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						      2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group)
                           Co., Ltd.

                               2013 Annual Report


                                     March 2014

            2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

        Section I. Important Reminders, Catalogue & Explanation

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management
staff of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report is factual, accurate and complete without any
false record, misleading statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally
liable for that.
All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report.
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into
share capital.
Zhou Jianguo, board chairman, Chen Maozheng, GM, Tang Xiaoping, chief of the accounting work,
and Qiao Yanjun, chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the
Financial Report enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.
This report involves futures plans, development strategies and some other forward-looking
statements, which shall not be considered as virtual promises to investors. Investors are kindly
reminded to pay attention to possible risks.
This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

              2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.


Section I. Important Reminders, Catalogue & Explanation...........................................2

Section II. Company Profile........................................................................................... 6

Section III. Accounting & Business Highlights............................................................. 8

Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors............................................................... 10

Section V. Report of the Supervisory Committee........................................................ 27

Section VI. Significant Events......................................................................................30

Section VII. Change in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders................. 41

Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staffs and Employees..... 47

Section XI. Financial Statements..................................................................................61

Section XII. Documents Available for Reference...................................................... 182

             2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.


                   Term                                                        Contents

                                        Refers Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co.,
Company, the Company, the Group
                                          to     Ltd.

The holding company                              Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

Zhentong Company                                 Shenzhen Zhentong Engineering Co., Ltd.

           2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                Reminder of Major Risks

China Securities Journal, Ta Kung Pao (HK) and www.cninfo.com.cn were designated by the
Company as the media for information disclosure for 2013. All information of the Company shall
be subject to what was disclosed by the Company on the said media. And Investors are kindly
reminded to pay attention to possible investment risks.

                 2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                            Section II. Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation                  SSFA(SSFB)                            Stock code                    000029(200029)
Stock abbreviation after
change (if any)
Stock exchange listed with          Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese name of the Company 深圳经济特区房地产(集团)股份有限公司
Abbr. of the Chinese name of
the Company
English name of the Company
                            ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate&Properties (Group).co.,Ltd.
(if any)
Abbr. of the English name of
the Company (if any)
Legal representative of the
                            Zhou Jianguo
Registered address                  45/F-48/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China
Postal code for the registered
Office address                      47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China
Postal code for the office
Internet website      of      the
Email address                       spg@163.net

II. For Contact

                                                              Company Secretary                 Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                            Mr. Chen Ji                                 Mr. Luo Yi
                                                47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road,         47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road,
Contact address
                                                Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China              Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China
Tel.                                            (86 755)82293000-4718                     (86 755)82293000-4715
Fax                                             (86 755)82294024                          (86 755)82294024
E-mail                                          spg@163.net                                 spg@163.net

III. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Newspapers designated by the Company for               Domestic: China Securities Journal
information disclosure                                 Overseas: Ta Kung Pao (HK)
Internet website designated by CSRC for
disclosing this report
Where this report is placed                            47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China

                 2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

IV. Change of the registered information

                                                                                              Registration code of
                         Registration date    Registration place       Business license No.                        Organizational code
Initial registration   8 Jan. 1980           Shenzhen              4403011002426              440300192179585     19217958-5
At the end of the
                       31 Dec. 2013          Shenzhen              440301103225878            440300192179585     19217958-5
reporting period
Changes of the main business since listing
(if any)
                                           On 24 Mar. 1999, the controlling shareholder shifted from Shenzhen Investment
Changes of the controlling shareholder (if
                                           Management Co., Ltd. to Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And
                                           on 14 Feb. 2006, it shifted to Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

V. Other information

The CPAs firm hired by the Company:
Name                                  Ruihua Certified Public Accountants LLP

                                      9 F, West Tower, China Overseas Property Plaza, Building No. 7, Compound No. 8, Xi Binhe
Office address
                                      Road, Yong Ding Men, Dong Cheng District, Beijing, China

Signing accountants                   Tian Jingliang, Li Hua

Sponsor engaged by the Company to conduct sustained supervision during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company to conduct sustained supervision during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

               2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                       Section III. Accounting & Business Highlights

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the
accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                       Increase or decrease of
                                            2013                       2012            this year over last year         2011
Operating revenue (RMB Yuan)             2,116,482,684.93         1,030,148,729.47                   105.45%         1,026,396,104.51
Net    profit  attributable to
shareholders of the Company                228,268,271.23             106,814,543.53                 113.71%           101,200,060.65
(RMB Yuan)
Net     profit    attributable to
shareholders of the Company after
                                           222,844,093.95             101,232,143.75                 120.13%            99,430,051.40
extraordinary gains and losses
(RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating
                                           194,953,683.40              27,409,819.53                 611.25%           115,154,790.41
activities (RMB Yuan)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                          0.2256                    0.1056                 113.64%                       0.1
Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                        0.2256                    0.1056                 113.64%                       0.1
Weighted average ROE (%)                           13.05%                     6.75%                      6.3%                   6.85%
                                                                                       Increase or decrease of
                                     As at 31 Dec. 2013       As at 31 Dec. 2012        this year-end than last   As at 31 Dec. 2011
                                                                                             year-end (%)
Total assets (RMB Yuan)                  4,215,099,296.67         3,712,770,828.30                     13.53%        3,250,580,479.74
Net    assets  attributable to
shareholders of the Company              1,863,347,135.33         1,635,376,098.73                     13.94%        1,528,596,536.13
(RMB Yuan)

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                  Net profit attributable to shareholders of the       Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                    Company                                              Company
                                       2013                          2012                Closing amount           Opening amount
According to Chinese
                                      228,268,271.23                 106,814,543.53         1,863,347,135.33         1,635,376,098.73
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards
According to international
                                      228,268,271.23                 106,814,543.53         1,863,347,135.33         1,635,376,098.73
accounting standards

                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the      Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                      Company                                             Company
                                          2013                         2012                  Closing amount          Opening amount
According to Chinese
                                         228,268,271.23                106,814,543.53          1,863,347,135.33        1,635,376,098.73
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards
According to overseas
                                         228,268,271.23                106,814,543.53          1,863,347,135.33        1,635,376,098.73
accounting standards

3. Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting


III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                             2013                    2012                  2011                  Note
Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current                                                                     Mainly gain on
assets (including the offset part of the asset        5,778,882.64            -588,399.46            173,176.00 disposal of self-owned
impairment provisions)                                                                                          properties
Government grants recognized in the current
period, except for those acquired in the
ordinary course of business or granted at                                             0.00                    0.00
certain quotas or amounts according to the
government’s unified standards
Gains and losses on change in fair value
from tradable financial assets and tradable
financial liabilities, as well as investment
income from disposal of tradable financial
assets and tradable financial liabilities and
financial assets available for sales except for
effective hedging related with normal
businesses of the Company
Impairment provision reversal of accounts
receivable on which the impairment test is                                    6,140,000.00
carried out separately
Non-operating income and expense other
                                                        812,505.76            -130,400.83          2,200,366.50
than the above
Less: Income tax effects                              1,167,211.12            -161,200.07            589,509.63
Total                                                 5,424,177.28            5,582,399.78         1,770,009.25            --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

     2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                      Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

2013 marked the first year after the 18th National Congress of CPC, as well as a new phase of
deepened macro-control over the real estate market. Various difficulties and challenges surrounded
the Company in the year. At the beginning of the year, the Board of Directors set the operating
goals of proactively pushing forward a quality and stable growth, adopting a sustainable and
all-round development strategy, and doubling both the operating revenue and profit. In the reporting
period, the sales of the SPG Chuanqi Hill was carried forward as scheduled, sale of the northern
part of the SPG Shanglin Garden and the Shantou Yuejing Dongfang project commenced, and the
main operating indicators set by the Board of Directors were over-fulfilled. 2013 witnessed a
leap-frog development of the Company on the basis of a sustained growth for 4 years in a row, the
shift from a full recovery to a full development in the main business, the outstanding achievements
in corporate culture improvement, and a new stage for the Company’s development.

II. Main business analysis

1. Overview

In 2013, the Company seized market opportunities to achieve a considerable growth in its operating
results, with the SPG Chuanqi Hill project going on well and generating sales income. For the
reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenue of RMB 2,116,482,700, up 105.45%
from last year; operating profit of RMB 297,283,600, up 115.46% from last year; total profit of
RMB 303,875,000, up 121.39% from last year; and net profit of RMB 228,268,300 attributable to
shareholders of the Company, up 113.71% from last year.

Overview of the reporting period progress of development strategies and business plans disclosed in previous
State the reasons why the Company’s actual business performance is 20% lower or higher than the earning
forecast for the reporting period which has been publicly disclosed earlier:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Revenues

Operating revenue and operating cost in 2013 stood at RMB 2,116,482,700 and RMB
1,547,170,100, up 105.45% and 120.61% respectively from last year, which was mainly because of
the revenue and cost from the SPG Chuanqi Hill project.

     2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Sales income from real estate stood at RMB 1,406,885,600, up 270.60% from last year, which was
mainly because of the sales income from the SPG Chuanqi Hill project.
Construction income stood at RMB 521,749,300, up 11.39% from last year, which was mainly
because of the increased construction income of subordinate Zhentong Company.

Is the Company's product sales revenue more than its service revenue?
√ Yes □ No
          Industry                        Item                       2013                          2012                       YoY +/-%
                        Sold                                                 92,336.14                    14,304.19                  545.52%
Real estate development
                        Produced                                            113,888.35                    94,417.79                      20.62%
(RMB Ten thousand)
                        Stock                                               261,605.57                   240,053.36                      8.98%

Reasons for any over-30% YoY movement of the data above:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Mainly because the SPG Chuanqi Hill project generated sales income in the reporting period.
Major orders on hand:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Significant change or adjustment of the Company’s products or services during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Major customers:
Total sales to the top 5 customers (RMB Yuan)                                                                                  112,920,363.17
Ratio of the total sales to the top 5 customers to the
annual total sales (%)

Information about the top 5 customers:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Serial No.                Name of customer                           Sales (RMB Yuan)                Proportion in annual total sales (%)
    1         Corporation A                                                        41,353,108.34                                         1.95%
    2         Corporation B                                                        28,920,000.00                                         1.37%
    3         Corporation C                                                        18,700,000.00                                         0.88%
    4         Corporation D                                                        13,618,979.81                                         0.64%
    5         Corporation E                                                        10,328,275.02                                         0.49%
  Total                              --                                         112,920,363.17                                           5.33%

3. Costs

Classified by industry:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            2013                                    2012

     Industry                 Item                                Proportion in                             Proportion in       YoY +/- (%)
                                                  Amount         operating costs          Amount           operating costs
                                                                     (%)                                     (%)
Real estate                                 925,436,497.61               60.37%        146,516,172.48              21.26%            531.63%
Construction                                495,387,515.85               32.32%        445,160,754.08                 64.6%              11.28%
Leasing                                          31,939,508.32              2.08%        30,961,456.12                4.49%              3.16%

        2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                           89,941,397.44                  5.87%       86,840,214.99             12.6%             3.57%
Subtotal                                1,542,704,919.22              100.64%        709,478,597.67          102.96%            117.44%
Minus: internal
                                            9,788,534.77                  0.64%       20,389,951.83             2.96%           -51.99%
Total                                   1,532,916,384.45              100.00%        689,088,645.84             100%            122.46%

Classified by product:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                       2013                                      2012

        Product           Item                                  Proportion in                          Proportion in     YoY +/- (%)
                                            Amount             operating costs         Amount         operating costs
                                                                   (%)                                  (%)

Operating cost in 2013 stood at RMB 1,547,170,100, up 120.61% from last year, which was mainly
because the SPG Chuanqi Hill project started to generate income and cost.

Major suppliers:
Total purchases from the top 5 suppliers (RMB Yuan)                                                                    946,732,857.50
Ratio of the total purchases from the top 5 suppliers to the
annual total purchases(%)

Information about the top 5 suppliers:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                               Procurement amount (RMB           Proportion in annual total procurement
 Serial No.                Name of supplier
                                                                        Yuan)                                 amount (%)
        1     Corporation A                                                  411,082,434.00                                      39.76%
        2     Corporation B                                                  287,570,532.50                                      27.81%
        3     Corporation C                                                  204,930,822.11                                      19.82%
        4     Corporation D                                                      39,418,348.89                                    3.81%
        5     Corporation E                                                       3,730,720.00                                    0.36%
    Total                          --                                        946,732,857.50                                      91.57%

4. Expense

Selling expenses in 2013 stood at RMB 45,139,200, up 63.90% from last year, which was mainly
because the marketing expenses and the agency commissions increased.
Administrative expenses in 2013 stood at RMB 63,843,300, down 6.27% from last year, which was
mainly because the non-production management expenses decreased.
Financial expenses in 2013 stood at RMB -1,567,600, down 158.42% from last year, which was
mainly because the interest income increased.

5. R&D expenses


     2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

6. Cash flows

                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

            Item                     2013                   2012                 YoY +/-(%)
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                      2,082,643,982.89       1,190,424,578.41                   74.95%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                      1,887,690,299.49       1,163,014,758.88                   62.31%
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                       194,953,683.40          27,409,819.53                611.25%
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                            7,704,117.81           688,282.91              1,019.32%
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                            6,079,076.26       18,682,841.12                    -67.46%
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing
                                            1,625,041.55       -17,994,558.21               109.03%
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                       470,989,352.23        1,036,000,000.00                   -54.54%
financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                       605,751,337.59         906,909,123.76                    -32.55%
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                      -134,761,985.36         129,090,876.24                -209.04%
Net increase in cash and cash
                                        61,570,669.67         138,746,516.91                    -59.95%

Reasons for any over-30% YoY movement of the data above:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Cash inflows from operating activities in 2013 stood at RMB 2,082,643,982.89, up 74.95% from
last year, which was mainly because the product selling and service provision income from sale of
houses and construction increased.
Cash outflows from operating activities in 2013 stood at RMB 1,887,690,299.49, up 62.31% from
last year, which was mainly because the product purchase and service acceptance payment for
construction increased.
Net cash flows from operating activities in 2013 stood at RMB 194,953,683.40, up 611.25% from
last year, which was mainly because the net cash inflows among the cash received for sale of goods
and provision of service and the cash paid for purchase of goods and acceptance of service
Cash inflows from investing activities in 2013 stood at RMB 7,704,117.81, up 1,019.32% from last
year, which was mainly because the income from disposal of fixed assets increased.
Cash outflows from investing activities in 2013 stood at RMB 6,079,076.26, down 67.46% from
last year, which was mainly because the Company invested in Shantou Small-and Medium
Enterprise Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. last year while there was no new investment in the
reporting period.
Net cash flows from investing activities in 2013 stood at RMB 1,625,041.55, up 109.03% from last
year, which was mainly because the net cash received from disposal of fixed assets increased and
no new investment resulted in the decreased cash paid for investment.
Cash inflows from financing activities in 2013 stood at RMB 470,989,352.23, down 54.54% from
last year, which was mainly because bank borrowings decreased.

        2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Cash outflows from financing activities in 2013 stood at RMB 611,751,337.59, down 32.55% from
last year, which was mainly because repaid bank borrowings decreased.
Net cash flows from financing activities in 2013 stood at RMB -140,761,985.36, down 209.04%
from last year, which was mainly because bank borrowings decreased considerably.
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents in 2013 stood at RMB 55,570,669.67, down 59.95% from
last year, which was mainly because bank borrowings decreased considerably and thus net cash
flows from financing activities decreased accordingly.

Reasons for a big difference between the operating cash flows and the net profit:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                              Increase/decrease                    Increase/decrease
                          Operating                         Gross profit rate    of operating                        of gross profit
                                          Operating cost                                        of operating cost
                           revenue                                (%)         revenue over last                    rate over last year
                                                                                                over last year (%)
                                                                                   year (%)                               (%)
Classified by industry:
Real estate         1,406,885,587.82      925,436,497.61             34.22%             270.6%            531.63%            -27.18%
Construction            521,749,290.73    495,387,515.85                5.05%           11.39%             11.28%              0.09%
Leasing                   82,280,047.28    31,939,508.32             61.18%             -3.32%              3.16%             -2.44%
                        100,150,419.76     89,941,397.44             10.19%             -1.33%              3.57%             -1.79%
Subtotal            2,111,065,345.59 1,542,704,919.22                26.92%            104.04%            117.54%             -4.25%
Minus: internal
                          13,423,978.97      9,788,534.77            27.08%            -40.74%            -51.99%             17.09%
Total               2,097,641,366.62 1,532,916,384.45                26.92%            107.28%            122.46%             -4.98%
Classified by product:
Residences          1,397,946,247.82      922,389,610.38             34.02%            306.87%            586.43%            -26.87%
Shops                      8,939,340.00      3,046,887.23            65.92%            -75.19%             -74.9%             -0.39%
Other products          704,179,757.77    617,268,421.61             12.34%              7.51%              9.65%             -1.71%
Minus: internal
                        -13,423,978.97      -9,788,534.77            27.08%            -40.74%            -51.99%             17.09%
Total               2,097,641,366.62 1,532,916,384.45                26.92%            107.28%            122.46%             -4.98%
Classified by region:
                    2,044,677,358.30 1,481,628,032.64                27.54%            110.15%            127.43%             -5.51%
Other                     65,791,782.57    61,076,886.58                7.17%            7.77%              5.27%              2.21%
Overseas:                   596,204.72                                  100%            -3.34%
Total               2,111,065,345.59 1,542,704,919.22                26.92%            104.04%            117.44%               -4.5%
Minus: internal
                          13,423,978.97      9,788,534.77            27.08%            -40.74%            -51.99%             17.09%
Total               2,097,641,366.62 1,532,916,384.45                26.92%            107.28%            122.46%             -4.98%

Where the Company’s accounting standard of the main business data above changed during the reporting period,
give the main business data of the latest year adjusted according to the accounting standard at the end of the

     2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Asset and liability analysis

1. Major changes of asset items

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                           As at 31 Dec. 2013               As at 31 Dec. 2012
                                        Proportion in                    Proportion in n change       Explain any major change
                          Amount         total assets     Amount          total assets  (%)
                                             (%)                              (%)
Monetary funds                               12.46% 496,805,905.01            13.38%     -0.92%
                                                                                                Accounts     receivable   stood    at
                                                                                                14,102,124.06 as at 31 Dec. 2013,
Accounts                                                                                        down 42.24% from the opening
                       14,102,124.06           0.33% 24,413,187.02             0.66%     -0.33%
receivable                                                                                      amount, which was mainly because the
                                                                                                house payment and rental arrears were
                                                                                                Inventories stood at 2,967,935,589.04
                                                                                                as at 31 Dec. 2013, up 22.05% from
                       2,967,935,589.                   2,431,754,464.                          the opening amount, which was mainly
Inventories                                  70.41%                            65.5%      4.91%
                                   04                               54                          because the Company purchased some
                                                                                                land for reserve and paid for
Investing real         466,314,091.9
                                             11.06% 487,373,443.43            13.13%     -2.07%
estate                             0
Long-term equity
                 75,200,652.59                 1.78% 75,225,969.30             2.03%     -0.25%
Fixed assets           60,715,687.71           1.44% 63,204,808.66               1.7%    -0.26%
Construction in
                                0.00                             0.00
                                                                                                Prepayments stood at 12,206,598.30 as
                                                                                                at 31 Dec. 2013, down 69.24% from
Prepayments            12,206,598.30           0.29% 39,677,550.07             1.07%     -0.78% the opening amount, which was mainly
                                                                                                because the prepayments for materials
                                                                                                were carried forward to inventories.
                                                                                                Other current assets stood at
                                                                                                3,451,107.04 as at 31 Dec. 2013, down
Other        current
                        3,451,107.04           0.08%     7,780,460.78          0.21%     -0.13% 55.64% from the opening amount,
                                                                                                which was mainly because the turnover
                                                                                                tax was carried forward.
                                                                                                Deferred income tax assets stood at
                                                                                                26,792,460.02 as at 31 Dec. 2013, up
                                                                                                34.76% from the opening amount,
Deferred income                                                                                 which was mainly because the
                26,792,460.02                  0.64% 19,881,649.62             0.54%       0.1%
tax assets                                                                                      corresponding deferred income tax
                                                                                                assets of the expected profit from the
                                                                                                advance house payments to real estate
                                                                                                subsidiaries were recognized.

2. Major changes of liability items

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

     2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                   2013                           2012
                                        Proportion in                 Proportion in n change           Explain any major change
                          Amount         total assets    Amount        total assets  (%)
                                             (%)                           (%)
                                                                                             Short-term borrowings stood at
                                                                                             23,000,000.00 as at 31 Dec. 2013,
                                                                                             down 76.04% from the opening
                        23,000,000.00          0.55% 96,000,000.00          2.59%     -2.04% amount, which was mainly because the
                                                                                             entrustment       loan   of    RMB
                                                                                             70,000,000.00 last year was repaid in
                                                                                             the reporting period.
Long-term               814,213,536.8
                                              19.32% 849,636,078.25        22.88%     -3.56%
borrowings                          5
                                                                                             Accounts     payable     stood      at
                                                                                             389,345,271.46 as at 31 Dec. 2013, up
                        389,345,271.4                                                        435.84% from the opening amount,
Accounts payable                               9.24% 72,660,833.60          1.96%      7.28%
                                    6                                                        which was mainly because the
                                                                                             outstanding construction payables
                                                                                             Taxes and fares payable stood at
                                                                                             148,006,651.37 as at 31 Dec. 2013, up
                                                                                             641.58% from the opening amount,
Taxes and fares         148,006,651.3                                                        which was mainly because the
                                               3.51% 19,958,153.14          0.54%      2.97%
payable                             7                                                        operating revenue and total profit
                                                                                             increased considerably, causing a
                                                                                             higher turnover tax and enterprise
                                                                                             income tax.

3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Gain/loss on
                                                      Cumulative fair Impairment        Amount
                                          fair value                                                Amount sold in
                          Opening                      value change provisions in     purchased in                         Closing
         Item                           change in the                                                the reporting
                          amount                       recorded into the reporting    the reporting                        amount
                                          reporting                                                     period
                                                          equity        period           period
Financial assets
1. Financial assets
measured at fair
value and of which
changes are recorded
                                                                                                0.00             0.00
into current
(excluding derivative
financial assets)
2. Derivative
                                                                                                0.00             0.00
financial assets
3. Available-for-sale
                                                                                                0.00             0.00
financial assets
Subtotal of financial
                                                                                                0.00             0.00
Investing real estate          0.00                                                             0.00             0.00             0.00
Productive biological
                                                                                                0.00             0.00
Other                                                                                           0.00             0.00
Total of the above             0.00                                                             0.00             0.00             0.00
Financial liabilities          0.00                                                             0.00             0.00             0.00

     2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Did any significant change occur to the attribute of the Company’s main asset measurement during the reporting
□ Yes √ No

V. Core competitiveness analysis

As one of the earliest real estate listed companies in Shenzhen, the Company has a history over 30
years in real estate development in Shenzhen and rich experience in the main business of real estate
development. In recent years, thanks to the experience learned from the SPG Chuanqi Hill project
in Guangming, Shenzhen, and the SPG Shanglin Garden project in Longgang, Shenzhen, the
Headquarters of the Company has been greatly improved in planning, construction, cost control,
marketing capability and brand image; and thanks to the projects in Shantou, the offsite
development management mode is growing mature. The Company accelerates the establishment of
a modern enterprise HR management system and works hard in building a professional and
high-quality development team. It also keeps improving the management mechanism and processes
for project development. As a result, the professionalism and management capability of the
Company have improved significantly, and the core competitiveness of its main business of real
estate development keeps increasing.

VI. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Investments in external parties

                                                 Investments in external parties
 Investment amount in 2013 (RMB Yuan)        Investment amount in 2012 (RMB Yuan)                           +/-%
                             30,000,000.00                               12,000,000.00                                         250%
                                                   Particulars about investees
                                                                                         Proportion of the Company’s investment in
               Name of investee                          Main business
                                                                                           the investee’s total equity interests (%)
Shantou Huafeng Real Estate Development
                                        Real estate development                                                                100%
Co., Ltd.

(2) Equity-holdings in financial enterprises

                        Initial   Opening Opening       Closing    Closing    Closing     in the
Enterprise Enterprise investment equity-hol equity-hol equity-hol equity-hol book value reporting Accountin                 Equity
   name     variety cost (RMB      dings    ding ratio   dings    ding ratio   (RMB       period    g title                 source
                        Yuan)     (share)      (%)      (share)      (%)       Yuan)     (RMB
Total                        0.00         0     --              0     --           0.00        0.00   --                      --

        2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

 (3) Securities investments

                                                     Sharehold           Sharehold                  Gain/loss
                                   Initial Number               Number             Closing
                                                        ing                 ing                        for
                                 investmen of shares           of shares            book
Variety of Code of Name of                           percentag           percentag                  reporting Accounti Source of
                                    t cost  held at             held at             value
securities securities securities                        e at                e at                     period    ng title  stock
                                   (RMB period-be              period-en           (RMB
                                                     period-be           period-en                   (RMB
                                   Yuan)      gin                  d                Yuan)
                                                        gin                  d                        Yuan)
Total                                  0.00          0   --                  0    --         0.00        0.00      --        --
Disclosure date of the board
Disclosure date of the general
meeting announcement on
approval of the securities
investment (if any)
Explain equity-holdings in other listed companies:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

 (1) Wealth management entrustment

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
                   Related-p                                                                     Impairme
                                                                             Payment Principal                       gain/loss
 Name of              arty    Product         Amount Beginnin         Ending                          nt   Predicted
          Relation                                                           determina actually                         in
  trustee          transactio variety         entrusted g date         date                      provision   gain
                                                                                tion   recovered                     reporting
                    n or not                                                                      (if any)
Total                                                0   --             --        --            0            0           0        0
Source of the entrusted funds                 0
Cumulative overdue principals and gains                                                                                           0
Disclosure date of the board announcement
Disclosure date of the general meeting
announcement on approval of the wealth
management investment (if any)

 (2) Derivative investments

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan

                                                                                                            Proportion of
                                                                                                 Closin      the closing
                   Related-p Type of                                                   Impairme    g         investment
                                            Initial                           Opening                                     gain/loss
                      arty    derivative            Beginnin          Ending                nt   invest       amount in
 Operator Relation                       investmen                           investmen                                       in
                   transactio investmen              g date            date            provision ment            the
                                          t amount                            t amount                                    reporting
                    n or not       t                                                    (if any) amoun       Company’s
                                                                                                    t        closing net
                                                                                                              assets (%)

Total                                                0   --             --             0        0       0               0%        0

Capital source for derivative investment      0

Disclosure date of the board announcement
approving the derivative investment (if

        2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Disclosure date of the general meeting
announcement approving the derivative
investment (if any)

 (3) Entrustment loans

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
                                                                            Amount of     Interest                       Usage of loan by
                        Borrower                               party or                              Guarantor or pawn
                                                                              loan          rate                            borrower
Total                                                             --                  0        --           --                  --

Disclosure date of the board announcement approving
Disclosure date of the general meeting announcement
approving the entrustment loans (if any)

3. Use of raised funds

 (1) Overview of the use of raised funds

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
Total raised capital                                                                                                                       0
Total raised capital input in the reporting period                                                                                         0
Accumulative raised capital input                                                                                                          0
Total raised capital of which the use was changed in the
reporting period
Accumulative raised capital of which the use was
Proportion of accumulative raised capital of which the
use was changed
                                                     Overview of the use of raised funds

 (2) Projects promised to be invested with raised funds

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan

                                                                        Investme    Date
                                                              Accumul      nt     when the                        Material
 Projects invested with changed                                                               Profit
                                    Raised Investme Input in     ative             project            Reach the change in
     raised capital as    or not                                        progress            generated
                                    capital  nt after   the    input up up to the reaches             expected      the
      promised and      (includin                                                             in the
                                   input as adjustme reporting to the period-en      the               profit or project
    investments with        g                                                               reporting
                                  promised nt (1)      year   period-en d (%)(3) expected                not     feasibility
   over-raised capital  partially                                                             period
                                                                 d (2)             usable                          or not
                        changed)                                        =(2)/(1)
Projects invested with raised capital as promised
Investments of over-raised capital
Total                         --              0            0           0          0       --         --            0      --         --
Amount, usage and        Inapplicable
usage progress of
over-raised capital
Change of the            Inapplicable

        2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

location of any raised
funds investment
Adjustment of the
method of any raised
funds investment
Advance input and
exchange of any raised
funds investment
Idle raised capital for Inapplicable
supplementing working
Amount, usage and
usage progress of
over-raised capital
Change of the             Inapplicable
location of any raised
funds investment
Adjustment of the      Inapplicable
method of any raised
funds investment
Advance input and
exchange of any raised
funds investment
Idle raised capital for Inapplicable
supplementing working

 (3) Change of projects invested with raised funds

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
                            Total raised                                                                           Material
                                                                 Investment Date when
                                funds                   Actual                              Profit                change in
                                         Actual input            progress up the project
                Project      planned to               cumulative    to the               generated in Reach the       the
Project after                                for                             reaches the
                before      be input for               input by  period-end expected         the      expected after-change
  change                                  reporting
                change       the project              period-end                          reporting profit or not   project
                                            period                (%)(3)=     usable
                            after change                  (2)                              period                 feasibility
                                                                   (2)/(1)    condition
                                 (1)                                                                                or not
Total              --                    0         0            0        --      --                0      --          --
Reasons for change, decision-making
procedure and relevant information
disclosure (explain one project by one

4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

Particulars about main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:

              2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Company                            Registered                                             Operating           Operating
 Company name                     Industry products/se                  Total assets          Net assets                                        Net profit
                     variety                            capital                                               revenues             profit
Shenzhen Petrel                                Hotel    RMB 30
                Subsidiary       Service                                39,463,675.85         35,110,471.86 25,183,988.60         624,798.54    378,855.15
Hotel Co., Ltd.                               Service   million
Property                                              RMB 7.25
                Subsidiary       Service    manageme                    78,330,970.95         14,974,567.08 108,484,008.06        460,088.09    673,020.35
Management Co.,                                       million
Shenzhen                                    Fixing and
Zhentong                                    maintenanc RMB 10
                 Subsidiary      Service                                98,145,642.56         15,465,254.87 523,890,316.52 2,483,701.64 2,047,841.16
Engineering Co.,                               e of    million
Ltd.                                         projects
Huazhan                                    Constructio
                                                       RMB 8
Construction     Subsidiary      Service        n                        8,491,163.92          7,773,600.56   5,079,770.40        246,544.56    184,908.42
Supervision Co.,                           supervision
Shenzhen      SPG
                                                      RMB 10.29
Mini-bus      Rent Subsidiary    Service   Rent    of                   19,964,620.48         16,313,586.91   4,445,157.79        881,480.36    656,190.95
Co., Ltd.                                  mini-bus
Shantou   SEZ,
Wellam     FTY,                             Developme
                                 Real                   US$ 15          599,677,791.3                               35,563,222.2 21,568,905.5
Building        Subsidiary                   nt of real                               337,376,425.20 133,413,634.00
                                 estate                 million                     3                                          0            2
Development                                    estate
Co., Ltd.
Great Wall Estate                Real                   USD 0.5
                  Subsidiary                 nt of real                 17,689,758.50        -76,760,627.22     596,204.72        121,238.94    121,238.94
Co., Inc. (U.S.)                 estate                 million
                                 Investme Investment
Xin           Feng
                                 nt          and     HKD 1              200,902,848.6
Enterprise     Co., Subsidiary                                                        -388,688,954.59           145,500.00 1,875,121.81 7,746,117.91
                                 managem manageme million                           8
                                 ent          nt
Shenzhen SPG
Longgang                         Real                   RMB 30          645,081,251.9                                            -10,154,786. -7,949,742.9
                   Subsidiary                nt of real                                      -33,433,658.41               0.00
Development                      estate                 million                     0                                                      03            8
Co., Ltd.
       Explain particulars about main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:
       Subsidiaries acquired or disposed during the reporting period:
       □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

       5. Significant projects invested with non-raised funds

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Ten thousand Yuan
                                                                                  Cumulative actual
                                   Total planed
             Project name                            Input for this period         input as at the     Project progress          Project earnings
                                                                                                                        Carried forward
       SPG Chuanqi Hill                    254,545                 48,548                   216,864                100% sales revenue of
                                                                                                                        RMB 1,273,330,000
       SPG Shanglin
                                           140,000                 26,121                     60,730
       Shantou Yuejing
                                            15,000                  5,014                     12,893

      2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Shantou Jingzaiwan
                                         119,400                29,863                   29,863
        Total                            528,945               109,546                  320,350      --                     --

VII. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Mar. 2014

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin to the end of the
next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Prediction: Synthetic and substantial ascent
Type of the predicted data: interval data
                                             Jan.-Mar. 2014            Jan.-Mar. 2013                     +/- (%)
Predicted accumulative net
                                            2,000 --           2,300          350.87 Increase                  470.01% --        555.51%
profit (RMB Ten thousand)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                 0.0198 --          0.0227          0.0035 Increase                  465.71% --        548.57%
Explanation       about         the
                                      Sales of the SPG Chuanqi Hill of the Company carried forward normally.

VIII. Entities controlled by the Company for special purposes


IX. Outlook of the Company’s future development

2014 is the year of China Reform and the Central Economic Working Conference introduced significant policies
and measures such as “Seek improvement in stability, reform and innovation, maintaining the continuity and
stability of macroeconomic policies, debt risk prevention”. From the point of view of the real estate industry,
Chinese macroeconomic was risks coexisted with challenges and the real estate market would maintain a certain
development trend in first-tier cities. However, the difficulties and the challenges of the whole industry were still
rather big; we should have level-headed understanding, do at our convenience, seek a smooth and rapid
development, plan and place the whole year’s work.
Guideline for the work in 2014: The Company should work hard to boost the main business, enlarge the land
reserve, enhance cost control and improve the management capability. It should also grasp and take the advantage
of the historic opportunities of comprehensively deepen reform, and do at our convenience, accelerate the
development and powerfully promote the profitability for further stage.
Working arrangement of 2014:
(I) Promoting the enterprise innovation and development driven by the reform
1. Effectively enhance the sense of urgency of the reform. It should accelerate the development of the enterprise
driven by the reform, to continuously enhance the professional ability and management and control level, to
strengthen the soft power of the enterprise, as well as to grasp the opportunities and realize the enterprise
innovation and development.
2. Continuously perfecting the reform of labor, personnel and salary system. It should continuously perfecting the
management methods of performance assessment, so thus to form a favorable system of rewarding the diligent
and punishing the lazy as well as selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior.
(II) Continuously enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprise

     2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Firstly is to continuously enhance the management and control ability of the enterprise. Strengthen the corporate
governance and internal control and to improve the decision-making level and the risk prevention and control
ability according to the benchmarking enterprises standard. Reinforce the financial management, well manage and
flexibly use the funds, prevent and control the financial risks. Strengthen the objective cost of the construction of
the control system according to the value creating standard; implement the intensification of the cost control with
careful calculation and strict budgeting. Strengthen the planning and management of the project development; the
time when well executing the existing project in construction management, in the meanwhile, well execute the
preliminary work such as the planning, design, budgeting, bid inviting and application. Reinforce the coordination
supervision and execute the assessment of the executive situation of the annual development plan of each item.
Continuously perfect the bidding work; implement the system of responsibility in safe production, so thus to avoid
various significant production safety accident. Specify the contracts management, and reinforce the checking and
supervision of the executive situation of the engineering development contracts. Continuously strengthen the team
construction, rational allocate the human resources; adjust the personnel structure according to the items layout as
well as perfect the performance appraisal system. Continuously integrate the supervision power and execute well
of the inspection of the special audit and the executive force. Perfect the benchmarking management system,
strengthen the process benchmarking and professional benchmarking, and continuously execute the construction
plan of the comprehensive risks management system. It should enlarge the power to solve the problems left over
by history and enlarge the power to promote the execution of the successful cases.
Secondly is to strengthen the policy study of the capital market and to create conditions for resuming the financing
function.The Company would reinforce the strategy management and the policy study such as the capital market
financing, capital operation and state-owned enterprise reform to promote the innovation and development of the
enterprise; we will enlarge the power to promote the benefits so thus to create conditions for resuming the
financing function.
(III) Seeking a smooth and rapid development to step on to a new stage of the dominant business
Firstly is to regard the marketing work as the priority among priorities of the whole year’s work. Clearly identify
the work schedule and roadmap, and make sure of the individual responsibility, so thus to ensure the completion
of the whole year’s sales quest. Secondly is to seek a smooth and rapid development when well executing the
projects construction, and to highlight the “rapid” as much as possible under the premise of the schedule, quality
and safety of the projects under construction and to shoot at the operation and construction of the two
projects—Southern Area of Shenzhen Properties Shanglin Project and Jingzai Wan within this year. Thirdly is to
increase the land reserves. Positively collect and analyze the land information and project information of the target
cities, and carry out the inspection and feasibility research, so thus to strive for the newly increase of the land
reserves. Fourthly is to enlarge the power to grasp the property operation. It should strengthen the management
and enhance the service, enlarge the strength of historical arrears collection, and improve the rental rate as well as
the rental recovery rate. Lastly is to guide, support and assist the owned enterprises to grasp well of the reform and
development work, to improve the economy profits, with each enterprise should make every endeavor to complete
the various tasks transmitted from the Group.
(IV) Strengthen the construction of the enterprise culture and forging the soft strength of the enterprise reform and
Continue to promote the corporate culture of “professionalism, devotion, solidity and honesty”, promote the
theme, gather positive energy and build up a good enterprise image.

      2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

X. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the
“non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period


XI. Explain change of the accounting policy, accounting estimate and measurement methods
as compared with the financial reporting of last year


XII. Explain retrospective restatement due to correction of significant accounting errors in
the reporting period


XIII. Explain change of the consolidation scope as compared with the financial reporting of
last year

During the reporting period, the Company made a new investment of RMB 30,000,000.00 to incorporate Shantou
Huafeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. as a wholly-funded subsidiary of the Company, which was included
in the consolidation scope.

XIV. Profit allocation and dividend distribution

Formulation, execution or adjustment of the Company’s profit distribution policy, especially the cash dividend policy, during the
reporting period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

2012 Proposal on Profit Distribution of the Company was reviewed and approved by the 12th Session of the 7th
Meeting of the Board of Directors on 28 Mar. 2013 and the 2012 General Meeting of Shareholders on 23 Apr.
2013, which decided that, the net profit of 2012 will be used for covering the deficit of the previous years. And
thus no profit distribution or capitalization of capital reserves will be conducted. After the loss make-up, the
Company’s retained profit will stand at RMB -369,154,405.36.
                                           Special explanation of the cash dividend policy
                                                         The conditions and process of formulation of the Retribution Plan for the
Whether conformed with the regulations of the Articles
                                                         Company’s Shareholders, the revision of the Articles of Association
of association or the requirements of the resolutions of
                                                         was compliance and transparent with the contents met with the
the shareholders’ meeting:
                                                         requirements of the relevant laws and regulations as well as CSRC.
Whether the dividend standard and the proportion were The dividend standard and the proportion were definite and clear after
definite and clear:                                   revision.
Whether the relevant decision-making process and the
                                                           The relevant decision-making process and system was completed.
system were complete:
Whether the independent director acted dutifully and       The independent director executed dutifully and gave independent
exerted the proper function:                               advice of the cash dividend policy of the Company.
Whether the medium and small shareholders had the
chances to fully express their suggestions and appeals, of Yes
which their legal interest had gained fully protection:
Whether the conditions and the process met the             Yes
regulations and was transparent of the adjustment or

       2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

altered of the cash dividend policy:
Pre-plan or plan for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital in recent 3 years (including the reporting period)
In 2011, the net profit of 2011 will be used for covering the deficit of the previous years. And thus no profit
distribution or capitalization of capital reserves will be conducted. After the loss make-up, the Company’s retained
profit will stand at RMB-475,968,948.89;
In 2012, the net profit of 2012 will be used for covering the deficit of the previous years. And thus no profit
distribution or capitalization of capital reserves will be conducted. After the loss make-up, the Company’s retained
profit will stand at RMB-369,154,405.36;
In 2013, the net profit of 2013 will be used for covering the deficit of the previous years. And thus no profit
distribution or capitalization of capital reserves will be conducted.
Cash dividend in the recent three years
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                           The ratio accounting in net
                                                                           Net profit belonging to
                                                                                                             profit which belongs to
                                       Amount of cash dividend            shareholders of the listed
         Dividend year                                                                                      shareholders of the listed
                                          (including tax)                 company in consolidated
                                                                                                            company in consolidated
                                                                         statement of dividend year
                                                                                                                  statement (%)
2013                                                            0.00                   228,268,271.23                                 0%
2012                                                            0.00                   106,814,543.53                                 0%
2011                                                            0.00                   101,200,060.65                                 0%
Although the company obtains profits and the parent company’s undistributed profit is positive during the reporting period, no cash
dividend distribution pre-plan is put forward.
□Applicable √Inapplicable

XV. Preplan for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital in the
reporting period

Equity base of the preplan for distribution (shares)                                                                                     0
Total of cash bonus (RMB Yuan) (including tax)                                                                                       0.00
Attributable profit (RMB Yuan)                                                                                                       0.00
Proportion of cash bonus in the total of profit
distribution (%)
                                                        Cash dividend policy::
             Specific explanation of preplan for profit distribution or preplan for turning capital reserve into share capital
Audited by Ruihua Certified Accountants (LLP), the net profits of 2013 that the Company realized and belongs to the parent
company was of RMB 228,268,271.23; according the relevant regulations and the articles stipulation of the Company, the net profit
of 2013 will be used for covering the deficit of the previous years. And thus no profit distribution or capitalization of capital
reserves will be conducted.

