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						 郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                   董事会议事规则
 Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.    Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

            Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors
          Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.
   (经 2012 年 8 月 24 日郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司 2012 年第一次临时股东
   大会修订,2012 年 12 月 5 日郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司 H 股上市时实
 施;2018 年 2 月 12 日郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司 2018 年第一次临时股东大
 会修订;2019 年 5 月 15 日郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司 2019 年第一次临时股

 Article 1 Tenet
的函》和《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》(以下简称 “《香港上市规则》”)等有
关法律、法规、规范性文件的要求,以及《郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司章程》(2011 修
These rules are hereby formulated in accordance with pertinent laws, regulations and
normative documents including the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
(hereinafter referred to as the “Company Law”), the Securities Law of the People’s
Republic of China, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the Rules of
Shanghai Stock Exchange on Listing Stocks, the Special Provisions of the State Council
Concerning the Floatation and Listing Abroad of Stocks by Limited Stock Companies,
Mandatory Provisions of Articles of Association of Companies Listed Overseas, the Letter
Concerning the Suggestions on the Supplements and Amendments of the Articles of
Association of Companies Listed in HK, Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “HK Listing Rules”)
and other relative provisions of the Articles of Association of Zhengzhou Coal Mining
Machinery Group Co., Ltd.(2011 Revision, hereinafter referred to as the “Articles of
Association”) , with the purposes of further standardizing the discussing and voting
procedures of the Board of Directors of Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.
(“the Company”), promoting the directors and the Board of Directors to effectively fulfill
their responsibilities and improving the standard operation and scientific decision-making
ability of the Board of Directors.

郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                      董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.       Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

Article 2 The Office of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall have the Office of the Board of Directors to handle the daily
routines of the Board of Directors.

The Secretary of the Board of Directors or the Securities Affairs Representative shall hold
a concurrent post of the Head of the Office of the Board of Directors and keep the seals of
the Board of Directors and the Office of the Board of Directors.

Article 3 Regular Meeting
The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be classified as regular ones and interim

董事会每年至少召开 4 次定期会议,大约每季一次。每次召开董事会定期会议应有大部分
The Board of Directors shall hold the regular meeting at least four times a year at
approximately quarterly intervals. It is expected that regular board meetings will normally
involve the active participation, either in person or through electronic means of
communication, of a majority of directors entitled to be present. So, a regular meeting
does not include obtaining board consent through circulating written resolutions.

召开董事会定期会议,应于会议召开 14 日以前书面通知全体董事和监事。
All directors and supervisors shall be notified in writing 14 days prior to the date of holding
the regular board meetings.

Article 4 Proposal of Regular Meeting
Before sending out the notice for convening the regular board meeting, the Office of the
Board of Directors shall ask the advices of all directors to form the primary proposal of the
meeting which shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Board to decide. Arrangements
shall be in place to ensure that all directors are given an opportunity to include matters in
the agenda for regular board meetings.

Before deciding the proposal, the Chairman of the Board shall ask the advices of the
General Manager and other senior management optionally.

郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                    董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.     Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

Article 5 Interim Meeting
In case of one of the following circumstances, the Board of Directors shall convene the
interim meeting:

(一) 代表 1/10 以上表决权的股东提议时;
     shareholders representing more than 10% of voting rights propose for such a

(二) 1/3 以上董事联名提议时;
     more than one-third directors propose for such a meeting jointly;

(三) 监事会提议时;
     the Board of Supervisors proposes for such a meeting;

(四) 董事长认为必要时;
     the Chairman of the Board deems necessary;

(五) 1/2 以上独立非执行董事提议时;
     more than half of the independent non-executive directors propose for such a

(六) 总经理提议时;
     the General Manager proposes for such a meeting;

(七) 中国证券监督管理部门要求召开时;
     China securities supervisory and administrative departments require to convene
     such a meeting; and

(八) 公司章程规定的其他情形。
     other circumstances stipulated in the Articles of Association.

