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鲁 泰B:2015年半年度报告(英文版)2015-08-27  

						                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.



        August 2015

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

          Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Definitions

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management
staff of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―the Company‖) warrant that this report
does not contain any false record or misleading statement or omit any material fact and shall hereby
accept, individually and collectively, responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of
the contents carried in this report.
All directors have attended in person the board session for reviewing this report.
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into
share capital.
Liu Shizhen, company principal, Zhang Hongmei, chief of the accounting work, and Zhang Keming,
chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the Financial Report
enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.
This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                                                                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Definitions ........................................................................................................................2
Section II. Company Profile ....................................................................................................................................................................5
Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators .........................................................................................................7
Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors .........................................................................................................................................10
Section V. Significant Events.................................................................................................................................................................22
Section VI. Changes in Shares & Particulars about Shareholders .........................................................................................................29
Section VII. Preference Shares ..............................................................................................................................................................33
Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff ........................................................................................................34
Section IX. Financial Report .................................................................................................................................................................37
Section X. Documents Available for Reference ...................................................................................................................................146

                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


                   Short form                                            Definition

Issuer, Company, the Company             Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

The Board of Directors                   The Board of Directors of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

The Supervisory Committee                The Supervisory Committee of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

CSRC                                     China Securities Regulation Commission

Yuan, Ten thousand                       RMB Yuan, RMB Ten thousand

The ―Company Law‖                      The ―Company Law of the People’s Republic of China‖

The ―Securities Law‖                   The ―Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China‖

Reporting period                         1 Jan. 2015-30 Jun. 2015

                                                                                    2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                       Section II. Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation              LTA, LTB                                 Stock code                       000726, 200726

Stock abbreviation after
change (if any)

Stock exchange listed with      Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company 鲁泰纺织股份有限公司

Abbr. of the Chinese name of
the Company (if any)

English name of the Company
                                LU THAI TEXTILE CO., LTD
(if any)

Abbr. of the English name of
the Company (if any)

Legal representative of the
                                Liu Shizhen

II. Contact information

                                                         Company Secretary                      Securities Affairs Representative

Name                                          Qin Guiling                                  Zheng Weiyin

                                              No. 81, Songling East Road, Zichuan          No. 81, Songling East Road, Zichuan
Contact address
                                              District, Zibo, Shandong, P.R.China          District, Zibo, Shandong, P.R.China

Tel.                                          0533-5266188                                 0533-5285166

Fax                                           0533-5418805;5282188-234                    0533-5418805

E-mail                                        qinguiling@lttc.com.cn                       wyzheng@lttc.com.cn

III. Other information

1. Ways to contact the Company

Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the
Company during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company did not change
during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2014 Annual Report.

                                                                                         2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

2. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Did any change occur to information disclosure media and where this report is placed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC for disclosing this report
and the location where this report is placed did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2014
Annual Report.

3. Changes in the registered information

Did any change occur to the registered information during the reporting period?
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                             Registration code of Organizatio
                                       Registration date      Registration place      Business license No.
                                                                                                                  taxation         nal code

                                                           Zibo           Municipal
At the beginning of the
                                      13 November 2014 Administration Bureau for 370300400002843             370302613281175     61328117-5
reporting period
                                                           Industry and Commerce

                                                           Zibo           Municipal
At the end of the reporting
                                      14 April 2015        Administration Bureau for 370300400002843         370302613281175     61328117-5
                                                           Industry and Commerce

Date when the relevant
announcement                   was
disclosed           on         the
designated     website          (if

Website      link        for   the
relevant      announcement
disclosed           on         the None
designated     website          (if

                                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

     Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of any accounting policy or
correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No

                                                 Reporting period           Same period of last year             YoY +/- (%)

Operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                         2,941,835,897.16              3,114,226,581.62                            -5.54%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                        344,521,516.72                476,880,256.93                           -27.76%
the Company (RMB Yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company after extraordinary gains and               308,604,457.41                475,996,558.52                           -35.17%
losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                        362,304,624.13                399,042,563.87                            -9.21%
(RMB Yuan)

Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                          0.36                          0.50                         -28.00%

Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                        0.36                          0.50                         -28.00%

Weighted average ROE (%)                                         5.10%                          7.81%                           -2.71%

                                                As at the end of the
                                                                            As at the end of last year              +/- (%)
                                                 reporting period

Total assets (RMB Yuan)                               8,585,633,117.13              8,627,671,393.88                            -0.49%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                      6,456,030,484.38              6,588,772,245.55                            -2.01%
the Company (RMB Yuan)

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                   Net profit attributable to shareholders Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                              of the Company                              the Company

                                                                           Same period of
                                                   Reporting period                             Closing amount       Opening amount
                                                                              last year

According to Chinese accounting standards             344,521,516.72        476,880,256.93       6,456,030,484.38    6,588,772,245.55

Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards

                                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Impact on domestic equipments tax credit
recognized as deferred income under international           612,500.00         754,500.00           -1,456,500.00        -2,069,000.00
accounting standards

According to international accounting standards         345,134,016.72     477,634,756.93        6,454,573,984.38   6,586,703,245.55

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases for the reporting period.

3. Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Effects of domestic equipment exempted from income tax
The Company exempted from income tax for buying domestic equipment. According to Chinese accounting standards, the income
tax expenses are directly reduced which are recognized as deferred income related to assets by the international accounting standards.
According to the regulations of the international accounting standards, this difference is amortized over the fixed using periods of
year of the fixed assets and adjusting net income and net assets.

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                    Item                                                        Amount

Gain/loss on the disposal of non-current assets (including the offset part of the asset impairment

Government grants recognized in the current period, except for those acquired in the ordinary course of
business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the country’s unified standards

Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities,
as well as investment income from disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities
and financial assets available for sales except for effective hedging related with normal businesses of the

Non-operating income and expense other than the above                                                          1,457,728.67

Less: income tax effects                                                                                      10,018,509.04

Minority interests effects (after tax)                                                                         1,047,078.18

Total                                                                                                         35,917,059.31      --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary Gains and

                                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                         Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

In the first half of 2015, most textile enterprises operated steadily, but the environment for the industry was still harsh with a
decreased export volume of textiles and garments, a weak domestic demand and rising costs of production factors. All these together
with the depreciation in foreign currencies such as the Yen and the Euro created various unfavorable impacts on export-oriented
textile enterprises. Under the circumstances, we continued to deepen our excellent performance management model, vigorously
promoted our Lu Thai Production System (LTPS), proactively carried forward our global planning, accelerated the industrial and
informatization fusion, and enhanced corporate culture improvement. As a result, despite a drop in our operating results for the first
half of the year, we managed to maintain a healthy and steady development trend.
For the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB 2.942 billion, operating profit of RMB 407 million, net
profit attributable to common share holders of RMB 345 million and net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company of RMB
309 million after deducting extraordinary gains and losses, down 5.54%, 26.38%, 27.76% and 35.17% respectively from the same
period of last year.
During the reporting period, there were no change in the main business of the Company, main profit source and composition.
Within the reporting period, the Company gave to full play of its technical accumulation and brand advantage in yarn dyeing sector,
integrated advantageous resources from home and abroad highly efficiently, circumvented potential trade barriers effectively,
improved its global production scale and maintained its leading position in global yarn dyeing sector. The Company decided to
establish Lutai (Vietnam) Co., Ltd, with its planned production scale of 60,000 spindles of spun yarn and 30 million meters of
yarn-dyed fabric, and the project has entered the process of basic construction currently.
Within the reporting period, the Company was appraised as a Pilot Enterprise for Informatization Renovation and Improvement in
Textile Industry by China National Textile and Apparel Council and Information Promotion Division of the Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology respectively. It was awarded as a Five-star Enterprise for Performing Social Responsibilities of Chinese
Industrial Enterprises at the Press Conference of 2015 Enterprise Social Responsibility Report in Chinese Industrial Economics
Industry organized by United Nations Industrial Development Organization and China Federation of Industrial Economics,appraised
as one of top 100 enterprises in garment industry of China in 2014 by China National Garment Association, appraised a
Demonstration Base of Nationwide Enterprise Culture Construction by China Research Institute of Enterprise Culture, awarded a
Labor Certificate of Merit for Enriching People and Rejuvenating Shandong by Shandong Province Federation of Trade Unions and
appraised as one of Ten Best Elderly Respecting Enterprises of Shandong by Shandong Aging Industry Development Foundation.
Within the reporting period, facing with the severe international and domestic market situations, the Company insisted on practicing
its skills, conducted scientific and technological innovations continuously, studied new technologies and new techniques constantly,
and enhanced customer promotion and services and its market acceptance and customer recognition have been increased dramatically.
The complete set of technologies and equipment for digital automatic bobbin dyeing developed jointly by the Company with China
Academy of Machinery Science and Technology and Shandong Companion Group was awarded the first prize of National Scientific
and Technological Progress. By the end of the reporting period, the Company had 209 patent applications that had been agreed for
handling, of which 68 were invention patents, 134 were utility model patents and 7 were appearance design patents. 144 patents were
awarded formally, of which 21 were invention patents, 116 were utility model patents and 7 were appearance design patents.
Accumulatively 34 state-level, provincial-level and ministerial-level prizes were awarded, of which 1 was first prize and 2 were
second prize of national scientific and technological progress, 9 won prize of provincial scientific and technological progress, of
which 4 were first prize, 2 were second prize; 22 won prize of scientific and technological progress of China National Textile And

                                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Apparel Council, of which 3 were first prize and 9 were second prize. It undertook 8 scientific and technological plans of provincial
or ministerial level and 9 major research programs of state level or provincial or ministerial level, and participated or hosted in
enacting 21 standards, of which 5 were national standards and 16 were industrial standards.
Within the reporting period, the Company promoted its brand construction and marketing network construction continuously. The
successful launch of Beijing Lutai Youxian E-Commerce Co., Ltd, its subsidiary and UTAILOR, its high-end tailoring platform
(www.utailor.com.cn), completed a seamless connection from offline cutting one’s coat according to his cloth to online one-button
tailoring. Depending on our advantages in manufacturing technologies in the whole industrial chain and quality assurance, we
provided shirts that were of high performance-price ratio and personalized design and excellent services. In terms of fabrics of shirts,
within the reporting period, our designers, together with designers from Milan, launched nearly 3000 styles, and recommended to
clients in the markets of United States, Asia and Europe. To give to full play of the advantage and role of Milan Design Center, we
established good partnership with clients through holding product recommendation meetings in Shanghai, Milan and the United
States, and market share of our self-reliantly designed fabrics was improved. In terms of shirts, within the reporting period, we set up
a pattern study team for research and improvement of patterns to ensure garment samples to be more fit to body.
Now, the Company has developed a product system that majored natural fiber materials, led by multicomponent fiber material, cored
by ironing-free technology, oriented by world’s fashionable consumption and concentrated on functional health, to satisfy
personalized and diversified market demands.

II. Main business analysis

In the reporting period, operating revenues decreased 5.54% year on year. Operating costs, selling expenses, administrative expenses,
financial expenses and income tax expenses increased -0.23%, 4.87%, 5.56%, 21.24%, -23.38% respectively. Net cash flows from
investing activities increased 61.90% year on year mainly because the cash paid to acquire fixed assets decreased 56.65%. Net cash
flows from financing activities increased 27.87%. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents increased 71.71% year on year mainly
because the net cash flows from investing activities increased 61.90%.

YoY change of major financial data:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                         Reporting period        Same period of last year     YoY +/-%       Main reasons for change

Operating revenues                           2,941,835,897.16            3,114,226,581.62           -5.54%

Operating costs                              2,133,022,201.07            2,137,850,293.37           -0.23%

Selling expenses                                 97,645,409.00             93,108,145.82             4.87%

Administrative expenses                        311,323,333.58             294,932,674.63             5.56%

Financial expenses                                9,021,706.88              7,441,307.46           21.24%

Income tax expenses                              67,469,529.96             88,060,378.95           -23.38%

R&D input                                      141,009,183.42             148,094,648.52            -4.78%

Net cash flows from operating
                                               362,304,624.13             399,042,563.87            -9.21%

Net cash flows from investing                                                                                Cash paid to acquire
                                               -128,144,916.52           -336,371,410.80           61.90%
activities                                                                                                   fixed assets decreased.

                                                                                    2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Net cash flows from financing
                                               -356,898,204.35             -494,775,481.22           27.87%

                                                                                                               Net cash flows from
Net increase in cash and cash
                                               -120,982,414.33             -427,603,384.69           71.71% investing activities

Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No major changes occurred to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period.
Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the Company such as share-soliciting
prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not mention any future planning for the reporting period in its disclosed documents such as share-soliciting
prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.
Review the progress of any previously disclosed business plan in the reporting period:

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                                                                                  of operating     of operating cost     of gross profit
                          Operating                         Gross profit rate
                                          Operating cost                        revenue over the    over the same      rate over the same
                           revenue                                (%)
                                                                                 same period of period of last year period of last year
                                                                                  last year (%)          (%)                   (%)

Classified by industry:

Textile and
                     2,714,111,023.53 1,962,988,610.82                27.67%              -0.37%               7.58%              -5.35%

Cotton                    30,212,580.47    25,293,252.53              16.28%             -81.05%            -83.06%                  9.95%

Electricity and
                          85,271,911.30    61,219,481.71              28.21%             -28.41%            -30.48%                  2.14%

Other                     28,165,660.18    24,082,838.08              14.50%             -24.04%            -14.81%               -9.26%

Classified by product:

Fabric products     2,142,265,098.63 1,551,397,939.75                 27.58%               1.51%            10.17%                -5.69%

Shirts                  571,845,924.90    411,590,671.07              28.02%              -6.87%              -1.18%              -4.15%

cotton                    30,212,580.47    25,293,252.53              16.28%             -81.05%            -83.06%                  9.95%

Electricity and
                          85,271,911.30    61,219,481.71              28.21%             -28.41%            -30.48%                  2.14%

Other                     28,165,660.18    24,082,838.08              14.50%             -24.04%            -14.81%               -9.26%

Classified by region:

                                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Hong Kong            164,312,876.82      118,985,253.75            27.59%            -26.34%            -20.08%             -5.67%

Japan And South
                     174,565,387.20      125,933,416.50            27.86%             -7.35%              -0.83%            -4.75%

Southeast Asia       848,509,846.77      614,443,480.93            27.59%             12.17%             21.71%             -5.67%

Europe and
                     408,541,183.02      294,640,258.72            27.88%            -13.31%              -7.34%            -4.65%

Other                362,677,515.77      262,479,174.27            27.63%            -17.94%            -11.11%             -5.56%

China Mainland       899,154,365.90      657,102,598.97            26.92%             -6.22%              -5.63%            -0.45%

IV. Core competitiveness analysis

The comprehensive management ability, research and development ability, technological accumulation and global planning of the
Company’s whole industry chain are the Company's core competitiveness, which did not change during the reporting period.

1. The Company boasts a complete industrial chain from cotton planting, yarning, dyeing, weaving and post-processing to cloth
manufacturing, and thus enjoys the cost advantage brought by complete steps for producing high-end dyed textile.
2. Relying on sound comprehensive management capacity, the Company has passed ISO9000 quality management system,
ISO14000 environmental management system, OHSAS18000 occupational health safety management system, and SA8000 social
accountability management system successively from 1995. Ever since 2007, the Company has also passed WRAP: 1999 global
garment production social accountability standard, C-TPAT: 2004 anti-terrorism standard, OE100 and GOTS organic cotton system
certification and CNAS national laboratory recognition, to realize the internationalization and standardization of the Company’s
management. In order to pursue the operational management of performance excellence and better the Company’s performance and
capability, the Company has gradually introduced GB/T19580-2004 -Standards for Performance Excellence Evaluation, created
―Great Quality‖ system and promoted management innovation, to ensure the Company’s business quality.
3. The Company has attached great importance to R&D investment, persisted independent innovation, and relied on Research
Academy of Luthai Textile Garment Engineering to continuously perfect a platform for scientific and research cooperation. It has
carried out cooperation with research academies, universities, strategic customers and important suppliers to gradually transfer from
product R&D to technology research, from overcoming key technology difficulties to mastering technology principles and
formulating industrial standards, and from focusing technology innovation to integration of new technology and creative mode,
enhanced low-carbon, green and recycled development, empowered the corporate growth and increased the contribution of
technology advance to industrial development.
4. Centered by customers, the Company has comprehensively enhanced quality management, stuck to high-standard services, and
successfully established a brand image that leads the industry, satisfies customers and wins market. It has actively utilized new
technologies to transform traditional industries, promoted technology and product innovation, and vigorously integrated brand
construction, textile technology and garment culture, for the purpose of improving corporate brand image. Besides, the Company has
paid close attention to the product diversification and reasonable adjustment to market structure, stressed both domestic and
international markets, integrated global market resources, explored international layout, and craving out a new road in terms of
manufacturing mode, production organization manner and marketing mode, to give full play to the Company’s comprehensive
management advantages in the industry.

                                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

V. Investment analysis

1. Investment in the equities of external parties

(1) External investment

□Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

(2) Equity-holdings in financial enterprises

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any equity-holding in financial enterprises of the Company in the reporting period.

(3) Investment in securities

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no investment in securities by the Company in the reporting period.

(4) Shareholdings in other listed companies

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

2. Information of trust management, derivative investment and entrusted loan

(1) Trust management

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no trust management of the Company in the reporting period.

(2) Derivative investment

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan

                 Relate Type                                                                                  of the
                 d-part     of                                                                               closing      Actual
                                      Initial                            Opening       ent      Closing
Operat Relati      y      derivat                Beginning                                                 investment gain/loss in
                                    investment               Ending date investment provisio investment
   or     on    transac    ive                     date                                                     amount in    reporting
                                     amount                               amount       n (if    amount
                 tion or invest                                                                                the        period
                  not     ment                                                                             Company’
                                                                                                            s closing

                                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                       net assets

          Non-re               exchan                    14 Nov.
ercial                No                  165,620.39               4 May 2016     21,213.88               56,219.98        8.18%       2,105.44
          lated                ge                        2014

Comm                           n
          Non-re                                         11 Feb.
ercial                No       exchan         6,763.94             15 Jun. 2015            0                       0                         7.89
          lated                                          2015
bank                           ge

Comm                           Option
          Non-re                                         21 Oct.   20 May
ercial                No       portfol    205,627.31                                 31,835               173,986.2      25.31%          772.73
          lated                                          2015      2016
bank                           io

Total                                      378,011.64        --           --      53,048.88              230,206.18      33.49%        2,886.06

Capital source for derivative
                                         Self-owned funds

Cases involving lawsuit (if

Disclosure date of the board
announcement approving the 27 Mar. 2014
derivative investment (if any)

Disclosure date of the general
meeting                announcement
approving         the      derivative
investment (if any)

                                         The Company conducted derivatives products transaction in order for hedging. And the forward
                                         settlement hedging was operated by installments, with the relevant amount not more than the
                                         planned derivatives products transactions. And all derivatives products transaction was zero-deposit.
Analysis on risks and control Meanwhile, the Company had a complete risk control system for sufficient analysis and prevention
measures          of       derivative of possible risks such as risk of laws and regulations, credit risk, operation risk and market risk.
products held in the reporting 1. Risk of laws and regulations:
period      (including      but      not The Company conducted derivatives products transaction in strict accordance with relevant laws
limited      to       market        risk, and rules as well as regulatory policies from government securities regulatory authorities, if there
liquidity     risk,     credit      risk, were no standard operation procedures and strict approval procedures, it was easy to cause
operation risk, law risk, etc.)          compliant and regulatory risks existing in the validity and feasibility of contract, commitments and
                                         other legal documents signed.
                                         Precautionary measures: The Company carefully studied and mastered laws, regulations and
                                         policies relevant to derivative products transaction, formulated internal control rules for the forward

                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

settlement hedging business, standardized the operation procedures. And strengthened the compliant
examination on derivative products investment business, and strictly abided by relevant laws,
regulations and the Company’s internal management rules.
2. Credit risk and liquidity risk:
When the contract matures, the Company couldn’t deliver as scheduled due to insufficient liquidity,
and the counterparty or the Company couldn’t fulfill the contract due to other aspects except the
liquidity, which would cause credit risk and further economic losses for the Company.
Precaution measure: the Company chose the powerful financial institutions with good reputation as
the counterparty, and signed standard derivative products transaction contract, as well as strictly
controlled the credit risk of counterparty. The Company conducted derivative investment
transactions according to the relevant approval procedure, which was in line with relevant laws,
regulations, the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Rules for Derivative
Investment of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd., the Proposal on the Plan of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. for
Derivative Transactions in 2014 approved at the 7th Session of the 7th Board of Directors on 25 Mar.
2014, and performed relevant information disclosure responsibilities. The Company decided the up
limit for the amount of derivative products transaction according to the production and operation
scale and the progress of foreign exchange income for the Company, and delivered by phases. It was
also possible to use extension of term and other ways to ensure the fulfillment of contract as
schedules upon the mature of contract, and wouldn’t cause any loss of credit risk for the Company
due to insufficient liquidity or other reasons.
3. Operation risk:
The derivative financial transactions had high specialty and complexity, so imperfect internal
operation procedures, staffs and external events would make the Company to undertake risks during
the transaction.
Precaution measure: The Company promulgated strict authorization and approval system and
perfect regulatory mechanism, fixed the departments, operation procedures and approval procedures
system to conduct derivative products transaction, established special risk control positions,
implemented strict authorization and post checks and balances system, meanwhile, it improved the
overall quality of relevant personnel through strengthening the business training and professional
ethics education for them. Besides, it established the System of Reporting the Abnormal Situation
Timely, formed an efficient risk management procedures, so as to ensure to lower the operation risks
to the maximum.
4. Market risk:
The forward settlement of exchange is an important derivative products transaction, which was
significantly affected by the exchange rate fluctuation due to its large amount. The Central Bank
decided to expand the inter-bank spot RMB-dollar trading band from 1% to 2% since 17 Mar. 2014,
which would increase the difficulty in the operation of forward settlement of exchange. Besides, if
the RMB is devalued by a large margin on the basis of the current situation before the contract is
due, so then, the larger losses shall incur in the contract on forward settlement of exchange signed
by the Company.
Risk analysis and precaution measure: Renminbi appreciated significantly compared with that
before the exchange rate reform, but Renminbi internationalization would be a long-term goal,
which decided that Renminbi would not depreciated significantly. Although the increased

                                                                                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                      fluctuation range added the operation difficulty, it provided a certain opportunity, which required
                                      relevant personnel of the Company actively master the market trend, carefully operate and hold
                                      positive opportunity, so as to try the best to reduce the market risks under the condition of increased
                                      market difficulty.

                                      1. Up to 30 Jun. 2015, the Company held 31 undue financial derivative product contracts, totaling
Changes of market prices or
                                      US$ 398 million, including 19 forward settlement contracts worth US$ 88.5 million and 46 foreign
fair values in the reporting
                                      exchange option contracts worth US$ 309.5 million (the latest expiration before May 2016). The
period     of     the     invested
                                      financial derivative products above accounted for 33.40% of the closing net assets.
derivatives. And the analysis
                                      2. From Jan. 2015 to Jun. 2015, the due financial derivative products of the Company totally
on the fair value of the
                                      equaled to US$ 237.0483 million, all delivered on time, and the gain generated was RMB 28.8606
derivatives should include the
                                      million. To be specific, the due forward settlement was US$ 175 million, generating gain of RMB
specific use methods and the
                                      21.0544 million; the due forward foreign exchange trading amount equaled to US$ 11.0483 million,
relevant     assumptions        and
                                      which generated gain of RMB 78,900; and the due foreign exchange options equaled to US$ 51
                                      million, which generated a gain of RMB 7.7273 million.

Whether significant changes
occurred to the Company’s
accounting policy and specific
accounting       principles      of Unchanged
derivatives in the reporting
period     compared       to    the
previous reporting period

                                      The Company’s independent directors Zhou Zhiji, Zhang Chengzhu, Wang Lei, Xu Jianjun and
                                      Zhao Yao, concerning conducting derivatives business, have issued the following professional
Specific        opinion        from advice: we were of the opinion that it would strengthen the Company’s competitiveness to use
independent directors on the derivative transactions with focus on forward settlement and purchase as an effective tool to avoid
Company’s              derivatives foreign exchange risks, to strengthen the relevant internal control and to carry out the loss and risk
investment and risk control           prevention measures so as to improve the operation and management. It was considered feasible for
                                      the Company to conduct derivative transactions with focus on forward settlement and purchase, and
                                      no harm was done to interests of the Company’s shareholders.

(3) Entrusted loan

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no entrusted loan of the Company in the reporting period.

3. Use of raised funds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

Compan                Industr produc         Registered                                               Operating        Operating
             any                                                 Total assets      Net assets                                              Net profit
 y name                  y     ts/serv            capital                                              revenues            profit

g           Subsid Manuf
                               city,      162,435,600.00        540,167,259.26 485,536,763.07 227,136,627.35 65,818,763.57 52,008,490.72
Thermal iary          acture
Co., Ltd.

5. Significant projects of investments with non-raised funds

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Ten thousand Yuan

                       Total                       Cumulative actual                             Disclosure date (if
                                  Input for                             Project    Project                             Disclosure index (if any)
    Project name      investme                       input as at the                                    any)
                                 this period                            progress   earnings
                         nt                            period-end

                                                                                                                       The ―Announcement on
A            new                                                                                                       Launching           a      New
230,000-spindl                                                                                                         230,000-spindle
e      production                                                                                                      Production Line Project
line project and                                                                                                       and a New 35,000-ingot
a            new                                                                                                       Two-for-one             Twisting
                        92,866         1,820.72             31,540.26    33.96%                 23 Mar. 2012
35,000-ingot                                                                                                           Production Line Project‖
two-for-one                                                                                                            (announcement               No.
twisting                                                                                                               2012-008) disclosed by
production line                                                                                                        the          Company         on
project                                                                                                                http://www.cninfo.com.c

Total                   92,866         1,820.72             31,540.26      --         --                 --                           --

VI. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Sep. 2015

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin to the end of the
next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the
“non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the “non-standard audit report” for last

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Implementation of profit allocation during the reporting period

Profit allocation plan implemented during the reporting period, especially execution and adjustment of the cash dividend plan and the
plan for turning capital reserve into share capital:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Pursuant to the 2014 Profit Allocation Proposal reviewed and approved on the 2014 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting on 20
May 2015, the Company carried out the cash dividend distribution plan in Jun 2015, which was in compliance with the articles
governing dividends in the Articles of Association of the Company. And the cash dividend policy did not change in the reporting

                                            Special statement about the cash dividend policy

In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and the resolution of the general

Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                                                    Yes

Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                                                  Yes

Independent directors fulfilled their responsibilities and played their due role.                 Yes

Minority shareholders have the chance to fully express their opinion and desire and their
legal rights and interests were fully protected.

In adjustment or alteration of the cash dividend policy, the conditions and procedure were
in compliance with regulations and transparent.

X. Preplan for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital for the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company planed not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into share capital for the reporting

XI. Researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                Way of      Visitor                                                                    Main discussion
          Time        Place                                                         Visitor
                                reception    type                                                                       and materials

                                                                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                     provided by the

                                      Everbright Securities Company Limited Li Jie Tang Sh The             Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution
                                      uangshuang                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution   Qilu Securities   Han Liping
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Naturebridge Asset Hu Xin
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Shengwan Lingxing Co., Ltd. Liu Zongxun
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Sals Department of Jianghai Securities Liu Hua
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Hongdao Investment Ji Wei
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Chang Xin Asset Huang Wei
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Huijie Investment Xie Rui
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Jiuding Capital Chen Tao
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Jiangsu Xinye Shao Lei
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Yuancheng Investment Zeng Shang
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Minsheng Tonghui Asset Management Bai Fan
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Yintai Securities Zeng Liang
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Shanghai Right Share Xu Wenguang Han Ying
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Licheng Asset Weng Di
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Zongyi Runbang Liang Liang
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution TF Securities Ding Lingxiao
                                                                                                   basic situation

                                                                                                   The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Zhong Ou Asset Zhang Bo
                                                                                                   basic situation

31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution BOC International Asset Management Department Yao The                  Company’s

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                   Yonghua                                                  basic situation

                                                                                            The     Company’s
31 Mar. 2015   By phone Institution Ping An Endowment Insurance Sun Haiqi
                                                                                            basic situation

                                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                           Section V. Significant Events

I. Corporate governance

The Company continued to perfect the corporate governance structure, establish and perfect the modern enterprise
system and ensure the efficient and standardized operation of the Company’s Shareholders’ General Meeting,
Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and Senior Executives strictly according to Company Law, Securities
Law and Governing Rules for Listed Company as well as relevant stipulations and requirements from CSRC. It
formed a relationship of clear division of rights and responsibilities, assuming each own functions and check and
balance each other between the management organ, decision-making organ, supervisory organ and management
layer, so as to provide a good internal operational environment for the Company’s standardized and efficient
operation. At present, there is no difference between the actual situation of the Company’s corporate governance
structure and the requirements on the corporate governance of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

II. Litigations

Significant litigations and arbitrations
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.
Other litigations
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Media query

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in any media query in the reporting period.

