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证券代码:300308            证券简称:中际旭创            公告编号:2024-004




    中际旭创股份有限公司(以下简称“中际旭创”或“公司”)于 2024 年 1 月 17
资金需求,优化公司资产负债结构,加快推进公司国际化战略,CDH Global Paper
Limited(以下简称“CDH”)、Charming Time Holdings Limited(以下简称“Charming
Time”)、Teda Holdings Limited(以下简称“Teda”)以及 Dazzling Dream Holdings
Limited(以下简称“Dazzling Dream”)拟以现金或债转股方式对公司控股孙公司
InnoLight Technology Pte. Limited(以下简称“新加坡旭创”)进行增资,合计认购新
加坡旭创 18,153,846 股普通股,增资价格为 6.50 美元/股。






    3、成立日期:2018 年 09 月 21 日

       5、发行股份:100,000,000 股

       6、注册地址:25 International Business Park, #72/75 German Centre, Singapore




序号              股东名称              股东类型      持股数量         持股比例

 1      苏州旭创科技有限公司            有限公司       80,000,000       80.00%

 2      INFIEVO HOLDING PTE. LTD.       有限公司       20,000,000       20.00%

                 合计                                 100,000,000      100.00%


序号              股东名称              股东类型      持股数量         持股比例

 1      苏州旭创科技有限公司            有限公司       80,000,000      67.7083%

 2      INFIEVO HOLDING PTE. LTD.       有限公司       20,000,000      16.9271%

 3      CDH GLOBAL PAPER LIMITED        有限公司       13,846,154      11.7188%

 4      TEDA HOLDINGS LIMITED           有限公司          3,076,923    2.6042%

 5                                      有限公司           769,231     0.6510%
 6                                      有限公司           461,538     0.3906%

                 合计                                 118,153,846      100.00%

      公司控股孙公司新加坡旭创成立于 2018 年,作为苏州旭创光模块业务的海外经

      (四)财务情况(2023 年 1-9 月未经审计)


           项目             2021 年 12 月 31 日      2022 年 12 月 31 日      2023 年 09 月 30 日

总资产                                  12,392.52                21,519.13                36,314.30

总负债                                    7,258.23               11,431.06                22,125.49

股东权益                                  5,134.29               10,088.07                14,188.81

归 属 于母 公 司 的 净 资
                                          5,134.29               10,088.07                14,188.81

           项目                2021 年 度               2022 年 度              2023 年 1-9 月

营业收入                                11,215.95                20,473.10                21,298.75

营业利润                                     17.62                 1,484.58               1,169.96

净利润                                     -101.63                 1,158.78                 1,059.75

归属于母公司损 益                          -101.63                 1,158.78                 1,059.75



      1、公司名称:CDH Global Paper Limited


      3、成立日期:2008 年 1 月 29 日

      4、注册资本或股本:CDH Global Paper Limited is authorised to issue a maximum of
50,000 shares of one class with a par value of US$1.00 each.

      5、注册地址:Kingston Chambers, PO Box 173,Road Town,Tortola, British Virgin

    7、主要股东/管理人员:CDH Fund VI, L.P.(CDH Investment Advisory Private
Limited 管理的美元基金)。

    8、2023 年 1 月,CDH 向新加坡旭创提供了 10,000.00 万美元的借款,截至公告
日借款余额为 9,000.00 万美元,本次增资 CDH 拟将 9,000.00 万美元的债权全部转换
成新加坡旭创股权。除此之外,CDH 与公司(包括合并报表范围内的子公司)、控股

    (二)Charming Time

    1、公司名称:Charming Time Holdings Limited


    3、成立日期:2022 年 11 月 11 日

    4、注册资本或股本:5 万美元

    5、注册地址:Vistra Corporate Services Centre, Wickhams Cay II, Road Town,
Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands


    7、主要股东/管理人员:Kwok Yin Lai Queenie

    8、2023 年 1 月,Charming Time 向新加坡旭创提供了 300.00 万美元的借款,本
次增资 Charming Time 拟将 300.00 万美元的债权全部转换成新加坡旭创股权。除此
之外,Charming Time 与公司(包括合并报表范围内的子公司)、控股股东、实际控


    1、公司名称:Teda Holdings Limited

     3、成立日期:2008 年 01 月 07 日

     4、注册资本或股本:5 万股

     5、注册地址:Ta Vistra Corporate Services Centre, Wickhams Cya I,l Road Town,
Tortola, VG10, British Virgin Islands.


     7、主要股东/管理人员:Zhu Weiqi,Gao Liangyu

     8、本次增资 Teda 拟出资 2,000.00 万美元认购新加坡旭创股权,Teda 与公司(包

     (四)Dazzling Dream

     1、公司名称:Dazzling Dream Holdings Limited


     3、成立日期:2023 年 03 月 08 日

     4、注册资本或股本:1 美元

     5、住所:Sertus Chambers,P.O. Box 905, Quastisky Building, Road Town, Tortola,
British Virgin Islands


     7、主要股东/管理人员:Liu Hao

     8、本次增资 Dazzling Dream 拟出资 500.00 万美元认购新加坡旭创股权,Dazzling
Dream 与公司(包括合并报表范围内的子公司)、控股股东、实际控制人、董事、监




     2   TRANSACTION 交易

     2.1 Issuance and Subscription. Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, at the
Closing (as defined below), each Investor agrees to, severally and not jointly, subscribe for
and purchase, and the Company hereby agrees to allot and issue to each Investor suc h
number of Ordinary Shares as set forth opposite such Investor’s name on Part I of Exhibit
A attached hereto (the “Purchased Shares” or such Investor’s “Purchased Shares”), at an
aggregate purchase price as set forth opposite such Investor’s name on Part I of Exhibit A
attached hereto (the “Investment Amount” or such Investor’s “Investment Amount”),
provided that such Investment Amount shall be paid in accordance with Section 3.3.

