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						                        Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.
      Independent Opinion on the Replacement of a

Pursuant to the Company Law of the PRC, Guidelines for Establishing the System of
Independent Directors for Listed Companies and other relevant laws, regulations and
rules as well as Articles of Associations (AoA) of the Company, we, as independent
directors of the Company, give the following independent opinion on the replacement
of a director:

1. The nomination procedure for a director of the 8th session of the Board of the
Directors complies with the Company Law and AoA of the Company and is lawful
and valid.

2. After reviewing the profile of the nominee, we don’t find there is any situation that
prohibits Mr. Ning Gaoning from being a director of the Company as stipulated in the
Company Law and AoA of the Company. Mr. Ning Gaoning was not penalized by
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and not reprimanded by Stock
Exchange. He is not under investigation by judiciary departments for suspicion of
committing crimes or by CSRC for violating laws and regulations. Nor is he a
discreditable person subject to enforcement. We are of the opinion that Mr. Ning
Gaoning meets the relevant requirements for serving as a director of a listed company.

3. We approve the nomination of Mr. Ning Gaoning as a director of the 8th session of
the Board of Directors. The nomination is subject to the approval of the shareholders
(The signature page of Independent Opinions on the Replacement of a Director)

Independent Director Signature:

  Tang Yunwei                                                      Xi Zhen

                                                                 July 26, 2018