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张 裕B:2018年第一季度报告全文(英文版)2018-04-27  

						               2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

     2018 the First Quarter Report

               2018-Final 02

              April 2018

                                          2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                  I. Important Notice

The board of directors,the board of supervisors,directors, supervisors & senior managers
of the Company collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the truthfulness,
accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this report and confirm that to the
best of their knowledge and belief there are no unfaithful facts, significant omissions or
misleading statements.

All directors attended the meeting for deliberating this quarter report.

Mr. Zhou Hongjiang (Chairman of the Company), Mr. Jiang Jianxun (Chief Financial
Officer) and Mr. Jiang Jianxun (Financial Director) assure the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the financial report in the quarter report.

                                                 2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                II、Corporate Information
1. Key accounting data and financial indicators

Whether the Company makes retroactive adjustments or restates the accounting data of previous
fiscal years.
□ Yes V No

                                                        The same period of More or less than last
              Item                     The report period
                                                             last year          year (%)
Business income (CNY)                   1,804,057,976.00 1,896,586,469.00                -4.88%
Net profit attributed to the
shareholders of the listed                479,444,238.00          516,634,494.00                         -7.20%
company (CNY)
Net profit attributed to the
shareholders of the listed
                                          466,181,564.00          512,684,945.00                         -9.07%
company after deducting the
irregular profit and loss (CNY)
Net cash flows from the
                                          507,263,964.00          384,358,508.00                        31.98%
operating activities (CNY)
Basic earnings per share
                                                      0.70                      0.75                     -6.67%
Diluted earnings per share
                                                      0.70                      0.75                     -6.67%
Weighted average for earning
                                                   5.24%                     6.10%                       -0.86%
rate of the net assets
                                        The end of the                       More or less than last
                                                        The end of last year
                                         report period                            year (%)
Total assets (CNY)                     13,134,043,590.00 12,536,755,208.00                  4.76%
Net Assets attributed to the
shareholders of the listed              9,380,239,163.00       8,906,342,299.00                           5.32%
company (CNY)

Details of irregular profit and loss
V Yes □ No

                                                         From beginning of year
                        Item                                                                   Explanation
                                                         to end of report period
Gain on disposal of non-current assets, including
the reversal of accrued impairment provision
Government grants credited in profit and loss
(except for those recurring government grants
that are closely related to the entity's operation,                  16,861,473.00
in line with related regulations and have proper
basis of calculation)
Other non-operating income and expenses                                  525,389.00
Less: Income tax effect                                                4,252,831.00

                                              2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

      Minority interests effect(after-tax)                         -43,924.00
Total                                                          13,262,674.00              --

The reasons shall be made clear and definitely as to the irregular profit and loss that the Company has
defined by virtue of the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information Disclosure No.1
- Irregular Profit and Loss and as to regarding the irregular profit and loss as recurrent profit and loss as
specified in the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information Disclosure No.1 -
Irregular Profit and Loss.
□Available V Not available
There is no situation regarding the non-recurring profit and loss as defined and specified in the
Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information Disclosure No.1 - Non-recurring
Profit and Loss as recurrent profit and loss.