Article 6 Proposing Procedures of Interim Meeting

If any director proposes to convene the interim meeting of the Board of Directors in
accordance with the previous article, a written proposal signed by the relevant director(s)
shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Directors through the Office of the
Board of Directors or directly. The written proposal shall contain the following items:

(一) 提议人的姓名或者名称;
     the name of proposer(s);

(二) 提议理由或者提议所基于的客观事由;
     the reasons for proposal and the objective causes that the proposal is based on;

(三) 提议会议召开的时间或者时限、地点和方式;
     the proposed time or time limit, place and manner to convene the meeting;
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                    董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.     Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

(四) 明确和具体的提案;
     the clear and specific proposal; and

(五) 提议人的联系方式和提议日期等。
     the contact information of proposer(s), the date of proposing and so on.

The proposal content shall be related to the matters within the terms of reference of the
Board of Directors stipulated in the Articles of Association, and other materials concerning
the proposal shall be submitted along with it.

After receiving the above written proposal and relevant materials, the Office of the Board
of Directors shall deliver them to the Chairman of the Board on the same day. If the
Chairman of the Board deems that the content of the proposal is not clear and specific, or
relevant materials are inadequate, he may ask the proposer to amend or supplement.

董事长应当自接到提议或者中国证券监督管理部门的要求后 10 日内,召集董事会会议并主
The Chairman of the Board shall convene and preside over the meeting of the Board of
Directors within 10 days after personally receiving the proposal or the requirement by
China securities supervisory and administrative departments.

Article 7 Authorization to the Board of Directors
The Shareholders’ General Meeting shall authorize the Board of Directors of the Company
to review and approve the following transactions during the operation of the Company,
except the transactions to be approved by the shareholders (including the independent
shareholders and/or uninterested shareholders) according to the Hong Kong Listing Rules,
and shall be operate in accordance with the Hong Kong Listing Rules:

(一) 交易涉及的资产总额占公司最近一期经审计总资产的 10%以上少于 50%,该交易涉及
     the involved total assets of the transactions account for more than 10% but less than
     50% of the recent audited total assets of the Company. If there are both the book
     value and the assessed value of the involved total assets, it shall take the higher as
     the calculating data;

(二) 交易的成交金额(包括承担的债务和费用)占公司最近一期经审计净资产的 10%以上
     50%以下,且绝对金额超过人民币 1000 万元;
     the consideration of a transaction (including the assumption of liability to debts and
     expenses) accounts for more than 10% but less than 50% of the latest audited net
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                     董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.      Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

      assets of the Company, and the absolute amount exceeds RMB10 million;

(三) 交易标的(如股权)在最近一个会计年度相关的营业收入占公司最近一个会计年度经
     审计营业收入的 10%以上 50%以下,且绝对金额超过人民币 1000 万元;
     the related revenue of the transaction subject (for example, equity interests) of the
     latest accounting year accounts for more than 10% but less than 50% of the audited
     revenue of Company for the latest accounting year, and the absolute amount
     exceeds RMB10 million;

(四) 交易标的(如股权)在最近一个会计年度相关的净利润占公司最近一个会计年度经审
     计净利润的 10%以上 50%以下,且绝对金额超过 100 万元;
     the related net profit of the transaction subject (for example, equity interests) of the
     latest accounting year accounts for more than 10% but less than 50% of the audited
     net profit of the Company in the latest accounting year, and the absolute amount
     exceeds RMB1,000,000; and

(五) 交易产生的利润占公司最近一个会计年度经审计净利润的 10%以上 50%以下,且绝对
     金额超过 100 万元。
     the profit generated from the transactions accounts for more than 10% but less than
     50% of the audited net profit of the Company in the latest accounting year, and the
     absolute amount exceeds RMB1,000,000.

Unless other applicable Hong Kong laws, regulations and rules stipulate otherwise, it shall
carry out the requirements of those laws, regulations and rules.

