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						Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                        Annual Report 2018


                                    ANNUAL REPORT 2018

                                         March 2019

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                Annual Report 2018

             Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of
the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.
Ren Xiaoping, the Company’s legal representative, Ding Guoqiang, the Company’s Chief
Financial Officer, and Luo Jing, the Company’s Financial Manager hereby guarantee that the
financial statements carried in this Report are factual, accurate and complete.
Except for the following directors, all the other directors attended in person the Board
meeting for the review of this Report and its summary.
                                                         Reason for not attending the    Proxy entrusted to attend the
            Name                         Office title
                                                               meeting in person                    meeting

Zhang Wenjing                  Independent Director     For the reason of work          Li Jun

Any outlook for the Company’s development in 2019 or other forward-looking statements
mentioned in this Report and its summary shall NOT be considered as promises to investors.
Therefore, investors are reminded to exercise caution when making investment decisions.
Risks facing the Company have been explained in detail in “Part IV Operating Performance
Discussion and Analysis” herein.
The Company has no final dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock, for the
Reporting Period.
This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there
be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions
shall prevail.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Annual Report 2018

                                                  Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions ........................................................... 2

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ................................................... 5

Part III Business Summary ............................................................................................................. 10

Part IV Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis ........................................................... 14

Part V Significant Events ................................................................................................................ 29

Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information ................................................................. 61

Part VII Preferred Shares ............................................................................................................... 68

Part VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff ............................................... 69

Part IX Corporate Governance ...................................................................................................... 79

Part X Corporate Bonds .................................................................................................................. 87

Part XI Financial Statements .......................................................................................................... 88

Part XII Documents Available for Reference .............................................................................. 221

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                     Annual Report 2018


                        Term                                                       Definition

                                                 Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, except
The “Company”, “FSHXP” or “we”
                                                 where the context otherwise requires

China Paper                                      China Paper Corporation (the actual controller of the Company)

China Chengtong                                  China Chengtong Holdings Group Ltd. (the ultimate controller of the Company)

Huaxin Development                               Foshan Huaxin Development Co., Ltd.

Hongta Renheng                                   Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd.

Zhuhai Huafeng                                   Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd.

Golden Pheasant Chemical                         Zhuhai Golden Pheasant Chemical Co., Ltd.

Huaxin Color Printing                            Huaxin (Foshan) Color Printing Co., Ltd.

Kunshan Focai                                    Kunshan Focai Packaging & Printing Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Hongta                                  Zhejiang Hongta Renheng Packaging Technology Co., Ltd.

Chengtong Finance                                China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd.

The “Reporting Period” or “Current Period”   The period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018

                                                 Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi, expressed in tens of thousands
RMB, RMB’0,000
                                                 of Renminbi

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

          Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

Stock name                         Huaxin Packaging-B                    Stock code                  200986

Stock     exchange   for   stock
                                   Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company name in Chinese            佛山华新包装股份有限公司

Abbr.                              华新包装

Company name in English (if
                                   Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co.,Ltd

Abbr. (if any)                     FSHXP

Legal representative               Ren Xiaoping

                                   2/F, Block 7, 3 Keyang Road, Luoge Park, Chancheng Economic Development Zone, Nanzhuang
Registered address
                                   Town, Chancheng District, Foshan, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Zip code                           528000

                                   2/F, Block 7, 3 Keyang Road, Luoge Park, Chancheng Economic Development Zone, Nanzhuang
Office address
                                   Town, Chancheng District, Foshan, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Zip code                           528000

Company website                    http://www.fshxp.com

Email address                      hxbz@chinapaper.com.cn

II Contact Information

                                                            Board Secretary                      Securities Representative

Name                                          Ding Guoqiang                            Shi Hui

                                              2/F, Block 7, 3 Keyang Road, Luoge Park, 2/F, Block 7, 3 Keyang Road, Luoge Park,
                                              Chancheng Economic Development Zone, Chancheng Economic Development Zone,
                                              Nanzhuang Town, Chancheng District,      Nanzhuang Town, Chancheng District,
                                              Foshan, Guangdong Province, P.R.China    Foshan, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Tel.                                          0756-8666975                             0756-8666978

Fax                                           0756-8666922                             0756-8666922

Email address                                 dinggq@htrh-paper.com                    shih@htrh-paper.com

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Annual Report 2018

III Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report Is Lodged

Newspapers       designated     by       the     Company      for
                                                                    Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao
information disclosure

Website designated by CSRC for publication of this

                                                                    2/F, Block 7, 3 Keyang Road, Luoge Park, Chancheng Economic
Place where this Report is lodged                                   Development Zone, Nanzhuang Town, Chancheng District, Foshan,
                                                                    Guangdong Province, P.R.China

IV Changes to Company Registered Information

Unified social credit code                            No change

Change to principal           activity     of the
                                                      No change
Company since going public (if any)

Every change of controlling shareholder
                                                      No change
since incorporation (if any)

V Other Information

The independent audit firm hired by the Company:

Name                                           Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP

Office address                                 6/F, 128 Xixi Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

Accountants writing signatures                 Li Qinglong and Liu Jingya

The independent sponsor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The independent financial advisor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

□ Yes √ No

                                                       2018                      2017                                          2016
                                                                                                      change (%)

Operating revenue (RMB)                             3,683,004,543.50          3,583,157,646.37                 2.79%        3,607,758,904.01

Net profit attributable to the listed
                                                       -2,814,965.92             18,637,865.97              -115.10%          61,324,088.11
company’s shareholders (RMB)

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

Net profit attributable to the listed
company’s     shareholders   before           -36,089,244.17        12,337,519.04                 -392.52%        27,820,866.82
exceptional items (RMB)

Net cash generated from/used in
                                              393,465,394.72         -21,910,921.08            1,895.75%           409,111,111.08
operating activities (RMB)

Basic     earnings      per       share
                                                        -0.01                  0.04                -125.00%                  0.12

Diluted      earnings   per       share
                                                        -0.01                  0.04                -125.00%                  0.12

Weighted average return on equity                                                     Down by 1.08 perce
                                                      -0.14%                 0.94%                                         3.13%
(%)                                                                                           ntage points

                                                                                         Change of 31
                                                                                      December 2018 over
                                          31 December 2018      31 December 2017                              31 December 2016
                                                                                      31 December 2017

Total assets (RMB)                           5,794,694,744.15      5,426,368,352.69                  6.79%       6,182,737,808.93

Equity attributable to the listed
                                             1,970,946,820.29      1,982,859,436.21                  -0.60%      1,980,395,170.24
company’s shareholders (RMB)

VII Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign
Accounting Standards

1. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No difference for the Reporting Period.

2. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No difference for the Reporting Period.

VIII Key Financial Information by Quarter

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                Q1                    Q2                     Q3                     Q4

Operating revenue                             791,489,361.74        955,666,979.18         966,386,108.12         969,462,094.46

Net profit attributable to the listed
                                               -10,204,661.39         -5,095,101.40          5,007,777.78           7,477,019.09
company’s shareholders

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

Net profit attributable to the listed
company’s     shareholders      before          -11,700,027.27            -7,503,716.60        4,637,788.37        -21,523,288.67
exceptional items

Net cash generated from/used in
                                                     25,982,578.72         42,810,407.39      316,624,480.08          8,047,928.53
operating activities

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the quarterly financial data in the table above or their summations differs materially from what

have been disclosed in the Company’s quarterly or interim reports.

□ Yes √ No

IX Exceptional Gains and Losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                       Item                                 2018               2017             2016                 Note

Gain or loss on disposal of non-current
assets (inclusive of impairment allowance                     42,435.21         275,303.86       -690,044.71

Government subsidies charged to current
profit or loss (exclusive of government
subsidies given in the Company’s ordinary
                                                          17,519,293.30       13,791,511.79    26,022,524.47
course of business at fixed quotas or
amounts as per the government’s uniform

Capital occupation charges on non-financial
enterprises that are charged to current profit                               14,745,309.37     22,334,467.56
or loss

Gain equal to the amount by which
investment costs for the Company to obtain
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
are lower than the Company’s enjoyable fair
value of identifiable net assets of investees
when making investments

Gain or loss on fair-value changes in trading
financial assets and liabilities & investment
income from disposal of trading financial
assets and liabilities and available-for-sale             12,578,644.03        1,326,459.63     5,536,398.42
financial assets (exclusive of effective
portion   of   hedges     that    arise   in   the
Company’s ordinary course of business)

Non-operating income and expense other
                                                           -2,043,196.49     -24,429,364.21      -263,588.90
than the above

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                           Annual Report 2018

Other gains and losses that meet the
definition of exceptional gain/loss

Less: Income tax effects                                 761,426.39          -661,998.98         2,645,887.81

         Non-controlling interests effects (net
                                                      15,622,709.95            70,872.49       16,790,647.74
of tax)

Total                                                 33,274,278.25         6,300,346.93       33,503,221.29          --

Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item defined or listed in the Explanatory

Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss


√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                 Item               Amount involved (RMB)                                     Reason

Other gains and losses that
meet       the    definition   of                 7,800,232.76 Interest income from structured deposits
exceptional gain/loss

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Annual Report 2018

                                           Part III Business Summary

I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?


The Company specializes in the R&D, production and sales of high-end coated ivory board, chemicals for paper making and color

printing products. The businesses are described as follows:

(I) High-end coated ivory board

The ivory board is a product of the Company’s main business, as a category of ivory board, is widely applied in various fields such as

cigarette packaging, food packaging, medicine packaging, cosmetic packaging and living supplies packaging, which is an important

source of the Company's major business income. The R&D, production and sales of the ivory board is mainly undertaken by Zhuhai

HongtaRenheng Packaging Co., Ltd. and Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd. HongtaRenheng is the core high-end packaging board

platform under Huaxin Packaging which is based in domestic and overseas high-end packaging markets of cigarette and food and

provides "personalized" products and services for customers with "differentiation" business strategy. The Company now has three

coated ivory board production lines, and the annual production capacity around 600,000 tons. The Company's products can be

divided into the following categories:

1. Coated ivory board for cigarette packaging of company’s dominant product, is widely used in the high-end cigarette packaging

market. The coated ivory board for cigarette packaging produced by HongtaRenheng takes up a dominant position in the domestic

cigarette packaging field. It represents the highest level of coated ivory board quality in China. It has won a Golden Award at China’s

International Paper & Paper Product Brands Exhibition, and the top award of the Chinese science and technology community—the

first-class State Science and Technology Advancement Award. The anti-counterfeit coated ivory board with color fiber and

true-color fiber etc.—a technology that is independently developed by the Company and has been granted the national invention

patent of China—has been successfully applied in the packaging of a series of cigarettes in the “Hongta Group” and

“HongyunHonghe Group" brands to combat counterfeiting from the packaging materials, reaching the significant anti-counterfeit

results of “easily identifiable but difficult to copy”. Currently, a new type of ivory board for cigarette packaging is at the stage of trial


2. The ivory boards for liquid food packaging is an important development direction of the Company. HongtaRenheng is the first to

break the foreign technological monopoly, by independently developing the sterile paper for packaging of liquid milk, fruit juice,

herbal tea and other drinks, effectively substituting imported products. The series of food packaging products such as anti-oil food

grade coated board and high-end paper cup have been recognized by well-known catering groups such as McDonald’s after they are

put into the market.

3. The high-end commercial ivory board papers aim to meet the personalized demands of customers. They are widely applied in the

segmented packaging market fields like the high-end medicine, cosmetics, and daily necessities. The anti-counterfeit coated ivory

paper with personalized identification code independently developed by the Company and for which it has been granted the invention

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

patent has been successfully applied in the anti-counterfeit packaging of the high-end products like high-end medicine and cosmetics,

which does not only solve the difficulties posed by impact from counterfeit and shoddy products for customers at the source, but also

effectively reduces the customer’s anti-counterfeit costs and fake product crackdown expanses and win high trust from the market.

(II) Paper making business

Chemicals for paper making is business to extend the paper-making industry chain by the Company, the R&D, production and sales

of which are mainly undertaken by Zhuhai Jinji Chemical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, which mainly supplies the

carboxylic butadiene-styrene latex, styrene-acrylic latex and calcium carbonate of domestically first-class quality.

(III) Color printing business

Color printing business is an important industrial linkage supporting business of the Company, which covers designing and

manufacturing packaging materials and providing packaging solutions for customers. This business is mainly undertaken by Huaxin

(Foshan) Color Printing Co., Ltd.. The Company now owns the offset, flexo and intaglio printing workshop. Main products include

color boxes, various labels (paper label, in-mold label and sticker), barcode printing, brochure, books and periodicals involved in

wide terminal consumption industry.

II Significant Changes in Major Assets

1. Significant Changes in Major Assets

                Major assets                                           Main reason for significant changes

                                           Up 7888%. The Company appointed a director to investee Chengtong Finance during the
                                           Reporting Period, thus having significant influence in the joint venture’s substantial
Equity assets                              decision-making. Therefore, the accounting of the Company’s investment in Chengtong
                                           Finance changed from an available-for-sale financial asset to a long-term equity
                                           investment measured at the equity method.

2. Major Assets Overseas

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Core Competitiveness Analysis

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?


(I) Backed by a central government-owned enterprise

The ultimate controller of the Company, China Chengtong Holdings Group Ltd. (China Chengtong), authorized by the State-owned

Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council to perform relevant duties of the investor on behalf of the

State Council, is listed among the first batch of pilot enterprises by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration

Commission to construct the standard board of directors and the first pilot state-owned asset management Company. In 2016, China

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

Chengtong was approved to be the pilot state-owned capital operation Company, and its main business includes equity operation,

financial services, asset management, integrated logistics services, production materials trading, forestry-pulp paper production

development and utilization etc.. It is also the only large-scale central enterprise approved by the State-owned Assets Supervision and

Administration Commission of the State Council to focus on production, development and utilization of forestry, wood pulp and


As a pilot enterprise of the state-owned asset management companies, China Chengtong has built a platform for the state-owned

assets restructuring and capital operation in accordance with prevailing market principles, explored the central enterprise’s non-main

business and a special path for the NPA’s market-oriented specialized operations and disposal, and reorganized and integrated a

number of subsidiaries subordinated to central enterprises by means of trusteeship and the transfer of state-owned property rights.

In 2016, China Chengtong was entrusted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State

Council to participate in the diversification reform of Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration and Production Corporation,

managed China Railway Materials Co., Ltd. in the form of trusteeship, and invested Guoyuan Coal Asset Management Co., Ltd.. As

approved by the State Council and entrusted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, China

Chengtong, as the main sponsor, cooperated with nine central enterprises, local state-owned enterprises and financial institutions to

jointly set up the largest domestic private equity investment fund with a total investment of RMB 350 billion Yuan -- The China

State-Owned Enterprise Restructuring Fund. Meanwhile, Chengtong Fund Management Co., Ltd. was also established to take

responsibility for the implementation of relevant fund management affairs.

China Chengtong is aiming at improving the state-owned capital’s operation efficiency, serving the national strategy, abiding by the

law of the market, and building a state-owned capital operation platform featuring the market-oriented operation and professional

management. In addition, it will promote the rational flow and optimized of the state-owned capital and optimizing the configuration

through equity operation, value management, and flexible transfer etc.. so as to form an institutional mechanism and operational

model that meet various functional requirements for corresponding state-owned capital operation.

(II) Technological innovation advantage

The Company persists in taking "scientific and technological innovation" as the core power that drives enterprise development. The

Company has over 20 years of technical experience in the production of high-end coated ivory board. Over the years, the Company

has developed anti-counterfeit products such as the coated ivory board with color fiber and true-color fiber and formed strong

anti-counterfeit product innovation capability. Meanwhile, the Company has personalized product technique innovation capability

and has developed the "anti-counterfeit coated ivory paper with personalized identification code" which can attain anti-counterfeiting

according to the customer's personalized demand and solve the difficulties posed by impact from counterfeit and shoddy products for

customers at the source. Currently, the Company is developing quite a few individualized products featuring new technologies. In

addition, to ensure safe, green and clean products, the Company has managed to effectively control toxic and harmful substances

such as VOCS in its products through continuous commitment of R&D resources and tests.

By means of continuous research and development, the Company has obtained various patents, providing the most important

technical support and guarantee for the advancement of product competitiveness. As of the end of the Reporting Period, the

Company had been granted 50 duly authorized patents, including 24 invention patents and 26 utility models. There are 18 pending

patents, including 12 invention patents and 6 utility models.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

In recent years, the Company has made unremitting effort to promote its subsidiaries’ R&D system improvement:

1. HongtaRenheng was re-recognized as a "National High-tech Enterprise" in 2018. It has established a technology R&D center

equipped with completed devices, and been recognized by the Municipal and Provincial Technology Centers, Engineering R&D

Center and Guangdong Provincial Innovation Pilot Enterprise; in 2016, the "Nature Color Packaging Paper Project" of

HongtaRenheng won second-class Science and Technology Advancement Award issued by China National Light Industry Council.

Meanwhile, the company also participated in formulating corresponding national and industrial standards including Coated Paper and

Board-Coated Ivory Board and Quality Requirements and Test Methods for Intaglio Printed Matter. In 2018, HongtaRenheng set up

the New Materials Research Institute by integrating R&D resources and committing more such resources in a bid to remaining

technologically advanced in the area of new materials.

2. In 2016, the subsidiary Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd. was recognized as a "National High-tech Enterprise", as well as by the

Municipal and Provincial Technology Centers and Engineering R&D Centers.

3. The subsidiary Zhuhai Golden Pheasant Chemical Co., Ltd. was re-recognized as a "National High-tech Enterprise" in 2016, as

well as by the Municipal and Provincial Engineering Centers.

4. The subsidiary Huaxin Color Printing was re-recognized as a "National High-tech Enterprise" in 2018, as well as by the Foshan

Enterprise Technology Center.

All the Company’s main subsidiaries have been recognized as "National High-tech Enterprise" and were granted the 10% relief from

income tax in three successive years.

(III) Quality and brand advantage

HongtaRenheng has the top award of the Chinese science and technology community—the first-class State Science and Technology

Advancement Award. The high-end coated ivory board produced by HongtaRenheng has excellent printing performance. Dominant

product—coated ivory board for tobacco packaging, is widely used in the high-end tobacco packaging market, takes up a dominant

position in high-end tobacco packaging field. "Hongta" coated ivory board takes up a leading position in domestic and overseas ivory

board industry and leads the development of production and technology of domestic middle and top grade coated ivory board.

"Hongta" coated ivory board represents the highest level of production, technology and product of coated ivory board in China.

 (IV) Management advantage

“The fittest survives. That’s why we must be open-minded and innovative for survival and development.” is the Company’s

management philosophy. Upon more than two decades of accumulation, the Company has possessed a large pool of high-quality

talent in technological innovation and management, as well as formulated a corporate culture that is well accepted by its key

personnel. In 2018, reforms were implemented in terms of supply chain management, human resources and so on, which have

produced positive results.

(V) Superiority in environment protection

Hongta Renheng’s boilers are using biomass molding fuel (BMF). Its emission reduction through BMF program is China’s biggest

biomass boiler program. BMF, a clean energy which releases zero harmful emissions to the environment, is used for 70% of Hongta

Renheng’s energy consumption, which can help bring a nearly 70% reduction in carbon emission during the papermaking process, as

well as a reduction of 60,000~100,000 tons of carbon dioxide emission every year. BMF has helped create remarkable superiority in

emission reduction and environment protection.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

             Part IV Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis

I Overview

(I) Market Environment
In 2018, affected by China-US trade conflicts and exchange rate fluctuations, macroeconomic index fell and the packaging and
paper-making industries that are highly associated with macro economy were impacted at different degrees. The market end demands
showed great decrease and the supply side continued the trend of 2017 with new increases instead of any decrease in 2018. The
capacity that could be placed in market increased, while the whole industry witnessed oversupply. As a result, the paper-making
industry took on an overall trend of narrowed profit margins.
(II) Company Performance during the Reporting Period
In 2018, based on the core concepts of “four news” and “strictness, practicality, transparency and rapidness”, the Company stuck to
three “consistencies”, aimed at “five new forces”, sought “four breakthroughs” and centered around “three decreases, one increase
and one control” to keep strengthening party building, strive to explore strategic reforms, proactively expand external markets, fully
enhance the internal management level, continue to refine the institutional reform, increase R&D investment and seek the increase of
operating profits.
The competition was fierce with unbalanced supply and demand development in the ivory board industry in which the Company is
engaged and related industries. The production and operation of the ivory board segment were basically stable. In the whole year, the
production reached 513,000 tons, which was an increase of 15% from the previous year; the sales volume reached 483,000 tons, an
increase of 2.2% from the previous year; and the price rose by 6.63% from the previous year, which was an increase against the trend.
In respect of the cost end, affected by the persistently high price of raw wood pulp, production costs increased substantially, resulting
in big YOY decrease in the profits of the paper segment and causing losses. In terms of the printing segment, the total operating
revenue and profits increased by 15% and 561% respectively from the previous year as a result of proactive attraction to external
quality resources and diversification of the industrial chain. In the chemical industry, latex sales volume increased by 3% from the
previous year and revenue rose by 2% from the previous year due to persistent optimization of production techniques, and the
operating budget goal established at the beginning of the year was achieved. Despite the good performance of the printing and
chemical segments, the whole-year budget goal was not achieved by the Company as a whole due to the losses in the paper segment.
For 2018, the Company recorded operating revenue of RMB3,683 million, a net profit attributable to the listed company’s
shareholders of RMB-2.81 million, and net cash generated from operating activities of RMB393.47 million. As at 31 December 2018,
total assets stood at RMB5,794.69 million and equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders of RMB1,970.95 million.
(III) Management Measures Taken within the Reporting Period
1. Reform the organization structure and optimize remuneration distribution and talent promotion mechanism
Aimed at “reducing hierarchies, grouping functions and flattening management”, the Company adjusted its internal organization
structure to serve the purpose of matching staff abilities with position requirements and established a performance-based position
performance and remuneration system. The reform on the Company’s existing remuneration system was carried out in accordance
with the motivating distribution principle of “focusing on performance, awarding diligence and punishing laziness; encouraging
creation and increasing profits”. The career promotion channel was established and a comprehensive review on the technical, skilled
and management professionals at each hierarchy would be conducted in proportion annually to guide staff to be concerned with the
improvement in their skills and abilities, effectively motivate and stabilize the staff team and serve the future strategic development
of the Company.
2. Reform the marketing system and inspire the sales potential

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                               Annual Report 2018

In accordance with the thinking of “new era and new marketing”, the Company carried out an all-round reform on its marketing
system to highlight the core function of marketing. A brand new performance appraisal system was implemented to inspire staff to
develop new orders; a new mechanism of bottom out, awarding diligence and punishing laziness was established to keep improving
corporate competitiveness.
3. Practice the concept of “four newness” and strictly control period costs
Centering around the concept of “four newness” of “new measures for reforms, new methods for management, new thinking for
operations and new mechanisms for activation”, the Company implemented the outsourcing of warehousing and logistics in its
factory area to save and reduce logistics costs through a professional warehousing and logistics outsourcing service mode. The
Company expanded financing channels and financing modes to increase the fund utilization efficiency and control the risk of
exchange rate fluctuations, resulting in an obvious YOY decrease in financial costs.
4. Persist in technology-orientation and intensify the creation of profits through R&D
The Company adjusted the organization of the Technical R&D Department to make the function of new product development and the
function of routine process maintenance run independently. It persisted in the goal of technology-orientation, intensified the core
function of technical R&D and motivated the vitality of innovation and profits creation. So far there have been more than ten types of
new product projects being developed, with breakthroughs made in some products.

II Core Business Analysis

1. Overview

See “I Overview” above.

2. Revenue and Cost Analysis

(1) Breakdown of Operating Revenue

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                           2018                                          2017

                                                   As % of total                                As % of total
                                                                                                                      Change (%)
                         Operating revenue      operating revenue      Operating revenue    operating revenue
                                                       (%)                                          (%)

Total                       3,683,004,543.50                   100%      3,583,157,646.37                  100%                2.79%

By operating division

Manufacturing               3,588,986,332.24                 97.45%      3,387,712,195.06                 84.92%               5.94%

Other                          94,018,211.26                  2.55%        195,445,451.31                 15.08%             -51.90%

By product category

Ivory board                 2,948,225,373.27                 80.05%      2,788,623,257.46                 72.68%               5.72%

Presswork                    300,249,287.80                   8.15%        255,573,322.07                 7.28%               17.48%

Latex                        340,511,671.17                   9.25%        343,515,615.53                 4.96%               -0.87%

Other                          94,018,211.26                  2.55%        195,445,451.31                 15.08%             -51.90%

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                               Annual Report 2018

By operating segment

Domestic                   3,130,591,132.61                  85.00%      3,105,722,094.04                   84.17%               0.80%

Overseas                     552,413,410.89                  15.00%          477,435,552.33                 15.83%              15.70%

(2) Operating Division, Product Category or Operating Segment Contributing over 10% of Operating
Revenue or Operating Profit

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?


                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                 YoY change in                          YoY change in
                         Operating                            Gross profit                          YoY change in
                                          Cost of sales                         operating revenue                        gross profit
                          revenue                               margin                              cost of sales (%)
                                                                                      (%)                                margin (%)

By operating division

Manufacturing       3,588,986,332.24 3,290,603,851.05                  8.31%                5.94%             11.60%            -4.65%

By product category

Ivory board         2,948,225,373.27 2,798,619,637.59                  5.07%                5.72%             14.70%            -7.43%

Presswork             300,249,287.80      233,559,654.68              22.21%             17.48%                6.84%             7.75%

Latex                   340,511,671.17    258,424,558.78              24.11%              -0.87%             -10.84%             8.48%

By operating segment

Domestic            3,036,572,921.35 2,742,909,279.61                  9.67%                4.34%              9.81%            -4.50%

Overseas              552,413,410.89      547,694,571.44               0.85%             15.70%               21.54%            -4.76%

Core business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Whether Revenue from Physical Sales Is Higher than Service Revenue

√ Yes □ No

 Operating division               Item                Unit                     2018                  2017               Change (%)

                        Unit sales            0,000 tons                              48.31                  47.31               2.11%

Paper-making            Output                0,000 tons                               51.3                  44.61              15.00%

                        Inventory             0,000 tons                               4.82                   3.77              27.85%

Any over 30% YoY movements in the data above and why:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                Annual Report 2018

(4) Execution Progress of Major Signed Sales Contracts in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Breakdown of Cost of Sales

By operating division and product category
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                          2018                                   2017
                          Item                              As % of total cost                     As % of total cost    Change (%)
     division                             Cost of sales                          Cost of sales
                                                                 of sales (%)                           of sales (%)

Manufacturing                          3,290,603,851.05                 98.04% 2,948,469,093.13                94.86%          11.60%

Other                                      65,742,861.68                 1.96%   159,896,380.04                 5.14%         -58.88%

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                          2018                                   2017
 Product category         Item                              As % of total cost                     As % of total cost    Change (%)
                                          Cost of sales                          Cost of sales
                                                                 of sales (%)                           of sales (%)

White cardboard                        2,798,619,637.59                 83.38% 2,440,020,977.87                78.50%          14.70%

Presswork                                 233,559,654.68                 6.96%   218,608,477.34                 7.03%           6.84%

Latex                                     258,424,558.78                 7.70%   289,839,637.92                 9.32%         -10.84%

Other                                      65,742,861.68                 1.96%   159,896,380.04                 5.14%         -58.88%


(6) Changes in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Reporting Period

√ Yes □ No
Kunshan Focai Packaging & Printing Co., Ltd., the subsidiary of the Company, was cancelled in the Reporting Period, no more
included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements.

(7) Major Changes to the Business Scope or Product or Service Range in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Major Customers and Suppliers

Major customers:

Total sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                                                 619,276,954.35

Total sales to top five customers as % of total sales of the
Reporting Period (%)

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                    Annual Report 2018

Total sales to related parties among top five customers
as % of total sales of the Reporting Period (%)

Information about top five customers:

                                                        Sales revenue contributed for
    No.                      Customer                                                    As % of total sales revenue (%)
                                                          the Reporting Period (RMB)

1           Customer A                                                  256,868,748.22                                  6.97%

2           Customer B                                                   95,460,896.85                                  2.59%

3           Customer C                                                   91,168,325.20                                  2.48%

4           Customer D                                                   88,525,346.53                                  2.40%

5           Customer E                                                   87,253,637.55                                  2.37%

Total                               --                                  619,276,954.35                               16.81%

Other information about major customers:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Major suppliers:

Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                               1,705,167,566.62

Total purchases from top five suppliers as % of total
purchases of the Reporting Period (%)

Total purchases from related parties among top five
suppliers as % of total purchases of the Reporting Period                                                             19.61%

Information about top five suppliers:

                                                            Purchase in the Reporting
      No.                         Supplier                                                As % of total purchases (%)
                                                                 Period (RMB)

1            China Paper Corporation                                    665,169,020.33                               19.61%

2            Supplier B                                                 345,571,770.48                               10.19%

3            Supplier C                                                 275,747,857.34                                  8.13%

4            Supplier D                                                 230,376,071.10                                  6.79%

5            Supplier E                                                 188,302,847.37                                  5.55%

Total                                --                               1,705,167,566.62                               50.28%

Other information about major suppliers:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expense

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

                                    2018                   2017              Change (%)          Reason for any significant change

Selling expense                   169,422,183.20         182,923,723.55               -7.38%

Administrative expense            113,073,452.18         120,342,343.74               -6.04%

Finance costs                      89,130,763.80         121,627,924.65              -26.72%

R&D expense                        32,784,184.94            5,134,464.54            538.51%

4. R&D Expense

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
In 2018, the Company continued to intensify product structure adjustment, strengthen technological innovation, and develop new
products to transform into new generation according to the situation of domestic economy and industrial development, based on
market needs, with the purpose of improving the added value of products.
The product structure of the Company was further upgraded towards high-end and high added value products to enhance the market
competitiveness of the products and facilitate the significant improvement of economic benefit. The Company continued to lead the
development of ivory board industry with product quality and technological innovation.
To proactively respond to the general trend of restricting plastic packages around the world, the Company has input lots of labor and
resources to develop plastic substitute products. Among those products, the “film-free eco paper cup card” has passed the appraisal
for scientific achievements. The project has taken the lead in the production of film-free eco paper cup cards with inner-coating in the
ivory board machine and the technology is in the “domestic leading position”.
At the same time, the Company continued to improve product quality and reduce costs through research and development of new raw
and auxiliary materials instead and innovation of process and technology. As a result, the production and manufacturing cost was
controlled effectively and significant economic benefits were achieved.
By the end of the Reporting Period, the Company has obtained 50 valid authorized patents, 24 of which were patents for invention,
and the rest 26 were utility model; 18 patents in the process of application, where there were 12 patents for invention in the process
of application and 6 utility model in the process of application, improved products’ comprehensive competitiveness of the Company.
Details about R&D expense:

                                                2018                              2017                          Change (%)

Number of R&D personnel                                        126                               143                          -11.89%
R&D personnel as % of total
                                                             7.50%                             7.34%                            0.16%
R&D expense (RMB)                                  120,065,948.12                    113,827,129.75                             5.48%
R&D expense as % of operating
                                                             3.26%                             3.18%                            0.08%
Capitalized   R&D    expense
                                                       9,053,412.40                   19,038,707.23                           -52.45%
Capitalized R&D expense as %
                                                             7.54%                           16.73%                            -9.19%
of total R&D expense
Reasons for any significant YoY change in the percentage of R&D expense in operating revenue:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Reason for any sharp variation in the percentage of capitalized R&D expense and rationale:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                Annual Report 2018

5. Cash Flows

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                 Item                            2018                               2017                           Change (%)

Subtotal of cash generated from
                                                  4,002,240,424.49                   3,582,514,948.89                             11.72%
operating activities
Subtotal    of    cash   used     in
                                                  3,608,775,029.77                   3,604,425,869.97                              0.12%
operating activities

Net cash generated from/used in
                                                     393,465,394.72                    -21,910,921.08                          1,895.75%
operating activities

Subtotal of cash generated from
                                                     258,543,412.90                    769,936,987.88                            -66.42%
investing activities
Subtotal    of    cash   used     in
                                                     572,551,931.82                    431,123,041.42                             32.80%
investing activities

Net cash generated from/used in
                                                     -314,008,518.92                   338,813,946.46                           -192.68%
investing activities

Subtotal of cash generated from
                                                  2,053,749,572.93                   1,817,952,730.48                             12.97%
financing activities
Subtotal    of    cash   used     in
                                                  2,263,808,296.08                   2,227,191,111.64                              1.64%
financing activities

Net cash generated from/used in
                                                     -210,058,723.15                  -409,238,381.16                             48.67%
financing activities

Net increase in cash and cash
                                                     -126,239,226.52                  -102,851,789.07                            -22.74%

Explanation of why any of the data above varies significantly:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
(1) Net cash flows from operating activities was RMB393.47 million in 2018, which increased RMB415.38 million from last year
mainly due to the increase of the sales of the Company in the Reporting period with the increase of cash of RMB341.69 million from
last year from selling products and providing labor services but the decrease of various taxes of RMB60.64 million from last
year(mainly the decrease of VAT)
(2) Net cash flows from investing activities was RMB-314.01 million in 2018, which decreased RMB652.82 million from last year
mainly due to the recovering of principal and interests of borrowing of related parities of RMB0.516 billion in the last Reporting
(3) Net cash flows from financing activities was RMB-210.06 million in 2018, which increased RMB199.18 million from last year
mainly because eth Company cashed the due medium term note of RMB200 million in the Reporting Period.

Reason for any big difference between the net operating cash flow and the net profit for this Reporting Period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
During the Reporting Period, the production and sales volume of the Company increased, and the increase of the operating revenue
resulted in the increase of the net cash flows from operating activities from last year. But due to the largely increase of the costs, the
operating profits decreased from the year earlier.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Annual Report 2018

III Analysis of Non-Core Businesses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                  Amount                As % of total profit            Source/Reason              Exceptional or recurrent

                                                                               Long-term equity investment
                                                                               income calculated by equity
Investment income                  18,008,673.27                    -32.26% method (joint venture) and          Recurrent
                                                                               income from financial assets
                                                                               available for sale

Gain/loss           on
                                                                               Financial liabilities at fair
changes       in   fair              2,394,879.25                    -4.29%                                     Exceptional
                                                                               value through profit or loss

                                                                               Bad debt and inventory
Asset impairments                  18,009,523.05                    -32.27%                                     Exceptional
                                                                               falling price provisions

                                                                               Balance between carrying
Non-operating                                                                  value and net assets when
                                   32,719,902.12                    -58.62%                                     Exceptional
income                                                                         converting the equity

                                                                               Abnormal factory shutdown
                                     8,259,701.51                   -14.80% losses and abandonment              Exceptional

Asset disposal                                                                 Gains/losses of fixed assets
                                     1,390,311.65                    -2.49%                                     Exceptional
income                                                                          disposal

Other income                        11,229,258.30                   -20.12% Governmental subsidy                Exceptional

IV Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                           31 December 2018                   31 December 2017
                                                                                               Change in          Reason for any significant
                                        As % of total                     As % of total
                          Amount                            Amount                           percentage (%)                   change
                                           assets                              assets

                      133,983,939.7                                                             Decreased by
Monetary capital                               2.31% 287,652,868.65                5.30%
                                    3                                                                   2.99%

Accounts              781,215,643.8                                                            Increased by
                                             13.48% 730,130,223.06               13.46%
receivable                          9                                                                   0.02%

                     1,022,167,373.                                                            Increased by
Inventories                                  17.64% 586,179,348.11               10.80%
                                   51                                                                   6.84%

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Annual Report 2018

Investment                                                                                         Decreased by
                           30,763,683.73             0.53% 32,092,356.29                0.59%
property                                                                                                   0.06%

Long-term equity 662,590,158.0                                                                     Increased by
                                                    11.43%        8,294,365.17          0.15%
investments                               0                                                               11.28%

                           2,178,817,683.                        2,302,301,389.                    Decreased by
Fixed assets                                        37.60%                            42.43%
                                       33                                     40                           4.83%

Construction          in                                                                            Decreased by
                           38,735,958.38             0.67% 39,315,774.19                0.72%
progress                                                                                                   0.05%

Short-term                 862,776,823.8                                                            Decreased by
                                                    14.89% 897,426,244.52             16.54%
borrowings                                6                                                                1.65%

Long-term                  100,000,000.0                                                            Decreased by
                                                     1.73% 200,000,000.00               3.69%
borrowings                                0                                                                1.96%

2. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                              Gain/loss on        Cumulative
                                                fair-value         fair-value                       Purchased in    Sold in the
                           Beginning                                               allowance for                                   Ending
         Item                                 changes in the        changes                         the Reporting   Reporting
                            amount                                                 the Reporting                                   amount
                                                Reporting          charged to                          Period         Period
                                                 Period              equity

Financial assets

Available-for-sa                              -627,355,141.0
                       627,643,841.04                                                                                              288,700.00
le        financial                                          4

Subtotal        of                            -627,355,141.0
                       627,643,841.04                                                                                              288,700.00
financial assets                                             4

Total     of    the                           -627,355,141.0
                       627,643,841.04                                                                                              288,700.00
above                                                        4

                           2,394,879.25        -2,394,879.25                                                                             0.00

Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:

□ Yes √ No

Reason for significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets and influences on its business performance and
financial conditions in the Reporting Period
In the Reporting Period, according to the Proposal of Electing Ding Guoqiang as the Company’s Director reviewed and approved by
The 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018 of China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd in 2018, the CFO of the Company Ding

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                           Annual Report 2018

Guoqiang was qualified for the Director of China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd, and will take office from the approval date of
qualification for directors of Beijing Banking Bureau. In accordance with the Approval Beijing Banking Bureau about Examination
of Ding Guoqiang’s Qualification for the Director of China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd (JYJX[2018] No. 531) by Beijing
Supervision Bureau of China Banking Regulatory Commission, Ding Guoqiang was qualified for the Director of China Chengtong
Finance Corporation Ltd on 24 October 2018. The Company designated a director in China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd, and
had the right to participate in decision-making of the Finance and operating policies of China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd.
The Company had a significant influence on China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd, so with regard to the investment in China
Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd, it can convert the financial assets available for sale to long-term equity investment calculated by
equity method.

3. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End

RMB305.9713 million of total assets of the Company was restricted, of which other current assets was RMB300.00 million (fixed
deposits for pledge guarantee); monetary assets was RMB5,971,300 (L/G cash deposits).

V Investments Made

1. Total Investment Amount

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Major Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Major Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Financial Investments

(1) Securities Investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Use of Funds Raised

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Annual Report 2018

VI Sale of Major Assets and Equity Interests

1. Sale of Major Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Sale of Major Equity Interests

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII Major Subsidiaries

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Major fully/majority-owned subsidiaries and those minority-owned subsidiaries with an over 10% effect on the Company’s net profit:

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                    Relationship     Principal           Registered                                Operating      Operating
    Name              with the        activity                        Total assets   Net assets                                   Net profit
                                                          capital                                  revenue         profit

                                   coated white
                                   cardboard,        600,000,000. 4,833,610,77 2,669,129,82 3,391,466,29 -108,418,625 -104,530,265
Packaging          Subsidiary
                                   latex and         00                       9.51          6.01         1.03               .93           .78
Co., Ltd.

Renheng                                              600,000,000. 4,073,699,93 2,620,254,15 2,332,201,21 -67,139,270. -64,719,737.
                   Subsidiary      coated white
Packaging                                            00                       3.83          7.24         8.45               76             36
Co., Ltd.

Huafeng                                              984,559,331. 2,656,411,97 1,000,375,46 2,132,710,19 -53,784,966. -49,534,013.
                   Subsidiary      coated white
Paper       Co.,                                     06                       1.36          8.32         9.75               12             34

Golden                             Latex       and
                                                     69,271,940.0 278,529,227. 180,025,780. 463,326,859. 36,858,123.7 32,445,872.2
Pheasant           Subsidiary      calcium
                                                     0                          13            51             91               8                4
Chemical                           carbonate
Co., Ltd.

Huaxin             Subsidiary      Color             96,895,605.1 407,437,871. 228,320,219. 310,467,280. 15,743,178.4 13,690,939.8

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

(Foshan)                          packaging    4                          53             16           14              2               8
Color                             printing
Printing Co.,

Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in the Reporting Period:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                               How subsidiary was obtained or disposed Effects on overall operations and operating
                                                        in the Reporting Period                            performance

Kunshan Focai Packaging & Printing Co.,
                                              Liquidation                                     No

Information about major majority- and minority-owned subsidiaries:
During the reporting period, affected by the continuously increasing price of raw materials of wood pulp, and the fluctuation of US
dollar currency rate, the production costs of ivory board produced and sold by subsidiaries Hongta Renheng and Zhuhai Huafeng
increased dramatically, causing a large decline in the profit of paper section from last year.

VIII Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX Prospects

(I) Industrial Competition Framework and Development Trend
Affected by China-US trade conflicts and exchange rate fluctuations, macroeconomic index fell and the packaging and paper
industries that are highly associated with macro economy were impacted at different degrees. The market end demands showed great
decrease and the supply side continued the trend of 2017 with new increases instead of any decrease in 2018. The capacity that could
be placed in market increased, while the whole industry presented a status of supply exceeding demand. As a result, the paper
industry took on an overall trend of narrowed profit margins. The investigation report shows that, compound annual growth rate of
domestic ivory board industry will reach about 5.5% in next few years, but the growth trend of subdivided paper grades is expected
to present differentiation. The annual average growth rate of food packaging board is about 7%; the annual average growth rate of
liquid packaging board is about 5%; the annual average growth rate of social ivory board in cosmetics and personal care field is about
9%; the annual average growth rate of social ivory board in medicines and health products field is about 6%; by contrast, with the
tobacco industry's entering the downlink stage of its development cycle, it is expected that the annual growth rate of cigarette box
board packaging market will drop at an average annual rate of 2% by 2030.
(II) Development Strategy
The Company will grasp the development opportunity in the new era, make full use of its advantages, develop towards the depth of
the industrial chain and relevant fields through specialized and market-oriented acquisition and reorganization, improve its capacity
for design, R&D, manufacturing and whole service of high-end paper packaging materials, eventually achieve its transformation and
upgrading from traditional paper making industry to "packaging material field",make the packaging material industry better, stronger
and bigger, and become a first-class provider of green and environmental protection packaging materials and packaging solutions
which integrates design, manufacturing and service.
(III) Management Solution for 2019
2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and is a crucial year upon the release of the

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Planning. The Company will stick to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thought on
socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, deeply implement the spirit of the 19 th National Congress of the Communist
Party of China and the Central Economic Working Conference, give full play the leading role of party building and ensure the
integration of party building and the Company’s operation in cohesion for joint development. The Company will keep an eye on
domestic and foreign policies, understand and follow the economic trend and continue to explore share transfer to provide a capital
platform guarantee for its sustainable development. It will persist in the concept of green development, opening up and innovation,
and oriented by market with focus on customers, center around its development strategy to carry out work and proactively promote
key projects. It will keep driving corporate in-depth reforms, optimizing the existing mechanism and refine the echelon talent team,
build a “fighter-oriented” talent development system, focus resources towards fighters and incline the incentive mechanism towards
fighters. It will keep enhancing its standardized operation and governance level and effectively prevent operation risks. It will
reinforce the strength of new product development and marketing, return to the development route led by technology and fully
increase the corporate competitiveness.
(IV) Possible Risks
1. Market risk
High-end coated ivory board is the dominant product of the Company. However, affected by the concentrated release of the new
production capacity for various ivory boards in China in the past two years, the domestic demands didn’t increase greatly. The more
fierce market competition of the ivory boards in China has brought a great impact on the market of the Company’s products.
Countermeasure: intensify product structure adjustment, and strengthen the efforts in developing new products and expanding new
2. Raw material price and exchange rate fluctuation risk
The raw material used by the Company’s main products is imported paper pulp. Due to the continuously increased price of
international paper pulp during the Reporting Period, and the fluctuation of US dollar currency rate, the Company is under great
pressure to the costs control.
Countermeasure: keep a close watch on the paper pulp price change trend and US dollar exchange rate tendency, gradually purchase
more paper pulp at home, and meanwhile, strategically purchase paper pulp as reserves when necessary, in order to effectively
control the cost.
3. Safety and Environmental Protection Risk
The company is specialized in manufacturing with large mechanical equipment. Due to complicated production and manufacturing
environment, safety production and environmental requirements become much more stringent.
Countermeasures: strengthen the recognition and management of safety and environmental protection hazards; improve the
management of production & manufacturing machines and pollution discharge equipment/facilities; clearly define personnel
responsibilities of front-line production workers; enhance the supervision and inspection of safety operation on the production site;
reinforce corresponding publicity and education and create possible safety production atmosphere; consolidate job responsibilities for
staffs in environmental protection department; strictly implement environmental protection and emission standards; eliminate
possible risks of safety and environmental protection accidents.