2. The total number of shareholders and top 10 shareholders at the end of the report period
1) The number of the common shareholders and preferred shareholders with recovered voting
   power as well as the shareholding of top 10 shareholders
                                                                                          Unit: share
                                                 44,606     Total number of                        0
Total number of common                                      preferred
shareholders at the end of report                           shareholders with recov
period                                                      ered voting power at the
                                                             end of report period
                                  The top 10 common shareholders
                                                                                Number Pledged or
                                     Character of Percentage                       of       frozen
     Name of Shareholders                                       Shares held
                                     shareholders     (%)                      restricted Share Amo
                                                                                 shares status unt
                                   Domestic non-      50.40% 345,473,856
                                   state-owned                                          0     --     0
                                   legal person
                                   Foreign legal        3.08% 21,090,219
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                       0     --     0
CHINA SECURITIES FINANCE State-owned                    2.28% 15,638,655
                                                                                        0     --     0
CORP                               legal person
BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - Foreign legal                 2.22% 15,241,826
                                                                                        0     --     0
CHINA FOCUS FD                     person
GUOTAI JUNAN                       Foreign legal        1.00%      6,828,497
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)               person                                               0     --     0
SHENWAN HONGYUAN                   Foreign legal        0.96%      6,554,654
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)               person                                               0     --     0
FIDELITY PURITAN TRUST:            Foreign legal        0.89%      6,100,762
FIDELITY SERIES INTRINSIC person                                                        0     --     0
UNION LIFE INSURANCE CO., Domestic non-                 0.79%      5,446,039
LTD --- DIVIDEND ---               state-owned                                          0     --     0
PERSONAL INSURANCE                 legal person

                                              2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET               State-owned           0.69%       4,761,200
                                                                                        0      --     0
MANAGEMENT LTD.                    legal person
VANGUARD EMERGING                  Foreign legal         0.55%       3,788,487
MARKETS STOCK INDEX                person                                               0      --     0
                     The top 10 common shareholders with unrestricted shares
                 Name of Shareholders                       Number of             Type of share
                                                            unrestricted     Type of       Amount
                                                            shares held       share
YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP COMPANY LIMITED                         345,473,856 A share          345,473,856
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                             21,090,219 B share           21,090,219
CHINA SECURITIES FINANCE CORP                                 15,638,655 A share           15,638,655
BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA FOCUS FD                      15,241,826 B share           15,241,826
GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                         B share
                                                               6,828,497                    6,828,497
SHENWAN HONGYUAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                     B share
                                                               6,554,654                    6,554,654
FIDELITY PURITAN TRUST: FIDELITY SERIES                                   B share
                                                               6,100,762                    6,100,762
UNION LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD --- DIVIDEND --                             A share
                                                               5,446,039                    5,446,039
CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD.                           4,761,200 A share            4,761,200
VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK                                           B share
                                                               3,788,487                    3,788,487
                                     Among the top 10 shareholders, Yantai Changyu Group
The explanation for the associated
                                     Company Limited has no associated relationship or accordant
relationship and accordant action
                                     action relationship with the other 9 listed shareholders, and the
of the top 10 shareholders
                                     relationship among the other shareholders is unknown.
Explanation for the top 10
common shareholders who
involved in financing activities
and stock trading business(if any)

Whether or not the Company’s top 10 common shareholders and top 10 common shareholders with
unrestricted shares promise to buy back trading during the report period
□ Yes √ No
There are no top 10 common shareholders and top 10 common shareholders with unrestricted shares
in the Company promise to buy back trading during the report period.

2) The total number of the preferred shareholders and top 10 preferred shareholders at the end of
   the report period

□Available V Not available

                                             2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                            III Major Issue

1. Great changes and reasons on main accountant data and financial index

   √Available     □Not available

Compared the end of the report period with the beginning of the report period: notes receivable
increases by 109.5%, mainly due to the growth on bank acceptances; advance payment increases by
93.91%, mainly due to the growth of advances payment for raw material procurement; interest
receivable increases by 294.4%, mainly due to the growth of bank term deposits; constructions in
progress increases by 12.41%, mainly due to the increase in cumulative investment in technological
transformation projects; goodwill increases by 28.02%, mainly due to the Company’s acquisition of
goodwill generated by Kilikanoon Estate Pty Ltd in Australia; deposits received increases by
35.28%, mainly due to growth of advances from customers; non-current liabilities due within one
year increased by 20.11%, mainly due to the transfer of long-term accounts payable.

