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						               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.   Annual Report of 2012

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

       Annual Report 2012


          23April 2013

                                            Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.   Annual Report of 2012

          Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading
statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all
responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion
of the whole contents.

Yan Haixian, Principal of the Company, Fu Bo and Lu Xiaoping person in
charger of accounting works and Huang Jian, person in charge of accounting
organ (accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of 2012
Annual Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

All directors are attended the Board Meeting for report deliberation.

The Company has no plan of cash dividend and bonus shares carried out, and

no capitalizing of public reserve either.

Users of financial statement should be attention to the statement of

“Contingency” carried in annotations of the financial statements: concerning the

liability and compensation after the termination of option contracts, Shen Nan

Dian and Jierun(Singapore) Private Ltd fail to reached an agreement, the two

parties will settle the dispute ultimately, through judicial way may have. Shen

Nan Dian confirmed no accrual liability in financial statement due to the

aforesaid events fails to be estimated reliably for the results. This paragraph has

                                        Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.   Annual Report of 2012

no effect to the audit opinions which have issued.

                                                                     Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.              Annual Report of 2012


Annual Report 2012........................................................................................................................... 1

Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase................................................................... 6

Section II Company Profile............................................................................................................... 8

Section III Accounting data and summary of finnaical indexes................................................... 11

Section IV Report of the Board of Directors..................................................................................30

Section V Important Events............................................................................................................ 39

Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders............................................... 46

Section VII Particulars about Directors, Supervisors,Senior Executives and Employees........ 56

Section VIII Corporate Governance............................................................................................... 62

Section IX Internal Control............................................................................................................. 64

Section X Financial Report.............................................................................................................. 65

Section XI Documents available for reference............................................................................... 70

                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.   Annual Report of 2012


                 Items                Refers to                           Contents
Company, the Company, Shen Nan Dian   Refers to   Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Co            Refers to   Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shen Nan Dian (Dongguan) Weimei Electric Power Co.,
Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Co             Refers to
                                                  Shenzhen Shennandian Turbine Engineering Technology
Shen Nan Dian Engineering Co.,        Refers to
                                                  Co., Ltd.
Shen Nan Dian Envionment Protection               Shenzhen Shen Nan Dian Envionment Protection Co.,
                                      Refers to
Co.,                                              Ltd.
Server Co.,                           Refers to   Shenzhen Server Petrochemical Supplying Co., Ltd
New Power, New Power Co.,             Refers to   Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd.
Singapore Company                     Refers to   Shen Nan Energy (Singapore) Co., Ltd.
                                                  Nanshan Power Factory of Shenzhen Nanshan Power
Nanshan Power Factory                 Refers to
                                                  Co., Ltd.
                                                  Zhongshan Nam Long Power Plant of Shen Nan Dian
Zhongshan Nam Long Power Plant        Refers to
                                                  (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.
                                                  Dongguan Gaobu Power Plant of Shen Nan Dian
Dongguan Gaobu Power Plant            Refers to
                                                  (Dongguan) Weimei Electric Power Co., Ltd
                                                  Zhongshan Shenzhong Real Estate Investment Properties
Shenzhong Properties Company          Refers to
                                                  Co., Ltd
                                                  Zhongshan Shenzhong Real Estate Development Co.,
Shenzhong Real Estate Company         Refers to
Syndisome Co.,                        Refers to   Hong Kong Syndisome Co., Ltd.
Jiangxi Nuclear Power                 Refers to   CPI Jiangxi Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.              Annual Report of 2012

                                          Section II Company profile

I. Company information

Short form of the stock         Shen Nan DianA、B                          Stock code                   000037、200037

Stock exchange for listing      Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Name of the Company (in

Short form of the Company
(in Chinese)

Legal representative            Yang Haixian

Registrations add.              No.2097 Yueliangwan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Code for registrations add      518054

Offices add.                    16/F-17/F, Hantang Building, OCT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Codes for office add.           518053

Company’s Internet Web Site www.nsrd.com.cn

E-mail                          public@nspower.com.cn;investor@nspower.com.cn

II. Person/Way to contact

                                                         Secretary of the Board                      Rep. of security affairs

Name                                         Hu Qin

                                             16/F-17/F, Hantang Building, OCT,
Contact add.                                 Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

Tel.                                         0755-26948888

Fax.                                         0755-26003684

E-mail                                       investor@nspower.com.cn

III. Information disclosure and preparation place

Newspaper appointed for information disclosure        China Securities Journal; Securities Times; Hong Kong Commercial Daily

Website for annual report publish appointed by        http://www.cninfo.com.cn/

Preparation place for annual report                   Secretariat of the Board of Directors

IV. Registration changes of the Company
                        Date for registration Place for registration Registration NO. for     No. of taxation       Organization code

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

                                                                      enterprise legal       registration

                                             No.18 Yueliangwan
Initial registration    1990-04-06           Avenue,      Nanshan 440301501125497        440301618815121      61881512-1
                                             District, Shenzhen

Registration at end                          Yueliangwan
                        1990-04-06                                  440301501125497      440301618815121      61881512-1
of report period                             Avenue,      Nanshan
                                             District, Shenzhen

Changes of main business since listed (if
                                             No changes

All previous changes for controlling
                                             No changes
shareholders (if applicable)

V. Other relevant information

CPA engaged by the Company

Name of CPA                            Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA (LLP)

Offices add. for CPA                   13/F, China Resources Building, No. 5001 Shennan Rd. (E), Shenzhen, China

Signing Accountants                    Qian Changru
Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.              Annual Report of 2012

        Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes   √ No

                                                                                      Changes over last year
                                            2012                    2011                                              2010

Operating income (RMB)                   1,265,445,768.29        2,415,817,730.35                    -47.62%       1,867,829,757.71

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed                -204,455,643.36           17,529,063.37                -1,266.38%         -114,638,678.20

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
                                          -323,272,643.93         -288,696,800.75                    11.98%        -240,261,931.27
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from
                                           106,047,443.83          272,285,341.26                    -61.05%         25,897,944.97
operating activities(RMB)

Basic earnings per share
                                                       -0.34                   0.03              -1,233.33%                     -0.19

Diluted earnings per share
                                                           -                      -                          -                      -

Return on Equity (%)                               -13.20%                     1%                     -14.2%                 -6.38%

                                                                                       Changes over end of
                                         End of 2012             End of 2011                                      End of 2010
                                                                                          last year (%)

Total assets (RMB)                       5,536,067,729.98        5,982,450,115.15                     -7.46%       5,278,954,349.90

Net assets attributable to
shareholder of listed company
(Owners’ equity attributable to         1,548,919,427.80        1,753,371,551.83                    -11.66%       1,735,842,488.46
shareholder of listed company )

II. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

Not applicable

                                                                      Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.             Annual Report of 2012

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                      Item                           Amount in 2012       Amount in 2011        Amount in 2010                 Note

Gains/losses     from     the      disposal    of
non-current asset (including the write-off               1,136,165.09        113,277,953.88          11,170,697.70                             -
that accrued for impairment of assets)

Governmental       subsidy      calculated    into
current gains and losses(while closely
related with the normal business of the
                                                         2,217,106.02            245,208.34              50,000.00                             -
Company, excluding the fixed-amount or
fixed-proportion      governmental       subsidy
according to the unified national standard)

Reversal of impairment reserve for account
                                                                      -        1,185,260.28           1,680,000.00                             -
receivable with separate impairment testing

Other non-operating income and expenditure
                                                           489,010.46          4,988,236.41        169,814,893.34                              -
except for the aforementioned items

Import VAT refunds for natural gas                     125,023,871.96        214,622,872.15                        -                           -

Impact on income tax                                       414,701.91          8,532,710.17          35,825,730.26                             -

Impact on minority shareholders’ equity
                                                         9,634,451.05         19,560,956.77          21,266,607.71                             -

Total                                                  118,817,000.57        306,225,864.12        125,623,253.07               --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Others
according to the document(CK2012 No.13) issued by the ministry of finance, in case that the ending balance of “tax
payable-value-added tax payable” is recorded with debtor balance, it shall be recorded in the item of “other current assets” or
“other non-current assets” in the balance sheet based on the liquidity. If the balance is creditor’s balance, it shall be recorded in the
item of “tax payable” in the balance sheet. This year, the Group recorded the debtor’s balance of value-added tax payable in “other
current assets”, and restated the beginning amount accordingly.

                                                                                                                        Amount at
                                                                                  Amount at year-end              year-begin(re-stated)

   VAT input tax deductibale (Note)                                                       606,661,855.88                   529,703,432.24

                                                                   Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.            Annual Report of 2012

                         Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Introduction

(I) Industry Analysis and overview of operation for year of 2012
In 2012, influenced by the slowdown in nationwide economic growth, total electricity consumption of Guangdong Province was
461.941 billion KWH, an y-o-y 5.01% up, and the accelerate rate for electricity needs down rapidly. Along with the rapid growth of
outsourcing electric quantity (Western Electric), new units in Guangdong went into operation in succession, industrial electricity
consumption was in a low-price running trend, Guangdong electricity market had a balance between supply and demand, which
reduced the demands for power generation enterprises with gas turbine(“GT” for short). Meanwhile, because of the speedup of
Shenzhen power grid construction, provincial power grid continued to increase the power supply to Shenzhen. As a gas turbine
power generation enterprise by using natural gas as the fuel, the Company’s generating capacity was restricted by the government.
Furthermore, the natural gas has kept a high-price running trend and the feed-in tariff policy had not been implemented in time, the
Company has more difficult in operation.
In reporting period, the Company deeply explored the most economic running mode, expanded the economic operation results in the
premise of ensuring safety, and reduced production cost to the best of its ability. At the same time, strengthen budget management,
positively promoted the government to effectively implement the subsidy policy to power generation, closely followed the receipts
and disbursements of the subsidy, and strived for good purchase price and favorable payment days from natural gas suppliers.
However the generating capacity has reduced by 50% on a year-on-year basis, subsidy standard for power generation in Shenzhen
too low to cover the generation cost and the subsidy has been delayed severely, the Company has not got rid of the operating loss yet.

II. Main business analysis
1. Introduction

Business scope of the Company including production and operation of power-up and heat supply, engaged in the relevant technology
consultant and technology service of power plant (station). The Company mainly operated electricity generation, owes three
wholly-owned or controlling power plants in total in Shenzhen, Zhongshan and Dongguan, and all of them are located in the power
load center of Pearl River Delta, meanwhile the Company participated in stock of the investment construction of Jiangxi Nuclear

                Name of the company                         Energy output (KWH)          Same period of last        y-o-y changes

 Nanshan Power Factory(including units belongs to                               10.38                  20.94                 50.43%
New Power Co.,)

 Zhongshan Nam Long Power Plant                                                   4.75                  8.18                 41.93%

 Dongguan Gaobu Power Plant                                                       4.82                  8.20                 41.22%

                         Total                                                  19.95                  37.32                 46.53%

During the report period, the main business income of the company was 1,265,445,800 yuan, reduced by 47.62% compared to the
same period of last year, which was mainly because the electricity sales, fuel sales, equipment sales and the sludge drying income

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

reduced in this year. The main business costs of the Company were 208,726,500 yuan, reduced by 41.85% compared to the same
period of last year, which was also because the electricity sales, fuel sales, equipment sales and the sludge drying income reduced in
this year. The operating profit of the company was –1,211,139,000 yuan, increased by 278,170,400 yuan compared to the same
period of last year, and the total profit was -232,145,000 yuan, reduced by 254,400,800 yuan compared to the same period of last

Up to 31st, Dec., 2011, the Company has merged total assets of 5,536,067,700 yuan, reduced by 7.46% compared to the beginning of
the year; stockholder's equity was 1,722,811,300 yuan, thereinto, the stockholder's equity belonged to the parent company was
1,548,919,400 yuan, reduced by 2,044,521,200 yuan compared to the same period of last year.

The Company’s review and summarization to the progress of development strategy and operating plan disclosed in early days during
the report period
1. During the report period, the Company has realized “Four Not” safety management which provided important safeguards to the
company’s production and operation and sustainable development. Meanwhile, the Company has obtained the environmental credit
green card by implementing the environmental protection standardized management and completing the tasks of pollutants discharge
reduction. In 2012, the Company was awarded as “Pengcheng Advanced Enterprise of Waste Reduction” for the fourth time and
rated as “Fourth Batch of Energy-saving Demonstration Enterprise in Shenzhen”.

2. Due to the capital increase from each shareholder of Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company contribute based on shares-hold
proportion, in reporting period, register capital of this company increased to 746.8 million yuan from 396.8 million yuan with
asset-liability ratio reduced to 90% below, the asset structure and asset structure were improved obviously. After capital increase, this
company gradually returned the corporate loans by its own financing in the premise of guaranteeing operation funds, and effectively
reduced the funding risks in the company’s intra-system.

3. Shenzhong Real Estate Company and Shenzhong Property Company has made progress in the land revitalization, smoothly
promoted the land planning adjustment and reasonable allocated of land tax cost; all 400 Mu lands have been reckoned into the
transform range of “Three Old” of Zhongshan Government, and qualify the preferential policy.

4. Give full play to the advantage of existing circular economy projects in Nanshan Power Plant, proactively cooperated with
Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd. to draw up the comprehensive energy solution in Qianhai, Shenzhen.

5. In order to supporting the integrated planning of Shenzhen Municipal Government, introduce distributed energy resource by
participate in the demonstration of “Construction Project of Core Promotion District of International Low-Carbon City of Longgang
Shenzhen”, implemented feasibility of CCHP, formulated the energy security plan for low-carbon city.

6. Strengthen risk prevention, further to improve general governance standards of the Company through vary efficiency controlling
measures, that is revised 14 items of internal control mechanism, Article of Association included, and implementation of internal
control system as well as self-evaluation.

Reasons for difference of actual operation performance has 20% lower or higher than profit forecast of the Year disclosed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                     Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.            Annual Report of 2012

2. Revenue

                                                                                                          In ten thousand yuan

                                                                            Decrease/increase                            Decrease/increas
   According                                                                                      Decrease/increase
                        Operation         Operation        Gross margin       of operation                              e of gross margin
  to industry or                                                                                   of operation cost
                         income             cost               (%)          income over last                              over last year
    products                                                                                      over last year (%)
                                                                                year (%)                                        (%)

                        119,978.74        203,424.17          -69.550%               -44.872%              -39.758%              -14.400%

                            468.38              1,061.31     -126.591%               -43.828%              -19.910%              -67.671%

                           1,216.00             1,111.19        8.619%               -55.411%              -26.217%              -19.411%

                           3,665.14             1,909.28       47.907%               31.229%                27.987%               1.317%

 Other                     1,077.52              851.12        21.011%               -80.107%              -82.317%              18.541%

Whether income from physical sales larger than income from labors or not
√ Yes □ No

                                                                                                                 Increase/decrease y-o-y
           Industries                    Item                        2012                       2011

                             Sales volume                                    19.95                      37.32                    -46.54%

                             Output                                          19.95                      37.32                    -46.54%
                             Inventory                                           0                           0                        0%

                             Market share (%)                               26.09%                     34.58%                    -12.49%

Data sources: Gas Turbine Association of Guangdong Province
Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable □Not applicable
Affected by the insufficient subsidies, generation from 9E units are strictly control by power competent authorities of Guangdong
Province and Shenzhen in 2012.
Material orders in hands
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Material changes or adjustment for products or services of the Company in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Major sales of the Company

Total top five clients in sales (RMB)                                                                                  1,252,679,924.43

                                                                   Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

Proportion in total annual sales volume for top five clients

Information of top five clients of the Company
□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Cost

Industry classification
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                       2012                                 2011
       Industry                                                                                                        Y-o-y changes
                             Item                           Ratio in operation                   Ratio in operation
   classification                           Amount                                Amount                                    (%)
                                                                cost (%)                             cost (%)

                    Power, heat
Energy industry                        2,051,647,473.35               98.47% 3,415,425,758.86              98.48%              -0.01%

Engineering         Income from
                                           11,111,944.29               0.53%     15,060,357.05              0.43%                 0.1%
service             engineering

Other income        Sludge drying          20,811,326.18                   1%    37,681,376.60              1.09%              -0.09%

Product classification
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                       2012                                 2011
       Product                                                                                                         Y-o-y changes
                             Item                           Ratio in operation                   Ratio in operation
   classification                           Amount                                Amount                                    (%)
                                                                cost (%)                             cost (%)

Electricity sales   Power supplying    2,034,241,697.87               97.63% 3,376,806,451.46              97.37%                 0.27%

Heat sales          Heat supplying         10,613,093.88               0.51%     13,251,499.50              0.38%                 0.13%

Fuel sales          Fuel supplying          6,792,681.60               0.33%     23,455,057.32              0.68%              -0.35%

Engineering         Income from
                                           11,111,944.29               0.53%     15,060,357.05              0.43%                 0.10%
service             engineering

Sludge drying       Sludge treatment       19,092,809.55               0.92%     14,917,789.76              0.43%                 0.49%

Equipment sales     Equipment export                    0              0.00%     22,763,586.84              0.66%              -0.66%

                    Oil transport
                    income, access
Other income                                1,718,516.63               0.08%      1,912,750.58              0.06%                 0.03%
                    fee of Huidong


Main suppliers of the Company

Total purchase amount from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                                   1,849,000,000.00

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

Proportion in total annual purchase amount for top five
suppliers (%)

Information of top five suppliers of the Company
□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Expenses

 Item                      2012                      2011            +,- changes     Reasons
 Sales expenses         2,308,615.35                 818,301.34       182.12%        Transportation charge increased in this year
 Income tax                                                                          The switched back deferred income tax
                        2,859,105.88           13,224,142.33           -78.38%
 expenses                                                                            assets decreased in this year

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                Item                          2012                               2011                       Y-o-y changes (%)

Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                2,525,905,633.47                   3,958,355,123.14                          -36.19%
operation activity

Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                2,419,858,189.64                   3,686,069,781.88                          -34.35%
operation activity

Net cash flow from operation
                                                   106,047,443.83                   272,285,341.26                           -61.05%

Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                   110,965,236.71                   239,592,093.98                           -53.69%
investment activity

Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                   100,356,408.59                   166,848,984.75                           -39.85%
investment activity

Net cash flow from investment
                                                    10,608,828.12                    72,743,109.23                           -85.42%

Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                3,937,782,500.87                   4,606,524,953.89                          -14.52%
financing activity

Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                4,157,009,818.55                   4,912,866,159.58                          -15.39%
financing activity

Net cash flow from financing
                                                   -219,227,317.68                 -306,341,205.69                           -28.44%

Net increased amount of cash
                                                   -102,466,870.71                   37,932,178.08                         -370.13%
and cash equivalent

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable □Not applicable

            Item                2012                  2011                  +,- changes        Reasons for changes

                                                           Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

1                                                                                      The account paid in advance for
     Account paid in advance         12,132,738.08      31,576,397.23       -61.58% purchasing natural gas decreased in
                                                                                       this year
2                                                                                      Equity transfer amount of Jiangxi
     Other account payable           16,297,883.22     124,599,842.72       -86.92% Xinchang Company has received in
                                                                                       this year
3    Long-term            equity                                                       More capital invested for Jiangxi
                                     49,315,000.00      37,315,000.00        32.16%
     investment                                                                        Nuclear Power in this year
4    Long-term          prepaid                                                        Long-term prepaid expenses have
                                         45,822.68          95,810.84       -52.17%
     expenses                                                                          been amortized at year-begin
5    Note payable                    29,670,000.00      43,820,200.00       -32.29% Less notes issued in this year
6                                                                                      Account payable for fuels decreased in
     Account payable                 70,970,449.91     214,748,889.66       -66.95%
                                                                                       this year
7    Taxes              payable
                                      2,961,440.37        7,802,638.34      -62.05% The payable income taxes decreased
8    Non-current liability due                                                         Long-term loans due within one year
                                                 -      50,000,000.00     (100.00%)
     within one year                                                                   have been paid in this year
9                                                                                      Long-term loans have been paid in this
     Long-term loans                 16,000,000.00      26,000,000.00       (38.46%)
10   Other           non-current                                                       Government       grants      with   assets
                                     44,015,465.64        5,104,791.66      762.24%
     liabiity                                                                          concerned have received in this year
11   Retained profit                249,614,987.36     454,070,630.72       (45.03%)Net profit in this year decreased
12                                                                                     Due to the decrease of income from
     Operation income              1,265,445,768.29   2,415,817,730.35      (47.62%) power sales, fuel sales, equipment
                                                                                       sales and sludge drying in this year
13                                                                                     Due to the decrease of cost in power
     Operation cost                2,087,264,770.22   3,589,704,382.71      (41.85%) sales, fuel sales, equipment sales and
                                                                                       sludge drying in this year
14                                                                                     Urban maintenance and construction
     Business tax and extra           7,623,350.20      12,574,988.91       (39.38%) tax as well as others decreased in this
15                                                                                     Transportation fee increased in this
     Sales expenses                   2,308,615.35         818,301.34       182.12%
16   Investment income                           -      23,329,325.70     (100.00%)No equity transfer in this year
17                                                                                     Fuel subsidy income and VAT on
     Non-operation income           979,204,618.46    1,516,790,851.26      (35.44%) imports refunds of natural gas in this
                                                                                       year decreased
18   Non-operation                                                                     Losses on retirement of fixed assets in
                                        210,609.14        5,225,709.23      (95.97%)
     expenditure                                                                       this year decreased
19                                                                                     Switched back deferred income          tax
     Income tax expenses              2,859,105.88      13,224,142.33       (78.38%)
                                                                                       assets in this year decreased
20   Net profit attributable to    (204,455,643.36)     17,529,063.37    (1,266.38%)Due to the net defecit in this year

                                                                     Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.              Annual Report of 2012

     shareholder    of    parent

Reasons of major difference between the cash flow of operation activity in report period and net profit of the Company
□Applicable    √Not applicable

III. Composition of main business

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                         Operating                            Gross profit ratio     of operating
                                         Operating cost                                                 of operating cost   of gross profit
                          revenue                                    (%)            revenue y-o-y
                                                                                                           y-o-y (%)        ratio y-o-y (%)

According to industries

Energy industry     1,211,995,839.00 2,051,647,473.35                  -69.28%              -45.25%              -39.93%            -14.99%

                         12,160,000.00     11,111,944.29                   8.62%            -55.41%              -26.22%            -36.16%

Other income             39,901,929.49     20,811,326.18                47.84%              -25.02%              -44.77%             18.65%

According to products

Electricity sales   1,199,787,354.02 2,034,241,697.87                  -69.55%              -44.87%              -39.76%            -14.40%

Heat sales                4,683,808.67     10,613,093.88              -126.59%              -43.83%              -19.91%            -67.67%

Fuel sales                7,524,676.31      6,792,681.60                   9.73%            -72.27%              -71.04%             -2.56%

                         12,160,000.00     11,111,944.29                   8.62%            -55.41%              -26.22%            -36.16%

Sludge drying            36,651,416.83     19,092,809.55                47.91%              31.23%               27.99%               1.32%

Equipment sales                                           -                    -                    -                   -                     -

Other income              3,250,512.66      1,718,516.63                47.13%              86.70%               -10.15%             47.13%

According to region

Domestic            1,253,817,768.49 2,074,112,596.63                  -65.42%              -65.42%              -39.79%            -13.37%

Overseas                 10,240,000.00      9,458,147.19                   7.64%               7.64%             -59.39%             -10.5%

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main business based on
latest one year’s scope of period-end
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Assets and liability analysis

1. Major changes of assets

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                             End of 2012                       End of 2011                Ratio             Notes of major changes

                                                                        Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.               Annual Report of 2012

                                       Ratio in total                        Ratio in total changes
                       Amount                              Amount
                                         assets (%)                           assets (%)       (%)

                                                                                                        Cash in-flow from operation and
Monetary fund                                 9.52% 695,095,052.12                11.62%        -2.1% investment activities decreased in this

Account             924,997,868.1                                                                       Receivable subsidies decreased in this
                                             16.71% 934,640,019.03                15.62%        1.09%
receivable                         5                                                                    year

                    1,220,486,524.                      1,258,195,597.
Inventory                                    22.05%                               21.03%        1.02% Disposal of fuel oil in this year
                                  51                                    25

Investment real
                     4,429,359.55             0.08%       4,872,045.07              0.08%          0% -

Long-term equity                                                                                        More capital invested for Jiangxi
                    49,315,000.00             0.89% 37,315,000.00                   0.62%       0.27%
investment                                                                                              Nuclear Power in this year

                                                                                                        Fixed assets are depreciated normally
                    2,040,100,204.                      2,227,103,579.
Fix assets                                   36.85%                               37.23%       -0.38% in this year and withdrawal the
                                  81                                    26
                                                                                                        impairment provision

Construction in
                    47,177,164.98             0.85% 46,866,969.48                   0.78%       0.07% -

2. Major changes of liability

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                  2012                              2011                       Ratio
                                       Ratio in total                        Ratio in total changes             Notes of major changes
                       Amount                              Amount
                                         assets (%)                           assets (%)      (%)

                    3,210,361,552.                      3,265,824,953.
Short-term loans                             57.99%                               54.59%         3.4% Loans from the bank decreased
                                  86                                    89

Long-term loans     16,000,000.00             0.29% 26,000,000.00                   0.43%      -0.14% Long-term loans are paid in this year

3. Assets and liability measure by fair value

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                   Gains/losses of                            Impairment         Amount
                    Amount at                           changes in fair                                        Sale amount in     Amount at
Item                               changes in fair                           accrual in this   purchased in
                   period-begin                         value reckoned                                           this period      period-end
                                          value                                  period         this period
                                                          into equity

Financial assets

Total for the
                            0.00                                                                                                            0.00

                                                                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

                            0.00                                                                                               0.00

Whether measurement attributes for main assets of the Company in report period have major changes or not
□ Yes      √No

V. Core Competitiveness Analysis

After succeeding in the transformation of the power generation fuel clean energy of the subordinate gas turbine power plant, the
Company takes the lead in implementing the technical improvement projects of energy conservation and emission reduction such as
low-nitrogen combustion transformation, and minimizes the influence of power generation to the environment, at the same time,
positively popularizes cyclic economy projects such as sludge drying, and realizes the transformation from a traditional power plant
to an energy graded and comprehensive use enterprise that is capable of regional power supply, cooling, heating (hot water and steam)
and sludge resources treatment. In October, 2012, the Company was awarded as ‘National Advanced Unit of Cyclic Economy” by the
National Development and Reform Committee, and is one of the four national advanced units in Guangdong province.

Gas turbine power generation belongs to technology intensive industry, as the leader in this field; the Company once won the title of
“The Largest Gas Turbine Power Generation Enterprise in the Country”, and is still the enterprise that possesses the most PG9171E
gas - steam combined cycle generating units, and acts as the director of Guangdong gas turbine power generation association. In
twenty years, the Company has received and developed many technical experts of gas turbine, meanwhile, it has utilized the rich
experience accumulated in the construction and operations management of large-scale gas turbine power plant, strengthened the
communication and cooperation in the same industry, forged talent training base for gas turbine, and established a good foundation
for the company’s development.

As the gas turbine units have good performance in peak-shaving and obvious effects of gas power generation in environmental
protection and emission reduction, whether it is for power grid emergency peak-shaving, regional security assurance, or the demands
for environmental protection, it plays an indispensable role in the economically developed coastal areas. Along with the
implementation of electrovalence system, gas turbine enterprises still possess certain competitiveness and living space.

VI. Investment analysis

1. Equity investment outside

(1) Investment outside

                                                         Investment outside

    Investment for year of 2012 (RMB)            Investment for year of 2011 (RMB)                         Changes

                             12,000,000.00                                          0.00                                      100%

                                                         Invested company

                                                                                           Proportion of equity in invested company
                   Name                                     Main business
                                                                                                    for listed company (%)

                                             Development,         construction       and
CPI Jiangxi Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.                                                                                             5%
                                             management of nuclear power projects;

                                                                          Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.                Annual Report of 2012

                                                   producing        electricity   and     relevant
                                                   products; foreign trade business (excluding
                                                   import and export business for commodity
                                                   of state-run trade management); (except for
                                                   the projects with special permission of the

(2) The Company holds no equity of other listed company and no share-participated in financial enterprises
of commercial bank, securities company, insurance company, trust company and futures company.

2. Trust financing, derivative investment and entrusted loans

The Company has no trust financing, derivative investment and entrusted loans in reporting period.

3. Application of raised proceeds

In reporting period, the Company has no fund raised and no fund raised used in this period continued from previous period either.

4. Main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies

Particular about main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies

                                         Main                                                            Operating
 Company                                                 Register      Total assets     Net Assets                       Operating     Net profit
                  Type   Industries products or                                                          revenue
   name                                                  capital          (RMB)          (RMB)                          profit (RMB)    (RMB)
                                         service                                                          (RMB)

                                    t regarding
                                    heat             RMB
New Power Subsidia Power                                             1,083,751,719. 81,765,328.5 126,512,565. -103,564,968. -103,564,968.
                                    (excluding 113,850,00
Industrial   ry          industry                                                 12                 8             30             70            70
                                    restricted       0
Co., Ltd.
                                    items) and
                                    heat. Add:

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.        Annual Report of 2012


Shen Nan
             Subsidia Craft      Sludge                     144,656,865.4 74,583,786.8 36,651,416.8
Environme                                      79,000,000                                               -66,565.89   -66,565.89
             ry       industry   treatment                             0            0            3
Co., Ltd.

Real Estate Subsidia Real                                   135,561,725.5 -61,304,173.
                                 Real estate 60,000,000                                        0.00 -8,128,427.75 -8,128,427.75
Investment ry         estate                                           8           79
Co., Ltd

                                 Engaged in
                                 service of
                                 cycle power
Shenzhen                         maintenanc
Shennandia                       e and
n Turbine    Subsidia Technolo overhaul of                  125,551,625.8 62,240,807.0 12,160,000.0
                                               1,0000000                                              5,016,222.99 3,605,224.27
Engineering ry        gy         running                               2            1            0
Technology                       equipment
Co., Ltd.                        for
                                 cycle power
                                 Import and
                                 export of
                                 goods and

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.        Annual Report of 2012

                                 of the State)

Shenzhen                         Self-operati
Server                           on of fuel
Petrochemi Subsidia              oil or                                       78,437,911.7 12,182,688.2 -11,168,907.8 -12,379,953.4
                      Fuel                       5,3300000    91,822,758.60
cal          ry                  import                                                 3             4            9             1
Supplying                        agent
Co., Ltd                         business

                                 by burning
                                 heat, power
                                 supply and
                                 heat supply
Shen Nan
                                 network of
(Zhongshan Subsidia Electricit                                1,139,331,354. 137,932,097. 300,600,376. -14,967,298.0 -14,967,298.0
                                 heat            74,6800000
) Electric   ry       y                                                  23            50           07             8             8
Power Co.,
                                 lease of
                                 dock and
                                 oil storage
                                 e and

Shen Nan     Subsidia Electricit Constructio US $ 35.04 1,066,211,647. 300,029,437. 245,747,656. -22,525,212.8 -23,118,920.2
Dian         ry       y          n and           million                 90            60           22             0             4

                                                                     Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.              Annual Report of 2012

(Dongguan)                         operation of
Weimei                             natural gas
Electric                           power
Power Co.,                         plants.

Shen Nan
                         Investme No main         RMB
Energy        Subsidia                                           346,042,100.5 330,631,918.
                         nt        business       6.7038                                                 0.00      -54,462.27        -54,462.27
(Singapore) ry                                                                 1                09
                         holding   operated       million
Co., Ltd.

                                   Mainly in
                                   charge of
                                   n and
CPI Jiangxi
              Stock                operation      RMB
Nuclear                  Nuclear                                2,504,649,161. 962,727,000.
              jointly              managemen 1,727,270,0                                                 0.00            0.00              0.00
Power Co.,               Power                                               35                 00
              company              t of           00
                                   and sales of
                                   power and

Shenzhong                                         RMB
              Subsidia Real                                     1,063,591,472. 30,205,558.0                      -51,083,066.0 -51,083,066.0
Real Estate                        Real Estate 177,800,00                                                0.00
              ry         Estate                                              96                  0                          0                 0
Developme                                         0
nt Co., Ltd

Notes of main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies
Particular about subsidiaries obtained or disposed in report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Major projects invested by non-raised fund

                                                                                                                     In ten thousand yuan

                                                                         Accumulated fund
         Project          Total investment       Invested in this year   actually till end of         Progress           Project benefit
                                                                             this period

CPI Jiangxi Nuclear                                                                              Conducting prelimi
                                   34,785.00                 1,200.00                4,931.50                                           N/A
Power Co., Ltd.                                                                                  nary works

Total                              34,785.00                 1,200.00                4,931.50            --                     --

                                                                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

                                       Explanation on major projects invested by non-raised fund


VII. Prospect for future development of the Company

(I) Industry development trend and competition pattern
Under the existing electricity price system, the operation difficulty in front of the Company for year of 2013, is hard to have a
fundamental transformation, competition within the industry comes increasingly.
In 2013, power demands in Guangdong Province continues to keep growth in a low rapid, meanwhile, suffer from the increase of
electricity from Western Electric to Guangdong and installed electricity capacity newly increased, the shares in electricity market has
squeeze furtherly. The grid power capacity expected to be sufficient in 2013 and tighten of power transmission on floor will continue.
Natural gas has a possibility in a high-price, Shenzhen power grid implemented economic dispatch, and the power subsidy policy has
more uncertainty and brings more difficulty in decision-making of operation for the Company.

However, along the gradually implementation of Feed-in Tariff of GT in Guangdong Province, and publish of “the 12th Five-Year
Plan of Guangdong Energy Development”, GT enterprise has a new development opportunity to come. As a great GT enterprise
specialized in gas power generation, the circular economy projects, first implemented by the Company, is satisfy the requirement of
sustainable development strategy implanted by the Country.

(II) Operation plan for year of 2013
In 2013, under premise of assure the security of capital and production in whole year, the Company continues to stand in liquidize
remnant assets, seized development opportunity to implemented industry upgrade. Works are mainly to implemented as:
1. Earnestly operating safety, economically and environment friendly, promoted standardization and improve the standardized
management and supervise in progress of production, offers an important protection on production target of 2013 and sustainable
development of the Company.
2. Expanding financing channels effectively manage the capital within the system; reinforce budget enforcement, guarantee a capital
needs for daily operation activity of the Company and new investment projects, prevented financial risks.
3. Shenzhong Real Estate Company and Shenzhong Property Company totally start and implement the land development projects of
400 Mu lands in Zhongshan.
4. With gradually improvement in supplying condition for natural gas, the Company will seize new development opportunity in GT
industry, improve the viability and development in future through totally demonstration and analysis.
5. Give full play to the geographical advantage of 9E units of Nanshan Power Plant in Qianhai area of Shenzhen; proactively
participate in energy construction in Qianhai and to take the initiative in aspect of upgrading, renovating and future development
6. Continues to promoting construction of internal control system, perfected the risk management system, capital control with land
development projects involved and project supervision in particular.

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

VIII. Statements of the board of directors to the “Modifications to the Auditor’s Report” of the accounting
firm during this report period

Based on the opinions of independent practicing lawyer on “explanation on other significant events”, the board of
directors thought that: 1. Two letters of confirmation and the transaction have been terminated by the both parties;
2. The Company is unaware of any information or evidences that has been instituted judicial process because of
the option contract dispute, the development of this matter exists many uncertainties, it’s impossible to estimate
the subsequent development process, the loss amount and possible results of the option contract dispute at this
stage; 3. As the final results cannot be reasonably and reliably estimated at present, the estimated liabilities
shouldn’t be confirmed in the financial statements of 2012.

Matters referred to the modified opinions haven’t obviously violated the rules of accounting standards, system and
relevant information disclosure regulations.

IX. Compared with the financial reports of previous year, presentation of the changes in accounting
policies, accounting estimate and accounting methods

To further truly reflect the use condition of the fixed assets of the Company and make the accounting estimate of both the Company
and the subsidiaries keep consistent, since 1st, Jul., 2012, the depreciation life of the houses and buildings of the Company’s
subsidiaries was changed from 20-40 years to 20 years, the depreciation life of the means of transport was changed from 5-12 years
to 5 years, and the depreciation life of other equipments was changed from 5-8 years to 5 years; the depreciation life of turbo
generator units and machinery equipments of Zhongshan Power Co., Ltd and Weimei Power Co., Ltd was changed from 10-20 years
to 15 years, the working capacity of gas turbine generator units was changed from 100,000 hours to 60,000 hours, the depreciation
method of steam turbine generator units (#2, 4 generator units of Zhongshan Power Co., Ltd and #2, 4 generator units of Weimei
Power Co., Ltd ) was changed from units-of-production depreciation method to straight-line-method. “Motion about the depreciation
and accounting estimate change of fixed assets” was deliberated and passed by the ninth meeting of the sixth board of directors on
31st, May, 2012. The report items affected by accounting estimate change include fixed assets, operating costs, selling expenses, and
administrative expenses. By measuring and calculating, the combined net profit increased because of accounting estimate change is
1,727,022.68 yuan, thereinto, the net profit belongs to shareholders of the parent company is 1,210,352.98 yuan.

X. Particular about major accounting errors correction that needs retroactive re-statement in
reporting period

Not applicable

XI. Compare with last year’s financial report; explain changes in consolidation statement’s

Not applicable

XII. Profit and dividend distribution

Formulation, execution or adjustment for profit distribution policy in reporting period, cash bonus policy in particular

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.            Annual Report of 2012

1. In May, 2012, the Company established cash dividends policy and revised “Articles of Association” in accordance with “Decision
to revise the provisions of cash dividends in listed company” of China Securities Regulatory Commission. The Company’s profit
distribution plan of 2010 was considered and adopted by the fortieth meeting of the fifth board of directors and 2010 annual general
meeting of stockholders, and the profit distribution plan of 2011 was considered and adopted by the seventh meeting of the sixth
board of directors and 2011 annual general meeting of stockholders, and the cash dividends met the requirements of decision-making
procedures and “Articles of Association”.

2. During the report period, in accordance with the requirements of “Notification about seriously implementing the notification to
further implement the issues related to cash dividends in listed companies” (Shenzhen Bureau Zi No.[2012]43) issued by Shenzhen
Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Company provided opportunities for shareholders to fully express opinions and demands via
telephone, fax, email and investor interactive platform, combined the actual situation of the company and prepared “Returns Planning
of Shareholders in the Next Three Years” (2012 to 2014), defined the dividend standard and proportion, and completed relevant
decision-making procedures and mechanism, the independent directors performed corresponding duties and made independent
opinions, maintained the legitimate interests of all shareholders especially the medium and small shareholders, and revised relevant
profit distribution policy terms of “Articles of Association”. “Returns Planning of Shareholders in the Next Three Years” (2012 to
2014) and newly revised “Articles of Association” have been considered and adopted by the tenth meeting of the sixth board of
directors and have been submitted to the second extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of 2012 for deliberation before being

Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan in reporting period are complying with relevant regulations of
Article of Association.

Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan in latest three years (including the reporting period)
1. Being audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA (LLP), the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company for year of
2010 amounting as RMB -114,638,678.20. The Company has no plans of surplus accumulation fund accrual, no profit distribution
plan and capitalizing of common reserves either.

2. Being audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA (LLP), the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company for year of
2011 amounting as RMB17, 529,063.37. The Company has no plans of surplus accumulation fund accrual, no profit distribution plan
and capitalizing of common reserves either. During the report period, account receivable at year-end increased dramatically due to
the serious lags for recovery of government subsidy of power generation; furthermore, the unexploited land of inventory at year-end
amounting to RMB 1.1 billion, 88.15% in total inventory of the Company and takes part of the current capital for the Company; the
Company still has a financial strain due to the unexploited land in reporting period without relevant cash flow generated. In reporting
period, the Company’s asset-liability ratio up to 65%, current ratio and quick ratio still in a low standards, and has a weak short-term
debt paying ability in the whole Company.
In order to ensure the safety for capital chain of the Company, guarantee normal operation production, the Company plans no cash
dividend for year of 2011 for invest operation production with limit funds. Meanwhile, with purpose of upgrading the short-term debt
paying ability and improve the whole profitability of the Company, combine with operation status and development requirement, the
retained profit RMB 454,070,630.72 till end of 2011 will carried forward to the next year for supplement current capital of daily

3. Being audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA (LLP), the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company for year of
2012 amounting as RMB -204,455,643.36. The Company has no plans of surplus accumulation fund accrual, no profit distribution
plan and capitalizing of common reserves either.

                                                                    Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

Cash dividend in latest three years
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                         Net profit attributable to    Ratio in net profit attributable to
                                       Amount for cash bonus (tax     shareholders of listed company shareholders of listed company
       Year for bonus shares
                                               included)              in consolidation statement for      contained in consolidation
                                                                                bonus year                      statement (%)

2012                                                           0.00                  -204,455,643.36                                  0%

2011                                                           0.00                    17,529,063.37                                  0%

2010                                                           0.00                  -114,638,678.20                                  0%

The Company gains profits in reporting period and the retained profit of parent company is positive but no plan of cash dividend
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XIII. Social responsibility

The Company attaches importance to fulfilling social responsibilities, managing and realizing the healthy and harmonious
development between enterprise and employees, enterprise and society, and enterprise and environment. The Company has
established scientific safety production management system, strict operation standards and comprehensive contingency plan, and has
improved the inspection and supervision mechanism. During the report period, the Company has realized “Four Not” safety
management and completed the tasks of pollution reduction. In 2012, the Company won the environmental credit green card, had the
honor to get “National Advanced Unit of Cyclic Economy”, was rated as “Fourth Batch of Energy-saving Demonstration Enterprise
in Shenzhen”, awarded as “Pengcheng Advanced Enterprise of Waste Reduction” for the fourth time, and also awarded as
“Advanced Enterprise for Implementing Safety Production” by Nanshan District, Shenzhen. The Company protected all legitimate
interests of the personnel according to the law, concerned the physical and psychological health of the staff, and actively built a
harmonious labor relationship.

XIV. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview
                                                                                                              Contents discussed and
        Time                   Place               Way                  Type               Reception
                                                                                                                 material provided

                     Conference room                                                                       Operation status of the
2012-06-20                                  Field research     Individual             Dai Qiwei
                     of the Company                                                                        Company

                                            Telephone                                                      Resumption time of the
2012-11-13           The Company                               Individual             Investor
                                            communication                                                  Company

                                            Telephone                                                      Resumption time of the
2012-11-13           The Company                               Individual             Investor
                                            communication                                                  Company

                                            Telephone                                                      Resumption time of the
2012-11-13           The Company                               Individual             Investor
                                            communication                                                  Company

                                            Telephone                                                      Resumption time of the
2012-11-13           The Company                               Individual             Investor
                                            communication                                                  Company

                                             Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.      Annual Report of 2012

                           Telephone                                            Resumption time of the
2012-11-14   The Company                   Individual       Investor
                           communication                                        Company

                           Telephone                                            Resumption time of the
2012-11-14   The Company                   Individual       Investor
                           communication                                        Company

                           Telephone                                            Resumption time of the
2012-11-14   The Company                   Individual       Investor
                           communication                                        Company

                           Telephone                                            Resumption time of the
2012-11-14   The Company                   Individual       Investor
                           communication                                        Company

                           Telephone                                            Resumption time of the
2012-11-14   The Company                   Individual       Investor
                           communication                                        Company

2012-12-18   The Company                   Individual       Investor            Floor area of the Company

                                                                    Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

                                         Section V. Iimportant Events

I. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations of the Company

The Company has no significant lawsuits and arbitration in this period.
Questioned from media
No media questioned for the Company in reporting period

II. Bankruptcy reorganization

No bankruptcy reorganization occurred in reporting period

III. Assets transaction

The Company has nor major assets acquisition, assets sales and enterprise combination in reporting period.