同意认购并购买,且公司特此同意向各投资人发行普通股,具体数量为本协议附件 A
的第 I 部分所示该等投资人名称对应的普通股股数(参见二、公司控股孙公司基本情
况),购买总价为本协议附件 A 第 I 部分所示该等投资人名称对应的金额,但前提是
该等投资价款应当根据第 3.3 条进行支付。

     3   CLOSING 交割

     3.1 Closing. The consummation of the transaction contemplated under Section 2 with
respect to each Investor (each, a “Closing”, and collectively, the “Closings”) shall take
place remotely via the exchange of documents and signatures on a date (the “Closing
Date”) that is no later than ten (10) Business Days after all Closing Conditions (as defined
below) under Section 5.1 and Section 5.2 (except for such Closing Conditions that will be
satisfied at the Closing, but nonetheless subject to the satisfaction or waiver thereof at the
Closing) have been satisfied or waived (or at such other time and place as the Company
and such Investor may mutually agree in writing).

     交割:就每位投资人而言,第 2 条项下拟议交易的完成(单独或合称“交割”)
应当通过远程交换文件和签名的方式,且应当在不晚于第 5.1 条和第 5.2 条项下所有

     3.3 Closing Payment to Company. 向公司交割付款

     (a) At the Closing, CDH shall pay its Investment Amount by wire transfer of
immediately available funds in US$ to an account designated in writing by the Company
(the “Designated Account”); provided that such wire instruction shall be delivered by the
Company to CDH at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing Date ; provided
further that, CDH may offset all or any outstanding principal under the Loan Amount
owed to it by the Company at the Closing (“CDH Offset Amount”) against its Investment
Amount by issuing written notice to the Company at the Closing, specifying CDH Offset
Amount (“CDH Offset Notice”), such that the amount actually payable in cash by CDH on
Closing shall be an amount equivalent to CDH’s Investment Amount, less the CDH Offset
Amount. The Company shall immediately offset and record the CDH Offset Amount as
the Investment Amount of CDH in its books and records upon receipt of the CDH Offset
Notice. The Parties hereby agree and acknowledge that on and subject to Closing, any and
all the interest under the Loan Amount provided by CDH under the Loan Agreement shall
be automatically and irrevocably waived by CDH, and the Company will not be required
to make any payment in respect of such interest.

     于交割时,CDH 应当通过电汇方式以即时可用的美元资金向公司书面指定的银
个工作日向 CDH 交付该等付款通知;并且,CDH 可以在交割时以借款金额项下公
司对其尚未清偿的所有本金(“CDH 抵销价款”)对投资价款予以抵销,为此 CDH
应当在交割时向公司发送书面通知(“CDH 抵销通知”),载明 CDH 抵销价款,因此
CDH 应以 CDH 的投资价款扣除 CDH 抵销价款后的金额作为其在交割时应实际现金
支付的款项。公司应在收到 CDH 抵销通知后立即抵销,并将 CDH 抵销价款在账簿
与记录中记载为 CDH 的投资价款。各方在此同意并认可,在交割时并受限于交割发
生,借款协议项下 CDH 提供的借款金额对应的所有利息应自动且不可撤销地被 CDH
     (b) At the Closing, Charming Time shall pay its Investment Amount by wire transfer
of immediately available funds in US$ to the Designated Account notified by the
Company to Charming Time; provided that such wire instruction shall be delivered by the
Company to Charming Time at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing Date;
provided further that, Charming Time may offset all or any outstanding principal under the
Loan Amount owed to it by the Company at the Closing (“Charming Time Offset
Amount”, together with CDH Offset Amount, the “Offset Amount” or such Investor’s
“Offset Amount”) against its Investment Amount by issuing written notice to the Company
at the Closing, specifying Charming Time Offset Amount (“Charming Time Offset Notice,
together with CDH Offset Notice, “Investor Offset Notice” or such Investor’s “Offset
Notice”), such that the amount actually payable in cash by Charming Time on Closing
shall be an amount equivalent to Charming Time’s Investment Amount, less the Charming
Time Offset Amount. The Company shall immediately offset and record the Charming
Time Offset Amount as the Investment Amount of Charming Time in its books and
records upon receipt of the Charming Time Offset Notice. The Parties hereby agree and
acknowledge that on and subject to Closing, any and all the interest under the Loa n
Amount provided by Charming Time under the Loan Agreement shall be automatically
and irrevocably waived by Charming Time, and the Company will not be required to make
any payment in respect of such interest.

     于交割时,Charming Time 应当通过电汇方式以即时可用的美元资金向公司向
Charming Time 告知的指定账户支付投资价款;但是,公司应当在交割日前至少提前
五(5)个工作日向 Charming Time 交付该等付款通知;并且,Charming Time 可以在
Charming Time 应当在交割时向公司发送书面通知,载明 Charming Time 抵销价款,
因此 Charming Time 应以 Charming Time 的投资价款扣除 Charming Time 抵销价款后
的金额作为其在交割时应实际现金支付的款项。公司应在收到 Charming Time 抵销通
知后立即抵销,并将 Charming Time 抵销价款在账簿与记录中记载为 Charming Time
Charming Time 提供的借款金额对应的所有利息应自动且不可撤销地被 Charming
Time 免除,公司无需就该等利息支付任何款项。

     (c) At the Closing, Teda shall pay its Investment Amount by wire transfer of
immediately available funds in US$ to the Designated Account notified by the Company
to Teda Holdings Limited; provided that such wire instruction shall be delivered by the
Company to Teda Holdings Limited at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing

     交割时,Teda 应通过电汇以立即可用资金(美元)将其投资金额支付到公司向
Teda 通知的指定账户;但该电汇指令应由公司在交割日前至少五(5)个工作日送达

     (d) At the Closing, Dazzling Dream shall pay its Investment Amount by wire transfer
of immediately available funds in US$ to the Designated Account notified by the
Company to Dazzling Dream Holdings Limited; provided that such wire instruction shall
be delivered by the Company to Dazzling Dream Holdings Limited at least five (5)
Business Days prior to the Closing Date;

     交割时,Dazzling Dream 应通过电汇以立即可用资金(美元)将其投资金额支付
到公司向 Dazzling Dream 通知的指定账户;但该电汇指令应由公司在交割日前至少
五(5)个工作日送达 Dazzling Dream;


     4.1 Representations and Warranties of Covenantors. Each of the Companies Parties
(collectively, the “Covenantors”) hereby, severally and jointly, represents and warrants to
each of the Investors that each of the statements contained in Exhibit D attached hereto
(the “Covenantors Representations and Warranties”) is true, correct, complete and not
misleading as of the Signing Date and will be true, correct, complete and not misleading
as of the Closing Date.

本协议附件 D 中包含的各陈述截至签署日与交割日均真实、正确、完整且不具有误
     4.2 Representations and Warranties of each Investor. Each Investor hereby, severally
(and not jointly and severally, or jointly), and with respect to itself only, represents and
warrants to the Company Parties that the representations and warranties set forth in this
Section 4.2 (the “Investor Representations and Warranties”) are true and correct as of the
Signing Date and will be true and correct as of the Closing Date:

公司方陈述并保证,其在本第 4.2 条作出的陈述与保证截至签署日及交割日均真实、

     (i) Organization, Good Standing and Qualification. Such Investor is duly
incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the jurisdiction
where it incorporated and is duly qualified to do business in such jurisdictions where such
qualification is necessary according to the Laws in such jurisdiction.


     (ii) Share Structure. Such Investor is not directly or indirectly controlled by any
Person who is a PRC citizen or who is registered in the PRC.


     (iii)Qualifications. Such Investor has all requisite power and authority to execute and
deliver this Agreement and other Transaction Documents to which it is a party, and to
perform its obligations hereunder and thereunder. Each Transaction Document to which it
is a party is or will, when executed and delivered by such Investor, constitute valid and
legally binding obligations of such Investor, enforceable against such Investor in
accordance with its terms.


      (iv)    Purchase for Own Account. Such Investor is, or will be acquiring its
Purchased Shares for its own account or the account of its Affiliates, not as a nominee or
agent, and not with a view to or in connection with the sale or distribution of any part
thereof, and such Investor has no present intention of selling, granting any participation in,
or otherwise distributing the same immediately after the Closing.



     5.1 Closing Conditions to Investors’ Obligations at Closing. The obligations of each
Investor to consummate its obligations at Closing under Section 3.3 are subject to the
satisfaction, or waiver by such Investor, of each of the following conditions (collectively,
the “Closing Conditions to the Investors’ Obligations at Closing”):

     投资人在交割时履行义务的交割条件:各投资人在交割时履行其在第 3.3 条项下

     (i) Representations and Warranties. The Covenantors Representations and Warranties
shall be true, correct, complete and not misleading as of the Signing Date and as of the
Closing Date, with the same force and effect as if they were made on and as of such date
(except in either case for those representations and warranties that address matters only as
of a particular date, which representations will have been true and complete as of suc h
particular date).


     (ii) Performance of Obligations. Each Covenantor shall have performed and
complied with all agreements, obligations and conditions under the Transaction
Documents that are required to be performed or complied with by it on or before the


     (iii)Proceedings and Documents. All necessary corporate approvals and other
corporate proceedings of the Listed Company (if applicable), the Controlling Shareholder
and the Company in connection with the transactions contemplated under this Agreement
and the other Transaction Documents and all documents and instruments incidental to
such transactions shall have been completed.


     (iv)Approvals. All Consents of any competent Governmental Authority or any Person
(if any) which are required to be obtained by the Company Parties before or on the
Closing in connection with the consummation of the transactions contemplated under this
Agreement and the other Transaction Documents shall have been duly obtained prior to or
on the Closing.


     (v) Amended Constitution. The Amended Constitution shall have been duly adopted
by all necessary action of the Board and the members of the Company and shall have been
duly filed with ACRA, and such adoption shall have become effective prior to or as of the
Closing with no alternation or amendment as of the Closing.

正式批准,并且已正式向 ACRA 备案。该等批准于交割前已生效且截至交割时为生

      (viii) No Material Adverse Effect. There shall have been no event or events which
would have a Material Adverse Effect on the Group Companies taken as a whole since the
Signing Date.


     9   MISCELLANEOUS 其他规定

     9.1 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed exclusively
in accordance with the Laws of Hong Kong without giving effect to any choice of law rule
that would cause the application of the Laws of any jurisdiction other than the internal
Laws of Hong Kong to the rights and duties of the Parties hereunder.


     9.2 Dispute Resolution. 争议解决

     (i) Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of, in connection with or relating to
this Agreement, including the interpretation, validity, invalidity, breach or termination
thereof, shall be settled by arbitration.


     (ii) The arbitration shall be conducted in Hong Kong by Hong Kong International
Arbitration Centre under the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Administered
Arbitration Rules in force when the notice of arbitration is submitted in accordance with
the said rules. The arbitration tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators. The
complainant and the respondent shall each select one (1) arbitrator. The appointment of the
third arbitrator shall be mutually agreed upon by the two sides of the dispute. The
arbitration shall be conducted in Chinese.