Compared the same period with last year: operating revenue decreases by 4.88%, although cash
received related to sell products and supply labor service in the report period increases by 6.84%, it
is affected by those factors including the adjustment of Company’s marketing system, payment and
settlement methods of partial marketing expenses, commissioning of new product lines being not
completed, as well as product optimization. Meanwhile the Company takes actions in improving
purchase mode of partial products, strengthening order drive and small order for distributors etc.
that makes slight reduction in sales revenue confirmed by accounting standard; sales expense
decreases by 4.17%, mainly owing to decrease in advertising expense; administrative expense
increases by 19.8% mainly owing to increase in depreciation and intangible assets amortization;
financial expense decreases by 19.17% mainly owing that, with the use of partial bank loan into
investment project construction, corresponding loan interest is included into the cost of fixed assets;
net profit attributable to parent company decreases by 7.2% mainly owing to decrease in income;
Other cash paid related to operating activities increases by 27.27% mainly owing to payment of
marketing expense exemplified as advertising expense.

The judgment of Company is that with the reformation of organizational structure, marketing
policies and marketing system are gradually adjusted into position; the construction of marketing
team and incentive measures are further perfected; product structure is constantly optimized; new
product lines are ready to complete commissioning, the Company will enter new step of steady
development in the future and promote the growth of operating performance.

2. Analysis explanation of the major issue’s process, its influence and the solution

□Available V Not available

                                                   2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

     3. The commitments that the Company’s actual controllers, shareholders, related parties,
         purchasers, the Company and other related parties do not implement completely
         exceeding the time limit within report period
     √available  □not available

                  Commitment Commitment           Commitment          Commitment Commitment
 Commitments                                                                                Implementation
                     Party      Type                content              time      period
Commitments at
                 -                            -
share reform
made in
acquisition      -                            -                                         -                  -
report or equity
changes report
Commitments at
asset            -                            -                                         -                  -
                 Yantai         Solve
                 Changyu        horizontal
                                              Non-horizontal                                               Has been
                 Group Co.,     competition                  1997.05.18                 Permanent
                                              competition                                                  performing

                                Clear the     According to
                                purpose of    "Trademark
                                brand royalty License
                                              Contract", the
                                              Company will
                                              pay trademark
Commitments at
                                              royalty for the
the initial public
offering or        Yantai
                                              cts of Yantai
refinancing        Changyu
                                              Changyu Group                                                Has been
                   Group Co.,                                   1997.05.18              Permanent
                                              Co., Ltd every                                               performing
                                              year, Yantai
                                              Changyu Group
                                              Co., Ltd will use
                                              trademark to
                                              trademarks and
                                              the Contract
Equity incentive
made to the
minority         -                            -                                         -                  -
shareholders of
the Company

                                                  2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

under timely
or not
For commitments that exceed the time limit and are not completed, specific reasons of not No
completing the implementation and the next step
      4. Forecast on the operating performance in the period from January to June of 2018
      Warning and explanation for the estimation on the possible loss of cumulative net profit in the
      period from the beginning of this year to the end of the next report period or the great change
      comparing with same period of last year.
     □Available V Not available

     5. The situation of security investment
     □Available V Not available
     There is no security investment during the report period.

     6. The situation of derivative investment
     □Available V Not available
     There is no derivative investment during the report period.

     7. The activities registration form of receptions, communication and interview etc. during the
     report period
     □Available V Not available
     There are no activities of receptions, communication and interview etc. during the report period.

     8. The situation of illegal external guarantee
     □Available V Not available
     There is no illegal external guarantee during the report period.

     9. The situation of non-operating fund occupation of controlling shareholders and related
     □Available V Not available
     There is no non-operating fund occupation of controlling shareholders and related parties during the
     report period.

