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						                  Wafangdian B earing Company Limited the Q 3 Report for 2019

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

   the Q3 Report for 2019

          October 2019
                                        Chapter I.                Important Prompts
        The board of directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors and the top management guarantee there
is no false record, misleading statement or major omission in the report, and take responsibilities for the truth,
accuracy and completeness of the contents.

        All the directors attended the Board meeting and discussed the report.

        The charger of company Mr. Liu Jun, financial controller Ms. Sun Najuan and the charger of accounting
department Ms. Sun Najuan made the statement: guarantee the truth, completeness of the financial report of the
third quarter report.

                       Chapter II. Main financial dates and share holde r change s

2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators

Whether the company needs to retroactively adjust or restate previous accounting data
[ ] Yes [V] No
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan
                                                                                                      +/-comparing with the
                                                 current period               previous period
                                                                                                      previous period
Operating income(RM B)                         3,078,785,798.86               3,298,167,332.49        -6.65%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                               1,353,082,301.57               1,380,023,044.55        -1.95%
listed company(Yuan)
                                                 current period    with the        2019.01-.09                  +/-(%) to period
                                                                   previous period
Turnover(RM B)                                   439,006,040.14    -20.34%         1,396,545,440.56             -14.11%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                 -18,609,107.09    -1,001.38%        -10,838,039.66             -301.51%
listed company(RM B)
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
the listed company and after deducting of        -21,897,768.34    1,820.19%         -15,704,197.56             484.96%
non-recurring gain/loss(RM B)
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                 --                --                103,430,260.88             -27.17%
operation(RM B)
Basic earnings per share(Yuan/share)             -0.046            -1,020.00%        -0.027                     -307.69%
Diluted earnings per share(Yuan/share)           -0.046            -1,020.00%        -0.027                     -307.69%
Net assets yield (%)                             -1.40%            -16.40%           -0.80%                     -39.80%
Abnormal profit and loss items
√Applicable     □Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                                    item                                             2019.01-.09                     Explanation
Profit and loss on disposal of non-current assets (including write-off part
of impairment provision for assets)
Government subsidies included in current profits and losses(closely related
to the business of the enterprise, except the government subsidies enjoyed                       5,118,102.33
in accordance with the unified national standard or quota)
Profits and losses relating to the debt restructure                                             -2,177,441.64
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the                                         832,944.53
Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                              155,090.39
total                                                                                            4,866,157.90              --

For the company according to the company information disclosure of securities for public issuance explanatory announcement no. 1 -
non-recurring profit and loss "define non-recurring gains and losses as defined in the project, and put the company information
disclosure of securities for public issuance explanatory announcement no. 1 - non-recurring profit and loss of non-recurring profit
and loss items defined as listed in the current profits and losses of the project, should explain the reasons.
□Applicable √Inapplicable
During the reporting period of the company, there is no circumstance that the items listed in the explanatory announcement no. 1 on
disclosure of information of companies publicly issuing securities are defined as the items of recurring gains and losses.

