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						Baoxin Auto Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands as an exempted company
     with limited liability)

Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

September 30, 2015
Independent review report

To the Board of Directors of Baoxin Auto Group Limited

(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands as an exempted company with limited liability)


We have reviewed the interim financial information set out on pages 2 to 25, which comprise the consolidated statement of
financial position of Baoxin Auto Group Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) as at
September 30, 2015 and the related condensed consolidated statements of profit or loss, comprehensive income,
changes in equity and cash flows for the nine-month period then ended, and explanatory notes. The directors of the
Company are responsible for the preparation and presentation of this interim financial information in accordance with
Hong Kong Accounting Standards 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” (“HKAS 34”) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of
Certified Public Accountants (the “HKICPA”). Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim financial
information based on our review. Our report is made solely to you, as a body, in accordance with our agreed terms of
engagement, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for
the contents of this report.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with Hong Kong Standard on Review Engagements 2410, “Review of Interim
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” (“HKSRE 2410”) issued by the HKICPA. A
review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an
audit conducted in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing and, consequently, does not enable us to obtain
assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do
not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the interim financial information is
not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with HKAS 34.

Other matters

Without qualifying our review conclusion, we draw attention to the fact that the comparative condensed consolidated
statements of profit or loss, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows of the Group for the nine-month
period ended September 30, 2014 have not been reviewed in accordance with HKSRE 2410.

Ernst & Young
Certified Public Accountants
Hong Kong
December 11, 2015

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Interim consolidated statements of profit or loss
For the nine months ended September 30, 2015

                                                            Unaudited             Unaudited
                                                           For the nine          For the nine
                                                          months ended          months ended
                                                     September 30, 2015    September 30, 2014
                                             Notes           RMB’000              RMB’000

REVENUE                                       4(a)           16,595,734            22,065,216
Cost of sales and services provided           5(b)          (15,101,295)          (20,016,643)
Gross profit                                                  1,494,439             2,048,573

Other income and gains, net                   4(b)              246,807               354,242
Selling and distribution costs                                 (644,002)             (710,158)
Administrative expenses                                        (471,068)             (472,642)
Profit from operations                                          626,176             1,220,015

Finance costs                                  6               (402,046)             (422,325)
Share of profit of a joint venture                                4,372                 4,579
Share of loss of an associate                                   (16,151)                    -
Profit before tax                              5                212,351               802,269

Income tax expense                             7                (57,343)             (243,459)

Profit for the period                                          155,008               558,810

Attributable to:
 Owners of the parent                                          153,033               549,458
 Non-controlling interests                                       1,975                 9,352

                                                               155,008               558,810

Earnings per share attributable to
ordinary equity holders of the parent

Basic and diluted
- For profit for the period (RMB)              9                   0.06                  0.21

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income
For the nine months ended September 30, 2015

                                                                     Unaudited             Unaudited
                                                                    For the nine          For the nine
                                                                   months ended          months ended
                                                              September 30, 2015    September 30, 2014
                                                                      RMB’000              RMB’000

Profit for the period                                                   155,008               558,810

Other comprehensive income

Other comprehensive income to be reclassified
 to profit or loss in subsequent periods:

Exchange differences on translation of financial statements             (163,040)                (806)

Net other comprehensive income to be reclassified
 to profit or loss in subsequent periods                                (163,040)                (806)

Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax                   (163,040)                (806)

Total comprehensive income for the period                                 (8,032)             558,004

Attributable to:
 Owners of the parent                                                    (10,007)             548,652
 Non-controlling interests                                                 1,975                9,352

                                                                          (8,032)             558,004

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Interim consolidated statement of financial position
September 30, 2015

                                                           Unaudited        Audited
                                                        September 30,   December 31,
                                                                2015           2014
                                                Notes       RMB’000       RMB’000

Property, plant and equipment                    10         3,848,384      3,788,537
Prepaid land lease payment                                    646,778        537,139
Intangible assets                                             893,459        922,189
Prepayments and deposits                                      367,836        498,084
Finance lease receivables                                      20,081         12,207
Goodwill                                                      100,725        100,725
Investment in a joint venture                                  49,388         45,016
Available-for-sale investment                                  16,573         16,573
Deferred tax assets                                            85,377         74,229

Total non-current assets                                    6,028,601      5,994,699

Inventories                                      11         2,582,274      3,056,777
Trade receivables                                12           615,305        393,155
Finance lease receivables                                      26,318         12,731
Prepayments, deposits and other receivables                 5,649,636      5,503,515
Amounts due from related parties                21(a)          51,431         41,063
Pledged bank deposits                                       1,315,438      2,436,468
Cash in transit                                                72,333        134,987
Cash and cash equivalents                                   3,194,421      2,202,892
                                                           13,507,156     13,781,588
Non-current asset classified as held for sale    13            80,510              -

Total current assets                                       13,587,666     13,781,588

Bank loans and other borrowings                  14         5,466,412      5,107,438
Trade and bills payables                         15         4,402,948      4,877,913
Other payables and accruals                                   770,087        779,516
Income tax payable                                            509,617        522,339
Dividends payable                                               1,513              -