                                                 2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                       Ⅳ Financial Statements

1. Financial statements

1) Consolidated balance sheet

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.                                                                       Unit: CNY
                          ITEM                               At 31 March 2018              At 31 December 2017
 Current assets:
   Monetary fund                                                1,700,742,920.00                1,402,522,509.00
   Financial assets which are measured by fair value
   and which changes are recorded in current profit
   and loss
   Derivative financial liability
   Notes receivable                                               512,840,891.00                  244,796,818.00
   Account receivable                                             271,084,429.00                  263,796,355.00
   Advance money                                                    4,688,679.00                    2,417,931.00
   Interest receivable                                                841,947.00                      240,968.00
   Dividend receivable
   Other account receivable                                        19,111,859.00                   18,737,454.00
   Inventories                                                  2,366,202,029.00                2,473,614,046.00
   Assets held for sale                                             2,000,197.00                    2,000,197.00
   Non-current assets due within one year
   Other current assets                                           244,746,112.00                  230,822,759.00
 Total current assets                                           5,122,259,063.00                4,638,949,037.00
 Non-current assets:
   Financial assets for sale                                            469,028.00                      467,251.00
   Investment held to expiration
   Long-term account receivable
   Long-term equity investment
   Real estate for investment                                      18,405,315.00                   18,467,989.00
   Fixed assets                                                 5,343,497,810.00                5,329,083,969.00
   Construction in progress                                     1,153,468,887.00                1,026,141,569.00
   Project material
   Liquidation of fixed assets
    Biological assets for production                              203,462,752.00                  201,929,888.00
    Oil and gas assets
    Intangible assets                                             641,923,417.00                  655,448,897.00
    Development expenditure
    Goodwill                                                      164,039,160.00                  128,135,981.00
    Long-term deferred expenses                                   228,713,906.00                  230,009,231.00
    Assets of deferred income tax                                 257,804,252.00                  308,121,396.00

                                                      2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

   Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                                            8,011,784,527.00                 7,897,806,171.00
Total assets                                                       13,134,043,590.00                12,536,755,208.00
Current liabilities:
   Short-term loan                                                     753,662,515.00                  714,434,286.00
   Financial liabilities which are measured by fair
   value and which changes are recorded in current
   profit and loss
   Derivative financial liability
   Notes payable
   Accounts payable                                                    719,277,810.00                  666,442,879.00
   Advance money                                                       474,678,260.00                  350,894,156.00
  Wage payable                                                         162,876,153.00                  210,824,234.00
  Tax payable                                                           52,527,451.00                  145,094,156.00
  Interest payable                                                         771,250.00                      771,250.00
  Dividend payable
  Other accounts payable                                               618,535,523.00                  602,964,319.00
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one year                          133,264,742.00                  110,954,827.00
  Other current liabilities                                             15,931,213.00                   16,878,199.00
Total current liabilities                                            2,931,524,917.00                2,819,258,306.00
Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term loan                                                      172,360,586.00                  156,125,854.00
    Bond payable
         Including: Preferred stock
                       Perpetual capital securities
    Long-term accounts payable                                         237,000,000.00                  259,000,000.00
    Long-term wages payable
    Special accounts payable
    Deferred income                                                     89,523,491.00                   92,918,855.00
    Liabilities of deferred income tax                                  29,217,428.00                   24,264,203.00
    Other non-current liabilities                                        7,209,312.00                    7,209,312.00
Total non-current liabilities                                          535,310,817.00                  539,518,224.00
Total liabilities                                                    3,466,835,734.00                3,358,776,530.00
Shareholder rights and interests:
   Share capital                                                       685,464,000.00                  685,464,000.00
   Other equity instrument
         Including: Preferred stock
                       Perpetual capital securities
    Capital public reserve                                             565,955,441.00                  565,955,441.00
    Less: Inventory shares
    Other comprehensive Income                                            -2,438,134.00                    3,109,240.00
    Reasonable reserve