2.2. The statement of total number of shareholde rs and the first 10 shareholders of current
shares in the end of the report period
1. The total number of common shareholders and preferred shareholders whose voting rights have been restored and the shareholding
table of the top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                                       Unit: Share
                                                                  Reporting the total number of preferred shareholders
Report the total number of common
shareholders at the end of the period 6,432                       whose voting rights were restored at the end of the 0
                                                                  period (if any)
The situation of the first 10 shareholders of current shares
                                                                    Total shares      Non-current      Impawned or Frozen Shares
Name                                   Nature             Ratio(%)held              shares held      Status      Amount
Wafangdian        Bearing       Group State-owned
                                                         60.61%       244,000,000     244,000,000
Corporation                            shareholder
AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                                         19.70%       79,300,000
M erchantsSecurities Limited Hong State-owned
                                                         1.79%        7,213,492
Kong Company                           shareholder
Huang Junyue                                             1.62%        6,528,768
Hu Xiaofeng                                              0.47%        1,879,277
GUOTAI                        JUNAN Foreign
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                     0.35%        1,427,406
Jin Yunhua                                               0.27%        1,091,256
Chen Haitao                                              0.19%        750,996
                                       Foreign private
MAN,KWAI WING 文贵荣                                     0.18%        713,101
M eng Qingliang                                          0.17%        694,948
The situation of the first 10 shareholders of current shares
                                                                                                    Category of Shares
Name                                   Holding the number of listed shares in circulation
                                                                                                    Categories   Amount
AKTIEBOLAGET SKF                     79,300,000                                                     B                  79,300,000
M erchantsSecurities Limited Hong 7,213,492                                                   B                       7,213,492
Kong Company
Huang Junyue                         6,528,768                                                B                       6,528,768
Hu Xiaofeng                          1,879,277                                                B                       1,879,277
GUOTAI                      JUNAN
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                 1,427,406                                                B                       1,427,406
Jin Yunhua                           1,091,256                                                B                       1,091,256
Chen Haitao                          750,996                                                  B                       750,996
MAN,KWAI WING 文贵荣                 713,101                                                  B                       713,101
M eng Qingliang                      694,948                                                  B                       694,948
Zhou Lin                             575,100                                                  B                       575,100
Notes to relationship or “action in There was no relationship and consistent activities between the first big shareholder and other
concert”among     the   top     ten shareholders or the top ten common stock holders; The relationship among other
shareholders.                        shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders, top ten circulation shareholders and other
                                     shareholders was not clear.

                                       Chapter III. Important Items
3.1 The great changes in company’s key financial statement, financial indicators, and the
√Applicable   □Not applicable

                                                   End of   Beginnin     +/-(%) to
 No.                    Items                                                                     Explanation
                                                  period    g period      period
                                                                                     The subsidiary received the land
 1     Other receivables                         3,271      9,226        -64.55%     payment from the land reserve center in
                                                                                     this period
                                                                                     It is basically should pay value added tax
 2     Payable taxes                             488        724          -32.60%
                                                                                     to fall than at the beginning of the year
                                                                                     This period is mainly to pay the real
 3     Other payables                            8141       13185        -38.26%
                                                                                     estate development company
       Financial assets measured at fair value                                       This period is mainly recorded as
 4     and recorded in the current profit and    0          30           -100.00%    "trading financial assets" according to
       loss                                                                          the new financial instruments standards.
                                                 2019.1.1        Last    +/-(%) to
                        Items                                                                     Explanation
                                                  -9.30         period    period
       Impairment loss of assets (marked                                             The main period is the write-off of bad
 5                                               -55        1            -5600.00%
       with "-")                                                                     accounts receivable
                                                                                     The main reason is the year-on-year
 6     Non-operating cost                        527        86           512.79%
                                                                                     increase in debt restructuring losses
                                                                                     M ainly the income tax refunded by the
 7     Income tax expenses                       0          -28          -100.00%
                                                                                     tax bureau in the same period last year
                                                                                     This was mainly due to a decrease in
 8     Net profit                                -1084      538          -301.49%    operating profit and an increase in net
                                                                                     non-operating expenses
                                                                                     The subsidiary received the land
       Other cash received in connection
 9                                               6452       204          3062.75%    payment from the land reserve center in
       with operating activities
                                                                                     this period
                                                                                     It is the value added tax that is handed in
 10    Tax payments                              3235       5744         -43.68%     this period and additional collect tax to
                                                                                     fall greatly year on year
                                                                                     It is the money that estate development
       Other cash paid relating to operating
 11                                              13847      7488         84.92%      company owes before current period
                                                                                     pays basically
       Net cash received from disposal of                                            This is mainly the disposal of fixed
 12    fixed assets, intangible assets and       306        161          90.06%      assets received cash year-on-year
       other long-term assets                                                        increase
       Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,                                            This period is mainly the purchase and
 13    intangible assets and other long-term     121        224          -45.98%     construction of fixed assets to pay cash
       assets                                                                        decreased
                                                                                     M ainly by the impact of loans, so that
 14    Obtain the cash received from the loan    65,500     19,500       235.90%     this period to obtain loans received by
                                                                                     the cash increase
                                                                                     Cash received through other means of
       Other proceeds relating to financing
 15                                              16,195     44,379       -63.51%     financing, such as discounting, was
       activities                                                                    lower than the same period last year
                                                                                     M ainly by the impact of loans, so that
 16    Repayment of borrowings                   62,000     36,706       68.91%      this period of repayment of the cash paid
                                                                                     by the loan increased year-on-year
       Effects of foreign exchange rate                                              M ainly by the current dollar deposit and
 17                                              44         80           -45.00%
       changes on cash                                                               exchange rate changes

