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  2014 Interim Financial Report
1. Auditor‘s report

The financial statements for H1 2014 have not been audited.

2. Financial statements

Unit for statements in notes to financial statements: RMB yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                In RMB
                 Items                        Closing balance                Ending balance
Current asset:
       Monetary capital                                  307,429,623.20                333,876,921.97
       Settlement provision
       Outgoing call loan
       Transactional financial assets
       Notes receivable                                   10,729,852.00                  21,898,770.43
       Account receivable                                993,638,618.20                898,780,981.93
       Prepayment                                         46,893,077.41                  28,364,016.21
       Insurance receivable
       Reinsurance receivable
     Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable
       Interest receivable                                       20,800.00                    36,387.50
       Dividend receivable
       Other receivables                                  65,536,182.96                  66,298,730.17
     Repurchasing of financial
       Inventory                                         786,872,945.78                428,537,851.82
       Non-current assets due in 1
       Other current assets                               89,808,955.68
Total current assets                                   2,300,930,055.23              1,777,793,660.03
Non-current assets:
       Disburse of consigned loans
       Sellable financial assets
       Investment held until mature
       Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity
                                                              9,952,757.98                9,994,565.55
       Investment real estate                            189,468,158.14                195,249,069.13
       Fixed assets                                      458,760,985.23                462,930,269.98
     Construction in process                182,694.92         940,841.00
     Engineering materials
     Disposal of fixed assets                32,625.31         177,298.11
     Productive biological assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                   91,199,895.95      91,527,650.52
     R&D expense
    Long-term amortizable
                                           3,925,316.69       3,799,354.79
     Deferred income tax assets          45,658,823.25      41,166,043.56
     Other non-current assets            25,478,789.90      15,978,789.90
Total of non-current assets             824,660,047.37     821,763,882.54
Total of assets                        3,125,590,102.60   2,599,557,542.57
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                   725,000,000.00     369,000,000.00
     Loans from Central Bank
     Deposit received and held for
     Call loan received
      Transactional financial
     Notes payable                      202,336,802.87     188,570,850.63
     Account payable                    650,805,706.90     489,216,140.32
     Prepayment received                144,109,711.31     168,386,251.94
     Selling of repurchased
financial assets
    Fees and commissions
     Employees’ wage payable            17,028,555.42      30,182,851.80
     Taxes payable                       52,316,813.48      44,839,947.77
     Interest payable                       884,716.66         689,153.75
     Dividend payable
     Other payables                      49,463,331.24      41,687,580.72
     Reinsurance fee payable
     Insurance contract provision
     Entrusted trading of
     Entrusted selling of securities
     Non-current liabilities due in
1 year
     Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities              1,841,945,637.88   1,332,572,776.93
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term loans
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable
     Special payables
     Anticipated liabilities
      Deferred income tax
                                                         40,858,031.32                         40,656,763.97
     Other non-current liabilities                       10,158,474.47                         10,255,823.93
Total of non-current liabilities                         51,016,505.79                         50,912,587.90
Total liabilities                                     1,892,962,143.67                   1,383,485,364.83
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
     Capital paid in (or share
                                                        756,909,905.00                     756,909,905.00
     Capital reserves                                    79,226,752.01                         79,191,052.01
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves
     Surplus reserves                                    46,389,142.21                         46,389,142.21
     Common risk provisions
     Retained profit                                    296,212,292.72                     278,149,631.63
     Difference caused by
translation of foreign currency
Total of owner’s equity belong to
                                                      1,178,738,091.94                   1,160,639,730.85
the parent company
     Minor shareholders’ equity                         53,889,866.99                         55,432,446.89
Total of owners’ equity (or
                                                      1,232,627,958.93                   1,216,072,177.74
shareholders’ equity)
Total of liability and owners’
                                                      3,125,590,102.60                   2,599,557,542.57
equity (or shareholders’ equity)

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming        CFO: Lin Kebing              Accounting Manager:
Chen Yonggang

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     In RMB
              Items                         Closing balance                     Ending balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                                   7,499,144.67                      68,223,808.76
     Transactional financial
       Notes receivable
       Account receivable                 604,459.49         604,459.49
       Prepayment                          43,089.61         218,984.07
       Interest receivable
       Dividend receivable             39,356,000.00      39,356,000.00
       Other receivables              588,210,866.78     571,620,659.73
       Non-current assets due in 1
       Other current assets               689,184.18
Total current assets                  636,402,744.73     680,023,912.05
Non-current assets:
       Sellable financial assets
    Investment held until
       Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity           719,686,503.56     719,728,311.13
       Investment real estate         163,615,954.05     174,778,756.62
       Fixed assets                    60,399,293.21      48,117,849.19
       Construction in process                               914,126.00
       Engineering materials
       Disposal of fixed assets
     Productive biological
       Gas & petrol
       Intangible assets                 2,120,864.58       1,351,845.98
       R&D expense
    Long-term amortizable                  79,002.15          50,314.43
       Deferred income tax assets      13,638,159.39      12,342,430.37
       Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets           959,539,776.94     957,283,633.72
Total of assets                      1,595,942,521.67   1,637,307,545.77
Current liabilities
       Short-term loans               200,000,000.00     104,000,000.00
      Transactional financial
       Notes payable
       Account payable                    606,941.85        1,849,090.36
       Prepayment received                693,045.60         798,586.70
     Employees’ wage payable                     841,088.14                      1,881,681.86
     Taxes payable                                561,161.47                          260,761.30
     Interest payable                             344,300.00                          193,930.00
     Dividend payable
     Other payables                            83,396,825.27                    192,765,065.68
     Non-current liabilities due
in 1 year
     Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                     286,443,362.33                    301,749,115.90
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term loans
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable
     Special payables
     Anticipated liabilities
      Deferred income tax                      88,810,341.61                     88,615,374.26
      Other non-current
Total of non-current liabilities               88,810,341.61                     88,615,374.26
Total liabilities                             375,253,703.94                    390,364,490.16
Owners’ equity (or
shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share                756,909,905.00                    756,909,905.00
     Capital reserves                          38,690,396.63                     38,690,396.63
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves
     Surplus reserves                          46,389,142.21                     46,389,142.21
     Common risk provisions
     Retained profit                          378,699,373.89                    404,953,611.77
     Difference caused by
translation of foreign currency
Total of owners’ equity (or                 1,220,688,817.73                 1,246,943,055.61
shareholders’ equity)
Total of liability and owners’              1,595,942,521.67                 1,637,307,545.77
equity (or shareholders’ equity)

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming   CFO: Lin Kebing          Accounting Manager:
Chen Yonggang
3. Consolidated Income Statement

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    In RMB
                Items                    Amount of the Current Term       Amount of the Previous Term
1. Total revenue                                         822,792,739.02                   736,828,039.88
       Incl. Business income                             822,792,739.02                   736,828,039.88
              Interest income
              Insurance fee earned
              Fee and commission
2. Total business cost                                   781,151,190.76                   693,328,494.53
       Incl. Business cost                               668,447,444.31                   584,493,820.44
              Interest expense
              Fee and commission
              Insurance discharge
              Net claim amount
            Net insurance policy
reserves provided
            Insurance policy
dividend paid
              Reinsurance expenses
              Business tax and
                                                          11,358,459.71                      13,633,238.09
              Sales expense                               18,245,120.86                      17,614,987.09
                                                          67,185,503.16                      57,347,495.40
              Financial expenses                          11,047,478.14                      12,213,522.40
              Asset impairment
                                                           4,867,184.58                       8,025,431.11
      Plus: gains from change of
fair value (“-“ for loss)
                Investment gains
(“-“ for loss)
             Incl. Investment gains
from affiliates and joint ventures
                Exchange gains
(“-“ for loss)
3. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                    42,610,666.76                      43,499,545.35
       Plus: non-operational income                        3,041,518.40                       2,504,701.74
    Less: non-operational
                                                         2,061,903.28                              672,299.16
             Incl. Loss from
                                                         1,569,906.67                              169,723.53
disposal of non-current assets
4. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                        43,590,281.88                            45,331,947.93
     Less: Income tax expenses                           4,362,903.54                             7,795,908.42
5. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                      39,227,378.34                            37,536,039.51
     Including: Net profit realized
by the entity taken over before the
    Net profit attributable to the
                                                        40,769,958.24                            39,361,593.42
owners of parent company
     Minor shareholders’ equity                        -1,542,579.90                            -1,825,553.91
6. Earnings per share:                             --                                    --
     (1) Basic earnings per share                                   0.05                                   0.05
     (2) Diluted earnings per
                                                                    0.05                                   0.05
7. Other misc. incomes                                      35,700.00
8. Total of misc. incomes                               39,263,078.34                            37,536,039.51
      Total of misc. incomes
attributable to the owners of the                       40,805,658.24                            39,361,593.42
parent company
     Total misc gains attributable
                                                        -1,542,579.90                            -1,825,553.91
to the minor shareholders

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming        CFO: Lin Kebing                Accounting Manager:
Chen Yonggang

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                       In RMB
                Items                  Amount of the Current Term            Amount of the Previous Term
1. Turnover                                             14,332,254.25                            23,580,401.58
     Less: Operation cost                                2,129,602.96                             4,742,190.07
            Business tax and
                                                         1,179,113.66                             1,829,817.82
            Sales expense
            Administrative expense                      11,316,843.92                            10,381,634.49
            Financial expenses                           5,364,994.52                             2,086,644.86
            Asset impairment loss                          -53,159.58                               14,817.75
      Plus: gains from change of
fair value (“-“ for loss)
             Investment gains
(“-“ for loss)
           Incl. Investment gains
from affiliates and joint ventures
2. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                     -5,646,948.80                           4,525,296.59
     Plus: non-operational income                           1,326,268.74                           1,025,011.10
    Less: non-operational
                                                             327,022.34                             373,248.83
         Incl. Loss from disposal
                                                             125,522.34                              34,285.02
of non-current assets
3. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                           -4,647,702.40                           5,177,058.86
     Less: Income tax expenses                             -1,100,761.67                            994,439.99
4. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                         -3,546,940.73                           4,182,618.87
5. Earnings per share:                               --                                    --
     (1) Basic earnings per share
     (2) Diluted earnings per
6. Other misc. incomes                                                0.00                                   0.00
7. Total of misc. incomes                                  -3,546,940.73                           4,182,618.87

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming         CFO: Lin Kebing                 Accounting Manager:
Chen Yonggang

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         In RMB
                Items                    Amount of the Current Term            Amount of the Previous Term
1. Net cash flow from business
    Cash received from sales of
                                                          749,511,473.43                        746,305,400.55
products and providing of services
     Net increase of customer
deposits and capital kept for
brother company
     Net increase of loans from
central bank
     Net increase of inter-bank
loans from other financial bodies
     Cash received against
original insurance contract
     Net cash received from
reinsurance business
     Net increase of client deposit
and investment
     Net increase of trade
financial asset disposal
    Cash received as interest,
processing fee, and commission
     Net increase of inter-bank
fund received
     Net increase of repurchasing
     Tax refunded                           575,871.97      1,402,420.40
     Other cash received from
                                         47,867,585.96     24,853,131.88
business operation
Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                        797,954,931.36    772,560,952.83
business operations
    Cash paid for purchasing
                                        852,304,489.33    596,363,985.36
products and services
     Net increase of client trade
and advance
     Net increase of savings in
central bank and brother company
     Cash paid for original
contract claim
    Cash paid for interest,
processing fee and commission
     Cash paid for policy
     Cash paid to and for the staff     105,126,526.67     80,075,568.67
     Taxes paid                          43,416,941.46     39,998,936.89
     Other cash paid for business
                                         65,659,703.51     55,032,599.32
Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                       1,066,507,660.97   771,471,090.24
business operations
Cash flow generated by business
                                       -268,552,729.61      1,089,862.59
operations, net
2. Cash flow generated by
     Cash received from
investment recovery
     Cash received as investment
     Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible       4,577,733.50      230,729.00
assets, and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries or other
operational units
     Other investment-related
                                         133,500.00       371,500.00
cash received
Sub-total of cash inflow generated
                                        5,719,501.23      602,229.00
from investment
     Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and     8,981,293.29    35,013,827.84
other long-term assets
     Cash paid as investment                            20,000,000.00
     Net increase of loan against
      Net cash paid for acquiring
subsidiaries and other operational
     Other cash paid for
                                         130,500.00       960,000.00
Subtotal of cash outflows               9,111,793.29    55,973,827.84
Cash flow generated by
                                       -3,392,292.06   -55,371,598.84
investment activities, net
3. Cash flow generated by
financing activities:
     Cash received from
     Incl. Cash received from
investment attracted by
subsidiaries from minority
     Cash received from
                                      356,000,000.00   160,000,000.00
borrowed loans
     Cash received from bond
     Other cash received from
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                      356,000,000.00   160,000,000.00
financing activities
     Cash paid to repay debts                           70,000,000.00
     Cash paid as dividend, profit,
                                       41,950,857.15    28,180,178.76
or interests
     Incl. Dividend and profit
paid by subsidiaries to minority
     Other cash paid for financing       156,090.75         81,621.53
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                        42,106,947.90                         98,261,800.29
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                                       313,893,052.10                         61,738,199.71
financing activities
4. Influence of exchange rate
changes on cash and cash                                    -7,348.79                                -36.18
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                        41,940,681.64                          7,456,427.28
      Plus: Balance of cash and
cash equivalents at the beginning                      285,237,255.38                     240,167,372.86
of term
6. Balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the end of the                          327,177,937.02                     247,623,800.14

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming        CFO: Lin Kebing             Accounting Manager:
Chen Yonggang

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    In RMB
              Items                    Amount of the Current Term         Amount of the Previous Term
1. Net cash flow from business
    Cash received from sales of
                                                        12,110,570.32                         17,270,087.97
products and providing of services
     Tax refunded
     Other cash received from
                                                       486,019,552.00                     297,539,451.29
business operation
Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                       498,130,122.32                     314,809,539.26
business operations
    Cash paid for purchasing
                                                         2,860,543.41                          5,883,177.71
products and services
     Cash paid to and for the staff                      7,871,822.76                          5,654,402.78
     Taxes paid                                          1,340,978.19                          2,290,978.47
     Other cash paid for business
                                                       784,384,264.75                     181,902,222.11
Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                       796,457,609.11                     195,730,781.07
business operations
Cash flow generated by business
                                                      -298,327,486.79                     119,078,758.19
operations, net
2. Cash flow generated by
     Cash received from
investment recovery
     Cash received as investment
     Net cash retrieved from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible   171,005,300.50          729.00
assets, and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries or other
operational units
     Other investment-related
cash received
Sub-total of cash inflow generated
                                       171,005,300.50          729.00
from investment
     Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and      1,118,624.57       73,788.50
other long-term assets
     Cash paid as investment                            40,000,000.00
      Net cash paid for acquiring
subsidiaries and other operational
     Other cash paid for
Subtotal of cash outflows                1,118,624.57   40,073,788.50
Cash flow generated by
                                       169,886,675.93   -40,073,059.50
investment activities, net
3. Cash flow generated by
financing activities:
     Cash received from
     Cash received from
                                        96,000,000.00   90,000,000.00
borrowed loans
     Cash received from bond
     Other cash received from
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                        96,000,000.00   90,000,000.00
financing activities
     Cash paid to repay debts                           70,000,000.00
     Cash paid as dividend, profit,
                                        28,150,357.15   26,856,728.43
or interests
     Other cash paid for financing        156,090.75        81,621.53
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                             28,306,447.90                         96,938,349.96
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                                             67,693,552.10                         -6,938,349.96
financing activities
4. Influence of exchange rate
changes on cash and cash
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                            -60,747,258.76                         72,067,348.73
      Plus: Balance of cash and
cash equivalents at the beginning                            67,973,808.76                         25,540,604.84
of term
6. Balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the end of the                                 7,226,550.00                         97,607,953.57

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming             CFO: Lin Kebing             Accounting Manager:
Chen Yonggang

7. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          In RMB
                                                          Amount of the Current Term
                                     Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                paid in          Less:         Surplu Comm                        Total of
             Items                      Capital        Special                 Retain    sharehol
                                  (or           Shares            s    on risk                    owners’
                                        reserve        reserve                  ed Others ders’
                                 share             in          reserve provisi                     equity
                                           s              s                    profit     equity
                                capital          stock            s      ons
                                756,90                        46,389           278,14
1. Balance at the end of               79,191,                                              55,432,4 1,216,07
                                9,905.                         ,142.2         9,631.6
last year                               052.01                                                 46.89 2,177.74
                                    00                              1               3
    Plus: Changes in
accounting policies
          Correction of
previous errors
                            756,90                            46,389           278,14
2. Balance at the beginning        79,191,                                                  55,432,4 1,216,07
                            9,905.                             ,142.2         9,631.6
of current year                     052.01                                                     46.89 2,177.74
                                00                                  1               3
3. Amount of change in                 35,700.                                18,062,       -1,542,5 16,555,7
current term (“-“ for                   00              661.09      79.90      81.19
                                                          40,769,   -1,542,5 39,227,3
(1) Net profit
                                                           958.24      79.90    78.34
                                      35,700.                                 35,700.0
(2) Other misc. income
                                          00                                         0
                                      35,700.             40,769,   -1,542,5 39,263,0
Sub-total of (1) and (2)
                                          00               958.24      79.90    78.34
(3) Investment or
decreasing of capital by
1. Capital input by owners
2. Amount of shares paid
and accounted as owners’
3. Others
(4) Profit allotment                                      7,297.1
1. Providing of surplus
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners                                                    -22,707,2
(or shareholders)                                                                 97.15
4. Others
(5) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital
3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
4. Others
(6) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(7) Others
4. Balance at the end of       756,90 79,226,   46,389     296,21   53,889,8 1,232,62
this period                    9,905. 752.01     ,142.2   2,292.7      66.99 7,958.93
                                 00                              1               2
                                                                                       In RMB
                                                          Amount of Last Year
                                  Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                             paid in          Less:         Surplu Comm                        Total of
            Items                    Capital        Special                 Retain    sharehol
                               (or           Shares            s    on risk                    owners’
                                     reserve        reserve                  ed Others ders’
                              share             in          reserve provisi                     equity
                                        s              s                    profit     equity
                             capital          stock            s      ons
                             756,90                        30,494           230,90
1. Balance at the end of            80,299,                                              59,708,5 1,158,32
                             9,905.                         ,542.9         7,879.9
last year                            867.64                                                 31.11 0,726.68
                                 00                              4               9
     Plus: Retrospective
adjustment caused by
merger of entities under
common control
    Plus: Changes in
accounting policies
          Correction of
previous errors
                            756,90                         30,494           230,90
2. Balance at the beginning        80,299,                                               59,708,5 1,158,32
                            9,905.                          ,542.9         7,879.9
of current year                     867.64                                                  31.11 0,726.68
                                00                               4               9
3. Amount of change in                                     15,894
                                      -1,108,                              47,241,       -4,276,0 57,751,4
current term (“-“ for                                     ,599.2
                                      815.63                                751.64          84.22    51.06
decrease)                                                        7
                                                                           85,676,       -4,276,0 81,400,7
(1) Net profit
                                                                            863.78          84.22    79.56
                                      -1,108,                                                    -1,108,81
(2) Other misc. income
                                      815.63                                                          5.63
                                      -1,108,                              85,676,       -4,276,0 80,291,9
Sub-total of (1) and (2)
                                      815.63                                863.78          84.22    63.93
(3) Investment or
decreasing of capital by
1. Capital input by owners
2. Amount of shares paid
and accounted as owners’
3. Others
                                                           15,894           -38,43               -22,540,5
(4) Profit allotment
                                                            ,599.2         5,112.1                   12.87
                                                                   7               4
                                                              15,894         -15,89
1. Providing of surplus
                                                               ,599.2       4,599.2
                                                                    7             7
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners                                                                        -22,540,5
(or shareholders)                                                                                     12.87
4. Others
(5) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital
3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
4. Others
(6) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(7) Others
                                756,90                        46,389         278,14
4. Balance at the end of               79,191,                                            55,432,4 1,216,07
                                9,905.                         ,142.2       9,631.6
this period                             052.01                                               46.89 2,177.74
                                    00                              1             3

