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						       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.


      2014 Semi-annual Report

                 August 2014

                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

         Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Explanation

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all directors, supervisors and senior
management staff of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report is factual, accurate and complete without any
false record, misleading statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally
liable for that.
All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report.
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into
share capital.
Mr. Chen Yugang, company principal, Mr. Wang Hangjun, chief of the accounting work, and Ms.
Shen Xueying, chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the
Financial Report enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.
This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                             2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.


2014 Semi-annual Report ..................................................................................................................1

Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Explanation............................................................2

Section II. Company Profile..............................................................................................................5

Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators ..............................................7

Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors.................................................................................10

Section V. Significant Events...........................................................................................................19

Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders ..............................................................................27

Section VII. Preferred Shares .........................................................................................................31

Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff..............................................32

Section IX. Financial Report...........................................................................................................33

Section X. Documents Available for Reference ...........................................................................183

       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.


Term                                             Contents

                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                        Section II. Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation                SWYA, SWYB                         Stock code                 000011, 200011
Stock    exchange        listed
                                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese name        of     the
Abbr. of the Chinese
name of the Company (if 深物业集团
English name of the
                                  ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.
Company (if any)
Abbr. of the English name
of the Company (if any)
Legal representative of
                        Mr. Chen Yugang
the Company

II. Contact information

                                                    Company Secretary                 Securities Affairs Representative

Name                                       Fan Weiping                             Qian Zhong, Huang Fengchun
                                           42/F, International Trade Center,       42/F, International Trade Center,
Contact address                            Renmin South Road, Shenzhen,            Renmin South Road, Shenzhen,
                                           Guangdong Province, P.R.China           Guangdong Province, P.R.China
Tel.                                       0755-82211020                           0755-82211020
Fax                                        0755-82210610, 82212043                 0755-82210610, 82212043
E-mail                                     000011touzizhe@163.com                  000011touzizhe@163.com

III. Other information

1. Ways to contact the Company

Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email
address of the Company during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company
did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2013 Annual Report.

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

2. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Did any change occur to information disclosure media and where this report is placed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC for
disclosing this report and the location where this report is placed did not change during the reporting period. The
said information can be found in the 2013 Annual Report.

3. Change of the registered information

Did any change occur to the registered information during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registration date and place of the Company, its business license No., taxation registration No. and
organizational code did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2013
Annual Report.

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

    Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of any
accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
                                             Reporting period        Same period of last year        YoY +/- (%)
Operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                      501,367,559.78            1,348,194,107.29                     -62.81%
Net       profit   attributable   to
shareholders of the Company (RMB                   112,074,537.49             353,600,992.81                      -68.30%
Net       profit   attributable   to
shareholders of the Company after
                                                   103,434,750.14             352,385,400.43                      -70.65%
extraordinary gains and losses (RMB
Net cash flows from operating
                                                   -189,887,490.37            126,636,956.08                   -249.95%
activities (RMB Yuan)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                  0.1881                     0.5933                     -68.30%
Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                0.1881                     0.5933                     -68.30%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                    6.19%                     21.06%                      -14.87%
                                            As at the end of the       As at the end of last
                                                                                                        +/- (%)
                                             reporting period                  year
Total assets (RMB Yuan)                         3,588,338,174.44             3,873,252,714.32                      -7.36%
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the Company (RMB                1,766,173,937.86             1,802,781,292.68                      -2.03%

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Net profit attributable to shareholders of    Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                               the Company                                  the Company
                                                      Same period of last
                                Reporting period                                Closing amount       Opening amount
According to Chinese
                                  112,074,537.49           353,600,992.81       1,766,173,937.86      1,802,781,292.68
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

According to international
                                  112,074,537.49           353,600,992.81        1,766,173,937.86     1,802,781,292.68
accounting standards

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Net profit attributable to shareholders of    Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                               the Company                                  the Company
                                                     Same period of last
                                Reporting period                                Closing amount       Opening amount
According to Chinese
                                  112,074,537.49           353,600,992.81        1,766,173,937.86     1,802,781,292.68
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards
According to overseas
                                  112,074,537.49           353,600,992.81        1,766,173,937.86     1,802,781,292.68
accounting standards

3. Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
No difference.

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Item                                        Amount                       Explanation
Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets                                        Gains on disposal of fixed
(including the offset part of asset impairment                               7,801,119.11 assets and investing
provisions)                                                                               properties
Reversal of impairment provisions for the accounts
receivable on which impairment tests were carried out                          15,168.75
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the
Less: Income tax effects                                                     1,121,446.51
Total                                                                        8,639,787.35                --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases during the reporting period.

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                     Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

In the first half of 2014, affected by factors such as the domestic economic trends and the credit
environment, the real estate sector of the country was in a severe situation. Major cities witnessed
an obvious drop in turnover and the 100 Cities Price Index that had been rising constantly for nearly
two years encountered a continuous drop for two months. Since rumors spread that some real estate
projects in cities such as Hangzhou and Changzhou would resort to price reduction, buyers became
more hesitant and more and more developers started sales promotion. Some second-tier cities and
most of the third-tier and fourth-tier cities were under a great pressure of de-stocking. Under the
background of “two-way macro-control”, some cities adjusted their real estate policies more
frequently, but the first-tier and hot second-tier cities did not loosen up in control, causing bigger
differences among cities. Meanwhile, the central government’s economic expectation for the year,
the recent pickup of major economic indicators and the signs of loosening credit would help the real
estate market become stable in the second half of the year.
In the first half of the year, we vigorously promoted engineering development and marketing of real
estate projects, effectively managed project development with the help of  and improved the projection operation efficiency. At the same time, we steadily promoted
development of sidelines such as house leasing, property management and passenger transportation
by automobile. For the first half of 2014, we achieved operating revenues of RMB 501 million and
total profits of RMB 148 million.

II. Main business analysis

YoY change of major financial data:
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                Same period of last                               Main reasons for
                        Reporting period                                     YoY +/-%
                                                      year                                            change
                                                                                              Projects settled and
Operating revenues          501,367,559.78          1,348,194,107.29                  -62.81% sales realized
                                                                                              The income from
Operating costs             230,835,231.01            553,178,605.80                  -58.27% settled projects
                                                                                              The marketing
                                                                                              expenses decreased
Selling expenses               5,167,082.37             7,367,804.79                  -29.87%
                                                                                              due to the enhanced
                                                                                              cost control.
                             50,185,597.53             51,339,858.73                   -2.25%

                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                           The interest income
Financial expenses          -6,325,233.01          -3,595,065.02                  75.94%
                                                                                           The profits achieved
Income tax expenses        35,738,015.00         106,085,924.10                  -66.31%
                                                                                        The capital inflows
                                                                                        from sale of projects
Net cash flows from
                          -189,887,490.37        126,636,956.08                -249.95% decreased while the
operating activities
                                                                                        project inputs
                                                                                         The income from
                                                                                         asset disposal
Net cash flows from                                                                      increased and the
                            -2,452,735.80          -4,842,566.40                 -49.35%
investing activities                                                                     cash paid to acquire
                                                                                         fixed assets
                                                                                        Net cash flows from
                                                                                        financing activities
                                                                                        were all net outflows,
Net cash flows from                                                                     which increased
                          -217,614,297.27        -15,461,456.53               1,307.46%
financing activities                                                                    mainly because the
                                                                                        borrowings secured
                                                                                        decreased and the
                                                                                        dividends were paid.
                                                                                        The capital inflows
                                                                                        from sale of projects
Net increase in cash                                                                    and the borrowings
                          -409,900,929.50        106,248,674.18                -485.79%
and cash equivalents                                                                    secured decreased
                                                                                        and the dividends
                                                                                        were paid.
                                                                                         The real estate
                                                                                         income decreased and
Business tax and
                           82,288,326.22         283,964,714.90                  -71.02% the business tax, VAT,
                                                                                         etc. decreased
                                                                                         Excess losses were
                                                                                         reversed on
Investment gains             6,261,748.54          4,390,123.64                   42.63% subsidiary
                                                                                         The gain on disposal
                             4,163,164.65          2,510,882.84                   65.80% of fixed assets
Net profit attributable                                                                    The real estate
                          112,074,537.49         353,600,992.81                  -68.30%
to owners of the                                                                           income decreased.

                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No major changes occurred to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period.
Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the Company such as
share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not mention any future planning for the reporting period in its disclosed documents such as
share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.
Review the progress of any previously disclosed business plan in the reporting period:
The previously disclosed business plans went on well.

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Increase/decrea                 Increase/decrea
                                                              se of operating                   se of gross
                                                                              se of operating
                   Operating      Operating      Gross profit revenues over                   profit rate over
                                                                               costs over the
                   revenues         costs         rate (%)       the same                        the same
                                                                              same period of
                                                               period of last                  period of last
                                                                               last year (%)
                                                                 year (%)                        year (%)
Classified by industry:
Real estate                    58,246,774.57            77.79%          -77.02%           -85.73%           13.55%
                 168,987,251.2 136,068,543.5
management                                              19.48%           13.22%            19.11%           -3.98%
                             4             0
and leasing
Transportation   29,464,491.16 13,058,445.60            55.68%            2.23%             4.55%           -0.99%
                 10,597,322.84    9,093,665.24          14.19%            9.09%            11.85%            -2.11%
Other              4,595,693.01   4,431,876.35           3.56%            8.88%            -8.65%           18.51%
Classified by product:
Real estate                    58,246,774.57            77.79%          -77.02%           -85.73%           13.55%
                 168,987,251.2 136,068,543.5
management                                              19.48%           13.22%            19.11%           -3.98%
                             4             0
and leasing
Transportation   29,464,491.16 13,058,445.60            55.68%            2.23%             4.55%           -0.99%
                 10,597,322.84    9,093,665.24          14.19%            9.09%            11.85%            -2.11%
Other              4,595,693.01   4,431,876.35           3.56%            8.88%            -8.65%           18.51%
Classified by region:
                 405,623,875.8 156,710,065.0
Shenzhen                                                61.37%          -67.32%           -67.10%           -0.26%
                             5             1

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Other regions    70,298,345.40 64,189,240.25                8.69%             -23.64%            -10.14%         -13.72%

IV. Core competitiveness analysis

Currently, our SZPRDQianhai Bay Garden project in Qianhai, Shenzhen and SZPRDJinling
Holiday Apartment Buildings project in the Huanggang Port area have officially started
construction in this Mar., which are going on well. These two projects have great potential for good
benefits due to their ideal locations and low cost of land. The SZPRDBanshanyujing (Xuzhou)
project and the SZPRDHupanyujing (Yangzhou) are ready for presale. And the
SZPRDSonghulangyuan (Dongguan) project ideally located in the Songshanhu area of Dongguan
is in foundation construction. All our projects are proceeding smoothly as scheduled, which lays a
solid foundation for our excellent operating performance in the future.

V. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Investments in external parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any investment in external parties of the reporting period.

(2) Equity-holdings in financial enterprises

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any equity-holding in financial enterprises of the reporting period.

(3) Securities investments

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                      Number           Number
                                              Shareho           Shareho                        Gain/los
                              Initial   of                of             Closing
 Variety                                       lding             lding                           s for
          Code of Name of investmen shares              shares            book
   of                                         percenta          percenta                       reportin Account Source
          securitie securitie t cost  held at           held at           value
securitie                                       ge at             ge at                        g period ing title of stock
             s         s      (RMB period-b            period-e          (RMB
    s                                         period-b          period-e                        (RMB
                              Yuan)    egin               nd              Yuan)
                                                egin               nd                           Yuan)
                                      (share)           (share)
Other securities
investments held at the          0.00          0     --             0    --             0.00       0.00    --        --
Total                            0.00          0     --             0    --             0.00       0.00    --        --
Disclosure date of the
board announcement on

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

approval of the securities
Disclosure date of the
general meeting
announcement on approval
of the securities investment
(if any)
Explain equity-holdings in other listed companies
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                            Company’s                                    Change of
                                Initial     shareholdin                   Gain/loss for owner’s equity
                                                        Closing book                                    Accountin Source of
Stock code Stock abbr.       investment          g                         reporting        in the
                                                           value                                         g title    stock
                               amount       percentage                       period       reporting
                                               in the                                      period
  000509    HS Holding 2,962,500.00           0.10%       802,199.55           0.00            0.00                  Purchasing
                                                                                                          Long-term legal person
                                                                                                          equity     shares
                                                                                                          investment directionall
   Total                     2,962,500.00       -         802,199.55           0.00            0.00

2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

(1) Wealth management entrustment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no wealth management entrustment of the Company in the reporting period.

(2) Derivative investments

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no derivative investment of the Company in the reporting period.

(3) Entrustment loans

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no entrustment loan of the Company in the reporting period.

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

3. Use of raised funds

(1) Overview of the use of raised funds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Projects promised to be invested with raised funds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Change of projects invested with raised funds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no change of project invested with raised funds of the Company in the reporting period.

(4) Projects invested with raised funds

       Overview of the project                  Disclosure date               Index for the disclosed information

4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
Company Company                               Registere     Total                  Operating Operatin
                          Industry products/s                         Net assets                      Net profit
 name    variety                              d capital     assets                 revenues g profit
                   Real            Real       30,000,00 1,728,557 626,247,3 273,529,2 123,492, 93,252,617.
ng Real Subsidiary
                   estate          estate     0.00        ,671.44     75.98     29.61 783.03           57
Co., Ltd.
Property                                    20,000,00 207,257,6 58,527,65 141,003,0 7,619,90 5,547,727.9
         Subsidiary Property       managem
Managem                                     0.00          39.12      6.72     22.10     3.62           8
ent Co.,
                                   Taxi      29,850,00 503,293,6 207,292,4 30,583,85 7,313,15 5,435,339.8
Vehicle   Subsidiary Services
                                   operation 0.00          59.92     42.63      9.53     0.63           8
Co., Ltd.

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

5. Significant projects of investments with non-raised funds

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
                                                           Cumulative actual
                      Total planned       Input for the
   Project name                                             input as at the  Project progress           Project earnings
                       investment       reporting period
yujing (first and         840,000,000      60,951,106.84      502,050,184.64                 60.00% -
second phases)
                          878,034,700         32,300,000         317,240,000                 36.00% -
jing (first and         1,200,000,000         56,190,000         733,700,000                 61.00% -
second phases)
                          790,000,000         22,210,000         295,990,000                 37.00% -
                        1,289,010,000         17,580,000           84,400,000                 7.00% -
Total                   4,997,044,700     189,231,106.84 1,933,380,184.64               --                     --

VI. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Sept. 2014

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin
to the end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the
“non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the “non-standard audit report” of last

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Implementation of profit allocation during the reporting period

Profit allocation plan implemented during the reporting period, especially execution and adjustment of the cash
dividend plan and the plan for turning capital reserve into share capital
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The proposal on Dividends Payout of Y2013 of the Company: based on the total shares of 595,979,092 of RMB

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

2.5 for every 10 shares in cash (tax included). The proposal had reviewed and approved by the Y2013 Annual
General Meeting held on 22 Apr. 2014 and had completed the execution on 20 Jun. 2014.
                                  Special explanation of the cash dividend policy
Whether conformed with the regulations of the Articles
of association or the requirements of the resolutions of Yes
the shareholders’ meeting:
Whether the dividend standard and the proportion were
definite and clear:
Whether the relevant decision-making process and the
system were complete:
Whether the independent director acted dutifully and
exerted the proper function:
Whether the medium and small shareholders had the
chances to fully express their suggestions and appeals, Yes
of which their legal interest had gained fully protection:
Whether the conditions and the process met the
regulations and was transparent of the adjustment or Yes
altered of the cash dividend policy:

X. Preplan for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital in the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company planed not to distribute the cash dividends and bonus shares as well as not to turn reserve funds into
share capital of the half year.

XI. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                              Main discussion and
     Time of           Place of
                                    Way of reception     Visitor type          Visitor        materials provided by
    reception         reception
                                                                                                 the Company
                  interaction                                                               About the increase of
8 Jan. 2014       platform of    Other                 Individual        Investor           the shares of the
                  Shenzhen Stock                                                            Company
3 Feb. 2014       platform of    Other                 Individual        Investor           About the dividends
                  Shenzhen Stock
                  Investor                                                                  About the construction
9 Feb. 2014                         Other              Individual        Investor
                  interaction                                                               of the Dongguan items

                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

               platform of                                                              of the Company
               Shenzhen Stock
               interaction                                                              About the sales of the
10 Feb. 2014   platform of    Other               Individual         Investor           Xuzhou items of the
               Shenzhen Stock                                                           Company
               interaction                                                              About the performance
4 Mar. 2014    platform of    Other               Individual         Investor           estimates   of    the
               Shenzhen Stock                                                           Company
                                                                                        About the reform of the
23 Apr. 2014   Telephone                      Individual             Investor           state-owned enterprises
                                                                                        in Shenzhen
                                Telephone                                               About the proposal on
14 May 2014    Telephone                      Individual             Investor
                                communication                                           dividends
20 Jun. 2014   Telephone                      Individual             Investor           Capital operation idea

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                     Section V. Significant Events
I. Corporate governance

The actual situation of the Company’s governance was in compliance with the Company Law and the relevant
CSRC requirements.

II. Significant lawsuits or arbitrations

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                              Whether form
     Lawsuit       (RMB Ten                                  Results and       Sentence      Disclosure Disclosure
                              into estimated Progress
   (arbitration)    Thousand                                  influence        execution        date      index
                                                                                                          No. 2014-3
                                                         Had withdrawn
                                                                                                          ment and
Progress of the                               The court and impaired in
bankruptcy                                    accepted full amount and
                                                                                            15 Mar.       Securities
liquidation of          6,871.2 No            the        had          no
                                                                                            2014          Times, Ta
Hainan                                        bankruptc influence of the
                                                                                                          Kung Pao
Company                                       y petition finance of the

III. Media’s questions

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any media’s question of the reporting period.

IV. Bankruptcy or reorganization events

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any bankruptcy or reorganization event of the reporting period.

V. Assets transaction events

1. Purchase of assets

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any purchase of assets of the reporting period.

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

2. Sales of assets

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any sale of assets of the reporting period.

3. Business combination

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any business combination of the reporting period.

VI. Implementation situation and influence of equity incentive plan of the Company

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any implementation situation and influence of equity incentive plan of the
reporting period.

VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transaction relevant to routine operation

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any related-party transaction relevant to routine operation of the reporting

2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and sales of assets

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any related-party transaction regarding purchase and sales of assets of the
reporting period.

3. Significant related-party transactions with joint investments

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any significant related-party transaction with joint investments of the
reporting period.

4. Significant credits and liabilities with related parties

√Applicable □Inapplicable
Was there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?
√Yes □No
                                    Variety of                 Non-operati     Opening        Amount        Closing
   Related party     Relationship                   Reason
                                    credit or                   ng capital     balance      incurred in     balance

                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                   liability                 occupation (RMB Ten           reporting     (RMB Ten
                                                               or not?  Thousand            period       Thousand
                                                                          Yuan)           (RMB Ten         Yuan)
Anhui Nanpeng                    rights
                    Company                    Working
Papermaking Co.,                 receivable                 No                      729            10           739
                    held a 30%                 funds
Ltd                              from the
                    stake in it.
                                 related party
                 The             Creditor’s
Shenzhen Guomao
                 Company         rights
Industry                                       Working
                 held a          receivable                 No                      235              0          235
Development Co.,                               funds
                 38.33%          from the
                 stake in it.    related party
Shenzhen Wufang                  rights
                    Company                    Working
Pottery & Porcelain              receivable                 No                      175              0          175
                    held a 26%                 funds
Industrial Co., Ltd              from the
                    stake in it.
                                 related party
                    Under the
                    same         Creditor’s
                    control of   rights
Shenzhen Guest                                 Come-and-g
                    the parent   receivable               No                         91              0            91
House Co., Ltd.                                o money
                    company of   from the
                    the          related party
                 Under the
Shenzhen         same            Creditor’s
                                               Offering the
Investment       control of      rights
Property         the parent      receivable                 No                      314          -121           193
Development Co., company of      from the
                                               t services
Ltd.             the             related party
SZPRD Jifa         venture of                  Come-and-g
                                 receivable               No                      2,355              0        2,355
Warehouse Co., Ltd the                         o money
                                 from the
                                 related party
Shenzhen Tian’an                Creditor’s
International                    rights
                    venture of                 Come-and-g
Building Property                receivable               No                        411              0          411
                    the                        o money
Management Co.,                  from the
Ltd                              related party

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                 Under the
Shenzhen         same            Creditor’s
Investment       control of      rights
Property         the parent      receivable               No                          52            12             64
                                               o money
Development Co., company of      from the
Ltd.             the             related party
Shenzhen                       rights
                   shareholder               Entrusted
Investment                     receivable                    No                  24,000        -24,000              0
                   of the                    loans
Holdings Co., Ltd.             from the
                               related party

5. Other significant related-party transactions

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any other significant related-party transaction of the reporting period.

VIII. Occupation of the Company’s funds for non-operating purposes by the controlling
shareholder and its related parties

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any occupation of the Company’s funds for non-operating purposes by the
controlling shareholders and its related parties of the reporting period.

IX. Significant contracts and execution

1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Status of trust

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any trust of the reporting period.

(2) Contract

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any contract of the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved with any leasing of the reporting period.

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

2. Guarantees provided by the Company

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
           Guarantees provided by the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)
                 e date of
                  relevant              Actual
                            Amount                           Actual                                         ee for a
                 announce             occurrence                            Type of      Period of Execute
Guaranteed party              for                           guarantee                                       related
                  ment on            date (date of                         guarantee     guarantee d or not
                           guarantee                         amount                                         party or
                     the              agreement)
                   23 May
Guomao Vehicle                      2,600 11 Jan. 2012            1,040 Pledge          3 years     No        No
Industry Co., Ltd.
Properties &
                   24 Apr.                                                Joint-liabilit
Resources                          45,000 20 Jun. 2014            1,137                  3 years    No        No
                   2013                                                   y guarantee
(Group) Ltd.
                                                          Total actual occurred
Total external guarantee line
                                                          amount      of    external
approved       during     the                           0                                                          1,137
                                                          guarantee during the
reporting period (A1)
                                                          reporting period (A2)
Total external guarantee line                            Total actual external
that has been approved at the                            guarantee balance at the
                                                  47,600                                                           2,177
end of the reporting period                              end of the reporting
(A3)                                                     period (A4)
                              Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
                 e date of
                  relevant              Actual
                            Amount                           Actual                                         ee for a
                 announce             occurrence                            Type of      Period of Execute
Guaranteed party              for                           guarantee                                       related
                  ment on            date (date of                         guarantee     guarantee d or not
                           guarantee                         amount                                         party or
                     the              agreement)
Changsheng Real 21 Apr.
                                   44,000 11 Jan. 2013           16,124 y guarantee; 3 years        No        No
Estate           2012
Development Co.,

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

SZPRD Yangzhou
Real      Estate 21 Apr.                                                Joint-liabilit
                                 15,000 27 Jun. 2013           15,000                  2 years    No        No
Development Co., 2012                                                   y guarantee
                   23 Apr.
Guomao Vehicle                    2,000 14 May 2014             2,000 pledge          1 year      No        No
Industry Co., Ltd.
International      23 Apr.                                              Joint-liabilit
                                 28,000 27 Jun. 2014            7,000                  1 year     No        No
Trade Centre Car 2014                                                   y guarantee
Industry Co., Ltd.
Total      guarantee      line                         Total actual occurred
approved for the subsidiaries                          amount of guarantee for
                                                30,000                                                        24,000
during the reporting period                            the subsidiaries during the
 (B1)                                                  reporting period (B2)
Total guarantee line that has                          Total actual guarantee
been approved for the                                  balance       for      the
                                                89,000                                                        40,124
subsidiaries at the end of the                         subsidiaries at the end of
reporting period (B3)                                  the reporting period (B4)
Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned two kinds of guarantees)
                                                       Total actual occurred
Total      guarantee     line
                                                       amount of guarantee
approved       during     the                   30,000                                                        25,137
                                                       during    the  reporting
reporting period (A1+B1)
                                                       period (A2+B2)
Total guarantee line that has
                                                      Total actual guarantee
been approved at the end of
                                              136,600 balance at the end of the                               42,301
the reporting period
                                                      reporting period (A4+B4)
Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4) to the
net assets of the Company
Of which:
Amount of guarantee for shareholders,            actual
controller and related parties (C)
Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed
party whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70%                                                        41,164
directly or indirectly (D)
Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of
net assets (E)
Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                            41,164
                                                    The Company provided external guarantee of RMB
                                                    423,010,000, of which: the Company provided the
Explanation on the outstanding guarantees which may
                                                    guarantee for the subsidiaries was of RMB 401,240,000,
assume joint and several liability (if any)
                                                    the subsidiaries provided the guaranty for subsidiaries or
                                                    the Company was of RMB 21,770,000, and the

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                            Company and subsidiaries had not provided any
                                                            guarantee for the companies except for the consolidated
                                                            statement. Up to the period-end, the operation of the
                                                            subsidiaries was normal, and its loans were in normal
                                                            state, of which the risks were in the controllable scope.
Explanation on offering the external guarantee by
violating the stipulated procedures (if any)
Particulars about guarantees provided in a compound way

(1) Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not illegally provide any guarantee for any external party in the reporting period.

3. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no other significant contract of the Company in the reporting period.

4. Other significant transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no other significant transaction of the Company in the reporting period.

X. Commitments made by the Company or any shareholder holding over 5% of the
Company’s shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such commitments in the reporting period.

XI. Engagement and disengagement of the CPAs firm

Has the semi-annual financial report been audited?
□ Yes √ No

XII. Punishments and rectifications

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No punishments or rectifications in the reporting period.

XIII. Delisting risk due to violation of any law or regulation

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such risk in the reporting period.

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

XIV. Other significant events

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No other significant event in the reporting period that needs to be explained.

                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                       Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders

I. Change in shares

                                                                                                                         Unit: Share
                             Before the change                   Increase/decrease (+, -)                      After the change
                                             Issuance        ation of
                                    Proporti          Bonus                                                               Proporti
                             Amount          of new            public Others                         Subtotal Amount
                                       on             shares                                                                on
                                              shares          reserve
Reasons for changes in shares
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Approval of share changes
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Transfer of share ownership
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Effects of changes in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the last year and the last reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other contents that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulatory authorities to
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Change of the total shares, shareholder structure, asset structure and liability structure
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

II. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings
                                                                                                                         Unit: Share
                                                                 Total number of preferred share
Total number of common                                           holders who had resumed their
shareholders at the end of the                           42,175 voting right at the end of the                                      0
reporting period                                                 reporting period (if any) (see
                                                                 note 8)
                         Shareholdings of shareholders holding more than 5% shares or top 10 shareholders
                                                                         Increase                       Pledged or frozen shares
                                                         Number of       /decreas Number
                                                        shares held at     e of      of
    Name of              Nature of       Shareholding                                      non-rest
                                                        the end of the shares restricte                                  Number of
   shareholder         shareholder        percentage                                        ricted    Status of shares
                                                          reporting      during d shares                                   shares
                                                           period          the      held

                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                         g period
N                 State-owned                                                       293,997 29,798,
                                                54.33%      323,796.32
INVESTMENT        corporation                                                          ,370      954
INVESTMENT        State-owned                                                       56,582,
                                                 9.49%      56,582,573                             0
MANAGEMENT corporation                                                                 573
                  State-owned                                                                 1,881,8
PROPERTY                                         0.32%       1,881,841
                  corporation                                                                     41
DUTY-FREE         Domestic
COMMODITY         non-state-owned                0.29%       1,730,300
ENTERPRISES       corporation
Zhang Yaguang     Domestic individual            0.26%       1,508,293
Xu Yihong         Domestic individual            0.40%       2,370,184
Customer credit
securities trading Domestic
account of China non-state-owned                 0.22%       1,287,062
Merchants         corporation
Securities Co.
Long Keyi         Domestic individual            0.19%       1,106,100
Zhou Kecan        Foreign individual             0.24%       1,427,200
Wang Xiaoyan      Domestic individual            0.18%       1,058,483
                                        The first and second principal shareholders of the Company are managed by Shenzhen
Explanation on associated relationship Investment Holding Corporation, the actual controlling shareholder of the Company, and
or/and persons acting in concert among the fourth shareholder are the wholly controlled subsidiary of the Company. Other than
the above-mentioned shareholders:       that, it is unknown whether the remaining 7 shareholders are related parties or
                                        acting-in-concert parties.
                     Particulars about shareholdings of the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted shares

                                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                   Number of non-restricted shares held at the                   Type of shares
            Name of shareholder
                                                                   period-end                                 Type           Number
                                                                                                     RMB ordinary
INVESTMENT HOLDINGS                                                                    29,798,954                                 29,798,954
SHENZHEN GUOMAO PROPERTY                                                                             RMB ordinary
                                                                                         1,881,841                                 1,881,841
MANAGERMENT CO., LTD.                                                                                shares
                                                                                                     RMB ordinary
Zhou Kecan                                                                               1,427,200                                 1,427,200
                                                                                                     RMB ordinary
Xu Yihong                                                                                2,370,184                                 2,370,184
                                                                                                     RMB ordinary
Zhang Yaguang                                                                            1,508,293                                 1,508,293
Chen Liying                                                                              1,036,051 listed foreign                  1,036,051
Customer credit collateral securities
                                                                                                     RMB ordinary
trading account of China Merchants                                                       1,287,062                                 1,287,062
Securities Co. Ltd.
                                                                                                     RMB ordinary
Long Keyi                                                                                1,106,100                                 1,106,100
                                                                                                     RMB ordinary
Wang Xiaoyan                                                                             1,058,483                                 1,058,483
Customer credit collateral securities
                                                                                                     RMB ordinary
trading account of Huatai securities                                                     1,006,275                                 1,006,275
Co., Ltd.
Explanation on associated relationship
                                              The first principal shareholder of the Company is managed by Shenzhen Investment
or/and persons acting in concert among
                                              Holding Corporation, the actual controlling shareholder of the Company. And the third
the top ten tradable shareholders and
                                              principal shareholder is a wholly-funded subsidiary of the Company. Other than that, it is
between       the    top    ten    tradable
                                              unknown whether the remaining 8 shareholders are related parties or acting-in-concert
shareholders        and    the    top   ten
Did any shareholder of the Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the reporting period?

□ Yes √ No

No shareholder of the Company carried out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period.

III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The controlling shareholder of the Company did not change in the reporting period.
Change of the actual controller in the reporting period

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The actual controller of the Company did not change in the reporting period.

IV. Any shareholding increase plan proposed or implemented by any shareholder or its
act-in-concert party during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
To the best knowledge of the Company, no shareholder or its act-in-concert party proposed or implemented any
shareholding increase plan during the reporting period.

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                  Section VII. Preferred Shares

I. Issue and listing of preferred shares during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

II. Amount of preferred shares and the holding situation of the Company

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Repurchase or transfer of preferred shares

1. Purchase of preferred shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Transfer of preferred shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Resume and execution of the voting rights of preferred shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. Accounting policy and reasons adopted of preferred shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

     Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff

I. Change of shareholdings of directors, supervisors and senior management staff

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no change in the shareholdings of directors, supervisors and senior management staff in the reporting
period. For details, please refer to the 2013 Annual Report.

II. Change of directors, supervisors and senior management staff

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no change of the directors, supervisors and senior management staff. For details, please refer to the
2013 Annual Report.