IV. Bankruptcy or Reorganization Events

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There Company was not involved in any bankruptcy or reorganization events in the reporting period.

V. Transaction in Assets

1. Purchase of assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There is no purchase of assets in the Company during the reporting period

2. Sale of assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                                    2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

There is no sale of assets in the Company during the reporting period.

3. Business combination

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There is no business combination in the Company during the reporting period.

VI. Implementation and Influence of Equity Incentive Plan of the Company

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There is no equity incentive plan and its implementation in the Company during the reporting period.

VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions concerning routine operation

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                            Approve            Settleme
                       of    Conte                                                                                         Similar
                                                                                 Proporti      d                  nt
                       the    nt of         Pricing                                                                        Transact
                                                                    Transactio    on in     transacti Over     method
Rela               relat      the      principle of        Transa                                                            ion      Disclo
          Relati                                                    n amount      same      on line approv of the                               Disclosure
    ted            ed-p related              the           ction                                                           market      sure
          onship                                                    (RMB Ten kind of        (RMB ed line related-p                                   index
party              arty -party related-party               price                                                            price      date
                                                                    thousand) transacti       Ten     or not     arty
                   trans transac       transaction                                                                         receivab
                                                                                 ons (%) thousand              transacti
                   actio      tion                                                                                            le
                                                                                               )                  on

                                                                                                                                               Please     refer
                                                                                                                                               to            the
                                      Floated                                                                                                  Announceme
                                      downward                                                                                                 nt    on      the
          Contro                      between 5% to                                                                                            Daily Related
          lling                       10% based on                                                                                             Transitions of
          subsidi Purc                the    weighted                                                                                          No. 2015-010
          ary of hase Purcha average price                                                                                            31       that disclosed
Fine                                                                                                           Cash
          the      of        se   of according        to              3,396.11 15.73%         8,000 No                                Mar.     on Securities
Che                                                                                                            payment
          control good goods the                                                                                                      2015     Times,
          ling     s                  purchasement                                                                                             Shanghai
          shareh                      of the similar                                                                                           Securities
          older                       auxiliaries of                                                                                           News,          Ta
                                      the market of                                                                                            Kung          Pao
                                      the Company                                                                                              and

                                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Total                                 --       --    3,396.11      --       8,000    --       --        --       --         --

Details of large-amount

Where the total amount of
routine       related-party
transactions to occur in
the reporting period had
been predicted by type,
give the actual execution
in the reporting period (if

Explanation on significant
difference   between     the
transaction price and the
market price (if any).

2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sale

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in any related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sale during the reporting period.

3. Related-party transitions with joint investments

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in any related-party transaction with joint investments during the reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

5. Other significant related-party transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

VIII. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder
and other related parties of the Company

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and other related parties
during the reporting period.

                                                                                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

IX. Particulars about significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any trusteeship of the Company in the reporting period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any contract of the Company in the reporting period.

(3) Leas

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any lease of the Company in the reporting period.

2. Guarantees provided by the company

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan

                     Guarantees provided by the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)

                        date on                                                                                                            Guarante
                       relevant                                         Actual                                                              e for a
                                   Amount for occurrence date                              Type of             Period of        Executed
 Guaranteed party announcem                                            guarantee                                                            related
                                      guarantee        (date of                           guarantee        guarantee             or not
                        ent of                                          amount                                                             party or
                      guaranteed                                                                                                             not

                                        Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries

                     Disclosure date                                                                                                       Guarante
                                                            Actual       Actual
                        on relevant                                                                                                         e for a
                                         Amount for occurrence date guarante        Type of              Period of              Executed
 Guaranteed party     announcement                                                                                                          related
                                          guarantee         (date of        e      guarantee             guarantee               or not
                      of guaranteed                                                                                                        party or
                                                          agreement)     amount
                          amount                                                                                                             not

                                                                                                    From the date of
                                                                                                    implementing loan
                                                                                   of       joint
Lufeng Weaving &                                                                                    within credit line
                     13 May 2011              30,000 10 May 2011          332.85 and                                            No         Yes
Dyeing Co., Ltd.                                                                                    to   the     date      of
                                                                                                    clearing off loan
                                                                                                    principal           and

                                                                                               2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


                                                                                                             Two years since
                                                                                          of         joint
Luthai (HK) Co.,                                                                                             the approval of the
                        27 Mar. 2014            18,300 25 Mar. 2014           1,560.74 and                                            No         Yes
Ltd.                                                                                                         board        of    the

                                                                                                             Three years since
Xinjiang Lu Thai                                                                          of         joint
                                                                                                             the approval of the
Harvest           Cotton 10 Dec. 2014           25,000 9 Dec. 2014                     0 and                                          No         Yes
                                                                                                             board        of    the
Co., Ltd.                                                                                 several

                                                                              Total              actual
                                                                              occurred amount of
Total guarantee line approved for
                                                                              guarantee        for     the
the subsidiaries during the reporting                                     0                                                                       1,436.49
                                                                              subsidiaries       during
period (B1)
                                                                              the reporting period

                                                                              Total              actual
                                                                              guarantee         balance
Total guarantee line that has been
                                                                              for the subsidiaries
approved for the subsidiaries at the                               73,300                                                                         1,893.59
                                                                              at the end of the
end of the reporting period (B3)
                                                                              reporting          period

                                             Guarantees provided by subsidiaries for subsidiaries

                           date on                                                                                                               Guarante
                          relevant                                            Actual                                                              e for a
                                        Amount for occurrence date                                   Type of            Period of     Executed
 Guaranteed party announcem                                               guarantee                                                               related
                                        guarantee      (date of                                  guarantee              guarantee      or not
                           ent of                                             amount                                                             party or
                         guaranteed                                                                                                                not

Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned three kinds of guarantees)

Total guarantee line approved                                        Total actual occurred amount
during      the    reporting   period                              0 of       guarantee         during         the                                1,436.49
(A1+B1+C1)                                                           reporting period (A2+B2+C2)

Total guarantee line that has                                        Total actual guarantee balance
been approved at the end of the                              73,300 at the end of the reporting                                                   1,893.59
reporting period (A3+B3+C3)                                          period (A4+B4+C4)

Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) to the net
assets of the Company

Of which:

                                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Amount of guarantee provide for shareholders, actual
controller and related parties (D)

Amount of guarantee provided directly or indirectly for
guarantee objects with asset-liability ratio reaching over 70%                                                                    0

Balance between 50% of net assets and total amount of
guarantee which exceeds 50% of net assets (F)

Sum total of the above three guaranteed amounts (D+E+F)                                                                           0

                                                                 According to ―Agreement on Counter Guarantee‖ signed on 12
                                                                 May 2011 between Lu Thai Company and Lu Feng Company, Lu
                                                                 Feng Company , the warrantee provided the corresponding amount
Explanations about joint and several liability for repayment in of counter guarantee for Lu Thai Company. According to
respect of undue guarantee (if any)                              ―Agreement on Counter Guarantee‖ signed on 9 Dec. 2014
                                                                 between Lu Thai Company and Xinjiang Lu Thai Company,
                                                                 Xinjiang Lu Thai Company, the warrantee provided the
                                                                 corresponding amount of counter guarantee for Lu Thai Company.

Explanation about external guarantee violating established The Company never provided guarantees for companies except
procedure (if any)                                               controlling subsidiaries.

Explanations about guarantees provided with complex methods

(1) Particulars about illegal external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no particular about illegal external guarantee of the Company in the reporting period.

3. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no other significant contract of the Company in the reporting period.

4. Other significant transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no other significant transaction of the Company in the reporting period.

X. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s
shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such situation of the Company in the reporting period.

                                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

XI. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm

Whether the semi-annual financial report had been audited?
□ Yes √ No
This semi-annual report is un-audited.

XII. Punishment and Rectification

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any punishment and rectification of the Company in the reporting period.

XIII. Reveal of the delisting risks of illegal or violation

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any delisting risk of illegal or violation of the Company in the reporting period.

XIV. Explanation about other significant matters

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
1. On 12 Jul., the Company held the 22nd Session of the 7th Board of Directors, which reviewed and approved the Proposal on
Repurchasing Part of the A Share and B Share of the Company and at the same time published the Preplan on Repurchasing Part of
the A Share and B Share of the Company, as well as submitted to the 1 st 2015 Extraordinary General Meeting held on 5 Aug. 2015,
which reviewed and approved the Proposal on Repurchasing Part of the A Share and B Share. For the details, please refer to the
relevant announcements disclosed on the Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, Ta Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn on 14
Jul. 2015 and 6 Aug. 2015 by the Company..
2. The large shareholders and the Directors, Supervisors as well as the Senior Executives of the Company had promised on 10
Jul.that not to decrease the shareholding of the Company within 6 months since 10 Jul., and for the details, please refer to the relevant
announcements disclosed on the Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, Ta Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn on 10 Jul. 2015
by the Company.

                                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

     Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in share capital

                                                                                                                              Unit: Share

                                 Before this change                      Increase/decrease (+, -)                 After the change

                                                           Issuan              zation
                                                           ce    of   Bonus       of                                          Proportio
                                 Amount       Proportion                                    Other    Subtotal    Amount
                                                           new        share    public                                             n
                                                           shares              reserve

I. Shares subject to trading
                                119,553,913     12.51%                                      -155,423 -155,423 119,398,490       12.49%

3. Other domestic shares          1,321,513       0.14%                                     -155,423 -155,423     1,166,090      0.12%

Shares held by domestic
                                  1,321,513       0.14%                                     -155,423 -155,423     1,166,090      0.12%

4. Shares held by overseas
                                118,232,400     12.37%                                                          118,232,400     12.37%

Including: Shares held by
                                118,232,400     12.37%                                                          118,232,400     12.37%
overseas legal persons

II. Shares not subject to
                                836,204,583     87.49%                                       155,423 155,423 836,360,006        87.51%
trading moratorium

1.     Ordinary        shares
                                560,643,787     58.66%                                       155,423 155,423 560,799,210        58.68%
denominated in RMB

2.   Domestically      listed
                                275,560,796     28.83%                                                          275,560,796     28.83%
foreign shares

III. Total of shares            955,758,496    100.00%                                                          955,758,496 100.00%

Reasons of changes in shares
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The ―Shares subject to trading moratorium - shares held by domestic individuals‖decreased 155,423 shares owning to the resignation
of the former Supervisory Board Chairman Zhu Lingwen and the adjustment on the locked shares of the Senior Executives by the
Shenzhen Branch of CSDCC at the year-begin.
Approval of share changes
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Transfers in share changes
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Influence of share changes towards financial indexes in the latest year and latest period such as basic EPS and diluted EPS, and net

                                                                                         2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

   assets per share belonging to shareholder with ordinary share
   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
   Other contents that the Company thinks necessary or is asked by securities regulators to be disclosed
   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
   Explanation of the changes in the sum of the shares and the structure of the shareholders and the structure of the assets as well as the
   liabilities of the Company
   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

   II. Number of shareholders and shareholding

                                                                                                                                                Unit: Share

                                                                         Total     number          of      preferred
Total     number     of    common
                                                                         shareholders that had restored
shareholders at the end of the                                 82,035                                                                                   0
                                                                         the voting right at the end of the
reporting period
                                                                         reporting period (if any) (note 8)

               Shareholding of common shareholders holding more than 5% shares or the top 10 of common shareholders

                                                              Number of      Increase and           Number of          Number of     Pledged or frozen
                                                    Holding shareholding         decrease of        shares held        shares held            shares
                                     Nature of
        Name of shareholder                         percenta at the end of shares during                       not subject Status
                                                                                                        subject to
                                    shareholder                                                                                   Number of
                                                    ge (%) the reporting          reporting              tradingto trading   of
                                                                period             period           moratorium moratorium shares

ZIBO LUCHENG TEXTILE                                                                                                                 Pledge
                                   non-state-own     14.69% 140,353,583                        -                       140,353,583             13,000,000
INVESTMENT CO., LTD.                                                                                                                 d
                                   ed corporation

TAILUN             (THAILAND) Foreign
                                                     12.37% 118,232,400                        - 118,232,400
TEXTILE CO., LTD.                  corporation

LYNAS ASIA FUND                                       1.76% 16,864,475            500,000.00                            16,864,475

VALUE                PARTNERS
HIGH-DIVIDEND             STOCKS                      1.72%   16,411,865                       -                        16,411,865

T.ROWE         PRICE          INTL Foreign
                                                      1.70% 16,213,718 16,213,718.00                                    16,213,718
DISCOVERY FUND                     corporation

                                                      0.96%     9,211,092        9,211,092.00                            9,211,092

DBS        VICKERS        (HONG Foreign
                                                      0.95%     9,105,723        9,105,723.00                            9,105,723
KONG) LTD A/C CLIENTS              corporation

FIRST      STATE     CHINA       A Foreign            0.86%     8,231,549           94,577.00                            8,231,549

                                                                                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

SHARES FUND                       corporation

                                                     0.85%     8,156,383 -                                   8,156,383
FUND                              corporation

THEME                   EQUITY
                                  non-state-own      0.84%     8,016,900     8,016,900.00                    8,016,900
                                  ed corporation

Particulars about strategic investors or common
legal persons who became the top ten
shareholders because of the issuance of
additional shares (if any) (Notes 3)

                                                   Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. is the largest shareholder of the Company
                                                   and the actual controller. Tailun (Thailand) Textile Co., Ltd. is the second largest
Explanations about associated relationship or shareholder as well as sponsor of foreign capital of the Company. All of other
concerted action among the above shareholders shareholders are people holding circulating A share or circulating B share and the
                                                   Company is not able to confirm whether there is associated relationship or concerted
                                                   action among other shareholders.

                    Particulars about shares held by top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading moratorium

                                                                      Number of shares held not                  Type of share
                       Name of shareholder                          subject to trading moratorium
                                                                                                       Type of share        Number
                                                                       at the end of the period

                                                                                                     RMB       ordinary
ZIBO LUCHENG TEXTILE INVESTMENT CO., LTD.                                              140,353,583                           140,353,583

LYNAS ASIA FUND                                                                         16,864,475 listed       foreign          16,864,475

VALUE PARTNERS HIGH-DIVIDEND STOCKS FUNDS                                               16,411,865 listed       foreign          16,411,865

T.ROWE PRICE INTL DISCOVERY FUND                                                        16,213,718 listed       foreign          16,213,718

                                                                                         9,211,092 listed       foreign           9,211,092

DBS VICKERS (HONG KONG) LTD A/C CLIENTS                                                  9,105,723 listed       foreign           9,105,723

                                                                                                     RMB       ordinary
FIRST STATE CHINA A SHARES FUND                                                          8,231,549                                8,231,549

                                                                                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND                                                              8,156,383 listed      foreign         8,156,383

HUA AN NEW SILK ROAD THEME EQUITY SECURITIES                                                         RMB     ordinary
                                                                                         8,016,900                             8,016,900
INVESTMENT FUNDS                                                                                     share

HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND                                                           6,858,138 listed      foreign         6,858,138

                                                                     Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. is the largest shareholder
Explanation on associated relationship among the top ten of the Company and the actual controller. Tailun (Thailand) Textile
shareholders of tradable share not subject to trading moratorium, Co., Ltd. is the second largest shareholder as well as sponsor of
as well as among the top ten shareholders of tradable share not foreign capital of the Company. All of other shareholders are people
subject to trading moratorium and top ten shareholders, or holding circulating A share or circulating B share and the Company
explanation on acting-in-concert                                     is not able to confirm whether there is associated relationship or
                                                                     concerted action among other shareholders.

Particular about shareholder participate in the securities lending
and borrowing business (if any) (note 4)

   Did any top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading moratorium of the Company carry
   out an agreed buy-back in the reporting period?
   □ Yes √ No
   The top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading moratorium of the Company had not
   carried out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period.

   III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

   Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period
   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
   There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the reporting period.
   Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
   There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the reporting period.

   IV. Particulars on shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period proposed or
   implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons

   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
   Within the scope known to the Company, there was no any shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period proposed or
   implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons.

                                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                    Section VII. Preference Shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no any preference share of the Company during the reporting period.

                                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

       Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staffs

I. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                         Shares held    e of                                Restricted
                                                                 Decrease     Shares                       Restricted
                                           at the      shares                                 stock                      Restricted stock
                                Incumb                           of shares   held at the                     stock
                                         beginning in this                                 conferred at                  conferred at the
   Name              Title      ent or                            in this    end of the                   conferred in
                                             the       reporti                                 the                         period-end
                                  not                            reporting   reporting                    this period
                                          reporting      ng                                period-begin                      (share)
                                                                  period       period                       (share)
                                           period      period                                (share)

Liu          Chairman of the Incumb
                                            437,295                            437,295
Shizhen      Board              ent

             Vice Chairman of Incumb
Xu Zhinan
             the Board          ent

             Director/General Incumb
Liu Zibin                                   148,290                            148,290
             Manager            ent

Fujiwara     Director/Senior    Incumb
Hidetoshi Consultant            ent

Chen                            Incumb
Ruimou                          ent

Zeng                            Incumb
Facheng                         ent

Wang         General            Incumb
                                            151,353                  4,600     146,753
Fangshui     Manager/Chief      ent

Qin          General Manager/ Incumb
                                            108,789                  1,747     107,042
Guiling      Secretary to the ent

             Independent        Incumb
Zhou Zhiji
             Director           ent

             Independent        Incumb
Wang Lei
             Director           ent

Xu Jianjun Independent          Incumb

                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

             Director                ent

Zhang        Independent             Incumb
Chengzhu Director                    ent

             Independent             Incumb
Zhao Yao
             Director                ent

Li           Supervisory     Board   Incumb
                                              176,164            176,164
Tongmin      Chairman                ent

Liu Zilong Supervisor

Dong                                 Incumb
             Supervisor                         5,000              5,000
Shibing                              ent

Zhang                                Incumb
             Vice Chairman                     63,400   11,250    52,150
Jianxiang                            ent

Zhang                                Incumb
             Chief Accountant                  88,100             88,100
Hongmei                              ent

             Assistant         of
             General Manager,
Wang                                 Incumb
             Manager           of              83,700             83,700
Jiabin                               ent

             Assistant         of
             General Manager,
Zhang                                Incumb
             Manager           of              83,100   10,000    73,100
Shougang                             ent

             Assistant         of
             General Manager,
Zhang                                Incumb
             General Manager                   80,300       0     80,300
Zhanqi                               ent
             of            Lufeng

Zhang        Financial               Incumb
                                               95,200   17,500    77,700
Kemin        Manager                 ent

             Manager of the
             Third Department Incumb
Pan Pingli                                    126,096            126,096
             of     International ent

Lu           Vice President of Incumb
                                               52,900   19,150    33,750
Yongchen Lufeng Company ent

Yu           Manager           of Incumb
                                               83,100             83,100
Shouzheng Energy Business ent

                                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.


             Marketing               Incumb
Quan Peng                                       37,000          9,250     27,750
             Manager                 ent

             Manager of the
Wang         First Department Incumb
                                                22,500                    22,500
Changzhao of        International ent

             Manager of the
Fujiwara                             Incumb
             Department         of
Matsuzaka                            ent

             Manager            of
             Enterprises             Incumb
Chenggan                                        30,000                    30,000
             Management              ent

Total                 --               --     1,872,287   0    73,497 1,798,790               0             0                 0

II. Changes in directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no change in directors, supervisors and senior management staffs, for the specific information please refer to the 2014
Annual Report.

                                                                               2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                              IX. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Has this semi-annual report been audited?
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial statements

Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements: RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                 Item                                     Closing balance                Opening balance

Current Assets:

   Monetary funds                                                                  617,438,330.66                666,293,798.30

   Financial assets measured at fair value of which changes are
recorded in current profits and losses

   Derivative financial assets

   Notes receivable                                                                156,152,198.91                113,804,477.43

   Accounts receivable                                                             226,051,838.68                211,970,554.10

   Accounts paid in advance                                                        103,892,791.25                174,865,932.88

   Interests receivable                                                                  276,998.88

   Dividend receivable

   Other accounts receivable                                                        52,707,824.63                 63,378,909.28

   Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell

   Inventories                                                                   1,761,317,044.76              1,752,570,382.21

   Assets held for sale

   Non-current assets due within 1 year

   Other current assets                                                             42,693,828.68                  5,167,324.98

Total current assets                                                             2,969,471,356.45              2,988,051,379.18

Non-current assets:

   Loans by mandate and advances granted

                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

  Available-for-sale financial assets                                  67,442,600.00                 67,442,600.00

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term accounts receivable                                         5,480,998.00                  6,980,998.00

  Long-term equity investment

  Investing real estate                                             4,821,040,273.78              4,930,848,056.04

  Fixed assets                                                        169,986,070.61                123,585,226.80

  Construction in progress                                             36,271,623.62                 19,885,765.41

  Engineering materials

  Disposal of fixed assets                                              1,186,002.52                  1,310,500.00

  Production biological assets

  Oil-gas assets                                                      369,277,715.52                373,760,347.71

  Intangible assets

  R&D expense                                                          20,613,803.29                 20,613,803.29

  Goodwill                                                             62,915,183.57                 28,319,033.27

  Long-term deferred expenses                                          49,166,206.77                 49,963,446.84

  Deferred income tax assets                                           12,781,283.00                 16,910,237.34

  Other non-current assets                                          5,616,161,760.68              5,639,620,014.70

Total of non-current assets                                         8,585,633,117.13              8,627,671,393.88

Total assets

Current liabilities:                                                  746,589,910.47                517,452,946.24

  Short-term borrowings                                                                               3,306,200.00

  Financial liabilities measured at fair value of which changes
are recorded in current profits and losses

  Derivative financial liabilities                                      7,199,537.34                  7,421,979.09

  Notes payable                                                       236,608,151.92                344,082,239.16

  Accounts payable                                                     91,532,874.42                 82,176,191.45

  Accounts received in advance

  Financial assets sold for repurchase

  Handling charges and commissions payable                            233,026,460.79                261,539,206.93

  Payroll payable                                                      73,144,940.64                 74,052,405.97

  Tax payable                                                           1,482,653.25                    511,373.44

  Interest payable                                                        441,113.64                    441,456.54

  Dividend payable                                                     68,269,754.38                 58,075,873.18

  Liabilities divided as held for sale

                                                                            2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

  Non-current liabilities due within 1 year                                      96,900,005.44                 100,733,898.72

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                                     1,555,195,402.29                1,449,793,770.72

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                                                                                           9,904,645.59

  Long-term payables                                                                                               220,000.00

  Long-term payroll payables                                                     86,564,776.96                  80,360,457.97

  Specific payables

  Estimated liabilities

  Deferred income                                                                65,573,951.20                  67,057,221.40

  Deferred income tax liabilities                                                 3,405,002.86                   2,064,713.02

  Other non-current liabilities                                                   1,840,000.00                   1,840,000.00

Total non-current liabilities                                                   157,383,731.02                 161,447,037.98

Total liabilities                                                             1,712,579,133.31                1,611,240,808.70

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                                                 955,758,496.00                 955,758,496.00

  Capital reserves                                                            1,007,080,654.01                1,007,039,561.13

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income                                                     -7,865,301.14                   -8,440,178.37

  Specific reserves

  Surplus reserves                                                              742,347,832.47                 742,347,832.47

  Provisions for general risks

  Retained profits                                                            3,758,708,803.04                3,892,066,534.32

Total equity attributable to owners of the Company                            6,456,030,484.38                6,588,772,245.55

  Minority interests                                                            417,023,499.44                 427,658,339.63

Total owners’ equity                                                         6,873,053,983.82                7,016,430,585.18

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                         8,585,633,117.13                8,627,671,393.88

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen                    Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei

Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

2. Balance sheet of the Company

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                  Item                                    Closing balance              Opening balance

                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Current Assets:

  Monetary funds                                                      241,963,936.23               250,409,717.93

  Financial assets measured at fair value of which changes are
recorded in current profits and losses

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable                                                    127,273,673.23                87,341,876.69

  Accounts receivable                                                 259,499,016.39               321,897,074.61

  Accounts paid in advance                                            143,781,552.70               193,383,406.51

  Interest receivable

  Dividend receivable

  Other accounts receivable                                             77,139,936.18               28,049,517.79

  Inventories                                                        1,280,645,343.77            1,206,795,514.65

  Assets held for sale

  Non-current assets due within 1 year

  Other current assets                                                  18,083,658.35                1,017,648.28

Total current assets                                                 2,157,149,416.85            2,088,894,756.46

Non-current assets:

  Available-for-sale financial assets                                   55,282,600.00               55,282,600.00

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term accounts receivable

  Long-term equity investment                                        1,360,779,450.91            1,170,861,572.56

  Investing real estate

  Fixed assets                                                       3,046,661,640.69            3,115,567,670.72

  Construction in progress                                              97,797,817.70               77,701,863.38

  Engineering materials                                                 32,012,487.22               18,626,397.04

  Disposal of fixed assets

  Intangible assets                                                   235,637,881.13               239,561,216.15

  R&D expense


  Long-term deferred expenses

  Deferred income tax assets                                            30,118,819.09               31,683,250.78

  Other non-current assets                                               5,406,401.00                5,406,401.00

Total of non-current assets                                          4,863,697,097.74            4,714,690,971.63

Total assets                                                         7,020,846,514.59            6,803,585,728.09

                                                                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                                                    481,283,192.20               109,116,402.18

  Financial liabilities measured at fair value of which changes are
recorded in current profits and losses

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                                                               1,779,687.93                4,126,949.64

  Accounts payable                                                         373,984,751.33               370,179,503.31

  Accounts received in advance                                               61,500,042.12               42,230,252.30

  Payroll payable                                                          183,964,773.56               201,779,896.86

  Tax payable                                                                53,233,329.65               38,755,976.56

  Interest payable                                                            1,119,526.14                  401,695.08

  Dividend payable                                                              441,113.64                  441,456.54

  Other accounts payable                                                     25,812,886.00               22,996,300.29

  Liabilities held for sale

  Non-current liabilities due within 1 year                                  96,900,005.44              100,733,898.72

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                                 1,280,019,308.01              893,837,331.48

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                                                                                    9,904,645.59

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payables                                                 86,564,776.96               80,360,457.97

  Specific payables

  Estimated liabilities

  Deferred income                                                            30,131,911.45

  Deferred income tax liabilities                                             1,314,345.00

  Other non-current liabilities                                                                          30,469,481.47

Total non-current liabilities                                               118,011,033.41              120,734,585.03

Total liabilities                                                         1,398,030,341.42            1,014,571,916.51

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                                            955,758,496.00               955,758,496.00

  Capital reserves                                                        1,013,432,562.79            1,013,392,242.22

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income

  Specific reserves

                                                                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

  Surplus reserves                                                          742,347,832.47              742,347,832.47

  Retained profits                                                        2,911,277,281.91            3,077,515,240.89

Total owners’ equity                                                     5,622,816,173.17            5,789,013,811.58

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                     7,020,846,514.59            6,803,585,728.09

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2015               Jan.-Jun 2014

I. Total operating revenues                                             2,941,835,897.16              3,114,226,581.62

Including: Sales income                                                 2,941,835,897.16              3,114,226,581.62

II. Total operating costs                                               2,575,938,766.41              2,551,640,524.67

Including: Cost of sales                                                2,133,022,201.07              2,137,850,293.37

        Taxes and associate charges                                        24,644,712.24                 23,543,589.95

       Selling and distribution expenses                                   97,645,409.00                 93,108,145.82

       Administrative expenses                                            311,323,333.58                294,932,674.63

       Financial expenses                                                    9,021,706.88                 7,441,307.46

       Asset impairment loss                                                  281,403.64                 -5,235,486.56

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (―-‖ means loss)              12,246,700.00                -30,999,150.00

     Gain/(loss) from investment (―-‖ means loss)                        28,860,565.88                 21,278,949.08

     Including: share of profits in associates and joint ventures

     Foreign exchange gains (―-‖ means loss)

III. Business profit (―-‖ means loss)                                   407,004,396.63                552,865,856.03

     Add: non-operating income                                             10,120,794.71                 19,826,768.24

        Including: Gains on disposal of non-current assets                    809,936.96                     50,957.05

     Less: non-operating expense                                             4,245,414.06                 3,095,122.00

        Including: Losses on disposal of non-current assets                  3,508,372.92                 2,054,591.12

IV. Total profit (―-‖ means loss)                                       412,879,777.28                569,597,502.27

     Less: Income tax expense                                              67,469,529.96                 88,060,378.95

V. Net profit (―-‖ means loss)                                          345,410,247.32                481,537,123.32

     Net profit attributable to owners of the Company                     344,521,516.72                476,880,256.93

     Minority shareholders’ income                                           888,730.60                  4,656,866.39

VI. After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes                       574,877.23                     -3,361.77

     After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes
                                                                              574,877.23                     -3,361.77
attributable to owners of the Company

                                                                               2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

       (I) Other comprehensive incomes that will not be
                                                                                               0.00                            0.00
reclassified into gains and losses

          1. Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined
benefit plan upon re-measurement

          2. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in
investees that cannot be reclassified into gains and losses under the
equity method

       (II) Other comprehensive incomes that will be reclassified
                                                                                        574,877.23                        -3,361.77
into gains and losses

          1. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in
investees that will be reclassified into gains and losses under the
equity method

          2. Gains and losses on fair value changes of
available-for-sale financial assets

          3. Gains and losses on reclassifying held-to-maturity
investments into available-for-sale financial assets

          4. Effective hedging gains and losses on cash flows

          5.    Foreign-currency financial statement      translation
                                                                                        574,877.23                        -3,361.77

          6. Other

     After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes
                                                                                               0.00                            0.00
attributable to minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive incomes                                                   345,985,124.55                   481,533,761.55

     Attributable to owners of the Company                                         345,096,393.95                   476,876,895.16

     Attributable to minority shareholders                                              888,730.60                    4,656,866.39

VIII. Earnings per share

     (I) Basic earnings per share                                                              0.36                            0.50

     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                           0.36                            0.50

Where business mergers under the same control occurred in this reporting period, the net profit achieved by the merged parties before
the business mergers was RMB 0.00, with the corresponding amount for the last period being RMB 0.00.