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming             CFO: Lin Kebing           Accounting Manager:
Chen Yonggang

8. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Company)

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                       In RMB
                                                          Amount of the Current Term
                                  Capital                                       Common
                                                     Less:                                        Total of
             Items                paid in Capital              Special Surplus     risk  Retained
                                                    Shares in                                     owners’
                                 (or share reserves           reserves reserves provision profit
                                                     stock                                         equity
                                  capital)                                           s
1. Balance at the end of last    756,909, 38,690,3                      46,389,1          404,953, 1,246,94
year                              905.00     96.63                         42.21            611.77 3,055.61
    Plus: Changes in
accounting policies
          Correction of
previous errors
2. Balance at the beginning    756,909, 38,690,3   46,389,1   404,953, 1,246,94
of current year                 905.00     96.63      42.21     611.77 3,055.61
3. Amount of change in
                                                              -26,254,2 -26,254,2
current term (“-“ for
                                                                  37.88     37.88
                                                              -3,546,94 -3,546,94
(1) Net profit
                                                                   0.73      0.73
(2) Other misc. income
                                                              -3,546,94 -3,546,94
Sub-total of (1) and (2)
                                                                   0.73      0.73
(3) Investment or decreasing
of capital by owners
1. Capital input by owners
2. Amount of shares paid
and accounted as owners’
3. Others
                                                              -22,707,2 -22,707,2
(4) Profit allotment
                                                                  97.15     97.15
1. Providing of surplus
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners                                    -22,707,2 -22,707,2
(or shareholders)                                                 97.15     97.15
4. Others
(5) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital
3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
4. Others
(6) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(7) Others
4. Balance at the end of this   756,909, 38,690,3                    46,389,1           378,699, 1,220,68
period                           905.00     96.63                       42.21            373.89 8,817.73
                                                                                     In RMB
                                                           Amount of Last Year
                                 Capital                                       Common
                                                    Less:                                        Total of
             Items               paid in Capital             Special Surplus      risk  Retained
                                                   Shares in                                     owners’
                                (or share reserves           reserves reserves provision profit
                                                    stock                                         equity
                                 capital)                                           s
1. Balance at the end of last   756,909, 39,799,2                    30,494,5           284,442, 1,111,646
year                             905.00     12.26                       42.94            731.25 ,391.45
    Plus: Changes in
accounting policies
          Correction of
previous errors
2. Balance at the beginning     756,909, 39,799,2                    30,494,5           284,442, 1,111,646
of current year                  905.00     12.26                       42.94            731.25 ,391.45
3. Amount of change in
                                         -1,108,81                   15,894,5           120,510, 135,296,
current term (“-“ for
                                              5.63                      99.27            880.52 664.16
                                                                                        158,945, 158,945,
(1) Net profit
                                                                                         992.66 992.66
                                         -1,108,81                                                 -1,108,81
(2) Other misc. income
                                              5.63                                                      5.63
                                         -1,108,81                                      158,945, 157,837,
Sub-total of (1) and (2)
                                              5.63                                       992.66 177.03
(3) Investment or decreasing
of capital by owners
1. Capital input by owners
2. Amount of shares paid
and accounted as owners’
3. Others
                                                                     15,894,5          -38,435,1 -22,540,5
(4) Profit allotment
                                                                        99.27              12.14     12.87
1. Providing of surplus                                              15,894,5          -15,894,5
reserves                                                                99.27              99.27
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners                                                             -22,540,5 -22,540,5
(or shareholders)                                                                          12.87     12.87
4. Others
(5) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital
3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
4. Others
(6) Special reserves
1. Provided this year
2. Used this term
(7) Others
4. Balance at the end of this   756,909, 38,690,3                      46,389,1             404,953, 1,246,94
period                           905.00     96.63                         42.21               611.77 3,055.61

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming         CFO: Lin Kebing              Accounting Manager:
Chen Yonggang

III. General Information

     China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. (the “Company” or the “Group”) is a joint stock company
registered in Shenzhen, Guangdong and was approved by the Government of Shenzhen with
Document 深府办函(1995)194号, and was founded, on the basis of Shenzhen Fangda
Construction Material Co., Ltd., by way of share issuing in October 1995. The Registration No. of
the Company’s business license is: 440301501124785; with a registered capital of
RMB756,909,905; registered address: Fangda Building, Kejinan Road 12, High-tech Zone,
Shenzhen. Mr. Xiong Jianming is the legal representative.

     The Company issued foreign currency shares (B shares) and local currency shares (A shares)
and listed in November 1995 and April 1996 respectively in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On June
12, 1997, as approved by Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce with Document 深招商复[1997]0192
号, the Company was re-registered to a sino-foreign joint venture. Registration routines were
completed with Shenzhen Commerce and Industry Administration on November 12, 1997. In
October 1999, the Company started to use the current name.

     The Company has established a corporate governance structure that comprises shareholders’
meeting, board of directors and supervisory committee. Currently, the Company sets up the
President Office, Administrative Department, HR Department, Enterprise Management
Department, Financial Department, Audit and Supervisory Department, Securities Department,
Technology Department and IT Department and has established subsidiaries including Fangda
Decoration, Fangda Automatic, Fangda New Material, Shenyang Fangda and Fangda Property.

    The business scope includes new-type building materials, composite materials, metal wares,
metal frames, environmental equipment and apparatus, fire fighting equipment,
optical-mechanical-electrical integrated products, polymer materials and their products, fine
chemical products, mechanical equipment, optical materials and devices, electronic displayer,
audio-visual device, transport facilities (exclude restricted items and produces under export
certification, and their design, developing, installation, construction, technical consulting, and
training. Managing and leasing of properties under possession (Fangda Building at Ke-Ji-Nan
Road 12, and Fangda Town at Longzhu Road 4), parking services of Fangda Building.

IV. Main Accounting Policies, Estimations and Retrospection of Previous
Accounting Errors

(I) Basis for the preparation of financial statements

     The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Enterprise Accounting
Standard – Basic Standards and 38 specific accounting principles issued in February 2006 by the
Ministry of Finance and its application guide, interpretation and other related provision
(collectively “Enterprise Accounting Standards”). The Company has also disclosed related
financial information according to the requirement of the Regulations of Information Disclosure
No.15 – General Provisions for Financial Statements (Revised in 2010) issued by the CSRC.

     Except for subsidiaries that have stopped operating, the financial statements are prepared on
the basis of continuous operation. The financial statements for subsidiaries that have stopped
operating (Shenyang Fangda, Fangda Aluminium and Fang Yide) are prepared on the basis of
non-continuous operation.

     The Company's audit is based on the accrual basis. Except for some financial instruments and
property held for investment, the financial statements are prepared based on historical costs. In
case of any asset impairment, the impairment provision will be made as required.

(II) Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

     The financial report and statements are prepared with compliance to the requirement of the
Enterprise Accounting Standard. They reflect the financial position as of June 30, 2014, and
business performance and cash flow situation between January and June 2014 of the Company
frankly and completely.

(III) Fiscal Period

The fiscal year of the Group is the solar calendar year, that is from January 1 to December 31.

(IV) Bookkeeping standard money

The Company takes RMB as the standard currency for bookkeeping.
(V) Accounting treatment of the entities under common and different control

(1) Consolidation of entities under common control

Assets and liabilities obtained by the merging party are calculated at their book value with the
merged parties at the merger day in addition to the adjustment made given the difference in
accounting policies. The differences between the book value of net assets and the book value of
consideration price (or the total of face value of share issued) are adjusted to the capital reserve
(share capital premium). If the share capital premium is not enough to offset the difference, it will
be adjusted to the retained gains.

The direct expenses arising from the merger are included in profits and losses in the current

(2) Consolidation of entities under different control

For merger of entities under different control, the merger cost is the fair value of the asset paid,
liability undertaken, and equity securities issued for exchanging of control power over the entities
at the day of acquisition. On the acquisition day, the assets and liabilities (if any) acquired by the
Company from the acquired party are recognized on the fair value.

Agency expenses and other administrative expenses such as auditing, legal consulting, or appraisal
services occurred relating to the merger of entities are accounted into current income account
when occurred. The transaction fees of equity certificates or liability certificates issued by the
purchaser for payment for the acquisition are accounted at the initial amount of the certificates.

If the merger costs exceed the fair value of the recognizable net assets of the acquired party in the
merger, it is recognized as goodwill and measured based the costs after the accumulative
impairment provision is deducted; if the fair value exceeds the costs, it is included in the income
statement for the period after being re-examined.

(VI) Accounting policies for disposal of share equity and loss of control

(1) Judgment of a basket of transactions

When the terms, conditions and economic impacts of several transactions of disposal of share
equity and loss of control meet one or multiple situations listed below, the Company will treat the
several transactions as a basket of transactions:

 These transactions are conducted concurrently or with mutual impacts considered;

② These transactions can only achieve the business result as a whole;

③ The effectiveness of one transaction depends the occurrence of at least another transaction;

④ A single transaction is not economic and is economic when considered together with other
(2) Accounting treatment of a basket of transactions

     For transactions in step disposal of stock equity and loss of control, the difference between
the book value and proceeds from the long-term equity investment corresponding to each disposal
of equity in separate financial statement and the book value of the disposal of long-term equity
investment is included in the current investment gain.

     In consolidated financial statements, between step disposal of stock equity and loss of control,
the measurement of residual stock equity and accounting ratio of related stock equity disposal
gain/loss are subject to the disposal of loss of subsidiary control. The difference between every
disposal amount before losing control and the share of net assets of the subsidiary enjoyed
corresponding to the disposal is recognized as other general gains and is included in capital
reserve (other capital reserve). It is transferred to current gain/loss from loss of control when the
control is lost.

(3) Accounting treatment of non-package transactions

     For transactions in step disposal of stock equity and loss of control, the difference between
the book value and proceeds from the long-term equity investment corresponding to each disposal
of equity in separate financial statement and the book value of the disposal of long-term equity
investment is included in the current investment gain.

     In consolidated financial statements, between step disposal of stock equity and loss of control,
the measurement of residual stock equity and accounting ratio of related stock equity disposal
gain/loss are subject to the disposal of loss of subsidiary control. The difference between every
disposal amount before losing control and the share of net assets of the subsidiary enjoyed
corresponding to the disposal is included in capital reserve (stock premium/capital premium) as an
equity transaction. It will not be transferred to current gain/loss from loss of control when the
control is lost.

(VII) Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

(1). Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

     The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Company based on financial
statements of the Company and subsidiaries and according to other related information and
adjusted as long-term equity investment of subsidiaries through the equity method. During
preparation of consolidated financial statements, the accounting policies and period of the
Company and subsidiaries must be the same. Major transactions and balances between companies
are offset.

      The part of the shareholders’ equity in subsidiaries not owned the Company is separately
listed under the shareholders’ equity as minority shareholders’ equity in the consolidated balance
sheet. The part of the subsidiaries’ net profits and losses for the current period that belongs to
minority shareholders is listed as minority shareholders’ profits and losses under net profit in the
consolidated income statement. If the losses of subsidiaries shared by the minority shareholders
exceed the part of the owners’ equity of the subsidiaries at the beginning of the period, the
excessive part will offset the minority shareholders’ equity.

(2) Accounting methods for the share equity of the same subsidiary purchased and sold in
two consecutive accounting years

(VIII) Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

     Cash refers to cash on hand and deposits that can be used at any time for payment. Cash
equivalent refers to the investments with short term, strong liquidity and small risk of value
fluctuation that are held by the Company and easily converted into cash with known amount.

(IX) Foreign exchange business and foreign exchange statement translation

(VIII) Foreign currencies

Trades of the Company made in foreign currencies are translated into RMB basing on the spot
exchange rate on the date when the trade is conducted.

(2) Translation of foreign exchange statement

     At the balance sheet date, foreign currency items are translated on the spot exchange rate of
the balance sheet date. The exchange differences caused by the difference in exchange rates on the
balance sheet date and initial recognizing date or previous balance sheet date is included in the
current profits and losses. Non-monetary items accounted in foreign currency and on historical
costs are exchanged with the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. Non-monetary items
accounted in foreign currency and on fair value are exchanged with the spot exchange rate on the
determination date of the fair value. The exchange difference between the accounting
standard-currency amount and the original accounting standard-currency amount are included in
the current profits and losses.

(X) Financial instrument

Financial instrument refers to a company’s financial assets and contracts that form other units of
financial liabilities or equity instruments.

(1) Classification of financial instruments

     The Company's financial assets mainly include receivables, which refer to non-derivative
financial assets without quotations but with fixed recoverable amount or can be confirmed,
including receivable accounts and other receivables. Receivables adopt the effective interest
method and are further measured by amortized cost. Gain/loss generated at final recognition,
impairment or amortization is accounted into the current gain/loss account.
      The Company’s financial liabilities are mainly other financial liabilities. Other financial
liabilities adopt the effective interest method and are further measured by amortized cost.
Gain/loss generated at final recognition or amortization is accounted into the current gain/loss

(2) Recognition and measurement of financial instruments

The Company recognizes a financial asset or liability when it becomes one party in the financial
instrument contract.

Financial asset is derecognized when:

(1) The contractual right to receive the cash flows of the financial assets is terminated;

(2) The financial asset is transferred and meets the following de-recognition condition.

(3) Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer

     The transfer of financial assets refers to transferring or delivering the financial assets to
another party (receiver) other than the issuing party of the financial assets.

     Recognition of the financial asset is terminated as soon as all of the risks and rewards
attached to the financial asset have been transferred to the receiver. Whereas if all of the risks and
rewards attached to the financial assets are reserved, recognition of the financial asset shall not be

     When the Company neither transfers nor reserve almost all risks and rewards attached to the
financial assets, it will be handled as: When the controlling power over the financial asset is given
up, the financial assets will be derecognized and the generated assets and liabilities will be
recognized; when the controlling power is not given up, financial asset and related liability shall
be recognized according to the extend the Company is involving in the financial asset.

(4) De-recognition conditions of financial liabilities

When partial or all of the current responsibilities attached to such financial liabilities, the partial or
all of the financial liabilities are derecognized.

Financial asset transactions in regular ways are recognized and de-recognized on the transaction

(5) Recognition of fair value of financial assets and liabilities

     For financial assets in an active market, the Company uses the prevailing quotations or
asking prices to determine the fair value.

     If there is no active market, the Company uses evaluation techniques to determine the fair
value. The results derived from the adoption of valuation technologies reflect the trading prices
that may be adopted in arm’s length basis transactions on the valuation date. Valuation techniques
include using recent arm’s length market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, if
available, reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, a
discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models.

     The Company has adopted valuation techniques that have been widely accepted by market
participants and proven reliable by previous effective transaction prices. When using valuation
techniques to determine financial instruments’ fair value, the Company has managed to use all
market parameters that market participants would consider during financial instrument pricing and
transaction prices observable in the current market for same financial instruments to examine the
effectiveness of the valuation techniques.

(6) Impairment test and provision of financial assets (excluding receivables)

     Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account.
The Company checks the book value of financial assets on the balance sheet date. Impairment
provision will be made in case of objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets.
Objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets refers to events actually occur after
the initial recognition of financial assets, with influence on the estimated future cash flows of the
financial assets and can be reliably measured by the Company.

Financial assets measured at amortized cost

     If there is objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets, the book value of the
financial assets will be written down to the present value of the estimated future cash flow
(excluding undiscovered future credit loss). The write-down amount is accounted into the current
gain/loss account. The present value of the estimated future cash flow is determined by the
original effective discount rate with the value of the guarantee considered.

     Conduct impairment test separately for major financial assets. If there is objective evidence
suggesting impairment, determine the impairment loss and account it into the current gain/loss
account. Conduct impairment test for other financial assets including financial assets combination
with similar credit risk features. Test financial assets without impairment separately (including
major and minor financial assets) and conduct impairment test in the financial assets combination
with similar credit risk features. Conduct impairment test for financial assets separately
recognized as impaired excluding financial assets combination with similar credit risk features.

      After the Company recognizes impair loss to financial assets measured by amortized cost, if
there is object evidence suggesting that the value of the financial assets is restored objectively due
to an event after the loss, the recognized impairment loss can be reversed and accounted into the
current gain/loss account. The book value after the reversal must not exceed the amortized cost of
the financial assets on the reversal date assuming that no impairment provision was made.

Financial assets measured at cost

     If there is no quotation in an active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably or
the derivative financial assets that linked to the equity instrument and can only settled by
delivering the equity instrument is impaired, the difference between the book value of the
financial assets and the current value recognized by discounting the future cash flow against the
market yield of similar financial assets in the current market is recognized as the impairment loss
and accounted into the current gain/loss account. The impairment loss cannot be reversed after
being recognized.

Verification of impairment in various sellable financial assets
Sellable financial assets

     If there is objective evidence suggesting impairment to the financial assets, the accumulative
loss generated by the decrease in the fair value that has been directed accounted into capital
reserve should be transferred out and accounted into the current gain/loss account. The transferred
accumulative loss is the balance of the initial acquisition cost of the sellable financial assets after
the recovered principal and amortized amount, current fair value and impair loss that has been
accounted into the gain/loss account are deducted.

     For the sellable debt instruments recognized as impaired, if the fair value increases in the
following accounting period objectively due to an event after the original impair loss is recognized,
the impairment loss will be reversed and accounted into the current gain/loss account. Impairment
loss incurred in investment of sellable equity instrument is not reversed through the gain/loss

Verification of impairment in various sellable financial assets

(7) The basis of reclassifying the immature investment held until maturity as sellable
financial assets, indicating changes in the intention or capability of holding the investment

11. Recognition standard and provision method for receivable bad debt provision

Receivables include receivable accounts, other receivables and prepayment.