X Communications with the Investment Community such as Researches, Inquiries and

1. During the Reporting Period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

             Date                 Way of communication             Type of communication             Index to main information

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                            Annual Report 2018

                                                    party                communicated

                                                            Inquired whether the Company would
                                                            conduct share reform recently, and
                                                            whether there was specific scheme and
9 February 2018             By phone   Individual
                                                            idea. The Company replied according to
                                                            the disclosed information with no
                                                            materials offered.

                                                            Inquired the production operation of the
                                                             company, and whether the performance
                                                             in the first quarter improved; inquired
                                                             the significant event plan after the share
21 March 2018               By phone   Individual            trading suspension of the Company and
                                                             the plan for share reform after the share
                                                             trading resumption. The Company
                                                             replied according to the disclosed
                                                             information with no materials offered.

                                                            Inquired the procedure of transferring
29 March 2018               By phone   Individual           non-tradable share. The Company had
                                                            replied with no materials offered.

                                                            Inquired the production operation of the
                                                            company, and the reason and
                                                            countermeasures of the declining
20 April 2018               By phone   Individual
                                                            performance. The Company replied
                                                            according to the disclosed information
                                                            with no materials offered.

                                                            Inquired the production operation and
                                                            the thought of the future share reform of
28 May 2018                 By phone   Individual           the company. The Company replied
                                                            according to the disclosed information
                                                            with no materials offered.

                                                            Inquired the production operation and
                                                            whether there was a plan for share
26 June 2018                By visit   Individual
                                                            reform recently. The Company had
                                                            replied with no materials offered.

                                                            Inquired whether there was a plan for
                                                            share reform recently. The Company
29 August 2018              By phone   Individual
                                                            replied according to the disclosed
                                                            information with no materials offered.

                                                            The share price of the Company
                                                            continuously decreasing, so whether the
3 September 2018            By phone   Individual
                                                            performance in the second half year
                                                            could improved, and whether there was a

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report 2018

                                                                         plan for assets restructuring. The
                                                                         Company replied according to the
                                                                         disclosed information with no materials

                                                                         Inquired the main reasons of the
                                                                         declining performance of the Company,
                                                                         and whether there was a good news. The
10 September 2018              By phone                     Individual
                                                                         Company replied according to the
                                                                         disclosed information with no materials

                                                                         Inquired the reason for changing the
                                                                         accounting firm. The Company replied
17 October 2018                By phone                     Individual
                                                                         according to the disclosed information
                                                                         with no materials offered.

                                                                         Inquired the event of attending the
                                                                         Extraordinary General Meeting of the
29 October 2018                By phone                     Individual   Company. The Company replied
                                                                         according to the disclosed information
                                                                         with no materials offered.

                                                                         Inquired whether the Company could
                                                                          make a profit at the end of the year. The
13 November 2018               By phone                     Individual    Company replied according to the
                                                                          disclosed information with no materials

                                                                         Inquired the production operation and
                                                                         development direction. The Company
17 December 2018               By phone                     Individual
                                                                         replied according to the disclosed
                                                                         information with no materials offered.

Times of communications                                                                                           13

Number of institutions communicated with                                                                           1

Number of individuals communicated with                                                                           12

Number of other communication parties                                                                              0

Tip-offs    or      leakages     of       substantial
supposedly-confidential    information        during None

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

                                            Part V Significant Events

I Profit Distributions to Ordinary Shareholders (in the Form of Cash and/or Stock)

How the profit distribution policy, especially the cash dividend policy, for ordinary shareholders was formulated, executed or revised

in the Reporting Period:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
During the Reporting Period, the Company didn’t carry out the annual profit distribution plan temporarily due to the operating losses.

                                           Special statement about the cash dividend policy

In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and
resolution of general meeting

Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                        Yes

Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                      Yes

Independent directors faithfully performed their duties and
played their due role

Non-controlling interests are able to fully express their opinion
and desire and their legal rights and interests are fully protected

In case of adjusting or changing the cash dividend policy, the
conditions and procedures involved are in compliance with No adjustments or changes
applicable regulations and transparent

The profit distributions to ordinary shareholders, either in the form of cash or stock, in the past three years (including the Reporting

Period) are summarized as follows:

2018 profit distribution plan: the Company didn’t carry out the 2018 profit distribution plan temporarily due to the operating losses
during the Reporting Period..
2017 profit distribution plan: Based on the total shares of the Company as of 31 December 2017, a dividend of RMB0.18 (tax
inclusive) per 10 shares would be distributed to all shareholders of the Company.
2016 profit distribution plan: Based on the total shares of the Company as of 31 December 2016, a dividend of RMB0.32 (tax
inclusive) per 10 shares would be distributed to all shareholders of the Company.

Cash dividend for ordinary shareholders in the past three years (including the Reporting Period):

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                     Net profit
                                   attributable to                                                      Total cash
                        Cash          ordinary                        Cash dividends                    dividends
                                                     A as % of B       in other forms C as % of B                      D as % of B
     Year        dividends (tax     shareholders                                                        (including
                                                          (%)          (such as share     (%)                               (%)
                 inclusive) (A)     of the listed                     repurchase) (C)                 those in other
                                    company in                                                          forms) (D)

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

                                    statements for
                                      the year (B)

2018                         0.00     -2,814,965.92            0.00%              0.00         0.00%            0.00            0.00%

2017                9,097,650.00 18,637,865.97                48.81%              0.00         0.00%            0.00         48.81%

2016              16,173,600.00 61,324,088.11                 26.37%              0.00         0.00%            0.00         26.37%

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company fails to put forward a cash dividend proposal for the ordinary shareholders despite the

facts that the Company has made profits in the Reporting Period and the profits of the Company as the parent distributable to the

ordinary shareholders are positive.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II Final Dividend Plan for the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no final dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.

III Fulfillment of Commitments

1. Commitments of the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and Acquirers, as well
as the Company Itself and other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Period or Ongoing at the Period-end

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                             Date of
                                                              Type of       Details of                     Term of
             Commitment                      Promisor                                     commitment                    Fulfillment
                                                             commitment    commitment                    commitment

Commitments made in share reform

                                                                          In order to
Commitments made in acquisition
                                          China      Paper                Supplies        28 June 2005                 Normal
documents or shareholding alteration                                                                     Long-term
                                          Corporation                     Development                                  performance
                                                                          (which has
                                                                          changed its
                                                                          name to
                                                                          “China Paper

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                    Annual Report 2018

                                    makes the
                                    1. The
                                    Company and
                                    wholly owned
                                    ensure that
                                    there is no
                                    same or
                                    business with
                                    Co., Ltd. 2.
                                    The Company
                                    and the
                                    wholly owned
                                    ensure that
                                    there is no
                                    same or
                                    business with
                                    Co., Ltd.; The
                                    Company and
                                    wholly owned

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                             Annual Report 2018

                                              will not
                                              self-run no
                                              same or
                                              business with
                                              Co., Ltd.; not
                                              self- run any
                                              constitute a
                                              with Foshan
                                              Co., Ltd.; nor
                                              any method of
                                              or may
                                              with Foshan
                                              Co., Ltd. thus
                                              ensure to
                                              avoid any
                                              direct or
                                              competition to
                                              the production
                                              and operation
                                              of Foshan
                                              Co., Ltd..

Commitments made in time of asset Singapore   For defective 29 October                Long-term
restructuring                       Renheng   real estate      2012                   commitment

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                        Annual Report 2018

                                    Industry Co.,     failing to                 belonging    to
                                    Ltd.; Yunnan      obtain the                 need   trigger
                                    Hongta Group      drawbacks of               conditions
                                    Co., Ltd.,(both   the ownership
                                    are   not   the   certificate,
                                    shareholders      Hongta Group
                                    of          the   Co., Ltd. and
                                    Company)          Yanlord
                                                      Industries Pte.
                                                      Ltd. undertake
                                                      that if a third
                                                      party claims
                                                      right or
                                                      which results
                                                      in the inability
                                                      of Hongta
                                                      Renheng to
                                                      utilize, profit
                                                      from and
                                                      dispose of
                                                      defective (real
                                                      Hongta Group
                                                      Co., Ltd and
                                                      Industries Pte.
                                                      Ltd agree to
                                                      pay the
                                                      for the losses
                                                      of Foshan
                                                      Co., Ltd. and
                                                      Long Bon
                                                      Co., Ltd.
                                                      within 30 days
                                                      from receiving
                                                      the notice of

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                      Annual Report 2018

                                    Co., Ltd. and
                                    Long Bon
                                    Co., Ltd. The
                                    value of
                                    defective real
                                    estate will be
                                    according to
                                    the Rights and
                                    Interests of All
                                    Value Assets
                                    Report of
                                    Zone Hongta
                                    Paper Co.,
                                    Ltd. issued by
                                    Appraisal Co.,
                                    Ltd. on 7
                                    2008 as well
                                    as used years
                                    of real estate.
                                    shall not
                                    exceed the
                                    total assessed
                                    net value of
                                    the defective

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report 2018

                                                  real estate of

                                                  Co., Ltd. as
                                                  the controlling
                                                  shareholder of
                                                  Co., Ltd. (here
                                                  in after
                                                  referred to as
                                                  akes that it
                                                  will not in any
                                                  place within
                                                  or outside of
                                                  province in
                                                  any way
Commitments made in time of IPO or Huaxin                                                  Normal
                                                  (including, but 23 June 1999 Long-term
refinancing                         Development                                            performance
                                                  not limited to,
                                    Co., Ltd.
                                                  joint venture
                                                  or through
                                                  company hold
                                                  the share or
                                                  own equities)
                                                  participate in
                                                  activities that
                                                  may directly
                                                  with YHB at
                                                  that time, but
                                                  with the

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                     Annual Report 2018

                                                exception that
                                                Co., Ltd. no
                                                controls YHB
                                                in the case of
                                                transfer, new
                                                issuance, etc.,

Equity incentive commitments

                                                planning for
                                                returns to its
                                                for the next
                                                three years
                                                1. The
                                                Company can
                                                use cash,
                                                shares or cash
                                                and shares
Other commitments made to minority Huaxin                                                        Normal
                                                combined to        15 April 2018 14 April 2021
shareholders                        Packaging                                                    performance
                                    Co., Ltd.
                                                dividends and
                                                interim cash
                                                Within the
                                                next three
                                                years, the
                                                Company will
                                                profits in cash.
                                                In accordance
                                                with relevant

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                      Annual Report 2018

                                    and the related
                                    provisions and
                                    terms of the
                                    Articles of
                                    and policies, if
                                    the Company
                                    makes profits
                                    and meets the
                                    demand of
                                    and business
                                    operation with
                                    reserved legal
                                    fund and
                                    and if there is
                                    no major
                                    plan or major
                                    etc., the
                                    profits in cash
                                    to be
                                    distributed in
                                    the next three
                                    years will be
                                    no less than
                                    thirty percent
                                    of the average
                                    realized in

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report 2018

                                                recent three
                                                years. 3.
                                                Depending on
                                                the actual
                                                situation of
                                                long-term and
                                                when the
                                                Board of
                                                deems that the
                                                allocation in
                                                meets the
                                                interests of all
                                                the Company
                                                can use share
                                                dividends to

                                                planning for
                                                returns to its
                                                for the next
                                                three years                                Had
                                    Huaxin                                  31 August
                                                (2015-2017): 29 June 2015                  completed the
                                    Packaging                               2018
                                                1. The                                     performance
                                    Co., Ltd.
                                                Company can
                                                use cash,
                                                shares or cash
                                                and shares
                                                combined to
                                                dividends and

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                      Annual Report 2018

                                    interim cash
                                    Within the
                                    next three
                                    years, the
                                    Company will
                                    profits in cash.
                                    In accordance
                                    with relevant
                                    and the related
                                    provisions and
                                    terms of the
                                    Articles of
                                    and policies, if
                                    the Company
                                    makes profits
                                    and meets the
                                    demand of
                                    and business
                                    operation with
                                    reserved legal
                                    fund and
                                    and if there is
                                    no major
                                    plan or major
                                    etc., the

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                  Annual Report 2018

                                                profits in cash
                                                to be
                                                distributed in
                                                the next three
                                                years will be
                                                no less than
                                                thirty percent
                                                of the average
                                                realized in
                                                recent three
                                                years. 3.
                                                Depending on
                                                the actual
                                                situation of
                                                long-term and
                                                when the
                                                Board of
                                                deems that the
                                                allocation in
                                                meets the
                                                interests of all
                                                the Company
                                                can use share
                                                dividends to

Fulfilled on time                         Yes

Specific reasons for failing to fulfill
commitments on time and plans for N/A
next step   (if any)

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                           Annual Report 2018

2. Where there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and the Reporting Period was still
within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has been reached for the Reporting Period.

□Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or Its Related
Parties for Non-Operating Purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

V Explanations Given by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the Independent
Directors (if any) Regarding the Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on the Financial
Statements of the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI YoY Changes to Accounting Policies, Estimates and Methods

√Applicable □ Not applicable

1) The Company prepared 2018 Financial Statements in accordance with the Notes of the Ministry of Finance on
Revising and Printing the Format of 2018 General Enterprises Financial Statement (CK [2018] No. 15) and the
interpretation of it and the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises. Retroactive adjustment was
adopted for the changes in the accounting policy. The significantly affected items and amounts in 2017 Financial
Statements are as follows:
     Item and amount in original financial statement      Item and amount in new financial statement
Notes receivable                         430,699,664.45                            1,160,829,887.51
                                                          Notes and accounts
Accounts receivable                      730,130,223.06
Interest receivable                          141,388.09 Other receivables             20,249,531.23
Other receivables                         20,108,143.14
Notes payable                              8,530,196.41 Notes and accounts           349,777,358.80
Accounts payable                         341,247,162.39 payable
Interest payable                           7,865,380.83 Other payables                50,811,351.70
Dividends payable                         12,116,789.76
Other payables                            30,829,181.11
Administrative expense                   125,476,808.28                              120,342,343.74
                                                          R&D expense
Cash generated from other                 66,763,328.29 Cash generated from           81,627,128.29
operating activities[Note]                              other      operating

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2018

Cash generated from other                      735,773,715.83 Cash generated from                720,909,915.83
investing activities [Note]                                   other      investing
[Note]: the presentation of actually received Government subsidy of RMB14,863,800.00 related to assets in cash
flow statement shall be adjusted from “cash generated from other investing activities” to “cash generated from
other operating activities”.
2) The Ministry of Finance in 2017 announced the Interpretation to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.
9 - Regarding the Accounting Treatment of Net Investment Losses under the Equity Method, Interpretation to the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 10 - Regarding the Depreciation Method Based on the Use of Incomes
Generated from Fixed Assets, Interpretation to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 11 - Regarding the
Amortization Method Based on the Use of Incomes Generated from Intangible Assets and Interpretation to the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 12 - Regarding Whether the Provider and the Receiver of Key
Management Personnel Service Are Related Parties. The Company has implemented the aforementioned
interpretations to the accounting standards for enterprises since 1 January 2018 and the implementation does not
have any effect on the opening financial data of the Company.

VII Retrospective Restatements due to Correction of Material Accounting Errors in the
Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VIII YoY Changes to the Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements

√Applicable □ Not applicable
Kunshan Focai Packaging & Printing Co., Ltd. has been liquidated and de-registered during the Reporting Period, and has thus no
longer been included in the consolidated financial statements.

IX Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor

Current independent auditor:

Name of the domestic independent auditor                          Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

The Company’s payment to the domestic independent auditor

How many consecutive years the domestic independent auditor
has provided audit service for the Company

Names of the certified public accountants from the domestic
                                                                  Li Qinglong, Liu Jingya
independent auditor writing signatures on the auditor’s report

How many consecutive years the certified public accountants
have provided audit service for the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor was changed for the Reporting Period.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

√ Yes □ No

Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor was changed during the audit period.
√ Yes □ No
Indicate by tick mark whether an approval procedure was implemented for the change of independent auditor.
√ Yes □ No
Further details about the change of independent auditor:
The former CPAs has consecutively served for three years. According to the actual operation and development, the Company
engaged Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (LLP) as the 2018 Finance audit institution.

Independent auditor, financial advisor or sponsor engaged for the audit of internal controls:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

The Company engaged Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) as the internal control auditor for the
Current Year and paid RMB0.3 million additionally for that.

X Possibility of Listing Suspension or Termination after Disclosure of this Report

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI Insolvency and Reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XII Major Legal Matters

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                         Involved                                                                                         Index to
                                                                       Decisions and     Execution of    Disclosure
General information      amount           Provision        Progress                                                       disclosed
                                                                          effects          decisions        date
                      (RMB’0,000)                                                                                     information

A major production                                     As of the
safety accident was                                    end of the                                                     http://www.c
caused by a flash                                      Reporting                                                      ninfo.com.cn/
burn when Jiangsu                                      Period,                                                        cninfo-new/d
Tianxing                                               Zhuhai                                                         isclosure/szse
High-Altitude                                          Huafeng                                          6 March       _main/bulleti
                                  1,116 None                          Pending           Pending
Anti-Corrosion                                         received                                         2017          n_detail/true/
Engineering Co.,                                       compensati                                                     1203132688?
Ltd. (hereinafter                                      on of                                                          announceTim
referred to as                                         RMB1.1.4                                                       e=2017-03-0
"Jiangsu Tianxing")                                    million                                                        6
and Wuhan Kedio                                        from

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                  Annual Report 2018

Electric Power                      defendants,
Technology Co.,                     and there
Ltd. (hereinafter                   still are
referred to as                      RMB9.76
"Wuhan Kedio")                      million to
carried out the                     be claimed
maintenance of                      from them.
120m chimney                        This civil
anti-corrosion                      compensati
project for Zhuhai                  on case has
Huafeng, the                        not yet been
holding subsidiary                  closed.
of the company, on
4 March 2017. Six
workers of the
company died in the
accident. Zhuhai
Huafeng paid a total
compensation of
RMB 11.16 million
to relatives of the
victims on 7 March
2017 for Jiangsu
Tianxing and Wuhan
Kedio in accordance
with the
requirements and
under the
supervision of the
government. Zhuhai
Huafeng applied to
Zhuhai Jinwan
District People's
Court for property
preservation before
litigation on 14
March 2017. Zhuhai
Huafeng applied to
Zhuhai Jinwan
District People's
Court for recovery
action in which

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                           Annual Report 2018

Jiangsu Tianxing
and Wuhan Kedio
were taken as joint
defendants on 16
March 2017. Then
Wuhan Kedio
applied to add
Yancheng Xinda
Anti-Corrosion Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as
YanchengXinda) as
a defendant and
applied to add Liu
Jiechun as a

XIII Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIV Credit Quality of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XV Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures
for Employees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVI Major Related-Party Transactions

1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

√Applicable □ Not applicable

             Relation Type of Specific Pricing Transact         Total   As % of Approv    Over   Method Obtaina                 Index
 Related                                                                                                            Disclos
                 ship   transacti transacti principl   ion      value    total    ed       the      of      ble                   to
   party                                                                                                            ure date
             with the      on       on         e       price   (RMB’0 value of transacti approve settleme market              disclose

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                               Annual Report 2018

             Compan                                                     ,000)          all      on line d line or     nt      price for                d
                  y                                                                 same-ty (RMB’0         not               same-ty               informa
                                                                                       pe        ,000)                           pe                   tion
                                                                                    transacti                                 transacti
                                                                                      ons                                       ons

China                                                                                                                                               http://w
             Actual               Purchasi negotiat                                                                                       17
Paper                   Continu                                Market   66,516.                 114,236             Remitta                         ww.cni
             controll             ng          ion                                   19.61%                Not                    --       March
Corporati               ing                                    price            9                   .03             nce                             nfo.co
             er                   products based                                                                                          2018
on                                                                                                                                                  m.cn
                                              on         the

             compan                           Being
             y                                decided
Guangzho controll                             through
u            ed by                            negotiat                                                                                    17
                        Continu Selling                        Market                                               Remitta                         ww.cni
Chenhui      actual                           ion                       6,660.4       1.81% 20,000 Not                           --       March
                        ing       products                     price                                                nce                             nfo.co
Paper        controll                         based                                                                                       2018
Co., Ltd     er                               on         the
             indepen                          market
             dent                             value

                                                                        73,177.                 134,236
Total                                               --            --                   --                   --         --        --            --      --
                                                                                3                   .03

Large-amount sales return in detail           N/A

Give the actual situation in the
Reporting Period (if any) where an
estimate had been made for the total
value   of       continuing   related-party
transactions by type to occur in the
Reporting Period

Reason for any significant difference
between the transaction price and the N/A
market reference price (if applicable)

2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity Interests

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

3. Related Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Credits and Liabilities with Related Parties

√Applicable □ Not applicable
Indicate by tick mark whether there were any credits and liabilities with related parties for non-operating purposes.
□ Yes √ No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Other Major Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVII Major Contracts and Execution thereof

1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases

(1) Entrustment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Leases

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Major guarantees

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Annual Report 2018

(1) Guarantees

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB'0,000

  Guarantees provided by the Company as the parent and its subsidiaries for external parties (exclusive of those for subsidiaries)

                       date of the
                                                                       Actual                                           Having     e for a
                        guarantee     Line of            Actual                       Type of             Term of
       Obligor                                                       guarantee                                          expired    related
                            line     guarantee    occurrence date                    guarantee        guarantee
                                                                      amount                                            or not     party or

                               Guarantees provided by the Company as the parent for its subsidiaries

                       date of the
                                                                       Actual                                           Having     e for a
                        guarantee     Line of            Actual                       Type of             Term of
       Obligor                                                       guarantee                                        expired or related
                            line     guarantee    occurrence date                    guarantee        guarantee
                                                                      amount                                             not       party or

Zhuhai Hongta          12
                                                  27 September                                       September
Renheng Packaging      February           3,880                            3,880 Joint-liability                      Nott        Yes
                                                  2017                                               2017 to 13
Co., Ltd.              2015
                                                                                                     March 2020

                                                                                                     28 February
Zhuhai Hongta
                       24 January                 28 February                                        2017 to 28
Renheng Packaging                        20,000                           20,000 Joint-liability                      Not         Yes
                       2017                       2017                                               February
Co., Ltd.

Zhuhai Hongta                                                                                        23 May 2017
                       24 May
Renheng Packaging                        33,000 23 May 2017               27,800 Joint-liability to 22 May            Not         Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                                                             2020

                                                                                                     1 March
Zhuhai Hongta                                                                                        2016 to 31
                       29 April
Renheng Packaging                        20,000 1 March 2016               2,800 Joint-liability December             Not         Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                                                            2019

Zhuhai Hongta                                                                                        15 July 2017
Renheng Packaging      5 July 2017       20,000 15 July 2017                     0 Joint-liability to 15 July         Not         Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                                                            2019

                                                                                                     24 February
Zhuhai Hongta
                       24 January                 24 February                                        2017 to 24
Renheng Packaging                        10,000                                  0 Joint-liability                    Yes         Yes
                       2017                       2017                                               February
Co., Ltd.

Zhuhai Hongta          23 June           10,000 28 July 2017              10,000 Joint-liability 28 July 2017 Not                 Yes

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Annual Report 2018

Renheng Packaging            2017                                                                        to 14 May
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                2018

Zhuhai Hongta
                             23 June                   12 September                    Joint-liability September
Renheng Packaging                             10,000                          4,602                                       Not       Yes
                             2017                      2017                                              2017 to 31
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         March 2019

                                                                                                         10 November
Zhuhai Hongta
                             24 May                    10 November                                       2017 to 9
Renheng Packaging                             10,000                          9,999 Joint-liability                       Not       Yes
                             2017                      2017                                              November
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                         13 November
Zhuhai Hongta
                             24 May                    13 November                                       2017    to 3
Renheng Packaging                             10,000                                 0 Joint-liability                    Yes       Yes
                             2017                      2017                                              September
Co., Ltd.

Zhuhai Hongta                30                                                                          1 January
Renheng Packaging            December          3,120 1 January 2018           1,120                      2018 to 13       Not       Yes
Co., Ltd.                    2017                                                                        March 2020

Zhuhai Hongta                                                                                            8 June 2018
                             18 July
Renheng Packaging                              5,000 8 June 2018              5,000 Joint-liability to 7 June             Not       Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                 2019

                                                                                                         26 October
Zhuhai Hongta
                             23 August                                                                   2018 to 31
Renheng Packaging                             10,000 26 October 2018         10,000 Joint-liability                       Not       Yes
                             2018                                                                        December
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                         29 October
Zhuhai Huafeng Paper 25 October                                                        Joint-liability
                                              35,000 29 October 2016         16,602                      2016 to 28       Not       Yes
Co., Ltd.                    2016
                                                                                                         October 2019

                                                                                                         10 October
Zhuhai Huafeng Paper 23 August
                                               8,000 10 October 2018          6,198 Joint-liability 2018 to 31            Not       Yes
Co., Ltd.                    2018
                                                                                                         July 2020

                                                                                                         1 January
Huaxin (Foshan)
                             5 August                                                                    2016 to 31
Color Printing Co.,                            6,000 1 January 2016           3,000 Joint-liability                       Not       Yes
                             2016                                                                        December

Huaxin (Foshan)                                                                                          10 October
                             30 October
Color Printing Co.,                            2,000 10 October 2018          1,000 Joint-liability 2018 to 10            Not       Yes
Ltd.                                                                                                     October 2019

Total   approved      line    for      such                            Total actual amount of such
guarantees in the Reporting Period                            300,000 guarantees in the Reporting                                     216,000
(B1)                                                                   Period (B2)

Total   approved      line    for      such                   300,000 Total actual balance of such                                    122,001

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                         Annual Report 2018

guarantees at the end of the                                                 guarantees at the end of the
Reporting Period (B3)                                                        Reporting Period (B4)

                                                   Guarantees provided between subsidiaries

                           date of the
                                                                                Actual                                        Having    e for a
                            guarantee        Line of            Actual                          Type of        Term of
        Obligor                                                                guarantee                                     expired    related
                                line        guarantee    occurrence date                       guarantee      guarantee
                                                                                amount                                        or not   party or

                                                                                                             31 December
Zhuhai Huafeng Paper                                     31 December
                           5 July 2017          15,000                                     0 Joint-liability 2017   to 13 Yes          Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                2017
                                                                                                             July 2018

Zhuhai Golden              21                                                                                31 August
Pheasant Chemical          November             10,000 31 August 2015                      0 Joint-liability 2015 to 30     Yes        Yes
Co., Ltd.                  2015                                                                              August 2018

Total   approved    line    for    such                                      Total actual amount of such
guarantees in the Reporting Period                                  40,000 guarantees in the Reporting                                   25,000
(C1)                                                                         Period (C2)

Total   approved    line    for    such                                      Total actual balance of such
guarantees at the end of the                                        40,000 guarantees at the end of the                                           0
Reporting Period (C3)                                                        Reporting Period (C4)

                                      Total guarantee amount (total of the three kinds of guarantees above)

                                                                             Total   actual      guarantee
Total guarantee line approved in
                                                                   340,000 amount in the Reporting                                      241,000
the Reporting Period (A1+B1+C1)
                                                                             Period (A2+B2+C2)

                                                                             Total   actual      guarantee
Total approved guarantee line at
                                                                             balance at the end of the
the end of the Reporting Period                                    340,000                                                              122,001
                                                                             Reporting              Period

Total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) as % of the
Company’s net assets

Of which:

Balance of guarantees provided for shareholders, actual controller
and their related parties (D)

Balance of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for
obligors with an over 70% debt/asset ratio (E)

Amount by which the total guarantee amount exceeds 50% of the
Company’s net assets (F)

Total of the three amounts above (D+E+F)                                                                                               23,453.66

Compound guarantees:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018


(2) Irregularities in Provision of Guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Cash Entrusted to Other Entities for Management

(1) Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Entrusted Loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Other Major Contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVIII Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

1. Measures Taken to Fulfill CSR Commitment

The Company paid attention on the execution of the social responsibilities, so in the process of the production, operating and the
business development, when creating the value for the shareholders, it took great efforts to achieve the mutual coordination between
the economic efficiency, the social efficiency and the ecological efficiency, the short-term profits and the long-term profits, the self
development and the society development by complying with the other appeal of the nation and devoting itself to the promotion of
the comprehensive development of the society that to realize the healthy and harmonious development of between the Company and
the employees, the Company and the society, the Company and the environment.
The Company took the provider of the green environmental protection packaging materials and the packaging solving proposals as it
s mission, regarded the construction of the international first-class enterprise as the target, unshakably walked on the scientific
innovation development path, constantly innovate the enterprise management, enhanced the products quality, enlarged the R&D
strength of the new products, produced the packaging materials products with high quality and high-tech content that met with the
production social demand, made great efforts to forge the excellent project of the national packaging materials brand and create the
environmental protecting as well as high quality social wealth. When the Company was realizing the profits, should insist to share the
development results with the society, try its best to pursuit the harmonious and unity with the social development, constantly
promotes the development and progress of the society and the economy, so that to pay for and contribute to the society with green

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

ecological development.
The Company devoted itself to the construction of the international first-class packaging materials enterprise possessed of green
ecology and constantly development and as one of the major enterprises among the domestic papermaking, during the years’
development, the Company always regard green ecology as the goal of survival and development and positively introduced and
upgraded the high-efficient, energy-saving and environmental protection international high-end production equipment system for
promoting the transformation and upgrade of the enterprise.
Since its foundation, the company has always paid attention to environmental protection and insisted on the path of sustainable
development and has always been committed to controlling pollution, continuously improving environmental behavior and
conscientiously fulfilling social responsibility. Subsidiaries Hongta Renheng and Zhuhai Huafeng have passed the quality,
environment, occupational health and safety and food safety management certification and FSC/COC management system
certification and gotten the certificates. Moreover, the products of subsidiaries Hongta Renheng and Zhuhai Huafeng have passed QS
certification to ensure that products which conform to food safety requirements continuously and stably are supplied to consumers.
Meanwhile, Hongta Renheng and Zhuhai Huafeng has won the title of "Environmental Protection and Integrity Enterprise" for
successive years and has been awarded the green card "Five-Star Environmental Protection and Integrity Enterprise".
The Company has been fulfilling its social responsibility and insisting on building it into a green and environmental enterprise. Main
energy saving and emission reduction and technical transformation projects completed in recent years include:
(1) The subsidiary Hongta Renheng initially introduced the largest biomass solid moulding fuel energy saving and emission
reduction project which fulfills the large scale transition of energy structure to clean energy and achieves "eco zero emission" and
"low-carbon papermaking;
(2) The subsidiaries Hongta Renheng and Zhuhai Huafeng set up the energy management center, passed the energy management
system (GB/T23331-2009) certification, provided digital supporting platform tool for the company to achieve management energy
(3)Hongta Renheng completed the renovation of BM2 air compressor energy saving project via energy management contracting;
(4) Zhuhai Huafeng completed the construction of reclaimed water reuse project, strengthened the reuse of recycled water, reduced
water consumption, realized the energy saving and emission reduction project;
(5)Zhuhai Huafeng completed boiler desulfurization and denitrification transformation to further reduce sulfur dioxide emission;
(6) Zhuhai Huafeng invested in the turbine fan project to dramatically reduce paper machine dewatering energy consumption.

2. Measures Taken for Targeted Poverty Alleviation

(1) Plans

The Company will carry out the targeted poverty alleviation according to the poverty alleviation plan of the leading group of the
actual controller China paper Corporation.

(2) Summary of the Related Work Done in the Reporting Period

The Company didn’t carry out any related work during the Reporting Period.

(3) Results

                     Indicator                     Measurement unit                          Quantity/Progress

1. General results                                       ——                                      ——

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                Annual Report 2018

2. Itemized results                                         ——                                         ——

   2.1 Out of poverty by industrial development             ——                                         ——

   2.2 Out of poverty by transferring
                                                            ——                                         ——

   2.3 Out of poverty by relocation                         ——                                         ——

   2.4 Out of poverty by education                          ——                                         ——

   2.5 Out of poverty by improving health                   ——                                         ——

   2.6 Out of poverty by protecting ecological
                                                            ——                                         ——

   2.7 Subsidy for the poorest                              ——                                         ——

   2.8 Social poverty alleviation                           ——                                         ——

   2.9 Other items                                          ——                                         ——

3. Accolades received (for what and at what
                                                            ——                                         ——

(4) Subsequent Plans

The Company will seriously carry out the targeted poverty-relief work with China Paper Corporation according to the
implementation plan of poverty alleviation project of the actual controller China Paper Corporation, and continuously carry out the
subsequent targeted poverty alleviation plan.

3. Issues Related to Environmental Protection

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is identified as a major polluter by the environmental protection

                Name of                     Number of Distribution Discharge                                     Approved
  Name of                      Way of                                                standards       Total                     Excessive
                  major                       discharge of discharge concentratio                                     total
  polluter                    discharge                                             implemente    discharge                    discharge
                pollutants                     outlets     outlets         n                                     discharge

                                                                                                 Chemical       Chemical
                             Discharged                                             Chemical     oxygen         oxygen
               Chemical       into water                                            oxygen       demand,        demand,
               oxygen         quality                    Sewage                     demand≤80 and              and
Hongta                                                               ammonia
               demand,        purificatio 1              disposal                   mg/l and     ammonia        ammonia       Naught
Renheng                                                              nitrogen are
               ammonia        n plant                    center                     ammonia      nitrogen are nitrogen are
               nitrogen       after being                                           nitrogen≤8 122.16t and 294.4t and
                              disposed                                              mg/l         1.42t          29.44t
                                                                                                 respectively respectively

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

                                                           dioxide,                          Sulfur           Sulfur
                                                           nitrogen                          dioxide,         dioxide,
            Sulfur                                         oxide,                            nitrogen         nitrogen
            dioxide,                                       smoke      are                    oxide,           oxide,
Hongta                  Organized           Power                           nitrogen
            nitrogen                    1                  0.79mg/m3,                        smoke      are smoke        are Naught
Renheng                 discharge           boiler                          oxide≤200
            oxide,                                         59.76mg/m                         0.60t,           34.04t,
                                                                            mg/m3, and
            smoke                                          3, and                            44.73t, and 136.15t, and
                                                           17.26mg/m                         12.83t           20.42t
                                                           3                                 respectively respectively

                                                                                             Chemical         Chemical
                        Discharged                                          Chemical         oxygen           oxygen
            Chemical      into water                                        oxygen           demand,          demand,
            oxygen        quality           Sewage                          demand≤80 and                    and
Zhuhai                                                     ammonia
            demand,       purificatio 1     disposal                        mg/l and         ammonia          ammonia          Naught
Huafeng                                                    nitrogen are
            ammonia       n plant           center                          ammonia          nitrogen are nitrogen are
            nitrogen      after being                                       nitrogen≤8 73.46t and            180t and
                          disposed                                          mg/l             1.36t            22.5t
                                                                                             respectively respectively

                                                           Sulfur           Sulfur
                                                           dioxide,         dioxide,                          Sulfur
                                                           nitrogen         nitrogen                          dioxide,
            Sulfur                                                                           nitrogen
                                                           oxide,           oxide,                            nitrogen
            dioxide,                                                                         oxide,
Zhuhai                  Organized           Power          smoke      are smoke        are                    oxide,
            nitrogen                    1                                                    smoke      are                    Naught
Huafeng                 discharge           boiler         28.5mg/m3, 50mg/m3,                                smoke      are
            oxide,                                                                           55.82t,
                                                           64.75mg/m 100mg/m3,                                68t, 142t,
            smoke                                                                            129.76t, and
                                                           3, and           and                               and 26t
                                                           12.13mg/m 20mg/m3                                  respectively
                                                           3                respectively

                                                                             standard of
                                                                             Phase II of
            Non-methan Upper-air                                             Limit for
Golden                                      discharge
            e           emissions                                            Air
Pheasant                                2   outlet after 16mg/m?                             1.123t           2.246t           Naught
            hydrocarbo after being                                           Pollution
Chemical                                    the disposal
            n           disposed                                             (DB44/27-
                                            of RCO
                                                                             2001) and
                                                                             Limit for

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                               Annual Report 2018


                                                                     Chemical                     Chemical     Chemical
                                                                     oxygen         Chemical      oxygen       oxygen
              Chemical                                               demand,        oxygen        demand,      demand,
Golden        oxygen                                  Sewage         and            demand≤35 and             and
                            to sewage
Pheasant      demand,                    1            disposal       ammonia        0mg/l and     ammonia      ammonia        Naught
Chemical      ammonia                                 center         nitrogen are ammonia         nitrogen are nitrogen are
              nitrogen                                               68mg/l and nitrogen≤25 3.125t and        3.528t and
                                                                     7.6mg/l        mg/l          0.201t       0.252t
                                                                     respectively                 respectively respectively

                                                                                                  Chemical     Chemical
                                                                                    Chemical      oxygen       oxygen
                                                                                    oxygen        demand,      demand,
                                                      Nanzhuang and
Huaxin        Chemical     Discharged                                               demand≤11 and             and
                                                         Jili        ammonia
Color         oxygen        after being 1                                           0mg/l and     ammonia      ammonia        Naught
                                                         Sewage      nitrogen are
Printing      demand        disposed                                                ammonia       nitrogen are nitrogen are
                                                         Surge       8.294mg/l
                                                                                    nitrogen≤15 0.156t and    0.178t and
                                                                                    mg/l          0.021t       0.026t
                                                                                                  respectively respectively

Construction and operation of facilities for preventing pollution:
(I) Hongta Renheng
The Sewage Station and Boiler were all built and operated by the third party. As for sewage, Hongta Renheng belongs to State key
monitoring enterprise; as for smoke, Hongta Renheng belongs to Zhuhai key monitoring enterprise.
1. The company established a Sewage Station whose maximum processing capacity was 12000m3/d, and it was put into service on 1
April 2013 with the investment of RMB14 million through applying A/O technology. The quality of water after such processing
could meet relevant national discharge standards stated in Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Pulp & Paper Industry
(GB3544-2008), and waste water (after processing) reaching corresponding standards would be discharged into Qianshan Water
Quality Purification Plant via the municipal sewage pipeline network of Xiangzhou District.
Meanwhile, corresponding COD, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen, and PH values auto monitoring system
would be installed at the discharge outlet, and the qualified unit, Zhuhai Fixed Star EP Technology Co., Ltd, would be in charge of its
operation management and 24-hour auto online detection and monitoring of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total
nitrogen, and PH values.
2. The company established 2 biomass briquette boilers with the operating capacity of 40 tons per hour were installed in association
with relevant dust removal measures. As ceramic multi-tube cyclone dust collector and bag-type dust removal technology were
applied to dispose flue gas, all discharged smoke pollutants, SO2 and nitric oxides via the 25m chimney would meet corresponding
discharge limit standard stated in Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Boilers (DB44/765-2010).
Moreover, corresponding flue gas auto monitoring system would be installed at the discharge outlet, and the qualified unit would be
in charge of its operation management and 24-hour auto online detection and monitoring of discharged SO2, nitric oxides and smoke
(II) Zhuhai Huafeng
The company began to overhaul in downtime on 15 May in the first half year of 2018, and began to manufacturing on 7 June, which

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

were 22 days for overhaul.
1. The company established a Sewage Station whose maximum processing capacity was 22000m3/d, and it was put into service on 28
September 2006 with the floor space 21,358m2 and the investment of RMB38 million through applying flocculation precipitation +
SBR technology. In addition, SBR biochemical system applied Canada ADI company’ s SBR technology, and key devices were all
introduced from foreign countries. The quality of water after such processing could meet relevant national discharge standards stated
in Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Pulp & Paper Industry (GB3544-2008), and waste water (after processing) reaching
corresponding standards would be discharged into Nanshui Water Quality Purification Plant via the municipal sewage pipeline
network of Gaolan Port District.
Meanwhile, corresponding COD, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen, and PH values auto monitoring system
would be installed at the discharge outlet, and the qualified unit, Zhuhai Fixed Star EP Technology Co., Ltd, would be in charge of its
operation management and 24-hour auto online detection and monitoring of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total
nitrogen, and PH values.
2. The company established two self-supplied fire coal CFBs were installed with the operating capacity of 75t per hour in association
with relevant sulphur and dust removal measures. As out-of-furnace alkaline-mode wet desulphurization technology, bag-type dust
remover, low-temperature and low-nitrogen combustion technology + SNCR were applied to dispose flue gas, the
desulfurization rate is over 90%, the dust removal efficiency would exceed 99.6% and the denitration efficiency over 85%. All
discharged smoke pollutants, SO2 and nitric oxides via the 120m chimney (discharged in temporary chimney in the first half year of
2018) would meet special discharge limit standard stated in Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Thermal Power Plants
Moreover, corresponding flue gas auto monitoring system would be installed at the discharge outlet, and the qualified unit would be
in charge of its operation management and 24-hour auto online detection and monitoring of discharged SO2, nitric oxides and smoke
dust (the online monitoring system was not in operation due to the use of temporary chimney).
(III) Golden Pheasant Chemical
Exhaust processing system and sewage station are in normal operation.
(1) Establishing a Sewage Station whose maximum processing capacity was 70m3/d, and the actual processing capacity was about
20m3 per day through applying biosorption technology. Sewage disposal equipment is running normally, and waste water (after
processing) reaching corresponding standards would be discharged into Nanshui Sewage Disposal Plant in Zhuhai City via the
municipal sewage pipeline network of Gaolan Port District, Zhuhai City. When all industrial waste water after disposal in sewage
station can reach Class 1 Standard during the second period stated in Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants (DB44/26-2001), it will
be disposed after being discharged into Nanshui Sewage Disposal Plant in Zhuhai City via the municipal sewage pipeline network of
Gaolan Port District, Zhuhai City.
(2) Establishing a exhaust processing system respectively in phase I with 1000m3 per hour processing capacity and phase II with
2000m3 per hour processing capacity. It adopted the equipment of bio-trickling, activated carbon adsorption, and photo-catalytic
oxidation to discharge orderly after processing and reaching corresponding standards. Secondary standard of Phase II of Emission
Limit for Air Pollution (DB44/27-2001) and Emission Limit for Odor Pollutants (GB14554-1993) were reached.
Two exhaust gas devices and a waste water device are in normal operation.
(IV) Huaxin Color Printing
The Sewage Station is in normal operation.
The company established its own Sewage Station whose maximum processing capacity can reach 20m3/d, and the qualified
environmental protection company has always been involved in disposing waste water. All industrial waste water after disposal and
reaching Class 1 Standard during the second period stated in Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants (DB44/26-2001) will be
discharged into Nanzhuang Sewage Surge.
Appraisal of environment influences for construction project and other administrative licensing of environment protection
(I) Hongta Renheng

