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						                            深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
          The First Quarterly Report of 2014

                    April 2014

                                                   深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

                                        1 Important notes

The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of the Company and its directors,
supervisors and senior executives should guarantee the reality, accuracy and completion of the
quarterly report, there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements or important
omissions carried in this report , and shall take legal responsibilities, individual and /or joint.

All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.
Mr. Hu Yongfeng, Person in charge of the Company, Mr. Zhang Jinliang , Person in charge of
accounting works, Mr. Ren Changzheng ,person in charge of accounting organ hereby confirm that
the financial Report of this Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

                                                                         深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

II. Main financial data and changes of shareholders

(1)Main financial data and indices

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not.
□ Yes   √ No

                                                                                                                Changes of this period over
                                                      This period               Same period of last year          same period of last year

Operating income(RMB)                                      2,432,585.00                    2,430,392.00                             0.09%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                            -1,144,673.00                   -2,662,785.00                           -57.01%
of the listed company(RMB)

Net profit after deducting of non-recurring
gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of               -1,144,673.00                   -2,645,703.00                           -56.73%
listed company(RMB)

Cash flow generated by business operation,
                                                             1,295,741.00                      987,246.00                           31.25%

Basic earning per share(RMB/Share)                                      -0.01                           -0.02                          -50%

Diluted gains per
                                                                        -0.01                           -0.02                          -50%

Weighted average return on equity
                                                                    -0.91%                         -2.27%                             1.36%
                                                                                                                Changes of this period-end
                                                   End of this period              End of last period           over same period-end of last

Gross assets(RMB)                                       170,821,000.00                  170,502,789.00                              0.19%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                          125,300,821.00                  126,320,072.00                             -0.81%
of the listed company(RMB)

Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

□applicable √not applicable

(2) Total number of shareholders at the end of report period and Particular about shares held by top ten

                                                                                                                        In Shares

Total number of shareholders at the end
of report period

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                                         Particular about shares held by top ten shareholders

                                                                                  Amount of                    Pledging or freezing
                        Properties of          Share                            tradable shares
 Shareholder name                                               Quantity                                Status of the
                        shareholder        proportion %                        with Conditional                              Quantity

                      Domestic Non-
Union Holdings Co.,
                      State-owned                  25.51%         43,141,032                      0
                      legal person

STYLE-SUCCESS         Foreign Legal
                                                   14.46%         24,466,029                      0
LIMITED               person

Rich Crown            Foreign Legal
                                                    3.62%          6,114,556                      0
Investment Co., Ltd. person

                      Domestic Non-
Union Development
                      State-owned                   3.36%          5,681,089                      0
Group Co., Ltd.
                      legal person

Liuzhou Jiali
                      Domestic Non-
Real estate
                      State-owned                   2.69%          4,545,700                      0
                      legal person
Co., ltd.
Shenzhen Textile
(Group)Holdings                                     1.68%          2,840,594                      0
                      Legal person

                      Domestic Natural
Zeng Ying                                           1.22%          2,070,600                      0

Liuzhou Ruiheng Domestic Non-
Mechatronics    State-owned                         1.01%          1,710,100                      0
Co., Ltd.       legal person

KGI ASIA              Foreign Legal
                                                    0.55%            927,450                      0
LIMITED               person

                      Domestic Natural
Jiang Jiayuan                                       0.54%            909,184                      0

                                      Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                          Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end of the                    Share type
       Name of the shareholder
                                                            reporting period                             Share type          Quantity

                                                                                                      RMB Common
Union Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                             43,141,032                                  43,141,032

                                                                                                      Foreign shares
STYLE-SUCCESS LIMITED                                                                24,466,029 placed in                        24,466,029

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                                                                                              Foreign shares
                                                                                              placed in
Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.                                                   6,114,556                             6,114,556

                                                                                              RMB Common
Union Development Group Co., Ltd                                                  5,681,089                             5,681,089

Liuzhou Jiali Real estate Development                                                         RMB Common
                                                                                  4,545,700                             4,545,700
Co., ltd.                                                                                     shares