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen                      Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei

Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

4. Income statement of the Company

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                       Jan.-Jun. 2015                    Jan.-Jun 2014

                                                                          2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

I. Total sales                                                              2,349,612,417.89              2,318,199,524.10

  Less: cost of sales                                                       1,758,744,212.34              1,597,127,786.85

     Business taxes and surcharges                                             19,480,809.00                 18,087,930.63

     Distribution expenses                                                     45,373,972.47                 42,177,311.93

     Administrative expenses                                                  219,608,083.56                207,830,441.84

     Financial costs                                                            3,375,063.52                 -4,724,701.39

     Impairment loss                                                             -134,329.66                 -1,149,272.05

  Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (―-‖ means loss)                11,837,300.00                -25,806,330.00

     Gain/(loss) from investment (―-‖ means loss)                            44,516,145.09                 18,121,509.04

     Including: income form investment on associates and joint

II. Business profit (―-‖ means loss)                                        359,518,051.75                451,165,205.33

  Add: non-operating income                                                     5,545,066.24                 16,288,206.88

     Including: Gains on disposal of non-current assets                           387,422.95                     14,336.05

  Less: non-operating expense                                                   3,678,908.31                  2,695,250.29

     Including: Losses on disposal of non-current assets                        3,415,846.41                  2,052,914.51

III. Total profit (―-‖ means loss)                                          361,384,209.68                464,758,161.92

  Less: Income tax expense                                                     49,742,920.66                 66,308,533.24

IV. Net profit (―-‖ means loss)                                             311,641,289.02                398,449,628.68

V. After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes

  (I) Other comprehensive incomes that will not be reclassified
into gains and losses

     1. Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit
plan upon re-measurement

     2. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in
investees that cannot be reclassified into gains and losses under
the equity method

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes that will be reclassified into
gains and losses

     1. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in
investees that will be reclassified into gains and losses under the
equity method

     2.    Gains    and    losses      on   fair   value   changes   of
available-for-sale financial assets

     3. Gains and losses on reclassifying held-to-maturity
investments into available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

     4. Effective hedging gains and losses on cash flows

     5.      Foreign-currency   financial   statement       translation

     6. Other

VI. Total comprehensive incomes                                                  311,641,289.02                398,449,628.68

VII. Earnings per share

   (I) Basic earnings per share                                                            0.33                           0.42

   (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                         0.33                           0.42

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                     Item                                      Jan.-Jun. 2015             Jan.-Jun 2014

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service                  2,992,674,009.04          3,568,438,894.82

  Tax refunds received                                                                93,858,466.25             97,652,110.13

  Other cash received relating to operating activities                                25,282,652.25             34,150,812.11

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                 3,111,815,127.54          3,700,241,817.06

  Cash paid for goods and services                                                 1,691,745,901.39          2,273,582,667.90

  Cash paid to and for employees                                                    718,208,701.78             694,142,394.03

  Various taxes paid                                                                198,822,332.08             197,273,969.71

  Other cash payment relating to operating activities                               140,733,568.16             136,200,221.55

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                2,749,510,503.41          3,301,199,253.19

Net cash flows from operating activities                                            362,304,624.13             399,042,563.87

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from withdrawal of investments

  Cash received from return on investments                                                                         120,000.00

  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                       1,737,285.10              7,702,214.30
other long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units

     Other cash received relating to investing activities                             30,578,737.15             25,956,477.08

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                    32,316,022.25             33,778,691.38

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                    160,460,938.77             370,150,102.18

  Cash paid for investment

  Net increase of pledged loans

                                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units

  Other cash payments relating to investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                 160,460,938.77             370,150,102.18

Net cash flows from investing activities                                            -128,144,916.52           -336,371,410.80

III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

   Cash received from capital contributions                                             500,000.00                 500,000.00

   Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investments by

   Cash received from borrowings                                                    993,805,040.42             532,825,398.05

   Cash received from issuance of bonds

   Other cash received relating to financing activities                              16,000,000.00              12,000,000.00

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                 1,010,305,040.42            545,325,398.05

   Repayment of borrowings                                                          787,580,420.34             627,477,883.01

   Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit          490,595,877.74             374,793,800.40

     Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to minority

     Other cash payments relating to financing activities                            89,026,946.69              37,829,195.86

Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                               1,367,203,244.77          1,040,100,879.27

Net cash flows from financing activities                                            -356,898,204.35           -494,775,481.22

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents               1,756,082.41              4,500,943.46

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                        -120,982,414.33           -427,603,384.69

     Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                              649,393,798.30             869,909,505.89

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                    528,411,383.97             442,306,121.20

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                  Item                                       Jan.-Jun. 2015              Jan.-Jun 2014

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service                2,336,436,365.15            2,383,169,213.86

  Tax refunds received                                                              73,075,990.33               73,631,880.88

  Other cash received relating to operating activities                               4,527,263.52               16,447,073.61

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                               2,414,039,619.00            2,473,248,168.35

  Cash paid for goods and services                                               1,308,152,825.95            1,561,524,048.28

  Cash paid to and for employees                                                  539,106,972.54               514,917,192.50

                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

  Various taxes paid                                                              79,761,593.87              109,178,916.64

  Other cash payment relating to operating activities                           139,312,208.90                75,754,434.35

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                            2,066,333,601.26            2,261,374,591.77

Net cash flows from operating activities                                        347,706,017.74               211,873,576.58

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from retraction of investments

  Cash received from return on investments

  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                   1,256,075.10                7,701,414.30
other long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business

  Other cash received relating to investing activities                            27,204,025.23               22,068,024.08

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                28,460,100.33               29,769,438.38

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                  70,584,062.37              276,799,324.68
long-term assets

  Cash paid for investment                                                      188,902,292.69                46,904,386.53

  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units

  Other cash payments relating to investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                             259,486,355.06               323,703,711.21

Net cash flows from investing activities                                        -231,026,254.73             -293,934,272.83

III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

    Cash received from capital contributions

    Cash received from borrowings                                               582,862,081.60               385,959,946.25

    Cash received from issuance of bonds

    Other cash received relating to financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                              582,862,081.60               385,959,946.25

    Repayment of borrowings                                                     233,690,218.65               100,813,799.73

    Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or
                                                                                473,634,519.64               366,017,598.04

        Other cash payments relating to financing activities                      61,013,728.00               25,829,195.86

Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                            768,338,466.29               492,660,593.63

Net cash flows from financing activities                                        -185,476,384.69             -106,700,647.38

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                     237,111.98                4,175,149.60

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                     -68,559,509.70             -184,586,194.03

                                                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

    Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents        249,509,717.93               503,157,687.92

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents             180,950,208.23               318,571,493.89

                                                                                                                                                          2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.
7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

Jan.-Jun. 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                           Jan.-Jun. 2015

                                                                            Equity attributable to owners of the Company

                                           Other equity instruments
         Item                                                                                                                                                                  Minority       Total owners’
                                                                                             Less:      Other                                     General
                                                     Perpetual                                                       Specific
                           Share capital Preferred                         Capital reserve treasury comprehensive               Surplus reserve    risk      Retained profit    interests        equity
                                                      capital     Other                                              reserve
                                           shares                                            stock     income                                     reserve

I. Balance at the
end         of      the 955,758,496.00                                    1,007,039,561.13           -8,440,178.37              742,347,832.47              3,892,066,534.32 427,658,339.63 7,016,430,585.18
previous year

     Add:        change
of       accounting

     Correction of
errors               in
previous periods

under the same


II. Balance at the
                          955,758,496.00                                  1,007,039,561.13           -8,440,178.37              742,347,832.47              3,892,066,534.32 427,658,339.63 7,016,430,585.18

III.         Increase/                                                          41,092.88              574,877.23                                           -133,357,731.28 -10,634,840.19 -143,376,601.36
                                                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.
decrease in the
period               (―-‖
means decrease)

     (I)            Total
amount of the
                                          574,877.23      344,521,516.72     888,730.60   345,985,124.55

     (II)         Capital
paid         in      and
                              41,092.88                                      500,000.00       541,092.88
reduced                by

1.           Common
shares       invested
                                                                             500,000.00       500,000.00
by                    the

2.                Capital
invested by the
owners of other

3. Amounts of
recognized             in
owners’ equity

4. Others                     41,092.88                                                        41,092.88

     (III)         Profit
                                                         -477,879,248.00 -12,023,570.79 -489,902,818.79

                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

to          surplus

to general risk

                         -477,879,248.00 -12,023,570.79 -489,902,818.79
to    owners     (or

4. Other

     (IV)   Internal
carry-forward of
owners’ equity

1. New increase
of     capital   (or
share       capital)
from         capital
public reserves

2. New increase
of     capital   (or
share       capital)
from        surplus

3.          Surplus
reserves         for

                                                                                                                                                          2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.
making up losses

4. Other

     (V)     Specific

1. Withdrawn for
the period

2. Used in the

     (VI) Other

IV.          Closing
                          955,758,496.00                                  1,007,080,654.01           -7,865,301.14              742,347,832.47              3,758,708,803.04 417,023,499.44 6,873,053,983.82

Jan.-Jun. 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                           Jan.-Jun. 2014

                                                                            Equity attributable to owners of the Company

                                           Other equity instruments
           Item                                                                                                                                                                Minority       Total owners’
                                                                                             Less:      Other                                     General
                                                     Perpetual                                                       Specific
                           Share capital Preferred                         Capital reserve treasury comprehensive               Surplus reserve    risk      Retained profit    interests        equity
                                                      capital     Other                                              reserve
                                           shares                                            stock     income                                     reserve

I. Balance at the
end         of      the 955,800,496.00                                    1,000,854,805.66           -7,494,320.36              659,538,411.25              3,379,354,741.18 426,545,843.68 6,414,599,977.41
previous year

     Add:        change
of         accounting

     Correction of
                                                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.
errors                in
previous periods

under the same


II. Balance at the
                             955,800,496.00   1,000,854,805.66   -7,494,320.36   659,538,411.25    3,379,354,741.18 426,545,843.68 6,414,599,977.41

III.         Increase/
decrease in the
                                 -42,000.00      6,184,755.47     -945,858.01     82,809,421.22      512,711,793.14    1,112,495.95   601,830,607.77
period              (―-‖
means decrease)

     (I)           Total
amount of the
                                                                  -945,858.01                        958,725,402.84 20,651,778.73     978,431,323.56

     (II)        Capital
paid        in      and
                                 -42,000.00      6,184,755.47                                                         20,539,282.79    26,682,038.26
reduced               by

1.          Common
shares       invested
                                 -42,000.00       -169,050.00                                                         20,539,282.79    20,328,232.79
by                   the

2.               Capital
invested by the
owners of other
                                                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

3. Amounts of
payments                6,041,853.38                                                        6,041,853.38
recognized         in
owners’ equity

4. Others                311,952.09                                                           311,952.09

     (III)     Profit
                                       82,809,421.22     -446,013,609.70 -40,078,565.57 -403,282,754.05

                                       82,809,421.22      -82,809,421.22
to           surplus

to general risk

                                                         -363,204,188.48 -40,078,565.57 -403,282,754.05
to     owners    (or

4. Other

     (IV)    Internal
carry-forward of
owners’ equity

1. New increase

                                                                                                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.
of     capital    (or
share       capital)
from         capital
public reserves

2. New increase
of     capital    (or
share       capital)
from        surplus

3.          Surplus
reserves          for
making up losses

4. Other

     (V)   Specific

1. Withdrawn for
the period

2. Used in the

     (VI) Other

IV.        Closing
                        955,758,496.00           1,007,039,561.13   -8,440,178.37   742,347,832.47    3,892,066,534.32 427,658,339.63 7,016,430,585.18

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company

Jan.-Jun. 2015
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                  Jan.-Jun. 2015

                                                           Other equity instruments
                                                                                                              Less:          Other
                   Item                                                                                                                 Specific                                      Total owners’
                                         Share capital   Preferred                         Capital reserve   treasury   comprehensive              Surplus reserve Retained profit
                                                                      capital     Other                                                 reserve                                          equity
                                                          shares                                              stock         income

I. Balance at the end of the
                                        955,758,496.00                                    1,013,392,242.22                                         742,347,832.47 3,077,515,240.89 5,789,013,811.58
previous year

      Add: change of accounting

      Correction of errors in
previous periods


II.       Balance         at      the
                                        955,758,496.00                                    1,013,392,242.22                                         742,347,832.47 3,077,515,240.89 5,789,013,811.58

III. Increase/ decrease in the
                                                                                                 40,320.57                                                          -166,237,958.98   -166,197,638.41
period (―-‖ means decrease)

      (I) Total amount of the
                                                                                                                                                                    311,641,289.02    311,641,289.02
comprehensive income

      (II) Capital paid in and
                                                                                                 40,320.57                                                                                  40,320.57
reduced by owners

1. Common shares invested
by the shareholders

2. Capital invested by the
owners        of     other     equity

3. Amounts of share-based

                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.
payments         recognized      in
owners’ equity

4. Others                              40,320.57                                           40,320.57

     (III) Profit distribution                                      -477,879,248.00   -477,879,248.00

1. Appropriations to surplus

2. Appropriations to general
                                                                    -477,879,248.00   -477,879,248.00
risk provisions

3. Appropriations to owners
(or shareholders)

4. Other

     (IV)                 Internal
carry-forward       of    owners’

1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital
public reserves

2. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from surplus

3.     Surplus     reserves      for
making up losses

4. Other

     (V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the period

2. Used in the period

                                                                                                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

      (VI) Other                  955,758,496.00                                    1,013,432,562.79                                         742,347,832.47 2,911,277,281.91 5,622,816,173.17

Jan.-Jun. 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                            Jan.-Jun. 2014

                                                     Other equity instruments
                                                                                                        Less:          Other
               Item                                                                                                               Specific                                        Total owners’
                                   Share capital   Preferred                         Capital reserve   treasury   comprehensive              Surplus reserve Retained profit
                                                                capital     Other                                                 reserve                                            equity
                                                    shares                                              stock         income

I. Balance at the end of the
                                  955,800,496.00                                    1,007,207,486.75                                         659,538,411.25 2,695,434,638.41 5,317,981,032.41
previous year

      Add: change of accounting

      Correction of errors in
previous periods


II.       Balance     at    the
                                  955,800,496.00                                    1,007,207,486.75                                         659,538,411.25 2,695,434,638.41 5,317,981,032.41

III. Increase/ decrease in the
                                      -42,000.00                                        6,184,755.47                                           82,809,421.22   382,080,602.48     471,032,779.17
period (―-‖ means decrease)

      (I) Total amount of the
                                                                                                                                                               828,094,212.18     828,094,212.18
comprehensive income

      (II) Capital paid in and
                                      -42,000.00                                        6,184,755.47                                                                                6,142,755.47
reduced by owners

1. Common shares invested
                                      -42,000.00                                         -169,050.00                                                                                  -211,050.00
by the shareholders

2. Capital invested by the
                                                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.
owners       of    other    equity

3. Amounts of share-based
payments          recognized      in   6,041,853.38                                          6,041,853.38
owners’ equity

4. Others                               311,952.09                                            311,952.09

     (III) Profit distribution                          82,809,421.22 -446,013,609.70     -363,204,188.48

1. Appropriations to surplus
                                                        82,809,421.22    -82,809,421.22

2. Appropriations to general
                                                                        -363,204,188.48   -363,204,188.48
risk provisions

3. Appropriations to owners
(or shareholders)

4. Other

     (IV)                  Internal
carry-forward        of    owners’

1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital
public reserves

2. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from surplus

3.     Surplus      reserves     for
making up losses

4. Other

                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

  (V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the period

2. Used in the period

  (VI) Other                  955,758,496.00   1,013,392,242.22   742,347,832.47 3,077,515,240.89 5,789,013,811.58

                                                                    2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

III. Company Profile
Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) is a joint venture invested by Zibo Lucheng
Textile Investment Co., Ltd (originally named Zibo Lucheng Textile Co., Ltd, hereinafter referred to as Lucheng
Textile) and Thailand Tailun Textile Co., Ltd. On Feb. 3, 1993, the Company is approved by the former Ministry
of Foreign Trade and Economy of the State (1993) in WJMZEHZ No. 59 to convert into a joint-stock enterprise.
Zibo Administration for Industry and Commerce issued the Company corporate business license with the
registration No. of QGLZZZ No. 000066. In July 1997, the Company is approved by the Securities Committee of
the Department of the State in the ZWF (1997) No. 47 to issue 80 million shares of domestically listed foreign
share( B-shares) at the price of RMB 1.00 per share. Upon approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange with No. (1997)
296 Listing Notice, the Company is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on August 19, 1997 with B-shares
stock code of 200726. On November 24, 2000, approved by ZJGSZ [2000] No.199 by CSRC, the Company
increased publication of 50 million shares of general share (A-shares) at the book value of RMB 1.00, which are
listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on December 25, 2000 with A-shares stock code of 000726 through
approval by Shenzhen Stock Exchange with No. (2000) 162 Listing Notice. As approved by 2000 Shareholders’
General Meeting in May, 2001, the Company carried out the distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public
reserve are converted to 3 more shares for each 10 shares. As approved by Resolutions of 2001 Shareholders’
General Meeting in June 2002, the Company implemented the distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public
reserve are converted 3 more shares for each 10 shares again. As approved by 2002 Shareholders’ General
Meeting in May 2003, the Company implemented the distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public reserve are
2 more shares for each 10 shares, and inner employees’ shared increased to 40.56 million shares. After examined
and approved by ZJGSZ No. [2000] 199 of CSRC, the inner employees’ shares will start circulation 3 years later
since listing on the A-share market. On Dec. 25, 2003, the inner employees’ shares reach 3 years since listing on
the A-share stock market, and they set out circulation on Dec.26, 2003. As approved by the Shareholders’ General
Meeting 2006 held in June 2007, the Company implemented the plan on converting 10 shares to all its
shareholders with capital reserves for every 10 shares. After capitalization, the registered capital of the Company
was RMB 844.8648 million. The Company, in accordance with the official reply on approving Lu Thai Textile Co.,
Ltd. to issue additional shares (ZJXK [2008] No. 890 document) from CSRC, issued the Renminbi common
shares (A shares) amounting to 150 million shares on 8 Dec. 2008. According to the relevant resolution of the 2nd
Special Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2011, the relevant resolution of the 15th Session of the 6th Board of
Directors, the Opinion of China Securities Regulatory Commission on the Restricted Share Incentive Plan of Lu
Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (Shang-Shi-Bu-Han [2011] No. 206), the Company applied for a registered capital
increment of RMB 14.09 million, which was contributed by restricted share incentive receivers with monetary
funds. In accordance with the resolution of Proposal on Repurchasing and Canceling Partial Restricted Shares
already Granted for the Original Incentive Targets not Reaching the Incentive Conditions made at the 23rd Session
of the 6th Board of Directors on 13 Aug. 2012, the Company canceling a total of 60,000.00 shares already granted
for the original incentive targets not reaching the incentive conditions. According to the second temporary
resolution of Proposal on counter purchase of part of the domestic listed foreign share (B share) on 25 Jun. 2012,
the Company counter purchase domestic listed foreign share (B share) 48,837,300 shares. According to the
Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel Part of Unlocked Restricted Share of the Original Incentive Personnel not
Conforming to the Incentive Condition, Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel unlocked Restricted Share in Second
Unlocked Period of all the Incentive Personnel reviewed and approved by the 26th meeting of 6th session of the
board of the directors on 27 Mar. 2013, the Company repurchase and cancel 4,257,000 shares owned by original
people whom to motivate. According to the Proposal on Repurchase and Write-off of Partly of the Original
Incentive Targets Not Met with the Incentive Conditions but Granted Restricted Shares approved on the 11th

                                                                    2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Session of the 7th Board of Directors on 11 Jun. 2014, to execute repurchase and write-off of the whole granted
shares of 42,000 shares of the original incentive targets not met with the incentive targets of the Company. Up to
31 Dec. 2014, the registered capital of the Company was of RMB 955.7585 million.
The Company’s registered address: No. 11, Mingbo Road, Hi-tech Development Zone, Zibo, Shandong
The Company’s legal representative: Liu Shizhen
The Company’s business scope includes production of cotton yarn, yarn dyed fabrics, shirts, fashion accessories,
health underwear and other textile products and their mating products; domestic and overseas sale of the
Company’s self-produced products and provision of after-sales services; acquisition and export of products not
under exclusive rights or quota licenses; and hotel, guesthouses and catering services as well as the construction
and management of the purified water projects.
The Company’s financial statements have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors of the Company on
25 Aug. 2015.
There were 15 subsidiaries included into the consolidation scope of the Company in 2015, and for the details,
please refer to Notes IX. Equities among Other Entities. There was 1 subsidiaries increased of 2015 in the
consolidation scope over the last year, and please refer to Notes VIII. Changes in Consolidation Scope for details.

IV. Basis for the preparation of financial statements

1. Preparation basis

With the going-concern assumption as the basis and based on transactions and other events that
actually occurred, the Group prepared financial statements in accordance with  issued by the Ministry of Finance with
Decree No. 33 and revised with Decree No. 76, the 41 specific accounting standards, the
Application Guidance of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Interpretation of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other regulations issued and revised from 15
Feb. 2006 onwards (hereinafter jointly referred to as ―the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises‖, ―China Accounting Standards‖ or ―CAS‖), as well as the Rules for Preparation
Convention of Disclosure of Public Offering Companies No.15 – General Regulations for Financial
Reporting (revised in 2014) by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
In accordance with relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the
Group adopted the accrual basis in accounting. Except for some financial instruments, where
impairment occurred on an asset, an impairment reserve was withdrawn accordingly pursuant to
relevant requirements.

2. Continuing operations

There was no any event or situation caused major concerns on the continuing operation ability of
the Company within 12 months from the period-end.

V. Significant accounting policies and estimates

Reminder of the specific accounting policies and estimates:

The Company and each subsidiary mainly engage in the production and operation of textile

                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

products. The Company and each subsidiary according to the actual production and operation
characteristics and the regulations of the relevant ASBE, formulated certain specific accounting
polices and accounting estimates of the transactions and events such as recognizing the revenues,
and please refer to each description of Notes V. for details. For the notes of the significant
accounting adjustment and estimates made by the management layer, please refer to the Changes in
Significant Accounting Adjustment and Estimates.

1. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Company are in compliance with in compliance with the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, which factually and completely present the
Company’s, and the Company’s financial positions as at 30 Jun. 2015, business results and cash
flows for the year of 2015, and other relevant information. In addition, the Company’s and the
Company’s financial statements meet the requirements of disclosing financial statements and notes
thereto stated in the Rules for Preparation Convention of Disclosure of Public Offering Companies
No.15 – General Regulations for Financial Reporting (revised in 2014) by China Securities
Regulatory Commission.

2. Fiscal period

The Company’s fiscal periods include fiscal years and fiscal periods shorter than a complete fiscal
year. The Company’s fiscal year starts on 1 Jan. and ends on 31 Dec. of every year according to the
Gregorian calendar.

3. Operating cycle

Normal operating cycle refers to the period from the Group purchases the assets for processing to
realize the cash or cash equivalents. The Group regards 12 months as an operating cycle and regards
which as the partition criterion of the mobility of the assets and liabilities.

4. Recording currency

Renminbi (RMB) is the prevailing currency used in the main economic circumstances of the
Company and its domestic subsidiaries. The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt RMB as
the recording currency. When preparing the financial statements for the reporting period, the
Company adopted RMB as the recording currency.

5. Accounting treatment methods for business combinations under the same control or not under the same

Business combinations, it is refer to two or more separate enterprises merge to form a reporting
entity transactions or events. Business combination is divided into under the same control and those
non under the same control.
(1) Business combinations under the same control

                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

A business combination under the same control is a business combination in which all of the
combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or the same parties both before
and after the business combination and on which the control is not temporary. In a business
combination under the same control, the party which obtains control of other combining enterprise(s)
on the combining date is the combining party, the other combining enterprise(s) is (are) the
combined party. The ―combining date‖ refers to the date on which the combining party actually
obtains control on the combined party.
The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination shall be
measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As for
the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the
carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), the
additional paid-in capital (share premium) shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital (share
premium) is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
The direct cost for the business combination of the combining party shall be recorded into the
profits and losses at the current period.
(2) Business combinations not under the same control
A business combination not under the same control is a business combination in which the
combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or the same parties both
before and after the business combination. In a business combination not under the same control,
the party which obtains the control on other combining enterprise(s) on the purchase date is the
acquirer, and other combining enterprise(s) is (are) the acquiree.
For a business combination not under the same control, the combination costs shall include the fair
values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity
securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree, the expenses for audit,
legal services and assessment, and other administrative expenses, which are recorded into the
profits and losses in the current period. The trading expenses for the equity securities or debt
securities issued by the acquirer as the combination consideration shall be recorded into the amount
of initial measurement of the equity securities or debt securities. The involved contingent
consideration shall be recorded into the combination costs at its fair value on the acquiring date.
Where new or further evidences emerge, within 12 months since the acquiring date, against the
existing circumstances on the acquiring date and the contingent consideration thus needs to be
adjusted, the combined goodwill shall be adjusted accordingly. The combination costs of the
acquirer and the identifiable net assets obtained by it in the combination shall be measured
according to their fair values at the acquiring date. The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance
between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the
acquiree as business reputation. Where the combination costs are less then the fair value of the
identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree, the acquirer shall re-examine the measurement of
the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it obtains from the
acquiree as well as the combination costs. If, after the reexamination, the combination costs are still
less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree, the acquirer shall
record the balance into the profits and losses of the current period.
As for the deductible temporary differences the acquirer obtains from the acquiree which are not
recognized into deferred income tax liabilities due to their not meeting the recognition standards, if
new or further information shows that the relevant situation has existed on the acquiring date and
                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

the economic benefits brought by the deductible temporary differences the acquirer obtains from the
acquiree on the acquiring date can be realized, they shall be recognized into deferred income tax
assets and the relevant goodwill shall be reduced. Where the goodwill is not sufficient to be offset,
the difference shall be recognized into the profits and losses in the current period. In other
circumstances than the above, where the deductible temporary differences are recognized into
deferred income tax assets on the acquiring date, they shall be recorded into the profits and losses in
the current period.
In a business combination not under same control realized by two or more transactions of exchange,
according to about the 5th Notice about the Treasury Issuing the Accounting Standards for
Enterprises (Finance accounting) [2012] No. 19 Criterion about the ―package deal‖ (see Notes IV, 4
(2)), Whether the deals are ―package deal‖ or not, belong to the ―package deal‖, see the previous
paragraphs described in this section and Notes IV, 10 ―long term equity investment transaction‖ and
conduct accounting treatment, those not belong to the "package deal" distinguish between the
individual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements and conduct relevant
accounting treatment.
In the individual financial statements, the sum of the book value and new investment cost of the
Company holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date shall be considered as initial cost of the
investment. Other related comprehensive gains in relation to the equity interests that the Company
holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date shall be treated on the same basis as the acquiree
directly disposes the related assets or liabilities when disposing the investment (that is, except for
the corresponding share in the changes in the net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan
measured at the equity method arising from the acquiree’s re-measurement, the others shall be
transferred into current investment gains).
In the Company’s consolidated financial statements, as for the equity interests that the Company
holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date, they shall be re-measured according to their fair
values at the acquiring date; the positive difference between their fair values and carrying amounts
shall be recorded into the investment gains for the period including the acquiring date. Other related
comprehensive gains in relation to the equity interests that the Company holds in the acquiree
before the acquiring date shall be treated on the same basis as the acquiree directly disposes the
related assets or liabilities when disposing the investment (that is, except for the corresponding
share in the changes in the net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan measured at the equity
method arising from the acquiree’s re-measurement, the others shall be transferred into current
investment gains on the acquiring date).