IV. Implementation and its influence of equity incentive plan

In reporting period, the Company has no plan of equity incentive formulated.

V. Material related transactions

1. In reporting period, the Company has no daily operational related transactions with assets acquisition
and sold concerned as well as major related transactions for jointly investment outside either

2. Contact of related credit and debt

Whether exist non-operating contact of related credit and debt or not
√Yes     □No
                                                                                          Balance of     Amount of the
                                                                          Whether exist                                      Balance at
                                                                                          period-begin      period
                            Related      Type of credit      Forming      non-operation                                     period-end (in
        Related party                                                                        (in 10      occurrence (in
                          relationship      and debt          reason        al capital                                       10 thousand
                                                                                           thousand       10 thousand
                                                                           occupying                                            yuan)
                                                                                             yuan)           yuan)

Shenzhen Shennandian
                                                          account from
Turbine Engineering       Subsidiary     Other payable                         No             8,103.65        2,390.07          10,493.72
Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Shennandian
                                         Dividend         Profit
Turbine Engineering       Subsidiary                                           No             5,626.50               0.00        5,626.50
                                         receivable       distribution
Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.    Annual Report of 2012

Shen Nan Dian
                                     Other           account from
(Zhongshan) Electric    Subsidiary                                       No          62,624.31     -6,106.83   56,517.48
                                     receivables     daily
Power Co., Ltd.

Zhongshan Shenzhong
                                     Other           account from
Real Estate             Subsidiary                                       No          68,862.99     4,719.63    73,582.62
                                     receivables     daily
Development Co., Ltd

Shen Nan Dian                                        Current
(Dongguan) Weimei                    Other           account from
                        Subsidiary                                       No           8,543.71      -433.44     8,110.27
Electric Power Co.,                  receivables     daily
Ltd                                                  operation

Shen Nan Dian                                        Current
(Dongguan) Weimei                                    account from
                        Subsidiary   Other payable                       No          13,177.31    -10,848.75    2,328.56
Electric Power Co.,                                  daily
Ltd                                                  operation

Shenzhen New Power                                   account from
                        Subsidiary   Other payable                       No          77,641.40    -15,809.99   61,831.41
Industrial Co., Ltd.                                 daily

Shenzhen New Power                   Dividend        Profit
                        Subsidiary                                       No          59,787.59         0.00    59,787.59
Industrial Co., Ltd.                 receivable      distribution

Shenzhen Server
                                                     account from
Petrochemical           Subsidiary   Other payable                       No           2,636.44     1,017.93     3,654.37
Supplying Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Server
                                     Other           account from
Petrochemical           Subsidiary                                       No            627.94          0.00      627.94
                                     receivables     daily
Supplying Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Shen Nan
                                     Other           account from
Dian Environment        Subsidiary                                       No           1,101.71      -940.66      161.05
                                     receivables     daily
Protection Co., Ltd.

Shen Nan Energy                      Other           account from
                        Subsidiary                                       No             13.87          0.56        14.43
(Singapore) Co., Ltd.                receivables     daily

Hong Kong                            Other
                        Subsidiary                   account from        No               3.51         1.35         4.86
Syndisome Co., Ltd.                  receivables

                                                                      Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012


Hong Kong                                   Other          account from
                            Subsidiary                                              No           168.23              -0.52          167.71
Syndisome Co., Ltd.                         payables       daily

                                                           Account for
Shenzhen Energy             Shareholder                    capacity
                                            received in                             No          1,458.60             0.00          1,458.60
Group Co., Ltd.                party                       received in

Influence on operation results and          Influence on operation results and financial status from related credit and debts: current
financial status from related credit and assets decrease RMB 27.594 million in this period, and current liability has RMB 232.5126
debts                                       million decreased.

5. The Company has no other material related transactions in reporting period.

VI. Major contract and implantation

1. Trusteeship, contract and leasing

(1) Explanation on trusteeship
As for the Assets Custody Operation Contract in Connection with Burning Machine-Stream Joint Cycle Heat Power Generation
Machine Unit entered into in February 2003, the Company was entrusted to operate and manage the power generation machine unit
owned by its wholly-owned subsidiary New Power Company. The custody business service charge RMB 5.05 million was obtained
by the Company in reporting period.
Items generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in reporting period for the Company
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

(2) Leasing

Explanation on leasing
Condition of rent out
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
    Lessor         Lessee     Assets leasing        Amount of    Start date for Leasing end   Leasing       Income     Income influence
                                                 assets lease      leasing                    income       determine the Company from
                                                                                                             basis           leasing
The             Zhongshan     Spare parts            564,991.02 2012.12.31 Dated of           17,500.00Strike         Net profit
Company         Power                                                         low-nitrogen              price         17,500.00 yuan
                Company                                                       transformatio                           inceased in profit
                                                                              n completed                             statement of the
                                                                              for                                     Company
                                                                              Company in

                                                                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.                    Annual Report of 2012

The           Weimei        Spare parts       9,717,067.50 2009.08.28 Next                   16,028.35Strike             Net profit
Company       Power                                                        overhaul                      price           16,028.35 yuan
              Company                                                      period of 3#                                  inceased in profit
                                                                           power unit of                                 statement of the
                                                                           Weimei                                        Company
The           Serve Supply Storage tank         429,512.78 2012.01.01       2012.08.13     295,592.80 Strike             Net profit
Company       Company                                                                                    price           295,592.80 yuan
                                                                                                                         inceased in profit
                                                                                                                         statement of the
The           Enviornment Lans                              - 2011.01.01    2014.12.31 1,152,000.00 Strike               Net profit
Company        protection                                                                                price           1,152,000.00 yuan
               company                                                                                                   inceased in profit
                                                                                                                         statement of the
The           Enviornment Office              3,533,679.16 2012.01.01       2014.12.31     660,000.00 Strike             Net profit
Company       protection    building                                                                     price           660,000.00 yuan
              company                                                                                                    inceased in profit
                                                                                                                         statement of the
Condition of rent in
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
    Lessor        Lessee    Assets leasing    Amount of      Start date for Leasing end Expenditure Expenditur               Expenditure
                                             assets lease      leasing                     for leasing           e          influence the
                                                                                                         determine         Company from
                                                                                                            basis              leasing
Zhongshan     The           Spare parts         410,649.60 2012.4.25 Date of one           600,150.29 Strike             Net profit
Power         Company                                                      month ended                   price           600,150.29 yuan
Company                                                                    after next                                    deceased in profit
                                                                           overhaul                                      statement of the
                                                                           completed of                                  Company
                                                                           unit of the

Projects brings gains/losses to total net profit of the Company with over 10% in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
 (3) The Company has no other material entrust and contract except for the above said

                                                                Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

2. Guarantee

                                                                                                             In ten thousand yuan

                  Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)
                     Related                     Actual date of
                                                                                                           Complete     e for
                   Announcem                      happening
   Name of the                 Guarantee                            Actual         Guarantee     Guarantee implemen related
                        ent                        (Date of
Company guaranteed               limit                          guarantee limit      type          term     tation or   party
                    disclosure                      signing
                                                                                                               not     (Yes or
                       date                       agreement)
                                          Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries
                     Related                     Actual date of
                                                                                                           Complete       e for
                   Announcem                      happening
   Name of the                 Guarantee                            Actual         Guarantee     Guarantee implemen      related
                        ent                        (Date of
Company guaranteed               limit                          guarantee limit      type          term     tation or     party
                    disclosure                      signing
                                                                                                               not       (Yes or
                       date                       agreement)
Weimei Power Co.,     2012-04-24        10,000 2012-06-07                10,000                 One year      No        Yes

Weimei Power Co.,     2012-04-24        10,000 2012-06-05                10,000                 One year      No        Yes

Weimei Power Co.,     2012-04-24        10,000 2012-06-13                10,000                 One year      No        Yes

Weimei Power Co.,     2012-04-24         8,000 2012-06-20                 8,000                 One year      No        Yes

Weimei Power Co.,     2012-04-24         2,000 2012-07-02                 2,000                 One year      No        Yes

Weimei Power Co.,     2012-04-24         8,000 2012-06-09                 8,000                 One year      No        Yes

Weimei Power Co.,     2012-04-24      3,745.13 2012-08-13              3,745.13                 One year      No        Yes

Weimei Power Co.,     2012-04-24      4,141.59 2012-08-20              4,141.59                 One year      No        Yes

Weimei Power Co.,     2012-04-24     22,113.28 2012-10-16              5,249.43                 One year      No        Yes

Zhongshan Power                                                                   General
                      2012-04-24         5,000 2012-09-11                 5,000                 One year      No        Yes
Co.,                                                                              assurance

Zhongshan Power                                                                   General
                      2012-04-24         5,000 2012-10-26                 5,000                 One year      No        Yes
Co.,                                                                              assurance

Zhongshan Power                                                                   General
                      2012-04-24         7,000 2012-01-13                 7,000                 One year      No        Yes
Co.,                                                                              assurance

Zhongshan Power                                                                   General
                      2012-04-24         5,000 2012-02-10                 5,000                 One year      No        Yes
Co.,                                                                              assurance

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

Zhongshan Power                                                                    General
                      2012-04-24          1,000 2012-03-19                1,000                  One year     No        Yes
Co.,                                                                               assurance

Zhongshan Power                                                                    General
                      2012-04-24          4,900 2012-05-28               2,373.6                 One year     No        Yes
Co.,                                                                               assurance

Envionment                                                                         General
                      2012-04-24          1,000 2012-06-12                1,000                  231 days     No        Yes
Protection Co.,                                                                    assurance

Environment                                                                        General
                      2012-04-24          2,000 2012-12-06                2,000                  One year     No        Yes
Protection Co.,                                                                    assurance

Environment                                                                        General
                      2012-04-24          1,600 2009-11-06                1,600                  8-year       No        Yes
Protection Co.,                                                                    assurance

Environment                                                                        General
                      2012-04-24          1,000 2012-06-19                1,000                  One year     No        Yes
Protection Co.,                                                                    assurance

 New Power Co.,       2012-04-24         10,000 2012-12-26               10,000                  One year     No        Yes

 New Power Co.,       2012-04-24         10,000 2012-11-27               10,000                  One year     No        Yes

 New Power Co.,       2012-04-24         10,000 2012-11-26               10,000                  One year     No        Yes
                                                                Total amount of actual
Total amount of approving                               141,500 occurred     guarantee    for
guarantee for subsidiaries in                                                                                          122,109.75
                                                                subsidiaries in report period
report period (B1)
                                                                Total balance of actual
Total amount of approved                                141,500 guarantee for subsidiaries at
guarantee for subsidiaries at the                                                                                      122,109.75
                                                                the end of reporting period
end of reporting period (B3)
Total amount of guarantee of the Company( total of two abovementioned guarantee)
   Total amount of approving                                       Total amount of actual
   guarantee in report period                           141,500 occurred guarantee in report                           122,109.75
            (A1+B1)                                                   period (A2+B2)
   Total amount of approved                                        Total balance of actual
  guarantee at the end of report                        141,500 guarantee at the end of report                         122,109.75
        period (A3+B3)                                                period (A4+B4)
The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the
net assets of the Company(that is A4+ B4)

Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
related parties(C)
The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed parties
whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or indirectly(D)
Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the
Company exceed 50%(E)
Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees(C+D+E)                                                                  161,173.53
Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating
responsibilities for undue guarantees
Explanations on external guarantee against regulated

                                                                     Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.                    Annual Report of 2012

3. Other material contracts
                                       value for
                          value of
                          amount                                  Base date                     Trading     Whether                  Implement
 Company                               involved
              Name of     involved                  Appraisal      of assets                    price (in   constitute     Related      ation
  entered                                 in                                      Pricing
             counterpar in contract                 agency (if evaluation                          10        related      relationshi ended as
   into a                             contract(in                                principle
                 t         (in 10                   applicable)       (if                       thousand transaction            p     reporting
  contract                                10
                         thousand                                 applicable)                    yuan)       or not                    period
                          yuan) (if
                                       yuan) (if

                                                                                three parts:
                                                                                price      of
                                                                                charge and
                                                                                taxes. The
             g Trade
Shenzhen                                                      prices of                                                              Implement
Nanshan Branch of                                                         Reference
Power Co.,        Not applic Not        Not        Not        LNG will                                                    Not        ing
           CNOOC                                                          to pricing No
Ltd.              able       applicable applicable applicable sets in two                                                 applicable relevant
           Gas &                                                           principal
                                                              difference                                                             contracts
                                                              prices in
                                                              two period
                                                                                times      of
                                                                                2013      and
                                                                                2014      and

VII. Implementation of committment

1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the Company in
reporting period or extending to reporting period.
No commitments made by the Company, directors, supervisors, senior executives and shareholders with over 5% shares held
(including 5%) may have important influence on the Company’s operation results and financial status occurred in this period or
extending to reporting period that occurred previously.

                                                                     Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.                  Annual Report of 2012

VIII. Appointment and non-reappointment (dismissal) of CPA

Accounting firm appointed

Name of domestic accounting firm                                               Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA (LLP)

Remuneration for domestic accounting firm (in 10
thousand Yuan)

Continuous life of auditing service for domestic
accounting firm

Name of domestic CPA                                                                        Qian Changru
Whether re-appointed accounting firms in this period or not
□Yes   √No
Appointment of internal control auditing accounting firm, financial consultant or sponsor
√ Applicable □Not applicable

In this year, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA (LLP) was appointed as the audit CPA for internal control of the Company, and totally
RMB 0.4 million was paid for internal control audit in period.

X. Explanation from Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors (if applicable) for
“Modifications to the Auditor’s Report” from the CPA

Supervisory Committee of the Board deliberated and thought that matters involved in this modified opinion didn’t obviously violate
the accounting standards, systems and regulations of relevant information disclosure standards. The special instructions made by the
board of directors are objective and consist with the facts.
Opinions made by independent directors are as below:
(I) Emphasis of Matter listed in Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA (LLP) “Special Statements About Issuing Audit Report of Clean
Opinion with Emphasis of Matter to Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.” and “2012 Annual Audit Report of Shenzhen Nanshan
Power Co., Ltd.” reflects the responsibilities existed after terminating the transaction and compensatory possibilities.

(II) We agree “Special Instructions about 2012 Annual Audit Report with Emphasis of Matter” of the board of directors and hope that
the Company implements the possible measures to eliminate this matter and its influences proposed in “Special Instructions about
2012 Annual Audit Report with Emphasis of Matter” of the board of directors and feasibly maintains stockholders' equity by aiming
at the relevant contents of emphasis of matter.

XI. Penalty and rectification

                                                                   Type of
                                                                                    Conclusion (if                               Index of
        Name                Type             Reasons           investigation and                           Disclosure date
                                                                                      applicable)                               disclosure

                                                                                                                             Juchao     Website:
The Company         Other                                  Other                   Not applicable         2012-06-02         Notice         No.:

Explanation on rectification

                                                                   Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

Particular about directors, supervisors, senior executives and shareholders with over 5% shares held suspected illegal dealings of the
stock of the Company and earnings of illegal dealings taken back by the Company that disclosed
□Applicable √ Not applicable

XII. Explanation on other significant events

In March 2008, the Company signed two oil option contract confirmation letters (hereinafter referred to as “confirmation letter”) with
Jierun (Singapore) Private Company (hereinafter referred to as “Jierun Company”), of which the number was 65723977102.11 and
In 2009, the Company and Jierun Company had several rounds of negotiations about the disputes of these two conformation letters
on the basis of not affecting the rights of both parties, but didn’t reach an accommodation. On 27th, Nov., 2009, Jierun Company
authorized Allen & Overy International Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as “Allen & Overy”) to write to the Company which
required the Company to immediately pay Jierun Company USD 79,962,943.00 for the losses caused by the Company’s breach of
contract and USD 3,736,958.66 for the interests up to 27th, Nov., 2009, if the Company didn’t pay all above-mentioned money, Jierun
Company would reserve the right to sue without any further notice. At the same time, Jierun Company authorized Allen & Overy to
write to propose the settlement that was installment payment of thirteen times, interest free, and only paying USD 79,962,943.00
(Refer to the Company’s announcement on 29th, Dec., 2009, announcement no. is2009-069).The Company replied that we didn’t
accept the compensation for losses proposed by Jierun Company on 25th, Jan., 2010, and required Jierun Company to assume the
responsibility for breach of contract, including but not limited to pay the payables of USD 0.3 million for October 2008 and relevant
interests of USD16,862.52. Allen & Overy replied to refuse to assume any responsibility for the Company on 26th, Feb., 2010, and
stood their ground in the letter sent on 27th, Nov., 2009.
On 31st, Mar., 2011 and 6th, Feb., 2012, Jierun Company voluntarily wrote or authorized Allen & Overy to write to claim the
Company’s liability for breach of contract, the Company respectively replied on 6th, Apr., 2011 and 10th, Feb., 2012, and explicitly
declared that we don’t accept the opinion in the letter from Allen & Overy that Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. is in arrears with
USD 83,699,901.66 and interests to Jierun; and required Jierun to assume the liability for breach of contract according to the letter
the Company wrote on 25th, Jan., 2010 and pay the payables of USD 0.3 million for October 2008 and interests since 7th, Nov., 2008
to the Company; the Company agreed to further negotiate with Jierun so as to resolve this matter on the basis of not affecting the
rights of either party; at the same time, the Company confirmed that this letter would not change and/or abandon any rights, and the
Company defined to reserve all rights to this matter.
Thereafter, both parties had some negotiations on the basis of not changing and/or abandoning the rights of either party. Up to the
date of issuing this analysis, there was no new progress for this matter.

                                                                    Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.               Annual Report of 2012

            Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

                                  Before change                   Increase/decrease in this time (+ , - )                 After change

                                                                     Bonus        ion of
                                Amount      Ratio (%) New issue                               Other         Subtotal   Amount Ratio (%)
                                                                      share       public

I. Restricted shares              18,263                                                                                 18,263

1. Senior executives’
                                  18,263                                                                                 18,263

                               602,744,3                                                                               602,744,3
II. Unrestricted shares
                                      33                                                                                     33

                               338,894,0                                                                               338,894,0
1. RMB Ordinary shares
                                      12                                                                                     12

2. Domestically          listed 263,850,3                                                                              263,850,3
foreign shares                        21                                                                                     21

                               602,762,5                                                                               602,762,5
III. Total shares
                                      96                                                                                     96

II. Securities issue and listing

1. No stock and derivative securities offered in latest three years from the Company.

2. In reporting period, total shares of the Company and structures as well as balance sheet structures have no change due to
reasons in aspects of bonus shares, capitalizing of shares, allotment, privately stock offering, exercise warrants,
implementation of equity incentive plan, enteprise combination, shares converted from convertible corporate bonds, capital
reducing, listing of internal staff shares and securities offering.

3. The Company has no existing internal staff shares.

III. Shareholders and actual controller

1. Number of shareholders of the Company and share-holding

                                                                                                                                   In Share

Total shareholders in reporting                             Total shareholders ended as the 5th trading day before
                                                   40,443                                                                           39,135
period                                                      annual report disclosed

                                         Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.                Annual Report of 2012

                                                          Total                             Amount      Number of shares pledged/frozen
                                                         sharehol                             of
                                                                     Changes      of
  Full name of         Nature of        Proportion of     ders at                           unrestri
                                                                     in report restricte
  Shareholders        shareholder      shares held (%)   the end                             cted       State of share      Amount
                                                                      period d shares
                                                         of report                          shares
                                                          period                             held

Guangju            State-owned legal                     100,769                            100,769
                                               16.72%                                   0
Industrial Co.,    person                                    ,712                              ,712

NAM HOI            Overseas legal                         92,123,                           92,123,
                                               15.28%                                   0
(INTERNATION person                                           248                               248

ENERGY             State-owned legal                      65,106,                           65,106,
                                                 10.8%                                  0
(GROUP) CO.,       person                                     130                               130

INVESTMENT         Overseas legal                         49,426,                           49,426,
                                                  8.2%                                  0
COMPANY            person                                     518                               518

STATE GRID                                                           45.00sh
SHENZHEN                                                             ares-hol
ENERGY             State-owned legal                      33,648, ding                      33,648,
                                                 5.58%                                  0
DEVELOPMEN person                                             560 reduced                       560
T (GROUP) CO.,                                                       in
LTD.                                                                 reportin
                                                                     g period

                   Domestic nature                        2,322,3                           2,322,3
Lu Ai’bo                                        0.39%                                  0
                   person                                      66                                  66

                   Domestic nature                        1,602,5                           1,602,5
Wang Lan                                         0.27%                                  0
                   person                                      00                                  00

Jinbang Security Overseas legal                           1,500,0                           1,500,0
                                                 0.25%                                  0
Holding Co., Ltd person                                        00                                  00

                   Domestic nature                        1,351,4                           1,351,4
Wu Shuhua                                        0.22%                                  0
                   person                                      00                                  00

                   Domestic nature                        1,280,9                           1,280,9
Li Qing                                          0.21%                                  0
                   person                                      37                                  37

Strategy investors or general

                                                                   Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.                Annual Report of 2012

corporation comes top 10
shareholders due to rights issue (if

Explanation on associated
                                        1. 100% equity of HONG KONG NAM HOI (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED100% held by
relationship among the top ten
                                        SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD
shareholders or consistent action

                                    Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held

                                                                                                               Type of shares
          Shareholders’ name           Amount of unrestricted shares held at year-end (Note 4)
                                                                                                            Type            Amount

Shenzhen Guangju Industrial Co.,                                                                   RMB common
                                                                                    100,769,712                              100,769,712
Ltd.                                                                                               shares

                                                                                      92,123,248 listed foreign                 92,123,248

SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP)                                                                            RMB common
                                                                                      65,106,130                                65,106,130
CO., LTD.                                                                                          shares

                                                                                      49,426,518 listed foreign                 49,426,518

                                                                                                   RMB common
ENERGY DEVELOPMENT                                                                    33,648,560                                33,648,560

                                                                                                   RMB common
Lu Ai’bo                                                                              2,322,366                                 2,322,366

                                                                                                   RMB common
Wang Lan                                                                               1,602,500                                 1,602,500

Jinbang Security Holding Co., Ltd                                                      1,500,000 listed foreign                  1,500,000

                                                                                                   RMB common
Wu Shuhua                                                                              1,351,400                                 1,351,400

                                                                                                   RMB common
Li Qing                                                                                1,280,937                                 1,280,937

Expiation on associated relationship
or consistent actors within the top 10 1. 100% equity of HONG KONG NAM HOI (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED was held by
                                       SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD 2. Among other social public shareholders, the
un-restrict shareholders and between
                                       Company did not know whether there were associated relationships or belonging to consistent
top 10 un-restrict shareholders and actors.
top 10 shareholders

Explanation on shareholders
involved in securities margin trading

                                                                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

business (if applicable)

2. Controlling shareholder of the Company

No controlling shareholder of the Company and no changes for the aforesaid condition in reporting period.

3. Actual controller of the Company

No actual controlling of the Company and no changes for the aforesaid condition in reporting period.

Whether have shareholders, with over 10% shares held, in aspect of ultimate controlling or not
√Yes   □No

   Shareholders in ultimate   person/person       Date of                                                       Main operation
                                                              Organization code       Register capital
         controlling           in charge of foundation                                                              business
                                 the unit
                                                                                                            production,      purchase
                                                                                                            and sales of various
                                                                                                            normal           energies
                                                                                                            (including power, heat,
                                                                                                            coal, oil and gas) and
                                                                                                            new energies; design,
                                                                                                            management            and
                                                                                                            operation of various
                                                                                                            energy       engineering
                                                                                                            projects; operation of
                                                                                                            equipments and the
                                                                                                            affiliated          parts,
                                                                                                            facilities, aluminium,
                                                                                                            wood, cement and other
                                                                                                            raw materials required
                                                                                                            for energy engineering
                                                                                                            projects; conduct of
SHENZHEN ENERGY                               1985-07-1                                                     import      &      export
                              Gao Zimin                     19224115-8            RMB 955,555,600           businesses (based on
(GROUP) CO., LTD.                             5                                                             the             document
                                                                                                            SMGSZZi          No.147);
                                                                                                            operation of personnel
                                                                                                            training, consultation
                                                                                                            and      other     related
                                                                                                            service        businesses
                                                                                                            affiliated for energy
                                                                                                            engineering       (further
                                                                                                            application will be
                                                                                                            made        particularly);
                                                                                                            development             of
                                                                                                            environmental friendly
                                                                                                            technology, transfer of
                                                                                                            technology            and
                                                                                                            technology       services;
                                                                                                            investment            and
                                                                                                            operation               of
                                                                                                            transportation business
                                                                                                            (road, costal and ocean)
                                                                                                            in respect of fuels, raw

                                                                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.            Annual Report of 2012

                                                                                                             materials            and
                                                                                                             equipments required by
                                                                                                             energy          projects;
                                                                                                             property management
                                                                                                             (operate with qualified
                                                                                                             certificate for property
                                                                                                             management) and lease
                                                                                                             of self-owned property.
Shenzhen Guangju Industrial                   1989-05-3                                                      Develop enterprise,
                               Du Wenjun                  70848324-7                RMB 111.11 million
Co., Ltd.                                     1                                                              investment in power

(INTERNATIONAL)                Yu Chunling 1985-5-15 0151245                        HK$ 1,330,000            Investment

4. The first largest shareholder of the Company

SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD. holds 157,229,378 shares of the Company directly and indirectly, a 26.08% in total
shares of the Company and is the first largest shareholder of the Company.
The corporate representative is Gao Zimin. Shenzhen Energy Co., Ltd. was established on July 15th, 1985 with registration capital of
RMB 955.5556 million. It is a limited liability company and its operating scope covers developing, producing, purchasing and selling
various normal energies (including power, heat, coal, oil and gas) and new energies, designing, constructing, managing and operating
various energy engineering projects, operating equipments and accessories, apparatuses, aluminum materials, wood materials, cement
and other materials needed by the energy engineering project, operating import-export services (transacted according to No. 147
message of SMGSZZD), operating the services of personnel training and consulting matched with the energy engineering, as well as
other relevant services (report or declare additionally for details), developing and transferring environmental protection technologies,
and providing technical service, investing and operating the transportation services on the fuels, materials and equipments needed by
the energy project. Property management (operating with the property management qualification certificate) and own property
Relation schema of property rights and control between the Company and main shareholders:
Explanation of the names in the diagram below:

The Company: Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Energy Group: SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD.
Nam Hoi (international): Hong Kong Nam Hoi (International) Limited
Guangju Holding: Shenzhen Guangju Investment Holding Co., Ltd.
 Hong Kong Tengda: Tengda Property Co., Ltd
 Hong Kong Energy: Shenzhen Energy (Hong Kong) International Co., Ltd.
 Guangju Energy: Shenzhen Guangju Energy Co., Ltd
 Guangju Industrial: Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.
 Luneng Group: Luneng Group Co., Ltd.
 Kehuitong: Shenzhen Kehuitong Investment Holding Co., Ltd

                                                                Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.              Annual Report of 2012

                                      Shenzhen Nanshan State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration


                SASAC of Shenzhen                            Guangju Holding               Mr. Li Li
                                                                                                                State Grid

            Shenzhen Energy                    HK          Guangju Energy          Peace            Country          Luneng Group
                 Group                       Energy                                International Limited

                                    Nam          Hoi            Guangju               Hong Kong                      State Grid
                                    (international)            Industrial                  Tengda                      Energy

                                                                 The Company

Actual controller controlling the Company by entrust or other assets management

□Applicable √Not applicable
5. Particulars about other legal person shareholders with over 10% shares held
                                Legal rep. /
                                                                                                                  Main operation
                                 Person in       Date of
  Legal person shareholder                                   Organization code      Register capital                business or
                                charge of the foundation
                                                                                                               management activities

Shenzhen Guangju Industrial                                                                                     Develop enterprise,
                                Du Wenjun      1989-5-31       70848324-7         RMB 111.11 million
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                        power investment

(INTERNATIONAL)                 Yu Chunling 1985-5-15            0151245          HK$ 15.33 million                 Investment

                                                                   Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

                    Section VII. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior

                                                       Executives and Employees

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                               Increasing   Decreasing
                                                              Shares held at
                      Working         Start dated                             shares held shares held in  Shares held at
                                                  End date of
 Name       Title             Sex Age of office               period-begin
                       status                     office term                in this period this period period-end(Share)
                                                                                 (Share)      (Share)

Zhang    Deputy      Currently
                                 F     44 2011-07-08 2014-07-07               12,993              0              0            12,993
 Jie     GM          in office

Peng     Staff       Currently
                                 M     39 2012-05-25 2014-05-25                1,145              0              0             1,145
Bo       supervisor in office

Li       Staff       Currently
                                 F     50 2012-05-25 2014-05-25                4,125              0              0             4,125
Huiwen supervisor in office

Total         --         --      --   --        --            --              18,263              0              0            18,263

II. Post-holding

Major working experience of directors, supervisors and senior executive at the present in latest five years
(1) Members of the Board
Mr. Yang Haixian, Chairman of the Company, a senior economic engineer, senior administration engineer and MBA. He has
successively served as general manager assistance and member of party committee of Shenzhen Energy Corporation; director and
chairman of Shenzhen Energy Investment Co., Ltd.; Chairman of Shenzhen Mawan Power Co., Ltd and convener of the Board of
Shenzhen Western Company; and now he serves as member of the party committees and director of SHENZHEN ENERGY
(GROUP) CO., LTD. and Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd.; Chairman of Singapore Company and director of Shenzhen Energy
Environment Protection Company. The representative of 4th and 5th session of Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress and member of
Economic Work Committee of Shenzhen Municipal Standing Committee of People's Congress.

Mr. Li Hongsheng, Vice Chairman, a master of engineering of Tianjin University, had successively held the posts of deputy general
manager of Zhongyuan (Hong Kong) Property Co., Ltd, deputy general manager of Zhongyuan (Hong Kong) Industry and Trade
Holdings Co., Ltd, director of Shenzhen Nanshan Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd, director and financial controller of Shenzhen Guangju
Energy Co., Ltd, director and executive deputy general manager of Shenzhen Guangju Energy Co., Ltd as well as the director of
Shenzhen Nanshan Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd.

Wang Difei, deputy Chairman, a university background and an accountant, had successively servers as account of finance dept. of
Power Bureau of Zhejiang Province, manager of finance of Zhenjiang Beicang Power Plant, deputy manager of Ningbo Branch of
Shenzhen State Power Science&Technology& Trade Co., Ltd., operational deputy GM of Guangxi Datang Guiguan Heshan Power
Co., Ltd., manager of planning and development dept. of Shenzhen State Power Technology Development Co., Ltd., manager of GM
works dept. of STATE GRID SHENZHEN ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (GROUP) CO., LTD. now serves as executive director, GM
and deputy Party Secretary of SHENZHEN ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (GROUP) CO., LTD.

                                                                   Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.            Annual Report of 2012

Mr. Fu Bo, managing director and MBA, was graduated from the specialty of aero-engine, Xi’an Air Force Engineering University,
successively served as secretary of general manager, vice director and director of the office, secretary of the board and deputy general
manager of the company. And serves as managing director of the Company since January 2005, now serves as Chairman of Shen Nan
Dian Zhongshan Co and Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Co and Director of Singapore Company.

Mr. Huangfu Han, director, a senior engineer and master of engineering, was graduated from the specialty of thermal energy and
power, Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute, he successively served as assistant chief engineer, vice manager and manager of Ma
Bay Power Plant, Shenzhen Ma Bay Power Company, vice manager and director of overhauling department of Power Generation
Branch, Shenzhen Energy, manager of Moon Bay Gas Turbine Power Plant, general manager of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd,
manager, vice-president and vice secretary of party committee of Guangshen Shajiao B Power Company, director of preparing office,
secretary of party branch and manager of Eastern Power Plant, SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD., assistant general
manager, chief engineer and deputy general manager of SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD., and now holds the post of
deputy general manager of Shenzhen Energy Co., Ltd; now serves as deputy director of science and technology innovation

Ms. Yu Chunling, director, senior engineer, on-job postgraduate of economics of Beijing University, was graduated from the specialty
of power plant construction structure engineering, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering, successively held the
posts of technician and civil engineering contract engineer of engineering department of Guangdong Nuclear Power Heying Co., Ltd,
project manager of Shenzhen Energy Investment Holding Co., Ltd, vice business director, business director of office as well as
minister of fuel trade department, minister of planning and developing department as well as office director of pumped-reservoir
power plant    preparing office of Shenzhen Energy Corporation, and now holds the post of director general manager of Shenzhen
Energy (Hong Kong) International Co., Ltd.

Mr. Zhou Qun, director, an economic engineer and Bachelor of Science of East China Institute of Technology, used to work in
Shenzhen Geological Bureau, Shenzhen Nanshan Investment Management Corporation, Shenzhen Municipal State-owned Assets
Management Office and Shenzhen Investment Management Corporation, successively held the posts of assistant engineer, office
director, deputy director general, assistant minister of secretariat of board of directors, had successively held the posts of secretary of
board of directors, general manager assistant and office director of SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD, preparing office
director of Shenzhen Pumped-storage Power Station, president of Huizhou City Gas Co., Ltd as well as president of Huizhou Fengda
Power Co., Ltd and executive director and general manager of Huizhou Shenzhen Energy Investment Co., Ltd; now he is the
President of Shenzhen Energy Finance Corporation.

Ms. Chen Lihong, Director, born in 1963, junior college background, accountant; she used to work in Shenzhen Guangju Investment
(Group) Co., Ltd. and successively served as financial manager, GM assistant of Shenzhen Guangju Energy Co., Ltd, now she is
deputy GM of the company.

Sun Jianxin, Director, born in March 1966, worked since August 1990, a Party member of the CPC, bachelor degree and a senior
engineer. He successively served as engineer of pan inspection centre for Shandong Electric Power Research Institute, principal of
the financial operation department of Luneng Property Group Company and deputy GM of Hainan Yingda Real Estate Development
Co., Ltd.since 1990. Now serves as deputy GM of STATE GRID SHENZHEN ENERGY DEVELOPMENT (GROUP) CO., LTD
and GM of Shenzhen Guoneng Property Management Co., Ltd.

Mr. Li Zheng, Independent director, born in 1957, bachelor of law and a practicing solicitor; he served as fulltime lawyer of
Zhengjiang Jinhua Laws Firm in 1983, served as senior scientist for China(Shenzhen) General Development & Research Institution

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

in May of 1991, and as part-time lawyer for Chinese Legal Center and Shen Tianping Laws Firm; he served as partner and practicing
lawyer of GuangdonG Renren Laws Firm in 1996 and serves as practicing lawyer in Guangdong ShenTiancheng Laws Firm since
August 2010.

Mr. Wang Xiaodong, Independent director; he work as lawyer business since 1987, obtained a lawyer’s practice license in 1988; and
obtained “Qualification Certification of Lawyers for Securities and Laws Engaged” issued by CSRC and Ministry of Justice in 1993;
he was engaged as member of 10th and 11th Session of Issuance Audit Committee of CSRC from May 2008 to April 2010; He served
as partner of Dangdong Foreign, Shenzhen Xinda, Shenzhen Jingtain laws firm and Guangdong Bohe Laws Firm from 1989 to 2004,
a law partner of Grandall Law Firm (Shenzhen) Office since 2005, and also served as full-time member of 10th and 11th session of
Issuance Audit Committee of CSRC from May 2008 to April 2010.

Mr. Wang Junsheng, Independent director, born in 1960, a senior economist and researcher; he worked since September 1978, and
successively served as director of material office of Asia Olympic Village of 11th Organizing Committee of Asian Olympic, manager
of comprehensive business dept. of Beijing International Power Development Investment Co., Ltd and deputy GM of Zhonggong
Entrust Investment Company. Now he serves as researcher of Chinese Economic Technology Research & Consulting Co., Ltd, and
standing council of Chinese Management Science Association, part-time professor of government Management College of Central
University of Finance and Economics, Financial college of RUC and financing College of Hunan University and economy.

Mr. Tang Tianyun, Independent Director, born in 1960, a senior accountant; he used to served as Chinese CPA for Shekou China
CPA, and successively served as director, secretary of the Board, CFP and deputy GM of Huayuan Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd.
from 1991 to 2006; he serves as chief of financial development strategy for Qingdao Haier Investment Development Co., Ltd. since
2007, and successively serves as director, senior deputy chairman of Haier New York Life Insurance Co., Ltd, since June of 2009.

Mr. Pan Chengwei, Independent Director, born in 1946, he worked in COSCO since 1965, and successively served as GM of
financial dept. of the Group and COSCO (H.K.) Co., ltd. respectively, director GM of COSCO (H.K.) Property Co., ltd and COSCO
(H.K.) Industry& Commercial Holding ltd respectively as well as chief representative of Shenzhen Office of COSCO; He served as
director of Shenzhen Shennan Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd, from 2001 to 2004, director GM of COSCO (Cayman) Fuqing Holding
Co., Ltd. from 2005 to 2008 and served as manager of fuel oil futures of COSCO, now he was retired.

(2) Members of Supervisory Committee
Mr. Zhao Xiangzhi, supervisor, born in 1958, a senior accountant; he served as deputy director of state-run 5127 plant in 1990,
deputy director(leadership level) of planning office of state-run 5127 plant in 1992; served as deputy chief accountant of Shenzhen
Company of China Yanxing and director of financial dept. from 1993 to 1996; he successively served as CFO of Energy Group,
delegated by Shenzhen Investment Management Company, director, members of discipline committee, director of audit depart. And
supervisor of Shenzhen Energy Group from 1996 to 2003; he served as director of financial management of Shenzhen Energy (Group)
Co., Ltd and chairman of supervisory committee of Shenzhen Energy Investment Co., Ltd from 2003 to 2007; he serves as chairman
and secretary of party committee for Shenzhen Guangshen Shajiao B Power Co., Ltd. and member of discipline committee of
Shenzhen Energy Group from 2007 to April 2012; and serves as chief accountant of Shenzhen Energy Group since May of 2011 and
serves as Party Committee Member of Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd. since June 2012

Ms. Ma Fengming, supervisor, born in 1962, a senior accountant and CPA; she successively served as University lecturer practicing
CPA in CPA firms and financial principal of foreign-funded enterprise from 1989 to 1995; she used to work as CPA of supervision &
auditing dept. of Shenzhen Energy Corp., director of financial dept. of Mawan Power Plant, director CPA of planning investment
dept. of Shenzhen Energy Group Co., and deputy director of supervision & auditing dept. and auditing dept.; Now she serves as
employee supervisor and senior manager of auditing management dept. of Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd, director of Shenzhen

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

Moon Bay Oil Port Co., ltd, supervisor of Guodian Nanning Generation Co., Ltd, as well as supervisor of Shenzhen Energy Group
Co., Ltd and Shenzhen Energy Management Co., ltd. respectively.

Ms. Ji Yuanhong, supervisor, born in 1967, an economist; she worked in Shenzhen FIYTA Group from July 1989 to 1999. She serves
as secretary of the Board of Shenzhen Guangju Energy Co., Ltd, since August 1999 and serves as deputy GM of Shenzhen Guangju
Energy Co., Ltd since May of 2008 and director of Shenzhen Guangju Energy Co., Ltd since March of 2012.

Li Jianjun, supervisor, born in August 1963, worked since August 1985, Party member of the CPC, graduate degree and a senior
economist; he successively served as cadre of First Company of Shanxi Power Construction of North China Electric Power Bureau,
cadre of Shenzhen Dianlian Power Industrial Company of China Electricity Council, GM of Shenzhen Xiandian Guanju Datai
Transport Co., Ltd, subordinate with Shenzhen China Grid Technology Development Co., Ltd., GM and Party branch secretary of
China Gridcom Co., Ltd, Chairman and GM of Shenzhen State Grid Energy Development Co., LTd. and Director and GM of
Shenzhen Guoneng Property Management Co., Ltd. Now serves as Party Secretary of STATE GRID SHENZHEN ENERGY

Mr. Zheng Dalei, staff supervisor, born in 1964, a senior engineer and graduated from thermal measurement & automatic specialty of
Northeast Dianli College. He work in thermal sub-plant of Heilongjiang Fulaerji Power General Plant from 1985 to 1990; work in
equipment office of 2# machine tools plant of Qiqihar from 1990 to 1994;     He work in Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. since
1994 and successively serves as principal and director of thermal control department and director of electronic control department.
He serves as chief engineer of subordinate enterprise Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company from 2003 to 2007 and of Nanshan Power
Plant since April 2007; and honors the title of outstanding management of the Company for year of 2007, 2008 and 2010.

Mr. Peng Bo, staff supervisor, born in 1973, an engineer, a postgraduate student and graduated from power system automation
specialty of Central China University of Sciences&Technology, subsequently study as business administration specialty in Central
China University of Sciences&Technology with post graduate certificate obtained for a Master Degree honored. He successively
serves as special engineer of thermal control and inspection for gas turbine of the Company, manager of labor resources, director
assistant of Office and deputy director of HR since 1994. He serves as manager of HR department and as supervisor of Shenzhong
Real Estate Company, subordinate enterprise of the Company since April 2007; he honor the title of outstanding management of the
Company for year of 2007 and outstanding party member bestowed by Guangju Energy for year of 2008.

Ms. Li Huiwen, staff supervisor, born in 1962, an accountant, graduated from accounting major of Jiangxi University of Fiancé &
Economics. she worked in financial division of Nanchang Machine Tool Plants from 1980 to 1989; served as chief accountant in
Shenzhen Changming Fashion-making Co., Ltd. from 1989 to 1993; She successively served as chief accountant of the financial dept.
in the Company and CFO of Server Company, subordinate enterprise of the Company since 1993; and serves as CFO and director of
financial dept. of Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Company, subordinate enterprise of the Company since May 2005; and honor
outstanding management of the Company for year of 2007 and 2009.

Mr. Tao Ling, staff supervisor, born in1967, an economist, MBA; he graduated from electric power system & automatic specialty of
Shanghai Jiaotong University, and subsequently study in major of BTEC in Tsinghua University; he worked in Dalian Power Industry
Bureau from July 1989 to February 1991; and worked in Shenzhen Mawan Power Co., ltd. from February 1991 to December 1991;
he serves as secretary of the Office, director of Office, secretary of the Board and GM of Server Company, subordinate of the
Company since January 1992; He takes post of director and GM of Shen Nan Dian Shenzhong Real Estate, subordinate of the
Company since April 2007 and horns outstanding manager of the Company for year of 2007.

(3) Senior Executives

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

Mr. Fu Bo is the managing director and sees the previous director resume.

Ms. Lin Qing, deputy general manager and senior engineer with a master degree, born in 1964, was graduated from the specialty of
Power System and Its Automation of Hunan University, taught in the Power Department, Changsha University of Science and
Technology since 1985, worked in the engineering department of Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station since 1990,
successively hold the posts of secretary of comprehensive department and business director of general administrative office of
Shenzhen Energy Company, Shenzhen Western Power Company, minister of the party department, official labor unit president, office
director, party branch secretary of office, director of labor union office, party committee member, and general manger assistant of
Shenzhen Energy Corporation, etc, since December 1991, and now holds the post of deputy general manager of the company as well
as president of Server Company.