     9.9 Fees and Expenses. Each Party shall bear all of its own costs and expenses
incurred in connection with the negotiation, execution, delivery and performance of this
Agreement and other Transaction Documents and the transactions contemplated hereby
and thereby.


     9.11      Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the other Transaction Documents
constitute the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and
thereof and supersede all prior agreements and undertakings, both written and oral, among
the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof.


     9.12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts,
each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one
and the same instrument. Facsimile and e-mailed copies of signatures shall be deemed to
be originals for purposes of the effectiveness of this Agreement.


     9.14 Effectiveness. Upon duly execution of this Agreement by all the Parties herein
and subject to the completion of the applicable approval procedures of the Listed
Company, this Agreement shall immediately effective and binding among all the Parties.


     9.16 Language. This Agreement is executed in English and Chinese. In the event of
any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall




     2.1 Board of Directors. 董事会

     (i) Board Composition. On and after the Closing, the Company shall have a board of
directors (the “Board”) consisting of no more than four (4) directors. The Board shall be
constituted as follows:


     (a) So long as CDH holds 6,923,077 Shares (being 50% of the Purchased Shares
subscribed by CDH pursuant to the Share Subscription Agreement), as adjusted for share
splits, consolidations, dividends, recapitalizations and other similar transactions, it shall
have the right to appoint and remove one (1) director of the Board (the “Investor
Director”); and

     只要 CDH 持有 6,923,077 股股份(对应 CDH 根据股份认购协议认购的认购股份
的 50%),该等股数应根据拆股、并股、分红、资本重组及其他类似交易调整,CDH

     (b) the Controlling Shareholder shall be entitled to appoint and remove three (3)
directors of the Board (the “Ordinary Directors”).


     2.2 Protective Provisions.保护性规定

     (i) Approval by Shareholders/Board. Except as otherwise required by the Applicable
Laws and except as provided in Section 2.2(ii), the proposals or items subject to approval
by the Shareholders and the Board shall be approved or resolved by a simple majority o f
the Shareholders or the directors, as applicable (for the avoidance of doubt, a simple
majority of the Shareholders shall mean the Shareholders holding more than fifty percent
(50%) voting rights of total Ordinary Shares of the Company (on a fully-diluted and
as-converted basis) and a simple majority of the directors shall mean more than fifty
percent (50%) of the directors).

     股东/董事会批准:除适用法律另有规定及本协议第 2.2(ii)条另有约定外,受限

     (ii) Significant Events. In addition to any other vote or consent required in this
Agreement, the Amended Constitution or by any Applicable Law, each of the Covenantors
shall procure each Group Company not to, directly or indirectly, take any of the actions
listed in Exhibit C attached hereto (the “Significant Events”) without the prior written
consent of the Majority Purchased Shares Holders and/or Investor Director (if applicable);
provided that, if any adjustment or actions shall be made or taken as required by A-share
listing related Laws, regulation or practice, the “Significant Events” shall be adjusted
accordingly. In addition, where any Significant Event requires the approval of the general
meeting or the board of directors of the Listed Company in accordance with the articles of
association of the Listed Company or the Applicable Laws, such Significant Event shall be
further determined by the shareholders or the board of directors of the Listed Company in
accordance with the articles of association of the Listed Company or the Applicable Laws.

事(如适用)事先书面同意的情况下,直接或间接采取本协议附件 C 中所列的任何
行动;但是,如果 A 股上市相关法律、法规或惯例要求作出或采取任何调整或行动
     (1) any provision of guarantee by the Company to any Person in excess of twenty
percent (20%) of the net assets of the Company stated in the audited financial statements
for the latest period or US$15,000,000 (whichever is lower), excluding the provision of
guarantee in favor of the Company or its Subsidiaries in the ordinary course of business;

净资产的 20%或 15,000,000 美元(以孰低为准),但在正常经营过程中为公司或其子

     (2) any investment involving an amount in excess of twenty percent (20%) of the net
assets of the Company stated in the audited financial statements for the latest period or
US$15,000,000 (such amount shall be reviewed and renewed by the Company and the
Majority Purchased Shares Holders biennially) (whichever is greater), beyond the
approved annual budget of the Company;

所载净资产的 20%或 15,000,000 美元(该等金额应由公司和多数认购股份持有人每

     (3) any approval, adjustment or amendment of any transaction between a Group
Company and any of its Affiliate whose amount individually or in aggregate in one fiscal
year is in excess of ten percent (10%) of the net assets of the Company stated in the
audited financial statements for the latest period or US$15,000,000 (whichever is lower),
excluding those transactions occurred in the ordinary course of business;

个财政年度内单独或合计金额超过公司最近一期经审计财务报表所载净资产的 10%
或 15,000,000 美元(以孰低为准),但在正常经营过程中发生的交易除外;

     (4) any provision of guarantee by the Company in favor of the Shareholders, the
Listed Company, actual controller or their Affiliates;

     5   ANTI-DILUTION 反稀释

     In the event of an issuance of New Shares at any time after the Closing, for a
consideration per New Share (on a fully diluted and as converted basis) received by the
Company less than the applicable Purchase Price of any Investor in effect immediately
prior to such issuance (“Down Round Issuance”), then the applicable Purchase Price of
such Investor shall be reduced, before such issuance, to a price determined in accordance
with the following formula:


     NPP=PP * (OS + (NP / PP)) / (OS + NS)


     NPP = the new applicable Purchase Price of any Investor,

     NPP =任何投资人的新的适用认购价格,

     PP = the applicable Purchase Price of any Investor in effect immediately before the
issuance of the New Shares,