6. Methods for preparing consolidated financial statements

(1) Principle for determining the consolidation scope
The consolidation scope for financial statements is determined on the basis of control. The term
―control‖ is the power of the Company upon an investee, with which it can take part in relevant
activities of the investee to obtain variable returns and is able to influence the amount of returns.
The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and its
subsidiaries. A subsidiary is an enterprise or entity controlled by the Company.
(2) Methods for preparing the consolidated financial statements
Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which the Company obtains control on their net

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assets and operation decision-making and are de-consolidated from the date when such control
ceases. As for a disposed subsidiary, its operating results and cash flows before the disposal date has
been appropriately included in the consolidated income statement and cash flow statement; and as
for subsidiaries disposed in the current period, the opening items in the consolidated balance sheet
are not adjusted. For a subsidiary acquired in a business combination not under the same control, its
operating results and cash flows after the acquiring date have been appropriately included in the
consolidated income statement and cash flow statement, and the opening items and comparative
items in the consolidated financial statements are not adjusted. For a subsidiary acquired in a
business combination under the same control or a combined party obtained in a takeover, its
operating results and cash flows from the beginning of the reporting period of the combination to
the combination date have been appropriately included in the consolidated income statement and
cash flow statement, and the comparative items in the consolidated financial statements are adjusted
at the same time.
The financial statements of subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and
accounting period of the Company during the preparation of the consolidated financial statements,
where the accounting policies and the accounting periods are inconsistent between the Company
and subsidiaries. For a subsidiary acquired from a business combination not under the same control,
the individual financial statements of the subsidiary are adjusted based on the fair value of the
identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.
All significant inter-group balances, transactions and unrealized profits are offset in the
consolidated financial statements.
The portion of a subsidiary’s shareholders’ equity and the portion of a subsidiary’s net profits and
losses for the period not held by the Company are recognized as minority interests and minority
shareholder profits and losses respectively and presented separately under shareholders’ equity and
net profits in the consolidation financial statements. The portion of a subsidiary’s net profits and
losses for the period that belong to minority interests is presented as the item of ―minority
shareholder profits and losses‖ under the bigger item of net profits in the consolidated financial
statements. Where the loss of a subsidiary shared by minority shareholders exceeds the portion
enjoyed by minority shareholders in the subsidiary’s opening owners’ equity, minority interests are
Where the Company losses control on its original subsidiaries due to disposal of some equity
investments or other reasons, the residual equity interests are re-measured according to the fair
value on the date when such control ceases. The summation of the consideration obtained from the
disposal of equity interests and the fair value of the residual equity interests, minus the portion in
the original subsidiary’s net assets measured on a continuous basis from the acquisition date that is
enjoyable by the Company according to the original shareholding percentage in the subsidiary, is
recorded in investment gains for the period when the Company’s control on the subsidiary ceases.
Other comprehensive incomes in relation to the equity investment in the original subsidiary are
treated on the same accounting basis as the acquiree directly disposes the relevant assets or
liabilities (that is, except for the changes in the net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan
resulted from re-measurement of the original subsidiary, the rest shall all be transferred into current
investment gains) when such control ceases. And subsequent measurement is conducted on the
residual equity interests according to the No.2 Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
—Long-term Equity Investments or the No.22 Accounting Standard for Business

                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Enterprises—Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. For details, see Notes IV, 13
―long term equity investment‖ or 9 ―financial instruments‖.
Where the Company losses control on its original subsidiaries due to step by step disposal of equity
investments through multiple transactions, it need to distinguish the Group losses control on its
subsidiaries due to disposal of equity investments whether belongs to a package deal. All the
transaction terms, conditions and economic impact of the disposal of subsidiaries’ equity investment
are in accordance with one or more of the following conditions, which usually indicate the multiple
transactions, should be considered as a package deal for accounting treatment. ① These deals are
at the same time or under the condition of considering the influence of each other to concluded; ②
These transactions only be as a whole can achieve a complete business result; ③ The occurrence
of a deal depends on at least one other transactions;④ A deal alone is not economical, it is
economical with other trading together. Those not belong to a package deal, each of them a deal
depends on circumstances respectively conduct accounting treatment in accordance with the
applicable principles of ―part disposal of subsidiaries of a long-term equity investment under the
condition of not losing control on its subsidiaries‖ (see Notes IV 13, (2) ④) and ―Where the
Company losses control on its original subsidiaries due to disposal of some equity investments or
other reasons‖ (see the front paragraph) relevant transactions of the Company losses control on its
subsidiaries due to disposal of equity investments belonging to a package deal, considered as a
transaction and conduct accounting treatment. However, Before losing control, every disposal cost
and corresponding net assets balance of subsidiary of disposal investment are confirmed as other
comprehensive income in consolidated financial statements, which together transferred into the
current profits and losses in the lose of control, when the Company losing control on its subsidiary.

7. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents

The term ―cash‖ refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time. The
term ―cash equivalents‖ refers to short-term (within 3 months from the purchase date) and highly
liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to
an insignificant risk of change in value.

8. Foreign currency businesses and translation of foreign currency financial statements

(1) Accounting treatments for translation of foreign currency transactions
As for a foreign currency transaction, the Company shall convert the amount in a foreign currency
into amount in its bookkeeping base at the spot exchange rate (usually referring to the central parity
rate announced by the People’s Bank of China, the same below) of the transaction date, while as for
such transactions as foreign exchange or involving in foreign exchange, the Company shall
converted into amount in the bookkeeping base currency at actual exchange rate the transaction is
(2) Accounting treatments for translation of foreign currency monetary items and non-monetary
On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot
exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The exchange difference arising from the difference
between the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

initial recognition or prior to the balance sheet date shall be recorded in the profits and losses in the
current period, excluding the following situations: ① the exchange difference arising from foreign
currency loans related to acquisition of fixed assets shall be treated at the principle of capitalization
of borrowing costs; ② the exchange difference arising from the hedging instruments used for
effective hedging of net overseas operation investments shall be recorded into other comprehensive
incomes, and shall be recognized into current gains and losses when the net investments are
disposed; and ③ the exchange difference arising from change in the book balance of foreign
currency monetary items available for sale except the amortized costs shall be recorded into other
comprehensive gains and losses.
A foreign currency non-monetary item measured at the historical costs shall still be translated at the
spot exchange rate on the transaction date. Where the foreign non-monetary items measured at the
fair value shall be converted into amount in its bookkeeping base currency at spot exchange rate,
the exchange gains and losses arising thereof shall be treated as change in fair value, and recorded
into the current period gains and losses or as other comprehensive incomes.
(3) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
When it involves overseas business in preparing the consolidated financial statement, for the
translation difference of foreign currency monetary items of net investment in overseas business
arising from the change in exchange rate, it shall be recorded into the item of ―difference of foreign
currency financial statement translation‖ under the owners’ equity; and be recorded into disposal
gains and losses at current period when disposing overseas business.
The foreign currency financial statement of overseas business should be translated in to RMB
financial statement by the following methods: The asset and liability items in the balance sheets
shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Among the owner’s equity
items, except for the items as ―undistributed profits‖, other items shall be translated at the spot
exchange rate at the time when they are incurred. The income and expense items in the profit
statements shall be translated at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date. The undistributed
profits at year-begin is the undistributed profits at the end of last year after the translation;
undistributed profits at year-end shall be listed as various distribution items after the translation;
after the translation, the balance between assets and the sum of liabilities and owners’ equities shall
be recorded into other comprehensive gains and losses as difference of foreign currency translation.
Where an enterprise disposes of an overseas business without the control right, it shall shift the
differences, which is presented under the items of the owner’s equities in the balance sheet and
which arises from the translation of foreign currency financial statements relating to this overseas
business, into the disposal profits and losses of the current period by all or proportion of the
disposed overseas business.
Foreign cash flow shall be translated at the spot exchange rate of the date of cash flow incurred. The
influence of exchange rate on the cash flow shall be adjustment item and individually listed in the
cash flow statement.
And the opening balance and the actual balance of last year shall be listed at the amounts after
translation of foreign currency financial statement in last year.
Where the control of the Company over an overseas operation ceases due to disposal of all or some
of the Company’s owner’s equity in the overseas operation or other reasons, the foreign-currency
statement translation difference belonging to the parent company’s owner’s equity in relation to the

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

overseas operation which is stated under the shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet shall be all
restated as gains and losses of the disposal period.
Where the Company’s equity in an overseas operation decreases due to disposal of some equity
investment or other reasons but the Company still has control over the overseas operation, the
foreign-currency statement translation difference in relation to the disposed part of the overseas
operation shall be recorded into minority interests instead of current gains and losses. If what’s
disposed is some equity in an overseas associated enterprise or joint venture, the foreign-currency
statement translation difference related to the overseas operation shall be recorded into the gains
and losses of the current period of the disposal according to the disposal ratio.

9. Financial instruments

The Company recognizes a financial asset or liability when it becomes a party of the relevant
financial instrument contract. Financial assets and liabilities are measured at fair value in initial
recognition. As for the financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value of which changes are
recorded into current gains and losses, the relevant dealing expenses are directly recorded into gains
and losses; and the dealing expenses on other kinds of financial assets and liabilities are included in
the amounts initially recognized.
(1) Determination of the fair value of main financial assets and financial liabilities
Fair value refers to the price that a market participant shall receive for selling an asset or shall pay
for transferring a liability in an orderly transaction on the measurement date. As for the financial
assets or financial liabilities for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the active
market shall be used to determine the fair values thereof. The quoted prices in the active market
refers to the prices available from stock exchange, broker’s agencies, guilds, pricing organization
and etc., which represent the actual trading price under equal transaction. Where there is no active
market for a financial instrument, the enterprise concerned shall adopt value appraisal techniques,
including the prices adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market
transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial
instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing
model, etc., to determine its fair value.
(2) Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets
The purchase and sale of financial assets under the normal ways shall be recognized and stopped to
be recognized respectively at the price of transaction date. Financial assets shall be classified into
the following four categories when they are initially recognized: (a) the financial assets which are
measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the
current period, (b) the investments which will be held to their maturity; (c) loans and the account
receivables; and (d) financial assets available for sale.
① The financial assets which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period
Including transactional financial assets and the financial assets which are designated to be measured
at their fair value when they are initially recognized and of which the variation is recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period;
The financial assets meeting any of the following requirements shall be classified as transactional

                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

financial assets:A. The purpose to acquire the said financial assets is mainly for selling them in the
near future; B. Forming a part of the identifiable combination of financial instruments which are
managed in a centralized way and for which there are objective evidences proving that the
enterprise may manage the combination by way of short-term profit making in the near future; C.
Being a derivative instrument, excluding the designated derivative instruments which are effective
hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial guarantee contracts, and the derivative
instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investments for which there is no
quoted price in the active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which shall be
settled by delivering the said equity instruments.
A transactional financial asset is subsequently measured at the fair value. The gains and losses
arising from the fair value changes, as well as the dividend and interest incomes from the financial
asset, are recorded in the gains and losses for the current period.
② Held-to-maturity investment
The term "held-to-maturity investment" refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date
of maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price and which the enterprise holds for a
definite purpose or the enterprise is able to hold until its maturity.
For the held-to-maturity investment adopting actual interest rate method, which is measured at the
post-amortization costs, the profits and losses that arise when such financial assets or financial
liabilities are terminated from recognition, or are impaired or amortized, shall be recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period.
The actual interest rate method refers to the method by which the post-amortization costs and the
interest incomes of different installments or interest expenses are calculated in light of the actual
interest rates of the financial assets or financial liabilities (including a set of financial assets or
financial liabilities). The actual interest rate refers to the interest rate adopted to cash the future cash
flow of a financial asset or financial liability within the predicted term of existence or within a
shorter applicable term into the current carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability.
When the actual interest rate is determined, the future cash flow shall be predicted on the basis of
taking into account all the contractual provisions concerning the financial asset or financial liability
(the future credit losses shall not be taken into account).and also the various fee charges, trading
expenses, premiums or reduced values, etc., which are paid or collected by the parties to a financial
asset or financial liability contract and which form a part of the actual interest rate.
③ Loans and the accounts receivables
Loans and the accounts receivables refer to non-derivative financial assets, which there is no
quotation in the active market, with fixed recovery cost or recognizable.
Financial assets that are defined as loans and the accounts receivables by the Company including
notes receivables, accounts receivables, interest receivable, dividends receivable and other
receivables etc..
Loans and the accounts receivables are made follow-up measurement on the basis of
post-amortization costs employing the effective interest method. Gains or loss arising from the
termination recognition, impairment occurs or amortization shall be recorded into the profits and
losses of the current period.
④ Assets available for sales
Assets available for sales including non-derivative financial asset that has been assigned as assets

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

available for sales on the initial recognition and financial assets excluded those measured at fair
value and of which the variation into profits and losses of the current period, they are some financial
assets, loans and accounts receivables, held-to-maturity investment.
The cost at the period-end of the available-for-sale liabilities instruments should be confirmed
according to its amortized cost method, that is the initially recognized amount which deduct the
principal that had been repaid, to plus or minus the accumulative amortization amount formed by
the amortization between the difference of the initially recognized amount and the amount on the
due date that adopted the actual interest rate method, and at the same time deduct the amount after
the impairment loss happened. The cost at the period-end of the available-for-sale liabilities
instruments is its initial cost.
Financial assets available-for-trade are subsequently measured at fair value, and gains or losses
arising from changes in the fair value are recognized as other comprehensive income,and be carried
forward when the said financial assets stopped recognition, then it shall be recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period. But, the equity instrument investment which neither have quotation
in the active market nor its fair value could not be reliable measured, as well as the derivative
financial assets that concern with the equity instruments and should be settled through handing over
to its equity instruments, should take the follow-up measurement according to the cost.
Interest receive during the holding of assets available for sales and cash dividends with distribution
announcement by invested companies, it shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
(3) Impairment of financial assets
The Company assesses at the balance sheet date the carrying amount of every financial asset except
for the financial assets that measured by the fair value. If there is objective evidence indicating a
financial asset may be impaired, a provision is provided for the impairment.
The Company carries out a separate impairment test for every financial asset which is individually
significant. As for a financial asset which is individually insignificant, an impairment test is carried
out separately or in the financial asset group with similar credit risk. Where the financial asset
(individually significant or insignificant) is found not impaired after the separate impairment test, it
is included in the financial asset group with similar credit risk and tested again on the group basis.
Where the impairment loss is recognized for an individual financial asset, it is not included in the
financial asset group with similar credit risk for an impairment test.
① Impairment on held-to maturity investment, loans and receivables
The financial assets measured by cost or amortized cost write down their carrying value by the
estimated present value of future cash flow. The difference is recorded as impairment loss. If there
is objective evidence to indicate the recovery of value of financial assets after impairment, and it is
related with subsequent event after recognition of loss, the impairment loss recorded originally can
be reversed. The carrying value of financial assets after impairment loss reversed shall not exceed
the amortized cost of the financial assets without provisions of impairment loss on the reserving
② Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets
When it judged that the decrease of fair value of the available-for-sale equity instrument investment
is serious and not temporarily after comprehensive considering relevant factors, it reflected that the
available-for-sale equity instrument investment occurred impairment. Of which, the ―serious

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

decline‖ refers to the accumulative decline range of the fair value over 20%; while the
―non-temporary decline‖ refers to the consecutive decline time of the fair value over 12 months.
Where an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the
decrease of the fair value of the capital reserve which is directly included are transferred out and
recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. The accumulative losses transferred out are
the balance obtained from the initially obtained cost of the said financial asset after deducting the
principals as taken back, the amortized amount, the current fair value and the impairment loss
originally recorded in the profits and losses.
Where the impairment loss has been recognized for an available-for-sale financial asset, if, within
the accounting periods thereafter, there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said
financial asset has been restored and the restoration is objectively related to the events that occur
after the impairment loss was recognized, the originally recognized impairment loss is reversed.
The impairment losses on the available-for-sale equity instrument investments are reversed and
recognized as other comprehensive incomes, and the impairment losses on the available-for-sale
liability instruments are reversed and recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
The impairment loss incurred to an equity instrument investment for which there is no quoted price
in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, or incurred to a derivative
financial asset which is connected with the said equity instrument investment and which must be
settled by delivering the said equity investment, is not reversed.
(4) Recognition and measurement of financial asset transfers
Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it is
terminated: ① The contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset are
terminated; ② The said financial asset has been transferred and nearly all of the risks and rewards
related to the ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; or ③ The said financial asset has
been transferred. And the Company has ceased its control on the said financial asset though it
neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the
financial asset.
Where the Company neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of a financial asset, and it does not cease its control on the said financial asset, it
recognizes the relevant financial asset and liability accordingly according to the extent of its
continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset. The term "continuous involvement in the
transferred financial asset" refers to the risk level that the enterprise faces resulting from the change
of the value of the financial asset.
If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the
difference between the amounts of the following 2 items is recorded in the profits and losses of the
current period: (1) The book value of the transferred financial asset; and (2) The sum of
consideration received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair
value originally recorded in other comprehensive incomes.
If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the book
value of the transferred financial asset is apportioned between the portion whose recognition has
been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped according to their respective
relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items is included into
the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The summation of the consideration received from

                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

the transfer and the portion of the accumulative amount of changes in the fair value originally
recorded in other comprehensive incomes which corresponds to the portion whose recognition has
been stopped; and (2) The amortized carrying amounts of the aforesaid amounts.
In respect of the assets using recourse to sell or using endorsement to transfer, the Company needs
to determine whether almost all of the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership are
transferred. If almost all of the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership had been
transferred to the transferee, derecognize the financial assets. For almost all of the risks and rewards
of the financial asset ownership retained, do not end to recognize the financial assets. For which
neither transfer or retain almost all of the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership,
continuously judge whether the Company retain the control of the assets, and conduct accounting
treatment according to the principle of mentioned in the previous paragraphs.
(5) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
In the initial recognition, financial liabilities are divided into the financial liabilities measured at fair
values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses and other financial liabilities.
Financial liabilities are initially recognized at their fair values. As for a financial liability measured
at fair value and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses, the relevant trading
expense is directly recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. As for other financial
liabilities, the relevant trading expenses are recorded in the initially recognized amounts.
① Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and
Such financial liabilities are divided into transactional financial liabilities and financial liabilities
designated to be measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses
in the initial recognition under the same conditions where such financial assets are divided into
transactional financial assets and financial assets designated to be measured at fair values and
whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses in the initial recognition.
Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and
losses are subsequently measured at their fair values. Gains or losses arising from the fair value
changes, as well as the dividend and interest expenses in relation to the said financial liabilities, are
recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
② Other financial liabilities
As for a derivative financial liability connected to an equity instrument for which there is not quoted
price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured and which must be
settled by delivering the equity instrument, it is subsequently measured on the basis of costs. Other
financial liabilities are subsequently measured according to the amortized cost using the actual
interest rate method. Gains or losses arising from de-recognition or amortization of the said
financial liabilities is recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
(6) De-recognition of financial liabilities
Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the
recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Company (debtor)
enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial liabilities by way of
any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations regarding the new financial liability is
substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability, it terminates the
recognition of the existing financial liability, and at the same time recognizes the new financial

                                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the enterprise
concerned shall include into the profits and losses of the current period for the gap between the
book value which has been terminated from recognition and the considerations it has paid
(including the non-cash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed)
(7) Derivatives and embedded derivatives
Derivative financial instruments include derivatives are initially measured at fair value at the date
when the derivative contracts are entered into and are substantially re-measured at fair value. The
resulting gain and loss is recognized in profit or loss.
An embedded derivative is separated from the hybrid instrument, where the hybrid instrument is not
designated as a financial asset or financial liability at fair value though profit or loss, and the treated
as a standalone derivative if (a) the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative
are not closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host contract; and (b) a
separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the definition of a
derivative. If the Company is unable to measure the embedded derivative separately either at
acquisition or at a subsequent balance sheet date, it designates the entire hybrid instrument as a
financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss.
(8) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
When the Company has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financial
assets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial
asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shall
be offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above circumstances,
financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance sheet and shall
not be offset.
(9) Equity instruments
An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Company
after deducting all of its liabilities. The Company issues (including refinancing), re-purchases, sells
or written-offs the equity instrument as the disposing of the changes of the equity. The Group not
recognized the changes of the fair value of the equity instrument. The transaction expenses related
to the equity transaction would be deducted from the equity.
All types of distribution (excluding stock dividends) made by the Company to holders of equity
instruments are deducted from shareholders’ equity. The Company does not recognize any changes
in the fair value of equity instruments.

10. Receivables

(1) Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which the bad debt provision is made

Judgement basis or monetary
standards of provision for bad Receivables with the amount of RMB 5 million or more than RMB 5 million should recognize as
debts   of    the   individually the receivables with significant single amount.
significant            accounts

                                                                                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.


                                    The Company made an independent impairment test on receivables with significant single amounts;
Method         of     individual
                                    the financial assets without impairment by independent impairment test should be included in
provision for bad debts of the
                                    financial assets portfolio with similar credit risk to take the impairment test. Receivables was
individually          significant
                                    recognized with impairment should no longer be included in receivables portfolio with similar credit
accounts receivable
                                    risk to take the impairment test.

(2) Accounts receivable which the bad debt provision is withdrawn by credit risk characteristics

                         Name of portfolios                                                Bad debt provision method

Aging group                                                             Aging analysis method

In the groups, adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                     Withdrawal proportion for accounts         Withdrawal proportion for other accounts
                                                                receivable (%)                              receivable (%)

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                       5.00%                                       5.00%

1-2 years                                                                            10.00%                                       10.00%

2-3 years                                                                            20.00%                                       20.00%

Over 3 years                                                                         30.00%                                       30.00%

In the groups, adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad debt provision is made

                                                                        Receivables have dispute with the other parties or involving
                                                                        lawsuit and arbitration; receivables have obvious indication
Reason of individually withdrawing bad debt provision
                                                                        showing that the debtors are likely to fail to perform the duty of
                                                                        repayment, etc.

                                                                        The Company made independent impairment test on receivables
                                                                        with insignificant amount but with the following characteristics,
                                                                        if any objective evidence shows that the accounts receivable has
Withdrawal method for bad debt provision                                been impaired, impairment loss shall be recognized on the basis
                                                                        of the gap between the current values of the future cash flow
                                                                        lower than its book value so as to withdraw provision for bad

                                                            2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

11. Inventory

(1) Classification
Inventories mainly include raw materials, work-in-progress and self-made semi-manufactured
goods, revolving materials, finished products as well as stock products etc.
(2) Valuation method of inventories acquiring and issuing
The inventories should be measured by the actual cost when acquired, and the cost of the
inventories including the procurement cost, processing cost and other cost. Bulk chemical raw
materials, work-in-progress goods and finished products should be measured by the actual cost and
should carry forward the cost by weighted average method when issuing; auxiliary materials,
packing materials should be measured by actual cost and adopt the planned cost for accounting as
well as included the difference between the actual cost and the planned cost into the material cost
variance and according the material cost variance rate, work out the material cost variance which
should be shared at the end of the month, and to adjust the planned cost that had issued the materials
as the actual cost; low priced and easily worn articles should be recorded by actual cost and should
adopt the one-time amortization method for accounting when consuming.
(3) Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in
value of inventories
Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the
estimated costs of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes.
Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear evidence obtained, and takes into
consideration the purpose of holding inventories and effect of post balance sheet events.
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of the cost and net realizable value.
If the net realizable value is below the cost of inventories, a provision for decline in value of
inventories is made. The provision for inventories decline in value is determined normally by the
difference of the cost of individual item less its realizable value. For large quantity and low value
items of inventories, provision for decline in value is made based on categories of inventories. For
items of inventories relating to a product line that are produced and marketed in the same
geographical area, have the same or similar end users or purposes, and cannot be practicably
evaluated separately from other items in that product line provision for decline in value is
determined on an aggregate basis.
After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances that previously
caused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the net realizable value of
inventories is higher than their cost, the original provision for decline in value is reversed and the
reversal is included in profit or loss for the period.
(4) The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.
(5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles
For the low-value consumption goods, should be amortized by one-off amortization method when
consuming; and for the packing articles, should be amortized by one-off amortization method when

                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

12. Long-term equity investments

The long-term equity investments of this part refer to the long-term equity investments that the
Company has control, joint control or significant influence over the investees. The long-term equity
investment that the Company does not have control, joint control or significant influence over the
investees, should be recognized as available-for-sale financial assets or be measured by fair value
with the changes should be included in the financial assets accounting of the current gains and
losses, and please refer the details of the accounting polices to ―financial instrument‖.
Joint control, refers to the control jointly owned according to the relevant agreement on an
arrangement by the Company and the relevant activities of the arrangement should be decided only
after the participants which share the control right make consensus. Significant influence refers to
the power of the Company which could anticipate in the finance and the operation polices of the
investees, but could not control or jointly control the formulation of the policies with the other
(1) Recognition of investment costs
As for long-term equity investments acquired by enterprise merger, if the merger is under the same
control, the share of the book value of the owner’s equity of the merged enterprise, on the date of
merger, is regarded as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. The difference between
the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the payment in cash, non-cash assets
transferred as well as the book value of the debts borne by the merging party shall offset against the
capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
If the consideration of the merging enterprise is that it issues equity securities, it shall, on the date of
merger, regard the share of the book value of the shareholder's equity of the merged enterprise on
the consolidated financial statement of the ultimate control party as the initial cost of the long-term
equity investment. The total face value of the stocks issued shall be regarded as the capital stock,
while the difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and total face value
of the shares issued shall offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to
dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The equities of the combined party which
respectively acquired through multiple transaction under the same control that ultimately form into
the combination of the enterprises under the same control, should be disposed according whether
belongs to package deal; if belongs to package deal, each transaction would be executed accounting
treatment by the Company as a transaction of acquiring the control right. If not belongs to package
deal, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the enjoyed share of the book value of the shareholder's
equity of the merged enterprise on the consolidated financial statement of the ultimate control party
as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment, and as for the difference between the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment and sum of the book value of the long-term
equity investment before the combination and the book value of the consideration of the new
payment that further required on the combination date, should adjust the capital reserve; if the
capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The equity
investment held before the combination date which adopted the equity method for accounting, or
the other comprehensive income confirmed for the available-for-sale financial assets, should not
have any accounting disposal for the moment.
For the long-term investment required from the business combination under different control, the
initial investment cost regarded as long-term equity investment on the purchasing date according to

                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

the combination cost, the combination costs shall be the sum of the fair values of the assets paid, the
liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the Company. The equities of the
acquirees which respectively acquired through multiple transaction that ultimately form into the
combination of the enterprises under the different control, should be disposed according whether
belongs to package deal; if belongs to package deal, each transaction would be executed accounting
treatment by the Company as a transaction of acquiring the control right. If not belongs to package
deal, the sum of the book value of the original held equity investment of the acquirees and the
newly added investment cost should be regarded as the initial investment cost of the long-term
equity investment that changed to be accounted by cost method. If the original held equity is
calculated by cost method, the other relevant comprehensive income would not have any accounting
disposal for the moment. If the original held equity investment is the financial assets available for
sale, its difference between the fair value and the book value as well as the accumulative changes of
the fair value that include in the other comprehensive income, should transfer into the current gains
and losses.
The commission fees for audit, law services, assessment and consultancy services and other
relevant expenses occurred in the business combination by the combining party or the purchase
party, shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon their occurrence; the transaction
expense from the issuance of equity securities or bonds securities which are as consideration for
combination by the combining party, should be recorded as the initial amount of equity securities
and bonds securities.
Besides the long-term equity investments formed by business combination, the other long-term
equity investments shall be initially measured by cost, the cost is fixed in accordance with the ways
of gaining, such as actual cash payment paid by the Company, the fair value of equity securities
issued by the Company, the agreed value of the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or
original carrying amount of exchanged assets from non-monetary assets exchange transaction, the
fair value of the long-term equity investments, etc. The expenses, taxes and other necessary
expenditures directly related with gaining the long-term equity investments shall also be recorded
into investment cost.
(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gains or losses
A long-term equity investment where the investing enterprise has joint control (except for which
forms into common operators) or significant influence over the investors should be measured by
equity method. Moreover, long-term equity investment adopting the cost method in the financial
statements, and which the Company has control on invested entity.
① Long-term equity investment measured by adopting cost method
The price of a long-term equity investment measured by adopting the cost method shall be included
at its initial investment cost and append as well as withdraw the cost of investing and adjusting the
long-term equity investment. The return on investment at current period shall be recognized in
accordance with the cash dividend or profit announced to distribute by the invested entity, except
the announced but not distributed cash dividend or profit included in the actual payment or
consideration upon gaining the investment.
② Long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method
If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is more than the Company's attributable share of
the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for investment, the initial cost of the

