,094.6    ,643.7    ,287.9      3,976             ,824.7                             financi
                                                     30.42                %    %
Secon           2         7         1        .47                  9                             ng
sion of    913,41    11,803                                                                     Self-
                               896,67       5,294,            7,406,   97.83   97.83
Packag     2,500.    ,833.6                                                                     financi
                                 1.28      232.63            272.34       %    %
ing            00         9                                                                     ng

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2023

paint                                                                                                            Self-
            5,292,    1,058,    3,695,                       4,753,   89.82   90.00
line                                                                                                             financi
           035.40    407.06    139.30                       546.36       %    %
equip                                                                                                            ng
F1Line      6,476,    1,715,    1,718,                       3,433,   53.02   80.00
body       106.19    867.26    051.72                       918.98       %    %
-           4,053,    3,242,                                 3,242,   80.00   90.00
Spray-     097.35    478.00                                 478.00       %    %
70501-                                                                                                           Self-
            3,097,    1,858,    1,002,                       2,860,   92.36   90.00
1920T                                                                                                            financi
           345.13    407.08    358.64                       765.72       %    %
injecti                                                                                                          ng
g           3,672,    2,707,    2,330.                       2,710,   73.80   80.00
machi      566.37    964.54         10                      294.64       %    %
Produc     20,390                                                                                                Self-
                     430,08    943,36      430,08           943,36    50.79   50.79
tion       ,000.0                                                                                                financi
                       8.50      2.85        8.51             2.84       %    %
Expan           0                                                                                                ng
sion of
            4,087,    1,225,   139,06      25,50             1,338,                   36,751
                                                    905,1                                      72,249
Total      663,24    839,17    9,419.      6,704            496,76                    ,038.0
                                                    30.42                                         .18
              5.06      7.29       71        .67               1.91                        2

(3) List of the Withdrawal of the Depreciation Reserves for Construction in Progress


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2023

(4) Engineering Materials


23. Productive Living Assets

(1) Productive Living Assets Adopting Cost Measurement Mode

□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Productive Living Assets Adopting Fair Value Measurement Mode

□Applicable  Not applicable

24. Oil and Gas Assets

□Applicable  Not applicable

25. Right-of-use Assets

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
              Item                    Houses and buildings       Land use right          Total
I. Original carrying value
   1. Beginning balance                          21,717,402.95           19,090,760.38       40,808,163.33
   2. Increased amount of the
period                                              919,748.13                                    919,748.13
      (1) Leased in                                 919,748.13                                    919,748.13
   3. Decreased amount of the
                                                     36,010.14                                     36,010.14
   4. Ending balance                             22,601,140.94           19,090,760.38       41,691,901.32
II. Accumulated amortization
   1. Beginning balance                           9,106,242.62           18,654,192.98       27,760,435.60
   2. Increased amount of the
period                                            3,776,607.81              436,567.40           4,213,175.21
      (1) Withdrawal                              3,776,607.81              436,567.40           4,213,175.21
   3. Decreased amount of the
                                                    114,465.60                                    114,465.60
   4. Ending balance                             12,768,384.83           19,090,760.38       31,859,145.21
III. Depreciation reserves
   1. Beginning balance
   2. Increased amount of the
      (1) Withdrawal
  3. Decreased amount of the
   (1) Disposal
  4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
  1. Ending carrying value                        9,832,756.11                                9,832,756.11
  2. Beginning carrying value                    12,611,160.33              436,567.40       13,047,727.73

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2023

26. Intangible Assets

(1) List of Intangible Assets

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
     Item           Land use right           Patent                     Software        Others (note)          Total
I. Original
carrying value
   1. Beginning
balance             408,013,759.69         24,198,472.74                35,318,404.44        49,109.90    467,579,746.77
   2. Increased
amount of the           350,661.10                                       3,435,711.18                        3,786,372.28
Purchase                350,661.10                                       3,435,711.18                        3,786,372.28
Internal R&D
   3. Decreased
amount of the
   4. Ending
balance             408,364,420.79         24,198,472.74                38,754,115.62        49,109.90     471,366,119.05
II. Accumulated
   1. Beginning
balance              86,226,483.33         24,002,566.64                16,746,120.66        49,109.90    127,024,280.53
   2. Increased
amount of the         3,948,502.13            91,046.90                  2,098,950.49                        6,138,499.52
Withdrawal            3,948,502.13            91,046.90                  2,098,950.49                        6,138,499.52
   3. Decreased
amount of the
   4. Ending
balance              90,174,985.46         24,093,613.54                18,845,071.15        49,109.90    133,162,780.05
   1. Beginning
balance                                                                   388,613.87                           388,613.87
   2. Increased
amount of the
amount of the
   4. Ending
balance                                                                   388,613.87                           388,613.87
IV. Carrying

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2023

  1. Ending
carrying value      318,189,435.33            104,859.20                  19,520,430.60                     337,814,725.13
  2. Beginning
carrying value      321,787,276.36            195,906.10                  18,183,669.91                     340,166,852.37

The proportion of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company at the period-end to the ending balance of
intangible assets was 0.00%.

(2) Land Use Right with Certificate of Title Uncompleted

Other notes:

Note: “Intangible Assets-Others” mainly refers to the emission right of Nanning Liaowang recognized in 2022.

27. Development Costs


28. Goodwill

(1) Original Carrying Value of Goodwill

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
  Name of the                                        Increase                         Decrease
 invested units
                      Beginning            Formed by
   or events                                                                                               Ending balance
                       balance               business                      Disposal
    goodwill                               combination
Liaowang Auto        16,211,469.82                                                                           16,211,469.82
Lamp Co., Ltd.
                    405,620,123.64                                                                          405,620,123.64
Co., Ltd. (note)
Total               421,831,593.46                                                                          421,831,593.46

Note: Guangdong Electronics Information Industry Group Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangdong
Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd., acquired NationStar Optoelectronics in 2014, and the difference between the
fair value and the net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed company at the date of acquisition of
NationStar Optoelectronics resulted in a goodwill of RMB405,620,123.64.

(2) Goodwill impairment provisions


29. Long-term Prepaid Expense

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
        Item          Beginning balance        Increased amount   Amortization         Other decreased   Ending balance

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

                                                                    amount of the         amount
Mould                      123,701,355.84      19,318,247.77        18,177,894.17      16,664,943.47      108,176,765.97
Expense on
maintenance and             53,937,007.68      11,981,690.98        11,125,457.79                          54,793,240.87
Boarding box                   371,728.64         310,440.16           185,274.05                             496,894.75
Other                       12,116,535.75         599,459.45         4,303,862.82                           8,412,132.38
Total                      190,126,627.91      32,209,838.36        33,792,488.83      16,664,943.47      171,879,033.97

30. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred Income Tax Assets that Had not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                             Ending balance                                Beginning balance
          Item                Deductible temporary     Deferred income tax   Deductible temporary     Deferred income tax
                                  difference                 assets              difference                  assets
Provision for
impairment of assets              369,692,376.93            55,910,294.84        355,634,218.16            53,741,627.33
Unrealized profit of
internal transactions              45,049,689.58             6,117,103.55           52,989,043.64           7,948,356.52

Deductible loss                    59,430,734.45            10,501,457.66           72,901,011.65          12,503,679.82
Depreciation of fixed
assets                             56,881,472.25             8,532,220.85           57,459,943.55           8,618,991.55
Change in fair value of
                                   23,814,503.38             3,572,175.51           5,013,923.26               752,088.49
trading financial assets
Lease liabilities                   9,756,245.93             1,463,436.88           12,273,129.57           1,799,787.39
Accrued liabilities                 9,518,319.01             1,427,747.85            9,579,783.06           1,436,967.46
Long-term deferred
                                                                                    3,888,860.58               583,329.09
Others                             44,091,211.68             6,614,523.28           18,675,496.41           2,802,165.99
Total                             618,234,553.21            94,138,960.42        588,415,409.88            90,186,993.64

(2) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Had not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                             Ending balance                               Beginning balance
          Item                 Taxable temporary       Deferred income tax    Taxable temporary      Deferred income tax
                                  difference                liabilities          difference                 liabilities
Assets assessment
appreciation from
business consolidation             86,121,665.67            12,918,249.86           88,576,232.73          13,286,434.92
not under the same
Changes in fair value
of other investments in           519,352,960.75            77,902,944.12        580,809,393.51            87,121,409.03
equity instruments
One-off depreciation of
                                  690,169,165.63           103,525,374.85        680,398,140.98           102,059,721.15
fixed assets
Right-of-use assets                 9,681,614.81             1,452,242.22           13,047,727.73           1,901,566.58
Book-tax difference in
depreciation period of              1,194,076.92               298,519.23
fixed assets

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Interim Report 2023

Changes in the fair
value of trading                        14,216.68                      2,132.50                    14,216.68                    2,132.50
financial assets
Total                          1,306,533,700.46               196,099,462.78              1,362,845,711.63                204,371,264.18

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Off-set

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                            Mutual set-off amount          Amount of deferred          Mutual set-off amount         Amount of deferred
                            of deferred income tax         income tax assets or        of deferred income tax        income tax assets or
                            assets and liabilities at    liabilities after off-set     assets and liabilities at   liabilities after off-set
                                the period-end               at the period-end             the period-begin           at the period-begin
Deferred income tax
assets                                                          94,138,960.42                                              90,186,993.64
Deferred income tax
liabilities                                                   196,099,462.78                                              204,371,264.18

(4) List of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets


(5) Deductible Losses of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets will Due in the Following Years


31. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                        Ending balance                                                Beginning balance
        Item            Carrying         Depreciation                                  Carrying         Depreciation
                                                             Carrying value                                                Carrying value
                        amount             reserve                                     amount              reserve
payment for           35,069,785.3                           35,069,785.3            44,132,869.2                          44,132,869.2
equipment and                    6                                      6                       6                                     6
assets to be          40,230,664.8                           40,230,664.8            36,553,212.6                          36,553,212.6
disposed (note                   4                                      4                       4                                     4
for equity            10,000,000.0      10,000,000.0                                 10,000,000.0       10,000,000.0
acquisition                      0                 0                                            0                  0
(note 2)
Assets of
subsidiaries to
                       510,864.76                              510,864.76             613,072.43                             613,072.43
be cleared and
Other                   407,032.79                             407,032.79              244,358.52                            244,358.52
                      86,218,347.7      10,000,000.0         76,218,347.7            91,543,512.8       10,000,000.0       81,543,512.8
                                 5                 0                    5                       5                  0                  5

Other notes:
Note 1: The Company intends to hand over the plots of land located on the south and north sides of the Gongye
Road to the government for revitalisation in the form of "pending expropriation". When the government

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2023

successfully sells the plots through a public auction, the Company will be given the compensation for the land
transfer according to the policy. The buildings and constructions to be revitalized include the plant of LED
Workshop 3, the added plant of LED Workshop 3, South Plant (single-end workshop), North Plant (4 buildings),
spark plug workshop of energy-saving lamps warehouse, T8 Workshop 1 (Building 2), LED Workshop 2,
Iodine Lamp Workshop 3155m (building 14), the Company's new finished goods warehouse 3662M2, materials
warehouse (east end of single-end workshop), North Zone LPG station , T5 warehouse in the North Zone, etc.
Note 2: The Company's subsidiary, NationStar Optoelectronics, entered into the Capital Injection Agreement
with Nanyang Xicheng Technology Co., Ltd. (Xicheng Tech). NationStar Optoelectronics paid RMB10 million
for capital injection. Later, the agreement was re-signed to change the investment method. In order to address
issues related to the above payment, NationStar Optoelectronics filed a lawsuit with the court, claiming the
return of the above payment for capital injection. Currently, the court has rejected the claim. As of the end of
the Reporting Period, the impairment provision had been set aside in full.

32. Short-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Short-term Borrowings

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                    Item                           Ending balance                        Beginning balance
Mortgage loans                                              118,330,000.00                          100,000,000.00
Credit loans                                                 72,596,526.02                           37,596,526.02
Acceptance bill discount                                                                             20,000,000.00
Interest from short-term borrowings                                                                     118,833.33
Total                                                       190,926,526.02                          157,715,359.35
For details about the collateral for mortgage loans please refer to XIV-(III) Other in Part X.

(2) List of the Short-term Borrowings Overdue but not Returned


33. Trading Financial Liabilities

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                   Item                          Ending balance                        Beginning balance
Trading financial liabilities                                23,741,475.00                            4,679,000.00
Other (note)                                                 23,741,475.00                            4,679,000.00
Total                                                        23,741,475.00                            4,679,000.00

note: refer to losses on changes in fair value arising from the Company’s hedge instruments.

34. Derivative Financial Liabilities


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2023

35. Notes Payable

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                 Item                           Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Bank acceptance bill                                   1,786,199,423.18                            1,923,641,752.28
letter of credit                                          67,154,037.47                               52,101,816.43
Total                                                  1,853,353,460.65                            1,975,743,568.71
The total amount of the due but not paid notes payable at the end of the period was of RMB0.00.

36. Accounts Payable

(1) List of Accounts Payable

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                        Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Accounts payable                                       2,437,263,015.38                           2,513,177,458.14
Total                                                  2,437,263,015.38                           2,513,177,458.14

(2) Significant Accounts Payable Aging over One Year

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                    Item                        Ending balance                     Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason
Supplier A                                                53,874,419.09       It has not reached the settlement period
Supplier B                                                11,091,750.64       Unsettled for bankruptcy
Supplier C                                                 5,468,703.00       Quality guarantee deposit
Supplier D                                                 4,249,699.04       It has not reached the settlement period
Supplier E                                                 3,560,177.00       It has not reached the settlement period
Supplier F                                                 2,702,000.00       It has not reached the settlement period
Total                                                     80,946,748.77

37. Advances from Customer

(1) List of Advances from Customers

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                Item                            Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Advances from customers                                          196,200.00                              2,532,442.44
Total                                                            196,200.00                              2,532,442.44

(2) Significant Advances from Customers Aging over One Year


38. Contract Liabilities

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                    Item                        Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Advances on sales                                         131,700,995.68                            125,143,161.61

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2023

Total                                                     131,700,995.68                        125,143,161.61

39. Employee Benefits Payable

(1) List of Employee Benefits Payable

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
           Item              Beginning balance     Increase               Decrease            Ending balance
I. Short-term salary           168,935,119.49     625,092,899.71         633,858,737.63        160,169,281.57
II. Post-employment
benefit-defined                   3,890,071.51     54,523,735.92           56,433,980.29          1,979,827.14
contribution plans
III. Termination
                                     208,961.18        426,638.74             484,638.74            150,961.18
IV. Current portion of
                                                        93,935.66              93,935.66
other benefits
Total                           173,034,152.18    680,137,210.03         690,871,292.32         162,300,069.89

(2) List of Short-term Salary

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
           Item              Beginning balance      Increase               Decrease           Ending balance
1. Salary, bonus,
                                164,655,970.83    547,553,308.79         555,725,501.76         156,483,777.86
allowance, subsidy
2. Employee welfare                 666,925.03     28,195,163.27           28,212,291.70            649,796.60
3. Social insurance               1,367,698.57     26,368,995.25           27,213,373.53            523,320.29
Of which: Medical
                                  1,200,640.78     26,446,761.75           27,295,390.84            352,011.69
insurance premiums
                                     167,057.79     1,496,952.65           1,492,701.84             171,308.60
injury insurance
          Others                                       31,534.96               31,534.96
4. Housing fund                      458,956.38    17,705,004.42           17,708,217.38            455,743.42
5. Labor union budget
and employee                      1,785,568.68      5,270,427.98           4,999,353.26           2,056,643.40
education budget
Total                           168,935,119.49    625,092,899.71         633,858,737.63         160,169,281.57

(3) List of Defined Contribution Plans

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
          Item               Beginning balance      Increase               Decrease           Ending balance
1. Basic pension
                                  3,658,022.92     49,996,646.16           51,971,231.59          1,683,437.49
2. Unemployment
insurance                            131,643.99     1,354,271.20           1,378,298.97             107,616.22
3. Annuity                          100,404.60      3,172,818.56            3,084,449.73            188,773.43
Total                             3,890,071.51     54,523,735.92           56,433,980.29          1,979,827.14
Other notes:
The Company     participates in the scheme of pension insurance and unemployment insurance established by
government agencies as required. According to the scheme, fees are paid to it on a monthly basis and at the rate
of stipulated by government agencies. In addition to the above monthly deposit fees, the Company no longer
assumes further payment obligations. Corresponding expenses are recorded into the current profits or losses or
the cost of related assets when incurred.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                      Interim Report 2023

40. Taxes Payable

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                    Item                    Ending balance                       Beginning balance
VAT                                                   35,873,033.86                           35,832,025.02
Corporate income tax                                  23,568,788.01                            9,503,893.79
Personal income tax                                    1,695,872.03                            2,569,142.68
Urban maintenance and construction tax                 2,828,109.38                            2,934,691.53
Property tax                                           7,925,415.89                            8,147,187.30
Land use tax                                           2,880,439.83                            1,817,585.50
Education surcharge                                    1,421,991.02                            2,015,767.71
Other                                                  2,039,570.72                            1,475,258.57
Total                                                 78,233,220.74                           64,295,552.10

41. Other Payables

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                    Item                    Ending balance                       Beginning balance
Dividends payable                                     134,915,110.77                             15,646.07
Other payables                                        510,821,537.76                        440,214,434.98
Total                                                 645,736,648.53                        440,230,081.05

(1) Interest Payable


(2) Dividends Payable

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                  Item                      Ending balance                       Beginning balance
Ordinary share dividends                              134,915,110.77                                 15,646.07
Total                                                 134,915,110.77                                 15,646.07

(3) Other Payables

1) Other Payables Listed by Nature

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                  Item                      Ending balance                       Beginning balance
Payment for equity transfer                           134,409,650.00                        134,409,650.00
Account current                                       142,100,932.05                        133,618,069.56
Performance bond                                       75,214,029.74                         67,039,416.12
Relevant expense of sales                              72,952,540.76                         29,232,738.55
Payments for demolition                                36,734,144.44                         36,734,144.44
Other                                                  49,410,240.77                         39,180,416.31
Total                                                 510,821,537.76                        440,214,434.98

2) Significant Other Payables Aging over One Year

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                    Item                    Ending balance              Reason for not repayment or carry-over
Unit A                                                115,352,181.20   Unsettled

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2023

Unit B                                                      5,752,000.00    Unsettled for involving in lawsuits
Total                                                     121,104,181.20

42. Liabilities Held for sale


43. Current Portion of Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                         Ending balance                        Beginning balance
Current portion of long-term borrowings                    60,085,490.98                             60,322,923.28
Current portion of lease liabilities                        3,387,753.54                              5,217,587.39
Total                                                      63,473,244.52                             65,540,510.67

44. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Ending balance                        Beginning balance
Pending changerover output VAT and
                                                            9,938,765.60                              8,370,764.15
Reversed notes that are endorsed and
                                                          126,199,563.86                             91,821,916.85
Total                                                     136,138,329.46                            100,192,681.00

45. Long-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Long-term Borrowings

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                         Ending balance                        Beginning balance
Mortgage loans                                              8,268,725.21
Credit borrowings                                         545,179,623.61                            808,253,946.99
Less: Current portion of long-term
                                                           60,085,490.98                             60,322,923.28
Total                                                     493,362,857.84                            747,931,023.71

46. Bonds Payable


47. Lease Liabilities

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                    Item                         Ending balance                        Beginning balance
Lease liabilities                                            9,865,686.02                          12,273,129.57
Less: current portion of lease liabilities                   3,387,753.54                            5,217,587.39
                    Total                                   6,477,932.48                              7,055,542.18

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                           Interim Report 2023

48. Long-term Payables


49. Long-term Employee Benefits Payable


50. Provisions

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
               Item                        Ending balance                Beginning balance                 Reason for formation
                                                                                                      Withdrawal of customers’
Product quality assurance                         9,518,319.01                     9,587,043.31       claims for quality and product
                                                                                                      quality assurance expenses
Total                                             9,518,319.01                     9,587,043.31

51. Deferred Income

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                     Reason for
        Item          Beginning balance             Increase            Decrease              Ending balance
Government grants       97,078,233.43             2,331,221.32        18,548,967.01           80,860,487.74
Total                   97,078,233.43             2,331,221.32        18,548,967.01           80,860,487.74

Item involving government grants:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                             into                                                                Rela
                                                            non-                                                                  ted
                                                            oper        Amount                                                     to
                                                            ating    recorded into                                               asset
                       Beginning            Amount of                                   in         Other
        Item                                                inco    other income in                            Ending balance    s/rel
                        balance            newly subsidy                               the        changes
                                                             me      the Reporting                                               ated
                                                              in         Period                                                    to
                                                             the                                                                 inco
                                                            Rep                                                                   me
grants related to      88,313,595.06         1,708,400.00             15,456,657.30               208,250.00     74,357,087.76
 The Projects of
the Production
Expansion and
                       18,133,049.12                                   2,032,275.84                              16,100,773.28   to
of Components
of Small-spacing
and Outdoor

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                   Interim Report 2023