     PP =紧邻新股发行前任何投资人适用的有效认购价格,

     OS = the total outstanding Ordinary Shares immediately before the issuance of New
Shares plus the total Ordinary Shares issuable upon conversion or exchange of all the
outstanding preferred shares, convertible securities and exercise of outstanding options,

     OS =紧邻新股发行前发行在外的普通股总数,加所有发行在外的优先股、可转

     NP = the total consideration received for the issuance or sale of the New Shares, and

     NP =发行或出售新股所获得的总对价,及

     NS = the number of New Shares issued or sold.
     NS =已发行或出售的新股数量。

     In the event of any Down Round Issuance, the Company shall issue additional
Ordinary Shares to such Investor at nil consideration or at the lowest price allowed by the
Applicable Laws (“Adjustment Issuance”) so that upon such Adjustment Issuance, the
total number of the Shares held by such Investor shall be equal to the quotient of its
Investment Amount divided by the new applicable Purchase Price.


     6   QIPO

     6.1 For the purpose of this Agreement, the “QIPO” shall mean any of the following
events as agreed by the Company and the Majority Purchased Shares Holders:


     (i) Conversion 转换

     Unless the Shares held by the Investors have been converted to the tradable shares of
a listed entity registered on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, Singapore Exchange, New
York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ or other mature and high-liquidity stock exchange
recognized by the Majority Purchased Shares Holders in the following manners to the
satisfaction of such Investor, the Management Holdco shall not and the Covenantors shall
procure the Management Personnel not to convert the Shares of the Company directly or
indirectly held by him/her to the tradable shares of any listed entity:


     (a) the Listed Company acquires the Shares of the Company through issuance of
shares for purchase of assets, with the pricing for each Share held by such Investor no less
than the Fair Value;


     (b) after the Listed Company realizes a dual listing IPO of both A-shares and on the
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, Singapore Exchange, New York Stock Exchange,
NASDAQ or other mature and high-liquidity stock exchange recognized by the Majority
Purchased Shares Holders, the Listed Company acquires the Shares of the Company
through share swap transaction, with the pricing for each Share held by such Investor no
less than the Fair Value; or

     上市公司实现 A 股和香港联合交易所、新加坡交易所、纽约证券交易所、纳斯

     (c) the Company achieves the similar effect in any other feasible manner to the
satisfaction of the Majority Purchased Shares Holders.


     For the purpose of this Section 6.1(i), “Fair Value” means a fair, reasonable, and
comparatively high price allowed under the market environment and the Applicable Laws,
which has been achieved through the friendly consultation among the Company and the
Majority Purchased Shares Holders with their reasonable efforts.

     为本第 6.1(i)条之目的,“公允价格”系指经公司与多数认购股份持有人尽其合

     (ii) Independent IPO

     The Company completes the closing of a firm commitment underwritten public
offering of Ordinary Shares of the Company, where such Ordinary Shares are listed on the
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, Singapore Exchange, New York Stock Exchange,
NASDAQ or other stock exchange as otherwise agreed by the Company and the Majority
Purchased Shares Holders.


     If the offering price per Share of the Company (“IPO Price”) (on a fully-diluted and
as-converted basis) is less than the price (the “Qualified Price”) that is equal to the
Purchase Price plus an interest calculated at a compound internal rate of return of four
percent (4%) per annum on the Purchase Price, from the Borrowing Date and up to the
date of QIPO, the Company and the Controlling Shareholder shall be liable for
compensation in accordance with Section 6.2 hereof.

借款日起至 QIPO 日止按认购价格每年百分之四(4%)的复合内部收益率计算的利
息之和的价格(“合格价格”),公司和控股股东应当根据本协议第 6.2 条的约定承担

     (iii)the Company achieves the similar effect in any other feasible manner.


     For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise agreed by the Majority Purchased
Shares Holders, the QIPO shall not include listing on the National Equities Exchange and
Quotations, Beijing Stock Exchange and National Quotation Bureau of NASDAQ.

     为免疑义,除非多数认购股份持有人另有约定,QIPO 不包括在全国中小企业股

     6.2 Compensation. 赔偿

     If the pricing for each Share held by such Investor under Section 6.1(i) or the IPO
Price under Section 6.1(ii) is less than the Qualified Price of such Investor, the Company,
the Controlling Shareholder shall be liable to pay the shortfall caused by the difference
between the pricing for each Share held by such Investor/IPO Price of such Investor and
the Qualified Price, to such Investor by shares (at nil consideration) or in cash (“Agreed
Compensation”); provided however that, the Company, the Controlling Shareholder shall
not be liable for the Agreed Compensation in the following circumstances: (a) the actual
sales price at which such Investor sells the tradable shares held by it in the listed entity is
higher than the Qualified Price; (b) when the share price of the listed entity is higher tha n
the Qualified Price at any time after the expiry of lock up period applicable to such
Investor, such Investor elects not to sell all of the shares it held; or (c) the pricing for each
Share held by such Investor/IPO Price is higher than the Qualified Price.

     如果该等投资人根据第 6.1(i)条持有的每股股份的定价或第 6.1(ii)条规定的首次
在下列情况下,公司、控股股东不承担约定赔偿责任:(a) 该等投资人出售其在上市
实体中持有的流通股的实际出售价格高于合格价格;(b) 当上市实体的股价在适用于
有的所有股份;或(c) 该等投资人持有的每股股份的定价/首次公开募股价格高于合

     In the event that the Company and the Controlling Shareholder fail to pay the Agreed
Compensation, the Investors shall have the right to seek the Agreed Compensation from
the Listed Company.