Mr. Ji Ming, deputy general manager, engineer and master of management, born in 1956, was successively graduated from
Changchun University of Science and Technology as well as Fudan University, held the post of Shenzhen Nanshan Petroleum (Group)
Co., Ltd from 1994 to 1999, held the posts of deputy general manger of Shenzhen Guangju Energy Co., Ltd and the general manager
of Shenzhen Guangju Power Investment Co., Ltd since 1999, held the post of deputy general manager of the company since
December 2006, and now holds the posts of president of Shenzhong Real Estate Company, Shenzhong Property Company, Shenzhen
Nanshan Power Environmental Protection Company, vice-president of Shenzhen Nanshan               Power (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd, and
Shenzhen Nanshan Power Engineering Company as well as director of Singapore Company.

Ms. Zhang Jie, deputy general manager, born in 1968, Master of Psychology of Beijing University; she was graduated from the
specialty of British and American Literature in the Foreign Language Department of Zhengzhou University, and then studied in the
specialty of applied psychology in the Psychology Department, Beijing University, used to work in Henan Provincial Seismological
Bureau as a translator, worked in the financial department and office of the company since October 1990, successively held the posts
of secretary, office director, general manager assistant and employee supervisor of the company since 1993, held the post of deputy
general manager of the company since December 2006, and now holds the posts of Shenzhen Nanshan Power (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd,
Shenzhen Nanshan Power (Dongguan) Company and Singapore Company.

Mr. Zhu Wei, deputy general manager and engineer, born in 1957, was graduated from Guangdong Electric Power School, used to
work in Guangdong Xinfengjiang Power Plant; studied in Nanjing Institute of Technology in 1985 and obtained a junior college
degree, successively held the posts of assistant minister of development department, minister of supply department and general
manager assistant of the company since 1990, obtained on-job master degree during this period, has held the post of deputy general
manager of the company since August 2003.

Mr. Wang Rendong, general engineer, born in 1961, was graduated from the specialty of thermal power of Power Department,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and then obtained a master degree on the specialty of economic management of
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, used to work in the planning department of Beijing Electrical Planning and Design
Institute of State Ministry of Water Resources and Power, transferred and assigned to Shenzhen Huadian Southern Development
(Group) Company in June 1988, successively held the post of minister of operating department, minister of engineering department,
assistant chief engineer, general manager assistant and employee supervisor of the company since 1990, held the post of deputy
general manager of the company since December 2006, and now holds the concurrent posts of president and managing director of
Shenzhen Nanshan Power Engineering Company, as well as director of Shenzhen Nanshan Power (Dongguan) Company and
Singapore Company.

Mr. Lu Xiaoping, financial controller, born in 1962, senior accountant and master of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,
used to work in Chashi Town People’s Government, Hengyang County, Hunan Province, Hunan Hengyang Oil and Pump Nozzle

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

Plant as well as Shenzhen Pengji Industrial Development Company, held the post of deputy manager of financial department of
Shenzhen Zhongshen International Corporation from 1995 to 1998, held the posts of accountant and director of Shenzhen Energy
Corporation since December 1998, and has held the post of financial controller of the company since August 2003, and now holds the
concurrent posts of director of Shenzhong Real Estate Company and Shenzhong Property Company.

Ms. Hu Qin, secretary of board of directors, engineer and economist, born in 1967, was graduated from the specialty of applied
chemistry in the Thermal Power Engineering Department of Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering, and then
studied for a master degree in the specialty of finance in Nankai University, used to work as the counselor of Thermal Power
Engineering Department of Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering (Wuhan University now), she worked in the
Company since February 1990 and serves as representative of security affairs appointed by the Company in 1994; and she serves as
secretary of the board of the company since March 2005, now she serves as director of New Power Company and independent
director of Shenzhen maxonic Automation Control Co., Ltd.

Post-holding in shareholder’s unit
√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                               Whether receiving
                                                                                                Office term    remuneration from
     Name                Name of shareholder’s units                   Position
                                                                                                 start from    shareholder’s units
                                                                                                                     or not

                                                            Managing director of parent unit
Li Hongsheng Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.                   Shenzhen Guangju Energy Co.,       October 2009   Yes

                 STATE GRID SHENZHEN ENERGY                 Executive director, GM and vice
Wang Difei                                                                                     2011           Yes
                 DEVELOPMENT (GROUP) CO., LTD.              Party Secretary

                                                            Deputy director of Science and                    Yes (received in
                 SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO.,
Huangfu Han                                                 Technology Innovation              May 2006       Shenzhen Energy
                                                            Committee                                         Group Co., Ltd.)

                                                                                                              Yes (received in
                 HONG KONG NAM HOI                                                                            Shenzhen Energy
Yu Chunling                                                 Managing director                  January 2009
                 (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED                                                                      (H.K) International
                                                                                                              Co., Ltd.)

                                                            Chairman of controlling                           Yes (received in
                 SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO.,
Zhou Qun                                                    subsidiary Shenzhen Energy         2010           Shenzhen Energy
                                                            Financial Company                                 Financial Co., Ltd.)

                                                            Deputy GM of parent unit
Chen Lihong      Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.               Shenzhen Guangju Energy Co.,       2005           Yes

Sun Jianxin                                                 Deputy GM                          August 2012    Yes
                 DEVELOPMENT (GROUP) CO., LTD.

                                                                                                              Yes (received in
                 SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO.,
Zhao Xiangzhi                                               Chief accountant                   2009           Shenzhen Energy
                                                                                                              Group Co., Ltd.)

                                                                Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.                  Annual Report of 2012

                                                                                                                         Yes (received in
                 SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO.,
Ma Fengming                                                  Staff supervisor                        2011                Shenzhen Energy
                                                                                                                         Group Co., Ltd.)

                                                             Deputy GM and Secretary of the
Ji Yuanhong      Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.                Board of parent unit Shenzhen           2008                Yes
                                                             Guangju Energy Co., Ltd.

Li Jianjun                                                   Party Secretary and deputy GM           2005                Yes
                 DEVELOPMENT (GROUP) CO., LTD.
Post-holding in other unit
√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                    Whether receiving
                                                                                  Office term
Name                            Name of other units             Position                            remuneration from
                                                                                  start from
                                                                                                    other units or not

Li Zheng         Guangdong ShenTiancheng Laws Firm                           2010               Yes

                 Grandall Law Firm (Shenzhen) Office         Law partner     2005               Yes

                 Chinese Economic Technology Research &
Wang Junsheng                                                Researcher      2001               Yes
                 Consulting Co., Ltd,

Tang Tianyun     Haier New York Life Insurance Co., Ltd,                     2009               Yes

Pan Chengwei China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.                                  July 2012          Yes

III. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making process, basis for determining and actual payment of remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management
1. Decision-making process: In accordance with relevant regulations of “Articles of Association”, the stockholders' meeting would
determine the remuneration of directors and supervisors, and the board of directors would determine the remuneration of senior
2. Basis for determining: The Company implements annual salary system for directors, supervisors and senior management, the
annual salary standards are determined by the annual operating efficiency, job grade and industry remuneration level, the company
assesses the performances of directors and senior management and the annual achievements at the end of the year and pays the
annual performance remuneration according to the assessment results.
3. Actual payment: The Company pays the remuneration by strictly following the decision-making process and basis for determining
of remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management.
Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period
                                                                                                                        In ten thousand yuan

                                                                                            Total               Total          Remuneration
     Name               Title             Sex          Age                              remuneration        remuneration         actually
                                                                                       obtained from        obtained from       obtained at

                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.        Annual Report of 2012

                                                     the Company    shareholder’s     period-end

                                      Currently in
Yang Haixian    Chairman     M   56                         70.87                 0           70.87

                Deputy                Currently in
Li Hongsheng                 M   49                            0            104.85          104.85
                Chairman              office

Sun Yulin                    M   61 Office leaving             0               60.04          60.04

                Deputy                Currently in
Wang Difei                   M   44                            0                 60             60
                Chairman              office

                Managing              Currently in
Fu Bo                        M   50                         63.96                 0           63.96
                director              office

                                      Currently in
Huangfu Han     Director     M   58                            0               83.94          83.94

                                      Currently in
Yu Chunling     Director     F   47                            0               69.86          69.86

                                      Currently in
Zhou Qun        Director     M   48                            0               71.06          71.06

                                      Currently in
Chen Lihong     Director     F   49                            0               72.87          72.87

Jiang Xiaojun   Director     M   48 Office leaving             0               60.04          60.04

                                      Currently in
Sun Jianxin     Director     M   47                            0                 44             44

                Impendent             Currently in
Li Zheng                     M   55                          11.9                 0            11.9
                director              office

Wang            Impendent             Currently in
                             M   52                          11.9                 0            11.9
Xiaodong        director              office

                Impendent             Currently in
Wang Junsheng                M   52                          11.9                 0            11.9
                director              office

Wu Xiaolei                   F   48 Office leaving           9.92                 0            9.92

                Impendent             Currently in
Tang Tianyun                 M   52                          11.9                 0            11.9
                director              office

                Impendent             Currently in
Pan Chengwei                 M   66                          11.9                 0            11.9
                director              office

                Chief                 Currently in
Zhao Xiangzhi                M   54                            0               83.39          83.39
                supervisor            office

                                      Currently in
Ma Fengming     Supervisor   F   50                            0               51.34          51.34

                                                                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.             Annual Report of 2012

                                                                     Currently in
Ji Yuanhong      Supervisor       F                             45                                  0             69            69

                                                                     Currently in
Li Jianjun       Supervisor       M                             50                                  0             53            53

                 Staff                                               Currently in
Zheng Dalei                       M                             48                              37.05              0          37.05
                 supervisor                                          office

                 Staff                                               Currently in
Peng Bo                           M                             39                              34.75              0          34.75
                 supervisor                                          office

                 Staff                                               Currently in
Li Huiwen                         F                             50                              29.95              0          29.95
                 supervisor                                          office

                 Staff                                               Currently in
Tao Lin                           M                             45                              32.82              0          32.82
                  supervisor                                         office

                                                                     Currently in
Lin Qing         Deputy GM        F                             48                              57.73              0          57.73

                                                                     Currently in
Ji Ming          Deputy GM        M                             56                              57.73              0          57.73

                                                                     Currently in
Zhang Jie        Deputy GM        F                             44                              57.73              0          57.73

                                                                     Currently in
Zhu Wei          Deputy GM        M                             55                              57.84              0          57.84

                                                                     Currently in
Wang Rendong Chief engineer M                                   51                              57.84              0          57.84

                                                                     Currently in
Lu Xiaoping      CFO              M                             50                              57.73              0          57.73

                 Secretary of                                        Currently in
Hu Qin                            F                             45                              41.15              0          41.15
                 the Board                                           office

Delegated stock option incentive for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Post-leaving and dismissals for directors, supervisors and senior executives

      Name                Title             Type              Date                                  Reasons

Sun Yulin                             Office leaving    2012-10-23            Work reasons

Jiang Xiaojun      Director           Office leaving    2012-10-23            Work reasons

Wu Xiaolei                            Office leaving    2012-10-23            Office term expired

Wang Difei         Supervisor         Office leaving    2012-10-23            Work reasons

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

V. Changes of core technology team or key technicians in reporting period (not including
directors, supervisors and senior executives)

Not applicable

VI. Employees of the Company

Ended as 31 December 2012, the Company has 321 employees in total with 147 are production staff, 29 technician, 17 financial staff
and 128 administration staff; education background: 97 persons hold a junior college degree, 105 persons hold a bachelor degree and
26 persons hold a master degree or above.

                                                                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

                           Section VIII. Corporate Governance

I. Basic Status of Corporate Governance

During the report period, in accordance with the laws and regulations of “Corporate Law”, “Securities Law”, “Corporate Governance
Principles of Listed Companies”, “Information Disclosure Management Methods of Listed Companies” and “Stock Listing Rules of
Shenzhen Stock Exchange”, the Company have constantly consummated the corporate governance structure, abided by the law, and
standardized the operations. The corporate governance structure fundamentally meets the requirements of above-mentioned laws and
regulations. During the report period, the situations of the corporate governance are as below:

1. In accordance with the requirements of “Supervision Opinions on On-site Inspection to Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.”
(SSRB Zi No.[2012]21) issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Company has seriously organized and implemented
the rectification and reformation, revised the “Articles of Association” and rules of procedure of “Three Meeting”, and completed
“Rectification and Reformation Reports About Problems Found by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau’s On-site Inspection”
which has been submitted to Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau for the record after being deliberated and passed by the ninth
meeting of the Company’s sixth board of directors.
2. During the report period, to further complete the corporate governance structure and promote the standard operation, the Company
has also revised “Work Rules of General Manager”, “Internal Control System”, “Temporary Provisions on Internal Audit” and
“Internal Report System of Major Information” in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and combining the actual situation
of the company.
3. To perfect the scientific, sustainable and stable dividends policy and mechanism of the company, in accordance with the
requirements of “Notification about seriously implementing the notification to further implement the issues related to cash dividends
in listed companies” (Shenzhen Bureau Zi No.[2012]43) issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau and combining the actual
situation of the company, the Company prepared “Returns Planning of Shareholders in the Next Three Years” (2012 to 2014) and
revised relevant dividend policy terms of “Articles of Association”, which were deliberated and passed by the tenth meeting of the
sixth board of directors and needed to be implemented after being submitted to shareholders’ meeting for deliberation.
4. The undisclosed information that the Company submitted to the first majority shareholder includes daily generating capacity,
power generation obstacles statements and occurrence reports, and monthly safety briefing. According to its requirements, the
secretary of the board submitted the motions discussed and revised by the general manager’s office meeting to the dispatched
directors and supervisors before convoking the meetings of the board of directors and supervisors, meanwhile, reported to its legal
department of property rights and administration department.
To strengthen the management to undisclosed information, the Company strictly controlled the insider range, standardized the
information transfer process, strictly implemented the relevant regulations of “Registration System of Inside Information Insider”,
and regularly submitted the information of insiders and their relatives to Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau.
5. In accordance with the requirements of “Fundamental Norms of Enterprise Internal Control”, assessment guidelines and other
relevant laws and regulations, the Company effectively completed the self-assessment to internal control design and implementation
by 30 th, June, 2012. During the report period, the Company has established internal control procedures for the businesses and matters
brought into the assessment scope, which have been effectively implemented and basically achieved the goals of internal control, and
no great defect has been found.
6. In accordance with the requirements of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Company organized directors, supervisors,
senior management and middle-level management to the civic center to take part in the insider trading education and warning
exhibition held by Securities Regulatory Bureau on 26th, Oct., 2012.

                                                                       Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.      Annual Report of 2012

7. In accordance with the requirements of “Notification about completing investor protection and propaganda work of listed
companies” issued by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Company has positively developed relevant investor protection
and propaganda work, focused on developing propaganda activities with the theme of “Positively return to investors” from
September, 2012 to November, 2012. The Company has submitted the summary reports and relevant statistical table to Securities
Regulatory Bureau after the activities.
9. During the report period, the systems that the Company has established and revised include “Articles of Association”, “Rules of
Procedure of Shareholders’ Meeting”, “Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors”, “Rules of Procedure of the Board of
Supervisors”, “Implementing Regulations of Audit Committee of the Board of Directors”, “Implementing Regulations of
Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors”, “Implementing Regulations of Nominations Committee of the
Board of Directors”, “Implementing Regulations of Strategy and Investment Management Committee of the Board of Directors”,
“Work Rules of General Manager”, “Internal Control System”, “Temporary Provisions of Internal Audit”, “Internal Reporting
System of Major Information”, “Management System of Relevant Person in Charge of Financing ”, and “Development Strategy and
Planning Management Methods”.
Whether there is difference exists between the corporate governance and “Corporate Law” and the relevant regulations of China
Securities Regulatory Commission
□ Yes √ No
There is no difference exists between the corporate governance and “Corporate Law” and the relevant regulations of China Securities
Regulatory Commission.

Development about special activities of corporate governance and the establishment and implementation about registration and
management system of inside information insider
The Company has established “Management System of Information Disclosure” and “Registration System of Inside Information
Insider”, and cleared the regulations of information security.
When submitting information to external according to law, the Company required related personnel to fill in “Registration Form of
Inside Information Insider” and prompted relevant personnel to abide by relevant laws and regulations. During the report period, the
Company not only submitted the periodic reports but also submitted “Inside Information Insider List” to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
and Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau. The undisclosed information that the Company submitted to the first majority
shareholder includes daily generating capacity, power generation obstacles statements and occurrence reports, and monthly safety
briefing. According to its requirements, the secretary of the board submitted the motions discussed and revised by the general
manager’s office meeting to the dispatched directors and supervisors before convoking the meetings of the board of directors and
supervisors, meanwhile, reported to its legal department of property rights and administration department. To strengthen the
management to undisclosed information, the Company strictly controlled the insider range, standardized the information transfer
process, strictly implemented the relevant regulations of “Registration System of Inside Information Insider”, and regularly submitted
the information of insiders to Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau.

II. Annual shareholders’ general meeting and extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting
held in reporting period
1. Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting in the report period
                                                Name of meeting
 Session of meeting             Date                                         Situation      Date of disclosure    Index of disclosure

Annual                                        ”Report of the Board Deliberated and                              Relevant resolution
                       2012-05-15                                                          2012-05-16
Shareholders’                                for year of 2011”, ”    approved                                 serial No.: 2012-019

                                                           Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.      Annual Report of 2012

General Meeting of                  Report of                                                        (found more details
2011                                Supervisory                                                      in Juchao Website
                                    Committee for year                                               http://www.cninfo.co
                                    of 2011”, ”Work                                                m.cn)
                                    Report of
                                    Independent Director
                                    for year of
                                    2011”, ”Financial
                                    Results and Analysis
                                    Report for year of
                                    2011”, ”Profit
                                    Distribution Pre-plan
                                    of 2011”, ”Annual
                                    Report and
                                    Summary of
                                    2011”, ”Bank Credit
                                    Limit, External
                                    Guarantee, Financial
                                    Subsidy Limit
                                    Within System for
                                    year of
                                    2012”, ”Engagement
                                    of Audit Institute for
                                    year of 2012” and
                                    “Remuneration and
                                    Evaluation Plan of
                                    the Chairman for
                                    year of 2012”

2. Extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting in the report period

                                      Name of meeting
 Session of meeting          Date                                 Situation     Date of disclosure    Index of disclosure

                                    ”Amendment of
                                    ‘Article of
                                    Association’”, ”Ame
                                                                                                     Relevant resolution
                                    ndment of
First Extraordinary                                                                                  serial No.: 2012-024
                                    ‘Discussion Rules
Shareholders’                                               Deliberated and                         (found more details
                      2012-06-20    for the Annual                             2012-06-21
General Meeting                                              approved                                in Juchao Website
2012                                                                                                 http://www.cninfo.co
                                    Meeting’”, ”Amend
                                    ment of ‘Discussion
                                    Rules for the Board

                                                                     Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.          Annual Report of 2012

                                              Meeting’” and
                                              “Amendment of
                                              ‘Discussion Rules
                                              for Supervisory

                                              ”Shareholders                                                        Relevant resolution
                                              Return in Next Three                                                  serial No.: 2012-035
                                              Years (2012-2014)” Deliberated and                                   (found more details
Shareholders’        2012-08-24                                                            2012-08-25
                                              and ”Amendment of approved                                           in Juchao Website
General Meeting
                                              ‘Article of                                                          http://www.cninfo.co
                                              Association’”                                                       m.cn)

                                              ”Engagement of
                                              Audit Institute of
                                              Internal Control for
                                              year of 2012 and
                                              Paid”, ”Guarantee
                                              Provided for the
                                              Loans to Shen Nan
                                              Dian (Dongguan)                                                       Relevant resolution
Third Extraordinary                           Weimei Electric                                                       serial No.: 2012-051
Shareholders’                                Power Co.,               Deliberated and                              (found more details
                      2012-11-16                                                            2012-11-17
General Meeting                               Ltd”, ”Director        approved                                     in Juchao Website
2012                                          Election for the 6th                                                  http://www.cninfo.co
                                              Session of the                                                        m.cn)
                                              Board—Mr. Wang
                                              Election for the 6th
                                              Session of the
                                              Board—Mr. Sun
                                              Jianxin” and
                                              “Changes of the

III. Responsibility performance of independent directors in report period
1. The attendance of Board meetings and shareholders’ general meeting for independent directors
                                        Attendance of Board meetings for independent directors

                       Times of Board
                                                                                                                        Whether absent
                          meeting                                    Times of         Times of
Name of independent                         Times of present                                             Times of       the Meeting for
                        supposed to                                attending by       entrusted
       director                                in person                                                 Absence        the second time
                        attend in the                             communication       presence
                                                                                                                         in a row or not
                        report period

Li Zheng                                8                     5                   3               0                  0 No

                                                                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

Wang Xiaodong                          8                  5                  3                0                  0 No

Wang Junsheng                          8                  5                  3                0                  0 No

Wu Xiaolei                             7                  4                  3                0                  0 No

Tang Tianyun                           8                  5                  3                0                  0 No

Pan Chengwei                           8                  5                  3                0                  0 No

Times presented in shareholders’
general meeting by independent                                                                                                     4

Explanation of absent the Board Meeting for the second time in a row: Nil

2. Objection for relevant events from independent directors

Whether independent directors come up with objection about company’s relevant matters or not
□ Yes √ No
Independent directors has no objections for relevant events in reporting period

3. Other explanation about responsibility performance of independent directors
Whether the opinions from independent directors have been adopted or not
√Yes   □ No
Explanation on advice that accepted/not accepted from independent directors

During the report period, in accordance with the laws and regulations of “Corporate Law”, “Corporate Governance Principles of
Listed Companies”, “Guiding Opinions on Establishing Independent Directors in Listed Companies”, “Provisions about
strengthening the protection to stockholders' equity of public shares” and “Working System of Independent Directors of the
Company” and the rules of “Articles of Association”, all independent directors of the company have seriously performed their duties,
given full play to the role in independent directors, verified the issues on which independent directors need to make opinions,
provided written opinions, carefully deliberated and voted all motions submitted to the board of directors, and maintained the
legitimate interests for all shareholders especially for the medium and small shareholders.

V. Responsibility performance of subordinate special committee of the Board in report period

(I) Audit Committee
In 2012, the Audit Committee of the Company convoked eight meetings including voting by communication mode for three times,
communicated with the accounting firm about the communications with the management in 2011 preliminary hearing, required the
company to cooperate with the audit authority to strictly follow the requirements of supervision department and finalize the 2011
annual audit report and verify the annual relevant documents of the board of directors, gave professional advice and opinions on
establishing management system for the relevant responsible person of financing, on the company’s self-assessment programs of
internal control, on modifying the internal control system of the company, on the depreciated changes in accounting estimates about
the generator sets, on the self-assessment reports about internal controls of the first half year of 2012, on confirming 2012 annual
internal control audit authority and its remuneration, and on replenishing to establish the basic financial control system and paying
the remuneration of 2012 to audit authority, and agreed the deliberated issues.
(II) Nominations Committee
On 23rd, Oct., 2012, the Company organized and convoked the second meeting of the sixth Nominations Committee, gave
professional advice and opinions on recommending candidates for the sixth board of directors, and agreed the deliberated issues.

                                                                Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.             Annual Report of 2012

(III) Remuneration Committee
On 20th, Apr., 2012, the Company organized and convoked the first meeting of the sixth Remuneration and Appraisal Committee,
gave professional advice and opinions on 2012 remuneration provision and assessment plans and the motion to reward the special
projects of 2011and the performance reports of the Appraisal Committee, and agreed the deliberated issues.
(IV) Strategy and Investment Management Committee
On 12th, Dec., 2012, the Company organized and convoked the fourth meeting of the sixth Strategy and Investment Management
Committee, gave professional advice and opinions on establishing “Development Strategy and Planning Management Methods”, and
agreed the deliberated issues.

V. Works from Supervisory Committee
Whether the Company has risks or not in reporting period that found in supervisory activity from supervisory committee
□ Yes √ No
Supervisory committee has no objections for the supervise matters in reporting period

VI. Appraisal and incentive mechanism for senior executives
The Company has carried out annual salary system for directors, supervisors and senior management, the annual salary standards are
determined by the annual operating efficiency, job grade and the industry remuneration level, the company assesses the performances
of directors and senior management and the annual achievements at the end of the year and pays the annual performance
remuneration according to the assessment results.

                                              Section IX. Internal control
I. The Establishment of Internal Control
Up to June, 2012, the establishment of internal control of the Company’s headquarters and 9 subordinate companies of consolidated
statements has been completed. According to the requirements of external supervision organization and combining the Company’s internal
control system, internal control manual and evaluation implementation program, the Company organizes personnel to develop
comprehensive internal control self-evaluation twice a year by starting from company governance levels (including organizational structure,
development strategy, human resources, social responsibility and enterprise culture) and the Company’s specific businesses (focus on the
high-risk fields such as financial management, funds management, assets management, human resource management, project management,
etc.). Up to now, the Company has established and effectively implemented the internal control procedures for the businesses and matters in
the scope of evaluation, and has basically reached the goal of the Company’s internal control.

II. The Statement of the Board of Directors on Internal Control Responsibilities
The board of directors and all directors of the Company guarantee the contents of this report are true, accurate, complete, and has no false
records, misleading statements or major omissions. It is the responsibilities of the board of directors of the Company to establish, complete
and effectively implement the internal control; the board of supervisors supervises the board of directors to establish and implement the
internal control; managers are responsible for organizing and leading the daily running of internal control. The aim of the Company’s
internal control is to reasonably guarantee legal operation, assets safety, and authenticity and integrity of financial report and relevant
information, improve the operating efficiency and effectiveness, and promote and realization of development strategy. As the internal control
has inherent limitations, it is only possible to provide reasonable guarantees for reaching above-mentioned goals.

III. Bases for establishment of financial report internal control
1. Manual of Internal Control of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd;
2. Relevant system of finance

IV. Self-evaluation report of internal control
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                            Details of major defects in self-evaluation report that found in reporting period
No major defects of internal control being found in reporting period
Disclosure date for self-evaluation
report of internal control (Full-text)
Disclosure index for self-evaluation
report of internal control (Full-text)

V. Auditing report of internal control

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                      Auditing comments section in audit report of internal control
CPA takes opinions that: in all material aspects, Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. keeps an efficiency of internal control of financial report
according to relevant regulations as well as Basic Rules of Internal Control for Enterprises
Disclosure date for audit report of
report of control (Full-text)
Disclosure index for audit report of
report of control (Full-text)

Whether CPA carries out qualified opinion for audit report of internal control or not
□Yes √No
Whether the opinions are consistent in audit report of internal control carrying out by CPA and the self-evaluation report of the Board
√Yes □ No
VI. Establishment and enforcement of Accountability Mechanism for Major Errors in Annual
Not applicabl

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

    Financial Statements and Audit Report
     The Fiscal Year as of Dec. 31, 2012


Financial Statements and Audit Report
The Fiscal Year as of Dec. 31, 2012

Contents                                                                   Page

Auditors Report                                                            1-2

Balance Sheet of the Company and Consolidated Balance Sheet                3-4

Profit Statement of the Company and Consolidated Profit Statement

Cash Flow Statement of the Company and Consolidated Cash Flow Statement    7-8

Statement of Changes in Shareholder Equity of the Company and
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholder Equity                   9 - 10

Annotations of Financial Statements                                       11 - 94

                                            Auditors Report

                                                                De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (13) No.[P1131]

To Shareholders of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.,

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), including Balance Sheet of the Company and Consolidated
Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2012, Profit Statement of the Company and Consolidated Profit
Statement, Statement of Changes in Shareholder Equity of the Company and Consolidated Statement of
Changes in Shareholder Equity, Cash Flow Statement of the Company and Consolidated Cash Flow
Statement of fiscal year 2012 as well as Annotations of Financial Statements.

I. Responsibility of the Management of the Company for Financial Statements
It’s a responsibility of the management of the company to compile and make fair of and report financial
statements. Such responsibility is involved in: (1) Compile financial statement according to Accounting
Standard for Business Enterprises and make them fair reflection. (2) Design, execution and maintenance
of internal controls related to compilation of financial statements, for avoiding any material misstatement
in the financial statements due to fraud or mistake.

II. Responsibility of Certified Public Accountants

It’s our responsibility to give an audit opinion on these financial statements according to our audit. We
conducted our audit in accordance with the Independent Auditing Standards for China Certified Public
Accountants. Those Standards require that we abide by professional ethics, plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance for whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement or not.

An audit is involved in executing auditing procedures to obtain audit evidence supporting the amounts
and disclosures in the financial statements. The auditing procedures are selected according to the CPA’s
judgment, and an audit also includes assessing the risk of any material misstatement in the financial
statements due to fraud or mistake. During risk assessment, we take internal controls related to the
compilation and fair listing of financial statements into account for not giving an opinion on the
effectiveness of internal controls but selecting suitable auditing procedures. An audit also includes
evaluating the applicability of accounting policies selected by the Management of the company and the
rationality of accounting estimates made by the Management of the company as well as evaluating the
overall presentation of financial statements.

We believe that we obtained adequate suitable audit evidence that provides a reasonable basis for our
audit opinion.

III. Audit Opinion
In our opinion, the compilation of the Company’s financial statements conforms to the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises in all material respects, and these financial statements fairly reflected
company and the Company’s financial position and consolidated financial position as of December 31,
2012, as well as annual operating results of the company and consolidated operating results, cash flow of
the company and consolidated cash flow in the fiscal year 2012 then ended.

IV. Explanatory Paragraph

We hereby remind the users of the Company’s financial statements of paying attention to that, as stated in
(VII) “Contingencies” of Annotations of Financial Statements, the company hasn’t achieved a consensus
with J. Aron (Singapore) Private Company yet in respect of liabilities and compensations after the
termination of an option agreement, and both parties may solve the dispute between them in a judicial
way. Because the final result of the matter above can’t be reliably estimated, the Company didn’t identify
estimated liability in the financial statements. Nevertheless, the content of this paragraph doesn’t
influence our audit opinion presented above.

    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA (LLP)
         Shanghai, China

                                                         Chinese Certified Public Accountant

                                                         Chinese Certified Public Accountant

                                                                              19 April 2013



                                                        Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                           Balance at                                                                      Balance at
                                                                                                                         Balance at
        Item              Note    Balance at year-end      year-begin                   Item                 附 Note                       year-begin
                                                           (re-stated)                                                                     (re-stated)
 Current assets:                                                             Current liabilities:
 Monetary fund            (V)1        526,852,121.41       695,095,052.12    Short-term loan                 (V)16     3,210,361,552.86   3,265,824,953.89
                          (V)2        924,997,868.15       934,640,019.03    Note payable                    (V)17       29,670,000.00      43,820,200.00
 Account paid in
                          (V)3         12,132,738.08        31,576,397.23    Account payable                 (V)18       70,970,449.91     214,748,889.66
 Other accounts                                                              Account     received       in
                          (V)4         16,297,883.22       124,599,842.72                                    (V)19       14,586,000.00      14,586,000.00
 receivable                                                                  advance
 Inventory                (V)5      1,220,486,524.51      1,258,195,597.25   Remuneration payable            (V)20       35,431,332.25      32,691,674.04
 Other current
                          (V)6        606,661,855.88       529,703,432.24    Tax payable                     (V)21        2,961,440.37       7,802,638.34
 Total of current
                                    3,307,428,991.25      3,573,810,340.59   Interest payable                (V)22       86,232,475.82      75,462,594.51
                                                                             Other account payables          (V)23      303,027,729.31     358,597,380.00
 Long-term equity                                                            Non-current liabilities
                          (V)7         49,315,000.00        37,315,000.00                                    (V)24                    -     50,000,000.00
 investment                                                                  due within one year
 Investment        real
                          (V)8          4,429,359.55         4,872,045.07    Total current liabilities                 3,753,240,980.52   4,063,534,330.44
  Fixed assets            (V)9      2,040,100,204.81      2,227,103,579.26   Non-current liabilities:
 Project      under
                          (V)10        47,177,164.98        46,866,969.48    Long-term borrowing             (V)25       16,000,000.00      26,000,000.00
                                                                             Other non-current
 Intangible assets        (V)11        62,471,514.35        63,807,538.62                                    (V)26       44,015,465.64       5,104,791.66
                                                                             Total non-current
 unamortized              (V)12            45,822.68            95,810.84                                                60,015,465.64      31,104,791.66
 Deferred income
                          (V)13         2,782,546.88          3,714,114.31   Total liabilities                         3,813,256,446.16   4,094,639,122.10
 tax assets
 Other non-current
                          (V)14        22,317,125.48        24,864,716.98    Shareholders’ interest
 Total of
                                    2,228,638,738.73      2,408,639,774.56   Share capital                   (V)27      602,762,596.00     602,762,596.00
 non-current assets
                                                                             Capital reserve                 (V)28      363,633,446.84     363,629,927.51
                                                                             Reserve surplus                 (V)29      332,908,397.60     332,908,397.60
                                                                             Retained profit                 (V)30      249,614,987.36     454,070,630.72
                                                                             Total equity attributable
                                                                             to shareholders of                        1,548,919,427.80   1,753,371,551.83
                                                                             parent company
                                                                             Minority shareholders’
                                                                                                                        173,891,856.02     134,439,441.22
                                                                             Total of shareholders'
                                                                                                                       1,722,811,283.82   1,887,810,993.05
                                                                             Total of liabilities and
 Total of assets                    5,536,067,729.98      5,982,450,115.15                                             5,536,067,729.98   5,982,450,115.15
                                                                             shareholders' equity

Annotation is part of the Fiancnial Statement
The financial statement from Page 3 to Page 94 will sign by the followed principal:

Legal person ___________________
Person in charge of accounting works___________________

Person in charge of accounting organ ___________________



                                                        Balance sheet of the Company
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                              Balance at                                                               Balance          at
                                                              year-begin                Item           附 Note   Balance at year-end   year-begin
        Item                附 Note   Balance at year-end     (re-stated)                                                              (re-stated)
Current assets:                                                                Current liabilities:
Monetary fund                             204,114,395.05     303,150,447.89    Short-term loan                     1,929,000,000.00       1,880,824,953.89
Account receivable           (XI)1        589,569,090.03     646,023,065.42    Account payable                         9,875,959.85        145,440,717.47
Account paid in                                                                Account received in
                                              394,954.21          489,676.70                                          14,586,000.00          14,586,000.00
advance                                                                        advance
Dividend receivable                       654,140,866.58     654,140,866.58                                           17,344,092.23          16,426,938.52
Other          accounts      (XI)2
                                        1,391,822,925.79    1,525,724,625.88   Tax payable                             1,073,552.54           2,805,504.27
Inventory                                  88,668,143.49     112,185,828.84    Interest payable                        4,066,892.25           5,585,474.16
                                                                               Other account
Other current assets                      435,035,629.99     621,856,196.40                                          801,846,707.84       1,064,365,847.79
                                                                               Total current
Total current assets                    3,363,746,005.14    3,863,570,707.71                                       2,777,793,204.71       3,130,035,436.10
Non-current assets:
Long-term         equity     (XI)3                                             Other non-current
                                          741,297,849.76     536,797,849.76                                           36,270,689.55                      -
investment                                                                     liabilities
                             (XI)4                                             Total non-current
Fixed assets                              279,009,436.68     327,435,225.16                                           36,270,689.55                      -
 Construction          in
                                           35,828,374.94      36,184,921.10    Total liabilities                   2,814,063,894.26       3,130,035,436.10
Intangible assets                           9,419,549.87      10,658,977.27
unamortized                                    45,822.68           95,810.84   Share capital                         602,762,596.00        602,762,596.00
Total non-current
                                        1,065,601,033.93     911,172,784.13    Capital reserve                       288,769,132.47        288,769,132.47
                                                                               Reserve surplus                       332,908,397.60        332,908,397.60
                                                                               Retained profit                       390,843,018.74        420,267,929.67
                                                                               Total of
                                                                                                                   1,615,283,144.81       1,644,708,055.74
                                                                               shareholders’ equity
                                                                               Total of liabilities
Total assets                            4,429,347,039.07    4,774,743,491.84   and shareholders’                  4,429,347,039.07       4,774,743,491.84


Ended as 31st December 2012

                                                  Consolidated Profit Statement
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Amount in this
                                       Item                                Note        year              Amount at last year
I. Total operation income                                                  (V)31    1,265,445,768.29       2,415,817,730.35
     Including: operation income                                                    1,265,445,768.29       2,415,817,730.35
II. Total operation cost                                                            2,476,584,780.12       3,928,456,443.60
     Including: operation cost                                             (V)31    2,087,264,770.22       3,589,704,382.71
Operation tax and surcharge                                                (V)32        7,623,350.20          12,574,988.91
Sales expense                                                                           2,308,615.35             818,301.34
Management expense                                                         (V)33      105,788,572.54          97,538,885.64
Financial expense                                                          (V)34      247,564,983.52         204,297,949.90
Loss of assets impairment                                                  (V)35       26,034,488.29          23,521,935.10
     Add: Investment income                                                (V)36                     -        23,329,325.70
              Including: gain from investment into affiliated and joint
                                                                                                     -      (90,201,890.81)
III. Total operation profit (losses)                                               (1,211,139,011.83)    (1,489,309,387.55)
Add: Non-operation income                                                  (V)37      979,204,618.46       1,516,790,851.26
Less: Non-operation expense                                                (V)38          210,609.14           5,225,709.23
           Including:Loss from disposal of non-current assets                             202,167.83           4,985,709.23
IV. Total profit (total losses)                                                     (232,145,002.51)          22,255,754.48
     Less: income tax expense                                              (V)39        2,859,105.88          13,224,142.33
V. Net profit (net losses)                                                          (235,004,108.39)           9,031,612.15
     Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                      (204,455,643.36)          17,529,063.37
     Minority shareholders’ equity                                                  (30,548,465.03)         (8,497,451.22)
VI. Earnings per share
(I) Basic earnings per share                                               (V)40               (0.34)                   0.03
(II) Diluted earnings per share                                                       Not applicable          Not applicable
VII. Other consolidated incomes                                                                      -                     -
VIII. Total consolidated incomes                                                    (235,004,108.39)           9,031,612.15
Total of consolidated incomes attributable to shareholders of the parent
                                                                                    (204,455,643.36)          17,529,063.37

Total of consolidated incomes attributable to minority shareholders                  (30,548,465.03)         (8,497,451.22)


 Ended as 31st December 2012

                                             Profit Statement of the Company
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                               Amount in this       Amount at last
                                      Item                                        year                 year
I. Operation income                                                   (XI)5     548,784,523.09       990,279,741.52
Less: operation cost                                                  (XI)5     925,122,226.56      1,598,330,636.84
Operation tax and surcharge                                                       4,982,471.97          4,276,838.43
Management expense                                                               48,373,249.58        39,248,022.53
Financial expense                                                                59,884,117.56        80,500,949.95
Loss of assets impairment                                                         9,970,118.75        16,041,488.47
Add: Investment income                                                (XI)6                     -    151,166,247.74
          Including: gain from investment into affiliated and joint
                                                                                                -    (90,201,890.81)
II. Total operation profit (losses)                                            (499,547,661.33)     (596,951,946.96)
Add: Non-operation income                                                       470,149,238.93       787,454,425.82
Less: Non-operation expense                                                          26,488.53          4,739,263.73
            Including: Loss from disposal of non-current assets                      23,702.69          4,639,263.73
III. Total profit (total losses)                                                (29,424,910.93)      185,763,215.13
      Less: income tax expense                                                                  -                    -
IV. Net profit (net losses)                                                     (29,424,910.93)      185,763,215.13
V.   Earnings per share
(I) Basic earnings per share                                                     Not applicable       Not applicable
(II) Diluted earnings per share                                                  Not applicable       Not applicable
VI. Other consolidated incomes                                                                  -                    -
VII. Total consolidated incomes                                                 (29,424,910.93)      185,763,215.13


Ended as 31st December 2012

                                             Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                        Note      Amount in this year   Amount at last year
I. Net cash flow from operation activities
Cash received from sales of products and supply of labor                                    1,579,851,176.49      2,862,823,434.28
     Cash received and related to other operation activities                   (V)41(1)       946,054,456.98      1,095,531,688.86
     Subtotal of cash inflows from operation activities                                     2,525,905,633.47      3,958,355,123.14
     Cash paid for purchase of goods and acceptance of labor                                2,247,244,437.44      3,458,138,395.82
     Cash paid to or for staff                                                                127,772,329.30        122,354,380.02
     Taxes paid                                                                                23,649,190.50         85,020,697.83
     Cash paid and related to other operation activities                       (V)41(2)        21,192,232.40         20,556,308.21
     Subtotal of cash outflows from operation activities                                    2,419,858,189.64      3,686,069,781.88
     Net cash flow from operation activities                                   (V)42(1)       106,047,443.83        272,285,341.26
II. Cash flow from investment activities
     Cash received from divestment                                                            106,342,100.00        233,761,500.00
     Net cash drawback from disposal of capital assets, intangible assets
                                                                                                1,383,136.71          5,830,593.98
and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units                                -                     -
     Other investment-related cash received                                    (V)41(3)         3,240,000.00                      -
     Sub-total of cash inflows of investment activities                                       110,965,236.71        239,592,093.98
     Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                               88,356,408.59        118,967,984.75
long-term assets
     Cash paid for investment                                                                  12,000,000.00         47,881,000.00
     Sub-total of cash outflows from investment activities                                    100,356,408.59        166,848,984.75
     Net cash flow from investment activities                                                  10,608,828.12         72,743,109.23
III. Cash flow from financing activities
     Cash received from investment absorbed                                                    70,000,879.83                      -
     Including: cash received from minority’s investment absorbed                             70,000,879.83                      -
     Cash received from obtaining borrowings                                                3,805,245,561.04      4,606,524,953.89
     Cash received from other financing-related activities                     (V)41(4)        62,536,060.00                      -
     Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                      3,937,782,500.87      4,606,524,953.89
     Cash paid for debts                                                                    3,920,708,962.07      4,613,100,000.00
     Cash paid for dividend or profit distribution, or interest                               236,300,856.48        247,230,099.58
     Including:dividend and profit paid to minority shareholders from
                                                                                                            -                     -
    Other funding-related cash payment                                         (V)41(5)                     -        52,536,060.00
     Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                    4,157,009,818.55      4,912,866,159.58
     Cash flow from financing activities 净额                                               (219,227,317.68)      (306,341,205.69)
IV. Influence of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash equivalents                           104,175.02          (755,066.72)
V. Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalents                                     (102,466,870.71)         37,932,178.08
     Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at Period-beginning             (V)42(2)       629,318,992.12        591,386,814.04
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at year-end                           (V)42(2)       526,852,121.41        629,318,992.12