(1) Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually

                                                               For the current year, the Company recognizes
                                                               project receivables over RMB8 million (inclusive)
                                                               as “individual receivable with large amount” while
                                                               recognizes product receivables over RMB2 million
Judging basis or standard of major individual amount
                                                               (included) as “individual receivable with large
                                                               amount” and other receivables over RMB1 million
                                                               (included) as “individual receivable with large
                                                               The Company performs impairment examination
Provision method for account receivable with major
                                                               individually on each large amount receivables, and
individual amount and bad debt provision provided
                                                               recognizes impairment and provides bad debt
                                                               provision when the impairment is recognized based
                                                              on objective evidence.

(2) Recognition and providing of bad debt provisions on groups

            Group                   Providing method                           Grouping basis
Account age                     Aging method               Account age
Receivable accounts                                        Accounts receivable consolidated are accounted using
                                Other method
consolidated                                               the separate test method.
Receivables adopting the aging method in the group
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                    Providing rate for receivable
               Age                                                        Providing rate for other receivables
Within 1 year (inclusive)                                    3.00%                                           3.00%
1-2 years                                                   10.00%                                          10.00%
2-3 years                                                   30.00%                                          30.00%
Over 3 years                                                50.00%                                          50.00%
3-4 years                                                   50.00%                                          50.00%
4-5 years                                                   50.00%                                          50.00%
Over 5 years                                                50.00%                                          50.00%
Receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Receivables adopting other methods in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Account receivable with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided

Reasons for separate bad debt
                                          Long account age or deterioration of customer creditability
                                          According to the difference between the present value of future cash
Method of bad debt provision
                                          flow and the book value

12. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

The Company’s inventories include purchased materials, raw materials, low-value consumables,
OEM materials, products in process, semi-finished goods, finished goods, inventory, development
products, and construction in process.

(2) Pricing of delivering inventory

Weighted average method
Inventories are measured at cost when procured. Raw materials, products in process and
commodity stocks in transit are measured by the weighted average method.

Construction contracts are measured by the effective cost, including direct and indirect expenses
generated before the contracts are fulfilled. Costs generated and recognized accumulatively by
construction in process and settled payment are listed in the balance sheet as offset net amounts.
The excessive part of the sum of the generated costs and recognized gross profit (loss) over the
settled payment is listed inventories; the excessive part of the settled payment over the sum of the
generated costs and recognized gross profit (loss) is listed as the prepayment received.

Travel and bidding expenses generated by execution of contracts, if they can be separated and
reliably measured and it is likely to enter into contracts, are accounted as the contract cost when
the contracts are entered into; or into the current gain/loss account if the conditions are not met.

The actual costs of development products include land transfer payment, infrastructure and facility
costs, installation engineering costs, borrows before completion of the development and other
costs during the development process. The actual costs of the development product is priced using
the separate pricing method.

(3) Recognition of inventory realizable value and providing of impairment provision

On the balance sheet date, inventories are accounted depending on which is lower between the
cost and the net realizable value. If the cost is higher than the net realizable value, the impairment
provision will be made.

At overall verification of inventories at the end of year, when the net realizable value is lower than
the cost, provisions for impairment of inventories shall be drawn. Provisions for impairment of
inventories shall be accounted according to the difference between the cost of individual inventory
items and the net realizable value.

The Company generally made inventory impairment provision individually or by categories.
Including: for inventories such as finished products or materials which will be directly sold, in the
normal operation, the realizable net value will be the balance of estimated selling price less sales
expenses and relative taxations; For those inventories need further processing, in the normal
operation, the realizable net value will be the balance of estimated sales price less costs to make it
finished, less estimated sales expenses, and less relative taxation. At the balance sheet day,
inventories with contract prices will be determined for realizable value separately from those
without contract prices. Inventories with similar purpose or final use, produced and to be sold in
the same district and cannot be separated for valuation will be provided together; inventory of a
large quantity and with low prices are provided by categories. On the balance sheet day, if the
influence of the inventory value write-down has disappeared, the impairment provision will be
reversed within the provided amount.

(4) Inventory system

The Company uses perpetual inventory system.
(5) Amortizing of low-value consumables and packaging materials

Low price consumable
On-off amortization basis
On-off amortization basis

13. Long-term share equity investment

(1) Recognition of initial investment costs

Long-term share equity investment is measured at the investment cost when it is obtained. The
investment cost is generally is assets, liabilities occurred or borne to obtained the investment,
including direct related costs. The investment cost of long-term share equity investment formed by
entities under common control is the share of the book value of the owner's equity of the merged
party on the date of the merger.

2. Subsequent measurement and recognition of gain/loss

The Company uses the cost method to measure long-term share equity investment in which the
Company can control the invested entity; and uses the equity method to measure long-term share
equity investment in which the Company has substantial influence on the invested entity. For the
long-term equity investment measured on the cost basis, except for the announced cash dividend
or profit included in the practical cost or price when the investment was made, the cash dividends
or profit distributed by the invested entity are recognized as investment gains in the current
gain/loss account. When the equity method is used to measure long-term equity investment, the
investment cost will not be adjusted if the investment cost of the long-term equity investment is
larger than the share of fair value of the recognizable assets of the invested entity. When it is
smaller than the share of fair value of the recognizable assets of the invested entity, the book value
will be adjusted and the difference is included in the current gains of the investment. When the
equity method is used, the current investment gain is the share of the net gain realized in the
current year that can be shared or borne. When the share of the net gains that can be enjoyed is
recognized, it is recognized after the net profit of the invested entity is adjusted based on the fair
value of the recognizable assets of the invested entity according to the Company's accounting
policies and accounting period. Internal transaction gain not realized between the Company and
affiliates is measured according to the shareholding proportion and the investment gains are
recognized after deduction.

(3) Basis for recognition of common control and major influence on invested entities

Major influence refers to the power to participate in decision-making of financial and operation
policies of a company, but cannot control or jointly control the making of the policies. If the
Company directly or through subsidiaries holds more than 20% (inclusive) but less than 50% of
the shares with voting rights of the invested entity, unless there is clear evidence proving that the
Company cannot participate the decision-making of production and operation of the invested
entity, the Company has major influence on the invested entity.

(4) Impairment examination and providing of impairment provision

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.
The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal
expense and the present value of the predicted future cash flow. Once recognized, the asset
impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting period.

14. Investment real estates

Investment real estate is held for rent or capital appreciation, or both. The Company’s investment
real estate include land use right, land use right held for appreciation and transfer and leased

For investment real estate with an active real estate transaction market and the Company can
obtain market price and other information of same or similar real estate to reasonably estimate the
investment real estates’ fair value, the Company will use the fair value mode to measure the
investment real estate subsequently. Variations in fair value are accounted into the current
gain/loss account.

The fair value of investment real estate is determined with reference to the current market prices
of same or similar real estates in active markets; when no such price is available, with reference to
the recent transaction prices and consideration of factors including transaction background, date
and district to reasonably estimate the fair value; or based on the estimated lease gains and present
value of related cash flows.

For an investment real estate whose fair value is proven unable to be obtained continuously and
reliably by objective evidence, the real estate will be measured at cost basis until it is disposed and
no residual value remains as assumed.

The difference of the proceeds from sales, transfer, retirement or destruction of investment real
estate with book value and related taxes deducted is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal
expense and the present value of the predicted future cash flow.

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting
15. Fixed assets

(1) Conditions for fixed asset recognition

Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods,
providing services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one accounting year
of service life. The fixed assets can only be recognized hen economic interests related to the fixed
assets are very likely to flow into the company and the costs of the fixed assets can be reliably
measured. The Company measures fixed assets at the actual costs when the fixed assets are

(3) Recognition and pricing of financing leased fixed assets

(3) Depreciation of fixed assets

The Company adopts the straight age average basis to make depreciation provision. The Company
will start to make the depreciation provision when the fixed assets reach the preset serviceable
condition and stop to make the depreciation provision when it is derecognized or categorized as
non-current assets held for sales. Without considering depreciation provision, the Company
determines annual depreciation rates for various fixed assets according to types, predicted service
life and residual value:

            Type                   Service year (year)        Residual rate          Annual depreciation rate %
Houses & buildings            35-45                                       10.00% 2-2.57
Mechanical equipment          10                                          10.00% 9
Electronic equipment          5                                           10.00% 18
Transport equipment           5                                           10.00% 18

(4) Impair test and impairment provision for fixed assets

The Company recognizes impairment in fixed assets as follows:

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal
expense and the present value of the predicted future cash flow.

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting

At end of each fiscal year, verification will be made on the useful life, predicted retained value,
and depreciation basis.

The useful life will be adjusted if the useful life is different from the predicted one; the net
residual value will be adjusted if the net residual value is different from the predicted one.
(5) Others

Overhaul cost generated by regular examination on fixed assets is recognized as fixed assets costs
when there is evidence proving that it meets fix assets recognition conditions. If not, it will be
accounted into the current gain/loss account. Depreciation provision will be made for fixed assets
between two regular overhauls.

16.Construction in process

(1) Categories of construction in process

The Company recognizes the cost of construction in process according to the actual construction
expense, including necessary engineering expenses, borrowing costs to be capitalized before the
engineering reaches the preset service condition and other related costs.

(2) Standard and timing for transferring construction in process into fixed assets

Construction in process will be transferred to fixed assets when it reaches the preset service

(3) Impair test and impairment provision for construction in process

The Company recognizes impairment in projects in construction as follows: The Company judges
whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If such sign exists, the
Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal
expense and the present value of the predicted future cash flow.

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting

17. Borrowing expenses

(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing expenses

Borrowing expenses occurred to the Company that can be accounted as purchasing of asset
satisfying the conditions of capitalizing, are capitalized and accounted as cost of related asset.
Borrowing expenses start to be capitalized when all of the followings are satisfied:

(1) Asset expense has already occurred. Asset expenses include cash payment, non-cash asset
transferring, or undertaking of debt with interest done for purchasing assets;

(2) The borrowing expense has already occurred;
(3) Purchasing and production activity, which is necessary for the asset to reach the useful status,
has already started.

(2) During borrowing expense capitalization

When the asset satisfying the capitalizing conditions has reached its usable or sellable status,
capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be terminated. Borrowing expenses incurred after assets
that meet capitalization conditions reach the service or sales conditions are accounted into the
current gain/loss account according to the actual amounts.

(3) Capitalization suspension period

If the construction assets satisfying the capitalizing conditions is suspended abnormally for over 3
months, capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be suspended. During the normal suspension
period, borrowing expenses will be capitalized continuously.

(4) Calculation of the capitalization amount of borrowing expense

18. Biological assets

19. Petroleum assets

20. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing of intangible assets

The Company’s intangible assets include land using rights, patent, industry property, special
technologies, and software.

Intangible assets are initially measured at costs and the useful life will be determined when
obtained. Where the useful life is limited, the intangible assets will be amortized within the
predicted useful life by using the amortization method that can reflect predicted realization way of
the economic benefit of the assets; whether the realization way cannot be reliably confirmed, use
the straight-line method. If the useful life is uncertain, the intangible assets are not amortized.

(2) Useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life

At the end of each year, the Company will reexamine the useful life and amortization basis of
intangible assets with limited useful life. If they change, adjust the prediction and handle it
according to accounting estimate changes.

On the balance sheet day, if the intangible assets become unlikely to bring future economic
benefits for the Company, transfer all the intangible assets’ book value into the current gain/loss

           Items              Estimated useful life                              Basis
Land using right            Beneficial age
Patent                      10
Proprietary technology      10
Software                    5, 10 years
Other intangible assets     10 years or beneficial age

(3) Judgment basis of intangible assets without definite useful life

(4) Provision of intangible assets impairment

The Company recognizes impairment in intangible assets as follows: The Company judges
whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If such sign exists, the
Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If
such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal
expense and the present value of the predicted future cash flow.

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting

(3) Specific standard for distinguish between research and development stage

The Company divides internal R&D project expenses into research and development expenses.

The research expenses are accounted the current gain/loss account.

Development expenses can only be capitalized when the following conditions are satisfied: the
technology is feasible for use or sales; there is the intention to use or sell the intangible assets; it
can be proven that the product generated by the intangible assets is demanded or the intangible
assets in demanded; if the intangible is used internally, it can be proven that it is useful; with
necessary technical and financial resources and other resources to complete the development of
the intangible assets and the intangible assets can be used or sold; the development expense can be
reliably measured. If not, the development expense is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

If a research project meets the above-mentioned conditions and passes the technical and economic
feasibility study, the project will enter the development stage.

Expenses in the development stage capitalized are listed as development expense on the balance
sheet and transferred to intangible assets when the project reaches the useful condition.
(6) Audit of internal research and development expenses

21. Long-term amortizable expenses

The Company’s long-term amortizable expenses are measured at the actual costs and amortized
averagely based on the beneficial term. For long-term amortizable expenses that are not beneficial
in the subsequent account periods, the residual value is fully accounted into the current gain/loss

22 Transfer of assets without repurchase conditions

23. Anticipated liabilities

(1) Recognition standards of anticipated liabilities

When responsibilities occurred in connection to contingent issues, and all of the following
conditions are satisfied, they are recognized as expectable liability in the balance sheet:

(1) This responsibility is a current responsibility undertaken by the Company;

(2) Execution of this responsibility may cause financial benefit outflow from the Company;

(3) Amount of the liability can be reliably measured.

(2) Measurement of anticipated liabilities

      Expected liabilities are initially measured at the best estimation on the expenses to exercise
the current responsibility, and with considerations to the relative risks, uncertainty, and periodic
value of currency. When the periodic value of currency is with major influence, then the best
estimation will be determined at the discount of future cash outflow. The book value of expected
liability is revised at balance sheet day, and adjustment will be made to reflect current best
24. Share payment and equity instruments

(1) Share payment category

(2) Recognition of fair value of equity instruments

(3) Basis for recognition of the best estimation of realizable equity instruments

(4) Related accounting treatment of implementation, modification and suspension share
payment plan

25. Repurchase of the Company’s shares

26. Revenue

(1) Specific judgment standard of recognition time of goods sales revenue

When all of the following conditions are satisfied, the sales of goods are recognized as sales
income according to the contract amount received or receivable from the buyer: (1) Main risks and
rewards attached to the ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer; (2) No
succeeding power of administration or effective control is reserved which are usually attached to
ownership; (3) Amount received can be reliably measured; (4) Related financial benefit may
inflow to the Company; (5) Relative costs, occurred or will occur, can be reliably measured.
Revenue of products for domestic sales is recognized when the Company delivers the products
and receives the sales payment or obtains the payment voucher; revenue for products for overseas
sales is recognized at departure of the products.

(2) Basis for recognition of revenue from demising of asset using rights

The revenue is recognized when the financial benefit in connection with the demising of asset
using right was received and the amount can be reliably measured.

(3) Basis for recognition of revenue from providing of labor services

If they are not in the same year, then use the estimation on percentage basis when it is possible.

The completion percentage is the costs occurred on the total cost.

The reliable estimation of the result of providing of labor service must meet the following
conditions: A. the revenue can be reliably measured; B. the economic benefit is very likely to flow
into the company; C. the completion can be determined reliably; D. costs incurred or will be
incurred can be reliably measured.

If the result cannot be reliably estimated, use the service cost amount of the compensation
obtained or will be obtained to recognize the revenue of the providing of labor service and
recognize the incurred labor service cost as the current expense. If no compensation can be
obtained for incurred labor service cost, no revenue can be recognized.

(4) Basis and method for recognition of contract completion progress when the revenue from
providing of labor service and construction contracts is recognized on the competition

On the balance sheet day, the Company recognizes the contract income and costs using the
completion percentage method if the result of the construction contract can be reliably estimated.
If not, such contracts are treated differently. If the contract cost can be recovered, the revenue is
recognized according to the actual contract costs that can be recovered and the contract cost is
recognized as the current expense; if not, the contract cost is recognized as the current expense
and no revenue is recognized.

If the estimated total costs exceed the total revenue, the Company recognizes the estimated loss as
the current expense.

The competition percentage is determined by the share of the costs incurred in the total cost.

The reliable estimation of the result of a construction contract must meet the following conditions:
A. the revenue can be reliably measured; B. the economic benefit is very likely to flow into the
company; C. the completion cost can be clearly distinguished and determined reliably; D. the
completion and costs that will be incurred for completion of the contract can be reliably

27. Government subsidy

(1) Type

The Company divides government subsidies into assets-related and earnings-related government

(2) Accounting policy

Government subsidy is only recognized when the required conditions are met and the subsidy is

When a government subsidy is monetary capital, it is measured at the received or receivable
amount. When there is no clear evidence indicating compliance with related conditions for
governmental support and it is estimated that the Company can receive a government subsidy, it
will be measured at the receivable amount. Otherwise, it is measured at the amount actually

Government subsidies related to assets are obtained by the Company to purchase, build or
formulate in other manners long-term assets; or subsidies related to benefits.

For subsidies that can formulate long-term assets without clear government regulations, the part of
the subsidies corresponding to the asset value will be measured as assets-related government
subsidies, while the rest of them will be measured as benefit-related government subsidies. Where
it is difficult to distinguish them from each other, the whole subsidies will be measured as
benefit-related government subsidies.

Government subsidies in connection with capital are recognized as differed income, and amortized
straight to its useful life, and accounted into current income account. Government subsidies in
connection with gains, which are used to cover current expenses or losses, are recognized as
current gain/loss, if used to cover future expenses or losses, recognized as differed gains, and
recorded to current income account to the period when the expenses are recognized. Government
subsidy measured at the nominal amount is accounted into current income account.

If a recognized government subsidy needs to be returned, if there are relative differed gains, the
balance of differed gains will be set off, the exceeded part shall be recorded into current income
account; if there is no relative differed gain, record to current income account directly.

28. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax assets

For deductable temporary difference, deductible loss and tax deduction that can be accounted in
subsequent years, the Company recognizes the incurred deferred income tax assets to the extent to
the future income tax proceeds that is very likely to be received for deducting deductable
temporary difference, deductable loss and tax deduction, unless the deductable temporary
difference is generated in following transactions: (1) the transaction is not a merger and the
transaction does not affect the accounting profit or taxable proceeds; (2) for the taxable temporary
difference related to investment in subsidiaries and joint ventures, the corresponding deferred
income tax assets are recognized when the following condition is met: the temporary difference is
very likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future and it is very likely to receive the taxable
proceeds that can be used to deduct the deductable temporary difference.

(2) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax liabilities

The taxable temporary difference recognizes the related deferred income tax liabilities, unless the
taxable temporary difference is created by the following transactions: (1) Initial recognition of
goodwill, or of assets or liabilities generated in transactions with the following features: the
transaction is not a merger and the transaction does not affect the accounting profit or taxable
proceeds; (2) For taxable temporary difference related to investment in subsidiaries and joint
ventures, the reversal timing for the temporary difference can be controlled and the difference is
unlikely to be reversed in the foreseeable future.
29. Operational leasing and financial leasing

(1) Accounting of operational leasing

The Company is the leaser

Rentals from operational leasing are recognized as current gains on straight basis to the periods of
leasing. Initial direct expenses are recorded to current income account.