3.2 The situation of major items in progress and the analysis explanation on its effect and
resolved proposal.
□ Applicable   √Not applicable
3.3 The company's actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, acquirers and the
company promise that the relevant parties have overfulfilled their commitme nts during the
reporting period.
□ Applicable   √Not applicable
3.4 Portfolio investment.
□ Applicable   √Not applicable
3.5 Entrust finance
□ Applicable   √Not applicable
3.6 Derivatives investments
□ Applicable   √Not applicable
3.7 Reception of investigations,communications,or intervie ws in the report period

        Time/date                  Way              Type of visitors        Visitors               Index catalog
                                                                                             Understand the company’s
       2019.07.18         Telephone communication   Private investor    Private investor
                                                                                           production and operation status
                                                                                             Understand the company’s
       2019.08.20         Telephone communication   Private investor    Private investor   production and operation status

3.8 Violation of guaranty
□ Applicable   √Not applicable
3.9 Controlling shareholders and their related parties' non-operational appropriation of funds
for listed companies
□ Applicable   √Not applicable

                                   Chapter IV Financial report

I. financial statements
Consolidated Balance Sheet.
Establishment unit: Wafangdian Bearing Co., LTD
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                                     2019.9.30                        2018.12.31
Current assets :
Monetary fund                                                          200,492,612.57                       247,229,860.99
    Financial assets held-for-trading                                      283,516.65
    Financial asset measured at FV and any change                                                               298,925.16
recognized in income
    Bills receivable                                                  97,242,607.67                          93,624,563.82
    Account receivable                                             1,073,715,762.24                       1,141,632,991.76
    Account paid in advance                                           21,991,016.70                          21,885,856.45
     Other receivables                                                32,708,158.77                          92,255,736.14

    Include:Interest receivable

     Dividend reciivable                                                1,250,000.00                    1,250,000.00
    Inventory                                                       766,533,203.97                    747,511,054.75
    Other current assets                                             10,001,176.61                     14,184,383.36
Total current assets                                              2,202,968,055.18                  2,358,623,372.43
Non-current assets
    Financial assets available-for-sale                              2,000,000.00                       2,000,000.00
    Other equity instruments investment                              9,926,856.64
    Investment property                                            124,515,780.06                     129,270,498.66
    Fixed assets                                                   599,407,729.71                     661,598,663.85
    Construction in progress                                        44,067,086.19                      48,159,927.20
    Intangible assets                                               83,291,163.35                      85,667,085.86
     Long-term prepaid expense                                         969,879.70                       1,208,536.46

     Deferred tax assets                                               11,639,248.03                   11,639,248.03
    Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                                           875,817,743.68                     939,543,960.06

Total assets                                                      3,078,785,798.86                  3,298,167,332.49

Current liabilities:
    Short-term loan                                                655,000,000.00                     620,000,000.00
     Note payable                                                  300,134,618.98                     343,636,065.16

    Accounts payable                                               591,295,618.32                     714,437,792.49
    Accounts received in advance                                    16,332,485.37                      21,286,971.52
    Accrued payroll                                                    12,077,580.50                   12,248,327.93

     Tax payable                                                        4,883,436.13                    7,242,006.46
     Other payables                                                    81,412,244.69                  131,854,654.39
     Interest payable                                                     177,000.00                      748,135.28

     Dividends payable                                                    360,000.00                      360,000.00
    Other current liabilities                                           4,920,248.12                    4,920,248.12
Total current liabilities                                         1,666,056,232.11                  1,855,626,066.07