Ended as 31st December 2012

                                           Cash Flow Statement of the Company
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                Amount in this
                                   Item                               Note                           Amount at last year
I. Cash flow from operation activities
     Cash received from sales of products and supply of labor                    579,299,367.43        1,488,063,617.89
     Cash received and related to other operation activities                     501,642,103.39          408,298,789.45
     Subtotal of cash inflows from operation activities                         1,080,941,470.82       1,896,362,407.34
     Cash paid for purchase of goods and acceptance of labor                    1,086,702,545.85       1,438,945,047.77
     Cash paid to or for staff                                                    76,737,937.63           73,529,415.16
     Taxes paid                                                                     8,187,713.51            4,324,863.93
     Cash paid and related to other operation activities                          22,446,221.88           30,206,802.30
     Subtotal of cash outflows from operation activities                        1,194,074,418.87       1,547,006,129.16
     Net cash flow from operation activities                         (XI)7(1)   (113,132,948.05)         349,356,278.18
II. Cash flow from investment activities
     Cash received from divestment                                               106,342,100.00          233,761,500.00
     Net cash drawback from disposal of capital assets, intangible
                                                                                                 -            111,378.00
assets and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other
                                                                                                 -                         -
business units
     Other investment-related cash received                                      686,773,114.16          380,226,906.00
     Sub-total of cash inflows of investment activities                          793,115,214.16          614,099,784.00
    Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                  30,347,045.67           34,750,295.15
and other long-term assets
     Cash paid for investment                                                    204,500,000.00           56,841,000.00
     Other   investment-related cash payment                                     375,603,098.49          591,135,987.91
     Sub-total of cash outflows from investment activities                       610,450,144.16          682,727,283.06
     Net cash flow from investment activities                                    182,665,070.00          (68,627,499.06)
III. Cash flow from financing activities
     Cash received from obtaining borrowings                                    2,464,000,000.00       2,788,924,953.89
     Cash received from other financing-related activities                                       -       238,028,176.33
     Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                          2,464,000,000.00       3,026,953,130.22
     Cash paid for debts                                                        2,415,824,953.89       3,126,100,000.00
     Cash paid for dividend or profit distribution, or interest                  142,335,711.70          147,832,985.16
     Other funding-related cash payment                                           74,407,479.09                            -
     Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                        2,632,568,144.68       3,273,932,985.16
     Cash flow from financing activities 净额                                   (168,568,144.68)        (246,979,854.94)
IV. Influence of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash
                                                                                         (30.11)               32,392.53
V. Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalents                          (99,036,052.84)          33,781,316.71
     Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at                    (XI)7(2)
                                                                                 303,150,447.89          269,369,131.18
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at year-end                 (XI)7(2)    204,114,395.05          303,150,447.89


Ended as 31st December 2012

                                                                                   Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Amount in this year                                                                                                                Amount at last year

                                               Equity attributable to Shareholder of parent company                         Minor                                               Equity attributable to Shareholder of parent company           Minor shareholders’   Total shareholders’
                                                                                                                         shareholders’       Total shareholders’                                                                                    equity                 equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Retained profit
             Item                  Share capital       Capital reserve       Reserve surplus       Retained profit          equity                   equity          Share capital       Capital reserve   Reserve surplus                     Total shareholders’
I. Balance at the end of last      602,762,596.00        363,629,927.51       332,908,397.60        454,070,630.72       134,439,441.22        1,887,810,993.05      602,762,596.00       363,629,927.5    332,908,397.60       436,541,567.35    196,615,862.35        1,932,458,350.81
year                                                                                                                                                                                                  1
      Add:      Changes       of                   -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                -                  -                    -                   -                          -
accounting policy
      Error correction of the
                                                   -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -
last period
II. Balance at the beginning       602,762,596.00        363,629,927.51       332,908,397.60        454,070,630.72       134,439,441.22        1,887,810,993.05      602,762,596.00       363,629,927.5    332,908,397.60        436,541,567.35     196,615,862.35      1,932,458,350.81
of current year                                                                                                                                                                                       1
III. Increase/decrease                             -            3,519.33                       -   (204,455,643.36)       39,452,414.80        (164,999,709.23)                      -                -                  -        17,529,063.37     (62,176,421.13)       (44,647,357.76)
changed in Year
(i) Net profit                                     -                     -                     -   (204,455,643.36)      (30,548,465.03)       (235,004,108.39)                      -                 -                 -        17,529,063.37      (8,497,451.22)          9,031,612.15
(ii) Other consolidated                            -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -
Subtotal of the above (i)                          -                     -                     -   (204,455,643.36)      (30,548,465.03)       (235,004,108.39)                      -                 -                 -        17,529,063.37      (8,497,451.22)          9,031,612.15
and (ii)
(III) Total shareholders’
devoted and decreased                              -            3,519.33                       -                     -    70,000,879.83           70,004,399.16                      -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -

1.Total shareholders’
                                                   -                     -                     -                     -    70,000,879.83           70,000,879.83                      -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -
devoted capital

2. Amount of shares payment
reckoned into total                                -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -
shareholders’ equity
 3. Others                                         -            3,519.33                       -                     -                    -             3,519.33                     -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -

(IV) Profit distribution                           -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -     (53,678,969.91)       (53,678,969.91)
1. Reserve surplus                                -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -
2. Allocation of Tttal                            -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -     (53,678,969.91)       (53,678,969.91)
shareholders’ equity
3.Other                                           -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -

(V) Carrying forward
                                                   -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -
internal shareholders’ equity

1. Capital reserves conversed
                                                   -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -
to share capital

2.Reserve surplus conversed
                                                   -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -
to share capital

3. Remedying loss with                             -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -
surplus reserve
4. Others                                          -                     -                     -                     -                    -                     -                    -                 -                 -                    -                   -                          -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - 10 -

IV. Balance at the end of this                                                                                                                            363,629,927.5
                                 602,762,596.00   363,633,446.84   332,908,397.60   249,614,987.36   173,891,856.02   1,722,811,283.82   602,762,596.00                   332,908,397.60   454,070,630.72   134,439,441.22   1,887,810,993.05
year                                                                                                                                                                  1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - 11 -

Ended as 31st December 2012

                                                                          Statement on Changes of Shareholders’ Equity of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                      Amount in this year                                                                                                 Amount at last year
                                                                                                                Retained profit       Total of shareholders’                                                                   Retained profit       Total of shareholders’
Item                                        Share capital       Capital reserve        Reserve surplus                                        equity            Share capital       Capital reserve       Reserve surplus                                     equity
I. Balance at the end of last year           602,762,596.00       288,769,132.47          332,908,397.60          420,267,929.67          1,644,708,055.74       602,762,596.00       288,769,132.47          332,908,397.60      234,504,714.54           1,458,944,840.61
      Add: Changes of accounting                            -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
      Error correction of the last period                   -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
II. Balance at the beginning of current      602,762,596.00       288,769,132.47          332,908,397.60          420,267,929.67          1,644,708,055.74       602,762,596.00       288,769,132.47          332,908,397.60      234,504,714.54           1,458,944,840.61
III. Increase/decrease changed in Year                      -                     -                         -     (29,424,910.93)           (29,424,910.93)                     -                     -                     -     185,763,215.13             185,763,215.13

(i) Net profit                                              -                     -                         -     (29,424,910.93)           (29,424,910.93)                     -                     -                     -     185,763,215.13             185,763,215.13

(ii) Other consolidated income                              -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
Subtotal of      the above (i) and (ii)                     -                     -                         -     (29,424,910.93)           (29,424,910.93)                     -                     -                     -     185,763,215.13             185,763,215.13
(III) Total shareholders’ devoted and                      -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
decreased capital
1.Total shareholders’ devoted capital                     -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
2. Amount of shares payment reckoned                        -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
into total shareholders’ equity
 3. Others                                                  -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
(IV) Profit distribution                                    -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -

1. Reserve surplus withdrwal                               -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -

2. Allocation of Tttal shareholders’                      -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
3.Other                                                    -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
(V) Carrying forward internal                               -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
shareholders’ equity
1. Capital reserves conversed to share                      -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
2.Reserve surplus conversed to share                       -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
3. Remedying loss with surplus reserve                      -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -
4. Others                                                   -                     -                         -                     -                        -                    -                     -                     -                     -                         -

IV. Balance at the end of this year          602,762,596.00       288,769,132.47          332,908,397.60          390,843,018.74          1,615,283,144.81       602,762,596.00       288,769,132.47          332,908,397.60      420,267,929.67           1,644,708,055.74

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - 12 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

(I.) Company Profile
Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd (hereinafter called as “Company”) was reorganized to be a joint-stock
enterprise from a foreign investment enterprise in 1993, upon the approval of General Office of Shenzhen
Municipal Government with Document Shen Fu Ban Fu No.897 in 1993.

After approved by Document Shen Zhu Ban Fu No. 179 in 1993 issued by Shenzhen Securities
Regulatory Office, on 3 January 1994, the Company offered 40,000,000 RMB common shares and
37,000,000 domestically listed foreign shares in and out of China. And the RMB common shares
(A-stock) and domestically listed foreign listed shares (B-stock) were listed in Shenzhen Securities
Exchange successively on July 1, 1994 and Nov. 28, 1994.

Headquarter of the Company located in Shenzhen Guangdong Province.

The Company together with its subsidiaries (hereafter referred as the Company) is mainly engaged in
businesses as production of power and heat , plant constructional, oil trader, property developmental,
construction technology consultation and sludge drying.

No controlling shareholder and actual controller exist in the Company, Shenzhen Energy Corporation
(hereafter referred as the Energy Group) is the first largest shareholder of the Company.

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements
1.Preparation basis of Financial Statements

The Company executes the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises issued by MOF on February 15,
2006. Moreover, the Company disclosed relevant financial information complied with the Preparation
Rules on Information Revelation for the Company with Securities Public Offering No. 15 – General
Rules of Financial Report (Revised 2010)

Continued operation

As of 31 December 2012, the total current liabilities of the Company exceeded the total current assets
with RMB 445,811,989.27. Meanwhile, as set out in note (VII) Contingent events, as of the date for
approving issue of this financial statement, the Company hasn’t concluded unanimous agreements with
Jierun(Singapore) Private Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Jierun) in connection with the liabilities and
compensation upon the termination of option contract. There is possibility to solve the dispute by both
parties through justice channel. Since the unutilized banking facilities of the Group amounted to RMB
1,350,968,447.14 which was available to satisfy the Group’s capital requirements, and also since the
Company believed that the matters set out in note (VII) Contingent events would not result in material
cash outflow in the first half of 2013 for the Group, the Company prepared this financial statement
assuming a continued operation.

Book keeping basis and pricing principle

                                                                                                  - 13 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

The Company takes the accrual system as the bookkeeping basis of accounting auditory. In addition to
some financial instruments of fair value measurement, the Financial Statements are measured on the basis
of historic cost. As for the assets impairment, available is the corresponding impairment provision
accrued in line with the relevant rules.

                                                                                                  - 14 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued

2.Declaration of obedience to corporate accounting principles
The Financial Statements are up to requirements of corporate accounting principles, and also a true and
thorough reflection to the Company together with its financial information as consolidated financial
position on 31st December 2012, and the Company together with its consolidated operation results, and
consolidated cash flow for the year of 2012.

3.Accounting period
The Group’s accounting year is Gregorian calendar year, namely from 1st January to 31st December.

4.Bookkeeping standard currency
RMB is the currency in the Group’s main business economic environment and the bookkeeping standard
one, which is adopted in preparation of the financial statements.

5 Accounting methods for consolidation of enterprises under the same control or otherwise
The combination was divided into enterprise consolidation under the same control and the one not under
the same control

5.1 Consolidation of enterprises under the same control
The enterprises involved in the consolidation are all under the final control of one party or parties and the
control is not temporary. That is the corporate consolidation under the common control.

The difference between the book value of the net assets and the consideration value with total book value
of stock is used for reserve adjustment while it is used for retained earnings adjustment as not sufficient
for eat up part of reserve.

Directly related expenses for corporate combination are reckoned into the current loss/gain

5.2 Consolidation of enterprises not under the same control and goodwill
The enterprises involved in the consolidation are ones not under the same final control of the common
party or parties before and after the consolidation. That is the corporate consolidation under the different

The consolidation cost is assets paid for and the liabilities responsible for the obtaining of the control
right from the purchased party, together with the fair value of the equity instruments offered. For merger
under different control done through multiple trades by step, the merger cost is the sum of consideration
paid at purchased day and the fair value of equity of bought party before purchasing on purchased date.
For equity of bought party held before purchasing, re-measured by fair value on purchased date, and the
difference of fair value and its book value should reckoned into current investment income; For equity of
bought party held before purchasing but with other consolidation income involved, the other
consolidation income related to them should transferred into current investment income at purchased

                                                                                                       - 15 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued
5 . Accounting methods for consolidation of enterprises under the same control or
5.2 Consolidation of enterprises not under the same control and goodwill-Continued

Measured on fair value on the purchase day are the recognizable assets, liabilities or the contingent
liabilities obtained in the consolidation and recognized as qualified. Measured by fair value is
consolidation cost and recognized assets of the purchaser. The plus difference between fair values of the
consolidation cost and the recognized net assets is recognized as business fame in form of an item of
assets and calculated initially by cost while as for the minus one, firstly the measurements of consolidated
cost and fair value of the recognizable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities was checked, and the
consolidated cost which was checked and less than the fair value of the net assets obtained from the
purchased party is reckoned into current loss/gain.

Goodwill formed by enterprise consolidation will list independently in consolidation financial statement
and measure by the cost after accumulated impairment provision dectucted. Impairment test on goodwill
should verify at end of the every year at least.

The test is taken in accordance with the relevant assets group or portfolio of groups. Namely, the book
value of the fame is diluted reasonably into the relevant group from the purchase day; the assets loss is
recognized if the sum receivable of the assets group or the portfolio of the diluted business fame is lower
than the book value. The impairment loss abates the book value of the business fame diluted into the
group or the portfolio firstly and then abates book value of other assets proportionally according to the
proportion of the book value of other assets.

The recoverable sum is the higher one between the net of assets fair value less disposal expenses and the
current value of the future cash flow. The assets fair value is determined by the sales agreement price in
the fair trade. As for the assets not in the sales agreement but in the active market, their fair value is
determined by the offering price of the purchaser; as for the assets neither in the agreement nor in the
active market, their fair value is based on the best information receivable. The disposal expenses are
composed of the law expense, relevant tax, cartage, and the actual direct expenses enable the assets to be
available. The assets current value of future cash flow is determined according to the future expected cash
flow in the continual use and the final disposal and the appropriate discount rate.

Goodwill impairment will be included in current loss and gains and not be written back in subsequent
fiscal periods as soon as it was recognized.

6. Preparation methods for corporate consolidated statements

The scope is determined on the basis of control. The control is right to decide another enterprise’s
accounting and operation policies and obtain the interest according to the latter enterprise’s operation.

For subsidiaries being disposed, their business result and cash flow before the disposal day (losing power
of control day) have been appropriately demonstrated in the consolidated income statement and cash flow
                                                                                                      - 16 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

Subsidiaries added as merger of enterprises under different control, their operation results and cash flow
from the beginning of purchasing day (gaining power of control day) have been appropriately
demonstrated in the consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow statement. And the
comparison amount and period-begin amount in the consolidated financial statement shall not be

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued
6. Preparation methods for corporate consolidated statements-Continued

Subsidiaries added as merger of enterprises under common control, their operation results and cash flow
from the beginning of current term to the merger day have been appropriately demonstrated in the
consolidated profit statement and consolidated cash flow statement.

The subsidiaries’ main accounting policies and period are determined by the Company’s uniform ones.
All substantive accounts o transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries or among the
subsidiaries are balanced out in consolidation.

The amount not attributable to the parent company is the minority shareholders’ equity and is listed in the
consolidated balance sheet as minority shareholders’ equity. The amount attributable to minority
shareholders’ equity of current net loss/gains of subsidiaries is listed in the net profit item of consolidated
profit as minority shareholders’ equity.

When the share of losses attributable to the minor shareholders has exceeded their shares in the owners’
equity at the beginning of term attributable to minority shareholders in the subsidiary, the balance shall
offset the minor shareholders’ equity.

Concerning the purchasing of minority shareholders’ equity from subsidiary or the transaction of partial
equity investment disposal without control rights loss in the subsidiary, calculated them as equity
transaction. And reflect relevant equity changes in the subsidiary for adjusting the owners’ equity
attributable to parent company and book value of minority shareholders’ equity. Difference between the
adjusted amount on minority equity and fair value of consideration received/paid will adjust as capital
reserve, adjusted as income retained while capital reserve fail for off-setting.

For control rights loss in original subsidiary for partial equity investment disposal or other reasons, the
remained equity should re-measured based on the fair value at date of control losses. The difference
between the net assets of original subsidiary share by proportion held that sustainable calculated since
purchased date and sum of consideration obtained by equity disposal and fair value of remain equity,
reckoned into the current investment income of control rights loss. The other consolidation income
related to original subsidiary’s equity investment will transfer to current investment income while control
rights loss.

7. Determination criteria of cash equivalent in cash flow statements
Cash is the corporate storage cash and deposits available for payment anytime. Cash equivalents are
investment of short-term, strong mobility and easy transfer to known sum cash, and slight risk of value
                                                                                                         - 17 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued

8. Foreign currency exchange
The current rate of the trading day is adopted in the initial recognition of the foreign exchange.

Foreign monetary items are converted at the current rate on the assets/liabilities statements’ day, for the
exchange difference due to inconsistency of the current exchange rate on that day and in the initial
recognition or on the last balance sheet day, in addition to: (1) the foreign specific borrowing difference
up to the capitalization conditions reckoned into the relevant assets cost via capitalization; (2) difference
of the hedging instruments for avoidance of the foreign exchange risk handled by the hedging accounting
methods; (3) difference of the non-monetary items and from the changes of the book value of financial
assets in addition to the diluted cost all reckoned into the current loss/gain.

Non-monetary items measured in historical cost are still measured by sum on the bookkeeping standard
currency at the current exchange rate. The items measured by the fair value are converted at the current
rate on the fair value recognition day. The difference is dealt as the fair value change and reckoned into
the current loss/gain or recognized as the other consolidated income and reckoned into the reserve.

9. Financial instruments
Being party of the Contract of Financial Instruments, the Company recognized a financial assets or
financial liabilities. At initial recognition, financial assets and financial liabilities are measured by fair
value. Concerning the financial assets and financial liabilities that measured by fair value but with
variation reckoned into current gains/loss, relevant transaction expense counted into gains/loss directly;
for other category financial assets and financial liabilities, relevant transaction expense counted into
initial recognization amount.

9.1 Recognition of fair value
The fair value is sum for assets exchange or debts payment between the trading parties. As for instrument
in active market, the fair value is adopted according to the quotation in the active market. As for the
instruments not in the active market, the fair value is recognized by the estimation technology. The
technology is composed of the price in the latest fair trade, fair value according to the fundamentally
same instruments, cash flow discount and stock price-setting model.

9.2 Actual interest rate
Actual interest rate is the method for calculation of amortized cost and interest income/expenditure of
every period by actual interest rate of financial assets or financial liabilities (a set of financial assets or
financial liabilities included). Discount the future cash flow of financial assets/liabilities that in predicted
continuance or applicable shorter terms to the rate used in current book value of financial assets/liabilities
consider as the actual interest rate.

While calculating actual interest rate, the Company will predict the future cash flow ( without future
credit loss consideration) on base of all contract clause of financial assets/liabilities consideration, take
the vary expenses, belong to actual interest rate that paid/received between contract parties, transaction
expenses& discount and premium as well as into consideration.

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(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued

9. Financial instruments-Continued

9.3 Classification, reorganization and measurement of financial assts
On initial confirmation, the financial assets are divided into: financial assets measured by fair value and
of which the changes are recognized to be current profit/loss, receivables, tradable financial assets and
held-to-maturity investments. The financial assets are bought or sold by the regular way, and recognized
or terminated to be recognized according to the trading day accounting. Financial assets of the Company
refers to loans and account receivable

Loan and the account receivable

The assets are the un-derivative financial assets without quotation in the active market, steady or
recognizable recoverable sum. The assets are composed of bill receivable, account receivable, receivable
equity and other account receivable.

The actual interest rate and the diluted cost are adopted in the follow-up measurement of loan and
account receivable. Gain or loss is reckoned into the current gain/loss upon the recognition termination,
impairment or dilution.

9.4 Impairment of financial assets
Except for financial assets accounted at fair value and variation accounted into current gain/loss account,
the Company undertakes inspection on the book value of other financial assets at each balance sheet day,
whenever practical evidence showing that impairment occurred with them, impairment provisions are
provided. The practical evidence of impairment for financial assets refers to the items that has influence
on the predicted future cash flow of financial assts, and the influences could measured reliable by the
enterprise which were actually occurred after the initial recognition of financial assets.

Objective evidence for impairment of financial assets is composed of the following events observable:
(1) Sever financial difficulties of offering part or debtor;
(2) Breach of the contract, as in payment of interest or principal or payment overdue;
(3) Recession making for debtors by creditors inconsideration of economic or legal factors;
(4) Probable bankruptcy or other financial restructuring of debtors;
(5) Incapability of trading the financial assets in the market as the offering party’s substantive financial
(6) Incapability of recognize whether cash flow of certain assets decreases or not but the discovery after
the general evaluation that as can be measured, the expected future cash flow surely decreases since the
initial recognition, including:
--Gradual worsening of the debtor’s solvency for the group financial assets
--Incidences of the probable chance to cause the group financial assets unable to be paid in the debtors’
country or district;
(7) Material unfavorable changes in the debtor’s operation environment of technology, market, economy
and law;
(8) Severe or permanent fall-down in fair value of equity instrument investment;

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(9) Other objective evidence to prove the impairment of the financial assets.

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued

9. Financial instruments-Continued

9.4 Impairment of financial assets-Continued
- Loss of impairment of financial assets measured by diluted cost

Loss of impairment of financial assets measured by diluted cost is written down into the present value of
future expected cash flow (un-occurred future credit losses excluded) that converted by original actual
interest rate of the financial assets. The written-down sum is recognized as the impairment loss and
reckoned into the current loss/gain. After the recognition of impairment of the above assets, if there is
practical evidence to show that the asset has recovered, which is related to events following up the loss,
the previous impairment loss is taken back. The book value of the assets transferred back into the
impairment loss is not above the diluted cost supposedly un-accrued on the transfer day.

The Company performs impairment test separately on individual financial assets with major amounts; for
financial assets without major amounts, the Company performs impairment test separately or inclusively
in a group of financial assets with similar characteristics of risks. Those financial assets (individual
financial assets with or without major amounts) tested separately with no impairment found shall be
tested again along with the group of financial assets with similar risk characteristics. Financial assets
confirmed for impairment individually shall not be tested along with the group of financial assets with
similar risk characteristics.

9.5 transfer of financial assets
As for the financial assets up to the following conditions, the recognition termination is available: (1)
Termination of the contract right to take the cash flow of the financial assets;(2) transferred to the
transferring-in part nearly all risk and compensation;(3) all risk and compensation neither transferred nor
retained, and with the give-up of the control over the financial assets.

As for financial assets of almost all risk and compensation neither transferred nor retained, and without
the give-up of the control over the financial assets, it was recognized according to the extension of the
continual entry into the transferred financial assets and relevant liabilities are correspondingly recognized.
The continual entry into the transferred financial assets is risk level which the enterprise faces up to due
to the assets changes.

As for the whole transfer of the financial assets up to the recognition termination conditions, the book
value of the transferred assets, together with the difference between the consideration value and the
accumulative total of the fair value change of the other consolidated income, is reckoned into the current

As for the partial transfer of the financial assets up to the recognition termination conditions, the book
value of the transferred assets is diluted on the relative fair value between the terminated part and the
un-terminated part; and reckoned into the current loss/gain is the difference between the sum of the
consideration value and the accumulative sum of the valuation change ought to be diluted into the

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recognition termination part but into the other consolidated income, and the above diluted book value, is
reckoned into the current loss/gain.

 (II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued

9. Financial instruments-Continued
9.6 Categorizing, recognition and measuring of financial liabilities
Financial liabilities or equity instrument is recognized by the substance of financial instrument listed in
contract and the definition of financial liabilities and equity instrument for the financial instruments
issued by the Company.

At initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities measured by fair value
with changes counted into current gains/losses and other financial liabilities. Financial liabilities of the
Company refer to other financial liabilities.

Other financial liabilities

The follow-up measurement by the cost is taken on the derivative financial liabilities which is hooked
with the stock instrument without the quotation in the active market and the reliable measurement, and
settled by handing over the stock instrument. The follow-up measurement at the actuarial rate and by the
diluted cost is taken on the other financial liabilities.

9.7 Termination recognition of financial liabilities
Only is released the whole or part of the current duties, the termination of the liabilities or part of it is
available. The Group (the creditor) signed the agreement with the debtor: the existing liabilities are
replaced by the bearing of the new liabilities; and the contract terms are fundamentally different of the
new liabilities and the existing ones; the termination of the recognition of the existing ones is available;
and the recognition of new ones is available.

As for the whole or partial termination of the recognition of the liabilities, the difference between the
book value of the part of recognition termination and the consideration value paid (including the non-cash
assets transferred out or the liabilities newly beard) is reckoned into the current loss/gain.

9.8 Balance-out between the financial assets and liabilities
As the Company has the legal right to balance out the financial liabilities by the net or liquidation of the
financial assets, the balance-out sum between the financial assets and liabilities is listed in the balance
sheet. In addition, the financial assets and liabilities are listed in the balance sheet without being balanced

9.9 Stock instrument
The stock instrument is the contract to prove the holding of the surplus stock of the assets with the
deduction of all liabilities in the Company. When issuing other stock instruments, the consideration value
received in offering with the deduction of trading expense is used for increasing the shareholders’ equity.

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The Company’s all distribution (shares dividend excluded) to the holders of the stock instrument will
decrease the shareholders’ equity. The Company does not recognize the fair value change sum of the
stock instrument.

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued

10. Account receivable

10.1 Accounts receivable with significant amount and single provision for bad debt

Determination basis and       The single account receivable above RMB 2 million is recognized as
amount standard of items with single substantive account receivable
single significant amount
                               The Company takes the independent impairment test on the single
Accrual methods of bad substantive account. As for the account receivable without the
account preparation for single impairment in the test, it is included in the account receivable portfolio
substantive account receivable of the similar credit risk characters for the impairment test. As for the
                               account receivable with the recognition of impairment loss, it is not
                               included in the account receivable portfolio of the similar credit risk
                               characters for the impairment test

10.2 providing of bad debt provisions on account receivable by combination

Recognition basis of combination
account receivable with individual minor amount   The Company believed that the account receivable with individual minor amount and
and with individual major amount but without      with individual major amount but without impairment found after separately testing
impairment found after separately testing         has a lower credit risk. The Company withdrawal no bad debt provision unless
                                                  evidence of major credit risk on certain account receivable been found.

10.3 account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bed debt provision single

                                                  If there is evidence proving that the credit risk of certain account
Reasons for bad debt provision single             receivable is big, the bad debt provision for account receivable
                                                  should be accrued individually.
Methods for bad debt provision                    Specific Identification Method

11. Inventory

11.1 Categories of inventory

The Company’s inventory mainly consists of fuels, raw materials and developing products in process.
The inventory is measured initially by cost. The cost for developing products consists of the land transfer
capital, supporting infrastructure expenditure, construction installation projects expenditure, the loan
expense before the completion of the development projects and the other relevant expenses in the
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development. Other inventory cost consists of the purchase cost, process cost, and other expenditure
enables the inventory to arrive at the present place and the sate to occur.
11.2 Valuation method of inventory delivered

The actual cost of the property development products delivered is recognized by the individual valuation
method. The actual cost of other inventories delivered is recognized by the weighted average method.

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued
11. Inventory-Continued
11.3 Recognition basis of net realizable value of inventory, and accrual methods of preparation for
inventory depreciation

On the balance sheet day, the inventory is measured by the lower one between the cost and the net
realizable value. As the net realizable value is lower than the cost, the inventory depreciation provision is
accrued. The net realizable value is balance of the estimated sale price less the estimated forthcoming
cost upon the completion, the estimated sale expense, and the relevant tax in the daily activities. Upon the
recognition of net realizable value of the inventory, the concrete evidence is based on and the purpose of
holding the inventory and the influence of events after the balance sheet day are considered.

As for the inventory of large sum and lower price, the inventory depreciation provision is accrued by the
inventory categories. As for the inventory related to the product series produced and sold in the same
district, of the same or similar final use or purpose and impossible to be separated from the other items,
the provision is consolidated and accrued. The provision for other inventory is accrued by the difference
between the cost and net realizable value.

Upon the accrual of the inventory depreciation provision, if the previous influence factors on the
inventory deduction disappeared, which resulted in the net realizable value being higher than its book
value; the accrual is transferred back within the previous accrual of the provision and reckoned into the
current gain/loss.

11.4 Inventory system

The inventory system is perpetual inventory system.

12. Long-term equity investment

12.1 Recognition of investment cost
For the long-term equity investment formed by corporate merger, if it is the long-term equity investment
obtained from the corporate merger under the same control, the share of book value of owner's equity on
the merger date shall be taken as the investment cost. The merger cost of long-term equity investment
obtained through the corporate merger under different control shall be taken as the investment cost of
long-term equity investment. Concerning the corporate merger under different control with many
transactions, the long-term equity investment cost refers to the total amount of book value of equity
investment on purchase held before the purchased day and newly added investment cost in purchased day.

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The other equity investment besides the long-term equity investment formed by corporate merger shall
conduct initial measurement according to its cost.

12.2 Follow-up measurement and gain/loss recognition

12.2.1. Long-term equity investment checked by the cost
As for the long-term equity investment without the common control over or significant influence on the
invested units, the quotation in the active market and a reliable measurement of the fair value, it is
measured by the cost. In addition, long-term equity investment to subsidiary of the Company adopted the
cost method for calculation in financial statement. Subsidiary refers to the invested units that control by
the Company.

Upon the cost check, the investment is valuated on the initial cost. In addition to the actual prices or the
announced but yet undistributed cash dividend or profit in consideration valuation, the current investment
return is recognized by the announced cash dividend or profit by the invested units.

 (II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued
12. Long-term equity investment -Continued
12.2 Follow-up measurement and gain/loss recognition-Continued

12.2.2. Long-term equity investment checked by the equity
Investment to associated enterprise and joint ventures by the Company adopted equity method for
calculation. Associated enterprise refers to the invested units that the Company has significant influence
on it while joint venture refers to the invested units that controlled by the Company and other investors

When equity basis is adopted, if the initial cost of the long-term equity investment is greater than the
share of fair value of the receiver’s recognizable net asset, the initial investment cost of the long-term
equity investment will not be adjusted; if the initial cost of the long-term equity investment is less than
the share of fair value of the receiver’s recognizable net asset, the balance shall be counted into current
income account, and the cost of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted.

When equity basis is adopted, investment gain/loss of the current term is the share of net gains or losses
of the investment receiver of the current year. Recognition of the share of net gains or losses of the
investment receiver shall be on the basis of fair value of recognizable asset of the receiver when the
investment was made, and recognized after adjustment on the net profit of the receiver in accordance with
the Company’s accounting policies and accounting period. For the gain/loss due to unrealised internal
trade between the Company and co-operations, the share of the Company in this gain/loss shall be
neutralized, and investment gains shall be recognized upon them. But the losses from unrealised trade
between the Company and investment receivers which are regarded as losses from asset transferring shall
not be neutralized. Change of equities of the investment receiver other than net gains or losses shall be
counted into shareholders’ equity, and the book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted
correspondingly and recognized as other miscellaneous income and recorded in capital reserves.

Recognition of the share of net loss by the investment receiver shall be limited to when the book value of
long-term equity investment and other long-term equity forms substantial net investment has been

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Ended as 31st December 2012

reduced to zero. Beside, if the Company is responsible for other losses of the investment receiver,
predicted liability shall be recognized upon the prediction of responsibilities and recorded into current
investment loss account. If the receiver realized net profit in the period thereafter, the share of gains is
recovered after making up of share of losses which has not been recognized.

12.2.3 Disposal of long-term equity investment
While disposal of long-term equity investment, the difference between the book value and actual price
received shall be accounted into current gains/losses. For long-term equity investment accounted on
equity basis, the part originally accounted into shareholders’ equity is carried over to current gains/losses
at corresponding rate when disposed.

12.3 Recognition standards the common control over and significant influence on the invested units
Controlling power means the power over the firm’s financial and operational decision-making, and can
obtain profit from the operation of such firm. Mutual control means the controlling power on particular
activity hold together with others against particular contract, and shall only take effect when all of the
investment parties have collective affirmative opinions on the major financial or operational issues.
Significant influence means the power to participate in decision-making but cannot control or collectively
control the same. At considering of substantial control or significant influence of a firm, the potential
voting right factors such as current convertible bonds or executable subscription options have been

12.4 Impairment testing and basis of impairment provision
Impairment testing is performed on the long-term equity investment at each balance sheet date. In case of
there is evidence showing impairment has occurred, the recoverable amount shall be assessed. If the
recoverable amount is lower than the book value, the impairment provision shall be provided at the
difference and accounted into current income account.

Once the impairment loss of a long-term equity investment is recognized, it shall not be written back in
subsequent fiscal periods.

13. Investment real estate
Investment real estate is defined as the real estate with the purpose to earn rent or capital appreciation or
both, including the rented land use rights and the land use rights which are held and prepared for transfer
after appreciation, the rented buildings.

Investment real estate is measured according to the initial cost. The follow-up expenses that are related to
investment real estate, if the economic interests related to the assets are is likely to inflow cost and its
costs can be reliably measured, shall be included in the cost of investment real estate. The other follow-up
expense shall be included in the current gains/losses.

The Company adopts the cost model to have follow-up measurements of the investment real estate, and to
conduct depreciation or amortization according to the policies that are in consistent with the land use

Impairment testing is performed on investment real estate at each balance sheet day. When evidence
showing that impairment has occurred, the recoverable value shall be assessed. Assessment of
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Ended as 31st December 2012

recoverable value is based on individual asset. If the recoverable value was hard to evaluate separately, it
shall be decided along with the group of assets it belongs to. If the recoverable value of an asset is lower
than its book value, the balance shall be provided for impairment provision and accounted into current

Once impairment of investment real estate was recognized, it will not be written back in the subsequent
fiscal periods.

The difference of the income from the sale, transfer, dispose of the investment real estate deducting the
book value and relevant taxes shall be included in the gains and losses of the current period.

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued

14. Fixed assets
14.1 Recognition conditions for the fixed assets
Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods,
providing services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one fiscal year of service
life. The fixed assets recognized on the condition of economy benefit probably in-flow into the Company
and the cost should measured reliably only. Initial measurement shall be conducted on fixed assets
according to the actual cost when obtain them and also considering the expected costs for disposal.

Concerning the follow-up expenses related to fixed assets, if the relevant economy benefit of fixed assets
probably in-flow into the Company and can be measured reliably, reckoned into cost of fixed assets and
terminated the recognition of the book value of the parts that been replaced. Others follow-up expenses
should reckoned into current gains/losses while occurred.

14.2 Depreciation of various fixed assets
From the next month since reaching the intended use state, depreciations on fixed assets shall be
accounted by using the method of average life length except the steam turbine generating unit that
accounted by withdrawal the working volume method.

Life expectancy, expected net impairment value and annual depreciation rate of all assets are as follows:

                                                                                               Annual depreciation
                               Item                 Life expectancy      Salvage value rate
        Houses and buildings                                   20-year                   10%                  4.5%
        Equipment (fuel machinery group excluded)           15-20-year                   10%               4.5%-6%
                                                                                                  The work quantity
        Equipment--fuel machinery group (note)                                                              method
        Transportation tools                                    5-year                   10%                   18%
        Other equipment                                         5-year                   10%                   18%

Estimated salvage value refers to the amount of value retrieved after deducting of predicted disposal
expense when the expected using life of a fixed asset has expired and in the expected state of termination.

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Note: gas turbine generator set is provided with depreciation under workload method, namely to
determine the depreciation amount per hour of gas turbine generator set based on equipment value,
predicted net remaining value and predicted generation hours. Details are set out as follows:

                                                                                        Depreciation amount
                         Name of the Company                         Fixed assets          (RMB/Hour)
                                                                  Generating unit 1#                4,225.09
        The Company                                               Generating unit 3#                4,401.76
                                                                  Generating unit 7#                4,407.11
         (“ New Power Company ”)Shenzhen New Power
                                                                  Generating unit 10#               3,954.47
        Industrial Co., Ltd. (“New Power Company”)
         Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Power Co., Ltd. (“Zhongshan   Generating unit 1#                3,856.98
        Power Company”)                                          Generating unit 3#                3,799.49
         Shen Nan Dian (Dongguan) Weimei Power Co., Ltd.          Generating unit 1#                4,107.76
        (“Weimei Power Company”)                                Generating unit 3#                3,850.07

 (II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued

14. Fixed assets -Continued

14.3 Impairment test on fixed asset and providing of impairment provision
Impairment testing is performed on fixed asset at each balance sheet day. When evidence showing that
impairment has occurred, the recoverable value shall be assessed. Assessment of recoverable value is
based on individual asset. If the recoverable value was hard to evaluate separately, it shall be decided
along with the group of assets it belongs to. If the recoverable value of an asset is lower than its book
value, the balance shall be provided for impairment provision and accounted into current gains/losses.

Once fixed asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be written back in subsequent fiscal periods.

14.4 Other remarks
The Company rechecks, at least at the end of each year, the useful life, estimated net residual value, and
total hours of power generation of gas turbine generator units and depreciation method of fixed assets. In
case of any change to the above said items, it will be treated as change of accounting estimate
Terminated the recognition of fixed assts that in the status of disposal or pass through the predicted usage
or without any economy benefits arising from disposal. Income from treatment of fixed asset disposing,
transferring, discarding or damage, the balance after deducting of book value and relative taxes is
recorded into current income account.

15. Construction-in-progress
Cost of construction in process is determined at practical construction expenditures, including all
expenses during the construction, capitalized loan expenses before the construction reaches useful status,
and other relative expenses. No depreciation accrued on construction in progress. It is transferred to fixed
asset as soon as the construction reaches the useful status.

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Impairment testing is performed on construction in process at each balance sheet day by the Company.

When evidence showing that impairment has occurred, the recoverable value shall be assessed.
Assessment of recoverable value is based on individual asset. If the recoverable value was hard to
evaluate separately, it shall be decided along with the group of assets it belongs to. If the recoverable
value of an asset is lower than its book value, the balance shall be provided for impairment provision and
accounted into current gains/losses.

Once impairment of construction in progress impairment is recognized, it shall not be written back in
subsequent fiscal periods.
16. Borrowing expenses
Borrowing expenses that can be directly attributed for purchasing or construction of assets that are
complying with capitalizing conditions start to be capitalized when the payment of asset and borrowing
expenses have already occurred, and the purchasing or production activities in purpose of make the asset
usable have started; Capitalizing will be terminated as soon as the asset that complying with capitalizing
conditions has reached its usable or saleable status. The other borrowing expenses are recognized as
expenses when occurred.

Interest expenses practically occurred at the current term of a special borrowing are capitalized after
deducting of the bank saving interest of unused borrowed fund or provisional investment gains;
Capitalization amounts of common borrowings are decided by the weighted average of exceeding part of
accumulated asset expenses over the special borrowing assets multiply the capitalizing rate of common
borrowings adopted. Capitalization rates are decided by the weighted average of common borrowings.

17. Intangible assets

17.1 Intangible assets
Intangible assets including land-use right and software etc

The intangible assets are subject to initial measurement at cost. Those intangible assets with limited
useful life are evenly amortized on straight basis from the date when they become useable to the end of
expected useful life. The intangible assets with un-certain service life should not be amortized.

The useful life and amortization method of intangible asset with limited useful life is rechecked at the end
of the period.

17.2 Impairment test method of intangible assets & calculation method of depreciation reserve

The Company checks, on every balance sheet date, whether the intangible asset with certain useful life
shows evidence of possible depreciation. If any, its recoverable amount will be estimated. The
recoverable amount of assets is estimated on the basis of individual asset. If it is difficult to estimate the
recoverable amount of individual asset, the recoverable amount of asset group will be determined on the
basis of the belonging asset group of the assets. If the recoverable amount of the assets is less than its
book value, the assets depreciation reserve will be accrued according to their balance and counted in the
current gains/losses.

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The intangible assets with uncertain service life and those not yet up to the serviceable condition are
subject to impairment test annually whether there is evidence of depreciation.

Once intangible asset impairment loss was recognized, shall not be written back in subsequent fiscal

18. Long-term expenses to be amortized
Long-term amortizable expenses are those already occurred and amortizable to the current term and
successive terms for over one year. Long-term amortizable expenses are evenly amortized to the benefit

(II) Preparation basis of Financial Statements-Continued

19. Predicted liabilities
Responsibilities connected to contingent issues are the current liability undertaken by the Company and
the liability has the probability of result in financial benefit outflow and the responsibility can be
measured reliably for its value.

At balance sheet day, with reference to the risks, uncertainty and periodic value of currency that
connected to the contingent issues, the predicted liabilities are measured according to the best estimation
on the payment to fulfill the current responsibility. If the monetary value has significant influence, than
recognized the best estimation amount based on discount of predicted future cash flow.

If the expenses for clearing of predictive liability is fully or partially compensated by a third party, and
the compensated amount can be definitely received, it is recognized separated as asset. The compensated
amount shall not be greater than the book value of the predictive liability.

20. Recognition of income
20.1 Goods sales revenue

When significant risks and rewards of ownership of goods have been transferred to buyer, no continuous
management right regularly related to ownership is retained, no effective control is conducted on goods
sold, moreover, amount of income may be measured in a reliable way, relevant economic profit may have
flown into enterprise and relevant incurred cost or to be incurred may be measured in a reliable way,
implementation of goods sales revenue will be confirmed. Detail recognization according to specific

Power sales revenue
The Group generates electricity by thermal power, and realizes sales through incorporation into
Guangdong power grid. As for power sales, the Group realizes revenue when it produces electricity and
obtains the grid power statistics table confirmed by the power bureau.

20.2 Revenue from Providing Labor Service

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Under the condition of service providing business can be estimated in a reliable way, relevant economic
benefit is likely to flow into enterprise, completion degree of business may be estimated in a reliable way
and relevant incurred cost and to be incurred may be measured in a reliable way, the revenue from labor
service providing recognized. Relevant service revenue may be confirmed by the Company as
percentage-of-completion method on balance sheet date. Completion degree of service business will be
determined as share of incurred service cost in estimated general cost.

If result of service providing business can’t be estimated in a reliable way, service revenue should be
confirmed as amount of incurred service cost expected to be compensated, where incurred service cost is
taken as period charge. If no compensation is expected for incurred service cost, income won’t be
21. Government grant

Government subsidies are those monetary and/or non-monetary assets obtained from the government by
free. Government subsidies are recognized when satisfied the attached qualification of government grant
and receivable on hand.

Those government grants of monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable.
Non-monetary government grants are measured at fair value. If no fair value is available, nominal amount
will be adopted. Government subsidies measured at nominal amount are accounted into current
gains/losses directly.

Asset-related government grants are recognized as deferred income and accounted into current
gains/losses evenly upon their service life.

Those income-related government grants used to neutralize relative expenses and losses of successive
periods are recognized as deferred income and accounted into current income at the period when the
expenses are recognized; those used to neutralize relative expenses and losses which have already
occurred are accounted into current gains/losses directly.

If confirmed government grant needs to be surrendered,for government grant with relevant balance of
deferred income,book balance of relevant deferred income will be offset while remnant will be included
in current profit and loss. On the contrary, for government grant without relevant deferred income, it will
be directly in current gain and loss.