If the above index relates the datum of negative value, it shall take its absolute value for

If the above transactions are purchasing or selling assets, it shall not include purchasing
raw materials, fuels and motive powers and selling the assets related with the day to day
operation such as products, commodities and the like, but if the replacement of assets
relates to the purchase and sale of such assets, they shall still be included.

If the above transactions belong to the Limited Liability Company or the Limited Company
established by the Company’s investment, which can pay the investment amount in full by
installments according to the provisions of article 26 or article 81 of the Company Law, the
provision of the first clause of this article shall apply, with the total investment amount
specified in the Agreement as the standard.

郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                       董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.        Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

项的类型在连续 12 个月内累计计算,适用本条第一款的规定。已按照本条第一款的规定履
When any of the above transactions belongs to the matters of providing financial aid,
entrusting investments and the like, the incurred amount shall be considered as the basis
of calculation, it shall calculate accumulatively within 12 consecutive months according to
the types of the transaction matters, and the provision of the first clause of this article shall
apply. The relevant duties which have been fulfilled according to the provision of the first
clause of this article shall apply shall not be brought into the range of related accumulative
calculation any longer.

别下标的相关的各项交易,按照连续 12 个月内累计计算的原则,适用本条第一款的规定。

When any of the above transactions belongs to the matters other than providing
guarantees, financial aid, entrusting investments and the like, the transactions related to
the subject matter under the same type of transactions shall be calculated accumulatively
within 12 consecutive months, and the provision of the first clause of this article shall apply.
The relevant duties which have been fulfilled according to the provision of the first clause
of this article shall no longer be brought into the scope of related accumulative calculation.


Save as specified in the preceding clause, where the Company conducts transactions of
“purchase or sales of assets”, whether or not the subject matter of the transactions are
related, the total assets or transaction volume involved in twelve consecutive months shall
not exceed 30% of the latest audited total assets of the Company.

Under the precondition of being limited to the Hong Kong Listing Rules and the provisions
of all applicable Hong Kong laws, regulations and rules, the Board of Directors of the
Company shall have the right to review and approve the external guarantee matters
except those specified in article 68 of the Articles of Association. Besides being passed by
the majority of all directors, the guarantee matters within the terms of references of the
Board of Directors shall also be agreed by more than two-thirds of the directors attending
the meeting of the Board of Directors.

人发生的交易(公司提供担保、受赠现金资产除外)金额少于人民币 3000 万元,或占上市公
司最近一期经审计净资产绝对值少于 5%的关联交易,由公司董事会审议批准。
Under the precondition of being limited to the Hong Kong Listing Rules and the provisions
of all applicable Hong Kong laws, regulations and rules, if the amount of the transaction
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                      董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.       Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

between the Company and the connected person (except the transactions that the
Company provides guarantee or donated cash assets) is less than RMB30 million Yuan,
or takes less than 5% of the absolute value of the recent audited net assets, the
connected transaction shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.

Article 8 Limits of Authority of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall not, nor not agree to, dispose certain fixed assets until such
disposal is approved by the General Meeting of Stockholders, if the total sum of the
expected value of fixed assets to be disposed and value of fixed assets disposed within 4
months prior to this disposal suggestion exceeds 33% of the total value of fixed assets
showed in the statement of assets and liabilities reviewed recently by the General Meeting
of Stockholders.

The disposal of fixed assets in this article shall include transferring certain asset interests
and shall not include providing guarantee with fixed assets.

The validity of the disposal of fixed assets of the Company shall not be influenced by the
violation of the first clause of this article.