LED Displays
The Subsidy for
                       22,090,261.99       8,258,085.76   13,832,176.23   to
 The Project of
the Innovation in
Technology and
of Key
                        5,489,382.21        685,509.34     4,803,872.87   to
Equipment of
LEDs with High
Rendering Index
for Illumination
(Phase II)
 The Project of
the Innovation in
Technology and
Technological                                                             Rela
Transformation                                                            ted
of Key                  3,933,305.60        328,521.60     3,604,784.00   to
Packaging                                                                 asset
Equipment of                                                              s
LEDs with High
Rendering Index
for Illumination
The Project of
                        4,249,848.44        904,683.72     3,345,164.72   to
 The Project of
the Innovation in
Technology and
                        3,477,734.25        240,686.70     3,237,047.55   to
of Key
Equipment of
LEDs with
Small Spacing
for Display (II)
 The First Batch
of 2022 Special
Funds for
                        2,304,000.01        127,999.98     2,176,000.03   to

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                Interim Report 2023

by the Finance
Bureau of Liang
Jiang New Area
 Research on
Technologies of
the Third                                                              Rela
Generation of                                                          ted
High Frequency          1,771,946.26        33,235.86   1,738,710.40   to
Semiconductor                                                          asset
Electronic                                                             s
Power Module
in Colleges and
The Second
Batch of Support
Funds for the
"Technological                                                         Rela
Transformation                                                         ted
of Thousands of         1,766,666.62       100,000.02   1,666,666.60   to
Enterprises" in                                                        asset
the Guangxi                                                            s
Region for 2021
 The 2019
Second Batch of
Special Funds of
RMB3 million
                        1,800,000.00       150,000.00   1,650,000.00   to
for the Industrial
and Information
Development of
the City
 The First Batch
of Special Funds
for the Industrial
and Information
Development for                                                        Rela
the Guangxi                                                            ted
Zhuang                  1,766,666.89       199,999.98   1,566,666.91   to
Autonomous                                                             asset
Region for 2017                                                        s
for Liuzhou
 The Project of
the Innovation in
Technology and
                        1,801,098.21       269,756.22   1,531,341.99   to
of Key
Equipment of
LEDs with
Small Spacing
for Display

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                Interim Report 2023

 The Project of
the First Batch
of Support
Funds for
                        1,500,000.00       150,000.00   1,350,000.00   to
Enterprises in
Liuzhou City for
2017 for
Liuzhou Guige
forward the
Research and
and                                                                    Rela
Industrialization                                                      ted
of Potassium              970,982.10        56,798.76    914,183.34    to
Nitride-based Rf                                                       asset
Devices in the                                                         s
Field of Next
The 2019 14th
Batch of
                          900,000.00        75,000.00    825,000.00    to
Support Funds
of RMB1.5
The Project of
Support Funds
for Enterprises
                          716,666.61       100,000.02    616,666.59    to
in Liuzhou City
for 2020 for
Liuzhou Guige
 The First Batch
of 2022 Special
Funds for Micro,
                          630,000.00        34,999.98    595,000.02    to
Small, and
 The Project of
the Third Batch
of Special Funds
of Innovation-
Development for
                          616,000.00        48,000.00    568,000.00    to
the Guangxi
Region for 2018
for Liuzhou
 The Project of
Financial                                                              Rela
Support for                                                            ted
Developing                579,333.28        79,000.02    500,333.26    to
Liuzhou City                                                           asset
into an Industrial                                                     s
Internet of

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                Interim Report 2023

Things (IIOT)
City for 2021 for
Liuzhou Guige
The Key Labs of
Semiconductor                                                         Rela
Micro Display                                                         ted
Enterprises in            510,000.00        37,718.70    472,281.30   to
Guangdong                                                             asset
Province (for                                                         s
of Industrial
Internet of
                          515,334.44        67,332.78    448,001.66   to
Things (IIOT)
Applications for
LED Production
 The Light-
converting Films
and Components
                          734,299.34       294,038.46    440,260.88   to
of Highly
Efficient White-
light LEDs
 The Project of
Technologies                                                          Rela
and                                                                   ted
Industrialisation         441,240.00        30,495.00    410,745.00   to
of Silica-based                                                       asset
Gallium Nitride                                                       s
 The Project of
Research and
of NB-IoT-based
                          399,557.60        18,915.90    380,641.70   to
Internet of
Things Node
Chips and
 The Project of
the First Batch
of Support
Funds for
                          349,999.85        28,000.02    321,999.83   to
Enterprises in
Liuzhou City for
2018 for
Liuzhou Guige
The                       366,784.04        54,586.26    312,197.78   Rela

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                               Interim Report 2023

Industrialisation                                                                                     ted
of LED Flip-                                                                                          to
chips and Light                                                                                       asset
Source Modules                                                                                        s
for the Backlight
of Large-size
Project for the                                                                                       Rela
Centre for                                                                                            ted
Cultivating and                             300,000.00                                  300,000.00    to
Arranging High-                                                                                       asset
Value Patents of                                                                                      s
Others                 10,499,438.20       1,408,400.00   1,051,016.38   208,250.00   10,648,571.82   to
grants related to       8,764,638.37        622,821.32    2,884,059.71                 6,503,399.98
The Research on
the Key
Technology of                                                                                         Rela
4K/8K Full-                                                                                           ted
colour Micro-           3,407,456.55                      1,338,901.10                 2,068,555.45   to
LED Displays                                                                                          inco
with Ultra High                                                                                       me
 The Research
on Full-colour
and Integrated
Packaging of
                        1,826,069.52                       116,069.52                  1,710,000.00   to
Display with
High Brightness
and Contrast
 The Innovation
Fund for                                                                                              Rela
Enterprises in                                                                                        ted
Liudong New               750,000.00                        75,000.00                   675,000.00    to
Area for 2017                                                                                         inco
for Liuzhou                                                                                           me
 The Fund for
the Intelligent
and Upgrading
                          555,333.26                        34,000.02                   521,333.24    to
Projects of
Enterprises for
 The Fund for             512,000.08                        31,999.98                   480,000.10    Rela

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2023

the Project of the                                                                                                               ted
Management                                                                                                                       to
Committee of                                                                                                                     inco
the Liuzhou                                                                                                                      me
 The Special
Fund of the
Science and
Department of                                                                                                                    Rela
the Guangxi                                                                                                                      ted
Zhuang                      400,000.00                                      30,000.00                             370,000.00     to
Autonomous                                                                                                                       inco
Region for                                                                                                                       me
Development for
Technology for
Efficient                                                                                                                        Rela
Cultivation in                                                                                                                   ted
Modern                                       440,000.00                     79,614.21                             360,385.79     to
Agriculture and                                                                                                                  inco
Its                                                                                                                              me
Others                    1,313,778.96       182,821.32                1,178,474.88                               318,125.40     to
Total                    97,078,233.43      2,331,221.32              18,340,717.01            208,250.00       80,860,487.74

52. Other Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                    Item                                   Ending balance                          Beginning balance
Pending changerover output VAT                                               205,769.48                                307,696.87
Liabilities of subsidiaries to be cleared
                                                                                 537.61                                  1,083.74
and cancelled
Total                                                                        206,307.09                                308,780.61

53. Share Capital

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                              Increase/decrease (+/-)
                     Beginning                                                                                         Ending
                      balance       New shares                     Bonus issue                                         balance
                                                   Bonus shares                     Other (note)     Subtotal
                                      issued                        from profit
The sum of           1,361,994,64                                                                                    1,361,994,64
shares                       7.00                                                                                            7.00

Other notes:

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2023

                           Beginning balance                                                       Ending balance
  Item/Investor                                       Increase    Decrease
                      Invested amount Proportion                              Invested amount                  Proportion
Restricted shares      10,753,658.00          0.79%                                10,753,658.00                                 0.79%
Unrestricted shares 1,351,240,989.00         99.21%                             1,351,240,989.00                                99.21%
       Total        1,361,994,647.00        100.00%                             1,361,994,647.00                               100.00%

54. Other Equity Instruments


55. Capital Reserves

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
         Item                 Beginning balance                  Increase                Decrease                Ending balance
Other capital reserves             7,245,971.54                                                                      7,245,971.54
Total                              7,245,971.54                                                                      7,245,971.54

56. Treasury Shares

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
         Item                 Beginning balance                  Increase            Decrease (note)             Ending balance
Treasury shares (A-
                                     82,165,144.15                                                                       82,165,144.15
Total                                82,165,144.15                                                                       82,165,144.15

57. Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                    Reporting Period
                                                   Less:          Less:
                                                Recorded       Recorded
                                                 in other       in other
                                              comprehen      comprehen                    Attributabl
                                Income             sive           sive                    e to owners      Attributabl
               Beginning         before        income in      income in         Less:        of the         e to non-        Ending
                balance       taxation in     prior period   prior period Income tax       Company         controlling       balance
                              the Current           and            and         expense       as the         interests
                                 Period       transferred    transferred                  parent after      after tax
                                              to profit or    to retained                      tax
                                               loss in the   earnings in
                                                 Current     the Current
                                                  Period         Period
I. Other
income that
                                      -                                              -            -
may not        498,660,4                                                                                                  446,422,5
subsequentl                   61,456,43                                      9,218,464    52,237,96
                   84.47                                                                                                      16.62
y be                               2.76                                            .91         7.85
to profit or

Changes in                            -                                              -            -
               498,660,4                                                                                                  446,422,5
fair value                    61,456,43                                      9,218,464    52,237,96
of other           84.47                                                                                                      16.62
                                   2.76                                            .91         7.85

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2023

II. Other
income that
may                          2,437,098                                           1,298,317       1,138,780      778,851.7
subsequentl    519,465.7
                                   .47                                                 .50             .97              3
y be                   7
to profit or

from                   -
translation                  2,437,098                                           1,298,317       1,138,780      778,851.7
of foreign                         .47                                                 .50             .97              3
currency-              7
d financial
Total of
other                                -                                      -            -
               498,141,0                                                                         1,138,780      447,201,3
comprehen                    59,019,33                              9,218,464    50,939,65
sive               18.70                                                                               .97          68.35
                                  4.29                                    .91         0.35

58. Specific Reserve


59. Surplus Reserves

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
          Item               Beginning balance       Increase                   Decrease                Ending balance
Statutory surplus
reserves                         49,678,756.19                                                             49,678,756.19
Discretionary surplus
reserves                         41,680,270.96                                                             41,680,270.96
Total                            91,359,027.15                                                             91,359,027.15

60. Retained Earnings

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Reporting Period                          Same period of last year
Beginning balance of retained earnings
                                                         3,296,435,828.50                              3,111,864,076.86
before adjustments
Beginning balance of total retained
earnings of adjustments (“+” for                                                                              18,918.22
increase, “-“ for decrease)
Beginning balance of retained earnings
                                                         3,296,435,828.50                              3,111,882,995.08
after adjustments
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of
the Company as the parent                                  168,935,232.54                                230,320,570.67
Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus
reserves                                                                                                   11,785,496.74

      Dividend of ordinary shares                          134,899,464.70                                134,899,464.70

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2023

Add: Others (note)                                                                                           100,917,224.19
Ending retained earnings                                        3,330,471,596.34                           3,296,435,828.50

Note: Others refer to the retained earnings transferred from accumulative fair value changes previously included in other
comprehensive income when selling stocks in the same period of last year.
List of adjustment of beginning retained earnings:
(1) RMB18,918.22 beginning retained earnings was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
(2) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in accounting policies.
(3) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
(4) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.
(5) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected totally by other adjustments.

61. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                          Reporting Period                                 Same period of last year
                             Operating revenue           Cost of sales           Operating revenue            Cost of sales
Main operations              4,405,159,052.69         3,604,574,132.92           4,282,577,147.55           3,545,848,583.67
Other operations               160,903,676.33            128,900,695.96            150,754,245.87              108,212,784.36
Total                        4,566,062,729.02         3,733,474,828.88           4,433,331,393.42           3,654,061,368.03
Relevant information of revenue:

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                     Category of contracts                                                       Total
Types of products                                                                                            4,566,062,729.02
  Of which:
General lighting products                                                                                    1,792,551,295.05
LED packaging and component products                                                                         1,253,523,386.12
Vehicle lamp products                                                                                          806,133,465.65
Trade and other products                                                                                       713,854,582.20
By operating places                                                                                          4,566,062,729.02
  Of which:
Domestic                                                                                                     3,478,275,919.17
Overseas                                                                                                     1,087,786,809.85
Information related to performance obligations:
Information related to transaction value assigned to residual performance obligations:

The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not
fully performed yet was RMB251,621,886.53.

62. Taxes and Surtaxes

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                 Item                                   Reporting Period                        Same period of last year
Urban maintenance and construction tax                             11,300,137.99                                 7,589,677.86
Education surcharge                                                  5,980,104.43                                4,217,219.09
Resources tax

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

Property tax                                               11,009,535.41                            7,584,289.36
Land use tax                                                3,483,007.51                            3,046,600.37
Vehicle and vessel use tax                                     11,986.96                               16,021.56
Stamp duty                                                  3,297,666.10                            3,690,824.51
Local education surcharge                                   2,165,938.97                              997,922.28
Deed tax                                                      146,289.40
Environmental protection tax                                   41,537.23                                37,241.04
Embankment fee                                                    128.45
VAT of land                                                                                        -2,047,738.45
Water conservancy construction funds                                                                  191,148.44
Resources tax                                                                                          35,167.94
Others                                                          6,966.68                              176,041.81
Total                                                      37,443,299.13                           25,534,415.81
Other notes:
It was mainly because of the land appreciation tax accrued for the sale of real estate in 2021. The over-accrued
land appreciation tax of RMB2,047,738.45 was released, when the actual payment was made in previous period.

63. Selling Expense

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                  Item                          Reporting Period                   Same period of last year
Employee benefits                                          57,961,009.41                           56,515,402.06
Business propagandize fees and
advertizing fees                                           30,216,805.26                           20,532,657.97
Sales promotion fees                                        7,233,896.10                           5,847,930.26
After-sales expenses                                        6,867,083.35                           4,669,333.02
Business travel charges                                     4,858,839.15                           2,105,508.78
Commercial insurance premium                                3,582,158.77                           2,387,669.16
Office expenses                                             2,944,396.54                           1,630,996.07
Other                                                      18,256,941.42                          17,579,751.25
Total                                                     131,921,130.00                         111,269,248.57

64. Administrative Expense

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                  Item                          Reporting Period                   Same period of last year
Employee benefits                                         125,958,952.18                         115,142,871.77
Depreciation charge                                        25,811,976.14                           20,892,696.89
Office expenses                                            13,062,802.09                           10,109,798.15
Engineering decoration cost                                  6,357,723.64                           2,822,639.45
Amortization of intangible assets                            4,630,270.87                           5,813,822.32
Utilities                                                    4,491,149.48                           3,880,679.53
Intermediary agency fee                                      4,119,910.31                           5,718,962.01
Labor cost                                                   1,731,130.54                           3,618,646.20
Rent of land and management charge                           1,104,528.44                              418,417.45
Security fund for the disabled                                 102,385.50                              108,310.68
Party building funds                                             87,374.01                              86,660.10
Others                                                     13,487,882.22                           17,694,234.89
Total                                                     200,946,085.42                         186,307,739.44

65. Development Costs

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                  Item                          Reporting Period                   Same period of last year

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                       Interim Report 2023

Employee benefits                                       108,806,040.39                         97,942,302.07
Material consumption                                     59,589,273.57                         62,322,047.45
Depreciation and long-term prepaid
expense                                                  22,944,479.85                         21,427,223.15
Certification and testing fee                             8,136,407.37                         4,983,719.59
Expense on equipment debugging                            2,876,742.82                         3,503,274.86
Charges related to patents                                  951,123.75                         1,323,834.59
Others                                                   22,844,837.51                        21,070,591.27
Total                                                   226,148,905.26                       212,572,992.98
Other notes:
In respect of R&D expense incurred by the Company, expense other than that on bench-scale and pilot-scale
production is included in R&D expense; and sales revenue of products from bench-scale and pilot-scale
production is included in core business revenue and the relevant costs are included in cost of sales of core

66. Finance Costs

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                  Item                        Reporting Period                  Same period of last year
Interest expense                                         14,255,244.44                           7,068,335.84
Less: Interest income                                    24,520,047.73                          13,000,154.06
Foreign exchange gains or losses                        -21,315,108.34                        -19,186,490.71
Handling charge and others                                 1,417,289.22                             880,584.72
Total                                                   -30,162,622.41                        -24,237,724.21

67. Other Income

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                   Sources                    Reporting Period                  Same period of last year
Carry-forward of government grants
                                                            14,363,657.28                         15,831,850.89
related to assets in the deferred income
Carry-forward of government grants
                                                             2,713,059.71                          5,665,652.84
related to income in the deferred income
Policy Enjoyment of Preferential
Reduction and Exemption for the Poor                         2,247,050.00
with Set up Files
Incentive Subsidy for Digital and
Intelligent Demonstration Workshop of                        2,000,000.00
Foshan City in 2022
The Company received the N.C.G.J.
[2022] No. 532 "the Subsidy for
Industrial Logistics in the Second
Quarter of 2022 " in Nanning City of the                         808,200.00
Management Committee of the Nanning
New & High-tech Industrial
Development Zone
Return of handling charges for
                                                                 737,693.99                        1,123,272.73
withholding and remittance
The 2021 "100 Enterprises Strive for the
First Place" bonus (partial)
Incentive for standard products of
Foshan City
2022 Special Funds of Nanhai District,
Foshan City for Promoting High-quality                           347,360.00
Development of Foreign Trade
The Company received the "2021
Inclusive Subsidy as an Encouragement                            333,200.00
for Enterprises to Redouble R&D Input"

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                  Interim Report 2023

from Nanning Science and Technology
Subsidies for stabilizing employment                          230,154.25                      1,181,087.47
The Special Fund for Promoting High-
                                                               10,000.00                      1,842,190.69
quality Economic Development
The Fund of Foshan City for Promoting
the Robot Application and Industry
The 2021 Support Fund of the Foshan
Municipal Financial Bureau for
Promoting the Digital Intelligent                                                             2,000,000.00
Transformation of the Manufacturing
Industry in Foshan City
Grants awarded by the Guangzhou
Municipal Science and Technology
Bureau for the Research and
Development and Industrialisation                                                             1,800,000.00
Project of Potassium Nitride-based Rf
Devices in the Field of Next Generation
Mobile Communication
The Special Support Fund for the
Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
Development in Foshan City for 2021                                                           1,320,000.00
(the Special Project of IIOT
Demonstration) (the First Batch)
The Subsidy of the Chancheng District
Human Resources and Social Security
Bureau, Foshan City, for the Skill                                                            1,148,000.00
Training of Millions of Workers for
March 2022
The Special Support Fund for the
Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)                                                            892,500.00
Development in Foshan City
The Special Fund for the Vocational
Skill Improvement Campaign
The L.J.C.Y. [2021] No. 557 Industrial
Support Fund of the Finance Bureau of                                                           610,000.00
Liang Jiang New Area, Chongqing
2021 Guangxi Digital Workshop Reward
The Support Fund of the Administration
of the Chancheng Park of the Foshan
High-tech Industrial Development Zone                                                           450,000.00
for Champion Manufacturing Enterprises
in a Single Item for 2020
The First Batch of Subsidies for the
Special Project of SME Development
and the Auxiliary Project of Industrial
Chain Collaboration for 2022
The Fund of the Organisation
Department of the Chancheng District
Party Committee, Foshan City, China,
for Competitive Talent Support Projects
The N.C.G.J. [2021] No. 452 "Fund for
Specialised and Refined Projects" of the
Management Committee of the Nanning                                                             300,000.00
New & High-tech Industrial
Development Zone
Others                                                    2,699,616.82                        2,457,536.33
Total                                                    27,389,992.05                       40,797,290.95

68. Investment Income

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                  Item                     Reporting Period                Same period of last year

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                              Interim Report 2023

Long-term equity investment income
                                                       1,186,031.53                       650,457.40
accounted by equity method
Investment income from disposal of
                                                       2,154,000.00                     2,019,911.56
trading financial assets
Dividend income from holding of other
                                                      16,686,333.81                   16,055,272.93
equity instrument investment
Income received from financial products
                                                       2,423,205.29                       888,102.97
and structural deposits
Total                                                 22,449,570.63                    19,613,744.86

69. Net Gain on Exposure Hedges


70. Gain on Changes in Fair Value

                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                  Sources                  Reporting Period            Same period of last year
Trading financial assets                                  905,952.44                        35,436.66
     Of which: gains on changes in fair
                                                          905,952.44                        35,436.66
value of derivative financial instrument
Trading financial liabilities                        -23,059,475.00                  -10,802,032.63
Total                                                -22,153,522.56                  -10,766,595.97

71. Credit Impairment Loss

                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                    Item                   Reporting Period            Same period of last year
Bad debt loss on other receivables                     1,237,574.86                       200,770.69
Bad debt loss on accounts receivable                 -19,672,657.13                  -10,217,235.78
Bad debt loss on notes receivable                        -512,338.76                     -229,783.47
Total                                                -18,947,421.03                  -10,246,248.56

