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						   Second Quarter Activities Report
   For period ending 30 June 2017

   20 July 2017

       Key highlights
       Costs reduced
             Forecast free cash flow breakeven for 2017 reduced to US$33/bbl1, down from US$36.50/bbl in 2016.
             2017 production cost guidance reduced to US$8-8.25/boe, down from US$8.45/boe in 2016.
       Balance sheet strengthened
             Net debt reduced to US$2.9 billion at the end of the quarter, down from US$3.5 billion at the end of 2016.
       Production and sales guidance upgraded
             2017 production guidance upgraded to 57-60 mmboe and sales guidance upgraded to 75-80 mmboe.
       Record PNG LNG performance
             PNG LNG operated at an annualised rate of 8.6 mtpa in June, the highest monthly rate since start-up.
       Growth in PNG and Northern Australia
             PNG: The Muruk drilling programme confirmed the discovery of a potentially significant new gas field.
             Northern Australia: Positive results from the two-well Barossa appraisal drilling campaign strengthened the
             field’s position as lead candidate to supply backfill gas to Darwin LNG.

   Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said the company’s second quarter results
   delivered further progress on reducing costs, lowering net debt and improving the free cash flow position.
   “Compared to the end of 2016, our net debt position is US$600 million lower to US$2.9 billion and our forecast free
   cash flow breakeven for 2017 now sits at US$33 per barrel1, well below the US$47 per barrel at the beginning of 2016.
   “These are strong outcomes that highlight Santos’ ongoing transformation into a low-cost, reliable and high performance
   business with a robust asset portfolio that can generate significant free cash flow in a lower oil price environment.”
   Second quarter production of 14.7 mmboe was in line with the previous quarter. Sales volumes were up 16% to
   21.5 mmboe and sales revenues up 12% to US$769 million primarily due to higher LNG prices and the timing of liftings.
   As a result of this solid operational performance, Santos has increased its production and sales volume guidance for
   2017 to 57-60 mmboe and 75-80 mmboe respectively.
   Mr Gallagher said more efficient, lower cost operations had enabled Santos to increase drilling activity in both the Cooper
   Basin and across its GLNG acreage. This has been achieved as a result of the significant improvements in drill, complete
   and connect upstream operations unit cost performance over the last 18 months. These additional wells will help boost
   production over the next few years so Santos can deliver increased gas supply for the domestic market. Santos also
   executed a number of term gas sales into the east coast domestic market during the second quarter.
   “As a long-standing supplier of gas to Australian customers in both the east and west coast, we understand the
   importance of well-functioning domestic market,” Mr Gallagher said.
   “It is also pleasing to see our exploration and appraisal activity growing as part of our disciplined operating model, with
   successful outcomes in the Cooper Basin, as well as Muruk in PNG and Barossa offshore Northern Australia.”
   1   Free cash flow breakeven is the average annual oil price in 2017 at which cash flows from operating activities (including hedging) equals cash flows from
       investing activities. Forecast methodology uses corporate assumptions. Excludes one-off restructuring and redundancy costs and asset divestitures.

   Comparative performance
       Santos share                  Units                Q2 2017           Q1 2017             Change        YTD 2017          YTD 2016             Change
       Production                    mmboe                     14.7               14.8             -1%               29.5              31.1              -5%
       Sales volume                  mmboe                     21.5               18.6           +16%                40.1              40.9              -2%
       Average realised oil price    US$/bbl                   53.0               57.6             -8%               54.8              42.8            +28%
       Sales revenue                 US$million                 769                684           +12%               1,453             1,191            +22%
       Capital expenditure1          US$million                 187                134           +40%                 321               283            +13%
    Capital expenditure including restoration expenditure but excluding capitalised interest.