Total current liabilities                                  11,150,577     11,287,206

Net current assets                                          2,437,089      2,494,382

Total assets less current liabilities                       8,465,690      8,489,081

Bank loans                                       14         2,669,866      2,621,136
Bonds                                            16           427,453        396,095
Deferred tax liabilities                                      328,847        323,050

Total non-current liabilities                               3,426,166      3,340,281

Net assets                                                  5,039,524      5,148,800

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Interim consolidated statement of financial position (continued)
September 30, 2015

                                                            Unaudited           Audited
                                                         September 30,      December 31,
                                                                 2015              2014
                                              Note           RMB’000          RMB’000

Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Share capital                                  17                20,836           20,836
Reserves                                                      4,956,574        5,067,825
                                                              4,977,410        5,088,661

Non-controlling interests                                          62,114         60,139

Total equity                                                  5,039,524        5,148,800

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Interim consolidated statement of changes in equity
For the nine months ended September 30, 2015

                                                                                     Attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                  Share awards                                  Exchange                Proposed                      Non-
                                             Share       Share      and option    Statutory       Merger      fluctuation   Retained        final               controlling      Total
                                            capital   premium           reserve     reserve        reserve        reserve     profits   dividend       Total      interests     equity
                                                             *                *           *              *              *           *
                                          RMB’000    RMB’000       RMB’000     RMB’000      RMB’000        RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000     RMB’000     RMB’000

At January 1, 2014                          20,836    1,868,372         15,925     271,303        (58,327)         7,636    2,240,486    303,885    4,670,116       53,149    4,723,265
Profit for the period                            -            -              -           -              -              -      549,458          -      549,458        9,352      558,810
Other comprehensive income
 for the period:
Exchange differences on translation
 of financial statements                          -           -               -           -              -          (806)           -           -       (806)            -        (806)
Total comprehensive income
 for the period                                   -           -              -            -              -          (806)    549,458           -     548,652         9,352     558,004
Equity-settled share-based transactions           -           -         15,745            -              -             -           -           -      15,745             -      15,745
Final 2013 dividend declared                      -           -              -            -              -             -           -    (303,885)   (303,885)            -    (303,885)

At September 30, 2014 (Unaudited)           20,836    1,868,372         31,670     271,303        (58,327)         6,830    2,789,944           -   4,930,628       62,501    4,993,129

At January 1, 2015                          20,836    1,767,128         31,670     350,069        (58,327)         7,677    2,868,364    101,244    5,088,661       60,139    5,148,800
Profit for the period                            -            -              -           -              -              -      153,033          -      153,033        1,975      155,008
Other comprehensive income
 for the period:
Exchange differences on translation
 of financial statements                          -           -               -           -              -      (163,040)           -           -   (163,040)            -    (163,040)
Total comprehensive income
 for the period                                   -           -               -           -              -      (163,040)    153,033           -     (10,007)        1,975      (8,032)
Final 2014 dividend declared                      -           -               -           -              -             -           -    (101,244)   (101,244)            -    (101,244)

At September 30, 2015 (Unaudited)           20,836    1,767,128         31,670     350,069        (58,327)      (155,363)   3,021,397           -   4,977,410       62,114    5,039,524

*These reserve accounts comprise the consolidated reserves of RMB 4,956,574,000 (2014: RMB 4,966,581,000) in the consolidated statement
of financial position.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows
For the nine months ended September 30, 2015

                                                                 Unaudited             Unaudited
                                                                For the nine          For the nine
                                                               months ended          months ended
                                                          September 30, 2015    September 30, 2014
                                                  Notes           RMB’000              RMB’000

Operating activities
Profit before tax                                                   212,351               802,269
Adjustments for:
 Share of profit of a joint venture                                   (4,372)               (4,579)
 Share of loss of an associate company                                16,151                     -
 Depreciation of property, plant
   and equipment                                  5(c)              240,922               216,062
 Amortisation of prepaid land lease payments      5(c)                5,818                 5,101
 Amortisation of intangible assets                5(c)               28,347                29,938
 Gain on disposal of subsidiaries                 4(b)              (16,016)
  Interest income                                 4(b)               (20,887)              (24,558)
  Net gain on disposal of items of
   property, plant and equipment                  4(b)                  (492)               (2,196)
  Net loss on disposal of items of
   intangible assets                                                       -                  715
  Written-down of inventories to
   net realisable value                                                   -                  9,044
Finance costs                                      6                402,046                422,325
Equity-settled share option expense               5(a)                    -                 15,745
                                                                    863,868              1,469,866

Decrease in pledged bank deposits                                  1,121,030              389,266
Decrease/(increase)in cash in transit                                 62,654              (38,201)
(Increase)/decrease in trade receivables                            (222,150)              83,340
Increase in prepayments,
  deposits and other receivables                                    (100,584)             (904,094)
Decrease/(increase)in inventories                                    474,503            (1,078,768)
(Decrease)/increase in trade and bills payables                     (474,965)              634,065
(Decrease)/Increase in other payables
  and accruals                                                       (43,395)              31,052
Increase of finance lease receivable                                 (21,461)              (1,964)