XVI. Social responsibilities

The Company attaches great importance to performing its social responsibilities, proactively protecting legal
rights and interests of the creditors, employees, consumers, suppliers, the communities and other stakeholders. In
the reporting period, the Company positively organized and anticipated in the 8th Session of the donation activity
of “Hand in hand of the municipal state-owned enterprises and heart to heart for caring and assistance”, and
granted condolence payments for the party member in difficulties, employees and staffs in hospital as well as

      2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

donated to the Lakeview Community of Luohu District; the Company also positively carried out badminton, table
tennis, mountaineering and basketball interest group activities, and held activities such as health knowledge
lectures for advocating the staffs of the new trend of healthy life and happy work.
During the reporting period, the Company was honored of several honorary titles as the “Demonstration
Enterprise of Guangdong Province for Honesty and Law Compliance” jointly granted by nine departments such as
Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and the “Most Honest Enterprise of Guangdong
Province for 2012” granted by Guangdong Enterprises Association and MGEA.
Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries were belongs to the heavily polluting industries stimulated by the state department of
environmental protection
□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
Whether there were any significant society security problems of the listed company and its subsidiaries
□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
Whether had been administrative punished in the reporting period
□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

XVII. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

    Time of        Place of        Way of
                                                Visitor type      Visitor   Main discussion and materials provided by the Company
   reception      reception       reception
                                                               Individual   The Company’s business structure, didn’t offer written
25 Jan. 2013       Office      By telephone   Individual
                                                               investor     materials
                                                               Individual   The Company’s 2012 operating situation and projects
14 Mar. 2013       Office      By telephone   Individual
                                                               investor     progress situation, didn’t offer written materials
                                                                            The Company’s 2013 operating situation and
5 Apr. 2013        Office      By telephone   Individual                    conferencing arrangement of general meeting of
                                                                            shareholders, didn’t offer written materials
                                                               Individual   The Company’s projects progress and sales situation of
20 May 2013        Office      By telephone   Individual
                                                               investor     Guangming and Longgang, didn’t offer written materials
                                                               Individual   The Company’s first half year of the operation situation of
28 Jun. 2013       Office      By telephone   Individual
                                                               investor     2013, didn’t offer written materials
                                                                            The influence of the macro-economy policy on the
18 Jul. 2013       Office      By telephone   Individual                    Company’s operation and whether the Company had asset
                                                                            restructuring plan, didn’t offer written materials
                                                                            The operation situation of the first half year of 2013 and
日 6 Aug.                                                      Individual
                   Office      By telephone   Individual                    the appointed disclosure date of the semi-annual report,
2013                                                           investor
                                                                            didn’t offer written materials
                                                                            Investigated the problems of the transformation from B
                                                                            shares to H shares, and the relevant information had
18 Sep. 2013       Office      Field research Institution      TodayIR
                                                                            reported to the Investor Relations Platform of Shenzhen
                                                                            Stock Exchange as required
                                                                            Inquire of the relevant information of the three quarterly
24 Oct. 2013       Office      By telephone   Individual                    reports announcement of the Company, didn’t offer
                                                                            written materials
                                                               Individual   The Company’s 2013 operation situation and the change
12 Dec. 2013       Office      By telephone   Individual
                                                               investor     reasons of the share prices, didn’t offer written materials
                                                                            The Company’s 2013 operation situation and the progress
31 Dec. 2013       Office      By telephone   Individual                    situation of the projects development, didn’t offer written

            2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                Section V. Report of the Supervisory Committee

In 2013, according to the Company Law and the Company’s Articles of Association, with great
support from the Company’s Board of Directors, its management team and shareholders, the
Supervisory Committee proactively safeguarded the rights and interests of all the shareholders and
faithfully performed its duty of supervision.
I. Work of the Supervisory Committee
The Supervisory Committee effectively exercised its rights of supervision at all relevant
decision-making meetings. Keeping its supervision focus on the compliant operation of the
Company’s core assets and major capital as well as significant projects, the Supervisory Committee
managed to strengthen and improve the supervisory and disciplinary mechanism and internal
control system, continuously create a new mode of internal supervision, and integrate the
supervisory resources, as well as carry out the supervisory joint session system. As a result,
expenses and asset risks were effectively controlled. The Supervisory Committee carried forward
transparent corporate operation and democratic decision-making, supervised the standardization and
effectiveness of the rules and procedures for decision-making, as well as supervised daily major
operation activities. Meanwhile, it conducted various specific supervisions and examination, carried
out cleaning and examination of project license and strengthened the supervision on lawsuit cases,
supervised various project bidding activities timely, and carried out the checks on execution of
various resolutions made by the Company. It also gave play to its function of internal audit and
supervision by performing post appraisal and audit on performance appraisal, operation
management, capital management and financial incomes and expense. It enhanced supervision on
information disclosure. According to the prescribed procedure, the Supervisory Committee
conducted examinations on the reports disclosed by the Company and its Board of Directors, so as
to ensure the factuality, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information disclosed.
II. Sessions convened by the Supervisory Committee
(I) The 4th Session of the 7th Supervisory Committee was convened on 28 Mar. 2013, at which
reviewed and approved the 2012 Annual Report and its Summary, Profit Distribution Preplan for
Y2012, 2012 Annual Report of Supervisory Committee and the Proposal on 2012 Annual
Self-appraisal Report on Internal Control. Five supervisors attended the session, and the voting
result of the session was as follows: 5 votes for, 0 votes against, and 0 abstentions.
(II) The 5th Session of the 7th Supervisory Committee was convened on 23 Apr. 2013, at which
reviewed and approved the 1st Quarterly Report for 2013 and its Abstract. Five supervisors attended
the session, and the voting result of the session was as follows: 5 votes for, 0 votes against, and 0
(III) The 6th Session of the 7th Supervisory Committee was convened on 20 Aug. 2013, at which
reviewed and approved the 2013 Semi-annual Report and its Abstract. Four supervisors attended

            2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

the session, and the voting result of the session was as follows: 4 votes for, 0 votes against, and 0
(IV) The 7th Session of the 7th Supervisory Committee was convened on 22 Oct. 2013, at which
reviewed and approved the 3rd Quarterly Report for 2013 and its Abstract. Four supervisors attended
the session, and the voting result of the session was as follows: 4 votes for, 0 votes against, and 0
III. Independent opinions on relevant matters by the Supervisory Committee
(I) About the Company’s operation according to laws: In 2013, members of the Supervisory
Committee sat in on all the board sessions. Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Zhuang Quan
sat in on deliberative sessions of the Company’s management, sessions of GM and other important
sessions. Considering the various rules, the Supervisory Committee was of the opinion that the
Company made decisions in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, as well as the
Company’s Articles of Association, with no behaviors harmful to shareholder interests; that the
internal management mechanism and the control system were further improved; and that the
directors and senior executives diligently, responsibly and compliantly performed their duties, with
no behaviors in violation of the laws, rules and Articles of Association or harmful to the interest of
the Company.
(II) About the Company’s financial status: During the reporting period, the Supervisory Committee
conscientiously performed its duty of supervisory the Company’s financial status, monitored the
operation and risks and issued its review opinion on all regular reports. The Supervisory Committee
was of the opinion that the financial report with the standard unqualified audit opinion issued by
RSM China Certified Public Accountants LLP upon audit was a factual and objective reflection of
the Company’s financial status and operating results for 2013.
(III) In the reporting period, the Company did not raise any funds.
(IV) In the reporting period, the related-party transactions and guarantees of the Company were as
1. During the reporting period, there was no non-operating situation of the occupation of the
Company’s funds of the controlling shareholders, actual controller and other related parties; there
was also no situation that the Company offered guarantee for the controlling shareholders and other
related parties, as well as any non-legal entities or individual.
2. During the reporting period, the Company paid RMB 411.0824 million to the related party
Shenzhen Jianan Group Co., Ltd. for contracting the Chuanqi Mountain East District Project.
3. During the reporting period, the Company’s wholly owned company Zhentong Company
undertook the construction of the engineering of the related party Shenzhen Jianan Group Co.,
Ltd.(total package contractor of the SPG Chuanqi Hill of the Company), which received the project
funds of RMB 28.92 million.
4. On 26 Jul. 2012, due to the construction engineering need, the Company secured an intra-Group
borrowing of RMB 70 million from its related party Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural

            2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Design and Research; during the reporting period, the Company paid RMB 1,220,916.68 as
interests for Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research, and paid in advance
of the above loans on 22 Mar. 2013.
5. During the reporting period, the Company provided the joint liability credit guarantee at the
maximum amount of RMB 0.13 billion for the Branch of Shantou Guoxin of Bank of
Communication of the wholly owned Shantou Wellam Company.
(V) During the reporting period, the Company’s related-party transactions were fair and compliant
with laws and regulations. And no harm was done to interests of some shareholders or the
(VI) Opinion about the Company’s self-appraisal on its internal control: In 2013, the Company
continued enhancing risk control and internal control standardization. The internal control system
covered all aspects and links of the Company’s operation. Key internal control activities were
conducted according to the Company’s rules on internal control, with no major defects. In the
reporting period, according to the internal control standardization requirements, the Company
adopted some necessary measures and revised various management mechanisms and business
processes. And the Company’s self-appraisal report on its internal control was in line with the actual
condition of the Company.

                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                         Section VI. Significant Events

I. Significant lawsuit or arbitration

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                     amount  Projected
                                                                                     Execution of      Date of       Disclosure
 Basic information (RMB Ten liability or Progress         Ruling and influence
                                                                                        ruling        disclosure       index
                   Thousand     not
                                                      ① Business Tourism
                                                      Company had to pay for
                                                      the compensation RMB
                                                      36,620 thousand and the
                                                      relevant interest (from 14
                                                      Sept. 1998 to the             The applicant
                                                      payment day) to Xi’an        has received
                                                      Fresh Peak Company            RMB 15.20
Xi’an Project
                                                      within one month after        million. Now
Lawsuit (For
                                                      the judgment entering         Business
details, see “Note
                                                      into force. If the Business   Tourism
                                                      Tourism Company failed        Company has                     2012
                                                      to pay in time, it had to     no executable                   Semi-annual
Contingent                                  In
                           2,100 No                   pay double debt interests     properties and 21 Aug. 2013     Report on
liabilities due to                          execution
                                                      to Xi’an Fresh Peak          Xi’an Joint                    www.cninfo.c
pending lawsuits
                                                      Company for the overdue       Commission on                   om.cn
or arbitrations, as
                                                      period; ② Xi’an Joint       Commerce has
well as the
                                                      Commission on                 been refusing to
financial influence
                                                      Commerce had jointly          execute the
                                                      and severally obligation      ruling. It is
                                                      of the interests of the       difficult to
                                                      compensation; .③             recover the rest.
                                                      Business Tourism
                                                      Company shall bear
                                                      RMB 227,500 of the
                                                      acceptance fee and the
                                                      security fee.
                                                      ① Luofu Hill Tourism
Luofu Hill project                                    Company has paid back
Lawsuit (For                                          RMB 9.6 million; ②           Because the
details, see “Note                                   Luofushan                     state-owned
VII”—“Contingent                                   Administration                land resource
Events”—“1.                                        Committee had to              administration
Contingent                                  In        undertake one third of the    cannot work out
                                980 No                                                               21 Aug. 2013   Report on
liabilities due to                          execution debts which Luofushan         the planning key
pending lawsuits                                      Tourism was unable to         points for the
or arbitrations, as                                   repay; ③ Luofu Hill          sealed land, the
well as the                                           Tourism Company shall         land cannot be
financial influence                                   bear RMB 167,700 of the       auctioned.
thereof”.)                                           case acceptance fee and
                                                      the security fee.

II. Media’s questions
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no media’s question during the reporting period.

               2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

II. Occupation of the Company’s capital by the controlling shareholder and its related parties
for non-operating purposes

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
 Name of                                                            Total repaid                                                Expected
                                                          occupied                                   Expected   Expected
shareholder Time of    Reason for           Opening                  amount in        Closing                                   time for
                                                          amount in                                   way of      repaid
 or related occupation occupation           amount)                  reporting        amount                                   repayment
                                                          reporting                                 repayment    amount
   party                                                              period                                                    (month)
                                                      0            0              0             0                          0 --
Total                                                 0            0              0             0      --                  0      --
Proportion of the latest period of the
closing total amount in the audited net                                                                                                0%
assets (%)
Relevant decision-making process          Inapplicable
The newly increased shareholders of
the current period and the explanation
of the reason, investigation of the
person in charge and the planed Inapplicable
adopting        measures        of     the
non-operating        funds     occupation
situation of its affiliated enterprise
The explanation of the reason,
investigation of the person in charge
and the planed adopting measures of Inapplicable
the non-operating funds occupation
which was unable to settled as planned
Disclosure index of the special audit
opinion of the funds occupation of the Inapplicable

IV. Bankruptcy and reorganization


V. Asset transactions

1. Asset acquisition

                                         Net profit
                                                                Net profit
                                           d to the
                                                                  d to the                            Relationsh
                                                                Company                               ip between
                                          from the
                                                                 from the      Ratio of                   the
                                                               year-begin       the net               transaction
                                        date to the
                                                                   to the        profit                party and
Transactio  Asset   Transactio          period-end                                        Related-pa
                                                               period-end    contribute                   the
n party or acquired    n price          (RMB Ten                                              rty                 Disclosure Disclosure
                               Progress                        (RMB Ten        d by the                Company
 ultimate or bought (RMB Ten             thousand)                                        transaction                date      index
                                                                thousand)    asset to the             (applicable
controller    in     thousand)          (applicable                                          or not
                                                               (applicable    Company                     for
                                                                     for     to the total             related-par
                                                                 business     profit (%)                   ty
                                                               combinatio                             transaction
                                            ns not
                                                                 ns under                                  s)
                                         under the
                                                                 the same

                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

2. Sale of assets

                                         Net                                                                Whether
                                                               Ratio of                     ship
                                        profit                                                     Whether or not
                                                                the net                  between
                                     contribu                                                        or not    the
                                                                 profit                      the
                                       ted by                                                          the  creditor’
                            Transact                           contribu                  transacti
                                     the asset     Gain/los                                        ownersh s right
                               ion                               ted to         Related- on party
                                     from the      s on sale                                       ip of the and
Transact                      price                                the   Pricing party and the                                  Disclos
         Asset      Date of          period-b       (RMB                                              asset liabilitie Disclos
  ion                        (RMB                              Compan principl transacti Compan                                   ure
         sold        sale              egin to        Ten                                           involve     s      ure date
 party                        Ten                              y by the     e    on or        y                                  index
                                      the date     thousan                                           d has involved
                            thousan                               asset           not    (applica
                                       of sale         d)                                             been    have
                                d)                              sale to                    ble for
                                       (RMB                                                           fully   been
                                                               the total                  related-
                                         Ten                                                       transferr fully
                                                                 profit                     party
                                      thousan                                                           ed  transferr
                                                                  (%)                    transacti
                                          d)                                                                   ed

3. Business combination


VI. Implementation and influence of equity incentive plan of the Company


VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions concerning routine operation

                                                 Pricing                                 Settlemen
                         Type of     Content
                                                principle            Transacti Proportio t method
                           the        s of the
 Related                                          of the                on     n in same of the
                        related-p     related-            Transactio                                          Market Date of Index of
transactio Relationship                         related-p             amount    kind of related-pa
                           arty        party               n price                                             price disclosure disclosure
  n party                                          arty               (RMB transactio        rty
                        transacti    transacti
                                               transactio             0,000)       ns    transactio
                            on           on
                                                    n                                         n
            Under the
                           Contract                         Contractu
Shenzhen    same control
                           ing by                           al amount
Jianan      of the                  Constru Open                                               Bank
                           the                              of RMB 41,108.24          93.17%              -
Group       Company’s              ction   bidding                                            transfer
                           related                          553,330,0
Co., Ltd.   controlling
                           party                            00
          Under the
                      party                                 Contractu
Shenzhen same control
                      offered                               al amount
Jianan    of the                Constru Negotiate                                              Bank
                      bid for                               of RMB            2,892   6.55%               -
Group     Company’s            ction   d price                                                transfer
                      the                                   40,519,40
Co., Ltd. controlling
                      wholly                                0
Shenzhen    Under the      Lending   Interest   Competit    Market                                                              Announce
General     same control   by the    on a       ive         interest                           Bank                   13 Jul.   ment on
Institute   of the                   borrowi                rate for         122.09   0.28%               -                     related-pa
                           related              negotiati                                      transfer               2012
of          Company’s     party     ng from    on          bank                                                                rty
Architect   controlling              the                    loans in                                                            transactio

               2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

ural     shareholder                related                the same                                                          n on
Design                              party                  period                                                            www.cnin
and                                                        (15%                                                              fo.com.cn
Research                                                   higher
                                                           than the
                                                           k interest
Total                                              --          --        44,122.33   --         --          --        --         --
Details about return of large-amount sales N/A
Necessity and consistency of the The related-party transactions above were helpful to the main business of the Company
related-party transaction, as well as the and they were within the normal business scope of the Company. They were carried out
reasons why the related party is chosen with the transaction prices determined according to market prices of transactions of the
over other parties in the market to deal same kind. They were fair and rational, with no harm done to the interests of the
with                                      Company.
Influence of the related-party transaction The related-party transactions above had no influence on the independency of the
on independency of the Company             Company.
The Company’s independence on the
                                            The Company would not have to rely on or be controlled by the related parties due to
related part and the relevant solutions (if
                                            these transactions.
Where the Company classifies and
estimates the total amount of routine
related-party transactions for the reporting Inapplicable
period, explain the actual implementation
during the reporting period (if any)
Explain why the transaction price is greatly
different from the market price

2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sale

                                               value of
                                                                     d value Market
                   Type of                        the                               Transfer
                                                                      of the   fair                    Gain
                  related-p                    transferr                              price
 Related                              Pricing                       transferr value          Settleme (RMB Disclosu Disclosu
         Relation    arty   Contents           ed asset                              (RMB
  party                              principle                      ed asset (RMB            nt mode Thousan re date re index
                  transacti                     (RMB                                Thousan
                                                                     (RMB Thousan                     d Yuan)
                      on                          Ten                               d Yuan)
                                                                    Thousan d Yuan)
                                                                    d Yuan)
                                               d Yuan)
Reason for great discrepancy between
transfer price and book value or            Inapplicable
estimated value (if any)
Information about influence on
corporation business performance and        N/A
financial situation

3. Significant related-party transactions concerning joint investment in external parties

                                                                                             Total assets   Net assets of Net profit of
                                                                   Main         Registered   of investee      investee      investee
                                 Pricing          Name of
Joint investor Relationship                                     business of     capital of     (RMB            (RMB          (RMB
                                principle         investee
                                                                 investee        investee     Thousand       Thousand      Thousand
                                                                                                Yuan)          Yuan)         Yuan)
Progress of any significant
construction in process of    N/A
the investee (if any)

                 2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

Was there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?
□ Yes √ No
                                                                          Non-operating    Opening   during the   Closing
                                            Type of         Reason for       capital    balance (RMB reporting balance (RMB
     Related party          Relation
                                         credit/liability credit/liability occupation     Thousand  period (RMB  Thousand
                                                                            (Yes/No)        Yuan)    Thousand      Yuan)
                                                        handled the
                                                        agent business
                        (has            Credit
Shenzhen Fresh Peak                                     for the
                        conducted the   receivable
property consultant                                     Company or No                    111.24         -2.76       108.48
                        employees’     from related
Co., Ltd                                                the Company
                        shareholding    party
                                                        investment or
                                                        loans for it in
                                                        previous years
                                                        The Company
                                        Credit          provided
Guangdong province
                                        receivable      investment or
Huizhou Luofu Hill     Joint venture                                   No              1,046.52                    1,046.52
                                        from related    loans for the
mineral water Co., Ltd
                                        party           subsidiary in
                                                        previous years
                                                        The Company
                                        Credit          provided
Shenzhen Runhua
                        Associated      receivable      investment or
Automobile Trading                                                     No                307.28                     307.28
                        enterprise      from related    loans for the
Co., Ltd
                                        party           subsidiary in
                                                        previous years
                                                        The Company
                                        Credit          provided
Canada Great Wall                       receivable      investment or
                        Subsidiary                                     No              8,903.57                    8,903.57
(Vancouver) Co., Ltd                    from related    loans for the
                                        party           subsidiary in
                                                        previous years
                                                        The Company
                                        Credit          provided
Bekaton Property                        receivable      investment or
                        Subsidiary                                     No              1,255.93                    1,255.93
Limited                                 from related    loans for the
                                        party           subsidiary in
                                                        previous years
Paklid Limited          Subsidiary                      accounts in    No              1,863.16         20.35      1,842.81
                                        from related
                                                        previous years
Shenzhen Shenfang                                       Current
Department Store Co. Subsidiary                         accounts in    No                 23.76                       23.76
                                        from related
Ltd.                                                    previous years
Shenzhen Real Estate                                    Current
Consolidated Service Subsidiary                         accounts in    No                108.65                     108.65
                                        from related
Co., Ltd.                                               previous years
Shenzhen City                           Credit          Current
Shenfang Construction Subsidiary        receivable      accounts in    No                832.72                     832.72
and Decoration                          from related    previous years

                 2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Materials Ltd.                          party
                        (has            Credit
Shenzhen Ronghua        conducted the   receivable
                                                        accounts in    No                       47.52                          47.52
JiDian Co., Ltd         employees’     from related
                                                        previous years
                        shareholding    party
Xi’an Fresh Peak                       receivable
                        Joint venture                   accounts in    No                      841.92                         841.92
Building Co. Ltd.                       from related
                                                        previous years
Shenzhen Tefa Real                      Liability       Current
Estate Consolidated     Subsidiary      payable to      accounts in    No                        59.8                            59.8
Service Co., Ltd.                       related party   previous years
Shenzhen Shen Fang                      Liability       Current
Industrial           Subsidiary         payable to      accounts in    No                      153.49                         153.49
Development Co., Ltd                    related party   previous years
                                        Liability       Current
Shenzhen ZhongGang
                       Subsidiary       payable to      accounts in    No                       13.59                          13.59
Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.
                                        related party   previous years
Shenzhen Dongfang                       Liability       Current
New world store Co.,    Subsidiary      payable to      accounts in    No                        90.3                            90.3
Ltd                                     related party   previous years
                                        Liability       Current
Shenzhen Xin
                        Subsidiary      payable to      accounts in    No                      139.47                         139.47
Dongfang Store Ltd.
                                        related party   previous years
Fengkai Lain Feng                       Liability       Current
Cement Manufacturing Subsidiary         payable to      accounts in    No                      186.73                         186.73
Co., Ltd.                               related party   previous years
                                        Liability       Current
Shenzhen CyberPort
                        Subsidiary      payable to      accounts in    No                      794.97             1.5         796.47
Co., Ltd
                                        related party   previous years
ShenZhen ShenFang                       Liability       Current
BaoAn development       Subsidiary      payable to      accounts in    No                    2,009.34                       2,009.34
Co., Ltd                                related party   previous years
                                                        The principal
                                        Liability       and interest of
Shenzhen Investment     Controlling
                                        payable to      loans from the No                    8,038.41             500       7,538.41
Holdings Co., Ltd.      shareholder
                                        related party   controlling
                        Related party
                        under the
Shenzhen General                                        The principal
                        same control Liability
Institute of                                            and interest of
                        of the        payable to                                             7,013.42        7,013.42               0
Architectural Design                                    loans from the
                        Company’s    related party
and Research                                            related party
Effects of the credits and liabilities There was no appropriation of funds of the Company by the controlling shareholder and its
with related parties on the Company’s controlled related parties, the Company’s credits and liabilities with the subsidiaries, joint
operating results and financial ventures and associated enterprises arose from investment and current accounts, which had
situation                              no negative influence on the normal operation of the Company.

5. Other significant related-party transactions


The website to disclose the interim announcements on significant related-party transactions
                                                    Disclosure date of the interim
      Name of the interim announcement                                                Website to disclose the interim announcement

                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

VIII. Particulars about significant contracts and their fulfillment
1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease
(1) Trusteeship
Explanation on the trusteeship
The trusteeship whose profits reaching more than 10% of the total profits of the Company in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Contract
Explanation on the contract
The contract whose profits reaching more than 10% of the total profits of the Company in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Lease
Explanation on the lease
The lease whose profits reaching more than 10% of the total profits of the Company in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Guarantees provided by the Company

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
                     Guarantees provided by the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)
                           date of                                                                                        Guarante
                          relevant                                       Actual                                            e for a
                                    Amount for occurrence date                           Type of     Period of   Executed
  Guaranteed party      announcem                                       guarantee                                          related
                                     guarantee     (date of                             guarantee    guarantee    or not
                         ent on the                                      amount                                           party or
                         guarantee                                                                                           not
   Total external guarantee line                                 Total actual occurred amount
  approved during the reporting                                0 of external guarantee during                                    0
           period (A1)                                            the reporting period (A2)
 Total external guarantee line that                                Total actual external guarantee
 has been approved at the end of                               0      balance at the end of the                                  0
    the reporting period (A3)                                          reporting period (A4)
                                      Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
                           date of                                                                                        Guarante
                          relevant                                       Actual                                            e for a
                                    Amount for occurrence date                           Type of     Period of   Executed
  Guaranteed party      announcem                                       guarantee                                          related
                                     guarantee     (date of                             guarantee    guarantee    or not
                         ent on the                                      amount                                           party or
                         guarantee                                                                                           not
Shenzhen          SPG
Longgang               31 Mar.                                                        Joint liability
                                          8,840 31 Mar. 2012                  8,840                   Three years No     No
Development       Co., 2012                                                           guarantee
Shantou SEZ,                                                                          Joint liability
Wellam FTY,                             13,000 17 Apr. 2013                  13,000                   Three years No     No

                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Development Co.,
 Total guarantee line approved for                                 Total actual occurred amount
    the subsidiaries during the                                         of guarantee for the
         reporting period                                        0                                                            13,000
                                                                      subsidiaries during the
                (B1)                                                   reporting period (B2)
Total guarantee line that has been
                                                                  Total actual guarantee balance
 approved for the subsidiaries at
                                                           21,840 for the subsidiaries at the end                             21,840
 the end of the reporting period
                                                                   of the reporting period (B4)
Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned two kinds of guarantees)
  Total guarantee line approved                                      Total actual occurred amount
   during the reporting period                                   0      of guarantee during the                               13,000
            (A1+B1)                                                   reporting period (A2+B2)
Total guarantee line that has been
   approved at the end of the                                        Total actual guarantee balance
        reporting period                                   21,840      at the end of the reporting                            21,840
                                                                            period (A4+B4)
Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4) to the net assets
of the Company
Of which:
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and
related parties (C)
Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed party
whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70% directly or                                                                   8,840
indirectly (D)
Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of net assets
Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                                             8,840
                                                        The Company offered mortgage loan guarantees for the
Explanation on possible bearing joint responsibility of
                                                        commercial residential building purchaser. Up to 31 Dec. 2013,
liquidation due to immature guarantee
                                                        the amount of the unsettled guarantee was of RMB 329,922,000.
Explanation on provision of guarantees for external parties in
violation of the prescribed procedure
Explanation on particulars about the guarantees by complex ways:

The Company offered mortgage loan guarantees for the commercial residential building purchaser. Up to 31 Dec. 2013, the amount

and the term of the unsettled guarantee were as follows:
                                                                                                      Unsettled amount (RMB
                   Item                                              Term
                                                                                                       Ten Thousand Yuan)
                                       From the issuing of the loans to the completion of the
       Shenzhen          Properties    transaction of the mortgage registration of contract of
       Chuanqi Hill Project            advance sales                                                               30,104.50
                                       Till the completion of the mortgage registration of
       Shenzhen          Properties    property ownership certificate and should summit to the
       Chuanqi Hill Project            bank for custody                                                             2,019.70
                                       From the issuing of the loans to the completion of the
       Longgang Shanglin Garden        transaction of the mortgage registration of contract of
       Project                         advance sales                                                                  868.00

                   Total                                                                                           32,992.20

The Company belongs to the real estate industry. As for property developer shall provide pledge loan guarantee for property

purchaser in accordance of relevant regulations of People’s Band of China, currently the Company provides periodic joint guarantee

for property purchaser. The guarantee term is from disbursement date to the date when the Certificate of Real Estate of the property

                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

purchaser is handled by the mortgage banker. If the home buyer mentioned above didn’t perform the debtor’s duties within the

guarantee period, then the Company has the right to take back the properties sold. Therefore, the said guarantee will not cause actual

loss to the Company.

 (1) Illegal external guarantee

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
                                Proportion                    guarantee               Proportion
                                   in the                     amount up                  in the                           Predicted
          Relationsh Illegal                                                                      Predicted   Predicted
Guarantee                       audited net Type of Guarantee to the end              audited net                         releasing
          ip with the guarantee                                                                   releasing   released
 d party                         assets of guarantee period     of the                 assets of                             date
           Company amount                                                                            way       amount
                                 the latest                    period of               the latest                          (month)
                                period (%)                      annual                period (%)
Total                                0            0%    --        --              0          0%      --          --          --

3. Other significant contract

                            Book     Appraisal
                         value of     value of
          Name of       the assets   the assets
Name of     the          involved     involved                                                               Execution    Name of
                                                 Name of Base date               price Related-p
company counter            in the       in the                                                               situation    company
                                                appraisal      for    Pricing   (RMB       arty    Relations
entering company          contract     contract                                                              up to the    entering
                                                agency (if appraisal principle    Ten   transactio   hip
 into the entering         (RMB         (RMB                                                                 period-en     into the
                                                  any)      (if any)           Thousand n or not
 contract into the           Ten         Ten                                                                     d         contract
          contract      Thousand     Thousand
                        Yuan) (if    Yuan) (if
                            any)         any)

4. Other significant transactions

IX. Performance of commitments

1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares in the
reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting period

                                                   Commitment                   Time of making       Period of
               Commitment                                          Contents                                           Fulfillment
                                                     maker                       commitment         commitment
Commitment on share reform
Commitment in the acquisition report or
Commitments      made     upon    the    assets
Commitments      made      upon      IPO    or
Other commitments made to minority
Executed timely or not?            Yes

               2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

2. The Company’s assets or projects exist profitable prediction and the reporting period is in such
prediction period, it states the profits from the assets or projects reaching original prediction and relevant

                                                                    Current actual
 Name of the                                           predicted
                                                                      business        Reason of                       Disclosure
asset or project                                       business                                    Disclosure date
                 Initial time of Ending time of                     performance failing to reach                     index of the
    existing                                         performance                                   of the original
                 the prediction the prediction                       (RMB Ten      the prediction                      original
   profitable                                         (RMB Ten                                       prediction
                                                                     Thousand      (if applicable)                    prediction
  prediction                                          Thousand

X. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm
CPAs firm engaged at present
Name of domestic CPAs firm                             Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (LLP)
Remuneration of domestic CPAs firm (RMB Ten
Thousand Yuan)
Consecutive years of the audit services provided by
domestic CPAs firm
Name of the certified public accountants from the
                                                       Tian Jingliang, Li Hua
domestic CPAs firm
Name of overseas CPAs firm (if any)                    N/A
Remuneration of overseas CPAs firm (RMB Ten
Thousand Yuan) (if any)
Consecutive years of the audit services provided by
overseas CPAs firm (if any)
Name of the certified public accountants from the
overseas CPAs firm (if any)
Reengage the CPAs firm at current period or not?
√ Yes □ No
Reengage the CPAs firm in the audit period or not?
□ Yes √ No
Execute the approval procedures for changing the CPAs firm or not?
√ Yes □ No
Detailed explanation on the reengagement and change of CPAs firm:
The Company originally engaged RSM China Certified Public Accountants (LLP) (hereinafter referred to as
“RSM China”) as the 2013 audit institution for the Company’s annual financial statements and internal control,
and recently due to the combination of RSM China and Crowe Horwath International (LLP) (hereinafter referred
to as Crowe Horwath) which formed into the ethical brand certified accountants Ruihua Certified Public
Accountants (LLP) (hereinafter referred to as Ruihua), the staffs and business which originally belongs to the
RSM China will transfer to the nominal of Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (LLP) that offer service for the
Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (LLP) has securities practice qualification and experience as well as ability
to offer audit service for the listed companies. It could satisfy the requirements of the 2013 annual financial
statement and the internal control of the Company, and also could execute the audit of the financial statement and
internal control independently. For guarantee the continuity and audit quality of the annual audit business, the
Company agreed to changed the 2013 annual financial audit and internal control audit institution to Ruihua
Certified Public Accountants (LLP), with the audit expenses and the regulations of the service agreement

                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

The event was reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on 22 Oct. 2013 and the extraordinary general
meeting on 17 Nov. 2013 and disclosed on the appointed information disclosure media.
Particulars on engaging the audit firm for the internal control, financial adviser or sponsor
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

In the reporting period, the Company engaged Ruihua Certified Public Accountants(LLP) to offer the internal
control audit service with the service expenses of RMB 0.25 million.

XI. Explanation of the Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors (if applicable) on
the “Non-standard Auditor’s Report” issued by the CPAs firm during the reporting period


XII. Punishment and rectification

                                                                Type of
                                                                                Conclusion (if
      Name                 Type              Reason        investigation and                     Disclosure date   Disclosure index

Explanation on rectification:
Particulars about the directors, supervisors, senior management staffs and shareholders holding over 5% shares of
the Company involving in illegal trading the Company’s stocks and the Company has disclose to recover the
illegal income
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XIII. Particulars about trading suspension and termination faced after the disclosure of
annual report

XIV. Explanation on other significant events

XV. Significant events of the subsidiaries of the Company


XVI. Particulars about issuing corporate bonds by the Company


                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

     Section VII. Change in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Particulars about the changes in share capital

                                Before the change                Increase/decrease (+, -)                           After the change
                                                 Issuance                  ion of
                                      Proportion            Bonus                                                               Proportio
                               Amount            of new                    public      Others       Subtotal       Amount
                                         (%)                shares                                                                n (%)
                                                  shares                  reserve
I. Shares subject to trading
                                       0       0%       0            0            0             0              0          0           0%
1. Shares held by the State            0       0%       0            0            0             0              0          0           0%
2.     Share   held     by
                                       0       0%       0            0            0             0              0          0           0%
state-owned corporation
3. Shares held by other
                                       0       0%       0            0            0             0              0          0           0%
domestic corporation
Among which: shares held
                                       0       0%                    0            0             0              0          0           0%
by domestic corporation
Shares held by domestic
                                       0       0%       0            0            0             0              0          0           0%
natural persons
4. Shares held by foreign
                                       0       0%       0            0            0             0              0                      0%
Among which: Shares held
                                       0       0%       0            0            0             0              0          0           0%
by foreign corporation
Shares held by foreign
                                       0       0%       0            0            0             0              0          0           0%
natural persons
5. Share held by senior 1,011,660,                                                                                 1,011,660
                                             100%       0            0            0             0              0                   100%
management staff               000                                                                                      ,000
II. Shares not subject to 891,660,0                                                                                891,660,0
                                            88.14%      0            0            0             0              0                  88.14%
trading moratorium               00                                                                                       00
1. Renminbi        ordinary 120,000,0                                                                              120,000,0
                                            11.86%      0            0            0             0              0                  11.86%
shares                             00                                                                                     00
2. Domestically       listed
                                       0       0%       0            0            0             0              0          0           0%
foreign shares
4. Other                               0       0%       0            0            0             0              0          0           0%
                               1,011,660,                                                                          1,011,660
III. Total amount of shares                  100%       0            0            0             0              0                   100%
                                      000                                                                               ,000

Reason for the changes in share capital
Approval for changes in share capital
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Transfer for changes in share capital
Effects of changes in share capital on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the last year and last period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other contents that the Company considers necessary or required by the securities regulatory authorities to

                 2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.


II. Issuance and listing of securities

1. Securities issued in the previous three years

Name of security
                                           Issuing price (or      Number of                              Number approved   Ending date of
and its derivative      Issuing date                                                  Listing date
                                             interest rate)        issuance                                 for listing        trade
Not issued
Convertible company bonds, bonds with attached warrant, company bonds
Not issued
Not issued
Explanation on securities issuance over the past three years
The Company had not issued any stocks or derivative securities over the last three years up to the period-end

2. Explanation on changes in share capital & the structure of shareholders, the structure of assets and

On 26 Mar. 2009, all shares of the Company were released from trading moratorium and listed for trade; and the
total amount of share capital and the structure of shareholders remained unchanged during the reporting period.

3. Existent internal staffs’ shares

 Issuing date of internal staffs’                                                               Issuing amount of internal staffs’ shares
                                          Issuing price of internal staffs’ shares (Yuan)
             shares                                                                                             (share)
Explanation on the existent          The Company’s internal staffs’ shares has been approved to list for trade since 26 Aug. 1994, so
internal staffs’ shares             now the Company has no internal staffs’ shares.

III. Shareholders and actual controller

1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholding
                                                                                                                                Unit: share
                                                                 Total number of shareholders on the fifth trading
Total number of shareholders at the
                                                          78,539 day before the disclosure date of the annual                        77,585
reporting period
                         Particulars about shares held by shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5%
                                                       Total                                        Pledged or frozen shares
                                                               Increase/d Number
                                          Shareholdi shares                          Number of
                                                                 ecrease      of
    Name of              Nature of            ng      held at                         tradable
                                                               during the non-trada
   shareholder          shareholder       percentage    the                            shares  Status of shares Number of shares
                                                                reporting ble shares
                                             (%)     period-en                          held
                                                                  period     held
SHENZHEN             State-owned              63.55% 642,884,2 0                        0            0
YANG                 Domestic natural          0.18% 1,823,600 1,823,600                0            0
SHUILIAN             person
GUOTAI               Foreign                   0.15% 1,539,650 -45,900                  0            0

               2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

ZHONG             Domestic natural        0.14% 1,400,000 1,400,000             0           0
PENG              Domestic natural        0.12% 1,173,517 1,173,517             0           0
WU HAOYUAN Foreign natural                0.11% 1,109,300 17,200                0           0
WANG              Domestic natural        0.11% 1,095,808 0                     0           0
LIN LIPING        Domestic natural         0.1% 1,026,710 1,026,710             0           0
XUE               Domestic natural        0.09%    896,556 1,600                0           0
TAN LIANXIA       Domestic natural        0.08%    826,856 0                    0           0
Strategic investor or general
corporation becoming a top ten
shareholder due to placing of new
shares (if any) (See note 3)
Explanation       on      associated
relationship or/and persons acting in
concert among the above-mentioned
             Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium
                                                                                                           Type of shares
         Name of shareholder         Number of tradable shares held at the year-end (Note 4)
                                                                                                      Type             Number
SHENZHEN INVESTMENT                                                                          Renminbi
                                                                                 642,884,262                              642,884,262
HOLDINGS CO., LTD                                                                            ordinary shares
YANG SHUILIAN                                                                       1,823,600                               1,823,600
                                                                                                ordinary shares
GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                  Domestically
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                                1,539,650 listed foreign                1,539,650
LIMITED                                                                                       shares
ZHONG LAIQUN                                                                        1,400,000                               1,400,000
                                                                                                ordinary shares
PENG QIONGHUI                                                                       1,173,517                               1,173,517
                                                                                                ordinary shares
WU HAOYUAN                                                                          1,109,300 listed foreign                1,109,300
WANG ZHONGMING                                                                      1,095,808 listed foreign                1,095,808
LIN LIPING                                                                          1,026,710                               1,026,710
                                                                                                ordinary shares
XUE HAOYUAN                                                                          896,556                                 896,556
                                                                                                ordinary shares
TAN LIANXIA                                                                          826,856 listed foreign                  826,856
Explanation       on       associated
relationship or/and persons acting in
                                      The Company found no relationship between the shareholders above, and also did not find
concert among the top ten tradable
                                      them belong to the shareholders Listed Company change in shareholding ownership
shareholders and between the top ten
                                      Information Management Approach specified in the act in concert.
tradable shareholders and the top ten
Explanation       on     shareholders
participating in the margin trading Naught
business (if any) (See note 4)
Whether the shareholders of the Company in the trade agreement to buy back during the reporting period
□ Yes    √ No

                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

2. Particulars about the controlling shareholder

                                               Date of
Name       of     controlling representative
                                             establishm      Organization code         Registered capital        Business scope
shareholder                     / company
                                                                                                             State-owned equity
                                                                                                             investment and
                                                                                                             management, the
                                                                                                             government allocation
Shenzhen          Investment Fan              Oct. 13,
                                                          76756642-1                RMB 10.9 billion         of land development
Holdings Co., Ltd.           Mingchun         2004
                                                                                                             and management and
                                                                                                             strategic emerging
                                                                                                             industry investment and
                             As of 31 Dec. 2013, the Company’s total assets was RMB 198.591 billion, net assets was RMB
                             83.232 billion. In 2013 from Jan. to Dec. the Company had realized the operating income RMB
Operating results, financial
                             28.627 billion, and the total profit was 8.559 billion (The above data were not audited). In the future,
situation, cash flow and
                             the Company will centre on the overall goal of transformation development and innovative
future development strategy,
                             development to intensify deepening comprehensive reform; perfect corporate governance structure,
                             Innovate management system and mechanism, further strengthen the construction of staff team and
                             corporate culture, and enhance the control and influence of state-owned capital.
                               SWY(000011): with a total of 380,366,000 shares held and shareholding proportion of 63.81%;
Shares     held     by     the SFZ(000045): with a total of 23,406,900 shares held and shareholding proportion of 46.21%;深
controlling shareholder in SSB(000019): with a total of 40,143,600 shares held and shareholding proportion of 16%;
other listed companies by STD(000023): with a total of 18,134,900 shares held and shareholding proportion of 13.07%;中
holding or shareholding
                               ZGPA (601318):with a total of 481,359,600 shares held and shareholding proportion of 6.08%;
during the reporting period
                               SZGJ (00152, listed on the main board of HongKong Stock Exchange): with a total of 7,955,216,800
                               shares held and shareholding proportion of 48.59%.