                                                          2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

     Surplus reserve                                                        342,732,000.00                   342,732,000.00
     Provision of general risk
     Retained profit                                                     7,788,525,856.00                 7,309,081,618.00
 Total owner’s equity attributable to parent Company                    9,380,239,163.00                 8,906,342,299.00
    Minority interests                                                     286,968,693.00                   271,636,379.00
 Total owner's equity                                                    9,667,207,856.00                 9,177,978,678.00
 Total liabilities and owner's equity                                   13,134,043,590.00                12,536,755,208.00
Legal representative: Zhou Hongjiang; Person in charge of accounting : Jiang Jianxun; Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang

                                                 2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

2) Balance sheet of parent company
                                                                                                           Unit: CNY

                           Item                               At 31 March 2018              At 31 December 2017
Current assets:
  Monetary fund                                                    619,587,197.00                  559,174,466.00
   Financial assets which are measured by fair value
      and which changes are recorded in current profit
      and loss
   Derivative financial liability
   Notes receivable                                                 91,173,459.00                   41,645,203.00
   Account receivable                                                7,399,313.00                    7,805,333.00
   Advance money                                                       883,556.00                       99,673.00
   Interest receivable                                                  97,500.00                       76,646.00
   Dividend receivable                                             287,495,922.00                  407,495,922.00
   Other account receivable                                        524,727,297.00                  592,274,075.00
   Inventories                                                     335,580,040.00                  348,042,053.00
   Assets held for sale                                              2,000,197.00                    2,000,197.00
   Non-current assets due within one year
   Other current assets                                             26,310,801.00                   29,706,058.00
Total current assets                                             1,895,255,282.00                1,988,319,626.00
Non-current assets:
  Financial assets for sale
   Investment held to expiration
   Long-term account receivable
   Long-term equity investment                                   4,617,128,387.00                4,511,202,204.00
   Real estate for investment                                       18,405,315.00                   18,467,989.00
   fixed assets                                                    283,857,300.00                  288,150,901.00
   Construction in progress                                          6,081,862.00                    6,756,349.00
   Project material
   Liquidation of fixed assets
   Biological assets for production                                122,400,380.00                  119,572,539.00
   Oil and gas assets
   Intangible assets                                                 69,028,431.00                   69,623,219.00
   Development expenditure
   Long-term deferred expenses
   Assets of deferred income tax                                   25,632,635.00                   28,787,907.00
   Other non-current assets                                     3,721,606,444.00                3,718,674,166.00
Total non-current assets                                        8,864,140,754.00                8,761,235,274.00
Total assets                                                   10,759,396,036.00               10,749,554,900.00
Current liabilities:
   Short-term loan                                                 600,000,000.00                  600,000,000.00

                                                      2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

    Financial liabilities which are measured by fair
    value and which changes are recorded in current
    profit and loss
   Derivative financial liability
   Notes payable
   Accounts payable                                                     109,191,325.00                    97,833,124.00
   Advance money                                                          6,000,000.00                     6,000,000.00
   Wage payable                                                          59,738,430.00                    70,108,076.00
   Tax payable                                                            6,404,562.00                    14,569,690.00
   Interest payable                                                         652,500.00                       652,500.00
   Dividend payable
   Other accounts payable                                               543,246,768.00                  544,713,172.00
   Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one year
   Other current liabilities                                              3,523,054.00                    3,953,054.00
Total current liabilities                                             1,328,756,639.00                1,337,829,616.00
Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term loan                                                                                                             -
    Bond payable
         Including: Preferred stock
                      Perpetual capital securities
    Long-term accounts payable
    Long-term wages payable
    Special accounts payable
    Deferred income                                                       12,341,059.00                   12,970,473.00
    Liabilities of deferred income tax
    Other non-current liabilities                                         2,235,802.00                    2,235,802.00
Total non-current liabilities                                            14,576,861.00                   15,206,275.00
Total liabilities                                                     1,343,333,500.00                1,353,035,891.00
Shareholder rights and interests:
   Share capital                                                        685,464,000.00                  685,464,000.00
   Other equity instrument
           Including: Preferred stock
                       Perpetual capital securities
    Capital public reserve                                              557,222,454.00                  557,222,454.00
    Less: Inventory shares
    Other comprehensive Income
    Reasonable reserve
    Surplus reserve                                                    342,732,000.00                  342,732,000.00
    Retained profit                                                  7,830,644,082.00                7,811,100,555.00
Total owner's equity                                                 9,416,062,536.00                9,396,519,009.00
Total liabilities and owner's equity                                10,759,396,036.00               10,749,554,900.00