72. Asset Impairment Loss

                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                    Item                   Reporting Period            Same period of last year
II. Loss on inventory valuation and
                                                     -14,576,382.64                  -19,371,287.36
contract performance cost
V. Loss on impairment of fixed assets                 -1,500,990.00                    -3,529,839.61
XII. Loss on impairment of contract
                                                         -313,516.09                     -439,922.48
Total                                                -16,390,888.73                  -23,341,049.45

73. Assets Disposal Income

                                                                                             Unit: RMB
               Sources                     Reporting Period            Same period of last year
Disposal income of fixed assets                           110,475.52                        82,362.19

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2023

Total                                                                        110,475.52                                     82,362.19

74. Non-operating Income

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                             Amount recorded in the
             Item                          Reporting Period             Same period of last year          current non-recurring profit or
Government grants                                     11,000.00                        976,090.45                           11,000.00
Total income from scrap of
                                                      37,753.32                            43,160.43                        37,753.32
non-current assets
Of which: income from scrap
                                                      37,753.32                            43,160.43                        37,753.32
of fixed assets
Income from default money                            11,400.00                         165,006.53                            11,400.00
Confiscated income                                  106,635.54                                                              106,635.54
Other                                             2,274,125.62                      7,805,761.20                          2,274,125.62
Total                                             2,440,914.48                      8,990,018.61                          2,440,914.48

Government grants recorded into current profit or loss:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                Special                         Same         Related to
               Distributio       Distributio                   the profits                    Reporting
   Item                                          Nature                       subsidy or                      period of      assets/relat
                n entity         n reason                     or losses of                     Period
                                                                                  not                         last year      ed income
                                                              the year or
Job-                                                                                                                        Related to
                              Subsidy                         No             No                11,000.00
subsidy                                                                                                                     income
fund for
                                                                                                                            Related to
industrial                    Subsidy                         No             No                               976,090.45

75. Non-operating Expense

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Amount recorded in the current
             Item                          Reporting Period           Same period of last year
                                                                                                        non-recurring profit or loss
Total losses on disposal of
                                                  1,547,347.79                    5,943,227.86                            1,547,347.79
non-current assets
Of which: Loss on disposal of
                                                  1,547,347.79                    5,731,670.97                            1,547,347.79
fixed assets
           Loss on disposal of
                                                              0.00                 211,556.89                                      0.00
intangible assets
Penalty                                           1,748,669.05                      249,481.71                            1,748,669.05
Losses on inventories                               310,656.66                       41,677.65                              310,656.66
Delaying payment                                     94,086.36                      336,802.22                               94,086.36
Others                                            1,079,810.46                    1,422,977.18                            1,079,810.46
Total                                             4,780,570.32                    7,994,166.62                            4,780,570.32

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2023

76. Income Tax Expense

(1) List of Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                 Item                                    Reporting Period                  Same period of last year
Current income tax expense                                          34,309,667.76                          25,762,699.61
Deferred income tax expense                                         -3,005,303.27                          15,649,378.30
Total                                                               31,304,364.49                          41,412,077.91

(2) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                              Item                                                  Reporting Period
Profit before taxation                                                                                  256,409,652.78
Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable
tax rate                                                                                                  38,461,447.92
Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries                                                  2,365,215.10
Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                                    670,501.88
Influence of non-taxable income                                                                           -3,371,201.39
Influence of non-deductable costs, expenses and losses
The effect of using deductible losses of deferred income tax
assets that have not been recognized in the previous period
Influence of unrecognized deductible temporary differences
and deductible losses
Influence of deduction                                                                                  -13,665,883.26
Income tax expense                                                                                        31,304,364.49

77. Other Comprehensive Income

Refer to Note VII Notes to Main Items of Consolidated Financial Statements-57 for details.

78. Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash Generated from Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                  Item                                   Reporting Period                  Same period of last year
Margin income                                                       35,010,552.18                          29,429,389.29
Deposit interest                                                    19,310,323.07                          12,436,698.44
Income from waste                                                   12,864,885.36                          16,645,457.85
Income from subsidy                                                 10,420,346.33                          35,860,211.37
Rental income from property and
                                                                    3,406,219.56                           4,954,716.14
equipment, utility
Income from insurance compensation                                      1,544.06                               5,333.08
Others                                                             60,093,722.57                          28,190,106.79
Total                                                             141,107,593.13                        127,521,912.96

(2) Cash Used in Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2023

                  Item                        Reporting Period            Same period of last year
Administrative expense paid in cash                      56,194,828.30                    51,145,137.99
Selling expense paid in cash                             31,789,893.32                    34,441,261.70
Finance costs paid in cash                                 1,521,292.79                       843,095.07
Returned cash deposit                                    28,216,695.73                    36,477,347.32
Others                                                   31,773,841.24                    47,741,622.81
Total                                                   149,496,551.38                 170,648,464.89

(3) Cash Generated from Other Investing Activities


(4) Cash Used in Other Investing Activities

                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                   Item                       Reporting Period            Same period of last year
Others                                                       360,759.99
Total                                                        360,759.99

(5) Cash Generated from Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                   Item                       Reporting Period            Same period of last year
Cash deposit collected                                       381,437.71                  53,126,214.00
Total                                                        381,437.71                  53,126,214.00

(6) Cash Used in Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                   Item                       Reporting Period            Same period of last year
Payment for cash deposit of bank
                                                          2,124,043.19                           121.82
acceptance bills
Cash paid for acquisition of NationStar
Optoelectronics under the same control
Others                                                       179,384.83                     125,624.96
Total                                                     2,303,428.02               1,062,094,428.42

79. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                Unit: RMB
          Supplemental information            Reporting Period            Same period of last year
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash
flows generated from operating
Net profit                                              225,105,288.29                 243,546,630.90
Add: Provision for impairment of assets                  35,338,309.76                  33,587,298.01
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas
assets, and productive living assets                    261,275,385.66                 245,702,523.31
      Depreciation of right-of-use assets                 4,213,175.21                    4,314,025.31
Amortization of intangible assets                         6,138,499.52                    6,259,660.38

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2023

Amortization of long-term prepaid
expenses                                                  33,792,488.83                  69,990,299.46
Loss from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                       -110,475.52                     -82,362.19
assets (gains: negative)
Losses from scrapping of fixed assets
(gains: negative)                                         1,509,594.47                    5,688,510.54
Losses from changes in fair value (gains:
negative)                                                 22,153,522.56                  10,766,595.97
        Finance costs (gains: negative)                  14,255,244.44                    7,068,335.84
Investment loss (gains: negative)                       -22,449,570.63                  -19,613,744.86
Decrease in deferred income tax assets
(increase: negative)                                      -3,951,966.78                   2,289,157.80
Increase in deferred income tax liabilities
(“-” for decrease)                                            946,663.51               13,172,863.80
Decrease in inventory (“-” for increase)              367,566,004.75                  119,836,200.96
Decrease in operating receivables (“-”
for increase)                                          -492,079,133.11                 -211,060,931.19
Increase in operating payables (“-” for
decrease)                                               -65,833,973.76                -354,362,573.03
Net cash generated from/used in
operating activities                                    387,869,057.20                  177,102,491.01
2. Significant investing and financing
activities without involvement of cash
receipts and payments
        Transfer of debts into capital
        Current portion of convertible
corporate bonds
        Fixed assets leased in for financing
3.Net increase/decrease of cash and cash
Ending balance of cash                                1,974,721,331.65               1,435,426,956.09
Less: Beginning balance of cash                       1,945,971,307.26               1,940,209,052.92
    Add: Ending balance of cash
        Less: Beginning balance of cash
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                 28,750,024.39                -504,782,096.83

(2) Net Cash Paid For Acquisition of Subsidiaries


(3) Net Cash Received from Disposal of the Subsidiaries


(4) Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                   Item                        Ending balance                Beginning balance
I. Cash                                               1,974,721,331.65               1,945,971,307.26
Including: Cash on hand                                      45,923.56                      52,093.54
          Bank deposit on demand                      1,965,961,432.22               1,944,303,946.03
          Other monetary assets on
demand                                                    8,713,975.87                    1,615,267.69

III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                      1,974,721,331.65               1,945,971,307.26

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2023

80. Notes to Items of the Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Notes to the name of “Other” of ending balance of the same period of last year adjusted and the amount adjusted:

Not applicable

81. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                               Ending carrying value                          Reason for restriction
                                                                                            The Company and its subsidiaries’ cash
                                                                                            deposit for bank acceptance bills,
Monetary assets                                                      535,698,818.93         performance bonds, forward exchange
                                                                                            settlement margin and L/C guarantee
                                                                                            Pledged notes and notes receivable not
Notes receivable                                                     729,042,157.57
                                                                                            derecognized at period-end
Fixed assets                                                         143,870,553.97          Related party mortgage guarantees, see
Intangible assets                                                     10,808,229.15         Part X-XIV-(III) Guarantees for details
Total                                                              1,419,419,759.62

82. Foreign Currency Monetary Items

(1) Foreign Currency Monetary Items

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                    Ending foreign currency                                            Ending balance converted to
             Item                                                           Exchange rate
                                            balance                                                               RMB
Monetary assets                                                                                                   282,980,171.77
Of which: USD                                     35,632,247.28    7.2258                                         257,471,492.40
          EUR                                        517,843.84    7.8771                                              4,079,107.71
          HKD                                         51,805.21    0.92198                                                47,763.37
         IDR                                  44,177,289,846.92    0.000484                                           21,381,808.29
Accounts receivable                                                                                                   457,282,454.03
Of which: USD                                     62,710,136.64    7.2258                                             453,130,905.33
           EUR                                       241,345.50    7.8771                                               1,901,102.64
           HKD                                        65,771.39    0.92198                                                 60,639.91
          IDR                                  4,524,392,871.90    0.000484                                             2,189,806.15
Other receivables                                                                                                           3,412.31
Of which: IDR                                       7,050,231.60   0.000484                                                 3,412.31
Accounts payable                                                                                                        5,966,627.72
Of which: USD                                        647,046.38    7.2258                                               4,675,427.73
           EUR                                           600.00    7.8771                                                   4,726.26
           IDR                                 2,658,003,574.38    0.000484                                             1,286,473.73
Other current assets                                                                                                      683,715.33
Of which: IDR                                  1,412,634,975.71    0.000484                                               683,715.33
Other non-current assets                                                                                                  510,864.75
Of which: EUR                                          64,854.42   7.8771                                                 510,864.75
Other non-current liabilities                                                                                             966,537.50
Of which: EUR                                         122,702.20   7.8771                                                 966,537.50

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

(2) Notes to Overseas Entities Including: for Significant Oversea Entities, Main Operating Place,
Recording Currency and Selection Basis Shall Be Disclosed; if there Are Changes in Recording Currency,
Relevant Reasons Shall Be Disclosed.

□Applicable  Not applicable

83. Arbitrage

Qualitative and quantitative information of relevant arbitrage instruments, hedged risk in line with the type of
arbitrage to disclose:


84. Government Grants

(1) Basic Information on Government Grants

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                          Amount recorded in the
                Category                      Amount                  Listed items
                                                                                           current profit or loss

Policy Enjoyment of Preferential
Reduction and Exemption for the Poor              2,247,050.00   Other income                         2,247,050.00
with Set up Files
Incentive Subsidy for Digital and
Intelligent Demonstration Workshop of             2,000,000.00   Other income                         2,000,000.00
Foshan City in 2022
The 2022 Support Fund for Promoting
the Digital Intelligent Transformation of
                                                  1,208,400.00   Deferred income
the Manufacturing Industry in Foshan
City (Projects 5008 and 5009)
The Company received the N.C.G.J.
[2022] No. 532 "the Subsidy for
Industrial Logistics in the Second
Quarter of 2022 " in Nanning City of the           808,200.00    Other income                           808,200.00
Management Committee of the Nanning
New & High-tech Industrial
Development Zone
Return of handling charges for
                                                   737,693.99    Other income                           737,693.99
withholding and remittance
The 2021 "100 Enterprises Strive for the
                                                   500,000.00    Other income                           500,000.00
First Place" bonus (partial)
LED Technology for Efficient
Cultivation in Modern Agriculture and              440,000.00    Deferred income
Its Demonstrative Application
Incentive for standard products of Foshan
                                                   400,000.00    Other income                           400,000.00
2022 Special Funds of Nanhai District,
Foshan City for Promoting High-quality             347,360.00    Other income                           347,360.00
Development of Foreign Trade
The Company received the "2021
Inclusive Subsidy as an Encouragement
for Enterprises to Redouble R&D Input "            333,200.00    Other income                           333,200.00
from Nanning Science and Technology
Funds for the Construction Project for the
Centre for Cultivating and Arranging
                                                   300,000.00    Deferred income
High-Value Patents of NationStar

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                     Interim Report 2023

Employment Subsidy                           271,100.00    Other income            271,100.00
Subsidies for stabilizing employment         230,154.25    Other income            230,154.25
Municipal incentive funds for provincial
specialised and sophisticated small and
                                             200,000.00    Other income            200,000.00
medium enterprises that produce novel
and unique products
The Development and Demonstrative
Application of Deep Ultraviolet LED
                                             200,000.00    Deferred income
Modules and Equipment for Public
Health and Other Fields
Support Fund for the Digital Intelligent
Transformation of the Manufacturing          172,700.00    Other income            172,700.00
Financial Support for the Second Phase
of the Research on the Key Technology
                                             142,821.32    Deferred income          97,373.13
of Full-colour Micro-LED Displays with
High Brightness and Contrast
Refund of unemployment insurance
                                             140,516.80    Other income            140,516.80
Municipal Subsidy for the 2022
                                             100,000.00    Other income            100,000.00
Vocational Skill Improvement Campaign
Special Fund for Technological
                                             100,000.00    Other income            100,000.00
2021 High-tech Enterprise Training
                                             100,000.00    Other income            100,000.00
Chancheng District Postdoctoral
Research Funds from Chancheng District
                                             100,000.00    Other income            100,000.00
Human Resources and Social Security
Bureau of Foshan City (Lan Mingwen)
Others                                        316,000.00   Other income            316,000.00
Total                                      11,395,196.36                         9,201,348.17

(2) Return of Government Grants

□Applicable  Not applicable

85. Other


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2023

VIII. Changes of Consolidation Scope

1. Business Combination Not under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination Not under the Same Control in the Reporting Period


2. Business Combination under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination under the Same Control during the Reporting Period


3. Counter Purchase


4. Disposal of Subsidiary

Whether there is a single disposal of the investment to the subsidiary and lost control?
□Yes  No
Whether there are several disposals of the investment to the subsidiary and lost controls?
□Yes  No

5. Changes in Combination Scope for Other Reasons


6. Other


IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiary

(1) Subsidiaries

                   Main operating          Registration      Nature of        Holding percentage
     Name                                                                                                Way of gaining
                       place                 place           business      Directly        Indirectly
Foshan Fozhao
Zhicheng                                                  Production and                                Newly
                   Foshan             Foshan                                  100.00%
Technology                                                sales                                         established
Co., Ltd.
FSL Chanchang
                                                          Production and                                Newly
Optoelectronics    Foshan             Foshan                                  100.00%
                                                          sales                                         established
Co., Ltd.
Foshan Taimei
                                                          Production and                                Newly
Times Lamps        Foshan             Foshan                                   70.00%
                                                          sales                                         established
and Lanterns

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                              Interim Report 2023

Co., Ltd.
Electrical &
                                                  Production and                      Newly
Lighting           Xinxiang           Xinxiang                     100.00%
                                                  sales                               established
(Xinxiang) Co.,
Nanjing Fozhao
                                                  Production and
Components         Nanjing            Nanjing                      100.00%            Acquired
Co., Ltd.
FSL Zhida
Electric                                          Production and                      Newly
                   Foshan             Foshan                       66.84%
Technology                                        sales                               established
Co., Ltd.
                                                  Production and                      Newly
LIGHTING           Germany            Germany                      100.00%
                                                  sales                               established
Haolaite                                          Production and                      Newly
                   Foshan             Foshan                       51.00%    10.53%
Lighting Co.,                                     sales                               established
NationStar                                                                            Business
Optoelectronics                                                                       combination
                   Germany            Germany     Trade                      61.53%
(Germany) Co.,                                                                        under the same
Ltd.                                                                                  control
Foshan Kelian
New Energy                                        Property
                   Foshan             Foshan                       100.00%            Acquired
Technology                                        development
Co., Ltd.
Fozhao             Haikou             Haikou      Production and
(Hainan)                                          sales                               Newly
Technology                                                         100.00%            established
Co., Ltd.
Nanning                                           Manufacturing
Liaowang Auto      Nanning            Nanning     of vehicle       53.79%             Acquired
Lamp Co., Ltd.                                    lamps
Liuzhou Guige
                   Liuzhou            Liuzhou     of vehicle                 53.79%   Acquired
Co., Ltd.
Liuzhou Guige                                     Manufacturing
Foreshine                                         of automotive
                   Liuzhou            Liuzhou                                53.79%   Acquired
Technology                                        electronic
Co., Ltd.                                         products
Guinuo                                            Manufacturing
Lighting           Chongqing          Chongqing   of vehicle                 53.79%   Acquired
Technology                                        lamps
Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Guige
                   Qingdao            Qingdao     of vehicle                 53.79%   Acquired
Co., Ltd.
Indonesia                                         Manufacturing
Liaowang Auto      Indonesia          Indonesia   of vehicle                 53.79%   Acquired
Lamp Co., Ltd.                                    lamps
Foshan Sigma
                                                  Business                            combination
Venture Capital    Foshan             Foshan                       100.00%
                                                  services                            under the same
Co., Ltd.
Foshan                                                                                Business
NationStar                                        Electronic                          combination
                   Foshan             Foshan                       21.48%
Optoelectronics                                   manufacturing                       under the same
Co., Ltd.                                                                             control

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2023

                                                       Electronic                                                combination
Semiconductor      Foshan             Foshan                                                           21.48%
                                                       manufacturing                                             under the same
Co., Ltd.
                                                       Electronic                                                combination
Electronic         Foshan             Foshan                                                           21.48%
                                                       manufacturing                                             under the same
Co., Ltd.
Nanyang Baoli                                                                                                    Business
Vanadium                                                                                                         combination
                   Henan              Nanyang          Mining                                          12.89%
Industry Co.,                                                                                                    under the same
Ltd.                                                                                                             control
Guangdong                                                                                                        Business
New Electronic                                                                                                   combination
                   Guangzhou          Guangzhou        Trade                                           21.48%
Information                                                                                                      under the same
Ltd.                                                                                                             control
                                                       Electronic                                                combination
Semiconductor      Guangzhou          Guangzhou                                                        21.45%
                                                       manufacturing                                             under the same
Co., Ltd.
Notes to holding proportion in subsidiary different from voting proportion:
Basis of holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee and holding more than half of the
voting rights but not controlling the investee:
Significant structural entities and controlling basis in the scope of combination:
Basis of determining whether the Company is the agent or the principal:
Other notes:

(2) Significant Non-wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                Shareholding           The profit or loss      Declaring dividends          Balance of non-
         Name                proportion of non-     attributable to the non-    distributed to non-      controlling interests at
                            controlling interests     controlling interests    controlling interests         the period-end
Foshan Taimei Times
Lamps and Lanterns                         30.00%               404,788.01                                       12,760,002.99
Co., Ltd.
FSL Zhida Electric
Technology Co., Ltd.                       33.16%           2,883,324.64                994,800.00               31,422,367.33
Foshan Haolaite
Lighting Co., Ltd.                         38.47%           1,154,765.68                160,500.24               15,201,737.61
Nanning Liaowang
Auto Lamp Co., Ltd.                        46.21%           9,360,005.34                                        449,813,619.14
Foshan NationStar
Optoelectronics Co.,                       78.52%          42,367,172.08            29,139,436.44          2,945,050,076.65

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Interim Report 2023

Holding proportion of non-controlling interests in subsidiary different from voting proportion:
Other notes:

(3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                               Ending balance                                                       Beginning balance
                                       Curren         Non-                                                    Curren        Non-
Name                  Non-                                         Total                  Non-                                         Total
          Curren               Total        t       current                   Curren                 Total        t       current
                     current                                      liabiliti              current                                      liabiliti
          t assets             assets   liabiliti    liabilit                 t assets               assets   liabiliti    liabilit
                     assets                                          es                  assets                                          es
                                           es           y                                                        es           y
          70,25      14,79     85,05       42,51                  42,51       72,33      14,29       86,62      45,43                 45,43
and       5,850      7,372     3,222       9,879                  9,879       0,352      3,589       3,942      9,892                 9,892
Lanter      .25        .64       .89         .59                    .59         .64        .70         .34        .42                   .42
ns Co.,
Electri   194,9      10,13     205,0       126,7                  126,7       148,9      8,928       157,9      85,32                 85,32
Techn     59,99      1,200     91,19       88,81                  88,81       99,06      ,180.       27,24      0,425                 0,425
ology      1.96        .12      2.08        0.19                   0.19        6.65         94        7.59        .79                   .79
te        73,46      9,252     82,71       43,20                  43,20       65,96      10,22       76,18      39,26                 39,26
Lighti    1,177      ,424.     3,601       1,836                  1,836       0,025      4,679       4,704      8,890                 8,890
ng          .58         39       .97         .74                    .74         .19        .49         .68        .83                   .83
Liaow                                                                         1,587
          1,385                2,237       1,301                  1,336                              2,453      1,547                 1,577
ang                  851,5                          35,74                     ,631,      865,6                            30,08
Auto      ,421,                ,010,       ,059,                  ,802,                              ,233,      ,730,                 ,819,
                     88,81                          2,960                     841.2      01,81                            8,072
Lamp      572.7                389.0       124.0                  084.1                              651.6      991.0                 063.5
                      6.30                            .09                         8       0.33                              .52
Co.,          9                    9           9                      8                                  1          4                     6
          3,687      2,623     6,310       1,886                  2,540       3,793      2,786       6,579      2,079                 2,826
Star                                                654,1                                                                 746,5
          ,934,      ,035,     ,970,       ,531,                  ,730,       ,005,      ,809,       ,814,      ,712,                 ,270,
Optoel                                              99,00                                                                 57,86
          784.5      237.1     021.7       129.8                  138.3       331.6      474.9       806.6      881.2                 746.0
ectroni                                              8.44                                                                  4.73
              6          9         5           6                      0           7          6           3          7                     0
cs Co.,

          5,412      3,508     8,920       3,400                  4,090                  3,685       9,353      3,797                 4,574
                                                    689,9                     ,926,                                       776,6
Total     ,033,      ,805,     ,838,       ,100,                  ,042,                  ,857,       ,784,      ,473,                 ,119,
                                                    41,96                     617.4                                       45,93
          377.1      050.6     427.7       780.4                  749.0                  735.4       352.8      081.3                 018.6
                                                     8.53                         3                                        7.25
              4          4         8           7                      0                      2           5          5                     0

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                  Reporting Period                                                 Same period of last year
                Operating      Net profit     Total             Cash flows       Operating         Net profit       Total        Cash flows

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2023

                revenue                    comprehen     from        revenue                comprehen      from
                                               sive    operating                                sive     operating
                                             income    activities                             income     activities
Taimei                                                         -                                                -
Times          59,784,28     1,349,293     1,349,293                70,083,07   1,590,364   1,590,364
Lamps and                                              1,102,033                                        1,288,012
                    8.09           .38           .38                     7.58         .47         .47
Lanterns                                                     .59                                              .25
Co., Ltd.
FSL Zhida
Electric       138,646,7     8,695,560     8,695,560   10,105,09    105,086,0   5,704,490   5,704,490   3,913,866
Technology         88.74           .09           .09        2.96        95.87         .75         .75         .98
Co., Ltd.
Foshan                                                         -
Haolaite       34,579,51     3,001,421     3,013,109                33,735,75   2,025,782   2,025,782   7,961,319
Lighting                                               1,426,965
                    1.95           .42           .14                     9.76         .55         .55         .24
Co., Ltd.                                                    .96
Liaowang       720,209,3     22,341,74     24,793,71   8,225,803    700,818,1   20,362,59   20,527,06   48,642,33
Auto Lamp          06.91          9.52          6.86         .73        99.55        1.07        4.34        2.49
Co., Ltd.
               1,758,744     53,804,45     53,804,45   102,905,0    1,749,843   86,033,35   85,951,27   20,660,58
                 ,095.83          2.96          2.96       50.77      ,891.56        5.38        5.40        3.45
nics Co.,
               2,711,963     89,192,47     91,656,13   118,706,9    2,659,567   115,716,5   115,798,9   79,890,08
                 ,991.52          7.37          2.43       47.91      ,024.32       84.22       77.51        9.91

(4) Significant Restrictions on Using the Assets and Liquidating the Liabilities of the Company


(5) Financial Support or Other Supports Provided to Structural Entities Incorporated into the Scope of
Consolidated Financial Statements


2. The Transaction of the Company with Its Owner’s Equity Share Changed but Still Controlling the

(1) Note to the Owner’s Equity Share Changed in Subsidiary


(2) The Transaction’s Influence on the Equity of Non-controlling Interests and the Owner's Equity
Attributable to the Company as the Parent


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

(1) Significant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises


(2) Main Financial Information of Significant Joint Ventures


(3) Main Financial Information of Significant Associated Enterprises


(4) Summary Financial Information of Insignificant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                               Beginning balance/Same period of last
                                            Ending balance/Reporting Period
Joint ventures:
The total of following items according to
the shareholding proportions
Associated enterprises:
Total carrying value of investment                            183,117,824.19                       181,931,792.66
The total of following items according to
the shareholding proportions
--Net profit                                                    1,186,031.53                           650,457.40
--Total comprehensive income                                    1,186,031.53                           650,457.40

(5) Note to the Significant Restrictions on the Ability of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises to
Transfer Funds to the Company


(6) The Excess Loss of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises


(7) The Unrecognized Commitment Related to Investment to Joint Ventures


(8) Contingent Liabilities Related to Investment to Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

4. Significant Common Operation


5. Equity in the Structured Entity Excluded in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements

Notes to the structured entity excluded in the scope of consolidated financial statements:

6. Other


X. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments

The financial instruments of the Company included: equity investment, notes receivable, accounts receivable,
accounts payable, etc. The details of each financial instrument see relevant items of Note V.
The main risks of the Company due to financial instruments were credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The
operating management of the Company was responsible for the risk management target and the recognition of the
(I) Credit risk
Credit risk was one party of the contract failed to fulfill the obligations and causes loss of financial assets of the
other party. The credit risk the Company faced was selling on credit which leads to customer credit risk.
The Company will evaluate credit risk of new customer, and set credit limit, once the balance of account
receivable over credit limit, require the customer to pay or producing and delivering goods shall be approved by
the management of the Company.
The Company through monthly aging analysis of account receivable and monitoring the collection situation of the
customer ensured the overall credit risk of the Company was in control scope. Once appear abnormal situation,
the Company should conduct necessary measures to requesting the payment timely.
(II) Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is referred to their risk of incurring capital shortage when performing settlement obligation in the
way of cash payment or other financial assets. The policies of the Company are to ensure that there was sufficient
cash to pay the due liabilities. The liquidity risk is centralized controlled by the Financial Department of the
Company. The financial department through supervising the balance of the cash and securities can be convert to
cash at any time and the rolling prediction of cash flow in future 12 months to ensure the Company have sufficient
cash to pay the liabilities under the case of all reasonable prediction.
(III) Market risk
Market risk was referred to risk of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument changed due to the
change of market price, including: exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risk.
1. Exchange rate risk
Exchange rate risk refers to the risk of loss due to exchange rate changes. The Company's exposure to foreign
exchange risk is mainly related to the US dollar and the euro. As of 30 June 2023, the Company's assets and
liabilities were in RMB, except for the balances of usd, euro, Hong Kong dollar and rupiah as set out in this Note
VII-82, Foreign Currency Monetary Items. Foreign exchange risk arising from the assets and liabilities of such
foreign currency balances may have a certain impact on the Company's operating results. The Company made

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2023

efforts to avoid exchange rate risk through forward exchange settlement, improving operation management and
promoting the international competitiveness of the Company, etc.
2. Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk is refers to fluctuation risk of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument change due
to the change of market interest rates. The interest rate risk faced by the Company mainly comes from bank
borrowings. By establishing a good bank-enterprise relationship, the Company reasonably designed the credit line,
credit variety and credit period, ensured sufficient credit line of banks, and met various short-term financing needs
of the Company with preferential loan interest rates. As of 30 June 2023, the Company's fixed interest rate loan
balance was RMB744,374,874.84, accounting for 100% of the total loan balance, and the risks in this part were
3. Other price risk

XI. The Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                 Ending fair value
          Item                  Fair value             Fair value                 Fair value
                           measurement items at   measurement items at      measurement items at         Total
                                 level 1                level 2                    level 3
I. Consistent fair value
                                     --                    --                       --                    --
(I) Trading financial
assets                               899,004.54        80,983,830.13                                   81,882,834.67
1. Financial assets at
fair value through                   899,004.54        80,983,830.13                                   81,882,834.67
profit or loss
1.1 Wealth
management products                                    80,983,830.13                                   80,983,830.13
1.2 Investments in
equity instruments                   899,004.54                                                           899,004.54

(II) Other equity
                                761,175,052.72                                   40,578,568.80        801,753,621.52
instrument investment
(III) Accounts
                                                                               444,845,917.62         444,845,917.62
receivable financing
Total assets measured
at fair value on a              762,074,057.26         80,983,830.13           485,424,486.42      1,328,482,373.81
recurring basis
(VII) Refer as financial
liabilities measured by
fair value and the
                                 23,741,475.00                                                         23,741,475.00
changes included in the
current gains and
Total liabilities of
consistent fair value            23,741,475.00                                                         23,741,475.00
II. Inconsistent fair
value measurement                    --                    --                       --                    --

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2023

2. Basis for determining the market value of continuing and discontinuing level 1 fair value measurement

Level 1 fair value measurements are determined based on the market price of equities at the balance sheet date
and the mid-price of the RMB exchange rate published by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange as
quoted prices in an active market.

3. Continuing and discontinuing Level 2 fair value measurement items, qualitative and quantitative
information on the valuation techniques used and significant parameters

The fair value of financial products subscribed by the Group that are measured at fair value is determined by
reference to the expected rate of return provided by the financial institutions.

4. Continuing and discontinuing Level 3 fair value measurement items, qualitative and quantitative
information on the valuation techniques used and significant parameters

(1) The Company measured the investment at cost as a reasonable estimate of fair value because there were no
significant changes in the business environment and operating and financial conditions of the investee, GF Bank.
(2) The Company measured the investee, Shenzhen Zhonghao (Group) Company Limited, at nil as a reasonable
estimate of fair value due to the deterioration of its business environment and operating and financial conditions.
(3) The Company measured the investment at cost as a reasonable estimate of fair value because there were no
significant changes in the business environment and operating and financial conditions of the investee companies,
Foshan Nanhai District United Guangdong New Light Source Industry Innovation Center, Beijing Guang Rong
Union Semiconductor Lighting Industry Investment Center and Guangdong Rising Finance Co., Ltd.
(4) The receivables financing represents bank acceptance notes held by the Company with a short remaining
maturity, the face value of which approximates the fair value and the face amount is used to recognize the fair value
at the statement date.

5. Sensitiveness Analysis on Unobservable Parameters and Adjustment Information between Beginning
and Ending Carrying Value of Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3


6. Explain the Reason for Conversion and the Governing Policy when the Conversion Happens if
Conversion Happens among Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Different Levels


7. Changes in the Valuation Technique in the Current Period and the Reason for Such Changes


8. Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities Not Measured at Fair Value

Financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value include: monetary assets, accounts receivable and
accounts payable, etc. There is small difference between the carrying value of above financial assets and liabilities

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2023

and fair value.

9. Other


XII. Related Party and Related-party Transactions

1. The parent company of the Company

                                                                                                             Proportion of
                                                                                     Proportion of share
                                                                                                              voting rights
                                                                                         held by the
                                                                                                             owned by the
        Name          Registration place   Nature of business   Registered capital     Company as the
                                                                                                            Company as the
                                                                                      parent against the
                                                                                                           parent against the
                                                                                       Company (%)
                                                                                                             Company (%)

Hongkong    Wah
Shing    Holding      Hong Kong            Investment           HKD110,000                      13.84%                13.84%
Company Limited

                                           Production    and
Information           Guangzhou                                 RMB1,162 million                 9.01%                 9.01%
Industry    Group

Guangdong Rising
Holdings  Group       Guangzhou            Investment           RMB10 billion                    6.10%                 6.10%
Co., Ltd.

Rising Investment
                                                                RMB360 million
Development           Hong Kong            Investment                                            1.87%                 1.87%
                                                                and HKD1 million

Total                                                                                           30.82%                30.82%

Notes: Information on parent company of the Company

Hongkong Wah Shing Holding Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Hongkong Wah Shing"), the
largest shareholder of the Company, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangdong Electronics Information
Industry Group Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Electronics Group"), and Electronics Group, Shenzhen Rising
Investment Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Rising"), Guangdong Rising Holdings
Group Co., Ltd. (renamed Guangdong Rising Capital Investment Co., Ltd. on 13 December 2021, hereinafter
referred to as “Rising Capital”) and Rising Investment Development Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Rising
Investment”) are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “Rising Holdings Group”). According to the relevant provisions of the Company Law and the
Measures for the Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies, Electronics Group, Shenzhen
Rising, Rising Capital and Rising Investment are concerted actors, and Rising Holdings Group becomes the
actual controller of the Company. On 15 December 2021, Shenzhen Rising and Rising Capital transferred all
their shares of the Company to Rising Holdings Group. After the transfer, Rising Holdings Group, Electronics
Group and Rising Investment acted in concert with each other. As of 30 June 2023, the above-mentioned

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2023

persons acting in concert held a total of 419,803,826.00 A and B shares of the Company, accounting for 30.82%
of the total share capital of the Company.

The final controller of the Company is Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Refer to Note IX Equity in Other Entities-1. Equity in Subsidiaries for details.

3. Information on the Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises of the Company

Refer to Note IX Equity in Other Entities-3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises for details of
significant joint ventures or associated enterprises of the Company.

4. Information on Other Related Parties

                            Name                                         Relationship with the Company
PROSPERITY LAMPS & COMPONENTS LTD                                      Shareholder owning over 5% shares
Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding) Co., Ltd.                 Under same actual controller
Guangdong Electronic Technology Research Institute                        Under same actual controller
Guangdong Zhongnan Construction Co., Ltd.                                 Under same actual controller
Guangdong Yixin Changcheng Construction Group                             Under same actual controller
Guangdong Zhongren Group Construction Co., Ltd                            Under same actual controller
Shenzhen Yuepeng Construction Co., Ltd.                                   Under same actual controller
Foshan Fulong Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.                          Under same actual controller
Jiangmen Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited                          Under same actual controller
Zhuhai Doumen District Yongxingsheng Environmental
Industry Waste Recovery and Comprehensive Treatment Co.,                  Under same actual controller
Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co., Ltd.                              Under same actual controller
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.                 Under same actual controller
Guangdong Rising South Construction Co., Ltd.                             Under same actual controller
Guangdong Electronics Information Industry Group Ltd.                     Under same actual controller
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan Junpeng Intelligent Equipment
                                                                          Under same actual controller
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Rising Rare Metals and New Photoelectric
                                                                          Under same actual controller
Materials Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Heshun Property Management Co., Ltd. The
                                                                          Under same actual controller
Pinnacle Branch
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan Engineering Technology Co.,
                                                                          Under same actual controller
Guangdong Huajian Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.                              Under same actual controller
Dongguan Hengjian Environmental Protection Technology Co.,
                                                                          Under same actual controller
Shenzhen Longgang Dongjiang Industrial Waste Treatment
                                                                          Under same actual controller
Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Wanshun Investment Management Co., Ltd.                         Under same actual controller
Guangdong The Great Wall Building Co., Ltd.                               Under same actual controller
Guangzhou Shengdu Investment Development Co., Ltd.                        Under same actual controller
Guangdong Rising Finance Co., Ltd.                                        Under same actual controller
Fenghua Research Institute (Guangzhou) Limited                            Under same actual controller
Guangdong Rising Research and Development Institute Co.
                                                                          Under same actual controller
Guangdong Tianxin Commercial Service Co., Ltd.                            Under same actual controller
Guangdong Xintaochip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (formerly
                                                                          Under same actual controller
known as Fenghua Research Institute (Guangzhou) Limited)
Guangdong Zhuyuan Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.                      Under same actual controller

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2023

Guangzhou Haixinsha Industrial Co., Ltd.                                       Under same actual controller
Guangdong Huajian Engineering Construction Co., Ltd.
(formerly known as Guangzhou Huajian Engineering                               Under same actual controller
Construction Co., Ltd.)
Zhuhai Dongjiang Environmental Protection Technology Co.,
                                                                               Under same actual controller
Shandong Zhongjin Lingnan Copper Co., Ltd.                                      Under same actual controller
Hangzhou Times Lighting Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                 Enterprise controlled by related natural person
Prosperity (China) Electrical Company Limited                         Enterprise controlled by related natural person
Nanning Ruixiang Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.                 Enterprise significantly affected by related natural person

5. List of Related-party Transactions

(1) Information on Acquisition of Goods and Reception of Labor Service

Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Whether exceed
                                                                    The approval                              Same period of
     Related party              Content      Reporting Period                          trade credit or
                                                                     trade credit                               last year
Guangdong Fenghua
                           Purchase of
Advanced Technology                               1,427,073.05        45,000,000.00    Not                        2,757,010.92
(Holding) Co., Ltd.        materials
Prosperity Lamps &         Purchase of
Components Limited                                   57,268.76         7,000,000.00    Not                          773,460.05
Hangzhou Times
                           Purchase of
Lighting Electric                                                                                                   222,265.48
Appliances Co., Ltd.       materials
Guangdong Zhongnan         Receiving labor
                                                 58,500,517.50                                                   42,247,083.75
Construction Co., Ltd.     service
Guangdong Yixin
                           Receiving labor
Changcheng                                       42,453,620.42                                                   14,543,474.14
Construction Group
Guangdong Zhongren
                           Receiving labor
Group Construction                               26,677,655.81                                                    7,242,570.34
Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Yuepeng           Receiving labor
                                                    754,528.33                                                      470,768.94
Construction Co., Ltd.     service
Guangzhou Haixinsha        Receiving labor
Industrial Co., Ltd.       service
Foshan Fulong
                           Receiving labor
Environmental                                       162,917.93                                                      206,850.94
Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Longgang
Dongjiang Industrial       Receiving labor
                                                    116,673.57                                                       82,605.66
Waste Treatment Co.,       service
Ltd.                                                                  38,000,000.00    Not
Dongguan Hengjian
Environmental              Receiving labor
                                                     76,930.19                                                      200,598.11
Protection Technology      service
Co., Ltd.
Jiangmen Dongjiang
                           Receiving labor
Environmental                                        69,970.76                                                      221,418.86
Company Limited
Zhuhai Dongjiang
                           Receiving labor
Environmental                                      13,133.52
Company Limited

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

Guangdong The Great        Receiving labor
                                                        22,053.55                                               36,110.42
Wall Building Co., Ltd.    service
Guangdong Tianxin
                           Receiving labor
Commercial Service                                      18,779.44
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Electronic
                           Receiving labor
Technology Research                                                                                              854,625.55
Zhuhai Doumen
District Yongxingsheng
Environmental Industry     Receiving labor
Waste Recovery and         service
Treatment Co., Ltd.
Total                                               130,818,258.61   90,000,000.00                            69,904,884.67
Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                Related party                            Content          Reporting Period          Same period of last year
Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited          Sale of products                   12,641,522.79               11,487,387.08
Guangdong Fenghua Advanced
                                               Sale of products                      7,466,567.41              8,534,248.00
Technology (Holding) Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Zhongnan Construction Co.,
                                               Sale of products                      3,012,466.81                 44,383.37
Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet
                                               Sale of products                       710,376.99                 607,072.04
Co., Ltd.
Shandong Zhongjin Lingnan Copper Co.,
                                               Sale of products                      223,796.46
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan Engineering
                                               Sale of products                         23,113.27
Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Zhuyuan Construction
                                               Sale of products                        12,318.58
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co.,
                                               Sale of products                          2,787.61
Guangzhou Wanshun Investment
                                               Sale of products                                                  538,207.40
Management Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Yixin Changcheng
                                               Sale of products                                                  441,210.96
Construction Group
Guangzhou Shengdu Investment
                                               Sale of products                                                  281,946.91
Development Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Rising South Construction Co.,
                                               Sale of products                                                   69,965.06
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan Equipment
                                               Sale of products                                                  122,855.75
Technology Co., Ltd.
Prosperity (China) Electrical Company
                                               Sale of products                                                   41,285.35
Guangdong Electronics Information
                                               Sale of products                                                   27,796.46
Industry Group Ltd.
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan Junpeng
                                               Sale of products                                                     5,884.96
Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.
Total                                                                          24,092,949.92                  22,202,243.34
1. The pricing policy for related-party transactions between the Company and its related parties is as follows:
The pricing of related-party transactions should be market-oriented and subject to the market prices when such a
transaction occurs. The relevant funds should be paid on time according to the actual transaction.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

2. The related-party transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries and between subsidiaries have been
offset during report consolidation.

(2) Information on Related-party Trusteeship/Contract

Lists of trusteeship/contract:
Lists of entrust/contractee
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
 Name of the        Name of the
                                                                                                   recognized in
entruster/contra     entrustee/            Type      Start date     Due date      Pricing basis
                                                                                                   this Reporting
      ctee           contractor
NationStar                                        30 December     31 December
                   Group                          2020            2022
Co., Ltd.
                   Co., Ltd.
Fozhao             Guangdong
(Hainan)           Zhongnan
                                                  30 March 2022   14 May 2023
Technology         Construction
Co., Ltd.          Co., Ltd.
Electrical and                                                    29 December
                   Changcheng                     28 May 2021
Lighting Co.,                                                     2022
                   Group Co., Ltd.
Electrical and                                                    11 December
                   Changcheng                     1 March 2022
Lighting Co.,                                                     2022
                   Group Co., Ltd.
Foshan Kelian      Guangdong
New Energy         Zhongnan                                       23 December
                                                  23 June 2021
Technology         Construction                                   2022
Co., Ltd.          Co., Ltd.