Change of the controlling shareholder during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Particulars about the actual controller

                                               Date of
Name of the actual controller                establishm      Organization code         Registered capital        Business scope
                                / company
                                                                                                             Perform the
                                                                                                             responsibilities of
Shenzhen        State-owned                                                                                  investor on behalf of
                                         1 Aug.
Assets   Supervision    and Zhang Xiaoli                  K3172806-7                                         the state, and supervise
Administration Commission                                                                                    and manage the
                                                                                                             authorized state-owned
                                                                                                             assets legally.
                               Shenzhen Municipal State-owned Assets Commission was established on 31 Jul. 2004, and changed
Operating results, financial   its name as “Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government State-owned Assets Supervision and
situation, cash flow and       Administration Bureau” in 2009, and changed its name as “Shenzhen Municipal People’s
future development strategy,   Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission”. As the special
etc.                           organization directly under Shenzhen Municipal Government, it performs the responsibilities of
                               investor on behalf of the state, and supervises and manages the authorized state-owned assets legally.

                 2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Shares held by the actual
controlling shareholder in    In addition to the Company controlling shareholder - Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. Other
other listed companies by     domestic and overseas listed companies whose equity held by the actual controllers did not rank
holding or shareholding       among the top ten shareholders of the Company before.
during the reporting period

Change of the actual controller during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The property right and controlling relationship between the Company and the actual controller are
as follows:

                                   Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision
                                       and Administration Commission

                                    Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                                  The Company
The actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Particulars about other corporate shareholders’ share holding over 10% of shares

                                               Date of
Name        of      corporate representative                                                              Business scope or
                                             establishm    Organization code       Registered capital
shareholder                     / company                                                                management activities

IV. Particulars on shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period proposed or
implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons

                                                                                                              Disclosure date
     Name of
                   Amount of shares Shares proportion                 Shares proportion Initial disclosure    for           the
  shareholder /                                                                             date of the
                    to be increased  to be increased Amount of shares increased actually                      completion     of
  act-in-concert                                      actually held                        shareholding       implementing the
                        holding          (%)                             (%)
      person                                                                             increase scheme      shareholding
                                                                                                              increase scheme

Explanation on other situations:

               2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

  Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staffs and


I. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

                                                                                              Amount of Amount of
                                                                                                shares    shares Amount of
                                                                                              increased decreased shares held
                             Tenure                                      Ending   held at the
  Name      Office title                 Sex   Age         Start date                           at the    at the     at the
                             status                                       date    year-begin
                                                                                              reporting reporting period-end
                                                                                                period   period     (share)
                                                                                               (share)   (share)
Zhou                                                      17 Apr.       16 Apr.
            of     the Current        Male           59                                   0          0          0          0
Jianguo                                                   2012          2015
Chen     Manager                                          17 Apr.       16 Apr.
                           Current    Male           50                                   0          0          0          0
Maozheng and                                              2012          2015
Zhuang                                                    17 Apr.       16 Apr.
            Supervisor Current        Male           59                                   0          0          0          0
Quan                                                      2012          2015
                                                          17 Apr.       16 Apr.
Kangchen Director          Current    Male           48                                   0          0          0          0
                                                          2012          2015
                                                          17 Apr.       16 Apr.
Wen Li      Director       Current    Female         45                                   0          0          0          0
                                                          2012          2015
Jiang                                                     17 Apr.       16 Apr.
            Director       Current    Female         50                                   0          0          0          0
Lihua                                                     2012          2015
            CFO and                                       17 Apr.       16 Apr.
Zhang Lei                  Current    Male           46                                   0          0          0          0
            Director                                      2012          2015
Zhou        Independe                                     17 Apr.       25 Feb.
                        Current       Male           45                                   0          0          0          0
Hanjun      nt Director                                   2012          2014
Liu         Independe                                     17 Apr.       16 Apr.
                        Current       Male           50                                   0          0          0          0
Quanmin     nt Director                                   2012          2015
Song        Independe                                     17 Apr.       16 Apr.
                        Current       Male           46                                   0          0          0          0
Botong      nt Director                                   2012          2015
Wang                                                      17 Apr.       16 Apr.
            Supervisor Current        Female         52                                   0          0          0          0
Xiuyan                                                    2012          2015
                                                          17 Apr.       16 Apr.
Li Yufei    Supervisor Current        Female         36                                   0          0          0          0
                                                          2012          2015
Xiong                                                     17 Apr.       16 Apr.
         Supervisor Current           Male           58                                   0          0          0          0
Xingnong                                                  2012          2015
Shi                                                       17 Apr.       16 Apr.
         Supervisor Current           Male           59                                   0          0          0          0
Chunrong                                                  2012          2015
Teng                                                      17 May        16 May
            General        Current    Male           57                                   0          0          0          0
Xianyou                                                   2012          2015
Wei                                                       28 Sept.      16 May
            General        Current    Female         48                                   0          0          0          0
Hanping                                                   2012          2015
Tang        Vice           Current    Male           44 22 Oct.         16 May            0          0          0          0

              2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Xiaoping   president                                   2013        2015
                                                       17 May      16 May
Chen Ji    of the      Current    Male            43                            0         0          0         0
                                                       2012        2015
Yang       Deputy      Left the                        17 May      20 Aug.
                                  Male            42                            0         0          0         0
Jiayong    GM          post                            2012        2013
  Total        --          --        --      --            --          --       0         0          0         0

II. Post-holding situation

Main working experience of current directors, supervisors and senior management staffs over the past five years:
1. Zhou Jianguo: he was once the Vice GM of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.. And he has been the
Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of the Company since Feb. 2009.
2. Chen Maozheng: he once was the Vice GM, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee, Director GM of Shenzhen
City Construction Development (Group) Co.. And he has been the Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and
Director as well as GM of the Company since Oct. 2009.
3. Zhuang Quan: he once was Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Shenzhen Shenfubao Group Co., Ltd..
He has been the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company since Apr. 2012.
4. Deng Kangcheng: he was once deputy director, director of the Office of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,
Ltd., and supervisor of the Company. And he has been director, Vice Secretary of CPC and Secretary in Discipline
Inspection Committee of the Company since Feb. 2009.
5. Zhang Lei: he was once the CFO and Secretary to the Board of SDIC ZHONGLU FRUIT Co., Ltd. And he has
been the Director and CFO of the Company since Oct. 2010.
6. Zhou Hanjun: he once worked as auditor in Shenzhen East Sea Certified Public Accountants, partner of
Shenzhen Guangxin Certified Public Accountants, and now he is the partner accountant of Asia (Group)
Accounting Firm. And he has been the independent director of the Company since Feb. 2008.
7. Liu Quanmin: he ever worked as the full-time lawyer of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm, and the partner and
licensed lawyer of Guangdong Shenyatai Law Firm. Now he is the director of the center for real estate investment
and financing in Shenzhen Yingke law firm, He has been the independent director of the Company since Oct.
8. Song Botong: he ever took posts of Deputy Chief of Civil Engineering Department in College of Architecture
and Civil Engineering and Chairman of Labor Union of Shenzhen University. Now he acts as Standing Deputy
Director of Research Center for Real Estate of Shenzhen University. He has been the Independent Director of the
Company since Oct. 2010.
9. Wen Li: she once worked as the Vice Chief of the Investment and Development Department, Vice Director of
Management Center for Construction Project of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. And she has been the
Director of the Company since Sept. 2006.
10. Jiang Lihua: she once was the Vice Manager, Manager and Vice Chief of the Finance Department of Shenzhen
Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.. And she has been acting as Director of the Company since Feb. 2009.
11. Wang Xiuyan: she once was the Audit Project Manager of the Audit Department of Shenzhen Investment
Holdings Co., Ltd. and vice minister of ministry of audit and risk management and she has been acting as

               2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Supervisor of the Company since Feb. 2009.
12. Xiong Xingnong: he once was the Secretary of the Supervisory Committee and Deputy Manager of Audit
Supervisory Department of the Company. And he has been taking the post of Supervisor of the Company since
Jun. 2004.
13. Shi Chunrong: he ever worked as the Director to Office for Discipline Supervision & Investigation, Manager
of Property Operation Department, Director of work departments of the Party Committee and Discipline
Inspection Commission in SPG. Now he acts as Vice Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Member
of CPC Committee, Director of Party-Masses Work Department and Vice Chairman of Labor Union in the
Company. He has been the Supervisor of the Company since Feb. 2009.
14. Li Yufei: she ever worked as the Assistant Manager of the Investment Department and Assistant Manager &
Vice Manager of Assets Management Centre as well as Senior Management Staff of Enterprise Dept. I in
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.. And she has been the Supervisor of the Company since Apr. 2012.
15. Teng Xianyou: he once was the Assistant GM and Vice GM of Shenzhen Tonge Group Co., Ltd., and
concurrently as GM of Shenzhen Municipal Engineering Corp. And he has been Vice GM of the Company since
Dec. 2009.
16. Wei Hanping: he ever worked as the Manager of the Leasing Operation Department in Shenzhen City
Construction Development (Group) Co. and the Manager of Cost Control Department of the Company. And he
has been the Vice GM of the Company since Sept. 2012.
17. Tang Xiaoping: he ever act as CFO of Shenzhen HRD Assets Management Company, minister of Financial
Operations Management Department of Shenzhen Foreign Labor Service Co., Ltd. Legal representative, the
executive director of the Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Service Center, and financing plan department manager of the
Company. Since 22 Dec. 2013 he act as deputy GM of the Company.
18. Chen Ji: he once was the Director of the CPC Office of Shenzhen City Construction Investment Development
Company. And he has been the Secretary to the Board and Director of the Secretariat of Board of the Company
since Dec. 2002.

Post-holding in shareholders’ units
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
   Name of the
                                                                                                               Receives payment
person holding any Name of the shareholder’s Position in the shareholder’s Beginning date   Ending date of
                                                                                                                    from the
    post in any              unit                          unit              of office term    office term
                                                                                                               shareholder’s unit?
shareholder’s unit
                   Shenzhen       Investment Minister of the 1 department
Wen Li                                                                    1 Apr. 2013                          Yes
                   Holdings Co., Ltd.         of the enterprise
                   Shenzhen       Investment
Jiang Lihua                                  Deputy Minister of finance     1 Dec. 2007                        Yes
                   Holdings Co., Ltd.
                   Shenzhen       Investment Vice minister of ministry of
Wang Xiuyan                                                                 1 May 2013                         Yes
                   Holdings Co., Ltd.        audit and risk management
                   Shenzhen       Investment Senior director of the 1
Li Yufei                                                                    1 Jan. 2010                        Yes
                   Holdings Co., Ltd.        department of the enterprise
Notes to
post-holding in      Naught
shareholders’ units

Post-holding in other units

                 2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

√Applicable □Inapplicable
Name of the
person holding                                               Position in   Beginning date   Ending date of    Receives payment
                               Name of other unit
any post in                                                  other unit    of office term    office term       from other unit?
other units
Zhou Hanjun      Asia (Group) Accounting Firm                              1 Mar. 2012                       Yes
                 Real Estate Investment & Financing
Liu Quanmin                                                 Chief          1 Jun. 2013                       Yes
                 Center of Shenzhen Yingke Law Firm
                 Infrastructure Department of Shenzhen
Song Botong                                                 Chief          1 Mar. 2013                       Yes

III. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

Decision-making procedure, determining basis and actual payment for the remuneration of directors, supervisors
and senior management staffs
  Decision-making procedure for
  the remuneration of directors, It was executed according to the procedures stipulated in the Interim Measures for the
      supervisors and senior        Administration of Human Resources of the Company.
        management staffs
                                    Their remuneration was decided in accordance with the Interim Provisions of the Annual Salary
                                    System for Managers of the State-owned Enterprises in Shenzhen and spirit of relevant documents
Determining     basis for       the as well as the Interim Measures for the Administration of Human Resources of the Company.
remuneration      of     directors, The Directors Jiang Lihua and Wen Li, and the Supervisor Wang Xiuyan and Li Yufei took posts in
supervisors       and        senior the shareholders’ units without drawing remuneration from the Company.
management staffs                   With review and approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2010 convened on 29 Jun. 2011,
                                    allowance for each independent director was adjusted to RMB 5,000 (tax included) per month since
                                    Jun. 2011. Besides, they received no other rewards from the Company.
Actual     payment      for     the The Company paid their remuneration monthly according to relevant systems for remuneration
remuneration      of     directors, management of the Company.
supervisors       and        senior
management staffs
Remuneration of the directors, supervisors and senior management staffs of the Company during the reporting
                                                                                                       Unit:Ten thousand Yuan
                                                                                       Total          Total
                                                                                   remuneration remuneration         Actual
     Name           Position                Sex       Age           Tenure status gained from the gained from remuneration at
                                                                                     Company      shareholder’s the period-end
                                                                                      (Yuan)       unit Yuan)
                 Chairman       of
Zhou Jianguo                         Male                     59 Current                      72                              72
                 the Board
                 Manager       and Male                       50 Current                    69.6                            69.6
Zhuang Quan      Supervisor          Male                     59 Current                    42.5                            42.5
                 Director            Male                     48 Current                      54                              54
Wen Li           Director            Female                   44 Current                       0                                  0
Jiang Lihua      Director            Female                   50 Current                       0                                  0
                 CFO and
Zhang Lei                            Male                     46 Current                      43                              43
Zhou Hanjun                          Male                     44 Current                       6                                  6
Liu Quanmin      Independent         Male                     50 Current                       6                                  6

                2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Song Botong                      Male                      46 Current                         6                                 6
Wang Xiuyan     Supervisor       Female                    52 Current                         0                                 0
Li Yufei        Supervisor       Female                    36 Current                         0                                 0
                Supervisor       Male                      56 Current                     28.99                              28.99
Shi Chunrong    Supervisor       Male                      58 Current                      38.5                               38.5
                Vice General
Teng Xianyou                     Male                      57 Current                        54                                54
                Vice General
Wei Hanping                      Female                    48 Current                     51.78                              51.78
                Vice General
Tang Xiaoping                    Male                      44 Current                     39.82                              39.82
                Secretary to the
Chen Ji                          Male                      43 Current                      38.5                               38.5
                Vice General
Yang Jiayong                     Male                      42 Former                      40.48                              40.48
     Total            --                --           --             --                  591.17                0             591.17

Particulars about the equity incentives granted for the directors, supervisors and senior management of the
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Changes in engagement and dismissal of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
Staffs within the reporting period

     Name             Position               Type         Date                                    Reason
                  Vice General
Yang Jiayong                        Former          20 Aug. 2013       Quitted due to job change
                  Vice General                                         Internal competition and appointed by the board of
Tang Xiaoping                       Elected         22 Oct. 2013
                  Manager                                              directors

V. Particulars about changes in core technical team or key technicians during the reporting
period (not directors, supervisors or senior management staffs)

During the reporting period, there were nine staffs gaining promotion of positions, six staffs reengaged, six staffs
adjusted the positions within the same level, and one staff dismissed for the Company through the internal
assessment competitive selection. And it introduced a total of ten professional technicians in architectural design,
accounting, civil engineering, law and etc., of which nine persons with the education level above the bachelor
degree and six persons with the professional title above the intermediate.
VI. Particulars about employers of the Company
Up to the end of 2013, the Company in total had 1,736 employees, of which 1,107 production personnel, 421
technicians, 65 sales personnel, 55 financial personnel and 64 administrative personnel. Among them, 170
employers are undergraduates or above, 233 personnel are holders of associate degree, 190 graduated from
technical secondary school, 1,143 from senior high school or below. The Company had 417 retirees.

            2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                          Section IX. Corporate Governance
I. Basic situation of corporate governance
In the reporting period, the Company strictly accorded with requirements of Company Law,
Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies and other laws and statutes,
continuously perfected its corporate governance, and standardized its operation. The actual situation
of corporate governance was in line with the requirements of the relevant normative documents.
The operating mechanism, of which the Board of Directors made decisions, the management team
took execution, and the Supervisory Committee implemented supervision.
(I) Preparations and holding of shareholders’ general meeting and disclosure of resolution of the
meetings were normatively in line with Articles of Association and Rules for Procedure of the
Shareholders’ General Meeting; all shareholders were on an equal position and could fully exercise
their legal rights.
(II) Directors and the Board of Directors: power of decision-making was exercised normatively;
preparations, holding and disclosure of resolution of the Board sessions were normatively in line
with the Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors; Special
committees concerning strategy, audit, nomination, remuneration and appraisal under the Board can
operate positively and effectively; all directors performed their obligations in an honest and
diligence manner.
(III) Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee: structure of the Supervisory Committee was
reasonable. The Supervisory Committee conducted the supervision and inspection for the
significant events of the Company strictly in accordance with the Rules for Procedure of the
Supervisory Committee, and exercised its supervision right effectively and brought its supervision
function into fully play.
(IV) Manager level: the manager level of the Company was fully responsible for the production and
management of the Company, other Senior Executives performed their obligations in an honest and
diligence manner. The manager level of the Company implemented the resolution of the Board with
efficient supervision and restriction. The Company’s deputy general manager Mr. Yang Jiayong due
to job changes offered resign to the Company, which was review and approved by the 16th meeting
of 7th session of the board of director on 20 Aug. 2013. According to the Company's internal public
competition and the general manager nominated, the Company held the 17th meeting of 7th session
of the board of director on 22 Oct. 2013 and the meeting review and appointed Tang Xiaoping as
the deputy GM of the Company.
Whether there existed differences between corporate governance and relevant requirements of
□ Yes √ No
There existed no difference between corporate governance and relevant requirements of CSRC.
Progress of special activities of corporate governance, formulation and implementation of
registration and management system of insiders
(I) Progress of special activities of corporate governance
1. In order to implement “Basic Standards for Internal Control” and relevant assorted guidelines, the
Company officially started relevant work of enterprise internal control in April 2011 in accordance
with the Notification on Doing a Good Job Related to Internal Control Regulation Pilot in Listed

            2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

Companies of Shenzhen(SZJGSZ No.[2011]31) from Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau. In
the reporting period, on the basis of the original internal control unit, the Company will
incorporated the wholly owned Shenzhen engineering Tong engineering Co., Ltd. in the scope of
implementation, including the total assets, net profit and proportion of the operating income in the
Company’s total amount of consolidated statement over the internal control standard and
implementation guidelines. The construction of internal control, in conformity with relevant
notifications of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, was fluently carried out. The Company has
already employed Rui Hua Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) to conduct
independent audit of internal. In the reporting period, the Company established internal control for
business and events within appraisal scope, effectively implemented internal control and achieved
the goals of internal control without any significant defect. From base date of assessment report on
internal control to its issue date, there existed no significant change in internal control which
exerted substantial effects on assessment results.
2. In the reporting period, the Company took part in Shenzhen Listed Company Insider Trading
prevention and Control Work Conference organized by the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau,
learnt the rule of law and related cases of insider trading, made clear the specific requirements of
the insider trading prevention and control work; after the meeting, the Company conveyed the
information to the directors ,supervisors, the senior executives and staffs in key position through
e-mail, and made a project report in the 13th meeting of the 7th session of the board of the directors
on 23 Apr. 2013. The Company took part in the Shenzhen Listed Company Financial Accounting
Basic Training on 31 May 2013, organized by the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, made
clear about the financial director in the Company's financial accounting basic work and ensured
quality of accounting information true, complete and accurate. On 13 Sep. 2013 in the Shenzhen
Listed Companies Investor Relations Interactive Platform and Online Collective Open Day activity
held by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Company actively responded, meticulous
preparation, updated the basis data of investors interactive platform, seriously answered the
questions the investors asked in the activity, and the online group Open Day activity had achieved
good results. The Company’s chief of supervisor, chief of supervisor of actual controlling
shareholders and a deputy GM employed in the reporting period had participated in Director and
Supervisors Training held by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, all of the three had passed the
exam of the training.
II. The formulation and implementation of registration and management system of insiders
In order to further standardized management of inside information, behavior of selling and buying
shares of the Company by insiders. According to “Company Laws”, “Securities Laws”,
“Registration and Management Regulation of Insiders of Listed Companies” from CSRC and
“Rules of Listing Shares in Shenzhen Stock Exchange”, “Management Rules for Insiders” was
reviewed and passed by the board of directors of the Company on 28 Oct. 2009. In the reporting
period, the Company, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and Articles of Association,
conducted disclosure of information authentically, accurately, completely, timely and fairly. In the
reporting period, the relevant works are strictly in accordance with the system and the Shenzhen
Securities Regulatory Bureau and the relevant requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange to

              2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

II. Particulars about annual shareholders’ general meetings and temporary shareholders’
general meetings in the reporting period
1. Particulars about annual shareholders’ general meetings in the reporting period
                   Date     of
                               Name of proposal passing on            Date      of
Meeting            holding the                             Resolution              Index for disclosure
                               the meeting                            disclosure
                                2012 Annual Work Report of
                                the Board of Directors, 2012
                                Annual Work Report of the
                                Supervisory Committee,
                                                                                      Announcement on
                                2012 Annual Plan on Profit
2012 annual                                                                           resolution of 2012 annual
                                Distribution, 2012 Annual
shareholders’     23 Apr. 2013                              approval    24 Apr. 2013 shareholders’ general
                                Report, Work Report of
general meeting                                                                       meeting (Cninfo website)
                                Independent Directors, 2013
                                Annual Plan of Financial
                                Budget, Proposal on
                                continuing recruiting
                                accounting firm
2. Particulars about temporary shareholders’ general meetings in the reporting period
                                   Name of proposal
                   Date of holding                                                             Index        for
Meeting                            passing on the Resolution              Date of disclosure
                   the meeting                                                                 disclosure
                                                                                               on resolution of
                                          Proposal on                                          the first
The first                                 Changing the                                         temporary
temporary                                 Company's Annual
shareholders’     12 Nov. 2013           Financial Audit and approval    12 Nov. 2013
                                          Internal Control                                     general meeting
general meeting
                                          Audit Certified                                      in 2013 (Cninfo
in 2013
                                          Public Accountants                                   website)
III. Duty performance of independent directors during the reporting period
1. Attendance of independent directors in board meetings and shareholders’ general meeting
                            Attendance of independent directors in board meetings

                                                Number     of                            Whether being
               Number of meetings Number of meetings          Number   of Number      of absent    from
Name        of independent                                                meetings
                                    meetings attended in the meetings                    meetings     in
independent    directors        are attended on means      of attended by skipped from person       two
director       supposed to attend the spot      communicatio mandatory                   times        in
               during the reporting             n                                        succession
Zhou Hanjun                           7              5               1         1                0 No
Liu Quanmin                           7              6               1         0                0 No
Song Botong                           7              5               1         1                0 No
Number of shareholders’ general
meetings independent directors need                                                                           2
Explanations about reasons of being absent from the board meetings in person two times in succession

           2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

2. Particulars about objections to relevant events of the Company raised by independent
Whether independent directors raised objections to relevant events of the Company
□ Yes √ No
In the reporting period, independent directors raised no objection to relevant events of the

3. Other explanations about duty performance of independent directors
Whether advices about the Company raised by independent directors were adopted
□ Yes √ No
Explanations about whether advices about the Company raised by independent directors were

IV. Duty performance of special committees affiliated to the board of directors during the
reporting period
(I) Duty performance of the Audit Committee under the board of directors
During the reporting period, the Audit Committee reviewed on the Company’s following issues:
Arrangement on the Annual Audit Work, Periodic Financial Report, Profit Distribution Plan,
Engagement of CPAs Firm, Written Submission of the Administration on CPAs Firm, Construction
of Internal Control, Fund Transfer Between Listed Companies and Related Parties and Guarantee
Events, etc.. Besides, it also kept full and necessary communication with the annual auditors of the
Upon the start of the audit for the 2013 Annual Report, the Audit Committee actively promoted the
progress of the audit work and conducted communication with the CPAs firm to determine the
arrangements for the audit. During the reporting period, the Audit Committee has convened three
sessions, reviewed the Company’s 2013financial statements for two times and the preliminary
auditing result issued by the annual auditors of the Company, as well as issued their opinions after
the review. The Audit Committee made the summary for the 2013 annual audit work as followings:
1. Review opinions issued concerning the Company’s 2013 Annual Financial Report
Based on their professional knowledge and experience, the members of Audit Committee reviewed
the 2013 Annual Financial Report prepared by the Company. In the reporting period, according to
relevant regulations of CSRC, the Audit Committee issued two review opinions on the annual
After finishing formulating annual financial statements, the Audit Committee of the board of
directors carried out meticulous review. And the Audit Committee was of the opinion that:
According to the New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Company chose and
applied a proper accounting policy, with reasonable accounting estimates. The Company always
adopted a prudent attitude towards the changes of the accounting policy and estimates, with no such
cases as manipulating the changes of the accounting policy and estimates to adjust the profits. And
the financial report prepared by the Company was factual and reliable with complete contents.
After the preliminary audit opinion had been issued by the registered accountants on the Company’s

            2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

2013 Financial Report, the Audit Committee reviewed, for a second time, the financial report and
conducted discussions with the registered accountants. And they were of the same opinion that the
2013 Financial Report prepared by RSM China Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Partnership) for the Company was in accordance with the requirements of the accounting standards
for business enterprises, factually and completely presenting the Company’s operating results and
cash flows in 2013and its financial position as at 31 Dec. 2013 in all major aspects.
2.The Committee’s supervising and urging the audit work of the CPAs firm
Before the audit, the Audit Committee formulated a comprehensive plan for the annual audit by
discussing and determining the scope and the schedule for the audit report with the existing CPAs
firm. Upon the presence of the audit team, the Committee communicated with the person in charge
of the audit project, learnt about the audit progress and the accountant’s concerns, and timely
offered the feedback to relevant departments of the Company, so as to make sure the progress of the
annual audit and information disclosure in accordance with the set plan.
3. Summary report on the 2013 annual audit conducted by Ruihua Accounting Firm (Special
General Partnership)
In accordance with stipulations on relevant work for 2013 annual report by CSRC and Shenzhen
Stock Exchange, the Company’s Audit Committee summarized the 2013annual audit conducted by
Ruihua Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as “Ruihua”) as
Considering that the Company employed RSM China as the audit institution of financial audit and
internal control audit, the financial audit and internal control audit would be conducted
(1) Preparation before the audit
① Formulation of the audit plan
The 2013 annual audit lasted from 5 Nov. 2013 to 28March 2014 as schedule.
Of which, the pre-audit and internal test lasted from 5 Nov. 2012 to 5 Jan. 2014; the substantial test
lasted from 31 Jan. 2012 to 28 Feb. 2013; the compilation of audit report, its re-check in CPAs firm
and formulation of first draft lasted from 25 Feb. 2013 to 10 Mar. 2014.
② Review of the financial statements
Before the presence of the registered accountants for the annual audit, the Audit Committee
carefully reviewed the financial statements prepared by the Company and formed the relevant
written opinion.
(2) Audit process
From 5 Nov. 2013, the audit team from Ruihua conducted a thorough audit on the Company and its
subsidiaries. During the audit process, the Audit Committee, for several times, urged Ruihua to
closely follow the audit schedule and finish the audit on time. Ruihua submitted to the Audit
Committee the first draft of the Audit Report of the 2013 Annual Report on 10 March 2014, issued
preliminary audit opinions on financial accounting statements and internal control assessment. The
Audit Committee reviewed again the financial accounting statements and assessment report on
internal control after conducting preliminary audit and held the opinion that: the above statements
factually, accurately, completely demonstrated financial status and operation results of the Company
up to 31 Dec. 2013, and they approved the formation of 2013 Annual Report and Abstract on the
basis of the above statements; the above assessment report on internal control factually, accurately,

            2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

completely demonstrated construction results of internal control of the Company up to 31 Dec.
2013, and they approved the formation of assessment report on internal control and audit report on
internal control on the basis of the above report. On 28 March 2014, the final version of audit report
was issued. And this marked the end of the site audit conducted by Ruihua on the Company’s
2013financial report.
(3) Audit results
Ruihua issued the standard unqualified 2013Annual Audit Report to the Company. And the Audit
Committee was of the opinion that Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Partnership) excellently accomplished the audit of the Company’s 2013 Annual Financial Report.
4. In the reporting period, because the Company originally employed RSM China Certified Public
Accountants (Special General Partnership) (Hereinafter referred to as RSM ) and Guofu Haohua
Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) (Hereinafter referred to as Guofu
Haohua ) merged to form Ruihua China Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership),
the Audit Committee conducted a research and formed a resolution in respect of employing Ruihua
China Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) as accounting firm of annual
financial audit and internal control audit; agreed that this change was submitted to shareholders’
general meeting for approval after being reviewed by the board of directors.
(II) Duty performance of Nomination Committee under the Board of Directors
In the reporting period, due to Yang Jiayong resign the deputy GM of the Company for job changes,
the Nomination Committee of the Board conducted a research and formed a resolution in respect of
Work Plan of Hiring Deputy General Manager, also participated in the whole process, the new
public competition of deputy general manager, qualification examination. After the widely soliciting
opinions, the Nomination Committee of the Board had form a resolution in respect of employing
the Company’s deputy GM and agreed to submit to the board of directors of the company.
(III) Duty performance of Remuneration and Appraisal Committee under the Board of Directors
The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee under the Board carefully examined the annual
remuneration of the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior executives disclosed in the 2013
Annual Report. And it was of the opinion that: the decision-making procedure concerning the
remuneration of the directors, supervisors and senior executives was in line with relevant
regulations; the standards for remuneration paid to the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior
executives complied with the remuneration system; and the remuneration disclosed in the
2013Annual Report was factual and accurate.

V. Particulars about work of the supervisory committee
Whether there existed risks in the Company according to supervision of the supervisory committee
during the reporting period
□ Yes √ No
The supervisory committee held no objection to matters under supervision during the reporting
VI.Independence of the Company from the controlling shareholders in business, personnel,
assets, organization and financing of the Company
(I) In respect of business, the Company possessed independent production, supply and sales system;
(II) In respect of personnel, the Company was absolutely independent in management of labor,

           2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

personnel and salaries from the controlling shareholders. All the senior executives of the Company
took no office title concurrently and drew no remunerations from the Shareholder Company.
(III) In respect of assets, the Company possessed independent and integrated assets and the property
of the Company is transparent.
(IV) In respect of organization, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee operated
independently. There existed no superior-inferior relationship between the controlling shareholder
and its function department and the Company.
(V) In respect of finance, the Company has independent financial department, independently
accounted and paid taxes according to the law. The Company established a complete accounting
system, finacial accountng system and financial administrative systems. The Company opened
independent bank accounts.
VII. Particulars about horizontal competition
There objectively existed operation in the same business between the Company and Shenzhen
Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to “Properties Group”), but
substantial competition was never formed. Properties Group and our company were both founded
under the leadship of government in order to meet the need of constructing Shenzhen Special
Economic Zone. Controlling shareholder of the Company— Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,
Ltd. is independent corporate enterprise wholly owned by Shenzhen SASRC, executed
shareholder’s rights to listed companies in conformity with laws; it was able to ensure the
independence of listed companies in respect of corporate governance such as decision-making,
execution, supervision; there did not exist such situations as occupying funds of listed companies
that damaged interests of our company and medium and small shareholders. On 11 Oct. 2010,
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., according to requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
officially submitted “Statements and Commitments” in which it explicitly promised 10 items about
ensuring the legal and independent operation of listed companies. The Company, in strict
accordance with requirements of normative governance of listed companies, formulated and
perfected Articles of Association and a series of systems in financing, audit, human resource,
development and sale; standardized corporate governance, independently and legally operated and
basically avoided horizontal competition with controlling shareholders, actual controller and
enterprises they belong to.

VIII. Particulars about appraisal and incentive for senior executives
In the reporting period, the Company successfully conducted change of sessions of the board of
directors, the supervisory committee and the management. The management was examined,
appraised and employed by the board of directors; in the means of open competition, the board of
directors chose and recruited a Vice General Manager inside the Company. The Company executed
annual salary system for senior executives, and did not implement stock incentive plan.

            2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                Section X. Internal Control
I. Construction of internal control
The Company, according to Notification on Doing a Good Job Related to Internal Control
Regulation Pilot in Listed Companies (Letter No.[2011]31) from listing department of CSRC, and
Notification on Doing a Good Job Related to Internal Control Regulation Pilot in Listed Companies
of Shenzhen (Letter No.[2011]31) from Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, established
internal control system on the basis of “Work Plan on Implementing Internal Control Regulation”.
The board of directors is the highest decision-making institution and the final people in charge of
internal control appraisal; supervises the effective implementation and self-appraisal of internal
control; coordinate internal control audit. Leading group of internal control affiliated to the board of
directors is responsible for construction and appraisal of internal control. Internal control
construction office specifically organizes and implements internal control work under the guideline
of leading group and the specific appraisal of internal control is conducted by appraisal group of
internal control. Leading group is the decision-making unit of internal control appraisal while
internal control construction office is the management unit of internal control appraisal. The report
process of internal control appraisal: appraisal group of internal control → internal control
construction office→leading group of internal control→the board of directors.
In 2013 the Company hired Rui hua Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership), an
independent audit of internal control.
II. Statement on the Responsibility for Internal Control from the Board of Directors
According to requirement of the enterprise internal control standard system, establishing, perfecting
and effectively conducting internal control, evaluate its effectiveness and accurately disclose
internal control evaluation report are the liability of the Board of Directors; establishment and
implementation of internal control conducted by the Board is under the supervision of the
supervisory committee; the management is responsible for organizing and guiding daily operation
of internal control.
The Board of Directors and all its directors hereby ensure that this announcement contains no false
information, misleading statement or material omission, and shall be jointly and severally liable for
the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the information carried in this announcement.
The goals of the Company’s internal control: focus on the key business scope of the Company,
improve core business process, reasonably guarantee the legality and compliance of the Company’s
operating management, safety of assets, authenticity and completeness of financial report and
relevant information; at the same time, continuously improve efficiency of internal control design
and operation, totally improve management level of internal control to lay a solid foundation for the
development strategy of the Company. Because of the inherent limit of internal control, the above
goals only could be provided reasonable guarantee.
Besides, the change of situation may lead to internal control become inappropriate or reducing the
degree of control policies and procedures following. There is a certain future risk in Speculating the
effectiveness of internal control in the future according to the result of internal control evaluation.
III. Basis of establishing internal control of financial statements
According to requirement of the enterprise internal control standard system, combined with the
enterprise internal control system and evaluation method, the Company organized the internal
control evaluation.
The Company’s board of directors according to requirement to major defects, the cognizance of the

             2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

important defect and general defect of the enterprise internal control standard system, combining
with the size of the company, industry characteristics, factors such as risk appetite and risk
tolerance, to separate the internal control over financial report from internal control over
non-financial report, study and determine the suitable for the Company's internal control defects
specific standards and consistent with the previous year.

IV. Self-assessment report of internal control
 Specific details about significant defects of internal control during the reporting period found in self-assessment
                                               report of internal control
    During the reporting period, no significant defect of internal control was found.
Disclosure date of whole
article of self-assessment 9 March 2014
report of internal control
Index for disclosure of whole
                              Cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) “Self-assessment Report of Internal
article of self-assessment
report of internal control
V. Audit report of internal control
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable

                                  Audit opinion in audit report of internal control
    We believe, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. maintained
effective internal control of financial statements in all significant aspects on 31 Dec. 2013 in accordance with
Basic Standards for Internal Control and relevant regulations.
Disclosure date of whole
article of audit report of 9 March 2014
internal control
Index for disclosure of whole
article of audit report of Cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) “Audit Report of Internal Control”
internal control
Whether the accounting firm issued non-standard audit report of internal control
□ Yes √ No
Whether audit report of internal control issued by accounting firm was consistent with
self-assessment report of the board of directors
√ Yes □ No

VI. Establishment and implementation of institution of clarifying responsibility for major
mistakes in annual report
In order to further improve corporate governance and standardize corporate management, the
Company reviewed and passed Institution of Clarifying responsibility for major mistakes in
information disclosure of annual report in the 5th session of the 6th board of directors on 19 April
2010 and strictly implemented the institution.
During the reporting period, there existed no major mistake of information disclosure of annual

 2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

                      Section XI. Financial Statements

                                     Auditor’s Report

                                                       Ruihua Shen Zi [2014]48270005


We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of
(GROUP) CO. Ltd. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter shall be referred as “the
Group”) consisting of the company’s and the consolidated balance sheet as at
December 31, 2013, and the consolidated income statement, cash flow statement
and consolidated statement of change in owner’s equity for the year then ended,
and the notes to financial statements.

Management’s responsibility for the financial statements
It is the responsibility of the Group’s management to prepare and present fairly
the financial statements. These responsibilities includes: (a) prepare the financial
statement in conformity with the requirements of Accounting Standards Business
Enterprises, the Accounting Regulations Business Enterprises and make true and
fair presentation;(b) design, perform and maintain the internal control related to
the financial statements to ensure that these financial statements are free of
material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or errors.

Auditors’ responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with relevant rules in the
Chinese Auditing Standards for the Certified Public Accountants. Those standards
require that we follow the Standards of China CPA’s Professional Ethics, plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.

 2013 Annual Report of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.

An audit includes performing audit process to obtain evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Auditing procedures are
based on the CPAs’ judgment, including assessing the risk of material
misstatement caused by accounting fraud or errors. When assessing the risk, we
consider the internal control related to the preparation of financial statements in
order to select the proper auditing process. An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the Group, as well
as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation.