Non-current liabilities
    Long-term payables                                                    396,698.98                      396,698.98
     Deferred income                                                   58,413,694.05                   61,284,650.74

     Deferred tax liabilities                                             836,872.15                      836,872.15

     Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                          59,647,265.18                   62,518,221.87

Total liabilities                                                 1,725,703,497.29                  1,918,144,287.94

Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
    Capital stock                                                   402,600,000.00                    402,600,000.00
    Capital reserves                                                485,691,050.47                    485,691,050.47
    The special reserve                                                   1,296.68
    Surplus reserve                                                 136,770,391.01                    136,770,391.01
    Undistributed profit                                            328,019,563.41                    354,961,603.07
Total owner's equity attributable to the parent company           1,353,082,301.57                  1,380,023,044.55
    Minority interest
Total owner’s equity                                             1,353,082,301.57                  1,380,023,044.55
Total owner’s equity and liabilities                             3,078,785,798.86                  3,298,167,332.49

 Chairman:     Liu Jun               General Accountant : Sun Najuan               Accounting charger : Sun Najuan
2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Item                                        2019.9.30                  2018.12.31

Current assets :
Monetary fund                                            195,912,603.00     146,186,890.65
    Financial assets held-for-trading                        283,516.65
    Financial asset measured at FV and any change                               298,925.16
recognized in income
    Bills receivable                                       91,781,567.67      89,620,372.80
    Account receivable                                  1,101,017,985.77   1,209,757,673.66
Account paid in advance                                   19,047,296.87      19,008,909.78

Other receivables                                         15,819,932.79      14,963,827.46

Include:Interest receivable
       Dividend receivable                                 1,250,000.00       1,250,000.00
       Inventory                                         713,110,758.13     680,255,742.99
Other current assets                                        9,857,956.74     13,765,726.62
Total current assets                                    2,146,831,617.62   2,173,858,069.12
Non-current assets
    Financial assets available-for-sale                    2,000,000.00       2,000,000.00
    Long-term equity investment                          211,583,897.67     211,583,897.67
    Other equity instruments investment                    9,926,856.64
    Other non-current financial assets
    Investment property                                  109,266,007.73     113,277,687.13
    Fixed assets                                         412,682,466.83     460,415,212.74
    Construction in progress                              43,449,337.09      47,699,459.65
    Gas and petrol assets
    Intangible assets                                     65,824,258.25      67,683,392.22
Long-term prepaid expense                                    820,931.62       1,017,695.53

Deferred tax assets                                       10,350,000.00      10,350,000.00

Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                                 865,903,755.83     914,027,344.94

Total assets                                            3,012,735,373.45   3,087,885,414.06

Current liabilities
 Short-term loan                                         655,000,000.00     620,000,000.00

 Note payable                                            300,134,618.98     343,636,065.16

 Accounts payable                                        530,766,191.25     585,972,014.52
Accounts received in advance                              18,368,171.84      21,976,484.62
   Contract liability
  Accrued payroll                                           5,498,520.27       5,520,469.68

  Tax payable                                               2,499,024.32       4,783,202.06
  Other payables                                          58,442,078.81      50,471,992.39

  Include:Interest payable                                   177,000.00         748,135.28

           Dividends payable                                 360,000.00         360,000.00
  Other current liabilities                                 3,869,474.53       3,869,474.53

Total current liabilities                               1,574,578,080.00   1,636,229,702.96

Non-current liabilities
    Long-term borrowing
    Long-term account payable                                296,698.98         296,698.98
Deferred income                                           26,801,001.08      29,671,957.77
Deferred tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                             27,097,700.06      29,968,656.75
Total liabilities                                       1,601,675,780.06   1,666,198,359.71

Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)
Capital stock                                                             402,600,000.00             402,600,000.00
    Capital public reserves                                               485,678,443.26             485,678,443.26
     Surplus reserve                                                      136,770,391.01             136,770,391.01