Notes to entrust/contractee:

1. The Company’s subsidiary Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. entered into the General Contracting
Contract of NationStar Optoelectronics for the Survey, Design, and Construction of the Geely Industrial Park
with Guangdong Zhongren Group Construction Co., Ltd., Guangdong Architectural Design & Research
Institute Co., Ltd., and CSIC International Engineering Co., Ltd. on 30 December 2020. The above parties take
charge of the survey, design, and construction of the Geely Industrial Park. The total price of the contract is
RMB509,292,500. The project is in progress now.

2. The Company’s subsidiary Fozhao (Hainan) Technology Co., Ltd. entered into the General Contracting
Contract for Design and Construction of FSL Hainan Industrial Park Phase I with Guangdong Zhongnan
Construction Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. on 30 March 2022.
The above parties take charge of the design and construction of FSL Hainan Industrial Park. The total price of
the contract is RMB179,051,600, and the planned total construction period is 390 calendar days (50 days for
design and 340 days for construction). The project is in progress now.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2023

3. The Company entered into the General Contracting Contract of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. for
the Design and Construction of the Office Buildings of Gaoming Headquarters Production Base Phase II with
Guangdong Yixin Changcheng Construction Group Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Architectural Design & Research
Institute Co., Ltd. on 28 May 2021. The above parties take charge of the design and construction of Gaoming
office buildings. The total price of the contract is RMB175,025,600, and the planned total construction period is
560 calendar days (560 days for construction including 90 days for design). The project is in progress now.

4. The Company entered into the General Contracting Contract of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. for
the Design and Construction of the Smart LED Lighting Production Plant in the Gaoming Production Base (1-3
Buildings) with Guangdong Yixin Changcheng Construction Group Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Architectural
Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. on 1 March 2022. The above parties take charge of the design and
construction of the Gaoming three factory buildings. The total price of the contract is RMB129,991,400, and the
planned total construction period is 285 calendar days (30 days for design and 255 days for construction). The
project is in progress now.

5. The Company’s subsidiary Foshan Kelian New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. entered into the General
Contracting Contract for Design and Construction of the Foshan Kelian Building Decoration Engineering with
Guangdong Zhongnan Construction Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.,
Ltd. on 23 June 2021. The above parties take charge of the survey, design and construction of Kelian Building.
The total price of the contract is RMB189,070,200, and the planned total construction period is 240 calendar
days. Among them, except for the self-used layers, the construction period shall be counted from the date when
the construction actually begins. The project is in progress now.

(3) Information on Related-party Lease

The Company was lessor:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                        The lease income confirmed         The lease income confirmed
          Name of lessee               Category of leased assets
                                                                          in the Reporting Period         in the same period of last year
Guangdong Rising Research
and Development Institute
                                     Plant                                                   582,347.85                        563,992.42
Co., Ltd. and its majority-
owned subsidiaries
The Company served as the lessee:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                        Rental expenses of         Variable lease
                         short-term lease          payments not
                                                                                               Income expense of
                        simplified treated        included in the                                                    Increased right-of-
                                                                            Paid rent            lease liabilities
                          and low-value          measurement of                                                          use assets
 Name        Type of      asset lease (if       lease liabilities (if
   of         assets       applicable)              applicable)
 lessor       leased
                                       The                    The                   The                     The                    The
                           Reporti    same      Reporti      same       Reporti    same        Reporti     same      Reporti      same
                             ng       period      ng         period       ng       period        ng        period      ng         period
                           Period     of last   Period       of last    Period     of last     Period      of last   Period       of last
                                       year                   year                  year                    year                   year
Guangd       Operati                                                    64,954.   109,714       1,801.2    1,557.4                54,673.
ong          ng lease                                                        29       .21             9          6                     41

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

g Co.,
Comme      Operati                                       65,059.                 1,211.8
rcial      ng lease                                           65                       7

(4) Information on Related-party Guarantee


(5) Information on Inter-bank Lending of Capital of Related Parties


(6) Information on Assets Transfer and Debt Restructuring by Related Party


(7) Information on Remuneration for Key Management Personnel

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                  Item                         Reporting period                            Same period of last year
Chairman of the Board                                               486,397.79                                    380,814.62
General Manager                                                     475,655.67                                    355,594.62
Chairman of the Supervisory Committee                               467,681.15                                    335,628.62
Secretary of the Board                                              275,841.67                                    227,878.62
Chief Financial Officer                                             466,313.55                                    336,094.62
Other                                                             3,782,176.00                                  2,924,372.07
Total                                                             5,954,065.83                                  4,560,383.17

(8) Other Related-party Transactions

In accordance with the Financial Service Agreement signed by the Company in 2023, the total maximum daily
deposit balance of the Company and its majority-owned subsidiaries deposited in Guangdong Rising Finance
Co., Ltd. shall not exceed RMB1.2 billion, and the general credit limit provided by Guangdong Rising Finance
Co., Ltd. for the Company and its majority-owned subsidiaries shall not exceed RMB2 billion. As of 30 June
2023, the deposit balance of the Company and its subsidiaries deposited in Guangdong Rising Finance Co., Ltd.
is RMB1,019,445,400. The Company and its majority-owned subsidiaries have signed a credit agreement of
RMB1.5 billion with Guangdong Rising Finance Co., Ltd., of which RMB0 has been used.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

6. Accounts Receivable and Payable of Related Party

(1) Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                       Ending balance                          Beginning balance
       Item              Related party
                                            Carrying amount     Bad debt provision   Carrying amount     Bad debt provision
Monetary capital-     Guangdong Rising
                                                 4,937,389.67                             3,774,186.39
accrued interest      Finance Co., Ltd.
Accounts              Fenghua Advanced
                                                 8,838,027.13           176,760.54        2,805,991.79            56,119.84
receivable            Technology
                      Holding Co., Ltd.
                      Prosperity Lamps
                      & Components               6,107,629.95           183,228.90        2,754,557.10            82,636.71
receivable            Limited
Accounts              Zhongnan
                      Construction Co.,          3,622,125.97           123,926.48          218,038.46            18,816.26
                      Guangdong Yixin
Accounts              Changcheng
                      Construction               2,049,187.54            72,332.48        2,049,187.54           266,394.38
Accounts              Zhongjin Lingnan
                      Nonfemet Co.,                870,317.00            26,109.51          546,626.00            16,398.78
Accounts              Co., Ltd. (formerly
                                                   385,865.86             7,717.32          582,275.60            11,645.51
receivable            known as Fenghua
                      Research Institute
                      Zhongjin Lingnan          252,890.00              7,586.70
receivable            Copper Co., Ltd.
                      Heshun Property
Accounts              Management Co.,
                      Ltd. Rising                  242,112.68             7,263.38          669,790.40            66,979.04
                      Building Branch
                      Zhongjin Lingnan
                      Engineering                  195,269.90             5,858.10          116,775.00             3,503.25
receivable            Technology Co.,
                      Construction Co.,
                      Ltd. (formerly
                      known as                      44,297.00            18,398.78           44,297.00            13,289.10
receivable            Guangzhou
                      Construction Co.,
Accounts              Guangdong Rising               1,540.00                30.80            3,080.00                61.60

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2023

receivable            Research and
                      Institute Co. Ltd.
                      Zhongjin Lingnan
                      Equipment                                                                 703,256.00         103,815.51
receivable            Technology Co.,
                      Guangdong Rising
Accounts              Rare Metals and
                      New Photoelectric                                                         457,703.96          45,770.40
                      Materials Co., Ltd.
                      Zhongjin Lingnan
                      Junpeng Intelligent                                                        20,179.00            605.37
                      Equipment Co.,
                      Prosperity (China)
Prepayments           Electrical                     39,428.00                                   39,428.00
                      Company Limited
Prepayments                                           6,912.00
                      Service Co., Ltd.
                      Fenghua Advanced
Prepayments                                             148.68                                     148.68
                      Holding Co., Ltd.
                      Fenghua Advanced
Other receivables                                   223,372.07          4,467.44                178,585.99           3,571.72
                      Holding Co., Ltd.
Other receivables                                    67,165.92          1,343.32
                      Service Co., Ltd.
                      Nanning Ruixiang
Other receivables     Industrial                      5,000.00
                      Investment Co., L
                      Guangdong The
Other receivables     Great Wall                                                                 53,041.92           4,708.84
                      Building Co., Ltd.
Total                                         27,888,679.37        635,023.75             15,017,148.83            694,316.31

(2) Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
              Item                       Related party           Ending carrying amount            Beginning carrying amount
                                 Guangdong Zhongren Group
Notes payable                                                                67,154,037.47                      52,101,816.43
                                 Construction Co., Ltd
                                 Guangdong Fenghua
Notes payable                    Advanced Technology                               320,747.68                      449,283.50
                                 Holding Co., Ltd.
                                 Guangdong Electronic
Notes payable                                                                      689,500.00
                                 Technology Research Institute
                                 Guangdong Zhongren Group
Accounts payable                                                            104,280,896.68                     129,250,643.46
                                 Construction Co., Ltd

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

                                 Guangdong Fenghua
Accounts payable                 Advanced Technology                     2,766,260.53                 3,038,287.38
                                 Holding Co., Ltd.
                                 Guangzhou Haixinsha
Accounts payable                                                           461,805.00
                                 Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                 Hangzhou Times Lighting
Accounts payable                                                           112,000.00                    99,115.04
                                 Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.
                                 Prosperity Lamps &
Accounts payable                                                            57,268.76                   773,460.05
                                 Components Limited
                                 Foshan Fulong Environmental
Accounts payable                                                            56,630.00                    64,375.00
                                 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                 Dongguan Hengjian
Accounts payable                 Environmental Protection                   51,546.00                    46,520.40
                                 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                 Shenzhen Longgang
Accounts payable                 Dongjiang Industrial Waste                 23,184.00                    14,010.00
                                 Treatment Co., Ltd.
                                 Zhuhai Dongjiang
Accounts payable                 Environmental Protection                   10,645.53
                                 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                 Guangdong Electronic
Accounts payable                                                            46,500.00                   736,000.00
                                 Technology Research Institute
                                 Shenzhen Yuepeng
Accounts payable                                                                                      1,885,437.50
                                 Construction Co., Ltd.
                                 Guangdong Fenghua
Other payables                   Advanced Technology                   135,475,547.74               135,446,928.57
                                 Holding Co., Ltd.
                                 Nanning Ruixiang Industrial
Other payables                                                         115,352,181.20               120,352,181.20
                                 Investment Co., Ltd.
                                 Guangdong Zhongnan
Other payables                                                          14,633,468.54                   846,938.10
                                 Construction Co., Ltd.
                                 Guangdong Huajian
Other payables                                                           3,607,588.15                 3,216,344.40
                                 Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.
                                 Shenzhen Yuepeng
Other payables                                                             474,900.64                   474,300.64
                                 Construction Co., Ltd.
                                 Guangzhou Haixinsha
Other payables                                                             162,266.76
                                 Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                 Zhuhai Dongjiang
Other payables                   Environmental Protection                   50,000.00
                                 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                 Shenzhen Longgang
Other payables                   Dongjiang Industrial Waste                 50,000.00
                                 Treatment Co., Ltd.
                                 Dongguan Hengjian
Other payables                   Environmental Protection                   50,000.00
                                 Technology Co., Ltd.
Contract liabilities, other      Prosperity Lamps &
current liabilities                                                         59,428.00                    59,428.00
                                 Components Limited
               Total                                                   445,946,402.68               448,855,069.67

7. Commitments of Related Party

1. Commitment on Avoidance of Horizontal Competition
(1) Commitment maker: Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: Electronics Group and its acting-in-concert parties Hong Kong Rising Investment have
made more commitments as follows to avoid horizontal competition with the Company: 1. They shall conduct
supervision and restraint on the production and operation activities of themselves and their relevant enterprises so
that besides the enterprise above that is in horizontal competition with the Company for now, if the products or

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2023

business of them or their relevant enterprises become the same with or similar to those of the Company or its
subsidiaries in the future, they shall take the following measures: (1) If the Company thinks necessary, they and
their relevant enterprises shall reduce and wholly transfer their relevant assets and business; and (2) If the
Company thinks necessary, it is given the priority to acquire first, by proper means, the relevant assets and
business of them and their relevant enterprises. 2. All the commitments made by them to eliminate or avoid
horizontal competition with the Company are also applicable to their directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries.
They are obliged to urge and make sure that other subsidiaries execute what’s prescribed in the relevant document
and faithfully honor all the relevant commitments. 3. If they or their directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries
break the aforesaid commitments and thus cause a loss for the Company, they shall compensate the Company on a
rational basis.
Date of commitment making: 4 December 2015
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
(2) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings
Contents of Commitment: 1. The Promisor will take active measures to avoid any business or activity that
competes or may compete with the principal business of the Company and its auxiliary enterprises, and urge the
Promisor to control enterprises to avoid any business or activity that competes or may compete with the principal
business of the Company and its auxiliary enterprises. 2. If the Promisor and its controlled enterprises are given
the opportunity to engage in new business that constitutes or may constitute horizontal competition with the
principal businesses of the Company and its auxiliary enterprises, the Promisor will make every effort to make the
business opportunity first available to the Company or its auxiliary enterprises on reasonable and fair terms and
conditions on the premise that conditions permit and in the interest of the listed company.
Date of commitment making: 4 November 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
(3) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings , Rising Capital, and Hongkong Wah Shing
Contents of Commitment: 1. They shall conduct supervision and restraint on the production and operation
activities of themselves and their relevant enterprises so that besides the enterprise above that is in horizontal
competition with FSL for now, if the products or business of them or their relevant enterprises become the same
with or similar to those of FSL or its subsidiaries in the future, they shall take the following measures: (1) If FSL
thinks necessary, they and their relevant enterprises shall reduce and wholly transfer their relevant assets and
business; and (2) If FSL thinks necessary, it is given the priority to acquire first, by proper means, the relevant
assets and business of them and their relevant enterprises. 2. All the commitments made by them to eliminate or
avoid horizontal competition with FSL are also applicable to their directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries.
They are obliged to urge and make sure that other subsidiaries execute what’s prescribed in the relevant document
and faithfully honor all the relevant commitments. 3. If they or their directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries
break the aforesaid commitments and thus cause a loss for FSL, they shall compensate FSL on a rational basis.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(4) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings , Electronics Group, Hong Kong Rising Investment, and Hongkong Wah

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

Contents of Commitment: The Promisors have made commitments as follows to avoid horizontal competition,
protect interests of the Company and other shareholders:
1. They shall conduct supervision and restraint on the production and operation activities of themselves and
their relevant enterprises so that, if the products or business of them or their relevant enterprises become the
same with or similar to those of FSL or its subsidiaries in the future, they shall take the following measures:
(1) If FSL thinks necessary, they and their relevant enterprises shall reduce and wholly transfer their relevant
assets and business;
(2) If FSL thinks necessary, it is given the priority to acquire first, by proper means, the relevant assets and
business of them and their relevant enterprises.
2. All the commitments made by them to eliminate or avoid horizontal competition with FSL are also applicable
to their directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries. They are obliged to urge and make sure that other
subsidiaries execute what’s prescribed in the relevant document and faithfully honor all the relevant
3. As of the issuance of this statement and commitment, if any business opportunity obtained by the
commitment maker (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us") from any third party constitutes or may constitute
horizontal competition with the business operated by FSL and its wholly-owned and majority-owned
subsidiaries, we will notify FSL forthwith and give up such an opportunity to FSL at its requirement. Then, FSL,
under the same conditions, shall preferentially acquire the assets or equity interests of the relevant business at a
fairer and more reasonable price. Doing so helps us avoid horizontal competition or potential horizontal
competition with FSL and its wholly-owned and majority-owned subsidiaries.
4. We undertake not to provide any assistance in respect of funds, business, techniques, management, and
business secrets to any other company, business, economic organisation, or individual in or potentially in
horizontal competition with FSL or its wholly-owned or majority-owned subsidiaries.
5. We undertake not to engage, in any form, in any business activities that may impact the operations and
development of FSL and its wholly-owned and majority-owned subsidiaries, including:
(1) using our existing social resources and customer resources to hinder or restrict the independent development
of FSL or its wholly-owned or majority-owned subsidiaries;
(2) fabricating and disseminating news unfavourable to FSL and its wholly-owned and majority-owned
subsidiaries and damaging their goodwill;
(3) leveraging our holdings in or control over FSL to exert adverse influence, thus causing abnormal changes in
senior management members, R&D personnel, and technical personnel of FSL and its wholly-owned and
majority-owned subsidiaries; and
(4) engaging professional technical or marketing personnel or senior management members from FSL and its
wholly-owned and majority-owned subsidiaries.
6. We undertake that, if we violate the foregoing commitments and thus cause financial losses to FSL, we shall
assume the corresponding legal liability for all FSL's losses arising therefrom.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution

2. Commitment on Reduction and Regulation of Related-party Transactions
(1) Commitment maker: Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment have made a commitment that
during their direct or indirect holding of the Company’s shares, they shall 1. Strictly abide by the regulatory

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

documents of the CSRC and the SZSE, the Company’s Articles of Association, etc. and not harm the interests of
the Company or other shareholders of the Company in their production and operation activities by taking
advantage of their position as the controlling shareholder and actual controller; 2. make sure that they or their
other controlled subsidiaries, branch offices, jointly-run or associated companies (the “Relevant Enterprises” for
short) will try their best to avoid or reduce related-party transactions with the Company or the Company’s
subsidiaries; 3. strictly follow the market principle of justness, fairness and equal value exchange for necessary
and unavoidable related-party transactions between them and their Relevant Enterprises and the Company, and
withdraw from voting when a related-party transaction with them or their Relevant Enterprises is being voted on
at a general meeting or a board meeting, and execute the relevant approval procedure and information disclosure
duties pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations and regulatory documents. Where the aforesaid commitments
are broken and a loss is thus caused for the Company, its subsidiaries or the Company’s other shareholders, they
shall be obliged to compensate.
Date of commitment making: 4 December 2015
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
(2) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings
Contents of Commitment: 1. Strictly abide by the regulatory documents of the CSRC and the SZSE, the
Company’s Articles of Association, etc; and not harm the interests of the Company or other shareholders of the
Company in their production and operation activities by taking advantage of their position as the controlling
shareholder and actual controller; 2. make sure that they or their other controlled subsidiaries, branch offices,
jointly-run or associated companies (the "Relevant Enterprises" for short) will try their best to avoid or reduce
related-party transactions with the Company or the Company’s subsidiaries; 3. strictly follow the market principle
of justness, fairness and equal value exchange for necessary and unavoidable related-party transactions between
them and their Relevant Enterprises and the Company, and withdraw from voting when a related-party transaction
with them or their Relevant Enterprises is being voted on at a general meeting or a board meeting, and execute the
relevant approval procedure and information disclosure duties pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations and
regulatory documents.
Date of commitment making: 4 November 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
(3) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings , Rising Capital, and Hongkong Wah Shing
Contents of Commitment: They have made a commitment that during their direct or indirect holding of FSL 1.
activities of themselves strictly abide by the regulatory documents of the CSRC and the SZSE,FSL’s Articles of
Association, etc. and not harm the interests of the Company or other shareholders of FSL in their production and
operation activities by taking advantage of their position as the controlling shareholder and actual controller; 2.
make sure that they or their other controlled subsidiaries, branch offices, jointly-run or associated companies (the
"Relevant Enterprises" for short) will try their best to avoid or reduce related-party transactions with FSL or FSL’s
subsidiaries; 3. strictly follow the market principle of justness, fairness and equal value exchange for necessary
and unavoidable related-party transactions between them and their Relevant Enterprises and FSL, and withdraw
from voting when a related-party transaction with them or their Relevant Enterprises is being voted on at a general
meeting or a board meeting, and execute the relevant approval procedure and information disclosure duties
pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations and regulatory documents. Where the aforesaid commitments are
broken and a loss is thus caused for FSL, its subsidiaries or FSL’s other shareholders, they shall be obliged to