The Company is the leasee

Rentals in operational leasing are recorded to relative capital cost or current income account on
straight basis to the periods of leasing. Initial direct expenses are recorded to current income

(2) Accounting of financial leasing

The Company is the leaser

In financial leasing, the book value of financial rental is the sum of lowest amount of the rent and
the initial expenses since the date when the lease is started. The difference between the sum of
lowest rental, initial direct expense and unsecured balance and the current value is recognized as
the unrealized financial income. Unrealized financial income is recognized as financial income at
actual interest basis to the periods of the leasing period.

The Company is the leasee

The Company measures the leased assets as the lower of the fair value and the present value of
minimum lease payment of the leased assets on the starting date of the lease and records the
minimum lease payment as long-term payable and the difference between the two as unrecognized
financing expense. The initial direct expense is accounted into asset value. Unrecognized financial
cost is recognized as financial cost at actual interest basis to the periods of the leasing period. The
Company adopts the depreciation policy same as the self-owned fixed assets to made provision for
depreciation of leased assets.
(3) Accounting of sale and lease-back

30. Assets held for sales

(1) Recognition standard

(2) Accounting treatment

31. Asset securitization

32. Accounting of hedging

      Arbitrage hedging is one or multiple hedging tools used to prevent the commodity price risk
by using the forecast fluctuation of the hedging tools to offset the all or part of the cash flow
changes in the arbitration items. The Company uses aluminum futures contracts as the arbitrage
tools. The arbitraged item is forecast raw material – aluminum purchase. The arbitrage must meet
all the following conditions to be considered as highly effective by the Company:
      1. Before and during arbitrage, the arbitrage will effectively offset the cash flow changes
caused by the arbitraged risks during the period.
      2. The actual offsetting result ranges between 80% and 125%.
The part of gains or losses in arbitrage tools are directly recognized as owner’s interests and
reflected as separate items. The amount in the effective arbitrage is recognized by the
accumulative gains or losses from the starting of arbitrage and accumulative changes to the current
value of future forecast cash flows from the start of arbitrage. When it is forecasted that a
transaction would cause the Company to recognize financial assets or liabilities, the related gains
or losses previously recognized as owner’s interests will be transferred out when the financial
assets or liabilities impact the Company’s gain/loss and included in the current gain/loss. When
the net loss previously recognized in owner’s interests cannot be offset in the future account
period, the part that cannot be offset should be transferred out and included in the current gain/loss.
The above-mentioned arbitrage account expires when the arbitrage tools expire or are sold,
terminated and no longer meet the accounting conditions.

33. Major changes in accounting policies and estimates

No change in major accounting estimates in the report period

(1) No change in major accounting policies in the report period

(2) No change in major accounting policies in the report period

34. Correction of previous accounting faults

Faults in previous accounts in the current report period
□ Yes √ No
No fault in previous accounts in the current report period
(1) Retrospective restatement method

Faults in adoption of the retrospective restatement method in the report period
□ Yes √ No

(2) Prospective application method

Faults in adoption of the prospective application method in the report period
□ Yes √ No

35. Other major accounting policies, accounting estimates and preparation of financial

V Taxation

1. Major taxes and tax rates

                   Tax                                 Tax basis                             Tax rate
VAT                                       Taxable income                          6%、13%、17%
Business tax                              Taxable income                          3%、5%
City maintenance and construction tax     Taxable turnover                        1%、5%、7%
Enterprise income tax                     Taxable income                          25%,15%,0

2. Tax preference and approval

(1) According to the Certification of High-tech Enterprise issued by Shenzhen Commission of
Technological Innovation, Shenzhen Commission of Finance, Shenzhen National Tax Bureau, and
Shenzhen Local Tax Bureau on September 12, 2012, Fangda Jianke was entitled to enjoy a tax
preference of enterprise income tax of 15% for three years (2012-2014) since the qualifications
were awarded.

(2) According to the Certification of High-tech Enterprise issued by Shenzhen Commission of
Technological Innovation, Shenzhen Commission of Finance, Shenzhen National Tax Bureau, and
Shenzhen Local Tax Bureau on September 12, 2012, Fangda Decoration was entitled to enjoy a
tax preference of enterprise income tax of 15% for three years (2012-2014) since the qualifications
were awarded.

(3) According to the Certification of High-tech Enterprise issued by Jiangxi Ministry of Science
and Technology, Jiangxi Ministry of Finance, Jiangxi National Tax Bureau, and Jiangxi Local Tax
Bureau on November 7, 2012, Fangda New Material was entitled to enjoy a tax preference of
enterprise income tax of 15% for three years (2012-2014) since the qualifications were awarded.

(4) On December 25, 2013, Kexunda was certified by Shenzhen Nanshan National Tax Bureau as
a software and integrated circuit designer according to the Shenzhen National Tax Reduction
Registration [2013] No.739 and will enjoy exemption from the enterprise income tax for two years
             and 50% reduction of the same tax for another three years from the year that the company starts
             making a net profit. Kexunda started making profits in 2013 and therefore starts to enjoy the

             (3) Others

             VI Merger of enterprises and consolidated financial statements

             1. Subsidiaries

             (1) Subsidiaries founded or acquired from investment

                                                                                                            In RMB
Subsidi    Typ    Reg     Busin     Regi    Business     Actu    Balan    Share   Propo   Con    Mino    Amou     The balance of the

  ary      e of   ister    ess      stere    scope         al    ce of    holdi   rtion   soli     r     nt for   owners’ interest in

          subs     ed                 d                  inve    other     ng       of    date   share   deduc     the parent after

          idiar   addr              capit                stme    items            votes   stat   holde    ting      deducting the

            y      ess                al                 nt at   comp                     eme     rs’   minor     excessive part of

                                                          the    osing                     nts   equit     ity    the loss shared by

                                                          end     net                              y     gain/l        minority

                                                           of    invest                                  oss in   shareholders over

                                                          the    ment                                      the    the share of profits

                                                         peri      in                                    minor      in the owners’

                                                           od    subsi                                     ity      interest in the

                                                                 diarie                                  intere      subsidiary of

                                                                   s                                       sts         minority

                                                                                                                  shareholder at the

                                                                                                                   beginning of the


Shenzh    Full    She     Desig     310,    Designin     310,             100.0   100.0   Yes
en        y-o     nzh     ning,     000,    g,           000,               0%      0%
Fangda    wne     en      manuf     000.    manufact     000.
Jianke    d               acturi    00      uring,        00
Group     subs            ng,               and
Co.,      idiar           and               installati
Ltd.      y               install           on of
                          ation             curtain
                          of                walls
Shenzh    Full    She     Install   105,    Designin     183,             100.0   100.0   Yes
en        y-o     nzh     ation     000,    g,           777,               0%      0%
Fangda    wne     en      and       000.    technical    271.
Autom     d             proce     00     developi      73
atic      subs          ssing            ng,
System    idiar         of               installati
Co.,      y             metro            on, and
Ltd.                    screen           sales of
                        door             PSD
                                         import &
                                         on and
                                         ng of
Shenzh    Full    She   Produ     USD    R&D,         3,20   100.0   100.0   Yes
en        y-o     nzh   ction     3,20   design       0,00     0%      0%
Fangda    wne     en    and       0,00   and          0.00
Yide      d             distrib   0.00   producti
New       subs          ution            on of
Materi    idiar         of               new-type
al Co.,   y             new-t            composit
Ltd.                    ype              e
                        comp             materials
Fangda    Full    Nan   Produ     USD    Producti     12,0   100.0   100.0   Yes
New       y-o     cha   ction     12,0   on and       00,0     0%      0%
Materi    wne     ng    and       00,0   sales of     00.0
als       d             sales     00.0   new-type        0
(Jiangx   subs          of        0      materials
i) Co.,   idiar         new-t            ,
Ltd.      y             ype              composit
                        materi           e
                        als              materials
                        comp             ,
                        osite            producti
                        materi           on of
                        als              curtain
                        and              walls,
                        produ            windows
                        ction            , metal
                        of               structure
                        curtai           s and
                        n                compone
                        walls            nts,
Jiangxi   Full    Nan   Desig     20,0   Design,      20,0   100.0   100.0   Yes
Fangda    y-o     cha   n,        00,0   producti     00,0     0%      0%
New       wne     ng    produ     00.0   on, sales    00.0
Type      d             ction,    0      and             0
Alumi     subs          sales            installati
num       idiar         and              on of
Co.,      y             install          curtain
Ltd.                    ation            wall
                        of               aluminiu
                        variou           m
                        s                materials
                        curtai           , doors,
                        n wall           windows
                        alumi            and
                        num              sectional
                        doors            materials
Hong      Full    Hon   Invest    HK     Investme     10,0   100.0   100.0   Yes
Kong      y-o     g     ment      D10,   nt           00.0     0%      0%
Junjia    wne     Kon             000.                   0
Group     d       g               00
Co.,      subs
Ltd.      idiar
Shenya    Con     She   Manu      200,   Manufac      108,   64.58   64.58   Yes   53,8   -1,542
ng        troll   nya   factur    000,   turing of    852,      %       %          89,8   ,579.9
Fangda    ed      ng    ing of    000.   semicon      073.                         66.9        0
Semi-c    subs          semic     00     ductor        85                             9
onduct    idiar         onduc            lighting
or        ies           tor              material
Lightin                 lighti           and
g Co.,                  ng               chips;
Ltd.                    materi           lighting
                        al and           source
                        chips;           encapsul
                        lighti           ation;
                        ng               developi
                        sourc            ng,
                        e                designin
                        encap            g,
                        sulati           manufact
                        on;              uring,
                        devel            engineeri
                        oping,           ng,
                        desig            installati
                        ning,            on and
                        manuf            trading
                        acturi           of
                        ng,              semicon
                        engin            ductor
                        eering           lighting
                        ,                system
                        g of
Shenzh    Full    She   Devel     1,00   Compute      1,00   100.0   100.0   Yes
en        y-o     nzh   oping     0,00   r            0,00     0%      0%
Kexun     wne     en    of        0.00   software     0.00
da        d             hardw            and
Softwa    subs          are              hardware
re Co.,   idiar         and              develop
Ltd.      y             softw            ment and
                        are,             sales,
                        syste            compute
                        m                r
                         integr          software
                         ation,          develop
                         techni          ment,
                         cal             system
                         consu           integrati
                         lting           on and
Shenzh    Full    She    Real-    50,0   Develop       50,0           100.0     100.0   Yes
en        y-o     nzh    estate   00,0   ment and      00,0             0%        0%
Fangda    wne     en     devel    00.0   operatin      00.0
Propert   d              opme     0      g of real        0
y         subs           nt and          estate on
Develo    idiar          operat          land of
pment     y              ion;            which
Co.,                     prope           land use
Ltd.                     rty             right is
                         mana            legally
                         geme            obtained
                         nt              by the

             2. Notes to changes in the consolidation scope

             Notes to changes in the consolidation scope
             □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

             VII Notes to the consolidated financial statements

             1. Monetary capital

                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                     Closing amount                                Opening amount
                        Items             Foreign     Exchange                           Foreign    Exchange
                                                                       RMB                                           RMB
                                         exchange       rate                            exchange      rate
              Cash:                         --             --           15,392.46          --          --             33,975.32
              RMB                           --             --           15,280.78          --          --             29,296.71
              HK Dollar                      142.04 0.78623                   111.68      5,950.69 0.78623             4,678.61
              Bank deposits:                --             --    258,658,623.21            --          --        297,145,634.33
RMB                             --           --     208,370,365.42        --            --        296,625,709.31
USD                      8,120,413.19 6.0969         49,509,347.19       10,734.32 6.0969                65,446.08
SGD                          162,798.75 4.7845          778,910.60       94,989.85 4.7845               454,478.94
Other monetary
                                --           --      48,755,607.53        --            --            36,697,312.32
RMB                             --           --      48,755,607.53        --            --            36,697,312.32
Total                           --           --     307,429,623.20        --            --        333,876,921.97
Amounts with limitation of use, deposited abroad, with potential recovering risk should be
separately explained.
1. RMB12 million among the balance of bank deposit at end of year was frozen by the court for
   the lawsuit involved by Fangda Jianke. For details of the case please see Note VII-1.
   Balance of RMB48,755,607.53 under other monetary capital was mainly deposit for bank
   accepted notes and letter of guarantee, including deposit of RMB48,639,666.59 for accepted
   notes and guarantee letter which are not regarded as cash equivalent at preparing of cash flow

2. Notes receivable

(1) Classification of notes receivable

                                                                                             In RMB
                      Type                            Closing amount                    Opening amount
Bank acceptance                                                  4,121,078.00                         21,898,770.43
Commercial acceptance                                            6,608,774.00
Total                                                          10,729,852.00                          21,898,770.43

(2) Pledged notes receivable at the end of period

                                                                                             In RMB
        Issuer               Date of issue          Due date               Amount                     Notes

(3) Notes of which the issuer is unable to perform and transferred into account receivable,
and notes endorsed to other parties but remains immature

The Company has no note transferred into account receivable due to the failure of the issuer to
Notes endorsed to other parties but remaining immature
                                                                                           In RMB
        Issuer               Date of issue          Due date               Amount                     Notes
Yufeng Group Co.,
                       March 12, 2014         September 12, 2014               1,500,000.00
CPI Environmental
                       May 27, 2014           November 27, 2014                1,348,800.00
Engineering Co. Ltd.
Yufeng Group Co.,
                         March 14, 2014           September 19, 2014              1,000,000.00
Yufeng Group Co.,
                         March 14, 2014           September 19, 2014              1,000,000.00
Yufeng Group Co.,
                         March 14, 2014           September 19, 2014              1,000,000.00
Total                            --                        --                     5,848,800.00            --

3. Receivable interest

(1) Receivable interest

                                                                                                In RMB
         Items            Opening amount              Increase               Decrease             Closing amount
Interest receivable               36,387.50                30,062.50              45,650.00                    20,800.00
Total                             36,387.50                30,062.50              45,650.00                    20,800.00

4. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable disclosed by categories

                                                                                                In RMB
                                      Closing amount                                    Opening amount
                            Remaining book                                 Remaining book
                                                   Bad debt provision                            Bad debt provision
                                value                                          value
                            Amount        Prop       Amount       Pro      Amount       Prop     Amount         Propor
                                          ortio                   port                  ortio                    tion
                                            n                     ion                     n
Account receivable for which bad debt provision is made by group
 Receivable accounts       1,158,17   98.18        164,538,655     14.21      1,059,    98.0    161,204,960       15.21
 outside                   7,273.39      %                  .19       %      935,94      0%             .82          %
 consolidation                                                                  2.75
 Subtotal                  1,158,17   98.18        164,538,655     14.21      1,059,    98.0    161,204,960       15.21
                           7,273.39      %                  .19       %      935,94      0%             .82          %
 Account receivable        21,520,4   1.82%        21,520,471.    100.00     21,620     2.00    21,570,471.       99.77
 with minor                   71.60                        60         %       ,471.6      %             60           %
 individual amount                                                                 0
 and bad debt
 provision provided
 Total                     1,179,69       --       186,059,126      --        1,081,     --     182,775,432        --
                           7,744.99                         .79              556,41                     .42
Notes to account receivable
For the current year, the Company recognizes project receivables over RMB8 million (inclusive)
as “individual receivable with large amount” while recognizes product receivables over RMB2
million (included) as “individual receivable with large amount”.
The Company had no account receivable with major individual amount and bad debt provision
provided individually at the end of the period.
In the group, the account receivable of which bad debt provision is made through the account
aging method:
                                                                                          In RMB
                                    Closing amount                                    Opening amount
                        Remaining book value                               Remaining book value
         Age                                                                                              Bad debt
                                         Proportio Bad debt provision                       Proportio
                         Amount                                              Amount                       provision
                                             n                                                  n
Less than 1 year
Including:                  --              --              --                  --             --             --
Less than 1 year       630,127,874.39      53.41%        18,917,677.59 549,013,214.34         51.80%     16,472,504.90
Subtotal for less
                       630,127,874.39      53.41%        18,917,677.59 549,013,214.34         51.80%     16,472,504.90
than 1 year
1-2 years              237,102,431.44      20.10%        23,710,243.12 209,253,623.01         19.74%     20,925,362.29
2-3 years              117,813,746.62       9.99%        35,344,124.00 135,137,295.40         12.75%     40,541,188.60
Over 3 years           173,133,220.94      14.68%        86,566,610.49 166,531,810.00         15.71%     83,265,905.03
Total                 1,158,177,273.39      --          164,538,655.19                         --       161,204,960.82
Account receivable adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Account receivable adopting other methods in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Account receivable with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                       In RMB
                            Remaining book
        Description                                 Bad debt provision       Provision rate             Reason
                                                                                              Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable                  4,478,919.79             4,478,919.79               100.00% unlike to be
Trade receivable                    634,619.39              634,619.39                100.00% unlikely to be
                                                                                              Aged over 5 years,
Curtain wall project
                                  3,160,003.20             3,160,003.20               100.00% unlike to be
Curtain wall project                                                                             Litigation-related,
                                    430,629.58              430,629.58                100.00%
payment                                                                                          unlikely to be
Others                         12,816,299.64         12,816,299.64                  100.00%
Total                          21,520,471.60         21,520,471.60             --                         --

(2) No written-back or recovered account receivable during the report period

Bad debt provision for account receivable with major individual amount or with minor individual
amount but independent impairment test
                                                                                        In RMB
                          Remaining book
        Description                             Bad debt amount          Provision rate             Reason
                                                                                            Aged over 5 years,
Trade receivable                4,478,919.79           4,478,919.79                 100.00% unlike to be
Trade receivable                  634,619.39             634,619.39                 100.00% unlikely to be
                                                                                            Aged over 5 years,
Curtain wall project
                                3,160,003.20           3,160,003.20                 100.00% unlike to be
Curtain wall project
                                  430,629.58             430,629.58                 100.00% unlikely to be
Others                         12,816,299.64         12,816,299.64                  100.00%
           Total           21,520,471.60          21,520,471.60
Notes to account receivable with minor individual amount but triggering substantial risks after
being grouped:
The Company accounts receivables with long accounting ages, worsening customer credit but
small amount as other receivables with combined major risks.

(3) No written-off account receivable during the report period

(4) No shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company owes any
account receivable to the Company at the end of period.

(5) Top 5 account receivable entities

                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                                                Percentage in the
                       Relationship with the
          Entity                                     Amount                  Term                 total account
                       Curtain wall
No.1                                                 37,584,874.83 Less than 1 year                            3.19%
                       engineering customer
                       Curtain wall
No.2                                                     29,410,011.31 1-2 years                                     2.49%
                       engineering customer
                       Curtain wall
No.3                                                    28,646,942.98 1-3 years                                      2.43%
                       engineering customer
                       Curtain wall
No.4                                                    27,499,096.15 Less than 1 year                               2.33%
                       engineering customer
                       Curtain wall
No.5                                                    25,243,279.60 1-3 years                                      2.14%
                       engineering customer
Total                            --                    148,384,204.87               --                             12.58%

(6) There is no receivable from affiliates at the end of the report period.