                                                       2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

3) Consolidated profit statement

                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                                                            Three months ended 31             Three months ended 31
                                                                March 2018                         March 2017
I. Total Operating Revenue                                          1,804,057,976.00                   1,896,586,469.00
     Incl: Operating Revenue                                        1,804,057,976.00                   1,896,586,469.00
II. Total Operating Cost                                            1,184,474,700.00                   1,211,081,443.00
     Incl:Operating Cost                                              625,431,208.00                     636,501,146.00
     Tax and levies on operations                                     101,766,053.00                     110,070,692.00
      Selling expenses                                                374,283,098.00                     390,557,653.00
      Administrative expenses                                          81,613,467.00                      68,123,359.00
      Finance expenses                                                  4,711,493.00                       5,828,593.00
      Impairment losses of Assets                                      -3,330,619.00
   Add:Gains on increase in fair value of assets                             -                                 -
         Investment income                                                    -                                 -
         Incl. Investment income from affiliates                              -                                 -
         Gains on assets disposal                                           84,719.00                           -21,933.00
         Other income                                                   16,861,473.00
III.Operating profit                                                   636,529,468.00                     685,483,093.00
    Add:Non-operating income                                              936,426.00                       5,019,039.00
   Including: Disposal earnings of non-current asset
   Less:Non-operating expenses                                             411,037.00                           47,086.00
   Incl. Losses from disposal of non-current assets
IV.Total Profit before Taxation                                        637,054,857.00                     690,455,046.00
    Less:Income tax                                                   158,539,458.00                     174,172,291.00
V.Net profit after Taxation                                            478,515,399.00                     516,282,755.00
   (I) Going concern net profit                                        478,515,399.00                     516,282,755.00
   (II) Discontinued operation net profit
    Net profit attributable to Parent company                          479,444,238.00                     516,634,494.00
    Minority interest income                                              -928,839.00                        -351,739.00
VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income                         -6,819,043.00                       1,623,907.00
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income
                                                                         -5,547,374.00                       1,372,041.00
attributable to owners of parent company
(I) Other comprehensive income items which will
                                                                                          -                                    -
not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss
1. Changes as a result of re-measurement of net
                                                                                          -                                    -
defined benefit plan liability or asset
2. Share of the other comprehensive income of the
investee accounted for using equity method which
                                                                                          -                                    -
will not be reclassified subsequently to profit and
(II) Other comprehensive income items which
                                                                         -5,547,374.00                       1,372,041.00
will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
1. Share of the other comprehensive income of the
investee accounted for using equity method which                                          -                                    -
will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
2. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair
                                                                                          -                                    -
value of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                          2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

3. Gains or losses arising from reclassification of
held-to-maturity investment as available-for-sale                                             -                                   -
financial assets
4. The effect hedging portion of gains or losses
                                                                                              -                                   -
arising from cash flow hedging instruments
5. Translation differences arising on translation of
                                                                            -5,547,374.00                        1,372,041.00
foreign currency financial statements
6. Other                                                                                      -                                   -
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income
                                                                            -1,271,669.00                           251,866.00
attributable to minority shareholders
VII. Total comprehensive income                                           471,696,356.00                      517,906,662.00
Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                          473,896,864.00                      518,006,535.00
owners of parent Company
Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                            -2,200,508.00                           -99,873.00
minority shareholders
 VIII. Earnings per share:
 (I) Basic earnings per share                                                              0.70                             0.75
 (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                           0.70                             0.75
During this report period, the issue relates to company consolidation under common control, consolidated party completes net profit
amount of CNY 0 before being consolidated, and consolidated party completes net profit amount of CNY 0 in the same period of last
Legal representative: Zhou Hongjiang;     Person in charge of accounting: Jiang Jianxun;     Person in charge of accounting organ:
Jiang Jianxun