Media enquiries                                        Investor enquiries                                     Santos Limited ABN 80 007 550 923
Rob Malinauskas                                        Andrew Nairn                                           GPO Box 2455, Adelaide SA 5001
+61 8 8116 5918/ +61 (0) 438 862 132                   +61 8 8116 5314 / +61 (0) 437 166 497                  T +61 8 8116 5000 F +61 8 8116 5131
robert.malinauskas@santos.com                          andrew.nairn@santos.com                                www.santos.com
Sales volumes (Santos share)
 Product                                 Unit        Q2 2017      Q1 2017    Q2 2016      YTD 2017        YTD 2016
 LNG                                     000 t          754.8       729.0       637.6        1,483.8        1,302.1
 Domestic sales gas and ethane           PJ              60.7        47.8        52.9         108.5           113.7
 Crude oil                               000 bbls      2,684.7     2,086.6     3,137.0       4,771.3        6,650.7
 Condensate                              000 bbls       991.8      1,046.5      999.8        2,038.3        1,875.2
 LPG                                     000 t           26.7        42.8        41.5          69.5            65.2
             Own product                 mmboe           15.0        14.1        15.2          29.1            31.3
             Third party                 mmboe             6.5         4.5         4.4         11.0             9.6
 Total sales volume                      mmboe           21.5        18.6        19.6          40.1           40.9

Sales revenues (Santos share)
 Product                                 Unit        Q2 2017      Q1 2017    Q2 2016      YTD 2017        YTD 2016
 LNG                                     US$m             290         272         174           562            390
 Domestic sales gas and ethane           US$m             279         212         200           491            416
 Crude oil                               US$m             142         120         154           262            285
 Condensate                              US$m              48          58          47           106             76
 LPG                                     US$m              10          22          15            32             24
             Own product                 US$m             557         504         462         1,061            913
             Third party                 US$m             212         180         129           392            278
 Total sales revenue                     US$m            769         684         591          1,453          1,191
 Third party product purchases           US$m             159         119         123           278            250

Second quarter sales volumes and revenues were higher than previous quarter primarily due to the timing of three PNG
LNG DES cargoes shipped late March but delivered in April, combined with higher domestic sales volumes and higher
LNG prices.

Average realised prices
                                 Unit               Q2 2017      Q1 2017     Q2 2016      YTD 2017        YTD 2016
 LNG price                       US$/mmBtu              7.32        7.09         5.19          7.21            5.70
 Domestic sales gas price        US$/GJ                 4.60        4.45         3.77          4.53            3.62
 Oil price                       US$/bbl              52.96        57.63       49.21          54.79           42.79
 Condensate price                US$/bbl              48.49        55.68       46.80          52.18           40.55
 LPG price                       US$/t               372.81       503.75      374.79         467.19          374.64

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                            Page 2 of 12
Production (Santos share)
 Product                                 Unit                Q2 2017              Q1 2017              Q2 2016             YTD 2017             YTD 2016
 Sales gas to LNG plant                  PJ                       32.4                  31.2                 25.7                 63.6                 53.5
 Domestic sales gas and ethane           PJ                       37.8                  38.7                 45.9                 76.5                 90.3
 Crude oil                               000 bbls              1,672.8              1,627.0              2,010.7               3,299.8              4,079.6
 Condensate                              000 bbls                810.7                855.7                884.5               1,666.4              1,770.2
 LPG                                     000 t                    34.7                  35.9                 37.3                 70.6                 73.1
 Total production                        mmboe                    14.7                 14.8                 15.5                 29.5                  31.1

Second quarter production was in line with the previous quarter as higher GLNG equity gas and WA domestic gas
production was offset by slightly lower Cooper Basin gas production. First half production was 5% lower than the
previous half primarily due to the sale of the Victorian, Mereenie and Stag assets, partially offset by the ramp-up of
GLNG and higher WA domestic gas production.