(7) The Company did not de-recognize account receivable in the report period.

(8) The Company did not conduct securitization of receivables in the report period.

5. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables disclosed by categories

                                                                                                    In RMB
                                      Closing amount                                     Opening amount
                         Remaining book
                                                  Bad debt provision Remaining book value            Bad debt provision
           Type              value
                                      Proporti                 Proporti                 Proportio                  Proporti
                        Amount                    Amount                   Amount                     Amount
                                        on                       on                        n                         on
Other receivables
with major individual
                      1,220,316.8                1,220,316.8    100.00 1,220,316.8                                  100.00
amount and bad debt                    1.46%                                               1.47% 1,220,316.84
                                4                          4        %            4                                      %
provision provided
Other receivables for which bad debt provision is made by group
Including: other
                       80,300,887.        14,764,705.        79,642,281.                            13,343,551.1
receivables out of the             96.18%             18.39%                              96.15%                 16.75%
                               97                 01                 33                                        6
                       80,300,887.        14,764,705.        79,642,281.                            13,343,551.1
Subtotal                           96.18%             18.39%                              96.15%                 16.75%
                               97                 01                 33                                        6
Other receivables
with minor individual
                      1,971,822.7                1,971,822.7    100.00 1,971,822.7                                  100.00
amount and bad debt                    2.36%                                               2.38% 1,971,822.77
                                7                          7        %            7                                      %
provision provided
                       83,493,027.               17,956,844.              82,834,420.               16,535,690.7
Total                                    --                       --                       --                         --
                               58                        62                       94                           7
Notes to other receivables
Other receivables with an individual amount of RMB1 million (inclusive) are receivables with
major individual amount.
Other receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at
the end of the period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                        In RMB
                         Remaining book
        Description                             Bad debt amount         Provision rate              Reason
                                                                                           Aged over 5 years,
Receivable deposit             1,220,316.84           1,220,316.84                 100.00% unlike to be
Total                          1,220,316.84           1,220,316.84            --                      --
In the group, the other receivables of which bad debt provision are made through the account
aging method
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                          In RMB
                                    Closing amount                                  Opening amount
                         Remaining book value                         Remaining book value
           Age                                         Bad debt
                                            Propor                                       Propor Bad debt provision
                           Amount                      provision        Amount
                                             tion                                         tion
Less than 1 year
                                              44.00                                       47.07
Less than 1 year            36,735,780.21              1,097,323.30    37,490,912.58                 1,124,727.37
                                                 %                                           %
Subtotal for less than                        44.00                                       47.07
                            36,735,780.21              1,097,323.30    37,490,912.58                 1,124,727.37
1 year                                           %                                           %
                                              15.55                                       20.30
1-2 years                   12,980,583.13              1,298,058.32    16,166,703.85                 1,616,670.39
                                                 %                                           %
                                              17.46                                       15.01
2-3 years                   14,581,647.76              4,374,494.34    11,950,894.86                 3,585,268.47
                                                 %                                           %
                                              19.17                                       17.62
Over 3 years                16,005,376.87              7,994,829.06    14,033,770.04                 7,016,884.93
                                                 %                                           %
Total                       80,300,887.97      --     14,764,705.02    79,642,281.33       --       13,343,551.16
Other receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other receivables adopting other methods in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other receivables with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                        In RMB
                         Remaining book
        Description                            Bad debt provision       Provision rate              Reason
Prepaid engineering             834,065.01              834,065.01                 100.00% Aged over 5 years,
amount                                                                                        unlike to be
                                                                                            Aged over 5 years,
Receivable deposit                550,000.00            550,000.00                  100.00% unlike to be
                                                                                            Aged over 5 years,
Prepaid account                   100,000.00            100,000.00                  100.00% unlike to be
Others                            487,757.76            487,757.76                  100.00%
Total                           1,971,822.77          1,971,822.77             --                       --

(2) No written-back or recovered other receivables during the report period

Bad debt provision for other receivables with major individual amount or with minor individual
amount but independent impairment test
                                                                                         In RMB
   Description          Remaining book         Bad debt amount          Provision rate              Reason
Receivable deposit           1,220,316.84           1,220,316.84                  100.00%     Aged over 5 years,
                                                                                              unlike to be
Prepaid                        834,065.01             834,065.01                  100.00%     Aged over 5 years,
engineering                                                                                   unlike to be
amount                                                                                        recovered
Receivable deposit             550,000.00             550,000.00                  100.00%     Aged over 5 years,
                                                                                              unlike to be
Prepaid account                100,000.00             100,000.00                  100.00%     Aged over 5 years,
                                                                                              unlike to be
Others                         487,757.76             487,757.76                  100.00%
Total                        3,192,139.61           3,192,139.61             --                        --
Notes to other receivables with minor individual amount but triggering substantial risks after
being grouped:
The Company accounts receivables with long accounting ages, worsening customer credit but
small amount as other receivables with combined major risks.
(3) No written-off other receivable during the report period

(4) No shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company owes any
other receivables to the Company at the end of period.

(5) Nature and description of major other receivables

                                                                                           In RMB
                                                                                   Percentage in the total other
           Entity                     Amount             Nature or description
Hainan GreenTown
                                          4,346,000.00 Deposit                                              5.21%
Investment Co., Ltd.
Shenyang Zhongyi
                                          4,365,161.24 House payment                                        5.23%
Industrial Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Jiayue Industrial
                                          3,699,100.00 Deposit                                              4.43%
Co., Ltd.
           Total                         12,410,261.24             --                                     14.87%

(6) Top 5 other receivable entities

                                                                                           In RMB
                       Relationship with the                                                   Percentage in the
        Entity                                    Amount                    Term
                             Company                                                        total other receivables
Hainan GreenTown
                     Customer                       4,346,000.00 1-2 years                                  5.21%
Investment Co., Ltd.
Shenyang Zhongyi
                       Customer                     4,365,161.24 Less than 1 year                           5.23%
Industrial Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Jiayue
                       Customer                     3,699,100.00 2-3 years                                  4.43%
Industrial Co., Ltd.
                       Curtain wall
Xin Song               engineering                           575.00 2-3 years                               0.00%
                       Curtain wall
Xin Song               engineering                  2,673,752.61 Over 3 years                               3.20%
                       Curtain wall
Wang Weihong           engineering                       196,384.29 Less than 1 year                        0.24%
                       Curtain wall
Wang Weihong           engineering                       458,570.59 1-2 years                               0.55%
                       Curtain wall
Wang Weihong           engineering                  1,123,604.99 2-3 years                                  1.35%
                         Curtain wall
Wang Weihong             engineering                       841,123.48 Over 3 years                                1.01%
        Total                     --                    17,704,272.20            --                               21.22%

(7) There is no other receivable from affiliates at the end of the report period.

(8) No other receivables de-recognized in the report period

(9) The Company did not conduct securitization of other receivables in the report period.

(10) Governmental subsidy recognized as receivable at the end of the report period

                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                                    Reason for failing
                                                        Estimated                      Estimated
               Governmental Closing        Closing                   Estimated                       to receiving the
   Entity                                               receiving                      receiving
                 subsidy    balance          age                      amount                         amount on time
                                                           date                          basis
                                                                                                          (if any)
Shenzhen                                                                           VAT
national tax                  313,025.6 Less than August 31,                       refunded for
             VAT rebated                                                313,025.62
software                              2 1 year    2014                             software
VAT bureau                                                                         companies
Total               --                        --           --           313,025.62        --                 --

6. Prepayment

(1) Account age of prepayments

                                                                                               In RMB
                                 Closing amount                                       Opening amount
                              Amount                    Proportion               Amount                     Proportion
Less than 1
                                        43,797,585.83      90.91%                         24,086,301.50           81.30%
1-2 years                                1,886,554.46       4.32%                          2,582,202.92           9.27%
2-3 years                                 186,327.58        0.46%                              486,463.33         1.76%
Over 3 years                             1,022,609.54       4.31%                          1,209,048.46           7.67%
Total                                   46,893,077.41       --                            28,364,016.21           --

(2) Top 5 prepayment entities

                                                                                               In RMB
                         Relationship with the
        Entity                                          Amount                 Time                    Reason
Shenzhen Gongkan
                                                                                             Prepaid engineering
Geotechnical Group     Supplier                         9,222,934.32 June 5, 2014
Co., Ltd.
Foshan Jianmei
                    Supplier                            3,139,847.19 December 1, 2013        Prepaid account
Aluminium Co., Ltd.
CSG Holding Co.,
                       Supplier                         2,052,527.19 March 1, 2014           Prepaid account
Henan Yongtong
                    Supplier                            2,495,086.38 April 4, 2014           Prepaid account
Aluminium Co., Ltd.
Litong Aluminum
                       Supplier                         1,956,078.22 July 1, 2012            Prepaid account
(Guangdong) Co.,
Total                               --                 18,866,473.30            --                      --

(3) No shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company receives
prepayment from the Company at the end of period.

(4) Notes to prepayment

The prepayment increased by 65% year on year mainly due to prepayment made by the
Company’s subsidiary Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd.

7. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

                                                                                            In RMB
                                     Closing amount                                  Opening amount
        Items       Remaining book Depreciation                        Remaining      Depreciation
                                                      Book value                                      Book value
                        value       provision                          book value      provision
Raw materials         75,384,550.69 1,492,798.29 73,891,752.40 47,592,162.78           1,492,798.29 46,099,364.49
Product in                                            698,107,091.2
                       4,382,783.72                                    5,992,333.49                    5,992,333.49
process                                                           6
Finished goods in
                      16,329,671.20 1,984,145.11 14,345,526.09 10,246,627.50           1,984,145.11    8,262,482.39
Asset formed by
                                                                      229,499,318.3                   227,668,575.6
construction        198,614,835.34 1,830,742.67          38,526.81                     1,830,742.67
                                                                                  3                               6
Low price
                          46,560.72                      46,560.72       51,278.67                           51,278.67
OEM materials           443,488.50                      443,488.50      873,790.05                      873,790.05
                                                                      139,590,027.0                   139,590,027.0
Development cost 496,978,741.68
                                                                                  7                               7
Materials in
                                                        786,872,945.7 433,845,537.8                   428,537,851.8
Total                792,180,631.85 5,307,686.07                                      5,307,686.07
                                                                    8             9                               2

(2) Inventory depreciation provision

                                                                                             In RMB
                        Opening balance Provision made in                Decrease              Closing balance of
                         of book value the current period        Write-back      Write-off        book value
Raw materials               1,492,798.29                                                               1,492,798.29
Finished goods in
                            1,984,145.11                                                               1,984,145.11
Asset formed by
construction                1,830,742.67                                                               1,830,742.67
Total                       5,307,686.07                                                               5,307,686.07

(3) Inventory depreciation provision

                                                                                       Proportion of written-back
                                                                                         amount in the closing
           Items                           Basis                      Reason
                                                                                        balance of the inventory
                              Realizable net value is
Raw materials
                              lower the cost
                              Realizable net value is
Finished goods in stock
                              lower the cost
Asset formed by               Predicted construction
construction contract         contract loss

8. Other current assets

                                                                                             In RMB
                   Items                            Closing amount                     Opening amount
Reverse repurchase of treasury bonds                            80,642,000.00
VAT to be deducted                                               9,166,955.68
                   Total                                        89,808,955.68
Notes to other current assets
The reverse repurchase of treasury bonds coincides with the definition of cash equivalent and is
treated as cash equivalent in the consolidated cash flow statement.
9. Investment in joint venture and associated companies

                                                                                          In RMB
                              Property of
  Name of                                                                                  Total    Net profit of
                             voting rights Closing total Closing total Closing total
  invested      Shareholding                                                            operating   the current
                                of the        assets      liabilities   net assets
   entity                                                                                revenue      period
1. Joint venture
2. Associate
                                            50,330,423.3              48,768,421.4
Joint                20.40%        20.40%                1,562,001.85                     4,166.00 -204,939.05
                                                       2                         7
Co., Ltd.

10. Long-term share equity investment

(1) Details of long-term share equity investment

                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                              Notes to
                                                                  Proporti      tence
                                               Shareho              on of     between
                                                                                       Impairm Provisio Cash
                                               lding in            voting        the
Invested Audit Investm Ending          Closing                                           ent    n made dividend
                                Change            the             rights in   sharehol
 entity method ent cost balance        balance                                         provisio in this in the
                                               invested              the      ding and
                                                                                          n     period period
                                                entity            invested     voting
                                                                    entity      right
                    10,000,0 9,994,56 -41,807. 9,952,75
g Joint Equity                                          20.40% 20.40%
                       00.00     5.55       57     7.98
ent Co.,
                    10,000,0 9,994,56 -41,807. 9,952,75
Total          --                                           --        --         --
                       00.00     5.55       57     7.98
(2) Restriction for transfer of capital to invested companies

11. Investment real estates

(1) Investment real estate measured at costs

                                                                                                 In RMB
                      Opening balance of                                                        Closing balance of book
       Items                                       Increase                 Decrease
                         book value                                                                      value
1. Original total
                              26,150,933.45           17,666,669.66          14,743,910.08                29,073,693.03
book value
1. Houses &
                              26,150,933.45           17,666,669.66          14,743,910.08                29,073,693.03
II Accumulative
total depreciation             5,680,620.94             828,617.22               3,287,749.22              3,221,488.94
and amortization
1. Houses &
                               5,680,620.94             828,617.22               3,287,749.22              3,221,488.94
III Total net book
value of investment           20,470,312.51           16,838,052.44          11,456,160.86                25,852,204.09
real estate
1. Houses &
                              20,470,312.51           16,838,052.44          11,456,160.86                25,852,204.09
V Total book value
of investment real            20,470,312.51           16,838,052.44          11,456,160.86                25,852,204.09
1. Houses &
                              20,470,312.51           16,838,052.44          11,456,160.86                25,852,204.09
                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                        Current period
Depreciation and amortized amount for the current period                                                    374,634.30
Impairment provision for investment real estate for the current

(2) Investment real estate measured at fair value

                                                                                                 In RMB
           Items               Opening fair               Increase                      Decrease           Closing fair
                                  value        Purc     Transferr     Gain/lo     Dis     Transferred         value
                                               hase     ed from          ss       pos     to own use
                                                d       own use        caused      al
                                                           or            by
                                                        inventor      changes
                                                           y           in fair
1. Total costs                 101,311,548.                                        7,961,202.44    93,350,345.79
(1) Houses & buildings         101,311,548.                                        7,961,202.44    93,350,345.79
2. Total changes in fair       73,467,208.3                                        3,201,600.13    70,265,608.26
value                                     9
(1) Houses & buildings         73,467,208.3                                        3,201,600.13    70,265,608.26
3. Total book value of         174,778,756.                                        11,162,802.5    163,615,954.0
investment real estate                  62                                                    7                5
(1) Houses & buildings         174,778,756.                                        11,162,802.5    163,615,954.0
                                        62                                                    7                5

12. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets

                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                                                  Closing balance
          Items            balance of book                Increase                Decrease
                                                                                                   of book value
1. Original total book
                           685,695,819.65                       35,007,004.98     27,421,366.03 693,281,458.60
Houses & buildings         393,946,389.09                       29,972,052.95     25,293,669.66 398,624,772.38
                           233,769,225.30                        1,102,240.95       194,800.00 234,676,666.25
                            17,163,113.28                            101,367.52     194,114.00     17,070,366.80
Electronics and other
                            40,817,091.98                        3,831,343.56      1,738,782.37    42,909,653.17
            --             balance of book     Increase          Provision        Decrease        Closing balance
2. Total accumulative
                           207,630,801.74     3,287,749.22      11,783,729.60      2,457,654.92 220,244,625.64
Houses & buildings          26,604,093.45     3,287,749.22       5,091,814.20       994,401.07     33,989,255.80
                           150,791,998.23                        4,567,449.94       175,320.00 155,184,128.17
                              9,179,557.42                           785,200.11     100,614.60       9,864,142.93
Electronics and other
                            21,055,152.64                        1,339,265.35      1,187,319.25    21,207,098.74
            --                Opening                                  --                         Closing balance
                            balance of book
3. Total of net book
                             478,065,017.91                         --                          473,036,832.96
value of fixed assets
Houses & buildings           367,342,295.64                         --                          364,635,516.58
                              82,977,227.07                         --                            79,492,538.08
                               7,983,555.86                         --                             7,206,223.87
Electronics and other
                              19,761,939.34                         --                            21,702,554.43
4. Total impairment
                              15,134,747.93                         --                            14,275,847.73
Houses & buildings             1,131,563.50                         --                              272,663.30
                              14,003,184.43                         --                            14,003,184.43
Electronics and other
5. Total of the book
                             462,930,269.98                         --                          458,760,985.23
value of fixed assets
Houses & buildings           366,210,732.14                         --                          364,362,853.28
                              68,974,042.64                         --                            65,489,353.65
                               7,983,555.86                         --                             7,206,223.87
Electronics and other
                              19,761,939.34                         --                            21,702,554.43
The depreciation amounts to RMB11,783,729.60. The original value of transfer of construction
progress into the fixed original assets amounts to RMB1,932,263.77.