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report 2018

1. In September 1998, passed the environmental impact assessment for the 150,000-ton high-grade packaging cardboard project by
the State Environmental Protection Administration and Guangdong Province Environmental Protection Bureau respectively (HF
[1998] No. 321 and YHH [1998] No. 208);
2. In 2010, passed the environmental impact assessment for the MBF technical renovation project (ZHJ [2010] No. 5) and the test run
of the renovation project (ZHS [2010] No. 6) by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Zhuhai Municipality;
3. In 2012, obtained the approval for the environmental impact report on the clean production of paper machines and the
comprehensive waste water treatment technology renovation project (ZXHJB [2012] No. 155) by the Environmental Protection
Bureau of Xiangzhou District;
4. In December 2003, passed the environmental acceptance for the completion of the 150,000-ton high-grade packaging cardboard
project (YHH [2003] No. 969);
5. In 2013, completed the acceptance of the MBF technical renovation project (ZHY [2013] No. 5);
6. In 2014, completed the acceptance of the biochemical treatment of waste water project (ZXHY [2014] No. 10)
7. In 2017, obtained the approval for the environmental impact report on the sludge resource utilization technical project (ZXHJB
[2017] No. 63)
Pollutant discharge permit, No. 91440400617502107U001P; validity period: from 7 June 2017 to 6 June 2020; issued by:
Environmental Protection Bureau of Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai City.
(II) Zhuhai Huafeng
1. The reply letter of review opinions of the State Environmental Protection Administration on the environmental impact report for
the capital increase of Foshan Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd. for building a new project with the annual capacity of 300,000-ton high-grade
coating ivory board (HS [2005] No. 156)
2. The reply letter of opinions on the environmental protection acceptance for the completion of the autonomous MBF environmental
upgrading and technical renovation project of Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd. (ZHY [2015] No. 3)
3. The reply on the environmental assessment for the new annual 60,000-ton ivory board film processing construction project of
Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd. (ZGHJ [2012] No. 115)
4. The review opinions on the environmental impact report for the reuse of reclaimed water project of Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co.,
Ltd. (ZGHJ [2013] No. 54)
5. The reply on the environmental assessment for the sludge burning project of Zhuhai Huafeng Paper (ZGHJ [2008] No. 69)
6. The review opinions of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Gaolangang District of Zhuhai Municipality on the environmental
assessment report for the expansion of the annual 180,000-ton ivory board production line project of Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd.
(ZGHJ [2014] No. 67)
7. The review opinions on the environmental impact registration for the garbage concentration center of Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co.,
Ltd. (ZGHJ [2016] No. 58)
8. The approval on the environmental assessment for the waste water treatment renovation project of Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd.
(ZGHJ [2016] No. 106)
Pollution discharge permit, No. 914404006176214217001P; validity period: from 7 June 2017 to 6 June 2020; issued by:
(III) Golden Pheasant Chemical
Acceptance inspection of Phase I environmental assessment: ZGHJY[2017] –No.007
Acceptance inspection of Phase II environmental assessment: ZGHJY[2016] –No.20
Pollution discharge permit, No. 4404062010000030 renewed on 28 December 2018, and it is valid until 31 July 2021; issued by:
Planning and Construction Environmental Protection Bureau of ZHUHAI GAOLAN PORT ECONOMIC ZONE.
(IV) Huaxin Color Printing

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

Pollution discharge permit, No. 4406042010231001; validity period: from 17 October 2018 to 16 October 2021; issued by:
Environmental Protection Bureau of Chancheng District of Foshan City.
Emergency plan for abrupt environment affairs
(I) Hongta Renheng
Hongta Renheng prepared the Emergency Plan for Environmental Pollution and filed it with Zhuhai Environmental Protection
Bureau Environment Monitoring Branch on 17 December 2015; Filing No.: 44040120150P-L Emergency Plan for Abrupt
Environment Affairs of Zhuhai S.E.Z. Hongta Renheng Paper Co., Ltd. and the Risk Assessment Report for Abrupt Environment
Affairs of Zhuhai S.E.Z. Hongta Renheng Paper Co., Ltd. A new round of compiling work of emergency plan for abrupt environment
affairs and risk assessment report for abrupt environment affairs is underway.
(II) Zhuhai Huafeng
Zhuhai Huafeng prepared the Emergency Plan for Environmental Pollution and filed it with Environmental Protection Bureau of
ZHUHAI GAOLAN PORT ECONOMIC ZONE on 24 October 2013; and filed the Emergency Plan for Abrupt Environment Affairs
of Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd. (“Zhuhai Huafeng”) and the Risk Assessment Report for Abrupt Environment Affairs of Zhuhai
Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd. (“Zhuhai Huafeng”) with Environmental Emergency Management Office of Department of Environmental
Protection of Guangdong Province on 23 January 23 2015. Reassessment of emergency plan was completed on December 2018, and
it was filed on Environmental Protection Bureau of ZHUHAI GAOLAN PORT.
(III) Golden Pheasant Chemical
Golden Pheasant Chemical prepared the Investigation Report for Environmental Emergency Resources, Time Risk Assessment
Report for Abrupt Environment, and Comprehensive Emergency Plan for Abrupt Environment Affairs and filed them with
Environmental Protection Bureau of ZHUHAI GAOLAN PORT ECONOMIC ZONE on October 2018.
(IV) Huaxin Color Printing
Huaxin Color Printing prepared the Emergency Plan for Abrupt Environment Affairs and the Risk Assessment Report for Abrupt
Environment Affairs. Filing No.: 440604-2017-034-L.
Environment self-monitoring scheme
(I) Hongta Renheng
Hongta Renheng prepared self-monitoring scheme, annual self-monitoring report and self-monitoring result information and
disclosed the same on the Platform for Disclosure of Self-Monitoring Information of State-Controlled Enterprises at the Provincial
Level in Guangdong and the National Pollutant Sources Monitoring Data Management System Platform according to the
requirements of the Measures for the Self-Monitoring and Information Disclosure by the Enterprises subject to Intensive Monitoring
and Control of the State (for Trial Implementation) (HF[2013] No. 81) and the Work Scheme for the Self-Monitoring and Information
Disclosure by the Enterprises subject to Intensive Monitoring and Control of the State. The enterprise self-monitoring content
includes: air pollutant emission monitoring at main exhaust emission outlets, water pollutant emission monitoring at main wastewater
discharge outlets, and factory boundary noise monitoring, as follows:
(1) Chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen shall be monitored every two hours every day and the values monitored shall be
disclosed; biochemical oxygen demand, total phosphorus and total nitrogen shall be monitored once a week and the values monitored
shall be disclosed; other pollutants in the wastewater shall be monitored once a month at least;
(2) Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particles shall be monitored every hour every day and the values monitored shall be disclosed;
other pollutants in the exhaust shall be monitored once a season at least;
(3) Factory boundary noise shall be monitored once a season at least;
(4) Factory boundary odor concentration shall be monitored once a season.
If the self-monitoring shall be carried out by an entrusted institution, a social testing institution that is certified by the competent
department of environmental protection at the provincial level or an environment monitoring institution to which the competent

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

department of environmental protection belongs shall be entrusted to carry out the monitoring task. The environment monitoring
institution to which the competent department of environmental protection belongs that has undertaken a supervisory monitoring task
shall not undertake the self-monitoring entrustment business of the enterprise monitored.
The enterprise has an online monitoring system of chemical oxygen demand, an online monitoring system of ammonia-nitrogen
containing wastewater and an online monitoring system of flue gas. The data of online monitoring systems of chemical oxygen
demand, ammonia-nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particles shall be disclosed on the Integrated Management Platform
of Key Pollution Sources in Guangdong Province every day; other pollutants shall be monitored by a qualified third party testing
institution that is entrusted according to relevant requirements and then monitoring data shall be disclosed on the Integrated
Management Platform of Key Pollution Sources in Guangdong Province and the Management System Platform of National Pollutant
Sources Monitoring Data.
(II) Zhuhai Huafeng
Zhuhai Huafeng prepared self-monitoring scheme, annual self-monitoring report and self-monitoring result information and disclosed
the same on the Platform for Disclosure of Self-Monitoring Information of State-Controlled Enterprises at the Provincial Level in
Guangdong and the National Pollutant Sources Monitoring Data Management System Platform according to the requirements of the
Measures for the Self-Monitoring and Information Disclosure by the Enterprises subject to Intensive Monitoring and Control of the
State (for Trial Implementation) (HF[2013] No. 81) and the Work Scheme for the Self-Monitoring and Information Disclosure by the
Enterprises subject to Intensive Monitoring and Control of the State. The enterprise self-monitoring content includes: air pollutant
emission monitoring at main exhaust emission outlets, water pollutant emission monitoring at main wastewater discharge outlets, and
factory boundary noise monitoring, as follows:
(1) Chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen shall be monitored every hour every day and the average values shall be
disclosed; other pollutants in the wastewater shall be monitored once a month at least;
(2) Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particles shall be monitored every hour every day and the average values shall be disclosed;
other pollutants in the exhaust shall be monitored once a season at least;
(3) Factory boundary noise shall be monitored once a season at least;
(4) Factory boundary odor concentration shall be monitored once a season.
(5) The daily monitoring data of PH value, chroma and suspended solids in the wastewater and the weekly monitoring data of total
phosphorus and total nitrogen shall be disclosed on the Management System Platform of National Pollutant Sources Monitoring
If the self-monitoring shall be carried out by an entrusted institution, a social testing institution that is certified by the competent
department of environmental protection at the provincial level or an environment monitoring institution to which the competent
department of environmental protection belongs shall be entrusted to carry out the monitoring task. The environment monitoring
institution to which the competent department of environmental protection belongs that has undertaken a supervisory monitoring task
shall not undertake the self-monitoring entrustment business of the enterprise monitored.
The enterprise has an online monitoring system of chemical oxygen demand, an online monitoring system of ammonia-nitrogen
containing wastewater and an online monitoring system of flue gas. The data of online monitoring systems of chemical oxygen
demand, ammonia-nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particles shall be disclosed on the Integrated Management Platform
of Key Pollution Sources in Guangdong Province every day; other pollutants shall be monitored by a qualified third party institution
that is entrusted according to relevant requirements and then monitoring data shall be disclosed on the Integrated Management
Platform of Key Pollution Sources in Guangdong Province and the Management System Platform of National Pollutant Sources
Monitoring Data.
(III) Golden Pheasant Chemical
In accordance with the requirements of the Work Scheme for the Self-Monitoring and Information Disclosure by the Enterprises
subject to Intensive Monitoring and Control of the State, Golden Pheasant Chemical entrusts a qualified third party testing institution

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

to conduct wastewater and factory boundary noise test every year, as follows:
(1) Biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand test shall be conducted four
times a year at least;
(2) Factory boundary noise test shall be conducted once a year at least.
(IV) Huaxin Color Printing
In accordance with the requirements of the Work Scheme for the Self-Monitoring and Information Disclosure by the Enterprises
subject to Intensive Monitoring and Control of the State, Huaxin Color Printing entrusts a qualified third party testing institution to
conduct wastewater, exhaust and factory boundary noise test every year, as follows:
(1) PH value, ammonia nitrogen, suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, chroma, sulfides test
shall be conducted twice a year at least;
(2) Benzene, toluene and xylene test shall be conducted once a year at least;
(3) Factory boundary noise test shall be conducted once a year at least.
Other environment-related information that should be disclosed:
Other relevant information:

XIX Other Significant Events

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XX Significant Events of Subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

                   Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information

I. Share Changes

1. Share Changes

                                                                                                                             Unit: share

                                        Before              Increase/decrease in the Reporting Period (+/-)            After

                                                                               Shares as
                                                                   Shares as
                                              Percentag   New                  converted                                     Percentag
                                   Shares                          converted                Other     Subtotal    Shares
                                                e (%)     issues                 from                                          e (%)

                                  333,500,0                                                                      333,500,0
1. Private shares                                65.98%                                                                        65.98%
                                        00                                                                             00

                                  333,500,0                                                                      333,500,0
  1.1 Promoter’s shares                         65.98%                                                                        65.98%
                                        00                                                                             00

     Such shares held by 332,930,2                                                                               332,930,2
                                                 65.87%                                                                        65.87%
domestic legal persons                  90                                                                             90

     Other                        5,697,101       0.11%                                                          5,697,101      0.11%

                                  171,925,0                                                                      171,925,0
2. Public shares                                 34.02%                                                                        34.02%
                                        00                                                                             00

  2.2 Domestically listed 171,925,0                                                                              171,925,0
                                                 34.02%                                                                        34.02%
foreign shares                          00                                                                             00

                                  505,425,0                                                                      505,425,0
3. Total shares                                100.00%                                                                        100.00%
                                        00                                                                             00

Reasons for share changes:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Approval of share changes:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Transfer of share ownership:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Progress on any share repurchase:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                               Annual Report 2018

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Effects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the Company’s ordinary

shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior accounting period, respectively:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

1. Securities (Exclusive of Preferred Shares) Issued in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes to Total Shares, Shareholder Structure and Asset and Liability Structures

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Existing Staff-Held Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Shareholders and Actual Controller

1. Shareholders and Their Shareholdings at the Period-End

                                                                                                                            Unit: share

                                                                                                   Number         of
                                   Number        of
                                                                  Number         of                preferred
                                                                  preferred                        shareholders
Number         of                                                 shareholders                     with resumed
                                   at          the
ordinary                  13,422                      13,367      with resumed            0        voting rights at         0
shareholders                                                      voting      rights               the month-end
                                   prior to the
                                                                  (if any) (see                    prior   to   the
                                   disclosure of
                                                                  note 8)                          disclosure     of
                                   this Report
                                                                                                   this Report (if

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                               Annual Report 2018

                                                                                                     any) (see note

                                       5% or greater shareholders or top 10 shareholders

                                                  Total                                                Shares in pledge or frozen
                                     Sharehol    shares
                                                               decrease     Private     Public
    Name of           Nature of        ding      held at
                                                                   in the   shares      shares
   shareholder       shareholder     percenta      the                                               Status              Shares
                                                               Reportin      held        held
                                       ge       period-en
                                                               g Period

HUAXIN            State-owned                   329,512,                    329,512,
                                      65.20%                   0                                 0
DEVELOPMENT legal person                               030                      030

SECURITIES(H Foreign legal                      3,192,45
                                       0.63%                   -94600                0 3,192,453
ONGKONG)          person                                   3

                  Foreign natural               2,561,99
WU HAOYUAN                             0.51%                   0                     0 2,561,991
                  person                                   1

                  Domestic natural              1,570,00
CAI YUJIU                              0.31%                   376348                0 1,570,000
                  person                                   0

                  Domestic natural              1,522,80
MIU JUN                                0.30%                   286500                0 1,522,800
                  person                                   0

                  Foreign legal                 1,352,72
NORGES BANK                            0.27%                   0                     0 1,352,720
                  person                                   0

                  Foreign legal                 1,205,25
L SECURITIES                           0.24%                   0                     0 1,205,252
                  person                                   2

BEN DE ASSET State-owned                        1,139,42
                                       0.23%                   0                     0 1,139,420
MANAGEMENT legal person                                    0

KGI ASIA          Foreign legal                 1,111,95
                                       0.22%                   -50000                0 1,111,959
LIMITED           person                                   9

                  Domestic natural              1,053,23
PENG RUIHUA                            0.21%                                         0 1,053,239
                  person                                   9

Strategic investor or general legal None

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

person becoming a top-10 ordinary
shareholder due to rights issue (if
any) (see note 3)

Related or acting-in-concert parties It is unknown whether there is among the above shareholders any related or acting-in-concert
among the shareholders above          party as defined in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies.

                                                    Top 10 public shareholders

                                                                                                            Shares by type
        Name of shareholder                  Public shares held at the period-end
                                                                                                   Type                 Shares

GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                               Domestically
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                             3,192,453 listed foreign                    3,192,453
LIMITED                                                                                    stock

WU HAOYUAN                                                                       2,561,991 listed foreign                    2,561,991

CAI YUJIU                                                                        1,570,000 listed foreign                    1,570,000

MIU JUN                                                                          1,522,800 listed foreign                    1,522,800

NORGES BANK                                                                      1,352,720 listed foreign                    1,352,720

ESSENCE INTERNATIONAL                                                                      Domestically
SECURITIES (HONG KONG) CO.,                                                      1,205,252 listed foreign                    1,205,252
LTD.                                                                                       stock

KGI ASIA LIMITED                                                                 1,111,959 listed foreign                    1,111,959

PENG RUIHUA                                                                      1,053,239 listed foreign                    1,053,239

ZHANG LI                                                                         1,011,300 listed foreign                    1,011,300

MA ZEQI                                                                           959,762 listed foreign                         959,762

Related or acting-in-concert parties It is unknown whether there is among the above shareholders any related or acting-in-concert
among top 10 unrestricted public party as defined in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                               Annual Report 2018

shareholders, as well as between top
10 unrestricted public shareholders
and top 10 shareholders

Top    10       ordinary    shareholders
involved in securities margin trading None
(if any) (see note 4)

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders of the

Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.

□ Yea √ No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Controlling Shareholder

Nature of the controlling shareholder: Controlled by a central state-owned legal person

Type of the controlling shareholder: legal person

      Name of controlling                                                           Unified social credit
                                     representative/person Date of establishment                                  Principal activity
           shareholder                                                                      code
                                            in charge

                                                                                                            Production,        manufacture
                                                                                                            and distribution of packing
                                                                                                            materials,       papermaking,
                                                                                                            cable, wire, new materials;
FOSHAN HUAXIN                                                                                               distribution      of     packing
                                     Yan Su               5 January 1993           914406001935399258
DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.                                                                                       machinery and           repairing
                                                                                                            services,      amplifiers    and
                                                                                                            fittings,              decoration
                                                                                                            materials,       and      drinks;
                                                                                                            information consulting

Controlling         shareholder’s
holdings       in   other   listed
companies at home or abroad
in the Reporting Period

Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Actual Controller and Its Acting-in-Concert Parties

Nature of the actual controller: Central institution for state-owned assets management

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

Type of the actual controller: legal person

                                                            Date of       Unified social credit
   Name of actual controller      representative/per                                                      Principal activity
                                                         establishment            code
                                     son in charge

                                                                                                  Production, exploitation, and
                                                                                                  utilization of wood-pulp-paper;
                                                                                                  investment and development of
                                                                                                  important industrial products’
                                                                                                  means of production; sales of
                                                                                                  metallic materials, building
                                                                                                  materials, wood, cement,
                                                                                                  chemical light raw materials
                                                                                                  (excluding dangerous
China Paper Corporation           Huang Xin            16 September 1988 91110000100008907C       chemicals ) and its products,
                                                                                                  clothes, paper, rubber, tire,
                                                                                                  mechanical and electrical
                                                                                                  products, wire, cable, and
                                                                                                  automobile; import and export
                                                                                                  trade; technology consulting and
                                                                                                  service related to material
                                                                                                  development; wholesale and
                                                                                                  retail of coal and coke, sales of

Other listed companies at home
or abroad controlled by the Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd. (600433.SH), Yueyang Forest & Paper Co., Ltd.
actual    controller    in     the (600963.SH).
Reporting Period

Change of the actual controller during the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report 2018

                            SASAC of the State Council

                          China Chengtong Holdings Group

                                  China Paper Corporation                                 Foshan Chan Ben De Asset
                                                                                            Management Co., Ltd

                                  78.87%                                                 21.13%

                           Foshan Huaxin Development Co.,

   0.11%                      65.2%

                        Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd                                 Other promoter shareholders
                                                                                         & B-shareholders

Indicate by tick mark whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Other 10% or Greater Corporate Shareholders

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Limitations on Shareholding Decrease by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder, Actual Controller,
Reorganizer and Other Commitment Makers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                    Annual Report 2018

                                         Part VII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No preferred shares in the Reporting Period.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                         Annual Report 2018

         Part VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff

I Change in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

                                                                                    Beginnin Increase Decrease
                                                                                                                                 Other        Ending
                                                                                       g           in the        in the
            Office       Incumben                             Start of    End of                                               increase/d sharehold
    Name                                 Gender   Age                               sharehold Reporting Reporting
                 title       t/Former                         tenure      tenure                                                ecrease        ing
                                                                                      ing          Period        Period
                                                                                                                                (share)       (share)
                                                                                     (share)       (share)       (share)

Huang                    Incumben                            6 June      16 April
           Chairman                     Male            56                                     0             0             0              0             0
Xin                      t                                   2014        2020

Ren        Vice          Incumben                            15 March 16 April
                                        Male            46                                     0             0             0              0             0
Xiaoping president t                                         2018        2020

Ren                      Incumben                                        16 April
           GM                           Male            46 January                             0             0             0              0             0
Xiaoping                 t                                               2020

                         Incumben                            17 April    16 April
Hong Jun Director                       Male            59                                     0             0             0              0             0
                         t                                   2017        2020

Zhang                    Incumben                            17 April    16 April
           Director                     Male            44                                     0             0             0              0             0
Qiang                    t                                   2017        2020

                         Incumben                            17 April    16 April
Ye Meng Director                        Male            50                                     0             0             0              0             0
                         t                                   2017        2020

Yang                                                         17 April
           Director      Former         Male            48               January               0             0             0              0             0
Weixing                                                      2017

Xu         Independ
                         Incumben                            17 April    16 April
Changlon ent                            Male            56                                     0             0             0              0             0
                         t                                   2017        2020
g          Director

Zhang                    Incumben                            6 June      16 April
           ent                          Male            51                                     0             0             0              0             0
Wenjing                  t                                   2014        2020

                         Incumben                            17 April    16 April
Li Jun     ent                          Male            46                                     0             0             0              0             0
                         t                                   2017        2020

Ren                      Incumben                            17 April    16 April
           ry Board                     Male            56                                     0             0             0              0             0
Xiaoming                 t                                   2017        2020

Zhang      Superviso Incumben Female                    48 17 April      16 April     14,600                 0             0              0    14,600

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Annual Report 2018

Hong       r            t                                       2017       2020

           Employee                                             21
Zhao                    Incumben                                           16 April
           superviso                   Male                25 Septembe                             0        0          0         0          0
Yaxing                  t                                                  2020
           r                                                    r 2018

Chen                    Incumben                                17 April   30 August
           superviso                   Male                39                                      0        0          0         0          0
Long                    t                                       2017       2018

           Vice GM,
Ding       CFO, and Incumben                                    17 July    16 April
                                       Male                34                                      0        0          0         0          0
Guoqiang Board          t                                       2018       2020

Yang                    Incumben                                17 April   16 April
           Vice GM                     Male                45                                      0        0          0         0          0
Chenglin                t                                       2017       2020

Wu                      Incumben                                17 April   16 April
           Vice GM                     Male                56                                      0        0          0         0          0
Yirong                  t                                       2017       2020

           Vice GM,
                                                                1 August 26 March
Liu Yan    Board        Former         Female              38                                      0        0          0         0          0
                                                                2017       2018

Yang                                                            17 April   13 July
           CFO          Former         Male                45                                      0        0          0         0          0
Chenglin                                                        2017       2018

Zhang                   Incumben                                           16 April
           Vice GM                     Male                46 January                              0        0          0         0          0
Chunhua                 t                                                  2020

Total           --           --           --          --             --         --          14,600          0          0         0    14,600

II Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

√Applicable □ Not applicable

        Name            Office title       Type of change        Date of change                         Reason for change

                     Vice GM, Board
Liu Yan                                   Dismissed             26 March 2018        Job change

Yang Chenglin        CFO                  Dismissed             13 July 2018         Job change

                     Vice GM, CFO,
                                          Appointed and
Ding Guoqiang        and Board                                  17 July 2018         Appointed by Board of Directors

Chen Long                                 Left                  30 August 2018       Resignation

                     Employee             Appointed and         7 September
Zhao Yaxing                                                                          The workers’ congress election
                     supervisor           dismissed             2018

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                       Annual Report 2018

                                    Appointed and
Zhang Chunhua Vice GM                                 31 January 2019 Appointed by Board of Directors

Yang Weixing      Director          Left              30 January 2019 Resignation

III Biographical Information
Professional backgrounds, major work experience and current duties in the Company of the incumbent directors, supervisors and
senior management:
Board Chairman Huang Xin, male, born in 1962, Bachelor’s degree holder and Engineer. He successively served as Deputy Manager
of Development Operation Dept.Ⅱ, Manager of Industrial Investment Dept., Manager of Stratagem Investment Dept. and Manager
of Asset Management Dept. Deputy GM, and Party Committee in China Material Development Investment Corporation (renaming to
China National Paper-Industry Investment Corp. and China Paper Corporation successively); the Executive GM and GM and Deputy
Party Secretary of China National Paper-Industry Investment Corp (renaming to China Paper Corporation later); Deputy GM of
Foshan Huaxin Development Co., Ltd and Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd; GM of Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Paper Co., Ltd. Now
he is the Chairman and Party Secretary of China Paper Corporation; the Chairman of Tiger Forest &Paper Group Co., Ltd and
Yueyang Forest & Paper Co., Ltd, the Chairman of Longbang Investment and Development Co., Ltd; Director of Foshan Huaxin
Development Co., Ltd; the Chairman of Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd; and the Chairman of Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging
Co., Ltd.
Vice President and GM Ren Xiaoping, male, born in 1972, is a Master’s degree holder, professor and CPA. He successively worked
as Director of the Teaching and Research Section of Financial Management and Deputy Dean of Management Department in China
University of Labor Relations; GM of Management Center, Stratagem Development Dept. in China Paper Corporation; Supervisor of
Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co., Ltd. He now acts as Supervisor of Tiger Forest Paper Group Co., Ltd; Director
of Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd; Director of Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co., Ltd; Party Secretary,
Vice President, and GM of Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd; Party Secretary, Vice President, and GM of Zhuhai Hongta Renheng
Packaging Co., Ltd.
Director Hong Jun, male, born in 1959, is a Bachelor’s degree holder and senior economist. He successively took posts as General
Manager of Human Resource Department in China Chengtong Holding Group Co., Ltd; Party Secretary, and Deputy GM of China
Material Development Investment Corporation (renaming to China National Paper-Industry Investment Corp. and China Paper
Corporation successively), the Party Secretary, Director, and Deputy GM of China Paper Corporation; Party Secretary of Guangdong
Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd; Director of Yueyang Forest & Paper Co., Ltd; and now he is the Party Secretary and Deputy GM of
Chengtong Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd; Director of Tiger Forest Paper Group Co., Ltd and Director of Foshan Huaxin Packaging
Co., Ltd and Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd., and Director of Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd.
Director Zhang Qiang, male, born in 1974, is a CPA with master’s degree. He used to act as the Deputy Manager of the Operating
Management Department, the Deputy Manager of Strategic Development Department in China Material Development Investment
Corporation (renaming to China National Paper-Industry Investment Corp. and China Paper Corporation successively); Management
Representative of Zhanjiang Guanlong Paper Industrial Co., Ltd.; Assistant of GM in Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd;
Manager of Strategic Development Department of China National Paper-Industry Investment Corp (renaming to China Paper
Corporation later); Vice President, GM, and President of MCC Meili Paper Industry Co., Ltd; and Deputy GM of China Paper
Corporation. Now he is a Director and GM of China Paper Corporation; the Chairman of Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd;
Director of MCC Meili Paper Group Co., Ltd; Executive Director of Beijing Xingchengwang Industry Co., ltd; and Director of
Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd
Director Ye Meng, male, born in 1968, is a Senior Economist with master’s degree. He used to be the HR Minister, Deputy GM, and
Party Secretary of Yueyang Paper Co., Ltd.; Chief Economist and Chief Legal Officer, Secretary of the Board, Deputy GM, Deputy
Party Secretary, and Secretary of Commission in Tiger Forest & Paper Group Co., Ltd.; Deputy Party Secretary of Yueyang Forest &
Paper Co., Ltd, General Manager Assistant in China Paper Corporation. He now is Party Secretary, Director, and GM of Tiger Forest

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report 2018

& Paper Group Co., Ltd; Party Secretary of Yueyang Forest & Paper Co., Ltd; and Director of Foshan Huaxin Development Co., Ltd
and Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.
Independent Director Xu Changlong, male, born in 1962, is a certified public accountant, certified cost engineer and member of
Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang with master’s degree. Xu Changlong once served as the auditor of Hunan
Provincial Audit Office and the Changsha Resident Office, National Audit Office of the People's Republic of China and has
successively held the posts of the head of Hunan Zhongshan Auditing Firm, the Chairman and Senior Accountant of Hunan Yongxin
Limited Liability Accounting Firm, the General Manager of Hunan Yongxin Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd., the Head of Hunan Yongxin
Judicial Expertise Institute, the Chairman of Hunan Yongxin Engineering Project Management Co., Ltd., and the Equity Partner of
Shinewing Certified Public Accountants Limited. At present, he holds the posts of the Chairman of the Council of Hunan Zheng
Dongguo Education Foundation, the General Manager of Reanda Certified Public Accountants Hunan Branch, and the Vice President
of ZBX Construction Cost Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd; Independent Director of Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd, Huatian Hotel
Group Co., Ltd, Talkweb Information System Inc., and Zhanijajie Tourism Group Co., Ltd, and China Tungsten and Hightech
Materials Co., Ltd.
Independent Director Zhang Wenjing, male, born in 1967, is a lawyer with master’s degree. He acted as a lawyer of Guangdong
Chenguang Law Offices (renamed as De Heng (Zhuhai) Law Offices later); Independent Director of Huajin Capital Co., Ltd. He now
is a Lawyer and Director of De Heng (Zhuhai) Law Offices; legal adviser of the Standing Committee of the National People' s
Congress of Zhuhai City, People’s Government of Zhuhai, Discipline Inspection Committee of Zhuhai, High-tech Zone Management
Committee of Zhuhai, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of People’s Government of Zhuhai, Zhuhai
Municipal Housing and Urban and Rural Planning Construction Bureau, Finance Bureau in Hnegqin New District, Development
Revolution and Finance Bureau in Gaolangang Economical Area; Independent Director in Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd. and
Zhuhai Port Co., Ltd.
Independent Director Li Jun, Male, born in 1972, is a professor and doctoral supervisor with doctoral degree. He worked as teacher,
lecture, associate professor, and professor in South China University of Technology. Now he is a Vice President of School of Light
Industry Science and Engineering in South China University of Technology; the team head of Processing Technology and Equipment;
Deputy Director of State Key laboratories in Pulp and Paper Engineering of South China University of Technology; Independent
Director of Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.
Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Ren Xiaoming, male, born in 1962, is a lecturer with bachelor’s degree. He once was a
teacher in Beijing Materials University; Deputy Director of Information Teaching and Research Office of Computing Center in
Beijing Materials University; the staff, Manager of Operation Dept. I, and Manager of Future Goods Dept. in Beijing Company of
China’s Defense Military Supplies; Deputy Manager, Deputy Director of Administration (Party Committee) Office, Deputy Manager
of HR & Admin Dept., and Deputy Director of Part Committee Office, Deputy Manager and member of CCDI in Party-mass work
Dept and General management Dept in China Material Development Investment Corporation (renaming to China National
Paper-Industry Investment Corp. and China Paper Corporation successively); Party Committee Member, Secretary of Commission,
chairman of the labor union, and Chairman of Supervisory board in Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd; Deputy Party Secretary,
Secretary of Commission, and Chairman of Supervisory board in Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd.; Chairman of
Supervisory board in Huaxin (Foshan) Color Printing Co., Ltd. He now is the GM of Foshan Huaxin Import & Export Co., Ltd;
Chairman of Supervisory board in Foshan Huaxin Development Co., Ltd; Chairman of Supervisory board in Huaxin (Foshan) Color
Printing Co., Ltd; Deputy Party Secretary, Secretary of Commission, and supervisor in Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd.;
and chairman of the labor union, and Chairman of Supervisory board in Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.
Supervisor: Zhang Hong, female, born in 1970, bachelor degree, Human Resources Management Division, Level 1. Zhang Hong
once held the posts of the Teacher, the Secretary for the Office of the Party Committee, and the Deputy Business Director of Labor
Output Training Division in Jiangxi Yichun Technician School; the Office Executive Secretary, Deputy Director and Director and the
Human Resources Manager in Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd; Human Resources Manager in Foshan Huaxin
Packaging Co., Ltd; Now, she is the GM Assistant, Director of Human Resources Administration Center in Zhuhai Hongta Renheng

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                       Annual Report 2018

Packaging Co., Ltd, and Deputy Party Secretary, Secretary of Commission, and supervisor in Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.
Employee supervisor Zhao Yaxing, male, was born in 1993, bachelor degree. He once worked in the Logistics Department, Security
Investment Department, and Ministry of Law of Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd; now he is the employee supervisor in
Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd and Deputy Director of Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd.
Vice GM, Board Secretary, and CFO Ding Guoqiang, male, born in 1984, is a certified public accountant with bachelor degree. He
once acted as the Director of Finance Management Department and deputy manager in China Paper Corporation; Vice GM, Chief
Accountant, and Secretary of the Board in Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co., Ltd; Supervisor of Ningxia Meili
Paper Group Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Co., Ltd; GM of Strategic Development Department of Ningxia Yu;
Supervisor of Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd; and Director of Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co., Ltd.
Now he is the Vice GM, Board Secretary, and CFO in Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd, and Vice GM, CFO, and Board Secretary
in Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd.
Deputy GM Yang Chenglin, male, born in 1973, with a master degree and is a CPA. He acted as CFO in Zhuhai Huihai Development
Co., Ltd.; Financial Manager in Zhuhai MABOX Furniture Co., Ltd; Deputy Financial Manager, Financial Manager, and Assistant of
General Manager in Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd; Deputy GM and CFO in Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd and
Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd. Now he is the Deputy GM of Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd and Zhuhai Hongta
Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd.
Deputy General Manager Wu Yirong, male, born in 1962, is a Senior Engineer with bachelor’s degree. He acted as Technology
Deputy Managers, Sales Deputy Managers, Deputy Chief Engineer, Deputy General Manager in Zhuhai S.E.Z Hongta Renheng
Paper Co., Ltd. He has been acting as Deputy General Manager in Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd. He has been acting
as Deputy General Manager in Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd. and Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd.
Deputy General Manager Zhang Chunhua, male, born in 1972, is a senior engineer with master degree. He once held the posts of
Deputy Manager, Manager, and General Manager Assistant of Equipment Management Department in Zhuhai Hongta Renheng
Packaging Co., Ltd, and Deputy GM of Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.

Offices held concurrently in shareholding entities:

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                           Office held in
                                                                                                               Remuneration or
     Name                       Shareholding entity                       Start of tenure    End of tenure    allowance from the
                                                                                                              shareholding entity
                                                           Chairman and
Huang Xin        China Paper Corporation                   Deputy Party 23 August 2016                        Yes

                                                                          6 November
Zhang Qiang      China Paper Corporation                   Director, GM                                       Yes

Ye Meng          Foshan Huaxin Development Co., Ltd        Director,      23 March 2015                       No
Notes            N/A
Offices held concurrently in other entities:

√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                               Remuneration or
                                                            Office held in
     Name                           Other entity                           Start of tenure    End of tenure    allowance from
                                                              the entity
                                                                                                                  the entity
                  Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co.,                    5 December
Huang Xin                                                   Chairman                                           No
                  Ltd.                                                    2015

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                          Annual Report 2018

Huang Xin       Tiger Forest &Paper Group Co., Ltd        Chairman        7 June 2016           No

Huang Xin       Yueyang Forest & Paper Co., Ltd           Chairman        19 March 2015         No

                Longbang Investment and Development
Huang Xin                                                 Chairman        1 January 2016        No
                Co., Ltd

                Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co.,                      30 January
Hong Jun                                                  Director                              No
                Ltd.                                                      2017

                                                                          23 October
Hong Jun        Chengtong Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd Secretary and                         No
                                                          Deputy GM

                                                                          22 January
Hong Jun        Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd      Director                              No

                                                                          1 February
Zhang Qiang     Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd      Chairman                              No

Zhang Qiang     MCC Meili Paper Industry Co., Ltd         Director        1 March 2013          No

Zhang Qiang     Beijing Xingchengwang Industry Co., ltd                   6 April 2016          No

Ren Xiaoping    Tiger Forest &Paper Group Co., Ltd        Supervisor      25 August 2016        No

                Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co.,                      15 January
Ren Xiaoping                                              Director, GM                          Yes
                Ltd.                                                      2018

                                                                          23 September
Ren Xiaoping    Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd      Director                              No

                Mcc Meili Cloud Computing Industry                        6 February
Ren Xiaoping                                              Director                              No
                Investment Co., Ltd                                       2018

Ye Meng         Tiger Forest &Paper Group Co., Ltd        Committee       7 June 2017           No
                                                          Member, GM

                                                          Deputy Party
Ye Meng         Yueyang Forest & Paper Co., Ltd                           29 March 2015         No

                Reanda Certified Public Accountants Hunan Executive       1 February
Xu Changlong                                                                                    c
                Branch                                    Head            2011

                                                                          1 November
Xu Changlong Hunan Reanda Judicial Expertise Institute    Head                                  Yes

                ZBX Construction Cost Consulting          Chairman and 28 November
Xu Changlong                                                                                    Yes
                (Beijing) Co., Ltd                        GM of Hunan 2014

Xu Changlong Talkweb Information System Inc                               27 June 2016          Yes

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report 2018

Xu Changlong Zhanijajie Tourism Group Co., Ltd                           12 July 2018          Yes

                                                        President and
                Hunan Zheng Dongguo Education           Legal            1 November
Xu Changlong                                                                                   No
                Foundation (charity fund)               Representativ 2015

                                                        Independent      19 September
Xu Changlong Huatian Hotel Group Co., Ltd                                                      Yes
                                                        Director         2017

                China Tungsten and Hightech Materials   Independent
Xu Changlong                                                             16 June 2017          Yes
                Co., Ltd.                               Director

                                                                         1 December
Zhang Wenjing De Heng (Zhuhai) Law Offices              Director                               Yes

Zhang Wenjing Zhuhai Port Co., Ltd.                                      27 July 2015          Yes

                                                        Professor and
Li Jun          South China University of Technology                     28 August 2017        Yes

                Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co.,                     30 January
Ren Xiaoming                                            Supervisor                             yes
                Ltd.                                                     2016

                                                        Chairman of
Ren Xiaoming Huaxin (Foshan) Color Printing Co., Ltd    Supervisory      6 July 2017           No

Ren Xiaoming Foshan Huaxin Import & Export Co., Ltd     GM               28 April 2016         No

                                                        Assistant of
                                                        GM and
                                                        Director of
                Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co.,
Zhang Hong                                              Human            7 March 2018          Yes
                                                        n Center

                Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co.,    Deputy           12 September
Zhao Yaxing                                                                                    Yes
                Ltd.                                    Director         2018

                                                        Vice GM,
Ding            Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co.,    Board
                                                                         7 August 2018         Yes
Gguoqiang       Ltd.                                    Secretary, and

                Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co.,                     30 January
Yang Chenglin                                           Deputy GM                              Yes
                Ltd.                                                     2016

                                                                         25 October
Yang Chenglin Huaxin (Foshan) Color Printing Co., Ltd   Director                               Yes

Wu Yirong       Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co.,    Deputy GM        30 January            Yes

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

                 Ltd.                                                           2016

                                                                Director and    25 October
Zhang Chunhua Huaxin (Foshan) Color Printing Co., Ltd                                                               Yes
                                                                GM              2017
Notes            N/A

Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulator on the incumbent directors, supervisors and senior

management as well as those who left in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payments of remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior


1. Decision-making procedure of remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives: remuneration of directors and
supervisors was deliberated and approved by shareholders’ general meeting; the standards of remuneration of senior executives were
decided by the remuneration and appraisal commission according to management regulations of remuneration and business
performance, and then were submitted to the board of directors for approval.
2. Determination basis of remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives: the Company, according to the income level
of industry and region and considering business performance of the Company and contribution to the Company, decided the scope of
annual remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives. On the basis of appraisal results, annual remuneration was
determined. Moreover, according to the growth of annual business performance and accomplishment of major projects, the extra
rewards would be granted after the authorization of the board of directors and verification of Chairman of the board of directors.
Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management for the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB'0,000

                                                                                                 Total before-tax
                                                                               Incumbent/Forme    remuneration
        Name            Office title          Gender             Age                                                  remuneration
                                                                                       r             from the
                                                                                                                    from related party

Huang Xin          Chairman            Male                               56 Incumbent                              Yes

                   Vice Chairman,
Ren Xiaoping                           Male                               46 Incumbent                       36.55 No

Hong Jun           Director            Male                               59 Incumbent                              Yes

Zhang Qiang        Director            Male                               44 Incumbent                              Yes

Ye Meng            Director            Male                               50 Incumbent                              Yes

Yang Weixing       Director            Male                               48 Incumbent                              No

Zhang Wenjing                          Male                               51 Incumbent                           8 No

Xu Changlong                           Male                               56 Incumbent                           8 No

Li Jun             Independent         Male                               46 Incumbent                           8 No

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018


                   Chairman of
Ren Xiaoming       Supervisory           Male                             56 Incumbent                     42.92 No

Zhang Hong         Supervisor            Female                           48 Incumbent                     43.56 No

Zhao Yaxing                              Male                             25 Incumbent                     10.06 No

Chen Long                                Male                             39 Former                        14.95 No

Wu Yirong          Deputy GM             Male                             56 Incumbent                     47.42 No

Zhang Chunhua      Deputy GM             Male                             46 Incumbent                     32.47 No

Yang Chenglin      CFO                   Male                             45 Former                         49.9 No

Ding Gguoqiang CFO                       Male                             35 Incumbent                     10.49 Yes

Total                       --                    --             --                   --                  312.32       --

Equity incentives for directors, supervisors and senior management in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Employees

1. Number, Functions and Educational Backgrounds of Employees

Number of in-service employees of the Company as the parent                                                                      17

Number of in-service employees of major subsidiaries                                                                        1,671

Total number of in-service employees                                                                                        1,688

Total number of paid employees in the Reporting Period                                                                      1,688

Number of retirees to whom the Company as the parent or its
major subsidiaries need to pay retirement pensions


                              Function                                                        Employees

Production                                                                                                                  1,248

Sales                                                                                                                            69

Technical                                                                                                                       126

Financial                                                                                                                        46

Administrative                                                                                                                  199

Total                                                                                                                       1,688

                                                       Educational backgrounds

                     Educational background                                                   Employees

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                           Annual Report 2018

Master’s degree and above                                                                                                        13

Bachelor’s degree                                                                                                               215

Junior college                                                                                                                   291

Technical secondary school                                                                                                       246

High school                                                                                                                      923

Total                                                                                                                          1,688

2. Employee Remuneration Policy

Combined with industry situations of the market, development strategy of the Company, and operation performance, the employee
remuneration policy of the Company provides employees with competitive salary level in industries and regions. Meanwhile, the
Company set up a normalized, standardized, and systematic salary management system according to national laws and regulations
and the actual conditions of the Company. Salary distribution is inclined to strategic talents, production backbones, and technical
personnel to ensure the market competitiveness of core talents’ income level. The employee remuneration policy incentivizes the
performance and reflects the market with clear guidance and difference. Among the compensation package of the Company’s
employees, the salary is decided by position value in line with the market, and the bonus is decided by their performance to stand out
their contributions. Moderate adjustments and collections are done to the remuneration policy of the Company according to the
development strategy and managerial demands of production operation every year. Sharing innovative achievements with staffs, the
Company provides employees with legal labor remuneration as their due to improve employees’ happiness.
The Company is pushing forward the establishment of engagement system of professional technical and skilled talents’ grade
evaluation, with recognition to employees’ professional abilities, providing competent skilled and technical talents with performance
with multi career development channel other than management position to comprehensively build the employment mechanism of
attracting talents, incentivizing talents, and retaining talents as well.