     7   REDEMPTION 赎回权

     7.1 Redemption Events. 赎回事件

     Subject to provisions of Applicable Laws, the Amended Constitution and this
Agreement and upon the occurrence of any of the following events (the “Redemption
Events”), the Redemption Obligor (as defined in Section 7.4 below) shall, at the written
request (the “Redemption Notice”) of any Investor (the “Redeeming Investor”), redeem all
of the Purchased Shares (the “Redeeming Purchased Shares”) held by such Investor, with
payment of the Redemption Price (as defined in Section 7.2 below) within ninety (90)
Business Days or on a date as agreed by the Redemption Obligor and such Investor in
good faith (the “Redemption Obligor’s Payment Date”):


     (i) at any time after the fifth (5th) anniversary of the Borrowing Date if a QIPO has
not been completed; provided however that, such term shall be automatically extended by
twelve (12) months commencing on the date of Submittal of Application, only if such date
of Submittal of Application occurs before the fifth (5th) anniversary of the Borrowing

     如果 QIPO 未完成,则自借款日起的五周年后的任何时间;但是,如果在自借款

     For the purpose of this Section 7.1, “Submittal of Application” means: (a) with
respect to the QIPO in Section 6.1(i)(a), the Listed Company has submitted the application
to China Securities Regulatory Commission or other competent department of stoc k
exchange for issuance of shares for purchase of assets; (b) with respect to the QIPO in
Section 6.1(i)(b), the Listed Company has submitted the application to the relevant
department of stock exchange for share transaction; and (c) with respect to the QIPO in
Section 6.1(ii), the Company has submitted the application for IPO to the relevant
department of stock exchange;

     为本第 7.1 条之目的,“提交申请”是指:(a) 就第 6.1(i)(a)条中的 QIPO,上市
资产的申请;(b) 就第 6.1(i)(b)条中的 QIPO,上市公司已向证券交易所相关部门提交
了股份交易申请;及(c) 就第 6.1(ii)条中的 QIPO,公司已向证券交易所相关部门提
     (ii) if, due to change of Laws or regulatory policies or any disputes among the
shareholders of the Listed Company, the expanding plan for the overseas business of the
Company has been forced to terminate or there is a significant discrepancy between the
expanding plan and the business plan delivered to such Investor at its Closing, as a result
of which the valuation of the Company and the Shares held by such Investor has suffered a
significant loss;


     (iii)the Company shall, upon the request of CDH after the third (3rd) anniversary but
before the fifth (5th) anniversary of the Borrowing Date, engage professionals, such as
sponsors, lawyers and auditors, recognized by the Company and CDH (the “Professionals”)
to carry out a full assessment on the feasibility of the QIPO; provided that CDH ma y
request for such assessment in writing only once in the above-mentioned term.          If the
Professionals reach a unanimous conclusion, confirming the feasibility of the QIPO after
the assessment but the Company elects not to make the Submittal of Application before
the fifth (5th) anniversary of the Borrowing Date; or

     在收到 CDH 于借款日的第三周年后第五周年前发出的请求后,公司应当聘请公
司及 CDH 认可的专业人士,例如保荐人、律师及审计师,对 QIPO 可行性开展全面
评估;但是,CDH 仅可在上述期限内书面申请一次该等评估。如果专家在评估后达
成一致结论,确认 QIPO 的可行性,但公司选择在借款日的第五周年前不进行提交申

      (iv) any Change of Control occurs.


     7.2 Redemption Price. 赎回价款

     (i) Under Sections 7.1(i) and 7.1(ii), the redemption price (the “Redemption Price I”)
for each outstanding Purchased Share shall be an amount equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of the Purchase Price plus an interest calculated at a compound internal rate of
return of four percent (4%) per annum on the Purchase Price, from the Borrowing Date
and up to the date of Redemption Notice, proportionally adjusted for share split, share
division, share combination, share dividend, reorganization, mergers, consolidations,
reclassifications, exchanges, substitutions, recapitalization or similar events.

     针对第 7.1(i)条与第 7.1(ii)条,每股发行在外的认购股份的赎回价款应等于认购
价格的 100%加自借款日起至赎回通知出具日止按认购价格每年 4%的复合内部收益

     (ii) Under Sections 7.1(iii) and 7.1(iv), the redemption price (the “Redemption Price
II”, together with the Redemption Price I, the “Redemption Price”) for each outstanding
Purchased Share shall be an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Purchase
Price plus an interest calculated at a compound internal rate of return of ten percent (10%)
per annum on the Purchase Price, from the Borrowing Date and up to the date of
Redemption Notice, proportionally adjusted for share split, share division, share
combination, share dividend, reorganization, mergers, consolidations, reclassifications,
exchanges, substitutions, recapitalization or similar events.

     针对第 7.1(iii)条与第 7.1(iv)条,每股发行在外的认购股份的赎回价款应等于认
购价格的 100%加自借款日起至赎回通知出具日止按认购价格 10%的复合内部收益

     7.4 Redemption Obligor. 赎回义务人

     (i) Under Sections 7.1(i), (ii) and (iii),

     对于第 7.1(i)条、第 7.1(ii)条及第 7.1(iii)条的情形,

     (a) The Redemption Obligor shall be the Company;


     (b) In the event that the Company fails to pay the Redemption Price prior to or on the
Redemption Obligor’s Payment Date, the Investor shall have a put option to sell to the
Controlling Shareholder all or any portion of the Redeeming Purchased Shares which have
not been redeemed by the Company at the per share price equal to the applicable
Redemption Price, and the Controlling Shareholder shall purchase all of the Redeeming
Purchased Shares which have not been redeemed by the Company within ninety (90)
Business Days after receipt of such request of the Redeeming Investor or on a date as
agreed by the Controlling Shareholder and such Redeeming Investor in good faith (the
“Controlling Shareholder’s Payment Date”); or