Oil price hedging
2.7 million barrels of oil hedging expired in the second quarter under the zero-cost three way collar hedges, resulting
in a positive cash settlement of US$2.2 million being received during the quarter. Oil hedging was also commenced
for 2018. The following oil price hedging positions were in place as at 18 July 2017.
 Open oil price positions                                                                             2017                          2018
 Zero-cost three-way collars (barrels)   1
                                                                                                      5,520,000                     4,562,500
             Brent short call price ($/bbl)                                                           US$62.85                      US$59.33
             Brent long put price ($/bbl)                                                             US$50.00                      US$46.93
             Brent short put price ($/bbl)                                                            US$40.00                      US$40.00
 When Brent price is above the weighted average short call price, Santos realises short call price. When Brent price is between the long put price and the
 weighted average short call price, Santos realises Brent price. When Brent price is between the long put price and the short put price, Santos realises the
 long put price. When Brent price is below the short put price, Santos realises Brent price plus the difference between the long put price and the short put

2017 Guidance
Production guidance is upgraded to 57-60 mmboe and sales volumes guidance to 75-80 mmboe. Upstream production
cost guidance is lowered to US$8-8.25/boe produced. All guidance is shown in the table below.
 Item                                                                                          Original guidance               Updated guidance
 Sales volumes                                                                                 73-80 mmboe                     75-80 mmboe
 Production                                                                                    55-60 mmboe                     57-60 mmboe
 Upstream production costs                                                                     US$8-8.50/boe produced          US$8-8.25/boe produced
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation (DD&A)                                               US$700-750 million              No change
 Capital expenditure (including exploration, evaluation and restoration, excl cap. int.)       US$700-750 million              No change

Further detail of 2017 half-year capital expenditure, including exploration and evaluation expenditure, is reported in the
table on page 9 of this report.

2017 First-half results
Santos will release its results for the first-half ended 30 June 2017 on Thursday 24 August 2017. The first-half report
(incorporating Appendix 4D) and associated investor presentation will be available on Santos’ website at
www.santos.com. A webcast briefing including investor/analyst questions will also be available on Santos’ website from
11:00am AEST on 24 August 2017.

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                                                                   Page 3 of 12
Core assets
Cooper Basin
 Santos share                   Units              Q2 2017         Q1 2017          Q2 2016        2017 YTD        2016 YTD
 Sales volume
 Sales gas and ethane
             Own product        PJ                     16.9             18.2            18.4            35.1             36.5
             Third party        PJ                       0.7             0.6            (0.4)             1.3             3.0
             Total              PJ                     17.6             18.8            18.0            36.4             39.5
             Own product        000 bbls              336.1            371.6           342.3           707.7           502.8
             Third party        000 bbls               40.1             38.5            51.3            78.6             73.1
             Total              000 bbls              376.2            410.1           393.6           786.3           575.9
             Own product        000 t                  19.1             32.5            32.5            51.6             46.7
             Third party        000 t                    2.0             2.0             1.0              4.0             2.6
             Total              000 t                  21.1             34.5            33.5            55.6             49.3
 Crude oil
             Own product        000 bbls              667.3            412.8           558.7          1,080.1         1,211.3
             Third party        000 bbls             1,070.6           730.2         1,073.7          1,800.8         2,445.8
             Total              000 bbls             1,737.9         1,143.0         1,632.4          2,880.9         3,657.1
 Total sales volume             mmboe                   5.4             5.0              5.4            10.4            11.4
 Total sales revenue            US$million              204             175             181             379              345
 Sales gas and ethane           PJ                     13.9             14.7            16.0            28.6             31.5
 Condensate                     000 bbls              198.2            215.7           241.4           413.9           484.9
 LPG                            000 t                  26.1             27.3            28.9            53.4             57.9
 Crude oil                      000 bbls              682.9            649.7           664.4          1,332.6         1,346.3
 Total production               mmboe                   3.5             3.6              3.9             7.1             7.7
 Capital expenditure            US$million               46              38               39              84              90