3. Employee Training Plans

Guided by strategic objectives of organization and development requirements of HR, the Company provides employees with targeted
and systematic trainings, including various respects, such as, post knowledge, job qualification, safety education, system standards,
and administrative regulations, etc. The Company carried out the training in the whole company for 6 times with the participation of
6000 people in 2018, which includes the training of promotion for writing ability, training of internal auditor, training of crane
license, Youth Talent Cultivation of China Paper Corporation, training of internal trainer, training of senior executives of Lingyun
Commercial college in China Paper Corporation, and Skills Training for Post Operation to improve knowledge and skills,
comprehensive quality, to build an excellent staff team and strengthen the competitiveness ability of core talents of the Company, and
to achieve the objective of mutual development between the Company and employees.

4. Labor Outsourcing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

                                      Part IX Corporate Governance

I General Information of Corporate Bonds

During the Reporting Period, the Company continuously improved corporate governance structure, and established modern
enterprises system to standardize the Company’s operation in strict accordance with the related laws and regulations of Corporation
Law, Securities Law, Governance Regulations of listing Companies and related rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On the basis of
the related regulations of Corporation Law, Stock Listing Rules, Rules of Procedure of General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of
Directors, and Supervisory Board, the Company convened General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, and Supervisory
Board in time within the involved terms of reference of decision-making events, fully implementing the decided events; the
responsibility of General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, and Business Management is clear with
effectively operated balance mechanism, and the decision-making and rules of procedure are democratic and transparent. The actual
conditions of the Company’s governance are in line with the related regulations of CSRC.

Indicate by tick market whether there is any material incompliance with the regulatory documents issued by the CSRC governing the

governance of listed companies.

□ Yes √ No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

II The Company’s Independence from Its Controlling Shareholder in Business, Personnel,
Asset, Organization and Financial Affairs
The Company, the controlling shareholders and the actual controllers of the Company realized the independent execution in business,
personnel, assets, finance and institution with independent calculation and respectively burden the responsibilities and risks. The
Company possesses independent and entire business and self operating ability.
1. As for the business: the Company possessed the independent and complete business and decision-making system as well as the
independent operating ability that entirely independent of the controlling shareholders and the actual controllers.
2. As for the personnel: the Company possessed independent labor, HR and salary management system and the Senior Executives
such as the GM, the managers, the Financial Administrator and the Board Secretary were all paid by the Company and unable to take
charge in the controlling shareholders’ units of the Company.
3. As for the assets: the Company possessed the independent production and operating system as well as the supporting facilities, and
the assets the controlling shareholders invested in the Company were independent as well as complete with clear ownership.
4. As for the institutions: the Company set up the organizations and intuitions independent of the controlling shareholders for
independently handling the official business and the execution of the functions.
5. As for the finance: the Company set up the independent finance management department and built up the independent accounting
calculation mechanism and financial management system; the Company opened the independent account and paid for the taxes
according to laws.

III Horizontal Competition
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report 2018

IV Annual and Special General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

                                               Investor                                                      Index to disclosed
       Meeting                 Type                             Date of the meeting     Disclosure date
                                          participation ratio                                                   information

                                                                                                            Name of
                                                                                                            Announcement on
                                                                                                            Resolution of The 1st
                                                                                                            General Meeting of
                                                                                                            2018 of Foshan
                                                                                                            Huaxin Packaging
The 1st Extraordinary                                                                                       Co., Ltd. ; Number
General Meeting of                                    66.05% 31 January 2018          1 February 2018       of announcement:
                        General Meeting
2018                                                                                                        2018-082 ;
                                                                                                            Newspaper and
                                                                                                            website on which the
                                                                                                            announcement was
                                                                                                            disclosed: Securities
                                                                                                            Times, HK Ta Kung
                                                                                                            Pao, Cninfo

                                                                                                            Name of
                                                                                                            Announcement on
                                                                                                            Resolution of The
                                                                                                            2017 Annual
                                                                                                            General Meeting of
                                                                                                            Foshan Huaxin
                                                                                                            Packaging Co., Ltd. ;
The 2017 Annual         Annual General                                                                      Number of
                                                      66.09% 17 April 2018            18 April 2018
General Meeting         Meeting                                                                             announcement:
                                                                                                            2018-044 ;
                                                                                                            Newspaper and
                                                                                                            website on which the
                                                                                                            announcement was
                                                                                                            disclosed: Securities
                                                                                                            Times, HK Ta Kung
                                                                                                            Pao, Cninfo

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                    Annual Report 2018


                                                                                       Name of
                                                                                       Announcement on
                                                                                       Resolution of The
                                                                                       2nd Extraordinary
                                                                                       General Meeting of
                                                                                       2018 of Foshan
                                                                                       Huaxin Packaging
The 2nd
                                                                                       Co., Ltd. ; Number
Extraordinary          Extraordinary
                                          65.80% 11 May 2018       12 May 2018         of announcement:
General Meeting of     General Meeting
                                                                                       2018-082 ;
                                                                                       Newspaper and
                                                                                       website on which the
                                                                                       announcement was
                                                                                       disclosed: Securities
                                                                                       Times, HK Ta Kung
                                                                                       Pao, Cninfo

                                                                                       Name of
                                                                                       Announcement on
                                                                                       Resolution of The 3rd
                                                                                       General Meeting of
                                                                                       2018 of Foshan
                                                                                       Huaxin Packaging
The 3rd
                                                                                       Co., Ltd. ; Number
Extraordinary          Extraordinary
                                          65.55% 31 October 2018   1 November 2018     of announcement:
General Meeting of     General Meeting
                                                                                       2018-082 ;
                                                                                       Newspaper and
                                                                                       website on which the
                                                                                       announcement was
                                                                                       disclosed: Securities
                                                                                       Times, HK Ta Kung
                                                                                       Pao, Cninfo

2. Special General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Annual Report 2018

V Performance of Duty by Independent Directors in the Reporting Period

1. Attendance of Independent Directors at Board Meetings and General Meetings

                            Attendance of independent directors at board meetings and general meetings

                     Total number                                                                                    The
                       of board                                               Board              Board          independent
                                          Board             meetings
                     meetings the                                            meetings        meetings the      director failed   General
   Independent                           meetings          attended by
                     independent                                             attended        independent        to attend two    meetings
      director                          attended on          way of
                     director was                                            through a       director failed    consecutive      attended
                                           site           telecommunica
                      eligible to                                             proxy            to attend       board meetings
                        attend                                                                                     (yes/no)

Xu Changlong                        9                 1                  8               0                  0 No                            1

Zhang Wenjing                       9                 1                  8               0                  0 No                            1

Li Jun                              9                 0                  8               1                  0 No                            4

Why any independent director failed to attend two consecutive board meetings:

Not applicable.

2. Objections Raised by Independent Directors on Matters of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any independent directors raised any objections on any matter of the Company.

□ Yes √ No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Other Information about the Performance of Duty by Independent Directors

Indicate by tick mark whether any suggestions from independent directors were adopted by the Company.

√ Yes □ No

Suggestions from independent directors adopted or not adopted by the Company:

In accordance with the related requirements of Institutional guidance of Independent Directors of Listing Companies, Articles of
Association, and Rules of Procedure of Board of Directors, the independent Directors of the Company performed the duties, and
earnestly reviewed various proposals of Board of Directors, fully expressed their opinions about the significant events of the
Company, and also expressed related opinions about the events in need of approval opinions of independent Directors or independent
opinions in advance, giving a full play to the functions of independent directors, and providing effective guarantee to the scientific
decision-making of Board of Directors.

VI Performance of Duty by Specialized Committees under the Board in the Reporting Period

(I) Performance of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors held one meeting. In accordance with the responsibilities of the Audit Committee of
the Board of Directors of the company, the Audit Committee mainly coordinates, supervises and checks the internal and external

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

1. The audit committee fully communicated with the accounting firm responsible for annual audit of the company with respect to the
audit plan, engagement letter, risk and control etc.
2. Before the certified public accountant responsible for annual audit of the company entered the site, the audit committee reviewed
the financial statements prepared preliminarily by the company and believed that the statements reflect the current financial state of
the company in all material respects.
3. After the certified public accountant responsible for annual audit of the company provided his preliminary opinion, the audit
committee reviewed the financial statements of the company and communicated with the accounting firm concerning important
issues and main accounting estimation issues, audit adjustment issues and important accounting policies that may have an potential
impact on the financial statements, believed that the financial and accounting statements of the company reflected the overall
situation of the company truly, accurately and completely and agreed to prepare the annual report of FY 2018 based on these
4. The audit committee reviewed the financial statements of FY 2018 which has been audited by the auditor, believed that these
statements reflected the financial state, operating results and cash flow of the company in FY 2018 fairly in all materials respects, and
agreed to submit these statements to the Board of Directors for deliberation.
(II) Performance of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors
The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors held just one meeting in total. In accordance with own
responsibilities, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors reviewed the annual pay declared by directors,
supervisors and senior executives of the company and believed that the annual pay declared by directors, supervisors and senior
executives of the company is consistent with that they actually collect from the company. The remuneration of directors, supervisors
and senior executives of the company is paid according to the salary management regulations of the company. Meanwhile, annual
salary allocation proposal for management staff of the company was deliberated, passed and submitted to the Board of Directors.
(III) Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors
The Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors held two meetings in total. In accordance with own responsibilities, the
Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors reviewed the qualifications of personnel involved in the Proposal of Employment
of General Manager, and the Proposal of Employment of Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Board, and CFO.

VII Performance of Duty by the Supervisory Committee
Indicate by tick mark whether the Supervisory Committee found any risk to the Company during its supervision in the Reporting


□ Yes √ No

The Supervisory Committee raised no objections in the Reporting Period.

VIII Appraisal of and Incentive for Senior Management
In the principle of reasonableness, fairness, and justice, the Company thinks highly of the combination of material incentives with
spirit incentives, and the combination of operation target of the Company with dedication spirit, social responsibility, and career
achievement of the senior executive at the same time.
During the Reporting Period, the Company established the appraisal system based on system of objective responsibility in
accordance with Methods of Compensation Management and Enforcement Regulations of Compensation Incentives reviewed and
approved by board of Directors and Compensation and Appraisal Committee. The Company and executive officers signed the
Liability Statement of the Company’s Annual Operation to confirm the compensation incentives scheme of executive officers. The
Board of Directors evaluates the performance of executive officers to confirm the compensation according to the indicators of

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Annual Report 2018

Liability Statement of the Annual Operation, including multidimensional indicators, like various annual financial indicators, internal
operation management indicators, and special indicators of main work, and etc.

IX Internal Control

1. Material Internal Control Weaknesses Identified for the Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

2. Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report

Disclosure date of the internal control
                                               18 March 2019
self-evaluation report

Index to the disclosed internal control
self-evaluation report

Evaluated entities’ combined assets as % of
consolidated total assets
Evaluated entities’ combined operating
revenue as % of consolidated operating                                                                                            100.00%

                                      Identification standards for internal control weaknesses

                                               Weaknesses in internal control over financial       Weaknesses in internal control not
                                                                  reporting                           related to financial reporting

                                               (1) Indications of the great defect of the       (1) If there were unambiguous evidence
                                               financial report including: ① malpractices indicated the Company possessed one of
                                               of the Directors, Supervisors and the Senior the following conditions among the
                                               Executives of the Company; ② published          evaluation at the period-end, should be
                                               financial report with significant                recognized as the great defect of the
                                               misstatement which influenced its                internal control: ① the significant
                                               authenticity, integrity and fairness that the    events lacked of the legal
                                               Company would make certain verification;         decision-making process; ② lacked of
                                               ③ CPA discovered the significant                the decision-making process or the
Nature standard                                misstatement of the current financial report     process was not normative that caused
                                               while the internal control failed to find out    significant mistakes; ③ violated the
                                               during the operating;④ the supervision on       national laws, regulations, rules or
                                               the internal control by the Audit Committee normative documents that received the
                                               and the internal audit institution of the        administrative punishment such as the
                                               Company was invalid. (2) The indications of criminal penalties or be ordered for
                                               the significant defect of the financial report   suspension of production or business, be
                                               including: ① the environmental control          withheld or revoked the permits or
                                               was invalid; ② the accounting polices           license; ④ the great defect of the
                                               formulated by the Company violated the           internal control had not been verified; ⑤

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

                                            ASBE; ③ the applied accounting polices         the significant business lacked of the
                                            not met with the accounting system of the       systematic control or which was invalid.
                                            Company; ④ had not built up the fraud          (2) There was unambiguous evidence
                                            program and control measurements; ⑤ the indicated the Company possessed one of
                                            financial treatment with unconventional or      the following conditions among the
                                            special transactions did not build up           evaluation at the period-end, should be
                                            corresponding control system or failed to       recognized as the significant defect of
                                            execute; ⑥ there was one or multiple           the internal control: ① there was
                                            defects during the control of financial report decision-making process but not
                                            at the period-end and could not reasonably      complete enough; ② the
                                            ensure the statement of the compile of the      decision-making process was irregular
                                            financial report was real and complete. (3)     that caused rather big mistake; ③
                                            General defect refers to the other control      violated the national laws, regulations,
                                            defect except for the above great defect and    rules and the normative documents that
                                            significant defect.                             received the administrative punishment
                                                                                            except the criminal penalties or the order
                                                                                            of the suspension of production or
                                                                                            business or be withheld or revoked the
                                                                                            permits or license; ④ significant
                                                                                            business mechanism or system existed
                                                                                            significant defect; ⑤ the significant
                                                                                            defect of the internal control had not
                                                                                            been verified. (3) The general defect
                                                                                            refers to the other control defect except
                                                                                            for the above great defect and significant

                                            The quantitative criteria regarded the total The quantitative criteria regarded the
                                            assets amount of the consolidated financial directly financial losses amount as the
                                            report as the measurement index. If the measurement index. If the defect alone or
                                            defect alone or accompanied with other accompanied with other defects which
                                            defects which may cause the amount of the may cause the amount of the directly
                                            misstatement of the financial report lower financial losses lower than 0.5% of the
                                            than 0.5% of the total assets amount of the total assets amount of the consolidated
                                            consolidated     statements,     should       be statements, should be recognized as the
Quantitative standard
                                            recognized as the general defect; if exceeded general defect; if exceeded 0.5% of the
                                            0.5% of the total assets amount of the total assets amount of the consolidated
                                            consolidated statement but still lower than statement but still lower than 1% of
                                            1% of which, should be recognized as the which, should be recognized as the
                                            significant defect; if exceeded 1% of the significant defect; if exceeded 1% of the
                                            total assets amount of the consolidated total assets amount of the consolidated
                                            statement, should be recognized as the great statement, should be recognized as the
                                            defect.                                         great defect.
Number of material weaknesses in internal
control over financial reporting

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

Number of material weaknesses in internal
control not related to financial reporting
Number of serious weaknesses in internal
control over financial reporting
Number of serious weaknesses in internal
control not related to financial reporting

X Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                 Opinion paragraph in the independent auditor’s report on internal control

Huaxin Packaging maintained valid internal control of the financial report in the significant aspects according to the C-SOX and
the relevant regulations on 31 December 2018.

Independent auditor’s report on
internal control disclosed or not

Disclosure date                         18 March 2019

Index to such report disclosed          www.cninfo.com.cn

Type of the auditor’s opinion          Unmodified unqualified opinion
Material weaknesses in internal
control not related to financial None

Indicate by tick mark whether any modified opinion is expressed in the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal


□ Yes √ No

Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal control is consistent with the internal

control self-evaluation report issued by the Company’s Board.

√ Yes □ No

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                      Annual Report 2018

                                           Part X Corporate Bonds

Does the Company have any corporate bonds publicly offered on the stock exchange, which were outstanding before the date of this

Report’s approval or were due but could not be redeemed in full?


Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2018

                                      Part XI Financial Statements

I Independent Auditor’s Report

Type of the independent auditor’s opinion                         Unmodified unqualified opinion

Date of signing this report                                        15 March 2019

Name of the independent auditor                                    Pan-China Certified Public Accountants(LLP)

Name of the certified public accountants                           Li Qinglong, Liu Jingya

                                               Text of the Independent Auditor’s Report

                              Independent Auditor’s Report
                                             Pan-China Audit Report [2019] No. 8-14

To the Shareholders of Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.
I. Opinion
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.
(together with its consolidated subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statements, the
“Company”), which comprise the parent’s and consolidated balance sheets as at 31 December 2018,
the parent’s and consolidated income statements, the parent’s and consolidated cash flow statements,
the parent’s and consolidated statements of changes in owners’ equity for the year then ended, as
well as the notes to the financial statements.
In our opinion, the financial statements attached were prepared in line with the regulations of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises in all significant aspects which gave a true and fair
view of the consolidated and parent financial position of Foshan Huaxin Packing Co., Ltd. as at 31
December 2018 and the consolidated and parent business performance and cash flow for 2018.
II. Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with Standards on Auditing for Certified Public Accountants.
Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for
the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. In accordance with professional ethics
for certified public accountants, we are independent with Foshan Huaxin Packing Co., Ltd. and we
have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained
is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
III. Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in
our audit of the financial statements of the Current Period. These matters were addressed in the
context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and
we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
(II) Accounted by Equity Method on the Investment of Associated Companies
1. Event description
Refer to Note V. (I) 8, Note V. (II) 12 and Note VII. (III) 1 to the financial statements for the details
of the relevant information disclosure;

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                    Annual Report 2018

During the Reporting Period, the management of Huaxin Packaging (hereinafter referred to as “the
management”) made the following significant judgments: Although Huaxin Packaging holds less
than 20% of the equity of Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
Chengtong Finance), it has the rights to delegate directors to Chengtong Finance, participate in the
operation and financial decision-making of Chengtong Finance and independently declare opinions
during the operation and financial decision-making process, and it has actually delegated directors
to Chengtong Finance. Therefore, it has significant effects on Chengtong Finance. Huaxin
Packaging converted its investment on Chengtong Finance from available-for-sale financial assets
into long-term equity investment accounted by equity method, and recognized into non-operating
revenue the difference amount of RMB21,561,200 between the initial investment cost and the fair
value of the identifiable net assets of the investee on the conversion date that it should be entitled to.
This event has significant effects on the consolidated financial statements of Huaxin Packaging.
2. Audit response
Audit procedures we implemented against the changes in the accounting method for associated
companies include:
(1) Obtain the documents on the Articles of Incorporation, and organization structure of Chengtong
Finance to understand the investment purposes.
(2) By checking relevant document records, including the explanation on the delegation of directors
by Huaxin Packaging, understand the significant effects of Huaxin Packaging on Chengtong
Finance, including the delegation of representatives in the board of directors of Chengtong Finance,
participation in the formulation of financial and operation policies and connected transactions.
Determine whether the conversion from cost method to equity method and the confirmation of the
conversion date on Chengtong Finance during the Reporting Period was reasonable.
(3) Obtain the financial statements of Chengtong Finance, determine the fair value of the
identifiable net assets of Chengtong Finance, and execute the audit procedures including
recalculation to check the accuracy of the amount of non-operating income and the appropriateness
of relevant accounting treatment by the management.
(4) Check the presentation and disclosure of the event.
(II) Revenue Recognition
1. Event description
Refer to Note III. (XXIV) and Note V. (II) 1 to the financial statements for the details of the
relevant information disclosure;
Huaxin Packaging is mainly engaged in the production and sale of ivory board, latex and printing
products. In 2018, the operating revenue of Huaxin Packaging was RMB 3,683,004,500, which was
mainly from domestic sale. According to the sale terms, the revenue from domestic sale shall be
recognized when products have been delivered to the place requested by the customer with the
acknowledgment on the receipt while the revenue from overseas sale shall be recognized when
products have been cleared by the customs with the declaration for export obtained.
As operating revenue is one of the key performance indicators of Huaxin Packaging, there might be
the inherent risk of the management intending to achieve certain goals or expectations through
improper revenue recognition. Therefore, we identify revenue recognition as a key audit event.
2. Audit response
Audit procedures we implemented against revenue recognition mainly include:
(1) Understand key internal control related to revenue recognition, evaluate its design and execution

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2018

and test the operation effectiveness of relevant internal control;
(2) Check key sale contracts, identify the terms related to the major risks and remuneration shift of
commodity ownership, evaluate whether the revenue recognition policy complies with the
regulation of the accounting standards for enterprises;
(3) Implement the analysis procedures on operating revenue and gross profit margin by product and
customer, identify whether there are any significant or unusual fluctuations and find out the reasons;
(4) In terms of domestic sale, check the supporting documents related to revenue recognition using
the sampling method, including sale contracts, sale invoices and customers’ acknowledgment
receipts; for overseas sale, check the supporting documents using the sampling method, including
sale contracts, declarations for export and sale invoices;
(5) Based on the letters of confirmation on accounts receivable, confirm with key customers on the
sales for the Reporting Period;
(6) Use the sampling method to check the revenue recognized around the balance sheet date against
the supporting documents such as customers’ acknowledgment receipts and declarations for export
and evaluate whether the revenue has been recognized in an appropriate period;
(7) Check whether the information related to operating revenue has been properly presented and
disclosed in the financial statements.

IV. Other Information
The management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises all of
the information included in the annual report other than the financial statements and our auditor’s
report thereon.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express
any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with
the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be
materially misstated.
If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this
other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
V. Responsibility of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial
The management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial
statements in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to make them a fair
presentation and designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the
preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s
ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern
and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate
or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Government of Foshan Huaxin Packing Co., Ltd (hereinafter refer to as “Government”) are
responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.
VI. CPA’s Responsibility for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                   Annual Report 2018

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report
that includes our opinion. We report our opinion solely to you, as a body, and for no other purpose.
We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of
this report. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit
conducted in accordance with auditing standards will always detect a material misstatement when it
exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in
the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken
on the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with auditing standards, we exercise professional judgment and
maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
(I) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to
fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit
evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not
detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as
fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of
internal control.
(II) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.
(III) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by the management.
(IV) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’ use of the going concern basis of
accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related
to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a
going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in
our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, and if such disclosures
are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up
to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to
cease to continue as a going concern.
(V) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including
the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and
events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
(VI) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities
or business activities within the Company to express an audit opinion on the financial statements.
We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the Company’s audit. We
remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned
scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in
internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with
relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all
relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and
where applicable, related safeguards (if applicable).
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                              Annual Report 2018

that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the Current Period and are
therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or
regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances,
we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse
consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of
such communication.

II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.
                                                          15 March 2019
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                     Item                                31 December 2018                  31 December 2017

Current assets:

  Monetary capital                                                        133,983,939.73              287,652,868.65

  Settlement reserve

  Interbank loans granted

  Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes and accounts receivable                                         1,058,839,572.02             1,160,829,887.51

     Including: Notes receivable                                          277,623,928.13              430,699,664.45

                  Accounts receivable                                     781,215,643.89              730,130,223.06

  Prepayments                                                             114,855,049.09              130,297,310.05

  Premiums receivable

  Reinsurance receivables

  Receivable reinsurance contract reserve

  Other receivables                                                        26,332,955.74               20,249,531.23

     Including: Interest receivable                                         7,800,232.76                  141,388.09

                  Dividends receivable

  Financial assets purchased under resale

  Inventories                                                           1,029,236,159.71              586,179,348.11

  Assets classified as held for sale

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                   Annual Report 2018

  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets                            338,311,849.45            44,160,627.03

Total current assets                             2,701,559,525.74        2,229,369,572.58

Non-current assets:

  Loans and advances to customers

  Available-for-sale financial assets                 288,700.00           627,643,841.04

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments                    662,590,158.00             8,294,365.17

  Investment property                              30,763,683.73            32,092,356.29

  Fixed assets                                   2,178,817,683.33        2,302,301,389.40

  Construction in progress                         38,735,958.38            39,315,774.19

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Intangible assets                               131,907,260.76           139,717,215.22

  R&D expense                                       7,752,439.97

  Goodwill                                         11,547,305.29            11,547,305.29

  Long-term prepaid expense                         4,755,506.18             3,256,890.17

  Deferred income tax assets                       31,549,345.48            27,594,599.01

  Other non-current assets                          1,495,963.49             5,235,044.33

Total non-current assets                         3,100,204,004.61        3,196,998,780.11

Total assets                                     5,801,763,530.35        5,426,368,352.69

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                           862,776,823.86           897,426,244.52

  Borrowings from central bank

  Customer       deposits    and     interbank

  Interbank loans obtained

  Financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes and accounts payable                      782,312,573.76           349,777,358.80

  Advances from customers                          33,431,588.79            21,769,745.08

  Financial assets sold under repurchase

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                  Annual Report 2018

  Handling charges and            commissions

  Payroll payable                                 44,817,842.45            29,262,158.33

  Taxes payable                                   41,288,520.29            21,397,103.10

  Other payables                                 179,737,877.39            50,811,351.70

     Including: Interest payable                   6,315,962.71             7,865,380.83

                    Dividends payable             25,083,228.68            12,116,789.76

  Reinsurance payables

  Insurance contract reserve

  Payables for acting trading of securities

  Payables for underwriting of securities

  Liabilities directly associated with assets
classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current liabilities     200,000,000.00           199,834,258.85

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                       2,144,365,226.54        1,572,673,099.63

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                           100,000,000.00           200,000,000.00

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables                                                       16,825,912.17

  Long-term payroll payable

  Provisions                                       1,508,735.64             1,366,445.61

  Deferred income                                 30,305,313.30            30,773,540.27

  Deferred income tax liabilities                  2,131,935.03             2,238,594.61

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                    133,945,983.97           251,204,492.66

Total liabilities                               2,278,311,210.51        1,823,877,592.29

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                  505,425,000.00           505,425,000.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                               256,822,373.42           256,822,373.42

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                            Annual Report 2018

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income                                       169,714.39                            169,714.39

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                                           196,399,250.80                          192,647,450.61

  General reserve

  Retained earnings                                         1,012,130,481.68                       1,027,794,897.79

Total equity attributable to owners of the
                                                            1,970,946,820.29                       1,982,859,436.21
Company as the parent

Non-controlling interests                                   1,552,505,499.55                       1,619,631,324.19

Total owners’ equity                                       3,523,452,319.84                       3,602,490,760.40

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                       5,801,763,530.35                       5,426,368,352.69

Legal representative: Ren Xiaoping                                        Chief Financial Officer: Ding Guoqiang

Financial Manager: Luo Jing

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                       Item                     31 December 2018                       31 December 2017

Current assets:

  Monetary capital                                                 357,681.85                         27,448,820.30

  Financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes and accounts receivable

     Including: Notes receivable

                  Accounts receivable


  Other receivables                                           61,127,498.79                          187,029,661.31

     Including: Interest receivable                             4,481,906.67

                  Dividends receivable


  Assets classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets                                              45,344.03                             18,255.56

Total current assets                                          61,530,524.67                          214,496,737.17

Non-current assets:

  Available-for-sale financial assets                              288,700.00                        627,643,841.04

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                  Annual Report 2018

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments                  1,719,127,360.28        1,070,107,442.14

  Investment property

  Fixed assets                                        89,328.44               121,857.50

  Construction in progress

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Intangible assets                                   95,808.24               118,626.24

  R&D expense


  Long-term prepaid expense                          168,411.39               213,321.10

  Deferred income tax assets

  Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                        1,719,769,608.35        1,698,205,088.02

Total assets                                    1,781,300,133.02        1,912,701,825.19

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes and accounts payable

  Advances from customers

  Payroll payable                                     10,500.40                 5,701.66

  Taxes payable                                        1,214.50                 1,698.89

  Other payables                                  51,738,991.68            11,731,091.24

     Including: Interest payable                   2,536,586.20             4,511,037.89

                 Dividends payable                   229,593.13               219,338.35

  Liabilities directly associated with assets
classified as held for sale

  Current portion of non-current liabilities                              199,834,258.85

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                         51,750,706.58           211,572,750.64

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                           Annual Report 2018

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payable


  Deferred income

  Deferred income tax liabilities

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                           51,750,706.58           211,572,750.64

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                           505,425,000.00            505,425,000.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                                        250,531,482.00            250,531,482.00

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                                        196,399,250.80            192,647,450.61

  Retained earnings                                       777,193,693.64            752,525,141.94

Total owners’ equity                                    1,729,549,426.44          1,701,129,074.55

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                    1,781,300,133.02          1,912,701,825.19

3. Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                     Item                     2018                          2017

1. Revenue                                           3,683,004,543.50              3,583,157,646.37

  Including: Operating revenue                       3,683,004,543.50              3,583,157,646.37

               Interest income

               Premium income

               Handling      charge     and
commission income

2. Costs and expenses                                3,796,303,733.02              3,566,071,163.08

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                     Annual Report 2018

  Including: Cost of sales                         3,356,346,712.73        3,108,365,473.17

                Interest expense

                Handling       charge       and
commission expense


                Net claims paid

                Net amount provided as
insurance contract reserve
                Expenditure      on      policy
                Reinsurance           premium

                Taxes and surcharges                 17,536,913.12            22,967,010.28

                Selling expense                     169,422,183.20           182,923,723.55

                Administrative expense              113,073,452.18           120,342,343.74

                R&D expense                          32,784,184.94             5,134,464.54

                Finance costs                        89,130,763.80           121,627,924.65

                  Including:            Interest
                                                     97,699,988.40           122,634,675.32

                                                     11,188,199.94            20,462,322.12

                Asset impairment loss                18,009,523.05             4,710,223.15

Add: Other income                                    11,229,258.30            13,791,511.79

        Investment income (“-” for loss)           18,008,673.27            34,641,907.00

            Including: Share of profit or
                                                      5,625,141.25            22,353,488.34
loss of joint ventures and associates

        Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
                                                      2,394,879.25             -3,966,220.91
for loss)

        Foreign exchange gain (“-” for
        Asset disposal income (“-” for
                                                       1,390,311.65              689,820.93

3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                 -80,276,067.05           62,243,502.10

Add: Non-operating income                            32,719,902.12             4,412,955.57

Less: Non-operating expense                           8,259,701.51            29,256,836.85

4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                -55,815,866.44           37,399,620.82

Less: Income tax expense                              1,168,739.98             2,171,808.47

5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                   -56,984,606.42           35,227,812.35

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                            Annual Report 2018

  5.1       Net   profit         from continuing
                                                            -56,866,173.83           37,706,435.17
operations (“-” for net loss)

  5.2 Net profit from discontinued
                                                              -118,432.59             -2,478,622.82
operations (“-” for net loss)

  Net profit attributable to owners of
                                                             -2,814,965.92           18,637,865.97
the Company as the parent
  Net         profit             attributable          to
                                                            -54,169,640.50           16,589,946.38
non-controlling interests
6. Other comprehensive income, net of
  Attributable         to        owners        of     the
Company as the parent
      6.1     Items        that        will    not    be
reclassified to profit or loss
         6.1.1     Changes               caused       by
remeasurements on defined benefit
pension schemes
         6.1.2         Share              of        other
comprehensive income of investees that
will not be reclassified to profit or loss
under equity method
      6.2 Items that may subsequently be
reclassified to profit or loss
         6.2.1         Share              of        other
comprehensive income of investees that
will be reclassified to profit or loss
under equity method
         6.2.2 Gain/Loss on changes in
fair value of available-for-sale financial
         6.2.3 Gain/Loss arising from
reclassification           of         held-to-maturity
investments           to             available-for-sale
financial assets
         6.2.4 Effective gain/loss on cash
flow hedges
         6.2.5 Differences arising from
translation                     of              foreign
currency-denominated                           financial

         6.2.6 Other

  Attributable             to         non-controlling

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                       Annual Report 2018

7. Total comprehensive income                                       -56,984,606.42                               35,227,812.35

  Attributable      to       owners    of   the
                                                                     -2,814,965.92                               18,637,865.97
Company as the parent
  Attributable          to     non-controlling
                                                                    -54,169,640.50                               16,589,946.38

8. Earnings per share

  8.1 Basic earnings per share                                               -0.01                                        0.04

  8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                             -0.01                                        0.04

Where business combinations under common control occurred in the current period, the net profit achieved by the acquirees before

the combinations was RMB0.00, with the amount for last year being RMB0.00.

Legal representative: Ren Xiaoping                                                   Chief Financial Officer: Ding Guoqiang

Financial Manager: Luo Jing

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                     Item                                 2018                                         2017

1. Operating revenue                                                          0.00                                        0.00

Less: Cost of sales                                                           0.00                                        0.00

        Taxes and surcharges                                              1,320.00                                   28,682.69

        Selling expense

        Administrative expense                                        2,283,741.47                                5,978,826.57

        R&D expense

        Finance costs                                                    68,524.98                                4,020,985.86

          Including: Interest expense                                8,806,,875.29                               55,902,473.17

                        Interest income                               8,822,547.45                               51,954,404.84

        Asset impairment loss                                             7,369.57

Add: Other income

         Investment income (“-” for loss)                          18,317,719.37                               33,862,273.89

            Including: Share of profit or
                                                                      5,103,538.56                               22,059,145.80
loss of joint ventures and associates

         Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
for loss)

         Asset disposal income (“-” for

2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                                 15,956,763.35                               23,833,778.77

Add: Non-operating income                                            21,561,238.54                                    2,449.44

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                           Annual Report 2018

Less: Non-operating expense                                                            108,053.64

3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                       37,518,001.89           23,728,174.57

Less: Income tax expense                                                                 4,386.83

4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                          37,518,001.89           23,723,787.74

  4.1    Net    profit         from continuing
                                                            37,518,001.89           23,723,787.74
operations (“-” for net loss)

  4.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)

5. Other comprehensive income, net of
  5.1 Items that will not be reclassified
to profit or loss
      5.1.1    Changes             in     caused      by
remeasurements on defined benefit
pension schemes
      5.1.2         Share                of        other
comprehensive income of investees that
will not be reclassified to profit or loss
under equity method
  5.2 Items that may subsequently be
reclassified to profit or loss
      5.2.1         Share                of        other
comprehensive income of investees that
will be reclassified to profit or loss
under equity method
      5.2.2 Gain/Loss on changes in fair
value of available-for-sale financial
      5.2.3    Gain/Loss                arising     from
reclassification         of         held-to-maturity
investments         to             available-for-sale
financial assets
      5.2.4 Effective gain/loss on cash
flow hedges
      5.2.5 Differences arising from
translation                   of                  foreign
currency-denominated                          financial

      5.2.6 Other

6. Total comprehensive income                               37,518,001.89           23,723,787.74

7. Earnings per share

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                             Annual Report 2018

    7.1 Basic earnings per share

    7.2 Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                        Item                        2018                      2017

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Proceeds from sale of commodities
                                                           3,842,502,603.81          3,500,810,257.77
and rendering of services
  Net increase in customer deposits and
interbank deposits
  Net increase in borrowings from
central bank
  Net increase in loans from other
financial institutions
  Premiums          received       on   original
insurance contracts

  Net proceeds from reinsurance

  Net        increase      in     deposits    and
investments of policy holders
  Net      increase       in    proceeds     from
disposal of financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss
  Interest,        handling       charges     and
commissions received
  Net increase in interbank loans
  Net      increase       in    proceeds     from
repurchase transactions

  Tax rebates                                                                              77,562.83

  Cash generated from other operating
                                                            159,737,820.68             81,627,128.29
Subtotal      of    cash        generated    from
                                                           4,002,240,424.49          3,582,514,948.89
operating activities
  Payments          for    commodities        and
                                                           3,126,706,099.95          3,151,914,393.79
  Net increase in loans and advances to
  Net increase in deposits in central
bank and in interbank loans granted
  Payments for claims on original
insurance contracts

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                        Annual Report 2018

  Interest,         handling        charges     and
commissions paid

  Policy dividends paid

  Cash paid to and for employees                       202,823,160.04           198,978,451.99

  Taxes paid                                            82,766,773.12           143,402,317.73

  Cash       used       in     other    operating
                                                       196,478,996.66           110,130,706.46
Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                      3,608,775,029.77        3,604,425,869.97
Net     cash        generated       from/used    in
                                                       393,465,394.72           -21,910,921.08
operating activities

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestment

  Investment income                                     10,245,728.00            47,768,096.34

  Net proceeds from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                     16,914,152.88             1,258,975.71
long-lived assets
  Net      proceeds          from    disposal    of
subsidiaries or other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
                                                       231,383,532.02           720,909,915.83
Subtotal       of     cash      generated     from
                                                       258,543,412.90           769,936,987.88
investing activities
  Payments for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                     27,351,931.82            34,123,041.42
long-lived assets

  Payments for investments                                                      396,000,000.00

  Net increase in pledged loans granted

  Net payments for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash       used       in      other   investing
                                                       545,200,000.00             1,000,000.00
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                                       572,551,931.82           431,123,041.42
Net     cash        generated       from/used    in
                                                      -314,008,518.92           338,813,946.46
investing activities

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received

      Including: Capital contributions by
non-controlling interests to subsidiaries

  Increase in borrowings obtained                     1,964,748,616.03        1,625,060,964.89

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report 2018

  Net proceeds from issuance of bonds

  Cash generated from other financing
                                                                  89,000,956.90            192,891,765.59
Subtotal       of     cash       generated        from
                                                                2,053,749,572.93          1,817,952,730.48
financing activities

  Repayment of borrowings                                       2,109,665,980.99          2,061,300,029.05

  Payments for interest and dividends                            108,171,060.59            132,490,125.69

       Including:       Dividends          paid    by
subsidiaries to non-controlling interests
  Cash       used          in    other     financing
                                                                  45,971,254.50             33,400,956.90
Subtotal of cash used in financing
                                                                2,263,808,296.08          2,227,191,111.64
Net     cash        generated       from/used       in
                                                                -210,058,723.15           -409,238,381.16
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                   4,362,620.83             -10,516,433.29
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                -126,239,226.52           -102,851,789.07
Add:     Cash        and        cash     equivalents,
                                                                 254,251,911.75            357,103,700.82
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                                 128,012,685.23            254,251,911.75

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                        Item                             2018                      2017

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Proceeds from sale of commodities
and rendering of services

  Tax rebates

  Cash generated from other operating
                                                                  13,374,787.33           1,277,482,830.05
Subtotal       of     cash       generated        from
                                                                  13,374,787.33           1,277,482,830.05
operating activities
  Payments           for        commodities        and

  Cash paid to and for employees                                   1,321,951.81              3,744,473.34

  Taxes paid                                                           1,020.00                222,684.00

  Cash       used          in    other     operating
                                                                   1,173,471.23            442,612,705.55

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                     Annual Report 2018

Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                       2,496,443.04          446,579,862.89
Net     cash        generated       from/used   in
                                                      10,878,344.29          830,902,967.16
operating activities

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestment

  Investment income                                   10,000,000.00           46,915,384.12

  Net proceeds from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                                               25,320.71
long-lived assets
  Net      proceeds          from    disposal   of
subsidiaries or other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
                                                     304,272,441.64          511,909,915.83
Subtotal       of     cash      generated   from
                                                     322,486,622.45          558,850,620.66
investing activities
  Payments for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                                              249,580.00
long-lived assets

  Payments for investments                                                   396,000,000.00

  Net payments for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash       used       in      other   investing
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                                     156,310,000.00          396,249,580.00
Net     cash        generated       from/used   in
                                                     166,176,622.45          162,601,040.66
investing activities

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received

  Increase in borrowings obtained

  Net proceeds from issuance of bonds

  Cash generated from other financing
Subtotal       of     cash      generated   from
financing activities

  Repayment of borrowings                            200,000,000.00          899,980,000.00

  Payments for interest and dividends                 19,702,981.05           74,484,459.27

  Cash       used       in     other    financing

Sub-total of cash used in financing                  259,702,981.05          974,464,459.27

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Annual Report 2018

Net     cash     generated    from/used      in
                                                                                -204,102,981.05                                -974,464,459.27
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                                  -27,091,138.45                                 19,039,548.55
Add:      Cash    and     cash     equivalents,
                                                                                  27,448,820.30                                   8,409,271.75
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                                                     357,681.85                                  27,448,820.30

7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB


                                           Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

                                      Other equity                                                                            Non-co
                                                                                Other                             Retaine                  Total
          Item                         instruments                     Less:                                                  ntrollin
                         Share                             Capital              compre Specific Surplus General     d                     owners’
                                                                      Treasur                                                    g
                                   Prefer Perpet                                                                                          equity
                         capital                           reserves             hensive reserve reserves reserve earning
                                                                      y stock                                                 interests
                                    red    ual     Other
                                                                                income                               s
                                   shares bonds

1. Balances as at 505,42                                                                                          1,027,7 1,619,6 3,602,4
                                                           256,822              169,714              192,647
the end of the prior 5,000.                                                                                       94,897. 31,324. 90,760.
                                                           ,373.42                  .39              ,450.61
year                         00                                                                                          79          19        40

Add: Adjustments
for            changed
  Adjustments for
corrections         of
previous errors
  Adjustments for
under        common