  Undistributed profit                                                    386,010,759.12             396,638,220.08
Total owner’s equity                                                   1,411,059,593.39           1,421,687,054.35

Total owner’s equity and liabilities                                   3,012,735,373.45           3,087,885,414.06

3. Consolidated Income Sheet of report pe riod
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    Account for the        Account for the prior
                                                                     current period              period
1.Total operating income                                                439,006,040.14               551,110,606.27
Operating revenue                                                       439,006,040.14               551,110,606.27
Interest income
2.Total operating cost                                                  460,479,580.09               552,648,146.77
Operating cost                                                          392,689,600.80               479,506,105.13
            Interest expenses
Tax & surcharges for main operations                                      3,229,267.98                 3,191,912.75

Selling expenses                                                         39,131,919.62                45,887,399.71
Administrative expense                                                   15,443,009.53                11,729,374.05

Research and development expense                                          -1,499,471.71                  939,128.63

Financial expense                                                        11,485,253.87                11,394,226.50
Including: interest expenses                                             12,532,671.16                 6,087,377.76

interest revenue                                                            296,419.74                    82,824.96

Add:Other income                                                          1,276,624.47                 1,874,410.48
Investment income(loss with "-")
           Net exposure hedging income (loss marked with "-")                     0.00                         0.00

          Gains of change of fair value of assets(loss with"-")              -26,194.47                        0.00
          Credit impairment loss (marked with "-")                                0.00                         0.00

          Assets impairment loss(loss with "-")                            -553,124.31                       196.91

          Asset disposal income (loss with "-")                           2,299,138.58                 1,395,099.47
3.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                        -18,477,095.68                1,732,166.36

Add: Non-operating revenue                                                  216,160.26                 1,003,825.36

Less: Non-operating cost                                                    348,171.67                   671,479.82
4.Total profit(loss with"-")                                             -18,609,107.09                2,064,511.90

Less: Income tax expenses                                                         0.00                         0.00

5. Net profit(Loss with"-")                                              -18,609,107.09                2,064,511.90
   (I) classification by business continuity
(1) continuous operating net profit (net loss is marked with "-")        -18,609,107.09                2,064,511.90

(2) termination of net profit (net loss is marked with "-")                       0.00                         0.00
  (II) classification by ownership
Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                -18,609,107.09                2,064,511.90

Minority interests
6.Net after-tax income of other comprehensive income

   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to the owner of the parent company                         0.00                         0.00

(1) other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified
                                                                               0.00                         0.00
into profit or loss
1. Re-measure the change amount of the defined benefit plan
2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to
profit or loss under the equity method
3. Changes in the fair value of other equity instruments
4. Changes in the fair value of the enterprise's own credit risk
5. Other
(2) other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into
                                                                               0.00                         0.00
profits and losses
1. Other comprehensive income that can be converted to profit
or loss under the equity method
2. Changes in the fair value of other debt investments
3. Changes in fair value of financial assets available for sale
4. The amount of financial assets reclassified into other
comprehensive income
5. Reclassify the investment from hold to maturity into profit
and loss of financial assets available for sale
6. Provisions for credit impairment of other credit investments
7. Cash flow hedge reserve
8. Translation difference in foreign currency financial
9. Other
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
minority shareholders
7. Total comprehensive returns                                        -18,609,107.09                2,064,511.90
Total comprehensive returns available for parent company              -18,609,107.09                2,064,511.90
Total comprehensive        returns      available   for   minority
8.Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share                                                  -0.046                       0.005
(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                -0.046                       0.005

 Chairman:    Liu Jun             General Accountant : Sun Najuan             Accounting charger: Sun Najuan
4. Income Sheet of Parent Company of report period
                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Account for the      Account for the prior
                                 Item                                current period             period
1.Total operating income                                                 442,980,205.34           557,363,515.51

Less:Total operating cost                                                398,437,815.98           490,241,710.54
Tax & surcharges for main operations                                       2,545,396.70             2,340,547.68
Selling expenses                                                          38,754,374.03            45,294,704.26

Administrative expense                                                    10,067,650.65             6,048,699.33