                                                                                              RMB Common
Shenzhen Textile (Group)Holdings Ltd                                              2,840,594                             2,840,594

                                                                                              Foreign shares
                                                                                              placed in
Zeng Ying                                                                         2,070,600                             2,070,600

Liuzhou Ruiheng Mechatronics Co.,                                                             RMB Common
                                                                                  1,710,100                             1,710,100
Ltd.                                                                                          shares

                                                                                              Foreign shares
                                                                                              placed in
KGI ASIA LIMITED                                                                    927,450                              927,450

                                                                                              RMB Common
Jiang Jiayuan                                                                       909,184                              909,184

Notes to the related relationship       The controlling shareholder of the above-mentioned largest shareholder Shenzhen Union
between the shareholders or their       Holdings Ltd. and Third shareholder Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.. Is Union
concerted action                        Development Group Ltd.

Top 10 shareholders taking part in
margin financing and securities lending N/A
(if any)

Did any shareholder of the Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

                                                                        深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

§3 Significant Events

I. Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and its reason.

1.Analysis of the reason for big change of the items of balance sheet of the Company as of the end of the report period.
                                                                                                                        In RMB
Items                      March 31,2014              December 31, 2013           Amount of increased /         Proportion increased
                                                                                        decreased                   decreased

Other account receivable      41,829                    311,279                            -269,450                   -86.56%
(1) Other account receivable decreased by RMB 269,450 and 86.56% mainly due to recover part of other receivables.
2..In the report period, Analysis of the reason for big change of the items of profit statement
 In the period from January 2014 to March 2014,the company earned operating income of RMB 2.43 million on accumulative basis,
unchanged with last year.Net profit is RMB- 1.14 million,compare to the data last year same period, which loss decreased by RMB 1.
5 million.
⑴Analysis of reason for flat of operating income:
Affected by the real estate rental situation without significant changes affecting.
(2).The main reason for decreased of amount of loss:
mainly Due to equity method accounted for earnings losses of the investment enterprises Hangzhou Bay decreasedRMB 1.01 million
 compared with last year, as well as the disposal of part of the property subject to the prior year related costs and expenses decreased
3.Analysis of the reason for big change of the items of cash flow statement of the Company in the report period.
In the period from January 2014 to March 2014, Net increase of cash and cash equivalents increased by RMB 10.72 million over the
previous year, mainly due to pay RMB10 million loan to principal Union Group over the same period last year, while the current
period did not occur..
                                                                                                              In RMB
        Items                   This period       Same period of last year        Amount of                  Proportion
                                                                                 increased/decreased      Increased/ decreased
Net cash flows arising form
Operating activities               1,295,741          987,246                         308,495                31.25%
Net cash flows from
 investing activities              -30,895              5,539                         -36,434                 -657.77%
Net cash flows from
financing activities                   0            -10,000,000                  10,000,000                     -100%
The influence of change
in exchange rate                       356,477        -100,570                         457,047               -454.46%
Net increase of cash and
cash equivalents                    1,621,323          -9,107,785                 10,729,108                  -117.80%
⑴At the end of the report period, Net cash flows from operating activities increased by RMB 308,495 year on year;
⑵In the report period, Net cash flows from investing activities decreased by RMB36,434 year on year;

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⑶At the end of the report period, There were no net cash flows from financing activities increased by
RMB10,000,000 year on year;
⑷At the end of the report period, the influence of change in exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents increased by RMB-767,200
year on year;
⑸At the end of the report period, net increase in cash and cash equivalents increased by RMB10,729,108 year on year.

II. The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal.

(1) Since March 2007, Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. stopped production and dismissed

most of workers. And most subsidiaries of the company had stopped production and it maintained daily operation

by house leasing.