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                   Section IX. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Has this semi-annual report been audited?
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial statements

Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements: RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Item                          Closing balance                           Opening balance
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                                           567,270,884.70                             977,171,814.20
  Settlement reserves
  Intra-group lendings
  Transactional financial assets
  Notes receivable
  Accounts receivable                                        28,838,591.38                             22,208,022.21
  Accounts paid in advance                                   55,962,806.45                             35,904,799.33
  Premiums receivable
   Reinsurance           premiums
   Receivable reinsurance contract
  Interest receivable
   Dividend receivable
  Other accounts receivable                                  11,262,017.00                              7,919,365.82
  Financial assets purchased
under agreements to resell
  Inventories                                            2,223,340,330.98                          2,101,399,879.93
  Non-current assets due within 1
  Other current assets
Total current assets                                     2,886,674,630.51                          3,144,603,881.49
Non-current assets:
  Loans     by      mandate    and

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

advances granted
  Available-for-sale       financial
  Held-to-maturity investments
  Long-term accounts receivable
  Long-term equity investment                                  77,130,624.70                             78,414,131.22
  Investing property                                         261,209,044.19                             273,314,623.03
  Fixed assets                                                 69,158,333.34                             75,301,015.72
  Construction in progress
  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                                          103,368,838.55                             106,945,090.07
  R&D expense
  Long-term deferred expenses                                   2,817,218.51                              3,081,383.99
  Deferred income tax assets                                 187,979,484.64                             191,592,588.80
  Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets                                  701,663,543.93                             728,648,832.83
Total assets                                               3,588,338,174.44                          3,873,252,714.32
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                      140,000,000.00                             300,000,000.00
  Borrowings from Central Bank
   Customer bank deposits and
due to banks and other financial
  Intra-group borrowings
   Transactional           financial
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                                           235,637,274.77                             265,697,047.64
  Accounts received in advance                                 92,322,222.63                            141,082,677.48
  Financial      assets   sold   for
  Handling     charges           and
commissions payable
  Employee’s          compensation
                                                               41,470,352.93                             50,023,230.98
  Tax payable                                                778,373,369.07                             865,513,058.59
  Interest payable                                                502,634.99                                934,568.21
  Dividend payable
  Other accounts payable                                      111,544,039.76                            123,967,110.64

                                            2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

  Reinsurance premiums payable
  Insurance contract reserves
  Payables for acting trading of
  Payables        for              acting
underwriting of securities
  Non-current        liabilities     due
                                                                   113,093,221.64                             67,009,888.28
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                        1,512,943,115.79                         1,814,227,581.82
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                            172,613,352.00                             116,243,352.00
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities                                   135,745,681.73                             139,138,400.76
Total non-current liabilities                                     308,359,033.73                             255,381,752.76
Total liabilities                                               1,821,302,149.52                          2,069,609,334.58
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
  Paid-up      capital      (or    share
                                                                  595,979,092.00                             595,979,092.00
  Capital reserves                                                 119,951,533.93                            120,086,646.43
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                                                121,542,385.81                             121,542,385.81
  Provisions for general risks
  Retained profits                                                935,351,649.44                             972,271,884.95
  Foreign exchange difference                                       -6,650,723.32                             -7,098,716.51
Total equity attributable to owners
                                                                1,766,173,937.86                          1,802,781,292.68
of the Company
Minority interests                                                     862,087.06                                862,087.06
Total owners’ (or shareholders’)
                                                                1,767,036,024.92                          1,803,643,379.74
Total liabilities and owners’ (or
                                                                3,588,338,174.44                          3,873,252,714.32
shareholders’) equity

Legal representative: Chen Yugang                               Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Wang Hangjun

Chief of the accounting division: Shen Xueying

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Item                           Closing balance                           Opening balance
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                                              87,111,664.81                            420,568,966.65
  Transactional financial assets
  Notes receivable
  Accounts receivable                                             779,699.58                             1,158,087.49
  Accounts paid in advance                                    24,185,607.40                                429,546.00
  Interest receivable                                                                                      631,400.00
  Dividend receivable
  Other accounts receivable                               1,556,783,806.21                          1,104,282,291.68
  Inventories                                               348,899,172.57                             326,684,862.09
  Non-current assets due within 1
  Other current assets                                                                                 150,000,000.00
Total current assets                                      2,017,759,950.57                          2,003,755,153.91
Non-current assets:
  Available-for-sale      financial
  Held-to-maturity investments
  Long-term accounts receivable
  Long-term equity investment                               309,418,385.68                             310,701,892.20
  Investing property                                        171,859,198.54                             181,492,088.46
  Fixed assets                                                13,050,270.75                             15,709,482.23
  Construction in progress
  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets
  R&D expense
  Long-term deferred expenses                                  1,556,785.83                              1,643,273.97
  Deferred income tax assets
  Other non-current assets                                                                             130,000,000.00
Total of non-current assets                                 495,884,640.80                             639,546,736.86
Total assets                                              2,513,644,591.37                          2,643,301,890.77
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                                                                240,000,000.00
  Transactional           financial

                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                                                27,412,328.86                             28,121,986.86
  Accounts received in advance                                     4,693,836.00                             12,801,629.50
  Employee’s            compensation
                                                                   9,280,945.87                              8,230,148.81
  Tax payable                                                      4,508,757.52                              2,051,845.65
  Interest payable                                                   555,337.31                                433,972.60
  Dividend payable
  Other accounts payable                                      1,125,668,841.98                          1,136,178,056.53
  Non-current       liabilities    due
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                     1,172,120,047.54                          1,427,817,639.95
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                          271,370,000.00
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                   271,370,000.00
Total liabilities                                             1,443,490,047.54                          1,427,817,639.95
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
  Paid-up      capital      (or   share
                                                                595,979,092.00                             595,979,092.00
  Capital reserves                                                94,057,859.68                             94,057,859.68
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                                              120,885,575.37                             120,885,575.37
  Provisions for general risks
  Retained profits                                              259,232,016.78                             404,561,723.77
  Foreign exchange difference
Total owners’ (or shareholders’)
                                                              1,070,154,543.83                          1,215,484,250.82
Total liabilities and owners’ (or
                                                              2,513,644,591.37                          2,643,301,890.77
shareholders’) equity

Legal representative: Chen Yugang                             Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Wang Hangjun

Chief of the accounting division: Shen Xueying

                                              2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

3. Consolidated income statement

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                Item                                     Jan.-Jun. 2014                            Jan.-Jun 2013
I. Total operating revenues                                         501,367,559.78                          1,348,194,107.29
Including: Sales income                                             501,367,559.78                          1,348,194,107.29
       Interest income
       Premium income
      Handling    charge             and
commission income
II. Total operating cost                                            363,599,623.62                             893,486,628.19
Including: Cost of sales                                            230,835,231.01                             553,178,605.80
       Interest expenses
      Handling    charge             and
commission expenses
       Net claims paid
        Net amount withdrawn for
the insurance contract reserve
       Expenditure         on      policy
       Reinsurance premium
       Taxes      and           associate
                                                                      82,288,326.22                            283,964,714.90
      Selling    and       distribution
                                                                       5,167,082.37                              7,367,804.79
       Administrative expenses                                        50,185,597.53                             51,339,858.73
       Financial expenses                                             -6,325,233.01                             -3,595,065.02
       Asset impairment loss                                           1,448,619.50                              1,230,708.99
Add: Gain/(loss) from change in
fair value (“-” means loss)
       Gain/(loss) from investment
                                                                       6,261,748.54                              4,390,123.64
(“-” means loss)
Including: share of profits in
                                                                      -1,283,506.52                              4,390,123.64
associates and joint ventures
Foreign exchange           gains     (“-”
means loss)
III. Business profit (“-” means
                                                                    144,029,684.70                             459,097,602.74
     Add: non-operating income                                         4,163,164.65                              2,510,882.84
     Less: non-operating expense                                          380,296.86                             1,921,568.67
Including: loss from non-current                                           54,757.13                                 75,632.69

                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                147,812,552.49                          459,686,916.91
     Less: Income tax expense                                       35,738,015.00                          106,085,924.10
V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                   112,074,537.49                          353,600,992.81
     Including:     Net profit
achieved by combined parties
before the combinations
   Attributable to owners of the
                                                                   112,074,537.49                          353,600,992.81
    Minority             shareholders’
VI. Earnings per share                                      --                                        --
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                          0.1881                                   0.5933
     (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                                           0.1881                                   0.5933
VII.    Other         comprehensive
                                                                       447,993.19                              -704,279.71
VIII.   Total         comprehensive
                                                                   112,522,530.68                          352,896,713.10
   Attributable to owners of the
                                                                   112,522,530.68                          352,896,713.10
     Attributable        to   minority

Legal representative: Chen Yugang                                Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Wang Hangjun

Chief of the accounting division: Shen Xueying

4. Income statement of the Company

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                               Jan.-Jun. 2014                            Jan.-Jun 2013
I. Total sales                                                      32,117,214.00                           25,454,166.48
Less: cost of sales                                                 13,005,498.88                            4,623,847.30
Business taxes and surcharges                                        3,371,843.66                            3,908,440.40
Distribution expenses
Administrative expenses                                             18,969,355.25                           19,491,245.37
Financial costs                                                     -2,780,553.56                              317,053.85
Impairment loss                                                       -272,589.07                          -22,145,321.63
Add: gain/(loss) from change in
fair value (“-” means loss)
Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”
                                                                     2,094,893.48                           19,329,723.64
means loss)

                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Including:     income        form
investment on associates and joint                                   -1,283,506.52                            4,390,123.64
II. Business profit (“-” means
                                                                      1,918,552.32                           38,588,624.83
Add: non-business income                                              1,746,513.69                            1,572,704.00
Less: non-business expense                                                                                         2,187.01
Including: loss from non-current
asset disposal
III. Total profit     (“-” means loss)                              3,665,066.01                           40,159,141.82
Less: income tax expense
IV. Net profit      (“-” means loss)                                3,665,066.01                           40,159,141.82
V. Earnings per share                                        --                                        --
(I) Basic earnings per share                                                0.0061                                   0.0674
(II) Diluted earnings per share                                             0.0061                                   0.0674
VI. Other comprehensive income
VII. Total comprehensive income                                       3,665,066.01                           40,159,141.82

Legal representative: Chen Yugang                                 Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Wang Hangjun

Chief of the accounting division: Shen Xueying

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                              Jan.-Jun. 2014                            Jan.-Jun 2013
I. Cash flows from operating
   Cash received from sale of
commodities and rendering of                                        486,571,481.51                          737,191,531.68
  Net increase of deposits from
customers and dues from banks
  Net increase of loans from the
central bank
   Net increase of funds borrowed
from other financial institutions
   Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts
   Net cash received               from
reinsurance business
  Net increase of deposits of
policy holders and investment

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

   Net increase of disposal of
tradable financial assets
  Cash received from interest,
handling     charges      and
  Net increase of intra-group
  Net increase of        funds    in
repurchase business
  Tax refunds received
  Other cash received relating to
                                                                8,771,553.27                             17,912,189.23
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                             495,343,034.78                             755,103,720.91
operating activities
   Cash paid    for    goods     and
                                                             290,827,700.91                             201,716,265.91
   Net increase of        customer
lendings and advances
  Net increase of funds deposited
in the central bank and amount
due from banks
   Cash for paying claims of the
original insurance contracts
  Cash for      paying     interest,
handling       charges          and
  Cash for       paying     policy
  Cash paid to and for employees                             140,770,571.32                             134,835,672.23
  Various taxes paid                                         208,267,051.06                             237,091,124.67
  Other cash payment relating to
                                                               45,365,201.86                             54,823,702.02
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                             685,230,525.15                             628,466,764.83
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                                             -189,887,490.37                            126,636,956.08
II. Cash flows from investing
   Cash received from withdrawal
of investments
  Cash received from return on

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

  Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets                             1,273,115.00                                406,198.00
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other business
     Other cash received relating
to investing activities
       Subtotal of cash inflows
                                                               1,273,115.00                                406,198.00
from investing activities
  Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                            3,725,850.80                              5,248,764.40
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment
  Net increase of pledged loans
  Net cash paid to acquire
subsidiaries and other business
  Other cash payments relating to
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                               3,725,850.80                              5,248,764.40
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing
                                                              -2,452,735.80                             -4,842,566.40
III. Cash Flows from Financing
   Cash received from capital
    Including: Cash received from
minority shareholder investments
by subsidiaries
    Cash       received       from
                                                            251,370,000.00                             361,243,352.00
    Cash received from issuance
of bonds
    Other cash received relating to
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                            251,370,000.00                             361,243,352.00
financing activities
   Repayment of borrowings                                  308,916,666.64                             365,883,333.34
    Cash    paid    for interest
expenses and distribution of                                159,779,630.63                              10,539,475.19
dividends or profit
     Including: dividends or profit

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

paid by subsidiaries to minority
      Other cash payments relating
                                                                 288,000.00                               282,000.00
to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                           468,984,297.27                             376,704,808.53
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                                           -217,614,297.27                            -15,461,456.53
IV. Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes on cash and cash                                     53,593.94                                -84,258.97
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                           -409,900,929.50                            106,248,674.18
     Add: Opening balance of
                                                           977,171,814.20                             797,724,311.37
cash and cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and
                                                           567,270,884.70                             903,972,985.55
cash equivalents

Legal representative: Chen Yugang                        Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Wang Hangjun

Chief of the accounting division: Shen Xueying

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
               Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2014                            Jan.-Jun 2013
I. Cash flows from operating
   Cash received from sale of
commodities and rendering of                                 27,194,186.50                             24,902,565.48
  Tax refunds received
  Other cash received relating to
                                                           327,703,905.77                             450,266,959.21
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                           354,898,092.27                             475,169,524.69
operating activities
   Cash paid    for    goods   and
                                                             40,238,144.48                              1,348,197.67
  Cash paid to and for employees                             11,337,003.08                              9,743,795.96
  Various taxes paid                                          3,867,339.21                              6,125,642.41
  Other cash payment relating to
                                                           790,100,547.89                             912,265,600.56
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from                             845,543,034.66                             929,483,236.60

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                                            -490,644,942.39                           -454,313,711.91
II. Cash flows from investing
   Cash received from retraction
                                                            280,000,000.00                             195,000,000.00
of investments
  Cash received from return on
                                                               4,009,800.00                             14,939,600.00
  Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets                                                                            4,198.00
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other business
     Other cash received relating
to investing activities
       Subtotal of cash inflows
                                                            284,009,800.00                             209,943,798.00
from investing activities
  Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                              648,059.00                                102,573.00
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment
  Net cash paid to acquire
subsidiaries and other business
  Other cash payments relating to
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                                 648,059.00                                102,573.00
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing
                                                            283,361,741.00                             209,841,225.00
III. Cash Flows from Financing
   Cash received from capital
    Cash       received       from
                                                            271,370,000.00                             240,000,000.00
    Cash received from issuance
of bonds
    Other cash received relating to
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                            271,370,000.00                             240,000,000.00
financing activities

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

   Repayment of borrowings                                 240,000,000.00
    Cash    paid    for interest
expenses and distribution of                               156,942,914.41                               1,400,000.00
dividends or profit
      Other cash payments relating
                                                                208,000.00                                282,000.00
to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                           397,150,914.41                               1,682,000.00
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                                           -125,780,914.41                            238,318,000.00
IV. Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes on cash and cash                                  -393,186.04
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                           -333,457,301.84                             -6,154,486.91
     Add: Opening balance of
                                                           420,568,966.65                             399,641,751.92
cash and cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and
                                                             87,111,664.81                            393,487,265.01
cash equivalents

Legal representative: Chen Yugang                        Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Wang Hangjun

Chief of the accounting division: Shen Xueying

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.
Jan.-Jun. 2014
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                 Jan.-Jun. 2014
                                      Equity attributable to owners of the Company
           Item               capital          Less: Specifi Surplu Genera Retain        Minority
                                      Capital                                                      owners’
                                (or           treasur    c       s     l risk  ed Others interests
                                      reserve                                                       equity
                               share          y stock reserve reserve reserve profit
                             595,97 120,08                     121,54           972,27
I. Balance at the end of the                                                            -7,098, 862,087. 1,803,64
                              9,092. 6,646.4                    2,385.          1,884.9
previous year                                                                           716.51       06 3,379.74
                                 00        3                       81                 5
  Add:      change       of
accounting policy
  Correction of errors in

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

previous periods
                               595,97 120,08                     121,54           972,27
II.   Balance     at     the                                                              -7,098, 862,087. 1,803,64
                                9,092. 6,646.4                    2,385.          1,884.9
beginning of the year                                                                     716.51       06 3,379.74
                                   00        3                       81                 5
III. Increase/ decrease in                                                         -36,92
                                       -135,1                                             447,99              -36,607,3
the period (“-” means                                                           0,235.5
                                        12.50                                               3.19                  54.82
decrease)                                                                               1
  (I) Net profit                                                                  4,537.4
  (II)             Other                                                                    447,99             447,993.
comprehensive incomes                                                                         3.19                  19
                                                                                          447,99              112,522,5
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                        4,537.4
                                                                                            3.19                  30.68
  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners
    1. Capital paid in by
     2.    Amounts   of
share-based    payments
recognized in owners’
    3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                                        94,773.
     1. Appropriations to
surplus reserves
    2. Appropriations to
general risk provisions
    3. Appropriations to                                                                                      -148,994,
owners (or shareholders)                                                                                        773.00
    4. Other
  (V)            Internal
carry-forward of owners’
     1. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from     capital   public
    2. New increase of

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(VI) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
                                      -135,1                                                                 -135,112.
(VII) Other
                                       12.50                                                                       50
                              595,97 119,95                     121,54           935,35
                                                                                         -6,650, 862,087. 1,767,03
IV. Closing balance            9,092. 1,533.9                    2,385.          1,649.4
                                                                                         723.32       06 6,024.92
                                  00        3                       81                 4
Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                  Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                      Equity attributable to owners of the Company
              Item            capital          Less: Specifi Surplu Genera Retain        Minority
                                      Capital                                                      owners’
                                (or           treasur    c       s     l risk  ed Others interests
                                      reserve                                                       equity
                               share          y stock reserve reserve reserve profit
                             595,97                             102,88           746,09
I. Balance at the end of the         63,783,                                             -5,882, 862,087. 1,503,71
                              9,092.                             2,532.          1,174.8
previous year                        019.03                                              902.45       06 5,002.59
                                 00                                 15                 0
  Add:       retrospective
adjustment due to business
combination under the
same control
  Add:      change       of
accounting policy
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
                              595,97                            102,88           746,09
II.   Balance     at    the           63,783,                                            -5,882, 862,087. 1,503,71
                               9,092.                            2,532.          1,174.8
beginning of the year                 019.03                                             902.45       06 5,002.59
                                  00                                15                 0
III. Increase/ decrease in                                                       353,60
                                                                                         -704,2               352,896,
the period (“-” means                                                          0,992.8
                                                                                          79.71                713.10
decrease)                                                                              1
  (I) Net profit                                                                 353,60                       353,600,

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                 0,992.8                        992.81
  (II)             Other                                                                   -704,2            -704,279.
comprehensive incomes                                                                       79.71                  71
                                                                                         -704,2               352,896,
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                       0,992.8
                                                                                          79.71                713.10
  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners
    1. Capital paid in by
     2.    Amounts   of
share-based    payments
recognized in owners’
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution
     1. Appropriations to
surplus reserves
     2. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(V) Specific reserve
     1. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from     capital   public
     2. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(VI) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
(VII) Other
                              595,97                            102,88           1,099,6
                                      63,783,                                            -6,587, 862,087. 1,856,611
IV. Closing balance            9,092.                            2,532.          92,167.
                                      019.03                                             182.16       06 ,715.69
                                  00                                15               61

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Legal representative: Chen Yugang                           Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Wang Hangjun

Chief of the accounting division: Shen Xueying

8. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.
Jan.-Jun. 2014
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Jan.-Jun. 2014
                                                          Less:                          General            Total
            Item                   capital    Capital            Specific     Surplus            Retained
                                                        treasury                           risk           owners’
                                  (or share   reserve            reserve      reserve             profit
                                                          stock                          reserve           equity
I. Balance at the end of the 595,979, 94,057,8                                120,885,               404,561, 1,215,48
previous year                 092.00     59.68                                 575.37                 723.77 4,250.82
  Add:       change          of
accounting policy
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning 595,979, 94,057,8                                120,885,               404,561, 1,215,48
of the year                   092.00     59.68                                 575.37                 723.77 4,250.82
III. Increase/ decrease in the                                                                      -145,329, -145,329,
period (“-” means decrease)                                                                         706.99 706.99
                                                                                                     3,665,06 3,665,06
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                         6.01     6.01
   (II) Other comprehensive
                                                                                                     3,665,06 3,665,06
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                                                                         6.01     6.01
  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners
    1. Capital paid in by
     2.     Amounts    of
share-based      payments
recognized   in   owners’
     3. Others
                                                                                                    -148,994, -148,994,
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                                                                      773.00 773.00
     1. Appropriations to
surplus reserves

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

    2. Appropriations to
general risk provisions
    3. Appropriations to                                                                            -148,994, -148,994,
owners (or shareholders)                                                                              773.00 773.00
     4. Other
  (V)            Internal
carry-forward of owners’
     1. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(VI) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
(VII) Other
                                  595,979, 94,057,8                           120,885,               259,232, 1,070,15
IV. Closing balance
                                   092.00     59.68                            575.37                 016.78 4,543.83
Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                          Less:                          General            Total
              Item                 capital    Capital            Specific     Surplus            Retained
                                                        treasury                           risk           owners’
                                  (or share   reserve            reserve      reserve             profit
                                                          stock                          reserve           equity
I. Balance at the end of the 595,979, 37,754,2                                102,225,               292,623, 1,028,58
previous year                 092.00     32.28                                 721.71                 040.83 2,086.82
  Add:       change          of
accounting policy
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning 595,979, 37,754,2                                102,225,               292,623, 1,028,58
of the year                   092.00     32.28                                 721.71                 040.83 2,086.82
III. Increase/ decrease in the                                                                       40,159,1 40,159,1
period (“-” means decrease)                                                                           41.82    41.82
  (I) Net profit                                                                                     40,159,1 40,159,1

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                                       41.82      41.82
   (II) Other comprehensive
                                                                                                    40,159,1 40,159,1
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                                                                       41.82    41.82
  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners
    1. Capital paid in by
     2.     Amounts    of
share-based      payments
recognized   in   owners’
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution
     1. Appropriations       to
surplus reserves
    2. Appropriations        to
general risk provisions
    3. Appropriations to
owners (or shareholders)
     4. Other
   (V) Internal carry-forward
of owners’ equity
     1. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(VI) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
(VII) Other
                                  595,979, 37,754,2                          102,225,               332,782, 1,068,74
IV. Closing balance
                                   092.00     32.28                           721.71                 182.65 1,228.64

Legal representative: Chen Yugang                          Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Wang Hangjun

Chief of the accounting division: Shen Xueying

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

(III) Company Profile
Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “company ” or “the
Company”) was incorporated based on the reconstruction of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development Co.,
Ltd. after obtaining approval of ZFBF [1991] No. 831 from People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality. The
registration number of Business License for Enterprises as Legal Person is ZQFZ No. 440301103570124.
1. Registered capital of the Company
The registered capital of the Company was RMB 541, 799,175 after bonus issue of shares on the basis of one
share for every existing 10 shares based on existing paid-in capital of the Company in 1996 and it changes to
RMB 595,979,092 after bonus issue of shares on the basis of one share for every existing 10 shares based on
previous paid-in capital of RMB 541,799,175 in 2009.
2. Registered office, organization form and headquarter address of the Company
Registered office: Shenzhen Municipal, Guangdong Province, PRC
Organization form: joint-stock company with limited liability
Headquarter address: 39th and 42nd Floor, International Trade Center, Renmin South Road, Shenzhen.
3. Nature of the business and main business scope of the Company
The business scope of the Company and its subsidiaries includes development and sale of commodity premises,
construction and management of buildings, lease of properties, supervision of construction, domestic trading and
materials supply and marketing (excluding exclusive dealing and monopoly sold products and commodities under
special control to purchase).
4. About the controlling shareholder of the Company and the Group
By the end of the reporting period, the controlling shareholder of the Company is still Shenzhen Construction
Investment Holdings in register book. In 2004, People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality incorporated
Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings with the other two municipal asset management companies, namely
Shenzhen Investment Management Corporation and Shenzhen Trade and Business Holding Company, and
established Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. Thus, the Company’s actual controlling shareholder is
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., a sole state-funded limited company, who was established in Oct. 13,
2004; its legal representative is Mr. Chen Hongbo and the registered capital is RMB 5.6 billion. Its main business
scope is providing guarantee to municipal state-owned enterprises, management of state-owned equity, assets
reorganization, reformation, capital operation, and equity investment of enterprises and etc. As a government
department, Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau manage Shenzhen Investment
Holdings Co., Ltd. on behalf of People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality. Thus, the final controller of the
Company is Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau.
5. Authorization and date of issuing the financial statements
The financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the 17th session of the 7th board of directors of
the Company on 11 Aug. 2014.

I V . Main accounting policies, accounting estimates and corrections of prior accounting

1. Basis for preparation of financial statements
The company recognizes and measures transactions occurred according to Chinese Accounting Standards – Basic
standard and other related accounting standards, prepares the financial statements based on accrual accounting and
the underlying assumption of going concern.

2. Statement of compliance with Enterprise accounting standards
The company's financial statements comply with the requirements of Accounting Standards; the company's

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

financial position, operating results, changes in shareholder's equity and cash flow, and other relevant information
are truly and completely disclosed in financial statements.

3. Fiscal year
The Company adopts the Gregorian calendar for its accounting period, starting on January 1 and ending on
December 31 of the year.

4. Recording currency
Renminbi (RMB) is used as the recording currency.
Recording currency of overseas subsidiaries:
The overseas subsidiaries adopt the currency in its main operating environment as the recording currency, and
then translated it into RMB while preparing the financial statements.

5. Accounting method of business combination under the common control and not under the common
(1) Business combination under the same control
The Company adopts equity method for business combination under common control. The assets and liabilities
that the combining party obtained in a business combination shall be measured on their carrying amount in the
combined party on the combining date. The difference between the carrying amount of net assets acquired by the
combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued)
shall be adjusted to capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is
adjusted respectively. The business combination costs that are directly attributable to the combination, such as
audit fees, valuation fees, and legal service fees and so on are recognized in profit or loss during the current period
when they occurred. The bonds issued for a business combination or the handling fees, commissions and other
expenses for bearing other liabilities shall be recorded in the amount of initial measurement of the bonds or other
debts. The handling fees, commissions and other expenses for the issuance of equity securities for the business
combination shall be credited against the surplus of equity securities; if the surplus is not sufficient, the retained
earnings shall be offset. Where a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary company is formed due
to a business combination, the parent company shall, on the combining date, prepare consolidated financial
statements according to the accounting policy of the Company.
(2) Business combination not under the same control
The Company adopts acquisition method for business combination not under common control. The acquirer shall
recognize the initial cost of combination under the following principles:
①When business combination is achieved through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a business
combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or
assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquiree;
②For the business combination involved more than one exchange transaction, accounting treatments will be
carried out separately on individual and consolidated financial statements as the followings:
A. In the individual financial statements, the initial investment cost of the particular project will be the sum of
book value of equity in the entity before the date of acquisition and the newly added investment cost; When the
share equity before the date of acquisition involves with other integrated gains, such gains (such as the part of fair
value of the sellable financial assets accounted into capital reserves, same for the followings) are transferred into
current investment income account.
B. In the consolidated financial statements, the share equity in the acquired entity before the date of acquisition is
recalculated upon the fair value of the equity at the date of acquisition. The balance between the fair value and
book value shall be accounted into current investment income account; when the share equity before the date of
acquisition involves with other integrated gains, such gains are transferred into investment income account of the
period when it occurred. Within the notes of financial statement, the acquirer shall be disclosed the fair value (on
the merger date) of the shareholdings of the bargainer hold and profits or losses recognized by the revaluation.

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

③Agency expenses and other administrative expenses such as auditing, legal consulting, or appraisal services
occurred relating to the merger of entities are accounted into current income account when occurred; The
transaction fees of equity certificates or liability certificates issued by the purchaser for payment for the
acquisition are accounted at the initial amount of the certificates.
④Where a business combination contract or agreement provides for a future event which may adjust the cost of
combination, the Company shall include the amount of the adjustment in the cost of the combination at the
acquisition date if the future event leading to the adjustment is probable and the amount of the adjustment can be
measured reliably.

The acquirer shall, on the acquisition date, measure the assets given and liabilities incurred or assumed by an
enterprise for a business combination in light of their fair value, and shall record the balances between them and
their carrying amounts into the profits and losses at the current period.

The acquirer shall distribute the combination costs on the acquisition date, and shall recognize all identifiable
assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it obtains from the acquiree. (1) the acquirer shall recognize the
difference that the combination costs are over the fair value of the identifiable net assets obtained from acquiree as
goodwill; (2) if the combination costs are less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets obtained from
acquiree, the acquirer shall reexamine the measurement of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and
contingent liabilities obtained from the acquiree as well as the combination costs; and then after the reexamination,
the result is still the same, the difference shall be recorded in the profit and loss of the current period.

Where a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary company is formed due to a business
combination, the parent company shall prepare accounting books for future reference, which shall record the fair
value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained from the subsidiary company on the
acquisition date. When preparing consolidated financial statements, it shall adjust the financial statements of the
subsidiary company on the basis of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
determined on the acquisition date according to the Company’s accounting policy of “Consolidated financial

6. Relevant specific accounting policy of disposing the equity step by step till lose the control right

(1) Principle of judgment of “package deal”

If the regulations, conditions and its economic influences of each deal of disposing the equity investment of the
subsidiary met with following one or more kinds of situations, it indicated that the multiple transactions would
consolidate as package deal for accounting treatment: ①these transactions are formatted under the situation of
contemporary or considering of the mutual influences; ②only the entirety of these transactions could achieve a
complete commercial result; ③the happen of one transaction depends on at least the happen of other one
transaction; ④to see independently of one transaction is not economic while to considered with other transactions
are economic.

(2) Accounting treatment methods of “package deal”

If the each transaction of disposing the equity investment of the subsidiaries till lose the control right which
belongs to package deal, each transaction would be executed accounting treatment as a transaction of disposing

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

the subsidiaries that lose the control right; however, before losing the control right, for the balance between each
disposal of the remuneration and the corresponding shares of net assets of investing the subsidiary, would be
confirmed as other comprehensive benefits in the consolidate financial statement and would be transferred into the
current gains and losses of losing the control right when losing it. If not belongs to the package deal, before losing
the control right, or when losing it, should execute the accounting treatment according to the aforesaid situation of
not losing the control right to dispose party equity investment of the subsidiaries as well as according to the
accounting policy of losing the control right of the original subsidiaries.
If the regulations, conditions and its economic influences of each deal of disposing the equity investment of the
subsidiary met with following one or more kinds of situations, it indicated that the multiple transactions would
consolidate as package deal for accounting treatment: ①these transactions are formatted under the situation of
contemporary or considering of the mutual influences; ②only the entirety of these transactions could achieve a
complete commercial result; ③the happen of one transaction depends on at least the happen of other one
transaction; ④to see independently of one transaction is not economic while to considered with other transactions
are economic.
Execute the accounting treatment of the several financial statements of disposing the equity step by step till lose
the control right according to the accounting policy of disposing the long-term equity investment.

(3) Accounting treatment methods of non “package deal”

If not belongs to the package deal, before losing the control right, or when losing it, should execute the accounting
treatment according to the aforesaid situation of not losing the control right to dispose party equity investment of
the subsidiaries as well as according to the accounting policy of losing the control right of the original

7. Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
(1) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

(1) Consolidated scope

Consolidated financial statements are included all subsidiaries of the parent.

When the parent owns, directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, more than half of the voting power of the investee
company, the investee company is regarding as subsidiary and included in the consolidated financial statements. If
the parent owns half or less of the voting power of an entity when there is any following condition incurred, the
investee company is regarding as subsidiary and included consolidated financial statements.

A. power over more than half of the voting rights by virtue of an agreement with other investors;

B. power to govern the financial and operating policies of the entity under a statute or an agreement;

C. power to appoint or remove the majority of the members of the board of directors or equivalent governing body;

D. power to cast the majority of votes at meetings of the board of directors or equivalent governing body and control
of the entity is by that board or body.

If there is evidence suggesting that no control of the investee company exists, the investee company does not be
included in the consolidated financial statements.

(2) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of individual subsidiaries which are
included in the consolidation scope and prepared after adjustment of long-term equity investment under equity
method and elimination effect of intra-group transaction.

(3) Statement of minority interests and profits or losses

The portion of the equity of the subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is presented as minority interest in the
consolidated balance sheet.

The portion of the profit or loss of the subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is presented as minority interest
in the consolidated income statement.

(4) Accounting treatment of excess losses

When the share of losses attributable to the minor shareholders has exceeded their shares in the shareholders’ equity
at the beginning of term, the shareholders’ equity shall be deducted thereof.

(5) Accounting treatment on increase or decrease of the subsidiaries during the reporting period
For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the common control, when the
consolidated balance sheet for the current period are being prepared, the amount at the beginning of the period in the
consolidated balance sheet is made corresponding modification. For addition business combination not under
common control during the reporting period, the Company makes no adjustment for the amount at the beginning of
the period in the consolidated balance sheet. When disposing subsidiary during the reporting period, the Company
makes no adjustment for the amount at the beginning of the period in the consolidated balance sheet.

For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the common control, when the
consolidated income statement for the current period are being prepared, revenue, expense and profit for the period
from the beginning of the consolidated period to the year end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated
income statement, and included the consolidate cash flow from the period-begin to the period-end of the
subsidiary into the consolidate cash flow statement. For addition business combination not under common control
during the reporting period, revenue, expense and profit for the period from acquisition date to the year end of the
reporting period is included in the consolidated income statement and included the consolidate cash flow from the
purchasing date to the period-end of the subsidiary into the consolidate cash flow statement. When disposing
subsidiary during the reporting period, revenue, expense and profit for the period from the beginning to the disposal
date are included in the consolidated income statement.
When losing the control right of the original subsidiary owing to the disposing of party equity investment or other
reasons, for the remaining equity investment after the disposing, should be remeasured according to the fair value
of the date of losing the control right. The amount of the sum between the consideration of disposing the equity
and the fair value of the remaining equity that minus the balance between the shares of net assets that gained from
the original subsidiaries by continuously calculation according the original shareholding ratio since the purchasing
date should accrued into the current investment benefits of losing the control right. The other comprehensive
benefits related to the equity investment of the original subsidiaries should be transferred into the current
investment benefits when losing the control right.
The balance between the newly gained long-term equity investment owning to the purchasing of the minority
equities and the net identifiable assets enjoyed from the subsidiaries according to the newly increased
shareholding ratio, and the balance between the dispose of remuneration which gained from the partly depose of
the equity investment of the subsidiaries under the situation of not losing the control right and the corresponding
shares of net assets from the subsidiaries when disposing the long-term equity investment, should both adjust the

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

share premium of the capital surplus of the consolidate balance sheet. If the share premium of the capital surplus
is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is adjusted respectively.

(2) As for the event about purchasing and then selling (or selling and then purchasing) equities of the same
subsidiary, the Company shall disclose relevant accounting treatment methods.


8. Recognition standards for cash and cash equivalents
Cash equivalent is defined as the short-term (normally matured within three months after purchased date),
highly-liquid investment which is easily transferred into cash and has low risk of change of value.

9. Foreign currency and accounting method for foreign currency
(1) Foreign currency business
Any transaction is converted into the accounting standard currency according to the approximate exchange rate of
the sight rate on the occurrence date of the transaction. The Company adopts the middle exchange rate announced
by the People's Bank of China at last year end as current exchange rate.
Treatment of foreign currency exchange difference: On balance sheet date, the Company accounts for monetary
and non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies as follows: a) monetary items denominated in foreign
currencies are translated at the foreign exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. Foreign exchange gains and
losses arising from the difference between the balance sheet date exchange rate and the exchange rate ruling at the
time of initial recognition or the exchange rate ruling at the last balance sheet date are recognized in income
statement; b) Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated
using the current exchange rates ruling at the transaction dates. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign
currencies that are stated at fair value are translated using the current exchange rates ruling at the dates the fair
value was determined, the difference between the amount of functional currency after translation and the original
amount of functional currency is treated as part of change in fair value (including change in exchange rate) and
recognized in income statement. During the capitalization period, exchange differences arising from foreign
currency borrowings are capitalized as part of the cost of the capitalized assets.
(2) Translations of financial statements in foreign currencies
The Company translates the financial statements of its foreign operation in accordance with the following
provisions: a) the asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate ruling at
the balance sheet date. Among the owner's equity items, except the ones as "retained earnings", others shall be
translated at the spot exchange rate ruling at the time when they occurred; b) The income and expense items in the
income statements shall be translated at an exchange rate which is determined in a systematic and reasonable way
and is approximate to the spot exchange rate (calculated by the average of starting rate and closing rate on the
reporting period) ruling at the transaction date. The foreign exchange difference arisen from the translation of
foreign currency financial statements shall be presented separately under the owner's equity in the balance sheet.
The translation of comparative financial statements shall be subject to the aforesaid provisions.

10. Financial instruments
(1) Category of financial instruments
The Company recognizes a financial asset or financial liability on its balance sheet when, and only when, the
Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

The Company based on the reasons such as risks management, investment strategies and objective of holding the
financial assets, classifies the financial assets into the following four categories: a) financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss; b) held-to-maturity investments; c) loans and receivables; and d) available-for-sale financial
The Company's financial liabilities are classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, and
other financial liabilities.

(2) Recognition and measurement of financial liabilities
The Company recognizes a financial asset or financial liability on its balance sheet when, and only when, the
Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
The financial assets are initially recognized at fair value. Gains or losses arising from a change in the fair value of
a financial asset at fair value through profit or loss is recognized in profit or loss when it incurred and relevant
transaction costs are recognized as expense when it incurred. For other financial assets, the transaction costs are
recognized as costs of the financial assets.
Subsequent measurement of financial assets

A. A financial asset at fair value through profit or loss includes financial assets held for trading and financial
assets designated by the Company as at fair value through profit or loss. The Company subsequently measures the
financial asset at fair value through profit or loss at fair value and recognizes the gain or loss arising from a
change in the fair value of a financial asset at fair value through profit or loss as profit or loss in the current

B. Held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. A gain or loss
is recognized in profit or loss during the current period when the financial asset is derecognized or impaired and
through the amortization process.

C. Loans and receivables are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. A gain or loss is
recognized in profit or loss during the current period when the financial asset is derecognized or impaired and
through the amortization process.

D. Available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value and the gain or loss arising from a change in the
fair value of available-for-sale financial assets is recognized as capital reserve which is transferred into profit or
loss when it is impaired or derecognized. Interests or cash dividends during the holding period are recognized in
profit or loss for the current period.
Financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value. For the financial liability at fair value through profit or loss
at its fair value, relevant transaction costs are recognized as expense when it incurred. For the other financial
liabilities, relevant transaction costs are recognized as costs.
Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities
A. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading and financial
assets designated by the Company as at fair value through profit or loss. The Company recognizes a financial
liability at fair value through profit or loss at its fair value. A gain or loss of change in fair value is recognized in
the profit or loss of the current period.
B. Other financial liabilities are measured by amortized cost using effective interest rate.

(3) Recognition and accounting method for transfer of financial assets
The Company derecognizes financial assets when the Company transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

ownership of the financial assets. On derecognizing of a financial asset in its entirety, the difference between the
follows is recognized in profit or loss of the current period.
①the carrying amount of transferring financial assets;
②the sum of the consideration received and any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognized directly in
equity (including financial assets transferred to available for sale category).
If the transferred asset is part of a larger financial asset and the part transferred qualifies for derecognizing in its
entirety, the previous carrying amount of the larger financial asset is allocated between the part that continues to
be recognized and the part that is derecognized, based on the relative fair values of those parts on the date of the
transfer. The difference between the follows is recognized in profit or loss of the current period.
①the carrying amount allocated to the part derecognized;
②the sum of the consideration received for the part derecognized and any cumulative gain or loss allocated to it
that had been recognized directly in equity (including financial assets transferred to available for sale category).
A cumulative gain or loss that had been recognized in equity is allocated between the part that continues to be
recognized and the part that is derecognized, based on the relative fair values of those parts.
If a transfer does not qualify for derecognizing, the Company continues to recognize the transferred asset in its
entirety and shall recognize a financial liability for the consideration received.
When the Company continues to recognize a financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement, the
Company also recognizes an associated liability. The transferred asset and the associated liability are measured on
a basis that reflects the rights and obligations that the Company has retained.

(4) Derecognizing conditions of financial liabilities

If the whole or partly of the current obligation of the financial liabilities of the Company is relieved, should
derecognize the financial liabilities or partly of it. The Company signs an agreement with the creditors is of the
method by undertaking the new financial liabilities to replace the current financial liabilities. if the new financial
liabilities are different from the current one on the essence of contract terms, should derecognize the current
financial liabilities and recognize the new one at the same time.
If the whole or partly of the financial liabilities had derecognized, should derecognize balance between partly of
the book value and the paid consideration (including the turned out non-cash assets or the new financial liabilities)
and accrued into the current gains and losses.