     (c) In the event that the Controlling Shareholder fails to pay the Redemption Price
prior to or on the Controlling Shareholder’s Payment Date, the Investor shall have a put
option to sell to the Listed Company all or any portion of the Redeeming Purchased
Shares which have not been redeemed/purchased by the Company and/or the Controlling
Shareholder at the per share price equal to the applicable Redemption Price, and the Listed
Company shall purchase all of the Redeeming Purchased Shares (for the avoidance of
doubt, the Listed Company may designate any Person, including the Company or the
Controlling Shareholder, to redeem/purchase all of the Redeeming Purchased Shares)
which have not been redeemed/purchased by the Company and/or the Controlling
Shareholder within ninety (90) Business Days after receipt of such request of t he
Redeeming Investor or on a date as agreed by the Listed Company and such Redeeming
Investor in good faith (the “Listed Company’s Redemption”).


     (d) For the avoidance of doubt, the Company’s and/or the Controlling Shareholder’s
failure to pay the Redemption Price prior to or on the Redemption Obligor’s Payment Date
and/or the Controlling Shareholder’s Payment Date (as applicable) shall not be deemed as
any Breach under Section 12 as long as the Listed Company’s Redemption is fulfilled.

其不得被视为第 12 条项下的任何违约。

     (ii) Under Section 7.1(iv), the Company shall procure the then actual controller of the
Company to purchase all of the Redeeming Purchased Shares, in which event such actual
controller shall be deemed as the Redemption Obligor.

     对于第 7.1(iv)条的情形,公司应促使届时公司实际控制人购买全部赎回认购股


     8.1 Liquidation Event.清算事件

     In a Liquidation Event, all assets and funds of the Company legally available for
distribution to the Shareholders shall, by reason of the Shareholders’ ownership of the
Shares, be distributed as follows:


     (i) Prior and in preference to any distribution of any of the assets or funds of the
Company to any holders of the Ordinary Shares other than the Investors, each Investor
shall be entitled to receive for each outstanding Share it holds, an amount equal to the
higher of (a) the fair market price of such Share held by it or (b) the product of one
hundred percent (100%) of the Purchase Price plus an interest calculated at a compound
internal rate of return of (x) four percent (4%) per annum on the Purchase Price in the
event of Liquidation Event under Section 8.1 and Trade Sale under Section 8.2 or (y) te n
percent (10%) per annum on the Purchase Price in the event of COC Transfer under
Section 8.3, calculating from the Borrowing Date (the “Investor Preference Amount”);
provided that, if the Company’s assets and funds are insufficient for the full payment of
the aggregate Investor Preference Amount with respect to all the Purchased Shares, the n
the entire assets and funds of the Company legally available for distribution shall be
distributed ratably among the Investors in proportion to the aggregate Investor Preference
Amount each such Investor is otherwise entitled to receive pursuant to this Section 8.1(i).

的较高者:(a) 其持有的该等股份的公允市场价格,或(b) 认购价格 100%加(x) 在发
生第 8.1 条约定的清算事件及第 8.2 条约定的出售事件的情况下,自借款日起按认购
价格每年 4%或(y) 在发生第 8.3 条约定的控制权变更转让的情况下,自借款日起按
认购价格每年 10%的复合内部收益率计算的利息;但是,如果公司的资产和资金不
的全部资产和资金应按投资人根据本第 8.1(i)条有权获得的投资人优先金额的占比在

     (ii) After distribution or payment in full of the Investor Preference Amount pursuant
to Section 8.1(i), the remaining assets and funds of the Company legally available for
distribution to the Shareholders shall be distributed ratably among the holders of Ordinary
Shares other than the Investors (calculated on a fully-diluted and as-converted basis,
“Remaining Original Shares Holders”) held by them immediately prior to the occurrence
of any Liquidation Event. Each Remaining Original Shares Holder shall be entitled to
receive for each outstanding Share it holds, an a mount equal to the Investor Preference
Amount (“Original Shares Holders Preference Amount”); provided that, if the remaining
assets and funds of the Company are insufficient for the full payment of Original Shares
Holders Preference Amount, then the remaining assets and funds of the Company shall be
distributed ratably among the Remaining Original Shares Holders in proportion to the
aggregate Original Shares Holders Preference Amount each such Remaining Original
Shares Holder is otherwise entitled to receive pursuant to Section 8.1(ii).

     在根据第 8.1(i)条全额分配或支付投资人优先金额后,公司合法可分配给股东的
先金额,则公司的剩余资产和资金应按每一该等其余原始股份持有人根据第 8.1(ii)

     (iii)After distribution or payment in full of the Original Shares Holders Preference
Amount pursuant to Section 8.1(ii), the remaining assets and funds of the Company
legally available for distribution to the Shareholders shall be distributed ratably among the
holders of Ordinary Shares (calculated on a fully-diluted and as-converted basis) held by
them immediately prior to the occurrence of any Liquidation Event.

     在根据第 8.1(ii)条全额分配或支付原始股份持有人优先金额后,公司合法可分配

     8.2 Trade Sale. 出售事件

     Unless waived in writing by the Majority Purchased Shares Holders, a Trade Sale
shall be deemed to be a Liquidation Event of the Company for purposes of this Section 8.2,
and any proceeds, whether in cash or properties and whether obtained by the Company or
any Shareholder, resulting from a Trade Sale shall be distributed in accordance with the
terms of Section 8.1.