                                                    2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

4) Profit statement of parent company
                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                         Three months ended 31             Three months ended 31
                                                             March 2018                         March 2017
I. Sales Revenue                                                    262,548,732.00                    698,458,930.00
    less:Cost of sales                                             223,847,815.00                    611,883,847.00
    Tax and levies on operations                                     14,257,566.00                     45,787,579.00
    Selling and distribution expenses
    Administrative expenses                                          20,509,904.00                     20,418,872.00
    Finance expenses                                                  5,548,315.00                      4,922,061.00
    Impairment losses of Assets
 Add:Gains on increase in fair value of assets
        Investment income                                            20,000,000.00                     24,861,144.00
        Incl. Investment income from affiliates
         Gains on assets disposal                                        75,000.00                          -11,641.00
         Other income                                                 1,059,414.00
II. Operating profit                                                 19,519,546.00                     40,296,074.00
  Add:Non-operating income                                              47,479.00                        466,924.00
Including: Disposal earnings of non-current asset
   Less:Non-operating expenses                                                                              19,985.00
Incl. Losses from disposal of non-current assets
III. Total Profit before Taxation                                    19,567,025.00                     40,743,013.00
    Less:Income tax                                                     23,498.00                      3,970,467.00
IV.Net profit after Taxation                                         19,543,527.00                     36,772,546.00
   (I) Going concern net profit
   (II) Discontinued operation net profit
V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income                                         -
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income
attributable to owners of parent company
(I) Other comprehensive income items which will
not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss
1. Changes as a result of re-measurement of net
defined benefit plan liability or asset
2. Share of the other comprehensive income of the
investee accounted for using equity method which
will not be reclassified subsequently to profit and
(II) Other comprehensive income items which will
be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
1. Share of the other comprehensive income of the
investee accounted for using equity method which                                       -
will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
2. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value
of available-for-sale financial assets
3. Gains or losses arising from reclassification of                                    -

                                                 2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

held-to-maturity investment as available-for-sale
financial assets
4. The effect hedging portion of gains or losses
arising from cash flow hedging instruments
5. Translation differences arising on translation of
foreign currency financial statements
6. Other                                                                            -
VI. Total comprehensive income                                    19,543,527.00                     36,772,546.00
VII. Earnings per share:
    (I) Basic earnings per share                                               0.03                              0.05
    (II) Diluted earnings per share                                            0.03                              0.05