Cash generated from operations                                     1,659,500              584,562

Income tax paid                                                      (81,259)             (119,728)

Net cash generated from operating activities                       1,578,241              464,834

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows (continued)
For the nine months ended September 30, 2015

                                                                   Unaudited             Unaudited
                                                                  For the nine          For the nine
                                                                 months ended          months ended
                                                            September 30, 2015    September 30, 2014
                                                                    RMB’000              RMB’000

Investing activities
Purchase of items of property,
 plant and equipment                                                  (317,864)             (576,269)
Proceeds from disposal of items
 of property, plant and equipment                                      123,701                38,076
Prepaid land lease payment                                             (75,278)             (197,275)
Purchase of intangible assets                                             (129)               (6,104)
Acquisition of subsidiaries net of cash paid                                 -               (66,118)
Deemed disposal of subsidiaries                     19                (100,151)                    -
Interest received                                                       20,887                24,558
Dividends paid                                                         (99,731)             (300,485)

Net cash used in investing activities                                 (448,565)           (1,083,617)

Financing activities

Proceeds from bank loans and other borrowings                        7,227,076             9,809,611
Repayment of bank loans and other borrowings                        (6,913,623)           (9,385,123)
Interest paid                                                         (398,791)             (436,414)

Net cash used in financing activities                                  (85,338)              (11,926)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                 1,044,338              (630,709)

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of each period            2,202,892             2,020,926

Effect of foreign exchange rate changes, net                           (52,809)                9,449

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of each period                  3,194,421             1,399,666

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements
September 30, 2015

1.   General information

     The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands as an exempted company with limited
     liability under the Companies Law of the Cayman Islands on September 6, 2010. The registered
     office of the Company is located at P.O. Box 309, Ugland House, Grand Cayman, KY1-1104,
     Cayman Islands. The shares of the Company were listed on the Main Board of the Stock
     Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) on December 14, 2011.

     During the period, the Group was principally engaged in the sale and service of motor vehicles.

     In the opinion of the Directors, the ultimate holding company of the Company is Baoxin
     Investment Management Ltd., which was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands.

2.   Basis of preparation and accounting policies

     2.1 Basis of preparation

         The interim financial information for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2015 have
         been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Accounting Standard (“HKAS”) 34 Interim
         Financial Reporting issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the
         “HKICPA”). The interim financial information should be read in conjunction with the annual
         financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014, which have been prepared in
         accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”).

         The interim financial information was presented in Renminbi (“RMB”) and all values are
         rounded to the nearest thousand except when otherwise indicated. This interim financial
         information was approved for issue on December 11, 2015.

     2.2 Significant accounting policies

         The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim financial information are
         consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group’s annual consolidated
         financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 except for the adoption of new
         and revised standards and interpretations effective as of January 1, 2015, noted below.

           HKAS 19 Amendments                      Amendments to HKAS 19– Defined
                                                    Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions1
           Annual Improvements                     Amendments to a number of HKFRSs1
            2010-2012 Cycle
           Annual Improvements                     Amendments to a number of HKFRSs1
            2011-2013 Cycle
            Effective for annual periods beginning on or after July 1, 2014

         The adoption of these revised HKFRSs has had no significant financial effect on the interim
         financial information.

         Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would be
         applicable to expected total annual earnings.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

2.   Basis of preparation and accounting policies(continued)

     2.3 Issued but not yet effective Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards

         The Group has not applied the following new and revised HKFRSs that have been issued but
         are not yet effective, in these financial statements:

           HKFRS 9                                  Financial Instruments2
           HKFRS 10 and HKAS 28                     Amendments to HKFRS 10 and HKAS 28 (Revised)
            (Revised) Amendments                      - Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor
                                                      and its Associate or Joint Venture1
           HKFRS 10, HKFRS 12                       Amendments to HKFRS 10, HKFRS 12 and HKAS 28
            and HKAS 28(Revised)                      -       Investment        Entities:      Applying            the
           HKFRS 11 Amendments                      Amendments to HKFRS 11 Joint Arrangements
                                                     - Accounting for Acquisitions of Interests in Joint
           HKFRS 14                                 Regulatory Deferral Accounts3
           HKFRS 15                                 Revenue from Contracts with Customers2
           HKAS 1 Amendments                        Amendments to HKAS 1 - Disclosure Initiative1
           HKAS 16 and HKAS 38                      Amendments to HKAS 16 and HKAS 38 - Clarification of
             Amendments                              Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation1
           HKAS 16 and HKAS 41                      Amendments to HKAS 16 and HKAS 41
             Amendments                              -Agriculture: Bearer Plants1
           HKAS 27(Revised)                         Amendments to HKAS 27
             Amendments                              Equity Method in Separate FinancialStatements1
           Annual Improvements                      Amendments to a number of HKFRSs1
            Effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2016
             Effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018
             Effective for an entity that first adopts IFRSs for its annual financial statements beginning on or
            after January 1, 2016 and therefore is not applicable to the Group

         The Group is in the process of making an assessment of the impact of these new and revised
         HKFRSs upon initial application. So far, the Group considers that these new and revised
         HKFRSs are unlikely to have a significant impact on the Group’s results of operations and
         financial position.