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Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(4) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings, Electronics Group, Hong Kong Rising Investment, and Hongkong
Wah Shing
Contents of Commitment: To protect interests of the Company and other shareholders, they have made a
commitment that during their direct or indirect holding of FSL:
1. activities of themselves strictly abide by the regulatory documents of the CSRC and the SZSE,FSL’s Articles
of Association, etc. and not harm the interests of the Company or other shareholders of FSL in their production
and operation activities by taking advantage of their position as the controlling shareholder and actual controller;
2. make sure that they or their other controlled subsidiaries, branch offices, jointly-run or associated companies
(the "Relevant Enterprises" for short) will try their best to avoid or reduce related-party transactions with FSL or
FSL’s subsidiaries;
3. strictly follow the market principle of justness, fairness and equal value exchange for necessary and
unavoidable related-party transactions between them and their Relevant Enterprises and FSL, and withdraw
from voting when a related-party transaction with them or their Relevant Enterprises is being voted on at a
general meeting or a board meeting, and execute the relevant approval procedure and information disclosure
duties pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations and regulatory documents. We undertake that we will neither
transfer nor convey benefits by taking advantage of related-party transactions nor harm, through the improper
exercise of rights for shareholders or other improper means, the legitimate rights and interests of the Company
or the other shareholders of the Company.
4. We have disclosed our related parties and related-party transactions during our Reporting Period in full and in
detail as required by the laws and regulations on securities regulation as well as normative documents. Except
for the related-party transactions already disclosed in relevant application documents on the Company's
issuance of A-shares to specific objects in 2023, we and other companies or businesses under our control have
not effected any related-party transactions with FSL or its wholly-owned or majority-owned subsidiaries that
should have been disclosed as required by laws, regulations, and relevant provisions of securities regulatory
5. If we violate the foregoing commitments and thus cause financial losses to FSL and the other shareholders,
we shall assume the corresponding legal liability for all the losses of FSL and the other shareholders arising
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution

3. Commitment on Independence
(1) Commitment maker: Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: In order to ensure the independence of FSL in business, personnel, asset, organization
and finance, Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment have made the following commitments: 1.
They will ensure the independence of FSL in business: (1) They promise that FSL will have the assets, personnel,
qualifications and capabilities for it to operate independently as well as the ability of independent, sustainable
operation in the market. (2) They promise not to intervene in FSL’s business activities other than the execution of
their rights as FSL’s shareholders. (3) They promise that they and their related parties will not be engaged in
business that is substantially in competition with FSL’s business. And (4) They promise that they and their related

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parties will try their best to reduce related-party transactions between them and FSL; for necessary and
unavoidable related-party transactions, they promise to operate fairly following the market-oriented principle and
at fair prices, and execute the transaction procedure and the duty of information disclosure pursuant to the
applicable laws, regulations and regulatory documents. 2.They will ensure the independence of FSL in personnel:
(1) They promise that FSL’s GM, deputy GMs, CFO, Company Secretary and other senior management personnel
will work only for and receive remuneration from FSL, not holding any positions in them or their other controlled
subsidiaries other than director and supervisor. (2) They promise FSL’s absolute independence from their related
parties in labor, human resource and salary management. And (3) They promise to follow the legal procedure in
their recommendation of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel to FSL and not to hire or
dismiss employees beyond FSL’s Board of Directors and General Meeting. 3. They will ensure the independence
and completeness of FSL in asset: (1) They promise that FSL will have a production system, an auxiliary
production system and supporting facilities for its operation; legally have the ownership or use rights of the land,
plants, machines, trademarks, patents and non-patented technology in relation to its production and operation; and
have independent systems for the procurement of raw materials and the sale of its products. (2) They promise that
FSL will have independent and complete assets all under FSL’s control and independently owned and operated by
FSL. And (3) They promise that they and their other controlled subsidiaries will not illegally occupy FSL’s funds
and assets in any way, or use FSL’s assets to provide guarantees for the debts of themselves or their other
controlled subsidiaries with. 4. They will ensure the independence of FSL in organization: (1) They promise that
FSL has a sound corporate governance structure as a joint-stock company with an independent and complete
organization structure. (2) They promise that the operational and management organs within FSL will
independently execute their functions according to laws, regulations and FSL’s Articles of Association. 5. They
will ensure the independence of FSL in finance: (1) They promise that FSL will have an independent financial
department and financial accounting system with normative, independent financial accounting rules. (2) They
promise that FSL will have independent bank accounts and not share bank accounts with its related parties. (3)
They promise that FSL’s financial personnel do not hold concurrent positions in its related parties. (4) They
promise that FSL will independently pay its tax according to law. And (5) They promise that FSL can make
financial decisions independently and that they will not illegally intervene in FSL’s use of its funds.
Date of commitment making: 4 December 2015
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
(2) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings
Contents of Commitment: To maintain the independence of the Company, the Promisor has made the following
commitments: 1. It will ensure the personnel independence of the Company. It promises to ensure personnel
independence with the Company, and GM, deputy GMs, CFO, Secretary of the Board of Directors and other
senior management personnel of the Company will not hold positions other than directors and supervisors in the
enterprises wholly owned, controlled or actually controlled by it and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as
"subsidiaries"), and will not receive salaries from it or its subsidiaries. 2. It will ensure the asset independence of
the Company. (1) It promises that the Company has independent and complete assets. (2) It promises that it and its
subsidiaries will not illegally occupy the Company’s funds and assets in any way. 3. It will ensure the financial
independence of the Company: (1) It promises that the Company will have an independent financial department
and financial accounting system. (2) It promises that the Company will have a standardized and independent
financial accounting system. (3) It promises that the Company will have independent bank accounts and not share
bank accounts with it. (4) It promises that the Company’s financial personnel do not hold concurrent positions in
it or its subsidiaries. And (5) It promises that the Company can make financial decisions independently and that

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                      Interim Report 2023

they will not illegally intervene in the Company’s use of its funds. 4. It will ensure the independence of the
Company in organization: (1) It promises that the Company can operate independently with an independent and
complete organization structure. (2) It promises that the office and production and business premises of the
Company are separated from those of Rising Holdings Group. And (3) It promises that the Board of Directors, the
Supervisory Committee and various functional departments of the Company operate independently, and there is
no subordinate relationship with the functional departments of Rising Holdings Group. And 5, It will ensure the
independence of the Company in business: (1) It promises that the Company will have independence in business.
And (2) It promises that the Company will have the assets, personnel, qualifications and capabilities for it to
operate independently as well as the ability of independent, sustainable operation in the market.
Date of commitment making: 4 November 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
(3) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings, Electronics Group, Hong Kong Rising Investment, and Hongkong
Wah Shing
Contents of Commitment:
1. Ensure the independence of FSL in personnel: (1) We promise the absolute independence of FSL and its
subsidiaries (the same below, collectively referred to as "FSL") from us and other companies, businesses, and
economic organisations under our control in labour, human resource and salary management. (2) We promise
that FSL's senior management personnel will work only for and receive remuneration from FSL, not holding
any positions in us or other companies, businesses, or economic organisations under our control other than
director and supervisor. (3) We promise not to intervene in the exercise of authority by the Shareholders'
General Meeting and Board of Directors of FSL to decide personnel appointment and removal.
2. Ensure the independence of FSL in organisation: (1) We promise that FSL has a sound corporate governance
structure with an independent and complete organisation structure. (2) We promise that the Shareholders'
General Meeting, Board of Directors, and Supervisory Committee of FSL will independently execute their
functions according to laws, regulations and FSL's Articles of Association. (3) We promise that FSL will have
the right to set up and adjust functional departments independently and will not be subject to rule-violating
intervention from us or other companies, businesses, or economic organisations under our control. We promise
that neither the superior-subordinate relationship nor mixed ownership and co-office situation exist between
FSL and us or other companies, businesses, or economic organisations under our control.
3. Ensure the asset independence and integrity of FSL: (1) We promise that FSL will have independent and
complete assets related to production and operations, which are not shared with us or other companies,
businesses, or economic organisations under our control. (2) We promise that FSL's office and business
premises are independent from those of us and other companies, businesses, and economic organisations under
our control. (3) We promise that except for regular business dealings, neither FSL's funds nor assets will be
occupied by us or other companies, businesses, or economic organisations under our control.
4. Ensure the independence of FSL in business: (1) We promise that FSL has relevant qualifications for
conducting business activities independently, is capable of independent, autonomous, and ongoing operations in
the market, and does not rely on us or other companies, businesses, or economic organisations under our control
in production and operations. (2) We promise that we and other companies, businesses, and economic
organisations under our control will not engage in business in competition with FSL or other companies,
businesses, or economic organisations under its control. (3) We promise that we and other companies,
businesses, and economic organisations under our control will minimise the related-party transactions with FSL
and other companies, businesses, and economic organisations under its control. For necessary and unavoidable

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related-party transactions, we promise to operate fairly following the market-oriented principle and at fair prices,
and execute relevant approval procedures and the duty of information disclosure pursuant to the applicable laws,
regulations and regulatory documents.
5. Ensure the independence of FSL in finance: (1) We promise that FSL will have an independent financial
department and financial accounting system with normative, independent financial accounting rules. (2) We
promise that FSL will have independent bank accounts and will not share bank accounts with us or other
companies, businesses, or economic organisations under our control. (3) We promise that FSL's financial
personnel do not hold concurrent positions in us or other companies, businesses, or economic organisations
under our control. (4) We promise that FSL can make financial decisions independently and that we will not
intervene in FSL's use of its funds. (5) We promise that FSL will independently pay its tax according to law.
If we violate the foregoing commitments, we shall be liable for the losses of FSL arising therefrom.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution

4. Commitment on effective performance of measures to fill up returns
(1) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings, Rising Capital, Electronics Group, Hongkong Wah Shing, Hong Kong
Rising Investment and Shenzhen Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: 1. They promise not to interfere in the operation and management activities of the listed
company beyond their authority and not to encroach on the interests of the listed company. 2. From the date of
issuance of these commitments to the completion of this trading of the listed company, if the CSRC makes new
regulatory requirements on measures to fill up returns and commitments of relevant personnel, and the above
commitments cannot meet these new regulatory requirements of the CSRC, they promise to issue supplementary
commitments according to the latest regulations of the CSRC at that time. 3. They promise to earnestly fulfill the
measures to fill up returns formulated by the listed company and any commitments made by them. If they violate
these commitments and causes losses to the listed company or investors, they are willing to bear the compensation
responsibility for the listed company or investors according to law. As one of the subjects responsible for the
measures to fill up returns, if they violate the above commitments or refuse to fulfill the above commitments, they
agree that the securities regulatory agencies such as the CSRC and the SZSE will punish them or take relevant
regulatory measures in accordance with the relevant regulations and rules they formulated or issued.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(2) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings, Electronics Group, Hong Kong Rising Investment, and Hongkong Wah
Contents of Commitment: 1. They promise not to interfere in the operation and management activities of the listed
company beyond their authority and not to encroach on the interests of the listed company.
2. From the date of issuance of these commitments to the completion of this offering of the Company to specific
targets, if the CSRC makes new regulatory requirements on measures to fill up returns and commitments of
relevant personnel, and the above commitments cannot meet these new regulatory requirements of the CSRC, they
promise to issue supplementary commitments according to the latest regulations of the CSRC at that time.
3. They promise to earnestly fulfill the measures to fill up returns formulated by the listed company and any
commitments made by them. If they violate these commitments and causes losses to the listed company or
investors, they are willing to bear the compensation responsibility for the listed company or investors according to

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

As one of the subjects responsible for the measures to fill up returns, if they violate the above commitments or
refuse to fulfill the above commitments, they agree that the securities regulatory agencies such as the CSRC and
the SZSE will punish them or take relevant regulatory measures in accordance with the relevant regulations and
rules they formulated or issued.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.

5. Commitment on measures to fill up returns for risks arising from diluting immediate return in major
asset restructuring
Commitment markers: Directors and senior management of the Company
Contents of Commitment: 1. We promise not to transfer benefits to other units or individuals free of charge or
under unfair conditions, and not to harm the interests of the Company in any other ways. 2. We promise to
restrain position-related consumption behavior. 3. We promise not to use the Company's assets to engage in
investment and consumption activities unrelated to the performance of duties. 4. We promise that the future
remuneration system formulated by the Board of Directors or the Remuneration and Assessment Committee
will be linked to the implementation of the Company's measures to fill up returns. 5. If the Company formulates
an equity incentive plan in the future, we will actively promote the exercise conditions of the future equity
incentive plan to be linked with the implementation of the Company's measures to fill up returns. 6. From the
date of issuance of these commitments to the completion of this major asset restructuring of the Company, if the
CSRC makes other new regulatory provisions on measures to fill up returns and the relevant commitments, and
these commitments cannot meet these provisions of the CSRC, we promise to issue supplementary
commitments in accordance with the latest regulations of the CSRC at that time. 7. We promise to earnestly
fulfil the compensation measures formulated by the Company and any commitments we make. If we violate any
of these commitments and cause losses to the Company or investors, we are willing to bear corresponding legal
responsibilities to the Company or investors according to law.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfilment: In execution

6. Commitment on compensation for possible violations of laws and regulations by NationStar
Commitment maker: Rising Holdings, Electronics Group, and Rising Capital
Contents of Commitment: If NationStar Optoelectronics is subject to administrative penalties such as
accountability and fines by relevant competent departments after the completion of this trading due to the illegal
acts of NationStar Optoelectronics before the completion of this acquisition, they promise to fully bear the losses
of NATIONSTAR or FSL, as well as the expenses and fees under punishment or recourse, to ensure that
NationStar Optoelectronics or FSL will not suffer any economic losses.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

7. Commitment on the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided during this
major asset restructuring
(1) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings, Electronics Group, and Rising Capital
Contents of Commitment: 1. They promise that the information provided is true, accurate and complete, and there
are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions. 2. They have provided relevant information and
documents (including but not limited to original written materials, duplicate materials or oral testimony, etc.)
related to this trading to the intermediaries. They promise that the copies or photocopies of the documents and
materials provided are consistent with the originals, and that the signatures and seals of the documents and
materials are authentic, and the signatories of the documents have been legally authorized and effectively signed
the documents; that there are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions. 3. They promise that
the explanations and confirmations issued by them are true, accurate and complete, and there are no false records,
misleading statements or material omissions. 4. During this trading, they will disclose the information about this
trading in a timely manner in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the CSRC and the SZSE, and ensure
the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of such information. 5. They shall bear legal responsibility for the
authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information, documents, materials, explanations and confirmations
provided. In case of any violation or losses caused to the listed company, investors, parties to the trading and
intermediaries participating in this trading, they will be liable for compensation according to law. 6. Where the
information provided or disclosed by them in this trading is suspected of false records, misleading statements or
material omissions, and they are filed for investigation by the judicial organ or by the CSRC, the shares with
interests in the listed company will not be transferred until the investigation conclusion is formed.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(2) Commitment markers: Directors and senior management of the Company
Contents of Commitment: 1. We have provided relevant information and documents (including but not limited to
original written materials, duplicate materials or oral testimony, etc.) related to this trading to the intermediaries
providing professional services of auditing, assessment, legal and financial consultancy for this trading. We
promise that the copies or photocopies of the documents and materials provided are consistent with the originals,
and that the signatures and seals of the documents and materials are authentic, and the signatories of the
documents have been legally authorized and effectively signed the documents; that the provided information and
documents are authentic, accurate and complete and that there are no false records, misleading statements or
material omissions. We also promise to bear individual and joint and several liability. 2. We promise that the
information provided is true, accurate and complete. In case of any losses caused to investors due to any false
presentations, misleading statements or material omissions in the information provided, we will be liable for
compensation according to law. 3. Where the information provided or disclosed by us in this trading is suspected
of false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and we are filed for investigation by the judicial
organ or by the CSRC, the shares with interests in the listed company will not be transferred until the investigation
conclusion is formed.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfilment: In execution

8. Commitment on the clarity of the underlying assets of this major asset restructuring
(1) Commitment maker: Electronics Group

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

Contents of Commitment: Electronics Group promises that the 100% equity of Sigma it held is clear in ownership
and is not subject to any dispute or potential dispute, and there is no situation affecting its legal existence; and
there is no pending or potential litigation, arbitration and any other administrative or judicial procedure that may
lead to the seizure, freezing, expropriation or restriction of transfer of the above-mentioned equity by the relevant
judicial or administrative organs. There is no entrusted shareholding or trust shareholding, restriction or
prohibition of transfer of the above-mentioned equity controlled by Electronics Group.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(2) Commitment maker: Rising Holdings and Rising Capital
Contents of Commitment: Rising Holdings Group and Rising Capital promise that the shares of NationStar
Optoelectronics it held is clear in ownership and is not subject to any dispute or potential dispute, and there is no
situation affecting its legal existence; the above shares are not subject to any other pledges, guarantees or third-
party interests or restrictions and there is no pending or potential litigation, arbitration and any other
administrative or judicial procedure that may lead to the seizure, freezing, expropriation or restriction of transfer
of the above-mentioned equity by the relevant judicial or administrative organs. There is no entrusted
shareholding or trust shareholding, restriction or prohibition of transfer of the above-mentioned equity controlled
by Rising Group and Rising Capital.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.

9. Commitment on the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided in
application documents for issuance
Commitment maker: Rising Holdings, Electronics Group, Hong Kong Rising Investment, and Hongkong Wah
Contents of Commitment: 1. They promise that the information provided for the specific targets of this offering is
true, accurate and complete, and there are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions. 2. They
have provided relevant information and documents (including but not limited to original written materials,
duplicate materials or oral testimony, etc.) to the intermediaries engaging in this offering to specific targets. They
promise that the copies or photocopies of the documents and materials provided are consistent with the originals,
and that the signatures and seals of the documents and materials are authentic, and the signatories of the
documents have been legally authorized and effectively signed the documents; that there are no false records,
misleading statements or material omissions. 3. They promise that the explanations and confirmations issued by
them for this offering to specific targets are true, accurate and complete, and there are no false records, misleading
statements or material omissions. 4. During the application and review period of this offering to specific targets,
they will disclose relevant information in a timely manner in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the
CSRC and the SZSE, and ensure the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of such information. 5. They shall
bear legal responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information, documents, materials,
explanations and confirmations provided. In case of any violation or losses caused to the listed company, investors,
and intermediaries participating in the preparation for this offering to specific targets, they will be liable for
compensation according to law. 6. Where the information provided or disclosed by them in this offering to
specific targets is suspected of false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and they are filed for
investigation by the judicial organ or by the CSRC, the shares with interests in the listed company will not be
transferred until the investigation conclusion is formed.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2023

Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.

10. Commitment on the subscription for A-shares offered to specific objects in 2023
Commitment maker: Rising Holdings
Contents of Commitment: 1. We agree to subscribe for A-shares offered to specific objects with a subscription
amount of 25% of the total amount of funds raised. The subscription volume shall be determined according to
the issuer's actual issue price and the subscription amount of the subscribers after the Stock Subscription
Agreement of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. comes into force. In the actual issuance phase ahead, if
the subscription volume calculated based on the ultimate inquiry result contains fractional shares, such shares
shall be rounded off. 2. The base day for pricing the shares to be offered to specific objects is the first day of the
issuance period. The issue price shall not be lower than 80% of the average trading price of FSL's A-shares for
the 20 trading days prior to the base day for pricing (that is, the "bottom issue price of this issuance"), which
equals the total amount of the Company's shares traded in the 20 trading days prior to the base day for pricing
divided by the total volume of the Company's shares traded in this period. Upon the review and approval by the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) of the issuance of shares to specific objects and the consent of the China
Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to the registration, the ultimate issue price shall be determined by
our Board of Directors with authorisation of the Shareholders' General Meeting and in consultation with the
sponsor (lead underwriter) according to the subscription offers from the issuance objects in compliance with the
relevant provisions of the CSRC and SZSE and the principle of price preference. In case of ex-rights or ex-
dividend matters occurring to FSL's shares between the base day for pricing and the date of issuance, such as
dividend payout, bonus issue, and capital reserve converted into share capital, the bottom issue price of the
issuance of shares to specific objects shall be adjusted accordingly. We shall not participate in the inquiry
process of the pricing of this issuance but undertake to accept the market inquiry result and to subscribe for the
shares to be offered by the Company to specific objects at the same price as other issuance objects. If the issue
price of this issuance cannot be determined through the market inquiry, we will subscribe for the shares offered
by FSL to specific objects at the bottom issue price of this issuance. 3. We agree not to transfer the shares for
which we subscribe this time within 18 months of the completion of the issuance of shares to specific objects.
However, if we and parties acting in concert have increased our holdings by more than 2% of the shares FSL
already offered in the 12 months prior to the completion of this issuance, we shall not transfer the shares for
which we subscribe this time within 36 months of the completion of this issuance.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Until the expiration of the restriction period for the shares issued to Rising Holdings
Group in 2023.
Fulfilment: In execution.

11. Commitment on the absence of acceptance of financial assistance, compensation, promise of benefits
or arrangements agreed upon otherwise
Commitment maker: Rising Holdings
Contents of Commitment: The funds used by us to subscribe for the shares offered this time are all legal self-
owned funds. There is no external fund raising, proxy holding, structural arrangement or direct or indirect use of
funds of FSL and its related parties (except for us) for this subscription. There is no financial support,
compensation, promise of benefits or other arrangements by FSL or its controlling shareholder, actual controller

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

(except for us), or substantial shareholders to me directly or through their stakeholders. Our subscription for the
shares of this issuance is free of shareholding as prohibited by laws and regulations. The intermediary for this
issuance or its head, senior management members, or handling personnel are free of illegal shareholding or
improper transfer of benefits.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Until the completion of A-shares issuance to specific objects in 2023.
Fulfilment: In execution.