                                                   2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

5) Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                                                   Three months ended 31        Three months ended
                                                                        March 2018                31 March 2017
 1. Cash flows from operating activities:
 Cash received from sales of goods and rending of services                1,766,530,391.00           1,653,469,554.00
 Tax refund received                                                          6,890,085.00
 Other cash received related to operating activities                         18,289,974.00              35,857,955.00
 Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities                           1,791,710,450.00           1,689,327,509.00
 Cash paid for goods and services                                           418,799,244.00             424,736,589.00
 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                    152,403,775.00             137,940,254.00
 Cash paid for various taxes                                                486,679,596.00             564,277,054.00
 Other cash paid related to operating activities                            226,563,871.00             178,015,104.00
 Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities                       1,284,446,486.00           1,304,969,001.00
 Net cash flow from operating activities                                    507,263,964.00             384,358,508.00
 2. Cash flow from investing activities:
 Cash received from return of investment
   Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months                                                           3,000,000.00
 Cash received from obtaining investment profit                                    35,723.00                 25,550.00
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                 261,737.00                  30,300.00
assets and other long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal of branch and other business
 Other cash received related to investing activities
 Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities                                 297,460.00               3,055,850.00
 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                            110,862,244.00             142,789,698.00
long-term assets
 Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months                               300,000,000.00                5,000,000.00
 Cash for investment
 Net cash paid to acquire branch and other business unit                    104,566,419.00
 Other cash paid related to investment activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities                         515,428,663.00             147,789,698.00
 Net cash flow from investing activites                                    -515,131,203.00            -144,733,848.00
 3.Cash flow from financing activites
 Cash received from acquiring investment
 Including: cash received from acquiring minority
shareholders investment by branch
 Cash received from acquiring loans                                           96,644,015.00             51,803,310.00
 Other cash received related to finaning activities
 Subtotal cash flows of financing activities                                  96,644,015.00             51,803,310.00
 Cash paid to pay debts                                                       79,119,513.00             18,643,560.00
 Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest                      8,294,731.00              6,949,153.00
 Including: dividend and profit paid to minority shareholders
by branch
 Other cash paid related to financing activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities                            87,414,244.00             25,592,713.00
 Net cash flow from financing activites                                        9,229,771.00             26,210,597.00
 4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash
                                                                                -571,409.00                 197,614.00
 5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    791,123.00            266,032,871.00
 Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash and cash
                                                                          1,180,889,274.00           1,256,942,304.00
 6.Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash equivalents          1,181,680,397.00           1,522,975,175.00

                                                   2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

6) Cash flow statement of parent company
                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                   Three months ended 31        Three months ended
                                                                        March 2018                31 March 2017
 1. Cash flows from operating activities:
 Cash received from sales of goods and rending of services                  156,753,252.00             422,763,453.00
 Tax refund received
 Other cash received related to operating activities                         42,356,221.00             198,360,050.00
 Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities                             199,109,473.00             621,123,503.00
 Cash paid for goods and services                                            83,858,780.00             163,847,294.00
 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                     35,076,108.00              33,712,684.00
 Cash paid for various taxes                                                 27,242,412.00             145,925,056.00
 Other cash paid related to operating activities                             13,004,908.00              17,540,294.00
 Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities                         159,182,208.00             361,025,328.00
 Net cash flow from operating activities                                     39,927,265.00             260,098,175.00
 2. Cash flow from investing activities:
 Cash received from return of investment
          Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months                                                   3,000,000.00
 Cash received from obtaining investment profit                             140,035,723.00              92,701,945.00
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal of branch and other business
 Other cash received related to investing activities
 Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities                            140,573,778.00              95,701,945.00
 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                               8,617,593.00               1,875,090.00
long-term assets
 Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months                               300,000,000.00               5,000,000.00
 Cash for investment                                                        105,926,184.00              55,192,710.00
 Net cash paid to acquire branch and other business unit
 Other cash paid related to investment activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities                         414,543,777.00              62,067,800.00
 Net cash flow from investing activites                                    -273,969,999.00              33,634,145.00
 3.Cash flow from financing activites
 Cash received from acquiring investment
 Including: cash received from acquiring minority
shareholders investment by branch
 Cash received from acquiring loans
 Other cash received related to finaning activities
 Subtotal cash flows of financing activities
 Cash paid to pay debts
 Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest                      5,872,500.00               5,055,403.00
 Other cash paid related to financing activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities                             5,872,500.00               5,055,403.00
 Net cash flow from financing activites                                       -5,872,500.00              -5,055,403.00
 4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash
 5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents                              -239,915,234.00             288,676,917.00
 Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash and cash
                                                                            493,568,866.00             238,003,198.00
 6.Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash equivalents            253,653,632.00             526,680,115.00

                                                   2018 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

2. Audit report

Whether the 1st quarter report has been audited.
□Yes    √No
The first quarter report has not been audited.

                                                                    Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                       Board of Directors
                                                                                           27th April 2018