2. Balances as at 505,42                                                                                          1,027,7 1,619,6 3,602,4
                                                           256,822              169,714              192,647
the beginning of 5,000.                                                                                           94,897. 31,324. 90,760.
                                                           ,373.42                  .39              ,450.61
the year                     00                                                                                          79          19        40

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.               Annual Report 2018

3.             Increase/
decrease        in     the          3,751,8   -15,664, -67,125, -79,038,
period      (“-”     for           00.19     416.11 824.64 440.56
     3.1             Total
                                              -2,814,9 -54,169, -56,984,
                                                65.92 640.50 606.42
     3.2        Capital
increased              and
reduced by owners
Ordinary shares
increased by
       3.2.2 Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments
payments included
in owners’ equity

       3.2.4 Other

 3.3                 Profit         3,751,8   -12,849, -12,956, -22,053,
distribution                         00.19     450.19 184.14 834.14

                                    3,751,8   -3,751,8
Appropriation           to
                                     00.19      00.19
surplus reserves
Appropriation           to
general reserve
Appropriation           to                    -9,097,6 -12,956, -22,053,
owners                 (or                      50.00 184.14 834.14

       3.3.4 Other

     3.4    Transfers
within          owners’
       3.4.1 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)             from
capital reserves

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Annual Report 2018

       3.4.2 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)           from
surplus reserves
       3.4.3       Loss
offset by surplus
Changes               in
defined          benefit
pension        schemes
transferred           to
retained earnings

       3.4.5 Other

  3.5          Specific
       3.5.1 Increase
in the period
       3.5.2 Used in
the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as at 505,42                                                                                             1,012,1 1,552,5 3,523,4
                                                             256,822              169,714         196,399
the end of the 5,000.                                                                                                30,481. 05,499. 52,319.
                                                             ,373.42                  .39          ,250.80
period                         00                                                                                           68          55        84

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB


                                             Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent
                                        Other equity
                                                                                  Other                                          ntrollin     Total
          Item                           instruments                     Less:                                       Retaine
                           Share                             Capital              compre Specific Surplus General                   g        owners’
                                     Prefer Perpet                      Treasur                                         d
                           capital                           reserves             hensive reserve reserves reserve               interest equity
                                      red    ual     Other              y stock                                      earnings
                                                                                  income                                            s
                                     shares bonds

1. Balances as at 505,42                                                                                              1,027,7 1,618,3 3,598,7
                                                             256,822              169,714         190,275
the end of the prior 5,000.                                                                                           03,010. 19,827. 14,997.
                                                             ,373.42                  .39          ,071.84
year                           00                                                                                           59          16        40

Add: Adjustments
for            changed

  Adjustments for

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                   Annual Report 2018

corrections              of
previous errors
     Adjustments for
under          common

2. Balances as at 505,42                                          1,027,7 1,618,3 3,598,7
                                    256,822   169,714   190,275
the beginning of 5,000.                                           03,010. 19,827. 14,997.
                                    ,373.42       .39   ,071.84
the year                       00                                      59       16       40

3.             Increase/
decrease        in      the                             2,372,3   91,887. 1,311,4 3,775,7
period       (“-”     for                               78.77        20    97.03   63.00
     3.1              Total
                                                                  18,637, 16,589, 35,227,
                                                                   865.97 946.38 812.35
     3.2        Capital
increased               and
reduced by owners
Ordinary shares
increased by
       3.2.2 Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments
payments included
in owners’ equity

       3.2.4 Other

 3.3                  Profit                            2,372,3   -18,545, -15,278 -31,452,
distribution                                              78.77    978.77 ,449.35 049.35

                                                        2,372,3   -2,372,3
Appropriation            to
                                                          78.77     78.77
surplus reserves
Appropriation            to
general reserve

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

Appropriation         to                                                                                     -16,173, -15,278 -31,452,
owners               (or                                                                                      600.00 ,449.35 049.35

       3.3.4 Other

  3.4       Transfers
within         owners’
       3.4.1 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)           from
capital reserves
       3.4.2 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)           from
surplus reserves
       3.4.3       Loss
offset by surplus
Changes               in
defined          benefit
pension        schemes
transferred           to
retained earnings

       3.4.5 Other

  3.5          Specific
       3.5.1 Increase
in the period
       3.5.2 Used in
the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as at 505,42                                                                                      1,027,7 1,619,6 3,602,4
                                                     256,822              169,714        192,647
the end of the 5,000.                                                                                         94,897. 31,324. 90,760.
                                                      ,373.42                 .39            ,450.61
period                       00                                                                                      79     19       40

8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                           Share   Other equity instruments     Capital    Less:     Other      Specific   Surplus    Retaine    Total

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Annual Report 2018

                               capital                                reserves    Treasury comprehe   reserve   reserves      d       owners’
                                          Preferre Perpetu
                                                              Other                stock    nsive                          earnings   equity
                                          d shares al bonds
1. Balances as at
                               505,425,                               250,531,4                                 192,647,4 752,525 1,701,129
the end of the prior
                                000.00                                   82.00                                      50.61 ,141.94      ,074.55
Add: Adjustments
for            changed
     Adjustments for
corrections              of
previous errors
2. Balances as at
                               505,425,                               250,531,4                                 192,647,4 752,525 1,701,129
the beginning of
                                000.00                                   82.00                                      50.61 ,141.94      ,074.55
the year
3.             Increase/
decrease        in      the                                                                                     3,751,800 24,668, 28,420,35
period       (“-”     for                                                                                           .19 551.70          1.89
     3.1              Total
                                                                                                                           37,518, 37,518,00
                                                                                                                            001.89        1.89
     3.2         Capital
increased               and
reduced by owners
Ordinary shares
increased by
       3.2.2 Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments
payments included
in owners’ equity

       3.2.4 Other

     3.3              Profit                                                                                    3,751,800 -12,849, -9,097,65
distribution                                                                                                          .19 450.19          0.00

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

                                                                                                        3,751,800 -3,751,8
Appropriation        to
                                                                                                              .19     00.19
surplus reserves
Appropriation        to                                                                                             -9,097,6 -9,097,65
owners              (or                                                                                               50.00       0.00

       3.3.3 Other

  3.4       Transfers
within         owners’
       3.4.1 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)          from
capital    reserves
       3.4.2 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)          from
surplus reserves
       3.4.3      Loss
offset by surplus
       3.4.4 Changes
in defined benefit
pension        schemes
transferred          to
retained earnings

       3.4.4 Other

  3.5          Specific
       3.5.1 Increase
in the period
       3.5.2 Used in
the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as at
                          505,425,                              250,531,4                               196,399,2 777,193 1,729,549
the end of the
                           000.00                                   82.00                                   50.80 ,693.64       ,426.44

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                           Share     Other equity instruments    Capital    Less:    Other   Specific   Surplus     Retaine    Total

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Annual Report 2018

                               capital                                reserves    Treasury comprehe   reserve   reserves       d       owners’
                                          Preferre Perpetu
                                                              Other                stock    nsive                           earnings   equity
                                          d shares al bonds
1. Balances as at
                               505,425,                               250,531,4                                 190,275,0 747,347 1,693,578
the end of the prior
                                000.00                                   82.00                                      71.84 ,332.97       ,886.81
Add: Adjustments
for            changed
     Adjustments for
corrections              of
previous errors
2. Balances as at
                               505,425,                               250,531,4                                 190,275,0 747,347 1,693,578
the beginning of
                                000.00                                   82.00                                      71.84 ,332.97       ,886.81
the year
3.             Increase/
decrease        in      the                                                                                     2,372,378 5,177,8 7,550,187
period       (“-”     for                                                                                           .77     08.97         .74
     3.1              Total
                                                                                                                            23,723, 23,723,78
                                                                                                                             787.74        7.74
     3.2         Capital
increased               and
reduced by owners
Ordinary shares
increased by
       3.2.2 Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments
payments included
in owners’ equity

       3.2.4 Other

     3.3              Profit                                                                                    2,372,378 -18,545, -16,173,6
distribution                                                                                                          .77 978.77          00.00

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                     Annual Report 2018

                                                                                 2,372,378 -2,372,3
Appropriation       to
                                                                                       .77     78.77
surplus reserves
Appropriation       to                                                                       -16,173, -16,173,6
owners             (or                                                                        600.00     00.00

     3.3.3 Other

  3.4      Transfers
within        owners’
     3.4.1 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)         from
capital    reserves
     3.4.2 Increase
in capital (or share
capital)         from
surplus reserves
     3.4.3       Loss
offset by surplus
     3.4.4 Changes
in defined benefit
pension       schemes
transferred         to
retained earnings

     3.4.4 Other

  3.5         Specific
     3.5.1 Increase
in the period
     3.5.2 Used in
the period

  3.6 Other

4. Balances as at
                         505,425,            250,531,4                           192,647,4 752,525 1,701,129
the end of the
                          000.00                 82.00                               50.61 ,141.94     ,074.55
III Company Profile
Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) was sponsored and set by Foshan
Huaxin Development Co., Ltd., Foshan Municipal Investment General Corporation, Foshan Xinhui Industrial
Development Co., Ltd., China Packaging General Corporation, China Material Development & Investment
General Corporation, Guangdong Technical Reforming & Investment Co., Ltd., China Chemistry & Light

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                              Annual Report 2018

Industry General Corporation, and Foshan Light Industry Company under approval of People’s Government of
Guangdong Province with YBH (1999) No. 297 document and Economic System Reform Committee of
Guangdong Province with YTG (1999) No. 032 document, and was registered in Administration Bureau for
Commerce & Industry of Guangdong Province on 21 June 1999. The Company holds the business license with the
unified social credit code of 914406007076822793. And its registered capital is RMB505,425,000.00 with total
505,425,000.00 shares (RMB1 per share), among which, there are unrestricted public 171,925,000.00 B shares
and unrestricted private 333,500,000.00 B shares. The Company’s stocks were listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange
for trade in 2000.

The Company is in the industry of papermaking, paper packaging and printing. Main business scope: mainly
manufactures (operated by subsidiary companies under the Company) and sells packaging materials, and
packaging products, materials for decoration and aluminum and plastic compound materials; sells and maintains
package machinery; invests in industry in terms of package and printing. Main products or services include
high-grade coated white cardboard and color packages printing products, and etc.
The financial statement is reported after the approval of the 2nd Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors in 2019 of
the Company.
The Company included five subsidiaries, Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Packaging Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as
Hongta Renheng), Zhuhai Huafeng Paper Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Huafeng Paper), Zhuhai Golden
Pheasant Chemical Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Golden Pheasant Chemical), Huaxin (Foshan) Color
Printing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Foshan Color Printing), and Zhejiang Hongta Renheng Packaging
Technology Co., Ltd, into the scope of consolidated financial statement in the Reporting Period. For details, see
changes in consolidation scope of the notes to financial statement and the explanation for equities in other entities.

IV. Basis for the Preparation of Financial Statements

1. Preparation Basis

The financial statement of the Company was prepared on the base of the assumption of continuation.

2. Continuation

There was no such case where the sustainable operation ability within 12 months since the end of the Reporting
Period was highly doubted.

V. Important Accounting Policies and Estimations

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?
Indication of specific accounting policies and estimations:

1. Statement for Complying with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise

The financial statements for the Reporting Period prepared by the Company are in compliance with the
requirements of the accounting standard for business enterprise, and have reflected the Company’s financial status,

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                              Annual Report 2018

operating results and cash flows in an accurate and complete way.

2. Fiscal Period

The fiscal year of the Company is a solar calendar year, which is from 1 January to 31 December.

3. Operating Cycle

The operating cycle of the Company’s business is comparatively short with 12 months as the classification
standard for the mobility of assets and liabilities.

4. Standard Currency of Accounts

The Company adopts Renminbi as a standard currency of accounts.

5. Accounting Process of Business Combinations under the Same Control and not under the Same Control

1. Accounting Process of Business Combinations under the Same Control
The assets and liabilities that the Company obtains in a business combination shall be measured on the basis of
their carrying amount combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the final controller on the
combining date. As for the balance between the carrying amount of combined party’s owners equities in the
consolidated financial statements of the final controller and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it or
the total par value of the shares issued), the additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in
capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
2. Accounting Process of Business Combinations not under the Same Control
The Company shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the
identifiable net assets obtained from the acquiree on purchase date as goodwill. If the combination costs are less
than the fair value of the identifiable net assets obtained from the acquire, the Company shall recheck the various
identifiable assets and liabilities obtained from the acquire, fair value with liabilities, and measurement of
combination costs. If the combination costs are less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets obtained from
the acquire after recheck, the Company shall the record the balance into the profit and loss of the current period.

6. Methods for Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements

The Company as the parent included its all subsidiaries into the consolidation scope of consolidated financial
statements. Based on the financial statements of the Company as the parent and its subsidiaries and other related
materials, the consolidated financial statements were prepared by the Company as the parent according to
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 33 –Consolidated Financial Statements.

7. Classification of Joint arrangements and Accounting Treatment of Joint Operations

1. Joint arrangement is classified into joint operation and joint ventures.
2. When the Company is a party of a joint operation, recognize the following items related to the profits in the
joint operation:
(1) Recognize the assets held independently, and recognize the assets held jointly in the holding portion;

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                               Annual Report 2018

(2) Recognize the liabilities borne independently, and recognize the liabilities held jointly in the holding portion;
(3) Recognize the revenue generated from the output portion of joint operation shared for selling the Company;
(4) Recognize the revenue generated from the sale of assets in joint operation in the holding portion of the
(5) Recognize the expenses incurred independently, and recognize the expenses incurred in joint operation in the
holding portion of the Company.

8. Recognition Standard for Cash and Cash Equivalents

The term “cash” listed and presented in the cash flow statement refers to cash on hand and deposits that are
available for payment at any time. The term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term and highly liquid investments
that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in

9. Foreign Currency Businesses and Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements

1. Translation of Foreign Currency Business
As for a foreign currency transaction in its initial recognition, the amount in the foreign currency shall be
translated into the amount in the Renminbi at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date. On balance sheet date,
the foreign currency monetary items shall be translated as the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date, the
balance occurred thereof shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period except that the balance
of exchange arising from the principal and interests of foreign currency borrowings for the purchase and
construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured
at the historical cost shall still be translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date, of which the amount
of functional currency shall not be changed. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the fair value
shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the confirming date of fair value, of which the balance of exchange
shall be included into the profit and loss of the current period or other comprehensive income.
2. Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance sheet
date. Among the owner’s equity items, except for the items as “undistributed profits”, other items shall be
translated at the spot exchange rate at the time when they are incurred. The income and expense items in the profit
statements shall be translated at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date. The differences arising from the
translation of foreign currency financial statements in compliance with the aforesaid Items shall be recorded into
other comprehensive incomes.

10. Financial Instruments

1. Classification of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
Financial assets shall be classified into the following four categories when they are initially recognized: the
financial assets which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and
losses of the current period (including transactional financial assets and the financial assets which are measured at
their fair values and of which the variation is included in the current profits and losses); the investments which
will be held to their maturity; loans and the account receivables; and financial assets available for sale.
Financial liabilities shall be classified into the following two categories when they are initially recognized: the

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financial liabilities which are measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the current
profits and losses (including transactional financial liabilities and the designated financial liabilities n its initial
recognition which are measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the current profits and
losses) and other financial liabilities.
2. Recognition Basis, Calculation Method, and Termination of Recognition of Financial Assets and Liabilities
When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument, it shall recognize a financial asset or financial
liability. The financial assets and financial liabilities initially recognized shall be measured at their fair values. For
the financial assets and liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period, the transaction expenses thereof shall be directly recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period; for other categories of financial assets and financial liabilities, the transaction
expenses thereof shall be included into the initially recognized amount.
The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its financial assets according to their fair values, and may
not deduct the transaction expenses that may occur when it disposes of the said financial asset in the future.
However, those under the following circumstances shall be excluded: (1)The investments held until their maturity,
loans and accounts receivable shall be measured on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual
interest rate method; (2) The equity instrument investments for which there is no quotation in the active market
and whose fair value cannot be measured reliably, and the derivative financial assets which are connected with the
said equity instrument and must be settled by delivering the said equity instrument shall be measured on the basis
of their costs.
The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its financial liabilities on the basis of the post-amortization
costs by adopting the actual interest rate method, with the exception of those under the following circumstances:
(1) For the financial liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period, they shall be measured at their fair values, and none of the transaction expenses
may be deducted, which may occur when the financial liabilities are settled in the future; (2) For the derivative
financial liabilities, which are connected to the equity instrument for which there is no quotation in the active
market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which must be settled by delivering the equity
instrument, they shall be measured on the basis of their costs; (3)For the financial guarantee contracts which are
not designated as a financial liability measured at its fair value and the variation thereof is recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period, and for the commitments to grant loans which are not designated to be measured
at the fair value and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period and which
will enjoy an interest rate lower than that of the market, a subsequent measurement shall be made after they are
initially recognized according to the higher one of the following: 1) the amount as determined according to the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies; 2) the surplus after accumulative amortization as
determined according to the principles of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues is
subtracted from the initially recognized amount.
Profits or losses from the change in fair value of financial assets or financial liabilities, unless related to hedging,
shall be treated in the following methods: (1) Profits or losses from the change in fair value of financial assets
measured by fair value and the changes included in the current gains and losses shall be included in gains from the
change in fair value; interests or cash dividends gained during asset holding shall be recognized as investment
income; at disposal, the difference between the amount actually received and the initially recognized amount shall
be recognized as investment income, and at the same time, income from the change in fair value shall be adjusted.
(2) The change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets shall be included into other comprehensive
income; interests calculated in the actual interest rate method during the holding shall be included into investment
income; cash dividends from the investment of available-for-sale equity instruments shall be included into

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investment income when the investee announces the issue of dividends; at disposal, the difference between the
amount actually received and the book value after deducting the cumulative amount of the change in fair value
originally included into other comprehensive income shall be recognized as investment income.
When the contractual right to receive the cash flow from a financial asset has been terminated or almost all the
risks and remunerations in respect of the ownership of the financial asset have been shifted, the financial asset
shall be derecognized; when the current obligations of a financial liability are fully or partially terminated, the
financial liability or a part of it shall be derecognized accordingly.
3. Recognition Basis and Measurement of Transfer of Financial Assets
Where the Company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial
asset to the transferee, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset. If it retained nearly all of the risks and rewards
related to the ownership of the financial asset, it shall continue to recognize the transferred financial asset, and
recognize the received consideration as a financial liability. Where the Company does not transfer or retain nearly
all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a financial asset, it shall deal with it according to the
circumstances as follows, respectively: (1) If it gives up its control over the financial asset, it shall stop
recognizing the financial asset; (2) If it does not give up its control over the financial asset, it shall, according to
the extent of its continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset, recognize the related financial asset and
recognize the relevant liability accordingly.
If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the difference between
the amounts of the following 2 items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The book
value of the transferred financial asset; (2) The sum of consideration received from the transfer, and the
accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities. If the transfer of
partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the entire book value of the transferred
financial asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose recognition
has not been stopped, be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and the difference between
the amounts of the following two items shall be included into the profits and losses of the current period: (1)The
book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped; (2)The sum of consideration of the portion whose
recognition has been stopped, and the portion of the accumulative amount of the changes in the fair value
originally recorded in the owner's equities which is corresponding to the portion whose recognition has been
4. Recognition Method of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities’ Fair Value
The Company adopts the valuation technique with sufficient useful data and supported by other information
which is suitable for the current situation to recognize the fair value of related financial assets and liabilities. The
Company classifies the input value used in the valuation technique into the following levels and uses them in
(1) The first level of input value is the non-adjustable offer of the same assets or liabilities in the active market on
the calculation date;
(2) The second level of input value is the directly or indirectly observable input value of related assets or liabilities
except the input value on the first level, including: offer of similar assets or liabilities in the active market; offer of
identical or similar assets or liabilities in the non-active market; other observable input value except offer,
including the observable interest rate during the interval period of common offer, profit rate curve, etc.; the input
value for market verification etc..
(3) The third level of input value is the non-observable input value of related assets or liabilities, including interest
rates that cannot be observed directly or verified by the data of observable market, stock fluctuation rate, future
cash flow of the disposal obligation borne in corporate mergers, financial forecast based on self-data, etc..

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5. Impairment Test and Withdrawal Method of Provision for the Impairment of Financial Assets
(1) Except for financial assets which are measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the
current profits and losses, the Company checks the book values of all other financial assets on the balance sheet
date. If there is objective evidence proving that a financial asset is impaired, an impairment provision is made.
(2) For held-to-maturity investments, loans and accounts receivable, financial assets with significant ingle
amounts shall be separated first, and carry out an impairment test independently. With regard to the financial
assets with insignificant single amounts, an independent impairment test may be carried out, or they may be
included in a combination of financial assets with similar credit risk features so as to carry out an
impairment-related test. Where, upon independent test, the financial asset (including those financial assets with
significant single amounts and those with insignificant amounts) has not been impaired, it shall be included in a
combination of financial assets with similar risk features so as to conduct another impairment test. If the test
results show that it has been impaired, the impairment losses shall be recognized according to the positive balance
between its carrying value and the estimated present value of future cash flow.
(3) Financial Assets Available for sale
1) The objective evidences that can prove the impairment of debt instrument available for sale in investment shall
 A serious financial difficulty occurs to the debtor;
 The debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations, for example, fails to pay or delays the payment of
interests or the principal, etc.;
 The Company makes concession to the debtor which is in financial difficulties due to economic or legal factors,
 The debtor will probably become bankrupt or carry out other financial reorganizations;
)The debt instrument can no longer continue to be traded in the active market due to serious financial
difficulties of the debtor;
⑥Other objective evidences showing the impairment of the debt instrument available for sale
2) Objective evidences showing the impairment of equity instrument include: the fair value of the equity
instrument investment drops significantly or not temporarily; Any seriously disadvantageous change has occurred
to technical, market, economic or legal environment, etc. wherein the invested companies’ business, which makes
the Company unable to take back its cost of investment.
On balance sheet date, the Company separately examines each available-for-sale equity instrument investment. If
the fair value of the equity instruments which invests on the balance sheet date is lower than its initial investment
cost for more than 50% (including 50%) or lower than its initial investment cost for the duration time for more
than 12 months (including 12 months), which indicates that it had occurred impairment; if the fair value of the
equity instruments which invests on the balance sheet date is lower than its initial investment cost for more than
20% (including 20%) but not reach at 50%, or lower than its initial investment cost for the duration time for more
than 6 months (including 6 months) but not exceed 12 months, the Company will comprehensively considerate the
other relevant factors such as the price volatility etc. and will judge the equity investment whether had occurred
impairment. In respect of the equity instrument investment measured at cost, the Company determines whether
there is any impairment to the equity instrument by comprehensively considering whether there are any
unfavorable changes to the technical, market, economic or legal environment operated by the investee.
When there is any impairment to the available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value, the accumulative
losses from decrease in fair value originally and directly recorded into other comprehensive income shall be rolled
out and included into impairment losses. As for the investment of available-for-sale debt instruments whose

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impairment-related losses have been recognized, if, after the accounting period, the fair value has risen and is
objectively related to the subsequent events that occur after the originally impairment-related losses were
recognized, the originally recognized impairment-related losses shall be reversed and be recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period. As for the investment of available-for-sale equity instruments whose
impairment-related losses have been recognized, the increased fair value after the accounting period shall be
recorded into other comprehensive income.
When there is any impairment to the available-for-sale equity instruments measured at cost, the difference
between the book value of the equity instrument investment and the present value obtained from the discount of
future cash flow with the present market return of similar financial assets shall be recognized as impairment losses
and recorded into current profits or losses. Once recognized, the impairment losses shall not be reversed.

11. Notes and Accounts Receivable

(1) Bad Debt Provision for Individually Significant Accounts Receivable

Judgment basis or monetary standards of provision for bad debts An account receivable exceeds RMB10 million (inclusive), or
of the individually significant accounts receivable               another account receivable exceeds RMB5 million (inclusive).

                                                                  An impairment test shall be conducted separately on the account
Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which receivable and the difference of the present value of expected
bad debt provision separately accrued at the period-end           future cash flow less than its book value shall be withdrawn as
                                                                  the bad debt provision.

(2) Accounts Receivable which the Bad Debt Provision is Withdrawn by Credit Risk Characteristics

                        Name of the group                                             Bad debt provision method

Aging                                                             Aging analysis method

Amounts of connected-parties within the scope of consolidation

In the groups, adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                 Withdrawal proportion for accounts         Withdrawal proportion for other accounts
                                                             receivable                                    receivable

1-3 months                                                                       0.00%                                        0.00%

4-12 months                                                                      5.00%                                        5.00%

1-2 years                                                                       10.00%                                       10.00%

2-3 years                                                                       20.00%                                       20.00%

Over 3 years                                                                    50.00%                                       50.00%

3-4 years                                                                       50.00%                                       50.00%

4-5 years                                                                       50.00%                                       50.00%

Over 5 years                                                                    50.00%                                       50.00%

In the groups, adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

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□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the groups, adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Accounts Receivable with an Insignificant Single Amount but for which the Bad Debt Provision is Made

                                                                  There exists evidence that the Company unable to recover the
Reason of individually withdrawing bad debt provision:
                                                                  account receivable in line with the original items.

                                                                  An impairment test shall be conducted separately on the account
                                                                  receivable and the difference of the present value of expected
Withdrawing bad debt provision method
                                                                  future cash flow less than its book value shall be withdrawn as
                                                                  the bad debt provision.

12. Inventory

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?

1. Category
Inventory was referred to the finished goods or commodities for sale, products in the process, materials in
production or providing services in daily activities, etc.
2. Pricing Method for Outgoing Inventories
Adopting the weighted average method for pricing at the end of the month at a time
3. Recognition basis of Net Realizable Value of Inventory
On the balance sheet date, inventory shall be measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value, and provision
shall be made for falling price of inventories on the ground of the difference between the cost of each item of
inventories and the net realizable value. Inventories directly for sale, under normal producing process, to the
amount after deducting the estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sell price of the inventory,
the net realizable value has been recognized; inventories which need to be processed, under normal producing
process, to the amount after deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes
from the estimated sale price of produced finished goods, the net realizable value has been recognized; on the
balance sheet date, in the same item of inventories, if some have contractual price agreement while others do not,
the net realizable value shall be recognized respectively and compared with their cost, and the amount of
provision withdrawal or reversal for falling price of inventories shall be recognized respectively.
4. Inventory System for Inventories:
Inventory system: Perpetual inventory system
5. Amortization Method of the Low-value Consumption Goods and Packing Articles
(1) Low-value Consumption Goods
One-off amortization method
(2) Packing Articles
One-off amortization method

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13. Divided as Assets Held for Sale

1. Classification of Non-current assets or disposal group Held for Sale
Non-current assets or disposal group are confirmed to be the components held for sale when the following
conditions are simultaneously satisfied: (1) According to the convention of similar transactions selling this kind of
assets or disposal group, they can be sold instantly in such conditions. (2) Sale is extremely likely to happen, that
is, the Company has made the decision of a sale plan, and got the confirmed purchase commitment. It is estimated
that the sale will be finished within 1 year.
Non-current assets or disposal groups specifically obtained by the Company for resale will be classified as
held-for-sale on the acquisition date when they meet the stipulated conditions of “expected to be sold within one
year” on the acquisition date, and may well satisfy the category of held-for-sale within a short time (which is
usually 3 months).
If any transaction between non-related parties fails to complete within one year due to one of the following
reasons outside the Company’s control, and the Company still commits to sell non-current assets or disposal
groups, the non-current assets or disposal groups shall be still classified as the held-for-sale category: (1) For
conditions of sale delay resulting from the accidental setting by the buyer or another party, the Company has duly
taken actions against those conditions and it is expected that the delay factors can be smoothly solved within one
year since the conditions of sale delay resulting from the setting; (2) Non-current assets or disposal groups held
for sale fail to be sold within one year due to rare circumstances, and the Company has taken necessary measures
against those new situations within the first year and re-satisfied the conditions for classifying them into the
held-for-sale category.
2. Measurement of held-for-sale non-current assets or disposal groups
(1) Initial measurement and subsequent measurement
For the initial measurement and the re-measurement of held-for-sale non-current assets or disposal groups on the
balance sheet date, if the book value is higher than the net amount of the fair value deducting the selling expenses,
the book value shall be written down to the net amount of the fair value deducting the selling expenses. The
written down amount shall be recognized as asset impairment losses and recorded into current profits or losses,
and at the same time, the held-for-sale asset impairment provision shall be withdrawn.
In respect of non-current assets or disposal groups classified into the held-for-sale category on the date of
obtainment, when initially measuring them, compare the initially measured amount supposing that they are not
classified into the held-for-sale category and the amount of the fair value deducting the selling expenses, and
measure them at the lower amount. Other than the non-current assets or disposal groups obtained in corporate
mergers, the difference generated from the net amount of the fair value of non-current assets or disposal groups
deducting the selling expenses as the initially measured amount shall be recorded into current profits or losses.
For the amount of asset impairment losses recognized in respect of held-for-sale disposal groups, first write off the
book value of goodwill in the disposal groups, and then write off their book value in proportion according to the
percentage of the book value of each non-current asset in the disposal groups.
Depreciation or amortization shall not be withdrawn for held-for-sale non-current assets or the non-current assets
in disposal groups, while the interests of liabilities and other expenses in held-for-sale disposal groups shall still
be recognized.
(2) Accounting Methods for the Recovery of Assets Impairment Losses
If the net amount that the fair value of the non-current assets held for sale on the follow-up balance sheet date
minus the sale costs increases, the previous written-down amount will be restored, and reversed to the asset
impairment loss confirmed after the assets being classified as held-for-sale. The reversed amount will be included

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in the current profit or loss. Impairment losses on assets recognized prior to classification as held for sale are not
If the net amount that the fair value of the disposal groups held for sale on the follow-up balance sheet date minus
the sale costs increases, the previous written-down amount will be restored, and reversed to the asset impairment
loss confirmed after the assets being classified as held-for-sale. The reversed amount will be included in the
current profit or loss. The book value of deducted goodwill and the non-current assets applicable to the
measurement of held-for-sale categories will not be reversed if the asset impairment loss is recognized before it is
classified as held for sale.
For the subsequent reversal amount of the asset impairment loss recognized by the disposal group held for sale, its
book value shall be increased proportionately to the proportion of the book value of various non-current assets
measured by the disposal group in addition to goodwill.
(3) Accounting Methods for Ceasing to be classified as held-for-sale and Termination of Recognition
When a non-current asset or disposal group ceases to be classified as held-for-sale or a non-current asset is
removed out from the held-for-sale disposal group due to failure in meeting the classification conditions for the
category of held-for-sale, it will be measured by one of the followings whichever is lower: ① The book value
before being classified as held for sale will be adjusted according to the depreciation, amortization or impairment
that would have been recognized under the assumption that it was not classified as held for sale; ② The
recoverable amount.
When terminating the recognition of non-current assets or disposal group held for sale, the unconfirmed gains or
losses shall be recorded into the current profits and losses.

14. Long-term Equity Investment

1. Judgment of Joint Control and Significant Influences
The term "joint control" refers to the joint control over an arrangement in accordance with the related agreements,
which does not exist unless the participants sharing the control power agree with each other about the related
arranged activity. The term "significant influences" refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the
financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not to control or do joint control together with other parties
over the formulation of these policies.
2. Recognition of Investment Cost
(1) If the business combination is under the common control and the acquirer obtains long-term equity investment
in the consideration of cash, non-monetary asset exchange, bearing acquiree’s liabilities, or the issuance of equity
securities, the initial cost is the carrying amount of the proportion of the acquiree’s owner’s equity at the
acquisition date. The difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the carrying
amount of the paid combination or the total amount of the issued shares should be adjusted to capital surplus. If
the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earnings are adjusted respectively.
When a long-term equity investment is formed from the business combination under common control through the
Company’s multiple transactions step by step, the treatment shall be carried out based on whether the transactions
constitute the “package deal”. If they do, the accounting treatment shall be carried out on the basis of assuming all
transactions as one transaction with the acquisition of control. If they do not, the initial investment cost shall be
the portion of the carrying value of acquiree’s net assets entitled in the consolidated financial statements of the
final controller after the consolidation. The difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment on the combination date and the carrying value of the investment before the combination plus the

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carrying value of the newly-paid consideration for the acquisition of the shares on the consolidation date shall be
adjusted to capital reserve; if the capital reserve is insufficient for the adjustment, retained earnings should be
adjusted accordingly.
(2) For those formed from the business combination under different control, the initial investment cost is the fair
value of the combination consideration paid on the acquisition date.
When a long-term equity investment is formed from the business combination under different control through the
Company’s multiple transactions step by step, the accounting treatment shall be carried out based on whether the
financial statements are individual or consolidated:
1) In individual financial statements, the initial investment cost accounted in cost method is the sum of the book
value of the equity investment originally held and the cost of new investment.
2) In consolidate financial statements, judge whether the transactions constitute the “package deal”. If they do, the
accounting treatment shall be carried out on the basis of assuming all transactions as one transaction with the
acquisition of control. If they do not, for the acquiree’s equity held before the acquisition date, re-measurement
shall be carried out according to the fair value of the equity on the acquisition date and the difference between the
fair value and the book value shall be recorded into current investment income; if the acquiree’s equity held
before the acquisition date involves other comprehensive income accounted in equity method, other
comprehensive income related to it shall be transferred into the income for the period in which the acquisition date
falls, with the exception of the other comprehensive incomes occurred because of the changes of net liabilities or
net assets of the defined benefit pension plans be re-measured for setting by the investees.
3) For those formed other than from business combination: If they are acquired in cash payment, the initial
investment cost is the purchase price actually paid; if they are acquired in the issue of equity securities, the initial
investment cost is the fair value of the issued equity securities; if they are acquired in debt restructuring, the initial
investment cost shall be recognized according to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 12 - Debt
Restructuring; if they are acquired in the exchange of non-monetary assets, the initial investment shall be
recognized according to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of Non-Monetary Assets.
3. Method of subsequent measurement and recognition of profits and losses
Long-term equity investment with control over investees shall be accounted in cost method; long-term equity
investment on associated enterprises and joint ventures shall be accounted in equity method.
4. Method of treating the disposal of the investment in a subsidiary stem by step through multiple transactions
until the loss of the controlling right
(1) Individual financial statements
For the disposed equity, the difference between its fair value and the actually obtained price shall be recorded into
current profits or losses. For the residual equity, the part that still has significant effects on investees or with
common control jointly with other parties shall be accounted in equity method; the part that has no more control,
common control or significant effects on investees shall be recognized as financial assets and accounted in
accordance with the relevant regulation of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and
Measurement of Financial Instruments.
(2) Consolidated financial statements

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1) For the disposal of the investment in subsidiaries step by step until the loss of the controlling right through
multiple transactions, which do not constitute the “package deal”
Before the loss of the controlling right, for the balance between the disposal remuneration and the shares of net
assets in the subsidiaries that have been calculated since the acquisition date or combination date corresponding to
the disposal of long-term equity investment, capital reserve (capital premium) shall be adjusted, and if the capital
premium is not sufficient for the write-down, the retained earnings shall be written down.
At the loss of the controlling right over the original subsidiaries, the residual equity shall be re-measured at its fair
value on the date of losing the controlling right. The difference between the consideration obtained in the equity
disposal, plus the fair value of the remaining equities, less the Company’s share of net assets enjoyed of the
former subsidiary that has been calculated since the acquisition date or combination date according to the former
shareholding ratio, shall be recorded into the investment gains for the period when the control ceases; meanwhile,
goodwill shall be written down. Other comprehensive income related to former subsidiary's equity investment
shall be transferred into current investment income when the control ceases.
2) For the disposal of the investment in subsidiaries step by step until the loss of the controlling right through
multiple transactions, which constitute the “package deal”
The accounting treatment shall be carried out on the basis of considering each transaction as a transaction of
disposing the subsidiary and losing control. However, before losing control, the difference between each disposal
price before losing the control, and the corresponding net assets share enjoyed of subsidiary when disposing
long-term equity investment, shall be recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial
statements and when the control ceases, transferred into current profits or losses of the period of losing control.

15. Investment Property

Measurement mode of investment real estates
Measurement of cost method
Depreciation or amortization method

1. The term "investment real estate" includes the right to use any land which has already been rented, the right to
use any land which is held and prepared for transfer after appreciation, and the right to use any building which has
already been rented.
2. The Company initially measures the investment property according to the costs, and adopts the cost method in
the subsequent measurement of investment property, and adopts the same methods with fixed assets and
intangible assets to withdraw depreciation or amortization.

16. Fixed Assets

(1) Recognized Standard of Fixed Assets

The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows: they are
held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; and their
useful life is in excess of one fiscal year. No fixed asset may be recognized unless it simultaneously meets the
conditions as follows: (1) The economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; (2) The cost of the fixed

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asset can be measured reliably.

(2) Depreciation Method

                                                                                 Expected net salvage
        Category             Depreciation method              Useful life                                 Annual deprecation

Houses and buildings       Straight-line depreciation 30-40                     5%                      2.375%-3.17%

Machinery equipment        Straight-line depreciation 10-25                     5%                      3.8%-9.5%

Transportation             Straight-line depreciation 5                         5%                      19%

Electronic equipment and
                           Straight-line depreciation 5-10                      5%                      9.5%-19%

(3) Recognition Basis and Pricing Method of Fixed Assets by Finance Lease

Where one of the following provisions is regulated in the rental agreement, it shall be recognized as an asset
acquired under finance leases: (1) the ownership of the leased asset is transferred to the lessee after the term of
lease expires; (2) the lessee has the option to buy the asset at a price which is far lower than the fair value of the
asset at the date when the option becomes exercisable; (3) the lease term covers the major part of the use life of
the leased asset [usually accounting for 75%(75% inclusive) of the use life of the leased asset]; (4) in the case of
the lessee, the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date amounts to substantially
all of the fair value of the leased asset [above 90% (90% inclusive)]; in the case of the lessor, the present value of
the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date amounts to substantially all of the fair value of the
leased asset [above 90% (90% inclusive)] (5) When nature of the leased asset is special, if there is no great
transform, only the Company can use it, As for the fixed assets by finance lease, the Company shall record the
lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments as the
entering value in an account, and make provision for depreciation according to the depreciation policy of
self-owned fixed assets.

17. Construction in Progress

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?

1. No construction in progress may be recognized unless it simultaneously meets the conditions as follows: (1)
The economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; (2) The cost of the fixed asset can be measured
reliably. Construction in progress shall be measured according to the occurred actual costs before the assets
available for the intended use.
2. When the construction in progress is available for the intended use, it shall be transferred to fixed assets
according to the actual cost of the project. For construction in progress available for the intended use but not
dealing with final accounts of completed project, it shall be transferred to fixed assets according to the estimated
value first, and then adjust original temporarily estimated value based on the actual costs after the final accounts
of completed project, but not adjust the depreciation that was already calculated.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                 Annual Report 2018

18. Borrowing Costs

1. Recognition Principle of Capitalization of Borrowing Costs
Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company can be directly attributable to the acquisition and
construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recorded into the costs of
relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses when it occurred, and shall be recorded
into the current profits and losses.
2. Capitalization Period of Borrowings Costs
(1) The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements: 1)
The asset disbursements have already incurred; 2) The borrowing costs have already incurred; 3) The acquisition
and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have
already started.
(2) Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally and the
interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended. The
borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period, till the acquisition and construction or production of the asset restarts.
(3) When the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset eligible for capitalization are
available for its intended use or sale, the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be stopped.
3. Capitalized rate and amount of borrowing costs
To the extent that funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a qualifying asset,
the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization on that asset is determined as the actual interest costs
(including amortization of discount and premium confirmed according to effective interest method) incurred on
that borrowing during the period less any investment income on the temporary investment of the borrowing. To
the extent that funds are borrowed generally and used for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a qualifying
asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization shall be determined by applying a capitalization
rate to the weighted average of excess of accumulated expenditures on qualifying asset over that on specific
purpose borrowing.

19. Biological Assets

20. Oil and Gas Assets

21. Intangible Assets

(1) Pricing Method, Useful Life and Impairment Test

1. Intangible assets include right to use land sites, patent right and non-patented technology, and conduct the initial
measurement according to the costs.
2. With regard to intangible assets with limited service life, it shall be amortized systematically and reasonably
within their service life according to the expected implementation of economic interests related to the intangible
assets. If it can’t recognize the expected implementation reliably, it shall be amortized by straight-line method.
The specific useful lives are as follows:
  Items                                                    Useful life for amortization (years)
Right to use land sites                                                     50

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                              Annual Report 2018

Non-patented technology                                                   10
Software and others                                                      2-10
The intangible assets with uncertain service life shall not be amortized, and the Company rechecks the service life
of the intangible assets in every accounting period.

(2) Accounting Policies of Internal R&D Expenses

The expenses in research stage for its internal research and development projects shall be recorded into the current
profits and losses when it occurred. The expenses in development stage for its internal research and development
projects of the Company may be capitalized when they satisfy the following conditions simultaneously: (1) It is
feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale; (2) It is intended to finish and use or sell the
intangible assets; (3) The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be
proved, including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying
the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be
used internally; (4) It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the
intangible assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources; and (5) The
development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.
Standard for Classifying the Expenses of Research Phase and Development Phase of the Company’s R&D
The term “research” refers to the creative and planned investigation to acquire and understand new scientific or
technological knowledge.
The term "development" refers to the application of research achievements and other knowledge to a certain plan
or design, prior to the commercial production or use, so as to produce any new material, device or product, or
substantially improved material, device and product.
The expenditures of R&D stage in internal R&D project, was recorded into current profits or losses.

22. Impairment of Long-term Assets

For long-term assets, such as long-term equity investment, investment property measured by cost model, fixed
assets, construction in progress, and intangible assets with limited service life, the Company shall estimate the
recoverable amount if there are signs of impairment on balance sheet date. For intangible assets with uncertain
goodwill or service life formed by enterprise combination, whether or not there is sign of impairment, impairment
test shall be conducted every year. Goodwill combination and its related assets group or combination of assets
group shall be conducted the impairment test.
If the recoverable amount of the above-mentioned long-term assets is lower than its carrying value, it shall make
the preparation for assets impairment based on its balance and be recorded into current profits and losses.

