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						Stock Code:20077       Stock ID: Hangqilun B      Announcement No. 2019-16

                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
    Resolutions of the 14th Meeting of the 7th Term of Supervisory

The members of the Supervisory Committee acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness,

accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or

significant omission carried in this announcement.

     The notice for calling of the 14th session of the 7th term of Supervisory Committee of
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. was served on March 17,2019, and the meeting was held in the
morning of March 27, 2019 in the meeting room No.2 of the reception center of the Company. All
of the 5 supervisors presented the meeting. The supervisors examined and voted on the proposals
at the meeting. Mr. Wang Gang, secretary of the Board, observed the meeting. The meeting
procedures are legal and complying with the Company Law and Articles of Association.
      The meeting was hosted by Chief Supervisory Mr. Li Shijie.
     The following proposals were examined at the meeting and passed by open ballot.
I. Work Report of the Supervisory Committee 2018
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was adopted.
The complete report is available on the official website (http//www.cninfo.com.cn) of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange dated March 29, 2019. (Announcement No. 2019-27).

This proposal is subject to examination of the Shareholders’ Meeting 2018.

II. Annual Report 2018 and Summary

5 votes in favor, 0 objective, 0 waived; The proposal was passed.
Upon inspection, the Committee deems that the producing and examination procedures of the
Annual Report 2018 were legal and complying with the requirements of the CSRC. The Report is
reflecting the financial position and business performance of the Company in the year frankly and
completely. There is no false record, misleading statement, or material omission in the report.

This proposal is subject to examination of the Shareholders’ Meeting 2018.

III.The Financial Report 2018

5 votes in favor, 0 objective, 0 waived; The proposal was passed.

This proposal is subject to examination of the Shareholders’ Meeting 2018.

IV. The Dividend Plan 2018

5 votes in favor, 0 objective, 0 waived; The proposal was approved.

This proposal is subject to examination of the Shareholders’ Meeting 2018.

V. The Internal Control Introspection Report 2018
5 votes in favor, 0 objective, 0 waived; The proposal was passed.
The Supervisory Committee deems the Internal Control Introspection Report 2018 as reflecting
the practice of the Company and the effective operation of internal control system.
VI. The Proposal on Changes in Accounting Policies

      5 votes in favor, 0 objective, 0 waived; The proposal was passed.

     The Board of Supervisors considered that: this accounting policy change is a reasonable

change and adjustment according to the regulations promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, the

implementation of accounting policy changes can objectively and fairly reflect the Company's

financial status and operating results; the relevant decision-making procedures are in compliance

with relevant laws and regulations and the Company’s Articles of Association, with that there is no

situation jeopardizing the interests of the Company and its shareholders. The company's board of

supervisors agreed to this accounting policy change.

Documents for reference
1.The Resolutions of the 14th meeting of the Seventh board of Supervisory Committee signed by

the supervisor present and bearing the seal of Supervisory Committee

     This announcement is hereby made.

The Supervisory Committee of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                                         March 29, 2019