Article 8 (A) Corporate Governance Function of the Board of Directors
The range of the corporate governance function of the Board of Directors shall at least

(一) 制定及检讨本公司的企业管治政策及常规;
     to formulate and review the corporate governance policies and rules of the

(二) 检讨及监察董事及高级管理人员的培训及持续专业发展;
     to review and supervise the training of the directors and senior management and the
     continuing professional development;

(三) 检讨及监察本公司在遵守法律及监管规定方面的政策及常规;
     to review and supervise the policies and rules at the aspect of the abidance by the
     laws and regulatory rules;

(四) 制定、检讨及监察雇员及董事的操守准则及合规手册(如有);及
     to formulate, review and supervise the Code of Conduct and Compliance Manual (if
     any) for the employees and the directors; and
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                   董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.    Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

(五) 检讨本公司遵守《香港上市规则》附录十四的《企业管治守则》(“《守则》”)的情
     to review the abidance by the Appendix 14 the Corporate Governance Rules (“the
     Rules”) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules of the Company and the disclosure in the
     Corporate Governance Report of the Annual Report of the Company.

Article 9 Decision-making Authority of the Chairman of the Board
If the matters during the operation of the Company do not reach the standard of to be
reviewed by Shareholders’ General Meeting and the Board of Directors, the Chairman of
the Board shall have the right to make decision or authorize the General Manager of the
Company to make decision.

Article 10 Calling and Presiding of Meetings
和主持;副董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上董事共同推举 1 名董事召
The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called and presided over by the Chairman
of the Board of Directors. If the chairman of the Board of Directors is unable or fails to
perform his duties, the deputy Chairman shall call and preside over the meeting. If the
deputy is unable or fails to perform his duties, a director elected by the majority of the
directors shall call and preside over the meeting.

Article 11 Meeting Notifications

召开董事会定期会议和临时会议,董事会办公室应当分别提前 14 日和 5 日将盖有董事会办
For convening the regular meetings and interim meetings of the Board of Directors, the
Office of the Board of Directors shall send the written meeting notices stamped with the
seal of the Board of Directors to all directors, supervisors, the General Manager and the
Secretary of the Board of Directors by hand, post, fax, email or by other means stipulated
in the Articles of Association 14 and 5 days in advance respectively. The meeting notices
which are not delivered by hand shall also be confirmed via telephone and recorded

In case of urgent situation that the interim meeting of the Board of Directors shall be
convened as soon as possible, the meeting notice may be sent via telephone or in other
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                       董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.        Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

oral forms, but the convener shall explain at the meeting.

Article 12 Contents of Meeting Notice
The written meeting notice shall include at least the following information:

(一) 会议的时间、地点;
     the date and place of the meeting;

(二) 会议的召开方式;
     the form of convening the meeting;

(三) 拟审议的事项(会议提案);
     the matters (meeting proposals) to be reviewed;

(四) 会议召集人和会议主席、临时会议的提议人及其书面提议;
     the convener and the chairman of the meeting, the proposer of the interim meeting
     and his written proposal;

(五) 董事表决所必需的会议材料;
     the materials of meeting for the directors to vote;

(六) 董事应当亲自出席或者委托其他董事代为出席会议的要求;
     the requirement that the directors shall attend the meeting personally or entrust
     other directors to attend the meeting; and

(七) 联系人和联系方式。
     the contact and the contact information.

The oral notice of meeting shall at least include the above items (i), (ii) and (iii), as well as
the description for convening the interim meeting of the Board of Directors in case of the
urgent situation.

Article 13 Alterations of Meeting Notice
变更、取消会议提案的,应当在原定会议召开日之前 3 日发出书面变更通知,说明情况和
新提案的有关内容及相关材料。不足 3 日的,会议日期应当相应顺延或者取得全体与会董
If the time, place or other matters of the meeting should be changed, or any meeting
proposal should be increased, altered or canceled, after the written meeting notices of the
regular meetings of the Board of Directors have been sent out, the written alteration
notices shall be sent out 3 days prior to the original convening date of the meeting to state
the circumstances, related contents of new proposal and relevant materials. If it is less
than 3 days, the meeting shall be postponed correspondingly, or the meeting may be
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                     董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.      Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

convened on schedule with the approval of all participating directors.