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets

                                                                                         In RMB
                                          Accumulative        Impairment
      Items               Book value                                          Net book value        Notes
                                          depreciation         provision
Houses &
                          46,268,742.05        4,359,595.27      277,744.50     41,631,402.28
                        105,591,939.34        65,176,273.05   12,648,794.93     27,826,427.92
                             358,087.84         335,208.75                          22,879.09
(3) No fixed assets leased through financial leasing

(4) No fixed assets lend through financial leasing

(5) No fixed assets held for sales at the end of the period

(6) Fixed assets without ownership certificate

                Items                                Reason                                   Time
1. Houses in Urumuqi for offsetting
                                    Applying for
2. Houses in Dalian of Fangda
                                      Applying for
Jianke for offsetting debt
3. Shenyang Fangda extension
                                      Entering into liquidation
4. Shenyang Fangda dorm and
                                      Entering into liquidation
workshop 2#
5. Dining hall and power station of
                                      Entering into liquidation
Shenyang Fangda
6. Yuehai Office Building C 502       Historical reasons

13.Construction in process

(1) Construction in progress

                                                                                             In RMB
                                          Closing amount                               Opening amount
          Items              Remaining     Impairment                     Remaining     Impairment
                                                           Book value                                   Book value
                             book value     provision                     book value     provision
Construction of Chengdu
                               44,803.00                      44,803.00     26,715.00                     26,715.00
Xinjin Base
Decoration of office
                                                                          914,126.00                     914,126.00
Floor renovation
                             137,891.92                     137,891.92
Total                        182,694.92                     182,694.92    940,841.00                     940,841.00
(2) No change in major construction in process

(3) No impairment provisions for construction in process

(4) No progress of major construction in process

14. Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                            In RMB
              Items                  Opening book value          Closing book value       Reason for disposal
Tools and apparatus                                 3,761.50
Mechanical equipment                              144,421.47                32,625.31 Retirement to be processed
Other equipment                                    26,285.39
Transport equipment                                 2,829.75
Total                                             177,298.11                32,625.31              --

15. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

                                                                                            In RMB
                             Opening balance of                                                Closing balance of
          Items                                          Increase             Decrease
                                book value                                                        book value
1. Original total book
                                 127,766,601.18           1,387,101.05                             129,153,702.23
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden on             11,064,548.41                                                      11,064,548.41
Gaoxin Road Nanchang
Shenyang Fangda land
                                  42,038,791.23                                                      42,038,791.23
use right
Dongguan land using
                                  40,041,465.75                                                      40,041,465.75
Patent and classified tech        28,195,043.67                960,767.82                            29,155,811.49
Computer software                  6,426,752.12                426,333.23                               6,853,085.35
2. Total accumulative
                                  30,713,086.89           1,714,855.62                               32,427,942.51
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden on              1,898,812.70                116,297.62                               2,015,110.32
Gaoxin Road Nanchang
Shenyang Fangda land
                                   5,108,021.70                420,417.90                               5,528,439.60
use right
Dongguan land using
                                   2,469,223.86                400,414.68                               2,869,638.54
Patent and classified tech        18,107,946.73                431,305.44                            18,539,252.17
Computer software                 3,129,081.90         346,419.98                          3,475,501.88
3. Total net intangible
                                 97,053,514.29        -327,754.57                         96,725,759.72
assets book value
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden on             9,165,735.71        -116,297.62                          9,049,438.09
Gaoxin Road Nanchang
Shenyang Fangda land
                                 36,930,769.53        -420,417.90                         36,510,351.63
use right
Dongguan land using
                                 37,572,241.89        -400,414.68                         37,171,827.21
Patent and classified tech       10,087,096.94         529,462.38                         10,616,559.32
Computer software                 3,297,670.22          79,913.25                          3,377,583.47
4. Total impairment
                                  5,525,863.77                                             5,525,863.77
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden on
Gaoxin Road Nanchang
Shenyang Fangda land
use right
Dongguan land using
Patent and classified tech        5,525,863.77                                             5,525,863.77
Computer software
Total book value of
                                 91,527,650.52        -327,754.57                         91,199,895.95
intangible assets
Land using rights of
Fangda Tech Garden on             9,165,735.71        -116,297.62                          9,049,438.09
Gaoxin Road Nanchang
Shenyang Fangda land
                                 36,930,769.53        -420,417.90                         36,510,351.63
use right
Dongguan land using
                                 37,572,241.89        -400,414.68                         37,171,827.21
Patent and classified tech        4,561,233.17         529,462.38                          5,090,695.55
Computer software                 3,297,670.22          79,913.25                          3,377,583.47
The total amortization amounts to RMB1,714,855.62.

(2) Development project expenses

16. Goodwill

                                                                                 In RMB
  Invested entity or item of
                               Ending balance    Increase       Decrease   Closing balance impairment
Shenzhen Woke                     8,197,817.29                                         8,197,817.29 8,197,817.29
Fangda Yide                         746,519.62                                           746,519.62     746,519.62
Total                             8,944,336.91                                         8,944,336.91 8,944,336.91
Basis for impairment testing and provision of goodwill

1. The Company acquired the 100% control power over Shenzhen Woke Co. by merger of
   enterprise under common control in May 2007. The difference between the initial investment
   cost and recognizable fair value of the investee has formed the goodwill of RMB8,197,817.29.
   For Shenzhen Woke was not in good business operation for successive years, impairment
   provision has been provided fully upon the goodwill.

2. The Company acquired the minority share equities of Fangda Yide Co. in August 2007. The
   difference between the initial investment cost and recognizable fair value of the investee has
   formed the goodwill of RMB746,519.62. For Fangda Yide was not in good business operation
   for successive years, impairment provision has been provided fully upon the goodwill.

17. Long-term amortizable expenses

                                                                                           In RMB
                    Opening       Increase in this                                     Closing         Reason for
     Items                                           Amortized       Other decrease
                    amount            period                                           amount        other decrease
                   3,642,307.84        15,621.55        475,550.24                    3,182,379.15
Decoration of
                      94,732.52       660,388.57         98,185.70                     656,935.39
office building
Hoisting fee          12,000.00                           5,000.00                       7,000.00
                      50,314.43        49,519.66         20,831.94                      79,002.15
service fee
Total              3,799,354.79       725,529.78        599,567.88                    3,925,316.69         --

18. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are not presented as net amount after

Recognized deferred income tax assets and liabilities
                                                                                           In RMB
                   Items                                Closing amount                   Opening amount
Deferred income tax assets:
Assets impairment provision                                      36,416,345.81                       35,815,369.06
Deductible loss                                                      5,960,308.62                     2,365,000.74
Unrealizable gross profit                                            2,111,217.08                     1,636,018.35
Reserved expense                                                      645,182.15                        354,228.28
Reserved wage                                                                                           459,594.93
Deferred earning                                                      525,769.59                        535,832.20
Subtotal                                                          45,658,823.25                        41,166,043.56
Deferred income tax liabilities:
Adjustment of fair value of investment real
                                                                  40,858,031.32                        40,656,763.97
Subtotal                                                          40,858,031.32                        40,656,763.97
Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets
                                                                                              In RMB
                   Items                               Closing amount                      Opening amount
Deductible temporary difference                                   58,817,902.52                        58,902,435.47
Deductible loss                                                   73,293,328.91                        69,150,558.57
Total                                                             132,111,231.43                      128,052,994.04
Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years
                                                                                           In RMB
           Year                Closing amount          Opening amount                         Notes
2014                                    7,652,531.29           7,864,870.78
2015                                    7,695,652.54           7,695,652.54
2016                                 22,158,289.57            22,158,289.57
2017                                 20,241,373.78            20,241,373.78
2018                                 11,190,371.90            11,190,371.90
2019                                    4,355,109.83
Total                                73,293,328.91            69,150,558.57                      --
Details of taxable differences and deductible differences
                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                       Temporary difference
                                                               End                       Beginning of the period
Differences in taxable items
Adjustment of gain/loss in fair value                              162,627,055.88                     162,627,055.88
Subtotal                                                           162,627,055.88                     162,627,055.88
Deductible different items
Assets impairment provision                                        221,377,494.39                     216,510,309.81
Deductible loss                                                      18,141,129.26                      9,460,002.94
Unrealizable gross profit                                             8,444,868.32                      6,715,484.36
Deferred earning                                                      2,213,067.05                      2,261,103.48
Reserved expense                                                      4,301,214.31                      2,361,521.89
Reserved wage                                                                                           3,063,966.18
Subtotal                                                           254,477,773.33                     240,372,388.66

19. Details of assets impairment provision

                                                                                              In RMB
                             Opening balance                                  Decrease                Closing balance
           Items                                   Increase
                              of book value                          Write-back      Write-off         of book value
1. Bad debt provision          200,581,750.60      5,036,621.98        169,437.40        103,208.00 205,345,727.18
2. Inventory depreciation
                                5,307,686.07                                                           5,307,686.07
7. Fixed assets
                               15,134,747.93                                           858,900.20     14,275,847.73
impairment provision
12. Intangible assets
                                5,525,863.77                                                           5,525,863.77
impairment provision
13. Goodwill impairment
                                8,944,336.91                                                           8,944,336.91
Total                        235,494,385.28        5,036,621.98       169,437.40       962,108.20 239,399,461.66

20. Other non-current assets

                                                                                             In RMB
                   Items                             Closing amount                      Opening amount
Prepaid house amount                                            25,478,789.90                         15,978,789.90
Total                                                           25,478,789.90                         15,978,789.90
Notes to other non-current assets
The increase in other non-current assets in the period is attributable to the amount repaid by the
Fangda Jianke to Dalian Gaoxing Wanda Plaza Investment Co., Ltd.

21. Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowings

                                                                                             In RMB
                   Items                             Closing amount                      Opening amount
Loan by pledge                                                 200,000,000.00                        104,000,000.00
Guarantee loan                                                 525,000,000.00                        265,000,000.00
Total                                                          725,000,000.00                        369,000,000.00

(2) No mature but not repaid short-term borrowings

22. Notes payable

                                                                                             In RMB
                    Type                             Closing amount                      Opening amount
Commercial acceptance                                             3,401,883.33                         9,356,905.04
Bank acceptance                                                198,934,919.54                        179,213,945.59
Total                                                          202,336,802.87                        188,570,850.63
Amount due in next fiscal term will be RMB111,082,405.00.
23. Account payable

(1) Account payable

                                                                                     In RMB
                  Items                         Closing amount                    Opening amount
Account repayable and engineering
repayable                                                 306,430,502.00
Construction payable                                          7,226,852.86                    10,418,557.07
Payable installation and implementation
fees                                                      130,144,359.65
Others                                                    207,003,992.39                       4,842,611.57
Total                                                     650,805,706.90                     489,216,140.32

(2) No account payable to shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the
Company in the report period

(3) Notes to large accounts payable aged over one year

24. Prepayment

(1) Prepayment

                                                                                     In RMB
                   Items                            Closing amount                Opening amount
Engineering payment                                        140,419,006.04                    163,602,896.86
Material loan                                                 1,285,976.88                     1,970,928.42
Others                                                        2,404,728.39                     2,812,426.66
Total                                                      144,109,711.31                    168,386,251.94

(2) No prepayment from shareholders holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the
Company in the report period

                                                                                     In RMB
                   Entity                           Closing amount                Opening amount

(3) Notes to large prepayments aged over one year

25. Employees’ wage payable

                                                                                     In RMB
                   Opening balance of                                                    Closing balance of
        Items                                Increase                 Decrease
                      book value                                                            book value
1. Wage, bonus,             27,807,395.20     81,072,358.34              94,086,213.26        14,793,540.28
allowance and
2. Employee
                                32,064.56       2,229,934.21             2,261,998.77                   0.00
3. Social
                               136,727.95       6,772,039.91             6,908,767.86                   0.00
                                51,062.33       1,679,725.22             1,730,787.54                   0.00
Basic pension                   71,030.72       4,408,202.02             4,479,232.73                   0.00
Annuity                           2,811.36              0.00                   2,811.36                 0.00
                                 6,651.88        343,232.77               349,884.64                    0.00
Labor injury
                                 3,429.18        236,835.00               240,264.18                    0.00
                                 1,742.48        104,044.91               105,787.39                    0.00
4. Housing fund                 99,607.50       1,901,004.82             1,850,273.32            150,339.00
6. Others                     2,107,056.59       127,271.68               149,652.13            2,084,676.14
Labor union and
staff education               2,107,056.59       126,871.68               149,252.13            2,084,676.14
Total                     30,182,851.80       92,102,608.96           105,256,905.34           17,028,555.42
Note: 1. The Company does not own any wage to employees.
2. The work union fund and staff education fund amount to RMB2,084,676.14 without
non-monetary welfare amount and compensation for termination of employment.
3. Wages, bonus, allowance and subsidies will be paid in July.

26. Taxes payable

                                                                                      In RMB
                      Items                          Closing amount                  Opening amount
VAT                                                             8,374,385.36                   -1,250,348.83
Business tax                                                   26,295,439.32                   23,221,596.65
Enterprise income tax                                           9,940,013.05                   15,884,641.78
Personal income tax                                             1,166,793.33                     902,435.66
City maintenance and construction tax                           1,946,440.57                    1,895,518.80
Land using tax                                                  1,860,146.32                    1,515,989.53
Property tax                                                    1,532,848.51                    1,477,538.33
Education surtax                                                  983,645.92                     907,151.22
Local education surtax                                             67,074.39                     148,031.74
Others                                                            150,026.71                     137,392.89
Total                                                          52,316,813.48                   44,839,947.77
27. Interest payable

                                                                                  In RMB
                       Items                           Closing amount            Opening amount
Short-term borrowing interests payable                              884,716.66                 689,153.75
Total                                                               884,716.66                 689,153.75

28. Other payables

(1) Other payables

                                                                                  In RMB
                   Items                           Closing amount                Opening amount
Performance and quality deposit                               28,832,965.69                  20,142,316.44
Deposit                                                        3,780,404.72                   6,931,340.61
Reserved expense                                               4,865,133.07                   6,587,792.11
Others                                                        11,984,827.76                   8,026,131.56
Total                                                         49,463,331.24                  41,687,580.72

(2) No account payable to shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the
Company in the report period

(3) Notes to large other payables aged over one year

(4) Description of large other payables
29. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                          In RMB
                     Items                    Closing balance of book value      Opening balance of book value
Major investment project prize from
Industry and Trade Development Division                        1,938,095.30                          1,966,666.70
of Dongguan Finance Bureau
Railway transport screen door controlling
system and information transmission                              274,971.75                            294,436.78
National Industry Revitalization and
                                                               7,944,161.34                          7,994,720.45
Technology Renovation Project fund
Others                                                               1,246.08
Total                                                         10,158,474.47                         10,255,823.93
Liabilities involving government subsidies
                                                                                          In RMB
                                        Amount of     included in        Other       Closing         Related to
    Liabilities      Ending balance
                                       new subsidy   non-operating      change       balance       assets/earning
Major or key
domestic project        1,966,666.70          0.00       28,571.40                             Assets-related
in Dongguan
National Industry
Revitalization and
Technology              7,994,720.45          0.00       50,559.11                             Assets-related
Project fund
Railway transport
screen door
controlling system
                         294,436.78           0.00       19,465.03                  274,971.75 Assets-related
and information
Total                  10,255,823.93          0.00       98,595.54                                       --

30. Capital share

                                                                                          In RMB
                                                         Change (+,-)
                   Opening                                Transferred                                   Closing
                              Issued new
                   amount                Bonus shares        from         Others        Subtotal        amount
Total of       756,909,905.                                                                           756,909,905.
capital shares          00                                                                                     00

31. Capital reserve

                                                                                            In RMB
           Items               Opening amount              Increase              Decrease          Closing amount
Capital premium (share
                                    38,238,222.48                                                    38,238,222.48
capital premium)
Other capital reserves              40,952,829.53               35,700.00                            40,988,529.53
Total                               79,191,052.01               35,700.00                            79,226,752.01
Note: The increase in the capital reserve of RMB35,700 in the report period is attributed to the
arbitrage hedging of aluminum ingots performed by Fangda Jiangxi New Material, floating
earning of the holding.

32. Surplus reserves

                                                                                            In RMB
           Items               Opening amount              Increase              Decrease          Closing amount
Statutory surplus reserves          46,389,142.21                                                    46,389,142.21
Total                               46,389,142.21                                                    46,389,142.21

33. Retained profit

                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                                            Provided or distributed
                   Items                                       Amount
Adjustment on retained profit of previous
                                                                         278,149,631.63               --
Retained profit adjusted at beginning of
                                                                         278,149,631.63               --
Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of
                                                                           40,769,958.24              --
the parent
Closing retained profit                                                  296,212,292.72               --
Details of retained profit adjusted at beginning of year
1) Retrospective adjustment due to adopting of the Enterprise Accounting Standard and related
regulations, included the retained profit by RMB0.
2). Variation of accounting policies, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
3). Correction of material accounting errors, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
4) Change of consolidation range caused by merger of entities under common control, influenced
the retained profit by RMB0.
5) Other adjustment influenced the retained profit by RMB0.
34. Operational revenue and costs

(1) Operation incomes and costs

                                                                                      In RMB
                                        Amount occurred in the current
                 Items                                                       Occurred in previous period
Major business turnover                                  805,064,175.79                      716,466,138.21
Other business income                                     17,728,563.23                        20,361,901.67
Operation cost                                           668,447,444.31                      584,493,820.44

(2) Business segments (on industries)

                                                                                      In RMB
                              Amount occurred in the current period        Occurred in previous period
                                  Turnover         Operation cost         Turnover         Operation cost
Metal production                  757,874,901.80      626,439,954.13      671,324,125.17     549,199,043.56
Railroad industry                  47,189,273.99       36,592,658.69       45,126,972.67       29,541,447.74
Others                                                                         15,040.37          24,382.00
Total                             805,064,175.79      663,032,612.82      716,466,138.21     578,764,873.30

(3) Business segments (by products)

                                                                                      In RMB
                              Amount occurred in the current period        Occurred in previous period
                                  Turnover         Operation cost         Turnover         Operation cost
Curtain wall system and
                                  757,874,901.80      626,439,954.13      671,324,125.17     549,199,043.56
Metro screen door                  47,189,273.99       36,592,658.69       45,126,972.67       29,541,447.74
Others                                                                         15,040.37          24,382.00
Total                             805,064,175.79      663,032,612.82      716,466,138.21     578,764,873.30

(4) Business segments (by regions)

                                                                                      In RMB
                              Amount occurred in the current period        Occurred in previous period
                                  Turnover         Operation cost         Turnover         Operation cost
Domestic                          793,400,026.10      655,681,119.68      696,184,686.27     566,604,060.60
Export                             11,664,149.69        7,363,232.76       20,281,451.94       12,160,812.70
Total                             805,064,175.79      663,044,352.44      716,466,138.21     578,764,873.30

(5) Revenue from top five customers

                                                                                      In RMB
          Customer                  Major business turnover       Percentage in total turnover of the Company %
No.1                                             51,014,416.58                                             6.20%
No.2                                             49,103,969.86                                             5.97%
No.3                                             48,955,708.49                                             4.56%
No.4                                             37,532,573.05                                             4.43%
No.5                                             37,075,086.14                                             3.68%
Total                                           223,681,754.12                                           24.84%
Notes to operating revenue

35. Business tax and surcharge

                                                                                         In RMB
                                    Amount occurred in Occurred in previous
               Items                                                                         Rate
                                     the current period      period
Business tax                               7,943,113.33           9,460,385.99 3%、5%
City maintenance and
                                           1,607,076.28           1,836,559.18 1%、5%、7%
construction tax
Education surtax                             773,681.80            842,658.97 3%
Property tax                                 539,320.21            715,990.93
Land using tax                                50,304.06             83,890.57
Others                                       444,964.03            693,752.45
Total                                     11,358,459.71         13,633,238.09                 --
Notes to business tax and surcharge

36. Sales expense

                                                                                         In RMB
                                         Amount occurred in the current
                 Items                                                          Occurred in previous period
Labor costs                                                   10,990,132.53                          8,844,748.71
Freight and miscellaneous charges                              2,390,569.27                          3,197,506.17
Travel expense                                                 2,108,543.24                          1,840,093.38
Entertainment expense                                           795,733.71                            945,025.75
Material consumption                                             38,742.59                             22,755.35
Office costs                                                    304,476.16                            148,767.75
Rental                                                          579,779.25                            279,843.66
Consultant costs                                                                                      627,255.66
Others                                                         1,037,144.11                          1,708,990.66
Total                                                         18,245,120.86                         17,614,987.09

37. Management expenses

                                                                                         In RMB
                                         Amount occurred in the current
                 Items                                                         Occurred in previous period
Labor costs                                                 33,875,067.26                        26,995,811.11
Depreciation and amortization                                8,996,264.62                        10,127,940.22
Agencies                                                     1,569,858.99                          841,979.21
Tax                                                          2,785,530.76                         1,599,803.72
Maintenance costs                                            1,598,482.33                         1,822,143.23
Water and electricity                                          990,722.31                          778,910.68
Office expense                                               1,019,710.61                          990,134.27
Travel expense                                               1,291,812.58                         1,341,062.18
Entertainment expense                                          699,909.83                          889,358.81
Rental                                                       1,399,130.22                         1,177,344.49
Lawsuit                                                        130,337.00                          396,663.42
Material consumption                                         1,223,688.25                          379,286.79
Property management fee                                      1,236,357.40                          757,691.60
R&D                                                          4,955,581.09                         4,156,980.82
Others                                                       5,413,049.91                         5,092,384.85
Total                                                       67,185,503.16                        57,347,495.40

38. Financial expenses

                                                                                        In RMB
                                         Amount occurred in the current
                 Items                                                         Occurred in previous period
Interest expense                                            11,901,596.69                        11,981,599.56
Less: Interest income                                        1,463,393.70                         1,237,905.09
Exchange gain/loss                                             229,139.52                          549,645.66
Commission charges and others                                  380,135.63                          920,182.27
Total                                                       11,047,478.14                        12,213,522.40

39. Investment income

(1) Details of investment gains

                                                                                        In RMB
                                              Amount occurred in the current
                     Items                                                      Occurred in previous period
Gains from long-term equity investment
measured by equity
Others                                                          1,010,926.07
Total                                                             969,118.50
(2) Gains from long-term equity investment measured by costs

                                                                                               In RMB
                                      Amount occurred in          Occurred in         Reason for change from the
          Invested entity
                                       the current period       previous period            previous period

(3) Gains from long-term equity investment measured by equity

                                                                                               In RMB
                                      Amount occurred in          Occurred in         Reason for change from the
          Invested entity
                                       the current period       previous period            previous period
Shenzhen Ganshang Joint
                                                 -41,807.57                  0.00
Investment Co., Ltd.
Total                                            -41,807.57                  0.00                   --
Statement on investment gains, please state whether or not there are material constrains on
retrieving of investment gains. If the magnificent restriction does not exist, it should be explained.