We believe that the evidence we obtained are appropriate and our audit provides
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Audit opinion
In our opinion, the financial statements of the Group present fairly, in all material
respects, the Company’s and its subsidiaries’ financial position as of December
31, 2013 and the company’s results of operation and cash flows for the year then
ended in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

Ruihua Certified Public Accountants                    Certified Public Accountants
                                                               Tian Jingliang

                                                       Certified Public Accountants
            China. Beijing                                       Li Hua

                                                           March 28, 2014

                                 Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                  As of 31 December 2013

Ltd                                             Currency: RMB Yuan

                       Item             Note         Closing balance         Opening balance

Current Assets:

  Monetary funds                        5.1                 525,374,372.44         496,805,905.01

  Account receivables                   5.2                  14,102,124.06          24,413,187.02

  Prepayments                           5.3                  12,206,598.30          39,677,550.07

  Dividends receivable                  5.4                   1,052,192.76           1,052,192.76

  Other receivables                     5.5                  54,672,501.81          56,894,335.01

  Inventories                           5.6               2,967,935,589.04       2,431,754,464.54

  Other current assets                  5.7                   3,451,107.04           7,780,460.78

Total current assets                                      3,578,794,485.45       3,058,378,095.19

Non-current assets

  Long-term equity investments          5.8                  75,200,652.59          75,225,969.30

  Investment properties                 5.9                 466,314,091.90         487,373,443.43

  Fixed assets                          5.10                 60,715,687.71          63,204,808.66

  Intangible assets                     5.11                  6,753,566.79           5,866,106.75

  Long-term deferred assets             5.12                   528,352.21             427,321.35

  Deferred tax assets                   5.13                 26,792,460.02          19,881,649.62

  Other non-current assets              5.14                            --           2,413,434.00

Total non-current assets                                    636,304,811.22         654,392,733.11

TOTAL ASSETS                                              4,215,099,296.67       3,712,770,828.30

                                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                 As at 31 December 2013

Ltd.                                                          Currency: RMB Yuan

                                Item                              Note     Closing balance        Opening balance

Current liabilities:

   Short-term loans                                               5.17          23,000,000.00          96,000,000.00

   Accounts payable                                               5.18         389,345,271.46          72,660,833.60

   Deferral                                                       5.19         312,967,028.85         407,194,198.80

   Employee benefits payable                                      5.20          37,159,445.41          36,675,028.18

   Taxes payable                                                  5.21         148,006,651.37          19,958,153.14

   Interest payables                                              5.22          18,482,515.18          18,395,916.84

   Other payables                                                 5.23         394,687,837.29         394,741,726.29

   Non-current liabilities due within one year                    5.24         331,482,489.72         299,261,270.80

Total current liabilities                                                    1,655,131,239.28       1,344,887,127.65

Non-current liabilities:

   Long-term loans                                                5.25         814,213,536.85         849,636,078.25

   Long-term payables                                             5.26          10,749,885.53          11,136,124.62

Total non-current liabilities                                                  824,963,422.38         860,772,202.87

Total liabilities                                                            2,480,094,661.66       2,205,659,330.52

Owners' equity:

   Share capital                                                  5.27       1,011,660,000.00       1,011,660,000.00

   Capital reserve                                                5.28         978,244,858.10         978,244,858.10

   Less: treasury shares                                                                     --                     --

   Surplus reserve                                                5.29           4,974,391.15           4,974,391.15

   Undistributed profit                                           5.30        -140,886,134.13        -369,154,405.36

   Foreign exchange translation difference                                       9,354,020.21           9,651,254.84

Total owners' equity attributable to parent company                          1,863,347,135.33       1,635,376,098.73

Minority interests                                                            -128,342,500.32        -128,264,600.95

Total owners’ equity                                                        1,735,004,635.01       1,507,111,497.78

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                        4,215,099,296.67       3,712,770,828.30

Legal representative:                                 Person in charge of accounting:

Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                              Consolidated Income Statement
                                                          For the Year 2013

               LTD                                                           Currency: RMB Yuan

                                    Item                                       Note      Amount for the current period        Amount for the prior period

Ⅰ.Total operating income                                                         5.31                 2,116,482,684.93                  1,030,148,729.47

Including: Operating income                                                       5.31                 2,116,482,684.93                  1,030,148,729.47

Ⅱ.Total operating Costs                                                                               1,819,173,771.32                   893,705,121.28

    Including: Operating costs                                                    5.31                 1,547,170,059.64                   701,303,623.08

               Business tax and surcharge                                         5.32                   163,921,565.69                   100,203,153.09

               Selling expenses                                                   5.33                    45,139,220.41                     27,540,513.15

               Administrative expense                                             5.34                    63,843,291.44                     68,115,069.18

               Financial expense                                                  5.35                     -1,567,205.86                     2,682,762.78

               Impairment losses of assets                                        5.36                       666,840.00                     -6,140,000.00

         Add: Gains from changes in fair value ("-" means loss)                                                          --                            --

            Investment income ("-" means loss)                                    5.37                       -25,316.71                      1,533,086.71

            Including: Investment income from associates and joint venture        5.37                       -25,316.71                       -120,218.96

Ⅲ.Operating profit ("-" means loss)                                                                     297,283,596.90                   137,976,694.90

    Add: Non-operating income                                                     5.38                     7,242,022.95                         80,194.63

    Less: Non-operating expenses                                                  5.39                       650,634.55                       798,994.92

Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                 5.39                       110,923.29                       616,113.66

Ⅳ.Total profit ("-" means loss)                                                                         303,874,985.30                   137,257,894.61

    Less: Income tax expenses                                                     5.40                    75,557,227.17                     30,403,044.98

Ⅴ.Net profit ("-" means loss)                                                                           228,317,758.13                   106,854,849.63

    Net attributable to owners of parent company                                                         228,268,271.23                   106,814,543.53

    Minority interests                                                                                        49,486.90                         40,306.10

Ⅵ.Earnings per share                                                                                                    --                            --

  Basic Earnings per share                                                        5.41                           0.2256                           0.1056

  Diluted Earnings per share                                                      5.41                           0.2256                           0.1056

Ⅶ.Other comprehensive income                                                     5.42                      -424,620.90                        -49,972.76

Ⅷ.Total comprehensive income                                                                            227,893,137.23                   106,804,876.87

  Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent company                                    227,971,036.60                   106,779,562.60

    Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interests                                            -77,899.37                         25,314.27

               Legal representative:                                Person in charge of accounting:

               Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                       Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                               For the Year 2013
               Ltd.                                    Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                   Amount for the current        Amount for the prior
                                           Items                                          Note
                                                                                                           period                     period
Ⅰ. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                                                  2,031,850,194.26         1,151,245,849.81
Refund of taxes and levies                                                                                       697,514.50                         --
Cash received relating to other operating activities                                      5.43                50,096,274.13             39,178,728.60
Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                                                   2,082,643,982.89         1,190,424,578.41
Cash paid for goods and services                                                                            1,556,632,034.88           856,071,436.09
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                                      127,334,091.75            115,682,666.59
Cash paid on taxes and levies                                                                                125,782,642.55            110,848,103.90
Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                          5.43                77,941,530.31             80,412,552.30
Sub-total of Cash Outflows                                                                                  1,887,690,299.49         1,163,014,758.88
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                                                     194,953,683.40             27,409,819.53
Ⅱ. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Cash received from return of investments                                                                         131,473.86                         --
Cash received investing income                                                                                              --             601,112.91
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                                                                7,572,643.95                87,170.00
intangible assets and other long assets"
Net cash flows from disposal subsidiary and other operating unite                                                           --                      --
Other cash received relating to investing activities                                                                        --                      --
Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                                                       7,704,117.81               688,282.91
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long assets                                      6,079,076.26             6,682,841.12
Cash paid on investments                                                                                                    --          12,000,000.00
Net cash paid on obtain subsidiary and other operating unite                                                                --                      --
Cash paid on other investing activities                                                                                     --                      --
Sub-total of Cash Outflows                                                                                      6,079,076.26            18,682,841.12
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                                                        1,625,041.55           -17,994,558.21
Ⅲ. Cash flow from Financing Activities
Cash received from investments                                                                                              --                      --
Including: Cash received from investments by minority interests of subsidiaries                                             --                      --
Cash received from borrowing                                                                                 445,989,352.23          1,036,000,000.00
Cash received from issuing bonds                                                                                            --                      --
Other cash received relating to Financing activities                                      5.43                25,000,000.00                         --
Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                                                    470,989,352.23          1,036,000,000.00
Cash repayments on borrowed amounts                                                                          527,190,674.71            808,292,761.31
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits                                                        78,560,662.88             73,616,362.45
Including: Dividends or profit paid to minority interests of subsidiaries                                                   --                      --
Cash payments on other financing activities                                               5.43                  6,000,000.00            25,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash Outflows                                                                                   611,751,337.59            906,909,123.76
Net cash flows from financing activities                                                                     -140,761,985.36           129,090,876.24
Ⅳ. Effect of foreign exchange rate on cash                                                                      -246,069.92               240,379.35
Ⅴ. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                             5.44                55,570,669.67            138,746,516.91
Add: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                      5.44               463,713,702.77            324,967,185.86
Ⅵ. Cash equivalents at the end of the period                                             5.44               519,284,372.44            463,713,702.77
               Legal representative:                                  Person in charge of accounting:
               Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGE IN OWNER'S EQUITY
                                                                             For the Year 2013
            Prepared by:SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                                    Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                                             Attribute to the equity of parent company
                                                                                               Less:                                                          Foreign exchange       Minority        Total owners'
                       Items                                                  Capital                    Special      Surplus            Undistributed
                                                      Share capital                          Treasury                                                            translation        interests           equity
                                                                              reserve                    reserve      reserve               profit
                                                                                              shares                                                              difference
1.Balance at the End of Last Period                  1,011,660,000.00      978,244,858.10           --           --   4,974,391.15       -369,154,405.36           9,651,254.84   -128,264,600.95    1,507,111,497.78
   Add: Changes of accounting policies                                --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
         Prior year adjustments                                       --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
         Others                                                       --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
2. Balance at the Beginning of the Year              1,011,660,000.00      978,244,858.10           --           --   4,974,391.15       -369,154,405.36           9,651,254.84   -128,264,600.95    1,507,111,497.78
3.Increase/Decrease movements in this
                                                                      --                --          --           --             --       228,268,271.23             -297,234.63        -77.899.37     227,893,137.23
Year ("-" means loss)
(I) Net Profit                                                        --                --          --           --             --       228,268,271.23                      --        49,486.90      228,317,758.13
(II) Other comprehensive income                                       --                --          --           --             --                       --         -297,234.63      -127,386.27          -424,620.90
Subtotal of (I)and (II)                                               --                --          --           --             --       228,268,271.23             -297,234.63        -77,899.37     227,893,137.23
(III) Capital Injected and Reduced by Owners                          --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
a. Capital injected by owners                                         --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
b. Payment for shares included in owners'
                                                                      --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
c. Others                                                             --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
(IV) Profit Distribution                                              --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
a. Withdraws of surplus reserve                                       --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
b. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                           --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
c. Others                                                             --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
(V) Internal transfers of owners' equity                              --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
a. Capitalisation of Additional share capital; (or
                                                                      --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
share capital)
b. Capitalization of surplus reserve (or share
                                                                      --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
c. Making up losses of surplus reserve                                --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
d. Others                                                             --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
(VI) Special Reserve                                                  --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
a. Withdrawal of special reserve                                      --                --          --           --             --                       --                  --                 --                   --
b. Use of special reserve                                           --                 --             --          --                 --                  --                      --                       --                         --
(VII) Others                                                        --                 --             --          --                 --                  --                      --                       --                         --
4. Balance at the end of the period                1,011,660,000.00      978,244,858.10               --          --      4,974,391.15      -140,886,134.13         9,354,020.21       -128,342,500.32           1,735,004,635.01
          Legal representative:                         Person in charge of accounting:                                Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                         CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN OWNER'S EQUITY
                                                                           For the Year 2012
          Prepared by:SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                                        Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                Attributable to equity holders of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                     Foreign              Minority              Total owners'
                             Items                                                                       Less:
                                                                                      Capital                          Special    Surplus        Undistributed      exchange             interests                 equity
                                                              Share capital                            Treasury
                                                                                      reserve                          reserve    reserve           profit         translation
  1.Balance at the End of Last Period                        1,011,660,000.00      978,244,858.10              --           --   4,974,391.15    -475,968,948.89   9,686,235.77       -128,289,915.22          1,400,306,620.91
     Add: Changes of accounting policies                                      --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
           Prior year adjustments                                             --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
           Other                                                              --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  2. Balance at the Beginning of the Year                    1,011,660,000.00      978,244,858.10              --           --   4,974,391.15    -475,968,948.89   9,686,235.77       -128,289,915.22          1,400,306,620.91
  3. Increase/Decrease movements in this Year ("-"
                                                                              --                 --            --           --              --   106,814,543.53      -34,980.93            25,314.27            106,804,876.87
  means loss)
  (I) Net Profit                                                              --                 --            --           --              --   106,814,543.53              --            40,306.10            106,854,849.63
  (II) Gain/Loss to Owners' Equity Directly                                   --                 --            --           --              --                --     -34,980.93            -14,991.83                -49,972.76
  Subtotal of (I)and (II)                                                     --                 --            --           --              --   106,814,543.53      -34,980.93            25,314.27            106,804,876.87
  (III) Capital Injected and Reduced by Owners                                --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  a. Capital injected by owners                                               --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  b. Payment for shares included in owners' equity                            --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  c. Others                                                                   --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  (IV) Profit Distribution                                                    --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  a. Withdrawal surplus reserve                                               --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  b. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                 --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  c. Others                                                                   --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  (V) Internal transfers of owners' equity                                    --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --
  a. Capitalisation of Additional share capital; (or share                    --                 --            --           --              --                --             --                      --                         --

b. Capitalization of surplus reserve (or share capital)                 --               --    --        --             --                --             --                --                 --
c. Making up losses of surplus reserve                                  --               --    --        --             --                --             --                --                 --
d. Others                                                               --               --    --        --             --                --             --                --                 --
(VI) Special Reserve                                                    --               --    --        --             --                --             --                --                 --
a. Withdrawal of special reserve                                        --               --    --        --             --                --             --                --                 --
b. Use of special reserve                                               --               --    --        --             --                --             --                --                 --
(VII) Others                                                            --               --    --        --             --                --             --                --                 --
4. Balance at the end of the period                       1,011,660,000.00   978,244,858.10    --        --   4,974,391.15   -369,154,405.36   9,651,254.84   -128,264,600.95   1,507,111,497.78
       Legal representative:                          Person in charge of accounting:               Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                     Balance Sheet
                                 As at 31 December 2013

Currency: RMB Yuan

                        Item           Note           Closing balance          Opening balance

Current assets

  Monetary funds                                              362,953,152.47         223,827,179.97

  Accounts receivable                  10.1                     4,359,289.23          13,663,339.96

  Prepayments                                                             --              55,500.00

  Other receivables                    10.2                   669,806,773.71         343,568,799.28

  Inventories                                               1,830,603,734.72        1,844,523,622.50

Total current assets                                        2,867,722,950.13        2,425,638,441.71

Non-current Assets:

  Long-term equity investments         10.3                   328,371,367.19         298,396,683.90

  Investment properties                                       407,900,089.95         426,426,812.91

  Fixed assets                                                 34,263,366.14          33,944,334.56

  Intangible assets                                             1,406,066.79             327,266.75

  Long-term deferred assets                                       132,925.95             189,456.15

  Deferred tax assets                                           3,230,636.28                6,814.20

  Other non-current Assets                                                --            1,376,400.00

Total non-current assets                                      775,304,452.30         760,667,768.47

Total Assets                                                3,643,027,402.43        3,186,306,210.18

                                               Balance Sheet (Continued)
                                                As at 31 December 2013

Currency: RMB Yuan

      LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY                 Note             Closing balance         Opening balance

Current liabilities:

   Short-term loans                                                                      --           70,000,000.00

   Account payable                                                           393,715,301.47           24,195,725.69

   Deferral                                                                   82,398,193.00          280,272,668.00

   Employee benefits payable                                                  11,614,479.62           10,848,111.62

   Taxes payable                                                             149,643,182.39             6,204,121.44

   Interest payable                                                           18,094,154.07           18,020,083.50

   Other payables                                                            648,978,988.66          608,165,106.86

   Non-current liability due within one year                                 331,482,489.72          299,261,270.80

   Other current liability                                                                                        --

Total current liabilities                                                  1,635,926,788.93         1,316,967,087.91

Non-current liabilities:

         Long-term loans                                                     581,224,184.62          649,636,078.25

Total non-current liabilities                                                581,224,184.62          649,636,078.25

Total liabilities                                                          2,217,150,973.55         1,966,603,166.16

Owners' equity:

   Share capital                                                           1,011,660,000.00         1,011,660,000.00

   Capital reserve                                                           978,244,858.10          978,244,858.10

   Undistributed profit                                                     -564,028,429.22          -770,201,814.08

Total owners' equity attributable to parent                                1,425,876,428.88

Total liabilities and owners' equity                                       3,643,027,402.43         3,186,306,210.18

Legal representative:                             Person in charge of accounting:

Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                       Income Statement
                                                          For the Year 2013

Currency: RMB Yuan

                                                                         Amount for the current        Amount for the prior
                           Item                                Note
                                                                                period                       period

Ⅰ.Total operating income                                      10.4                1,334,203,505.49            113,046,014.33

    Less: Operating cost                                       10.4                 898,116,935.10              41,545,002.74

        Business tax and surcharge                                                  107,352,413.53              17,665,684.67

        Selling expenses                                                             26,298,856.99              18,313,339.83

        Administrative expense                                                       31,312,746.27              31,242,272.24

        Financial expense                                                              1,952,132.73              -1,532,671.49

        Impairment losses of assets                                                     666,840.00                            --

  Add: Gain from changes in fair value ("-" means loss)                                           --                          --

        Investment income ("-" means loss)                     10.5                      -25,316.71                -120,218.96

        Including: Investment income from associates
                                                               10.5                      -25,316.71                -120,218.96
                and joint venture

II. Operating profit ("-" means loss)                                               268,478,264.16                5,692,167.38

  Add: Non-operating income                                                             603,003.89                    30,233.29

  Less: Non-operating expenses                                                           48,607.28                    15,092.50

        Including: Loss from disposal of non-current
                                                                                           7,607.28                      92.50

III. Total profit ("-" means loss)                                                  269,032,660.77                5,707,308.17

  Less: Income tax expenses                                                          62,859,275.91                    87,586.24

IV.Net profit ("-" means loss)                                                      206,173,384.86                5,619,721.93

V. Other comprehensive income                                                                     --                          --

VI. Total comprehensive income                                                      206,173,384.86                5,619,721.93

Legal representative:                            Person in charge of accounting:

Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                         Cash Flow Statement
                                                           For the Year 2013

Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Amount for the current        Amount for the prior
                                     Item                                   Note
                                                                                         period                       period
Ⅰ. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                             1,144,966,241.22             376,638,380.51
Refund of taxes and levies                                                                      697,514.50                              --
Cash received relating to other operating activities                                          76,214,774.35              16,840,440.53
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                  1,221,878,530.07             393,478,821.04
Cash paid for goods and services                                                            453,758,678.80              293,631,860.90
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                       27,614,061.43              27,387,097.91
          Cash paid on taxes and levies                                                       41,219,939.77              12,569,257.99
Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                            302,321,288.97               50,269,427.73
          Sub-total of Cash Outflows                                                        824,913,968.97              383,857,644.53
          Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                          396,964,561.10                 9,621,176.51
Ⅱ. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
    Cash received from return of investments                                                    131,473.86               14,212,390.33
    Cash received investing income                                                                          --                          --
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                                   3,000.00                             --
  other long assets
  Other cash received relating to investing activities                                        15,962,247.98              14,290,900.43
  Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                                   16,096,721.84              28,503,290.76
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long
                                                                                               2,342,950.46                 572,801.00
  Cash paid on investments                                                                    90,000,000.00              63,518,370.00
  Cash paid on other investing activities                                                                   --                          --
  Sub-total of cash outflows                                                                  92,342,950.46              64,091,171.00
  Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                                   -76,246,228.62              -35,587,880.24
Ⅲ. Cash flow from Financing Activities
  Cash received from investments                                                                            --                          --
  Cash received from borrowing                                                              390,000,000.00              810,000,000.00
  Cash received from issuing bonds                                                                          --                          --
  Cash received from other financing activities                                               25,000,000.00                             --
Sub-total of cash inflows                                                                   415,000,000.00              810,000,000.00
  Cash repayments on borrowed amounts                                                       501,190,674.71              648,292,761.31
  Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits                                      62,399,178.33              64,694,167.89
  Cash payments on other financing activities                                                  6,000,000.00              25,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash Outflows                                                                  569,589,853.04              737,986,929.20
Net cash flows from financing activities                                                    -154,589,853.04              72,013,070.80
Ⅳ. Effect of foreign exchange rate on cash                                                         -577.80                     -216.89
Ⅴ. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                               166,127,901.64               46,046,150.18
 Add: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                       190,825,250.83              144,779,100.65
Ⅵ. Cash equivalents at the end of the period                                               356,953,152.47              190,825,250.83

Legal representative:                                  Person in charge of accounting:

Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                                                 Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                     For the year 2013
            Prepared by:SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                          Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                                           Capital         Less: Treasury    Special           Surplus        Undistributed        Total owners'
                                Item                                 Share capital
                                                                                           reserve            shares         reserve           reserve           profit               equity
1.Balance at the End of Last Period                                 1,011,660,000.00      978,244,858.10                --             --                --   -770,201,810.08      1,219,703,044.02
Add: Changes of accounting policies                                                  --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
      Prior year adjustments                                                         --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
      Others                                                                         --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
2. Balance at the Beginning of the Year                             1,011,660,000.00      978,244,858.10                --             --                --   -770,201,810.08      1,219,703,044.02
3. Increase/Decrease movements in this Year ("-" means
                                                                                     --               --                --             --                --    206,173,384.86       206,173,384.86
(I) Net Profit                                                                       --               --                --             --                --    206,173,384.86       206,173,384.86
(II) Other comprehensive income                                                      --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
Subtotal of (I)and (II)                                                              --               --                --             --                --    206,173,384.86       206,173,384.86
(III) Capital Injected and Reduced by Owners                                         --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
a. Capital injected by owners                                                        --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
b. Payment for shares included in owners' equity                                     --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
c. Others                                                                            --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
(IV)Profit distribution                                                              --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
a. Withdrawal surplus reserve                                                        --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
b. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                          --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
c. Others                                                                            --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
(V) Internal transfers of owners' equity                                             --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
a. Capitalisation of Additional share capital; (or share capital)                    --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
b. Capitalisation of surplus reserve (or share capital)                              --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
c. Making up losses of surplus reserve                                               --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
d. Others                                                                            --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
(VI) Special Reserve                                                                 --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
a. Withdrawal of current period                                                      --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --
b. Use of special reserve                                                            --               --                --             --                --                   --                   --

(VII) Others                                                                           --                      --                   --                 --               --                           --                           --
4. Balance at the end of the period                                  1,011,660,000.00          978,244,858.10                       --                 --               --     -564,028,429.22                1,425,876,428.88
           Legal representative:                            Person in charge of accounting:                             Person in charge of accounting organ:

                                                                                       Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                              For the year 2012
           Prepared by:SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.                                                           Currency: RMB Yuan

                                Item                              Share capital             Capital reserve         Treasury                        Surplus reserves     Undistributed profit             Total owners' equity

  1.    Balance at the end of last year:                           1,011,660,000.00             978,244,858.10                 --              --                  --          -775,821,536.01                1,210,083,322.09
  Add: Changes of accounting policy                                               --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
        Error correction of the previous period                                   --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
        Others                                                                    --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --

  2.    Balance at the beginning of the year                       1,011,660,000.00             978,244,858.10                 --              --                  --          -775,821,536.01                1,210,083,322.09
  3. Change in equity for the year                                                --                           --              --              --                  --             5,619,721.93                    5,619,721.93
  (1) Net profit                                                                  --                           --              --              --                  --             5,619,721.93                    5,619,721.93
  (2) Others                                                                      --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
  Sub-total (1)& (2)                                                              --                           --              --              --                  --             5,619,721.93                    5,619,721.93
  (3)Shareholders’ contributions and decrease of capital                         --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
  a. Contributions by shareholders                                                --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
  b. Equtiy settled share-based payment                                           --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
  c. Others                                                                       --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
  (4) Distribution of profits                                                     --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                           --
  a. Withdraws of surplus reserves                                                --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
  b. Distributions to shareholders                                                --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
  c. Others                                                                       --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --
  (5) Transfers within equity                                                     --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                           --
  a. Share capital increased by capital reserve transfer                          --                           --              --              --                  --                           --                          --

b. Share capital increased by surplus reserve transfer                       --                  --   --           --               --                     --                 --
c. Remedying loss with profit surplus                                        --                  --   --           --               --                     --                 --
d. Others                                                                    --                  --   --           --               --                     --                 --
(6) Special reserves                                                         --                  --   --           --               --                     --                 --
a. Extracted this year                                                       --                  --   --           --               --                     --                 --
b. Used this year                                                            --                  --   --           --               --                     --                 --
(7)   Others                                                                 --                  --   --           --               --                     --                 --
4. Balance at the end of the year report period                1,011,660,000.00      978,244,858.10   --           --               --        -770,201,810.08   1,219,703,044.02

        Legal representative:                            Person in charge of accounting:              Person in charge of accounting organ:

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note 1 General information
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate and Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. (the
“Group” or “the Company”) was established in July 1993, as approved by the
Shenzhen Municipal Government with document SFBF (1993) 724. The Company
issued A shares on 15th September, 1993 and issued B shares on 10 January 1994.
On 31 August 1994, B shares issued were listed in New York Exchange market as
class A recommendation. The total share capital are 1,011,660,000 shares, of which,
A shares are 891,660,000 shares, and the B shares are 120, 000,000 shares. The
Company business licenses registration number is 440301103225878, and the
registered capital is RMB 1,011,660,000.00.
On 13 October 2004 , according to the document No.(2004) 223 “Decision on
establishing Shenzhen investment Holding Co., Ltd.” issued by State-Owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission of Shenzhen Municipal Government,
Former major shareholder – Shenzhen Construction Investment Holding Company
with two other assets management companies merged to form the Shenzhen
Investment Holding Co., Ltd. By the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission of the state council,and quasi-exempt obligations tender
offer as approved by China Security Regulatory Committee with document
No.(2005)116, this issue of consolidated has been authorized and the registration
changing had been done on 15 February 2006. As at the end of the reporting period,
Shenzhen Investment Holding Limited holds 642,884,262 shares of the Company
(63.55% of the total share capital). The shares are all selling unrestricted shares.
Business scope: mainly engaged in real estate development and sales, property
leasing and management, retail merchandising and trade, hotel, equipment
installation and maintenance, construction, interior decoration and so on.
The main products or services provided: commodity housing, property leasing and
management, hotel service, construction and installation service, renovation service.
The parent of the Company is Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
The Financial statement published on Mar 28th, 2014, which approved by Group’s
Board of Directors.
Note 2 Important Accounting Principles and Accounting Estimates
2.1 Basis of Preparation
The financial statements of the Group have been prepared on the basis of going

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

concern in conformity with Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
and the Accounting Systems for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of
Finance of People’s Republic of China in February 2006, and Accounting Standards
(order No.38 of the Ministry of Finance) and Compilation Rules for Information
Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.15—General
Provisions on Financial Reports (2010 Revision) issued by the China Securities
Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
According to the relevant accounting regulations in Chinese Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises, the Group has adopted the accrual basis of accounting.
The Group adopts the historical cost as the principle of measurement in the financial
statements except some financial instrument. Provision will be made if any assets
impair in accordance with relevant requirements.
2.2 Statement of Compliance with Enterprise Accounting Standards
The financial statements of the Group comply are recognized and measured in
accordance with the regulations in the Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises and they give a true and fair view of the financial position, business result
and cash flow of the Group as of 31 December 2013. in addition, the financial
statements of the and the Group comply, in all material respects, with the revised
disclosing requirements for financial statements and the notes ” Compilation Rules
for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public
No.15—General Provisions on Financial Reports (2010 Revision) issued by China
Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) in 2010.
2.3 Accounting period
The accounting period of the Group is classified as interim period and annual period.
Interim period refers to the reporting period shorter than a complete annual period.
The accounting period of the Group is the calendar year from January 1 to December
2.4 Monetary Unit
Renminbi (RMB) is the currency of the primary economic environment in either Group
& its domestic subsidiaries or foreign subsidiary in HK. Therefore, the Group, the
domestic subsidiaries and foreign subsidiary in HK choose RMB as their functional
currency. While the Group’s foreign subsidiary in U.S.A. chooses USD dollar as its
functional currency on the basis of the primary economic environment it operates.

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

The Group adopts RMB to prepare its functional statements.

2.5 Accounting treatment under common/non common control
A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more
separate entities into one reporting entity. Business combinations involve enterprises
under common control and non common control.
(1)    Business combination involving entities under common control
A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business
combination in which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the
same party or parties both before and after the combination, and that control is not
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the party
that, on the combination date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in
the combination is the absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the
combination is a party being absorbed. Combination date is the date on which the
absorbing party effectively obtains control of the party being absorbed.
The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded
by the enterprise being combined at the combination date. The difference between
the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of
consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value of shares issued) is
adjusted to the capital premium (or share premium) in the capital reserve. If the
balance of the capital premium (or share premium) is insufficient, any excess is
adjusted to retained earnings.
The cost of a combination incurred by the absorbing party includes any costs directly
attributable to the combination shall be recognized as an expense through profit or
loss for the current period when incurred.
(2)Business combination involving entities under non common control
A business combination involving enterprises under non common control happens in
the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties
both before and after the business combination.
For a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the
party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another enterprise participating
in the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise participating in the

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

combination is the acquiree. Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer
effectively obtains control of the acquiree.
For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the
combination cost including the sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets
given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer.
The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal
services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative
expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss
when they are incurred.
The transaction cost arose from issuing of equity securities or liability securities shall
be initially recognized as equity securities or liability securities.
The contingent consideration related to the combination shall be booked as
combination cost at the fair value at the acquisition date. If, within the 12 months after
acquisition, additional information can prove the existence of related information at
acquisition date and the contingent consideration need to be adjusted, goodwill can
be offset.
For a business combination achieved in stages that involves multiple exchange
transactions, the equity interest in the acquiree previously held before the acquisition
date re-assessed at the fair value at the acquisition date, with any difference between
its fair value and its carrying amount is recorded as investment income. The other
comprehensive income of the acquiree before the acquisition date relating to the
previously held interest in the acquiree is transferred to investment income.
Combination cost is the aggregate of the carrying amount of the equity interest held
in the acquiree prior to the acquisition date and the fair value of the cost of the
additional investment at the acquisition date.
Combination cost of the acquirer’s interest and identifiable net assets of the acquirer
acquired through the business combination shall be measured by the fair value at the
acquisition date. Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the
fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be recognized
as goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the
fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be accounted
for according to the following requirements: (i) the acquirer shall reassess the
measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and
contingent liabilities and measurement of the cost of combination; (ii) if after that
   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

reassessment, the cost of combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the
fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall recognize the
remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the current period.
Where the temporary difference obtained by the acquirer was not recognized due to
inconformity with the conditions applied for recognition of deferred income tax, if,
within the 12 months after acquisition, additional information can prove the existence
of related information at acquisition date and the expected economic benefits on the
acquisition date arose from deductible temporary difference by the acquiree can be
achieved, relevant income tax assets can be recognized, and goodwill offset. If the
goodwill is not sufficient, the difference shall be recognized as profit of the current
Apart from above, the differences shall be taken into profit or loss of the current
period if the recognition of deferred income tax assets is related to the combination.
2.6 Specific accounting policy about lose control step by step
(1) Principle judgments of package deal
Several transactions should be accounted for as a package deal if conditions and the
economic impact of disposal of investments in subsidiaries are in compliance with
one or more of the following circumstances: ① These transactions are considered
simultaneously or       ② these transactions as a whole in order to reach a complete
business results; another case of the occurrence of the impact of entering into a
transaction depends ③ had at least one other transaction; ④ see a transaction
alone is not economical, but, Other transactions are taken into account when the
(2) Accounting treatment of package deal
Disposal of the equity investment until the loss of control of a subsidiary of the
transactions belonging to a package deal, the transaction will be accounted as a
disposal of a subsidiary and the loss of control; However, before losing control, the
difference between the price and share in the net assets of the subsidiary's should be
recognized as other comprehensive income. When losing control, it will be
transferred into profit/loss.
(3) Accounting treatment of non-package deal
For a non-package deal, each of the transaction is separately accounted in
accordance with: partial disposal of long-term equity investment in a subsidiary

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

without losing control (See Note 2, 13, (2) ④) or; loss of control of a subsidiary due to
the disposal of partial equity investments or other reasons " (See Note 2, 7) principles
applicable accounting treatment.
2.7Preparation of consolidated financial statements
The scope of consolidation in the consolidated financial statements is determined on
the basis of control. Control is the power to govern the financial and operating
policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its operating activities. The
scope of consolidation includes the Group and all of the subsidiaries. Subsidiary is an
enterprise or entity under the control of the Group.
The subsidiary of the Group is included in the consolidated financial statements from
the date when the control over the net assets and business decisions of the
subsidiary is effectively obtained, and excluded from the date when the control
For a subsidiary disposed of by the Group, the operating results and cash flows
before the date of disposal (the date when control is lost) are included in the
consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as
appropriate. For a subsidiary disposed during the period, no adjustment is made to
the opening balance of the consolidated financial statements.
For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not under common control,
the operating results and cash flows from the acquisition (the date when the control is
obtained) are included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated
statement of cash flows, as appropriated; no adjustment is made to the opening
balance and comparative figures in the consolidated financial statements.
Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a business
combination involving enterprises under common control, the financial statements of
the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statements. The results of
operations and cash flow are included in the consolidated balance sheet and the
consolidated income statement, respectively, based on their carrying amounts, from
the date that common control was established, and the opening balances and the
comparative figures of the consolidated financial statements are restated.
When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from
those of the Group, the Group makes necessary adjustments to the financial
statements of the subsidiary based on the Group’s own accounting period or

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

accounting policies. Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period
through a business combination not under common control, the financial statements
was reconciled on the basis of the fair value of identifiable net assets at the date of
acquisition. Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealized profit or loss
arising from intra-group transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated
financial statements.
Minority interest and the portion in the net profit or loss not attributable to the Group
are presented separately in the consolidated balance sheet within shareholders’/
owners’ equity and net profit. Net profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders in
the subsidiaries is presented separately as minority interest in the consolidated
income statement below the net profit line item.
When the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the minority
shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the minority shareholders’ portion of the
opening balance of [shareholders’] [owners’] equity of the subsidiary, the excess is
allocated against the minority interests.
When the Group loses control of a subsidiary due to the disposal of a portion of an
equity investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment is re-measured
at its fair value at the date when control is lost. The difference between 1) the total
amount of consideration received from the transaction that resulted in the loss of
control and the fair value of the remaining equity investment and 2) the carrying
amounts of the interest in the former subsidiary’s net assets immediately before the
loss of the control is recognized as investment income for the current period when
control is lost. The amount recognized in other comprehensive income in relation to
the former subsidiary’s equity investment is reclassified as investment income for the
current period when control is lost. The retained interest is subsequently measured
according to the rules stipulated in the “Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.2—Long-term equity investment” or “Chinese Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises No.22—Determination and measurement of financial
instruments” (see note 2.13).
2.8 Cash and cash equivalent
Cash and cash equivalents of the Group include cash on hand, ready usable
deposits and investments having short holding term (normally will be due within three
months from the day of purchase), with strong liquidity and easy to be exchanged into
certain amount of cash that can be measured reliably and have low risks of change.
  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

2.9 Foreign exchange
(1) Translation in foreign exchange transactions
The foreign currency transactions are recorded, on initial recognition in the functional
currency, by applying [the spot exchange rate on the date of the transaction / an
exchange rate that approximates the actual spot exchange rate on the date of
transaction]. The exchange of foreign currency and transactions related to the foreign
exchange are translated at the spot exchange rate.
At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated using the
spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. All the exchange differences thus
resulted are taken to profit or loss, except for  those relating to foreign currency
borrowings specifically for construction and acquisition of qualifying assets, which are
capitalized in accordance with the principle of capitalization of borrowing costs. For
hedging accounting, the exchange difference related to hedging instruments for the
purpose of net oversea operating investment is recorded in the comprehensive
income till the date of disposal and recognized in profit or loss of the period;】The
exchange difference from changes of other account balance of foreign currency
monetary items available-for-trade is recorded into profit or loss except for amortized
Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at historical cost shall still be
translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date, and the
amount denominated in the functional currency is not changed. Non-monetary
foreign currency items measured at fair value are translated at the spot exchange
rate prevailing at the date when the fair values are determined. The exchange
difference thus resulted are recognized in profit or loss for the current period or as
capital reserve.
(2) The translation of financial statement in foreign currency
When the consolidated financial statements include foreign operation(s), if there is a
foreign currency monetary item constituting a net investment in a foreign operation,
exchange difference arising from changes in exchange rates are recognized as
“exchange differences arising on translation of financial statements denominated in
foreign currencies” in owner’s equity, and in profit or loss for the period upon disposal
of the foreign operation.
The Group translates the financial statements of its foreign operations into RMB by

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

following rules;
1)         Assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange
rate prevailing at the balance sheet date; All equity items except for retained earnings
are translated at the spot exchange rates at the dates on which such items occur;
2) Income and expenses in income statement are translated at the spot exchange
rates at the date of transaction.
3) The opening undistributed profit is the closing undistributed profit of the last
period after translation.
4) The closing balance of undistributed profit is calculates and presented in the
basis of each translated income statements and profit distribution item.
5) The difference arising between the assets and liabilities and shareholder’s shall
be booked as translation difference of foreign currency statements, and shall be
presented as a separate component of equity in the balance sheet.
6) On a loss of control over Group’s oversea operation due to disposal, the Group
transfers the accumulated or proportionate share of the accumulated exchange
difference arising on translation of financial statements of this oversea operation
attributable to the owners’ equity of the Group and presented under shareholder’s
equity, to profit or loss in the period in which the disposal occurs.
Foreign currency cash flows and cash flow of oversea subsidiaries are translated at
the spot exchange rates. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is separately
presented as an adjustment item in the cash flow statement.
The opening and actual amount of last year are presented in the financial statement
after translation
2.10 Financial instruments
(1)     Classification of financial assets
All regular way purchases or sales of financial assets are recognized and
derecognized on a trade date basis. On initial recognition, the Group’s financial
assets are classified into one of the four categories, including financial assets at fair
value though profit or loss, held-to maturity investments, loans and receivables and
available-for-trade financial assets.
(2)     Recognition and measurement of financial assets
A financial asset is recognized initially at fair value. In the case of financial assets at
fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are immediately charged to

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

the profit and loss of the current period; transaction costs relating to financial assets
of other categories are included in the amount initially recognized.
1) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss:
Including financial assets held-for-trade and financial assets designated at fair value
through profit or loss.
Financial asset held-for-trade is the financial asset that meets one of the following
A. the financial asset is acquired for the purpose of selling it in a short term;
B. the financial asset is a part of a portfolio of identifiable financial instruments that
are collectively managed, and there is objective evidence indicating that the
enterprise recently manages this portfolio for the purpose of short-term profits;
C. the financial asset is a derivative, except for a derivative that is designated and
effective hedging instrument, or a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is
linked to and must be settled by delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a
quoted price from an active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured.
For such kind of financial assets, fair values are adopted for subsequent
Financial asset is designated on initial recognition as at fair value through profit or
loss only when it meets one of the following conditions:
A. the designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistency in the
measurement or recognition of relevant gains or losses that would otherwise arise
from measuring the financial instruments on different bases.
B. a group of financial instruments is managed and its performance is evaluated on
a fair value basis, and is reported to the enterprise’s key management personnel.
Formal documentation regarding risk management or investment strategy has
    Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are subsequently measured at
the fair value. Any gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value and any
dividends or interest income earned on the financial assets are recognized in the
profit or loss.
2) Investment held-to maturity
Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or
determinable payments and fixed maturity that an entity has the positive intention and

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

ability to hold to maturity. Such kind of financial assets are subsequently measured at
amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from
derecognizion, impairment or amortization are recognized in profit or loss for the
current period.
Effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounted estimated future cash flows
through the expected life of the financial asset or financial liability or, where
appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or
financial liability.
When calculating the effective interest rate, the Group shall estimate future cash flow
considering all contractual terms of the financial asset or financial liability without
considering future credit losses, and also consider all fees paid or received between
the parties to the contract giving rise to the financial asset and financial liability that
are an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs, and premiums or
discounts, etc.
3) Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed determinable
payment that are not quoted in an active market. Financial assets classified as loans
and receivables by the Group include note receivables, account receivables, interest
receivable dividends receivable and other receivables.
Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the
effective interest method. Gain or loss arising from derecognition, impairment or
amortization is recognized in profit or loss.
4) Financial assets available-for-trade
Financial assets available-for-trade include non-derivative financial assets that are
designated on initial recognition as available for trade, and financial assets that are
not classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, loans and
receivables or investment held-to-maturity.
Financial assets available-for-trade are subsequently measured at fair value, and
gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value are recognized as other
comprehensive income and included in the capital reserve, except that impairment
losses and exchange differences related to amortized cost of monetary financial
assets denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in profit or loss, until the
financial assets are derecognized, at which time the gains or losses are released and

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

recognized in profit or loss.
Interests obtained and dividends declared by the investee during the period in which
the financial assets available-for-trade are held, are recognized in investment gains.
The Group’s financial liabilities are, on initial recognition, classified into financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. For financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are
immediately recognized in profit or loss for the current period, and transaction costs
relating to other financial liabilities are included in the initial recognition amounts.
1)     Financial liabilities measured by the fair value and the changes recorded in
profit or loss
The classification by which financial liabilities held-for-trade and financial liabilities
designed at the initial recognition to be measured by the fair value follows the same
criteria as the classification by which financial assets held-for-trade and financial
assets designed at the initial recognition to be measured by the fair value and their
changes are recorded in the current profit or loss.
For the financial liabilities measured by the fair value and changes recorded in the
profit or loss, fair values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the gains or
losses on the change of fair value and the expenses on dividends or interests related
to these financial liabilities are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
2)     Other financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities that linked with equity instruments, which do not have a
quoted price in an active market and their fair value cannot be measured reliably, is
subsequently measured by cost Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured
at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from
derecognition or amortization is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
3)     Financial guarantee contracts
For financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as at fair value through
profit or loss, or loan commitments not designated as at fair value through profit or
loss but to offer at the interest rate lower than market level they are, after initial
recognition, subsequently measured at the higher of: (i) the amount determined
according to the principles of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 -
Contingencies, and (ii) the amount initially recognized less the accumulated
amortization determined according to the principles of Accounting Standards for

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue.
(3) Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer
The Group derecognizes a financial asset when one of the following conditions is
1) the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired;
2)     the enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset to a
third party under a “pass-through” arrangement; or
3)     the enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset and
either (a) has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b)
has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the
asset, but has transferred control of the asset.
If the enterprise has neither retained all the risks and rewards from the financial asset
nor control over the asset, the asset is recognized according to the extent it exists as
financial asset, and correspondent liability is recognized. The extent of existence
refers the level of risk by the financial asset changes the enterprise is facing.
For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognition criteria,
(a). the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred; and (b) the sum of the
consideration received from the transfer and any cumulative gain or loss that had
been recognized in other comprehensive income, is recognized in profit or loss.
If a part of the transferred financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying
amount of the transferred financial asset is allocated between the part that continues
to be recognized and the part that is derecognized, based on the relative fair value of
those parts. The difference between (a) the carrying amount allocated to the part
derecognized; and (b) the sum of the consideration received for the part
derecognized and any cumulative gain or loss allocated to the part derecognized
which has been previously recognized in other comprehensive income, is recognized
in profit or loss.
(4) Derecognition
The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) when the underlying present
obligation (or part of it) is discharged or cancelled or has expired. An agreement
between the Group (an existing borrower) and existing lender to replace original
financial liability with a new financial liability with substantially different terms is
accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

recognition of a new liability.
(5) Impairment of financial assets (not including account receivables)
When the Group derecognizes a financial liability or a part of it, it recognizes the
difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial
liability) derecognized the consideration paid (including any non-cash assets
transferred or new financial liabilities assumed) in profit or loss.
The Group assesses at the balance sheet date the carrying amount of every financial
asset except for the financial assets that measured by the fair value. If there is
objective evidence indicating a financial asset may be impaired, a provision is
provided for the impairment.
The Group makes an impairment test for a financial asset that is individually
significant. For a financial asset that is not individually significant, it is included in a
group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively
assessed for impairment or individually assessed for impairment. If no objective
evidence of impairment incurs for an individually assessed financial asset (whether
the financial asset is individually significant or not individually significant), it is
included in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and
collectively assessed for impairment. Assets for which an impairment loss is
individually recognized is not included in a group of financial assets with similar credit
risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment.
1)     Impairment on held-to maturity investment, loans and receivables
The financial assets measured by cost or amortized cost write down their carrying
value by the estimated present value of future cash flow. The difference is recorded
as impairment loss. If there is objective evidence to indicate the recovery of value of
financial assets after impairment, and it is related with subsequent event after
recognition of loss, the impairment loss recorded originally can be reversed. The
carrying value of financial assets after impairment loss reversed shall not exceed the
amortized cost of the financial assets without provisions of impairment loss on the
reserving date.
2)     Impairment loss on available-for-trade financial assets
When decision is made with all related factors on whether the fall of fair value
investment of an equity instrument available-for-trade is significant or non-transient, it
indicates impairment of such equity instrument investment, in which, Significant

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

means over 20% of fall in fair value and Non-transient means over 12 months of
subsequent fall.
 When an available-for-trade financial asset is impaired, the cumulative loss arising
from declining in fair value that had been recognized in capital reserve shall be
removed and recognized in profit or loss. The amount of the cumulative loss that is
removed shall be difference between the acquisition cost with deduction of
recoverable amount less amortized cost, current fair value and any impairment loss
on that financial asset previously recognized in profit or loss.
If, after an impairment loss has been recognized, there is objective evidence that the
value of the financial asset is recovered, and it is objectively related to an event
occurring after the impairment loss was recognized, the initial impairment loss can be
reversed and the reserved impairment loss on available-for-trade equity instrument is
recorded in the profit or loss, the reserved impairment loss on available-for-trade debt
instrument is recorded in the current profit or loss.
The equity instrument where there is no quoted price in an active market, and whose
fair value cannot be reliably measured, or impairment loss on a derivative asset that
is linked to and must be settled by delivery of such an unquoted equity instrument
shall not be reversed.
 2.11 Account receivables
The account receivable by the Group includes account receivables, and other
The Group carries out an inspection on the balance sheet date. Where there is any
objective evidence proving that the receivables have been impaired, an impairment
provision shall be made:
1)     A serious financial difficulty occurs to the issuer or debtor;
2)     The debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations, for example, fails to pay
or delays the payment of interests or the principal, etc.;
3)     The debtor will probably become bankrupt or carry out other financial
4)     Other objective evidences showing the impairment of the receivables.
1) Provisions of bad debts in account receivables that is individually significant.
      The Group treats account receivables over RMB 5,000,000.00 (including
5,000,000.00) as individually significant item.