12. About non-occupation of the Company's funds or assets
Commitment makers: Rising Holdings, Electronics Group, Hong Kong Rising Investment, and Hongkong Wah
Contents of Commitment: As at the date of issuance of the Proposal on the Company's Issuance of A-Shares to
Specific Objects in 2023 of FSL, we had not occupied the Company's funds or assets. Nor had the Company
provided illegal guarantees for us. Upon the completion of this issuance, the Company shall continue to strictly
observe relevant laws, regulations, and internal control systems to prevent the provision by the Company of
illegal guarantees for us.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Until the completion of A-shares issuance to specific objects in 2023.
Fulfilment: In execution.

13. Commitment on the measures to fill up immediate returns diluted by the issuance of A-shares to
specific objects
Commitment markers: Directors and senior management of the Company
Contents of Commitment: 1. We promise not to transfer benefits to other units or individuals free of charge or
under unfair conditions, and not to harm the interests of the Company in any other ways. 2. We promise to
restrain position-related consumption behaviour. 3. We promise not to use the Company's assets to engage in
investment and consumption activities unrelated to the performance of duties. 4. We promise that the
remuneration system formulated by the Board of Directors or the Remuneration and Assessment Committee is
linked to the implementation of the Company's measures to fill up returns. 5. If the Company implements an
equity incentive plan in the future, the exercise conditions of the future equity incentive plan will be linked with
the implementation of the Company's measures to fill up returns. 6. From the date of issuance of these
commitments to the completion of the issuance of shares to specific objects, if the CSRC makes other new
regulatory provisions on measures to fill up returns and the relevant commitments, and these commitments
cannot meet these provisions of the CSRC, we promise to issue supplementary commitments in accordance with
the latest regulations of the CSRC at that time. As one of the subjects responsible for the measures to fill up
returns, if we violate the above commitments or refuse to fulfil the above commitments, we agree that the
securities regulatory agencies such as the CSRC and the SZSE will punish us or take relevant regulatory
measures in accordance with the relevant regulations and rules they formulated or issued.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfilment: In execution.

14. Commitment on matters on special self-inspection of the real estate business
 Commitment markers: Rising Holdings, Electronics Group, Hong Kong Rising Investment, Hongkong Wah

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2023

Shing and the directors and senior management of the Company
Contents of Commitment: The Self-inspection Report has truthfully disclosed the self-inspection of the real
estate development projects of the Company and its subsidiaries between 1 January 2020 and 31 December
2022. If the Company is identified with illegalities or violations not disclosed as required by the self-inspection,
such as idle land, land speculation, holding real estate projects from selling, and house price rigging, thus
causing losses to itself and the investors, we/I will be liable for compensation in line with relevant laws,
regulations, and requirements of securities regulatory authorities.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfilment: In execution.

15. Commitment on the confirmation of and commitment to matters concerning the absence of a
reduction in the shares in the issuer
Commitment makers: Rising Holdings, Electronics Group, Hong Kong Rising Investment, and Hongkong Wah
1. We confirm that, between the date six months prior to the date of the resolution of the Board of Directors on
this issuance of shares to specific objects to the issuance of this letter, we have not reduced our shares in FSL. 2.
The base day for pricing the shares to be offered by FSL to specific objects is the first day of the issuance period.
We promise not to transfer our shares in FSL within six months from the date of issuance of this letter to the
completion of this issuance.
Date of commitment making: 5 July 2023
Term of commitment: Six months from the date of issuance of this commitment to the completion of this
Fulfilment: In execution.

16. Commitment on share subscription
Commitment maker: Rising Holdings
If no one quotes in this issuance of shares to specific objects, we will still participate in the subscription.
However, we shall not participate in the market inquiry of the pricing of this issuance but undertake to accept
the market inquiry result and to subscribe at the same price as investors. If the issue price of this issuance
cannot be determined through the foregoing market inquiry, we will subscribe for the shares offered by FSL to
specific objects at the bottom issue price of this issuance. The subscription amount shall be 25% of the total
amount of funds raised this time. The subscription volume shall be determined according to the actual
subscription amount and issue price.
Date of commitment making: 5 July 2023
Term of commitment: Till the completion of the issuance of A-shares to specific objects in 2023.
Fulfilment: In execution.

8. Other


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2023

XIII. Stock Payment

1. The Overall Situation of Stock Payment

□Applicable  Not applicable

2. The Stock Payment Settled in Equity

□Applicable  Not applicable

3. The Stock Payment Settled in Cash

□Applicable  Not applicable

4. Modification and Termination of the Stock Payment


5. Other


XIV. Commitments and Contingency

1. Significant Commitments

Significant commitments on the balance sheet date

Commitment to the development of Haikou plot
In November 2021, Hainan Technology, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, acquired an industrial land
located in Mei’an Science and Technology New City, Haikou, with a land area of 34,931.13 square meters and a
land price of RMB26,596,784.43. In the same month, Hainan Technology signed the Agreement on Industrial
Project Development and Land Access with Haikou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone
Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Haikou Development Zone Management Committee”).
The agreement stipulates that the above-mentioned plot is used for the development of marine lighting R&D
and manufacturing base projects, and the investment of fixed assets is approximately RMB314 million
(including plants, equipment, and land, equivalent to RMB6 million per mu (1 mu equals to 666.67 square
meters). Hainan Technology promises to complete the planning scheme design within two months from the date
of signing the Confirmation of Listing and Transferring the Right to Use State-owned Construction Land;
complete the construction drawing design within three months after completing the planning scheme design and
obtain the Building Construction Permits and start construction at the same time (subject to the foundation
concrete pouring of the main buildings). The project will be put into production within 18 months from the date
of signing the Confirmation of Listing and Transferring the Right to Use State-owned Construction Land. From
the date of signing the contract to the first year after the project is put into production, the accumulated tax
payment is not less than RMB10 million; the accumulated tax payment in the first two years is not less than
RMB27.4 million; the accumulated tax payment in the first three years is not less than RMB67.1 million; the

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

accumulated tax payment in the first four years is not less than RMB117 million; the accumulated tax payment
in the five years is not less than RMB203 million. The total industrial output value (or revenue) in the first year
after the project is put into production is not less than RMB218 million; the accumulated value in the first two
years is not less than RMB433 million; the accumulated value in the first three years is not less than RMB929
million; the accumulated value in the first four years is not less than RMB1,578 million; the accumulated value
in the five years is not less than RMB2.62 billion. If the project fails to start construction within 12 months from
the date of signing the Confirmation of Listing and Transferring the Right to Use State-owned Construction
Land due to Hainan Technology reasons, the Haikou Development Zone Management Committee has the right
to unilaterally terminate the contract and the municipal government will recover the land use rights according to
law; if the total amount of tax paid in the year after the project is put into production does not reach the total
annual tax payment as agreed, Hainan Technology shall pay liquidated damages to the Haikou Development
Zone Management Committee according to the difference; if Hainan Technology has idle land not due to
government reasons and force majeure, the municipal government shall collect idle land fees or recover the
right to use state-owned construction land.

2. Contingency

(1) Significant Contingency on Balance Sheet Date

1. Litigation between FSL Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Secket Electrician Technology
Co., Ltd.
The plaintiff Shenzhen Secket Electrician Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Secket”) claimed
that it enjoyed the utility model patent of a safety socket and that the defendants Chengdu ArGangle Insulated
Electrical Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chengdu ArGangle Yuanhu Technology Co., Ltd., FSL Zhida Electric
Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd. produced and sold the products involved without
its authorization. Therefore the plaintiff sued to the court for compensation of RMB11 million. The plaintiff
filed the lawsuit in three cases and Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court heard the three cases together [Case
No.: (2021) Y. 73 M.ZH. No. 1775, 1776 and 1880]. The case was heard on 25 April 2022, for the second time
on 20 June, for the third time on 23 September and for the fourth time on 22 November, and has not been
concluded as of the date of this report.
2. Litigation between the Company and Xuzhou Longxiang Lighting Equipment Sales Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Longxiang Lighting Equipment Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Longxiang”) is a distributor
of the Company for many years and defaulted on the payment for goods of the Company totalling
RMB2,427,830.95 as of August 2022. Therefore the Company filed a lawsuit with Chancheng District People’s
Court [(2022) Y. 0604 M.ZH. No. 32528]. The trial of the case was held on 21 February 2023 in the Foshan
Chancheng District People’s Court. As of the date of this report, the above case has not been concluded. The
Company owns the property of Long Xiang as collateral and has provided a bad debt provision of
RMB559,463.71 based on expected credit losses.
3. Litigation between Liuzhou Lighting, Nanning Liaowang and Laster Electronic Tech (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
Laster Electronic Tech (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Laster Electronic") is the supplier of
Liuzhou Guige and Nanning Liaowang. Laster Electronic requests that: 1. Liuzhou Lighting shall pay the
arrears of RMB77,932.00 and the corresponding interest loss, and compensate for the material loss
RMB405,461.00 caused by the production of the products in question and interest loss of RMB25,337.10, as
well as compensate for the loss of storage fee and labor storage fee of RMB26,000.00 caused by the material
stagnation; 2, Nanning Liaowang shall pay the arrears of RMB34,822.00 and the corresponding interest loss,

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

and compensate for the material loss of RMB401,029.00 and interest loss of RMB23,385.81 caused by the
production of the product in question, as well as compensate for the loss of storage fee and manpower storage
fee of RMB24,000.00 caused by the material stagnation; 3.Liuzhou Lighting and Nanning Liaowang shall pay
RMB309,793.00 and RMB1,595,680.00 respectively to Laster Electronic for the apportioned cost of mold test.
The first trial of the lawsuit is to be notified by the court, and the result of the lawsuit is not yet available.
4. About the litigation between the Company and Guangzhou Tianli Construction Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Tianli Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Tianli") purchased wires and
cables from FSL, for which the payment was RMB5,953,278.71 Despite several rounds of collection,
Guangzhou Tianli still refused to pay. Therefore, the Company filed a lawsuit [Case (2023) Y. 0104 M.CH. No.
9027] with the People's Court of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, which tried the case on 14 June 2023. As of the
date of this report, the above case has not been concluded.
5. About the litigation between the Company and Wang Jundao, Peng Xiaoli, and Dali Haofeng Furniture Store
in Nanhai District, Foshan City
The defendant (hereinafter referred to as the "Defendant") Haofeng Furniture leased from the Company the first,
second, and third floors of the property located at 1 1st Lecheng Road, Luocun Subdistrict, Nanhai District, and
the plaintiffs (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Plaintiff") Wang Jundao and Peng Xiaoli purchased
from the Company a ground floor and 24 residential units in the middle block of Buildings No. 1 located at 1
1st Lecheng Road, Luocun Subdistrict. According to the Plaintiff, after the foregoing properties were handed
over, the Defendant shall pay the Plaintiff the rental for the shops on the ground floor, but the Defendant
refused to do so and even still occupied part of the properties. Therefore, the Plaintiff filed a lawsuit [Case
(2023) Y. 0605 M.CH. No. 9004] with the People's Court of Nanhai District, Foshan City to claim
RMB2,664,820.00from the Defendant as compensation for all costs. In the case, the court added the Company
as a third party. The case was tried on 4 July 2023. As of the date of this report, the above case has not been
6. Litigation between NationStar Optoelectronics and Guangzhou CM Punk Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou CM Punk Optoelectronics Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "CM Punk") and Foshan
NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. over the sales contract, both parties disputed the goods payment and
compensation for quality defects in products and thus filed a lawsuit with the court. CM Punk sued
NationStar and requested the latter to pay for the goods and pay the interest, totalling approximately
RMB4.36 million (including approximately RMB3.77 million for the goods). NationStar defended itself
by arguing that CM Punk's claim was not supported by factual and legal bases and lodged a counterclaim
for approximately RMB2.02 million from CM Punk as an indemnity for quality losses. As of the date of
this report, the case is in the process of first instance hearing and the court has not yet decided.
7. Litigation between Nanyang Baoli and the People's Government of Zhechuan
On 2 November 2009, the People's Government of Zhechuan released the Notice of Zhechuan County on
the Preferential Policies for Accelerating the Development of Industrial Clusters (Provisional), which
made it clear that the indemnities paid by eligible industrial enterprises for the land they acquired shall be
fully reimbursed by the financial authority of the county. On 12 October 2011, Nanyang Baoli Vanadium
Industry Co., Ltd. ("Nanyang Baoli") submitted the Application of Nanyang Baoli Vanadium Industry Co.,
Ltd. for Preferential Policies for the Efficient and Clean Vanadium Ore Extraction Project to the People's
Government of Zhechuan and applied to use land. Additionally, by the application, Nanyang Baoli shall
pay the taxes and dues arising from the land acquisition in the early stage. After the land is transferred to
Nanyang Baoli upon legal bid invitation, auction and listing, the government of the place of receipt shall
subsidize Nanyang Baoli in two installments for all the land acquisition payments, except for the

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2023

endowment insurance of farmers in the place where land is acquired and the land reporting fees. The
People's Government of Zhechuan approved the application by stamping it with the seal and specified that
"land costs shall be subject to Document X.F. [2012] No. 17. Specifically, to meet the investment
requirements, investors shall bear only RMB30,000 per mu (a mu is equivalent to approximately 666.667
square meters), and the People's Government of Zhechuan shall be responsible for the remaining costs and
completing the certificate application." Subsequently, Nanyang Baoli paid a total of RMB10,994,400 to
the People's Government of Zhechuan. For the land intended as the project site, formalities for land
acquisition and for bid invitation, auction, and listing have not yet been completed and initiated,
respectively. As a result, Nanyang Baoli has not obtained the land use right for the land in question, and
the land remains the collective land as it has not yet been acquired. At present, the P eople's Government of
Zhechuan is unable to obtain land use approval to complete the land acquisition and hand over the land to
Nanyang Baoli. Nor shall it have the right to transfer the foregoing land. Hence, Nanyang Baoli has filed a
lawsuit with the Nanyang Intermediate People's Court, requesting a refund of the advance payment and an
indemnity for its losses. Moreover, Nanyang Baoli has not yet carried out exploitation since its inception,
but the mining concession has expired. Therefore, Nanyang Baoli requested a refund of the deposit of
RMB100,000 for environmental governance and restoration transferred to the segregated account of the
Off-budget Fund Management Bureau of Zhechuan County for deposits for environmental governance and
restoration of mines. The case was accepted by the Nanyang Intermediate People's Court on 24 March
2023 and came to trial on 16 May 2023.As of the date of this report, the above case has not been

(2) In Despite of no Significant Contingency to Disclose, the Company Shall Also Make Relevant

There was no significant contingency in the Company.

3. Other

As of 30 June 2023, mutual guarantees among Nanning Liaowang and its subsidiaries were as follows
                                                                                         Type of    Guarantee    Guarantee
No.    Principal debtor    Principal debtee                   Guarantor
                                                                                        guarantee    amount       balance
          Nanning                             Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd.,
       Liaowang Auto                          Liuzhou Guige Fuxuan Technology Co.,
 1                            Branch of                                                 Mortgage      4,500.00      1,547.33
       Lamp Co., Ltd.                         Ltd., Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology
                           Industrial Bank
           (note 1)                           Co., Ltd.
                              Nanning         Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd.,
       Guinuo Lighting
 2                            Branch of       Chongqing Guinuo Lighting Technology      Mortgage      9,900.00    5,826.87
       Technology Co.,
                           Industrial Bank    Co., Ltd.
        Ltd. (note 2)
        Liuzhou Guige                         Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd.,
           Lighting                           Liuzhou Guige Fuxuan Technology Co.,
 3                            Branch of                                                 Mortgage      9,600.00      9,600.00
       Technology Co.,                        Ltd., Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology
                           Industrial Bank
         Ltd. (note 3)                        Co., Ltd.

             Total              ——                            ——                      ——       24,000.00    16,974.20

Note 1: Nanning Liaowang and Nanning Branch of Industrial Bank entered into the Maximum Financing

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                     Interim Report 2023

Agreement (X.Y.G.CH.B.R.Z.Z. [2022] No. (01)) to conduct a bill transaction of RMB15,473,300. Nanning
Liaowang provides mortgage guarantee with the immovable property owned as collateral, and the balance of its
creditor's rights does not exceed the maximum mortgage principal of RMB69,139,100. The mortgage amount is
valid from 25 April 2022 to 31 December 2025 and the guarantee amount is RMB45 million. The mortgaged
real estate is a) Y.G. (2017) N.N.S.B.D.CH.Q.ZH. No. 0065501; b) E.G. (2017) N.N.S.B.D.CH.Q.ZH. No.
0065499; c) S.G. (2017) N.N.S.B.D.CH.Q.ZH. No. 0065498; d) S.G. (2017) N.N.S.B.D.CH.Q.ZH. No.
Note 2: Nanning Liaowang and Nanning Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Working Capital
Loan Contracts, numbered WYZH2022021100314 and WYZH2022021100248, with the loan amounts of
RMB19.8 million (from 11 February 2022 to 11 February 2023) and RMB30.2 million (from 11 February 2022
to 11 February 2023), respectively. The foregoing transactions were closed out on 11 February 2023. Nanning
Liaowang and Nanning Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Master Agreement on Local Letter
of Credit Financing, numbered LD2302073907, with the loan amount of RMB50 million (from 7 February
2023 to 8 February 2024). Chongqing Guinuo Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (Chongqing Guinuo) provides
mortgage guarantee with the immovable property owned as collateral, and the balance of its creditor's rights
does not exceed the maximum mortgage principal of RM122,294,700. The guarantee amount is RMB99 million
and the mortgage amount is valid from 15 June 2020 to 15 June 2023. The mortgaged real estate is a) Y.Y.
(2020) L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000436821, b) E.Y. (2020) L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000437330, c) S.Y. (2020)
L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000437429 and d) S.Y. (2020) L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000437448.
Chongqing Guinuo and Chongqing Branch of Industrial Bank entered into the Fixed Asset Loan Contract
numbered CQ2023-477, with the contract amount being RMB50 million (from 21 June 2023 to 20 June 2026).
As at 30 June 2023, RMB8,268,700 had been granted. The mortgage amount is valid from 25 May 2023 to 24
May 2024. Chongqing Guinuo and Chongqing Branch of Industrial Bank entered into the Maximum Mortgage
Contract numbered X.Y.Y.L.J.G.N.D. No. 2023001. The mortgaged real estate is a) Y. (2020)
L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000436821, b) Y. (2020) L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000437330, c) Y. (2020)
L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 00437448 and d) Y. (2020) L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000437429.
Note 3: Liuzhou Fuxuan and Nanning Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Working Capital
Loan Contract, numbered WYZH2022050700423, with a loan of RMB15 million (from 7 May 2022 to 7 May
2023). Liuzhou Guige Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. (Liuzhou Guige) and Nanning Branch of Industrial
Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Agreement on Banker's Acceptance Financing Business Cooperation
(X.Y.G.CH.B.SH.X. [2022] No. 1002) to conduct a bill transaction of RMB20 million (from 5 May 2022 to 7
May 2023). The foregoing transactions have been closed out. Liuzhou Fuxuan and Nanning Branch of
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Working Capital Loan Contract, numbered WYZH2022091600234,
with a loan of RMB35 million (from 16 September 2022 to 16 September 2023). In the guarantee contract,
Liuzhou Guige provides mortgage guarantee with the immovable property owned as collateral, and the balance
of its creditor's rights does not exceed RMB139,943,700. The guarantee amount is RMB96 million and valid
from 24 April 2022 to 31 December 2025. The mortgaged real estate is: a) Y.G. (2019) L.ZH.SH.B.D.CH.Q.
No. 0191988, located at No. 1 Factory Building, No. 12 Hengsi Road, Cheyuan; b) E.G. (2019)
L.ZH.SH.B.D.CH.Q. No. 0191991, located in the mould Centre of No. 12 Hengsi Road, Cheyuan; c) S.G.
(2019) L.ZH.SH.B.D.CH.Q. No. 0191994, located in the logistics gate guard room at No. 12 Hengsi Road,
Cheyuan; d) S.G. (2019) L.ZH.SH.B.D.CH.Q. No. 0191995, located in the guard room of Gate 12, Hengsi Road,

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2023

XV. Events after Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant Non-adjusted Events


2. Profit Distribution


3. Sales Return


4. Notes to Other Events after Balance Sheet Date


XVI. Other Significant Events

1. The Accounting Errors Correction in Previous Period


2. Debt Restructuring


3. Assets Replacement

(1) Non-monetary Assets Exchange


(2) Other Assets Replacement


4. Pension Plans

In accordance with provisions of Measures for Enterprise Annuity (RSBL No. 36), Measures for Managing
Enterprise Annuity Fund (RSBL No. 11) and other policies, the Company has formulated the Enterprise Annuity
Plan of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”).
The Plan adopts the corporate trusteeship mode. The collected enterprise annuity fund will be managed by the
trustee entrusted by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. with the Enterprise Annuity Fund Trusteeship
Contract. And the trustee of the enterprise annuity fund will entrust eligible account managers, custodians and
investment managers to provide unified related services. The expenses required shall be jointly borne by the

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

Company and the employees. The payment channels of the Company shall be implemented according to
relevant regulations of the state, and the part that shall be paid by employees themselves will be withheld and
paid by the Company from their salaries.
The Plan has been filed at Chancheng District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Foshan City and
implemented since 1 June 2022. The management of the enterprise annuity fund is subject to the supervision
and inspection of relevant state departments.