3.   Segment information

     The Group is principally engaged in the sale and service of motor vehicles. For management
     purposes, the Group operates in single business unit based on its products, and has one reportable
     segment which includes the sale of motor vehicles and the provision of related services.

     No operating segments have been aggregated to form the above reportable operating segment.

     Information about geographical area

     Since nearly all of the Group’s revenue was generated from the sale and service of motor vehicles
     in Mainland China and nearly all of the Group’s non-current assets other than deferred tax assets
     were located in Mainland China, no geographical segment information is presented in accordance
     with HKFRS 8 Operating Segments.

     Information about major customers

     Since none of the Group’s sales to a single customer amounted to 10% or more of the Group’s
     revenue during the nine months ended September 30, 2015, no major customers segment
     information is presented in accordance with HKFRS 8 Operating Segments.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

4.   Revenue, other income and gains, net

                                                                       Unaudited            Unaudited
                                                                      For the nine         For the nine
                                                                     months ended         months ended
                                                                September 30, 2015   September 30, 2014
                                                                        RMB’000             RMB’000

     (a) Revenue

          Revenue from the sale of motor vehicles                       14,512,686           19,849,239
          Finance leasing services                                           4,407                  336
          Others                                                         2,078,641            2,215,641

                                                                        16,595,734           22,065,216

     (b) Other income and gains, net

          Commission income                                               190,727              299,076
          Advertisement support received from
           motor vehicle manufacturers                                       5,768                7,371
          Rental income                                                      3,084                2,705
          Government grants                                                  4,816               11,948
          Interest income                                                   20,887               24,558
          Net gain on disposal of items of
           property, plant and equipment                                       492                2,196
          Gain on deemed disposal of subsidiaries                           16,016                    -
          Others                                                             5,017                6,388

                                                                          246,807              354,242

5.   Profit before tax

     The Group’s profit before tax is arrived at after charging:

                                                                       Unaudited            Unaudited
                                                                      For the nine         For the nine
                                                                     months ended         months ended
                                                                September 30, 2015   September 30, 2014
                                                                        RMB’000             RMB’000

     (a) Employee benefit expense
         (including Directors’ remuneration)

          Wages and salaries                                              320,462              337,254
          Other welfare                                                   136,436              131,154
          Equity-settled share option expense                                   -               15,745

                                                                          456,898              484,153

     (b) Cost of sales and services provided

          Cost of sales of motor vehicles                               13,981,951           18,862,732
          Others                                                         1,119,344            1,153,911

                                                                        15,101,295           20,016,643

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

5.   Profit before tax (continued)

     The Group’s profit before tax is arrived at after charging (continued):

                                                                      Unaudited               Unaudited
                                                                     For the nine            For the nine
                                                                    months ended            months ended
                                                               September 30, 2015      September 30, 2014
                                                                       RMB’000                RMB’000

     (c) Other items

          Depreciation of items of
           property, plant and equipment                                    240,922              216,062
          Amortisation of prepaid land lease payments                         5,818                5,101
          Amortisation of intangible assets                                  28,347               29,938
          Advertisement and business promotion expenses                      79,374              117,636
          Bank charges                                                       41,127               42,967
          Lease expenses                                                    123,494              139,181
          Logistics and gasoline expenses                                    47,099               45,575
          Office expenses                                                    13,990               18,997
          Write-down of inventories to net realisable value                       -                9,044
          Foreign exchange differences, net                                  27,721               11,794

6.   Finance costs

                                                                      Unaudited               Unaudited
                                                                     For the nine            For the nine
                                                                    months ended            months ended
                                                               September 30, 2015      September 30, 2014
                                                                       RMB’000                RMB’000

     Interest expense on bank borrowings
     - Wholly repayable within five years                                   395,709              411,764
     - Interest expense on other borrowings                                  15,655               19,135
     Interest expense on bonds                                               15,378               19,113
     Less: Interest capitalised                                             (24,696)             (27,687)

                                                                            402,046              422,325

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

7.   Income tax expense

                                                                    Unaudited                  Unaudited
                                                                   For the nine               For the nine
                                                                  months ended               months ended
                                                             September 30, 2015         September 30, 2014
                                                                     RMB’000                   RMB’000

     Mainland China corporate income tax                                   68,537                    263,270
     Deferred tax                                                         (11,194)                   (19,811)

     Total tax charge for the period                                       57,343                    243,459

     Pursuant to Section 6 of the Tax Concessions Law (1999 Revision) of the Cayman Islands, the
     Company has obtained an undertaking from the Governor-in-Council that no law which is enacted
     in the Cayman Islands imposing any tax to be levied on profits or income or gain or appreciation
     shall apply to the Company or its operations.