23. Long-term Unamortized Expenses

Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the amortized period over one year (one year
excluded) that have occurred. Long-term deferred expense shall be recorded into the account according to the
actual accrual. Long-term deferred expense shall be amortized averagely within benefit period or specified period.
In case of no benefit in the future accounting period, the amortized value of such project that fails to be amortized
shall be transferred into the profits and losses of the current period.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                    Annual Report 2018

24. Payroll

(1) Accounting Treatment of Short-term Compensation

During the accounting period when the employees providing the service for the Company, the actual short-term
compensation shall be recognized as liabilities, and be recorded into the current profits and losses or related assets

(2) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare after Demission

The Company's welfare after demission plans is divided into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans
(1) During the accounting period when the employee providing service for the Company, the amount paid in line
with the setting drawing plan will be recognized as liabilities and recorded into current profits or losses or cost of
relevant assets.
(2) The accounting treatment of defined benefit plans usually consists of the following steps:
1) According to the expected cumulative welfare unit method, adopt unbiased and mutually consistent actuarial
assumptions to evaluate related demographic variables and financial variables, measure the obligations generated
from defined benefit plans and recognize the period in respect of related obligations. Meanwhile, discount the
obligations generated from defined benefit plans to recognize their present value and the current service costs;
2) If there are any assets in a defined benefit plan, the deficit or surplus formed from the present value of the
defined benefit plan obligations less the fair value of the defined benefit plan assets shall be recognized as net
liabilities or net assets of a defined benefit plan. If there is any surplus in a defined benefit plan, the net assets of
the plan shall be measured at the lower of the surplus or the upper asset limit;
3) At the end of the period, the staff remuneration costs generated from a defined benefit plan shall be recognized
as services costs, net interests of the net liabilities or net assets of the plan and changes from the re-measurement
of the net liabilities or net assets of the plan. Service costs and net interests of the net liabilities or net assets of the
plan shall be recorded into the current profits or losses or related asset costs, while changes from the
re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the plan shall be recorded into other comprehensive income
and shall not be transferred back to profits or losses in subsequent accounting periods. But the amounts recognized
in other comprehensive income may be transferred within the equity scope.

 (3) Accounting Treatment of Demission Welfare

When the Company is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or the layoff
proposal, or when recognizing the costs or expenses (the earlier one between the two) related to the reorganization
of paying the demission welfare, should recognize the payroll liabilities from the demission welfare and include in
the current gains and losses.

(4) Accounting Treatment of other Welfare of the Long-term Employees

The Company provides the other long-term employee benefits for the employees, and for those met with the defined
contribution plans, accounting treatment should be conducted according to the related regulations of the defined
contribution plans; the for the others long-term employee benefits except for the former, accounting treatment
should be conducted according to the related regulations of the defined benefit plans. In order to simplify the
related accounting treatment, the payrolls shall be recognized as service costs, the net amount of interest of net

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                              Annual Report 2018

liabilities and net assets of other welfare of the long-term employees. The total net amounts made up from the
changes of measuring the net liabilities and net assets of other welfare of the long-term employees again shall be
recorded into the current profits and losses or related assets costs.

25. Accrued Liabilities

1. The obligation such as external guaranty, litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance, loss contract,
pertinent to a contingencies shall be recognized as an estimated debts when the following conditions are satisfied
simultaneously: ① That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise; ② It is likely to cause any economic
benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance of the obligation; and ③ The amount of the
obligation can be measured in a reliable way.
2. The Company shall conduct the initial measurement to accrued liabilities according to the best estimate number
needed for performing the related current obligation and recheck the carrying value of accrued liabilities on
balance sheet date.

26. Share-based Payment

27. Other Financial Instruments such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Capital Securities

28. Revenue

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?

1. Revenue Recognition Principle
(1) Sale of goods
No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously: 1) The
significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer by the Company; 2)The
Company retains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the ownership nor effective
control over the sold goods; 3) The revenue amount could be reliably measured; 4) The relevant economic benefits
may flow into the Company; and 5) the relevant cost which had occurred or will occur could be reliably measured.
(2) Providing labor services
If the provision of labor services can be reliably estimated (all the following conditions are met: ① The amount of
income can be measured reliably; ②The relevant economic benefits are likely to inflow to the Company; ③ The
progress of the transaction can be reliably determined; ④ The cost incurred and to be incurred in the transaction can
be measured reliably), it shall recognize the revenue from providing services employing the
percentage-of-completion method, and confirm the completion of labor service according to the costs incurred as
a percentage of the total estimated costs. If the Company can’t, on the date of the balance sheet, reliably estimate
the outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services it provides, it shall be handled under the following
conditions: If the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from the providing of
labor services shall be recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost of labor services incurred, and the
cost of labor services shall be carried forward at the same amount; If the cost of labor services incurred is not
expected to compensate, the cost incurred should be included in the current profits and losses, and no revenue
from the providing of labor services may be recognized.
(3) Transferring the Right to Use Assets

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                Annual Report 2018

The revenue of transferring the right to use assets may not be recognized unless the following conditions are both
met: the relevant economic benefits are likely to inflow to the Company; and the revenue can be reliably measured.
The interest income shall be recognized according to the time and actual interest rate in which other people use
the Company’s monetary funds. Royalty revenue shall be recognized according to the chargeable time and method
stipulated in related contracts and agreements.
2. Confirmation methods of sales revenues
(1) Confirmation methods of domestic sales revenue
Shall satisfy following conditions: products should be delivered according to customer’s requirements and signed
by customers; amount of sales revenues is determined, received or respected to receive; sales slip should be
invoiced; costs of sold products should be calculated;
(2) Confirmation methods of export sales revenue
Shall satisfy following conditions: products should be produced according to export sales agreement signed with
customers, received export declaration and obtained bill of lading (waybill); amount of sales revenues is
determined, received or respected to receive; sales slip should be invoiced; costs of sold products should be
If the collection of the price as stipulated in the contract or agreement is delayed and if it has the financing nature,
the revenue incurred by selling goods shall be ascertained in accordance with the fair value of the receivable price
as stipulated in the contract or agreement.

29. Government Subsidies

1. If the government subsidies meet with the following conditions at the same, it should be recognized: (1) The
entity will comply with the condition attaching to them; (2) The grants will be received from government. If a
government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured according to the amount received or receivable. If a
government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value, and shall be measured at a
nominal amount when the fair value cannot be obtained reliably.
2. Judgment basis and accounting methods of government subsidies related to assets
The government subsidies that are acquired for construction or form long-term assets in other ways according to
government documents shall be defined as asset-related government subsidies. For those not specified in
government documents, the judgment shall be made based on the compulsory fundamental conditions for
acquiring the subsidies. If the subsidies are acquired with construction or the formation of long-term assets in
other ways as fundamental conditions, they shall be recognized as asset-related government subsidies. For
asset-related government subsidies, the book value of related assets shall be written down or recognized as
deferred income. If asset-related government subsidies are recognized as deferred income, it shall be recorded into
profits or losses by period in a reasonable and systemic manner within the life of related assets. Government
subsidies measured at the nominal amount shall be directly recorded into current profits or losses. If related assets
are sold, transferred, disposed of or destroyed before the end of their life, the undistributed balance of related
deferred income shall be transferred into the profits or losses for the period of the asset disposal.
3. Judgment basis and accounting treatment of profits-related government subsidies
Government subsidies other than asset-related government subsidies shall be defined as profits-related
government subsidies. For government subsidies consisting of both asset-related parts and profits-related parts,
which is difficult to judge whether they are related to assets or profits, the entirety shall be classified as
profits-related government subsidies. Profits-related government subsidies that are used to compensate the related
future expenses or losses shall be recognized as deferred income and shall be included into the current

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                Annual Report 2018

profit/losses or write down related costs during the period when the relevant expenses or losses are recognized;
those subsidies used to compensate the related expenses or losses incurred shall be directly included into the
current profits/losses or write down related costs.
4. Government subsidies related to the Company’s routine operating activities shall be included into other income
or write down related costs according to the economic business nature. Government subsidies not related to the
Company’s routine activities shall be included into non-operating income and expenditure.

30. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

1. In accordance with the balance (the item not recognized as assets and liabilities can confirm their tax bases
according to the tax law, the balance between the tax bases and its carrying amount) between the carrying amount
of assets or liabilities and their tax bases, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities should be recognized at
the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled.
2. A deferred tax asset shall be recognized within the limit of taxable income that is likely to be obtained to offset
the deductible temporary differences. At the balance sheet date, where there is strong evidence showing that
sufficient taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the
deferred tax asset unrecognized in prior period shall be recognized.
3. The Company assesses the carrying amount of deferred tax asset at the balance sheet date. If it’s probable that
sufficient taxable profit will not be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized,
the Company shall write down the carrying amount of deferred tax asset, or reverse the amount written down later
when it’s probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.
4. The current income tax and deferred income tax of the Company are recorded into the current gains and losses
as income tax expenses or revenue, except in the following circumstances:
(1) Business combination
(2) The transaction or event directly included in owner’ equity

31. Lease

(1) Accounting Treatment of Operating Lease

As a Lessee, the Company shall record the rent into relevant assets cost or recognize it as the current profit or loss
on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The initial direct costs incurred shall be recognized as the current
profit or loss; Contingent rents shall be charged into the current profit or loss when they are incurred.
As a lessor, the Company shall recognize the rent as the current profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease
term. Initial direct costs incurred by the lessor shall be directly recognized as the current profit or loss except that
costs with larger amounts shall be capitalized and recorded into the current profit and loss by stages; Contingent
rents shall be charged into the current profit or loss when they are incurred.

(2) Accounting Treatments of Financial Lease

For the lessee, a fixed asset acquired under finance lease shall be valued at the lower of the fair value of the leased
asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of lease. The minimum lease
payments as the entering value in long-term account payable, the difference as unrecognized financing charges;
the initial direct costs shall be directly recorded into leasing asset value. At each period during the lease term, the
effective interest rate method shall be adopted to calculate and confirm the current financing charge.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                   Annual Report 2018

On the initial date of financial lease, lessee of the financial lease shall record the sum of the minimum lease
payments and initial direct costs as the financing lease accounts receivable, and also record the non-guaranteed
residual value; recognize the difference between the total minimum lease payments, initial direct costs,
non-guaranteed residual value and sum of the present value as the unrealized financing income; At each period
during the lease term, the effective interest rate method shall be adopted to calculate and confirm the current
financing income.

32. Other Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates

33. Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Change of Accounting Policies

√Applicable □ Not applicable

           Contents and reasons                             Procedures                            Remarks

                                              According to the adjust from the relevant
                                              requirements of Article 15 of CK[2018],
Adjusting the format of financial statement the format of the financial statement was
 according to the relevant requirements of     reviewed by the 2th Meeting of the 7th
          Article 15 of CK[2018]             Board of Directors of 2019, with no need
                                               to be reviewed by General Meeting of

                                              Revising the relevant accounting criteria
                                              according to the relevant regulations of
                                               financial instruments newly issued by
 Revising the relevant accounting criteria
                                               Ministry of Finance, this revision was
    according to the regulations of new
                                             already reviewed by the 2th Meeting of the
            financial instrument
                                               7th Board of Directors of 2019, with no
                                             need to be reviewed by General Meeting of

1) The Company prepared 2018 Financial Statements in accordance with the Notes of the Ministry of Finance on
Revising and Printing the Format of 2018 General Enterprises Financial Statement (CK [2018] No. 15) and the
interpretation of it and the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises. Retroactive adjustment was
adopted for the changes in the accounting policy. The significantly affected items and amounts in 2017 Financial
Statements are as follows:
    Item and amount in original financial statement               Item and amount in new financial statement
Notes receivable                              430,699,664.45                               1,160,829,887.51
                                                                 Notes and accounts
Accounts receivable                           730,130,223.06
Interest receivable                                 141,388.09 Other receivables              20,249,531.23
Other receivables                               20,108,143.14
Notes payable                                   8,530,196.41 Notes and accounts              349,777,358.80
Accounts payable                              341,247,162.39 payable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report 2018

Interest payable                              7,865,380.83 Other payables                            50,811,351.70
Dividends payable                           12,116,789.76
Other payables                              30,829,181.11
Administrative expense                     125,476,808.28                                         120,342,343.74
                                                              R&D expense
Cash generated from other                   66,763,328.29 Cash generated from                        81,627,128.29
operating activities[Note]                                other      operating
Cash generated from other                  735,773,715.83 Cash generated from                     720,909,915.83
investing activities [Note]                               other      investing
[Note]: the presentation of actually received Government subsidy of RMB14,863,800.00 related to assets in cash
flow statement shall be adjusted from “cash generated from other investing activities” to “cash generated from
other operating activities”.
2) The Ministry of Finance in 2017 announced the Interpretation to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.
9 - Regarding the Accounting Treatment of Net Investment Losses under the Equity Method, Interpretation to the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 10 - Regarding the Depreciation Method Based on the Use of Incomes
Generated from Fixed Assets, Interpretation to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 11 - Regarding the
Amortization Method Based on the Use of Incomes Generated from Intangible Assets and Interpretation to the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 12 - Regarding Whether the Provider and the Receiver of Key
Management Personnel Service Are Related Parties. The Company has implemented the aforementioned
interpretations to the accounting standards for enterprises since 1 January 2018 and the implementation does not
have any effect on the opening financial data of the Company.

(2) Changes in Accounting Estimates

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

34. Other

VI. Taxation

1. Main Taxes and Tax Rate

               Category of taxes                          Tax basis                                      Tax rate

VAT                                      Sale of goods or rendering taxable services 5%, 6%, 10%, and 16%

Urban maintenance and construction tax   Turnover tax actually paid                      7% and 5%

Enterprise income tax                    Taxable income                                  25% and 15%

                                         For taxation according to price, it shall pay
Property tax                                                                             1.2% and 12%
                                         1.2% of the residual value of original

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

                                             property value subtracting 30%; for
                                             taxation according to rent, it shall pay 12%
                                             of rental income

Education surcharge                          Turnover tax actually paid                     3%

Local education surcharge                    Turnover tax actually paid                     2%

Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate

                              Name                                                           Income tax rate

The Company                                                         25%

Hongta Renheng                                                      15%

Zhuhai Huafeng                                                      15%

Golden Pheasant Chemical                                            15%

Huaxin Color Printing                                               15%

Zhejiang Hongta                                                     25%

2. Tax Preference

1. According to the Notice on Issuing the First Name List of Proposed Hi-tech Enterprise in Guangdong Province
for Y2018 published issued by Science & Technology Department of Guangdong Province, Hongta Renheng, the
Company’s subsidiary, passed the reaffirmation of First Batch of Hi-tech Enterprise in Guangdong Province for
Y2018, and gained Certificate for Hi-tech Enterprise. Hongta Renheng shall pay the corporate income tax
according to the corporate income tax rate of 15%in 2018.
2. According to the First Name List of Proposed Hi-tech Enterprise in Guangdong Province for Y2016 published
by the National Leading Group Office for the Management of High-tech Enterprises Recognition, Zhuhai
Huafeng Paper, the Company’s subsidiary, passed the affirmation of First Batch of Proposed Hi-tech Enterprise in
Guangdong Province for Y2016, and gained Certificate for Hi-tech Enterprise (Certificate No.: GR201644001293,
with three years of validity). Thus Zhuhai Huafeng Paper shall pay the corporate income tax according to the
corporate income tax rate of 15% in 2018.
3. According to the Notice on Issuing the Second Name List of Proposed Hi-tech Enterprise in Guangdong
Province for Y2016 published by the National Leading Group Office for the Management of High-tech
Enterprises Recognition, Golden Pheasant Chemical, the Company’s subsidiary, passed the reaffirmation of
Hi-tech Enterprise, and gained Certificate for Hi-tech Enterprise (Certificate No.: GR201644004219, with three
years of validity). Thus Golden Pheasant Chemical shall pay the corporate income tax according to the corporate
income tax rate of 15% in 2018.
4. According to the Notice on Issuing the Second Name List of Proposed Hi-tech Enterprise in Guangdong
Province for Y2018 jointly issued by Science & Technology Department of Guangdong Province, Department of
Finance of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial Office, SAT, Guangdong Local Taxation Bureau, the
subsidiary of the Company Huaxin (Foshan) Color Printing, passed the reaffirmation of high-tech enterprise of
2018 and the gained the Certification of Hi-tech Enterprise. Thus Huaxin (Foshan) Color Printing shall pay the
corporate income tax according to the corporate income tax rate of 15% in 2018.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report 2018

3. Other

VII. Notes to Major Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company

1. Monetary Funds

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                    Item                         Ending balance                     Beginning balance

Cash on hand                                                       131,195.64                           173,601.37

Bank deposits                                                127,881,489.59                       254,078,310.38

Other monetary funds                                              5,971,254.50                     33,400,956.90

Total                                                        133,983,939.73                       287,652,868.65

Other notes:

The letter of guarantee of other monetary funds was RMB5,971,254.50 at the period-end. For those money whose
usage was limited, the Company had already got rid of it from the balance of cash and of cash equivalents at the
period-end when it prepared the cash flow statement.

2. Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                    Item                         Ending balance                     Beginning balance

Other notes:

3. Derivative Financial Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Notes Receivable and Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                    Item                         Ending balance                     Beginning balance

Notes receivable                                             277,623,928.13                       430,699,664.45

Accounts receivable                                          781,215,643.89                       730,130,223.06

Total                                                      1,058,839,572.02                     1,160,829,887.51

(1)Notes Receivable

1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Annual Report 2018

                    Item                                       Ending balance                                 Beginning balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                            271,186,964.94                                428,945,798.73

Commercial acceptance bill                                                         6,436,963.19                                    1,753,865.72

Total                                                                           277,623,928.13                                430,699,664.45

2) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                Item                                                                     Amount

3) Notes Receivable which Had Endorsed by the Company or had Discounted and had not Due on the Balance Sheet Date at the
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                 Amount of recognition termination at the         Amount of not terminated recognition at
                                                                   period-end                                   the period-end

Bank acceptance bill                                                        1,415,305,636.24

Total                                                                       1,415,305,636.24

4) Notes Transferred to Accounts Receivable because Drawer of the Notes Failed to Execute the Contract or Agreement
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                           Amount of the notes transferred to accounts receivable at the

Other notes

The acceptors of bank acceptance bills are commercial banks. Since commercial banks have relatively high credit
and bank acceptance bills are less likely to not be paid at maturity, the Company has confirmed the termination of
bank acceptance bills which had endorsed or discounted. But the Company will still undertake joint liability for
bearers pursuant to Law on Negotiable Instruments if those notes are not paid at maturity.

(2)Accounts Receivable

1) Accounts Receivable Classified by Category
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                            Ending balance                                               Beginning balance

                           Carrying amount       Bad debt provision                  Carrying amount       Bad debt provision

        Category                                            Withdra
                                                                        Carrying                                                     Carrying
                                     Proportio                wal                            Proportio                Withdrawal
                       Amount                    Amount                  value      Amount                Amount                      value
                                        n                   proportio                             n                   proportion

Accounts receivable
withdrawal of bad
                       785,225,                  4,009,93               781,215,6 733,348                 3,218,491                 730,130,22
debt provision by                      94.83%                 0.51%                           94.67%                      0.44%
                            577.36                   3.47                  43.89 ,714.44                        .38                       3.06
credit risks

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Annual Report 2018

Accounts receivable
with insignificant
single amount for        42,815,1                42,815,1                        41,284,             41,284,52
                                         5.17%              100.00%                          5.33%                 100.00%
which bad debt               89.86                 89.86                          524.04                  4.04
provision separately

                         828,040,                46,825,1              781,215,6 774,633             44,503,01                730,130,22
Total                                100.00%                   5.65%                       100.00%                    5.75%
                            767.22                 23.33                  43.89 ,238.48                   5.42                        3.06

Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the period-end:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Among these groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                               Ending balance
                                           Accounts receivable                Bad debt provision              Withdrawal proportion

Subentry within 1 year

1-3 months                                           714,159,083.62

4-12 months                                           65,543,693.32                        3,277,184.67                           5.00%

Subtotal of within 1 year                            779,702,776.94                        3,277,184.67                           0.42%

1 to 2 years                                           5,049,001.48                         504,900.15                           10.00%

2 to 3 years                                                 30,169.41                        6,033.88                           20.00%

Over 3 years                                                443,629.53                      221,814.77                           50.00%

Total                                                785,225,577.36                        4,009,933.47                           0.51%

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:
Among these groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Among these groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period
The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB2,325,487.14; the amount of the reversed
or collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMB0.00.
Significant amount of reversed or recovered bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

               Name of the entity                                 Amount                                         Method

3) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Accounts Receivable during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                  Item                                                               Amount

Balance payment unrecoverable                                                                                                   3,379.23

Of which: significant actual verification of accounts receivable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                  Whether occurred
                                                                                                                       because of
 Name of the entity           Nature                  Amount                Reason               Procedure

Notes of the verification of accounts receivable:
The accounts receivable actually verified during the Reporting Period is RMB3379.23.
(4) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable Collected according to the Arrears Party

   Name of the entity                               Carrying amount        Proportion to    Bad debt provision
                                                                        balance of accounts
                                                                          receivable (%)
No.1                                                    35,888,170.76                     4.33               613,705.20
No.2                                                    32,448,953.80                     3.92
No.3                                                    27,367,696.63                     3.31
No.4                                                    25,304,474.36                     3.06
No.5                                                    24,583,778.51                     2.97               697,859.26
   Total                                              145,593,074.06                    17.59           1,311,564.46
5) Derecogniziton of Accounts Receivable due to the Transfer of Financial Assets
6) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement of Accounts Receivable
Other notes:

5. Prepayments

(1) List by Aging Analysis

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                              Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
                                    Amount                     Proportion                Amount                     Proportion

Within 1 year                           94,869,167.00                   82.61%             106,169,940.89                       81.48%

1 to 2 years                              532,773.51                        0.46%           23,790,082.66                       18.26%

2 to 3 years                            19,115,822.08                   16.64%

Over 3 years                              337,286.50                        0.29%                337,286.50                      0.26%

Total                                  114,855,049.09              --                      130,297,310.05                 --

Notes of the reasons of the prepayment ages over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time:

(2) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Prepayments Collected according to the Prepayment Target

   Name of the entity                                            Carrying amount                 Proportion to the
                                                                                                    balance of
                                                                                                 prepayments (%)

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                       Annual Report 2018

No.1                                                                    19,305,029.21                      16.81
No.2                                                                    19,072,741.17                      16.61
No.3                                                                    15,116,875.61                      13.16
No.4                                                                     8,123,672.49                       7.07
No.5                                                                     6,450,924.49                       5.62
Total                                                                   68,069,242.97                      59.27
Other notes:

6. Other Receivables

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                      Item                             Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Interest receivable                                                     7,800,232.76                                  141,388.09

Other receivables                                                     18,532,722.98                              20,108,143.14

Total                                                                 26,332,955.74                              20,249,531.23

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                      Item                             Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Fixed time deposits                                                     7,800,232.76                                  141,388.09

Total                                                                   7,800,232.76                                  141,388.09

2) Significant Overdue Interest
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                          Whether occurred
          Entity                     Ending balance    Overdue time              Overdue reason          impairment and the
                                                                                                           judgment basis

Other notes:

(2) Dividends Receivable

1) Dividends Receivable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

               Item (or investees)                     Ending balance                             Beginning balance

2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aged over 1 Year
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                          Whether occurred
   Item (or investees)               Ending balance        Aging                       Reason
                                                                                                         impairment and the

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Annual Report 2018

                                                                                                                          judgment basis

Other notes:

(3) Other Receivables

1) Other Receivables Classified by Category
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                            Ending balance                                                Beginning balance

                          Carrying amount        Bad debt provision                 Carrying amount         Bad debt provision

        Category                                             Withdra
                                                                         Carrying                                                    Carrying
                                     Proportio                 wal                            Proportio                Withdrawal
                        Amount                   Amount                    value    Amount                 Amount                     value
                                        n                    proportio                           n                     proportion

Other receivables
with significant
single amount for         19,188,9               19,188,9                           18,582,                18,582,48
                                      42.27%                 100.00%                            40.04%                   100.00%
which bad debt              43.82                   43.82                            481.20                     1.20
provision separately

Other receivables
withdrawn bad debt
                          20,020,8               1,488,16                18,532,72 21,621,                 1,513,213                20,108,143.
provision according                   44.11%                   7.43%                            46.60%                     7.00%
                            89.73                     6.75                    2.98 356.32                        .18                          14
to credit risks

Other receivables
with insignificant
single amount for         6,180,87               6,180,87                           6,198,5                6,198,529
                                      13.62%                 100.00%                            13.36%                   100.00%
which bad debt                8.67                    8.67                            29.18                      .18
provision separately

                          45,390,7               26,857,9                18,532,72 46,402,                 26,294,22                20,108,143.
Total                                100.00%                  59.17%                          100.00%                     56.67%
                            12.22                   89.24                     2.98 366.70                       3.56                          14

Other receivables with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the period-end
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

  Other receivables (by                                                        Ending balance
           unit)                  Other receivables           Bad debt provision         Withdrawal proportion           Withdrawal reason

Hong Kong Hang Fung
Holdings Limited Co.,                    13,188,943.82                   13,188,943.82                     100.00% Irrecoverable expected

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Annual Report 2018

Zhuhai Yidesheng
                                          6,000,000.00                  6,000,000.00                    100.00% Irrecoverable expected
Industrial Co., Ltd.

Total                                    19,188,943.82              19,188,943.82                --                            --

Among these groups, other receivables adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                Ending balance
                                           Other receivables                  Bad debt provision                  Withdrawal proportion

Subentry within 1 year

1-3 months                                               5,805,855.78

4-12 months                                              2,232,010.13                      111,600.51                                 5.00%

Subtotal of within 1 year                                8,037,865.91                      111,600.51                                 1.39%

1 to 2 years                                         11,132,387.07                        1,113,238.70                               10.00%

2 to 3 years                                              539,969.43                       107,993.89                                20.00%

Over 3 years                                              310,667.32                       155,333.65                                50.00%

Total                                                20,020,889.73                       1,488,166.75                                 7.43%

Among these groups, other receivables adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Among these groups, other receivables adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period
The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB563,765.68; the amount of the reversed or
collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMB0.00.
Significant amount of reversed or recovered bad debt provision during the Reporting Period:
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

               Name of the entity                    Reversed or collected amount                                  Method

3) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                  Item                                                                Amount

Of which: significant actual verification of other receivables:
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                         Whether occurred
                                                                                                                             because of
 Name of the entity            Nature               Amount                    Reason                  Procedure

Notes of verification of other receivables:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                Annual Report 2018

4) Other Receivables Classified by Account Nature
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                   Nature                               Ending carrying amount                     Beginning carrying amount

Margin                                                                       4,769,090.02                                  5,129,666.50

Pretty cash                                                                    393,469.10                                  1,563,520.43

Freight and miscellaneous charges on
                                                                               384,229.74                                  3,088,597.59

Compensation for victim’s families on
                                                                             9,760,000.00                                  9,760,000.00

Other intercourse funds                                                    30,083,923.36                                  26,860,582.18

Total                                                                      45,390,712.22                                  46,402,366.70

(5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                            Proportion to ending
                                                                                                                     Ending balance of
 Name of the entity            Nature             Ending balance             Aging            balance of other
                                                                                                                     bad debt provision

No.1                  Other intercourse
                                                      13,188,943.82 Over 3 years                        29.06%            13,188,943.82

No.2                  Payment of
                      compensation on                  9,760,000.00 1 to 2 years                        21.50%               976,000.00

No.3                  Borrowings                       6,000,000.00 Over 3 years                        13.22%             6,000,000.00

No.4                  Margin and cash
                                                       2,131,423.52 1 to 3 months                          4.70%

No.5                  Borrowings                       2,000,000.00 Over 3 years                           4.41%           2,000,000.00

     Total                       --                   33,080,367.34           --                        72.89%            22,164,943.82

6) Accounts Receivable Involving Government Subsidies
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                              Project of government                                                              Estimated recovering
     Name of the entity                                     Ending balance           Aging at period-end
                                      subsidies                                                                  time, amount and basis

7) Derecogniziton of Other Receivables due to the Transfer of Financial Assets
8) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement of Other Receivables
Other notes:

7. Inventories

Whether the Company need satisfy relevant disclosure requirements governing the real estate industry

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Annual Report 2018

(1) Category of Inventories

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                      Ending balance                                              Beginning balance
        Item                           Falling price                                                Falling price
                   Carrying amount                       Carrying value        Carrying amount                          Carrying value
                                         reserves                                                        reserves

Raw materials        467,532,479.83      4,480,886.67     463,051,593.16        307,249,280.55           4,405,881.46    302,843,399.09

Goods in process      44,261,927.39                            44,261,927.39     37,051,626.77                            37,051,626.77

Inventory goods      425,642,397.59     17,513,957.49     408,128,440.10        226,189,790.49           6,490,549.35    219,699,241.14

                     110,747,269.74      4,021,856.88     106,725,412.86         26,585,081.11                            26,585,081.11

Total              1,048,184,074.55     26,016,701.04 1,022,167,373.51          597,075,778.92       10,896,430.81       586,179,348.11

Whether the Company need satisfy relevant disclosure requirements stated in SZSE Industrial Information Disclosure Guidance
No.4---Listed Company Specialized in Seed Industry and Planting Businesses or not?
Whether the Company need satisfy relevant disclosure requirements stated in SZSE Industrial Information Disclosure Guidance
No.11-Listed Company Specialized in Jewelry-related Business or not?

(2) Falling Price Reserves of Inventories

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                    Increase                                  Decrease
        Item                                                                     Reverse or                             Ending balance
                       balance         Withdrawal                Other                                    Other

Raw materials          4,405,881.46        123,116.16                                48,110.95                             4,480,886.67

Inventory goods        6,490,549.35     11,720,215.62                               696,807.48                            17,513,957.49

                                         4,021,856.88                                                                      4,021,856.88

Total                 10,896,430.81     15,865,188.66                               744,918.43                            26,016,701.04

(3) Notes to the Ending Balance of Inventories Including Capitalized Borrowing Expense

(4) Completed but Unsettled Assets Generated from Construction Contacts at the Period-end

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                             Item                                                                 Amount

Other notes:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

8. Held-for-sale Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                   Estimated disposal
          Item              Ending carrying value            Fair value                                       Estimated disposal time

Other notes:

9. Current Portion of Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                    Item                                  Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Other notes:

10. Other Current Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                    Item                                  Ending balance                                Beginning balance

The VAT deduction                                                          19,509,101.68                                22,185,700.04

Structured Deposits                                                       317,200,000.00                                 1,000,000.00

Prepaid expense                                                             1,598,646.30

Advance Payment of corporate income tax                                         4,101.47                                    13,826.63

Damaged property to be disposed for

Total                                                                     338,311,849.45                                44,160,627.03

Other notes:

11. Available-for-sale Financial Assets

(1) List of Available-for-sale Financial Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                            Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
           Item               Carrying       Depreciation                         Carrying           Depreciation
                                                             Carrying value                                           Carrying value
                               amount          reserves                           amount               reserves

Available-for-sale equity
                               288,700.00                        288,700.00 627,643,841.04                            627,643,841.04

     Measured at cost          288,700.00                        288,700.00 627,643,841.04                            627,643,841.04

Total                          288,700.00                        288,700.00 627,643,841.04                            627,643,841.04

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Annual Report 2018

(2) Available-for-sale Financial Assets Measured by Fair Value at the Period-end

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                              Available-for-sale equity   Available-for-sale debt
           Category                                                                                                         Total
                                    instruments                   instruments

(3) Available-for-sale Financial Assets Measured by Cost at the Period-end

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                              Carrying amount                                   Depreciation reserves             Shareholdi         Cash
                                                                                                                       ng           bonus of
 Investee Period-beg                                              Period-beg                                      proportion          the
                             Increase   Decrease Period-end                     Increase    Decrease Period-end
                  inning                                            inning                                         among the Reporting
                                                                                                                    investees       Period

              288,700.00                             288,700.00                                                        0.00%
Bank Co.,

              627,355,14                627,355,14                                                                              10,000,000
                      1.04                    1.04                                                                                          .00
n Ltd.

              627,643,84                627,355,14                                                                              10,000,000
Total                                                288,700.00                                                        --
                      1.04                    1.04                                                                                          .00

(4) Changes in Depreciation of Available-for-sale Financial Assets during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                              Available-for-sale equity   Available-for-sale debt
           Category                                                                                                         Total
                                    instruments                   instruments

(5) Notes to the Available-for-sale Equity Instrument with Serious Fall or Non-transient Fall in Ending Fair
Value but without Provisions for Impairment

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

        Item of
                                                             Falling scope of                           Withdrawn           Reason for not
available-for-sale                                                                   Duration of
                       Investment cost Ending fair value fair value against                             impairment       withdrawing the
         equity                                                                     falling (month)
                                                                   the cost                              amount              impairment

Other notes

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                           Annual Report 2018

12. Held-to-maturity Investments

(1) List of Held-to-maturity Investments

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                              Ending balance                                               Beginning balance
      Item                                     Depreciation                                                     Depreciation
                     Carrying amount                              Carrying value        Carrying amount                           Carrying value
                                                 reserves                                                         reserves

(2) Significant Held-to-maturity Investments at the Period-end

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

            Item                       Par value                   Coupon rate                Actual interest rate                Due date

(3) Re-classified Held-to-maturity Investments during the Reporting Period

Other notes

13. Long-term Receivables

(1) List of Long-term Receivables

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                        Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
                                                                                                                                     Interval of
       Item               Carrying            Bad debt                          Carrying            Bad debt
                                                            Carrying value                                        Carrying value discount rate
                           amount         provision                              amount             provision

(2) Derecogniziton of Long-term Receivables due to the Transfer of Financial Assets

(3) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement of
Long-term Receivables

Other notes

14. Long-term Equity Investments

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                Increase/decrease                                                         Ending
                          Additiona                Gains and Adjustme                      Cash      Withdraw                             balance
              Beginnin                Reduced                                Changes                                           Ending
Investees                     l                     losses       nt of                   bonus or       al of                                of
              g balance               investmen                              of other                               Other      balance
                          investmen                recognize     other                    profits    depreciati                          depreciati
                                          t                                  equity
                              t                     d under comprehe                     announce        on                                  on

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2018

                                           the equity     nsive             d to issue reserves                           reserves
                                            method        income

I. Joint ventures

II. Associated enterprises

Chengton 8,294,365                         521,602.6                        245,728.0                        8,570,239
g                   .17                              9                              0                              .86
Co., Ltd.

                                           5,103,538                                              648,916,3 654,019,9
g Finance
                                                    .56                                              79.58      18.14
on Ltd.

              8,294,365                    5,625,141                        245,728.0             648,916,3 662,590,1
                    .17                             .25                             0                79.58      58.00

              8,294,365                    5,625,141                        245,728.0             648,916,3 662,590,1
                    .17                             .25                             0                79.58      58.00

Other notes

In accordance with the Proposal on Electing Ding Guoqiang as the Director of China Chengtong Finance
Corporation Ltd. approved on the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018 held by China Chengtong Finance
Corporation Ltd. in 2018, Mr. Ding Guoqiang, the CFO of the Company, acquired the qualification for directors
in China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd. and will take office from the date of approval of qualification for
directors by Beijing China Banking Regulatory Commission. In line with the Reply on the Approval of Ding
Guoqiang’s Qualification for Directors in China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd. by Beijing China Banking
Regulatory Commission (JYJF[2018]No.531) issued by Beijing office of China Banking Regulatory Commission,
Mr. Ding Guoqiang acquired the qualification for directors in China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd. on 24
October 2018. The Company delegates one director to go to China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd. who has
the right to participate in the decision-making for the Finance and operation policies of China Chengtong Finance
Corporation Ltd. The Company has significant influence on the latter. Thus, the investment to the latter by the
Company was transferred to long-term equity investment calculated by equity method from available-for-sale
financial assets.

15. Investment Property

(1) Investment Property Adopting the Cost Measurement Mode

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

            Item             Houses and buildings          Land use right     Construction in progress            Total

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                   Annual Report 2018

I. Original carrying value

      1. Beginning balance          46,506,036.02           46,506,036.02

      2. Increased amount of
                                       35,171.57                35,171.57
the period

        (1) Outsourcing

        (2) Transfer from
                                       35,171.57                35,171.57
assets\construction          in

        (3)       Enterprise
combination increase

      3. Decreased amount
of the period

        (1) Disposal

        (2) Other transfer

      4. Ending balance             46,541,207.59           46,541,207.59

II.           Accumulative
depreciation              and

      1. Beginning balance          14,413,679.73           14,413,679.73

      2. Increased amount of
                                     1,363,844.13            1,363,844.13
the period

        (1) Withdrawal or
                                     1,363,844.13            1,363,844.13

      3. Decreased amount
of the period

        (1) Disposal

        (2) Other transfer

      4. Ending balance             15,777,523.86           15,777,523.86

III. Depreciation reserves

      1. Beginning balance

      2. Increased amount of

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

the period

       (1) Withdrawal

  3. Decreased amount
of the period

       (1) Disposal

       (2) Other transfer

4. Ending balance

IV. Carrying value

  1.     Ending       carrying
                                              30,763,683.73                                                             30,763,683.73

  2. Beginning carrying
                                              32,092,356.29                                                             32,092,356.29

(2) Investment Property Adopting the Fair Value Measurement Mode

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Investment Property Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                       Item                                    Carrying value                                Reason

Other notes

16. Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                       Item                                    Ending balance                        Beginning balance

Fixed assets                                                              2,178,817,683.33                            2,302,301,389.40

Total                                                                     2,178,817,683.33                            2,302,301,389.40

(1) List of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                        Machinery        Transportation       Electronic
                                 Houses and
          Item                                          equipment                            equipment and               Total

I. Original carrying

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report 2018


  1. Beginning
                        1,158,249,569.78   2,825,912,365.48   44,645,338.25   134,213,664.23   4,163,020,937.74

  2. Increased
                            2,228,359.83     21,231,929.66     2,414,272.98     8,467,200.95      34,341,763.42
amount of the period

     (1) Purchase           2,228,359.83     10,858,214.92     2,128,461.02     4,191,205.14      19,406,240.91

     (2) Transfer
from construction in                         10,373,714.74      285,811.96      4,275,995.81      14,935,522.51

     (3) Enterprise
combination increase

  3. Decreased
                            1,234,794.05      2,693,142.02     2,840,997.28     2,152,683.84       8,921,617.19
amount of the period

     (1) Disposal or
                            1,199,622.48      2,693,142.02     2,840,997.28     2,152,683.84       8,886,445.62

     (2) Other
                               35,171.57                                                              35,171.57

  4. Ending balance     1,159,243,135.56   2,844,451,153.12   44,218,613.95   140,528,181.34   4,188,441,083.97

II. Accumulative

  1. Beginning
                          400,525,039.42   1,247,659,071.06   38,150,002.83    97,705,678.03   1,784,039,791.34

  2. Increased
                           33,820,250.86    111,086,567.27     2,026,086.82     8,956,184.21     155,889,089.16
amount of the period

     (1) Withdrawal        33,820,250.86    111,086,567.27     2,026,086.82     8,956,184.21     155,889,089.16

  3. Decreased
                            1,053,727.14      1,754,849.20     2,115,636.89     2,061,023.63       6,985,236.86
amount of the period

     (1) Disposal or
                            1,053,727.14      1,754,849.20     2,115,636.89     2,061,023.63       6,985,236.86

     (2) Other

  4. Ending balance       433,291,563.14   1,356,990,789.13   38,060,452.76   104,600,838.61   1,932,943,643.64

III. Depreciation

  1. Beginning
                                             76,679,757.00                                        76,679,757.00

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

  2. Increased
amount of the period

    (1) Withdrawal

  3. Decreased
amount of the period

    (1) Disposal or

  4. Ending balance                                 76,679,757.00                                                       76,679,757.00

IV. Carrying value

  1. Ending carrying
                          725,951,572.42      1,410,780,606.99              6,158,161.19          35,927,342.73      2,178,817,683.33

  2. Beginning
                          757,724,530.36      1,501,573,537.42              6,495,335.42          36,507,986.20      2,302,301,389.40
carrying value

(2) List of Temporarily Idle Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                       Original carrying     Accumulative               Depreciation
        Item                                                                                  Carrying value             Note
                            value             depreciation                reserves

(3) Fixed Assets Leased in by Financing Lease

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

          Item            Original carrying value                                    Depreciation reserves         Carrying value

Houses and buildings                12,212,610.00               11,601,979.50                                              610,630.50

Machinery equipment                  3,160,000.00                   3,002,000.00                                           158,000.00

Total                               15,372,610.00               14,603,979.50                                              768,630.50

(4) Fixed Assets Leased out by Operation Lease

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                             Item                                                          Ending carrying value

(5) Fixed Assets Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Annual Report 2018

                         Item                                   Carrying value                                      Reason

                                                                                               Property     right   certificate    was   under
Houses and buildings                                                           99,135,653.46

Total                                                                          99,135,653.46

Other notes

(6) Proceeds from Disposal of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                         Item                                   Ending balance                               Beginning balance

Other notes

17. Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

             Item                                  Ending balance                                        Beginning balance

Construction in progress                                               38,735,958.38                                              39,315,774.19

Total                                                                  38,735,958.38                                              39,315,774.19

(1) List of Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                               Ending balance                                          Beginning balance
        Item                                    Depreciation                                              Depreciation
                         Carrying amount                        Carrying value      Carrying amount                          Carrying value
                                                  reserves                                                  reserves

Latex      phase    II
matching           raw
                           17,151,537.73                            17,151,537.73      15,918,047.55                              15,918,047.55
material         tank
farm project

Treatment system
for industrial                  1,556,896.56                         1,556,896.56
waste gas

Internal           and
                                1,943,205.00                         1,943,205.00
treatment for the

BM3              Tetra
                                6,338,209.24                         6,338,209.24       5,168,440.11                               5,168,440.11

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                          Annual Report 2018

project on the
control system of          1,444,396.61                               1,444,396.61
BM3 paper

treatment        and       2,477,929.63                               2,477,929.63          2,431,959.91                               2,431,959.91
water           reuse

BM2        Self-made
Sizing         Starch      1,978,479.72                               1,978,479.72            74,308.06                                    74,308.06

project on BM3                 56,813.64                                56,813.64           1,302,234.23                               1,302,234.23
Broke Pulper

BM3             Reel
alternation        of
hydro-acupunctur                                                                            1,967,411.17                               1,967,411.17
e          renovation

BM3           coating
draught           fan
energy        saving                                                                        1,070,085.47                               1,070,085.47

Equipment in
                                                                                            5,047,332.75                               5,047,332.75

Other                      5,788,490.25                               5,788,490.25          6,335,954.94                               6,335,954.94

Total                     38,735,958.38                              38,735,958.38        39,315,774.19                             39,315,774.19

(2) Changes in Significant Construction in Progress during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                Proporti               Accumul       Of        Capitaliz
                                                                                 on of                     ated    which: ation rate
                        Beginnin                           Other                accumul                amount      amount         of
                                   Increase     ed in                 Ending                   Job                                          Capital
    Item      Budget       g                              decrease                ated                     of         of       interests
                                   d amount    fixed                  balance               schedule                                       resources
                        balance                           d amount              investme               interest capitaliz       for the
                                                                                  nt in                capitaliz     ed        Reportin
                                                                                construct               ation      interests g Period

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                      Annual Report 2018

                                                      ions to     for the
                                                      budget      Reportin
                                                                  g Period

            18,730,0 5,168,44 1,169,76     6,338,20
Tetra                                                 33.84% 33                    Other
              00.00      0.11       9.13       9.24

phase II
raw         20,000,0 15,918,0 1,233,49     17,151,5
                                                      85.76% 85                    Other
material      00.00    47.55        0.18     37.73

l waste
gas of
ou          6,020,00            1,556,89   1,556,89
                                                      25.86% 25                    Other
Tongshe         0.00                6.56       6.56
gy Co.,

c           3,500,00            1,943,20   1,943,20
                                                      55.52% 55                    Other
treatmen        0.00                5.00       5.00
t for the

Advance 18,000,0 2,431,95 45,969.7         2,477,92   13.77% 13                    Other

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report 2018

d             00.00      9.91         2                   9.63
t and

on of
hydro-ac 2,000,00 1,967,41 16,808.2 1,984,21
                                                                  99.21% 100               Other
upunctur        0.00     1.17         4        9.41

on the
control     2,000,00            1,444,39              1,444,39
                                                                  72.22% 70                Other
system          0.00                6.61                  6.61
of BM3

            1,300,00 1,070,08              1,070,08
energy                                                            82.31% 100               Other
                0.00     5.47                  5.47

            1,370,00            1,138,43 1,138,43
project                                                          100.00% 100               Other
                0.00                8.44       8.44
of BM1

BM2         2,900,00 74,308.0 1,904,17                1,978,47    68.22% 68                Other

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Annual Report 2018

Self-mad         0.00           6         1.66                             9.72
e Sizing

project    3,500,00 1,302,23 71,570.0 1,316,99                         56,813.6
                                                                                  100.00% 100                                         Other
on BM3           0.00         4.23          0      0.59                      4

                        5,047,33 2,009,76 7,057,10
nt in                                                                                                                                 Other
                              2.75        9.04     1.79

                        6,335,95 1,821,22 2,368,68                     5,788,49
Other                                                                                                                                 Other
                              4.94        2.12     6.81                    0.25

           79,320,0 39,315,7 14,355,7 14,935,5                         38,735,9
Total                                                                               --          --                                       --
                00.00        74.19      06.70    22.51                   58.38

(3) List of the Withdrawal of the Depreciation Reserves for Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                      Item                                     Amount withdrawn                               Reason for withdrawal

Other notes

(4) Engineering Materials

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                       Ending balance                                         Beginning balance
               Item                                       Depreciation                           Carrying       Depreciation
                                     Carrying amount                       Carrying value                                      Carrying value
                                                            reserves                                 amount       reserves

Other notes:

18. Productive Living Assets

(1) Productive Living Assets Adopting Cost Measurement Mode

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Productive Living Assets Adopting Fair Value Measurement Mode

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                    Annual Report 2018

19. Oil and Gas Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

20. Intangible Assets

(1) List of Intangible Assets

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

          Item            Land use right         Patent right   Non-patent right    Software and other        Total

I. Original carrying

  1. Beginning
                            146,970,093.89                          56,822,865.97         8,653,219.40      212,446,179.26

  2. Increased
                                                                     9,053,412.40         6,053,220.75       15,106,633.15
amount of the period

     (1) Purchase                                                                         2,679,066.14        2,679,066.14

     (2) Internal
                                                                     9,053,412.40                             9,053,412.40

     (3) Business
combination increase

     (4) Transfer
from construction in                                                                      3,374,154.61        3,374,154.61

  3. Decreased
                              14,532,760.00                                                                  14,532,760.00
amount of the period

     (1) Disposal             14,532,760.00                                                                  14,532,760.00

  4. Ending balance         132,437,333.89                          65,876,278.37        14,706,440.15      213,020,052.41

II. Accumulated

  1. Beginning
                              49,595,308.00                         19,221,477.69         3,912,178.35       72,728,964.04

  2. Increased
                                  2,798,699.44                       5,176,198.90         1,109,388.10        9,084,286.44
amount of the period

     (1) Withdrawal               2,798,699.44                       5,176,198.90         1,109,388.10        9,084,286.44

  3. Decreased
                                   700,458.83                                                                   700,458.83
amount of the period

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2018

     (1) Disposal                700,458.83                                                                         700,458.83

  4. Ending balance           51,693,548.61                            24,397,676.59           5,021,566.45       81,112,791.65

III. Depreciation

  1. Beginning

  2. Increased
amount of the period

     (1) Withdrawal

  3. Decreased
amount of the period

     (1) Disposal

  4. Ending balance

IV. Carrying value

  1. Ending carrying
                              80,743,785.28                            41,478,601.78           9,684,873.70      131,907,260.76

  2. Beginning
                              97,374,785.89                            37,601,388.28           4,741,041.05      139,717,215.22
carrying value

The proportion of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company at the Period-end to the ending balance of
intangible assets was 30.92%.