(5) Recognition method for fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

① If there is an active market for the financial instrument, the fair value is quoted prices in the active market. The
offer of the active market refers to the prices that are liable to receive from the exchange, broker’s agency,
industry association and pricing service institution, etc, which represent the prices of the market dealing that
actually occurs in the fair dealing.
② If the market for a financial instrument is not active, the Company establishes fair value by using a proper
valuation technique on the basis of conservatism principle. The result by adopting the valuation technique reflect
the transaction value possible be adopted in the fair dealing on the valuation date. The valuation technique
includes the prices using in the recently market dealing between the parties which had referred to and knew of the
situation and decided to trade voluntary, the current fair value referred to the same other financial instrument in
essence, the discount cash flow method and options pricing model etc.

(6) Withdrawal of impairment provision for financial assets (excluding accounts receivable)

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

A. The Company assesses the carrying amount of the financial assets except the financial asset at fair value
through profit or loss at each balance sheet date, if there is any objective evidence that a financial asset or group of
financial assets is impaired, the Company shall recognize impairment loss.
B. The objective evidences that the Company uses to determine the impairment are as follows:
a)significant financial difficulty of the issuer or obligor;
b)a breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments;
c)the lender, for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial difficulty, granting to the borrower
a concession that the lender would not otherwise consider;
d)it becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;
e)the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties;
f)observable data indicating that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows from a group of
financial assets since the initial recognition of those assets, although the decrease cannot yet be identified with the
individual financial assets in the group, including: (i) Adverse changes in the payment status of borrowers in the
group or (ii) an increase in the unemployment rate in the geographical area of the borrowers, a decrease in
property prices for mortgages in the relevant area, or adverse changes in industry conditions that affect the
g)significant changes with an adverse effect that have taken place in the technological, market, economic or legal
environment in which the borrower operates, and indicates that the cost of the investment in the equity instrument
may not be recovered;
h)a significant or non-temporary decrease in fair value of equity investment instruments;
i)other objective evidences showing the impairment of the financial assets.
C. Measurement of impairment loss of financial assets
a)held-to-maturity investments, loans and receivables
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on loans and receivables or held-to-maturity investments
carried at amortized cost has been incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the
asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows. The amount of the loss is recognized
in profit or loss of the current period.
The Company assesses whether objective evidence of impairment exists individually for financial assets that are
individually significant, and individually or collectively for financial assets that are not individually significant. If
the Company determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial
asset, whether significant or not, it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk
characteristics and collectively assesses them for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed for impairment
and for which an impairment loss is or continues to be recognized are not included in a collective assessment of
The Company performs impairment test for receivables and provide bad debt provisions at the balance sheet date.
For the individually significant receivables and not individually significant receivables, the impairment tests are
both carried on individually. If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on loans and receivables, the
Company provides provision for impairment loss for the amount which is measured as the difference between the
asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows.
If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively
to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss of financial
asset measured at amortized cost is be reversed. The amount of the reversal is recognized in profit or loss of the
current period.
b)Available-for-sale financial assets
The Company takes the individual investment of impairment test for available-for-sale financial assets. On the
balance sheet date, it could judge whether the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets are seriously or
non-temporary decline: if the decline of the fair value of the individual available-for-sale financial assets exceeds
50% of the cost, or had continuously declined for over 12 months, should be recognized the available-for-sale
financial assets had decreased and should recognized the impairment losses according to the impairment provision
for the balance between the cost and the fair value. The cost at the period-end of available-for-sale financial assets
is the amortized cost which is initially measured according to the investment cost when receiving and is calculated

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

by the weighted average method when selling.
When a decline in the fair value of an available-for-sale financial asset has been recognized directly in equity, the
cumulative loss that had been recognized directly in equity is removed from equity and recognized in profit or loss
even though the financial asset has not been derecognized.
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on an unquoted equity instrument that is
not carried at fair value because its fair value cannot be reliably measured, or on a derivative asset that is linked to
and must be settled by delivery of such an unquoted equity instrument, the amount of the impairment loss is
measured as the difference between the carrying amount of the financial asset and the present value of estimated
future cash flows discounted at the current market rate of return for a similar financial asset. Such impairment
losses are recognized in the profit or loss of the current period.
If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument classified as available for sale increases and the
increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized in profit or loss,
the impairment loss is reversed, with the amount of the reversal recognized in profit or loss of the current period.
Impairment losses recognized in profit or loss for an investment in an equity instrument classified as available for
sale is not reversed through profit or loss. For impairment loss has been incurred on an unquoted equity
instrument that is not carried at fair value because its fair value cannot be reliably measured, or on a derivative
asset that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of such an unquoted equity instrument, the impairment loss
is not reversed through profit or loss.
Each affirmation standard of each financial assets impairment available-for-sale

(7) As for event about reclassifying the undue held-to-maturity investment into available-for-sale financial
assets, the Company shall state the basis of changes in holding purpose or ability
A. No available financial resources continuously providing the funds support for the financial assets to make them
hold to maturity;
B. It’s hard for the Company to hold the financial assets to maturity due to the restriction of laws and
administrative regulations;
C. Other situations showing that the Company has not the ability to hold the financial assets with fixed term to

11. Recognition criteria and withdrawal methods for bad debts provision of accounts

(1) Bad debt provision for individually significant accounts receivable

Judgement basis or monetary standards of provision for
                                                       Amount of individual receivable is greater than
bad debts of the individually significant accounts
                                                       RMB 2 millions (and including 2 millions)
                                                    On balance sheet day, the impairment test is carried
                                                    on individually for the individually significant
                                                    receivables; if it is impaired after the impairment
Method of individual provision for bad debts of the
                                                    test, the Company provides provision for
individually significant accounts receivable
                                                    impairment loss for the amount which is measured
                                                    as the difference between the asset's carrying
                                                    amount and the present value of estimated future

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                             cash flows, and withdraws relevant bad debt

(2) Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

                                 Withdrawal method of
       Name of group             bad debt provision on                    Recognition basis of group
                                    the group basis
                                                          Receivables among the Company and its subsidiaries
Group 1                         Other method              within the consolidation scope which prove not
                                                          impaired after individual tests
                                                          As for other receivables which prove not impaired after
                                                          individual tests than those in Portfolio 1, considering
                                                          the current situation, the Company determines the
Group 2                         Aging analysis method     bad-debt provisions ratio for them based on the actual
                                                          loss ratio of the receivable portfolio in previous years
                                                          with the same or similar account age or the similar
                                                          credit risk.
In the groups, adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                   Withdrawal proportion for           Withdrawal proportion for other accounts
                                    accounts receivable (%)                        receivable (%)
Within 1 year (including 1
                                                            3.00%                                              3.00%
1-2 years                                                  10.00%                                             10.00%
2-3 years                                                  30.00%                                             30.00%
3-4 years                                                  50.00%                                             50.00%
4-5 years                                                  80.00%                                             80.00%
Over 5 years                                              100.00%                                            100.00%
In the groups, adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
√ Applicable □Inapplicable
                Name of group                                             Note of method
                                               Receivables among the Company and its subsidiaries within the
Group 1                                        consolidation scope which prove not impaired after individual
                                               tests. Such group shall not be withdrawn bad debts provision.

(3) Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad debt provision is made

Reason of individually withdrawing The receivable which is individually insignificant but the credit risk is
bad debt provision                 high, objective evidence to indicate impairment.
Withdrawal method for bad debt The impairment test is carries out individually, the Company recognizes

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

provision                                provision for impairment loss for the amount which is measured as the
                                         difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present value of
                                         estimated future cash flows, and withdraws relevant bad debts provision.
12. Inventory
(1) Classification
Inventories of the Company include raw materials, finished goods, and low-value consumption goods, land use
right held for real estate development, properties under development and completed properties for sale.
Reorganization of inventory: the Company confirms the inventory when meeting the following conditions at the
same time: ① the economic benefits related to the inventory possibility would flow into the enterprise; ② the
cost of the inventory could be reliably calculated.

(2) Pricing method for outgoing inventories
Pricing method: Specific identification method
Property inventories are measured at actual cost incurred, comprising the borrowing cost designated for real estate
development before completion of developing properties. Completed saleable property inventories are measured
using average unit area cost method. Other kinds of inventories are measured at actual cost incurred, and when the
inventories are transferred out or issued for use, cost of the inventories is determined using weighted average cost
(3) Recognition basis of net realizable value and withdrawal method of depreciation reserves for inventories
Inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value at the balance sheet date. Where the net
realizable value is lower than the cost, the difference shall be recognized as provision for impairment of
inventories and charged to profit or loss.
①Estimation of net realizable value:
Estimates of net realizable value are based on the most reliable evidence available at the time the estimates are
made, of the amount the inventories are expected to realize. These estimates take into consideration the purpose
for which the inventory is held and the influence of post balance sheet events.
Materials and other supplies held for use in the production are measured at cost if the net realizable value of the
finished goods in which they will be incorporated is higher than their cost. However, when a decline in the price
of materials indicates that the cost of the finished products will exceed their net realizable value, the materials are
measured at net realizable value.
The net realizable value of inventories held to satisfy sales or service contracts is generally based on the contract
If the quantity specified in sales contracts is less than the inventory quantities held by the Company, the net
realizable value of the excess shall be based on general selling prices.
②The Company generally provides provision for impairment of inventory individually.
For large quantity and low value items of inventories, cost and net realizable value are determined based on
categories of inventories.
Where certain items of inventory have similar purposes or end uses and relate to the same product line produced
and marketed in the same geographical area, and therefore cannot be practicably evaluated separately from other
items in that product line, costs and net realizable values of those items may be determined on an aggregate basis.

(4) Inventory system for inventories
Inventory system for inventories: Perpetual inventory system

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

The inventory system for inventories is perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles
Low-value consumption goods
Amortization method: one-off amortization method
The amortization of the low-value consumption goods are by one-off amortization method.
Packing articles
Amortization method:

13. Long-term equity investment
(1) Recognition of initial investment cost
The Company initially measures long-term equity investments under two conditions:
①For long-term equity investment arising from business combination, the initial cost is recognized under the
following principles.
A. If the business combination is under the common control and the acquirer obtains long-term equity investment
in the consideration of cash, non-monetary asset exchange or bearing acquiree’s liabilities, the initial cost is the
carrying amount of the proportion of the acquiree’s owner’s equity at the acquisition date. The difference between
cash paid, the carrying amount of the non-monetary asset exchanged and the acquiree’s liabilities beard and the
initial cost of the long-term equity investment should be adjusted to capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not
sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is adjusted respectively. The business combination costs that are
directly attributable to the combination, such as audit fees, valuation fees, legal service fees and so on are
recognized in profit or loss during the current period when they occurred.
If the acquirer issuing equity securities as consideration, the initial cost is the carrying amount of the proportion of
the acquiree’s owner’s equity at the acquisition date. Amount of share capital equal to the par value of the shares
issued. The difference between initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the par value of shares issued is
adjusted to capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is adjusted
respectively. The costs of issuing equity securities occurred in business combination such as charges of security
issuing and commissions are deducted from the premium of equity securities. If the premium is not sufficient for
deducting, retained earning is adjusted respectively.
B. If the business combination is not under the common control, the acquirer recognizes the initial cost of
combination under the following principles.
a) When business combination is achieved through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a business
combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or
assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquiree;
b) For a business combination that involves more than one exchange transaction, the initial investment cost is the
summation of the book value of the equity interests of the acquiree held by the Company before the acquisition
date and the new investment cost on the acquisition date;
c) The fees incurred for audit, legal consultation, valuation services and other management expenses are to be
recognized in profit or loss at the time such costs incurred. The transaction costs incurred by the acquirer for
issuing equity securities or debt securities as the consideration of the acquisition are to be recognized as the initial
amount of such equity security or debt security.
d) Where a business combination contract or agreement provides for a future event which may adjust the cost of
combination, the Company shall include the amount of the adjustment in the cost of the combination at the

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

acquisition date if the future event leading to the adjustment is probable and the amount of the adjustment can be
measured reliably.
②For long-term equity investment obtained in any method other than business combination, the initial cost is
recognized under the following principles.
A. If the long-term equity investment is acquired in cash consideration, and the initial cost is the actual payment
which includes direct expenses paid to acquire the long-term equity investment, taxes and other necessary
B. If the long-term equity investment is acquired by issuing equity securities, the initial cost is the fair value of the
equity securities issued. However, cash dividends or profits that are declared but unpaid shall not be included in
the initial cost. Direct costs attributed to issue equity securities such as handling charges and commissions paid to
securities underwriting agencies are deducted from premium of equity securities. If the premium is not sufficient
for deduction, reserved fund and retained earnings is adjusted respectively.
C. For the long-term equity investment invested by investors, the initial cost is the agreed value prescribed in the
investment contract or agreement unless the agreed value is not fair.
D. For the long-term equity investment acquired through non-monetary asset exchange, the initial cost is
recognized according to “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7-Non-monetary transactions”.
E. For the long-term equity investment acquired through debt restructuring, the initial cost is recognized according
to “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 12-Debt restructuring”.
③If there are cash dividends or profits that are declared but unpaid included in the consideration paid, the cash
dividends or profits declared but unpaid shall be recognized as receivables separately rather than as part of initial
cost of long-term equity instruments no matter through which method the long-term equity investment is acquired.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profits or losses
The Company adopts either cost method or equity method for the long-term equity investment hold according to
the extent of influence, existence of active market and availability of fair value. The equity method is used when
the Company has joint control or significant influence over the investee enterprise. The cost method is used when
the Company has the control or does not have joint control or significant influence over the investee enterprise
and there is no quote price in active market or there is no reliable fair value.
① For the long-term equity investment under cost method, and except from cash dividends or profits distributed
are declared but unpaid included in the consideration paid, the other declared cash dividends or profits are
normally recognized as investment income for the current period when it incurred. The net profits are no longer
divided into the pre-investment profits and after-investment profits.
The Company recognizes the receivable cash dividends or profits according to above regulations, and the
impairment test is needed to be concerned. To indicate the evidence of impairments, it should be concerned about
whether the carrying amount of the long-term equity investments is greater than the book value of net assets that
have been acquired (including the related goodwill) or other similar situations. When these situations occur, the
impairment test of long-term equity investments should be performed according to “Chinese Accounting Standard
No.8 - Impairment of assets”, Where the carrying amount of long-term equity investment exceeds the recoverable
amount, the difference shall be recognized as impairment loss, and a provision for impairment loss should be
②For long-term equity investment under equity method, the Company adjusts carrying amount of the long-term
equity investment and recognizes investment income according to the proportion of net profit or loss realized by
the investee enterprise after acquisition. The Company reduces carrying amount of the long-term equity
investment by the proportion of declared cash dividend or profit which shall be distributed to the Company.

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

For long-term equity investment under equity method, the Company recognizes net losses incurred by the investee
enterprise to the extent that the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment and other long-term equities
that are in substance treated as net investment in the investee enterprise is reduced to zero except there is further
obligation of the excess losses. If the investee enterprise makes net profits in subsequent periods, the Company
shall continue to recognize investment income after using its share of net profits of the investee enterprise to cover
its unrecognized losses.
③ The Company adopts the same manner of financial instrument for the impairment of long-term equity
investment which is measured under cost method and there is no quote price in active market or there is no
reliable fair value. Impairment of long-term equity investments other than above refers to accounting policy
“Impairment of assets” of the Company.
④ On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the carrying amount of the investment
and the sale proceeds actually received is recognized as an investment gain or loss for the current period. Where
the equity method is adopted, when a long-term equity investment is disposed, the amount of change in owner’s
equity of the investee enterprise other than net profit or loss which is previously recorded in owner’s equity of the
Company shall be transferred to profit or loss for the current period according to corresponding proportion.

(3) The basis for determination of joint control or significant influence over investee enterprise
A joint control over investee enterprise is established when the investment of the Company satisfied the following
①Any Joint ventures party cannot control the operating activities of Joint ventures individually;
②Decisions regarding the basic operating activities of Joint ventures shall be agreed by all Joint ventures parties;
③All Joint ventures parties may appoint one of them to manage the operating activities of Joint ventures, and the
management over the financial and operating policies exercised by the Joint ventures party appointed shall be
limited to the extent agreed by all Joint ventures parties.
A significant influence over investee enterprise is established when the investment of the Company satisfied the
following conditions:
①The Company has representation on the board of directors or equivalent governing body of the investee.
②The Company participates in policy-making processes, including participation in decisions about dividends or
other distributions.
③Material transactions occur between the Company and the investee enterprise.
④The Company dispatches managerial personnel to the investee enterprise.
⑤The Company provides essential technical information to the investee enterprise. If the Company holds, directly
or indirectly (e.g. through subsidiaries), 20 percent or more but less than 50 percent of the voting power of the
investee enterprise, it is presumed that the Company has significant influence over the investee enterprise.

(4) Impairment test and method of provision for impairment loss
The Company adopts the same manner of financial instrument for the impairment of long-term equity investment
which is measured under cost method and there is no quoted price in active market or there is no reliable fair
value. Impairment of long-term equity investments other than above refers to accounting policy “Impairment of
assets” of the Company.

14. Investment properties

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

(1) Investment properties of the Company are properties held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or
both, mainly comprising:
①Land use right which has already been rented;
②Land use right which is held for transfer out after appreciation;
③Property that has already been rented.

(2) Investment property shall be recognized as an asset when the following conditions are satisfied:
①It is probable that the future economic benefits that are associated with the investment property will flow to the
②The cost of the investment property can be measured reliably.

(3) Initial measurement
An investment property is measured initially at its cost.
①The cost of a purchased investment property comprises its purchase price, related tax expenses and any directly
attributable expenditure.
②The cost of a self-constructed investment property comprises all necessary construction expenditures incurred
before the property is ready for its intended use.
③The cost of a property acquired by other means shall be recognized according to relevant accounting standards.

(4) Subsequent measurement
After initial recognition, the Company adopts the cost model to measure its investment properties.
The Company amortizes or depreciates its investment properties measured using cost model in the same way as
fixed assets and intangible assets.
The Company values the investment property measured using cost model at the lower of its cost and its
recoverable amount at the end of the period. Where the cost exceeds the recoverable amount, the difference shall
be recognized as impairment loss. Once a provision for impairment loss is made, it cannot be reversed.

15. Fixed assets
(1) Recognized standard of fixed assets
Fixed assets are tangible assets that: 1) are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental
to others, or for administrative purposes; and 2) have useful life more than one year.
A fixed asset shall be initially recognized at cost when the following conditions are satisfied:
① It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the assets will flow to the Company;
② The cost of the assets can be measured reliably.

(2) Recognition basis and pricing method of fixed assets by finance lease
The Company identifies a lease of asset as finance lease when substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to
legal ownership of the asset are transferred.
A fixed asset acquired under finance lease shall be valued at the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the
present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of lease.

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

The depreciation method of fixed assets acquired under finance lease is consistent with that for depreciable assets
owned by the Company. If the Company can reasonably confirm that it will obtain the ownership of leased asset at
the end of lease term, the leased asset shall be depreciated during the useful life of the leased asset. If the
Company cannot reasonably confirm that it will obtain the ownership of leased asset at the end of lease term, the
leased asset shall be depreciated during shorter of the useful life of the leased asset and the lease term.

(3) Depreciation methods of fixed assets

Subsequent expenditure related to the fixed assets should accrued into the cost of fixed assets if met with the
stipulated reorganization conditions of fixed assets; if not, should accrued directly into the current gains and losses
when occurred.
The depreciation method adopted by the Company is straight-line method.
The estimated useful lives, residual value and annual depreciation rate of fixed assets are shown as follows:
                                                           Expected net salvage
   Category of fixed assets         Useful life (Y)                                         Annual deprecation
Housing and building           25                                           10.00% 4.5%
Machinery equipments           10                                             5.00% 9.5%
Electronic equipments          5                                              5.00% 19%
Transportation vehicle         5                                              5.00% 19%
Other equipments               5                                              5.00% 19%
Decoration of fixed assets     5                                                     20
(4) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment on fixed assets

Impairment of fixed asset refers to accounting policy “Impairment of assets” of the Company.

(5) Other explanations
Subsequent expenditure relating to a fixed asset shall be added to the carrying amount of the asset when the
expenditure qualifies for capitalization. Subsequent expenditure that does not qualify for capitalization shall be
recognized as an expense for the current period.
The Company reviews the useful life, estimated residual value and depreciation method of a fixed asset at the end
of each financial year. If expectations are significantly different from previous estimates, the useful life shall be
revised accordingly. If expectations are significantly different from previous estimates, the estimated residual
value also shall be revised accordingly. If there has been a significant change in the expected realization pattern of
economic benefits from those assets, the depreciation method shall be changed accordingly. The changes in useful
life, estimated residual value and depreciation method shall be treated as change in accounting estimates.
The useful life of the housing and building of the Company is 20 to 25 five years, with the expected net salvage
value of 5% to 10% and the annual depreciation ratio of 3.8% to 4.5%.

16. Construction in progress

(1) Categories of construction in progress

The construction in progress of the Company includes the construction work, installation work, equipment under

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

installment, deferred cost and individual engineering etc. The valuation of the construction in progress: recognizes
the engineering cost according to the cost actual occurred. The cost of construction in progress also includes the
borrowing expenses and exchange gains and losses which should be capitalized.

(2) Standards and time of transferring construction in progress into fixed assets

The Company should transfer the construction in progress into fixes assets when the construction in progress is
ready for their intended use. If the built construction had reached the state ready for intended use but had not
settled the fixed assets of completion settlement, should recognized as fixed assets according to the estimated
value as well withdrew and depreciated; after execute the completion settlement procedure, it should adjust the
original provisional estimate value according to the actual cost but not the original withdrew depreciation amount.

(3) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of construction in progress

Impairment of construction in progress refers to accounting policy “Impairment of assets” of the Company.

17. Borrowing costs
(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing costs
The costs of borrowings designated for acquisition or construction of qualifying assets should be capitalized as
part of the cost of the assets. Capitalization of borrowing costs starts when
① The capital expenditures have incurred;
② The borrowing costs have incurred;
③ The acquisition and construction activities that are necessary to bring the asset to its expected usable condition
have commenced.
Other borrowing costs that do not qualify for capitalization should be expensed off during current period.

(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs
The capitalization period shall refer to the period from the commencement to the cessation of capitalization of the
borrowing costs, excluding the period of suspension of capitalization of the borrowing costs.

(3) Period of suspension of capitalization of borrowing costs
Capitalization of borrowing costs should be suspended during periods in which the acquisition or construction is
interrupted abnormally, and the interruption period is three months or longer. These borrowing costs should be
recognized directly in profit or loss during the current period. However, capitalization of borrowing costs during
the suspended periods should continue when the interruption is a necessary part of the process of bringing the
asset to working condition for its intended use.
Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired or constructed is substantially
ready for its intended use. Subsequent borrowing costs should be expensed off during the period in which they are

(4) Calculation method of capitalized amount of borrowing costs

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

To the extent that funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a qualifying asset,
the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization on that asset is determined as the actual borrowing costs
incurred on that borrowing during the period less any investment income on the temporary investment of the
To the extent that funds are borrowed generally and used for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a qualifying
asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization shall be determined by applying a capitalization
rate to the weighted average of excess of accumulated expenditures on qualifying asset over that on specific
purpose borrowing. The capitalization rate is the weighted average rate of the general borrowings.

18. Biological assets

19. Oil-gas assets

20. Intangible assets
(1) Pricing method of intangible assets
Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary asset that are owned or controlled by the Company and are without
physical substance.
Recognition of intangible asset:
The Company recognizes an intangible asset when that intangible asset fulfills both of the following conditions:
①It is probable that the economic benefits associated with that asset will flow to the Company;
②The cost of that asset can be measured reliably.
Measurement of intangible assets
①An intangible asset is measured initially at its cost.
②Subsequent measurement of intangible assets: For an intangible asset with finite useful life, the Company
estimates its useful life at the time of acquisition and amortizes it during its useful life in a reasonable and
systematic way. The amount of amortization is allocated to relevant costs and expenses according to the nature of
beneficial items. The Company does not amortize intangible asset with infinite useful life.

(2) Estimated useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life
If an intangible asset is gained from contractual rights or other legal rights, its useful life shall not exceed the
power limit of contractual rights or other legal rights. If the estimated useful life of an intangible asset is shorter
than the period stipulated under the contractual rights or other legal rights, it shall use the estimated useful life to
determine the useful life of intangible assets.
           Item                Estimated useful life                                  Basis
Taxi operating license
                             50 years, 12 years          Period stipulated in the contractual rights
(3) Judgment basis of intangible assets with uncertain useful life
If it is unable to forecast the period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to the enterprise, it shall
be regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain service life, which shall not be amortized.

(4) Withdrawal of impairment provision of intangible assets
Impairment of intangible assets refers to accounting policy “Impairment of assets” of the Company.

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

(5) Criteria of separating the research phase and development phase of internal R&D project
The term "research" refers to the creative and planned investigation to acquire and understand new scientific or
technological knowledge.
The term "development" refers to the application of research achievements and other knowledge to a certain plan
or design, prior to the commercial production or use, so as to produce any new material, device or product, or
substantially improved material, device and product.

(6) Calculation of the expenditures of internal R&D project
Expenditures incurred during the research phase of an internal project shall be recognized as expenses in the
period in which they are incurred. Expenditures incurred during the development phase of an internal project shall
be recognized as an intangible asset if, and only if, the Company can demonstrate all of the following:
①The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;
②Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
③The method that the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. Among other things, the
Company can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset
itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset;
④The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or
sell the intangible asset;
⑤It is able to reliably measure the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

21. Amortization method of long-term deferred expenses
The Company recognizes all expenses which have occurred during the period but shall be amortized beyond one
year, such as improvement expenditures of operating leased fixed assets, as long-term deferred expenses. The
Company amortizes long-term deferred expenses using straight-line method according to relevant beneficial

22. Assets transfer with repurchasing conditions
Buy-back after the sale: It is a sale means which the seller during selling goods agrees to buy back the same or
similar goods at the later date. Under such mode, the seller shall make judgment in whether selling goods satisfies
the recognition of revenue in accordance to the contract or agreement. Normally, the transaction of repurchase
after sale belongs to a financial transaction, the main risk and rewards of the goods ownership has not been
transferred. The enterprise shall not recognize the revenue. For the amount which the repurchase price greater than
the original sale price, the enterprise shall accrue the interest fees to the financial fees within the repurchase
For the property transfer with repurchase conditions, in consideration of the economic substance of transactions,
the accounting method shall be disclosed.

23. Estimated liabilities
(1) Recognition criteria of estimated liabilities
The company should recognize the related obligation as a provision for liability when the obligation meets the
following conditions:
①That obligation is a present obligation of the enterprise;
②It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise will be required to settle the obligation;
③A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

(2) Measurement of estimated liabilities
To fulfill the present obligations, which initially measured by the best estimate of the expenditure required to
settle the liability. Where there is a continuous range of possible amounts of the expenditure required to settle the
liability, as all kinds of possibilities are at same level, the best estimate should be determined according to the
average of the lower and upper limit of the range. In other cases, the best estimate should be determined in
accordance with the following methods:
①Where the contingency involves a single item, the best estimate involves a singe item, the best estimate should
be determined according to the most likely outcome;
②Where the contingency involves several items; The best estimate should be determined by weighting all
possible outcomes by their associated probabilities of occurrence.
To determine the best estimate, it should be considered with factors such as: related contingency risks, uncertain
matters and time value of currency. If time value of currency has a significant impact, the best estimate should be
measured at its converted present value through the relevant future cash outflows.
Where some or all of the expenditures are expected to be reimbursed by a third party, the reimbursement should
be separately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually received. The amount of the reimbursement should
not exceed the carrying amount of the liability recognized.
At balance sheet date, the Company should review book value of provision for liabilities. If there is strong
evidence that the book value does not truly indicate the current best estimate, it should be adjusted in accordance
with the current best estimate.

24. Share-based payment and equity instruments
(1) Categories of share-based payment
Recognition and measurement of share-based payment are based on true, complete and valid share-based payment
agreement. Share-based payment transaction comprises equity-settled share-based payment transactions and
cash-settled share-based payment transactions.

(2) The measures for the recognition of the fair value of the equity instrument
For the shares granted to the employees, its fair value shall be measured in accordance to the market price of the
entity stocks, and at the same time it shall make adjustment in the consideration of the relative terms and
conditions which the stocks are granted (excluding the vesting conditions besides the market conditions). If the
entity is not traded publicly, it should be measured in accordance to the estimated market prices and it shall make
adjustment in the consideration of the relative terms and conditions which the stocks are granted.
For the stock options granted to the employees, if there is no similar terms and conditions for the option trade, it
shall estimate the fair value of the granted option through option pricing model.
When the enterprise determines the fair value on the granting date of the equity instruments, it shall consider the
influence by the market conditions of the vesting conditions and the non vesting condition in the share-based
payment agreement. For the share-based payment containing non vesting conditions, as long as the employees or
other party satisfy all the non-marketing conditions of the vesting conditions (such as service period, etc.), the
enterprise shall confirm the relevant costs of the received service.

(3) Basis for the recognition of the best estimation of the vested equity instruments
On the balance sheet date during the waiting period, the company shall make the best estimate based on the
subsequence information regarding the number of employees who newly obtains the vest; revise the quantity of

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

the predicted vested equity instruments in order to make the best estimate of vested equity instruments.

(4) Relevant accounting treatment on the implementation, revision and termination of share-based payment
Equity-settled share-based payment transactions in which the Company receives employee’s services as
consideration for equity instruments of the Company are measured as fair value of the equity instrument granted
to the employees. As to an equity-settled share-based payment in return for services of employees, if the right may
be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the equity instruments shall, on the date of the grant, be
included in the relevant cost or expense and the capital surplus shall be increased accordingly. As to a
equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services, if the right cannot be exercised until the
vesting period comes to an end or until the prescribed performance conditions are met, then on each balance sheet
date within the vesting period, the services obtained during the current period shall, based on the best estimate of
the number of vested equity instruments, be included in the relevant costs or expenses and capital surplus at the
fair value of the equity instruments on the date of the grant.
Cash-settled share-based payment is measured in accordance with the fair value of liability undertaken by the
Company that is calculated based on the shares or other equity instruments. As to a cash-settled share-based
payment, if the right may be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the liability undertaken by the
Company, on the date of the grant, is included in the relevant costs or expenses, and the liabilities shall be
increased accordingly. As to a cash-settled share-based payment, if the right may not be exercised until the vesting
period comes to an end or until the specified performance conditions are met, on each balance sheet date within
the vesting period, the services obtained during the current period shall, based on the best estimate of the
information about the exercisable right, be included in the relevant costs or expenses and the corresponding
liabilities at the fair value of the liability undertaken by the enterprise.
If the modification increases the fair value of the equity instruments granted, the entity shall include the
incremental fair value granted in the measurement of the amount recognized for services received as consideration
for the equity instruments granted; similarly, if the modification increases the number of equity instruments
granted, the entity shall include the fair value of the additional equity instruments granted, measured at the date of
the modification, in the measurement of the amount recognized for services received as consideration for the
equity instruments granted; if the entity modifies the vesting conditions in a manner that is beneficial to the
employee, the entity shall take the modified vesting conditions into account when applying the requirements of a
vesting condition.
If the modification reduces the fair value of the equity instruments granted, the entity shall not take into account
that decrease in fair value and shall continue to measure the amount recognized for services received as
consideration for the equity instruments based on the grant date fair value of the equity instruments granted; if the
modification reduces the number of equity instruments granted to an employee, that reduction shall be accounted
for as a cancellation of that portion of the grant; if the entity modifies the vesting conditions in a manner that is
not beneficial to the employee, the entity shall not take the modified vesting conditions into account when
applying the requirements of a vesting condition.
If a grant of equity instruments is cancelled or settled during the vesting period (other than a grant cancelled by
forfeiture when the vesting conditions are not satisfied): as an acceleration of vesting, and shall therefore
recognize immediately the amount that otherwise would have been recognized for services received over the
remainder of the vesting period.

25. Repurchase of shares of the Company

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Following the legally approved procedures, the company reduces its capital by repurchasing the company’s stocks.
The owners’ equity shall be adjusted by the difference between the total of the cancelled share equity and capital
stock, the cost to repurchase the stocks (including trading fees) and stock equity. For the amount exceed the total
of the par value of shares, it shall reduce the capital reserve (capital premium), surplus reserve, and undistributed
profits; for the amount less than the total of the par value of shares, the capital reserve (capital premium) should
be increased for the amount less than corresponding equity cost.
The repurchasing shares shall be managed as treasury shares before they are cancelled or transferred. The total
cost to repurchase shares shall be transferred to the cost of the treasury shares.
During the transfer of the treasury shares, when the transfer income is greater than the cost of treasury shares, the
capital reserve (capital premium) should be increased; when the transfer income is less than the cost of treasury
shares, capital reserve (capital premium), surplus reserve, and undistributed profits should be written-down in
Repurchasing stocks in purpose of equity incentives, the value of treasury stocks is measured at all the actual cost
relating to repurchasing stocks, and the details should be taken reference to the registration.

26. Revenue
(1) Criteria for recognition time of revenue from selling goods
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when all of the following conditions have been satisfied: The
Company has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; The Company
retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective
control over the goods sold; The economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Company; and
the relevant amount of revenue and costs can be measured reliably.
Revenue from the sale of properties is recognized upon a) final acceptance of the construction of property is
completed and the property is transferred to buyer, b) buyer receives and accepts the settlement billing and c) the
Company receives all considerations of sale of property (down payment and mortgage received from bank for
property purchasing by installments) and the conditions for obtaining certificate of title to house property are
Revenue from leasing of property is recognized when a) the economic benefits associated with leasing of property
will flow to the Company and b) the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. If lessor provides rent-free
period, lessor shall allocate total rental by straight-line method or other reasonable method during entire lease
term without deducting rent-free period. Lessor shall recognize rental income during rent-free period.

(2) Recognition basis of revenue from transferring use right of asset
Revenue arising from the Company’s assets used by others is recognized when (a) it is probable that the economic
benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Company and (b) the amount of the revenue can be
measured reliably. Interest revenue should be measured based on the length of time for which the Company's cash
is used by others and the applicable interest rate. Royalty revenue should be measured in accordance with the
period and method of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or agreement.

(3) Recognition basis of revenue from rendering of services
The revenue from rendering of services is by reference to the percentage of completion of the service at closing
date when the outcome of transaction can be reliably estimated. The outcome of transaction can be reliably
estimated when a) the total revenue and cost can be reliably measured, b) the percentage of completion can be
determined reliably and c) the economic benefit pertaining to the service will flow to the Company. If the
outcome of transaction cannot be reliably estimated, the Company shall recognize revenue to the extent of costs
incurred that are expected to be recoverable and charge an equivalent amount of cost to profit or loss.

(4) Recognition basis and method for the schedule of contracted project when recognizing the revenue from
providing labor services and construction contract by percentage-of-completion method
Revenue from rendering of services (excluding long-term contract) is by reference to the percentage of
completion of the service at closing date when the outcome of transaction can be reliably estimated. The outcome
of transaction can be reliably estimated when a) the total revenue and cost can be reliably measured, b) the

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

percentage of completion can be determined reliably and c) the economic benefit pertaining to the service will
flow to the Company. If the outcome of transaction cannot be reliably estimated, the Company shall recognize
revenue to the extent of costs incurred that are expected to be recoverable and charge an equivalent amount of cost
to profit or loss.
Recognition of construction contract revenue
A. When the outcome of a construction contract can be reliably estimated, construction contract revenue is
recognized by reference to the percentage of completion of the contract activity at closing date. The outcome of a
construction contract can be reliably estimated when a) total contract revenue and contract costs incurred can be
measured reliably, b) both the contract costs to complete the contract and the percentage of completion can be
measured reliably and c) it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the contract will flow to the
Company. The percentage of completion of a contract is determined as the proportion that actual contract costs
incurred to date bears to the estimated total contract costs.
B. When the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably, contract revenue should be
recognized to the extent of contract costs that can be recovered and contract costs should be recognized as expense
in the period in which they are incurred.
C. If total estimated contract costs will exceed total contract revenue, the estimated loss should be recognized
immediately as an expense during the current period.

27. Government subsidies
(1) Types
The Company’s government grants which including monetary assistance or non-monetary grants at fair value,
shall not be recognized until there is reasonable assurance that:
①The entity will comply with the condition attaching to them;
②The grants will be received from government.