                                                               2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

long-term equity investment may not be adjusted. If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment
is less than the Company's attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net
assets for the investment, the difference shall be included in the current profits and losses and the
cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted simultaneously.
When measured by adopting equity method, respectively recognize investment income and other
comprehensive income according to the net gains and losses as well as the portion of other
comprehensive income which should be enjoyed or be shared, and at the same time adjust the book
value of the long-term equity investment; corresponding reduce the book value of the long-term
equity investment according to profits which be declared to distribute by the investees or the portion
of the calculation of cash dividends which should be enjoyed; for the other changes except for the
net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the owners’ equity except for the profits
distribution of the investees, should adjust the book value of the long-term equity investment as
well as include in the capital reserve. The investing enterprise shall, on the ground of the fair value
of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when it obtains the investment, recognize the
attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after it adjusts the net profits of
the invested entity. If the accounting polices adopted by the investees is not accord with that of the
Company, should be adjusted according to the accounting policies of the Company and the financial
statement of the investees during the accounting period and according which to recognize the
investment income as well as other comprehensive income. For the transaction happened between
the Company and associated enterprises as well as joint ventures, if the assets launched or sold not
form into business, the portion of the unrealized gains and losses of the internal transaction, which
belongs to the Company according to the calculation of the enjoyed proportion, should recognize
the investment gains and losses on the basis. But the losses of the unrealized internal transaction
happened between the Company and the investees which belongs to the impairment losses of the
transferred assets, should not be neutralized. The assets launched by the Company to the associated
enterprises or the joint ventures if could form into business, the long-term equity investment
without control right which acquired by the investors, should regard the fair value of the launched
business as the initial investment cost the newly added long-term equity investment, and for the
difference between the initial investment cost and the book value of the launched business, should
be included into the current gains and losses with full amount. The Company shall recognize the net
losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the long-term equity investment and other
long-term rights and interests which substantially form the net investment made to the invested
entity are reduced to zero. However, if the Company has the obligation to undertake extra losses, it
shall be recognized as the estimated liabilities in accordance with the estimated duties and then
recorded into investment losses at current period. If the invested entity realizes any net profits later,
the Company shall, after the amount of its attributable share of profits offsets against its attributable
share of the un-recognized losses, resume recognizing its attributable share of profits.
For the long-term equity investment held by the Company before the first execution of the new
accounting criterion on 1 Jan. 2007 of the associated enterprises and joint ventures, if there is debit
difference of the equity investment related to the investment, should be included in the current gains
and losses according to the amount of the straight-line amortization during the original remained
③ Acquiring shares of minority interest
In the preparation for the financial statements, the balance existed between the long-term equity

                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

investment increased by acquiring shares of minority interest and the attributable net assets on the
subsidiary calculated by the increased shares held since the purchase date (or combination date), the
capital reserves shall be adjusted, if the capital reserves are not sufficient to offset, the retained
profits shall be adjusted.
④ Disposal of long-term equity investment
In the preparation of financial statements, the Company disposed part of the long-term equity
investment on subsidiaries without losing its controlling right on them, the balance between the
disposed price and attributable net assets of subsidiaries by disposing the long-term equity
investment shall be recorded into owners’ equity; where the Company losses the controlling right by
disposing part of long-term equity investment on such subsidiaries, it shall treated in accordance
with the relevant accounting policies in Method on preparation of combined financial statements.
For other ways on disposal of long-term equity investment, the balance between the book value of
the disposed equity and its actual payment gained shall be recorded into current profits and losses.
For the long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method, if the remained equity
after disposal still adopts the equity method for measurement, the other comprehensive income
originally recorded into owners’ equity should adopt the same basis of the accounting disposal of
the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the investees according to the corresponding
proportion. The owners’ equity recognized owning to the changes of the other owners’ equity except
for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the profits distribution of the
investees, should be transferred into the current gains and losses according to the proportion.
For the long-term equity investment which adopts the cost method of measurement, if the remained
equity still adopt the cost method, the other comprehensive income recognized owning to adopting
the equity method for measurement or the recognition and measurement standards of financial
instrument before acquiring the control of the investees, should adopt the same basis of the
accounting disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the investees and should
be carried forward into the current gains and losses according to the proportion; the changes of the
other owners’ equity except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the
profits distribution among the net assets of the investees which recognized by adopting the equity
method for measurement, should be carried forward into the current gains and losses according to
the proportion.
For those the Company lost the control of the investees by disposing part of the equity investment
as well as the remained equity after disposal could execute joint control or significant influences on
the investees, should change to measure by equity method when compiling the individual financial
statement and should adjust the measurement of the remained equity to equity method as adopted
since the time acquired; if the remained equity after disposal could not execute joint control or
significant influences on the investees, should change the accounting disposal according to the
relevant regulations of the recognition and measurement standards of financial instrument, and its
difference between the fair value and book value on the date lose the control right should be
included in the current gains and losses. For the other comprehensive income recognized by
adopting equity method for measurement or the recognition and measurement standards of financial
instrument before the Company acquired the control of the investees, should execute the accounting
disposal by adopting the same basis of the accounting disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities
directly disposed by the investees when lose the control of them, while the changes of the other
owners’ equity except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the profits
                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

distribution among the net assets of the investees which recognized by adopting the equity method
for measurement, should be carried forward into the current gains and losses according to the
proportion. Of which, for the disposed remained equity which adopted the equity method for
measurement, the other comprehensive income and the other owners’ equity should be carried
forward according to the proportion; for the disposed remained equity which changed to execute the
accounting disposal according to the recognition and measurement standards of financial instrument,
the other comprehensive income and the other owners’ equity should be carried forward in full
For those the Company lost the control of the investees by disposing part of the equity investment,
the disposed remained equity should change to calculate according to the recognition and
measurement standards of financial instrument, and difference between the fair value and book
value on the date lose the control right should be included in the current gains and losses. For the
other comprehensive income recognized from the original equity investment by adopting the equity
method, should execute the accounting disposal by adopting the same basis of the accounting
disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the investees when terminate the
equity method for measurement, while for the owners’ equity recognized owning to the changes of
the other owner’s equity except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the
profits distribution of the investees, should be transferred into the current investment income with
full amount when terminate adopting the equity method.
The Company respectively disposes the equity investment of the subsidiaries through multiple
transactions until lose the control right, if the above transactions belongs to the package deal, should
execute the accounting disposal by regarding each transaction as a deal of disposing the equity
investment of the subsidiaries until lose the control right, while the difference between each
expenses of the disposal and the book value of the long-term equity investment in accord with the
disposed equity before losing the control right, should firstly be recognized as other comprehensive
income then be transferred into the current gains and losses of losing the control right along until
the time when lose it.

13. Fixed assets

(1) Conditions for recognition

The term ―fixed assets‖ refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as
follows: (a) they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or
business management; and (b) their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year. The fixed assets are
only recognized when the relevant economic benefits probably flow in the Company and its cost
could be reliable measured. The fixed assets should take the initial measurement according to the
cost and at the same time consider the influences of the factors of the estimated discard expenses.

(2) Depreciation methods

The Company shall withdraw the depreciation of fixed assets by adopting the straight-line method
since the second month of its useful life. Useful life, expected net salvage value and annual
depreciation rate of each fixed assets are as below:

                                                                            2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                     Annual deprecation
     Category of fixed assets              Method           Useful life (Year)   Salvage value (%)

                                Average       method   of         5-30                 5-10              3.00-19.00
Housing and building
                                useful life

                                Average       method   of         10-18                5-10              5.00-9.50
Machinery equipments
                                useful life

                                Average       method   of           5                  5-10             19.00-18.00
Transportation vehicle
                                useful life

Electronic equipments and others Average      method   of           5                  5-10             19.00-18.00
                                useful life

Net Salvage is refer to the assumption of fix assets estimated service life is full and is in the
estimated state that the service life is in the end, the Group. The group currently obtained amount
from the disposal amount after deducting the estimated disposal expense.

(3) Recognition basis, pricing and depreciation method of fixed assets by finance lease

The ―finance lease‖ shall refer to a lease that has transferred in substance all the risks and rewards
related to the ownership of an asset. Its ownership may or may not eventually be transferred. The
fixed assets by finance lease shall adopt the same depreciation policy for self-owned fixed assets. If
it is reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain the ownership of the leased asset when the
lease term expires, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over its useful life. If it is not
reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain the ownership of the leased asset at the expiry of
the lease term, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over the shorter one of the lease term or its
useful life.

14. Construction in progress

Construction in process is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs,
borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalization before the fixed assets being ready for their
intended us and other relevant costs. Construction in process is transferred to fixed assets when the
assets are ready for their intended use.
See the details of the impairment test method of the impairment provision withdrawal method of the
construction in progress to ―Long-term assets impairment‖.

15. Borrowing costs

The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on
borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. When the
borrowing costs can be directly attributable to the construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization, and the asset disbursements or the borrowing costs have already incurred, and the
construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or
sale have already started, the capitalization of borrowing costs begins. When the asset eligible for

                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

capitalization under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale,
the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized
as expenses when incurred.
The to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual interests incurred
of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the
unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment; the enterprise shall
calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount on the general borrowing by multiplying the
weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the
general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate
shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general
During the period of capitalization, the exchange balance on foreign currency special borrowings
shall be capitalized; the exchange balance on foreign currency general borrowings shall be recorded
into current profits and losses.
The term ―assets eligible for capitalization‖ refers to the fixed assets, investment real estate,
inventories and other assets, of which the acquisition and construction or production may take quite
a long time to get ready for its intended use or for sale.
Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally
and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs
shall be suspended.

16. Biological assets

(1) Consumptive biological assets
Consumptive biological assets refer to the biological assets held for sale or to be harvested as
agricultural products in future, including crops, vegetables under growing, timber production forest
and domestic animals for sale. The consumptive biological assets shall be measured based on cost.
All costs for planting, creating, cultivating or raising of consumptive biological assets shall be the
necessary expenses directly added to such assets that accrued before harvest, including any loan that
satisfies capitalization conditions. Subsequent expenses for keeping and feeding the consumptive
biological assets after the harvest should be recognized as the losses and gains of the current period.
Upon harvest or sale, the cost of consumptive biological assets shall be based on its book value
through weighted average.
On the date of Balance Sheet, the consumptive biological assets shall be measured with lower of
cost and net realizable value, and the method for confirming the reserve for inventory price drop
shall be adopted to confirm the reserve for price drop of consumptive biological assets. If the
impacts of depreciation disappear, the depreciation amount shall be recovered, and the reserve for
price drop originally accrued shall be reversed. Such amount reversed shall be recognized as loss
and gain for the current period.
If consumptive biological assets change its usage to be as productive biological assets, the cost after
such change shall be confirmed based on the book value when the usage is changed. If consumptive
biological assets are changed as public biological assets, depreciation shall be taken into
consideration pursuant to Corporate Accounting Rules No.8 – Assets Depreciation. When

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

depreciation occur, accrued the depreciation reserve first and then confirm based on the book value
after such accrual.
(2) Productive biological assets
Productive biological assets refer to agricultural products produced, and biological assets held for
labor provision or lease, including economic forest, firewood forest, productive animals and labor
animals. The productive biological assets shall be measured based on cost. All costs for creating or
fostering productive biological assets shall be the necessary expenses directly added to such assets
that accrued before it reaches expected production purpose, including any loan that satisfies
capitalization conditions.
The Company shall withdraw the depreciation of the productive biological assets by adopting the
straight-line method since the second month of its useful life. Useful life, expected net salvage
value and annual depreciation rate of each productive biological assets are as below:
     Category                   Useful life (Year)    Expected net salvage value   Annual deprecation (%)
     Livestock                          5                           5%                         19

The Company shall review the service life, expected net residuals and depreciation method of the
productive biological assets at least by the end of the year. In case of any change, it shall be deemed
as accounting estimate change.
The difference between proceedings from disposal (sale, loss, death or damage) of the productive
biological assets deducted by book value and related tax shall be recognized as loss and gain for the
current period.
The Company shall check on the date of Balance Sheet whether there is a depreciation sign for the
productive biological assets. If yes, estimate the recoverable amount. Such recoverable amount shall
be estimated based on single asset item. If it is difficult, the recoverable amount of the portfolio
shall be confirmed based on the portfolio such assets belong to. If the recoverable amount of the
assets is lower than book value, reserve for asset depreciation shall be accrued based on such
difference, and recognized as loss and gain for the current period.
The above assets impairment losses once be recognized should not be reversed during the
accounting periods afterwards.
If the productive biological assets changed the usage as the consumptive biological assets, the cost
after the change should be recognized as the book value when changing the usage; of the productive
biological assets changed the usage as non-profit living assets, should be recognized according to
the book value after the withdrawal of the impairment provision in accord with the regulation of No.
8 of ASBE - Assets Impairment for considering whether there was impairment and should withdraw
the impairment provision in ahead of it.

17. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing method, useful life and impairment test

The term ―intangible asset‖ refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets possessed or controlled by
enterprises which have no physical shape.
The intangible assets shall be initially measured according to its cost. The costs related with the

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

intangible assets, if the economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the
enterprise and the cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably, shall be recorded into the costs
of intangible assets; otherwise, it shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon the
The use right of land gained is usually measured as intangible assets. For the self-developed and
constructed factories and other constructions, the related expenditures on use right of land and
construction costs shall be respectively measured as intangible assets and fixed assets. For the
purchased houses and buildings, the related payment shall be distributed into the payment for use
right of land and the payment for buildings, if it is difficult to be distributed, the whole payment
shall be treated as fixed assets.
For intangible assets with a finite service life, from the time when it is available for use, the cost
after deducting the sum of the expected salvage value and the accumulated impairment provision
shall be amortized by straight line method during the service life. While the intangible assets
without certain service life shall not be amortized.
At the end of period, the Company shall check the service life and amortization method of
intangible assets with finite service life, if there is any change, it shall be regarded as a change of
the accounting estimates. Besides, the Company shall check the service life of intangible assets
without certain service life, if there is any evidence showing that the period of intangible assets to
bring the economic benefits to the enterprise can be prospected, it shall be estimated the service life
and amortized in accordance with the amortization policies for intangible assets with finite service

(2) Accounting polices of internal R & D expenses

The expenditures for internal research and development projects of an enterprise shall be classified
into research expenditures and development expenditures.
The research expenditures shall be recorded into the profit or loss for the current period.
The development expenditures shall be confirmed as intangible assets when they satisfy the
following conditions simultaneously, and shall be recorded into profit or loss for the current period
when they don’t satisfy the following conditions.
① It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale;
② It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;
③ The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved,
including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by
applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the
intangible assets will be used internally;
④ It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible
assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources;
⑤ The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.
As for expenses that can’t be identified as research expenditures or development expenditures, the
occurred R & D expenses shall be all included in current profits and losses.

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

18. Impairment of long-term assets

For non-current financial Assets of fixed Assets, projects under construction, intangible Assets with
limited service life, investing real estate with cost model, long-term equity investment of
subsidiaries, cooperative enterprises and joint ventures, the Company should judge whether
decrease in value exists on the date of balance sheet. Recoverable amounts should be tested for
decrease in value if it exists. Other intangible Assets of reputation and uncertain service life and
other non-accessible intangible assets should be tested for decrease in value no matter whether it
If the recoverable amount is less than book value in impairment test results, the provision for
impairment of differences should include in impairment loss. Recoverable amounts would be the
higher of net value of asset fair value deducting disposal charges or present value of predicted cash
flow. Asset fair value should be determined according to negotiated sales price of fair trade. If no
sales agreement exists but with asset active market, fair value should be determined according to the
Buyer’s price of the asset. If no sales agreement or asset active market exists, asset fair value could
be acquired on the basis of best information available. Disposal expenses include legal fees, taxes,
cartage or other direct expenses of merchantable Assets related to asset disposal. Present value of
predicted asset cash flow should be determined by the proper discount rate according to Assets in
service and predicted cash flow of final disposal. Asset depreciation reserves should be calculated
on the basis of single Assets. If it is difficult to predict the recoverable amounts for single Assets,
recoverable amounts should be determined according to the belonging asset group. Asset group is
the minimum asset combination producing cash flow independently.
In impairment test, book value of the business reputation in financial report should be shared to
beneficial asset group and asset group combination in collaboration of business merger. It is shown
in the test that if recoverable amounts of shared business reputation asset group or asset group
combination are lower than book value, it should determine the impairment loss. Impairment loss
amount should firstly be deducted and shared to the book value of business reputation of asset
group or asset group combination, then deduct book value of all assets according to proportions of
other book value of above assets in asset group or asset group combination except business
After the asset impairment loss is determined, recoverable value amounts would not be returned in

19. Amortization method of long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year
(one year excluded) that have occurred but attributable to the current and future periods. The
long-term deferred expenses mainly including the land contract fee. And the long-term deferred
expense shall be amortized averagely within benefit period.

                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

20. Payroll

(1) Accounting treatment of short-term compensation

Short-term compensation mainly including salary, bonus, allowances and subsidies, employee
services and benefits, medical insurance premiums, birth insurance premium, industrial injury
insurance premium, housing fund, labor union expenditure and personnel education fund,
non-monetary benefits etc. The short-term compensation actually happened during the accounting
period when the active staff offering the service for the Company should be recognized as liabilities
and is included in the current gains and losses or relevant assets cost. Of which the non-monetary
benefits should be measured according to the fair value.

(2) Accounting treatment of the welfare after demission

Welfare after demission mainly includes setting drawing plan. Of which setting the drawing plan
mainly includes basic endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and annuity etc, and the
corresponding payable and deposit amount should be included into the relevant assets cost or the
current gains and losses when happen.

(3) Accounting treatment of the welfare of other long-term staffs

The other long-term welfare that the Company offers to the staffs, if met with the setting drawing
plan, should be accounting disposed according to the setting drawing plan, while the rest should be
disposed according to the setting revenue plan.

21. Revenue

(1) Selling products
No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are met
simultaneously: the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to
the buyer by the enterprise; the enterprise retains neither continuous management right that usually
keeps relation with the ownership nor effective control over the sold goods; the relevant amount of
revenue can be measured in a reliable way; the relevant economic benefits may flow into the
enterprise; and the relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured in a reliable way.
(2) Providing labor services
If the Company can reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services it
provides, it shall recognize the revenue from providing services employing the
percentage-of-completion method on the date of the balance sheet. The completed proportion of a
transaction concerning the providing of labor services shall be decided by the proportion of the
labor service already provided to the total labor service to provide.
The outcome of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services can be measured in a
reliable way, means that the following conditions shall be met simultaneously: ① The amount of
revenue can be measured in a reliable way; ② The relevant economic benefits are likely to flow
into the enterprise; ③ The schedule of completion under the transaction can be confirmed in a

                                                               2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

reliable way; and ④ The costs incurred or to be incurred in the transaction can be measured in a
reliable way.
If the outcome of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services can not be measured in a
reliable way, the revenue from the providing of labor services shall be recognized in accordance
with the amount of the cost of labor services incurred and expected to be compensated, and make
the cost of labor services incurred as the current expenses. If it is predicted that the cost of labor
services incurred couldn’t be compensated, thus no revenue shall be recognized.
Where a contract or agreement signed between Company and other enterprises concerns selling
goods and providing of labor services, if the part of sale of goods and the part of providing labor
services can be distinguished from each other and can be measured respectively, the part of sale of
goods and the part of providing labor services shall be treated respectively. If the part of selling
goods and the part of providing labor services can not be distinguished from each other, or if the
part of sale of goods and the part of providing labor services can be distinguished from each other
but can not be measured respectively, both parts shall be conducted as selling goods.
(3) Royalty revenue
In accordance with relevant contract or agreement, the amount of royalty revenue should be
recognized as revenue on accrual basis.
(4) Interest revenue
The amount of interest revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with the length of
time for which the Company’s monetary fund is used by others and the agreed interest rate.

22. Government subsidies

(1) Judgment basis and accounting treatment of government subsidies related to assets

Government subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent to assets and government
subsidies pertinent to income. The Company defines the acquisition of government subsidy of long
term assets using in construction or formed in other ways as government subsidiary related to
income. If the government document not clearly regulate the subsidy acquirees then adopt the
following method to divide the government subsidy into government subsidy related to income and
government subsidy related to assets; (1) If the government document clearly regulate the specific
project, according to the budget project will form the spending amount of assets and the cost
included of spending amount ratio to divide, and division ratio shall be reexamine in every balance
sheet date, renew if necessary. (2) The usage in government documents is for general description
only, for which do not identify a particular project, consider as government subsidy related to
The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally
distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and
losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance
with the circumstances as follows: those subsidies used for compensating the related future
expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the
current profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or those
subsidies used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be
directly included in the current profits and losses.
                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Where it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been recognized, it shall be
treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: if there is the deferred income
concerned, the book balance of the deferred income shall be offset against, but the excessive part
shall be included in the current profits and losses; or if there is no deferred income concerned to the
government subsidy, it shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

(2) Judgment basis and accounting treatment of government subsidies related to profits

Government subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent to assets and government
subsidies pertinent to income and the rest should be recognized as the government subsidy related
to the revenue. The Company defines the acquisition of government subsidy of long term assets
using in construction or formed in other ways as government subsidiary related to income. If the
government document not clearly regulate the subsidy acquirees then adopt the following method to
divide the government subsidy into government subsidy related to income and government subsidy
related to assets; (1) If the government document clearly regulate the specific project, according to
the budget project will form the spending amount of assets and the cost included of spending
amount ratio to divide, and division ratio shall be reexamine in every balance sheet date, renew if
necessary. (2) The usage in government documents is for general description only, for which do not
identify a particular project, consider as government subsidy related to income.
The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance with the
circumstances as follows: those subsidies used for compensating the related future expenses or
losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current
profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or those subsidies
used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be directly
included in the current profits and losses.
When it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been recognized, if there is the
deferred income concerned, the book balance of the deferred income shall be offset against, but the
excessive part shall be included in the current profits and losses; and if there is no deferred income
concerned to the government subsidy, it shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

23. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Income tax of the current period
On the balance sheet date, for the current income tax liabilities (or assets) of the current period as
well as the part formed during the previous period, should be measured by the income tax of the
estimated payable (returnable) amount which be calculated according to the regulations of the tax
law. The amount of the income tax payable which is based by the calculation of the current income
tax expenses, are according to the result measured from the corresponding adjustment of the pre-tax
accounting profit of 2014 which in accord to the relevant regulations of the tax law.
(2) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
The difference between the book value of certain assets and liabilities and their tax assessment basis,
as well as the temporary difference occurs from the difference between the book value of the items
which not be recognized as assets and liabilities but could confirm their tax assessment basis
according to the regulations of the tax law, the deferred income tax assets and the deferred income

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

tax liabilities should be recognized by adopting liabilities law of the balance sheet.
No deferred tax liability is recognized for a temporary difference arising from the initial recognition
of goodwill, the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a business
combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). Besides,
no deferred tax assets is recognized for the taxable temporary differences related to the investments
of subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises, and the investing enterprise
can control the time of the reverse of temporary differences as well as the temporary differences are
unlikely to be reversed in the excepted future. Otherwise, the Group should recognize the deferred
income tax liabilities arising form other taxable temporary difference.
No deferred taxable assets should be recognized for the deductible temporary difference of initial
recognition of assets and liabilities arising from the transaction which is not business combination,
the accounting profits will not be affected, nor will the taxable amount or deductible loss be affected
at the time of transaction. Besides, no deferred taxable assets should be recognized for the
deductible temporary difference related to the investments of the subsidiary companies, associated
enterprises and joint enterprises, which are not likely to be reversed in the expected future or is not
likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up such deductible
temporary differences. Otherwise, the Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets
arising from a deductible temporary difference basing on the extent of the amount of the taxable
income that is likely to be acquired to make up such deductible temporary differences
For any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the
corresponding deferred income tax asset shall be determined to the extent that the amount of future
taxable income to be offset by the deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained.
On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities
shall be measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be
recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled.
The book value of deferred income tax assets shall be reviewed at each balance sheet date. If it is
unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable income to offset against the benefit of the deferred income tax
asset, the book value of the deferred income tax assets shall be written down. Any such write-down
should be subsequently reversed where it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be
(3) Income tax expenses
Income tax expenses include current income tax and deferred income tax.
The rest current income tax and the deferred income tax expenses or revenue should be included
into current gains and losses except for the current income tax and the deferred income tax related
to the transaction and events that be confirmed as other comprehensive income or be directly
included in the shareholders’ equity which should be included in other comprehensive income or
shareholders’ equity as well as the book value for adjusting the goodwill of the deferred income tax
occurs from the business combination.
(4) Offset of income tax
The current income tax assets and liabilities of the Company should be listed by the written-off net
amount which intend to executes the net amount settlement as well as the assets acquiring and
liabilities liquidation at the same time while owns the legal rights of settling the net amount.
The deferred income tax assets and liabilities of the Company should be listed as written-off net

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

amount when having the legal rights of settling the current income tax assets and liabilities by net
amount and the deferred income tax and liabilities is relevant to the income tax which be collected
from the same taxpaying bodies by the same tax collection and administration department or is
relevant to the different taxpaying bodies but during each period which there is significant reverse
of the deferred income assets and liabilities in the future and among which the involved taxpaying
bodies intend to settle the current income tax and liabilities by net amount or are at the same time
acquire the asset as well as liquidate the liabilities.

24. Lease

(1) Accounting treatment of operating lease

(1) Business of operating leases recorded by the Group as the lessee
The rent expenses from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee in the relevant asset costs or
the profits and losses of the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the
lease term. The initial direct costs shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the current period.
The contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they
actually arise.
(2) Business of operating leases recorded by the Group as the lessor
The rent incomes from operating leases shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the current
period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term. The initial direct costs
of great amount shall be capitalized when incurred, and be recorded into current profits and losses
in accordance with the same basis for recognition of rent incomes over the whole lease term. The
initial direct costs of small amount shall be recorded into current profits and losses when incurred.
The contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they
actually arise.

(2) Accounting treatments of financial lease

(1) Business of finance leases recorded by the Company as the lessee
On the lease beginning date, the Company shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased
asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the
entering value in an account, recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as the entering
value in an account of long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the recorded
amount of the leased asset and the long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges.
Besides, the initial direct costs directly attributable to the leased item incurred during the process of
lease negotiating and signing the leasing agreement shall be recorded in the asset value of the
current period. The balance through deducting unrecognized financing charges from the minimum
lease payments shall be respectively stated in long-term liabilities and long-term liabilities due
within 1 year.
Unrecognized financing charges shall be adopted by the effective interest rate method in the lease
term, so as to calculate and recognize current financing charges. The contingent rents shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they actually arise.
(2) Business of finance leases recorded by the Company as the lessor

                                                            2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

On the beginning date of the lease term, the Company shall recognize the sum of the minimum
lease receipts on the lease beginning date and the initial direct costs as the entering value in an
account of the financing lease values receivable, and record the unguaranteed residual value at the
same time. The balance between the sum of the minimum lease receipts, the initial direct costs and
the unguaranteed residual value and the sum of their present values shall be recognized as
unrealized financing income. The balance through deducting unrealized financing incomes from the
finance lease accounts receivable shall be respectively stated in long-term claims and long-term
claims due within 1 year.
Unrecognized financing incomes shall be adopted by the effective interest rate method in the lease
term, so as to calculate and recognize current financing revenues. The contingent rents shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they actually arise.