If the time, place or other matters of the meeting should be changed, or any meeting
proposal should be increased, altered or canceled, after the meeting notices of the interim
meetings of the Board of Directors have been sent out, it shall get the approval of all
participating directors and shall record correspondingly.

Article 14 Convening of Meetings

The meetings of the Board of Directors may be held only if the majority of the directors
attend, (including the directors who entrust, in writing, other directors to attend the
meetings of the Board of Directors as their representatives in accordance with the Articles
of Association). In case that the minimum quorum is not satisfied because the relevant
directors are refused to attend or are negligent in attending the meeting, the Chairman of
the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the Board of Directors shall report to the
regulatory agencies promptly.

The supervisors may attend the meetings of the Board of Directors as non-voting
participants, and the General Manager and the Secretary of the Board of Directors who do
not hold the concurrent post of the direction shall attend the meetings of the Board of
Directors as non-voting participants. When the Chairman of the Board of Directors deems
necessary, other relevant persons may be notified to attend the meetings of the Board of
Directors as non-voting participants.

Article 15 Personal Attending and Entrusting Attendance
The directors shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors personally. If the
directors are unable to attend the meeting for certain reasons, they may review the
meeting materials and show clear opinions in advance and entrust other director in writing
to attend as his representative.

The power of attorney shall contain:

(一) 委托人和受托人的姓名;
     the names of and the trustor and the trustee;
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                       董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.        Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

(二) 委托人对每项提案的简要意见;
     the trustor’s brief opinions on each proposal;

(三) 委托人的授权范围和对提案表决意向的指示;
     the scope of authority and the directions for the voting intentions of proposal by the
     trustor; and

(四) 委托人的签字、日期等。
     the signature by the trustor, the date and the like.

If other director is entrusted to sign the written confirmation for periodic reports as the
representative, special authorization shall be contained in the power of attorney.

The entrusted director shall submit the written power of attorney to the Chairman of the
meeting and state the entrusted attendance on the attendance book of the meeting.

Article 16 Limitations on Entrusting Attendance
The entrusting attendance and entrusted attendance of the meetings of the Board of
Directors shall follow the following principles:

(一) 在审议关联交易事项时,非关联董事不得委托关联董事代为出席;关联董事也不得接
     when reviewing the matters of connected transaction, the unaffiliated directors
     should not entrust the affiliated directors to attend as their representatives, and the
     affiliated directors should also not accept the authorization by the unaffiliated

(二) 独立非执行董事不得委托非独立非执行董事代为出席,非独立非执行董事也不得接受
     the independent non-executive directors should not entrust the non-independent
     non-executive directors to attend as their representatives, and the non-independent
     non-executive directors should also not accept the authorization by the independent
     non-executive directors;

(三) 董事不得在未说明其本人对提案的个人意见和表决意向的情况下全权委托其他董事代
     the directors should not entrust other directors to attend as their representatives
     discretionarily without stating their personal opinions and voting intentions for the
     proposals, and relevant directors should also not accept the carte blanche and
     unclear authorization; and

(四) 1 名董事不得接受超过 2 名董事的委托,董事也不得委托已经接受 2 名其他董事委托
     one director should not accept the authorization by more than two directors, and the
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                    董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.     Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

      director should also not entrust the director to attend as his representative, who has
      accepted the authorization by the other two directors.

Article 17 Forms of Meetings
The meetings of the Board of Directors shall follow the principle of on-site convening.
When necessary, the meetings may also be convened in the forms of voting via video,
telephone, fax or email and the like, with the agreement of the convener (the Chairman of
the meeting) and the proposer under the precondition of ensuring the directors to express
their opinions fully.

For the off-site meeting, the number of participating directors shall be calculated
according to the on-site directors shown by video, the directors voiced their opinions on
telephone meeting, the effective vote tickets actually received via fax or email within
specified period or the written confirmation letters for the attendance of meeting submitted
by the directors afterwards.