(2) Land Use Right with Certificate of Title Uncompleted

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                     Item                                 Carrying value                                Reason

Other notes:

21. R&D Expense

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                 Beginning                                                                                           Ending
    Item                                       Increase                                   Decrease
                    balance                                                                                          balance

SBS coated
                                1,809,893.80                               1,809,893.80
ivory board
(coated with

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2018


Craft board                 2,733,903.09                2,733,903.09

High barrier
                            3,020,246.66                3,020,246.66

R&D of
tobacco stem                2,799,715.49                                                   2,799,715.49

R&D of
l protection
                            1,489,368.85                1,489,368.85

R&D of
                                546,784.41                                                   546,784.41
testing carton
base paper

Special food
                            4,405,940.07                                                   4,405,940.07
board with
natural color

       Total                                            9,053,412.40                       7,752,439.97

Other notes

22. Goodwill

(1) Original Carrying Value of Goodwill

                                                                                              Unit: RMB

   Name of the
 invested units or   Beginning
                                             Increase                  Decrease         Ending balance
events generating     balance

Zhuhai S.E.Z.
Hongta Renheng        9,129,025.01                                                         9,129,025.01
Paper Co., Ltd.

Zhuhai Golden
                      2,418,280.28                                                         2,418,280.28
Chemicals Co.,

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                               Annual Report 2018

        Total           11,547,305.29                                                                                    11,547,305.29

(2) Depreciation Reserves of Goodwill

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

   Name of the
 invested units or     Beginning
                                                      Increase                               Decrease                  Ending balance
events generating        balance

Zhuhai S.E.Z.
Hongta Renheng                     0.00                                                                                             0.00
Paper Co., Ltd.

Zhuhai Golden
                                   0.00                                                                                             0.00
Chemicals Co.,

        Total                      0.00                                                                                             0.00

Information on the assets group or combination of assets groups which goodwill belongs to
Notes of the testing process of goodwill impairment, parameters (such as growth rate of the forecast period, growth rate of stable
period, rate of profit, discount rate, forecast period and so on for prediction of future present value of cash flows) and the recognition
method of goodwill impairment losses:

The testing process, method and conclusion of goodwill impairment
The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated based on the present value of the estimated future cash flow.
The cash flow is estimated based on the 5-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate
used for cash flow forecast is 4.75%. The cash flow after the forecast period was speculated based on the growth
rate of 5% which is comparable to the overall long-term average growth rate of the paper industry.
Other key data in the impairment test include: predicted selling price of products, sales volume, production cost
and other related expenses.
The Company confirmed the above-mentioned key data against its historical experience and the forecast of market
development. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pre-tax rate that reflects the current market
currency time value and the specific risks of the relevant asset group.
The above estimation of the recoverable amount indicates that there is no impairment loss on goodwill.

Influence of goodwill impairment testing
Other notes

23. Long-term Prepaid Expense

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                         Amortization         Other decreased
          Item          Beginning balance      Increased amount                                                      Ending balance
                                                                     amount of the period         amount

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                Annual Report 2018

Decoration expense
                                   213,321.10                                      44,909.71                                  168,411.39
for rent-in plant

Fee for technical
                                   232,806.84                                      87,302.64                                  145,504.20

renovation of
                                 2,810,762.23           2,834,671.33             1,203,842.97                               4,441,590.59

Total                            3,256,890.17           2,834,671.33             1,336,055.32                               4,755,506.18

Other notes

24. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred Income Tax Assets that Had not Been Set-off

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                  Ending balance                                      Beginning balance
            Item                Deductible temporary       Deferred income tax         Deductible temporary      Deferred income tax
                                     difference                      assets                 difference                    assets

Provision for impairment
                                       176,170,867.67                 26,425,630.18             144,093,941.83             21,629,140.63
of assets

Unrealized profit of
                                         9,851,070.07                   1,477,660.51
internal transactions

Accrued expenses                        24,307,031.93                   3,646,054.79             37,374,843.28              5,606,226.49

Net amount of change in
fair value of trading                                                                             2,394,879.25                359,231.89
financial liabilities

Total                                  210,328,969.67                 31,549,345.48             183,863,664.36             27,594,599.01

(2) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Had Not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                  Ending balance                                      Beginning balance
            Item                Deductible temporary       Deferred income tax         Deductible temporary      Deferred income tax
                                     difference                    liabilities              difference                liabilities

Assets             evaluation
appreciation        in    the
                                        14,212,900.20                   2,131,935.03             14,923,964.07              2,238,594.61
business combination not
under the same control

Total                                   14,212,900.20                   2,131,935.03             14,923,964.07              2,238,594.61

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                         Annual Report 2018

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Off-set

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                Mutual set-off amount of          Ending balance of          Mutual set-off amount of      Beginning balance of
                                  deferred income tax            deferred income tax           deferred income tax          deferred income tax
                                 assets and liabilities at     assets or liabilities after    assets and liabilities at   assets or liabilities after
                                     the period-end                     off-set                  the period-begin                  off-set

Deferred       income     tax
                                                                          31,549,345.48                                                27,594,599.01

Deferred       income     tax
                                                                             2,131,935.03                                               2,238,594.61

(4) List of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                        Item                                       Ending balance                                   Beginning balance

Deductible losses                                                                  199,990,599.74                                      67,269,298.96

Provision for impairment of assets                                                      208,702.94                                       201,333.37

Total                                                                              200,199,302.68                                      67,470,632.33

(5) Deductible Losses of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets will Due in the Following Years

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                Years                           Ending amount                       Beginning amount                            Notes


Y2020                                                        72,934,938.44                       49,162,723.17

Y2021                                                         1,734,170.90                        1,734,170.90

Y2022                                                         9,996,774.57                        3,166,186.95

Y2023                                                    115,324,715.83

Total                                                    199,990,599.74                          54,063,081.02                    --

Other notes:

25. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                        Item                                       Ending balance                                   Beginning balance

Prepayment of equipment                                                               1,495,963.49                                      5,235,044.33

Total                                                                                 1,495,963.49                                      5,235,044.33

Other notes:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                      Annual Report 2018

26. Short-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Short-term Borrowings

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                             Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Pledge borrowings                                                                                              199,095,460.59

Guaranteed borrowings                                                 662,776,823.86                           698,330,783.93

Credit borrowings                                                     200,000,000.00

Total                                                                 862,776,823.86                           897,426,244.52

Notes of short-term borrowings category:

(2) List of the Short-term Borrowings Overdue but Not Returned

The amount of the overdue unpaid short-term borrowings at the period-end was of RMB0.00, of which the significant overdue
unpaid short-term borrowings are as follows:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

        Borrower                  Ending balance      Interest rate               Overdue time          Overdue charge rate

Other notes:

27. Financial Liabilities at Fair Value through Profit or Loss

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                             Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Specified as financial liabilities at fair
value through profit or loss

Total                                                                                                            2,394,879.25

Other notes:

28. Derivative Financial Liabilities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

29. Notes Payable and Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                             Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Notes payable                                                         310,600,000.00                             8,530,196.41

Accounts payable                                                      464,643,787.56                           341,247,162.39

Total                                                                 775,243,787.56                           349,777,358.80

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                       Annual Report 2018

(1) Notes Payable Listed by Category

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                 Category                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Bank’s acceptance bill                                                310,600,000.00                              8,530,196.41

Total                                                                  310,600,000.00                              8,530,196.41

The total amount of the due but not paid notes payable at the end of the period was of RMB0.00.

(2) List of Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                     Item                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Payment of materials                                                   375,399,151.20                           257,450,045.60

Payment of equipment                                                      6,104,986.59                             9,163,006.20

Payment of freight                                                      42,626,350.09                            53,544,546.45

Other                                                                   40,513,299.68                            21,089,564.14

Total                                                                  464,643,787.56                           341,247,162.39

(3) Significant Accounts Payable Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                     Item                                Ending balance                      Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

Other notes:

30. Advances from Customers

(1) List of Advances from Customers

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                     Item                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Within 1 year                                                           32,561,871.59                            21,099,280.81

1-2 years                                                                  236,602.58                                 185,873.32

2-3 years                                                                  103,015.37                                 239,511.43

Over 3 years                                                               530,099.25                                 245,079.52

Total                                                                   33,431,588.79                            21,769,745.08

(2) Significant Advances from Customers Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                            Annual Report 2018

                      Item                            Ending balance             Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

(3) Settled but Uncompleted Projects Formed by Construction Contracts at the Period-end

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                               Item                                              Amount

Other notes:

31. Payroll Payable

(1) List of Payroll Payable

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

            Item               Beginning balance         Increase          Decrease             Ending balance

I. Short-term salary                  29,068,767.86       190,941,490.14    178,932,415.55           41,077,842.45

II. Post-employment
benefit-defined                          193,390.47        21,089,267.03     17,542,657.50             3,740,000.00
contribution plans

III. Termination benefits                                   6,546,612.00      6,546,612.00

Total                                 29,262,158.33       218,577,369.17    203,021,685.05           44,817,842.45

(2) List of Short-term Salary

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

            Item               Beginning balance         Increase          Decrease             Ending balance

1.       Salary,      bonus,
                                      19,456,610.16       166,935,427.76    156,018,011.07           30,374,026.85
allowance, subsidy

2. Employee welfare                                         8,501,127.96      8,501,127.96

3. Social insurance                                         6,425,059.22      6,425,059.22

Of      which:     Medical
                                                            5,468,476.86      5,468,476.86
insurance premiums

                                                              449,701.28        449,701.28
lated injury insurance

                                                              506,881.08        506,881.08
ty insurance

4. Housing fund                                             4,705,409.16      4,671,499.80               33,909.36

5. Labor union budget
and employee education                 9,612,157.70         4,374,466.04      3,316,717.50           10,669,906.24

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                       Annual Report 2018

Total                               29,068,767.86         190,941,490.14               178,932,415.55           41,077,842.45

(3) List of Defined Contribution Plans

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

             Item           Beginning balance            Increase                     Decrease             Ending balance

1. Basic pension benefits                                  11,610,669.71                11,610,669.71

2. Unemployment
                                                              531,263.71                   531,263.71

3. Annuity                               193,390.47         8,947,333.61                 5,400,724.08            3,740,000.00

Total                                    193,390.47        21,089,267.03                17,542,657.50            3,740,000.00

Other notes:

32. Taxes Payable

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                    Item                              Ending balance                             Beginning balance

VAT                                                                  30,384,238.41                               9,173,589.49

Corporate income tax                                                   3,347,494.70                              4,829,691.00

Personal income tax                                                     155,162.18                                   220,969.58

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                   78,011.80                                   443,966.24

Education Surcharge                                                      55,722.70                                   317,118.82

Stamp tax                                                               376,052.60                                   149,295.59

Property tax                                                           5,085,707.04                              3,997,526.54

Land use tax                                                           1,694,485.83                              2,264,945.84

Other                                                                   111,645.03

Total                                                                41,288,520.29                              21,397,103.10

Other notes:

33. Other Payables

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                    Item                              Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Interest payable                                                       6,315,962.71                              7,865,380.83

Dividends payable                                                    25,083,228.68                              12,116,789.76

Other payables                                                      148,338,686.00                              30,829,181.11

Total                                                               179,737,877.39                              50,811,351.70

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

(1) Interest Payable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Interest of long-term borrowings with
installment payments of interest and                                         454,930.56                                   887,413.70
payment of principal at maturity

Enterprise bond interest                                                                                                 4,455,452.06

Interest payable of short-term borrowings                                   1,841,377.53                                 2,466,929.24

Interest payable of borrowings provided by
                                                                            4,019,654.62                                   55,585.83

Total                                                                       6,315,962.71                                 7,865,380.83

List of the significant overdue unpaid interest:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                  Borrower                                Overdue amount                               Overdue reasons

Other notes:

(2) Dividends Payable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Ordinary share dividends                                                  25,083,228.68                                12,116,789.76

Total                                                                     25,083,228.68                                12,116,789.76

Other notes, including significant dividends payable unpaid for over one year, the unpaid reason shall be disclosed:

(3) Other Payables

1) Other Payables Listed by Nature
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                    Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Margin and cash pledge                                                    40,981,285.95                                13,124,079.64

Prepayment                                                                  8,523,323.85                                 6,232,605.94

Intercourse funds among units                                             92,200,000.00                                  8,110,384.98

balance payment of engineering                                               733,688.95                                  1,158,579.69

Other                                                                       5,900,387.25                                 2,203,530.86

Total                                                                    148,338,686.00                                30,829,181.11

(2) Significant Other Payables Aging over One Year
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

                     Item                                  Ending balance                          Unpaid/Un-carry-over reason

Other notes

34. Held-for-sale Liabilities

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                     Item                                  Ending balance                               Beginning balance

Other notes:

35. Current Portion of Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                     Item                                  Ending balance                               Beginning balance

Current portion of long-term borrowings                                  200,000,000.00

Current portion of bonds payable                                                                                      199,834,258.85

Total                                                                    200,000,000.00                               199,834,258.85

Other notes:

36. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                     Item                                  Ending balance                               Beginning balance

Increase/decrease of the short-term bonds payable:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                             ion of     Repayme
                                                                      The        al of
  Bonds                   Issuing              Issuing   Beginnin                          premium nt in the                 Ending
              Par value             Duration                         current    interest
  name                      date               amount    g balance                            and       Reporting           balance
                                                                      issue     by par
                                                                                           depreciati    Period

Other notes:

37. Long-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Long-term Borrowings

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                     Item                                  Ending balance                               Beginning balance

Guaranteed borrowings                                                    100,000,000.00                               200,000,000.00

Total                                                                    100,000,000.00                               200,000,000.00

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Annual Report 2018

Notes to the category of long-term borrowings:
Other notes, including the interval of interest rate:

38. Bonds Payable

(1) List of Bonds Payable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                     Item                                     Ending balance                                Beginning balance

(2) Increase/Decrease of Bonds Payable (Excluding Other Financial Instrument Classified as Financial
Liabilities such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Bonds)

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

(3) Notes to the Conditions and Time of the Shares Transfer of the Convertible Corporate Bonds

(4) Notes to Other Financial Instruments Classified as Financial Liabilities

Basic situation of other financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds outstanding at the period-end
Changes in financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds outstanding at the period-end
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

 Outstanding          Period-beginning                    Increase                       Decrease                     Period-end
   financial                      Carrying                        Carrying                      Carrying                        Carrying
                    Amount                        Amount                          Amount                        Amount
  instrument                        value                            value                          value                        value

Notes to basis for the classification of other financial instruments as financial liabilities
Other notes

39. Long-term Payables

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                     Item                                     Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Long-term payables                                                                                                         16,825,912.17

Total                                                                                                                      16,825,912.17

(1) Long-term Payables Listed by Nature

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                     Item                                     Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Financial leasing                                                                                                               825,912.17

Borrowings from non-financial institution                                                                                  16,000,000.00

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                Annual Report 2018

Total                                                                                                                        16,825,912.17

Other notes:

(2) Specific Payables

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                         Reason for
         Item             Beginning balance              Increase            Decrease          Ending balance

Other notes:

40. Long-term Payroll Payable

(1) List of Long-term Payroll Payable

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                       Item                                     Ending balance                           Beginning balance

(2) Changes in Defined Benefit Plans

Obligation present value of defined benefit plans:
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                       Item                                    Reporting period                       Same period of last year

Plan assets:
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                       Item                                    Reporting period                       Same period of last year

Net liabilities (net assets) of defined benefit plans:
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                       Item                                    Reporting period                       Same period of last year

Notes of influence of content of defined benefit plans and its relevant risks to the future cash flow, time and uncertainty of the
Notes to the results of significant actuarial assumptions and sensitivity analysis of defined benefit plans:
Other notes:

41. Provisions

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                Item                         Ending balance                  Beginning balance                 Reason for formation

                                                                                                        Predicted losses resulting from
Product quality guarantee                                 1,508,735.64                   1,366,445.61
                                                                                                        any product quality problem

Total                                                     1,508,735.64                   1,366,445.61                   --

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

Other notes, including notes to related significant assumptions and evaluation of significant provisions:

42. Deferred Income

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                      Reason for
          Item          Beginning balance             Increase               Decrease         Ending balance

Government                                                                                                       compensating related
                                30,773,540.27          3,613,697.19           4,081,924.16       30,305,313.30
subsidies                                                                                                        funds                  for

Total                           30,773,540.27          3,613,697.19           4,081,924.16       30,305,313.30               --

Item involving government subsidies:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                  Amount         Amount
                                                recorded into recorded into     Amount
                                 Amount of                                                                                  Related to
                 Beginning                      non-operatin other income offset cost in       Other        Ending
     Item                          newly                                                                                   assets/related
                   balance                      g income in       in the      the Reporting   changes       balance
                                   subsidy                                                                                    income
                                                the Reporting    Reporting       Period
                                                   Period         Period

project of the
system of
                                                                                                                           Related to
paper-making      720,000.00                                      32,000.00                                 688,000.00

No. 1 paper
                                                                                                                           Related to
update &          224,000.00                                       9,600.00                                 214,400.00

Liquid paper
                                                                                                                           Related to
renovation        233,333.20                                      35,000.04                                 198,333.16

project of the
                                                                                                                           Related to
information      1,096,666.71                                    279,999.96                                 816,666.75
system of

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                   Annual Report 2018


water                                                           Related to
                 1,536,000.00       384,000.00   1,152,000.00
recycling and                                                   assets
energy saving

Subsidy of
                                                                Related to
of Zhuhai        1,398,794.33       699,397.24    699,397.09

Subsidy of
latex phase II
                                                                Related to
line              228,000.00        114,000.00    114,000.00

BM1 ink-jet
system and
drive system
                 10,031,627.7                                   Related to
upgrade                             447,507.56   9,584,120.15
                           1                                    assets
n project

Gaolan Port
equipment                                                       Related to
                  960,266.59         41,600.04    918,666.55
renewal                                                         assets
special fund

                                                                Related to
management        891,746.71        227,679.96    664,066.75

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                Annual Report 2018

support fund

subsidies of
Automatic                                                                    Related to
                 4,268,161.40                    179,005.68   4,089,155.72
packaging                                                                    assets
line technical

subsidies of
                                                                             Related to
optimization     1,754,105.57                     72,834.84   1,681,270.73
n project

subsidies of
TP liquid
food packing
                                                                             Related to
board            4,937,748.66                                 4,937,748.66
n project

subsidies of
renovation                                                                   Related to
                 1,893,089.39                    649,059.24   1,244,030.15
project of                                                                   assets
Paper Co.,

funds for                                                                    Related to
                  600,000.00        600,000.00                        0.00
restoring                                                                    assets

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                      Annual Report 2018

after typhoon

Subsidy for
migration of                                                                                                      Related to
                                2,358,270.19                   39,339.60                           2,318,930.59
high voltage                                                                                                      assets

subsidy for a
new round of
technical                                                                                                         Related to
                                 442,727.00                                                          442,727.00
renovation in                                                                                                     assets
Bureau of

industrial and
specific funds                                                                                                    Related to
                                 812,700.00                   270,900.00                             541,800.00
of Foshan                                                                                                         assets

                 30,773,540.2                                                                      30,305,313.3
Total                           3,613,697.19     600,000.00 3,481,924.16
                           7                                                                                  0

Other notes:

43. Other Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                    Item                                  Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Other notes:

44. Share Capital

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                               Increase/decrease (+/-)
                                    New shares                      Bonus issue                                Ending balance
                     balance                        Bonus shares                         Other     Subtotal
                                      issued                        from profit

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                               Annual Report 2018

The sum of
                  505,425,000.00                                                                                        505,425,000.00

Other notes:

45. Other Equity Instruments

(1) The Basic Information of Other Financial Instruments such as Preferred Stock and Perpetual Bond
Outstanding at the End of the Period

(2) Changes in Financial Instruments such as Preferred Stock and Perpetual Bond Outstanding at the End
of the Period

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

 Outstanding         Period-beginning                   Increase                          Decrease                  Period-end
   financial                    Carrying                      Carrying                           Carrying                   Carrying
                  Amount                        Amount                           Amount                        Amount
 instruments                       value                           value                             value                    value

The current changes in other equity instruments and the corresponding reasons and the basis of the relevant accounting treatment
Other notes:

46. Capital Reserves

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

           Item               Beginning balance                Increase                       Decrease              Ending balance

Capital premium
                                     256,362,525.38                                                                     256,362,525.38
(premium on stock)

Other capital reserves                     459,848.04                                                                       459,848.04

Total                                256,822,373.42                                                                     256,822,373.42

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:

47. Treasury Shares

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

           Item               Beginning balance                Increase                       Decrease              Ending balance

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:

48. Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                      Reporting Period
                                           Beginning                                                                           Ending
                  Item                                   Income       Less: recorded        Less:    Attributable Attributable balance
                                                          before           in other       Income tax to owners         to

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Annual Report 2018

                                                          taxation in comprehensive        expense      of the       non-control
                                                          the Current      income in                 Company            ling
                                                            Period        prior period                  as the        interests
                                                                         and transferred             parent after     after tax
                                                                           in profit or                  tax
                                                                           loss in the

II. Other comprehensive income that
may subsequently be reclassified to          169,714.39
profit or loss

Of which: Share of other
comprehensive income of investees                                                                                                  169,714.3
that will be reclassified to profit or                                                                                                    9
loss under equity method

Total of other comprehensive income          169,714.39

Other notes, including the adjustment of the effective gain/loss on cash flow hedges to the initial recognized amount:

49. Specific Reserve

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

           Item                  Beginning balance               Increase                    Decrease                  Ending balance

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:

50. Surplus Reserves

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

           Item                  Beginning balance               Increase                    Decrease                  Ending balance

Statutory surplus
                                         192,647,450.61                 3,751,800.19                                        196,399,250.80

Total                                    192,647,450.61                 3,751,800.19                                        196,399,250.80

Notes, including changes and reason of change:

51. Retained Earnings

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                         Item                                     Reporting Period                       Same period of last year

Beginning balance of retained earnings         before
                                                                                1,027,794,897.79                          1,027,703,010.59

Beginning balance of retained earnings           after                          1,027,794,897.79                          1,027,703,010.59

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018


Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                              -2,814,965.92                            18,637,865.97
Company as the parent

Less: withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves                                 3,751,800.19                                2,372,378.77

     Dividend of ordinary shares payable                                       9,097,650.00                            16,173,600.00

Ending retained earnings                                                   1,012,130,481.68                         1,027,794,897.79

List of adjustment of beginning retained earnings:

(1) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.

(2) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in accounting policies.

(3) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.

(4) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.

(5) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected totally by other adjustments.

52. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                            Reporting Period                                    Same Period of last year
                              Operating revenue            Cost of sales           Operating revenue              Cost of sales

Main operations                    3,588,986,332.24            3,290,603,851.05            3,387,712,195.06         2,948,469,093.13

Other operations                      94,018,211.26              65,742,861.68              195,445,451.31            159,896,380.04

Total                              3,683,004,543.50            3,356,346,712.73            3,583,157,646.37         3,108,365,473.17

53. Taxes and Surtaxes

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                   Item                                  Reporting Period                           Same Period of last year

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                      3,608,728.97                                   6,902,983.13

Education Surcharge                                                         2,588,747.22                                   4,933,650.70

Property tax                                                                6,522,892.91                                   6,460,903.34

Land use tax                                                                2,038,050.46                                   2,412,212.48

Vehicle and vessel use tax                                                    21,277.57                                      43,663.68

Stamp Duty                                                                  2,453,442.87                                   2,213,596.95

Other                                                                        303,773.12

Total                                                                      17,536,913.12                               22,967,010.28

Other notes:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report 2018

54. Selling Expense

                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                      Item          Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Salary and benefits                               16,869,968.19                          13,510,588.27

Business entertainment fees                            5,124,436.79                       6,092,497.55

Packing charges                                   10,274,001.73                          10,055,322.24

Warehousing fees                                       9,048,439.87                       4,020,228.11

Transport charge                                 119,273,809.00                         141,141,510.57

Office expenses                                         504,015.59                          726,361.44

Other                                                  8,327,512.03                       7,377,215.37

Total                                            169,422,183.20                         182,923,723.55

Other notes:

55. Administrative Expense

                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                      Item          Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Salary and benefits                               47,688,944.73                          43,313,668.97

Social insurance                                       8,615,815.27                      20,611,798.52

Housing fund                                           1,324,367.76                       4,287,169.43

Depreciation and amortization                     18,816,835.86                          19,587,722.05

Office expenses                                        3,441,391.70                       3,422,223.93

Fees for agencies                                      6,427,166.04                       7,384,158.05

Utilities                                              3,663,342.86                       4,858,252.20

Rental fees                                            5,213,126.28                       1,209,743.51

Business travel fees                                   2,104,812.31                       2,726,094.32

Business entertainment fees                            2,260,907.57                       1,982,313.19

Material consumption                                   3,193,820.09                       3,156,395.79

Other                                             10,322,921.71                           7,802,803.78

Total                                            113,073,452.18                         120,342,343.74

Other notes:

56. R&D Expense

                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                      Item          Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2018

Salary                                                    8,401,940.35                       3,141,582.90

Material drawing out                                 19,702,922.55                             365,879.52

Experiment and inspection fees                            1,830,531.43                         334,994.82

Depreciation and amortization                             1,788,418.60                         233,600.59

Fees for technical service                                                                     104,015.01

Entertainment fees                                         174,240.80                          122,275.39

Business travel fees                                       260,409.89                          203,870.77

Office expenses                                            161,192.50                          209,495.04

Other                                                      464,528.82                          418,750.50

Total                                                32,784,184.94                           5,134,464.54

Other notes:

57. Finance Costs

                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                     Item              Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Interest expense                                     97,699,988.40                         122,634,675.32

Less: Interest income                                11,188,199.94                          20,462,322.12

Foreign exchange gains or losses                      -1,796,490.75                         15,787,286.73

Other                                                     4,415,466.09                       3,668,284.72

Total                                                89,130,763.80                         121,627,924.65

Other notes:

58. Asset Impairment Loss

                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                     Item              Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

I. Bad debt loss                                          2,889,252.82                       2,314,605.74

II. Loss on inventory valuation                      15,120,270.23                           2,395,617.41

Total                                                18,009,523.05                           4,710,223.15

Other notes:

59. Other Income

                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                   Sources             Reporting Period                  Same period of last year

Government subsidy related to assets                      3,481,924.16                       2,915,637.18

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                Annual Report 2018

Government subsidy related to income                                  7,747,334.14                         10,875,874.61

Total                                                            11,229,258.30                             13,791,511.79

60. Investment Income

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                       Item                           Reporting Period                   Same Period of last year

Long-term equity investment income
                                                                         5,625,141.25                      22,353,488.34
accounted by equity method

Investment income from disposal of financial
assets at fair value through profit or loss

Investment income from holding of available
                                                                        10,000,000.00                       6,995,738.12
for sale financial assets

Investment income from disposal of financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Total                                                                   18,008,673.27                      34,641,907.00

Other notes:

61. Gain on Changes in Fair Value

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                   Sources                         Reporting Period                     Same period of last year

Financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through
                                                                      2,394,879.25                         -2,394,879.25
profit or loss

Total                                                                 2,394,879.25                         -3,966,220.91

Other notes:

62. Asset Disposal Income

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                   Sources                         Reporting Period                     Same period of last year

Fixed asset disposal income                                           1,390,311.65                            689,820.93

Total                                                                 1,390,311.65                            689,820.93

63. Non-operating Income

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Annual Report 2018

                                                                                                              Amount recorded in the current
                Item                         Reporting Period               Same Period of last year
                                                                                                                non-recurring profit or loss

Government subsidy                                     6,290,035.00                                                               6,290,035.00

Compensation income                                                                            1,504,158.25

Difference between the carrying
value and net assets enjoyed
                                                      21,561,238.54                                                              21,561,238.54
when transferred by equity

Other                                                  4,868,628.58                            2,908,797.32                       4,868,628.58

Total                                                 32,719,902.12                            4,412,955.57                      32,719,902.12

Government subsidies recorded into current profit or loss
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                influence the        Special                                       Related to
                 Distribution   Distribution                                                       Reporting     Same period
     Item                                          Nature        profits or      subsidy or                                      assets/related
                       entity       reason                                                           Period       of last year
                                                                losses of the         not                                           income
                                                                 year or not

funds for
                                                                                                                                 Related to
restoring                       Subsidy                         Yes             No                  600,000.00
after typhoon

Subsidy for
losses on
suspension of                                                                                                                    Related to
                                Subsidy                         Yes             No                5,690,035.00
production                                                                                                                       income
due to power

Total                                                                                             6,290,035.00

Other notes:

64. Non-operating Expense

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                              Amount recorded in the current
                Item                         Reporting Period               Same Period of last year
                                                                                                                non-recurring profit or loss

Donation                                                    3,000.00                             29,750.00                            3,000.00

Loss on damage and scrap of
                                                       1,347,876.44                             414,517.07                        1,347,876.44
non-current assets

Penalty, reparations and fine for                                                               815,704.33

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Annual Report 2018

delaying payment

Loss on scrap of raw materials                                                             132,982.11

Loss on abnormal suspension of
                                                      6,875,690.07                      27,797,264.89                       6,875,690.07

Other                                                       33,135.00                          66,618.45                       33,135.00

Total                                                 8,259,701.51                      29,256,836.85                       8,259,701.51

Other notes:

65. Income Tax Expense

(1) List of Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                    Item                                     Reporting Period                          Same Period of last year

Current income tax expense                                                      5,230,146.03                                5,922,905.23

Deferred income tax expense                                                 -4,061,406.05                                   -3,751,096.76

Total                                                                           1,168,739.98                                2,171,808.47

(2) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                               Item                                                             Reporting Period

Profit before taxation                                                                                                    -55,815,866.44

Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable tax

Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries                                                                   9,242,820.07

Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                                                   -3,147,582.74

Influence of non-taxable income                                                                                             -9,244,434.68

Influence of non-deductable costs, expenses and losses                                                                        973,805.90

Influence of deductable temporary difference or deductable
losses of unrecognized deferred income tax at the beginning of                                                               -230,133.58
the Reporting Period

Influence of deductable temporary difference or deductable
losses of unrecognized deferred income tax in the Reporting                                                                17,878,979.61

Influence of R&D expense deduction                                                                                           -350,748.02

Income tax expense                                                                                                          1,168,739.98

Other notes

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                        Annual Report 2018

66. Other Comprehensive Income

Refer to Note 48 for details.

67. Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash Generated from Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                      Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Intercourse funds                                          101,993,952.31                          20,712,965.39

Government subsidies                                        17,051,066.33                          26,339,674.61

Cash deposit received                                       12,875,827.91

Interest income                                                  3,529,355.27                      26,629,976.60

Other                                                       24,287,618.86                           7,944,511.69

Total                                                      159,737,820.68                          81,627,128.29


(2) Cash Used in Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                      Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Intercourse funds                                           30,000,000.00                          55,652,086.82

Fees                                                       162,012,997.06                          51,716,874.45

Petty cash for employees                                         1,773,035.43                       2,761,745.19

Cash deposit paid                                                2,627,073.52

Other                                                              65,890.65

Total                                                      196,478,996.66                         110,130,706.46


(3) Cash Generated from Other Investing Activities

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                      Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Principal of structural deposits                           229,000,000.00                         209,000,000.00

Principal and interest of borrowings                                                              511,909,915.83

Disposal of trading financial liabilities                        2,383,532.02

Total                                                      231,383,532.02                         720,909,915.83

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                        Annual Report 2018


(4) Cash Used in Other Investing Activities

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                      Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Principal of structural deposits                           545,200,000.00                           1,000,000.00

Total                                                      545,200,000.00                           1,000,000.00


(5) Cash Generated from Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                      Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Restricted monetary capital recovered as
                                                            33,400,956.90                         176,891,765.59
margin or pledge

Borrowings from non-financial institutions                  55,600,000.00                          16,000,000.00

Total                                                       89,000,956.90                         192,891,765.59


(6) Cash Used in Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                    Item                      Reporting Period                  Same Period of last year

Restricted monetary capital as margin or
                                                                 5,971,254.50                      33,400,956.90

Repayment for borrowings from external

Total                                                       45,971,254.50                          33,400,956.90


68. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

          Supplemental information            Reporting Period                  Same period of last year

1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash
                                                      --                                   --
flows generated from operating activities

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                          Annual Report 2018

Net profit                                                -56,984,606.42           35,227,812.35

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                   18,009,523.05             4,710,223.15

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets,
                                                         157,252,933.29           159,400,760.10
and productive living assets

Amortization of intangible assets                           9,084,286.44            7,993,240.03

Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                  1,336,055.32            1,267,488.68

Losses from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-lived assets              -1,390,311.65             -689,820.93
(gains: negative)

Losses from scrap of fixed assets (gains:
                                                            1,347,876.44              414,517.07

Losses from changes in fair value (gains:
                                                           -2,394,879.25            3,966,220.91

Finance costs (gains: negative)                           93,337,367.57           108,435,156.14

Investment loss (gains: negative)                         -18,008,673.27          -34,641,907.00

Decrease in deferred income tax assets
                                                           -3,954,746.47            -3,260,644.87
(increase: negative)

Increase in deferred income tax liabilities
                                                            -106,659.58              -490,451.89
(decrease: negative)

Decrease in inventory (gains: negative)                  -451,108,295.63           26,685,441.54

Decrease in accounts receivable generated
                                                         116,122,123.02            11,803,322.52
from operating activities (gains: negative)

Increase in accounts payable used in
                                                         530,923,401.86          -342,732,278.88
operating activities (decrease: negative)

Net cash generated from/used in operating
                                                         393,465,394.72           -21,910,921.08

2.   Significant    investing   and   financing
activities without involvement of cash              --                      --
receipts and payments

3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash
                                                    --                      --

Ending balance of cash                                   128,012,685.23           254,251,911.75

Less: beginning balance of cash                          254,251,911.75           357,103,700.82

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                -126,239,226.52         -102,851,789.07

(2) Net Cash Paid For Acquisition of Subsidiaries

                                                                                       Unit: RMB

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018


Of which:                                                                                           --

Of which:                                                                                           --

Of which:                                                                                           --

Other notes:

(3) Net Cash Receive from Disposal of the Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB


Cash or cash equivalents received in the Reporting Period from
disposal of subsidiaries in the Current Period

Of which:                                                                                           --

Kunshan Focai Packaging & Printing Co., Ltd.                                                                           8,214,180.81

Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the date of
losing control power

Of which:                                                                                           --

Kunshan Focai Packaging & Printing Co., Ltd.                                                                           8,214,180.81

Of which:                                                                                           --

Other notes:

(4) Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                    Item                                    Ending balance                            Beginning balance

I. Cash                                                                  128,012,685.23                              254,251,911.75

Including: Cash on hand                                                      131,195.64                                   173,601.37

          Bank deposit on demand                                         127,881,489.59                              254,078,310.38

III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                         128,012,685.23                              254,251,911.75

Other notes:

69. Notes to Items of the Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Notes to the name of “Other” of ending balance of the same period of last year adjusted and the amount adjusted:

70. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right to Use

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

                       Item                            Ending carrying value                      Reason for restriction

Monetary capital                                                          5,971,254.50 Cash deposit for letter of guarantee

Other current assets                                                  300,000,000.00 Pledge guarantee

Total                                                                 305,971,254.50                        --

Other notes:

71. Foreign Currency Monetary Items

(1) Foreign Currency Monetary Items

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                    Ending foreign currency                                         Ending balance converted to
               Item                                                       Exchange rate
                                           balance                                                               RMB

Monetary capital                              --                                 --

Of which: USD                                       5,386,930.36 6.8632                                             36,971,580.45


           HKD                                        93,216.36 0.8762                                                     81,676.17

           GBP                                       248,100.07 8.6762                                                 2,152,565.83

Accounts receivable                           --                                 --

Of which: USD                                       6,482,218.67 6.8632                                             44,488,763.18


           HKD                                      2,982,178.46 0.8762                                                2,612,984.77

Long-term borrowings                          --                                 --

Of which: USD



Other receivables

Of which: HKD                                      15,052,435.31 0.8762                                             13,188,943.82

Short-term borrowings

Of which: USD                                      15,266,468.12 6.8632                                            104,776,824.00

Accounts payable

Of which: USD                                      16,147,177.64 6.8632                                            110,821,309.58

           EUR                                       225,967.00 7.8473                                                 1,773,230.84

Other notes:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

(2) Notes to Overseas Entities Including: for Significant Oversea Entities, Main Operating Place, Recording
Currency and Selection Basis Shall Be Disclosed; if there Are Changes in Recording Currency, Relevant
Reasons Shall Be Disclosed.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

72. Arbitrage

Qualitative and quantitative information of relevant arbitrage instruments, hedged risk in line with the type of arbitrage to disclose:

73. Government Subsidy

(1) Basic Information on Government Subsidy

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                                       Amount recorded in the current
            Category                           Amount                          Listed items
                                                                                                                 profit or loss

Government subsidy related to
                                                      3,481,924.16 Other income                                            3,481,924.16

Government subsidy related to
                                                        600,000.00 Non-operating income                                      600,000.00

Government subsidy, related to
income, and used to compensate
                                                      5,690,035.00 Non-operating income                                    5,690,035.00
accrual cost expense or losses
of the Company

Government subsidy, related to
income, and used to compensate
                                                      7,747,334.14 Other income                                            7,747,334.14
accrual cost expense or losses
of the Company

Total                                                17,519,293.30                                                        17,519,293.30

(2) Return of Government Subsidy

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other notes:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

74. Other

VIII. Changes of Consolidation Scope

1. Business Combination Not under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination Not under the Same Control during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                             Income of   Net profits of
                  Time and
                                  Cost of                                                   Recognition acquiree from acquiree from
   Name of        place of                    Proportion of Way to gain
                                gaining the                                 Purchase date     basis of      the purchase the purchase
   acquiree      gaining the                      equity       the equity
                                  equity                                                    purchase date     date to       date to
                                                                                                            period-end    period-end

Other notes:

(2) Combination Cost and Goodwill

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                         Combination cost

Note to determination method of the fair value of the combination cost, consideration and changes:
The main formation reason for the large goodwill:
Other notes:

(3) The Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of Acquiree on Purchase Date

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                      Fair value on purchase date                Carrying value on purchase date

The determination method of the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities
Contingent liability of acquiree undertaken in the business combination
Other notes:

(4) Gains or losses from Re-measurement of Equity Held before the Purchase Date at Fair Value

Whether there is a transaction that through multiple transaction step by step to realize business combination and gaining the control
during the Reporting Period
□ Yes √ No

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                Annual Report 2018

(5) Notes to Reasonable Consideration or Fair Value of Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of the Acquiree
that Cannot Be Determined on the Acquisition Date or during the Period-end of the Merger

(6) Other Notes

2. Business Combination under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination under the Same Control during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                              Income from     Net profits
                                                                                   the         from the     Income of the Net profits of
                                                                              period-begin period-begin        acquiree     the acquiree
  Combined      Proportion of                  Combination       basis of
                                   Basis                                       ning to the    ning to the     during the     during the
     party       the equity                        date       combination
                                                                              combination combination          period of      period of
                                                                               date of the    date of the    comparison      comparison
                                                                                acquiree       acquiree

Other notes:

(2) Combination Cost

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                         Combination cost

Note to contingent consideration and the changes:
Other notes:

(3) The Carrying Value of Assets and Liabilities of the Combined Party on the Combination Date

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                            Combination date                        Period-end of the last period

Contingent liabilities of the combined party undertaken in the business combination
Other notes:

3. Counter Purchase

Basic information of trading, the basis of transactions constitute counter purchase, the retain assets , liabilities of the listed companies
whether constituted a business and its basis, the determination of the combination costs, the amount and calculation of adjusted rights
and interests in accordance with the equity transaction process:

4. Disposal of Subsidiary

Whether there is a single disposal of the investment to the subsidiary and lost control?