25. Significant accounting judgments and estimates

Due to the internal uncertainty of operating activities, the Company needs to make judgments,
estimates and assumptions for carrying amounts of statement items that can’t be measured
accurately during the process of applying accounting policies. Such judgments, estimates and
assumptions are made on the basis of the past experience of Company’s management staffs and on
the consideration of other relevant factors. Such judgments, estimates and assumptions have effect
on reporting amount of incomes, expense, assets and liabilities, as well as disclosure of contingent
liabilities on the balance sheet date. However, the uncertainty of such estimates may results in major
adjustments of carrying amounts of assets or liabilities that will be influenced in future.
The Company shall have a check on the aforesaid judgments, estimates and assumptions at fixed
intervals on the basis of sustainable operation. As for the change in accounting estimates that only
effects on the current period of the change, the affected amount thereof shall be recognized at
current period of the change. As for accounting estimates that effects on both the current period of
the change and future periods, the affected amount thereof shall be recognized at current period of
the change and future periods.
On balance sheet date, major fields requiring judgments, estimates and assumptions on amounts of
financial statement items by the Company are as follows:
(1) Classification of leases
In line with rules in Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 21 – Leases, the Company classifies
leases into operating leases and finance leases. Upon the classification, the management staffs need
to make analysis and judgments on whether to essentially transfer all risks and remuneration
relating to the ownership of leased-out assets to the lessee, or whether the Company has essentially
undertaken all risks and remuneration relating to the ownership of leased-in assets.
(2) Withdrawal of bad debt provisions
The Company shall, in accordance with accounting policies of receivables, calculate bad debt
provisions by adopting allowance method. Impairment of accounts receivable is based on the
assessment of the recovery of accounts receivable. Identification of impairment of accounts
receivable requires judgments and estimates by management staffs. The difference between actual
outcomes and originally estimated outcomes, which will influence the carrying amount of accounts
receivable and bad debt provisions thereof in the estimated period of the change, shall be withdrawn

                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

or reversed.
(3) Inventory depreciation reserves
The Company shall calculate whichever is lower between the cost and realizable net value in light
of inventory accounting policies. As for inventories of which the cost is higher than the realizable
net value and inventories which are obsolete and unsalable inventory depreciation reserves shall be
withdrawn. Impairment of inventories to realizable net value is based on the assessment of the
marketing of inventories and realizable net value thereof. Identification of inventory impairment
requires well-established evidences by management staffs, as well as judgments and estimates
based on consideration of the purpose of holding inventories and other factors such as events
occurring after the date of balance sheet. The difference between actual outcomes and originally
estimated outcomes, which will influence the carrying amount of inventories and inventory
depreciation reserves in the estimated period of the change, shall be withdrawn or reversed.
(4) Fair values of financial instruments
As for financial instruments not existing in active trading market, the Company shall determine
their fair values by all kinds of assessment methods, which include model analysis of discounted
cash flow and etc. During the assessment, the Company needs to assess for respects such as future
cash flows, credit risks, market volatility, correlation, and choose appropriate discount rate. Such
related assumptions have uncertainty, of which the change will effect on fair values of financial
(5) Impairment of financial assets available for sale
To a large extent, whether the impairment of financial assets available for sale is recognized or not
relies on the judgments and assumptions of the management staffs. In that way, the Company shall
be certain about whether to recognize impairment losses of financial assets available for sale in the
profit statement. During the process of making judgments and assumptions, the Company needs to
evaluate how much the fair value of such investment is less than its cost, how long such investment
will last, and the financial condition and short-term business outlook of the invested parties, which
include industry status, technology transform, credit rating, default rate and risks from the opposite
(6) Impairment provisions of non-financial non-current assets
The Company shall judge whether there is sign of impairment of non-current assets other than
financial assets on balance sheet date. Intangible assets with uncertain service lives, besides being
conducted with annual impairment test every year, have to accept impairment tests when there is
sign of impairment. Other non-current assets except for financial assets have to accept impairment
tests when there is sign indicating the carrying amount thereof is unrecoverable.
When the carrying amounts of the asset or group assets are higher than the recoverable amounts,
namely whichever is higher between the net amount through deducting disposal charges from the
fair value and the present value of the estimated future cash flow, impairment occurs.
The net amount of the fair value of an asset minus the disposal expenses shall be determined in light
of the amount of the basis of the price as stipulated in the sales agreement or the observable market
price in the fair transaction minus the incremental cost directly subject to the disposal of the asset.
When estimating present value of future cash flows, it is necessary to make significant judgments
on characters of the asset or asset group, such as output, sales price, related operating costs, and
discount used to calculate the present value. When estimating recoverable amount, the Company

                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

shall adopt all relevant materials that can be required, including estimates relating to output, sales
price and relevant operating costs judged by rational and supportable assumptions.
The Company tests whether there is impairment of good will at least for every year, which requires
itself to estimate the present value of the future cash flow of group assets or combination of group
assets. When estimating the present value of the future cash flow, the Company needs to estimate
the cash flow arising from future group assets or combination of group assets, and at the same time
choose appropriate discount rate to determine the present value of the future cash flow.
(7) Depreciation and amortization
Upon consideration on the salvage value of investment real estates, fixed assets and intangible
assets, the Company shall withdraw depreciation and amortization by straight-line method over
their service lives. The Company checks on service lives at fixed intervals, so as to determine the
amounts of depreciation expenses and amortization expenses at each period. Service lives are
confirmed in accordance with the past experience on similar assets of the Company, along with
renewed technology of expectation. If any significant change occurred to previous estimated,
depreciation expenses and amortization expenses will be adjusted in future period.
(8) Development expenditure
When recognizing the capitalized amount, the management layer of the Company needs to make
suppose about the estimated future cash flow, the appropriate discounts rate and the estimated
benefit period related to the assets.
(9) Deferred income tax assets
In a limit providing large possibility of offset losses from sufficient taxable profits, the Group shall
recognize deferred income tax assets in line with all unused tax losses, which requires management
staffs of the Group to estimate the time when future taxable profits occurs and the amount thereof
by applying plenty of judgments and combining tax planning strategies, so as to determine the
amount of the recognizable deferred income tax assets.
(10) Income taxes
There’s certain uncertainty of disposal and calculation of taxes of partial transactions in normal
operating activities. It is uncertain whether some pre-taxed items can set aside the approvals by tax
authorities or not. If there are differences between the ultimate recognition outcomes and the
originally estimated amounts of such tax issues, then such differences shall effect on the current
income tax and deferred income tax during the ultimate recognition period.

26. Changes in main accounting policies and estimates

(1) Change of accounting policies

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Change of main accounting estimates

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                    2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

VI. Taxation

1. Main taxes and tax rate

   Category of taxes                                 Tax basis                                              Tax rate

                          Calculated the output tax at 17%, 13%, 6%, and 0% of taxable
VAT                       income and paid the VAT by the amount after deducting the 17%, 13%, 6%, 3%, 0%
                          deductible withholding VAT at current period.

Business tax              Paid by 3%, 5% of taxable business income                         3%, 5%

Urban maintenance
                          Paid at 7%, 5%, 1% of the circulating tax actually paid           7%, 5%, 1%
and construction tax

Enterprise income tax Paid at 15%, 16.5%, 25% of taxable income respectively                0%, 9%, 15%, 16.5%, 25%

Notes to the disclosure of taxpaying bodies in different corporate tax rate

                     Name of taxpaying bodies                                                Rate of income tax

The Company                                                         15%

Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as
―Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing‖)

Luthai (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as ―Luthai
Hong Kong‖)

Xinjiang Luthai Harvest Cotton Co., Ltd. (―Xinjiang Lu Thai‖)     25%

Zibo Luqun Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as ―Luqun

Zibo Xinsheng Power Co., Ltd. hereinafter refer to as ―Xinsheng

Zibo Helijie Energy Saving Technology & Services Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as ―Helijie‖)

Beijing Lufeng Sunshine Garments Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as ―Lufeng Sunshine‖)

Beijing Innovative Garment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
―Beijing Innovative‖

Shanghai Luthai Textile & Garments Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as ―Shanghai Luthai‖)

Beijing Luthai Youxian Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as ―Beijing Youxian‖)

Xinjiang Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (―Xinjiang Lu Thai Textile‖)   9%

Lu Thai (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Lu
Thai Cambodia‖)

Lu Thai (Burma) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Lu Thai 0%

                                                                         2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.


Lu Thai (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Lu Thai

2. Tax preference

The Company, in accordance with the Notice on Passing the Re-examination of New High-tech
Enterprise for 504 Companies Including Jinan Shengquan Group Co., Ltd. (Lu-Ke-Gao-Zi [2012]
No. 19) from Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province, Finance Bureau of
Shandong Province, National Taxation Bureau of Shandong and Local Taxation Bureau of
Shandong Province, was recognized as a New High-tech Enterprise and obtained the Certificate of
New High-tech Enterprise on 31 Oct. 2011. The Company shall, in line with the Article 28 of
Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China and Notice of the State
Administration of Taxation on the Issues concerning the Administration of Enterprise Income Tax
Deduction and Exemption (GSF [2008] No. 111 document), enjoy a 15-percent rate for enterprise
income tax.
The Company’s controlled subsidiary— Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co., Ltd., in accordance with
the Notice on Confirmation of New High-tech Enterprise for 430 Companies Including Jinan
Feshen Xinng’an Technologies Co., Ltd. (Lu-Ke-Gao-Zi [2012] No. 38) from Department of
Science & Technology of Shandong Province, Finance Bureau of Shandong Province, National
Taxation Bureau of Shandong and Local Taxation Bureau of Shandong Province, was recognized as
a New High-tech Enterprise and obtained the Certificate of New High-tech Enterprise on 30 Nov.
2011.. The above subsidiary shall, in line with the Article 28 of Enterprise Income Tax Law of the
People’s Republic of China and Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on the Issues
concerning the Administration of Enterprise Income Tax Deduction and Exemption (GSF [2008] No.
111 document), enjoy a 15-percent rate for enterprise income tax.
Luthai (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refers as Luthai (Hong Kong)), the wholly-owned
subsidiary company of the Company, was incorporated in Hong Kong SAR, whose profit tax shall
be paid at tax rate of 16.5%.
According to the ―Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Issues of Enterprise
Income Tax Concerning In-depth Implementation of the Western Development Strategy‖ (SAT
[2012] No. 12), as well as the ―Circular of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Tax Policies
Concerning Acceleration of the Development of the Textile Industry‖ (XZF [2010] No. 99),
Xinjiang Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (―Xinjiang Lu Thai Textile‖), a wholly-funded subsidiary of the
Company’s controlled subsidiary Xinjiang Lu Thai Fengshou Cotton Co., Ltd. (―Xinjiang Lu Thai‖),
enjoys a preferential enterprise income tax rate of 15% as an enterprise under the Western
Development Strategy. And the local enjoyable tax is exempted for five years, i.e. a preferential
enterprise income tax rate of 9% for the five years.
The wholly own subsidiary Lu Thai Cambodia, according to the Lu Thai Cambodia Profits tax free
approval issued by Investment Committee of Cambodia, Lu Thai Cambodia enjoys tax preference
of tax free on corporate income tax of 3 (3 years start-up period) + 3 (3 years tax holiday)+1 (1 year
grace period). If profit during the 3 year start-up period then turn into 3 years tax holiday, after
grace period, enterprise income tax rate was of 20%.

                                                                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

The wholly own subsidiary Lu Thai Burma, according to the Burma’s Special Economic Zone Law
issued by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Luthai Burma enjoys tax preference on corporate income tax of 7 (7
years tax holiday) + 5 (5 years tax revenues drop by half) + 5 (re-invest the profits within 1 year and
continues to enjoy the half tax revenues 5 years afterwards). After grace period, enterprise income
tax rate was of 25%.
The wholly own subsidiary Luthai Vietnam of the wholly own subsidiary Luthai Hong Kong, the
investment license issued by the Vietnam Fudong Industrial Park Management Committee, Luthai
Vietnam enjoys tax preference on corporate income tax of 3 (3 years start-up period) + 2 (2 years
tax holiday) + 4 half (4 years 50%-reductions period) and if there are profits within the 3 years
start-up period should transfer which in the 2 years tax holiday. After grace period, enterprise
income tax rate was of 25%.

VII. Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company

1. Monetary funds

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                        Closing balance                           Opening balance

Cash on hand                                                     3,573,971.14                              1,190,565.56

Bank deposits                                               504,903,198.29                             631,971,943.96

Other monetary funds                                        108,961,161.23                              33,131,288.78

Total                                                       617,438,330.66                             666,293,798.30

 Of which total amount of deposited
                                                            249,815,842.63                              22,970,300.95

Other notes:

(1) On 30 Jun. 2015, the monetary capital with restricted ownership of the Company was of RMB 89,026,946.69
(31 Dec. 2014: RMB 16,900,000.00), which was the the fixed deposit receipt of USD 4,582,115.07 in order to
pledge and obtain short term loan by the Company’s subsidiary Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing and the fixed deposit
receipt of USD 9,980,000.00 in order to pledge and obtain short term loan by the Company.
(2) On 30 Jun. 2015, the monetary capital the Company deposited in overseas was of RMB 249,815,842.63 (31
Dec. 2014: RMB 22,970,300.95).

2. Financial assets measured by fair value and the changes be included in the current gains and losses

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                        Closing balance                           Opening balance

Tradable financial assets                                        8,940,500.00

Derivative financial assets                                      8,940,500.00

Total                                                            8,940,500.00

                                                                                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

3. Notes receivable

(1) Notes receivable listed by category

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                                       Closing balance                                 Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                               34,001,787.10                                   21,795,315.09

Letter of credit                                                                122,150,411.81                                     92,009,162.34

Total                                                                           156,152,198.91                                    113,804,477.43

(2) Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the period-end

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                                            Amount                                            Item

Bank acceptance bill                                                            118,533,317.60

Total                                                                           118,533,317.60

4. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by category

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                              Closing balance                                               Opening balance

                              Book balance         Bad debt provision                  Book balance           Bad debt provision

         Category                                             Withdra
                                       Proportio                wal                             Proportio               Withdrawal Book value
                            Amount                 Amount                  value     Amount                  Amount
                                          n                   proportio                            n                    proportion

Accounts receivable
withdrawn bad debt
                            238,122,               12,071,0               226,051,8 223,311                 11,340,99                  211,970,55
provision     according                 99.45%                  5.07%                            99.42%                        5.08%
                             879.27                   40.59                  38.68 ,549.51                       5.41                        4.10
to       credit     risks

Accounts receivable
with       insignificant
single     amount    for 1,313,78                  1,313,78                           1,313,7               1,313,784
                                          0.55%               100.00%                              0.58%                  100.00%
which       bad     debt        4.00                   4.00                            84.00                      .00
provision separately

Total                       239,436, 100.00% 13,384,8           5.59% 226,051,8 224,625 100.00% 12,654,77                      5.63% 211,970,55

                                                                               2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                           663.27              24.59                 38.68 ,333.51                    9.41                      4.10

Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the period-end
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to accrue bad debt provision:
√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                          Closing balance
                                       Accounts receivable              Bad debt provision              Withdrawal proportion

Subitem within 1 year

Within 1 year                                    236,578,395.21                      11,828,919.76                         5.00%

Subtotal within 1 year                           236,578,395.21                      11,828,919.76                         5.00%

1 to 2 years                                           913,307.96                         91,330.80                       10.00%

2 to 3 years                                           385,628.03                         77,125.61                       20.00%

Over 3 years                                           245,548.07                         73,664.42                       30.00%

Total                                            238,122,879.27                      12,071,040.59                         5.07%

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to accrue bad debt provision:

(2) Accounts receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the reporting period was of RMB 730,902.18; the amount of the reversed or
collected part during the reporting period was of RMB 000.

(3) The actual write-off accounts receivable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                                           Amount

Actual write-off accounts receivable                                                                                       857.00

(4) Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears party

The total amount of the Company’s top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable colleted
according to the arrears party was RMB 81,750,939.59, % of the total balance of account receivable
at period-end. The relevant total balance of bad debt provision was RMB 4,087,546.98.

                                                                                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

5. Prepayment

(1) List by aging analysis:

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                              Closing balance                                           Opening balance
                                    Amount                       Proportion                    Amount                    Proportion

Within 1 year                        100,678,967.15                          96.91%             172,016,638.95                       98.37%

1 to 2 years                              1,776,785.90                        1.71%                1,937,764.69                       1.11%

2 to 3 years                               527,261.10                         0.51%                     1,752.14                      0.00%

Over 3 years                               909,777.10                         0.87%                 909,777.10                        0.52%

Total                                103,892,791.25                  --                         174,865,932.88                  --

Notes of the reasons of the prepayment ages over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time:

(2) Top 5 of the closing balance of the prepayment colleted according to the prepayment target

The total amount of top 5 of the closing balance of the prepayment collected according to the
prepayment target was RMB 44,656,286.36, 42.98% of total balance of prepayment at period-end.

6. Interest receivable

(1) Category of interest receivable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                                    Closing balance                                Opening balance

Fixed time deposit                                                                276,998.88

Total                                                                             276,998.88

7. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by category

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           Closing balance                                             Opening balance

                            Book balance      Bad debt provision                   Book balance          Bad debt provision

        Category                                         Withdra
                                  Proportio                  wal                           Proportio               Withdrawal Book value
                        Amount                Amount                      value   Amount                Amount
                                      n                  proportio                             n                   proportion

Other          accounts 60,218,8 100.00% 7,511,03         12.47% 52,707,82 71,349, 100.00% 7,971,030                  11.17% 63,378,909.

                                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

receivable withdrawn        56.86                  2.23                  4.63 940.05                      .77                       28
bad debt provision
according to credit
risks characteristics

                         60,218,8              7,511,03             52,707,82 71,349,             7,971,030                63,378,909.
Total                               100.00%                12.47%                       100.00%                   11.17%
                            56.86                  2.23                  4.63 940.05                      .77                       28

Other accounts receivable with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the period-end
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to accrue bad debt provision:
√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                            Closing balance
                                       Other accounts receivable           Bad debt provision              Withdrawal proportion

Subitem within 1 year

Within 1 year                                        29,346,845.63                      1,467,342.29                             5.00%

Subtotal within 1 year                               29,346,845.63                      1,467,342.29                             5.00%

1 to 2 years                                         14,337,376.30                      1,433,737.64                            10.00%

2 to 3 years                                          3,504,381.68                       700,876.33                             20.00%

Over 3 years                                         13,030,253.25                      3,909,075.97                            30.00%

Total                                                60,218,856.86                      7,511,032.23                            12.47%

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to accrue bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Accounts receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the reporting period was of RMB -449,498.54; the amount of the reversed
or collected part during the reporting period was of RMB 0.00
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                                              Amount

Actual write-off other accounts receivable                                                                                    10,500.00

(4) Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Nature                                 Closing book balance                         Opening book balance

                                                                                         2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Export taxes refund                                                                2,665,685.60                                  11,213,575.08

Advance payment                                                                   27,809,773.50                                  37,058,192.64

Pledge and guarantee                                                               9,914,626.78                                   8,062,219.86

Lending and deposit                                                                4,876,823.14                                   4,777,623.60

Other                                                                             14,951,947.84                                  10,238,328.87

Total                                                                             60,218,856.86                                  71,349,940.05

(5) Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears party

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                           Proportion of the        Closing
                                                                                                            total year end        balance of
        Name of units                  Nature                 Closing balance             Aging             balance of the         bad debt
                                                                                                               accounts            provision
                                                                                                            receivable (%)

Other accounts receivable                                                       Within 1 year, 1 to 2
                             Advance money                     15,754,552.97                                          26.15% 1,423,419.26
A                                                                               years, 2 to 3 years

                             Account receivable of
                             the withheld dividend
Other accounts receivable taxation of B Share by
                                                                 6,928,375.47 Within 1 year                           11.51%       346,418.77
B                            securities        registration
                             and                settlement

Other accounts receivable
                             Insurance expenses                  3,610,373.69 Within 1 year                              6.00%     180,518.68

                             Deposits for wages paid
Other accounts receivable
                             to migrant workers of               2,955,620.10 Over 3 years                               4.91%     886,686.03
                             infrastructure works

Other accounts receivable Export tax refunds of
                                                                 2,665,685.60 Over 3 years                               4.43%     799,705.68
E                            the local government

Total                                     --                   31,914,607.83                 --                       53.00% 3,636,748.42

8. Inventory

(1) Category of inventory

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                          Closing balance                                              Opening balance
        Item                               Falling price                                                 Falling price
                        Book balance                                Book value         Book balance                            Book value
                                                 reserves                                                  reserves

                                                                                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Raw materials              624,984,465.95          1,635,229.99     623,349,235.96    661,246,109.89      1,635,229.99    659,610,879.90

Products            in
                           507,690,850.45                           507,690,850.45    478,624,419.09                      478,624,419.09

Inventory goods            642,245,808.55      33,260,845.40        608,984,963.15    636,626,434.14     40,267,108.49    596,359,325.65

                                 582,322.08                             582,322.08
biological assets

processing                  20,709,673.12                             20,709,673.12    17,975,757.57                       17,975,757.57

Total                    1,796,213,120.15      34,896,075.39 1,761,317,044.76 1,794,472,720.69           41,902,338.48 1,752,570,382.21

(2) Falling price reserves of inventory

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                       Increased amount                     Decreased amount
        Item             Opening balance                                               Reverse or                        Closing balance
                                               Withdrawal               Other                              Other

Raw materials                   1,635,229.99                                                                                  1,635,229.99

Inventory goods             40,267,108.49                                               7,006,263.09                       33,260,845.40

Total                       41,902,338.48                                               7,006,263.09                       34,896,075.39

9. Other current assets

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                         Item                                     Closing balance                           Opening balance

Prepaid income tax to be deducted                                                11,079,402.93                                3,658,894.10

VAT input tax to be deducted                                                     31,614,425.75                                1,508,430.88

                         Total                                                   42,693,828.68                                5,167,324.98

10. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) List of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                    Closing balance                                    Opening balance
             Item                                    Depreciation                                       Depreciation
                                    Book balance                        Book value    Book balance                         Book value
                                                       reserves                                           reserves

Available-for-sale          debt

                                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Available-for-sale         equity
                                    67,442,600.00                67,442,600.00   67,442,600.00                        67,442,600.00

         Measured by fair

        Measured by cost            67,442,600.00                67,442,600.00   67,442,600.00                        67,442,600.00

Total                               67,442,600.00                67,442,600.00   67,442,600.00                        67,442,600.00

(2) Available-for-sale financial assets measured by cost at the period-end

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                      Book balance                          Impairment provision                             Cash
                                                                                                                           bonus of
   Investee                                                                                                                   the
                      Period-begin Increase Decrease Period-end Period-begin Increase Decrease Period-end    among the

Heating Co.,
                        160,000.00                     160,000.00                                                  2.00%
refer     to    as
Heating‖ )

Co.,           Ltd.
                      55,282,600.00                  55,282,600.00                                                 5.56%
refer     to    as
Power Co.,
           12,000,000.00                             12,000,000.00                                                20.68%
Total                 67,442,600.00                  67,442,600.00                                               --

11. Long-term accounts receivable

(1) List of long-term accounts receivable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                          Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                                                                                                                              Discount rate
         Item                                Bad debt                                          Bad debt
                          Book balance                      Book value     Book balance                       Book value           range
                                             provision                                         provision

Financing        lease
                           5,480,998.00                     5,480,998.00    6,980,998.00                      6,980,998.00           10.54%

Of              which:
unrealized                   557,787.17                      557,787.17        901,978.43                      901,978.43
financing income

Total                      5,480,998.00                     5,480,998.00    6,980,998.00                      6,980,998.00                 --

12. Fixed assets

(1) List of fixed assets

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           Houses and         Machinery        Transportation
                    Item                                                                             Other                 Total
                                            buildings          equipment         equipment

        I. Original book value

              1. Opening balance         2,550,640,277.33 5,419,397,227.53 68,406,645.05 103,129,923.73             8,141,574,073.64

              2. Increased amount
                                            14,386,282.02      49,415,264.91     2,369,878.31      4,027,843.44        70,199,268.68
        of the period

              (1) Outsourcing                1,054,916.96      33,166,357.57     2,308,742.31      3,913,593.14        40,443,609.98

              (2)    Transfer      of
                                            13,331,365.06      16,248,907.34       61,136.00         114,250.30        29,755,658.70
        assets\project          under

                (3) Increased from
        enterprise merger

              3. Decreased amount
                                             4,720,915.21       9,219,953.48     1,348,978.83        505,877.14        15,795,724.66
        of the period

              (1) Disposal or Scrap          4,720,915.21       9,219,953.48     1,348,978.83        505,877.14        15,795,724.66

              4. Closing balance         2,560,305,644.14 5,459,592,538.96 69,427,544.53 106,651,890.03             8,195,977,617.66

        II.              Accumulative

              1.Opening balance            664,880,219.81 2,404,560,228.35 47,741,021.91          66,140,558.20     3,183,322,028.27

              2. Increased amount
                                            39,478,595.62     123,991,697.54     2,915,814.55      8,827,973.34      175,214,081.05
        of the period

              (1) Withdrawal                39,478,595.62     123,991,697.54     2,915,814.55      8,827,973.34      175,214,081.05

                                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

           3. Decreased amount
                                         1,273,515.72      7,063,250.48     1,233,406.57       454,730.99         10,024,903.76
      of the period

      (1) Disposal or scrap              1,273,515.72      7,063,250.48     1,233,406.57       454,730.99         10,024,903.76

           4. Closing balance          703,085,299.71 2,521,488,675.41 49,423,429.89        74,513,800.55       3,348,511,205.56

      III. Depreciation reserves

           1.Opening balance             4,823,890.00     22,457,499.57        53,835.13        68,764.63         27,403,989.33

           2. Increased amount
      of the period

           (1) Withdrawal

           3. Decreased amount
                                                             977,851.01                                              977,851.01
      of the period

      (1) Disposal or scrap                                  977,851.01                                              977,851.01

        4. Closing balance               4,823,890.00     21,479,648.56        53,835.13        68,764.63         26,426,138.32

      IV. Book value

              1. Closing book
                                   1,852,396,454.43 2,916,624,214.99 19,950,279.51          32,069,324.85       4,821,040,273.78

              2. Opening book
                                   1,880,936,167.52 2,992,379,499.61 20,611,788.01          36,920,600.90       4,930,848,056.04

(2) Fixed assets leased out from operation lease

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                                       Closing book value

Houses and buildings                                                                                                   23,443,261.49

(3) Details of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                          Book value                                    Reason

                                                                         Ongoing inspection, surveying, verification to application
Weaving and yarn dying workshop                         113,954,603.74
                                                                         procedures by Housing authorities

Employee’s dormitory building of eastern
                                                         28,696,136.84 Same with above
area of industrial park

Spinning Fourth factory workshop                         72,586,597.32 Same with above

Lufeng weaving dye workshop                             141,936,584.26 Same with above

Other notes

                                                                                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

13. Construction in progress

(1) List of construction in progress

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                        Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                Item                                      Impairment                                               Impairment
                                       Book balance                          Book value        Book balance                          Book value
                                                           provision                                                provision
Complex           building     and
employee’s dormitory building          13,480,283.20                        13,480,283.20        12,939,182.17                     12,939,182.17
in western area of Luthai

A         new      230,000-spindle
production line project and a
                                         6,984,206.17                         6,984,206.17         4,850,066.53                      4,850,066.53
new 35,000-ingot two-for-one
twisting production line project

East sample factory                     26,538,538.03                        26,538,538.03        17,204,613.50                     17,204,613.50

Factory project of Xinjiang
                                         1,039,800.00                         1,039,800.00          423,132.50                         423,132.50

Reform project of Xinsheng
                                        24,222,084.06                        24,222,084.06        22,032,798.42                     22,032,798.42
Thermal Power

Energy conservation project of
                                         6,423,346.54                         6,423,346.54        10,301,098.08                     10,301,098.08

Lu Thai (Cambodia) garment
                                        17,311,996.27                        17,311,996.27        12,450,194.68                     12,450,194.68

Lu Thai (Burma) garment                 13,183,657.20                        13,183,657.20                 0.00                               0.00

Lu Thai (Vietnam) yarn-dyed
                                         9,096,140.18                         9,096,140.18                 0.00                               0.00
fabric projects

Other small projects                    51,706,018.96                        51,706,018.96        43,384,140.92                     43,384,140.92

                Total                  169,986,070.61                       169,986,070.61 123,585,226.80                          123,585,226.80

(2) Changes of significant construction in progress

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                      Proportio                           Of
                                                                   Other                                   Accumul
                                                      Amount                               n                            which: Capitaliz
                                                                   decrea                                    ative
                                                         that                         estimate Proje                      the      ation rate Capita
                                         Increased                  sed                                     amount
Name o f        Estimated    Opening                  transferre            Closing   d of the        ct                amount      of the      l
                                         amount of                 amoun                                      of
    item          number     balance                  d to fixed            balance    project progr                    of the     interests resour
                                         the period                 t of                                   capitalize
                                                      assets of                       accumul        ess                capitali    of the     ces
                                                                    the                                        d
                                                      the period                          ative                           zed       period
                                                                   period                                  interests
                                                                                          input                         interest

                                                                          2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                   s of the

                 106,500,000 12,939,18 541,101.0              13,480,28             99.00
dormitory                                                                  99.00%                                    Other
                         .00      2.17         3                   3.20                %
building in
area        of

A         new
line project
and a new 928,660,000 4,850,066. 2,134,139                   6,984,206.             33.96
                                                                           33.96%                                    Other
35,000-ing               .00        53       .64                    17                 %
e twisting
line project

                 30,000,000. 17,204,61 9,333,924              26,538,53             88.50
sample                                                                     88.50%                                    Other
                         00       3.50       .53                   8.03                %

project     of 4,000,000.0 423,132.5 2,828,293 2,211,626     1,039,800.             81.00
                                                                           81.00%                                    Other
Xinjiang                  0          0       .76       .26          00                 %

project     of
                 30,000,000. 22,032,79 2,189,285              24,222,08             80.00
Xinsheng                                                                   80.00%                                    Other
                         00       8.42       .64                   4.06                %

conservatio 34,235,000. 10,301,09 2,674,462 6,552,214        6,423,346.             91.10
                                                                           91.10%                                    Other
n project of             00       8.08       .93       .47          54                 %

Lu        Thai
                 123,056,000 12,450,19 22,347,81 17,486,01   17,311,996             66.80
(Cambodia                                                                  66.80%                                    Other
                         .00      4.68      9.80      8.21          .27                %
)    garment

                                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.