5. Discontinued Operations


6. Segment Information

(1) Determination Basis and Accounting Policies of Reportable Segment

In accordance with the internal organization structure, management requirements and internal report system, the
Company identifies the reporting segment based on the operating segment and discloses the segment
information. The Company divides its business into two operating segments, on the basis of which, it identifies
two reporting segments, namely the general and automotive lighting product segment and the LED packaging,
modules, and other products segment. Segment reporting information is disclosed in line with the accounting
policies and measurement criteria adopted by each segment when reporting to the management. Such
measurement standards are consistent with the accounting policies and measurement criteria used for financial

(2) The Financial Information of Reportable Segment

                                                   LED packaging and
                            General lighting and
         Item                                      component products    Offset among segments        Total
                           vehicle lamp products
                                                    and other products
I. Operating revenue          2,829,149,431.23       1,758,744,095.83         -21,830,798.04      4,566,062,729.02
II. Cost of sales             2,216,663,649.68       1,537,803,485.99         -20,992,306.79      3,733,474,828.88
III. Income from
investments to joint              1,186,031.53          1,470,664.40           -1,470,664.40         1,186,031.53
ventures and associates
IV. Credit impairment
loss                            -16,431,945.66         -2,467,862.94              -47,612.43       -18,947,421.03
V. Asset impairment
loss                             -4,211,706.74        -12,179,181.99                               -16,390,888.73
VI. Depreciation and
amortization cost               115,507,761.79        190,292,917.45             -381,130.02       305,419,549.22
VII. Total profits              204,718,353.73         56,700,512.58           -5,009,213.53       256,409,652.78
VIII. Income tax
expense                          28,534,078.56          2,896,059.62             -125,773.69         31,304,364.49
IX. Net profits                 176,184,275.17         53,804,452.96           -4,883,439.84        225,105,288.29
X. Total assets               9,680,174,630.01      6,310,970,021.75         -871,200,829.00     15,119,943,822.76
XI. Total liabilities         4,014,157,764.30      2,540,730,138.30          -45,299,349.79      6,509,588,552.81

(3) If there Was no Reportable Segment, or the Total Amount of Assets and Liabilities of Each Reportable
Segment Could not Be Reported, Relevant Reasons Shall Be Clearly Stated


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

(4) Other notes


7. Other Significant Transactions and Events with Influence on Investors’ Decision-making


8. Other

(1) Pre-plan for the Issuance of A-shares to Specific Objects in 2023

The Company intends to raise gross proceeds of no more than RMB1,094.5518 million through an offering of

A-stock shares to specific parties. The amount exclusive of the issuance costs will be used to invest in the FSL

automation and digital transformation construction project, the FSL Hainan Industrial Park Phase I, the

intelligent street light construction project, the automotive lamp module production and construction project,

and the R&D centre construction project. The said share offering plan has been approved at the 39th Meeting of

the Ninth Board of Directors and a general meeting of shareholders on 14 March 2023 and 31 March 2023,

respectively, as well as by the Public Offering Review Centre of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 12 July 2023.

The plan is still subject to final approval of the CSRC before implementation. And there is uncertainty with

respect to the said approval and the timing.

(2) Equity Incentive Plan

On 12 June 2023, the 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft) and Its Summary, together with other

relevant proposals, were approved at the 44th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors and the 22nd Meeting of

the Ninth Supervisory Committee. As such, it was approved to grant no more than 13,000,000 restricted shares

(accounting for 0.95% of the Company’s total share capital of 1,361.9946 million shares at the date of the

announcement on the draft plan of the incentive plan) to 262 awardees. To be specific, there were 11.7 million

shares for the first grant, accounting for 90.00% of the total grant under the incentive plan; and there were 1.3

million reserved shares, accounting for 10.00% of the total grant under the incentive plan. The restricted shares

were RMB A-stock ordinary shares repurchased by the Company in its repurchased special securities account.

And the grant price for the first grant was RMB3.81/share. This equity incentive plan is subject to approval by

the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangdong Province and a general

meeting of shareholders of the Company. For further information, see the 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2023

(Draft) and Its Summary and other relevant proposals that have been disclosed on http://www.cninfo.com.cn/

dated 13 June 2023.

(3)Demolition Matters of Nanjing Fozhao

According to the Decision of Nanjing Lishui District People's Government on House Expropriation on State-

owned Land of Honglan Street Affordable Housing Project in Lishui District (NLFZ Zi [2020] No.18), The

house owned by Nanjing Fozhao, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, located at 688 Jinniu North Road,

Honglan Street, Lishui District, Nanjing (the total construction area of the house is 44,558.09 square meters,

which is an industrial house; The land use right covers an area of 135,882.4 square meters, which is industrial

land) belongs to the expropriation scope, and the compensation, relocation fee, loss fee of production and

business suspension and other rewards of the expropriated assets total RMB183,855,895.00. As of 30 June 2022,

Nanjing Fozhao has received 30% of the compensation, that is, RMB55,160,000.00, and the land use right

certificate and house ownership certificate of the assets involved have been cancelled. As of the date of this

report, the site handover is still in progress. After the demolition work is completed, Nanjing Fozhao plans to

carry out liquidation and cancellation.

(4) Plan of the Major Assets Reorganization by NationStar Optoelectronics

NationStar Optoelectronics intends to acquire 60% of equity (the final shareholding ratio is subject to the

specific share transfer agreement signed by the parties) in Yancheng Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co.,

Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Target Company” or “Yancheng Dongshan”), the wholly-owned subsidiary of

Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “shareholder of the Target

Company” or “Dongshan Precision”). Upon completion of the transaction, NationStar Optoelectronics will hold

60% of equity interest in the Target Company, and the Target Company will become a majority-owned

subsidiary of the Company and be included in the scope of the Company's consolidated financial statements. As

of the disclosure date of this Report, NationStar has actively organized various intermediaries to actively carry

out due diligence investigation as well as audit and appraisal of the underlying assets in accordance with

relevant regulations.

(5) Application for Registration and Issuance of SCP by NationStar Optoelectronics

NationStar Optoelectronics reviewed and approved the Proposal on Application for Registration and Issuance of

SCP at the 22nd Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors and the 19th Meeting of the 5th Supervisory Committee

held on 29 August 2022 and submitted it to the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2022 of NationStar

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2023

Optoelectronics for consideration. On 11 November 2022, NationStar Optoelectronics convened the 3rd

Extraordinary General Meeting of 2022 to vote on above-mentioned proposal and agreed the application for

registration and issuance of SCP by NationStar Optoelectronics with the scale not exceeding RMB1 billion

(inclusive). The final registration amount will be subject to the amount stated in the registration notice of China

Interbank Market Dealers Association. The registration is valid for two years and may be issued multiple times

within the registration period with each issuance period not exceeding 270 days (inclusive). On 29 August 2023,

NationStar Optoelectronics announced that it had received the Notice of Acceptance of Registration (ZSXZ

[2023] SCP No. 363) from National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII), in which

NAFMII decided to accept the registration of NationStar Optoelectronics’s SCP with the registered amount of

RMB1 billion and the registration quota being valid for 2 years from the date of the notice. The Company may

issue the SCP by installment within the validity of the registration. The project is currently progressing in an

orderly manner.

XVII. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

1. Accounts Receivable

(1) Category of Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                              Ending balance                                         Beginning balance
              Carrying amount     Bad debt provision                 Carrying amount      Bad debt provision
                                              Withdra                                                Withdra
  Item                                                   Carrying                                                Carrying
                        Proporti                wal       value               Proporti                 wal        value
            Amount                   Amount                         Amount                Amount
                          on                  proporti                          on                   proporti
                                                on                                                     on
le for
            11,220,                 11,220,                         11,220,              11,220,
bad debt                  0.96%               100.00%                           1.13%               100.00%
provisio     827.14                  827.14                          827.14               827.14
receivab    1,162,1                                      1,086,9
                                    75,194,                         979,581              64,706,                 914,875
le for      70,464.      99.04%                6.47%     75,621.               98.87%                  6.61%
which                                842.95                         ,821.17               145.17                 ,676.00
                 79                                           84
bad debt

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2023

by group
portfolio     1,093,6                                      1,018,4
of                                   75,194,                          921,740                64,706,                  857,034
              94,613.    93.21%                    6.88%   99,770.                 93.03%                    7.02%
general                               842.95                          ,497.75                 145.17                  ,352.58
lighting           15                                           20
and auto
Internal      68,475,                                      68,475,    57,841,                                         57,841,
business                  5.84%                                                     5.84%
               851.64                                       851.64     323.42                                          323.42
              1,173,3                                      1,086,9
                                     86,415,                          990,802                75,926,                  914,875
Total         91,291.   100.00%                    7.36%   75,621.                100.00%                    7.66%
                                      670.09                          ,648.31                 972.31                  ,676.00
                   93                                           84
Individual withdrawal of bad debt provision by single item: RMB11,220,827.14

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                     Ending balance
                              Carrying amount          Bad debt provision     Withdrawal proportion       Reason for withdrawal
Customer A                        11,220,827.14            11,220,827.14                    100.00%      irrecoverable for
                                                                                                         involvement in lawsuit
Total                             11,220,827.14            11,220,827.14

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: RMB75,194,842.95

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                       Ending balance
                                           Carrying amount            Bad debt provision              Withdrawal proportion
Credit risk portfolio                        1,162,170,464.79                75,194,842.95                               6.47%
Total                                        1,162,170,464.79                  75,194,842.95

Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if
adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable.
□Applicable  Not applicable

Disclosure by aging
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                             Aging                                                      Ending balance
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                              956,928,518.34
1 to 2 years                                                                                                  143,074,413.22
2 to 3 years                                                                                                   29,742,543.36
Over 3 years                                                                                                   43,645,817.01
3 to 4 years                                                                                                    4,547,062.16
4 to 5 years                                                                                                   19,562,268.29
Over 5 years                                                                                                   19,536,486.56
Total                                                                                                       1,173,391,291.93

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2023

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                           Changes in the Reporting Period
   Category                                                 Reversal or                                         Ending balance
                         balance           Withdrawal                          Write-off           Other
Bad debt
provision                                                                                                       11,220,827.1
withdrawn          8,976,661.72         2,244,165.42
Bad debt
provision          51,950,320.9         23,244,540.8                                                            75,194,842.9
withdrawn by                                                                         18.81
                              5                    1                                                                       5
                   60,926,982.6         25,488,706.2                                                            86,415,670.0
Total                                                                                18.81
                              7                    3                                                                       9
Of which significant amount of reversed or recovered bad debt provision:

In the current period, the provision for expected credit losses was RMB25,488,706.23, and RMB0.00 of
expected credit losses was recovered or reversed.

(3) Accounts Receivable with Actual Verification during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                              Item                                                           Amount
Other driblet small amount                                                                                                18.81
Of which, verification of significant accounts receivable:


(4) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                     Proportion to total ending
                                     Ending balance of accounts                                     Ending balance of bad debt
        Name of units                                                  balance of accounts
                                             receivable                                                     provision
                                                                          receivable (%)
No. 1                                          261,026,852.86                             22.25%                7,830,805.59
No. 2                                           93,476,069.87                              7.97%                2,804,282.10
No. 3                                           24,804,411.54                              2.11%                2,345,630.85
No. 4                                           23,857,388.73                              2.03%                2,376,830.59
No. 5                                           22,932,132.84                              1.95%                  687,963.99
Total                                          426,096,855.84                             36.31%

(5) Derecognition of Accounts Receivable due to the Transfer of Financial Assets


Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2023

(6) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement
of Accounts Receivable


2. Other Receivables

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                     Item                     Ending balance                 Beginning balance
Other receivables                                       978,598,589.43                  511,036,345.72
Total                                                   978,598,589.43                  511,036,345.72

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable


2) Significant Overdue Interest


3) Information of Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Dividend Receivable

1) Category of Dividend Receivable


2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aging over 1 Year


3) Information of Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Other Receivables

1) Other Receivables Disclosed by Account Nature

                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                    Nature                 Ending carrying amount         Beginning carrying amount
Other intercourse                                        850,921,784.64                   499,569,435.12
Dividend payment (note)                                  111,892,889.20
VAT export tax refunds                                    11,326,131.26                   9,247,208.98

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2023

Performance bond                                                        5,413,590.63                          2,535,349.17
Staff borrow and petty cash                                             1,564,968.85                          1,467,513.80
Rent, water & electricity fees                                            615,410.01                          2,211,666.93
Total                                                                981,734,774.59                          515,031,174.00

Note: refer to the dividend payment transferred to China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation

2) Information of Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                   First stage              Second stage               Third stage
                                                         Expected loss in the
  Bad debt provision                                                              Expected loss in the         Total
                           Expected credit loss of         duration (credit
                                                                                    duration (credit
                            the next 12 months             impairment not
                                                                                 impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January
2023                                   570,436.68              3,424,391.60                                   3,994,828.28
Balance of 1 January
2023 in the Current
Withdrawal of the
Current Period                          83,004.29             -1,639,484.05                697,836.64          -858,643.12
Balance of 30 June
2023                                   653,440.97              1,784,907.55                697,836.64         3,136,185.16

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period
□Applicable  Not applicable

Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                             Aging                                                         Ending balance
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                             560,139,191.08
1 to 2 years                                                                                                 416,812,193.31
2 to 3 years                                                                                                   2,705,441.78
Over 3 years                                                                                                   2,077,948.42
3 to 4 years                                                                                                     369,789.28
4 to 5 years                                                                                                   1,010,322.50
Over 5 years                                                                                                     697,836.64
Total                                                                                                        981,734,774.59

3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Information of bad debt provision withdrawn:
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                            Changes in the Reporting Period
   Category                                                  Reversal or                                      Ending balance
                        balance            Withdrawal                           Write-off            Other
                      3,994,828.28         -858,643.12                                                        3,136,185.16
Total                 3,994,828.28         -858,643.12                                                        3,136,185.16

In the current period, the provision for expected credit losses was RMB-858,643.12, and RMB0.00 of expected
credit losses was recovered or reversed.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2023

Of which the bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount during the Reporting Period:

4) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Reporting Period


5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Proportion to total
                                                                                     ending balance of     Ending balance of
Name of the entity          Nature           Ending balance             Aging
                                                                                     other receivables     bad debt provision
No. 1                  Internal group       471,166,334.23     Within   2 years                47.99%
No. 2                  Internal group       250,685,820.33     Within   3 years                25.53%
No. 3                  Dividend payment     111,892,889.20     Within   1 years                11.40%
No. 4                  Internal group        56,398,668.11     Within   2 years                  5.74%
No. 5                  Internal group        31,047,876.71     Within   2 year                   3.16%
Total                                       921,191,588.58                                     93.82%

6) Accounts Receivable Involving Government Grants


7) Derecognition of Other Receivables due to the Transfer of Financial Assets


8) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement
of Other Receivables


3. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                      Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
        Item           Carrying        Depreciation                          Carrying        Depreciation
                                                       Carrying value                                           Carrying value
                        amount           reserve                              amount            reserve
Investment to        2,323,631,23                      2,323,631,23        2,323,631,23                         2,323,631,23
subsidiaries                  8.41                             8.41                 8.41                                8.41
Investment to
joint ventures       183,117,824.                      183,117,824.        181,931,792.                         181,931,792.
and associated                 19                                19                  66                                   66
                     2,506,749,06                      2,506,749,06        2,505,563,03                         2,505,563,03
                             2.60                              2.60                1.07                                 1.07

(1) Investment to Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                           Interim Report 2023

                  Beginning                          Increase/decrease                  Ending           Ending
                   balance                                      Depreciation            balance        balance of
  Investee                         Additional    Reduced
                  (carrying                                       reserves     Other   (carrying      depreciation
                    value)        investment    investment                               value)         reserve
NationStar        1,212,090,24                                                         1,212,090,24
Optoelectron              5.94                                                                 5.94
ics Co., Ltd.
Liaowang          493,880,163.                                                         493,880,163.
Auto Lamp                   76                                                                   76
Co., Ltd.
(Hainan)          200,000,000.                                                         200,000,000.
Technology                  00                                                                   00
Co., Ltd.
Kelian New
                  170,000,000.                                                         170,000,000.
                            00                                                                   00
Co., Ltd.
Chanchang         82,507,350.0                                                         82,507,350.0
Optoelectron                 0                                                                    0
ics Co., Ltd.
Lighting          72,000,000.0                                                         72,000,000.0
Components                   0                                                                    0
g Co., Ltd.
Electrical &
                  35,418,439.7                                                         35,418,439.7
                             6                                                                    6
Co., Ltd.
FSL Zhida
Electric          25,500,000.0                                                         25,500,000.0
Technology                   0                                                                    0
Co., Ltd.
Haolaite          16,685,000.0                                                         16,685,000.0
Lighting Co.,                0                                                                    0
                  15,000,000.0                                                         15,000,000.0
                             0                                                                    0
Co., Ltd.
Taimei Times
Lamps and          350,000.00                                                           350,000.00
Lanterns Co.,
LIGHTING           195,812.50                                                           195,812.50
Foshan                4,226.45                                                             4,226.45

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2023

Capital Co.,
                  2,323,631,23                                                                    2,323,631,23
                          8.41                                                                            8.41

(2) Investment to Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                              and                           Cash                                        Ending
           Beginni                                    Adjust                         Withdra
                                            losses                          bonus                           Ending      balance
              ng       Additio   Reduce              ment of   Change                wal of
Investe                                    recogni                            or                           balance         of
           balance        nal       d                 other      s of                impair
   e                                          zed                          profits                Other    (carryin     depreci
           (carryin    investm   investm             compre     other                 ment
                                            under                          announ                          g value)      ation
           g value)      ent       ent               hensive   equity                provisi
                                              the                          ced to                                       reserve
                                                     income                            on
                                            equity                          issue
I. Joint ventures
II. Associated enterprises
(Nanho       181,931                       1,186,0                                                          183,117
)            ,792.66                         31.53                                                          ,824.19
Subtota      181,931                       1,186,0                                                          183,117
l            ,792.66                         31.53                                                          ,824.19
             181,931                       1,186,0                                                          183,117
             ,792.66                         31.53                                                          ,824.19

(3) Other Notes


4. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                          Reporting Period                               Same period of last year
                             Operating revenue           Cost of sales         Operating revenue            Cost of sales
Main business                1,711,281,228.74         1,436,735,973.21         1,743,824,866.67           1,430,083,022.73
Other business                  55,838,581.48              39,194,174.59          65,355,126.19               46,281,084.46
Total                        1,767,119,810.22         1,475,930,147.80         1,809,179,992.86           1,476,364,107.19
Information related to transaction value assigned to residual performance obligations:
The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not
fully performed yet was RMB0.00 at the period-end.

5. Investment Income

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                  Item                               Reporting Period                          Same period of last year
Long-term equity investment income
accounted by cost method                                          6,007,918.32                                   2,653,342.25

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                      Interim Report 2023

Long-term equity investment income
accounted by equity method                                      1,186,031.53                     650,457.40
Investment income from disposal of
trading financial assets                                        2,154,000.00                   1,734,535.05
Dividend income from holding of other
investments in equity instruments                               16,633,969.35                 16,055,272.93
Investment income from financial
products and structural deposits                                1,767,053.51                     449,147.49

Total                                                           27,748,972.71                 21,542,755.12

6. Other


XVIII. Supplementary Materials

1. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                    Item                              Amount                           Note
Gain/Loss arising from disposal of non-
current assets (inclusive of impairment                         -1,399,118.95
allowance write-offs)
Government grants recognized in the
current period, except for those acquired
in the ordinary course of business or
granted at certain quotas or amounts                            27,400,992.05
according to the government’s unified
Capital occupation charges on non-
financial enterprises that are recorded                           145,423.54
into current profit or loss
Gain/loss from change of fair value of
trading financial assets and liabilities,
and investment gains from disposal of
trading financial assets and liabilities,                      -20,978,503.38
and available-for-sale financial assets,
other than valid hedging related to the
Company’s common businesses
Other non-operating income and
expenses other than the above                                    -841,057.39
Less: Income tax effects                                         -966,253.59
      Non-controlling interests effects                        16,747,968.45
Total                                                          -11,453,978.99           --

Others that meets the definition of non-recurring gain/loss:
□Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-
recurring Gains and Losses as a recurrent gain/loss item
□Applicable  Not applicable

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                       Interim Report 2023

2. Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share

                                                                         EPS (Yuan/share)
Profit as of Reporting Period     Weighted average ROE (%)
                                                             EPS-basic                      EPS-diluted
Net profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders of the                         3.23%               0.1252                           0.1240
Net profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders of the
Company after deduction of                           3.45%               0.1337                           0.1324
non-recurring profit or loss

3. Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

(1) Differences of Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under International
and Chinese Accounting Standards

□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Differences of Net profit and Net assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under Overseas and
Chinese Accounting Standards

□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Explain Reasons for the Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas
Accounting Standards; for any Adjustment Made to the Difference Existing in the Data Audited by the
Foreign Auditing Agent, Such Foreign Auditing Agent’s Name Shall Be Clearly Stated


4. Other


                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Legal representative: Wu Shenghui

                                                                               29 August 2023