Sales gas and ethane sales volumes were lower than the previous quarter primarily due to lower spot sales, partially
offset by higher gas sales to GLNG. Condensate and LPG sales volumes were lower than the previous quarter due to
timing of liftings.
Crude oil sales volumes were higher than the previous quarter due to timing of liftings and higher third party volumes.
Sales gas and ethane production was lower as gas capacity additions were offset by natural field decline. Condensate
production was lower due to natural field decline and lower condensate yields.
Higher crude oil production reflected new oil wells coming online offsetting natural field decline.
Fourteen development and appraisal gas wells were drilled during the quarter, taking the total to 25 gas wells for the
first half. Drilling cost and schedule efficiencies continue to be realised and Santos is targeting to drill 52 wells with two
rigs in 2017, compared to 31 wells with the same two rigs in 2015.
Of the nine development gas wells drilled in the second quarter, eight were cased and suspended for future production
and one was drilling at quarter end.
Of the two appraisal and three near-field exploration gas wells drilled in the quarter, three were cased and suspended
for future production.

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                                     Page 4 of 12
    Santos share                             Units                 Q2 2017             Q1 2017        Q2 2016   2017 YTD    2016 YTD
    Sales volume
    GLNG Project
                LNG - own product            000 t                     145.5               172.9        132.3      318.4        239.1
                LNG - third party            000 t                     222.3               228.0        170.4      450.4        353.0
                LNG – total                 000 t                    367.8               400.9         302.7      768.8        592.1
                Domestic contracts           PJ                           7.9                3.3          4.6        9.8          10.9
    Other   1
                                             PJ                           4.8                3.8          5.8        9.3          10.1
    Total sales volume2                      mmboe                       5.6                 5.0          4.5       10.6          9.1
    Total sales revenue       2
                                             US$million                  187                167          102        354           218
    GLNG Project
                Sales gas to LNG             PJ                          10.4                9.8          5.9       20.2          12.5
                Domestic contracts           PJ                           0.8                0.9          1.3        1.7           2.7
    Other   1
                                             PJ                           5.7                5.1          5.1       10.8           9.8
    Total production2                        mmboe                       2.9                 2.7          2.1        5.6          4.3
    Capital expenditure                      US$million                    47                 28           41         75           97
1 Combabula, Ramyard, Spring Gully, Denison and Tardrum
  Total sales volume, sales revenue and production include minor condensate production from Denison

    GLNG operational data (gross)            Units                 Q2 2017             Q1 2017        Q2 2016   2017 YTD    2016 YTD
    LNG1                                     000 t                     1,073               1,367          991      2,441        1,949
    Sales gas to LNG plant
                Own product                  PJ                            30                 34           26         64           44
                Third party                  PJ                            36                 49           34         84           76
    Total sales gas to LNG plant             PJ                           66                  83          61        149           120
    LNG cargoes shipped                                                    21                 21           16         42           32
1   Includes LNG produced from GLNG equity gas, Santos portfolio gas and third-party quantities

Upstream equity sales gas production was 6% higher than the previous quarter and 36% higher than the corresponding
quarter primarily due to production enhancements in Fairview and stronger field performance in Roma. Forty-one
development wells were drilled in the GLNG fields in the second quarter, with a further 18 top holes batch-drilled and
suspended for further deepening as at the end of the quarter. Santos is now targeting to drill approximately 170 GLNG
wells in 2017, up from original guidance of 130-150 wells.
Notwithstanding the higher upstream gas production, sales gas delivered to the LNG plant and LNG production were
both lower than the previous quarter due to the planned four-week statutory inspection shutdown of LNG train 2 in
June combined with the processing of GLNG gas at APLNG during their two-train completion test.
Gross daily production of 490 TJ/day from the Fairview field at the end of the quarter was ahead of forecast. All 12 wells
of the Fairview infield project have been top-set and the project is over 40% complete.
The Roma field continues to de-water and gross daily production of 42 TJ/day at the end of the quarter was in line with
forecast. The Roma 2B project is over 90% complete, with 151 of 159 wells online. The Roma 3A project is 70%
complete, with all 29 wells now drilled and completions underway.
Gross daily production from the Scotia field at the end of the quarter was 28 TJ/d. The Scotia CF1 project is
38% complete, with 33 of the 84 wells spudded. Gross daily production from the Arcadia field at the end of the quarter
was 8 TJ/d.
A planned three-week maintenance shutdown of LNG train 1 commenced in July.