Research and development expense                                         -1,715,268.54     656,842.79
Financial expense                                                       11,490,232.41     8,873,989.26
       Including: interest expenses                                     12,532,671.16    11,390,790.08

                      interest revenue                                     288,806.94       77,702.17
     Add:Other income                                                    1,276,624.47     1,674,410.48
         Investment income(loss with "-")
Among them: the investment income of joint venture and joint
Income from the termination of a financial asset measured at
amortized cost (loss marked with "-")
Net exposure hedge gain (loss marked with "-")
Fair value change income (loss marked with "-")                             -26,194.47
Credit impairment loss (marked with "-")
Impairment loss of assets (marked with "-")                               -553,124.31          196.91

Income from asset disposal (loss marked with "-")                        2,299,138.58     1,395,099.47

2.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                       -13,603,551.62    6,976,728.51
Add: Non-operating revenue                                                  28,711.08      913,854.60

Less: Non-operating cost                                                   300,392.87     3,193,821.99

3.Total profit(loss with"-")                                            -13,875,233.41    4,696,761.12
Less: Income tax expenses                                                                  -279,426.81

4. Net profit(Loss with"-")                                             -13,875,233.41    4,696,761.12

(I) continuous operating net profit (net loss is marked with "-")       -13,875,233.41    4,696,761.12
(2) termination of net profit (net loss is marked with "-")
5.Net after-tax income of other comprehensive income
(1) other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into                  0.00             0.00
profit or loss
1. Re-measure the change amount of the defined benefit plan
2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profit
or loss under the equity method
3. Changes in the fair value of other equity instruments
4. Changes in the fair value of the enterprise's own credit risk
5. Other
(2) other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profits            0.00             0.00
and losses
1. Other comprehensive income that can be converted to profit or
loss under the equity method
2. Changes in the fair value of other debt investments
3. Changes in fair value of financial assets available for sale
4. The amount of financial assets reclassified into other
comprehensive income
5. Reclassify the investment from hold to maturity into profit and
loss of financial assets available for sale
6. Provisions for credit impairment of other credit investments
7. Cash flow hedge reserve
8. Translation difference in foreign currency financial statements
9. Other
6.Total comprehensive returns                                           -13,875,233.41    4,696,761.12
7.Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share                                                    -0.034          0.012

(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                  -0.034          0.012

5. Consolidated Income Sheet from the beginning of the year to the end of report period
                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                               Account for the current       Account for the prior
                           Item                                       period                       period
1.Total operating income                                                  1,396,545,440.56          1,625,978,587.95
Including: Operating revenue                                           1,396,545,440.56          1,625,978,587.95
Interest income
2.Total operating cost                                                    1,411,836,195.69          1,629,854,519.07
Including: Operating cost                                              1,218,537,979.05          1,419,252,676.26
Interest expenses
Handling charge and commission income
Tax & surcharges for main operations                                      10,745,294.41             11,784,015.67
Selling expenses                                                         106,227,844.41            116,626,971.34
Administrative expense                                                    44,408,231.61             42,299,686.24
Research and development expense                                            4,459,316.43              4,444,519.93
Financial expense                                                         27,457,529.78             35,446,649.63
       Including: interest expenses                                       27,216,873.43             20,852,733.18
                       interest revenue                                     1,272,774.23                428,703.33
       Add:Other income                                                     5,118,102.33              4,029,838.63
           Investment income(loss with "-")
           Fair value change income (loss marked with
           Credit impairment loss (marked with "-")
           Impairment loss of assets (marked with "-")                       -553,124.31                 12,983.76
           Income from asset disposal (loss marked with
                                                                            1,248,982.39              1,638,595.29
3.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                            -9,492,203.23              1,805,486.56
Add: Non-operating revenue                                                    3,925,508.11              4,151,029.64
Less: Non-operating cost                                                      5,271,344.54                857,450.99
4.Total profit(loss with"-")                                                -10,838,039.66              5,099,065.21
Less: Income tax expenses                                                                                -279,426.81
5. Net profit(Loss with"-")                                                 -10,838,039.66              5,378,492.02
   (i) according to the business continuity classification
1. Net profit from continuing operations (net loss marked
                                                                          -10,838,039.66              5,378,492.02
with "-")
       2. Termination of net profit (net loss marked with
   (ii) classification according to ownership
       1. Net profit attributable to the owner of the parent
                                                                          -10,838,039.66              5,378,492.02
       2. Profit and loss of minority shareholders
6. Net after tax of other comprehensive income
   Net after tax of other comprehensive income
                                                                                     0.00                      0.00
attributable to the parent company owner
   (i) other comprehensive income that cannot be
                                                                                     0.00                      0.00
reclassified into profit or loss
       (ii) other comprehensive income that will be
                                                                                     0.00                      0.00
reclassified into profits and losses
   Net after tax of other comprehensive income
attributable to minority shareholders
7.Total comprehensive income                                              -10,838,039.66              5,378,492.02
       Aggregate income attributable to the owner of the
                                                                          -10,838,039.66              5,378,492.02
parent company
       The total amount of comprehensive income
attributable to minority shareholders
8. Earnings per share:
(1) Basic earnings per share                                                     -0.027                    0.013
(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                   -0.027                    0.013