     除非多数认购股份持有人书面豁免,否则为本第 8.2 条之目的,出售事件应视为
任何股东获得的,均应根据第 8.1 条的条款进行分配。

     8.3 Change of Control.控制权变更

     Unless waived in writing by the Majority Purchased Shares Holders, the COC
Transfer shall be deemed to be a Liquidation Event of the Company for purpose of this
Section 8.3, and any proceeds whether in cash or properties obtained by any shareholder,
resulting from a COC Transfer shall be distributed in accordance with the terms of Section

       除非多数认购股份持有人以书面形式放弃,否则为本第 8.3 条之目的,控制权变
无论是现金还是财产,均应根据第 8.1 条的条款进行分配。


       10.1 Conflicts. In the event of any conflict between the rights and privileges held by
the Investor and the Laws and regulatory policies applicable to the Listed Company, the
Laws and regulatory policies applicable to the Listed Company shall prevail, in which
circumstance the Parties shall use best efforts to negotiate, in good faith, a substitute, valid
and enforceable provision or agreement which realize rights and privileges of the
Investors to the maximum extent on the premise that the Parties shall be in compliance
with the Applicable Laws and regulatory policies.


       10.2 Termination of Investors’ Rights. Subject to other provisions of this Agreement,
this Agreement and all rights and privileges contained herein shall terminate upon the
consummation of a QIPO; provided that, in the event that the Company’s application for
QIPO has been withdrawn, invalid or rejected, the Covenantors shall take all such actions
as necessary or desirable to restore all the rights and privileges of the Investors contained
herein. If for the purpose of a QIPO, the rights and privileges of the Investors are required
or advised by counsels to be terminated in advance, the Parties shall negotiate, in good
faith, to achieve a settlement according to the requirement of QIPO.

利和特权应在 QIPO 完成时终止;但是,如果公司 QIPO 申请被撤回、无效或被驳回,
如果出于 QIPO 目的,顾问要求或建议提前终止投资人的权利和特权,各方应进行善

     10.3 Restriction on Investment. Each Investor hereby, severally but not jointly agrees,
undertakes and covenants to the Company Parties that, as long as it holds any share in the
Company and within two (2) years after the date on which it transfers all the Shares held
by it in the Company, without the prior written consent by the Controlling Shareholder,
CDH Fund VI, L.P., Xiamen Dinghui Jingchun Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
Partnership) and Xiamen Dinghui Jingrun Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
Partnership) and any subsequent fund of such funds shall not directly or indirectly
participate in the establishment of or the investment in any entity which engages in
business of optical communication module or participate or hold any interest in such entity
in any other manner.

股股东的事先书面同意,CDH Fund VI, L.P.、厦门鼎晖景淳股权投资合伙企业(有限

     10.4 ESOP. The Company shall adopt an officer and employee share option plan
(“Share Option Plan”), according to which the Company may grant options to the officers
and employees corresponding to no more than 5% of the share capital of the Company
after the Closing (on fully-diluted and as-converted basis) on the premise of compliance
and satisfaction of performance commitments. The Share Option Plan shall be adopted in
accordance with the Transaction Documents, upon the consent of the Majority Purchased
Shares Holders in accordance with Section 2.2 and the completion of the procedures
required by the Listed Company (if applicable).

不超过公司股本 5%的期权(在完全摊薄和视同转换的基础上)。股份期权计划应根
据交易文件的规定,在多数认购股份持有人根据第 2.2 条的规定给予同意,并完成上

     13 MISCELLANEOUS 其他规定

     13.1 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed exclusively
in accordance with the Laws of Hong Kong without giving effect to any choice of law rule
that would cause the application of the Laws of any jurisdiction other than the internal
Laws of Hong Kong to the rights and duties of the Parties hereunder.


     13.2 Dispute Resolution. 争议解决

     (i) Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of, in connection with or relating to
this Agreement, including the interpretation, validity, invalidity, breach or termination
thereof, shall be settled by arbitration.


     (ii) The arbitration shall be conducted in Hong Kong by Hong Kong International
Arbitration Centre under the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Administered
Arbitration Rules in force when the notice of arbitration is submitted in accordance with
the said rules. The arbitration tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators. The
complainant and the respondent shall each select one (1) arbitrator. The appointment of the
third arbitrator shall be mutually agreed upon by the two sides of the dispute. The
arbitration shall be conducted in Chinese.

     13.8 Entire Agreement. This Agreement and other Transaction Documents constitute
the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede
all agreements and undertakings dated prior to the Signing Date, both written and oral,
among the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof.


     13.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts,
each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one
and the same instrument. Facsimile and e-mailed copies of signatures shall be deemed to
be originals for purposes of the effectiveness of this Agreement.


     13.14 Effectiveness and Termination. 有效性与终止

     (i) Other than Sections 11 (Confidentiality and Non-disclosure) and Section 12
(Miscellaneous), which shall become effective and binding upon all Parties hereto
immediately upon execution and delivery of this Agreement by each Party, this Agreement
shall become effective and the effectiveness of the provisions shall be conditional upon
occurrence of the Closing with respect to each Investor. Simultaneously with the Closing
with respect to any Investor, this entire Agreement shall be effective and the provisions
contained herein shall be binding upon all such Investor and all the other Parties (except
any other Investor the Closing with respect to which has not occurred).


     (ii) With respect to any Investor, this Agreement shall automatically terminate
between such Investor and the other Parties if the Share Subscription Agreement
applicable to such Investor is terminated in accordance with its terms. This Agreement
shall terminate with respect to any Investor when such Investor no longer beneficially
owns any Share of the Company; provided that such termination shall not relieve any
Party of liability for breach of this Agreement prior thereto.


     13.15 Language. This Agreement is executed in English and Chinese. In the event of
any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall














                                              2024 年 01 月 18 日