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                                               Page 5 of 12
    Santos share                         Units        Q2 2017    Q1 2017      Q2 2016       2017 YTD       2016 YTD
    Sales volume
                LNG1                     000 t          300.1      232.8         236.7          532.9          518.8
                Condensate               000 bbls       352.3      374.7         389.6          727.0          812.3
    Crude oil                            000 bbls         5.5        5.0           5.3           10.5           14.4
    Total sales volume                   mmboe            3.2        2.6          2.6            5.8            5.7
    Total sales revenue                  US$million      127        121            91            248            207
                Sales gas to LNG1        PJ              15.7       16.1          14.4           31.8           30.4
                Condensate               000 bbls       357.8      377.1         351.2          734.9          733.6
    Crude oil                            000 bbls         5.4        5.0           6.1           10.4           13.7
    Total production                     mmboe            3.1        3.1          2.8            6.2            5.9
    Capital expenditure                  US$million         4          4           (4)             8              1
1   Includes SE Gobe

    PNG LNG operational data
                                         Units        Q2 2017    Q1 2017      Q2 2016       2017 YTD        2016 YTD
    LNG                                  mt                2.0        2.0           1.8            4.0            3.8
    Sales gas to LNG plant               PJ               119        121           109            239            228
    Condensate1                          000 bbls        2,658      2,786         2,592          5,444          5,419
    Sales gas (SE Gobe)   2
                                         PJ                 5          4             3              8                  7
    LNG cargoes shipped                                    27         27            25             54             51
1   Measured at the Kutubu entry point
2   Purchased by PNG LNG

During the quarter, PNG LNG operated at an annualised rate of approximately 8.1 mtpa, lower than the previous quarter
due to scheduled LNG plant compressor maintenance in May, but averaged 8.6 mtpa in June, the highest monthly rate
achieved since start-up.
LNG sales volumes were higher than the previous quarter due to the delivery of three DES cargoes that were shipped
in late March but delivered in the second quarter.

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                             Page 6 of 12
Northern Australia
 Santos share                  Units             Q2 2017         Q1 2017         Q2 2016       2017 YTD        2016 YTD
 Sales volume
 Darwin LNG
           LNG                 000 t                  87.1           95.3            98.1           182.4           191.1
 Bayu Undan
           Condensate          000 bbls              133.6          187.5           118.8           321.1           286.0
           LPG                 000 t                   5.6            8.3             8.1            13.9            15.9
 Total sales volume            mmboe                  1.0             1.2             1.1             2.2            2.2
 Total sales revenue           US$million              36              42             35              78              71
 Darwin LNG
           Sales gas to LNG    PJ                      4.8            5.3             5.4            10.1            10.6
 Bayu Undan
           Condensate          000 bbls              130.6          155.7           151.0           286.3           281.2
           LPG                 000 t                   8.6            8.6             8.4            17.2            15.2
 Total production              mmboe                  1.0             1.1             1.1             2.1            2.2
 Capital expenditure           US$million              23              17               1              40              1

 Darwin LNG / Bayu Undan
                                Units             Q2 2017        Q1 2017          Q2 2016       2017 YTD       2016 YTD
 operational data (gross)
 LNG                            000 t                  794           897              978           1,691           1,906
 Sales gas to LNG plant         PJ                      48            54               59             103            114
 Condensate                     000 bbls             1,316          1,673            1744           2,989           3,227
 LPG                            000 t                   71            88               90             159            162
 LNG cargoes shipped                                    12            14               15              26             29