Pursuant to the calculation method required by the Notice on Issuance of Provisional Collection of Gas
and Fuel Processing Subsidy to Support the Peak Power Scheme of Local Burning Machine Power Plants
(SFB No.74(2010)) issued by people municipality of Shenzhen, the Reply for Confirming the Power
Generation Subsidy Scheme for Shenzhen Burning Machine Power Plants for 2011 (SZSITIC
No.207(2010)), the Notice on Continuous Collection of Gas and Fuel Processing Subsidy to Support the
Peak Power Generation Losses of Local Burning Machine Power Plants (SZSITIC No.2062011)) and the
Notice on Issuance of Provisional Rules for Management over Power Subsidy of Shenzhen Local Fuel
(Gas) Machine sets (SFB No.54(2009)) issued by people municipality of Shenzhen, the Company
recognized fuel subsidy income and recognized as government subsidy income.

                                                                                                     - 30 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

According to the notice on collection of gas and fuel process fee on temporary basis (YFH(2008)No.31)
issued by the municipal government of Guangdong and the provisions of relevant documents issued by
Guangdong price bureau, Zhongshan Power Company and Weimei Power Company would confirm
government subsidy income when it receives subsidy for gas and fuel process fee or relevant certificate in
respect of collection of gas and fuel process fee subsidy.

Pursuant to the natural gas sales contract entered into between the Company, Weimei Power Company
and Guangdong Trade branch of China shipping liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) electric group co., LTD,
2011-2012 natural gas sales confirmation letter and its relevant supplementary agreements,       the
Company and Weimei Power Company shall realize tax rebate income of natural gas import value-added
tax when it receives accounts from Guangdong Trade branch of China shipping liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) electric group co., LTD.

22 Deferred income tax asset/ deferred income tax liability
Income tax expense includes current income tax and deferred income tax.

22.1 Current income tax
On balance sheet date, current income tax liability (or asset) formed during and before current period will
be measured as amount of income tax payable (or repayable) as specified by tax law.

22.2 Deferred income tax asset & deferred income tax liability
For balance of book value of some asset/liability item and its tax base, or temporary difference derived
from balance of book value and tax base of the item, which is not confirmed as asset or liability but tax
base can be fixed as specified by tax law, deferred income tax asset & deferred income tax liability will
be confirmed in balance sheet liability approach.

Generally, all temporary difference shall be recognized as relevant deferred income tax. But concerning
the deductable temporary difference, relevant deferred income tax asset may be confirmed subject to
amount of taxable income which is likely to be acquired to deduct deductible loss and taxation decrease
in the future. Furthermore, for taxable temporary difference, which is related to initial recognition for
goodwill and asset or liability produced by transaction which neither is business combination nor affects
accounting profit and taxable income (or deductible loss), relevant deferred income tax liability won’t be

For deductible loss and taxation decrease which can be carried over to following fiscal year, relevant
deferred income tax asset may be confirmed subject to amount of taxable income which is likely to be
acquired to deduct deductible loss and taxation decrease in the future.

The Company recognized deferred income tax liabilities arising from taxable temporary differences of
investment related between the subsidiaries, associated enterprise and joint ventures, unless the Company
control time of switch-back on temporary differences and the difference will not be switch-back probably
in predicted future. For those deductible temporary differences related to investment with subsidiaries,
associated enterprise and joint ventures, the Company have deferred income tax assets recognized on the
condition of temporary differences might probably carry-back in predicted future and in the future, have
the portability obtained taxable amount that should be deducted the deductible temporary differences.

                                                                                                     - 31 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

At the balance sheet day, those deferred income tax assets and income tax liabilities, according to the tax
law, calculation will be on tax rate applicable to retrieving period of assets or clearing of liabilities.

Other current income tax and deferred income tax or income reckoned into current gains/loss except the
followed: the current income tax and deferred income tax related to the transition and event of other
consolidation income or shareholders’ equity reckoned, counted into other consolidation income or
shareholders’ equity together with the book value of goodwill adjusted of deferred income tax arising
from enterprise merger.

At the balance sheet day, verification will be performed on the book value of differed income tax assets.
If it is not possible to obtain enough taxable income to neutralize the benefit of differed income tax assets,
then the book value of the differed income tax assets shall be reduced. Whenever obtaining of taxable
income became possible, the reduced amount shall be restored.

When accounting with net amount is a stipulated rights, and tending to account with net amount or
acquire of asset and clearing of debts are performed simultaneously, the income tax asset and liabilities of
the current term are accounted at net amount after neutralization.

When accounting of income tax asset and liabilities of current term with net amount is the stipulated
rights, and the income tax asset and liabilities are related to the same subject recognized by the same
taxation authority, or to the different subjects but within each period of writing back the differed income
tax asset and liabilities with great importance, and tending to account with net amount or acquire of asset
and clearing of debts are performed simultaneously, the income tax asset and liabilities of the current
term are accounted at net amount after neutralization.

23. Operational leasing and financial leasing
Finance lease is to virtually transfer all risks and rewards related to ownership of asset. Leases other than
finance lease are operating leases.

23.1 Lease business with the Company as the rentee

The rental is reckoned into the relevant assets cost or the current loss/gain in the linear way. The initial
direct expenses are reckoned into the current gain/loss, or the actual rental into the current loss/gain.

23.2 Lease business with the Company as the rentor

The rental is reckoned into the relevant assets cost or the current loss/gain in the linear way. The initial
direct substantive expenses are capitalized and reckoned into the current gain/loss, or the actual rental
into the current loss/gain. The initial direct small expenses are reckoned into the current actual gain/loss,
or the actual rental into the current loss/gain.

24. Changes of main accounting estimation

                                                                                 Affected      items      in
Change of accounting estimation and reasons thereof      Approval procedure                                    Affected amount
In order to reflect the application of fixed assets of   Approval from the 9th   Fixed   assets,   operating   As calculated, consolidated

                                                                                                                                   - 32 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

the Group on a truthful basis, thus to keep             meeting of the 6th         cost, sales expenses and      net profit increased with
conforming accounting estimation of the Company         board and the board of     administration expenses       RMB1,727,022.68 due to
and its subsidiaries, the depreciation term of the      directors of relevant                                    change       of    accounting
houses and buildings of the subsidiaries of the         subsidiary                                               estimation, among which,
Company change to 20 years from the original 20-40                                                               RMB1,210,352.98 was net
years, 5 years for vehicles from the original 5-12                                                               profit attributable to parent’
years, and 5 years for other equipments from the                                                                 s shareholder
original 5-8 years, since 1 July 2012. The
depreciation term of the stream turbine generator set
and machines & equipments of the subsidiaries
Zhongshan Power Company and Weimei Power
Company change to 15 years from the original 10-20
years; the workload of gas turbine generator set
changes to 60,000 hours from the original 100,000
hours; the depreciation method of stream turbine
generator set (#2 and #4 generator set of Zhongshan
Power Company and #2 and #4 generator set of
Weimei Power Company) changes to straight-line
method from the workload method.(note)

Life expectancy, salvage value rate and annual depreciation rate for vary fixed asstes before changes:
                           Type                                   Life expectancy           Salvage value rate      Annual depreciation rate
Houses and buildings                                                      20-40-year                       10%                    2.25%-4.5%
Equipment (fuel machinery group excluded)                                 10-20-year                       10%                       4.5%-9%
Equipment--fuel machinery group                                                                            10%     The work quantity method
Transportation tools                                                       5-12-year                       10%                      7.5%-18%
Other equipment                                                             5-8-year                       10%                   11.25%-18%

Life expectancy, salvage value rate and annual depreciation rate for vary fixed asstes after changes:

                           Type                                   Life expectancy           Salvage value rate      Annual depreciation rate
Houses and buildings                                                         20-year                       10%                            4.5%
Equipment (fuel machinery group excluded)                                 15-20-year                       10%                       4.5%-6%
Equipment--fuel machinery group                                                                            10%     The work quantity method
Transportation tools                                                             5-year                    10%                            18%
Other equipment                                                                  5-year                    10%                            18%

         Depreciation for generation hourly from fuel machinery group before changes:

                        Name of the Company                                         Fixed assets          Depreciation amount (RMB/Hour)
                                                                                 Generating unit 1#                                   4,225.09
The Company                                                                      Generating unit 3#                                   4,401.76
                                                                                 Generating unit 7#                                   4,407.11
 New Power Company                                                           Generating unit 10#                                      3,954.47
                                                                                 Generating unit 1#                                   1,911.87
Zhongshan Power Company                                                          Generating unit 2#                                     688.66
                                                                                 Generating unit 3#                                   1,937.99

                                                                                                                                        - 33 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

                                                           Generating unit 4#                           693.18
                                                           Generating unit 1#                         2,009.43
                                                           Generating unit 2#                           585.11
Weimei Power Company
                                                           Generating unit 3#                         1,980.18
                                                           Generating unit 4#                           585.08

Depreciation for generation hourly from fuel machinery group after changes:

                    Name of the Company                       Fixed assets      Depreciation amount (RMB/Hour)
                                                           Generating unit 1#                         4,225.09
The Company                                                Generating unit 3#                         4,401.76
                                                           Generating unit 7#                         4,407.11
New Power Company                                         Generating unit 10#                         3,954.47
                                                           Generating unit 1#                         3,856.98
Zhongshan Power Company
                                                           Generating unit 3#                         3,799.49
                                                           Generating unit 1#                         4,107.76
Weimei Power Company
                                                           Generating unit 3#                         3,850.07

25. Other Main Accounting Policies, Estimations and Preparation Method

25.1 Employee wages

Except for the compensation for labor contract termination, the payable employee wages in the
accounting period of service provided by employee of the Company were recognized as liabilities.

The Company participates in social security system for employee set up by government department as
specified, including basic pension insurance, medical insurance, and housing fund and other systems.
Expenses involved will be included in relevant cost of asset and current profit and loss when actually

The Company will sever labor relation with employee prior to expiration of labor contract, or encourage
employee to voluntarily accept layoff and put forward suggestion on compensation. If we have
formulated formal plan for severing labor relation or put forward voluntary layoff suggestion and plan to
put into effect meanwhile the plan and suggestion can’t be withdrawn unilaterally, estimated liability
produced by compensation for severing labor relation with employee will be confirmed and included in
current profit and loss.

25.2 Debt restructures

25.2.1. Obligation of recording debt restructuring as debtor
For debt liquidated with cash, balance between book value of debt to be restructured and amount of
actual payment will be included in current gain and loss. On the contrary, for debt liquidated with
non-cash asset, balance between book value of debt to be restructured and fair value of non-cash asset
transferred will be included in current gain and loss. Balance between fair value of non-cash asset
                                                                                                       - 34 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

transferred and book value of debt to be restructured will be included in current gains and loss.

When debt is transferred to capital, balance between book value of debt to be restructured and fair value
of loaner’s share derived from disclaim will be included in current gains and loss.

When other terms of debt are modified, fair value of debt after modification will be taken as entry value
of restructured debt. Balance between book value of debt prior to restructuring and debt restructured will
be included in current gain and loss.

When combination of multiple modes is applied, book value of debt to be restructured will be offset by
cash for payment, fair value of non-cash asset transferred and fair value of loaner’s share successively,
then applicable method under modification mentioned above will be applied.

25.2.2. Obligation of recording debt restructuring as loaner
For debt liquidated with cash, balance between book balance of credit to be restructured and cash
received will be included in current gain and loss. On the contrary, for debt liquidated with non-cash asset,
balance between book balance of credit to be restructured and fair value of non-cash asset received will
be included in current gain and loss.

When debt is transferred to capital, balance between fair value of loaner’s share and book balance of
credit to be restructured will be included in current gain and loss.

When other terms of debt are modified, fair value of credit after modification will be taken as book value
of credit to be restructured. Balance between book balance of debt prior to restructuring and book value
of credit restructured will be included in current gain and loss.

When combination of multiple modes is applied, book balance of credit to be restructured will be offset
by cash received, fair value of] non-cash asset received and fair value of loaner’s share successively,
applicable method under modification mentioned above will be applied.

When depreciation reserve has been accrued in credit to be restructured, accrual depreciation reserve will
be offset by balances above. Remnant after offset will be included in current gain and loss.

26. Major judgment made in adopting accounting policies and key assumption and
Uncertainties adopted in accounting estimation
When using the accounting policies discussed in note 2, the Group needs to made judgment, estimation
and assumption for carrying value of certain items which cannot be measured adequately due to inherent
uncertainty of economic activities. Such judgment, estimation and assumption are based on historical
experiences of the Group’s management, together with consideration of other relevant factors. The actual
results may be different from the Group’s estimation. The Group conducts regular re-review on the
aforesaid judgment, estimation and assumption on a continued operation basis. If the change of
accounting estimation only affect current period, the affected amount is recognized in the period when
change occurs. If the change affects current and future periods both, the affected amount is recognized in
the period when change occurs and future periods.

- Key assumption and uncertainties adopted in accounting estimation
                                                                                                      - 35 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

As of the balance sheet date, the key assumptions and uncertainties that may result in material
adjustments to carrying values of assets and liabilities of future periods mainly include:

Fixed assets are provided for depreciation by output method
The Group recognizes depreciation for unit electricity based on values of power generation machine sets,
projected power sales volume and projected net remaining value, and provides for depreciation according
to depreciation of unit electricity and actual power sales volume. Taking into account the prevailing
industry policies, technologies, consumption, allocation method of power management authorities and
past experiences, and the Group management believes that it is adequate for utilization life of such power
generation machine sets, projected power sales volume, projected net remaining value and provision
method for depreciation. If the future actual power sales volume differs substantially from the projected
one, the Group would make adjustment to unit electricity depreciation, which would bring affects to the
depreciation expenses included in profit and loss for the current and future periods.

The provisional estimated value of fixed assets
As for the power generation machine sets and related buildings reaching the condition for intended use,
due to the long construction period of power plant projects, high prices and long completion settlement
time, they are accounted provisional based on project budget, project pricing or project actual costs
before process of project completion settlement. And upon such settlement, the Company adjusts the
original provisional value according to the actual costs. If provisional estimated values of power
generation machine sets and related buildings differ materially from the actual costs, the Company may
have to make corresponding adjustments to the values of fixed assets.
(III) Taxes
1. Main taxation items and its tax rate

   items                             Calculation bases                                                   Tax rate
VAT (Note                                                                       Output tax calculated based on the 11%, 13% or 17% of
               Balance of current output tax deducting current input tax
1)                                                                              the sales volume regulated by Tax Law
Business tax
               Income of business                                               3% or 5%
maintenance    VAT and business tax actually paid                               1%, 5% or 7%
               VAT and business tax actually paid                               3%
education      VAT and business tax actually paid                               2%
               Taxable income                                                   16.5% to 25%(Note2)
income tax
               Value-added amount from transferring state-owned land use
Land VAT                                                                        Four level progressive rates
               right , landing construction and its affiliates
Real estate    Calculated by the original value of real estate deducting 30%;   1.2% for the remaining sum of real estate; 12% for the
tax            rent income of the real estate                                   rent income of the real estate
Land-use tax
               Land occupation actually area                                    2.5 Yuan ~ 9Yuan per square meter
of town

                                                                                                                                   - 36 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

Note 1: during the period from 1 January 2012 to 31 October 2012, Shenzhen Xiefu Oil Supply Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Xiefu Oil
Supply), subsidiary of the Company, paid business tax at tax rate of 3% in respect of the transportation income. According to the notice on
trial collection of value-added tax instead of business tax for transportation industry and certain modern service industries in Beijing and
other seven provinces and cities issued by the ministry of finance and State Administration of Taxation (CS(2012)No.71), the aforesaid
income of Xiefu Oil Supply shall be levied with value-added tax at 11% as modern service industry instead of the original business tax since
1 November 2012.

Note2: Tax rate of the enterprise income tax for the Company and its subsidiaries are shown as follows:

                               Name of the Company and its subsidiaries                                   Tax rate of enterprise income tax
                                                                                                              2012               2011
The Company                                                                                                          25%                24%
 New Power Company                                                                                                   25%                24%
Shennan Power Gas Turbine Engineering Technique Co., Ltd. (“Engineering Co.,)                                       25%                24%
Server Petrochemical   Supplying Co                                                                                  25%                24%
 Shennandian Environment Protection Co., Ltd. (“Environment Protection Co.,”)                                      25%                25%
Zhongshan Power Company                                                                                              25%                24%
Weimei Power Company                                                                                                 25%                24%
 SHENNAN ENERGY (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD (“Shennan Singapore”)                                                          20%                20%
Zhongshan Shenzhong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (“Shenzhong Development Co.,”)                               25%                25%
Zhongshan Shenzhong Real Estate Investment Property Co., Ltd. (“Shenzhong Property Investment”)                    25%                25%
Huidong Xiefu Harbor Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd. (“Huidong Xiefu Co.,”)                                    25%                25%
 Huidong Harbor Development Co., Ltd. (“Huidong Harbor Co.,)                                                        25%                25%
HONG KONG SYNDISOME CO., LIMITED (“Syndisome Co., )                                                              16.5%              16.5%

The Company, New Power Company, Engineering Company and Xiefu Oil are enterprises based on economic special zone, and Zhongshan
Power Company and Weimei Power Company are foreign investment enterpeises engaging in energy production. Prior to 1 January 2008,
the Company and the above subsidiaries were applicable to income tax rate of 15%, and gradually transit to the legal tax rate of 25% within
5 years since 1 January 2008. For this year, the applicable tax rate of the Company and the above subsidiaries are 25%.

2. Taxes preferential and approvals

   Tax       Name of the company       Relevant regulation and policies basis   Approval institution   Approval documents     Exemption range    Perio
                                       ” Notice of adjustment and perfection
             Environment               on resources comprehensive usage                                                       VAT free for
VAT                                                                             Not applicable         Not applicable                            Not a
             Protection Co.,           and labor VAT policy”(CS                                                              sludge treatment
                                       ” Arrangement of avoidance of
Enterprise                             double-taxation and prevention of tax                                                  Levy income tax
income       Syndisome Co.,            free in mainland China and Hong          Not applicable         Not applicable         by 10% of total    Not a
tax                                    Kong Special Administrative                                                            share interests
                                       Region”(GSH No. 884[2006])
                                                                                                                              No enterprise
                                                                                                                              income tax
Enterprise                                                                      State Tax Bureau of    Shen Guo Sui Nan
                                       ’Enterprise Income Tax Law of                                                         should pay for
income       Syndisome Co.,                                                     Nanshan Distict        Kou Jiao Bei Zi No.:                      Not a
                                       People’s Republic of China”                                                          the dividend
tax                                                                             Shenzhen               [2011]0011
                                                                                                                              before 31
                                                                                                                              December 2007

                                                                                                                                     - 37 -

Annotations of the financial statements
Ended as 31st December 2012

                                          - 38 -

财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

 (IV) Enterprise merger and Consolidated Financial Statement

Particular about subsidiaries
1. Subsidiaries obtained through establishment or investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                              item      Prop    Prop
                                                                                                                                                            balance     ortio   ortio
                                                                                                                                                             of net       n     n of
        Full name of the      Type of        Registe   Business
                                                                     Register capital                                                                      investme     share    voti   Consol                      Amount
          subsidiaries      subsidiaries     r place    nature
                                                                                                                                                                nt        s       ng     idated                   written down
                                                                                                                                              Actual        towards      held   right   stateme    Minority         minority
                                                                                                                                           investment at   subsidiari    (%)     (%)       nt     shareholder     shareholders’
                                                                                                        Business scope                       year-end           es                      Yes/No      s’ equity       equity
       Petrochemical                                                                    Self-business of fuel and agent for
                           Limited           Shenzh                                                                                                                                               39,252,013.0
       Supplying Co                                    Trading      53,300,000.00       import-export; fuel and oil storage business       26,650,000.00            -     50      50     Yes                          N/A
                           Liability         en                                                                                                                                                              7
                                                                                        (excluding product oil)
                           Jointed                     Power                            Technical development on wasted-heat usage,
        New Power                            Shenzh                                                                                        113,850,000.0
                           enterprise(H.K-             generatio    113,850,000.00      power generation by wasted-heat and fuel                                    -    100     100     Yes                 -        N/A
       Company                               en                                                                                                        0
                           capital)                    n                                power
       Zhongshan Power     Jointed                     Power
       Company                               Zhongs                                     Fuel power, waste heat power, power & heat         597,440,000.0                                          27,586,419.5    121,773,580.5
                           enterprise(H.K-             generatio    746,800,000.00                                                                                  -     80      80     Yes
                                             han                                        supplying , leasing of wharf and oil depot                     0                                                     0                0
       (Note2)             capital)                    n
                                                                                        technical consultation and relevant
                           Jointed                                                      maintenance and inspection on running
                                             Shenzh    ng
       Engineering Co      enterprise(H.K-                          10,000,000.00       equipments for the union cycle power station       13,520,000.00            -    100     100     Yes                 -        N/A
                                             en        consultati
                           capital)                                                     by fuel gas and steam, import and export of
                                                                                        goods and technology
                           Jointed                     Power
       Weimei Power                          Donggu                 US$                 Establishment and operation of natural gas         208,102,049.7                                          90,008,831.2
                           enterprise(H.K-             generatio                                                                                                    -     70      70     Yes                          N/A
       Company                               an                     35,040,000.00       power station                                                  6                                                     8
                           capital)                    n
       Environment                           Shenzh    Engineeri
                           enterprise(H.K-                          79,000,000.00       Sludge drying                                      79,000,000.00            -    100     100     Yes                 -        N/A
       Protection Co.,                       en        ng
       Huidong Xiefu                                                                    Establishment     and       operation         of
       Co.                 Limited           Huizho    Pier                             comprehensive pier and its affiliated facilities                                                          (5,720,959.6
                                                                    8,620,000.00                                                            6,465,001.00            -     84      84     Yes                       7,104,469.64
                           Liability         u         operation                                                                                                                                            4)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - 39 -

财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

                                                                                                    Establishment and operation of general cargo
           Huidong Harbor      Limited                Huizho      Pier
                                                                                10,000,000.00       pier, oil product pier, oil depot and affiliated       5,500,000.00                -      55      55      Yes      (111,881.14)      4,611,881.14
           Co.,                Liability              u           operation

Note 1: the Company held 50% equity interests of Xiefu Oil Supply, which represented the most voting rights in the board of the company, thus the Company has effective control over Xiefu. Xiefu Oil Supply
was consolidated in the consolidated financial statement.

Note 2: according to the proposal on increase capital to Shennandian (Zhongshan) Power Co., Ltd. Considered and approved at the 4th extraordinary general meeting of 2011, the Company, its subsidiary
Xingdesheng and Zhongshan Xingzhong Group Corporation (Xingzhong Group) made contribution to Zhongshan Power Company respectively with RMB192.5 million, RMB87.5 million and RMB70 million
in 2012. The capital contribution has been verified by the verification report (ZCKZ(2012)No.304006) issued by Zhongshan Chengnuo Certified Public Accountants.

Note 3: on 28 November 2012, Xiefu Oil Supply, Shenzhen Paipu Energy Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Paipu) and Jiahua Construction Preparation (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
(Shenzhen Jiahua) entered into the willing letter on transferring equity of Huidong Xiefu Port Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd.(willing letter), pursuant to which, Xiefu Oil Supply and Shenzhen Paipu
would transfer the equity interests held in Huidong Xiefu to Shenzhen Jiahua in two batches. For the first batch, Xiefu Oil Supply would transfer 33.95% equity interests held in Huidong Xiefu, and Shenzhen
Paipu would transfer the entire 16.05% equity interests held in Huidong Xiefu; for the second batch, Xiefu Oil Supply would transfer the whole or part remaining equity interests held in Huidong Xiefu. As at
the date for approving the issuance of this financial report, Xiefu Oil Supply, Shenzhen Paipu and Shenzhen Jiahua haven’t reached any formal equity transfer agreement, thus the Company still has effective
control over Huidong Xiefu. Accordingly, Huidong Xiefu was consolidated in the consolidated financial statement.
(2) Subsidiaries obtained through merger under no common control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
            Full name of    Type of        Register      Business             Register capital        Business scope             Actually                Other item         Proporti       Propo    Consoli      Minority       Amount written down
                 the        subsidi         place         nature                                                                 invested              balance of net          on           rtion    dated     shareholders’   minority shareholders’
            subsidiaries     aries                                                                                               capital at             investment           shares           of    stateme       equity                equity
                                                                                                                                 year-end                 towards           held (%)       voting      nt
                                                                                                                                                        subsidiaries                        right   Yes/No
           Shennan          Limited        Singapor     Trading               SG$ 1,500,000.00     gas turbine and its          6,703,800.00                            -        100         100     Yes                    -                   N/A
           Singapore        Liabilit       e                                                       spares and fuel agents
           Shenzhong        Limited        Zhongsha     Real estate               177,800,000.00   real estate investment,                    -                         -         75          75     Yes        7,551,389.50             36,898,610.50
           Development      Liabilit       n            developmen                                 property management,
           Co.,             y                           t                                          sales of self-owned
                                                                                                   commercial      houses,
                                                                                                   rental and investment
           Shenzhong        Limited        Zhongsha     Real estate                60,000,000.00   real estate investment,                    -                         -         75          75     Yes      15,326,043.45                       N/A
           Property         Liabilit       n            developmen                                 property management,
           Investment       y                           t                                          sales of self-owned
                                                                                                   commercial      houses,
                                                                                                   rental and investment
           Syndisome        Limited        Hong         Import-expo             HK$ 200,000.00     import-export trading           217,807.27                           -        100         100     Yes                    -                     N/A
           Co.,(Note)       Liabilit       Kong         rt trading

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - 40 -

财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

Note: On December 5, 2008, Shennan Singapore Company and ShenYe Investment and Management Co., Ltd signed the Share Transfer Agreement on the Purchase and Selling 2000 Shares of the Common
Stock of HONGKONGSYNDISOMECO., LIMITED, (Hein after referred to as ShenYe Investment Company), Shennan Singapore Company is to transfer 100% stock right which it has of Syndisome
Company to ShenYe Investment Company at the consideration of 393,885,100.00 Hong Kong dollar. According to this Transfer Agreement, ShenYe Investment Company should pay 1,000,000.00 Hong Kong
dollars on the date of transfer agreement, and pay the remaining transfer money within the six months after the date. Up to the approval day of this financial statements, ShenYe Investment Company hasn’t yet
paid 392,885,100.00 Hong Kong dollar of the remaining transfer money, so the Company still possess the actual control right over Syndisome Company, therefore will include it into the Consolidation scope of
the Consolidation financial statements.

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

 (V) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statement

1. Monetary capital

                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                     Amount at year-end                                          Amount at year-begin
                                          Amount of
                                                             Exchan         Amount of                                      Exchan
                                            foreign                                               Amount of foreign                     Amount of RMB
                                                             ge Rate         RMB                                           ge Rate
                    Item                   currency                                                  currency
          RMB                                92,269.34        1.0000           92,269.34                  175,127.11        1.0000              175,127.11
          HKD                                82,656.91        0.8108           67,018.22                   82,656.91        0.8107                   67,009.95
          USD                                    995.22       6.3329               6,255.46                    995.22       6.3009                    6,270.78
          EUO                                  1,017.87       8.3176               8,466.22                 1,017.87        8.1625                    8,308.37
          Bank savings:
          RMB                          517,941,029.26         1.0000      517,941,029.26             618,132,096.26         1.0000           618,132,096.26
          HKD                               791,646.26        0.8108         641,868.52                   826,105.97        0.8107              669,724.11
          USD                             1,118,259.65        6.3329        7,081,863.75               1,968,962.94         6.3009            12,406,234.51
          SGD                                68,879.81        5.0929         350,797.98                    98,879.81        4.8679              481,337.03
          Other monetary capital:
          RMB                               657,919.99        1.0000         657,919.99               63,144,299.99         1.0000            63,144,299.99
          USD                                    737.04       6.3329               4,632.67                    737.04       6.3009                    4,644.01
          Total                                                           526,852,121.41                                                     695,095,052.12

Note: among the above other monetary capital, there are 0 yuan guarantee margin and draft margin included (on 31
December 2011: RMB 62,536,060.00) ; bank savings including time deposit due after three months as 0 yuan (on 31
December 2011: RMB3,240,000.00)

2. Account receivable
(1) Account receivable classified according to types:
                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                     Amount at year-end                                               Amount at year-begin

                                       Book Balance               Bad debt provision                    Book Balance                 Bad debt provision
                                                     Propo                           Propor                            Propor                          Propor
                                                     rtion                            tion                              tion                            tion
                  Type               Amount           (%)          Amount             (%)            Amount             (%)          Amount             (%)
          receivable with
          individual major
          amount and                  3,474,613.06     0.37         3,474,613.06       100.00          3,474,613.06        0.37      3,474,613.06        100.00
          withdrawal bad
          debt provision
          receivable with           924,997,868.15    99.52                    -              -      934,640,019.03       99.53                  -            -
          minor amount and

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        receivable with
        major amount
        found no
        devaluation after
        devaluation test
        receivable with
        individual minor
        amount but                    946,915.10        0.11          946,915.10     100.00            946,915.10          0.10     946,915.10        100.00
        withdrawal bad
        debt provision
        Total                    929,419,396.31       100.00         4,421,528.16        0.48       939,061,547.19       100.00    4,421,528.16         0.47

The Group recognized account receivable with over RMB 2 million (RMB 2 million included) as
significant single amounts.

Age analysis of account receivable:
    Unit: RMB
           Age                           Amount at year-end                                                   Amount at year-begin
                       Amount           Propo        Bad debt          Book value               Amount         Propo        Bad debt         Book value
                                        rtion        provision                                                 rtion        provision
                                         (%)                                                                    (%)
        Within      732,926,788.3                                     732,926,788.3        934,298,767.                                      934,298,767.
                                         78.86                   -                                             99.49                    -
        1year                   9                                                 9                 65                                                 65
        1 to        191,973,192.0                                     191,973,192.0
                                         20.66                   -                              243,363.62       0.03                   -     243,363.62
        2years                  0                                                 0
        2 to
                                  -           -                  -                   -                    -          -                  -                  -
        Over 3                                       4,421,528.                                                            4,421,528.1
                     4,519,415.92         0.48                             97,887.76       4,519,415.92          0.48                             97,887.76
        years                                                16                                                                      6
                    929,419,396.3        100.0       4,421,528.       924,997,868.1        939,061,547.        100.0       4,421,528.1       934,640,019.
                                1            0               16                   5                 19             0                 6                 03

(2) Account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision independently at
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                         Withdrawal amount             Withdrawal
                                                                            of bad debt                proportion                   Reasons
         Content of account receivable            Balance of Book            provision                    (%)
        Account of engineering                                                                                            Un-recover for overdue
                                                        800,000.00                  800,000.00                100.00
        Amount of oil sales receivable                  146,915.10                  146,915.10                100.00      Un-recover for overdue
        Total                                           946,915.10                  946,915.10                100.00

 (3) There are no account receivable of the shareholders who hold over 5 %( 5% included) voting rights
in report period.
(4)Top 5 companies in account receivables

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
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Ended as 31st December 2012

                                     Relationship                                                             Proportion in total
                                     between the                                                              account receivable
          Name of the company         Company                 Amount                         Age                     (%)
        Bureau of Finance of         Government                                     Within 1 year and 1
                                                               567,014,707.62                                               61.01
        Shenzhen Municipality         institution                                                -2 year
        Bureau of Finance of         Government
                                                               155,879,313.96                Within 1 year                  16.77
        Dongguan Municipality         institution
        Bureau of Finance of         Government
                                                               121,287,780.40                Within 1 year                  13.05
        Zhongshan Municipality        institution
        Guangdong Power Grid          Non-related
                                                                   75,732,202.11             Within 1 year                   8.15
        Corporation                     client
        Shenzhen Water Bureau                                       3,610,572.67             Within 1 year                   0.39
        Total                                                  923,524,576.76                                               99.37

3. Account paid in advance
(1) Account paid in advance classified according to age:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                           Amount at year-end                       Amount at year-begin
                                                                             Proportion                              Proportion
                           Age                            Amount                (%)                Amount               (%)
        Within 1 year                                      11,952,501.89            98.51          31,358,682.53            99.31
        1to 2years                                              1,200.00             0.01                 280.00                    -
        2to 3years                                                       -              -              84,031.98             0.27
        Over 3 years                                          179,036.19             1.48             133,402.72             0.42
        Total                                              12,132,738.08           100.00          31,576,397.23           100.00

(2) Top 5 companies in account paid in advance:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                     Reasons for
                        Name of the company                  between the            Amount            Duration
        Guangdong Trade Branch of CNOOC Gas & Power          Non-related
                                                                                    6,105,091.77    Within 1 year    amount paid
        Group                                                 supplier
                                                                                                                      in advance
        Ningbo Lvyuan LNG Development Co., Ltd.                                     5,009,957.52    Within 1 year    amount paid
                                                                                                                      in advance
        Zhongshan Nanlang Water Supply Co., Ltd.                                      21,751.60     Within 1 year    amount paid
                                                                                                                      in advance
        Guangzhou Yuexiu Guangxin Jidian Engineering Co                                 6,840.00    Within 1 year    amount paid
                                                                                                                      in advance
        Zhongshan Liasion Office of Guangdong Fire           Non-related
                                                                                        3,000.00    Within 1 year    amount paid
        Protection Association                                supplier
                                                                                                                      in advance
        Total                                                                      11,146,640.89

  (3)There are no account paid in advance of the shareholders who hold over 5 %( 5% included) voting
rights in report period.
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Ended as 31st December 2012

(4) Account paid in advance classified according to clients:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                        Type                                       Amount at year-end             Amount at year-begin
           Account paid in advance with individual major amount                             11,115,049.29                    25,710,536.31
           Account paid in advance with minor individual amount but has
                                                                                               104,724.21                         133,402.72
           major risks after combination of risk profile
           Other minor account paid in advance                                                 912,964.58                     5,732,458.20
           Total                                                                            12,132,738.08                    31,576,397.23

The Group recognized account paid in advance with over RMB 2 million (RMB 2 million included) as significant single amounts.

Account paid in advance with minor individual amount but has major risks after combination of risk profile refers to
account paid in advance with single minor amount but has over 3 years in book age

4. Other account receivable

(1) Other account receivable classified according to type:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                 Amount at year-end                                   Amount at year-begin
                                    Book balance              Bad debt provision            Book balance             Bad debt provision
                                                   rtion                  Proporti                     Proporti                     Proport
                   Type           Amount            (%)      Amount       on (%)         Amount        on (%)       Amount          ion (%)
           receivable with
           individual major
                                                            26,237,404.                26,237,404.                 26,237,404.
           amount and          26,237,404.46       56.48                    100.00                       16.79                       100.00
                                                                     46                        46                          46
           withdrawal bad
           debt provision
           receivable with
           minor amount
           and accounts
           receivable with                                                             122,108,196
                               13,789,237.22       29.69              -            -                     78.15                -            -
           major amount                                                                         .73
           found no
           devaluation after
           devaluation test
           receivable with
           individual minor
                                                            3,916,461.4                7,904,555.6                 5,412,909.6
           amount but            6,425,107.45      13.83                     60.96                         5.06                       68.48
                                                                      5                          3                           4
           withdrawal bad
           debt provision
                                                   100.0    30,153,865.                156,250,156                 31,650,314.
           Total               46,451,749.13                                 64.91                      100.00                        20.26
                                                       0             91                         .82                        10

The Group recognized other account receivable with over RMB 2 million (RMB 2 million included) as significant single amounts.

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Ended as 31st December 2012

Other account receivable classified according to age:

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                          Amount at year-end                                         Amount at year-begin
                                       Proporti     Bad debt                                          tion       Bad debt
           Age           Amount        on (%)       provision        Book value        Amount         (%)        provision         Book value
           Within       3,233,107.1                                                  111,572,972                                   111,572,972.
                                           6.96                 -    3,233,107.11                     71.41                  -
           1 year                 1                                                          .06                                            06
           1to 2                                                                     11,164,372.                                   11,154,372.3
                         68,724.24         0.15                 -        68,724.24                     7.15      10,000.00
           years                                                                             30                                               0
           2to 3        11,133,553.                                                  1,672,519.6
                                          23.97         10,000.00   11,123,553.51                      1.07     173,524.12         1,498,995.52
           years                 51                                                            4
           Over        32,016,364.                 30,143,865.                       31,840,292.                31,466,789
                                          68.92                      1,872,498.36                     20.37                           373,502.84
           3years               27                         91                                82                        .98
                       46,451,749.                 30,153,865.                       156,250,156                31,650,314         124,599,842.
           Total                        100.00                      16,297,883.22                    100.00
                                13                         91                                 .82                      .10                   72

(2) Year-end account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision
                                                                                  Unit: RMB
            Content of other account receivable           Book balance        Withdrawal amount      proportion                  Reasons
                                                                             of bad debt provision      (%)
                                                                                                                      Unrecover for those
                                                              3,278,632.28           1,404,953.09             42.85
           Deposit receivable                                                                                         which was overdue
                                                                                                                      Unrecover for those
                                                              2,083,698.16           1,736,004.16             83.31
           Dormitory amount receivable                                                                                which was overdue
           Bureau of Finance of Zhongshan                                                                             Unrecover for those
                                                                219,192.00              21,919.20             10.00
           Municipality                                                                                               which was overdue
           Administrative Office of Nanshan                                                                           Unrecover for those
                                                                 50,000.00               5,000.00             10.00
            District Shenzhen                                                                                         which was overdue
                                                                                                                      Unrecover for those
                                                                 35,000.00               7,000.00             20.00
           GE Company                                                                                                 which was overdue
           Other                                                                                              97.76   Unrecover for those
                                                                758,585.01             741,585.00
                                                                                                                      which was overdue
           Total                                              6,425,107.45           3,916,461.45             60.96

 (3) Other receivable verified actually in this period
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                      Arising from related
                      Content                     Verified amount                       Reasons                        transactions or not
                                                                             Goods selling entrusted have
           Goods selling entrusted                 1,496,448.19                                                                  No
                                                                                           been disposed
(4) There are no other account receivable of the shareholders who hold over 5 %( 5% included) voting
rights in report period.

(5) Top 5 companies in other account receivable

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Ended as 31st December 2012

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                Relationship                                                                    Proportion in total
                 Name of the company            between the                  Amount                      Duration                  other account
                                                 Company                                                                          receivable (%)
          Huiyang Kangtai Industrial             Project
                                                                      14,311,626.70(Note)                   Over 3 years                      30.80
          Co.,                               cooperation party
          Shenzhen Dapeng LNG Sales             Non-related
                                                                              10,032,000.00                     2-3years                      21.60
          Co., Ltd                               supplier
          JINAN POWER EQUIPMENT                 Non-related
                                                                                  3,560,000.00              Over 3 years                        7.66
          FACTORY                                supplier
                                                                                                         Within 1 year to
          Deposit receivable                                                      3,278,632.28                                                  7.06
                                                                                                            Over 3 years
          Dormitory amount receivable                                             2,083,698.16              Over 3 years                        4.49
          Total                                                               33,265,957.14                                                   71.61

Note: Represented the project development amounts paid by the Company for the joint development of Dashihu project, south river,
Huizhou with Huiyang Kangtai Industry Company in 1993. The Company withdrwal bad debt provision totally due to un-recover predicted.

5. Inventory
Classification of inventory

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                 Amount at year-end                                             Amount at year-begin
                                                       Depreciation                                                 Depreciation
                                 Book balance                            Book value              Book balance                           Book value
                   Item                                 provision                                                    provision
         Fuels                    19,011,323.33        11,309,580.52         7,701,742.81        33,903,196.77       9,299,403.20      24,603,793.57
         Raw materials           132,249,746.68        29,473,360.35 102,776,386.33 147,714,930.63                  23,275,444.95 124,439,485.68
         Land Space Needed to 1,155,612,027.2                        1,110,008,395.3 1,154,755,949.8                                 1,109,152,318.0
                                                       45,603,631.85                                                45,603,631.85
         Development (Note)                 2                                      7               5                                               0
                                 1,306,873,097.2                       1,220,486,524.5 1,336,374,077.2                               1,258,195,597.2
         Total                                         86,386,572.72                                                78,178,480.00
                                               3                                     1               5                                             5

In the balance of inventory at period-end, amount for loan pledge totally to RMB 249,444,378.95 (as at 31 December 2011: RMB
252,782,341.45). More details found in Note (V)-23

In the balance of inventory at period-end, the capitalizing loan expenses amounting to RMB 168,902,319.91 (as at 31 December 2011: RMB
168,902,319.91). The capitalizing loan expense of this year was 0 yuan

Note: the land cost for development of Shenzhong Development Co., and Shenzhong Property Investment; ended as 31 December 2012, the
affiliated buildings on the land still nor relocated.

 (2) Inventory falling price reserves
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                    Book balance           Accrual in this                 Decreased in this year                  Book balance at
                   Type             at year-begin              year                   Switch back          Write-off                  year-end
          Fuels                         9,299,403.20           2,410,863.76                          -            400,686.44           11,309,580.52
          Raw materials                23,275,444.95           6,274,028.20                          -             76,112.80          29,473,360.35
          Land Space Needed
                                       45,603,631.85                          -                      -                      -         45,603,631.85
          to Development
          Total                        78,178,480.00           8,684,891.96                          -            476,799.24          86,386,572.72

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Ended as 31st December 2012

 (3) Condition of inventory falling price reserves

                                                   Basis for accrual of    Reasons of switch back the   Amount switch back in
                          Item                   inventory falling price     reserves for inventory     inventory of balance at
                                                        reserves                  falling price             year-end (%)
                                              Cost higher the net
                                                                                       Not applicable            Not applicable
          Fuels                               realizable value
                                              Cost higher the net
                                                                                       Not applicable            Not applicable
          Raw materials                       realizable value
          Land Space Needed to Development    Cost higher the net
                                                                                       Not applicable            Not applicable
                                              realizable value

6. Other current assets
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                             Amount at
                                                                            Amount at year-end          year-begin(re-stated)
          VAT input tax deductibale (Note)                                          606,661,855.88              529,703,432.24

Note: according to the document(CK2012 No.13) issued by the ministry of finance, in case that the ending balance of
“tax payable-value-added tax payable” is recorded with debtor balance, it shall be recorded in the item of “other
current assets” or “other non-current assets” in the balance sheet based on the liquidity. If the balance is creditor’s
balance, it shall be recorded in the item of “tax payable” in the balance sheet. This year, the Group recorded the debtor’s
balance of value-added tax payable in “other current assets”, and restated the beginning amount accordingly.