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

□ Yes √ No
Whether there are several disposals of the investment to the subsidiary and lost controls?
□ Yes √ No

5. Changes in Combination Scope for Other Reasons

Note to changes in combination scope for other reasons (such as newly establishment or liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and relevant
Kunshan Focai Packaging & Printing Co., Ltd. has been liquidated and de-registered during the Reporting Period and has thus no
longer been included in the consolidated financial statements.

6. Other

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiary

(1) Subsidiaries

                     Main operating                              Nature of          Holding percentage (%)
       Name                            Registration place                                                           Way of gaining
                          place                                  business         Directly         Indirectly

Zhuhai S.E.Z.
                                                            Manufacturing                                          combination not
Hongta Renheng Zhuhai                 Zhuhai                                         41.9653%
                                                            industry                                               under the same
Paper Co., Ltd.

Zhuhai Huafeng                                              Manufacturing                                          combination
                   Zhuhai             Zhuhai                                                            100.00%
Paper Co., Ltd.                                             industry                                               under the same

Zhuhai Golden                                                                                                      Business
Pheasant                                                    Manufacturing                                          combination not
                   Zhuhai             Zhuhai                                                              51.00%
Chemical Co.,                                               industry                                               under the same
Ltd.                                                                                                               control

Huaxin (Foshan)
Color Printing     Foshan             Foshan                                          100.00%                      Establishment
Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Hongta
Packaging          Pinghu             Pinghu                                          100.00%                      Establishment
Technology Co.,

Notes: holding proportion in subsidiary different from voting proportion:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                              Annual Report 2018

Basis of holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee and holding more than half of the voting rights but not
controlling the investee:

The Company holds 41.9653% shares of Hongta Renheng, and in accordance with the contract and articles, there
is seven directors in Hongta Renheng, of which four directors are sent by the Company, two sent by Yunnan
Hongta Group Co., Ltd.(now renamed to Yunnan Hehe (Group) Co., Ltd.) and one sent by Renheng Industrial Co.,
Ltd.. Dragon State International Limited didn’t send any director. The Company still control Hongta Renheng,
and will continue to include it into the consolidated financial statements of the Company in this year.

Significant structural entities and controlling basis in the scope of combination:
Basis of determining whether the Company is the agent or the principal:
Other Notes:

(2) Significant Non-wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                Shareholding proportion               The profit or loss          Declaring dividends                   Balance of
          Name                     of non-controlling              attributable to the                 distributed to         non-controlling interests
                                       interests                non-controlling interests non-controlling interests                at the period-end

Zhuhai Hongta Renheng
                                                 58.0347%                   -69,644,772.71                                              1,503,534,129.76
Packaging Co., Ltd.

Holding proportion of non-controlling interests in subsidiary different from voting proportion:
Other notes:

(3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                     Ending balance                                                          Beginning balance

                        Non-curr                            Non-curr                              Non-curr                             Non-curr
  Name     Current                   Total       Current                    Total       Current                Total     Current                     Total
                          ent                                   ent                                   ent                                ent
               assets                assets   liabilities                 liabilities   assets                 assets    liabilities               liabilities
                         assets                             liability                              assets                              liability

Renheng 2,583,10 2,250,50 4,833,61 2,010,15 154,329, 2,164,48 2,066,88 2,341,31 4,408,19 1,247,24 374,334, 1,621,58
Packagin 4,910.22 5,869.29 0,779.51 1,157.60                  795.90 0,953.50 7,651.66 1,528.10 9,179.76 8,199.38                        704.45 2,903.83
g Co.,

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                       Reporting Period                                                     Same period of last year

                                                        Total            Cash flows                                            Total           Cash flows
    Name           Operating                                                               Operating
                                    Net profit     comprehensi              from                            Net profit     comprehensi             from
                    revenue                                                                 revenue
                                                    ve income             operating                                         ve income          operating

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

                                                                activities                                                 activities

                3,391,466,29 -104,532,316. -104,532,316. 353,344,964. 3,320,528,76 17,181,492.2 17,181,492.2 -63,846,227.2
                         1.03            66              66                  20      0.26                 4          4                  2
Co., Ltd.

Other notes:

(4) Significant Restrictions on Using the Assets and Liquidating the Liabilities of the Company

(5) Financial Support or Other Supports Provided to Structural Entities Incorporated into the Scope of
Consolidated Financial Statements

Other notes:

2. The Transaction of the Company with Its Owner’s Equity Share Changed but Still Controlling the

(1) Note to the Owner’s Equity Share Changed in Subsidiary

(2) The Transaction’s Influence on the Equity of Non-controlling Interests and the Owner's Equity
Attributable to the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

Other notes

3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

(1) Significant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                    Holding percentage (%)            Accounting
                                                                                                                    treatment of the
                     Main operating                             Nature of                                            investment to
      Name                             Registration place
                             place                              business          Directly           Indirectly     joint venture or

China Chengtong
                                                                                                                   Accounted by
Finance            Beijing             Beijing              Financial industry          10.00%
                                                                                                                   equity method
Corporation Ltd.

Notes to holding proportion of joint venture or associated enterprise different from voting proportion:
Basis of holding less than 20% of the voting rights but has a significant impact or holding 20% or more voting rights but does not
have a significant impact:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2018

During the Reporting Period, the voting proportion in China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd. enjoyed by the
Company is less than 20%. Since the Company has sent directors to participate in its operation and
decision-making, the Company still has significant influence on it.

(2) Main Financial Information of Significant Joint Ventures

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                       Beginning balance/The same period of last
                                               Ending balance/Reporting Period

Other notes

(3) Main Financial Information of Significant Associated Enterprise

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                       Beginning balance/The same period of last
                                               Ending balance/Reporting Period

                                             China Chengtong Finance Corporation

Current assets                                                     25,573,917,580.26

Non-current assets                                                  9,674,484,033.81

Total assets                                                       35,248,401,614.07

Current liabilities                                                28,708,202,432.69

Total liabilities                                                  28,708,202,432.69

Equity attributable to shareholders of the
Company as the parent

Shares of net assets calculated by
shareholding ratio

Carrying value of equity investment in
associated enterprises

Operating revenue                                                    499,562,019.89

Net profit                                                           270,315,188.67

Total comprehensive income                                           270,315,188.67

Other notes

(4) Summary Financial Information of Insignificant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                Ending balance/Reporting Period        Beginning balance/The same period of last

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018


Joint venture:                                                     --                                           --

The total of following items according to the
                                                                   --                                           --
shareholding proportions

Associated enterprise:                                             --                                           --

Total carrying value of investment                                            8,570,239.86                                8,294,365.17

The total of following items according to the
                                                                   --                                           --
shareholding proportions

--Net profit                                                                    541,784.24                                 328,338.89

--Total comprehensive income                                                    541,784.24                                 328,338.89

Other notes

(5) Note to the Significant Restrictions on the Ability of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises to
Transfer Funds to the Company

(6) The Excess Loss of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                     The cumulative recognized      The derecognized losses (or the
                                                                                                        The accumulative unrecognized
               Name                       losses in previous        share of net profit) in Reporting
                                                                                                          losses in Reporting Period
                                     accumulatively derecognized                   Period

Other notes

(7) The Unrecognized Commitment Related to Investment to Joint Ventures

(8) Contingent Liabilities Related to Investment to Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

4. Significant Common Operation

                                                                                                    Proportion /share portion
        Name             Main operating place Registration place        Nature of business
                                                                                                 Directly              Indirectly

Notes to holding proportion or share portion in common operation different from voting proportion:
For common operation as a single entity, basis of classifying as common operation
Other notes

5. Equity in the Structured Entity Excluded in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements

Notes to the structured entity excluded in the scope of consolidated financial statements:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                               Annual Report 2018

6. Other

X. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments

The Company is engaged in risk management to achieve balance between risks and returns, minimizing the
negative effects of risks on its operation performance and maximizing the interests of its shareholders and other
equity investors. Based on that risk management goal, the fundamental strategy of its risk management is to
identify and analyze various risks facing the Company, establish an appropriate risk bottom line, carry out risk
management and monitor various risks in a timely and reliable manner to control them within a restricted scope.
The Company faces various risks related to financial instruments in its routine activities, mainly including credit
risk, liquidity risk market risk. The management has reviewed and approved the policies of managing those risks,
which are summarized as follows.
(I) Credit Risk
Credit risk means the risk of financial losses incurred to the other party when one party of a financial instrument is
unable to fulfill its obligations.
The Company’s credit risk mainly comes from bank deposits and accounts receivable. To control the
aforementioned relevant risks, the Company has adopted the following measures.
1. Bank deposits
The Company places its bank deposits with financial institutions of high credit ratings. Thus, its credit risk is low.
2. Accounts receivable
The Company conducts credit assessment on the customers trading in the mode of credit on a regular basis. Based
on the credit assessment result, the Company chooses to trade with recognized customers with good credit and
monitor the balance of the accounts receivable from them to ensure that the Company will not face any significant
bad debt risk.
As the Company’s risk points of accounts receivable are distributed among a number of cooperation parties and
customers, as at 31 December 2018, 17.59% (31 December 2017: 18.04%) of its accounts receivable came from
the top five customers of balance and the Company did not have any significant credit concentration risk.
(1) The analysis on the amount not overdue and without impairment and the amount overdue but without
impairment of the Company’s accounts receivable and the overdue aging is as follows:
 Item                                                         Period-end
                              Not overdue and       Overdue but not devalued            Total
                                 devalued          Within 1     1 to 2     Over 2
                                                    year        years      years
Notes receivable and            717,524,096.14                                       717,524,096.14
accounts receivable
Other receivables                   5,805,855.78                                       5,805,855.78
Subtotal                        723,329,951.92                                       723,329,951.92
 Item                                                   Period-beginning
                              Not overdue and       Overdue but not devalued            Total
                                 devalued          Within 1     1 to 2     Over 2
                                                    year        years      years
Notes      receivable   and     680,265,898.71                                       680,265,898.71

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

accounts receivable
Other receivables                       3,608,477.00                                                3,608,477.00
Subtotal                            683,874,375.71                                               683,874,375.71
(2) The information on the accounts receivable of individual withdrawn impairment is shown in the notes on
accounts receivable for consolidated financial statements in the notes to the financial statements.
(II) Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk refers to the risk of fund shortage occurring when the Company fulfills the settlement obligation in
the mode of cash delivery or other financial assets. Liquidity risk may originate from the failure to sell financial
assets at fair value as soon as possible; or from the other party’s failure to pay off its contractual debts; or from the
earlier maturity of debts; or from the failure to generate the expected cash flow.
To control the risk, the Company comprehensively adopts multiple financing approaches including notes clearing
and bank loans, appropriately combine long-term and short-term financing modes and optimize the financing
structure to maintain the balance between financing sustainability and flexibility. The Company has obtained the
line of credit from a number of commercial banks to satisfy its operation fund needs and capital expenditure.
Classification of financial liabilities by remaining maturity days
     Item                                                        Period-end
                       Carrying value      Contract amount not       Within 1 year        1 to 3 years       Over 3
                                               discounted                                                    years
Bank’s                 1,162,776,823.86       1,192,606,559.00       1,091,188,156.22    101,418,402.78
portion          of
notes payable
Notes payable             775,243,787.56        775,243,787.56         775,243,787.56
and     accounts
Other payables            154,654,648.71        154,654,648.71         154,654,648.71
Subtotal                2,092,675,260.13       2,122,504,995.27       2,021,086,592.49    101,418,402.78              -
     Item                                                    Period-beginning
                       Carrying value      Contract amount not        Within 1 year        1 to 3 years      Over 3
                                                discounted                                                    years
Bank’s                 1,097,426,244.52       1,150,897,387.67          949,418,290.45     201,479,097.22
Current portion           199,834,258.85         201,313,356.07          201,313,356.07
of             notes
Notes payable             349,777,358.80         349,777,358.80          349,777,358.80
and         accounts
Other payables             38,694,561.94          38,694,561.94           38,694,561.94
Long-term                  16,825,912.17          16,825,912.17           16,825,912.17

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

Subtotal              1,702,558,336.28        1,757,508,576.65        1,556,029,479.43      201,479,097.22
(III) Market Risk
Market risk means the fluctuation risk of the fair value of financial instruments or the future cash flow due to
market price changes.
1. Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk means the fluctuation risk of the fair value of financial instruments or the future cash flow due to
changes of market interest rate. The risk of changes of market interest rate facing the Company is mainly related
to its borrowings with interests calculated in floating interest rates.
As at 31 December 2018, the amount of the Company’s bank borrowings with interests calculated in floating
interest rates was RMB240,000,000.00 (31 December 2017: RMB593,000,000.00). Under the hypothesis of other
variables remaining unchanged, suppose that the interest rates changed by 50 reference points, then there would
be no significant effects on the Company’s total profits and shareholders’ equity.
2. Foreign exchange risk
Foreign exchange risk means the fluctuation risk of the fair value of financial instruments or the future cash flow
due to changes of foreign exchange rate. The risk of changes of foreign exchange facing the Company is mainly
related to the Company’s foreign-currency monetary assets and liabilities. As for foreign currency assets and
liabilities, when short-tem imbalances occur, the Company will trade foreign currencies at market rate as
necessary, so as to limit the net risk exposure to an acceptable level.
The information on the Company’s foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities at the period-end is shown in
the notes on foreign currency monetary items of other for consolidated financial statements in the notes to the
financial statements.

XI. The Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                        Ending fair value
            Item              Fair value measurement Fair value measurement      Fair value measurement
                                 items at level 1         items at level 2           items at level 3

I. Consistent fair value
                                         --                      --                         --                        --

II. Inconsistent fair value
                                         --                      --                         --                        --

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

2. Market Price Recognition Basis for Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level

3. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters for
Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 2

4. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters for
Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3

5. Sensitiveness Analysis on Unobservable Parameters and Adjustment Information between Beginning and
Ending Carrying Value of Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3

6. Explain the Reason for Conversion and the Governing Policy when the Conversion Happens if
Conversion Happens among Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Different Levels

7. Changes in the Valuation Technique in the Current Period and the Reason for Such Changes

8. Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities Not Measured at Fair Value

9. Other

XII. Related Party and Related-party Transactions

1. Information Related to the Company as the Parent of the Company

                                                                                        Proportion of share Proportion of voting
                                                                                             held by the      rights owned by the
       Name            Registration place    Nature of business    Registered capital    Company as the        Company as the
                                                                                        parent against the     parent against the
                                                                                          Company (%)           Company (%)

Foshan Huaxin
Development Co.,     Foshan                                       RMB457,930,000                     65.20%                65.20%

Notes: information on the Company as the parent
China National Paper-industry Investment Corporation, the actual controller of the Company, directly holds 0.11% shares of the
Company. The total shares of the Company directly held by China National Paper-industry Investment Corporation and indirectly
held through Foshan Huaxin Development Co., Ltd. are 65.31%. China Chengtong Holdings Group Co., Ltd., the ultimate controller
of the Company, enjoys all shares of China National Paper-industry Investment Corporation.

The ultimate controller of the Company is China Chengtong Holdings Group Co., Ltd.
Other notes:

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Refer to Note IX Equity in Other Entities for details.

3. Information on the Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises of the Company

Refer to Note IX Equity in Other Entities for details of significant joint ventures or associated enterprises of the Company.
Information on other joint venture or associated enterprise of occurring related-party transactions with the Company in Reporting
Period, or forming balance due to related-party transactions made in previous period:

                              Name                                                   Relationship with the Company

Guangdong Chengtong Logistics Co., Ltd.                             Associated enterprise

Other notes

4. Information on Other Related Parties

                              Name                                                   Relationship with the Company

Foshan Huaxin Import & Export Co., Ltd.                             Under the control of the same actual controller

Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd.                               Under the control of the same actual controller

Dragon State International Limited                                  Under the control of the same ultimate controller

Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone Zhongwu Investment Development
                                                                    Under the control of the same actual controller
Co., Ltd.

Yueyang Forest & Paper Co., Ltd.                                    Under the control of the same actual controller

Yueyang Antai industrial Co., Ltd                                   Under the control of the same actual controller

Yuanjiang Paper Co., Ltd.                                           Under the control of the same actual controller

Hunan Juntai Pulp Paper Co., Ltd.                                   Under the control of the same actual controller

Zhejiang Guanhao Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.                       Under the control of the same actual controller

Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Industrial Co., Ltd.                    Under the control of the same ultimate controller

Dragon State Investment Development Co., Ltd.                       Under the control of the same ultimate controller

China Chengtong International Co., Ltd.                             Under the control of the same ultimate controller

                                                                    Under the control of the same ultimate controller

Zhanjiang Guanhao Paper Co., Ltd.                                   Under the control of the same ultimate controller

                                                                    Under the control of the independent director of the actual
Guangzhou Chenhui Pulp & Paper Trading Co., Ltd.

Chengtong Energy (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.                              Under the control of the same ultimate controller

Chengtong Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.                          Under the control of the same ultimate controller

Tianjin CMST Chuangshi Logistics Co., Ltd.                          Under the control of the same ultimate controller

Other notes

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

5. List of Related-party Transactions

(1) Information on Acquisition of Goods and Reception of Labor Service

Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                               The approval trade       Whether exceed trade     Same period of last
    Related party           Content         Reporting Period
                                                                       credit                 credit or not              year

                       Reception of labor
Chengtong                                         840,416.67            6,450,000.00 Not                                17,407,421.76
Logistics Co., Ltd.

Guanhao High-tech Purchase of goods               140,188.96            3,230,000.00 Not                                   369,490.76
Industrial Co., Ltd.

Chenhui Pulp &
                       Purchase of goods       10,640,606.77           45,000,000.00 Not                                 6,453,777.61
Paper Trading Co.,

Yueyang Antai
                       Purchase of goods          890,156.90            5,500,000.00 Not                                   663,229.06
Industrial Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Guanhao
Advanced Materials Purchase of goods              307,537.99                            Not
Co., Ltd.

China National
Paper Industry         Purchase of goods      665,169,020.33         1,142,360,300.00 Not                              192,949,030.08
Investment Corp.

Tianjin Port Free
Trade Zone
                       Purchase of goods                                                                                  3,913,511.43
Development Co.,

Tianjin CMST
                       Reception of labor
Chuangshi Logistics                            56,477,625.12          110,000,000.00 Not
Co., Ltd.

Total                                         734,465,552.74         1,312,540,300.00                                  221,756,460.70

Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

            Related party                    Content                    Reporting Period                 Same period of last year

Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Sales of goods                                       10,934,163.52                          12,646,501.73

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2018

Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Chenhui Pulp &
                                     Sales of goods                                  66,604,008.15                     107,144,946.76
Paper Trading Co., Ltd.

Yueyang Forest & Paper Co.,
                                     Sales of goods                                  15,681,631.95                      25,872,112.25

Zhanjiang Guanhao Paper Co.,
                                     Sales of goods                                     174,670.48                           65,290.60

Zhejiang Guanhao Advanced
                                     Sales of goods                                     325,948.27
Materials Co., Ltd.

China National Paper Industry
                                     Sales of goods                                   2,377,452.61                      34,121,462.56
Investment Corp.

Guangdong Chengtong
                                     Other                                                                                   63,600.00
Logistics Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                                96,097,874.98                     179,913,913.90

Information of sales/purchase of goods and provision/reception of labor service

(2) Information on Related-party Trusteeship/Contract

Lists of trusteeship/contract:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

   Name of the         Name of the                                                                                        Income
entruster/contract      entrustee/             Type             Start date          Due date         Pricing basis   recognized in this
         ee             contractor                                                                                   Reporting Period

Lists of entrust/contractee
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

   Name of the         Name of the                                                                                        Charge
entruster/contract      entrustee/             Type             Start date          Due date         Pricing basis   recognized in this
         ee             contractor                                                                                   Reporting Period


(3) Information on Related-party Lease

The Company was lessor:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                      The lease income confirmed in The lease income confirmed in
         Name of lessee                 Category of leased assets
                                                                             the Reporting Period        the same period of last year

Guangdong Chengtong
                                     Houses and buildings                                  409,600.00                       737,413.33
Logistics Co., Ltd.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

Chengtong Energy
                                Houses and buildings                                                                        5,714.29
(Guangdong) Co., Ltd.

The Company was lessee:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                   The lease fee confirmed in the   The lease fee confirmed in the
           Name of lessor            Category of leased assets
                                                                          Reporting Period             same period of last year


(4) Information on Related-party Guarantee

The Company was guarantor:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                                          Execution accomplished
     Secured party           Guarantee amount                Start date                End date
                                                                                                                   or not

The Company was secured party
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                                          Execution accomplished
          Guarantor:         Guarantee amount                Start date                End date
                                                                                                                   or not


(5) Information on Inter-bank Lending of Capital of Related Parties

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

         Related party              Amount                   Start date                End date                    Note


China Paper Corporation               20,000,000.00 4 April 2018               3 August 2018

China Paper Corporation                5,000,000.00 4 April 2018               6 August 2018

China Paper Corporation               15,000,000.00 4 April 2018               28 December 2018

China Paper Corporation               10,000,000.00 4 April 2018               28 December 2018

Foshan Huaxin
                                       5,600,000.00 9 August 2018              31 December 2018
Development Co., Ltd.

Foshan Huaxin
                                      12,600,000.00 1 September 2018           31 December 2018
Development Co., Ltd.


(6) Information on Assets Transfer and Debt Restructuring by Related Party

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

            Related party                    Content                      Reporting period            Same period of last year

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

(7) Information on Remuneration for Key Management Personnel

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                  Item                                 Reporting period                        Same period of last year

Remuneration for key management
                                                                          3,123,231.54                              3,845,000.00

(8) Other Related-party Transactions

The Company deposited the monetary capital in China Chengtong Finance Corporation Ltd. The relevant interest received in the
Reporting Period is RMB324,764.07. The notes receivable of the Company were discounted in China Chengtong Finance
Corporation Ltd. for which RMB2,224,702.02 of handling charge was paid in the Reporting Period.

6. Accounts Receivable and Payable of Related Party

(1) Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                       Ending balance                             Beginning balance
           Item            Related party
                                             Carrying amount     Bad debt provision      Carrying amount      Bad debt provision

                       Foshan Huaxin
Notes receivable and
                       Import & Export              549,882.60             330,982.23           549,882.60            201,380.64
accounts receivable
                       Co., Ltd.

Notes receivable and Guangdong Guanhao
                                                  3,344,313.88                                4,380,668.14
accounts receivable    High-tech Co., Ltd.

                       Guangzhou Chenhui
Notes receivable and
                       Pulp & Paper               2,606,562.50                                2,018,375.33
accounts receivable
                       Trading Co., Ltd.

Notes receivable and Yueyang Forest &
                                                  3,906,883.44                                7,043,454.67
accounts receivable    Paper Co., Ltd.

Notes receivable and Yueyang Antai
                                                      5,302.10               5,302.10             5,302.10                5,302.10
accounts receivable    Industrial Co., Ltd

Notes receivable and Zhanjiang Guanhao
                                                      2,617.76                 130.89
accounts receivable    Paper Co., Ltd.

                       Long Bond
Notes receivable and Investment
                                                        175.15                 175.15              176.14                   88.07
accounts receivable    Development Co.,

Subtotal                                         10,415,737.43             336,590.37        13,997,858.98            206,770.81

Prepayments            China Paper                                                            1,939,495.40

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                       Annual Report 2018


                     Guangzhou Chenhui
Prepayments          Pulp & Paper                                                             3,259,470.15
                     Trading Co., Ltd.

Prepayments          Chengtong Logistics                558,233.03
                     Co., Ltd.

Subtotal                                                558,233.03                            5,198,965.55

Other receivables    Chengtong Logistics                899,858.00         50,250.77          1,019,540.63           62,254.41
                     Co., Ltd.

Subtotal                                                899,858.00         50,250.77          1,019,540.63           62,254.41

(2) Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

              Item                        Related party              Ending carrying amount        Beginning carrying amount

Notes payable and accounts       Guangdong Chengtong
                                                                                    510,997.88                    4,413,891.39
payable                          Logistics Co., Ltd.

Notes payable and accounts       Guangzhou Chenhui Pulp &
                                                                                  1,726,693.70                    1,726,693.70
payable                          Paper Trading Co., Ltd.

Notes payable and accounts
                                 China Paper Corporation                        112,621,632.26                   19,794,676.49

Notes payable and accounts       Yueyang Antai Industrial Co.,
                                                                                    229,398.00                      298,400.00
payable                          Ltd

Notes payable and accounts       Zhejiang Guanhao Advanced
payable                          Materials Co., Ltd.

Notes payable and accounts       Tianjin CMST Chuangshi
payable                          Logistics Co., Ltd.

Notes payable and accounts       Guangdong Guanhao High-tech
payable                          Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                 Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone
Notes payable and accounts
                                 Zhongwu Investment                                                               2,052,704.73
                                 Development Co., Ltd.

Subtotal                                                                        148,278,944.31                   28,422,288.59

Advances from customers          China Paper Corporation                          1,147,031.58                      573,515.79

                                 Guangzhou Chenhui Pulp &
Advances from customers                                                                94,989.97                  1,992,812.03
                                 Paper Trading Co., Ltd.

Subtotal                                                                          1,242,021.55                    2,566,327.82

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                      Annual Report 2018

                                  Foshan Huaxin Development
Other payables                                                      13,007,084.99               7,055,585.83
                                  Co., Ltd.

                                  Guangdong Chengtong
Other payables                                                        1,110,384.98              1,110,384.98
                                  Logistics Co., Ltd.

                                  Tianjin CMST Chuangshi
Other payables                                                      16,400,000.00
                                  Logistics Co., Ltd.

Other payables                    China Paper Corporation           81,634,166.67

Subtotal                                                           112,151,636.64               8,165,970.81

7. Commitments of Related Party

8. Other

XIII. Stock Payment

1. The Overall Situation of Stock Payment

□ Applicable □ Not applicable

2. The Stock Payment Settled in Equity

□ Applicable □ Not applicable

3. The Stock Payment Settled in Cash

□ Applicable □ Not applicable

4. Modification and Termination of the Stock Payment


5. Other

XIV. Commitments and Contingency

1. Significant Commitments

Significant Contingency on Balance Sheet Date

As of 30 December 2018, there was no significant commitment for the Company to disclose.

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                            Annual Report 2018

2. Contingency

(1) Significant Contingency on Balance Sheet Date

Contingency generated from pending action or arbitration and the corresponding financial influence
“3.4” high altitude falling production safety accident caused by a flash burn (hereinafter referred to as the“3.4
Safety Accident”)
At around 9:15am on 4 March 2017, a major production safety accident occurred in the factory area of Huafeng
Paper Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company. It was mainly because that Wuhan Kedio Electric Power
Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Wuhan Kedio”) undertook the 120m reinforced concrete
chimney anti-corrosion project in the name of Jiangsu Tianxing High-Altitude Anti-Corrosion Engineering Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jiangsu Tianxing”); Wuhan Kedio subcontracted the project to Liu Jiechun in the
form of labor and material subcontracting and Liu Jiechun undertook the project in the name of Yancheng Xinda
High-Altitude Anti-Corrosion Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yancheng Xinda). On 4 March 2017, Liu
Jiechun took nine workers (including the six victims who had died in the accident) to carry out the 120m
reinforced concrete chimney anti-corrosion project in the factory area of Huafeng Paper and during the
construction, flash burn caused high altitude falling and resulted in the death of six workers.
After the accident, as the owner, Huafeng Paper immediately launched the emergency plan for safety accident.
The emergency group comprising principal leaders of Huafeng Paper rushed to the scene to handle the accident at
the first time and transferred RMB11.16 million to the regulatory bank account of Zhuhai Gaolan Port Economic
Zone in accordance with the requirements of the government of Zhuhai Gaolan Port Economic Zone to
compensate the relatives of the victims. Then Jiangsu Tianxing also transferred RMB1.4 million to the regulatory
bank account. After handling the accident, the government of Zhuhai Gaolan Port Economic Zone returned the
remaining RMB1.4 million in the regulatory bank account to Huafeng Paper, so Huafeng Paper actually paid
RMB9.76 million to the relatives of victims.
Zhuhai Huafeng brought a lawsuit of recourse against Jiangsu Tianxing High-Altitude Anti-Corrosion Engineering
Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Kedio Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd. on 16 Mar. 2017. Then, Wuhan Kedio Electric
Power Technology Co., Ltd. applied to add Yancheng Xinda High-Altitude Anti-Corrosion Co., Ltd. as a defendant
and Yancheng Xinda High-Altitude Anti-Corrosion Co., Ltd. applied to add Liu Jiechun, the actual constructor, as a
The criminal case shall be tried before civil compensation case. In June 2018, the criminal case was closed; as at
31 December 2018, the civil compensation case was not closed yet.

(2) In Despite of no Significant Contingency to Disclose, the Company Shall Also Make Relevant

There was no significant contingency in the Company.

3. Other

XV. Events after Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant Non-adjusted Events

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                               Annual Report 2018

                                                                         Influence number to the
                                                                                                         Reason of inability to estimate
               Item                           Content                 financial position and operating
                                                                                                               influence number

2. Profit Distribution

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

Profits or dividends to be distributed                                                                                              0.00

Profits or dividends announced to be distributed after the approval                                                                 0.00

3. Sales Return

4. Notes to Other Events after Balance Sheet Date

XVI. Other Significant Events

1. The Accounting Errors Correction in Previous Period

(1) Retrospective Restatement

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                      Name of the influenced report
             Content                     Processing program                                                  accumulative impact
                                                                      items during comparison period

(2) Prospective Application

                                                                                                 Reason for adopting prospective
                   Content                               Processing program

2. Debt Restructuring

3. Assets Replacement

(1) Non-monetary Assets Exchange

(2) Other Assets Replacement

4. Pension Plan

Approved in the 9th meeting of the 6th of Board of Directors in 2016, the Company could participate in the
corporate pension plan of China Chengtong Holdings Co., Ltd., and formulate its own pension plan
implementation rules under the framework of China Chengtong Holdings Co., Ltd. in line with China National
Paper Industry Investment Corp. Pension Plan Implementation Rules and the actual situation. Annuity payment is

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                      Annual Report 2018

divided into enterprise contribution and individual contribution. The total annual contribution of the enterprise is 5%
of the total salary of the previous year, the individual contribution of the employee is 25% of the contribution of
the enterprise, and the employee who is in service before 1 Jan. 2017 of the Company can volunteer to
participation in the annuity plan.

5. Discontinued Operations

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                  Profit from
                                                                           Income tax
       Item              Income           Expense         Total profit                        Net profit         attributable to
                                                                                                                 owners of the
                                                                                                                Company as the

Kunshan Focai
Packaging &                                   56,860.50      -118,432.59                        -118,432.59          -118,432.59
Printing Co., Ltd.

Other notes

6. Segment Information

(1) Determination Basis and Accounting Policies of Reportable Segment

In accordance with the internal organization structure, management requirements and internal report system, the
Company identified the reportable segments based on the product segment and assessed the operational
performance of ivory business, printing business and latex business. The assets and liabilities sharing with other
segments shall be proportionally distributed among segments by scales.

(2) The Financial Information of Reportable Segment

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                             Offset among
       Item            Ivory board      Printed matter       Latex            Other                                  Total

Main business
                     2,967,099,980.90   300,303,707.84    340,511,671.17                     -18,929,027.67 3,588,986,332.24

Main business
                     2,815,978,176.83   233,505,234.64    258,424,558.78                     -17,304,119.20 3,290,603,851.05

Total assets         6,730,111,905.19   407,437,871.53    278,529,227.13 1,794,202,842.37                       5,794,694,744.15

Total liabilities    3,109,482,279.63   179,117,652.37     98,503,446.62    51,910,706.58                       2,271,242,424.31

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2018

(3) If there Was no Reportable Segment, or the Total Amount of Assets and Liabilities of Each Reportable
Segment Could not Be Reported, Relevant Reasons Shall Be Clearly Stated

(4) Other Notes

7. Other Significant Transactions and Events with Influence on Investors’ Decision-making

8. Other

XVII. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

1. Notes Receivable and Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                   Item                                   Ending balance                           Beginning balance

(1) Notes Receivable

1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                   Item                                   Ending balance                           Beginning balance

2) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                             Item                                                            Amount

3) Notes Receivable Endorsed by the Company or Discounted and not due on the Balance Sheet Date at the Period-end
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                            Non-derecognized amount at the
                   Item                      Derecognized Amount at the period-end

4) Notes Transferred to Accounts Receivable because Drawer of the Notes Failed to Execute the Contract or Agreement

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                   Amount of the notes transferred to accounts receivable at the

Other notes

(2) Accounts Receivable

1) Accounts Receivable Classified by Category
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

      Category                           Ending balance                                      Beginning balance

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2018

                                                                                     Bad debt
                         Bad debt provision      Carrying value                                        Carrying value

                                                         Withdra Carrying                                                     Bad debt
                                    Proportio             wal    amount                  Proportio            Withdrawal provision
                         Amount                 Amount                        Amount                 Amount
                                           n             proportio                           n                proportion

Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the period-end
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Among these groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Among these groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Among these groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period
The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB0.00; the amount of the reversed or
collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMB0.00.
Significant amount of reversed or recovered bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

               Name of the entity                                  Amount                                     Method

3) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Accounts Receivable during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                   Item                                                              Amount

Of which: significant actual verification of accounts receivable
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                  Whether occurred
                                                                                                                         because of
  Name of the entity              Nature             Amount                 Reason               Procedure

Notes to verification of accounts receivable:
4) Top5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable Collected according to Arrears Party
5) Derecogniziton of Accounts Receivable due to the Transfer of Financial Assets
6) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement of Accounts Receivable
Other notes:

2. Other Receivables

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                      Item                                  Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Interest receivable                                                          4,481,906.67

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Annual Report 2018

Other receivables                                                               56,645,592.12                               187,029,661.31

Total                                                                           61,127,498.79                               187,029,661.31

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                      Item                                     Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Interest of borrowings among units                                                4,481,906.67

Total                                                                             4,481,906.67

2) Significant Overdue Interest
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                      Whether occurred
           Entity                    Ending balance             Overdue time                Overdue reason           impairment and its
                                                                                                                       judgment basis

Other notes:

(2) Dividends Receivable

1) Dividends Receivable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

               Item (or investees)                             Ending balance                                Beginning balance

2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aged over 1 Year
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                      Whether occurred
   Item (or investees)               Ending balance                  Aging                       Reason              impairment and its
                                                                                                                       judgment basis

Other notes:

(3) Other Receivables

1) Other Receivables Disclosed by Category
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                              Ending balance                                            Beginning balance

                             Carrying amount      Bad debt provision                Carrying amount       Bad debt provision

        Category                                            Withdra
                                                                       Carrying                                                  Carrying
                                      Proportio                wal                          Proportio              Withdrawal
                          Amount                  Amount                value      Amount                 Amount                  value
                                          n                proportio                             n                 proportion

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Annual Report 2018

Other receivables
withdrawn bad debt
                           56,652,9                                    56,645,59 187,029                                        187,029,66
provision according                    100.00% 7,369.57        0.01%                       100.00%
                              61.69                                         2.12 ,661.31                                                  1.31
to credit risks

                           56,652,9                                    56,645,59 187,029                                        187,029,66
Total                                  100.00% 7,369.57        0.01%                       100.00%
                              61.69                                         2.12 ,661.31                                                  1.31

Other receivables with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the end of the period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Among these groups, other receivables adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                Ending balance
                                            Other receivables                 Bad debt provision               Withdrawal proportion

Subentry within 1 year

1-3 months                                                 40,955.85

4-12 months                                               147,391.46                          7,369.57                              5.00%

Total                                                     188,347.31                          7,369.57                              3.91%

Among these groups, other receivables adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Among these groups, other receivables adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period
The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Reporting Period was of RMB7,369.57; the amount of the reversed or
collected part during the Reporting Period was of RMB0.00.
Significant amount of reversed or recovered bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                  Name of the entity                   Reversed or collected amount                              Method

3) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                   Item                                                              Amount

Of which, the verification of significant other receivables:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                      Whether occurred
                                                                                                                           because of
  Name of the entity              Nature             Amount                   Reason               Procedure

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Annual Report 2018

Notes to the verification of other receivables:
4) Other Receivables Classified by Nature
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                      Nature                                  Ending carrying amount                        Beginning carrying amount

Accounts of related party within the scope of
                                                                                   56,464,614.38                                186,766,283.28

Petty cash                                                                               188,347.31                                 263,378.03

Total                                                                              56,652,961.69                                187,029,661.31

5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                   Proportion to ending
                                                                                                                            Ending balance of
  Name of the entity              Nature              Ending balance               Aging           balance of total other
                                                                                                                            bad debt provision

Huaxin (Foshan)
                                                                           Within 1 year, 1 to 2
Color Printing Co.,         Intercourse funds              56,464,614.38                                         99.67%

Zhang Jiangyong             Petty cash                       101,994.66 Within 1 year                             0.18%                3,839.84

Huang Guoguang              Petty cash                        45,432.10 Within 1 year                             0.08%                1,483.70

Liu Yulu                    Petty cash                        40,920.55 Within 1 year                             0.07%                2,046.03

Total                                --                    56,652,961.69            --                         100.00%                 7,369.57

6) Accounts Receivable Involving Government Subsidies
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                  Project of government                                                                  Estimated recovering
       Name of the entity                                        Ending balance                 Ending aging
                                          subsidies                                                                   time, amount and basis

7) Derecogniziton of Other Receivables due to the Transfer of Financial Assets
8) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement of Other Receivables
Other notes:

3. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                             Ending balance                                              Beginning balance
         Item                                 Depreciation                                                  Depreciation
                      Carrying amount                            Carrying value      Carrying amount                           Carrying value
                                                 reserve                                                       reserve

Investment to
                      1,065,107,442.14                          1,065,107,442.14 1,070,107,442.14                             1,070,107,442.14

Investment to
                       654,019,918.14                             654,019,918.14
joint ventures and

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Annual Report 2018


Total                 1,719,127,360.28                         1,719,127,360.28 1,070,107,442.14                           1,070,107,442.14

(1) Investment to Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                          Depreciation     Ending balance of
        Investee                                Increase           Decrease         Ending balance          reserve          depreciation
                                                                                                           withdrawn            reserve

Zhuhai Hongta
                          927,570,697.11                                            927,570,697.11
Packaging Co.,

Huaxin (Foshan)
Color Printing Co.,       122,536,745.03                                            122,536,745.03

Kunshan Focai
Packaging &                 5,000,000.00                           5,000,000.00
Printing Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Hongta
Packaging                  15,000,000.00                                              15,000,000.00
Technology Co.,

Total                 1,070,107,442.14                             5,000,000.00 1,065,107,442.14

(2) Investment to Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                  Gains and Adjustme
                                                                                      Cash      Withdraw                           balance
                          Additiona                losses       nt of
              Beginnin                Reduced                           Changes bonus or          al of                  Ending       of
 Investee                     l                   recognize    other
              g balance               investmen                          of other     profits   impairme      Other      balance depreciati
                          investmen                d under comprehe
                                           t                             equity     announce         nt                               on
                              t                   the equity   nsive
                                                                                    d to issue provision                            reserve
                                                   method      income

I. Joint ventures

II. Associated enterprises

                                                  5,103,538                                                 648,916,3 654,019,9

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                           Annual Report 2018

g Finance                                             .56                                                79.58       18.14
on Ltd.

                                              5,103,538                                             648,916,3 654,019,9
                                                      .56                                                79.58       18.14

                                              5,103,538                                             648,916,3 654,019,9
                                                      .56                                                79.58       18.14

(3)Other Notes

4. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                              Reporting Period                                Same period of last year
                                  Operating revenue          Cost of sales           Operating revenue             Cost of sales

Other notes:

5. Investment Income

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                     Item                                   Reporting Period                      Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income
accounted by cost method

Long-term equity investment income
                                                                              5,103,538.56                             22,059,145.80
accounted by equity method

Investment income from disposal of
long-term equity investment

Investment income from holding of
available-for-sale financial assets

Total                                                                        18,317,719.37                             33,862,273.89

6. Other

XVIII. Supplementary Materials

1. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                     Item                                        Amount                                     Note

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2018

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current

Government grants recognized in the current
period, except for those acquired in the
ordinary course of business or granted at                                  17,519,293.30
certain quotas or amounts according to the
government’s unified standards

Gains due to that the investment costs for the
Company to obtain subsidiaries, associates
and joint ventures are lower than the
enjoyable fair value of the identifiable net
assets of the investees when making the

Gain/loss from change of fair value of
trading assets and liabilities, and investment
gains from disposal of trading financial
assets and liabilities and available-for-sale                              12,578,644.03
financial assets, other than valid hedging
related to the Company’s common

Other non-operating income and expense
other than the above

Other items conformed with the definition of
non-recurring profit or loss

Less: Income tax effects                                                     761,426.39

     Non-controlling interests effects                                     15,622,709.95

Total                                                                      33,274,278.25                      --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an non-recurring gain/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-recurring Gains and
Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √Not applicable

                       Item                                 Amount (RMB)                                    Reason

2. Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share

                                                                                                 EPS (Yuan/share)
    Profit as of Reporting Period               Weighted average ROE (%)
                                                                                       EPS-basic                   EPS-diluted

Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                                       -0.14%                       -0.01                        -0.01
shareholders of the Company

Net profit attributable to ordinary                                    -1.83%                       -0.07                        -0.07

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                                                   Annual Report 2018

shareholders of the Company after
deduction of non-recurring profit or

3. Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

(1) Differences of Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under International
and Chinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Differences of Net profit and Net assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under Overseas and
Chinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Explain Reasons for the Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas
Accounting Standards; for any Adjustment Made to the Difference Existing in the Data Audited by the
Foreign Auditing Agent, Such Foreign Auditing Agent’s Name Shall Be Clearly Stated

4. Other

Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd.                               Annual Report 2018

                       Part XII Documents Available for Reference