Darwin LNG sales volumes and production were lower than the previous quarter due to planned maintenance.
Condensate sales volumes and production were lower than the previous quarter due to natural field decline and planned
During the quarter, the two-well appraisal drilling campaign in the Barossa field was successfully completed. Positive
results from the campaign, including a successful production test of Barossa-6, strengthened the field’s position as lead
candidate to supply backfill gas to Darwin LNG. The campaign significantly reduced resource uncertainty and further
confirmed the high deliverability potential of the primary Elang reservoir. For further information, refer to ASX release
of 28 June 2017.
Good progress continues to be made with pre-Front End Engineering Design (pre-FEED) studies on the Barossa
development concept. The development concept includes a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facility,
subsea production system and a gas export pipeline, all located in Commonwealth waters. Subsurface data obtained
from the appraisal program will now be integrated into subsurface models to support a FEED-entry decision in early
The Barossa Area Development Offshore Project Proposal (Barossa OPP) has now also been published by the National
Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) to provide the public with the
opportunity to comment during the project’s early design phase.
The Barossa offshore development area encompasses petroleum retention lease NT/RL5 and potential future phased
development in the smaller Caldita field to the south in retention lease NT/RL6.

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                                  Page 7 of 12
Western Australia Gas
    Santos share                       Units                  Q2 2017            Q1 2017             Q2 2016           2017 YTD            2016 YTD
    Sales volume
    Sales gas                          PJ                          14.1                11.3                8.9                25.4               21.5
    Condensate                         000 bbls                   129.3                73.1               95.0               202.4              194.9
    Total sales volume                 mmboe                        2.5                2.0                 1.6                 4.5                3.9
    Total sales revenue                US$million                    65                 51                  30                116                  74
    Sales gas                          PJ                          12.5                11.4               13.3                23.9               26.0
    Condensate                         000 bbls                   118.8              106.3               133.7               225.1              254.6
    Total production                   mmboe                        2.2                2.1                 2.4                 4.3                4.7
    Capital expenditure                US$million                     3                   2                  2                   5                 10

Sales gas volumes and production were higher due to higher customer nominations in the current quarter and cyclone
activity impacting the previous quarter.

Other assets
Asia, New South Wales and Western Australia Oil (ANWO)
    Santos share                       Units                 Q2 2017             Q1 2017             Q2 2016           2017 YTD            2016 YTD
    Sales volume
    Sales gas1                         PJ                           5.6                 6.7                9.8                12.3               19.5
    Condensate   2
                                       000 bbls                     0.4                 0.9                2.3                 1.3                 5.0
    Crude oil3                         000 bbls                  948.7               955.0             1,517.3             1,903.7            3,018.8
    Total sales volume                 mmboe                       1.9                 2.1                 3.2                 4.0                6.4
    Total sales revenue                US$million                   79                  88                118                 167                217
    Sales gas4                         PJ                           6.3                 6.6               10.1                12.9               20.2
    Condensate2                        000 bbls                     5.1                 0.8                6.7                 5.9               15.3
    Crude oil3
                                       000 bbls                  984.5               972.3             1,340.1             1,956.8            2,719.5
    Total production                   mmboe                       2.1                 2.1                 3.1                 4.2                6.2
    Capital expenditure                US$million                    17                 22                  26                  39                 43
  Indonesia, Vietnam, Victoria and Mereenie. Victorian assets and Mereenie sold effective 1 January 2017.
2 Indonesia and Victoria. Victorian assets sold effective 1 January 2017.
3 Mutineer-Exeter/Fletcher Finucane and Barrow Island (Western Australia), Vietnam, Indonesia and Mereenie. Mereenie sold effective 1 January 2017. Stag

  (Western Australia) sold effective 11 November 2016.
4 Indonesia, Vietnam, NSW, Victoria and Mereenie. Victorian assets and Mereenie sold effective 1 January 2017.

Total production and sales volumes from the ANWO assets were lower than the previous half year due to the sale of
the Victorian, Mereenie and Stag assets.
Sales gas production in Indonesia and Vietnam was in line with the previous quarter. Stronger oil production in WA in
the quarter (primarily due to cyclone-related shutdowns in the prior quarter) was partially offset by slightly lower oil
production in Vietnam due to well workovers.