     The subsidiary incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) is not subject to income tax as
     this subsidiary does not have a place of business (other than a registered office only) or carry on
     any business in the BVI.

     The subsidiary incorporated in Hong Kong is subject to an income tax at the rate of 16.5% (nine
     months ended September 30, 2014:16.5%) during the period. No provision for Hong Kong profits
     tax has been made as the Group had no assessable profits arising in Hong Kong during the period.

     According to the Corporate Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China, the income tax
     rate is 25% (nine months ended September 30, 2014:25%).

8.   Dividends

     The Board of the Company has resolved not to declare interim dividend for the nine months ended
     September 30, 2015(nine months ended September 30, 2014: Nil).

9.   Earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent

     Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to the ordinary equity
     holders of the parent by the weighted average number of shares in issue, during the nine months
     ended September 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively.

     No adjustment has been made to the basic earnings per share amounts presented in the nine
     months ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 in respect of a dilution as the impact of the share
     options outstanding had an anti-dilutive effect on the basic earnings per share amounts presented.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

9.   Earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent (continued)

     The calculations of basic and diluted earnings per share are based on:

                                                                                    Unaudited                     Unaudited
                                                                                   For the nine                  For the nine
                                                                                  months ended                  months ended
                                                                             September 30, 2015            September 30, 2014


     Profit attributable to ordinary equity holders
      of the parent (RMB’000)                                                             153,033                        549,458


     Weighted average number of ordinary shares
      in issue during the period                                                     2,557,311,429                  2,557,311,429

     Earnings per share

     Basic and diluted (RMB)                                                                    0.06                              0.21

10. Property, plant and equipment

                                                Leasehold     Plant and       Furniture       Motor Construction
                                   Buildings improvements    machinery      and fixtures    vehicles in progress        Total
                                   RMB’000      RMB’000    RMB’000         RMB’000     RMB’000   RMB’000       RMB’000

      September 30, 2015

      At December 31,2014 and
         at January 1, 2015:
            Cost                   2,089,468     407,834       235,938         220,894      743,310      900,485     4,597,929
               depreciation        (303,123)      (97,358)    (105,348)       (107,224)    (196,339)           -      (809,392)

          Net carrying
            amount                 1,786,345     310,476       130,590         113,670      546,971      900,485     3,788,537

      At January 1, 2015, net of
         depreciation              1,786,345     310,476       130,590         113,670      546,971      900,485     3,788,537

      Additions                       3,608             -              -               -          -      443,239      446,847
      Disposal of
        subsidiaries(Note 19)              -      (11,442)        (1,372)        (3,606)          -       (6,449)      (22,869)
      Disposals                            -            -           (519)          (167)   (122,523)           -      (123,209)
      Depreciation provided
        during the period            (49,538)     (46,374)     (15,684)         (24,278)   (105,048)           -      (240,922)
      Transfers                        3,770            -       10,541           14,509     106,313     (135,133)            -

      At September 30, 2015, net of
         depreciation             1,744,185      252,660       123,556         100,128      425,713    1,202,142     3,848,384

      At September 30, 2015:
         Cost                      2,096,846     396,198       242,591         230,836      639,405    1,202,142     4,808,018
           depreciation            (352,661)     (143,538)    (119,035)       (130,708)    (213,692)           -      (959,634)

        Net carrying amount        1,744,185     252,660       123,556         100,128      425,713    1,202,142     3,848,384

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

10. Property, plant and equipment (continued)

                                               Leasehold     Plant and       Furniture        Motor Construction
                                  Buildings improvements    machinery      and fixtures     vehicles in progress        Total
                                  RMB’000      RMB’000    RMB’000         RMB’000      RMB’000   RMB’000       RMB’000

     December 31, 2014

     At December 31, 2013 and
        at January 1, 2014:
           Cost               1,855,142         388,379       203,914         169,830       636,227      654,483     3,907,975
              depreciation     (246,934)         (54,159)     (78,277)         (78,205)    (140,012)           -      (597,587)

         Net carrying
           amount                 1,608,208     334,220       125,637           91,625      496,215      654,483     3,310,388

     At January 1, 2014, net of
        depreciation              1,608,208     334,220       125,637           91,625      496,215      654,483     3,310,388

     Additions                     113,990       10,130               -               -           -      853,538      977,658
     Acquisition of
       a subsidiary                    891         5,752          3,214            969       11,038            -        21,864
     Disposals                        (134)      (13,045)        (2,326)          (706)    (220,370)           -      (236,581)
     Depreciation provided
       during the year             (56,612)      (50,217)     (25,847)         (28,340)    (123,776)           -      (284,792)
     Transfers                     120,002        23,636       29,912           50,122      383,864     (607,536)            -

     At December 31, 2014, net of
        depreciation             1,786,345      310,476       130,590         113,670       546,971      900,485     3,788,537

     At December 31, 2014:
        Cost                      2,089,468     407,834       235,938         220,894       743,310      900,485     4,597,929
          depreciation            (303,123)      (97,358)    (105,348)       (107,224)     (196,339)           -      (809,392)

       Net carrying amount        1,786,345     310,476       130,590         113,670       546,971      900,485     3,788,537

11. Inventories

                                                                                      Unaudited                         Audited
                                                                                   September 30,                    December 31,
                                                                                           2015                            2014
                                                                                       RMB’000                        RMB’000

    Motor vehicles                                                                        2,296,955                     2,752,913
    Spare parts and accessories                                                             285,319                       303,864

                                                                                          2,582,274                     3,056,777

    As at September 30, 2015, the carrying amount of inventories carried at fair value less costs to
    sell was RMB 225,265,000 (December 31, 2014: RMB 105,237,000).