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Ended as 31st December 2012

7. Long-term equity investment
Details of long-term equity investment:
                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                               Explanation on
                                                                                                                               Proportion                                         Impairm
                                                                                                                                               the incongruity in
                                                                                                              Proportion of    of     voting                                      ent
                               Calculati                                                                                                       share     holding
                                           Investment     Balance at     Increase/decrease    Balance    at   share holding    rights     in                        Impairment    provision   Cash bonus
        Invested company       on                                                                                                              proportion    and
                                           cost           year-begin     (+,-)                year-end        in    invested   invested                             provision     of           this year
                               method                                                                                                          voting proportion
                                                                                                              company (%)      company                                            accruing
                                                                                                                                               in       invested
                                                                                                                               (%)                                                this year
        Petrol-Chemical         Cost                                                           2,500,000.0                                                          2,500,000.0
                                           2,500,000.00   2,500,000.00                    -                            4.00            4.00       Not applicable                          -              -
        Tax Free Co.,          method                                                                    0                                                                    0
        CPI Jiangxi
        Nuclear Power
                                Cost       49,315,000.0   37,315,000.0    12,000,000.00(N      49,315,000.
        Co., Ltd. (“Jiangxi                                                                                           5.00            5.00       Not applicable              -           -              -
                               method                 0              0                ote)             00
        Nuclear Power
                                           51,815,000.0   39,815,000.0                         51,815,000.                                                          2,500,000.0
        Total                                                                12,000,000.00                                                                                                -              -
                                                      0              0                                 00                                                                     0
        Less: Impariment                                                                       2,500,000.0
                                                          2,500,000.00                    -
        provision                                                                                        0
        Net long-term                                     37,315,000.0                         49,315,000.
        equity investment                                            0                                 00

       Note: On 5 May 2012. Jiangxi Nuclear Power Co helding the 4th meeting of annual shareholders’ general meeting, decided to invested RMB 400,000,000.00 more, and contributed by the equity
       proportion held by shareholders. The Company holds 5% with RMB 20,000,000.00 invested. Ended as 31 December 2012, the capital 12,000,000.00 yuan was paid by the Company.

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Ended as 31st December 2012

8. Investment real estate
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                       Book balance at          Increased this        Decreased this            Book balance at
                                                         year-begin                  year                 year                     year-end
        I. Total original book value                       9,708,014.96                          -                         -       9,708,014.96
        1. House, buildings                                9,708,014.96                          -                         -       9,708,014.96
        2. Land-use right                                                -                       -                         -                      -
        II. Total accumulated depreciation and
                                                           4,835,969.89       442,685.52(Note)                             -       5,278,655.41
        accumulated amortization
        1. House, buildings                                4,835,969.89             442,685.52                             -       5,278,655.41
        2. Land-use right                                                -                       -                         -                      -
        III. Total net book value of investment
                                                           4,872,045.07                                                            4,429,359.55
        real estate
        1. House, buildings                                4,872,045.07                                                            4,429,359.55
        2. Land-use right                                                -                                                                        -
        IV. Total depreciation provision of
                                                                         -                       -                         -                      -
        investment real estate
        1. House, buildings                                              -                       -                         -                      -
        2. Land-use right                                                -                       -                         -                      -
        V. Total book value of investment real
                                                           4,872,045.07                                                            4,429,359.55
        1. House, buildings                                4,872,045.07                                                            4,429,359.55
        2. Land-use right                                                -                                                                        -

       Note: depreciation 442,685.52 yuan was accrual in this year

9. Fixed assets

(1) Change of fixed assets

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                        Item                  Book balance at                                                                  Book balance at
                                                year-begin            Increased this year        Decreased this year              year-end
       I. Total original book value:              4,460,621,647.91 15,217,022.37(Note1) 15,161,876.46(Note2)                    4,460,676,793.82
       Including: House and buildings              484,414,218.30              4,158,635.18             1,210,778.42              487,362,075.06
       Machinery equipment                        3,895,568,517.51             8,326,927.13            12,771,301.86            3,891,124,142.78
               Transportation tools                 32,237,034.62                717,866.00               639,698.00               32,315,202.62
               Other equipment                      48,401,877.48              2,013,594.06               540,098.18               49,875,373.36
       II.      Total           accumulated                          170,876,693.66(Note3
                                                  2,196,925,392.65                               1,142,769.96(Note4)            2,366,659,316.35
       depreciation:                                                                    )
       Including: House and buildings              194,831,096.80             20,480,603.99                            -          215,311,700.79
       Machinery equipment                        1,936,192,055.82           147,108,649.05               173,740.85            2,083,126,964.02
               Transportation tools                 27,154,973.22              1,377,315.38               575,728.20               27,956,560.40
               Other equipment                      38,747,266.81              1,910,125.24               393,300.91               40,264,091.14

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      III. Total net book value of fixed
                                            2,263,696,255.26                                                    2,094,017,477.47
      Including: House and buildings          289,583,121.50                                                      272,050,374.27
      Machinery equipment                   1,959,376,461.69                                                    1,807,997,178.76
              Transportation tools              5,082,061.40                                                        4,358,642.22
              Other equipment                   9,654,610.67                                                        9,611,282.22
      IV. Total impairment provision           36,592,676.00          17,324,596.66                      -         53,917,272.66
      Including: House and buildings           23,291,844.37                       -                     -         23,291,844.37
      Machinery equipment                      13,077,735.62          17,324,596.66                      -         30,402,332.28
              Transportation tools                 81,846.84                       -                     -             81,846.84
              Other equipment                     141,249.17                       -                     -            141,249.17
      V. Total book value of fixed assts    2,227,103,579.26                                                    2,040,100,204.81
      Including: House and buildings          266,291,277.13                                                      248,758,529.90
      Machinery equipment                   1,946,298,726.07                                                    1,777,594,846.48
              Transportation tools              5,000,214.56                                                        4,276,795.38
              Other equipment                   9,513,361.50                                                        9,470,033.05

      Note1: 3,143,627.64 yuan increased for purchasing and 12,073,394.73 yuan transfer in from construction in progress;
      Note 2: 1,377,239.72 yuan decreased due to disposal, and 7,274,010.00 yuan decrease from the transfer out as inventory; book
      value adjusted due to construction acceptance as 6,510,626.74 yuan;
      Note 3: depreciation accrual 170,876,693.66 yuan in this year;
      Note 4: 1,142,769.96yuan decreased due to disposal

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

       (2) Idle fixed asses temporary
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                     Original book       Accumulated           Impairment
                 Item                    value           depreciation           provision         Book value               Note
       Balance at year-begin :      577,639,507.90      482,772,181.12        11,886,196.41      82,981,130.37
       Including: Houses and
                                      23,302,622.41        7,290,364.80                     -     16,012,257.61    Wharf
                                                                                                                   Treatment line of
                                     553,917,537.49      475,104,403.12        11,886,196.41      66,926,937.96    heavy oil and
       Machinery equipment
                                                                                                                   generation unit

                                                     -                  -                   -                  -
       Transportation tools
                                         419,348.00         377,413.20                      -        41,934.80
       Balance at year-end :        628,939,358.31      523,524,022.22        28,484,216.76      76,931,119.33
       Including: Houses and                                                                                       Wharf
                                      23,302,622.41        9,498,881.82                     -     13,803,740.59
                                                                                                                   Treatment line of
                                                                                                                   heavy oil, heat
                                     605,217,387.90      513,647,727.20        28,484,216.76      63,085,443.94
       Machinery equipment                                                                                         supply line and
                                                                                                                   generation unit

                                                     -                  -                   -                  -
       Transportation tools
                                         419,348.00         377,413.20                      -        41,934.80

       (3) Fixed assets without property license obtained
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        Property license obtained
                   Item                Original value        Book value                 Reasons               date estimated
       Booster station                   11,416,072.09          7,345,724.72
       Steam turbine workshop             4,221,136.27          2,784,746.44
       Chemical water tower               7,050,395.16          4,613,657.86
       Treatment shop for heavy
                                          1,357,924.60            897,809.21
       Fire pump room                       709,475.99            468,782.85
       Circulating water pump
                                          4,487,508.99          2,953,114.34
                                                                                 In process of
       Comprehensive building             9,826,335.09          6,730,648.63     construction           End of 2013
       Production and inspection
                                          9,860,653.25          7,543,891.89
       Administrative building           10,138,618.59          7,756,368.49
       Guard room                           248,140.56            225,510.24
       Master control room                  387,221.96            351,907.40
       Turbine building and
                                         24,770,257.87         16,957,738.33
       annex building
       Plant’s ventilating system        1,287,247.17            881,249.35

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       Office building              11,621,767.07    8,289,886.68
       Draft cooling tower           7,958,561.88    5,448,431.06
       Chemical water workshop
       and foundation of water       3,782,455.60    2,589,469.21
       Industrypool and industry
                                     1,660,047.34    1,136,468.40
       pump house
       Start-up boiler house          277,381.12      189,894.97
       Oil treatment room and
                                     3,375,389.79    2,310,791.95
       oil un-loading platform
       Total                       114,436,590.39   79,476,092.02

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Ended as 31st December 2012

10. Project in construction
(1)Particulars about projects in construction:

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                          Amount at year-end                                              Amount at year-begin
                                                                             Provision for                                                    Provision for
                                                                                                 Book net amount                                                  Book net amount
                                 Item                  Book balance           devaluation                              Book balance            devaluation
        Oil to Gas Works                                 39,147,235.65         14,815,695.82        24,331,539.83        39,549,115.52          14,790,696.15        24,758,419.37
        Heat and power projects of recycling economy      9,658,977.88                       -        9,658,977.88        9,622,579.25                        -       9,622,579.25
        Equipment Improvement Project                                 -                      -                     -        545,548.53                        -         545,548.53
        Cogeneration of heat and electricity Project      9,822,910.01                       -        9,822,910.01        9,894,925.01                        -       9,894,925.01
        Sludge drying project                               521,164.00                       -         521,164.00                     -                       -                     -
        Others                                            3,068,973.26            226,400.00          2,842,573.26        2,271,897.32             226,400.00         2,045,497.32
        Total                                            62,219,260.80         15,042,095.82        47,177,164.98        61,884,065.63          15,017,096.15        46,866,969.48

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Ended as 31st December 2012

(2) Changes of significant projects in construction

                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  on      of                                          Rate of
                                                                                                                               Projec   ive amount     Including:
                                                                                                                  project                                             interest
                                                Amount at      Increase    of   Transferred        Other                       t        of             capitalizati              Capital       Amount     at
        Projects                  Budget                                                                          investme                                            capitali
                                                year-begin     this year        fixed assets       decrease                    progre   capitalizati   on        of              resources     year-end
                                                                                                                  nt      in                                          zation
                                                                                                                               ss       on        of   interest
                                                                                                                  budget                                              (%)
                                  74,400,000.   39,549,115.5    5,209,554.5                                                     60.16                                        -    Self-raise   39,147,235.6
        Oil to Gas Works                                                        5,611,434.39                  -    60.16%                          -              -
                                          00               2              2                                                        %                                                       d              5
        Heat and power                                                                                                                                                       -
                                  30,000,000.    9,622,579.2                                                                    32.20                                             Self-raise
        projects of recycling                                     36,398.63                    -              -    32.20%                          -              -                            9,658,977.88
                                          00               5                                                                       %                                                       d
        Equipment                                               1,735,664.6                                                                                                  -    Self-raise
                                                 545,548.53                     2,281,213.18                  -                                    -              -                                        -
        Improvement Project                                               5                                                                                                                d
                                                                                                                                                                             -    Self-raise
        Cogeneration of heat                     9,894,925.0    1,809,418.5                        1,881,433
                                                                                               -                                        676,760.53                -                   d and    9,822,910.01
        and electricity Project                            1              0                              .50
                                                                                                                                                                             -    Self-raise
        Sludge drying project                              -    658,466.00       137,302.00                   -                                    -              -                              521,164.00
                                                 2,271,897.3    5,191,247.8                        350,726.7                                                                 -    Self-raise
        Others                                                                  4,043,445.16                                                       -              -                            3,068,973.26
                                                           2              9                                9                                                                               d
                                                 61,884,065.    14,640,750.     12,073,394.7       2,232,160                                                                                   62,219,260.8
        Total                                                                                                                           676,760.53                -
                                                          63            19                 3             .29                                                                                              0

        (3) Depreciation reserves of construction in progress
                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

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Ended as 31st December 2012

                              Item                  Amount at year-begin         Increase of this year           Decrease of this year       Amount at year-end            Reasons of accrual
       Oil to Gas Works                                     14,790,696.15                     24,999.67                                  -           14,815,695.82         In idle condition
       Wharf transformation                                    226,400.00                                -                               -              226,400.00
       Total                                                15,017,096.15                     24,999.67                                  -           15,042,095.82

       (4)Idle construction in progress temporary
                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                           Amount at year-end                                                       Amount at year-begin
                              Item                    Book balance         Depreciation reserve      Net book value              Book balance       Depreciation reserve       Net book value
        Oil to Gas Works (Note)                          39,147,235.65           14,815,695.82               24,331,539.83          39,549,115.52         14,790,696.15           24,758,419.37

Note: being approved by 26th meeting of 5th session of the Board, the circulation unit 7# and 9# have been closed for oil to gas works

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

11. Intangible assets

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                       Book balance at          Increase of this       Decrease of this        Book balance at
                                                          year-begin                 year                   year                  year-end
                                                            98,707,995.21                                      43,240.00        100,768,678.72
          I.    Total book original value                                                    e1)
          Including: land use right                         95,732,047.88           1,881,433.50               43,240.00         97,570,241.38
          Software                                           2,975,947.33            222,490.01                           -       3,198,437.34
                                                            29,785,392.88                                                 -      33,182,100.66
          II. Total accumulated amortization                                                 e2)
          Including: land use right                         29,225,253.44           2,996,836.02                          -      32,222,089.46
          Software                                            560,139.44             399,871.76                           -         960,011.20
          III. Total net value of Intangible
                                                            68,922,602.33                                                        67,586,578.06
          Including: land use right (Note 5)                66,506,794.44                                                        65,348,151.92
          Software                                           2,415,807.89                                                         2,238,426.14
          IV. Total provision for devaluation                5,115,063.71                          -                      -        5,115,063.71
          Including: land use right                          5,115,063.71                          -                      -        5,115,063.71
          Software                                                      -                          -                      -                      -
          V. Total book value of intangible assets          63,807,538.62                                                        62,471,514.35
          Including: land use right (Note3)                 61,391,730.73                                                        60,233,088.21
                  Software                                   2,415,807.89                                                         2,238,426.14

Note1: acquisition in this year increase totally RMB 222,490.01; RMB 1,881,433.50 increased from transfer in from construction in
Note2: intangible assets amortized totally RMB 3,396,707.78 in this year
Note 3: ended as 31 December 2012, property license of book value of land use right for the Group amounting as RMB 485,717.98 (on
31 December 2011: RMB 589,611.99)

12. Long-term expense to be amortized

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                              Increase      Amortization             Other                         Reasons for
                                              Amount at     amount of this amount of this          decreased       Amount at      other decrease
                      Item                    year-begin        year           year                 amount          year-end
         Improvements expenses of
         fixed assets from operating            95,810.84                   -      49,988.16                   -     45,822.68 Not applicable

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Ended as 31st December 2012

13. Deferred income tax assets

(1) Deferred income tax confirmed
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                         Item                                      Amount at year-end            Amount at year-begin
           Deferred income tax assets:
           Provision for bad debts of accounts receivable                                     1,105,382.04                   1,105,382.04
           Other provision for bad debts of accounts receivable                                 185,396.25                   1,010,200.86
           Provision for inventory devaluation                                                            -                    100,171.61
           Staff salary payable                                                                 728,465.50                     627,581.00
           Provision for devaluation of long-term equity investment                             625,000.00                     625,000.00
           Other                                                                                138,303.09                     245,778.80
           Total                                                                              2,782,546.88                   3,714,114.31

Deductable temporary difference and deductable losses for unconfirmed deferred income tax assets
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                         Item                                      Amount at year-end            Amount at year-begin
           Deductable losses                                                                622,946,190.19                 484,508,965.20
           Deductable temporary difference                                                  258,661,445.72                 192,293,490.13
           Total                                                                            881,607,635.91                 676,802,455.34

Due to the Company's future availability of sufficient taxable income is uncertain, so the above mentioned deductible temporary differences
and deductible losses are not recognized as deferred income tax assets.
(3) The deductible losses of unrealized deferred income tax assets will expire in the following year

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                         Year                                      Amount at year-end            Amount at year-begin
           2012                                                                                           -                 37,464,387.00
           2013                                                                              67,574,712.81                  67,627,487.41
           2014                                                                             106,325,984.58                 124,132,588.65
           2015                                                                             170,621,712.27                 171,048,356.67
           2016                                                                              84,236,145.47                  84,236,145.47
           2017                                                                             194,187,635.06                               -
           Total                                                                            622,946,190.19                 484,508,965.20

(4)Details of deductible temporary difference
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  Amount of temporary
                                                            Item                                                      difference
           Amount at year-end
           Items of deductible temporary difference:
           Bad debt provision for Account receivable                                                                         4,421,528.16
           Bad debt provision for Other receivable                                                                             741,585.00

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Ended as 31st December 2012

       Provision for Inventory                                                                                                               -
       payable employees’ wages and salaries                                                                                 2,913,862.00
       Impairment for long-term equity investment                                                                             2,500,000.00
       Others                                                                                                                   553,212.37
       Total                                                                                                                 11,130,187.53
       Amount at year-begin
       Items of deductible temporary difference:
       Bad debt provision for Account receivable                                                                              4,421,528.16
       Bad debt provision for Other receivable                                                                                4,040,803.43
       Provision for Inventory                                                                                                  400,686.44
       payable employees’ wages and salaries                                                                                 2,510,324.00
       Impairment for long-term equity investment                                                                             2,500,000.00
       Others                                                                                                                   983,115.22
       Total                                                                                                                 14,856,457.25

      14. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                          Amount at year-end            Amount at year-begin
       Project of LNG (Note)                                                                  22,309,256.78                  22,298,256.78
       Land account paid in advance                                                                        -                  1,730,000.00
       Account of projects paid in advance                                                         7,868.70                     836,460.20
       Total                                                                                  22,317,125.48                  24,864,716.98

     Note: the project was jointly constructed by Weimei Power Company and Guangdong Dapeng Liquid Natural Gas Co.,
     Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Dapeng LNG). According to the contract signed between the two parties, before the project involved
     by this construction acquired approval from the relevant national authorities, the ownership belongs to both parties. After such
     approval, Dapeng LNG will acquire LNG project. Thus, Weimei Power Company recorded it under the item of “other
     non-current assets”.

      15. Details of assets depreciation reserves
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                              Book balance at                                 Decrease this year           Book balance at
                    Item                        year-begin          Increase this year   Carry-back        Write-off          year-end
       I. Bad debt provision                    36,071,842.26                        -                -   1,496,448.19       34,575,394.07
       II. Provision for inventory              78,178,480.00           8,684,891.96                  -    476,799.24        86,386,572.72
       III. Impairment for long-term
                                                 2,500,000.00                        -                -                -      2,500,000.00
        equity investment
       IV. Impairment      for    fixed
                                                36,592,676.00          17,324,596.66                  -                -     53,917,272.66
       V.      Impariement           for
                                                15,017,096.15               24,999.67                 -                -     15,042,095.82
       construction in progress
       VI.      Impariement          for
                                                 5,115,063.71                        -                -                -      5,115,063.71
       intangible assets
       VII. Other impairment                                    -                    -                -                -                     -
       Total                                   173,475,158.12          26,034,488.29                  -   1,973,247.43      197,536,398.98

      16. Short-term loans
                                                                                                                                     - 59 -

财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                Amount at year-end              Amount at year-begin
      Guarantee loans                                                      1,181,361,552.86(Note)                 1,110,000,000.00
      Credit loans                                                               2,029,000,000.00                 2,155,824,953.89
      Total                                                                      3,210,361,552.86                 3,265,824,953.89

     Note: loan guarantee RMB 1,181,361,552.86 was provided by the Company for every subsidiaries.

      17. Note payable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                 Classification                           Amount at year-end              Amount at year-begin
      Bank acceptance                                                               29,670,000.00                   43,820,200.00

      Amount due at next accounting period amounting as RMB 29,670,000.00. Ended as 31 December 2012, the guarantee provided to
      Zhongshan Power Company for note payable issued amounting as RMB 23,736,000.00

      18. Account payable

      (1)Details of account payable:

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                             Item                                Amount at year-end         Amount at year-begin
       Guangdong Trade Branch of CNOOC Gas & Power Group                               25,632,232.08              181,779,179.15
       Guangzhou Dongli Gas Co., Ltd.                                                  17,685,792.63                3,125,154.90
       Guangdong Guoyu Energy Co., Ltd.                                                11,091,881.96                             -
       Guangzhou Yuanheng Energy Co., Ltd.                                              3,103,128.33                             -
       China Petroleum Zhongtai Logistic (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.                             2,866,944.42                             -
       Zhongshan Bailing Trade Co., Ltd.                                                2,823,942.48                             -
       Shenzhen Xishun Industrial Development Co., Ltd                                  1,426,651.34                             -
       Shenyang Electric Power Design Institution                                       1,000,000.00                7,315,553.15
       Zhanjiang Hengyuan Transport Co., Ltd                                                          -             5,646,006.85
       Shenzhen Nangang Power Project Co., Ltd                                            761,052.00                3,779,052.00
       Shenzhen Xishun Transport      Industrial Co., Ltd                                             -             2,559,469.44
       Xin’ao Energy Logistic Co., ltd.                                                              -             1,041,630.24
       Shanshan Transport Branch of Xinjiang Guanghui LNG Co., Ltd.                                   -             1,000,000.00
       Wuxi ShijiaThermal Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                         -               662,469.80
       Huasheng Filters (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                                          -               608,369.23
       Other                                                                            4,578,824.67                7,232,004.90
       Total                                                                           70,970,449.91              214,748,889.66

       (2)There are no fund of shareholders with 5%(including 5%) or more of the voting shares in the
      company in the balances of accounts payable in the report period.

      (3)Explanation of major account payable with over one account age

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

                                                                                                                       Payment after
                                                                                                   Reasons for
                    Name of supplier                     Amount              Account age                               balance sheet
       Shenyang Electric Power Design                                                                                                  -
                                                         1,000,000.00          1-2 years         No urge received
       Shenzhen South Harbor Power                                                                                                     -
                                                           761,052.00          2-3 years         No urge received
       Engineering Co., Ltd.
       Total                                             1,761,052.00                                                                  -

      19. Account received in advance

      (1) Details of account received in advance :

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                          Item                                         Amount at year-end        Amount at year-begin
       Transfer amount for unit capacity received in advance                                   14,586,000.00           14,586,000.00

      (2) There is no advance fund of shareholders with 5% (including 5%) or more of the voting shares in the company in the balances
      of advance payment in the report period.

      (3)The age of balance of RMB14, 586,000.00 received in advance from Shenzhen Energy Corporation Co., Ltd. (Energy
     Corporation) exceeded 1 year. Since the relevant project had not obtained approval from the NDRC, ended as 31 December 2012,
     no income was carried forward at the end of the year.

      20. Wages payable
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                         Item                      Book balance at       Increase this year    Decrease this year    Book balance at
                                                     year-begin                                                         year-end
       I. wages, bonuses, allowances and
                                                      26,976,044.97         99,840,933.00          99,580,257.29        27,236,720.68
       II. Welfare for employee                                      -                     -                     -                     -
       III. Social insurance                             865,434.98         16,408,566.68          16,517,223.65           756,778.01
       Including: Medical insurance                      114,569.85           4,927,731.56          4,895,116.53           147,184.88
                Endowment insurance                      649,218.01         10,814,892.78          11,001,354.30           462,756.49
                Unemployment insurance                    38,621.28             143,166.17            132,528.23            49,259.22
                Work injury insurance                     61,567.18             496,818.94            463,876.53            94,509.59
                Maternity insurance                        1,458.66              25,957.23             24,348.06             3,067.83
       IV. Housing provident fund                        629,823.99           7,137,736.73          7,180,786.90           586,773.82
       V. Union funds and staff education
                                                       1,693,620.72           1,910,233.61          2,130,165.70         1,473,688.63
       VI. Non-monetary welfare                                      -          520,896.53            506,379.64            14,516.89
       VII. Compensation for labor contract
                                                                     -                     -                     -                     -
       VIII. Enterprise annuities                      2,510,324.00           4,612,730.00          1,783,123.61         5,339,930.39
       IX. Other                                          16,425.38              80,890.96             74,392.51            22,923.83
       Total                                          32,691,674.04        130,511,987.51         127,772,329.30        35,431,332.25

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

      There is no fund in arrears in salaries payable to staff.

      21. Taxes payable
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                  Amount at year-end             Amount at
       VAT                                                                             167,735.99                  619,745.71
       Business tax                                                                   2,143,160.85               2,835,558.63
       Enterprise income tax                                                        (5,346,413.09)              (2,823,965.65)
       Individual income tax                                                          2,202,475.60               3,411,627.24
       Land-use tax of town                                                           1,128,785.75               1,128,579.70
       Real estate tax                                                                2,247,122.42               2,084,520.46
       Others                                                                          418,572.85                  546,572.25
       Total                                                                          2,961,440.37               7,802,638.34

      22. Interest payable
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                  Amount at year-end        Amount at year-begin
       Long-term loan interest of installment and interest charges                       28,200.00                  45,825.00
       Interest payable of short-term loan                                           31,299,179.48              32,117,393.58
       Xingzhong Group                                                               54,905,096.34              43,299,375.93
       Total                                                                         86,232,475.82              75,462,594.51

      23. Other account payable

      (1)Details of other account payable:
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                         Item                                  Amount at year-end      Amount at year-begin
       XINGZHONG GROUP                                                         182,152,108.65(Note1)           182,152,108.65
       Dongguan Weimei Ceramics Industry Park Co., Ltd. (“Weimei Ceramics
                                                                                       36,334,698.30            36,385,912.01
       Bureau of Finance of Zhongshan Municipality                              24,321,200.00(Note2)            24,321,200.00
       Temporary option contract amount                                         13,250,331.05(Note3)            13,248,696.81
       Quality guarantee deposite                                                       8,907,601.04            10,554,569.41
       Shenzhen South Harbor Power Engineering Co., Ltd.                                6,417,095.00            32,426,503.00
       Project expense                                                                  5,617,379.33            17,267,313.76
       Gas Technology Branch of Xindi Energy Engineering Technology Co.,
                                                                                        3,069,059.79            11,411,059.79
       Shenzhen Eastern Engineering Co., Ltd.                                           2,311,894.16             5,771,332.22
       Housing reform fund                                                              1,202,934.95             1,202,934.95
       Grants for Board of Directors                                                    1,089,168.75             1,947,795.34
       Wuxi ShijiaThermal Equipment Co., Ltd.                                           1,088,000.00             1,088,000.00
       Land use charge of Tangxia Village                                               1,014,930.00                           -
       Shenzhen Hengfulin Construction Decoration Design Engineering Co.,
                                                                                          800,643.46             1,402,704.46

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

       Hangzhou Boiler Plant Engineering Materials Co., Ltd.                                   633,589.74                     1,340,189.74
       Guangdong Trade Branch of CNOOC Gas & Power Group                                       438,720.00                     1,420,854.92
       Nanjing Nangang Power Equipment Installation Co., Ltd.                                  186,964.10                     3,412,800.00
       Sinopec Construction Co., Ltd.                                                                       -                 1,688,000.00
       Guangdong Industrial Equipment Installment Co., Ltd.                                                 -                 1,416,349.41
       Other                                                                                14,191,410.99                    10,139,055.53
       Total                                                                               303,027,729.31                 358,597,380.00

    Note 1: represented the amounts borrowed by Shenzhong Development Company from Xingzhong Group with the land use right and
    fixed assets owned by it as the pledge.
     Note 2: represented the amounts borrowed by Shenzhong Development Company from the
          Treasury bureau of Zhongshan city.
       Note3: more details found in Note (VII) “Contingency”

     (2) There are no unit conditions of shareholders with 5% (including 5%) or more of the voting shares in the company in the balances
     of other account payable in the report period.

        (3) Other account payable of more than one year is of RMB 249,051,475.88 (December 31, 2011: RMB 256,961,536.35), which
      is mainly the money borrowed by Shenzhong Development Company from Xingzhong Group and Zhongshan Financial Bureau.

      24. Non-current liabilities due within one year

      (1)Details of non-current liability due within one year:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                          Item                                        Amount at year-end            Amount at year-begin
       Long-term loans due within one year                                                                      -          50,000,000.00

      (2) Long-term loans due within one year
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                          Item                                         Amount at year-end            Amount at year-begin
       Guarantee loans                                                                                          -      50,000,000.00(Note)

      Note: Amount at year-begin is the guarantee provided for Zhongshan Power Company by the Company as RMB 50,000,000.00

       25. Long-term loans
       (1)Classification of long-term loans
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                          Item                                        Amount at year-end            Amount at year-begin
       Guarantee loan                                                                  16,000,000.00(Note)                  26,000,000.00

      The annual interest of the above loan is from 5.90% to 6.35% (in 2011: 6.35%).
      Note: the loans guanrantee provided to Environment Protection Co., by the Company, RMB 16,000,000.00

      (2) The   top five long-term loans in amount
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                             Commenc        Ending      Currenc                       Amount at year-end            Amount at year-begin
           Credit units                                               Rate (%)
                              ement         date of        y                         Amount        RMB              Amount        RMB

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                                  date of          loan                                      of foreign      amount      of foreign      amount
                                   loan                                                      currency                    currency
       Shenzhen Jingtian
       Branch of China          2009.11.0       2017.09.2                5.90%~6.35                         16,000,00                   26,000,00
       Merchants Bank              6                0                            %                               0.00                        0.00
       Co., Ltd.

      26. Other non-current liability
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                Item                                           Amount at year-end        Amount at year-begin
       Treasury subsidies for sludge drying                                                               4,611,250.00                4,866,250.00
       Support fund of recycling economy for sludge drying                                                1,651,041.62                 238,541.66
       Subsidy for project of low-nitrogen transformation for welcoming the
                                                                                                       35,755,787.59                              -
       Universiade (Note)
       Support fund of enterprise informationalization                                                     514,901.96                             -
       Subsidy for energy-saving technology reform                                                        1,482,484.47                            -
       Total                                                                                           44,015,465.64                  5,104,791.66

     Note: according to the circular (SRH2011 No.270) issued by Shenzhen Human Environment Commission and Shenzhen Finance
     Commission, the Company received special subsidy of RMB37,032,780.00 as subsidy for creating superior environment quality to
     welcome the universiade held in Shenzhen. The special subsidy was applied by the Company in its low nitrogen upgrade project of
     its generator sets. The Company realized this government grant as deferred income upon receipt. The amortization amount of this
     year was RMB1,276,992.41.

      27. Share capital
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                             Amount at                           Chanes in this year                             Amount at
                   Item                      year-begin       Bonus shares           Other                  Subtotal              year-end
      I. Restricted shares
       1.state-owned shares                               -                  -                    -                      -                        -
       2. shares held by
                                                          -                  -                    -                      -                        -
       state-owned companies
       3. shares held by other
                                                 18,263.00                   -                    -                      -               18,263.00
       domestic investors
       4. shares held by foreign
                                                          -                  -                    -                      -                        -
      Total restricted shaers                    18,263.00                   -                    -                      -               18,263.00
      II. Unrestricted shares
      1. RMB common shares                  338,894,012.00                   -                    -                      -       338,894,012.00
      2. Domestically listed
                                            263,850,321.00                   -                    -                      -       263,850,321.00
      foreign shares
      3. Overseas listed foreign
                                                          -                  -                    -                      -                        -
      4.other                                             -                  -                    -                      -                        -
      Total unrestricted shaers             602,744,333.00                   -                    -                      -       602,744,333.00
      III. Total shares                     602,762,596.00                   -                    -                      -       602,762,596.00

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      I. Restricted shares
       1.state-owned shares                          -                 -                   -                      -                        -
       2. shares held by
                                                     -                 -                   -                      -                        -
       state-owned companies
       3. shares held by other
                                             12,993.00                 -           5,270.00                5,270.00             18,263.00
       domestic investors
       4. shares held by foreign
                                                     -                 -                   -                      -                        -
      Total restricted shaers                12,993.00                 -           5,270.00                5,270.00             18,263.00
      II. Unrestricted shares
      1. RMB common shares              338,895,157.00                 -         (1,145.00)              (1,145.00)        338,894,012.00
      2. Domestically listed
                                        263,854,446.00                 -         (4,125.00)              (4,125.00)        263,850,321.00
      foreign shares
      3. Overseas listed foreign
                                                     -                 -                   -                      -                        -
      4.other                                        -                 -                   -                      -                        -
      Total unrestricted shaers         602,749,603.00                 -         (5,270.00)              (5,270.00)        602,744,333.00
      III. Total shares                 602,762,596.00                 -                   -                      -        602,762,596.00

      28.Capital reserve
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                Item                           Amount at        Increase in the       Decrease in the       Amount at
                                                               year-begin            year                  year              year-end
       Capital premium                                     233,998,444.00                         -                   -    233,998,444.00
       Including: investors’ capital                      215,487,650.42                         -                   -    215,487,650.42
       Balance caused by the acquisition of minority                                                                  -
                                                               18,510,793.58                      -                         18,510,793.58
       Other capital surplus                               129,631,483.51               3,519.33                      -    129,635,002.84
       Including: capital surplus transferred from                                                -                   -
                                                           129,631,483.51                                                  129,631,483.51
       original system
       Total                                               363,629,927.51               3,519.33                      -    363,633,446.84
       Capital premium                                     233,998,444.00                         -                   -    233,998,444.00
       Including: investors’ capital                      215,487,650.42                         -                   -    215,487,650.42
       Balance caused by the acquisition of minority                                              -                   -
                                                               18,510,793.58                                                18,510,793.58
       Other capital surplus                               129,631,483.51                         -                   -    129,631,483.51
       Including: capital surplus transferred from                                                -                   -
                                                           129,631,483.51                                                  129,631,483.51
       original system
       Total                                               363,629,927.51                         -                   -    363,629,927.51

      29. Reserve surplus
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Item                Amount at year-begin     Increase in the year    Decrease in the year         Amount at year-end
       legal surplus reserve                  310,158,957.87                        -                         -            310,158,957.87

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       Discretionary surplus                                                         -                          -            22,749,439.73
       reserve                                  22,749,439.73
       Total                                   332,908,397.60                        -                          -          332,908,397.60
       legal surplus reserve                   310,158,957.87                        -                          -          310,158,957.87
       Discretionary surplus
       reserve                                  22,749,439.73                        -                          -            22,749,439.73
       Total                                   332,908,397.60                        -                          -          332,908,397.60

      30. Retained profit
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                              Amount                     Rato of withdrawal or
       Retained profit at year-begin                                                        454,070,630.72
       Add: net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                     (204,455,643.36)
       Less: withdrawal of statutory surplus reserve                                                        -
       Common Stock dividend payable                                                                        -
       Retained profit at period-end                                                        249,614,987.36
       Retained profit at year-begin                                                        436,541,567.35
       Add: net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company                        17,529,063.37
       Less: withdrawal of statutory surplus reserve                                                        -
       Common Stock dividend payable                                                                        -
       Retained profit at year-end                                                          454,070,630.72

      Note: being deliberated and approved in 13th meeting of 6th session of the Board, the Company has no profit distribute for year of
      2012 and no capitaling of capital reserves either

    30. Operating income, operating cost
    (1) Operating income
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                        Item                                       Amount in this year              Amount at last year
       Main business income                                                              1,264,057,768.49                2,294,084,960.04
       Other business income                                                                1,387,999.80                   121,732,770.31
       Operating cost                                                                    2,087,264,770.22                3,589,704,382.71

      (2) Main business (by industries)

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                   Amount in this year                               Amount at last year
                Industry               Operating income          Operating cost          Operating income               Operating cost
       Energy Industry                  1,211,995,839.00         2,051,647,473.35           2,213,598,887.61             3,415,425,758.86
       Engineering labors and
                                           12,160,000.00             11,111,944.29             27,271,138.96                15,060,357.05

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       Other income                           39,901,929.49              20,811,326.18              53,214,933.47               37,681,376.60
       Total                               1,264,057,768.49          2,083,570,743.82            2,294,084,960.04          3,468,167,492.51

     (3) Main business (by products)
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                      Amount in this year                                 Amount at last year
                 Products                Operating income            Operating cost           Operating income            Operating cost
       Electricity sales                   1,199,787,354.02          2,034,241,697.87            2,176,379,260.21          3,376,806,451.46
       Heat sales                              4,683,808.67             10,613,093.88                8,338,395.95               13,251,499.50
       Sale of fuel oil                        7,524,676.31               6,792,681.60              27,140,219.45               23,455,057.32
       Engineering labors and
                                              12,160,000.00              11,111,944.29              27,271,138.96               15,060,357.05
       Sludge drying                          36,651,416.83             19,092,809.55               27,929,280.47               14,917,789.76
       Equipment sales                                       -                         -            25,285,653.00               22,763,586.84
       Other income                            3,250,512.66               1,718,516.63               1,741,012.00                1,912,750.58
       Total                               1,264,057,768.49          2,083,570,743.82            2,294,084,960.04          3,468,167,492.51

     (4) Main business (by areas)
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                       Amount in this year                                 Amount at last year
                    Areas                 Operating income            Operating cost           Operating income            Operating cost
      Domestic                               1,253,817,768.49           2,074,112,596.63           2,265,634,158.00           3,444,875,457.59
      Overseas                                     10,240,000.00             9,458,147.19             28,450,802.04              23,292,034.92
      Total                                  1,264,057,768.49           2,083,570,743.82           2,294,084,960.04           3,468,167,492.51

    (5) Condition of operating income of top 5 clients
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                        Proportion in total
                                          Clients                                          Operating income
                                                                                                                      operating income (%)
       Guangdong Power Grid Corporation                                                        1,200,156,511.63                         94.84
       Shenzhen Water Bureau                                                                      36,651,416.83                            2.90
       Wuhan Power          Gas Turbine Co., Ltd                                                   6,900,000.00                            0.55
       Maoming Tianyuan Commerce and Trade Development Company                                     6,731,995.97                            0.53
       China Tianchen Engineering Corporation                                                      2,240,000.00                            0.18
       Total                                                                                   1,252,679,924.43                         99.00

    32. Operating tax and addition
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                    Item                Amount in this year        Amount at last year                     Taxation standard
       Business tax                            6,578,864.91               6,358,100.85      3% or 5% of the taxation income
       City maintenance tax                         560,485.73            3,544,640.66      1%, 5% or 7% of the turnover tax paid
       Others                                       483,999.56            2,672,247.40
       Total                                   7,623,350.20             12,574,988.91

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     33. Management expenses
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                               Item                Amount in this year         Amount at last year
      Salary                                                               48,241,551.79              41,692,104.04
      Taxes                                                                 7,159,268.11                7,299,465.03
      Leasing expenses                                                      5,924,195.12                6,978,347.03
      Entertainment expense                                                 5,185,841.23                5,258,373.43
      Vehicles expenses                                                     4,220,117.53                4,095,752.61
      Expenses for agency appointment                                       3,991,574.10                3,171,158.21
      Depreciation expense                                                  3,535,760.60                2,247,307.79
      Expenses from the Board                                               3,443,124.05                4,624,007.48
      Amortization of intangible assets                                     2,675,750.95                2,594,554.53
      Sundry expenses                                                       2,473,787.91                1,733,040.18
      Environmental expense                                                 2,010,699.98                1,859,562.54
      Communication charge                                                  1,393,616.92                  913,552.17
      Property expense                                                      1,240,239.76                1,653,733.44
      Stock charge                                                            974,949.43                1,006,927.40
      Business traveling charge                                               902,760.54                  959,815.57
      Expenses for enterprise culture                                         803,270.80                1,296,443.47
      Office expenses                                                         521,699.05                1,472,322.66
      Long-term expense for amortized                                          49,988.16                  157,950.10
      Verification fee for projects                                                      -                130,397.00
      Gains on physical inventory                                                        -            (4,871,794.87)
      Other                                                                11,040,376.51              13,265,865.83
      Total                                                              105,788,572.54               97,538,885.64

    34. Financial expenses
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                         Item                Amount in this year             Amount at last year
       Interest expenditure                                         247,070,737.79                  246,051,596.92
       Less : capitalized interest expenses                                        -                 44,697,588.67
       Less : interest income                                          5,273,117.21                    6,681,077.09
       Exchange differential                                            315,433.88                      475,293.52
       Other                                                           5,451,929.06                    9,149,725.22
       Total                                                        247,564,983.52                  204,297,949.90

      35. Impairment of Assets
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                        Item                 Amount in this year             Amount at last year
       I. Loss on bad debt                                                         -                   1,175,743.88
       II. Inventory loss                                              8,684,891.96                  15,854,028.57
       III. Impairment loss of long-term equity investment           17,324,596.66                     6,265,762.65

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       IV. Impairment loss of construction in progress                                         24,999.67                     226,400.00
       V. Impairment loss of other assets                                                               -                              -
       Total                                                                               26,034,488.29                   23,521,935.10

      36. Return on investment

      (1)Details of return on investment
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                       Amount in this year           Amount at last year
       Long-term equity return on Investment calculated by equity
                                                                                                        -              (90,201,890.81)
       Return on investment dispodal for long-term equity investment                                    -              113,531,216.51
       Total                                                                                            -               23,329,325.70

      (2) Long-term equity return on Investment calculated by equity method
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
          Invested unit      Amount in this year       Amount at last year                 Reasons of changes(+,-) y-o-y
       Jiangxi CPIC
       Xinchang Power
       Co., Ltd.
                                                  -         (90,201,890.81)   The company has been disposed in 2011
       (“ Jiangxi

      37. Non-operating income

    (1) Details of non-operating income:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  Amount reckoned in
                              Item                              Amount in this year      Amount at last year     current non-operating
       Total profits of disposal of he non-current assets               1,338,332.91             4,732,446.60               1,338,332.91
       Including: Profit of disposal of fixed assets                    1,338,332.91             4,732,446.60               1,338,332.91
       Government subsidy                                            852,344,961.82         1,292,207,296.10                2,217,106.02
       VAT return on impor&export of natural gas               125,023,871.96(Note)           214,622,872.15            125,023,871.96
       Other                                                             497,451.77              5,228,236.41                 497,451.77
       Total                                                         979,204,618.46         1,516,790,851.26            129,076,762.66

    Note : represented the added value tax returns of RMB 93,154,410.38 and RMB 31,869,461.58 for the natural gas obtained
    respectively by the Company and Weimei Power Company from Guangdong Trade Branch of CNOOC Gas & Power Group.

    (2) Particulars about governmental subsidies
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

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                              Item                          Amount in this year       Amount at last year              Note
       Income from fuel subsidies                                 375,131,800.00           636,055,900.00             Note1
       Subsidies income of fuel processing fee                    474,996,055.80           655,906,187.76             Note2
       Specific fund of energy-saving                                 530,000.00                            -

       Government bond subsidy for sludge drying                      255,000.00                233,750.00

       Support fund of recycling economy for sludge
                                                                       87,500.04                 11,458.34
       Subsidy for project of low-nitrogen                          1,276,992.41                            -
       transformation for welcoming the Universiade
       Support fund of enterprise informationalization                   5,098.04                           -
       Subsidy for energy-saving technology reform                     62,515.53                            -
       Total                                                      852,344,961.82          1,292,207,296.10
     Note 1: Pursuant to the calculation method required by the Notice on Issuance of Provisional Collection of Gas and Fuel Processing
     Subsidy to Support the Peak Power Scheme of Local Burning Machine Power Plants (SFB No.74(2010)) issued by people
     municipality of Shenzhen, the Reply for Confirming the Power Generation Subsidy Scheme for Shenzhen Burning Machine Power
     Plants for 2011 (SZSITIC No.207(2010)), the Notice on Continuous Collection of Gas and Fuel Processing Subsidy to Support the
     Peak Power Generation Losses of Local Burning Machine Power Plants (SZSITIC No.2062011)) and the Notice on Issuance of
     Provisional Rules for Management over Power Subsidy of Shenzhen Local Fuel (Gas) Machine sets (SFB No.54(2009)) issued by
     people municipality of Shenzhen, the Company recognized fuel subsidy income of RMB 375,131,800.00for the year of 2012.