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                                                             Page 8 of 12
Corporate, exploration and eliminations
 Santos share                          Units                 Q2 2017                Q1 2017             Q2 2016         2017 YTD           2016 YTD
 Total sales volume                    mmboe                       1.9                   0.7                1.2                2.6               2.2
 Total sales revenue                   US$million                   71                   40                  34                111                59
 Capital expenditure                   US$million                   47                    23                 27                 70                41

Sales volumes and revenues in the corporate segment primarily represent gas trading activities. Capital expenditure
primarily represents exploration and evaluation activities not recorded against assets.
Capital expenditure is higher than the previous quarter primarily due to the farm-in to Muruk in PNG.

Capital expenditure
Total exploration, evaluation and development expenditure is summarised in the table below.

 US$million                                                                Q2 2017        Q1 2017           Q2 2016       YTD 2017         YTD 2016
 Capital expenditure
           Exploration                                                          43                 30              24                73           40
           Evaluation                                                           36                 17              31                53           57
           Development and other capex (including restoration)                 108                 87              78            195             186
 Capital expenditure excl capitalised interest                                187              134                133           321              283
           Capitalised interest                                                     3               2               8                 5           15
 Total capital expenditure                                                    190              136                141           326              298
 Exploration and evaluation expensed
           Exploration                                                          10                 30              15                40           28
           Evaluation                                                               4               4               9                 8           19
 Total current year expenditure                                                14              34                 24             48               47
           Write-off of amounts capitalised in prior years                          1               4             (1)                 5            0
 Total expensed                                                                15              38                 23             53               47

Exploration activity
The table below details wells drilled during the second quarter and their status.

 Well name               Basin/area                                  Target             Santos %          Well status
 Muruk 1ST3 *#
                         PNG Southern Highlands Province             Gas                20%               P&A; gas discovery
# Not operated by Santos.
* Spud in Q1 2017, completed in Q2 2017

Positive production well test results from the Muruk 1ST3 exploration well in the Papua New Guinea Highlands were
announced on 14 June 2017. The Muruk drilling program confirmed the discovery of a potentially significant new gas
field, 21 kilometres northwest of the Hides production facilities. The data from the Muruk drilling program will be
evaluated to assist in the definition of forward appraisal options. Well site preparations are being planned for late 2017
ahead of a potential Muruk appraisal program in 2018.

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                                                              Page 9 of 12
Drilling summary
Appraisal/evaluation/near-field exploration (NFE) wells

 Well name               Basin/area             Target         Santos %   Well status
 Barossa 6#              Bonaparte Basin - NT   Gas            25%        Tested; successful appraisal
 Cougar 1                Cooper - QLD           Gas            60.06%     NFE; P&A
 Gallan 1                Cooper - QLD           Gas            60.06%     NFE; P&A
 Hector South 1          Cooper - QLD           Gas            60.06%     NFE C&S; successful gas
 Lepard 3                Cooper - QLD           Gas            60.06%     C&S; successful gas
 Snefru 1                Cooper - QLD           Gas            76.8%**    NFE C&S; successful gas
# Not operated by Santos.
* Spud in Q1 2017, completed in Q2 2017