(2) Accounting treatment method
① If monetary grants are received, it recognized at actual received or receivable amount. If non-monetary grants
are received, it recognized at fair value, replacing with nominal amount while fair value is not reliable.
② The Capital approach for government grants, the grant is recognized as deferred income when it is acquired.
Since the related assets achieve its intended using status, the deferred income is amortized and recognized in profit
and loss during asset’s using period. If related assets were disposed before using period ended, undistributed
deferred income shall be shift to current profit and loss at once.
The Income approach for government grants, to retrieve expense or loss of the Company in further period, the
government grants is recognized as deferred income, and shall be recorded in profit and loss when that expense or
loss occurred. To retrieve expense or loss of the Company in current period, the government grants shall be
recorded directly in current profit and loss.
③ Confirmed repayment of government grants
A. When deferred income exists, the repayment write-downs closing balance of deferred income, and the exceed
part shall be recognized in current profit and loss;
B. When no deferred income exists, the repayment shall be recognized directly in current profit and loss.

28. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Recognition basis of deferred income tax assets
The Company adopts the balance sheet liability method for income tax expenses.
①Where there are deductible temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets or liabilities in the
balance sheet and their tax bases, a deferred tax asset shall be recognized for all those deductible temporary
differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible
temporary difference can be utilized. Deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences should be

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is
②At the balance sheet date, where there is strong evidence showing that sufficient taxable profit will be available
against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the deferred tax asset unrecognized in prior
period shall be recognized.
③The Company assesses the carrying amount of deferred tax asset at the balance sheet date. If it’s probable that
sufficient taxable profit will not be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the
Company shall write down the carrying amount of deferred tax asset, or reverse the amount written down later
when it’s probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.

(2) Recognition basis of deferred income tax liabilities
A deferred tax liability shall be recognized for all taxable temporary differences, which are differences between
the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the balance sheet and its tax base, and measured at the tax rates that
are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled.

29. Operating lease and financial lease
(1) Accounting treatments of operating lease
Lessee in an operating lease shall treat the lease payment under an operating lease as a relevant asset cost or the
current profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The initial direct costs incurred shall be
recognized as the current profit or loss; Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in which they
are incurred.
Lessors in an operating lease shall present the assets subject to operating leases in the relevant items of their
balance sheet according to the nature of the asset. Lease income from operating leases shall be recognized as the
current profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term; Initial direct costs incurred by lessors shall be
recognized as the current profit or loss; Lessors shall apply the depreciation policy for the similar assets to
depreciate the fixed assets in the operating lease; For other assets in the operating lease , lessors shall adopt a
reasonable systematical method to amortize; Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in which
they are incurred.

(2) Accounting treatments of financial lease
For the lessee, a fixed asset acquired under finance lease shall be valued at the lower of the fair value of the leased
asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of lease. The minimum lease
payments as the entering value in long-term account payable, the difference as unrecognized financing charges;
The initial direct costs identified as directly attributable to activities performed by the lessee during the
negotiation and signing of the finance lease such as handling fees, legal fees, travel expenses, stamp tax shall be
counted as lease asset value; the unrecognized financing charges shall be apportioned at each period during the
lease term and adopt the effective interest rate method to calculate and confirm the current financing charge;
Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred.
When the lessee calculates the present value of the minimum lease payments, for that lessee who can obtain the
interest rate implicit in the lease, the discount rate shall be the interest rate implicit in the lease; otherwise the
discount rate shall adopt the interest rate specified in the lease agreement. If the lessee can not get the interest rate
implicit in the lease and there is no specified interest rate in the lease agreement, the discount rate shall adopt the
current bank loan interest rate.
Lessees shall depreciate the leased assets with the depreciation policy which is consistent with the normal

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

depreciation policy for similar assets. If there is reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership by the
end of the lease term, the depreciation shall be allocated to the useful life of the asset. If there is no reasonably
certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term, the asset shall be depreciated over the
shorter of the lease term and its useful life.
On the initial date of financial lease, lessee of the financial lease shall record the sum of the minimum lease
payments and initial direct costs as the financing lease accounts receivable, and also record the non-guaranteed
residual value; recognize the difference between the total minimum lease payments , initial direct costs,
non-guaranteed residual value and sum of the present value as the unrealized financing income; the unrealized
financing income shall be distributed to each period over the lease term; adopt the actual interest rate to calculate
the current financial income; Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in which they are

(3) Accounting treatment for those sale and lease-back

30. Assets held for sale
(1) Recognition criteria of the assets held for sale
The Non-Current Assets which meet the following conditions will be classified as assets held for sales by the
①The entity has made the resolution in disposing the non-current assets.
②The entity has signed the irrevocable transfer agreement with the assignee.
③The sale transaction is highly probable to be completed within one year.

(2) Accounting treatments of the assets held for sale
For the fixed assets held for sales, the entity shall adjust the predicted net residual value of this fixed asset to make
the predicted net residual value of this fixed asset to reflect the amount of its fair value less costs to sell, but it
shall not exceed the original book value of fixed assets at the time when it meets the conditions of held for sales.
The difference between the original book value and the adjusted predicted net residual value shall be treated as
loss in assets and presented in profit or loss of current period. The fixed assets held for sales shall not count the
depreciation but shall be measured at the lower of its carrying amount and the fair value less costs to sell.
The other non-current assets such as impairment assets which meet the conditions of held for sales shall be treated
in accordance to the above principles.

31. Capitalization of assets

32. Hedging accounting

33. Changes in main accounting policies and estimates
Were the main accounting policies or estimates changed during the report period?
□Yes √No

(1) Change of accounting policies

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Were the main accounting policies changed during the report period?
□Yes √No
There was no change of accounting policies during the reporting period.

(2) Change of accounting estimates
Were the main accounting estimates changed during the report period?
□Yes √No
There was no change of accounting estimates during the reporting period.

34. Correction of previous accounting errors
Was any accounting error made in previous periods discovered in the report period?
□Yes √No
There was no any correction of previous accounting error of the reporting period.

(1) Retrospective restatement method

Was any previous accounting error adopting retrospective restatement method discovered in the report period?
□Yes √No
There was no any retrospective restatement method of the reporting period.

(2) Prospective application method

Was any previous accounting error adopting prospective application method discovered in the report period?
□Yes √No
There was no any prospective application method of the reporting period.

35. Other main accounting policies and estimates as well as compilation method of financial statements
Accounting policy for impairment of assets of the Company:
It suggests that an asset may be impaired if there are any of the following indications
(1) in the period, an asset's market value has declined significantly more than it would be expected as a result of
the passage of time or normal use during the current period;
(2) significant changes with an adverse effect on the Company have taken place during the period, or will take
place in the near future, in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in which the Company
operates or in the market to which an asset is dedicated;
(3) market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have increased during the period, and those
increases are likely to affect the discount rate used in calculating an asset's value in use and decrease the asset's
recoverable amount materially;
(4) evidence is available of obsolescence or physical damage of an asset;
(5) the asset becomes idle, or the Company plans to discontinue or to dispose of an asset before the previously
expected date;
(6) evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates that the economic performance of an asset is, or
will be, worse than expected, for example, the net cash flow generated from assets or the operating profit (or loss)
realized by assets is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and
(7) Other evidence indicates that assets may be impaired.

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

The Company assesses long-term equity investment, fixed assets, construction materials, constructions in progress
and intangible assets (except for those with uncertain useful life) that apply Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of assets at the balance sheet date. If there is any indication that an asset may be
impaired, the Company should assess the asset for impairment and estimate the recoverable amount of the
impaired asset. Recoverable amount is measured as the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and the
present value of estimated future cash flows from continuing use of the asset. If carrying amount of an asset is
higher than its recoverable amount, the carrying amount of this asset should be written down to its recoverable
amount with the difference recognized as impairment loss and charged to profit or loss accordingly.
Simultaneously a provision for impairment loss should be made.
There is any indication that an asset may be impaired, the Company usually estimates its recoverable amount on
an individual item basis. However if it’s not possible to estimate recoverable amount of the individual asset, the
Company should determine the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs.
An asset's cash-generating unit is the smallest group of assets that includes the asset and generates cash inflows
that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets. Identification of
cash-generating unit is based on whether the cash inflows generated by the cash-generating unit are largely
independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets.
The Company assesses goodwill acquired in a business combination and intangible assets with uncertain useful
life for impairment each year no matter whether indication that an asset may be impaired exists or not. Impairment
assessment of goodwill is carried together with the impairment assessment of related cash-generating unit or
group of cash-generating units.
Once impairment loss is recognized, it cannot be reversed in subsequent financial period.

V. Taxation

1. Main taxes and tax rate

            Category of taxes                           Tax basis                              Tax rate
VAT                                       Operating revenue                     3%、6%、17%
Business tax                              Operating revenue                     3%、5%
Urban maintenance and construction tax Turnover tax payable                     1%、7%
Enterprise income tax                     Taxable income                        16.5%、25%
Education surtax                          Turnover tax payable                  3%
Local education surtax                    Turnover tax payable                  2%
Levee fee                                 Operating revenue                     0.01%
                                           Added amount from transfer of      Four progressive levels with the
Land value appreciation tax
                                           real property                      tax rate ranging from 30% to 60%.
The income tax rates adopted by each subsidiary and branch factory
Note: The applicable income tax rate of the subsidiaries located in main land China is 25%; the applicable income
tax rate of the subsidiaries located in Hong Kong is 16.5%.

2. Tax preference and approval


                                  2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

3. Other explanations


VI. Business combination and consolidated financial statement

1. Subsidiaries

(1) Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                              e of
                                                                                                            ng the
                                         amoun                   The             Includ           Deduct
                                                        Other              The                                nce
                                           t of                proport            ed in             ible
             Regist Busine Regist Busine               essenti           proport         Minori               that
Subsid                                   invest                 ion of           consoli          minorit
        Type ered     ss    ered    ss                   al               ion of            ty              loss of
 iaries                                  ments                 holdin             dated              y
             place nature capital scope                invest            voting          interest          minorit
                                          at the                  g              statem           interest
                                                        ment              rights                               y
                                         period-               shares              ent                s
                                                                                                             d by
                                  ction, 30,000
             Shenzh estate 30000                                100.00 100.00
Shenzh                            operati ,000.0                              Yes
             en     develo 000.00                                   %      %
en     Wholl                      on and       0
Huang y-own                       manag
cheng ed                          ement
Real subsidi                      of

                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Estate ary                          comme
Co.,                                rcial
Ltd.                                service
                                    t to
Shenzh                              real
en                                  estate
Propert Wholl                       manag
y and y-own                  30,950 ement; 30,950
               Shenzh estate                                  100.00 100.00
Real ed                      ,000.0 constru ,000.0                          No
               en     develo                                      %      %
Estate subsidi                    0 ction        0
Develo ary                          supervi
pment                               sion;
Co.,                                propert
Ltd.                                y
                                   sale of
PRD                                real
Group                              estate,
Xuzho Wholl                        constru
u      y-own                50,000 ction 50,000
               Xuzho estate                                   100.00 100.00
Dapen ed                    ,000.0 manag ,000.0                             Yes
               u     develo                                       %      %
g Real subsidi                   0 ement,     0
Estate   ary                       lease
Develo                             of
pment                              propert
Co.,                               ies,
Ltd                                comm
Dongg         Dongg Real     20,000 Develo 20,000             100.00 100.00
uan           uan   estate   ,000.0 pment ,000.0                  %      %

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Guoma                   develo        0 and            0
o         Wholl         pment           sale of
Chang     y-own                         real
sheng     ed                            estate,
Real      subsidi                       lease
Estate      ary                         of
Develo                                  propert
pment                                   ies
                                   sale of
PRD                                real
Yangz                              estate,
hou    Wholl                       constru
Real y-own                         ction
Estate ed            Real          manag
Develo subsidi       estate 50,000 ement, 50,000
               Yangz                                              100.00 100.00
pment    ary         develo ,000.0 purcha ,000.0                                Yes
               hou                                                    %      %
Co.,                 pment       0 se of       0
Ltd.                               materi
           Wholl                        Propert
MAO                      Propert
           y-own                 20,000 y rent 20,000
Propert           Shenzh y                                        100.00 100.00
             ed                  ,000.0 and     ,000.0                          Yes
y                 en     manag                                        %      %
          subsidi                     0 manag        0
Manag                    ement
          ary                           ement
Shenzh                                  Propert
en                                      y
Huang                                   manag
cheng                    Propert        ement;
Real              Shenzh y       5,000, court   5,000,            100.00 100.00
             ed                                                                 Yes
Estate            en     manag 000.00 viresce 000.00                  %      %
Manag                    ement          nce
ement                                   and
Co.,                                    cleansi
Ltd.                                    ng

                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

           Wholl                       service
GUO                     Propert
           y-own                       s,
MAO                     y       5,000,          5,000,           100.00 100.00
             ed Jinan                  propert                                 Yes
Propert                 manag 000.00           000.00                %      %
          subsidi                      y sales
y                       ement
          ary                          and
en                                     Propert
GUO               Chong Propert        y
MAO                qing y       5,000, manag 5,000,              100.00 100.00
             ed                                                                Yes
Propert                 manag 000.00 ement 000.00                    %      %
y                       ement          and
Manag                                  agency
         Wholl                     and
         y-own Chong               repairi
Ao’bo               Servic 2,000,           3,500,              100.00 100.00
           ed   qing               ng the                                      Yes
Elevat               e      000.00          000.00                   %      %
        subsidi                    elevato
or Co.,
        ary                        r; sales
                                   r and

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

en                                     Mainte
Tianqu                                 nance
e                                      of
Elevat            Shenzh Servic 5,000, elevato 5,000,             100.00 100.00
             ed                                                                 Yes
or                en     e      000.00 r and 000.00                   %      %
Techno                                 air
logy                                   conditi
Co.,                                   on
           Wholl                       al
           y-own                       supply;
Manag             Shenzh Servic 1,200,           1,200,           100.00 100.00
             ed                        mainte                                   Yes
ement             en     e      000.00          000.00                %      %
          subsidi                      nance
          ary                          and
en      Wholl
GUO y-own            Caterin
              Shenzh          2,000, e meal, 2,000,               100.00 100.00
MAO      ed          g                                                          Yes
              en             000.00 wester 000.00                     %      %
Food subsidi         service
Co.,   ary
Shenzh                                 Superv
en                                     ision
Propert                  Constr        of
y                 Shenzh uction 3,000, general 3,000,             100.00 100.00
             ed                                                                 Yes
Constr            en     Superv 000.00 industr 000.00                 %      %
uction                   ision         ial and
Superv                                 civil
ision                                  constru

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Co.,                                    ction
Ltd.                                    engine
GUO Wholl
MAO y-own
               Shenzh Servic 13800 ation, 1,380,                  100.00 100.00
Real     ed                                                                     Yes
               en     e      00.00 propert 000.00                     %      %
Estate subsidi
Tradin ary
GUO        Wholl                       Motor
MAO        y-own                29,850 transpo 29,850
                  Shenzh Servic                                   100.00 100.00
Vehicl       ed                 ,000.0 rt and ,000.0                            Yes
                  en     e                                            %      %
es        subsidi                    0 motor        0
Industr   ary                          rent
y Co.,
Shenzh                                 Motor
en                                     transpo
GUO                                    rt and
           y-own                16,000         16,000
MAO               Shenzh Servic        motor                      100.00 100.00
             ed                 ,000.0         ,000.0                           Yes
Motor             en     e             rent                           %      %
          subsidi                    0              0
Vehicl     Wholl
e          y-own                       Driver
                  Shenzh Servic 2,000,          2,000,            100.00 100.00
Driver       ed                        trainin                                  Yes
                  en     e      000.00         000.00                 %      %
Trainin   subsidi                      g
g         ary
Shenzh Wholl Shenzh Tradin 12,000 Investi 12,000                  100.00 100.00 Yes

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

en      y-own en         g        ,000.0 ng in ,000.0                  %        %
Interna ed                             0 comme      0
tional subsidi                           rcial,
Trade ary                                materi
Plaza                                    al and
Sichua                              Whole
n                                   sale in
Tianhe          Cheng Tradin 8,000, domest 8,000,                 100.00 100.00
           ed                                                                   Yes
Industr         du    g      000.00 ic      000.00                    %      %
y Co.,                              market
Zhanji                                 Real
ang                                    estate
Shenzh                                 develo
en         Wholl                       pment
Real       y-own                       and
                  Zhanji estate 2,530,         2,530,             100.00 100.00
Estate       ed                        sales                                    Yes
                  ang    develo 000.00        000.00                  %      %
Develo    subsidi                      of
pment     ary                          comm
Co.,                                   odity
Ltd.                                   premis
Shum                                   Propert
Yip                                    y
Propert                  Real          agency
           y-own                20,000         20,000 97,766
ies               Hong   estate        and                   100.00 100.00
             ed                 ,000.0         ,000.0 ,027.5               Yes
Develo            Kong   develo        invest                    %      %
          subsidi                    0              0      8
pment                    pment         ment
Wayha                                   Propert
ng                       Real           y
Develo            Hong   estate         develo                    100.00 100.00
             ed                    2.00             2.00                        Yes
pment             Kong   develo         pment                         %      %
Co.,                     pment
Chief Wholl              Real          Propert
Link    y-own Hong       estate        y                            70.00   70.00           862,08
                                100.00         100.00                             Yes
Propert ed Kong          develo        agency                          %       %              7.06
ies    subsidi           pment         and

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Co.,     ary                            invest
Ltd.                                    ment
Syndis    Wholl                         Propert
Invest    y-own                         y
                 Hong   estate                                     100.00 100.00
ment        ed                     4.00 invest      4.00                         Yes
                 Kong   develo                                         %      %
Co.,     subsidi                        ment
Ltd.     ary
Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment:
Syndis Investment Co., Ltd. is the wholly owned subsidiary of Chief Link Properties Co., Ltd.

(2) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination under the same control

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                  e of
                                                                                                                ng the
                                         amoun                       The             Includ           Deduct
                                                            Other              The                                nce
                                           t of                    proport            ed in             ible
             Regist Busine Regist Busine                   essenti           proport         Minori               that
Subsid                                   invest                     ion of           consoli          minorit
        Type ered     ss    ered    ss                       al               ion of            ty              loss of
 iaries                                  ments                     holdin             dated              y
             place nature capital scope                    invest            voting          interest          minorit
                                          at the                      g              statem           interest
                                                            ment              rights                               y
                                         period-                   shares              ent                s
                                                                                                                 d by
Shenzh                                Operat
en                                    ion of
         y                     13,800         33,195
Shenxi           Shenzh Servic        taxi                         100.00 100.00
         owned                 ,000.0         ,948.7                             Yes
n Taxi           en     e             and                              %      %
         subsidi                    0              7
Co.,                                  propert
Ltd.                                  y

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Other explanation on subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control

(3) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under the same control

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                 e of
                                                                                                               ng the
                                                                      The                                     differe
                                         amoun                                The Includ             Deduct
                                                           Other    proport                                      nce
                                           t of                             proport ed in              ible
             Regist Busine Regist Busine                  essenti    ion of                 Minori               that
Subsid                                   invest                              ion of consoli          minorit
        Type ered     ss    ered    ss                      al      holdin                     ty              loss of
 iaries                                  ments                              voting dated                y
             place nature capital scope                   invest       g                    interest          minorit
                                          at the                             rights statem           interest
                                                           ment     shares                                        y
                                         period-                            (%) ent                    s
                                                                    (%)                                     interest
                                                                                                                d by
Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under same control:
There are not subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under same control.

2. Special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or lease

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Business contact with the Closing balance of major assets and liabilities affirmed
                                      Company                          in consolidated statement
Other explanation on special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation
or lease:
The Company and controlling shareholders in Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

“SIH”) entered into Asset Replacement Agreement in Sep. 2010, agreeing that the Company replaces Moon Bay
T102-0237 land and 100% equity of Shenzhen Shenxin Taxi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SX Company”)
possessed by SIH with parts of house property owned by the Company and wholly-owned subsidiary Shenzhen
Huangcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd. In order to optimize structure of replaced asset, SIH agrees that assets and
liabilities which are not suitable to be included into the listed company such as non-market commodity house and
non-performing loans and debts owned by SX Company and shown in No. [2010] 103 file of SIH (hereinafter
referred to as “Divestiture Assets of SX Company” or “Divestiture Assets”) will not be incorporated into scope of
replacement and will be divested. In principle, Divestiture Assets shall handle procedures of registration of
transfer and transfer of credit and debt.
SIH, Shenzhen Foreign Economy & Trade Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as FET Company”) and
SX Company signed Contract on Transfer of Divestiture Assets in Jun. 2012. According to agreement of the
Contract, SIH requires SX Company to transfer Divestiture Assets to FET Company for management.
Since there are legal impediments in partial transfer of Divestiture Assets, FET Company and SX Company
concluded and signed Contract on Entrusted Management of Divestiture Assets and Liabilities, promising that
FET Company has entrusted SX Company to liquidate, manage and dispose of Divestiture Assets. The entrusted
period ends on Dec. 31, 2014. SX Company paid for FET Company with 313,000 Yuan income obtained from
assets operation from Jun. 1, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2012. Since then SX Company will pay 626,000 Yuan to FET
Company each year and the remaining incomes gained from assets operation will be possessed by SX Company.
Balance of Divestiture Assets as of Jun. 30, 2014 in consolidated statements is as follows:
           Item                     Amount                        Item                  Amount
Other receivables                  100,973.73          Other payables                 784,501.81
Investing real estate            10,026,550.93         Other non-current            20,530,519.38
Fixed assets                     10,764,616.63
Long-term                          422,879.90
unamortized expenses
       Total assets              21,315,021.19            Total liabilities and     21,315,021.19
                                                            owners’ equity
Notes: other non-current liabilities shall belong to equity of SIH Divestiture Assets.
Through the above Contract on Entrusted Management of Divestiture Assets and Liabilities, the Company has
actually controlled SX Company’s Divestiture Assets which become a business entity with control rights by
entrusted business mode.

3. Explanations on changes of consolidation scope

Explanation on changes in consolidated scope
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Comparing to last year, this year increased none consolidation unit, because
There was no any consolidation unit increased of the reporting period.
Comparing to last year, this year decreased one consolidation unit, because
On 25 Nov. 2011, the proposal on initiating bankruptcy liquidation of Hainan Xinda Development Corporation
(“Hainan Corporation”) was reviewed and approved on the 4th Session of the 7th Board of Directors. On 27 Feb.
2014, Hainan Haikou Intermediate People’s Court issued ,
deciding to accept the bankruptcy liquidation application of Hainan Corporation. On 7 May 2014, Haikou

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Intermediate People’s Court designated Hainan Weite Law Firm as the bankruptcy administrator of Hainan
Corporation. And the Company became the president of the creditors’ meeting of Hainan Corporation. And the
first creditors’ meeting would be held in Haikou Intermediate People’s Court on 23 Dec. 2014. On 30 Jun. 2014,
the bankruptcy administrator began to take over Hainan Corporation and took charge of the bankruptcy liquidation
of Hainan Corporation. Since that, Hainan Corporation no longer carried out operating activities irrelevant to
liquidation. And the control of the Company over Hainan Corporation ceased. As such, according to the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the balance sheet of Hainan Corporation as at the end of the
reporting period was not included in the consolidated financial statements of the Company while its income
statement and cash flow statement from the period-begin to the day of the cease of operational control were

4. Subsidiaries that newly combined into consolidation scope in the reporting period

The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or
lease that newly included in the consolidated scope
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Name                                Closing net assets            Net profit in current period
The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or
lease that not longer included in the consolidated scope
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                      Net profit from year-begin to
                     Name                           Net asset at the disposal date
                                                                                              disposal date
Hainan Xinda Development Corporation                                -56,754,899.77                         -93,750.90
Other notes to changes in consolidated scope:
There was no entity that newly combined into consolidation scope.
The reason the entities no longer included into consolidation scope of the reporting period, see the above
“Explanations on changes of consolidation scope”.

5. Business combination under same control during the reporting period

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                      Cash flow arising
                   Judgment basis
                                                    The consolidated The consolidated from operating
                     of business  Actual controller
                                                      income from     net profit from     activities
The combined party combination      of the same
                                                     period-begin to period-begin to      between
                   under the same     control
                                                    combination date combination date period-begin and
                                                                                      combination date
Other notes to business combination under same control:
There was no business combination under same control of the reporting period.

6. Business combination not under same control during the reporting period

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
     The combined party                 Amount of goodwill                    Calculation method of goodwill

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Other notes to business combination not under same control:
There was not combination not under the same control of the reporting period.

Whether there was any situation of multiple transactions which realized the enterprise merger step by step and
gained the control right during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

7. Subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting period

                                                                                  Recognition method of gains and
              Name of subsidiary                          Disposal date
Other notes to subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting period:
There was no subsidiary reduced by selling equities without control right of the reporting period.

Whether there was situation of multiple transactions which disposed the investment of the subsidiaries step by
step till lost the control right during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

8. The counter purchases in the reporting period

                                                                                            Calculation method of
                                                                                            goodwill recognized or
                               Judgment basis of counter      Recognition method of
    The backdoor party                                                                    included into current gains
                                      purchase                  combination costs
                                                                                               and losses in the
Other notes to counter purchases:

9. Mergers in the reporting period

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
              Type of merger                       Main assets merged in               Main liabilities merged in
     Mergers under the same control                Item             Amount               Item             Amount
   Mergers not under the same control              Item             Amount               Item             Amount
Other notes to mergers:

10. Exchange rates of major items in financial statements for foreign entities

For Hong Kong registered subsidiaries included in consolidated scope, such as Shum Yip Properties Development
Co., Ltd., Wayhang Development Co., Ltd., Chief Link Properties Co., Ltd., and Syndics Investment Co., Ltd. The
exchange rates of currencies are as follows:
(1) For assets and liabilities, using the spot exchange rate of HKD against RMB (1:0.7938)on the balance sheet

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

(2) For the paid-in capital, using the spot exchange rate of HKD against RMB (1:0.7917) when obtained;
(3) For the income statement, using the average exchange rate of HKD against RMB (1:0.7900) when trade

VII. Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company

1. Monetary funds

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                      Closing balance                                 Opening balance
                          Amount in                                      Amount in
         Item                            Exchange       Amount in                       Exchange
                            foreign                                        foreign               Amount in RMB
                                           rate          RMB                              rate
                           currency                                       currency
Cash:                          --            --           383,361.72          --             --            263,857.71
RMB                            --            --           379,274.29          --             --            260,719.04
HKD                            5,149.20 0.7938               4,087.43         3,992.20 0.7862                 3,138.67
Bank deposit:                  --            --      564,584,048.51           --             --        974,606,475.15
RMB                            --            --      517,769,436.85           --             --        928,389,282.62
HKD                      58,975,323.32 0.7938          46,814,611.66 58,785,541.24 0.7862               46,217,192.53
Other monetary funds:          --            --         2,303,474.47          --             --          2,301,481.34
RMB                            --            --         2,303,474.47          --             --          2,301,481.34
Total                          --            --      567,270,884.70           --             --        977,171,814.20
Special explanation shall be made for the accounts limited by being mortgaged, pledged or frozen, deposited
overseas or with potential collecting risks:
The Company has no such accounts limited by being mortgaged, pledged or frozen, deposited overseas or with
potential collecting risks during the reporting period.
The monetary capital decreased 41.95% over period-begin, mainly due to the payment of the dividends, loans and

2. Trading financial assets

(1) Trading financial assets

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                               Closing fair value                Opening fair value

(2) Trading financial assets with realizable limit

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Trading restriction or other significant limits
                  Item                                                                            Closing balance
                                                           in realization

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

(3) Hedging instruments and notes to relevant hedging transaction


3. Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Category                          Closing balance                     Opening balance

(2) Notes receivable pledged at period-end

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
    Issuing entity        Date of issuance       Expiring date                 Amount                Remark

(3) Notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute the contract or
agreement, and undue notes endorsed to other parties at the end of the period

Notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute the contract or agreement
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
    Issuing entity        Date of issuance       Expiring date                 Amount                Remark

Undue notes endorsed to other parties by the Company
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
    Issuing entity        Date of issuance       Expiring date                 Amount                Remark

Notes of bank acceptance bill that already discounted or pledged

4. Dividends receivable

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Opening                                          Closing          Reason for       relating
      Item                          Increase        Decrease
                      balance                                          balance          undeceived   accounts occur
Of which:                --            --               --                --                --               --
Of which:                --            --               --                --                --               --

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.


5. Interest receivable

(1) Interest receivable

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                 Increase in current    Decrease in current
          Item            Opening balance                                                         Closing balance
                                                       period                period

(2) Overdue interest

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
           Borrowing entity                       Overdue days (day)                  Amount of overdue interest

(3) Notes to interest receivable


6. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable listed by categories

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                       Closing balance                                 Opening balance
                              Book balance        Bad debt provision       Book balance          Bad debt provision
                                      Proportio        Proportio        Proportio
                          Amount                Amount           Amount                         Amount      Proportion
                                         n                n                n
Accounts receivable
with significant single
amount              and 107,016,1                107,016,1         107,016,                    107,016,17
                                       75.98%              100.00%                   79.74%                    100.00%
individually                73.89                    73.89          173.89                           3.89
withdrawn bad debt
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
                          31,206,61              2,558,839              24,700,0              2,492,035.8
Group 2                                22.09%                   8.20%                18.40%                     10.09%
                               4.91                    .40                 58.09                        8
                          31,206,61              2,558,839              24,700,0              2,492,035.8
Subtotal of the groups                 22.09%                   8.20%                18.40%                     10.09%
                               4.91                    .40                 58.09                        8
Accounts receivable
with       insignificant
                         3,058,613               2,867,798              2,495,16              2,495,166.2
single amount and                        2.16%                 93.76%                 1.86%                    100.00%
                               .89                     .02                  6.27                        7
withdrawn bad debt

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                       141,281,4                  112,442,8                134,211,                      112,003,37
Total                                   --                           --                     --                              --
                           02.69                      11.31                 398.25                             6.04
Notes to category of accounts receivable:
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Provision for bad          Withdrawing
  Content of accounts receivable        Book balance                                                               Reason
                                                                    debt                  proportion
                                                                                                          Involved         in
                                                                                                          lawsuit and no
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties &
                                             98,611,328.05          98,611,328.05                 100.00% property, referring
Resources Development Company
                                                                                                          to Note XI.1 of
                                                                                                          the “Section X.
                                                                                                          Financial Report”
                                                                                                              Uncollectible for
Shenzhen Tewei Industry Co., Ltd.             2,836,561.00           2,836,561.00                 100.00%
                                                                                                              a long period
                                                                                                          Poor     operating
Shenzhen Lunan Industry                                                                                   conditions,
                                              2,818,284.84           2,818,284.84                 100.00%
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                                     uncollectible for a
                                                                                                          long period
Zhou Tangjin (is attribute to the
stripping assets of Shenxin                                                                                   Uncollectible for
                                              2,750,000.00           2,750,000.00                 100.00%
Company of Shenzhen Investment                                                                                a long period
Holding Co., Ltd.)
Total                                   107,016,173.89             107,016,173.89                --                   --
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                        Book balance                                                Book balance
        Aging                                   Provision for bad                                                 Provision for
                                      Proportio                                                       Proportio
                     Amount                           debts                    Amount                              bad debts
                                         n                                                               n
Within 1 year
Including:                --              --                  --                    --                   --            --
Within 1 year
(including 1        28,958,447.36       92.84%               868,753.43      21,347,415.50              86.43%        640,422.47
Subtotal of
                    28,958,447.36       92.84%               868,753.43      21,347,415.50              86.43%        640,422.47
within 1 year
1-2 years              524,682.91        1.68%                52,468.29       1,230,175.21               4.98%        123,017.52
2-3 years                 82,976.26      0.27%                24,892.88         140,084.33               0.57%         42,025.30
Over 3 years          1,640,508.38       5.26%           1,612,724.80         1,982,383.05               8.03%     1,686,570.60

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

3 to 4 years              48,995.12       0.16%             24,497.56          65,917.15       0.27%             32,958.58
4 to 5 years              16,430.12       0.05%             13,144.10       1,314,269.42       5.32%      1,051,415.54
Over 5 years            1,575,083.14      5.05%          1,575,083.14         602,196.48       2.44%        602,196.48
Total                  31,206,614.91       --            2,558,839.40     24,700,058.09        --         2,492,035.88
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually accounts receivable:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
 Content of accounts                              Provision for bad          Withdrawing
                            Book balance                                                                 Reason
     receivable                                         debt                  proportion
Zhanjiang Haihu Real                                                                              With a long age that
                                  700,000.00               700,000.00                   100.00%
Estate Co., Ltd                                                                                   was unrecoverable
Shengfenglu, ITC                                                                                  With a long age that
                                  498,681.65               498,681.65                   100.00%
Jewel & Gold Co.,                                                                                 was unrecoverable
                                                                                                The owner was
Shenzhen Prince
                                  414,825.74               414,825.74                   100.00% missing that was
Zaishuiyifang Leisure
                                                                                                Long-term arrearage
Club of Shenzhen
                                  365,660.80               292,528.64                    80.00% that was
Zaishuiyifang Project
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                Long-term arrearage
Nanguo Chain Hotel                264,562.57                211,650.06                   80.00% that was
Huidong Cars Co.,                                                                                 With a long age that
                                  250,000.00               250,000.00                   100.00%
Ltd.                                                                                              was unrecoverable
Zhanjiang Special                                                                                 With a long age that
                                  135,972.00               135,972.00                   100.00%
Cement Plant                                                                                      was unrecoverable
Shenzhen Investment
                                                                                                Long-term arrearage
                                  129,542.40                 64,771.20                   50.00% that was
Development Co.,
                                                                                                  With a long age that
Other                             299,368.73               299,368.73                   100.00%
                                                                                                  was unrecoverable
Total                           3,058,613.89             2,867,798.02              --                       --

(2) Accounts receivable reversed or collected in the reporting period

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                              Reversed or collected
                                                     Recognition basis of
   Content of accounts         Reversed or                                       amount of the      Reversed or collected
                                                      original bad debt
       receivable            collected reason                                   accrued bad debt          amount
Total                                 --                         --                                    0.00          --
The withdrawal of bad debt provision of accounts receivable with significant single amount or insignificant single
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
        Content              Book balance                 Bad debt amount                                          Reason
Notes to accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by credit

(3) The write-off accounts receivable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                     Whether arising
                         Nature of
                                                                                                    from related party
  Name of entity          accounts            Write-off time      Write-off amount Write-off reason
                                                                                                      transaction or
Total                        --                      --                            0.00           --                      --
Notes to write off of accounts receivable:
There was not writing off of accounts receivable in the reporting period.