     Note 2: Pursuant to the Notice on Provisional Collection of Gas and Fuel processing fees (YFHNo.31 (2008)) issued by people
     municipality of Guangdong and relevant regulation from Price Bureau of Guangdong Province, the fuel processing fees recognized
     for year of 2012 by Zhongshan Power Company and Weimei Power Company amounting as RMB 474,996,055.80

     38. Non-operating expense
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                Amount reckoned into
                              Item                          Amount in this year       Amount at last year           gains/losses
       Gains and loss of disposal of fixed assets                     202,167.83              4,985,709.23                202,167.83
       Expenses from external donation                                  1,655.55                240,000.00                    1,655.55
       Other                                                            6,785.76                            -                 6,785.76
       Total                                                          210,609.14              5,225,709.23                210,609.14

    39. Income tax expenses
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                             Item                                        Amount in this year      Amount at last year
       Current income tax calculated based on tax laws and relevant regulations                  1,927,538.45          12,313,851.50
       Deferred income tax adjustment                                                              931,567.43             910,290.83
       Total                                                                                     2,859,105.88          13,224,142.33

      Income Tax Expense and Reconciliation of Accounting Profit are as follow:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                             Item                                        Amount in this year      Amount at last year
       Accounting profit                                                                     (232,145,002.51)          22,255,754.48

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       Income tax expense calculated by tax rate of 25 %( last year: 24%)                        (58,036,250.63)            5,341,381.08
       Tax impact on non-deductible expense                                                           438,816.37            1,108,326.18
       Tax impact on tax-free income                                                                           -           20,169,767.51
       Tax impact on unrecognized deductible tax losses and deductible temporary
                                                                                                   59,753,554.44           10,880,622.62
       Use previous tax impact on unrecognized deductible tax losses and deductible
                                                                                                  (4,554,630.77)         (36,005,107.29)
       temporary differences
       Changes of opening deferred tax/debt balance caused by tax rate adjustment                              -             (43,577.10)
       Impact of inconsistent tax rates in the subsidiary companies of other areas                  4,650,621.43           11,772,729.33
       Adjusted previous income tax                                                                   606,995.04                           -
       Income tax expense                                                                           2,859,105.88           13,224,142.33

      40. Calculation of basic EPS and diluted EPS
      Current net profit attributable to shareholder of parent company while calculating the basic EPS:

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                        Item                                         Amount in this year           Amount at last year
      Current net profit attributable to shareholder of parent company                     (204,455,643.36)                 17,529,063.37
      Including: Net profit attributable to sustainable operation                          (204,455,643.36)                 17,529,063.37
                 Net profit attributable to termination of operation                                       -                                   -

      When calculating basic earnings per share, the denominator is the weighted average of common
      shares outstanding. The calculation process is as follow:
                                                                                         Unit: Share
                                        Item                                         Amount in this year           Amount at last year
      Numbers of common shares outstanding at the beginning of year                             602,762,596                   602,762,596
      Plus: weighted average of common shares outstanding this year                                        -                                   -
      Minus: the weighted number of common shares repurchased this year                                    -                                   -
      Weighted average of common shares outstanding at the end of year                          602,762,596                   602,762,596

       Earnings per share
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                        Item                                         Amount in this year           Amount at last year
      Calculated according to the net profits attributable to shareholders of
      the parent company:
      Basic earnings per share                                                                        (0.34)                             0.03
      Diluted earnings per share                                                              Not applicable                Not applicable
      Calculated according to the net profits of sustainable operations
      attributable to shareholders of the parent company:
      Basic earnings per share                                                                        (0.34)                             0.03
      Diluted earnings per share                                                              Not applicable                Not applicable
      Calculated according to the net profits of discontinued operations
      attributable to the shareholders of the parent company:
      Basic earnings per share                                                                             -                                   -

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      Diluted earnings per share                                            Not applicable                Not applicable

     The Company has no diluted earnings per share, as the Company has no potential common shares
     with dilution.
      41. Notes to item of cash flow statement

      (1)Cash received and related to other operation activities
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                       Item                        Amount in this year           Amount at last year
       Income of fuel subsidies                                           772,941,223.00               870,805,655.00
       Government subsidies received                                       41,112,780.00                                -
       Interest income                                                      5,273,117.21                  6,681,077.09
       Return on VAT for natural gas import                               125,023,871.96               214,622,872.15
       Other                                                                1,703,464.81                  3,422,084.62
       Total                                                              946,054,456.98              1,095,531,688.86

      (2)Cash paid for other operating activities
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                         Item                         Amount in this year         Amount at last year
       Leasing expense                                                        5,924,195.12                6,978,347.03
       Entertainment expense                                                  5,185,841.23                5,258,373.43
       Vehicles expense                                                       4,220,117.53                4,095,752.61
       Expense on agency appointment                                          4,297,574.10                3,171,158.21
       Other                                                                  1,564,504.42                1,052,676.93
       Total                                                                 21,192,232.40               20,556,308.21

      (3)Other investment-related cash received
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                         Item                         Amount in this year         Amount at last year
       Time deposit received                                                  3,240,000.00                              -

      (4)Cash received from other financing-related activities
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                         Item                         Amount in this year         Amount at last year
       Margin received                                                       62,536,060.00                              -

      (5)Other funding-related cash payment
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                         Item                         Amount in this year         Amount at last year
       Margin paid                                                                           -           52,536,060.00

      42. Supplementary information on cash flow statement

      (1) Supplementary information on cash flow statement
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                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                Supplementary information                       Amount in this year       Amount at last year
       1.Regulate the net profit into the cash flow of operating activities:
         Net profit                                                                  (235,004,108.39)              9,031,612.15
         Add: Asset impairment provision                                                26,034,488.29            23,521,935.10
                 Depreciation of fixed assets and investment real estate               171,319,379.18           210,819,287.24
                 Amortization of intangible assets                                       3,396,707.78              3,301,244.81
                 Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                49,988.16               177,401.80
               Loss from disposing fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                        (1,136,165.08)              253,262.63
       long-term assets(income)
                 Financial expenses(income)                                            247,070,737.79           201,354,008.25
                 Investment loss (income)                                                             -         (23,329,325.70)
                 Decrease of defferred income tax assets(increase)                         931,567.43               910,290.83
                 Decrease of inventory(increase)                                        29,024,180.78            78,322,586.24
                 Decrease of receivable operating items(increase)                     (37,015,553.02)          (433,109,183.26)
                 Increase of payable operating items(decrease)                        (98,623,779.09)           201,032,221.17
       Net cash flow from operation activities                                         106,047,443.83           272,285,341.26
       2.Major investment and financing activities not involving cash
       income and expenditure:
         Debt capitalization                                                                          -                          -
         Convertible company bond due within one year                                                 -                          -
         Fixed assets acquired under finance leases                                                   -                          -
       3.Net change of cash and cash equivalents:
       Balance of cash at year-end                                                     526,852,121.41           629,318,992.12
       Less: Balance of cash at year-begin                                             629,318,992.12           591,386,814.04
       Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                     (102,466,870.71)            37,932,178.08

      (2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                            Item                                 Amount at year-end       Amount at year-begin
       I. Cash                                                                         526,852,121.41           629,318,992.12
       Including: cash in hand                                                             174,009.24               256,716.21
                  Bank savings available for payment needed                            526,015,559.51           628,449,391.91
                  Other monetary capital available for payment needed                      662,552.66               612,884.00
       II. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at year-end                             526,852,121.41           629,318,992.12

      (VI)Related party and related transaction
     1. Parent company of the Company
     Share holding proportion of any shareholder of the Company didn't reach 50%, and couldn't form a holding relationship of the
     Company through any methods. The Company has no parent company.

     2. Subsidiaries of the Company
     Detail of subsidiaries sees in Note (IV).

      3. Other related parties of the Company

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

                      Other related parties name                   Relationship between the Company            Organization code
                                                                  Shareholders have major influence on
       Energy Group                                                                                               19218918-5
                                                                  the Company
                                                                  Minority     shareholders      of      the
       Weimei Ceramics Company                                                                                    72919361X
                                                                  Minority     shareholders      of      the
       XINGZHONG GROUP                                                                                            733112675
       Shenzhen Mawan Powr Co., Ltd. (“Mawan Power               Subsidiary of ultimate controller of
       Company”)                                                 Energy Group
       Shenzhen Moon Bay Oil Harbour Co., Ltd. (“Moon            Subsidiary of ultimate controller of
       Bay Oil Company”)                                         Energy Group
                                                                  Subsidiary of ultimate controller of
       Energy Holding                                                                                             19224115-8
                                                                  Energy Group
       Director of the Company and other sernior executives       Key management staff                           Not applicable

     4. Related Transactions
    (1) Lending money of related party
      This year:
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                              Amount of            Commencement                                Balance at
        Related parties                                               Maturity Date                                      Note
                            lending money              date                                     year-end
                            125,316,816.85          2012.01.01          2012.12.31            125,316,816.85   Renewal
       XINGZHONG                                                                                               Renewal
                             23,750,000.00          2012.01.01          2012.12.31             23,750,000.00
       XINGZHONG                                                                                               Renewal
                             16,250,000.00          2012.01.01          2012.12.31             16,250,000.00
       XINGZHONG                                                                                               Renewal
                             14,335,291.80          2012.01.01          2012.12.31             14,335,291.80
       XINGZHONG                                                                                               Renewal
                               2,500,000.00         2012.01.01          2012.12.31              2,500,000.00
       Ceramics              35,785,979.94          2012.07.16          2013.01.31             35,785,979.94   Renewal

      Last year:
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                              Amount of            Commencement                                Balance at
        Related parties                                               Maturity Date                                      Note
                            lending money              date                                     year-end
                            125,316,816.85          2011.01.01          2011.12.31            125,316,816.85   Renewal
       XINGZHONG                                                                                               Renewal
                             23,750,000.00          2011.01.01          2011.12.31             23,750,000.00
       XINGZHONG                                                                                               Renewal
                             16,250,000.00          2011.01.01          2011.12.31             16,250,000.00
       XINGZHONG                                                                                               Renewal
                             14,335,291.80          2011.01.01          2011.12.31             14,335,291.80

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       XINGZHONG                                                                                                   Renewal
                                2,500,000.00         2011.01.01           2011.12.31              2,500,000.00
       Ceramics                35,785,979.94         2011.07.16           2012.07.16             35,785,979.94

      (2) Assets transfer of related party
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                          Amount in this year                Amount at last year
                                                            Price                            on in                            Proportion
             Rela                         Transactio                                       amount                            in amount of
                       Transaction type                    setting
       ted parties                        n content                        Amount             of            Amount              similar
                                                                                            similar                           transaction
                                                                                           transact                               (%)
                                                                                           ion (%)
                      10% equity of
       Energy                             Assets         Market
                      Environment                                                      -           -     123,078,900.00                36.19
       Holding                            transfer       price
                      Protection Co.

      (3) Remuneration for key management staffs
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                          Item                                         Amount in this year          Amount at last year
                 Remuneration for key management staffs                                           7,265,916.80                7,311,300.00

       (4) Fund occupation expenses
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                           Amount in this year                   Amount at last year
                                                           Price                       Proportion in                         Proportion in
              Related       Transaction   Transactio      setting                        amount of                             amount of
            parties            type       n content      principa       Amount            similar            Amount             similar
                                                             l                          transaction                           transaction
                                                                                            (%)                                   (%)
                           occupation     Interest         Note       11,605,720.41              83.50   11,192,994.08                 90.99
                           expenses       expenses
       Weimei              Fund
       Ceramics            occupation     Interest         Note        2,293,811.73              16.50    1,108,570.13                  9.01
       Company             expenses       expenses

     Note: payment for the use of state funds is calculated according to loan rate of current capital of
     peer banks.

     (5) Account payable/receivable from related parties
     Account payable to related parties
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
               Item                            Related parties                    Balance at year-end             Balance at year-begin
       Other account           XINGZHONG GROUP                                             182,152,108.65                 182,152,108.65

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                               Weimei Ceramics Company                                      36,334,698.30                 36,385,912.01

       Account received in
                               Energy Holding                                               14,586,000.00                 14,586,000.00

       Interest payable        XINGZHONG GROUP                                              54,905,096.34                 43,299,375.93

      (VII) Contingency

     In March 2008, the Company and Just-run Company entered into a Contract Confirmation (hereafter referred to as “the
     Confirmation”) with contract numbers of 165723967102.11 and 165723968102.11.

     The first confirmation is valid from March 3rd, 2008 to December 31st, 2008, constituted by three options contracts. When the
     floating price (that is, the arithmetic average of the closing settlement prices of light crude future contracts of New York Mercantile
     Exchange at that month within every decision validity) is higher than 63.50 U.S. dollars / barrel, the Company will receive 300,000
     U.S. dollars of income per month (200,000 barrels × 1.50 U.S. dollars / barrel); When the floating price is 62.00-63.50 U.S. dollars /
     barrel, the Company will obtain the income of (the floating price -62.00 USD / barrel) × 200,000 barrels per month; when the
     floating price is less than 62.00 U.S. dollars / barrel, the company will pay Just-run Company an amount equivalent to (62.00 U.S.
     dollars / barrel - the floating price) × 400,000 barrels per month.

     The second confirmation is valid from January 1st, 2009 to October 31st, 2010, constituted by three options contracts, Just-run
     Company has a right to choose whether to implement before 18:00 on December 30th, 2009. When the floating price is higher than
     66.50 U.S. dollars / barrel, the Company will receive 340,000 U.S. dollars of income per month (200,000 barrels × 1.70 U.S. dollars
     / barrel); when the floating price is 64.80-66.50 U.S. dollars / barrel, the Company will receive a monthly income of (the floating
     price -64.80 U.S. dollars / barrel) × 200,000 barrels; when the floating price is lower than 64.50 U.S. dollars / barrel, the Company
     will pay Just-run Company an amount equivalent to (64.50 U.S. dollars / barrel – the floating price) × 400,000 barrels.

     From Apr.2008 to Oct.2008, based on the above confirmations, Just-run Company pays to the Company with US$ 2.10 million, the
     Company includes it into "other payables" item after receives this payment.

     On 6 November 2008, Just-run Company writes to the Company. They deems that the Company intends to not perform transaction
     in the notice issued by the Company on October 21st ,2008 and the statement of the meeting held by the Company on October
     29th ,2008, which has constituted a breach of contract, and Just-run Company announces the termination of the transaction. The
     Company replies Just-run Company that the company has never made any statement not intend to continue to perform transactions,
     and deems that Jierun Company's unilateral termination of the contract and refuse of paying the A/C payable under the first
     confirmation as of October, 2008 has constituted a breach of contract, so the Company announces the termination of the transaction.
     Although both sides terminate the transaction confirmation for different reasons, there are no differences about the termination
     reality of confirmation and transactions. After the transaction terminated, Just-run Company sends a letter to request the Company
     to compensate for the transaction termination loss, while sends another letter to express the hope to resolve the disputes by the
     commercial way. The company replies Just-run Company that the Company does not accept claims for loss compensations, while
     sends a separate letter to agree to peace talks. Then both sides do several rounds of consultations and negotiations, but no agreement
     has reached. On November 27th, 2009, the Company receives a letter of Allen & Overy LLP, which describes above matters and
     requires the Company to compensate Just-run with a total of US$79,962,943.00 and the interests of US$3,736,958.66 as of
     November 27th, 2009. The Company replies on January 25th, 2010, which shows that the Company did not accept claims for loss

     On 31 March 2011, Just-run Company sent another letter to the Company which claimed that they are willing to coordinate with the
     Company continuously as for USD 79,962,943.00 we owed them and interests from the day of Nov. 6 of 2008, and invited the
     Company to raise up suggestion on this matter, meanwhile Just-run Company stressed to remain all the rights on this matter. The
     Company replied them with a letter on Apr. 6 of 2011 which showed we didn’t accept requirements from Just-run Company about
     compensation for loss, and agreed to answer their invitation and negotiate based on equality without influence on rights of both

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      On 6 February 2012, Jierun sent letter to the Company again, requiring the Company to pay the arrears of USD83, 699,901.66 and
      the related interests. The Company replied on 10 February 2012 to deny the loss compensation requirements of Jierun and require
      Jierun to pay the Company the amount payables of USD300, 000.00 under the confirmation latter No. 165723967102.11 arising in
      October 2008 and the interests accrued since 7 November 2008. And the Company agreed to be invited by Jierun for further
      negotiation in connection with this dispute provided that interests of both parties were not influenced. Subsequently, the Company
      negotiate with Jierun Company, under circucumstances of changed and/or give up any parties’s right. Ended as the disclosed date
      for this financial statement, the event has no further progress. If the negotiation doesn’t succeed, in the judgment of the management
      of the Company, it is possible to solve this dispute through justice channel.

       Based on the legal opinions issued by independent qualified lawyers in connection with the aforesaid event, the board of directors
       of the Company believes that:

      (1)Two confirmation letters and transaction have been terminated by both parties;
       (2)Various uncertainties still exist during the process of this issue, so it is not possible to make
       estimation for the potential solution approaches and results;
      (3)Since the final results cannot be estimated reasonably and reliably currently, projected liabilities
       shall not be recognized in the financial statements for the year of 2012.

      The Board of Directors of the Company will promptly review the relevant accounting operation according to the progress of the
      above matters.

(VIII) Commitment
1. Capitalization commitment

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                         Item                                         Amount at year-end           Amount at year-begin
        Signed capital expenditure commitment which was still not
        recognized in financial statements
        -Construction commitment of long-term assets                                             1,270,920.99               17,900,039.34
        -External investment commitment                                                          8,000,000.00                             -
        -Total                                                                                   9,270,920.99               17,900,039.34

2. Commitment on operating lease
Till the balance sheet day, the condition of irrevocable operating lease contract the Group externally
signed is as follow:
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                          Item                                         Amount at year-end         Amount at year-begin
        Minimum lease payments of irrevocable operating lease:
        The first year after balance sheet day                                                  3,515,510.00                 3,378,118.33
        The second year after balance sheet day                                                 1,400,586.63                 6,133,712.63
        The third year after balance sheet day                                                  1,427,596.50                 1,427,596.50
        Subsequent years                                                                       65,009,429.93                65,009,429.93
        Total                                                                                  71,353,123.06                75,948,857.39

       (IX) Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                Item                                  Contents                               Impact on the financial        Reasons for

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                                                                                          status and operation       failure to
                                                                                                 results            estimate the
                         On 4 May 2009, the Group signed agreement on demolition
                         of the small thermal power units of Shenzhen Nanshan
                         Power Co., Ltd. with Energy Corporation, the acquisition
                         amount of the agreed unit capacity was RMB72,930,000.00.
                         According to the agreement, within 10 days after they
                         complete demolition of such small thermal power units and
                         sign agreement on demolition of the small thermal power
                         units of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd., Energy
                         Corporation shall pay 20% of the aggregate acquisition
                         amount to the Group; within 10 days after Shenzhen Binhai
                         Power Plant receives approval from NDRC and National
                         Energy Administration in respect of the “big prevail ”
                         project for the preparation works, Energy Corporation shall    No impact on the 2012
      Accout reived in   pay 50% of the aggregate acquisition amount to the Group;      financial    status and   Not applicable
      advance            within 10 days after NDRC and National Energy                  operation results
                         Administration issue formal approval in respect of the
                         project , Energy Corporation shall pay 30% of the aggregate
                         acquisition amount to the Group.

                         On 23 January 2013, National Energy Administration
                         delivered the reply on consent for preparation works of the
                         new project “big prevail” of Shenzhen Binhai Power Plant
                         (GNDL2013 No.36), to agree Shenzhen Binhai Power Plant
                         to carry out the preparation works for the new project “big
                         prevail”. As at the date for approving the issuance of this
                         financial report, the Group has not received the second
                         batch of acquisition amount from Energy Corporation.

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(X) Other significant events

       1. Borrowing expense

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                Amount of borrowing          Rate of capitalization
                                                                               expenses that capitalized
                                        Item                                      in current period
        Inventory                                                                                      -                              -
        Subtotal of current-period capitalized borrowing cost                                          -
        Borrowing cost included into profit and loss of the current period               247,070,737.79
        Total borrowing cost of the current period                                       247,070,737.79

       2. Segment report
       According to the internal organization structural, management requirements and internal reporting systems of the Company, the
       operation business of the group is classified into four reporting segments, i.e. power and heat supply, fuel trade, power plant
       construction and other relevant business and real estate development. Management of the Company regularly evaluates the
       operation results of the reporting segments, so as to decide to distribute resources to them and evaluate their achievements.

       The segment report information is disclosed according to the accounting policies and measuring standards adopted by all segments
       when reporting to the management, and such measuring bases are kept consistent with the accounting and measuring bases upon
       preparation of the financial statements.

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      Segment report information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                        Power plant construction
             Item          Power and heat supply                 Fuel trade            Real estate development         and other relevant business         Retained profitItem          Inter-segment offset                   Total
                         Current year    Last year       Current year    Last year    Current year    Last year       Current year     Last year       Current year    Last year    Current year    Last year       Current year       Last year
       Foreign trade     1,193,492,3    2,314,110,5      11,479,183.    10,874,172.                                   48,811,416.    81,032,693.       11,662,786.    9,800,360.9                                   1,265,445,7    2,415,817,7
                                                                                                 -                -                                                                           -                 -
       income                  80.90          03.62              77              45                                           83              38                79              0                                         68.29          30.35
       Inter-segment     19,412,594.    18,709,970.      1,407,499.2    25,118,111.                                                  2,159,000.0                                     (20,820,09     (46,418,84
                                                                                                 -                -              -                               -    431,765.02                                              -                    -
       trade income               26            47                 7            94                                                             0                                          3.53)          7.43)
       Total segment
                         1,212,904,9    2,332,820,4      12,886,683.    35,992,284.                                   48,811,416.    83,191,693.       11,662,786.    10,232,125.    (20,820,09     (46,418,84      1,265,445,7    2,415,817,7
       business                                                                                  -                -
                               75.16          74.09               04             39                                           83              38                79             92         3.53)          7.43)            68.29          30.35
       Total statement
                         1,212,904,9    2,332,820,4      12,886,683.    35,992,284.                                   48,811,416.    83,191,693.       11,662,786.    10,232,125.    (20,820,09     (46,418,84      1,265,445,7    2,415,817,7
       business                                                                                  -                -
                               75.16          74.09               04             39                                           83              38                79             92         3.53)          7.43)            68.29          30.35
        Segment          2,086,772,6    3,561,094,2      18,213,455.    34,279,942.                                   41,126,583.    64,783,441.       1,783,959.7    16,042,723.    (25,133,75     (49,807,70      2,123,231,2    3,626,619,6
                                                                                      468,328.54     226,978.36
        expense                49.70          23.49               04             58                                           91              41                 7             28         2.90)          1.06)            24.06          08.06
        business          (873,867,6    (1,228,273,      (5,326,772.    1,712,341.8    (468,328.5     (226,978.3      7,684,832.9    18,408,251.       9,878,827.0    (5,810,597.   4,313,659.3    3,388,853.6       (857,785,4    (1,210,801,
        income(deficit        74.54)        749.40)              00)              1            4)             6)                2             97                 2            36)             7              3           55.77)        877.71)
       Management        31,227,244.    35,149,345.      8,226,258.4    5,614,666.5   9,140,930.3    8,936,054.0      9,004,903.1    8,590,797.2       48,189,236.    39,248,022.                                   105,788,57     97,538,885.
                                                                                                                                                                                              -                 -
       expense                    05            24                 2              6             5              2                0              9                62             53                                         2.54              64
       Financial         144,082,21     125,478,09       (2,329,825.     (706,457.3   50,046,148.    2,486,260.1      (4,605,090.     (2,033,286.      59,886,133.    79,772,659.                   (699,316.2      247,564,98     204,297,94
       expenses                6.52           0.52               82)             1)            53              0              53)             22)               83             07                           6)            3.52           9.90
        Investment                                                      91,188,944.                                                                                   151,166,24                    (219,025,8                     23,329,325.
                                   -                 -              -                            -                -              -                 -             -                            -                               -
        return                                                                   68                                                                                         7.74                        66.72)                              70
        Business         (1,049,177,    (1,388,901,      (11,223,204    87,993,077.    (59,655,40    (11,649,292      3,285,020.3     11,850,740.       (98,196,54    26,334,968.   3,828,258.3     (214,937,6      (1,211,139,    (1,489,309,
        profit(losses)       135.11)        185.16)              .60)            24         7.42)            .48)               5             90             3.43)             78             8         96.83)          011.83)        387.55)
       Non-business      506,930,63     719,183,40                      4,470,431.0                  5,178,379.0      1,664,636.7                      470,149,23     787,454,42                                    979,204,61     1,516,790,8
                                                           16,196.20                  443,913.67                                      245,208.34                                              -     259,000.00
       income                  2.91           6.93                                9                            8                5                            8.93           5.82                                          8.46           51.26
       Non-business                     4,974,189.4                                                                                                                                                                                5,225,709.2
                         185,797.98                        22,025.32    151,519.75               -                -              -                 -      2,785.84    100,000.00              -                 -   210,609.14
       expenditure                                8                                                                                                                                                                                          3
        Total             (542,432,3    (674,691,9       (11,229,033    92,311,988.   (59,211,493    (6,470,913.      4,949,657.1    12,095,949.       371,949,90     813,689,39    3,828,258.3     (214,678,6       (232,145,0    22,255,754.
        profi(total           00.18)        67.71)               .72)           58            .75)           40)                0             24             9.66           4.60              8         96.83)           02.51)             48

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          - 80 -

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                                     2,607,330.7                6,905,536.6                                1,410,998.7   3,944,363.0                                           (233,088.11   2,859,105.8   13,224,142.
       Income tax       593,707.44                 837,524.72                            -             -                                        -            -    16,875.00
                                               6                          0                                          2             8                                                     )             8            33
       Net profit(net   (543,026,0   (677,299,2    (12,066,55   85,406,451.   (59,211,493    (6,470,913.   3,538,658.3   8,151,586.1   371,949,90   813,689,39   3,811,383.3    (214,445,6   (235,004,1    9,031,612.1
       losses)              07.62)       98.47)         8.44)            98           .75)           40)             8             6         9.66         4.60             8        08.72)       08.39)              5

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                     Power plant construction and
             Item            Power and heat supply                    Fuel trade                    Real estate development            other relevant business               Retained profitItem               Inter-segment offset                       Total
                         Current year        Last year       Current year        Last year       Current year        Last year       Current year        Last year       Current year        Last year     Current year        Last year       Current year        Last year
       Total assets of   3,651,954,36       4,515,345,82     443,611,543.       453,607,871.     1,199,153,19       1,191,809,00     270,208,491.       325,782,913.     3,371,531,08       3,417,914,98   (3,400,390,9       (3,922,010,4     5,536,067,72       5,982,450,11
       the statements            7.37               5.81              20                 19              8.54               7.12              24                  43             2.20               1.73         52.57)             84.13)             9.98               5.15
       Total liability
                         (1,650,861,3       (480,042,799     39,458,904.7       37,388,694.3     1,107,643,46       1,041,087,78     133,383,897.       192,496,978.     7,231,319,61       6,956,704,74   (3,047,688,1       (3,652,996,2     3,813,256,44       4,094,639,12
       of the
                               21.94)                .95)               6                  1             6.75               1.58              43                  00             2.77               9.96         13.61)             81.80)             6.16               2.10
       and               161,120,753.       204,365,548.                                                                                                                                                   (4,203,513.5       (5,497,805.3     174,766,075.       214,297,933.
                                                             6,882,724.85       6,729,826.09       289,990.32        151,859.27      7,278,115.95       6,412,062.17     3,398,003.73       2,136,442.90
       amortization               81                 77                                                                                                                                                              4)                 5)              12                  85
                         13,746,575.5       13,241,610.2                                                                                                                 84,545,676.1       75,559,381.1   (107,329,153       (94,568,915.
       Interestincoem                                        2,202,314.42       1,156,388.18     4,399,741.17       4,839,821.07     7,707,963.34       6,452,791.60                                                                           5,273,117.21       6,681,077.09
                                    4                  0                                                                                                                            1                  8            .37)               14)
       Interestexpens    156,054,023.       135,181,513.                                         54,434,507.1                                                            140,817,129.       149,170,488.   (107,329,153       (94,568,915.     247,070,737.       201,354,008.
                                                                            -                -                      7,316,235.60     3,094,231.27       4,254,685.44
        es                        00                 98                                                     0                                                                      79                36             .37)               13)              79                  25
       loss confirmed    26,022,103.2       22,119,791.2                                                                                                                                                                                       26,034,488.2       23,521,935.1
                                                                            -    216,395.00                     -                -      67,500.00       (500,207.00)        12,385.01       1,736,004.16    (67,500.00)        (50,048.28)
       in the current               8                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                  9                  0
       income of
                                                                                                                                                                                            (90,201,890.                                                          (90,201,890.
       equity                           -                -                  -                -                  -                -                  -                -                  -                                 -                -                  -
                                                                                                                                                                                                     81)                                                                   81)
       based on
       Capital           12,403,952.        92,860,116.      2,468,236.1        2,006,340.3                                           2,424,106.0       26,855,475.                         13,125,516.                       (950,000.00      18,006,867.        133,931,267
                                                                                                   23,480.00          33,820.00                                           687,093.51                                      -
       expenditure                18                 24                4                  1                                                     1                15                                  24                                 )               84                 .94
                         11,336,659.6       90,487,566.5                                                                                                26,661,096.1                        13,073,934.4                                       14,640,750.1       131,119,234.
       for projects                                          2,330,736.14       1,846,636.98                    -                -     658,466.00                          314,888.38                                     -   (950,000.00)
                                    7                  6                                                                                                           5                                   5                                                  9                14

       Expenditure       1,067,292.51       2,372,549.68       137,500.00          27,891.67        23,480.00         33,820.00      1,753,150.00        194,379.00        162,205.13         51,581.79                   -                -   3,143,627.64       2,680,222.14
       for purchasing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - 82 -

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       fixed assets

       for purchasing   -     -   -   131,811.66   -   -   12,490.01   -   210,000.00   -   -   -   222,490.01   131,811.66

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      3. Financial instruments and risk management
      The major financial instruments of the Group comprise of equity investment, bank savings, borrowings, account receivables, other
      receivables, account payables and other payables. For details about the financial instruments, please refer to note(V). Risks related
      to these financial instruments and risk management policies adopted by the Group to prevent the risks are set out below.
      Management manages and supervises these risk exposures, to ensure the risks are under established limit.

      3.1 Target and policy of risk management
     To reach adequate balance between risk and income, to minimize the negative influences upon the operating results, and to
     maximize the interests of shareholders and other equity investors are the targets of risk management of the Group. Under the risk
     management targets, the basic risk management strategy of the Group is to identify and analysis the various risks faced by the
     Group, determine adequate risk acceptance limit and conduct risk management, supervise various risks on a prompt and reliable
     basis, and control risks within the established limit.

      3.1.1Market risks Foreign exchange risk

     Foreign exchange risk represent losses arising from change of exchange rates. The foreign exchange risk of the Group mainly
     relates to HKD, USD, Euro and SGD. Other than several subsidiaries which conduct purchase and sales with HKD, USD, Euro and
     SGD, other major businesses of the Group are settled in RMB. On 31 December 2012, except for the following assets whose
     balances are stated in HKD, USD, Euro and SGD, balances of the assets and liabilities are stated in RMB. The foreign exchange
     risks arising from the assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency may affect the operating results of the Group.
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                          Item                                        Amount at year-end         Amount at year-begin
       Cash -USD                                                                               7,092,751.88               12,417,149.30
       Cash -Euro                                                                                   8,466.22                   8,308.37
       Cash -HKD                                                                                 708,886.74                  736,734.06
       Cash -SGD                                                                                 350,797.98                  481,337.03
       Other receivables-USD                                                                   1,688,465.50                1,695,323.96
       Other receivables-HKD                                                                     196,369.24                             -
       Other receivables-SGD                                                                     484,887.04                  463,465.14
       Accounts payable-USD                                                                       49,619.12                   49,740.70
       Other accounts payable-USD                                                             14,680,126.15               13,859,889.14
       Other accounts payable-HKD                                                                   2,336.81                            -
       Other accounts payable-SGD                                                              1,615,222.02                1,370,194.55

      The Company pays close attention to the impact on the exchange rate changes to its foreign
      exchange risks, and has not taken any measure for avoiding the foreign exchange risks.

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 Interest rate risk-risk of changes on Cash flow

     The risk of change of cash flow of financial instrument due to fluctuation of interest rates mainly relates to the bank borrowings at
     floating rate(details are set out in note (V)). The policy of the Group is to maintain the floating rate of the borrowings, so as to
     eliminate the risk of fair value change arising from change of interest rate.

     3.1.2 Credit risk
     On 31 December 2012, the biggest credit risk exposure which may result in financial loss mainly represent the losses of the Group
     occurred from its financial assets due to that one party to an agreement can not perform the obligations.

     The Group reviews recovery of each single account receivables on every balance sheet date, to provide sufficient bad debt reserve in
     respect of unrecoverable accounts.

     The current capital of the Group is saved in such banks with high credit rating, thus the credit risks of current capital is relatively low.

     3.1.3 Liquidity risk
    When managing liquidity risks, the Group maintains such cash and cash equivalent as the management deems sufficient and
    supervises the same, so as to satisfy its operation needs and minimize influences from fluctuation of cash flow. The management
    supervises application of bank borrowings and make sure to observe borrowing agreement.

    The group takes the bank loan as the main capital source. On Dec. 31, 2012, the bank credit line that the group has not used is RMB
    1,350,968,447.14 (RMB 1,070,322,657.14 on Dec. 31, 2011).

    The analysis to the financial assets and financial liabilities held by the Company according to the due
    term of the undiscounted rest contract obligations is as follows:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                            Item                             Within 1 year                     1-5 years                  Over 5 years
         Monetary fund                                              526,852,121.41                              -                            -
         Account receivable                                         924,997,868.15                              -                            -
         Other account receivable                                    16,297,883.22                              -                            -
         Short-term loans                                         3,339,799,447.74                              -                            -
         Note payable                                                29,670,000.00                              -                            -
         Account payable                                             70,970,449.91                              -                            -
         Interest payable                                            86,232,475.82                              -                            -
         Other account payable                                      303,027,729.31                              -                            -
         Long-term loans                                               1,015,200.00               19,777,100.27                              -

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      3.2 Fair value
     Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities are determined as follows:

     Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities with standard clauses and conditions and for which there is active market are
     determined by reference to the prevailing offering price and bidding price in the respective active market;

     Fair values of other financial assets and financial liabilities (excluding derivatives) are determined under the general pricing pattern
     based on future cash flow discount method or by adoption of observable prevailing market transaction price;

      Fair value of derivatives is determined by reference to the public quotation in active market. Where there is no such quotation, fair
      value of derivatives without option is estimated under future cash flow discount method based on applicable earning curve; fair
      value of derivatives with option is determined under option pricing pattern ( such as binomial model ).

     The management believes that the carrying value of financial assets and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost in financial
     statement approximate to the fair values of these assets and liabilities.

     3.3 Sensitivity analysis
     The Group technically analyses the potential affect on current gains and losses or shareholders’ equity resulting from such
     reasonable and probable change of risk variables by sensitivity analysis. Since it is rare that any risk variable would change
     separately, and the relation existed among variables would materially affect the final affection amount of certain risk variable, so the
     contents below are conducted assuming that change of each variable is independent.

      3.3.1 Risk of foreign exchange

      Under the condition without changes on other variant, the probability reasonable changes of exchange rate has the followed
      influence before tax on current gains/losses and shareholders’ equity:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                     The year                                   Last year
                               Change of              Impact on              Impact on             Impact on             Impact on
       Item                  exchange rate              profit          shareholders’ equity        profit         shareholders’ equity
       All foreign        5% RMB
                                                      (290,833.97)               (290,833.97)         26,124.67                 26,124.67
       currency           appreciation
       All foreign        5% RMB
                                                        290,833.97                290,833.97         (26,124.67)              (26,124.67)
       currency           depreciation

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       3.3.2 Risk of interest rate The sensitivity analysis to interest rate risks is based on the following hypotheses:

       The market interest rate changes affect the interest income or expenses of the financial instruments with variable interest rate. On the basis of the abovementioned hypothesis, the probability reasonable changes of
       exchange rate has the followed influence before tax on current gains/losses and shareholders’
       equity under the condition without changes on other variant :
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                      The year                                          Last year
                                                                                                                                 Impact on
                                                         Impact on               Impact on              Impact on
                             Change of interest                                                                                shareholders’
                                                           profit           shareholders’ equity         profit
                Item               rate                                                                                            equity
        Floating            Interest rate goes
        interest rate       up by 1%                   (24,485,136.62)          (24,485,136.62)     (24,070,000.00)            (24,070,000.00)
        Floating            Interest rate goes
        interest rate       up by 1%                    24,485,136.62             24,485,136.62        24,070,000.00                24,070,000.00

(XI) Note to items of financial statements of the Company

1. Accounts receivable
(1) Accounts receivable classifying according to the category:
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                   Amount at year-end                                       Amount at year-begin
                                                                         Bad debt
                                           Book balance                  provision              Book balance                Bad debt provision
                                                         Proport     Amou      Proport                        Proport                     Proporti
                 Category               Amount           ion (%)      nt       ion (%)       Amount           ion (%)       Amount        on (%)
        Account       receivable
        with individual major
        amount and withdrawal                      -           -          -           -                 -            -                -             -
        bad debt provision
        Accounts      receivable
        with minor amount and
        accounts      receivable
                                      589,569,090.                                        646,023,065.4
        with major amount                                 100.00          -           -                        100.00                 -             -
                                                03                                                    2
        found no devaluation
        after         individual
        devaluation test
        Account       receivable
        with individual minor
        amount but withdrawal                      -           -          -           -                 -            -                -             -
        bad debt provision
        Total                         589,569,090.        100.00          -           -   646,023,065.4        100.00                 -             -
                                                                                                                                            - 87 -

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                              03   2

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Accounts receivable classifying according to the account age:

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                       Amount at year-end                                              Amount at year-begin
                                                  Bad debt                                                           Bad debt
                                       Proport                                                         Proport
         Account        Amount                    provisio        Book value           Amount                        provisio      Book value
                                       ion (%)                                                         ion (%)
           age                                       n                                                                  n
        Within 1       397,683,293.                             397,683,293.        645,982,237.8                                645,982,237.8
                                         67.45            -                                               99.99              -
        year                     41                                      41                     0                                            0
                       191,882,907.                             191,882,907.
         1-2years                        32.55            -                             37,938.62          0.01              -        37,938.62
                                 62                                      62
         2-3years                  -         -            -                    -                   -          -              -                   -
        Over 3
                            2,889.00         -            -          2,889.00               2,889.00          -              -         2,889.00
                       589,569,090.                             589,569,090.        646,023,065.4                                646,023,065.4
        Total                           100.00            -                                              100.00              -
                                 03                                      03                     2                                            2

(2) No account receivable with minor individual amount but withdrawal bad debt provision
independently at year-end.

(3)Balance of account receivables excludes the debts of the shareholders who hold over 5% (including
5%) of voting share of our company in this reporting period.