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

For an account receivable that is individually significant, the asset is individually
assessed for impairment, and the amount of impairment is recognized in profit or loss
if there is objective evidence of impairment is included in a group of financial assets
with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment. An
account receivable for which an impairment loss is individually recognized is not
included in a group of account receivables with similar credit risk characteristics and
collectively assessed for impairment.
2) Provisions of bad debts that is individually insignificant.
For the account receivables not individually significant, the Group assesses the
account receivables individually for impairment when are of following characteristics:
if there is objective evidence indicating the impairment, the impairment loss is
recognized at the difference between the present value of future cash flow less the
carrying amount, and provision is made accordingly.
2.12 Inventories
(1) Classification of inventory
Inventory was classified according to real estate development and non-development
of products. The real estate development products are the real estate developing
products, real estate developed products and real estate which are going to be
developed. The non-real estate development products include raw materials, finished
products and stocks, low-value consumable products and construction in progress.
(2) Valuation method of inventories upon delivery
Inventories are initially carried at the actual cost. Cost of inventories comprises all
costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs. The actual cost of inventories
transferred out is assigned by using weighted average method, and development
products by specific identification method.
 (3) Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods
for decline in value of inventories
Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business
less the estimated costs of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the
sale and relevant taxes. Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear
evidence obtained, and takes into consideration the purpose of holding inventories
and effect of post balance sheet events.
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of the cost and net

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

realizable value. If the net realizable value is below the cost of inventories, a
provision for decline in value of inventories is made. The provision for inventories
decline in value is determined by the difference of the cost of individual item less its
realizable value.
After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances
that previously caused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so
that the net realizable value of inventories is higher than their cost, the original
provision for decline in value is reversed and the reversal is included in profit or loss
for the period.
   (4) Inventory count system is based on the perpetual stock system.

(5) Amortization method for low cost and short-lived consumable items and
packaging materials.
   Low cost and short-lived consumable items are amortized using immediate write-off method; packaging

   materials are amortized using immediate write-off method。

   (6) Cost of land constitutes land development costs for pure land development project;

   Together with the overall development of the property, its cost is included in housing costs generally based on

   the actual area.

   (7)Public Facilities Fee: The cost is the actual construction cost incurred. If several estate projects benefit

   from the same facility, they stay in the same category. The cost of fee should be measured according to the

   allocation of sales area. If they got benefit but in different categories, the cost was measured according to the

   allocation of the area covered.

   (8)Utility reserve funds:Utility reserve funds were received by the Group and recorded in Long-term payables.

   The funds were used to maintainence and renewal of communal facilities

   (9)Quality Guarantees:Quality Guarantees was put into the account of real estate developing according to

   the contract amount and also recorded in the accounts payable at the same time. The actual payment incurs

   after the expiry of guarantee.

2.13 Long-term equity investments
(1) Determination of Investment cost
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be carrying value of the
absorbing party’s share of the shareholder’s of the party being absorbed at the date
of combination.
     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the
combination cost including the sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets
given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer.
The intermediary expenses incurred by                   the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal
services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative
expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss
when they are incurred.
The transaction cost for the equity securities or liability securities issued by the
acquirer in the business combination shall be recognized as initial amount of equity
security or liability.
The equity investments other than the long-term equity through combination shall be
initially measured by cost. The cost shall be recognized to the difference in the way of
acquisition of long-term equity investment. Theses ways include the cash purchase
price the Group actually paid, the fair value of equity security issued by the Group,
value specified in the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or carrying
value of the asset out in the transaction of non-monetary asset exchanges, and the
fair value of the long-term equity investment.
Expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly attributable to the
acquisition of long-term equity investment are taken into investment cost.
(2) Subsequent Measurement
Cost method shall be adopted in a long-term equity investment where the investing
enterprise does not have common control or significant influence over the investee,
the investment is not quoted in an active market and its fair value cannot be
measured reliably.
Where an investing enterprise can exercise common control or significant influence
over the investee, a long-term investment shall be accounted for using the equity
When an investing enterprise can no longer exercise joint control or common control
nor significant influence over the investee, and its fair value cannot be measured
reliably, a long-term investment shall be counted as financial asset ready-for trade.
A long-term equity investment where cost method is adopted in the Company’s
financial statements can exercise controls over the investee.
1)      Cost method of accounting for long-term equity investments

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial
investment cost. Except for cash dividends or profits declared but not yet paid that
are included in the price or consideration actually paid upon acquisition of the
long-term equity investment, investment income is recognized in the period in
accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends or profit distributions
declared by the investee.
2)      Equity method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the
investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net
assets at the time of acquisition, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment
Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the
investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of investee’s identifiable net assets at
the time of acquisition, the difference shall be charged to profit or loss for the current
period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall adjusted accordingly.
Under the equity method, the Group recognizes its share of the net profit or loss of
the investee for the period as investment income or loss for the period. The Group
recognizes it share of the investee’s net profit or loss based on the fair value of the
investee’s individual separately indentible assets, etc at the acquisition date after
making appropriate adjustments to confirm with the Group’s accounting policies and
accounting period. Unrealized profits or losses resulting from the Group’s
transactions with its associates and joint ventures are recognized as investment
income or loss to the extent that those attributable to the Group’s equity interest are
eliminated. However, unrealized losses resulting from the Group’s transactions with
its investees on the transferred assets, in accordance with "Accounting Standards for
Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets", are not eliminated. Changes in owners’
equity of the investee other than net profit or loss are correspondingly adjusted to the
carrying amount of the long-term equity investment, and recognized as other
compressive income which is included in the capital reserve.
When the investee is recognized net losses, reduce the carrying value of long-term
equity investments and long-term equity of net investment (in substance) in investee
to zero. In addition, the Group has the obligations on additional losses, then the
expected obligation as estimated liabilities and included in the current investment
losses. Where the net profit from investee units, restoration confirm the amount of
     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

revenue sharing after offset the amount of unrecognized loss sharing.
For long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures which had been
held by the Group before its first time adoption of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment
exceeds the Group’s interest in the investee’s net assets at the time of acquisition,
the excess is amortized and is recognized in profit or loss on a straight line basis over
the original remaining life.
3)     Acquisition of minority interest
The difference between newly increased equity investment due to acquisition of
minority interests and portion of net asset cumulatively calculated from the
acquisition date is adjusted as capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to
absorb the difference, the excess are adjusted against returned earnings.
4)     Disposal of long-term equity investment
Where the parent company disposes long-term investment in a subsidiary without a
change in control, the difference in the net asset between the amount of disposed
long-term investment and the amount of the consideration paid or received is
adjusted to the owner’s equity. If the disposal of long-term investment in a subsidiary
involves loss of control over the subsidiary, the related accounting policies in Note 4.4
On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds
actually received and receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or
loss for the period. For along-term equity investment accounted for using the equity
method, the amount included in the shareholders’ equity attributable to the
percentage interest disposed is transferred to profit or loss for the period.
For any retained interest, it shall be subsequently measured according to the related
accounting policies in regard of long-term equity investments or financial assets as
described above if its carrying amount is recognized as long-term equity investments
or other related financial assets. Retroactive adjustment is made on the basis of
relevant policies if the retained interests are settled from cost method to equity
(3) Recognition of investee under common control or significant influence
Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so
as to obtain benefits from its operating activities.

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Common control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic
activity, and exists only when the strategic financial and operating decisions relating
to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy
decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control over those policies.
When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise control or
significant influence over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the
investee held be the investing enterprise or other parties that are currently
exercisable or convertible shall be considered.
(4) Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision
The company assesses the long-term equity investment at the balance sheet date
whether there is any indication of impairment. If any indication exists that an asset
may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If
the recoverable value of the asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for
impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly.
Once an impairment loss is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent
2.14 Investment properties
Investment property is property held to earn rental or for capital appreciation or both.
It includes a land use right that is leased out, a land use right held for transfer upon
capital appreciation, and a building that is leased out. Besides, the Group has
buildings empty for operating lease. If there is a written decision from the Board (or
similar organization) with clear indication for operating lease and intension that no
change shall be made in the near future, the buildings shall be presented as
investment properties.
An investment property is measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures
incurred for such investment property are included in the cost of the investment
property if it is probable that economic benefits associated with an investment
property will flow to the Group and the subsequent expenditures can be measured
reliably. Other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in the period
in which they are incurred.
The Group uses the cost method for subsequent measurement of investment
property, and adopts a depreciation or amortization policy for the investment property

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

which consistent with that for building or land use rights.
Where self-occupied property or inventory converts into investment property, or
investment property converts into self-occupied property, the carrying amount before
the change shall be accounted as the value after conversion.
When an investment property changes into self-occupied property, it should be
converted into fixed asset or intangible asset on the date of conversion. When the
purpose of a self-occupied property changes into rental earning or capital increase,
fixed asset or intangible asset should be converted into an investment property from
the date of conversion. Where the cost model is used in the measurement of
investment property during the conversion, the carrying amount before the
conversion is accounted as the value after conversion. Where the investment
property is measured by the fair value after conversion, the fair value at the
conversion date is adopted as value after conversion.
Where an investment property is disposed or no longer in use permanently and no
economic benefits shall be obtained from the disposal, derecognized the investment
property. The income from sale, transfer or disposal of the investment property is
recorded in the profit or loss after deduction of its carrying amount and related tax.
2.15 Fixed assets
(1) The conditions of recognition
Fixed assets refers to the tangible assets that are held for the sake of producing
commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management and their
useful life is in excess of one fiscal year.
(2) Recognization and measurement of financial lease
Finance leases which transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownershipThe
depreciation policy for assets held under finance leases should be consistent with
that for owned assets. If there is no reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain
ownership at the end of the lease – the asset should be depreciated over the shorter
of the lease term or the life of the asset
(3) The method for depreciation
Fixed assets are stated at cost and consider the impact of expected costs of
abandoning the initial measurement. From the following month of state of intended
use, depreciation method of the straight-line method is used for different categories
of fixed assets to take depreciation. The recognition of the classification, useful life

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

and estimated residual rate are as follows:
                                                              Estimated residual value
                   Category            Expected useful life                              Depreciation(%)
 Building & construction                       30                        5                     3.17

 Machines & equipments                          7                        5                     13.57
 Vehicles                                       6                        5                     15.83
 Electronic appliances                          5                        5                     19.00

Expected net residual value of fixed assets is the balance of the Group currently
obtained from the disposal of the asset less the estimated costs of disposal amount,
assuming the asset is out of useful life and state the expected service life in the end.
(4) Measurement and recognition of fixed assets impairment
Fixed assets should be estimated the recoverable amount if there is an indication.
The recoverable amount is according to the high one of net value of fair value minus
the disposal with the present value of the future cash flows. The estimation should be
based on individual assets, if it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount, change
into estimating the group of assets it belongs to. Once provision for impairment, it
could not be reversed in later accounting period.
(5) Others
A fixed asset is recognized only when the economic benefits associated with the
asset will probably flow to the Company and the cost of the asset can be measured
reliably. Subsequent expenditure incurred for a fixed asset that meet the recognition
criteria shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset, and the carrying amount of the
component of the fixed asset that is replaced shall be derecognized. Otherwise, such
expenditure shall be recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are
The revenue from selling or transferring, or disposing a fixed asset is booked into
profit and loss after deduction of carrying value and related tax.
The Group conducts a review of useful life, expected net realizable value and
depreciation methods of the fixed asset at least on an annual base. Any change is
regarded as change in accounting estimates.
2.16 Construction in progress
Construction in progress is measured at its actual cost. The actual costs include
various construction expenditures during the construction perio and other relevant
costs. Construction in progress is transferred to a fixed asset when it is ready for

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

intended use.
On the balance sheet day, estimation should be made for the impairment of the
long-term suspension project that will not be re-started in three years. The
impairment estimated is book value minus the recoverable amount. Once provision
for impairment, it could not be reversed in later accounting period.
2.17 Borrowing costs
Borrowing costs include interest, amortization of discounts or premiums related to
borrowings, ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings,
and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings.
The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or
production of a qualifying asset are capitalized. The amounts of other borrowing
costs incurred are recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.
Qualifying assets are asset (fixed assets, investment property and inventories, etc.)
that necessarily take a substantial period of time for acquisition, construction or
production to get ready for their intended use or sale.
Where funds are borrowed for a specific-purpose, the amount of interest to be
capitalized is the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period
less any bank interest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before being used
on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds.
Where funds are borrowed for a general-purpose, the amount of interest to be
capitalized on such borrowings is determined by applying a weighted average
interest rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of accumulated
expenditure on the asset over and above the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings
During the capitalization period, exchange differences related to a specific-purpose
borrowing denominating in foreign currency are all capitalized. Exchange differences
in connection with general-purpose borrowings are recognized in profit or loss in the
period in which they are incurred.
Assets qualified for capitalization are the fixed assets, investment properties or
inventories which need a long time of construction or production activities before
ready for intended used or sale.
Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition,
construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted by activities other than
those necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale, when the

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. Borrowing costs
incurred during these periods recognized as an expense for the current period until
the acquisition, construction or production is resumed.
2.18 Intangible assets
(1) Recognition and calculation of intangible asset
The term “intangible asset” refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets without
physical shape, possessed or controlled by enterprises.
The intangible assets are initially measured by its cost. Expenses related to
intangible assets, if the economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to
flow into the enterprise and the cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably,
shall be recorded as cost of intangible assets. The expenses other than this shall be
booked in the profit or loss when they occur.
Land use rights that are purchased by the Group are accounted for as intangible
assets. Buildings, such as plants that are developed and constructed by the Group,
and relevant land use rights and buildings, are accounted for as intangible assets and
fixed assets, respectively. Payments for the land and buildings purchased are
allocated between the land use rights and the buildings; if they cannot be reasonably
allocated, all of the land use rights and buildings are accounted for as fixed assets.
When an intangible asset with a definite useful life is available for use, its original cost
less net residual value and any accumulate impairment losses is amortized over its
estimated useful life using the straight-line method. An intangible asset with an
indefinite useful life is not amortized.
For an intangible asset with a definite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and
amortization method at the end of the period, and makes adjustment when
necessary.. An additional review is also carried out for useful life of the intangible
assets with indefinite useful life. If there is evidence showing the foreseeable limit
period of economic benefits generated to the enterprise by the intangible assets, then
estimate its useful life and amortize according to the policy of intangible assets with
definite useful life.
(2) Research and development expenditure
The Group classifies the expenditure on an internal research and development
project into expenditure on the research phase and expenditure on the development

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Expenditure on the research phase of an internal research is recognized in profit &
loss in the period in which it is incurred.
Expenditure during the development phase that meets all of the following conditions
at the same time is recognized as intangible asset. Expenditure during development
phase that does not meet the following conditions is recognized in profit or loss for
the period.
1)     it is technical feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available
for use or sale;
2)     the Group has the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
3)     the Group can demonstrate the ways in which the intangible asset will generate
economic benefits including the evidence of the existence of a market for the output
of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the
usefulness of the intangible asset;
4)     the availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete
the development and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; and
5)     the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase
can be reliably measured.
If the expenditures cannot be distinguished between the research phase and
development phase, the Group recognizes all of them in profit or loss for the period.
(3) Methods of impairment assessment and determining the provision for impairment
losses of intangible assets
On balance sheet day, make impairment test for the uncertain life of intangible
If there is an indication of impairment on balance sheet day for intangible assets with
the finite useful life, estimate the recoverable amount. If the amount is lower than the
book value, the carrying value of intangible assets will be written down to its
recoverable amount. And the cut amount recognized as impairment losses, included
in the current profit and loss period. Once provision for impairment, it could not be
reversed in later accounting period.
2.19 Long-term deferred assets
Long-term deferred assets represent expenses incurred that should be beared and
amortized over the current and subsequent period (together of more than one year).
Long-term deferred assets are amortized by using straight line method.

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

2.20 Accrued liabilities
Accrued liabilities (or Provisions) are recognized when following obligations related to
a contingency are satisfied simultaneously. They are (a) such obligation is the
present obligation of the Group, (b)it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits
will be required to settle the obligation, and (c) the amount of the obligation can be
measured reliably.
The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration
required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date, taking into account
factors pertaining to a contingency such as risks, uncertainties and time value of
Where all or some of the expenditure required to settle a provision is expected to be
reimbursed by a third party, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset
only when it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received, and the amount of
reimbursement recognized does not exceed the carrying amount of the provision.
(1) Onerous contracts
An onerous contract is a contract in which the unavoidable costs of meeting the
obligations under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received
under it. The exceeding part over the assets in the contract shall be recognized as a
provision when an executor contract becomes an onerous contract and the obligation
arising under the onerous contract satisfies the requirements of provisions.
(2) Restructuring Obligation
The amount of a restructuring provision shall be recognized by the total direct
expenditures arising from the restructuring when the enterprise has a detailed,
formal plan for the restructuring, and        a public announcement of the plan has been
made for restructuring and above requirements for the provision mentioned above
are satisfied.
[For the restructuring obligation carried for the portion of business for sale, the
obligation related to the restructuring can only be recognized when the Group has
committed for the sales of portion of the business (signing the selling agreement with
2.21 Revenue
(1) Revenue from sales of goods
The Group has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

of the goods; the Group retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the
degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;
the associated costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably.
According to the principles above, the Group established real estate sales revenue is
recognized, must satisfied the following four conditions at the same time:
A. Real estate is completed, and is completed checking and accepting;
B. Signed a contract of sale and make recording in land department
C. Installment, if it is deferred for receiving money with financing, the cost should be
measured in present value according to the contract price. Mortgage, has been
received, and have completed the first phase of the mortgage loan approval
D. Agreed in the contract of sale and transfer the property to buyers.
 (2) Revenue from rendering service
When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be
estimated reliably at the balance sheet date, revenue associated with the transaction
is recognized using the percentage of completion method, or otherwise, the revenue
is recognized to the extent of costs incurred that are expected to be recoverable. The
stage of completion of a transaction for rendering services is determined based on
[survey of work performed / services performed to the date of as a percentage of total
services to be performed / the proportion that costs incurred to date bear to the
estimated total costs of the transaction]
The outcome of a transaction involving rendering of services can be estimated
reliably when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
1)     the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;
2)     it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group;
3)     the stage of completion of the transaction can be measured reliably;
4)     the costs incurred and to be incurred for the transaction can be measured
If the outcome of a transaction involving rendering of services cannot be estimated
reliably, the revenue is recognized by the cost incurred and estimated compensation,
and the actual cost is booked into profit and loss. No revenue is recognized if the cost
incurred cannot be recovered.
For contract or agreement entered between the Group and other enterprises with

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

sales of goods and rendering services, if part of goods selling and the part of
rendering service can be separated and measured individually, they are settled
separately. If the part of goods selling and the part of rendering service cannot be
separated or they can be separated but cannot be measured individually, the parts in
the contract shall be treated as goods of selling.
(3) Revenue from construction contracts
Where the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, contract
revenue and costs are recognized using the percentage of completion method at the
balance sheet date. The stage of completion of a contract is determined using the
proportion that actual contract costs incurred to date bears to the estimated total
contract costs.
The outcome of a construct contract can be measured reliably when the following
conditions are met:
(1) the total revenue of the contract can be measured reliably;
(2) it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the enterprise;
(3) the actual cost of the contract incurred can be determined and measured reliably;
(4) the stage of completion of the contract and the costs to be incurred associated
with the completion of the contract can be measured reliably.
Where the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably, (1) if
contract costs are expected to be recoverable, contract revenue is recognized to the
extent of contract costs that are expected to be recoverable; and contract costs are
recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred; (2) if contract costs
are not expected to be recoverable, they are recognized as expenses immediately
when incurred and contract revenue is not recognized. When the uncertainties that
prevented the outcome of the construction contract from being estimated reliably no
longer exist, revenue and expenses associated with the construction contract are
recognized using the percentage of completion method.
If the estimated total contract costs exceed total contract revenue, the expected loss
is recognized immediately as an expense for the period.
2.22 Government Grants
Government grants are transfer of monetary assets and non-monetary assets from
the government to the Group at no consideration, excluding the capital invested by
the government as equity owner. Government grant can be classified as grant related

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

to the assets and grants related to the income.
If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured
at the amount received or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a
non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value. If the fair value cannot be reliably
determined, it is measured at a nominal amount. A government grant measured at a
nominal amount is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.
A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly
amortized to profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset. For a government
grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses
to be incurred in subsequent period, the grant is recognized as deferred income, and
recognized in profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognized.
If the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred, the
grant is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.
For repayment of a government grant already recognized, if there is a related
deferred income, the repayment is offset against the carrying amount of the deferred
income, and any excess is recognized in profit or loss for the period. If there is no
related deferred income, the repayment is recognized immediately in profit or loss for
the period.
2.23 Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax
rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability
is settled, according to the requirements of tax laws. The measurement of deferred
tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflects the tax consequences that would follow
from the manner in which the Group expects at the balance sheet date, to recover the
assets or settle the liabilities.
For temporary differences between the carrying amount of certain assets or liabilities
and their tax base, or between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not
recognized as assets or liabilities and their tax base that can be determined
according to tax laws, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized using the
balance sheet liability method.
For temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and the
initial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business
combination) that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

deductible losses) at the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is
For taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and
associates, and interests in joint ventures, no deferred income tax liability related is
recognized except where the Group is able to control the timing of reversal of the
temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse
in the foreseeable future.
All deferred income tax liabilities arising from taxable temporary differences except
the ones mentioned above are recognized.
For temporary deductible differences associated with the initial recognition of an
asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business combination) that affects
neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) at the time of
transaction, no deferred tax asset is recognized.
For taxable temporary deductible differences associated with investments in
subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint ventures, no deferred income tax
asset related is recognized if it is impossible to reversal the temporary difference in
the foreseeable future, or it is not probable to obtain taxable income which can be
used for the deduction of the temporary difference in the future.
Except mentioned above, the Group recognizes other deferred income tax assets
that can deduct temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable
profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be
For the deductible losses and tax credit that can be carried forward, deferred tax
assets for deductible temporary differences are recognized to the extent that it is
probable that taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary
differences can be utilized.
At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax
rates according to tax laws, that are expected to apply in the period in which the asset
is realized or the liability is settled.
At the balance sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying amount of deferred tax
assets. If it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available in future
periods to allow the benefits of the deferred tax assets to be used, the Group reduces
the carrying amount of deferred tax assets. The amount of such reduction is reversed

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.
2.24 Leases
(1) Operating Lease
①The Group as Lessee under Operating Lease
Lease payments under an operating lease are recognized by a lessee on a
straight-line basis over the lease term, and either included in the cost of the related
asset or charged to profit or loss for the current period. The contingent rents shall be
recorded in the profit or loss of the period in which they actually arise.
②The Group as Leaser under Operating Lease
Lease income from operating leases shall be recognized by the leaser in profit or loss
on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Initial direct cost of significance in amount
shall be capitalized when incurred. If another basis is more systematic and rational,
that basis may be used. Contingent rents are credited to profit or loss in the period in
which they actually arise.
(2)Financing Lease
①The Group as Lessee under Operating Lease
For an asset that is held under a finance lease, at the lease commencement, the
leased asset is recorded at the lower of its fair value at the lease commencement and
the present value of the minimum lease payments, and the minimum lease payment
is recorded as the carrying amount of the long-term payables; the difference between
the recorded amount of the leased asset and the recorded amount of the payable is
accounted for as unrecognized finance charge, Initial direct costs incurred by the
lessee during the process of negotiating and securing the lease agreement shall be
added to the amount recognized for the leased asset.
The net amount of minimum lease payment deducted by the unrecognized finance
shall be separated into long-term liabilities and long-term liability within one year for
Unrecognized finance charge shall be computed by the effective interest method
during the lease term. Contingent rent shall be booked into profit or loss when
actually incurred.
②The Group as Leaser under Operating Lease
For an asset that is leased out under a finance lease, the aggregate of the minimum
lease receipts at the inception of the lease and the initial direct costs is recorded as a
finance lease receivable, and unguaranteed residual value is recorded at the same
time; the difference between the aggregate of the minimum lease receipt, initial direct
  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

costs, and unguaranteed residual value, and the aggregate of their present values, is
recognized as unearned finance income, which is amortized using the effective
interest rate method over each period during the lease term.
Finance lease receivable less unearned finance income shall be separated into
long-term liabilities and long-term liability within one year for presentation.
Unearned finance income shall be computed by the effective interest method during
the lease term. Contingent rent shall be credited into profit or loss in which actually
2.25 Assets ready-for-sale
The Group has made decision on disposal of some non-current assets, and signed
irrecoverable transferring agreements with buyers. The transaction is probably to be
completed with one year. If so, the non-current asset shall be counted as an asset
ready-for-sale, not depreciated or amortized, and shall be measured by the lower of
carrying amount and faire value less net value of disposal expenses. Non-current
assets ready-for-sale includes individual asset and disposal group. If disposal group
is an asset group, and has allocated goodwill acquired during the combination
according to the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment, or.
the disposal group is an operation in the asset group, the disposal group includes
goodwill in the business combination.
Where an asset or a disposal group is classified as held-for-trade, but cannot satisfy
the condition of non-current asset ready-for-trade, the Group shall derecognize it as
held-for-trade, and measure it by the lower of the followings:
(1)     the carrying amount of the asset or disposal group before it is classified as
held-for-trade, the value after the adjustment of depreciation, amortization or
impairment recognized under the assumption that it is not classified as held-for-trade;
(2)     the recoverable value on the date when decided not to trade any more.
2.26 Employee Benefits
During the accounting period of an employee’ providing services to the Group, the
Group recognizes the compensation payable as liabilities.
The Group participates in the employees social security system set up by
government agencies, including pensions, medical insurance, housing fund and
other social security system, and the corresponding expenditures are included in the
cost of related assets or the profit or loss.
When an enterprise terminates the employment relationship with employees before
the end of the employment contracts or provides compensation as an offer to
encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, a provision shall be
recognized for the compensation arising from termination of employment relationship
with employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current
period. The enterprise cannot unilaterally withdraw from the termination plan or the

    Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

redundancy offer.
The early retirement plan adopts the same principles of termination benefits. Salaries
and social insurance from the date of ceasing services to the date of normal
retirement are paid by the Group, subject to the conditions to be recognized in profit
or loss (termination benefits).
2.27 Changes in major accounting policies and accounting estimates
(1) Changes of accounting estimates
There were no changes of accounting policies that affected the Company during the
(2)Changes of accounting estimates
There were no changes of accounting estimation that affected the Company during
the period.
2.28 Correction of previous accounting errors
There was no previous accounting errors correction that affected the Company
during the period.
Note3 Principal Taxes Applied
Taxes and their rates
                   Category                                Taxable basis                      Tax rate

Value added tax (“VAT”)             Goods sales income, taxi operating income                            17% & 3%
                                      Proceeds from sales of properties, leasing income,
Business tax                                                                                                     5%
                                      property management income

Business tax                          Construction, installation income                                          3%

Construction tax                      Turnover tax                                                               7%
Education surcharge(Local Education
surcharge)                            Turnover tax                                                               5%

Income tax                            Income tax payable                                                 25% & 16.5%
                                                                                           Progressive rates ranging
Land appreciation tax                 Sales revenue of properties                                    from 30%-60%

*The rate of domestic enterprises is 25%, and the rate of HK enterprises is 16.5%.

                                   SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

          Note 4 Business Combination & Consolidated Financial Statements
          4.1 Information of subsidiaries
          (1) Subsidiaries established or acquired through investment                                                                   Currency: RMB ten thousands yuan
                                                                                 Reg.                                                                    Actual capital        Balance of other items
              Name of the subsidiary                         Types                          Biz nature      Reg. captl          Biz scope            contribution at the end     that in substance
                                                                                 place                                                                    of the period      constitutes net investment
Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co. Ltd.                       Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen      Services         3,000                Hotel                           3,000                             --
Shenzhen City Property Management Ltd.               Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen      Services          725         Property management                       725                             --
                                                                                                                           Fitting-out contracting
Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd.                  Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen      Services         1,000                                                1,000                             --
                                                                                                                            and maintenance
Shenzhen City We Gen Construction Management
                                                     Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen      Services          800              Supervision                          800                             --
Shenzhen City Car Rental Ltd.                        Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen      Services         1,029              Car rental                        1,029                             --
                                                                                                                          Develop and operate car
Shenzhen Shenfang Car Park Ltd.                      Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen      Services         4,250                                                4,250                             --
Shenzhen City Shenfang Investment Ltd.               Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen     Investment        1,000             Investment                         1,000                             --
                                                                                            Commecial                      Trading of Import and
Shenzhen City Shenfang Free Trade Trading Ltd.       Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen                        500                                                   500                             --
                                                                                              trade                              Export
Shenzhen City SPG Long Gang Development Ltd.         Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen     Real estate       3,000        Property development                    3,000                             --
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate
                                                     Wholly-owned subsidiary   GuangZhou    Real estate       2,000        Property development                    2,000                             --
(Group) Guangzhou Property and Estate Co., Ltd.
Beijing fresh peak property            development                                                            USD
                                                     Wholly-owned subsidiary    BeiJing     Real estate                   Operating of Real estate                  7,671                            --
management limited company                                                                                    1,000
 Beijing SPG Property Management Limited             Wholly-owned subsidiary    BeiJing      Services           50         Property management                        50                             --
                                                                                                                             Elevator sales and
Shenzhen ShenWu Elebator Co.,Ltd                     Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen      Services          350                                                   350                             --
                                                                                                                              Installation of
Shenzhen Lain Hua Industry and Trading Co. Ltd.      Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen      Services         1,000      mechanical and electrical                 1,000                             --
Fresh Peak Holding Ltd.                              Wholly-owned subsidiary   HongKong    Investment and    HKD100           Investment and                      100.47                       3,202

                                    SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                             Reg.                                                                         Actual capital        Balance of other items
               Name of the subsidiary                    Types                             Biz nature        Reg. captl           Biz scope           contribution at the end     that in substance
                                                                             place                                                                         of the period      constitutes net investment
                                                                                         management                             management
Wellam Ltd.                                      Wholly-owned subsidiary   HongKong                            HKD1           Investment holding                        1                             --
Shantou SEZ Wellam Fty Bldg., Dev. Co.           Wholly-owned subsidiary    ShanTou       Real estate        USD1,500       Property development                 9,122.61                             --
Shantou Huafeng Estate Dev.Co.                   Wholly-owned subsidiary    ShanTou       Real estate          3,000        Property development                    3,000                           --
                                                  Subsidiary of holding
Great Wall Estate Co., Inc                                                   USA               Real estate    USD50        Property development                    205.11                      10,138
                                                                                        Investment and                     Investment and
Fresh Peak Holdings Ltd.                         Wholly-owned subsidiary   HongKong                           HKD100                                                50.23                       56,498
                                                                                       management                         management
                                                  Subsidiary of holding
Fresh Peak Investment Ltd.                                                 HongKong            Investment     HKD100       Properties investment                   100.47                             --
                                                                                        Investment and                     Investment and
Openice Ltd.                                     Wholly-owned subsidiary   HongKong                           HKD100                                               100.47                             --
                                                                                       management                         management
                                                  Subsidiary of holding
Barenie Co. Ltd.                                                           HongKong            Investment      HKD1        Properties investment                        1                             --
Keyear Development Ltd.                          Wholly-owned subsidiary   HongKong            Investment     HKD100       Investment holding                      100.47                             --
Guangzhou Huangpu Xizun real estate limited
                                                 Wholly-owned subsidiary   GuangZhou           Real estate   HKD3980 Property development                        2,845.70                             --
Fresh Peak Real Estate Dev. Construction
                                                 Wholly-owned subsidiary    WuHan              Real estate    USD400       Property development                     2,292                             --
(Wuhan) Co. Ltd.*①
                                                                                               Commecial                   Commercial goods
Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.*②   Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen                            1,000                                                1,000                             --
                                                                                                   trade                  supplier
                                                                                                                           Information Technology
Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd *③                  Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen            Consultant      2,000                                                1,400                             --
Shenzhen City SPG Bao An Development Ltd.*④     Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen            Real estate     2,000       Property development                     2,000                             --
Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co.,                                                  Integrated                 Construction material,
                                                 Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen                            1,371                                                  596                             --
Ltd *⑤                                                                                           Services                consume goods
Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co.,   Wholly-owned subsidiary   shenzhen            Investment       300        Investment in industrial                   450                             --

                                        SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                        Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                                          Reg.                                                                                 Actual capital        Balance of other items
              Name of the subsidiary                                 Types                                   Biz nature      Reg. captl               Biz scope            contribution at the end     that in substance
                                                                                          place                                                                                 of the period      constitutes net investment
Ltd.*⑥                                                                                                                                    projects
Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service                                                                                              Construction and
                                                         Wholly-owned subsidiary        shenzhen                  Services      221                                                          818                              --
Co., Ltd.*⑦                                                                                                                               decoration
                                                              Subsidiary of holding
Bekaton Property Limited *⑧                                                            Australia         Real estate         USD20         Property Development                              91                          1,256
                                                              Subsidiary of holding
Canada Great Wall ( Vancouver) *⑧                                                       Canada           Real estate         CAD 0.1       Property Development                            0.45                          8,904
                                                                                                                                      Property construction
                                                                                                          Commecial                 and trading of
Paklid Limited *⑧                                       Wholly-owned subsidiary       HongKong                               HKD50 construction                                              20                          1,107
Shenzhen City Shenfang           Construction    and                                                      Commecial
                                                         Wholly-owned subsidiary        shenzhen                                268         Construction materials                           268                              --
Decoration Materials Ltd *⑨                                                                              trade
                                                              Subsidiary of holding                       Integrated
Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.*⑩                                            shenzhen                               1,900        Tourism Restaurant                             1,294                              --
                                                                   company                                Services
                                                                                                          Commecial                         Domestic commercial
Shenzhen Xing Dongfang Store Ltd.* 11                    Wholly-owned subsidiary        shenzhen                               2,000                                                       1,850                              --
                                                                                                          trade                            goods supply
                                                                                       FengKai in                                                  Manufacturing and
Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain Feng Cement                   Subsidiary of holding
                                                                                       GuangDong          Manufacture        USD800                 trading in cement                    12,126                               --
Manufacturing Co., Ltd *12                                          company
                                                                                        Province                                                             products

                                                                                      (%)of             Consolidated or       Minority        Profits or losses attributable to minority shareholder deducted from
                                  Full name of   subsidiary                                   Voting (%)                                                                                                           Remark
                                                                                        share                  not              interest                                   minority interest
       Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co. Ltd.                                                  100          100            Yes                     --                                                                   --

       Shenzhen City Property Management Ltd.                                          100          100            Yes                     --                                                                   --

       Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd.                                             100          100            Yes                     --                                                                   --

       Shenzhen City We Gen Construction Management Ltd.                               100          100            Yes                     --                                                                   --

                                Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                            (%)of             Consolidated or    Minority         Profits or losses attributable to minority shareholder deducted from
                             Full name of   subsidiary                              Voting (%)                                                                                                         Remark
                                                                              share                  not           interest                                    minority interest
Shenzhen City Car Rental Ltd.                                                100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Shenzhen Shenfang Car Park Ltd.                                              100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Shenzhen City Shenfang Investment Ltd.                                       100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Shenzhen City Shenfang Free Trade Trading Ltd.                               100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Shenzhen City SPG Long Gang Development Ltd.                                 100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate (Group) Guangzhou Property and
                                                                             100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --
  Estate Co., Ltd.
Beijing fresh peak property development management limited company           100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Beijing SPG Property Management Limited                                      100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Shenzhen ShenWu Elebator Co., Ltd                                            100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Shenzhen Lian Hua Industry and Trading Co. Ltd.                              100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Fresh Peak Holding Ltd.                                                      100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Wellam Ltd.                                                                  100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Shantou SEZ Wellam Fty Bldg., Dev. Co.                                       100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Shantou Huafeng Estate Dev.Co.                                               100         100          Yes                      --                                                                      --

Great Wall Estate Co., Inc                                                   70          70           Yes          -2,176.77                                                                   3.64

Fresh Peak Holdings Ltd.                                                     100        100           Yes                      --                                                                      --

Fresh Peak Investment Ltd.                                                   55          55           Yes         -10,455.26                                                                   -0.22

Openice Ltd.                                                                 100        100           Yes                      --                                                                      --

Barenie Co. Ltd.                                                             80          80           Yes           -202.23                                                                    1.54

Keyear Development Ltd.                                                      100        100           Yes                      --                                                                      --

Guangzhou Huangpu Xizun real estate limited company                          100        100           Yes                      --                                                                      --

                               Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                         (%)of             Consolidated or   Minority        Profits or losses attributable to minority shareholder deducted from
                           Full name of   subsidiary                             Voting (%)                                                                                                       Remark
                                                                           share                  not          interest                                   minority interest
Fresh Peak Real Estate Dev. Construction (Wuhan) Co. Ltd.*①              55          55               Yes                --                                                                   --

Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.*②                                 100         100         No                 --                                                                   --

Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd *③                                                 70          70         No                 --                                                                   --

Shenzhen City SPG Bao An Development Ltd.*④                                   100         100         No                 --                                                                   --

Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd *⑤                         100         100         No                 --                                                                   --

Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd.*⑥                         100         100         No                 --                                                                   --

Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.*⑦                    100         100         No                 --                                                                   --

Bekaton Property Limited *⑧                                                    60          60         No                 --                                                                   --

Canada Great Wall ( vancouver) *⑧                                              75          75         No                 --                                                                   --

Paklid Limited *⑧                                                             100         100         No                 --                                                                   --

Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration Materials Ltd *⑨           100         100         No                 --                                                                   --

Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.*⑩                                    68          68         No                 --                                                                   --

Shenzhen Xing Dongfang Store Ltd.* 11                                          100         100         No                 --                                                                   --

Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain Feng Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd *12          90          90         No                 --                                                                   --

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

*① Fresh Peak Real Estate Dev. Construction (Wuhan) Co. Ltd
The Company holds 100% equity of the corporation through the Subsidiary – fresh
peak investment limited which the Company held 55% equity.
*② Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd
The shareholders meeting held on 29 October 2007 passed the resolution to
terminate business, liquidation and formed a group to carry out the liquidation
procedures. The liquidation group issued a notice of liquidation on 7 December 2007.
According to the principle of “Enterprise Accounting Standards No.33- the
Consolidation Financial Statement”, the Store will not be included in the Company’s
consolidated financial statement. The book value of the investment account of the
Company is zero.
*③ Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd
The shareholders meeting held on 12 May 2008 passed the resolution to terminate
business, liquidation and formed a group to carry out the liquidation procedures. The
liquidation group issued a notice of liquidation on 5 December 2008. According to the
principle of “Enterprise Accounting Standards No.33- the Consolidation Financial
Statement”, the corporation will not be included in the Company’s consolidated
financial statement. The book value of the investment account of the Company is
*④ Shenzhen City SPG Bao An Development Ltd.
The shareholders meeting held on 18 September 2009 passed the resolution to
terminate business, liquidation and formed a group to carry out the liquidation
procedures. According to the principle of “Enterprise Accounting Standards No.33-
the Consolidation Financial Statement”, the Store will not be included in the
Company’s consolidated financial statement.
*⑤ Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.
The operating period of this corporation is from 26 January 1983 to 28 August 1999.
And this Company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had
been terminated its licenses by law on 8 Febuary 2002 because of failing to take part
in annual inspection.
*⑥ Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 3 October 1993 to 3 October 1998.
And this Company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had
been terminated its licenses by law on 8 Febuary 2002 because of failing to take part
  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

in annual inspection.
*⑦ Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 7 March 1983 to 10 April 1995. And
this company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had been
terminated its licenses by law in 2004 because of failing to take part in annual
*⑧ Bekaton Property Limited and Paklid Limited
These 3 subsidiaries were set up overseas in early times. The board of directors
passed a resolution to terminate the corporations’ business.
*⑨ Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration Materials Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 1 January 1984 to 6 July 2004. And
this company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had been
terminated its licenses by law on February 8, 2002 because of failing to take part in
annual inspection.
*⑩Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 16 October 1984 to 16 October 2004.
And this company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had
been terminated its licenses by law in 1999 because of failing to take part in annual
*11 Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd
The operating period of this corporation is from 7 June 1983 to 7 June 1998. And this
company has ceased operations for many years. And the corporation had been
terminated its licenses by law at 10 January 2001 because of failing to take part in
annual inspection.
*12 Guangdong Province Fengkai Lian Feng Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd
The total assets (including tangible and intangible assets) of the corporation were
auctioned for debt repayment at 22 January 2006. The Company's investment in the
company's book value is zero.
Except for * ② , * ③ , * ④ , * 12 , the above subsidiaries which are not included the
company’s consolidated financial statement had ceased operations for many years.
And the entities of the corporations didn’t exist. And the Company has no control over
its subsidiaries’ businesses. According to the principle of “Enterprise Accounting
Standards No.33- the Consolidation Financial Statement”, the corporation will not be
included in the Company’s consolidated financial statement. The book value of the
investment account of the Company is zero.

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

(2)Subsidiaries acquired through business combination under common control
There were not subsidiaries acquired through business combination under common

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

     (3)Subsidiaries acquired through business combination not under common contro
                                                                                                                                               Balance of
                                                                                                                            Actual capital     other items
                                                                                               Reg.                         contribution at       that in
     Name of the subsidiary               Types                             Biz nature       capital(ten       Biz scope    the end of the      substance
                                                                                            thousands)                         period(ten      constitutes
                                                                                                                              thousands)            net
Shan Tou Special Economic Zone         Wholly-owned                                                           Property
                                                         Real estate        Services        HKD3000                                 2,108               --
Real Estate Ltd.                        subsidiary                                                           development

                                                                                                           Amount of minority interest
                                                                 Consolidated or         Minority           used to absorb profits or
         Full name of   subsidiary     (%)of shareVoting (%)                                                                            Remark
                                                                      not                interest             losses attributable to
                                                                                                                minority interests
     Shan Tou Special Economic Zone
                                           100          100             Yes                          --                              --
     Real Estate Ltd.