(4) Particulars about accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                 Closing balance                                  Opening balance
        Name of entity                                          Withdrawal
                                      Book balance                                    Book balance             Withdrawal amount
Total                                                 0.00                  0.00                        0.00                     0.00

(5) Information of top 5 accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Relationship with the
   Name of entity                                            Amount                       Aging                  Proportion
Shenzhen Jiyong
Properties &
Resources                Non-related-party                    98,611,328.05 Over 5 years                                       70.01%
Huwei Technologies
                   Non-related-party                          10,726,289.38 Within 1 year                                      7.62%
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Tewei           Non-related-party                     2,836,561.00 Over 5 years                                       2.01%

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Industry Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Lunan
                          Non-related-party                2,818,284.84 Over 5 years                              2.00%
Development Co.,
Zhou      Tanjin    (is
attribute    to    the
stripping assets of
                        Non-related-party                  2,750,000.00 Over 5 years                              1.95%
Shenxin Company of
Shenzhen Investment
Holding Co., Ltd.)
Total                              --                   117,742,463.27              --                           83.59%

(6) The amounts due from related parties

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                               The relationship with the
        Name of entity                                                 Amount                       Proportion
Shenzhen Investment           Under the control of the
Property Development          parent company of the                           1,927,301.60                        1.37%
Co., Ltd.                     Company
Total                                      --                                 1,927,301.60                        1.37%

(7) Information of accounts receivable that terminated recognition

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                              Gains or loses related to the termination
                Item                          Amount of termination
                                                                                           of recognition
Total                                                                  0.00                                          0.00

(8) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount of
assets and liabilities arising from further involvement

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                                     Period-end
Subtotal of assets                                                                                                   0.00
Subtotal of liabilities                                                                                              0.00

                                         2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

7. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by type:

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Closing balance                                 Opening balance
                                                    Provision for bad                                Provision for bad
        Category                Balance                                         Balance
                                                          debts                                            debts
                                        Proporti               Proporti                Proportio                 Proporti
                            Amount                  Amount                 Amount                    Amount
                                          on                      on                      n                         on
Other        accounts
receivable that is
individually           141,853,19        141,853,19              100.00 92,308,727.                92,308,727.6    100.00
                                  80.83%                                                 75.56%
significant        and       5.96              5.96                  %          68                            8        %
provisions for bad
debts individually
Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by group
                           23,915,723.        12,653,706.        19,924,299.                       12,004,933.8
Group 2                                13.63%             52.91%                         16.31%                 60.25%
                                   07                 07                 66                                   4
                           23,915,723.        12,653,706.        19,924,299.                       12,004,933.8
Subtotal of group                      13.63%             52.91%                         16.31%                 60.25%
                                   07                 07                 66                                   4
Other         accounts
receivable that is
individually           9,717,262.5                 9,717,262.5   100.00 9,925,245.5                                100.00
                                          5.54%                                           8.12% 9,925,245.51
insignificant      but           1                           1       %            1                                    %
provisions for bad
debts individually
                           175,486,18              164,224,16             122,158,27               114,238,907.
Total                                      --                     --                       --                        --
                                 1.54                    4.54                   2.85                        03
Notes for categories of other accounts receivable:
Other closing accounts receivable that is individually significant and provisions for bad debts individually.
√ Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
  Content of other                                                             Withdrawing
                              Book balance            Bad debt amount                                     Reason
 accounts receivable                                                            proportion
                                                                                                Payment for
                                                                                                discharging of
Gintian Industry                                                                                guaranty
                                 56,600,000.00            56,600,000.00                 100.00%
(Group) Co., Ltd                                                                                responsibility that
                                                                                                was difficult to be
Hainan             Xinda
Development                      49,437,140.28            49,437,140.28                 100.00%

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Anhui Nanpeng                                                                                    Uncollectible for a
                                7,393,376.00             7,393,376.00                  100.00%
Papermaking Co., Ltd                                                                             long period
Shenzhen                                                                                       There is no asset to
Shengfenglu,                                                                                   execute the verdict,
                                6,481,353.60             6,481,353.60                  100.00%
GUOMAO Jewel &                                                                                 thus lead to
Gold Co., Ltd                                                                                  uncollectibility
Shanghai Yutong
                                                                                                 Uncollectibility for
Real estate                     5,676,000.00             5,676,000.00                  100.00%
                                                                                                 the reason of verdict
development Co., Ltd
Wuliangye                                                                                        Uncollectible for a
                                5,523,057.70             5,523,057.70                  100.00%
Restaurant                                                                                       long period
Hong Kong Yueheng
                                                                                                 Uncollectible for a
Development Co.,                3,271,837.78             3,271,837.78                  100.00%
                                                                                                 long period
Dameisha Tourism
                                2,576,445.69             2,576,445.69                  100.00% Suspended project
Shenzhen GUOMAO
Industrial                                                                                       The company is
                                2,351,652.48             2,351,652.48                  100.00%
Development Co.,                                                                                 insolvent
Elevated Train
                                2,542,332.43             2,542,332.43                  100.00% Suspended project
        Total                 141,853,195.96           141,853,195.96             --                       --
In the group, other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by aging analysis:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Period-end                                       Period-begin
                              Book balance                                    Book balance
       Aging                                            Provision for                                Provision for bad
                                             Propor                                        Propor
                             Amount                      bad debts          Amount                         debts
                                              tion                                          tion
Within 1 year
Within 1 year                                  29.29                                         17.69
                              7,003,796.57                 210,113.91       3,525,128.34                    105,753.86
(including 1 year)                                %                                             %
Subtotal of within 1                           29.29                                         17.69
                              7,003,796.57                 210,113.91       3,525,128.34                    105,753.86
year                                              %                                             %
1-2 years                     1,568,925.29 6.56%           156,892.53       4,838,702.38                    483,870.24
2-3 years                     4,249,678.99               1,274,903.70         184,851.23 0.93%                  55,455.37
                                               46.38                                         57.10
Over 3 years                 11,093,322.22              11,011,795.93     11,375,617.71                  11,359,854.37
                                                  %                                             %
3 to 4 years                    153,239.38 0.64%            76,619.69          30,088.09 0.15%                  15,044.05
4 to 5 years                      24,533.59 0.10%           19,626.99           3,596.51 0.02%                   2,877.21

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                              45.64                                       56.93
Over 5 years                10,915,549.25             10,915,549.25     11,341,933.11                    11,341,933.11
                                                 %                                           %
        Total               23,915,723.07      --     12,653,706.07     19,924,299.66      --            12,004,933.84
In the group, other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by balance percentage:
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the group, other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by other methods:
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but provision for bad debts individually accounts receivable:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
  Content of other                              Provision for bad          Withdrawal
                          Book balance                                                                   Reason
 accounts receivable                                  debts                proportion
Shenzhen Wufang
Pottery & Porcelain            1,747,264.25           1,747,264.25                 100.00% Poor operation status
Industrial Co., Ltd
                                                                                                Unrecoverable due to

Liang Weimin                   1,357,137.11            1,357,137.11                100.00% retirement                of

Shenzhen Guesthouse                                                                             Unrecoverable
(is attribute to the
stripping assets of
                                 909,960.40             909,960.40                 100.00%
Shenxin Company of
Shenzhen Investment
Holding Co., Ltd.)

Chongqing Hua’er                                                                               Owner       unable   to
                                 799,163.50             799,163.50                 100.00%
Decorations Co., Ltd.                                                                           repay the loan

Compensation for                                                                                Unrecoverable due to
Shidai new residence
                                 601,762.21             601,762.21                 100.00% disappearance of the
mortgage guarantee
in ABC                                                                                          debtor

                                                                                                Unrecoverable for a
Chen Liangfang                   500,000.00             500,000.00                 100.00%
                                                                                                long term

                                                                                                Unrecoverable for a
Yan Kunping                      496,307.77             496,307.77                 100.00%
                                                                                                long term

Fang Bijia                       344,134.00             344,134.00                 100.00% Unrecoverable
Shenzhen Property                                                                               Unrecoverable
Architectural Design             335,828.92             335,828.92                 100.00%

                                             2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Other                                2,625,704.35                  2,625,704.35                      100.00% Unrecoverable
         Total                       9,717,262.51                  9,717,262.51                 --                         --

(2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Reason for               Basis for                 Accrued amount
    Content of other                                                                                              Amount of reversed
                                    reversed or        determination of bad            before reversal or
   accounts receivable                                                                                              or recovered
                                     recovered            debts provision                  recovery
Other come-and-go                                      Unrecoverable for a
                              Recovered                                                              15,168.75                    15,168.75
accounts                                               long term
           Total                        --                          --                               15,168.75               --
Withdrawal of closing individually significant or insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually accounts
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
  Content of other                                                                         Withdrawal
                              Book balance            Amount of bad debts                                               Reason
 accounts receivable                                                                       percentage
Notes of individually insignificant but was of big risk after grouped by credit risk other accounts receivable:

(3) Information of other accounts receivable written off in the reporting period

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Nature of other                                                                      Whether arising
     Name of                                                               Write off
                            accounts            Write off date                             Write off reason from related party
     company                                                               amount
                           receivable                                                                       transactions or not
        Total                  --                      --                           0.00              --                     --
Notes of written-off of other accounts receivable:
There was not written-off of other accounts receivable in the reporting period.

(4) Other accounts receivable is due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                     Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                                                     Withdrawal                                        Withdrawal
          Name of entity
                                           Book balance             amount of bad            Book balance             amount of bad
                                                                       debts                                             debts
                 Total                                      0.00                  0.00                         0.00                    0.00

(5) Nature or details of other significant accounts receivable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                         Nature or details of
        Name of entity                        Amount                                                       Proportion of the total
                                                                            the amount

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Gintian Industry (Group)                                    Executed amount of
                                            56,600,000.00                                                       32.25%
Co., Ltd                                                    guarantee
Hainan            Xinda
                                            49,437,140.28 Come-and-go money                                     28.17%
Development Corporation
Anhui            Nanpeng                                    Operating turnover
                                             7,393,376.00                                                        4.21%
Papermaking Co., Ltd                                        funds
Shenzhen Shengfenglu,
GUOMAO Jewel & Gold                          6,481,353.60 Come-and-go money                                      3.69%
Co., Ltd
Shanghai Yutong Real
estate development Co.,                      5,676,000.00 Come-and-go money                                      3.23%
Wuliangye Restaurant                         5,523,057.70 Come-and-go money                                      3.15%
Hong    Kong     Yueheng
                                             3,271,837.78 Come-and-go money                                      1.86%
Development Co., Ltd
Dameisha Tourism Center                      2,576,445.69 Come-and-go money                                      1.47%
Shenzhen         GUOMAO
Industrial      Development                  2,351,652.48 Come-and-go money                                      1.34%
Co., Ltd
Elevated Train Project                       2,542,332.43 Come-and-go money                                      1.45%
             Total                         141,853,195.96              --                                       80.82%

(6) Information of top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Relationship with the                                                     Proportion of the
   Name of entity                                      Amount                    Aging
                               Company                                                                  total
Gintian      Industry
                      Non-related-party                 56,600,000.00 Over 5 years                              32.25%
(Group) Co., Ltd
Hainan           Xinda
Development              Subsidiary                     49,437,140.28 Over 5 years                              28.17%
Anhui      Nanpeng
                     Non-related-party                   7,393,376.00 Over 5 years                               4.21%
Papermaking Co., Ltd
               Non-related-party                         6,481,353.60 Over 5 years                               3.69%
GUOMAO Jewel &
Gold Co., Ltd
Shanghai     Yutong
Real          estate Non-related-party                   5,676,000.00 Over 5 years                               3.23%
development Co., Ltd
        Total                     --                   125,587,869.88              --                           71.55%

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

(7) Information of the amounts due from related parties

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                 Relationship with the
      Name of entity                                                  Amount                       Proportion
Anhui Nanpeng
                              Associated enterprise                          7,393,376.00                          4.21%
Papermaking Co., Ltd
Shenzhen GUOMAO
Industrial Development        Associated enterprise                          2,351,652.48                          1.34%
Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Wufang Pottery
& Porcelain Industrial  Associated enterprise                                1,747,264.25                          1.00%
Co., Ltd
                              With the same controller of
Shenzhen Guesthouse           the parent company of the                       909,960.40                           0.52%
            Total                           --                            12,402,253.13                            7.07%

 (8) Information of other accounts receivable that terminated recognition

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                             Gains or loses related to the termination
                Item                         Amount of termination
                                                                                          of recognition
                Total                                                 0.00                                          0.00

 (9) If securitization is carried out on other accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount
of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                                                    Period-end
Subtotal of assets:                                                                                                 0.00
Subtotal of liabilities                                                                                             0.00

(10) Government subsidy recognized according to the accounts receivable during the reporting period

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                     Reason failed to
                                                         Expected       Expected        Expected        recover the
               Government       Closing     Closing
    Unit                                                 charging       charging        charging     expected amount
               subsidy item     balance      aging
                                                           time          amount           basis       on the expected
                                                                                                       time (if any)
    Total              --            0.00        --         --                   0.00       --                --

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

8. Prepayment

 (1) List by aging analysis:

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                               Amount                   Proportion               Amount                   Proportion
Within 1
                                        55,535,795.21      99.24%                        30,389,540.42        84.64%
1 year to 2
                                          425,971.55        0.76%                            978,600.00        2.73%
2 years to 3
                                                 0.00       0.00%                          4,535,619.60       12.63%
Over 3 years                                 1,039.69       0.00%                              1,039.31        0.00%
Total                                   55,962,806.45       --                           35,904,799.33         --
Notes of aging of prepayment:

 (2) Information of the top 5 prepayment

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
   Name of entity          Relationship                 Amount                 Time            Reason for unsettled
                                                                                               Social         security
                                                                                               charges in building
                                                                                               industry refers to the
                                                                                               payment from the
                                                                                               enterprises      which
                                                                                               paid for the staffs of
                                                                                               their social security
                                                                                               charges     such     as
                                                                                               pension      insurance,
Prepayment of social                                                                           medical      insurance,
security charges in Non-related-party                   25,549,896.90 1 to 3 years             unemployment
building industry                                                                              insurance,
                                                                                               work-related injury
                                                                                               insurance          and
                                                                                               maternity insurance
                                                                                               (including the part
                                                                                               that the individual
                                                                                               paid). It executed the
                                                                                               unified     calculation
                                                                                               and         withdrawal
                                                                                               standard, uniformly
                                                                                               withdrew from the

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                              construction entities
                                                                                              and uniformly settled
                                                                                              the       construction
                                                                                              enterprises by taking
                                                                                              the        engineering
                                                                                              project as unit.
Shenzhen Finance                                                                              Still handling the
                     Non-related-party               23,961,137.00 Within 1 year
Committee                                                                                     relevant procedures
                                                                                              According to the
                                                                                              regulations of the
                                                                                              Interim Regulations
                                                                                              on Business Tax
                                                                                              Rules provisions to
                                                                                              transferred the land
                                                                                              use right or to sold
                                                                                              the real estate, if
                                                                                              adopted the method
                                                                                              receiving          the
                                                                                              accounts in advance
                                                                                              (including receiving
                                                                                              the      deposit     in
                                                                                              advance),           its
Prepayment of taxes Non-related-party                 4,585,821.29 Within 1 year
                                                                                              happening date of the
                                                                                              rateability was day
                                                                                              received           the
                                                                                              prepayments.     The
                                                                                              surplus            tax
                                                                                              prepayments of the
                                                                                              Company were the
                                                                                              taxes such as the
                                                                                              operating tax, urban
                                                                                              construction tax and
                                                                                              surcharges that had
                                                                                              not     reached    the
                                                                                              income conditions.
Shenzhen Branch of
                   Non-related-party                    371,700.00 Within 1 year              Project uncompleted
Shenzhen MGA Air
Conditioning          Non-related-party                 274,777.32 Within 1 year              Project uncompleted
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Total                          --                    54,743,332.51              --                       --

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Notes of important companies of prepayment:

 (3) Information about amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in prepayment

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               Closing balance                            Opening balance
                                                           The amount of
         Name of entity                                                                              The amount of bad
                                       Book balance          bad debt           Book balance
                                                                                                       debt provision
Total                                              0.00                 0.00                  0.00                  0.00

 (4) Notes of prepayment

Prepayment at the period-end increased 55.86%, mainly due to the prepayment of the land unused cost of the
parcel of Fuchang Phase II.
There was no amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the voting
shares of the Company in prepayment or the arrears of other related party.

9. Inventory

(1) Category

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Closing balance                                    Opening balance
        Item                                                                            Impairment of
                    Book balance           of          Book value      Book balance                       Book value
Raw materials         2,092,781.40       546,531.72    1,546,249.68     1,798,069.73       459,762.21     1,338,307.52
Inventory goods            45,012.80                       45,012.80        41,414.10                         41,414.10
Turnover material         235,550.20                      235,550.20       472,708.60                       472,708.60
Products held for
                                       12,544,031.2               389,667,048.3               377,123,017.1
real estate          49,085,272.13                  36,541,240.89               12,544,031.24
                                                  4                           7                           3
Properties under    1,900,561,993.8                   1,900,561,993. 1,378,610,580.                     1,378,610,580.
development                       2                              82             99                                 99
Completed                                             284,410,283.5 343,813,851.5                        343,813,851.5
properties for sale                                               9             9                                    9
                    2,236,430,893.9 13,090,562.9 2,223,340,330. 2,114,403,673.               2,101,399,879.
Total                                                                          13,003,793.45
                                  4            6            98             38                           93

(2) Provision for falling price of inventories

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                           Opening book                                      Decease                     Closing book
        Category                                Increase
                             balance                                Reversal         Write-off             balance
Raw materials                  459,762.21           86,769.51                                                   546,531.72
Products to be de
                            12,544,031.24                                                                   12,544,031.24
Total                       13,003,793.45           86,769.51                                               13,090,562.96

(3) Details of provision for falling price of inventories

                                                                                                Proportion of reversal of
                                  Basis on provision for
             Item                                                Reasons for reversal          provision for impairment of
                                falling price of inventories
                                                                                              inventories to closing balance
                               The estimated net
Raw materials                  realizable value is lower                                                             0.00%
                               than the book value
                               The estimated net
Land to be developed           realizable value is lower                                                             0.00%
                               than the book value
Notes of inventory:
Particulars about the capitalization amount of borrowing costs in the closing balance of inventory:
Category of inventory            Project          Closing balance       Increase for the       Decrease for the        Closing balance
                                                                             year                   year
Properties under             Banshanyujing            24,281,007.45            2,924,308.50                                    27,205,315.95
Properties under              Hupanyujing              2,438,051.09            3,549,640.02                                     5,987,691.11
Properties under             Songhulangyuan            7,717,027.20            1,938,890.52                                     9,655,917.72
Properties under              Qianhai Bay                                      2,442,414.05                                     2,442,414.05
Properties under               Jinglijiaru                                      178,045.77                                        178,045.77
Properties completed           Xinhua City                 298,996.70                                    34,493.21                264,503.49
Properties completed         Shengang No.1             2,111,048.07                                  1,616,386.12                 494,661.95
Properties completed        Langqiao Garden           41,763,371.66                                  5,276,934.49              36,486,437.17
Properties completed           Caitianyise                 654,477.63                                  196,925.05                 457,552.58
           Total                                      79,263,979.80         11,033,298.86            7,124,738.87              83,172,539.79

10. Other current assets

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                              Closing balance                         Opening balance

                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Notes of other current assets

11. Available-for-sale financial assets

 (1) Information of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                Closing fair value               Opening fair value
In the reporting period, the Company reclassified the held-to-maturity investment into available-for-sale financial
assets, a total of RMB* was reclassified, which takes *% of total matured investment before reclassification.
Notes of available-for-sale financial assets

 (2) Long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                     Interest in
                                             Initial                                              accounts
                                                          Matured       Opening          the                       Closing
    Item         Category      Balance     investment                                            receivable
                                                           date         balance       reporting                    balance
                                              cost                                               or received
Notes of long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets

 (3) Impairment of available for sale financial assets

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Equity instruments      Debt instruments
            Category                                                                    Other               Total
                                         available for sale     available for sale

 (4) Changes in impairment of available for sale financial assets during the reporting period

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                Debt instruments
       Category                instruments                                    Other                        Total
                                                available for sale
                             available for sale

 (5) The fair value falling sharply or continue falling of equity instruments available for sale

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
    Equity                                       Falling                                    Reasons for the withdrawal
 instruments                                  range of the Constant                         of impairment according to
                     Cost          Fair value                                impairment
available for                                  fair value falling time                       the difference between the
sale (itemize)                                 relative to                                  cost and the fair value at the

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                              the cost                                             period-end

12. Held-to-maturity investment

 (1) Information

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                        Closing book balance                   Opening book balance
Notes of held-to-maturity investment

 (2) Information of held-to-maturity investment sold in the reporting period but was not matured

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                        Percentage of the investment amount before
                   Item                         Amount
Notes of undue held-to-maturity investment sold in the reporting period

13. Long-term accounts receivable

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
             Category                          Closing balance                            Opening balance

14. Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Percentage       Voting
                                                                                       operation Net profit of
  Name of           of holding percentage of Total closing Total closing Net closing
                                                                                      revenue of the reporting
  investee         shares of the the Company    assets      liabilities    assets
                                                                                     the reporting  period
                    Company       in investee
I. Joint ventures
Shenzhen    Jifa
                                              60,960,050.7              58,329,814.5
Warehouse                 50.00%     50.00%                2,630,236.15              2,912,701.98           241,659.52
                                                         0                         5
Co., Ltd

Shenzhen ITC

Tian’an                                      74,672,678.5 14,931,804.0 59,740,874.4 10,722,373.6 -3,438,935.1
                          50.00%     50.00%
Properties Co.,                                          1            6            5            4            6


                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.



                                          35,895,584.4 30,309,423.1
Building            50.00%       50.00%                             5,586,161.28 9,179,166.25           630,262.63
                                                     1            3


Co., Ltd

II. Associated enterprises
Shenzhen ITC

                    38.33%       38.33%

Co., Ltd


                    30.00%       30.00%

Co., Ltd



Pottery         &
                    26.00%       26.00%

Industrial Co.,


Notes if significant differences exist between the important accounting policies and accounting estimations of
joint ventures, associated enterprises and the Company:

15. Long-term equity investment

  (1) List of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                  Share Voting Explana Impairm Withdra Cash
        Account Initial         Increase
                        Opening          Closing holding percenta tion for  ent      wn bonus in
Investee ing    investm         /decreas
                        balance          balance percenta ge in indiffere provisio impairm the
        method ent cost            e
                                                  ge in investee nces        n       ent  reportin

                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                     investee             between               provisio g period
                                                                             the                n in the
                                                                            share               reportin
                                                                          holding               g period
                                                                           ge and
                                                                            ge in
n Jifa
        Equity 30,645,0 29,044,0 120,829. 29,164,9
use                                                50.00% 50.00%
        method    56.04    77.52      76     07.28
Tian’an Equity 23,186,1 31,589,9 -1,719,4 29,870,4
                                                    50.00% 50.00%
Properti method    24.00    04.82    67.59    37.23
es Co.,
onal      Equity 1,500,00 2,477,94 315,131. 2,793,08
                                                     50.00% 50.00%
Building method      0.00     9.33      31      0.64
Co., Ltd
&        Cost   18,983,6 18,983,6           18,983,6                                 18,983,6
                                     0.00            26.00% 26.00%
Porcelai method    14.14    14.14              14.14                                    14.14
al Co.,
Shenzhe Cost    20,154,8 3,682,97    0.00 3,682,97 38.33% 38.33%                     3,682,97

                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

n ITC method       40.79     2.55                 2.55                                  2.55
Co., Ltd
g        Cost  13,824,0 13,824,0               13,824,0                             13,824,0
                                        0.00            30.00% 30.00%
Paperma method    00.00    00.00                  00.00                                00.00
Co., Ltd
T.H.    Cost   2,962,50 2,962,50               2,962,50                             2,160,30
                                        0.00              0.10%    0.10%
Co.,    method     0.00     0.00                   0.00                                 0.45
ry      Cost   3,465,00 3,465,00               3,465,00                             3,465,00
                                        0.00            12.66% 12.66%
(Group) method     0.00     0.00                   0.00                                 0.00
       Cost   8,780,64 8,780,64                8,780,64                             8,780,64
Real                                    0.00              8.47%    8.47%
       method     5.20     5.20                    5.20                                 5.20
         Cost   8,500,00 8,500,00              8,500,00   100.00   100.00
m                                       0.00                                            0.00
         method     0.00     0.00                  0.00       %        %
Develop Cost   20,000,0             20,000,0 20,000,0     100.00   100.00           20,000,0 20,000,0
ment    method    00.00                00.00    00.00         %        %               00.00    00.00
Guangz Cost   6,000,00 6,000,00                6,000,00
                                        0.00            30.00% 30.00%                   0.00
hou    method     0.00     0.00                    0.00

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

bile Co.,
            Cost   1,350,00 1,350,00               1,350,00                                1,350,00
Travel                                      0.00               0.28%     0.28%
            method     0.00     0.00                   0.00                                    0.00
        Cost   17,695.0 17,695.0                   17,695.0                                17,695.0
Co.,                                        0.00
        method        9        9                          9                                       9
         Cost   85,621.3 76,330.1                  77,067.9                                77,067.9
Enterpri                                  737.86            10.00% 10.00%                              737.86
         method        6        0                         6                                       6
se Co.,
        Cost   2,598,06 2,316,13 22,389.4 2,338,52                                         2,338,52 22,389.4
estate                                             27.25% 27.25%
        method     1.52     1.04        6     0.50                                             0.50        6
Saipan Cost    1,935,18 1,725,18 16,676.9 1,741,86                                         1,741,86 16,676.9
                                                   30.00% 30.00%
Project method     4.04     6.18        6     3.14                                             3.14        6
                    163,988, 134,796, 18,756,2 153,552,                                    76,421,6 20,039,8
Total          --                                               --        --        --
                     342.18 005.97       97.76 303.73                                         79.03    04.28

 (2) Information of the limitation on the capability to transfer capital to investee

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
   Item that with limitation on the
                                                                                  Investment losses unrecognized in
   capability to transfer capital to            Reason for limitation
                                                                                           current period
Notes of long-term equity investment:
A. In Jan. 2008, Shenzhen GUOMAO Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter as the “Vehicles Company”) signed
a gas station lease contract with Shenzhen Guanghong Investment Company Limited,, which promises that
Shenzhen Guanghong Investment Co., Ltd rents the assets and rights such as the land of gas station, the gas
station, business occupancy, dormitory, equipments and facilities, as well as business management right from
Shenzhen Guomao Oil Co., Ltd (Shenzhen Guomao Automobile Industry Co., Ltd holds 100% equity of the

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

company) and takes over the operation and management, with a lease term of 15 years. Since the date of operating
lease, the Company no longer exerts actual control on Shenzhen Guomao Oil Co., Ltd, therefore, included in the
consolidation scope, according to the Accounting Standard for Enterprises.
B. The decreased balance of investment and impairment provision of Macao Huashen Enterprise Co., Ltd., Saipan
Project, Chongqing Guangfa Real estate development Co., Ltd., which was due to translation of financial
statements in foreign currencies.
C. As for the changes of long-term equity investment of Hainan Xinda Development Corporation and the
impairment provision, the reasons of changes occurred was because the bankruptcy liquidation of the Company
had took over by the bankruptcy administrator and had not included the balance sheet of the Company into the
consolidation scope.

16. Investment property

 (1) Investment property calculated by cost

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
        Item            Opening book balance         Increase               Decrease            Closing book balance

I. Total cost                477,113,803.15             104,922.44            4,520,882.13             472,697,843.46
1. Property and
                             469,143,848.75             104,922.44            4,520,882.13             464,727,889.06
2. Land use right               7,969,954.40                                                             7,969,954.40
II Accumulated
depreciation and             203,799,180.12           9,301,959.09            1,612,339.94             211,488,799.27
1. Property       and
                             199,448,207.69           9,047,386.53            1,612,339.94             206,883,254.28
2. Land use right               4,350,972.43            254,572.56                                       4,605,544.99
III. Total net book
value of investment          273,314,623.03           -9,197,036.65           2,908,542.19             261,209,044.19
real estate
1. Property       and
                             269,695,641.06           -8,942,464.09           2,908,542.19             257,844,634.78
2. Land use right               3,618,981.97            -254,572.56                    0.00              3,364,409.41
IV. Accumulated
amount of
provision for
                             273,314,623.03           -9,197,036.65           2,908,542.19             261,209,044.19
impairment of
investment real
1. Property       and
                             269,695,641.06           -8,942,464.09           2,908,542.19             257,844,634.78
2. Land use right               3,618,981.97            -254,572.56                    0.00              3,364,409.41
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                  The reporting period
Amount of amortization and depreciation in the reporting
Withdrawal amount of provision for impairment of investment
real estate in the reporting period

 (2) Investment real estate measured by fair value

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                     Decreased in the
                                             Increased in the reporting period
                                                                                     reporting period
                                 Opening                  d to                                             Closing
              Item                                                                                d to
                                fair value            owner-occ Changes in                                fair value
                                             Purchase                               Disposal   owner-occ
                                                         upied    fair value
                                                      property or
Explanation on investment real estates that changed the measurement method and have not completed to handle
the property right certificate during the reporting period, and relevant explanation on the reason for failing to
complete to handle the property right certificate and the expected completion time

17. Fixed assets

 (1) Fixed assets details

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Opening book                                          Decrease in the     Closing book
           Item                               Increase in the reporting period
                              balance                                             reporting period      balance
I. Total original book
                            207,399,267.98                        3,518,058.62        7,356,982.31 203,560,344.29
Including: Property and
                        115,464,014.04                               48,556.36        3,227,316.91 112,285,253.49
Machineries                           0.00                                 0.00                0.00               0.00
Vehicles                     51,945,065.86                        2,725,764.00        2,915,128.00      51,755,701.86
Electrical and other
                             33,882,256.49                         743,738.26         1,214,537.40       33,411,457.35
Decoration of fixed
                              6,107,931.59                                 0.00                0.00       6,107,931.59
                                             Increase in the                                          Closing book
                            Opening book                     Withdrawal in the Decrease in the
            --                                  reporting                                               balance in
                              balance                        reporting period reporting period
                                                 period                                               current period
II.        Accumulated
                       132,022,535.10            36,499.70        7,789,948.43        5,522,689.44 134,326,293.79
Including: Property and      72,877,326.17       36,499.70        2,185,255.70        1,698,818.66      73,400,262.91

                                         2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Machineries                               0.00                0.00                0.00               0.00               0.00
Vehicles                        27,763,254.01                 0.00     4,566,741.34          2,696,301.40     29,633,693.95
Electrical and other
                                26,862,028.04                 0.00       861,296.93          1,127,569.38     26,595,755.59
Decoration of fixed
                                  4,519,926.88                0.00       176,654.46                  0.00      4,696,581.34
                                Opening book                                                                Closing balance
              --                                                            --
                                  balance                                                                   in current period
III. The net book value
                                75,376,732.88                               --                                69,234,050.50
of fixed assets
Including: Property and
                                42,586,687.87                               --                                38,884,990.58
Machineries                      24,181,811.85                              --                                22,197,725.07
Vehicles                          7,020,228.45                              --                                 6,739,984.60
Electrical and other
                                  1,588,004.71                              --                                 1,411,350.25
Decoration of fixed
                                    75,717.16                               --                                    75,717.16
IV. Total          impairment
                                    75,717.16                               --                                    75,717.16
Electrical and other
Decoration of fixed
                                75,301,015.72                               --                                69,158,333.34
IV. Total          impairment
                                42,586,687.87                               --                                38,884,990.58
Including: Property and
                                          0.00                              --                                          0.00
Machineries                      24,181,811.85                              --                                22,122,007.91
Vehicles                          6,944,511.29                              --                                 6,739,984.60
Electrical and other
                                  1,588,004.71                              --                                 1,411,350.25
Depreciation amount of this reporting period was RMB 7,789,948.43; RMB 0.00 was transferred into fixed assets
from construction project.

 (2) Temporary idle fixed assets

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Original book           Accrued             Impairment
       Item                                                                              Net book value          Note
                             value             depreciation           provision

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

 (3) Fixed assets leased in from financing lease

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
           Item                 Original book value          Accrued depreciation             Net book value

 (4) Fixed assets leased out from operation lease

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Category                                            Closing book value

 (5) Information of hold-for-sale fixed assets at period-end

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                        Estimated disposal
          Item                 Book value             Fair value                               Estimated settle date

 (6) Information of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property

                  Item                                Reason                        Estimated accomplish date
Notes of fixed assets
The decrease of the houses and constructions was mainly due to the disposal of the reporting period.
The vehicles changed during the reporting period mainly due to the taxi subsidiaries changed the operating

18. Construction in progress

 (1) List of construction in progress

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Closing balance                              Opening balance
          Item                 Book         Impairment                     Book        Impairment
                                                          Book value                                   Book value
                              balance        provision                    balance       provision

 (2) Significant changes in construction in progress

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

Name                           Transfe
               Openin                   Other Project Project Capitali Includi Capitali Source Closing
                       Increas rred to
  of    Budget    g                    decreas input           zation    ng:    zation     of
                          e     fixed                  process                                  balance
project        balance                    e    percent           of    capitali   of    funding

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                         age of            interest zation interest
                                                         budget                        of    rate
                                                                                    interest (%)
Notes of significant changes in construction in progress:

 (3) Impairment provision of construction in progress

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Increase in the     Decrease in the                            Reason for
       Item            Opening amount                                              Closing balance
                                          reporting period     reporting period                           withdrawal

 (4) Information of procedures of significant construction in progress

                 Item                                Project process                               Note

(5) Notes of construction in progress


19. Engineering materials

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Increase in the Decrease in the
                Item                    Opening balance                                              Closing balance
                                                             reporting period reporting period
Notes of engineering materials:

20. Clearance of fixed assets

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                            Reason for transferring to
                Item                 Opening book value           Closing book value
Notes of clearance process of fixed assets with a clearance term of over 1 year since the transfer into fixed assets:

21. Productive biological assets

 (1) Measured by cost

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Opening book                                                               Closing book
         Item                                          Increase                Decrease
                               value                                                                     balance
I Planting
II. Livestock

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

III. Forestry
IV. Fishery

 (2) Measured by fair value

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Opening book                                                             Closing book
              Item                                   Increase                Decrease
                               value                                                                   balance
I. Planting
II. Livestock
III. Forestry
IV. Fishery
Notes of productive biological assets:

22. Oil and gas assets

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Opening book                                                          Closing book
              Item                                   Increase                 Decrease
                                 balance                                                               balance
Notes of oil and gas assets:

23. Intangible assets

 (1) Information

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Opening book          Increase in the       Decrease in the          Closing book
                                  balance            reporting period       reporting period           balance
I. Total original book
                                  170,884,406.80                    0.00                   0.00        170,884,406.80
Taxi operating licenses           170,866,146.80                    0.00                   0.00        170,866,146.80
Financial software                       18,260.00                  0.00                   0.00              18,260.00
II. Total accrued
                                   63,939,316.73          3,576,251.52                     0.00         67,515,568.25
Taxi operating licenses            63,921,056.73          3,576,251.52                     0.00         67,497,308.25
Financial software                       18,260.00                  0.00                   0.00              18,260.00
III. Total net book value
                                  106,945,090.07         -3,576,251.52                     0.00        103,368,838.55
of intangible assets
Taxi operating licenses           106,945,090.07         -3,576,251.52                     0.00        103,368,838.55
Financial software                            0.00                  0.00                   0.00                    0.00
IV. Total impairment

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Taxi operating licenses
Financial software              106,945,090.07              -3,576,251.52                    0.00        103,368,838.55
Total book value of
                                106,945,090.07              -3,576,251.52                    0.00        103,368,838.55
intangible assets
Taxi operating licenses                       0.00                     0.00                  0.00                    0.00
Amortization was of RMB 3,576,251.52 in the reporting period.

 (2) Company development expense

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Recognized into
      Item            Opening balance         Increase                              Recognized as      Closing balance
                                                                                   intangible assets
The percentage of development expense in the total expenditure of R&D projects in the reporting period:
The percentage of the value of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company in the closing
book value of intangible assets:
Notes of the developed projects of the Company, including the projects with individual value more than RMB 1
million and recorded with the assessed value, relevant assessment agency and method shall be disclosed:

24. Goodwill

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
Name of investee or event           Opening           Increase in the Decrease in the
                                                                                       Closing balance provision at
that generated goodwill             balance          reporting period reporting period
Notes of test method of goodwill impairment and impairment withdrawal method:

25. Long-term amortization expense

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Opening                          Amortization                        Closing         Reason for
     Item                            Increase                       Other decrease
                      balance                            balance                           balance       other decrease
project for
                     1,643,273.97                          86,488.14                      1,556,785.83
Subway No. 3
                      481,679.90                           58,800.00                        422,879.90
  Fire and

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                     956,430.12                        118,877.34                         837,552.78
Total               3,081,383.99                       264,165.48                       2,817,218.51          --
Notes of long-term amortization expense:

26. Deferred tax assets and liabilities

 (1) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not listed as the net value after offset

 Deferred tax assets and liabilities that already recognized

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                               Closing balance                      Opening balance
Deferred income tax assets:
Provision for impairment of assets                                  1,021,274.23                           872,048.94
Deductible losses                                                181,058,527.06                        184,251,177.59
Unrealized internal sales gain and loss                             2,101,523.39                           763,588.63

Estimated profit calculated at pre-sale
                                                                    3,771,494.95                         5,705,773.64
revenue of property enterprises
Others                                                                 26,665.01
Subtotal                                                         187,979,484.64                        191,592,588.80
Deferred income tax liabilities
List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                               Closing balance                      Opening balance
Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due in the following years
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
           Year                Closing balance          Opening balance                         Note
List of taxable differences and deductible differences items
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                   Temporary differences amount
                                                         As at period-end                   As at period-begin
Taxable differences items
Deductible differences items
Provision for impairment of assets                                    4,177,011.80                       3,488,195.78
Deductible losses                                                  724,234,108.19                      737,004,710.28
Unrealized internal sales gain and loss                               8,406,093.50                       3,054,354.48

Estimated profit calculated at pre-sale                             15,085,979.80                       22,823,094.60

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

revenue of property enterprises
Others                                                                   106,660.05
Subtotal                                                            752,009,853.34                      766,370,355.14
 (2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are listed as the net value after offset
Components items of deferred income tax assets and liabilities after mutual set-off
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                       Deferred income      Deductible or tax Deferred income          Deductible or
                                          tax assets or     able temporary d   tax assets or         taxable temporary
                                        liabilities after   ifferences after liabilities after        differences after
                                       mutual set-off at    mutual set-off at mutual set-off at       mutual set-off at
                                         the end of the      the end of the the opening of the       the opening of the
                                             period         period                period                   period

Deferred income tax assets               187,979,484.64        752,009,853.34      191,592,588.80       766,370,355.14
Notes of deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                                Amounts of the mutual set-off in the period
Notes of deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities
27. List of provision for assets impairment
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Opening book                                    Decrease                Closing book
           Item                                     Increase
                                  balance                              Reversal        Written off        balance
I. Provision for bad debt       226,242,283.07     50,829,582.88         15,168.75         389,721.35 276,666,975.85
II. Provision for inventory
                                 13,003,793.45         86,769.51                                         13,090,562.96
falling price
V. Impairment provision
of long-term equity              56,381,874.75     20,039,804.28                                         76,421,679.03
VII. Impairment
                                     75,717.16                                                                75,717.16
provision of fixed assets
Total                           295,703,668.43     70,956,156.67         15,168.75         389,721.35 366,254,935.00
Notes of the list of assets impairment:
In the increase of bad debt provision, of which, the influence of Hainan Company’s bankruptcy liquidation and
exiting the consolidated was RMB 49,344,757.21. Influence of foreign currency translation was RMB 107,806.93;
The decrease of write-off in the reporting period was due to Hainan Company’s bankruptcy liquidation and exiting
the consolidated, in the increase of long-term equity investment impairment provision of which, the influence of
Hainan Company’s bankruptcy liquidation and exiting the consolidated was RMB 20,000,000.00, the influence of
foreign currency translation was RMB 39,804.28. The aforesaid increase and decrease of impairment provision
did not affect the current profits and losses.
28. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                               Closing amount                        Opening amount

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.


