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						Short title:WaZhou B                                Code:200706                                 No.: 2017-44

                           Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
                   Estimated performance for the first third quarter of 2017

     Our company, the whole members of the board of directors and top managements ensured the truth, accuracy,
completeness, no false record, misleading statement and fatal omit of the announcement.

    I. The estimated performance for the current period
    1.Performance period:January 1,2017 to September 30,2017.
    2. Estimated performance: □Losses                          ■turn losses into gains
                                 □ increase compared with last period        □decline compared with last period

                                                 The same period of last
      Items                  Current period                                          Q3             Q3 of 2016
 Net profit owned to the
 shareholders of listing   about 3,000,000.00       -53,811,799.41                                -9,787,613.48
  company (Yuan)
   Basic gains on per                                                              About
                              About 0.008               -0.13                                          -0.02
     share(Yuan)                                                                  0.001

      II.The audited situation

       The estimated performance for the current period is unaudited

      III.Statement for performance change

      1.The management principle of "profit growth and cash flow and profits, to customer demand as the

center, improve product quality and service quality, production and management to achieve stable

development, quality stable and better operation;

      2.Strengthen the cost control, inventory funds occupancy compression effect is significant,

management costs, sales costs decreased significantly;

      3.Adjust the product structure, improve sales prices, product profitability improved.

      IV. Other relative statement

      1.The estimated performance is the preliminary data, the details will be disclosed in the first third

quarter report of 2017. The specified media for it is Securities Times,Hong Kong Commercial Newspaper and

Short title:WaZhou B                              Code:200706                              No.: 2017-44

the website is http://www.cninfo.com.cn.The company's information will be disclosed in line with relative laws

and regulation,please pay attention to the investment risk.

    Specially Announcement

                                                  Board of director of Wafangdian bearing Co., Ltd

                                                                   October 17,2017