     4.2 Special purpose entities or operational entities whose control power are
     formed through entrusted operation or lease.
     There are no Special purpose entities or operational entities whose control power are
     formed through entrusted operation or lease.
     4.3、The explanation for merge scope modification
     The Company in this year has expanded the merge scope for this year, because the
     new establishment of Shantou Huafeng estate Dev. Co. with registered capital of
     RMB 30,000,000.00.
     4.4 The entity newly merged into the scope and the main body not merged into
     scope for this period
     The newly merged sub companies, special purpose main bodies and operational
     entities with the control power formed via entrusted operation and lease in this period

                         Name                           Net asset as of Dec 31, 2013                              Net profit 2013

     Shantou Huafeng estate Dev. Co.                                        30,000,000.00                                                        --

     Shantou Huafeng estate Dev. Co. is a new established subsidiary of the Company in
     2013. (note 4.1)。
     4.5 Merger of enterprises under the same controller
     There is no merger of enterprises under the same controller during the reporting
     4.6、Merger of enterprises not under the same controller
     There is no merger of enterprises not under the same controller during the reporting

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

4.7 Subsidiaries not included in the scope of consolidation because of not
being controlled through sale
There are no subsidiaries not included in the scope of consolidation because of not
being controlled through sale during the reporting period.
4.8 Reverse purchase occurred during the reporting period
There is no reverse purchase occurred during the reporting period.
4.9 Merger occurred during the reporting period
There is no merger occurred during the reporting period.
4.10 Exchange rates for translating major financial statement items of foreign
                                                                                       Assets and liabilities
                                                               December 31,2013                                 December 31, 2012

           Great Wall Estate Co., Inc                         USD1 = RMB 6.0969                                 USD1 = RMB 6.2855

                                                                                 Revenue, expenses and cash flow
                                                                          2013                                        2012

           Great Wall Estate Co., Inc                         USD1 = RMB 6.1912                                 USD1 = RMB 6.3099

Note 5 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Unless specified, the items of the Opening in the followings (including the notes to the
Company financial statements) refers to the date of January 1, 2013, the Closing
refers to the December 31, 2013; the items of the prior period refers to the year 2012,
the current period refers to the year 2013.

5.1 Monetary funds
                                                 Closing balance                                         Opening balance
                                                   Exchange                                                 Exchange
                             Foreign currency                      Amount in RMB      Foreign currency                     Amount in RMB
                                                     rate                                                     rate
Cash on hand                                                           185,502.41                                               336,552.84

RMB                                                                    172,180.27                                               298,819.57

USD                                     100.09       6.0969                 610.24            1,435.33           6.2855            9,021.75

HKD                                16,168.79         0.7862               12,711.90         35,406.98            0.8109           28,711.52

Cash in bank                                                       519,098,870.03                                            488,243,117.58

RMB                                                                509,911,429.21                                            482,281,853.10

    Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                  Closing balance                                           Opening balance
                                                    Exchange                                                   Exchange
                               Foreign currency                     Amount in RMB       Foreign currency                      Amount in RMB
                                                      rate                                                       rate
USD                                137,953.58         6.0969            841,089.20            116,396.17          6.2855          731,608.14

HKD                             10,616,066.68         0.7862          8,346,351.62           6,449,200.07         0.8109        5,229,656.34

Other monetary funds                                                  6,090,000.00                                              8,226,234.59

RMB                                                                   6,090,000.00                                              8,092,202.24

HKD                                         --             --                    --           165,288.38          0.8109          134,032.35

Total                                                               525,374,372.44                                            496,805,905.01

Note: (1) Cash in bank above includes RMB 6,090,000.00 ownership restricted
(opening balance: RMB 33,092,202.24). Among the other monetary funds, there is
RMB 90,000.00 tender bonds margin, RMB 6,000,000.00 was deposited in the
Company's rent escrow account for the Company's borrowings.
(2) The fund with use restrictions, which is being kept in a foreign country, is RMB
9,187,440.82 (opening balance: RMB 6,002,371.76).
5.2 Accounts receivables
(1)         Accounts receivable by categories
                                                                                            Closing balance

                  Category                                         Carrying amount                               Bad debt provision
                                                          Amount                      (%)                   Amount                    (%)
Accounts receivable of which provision for bad
                                                                        --                     --                       --                     --
debts is of individually significant
Accounts receivable of which provision for bad
                                                         33,243,243.17                  100.00              19,141,119.11                   57.58
debts is of individually insignificant
                       Total                             33,243,243.17                  100.00              19,141,119.11                   57.58

                                                                                            Opening balance

                  Category                                         Carrying amount                               Bad debt provision
                                                          Amount                      (%)                   Amount                    (%)
Accounts receivable of which provision for bad
                                                                        --                     --                       --                     --
debts is of individually significant
Accounts receivable of which provision for bad
                                                         42,887,466.13                  100.00              18,474,279.11                   43.08
debts is of individually insignificant
                       Total                             42,887,466.13                  100.00              18,474,279.11                   43.08

(2)         Accounts receivable by aging balance
                                                                    Closing balance                               Opening balance

                                                            Amount                     (%)                    Amount                  (%)

Within 1 year                                                   4,984,386.26                 14.99          12,586,772.76                   29.35

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

    1-2 years                                                       2,898,070.94                  8.72          2,915,703.10                     6.80

    2-3 years                                                         24,802.70                   0.08          1,670,965.02                     3.90
    Over 3 years                                                   25,335,983.27             76.21             25,714,025.25                    59.95
                                   Total                           33,243,243.17            100.00             42,887,466.13                 100.00

    (3) Bad debt provision
    Bad debt provision of accounts receivable which is of individually insignificant
                                                                                                            Proportion of         Reasons for the
         Content of accounts receivable             Carrying amount         Amount of bad debt
                                                                                                              provision             provision
    Receivables of import and export                                                                                             A separate provision
                                                        11,574,556.00              11,574,556.00                     100.00
    agency business                                                                                                                 is established
                                                                                                                                   according to the
    House pay to be collected                           10,811,709.25               6,968,694.02                      64.46     recoverability of each
                                                                                                                                 receivable with long
    Engineering construction funds and                                                                                              aging and little
                                                       10,856,977.92                  597,869.09                         5.51
    others                                                                                                                           retrievability.
                           Total                       33,243,243.17               19,141,119.11                      57.58

    (4)There were no any account receivables which had been accrued fully or large
    proportion provision transferred back in this accounting year.
    (5) There were no any significant account receivables which had been written off in
    this accounting year.
    (6)No amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of the voting rights of the
    Company is included in the above balance of accounts receivable.
    (7) Top 5 entities with the largest balances of accounts receivable
                                           Relationship with the                                                            Proportion of the amount to
           Name of entity                                                        Amount                      Age
                                                  Group                                                                          the total AR (%)
Corporate unit No.1                           Un-related party                     1,788,042.67          Above 3 years                              5.38
Individual No.1                               Un-related party                     1,200,000.00          Above 3 years                              3.61

Corporate unit No.2                              Associates                        1,084,758.36          Above 3 years                              3.26

 Individual No.2                              Un-related party                      876,864.11           Above 3 years                              2.64

Individual No.3                               Un-related party                      793,529.98           Above 3 years                              2.39

                   Total                                                           5,743,195.12                                                    17.28

    (8) Receivables due from related parties, details please refer to Note 6.6.
    (9) There were no any accounts receivable that have been derecognized.
    (10) There were no any accounting receivable which had been securitization.
    5.3 Prepayments
    (1) Aging analysis
                                                    Closing balance                                                Opening balance
                                           Amount                          (%)                           Amount                           (%)

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Within 1 year                                    12,101,114.11                             99.14                     38,665,226.47                           97.44

1-2 years                                           100,002.35                              0.82                         38,762.35                            0.10

2-3 years                                                 196.84                            0.00                        971,011.25                            2.45

Over 3 years                                             5,285.00                           0.04                            2,550.00                          0.01

         Total                                   12,206,598.30                           100.00                      39,677,550.07                          100.00

 (2) Top 5 entities with the largest balances of prepayments
   Name of entities           Relationship with the Group             Amount               Timing                      Reasons for unsettlement
                                                                                                              The un-settled prepayment of engineering
 Project 1                            Un-related party              3,625,116.73        Within 1 year
                                                                                                              The un-settled prepayment of engineering
 Project 2                            Un-related party              1,071,034.33        Within 1 year
                                                                                                              The un-settled prepayment of engineering
 Project 3                            Un-related party               872,933.48         Within 1 year
                                                                                                              The un-settled prepayment of engineering
 Project 4                            Un-related party               679,250.00         Within 1 year
                                                                                                              The un-settled prepayment of engineering
 Project 5                            Un-related party               843,856.95         Within 1 year
            Total                                                   7,092,191.49

 (3) No prepayments to shareholders at least 5% of the Group’s shares with voting
 power during the current period.
 5.4 Dividends receivable
                                                                                                                                   Reasons for
                                                                                                                                                 Whether the
                      Item                       Opening balance         Increase          Decrease          Closing balance       uncollected
                                                                                                                                               amount is impaire
 Aged above 1 year                                  1,052,192.76                   --                --          1,052,192.76
 Including:YunNan KunPeng Flight
                                                    1,052,192.76                   --                --          1,052,192.76                               No
 service Co.,Ltd
                      Total                         1,052,192.76                   --                --          1,052,192.76

 Note: The balance was due from YunNan KunPeng Flight service Co., Ltd.
 5.5 Other receivables
 (1)                Other receivables by categories
                                                                                                          Closing balance

  Category                                                                  Carrying amount                                     Bad debt provision
                                                                       Amount                      (%)                   Amount                      (%)
  Other receivables of which provision for bad
                                                                    162,299,084.48                       69.70         148,744,256.33                      91.65
  debts is of individually significant
  Other receivables of which provision for bad
                                                                     70,540,348.70                       30.30          29,422,675.04                      41.71
  debts is of individually insignificant
                              Total                                 232,839,433.18                    100.00           178,166,931.37                      76.52


          Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                                            Opening balance
                           Category                                 Carrying amount                                  Bad debt provision
                                                               Amount                     (%)                 Amount                      (%)
    Other receivables of which provision for bad
                                                               162,502,551.42               69.07            148,947,821.36                     91.66
    debts is of individually significant
    Other receivables of which provision for bad
                                                                72,762,279.99               30.93             29,422,675.04                     40.44
    debts is of individually insignificant
                            Total                              235,264,831.41              100.00            178,370,496.40                     75.82

         (2)               Other receivables by aging balance
                                                                       Closing balance                                 Opening balance

                                                                  Amount                   (%)                  Amount                    (%)

    Within 1 year                                                  6,594,259.31                    2.83       17,424,406.66                      7.41

    1-2 years                                                     10,001,333.18                    4.30        2,285,080.90                      0.97

    2-3 years                                                      1,594,693.57                    0.68        1,788,417.79                      0.76
    Over 3 years                                                214,649,147.12                    92.19      213,766,926.06                     90.86
                             Total                              232,839,433.18                   100.00      235,264,831.41                 100.00

    (3) Bad debt provision
    (a) Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually significant
                                                                                                    Proportion of
    Content of accounts receivable           Carrying amount         Amount of bad debt                                    Reasons for the provision
Other receivables between subsidiaries
                                                                                                                           A separate provision is
that are not included in the                     128,350,317.89             128,347,388.92                     99.99
                                                                                                                        established according to the
consolidated statement
                                                                                                                     recoverability of each receivables
Others                                            33,948,766.59              20,396,867.41                     60.08      with long aging and little
                   Total                         162,299,084.48             148,744,256.33                     91.65

    (b) Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually insignificant
 Content of other receivables         Carrying amount          Proportion of provision          Amount of bad debt        Reasons for the provision
Other receivables between                                                                                         A      separate     provision    is
subsidiaries that are not                                                                                         established according to the
                                            1,324,136.04                   1,116,316.04                     84.31
included in the consolidated                                                                                      recoverability of each receivables
statement                                                                                                         with long aging and little
Others                                     69,216,212.66                28,306,359.00                       40.90 retrievability
               Total                       70,540,348.70                29,422,675.04                       41.71

    (4)There were no any account receivables which had been accrued fully or large
    proportion provision transferred back during the current period.
     (5)There were no any other material receivables written off during the current period.
    (6)There were no any other receivables due from shareholders at least 5% of the
    Group’s shares with voting power during the current period.
    (7)Top 5 entities with the largest balances of other receivables
      Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                      Relationship with the                                                               Proportion of the amount to
           Name of entity                                                  Amount                     Age
                                             Group                                                                             the total OR (%)
Canada Great Wall( Vancouver)
                                           Subsidiary                           89,035,748.07      Above 3 years                              38.24
Co.,Ltd *
Paklid Limited *                           Subsidiary                           18,428,098.53      Above 3 years                                7.91
Bekaton property Limited *                 Subsidiary                           12,559,290.58      Above 3 years                                5.39
Guangdong province Huizhou
                                         Joint venture                          10,465,168.81      Above 3 years                                4.49
Luofu Hill Mineral Water Co.,Ltd
Luofu Hill Travelling Corporation       Un- related party                        9,600,000.00      Above 3 years                                4.12

                Total                                                       140,088,305.99                                                    60.15

  Note: The above subsidiaries were not included in the Group’s consolidated financial
  statement. Refer to Note 4.1 for details.
  (8) Receivables due from related parties, details please refer to Note 6.6.
  (9) There were no any other receivables that have been derecognized.
  (10)          There were no any other receivables which had been securitization during
  the current period.
   5.6 Inventory
  (1) Categories of inventory
                                                                                            Closing balance
                                                            Carrying amount            Provision for inventories              Net carrying amount

  Real estate development projects
Real estate developing products                                 890,317,408.57                      47,584,499.31                    842,732,909.26
Real estate developed products                                1,773,322,833.86                                       --            1,773,322,833.86
Real estate which are going to be developed                     298,632,911.82                                       --              298,632,911.82

  Non real estate development projects
Raw materials                                                       515,963.06                                       --                   515,963.06
Finished products                                                   582,298.50                         278,891.91                         303,406.59
Low-value consumable products                                        41,821.30                                       --                    41,821.30
Construction in progress                                         52,385,743.15                                       --                52,385,743.15

                           Total                              3,015,798,980.26                     47,863,391.22                   2,967,935,589.04

                                                                                        Opening balance
                                                    Carrying amount                 Provision for inventories                 Net carrying amount

  Real estate development projects
Real estate developing products                             2,260,222,646.19                     47,584,499.31                       2,212,638,146.88
Real estate developed products                                187,895,424.67                                    --                     187,895,424.67
Real estate which are going to be developed                                --                                   --                                      --

            Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

       Non real estate development projects
      Raw materials                                                    474,030.36                                --                    474,030.36
      Finished products                                                652,903.78                        278,891.91                    374,011.87
      Low-value consumable products                                     41,821.30                                --                     41,821.30
      Construction in progress                                    30,331,029.46                                  --                 30,331,029.46

                             Total                             2,479,617,855.76                      47,863,391.22                2,431,754,464.54

         (2)Real estate developing products
                                                             Finished         Estimated total
                                           Starting time                                                 Opening balance          Closing balance
                                                               time            investment

  DongHuDiJing Building*                                                                                     130,350,182.51       130,652,182.51

  ShanTou Yuejing Dongfang                      2008          2014                 150,000,000.00           78,795,485.51           128,934,749.12

  Shengfang Shanglin Garden                     2007          2014              1,400,000,000.00           346,095,674.23           607,303,194.82

  ShanTou Fresh Peak Building                                                                               22,812,403.36            23,427,282.12

  Shenfang Chuanqishan East Zone                2011        Finished                                      1,075,701,021.51                         --

  Shenfang Chuanqishan West Zone**              2012        Finished                                       606,467,879.07                          --

                     Total                                                                                2,260,222,646.19          890,317,408.57

       Note: The decrease of Shenfang Chuanqishan West Zone and East Zone is caused
       by transference into Real estate developed products.
       (3)Real estate developed products
                                                       Opening balance                  Additions               Redutions            Closing balance

Jinye Island Multi-tier villa          1997                36,129,768.09                  2,804,000.00                       --        38,933,768.09

Jinye Island villa No.6                2007                 2,961,996.22                            --                       --         2,961,996.22

Jinye Island villa No.9                2009                10,239,320.90                            --         10,239,320.90                            --

Jinye Island villa No.10               2010                84,815,289.51                            --         37,632,661.06           47,182,628.45

Jinye Island villa No.11               2008                22,545,126.68                            --          4,653,589.78           17,891,536.90

HuangPuXinChun No.1                    1994                  121,283.88                             --                       --           121,283.88

HuangPuXinChun No.2                    2007                  269,946.14                             --                40,984.33           228,961.81

HuaFeng Building                       2000                 1,631,743.64                            --                       --         1,631,743.64

XingHu Garden Multi-tier               2003                  156,848.69                             --                       --           156,848.69

BeiJing Fresh Peak Buliding                                  671,820.67                             --                       --           671,820.67

Wenjin warehouse 1-5 floor                                 13,507,895.61                            --                       --        13,507,895.61

Real Estate building                                       11,025,444.77                            --                       --        11,025,444.77

Wenjing Garden                                              3,818,939.87                            --                       --         3,818,939.87

Shenfang Chuanqishan                   2013                             --           2,505,984,773.39         870,794,808.13        1,635,189,965.26

                Total                                    187,895,424.67              2,508,788,773.39         923,361,364.20        1,773,322,833.86

       (4) Real estate which are going to be developed

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                Opening balance           Additions          Reductions               Closing balance

     Shantou Jingzaiwan                       --       298,632,911.82                    --               298,632,911.82

                Total                         --       298,632,911.82                    --               298,632,911.82

In July 2013, the Company acquired the land use right through open biding, land is
located in Jingzai Wan, Bright Village, Peace Town, Chaoyang District, Shantou City.
The Company has paid 276,711,000.00 for the land in full. The acreage of the land is
 56,248.00 square meters, and the designing volume ratio is 5.0. As of the date of
this report quoted, The Company has obtained the certificates of the land use right.
(5)Provision for movement in value of inventories
            Item            Opening balance        Increase                                                      Closing balance
                                                                      Reversals               Write-off

Shengfang Shanglin Garden     47,584,499.31                   --                    --                      --   47,584,499.31

Finished products                278,891.91                   --                    --                      --      278,891.91

            Total             47,863,391.22                   --                    --                      --   47,863,391.22

(6) Capitalized borrowing cost at year end is RMB 131,372,204.30.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

 5.7 Other current assets
               Item                                   Contents                          Closing balance             Opening balance
Value added tax                   Input tax to be deducted                                      3,451,107.04              5,686,855.14
Business tax                      Tax paid for advances from customers                                    --              1,680,349.06

City construction surcharge       Tax paid for advances from customers                                    --               324,324.07

Education surcharge               Tax paid for advances from customers                                    --                28,718.20

Local education surcharge         Tax paid for advances from customers                                    --                19,227.31

Embankment Protection Fee         Tax paid for advances from customers                                    --                40,987.00

               Total                                                                            3,451,107.04              7,780,460.78

 5.8 Long-term equity investments
 (1) Long-term equity investments by types
                         Item                         Opening balance        Increase               Decrease         Closing balance

Invested in joint ventures                                   91,678,556.86                 --                  --       91,678,556.86

Invested in associates                                        2,849,274.53                 --         25,316.71          2,823,957.82

Other equity investments                                 224,100,247.16                    --                  --      224,100,247.16
Less:provisions for long-term equity investment
                                                         243,402,109.25                    --                  --      243,402,109.25
                         Total                               75,225,969.30                 --         25,316.71         75,200,652.59

                                             SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                            Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

 (2) Details of long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                             Changes [Increase
                                         Name of investee                           Accounting method   Investment cost   Opening balance                         Closing balance
 Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                                                      Equity method        1,250,000.00       1,403,848.97           -25,316.71       1,378,532.26

 Shenzhen Runhua Automobile Trading Co.,Ltd                                           Equity method        1,445,425.56       1,445,425.56                   --       1,445,425.56

 Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill mineral water Co.,Ltd                          Equity method        9,969,206.09       9,969,206.09                   --       9,969,206.09

 Fengkai Xinhua Hotel                                                                 Equity method        9,455,465.38       9,455,465.38                   --       9,455,465.38

 Jiangmen Xinjian Real Estate Co. Ltd.                                                Equity method        9,037,070.89       9,037,070.89                   --       9,037,070.89

 Xi’an Fresh Peak Building Co. Ltd                                                   Equity method       32,840,729.61      32,840,729.61                   --     32,840,729.61

 DongYi Property Co.,Ltd                                                              Equity method       30,376,084.89      30,376,084.89                   --     30,376,084.89

 Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd                                    Cost method         4,500,000.00       4,500,000.00                   --       4,500,000.00

 Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd                                              Cost method        12,940,900.00      12,940,900.00                   --     12,940,900.00

 Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.                                   Cost method         5,958,305.26       5,958,305.26                   --       5,958,305.26

Paklid Limited                                                                         Cost method           201,100.00        201,100.00                    --        201,100.00

Bekaton Property Limited                                                               Cost method           906,630.00        906,630.00                    --        906,630.00

 Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd                               Cost method         8,180,003.63       8,180,003.63                   --       8,180,003.63

 Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd                                                       Cost method        18,500,000.00      18,500,000.00                   --     18,500,000.00

 Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration Materials Ltd.                     Cost method         2,680,000.00       2,680,000.00                   --       2,680,000.00

 Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.                                           Cost method        10,000,000.00      10,000,000.00                   --     10,000,000.00

 Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd                                                           Cost method        14,000,000.00       7,613,507.96                   --       7,613,507.96

 YunNan KunPeng Flight service Co.,Ltd                                                 Cost method         5,464,240.74       5,464,240.74                   --       5,464,240.74

 ShenZhen ShenFang BaoAn developmentCo.,Ltd                                            Cost method        20,000,000.00      20,379,525.68                   --     20,379,525.68

 Shantou Fresh Peak Building                                                           Cost method        68,731,560.43      58,547,652.25                   --     58,547,652.25

 Guangdong Province Fengkai Lian Feng Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                   Cost method       121,265,000.00      56,228,381.64                   --     56,228,381.64

                                             SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                            Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                                                                                                            Changes [Increase
                                         Name of investee                                Accounting method      Investment cost      Opening balance                                   Closing balance
 Shantou Small&medium Enterprises Financing Guarantee Co. Ltd.                             Cost method               12,000,000.00      12,000,000.00                        --              12,000,000.00

                                              Total                                                                 399,701,722.48    318,628,078.55                 -25,316.71             318,602,761.84

                                                                               Proportion of    Proportion of voting    Explanation of the                             Provision for
                                                                                                                                                Provision for                         Cash dividend
                                    Name of investee                         ownership interest    power in the      inconsistency between                          impairment losses
                                                                                                                                              impairment losses                       for the period
                                                                                held (%)         investee      (%)    these two proportions                           for the period
 Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                                                   25                    25                                        1,076,954.64                        --                     --

 Shenzhen Runhua Automobile Trading Co.,Ltd                                        50                    50                                        1,445,425.56                        --                     --

 Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill mineral water Co.,Ltd                   Co-operation          Co-operation                                  9,969,206.09                   --                     --

 Fengkai Xinhua Hotel                                                          Co-operation          Co-operation                                  9,455,465.38                   --                     --

 Jiangmen Xinjian Real Estate Co. Ltd.                                         Co-operation          Co-operation                                      912,537.16                 --                     --

 Xian Fresh Peak Building Co. Ltd                                              Co-operation          Co-operation                                20,673,831.77                    --                     --

 DongYi Property Co.,Ltd                                                       Co-operation          Co-operation                                21,225,715.87                    --                     --

 Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd                                100                   100                                       4,500,000.00                   --                     --

 Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd                                          68                    68                                      12,940,900.00                    --                     --

 Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.                               100                   100                                       5,958,305.26                   --                     --

Paklid Limited                                                                     100                   100                                           201,100.00                 --                     --

Bekaton Property Limited                                                           60                    60                                            906,630.00                 --                     --

 Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd                           100                   100                                       8,180,003.63                   --                     --

 Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd                                                   100                   100                                     18,500,000.00                    --                     --

 Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration Materials Ltd.                 100                   100                                       2,680,000.00                   --                     --

 Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.                                       100                   100                                     10,000,000.00                    --                     --

 Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd                                                       70                    70                                                    --                 --                     --

                                                 SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                                 Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                                            Proportion of    Proportion of voting    Explanation of the                               Provision for
                                                                                                                                                               Provision for                         Cash dividend
                                       Name of investee                                   ownership interest    power in the      inconsistency between                            impairment losses
                                                                                                                                                             impairment losses                       for the period
                                                                                             held (%)         investee      (%)    these two proportions                             for the period
     YunNan KunPeng Flight service Co.,Ltd*                                                      25                   25                                                      --                    --              --

     ShenZhen ShenFang BaoAn developmentCo.,Ltd                                                 100                   100                                                     --                    --              --

     Shantou Fresh Peak Building                                                                100                   100                                          58,547,652.25                    --              --

     Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain Feng Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                         90                   90                                           56,228,381.64                    --              --

     Shantou Small&medium Enterprises Finacing Guarantee Co. Ltd.                                10                   10                                                      --                    --              --

                                            Total                                                                                                                 243,402,109.25                    --              --

     Note: The proportion of ownership interest in YunNan KunPeng Flight service Co., Ltd held by the Group is 25%. Because the Group
     neither have control nor have significant influence over the investee, the equity investment is accounted for using the cost method.
     (3) Details of unrecognized investment losses are as follows:
                                                                                                                 Current year                                                       Prior year
                                        Investee                                     Unrecognized investment losers         Accumulated unrecognized       Unrecognized investment losers Accumulated unrecognized
                                                                                              for the year                      investment losses                   for the year              investment losses
     Shenzhen Fresh Peak Property Consultant Co., Ltd                                                  -27,619.29                            741,966.91                      -227,348.83                   769,586.20

                                         Total                                                         -27,619.29                            741,966.91                      -227,348.83                   769,586.20

     (4) Investments in joint ventures and associates
           1) Joint ventures
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Proportion of
                                                                                                                                                                              Registered   Proportion of
                                                                                                                      Legal                                                                              voting power in
                    Name of investee                         Type of enterprise            Registered place                                  Nature of business               capital(the   ownership
                                                                                                                  representative                                                                          the investee
                                                                                                                                                                           thousands yuan) interest (%)
Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill mineral water Co.,
                                                           Cooperative Enterprises        Guangdong Boluo           YangHuaiYu            Water and other products                     602       Co-operation   Co-operation
Fengkai Xinhua Hotel                                       Cooperative Enterprises       Guangdong Feng kai                                 Tourism, Restaurant                                  Co-operation   Co-operation

                                                 SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                                Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Jiangmen Xinjian Real Estate Co. Ltd.                     Cooperative Enterprises        Guangdong Jiangmen            LuoJinXing     Property developing and sales                   USD660      Co-operation   Co-operation
                                                                                                                                  Developing and operating Xi’an trade
Xi’an Fresh Peak Building Co. Ltd                        Cooperative Enterprises                Xi’an               LiangWeiGuo building                                           HKD3,000     Co-operation   Co-operation

DongYi Property Co., Ltd                                     Private Enterprises              Hong kong                               Property development and sales                  HKD100      Co-operation   Co-operation

                                                                                   Total assets at   Total liabilities at   Total net assets at   Total operating   Net profit for   Relationship with     Organization
                                     Name of investee
                                                                                   the end of year    the end of year        the end of year    income for the year  the year         related party           code
           Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill mineral water Co.,Ltd*①                                                                                                                  Joint venture

     Fengkai Xinhua Hotel*②                                                                                                                                                               Joint venture

     Jiangmen Xinjian Real Estate Co. Ltd.*③                                                                                                                                              Joint venture

     Xi’an Fresh Peak Building Co. Ltd.*③                                                                                                                                                Joint venture   62390802-3

     DongYi Property Co.,Ltd.*③                                                                                                                                                           Joint venture

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

  ①Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill mineral water Co., Ltd
  The operting period of the company was form June 5, 1991 to June 4, 2001. And the
  company had ceased operations because of operating loss for many years. And the
  Company had been terminated its licenses by law at July 6, 2001 because it failed to
  pass the annual inspection. Besides, the corporation stopped preparing the financial
  statement. As of the end of the year, the book value of the investment account of the
  Company is zero. According to the joint venture agreement, the Company didn’t have
  the obligation to bear the additional loss.
  ②Fengkai Xinghua Hotel
  The FengKai XingHua Hotel was announced bankruptcy by the Guangdong Province
  Zhaoqing City second-middle intermdediate Peoples’ court with the document (2002)
  ZHFJPZ No.2. And the corporation had finished the bankruptcy procedure. As of the
  end of the year, the book value of the investment account of the Company is zero.
  According to the joint venture agreement, the Company didn’t have the obligation to
  bear the additional loss.
  ③Jiangmen Xinjian Real Estate Co. Ltd., Xian Fresh Peak Building Co. Ltd, DongYi
  Property Co., Ltd
  The above corporations were the joint ventures set up with the local partners for the
  properties developing projects. Consider the projects had been stopped, and the joint
  ventures had closed operating activities for many years with no preparation of
  financial statements. Already the corresponding provision for the investment of these
  joint ventures was accrued. Refer to Notes5.8. (5) for details.
  2)         Associates
                                                                                                                 Proportion of Proportion of
                          Type of                                  Legal           Nature of       capital(the
  Name of investee                         Registered place                                                       ownership voting power in
                         enterprise                            representative      business        thousands
                                                                                                                 interest (%) the investee (%)
 Shenzhen Ronghua Limited liability             Shen          Zheng Zhong         air-condition,
                                                                                                           500           25               25
   JiDian Co.,ltd    company                    zhen                qing        water-electricty
                                                                                fixing and sales
Shenzhen Fresh Peak                             Shen              Zhong
                     Limited liability                                          Property sales
 Property Consultant                                                                                       300           20               20
                        company                 zhen              XinFa           and rental
                                                                                 Domestic car
 Shenzhen Runhua                                Shen               LiXue
                       Limited liability                                           sales( not
 Automobile Trading                                                                                        500           50               50
                          company               zhen                Min          includen little
                                                                                  car), motor
Shenzhen Dongfang                               Shen                               Domestic
                  Limited liability
 New world Store                                               PengNaiDian      trade/material           3000            50               50
                     company                    zhen
     Co.,Ltd                                                                        supply

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                                   Total operating                        Relationship
                       Total assets at the Total liabilities at Total net assets                       Net profit for the              Organization
  Name of investee                                                                 income for the                         with related
                          end of year       the end of year at the end of year                               year                         code
                                                                                         year                                party
 Shenzhen Ronghua
                         14,674,214.89        9,572,143.84       5,102,071.05      18,936,536.42           -82,507.38      Associate   19219691-6
  JiDian Co.,ltd*①
Shenzhen Fresh Peak
 Property Consultant      2,853,091.27        6,544,412.78      -3,691,321.51        4,609,834.90         138,096.47       Associate   19221684-1
 Shenzhen Runhua
 Automobile Trading                                                                                                        Associate   19220483-2
Shenzhen Dongfang
 New world Store                                                                                                           Associate   19222948-2

     *① Shenzhen Runhua Automobile Trading Co., Ltd
     The operating period of this corporation was form Feb 24, 1992 to Feb 24, 1997, and
     it had ceased operations because of operating loss for many years. Besides, it had
     been terminated its licenses by law because it failed to pass the annual inspection
     and no financial statement was prepred afterwards. As the end of the year, the book
     value of the investment account of the company is zero. According to the associate
     agreement, the company didn’t have the obligation to bear the additional loss.
     *② Shenzhen Dongfang New world store Co., Ltd
     The operating period of this corporation was from June 7, 1993 to June 7, 1998, and
     the company had ceased operations because of operating loss for many years. And
     the company had been terminated its licenses by law at Jan 10, 2001 because it
     failed to pass the annual inspection. Besides, the company stopped making the
     financial statement. At Dec 31, 2010, the book value of the investment account of the
     company is zero. According to the associate agreement, the company didn’t have the
     obligation to bear the additional loss.
       (5)Provision for impairment of long-term investments
                               Item                            Opening balance         Increase          Decrease          Closing balance

    Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co., ltd                                1,076,954.64                  --              --             1,076,954.64

    Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd              4,500,000.00                  --              --             4,500,000.00

    Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.                      12,940,900.00                  --              --           12,940,900.00

    Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.             5,958,305.26                  --              --             5,958,305.26

    Paklid Limited                                                    201,100.00                  --              --              201,100.00

    Bekaton Property Limited                                          906,630.00                  --              --              906,630.00
    Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co.,
                                                                    8,180,003.63                  --              --             8,180,003.63

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                            Item                      Opening balance         Increase        Decrease          Closing balance

Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd.                         18,500,000.00                   --           --            18,500,000.00
Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration
                                                          2,680,000.00                   --           --             2,680,000.00
Materials Ltd.
Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.              10,000,000.00                   --           --            10,000,000.00
Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain Feng Cement
                                                         56,228,381.64                   --           --            56,228,381.64
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Runhua automobile trading Co.,Ltd                1,445,425.56                   --           --             1,445,425.56
Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill mineral water
                                                          9,969,206.09                   --           --             9,969,206.09
Fengkai Xinhua hotel                                      9,455,465.38                   --           --             9,455,465.38

Jiangmen Xinjian Real Estate Co. Ltd.                       912,537.16                   --           --               912,537.16
Xi’an Fresh Peak Property Management & Trading Co.
                                                         20,673,831.77                   --           --            20,673,831.77
Tung Yick Property Co., Ltd.                             21,225,715.87                   --           --            21,225,715.87

Shantou Fresh Peak Building                              58,547,652.25                   --           --            58,547,652.25

                          Total                         243,402,109.25                   --           --           243,402,109.25

5.9 Investment properties
(1) Details of investment properties
                       Item                   Opening balance            Increase             Decrease            Closing balance
The investment properties are subsequently
                                                  581,129,408.65                    --        23,487,024.50         557,642,384.15
measured using the cost model
Less: Provision for impairment                   93,755,965.22                      --         2,427,672.97          91,328,292.25
                       Total                    487,373,443.43                      --        21,059,351.53         466,314,091.90

     (2)Investment properties measured at cost
                       Item                   Opening balance            Increase             Decrease            Closing balance

I.     Total original carrying amount           845,909,375.80                      --        2,957,883.47          842,951,492.33

Including: Buildings                            748,891,106.42                      --                     --       748,891,106.42

          Land use rights                        97,018,269.38                      --        2,957,883.47            94,060,385.91
II.  Total accumulated depreciation
                                                264,779,967.15           20,529,141.03                     --       285,309,108.18
and amortization
Including: Buildings                            264,779,967.15           20,529,141.03                     --       285,309,108.18

          Land use rights                                        --                 --                     --                       --

III. Total provision for impairment              93,755,965.22                      --        2,427,672.97            91,328,292.25

Including: Buildings                             14,128,544.62                      --                     --         14,128,544.62

          Land use rights                        79,627,420.60                      --        2,427,672.97            77,199,747.63

IV.    Total carrying amounts                   487,373,443.43                                                      466,314,091.90

Including: Buildings                            469,982,594.65                                                      449,453,453.62

          Land use rights                        17,390,848.78                                                        16,860,638.28

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note: (1) The amount of current year depreciation is Rmb 20,529,141.03.
(2) The reductions of land use right’s original cost and provision are due to the
fluctuation of exchange rate.
(3)Among the investment property, Rmb 392,996,646.21 of net book value of building
was used as mortgage for the Group’s long-term loan (including Long-term loan due
within one year). Refer to Note 5.16 for details.
5.10           Fixed assets
                Item                 Opening balance                     Increase                     Decrease            Closing balance

I.    Total original cost             141,652,164.76                            7,708,578.63          9,771,755.49          139,588,987.90

Including: building& construction     107,162,510.48                            5,588,512.83          6,682,333.72          106,068,689.59

Vehicles                                18,869,315.60                           1,203,766.00          2,484,812.00           17,588,269.60

Machines & equipments                   15,620,338.68                               916,299.80         604,609.77            15,932,028.71
II.   accumulated
                                                             Additions              Accrual
Total                  accumulated                                       --
                                        78,447,356.10                           7,792,426.84          7,366,482.75           78,873,300.19
Including: Building & construction      54,959,841.74                    --     4,678,314.54          4,431,548.09           55,206,608.19

Vehicles                                13,151,303.89                    --     1,671,975.22          2,371,196.38           12,452,082.73

Machines & equipments                   10,336,210.47                    --     1,442,137.08           563,738.28            11,214,609.27

III.Total net book value                63,204,808.66                                                                        60,715,687.71

Including: building& construction       52,202,668.74                                                                        50,862,081.40

Vehicles                                 5,718,011.71                                                                         5,136,186.87

Machines & equipments                    5,284,128.21                                                                         4,717,419.44

IV. Total impairment provision                                                                                                              --

Including: building& construction                       --                                       --                  --                     --

Vehicles                                                --                                       --                  --                     --

Machines & equipments                                   --                                       --                  --                     --

V.Total carrying amount                 63,204,808.66                                                                        60,715,687.71

Including: building& construction       52,202,668.74                                                                        50,862,081.40

Vehicles                                 5,718,011.71                                                                         5,136,186.87

Machines & equipments                    5,284,128.21                                                                         4,717,419.44

Note: (1)The depreciation for the current year is RMB 7,792,426.84.
There were no original amount of construction in progress was transferred to fixed
assets during the period.
(2) Details of fixed assets which ownership is restricted
As at 31 December 2013, amounting to RMB 25,171,333.23 (original cost is RMB49,

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

 696,185.15) of real estate was used for mortgage, including long-term loans and
 loans within one year. Refer to Note 5.16).
 5.11 Intangible assets
                        Item                      Opening balance                   Increase                Decrease                 Closing balance

I.        Carrying amount                               7,180,000.00                  1,429,800.00                                        8,609,800.00

Software                                                    812,000.00                1,429,800.00                          --            2,241,800.00

Taxi license                                            6,368,000.00                               --                       --            6,368,000.00

II.       Total accumulated amortization                1,313,893.25                      542,339.96                        --            1,856,233.21

Software                                                    421,133.25                    374,759.96                        --              795,893.21

Taxi license                                                892,760.00                    167,580.00                        --            1,060,340.00

III.      Total provision for impairment                                 --                        --                       --                         --

Software                                                                 --                        --                       --                         --

Taxi license                                                             --                        --                       --                         --

IV.       Total net carrying amount                     5,866,106.75                                                                      6,753,566.79

Software                                                    390,866.75                                                                    1,445,906.79

Taxi license                                            5,475,240.00                                                                      5,307,660.00

 Note: The amortization for the current period is RMB 542,339.96.