40. Assets impairment loss

                                                                                               In RMB
                                                       Amount occurred in the
                           Items                                                      Occurred in previous period
                                                          current period
1. Bad debt loss                                                     4,867,184.58                        8,025,431.11
Total                                                                4,867,184.58                        8,025,431.11

41. Non-business income

(1) Non-business income

                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                              Amount accounted into
                                          Amount occurred in       Occurred in previous
                   Items                                                                       the current accidental
                                           the current period            period
Total of gains from disposal of
                                                    218,095.40                 144,075.88                 218,095.40
non-current assets
Including: Gains from disposal of
                                                    218,095.40                 144,075.88                 218,095.40
fixed assets
Government subsidy                                  685,210.93                    50,000.00               158,595.54
Penalty income                                      193,907.55                 104,162.32                 193,907.55
Penalty received                                      10,000.00                   15,085.00                10,000.00
Payable account not able to be paid               1,242,148.51                    65,309.08              1,242,148.51
Others                                              708,156.01               2,126,069.46                 708,156.01
Total                                             3,041,518.40               2,504,701.74
(2) Government subsidies accounted into current profit or loss.

                                                                                                In RMB
                         Amount occurred in Occurred in previous              Related to         Non-recurring gain
                          the current period      period                    assets/earning            and loss
Patent application
                                    23,000.00                     0.00 Earning-related          Yes
Railway transport
screen door
controlling system
                                    19,465.03                     0.00 Assets-related
and information
Nanchang Quality
and Technology
Supervision Bureau                         0.00              50,000.00 Earning-related          No
well-known brand
product prize
Dongguan major or
key domestic project                28,571.40                     0.00 Assets-related
National Industry
Revitalization and
Technology                          50,559.11                     0.00 Assets-related
Renovation Project
VAT refunding                      547,615.39                     0.00
Others                              16,000.00
Total                              685,210.93                50,000.00            --                      --

42. Non-business expenses

                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                                                 Amount accounted
                                                  Amount occurred in     Occurred in previous
                     Items                                                                         into the current
                                                   the current period          period
                                                                                                 accidental gain/loss
Total of losses from disposal of
                                                          1,569,906.67            169,723.53
non-current assets
Including: Losses from disposal of fixed
                                                          1,569,906.67            169,723.53
Donation                                                   300,000.00             305,000.00
Others                                                     191,996.61             197,575.63
Total                                                     2,061,903.28            672,299.16
43. Income tax expenses

                                                                                        In RMB
                                                          Amount occurred in the       Occurred in previous
                                                             current period                  period
Income tax calculated according to the law and
                                                                       8,660,715.86              9,028,463.76
regulations of current term
Adjustment of differed income tax                                      -4,297,812.32             -1,232,555.34
Total                                                                  4,362,903.54              7,795,908.42

44. Calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

Items                                                           Code                        Amount      Occurred in
                                                                                         occurred in       previous
                                                                                         the current         period
Net profit attributable to common share holders of                P1                   40,769,958.24   39,361,593.42
the Company
Accidental gain/loss attributable to common share                 F                     1,100,409.86    1,769,843.22
holders of the Company
Net profit attributable to the common owners of                P2=P1-F                 39,669,548.38   37,591,750.20
the   PLC after      deducting        of non-recurring
Influence of diluting events on net profit                        P3
attributable to common share holders of the
Influence of diluting events on net profit                        P4
attributable to the common owners of the PLC
after deducting of non-recurring gains/losses
Opening share number                                              S0                    756,909,905     756,909,905
Amount of shares increased by capitalizing of                     S1
common reserves or share dividend
Amount of shares increased by issuing of new                      Si
shares or transforming of debt to shares
Number of months from the next month of share                    Mi
increasing     by   issuing    of     new   shares   or
transferring of debts to the end of report term
Amount of shares decreased by repurchasing of                     Sj
shares in the report term
Number of months since the next month of share                   Mj
decreasing to the end of report term
Amount of shares reduced                                          Sk
Number of months in the report term                              M0                                6              6
Weighted average of common shares issued                    S=S0+S1+Si*Mi/M0-Sj*Mj/M0-Sk        756,909,905     756,909,905
Add: the weighted average of common shares                               X1
increased assuming the diluting potential
common shares transferred into issued common
Weighted    average    of    common          shares   for             X2=S+X1                   756,909,905     756,909,905
calculating diluted earnings per share
Including: Weighted average of common shares
increased by conversion of corporate bonds
Weighted average of common shares increased by
exercising of subscription warrants/options
Weighted average of common shares increased by
performance of repurchase promise
Earnings per share attributable to common share                        Y1=P1/S                           0.05            0.05
holders of the Company
Basic earnings per share attributable to the                           Y2=P2/S                           0.05            0.05
common owners of the PLC after deducting of
non-recurring gains/losses

45. Other miscellaneous income

                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                  Amount occurred in the       Occurred in previous
                                                                     current period                  period
3. Proceeds generated by cash flow arbitrage hedging
      Less: impacts on income tax caused by cash flow
arbitrage hedging tools
          Net amount written into other gains and
transferred into gain/loss in previous terms
         Transferred to adjustment of initial
recognized amount of arbitrage items
                         Subtotal                                                35,700.00
                             Total                                               35,700.00

46. Notes to the cash flow statement

(1) Other cash inflow related to operation

                                                                                                In RMB
                                     Items                                                   Amount
Interest income                                                                                           1,405,149.55
Subsidy income                                                            73,335.30
Retrieving of bidding deposits                                         43,912,943.25
Operational trade received, net                                          131,098.26
Others                                                                  2,345,059.60
                              Total                                    47,867,585.96

(2) Other cash paid related to operation

                                                              In RMB
                              Items                        Amount
Management costs paid                                                  14,368,126.02
Sales costs paid                                                        3,978,971.73
Deposit and pledge paid                                                27,198,442.50
Personal borrowing                                                      2,763,090.54
Others                                                                 17,351,072.72
                              Total                                    65,659,703.51

(3) Other cash received related to investment activities

                                                              In RMB
                              Items                        Amount
Retrieving of deposits, net                                              133,500.00
                              Total                                      133,500.00

(4) Other cash paid related to investment activities

                                                              In RMB
                              Items                        Amount
Deposit returned                                                         130,500.00
                              Total                                      130,500.00

(5) Other cash received related to financing

                                                              In RMB
                              Items                        Amount

(6) Other cash paid related to financing

                                                              In RMB
                              Items                        Amount
Dividend commission                                                      156,090.75
                              Total                                      156,090.75
47. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement

                                                                                             In RMB
             Supplementary information                 Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business
                                                                   --                              --
Net profit                                                          39,227,378.34                       37,536,039.51
Plus: Asset impairment provision                                        4,867,184.58                     8,025,431.11
Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol
                                                                    11,931,523.88                       10,398,112.15
depreciation, production goods depreciation
Amortization of intangible assets                                       1,714,855.62                     1,600,637.51
Amortization of long-term amortizable expenses                           599,567.88                       334,886.78
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                        1,351,811.27                      -147,631.06
assets, and other long-term assets (“-“ for gains)
Loss from fixed asset discard (“-“ for gains)                                                             46,118.27
Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                                11,901,596.69                       11,834,723.26
Investment losses (“-“ for gains)                                      -969,118.50                             0.00
Decrease of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for
                                                                    -4,492,779.69                       -1,674,888.70
Increase of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for
                                                                         201,267.35                       442,333.36
Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                        -358,335,093.96                       -9,025,857.85
Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for
                                                                  -106,160,080.05                  -116,350,428.69
Increase of operational receivable items (“-“ for
                                                                   141,821,176.57                       58,070,386.94
Others                                                             -12,212,019.59                                0.00
Cash flow generated by business operations, net                   -268,552,729.61                        1,089,862.59
2. Major investment and financing operation not
                                                                   --                              --
involving with cash
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                         --                              --
Balance of cash at period end                                      246,577,937.02                   247,623,800.14
Less: Initial balance of cash                                      285,237,255.38                   240,167,372.86
Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents                             80,600,000.00
Less: Ending balance of cash equivalents                                       0.00
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           41,940,681.64                        7,456,427.28

(2) Information about acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries or businesses

                                                                                             In RMB
             Supplementary information                   Amount occurred in the        Occurred in previous period
                                                              current period
I. Acquisition of subsidiaries and businesses                       --                              --
II. Disposal of subsidiaries and businesses                         --                              --

(3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                             In RMB
                        Items                                Closing amount                 Opening amount
I. Cash                                                             246,577,937.02                   285,237,255.38
Including: Cash in stock                                                  15,392.46                       17,785.62
     Bank savings can be used at any time                           246,562,544.56                   247,606,014.52
2. Cash equivalents                                                  80,600,000.00                             0.00
3. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at end of
                                                                    327,177,937.02                   285,237,255.38
Notes to supplementary data of cash flow statement
The Company held reverse re-purchased treasury bonds of RMB80.6 million with a short tern and
strong liquidity at the end of the report period. It is easy to be converted into cash. Therefore, the
risk of value fluctuation is minor and the bonds comply with the definition of cash equivalent.
Therefore, it is treated as cash equivalent in consolidated statements.

48. Notes to statement of change in owners’ equity

No name and adjusted amount of the items of previous year, and retrospective adjustment on
merger of entities under common control

VIII Related parties and transactions

1. Parent of the Company

                                                                   Share of
                                                                               Voting Ultimate
                                        Legal                                 power of holder of
         Relations Ownersh Registere                     Registere parent                        Organiza
  Parent                              represent Business                        the       the
           hip      ip type d address                    d capital co. in the                    tion code
                                        ative                                  parent Compan
                                                                              company      y
Technolo                                             Industrial
          ng        Ltd.        Shenzhe Chen                                                     Xiong    7298400
gies                                                 investme 3,000.00         9.09%     9.09%
          sharehol liability    n       Jinwu                                                    Jianming 5-5
Develop                                              nt
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Controlli Ltd.         Shenzhe Wang    Industrial 1,978.09                              Xiong    7298445
                                                                               2.36%     2.36%
Shilihe ng         liability    n       Shenggu investme 92                                      Jianming 0-7
Investme sharehol                        o         nt
nt Co., der
Shengjiu                                          Industrial                                      5904668
         ng        Ltd.          Hong    Xiong               HKD1.0                      Xiong
Investme                                          investme               4.75%     4.75%          3-000-10
         sharehol liability      Kong    Jianming            0                           Jianming
nt Ltd.                                           nt                                              -13-1
Particulars about the parent of the Company
1. All of the investors of Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. – the holding
   shareholder of the Company, are natural persons. Among them, Chairman Xiong Jianming is
   holding 85% of the shares, and Mr. Xiong Xi – son of Mr. Xiong Jianming, is holding 15% of
   the shares.
2. Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and
   Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology
   Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties. The
   Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related parties among the other holders
   of current shares.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

              Type of Ownershi Registered                     Registered Sharehold Proportion Organizati
Subsidiary                                representa Business
             subsidiary p type  address                        capital      ing     of votes on code
Fangda    Controlled
                     Ltd.                     Xiong     ring, and 310,000,0                        19244418
Jianke    subsidiari               Shenzhen                                    100.00% 100.00%
                     liability                Jianwei   installatio 00.00                          -2
Group     es
                                                        n of
Co., Ltd.
                                                      n and
Fangda    Controlled
                     Ltd.                             sales of    105,000,0                        75425429
Automatic subsidiari               Shenzhen Lin Kebin                          100.00% 100.00%
                     liability                        railway     00.00                            -3
System    es
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Controlled Sino-forei          Yang     Productio USD3,200                 61929454
                               Shenzhen                             100.00% 100.00%
Fangda   subsidiari gn joint            Xioazhua n and     ,000.00                  -0
Yide New es           venture             n        distributio
Material                                           n of
Co., Ltd.                                          new-type
                     joint                        n and
                     venture by                   sales of
                     the                          new-type
                     Company                      materials
New       Controlled                     Yang
                     and                          composite USD12,00                 74852611
Materials subsidiari            Nanchang Xioazhua                    100.00% 100.00%
                     companies                    materials 0,000.00                 -7
(Jiangxi) es                             n
                     in Taiwan,                   and
Co., Ltd.
                     Hong                         productio
                     Kong or                      n of
                     Macao                        curtain
                    Ltd.                         n, sales
                    liability                    and
                    (joint                       installatio
Jiangxi             venture by                   n of
Fangda              the                          curtain
         Controlled                     Yang
New Type            Company                      wall        20,000,00                      15830664
         subsidiari            Nanchang Xioazhua                         100.00% 100.00%
Aluminu             and                          aluminiu 0.00                              -0
         es                             n
m Co.,              domestic                     m
Ltd.                and                          materials,
                    overseas                     doors,
                    companies                    windows
                    )                            and
Kong        Controlled BODY                                                              3007554-
                              Hong                 Investmen HKD10,0
Junjia      subsidiari CORPOR                                            100.00% 100.00% 2000-04-1
                              Kong                 t         00.00
Group       es         ATE                                                               0-4
Co., Ltd.
Shenyang                                           Manufact
Fangda                                             uring of
Semi-con             Ltd.                 Wang     semicond 200,000,0                       66254891
          subsidiari             Shenyang                                 64.58%   64.58%
ductor               liability            Shengguo uctor    00.00                           -3
Lighting                                           lighting
Co., Ltd.                                          material
                                                  and chips;
                                                  n and
                                                  trading of
                                                   g of
                     Ltd.                          hardware
Shenzhen             liability                     and
Kexunda              (Sole                         software, 1,000,000.                 58409491
          subsidiari            Shenzhen Lin Kebin                      100.00% 100.00%
Software             investmen                     system     00                        -9
Co., Ltd.            t by legal                    integratio
                     person)                       n,
                                                  ent and
                                                  of real
                                                  estate on
Shenzhen            Ltd.
                                                  land of
Fangda              liability
         Controlled                               which
Property            (Sole                                   10,000,00                     05895223
         subsidiari            Shenzhen Lin Kebin land use              100.00% 100.00%
Developm            investmen                               0.00                          -1
         es                                       right is
ent Co.,            t by legal
Ltd.                person)
                                                  by the

3. Joint ventures and affiliates

 Name of                        Legal                                  of voting
          Ownershi Registered                     Registered Sharehold           Relationsh Organizati
 invested                     representa Business                      rights of
           p type   address                        capital      ing                  ip      on code
  entity                         tive                                     the
1. Joint venture
2. Associate
Shenzhen                                  t
Ganshang                                  consulting
                                 Xiong               RMB49                                   08014099
Joint         Co., Ltd. Shenzhen          ;                     20.40%    20.40% Associate
                                 Jianming            million                                 3
Investmen                                 enterprise
t Co., Ltd.                               managem
                                          ; equity
                                          t; assets
4. Other related parties

5. Related transactions

(1) No purchasing of goods and services

(2) No related trusteeship or contracting

(3) No related leasing

(4) No related guarantees

(5) No capital borrowing with related parties

(6) No asset transferring and debt reconstruction with related parties

(7) No other related transactions

6. No receivable and payables due with related parties

IX Contingencies

1. Contingent liabilities formed by material lawsuit or arbitration, and their influences on
the financial position

Plaintiff                           Defender             Case            Court      Target         Progress
Wang Weihong                     Fangda Jianke     Engineering The 1st Middle RMB17.07               Trial of
                                                       dispute       Court of million and            second
                                                                  Chongqing its interest            instance

Note: In 2010, Wang Weihong sued to the 1st Middle Court of Chongqing against Fangda Jianke –
one of the Company’s subsidiaries, claiming for payment RMB17 million project payment and
interest, while Fangda Jianke claimed RMB18 million of project payment and related loss. The
first instance judged that Fangda Jianke pays the engineering amount RMB14 million to Wang
Weihong. Fangda Jianke and Wang Weihong both appealed against the decision. The second
instance is received but no court session is opened. Currently, the evidence questioning is
completed and is yet to enter the court trial. An amount of RMB12 million in the bank account of
Fangda Jianke has been frozen by the court.

2. Contingent liabilities formed by providing of guarantee to other companies’ debts and
their influences on financial situation

The Company has provided bank loan guarantees for the following subsidiaries by June 30, 2014:
X Commitments

1. No major commitments

2. No fulfilling of commitments made in previous periods

XI Post-balance-sheet events

1. No note to material post-balance-sheet events

2. Notes to profit distribution in post balance sheet period

3. Notes to other issues in post balance sheet period

On July 10, 2014, the Company incorporated Shenzhen Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd and planned
to invest RMB100 million to develop solar energy PV applications, PV construction and LED
industry. On July 18, 2014, Shenzhen Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd. entered into an agreement
with Luo Huichi to acquire 60% stakes in three LED lighting companies controlled by Luo and
established Guangdong Fangda SOZN Lighting Co., Ltd. to operate LED lighting products.
XII Other material events

1. No non-monetary asset exchange

2. No debt reconstruction

3. No enterprise merger

5. Leasing

The Company leases investment real estates and obtained a lease income of RMB12,305,300
million in the report period.