If a substantial shareholder or a director has a conflict of interest in a matter to be
considered by the Board of Directors which the Board of Directors has determined to be
material, the matter shall be dealt with by a meeting of the Board of Directors (rather than
a written resolution). Independent non-executive directors who, and whose associates,
have no material interest in the transaction shall be present at the meeting of the Board of

Article 18 Review Procedures of Meeting
The Chairman of the meeting shall call the participating directors to present their opinions
on various proposals clearly.

1 名独立非执行董事宣读独立非执行董事达成的书面认可意见。
For the proposals which are specified to be approved by the independent non-executive
directors in advance, the Chairman of the meeting shall appoint one independent
non-executive director to read out the written approval opinion of independent
non-executive directors before relevant proposals are discussed.
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                    董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.     Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

The Chairman of the meeting shall stop the director hindering the meeting or influencing
other directors to speak immediately.

The proposal excluded in the meeting notice should not be voted on the meeting of the
Board of Directors unless all participating directors agree. The directors entrusted by other
directors to attend the meeting of the Board of Directors should not represent other
directors to vote on any proposal excluded in the meeting notice.

Article 19 Expression of Opinion
The directors shall read relevant meeting materials carefully and express their opinions
independently and prudently on the basis of knowing the circumstances well.

The directors may know the information for making decision from the Office of the Board
of Directors, the meeting convener, the General Manager, other senior management, the
special committees, the accounting firm, the law firm and other relevant personnel before
the meeting and may also advise the Chairman of the meeting to invite the above
personnel and bodies to participate the meeting and explain related circumstances during
the meeting.

Article 20 Vote on Meeting
The Chairman of the meeting shall call the participating directors to make decisions timely
after the full discussion of each proposal.

会议表决实行 1 人 1 票,以举手或书面等方式进行。当反对票和赞成票相等时,董事长有
The decisions on the meetings shall be made by “one person, one vote” in the form of a
show of hands or in writing. When the negative votes are equal to the affirmative notes,
the Chairman of the Board of Directors has the right to vote one more.

The voting intentions of the directors shall be classified as agreement, disagreement and
abstention. The participating directors shall choose one of the above intentions; failing to
make choice or choosing more than two intentions simultaneously, the relevant directors
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                     董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.      Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

shall be required by the Chairman of the meeting to make choice again; and the relevant
director who is refused to make choice shall be regarded as an abstainer. The director
who leaves the meeting place halfway without making a choice shall be regarded as an

Article 21 Statistic of Vote Result
票,交董事会秘书在 1 名监事或者独立非执行董事的监督下进行统计。
After the participating directors voted, the Securities Affairs Representative and relevant
personnel of the Office of the Board of Directors shall collect the vote tickets of the
directors timely and submit them to the Secretary of the Board of Directors for the statistic
under the supervision by one supervisor or independent non-executive director.

The Chairman of the meeting shall announce the statistic result on the spot, for on-site
meeting. Under other circumstances, the Chairman of the meeting shall ask the Secretary
of the Board of Directors to inform the directors of the vote result before next workday
after the end of specified time limit of vote.

The votes by the directors after the Chairmen of the Board of Directors announced the
vote result or after the end of specified time limit of vote shall not be considered for

Article 22 Formation of Resolution
Except the circumstances stipulated in article 23 of those Rules, the proposal reviewed
and passed by the Board of Directors must get the affirmative votes of more than the half
of all directors of the Company and then may become a resolution. It shall be subject to
the provisions, if the laws, administrative laws and regulations, and the Articles of
Association specify that the resolution of the Board of Directors shall get the agreement of
more directors.

同意外,还必须经出席会议的 2/3 以上董事的同意。
Besides the agreement of the majority of all directors of the Company, the Board of
Directors must get the agreement of more than two-thirds of the participating directors
further, and then the Board of Directors may make resolutions for the guarantee matters
within its terms of references in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of
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Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.      Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors


The contradictory contents and meanings of different resolutions shall be subject to the
ones formed later.