Development wells
 Well name                  Basin/area           Target        Santos %   Well status
 Avalon 3                   Scotia – QLD        CSG           30%        C&S; successful CSG
 Avalon 4 (top hole)        Scotia – QLD        CSG           30%        Suspended for later deepening
 Avalon 9                   Scotia – QLD        CSG           30%        C&S; successful CSG
 Avalon 10                  Scotia – QLD        CSG           30%        C&S; successful CSG
 Avalon 11                  Scotia – QLD        CSG           30%        C&S; successful CSG
 Avalon 12                  Scotia – QLD        CSG           30%        C&S; successful CSG
 Avalon 13                  Scotia – QLD        CSG           30%        C&S; successful CSG
 Avalon 14                  Scotia – QLD        CSG           30%        C&S; successful CSG
 Avalon 15                  Scotia – QLD        CSG           30%        C&S; successful CSG
 Big Lake 139               Cooper - SA          Gas           86.81%**   C&S; successful gas
 Big Lake 140 / 140ST1      Cooper - SA          Gas           86.81%**   C&S; successful gas
 Big Lake 141               Cooper - SA          Gas           86.81%**   C&S; successful gas
 Big Lake 142               Cooper - SA          Gas           86.81%**   C&S; successful gas
 Big Lake 143               Cooper - SA          Gas           86.81%**   Drilling
 Dullingari 42DW1           Cooper - SA          Gas           60.6%      C&S; successful gas
 Dullingari 43DW1           Cooper - SA          Gas           60.6%      C&S; successful gas
 FV11-49-2 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-55-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-56-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-57-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-58-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-59-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-60-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-61-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-62-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-65-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-66-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV11-67-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Suspended for later deepening
 FV12-37-1 (top hole)       Fairview - QLD       CSG           23.85%     Drilling
 Inca 1DW1                  Cooper - QLD         Gas           60.06%     C&S; successful gas
 Moomba 216                 Cooper - SA          Gas           100%**     C&S; successful gas

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                              Page 10 of 12
 Well name                  Basin/area               Target                 Santos %          Well status
 RM02-46-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM02-47-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM02-51-1*                 Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM02-52-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM02-53-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM02-54-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM03-38-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM03-39-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM03-69-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM08-40-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM08-44-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM08-45-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM08-68-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM08-82-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM08-84-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM08-85-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM09-54-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM09-55-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM09-56-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM09-57-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM09-58-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM09-59-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM09-60-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM12-11-5                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM12-71-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM12-73-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM13-58-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 RM13-60-1                  Roma - QLD               CSG                    30%               Drilling
 Scotia 47 (top hole)       Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               Suspended for later deepening
 Scotia 50                  Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 Scotia 51                  Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 Scotia 67 (top hole)       Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               Suspended for later deepening
 Scotia 68 (top hole)       Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               Suspended for later deepening
 Scotia 70 (top hole)       Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               Suspended for later deepening
 The Rock 8                 Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 The Rock 9                 Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 The Rock 10                Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 The Rock 11                Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               C&S; successful CSG
 Woodroyd 3 (top hole)      Scotia – QLD            CSG                    30%               Suspended for later deepening
* Spud in Q1 2017, completed in Q2 2017
** LTAP = Less than all parties

Seismic activity
The table below details seismic activity during the second quarter and status.
 Permit                            Basin/area               Survey                Type   km/km2                     Status
 WA459P                            Bonaparte                Fishburn 3D           3D     600 km2                    28% complete

Santos Ltd l Second Quarter Activities Report l 20 July 2017                                                                  Page 11 of 12
Abbreviations and conversion factors
 Abbreviations                                                  Conversion factors
 C&C              cased and completed                           Sales gas and ethane, 1 PJ   171.937 boe x 10
 C&S              cased and suspended                           Crude oil, 1 barrel          1 boe
 CSG              coal seam gas                                 Condensate, 1 barrel         0.935 boe
 FPSO             floating production, storage and offloading   LPG, 1 tonne                 8.458 boe
 GJ               gigajoules                                    LNG, 1 PJ                    18,040 tonnes
 kbbls            thousand barrels                              LNG, 1 tonne                 52.54 mmBtu
 kt               thousand tonnes

 LNG              liquefied natural gas
 LPG              liquefied petroleum gas

 m                million

 mmbbl            million barrels

 mmboe            million barrels of oil equivalent

 mmBtu            million British thermal units

 mmscf            million standard cubic feet

 mt               million tonnes

 mtpa             million tonnes per annum

 NFE              near-field exploration

 P&A              plugged and abandoned

 pa               per annum

 PJ               petajoules

 PSC              production sharing contract

 t                tonnes

 TJ               terajoules

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