29. Short-term loan
(1) Category
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Category                            Closing balance                       Opening balance
Mortgage loan                                                     20,000,000.00                         260,000,000.00
Guarantee loan                                                    70,000,000.00
Guarantee loan + pledge loan                                                                             40,000,000.00
Mortgage loan + pledge loan                                       50,000,000.00
Total                                                            140,000,000.00                         300,000,000.00
Table of short-term borrowing:
                                                                                        Interest rate          Closing
         The loan equity             Starting date      End date          Currency
                                                                                            (%)                balance
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.            2014.06.27       2015.02.19     Renminbi             6.0600%        70,000,000.00
Shenzhen Branch
Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd.            2014.05.14       2015.05.12     Renminbi             7.2000%        20,000,000.00
Shenzhen Branch
Bank of Communications Co.,          2014.06.18       2015.06.06     Renminbi             7.3800%        30,000,000.00
Ltd. Yangzhou Branch
Bank of Communications Co.,          2014.06.26       2015.06.06          Renminbi        7.3800%        20,000,000.00
Ltd. Yangzhou Branch
               Total                                                                                     140,000,000.00

(2) List of unsettled mature short-term loan
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Amount of                                          Reason of failing to Expected repayment
  The loan entity                    Interest rate       Purpose
                         loan                                                   repay                period
Total                         0.00        --                --                    --                      --
RMB 0.00 had repaid after the balance sheet
Note to short-term loan, including unsettled mature short-term loan renewal, shall explain conditions and new
maturity date

30. Trading financial liabilities
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                             Closing fair value                   Opening fair value

31. Notes payable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                category                           Closing amount                       Opening amount
RMB0.00 of the next accounting period expires

32. Accounts payable


                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                           Closing balance                       Opening balance
Accounts payable                                             235,637,274.77                         265,697,047.64
Total                                                        235,637,274.77                         265,697,047.64

(2) The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
             Name of entity                       Closing balance                       Opening balance
Total                                                                    0.00                                   0.00
(3) Notes of the significant accounts payable aging over one year:
The accounts payable aging over one year mainly was engineering funds and quality guarantee funds etc.
33. Advance from customers
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                             Closing balance                     Opening balance
Advance from customers                                          92,322,222.63                      141,082,677.48
Total                                                           92,322,222.63                       141,082,677.48

(2) Advanced from customers from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Entity                            Closing balance                     Opening balance
Total                                                                     0.00                                  0.00

 (3) Notes of significant advance from customers aging over one year:

The significant advance from customers aged over one year mainly due to the accounts received had not
transferred to income for not reaching the recognition conditions of income.
There was no advance from customers due to the shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company and other related parties.
The closing amount of the accounts advance from customers decreased by34.56%, over that of period-begin,
which mainly due to accounts advance from customers of the sale of real estate project reaching to the revenue

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

recognition conditions and had been transferred to income.
Main advance from customers of the sale of real estate project:
              Item                  Aging                Closing balance       Estimated completion
SZPRD-Shengang No. 1           Within one year              2,935,222.00         Has be completed
SZPRD-Langqiao Garden          Within one year           66,417,611.00           Has be completed
SZPRD-Caitianyise              Within one year              5,102,066.00         Has be completed
SZPRD-Xinhuacheng              Within one year              1,300,000.00         Has be completed
SZPRD- Hupanyujing             Within one year              1,550,000.00               2014.12
              Total                                      77,304,899.00

34. Payroll payable

                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan
       Item            Opening book              Increase                   Decrease                Closing book
                         balance                                                                      balance
I. Salary, bonus,
allowance,                45,296,847.07          105,854,721.64               114,540,522.53           36,611,046.18
II. Employee
                                    0.00            4,985,240.36                 4,985,240.36                     0.00
III. Social
                                    0.00          15,567,043.02                15,567,043.02                      0.00
Including: 1.
                                                    3,038,886.07                 3,038,886.07
2. Basic pension
                                                    8,963,993.98                 8,963,993.98
3. Annuity                                          2,261,836.01                 2,261,836.01
4. Unemployment
                                                      696,511.52                   696,511.52
5. Work-related
                                                      296,662.27                   296,662.27
injury insurance
6. Maternity
                                                      287,749.54                   287,749.54
7. Other social
                                                       21,403.63                    21,403.63
IV. Housing fund           1,470,812.19             3,975,747.21                 4,050,309.15           1,396,250.25
V. Redemption
for terminations             628,790.80             1,081,294.85                 1,710,085.65                     0.00
of labor contract

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

VI. Others                    2,626,780.92           2,741,409.87                 1,905,134.29           3,463,056.50
Of which: labor
union budget and
                              2,626,780.92           2,741,409.87                 1,905,134.29           3,463,056.50
education budget
Compensation for
terminating the           50,023,230.98           134,205,456.95               142,758,335.00           41,470,352.93
labor contract
RMB * is the amounts in arrears in the payroll payable.
The labor union budget and employee education budget is RMB 3,463,056.50, and the non-monetary benefits are
RMB 0.00, as well as the compensation for terminating the labor contract is RMB 1,710,085.65.
35. Taxes payable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                Closing balance                    Opening balance
Value-added tax                                                           -59,561.72                       169,814.58
Consumption tax                                                        4,719,399.63                      6,467,191.84
Business tax                                                          42,809,034.14                    118,945,842.15
Corporate income tax                                                   4,468,611.34                        638,522.93
Personal income tax                                                      337,853.88                        460,533.83
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                     -8,337.87                         -8,763.57
Stamp duty                                                               149,302.95                        201,566.29
Education surtax                                                           99,002.22                       134,440.12
Local education surtax                                               724,265,108.19                    737,004,710.28
Land VAT                                                                 979,349.12                        981,324.08
Property tax                                                                3,548.81                          5,177.08
Dive fee                                                                 610,058.38                        512,698.98
Other                                                                778,373,369.07                    865,513,058.59
Notes of taxes payable: for the taxable income of branch companies and factories approved to be inter-adjusted by
their local tax authorities, the Company shall specified their calculation procedure.
36. Interest payable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                Closing balance                    Opening balance
Interest payable of short-term borrowing                                 502,634.99                        934,568.21
Total                                                                    502,634.99                        934,568.21
Interest payable was the interest of bank loan from 21 Jun.-30 Jun.
37. Dividends payable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                       Reason for unsettlement over
        Name of company               Closing balance          Opening balance
                                                                                                  1 year

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

38. Other accounts payable

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                               Closing balance                      Opening balance
Other accounts payable                                            111,544,039.76                      123,967,110.64
Total                                                             111,544,039.76                      123,967,110.64
 (2) Other accounts payable from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                Name of entity                         Closing balance                      Opening balance
Total                                                                         0.00                                0.00

 (3) Notes of the other large amount accounts payable aging over 1 year.

The Company’s other large amount accounts payable aging over 1 year are mainly the accrued land VAT and
various deposits, etc.
There was no other accounts payable from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company

 (4) Notes of other accounts payable with significant amount

Other accounts payable with significant amount listed as below:
                    Item or entity                       Closing balance      Nature or content
Leasing and other deposits                               25,411,234.77        Pledge and margin
Shenzhen Property Jifa Warehouse Co., Ltd.               23,545,808.00        Current accounts
Guangzhou Lishifeng Automobile Co., Ltd.                 15,344,017.08        Current accounts
Shenzhen ITC Tian’an Properties Co., Ltd                 4,114,345.90        Current accounts
Represent the drivers charge miscellaneous fees           2,046,976.78        Third party payment
                        Total                            70,462,382.53

39. Estimated liabilities
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Opening book
         Item                                        Increase               Decrease          Closing book balance
40. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                            Closing balance                      Opening balance

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Long-term loan due within 1 year                               110,400,000.00                            64,316,666.64
Long-term accounts payable due within 1
                                                                  2,693,221.64                             2,693,221.64
Total                                                          113,093,221.64                            67,009,888.28
 (2) Long-term loan due within 1 year
 Long-term loan due within 1 year
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                               Closing balance                        Opening balance
Pledge loan                                                     10,400,000.00                            14,316,666.64
Guarantee +pledged loan                                        100,000,000.00                            50,000,000.00
Total                                                          110,400,000.00                            64,316,666.64
RMB 000 of long-term loan due within 1 year was of mature loan with extended term.
Top five long-term loans due within 1 year:
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                        Closing balance           Opening balance
               Starting       Ending                                 Foreign                    Foreign
  Creditor                               Currency      Rate (%)                     RMB                         RMB
                 date          date                                  currency                   currency
                                                                                   balance                     balance
                                                                      balance                    balance
Bank of
ations Co., 27 Jun.                                                               20,000,000.                20,000,000.
                            6 Sep. 2014 RMB                7.38%           0.00                       0.00
Ltd.        2013                                                                          00                         00
Bank of
ations Co., 27 Jun.         6 Dec.                                                30,000,000.                30,000,000.
                                        RMB                7.38%           0.00                       0.00
Ltd.        2013            2014                                                          00                         00
Bank of
ations Co., 5 Dec.          6 Mar.                                                50,000,000.
                                        RMB                7.38%           0.00                       0.00          0.00
Ltd.        2013            2015                                                          00
Branch of                   10 Jan.                                               10,400,000.                10,650,000.
              11Jan. 2012               RMB                6.77%           0.00                       0.00
Ping An                     2015                                                          00                         00
Shangbu    25 Dec.          23 Dec.                                                                          3,666,666.6
                                        RMB                6.77%           0.00         0.00          0.00
Branch of 2011              2014                                                                                       4
Ping    An

                                              2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                              110,400,00                64,316,666.
Total                 --              --              --             --             --                          --
                                                                                                    0.00                        64
Mature loan of long-term loan due within 1 year:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Amount of                              Annual rate                           Reason for         Estimated
      Creditor                             Overdue date                              Usage
                         loan                                    (%)                               unsettlement        settle date
Total                               0.00         --                  --                  --                --              --
RMB 1,800,000.00 was paid back after Balance Sheet Date:
Notes of long-term borrowings due within 1 year:
 (3) Bonds payable due within 1 year
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                    Accrued Interest
                                                                          Opening                          Closing
                              Issuance                     Issuing                 interest in paid in the                Closing
  Name           Par value                    Term                        interest                         interest
                                date                       amount                    current reporting                    balance
                                                                          payable                          payable
                                                                                     period      period

 (4) Long-term accounts payable due within 1 year
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                    Accrued          Closing
      Creditor               Term          Initial amount      Rate (%)                                                Conditions
                                                                                    interest         balance
To be
income from
                                            1,293,221.64                                            1,293,221.64
license plate
To be
income from
renting                                     1,400,000.00                                            1,400,000.00
Shenzhen ITC
Petroleum Co.,
Notes of long-term accounts payable due within 1 year:
41. Other current liabilities
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                 Closing book balance                    Opening book balance
Notes of other non-current liabilities:

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

42. Long-term loan

 (1) Category of long-term loan
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                             Closing balance                       Opening balance
Pledge loan                                                                                              5,000,000.00
Guarantee + mortgage loan                                       172,613,352.00                        111,243,352.00
Total                                                           172,613,352.00                        116,243,352.00

 (2) The top five long-term loans
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Closing balance            Opening balance
               Starting     Ending                                 Foreign                    Foreign
 Creditor                              Currency      Rate (%)                     RMB                        RMB
                 date        date                                  currency                   currency
                                                                                 amount                     amount
                                                                    amount                     amount
Bank of
ations Co.,
            27 Jun.       11 Jan.                                               100,000,00
Ltd.,                                 RMB                6.77%           0.00                       0.00          0.00
            2014          2016                                                        0.00
Bank of
ations Co.,
            21 Dec.       11 Jan.                                               50,000,000.                50,000,000.
Ltd.,                                 RMB                6.15%           0.00                       0.00
            2013          2016                                                          00                         00
Bank of
              20 Jun.     19 Jun.                                               11,370,000.
Co., Ltd.                             RMB                7.07%           0.00                       0.00          0.00
              2014        2017                                                          00
Bank of
ations Co.,
            28 Jan.       11 Jan.                                               7,567,803.0                7,567,803.0
Ltd.,                                 RMB                6.95%           0.00                       0.00
            2013          2016                                                            0                          0
Bank of  11 Jan.          11 Jan.                                               2,218,000.0                2,218,000.0
                                      RMB                6.95%           0.00                       0.00
Communic 2013             2016                                                            0                          0

                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

ations Co.,
                                                                                      171,155,80                  59,785,803.
Total                 --          --             --             --             --                         --
                                                                                            3.00                          00
Notes of long-term loan: for the long-term loans arising from mature loans with extended term, the Company shall
explain the conditions of extension, principal, interest, expected repayment arrangement:
There was no over due loan in long term loan.
43. Bonds payable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Opening interest in             Closing
                            Issuance                  Issuing                            paid in the                  Closing
   Name        Par value                  Term                       interest    the                 interest
                              date                    amount                              reporting                   balance
                                                                     payable reporting               payable
Notes of bonds payable, including the conditions and date of conversion of the convertible corporate bonds:

44. Long-term payable

 (1) The top five long-term payable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                               Accrued          Closing         Conditions of
   Company                 Term        Initial amount       Rate (%)
                                                                               interest         balance            loan
 (2) List of the financing lease payable under the long-term loan
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                      Closing balance                               Opening balance
                                         Foreign currency                RMB          Foreign currency            RMB
RMB 000 was guarantee for the Company’s financing lease provided by the independent third party.
Notes of the long-term payable:
45. Specific payable

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Opening                                                Closing
               Item                                     Increase         Decrease                               Note
                                   balance                                                balance
Notes of specific payable:

46. Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                    Item                            Closing book balance                  Opening book balance
Utility specific fund                                                237,163.45                              237,163.45

Housing principle fund                                            13,193,230.04                           12,840,943.08

House warming deposit                                              7,770,923.22                            7,687,512.66

Electric Equipment Maintenance fund                                4,019,415.44                            4,019,415.44

Deputed Maintenance fund                                          27,311,094.28                           28,583,685.95

Taxi Deposit                                                      41,030,500.00                           40,798,500.00
To be transferred income from renting
                                                                   9,449,235.87                           10,095,846.69
operating license plate
To be transferred income from renting
                                                                  10,970,004.00                           11,670,000.00
Shenzhen ITC Petroleum Co., Ltd
Divestiture interests belongs to Shenzhen
                                                                  20,530,519.38                           21,289,629.66
Investment Holdings
Other                                                              1,233,596.05                            1,915,703.83
Total                                                            135,745,681.73                          139,138,400.76
Notes of other non-current liabilities
Others mainly are drivers mutual supporting assets received from the drivers of the taxi companies.
Liabilities involving government subsidies
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                       New subsidy
                                                       recorded into                                      Related to
                          Opening      amount in the                          Other       Closing
        Item                                          non-operating                                    assets/Related to
                          balance        reporting                           changes      balance
                                                      income in the                                    income revenue
                                                     reporting period
Total                           0.00            0.00               0.00           0.00          0.00          --
47. Share capital
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                       Increase/Decrease (+/-)
                 Opening                               Capitalizatio                                         Closing
                              Issuing new
                 balance                  Bonus shares n of public              Other         Subtotal       balance
               595,979,092.                                                                                595,979,092.
Total shares                            0.00           0.00           0.00             0.00         0.00
                        00                                                                                          00
Note: if there was capital increase or capital decrease in the reporting period, shall disclose the name of public
accounting firm of perform capital verification and reference number of capital verification for the company
operating less than 3 years, just indicate net assets before establishment. Limited liability company changed into
joint - stock company shall indicate the capital verification when the company establish.
48. Treasury stock
 Notes of treasury stock:

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

49. Special reserves
Notes of treasury stock:
50. Capital reserves
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
            Item             Opening balance           Increase                  Decrease             Closing balance
Capital premium (share
                                       38,450,087.51                                                      38,450,087.51
capital premium)
Other capital reserves                 81,636,558.92                      0.00           135,112.50       81,501,446.42
Total                              120,086,646.43                                        135,112.50      119,951,533.93
Note: the decrease of other capital reserve was due to the bankruptcy liquidation of Hainan Company, and at the
end of the reporting period was managed by the bankruptcy administrator, not included the company’s closing
balance sheet into the scope of consolidated financial statements.
51. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
            Item               Opening balance                Increase               Decrease          Closing balance
Legal surplus reserves             121,542,385.81                                                        121,542,385.81
Total                              121,542,385.81                                                        121,542,385.81
Notes of surplus reserves: for surplus reserves transferred to share capital, compensating losses and distributed as
dividends, relevant resolutions shall be explained.
52. Provision for general risk

Notes of provision for general risk:

53. Retained profits
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                    Withdrawal or
                    Item                                          Amount
                                                                                                distributed proportion
Opening balance of retained profits before
                                                                             972,271,884.95                --
Opening balance of retained profits after
                                                                             972,271,884.95                --
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of
                                                                              112,074,537.49               --
the Company
Dividend of common stock payable                                             148,994,773.00
Closing retained profits                                                      935,351,649.44               --
List of adjustment of opening retained profits:
1) RMB* opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
2) RMB* opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.
3) RMB* opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
4) RMB* opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

5) RMB* opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.
Notes: as for IPO companies, if the accumulated profits were enjoyed by new and original shareholders according
to the resolutions made at the shareholders’ general meeting before public offering, the Company shall explain
clearly; if the accumulated profits were distributed before public offering and enjoyed by the original shareholders
according to the resolutions made at the shareholders’ general meeting, the Company shall clearly disclose the
audited profits of dividends payable enjoyed by the original shareholders.
54. Revenue and Cost of Sales
 (1) Revenue, Cost of Sales
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                          Reporting period                  Same period of last year
Sales of main business                                        475,922,221.25                        1,333,146,585.62
Other operating income                                         25,445,338.53                           15,047,521.67
Cost of sales                                                 230,835,231.01                          553,178,605.80
 (2) Main business (Classified by industry)
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Reporting period                         Same period of last year
                                Revenue of sales        Costs of sales       Revenue of sales       Costs of sales
Real estate                        262,277,463.00          58,246,774.57     1,141,139,395.00         408,042,292.71
Leasing and property
                                   168,987,251.24         136,068,543.50        149,250,082.12        114,239,078.12
Transportation                      29,464,491.16          13,058,445.60         28,822,397.82         12,489,933.98
Catering Service                    10,597,322.84           9,093,665.24          9,713,850.75          8,130,350.67
Other                                4,595,693.01           4,431,876.35          4,220,859.93          4,851,695.48
Total                              475,922,221.25         220,899,305.26     1,333,146,585.62         547,753,350.96
 (3) Main business (Classified by product)
                                                                                                      Unit RMB Yuan
                                           Reporting period                         Same period of last year
                                Revenue of sales        Costs of sales       Revenue of sales       Costs of sales
Real estate                        262,277,463.00          58,246,774.57     1,141,139,395.00         408,042,292.71
Leasing and property
                                   168,987,251.24         136,068,543.50        149,250,082.12        114,239,078.12
Transportation                      29,464,491.16          13,058,445.60         28,822,397.82         12,489,933.98
Catering Service                    10,597,322.84           9,093,665.24          9,713,850.75          8,130,350.67
Other                                4,595,693.01           4,431,876.35          4,220,859.93          4,851,695.48
Total                              475,922,221.25         220,899,305.26     1,333,146,585.62         547,753,350.96
(4) Main business (Classified by area)
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Reporting period                         Same period of last year
                                Revenue of sales        Costs of sales       Revenue of sales       Costs of sales
Incomes of Shenzhen                405,623,875.85         156,710,065.01     1,241,082,579.82         476,318,473.29
Incomes of other areas              70,298,345.40          64,189,240.25         92,064,005.80         71,434,877.67
Total                              475,922,221.25         220,899,305.26     1,333,146,585.62         547,753,350.96
(5) The revenue of sales from the top five customers

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
           Customer                   Main business revenue             Proportion of total business revenue (%)
Natural person                                     38,139,765.00                                                7.61%
Natural person                                     20,121,678.50                                                4.01%
Huawei Technologies Co.,
                                                   10,786,393.00                                                2.15%
Natural person                                     10,783,738.00                                                2.15%
Natural person                                       9,481,753.00                                               1.89%
Total                                              89,313,327.50                                               17.81%
Other industrial revenue was mainly from project supervision, elevator maintenance and auto vehicles repair, etc.
The sales of revenue during the reporting period decreased by 62.81%,mainly because the carry forward of real
estate projects and sales in the reporting period decreased.
55. Revenue from the construction contracts
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
Fixed price                                                    Incurred      cumulative gross
                      Contract item         Amount                                                   Settled amount
contract                                                    cumulative costs profit (Losses
                                                                             presented by “-”)
                                                               Incurred      cumulative gross
Cost plus contract    Contract item         Amount                                                   Settled amount
                                                            cumulative costs profit (Losses
                                                                             presented by “-”)

56. Business tax and surcharges
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            Same period of last
               Item                   Reporting period                          Calculation and payment standard
Business tax                               23,807,812.43           64,916,992.75 3%, 5% of revenue of sales
Urban      maintenance       and
                                            1,737,875.16            4,612,306.53 1%, 7% of taxable turnover tax
construction tax
Education surtax                              610,290.38            1,977,395.11 3% of taxable turnover tax
Local education surtax                        405,952.20            1,321,117.83 2% of taxable turnover tax
                                                                                Four progressive levels with the
                                                                                tax rate ranging from 30% to
Land VAT                                   53,937,664.91         209,363,841.12
                                                                                60% of the added value from
                                                                                properties transfer.
                                                                                   1.2% of the 70% cost of property
Property tax                                1,429,621.49            1,367,005.86
                                                                                   per year
Dike fee                                        40,861.17             110,227.12 0.01% of revenue of sales
Other                                         318,248.48              295,828.58
Total                                      82,288,326.22         283,964,714.90                     --

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

The amount of business tax and surcharges during the reporting period increased by 71.02% over that of same
period of last year, mainly due to the revenue from property business transferred in the reporting period decreased,
making significant decrease of business tax and accrued land VAT.
57. Selling expenses
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                    Reporting period                    Same period of last year
Employee compensations                                          1,282,324.21                            1,294,223.92
Business organization office
                                                                  791,876.36                            1,082,071.70
Sales agency fees, advertising and
                                                                2,335,951.60                            2,842,382.48
promotional expenses
Other                                                             756,930.20                            2,149,126.69
Total                                                           5,167,082.37                            7,367,804.79
58. Administration expenses
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                    Reporting period                    Same period of last year
Employee compensations                                        31,915,384.32                            31,162,052.33
Administrative office costs                                     9,751,776.92                           10,768,114.62
Assets amortization and the
                                                                2,801,964.58                            2,745,202.31
depreciation expenses
Litigation expenses                                               122,642.00                              257,011.60
Taxes                                                             473,711.57                              580,826.05
Other                                                           5,120,118.14                            5,826,651.82
Total                                                         50,185,597.53                            51,339,858.73
59. Financial expenses
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                    Reporting period                    Same period of last year
Interest incomes                                                  494,767.87                                      0.00
Exchange net losses                                             7,353,385.30                            4,176,848.06
Other                                                             194,345.04                                32,003.69
Total                                                             339,039.38                              549,779.35
Interest incomes                                               -6,325,233.01                           -3,595,065.02
60. Gains and losses from changes in fair value

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Source                     Reporting period                 Same period of last year

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

61. Investment income

 (1) List of investment income

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                             Reporting period                 Same period of last year
Long-term equity investment income
                                                                   -1,283,506.52                           4,390,123.64
accounted by equity method
Other                                                               7,545,255.06
Total                                                               6,261,748.54                           4,390,123.64
(2) Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Same period of last
        Name of investee               Reporting period                              Reason for increase/decrease
Total                                                  0.00                   0.00                  --
(3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Same period of last
        Name of investee               Reporting period                              Reason for increase/decrease
Shenzhen Jifa Warehouse Co.,
                                                120,829.76            244,042.81 Realized profits decreased
Shenzhen ITC Tian’an Properties
                                             -1,719,467.59          4,028,152.92 Realized profits decreased
Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Tian’an International
Building Property Management                    315,131.31            117,927.91 Realized profits decreased
Co., Ltd
Total                                        -1,283,506.52          4,390,123.64                    --
Notes of investment income: make notes if there is significant limitation for recovery of investment income. If
there isn’t the said limitation, notes too.
Other investment income was due to the bankruptcy liquidation of Hainan Company, and at the end of the
reporting period was managed by the bankruptcy administrator, not included the company’s closing balance sheet
into the scope of consolidated financial statements and transferred into accumulative excess loss. For details, refer
to the section VI. Business combination and consolidated financial statements note 3 changes in consolidated
62. Impairment losses
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                              Reporting period              Same period of last year
I. Bad debts losses                                                   1,361,849.99                         1,246,408.49
II. Inventory falling price losses                                       86,769.51                           -15,699.50
Total                                                                 1,448,619.50                         1,230,708.99
63. Non-operating gains
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                     Reporting period      Same period of last year The amount included in

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                                      the current
                                                                                                non-recurring gains and
Total gains from disposal of
                                                    1,892,678.92                                            1,892,678.92
non-current assets
Including:Gains from disposal of
                                                    1,892,678.92                                            1,892,678.92
fixed assets
Other                                               2,270,485.73                2,510,882.84                2,270,485.73
Total                                               4,163,164.65                2,510,882.84                4,163,164.65
Other mainly was the default rent deposit
 (2) List of government grants recorded into current profit and loss
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                               Related to                 Belong to
                                                   Same period of last
         Item                 Reporting period                              assets/Related to        non-recurring profit
                                                                            income revenue             and loss or not
Total                                       0.00                    0.00            --                        --
64. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                               The amount included
                                                                           Same period of last     in the current
                       Item                        Reporting period
                                                                                 year           non-recurring gains
                                                                                                     and losses
Loss on disposal of non-current assets                        54,757.13                  75,632.69                 54,757.13
Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                   54,757.13                  75,632.69                 54,757.13
Donation                                                                                 11,000.00
Litigation compensation                                                            1,856,830.08
Tax fees and penalty                                             316.10                  52,357.76                   316.10
Other                                                       325,223.63               -74,251.86               325,223.63
Total                                                       380,296.86             1,921,568.67               380,296.86
65. Income tax expense
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                              Item                                Reporting period             Same period of last year
Current income tax expense accounted by tax and
                                                                           47,122,624.89                  121,573,694.53
relevant regulations
Adjustment of income tax                                                   -11,384,609.89                 -15,487,770.43
Total                                                                      35,738,015.00                  106,085,924.10

66. Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share is as follows:
                Item                         The reporting period                Same period of last year

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Basic Earnings Per Share                             0.1881                             0.5933

Diluted Earnings Per Share                           0.1881                             0.5933

Calculation of earnings per share is as following:
Basic Earnings Per Share=353,600,992.81÷595,979,092.00=0.5933
Diluted Earnings Per Share=353,600,992.81÷595,979,092.00=0.5933
Recalculation of earnings per share of last year is as following:
Basic Earnings Per Share=98,686,285.22÷595,979,092.00=0.1656
Diluted Earnings Per Share=98,686,285.22÷595,979,092.00=0.1656
Note: The method of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share calculation
A.Basic Earnings per Share =P0÷S
S= S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0-Sj×Mj÷M0-Sk
P0 represents the amounts attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company in respect of:
(a) Profit or loss attributable to the Company; and
(b) Profit or loss after deducting extraordinary gain or loss attributable to the Company.
S represents the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. S0 represents the
number of ordinary shares at the beginning of the period. S1 represents the number of additional ordinary shares
issued on capital surplus transfer or share dividends appropriation; Si represents the number of ordinary shares
issued in exchange for cash or issued as a result of the conversion of a debt instrument to ordinary shares during
the period. Sj represents reduced number of ordinary shares such as shares buy back. Sk represents the number of
a reverse share split. Mo represents the months during the period. Mi represents the months from the following
month after issuing incremental shares to the end of the period. Mj represents the months from the following
month after reducing shares to the end of the period.
B.Diluted Earnings Per Share =P1/(S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0–Sj×Mj÷M0–Sk+ The weighted average number of
incremental ordinary shares on warrants, options, convertible debt and so on)
P1 represents the amounts attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company in respect of: (a) Profit or loss
attributable to the Company; and (b) Profit or loss after deducting extraordinary gain or loss attributable to the
Company, adjust according to the accounting standards for enterprises and other relevant provisions. The
Company considered in sequence from dilutive potential ordinary shares to get the lowest earnings per share.

67. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                Reporting period           Same period of last year
4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial
                                                                             447,993.19                   -704,279.71
                           Subtotal                                          447,993.19                   -704,279.71
                            Total                                            447,993.19                   -704,279.71

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

68. Notes of Cash Flow Statement

 (1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                                                        Amount
Interest income                                                                                           7,353,385.30
Other small receivables                                                                                   1,418,167.97
                               Total                                                                      8,771,553.27
 (2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                                                        Amount
Paying administration expenses in cash                                                                   13,308,519.46
Paying sale expense                                                                                       6,997,438.99
Paying net water, electricity and fees for property owners                                               15,276,431.84
Net margins, security deposits collected for other parties                                                3,246,979.96
Other small receivables                                                                                   6,535,831.61
                               Total                                                                     45,365,201.86
 (3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                                                        Amount

 (4) Other cash paid relevant to investment activities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                                                        Amount

 (5) Other cash received relevant to financing activities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                                                        Amount

 (6) Other financial activities-related cash paid
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                                                        Amount
Borrowing ancillary expenses                                                                                288,000.00
                               Total                                                                        288,000.00

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

69. Supplementary information to cash flow statement
  (1) Supplementary information to cash flow statement
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
              Supplemental information                      Reporting period             Same period of last year
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows
                                                                    --                               --
generated from operations:
 Net profit                                                         112,074,537.49                    353,600,992.81
 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                   1,448,619.50                      1,230,708.99
 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets and
                                                                     17,007,859.07                        16,830,027.62
productive biological assets
 Amortization of intangible assets                                       3,576,251.52                      3,576,811.52
 Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                264,165.48                       367,891.68
 Losses/gains on disposal of property, intangible
                                                                         -7,801,119.11                       75,632.69
asset and other long-term assets (gains: negative)
 Financial cost (income: negative)                                         494,767.87                       282,000.00
 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                       1,283,506.52                     -4,390,123.64
 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase:
                                                                         3,613,104.16                     -9,534,583.41
 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease:
 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                        -104,057,436.98                    310,776,884.36
 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating
                                                                    -30,031,227.47                        32,996,427.95
activities (increase: negative)
 Increase in accounts payable from operating
                                                                   -187,760,518.42                   -576,436,624.55
activities (decrease: negative)
Net cash flows generated from operating activities                 -189,887,490.37                    126,636,956.08
2. Significant investing and financing activities
                                                                    --                               --
without involvement of cash receipts and payments
3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                              --                               --
 Closing balance of Cash                                            567,270,884.70                    903,972,985.55
 Less: opening balance of cash                                      977,171,814.20                    797,724,311.37
The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                      -409,900,929.50                    106,248,674.18

 (2) Relevant information of acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other operation entities in the
 reporting period

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
              Supplemental information                      Reporting period             Same period of last year
I. Relevant information on acquisition               of
                                                                    --                               --
subsidiaries and other operation entities:
II. Relevant information on disposal of subsidiaries
                                                                    --                               --
and other operation entities

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

 (3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                Reporting period             Same period of last year
I. Cash                                                            567,270,884.70                    977,171,814.20
Including: Cash on hand                                                383,361.72                        289,986.98
 Bank deposit on demand                                            564,584,048.51                    898,514,462.09
 Other monetary funds on demand                                      2,303,474.47                      5,168,536.48
II. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                   567,270,884.70                    977,171,814.20

70. Notes to statement of changes in owners’ equity

Notes on the items under “Other” for adjusting the opening balance and the relevant adjusted amounts as well as
retrospective adjustment arising from business combination under the same control, etc.:
The “Other” item under the Statement on changes in consolidated owner’s equity is the “Foreign currency
translation differences”.

VIII. Accounting treatment of assets securitization business

1. Notes of main trade arrangement and its accounting treatment of assets securitization business as well as
articles of bankruptcy remote


2. Main information about the special purpose an entity in which the Company has no control right but
bears relevant risks:

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    Revenue of
                                                                                     Net profit in
                 Total closing   Total closing     Net closing      sales in the
     Name                                                                            the reporting        Note
                    assets        liabilities        assets          reporting

IX. Related Parties and Related-party Transactions

1. Information of the parent company of the Company

                                                                  The       The      The
                                      Legal                                                 Organiza
 Parent Relations Business Registere          Business Registere parent    parent ultimate
                                     Represen                                                 tion
company   hip      Type     d place            nature d Capital company' company' controlli
                                      tative                                                 Code
                                                                   s      s voting ng party

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                          sharehol right (%) of the
                                                                          ding (%)           Compan
                     Limited                                                                  ned
          Controlli liability                 Managing                                        Assets
Investme                               Fan
          ng        company Shenzhen                     5600000                              Administ 7675664
nt                                            state-owne                    63.82%     63.82%
          sharehol                   Mingchun            000                                  ration    21
Holdings            (state-ow
          der                                   d assets                                      and
Co., Ltd.              ned)
By the end of reporting period, the controlling shareholder of the Company is still Shenzhen Construction
Investment Holdings Corporation (“the holding company”) in register book. In 2004, Shenzhen Municipal
Government incorporated Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings Corporation with the other two municipal
assets operation and management companies, namely Shenzhen Investment Management Corporation and
Shenzhen Trade and Business Holdings Corporation to establish Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
Therefore, the Company’s actual controlling shareholder is Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., a sole
state-funded limited company, who was established in Oct. 13, 2004 with the registered capital of RMB 5.6 billion
and Mr. Fan Mingchun as its legal representative. Main business scope: providing guarantee to municipal
state-owned enterprises, management of state-owned equity, assets reorganization and reformation of enterprises,
assets operation and equity investment and etc. As a government department, State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission Committee of Shenzhen implemented management for Shenzhen Investment
Holdings Co., Ltd. on behalf of Shenzhen municipal government.