Article 23 Avoidance of Vote
When the individual director or other corporate that he serves is affiliated with existing or
planning Contracts, transactions and arrangements of the Company (except the
Employment Contract), no matter whether relevant matters should be approved and
agreed by the Board of Directors in general, the nature and degree of their association
relationship shall be disclosed to the Board of Directors as soon as possible.

The directors shall avoid voting on related proposals under the following circumstances:

(一) 公司股票上市地证券交易所规定董事应当回避的情形;
     the circumstances that the Stock Exchange of the place where the Company’s stock
     is listed specifies that the directors shall avoid;

(二) 董事本人认为应当回避的情形;
     the circumstances that the relevant directors themselves deem to avoid; and

(三) 公司章程规定的因董事与会议提案所涉及的企业有关联关系而须回避的其他情形。
     other circumstances that the Articles of Association specifies that the directors must
     avoid due to the association relationship between the directors and the corporate
     related with the proposals of the meeting.

决议须经无关联关系董事过半数通过。出席会议的无关联关系董事人数不足 3 人的,不得
Under the circumstances that the directors avoid voting, the related meetings of the Board
of Directors may be convened with the attendances of the majority of the unrelated
directors, and the formed resolutions must be passed by the majority of the unrelated
directors. If the unrelated directors attending the meeting are less than 3, relevant
proposals should not be voted, and such matters shall be submitted to the Shareholders’
General Meeting for reviewing.

Article 24 Forbiddance of Ultra Vires
The Board of Directors shall act in strict accordance with the authorization by the
Shareholders’ General Meeting and the Articles of Association and shall be forbidden to
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Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.    Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

form resolutions by ultra vires.

Article 25 Special Provisions for Profit Distribution
If the matters concerning the profit distribution of the Company should be resolved on the
meetings of the Board of Directors, the Certified Public Accountant may be informed of the
distribution plan to be submitted to the Board of Directors for reviewing, and the Certified
Public Accountant shall be required to issue a draft audit report accordingly (except those
concerning the profit distribution, all the other financial data have been confirmed). After
the Board of Directors made the resolution of distribution, the Certified Public Accountant
shall be required to issue a formal audit report, and the Board of Directors shall make
resolutions for other related matters according to the formal audit report issued by the
Certified Public Accountant.

Article 26 Treatment of Unapproved Proposal
提案未获通过的,在有关条件和因素未发生重大变化的情况下,董事会会议在 1 个月内不
For the unapproved proposal, the meetings of the Board of Directors shall not review the
proposal with the same contents within one month again without the occurrence of
material changes of related conditions and factors.

Article 27 Postponed Vote
1/2 以上的与会董事或 2 名以上独立非执行董事认为提案不明确、不具体,或者因会议材料
If more than a half of participating directors or more than two independent non-executive
directors deem that the proposal is unclear and unspecific, or are unable to judge related
matters due to inadequate meeting materials and other reasons, the Chairman of the
meeting shall require the meeting to postpone the vote on such topic.

The director who advises postponing the vote shall put forward clear requirements of the
conditions for resubmitting such proposal for reviewing.

Article 28 Meeting Recording
Total recording may be made optionally for the on-site meetings of the Board of Directors
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Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.      Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

and the meetings convened in the forms of video, telephone and so on.

Article 29 Meeting Minutes
The Secretary of the Board of Directors shall arrange the workers of the Office of the
Board of Directors to make minutes for the meetings of the Board of Directors. The
meeting minutes should include the following information:

(一) 会议届次和召开的时间、地点、方式;
     the session, time, place and form of the meeting;

(二) 会议通知的发出情况;
     the sending of the meeting notice;

(三) 会议召集人和会议主席;
     the convener and the chairman of the meeting;

(四) 董事亲自出席和受托出席的情况;
     the personal and entrusted attendances of the directors;