5. No financial instruments issued to outside, convertible to shares at the end of the report

6. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                     In RMB
                                       Gain/loss caused changes in fair  Impairment
           Items         Opening amount by changes in value accounting provided in the     Closing amount
                                          fair value    into the income    period
Financial assets
Investment real estate    174,778,756.62                                                    163,615,954.05
Total                     174,778,756.62                                                    163,615,954.05
Financial liabilities               0.00                                                                0.00

7. Foreign currency financial assets and liabilities

                                                                                     In RMB
                                       Gain/loss caused changes in fair  Impairment
           Items         Opening amount by changes in value accounting provided in the     Closing amount
                                          fair value    into the income    period
Financial assets
3. Loans and
                           15,966,346.17                                                        3,468,762.00
Subtotal                   15,966,346.17                                                        3,468,762.00
Financial liabilities      15,966,346.17                                                        3,468,762.00
8. No annuity plan implemented

9. Others

XIII Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent

1. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable

                                                                                                     In RMB
                                       Closing amount                                      Opening amount
                           Remaining book                 Bad debt              Remaining book            Bad debt
                               value                      provision                 value                 provision
                           Amount       Propo        Amount          Prop      Amount      Proport      Amount       Prop
                                        rtion                        ortio                   ion                     ortio
                                                                       n                                               n
Account receivable for which bad debt provision is made by group
 Including: receivable    623,154.11        100.0    18,694.62        3.00    623,154.11    100.00     18,694.62      3.00
 out of the                                   0%                        %                       %                       %
 Subtotal                 623,154.11        100.0    18,694.62        3.00    623,154.11    100.00     18,694.62      3.00
                                              0%                        %                       %                       %
 Total                    623,154.11    --           18,694.62       --       623,154.11   --          18,694.62     --
Account receivable with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at
the end of the period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the group, the account receivable of which bad debt provision is made through the account
aging method:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                         In RMB
                             Closing amount                                             Opening amount
                   Remaining book value              Bad debt                Remaining book value              Bad debt
                    Amount             Proport       provision                Amount            Proport        provision
                                         ion                                                      ion
Less than 1 year
 Including   --                        --           --                --                        --        --
 Less than               623,154.11    100.00            18,694.62                623,154.11     100.00         18,694.62
 1 year                                    %                                                         %
 Subtotal                623,154.11    100.00            18,694.62                623,154.11     100.00         18,694.62
 for less                                  %                                                         %
 than 1
 Total                    623,154.11     --     18,694.62              623,154.11      --          18,694.62
Account receivable adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Account receivable adopting other methods in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Account receivable with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) No written-back or recovered account receivable during the report period

(3) No written-off account receivable during the report period

(4) No shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company owes any
account receivable to the Company at the end of period.

(5) Nature and description of major other account receivable

(6) Top 5 account receivable entities

                                                                                       In RMB
         Entity               Relationship       Amount                 Term             Percentage in the
                                with the                                                   total account
                               Company                                                      receivable
     Sky Solutions            Non-affiliated    105,171.00         Less than 1 year            16.88%
   Shenzhen Aidong            Non-affiliated    79,087.50          Less than 1 year            12.69%
      Investment                 party
    Shenzhen Gaojian          Non-affiliated    68,979.55          Less than 1 year            11.07%
   Industrial Co., Ltd.          party
  Shenzhen Dianlitong         Non-affiliated    67,332.04          Less than 1 year            10.81%
 Technologies Co., Ltd.          party
Shenzhen Fuchuangtong         Non-affiliated    53,207.88          Less than 1 year            8.54%
 Technology Co., Ltd.            party
          Total                     --          373,777.97                --                   59.99%
(7) No account receivable from affiliates

(8) Amount of receivable transferred but not satisfying the conditions of termination
recognition is RMB0.00.

(9) No securitization of assets of receivables

2. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables

                                                                                              In RMB
                                        Closing amount                               Opening amount
                           Remaining book value          Bad debt           Remaining book             Bad debt
                                                         provision              value                  provision
            Type              Amount        Propo    Amount       Pro       Amount       Pro         Amount        Pro
                                            rtion                 por                    por                       por
                                                                  tio                    tio                       tio
                                                                   n                      n                         n
Other receivables for which bad debt provision is made by group
 Including: receivable      1,738,196.00    0.15%    565,951.9       32.5   1,900,854.        0.33   619,111.      32.
 out of the                                                  7        6%           89           %         55       57
 consolidation                                                                                                      %
 Receivable accounts       587,038,622.7     49.93         0.00      0.00   570,338,91   99.66
 consolidated                          5        %                      %          6.39      %
 Subtotal                  588,776,818.7     50.07   565,951.9       0.10   572,239,77   99.99       619,111.      0.1
                                       5        %            7         %          1.28      %             55       1%
 Other receivables with        77,046.00    0.01%    77,046.00       100.    77,046.00        0.01   77,046.0       10
 minor individual                                                    00%                        %           0      0.0
 amount and bad debt                                                                                               0%
 provision provided
 Total                     588,853,864.7    --       642,997.9    --        572,316,81   --          696,157.      --
                                       5                     7                    7.28                    55
Notes to other receivables
Bad debt provision is made for consolidated receivables using the separate testing method.
Other receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at
the end of the period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the group, the other receivables of which bad debt provision are made through the account
aging method
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                           In RMB
     Age                       Closing amount                                    Opening amount
                   Remaining book value                            Remaining book value
                                                 Bad debt
                                      Propor                                            Propor Bad debt provision
                     Amount                      provision              Amount
                                       tion                                              tion
Less than 1 year
Including:              --              --           --                   --                --         --
Less than 1                             27.11                                              26.08
                        471,272.11                   14,138.16            495,648.00                    14,869.44
year                                       %                                                  %
Subtotal for
                                        27.11                                              26.08
less than 1             471,272.11                   14,138.16            495,648.00                    14,869.44
                                           %                                                  %
1-2 years               199,120.35                   19,912.04            144,403.35 7.60%              14,440.34
2-3 years                10,000.00 0.58%              3,000.00            203,000.00                    60,900.00
                                       60.86                                               55.64
Over 3 years           1,057,803.54                528,901.77            1,057,803.54                  528,901.77
                                          %                                                   %
Total                  1,738,196.00     --         565,951.97            1,900,854.89       --         619,111.55
Other receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other receivables adopting other methods in the group
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other receivables with minor individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) No written-back or recovered other receivables during the report period

Bad debt provision for other receivables with major individual amount or with minor individual
amount but independent impairment test
                                                                                         In RMB
                         Remaining book
     Description                                 Bad debt amount          Provision rate            Reason
Civil Center
                                      4,000.00               4,000.00                 100.00%
Baishida Garden
(Chen Rui)                            4,500.00               4,500.00                 100.00%
Chonqing Fangda
                                 44,546.00                44,546.00                   100.00%
                                 24,000.00                24,000.00                   100.00%
Engineering Co.,
Total                            77,046.00                77,046.00              --                   --
(3) No written-off other receivables during the report period

(4) No shareholder holding 5% or above shares with voting rights of the Company owes any
other receivable to the Company at the end of period.

(5) Nature and description of major other receivables

(6) Top 5 other receivable entities

                                                                                                In RMB
                         Relationship with the                                                      Percentage in the
          Entity                                         Amount                  Term
                               Company                                                           total other receivables
Fangda Jianke           Subsidiary                       241,501,303.36 Less than 1 year                        41.01%
Fangda Property         Subsidiary                       182,067,564.01 Less than 1 year                        30.92%
Fangda Automatic        Subsidiary                        81,364,292.21 Less than 1 year                        13.82%
Fangda Jiangxi New
                   Subsidiary                             41,672,943.73 Less than 1 year                         7.08%
Hong Kong Junjia        Subsidiary                        30,473,194.50 1-3 years                                5.18%
          Total                    --                    577,079,297.81             --                          98.01%

(7) Other receivables from affiliates

                                                                                                In RMB
                                 Relationship with the                                     Percentage in the total other
            Entity                                                    Amount
                                       Company                                                     receivables
Fangda Jianke                 Subsidiary                                  241,501,303.36                        41.01%
Fangda Property               Subsidiary                                  182,067,564.01                        30.92%
Fangda Automatic              Subsidiary                                   81,364,292.21                        13.82%
Fangda Jiangxi New
                              Subsidiary                                   41,672,943.73                         7.08%
Hong Kong Junjia              Subsidiary                                   30,473,194.50                         5.18%
Shenyang Fangda               Subsidiary                                    7,545,524.99                         1.28%
Kexunda Co.                   Subsidiary                                    2,413,799.95                         0.41%
            Total                          --                             587,038,622.75                        99.70%

(8) Amount of other account receivable transferred but not satisfying the conditions of
termination recognition is RMB0.00.

(9) No securitization of assets of other receivables

3. Long-term share equity investment

                                                                                                In RMB
Investe     Audit    Invest    Endin    Chang    Closin      Share    Propor    Notes      Impair    Provis    Cash
d entity   meth   ment       g       e     g       holdin   tion of      to     ment       ion     divide
            od    cost     balanc        balanc     g in    voting    incons   provis     made      nd in
                             e             e         the     rights   istenc    ion      in this     the
                                                   invest    in the       e              period    period
                                                     ed     invest    betwe
                                                   entity      ed     en the
                                                             entity   shareh
nt in
Fangda     Cost   305,00   305,00        305,00     98.39    98.39
Jianke            0,000.    0,000.        0,000.       %        %
                      00       00            00
Fangda     Cost   19,800   19,800        19,800     99.00    99.00             19,800
Alumin            ,000.0    ,000.0        ,000.0       %        %               ,000.0
ium                    0         0             0                                     0
Fangda     Cost   19,907   19,907        19,907     75.00    75.00             19,907
Yide              ,760.0    ,760.0        ,760.0       %        %               ,760.0
                       0         0             0                                     0
HK         Cost   10,600   10,600        10,600    100.00   100.00             10,600
Junhjia              .00       .00           .00       %        %                  .00
Fangda     Cost   170,38   170,38        170,38     94.08    94.08
Automa            5,071.    5,071.        5,071.       %        %
tic                   73       73            73
Fangda     Cost   74,496   74,496        74,496     75.00    75.00
New               ,600.0    ,600.0        ,600.0       %        %
Materia                0         0             0
Shenya     Cost   109,56   108,85        108,85     64.58    64.58
ng                0,000.    2,073.        2,073.       %        %
Fangda                00       85            85
Kexund     Cost   1,000,    1,000,        1,000,   100.00   100.00
a                 000.00   000.00        000.00        %        %
Fangda     Cost   50,000   50,000        50,000    100.00   100.00
Propert           ,000.0    ,000.0        ,000.0       %        %
y                          0         0                  0
ent in
Shenzh       Equit     10,000    9,994,   -41,80    9,952,    20.40      20.40
en           y         ,000.0   565.55      7.57   757.98        %          %
Gansha                      0
ng Joint
ent Co.,
Total          --      760,16   759,44    -41,80   759,40      --         --     --    39,718
                       0,031.    6,671.     7.57    4,863.                              ,360.0
                           73       13                 56                                    0
Notes to long-term share equity investment

4. Operational revenue and costs

(1) Turnover

                                                                                            In RMB
              Items               Amount occurred in the current period          Occurred in previous period
Other business income                                        14,332,254.25                           23,580,401.58
Total                                                        14,332,254.25                           23,580,401.58
Operation cost                                                2,129,602.96                            4,742,190.07

(2) Business segments (on industries)

                                                                                            In RMB
                                 Amount occurred in the current period           Occurred in previous period
                                    Turnover            Operation cost           Turnover         Operation cost

(3) Business segments (by products)

                                                                                            In RMB
                                 Amount occurred in the current period           Occurred in previous period
                                    Turnover            Operation cost           Turnover         Operation cost

(4) Business segments (by regions)

                                                                                            In RMB
            Region               Amount occurred in the current period           Occurred in previous period
                                  Turnover        Operation cost             Turnover         Operation cost

(5) Revenue from top five customers

                                                                                        In RMB
                                                                                            Percentage in total
                       Customer                            Total operating revenue           turnover of the
                                                                                               Company %
No.1                                                                         2,513,379.90               17.54%
No.2                                                                           717,653.73                5.01%
No.3                                                                           590,879.96                4.12%
No.4                                                                           516,862.69                3.61%
No.5                                                                           537,795.30                3.75%
Total                                                                        4,876,571.58               34.03%
Notes to operating revenue

5. Investment income

(1) Details of investment gains

                                                                                        In RMB
                                                     Amount occurred in the
                       Items                                                       Occurred in previous period
                                                        current period
Gains from long-term equity investment measured
by equity
Total                                                                -41,807.57

(2) Gains from long-term equity investment measured by costs

                                                                                        In RMB
                                        Amount occurred
                                                             Occurred in         Reason for change from the
           Invested entity               in the current
                                                           previous period            previous period

(3) Gains from long-term equity investment measured by equity

                                                                                        In RMB
                                        Amount occurred
                                                             Occurred in         Reason for change from the
           Invested entity               in the current
                                                           previous period            previous period
Shenzhen Ganshang Joint Investment
                                              -41,807.57               0.00
Co., Ltd.
Total                                         -41,807.57               0.00                   --
6. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                Amount of the Current      Amount of the Previous
                 Supplementary information
                                                                       Term                       Term
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business operation                --                          --
Net profit                                                               -3,546,940.73                4,182,618.87
Plus: Asset impairment provision                                              -53,159.58                   14,817.75
Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation,
                                                                          1,075,663.40                1,665,113.65
production goods depreciation
Amortization of intangible assets                                             203,055.90                  333,612.30
Amortization of long-term amortizable expenses                                 20,831.94                   10,482.19
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                               14,040.00                   34,285.02
other long-term assets (“-“ for gains)
Loss from fixed asset discard (“-“ for gains)                               113,701.67
Loss from fair value fluctuation (“-“ for gains)                                  0.00
Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                                      5,593,430.00                2,220,824.92
Investment losses (“-“ for gains)                                            41,807.57
Decrease of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for increase)               -1,295,729.02                    552,106.63
Increase of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for increase)                    194,967.35                  442,333.36
Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                                          0.00
Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for increase)          -190,527,168.37             133,114,979.09
Increase of operational receivable items (“-“ for decrease)          -110,161,986.92              -23,492,415.59
Others                                                                              0.00
Cash flow generated by business operations, net                        -298,327,486.79             119,078,758.19
2. Major investment and financing operation not involving
                                                                         --                          --
with cash
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                               --                          --
Balance of cash at period end                                             7,226,550.00               97,607,953.57
Less: Initial balance of cash                                            67,973,808.76               25,540,604.84
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               -60,747,258.76               72,067,348.73

XIV Supplementary Materials

1. Detailed accidental gain/loss

                                                                                            In RMB
                           Items                                    Amount                       Notes
Non-current asset disposal gain/loss (including the
write-off part for which assets impairment provision is                -1,351,811.27
Subsidies accounted into the current income account
(except the government subsidy closely related to the
enterprise’s business and based on unified national
standard quota)
Other non-business income and expenditures other than
the above
Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of                                       Gains from reverse
non-recurring gain/loss account                                                          repurchase of treasury bonds
Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                       363,515.94
Total                                                                   1,100,409.86                  --
Government subsidies included in current gain/loss are recurrent profit and loss items:
          Items                     Amount                                        Reason
                                                    It is related to the Company’s business. The amount is
Tax refunded related to
                                         526,615.39 refunded to the Company according to the tax rate provided
software products
                                                    by the taxation administration.

2. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

1. Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the
international and Chinese account standards

                                                                                               In RMB
                             Net profit attributable to the shareholders Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                       of the listed company                       of the listed company
                                This period            Last period           Closing amount        Opening amount
On Chinese accounting
                                 40,769,958.24            39,361,593.42       1,178,738,091.94      1,160,639,730.85
Items and amounts adjusted according International Accounting Standards
Capitalization of
                                            0.00                     0.00         4,763,398.24             4,763,398.24
borrowing expenses
On international
                                 40,769,958.24            39,361,593.42       1,183,501,490.18      1,165,403,129.09
accounting standards

2. Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the
international and Chinese account standards

                                                                                               In RMB
                             Net profit attributable to the shareholders Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                       of the listed company                       of the listed company
                                This period            Last period           Closing amount        Opening amount
On Chinese accounting
                                 40,769,958.24            39,361,593.42       1,178,738,091.94      1,160,639,730.85
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards
3. Explanation of the differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting

Net assets attributable to the listed company’s shareholders calculated according to the IAS is
RMB4,763,398.24 higher than that calculated according to the domestic accounting standards,
mainly attributable to the capitalization of borrow expenses before the domestic Enterprise
Accounting Standard was implemented on January 1, 2007.

3. Net income on asset ratio and earnings per share

                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                   Earnings per share
                                             Weighted average net
        Profit of the report period                                    Basic earnings per      Diluted earnings per
                                              income/asset ratio
                                                                             share                    share
Net profit attributable to common
                                                              3.49%                    0.05                    0.05
shareholders of the Company
Net profit attributable to the common
owners of the PLC after deducting of                          3.39%                    0.05                    0.05
non-recurring gains/losses

4. Irregular situation and causes of items in the financial statements

Items              Closing amount         Opening          Change                  Cause of change
Notes               10,729,852.00       21,898,770.43       -51.00%    Caused by endorsement received
Inventory          786,872,945.78     428,537,851.82         83.62%    Fangda Town reclaimed the land use
                                                                       right and recognize the land transfer
                                                                       amount according to the land transfer
Other current       89,808,955.68                0.00                  Mainly the residual amount of the
assets                                                                 reverse treasury bond repurchase
Other               25,478,789.90       15,978,789.90        59.45%    House prepayment to Tianjin Wanda
non-current                                                            Center Investment Company
Short-term         725,000,000.00     369,000,000.00         96.48%    Additional financing demand
Account            650,805,706.90     489,216,140.32         33.03%    Unpaid Fangda Town land transfer
payable                                                                payment
Employees’         17,028,555.42       30,182,851.80       -43.58%    2013 bonus paid
wage payable
Items              Amount of the        Amount of the      Change                  Cause of change
                   Current Term         Previous Term
Non-business          2,061,903.28         672,299.16       206.69%    Increase in loss due to disposal of fixed
expenses                                                          assets
Income tax           4,362,903.54     7,795,908.42      -44.04%   Decrease in differed income tax
Other cash         47,867,585.96     24,853,131.88      92.60%    Caused by increase in operation deposit
received from                                                     paid
Cash paid for     852,304,489.33    596,363,985.36      42.92%    Fangda Town land transfer payment
products and
Cash flow         -268,552,729.61     1,089,862.59   -24740.97%   Increase in the development cost of
generated by                                                      Fangda Plaza and slow recovery of
business                                                          accounts receivable
operations, net