Lu        Thai
                 61,136,000.                   13,183,65                      13,183,65              21.50
(Burma)                                 0.00                                                21.50%                                       Other
                             00                     7.20                            7.20                   %

Lu        Thai
                 242,282,300                   9,096,140                      9,096,140.              3.75
yarn-dyed                               0.00                                                 3.75%                                       Other
                             .00                     .18                             18                    %

                                   43,384,14 11,827,67 3,505,799              51,706,01
small                                                                                                                                    Other
                                        0.92        7.80        .76                 8.96

                 1,559,869,3 123,585,2 76,156,50 29,755,65                    169,986,0
     Total                                                             0.00                   --      --                                   --
                       00.00          26.80         2.51      8.70                70.61

14. Engineering material

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                        Item                                      Closing balance                              Opening balance

Specific materials                                                                    678,493.72                                  587,256.00

Specific equipments                                                                35,593,129.90                              19,298,509.41

Total                                                                              36,271,623.62                              19,885,765.41

15. Productive biological assets

(1) Productive biological assets adopted cost measurement mode

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

              Item             Planting industry           Livestock              Forestry             Aquaculture               Total

I. Total original book

         1.      Opening
                                                             1,310,500.00                                                        1,310,500.00

         2.      Increased
amount of the period

        (1) Outsourcing

               (2)    Self

                                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

         3.      Decrease
amount of the period

        (1) Disposal

        (2) Other

      4.Closing balance     1,310,500.00                                       1,310,500.00

II.           Accumulated


          2. Increased
                             124,497.48                                          124,497.48
amount of the period

        (1) Withdrawal

         3.      Decrease
amount of the period

        (1) Disposal

        (2) Other

      4.Closing balance      124,497.48                                          124,497.48

III.           Impairment


          2. Increased
amount of the period

      (1) Withdrawal

         3.      Decrease
amount of the period

        (1) Disposal

        (2) Other

      4.Closing balance

IV. Book value

       1.Closing    book
                            1,186,002.52                                       1,186,002.52

       2.Opening book
                            1,310,500.00                                       1,310,500.00

                                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

16. Intangible assets

(1) List of intangible assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                   Land use right    Patent         Non-patents           Total

I. Total original book value

1. Opening balance                          445,235,221.44   1,985,176.47       180,000.00      447,400,397.91

 2.              Increase     in     the
                                              1,335,244.20    300,000.00                          1,635,244.20
reporting period

 (1) Purchase                                 1,335,244.20    300,000.00                          1,635,244.20

      (2) Internal R &D

       (3)         Increase         from
 enterprise combination

       3.        Decrease     in     the
reporting period

       (1) Purchase

      4. Closing balance                    446,570,465.64   2,285,176.47       180,000.00      449,035,642.11

II.              Total        accrued

 1. Opening balance                          72,632,893.20    827,157.00        180,000.00       73,640,050.20

      2.        Increase      in     the
                                              6,003,617.55    114,258.84                          6,117,876.39
reporting period

 (1) Withdrawal                               6,003,617.55    114,258.84                          6,117,876.39

           3.    Decrease      in    the
reporting period

 (1) Disposal

4. Closing balance                           78,636,510.75    941,415.84        180,000.00       79,757,926.59

III.            Total      impairment

1. Opening balance

 2.              Increase     in     the
reporting period

(1) Withdrawal

       3.        Decrease     in     the
reporting period

       (1) Disposal

                                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

4. Closing balance

IV. Total book value of
intangible assets

        1. Book value of the
                                  367,933,954.89     1,343,760.63                            369,277,715.52

        2. Book value of the
                                  372,602,328.24     1,158,019.47                            373,760,347.71

The proportion the intangible assets formed from the internal R&D through the Company amount the balance of the intangible assets
at the period-end.

17. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

   Name of the
 investees or the
                     Opening balance               Increase                            Decrease                Closing balance
  events formed

Xinsheng Power          20,563,803.29                                                                            20,563,803.29

Helijie                      50,000.00                                                                                50,000.00

Total                   20,613,803.29                                                                            20,613,803.29

18. Long-term unamortized expenses

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                   Opening balance     Increase      Amortization amount Decrease Closing balance

Land contracting fee of Xinjiang Luthai       28,319,033.27     360,000.00             519,093.41               28,159,939.86

Land rental fee of Luthai (Cambodia)                           4,369,894.59              43,738.70               4,326,155.89

Land rental fee of (Burma)                                     9,517,391.13              48,437.63               9,468,953.50

Land rental fee of (Vietnam)                                  20,960,134.32                                     20,960,134.32

Total                                         28,319,033.27 35,207,420.04               611,269.74              62,915,183.57

Other notes

19. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets had not been off-set

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                                       Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                  Item                 Deductible temporary        Deferred income tax        Deductible temporary      Deferred income tax
                                              difference                   assets                   difference                   assets

Provision for assets impairment                  74,049,565.75            12,771,714.65                 80,747,882.90           13,938,629.38

Internal transaction unrealized
                                                 61,242,891.65             8,864,798.42                 54,548,472.47            7,895,874.08
internal profit

One-time        listed   decoration
                                                   1,924,508.40               288,676.26                 1,924,508.40              288,676.26

Employee’s payroll payable                     114,961,700.46            17,941,934.29               114,961,700.46            17,941,934.30

Deferred income                                  62,748,664.03             9,299,083.15                 63,445,242.97            9,402,402.82

Change of fair value of trading
                                                                                                         3,306,200.00              495,930.00
financial liabilities

Total                                           314,927,330.29            49,166,206.77               318,934,007.20            49,963,446.84

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities had not been off-set

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                       Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                  Item                 Deductible temporary       Deferred income tax         Deductible temporary      Deferred income tax
                                             difference                  liabilities                difference                 liabilities

Depreciation of fixed assets                     12,508,653.70              2,063,927.86               12,513,412.24              2,064,713.02

Change of fair value of trading
                                                  8,940,500.00              1,341,075.00
financial liabilities

Total                                            21,449,153.70              3,405,002.86               12,513,412.24              2,064,713.02

(3) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed by net amount after off-set

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                               Mutual set-off amount of       Amount of deferred           Mutual set-off amount of       Amount of deferred
                                 deferred income tax          income tax assets or           deferred income tax          income tax assets or
                                assets and liabilities at   liabilities after off-set at    assets and liabilities at   liabilities after off-set at
                                    the period-end                the period-end               the period-begin             the period-begin

Deferred       income    tax
                                                                        49,166,206.77                                               49,963,446.84

Deferred       income    tax
                                                                         3,405,002.86                                                2,064,713.02

                                                                          2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

(4) List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                          Closing amount                             Opening amount

Deductible temporary difference                                       8,168,504.78                               9,184,255.09

Deductible losses                                                100,886,101.97                                86,677,173.05

Total                                                            109,054,606.75                                95,861,428.14

(5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due the following years

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

              Years                Closing amount                     Opening amount                     Note

Y2016                                       9,735,028.99                        9,735,028.99

Y2017                                      22,207,758.19                      22,207,758.19

Y2018                                      27,926,362.05                      27,926,362.05

Y2019                                      26,808,023.82                      26,808,023.82

Y2020                                      14,208,928.92

Total                                     100,886,101.97                      86,677,173.05               --

20. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                          Closing balance                            Opening balance

Prepayment for land                                               12,781,283.00                                16,910,237.34

Total                                                             12,781,283.00                                16,910,237.34

21. Short-term loans

(1) Category of short-term loans

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                          Closing balance                            Opening balance

Pledge loan                                                       89,026,946.69                                70,000,000.00

Mortgage loan                                                     71,000,000.00                             288,230,000.00

Credit loan                                                      586,562,963.78                             159,222,946.24

Total                                                            746,589,910.47                             517,452,946.24

                                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

22. Financial liabilities measured by fair value and the changes included in the current gains and losses

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                                Closing balance                           Opening balance

Transaction financial liabilities                                                                                   3,306,200.00

Derivative financial liabilities                                                                                    3,306,200.00

Total                                                                                                               3,306,200.00

23. Derivative financial liabilities

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

24. Notes payable

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Category                              Closing balance                           Opening balance

Trade acceptance                                                          7,199,537.34                              7,421,979.09

Total                                                                     7,199,537.34                              7,421,979.09

The total amount of the due but not pay notes payable at the period-end was of RMB 000.

25. Accounts payable

(1) List of accounts payable

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Category                              Closing balance                           Opening balance

Purchase of goods                                                     171,139,072.94                            257,834,663.07

Engineering equipments                                                 55,995,879.17                             80,701,856.84

Other                                                                     9,473,199.81                              5,545,719.25

Total                                                                 236,608,151.92                            344,082,239.16

26. Advance from customers

(1) List of advance from customers

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                                Closing balance                           Opening balance

Prepayment for goods                                                   91,532,874.42                             82,176,191.45

Total                                                                  91,532,874.42                             82,176,191.45

                                                                                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

27. Payroll payable

(1) List of Payroll payable

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                          Item                             Opening balance           Increase          Decrease        Closing balance

I. Short-term salary                                         261,086,385.47 671,623,763.25 715,573,067.13 217,137,081.59

III. Termination benefits-defined contribution plans                452,821.46 101,380,632.22         85,944,074.48        15,889,379.20

Total                                                        261,539,206.93 773,004,395.47 801,517,141.61 233,026,460.79

(2) List of Short-term salary

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                            Item                               Opening balance          Increase            Decrease        Closing balance

1. Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy                                230,521,560.35 584,614,052.72 639,977,887.46 175,157,725.61

2. Employee welfare                                                                   26,058,550.08        26,058,550.08

3. Social insurance                                                    155,792.81     39,054,779.72        33,582,467.82       5,628,104.71

Including: 1. Medical insurance premiums                                 90,003.82    33,886,362.08        28,636,495.68       5,339,870.22

     Work-related injury insurance                                       19,076.12     3,049,824.44         2,919,780.81         149,119.75

Maternity insurance                                                      46,712.87      2,118,593.20        2,026,191.33         139,114.74

4. Housing fund                                                          29,662.62     9,694,368.74         8,997,179.15         726,852.21

5. Labor union budget and employee education budget                  30,379,369.69    12,202,011.99         6,956,982.62      35,624,399.06

Total                                                               261,086,385.47 671,623,763.25 715,573,067.13 217,137,081.59

(3) List of drawing scheme

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

            Item                 Opening balance                    Increase                    Decrease               Closing balance

1.      Basic   endowment
                                           351,444.86                 96,084,151.61                81,416,004.18               15,019,592.29

2.          Unemployment
                                           101,376.60                  5,296,480.61                 4,528,070.30                  869,786.91

Total                                      452,821.46                101,380,632.22                85,944,074.48               15,889,379.20

Other notes:
The Company, in line with the requirement, participate the endowment insurance, unemployment insurance scheme and so on,
according to the scheme, the Company monthly pay to the scheme in line with 27% and 1.5% of the endowment insurance base,
except the monthly payment, the Company no longer shoulder the further payment obligation, the relevant expense occurred was
recorded into current profits and losses or related assets costs.

                                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

28. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                                   Closing balance                             Opening balance

Value-added tax                                                             6,275,256.60                                6,300,150.34

Business tax                                                                 161,706.34                                  437,293.48

Corporate income tax                                                     35,073,233.25                              47,179,155.84

Personal income tax                                                      13,544,513.37                                  1,327,131.46

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                      4,476,486.72                                5,117,786.89

Stamp tax                                                                    290,347.47                                  383,843.12

Property tax                                                                4,540,294.52                                4,256,461.03

Land use tax                                                                4,767,563.47                                4,556,076.61

Education surtax                                                            2,025,762.57                                2,254,623.77

Local education surtax                                                      1,350,505.19                                1,503,725.02
Local     water   conservancy       facility
                                                                             639,271.14                                  736,158.41
construction fund
Total                                                                    73,144,940.64                              74,052,405.97

29. Interest payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                                   Closing balance                             Opening balance
Interest payable on short-term borrowings
                                                                            1,482,653.25                                 511,373.44
and long term borrowings

Total                                                                       1,482,653.25                                 511,373.44

30. Dividends payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                                   Closing balance                             Opening balance

Common stock dividends                                                       441,113.64                                  441,456.54

Total                                                                        441,113.64                                  441,456.54

Notes: Including significant unpaid dividends payable over one year, the unpaid reason shall be disclosed:
Dividends payables unpaid over one year were the cash dividends of individual shareholders not drawn in previous years.

                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

31. Other accounts payable

(1) Other accounts payable listed by nature of the account

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                         Closing balance                          Opening balance

The deposit and guarantee                                     19,643,408.65                              18,533,942.00

Collecting payment on behalf of others                        12,083,560.70                              11,481,319.14

Turnover account                                              11,588,800.73                              10,383,779.31

Other                                                         24,953,984.30                              17,676,832.73

Total                                                         68,269,754.38                              58,075,873.18

(2) Other significant accounts payable with aging over one year

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                         Closing balance                    Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

Cotton and hemp Company                                       11,925,000.00 Received deposit of sale contract

Total                                                         11,925,000.00                      --

32. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                         Closing balance                          Opening balance

Long-term loans due within 1 year                             96,900,005.44                            100,733,898.72

Total                                                         96,900,005.44                            100,733,898.72

33. Long-term loan

(1) Category of long-term loan

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                         Closing balance                          Opening balance

Debt of honour                                                96,900,005.44                             110,638,544.31

Less: Long-term loans due within 1 year                      -96,900,005.44                            -100,733,898.72

Total                                                                                                      9,904,645.59

                                                                                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

34. Long-term payable

(1) Long-term payable listed by nature of the account

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                                    Closing balance                           Opening balance

Power bonds payable                                                                                                             220,000.00

35. Long term payroll payable

(1) List of long term payroll payable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                                    Closing balance                           Opening balance

III. Other long term welfare                                                 86,564,776.96                                 80,360,457.97

Total                                                                        86,564,776.96                                 80,360,457.97

36. Deferred income

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

          Item                Opening balance           Increase            Decrease            Closing balance       Formation reasons

Government                                                                                                          Government
                                   66,155,242.97                                 1,139,078.94       65,016,164.03
subsidies                                                                                                           subsidies

Unrealized financing
                                     901,978.43                                   344,191.26          557,787.17 Financing lease

Total                              67,057,221.40                                 1,483,270.20       65,573,951.20               --

Items involved in government subsidies:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                   Amount of   Amount accrued
                                                                                                                         Related to the
            Item                Opening balance     newly      in non-business     Other changes    Closing balance
                                                                                                                         assets/ income
                                                    subsidy        income

                                                                                                                       Related to the
Land                              63,445,242.97                     696,578.94                         62,748,664.03

                                                                                                                       Related to the
Equipment                          1,620,000.00                     360,000.00                          1,260,000.00

Productive         biological                                                                                          Related to the
                                   1,090,000.00                      82,500.00                          1,007,500.00
asset                                                                                                                  assets

Total                             66,155,242.97                    1,139,078.94                        65,016,164.03             --

                                                                                            2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

     37. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                           Item                                    Closing balance                                    Opening balance

     Other                                                                           1,840,000.00                                        1,840,000.00

     Total                                                                           1,840,000.00                                        1,840,000.00

     38. Share capital

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                       Increase/decrease (+/-)
                            Opening                                         Capitalization                                                Closing
                                          Newly issue
                            balance                        Bonus shares       of public               Other            Subtotal           balance

     The      sum   of
                         955,758,496.00                                                                                               955,758,496.00

     39. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                Item                  Opening balance                 Increase                       Decrease                 Closing balance

     Capital premium                       948,167,616.39                                                                             948,167,616.39

     Other capital reserves                 58,871,944.74                    41,092.88                                                  58,913,037.62

                Total                     1,007,039,561.13                   41,092.88                                            1,007,080,654.01

     40. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                     Reporting period

                                                                        Less: Amount
                                                                       transferred into
                                                                        profit and loss
                                                          Amount        in the current       Less:       After-tax        After-tax
                                          Opening                                                                                           Closing
                Item                                      incurred        period that       income      attribute to     attribute to
                                          balance                                                                                           balance
                                                        before income recognized into         tax        the parent       minority
                                                             tax            other           expense      company         shareholder
                                                                       income in prior

I. Other comprehensive income can
not be reclassify into profits and

                                                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.


II. Other comprehensive income
                                           -8,440,178.37          574,877.23                                574,877.23               -7,865,301.14
reclassify into profits and losses

    Converted amount of foreign
                                           -8,440,178.37          574,877.23                                574,877.23               -7,865,301.14
currency financial statements

Total                                      -8,440,178.37          574,877.23                                574,877.23         0.00 -7,865,301.14

        Other notes, including the adjustment of the recognition of initial amount of effective part of the cash flow hedging gains and losses
        transfer into arbitraged items:

        41. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                   Opening balance                  Increase                  Decrease               Closing balance

        Statutory surplus
                                                739,006,259.89                                                                    739,006,259.89

        Discretional surplus
                                                  3,341,572.58                                                                      3,341,572.58

                   Total                        742,347,832.47                                                                    742,347,832.47

        Other note, including changes and reason of change

        42. Retained profits

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                           Reporting period                   Same period of last year

        Opening balance of retained profits before
                                                                                         3,892,066,534.32                       3,379,354,741.18

        Opening     balance    of    retained   profits   after
                                                                                         3,892,066,534.32                       3,379,354,741.18

        Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                                           344,521,516.72                         958,725,402.84

        Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves                                                                             82,809,421.22

        Dividend of common stock payable                                                   477,879,248.00                         363,204,188.48

        Closing retained profits                                                         3,758,708,803.04                       3,892,066,534.32

        List of adjustment of opening retained profits:
        1) RMB 000 opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standards for
        Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
        2) RMB 000 opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.
        3) RMB 000 opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
        4) RMB 000 opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.

                                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

5) RMB 000 opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.

43. Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                            Reporting period                                   Same period of last year
                                  Revenue                        Cost                     Revenue                     Cost

Main operation                    2,857,761,175.48             2,073,584,183.14           3,039,920,640.88          2,090,290,672.19

Other operation                      84,074,721.68               59,438,017.93              74,305,940.74              47,559,621.18

Total                             2,941,835,897.16             2,133,022,201.07           3,114,226,581.62          2,137,850,293.37

44. Business tax and surcharges

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                     Item                               Reporting period                            Same period of last year

Business tax                                                                595,514.62                                     617,475.60

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                   12,558,301.56                                 12,253,415.71

Education surtax                                                           5,820,356.34                                   5,353,843.11

Local education surtax                                                     3,880,267.32                                   3,569,237.62

Local water conservancy construction fund                                  1,790,272.40                                   1,749,617.91

Total                                                                    24,644,712.24                                 23,543,589.95

45. Sales expenses

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                               Reporting period                            Same period of last year

Transportation fee                                                       12,940,803.21                                 16,454,022.50

Salary                                                                   26,853,576.60                                 27,103,133.51

Mall costs                                                               10,679,224.59                                 11,438,534.62

Advertising expense                                                      13,219,366.15                                 11,884,726.86

Terminal Handing charges                                                   3,602,696.66                                   3,169,415.15

Copyright royalty                                                          1,501,650.54                                   1,411,714.95

Rental charges                                                             1,932,585.56                                   2,982,934.22

Inspection fee                                                                                                             133,714.31

Patent fee                                                                                                                1,042,079.41

Other                                                                    26,915,505.69                                 17,487,870.29

                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Total                                               97,645,409.00                                93,108,145.82

46. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item             Reporting period                        Same period of last year

R&D expenses                                       141,009,183.42                               148,094,648.52

Salary                                               51,011,581.40                               41,604,372.05

Depreciation fee                                    17,325,002.91                                12,075,385.41

Taxes                                               20,801,623.45                                15,345,715.98

Share-based expenses                                                                              4,747,007.52

Warehouse funding                                   10,027,719.85                                 8,782,718.18

Decoration repair expense                                 960,953.58                              1,833,072.82

Amortization of intangible assets                        5,188,655.42                             5,010,321.66

Labor-union expenditure                                  7,014,804.43                             6,536,835.39

Insurance fee                                            2,892,577.06                             3,706,582.55

Transportation fee                                       3,448,371.74                             3,604,235.55

Rental fee                                               8,532,189.82                             6,227,783.79

Other                                                43,110,670.50                               37,363,995.21

Total                                              311,323,333.58                               294,932,674.63

47. Financial expenses

                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item             Reporting period                        Same period of last year

Interest expenditures                               10,987,533.82                                13,605,979.71

Less: interest income                                    1,998,321.40                             4,797,528.00

Foreign currency exchange gains and
                                                     -4,051,845.74                               -4,943,357.38

Other                                                    4,084,340.20                             3,576,213.13

Total                                                    9,021,706.88                             7,441,307.46

48. Assets impairment losses

                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item             Reporting period                        Same period of last year

I. Bad debt loss                                          281,403.64                             -5,235,486.56

                                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                        281,403.64                                   -5,235,486.56

49. Gains on the changes in the fair value

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                             Reporting         Same period of last
                                                                                               period                  year

Financial assets calculated by fair value and its changes recorded into current profits
                                                                                             8,940,500.00            -29,949,120.00
and losses

 Including: gains from the changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments         8,940,500.00            -29,949,120.00

Financial liabilities calculated by fair value and its changes recorded into current
                                                                                             3,306,200.00             -1,050,030.00
profits and losses

Total                                                                                       12,246,700.00            -30,999,150.00

50. Investment incomes

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                     Item                                              Reporting period         Same period of last year

Investment income from the disposal of long-term equity investment                            28,860,565.88               21,158,949.08

Investment income during the period of        the held of available for sale
financial assets

Total                                                                                         28,860,565.88               21,278,949.08

51. Non-operating gains

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                          Recorded in the amount of the
              Item                       Reporting period              Same period of last year
                                                                                                        non-recurring gains and losses

Total gains from disposal of
                                                       809,936.96                          50,957.05                           809,936.96
non-current assets

Including: Gains from disposal
                                                       809,936.96                          50,957.05                           809,936.96
of fixed assets

Government grants                                    7,116,087.94                      17,088,515.19                          7,116,087.94

Other                                                2,194,769.81                       2,687,296.00                          2,194,769.81

Total                                              10,120,794.71                       19,826,768.24                      10,120,794.71

Government subsidies recorded into current profits and losses

                                                                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Item                   Reporting period       Same period of last year     Related to the assets/ income

Energy saving subsidy funds                       330,000.00                                Related to the incomes

Special fund for encouraging foreign
                                                  422,000.00                                Related to the incomes
trade development

Special fund for encouraging foreign
                                                  100,000.00                                Related to the incomes
trade development

Special    fund    for   Science   and
                                                  111,000.00                                Related to the incomes

Special    fund    for   Science   and
                                                   46,000.00                                Related to the incomes

Subsidy for Science and technology
                                                 1,000,000.00                               Related to the incomes

Subsidy for Science and technology
                                                  200,000.00                                Related to the incomes

Famous brand trademark bounty                     200,000.00                                Related to the incomes

Special fund for Patent Development               102,400.00                                Related to the incomes

Subsidy fund for import and export
                                                  417,509.00                                Related to the incomes
credit insurance premium

Talent support award fund                         300,000.00                                Related to the incomes

Special fund for Patent Development                80,000.00                                Related to the incomes

Special fund for encouraging foreign
                                                  105,600.00                                Related to the incomes
trade development

Contract energy management award
                                                 2,300,000.00                               Related to the incomes

Financial discount interest funds for
                                                  262,500.00                                Related to the incomes
loan of anti-poverty project

Energy saving subsidy funds                                                    1,000,000.00 Related to the incomes

Industry development assistance                                                 200,000.00 Related to the incomes

Energy saving subsidy funds                                                    1,500,000.00 Related to the incomes

Special fund for Patent Development                                               30,000.00 Related to the incomes

Emerging     industry      development
                                                                               9,000,000.00 Related to the incomes

Energy saving subsidy funds                                                     100,000.00 Related to the incomes

Subsidy for Science and technology
                                                                               2,680,000.00 Related to the incomes

Special fund for Patent Development                                               50,000.00 Related to the incomes

                                                                                        2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Social insurance subsidies in the
                                                                                               387,607.27 Related to the incomes
fourth quarter of 2012

Financial discount interest funds for
                                                                                               187,500.00 Related to the incomes
loan of anti-poverty project

Subsidy for the development of
modern           agricultural        production                                                850,000.00 Related to the incomes

Imported products discount                                                                         60,000.00 Related to the incomes

Export credit insurance                                                                            38,500.00 Related to the incomes

Export credit insurance                                                                            39,822.00 Related to the incomes

Imported equipment discount                                                                    147,960.00 Related to the incomes

Deferred revenue amortization                               1,139,078.94                       817,125.92 Related to the assets

Total                                                        7,116,087.94                   17,088,515.19                   --

52. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                               Amount recorded in current
                   Item                           Reporting period           Same period of last year
                                                                                                              non-recurring gains and losses

Total     loss     on     disposal     of
                                                            3,508,372.92                      2,054,591.12                        3,508,372.92
non-current assets

Including: Loss on disposal of
                                                            3,508,372.92                      2,054,591.12                        3,508,372.92
fixed assets

External donation                                              13,242.02                       209,994.80                           13,242.02

Other                                                         723,799.12                       830,536.08                          723,799.12

Total                                                       4,245,414.06                      3,095,122.00                        4,245,414.06

53. Income tax expense

(1) Lists of income tax expense

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                          Item                                   Reporting period                                 Last period

Current income tax expense                                                     65,332,000.05                                     89,668,858.22

Deferred income tax expense                                                         2,137,529.91                                 -1,608,479.27

Total                                                                          67,469,529.96                                     88,060,378.95

                                                                                2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                 Item                                                    Reporting period

Total profits                                                                                                        412,879,777.28

Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant regulations                                                  61,931,966.59

Influence of different tax rate suitable to subsidiary                                                                 8,944,435.39

Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                                               148,531.03

Influence of non taxable income                                                                                         756,770.65

Influence of not deductable costs, expenses and losses                                                                  305,797.94

Influence of deductible temporary difference or deductible losses of deferred income tax assets
derecognized in reporting period.

Influence of plus deducting costs                                                                                     -8,170,203.87

Deferred income tax                                                                                                   67,469,529.96

Other notes

54. Supplementary information to cash flow statement

(1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                                 Reporting period                              Last period

Government grants                                                           5,977,009.00                              18,671,389.27

Collection for employees                                                      32,154.44                                 516,545.65

Claim income                                                                 718,980.59                                 434,310.44

Penalty income                                                                80,266.42                                   27,002.62
Recovery of employee borrowings, petty
                                                                            6,823,524.97                                702,797.55
cash and deposit
Other                                                                   11,650,716.83                                 13,798,766.58

                    Total                                              25,282,652.25                                  34,150,812.11


(2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                                 Reporting period                              Last period

Freight and miscellaneous charges                                      30,884,815.22                                  30,121,059.73

Rental charges and management expenses                                 13,278,057.78                                  12,133,489.36

                                                                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

of the shops

Rental charges                                                13,352,190.56                                  12,894,780.90

Advertising expenses                                               5,014,183.65                               9,760,845.31

Official travel expenses                                           6,390,846.47                               6,008,384.69

Insurance fee                                                      3,762,698.73                               3,614,037.61

Copyright royalties                                                1,501,650.54                               4,222,631.59

Audit advisory announcement fee                                    1,347,778.95                                972,710.82

Decoration & repair expenses                                       1,061,222.18                                 911,517.51

External donation                                                    13,242.02                                 645,929.00

Other                                                         64,126,882.06                                  54,914,835.03

                    Total                                    140,733,568.16                                 136,200,221.55


(3) Other cash received relevant to investment activity

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                      Reporting period                              Last period

Interest income                                                    1,718,171.27                               4,797,528.00

Trading financial assets investment income                    28,860,565.88                                  21,158,949.08

                    Total                                     30,578,737.15                                  25,956,477.08


(4) Other cash received relevant to financing activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                      Reporting period                              Last period

Borrowing from related parties                                                                               12,000,000.00

the certificates of deposit pledged of
Xinjiang Luthai

                    Total                                     16,000,000.00                                  12,000,000.00


(5) Other cash paid relevant to financing activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                      Reporting period                              Last period

Returning from related parties                                                                               12,000,000.00

                                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

The short-term borrowing deposit                                           89,026,946.69                                25,829,195.86

                   Total                                                   89,026,946.69                                37,829,195.86


55. Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                Item                                                     2015              2014

 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operations:                            --                 --

 Net profit                                                                                         345,410,247.32 481,537,123.32

 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                                                  281,403.64      -5,235,486.56

 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets and productive biological assets                      175,214,081.05 145,594,825.78

 Amortization of intangible assets                                                                    6,117,876.39       5,699,474.24

 Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                                             611,269.74          56,911.26

 Losses/gains on disposal of fixed assets, intangible asset and other long-term assets (gains:
                                                                                                      2,698,435.96       2,003,634.07

 Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets     (gains: negative)                                                 0.00

 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                        -12,246,700.00      30,999,150.00

 Financial cost (income: negative)                                                                    4,937,366.68       4,307,508.25

 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                                  -28,860,565.88 -21,278,949.08

 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                                   797,240.07       2,883,888.73

 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                                            1,340,289.84      -4,472,477.24

 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                                           -1,740,399.46 -137,401,684.55

 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (increase: negative)                      21,908,518.27      89,612,169.08

 Increase in accounts payable from operating activities (decrease: negative)                       -154,164,439.49 -195,263,523.43

Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                                  362,304,624.13 399,042,563.87

2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash receipts and
                                                                                                          --                 --

3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                                                    --                 --

 Closing balance of Cash                                                                            528,411,383.97 442,306,121.20

 Less: opening balance of cash                                                                      649,393,798.30 869,909,505.89

The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                      -120,982,414.33 -427,603,384.69

                                                                            2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

(2) Cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                            Closing balance                            Opening balance

I. Cash                                                            528,411,383.97                                649,393,798.30

Including: Cash on hand                                                 3,573,971.14                               1,190,565.56

 Bank deposit on demand                                           504,903,198.29                                 631,971,943.96

 Other monetary funds on demand                                        19,934,214.54                              16,231,288.78

III. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                   528,411,383.97                                649,393,798.30

56. The assets with the ownership or use right restricted

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                           Closing book value                          Restricted reason

Monetary capital                                                       89,026,946.69 Short term loan pledged

Inventory                                                              10,292,793.16 Short term loan pledged

Intangible assets                                                        588,888.57 Short term loan pledged

Total                                                                  99,908,628.42                    --

57. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                  Closing foreign currency                                         Closing convert to RMB
               Item                                                     Exchange rate
                                          balance                                                            balance

Of which: USD                                  56,841,179.30 6.1136                                              347,504,235.51

EUR                                                 52,022.29 6.8699                                                   357,387.94

HKD                                          181,510,694.50 0.7886                                               143,139,333.68

JPY                                             8,863,201.00 0.0501                                                    444,046.37

THB                                                   120.19 0.1837                                                        22.08

SGD                                                    91.90 4.5580                                                       418.88

GBP                                                  1,503.36 9.6422                                                    14,495.70

AUD                                                  2,821.03 4.6993                                                    13,256.87

CHF                                                   787.68 6.6987                                                      5,276.44

SEK                                                   920.00 0.7534                                                       693.13

                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Kyats                                           28,434,380.00 0.0055                                              156,609.40

dong                                        98,575,148,550.60 0.0003                                           27,695,267.84

Note receivable

Of which: USD                                   19,980,111.85 6.1136                                          122,150,411.81

Of which: USD                                   24,659,514.44 6.1136                                          150,758,407.49

Other receivable

Of which: USD                                      186,326.77 6.1136                                            1,139,127.35

HKD                                                531,145.56 0.7886                                              418,861.39

EUR                                                   6,765.00 6.8699                                              46,474.87

Kyats                                            7,800,000.00 0.0055                                               42,960.45

dong                                           151,116,640.00 0.0003                                               42,375.32

Account payable

Of which: USD                                      121,513.44 6.1136                                              742,884.57

JPY                                             58,262,880.00 0.0501                                            2,918,970.29

EUR                                                589,043.77 6.8699                                            4,046,671.79

Other payable

Of which: USD                                       50,155.73 6.1136                                              306,632.07

HKD                                                524,145.56 0.7886                                              413,341.19

Short term loan

Of which: USD                                   99,929,011.39 6.1136                                          610,926,004.05

HKD                                             77,600,000.00 0.7886                                           61,195,360.00

EUR                                                504,890.38 6.8699                                            3,468,546.42

(2) Note to oversea entities including: for significant oversea entities, shall disclose main operating place,
recording currency and selection basis, if there are changes into recording currency, shall also disclose the

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

The operating places of Company’s subsidiaries Lu Thai (Hong Kong), Lu Thai (Cambodia), Lu Thai (Burma)
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Lu Thai (Burma)‖) Lu Thai(America) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Lu
Thai (America)‖) Lu Thai (Vietnam) were;Hong Kong,Cambodia, Burma, America and Vietnam, and the
recording currency respectively was HKD, USD, USD, USD and dong.