 5.12            Long-term deferred assets
                                                                                                                                      Reason for other
          Item           Opening balance        Increase            Amortization             Other reductions   Closing balance
  Renovation costs             427,321.35          96,307.00              143,192.88                       --         380,435.47

 Others                                --         213,000.00                  65,083.26                    --         147,916.74

 Total                         427,321.35         309,307.00              208,276.14                       --         528,352.21

 5.13 Deferred tax assets and liabilities
 (1) Recognized deferred tax assets
                                                      Closing balance                                           Opening balance
                 Item                                            Deductible or taxable                                            Deductible or taxable
                                      Deferred tax assets                                       Deferred tax assets
                                                                 temporary differences                                           temporary differences
 Provision for impairment losses
                                            11,896,124.83                 47,584,499.31                 11,896,124.83                   47,584,499.31
 of assets
 Dismission welfare                            764,437.76                     3,057,751.04                 816,350.26                    3,265,401.05

 Deductible loss                             6,539,335.08                 26,157,340.32                  6,916,174.53                   27,664,698.12

 Advertising expense                                        --                                             253,000.00                    1,012,000.00

 Sales agency fees                           1,291,717.89                     5,166,871.56                             --                              --

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Expected profit for advances
                                              6,300,844.46             25,203,377.84                            --                         --
from customers
                 Total                       26,792,460.02            107,169,840.07               19,881,649.62            79,526,598.48

(2) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets
                          Item                                    Closing balance                              Opening balance

 Deductible losses

     Deductible operating loss                                                 10,768,552.19                               17,168,115.83

 Bad debt provision                                                            49,327,012.62                               49,211,193.88

 Provision for decline in value of inventories                                      69,722.98                                     69,722.98
 Provision for impairment of long-term
                                                                               60,850,527.31                               60,850,527.31
 Provision for impairment of investment
                                                                               22,832,073.06                               23,438,991.31
                          Total                                               143,847,888.16                              150,738,551.31

(3) Deductible losses, for which no deferred tax assets are recognized, will expire in
the following years
                         Year                             Closing balance              Opening balance                  Remarks

 2013                                                                          --           28,540,572.21

 2014                                                              36,309,943.43            36,309,943.43

 2015                                                               2,662,914.18                2,662,914.18

 2016                                                               1,008,640.93                1,008,640.93

 2017                                                                 150,392.58                 150,392.58

 2018                                                               2,942,317.62                          --

                         Total                                     43,074,208.74            68,672,463.33

5.14             Other non-current assets
         Item                                      Contents                                Closing balance             Opening balance

Software fees              The un-settled prepayment of software system                                        --                1,214,400.00

Fitment fees               The un-settled prepayment of fitment                                                --                1,037,034.00

Others                     Others                                                                              --                 162,000.00

         Total                                                                                                 --                2,413,434.00

                    Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
               5.15 Details of provision for impairment of assets
                                  Item                       Opening balance             Increase                                                          Closing balance
                                                                                                               Reversals              Write-off

               1. Bad debt provision                            196,844,775.51           666,840.00              203,565.03                       --        197,308,050.48
               2.Provision for decline in value of
                                                                 47,863,391.22                      --                       --                   --         47,863,391.22
               3. Provision for impairment of
                                                                243,402,109.25                      --                       --                   --        243,402,109.25
               long-term investments
               4.Provision for impairment of
                                                                 93,755,965.22                      --         2,427,672.97                       --         91,328,292.25
               investment properties
                                 Total                          581,866,241.20           666,840.00            2,631,238.00                       --        579,901,843.20

               *The variation of impairment provision of assets is due to the fluctuation of rate used
               in translation of foreign currencies.
               5.16             Assets of ownership or use-right restriction
                        Item                                           Name of project                           Closing balance                            Reason for restriction

Subtotal of assets for Guarantee                                                                                           464,593,922.71

Inventories(Real estate developed products)             Jinye Island Multi-tier villa                                      38,933,768.09                          Mortgage

Inventories(Real estate developed products)             Real Estate Building 5-6 floor                                      7,492,175.18                          Mortgage

Investment properties                                   Shenfang Square                                                255,754,094.02                             Mortgage

Investment properties                                   Petrel Building                                                    73,828,663.63                          Mortgage

Investment properties                                   GuoShang North 2 floor                                             63,413,888.56                          Mortgage

Fixed assets                                            Shenfang Square 46-48 floor                                        25,171,333.23                          Mortgage
Subtotal of assets of ownership or use-right was
restricted by other reason
Monetary funds                                          Other monetary funds                                                      90,000.00                    Refer notes 5.1

Monetary funds                                          Other monetary funds                                                6,000,000.00                       Refer notes 5.1

                        Total                                                                                          470,683,922.71

               5.17             Short-term loans

                                         Item                                             Closing balance                                     Opening balance

               Entrusted loan                                                                                              --                                 70,000,000.00

               Loan on credit                                                                                23,000,000.00                                    26,000,000.00

                                         Total                                                               23,000,000.00                                    96,000,000.00

               5.18 Accounts payable
               (1) Details of accounts payable
                                                 Item                                                    Closing balance                               Opening balance

               Within one year                                                                                     347,527,527.67                               6,552,137.26

    Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
Over one year                                                                                 41,817,743.79                      66,108,696.34

                               Total                                                         389,345,271.46                      72,660,833.60

(2)There were no any accounts payable to shareholders holding at least 5% of the
Group’s shares with voting power or to related parties in the reporting period.
(1) Significant accounts payable aged more than one year is for the unsettled
project at the end of the period.
 5.19        Advances from customers
(1) Details of advances from customers
                       Item                                    Closing balance                                    Opening balance

Within one year                                                             289,325,916.04                                     384,299,219.83

Over one year                                                                 23,641,112.81                                     22,894,978.97

                      Total                                                 312,967,028.85                                     407,194,198.80

(2) There were no any advances from customers to shareholders holding at least 5%
of the Group’s shares with voting power or to related parties in the reporting period.
(3) Significant advances from customers aged more than one year is the import and
export agency business payment and advance payment from housing buyers, as
such receipts have not been transferred to income at the end of the year.
(4) Details of advances from customers
                                                                                                                          Estimated time of
                       Item                               Closing balance                    Opening balance

Jinye Island villa No.6                                            6,500,000.00                        5,500,000.00          Completed

Jinye Island villa No.9                                                            --                25,180,000.00           Completed

Jinye Island villa No.10                                          32,853,668.00                      28,744,765.00           Completed

Jinye Island villa No.11                                          12,535,317.00                        8,489,464.00          Completed

Shenfang Chuanqishan                                              82,398,193.00                     280,179,233.00           Completed

Shenfang Shanlin Garden                                          123,407,161.00                                  --             2014

Yuejing dongfang                                                  12,172,080.00                                  --             2014

                      Total                                      269,866,419.00                     348,093,462.00

5.20                Employee benefits payable
                                Item                         Opening balance             Increase           Decrease      Closing balance

    I.      Salary, bonus,     allowances and subsidies       29,557,777.44         98,845,074.71         97,592,916.54 30,809,935.61

     II.    Staff welfare                                                     --        4,811,119.16       4,811,119.16                --

     III.   Social security contributions                      2,485,089.68         14,453,245.82         14,566,010.82    2,372,324.68
                                                               1,104,655.50             3,364,177.04       3,375,027.78    1,093,804.76
     1. Medical insurance premium
     2. Pension insurance premium                              1,257,988.54             7,330,175.89       7,337,365.62    1,250,798.81

    Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                                      Item                          Opening balance       Increase         Decrease      Closing balance

    3. Annuity premium                                                 121,397.33       2,808,910.45      2,903,576.14         26,731.64

    4.Unemployment insurance premium                                       136.54         442,138.83       442,160.45            114.92

    Employment injury insurance                                            612.66         229,457.19       229,397.73            672.12
    Maternity insurance                                                    299.11         278,386.42       278,483.10            202.43

    IV.        Housing fund                                             10,064.55       5,120,033.26      5,125,957.71          4,140.10
    V.         Labor union fee, staff and workers’ education fee     1,345,350.85      2,029,423.92      2,459,648.51     915,126.26
    VI.    Termination benefits                                       3,265,401.05        650,012.70       857,662.71     3,057,751.04

    VII. Others                                                         11,344.61       1,809,397.23      1,820,574.12           167.72

                                     Total                          36,675,028.18 127,718,306.80 127,233,889.57 37,159,445.41

Note:①The overdue employee benefits payable is RMB 0.
② Union running costs and employee education costs are RMB2,029,423.92,
non-monetary benefits are RMB 0, and compensations to employees for termination
of employment relationship are RMB 650,012.70.
③ At the end of the year, most of the salary payable to employees                                                        is      accrued
wages and bonuses, which would be paid during 2014.
5. 21 Taxes payable
                              Item                                       Closing balance                         Opening balance

Corporate income tax                                                                  67,471,436.36                            12,295,090.93

Individual income tax                                                                   777,703.15                                387,577.98

Property tax                                                                           1,763,706.34                             1,723,069.64

Land appreciation tax                                                                 28,852,426.99                             5,552,414.59

Business tax                                                                          43,433,203.80                                        --

Construction tax                                                                       2,930,393.52                                        --

Education surcharge                                                                    1,373,204.96                                        --

Local Education surcharge                                                               913,809.35                                         --

Others                                                                                  490,766.90                                         --

                              Total                                                  148,006,651.37                            19,958,153.14

5.22           Interest payable
                            Item                                         Closing balance                         Opening balance
Interest of long-term loans with interest payable by
                                                                                        1,947,237.24                            1,726,472.23
installments and principle payable on maturity
Interest payable on short-term loans                                                                 --                           134,166.67

Others                                                                                16,535,277.94                            16,535,277.94

                            Total                                                     18,482,515.18                            18,395,916.84

The balance of other interests payable due to Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,
     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
 Ltd. were accured from the loans, refer to note 6.6.(2).
 5.23 Other payables
 (1) Details of other payables
                         Item                                     Closing balance                              Opening balance

Land appreciation tax accrued                                                    109,138,661.21                              118,306,623.12

Payable to related parties                                                        93,340,761.01                               98,325,761.01

Cash pledge                                                                       46,711,864.34                               41,157,683.11

Others                                                                           145,496,550.73                              136,951,659.05

                         Total                                                   394,687,837.29                              394,741,726.29

 (2) Other payables to shareholders holding at least 5% of the Group’s shares with
 voting power or to related parties in the reporting period. Please refer to Note 6.6
 Related party transaction.
 (3) Description of significant other payables aged more than one year
                    Name of entity                          Amount                Reason for overdue         If paid after reporting date

 Tax accrued- land appreciation tax                       88,890,020.66              Unexpired                          No

 Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,Ltd.                   58,848,819.24               Unsettled                         No

                         Total                           147,738,839.90

 (4) Description for significant balances of other payables
 The Group made provision for LAT, according to Guo Shui Fa [2006] No. 187 "LAT
 liquidation management issues of real estate development enterprises made by the
 State Administration of Taxation on ". As at December 31, 2013, the closing balance
 is RMB 109,138,661.21.
 5.24         Non-current liabilities due within one year
 (1) Details of non-current liabilities due within one year
                                 Item                                   Closing balance                        Opening balance

 Long-term loans due within one year (Note 5.25)                                   331,482,489.72                        299,261,270.80

                                Total                                              331,482,489.72                        299,261,270.80

 (2) Long-term loan due within one year
 1) Details of Long-term loan due within one year
                         Item                                   Closing balance                             Opening balance

  Loan with mortgage                                                       331,482,489.72                                 299,261,270.80

                        Total                                              331,482,489.72                                 299,261,270.80

 2)Top 5 long-term loans due within one year
                       Lender                                    Maturity date     Currency       Closing balance       Opening balance
                                                   date of loans
Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank                     2010.11.26    2013.11.26          RMB                        --           97,000,000.00

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank                          2010.8.23      2013.8.23       RMB                        --            86,000,000.00

Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank                          2012.6.14   2014.12.21         RMB          98,181,818.16                           --

Huashang Bank (Shenzhen Branch)                         2012.12.6      2014.12.6       RMB          50,000,000.00               50,000,000.00

Huaxia Bank (Buji Branch)                               2012.9.29   2014.12.29         RMB          20,000,000.00               25,000,000.00

Huaxia Bank (Buji Branch)                           2012.10.24      2014.12.24         RMB          20,000,000.00               25,000,000.00

ICBC (Guangming Branch)                                 2012.8.24   2014.10.17         RMB          61,428,572.00                           --

      Bank of Shanghai (Shenzhen Branch)            2013.12.27      2014.12.27         RMB          48,000,000.00                           --

                       Tolal                                                                       297,610,390.16              283,000,000.00

 Note: Amounts repaid after the balance sheet date are RMB 66,973.90 thousand.
 The rates of above borrowing depend on the benchmark interest rate of the People's
 Bank of China for the same period and have a certain proportion floating of the
 benchmark interest rate.
 5.25         Long-term loans
 (1) Long-term loans categories
                               Item                                          Closing balance                           Opening balance

Loan with mortgage                                                                     1,145,696,026.57                       1,148,897,349.05

Less: long-term loans due within one year (Note 5.24)                                   331,482,489.72                         299,261,270.80

                               Total                                                    814,213,536.85                         849,636,078.25

 Note: the categories and amounts of assets pledged with monetary assets secured
 borrowings are shown in notes 5.16.
 2) Top 5 significant long-term loans
                     Lending party                       Inception date Maturity date Currency        Closing balance         Opening balance

Huashang Bank (Shenzhen Branch)                            2012.12.6       2015.12.6       RMB        100,000,000.00           150,000,000.00

China Construction Bank (Shenzhen Branch)                  2012.8.28       2015.9.27       RMB            100,000,000.00       100,000,000.00

China Construction Bank (Shenzhen Branch)                 2012.11.21      2015.11.20       RMB            100,000,000.00       100,000,000.00

Huaxia Bank (Buji Branch)                                  2012.9.29       2017.9.29       RMB                           --     75,000,000.00

Huaxia Bank (Buji Branch)                                 2012.10.24      2017.10.24       RMB                           --     75,000,000.00

China Zheshang Bank (Shenzhen Branch)                      2013.8.23       2018.8.22       RMB            113,000,000.00

Bank of Shanghai (Shenzhen Branch)                        2013.12.27      2016.12.27       RMB            102,000,000.00

                       Total                                                                              515,000,000.00       500,000,000.00

 ① The rates of above borrowing depend on the benchmark interest rate of the
 People's Bank of China for the same period and have a certain proportion of the
 benchmark interest rate.
 ② The resolution about borrowing money from China Zheshang Bank (Shenzhen
 Branch) was carried at the Fifteenth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors. As of
                Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
            December 31, 2013, the loan balance was RMB 127,000,000.00.
            5.26 Long-term payables
            Details of long-term payables
                                         Item                                                  Closing balance                               Opening balance
             Maintenance fund                                                                            10,749,885.53                                  11,136,124.62
                                         Total                                                           10,749,885.53                                  11,136,124.62

            5.27 Share capital
                                             Opening balance                                   Changes for the period                                    Closing balance
                 Item                                                                  Capitalization
                                                                           issue Bonus
                                             Amount              %                      of surplus    Other                       Subtotal              Amount                    %
                                                                             of  issue
I.     Restricted tradable shares                         --         --       --          --                  --        --               --                           --                   --

II.      Tradable shares
1.Ordinary shares denominated
                                          891,660,000.00        88.14         --          --                  --        --               --           891,660,000.00             88.14
in RMB
2.Foreign-owned shares listed
                                          120,000,000.00        11.86         --          --                  --        --               --           120,000,000.00             11.86
3.Foreign-owned shares listed
                                                          --         --       --          --                  --        --               --                           --              --
4.Others                                                  --         --       --          --                  --        --               --                           --              --

Total tradable shares                    1,011,660,000.00      100.00         --          --                  --        --               --         1,011,660,000.00            100.00

III.     Total shares                    1,011,660,000.00      100.00         --          --                  --        --               --         1,011,660,000.00            100.00

            5.28         Capital reserve
                                                 Item                                            Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance
            Capital premium                                                                      557,433,036.93              --          --       557,433,036.93
                                                                                                 557,433,036.93              --          --       557,433,036.93
                  Capital contributed by investors
            Other capital reserve                                                                                                                  420,811,821.17
                                                                                                  420,811,821.17             --          --

                                                                                       420,811,821.17                        --          --       420,811,821.17
                    Transfer from capital reserve under the previous accounting system
                                                 Total                                           978,244,858.10              --          --

            5.29 Surplus reserve
                            Item                         Opening balance                  Increase                     Decrease                      Closing balance

             Statutory surplus reserve                         4,974,391.15                              --                                  --          4,974,391.15

                            Total                              4,974,391.15                              --                                  --          4,974,391.15

            5.30 Undistributed profit
                                                                                   Amount for the current          Amount for the prior               Proportion of
                                                                                          period                        period                        appropriation

            Before adjustment: Undistributed profits at the end of prior                 -369,154,405.36               -475,968,948.89                                     --

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                                                                     Amount for the current        Amount for the prior           Proportion of
                                                                            period                      period                    appropriation

Adjustment: Total undistributed profits at beginning of year
                                                                                           --                             --                        --
(Increase +, decrease -)
After adjustment: Undistributed profits at beginning of year                 -369,154,405.36           -475,968,948.89                              --
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company for the
                                                                              228,268,271.23            106,814,543.53                              --
       Make up the loss use surplus reserve                                                --                             --                        --

       Other transfer into                                                                 --                             --                        --

Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve                                           --                             --                        --

Appropriation to discretionary surplus reserve                                             --                             --                        --

       Declaration of dividends on ordinary shares                                         --                             --                        --
       Conversion of ordinary shares’ dividends into share
                                                                                           --                             --                        --
Undistributed profits at the end of period                                   -140,886,134.13           -369,154,405.36                              --

5.31          Operating income and costs
(1) Operating income and operating costs
                             Item                                    Amount for the current period                 Amount for the prior period

Principal operating income                                                             2,097,641,366.62                          1,011,976,525.21

Other operating income                                                                   18,841,318.31                              18,172,204.26

Total of operating income                                                              2,116,482,684.93                          1,030,148,729.47

Principal operating costs                                                              1,532,916,384.45                            689,088,645.84

Other operating costs                                                                    14,253,675.19                              12,214,977.24

Total of operating costs                                                               1,547,170,059.64                            701,303,623.08

(2) Principal operating activities (classified by industries)
                                              Amount for the current period                             Amount for the prior period
Name of industry
                                     Operating income             Operating costs               Operating income               Operating costs
Real estate                             1,406,885,587.82             925,436,497.61                379,619,819.21                 146,516,172.48

Construction                              521,749,290.73             495,387,515.85                468,407,774.16                 445,160,754.08

Leasing                                      82,280,047.28             31,939,508.32                 85,107,142.96                  30,961,456.12

Property management                       100,150,419.76               89,941,397.44               101,495,483.27                   86,840,214.99

Subtotal                                2,111,065,345.59            1,542,704,919.22              1,034,630,219.60                709,478,597.67
Less: offset the internal
                                             13,423,978.97              9,788,534.77                 22,653,694.39                  20,389,951.83
              Total                     2,097,641,366.62            1,532,916,384.45              1,011,976,525.21                689,088,645.84

 (3)          Principal operating activities (classified by geographical areas)
                                             Amount for the current period                              Amount for the prior period
Name of geographical area
                                    Operating income             Operating costs            Operating income                   Operating costs

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                                         Amount for the current period                                Amount for the prior period
 Name of geographical area
                                   Operating income          Operating costs               Operating income              Operating costs

GuangDong Province                    2,044,677,358.30         1,481,628,032.64                972,965,703.54                 651,456,584.54
 Others                                 65,791,782.57             61,076,886.58                 61,047,686.11                    58,022,013.13
 Overseas:                                596,204.72                            --                  616,829.95                              --

 Subtotal                             2,111,065,345.59         1,542,704,919.22              1,034,630,219.60                 709,478,597.67
 Less: offset the internal
                                        13,423,978.97                9,788,534.77               22,653,694.39                  20,389,951.83
               Total                  2,097,641,366.62         1,532,916,384.45              1,011,976,525.21                 689,088,645.84

 (4) Operating income from the Company’s top 5 customers
                                                                           Amount for the current period

                                            Total operating income                Proportion to total operating income of the Company (%)

 Corporation unit No.1                                     41,353,108.34                                                                    1.95

 Corporation unit No.2                                     28,920,000.00                                                                    1.37

 Corporation unit No.3                                     18,700,000.00                                                                    0.88

 Corporation unit No.4                                     13,618,979.81                                                                    0.64

 Corporation unit No.5                                     10,328,275.02                                                                    0.49

                  Total                                   112,920,363.17                                                                    5.33

                                                                                      Amount for the prior period
                                                                                                     Proportion to total operating income of the
                                                              Total operating income
                                                                                                                    Company (%)
Corporation unit No.1                                                           15,078,357.88                                               1.46

Corporation unit No.2                                                           14,737,984.00                                               1.43

Corporation unit No.3                                                           13,972,242.87                                               1.36

Corporation unit No.4                                                           13,500,000.13                                               1.31

Corporation unit No.5                                                           12,499,076.59                                               1.21

                           Total                                                69,787,661.47                                               6.77

 5.32           Business taxes and surcharges
                          Item                            Amount for the current period                      Amount for the prior period

Business tax                                                                      96,963,676.15                                 42,953,955.93

City construction and maintenance tax                                                 6,788,981.24                                  2,951,319.14

Education surcharges                                                                  3,037,183.43                                  1,448,500.23

Property tax                                                                          6,295,071.12                                  6,295,071.12

Land appreciation tax                                                             48,358,322.07                                 44,966,121.27

Local education surcharges                                                            1,746,934.77                                   542,477.07

Embankment Protection Fee                                                              731,396.91                                   1,045,708.33

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                       Total                                     163,921,565.69                      100,203,153.09

 Note: Details of business taxes and surcharges please refer to Note 3.
 5.33 Selling expenses
                        Item                Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period

Employee benefits                                               3,878,801.45                           3,517,118.13

Advertising expenses                                           23,111,772.32                          18,034,936.16

Entertainment expenses                                            728,647.50                             481,883.00

Sales agency fees and commissions                              12,095,665.26                             701,378.03

Others                                                          5,324,333.88                           4,805,197.83

                        Total                                  45,139,220.41                          27,540,513.15

 5.34          Administrative expenses
                        Item                Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period

Employee benefits                                              35,573,985.45                          32,665,996.69

Taxes                                                           2,972,356.58                           7,135,517.60

Depreciation                                                    4,425,284.79                           4,859,854.11

Entertainment expenses                                          4,056,167.49                           4,417,299.60

Intermediary fee                                                2,081,388.74                           3,188,936.72

Travel expense                                                    853,911.15                           1,281,259.97

Administrative expenses                                         1,308,248.38                           1,583,890.19

Repair charge                                                   1,140,378.95                           1,148,482.14

Water and electricity charges                                   1,230,536.76                           1,105,247.92

Other amortization                                                723,520.85                             607,349.93

Others                                                          9,477,512.30                          10,121,234.31

                        Total                                  63,843,291.44                          68,115,069.18

 5.35          Financial expenses
                         Item               Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period

Interest expenses                                              80,512,861.53                         73,616,362.45

Less: Interest income                                           5,164,403.64                          3,894,420.17

Less: capitalized interest expenses                            77,809,014.14                         67,240,028.19

Exchange differences                                              370,385.54                             -88,711.58

Less: Capitalized exchange differences                                      --                                        --

Others                                                            522,964.85                            289,560.27

                        Total                                  -1,567,205.86                          2,682,762.78

 5.36 Impairment losses of assets
                          Item                    Amount for the current period        Amount for the prior period

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                          Item                                  Amount for the current period                     Amount for the prior period

 Bad debt loss                                                                                 666,840.00                       -6,140,000.00

 5.37         Investment income
 (1) Details of investment income
                                         Item                               Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period

      Investment income from long-term investments under cost method                                    --                 1,653,305.67

      Investment income from long-term investments under equity method                          -25,316.71                   -120,218.96

      Investment income on disposal of long-term investments                                            --                                 --

      Investment income from holding available-for-trade financial assets                               --                                 --

                                         Total                                                  -25,316.71                 1,533,086.71

 (2) Income from long-term investments under cost method
                                Name of investee                             Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period

YunNan KunPeng Flight service Co.,Ltd                                                                        --                    1,653,305.67

                                     Total                                                                   --                    1,653,305.67

 (3) Income from long-term investments under equity method
                                                       Amount for the current
                 Name of investee                                                  Amount for the prior period          Reasons for changes
Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                                     -25,316.71                     -120,218.96 Investee’s operating loss

                        Total                                       -25,316.71                     -120,218.96

 5.38 Non-operating income
                                                                                                                       Amount included in
                                                                    Amount for the current       Amount for the prior
                                  Item                                                                                non-recurring profit or
                                                                          period                      period
                                                                                                                        loss for the period
 Total gains on disposal of non-current assets                               5,889,805.93                   27,714.20            5,889,805.93

 Including: Gains on disposal of fixed assets                                5,889,805.93                   27,714.20             5,889,805.93

 Gains on penalty                                                                         --                40,331.00                           --

 Others                                                                      1,352,217.02                   12,149.43             1,352,217.02

                                 Total                                       7,242,022.95                   80,194.63             7,242,022.95

 5.39         Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                                        Amount included in
                                                   Amount for the current
                      Item                                                       Amount for the prior period         non-recurring profit or loss
                                                                                                                           for the period
 Total losses on disposal of non-current assets                110,923.29                          616,113.66                       110,923.29

 Including: Losses on disposal of fixed assets                 110,923.29                          616,113.66                       110,923.29

 Donations to third parties                                     79,000.00                           74,000.00                         79,000.00

 Penalty expense                                                10,309.08                           39,765.48                         10,309.08

 Compensation expense                                           23,752.24                           45,000.00                         23,752.24

    Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                                                                                                                 Amount included in
                                                 Amount for the current
                    Item                                                      Amount for the prior period     non-recurring profit or loss
                                                                                                                    for the period
Others                                                        426,649.94                       24,115.78                     426,649.94

                   Total                                      650,634.55                      798,994.92                     650,634.55

5.40 Income tax expenses
                                  Item                                     Amount for the current period    Amount for the prior period
Current tax expense calculated according to tax laws and relevant
                                                                                        82,468,037.57                    29,881,461.77
Adjustments to deferred tax                                                              -6,910,810.40                      521,583.21

                                  Total                                                 75,557,227.17                    30,403,044.98

5.41        Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
The basic earnings per share is calculated by having the current net profit attributable
to the share of the Group divided by weighted average of the ordinary shares. The
number of new ordinary shares issued is, according to the specific terms in the
contract, is calculated from the date of consideration receivable (normally the issuing
The numerator of diluted earnings per share is determined by the net profit in the
current period attributable to the ordinary shares of the Group after adjustment of
following factors:
1) the interest of dilutive potential ordinary shares recognized as expense of the
current period;
2)the income or expense during the conversion of dilutive potential ordinary shares;
3)the income tax effect of above adjustment related.
The denominator of diluted earnings per share is the sum of followings:
1) Weighted average of ordinary shares issued by the parent company in the basic
earnings per share; and
2) weighted average number of ordinary shares that would have been issued
assuming the conversion of dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.
When calculating the number of ordinary shares that would have been issued
assuming the conversion of dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares,
the dilutive potential ordinary shares issued in the prior period is assumed as
conversion in the beginning of this year, while the dilutive potential ordinary shares
issued in the current year is assumed as conversion at the issuing date.
(1) Amount for basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share in periods

    Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
are as follows:
                                                Amount for the current period                          Amount for the prior period
        Profits for the period          Basic earnings per     Diluted earnings per          Basic earnings per
                                                                                                                        Diluted earnings per share
                                              share                   share                        share
Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                    0.2256                      0.2256                    0.1056                           0.1056
shareholders of the Company
Net profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders of the Company
                                                    0.2203                      0.2203                    0.1001                           0.1001
after deduction non-recurring
profit or loss

(2) Calculation process of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
During the reporting period, the Group had no underlying diluted ordinary shares, so
the diluted earnings per share is the same with the basic earnings per share.
1) For the purpose of calculating basic earnings per share, net profit for the current
period attributable to ordinary shareholders is as follows:
                                 Item                                    Amount for the current period                 Amount for the prior period
Net profit for the current period attributable to ordinary
                                                                                            228,268,271.23                          106,814,543.53
Including:    Net profit from continuing operations                                         228,268,271.23                          106,814,543.53

              Net profit from discontinued operations                                                     --                                          --
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders after non
                                                                                            222,844,093.95                          101,232,143.75
recurring profit and loss
Including:    Net profit from continuing operations                                         222,844,093.95                          101,232,143.75

              Net profit from discontinued operations                                                     --                                          --

2) For the purpose of calculating basic earnings per share, the denominator is the
weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares and its calculation process
is as follows:
                                        Item                                             Amount for the current              Amount for the prior
                                                                                                period                            period
Number of ordinary shares outstanding at the beginning of year                                 1,011,660,000.00                   1,011,660,000.00

Add: Weighted average number of ordinary shares issued during the period                                          --                                  --
Less: Weighted average number of ordinary shares repurchased during the
                                                                                                                  --                                  --
Number of ordinary shares outstanding at the end of year                                       1,011,660,000.00                   1,011,660,000.00

5.42 Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                                               Amount for the prior
                                         Item                                            Amount for the current period
1. Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign
                                                                                                         -424,620.90                     -49,972.76
  Less: Net amount transferred to profit or loss for the period on disposal of
                                                                                                                        --                            --
         foreign operations

Total                                                                                                    -424,620.90                     -49,972.76

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
 5.43         Notes to items in the cash flow statements
 (1) Other cash receipts relating to operating activities
                                       Item                Amount for the current period   Amount for the prior period

 Interest income                                                          5,164,403.64                   2,771,676.50

 Cash pledge and security deposits                                      24,079,303.24                   14,615,042.62

 Security deposit for mortgage                                            8,001,929.14                               --

 Property license fee and survey fee                                      4,754,076.64                   7,049,454.75

 Others                                                                   8,096,561.47                  14,742,554.73

 Total                                                                  50,096,274.13                   39,178,728.60

 (2) Other cash receipts relating to operating activities
                                       Item                Amount for the current period   Amount for the prior period

 Cash paid to general and administrative expenses                        17,393,479.01                 20,137,108.63

 Cash paid to operating expenses                                         34,759,632.48                 19,557,354.35

 Cash pledge and security deposits                                       14,094,488.98                 13,774,729.08

 Property license fee and survey fee                                       4,060,599.71                  6,976,007.82

 Others                                                                    7,633,330.13                19,967,352.42

 Total                                                                   77,941,530.31                 80,412,552.30

 (3) Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
                                     Item                  Amount for the current period   Amount for the prior period
Certificate of deposit pledged                                           25,000,000.00                              --
                                     Total                               25,000,000.00                              --

        Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
(4) Other cash payment relating to financing activities
                                        Item                                       Amount for the current period      Amount for the prior period

Regulatory capital for bank borrowings                                                             6,000,000.00                                 --

Certificate of deposit pledged                                                                                   --                25,000,000.00

                                        Total                                                      6,000,000.00                    25,000,000.00

5.44 Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                        Item                                       Amount for the current period      Amount for the prior period

I.Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating          activities:

Net profit                                                                                     228,317,758.13                    106,854,849.63

Add: Provision for impairment loss of assets                                                       666,840.00                                  --

         Depreciation of fixed assets, bio-assets, and natural gas                              28,321,567.87                     26,841,796.67

         Amortization of intangible assets                                                         542,339.96                         329,979.96

         Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                               208,276.14                         163,942.74
          Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                                 -5,786,489.92                        -12,598.93
         long-term assets(deduct: gains)
         Losses on scrapping of fixed assets       (deduct: gains)                                    7,607.28                        600,998.39

         Loss of fair value variation (deduct: gains)                                                        --                                --

         Financial expenses (deduct: gains)                                                      2,949,917.31                       6,133,019.38

         Losses from investments (deduct: gains)                                                    25,316.71                      -1,533,086.71

         Decrease in deferred tax assets (deduct: increase)                                      -6,910,810.40                        521,583.21

         Increase in deferred tax liabilities (deduct: decrease)                                             --                                --

         Decrease in inventories (deduct: increase)                                           -461,228,656.63                   -229,893,590.87

         Decrease in operating receivables (deduct: increase)                                   46,031,043.85                     -15,117,502.08

         Increase in operating payables (deduct: decrease)                                     361,808,973.10                    132,520,428.14

         Others                                                                                              --                                --

Net cash flows from operating activities                                                       194,953,683.40                     27,409,819.53
II. Investing and financing activities that do not affect cash receipt and
       Liabilities converted capital                                                                         --                                --
       Reclassify convertible bonds to be expired within one year as current
                                                                                                             --                                --
       Fixed assets subject to finance leases                                                                --                                --

III.      Net increase in cash and cash equivalents:

       Cash at the end of the period                                                           519,284,372.44                    463,713,702.77

       Less: cash at the beginning of the period                                               463,713,702.77                    324,967,185.86

       Add: cash equivalents at the end of the period                                                        --                                     --

       Less: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                                 --                                     --

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                                             Item                                     Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period

  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                          55,570,669.67                     138,746,516.91

       (2)       Information of cash and cash equivalents
                                             Item                                     Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period

 I.       Cash

        Including: Cash on hand                                                                         185,502.41                          336,552.84

                   Bank deposits                                                                    519,098,870.03                     463,243,117.58

                   Other monetary funds                                                                           --                        134,032.35

                   Deposits with the central bank                                                                 --                                      --

                   Deposits made with other banks                                                                 --                                      --

                   Placements with banks                                                                               --                                 --

 II.       Cash equivalents

        Including: Investments in debt securities due within three months                                         --                                      --

 III.      Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                             519,284,372.44                     463,713,702.77

  Note 6 Related party relationships and transactions
  6.1 Parent of the Company
                                   Related party                                       Place of
      Name of the parent                                     Type of the entity                         Legal representative        Business Nature
                                    relationship                                    incorporation
 Shenzhen Investment                                                                 Guangdong                                   Investment, Real estate
 Shareholding Co.             Parent of the Group                                     province            Fan Mingchun                development,
 Ltd                                                                                 Shenzhen                                          Guarantee

                                                                                   Proportion of the
                                                    Proportion of the Company’s                          Ultimate controlling
                              Registered                                           Company’s voting
       Name of the parent                            ownership interest held by                               party of the          Organization code
                                  capital                                          power held by the
                                                          the parent (%)                                      Company
                                                                                      parent (%)

 Shenzhen Investment                                                                                     State-owned assets
                              RMB 10.926
 Shareholding          Co.                                               63.55                  63.55        management                76756642-1
 Ltd                                                                                                          commitee

  6.2 Subsidiaries of the Company
  Please refer to Note 4.1.
  6.3            Associates and joint ventures of the entity
  Please refer to Note 5.8.(4)
  6.4 Other related parties of the Company
                                                                        Relationship between other related
                   Name of other related party                                                                               Organization code
                                                                            parties and the Company
Shenzhen Jian'an Group Co., Ltd.                                         The same controlling shareholders                                   19219737X

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
Shenzhen Environmental Engineering Science Tech
                                                      The same controlling shareholders         668538441
Center Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design
                                                   The same controlling shareholders            192244260
and Research CO.,LTD
Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd.     The same controlling shareholders         665899831

Shenzhen Water Planning & Design Institute The same controlling shareholders                    672999996
Shenzhen Small & Medium Enterprises Credit
                                           The same controlling shareholders                    670019325
Financing Guarantee Group CO.LTD

                                        SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                        Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
6.5 Related party transactions
(1) Contracting with related parties
① List of contracting item
  Name of main                                                                                                    Reception                                                                          Contracting income
                                                                                                                                                                   Basis of pricing of contracting
 contract issuing                       Name of contractor                  Type of assets under contracting        date of     Expiration date of   contracting                                      recognized in the
      party                                                                                                       contracting                                                                            current year
 Shenzhen Jian'an
                  Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd                       Construction                           2012-6-1                                         Negotiations                          28,920,000.00
  Group Co., Ltd.

② List of issuing item
  Name of main                                                                                                    Reception                                                                          Contracting income
                                                                                                                                                                   Basis of pricing of contracting
 contract issuing                       Name of contractor                  Type of assets under contracting        date of     Expiration date of   contracting                                      recognized in the
      party                                                                                                       contracting                                                                            current year
    The group        Shenzhen Jian'an Group Co., Ltd.                      Construction                           2012-2-1                           2013-6-15                 Biding                   411,082,434.00

(2)Guarantees with related parties
                                                                                                                                                                          Whether execution of guarantee has been
Guarantor                               Guaranteed party                         Guaranteed amount         Inception date of guarantee Expiration date of guarantee
The Group           Shenzhen ShenFang Group LongGang Development Co.,Ltd                   88,400,000.00                     2012.3.31                   2015.3.31                             No

The Group                        Shantou Hualin Estate Dev. Co.                           130,000,000.00                     2013.4.17                   2016.4.16                             No

The Company provided joint and several liability of credit guarantee for its subsidiary, Shenzhen ShenFang Group LongGang
Development Co., Ltd.
The Company provided the maximum amount of guarantee for all the main contracts by its subsidiary, Shantou Hualin Estate Dev.
Co and Bank of Communications (Shantou Guoxin Branch) from 17 April 2013 to 16 April 2016. The maximum amount of debt
guaranteed by the Company is RMB 130,000,000.00.
(3) Borrowings/loans with related parties
                                 Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                             Related party                                    Amount of borrowing / loan             Inception date        Maturity date       Remarks

                            Borrowed from:

            Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd.                                        70,000,000.00             2012.7.26           2013.7.26

The Company paid the interest of RMB 1,220,916.68 and principal to Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd. in March 22,
2013, ahead of maturity date.

         Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
     (4) Compensation for key management personal
                                  Item                                 Amount for the current period            Amount for the prior period

                                  Total                                                  5.6149   [million]                   5.9811    [million]

                Including: (Number in different zone)

                               Over 200k                                                                   11                                 12

                             150k-200k                                                                     --                                  --

                             100k-150k                                                                      1                                  1

                            Below 100k                                                                      3                                  3

     6.6 Amounts due from / to related parties
     (1) Amounts due from related party
                                                                       Closing balance                                  Opening balance
                                                         Carrying     amount     Bad debt provision        Carrying     amount     Bad debt provision

                 Accounts receivable

   Shenzhen Fresh Peak property consultant Co.,Ltd             1,084,758.36                           --          1,112,375.80                          --

                        Total                                  1,084,758.36                           --          1,112,375.80                          --

                  Other receivables
 Guangdong Province Huizhou Luofu Hill Mineral Water
                                                              10,465,168.81           10,465,168.81              10,465,168.81           10,465,168.81
                     Co., Ltd
    Shenzhen Runhua Automobile Trading Co., Ltd                3,072,764.42              3,072,764.42             3,072,764.42            3,072,764.42

      Canada GreatWall(Vancouver)Co. ,Ltd                   89,035,748.07           89,035,748.07              89,035,748.07           89,035,748.07

               Bekaton Property Limited                       12,559,290.58           12,559,290.58              12,559,290.58           12,559,290.58

                    Paklid Limited                            18,428,098.53           18,425,169.56              18,631,565.47           18,628,734.59

    Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.                     237,648.82             189,179.82                 237,648.82           189,179.82

 Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.           1,086,487.22                927,136.22             1,086,487.22             927,136.22
 Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration
                                                               8,327,180.71              8,327,180.71             8,327,180.71            8,327,180.71
                   Materials Ltd.
          Shenzhen RongHua JiDian Co.,Ltd                           475,223.46                        --              475,223.46                        --

Xi’an Fresh Peak property management& Trading Co.,Ltd         8,419,205.19                           --          8,419,205.19                          --

                        Total                                152,106,815.81          143,001,638.19             152,310,282.75          143,205,203.22

     (2) Amounts due to related party
                                Item                                     Closing balance                              Opening balance

                        Other payables
      Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co.,
                                                                                           598,012.16                               598,012.16
      Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd                                  1,534,854.91                             1,534,854.91

          Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.                                        135,853.52                               135,853.52

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
    Shenzhen Dongfang New world store Co., Ltd                               902,974.64                902,974.64

         Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd.                                1,394,704.21                1,394,704.21
  Guangdong Province Fengkai Lain Feng Cement
                                                                         1,867,348.00                1,867,348.00
            Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
            Shenzhen Cyber Port Co., Ltd                                 7,964,749.26                7,949,749.26

Shenzhen Shenfang Group BaoAn Developing Co.,Ltd                        20,093,445.07               20,093,445.07

        Shenzhen Investment Holding Co.,Ltd                             58,848,819.24               63,848,819.24

                        Total                                           93,340,761.01               98,325,761.01

                  Interest payable:

        Shenzhen Investment Holding Co.,Ltd                             16,535,277.94               16,535,277.94
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and
                                                                                     --                134,166.67
               Research CO.,LTD
                        Total                                           16,535,277.94               16,669,444.61

(3) Short-term loans
                        Item                               Closing balance                Opening balance
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and
                                                                                     --             70,000,000.00
               Research CO.,LTD
                        Total                                                        --             70,000,000.00

Note 7 Contingencies
7.1 Contingencies arising from pending litigations or arbitrations and their
financial effects
① Xi’an project Lawsuit
Xi’an Fresh Pead Holding limited company (hereinafter referred to as “Fresh Peak

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
Company”) was sino-foreign joint venture set up in Xi’an city. The shareholder of the
Fresh Peak Company – Hongkong Fresh Peak Co., Ltd was the wholly owned
subsidiary of the company. And the Hongkong Fresh Peak Co., Ltd contributed 84%
of the Fresh Peak Company’s share- capital in cash. And Xi’an trade building which
was the enterprise under the Xi’an Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade
contributed 16% of the Fresh Peak Company’s share- capital with the land-use right.
The core business was property development. And the project was Xi’an Trade
Building. The project was started on 1995-11-28. But the project had been stopped in
1996 because of the two parties differences on the operating policy of the project.
In 1997, the Xi’an government withdrew the Xi'an Fresh Peak investment project
compulsively and assignned the project to Xi’an Business Tourism Co., Ltd
(hereinafter referred to as “Business Tourism Company”). But the two parties had
insulted a lawsuit on compensation. The ShanXi Province High Peoples Court made
a judgement “(2000) SJ-CZ No.25”. The judgement was as follows: 1. Business
Tourism Company had to pay for the compensation Rmb 36,620 thousand to Xi’an
Fresh Peak Company after the judgment entering into force. If the Business Tourism
Company failed to pay in time, it had to pay double debt interests to Xi’an Fresh Peak
Company. 2. Xi’an Joint Commission on Commerce had jointly and severally
obligation of the interests of the compensation.
Untill 31 December 2011, the amount of RMB 15,201,000.00 had been called back.
Because of Fresh Peak Company’s application, ShanXi Province High Peoples Court
resumed the execution on September 5, 2011. Now the case is proceeding and there
was no any new substantive progress in the reporting period.
As at 31 December 2013, the book value of the investment of Xi’an Fresh Peak
Company was Rmb 12,166,897.84. The provision for investment was Rmb
20,673,831.77. And the amount of debt was Rmb 8,419,205.19.
②Luofu Hill project Lawsuit
The company cooperated with Luofu Hill Tourism Company (hereinafter referred to as
“Tourism Company”) on Luofu Hill Tourism project in early years. The company
instituted legal proceedings against Tourism Company because the Tourism
Company failed to carry out the agreement. The judgement which issued by
GuangDong Province High Peoples Court on 2007-12-21 was as follows:
①Tourism Company had to pay for Rmb 9,600 thousand to the company in 10 days
after the judgment entering into force.