(4) Particulars about top 5 units owing accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                   Proportion in total account
                     Company name                Relationship            Amount                  Terms
                                                                                                                        receivable (%)
        Bureau of Finance of Shenzhen            Government                                   Within 1 year
                                                                      567,014,707.62                                                      96.17
        Municipality                              institution                                 and 1-2 years
        Guangdong Power Grid                                                                  Within 1 year
                                                                       22,202,534.71                                                       3.77
        Corporation                          Non-related client
        Shenzhen University                  Non-related client            195,118.00         Within 1 year                                0.03
        Shenzhen Nanshan Meat                                                                 Within 1 year
                                                                            97,677.40                                                      0.02
        Processing Factory                   Non-related client
        South China Harbout Hotel Co.,                                                        Within 1 year
                                                                            24,094.20                                                            -
        Ltd.                                 Non-related client
        Total                                                         589,534,131.93                                                      99.99

2. Other accounts receivable
(1) Other accounts receivable classifying according to the category:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                  Amount at year-end                                      Amount at year-begin
                                         Book balance             Bad debt provision              Book balance             Bad debt provision
                                                     Propor                        Propor                         ortio                  Propor
                                                      tion                          tion                            n                     tion
                 Category              Amount         (%)         Amount            (%)         Amount            (%)      Amount         (%)

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        Account receivable
        with individual major
                                     22,677,404.4              22,677,404       100.0     22,677,404.4                22,677,404       100.0
        amount and withdrawal                         1.60                                                   1.46
                                                6                     .46           0                6                       .46           0
        bad debt provision
        Accounts receivable
        with minor amount and
        accounts receivable
                                     1,389,601,55                                         1,523,503,25       98.1
        with major amount                            98.02               -           -                                           -          -
                                             2.60                                                 2.69          9
        found no devaluation
        after individual
        devaluation test
        Account receivable
        with individual minor
                                                                3,140,957.                                            3,140,957.
        amount but withdrawal        5,362,330.44     0.38                      58.57     5,362,330.44       0.35                      58.57
                                                                        25                                                    25
        bad debt provision
                                     1,417,641,28    100.0     25,818,361                 1,551,542,98       100.     25,818,361
        Total                                                                    1.82                                                   1.66
                                             7.50        0            .71                         7.59         00            .71

Other accounts receivable classifying according to the account age:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                      Amount at year-end                                          Amount at year-begin
                                     Propo                                                         ortio
        Account                      rtion     Bad debt                                              n        Bad debt
        age            Amount         (%)      provision        Book value           Amount        (%)        provision        Book value
        Within       448,233,511.7                             448,233,511.7     683,777,747.4     44.0                        683,777,747.
                                      31.62                -                                                              -
        1 year                   8                                         8                 2        7                                  42

                     253,063,347.1                             253,063,347.1                                                   46,951,064.3
        1-2year                       17.85                -                     46,951,064.34     3.03                   -
                                 5                                         5                                                              4

                                                                                 242,850,051.8     15.6                        242,676,527.
        2-3year      43,771,156.40     3.09                -   43,771,156.40                                  173,524.12
                                                                                             6        5                                  74
        Over 3       672,573,272.1             25,818,361.     646,754,910.4     577,964,123.9     37.2       25,644,837       552,319,286.
        years                    7                      71                 6                 7        5              .59                 38
                     1,417,641,287    100.0    25,818,361.     1,391,822,925     1,551,542,987     100.       25,818,361       1,525,724,62
                               .50        0             71                .79               .59      00              .71               5.88

(2) Other account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
          Other accounts                                     Amount of accruing
                                     Book balance                                        Accruing proportion                  Reason
            receivable                                     provision for bad debts
                                                                                                                    Unrecover for those
                                          3,278,632.28               1,404,953.09                          42.85
        Deposit receivable                                                                                          which was overdue
        Dormitory     amount                                                                                        Unrecover for those
                                          2,083,698.16               1,736,004.16                          83.31
        receivable                                                                                                  which was overdue
        Total                             5,362,330.44               3,140,957.25                          58.57

(3) Balance of other account receivables excludes the debts of the shareholders who hold over 5%
                                                                                                                                       - 90 -

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(including 5%) of voting share of our company in this reporting period.
(4) Particulars about top 5 units owing other accounts receivable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Total proportion in
                                       Relationship with
                  Units                                      Amount                 Age limit         accounts receivable
                                        the Company
        Shenzhong Development Co.,   Subsidiary of the      735,826,164.78    Within 1 year to Over                  51.90
                                     Company                                  3 years
        Zhongshan Power Company      Subsidiary of the      565,174,763.75    Within 1 year to Over                  39.87
                                     Company                                  3 years

        Weimei Power Company         Subsidiary of the       81,102,663.74    Within 1 year to 1-2                    5.72
                                     Company                                  years
        Huiyang Kangtai Industrial   Project partners        14,311,626.70    Over 3 years                            1.02
        Server       Petrochemical   Subsidiary of the        6,279,649.17    Within 1 year                           0.44
        Supplying Co                 Company
        Total                                              1,402,694,868.14                                          98.95

       (5)account receivable from related party found in Note (XI)-8

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3. Long-term equity investment
Details of long-term equity investment:

                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                               Voting      Reason for
                                                                                                                   Equity                                           ed
                                                                                                                                right      difference     Dep
                                                                                                                   holding                                        provis
                             Calculat                                                                                         proporti   between equity   recia
                                        Investment        Balance at         Increase and        Balance at       proportio                                       ion for   Cash dividend
           Invested units      ion                                                                                              on in       holding        tion
                                           cost           year-begin           decrease           year-end           n in                                         devalu     of this year
                             method                                                                                           invested   proportion and   reser
                                                                                                                  invested                                         ation
                                                                                                                                units     voting right      ve
                                                                                                                  units(%)                                        of this
                                                                                                                                 (%)       proportion
                              Cost       26,650,000.
        Petrochemical                                    26,650,000.00                      -   26,650,000.00         50.00     50.00    Not applicable       -         -                -
                             method              00
        Supplying Co
         New Power            Cost       71,270,000.                                                                                     Not applicable
                                                         71,270,000.00                      -   71,270,000.00         75.00     75.00                         -         -                -
        Company              method              00
        Zhongshan Power       Cost      410,740,000      218,240,000.0     192,500,000.00(N     410,740,000.0                            Not applicable
                                                                                                                      55.00     55.00                         -         -                -
        Company              method              .00                 0                 ote1)                0
                              Cost       6,000,000.0                                                                                     Not applicable
        Engineering Co                                    6,000,000.00                      -    6,000,000.00         60.00     60.00                         -         -                -
                             method                0
        Weimei Power          Cost      115,319,049.     115,319,049.7                          115,319,049.7                            Not applicable
                                                                                            -                         40.00     40.00                         -         -                -
        Company              method              76                  6                                      6
                              Cost       6,703,800.0                                                                                     Not applicable
        Shennan Singapore                                 6,703,800.00                      -    6,703,800.00       100.00     100.00                         -         -                -
                             method                0
        Environment           Cost       55,300,000.                                                                                     Not applicable
                                                         55,300,000.00                      -   55,300,000.00         70.00     70.00                         -         -                -
        Protection Co.,      method              00
        Shenzhong             Cost                                                                                                       Not applicable
                                                     -                 -                    -                 -       75.00     75.00                         -         -                -
        Development Co.,     method
        Shenzhong Property    Cost                                                                                                       Not applicable
                                                     -                 -                    -                 -       75.00     75.00                         -         -                -
        Investment           method
        Jiangxi Nuclear       Cost       49,315,000.                       12,000,000.00(No                                              Not applicable
                                                         37,315,000.00                          49,315,000.00          5.00       5.00                        -         -                -
        Power Co.,           method              00                                     te2)
        Total                           741,297,849      536,797,849.7       204,500,000.00     741,297,849.7                                                 -         -                -

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                                 .76              6                                6
       Less: Depreciation
                                                   -                                -
       Net amount of
                                       536,797,849.7                    741,297,849.7
       long-term equity                                204,500,000.00
                                                   6                                6

      Note1: found Note (IV)-1

      Note2: found Note (V)-7

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      4. Fixed assets

      (1)changes of fixed assets
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                 Book balance at                                Decreased in this       Book balance at
                                                                 Increased in this year
                                             year-begin                                         year                 year-end

      I. Original book value Total :       1,453,365,370.69 5,321,341.88(Note1) 4,297,993.54(Note2)                1,454,388,719.03

      Including:       Houses        and
                                              100,663,528.42               457,378.90                         -      101,120,907.32

                                            1,298,591,506.04             4,107,479.92           4,297,993.54        1,298,400,992.42

              Transportation tools             16,349,068.89                          -                       -       16,349,068.89

              Other equipment                  37,761,267.34               756,483.06                         -       38,517,750.40

      II.     Total          accumulated                         45,452,442.79(Note3
                                            1,117,010,842.61                              173,740.85(Note4)         1,162,289,544.55
      depreciation                                                                    )

      Including:       Houses        and
                                               50,723,061.65             4,109,038.83                         -       54,832,100.48

                                            1,020,196,828.12            39,848,189.23             173,740.85        1,059,871,276.50

              Transportation tools             14,586,294.55               292,879.44                         -       14,879,173.99

              Other equipment                  31,504,658.29             1,202,335.29                         -       32,706,993.58

      III. Total net book value of
                                              336,354,528.08                                                         292,099,174.48
      fixed assets

      Including:       Houses        and
      buildings                                49,940,466.77

             equipment                        278,394,677.92

              Transportation tools              1,762,774.34                                                           1,469,894.90

              Other equipment                   6,256,609.05                                                           5,810,756.82

      IV. Depreciation reserveTotal             8,919,302.92             4,170,434.88                         -       13,089,737.80

      Including:       Houses        and                                              -                       -
                                                             -                                                                      -

                   Machinery                    8,919,302.92             4,170,434.88                         -       13,089,737.80

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                Transportation tools                      -                   -                     -                    -

                Other equipment                           -                   -                     -                    -

      V. Total book value of fixed
                                             327,435,225.16                                                279,009,436.68

      Including:       Houses          and
                                              49,940,466.77                                                 46,288,806.84

                                             269,475,375.00                                                225,439,978.12

                Transportation tools           1,762,774.34                                                  1,469,894.90

                Other equipment                6,256,609.05                                                  5,810,756.82

      Note1: RMB 299,758.13 increased by purchasing; and RMB5,021,583.75 increased due to the transferred in from
      construction in progress
      Note2: RMB197,443.54 decreased due to disposed; and RMB 4,100,550.00 decreased due to transfer to inventory
      Note3: RMB 45,452,442.79 accural in this year as depreciation
     Note4: RMB 173,740.85 decreased due to disposal

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       (2)Temporary idle fixed assets
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                 Item            Original book   Accumulated        Depreciation      Book value                Note
                                    value        depreciation          reserve

        Balance at               521,451,762.0   455,774,850.2
                                                                     8,919,302.92    56,757,608.92
        year-begin :                        7              3

        Including: Houses and
                                             -                  -                -                 -

                                 521,451,762.0   455,774,850.2                                         Heavy oil treatment line
                                                                     8,919,302.92    56,757,608.92
        Machinery equipment                  7              3                                           and generation unit

                                             -                  -                -                 -
        Transportation tools

                                             -                  -                -                 -

                                 521,451,762.0   456,356,504.0
        Balance at year-end :                                      13,077,352.79    52,017,905.22
                                             7              6

        Including: Houses and
                                             -                  -                -                 -

                                 521,451,762.0   456,356,504.0                                         Heavy oil treatment line
                                                                    13,077,352.79    52,017,905.22
        Machinery equipment                  7              6                                          and generation unit

                                             -                  -                -                 -
        Transportation tools

                                             -                  -                -                 -

5. Operating income and operating cost
(1) Operating income
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                       Amount in this year          Amount at last year

        Main business income                                                           531,610,565.10                  903,571,321.23

        Other business income                                                           17,173,957.99                   86,708,420.29

        Operating cost                                                                 925,122,226.56               1,598,330,636.84

(2) Main business (by industry)

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                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                          Amount in this year                             Amount at last year

                 Industry      Operating income        Operating cost          Operating income             Operating cost

       Energy Industry            531,610,565.10          924,236,439.18           903,571,321.23            1,545,500,300.35

      (3) Main business (by products)
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                         Amount in this year                              Amount at last year

                 Products     Operating income         Operating cost         Operating income              Operating cost

       Electricity sales          527,193,914.04         917,976,182.48            897,391,552.02            1,537,625,216.47

       Heat sales                    4,416,651.06             6,260,256.70           6,179,769.21                7,875,083.88

       Total                      531,610,565.10         924,236,439.18            903,571,321.23            1,545,500,300.35

      (4) Main business (by areas)
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                        Amount in this year                           Amount at last year

                  Areas       Operating income       Operating cost          Operating income       Operating cost

      Domestic                   531,610,565.10          924,236,439.18           903,571,321.23     1,545,500,300.35

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(5) Operating income of top 5 clients
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                Proportion in total
                                                                                  Operating income
                                     Clients                                                                  operating income (%)

        Guangdong Power Grid Corporation                                                 527,193,914.04                            96.06

         New Power Company                                                                  7,721,020.61                            1.41

        Shenzhen University                                                                 1,074,081.86                            0.20

        Shenzhen Nanshan Meat Processing Factory                                              489,574.69                            0.09

        Zhongcai Energy Management Service Co., Ltd.                                          442,414.62                            0.08

        Total                                                                            536,921,005.82                            97.84

6. Investment income
(1) Particulars about investment income
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                       Amount in this year          Amount at last year

        Long-term equity investment income calculated by cost method                                    -               127,836,922.04

        Long-term equity investment income calculated by equity method                                  -               (90,201,890.81)

        Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investment                                  -               113,531,216.51

        Total                                                                                           -               151,166,247.74

       (2) Long-term equity investment income calculated by cost method
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                            Amount at last
                Invested units      Amount in this year          year                              Reasons of changes

        Weimei Power Company                                                     Distribute dividend at last year and no profit
                                                       -      71,571,959.87
                                                                                 distributed in this year

        Engineering Co                                                           Distribute dividend at last year and no profit
                                                       -      56,264,962.17
                                                                                 distributed in this year

        Total                                          -     127,836,922.04

(3) Long-term equity investment income calculated by equity method
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                Invested units      Amount in this year    Amount at last year                      Reasons of changes

                                                                                                                          - 98 -

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       Jiangxi     Xinchang                         Reference to Note(V)36
                              -   (90,201,890.81)

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7. Supplementary information of cash flow statement

      (1) Supplementary information of cash flow statement
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                               Supplementary information                         Amount in this year    Amount at last year

       1. Net profit transferred to cash flow of operating activities:

        Net profit                                                                    (29,424,910.93)        185,763,215.13

        Add: provision for assets devaluation                                           9,970,118.75          16,041,488.47

        Fixed assets depreciation                                                      45,452,442.79          72,292,401.99

        Intangible assets amortization                                                  1,449,427.40           1,399,802.89

        Long-term accounts prepaid amortization                                            49,988.16              75,783.60

       Loss of disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                           23,702.69           4,609,078.93

        Financial expense (income)                                                    140,817,129.79         149,697,744.85

        Investment loss (income)                                                                    -       (151,166,247.74)

        Decrease of deferred income taxes assets (Increase)                                         -                      -

        Decrease of inventory (Increase)                                               17,743,001.16          43,401,627.44

        Decrease of operating accounts receivable(Increase)                           (36,206,844.39)       (427,014,813.17)

        Increase of operating accounts payable (Decrease)                           (263,007,003.47)         454,256,195.79

       Net cash flow from operation activities                                       (113,132,948.05)        349,356,278.18

        2. Significant investment and financing activities unrelated to cash
       income and expense:

        Debts transferred to assets                                                                 -                      -

        Convertible Bonds due within 1 year                                                         -                      -

        Fixed assets financed by leasing                                                            -                      -

        3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:

        Period-end balance of cash and cash equivalents                               204,114,395.05         303,150,447.89

        Less: period-begin balance of cash and cash equivalent                        303,150,447.89         269,369,131.18

        Amount of increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalent                     (99,036,052.84)         33,781,316.71

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       (2)constitution of cash and cash equivalent
Unit: RMB

                                                Item                   Amount at year-end    Amount at year-begin
            I. Cash                                                         204,114,395.05        303,150,447.89
            Including: Stock cash                                                33,188.81             73,554.85
                      Bank savings available for paid anytime              203,501,624.26         302,539,423.53
                      Other monetary fund available for paid anytime           579,581.98             537,469.51
            II. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at year-end             204,114,395.05        303,150,447.89

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8. Related Transactions
(1) Related transaction of commodities purchase, labor service received/provided
Statement of commodity purchased/labor service received

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                        Amount in this year                Amount at last year

                                                                                                                       Proportion in
                                                                                  Proportion in
           Related       Transaction                                                                                     amount of
                                                                                    amount of
           parties         content          Price setting           Amount                              Amount            similar
                                            principal and                                                               transaction
                                                                                 transaction (%)
                                         strategy procedures                                                                (%)

                                         Reference     to    the
        Server                           market      price   or
                        and                                        1,407,499.2
        Petrochemical                    based on the price                               100.00        6,449,632.14             100.00
                        transportation                                       7
        Supplying Co                     from     executives

                                         Reference     to    the
                                         market      price   or
         New Power      Fuel                                       342,783,156
                                         based on the price                                   37.22   398,021,462.60              22.95
        Company         purchasing                                         .61
                                         from     executives

                                         Reference     to    the
        Zhongshan                        market      price   or
                        Spare parts                                2,307,692.3
        Power                            based on the price                               100.00                   -                  -
                        purchasing                                           1
        Company                          from     executives

                                         Reference     to    the
        Zhongshan                        market      price   or
        Power                            based on the price           4,632.54                 0.01                -                  -
        Company                          from     executives

                                         Reference     to    the
        Weimei                           market      price   or
        Power                            based on the price         616,377.30                 0.99                -                  -
        Company                          from     executives

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Commodity sold/labor service provided
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                        Amount in this year               Amount at last year

                                                                                   Proportion in                     Proportion in
           Related       Transaction     Price setting principal                    amount of                          amount of
           parties         content      and strategy procedures       Amount          similar          Amount           similar
                                                                                    transaction                       transaction
                                                                                       (%)                               (%)

                                        Reference to the market
         New Power      Charge of       price or based on the
                                                                     461,251.20          100.00       2,333,308.80         100.00
        Company         flue gas used   price   from   executives

                                        Reference to the market
         New Power                      price or based on the
                        Sales of heat                               2,209,849.41          50.03       3,917,820.44             63.40
        Company                         price   from   executives

                                        Reference to the market
                        Sales of        price or based on the
        Power                                                        775,642.97               4.52               -                  -
                        materials       price   from   executives

                                        Reference to the market
                        Sales of        price or based on the
        Power                                                       1,163,606.86              6.78    8,604,673.29              9.92
                        materials       price   from   executives

                                        Reference to the market
                        Sales of tap    price or based on the
        Petrochemical                                                 69,234.00               0.40               -                  -
                        water           price   from   executives
        Supplying Co

                                        Reference to the market
                        Hot water       price or based on the
        Protection                                                  6,313,209.48          36.76       6,547,254.72              7.55
                         sales          price   from   executives

                                        Reference to the market
        Environment     Sales of
                                        price or based on the
        Protection       cooling                                               -                  -   2,379,392.46              2.74
                                        price   from   executives
        Co.,             water

        Environment     Sales of tap    Reference to the market
                                                                               -                  -     26,650.00               0.03
        Protection      water           price or based on the

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       Co.,                          price   from   executives

                                     Reference to the market
                     Labor service   price or based on the
       Protection                                                600,000.00   3.49   -             -
                     charge          price   from   executives

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      (2)related leasing

      Rent-out condition
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Leasing           Leasing
                                                                                               income           income
                                        Type of assets    Leasing date      Leasing        determination     recognized in
         Lessor            Leasee          rent0out          starts          expired            basis           the year

                                                                         Date of
                                                                         reform of
       The            Zhongshan Power                                    Zhongshan
                                        Spare parts       2012.12.31                       Strike price      17,500.00
       Company        Company                                            Power
                                                                         completed in

                                                                         Next overhaul
                                                                         period of 3#
       The            Weimei Power                                       generation unit
                                        Spare parts       2009.08.28                       Strike price      16,028.35
       Company        Company                                            of Weimei

                      Petrochemical     Storage tank      2012.01.01       2012.08.13      Strike price      295,592.80
                      Supplying Co

       The            Environment
                                        Land              2011.01.01       2014.12.31      Strike price      1,152,000.00
       Company        Protection Co.,

       The            Environment
                                        Office building   2012.01.01       2014.12.31      Strike price      660,000.00
       Company        Protection Co.,

      Rent-in condition
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Leasing           Leasing
                                                                                               income           income
                                        Type of assets    Leasing date      Leasing        determination     recognized in
             Lessor            Leasee      rent0out          starts          expired            basis           the year

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                                                                              One month
                                                                              ended after
                                                                              completion of
                                                                              next overhaul
        Power             The Company       Spare parts         2012.4.25                        Strike price           600,150.29
                                                                              of 1#
                                                                              generation unit
                                                                              of the

(3 Related entrusted
Statement of entrusted:
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
         Name of    Name of      Transaction                       Date of       Due date        recognized basis of
                                                  Asset trust
        consigner   entrusted       type                          beginning                       entrusted income        Amount

                                                                                                Calculated based on
           New                                   generation
                    The         Trusteeship                                                     the RMB 0.025kwh         5,049,920.0
          Power                                  unit of         2012.01.01     2012.12.31
                    Company     income                                                          of the generation                    0
        Company                                  2#,10# and

                                                                                                Calculated based on
           New                                   generation
                    The         Trusteeship                                                     the RMB 0.025kwh         16,335,171.
          Power                                  unit of         2011.01.01     2011.12.31
                    Company     income                                                          of the generation                00
        Company                                  2#,10# and
                                                                                                volume 定

                                                                                                Allocated based on
           New                                   generation
                    The         Cost-alloca                                                     generating capacity      2,805,899.5
          Power                                  unit of         2012.01.01     2012.12.31
                    Company     tion (Note)                                                     of New Power                         8
        Company                                  2#,10# and

                                                                                                Allocated based on
           New                                   generation
                    The         Cost-alloca                                                     generating capacity      4,430,043.2
          Power                                  unit of         2011.01.01     2011.12.31
                    Company     tion (Note)                                                     of New Power                         8
        Company                                  2#,10# and

                                                 Power                                          Allocated based on
           New                  Expenses-a
                    The                          generation                                     generating capacity      11,746,324.
          Power                 llocation                        2012.01.01     2012.12.31
                    Company                      unit of                                        of New Power                     72
        Company                 (Note)
                                                 2#,10# and                                     Company

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                                                                                                    Allocated based on
              New                     Expenses-a     generation
                        The                                                                         generating capacity      17,476,977.
             Power                    llocation      unit of          2011.01.01      2011.12.31
                        Company                                                                     of New Power                       77
           Company                    (Note)         2#,10# and

Notes: according to the Custody and Operation Contract Concerning the Power Generation Machine Sets of Shenzhen New Power
Industry Co., Ltd. entered into by the Company and New Power Company dated 23 December 2003, the Company was entrusted to
operate and manage the 2#, 10# and 11# machine sets assets owned by New Power Company. The scope of the entrustment included:
production plan, power scheduling, power measure and agent sales, collection of electricity fees and safe operation and management
of equipments, as well as purchase, stock and management of consumed materials and facilities required for maintenance and
repairmen, normal maintenance of power generation equipments and facilities, organization and management of big- and
middle-sized repair projects, technological innovation and updates for power generation equipments, etc.

As for the fuels required for power production, they were purchased by New Power Company and then given to the Company for
general use. Costs were charged according to the actual fuel consumption of the machine sets owned by New Power Company.

As for substantial repair expenses and facilities, they were purchased collectively by the Company as per the custody contract. When
occurred, those cost attributable to the relevant machine sets were charged as the machine sets costs of New Power Company.

As for those costs that cannot be directly attributable to machine sets of New Power Company (such as utilities, depreciation of
common assets and personnel salaries, etc), they should be shared by New Power Company and the Company based on the
proportion of power generated.

The Company and New Power Company declared taxes according to the above share metho

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(4 Related guarantee
Guarantee provided
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
         Assurance                                               Guarantee                             Impletion of
                       Guarantee received   Guarantee amount                    Guarantee due date
         Provider                                              beginning date                        guarantee or not
        The            Weimei Power
                                              100,000,000.00    2012-06-07         2013-06-07              No
        Company        Company
        The            Weimei Power
                                              100,000,000.00    2012-06-05         2013-06-05              No
        Company        Company
        The            Weimei Power
                                              100,000,000.00    2012-06-13         2013-06-13              No
        Company        Company
        The            Weimei Power
                                               80,000,000.00    2012-06-20         2013-06-20              No
        Company        Company
        The            Weimei Power
                                               20,000,000.00    2012-07-02         2013-07-02              No
        Company        Company
        The            Weimei Power
                                               80,000,000.00    2012-06-09         2013-06-09              No
        Company        Company
        The            Weimei Power
                                               37,451,321.81    2012-08-13         2013-08-13              No
        Company        Company
        The            Weimei Power
                                               41,415,890.79    2012-08-20         2013-08-20              No
        Company        Company
        The            Weimei Power
                                               52,494,340.26    2012-10-16         2013-10-16              No
        Company        Company
        The            Zhongshan Power
                                               50,000,000.00    2012-09-11         2013-09-11              No
        Company        Company
        The            Zhongshan Power
                                               50,000,000.00    2012-10-26         2013-10-26              No
        Company        Company
        The            Zhongshan Power
                                               70,000,000.00    2012-01-13         2013-01-13              No
        Company        Company
        The            Zhongshan Power
                                               50,000,000.00    2012-02-10         2013-02-10              No
        Company        Company
        The            Zhongshan Power
                                               10,000,000.00    2012-03-19         2013-03-19              No
        Company        Company
        The            Zhongshan Power
                                               23,736,000.00    2012-05-28         2013-05-27              No
        Company        Company
        The            Environment
                                               10,000,000.00    2012-06-12         2013-01-29              No
        Company        Protection Co.,
        The            Environment
                                               20,000,000.00    2012-12-06         2013-12-05              No
        Company        Protection Co.,
        The            Environment
                                               16,000,000.00    2009-11-06         2017-09-20              No
        Company        Protection Co.,
        The            Environment
                                               10,000,000.00    2012-06-19         2013-06-19              No
        Company        Protection Co.,
        The             New Power
                                              100,000,000.00    2012-12-26         2013-12-26              No
        Company        Company
        The             New Power
                                              100,000,000.00    2012-11-27         2013-11-27              No
        Company        Company
        The             New Power
                                              100,000,000.00    2012-11-26         2013-11-26              No
        Company        Company
        Total                               1,221,097,552.86

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        The               Weimei Power
                                                  100,000,000.00       2011-12-06               2012-06-06              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Weimei Power
                                                   10,000,000.00       2011-02-14               2012-02-12              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Weimei Power
                                                   90,000,000.00       2011-02-22               2012-02-12              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Weimei Power
                                                  100,000,000.00       2011-12-02               2012-07-20              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Weimei Power
                                                  100,000,000.00       2011-12-07               2012-07-20              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Weimei Power
                                                   80,000,000.00       2011-07-15               2012-07-15              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Weimei Power
                                                  100,000,000.00       2011-12-29               2012-12-29              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Weimei Power
                                                   20,000,000.00       2011-01-10               2012-01-10              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Zhongshan Power
                                                   50,000,000.00       2011-09-09               2012-09-09              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Zhongshan Power
                                                   50,000,000.00       2010-04-01               2012-04-01              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Zhongshan Power
                                                   90,000,000.00       2011-01-21               2012-01-21              Yes
        Company           Company
        The               Environment
                                                   10,000,000.00       2011-08-03               2012-08-03              Yes
        Company           Protection Co.,
        The               Environment
                                                   10,000,000.00       2011-07-22               2012-06-20              Yes
        Company           Protection Co.,
        The                New Power
                                                   30,000,000.00       2011-06-30               2012-06-30              Yes
        Company           Company
        The                New Power
                                                   30,000,000.00       2011-07-06               2012-07-06              Yes
        Company           Company
        The                New Power
                                                   30,000,000.00       2011-08-25               2012-08-25              Yes
        Company           Company
        The                New Power
                                                   10,000,000.00       2011-09-02               2012-09-02              Yes
        Company           Company
        The                New Power
                                                  100,000,000.00       2011-12-22               2012-12-22              Yes
        Company           Company
        The                New Power
                                                  100,000,000.00       2011-12-29               2012-12-29              Yes
        Company           Company
        The                New Power
                                                   50,000,000.00       2011-10-27               2012-10-27              Yes
        Company           Company
        Total                                    1,160,000,000.00

(4) Lending money of related party
        This year:

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                               Amount of      Commenceme                       Balance at
        Related parties                                       Maturity Date                                    Note
                             lending money      nt date                         year-end
        Engineering Co        20,000,000.00    2011.08.25      2012.08.25                   -     Prepayment   dated 11 April 2012

                                                                                                                              - 109 -

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       Engineering Co   60,000,000.00   2011.11.21   2013.11.21   60,000,000.00
                                                                                  Prepayment 16,600,000.00 yuan
       Engineering Co   30,000,000.00   2012.02.09   2013.02.09   13,400,000.00
                                                                                  dated 11 April 2012
       Engineering Co   25,000,000.00   2012.12.06   2013.12.06   25,000,000.00
       Petrochemical    15,000,000.00   2011.08.30   2013.08.30   15,000,000.00
       Supplying Co
                                                                                  Prepayment 4,000,000.00 yuan
       Petrochemical    10,000,000.00   2011.07.18   2013.07.17    6,000,000.00
                                                                                  dated 13 June 2012
       Supplying Co
       Petrochemical     9,000,000.00   2012.02.10   2013.02.10    9,000,000.00
       Supplying Co
       Petrochemical     5,000,000.00   2012.11.16   2013.11.16    5,000,000.00
       Supplying Co
       Weimei Power                                                               Prepayment     dated 23 October
                        30,000,000.00   2011.11.01   2012.11.01               -
       Company                                                                    2012
       Weimei Power     100,000,000.0
                                        2011.10.14   2012.10.14               -
       Company                      0
       Weimei Power                                                               Prepayment 3,500,000.00 yuan
                        20,000,000.00   2012.02.13   2013.02.13   16,500,000.00
       Company                                                                    dated 23 October 2012
        New Power       130,000,000.0                             130,000,000.0
                                        2011.12.07   2013.12.07
       Company                      0                                         0
        New Power
                        25,000,000.00   2012.02.05   2013.02.05   25,000,000.00
       Development      40,000,000.00   2011.09.16   2012.09.16               -   Prepayment     dated 10 May 2012
       Development      10,000,000.00   2012.02.10   2013.02.10   10,000,000.00
                        545,245,758.0                             545,245,758.0
       Development                      2011.01.01   2013.12.31
                                    5                                         5
       Development      46,280,000.00   2011.01.01   2012.12.31   46,280,000.00   Extension
       Development      20,000,000.00   2012.05.11   2013.05.11   20,000,000.00
       Weimei Power
                        71,571,959.87   2011.07.15   2013.07.15   71,571,959.87
       Zhongshan                                                                  Issue a loan to related party entrust
       Power            25,000,000.00   2011.03.02   2012.03.02               -   to the bank, recovery dated 28
       Company                                                                    March 2012
       Zhongshan                                                                  Issue a loan to related party entrust
       Power                            2010.04.14   2012.04.14               -   to the bank, withdrawal in advance
       Company                                                                    dated 10 Feb.2012
       Power            50,000,000.00   2011.04.01   2011.12.31               -   Withdrawal dated 27 April 2012
                        40,437,227.87   2011.04.01   2011.12.31               -   Withdrawal dated 27 April 2012

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Ended as 31st December 2012

       Power              28,000,000.00    2011.04.01    2011.12.31                     -   Withdrawal dated 27 April 2012
       Power              19,623,969.20    2011.04.01    2011.12.31                     -   Withdrawal dated 27 April 2012
       Power              50,000,000.00    2011.04.25    2012.04.25                     -   Withdrawal dated 27 April 2012
                                                                                            Withdrawal in adanve dated 27
       Power              40,000,000.00    2011.06.02    2012.06.02                     -
                                                                                            April 2012
                                                                                            Withdrawal in adanve dated 27
       Power              50,000,000.00    2011.06.10    2012.06.10                     -
                                                                                            April 2012
                                                                                            Withdrawal in adanve dated 27
       Power              60,000,000.00    2011.07.22    2012.07.22                     -
                                                                                            April 2012
       Power              35,000,000.00    2012.09.08    2013.09.08      35,000,000.00      Extension
       Power              50,000,000.00    2011.09.01    2012.09.01                     -   Withdrawal dated 19 Oct. 2012
                                                                                            Withdrawal 22,000,000.00 yuan in
       Power              40,000,000.00    2012.09.06    2013.09.06      18,000,000.00
                                                                                            advance dated 19 Oct. 2012
                          100,000,000.0                                  100,000,000.0
       Power                               2011.12.20    2013.12.20
                                      0                                              0
                          100,000,000.0                                  100,000,000.0
       Power                               2012.01.11    2013.01.11
                                      0                                              0
       Power              55,000,000.00    2012.03.30    2013.03.30      55,000,000.00
       Power              55,000,000.00    2012.03.28    2013.03.28      55,000,000.00
       Power              30,000,000.00    2012.03.14    2013.03.14                     -   Withdrawal dated 24 April 2012
       Power              55,000,000.00    2012.03.26    2013.03.26      55,000,000.00
       Power              50,000,000.00    2012.09.06    2013.09.06      50,000,000.00

      Last year:
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                            Amount of     Commencement                     Balance at
        Related parties                                  Maturity Date                                    Note
                          lending money       date                          year-end

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

       Engineering Co    20,000,000.00   2011.08.25   2012.08.25    20,000,000.00
       Engineering Co    60,000,000.00   2011.11.21   2012.11.21    60,000,000.00
                                                                                    Borrowing loans from related
       Engineering Co    60,000,000.00   2009.11.20   2011.11.17                -
                                                                                    party through the Bank
       Petrochemical     15,000,000.00   2011.08.30   2012.08.29    15,000,000.00
       Supplying Co
       Petrochemical     10,000,000.00   2011.07.18   2012.07.17    10,000,000.00
       Supplying Co
       Weimei Power
                         30,000,000.00   2011.11.01   2012.11.01    30,000,000.00
       Weimei Power
                        100,000,000.00   2011.10.14   2012.10.14   100,000,000.00
        New Power
                        130,000,000.00   2011.12.07   2012.12.07   130,000,000.00
       Development       40,000,000.00   2011.09.16   2012.09.16    40,000,000.00
       Development       70,040,000.00   2011.01.01   2011.12.31    70,040,000.00   Extension
       Development       48,750,000.00   2011.01.01   2011.12.31    48,750,000.00   Extension
       Development        7,500,000.00   2011.01.01   2011.12.31     7,500,000.00   Extension
       Development      375,950,450.55   2011.01.01   2011.12.31   375,950,450.55   Extension
       Development       43,005,307.50   2011.01.01   2011.12.31    43,005,307.50   Extension
       Development       46,280,000.00   2011.01.01   2011.12.31    46,280,000.00   Extension
       Weimei Power
                         71,571,959.87   2011.07.15   2013.07.15    71,571,959.87
       Weimei Power                                                                 Issue a loan to related party
                         63,080,000.00   2010.07.26   2011.03.28                -
       Company                                                                      entrust to the bank
                                                                                    Issue a loan to related party
       Power             25,000,000.00   2011.03.02   2012.03.02    25,000,000.00
                                                                                    entrust to the bank
                                                                                    Issue a loan to related party
       Power            180,000,000.00   2010.04.14   2012.04.14   180,000,000.00
                                                                                    entrust to the bank
       Zhongshan                                                                    Issue a loan to related party
       Power             24,923,940.43   2009.12.24   2010.12.24                -   entrust to the bank, withdrawal
       Company                                                                      dated 17 Jan. 2012
       Zhongshan                                                                    Issue a loan to related party
       Power            100,000,000.00   2011.01.18   2011.02.28                -   entrust to the bank, withdrawal
       Company                                                                      dated 28 March 2012

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Ended as 31st December 2012

       Zhongshan                                                                     Issue a loan to related party
       Power              50,000,000.00   2010.06.12   2011.06.12                -   entrust to the bank, withdrawal in
       Company                                                                       advance dated 9 June 2011
                                                                                     Issue a loan to related party
       Power              40,000,000.00   2010.09.20   2011.09.20                -
                                                                                     entrust to the bank
       Zhongshan                                                                     Issue a loan to related party
       Power              35,000,000.00   2010.09.28   2011.09.28                -   entrust to the bank, withdrawal in
       Company                                                                       advance dated 10 Sept. 2011
       Power              50,000,000.00   2010.04.01   2011.12.31    50,000,000.00   Extension
       Power              40,437,227.87   2010.04.01   2011.12.31    40,437,227.87   Extension
       Power              28,000,000.00   2010.04.01   2011.12.31    28,000,000.00   Extension
       Power              19,623,969.20   2010.04.01   2011.12.31    19,623,969.20   Extension
       Power              50,000,000.00   2011.04.25   2012.04.25    50,000,000.00
       Power              40,000,000.00   2011.06.02   2012.06.02    40,000,000.00
       Power              50,000,000.00   2011.06.10   2012.06.10    50,000,000.00
       Power              60,000,000.00   2011.07.22   2012.07.22    60,000,000.00
       Power              35,000,000.00   2011.09.08   2012.09.08    35,000,000.00
       Power              50,000,000.00   2011.09.01   2012.09.01    50,000,000.00
       Power              40,000,000.00   2011.09.06   2012.09.06    40,000,000.00
       Power             100,000,000.00   2011.12.20   2012.12.20   100,000,000.00
       Environment                                                                   Withdrawal in adanve dated 29
                          10,000,000.00   2011.09.19   2012.09.19                -
       Protection Co.,                                                               Dec. 2011
       Environment                                                                   Withdrawal in adanve dated 29
                          10,000,000.00   2011.09.23   2012.09.23                -
       Protection Co.,                                                               Dec. 2011

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

       (6)Remuneration of key management staff
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                             Item                                           Amount in this year         Amount at last year
        Remuneration of key management staff                                                          7,265,916.80              7,311,300.00

(7) Fund occupation expenses
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                           Price            Amount in this year                   Amount at last year
                            Transactio     Transactio     setting                        Ratio in                                Ratio in
         Related parties
                              n type       n content     principa        Amount           similar              Amount             similar
                                                             l                          amount (%)                              amount (%)
        Engineering                         Interest
                            occupation                    Note          5,500,499.99               3.91        3,065,486.67               2.04
        Co                                 expenses
        Weimei Power                        Interest
                            occupation                    Note          5,012,548.18               3.56        1,773,022.23               1.18
        Company                            expenses
        Server                 Fund
        Petrochemical       occupation                    Note          2,106,895.56               1.50         640,511.11                0.43
        Supplying Co         expenses
        Shenzhong              Fund
        Development         occupation                    Note          1,519,100.00               1.08         779,911.11                0.52
        Co.,                 expenses
        Zhongshan              Fund
        Power               occupation                    Note         39,992,336.93              47.30       37,033,727.95              47.10
        Company              expenses
        Shenzhong              Fund         Interest      Note         38,715,383.80              45.79       36,348,436.29              46.22
        Development         occupation      income
        Co.,                 expenses
        Weimei Power                        Interest
                            occupation                    Note          4,587,623.48               5.43        3,501,522.33               4.45
        Company                             income
        Environment                         Interest
                            occupation                    Note                    -                   -         364,444.44                0.46
        Protection Co.,                     income

Note: payment for the use of state funds is calculated according to loan rate of current capital of peer

       (8)Assets transfer of related party
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                               Amount in this year                 Amount at last year
                                                             Price                                                                 Ratio in
          Related                           Transactio                                        Ratio in
                        Transaction type                    setting                                                                similar
          parties                           n content                         Amount           similar             Amount
                                                           principal                                                               amount
                                                                                             amount (%)
                      10% equity of
        Energy        energy                Assets        Market                                                123,078,900.0
                      Environment                                                       -                 -                             36.19
        Holding                             transfer      price                                                             0
                      Protection Co.,
                      held by the

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财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012


(9) Account receivable/payable of related parties
Account receivable from related parties
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                  Item                     Related parties       Balance at year-end       Balance at year-begin
        Other account receivable   Shenzhong Development Co.,            735,826,164.78             688,629,880.98
                                   Zhongshan Power Company               565,174,763.75             626,243,082.60
                                   Weimei Power Company                   81,102,663.74              85,437,069.99
                                   Environment Protection Co.,              1,610,545.01             11,017,120.27
                                   Server Petrochemical
                                   Supplying Co                                                        6,279,745.17
                                   Shennan Singapore                         144,340.87                 138,660.87
                                   Syndisome Co.,                              48,576.08                  35,127.06

        Dividend receivable         New Power Company                    597,875,904.41             597,875,904.41
                                   Engineering Co                         56,264,962.17              56,264,962.17

        Other current assets       Zhongshan Power Company                             -            205,000,000.00

Account payable to related parties
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                  Item                     Related parties       Balance at year-end       Balance at year-begin
        Account received in
        advance                    Energy Holding                         14,586,000.00              14,586,000.00

                                   Server Petrochemical
        Account payable            Supplying Co                              516,000.25                 332,376.11

        Other account payable       New Power Company                    618,314,078.53             776,413,945.94
                                   Weimei Power Company                   23,285,570.41             131,773,022.23
                                   Engineering Co                        104,937,178.93              81,036,534.88
                                   Server Petrochemical
                                                                          36,543,715.07              26,364,386.39
                                   Supplying Co
                                   Syndisome Co.,                           1,677,095.25               1,682,266.99

 (XII) Aproval of fiancnial statement
The financial statement of the Company and consolidated statement have been approved by the Board
dated 19 April 2013

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Ended as 31st December 2012

1. Particulars about current non-recurring gains and loss

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                            Item                                     Amount in this year               Note
 Loss and gains of disposal of non-current assets                                                           1,136,165.08
 Government subsidies included in current gains and loss (excluding those closely in                        2,217,106.02
 accordance with corporation business and enjoyed according to fixed amount under
 Import VAT refund for natural gas                                                                       125,023,871.96
 Other non-operating income/expenses beside the above said items                                               489,010.46
 Influence amount of income taxes                                                                           (414,701.91)
 Influence amounts of minority shareholders (after tax)                                                   (9,634,451.05)
 Total                                                                                                   118,817,000.56

2. Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                 Earnings per share

                                                  Weighted average return on equity              Basic earning s per         Diluted earnings per
            Profit in reporting period                              (%)                                share                          share

 Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                                                   (12.38)                         (0.34)             Not applicable
 shareholders of the Company

 Net profit attributable to ordinary
 shareholders of the Company deducting                                             (19.58)                         (0.54)             Not applicable
 non-recurring gains and loss

3. Abonormal condition and explanation for items in main accounting statement
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                     Item                     2012                   2011              Changes                          Difference reasons

                                                                                                     Cash in-flow from operation activity decreased in
1        Monetary fund                    526,852,121.41       695,095,052.12           (24.20%)
                                                                                                     this year

                                                                                                     Account paid in advance for natural gas decreased
2        Account paid in advance           12,132,738.08           31,576,397.23        (61.58%)
                                                                                                     inthis year

                                                                                                     The equity transfer amount of Jiangxi Xinchang
3        Other receivables                 16,297,883.22       124,599,842.72           (86.92%)
                                                                                                     Company received in this year

4        Inventory                       1,220,486,524.51    1,258,195,597.25            (3.00%)     Due to the disposal of fuel oil in this year

5        Other current assets             606,661,855.88       529,703,432.24            14.53%      The VAT input tax increased in this year

6        Long-term equity                  49,315,000.00           37,315,000.00         32.16%      More capital investe in Jiangxi Nuclear Power Co.,


财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

     investment                                                                        in this year

                                                                                       Normal depreciation for fixed assets in this year,
7    Fixed assets                  2,040,100,204.81   2,227,103,579.26      (8.40%)
                                                                                       and depreciation resrves withdrawal

     Long-term expenses to be                                                          The long-term expense to be amortized at
8                                        45,822.68          95,810.84      (52.17%)
     amortized                                                                         year-begin

9    Short-term loans              3,210,361,552.86   3,265,824,953.89      (1.70%)    Loans from the bank decreased

10   Note payable                    29,670,000.00      43,820,200.00      (32.29%)    Note issued in this year decreased

11   Account payable                 70,970,449.91     214,748,889.66      (66.95%)    Payable gas account decreased in this year

12   Tax payable                      2,961,440.37       7,802,638.34      (62.05%)    Payable income tax decreased

13   Other payables                 303,027,729.31     358,597,380.00      (15.50%)    Payable account of construction decreased

14   Non-current liabilities due                 -      50,000,000.00     (100.00%)    Long-term loans due within one year has been paid
     within one year                                                                   in this year

15   Long-term loans                 16,000,000.00      26,000,000.00      (38.46%)    Long-term loans has been paid in this year

16   Other non-current liability     44,015,465.64       5,104,791.66       762.24%    Government subsidy with asseets-concened
                                                                                       received in this year

17   Retained profit                249,614,987.36     454,070,630.72      (45.03%)    Net losses in this year

18   Minority shareholders’        173,891,856.02     134,439,441.22        29.35%    More capital invest in Zhongshan Power Company
     equity                                                                            from minority shareholder in this year

19   operation income              1,265,445,768.29   2,415,817,730.35     (47.62%)    Sales of power decreased in this year

20   Operation cost                2,087,264,770.22   3,589,704,382.71     (41.85%)    Sales of power decreased in this year

21   Business tax and surcharge       7,623,350.20      12,574,988.91      (39.38%)    City maintenance tax and other decreased in this

22   Sales expenses                   2,308,615.35         818,301.34       182.12%    Transportation charge in this year decreased

23   Fiancnial expenses             247,564,983.52     204,297,949.90        21.18%    Capitalization of interests in this year decreased

24   Investment income                           -      23,329,325.70     (100.00%)    No equity transfer occurred in this year

25   Non-opration income            979,204,618.46    1,516,790,851.26     (35.44%)    Fuel subsidy income and import VAT rebate in this
                                                                                       year decreased

26   Non-operation expenses             210,609.14       5,225,709.23      (95.97%)    Abandonment losses of fixed assets decreased in
                                                                                       this year

27   Income tax expenses              2,859,105.88      13,224,142.33      (78.38%)    Income tax expenses in this period decreased

28   Net profit attributable to    (204,455,643.36)     17,529,063.37    (1,266.38%)   Net losses occurred in this year
     shareholders of parent


财务报表附 Note
Ended as 31st December 2012

Supplementary information provided by management will signe by the follow principal:

Legal person:

Person in charge of accounting works:


Person in charge of accounting organ:

19 April 2013