VIII. Changes of merge scope

1. Other reasons for the changes in combination scope

Note to reasons for the changes in combination scope (Newly established subsidiary and subsidiary of liquidation) and relevant

                                                                                    2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.


The Company newly set wholly owned sub-subsidiary was Lu Thai (Vietnam) which was the wholly owned
subsidiary of Lu Thai (Hong Kong).

IX. Equity in other entities

1. Equity in subsidiary

(1) The structure of the enterprise group

     Name of the       Main operating     Registration       Nature of           Proportion of shareholding
                                                                                                                    Way of gaining
     subsidiary              place             place          business             Directly     Indirectly

                                                         Wholesale         and
Lufeng Sunshine Beijing                 Beijing                                      100.00%                  Establish
                                                         retail industry

Beijing                                                  Wholesale         and
                      Beijing           Beijing                                       60.00%                  Establish
Innovative                                               retail industry

Luthai       (Hong                                       Wholesale         and
                      Hong Kong         Hong Kong                                    100.00%                  Establish
Kong)                                                    retail industry

                                                         Wholesale         and
Shanghai Luthai       Shanghai          Shanghai                                     100.00%                  Establish
                                                         retail industry

                                                         Manufacturing                                        Enterprise combination not
Xinjiang Luthai       Xinjiang          Xinjiang                                      59.92%
                                                         industry                                             under same control

Lufeng Weaving                                           Manufacturing
                      Zibo              Zibo                                          75.00%                  Establish
& Dyeing                                                 industry

Luqun Textile         Zibo              Zibo                                         100.00%                  Establish

                                                         Manufacturing                                        Enterprise combination not
Xinsheng Power Zibo                     Zibo                                         100.00%
                                                         industry                                             under same control

Xinjiang     Luthai
Textile               Xinjiang          Xinjiang                                     100.00%                  Establish

Helijie                                                                                                       Enterprise combination not
                      Zibo              Zibo             Service industry            100.00%
(sub-subsidiary)                                                                                              under same control

                                                         Wholesale         and
Beijing Youxian       Beijing           Beijing                                       90.00%                  Establish
                                                         retail industry

Lu                                                       Manufacturing
                      Cambodia          Cambodia                                     100.00%                  Establish
Thai(Cambodia)                                           industry

Lu Thai(Burma)        Burma             Burma                                        100.00%                  Establish

Lu Thai(America) America                America          Wholesale         and       100.00%                  Establish

                                                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 retail industry

         Lu              Thai
         (Vietnam)                Vietnam               Vietnam                                             100.00%                    Establish

         Notes: holding proportion in subsidiary different from voting proportion:
         Basis of holding half or less voting rights but still been controlled investee and holding more than half of the voting rights not been
         controlled investee:
         Significant structure entities and controlling basis in the scope of combination:
         Basis of determine whether the Company is the agent or the principal:

         (2) Significant not wholly owned subsidiary

                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                Shareholding                    The profits and losses       Declaring dividends            Balance of minority
                       Name                 proportion of minority          arbitrate to the minority        distribute to minority       shareholder at closing
                                                    shareholder                     shareholders                  shareholder                        period

         Xinjiang Luthai                                           40.08%                   3,457,355.39                12,023,570.79                158,591,840.93

         Lufeng Weaving &
                                                                   25.00%                   2,038,509.13                                             278,360,684.97

         Holding proportion of minority shareholder in subsidiary different from voting proportion:

         (3) The main financial information of significant not wholly owned subsidiary

                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                        Closing balance                                                                   Opening balance
Nam                     Non-cur                                     Non-curr                                                                         Non-curr
           Current                    Total           Current                       Total      current     Non-curre       Total        Current                   Total
     e                    rent                                        ent                                                                              ent
              assets                  assets         liabilities                  liability     assets      nt assets     assets       liabilities               liability
                         assets                                     liability                                                                        liability

iang 185,745, 328,776, 514,522,10 119,171,9 6,552,22 125,724,1 565,642,4 336,357,8 902,000,34 484,470,1 7,358,37 491,828,5
Luth          701.37     406.65              8.02         26.98          8.15         55.13        62.56        86.37           8.93        59.82         2.43       32.25

           519,958, 921,130, 1,441,089,0 296,889,7 30,756,5 327,646,2 432,310,1 947,299,5 1,379,609,6 243,251,6 31,069,3 274,320,9
              742.93     295.80             38.73         57.19        41.60          98.79        38.16        41.89        80.05          09.13       67.50        76.63

                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                      2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                           2015                                                               2014

                                                  Total                                                               Total
    Name      Operation                                        Operating cash    Operation                                         Operating
                              Net profit       comprehensiv                                      Net profit       comprehensiv
               revenue                                             flow           revenue                                          cash flow
                                                 e income                                                            e income

Xinjiang 235,279,759.4 8,626,136.2                             174,168,584.8 325,430,583.4 11,598,662.2
                                                8,626,136.21                                                      11,598,662.25 95,983,434.41
Luthai                    2                1                                1                0                5

Weavin       677,791,081.3 8,154,036.5                                          657,933,121.0 21,324,978.1                        -42,146,689.3
                                                8,154,036.52 -71,026,693.01                                       21,324,978.18
g        &                6                2                                                 5                8                                0

X. The risk related financial instruments

Main financial instruments of the Company included: Loans, accounts receivable, accounts payable, etc., all the
details of the financial instruments, see related projects of ―section VII". The risk associated with these financial
instruments, as well as the Company’s risk management policy to reduce these risks which were described below.
The Company's management managed and supervised these risks to ensure that the above risk was controlled in a
limited scope.
The Company use sensitivity analysis technology to analyze the reasonable of risk variables, influence of probable
changes to the current profits and Stockholders' equity. Because rarely any risk variables change in isolation, and
the correlation between variables for the eventual impact of the change of a risk variables will have a significant
effect, thus, the aforesaid content was processing under the assumption of the change of each variable was
conducted independently
Risk management objectives and policies
The goals of Company engaged in the risk management is to achieve the proper balance between the risks and
benefits, reduced the negative impact to the Company operating performance risk to a minimum, maximized the
profits of shareholders and other equity investors.
Based on the risk management goal, the basic strategy of the Company's risk management is determine and
analyze the various risks faced by the Company, set up the bottom line of risk and conducted appropriate risk
management, and timely supervised various risks in a reliable way and controlled the risk within the range of
(1) Foreign exchange risk
Foreign exchange risk is referred to the risk incurred due to loss of changes in exchange rate. The Company’s
foreign exchange risk was mainly related to USD, HKD and EUR, the Company’s several subsidiaries purchase
and sale, in USD, HKD and EUR, the main sale business, part of purchase business and loan transaction of the
Company’s subsidiary Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing settled by USD, other business settled by RMB. On 30 Jun.
2015, in addition to the following assets or liabilities in statement was USD , HKD and EUR, the Company’s
assets or liabilities was RMB balance, the foreign exchange risk incurred by assets and liabilities of foreign
balance may had impact to the operation results of the Company.
                               Item                                         Closing amount                    Opening amount

Cash and cash equivalents                                                          519,331,043.84                       289,133,077.73

                                                                              2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

Note receivable                                                           122,150,411.81                     92,009,162.34

Account receivable                                                        150,758,407.49                    138,557,390.08

Other account receivable                                                      1,689,799.38                     5,792,541.34

Account payable                                                               7,708,526.65                   18,451,521.14

Other account payable                                                          719,973.26                      1,172,287.39

Short term borrowings                                                     675,589,910.47                    159,222,946.24

Long term borrowings due with one year                                      96,900,005.44                   100,733,898.72

Long term borrowings                                                                     -                     9,904,645.59

(2) Interest rate risk
The risk of cash flow changes of financial instruments due to change of interest rate mainly was related bank loan
Sensitive analysis of interest rate risk:
Influence of interest increasing 100 BP to current profits and losses and equity of shareholders before tax was
           Change                                 2015                                            2014

                             Influence to the profits Influence to equity of Influence to the profits Influence to equity of
                                                          shareholders                                    shareholders

Increase 100 BP                       -2,482,939.38           -2,128,707.94           -2,443,677.62           -2,105,286.41

Decrease 100 BP                          2,482,939.38          2,128,707.94            2,443,677.62            2,105,286.41

2. Credit risk
On 30 Jun. 2015, credit risk what may lead to the financial losses was the other party of the contract failed to
fulfill the obligations and causes loss of the Company’s financial assets, which including: book value of financial
assets recognized in consolidated balance sheet.
In order to reduce the credit risk, the Company established a special team be responsible for the determination of
credit limit to conduct credit approval, and perform other supervising procedures to ensure that taking necessary
measures to recycle expired claims. In addition, the Company at each balance sheet date, review every single
receivables recycling situation, to ensure that the money unable to recycle withdrawn provision for bad debt fully.
Thus, the Company management believed that have assume the credit risk the Company shouldered had been
greatly reduced.
The company's working capital was in bank with higher credit rating, so credit risk of working capital was low.
On balance sheet date, account receivables single recognized had occurred bad debt provision Zichuan Liaozhai
Hotel Co., Ltd., ZIBO HUAYANG BLANKET CO., LTD, due to the company long-term arrear and was unable to
pay, the Company had withdraw bad debt provision.
3. Liquidity Risk
When manage liquidity risk, the Company keep administrators deemed sufficient cash and cash equivalents and
supervised it to meet the need of the operation of the Company and reduce the influence of cash flow volatility.
The Company management supervised the usage of bank loan and ensured to comply with the loan agreement.
In the end of reporting period, the Company held cash and bank deposit of RMB 617 million. In recent two years,
the average of net cash flow of operation activities was RMB 1.283 billion; the Company believed that the

                                                                                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

liquidity risk was insignificant.

XI. The disclosure of the fair value

1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities calculated by fair value

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                  Closing fair value

                                                                                            Fair value
                                                                          Fair value                             Fair value
                               Item                                                        measurement
                                                                        measurement                         measurement items             Total
                                                                                           items at level
                                                                        items at level 1                         at level 3

I. Consistent fair value measurement                                           --                --                    --                  --

(I) Financial assets measured by fair value and changes
                                                                           8,940,500.00                                              8,940,500.00
recorded into current profits and losses

1. Tradable financial assets                                               8,940,500.00                                              8,940,500.00

(3) Derivative financial assets                                            8,940,500.00                                              8,940,500.00

Total assets consistently calculated by fair value                         8,940,500.00                                              8,940,500.00

II. Inconsistent fair value measurement                                        --                --                    --                  --

2. Market price recognition basis for consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at level 1

The Company recognized in line with the forward settlement of exchange offer of the bank fair value measurement items at level 1.

XII. Related party and related Transaction

1. Information related to parent company of the Company

                                                                                                                            Proportion of voting
                                                                                                 Proportion of share
                                                                                                                              rights owned by
   Name of parent                                                                                     held by parent
                         Registered place        Business scope           Registered capital                                  parent company
       company                                                                                  company against the
                                                                                                                            against the Company
                                                                                                      Company (%)

Zibo         Lucheng                          Textile,     electrical
Textile    Investment Zibo                    power              and 63,260,000                                14.69%                     14.69%
Co., Ltd                                      investment


The finial control of the Company was Liu Shizhen

                                                                                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

See details to Notes 1. Equity in subsidiary, IV.

3. Information on other related parties of the Company

                                  Name                                                              Relationship

Zibo    Stanluian     Cosmetics       Co.,   Ltd.   (hereinafter   called Affiliated person (the same chairman of the Board with the
―Stanluian‖)                                                             Company)

Zibo Taimei Ties Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called Taimei Ties)                Controlled subsidiary of the parent company

Zibo Limin Purified Water         Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called Limin
                                                                           Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Purified Water)

Zibo Luqun Land Co., Ltd (hereinafter called Luqun Land)                   Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company

Chengshun Heating                                                          Controlled subsidiary of the parent company

Zibo Limin Walling Material Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Controlled subsidiary of the wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Limin Walling)                                                             Company

Zibo Lurui Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
                                                                           Controlled subsidiary of the parent company
Lurui Chemical)

Zibo Lujia Property Management Co. , Ltd. (hereinafter referred
                                                                           Wholly owned subsidiary of the parent company
to as Lujia Property)

5. List of related-party transactions

(1) Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

Acquisition of goods and reception of labor service
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                               Trading limit    Over the trading limit or
  Related-party                   Content                     2015                                                            2014
                                                                                 approved                 not?

Lucheng Textile Towel, sock, oil product, etc.             5,741,300.22           6,300,000.00 No                           4,221,104.20

                     Purchase of gift box for
                     cosmetic, lotion, washing-up              84,371.37                                                       66,786.34
                     liquid, Liquid soap, etc.

                     Goods processing, quilt cover
Taimei Ties                                                  479,818.63                                                       483,524.44
                     processing fee

Limin    Purified
                     Sewage treatment                      4,856,374.44          14,423,200.00 No                           4,878,775.80

Limin Walling        Building materials                                                                                       202,728.21

Lurui            Fine Equipment                                                                                                29,059.83

                                                                                   2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.


Lurui          Fine
                      Auxiliaries                       33,961,091.09        80,000,000.00 No                          14,665,304.59

Sales of goods and rendering of labor service
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                     Content                                     2015                           2014

Lucheng         Sales of materials, electricity, running water,
                                                                                        103,229.76                        107,862.89
Textile         steam and LED lamp
                Sales of dyed yarn, fabric and garments                                 376,771.28                        289,896.20
Taimei Ties Sales of electricity, heating charges, garment etc.                          11,878.01                         13,022.39

Stanluian       Sales of materials, garments, electricity, running
                                                                                         20,891.49                         29,497.96
Company         water and heating charges
Limin           Sales of materials, garment, equipment and LED
Purified                                                                                  2,496.96                          4,439.53
Water           lamp

Lurui           Sales of garments, equipment and LED lamp
                                                                                        232,519.66                        123,141.44
Chemical        working meal
Chengshun       Sales of materials, heating water, heating power,
                                                                                     2,401,125.83                       1,691,084.42
Power           water, electricity and garment
                Sales of materials and recycled water                                    48,070.08


(2) Information of related-party lease
The Company was lessor:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                        The lease income confirmed in The lease income confirmed in
            Name of lessee             Category of leased assets
                                                                              reporting period           same period of last year

Lucheng Textile                     Building &construction                                 195,200.00                     195,200.00

Chengshun Power                     Building &construction                                                                    900.00

The Company was lessee:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                        The lease income confirmed in The lease income confirmed in
            Name of lessee             Category of leased assets
                                                                              reporting period           same period of last year

Lucheng Textile                     Rent of land                                         2,313,000.00                   2,313,000.00

Lucheng Textile                     Rent of gas station                                    263,400.00                     263,400.00

Lucheng Textile                     Rent of land and buildings                           5,543,400.00                   5,543,400.00

Luqun Property                      Rent of land and buildings                             901,200.00                     901,200.00

                                                                                 2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

     Lucheng Textile                 Rent of houses                                     348,600.00                        348,600.00


    (3) Related party asset transfer and debt restructuring

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

             Related party                         Content                       2015                             2014

     Luqun Property                  Building &construction                                                          31,416,086.66

    5. Receivables and payables of related parties

    (1) Receivables

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Item                       Related party                  Closing period                  Opening period

     Account payables                Lucheng Textile                                    400,961.00                        391,531.00

     Account payables                Taimei Ties                                        197,185.00                        100,485.00

    XIII. Commitments and contingency

    1. Significant commitments

    Significant commitments at balance sheet date
                             Item                             Closing balance (Ten thousand    Opening balance (Ten thousand
                                                                         Yuan)                            Yuan)

    Commitments signed but hasn’t been recognized in
    financial statements

    - Commitment for constructing and purchasing long-term                          9,539.56                             4,234.11

                             Total                                                  9,539.56                             4,234.11

    XIV. Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company

    1. Accounts receivable

    (1) Accounts receivable classified by category

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                     Closing balance                                                 Opening balance
                                         Provision for bad                                               Provision for bad
                  Book balance                                 Book value          Book balance                                     Book value
                                               debts                                                           debts

                                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                                                              Propor                                                              Propor
                                       Proporti                                                         Proporti
                        Amount                    Amount        tion                       Amount                    Amount         tion
                                       on (%)                                                            on (%)
                                                                (%)                                                                 (%)

withdrawal      of
bad           debt 283,471,246.94 100.00% 23,972,230.55 8.46% 259,499,016.39 348,586,979.40 100.00% 26,689,904.79 7.66% 321,897,074.61
provision of by
credit        risks

Total                 283,471,246.94 100.00% 23,972,230.55 8.46% 259,499,016.39 348,586,979.40 100.00% 26,689,904.79 7.66% 321,897,074.61

          Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by credit risks characteristics at the end
          of reporting period.
          □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
          In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
          √Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                      Closing balance
                                                   Accounts receivable            Provision for bad debts               Proportion (%)

           Subentry within 1 year

           Within 1 year                                     204,184,290.56                     10,209,214.53                              5.00%

           Subtotal of within 1 year                         204,184,290.56                     10,209,214.53                              5.00%

           1-2 years                                          37,829,313.47                      3,782,931.35                              10.00%

           2-3 years                                          24,572,081.97                      4,914,416.39                              20.00%

           Over 3 years                                       16,885,560.94                      5,065,668.28                              30.00%

           Total                                             283,471,246.94                     23,972,230.55                              8.46%

          In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
          □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

          (2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

          The amount of bad debt provision was RMB -2,717,674.24; the amount of reversed or recovered bad debt
          provision in the report period was of RMB 000.

             (3) Top five of account receivable of closing balance collected by arrears party

          The total amount of top five of account receivable of closing balance collected by arrears party was EMB
          146,733,614.96, 51.76% of total closing balance of account receivable, the relevant closing balance of bad debt
          provision withdrawn was RMB17, 130,098.95.

                                                                                           2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

         2. Other account receivable

         (1) Other account receivable classified by category

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                Closing balance                                                    Opening balance
                                                   Provision for bad
                           Book balance                                                     Book balance            Provision for bad debts
      Category                                                                                                                       Withdra
                                                                   aw      Book value                                                            Book value
                                     Proporti                                                         Proporti                          w
                         Amount                     Amount        Propor                  Amount                      Amount
                                       on (%)                                                             on (%)                     Proporti
                                                                                                                                     on (%)

withdrawal        of
bad           debt 82,500,420.18 100.00%           5,360,484.00 6.50% 77,139,936.18 30,826,657.21 100.00%            2,777,139.42      9.01% 28,049,517.79
provision of by
credit       risks

Total                  82,500,420.18 100.00%       5,360,484.00 6.50% 77,139,936.18 30,826,657.21 100.00%            2,777,139.42      9.01% 28,049,517.79

         Other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by credit risks characteristics at
         the end of reporting period
         □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
         In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
         √Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                        Closing balance
                                                   Other account receivable        Provision for bad debts                 Proportion (%)

         Subentry within 1 year

         Within 1 year                                            76,873,990.97                  3,843,699.55                                   5.00%

         Subtotal of within 1 year                                76,873,990.97                  3,843,699.55                                   5.00%

         1-2 years                                                  537,720.69                      53,772.07                                 10.00%

         2-3 years                                                  636,001.78                     127,200.36                                 20.00%

         Over 3 years                                              4,452,706.74                  1,335,812.02                                 30.00%

         Total                                                    82,500,420.18                  5,360,484.00                                   6.50%

         In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
         □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
         In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

                                                                                       2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

√Applicable □ Inapplicable

(2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

The amount of bad debt provision was RMB 2,583,344.58, the amount of reversed or recovered bad debt
provision in the report period RMB 0.00 Yuan。

 (3) Other account receivable classified by account nature

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Nature                                     Closing book value                       Opening book value

Turnover amount                                                                 64,990,187.68                              2,861,317.03

Export taxes refund                                                                                                        8,218,844.96

Advance payment                                                                  3,098,507.00                             13,311,113.23

Pledge and guarantee                                                             3,102,445.36                              2,191,658.50

Lending and deposit                                                              1,640,585.32                              2,121,376.44

Other                                                                            9,668,694.82                              2,122,347.05

Total                                                                           82,500,420.18                             30,826,657.21

(4)The top five other account receivable classified by debtor at period end

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                     Closing balance of
        Entity                       Nature              Closing balance       Aging              Proportion%
                                                                                                                     bad debt provision

Lu Thai (Hong Kong) Turnover amount                       61,136,000.00 Within 1 year                      74.10%          3,056,800.00

Receivable             of
dividend              tax Receivable of dividend
withholding      of    B tax withholding of B
shares of Securities shares          of     Securities     6,928,375.47 Within 1 year                       8.40%            346,418.77
Clearing              and Clearing                 and
Registration                Registration Corporation

Lu Thai (Cambodia)          Turnover amount                2,704,508.10 Within 1 year                       3.28%            135,225.41

Deposits for wages
                            Deposits for wages paid
paid       to    migrant
                            to migrant workers of          1,458,593.50 Over 3 years                        1.77%            437,578.05
workers of Zichuan
                            infrastructure works
District, Zibo city

Lu Thai (Vietnam)           Turnover amount                  732,323.69 Within 1 year                       0.89%              36,616.18

Total                                  --                 72,959,800.76          --                        88.44%          4,012,638.41

                                                                               2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

3. Long term equity investment

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                        Closing balance                                         Opening balance
        Item                               bad debt                                                 bad debt
                      Book balance                          Book value        Book balance                              Book value
                                           provision                                                provision

Investment to the
                     1,360,779,450.91                     1,360,779,450.91 1,170,861,572.56                           1,170,861,572.56

Total                1,360,779,450.91                     1,360,779,450.91 1,170,861,572.56                           1,170,861,572.56

(1) Investment to the subsidiary

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                      Closing balance
        Entity       Opening balance        Increase         Decrease       Closing balance                            of impairment
                                                                                                provision in the
                                                                                                reporting period

Beijing Innovative      25,200,000.00                                         25,200,000.00

Xinjiang Luthai        147,303,034.16                                        147,303,034.16

Xinsheng Power         176,340,737.93                                        176,340,737.93

Lufeng Weaving &
                       529,620,000.00                                        529,620,000.00

Luqun Textile          171,784,550.00                                        171,784,550.00

Luthai (Hong
                         6,366,600.00    122,405,200.00                      128,771,800.00

Lufeng Sunshine         15,000,000.00                                         15,000,000.00

Shanghai Luthai         20,000,000.00                                         20,000,000.00

Luthai (Cambodia)       70,585,030.47     36,586,545.04                      107,171,575.51

Luthai (America)         3,670,380.00      1,834,740.00                        5,505,120.00

Luthai (Burma )            491,240.00     24,591,393.31                       25,082,633.31

Beijing Youxian          4,500,000.00      4,500,000.00                        9,000,000.00

Total                1,170,861,572.56    189,917,878.35                     1,360,779,450.91

4. Revenues and operating costs

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                             Reporting period                                  Same period of last year
                                     Revenues             Operating costs             Revenues                     Operating costs

                                                                                  2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

        Main operations               2,271,611,588.70         1,695,745,675.96            2,245,002,336.27           1,544,161,311.27

     Other operations                    78,000,829.19            62,998,536.38               73,197,187.83              52,966,475.58

           Total                      2,349,612,417.89         1,758,744,212.34            2,318,199,524.10           1,597,127,786.85

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                    Same period of last
                                                 Item                                          Reporting period

Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method                                         17,976,429.21

Investment income received from disposal of long-term equity investment calculated by
                                                                                                    26,539,715.88        18,121,509.04
fair value

Total                                                                                               44,516,145.09        18,121,509.04

XV. Supplementary materials

1. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                        Item                                                   Amount             Note

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets                                                            -2,698,435.96

Government grants recognized in the current period, except for those acquired in the ordinary course of
business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the government’s unified standards

Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities,
as well as investment income from disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities
and financial assets available for sales except for effective hedging related with normal businesses of
the Company

Non-operating income and expense other than the above                                                          1,457,728.67

Less: Income tax effects                                                                                      10,018,509.04

        Minority interests effects (after tax)                                                                 1,047,078.18

Total                                                                                                         35,917,059.31        --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary Gains and
Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                     2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

2. Return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS)

                                                                Weighted average                    EPS(Yuan/share)
               Profit as of reporting period
                                                                    ROE (%)                 EPS-basic                  EPS-diluted

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
                                                                             5.10%                        0.36                        0.36

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
                                                                             4.56%                        0.32                        0.32
Company after deduction of non-recurring profit and loss

3. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

(1) Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

√Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                       Net profit attributable to shareholders   Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                                  of the Company                               the Company

                                                             2015                 2014            Closing amount        Opening amount

According to Chinese accounting standards                344,521,516.72        476,880,256.93      6,456,030,484.38      6,588,772,245.55

Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards

Impact on domestic equipments tax credit
recognized    as    deferred    income         under          612,500.00           754,500.00          -1,456,500.00         -2,069,000.00
international accounting standards

According to international accounting standards          345,134,016.72        477,634,756.93      6,454,573,984.38      6,586,703,245.55

(2) Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting
standards, for audit data adjusting differences had been foreign audited, should indicate the name of the
foreign institutions

Effects of domestic equipment exempted from income tax

The Company exempted from income tax for buying domestic equipment. According to Chinese accounting
standards, the income tax expenses are directly reduced which are recognized as deferred income related to assets
by the international accounting standards. According to the regulations of the international accounting standards,
this difference is amortized over the fixed using periods of year of the fixed assets and adjusting net income and
net assets.

                                                                             2015 Semi-annual Report of Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.

                               Section X. Documents for Reference

I. Accounting statement signed by legal representative, responsible person in charge of accounting work and responsible person of
accounting department;
II. The originals of all documents and manuscripts of Public Notices of the Company disclosed publicly on Securities Times,
Shanghai Securities News and Ta Kung Pao.

                                                                     Signature of the Chairman of the Board: Liu Shizhen
                                                                                    Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           27 Aug. 2015