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
② Tourism Company should paid the interests for the occupation of Rmb 9,600
thousands with The People's Bank of China similar loans rate in 10 days after the
judgment entering into force. Of which, the interests for the occupation of Rmb 4,400
thousand were caluated from 1986-5-1 to the day the Tourism company paid off the
debt. The interests for the occupation of Rmb 4100 thousand were caluated from
1988-2-1 to the day the Tourism Company paid off the debt. The interests for the
occupation of Rmb 1,100 thousand were caluated from 1989-6-15 to the day the
Tourism Company paid off the debt. The interest of Rmb 8,580 thousand that the
Tourism Company had paid for to the company can be deducted from the interest
③Luofushan Administration Committee had to undertake one third of the debts which
Luofushan Tourism was unable to repay;
④ Interest of debts would be double if the Tourism Company and Luofushan
Administration Committee failed to fulfill their obligations within the designated period
of this judgment;
⑤ Tourism company undertaked all the litigation fees (RMB 167,710.00). The
expense of first instance and the second instance had to pay to the company during
the duration of payment.
There was no any new substantive progress after the judgement announced. The
Company applied the GuangDong Province High People’s Court to supervise
implementation on December 17, 2009. The GuangDong Province High people’s
Court issued a document “(2009) YGYZDZ No. 67 to Huizhou intermediate people’s
court and asked the Huizhou intermediate people’s court to close this case in 3
months after receiving the document. Until 17 Mar 2010, Huizhou intermediate
people’s court had finished the evaluation of the land use right of the executor.On
13th October 2010, the land-use right was acutioned by the national resource
department at the price of RMB 51,200 thousand.
According to the relevant provisions of the Huizhou local authorities, auction of land
should be approved by local department of land and be implemented in real estate
trading center set up under Land Branch. Huizhou Intermediate Court has issued an
official letter to inform Boluo Land Bureau of its decision, and notify the relevant
assistance. Boluo Land Bureau replied the Huizhou Intermediate Court that the land
for       aution       would       be      surveyed          and     mapped        (different      from
land       evaluation),      new        planning     point     would      be     made       by    them

  Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
as the conditions of auction. Boluo Land Bureau have surveyed and mapped Luofu
Hill Tourism site that was sealed. The cadastral map and land red line chart were
submitted to Huizhou Municipal Intermediate People's Court in June 2011. Detailed
regulation is deemed as the basis for the development of planning points, while the
preparation of detailed regulation relies on Luofushan Administration Committee.
Because the planning points were not made, the land failed to be auctioned.
As at 31 December 2013, the book value of the Company’s creditor rights on Tourism
Company was Rmb 9,600,000.00. The provision for bad debt was Rmb
7.2 Contingent liabilities arising from providing debt guarantees to other
entities and their financial effects
① The company provided debt guarantees for its related parties, please refer to note
② The Company provided loan guarantees for purchaser of real estate. Up to Dec
31,2013, the amount and duration of the unsettled guarantee is as follows:
                                                                                                        Unsettled amount (ten
               Items                                           Duration
                                      From loans provided to registration of mortgage of pre-sale
     Shenfang Chuanqishan                                      contract                                                   30,104.50

     Shenfang Chuanqishan                   From real estate license granted and mortgaged                                 2,019.70
                                      From loans provided to registration of mortgage of pre-sale
         Shanglin Garden                                       contract                                                      868.00

              Total                                                                                                       32,992.20

Note 8 Commitments
8.1 Significant commitments
                            Item                                Amount for the current period       Amount for the prior period
  Capital commitments that have been entered into but have
                                                                              --                                --
       not been recognized in the financial statements
             - Significant outsourcing contracts                                   349,491,097.84                    1,349,084,786.45

                           Total                                                   349,491,097.84                    1,349,084,786.45

8.2 Fulfillment progress of previous commitments
The amount of significant outsourcing contracts is RMB 675,698,558.12, which was
paid during the report period and has been entered into the prior period but has not
been recognized in the financial statements.
Note 9 Events after Balance Sheet Date
9.1 Explanation of the distribution of profits after Balance Sheet Date
   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
On 28 March, 2014, the proposal for profit distribution in the year 2013 was adopted
by the board of directors of the Group. According to the plan of the Board, the Group
will not distribute profit or transfer capital surplus to share capital, and net profit will
be used to compensate the losses of previous years. The plan still need to be
submitted to the Company's general meeting of stockholders for vote.
9.2 In the early 2014, the Ministry of Finance issued Cai Kuai [2014] No. 6, 7, 8, 10,
11, released these provision: "Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 39 - measured at
fair                                            value,"                                               "
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 30 - Presentation of financial stat
ements                                                                            (revised2014)","
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 9 – Employee compensation (re
vised 2014)”, " enterprise Accounting Standards No. 33 - Consolidated Financial
Statements (revised 2014) "and" enterprise accounting Standards No. 40 - the joint
venture arrangement ".According to these provision ,all enterprises enterprise-wide
accounting standards are required to implement them from July 1, 2014, and the
enterprises listed overseas to go into effect in advance.
The Company will perform the above criteria from July 1, 2014, and change related
accounting policies in accordance with them. The expected results of the main effects
are as follows:
(1)Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 9 – Employee compensation (r
evised 2014) has completely specified the accounting treatment of post-employment
benefits, and the employment benefit plans are classified as defined contribution
plans and defined benefit plans. Under a defined contribution plans, entity put fixed
contributions into a fund, but has no legal or constructive obligation to make further
payments; Under a defined benefit plan, these are post-employment benefit plans
other than a defined contribution plans. For defined contribution plans, the amount
recognized in the period is the contribution payable in exchange for service rendered
by employees during the period; for defined benefit plans, the measurement of a net
defined benefit liability or assets requires the application of an actuarial valuation
method, the attribution of benefits to periods of service, and the use of actuarial
assumptions. The present value of an entity's defined benefit obligations and related
service costs is determined using the 'projected unit credit method. In addition, the
revised standard also enriches accounting treatment of short-term remuneration and
termination benefits, introduces other long-term employee benefits, and completely

   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
standardizes the accounting treatment of employee benefits. Adoption of this
standard is not expected to have a material impact on the Company's financial
(2)Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 30 - Presentation of financial st
atements (revised2014) further standardizes the presentation of financial statements,
revises and improves the presentation of going concern assessment, the normal
operating cycle, enrich note disclosures and so on.                       The amendment has
supplementary information of income statement as a mandatory disclosure, where
expenses are classified in accordance with the nature. The standard requires that
other comprehensive income should be divided into two categories for the
presentation: ① subsequent projects will not be reclassified to profit or loss; ② in
case that certain conditions are met, the follow-up may be reclassified to profit or loss.
The Company will change the presentation of financial statement in line with the
revised guidelines.
(3)Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 33 - Consolidated Financial Statements
(revised 2014) established control as the basis for determined which entities are
consolidated in the consolidated financial statements. An investor controls an
investee when it is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement
with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the
investee. The criteria give more guidance than the original one for defining the
principle of control. In accordance with the guidelines, the management teams are
required to make important judgments whether entity can control over the investee.
The Company's management believes that the Company's prior year judgment meet
the revised standards, so this change will not place a material impact on the
Company's financial statements.
( 4 ) Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 40 - the joint venture arrangement,
standardize the identification, classification and measurement of common control by
two or more participating parties. The standards set out the accounting for an entity's
interests in various forms of joint ventures: jointly controlled operations, and jointly
controlled entities. Jointly controlled operations involve the use of assets and
undertake of liability. For jointly controlled entity, the joint venture has only the rights
to the arrangement of the net assets of the joint venture. The standard permits jointly
controlled entities to be accounted for using the equity method. The standards
require that the venturer should recognize in its financial statements the assets
(including its share of any joint assets), liabilities (including its share of any liabilities
   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
incurred jointly with the other venturers), the expenses and the income (including
expenses incurred directly in respect of its interest in the joint venture) by the joint
venture.Adoption of the guidelines is not expected to have a material impact on the
financial statements.
(5)Enterprises Accounting Standards No. 39 -Fair value measurement defines fair
value, set out a framework definitely for measuring fair value, establishes a fair value
hierarchy that categories into three levels the inputs to valuation techniques used to
measure fair value, and makes specific requirements about disclosure of related
information. However, the standard does not change the provisions of other
accounting Standards under which whether fair value measurement should be used.
The management of the Company believes that adoption of this standard will result in
amendments to policies and procedures associated with the fair value measurement,
and wider disclosure of fair value information. In addition, the adoption of this
standard is not expected to have a significant impact on the recognition and
measurement of the Company's financial statements.
Note 10 Notes to Items in the Financial Statements of the Company
10.1 Accounts receivable
(1)        Accounts receivable by categories
                                                                                  Closing balance

                   Category                              Carrying amount                                  Bad debt provision
                                                  Amount                    (%)                 Amount                         (%)
 Accounts receivable of which provision for bad
                                                    --                      --                       --                        --
       debts is of individually significant
 Accounts receivable of which provision for bad
                                                  11,327,983.25                   100.00            6,968,694.02                     61.52
      debts is of individually insignificant
                     Total                        11,327,983.25                   100.00            6,968,694.02                     61.52

                                                                                  Opening balance

                   Category                              Carrying amount                                  Bad debt provision
                                                  Amount                    (%)                 Amount                         (%)
 Accounts receivable of which provision for bad
                                                    --                      --                       --                        --
       debts is of individually significant
 Accounts receivable of which provision for bad
                                                  19,965,193.98                   100.00            6,301,854.02                     31.56
      debts is of individually insignificant
                     Total                        19,965,193.98                   100.00            6,301,854.02                     31.56

(2)        Accounts receivable by aging balance
                                                          Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                                                   Amount                     (%)                   Amount                     (%)

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                       Within 1 year                                        --                     --            9,279,924.00               46.48

                            1-2 years                              766,274.00                    6.76                      --                   --

                            2-3 years                                       --                     --                      --                   --
                       Over 3 years                             10,561,709.25                   93.24         10,685,269.98                 53.52
                              Total                             11,327,983.25                100.00           19,965,193.98               100.00

   (3) Bad debt provision
   Bad debt provision of accounts receivable which is of individually significant
                                                                                                 Proportion of
Content of accounts receivable          Carrying amount           Amount of bad debt                                       Reasons for the provision
  House pay to be collected                   11,055,009.25                6,968,694.02                       63.04 A separate provision is established
                                                                                                                      according to the recoverability of
    Rental to be collected                       272,974.00                             --                        -- each receivable with long aging and
                                                                                                                              little retrievability.
            Total                             11,327,983.25                6,968,694.02                       61.52

   (4) No any significant reversals and collections during the current period

   (5) There were no any significant accounts receivables written off in the current
   (6) No amount due from shareholders at least 5% of the Company’s shares with
   voting power in the reporting period
   (7) Top 5 entities with the largest balances of accounts receivable
                                        Relationship with the                                                         Proportion of the amount to
            Name of entity                                                 Amount                       Age
                                               Group                                                                       the total AR (%)
  Corporation No.1                           Subsidiary                          1,788,042.67       Above 3 years                          15.78

  Individual No.1                         Un-related party                       1,200,000.00       Above 3 years                          10.59

  Corporation No.2                           Associate                           1,084,758.36       Above 3 years                            9.58

  Individual No.2                         Un-related party                        876,864.11        Above 3 years                            7.74

  Individual No.3                         Un-related party                        793,529.98        Above 3 years                            7.01

                    Total                                                        5,743,195.12                                              50.70

     (8)Receivables due from related parties
                 Name of entity                    Relationship with the Group                   Amount                (%)of receivables

  Shenzhen Fresh Peak property consultant
                                                              Associate                           1,084,758.36                               9.58

                        Total                                                                     1,084,758.36                               9.58

   (9) There were no any accounts receivables which had been terminated
   (10) There were no any accounting receivable which had been securitization.

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
10.2 Other receivables
(1)          Other receivables by categories
                                                                                             Closing balance

                    Category                                     Carrying amount                                  Bad debt provision

                                                           Amount                      (%)                 Amount                      (%)
Other receivables of which provision for bad debts
                                                        1,474,220,614.49                     98.22        818,545,417.98                     55.52
is of individually significant
Other receivables of which provision for bad debts
                                                           26,760,143.14                      1.78         12,628,565.94                     47.19
is of individually insignificant
                      Total                             1,500,980,757.63                 100.00           831,173,983.92                     55.38

                                                                                              Opening balance

                     Category                                        Carrying amount                                Bad debt provision

                                                             Amount                     (%)                    Amount                    (%)
Other receivables of which provision for bad debts
                                                         1,153,502,426.18                     98.19         818,545,417.98                     70.96
is of individually significant
Other receivables of which provision for bad debts
                                                            21,240,357.02                      1.81            12,628,565.94                   59.46
is of individually insignificant
                          Total                          1,174,742,783.20                    100.00         831,173,983.92                     70.75

  (2)               Other receivables by aging balance
                                                                     Closing balance                                  Opening balance
                                                             Amount                     (%)                    Amount                    (%)

Within 1 year                                               332,019,493.89                    22.12            76,759,697.54                     6.53

1-2 years                                                    75,700,471.51                     5.04            38,253,012.23                     3.26

2-3 years                                                    36,006,151.76                     2.40             6,693,182.07                     0.57
Over 3 years                                              1,057,254,640.47                    70.44       1,053,036,891.36                      89.64
                          Total                           1,500,980,757.63                   100.00       1,174,742,783.20                     100.00

(3) Bad debt provision
(a) Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually significant
                                                                                                      Proportion of
      Content of accounts receivable        Carrying amount            Amount of bad debt                                  Reasons for the provision
Other receivables between subsidiaries
that are included in consolidated              1,327,696,733.54               677,154,231.02                       51.00
                                                                                                                          A separate provision is
                                                                                                                         established according to
Other receivables between subsidiaries                                                                                  the recoverability of each
that are not included in consolidated           120,994,319.55                120,994,319.55                     100.00 receivales with long aging
statement                                                                                                                  and little retrievability
Others                                               25,529,561.40             20,396,867.41                       79.90

                  Total                        1,474,220,614.49               818,545,417.98                       55.52

  (b) Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually insignificant
    Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
Content of other receivables      Carrying amount            Proportion of provision           Amount of bad debt          Reasons for the provision
Other receivables between
subsidiaries that are included          7,468,639.72                                   --                           --
in consolidated statement                                                                                              A separate provision is
                                                                                                                       established according to
Other receivables between
                                                                                                                       the recoverability of each
subsidiaries that are not
                                        1,324,136.04                    1,116,316.04                             84.31 receivable with long aging
included in consolidated
                                                                                                                       and little retrievability
Others                                 17,967,367.38                   11,512,249.90                             64.07

            Total                      26,760,143.14                   12,628,565.94                             47.19

(4) There were no any reversals and collections during the current period .

(5) There were no any other significant receivables Written off for in the current
(6) There were no any other receivables due from shareholders at least 5% of the
Company’s shares with voting power in the reporting period
(7) Top 5 entities with the largest balances of other receivables
                                    Relationship with the                                                                Proportion of the amount to
          Name of entity                                                Amount                          Age
                                           Group                                                                              the total OR (%)

                                                                              500,000.00             With 1 year

                                                                            3,416,239.85             1-2 years
Fresh Peak Enterprise Co., Ltd           Subsidiary                                                                                              37.48
                                                                               67,650.00             2-3 years

                                                                          558,624,859.12         Above 3 years

                                                                           64,812,667.55             With 1 year

Shenzhen ShenFang Group                                                    56,976,753.82             1-2 years
                                         Subsidiary                                                                                              23.27
LongGang Development Co.,Ltd                                               35,574,778.95             2-3 years

                                                                          191,883,175.62         Above 3 years

Shantou Huafeng estate dev.co.           Subsidiary                       260,000,000.00             With 1 year                                 17.32

American Great Wall Co.,Ltd              Subsidiary                       101,379,954.81         Above 3 years                                    6.75

Canada Great Wall(vancouver)
                                         Subsidiary                        89,035,748.07         Above 3 years                                    5.93

               Total                                                    1,362,271,827.79                                                         90.75

(8) Receivables due from related parties
             Name of entity              Relationship with the Group                        Amount                   (%)in receivables

Fresh Peak Enterprise Co., Ltd.                     Subsidiary                              562,608,748.97                              37.48
Shenzhen ShenFang Group LongGang
                                                    Subsidiary                              349,247,375.94                              23.27
Development Co.,Ltd
American Great Wall Co.,Ltd                         Subsidiary                              101,379,954.81                               6.75

     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
              Name of entity                Relationship with the Group               Amount                (%)in receivables

 Canada Great Wall(Vancouver) Co.,Ltd               Subsidiary                          89,035,748.07                         5.93
 Shenzhen City Shenfang Free Trade
                                                    Subsidiary                          32,392,459.91                         2.16
 Trading Ltd.
 Shenzhen Lian Hua Industry and
                                                    Subsidiary                          16,170,762.46                         1.08
 Trading Co. Ltd.
 Bekaton Property Limited                           Subsidiary                          12,559,290.58                         0.84

 Paklid Limited                                     Subsidiary                          11,072,100.19                         0.74
 Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu
                                                   Joint venture                        10,465,168.81                         0.70
 Hill Mineral Water Co.,Ltd
 Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction
                                                    Subsidiary                           8,327,180.71                         0.55
 and Decoration Materials Ltd.
 Shenzhen City Shenfang Investment
                                                    Subsidiary                           5,897,431.45                         0.39
 Shenzhen Runhua Automobile trading
                                                    Associate                            3,072,764.42                         0.20
 Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated
                                                    Subsidiary                           1,086,487.22                         0.07
 Service Co., Ltd.
 Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                    Associate                                 475,223.46                      0.03
 Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store
                                                    Subsidiary                                237,648.82                      0.02
 Co. Ltd
 Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd                 Subsidiary                           4,198,603.99                         0.28

 Shantou Huafeng estate dev.co.                     Subsidiary                         260,000,000.00                        17.32

 Shantou Hualin estate dev.co.                      Subsidiary                             849,885.73                         0.06

 Shantou Songshan estate dev.co                     Subsidiary                           2,420,150.00                         0.16

                   Total                                                             1,471,496,985.54                        98.03

 (9) There were no any other receivables which had been terminated recognization in
 the accounting year.
 (10) There were no any other receivables which had been securitization in the
 accounting year.
 10.3 Long-term equity investments
 (1) Long-term equity investments by types
                              Item                         Opening balance         Increase           Decrease        Closing balance

Invested in subsidiary                                       254,668,771.15       30,000,000.00                  --     284,668,771.15

 Invested in joint ventures                                      19,424,671.47                  --               --      19,424,671.47

Invested in associates                                             2,849,274.53                 --     25,316.71          2,823,957.82

Other equity investments                                     165,315,609.56                     --               --     165,315,609.56
Less:provisions for long-term equity investment
                                                             143,861,642.81                     --               --     143,861,642.81
                              Total                          298,396,683.90       30,000,000.00        25,316.71        328,371,367.19

                                       SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                       Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
(2) Details of long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                       Changes [Increase
                                             Name of investee                                      Accounting method Investment cost Opening balance                        Closing balance
      Shenzhen City Property Management Ltd.                                                         Cost method     12,821,791.52    12,821,791.52                    --   12,821,791.52
      Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co. Ltd.                                                                 Cost method     20,605,047.50    20,605,047.50                    --   20,605,047.50
      Shenzhen City Shenfang Investment Ltd.                                                         Cost method       9,000,000.00    9,000,000.00                    --    9,000,000.00
      Fresh Peak Enterprise Ltd.                                                                     Cost method        556,500.00      556,500.00                     --      556,500.00
      Fresh Peak Holdings Ltd.                                                                       Cost method     20,824,545.77    22,717,697.73                    --   22,717,697.73
      Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate (Group) Guangzhou Property and Estate Co., Ltd.     Cost method     20,000,000.00    20,000,000.00                    --   20,000,000.00

      Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd                                                             Cost method     11,332,321.45    11,332,321.45                    --   11,332,321.45
      American Great wall Co.,Ltd                                                                    Cost method       1,435,802.00    1,435,802.00                    --    1,435,802.00
      Shenzhen City Shenfang Free Trade Trading Ltd.                                                 Cost method       4,750,000.00    4,750,000.00                    --    4,750,000.00
      Shenzhen City Hua Zhan Construction Management Ltd.                                            Cost method       6,000,000.00    6,000,000.00                    --    6,000,000.00
      Shenzhen City Car Rental Ltd.                                                                  Cost method     11,809,500.00     6,495,225.00                    --    6,495,225.00
      QiLu Co.,Ltd                                                                                   Cost method        212,280.00      212,280.00                     --      212,280.00
      Beijing Shenfang Property Management     Ltd.                                                  Cost method        500,000.00      500,000.00                     --      500,000.00
      Shenzhen Lain Hua Industry and Trading Co. Ltd.                                                Cost method     13,458,217.05    13,458,217.05                    --   13,458,217.05
      Shenzhen City SPG Long Gang Development Ltd.                                                   Cost method     30,850,000.00    30,850,000.00                    --   30,850,000.00
      Beijing Fresh Peak Property Development Management Limited Company                             Cost method     64,183,888.90    64,183,888.90                    --   64,183,888.90
      Shenzhen Shenfang Car Park Ltd.                                                                Cost method     29,750,000.00    29,750,000.00                    --   29,750,000.00
      Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill Mineral Water Co.,Ltd                                    Equity method     9,969,206.09    9,969,206.09                    --    9,969,206.09
      Fengkai Xinhua Hotel                                                                           Equity method     9,455,465.38    9,455,465.38                    --    9,455,465.38
      Shenzhen Runhua Automobile trading Co.,Ltd                                                     Equity method     1,445,425.56    1,445,425.56                    --    1,445,425.56
      Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                                                                Equity method     1,250,000.00    1,403,848.97         -25,316.71       1,378,532.26
      Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd                                             Cost method       4,500,000.00    4,500,000.00                    --    4,500,000.00

                              Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                                                                                                                                   Changes [Increase
                                      Name of investee                         Accounting method Investment cost Opening balance                        Closing balance
Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.                                          Cost method    12,940,900.00   12,940,900.00                    --   12,940,900.00
Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.                                Cost method     5,958,305.26    5,958,305.26                    --    5,958,305.26
Paklid Limited                                                                     Cost method      201,100.00      201,100.00                     --      201,100.00
                                   Bekaton Property Limited                        Cost method      906,630.00      906,630.00                     --      906,630.00
                  Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.         Cost method     8,180,003.63    8,180,003.63                    --    8,180,003.63
Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd.                                                   Cost method    18,500,000.00   18,500,000.00                    --   18,500,000.00
Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration Materials Ltd.                  Cost method     2,680,000.00    2,680,000.00                    --    2,680,000.00
Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.                                        Cost method     9,500,000.00    9,500,000.00                    --    9,500,000.00
Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd                                                        Cost method    14,000,000.00   12,401,018.42                    --   12,401,018.42
ShenZhen ShenFang BaoAn developmentCo.,Ltd                                         Cost method    19,000,000.00   19,000,000.00                    --   19,000,000.00
Shantou Fresh Peak Building                                                        Cost method    68,731,560.43   58,547,652.25                    --   58,547,652.25
Shantou Small&medium Enterprises Finacing Guarantee Co. Ltd.                       Cost method    12,000,000.00   12,000,000.00                    --   12,000,000.00
Shantou Huafeng estate dev.co.                                                     Cost method    30,000,000.00              --      30,000,000.00      30,000,000.00
                                            Total                                                487,308,490.54 442,258,326.71       29,974,683.29 472,233,010.00

                                         SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                         Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                                                                                                   Proportion of    Proportion of Explanation of the                 Provision for      Cash
                                                                                                    ownership      voting power in   inconsistency   Provision for    impairment      dividend
                                                Name of investee
                                                                                                   interest held    the investee    between these impairment losses losses for the     for the
                                                                                                        (%)              (%)       two proportions                      period         period
Shenzhen City Property Management Ltd.                                                                  95              95                                         --            --          --
Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co. Ltd.                                                                        68.10           68.10                                        --            --          --
Shenzhen City Shenfang Investment Ltd.                                                                  90              90                                         --            --          --
Fresh Peak Enterprise Ltd.                                                                             100             100                                         --            --          --
Fresh Peak Holdings Ltd.                                                                               100             100                                         --            --          --
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate (Group) Guangzhou Property and Estate Co., Ltd.             100             100                                         --            --          --
Shenzhen Zhen Tung Engineering Ltd                                                                      73              73                                         --            --          --
American Great wall Co.,Ltd                                                                             70              70                                         --            --          --
Shenzhen City Shenfang Free Trade Trading Ltd.                                                          95              95                                         --            --          --
Shenzhen City Hua Zhan Construction Management Ltd.                                                     75              75                                         --            --          --
Shenzhen City Car Rental Ltd.                                                                           55              55                                         --            --          --
QiLu Co.,Ltd                                                                                            20              20                                         --            --          --
Beijing Shenfang Property Management     Ltd.                                                           10              10                                         --            --          --
Shenzhen Lian Hua Industry and Trading Co. Ltd.                                                         95              95                                         --            --          --
Shenzhen City SPG Long Gang Development Ltd.                                                            95              95                                         --            --          --
Beijing Fresh Peak Property Development Management Limited Company                                      75              75                                         --            --          --
Shenzhen Shenfang Car Park Ltd.                                                                         70              70                                         --            --          --
Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill Mineral Water Co.,Ltd                                        Co-operation    Co-operation                          9,969,206.09            --          --
Fengkai Xinhua Hotel                                                                               Co-operation    Co-operation                          9,455,465.38            --          --
Shenzhen Runhua Automobile trading Co.,Ltd                                                              50              50                               1,445,425.56            --          --
Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                                                                         25              25                               1,076,954.64            --          --

                                        SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                        Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
                                                                                              Proportion of    Proportion of Explanation of the                 Provision for      Cash
                                                                                               ownership      voting power in   inconsistency   Provision for    impairment      dividend
                                              Name of investee
                                                                                              interest held    the investee    between these impairment losses losses for the     for the
                                                                                                   (%)              (%)       two proportions                      period         period
Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd                                                100             100                               4,500,000.00            --          --
Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.                                                          68              68                              12,940,900.00            --          --
Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.                                               100             100                               5,958,305.26            --          --
Paklid Limited                                                                                    100             100                                 201,100.00            --          --
                                          Bekaton Property Limited                                 60              60                                 906,630.00            --          --
                          Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd.                100             100                               8,180,003.63            --          --
Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd.                                                                  100             100                              18,500,000.00            --          --
Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration Materials Ltd.                                 100             100                               2,680,000.00            --          --
Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.                                                        95              95                               9,500,000.00            --          --
Shenzhen CyberPort Co., Ltd                                                                        70              70                                         --            --          --
ShenZhen ShenFang BaoAn developmentCo.,Ltd                                                         95              95                                         --            --          --
Shantou Fresh Peak Building                                                                       100             100                              58,547,652.25            --          --

Shantou Small&medium Enterprises Finacing Guarantee Co. Ltd.                                       10              10                                         --            --          --

Shantou Huafeng estate dev.co.                                                                    100             100                                         --

                                                      Total                                                                                       143,861,642.81            --          --

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
   (3) Provision for impairment of long-term investments
                                 Item                                   Opening balance            Increase          Decrease         Closing balance

Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co., Ltd                                                1,076,954.64                  --              --         1,076,954.64
Shenzhen Shen Fang Industrial Development Co., Ltd                              4,500,000.00                  --              --         4,500,000.00
Shenzhen ZhongGang Haiyan Enterprise Ltd.                                      12,940,900.00                  --              --        12,940,900.00
Shenzhen Real Estate Consolidated Service Co.,Ltd.                              5,958,305.26                  --              --         5,958,305.26
Paklid Limited                                                                   201,100.00                   --              --          201,100.00
Bekaton Property Limited                                                         906,630.00                   --              --          906,630.00
Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Consolidated Service Co., Ltd                         8,180,003.63                  --              --         8,180,003.63
Shenzhen Xin Dongfang Store Ltd.                                               18,500,000.00                  --              --        18,500,000.00
Shenzhen City Shenfang Construction and Decoration Materials
                                                                                                              --              --
Ltd.                                                                            2,680,000.00                                             2,680,000.00
Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.                                     9,500,000.00                  --              --         9,500,000.00
Shenzhen Runhua automobile trading Co.,Ltd                                      1,445,425.56                  --              --         1,445,425.56
Guangdong province Huizhou Luofu Hill Mineral Water Co.,Ltd                     9,969,206.09                  --              --         9,969,206.09
Fengkai Xinhua Hotel                                                            9,455,465.38                  --              --         9,455,465.38
Shantou Fresh Peak Building                                                    58,547,652.25                  --              --        58,547,652.25
                                 Total                                                                        --              --

   10.4 Operating income and costs
   (1) Operating income and operating costs
                                Item                                 Amount for the current period                 Amount for the prior period

   Principal operating income                                                         1,333,553,618.35                             113,046,014.33

   Other operating income                                                                  649,887.14                                            --

   Total of operating income                                                          1,334,203,505.49                             113,046,014.33

   Principal operating costs                                                           898,116,935.10                               41,545,002.74

   Other operating costs                                                                               --                                        --

   Total of operating costs                                                            898,116,935.10                               41,545,002.74

   (2) Principal operating activities (classified by industries)
                                               Amount for the current period                           Amount for the prior period
   Name of industry
                                         Operating income          Operating costs             Operating income              Operating costs
   Real estate                             1,273,471,953.82           875,844,405.12                50,119,629.72                   18,462,245.54

   Leasing                                    60,081,664.53            22,272,529.98                62,926,384.61                   23,082,757.20

                 Total                     1,333,553,618.35           898,116,935.10              113,046,014.33                    41,545,002.74

    (3) Principal operating activities (classified by geographical areas)

    Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                             Amount for the current period                            Amount for the prior period
Name of geographical area
                                 Operating income                Operating costs            Operating income                Operating costs

Shenzhen                              1,333,553,618.35                898,116,935.10             113,046,014.33                   41,545,002.74

           Total                      1,333,553,618.35                898,116,935.10             113,046,014.33                   41,545,002.74

 (4) Operating income from the Company’s top 5 customers
                                                                              Amount for the current period
       Name of customers
                                              Operating income                 Proportion to total operating income of the Company (%)

Individual No.1                                        7,003,851.00                                                                           0.52

Individual No.2                                        6,607,234.00                                                                           0.50

Individual No.3                                        6,580,394.00                                                                           0.49

Individual No.4                                        6,256,239.00                                                                           0.47

Individual No.4                                        6,220,517.00                                                                           0.47

              Total                                  32,668,235.00                                                                            2.45


                                                                                       Amount for the prior period
                  Name of customers                                                                 Proportion to total operating income of the
                                                                      Operating income
                                                                                                                   Company (%)

Corporation unit No.1                                                              14,737,984.00                                           13.04

Corporation unit No.1                                                               9,568,633.00                                              8.46

Corporation unit No.2                                                               6,631,435.00                                              5.87

Corporation unit No.3                                                               6,016,656.00                                              5.32

Corporation unit No.4                                                               5,503,186.00                                              4.87

                        Total                                                      42,457,894.00                                           37.56

10.5 Investment income
(1) Details of investment income
                                      Item                                        Amount for the current period       Amount for the prior period

Investment income from long-term investments under equity method                                   -25,316.71                        -120,218.96

                                      Total                                                        -25,316.71                        -120,218.96

 (2) Income from long-term investments under equity method
                                                           Amount for the current
                   Name of investee                                                     Amount for the prior period       Reasons for changes

Shenzhen Ronghua JiDian Co.,ltd                                          -25,316.71                  -120,218.96

                        Total                                            -25,316.71                  -120,218.96

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
10.6 Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                     Item                                       Amount for the current period   Amount for the prior period

(1) Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating     activities:

Net profit                                                                                  206,173,384.86                    5,619,721.93

Add: Provision for impairment loss of assets                                                    666,840.00                                    --

      Depreciation of fixed assets, bio-assets, and natural gas                              21,290,498.10                  21,246,263.88

      Amortization of intangible assets                                                         301,199.96                       98,799.96

      Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                                56,530.20                       56,530.20
       Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                                          --                                  --
      long-term assets(deduct: gains)
      Losses on scrapping of fixed assets       (deduct: gains)                                    7,607.28                          92.50

      Loss of fair value variation (deduct: gains)                                                        --

      Financial expenses (deduct: gains)                                                      1,344,930.45                      179,487.26

      Losses from investments (deduct: gains)                                                    25,316.71                      120,218.96

      Decrease in deferred tax assets (deduct: increase)                                      -3,223,822.08                                   --

      Increase in deferred tax liabilities (deduct: decrease)                                             --                                  --

      Decrease in inventories (deduct: increase)                                             67,118,991.33                -270,488,044.98

      Decrease in operating receivables (deduct: increase)                                 -257,412,103.70                   -8,288,762.53

      Increase in operating payables (deduct: decrease)                                     360,615,187.99                 261,076,869.33

      Others                                                                                              --                                  --

Net cash flows from operating activities                                                    396,964,561.10                    9,621,176.51
(2) Investing and financing activities that do not affect cash receipt and
   Liabilities converted capital                                                                          --                                  --
   Reclassify convertible bonds to be expired within one year as current
                                                                                                          --                                  --
   Fixed assets subject to finance leases                                                                 --                                  --

(4)   Net increase in cash and cash equivalents:

   Cash at the end of the period                                                            356,953,152.47                 190,825,250.83

   Less: cash at the beginning of the period                                                190,825,250.83                 144,779,100.65

   Add: cash equivalents at the end of the period                                                         --                                  --

   Less: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                                  --                                  --

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                   166,127,901.64                  46,046,150.18

                                                   SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                                   Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

Note11. Supplementary Materials
11.1 Breakdown non-recurring profit or loss
                                                                                                                                                                                     Amount for the current         Amount for the prior
                                                                                                                                                                                            period                       period
Profit or loss on disposal of non-current assets                                                                                                                                              5,778,882.64                  -588,399.46

Tax refunds or reductions with ultra vires approval or without official approval documents                                                                                                                --                           --
Government grants recognized in profit or loss (other than grants which are closely related to the Company’s business and are either in fixed amounts or determined
                                                                                                                                                                                                          --                           --
under quantitative methods in accordance with the national standard)
Income earned from lending funds to non-financial institutions and recognized in profit or loss                                                                                                           --                           --

The excess of attributable fair value of identifiable net assets over the consideration paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures                                           --                           --

Profit or loss on exchange of non-monetary assets                                                                                                                                                         --                           --

Profit or loss on entrusted investments or assets management                                                                                                                                              --                           --

Impairment losses on assets due to force majeure events, e.g, natural disasters                                                                                                                           --                           --

Profit or loss on debt restructuring                                                                                                                                                                      --                           --

Entity restructuring expenses, e.g., expenditure for layoff of employees, integration expenses, etc.                                                                                                      --                           --

Profit or loss attributable to the evidently unfair portion of transaction price, being transacted price in excess of fair transaction price, of a transaction                                            --                           --
Net profit or loss of subsidiaries from the beginning of the period up to the business combination date recognized as a result of business combination of enterprises
                                                                                                                                                                                                          --                           --
under common control
Profit or loss arising from contingencies other than those related to normal operating business                                                                                                           --                           --
Profit or loss on changes in the fair value of held-for-trade financial assets, and held-for-trade financial liabilities and financial assets available-for-sale, other than those
                                                                                                                                                                                                          --                           --
used in the effective hedging activities relating to normal operating business
Reversal of provision for account receivables that are tested for impairment losses individually                                                                                                               --            6,140,000.00

Profit or loss on entrusted loans                                                                                                                                                                         --                           --

Profit or loss on changes in the fair value of investment properties that are subsequently measured using the fair value model                                                                            --                           --

                                                     SHENZHEN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE REAL ESTATE & PROPERTIES (GROUP) Co., Ltd.
                                                     Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                                                                                                                                                                        Amount for the current    Amount for the prior
                                                                                                                                                                               period                  period
Effects on profit or loss of one-off adjustment to profit or loss for the period according to the period requirements of tax laws and accounting laws and regulations                        --                      --

Custodian fees earned from entrusted operation                                                                                                                                               --                      --

Other non-operating income or expenses other than the above                                                                                                                        812,505.76             -130,400.83

Other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss                                                                                                               --                           --

Subtotal                                                                                                                                                                     6,591,388.40                5,421,199.71

Tax effects                                                                                                                                                                     -1,167,211.12              161,200.07

Effects attributable to minority interests (after tax)                                                                                                                                       --                           --

                                                                                    Total                                                                                        5,424,177.28            5,582,399.78

           Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
Note:”+” means income or gain and “-” means loss or expense
The Group defines items as non-recurring profit or loss items according to “Information
Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities
No.1---Non-recurring Profit or Loss”(CSRC No.[2008]43)
11.2 Differences between amounts prepared under foreign accounting standards and
China Accounting Standards (CAS)
(1) Differences in the net profit and net assets between those disclosed in the financial
statements in compliance with International / Hongkong Finance Reporting Standards and

                                           Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed        Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed
                                                              companies t                                              companies
                                        Amount for the current                                          Amount for the        Amount for the prior
                                                                    Amount for the prior period
                                               period                                                   current period             period
     In accordance with CASs                     228,268,271.23                106,814,543.53          1,863,347,135.33           1,635,376,098.73

     In accordance with IFRS                     228,268,271.23                106,814,543.53          1,863,347,135.33           1,635,376,098.73

11.3 Return on net assets and earnings per share (EPS)
                                                                                               Weighted average returned on net
                             Profit for the reporting period                                                                          Basic      Diluted
                                                                                                         assets (%)
                                                                                                                                      EPS         EPS
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company                                                          13.05%      0.2256         0.2256
Net profit after deduction of non-recurring profits or losses attributable to ordinary
                                                                                                                         12.74%      0.2203         0.2203
shareholders of the Company

Note (1) Weighted average return on net assets attributable to common shareholders
Weighted average return on net asset attributable to common shareholders after deduction
of          non-recurring                    profits              or           losses=222,844,093.95/(1,635,376,098.73+
 (2) For calculation of basic EPS and diluted EPS, please see note 5.40
11.4 Abnormal financial statements items and description of reasons
(1) Items in the balance sheet
Account receivables had RMB 14,102,124.06 as the closing balance at December 31, 2013,
42.24% of decrease than the opening of the year. The reason for such decrease is newly
received rental and house payment during the current period.
Prepayments had RMB 12,206,598.30 as the closing balance at December 31, 2013,

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
69.24% of decrease than the opening of the year. The reason for such decrease is that
Prepayments was transferred into inventory.
Inventory had RMB 2,967,935,589.04 as the closing balance at December 31, 2013,
22.05% of increase than the opening of the year. The reason for such increase is the new
land reserves and payment of construction accounts.
Other current assets had RMB 3,451,107.04 as the closing balance at December 31, 2013,
55.64% of decrease than the opening of the year. The reason for such decrease is that
some turnover taxation paid last year was carried over during the current period.
Deferred tax assets had RMB 26,792,460.02 as the closing balance at December 31, 2013,
34.76% of increase than the opening of the year. The reason for such increase is that the
Company advances from the customers for the housing fund and confirm the profit during
the period.
Other non-current assets had RMB 0 as the closing balance at December 31, 2013,
100.00% of decrease than the opening of the year. The reason for such decrease is that
some other non-current assets were carried over to fixed assets and intangible assets
during the current period.
Short-term loans had RMB 23,000,000.00 as the closing balance at December 31, 2013,
76.04% of decrease than the opening of the year. The reason for such decrease is that the
Company repaid previous year’s entrusted loan of RMB 70,000,000.00 during the current
Accounts payable had RMB 389,345,271.46 as the closing balance at December 31, 2013,
435.84% of increase than the opening of the year. The reason for such increase is the
payment of construction accounts payable during the current period.
Taxes payable had RMB 148,006,651.37 as the closing balance at December 31, 2013,
641.58% of increase than the opening of the year. The reason for such increase is the
increased turnover tax caused by increased income and total profit during the current
 (2) Items in the Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement
Operating income had RMB 2,116,482,684.93 during 2013, 105.45% of increase than the
prior year. Operating cost had RMB 1,547,170,059.64 during 2013, 120.61% of increase
than the prior year. The reason for such increase is that income and cost from Shenfang
Chuanqishan Project was carried over during the current period.
Business tax and surcharge had RMB 163,921,565.69 during 2013, 63.59% of increase

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
than the prior year. The reason for such increase is the increased turnover tax caused by
increased income during the current period.
Selling expenses had RMB 45,139,220.41 during 2013, 63.90% of increase than the prior
year. The reason for such increase is advertisement fees and commission of the current
Financial expense had RMB -1,567,205.86 during 2013, 158.42% of decrease than the
prior year. The reason for such decrease is the increased interest income during the current
Non-operating income had RMB 7,242,022.95 during 2013, 8,930.56% of increase than the
prior year. The reason for such increase is disposal of fixed assets during the current
Income tax expenses had RMB 75,557,227.17during 2013, 148.52% of increase than the
prior year. The reason for such increase is increased profit during the current period.
Cash inflow from Operating Activities had RMB 2,082,643,982.89 during 2013, 74.95% of
increase than the prior year. The reason for such increase is collection of sales from
housing buyers and from construction project.
Cash outflow from Operating Activities had RMB 1,887,690,299.49 during 2013, 62.31% of
increase than the prior year. The reason for such increase is the payment of construction
accounts payable during the current period.
Cash inflow from Operating Activities had RMB 194,953,683.40during 2013, 611.25%% of
increase than the prior year. The reason for such increase is more Cash received from
sales of goods or rendering of services than Cash paid for goods and service.
Cash inflows from Investing Activities had RMB 7,704,117.81 during 2013, 1,019.32% of
increase than the prior year. The reason for such increase is that more fixed assets were
disposed during the current period.
Cash outflows from Investing Activities had RMB 6,079,076.26 during 2013, 67.46% of
decrease than the prior year. The reason for such decrease is that the Company invested a
new entity last year while not during the current period.
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities had RMB 1,625,041.55 during 2013, 109.03% of
increase than the prior year. The reason for such increase is that cash inflow from disposal
of fixed assets during the current period is more than cash outflow by investment last year.
Cash inflow from Financing Activities had RMB 470,989,352.23 during 2013, 54.54% of
decrease than the prior year. The reason for such decrease is less borrowing by the

      Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)
Company during the current period.
Cash outflow from Financing Activities had RMB 611,751,337.59during 2013, 32.55% of
decrease than the prior year. The reason for such decrease is that the Company repaid less
borrowing during the current period.
Net cash flows from financing activities had RMB-140,761,985.36 during 2013, 209.04% of
decrease than the prior year. The reason for such decrease is less borrowing by the
Company during the current period.
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents had RMB 55,570,669.67 during 2013, 59.95% of
decrease than the prior year. The reason for such decrease is that less borrowing by the
Company led to less net cash flows from financing activities during the current period.

       Notes to the Financial Statements for the year 2013 (In RMB yuan except for otherwise specified)

                Section XII. Documents Available for Reference

1. The accounting statements with personal signatures and seals of Legal Representative, Chief
Accountant and the person in charge of the accounting agency.
2. The original of the Auditor’s Report with the seals of the CPA firm, as well as the signatures and
seals of the registered accountants.
3. The originals of all the documents and public notices disclosed on China Securities Journal and
Ta Kung Pao by the Company during the reporting period.