(五) 会议审议的提案、每位董事对有关事项的发言要点和主要意见(其中应该包括董事提
     the proposal reviewed on the meeting, the speech points and main opinions
     concerning relevant matters (which shall include any doubt raised by the directors or
     any dissenting opinion expressed by the directors, if any) and the voting intentions
     for the proposal of each Director;

(六) 每项提案的表决方式和表决结果(说明具体的同意、反对、弃权票数);
     the voting form and voting result of each proposal (the specific voting numbers of
     agreement, disagreement and abstention shall be stated);

(七) 与会董事认为应当记载的其他事项;
     other matters that the participating directors consider to be recorded; and

(八) 公司章程规定的其他事项。
     other matters stipulated in the Articles of Association.

Article 30 Meeting Summary and Minutes of Resolution
Besides the minutes of meeting, the Secretary of the Board of Directors shall also arrange
the workers of the Office of the Board of Directors to make the brief meeting summary
according to the convening of the meeting and make the separate minutes of resolution
for the formed resolutions according to the statistic result of voting.
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                     董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.      Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

Article 31 Signatures by Directors
The first draft and final draft of the minutes shall be sent to all directors for their comments
and records within a reasonable time after the meeting. The participating directors shall
confirm the minutes of meeting and the minutes of resolution by signature on behalf of
themselves and those directors who have been entrusted to attend the meeting as their
representatives. The director may explain in writing when signing, for any dissenting
opinion on the minutes of meeting or the minutes of resolution. He shall report to the
regulatory authorities timely and may make public statements when necessary.

In case that the director neither confirms by signature according to the previous provision
nor explains his dissenting opinion in writing or reports to the regulatory authorities or
makes public statements, he shall be regarded as being in full agreement with the
contents of the minutes of meeting or the minutes of resolution.

Article 32 Resolution Announcement
The matters concerning the resolution announcement of the Board of Directors shall be
handled by the Secretary of the Board of Directors in accordance with the related
regulations of the Stock Exchange of the place where the Company’s stock is listed.
Before disclosing the resolution announcement, the participating directors, the persons
attending the meeting as non-voting participants, the recorders, the service personal and
the like are subject to the obligations of confidentiality on the resolution contents.

Article 33 Implementation of Resolutions
The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall supervise and urge relevant personnel to
implement the resolutions of the Board of Directors, check the implementation of the
resolutions, and report the implementation of the formed resolution on the subsequent
meetings of the Board of Directors.

Article 34 Storage of Meeting Files
郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司                                                    董事会议事规则
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.     Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors

The meeting files of the Board of Directors, including the meeting notice, meeting
materials, attendance book, power of attorney for the directors to attend as representative,
meeting recording materials, vote tickets, the minutes, meeting summary, minutes of
resolution and resolution announcements confirmed by the signatures of the directors and
the like, shall be kept by the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

董事会会议档案的保存期限为 10 年。
The storage life of the meeting materials of the Board of Directors shall be 10 years

Article 35 Supplementary Provisions
The phrase of “more than” in these Rules of Procedure shall include the number or
amount itself.

资股(H 股)发行并上市之日起生效。
These Rules have been passed on the General Meeting of Stockholders and, as an
attachment of the Articles of Association of the Company, shall come into force along with
the Articles of Association from the date, on which the overseas listed foreign shares
(H-share) of the Company are issued and listed.

These Rules shall be disclosed on the Company’s web sites and relevant web sites of
Stock Exchange according to the applicable requirements of Listing Rules.

These Rules shall be interpreted by the Board of Directors.

In case there is any contradiction or difference between these Rules and the provisions of
Hong Kong Listing Rules that come into force from time to time, the practical operation
shall be subject to the latter under the precondition of meeting such provisions. In case
there is any difference between these Rules and the laws and regulations of the People’s
Republic of China, Hong Kong Listing Rules and other relative laws, regulations and rules,
it shall be subject to the stricter one.

                                     Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                          2019 年 5 月 15 日
                                                                             May 15th, 2019