2. Information of subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                          Percentag Percentag
                       Business Registered            Business Registered    e of      e of   Organizati
Full name     Type                         representa
                        type      place                nature   capital Sharehold voting       on code
                                                                           ing (%) right (%)
Huangchen              Limited                      Property
            Controlled                                                                                    19218483
g      Real            Liability Shenzhen Li Zipeng developm 30000000              100.00% 100.00%
            subsidiary                                                                                    5
Estate Co.,            Company                      ent
Shenzhen            Limited                      Property
         Controlled                                                                                       19217456
Property            Liability Shenzhen Li Zipeng developm 30950000                 100.00% 100.00%
         subsidiary                                                                                       5
and Real            Company                      ent

                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

ent Co.,
Dapeng              Limited                           Property
         Controlled                                                                                      55252545
Real                Liability Xuzhou        Li Zipeng developm 50000000           100.00% 100.00%
         subsidiary                                                                                      4
Estate              Company                           ent
                    Limited                             Property
ng Real Controlled                                                                                       56256265
                    Liability Dongguan Lu Xia           developm 20000000         100.00% 100.00%
Estate   subsidiary                                                                                      4
                    Company                             ent
ent Co.,
Real                Limited                             Property
         Controlled                    Wang                                                              57384293
Estate              Liability Yangzhou                  developm 50000000         100.00% 100.00%
         subsidiary                    Qiuping                                                           4
Developm            Company                             ent
ent Co.,
                    Limited                             Property
Property Controlled                    Wang                                                              19217454
                    Liability Shenzhen                  managem 20000000          100.00% 100.00%
Managem subsidiary                     Hangjun                                                           9
                    Company                             ent
ent Co.,
                         Limited                        Property
g        Real Controlled                    Wang                                                         75760133
                         Liability Shenzhen             managem 5000000           100.00% 100.00%
Estate        subsidiary                    Hangjun                                                      4
                         Company                        ent
t Co., Ltd.
                    Limited                             Property
Shenzhen Controlled                         Wang                                                         68481594
                    Liability Jinan                     managem 5000000           100.00% 100.00%
ITC      subsidiary                         Zhiyong                                                      7
                    Company                             ent

                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

ent Co.,
                    Limited                      Property
ITC      Controlled           Chongqin Zeng                                                            20285302
                    Liability                    managem 5000000                100.00% 100.00%
Property subsidiary           g        Xiangrong                                                       8
                    Company                      ent
ent Co.,
g Ao’bo Controlled           Chongqin Zeng                                                            66085719
                    Liability                    Service          3500000       100.00% 100.00%
Elevator subsidiary           g        Xiangrong                                                       X
Co., Ltd.
Elevator Controlled                     Wang                                                           19227775
                     Liability Shenzhen               Service     5000000       100.00% 100.00%
Technolog subsidiary                    Zhiyong                                                        9
y     Co.,
Managem                Limited
            Controlled                                                                                 19233251
ent                    Liability Shenzhen Bao Gang Service        1200000       100.00% 100.00%
            subsidiary                                                                                 9
Engineeri              Company
t Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen             Limited
          Controlled                    Fan           Catering                                         73884274
ITC Food             Liability Shenzhen                           2000000       100.00% 100.00%
          subsidiary                    Weiping       service                                          9
Co., Ltd.            Company
Constructi            Limited                      Project
           Controlled                                                                                  27938335
on                    Liability Shenzhen Li Zipeng supervisio 3000000           100.00% 100.00%
           subsidiary                                                                                  1
Supervisio            Company                      n
n     Co.,
Real     Controlled                    Yao                                                             19217779
                    Liability Shenzhen          Service           1380000       100.00% 100.00%
Estate   subsidiary                    Chengxin                                                        0

                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

ITC                  Limited
          Controlled                                                                                  19217731
Vehicles             Liability Shenzhen Wei Zhi      Service     29850000      100.00% 100.00%
          subsidiary                                                                                  X
Industry             Company
Co., Ltd.
ITC                  Limited
          Controlled                    Fan                                                           19226733
Motor                Liability Shenzhen              Service     16000000      100.00% 100.00%
          subsidiary                    Weiping                                                       1
Rent Co.,            Company
Vehicle              Limited
          Controlled                    Xiao                                                          19232566
Driver               Liability Shenzhen              Service     2000000       100.00% 100.00%
          subsidiary                    Dejun                                                         9
Training             Company
Co., Ltd.
Internatio Controlled                                                                                 19218224
                      Liability Shenzhen Luo Junde Trading       12000000      100.00% 100.00%
nal Trade subsidiary                                                                                  X
Tianhe     Controlled                                                                                 75474862
                      Liability Chengdu Li Jun       Trading     8000000       100.00% 100.00%
Industry   subsidiary                                                                                 1
Co., Ltd
Real                 Limited                         Property
          Controlled                     Duan                                                         19435140
Estate               Liability Zhanjiang             developm 2530000          100.00% 100.00%
          subsidiary                     Zuoping                                                      6
Developm             Company                         ent
ent Co.,
Shum Yip
Properties            Limited                       Property
           Controlled                    Inapplicab          HKD2000                                  Inapplicab
Developm              Liability Hongkong            developm                   100.00% 100.00%
           subsidiary                    le                  0000                                     le
ent Co.,              Company                       ent
                    Limited                       Property
Developm Joint                         Inapplicab                                                     Inapplicab
                    Liability Hongkong            developm HKD2                100.00% 100.00%
ent Co., venture                       le                                                             le
                    Company                       ent
Chief                 Limited                       Property
           Controlled                    Inapplicab                                                   Inapplicab
Link                  Liability Hongkong            developm HKD100              70.00%      70.00%
           subsidiary                    le                                                           le
Properties            Company                       ent

                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Co., Ltd.
Syndis                 Limited                       Property
            Controlled                    Inapplicab                                                     Inapplicab
Investmen              Liability Hongkong            developm HKD4                100.00% 100.00%
            subsidiary                    le                                                             le
t Co., Ltd.            Company                       ent
3. Information of joint ventures and associated enterprises
                                                               Percentag Percentag
 Name of    Business Registered            Business Registered    e of      e of   Relationsh Organizati
 investee    type     address               nature   capital shareholdi voting         ip      on code
                                                                ng (%) rights (%)
I. Joint ventures
Shenzhen                                    Shenzhen
Jifa                          Wang          Jifa       HKD5415                               Joint       61884782
           Liability Shenzhen                                          50.00%       50.00%
Warehous                      Hangjun       Warehous 0000                                    venture     8
e Co., Ltd                                  e Co., Ltd
Shenzhen                                    Shenzhen
GUOMA Limited                               GUOMA
                              Wang                     USD8880                               Joint       61884515
O Tian’an Liability Shenzhen               O Tian’an                 50.00%       50.00%
                              Hangjun                  000                                   venture     2
Properties Company                          Properties
Co., Ltd                                    Co., Ltd
Shenzhen                                    Shenzhen
Tian’an                                    Tian’an
Internatio                                  Internatio
nal        Limited          Zhang           nal
                                                                                             Joint       61893051
Building Liability Shenzhen Changshe        Building 3000000           50.00%       50.00%
                                                                                             venture     7
Property Company            ng              Property
Managem                                     Managem
ent Co.,                                    ent Co.,
Ltd                                         Ltd
II. Associated enterprises
Shenzhen                                    Shenzhen
GUOMA                                       GUOMA
O          Limited            Zha           O                                              Associate
Industrial Liability Shenzhen Shengmin      Industrial                 38.33%       38.33% d
Developm Company              g             Developm                                       enterprise
ent Co.,                                    ent Co.,
Ltd                                         Ltd
Anhui                                       Anhui
Nanpeng Limited                             Nanpeng                                        Associate
                                Wang                  USD8000
Papermak Liability Huainan                  Papermaki                  30.00%       30.00% d
                                Yizhong               000
ing Co., Company                            ng Co.,                                        enterprise
Ltd                                         Ltd
Shenzhen Limited                            Shenzhen                                       Associate
                          Yan                         USD1672
Wufang Liability Shenzhen                   Wufang                     26.00%       26.00% d
                          Wenbo                       0000
Pottery & Company                           Pottery &                                      enterprise

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Porcelain                                          Porcelain
Industrial                                         Industrial
Co., Ltd                                           Co., Ltd

4. Information of other related parties of the Company

     Name of other related party                       Relationship                           Organization code
                                         Under the same control of the parent
Shenzhen Guesthouse Restaurant                                                192197353
                                         company of the Company
Shenzhen Foreign Economy & Trade Under the same control of the parent
Investment Co., Ltd.             company of the Company
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Under the same control of the parent
Ltd.                              company of the Company
5. Related-party transactions
(1) Purchase of goods and acceptance of labor service
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                            Pricing method         Reporting period            Same period of last year
                       Content of the
  Related party                            decision-making                         Proporti                       Proporti
                        transaction                               Amount                          Amount
                                            procedures for                         on (%)                         on (%)
                                            the transaction
Shenzhen                                   Agreement
Investment                                 pricing by                               100.00                         100.00
                    Rental payment                                    120,638.97                    165,715.76
Holdings Co.,                              reference to                                 %                              %
Ltd.                                       market price
Sales of goods and rendering of service
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                            Pricing method         Reporting period            Same period of last year
                       Content of the
  Related party                            decision-making                         Proporti                       Proporti
                        transaction                               Amount                          Amount
                                            procedures for                         on (%)                         on (%)
                                            the transaction
Shenzhen                                Agreement
Investment          Collecting property pricing by                                  100.00                         100.00
                                                                   1,886,236.80                     129,542.40
Holdings Co.,       management fee      reference to                                    %                              %
Ltd.                                    market price
(2) Information of related party trust/cont
    Information of entrusted management/contract
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
Name of                                            Initial date of    Ending date of    Pricing basis     Trust / contract
                Name of            Type of the
entrusting                                         being              being             for the trust /   income
                trustee            entrusted/contr
party/contracte                                    entrusted/contr    entrusted/contr   contract          recognized in
                /contractor        acted assets
e                                                  act                act               income            the reporting

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Economy &                        Other assets                                       Detailed note
                Shenxin Taxi                       1 Jun. 2012      31 Dec. 2014                            48,216.22
Trade                            trust                                              as follows
                Co., Ltd.
Co., Ltd.
Information of entrusting management/contracted
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
Name of                                             Initial date of Ending date of                 Trust / contract
                Name of            Type of the                                     Pricing basis
entrusting                                           entrusting/     entrusting/                    fee recognized
                trustee          entrusted/contr                                   for the trust /
party/contracte                                          being          being                      in the reporting
                /contractor       acted assets                                      contract fee
e                                                     contracted     contracted                          period
Notes of related-party trust / contract
In Nov. 2012, Shenzhen Foreign Economy & Trade Investment Co., Ltd. signed the Contract on Entrusting
Management of Stripped Assets and Liabilities with the Company’s subsidiary—Shenzhen Shenxin Taxi Co., Ltd.,
agreeing on changing to entrust Shenzhen Shenxin Taxi Co., Ltd. to clear, operate, manage and dispose the
stripped assets, for details, please refer to VI.2.3 Business Combination of Section X Financial Report. According
the above-mentioned contract, in 2013, Shenzhen Shenxin Taxi Co., Ltd. paid RMB 626,000 of assets operating
income to Shenzhen Foreign Economy & Trade Investment Co., Ltd.

During the entrusting management period from 1 Jun. 2014 to 30 June, 2014, the stripped assets operating
situation as follows:
                     Item                                             Amount
Revenue of sales                                                                      2,063,854.26
Cost of sales                                                                         1,146,664.48
Business tax and surcharges                                                             115,822.66
Administrative expenses                                                                 737,078.83
Total profits                                                                            64,288.29
Income taxes expenses                                                                    16,072.07
Net profits                                                                              48,216.22

Note: the administrative expenses included RMB 626,000 of assets operating income paid to Shenzhen Foreign
Economy & Trade Investment Co., Ltd.

(3) Information of related-party lease
Rental situation of the Company
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                       Rental income
                                                                                      Pricing basis
                                 Category of the                                                       recognized in
Name of lessor Name of lessee                        Initial date    Ending date      for the rental
                                  leased assets                                                        the reporting
Lease situation of the Company

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                         Rental income
                                                                                      Pricing basis
                                Category of the                                                          recognized in
Name of lessor Name of lessee                       Initial date     Ending date      for the rental
                                 leased assets                                                           the reporting
Notes of related-party lease
(4) Information of related-party guarantee
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                         Whether the
                                          Guarantee                                                     guarantee was
    Guarantor      Secured party                              Initial date         Due date
                                           amount                                                      accomplished or
Properties &
Resources                                 20,000,000.00 14 May 2014           12 May 2015          No
                 Vehicles Industry
                 Co., Ltd.
(Group) Ltd.
Properties &
Resources                                 70,000,000.00 27 Jun. 2014          19 Feb. 2015         No
                 Vehicles Industry
                 Co., Ltd.
(Group) Ltd.
Properties &
                 Chang Sheng real
Resources                                161,243,352.00 11 Jan. 2013          11 Jan. 2016         No
                 development co.,
(Group) Ltd.
Shenzhen         Properties &
Properties &     Resources
Resources        Yangzhou real            20,000,000.00 27 Jun. 2013          6 Sep. 2014          No
Development      estate
(Group) Ltd.     development co.,
Shenzhen         Properties &
Properties &     Resources
Resources        Yangzhou real            30,000,000.00 27 Jun. 2013          26 Dec. 2014         No
Development      estate
(Group) Ltd.     development co.,
Shenzhen         Shenzhen
                                          50,000,000.00 5 Dec. 2013           6 Mar. 2015          No
Properties &     Properties &

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Resources           Resources
Development         Yangzhou real
(Group) Ltd.        estate
                    development co.,
Shenzhen            Properties &
Properties &        Resources
Resources           Yangzhou real            50,000,000.00 18 Jun. 2014          6 Jun. 2015          No
Development         estate
(Group) Ltd.        development co.,
GUOMAO Motor                                 10,400,000.00 11 Jan. 2012          10 Jan. 201          No
               Vehicles Industry
Rent Co., Ltd.
               Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen         Properties &
Huangcheng Real Resources                    11,370,000.00 20 Jun. 2014          19 Jun. 2017         No
Estate Co., Ltd. Development
                 (Group) Ltd.
The Company and its subsidiaries didn’t provide guarantees for other companies beyond the range of consolidated
financial statements. The above guarantees are those Company and its subsidiaries provided to each other.
(5) Related-party call loan
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
    Related party       Amount of call loan            Initial date             Due date                   Note
Loan from banks and other financial institutions
Lending to banks and other financial institutions
(6) Information about assets transfer, debt reorganization of related parties
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                             Pricing                  Reporting period         Same period of last year
                Type of                    method and
                 related                 decision-maki
                          Content of the
 Related party    party                  ng procedures                             Proporti                       Proporti
                           transaction                                Amount                      Amount
               transactio                     for the                              on (%)                         on (%)
                    n                     related-party

(7) Other related-party transaction

A. Entrusted loans of related parties                                        Unit: RMB Ten Thousand
 Name of Name of Borrower               Annual      Closing Amount of Amount of Closing     Interest
entrusting entrusted                    interest   amount of  loan    payment in amount of paid in the

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

   party          party              rate(%)       loan      borrowed     the              loan       reporting
                                                                 in the  reporting                       period
                                                               reporting  period

Shenzhen Shenzhen The                  6.0000      24,000.00                24,000.00                         436
Investment Jingtian   Company
Holdings Sub-branch
Co., Ltd. of China

   Total                                ——       24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00                              436

6. Amounts due from/to related parties
Amount due from related parties
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                          Closing balance                     Opening balance
           Item             Related party                          Provision for                         Provision for
                                                Book balance                         Book balance
                                                                    bad debts                             bad debts
                          Anhui Nanpeng
Other accounts
                          Papermaking Co.,        7,393,376.00       7,393,376.00       7,286,048.00       7,286,048.00
Other accounts
                          Industrial              2,351,652.48       2,351,652.48       2,351,652.48       2,351,652.48
                          Development Co.,
                          Shenzhen Wufang
Other accounts            Pottery &
                                                  1,747,264.25       1,747,264.25       1,747,264.25       1,747,264.25
receivable                Porcelain
                          Industrial Co., Ltd
Other accounts
                          Guesthouse                909,960.40         909,960.40         909,960.40         909,960.40
Accounts receivable       Investment              1,927,301.60         118,703.98       3,140,299.50         145,146.64
                          Holdings Co., Ltd.
Amount due to related parties
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                        Related party              Closing balance                Opening balance
                                   Shenzhen Jifa Warehouse
Other payables                                                              23,545,808.00                 23,545,808.00
                                   Co., Ltd
Other payables                     Shenzhen Tian’an                          4,114,345.90                 4,114,345.90

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                 International Building
                                 Property Management
                                 Co., Ltd
                                 Shenzhen Investment
Other payables                                                              641,614.65                   520,975.68
                                 Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                 Shenzhen Investment
Short-term borrowings                                                                                240,000,000.00
                                 Holdings Co., Ltd.
X. Share-based Payment

1. Overview of share-based payment

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
The current total equity instruments granted
by the Company
The current total equity instruments granted
by the Company
The current total equity instruments granted
by the Company
Closing outstanding shares of the scope of the
option exercise price and contract remaining 0

2. Information of equity-settled share-based payment

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
Capital reserves in the aggregate amount of
equity-settled share-based payment
Total amount recognized by equity-settled share-based

3. Information of cash-settled share-based payment

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
Cumulative liabilities    amount    due   to   cash-settled
share-based payment
Total amount recognized by cash settlement                                                                       0.00

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

4. Information of share-based payment service

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
The total amount of the employee services as a result of
the share-based payments
The total amount of other services as a result of the
share-based payments

5. Modification, termination of share-based payment


XI. Contingency

1. Contingent liabilities and its financial effect arising from unsettled litigation or arbitration

(1) In 1993, the Company signed Right of Development Transfer Contract of Jiabin Building (name of Jiabin
Building has been changed to Jinlihua Commercial Plaza) with Shenzhen Haibin Property Development Co., Ltd.
(name of which has been changed to Shenzhen Jiyong Property Development Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as
Jiyong Company). In January 1999, Jiyong Company sued the company to Guangdong Higher People’s Court
(hereinafter referred to as “Guangdong Higher Court”) for termination of the transfer contract and refund of the
transfer consideration and construction payment paid on the ground that the area of premises was in discrepancy
with the contract. With respect to this, the Company counterclaimed the opposing party to pay back the rest
transfer consideration and applied for sealing up their property with an area of 28,000 square meters.
On July 29, 2001, Guangdong Higher Court issued Civil Court Judgment YGFM (1999) No. 3 (hereinafter
referred to as Judgment No. 3) to judge that ① the Company should transfer the title of land use right specified
in the transfer contract to Jiyong Company within 30 days from the date the judgment taking into effect and ②
Jiyong Company should pay off the transfer consideration amounting to RMB143, 860,000.00 within 60 days
from the date the Company transferred the title of land use right. On November 27, 2001, the Company applied to
Guangdong Higher Court for forcible execution, however Guangdong Higher Court adjudicated to release the
sealing property of Jiyong Company approximately 10,000 square meters since Industrial & Commercial Bank of
China Zhejiang Branch disagree to seal the properties.

In January 2006, Guangdong Higher Court issued Civil Court Judgment YGFZ (2002) No. 1 and adjudicated
because that ① the Company has not yet transferred the title of land use right specified in the transfer contract to
Jiyong Company and ② Jiyong Company cannot provide other properties available for execution and the
Company also cannot provide the property available for execution, the second judgment of the Judgment No. 3 -
“Jiyong Company should pay off the transfer consideration amounted RMB143,860,000 within 60 days from the
date the Company transferred the title of land use right” is terminated for execution. When the conditions causing
termination for execution of the second judgment are eliminated, the second judgment should still be executed.

In March 2006, according to the ordain of Guangdong Higher People’s Court, the properties in Jiabin Building

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

that have been sealed up in this case have been released automatically. On September 2009, company received
YGFZ (2002) No. 1-1 Resume Execution Notice from Guangdong Province Higher Court claimed to resume
execution the case that the transfer money owed by Jiyong company about Jiabin building project.

In October 2009, the Company received (Verdict YGFZ (2002) No. 1-2) from Guangdong Higher Court. The
verdict claimed: The resume execution of this case is according to the "The requirements for the Guangdong
Higher Court to concentrate the implementation of accumulated cases" Through the investigation conducted by
Guangdong Higher Court to Shenzhen department of motor vehicles, Shenzhen Securities Registration and
Settlement Organizations, Shenzhen Land resources and real estate administration and the opening bank of the
executed party, the executed party – Jiyong Company does not have any executable property. For these,
Guangdong Higher Court adjudicated : ① Terminate the executive procedure of Verdict YGFZ (2002) No. 1; ②
When the execution conditions are satisfied, the applicant can apply for resume execution.
In April 2012, the Company raised the subrogation right lawsuit to Shenzhen Luohu District People's Court, based
on the creditor’s right for Jiyong Company decided by the Civil Ruling Paper YGFMC (1999) No. 3, prosecuting
the obligor of Jiyong Company—Shenzhen Zongli Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Zongli
Company”), which was required to compensate for the Company within its debt range for Jiyong Company.
Meanwhile, due to it was highly similar in the management level of Shenzhen Huaneng-Jindi Property Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “Huaneng-Jindi Company”) and Zongli Company, the Company believed that there was
significant related-party relationship between Huaneng-Jindi Company and Zongli Company, therefore, the
Company also prosecuted Huaneng-Jindi Company, which was required to undertake the joint liability for the
debts born by Zongli Company. On 11 Sep. 2013, Shenzhen Luohu District People's Court made a paper of civil
judgment of (2012) SLFMEZ No. 1150, the judgment refused the claims of the Company, and however, the
Company refused to accept the judgment and instituted an appeal to Shenzhen Intermediate Peoples Court, now
the Company was waiting for a second trial court judgment.
Given the executable property are not found in the case, so far, the Company had withdrawn bad debt provision
for amount receivable of transfer payments from Jiyong Company to Jinlihua Commercial Plaza.
(2) In June 2004, Shenzhen Meisi Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Meisi Company”) prosecuted
Shenzhen Luohu Economic Development Co., Ltd and the Company to Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court
(hereinafter refered to as “Shenzhen Intermediate Court”) for illegal use of land owned by Meisi Company and
request for ceasing the infringing act and receiving a compensation amounted RMB 8 million. In March 2005,
Shenzhen Intermediate Court issued Civil Ruling Paper SZFMCZ (2004) No. 108 and adjudicated that the
Company should return the land with an area of 4,782 square meters to Meisi Company within 3 months and other
claims of Meisi Company were overruled. The Company refused to accept the verdict and appealed to Guangdong
Higher Court. On November 25, 2005, Guangdong Higher Court adjudicated that the Civil Ruling Paper
SZFMCZ (2004) No. 108 issued by Shenzhen Intermediate Court should be cancelled and the prosecution of
Meisi Company were overruled.

During the process of trial of second instance, Meisi Company applied to Registration Center for Property of Real
Estate of Shenzhen Municipality for revoking Property Ownership Certificates SFDZ No. 3000320987 and No.
300119899 owned by the Company. On July 7, 2005, Registration Center for Property of Real Estate of Shenzhen
Municipality issued the reply of SFDH (2005) No. 84 to Meisi Company and judged that aforesaid certificates are
legal and effective and should not be revoked. Meisi Company disagreed with this judgment and applied the
administrative reconsideration to the People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality. On October 8, 2005, the
People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality issued Decision on Administrative Reconsideration SFFJ (2005)

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

No. 294 and judged that aforesaid 2 certificates were registered illegally and should be revoked, reply of SFDH
(2005) No. 84 was canceled accordingly.

The Company refused to accept Decision on Administrative Reconsideration SFFJ (2005) No. 294 and prosecuted
an administrative litigation to Shenzhen Intermediate Court on October 20, 2005. Shenzhen Intermediate Court
issued Administrative Judgment SZFXCZ (2005) No. 23 and adjudicated that Decision on Administrative
Reconsideration SFFJ (2005) No. 294 is sustained. The Company disagreed with this administrative judgment and
appealed to Guangdong Higher Court on August 2, 2006. Guangdong Higher Court issued Administrative
Judgment YGFXZZ (2006) No. 154 in which the appeal was rejected and Administrative Judgment SZFXCZ
(2005) No. 23 was sustained. According to this Judgment, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Land Resources and
Housing Management would reconsider the request of Meisi Company to revoke the Property Ownership
Certificates SFDZ No. 3000320987 and No. 3000119899 of the Company.

On May 15, 2007, Registration Center for Property of Real Estate of Shenzhen Municipality issued Decision on
Revoking the Property Ownership Certificates SFDZ No. 3000320987 and No. 3000119899 (SFZ (2007) No. 27).
Registration Center for Property of Real Estate of Shenzhen Municipality decided to revoke property ownership
certificates SFDZ No. 3000320987 and No. 3000119899 owned by the Company that indicating the ownership of
occupied property of Meilin Workshop, Comprehensive Building and the land use right of 11,500 square meters
and restore the registration of the ownership of occupied property of Meilin Workshop, Comprehensive Building
and the land use right of certificates of SFDZ No. 0103142 and No. 0103139. The Company had the ownership of
occupied property of Meilin Workshop, Comprehensive Building and the land use right of 11,500 square meters
according to original property ownership certificates.

On July 9,2007, the Company applied the administrative reconsideration to the Administrative Reconsideration
Office of the People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality, which considered that those action that Registration
Center for Property and Real Estate of Shenzhen Municipality revoked property ownership certificate SFDZ No.
3000320987 and No. 3000119899 owned by the Company and restore the registration of Meilin Workshop,
Comprehensive Building and land use right violated the provisions of the Decision on Strengthening Land Market
Management and further Enlivening and Standardizing Real Estate Market (SF (2001) No. 94) promulgated by
People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality, and requested People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality to
rescind the Decision. On September 6, 2007, the People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality issued Decision
on Administrative Reconsideration SFFJ (2007) No. 255 to sustain the administrative decision of Shenzhen
Municipal Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management.

In November 2007, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management rejected the
application of Meisi Company for revoking Property Ownership Certificates SFDZ No. 0103142 and No.
0103139. Meisi Company prosecuted an administrative litigation to Shenzhen Futian People’s Court (hereinafter
referred as to “Futian Court”) to ask for revoking the administrative decision of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of
Land Resources and Housing Management. The Company was involved as third party. Court session started on
January 8, 2008 with litigation number of (2008) SFFXCZ No. 10 (hereinafter referred as to “No.10 Case”). On
January 2008, Meisi Company prosecuted an administrative litigation to Futian Court for revoking the above
administrative decision of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management, revoking
Property Ownership Certificates SFDZ No. 0103142 and No. 0103139, and restoring the land use right to Meisi
Company with the litigation number of SFFX (2008) No. 70 (hereinafter referred as to “No.70 Case”). On May

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

2008, the Futian Court made adjudication to No. 70 Case in which the property ownership certificates SFDZ No.
0103142 and No. 0103139 owned by the Company were revoked and Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Land
Resources and Housing Management were required to re-investigate the application of Meisi Company. The
company, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management as well as Meisi
Company refused to accept the verdict and made an appeal. On July 2008, the Company has received the
Administrative Ruling Paper from Futian Court in which the trial of No. 10 Case was terminated.

On December 2008, Shenzhen Intermediate Court issued the Administrative Ruling Paper SZFXZZ (2008) No.
223, in which the final adjudication of appeal No. 70 Case was made and the original verdict was sustained.
Moreover, the final adjudication stated that the controversy over the land use right in this case between Meisi
Company and the Company should be settled through civil procedures; the Bureau of Land Resources and
Housing Management of Shenzhen Municipality should not proceed the registration procedure until the
controversy is final settled.
On February 11, 2009, the Company received the Civil Complaint from Futian Court; Meisi Company has made a
civil prosecution against the Company and Shenzhen Luohu Commercial Development Co., Ltd. for the
confirmation of Meisi Company’s land use right and the buildings in original Property Ownership Certificates
SFDZ No., 0103142 and No., 0103139. Furthermore, Meisi Company requests that return of related land use right
and a compensation of RMB7.5 Million. The Company has submitted an objection to jurisdiction. On March 4,
2009, Futian Court sent the Notice to the Company to inform that this case has been transferred to Shenzhen
Intermediate Court for adjudication.

On 22 December 2009, the Company received court ruling delivered by the Guangdong Higher Court. After
investigated by Guangdong Higher Court, it is considered that the retrial application to Shenzhen Intermediate
Court Judgment SZFZ (2008) No. 223 by the company is complied to the law, and adjudicated: ① Arraign by
Guangdong Highest People's Court ② suspended the execution of the original verdict during the retrial.
On 15 Aug. 2011, the Company received the Administrative Ruling Paper (YGFSJZ Zi (2010) No. 8) from the
Guangdong Higher Court, which maintained the Administrative Ruling Paper (SZFXZ Zi (2008) No. 223), and it
believed that the dispute on the land ownership for both parties was civil right confirmation, and both parties
should find other legal way to solve.

The Company received the ruling of Shenzhen Medium People's Court in Oct. 2012, at which the court approved
legally Meisi Company’s application on canceling the lawsuit towards the Company. After receiving the above
ruling, due to the Administrative Ruling Paper SZFXZ Zi (2008) No. 223 had clearly ruled that the dispute on
Meilin land between the Company and Meisi Company should be settled through civil law procedures, therefore,
the Company raised the civil lawsuit to Meisi Company and Luojingfa Company, requiring to recognize the
ownership of the above involved land for the Company, and the court has accepted the above mentioned lawsuit.
Then, Meisi Company raised the counterclaim towards the Company, requiring to recognize its ownership of the
above involved land. And the two cases were combined for public trial on 1 Mar. 2013, and now it’s waiting for

The Company believes that the land use right and ownership of above building should be legally confirmed to the
Company. The Company will secure its own legal rights through all legal means, and the above issues do not have
significant impact on the Company’s financial position.

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

2. Contingent liabilities and its financial effect arising from loan guarantee offered to other companies

1.The Company provided joint liability guarantee and borrowed RMB 150 million from Bank of Communications
Co., Ltd. Yangzhou Branch, by mortgaging the use right of area of 66,559 square meters (YGTY 2012 No. 0455)
owned by the Company ‘s subsidiary PRD Yangzhou Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.. The Company
accumulatively received RMB 150 million and the closing balance stood at RMB 150 million, of which will be
arrived within one year.
2.The Company’s subsidiary Dongguan Guomao Changsheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. borrowed 440
million from Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Dongguan Branch, by mortgaging the use right of area of
66,881.10 square meters (DFGY (2010) NO. T316). RMB 161.2434 million had been received the closing balance
stood at RMB 161.2434 million. The Company provided joint liability guarantee and mortgaged its 101-104, 2/F,
5/F in Block A and 1-02 and 1-03 room in Block B as a total of 8 sets of real estate of Shenzhen International
Trade Center Plaza located at Renmin South Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen.
3. The Company provided a joint-liability guarantee for the short-term loan of RMB20 million borrowed by its
subsidiary—Shenzhen ITC Vehicles Industry Co., Ltd. from Bank of Beijing Shenzhen Branch, and provided the
mortgage guarantee for the subsidiary by mortgaging its 39/F, 42/F and 2-07 room in Block B of Shenzhen
International Trade Center Plaza located at Renmin South Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, and the closing
balance stood at RMB 20 million.
4. Shenzhen ITC Vehicles Industry Co., Ltd., a subsidiary to the Company, obtained a long-term loan of RMB 26
million from PingAn Bank Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch by mortgaging 100 taxi operating license plates of
Shenzhen Guomao Car Rental Co., Ltd., and the closing balance stood at RMB 10.40 million which will be due
within one year.
5. Shenzhen ITC Vehicles Industry Co., Ltd., a subsidiary to the Company, obtained a short-term loan of RMB70
million from Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch by the Company providing joint liability guarantee,
and the closing balance stood at RMB 70 million.
6. Huangcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd. a subsidiary to the Company provided joint liability guarantee and borrowed
RMB 450 million from Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen branch by mortgaging the use right of area of
19,894.11 square meters (SFDZ No. 4000503246) owned by the Company. The Company accumulatively
received RMB 450 million and the closing balance stood at RMB 11.37 million.
Guarantee for the proprietors: The Company and its subsidiaries provided the commodity houses purchasers with
mortgage guarantee to the bank. Up to 30 Jun. 2014, the guarantee amount unsettled was RMB 5.11 million. The
guarantee is that the real estate developer provides petty proprietor with guarantee for purchasing of commodity
houses of the Company, which is a common phenomenon in this business.

Other contingent liabilities and its financial effect:
Particulars about contingent assets as follows:
Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Hubei province Shenzhen branch (hereinafter referred as
to “Hubei FTEC Shenzhen branch”) sued the Company to Shenzhen Intermediate Court on July 2000 for
termination of the agreement between the Hubei FTEC Shenzhen branch and the Company about office property
of 4,000 square meters purchasing in Jiabing Building (now known as Jinlihua Commercial Plaza) and asked for
refund of purchase payment of RMB10.8 million and an indemnify of RMB18.6756 million on the ground of
delayed delivery. Guangdong Higher Court issued YGFMYZZ No. 90 judgment (hereinafter referred as to “No.
90 Judgment”) and adjudicated that the Company should refund the Hubei FTEC Shenzhen branch purchase
payment of RMB 10.8 million and related interests.

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Hubei FTEC Shenzhen branch applied for the court to implement the case. At the end of January 2005,
Guangzhou Railway Transportation Intermediate Court (hereinafter referred to as “GRTIC” was appointed by
Guangdong Higher Court to execute the case of Hubei FTEC suing the Company. GRTIC had sent seizure
adjudication to liquidation team of Luohu Hotel to seal up the Company’s RMB 23 million of distributed
obligatory right in Luhu Hotel.
The Company rejected the adjudication of Guangdong Higher People’s Court and applied for retrial to the
Supreme People’s Court. In August 2005, the Supreme People’s Court issued (2004) MEJZ No.146-1 Civil
Judgment, adjudicating that Guangdong Higher People’s Court carried out retrial for this case and the original
judgment was suspended to be implemented during retrial period. On May 12, 2006, Guangdong Higher People’s
Court concluded retrial of No. 90 Judgment and maintained adjudication of No. 90 Judgment. The execution of
this case was resumed. Hubei FTEC Shenzhen branch asked GRTIC for payment and re-execution of interest
judgment during retrial period. Meanwhile, the Company applied for temporary respite. On June 30, 2006, GRTIC
issued (2004) GTZFZZ No. 225-4 Civil Judgment, adjudicating that: ① the application for temporary respite of
the Company was not adopted due to the lack of fact and legal basis; ②the application of Hubei FTEC Shenzhen
branch related to payment was in conformity with stipulations of law and GRTIC decided to remit the rest of
money to the account of Hubei FTEC Shenzhen branch after deducting execution fees from RMB 23 million; ③
Hubei FTEC Shenzhen branch’s application on asking repayment of interest during retrial period was not
supported; ④ Repayment duty of the Company confirmed by No. 90 Judgment was executed and finished
according to law; ⑤ No. 90 Judgment was terminated and executed. The Company had confirmed losses
according to the above adjudications and added the accounts receivable of Jiyong Company and withdrawn
provision for bad debt. The Company considered that there were errors in identified fact and applicable law of the
retrial adjudication from Guangdong Higher People’s Court and therefore applied for retrial in the Supreme
People’s Court. The Supreme People’s Court issued (2004) MEJZ No. 146-3 Civil Judgment in October 2007,
adjudicating that the Supreme People’s Court would execute retrial for this case. However, the Company revoked
the retrial appeal toward the Supreme Court after comprehensive considerations, and the Supreme Court approved
such cancel.
The 14th and 15th floors of Jiabin Building retuned by Hubei FTEC Shenzhen branch were possessed by the
Company legally after the Company had pay for housing compensation and interest. For the purpose of resolving
building property right problem and through investigation the Company found that the 14th and 15th floors of
Jiabin Building were registered under the name of Yinzhu Industrial Development Company of Western Zhuhai
(hereinafter referred to as “Zhuhai Yinzhu Company” by the means of filing registration. The Company submitted
civil action to Luohu Court on June 2008 to prosecute Zhuhai Yinzhu Company, ask the Court to confirm that the
Company was oblige of the 14th and 15th floors of Jiabin Building and judge that the 14th and 15th floors of
Jiabin Building was transferred to and registered under the name of the Company. Luohu Court accepted this case
according to law with the case number of (2008) SLFMSCZ No. 1442. On July 21, 2008, the Court made public
hearing and presided over mediation for this case. The Company and Zhuhai Yinzhu Company reached a
settlement and Luohu Court issued Civil Mediation Agreement which mainly contained the following contents:
① the two parties agreed to return the 14th and 15th floors of Jiabin Building to plaintiff (the Company); ②
Defendant should assist plaintiff (the Company) to handle related procedures about transferring the above house
property to the name of the plaintiff. This Civil Mediation Agreement entered into force pursuant to the law. As of
the end of reporting year, the 14th and 15th floors of Jiabin Building were registered under the name of the
Company by Registration Center for Property of Real Estate of Shenzhen Municipality in the way of filing
Since Shenzhen Longyuan-Kaili-Hengfeng Real Estate Co., Ltd ( hereinafter as the “Longyuan-Kaili”) and

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Shenzhen Huaneng-Jindi Property Co., Ltd.( hereinafter as the “Huaneng Property”) attempted to reconstruct
Jinlihua Commercial Plaza, the Company, the first administration directly under Shenzhen Urban Planning and
Land Resources Committee (hereinafter as the “SUPLRC”), Longyuan-Kaili and Huaneng Property signed SDHZ
(1992) No. 0228 Second Supplementary Agreement of Shenzhen Grant Contract of Land Use Right on March 3,
2011 which was shown as follows: ① SUPLRC agreed that the transferee for the right of use of the land with a
land parcel No. H206-0002 and an area of 6,892 square meters was changed to Longyuan-Kaili and Huaneng
Property; ② Longyuan-Kaili and Huaneng Property undertook all rights, responsibilities and liabilities of this
land parcel and straightened out the relationship of the transferred property on their own and assisted to handle
relevant procedures; ③ Longyuan-Kaili and Huaneng Property promised to resolve existing mortgage and
pre-seizure of this project, coped with all disputes arising from changes on transferee of right of use of this land
and assumed legal and economic responsibilities; ④ the property right of the 14th and 15th floors in this project
which belonged to commodity houses, were owned by the Company and Longyuan-Kaili and Huaneng Property
were responsible for the construction and decoration of this project according to harmonized standards on delivery
of building; ⑤ the period of use of land parcel was adjusted to 50 years from February 21, 2011 to February 20,
After signing the above agreements, the Company’s right on the 14th and 15th floors at Jinlihua Commercial
Plaza is affirmed. But due to the existing risks in delivery of this house property and acquisition of property
ownership certificate, great uncertainties exist in whether or not it will bring economic interests to the Company.
According to the related regulations of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, it does not match the
recognition criteria.