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

12. Trade receivables

                                                                     Unaudited                    Audited
                                                                  September 30,               December 31,
                                                                          2015                       2014
                                                                      RMB’000                   RMB’000

    Trade receivables                                                     615,305                    393,155

    The Group seeks to maintain strict control over its outstanding receivables and has a credit control
    department to minimize credit risk. The Group does not offer any credit to the Group’s customers
    for automobile purchases or for out-of-warranty repairs that are not covered by insurance.
    However, the Group generally provides a credit term of two to three months to automobile
    manufacturers for the reimbursement of costs relating to the in-warranty repair services. Overdue
    balances are reviewed regularly by senior management. In view of the aforementioned and the fact
    that the Group’s trade receivables relate to a large number of diversified customers, there is no
    significant concentration of credit risk.

    An aged analysis of the trade receivables as at each statement of financial position date (based on
    the invoice date, net of impairment) is as follows:

                                                                     Unaudited                    Audited
                                                                  September 30,               December 31,
                                                                          2015                       2014
                                                                      RMB’000                   RMB’000

    Within 3 months                                                       539,262                    343,982
    More than 3 months but less than 1 year                                62,388                     47,211
    Over 1 year                                                            13,655                      1,962

                                                                          615,305                    393,155

    Trade receivables are non-interest-bearing.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

13. Non-current asset classified as held for sale

                                                                        Unaudited                    Audited
                                                                     September 30,               December 31,
                                                                             2015                       2014
                                                                         RMB’000                   RMB’000

    Unlisted equity investment in an associate                               80,510                           -

     In the nine-month period ended September 30 ,2015, Autostreets Development Limited
     (“Autostreets”), a former subsidiary of the Group, accepted capital injection from the Group and
     other independent third parties(“Capital Injection”). As the result of the Capital Injection, the
     Group’s equity interest in “Autostreets” decreased from 100% to 38%. The Group lost its control
     over “Autostreets” after the Capital Injection (the “Deemed Disposal”).

     The Group had significant influence over “Autostreet” after the Deemed Disposal as the Group is
     able to appoint certain number of its directors to the board of directors of Autostreet. Its remaining
     equity interest in “Autostreet” was accounted for as investment in an associate until August 28,
     2015. The Group and Orient Rich Investment Development Limited (“Orient Rich”) ,a wholly
     owned subsidiary of the controlling shareholder, entered into a sale and purchase agreement on
     August 28, 2015, pursuant to which the Group has agreed to sell and Orient Rich has agreed to
     purchase the entire issued share capital of Extensive Prosperous Investments Limited at
     consideration of RMB100 million. Extensive Prosperous Investments Limited, a wholly owned
     subsidiary of the Group, held 38% equity interest in “Autostreets”. Upon completion of the
     transaction, the Group will have no equity interest in “Autostreets”. Such transaction was not
     completed as at the report date. The investment was classified as a non-current asset classified as
     held for sale accordingly.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

14. Bank loans and other borrowings

                                     Unaudited                             Audited
                              As at September 30, 2015             As at December 31, 2014
                           Effective                            Effective
                            interest                             interest
                            rate(%)    Maturity RMB’000         rate(%)    Maturity RMB’000

    Bank loans                   6.6    on demand      29,000          6.6   on demand      29,000
                          Libor+2.2     on demand     311,904   Hibor+2.2    on demand     299,433
                          Hibor+2.7     on demand     190,863   Libor+2.7    on demand     184,869
                             5.3-7.0         2016   3,285,648      6.2-6.8        2015     251,292
                                                                Libor+2.2         2015     198,014
                                                                   5.6-6.7        2015   2,962,874

    Current portion of long
     term bank loans        Libor+3.0       2016      12,560          6.8        2015     140,000
                            Libor+3.5       2016     627,970    Libor+3.0        2015      11,901
                            Libor+3.7       2016     951,058    Libor+3.5        2015     917,850

    Other Borrowings             8.5        2016      57,409       7.7-9.1       2015     112,205

                                                    5,466,412                            5,107,438

    Bank loans
                         Libor+3.5          2017    1,517,217   Libor+3.5        2016      302,207
                         Libor+3.7          2018    1,152,649   Libor+3.7        2016    1,028,116
                                                                Libor+3.7        2017    1,290,813
                                                    2,669,866                            2,621,136