 Chairman:     Liu Jun              General Accountant : Sun Najuan            Accounting charger: Sun Najuan

6. Income      Sheet of Parent Company                   from the     beginning of         the    year to
the     end of      report     period
                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Account for the current      Account for the prior
                                                                      period                     period
1.Total operating income                                              1,410,078,666.87           1,613,323,464.18
Less: Operating cost                                                  1,235,702,069.15           1,419,411,734.27
Tax & surcharges for main operations                                       8,659,794.83              9,468,098.04
Selling expenses                                                        104,993,425.56             114,630,572.97
Administrative expense                                                    28,855,252.33             25,912,696.08
Research and development expense                                          3,667,009.23              3,719,984.09
Financial expense                                                        27,470,214.75             27,251,162.67
         Including: interest expenses                                    27,216,873.43             28,436,819.16
                        interest revenue                                   1,249,109.18               411,325.99
       Add:Other income                                                    5,118,102.33             3,601,288.42
           Investment income(loss with "-")
           Fair value change income (loss marked with
           Credit impairment loss (marked with "-")
           Impairment loss of assets (marked with "-")                      -553,124.31                12,983.76
           Income from asset disposal (loss marked with
                                                                           2,302,730.32             1,638,595.29
2.Operating profit (loss with"-")                                          7,583,200.85            18,182,083.53
Add: Non-operating revenue                                                 3,052,558.93             3,675,443.24
Less: Non-operating cost                                                   5,159,220.74             9,049,153.40
3.Total profit(loss with"-")                                               5,476,539.04            12,808,373.37
Less: Income tax expenses                                                                            -279,426.81
4. Net profit (net loss marked with "-")                                   5,476,539.04            13,087,800.18
(1) net profit from continuing operations (net loss marked
                                                                           5,476,539.04            13,087,800.18
with "-")
(2) termination of net profit (net loss marked with "-")
5. Net after tax of other comprehensive income
(1) other comprehensive income that cannot be
                                                                                   0.00                     0.00
reclassified into profit or loss
(2) other comprehensive income that will be reclassified
                                                                                   0.00                     0.00
into profits and losses
6. Total comprehensive returns                                             5,476,539.04            13,087,800.18
7.Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share                                                      0.014                    0.033
(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                    0.014                    0.033