XII. Commitments

1. Significant commitments


2. Fulfillment of previous commitments

XIII. Events after the Balance Sheet Date
1. Notes of significant events after the Balance Sheet Date
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Influence number on            Reason for failing to
            Item                       Details                 financial status and         estimate the influence
                                                                 operating results                 number
2. Notes of profit distribution after Balance Sheet Date
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

3. Notes of other events after Balance Sheet Date


                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

XIV. Notes of other significant events

1. Exchange of non-monetary assets


2. Debt reorganization


3. Business combination


4. Lease


5. Closing financial instruments that externally issued and convertible into shares


6. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Gains and losses
                                                           Accumulated       Accrued
                                       from the changes
                                                          changes in fair impairment in
           Item          Opening amount in fair value in                                             Closing amount
                                                         value recorded in the reporting
                                         the reporting
                                                              equity          period
Financial assets
Subtotal of financial
                                    0.00               0.00                0.00               0.00                0.00
Total of above                      0.00               0.00                0.00               0.00                0.00
Financial liabilities               0.00               0.00                0.00               0.00                0.00

7. Foreign currency financial assets and liabilities

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Gains and losses Accumulated           Accrued
           Item          Opening amount from the changes changes in fair impairment in               Closing amount
                                          in fair value in value recorded in the reporting

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                           the reporting          equity             period
Financial assets
Subtotal of financial
                                    0.00               0.00                0.00               0.00               0.00
Financial liabilities               0.00               0.00                0.00               0.00               0.00
8. Main content and significant change of employer annuity
9. Other
(1) On 25 Nov. 2011, the proposal on initiating bankruptcy liquidation of Hainan Xinda Development Corporation
(“Hainan Corporation”) was reviewed and approved on the 4th Session of the 7th Board of Directors. On 27 Feb.
2014, Hainan Haikou Intermediate People’s Court issued ,
deciding to accept the bankruptcy liquidation application of Hainan Corporation. On 7 May 2014, Haikou
Intermediate People’s Court designated Hainan Weite Law Firm as the bankruptcy administrator of Hainan
Corporation. And the Company became the president of the creditors’ meeting of Hainan Corporation. And the
first creditors’ meeting would be held in Haikou Intermediate People’s Court on 23 Dec. 2014. On 30 Jun. 2014,
the bankruptcy administrator began to take over Hainan Corporation and took charge of the bankruptcy
liquidation of Hainan Corporation. Hainan Company was founded in 1988 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Company. At present, it has no development project or land reserve. And it has recorded deficit for years.
(2) The Company held the 10th Meetings of the 7 Session of the Board of Directors on 22 Aug. 2012, which
reviewed and approved the Proposal of starting the equity transfer of Shenzhen GUOMAO Tian’an Properties Co.,
Ltd. and Shenzhen Tian’an International Building Property Management Co., Ltd. According to the stipulations,
planed to audit and evaluate equity value of the Company in Shenzhen GUOMAO Tian’an Properties Co., Ltd.
and plan to public stock transfer not lower than the price of evaluation. The 9th Meetings of the 7 Session of the
Board of Directors on 30 Apr. 2014 reviewed and approved the Proposal of recognizing transferring 50% equity of
Shenzhen GUOMAO Tian’an Properties Co., Ltd. Agreed to at the price not lower than RMB 237. 5171
(evaluating price rise 10%) public stock transfer 50% equity held by Shenzhen GUOMAO Tian’an Properties Co.,
Ltd. the public transferring of 50% equity of Shenzhen GUOMAO Tian’an Properties Co., Ltd. was held by
Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 14 May 2014. receiving the announcement of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 14 Jul.
2014 that the transfer was successful, and the transferee had transferred the amount to the account of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange. Shenzhen Stock Exchange had disclosed the deal situation on its website, the date of disclosure
was from 14 Jul. 2014 to 18 Jul. 2014.
The price of the equity transfer was at RMB 237.5171 million, after deducting the investment cost, evaluation
expense, trading service charges and related tax expense and so on, the estimated profit was about RMB 148.74
million, which will have a positive impact on the company's 2014 annual results, after the finish of the sale of
equity, the Company and the enterprise sold had no any equity investment relationship.

XV. Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company
1. Accounts receivable
(1) Accounts receivable
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
       Category                    Closing balance                                  Opening balance
                                            Provision for bad                                Provision for bad
                          Book balance                                     Book balance
                                                  debts                                            debts

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                       Prop                          Propor                  Propor                       Propor
                          Amount       ortio           Amount         tion       Amount       tion        Amount           tion
                                       n (%)                          (%)                     (%)                          (%)
                         Proportion Amo                Amou                   Proportion     Amou                100.00
        Amount                          Proportion (%)                                            Proportion (%)
                            (%)     unt                 nt                       (%)          nt                     %
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
                                          1.98                        61.94                                                51.66
Group 2                 2,048,728.71                  1,269,029.13          2,395,632.21 2.31%           1,237,544.72
                                            %                            %                                                    %
                                          1.98                        61.94                                                51.66
Subtotal of the groups 2,048,728.71                   1,269,029.13          2,395,632.21 2.31%           1,237,544.72
                                            %                            %                                                    %
Accounts receivable
with insignificant
single amount but                         0.05                       100.00                                               100.00
                           54,380.35                    54,380.35                54,380.35 0.05%            54,380.35
individually                                %                            %                                                    %
withdrawn bad debt
                        103,550,998.             102,771,298.5                103,897,901.              102,739,814.1
Total                                --                        --                          --                         --
                                  11                         3                         61                           2
Notes to category of accounts receivable:
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Bad debts          Withdrawal               Withdrawal
  Content of accounts receivable          Book balance
                                                                     provision          proportion                reason
                                                                                                        Involved in
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties &                                                                            lawsuit, no
                                           98,611,328.05             98,611,328.05              100.00%
Resources Development Company                                                                           execution
                                                                                                            Failed to recover
Shenzhen Tewei Industry Co., Ltd.           2,836,561.00              2,836,561.00              100.00%
                                                                                                            for a long time
Total                                     101,447,889.05           101,447,889.05             --                     --
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Closing balance                                               Opening balance
                      Book balance                                               Book balance
                                                       Bad debt                                                   Bad debt
   Aging                             Propor                                                        Propor
                                                       provision                                                  provision
                   Amount             tion                                     Amount               tion
                                      (%)                                                           (%)
Within 1 year
Including: --                        --          --                   --                           --       --
Within 1
                                       39.23                                                        39.26
year                    803,814.00                        24,114.42                  940,597.50                      28,217.93
                                          %                                                            %

                                        2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

1 year)
Subtotal for
those aging                              39.23                                                  39.26
                         803,814.00                     24,114.42               940,597.50                          28,217.93
within 1                                    %                                                      %
Over 3                                   60.77                                                  60.74
                       1,244,914.71                 1,244,914.71              1,455,034.71                    1,209,326.79
years                                       %                                                      %
4-5 years                               0.00%                0.00             1,228,539.62                      982,831.70
Over 5 year            1,244,914.71                 1,244,914.71                226,495.09 9.45%                226,495.09
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
 Content of accounts                                                           Withdrawal
                           Book balance            Bad debts provision                                Withdrawal reason
     receivable                                                                proportion
Luohu Economic
                                                                                                     Uncollectible for a
Development                       54,380.35                   54,380.35                   100.00%
                                                                                                     long period
Total                             54,380.35                   54,380.35             --                         --
(2) Information of accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the report period
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    Withdrawal amount
                                              Basis on recognition
   Content of accounts    Reason for reversal                      of bad debt provision                  Reversed or
                                              of provision for bad
       receivable            or recovery                           before the reversal or              recovered amount
Total                              --                       --                                0.00             --
The withdrawal of bad debt provision of accounts receivable with significant single amount or insignificant single
amount but individually made impairment test at the end of report period:
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
 Content of accounts                                                           Withdrawal
                           Book balance            Amount of bad debts                                      Reason
     receivable                                                               proportion (%)
Total                                       0.00                     0.00            --                        --
Notes to accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by credit
risks characteristics:
  (3) Information of accounts receivable that written off in the report period
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
    Name of                                                                                              Whether arising
                         Nature                  Date               Amount                Reason
    company                                                                                             from related-party

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                                         transaction or not
       Total                --                   --                        0.00           --                     --
There was no accounts receivable that written off in the report period.

 (4) Information of shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company
in accounts receivable in report period

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                            Closing balance                              Opening balance
       Name of entity                                  Provision for bad                                Provision for bad
                                  Book balance                                Book balance
                                                             debts                                            debts
               Total                            0.00                0.00                       0.00                     0.00

(5) Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount

The other accounts receivable with significant amount was mainly RMB 98,611,328.05of project accounts
receivable due from Shenzhen Jiyong Properties & Resources Development Company

(6) Top five accounts receivable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
  Name of company           Relationship                Amount                    Term                  Proportion (%)
Shenzhen Jiyong
Properties &
Resources               Non-related party                98,611,328.05 Over 5 year                                    95.23%
Shenzhen Tewei
                        Non-related party                 2,836,561.00 Over 5 year                                     2.74%
Industry Co., Ltd.
Tianhong Shopping
                        Non-related party                 2,048,728.71 Over 5 year                                     1.98%
Plaza Co., Ltd.
Luohu District
                        Non-related party                     54,380.35 Over 5 year                                    0.05%
Development Co.,
        Total                    --                     103,550,998.11             --                             100.00%

(7) Accounts receivable due from related parties

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
      Name of entity                  Relationship                    Amount                          Proportion (%)
           Total                           --                                        0.00                              0.00%

                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

RMB 000 was transferred from the accounts receivable not meeting the conditions of termination recognition.

(9) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying asset, please brief on the
arrangement of relevant transactions.


2. Other accounts receivable

(1)Other accounts receivable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Closing balance                                  Opening balance
                                                      Provision for bad                              Provision for bad
                               Book balance                                     Book balance
                                                            debts                                          debts
        Category                            Prop                     Prop                    Prop                 Prop
                                            ortio                    ortio                   ortio                ortio
                               Amount                  Amount                   Amount                 Amount
                                              n                        n                       n                    n
                                            (%)                      (%)                     (%)                  (%)
Other accounts
receivable with
significant single                     13.5 165,424,169.4 70.6 232,990,941.0 18.1 165,125,419. 70.8
amount and individually                 0%              5 7%               2 8%            81 7%
withdrawn bad debt
Other accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
                          1,487,542,687.6 85.7                       0.00 1,036,276,191. 80.8                      0.00
Group 1
                                        6 7%                           %             73 5%                           %
                                              0.59                   94.4               0.78              98.6
Group 2                    10,232,501.00              9,663,378.84        10,019,165.31      9,878,586.57
                                                %                     4%                  %                0%
                          1,497,775,188.6 86.3                       0.65 1,046,295,357. 81.6              0.94
Subtotal of the groups                                9,663,378.84                            9,878,586.57
                                        6 6%                           %             04 3%                   %
Other accounts
receivable with
insignificant single                          0.14                   100.                    0.19              100.
                             2,421,326.23             2,421,326.23            2,421,326.23        2,421,326.23
amount but individually                         %                    00%                       %               00%
withdrawn bad debt
                          1,734,292,680.7            177,508,874.5           1,281,707,624.          177,425,332.
Total                                     --                       --                       --                    --
                                        3                        2                      29                    61
Notes of category:
Other accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at
√Applicable □Inapplicable

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
  Content of other                                                           Withdrawing
                              Book balance         Bad debt amount                                         Reason
 accounts receivable                                                       proportion(%)
Shum Yip Properties
                                                                                                    Uncollectible for a
Development Co.,                 97,766,027.58         29,094,031.19                      29.76%
                                                                                                    long period
                                                                                                 Fulfill the
Gintian Industry
                                 56,600,000.00         56,600,000.00                     100.00% guarantee,uncollectib
(Group) Co., Ltd
Hainan Xinda
                                                                                                    Uncollectible for a
Development Co.,                 49,437,140.28         49,437,140.28                     100.00%
                                                                                                    long period
Anhui Nanpeng                                                                                       Uncollectible for a
                                  7,393,376.00              7,393,376.00                 100.00%
Papermaking Co., Ltd                                                                                long period
Shenzhen                                                                                         There is no asset to
Shengfenglu,                                                                                     execute the verdict,
                                  6,481,353.60              6,481,353.60                 100.00%
GUOMAO Jewel &                                                                                   thus lead to
Gold Co., Ltd                                                                                    uncollectibility
Shanghai Yutong
                                                                                                    Uncollectibility for
Real estate                       5,676,000.00              5,676,000.00                 100.00%
                                                                                                    the reason of verdict
development Co., Ltd
HongKong Yueheng
                                                                                                    Uncollectible for a
Development Co.,                  3,271,837.78              3,271,837.78                 100.00%
                                                                                                    long period
Dameisha Tourism
                                  2,576,445.69              2,576,445.69                 100.00% Suspended project
Shenzhen GUOMAO
Industrial                                                                                          The company is
                                  2,351,652.48              2,351,652.48                 100.00%
Development Co.,                                                                                    insolvent
Elevated Train
                                  2,542,332.43              2,542,332.43                 100.00% Suspended project
Total                          234,096,165.84         165,424,169.45                --                        --
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                 Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                       Book balance                                        Book balance
    Aging                             Propor       Bad debt                                  Propor
                                                                                                    Bad debt provision
                       Amount          tion        provision               Amount             tion
                                       (%)                                                    (%)
Within 1 year
Including:               --             --             --                    --                --              --
Within 1 year            566,225.89 5.53%             16,986.79              123,050.47 1.23%                       3,691.51

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

(including 1
Subtotal for
those aging              566,225.89 5.53%              16,986.79              123,050.47 1.23%                 3,691.51
within 1 year
1-2 years                 21,481.73 0.21%                2,148.17              22,888.01 0.23%                 2,288.80
2-3 years                    407.99 0.00%                  122.40                 470.68 0.00%                   141.20
                                        94.25                                               98.54
Over 3 years            9,644,385.39                9,644,121.49            9,872,756.15                   9,872,465.06
                                           %                                                   %
3-4 years                    298.83 0.00%                  149.42                 458.09 0.00%                   229.05
4-5 years                    572.44 0.01%                  457.95                 310.25 0.00%                   248.20
                                        94.24                                               98.54
Over 5 years            9,643,514.12                9,643,514.12            9,871,987.81                   9,871,987.81
                                           %                                                   %
Total                  10,232,501.00     --         9,663,378.84          10,019,165.31      --            9,878,586.57
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                Group name                                  Book balance                     Bad debt provision
Group 1                                                             1,487,542,687.66                                0.00
Total                                                               1,487,542,687.66                                0.00
Other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
  Content of other                                                            Withdrawal
                            Book balance          Bad debts provision                               Withdrawal reason
 accounts receivable                                                          proportion
Shenzhen Wufang                                                                                   Poor operation status
Pottery & Porcelain             1,747,264.25             1,747,264.25                  100.00%
Industrial Co., Ltd
Compensation for                                                                                    Owner unable to
Shidai new residence                                                                                 repay the loan
                                  601,762.21               601,762.21                  100.00%
mortgage guarantee
in ABC
Zhanjiang Shenzhen                                                                                   Insolvency thus
Real         Estate                                                                                   uncollectible
                                   53,478.77                 53,478.77                 100.00%
Development   Co.,
Meilin     Synthetic                                                                              Uncollectible for a
                                   11,000.00                 11,000.00                 100.00%
Fibre Company                                                                                     long period
                                                                                                  Uncollectible for a
Other                                  7,821.00               7,821.00                 100.00%
                                                                                                  long period

                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Total                              2,421,326.23                2,421,326.23               --                          --
(2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Withdrawal amount
                                               Basis on recognition
    Content of other       Reason for reversal                      of bad debt provision                       Reversed or
                                               of provision for bad
   accounts receivable        or recovery                           before the reversal or                   recovered amount
Total                                 --                         --                                   0.00             --
The withdrawal of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable with significant single amount or insignificant
single amount but individually made impairment test at the end of report period:
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
  Content of other                                                                    Withdrawal
                           Book balance              Amount of bad debts                                           Reason
 accounts receivable                                                                 proportion (%)
Total                                         0.00                     0.00                --                          --
Notes to other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by
credit risks characteristics:
(3) Information of the write-off other accounts receivable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                              Whether arising
    Name of                                  Date of written
                          Nature                                      Amount               Reason            from related-party
    company                                        off
        Total               --                       --                        0.00             --                     --
There was no write-off other accounts receivable during the reporting period.

(4) The other accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in the reporting period

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                  Closing balance                                    Opening balance
         Name of entity                                      Withdrawal amount
                                     Book balance                                        Book balance             amount of bad
                                                                of bad debts
                Total                                 0.00                    0.00                       0.00                 0.00

(5) Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount

公The Company’s other accounts receivable with significant amount are mainly the current accounts receivable
due from subsidiaries
(6) Top five other accounts receivable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
  Name of company           Relationship                     Amount                      Term                   Proportion (%)
PRD Yangzhou Real
                   Subsidiary                                588,861,310.60 Within 2 years                                  33.95%
Estate Development

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Co., Ltd.
PRD Group
XuzhouDapeng Real
                   Subsidiary                         491,363,476.77 Within 2 years                            28.33%
Estate Development
Co., Ltd
Dongguan Guomao
Changsheng Real
                       Subsidiary                     217,541,793.00 Within 2 years                            12.54%
Estate Development
Co., Ltd.
Huangcheng Real
                       Subsidiary                     100,000,000.00 Within 1 years                              5.77%
Estate Management
Co., Ltd.
Shum Yip Properties
Development Co.,    Subsidiary                         97,766,027.58 Over 5 years                                5.64%
        Total                   --                  1,495,532,607.95              --                           86.23%

(7) Accounts receivable due from related parties

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
     Name of entity                  Relationship                    Amount                     Proportion (%)
PRD Yangzhou Real
Estate Development Co., Subsidiary                                      588,861,310.60                         33.95%
PRD Group
XuzhouDapeng Real
                        Subsidiary                                      491,363,476.77                         28.33%
Estate Development Co.,
Dongguan Guomao
Changsheng Real Estate     Subsidiary                                   217,541,793.00                         12.54%
Development Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Huangcheng
Real Estate Management Subsidiary                                       100,000,000.00                           5.77%
Co., Ltd.
Shum Yip Properties
                           Subsidiary                                    97,766,027.58                           5.64%
Development Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Property and
Real Estate Development Subsidiary                                       82,469,089.00                           4.76%
Co., Ltd.
Anhui Nanpeng
                           Joint venture                                  7,286,048.00                           0.42%
Papermaking Co., Ltd
Shenzhen GUOMAO
                           Subsidiary                                     4,270,746.40                           0.25%
Food Co., Ltd

                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Shenzhen GUOMAO
Industrial Development    Joint venture                                2,351,652.48                          0.14%
Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Property
Construction Supervision Subsidiary                                    2,292,094.59                          0.13%
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Wufang Pottery
& Porcelain Industrial  Joint venture                                  1,747,264.25                          0.10%
Co., Ltd
Shenzhen International
                          Subsidiary                                     744,177.30                          0.04%
Trade Plaza
Zhanjiang Shenzhen Real
Estate Development Co., Subsidiary                                         53,478.77                         0.00%
          Total                           --                       1,596,747,158.74                         92.07%
(8) RMB000 was transferred from the other accounts receivable not meeting the conditions of termination
(9) If securitization is carried out on the other accounts receivable as the underlying asset, please brief on
the arrangement of relevant transactions.
3. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    tions on
                                                                    between                       Cash
                                                  Shareho Voting             Provisio     of
         Account Initial         Increase                           sharehol                    bonus in
  The                    Opening          Closing lding     right              n for impairm
           ing   investm             /                                ding                         the
investee                 balance          balance Proporti Proporti          impairm ent
         method ent cost         decrease                           proporti                    reportin
                                                    on       on               ent loss provisio
                                                                     on and                     g period
                                                                                       n in the
                                                                                       g period
n Jifa
         Equity 30,645,0 29,044,0 120,829. 29,164,9
Wareho                                              50.00% 50.00%
         method    56.04    77.52      76     07.28
use Co.,
n       Equity 23,186,1 31,589,9 -1,719,4 29,870,4
                                                   50.00% 50.00%
GUOM method       24.00    04.82    67.59    37.23

                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

es Co.,
onal      Equity 1,500,00 2,477,94 315,131. 2,793,08
                                                     50.00% 50.00%
Building method      0.00     9.33      31      0.64
Co., Ltd
AO       Cost   29,850,0 29,850,0          29,850,0    100.00    100.00
Vehicles method    00.00    00.00             00.00        %         %
         Cost   20,000,0 20,000,0          20,000,0    100.00    100.00             20,000,0
         method    00.00    00.00             00.00        %         %                 00.00
Co., Ltd
Real     Cost 30,950,0 30,950,0            30,950,0    100.00    100.00
Estate method    00.00    00.00               00.00        %         %
        Cost   28,500,0 28,500,0           28,500,0
heng                                                95.00% 95.00%
        method    00.00    00.00              00.00

                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

         Cost   20,000,0 20,000,0           20,000,0    100.00    100.00
         method    00.00    00.00              00.00        %         %
Shenxin Cost   33,195,9 12,877,2            12,877,2    100.00    100.00
Taxi    method    48.77    60.98               60.98        %         %
GUOM Cost       1,600,00 1,600,00           1,600,00                                 1,600,00
                                                     80.00% 80.00%
AO       method     0.00     0.00               0.00                                     0.00
Co., Ltd
Constru Cost    3,000,00 3,000,00           3,000,00    100.00    100.00
ction    method     0.00     0.00               0.00        %         %
ion Co.,
Internati Cost   12,000,0 12,000,0          12,000,0    100.00    100.00             12,000,0
onal      method    00.00    00.00             00.00        %         %                 00.00
n Real
        Cost   1,380,00 1,380,00            1,380,00    100.00    100.00
        method     0.00     0.00                0.00        %         %
        Cost   17,695.0 17,695.0            17,695.0                                 17,695.0
        method        9        9                   9                                        9

                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

n Real Cost   2,530,00 2,530,00            2,530,00    100.00    100.00             2,530,00
Estate method     0.00     0.00                0.00        %         %                  0.00
Co., Ltd
es       Cost  15,834,0 15,834,0           15,834,0    100.00    100.00             15,834,0
Develop method    00.00    00.00              00.00        %         %                 00.00
&        Cost   18,983,6 18,983,6          18,983,6                                 18,983,6
                                                    26.00% 26.00%
Porcelai method    14.14    14.14             14.14                                    14.14
al Co.,
         Cost   20,154,8 3,682,97          3,682,97                                 3,682,97
Industri                                            38.33% 38.33%
         method    40.79     2.55              2.55                                     2.55
Co., Ltd
g        Cost  13,824,0 13,824,0           13,824,0                                 13,824,0
                                                    30.00% 30.00%
Paperma method    00.00    00.00              00.00                                    00.00
Co., Ltd
         Cost   2,962,50 2,962,50          2,962,50                                 2,160,30
T.H.                                                    0.10%     0.10%
         method     0.00     0.00              0.00                                     0.45

                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

ry      Cost   3,465,00 3,465,00           3,465,00                                 3,465,00
                                                    12.66% 12.66%
(Group) method     0.00     0.00               0.00                                     0.00
       Cost   8,780,64 8,780,64            8,780,64                                 8,780,64
Real                                                    8.47%     8.47%
       method     5.20     5.20                5.20                                     5.20
         Cost   50,000,0 50,000,0          50,000,0    100.00    100.00
         method    00.00    00.00             00.00        %         %
Co., Ltd
        Cost   20,000,0 20,000,0           20,000,0    100.00    100.00
        method    00.00    00.00              00.00        %         %
u Real
Estate Cost    50,000,0 50,000,0           50,000,0    100.00    100.00
Develop method    00.00    00.00              00.00        %         %
         Cost   230,500. 230,500.          230,500.
East                                                    0.28%     0.28%
         method      00       00                00

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                     442,589, 413,580, -1,283,5 412,296,                                     102,878,
Total           --                                             --          --        --
                      924.03 119.63       06.52 613.11                                        227.43
4. Revenue and Cost of Sales
(1) Revenue, Cost of Sales
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
             Item                          Reporting period                           Same period of last year
Main business revenue                                     27,423,378.00                                   25,454,166.48
Other business revenue                                      4,693,836.00                                            0.00
Total                                                     32,117,214.00                                   25,454,166.48
Cost of sales                                             13,005,498.88                                    4,623,847.30

(2) Main business (Classified by industry)

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Reporting period                             Same period of last year
                              Revenue of sales         Costs of sales           Revenue of sales        Costs of sales
Property rental and
                                    27,423,378.00           9,625,812.73            25,454,166.48          3,156,478.40
Total                               27,423,378.00           9,625,812.73            25,454,166.48          3,156,478.40

(3) Main business (Classified by product)

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Reporting period                             Same period of last year
    Name of products
                              Revenue of sales         Costs of sales           Revenue of sales        Costs of sales
Property rental and
                                    27,423,378.00           9,625,812.73            25,454,166.48          3,156,478.40
Total                               27,423,378.00           9,625,812.73            25,454,166.48          3,156,478.40

(4) Main business (Classified by area)

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Reporting period                             Same period of last year
        Name of area
                              Revenue of sales         Costs of sales           Revenue of sales        Costs of sales
Shenzhen Area                       27,423,378.00           9,625,812.73            25,454,166.48          3,156,478.40
Total                               27,423,378.00           9,625,812.73            25,454,166.48          3,156,478.40

(5) Revenue of sales from the top five customers

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Customers                                   Total revenue of sales          Proportion of total

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                                                                                  revenue of sales (%)
Tianhong Shopping Plaza Co., Ltd.                                                  4,943,454.00                  15.39%
Shenzhen Branch of China Pacific Property Insurance
                                                                                   2,782,132.50                   8.66%
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Jindu Wedding Etiquette Co., Ltd.                                         1,336,990.00                   4.16%
Shenzhen Meige Xiazi Catering Management Co., Ltd.                                 1,070,370.32                   3.33%
Shenzhen Seven Days Sunshine Hotel Management
                                                                                   1,028,376.00                   3.20%
Co., Ltd.
Total                                                                           11,161,322.82                    34.74%
5. Investment income
(1) List of investment income
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                    Reporting period          Same period of last year
Long-term equity investment income accounted by
                                                                        -1,283,506.52                       4,390,123.64
equity method
Other                                                                    3,378,400.00                      14,939,600.00
Total                                                                    2,094,893.48                      19,329,723.64
(2) Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                 Same period of       Reason for increase/decrease
          Name of investee                Reporting period
                                                                   last year                      YoY
Total                                                   0.00                 0.00                    --
(3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                 Same period of       Reason for increase/decrease
          Name of investee                Reporting period
                                                                   last year                      YoY
Shenzhen Jifa Warehouse Co., Ltd                 120,829.76           244,042.81 Decrease of realized profits
Shenzhen GUOMAO Tian’an
                                              -1,719,467.59         4,028,152.92 Decrease of realized profits
Properties Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Tian’an International
Building Property Management Co.,                315,131.31           117,927.91 Increase of realized profits
Total                                         -1,283,506.52         4,390,123.64                     --
Notes of investment income:
The Company’s recovery of investment income exist no significant limitation.
Other investment income was internal the entrusted loan interest income.

6. Supplemental information of Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Supplemental information                           Reporting period        Same period of last year
  1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated
                                                                           --                              --
from operations:

                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

 Net profit                                                                          3,665,066.01               40,159,141.82
 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                                   -272,589.07           -22,145,321.63
 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and
                                                                                     8,062,194.66                8,000,201.31
productive biological assets
 Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                               86,488.14                   86,488.14
 Financial cost (income: negative)                                                       347,890.56              1,682,000.00
 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                  -2,094,893.48              -19,329,723.64
 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                        -22,214,310.48                    -326,784.17
  Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
                                                                                  -470,513,625.11             -239,920,865.60
(increase: negative)
 Increase in accounts payable from operating activities
                                                                                     -7,711,163.62            -222,518,848.14
(decrease: negative)
 Net cash flows generated from operating activities                               -490,644,942.39             -454,313,711.91
 2. Significant investing and financing activities without
                                                                                    --                          --
involvement of cash receipts and payments
3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                              --                          --
 Closing balance of cash                                                            87,111,664.81             393,487,265.01
 Less: opening balance of cash                                                    420,568,966.65              399,641,751.92
The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                     -333,457,301.84               -6,154,486.91

7. Information of assets and liabilities recognized by evaluation value from the counter purchase

Information of assets and liabilities recognized by evaluation value from the counter purchase

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                      Recognition method         Calculation process
          Item                    Fair value                                                             Original book value
                                                         of fair value              of fair value
Information of long-term investment formed by counter purchase
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               Amount of long-term investment                      Calculation process
                                                formed by counter purchase                   Of long-term equity investment
XVI Supplemental information

1. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                              Item                                           Amount                          Note
Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets                                             Income was from disposal of
(including the offset part of asset impairment                                    7,801,119.11 fixed assets and investment
provisions)                                                                                    property
Reversal of impairment provisions for the accounts
receivable on which impairment tests were carried out                                 15,168.75
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the                            1,944,946.00

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Less: Income tax effects                                                  1,121,446.51
Total                                                                     8,639,787.35                --
The government subsidy recorded into the current gains and losses items shall be disclosed the recognized reason.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

(1) Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Net profit attributable to shareholders of    Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                            the Company                                  the Company
                                  2014                    2013               Closing amount       Opening amount
According to Chinese
                               112,074,537.49           353,600,992.81       1,766,173,937.86      1,802,781,292.68
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards
According to international
                               112,074,537.49           353,600,992.81       1,766,173,937.86      1,802,781,292.68
accounting standards

(2) Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Net profit attributable to shareholders of    Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                            the Company                                  the Company
                                  2014                    2013               Closing amount       Opening amount
According to Chinese
                               112,074,537.49           353,600,992.81       1,766,173,937.86      1,802,781,292.68
accounting standards
Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards
According to international
                               112,074,537.49           353,600,992.81       1,766,173,937.86      1,802,781,292.68
accounting standards

(3)Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting

No difference

3. Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                                              The weighted average                            EPS
      Profit in the reporting period
                                                   ROE (%)                    Basic EPS               Diluted EPS
Net profit attributable to the Company's
                                                                6.19%                   0.1881                   0.1881
common stock shareholders
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company's common stock after                                5.72%                   0.1736                   0.1736
deducting non-recurring gains and losses

4. Particulars on the abnormal conditions of main items in the financial statements of the Company and
relevant reasons

Movement in the main items of the financial statements of the Company and relevant reasons are as follows:
      Item         Closing amount Opening amount              Increase/                          Reason
Monetary capital    567,270,884.70       977,171,814.20        -41.95%       Mainly due to paying the dividend, tax and
                                                                             repayment of loan
Account              28,838,591.38         22,208,022.21       29.86%        Mainly due to the increase of accounts
receivable                                                                   receivable of management fee of the
prepayment           55,962,806.45         35,904,799.33       55.86%        Mainly due to the increase of land charges in
Other account        11,262,017.00           7,919,365.82      42.21%        Mainly due to the increase of the subsidiary
revceivable                                                                      paying unsettleed account
Short-term loan     140,000,000.00       300,000,000.00        -53.33%       Mainly due to maturity and return
Customer in          92,322,222.63       141,082,677.48        -34.56%       Project report had reached settlement
advance                                                                      condition and carried forward the income
Interest payable        502,634.99            934,568.21       -46.22%       Mainly due to the decrease of bank loan
Non-current         113,093,221.64         67,009,888.28       68.77%        Mainly due to transfering from
liabilities due                                                              reclassification settlement of long term loan
within one year
Long-term loan      172,613,352.00       116,243,352.00        48.49%        Mainly due to the increase of subsidiary’s
                                                                             project loan
      Item         Reporting period    Same period of         Increase/                          Reason
                                         last year            decrease
Operating           501,367,559.78 1,348,194,107.29            -62.81%       Mainly due to the settlement project and the
revenue                                                                      decrease of sale
Operating cost      230,835,231.01       553,178,605.80        -58.27%       Mainly due to the decrease of settlement
                                                                             project income
Business tax and     82,288,326.22       283,964,714.90        -71.02%       Mainly due to the decrease of business tax
surcharges                                                                   and land value added tax araising by
                                                                             decrease if real estate income
Sale expense           5,167,082.37          7,367,804.79      -29.87%       Mainly due to the strengthening of cost
                                                                             control make the related marketing cost

                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

Financial cost        -6,325,233.01       -3,595,065.02       75.94%        Mainly due to the increase of interest
Investment             6,261,748.54        4,390,123.64       42.63%        Mainly due to the subsidiary bankruptcy
income                                                                      liquidation and returning to excess losses
Investments           -1,283,506.52        4,390,123.64      -129.24%       Mainly due to the decrease of income of
income from                                                                 Joint venture
companies and
joint ventures
Non-operating          4,163,164.65        2,510,882.84       65.80%        Mainly due to the increase income of
revenue                                                                     disposal of fixed assets
Non-opearating          380,296.86         1,921,568.67       -80.21%       Mainly due to the legal claims occurred in
cost                                                                        same period of last year.
Total profits       147,812,552.49      459,686,916.91        -67.84%       Mainly due to the decrease of real estate
                                                                            business income
income tax           35,738,015.00      106,085,924.10        -66.31%       Mainly due to the decrease of profits
Net profits         112,074,537.49      353,600,992.81        -68.30%       Mainly due to the decrease of real estate
 attribute to the                                                           business income
 comapany ower
Net cash flow       -189,887,490.37     126,636,956.08       -249.95%       Mainly due to the decrease of withdrawal of
 from operating                                                                funds
 activities                                                                 of project sale and the increase of project
Net cash flow         -2,452,735.80       -4,842,566.40       -49.35%       Mainy due to the increase of disposal of
from investment                                                              fixed asstes income and the decrease of
activities                                                                   amount of buying fixed assets
Net cash flow       -217,614,297.27     -15,461,456.53       1307.46%       Mainly due to the increase of net outflow,
from financing                                                              net amount cash flow from financing
activities                                                                  activities which was due to the borrowing
                                                                            capital reduced, and dividend warrants
Net increase of     -409,900,929.50     106,248,674.18       -485.79%       Mainly due to the withdrawal of funds of
  cash and cash                                                             project sale, the reduce of borrowing capital
  equivalent                                                                and dividend warrants
Closing balance     567,270,884.70      903,972,985.55        -37.25%       Mainly due to the decrease of net amount of
 of cash and                                                                cash and cash equivalent
 cash equivalent

                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

                        Section X Documents Available for Reference
I. Financial statement
II. Other documents ever disclosed
