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						Stock:WazhouB                                    Code:200706                                  No.:2018-26

                              Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
       Announcement of the resolution of the first interim board meeting of 2018

    Our company, the whole members of the board of directors and top managements ensured the truth,
accuracy, completeness, no false record, misleading statement and fatal omit of the announcement.

     Ⅰ.The statement of Board of Directors Meeting
     1. When and how the notice is sent out
     Notice of the first interim board meeting of wafangdian bearing co LTD in 2018 is sent by written fax
     on September 12, 2018.
     2.The time,place and the way of the Board of Directors Meeting
     The first interim board meeting of Wafangdian Bearing co., LTD will be held by means of
     communication at 9:00am on September 17, 2018 in conference room 309 of Group.
     3.The board members that should attend and actually present
     12 board members should attend the meeting, actually 12 members were present.
     4.The presider and the present member of the Board of Directors Meeting
     The Board of Directors Meeting is hold by the Chairman Mr. Meng Wei, 2 supervisor representatives
     and 2 senior managers attended the meeting as non-voting delegates.
     5.Holding of meeting conforms to regulations of “Corporate Law” as well as “Article of
     Ⅱ.The deliberation of the Board of Directors Meeting
     1. The house sale bill.
        Approval result: 12 approving vote, 0 rejecting vote and 0 abstaining
        The details of the proposal will publish at http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    III.The documents for future reference
         1. Resolution of the first interim board meeting of wafangdian bearing co., LTD in 2018;

                                                          Board of Director of Wafangdian Bearing
                                                                    Company limited
                                                                    September17. 2018