7. Consolidated cash flow statements from the beginning of the year to the end of the
reporting period
                                                                                               Unit: RMB yuan
                                                              Account for the current           Account for
                                                                      period                  the prior period
1.Cash from operating activities
     Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of                     789,897,120.71            797,620,577.70
     Other cash received relating to operating activities                  64,515,982.94              2,043,645.29
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                 854,413,103.65            799,664,222.99
     Cash paid for goods and services                                     389,035,199.67            345,021,875.48
Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees                                191,124,806.06            180,314,329.96
Tax payments                                                               32,354,992.08             57,435,553.57
Other cash paid relating to operating activities                          138,467,844.96             74,876,193.38
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                750,982,842.77            657,647,952.39
Net cash flows from operating activities                                  103,430,260.88            142,016,270.60
2.Cash flows from investing activities :
Cash received from return of investment
Cash received from investment incomes
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                               3,056,908.99           1,609,692.00
assets and other long-term assets
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                      3,056,908.99           1,609,692.00
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and                       1,205,036.75           2,235,975.45
other long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire investment
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                     1,205,036.75           2,235,975.45
Net cash flows from investment activities                                      1,851,872.24            -626,283.45
3.Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from increase in minority
Proceeds from borrowings                                                  655,000,000.00            195,000,000.00
Other proceeds relating to financing activities                           161,952,643.52            443,790,094.34
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                 816,952,643.52            638,790,094.34
Repayment of borrowings                                                   620,000,000.00            367,064,872.18
Distribution of dividends or profits & interest expenses                   36,737,017.54             28,364,910.70
Including: dividends or profit paid to minority interest
Cash paid for other financing activities                                   339,171,642.10           344,908,190.83
Sub-total of cash outflows                                                 995,908,659.64           740,337,973.71
Net cash flows from financing activities                                  -178,956,016.12          -101,547,879.37
4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                            437,427.38               795,035.86
5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents                               -73,236,455.62            40,637,143.64
Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the beginning of year                    188,431,805.23            58,043,497.54
6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year                          115,195,349.61            98,680,641.18

8. Parent company's cash flow statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the
reporting period

                                                                                                Unit: RMB yuan
                                                              Account for the current           Account for
                                                                      period                  the prior period

1.Cash from operating activities
Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services            1,440,364,966.98         707,941,476.71
Refund of taxes and fares
Other cash received relating to operating activities                     4,538,693.29           1,676,761.98
Sub-total of cash inflows                                            1,444,903,660.27         709,618,238.69
Cash paid for goods and services                                       906,281,861.58         307,697,841.80
Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees                             160,425,249.94         144,747,587.40
Tax payments                                                            24,110,721.14          46,478,616.45
Other cash paid relating to operating activities                        73,010,222.44          68,308,159.32
Sub-total of cash outflows                                           1,163,828,055.10         567,232,204.97
Net cash flows from operating activities                               281,075,605.17         142,386,033.72
2.Cash flows from investing activities
Cash received from return of investment
Cash received from investment incomes
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible              3,056,908.99           1,609,692.00
assets and other long-term assets
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                3,056,908.99           1,609,692.00
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and                 1,210,974.75           2,202,525.45
other long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire investment
Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other
operating units
Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                                               1,210,974.75           2,202,525.45
Net cash flows from investment activities                                1,845,934.24            -592,833.45
3.Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment
Proceeds from borrowings                                               655,000,000.00         195,000,000.00
Other proceeds relating to financing activities                         80,712,230.00         443,790,094.34
Sub-total of cash inflows to financing activities                      735,712,230.00         638,790,094.34
     Repayment of borrowings                                           620,000,000.00         367,064,872.18
     Distribution of dividends or profits & interest                    36,737,017.54          28,364,283.89
     Cash paid for other financing activities                          339,171,642.10         344,908,190.83
Sub-total of cash outflows to financing activities                     995,908,659.64         740,337,346.90
Net cash flows from financing activities                              -260,196,429.64        -101,547,252.56
4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                        437,427.38             795,035.86
5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents                            23,162,537.15          41,040,983.57
Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the beginning of year                 87,388,834.89          54,083,755.28
6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year                      110,551,372.04          95,124,738.85

II. Explanation of adjustment of financial statements
1. Implement new financial instrument standards, new income standards or ne w leasing standards from
2019 to adjust the implementation of relevant items in the financial statements at the beginning of the year

□Applicable √Inapplicable
1. Description of preliminary comparative data of retroactive adjustment for the implementation of new
financial instrument standards or new lease standards from 2019

III.Audited report
Whether the third quarter report is audited
□ Yes √No