                                                    8,136,278                            7,728,574

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

15. Trade and bills payables

                                                                       Unaudited                    Audited
                                                                    September 30,               December 31,
                                                                            2015                       2014
                                                                        RMB’000                   RMB’000

    Trade payables                                                         671,096                        125,299
    Bills payable                                                        3,731,852                      4,752,614

    Trade and bill payables                                              4,402,948                      4,877,913

    An aged analysis of the trade and bills payables as at the end of reporting period is as follows:

                                                                       Unaudited                    Audited
                                                                    September 30,               December 31,
                                                                            2015                       2014
                                                                        RMB’000                   RMB’000

    Within 3 months                                                      4,015,520                      4,784,702
    3 to 6 months                                                          380,164                         82,650
    6 to 12 months                                                           1,369                            930
    Over 12 months                                                           5,895                          9,631

                                                                         4,402,948                      4,877,913

    The trade and bills payables are non-interest-bearing.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

16. Bonds

    As at September 30, 2015, outstanding bonds are summarised as follows:

                                                                             Unaudited           Audited
                                                                Fixed     September 30,      December 31,
                            Face value       Maturity     interest rate           2015              2014
                             USD’000                                         RMB’000          RMB’000

    Bonds                      58,160            2017          5.65%           427,453            396,095

17. Share capital

                                                                                 As at September 30, 2015
                                                                                   and December 31,2014


    Ordinary shares                                                  5,000,000,000 shares of HK$0.01 each

    Issued and fully paid
    Ordinary shares                                                  2,557,311,429 shares of HK$0.01 each

    Equivalent to RMB’000                                                                          20,836

18. Share option scheme

    On April 22, 2013, 13,150,000 share options (the “Option A”) with an exercise price of HK$6.83
    were granted to employees in respect of their service to the Group, under the share option schemes
    adopted by the Company on November 22, 2011 (the “Share Option Scheme”). All share options
    shall vest on a one-off basis on April 23, 2014. Any share option accepted but not exercised shall
    automatically lapse on April 22, 2016.

    On January 10, 2014, 2,000,000 share options (the “Option B”) with an exercise price of HK$6.74
    were granted to employees in respect of their service to the Group, under the Share Option
    Scheme. All share options shall vest on a one-off basis on January 11, 2015. Any share option
    accepted but not exercised shall automatically lapse on January 10, 2017.

    The Option A and Option B were modified with an exercise price of HK$5.724 and a revised
    condition on September 4, 2014, besides, 400,000 new share options (the “Option C”), with an
    exercise price of HK$5.724, were granted on September 4, 2014. All of above options were
    vested on a one-off basis immediately upon acceptance by the relevant grantees, and these share
    options are valid till the earlier of (i) the day on which the relevant grantees cease to be an
    employee of the Company and its subsidiaries, and (ii) September 4, 2016.

    During the nine months ended September 30, 2015, no expense (nine months ended September
    30, 2014: RMB15,745,000) was recognized in the statements of profit or loss for the Share Option
    Scheme, because all of them were fully expensed in September 2014.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

19. Deemed Disposal of subsidiaries

    The Deemed Disposal on January 28, 2015, details refer to note 13.

    The details of the net assets disposed of are as follows:

                                                                                            January 28, 2015

       Net assets disposed of
         Cash and cash equivalents                                                                      1,699
         Property, plant and equipment                                                                 22,869
         Intangible assets                                                                                512
         Deferred tax assets                                                                            5,843
         Prepayments, deposits and other receivables                                                    2,056
         Other payables and accruals                                                                  (47,157)
         Due to related parties                                                                        (3,629)


         Capital injection by the Group*                                                               98,452

         Gain on deemed disposal of subsidiaries(note 4(b))                                            16,016

         Investments in an associate                                                                   96,661

         Satisfied by:
         Cash                                                                                               -

        An analysis of the cash flows of cash and cash equivalents in respect of the Deemed Disposal is
        as follows:

                                                                                              For the nine
                                                                                             months ended
                                                                                        September 30,

         Cash consideration                                                                                 -

         Less: cash and cash equivalents of “Auto streets”disposed of                                (1,699)

         Less: Capital injection by the Group*                                                        (98,452)

         Net outflows of cash and cash equivalents in respect of the
          Deemed Disposal                                                                            (100,151)

        * As the result of the capital injections made by the Group and certain independent third parties
        on January 28, 2015, the Group’s equity interest in “Autostreets” was diluted from 100% to
        38% and the Group lost its control over “Autostreets”. Please see more details about the
        Deemed Disposal of “Autostreets” in note 13.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

20. Commitments

    (a) Capital commitments

        The Group had the following capital commitments at the end of the reporting period:

                                                                    Unaudited                 Audited
                                                                 September 30,            December 31,
                                                                         2015                    2014
                                                                     RMB’000                RMB’000

        Contracted, but not provided for
         land use rights and buildings                                 160,500                 212,500
        Authorised, but not contracted for
         land use rights and buildings                                 250,000                 270,000

                                                                       410,500                 482,500

    (b) Operating lease commitments

        At the end of reporting period, the Group had total future minimum lease payments under
        non-cancellable operating leases falling due as follows:

                                      Unaudited                                Audited
                                At September 30, 2015                    At December 31, 2014
                           Properties     Land      Vehicles        Properties    Land      Vehicles
                            RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000               RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

        Within 1 year          91,890         50,905     8,924         111,742       65,307      9,090
        After 1 year but
         within 5 years      265,516         163,568    35,635         322,807     229,553      35,721
        After 5 years        305,704         534,688    28,211         373,137     523,619      35,666

                             663,110         749,161    72,770         807,686     818,479      80,477

        The Group is the lessee in respect of a number of properties, land and vehicles held under
        operating leases.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

21.   Related party transactions and balances

      (a) Balances with related parties

         The Group had the following significant balances with its related parties as at September 30,

         Amounts due from related parties:

                                                                    Unaudited                   Audited
                                                                 September 30,              December 31,
                                                                         2015                      2014
                                                                     RMB’000                  RMB’000

         Non-trade related:

         A jointly-controlled entity
         - Shenyang Xinbaohang Automobile Sales &
         Services Co., Ltd.                                               40,835                    40,835

         An associate entity
         -Autostreet                                                      10,596                           -

         The Controlling Shareholder
         - Mr. Yang Aihua                                                       -                        228

                                                                          51,431                    41,063

          Balances with related parties were unsecured and non-interest-bearing, and had no
          fixed repayment terms.

      (b) Compensation of key management personnel of the Group:

                                                                   Unaudited                 Unaudited
                                                                  For the nine              For the nine
                                                                 months ended              months ended
                                                            September 30, 2015        September 30, 2014
                                                                    RMB’000                  RMB’000

         Short term employee benefits                                     12,048                    12,014
         Equity-settled share option expense                                   -                     1,730
         Post-employee benefits                                              476                       441

         Total compensation paid to key
          management personnel                                            12,524                    14,185

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

22.   Fair value and fair value hierarchy of financial instruments

      The carrying amounts and fair value of the Group’s financial instruments, other than those with
      carrying amounts that reasonably approximate to fair values, are as follows:

                                                   Carrying amounts             Fair values
                                             September 30, December 31, September 30, December 31,
                                                     2015           2014        2015          2014
                                                 RMB’000      RMB’000     RMB’000       RMB’000

      Financial liabilities
         Bonds                                      427,453         396,095          444,473          418,646

      Management has assessed that the fair values of cash and cash equivalents, cash in transit,
      pledged bank deposits, trade and bills receivables, financial assets included in prepayments,
      deposits and other receivables, amounts due from related parties, trade and bills payables,
      financial liabilities included in other payables and accruals, amounts due to related parties,
      dividends payable and current portion of bank loans and other borrowings approximate to their
      carrying amounts largely due to the short term maturities of these instruments.

      Management has assessed that the fair values of non-current portion of bank loans and other
      borrowings with floating interest rates approximate to their carrying amounts because the interest
      rates are adjusted periodically by reference to the fair market interest rates.

      The Group’s corporate finance team headed by the finance manager is responsible for
      determining the policies and procedures for the fair value measurement of financial instruments.
      The corporate finance team reports directly to the chief financial officer. At each reporting date,
      the corporate finance team analyses the movements in the values of financial instruments and
      determines the major inputs applied in the valuation. The valuation is reviewed and approved by
      the chief financial officer.

      The fair values of the financial assets and liabilities are included at the amount at which the
      instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a
      forced or liquidation sale. The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair

      The fair value of bonds has been calculated by discounting the expected future cash flows using
      rates currently available for instruments with similar terms, credit risk and remaining maturities.
      The Group’s own non-performance risk for bonds as at September 30, 2015 was assessed to be

      The fair values of unlisted available-for-sale equity investments cannot be measured reliably
      because they do not have quoted market prices in an active market and the range of reasonable
      fair value estimates is so significant.

Baoxin Auto Group Limited
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements (continued)
September 30, 2015

22.   Fair value and fair value hierarchy of financial instruments (continued)

      Fair value hierarchy

      The following tables illustrate the fair value measurement hierarchy of the Group’s financial

      Liabilities for which fair values are disclosed:


      As at September 30, 2015

                                                         Fair value measurement using
                                     Quoted prices         Significant       Significant
                                          in active         observable     unobservable
                                           markets               inputs           inputs
                                         (Level 1)            (Level 2)        (Level 3)          Total
                                        RMB’000             RMB’000         RMB’000         RMB’000

      Bonds                                       -                  -         444,473           444,473

      As at December31, 2014

                                                         Fair value measurement using
                                     Quoted prices         Significant       Significant
                                          in active         observable     unobservable
                                           markets               inputs           inputs
                                         (Level 1)            (Level 2)        (Level 3)          Total
                                        RMB’000             RMB’000         RMB’000         RMB’000

      Bonds                                       -                  -         418,646           418,646

23.   Event after the reporting period

      There is no significant subsequent event undertaken by the Company or by the Group after
      September 30, 2015.