Except that Shenzhen East Asia Victor Onward Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. is still operating normally,
other 5 subsidiaries controlled by the Company have stopped operation or are maintaining daily operation by
house property lease. The Company planned to invest in the joint venture project of Nanjing East Asia Textile
Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. with partial machinery and equipment in 2007. Due to change of foundation of joint
venture and prospect of the industry, the capital increase was not completed. On June 4, 2012, The company has
instituted court action against below three companies at Jiangsu Province Higher People's Court, and asked to
terminate the contracts and agreements signed with Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd.,
Nanjing East Asia Investment & Development Group Co., Ltd. and Hong Kong Yaojunxing Co., Ltd., who shall
pay RMB47,922,902.92 to the company for the pecuniary loss of implicative compensation and undertake the
costs of litigation. The company has received the Su-Shang-Wai-Chu-Zi No.0002 (2012) of “Notice on Indictment
Acceptance and Collegial Panel Announcement” issued by Jiangsu Province Higher People's Court on June 14,
2012. The Defendant Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. made objection to the jurisdiction of
this case during the period of defence submission. The court formed a collegial bench and conducted examination
according to law. On December 24, 2013, Jiangsu Higher People's Court issued Civil Ruling Paper to reject the
objection made by Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. about the jurisdiction. ((2013)
SSWXCZ No. 0001 Civil Ruling Paper of Jiangsu Higher People's Court Civil Ruling Paper). The case hasn’t yet
been tried,
(2)After the 2013 Annual Report, the company has cancelled the special treatment to stock referring the
warning of delisting risk and other risk warnings.
The 2013 Fiscal Report has been audited by Dahua Certified Public Accountants( Special General Partnership),
within which it is stated: the net profit of the company in 2013 is RMB 7,849,904, while the net profit attributed to
the shareholders of the listed company is RMB 8,214,810 . According to the related provisions in Shenzhen Stock
Exchange Listing Rules, The situation that A shares and B shares treated with special measures as warning of
delisting risk has been eliminated, while there is no other circumstances of issuing delisting risk warning nor
implementing other risks warnings. Approved by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, since March 13, 2014, the
warning of delisting risk towards the company's stock transactions has been cancelled, as well as other risks

                                                                                         Description of the website for disclosing
  Description of provisional announcement                Date of disclosing
                                                                                               provisional announcements

                                                                        深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Announcement on lawsuits.of Shenzhen                                                        http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2012-
                                               June 16, 2012
Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                  06-16/61144742.PDF

Announcement of the Resignation of                                                          http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2014-
                                               January 23, 2014
Independent Director Ms. Chen Jinmei.                                                       01-23/63514325.PDF

Announcement of the Proposal of the
cancellation the special treatment to stock
referring the warning of delisting risk and                                                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpage/2014-
                                               March 12, 2014
other risk warnings of Board of Directors of                                                03-12/63664541.PDF
Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial
Co., Ltd.

III.The commitments of the Company and its shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s total shares in the
report year of extending to the report year from previous year.

                                                Commitment                           Time of making       Period of
               Commitment                                           Contents                                            Fulfillment
                                                    maker                             commitment        commitment

                                                                when the
                                                                e shares from
                                                                the shares
                                                                were listed for
                                                                circulation in the
                                                                market: i. if they
                                                                plan to sell the
                                                                shares through
                                                                the securities
                                               Union Holding                                                          Under
Commitment on share reform                                      system in the                         In effect
                                                Co., Ltd.                                                             Fulfillment
                                                                future, and the
                                                                decrease of the
                                                                shares they hold
                                                                reaches 5%
                                                                within 6 months
                                                                after the first
                                                                decrease, they
                                                                will disclose an
                                                                indicating the
                                                                sale through the
                                                                company within
                                                                two trading days

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                                                                 before the first
                                                                 decrease; ii.
                                                                 They shall
                                                                 strictly observe
                                                                 the “Guidelines
                                                                 on Transfer of
                                                                 le Original
                                                                 Shares of Listed
                                                                 Companies” and
                                                                 the provisions of
                                                                 the relevant
                                                                 principles of
                                                                 Shenzhen Stock

Commitment in the acquisition
report or the report on equity                 Not applicable
Commitment made upon the assets
                                               Not applicable
Commitments made upon issuance                 Not applicable

Other commitments made to minority
                                               Not applicable

Executed timely or not?                        Yes

Detailed person for failing to execute and
                                               Not applicable
the next plan(If any)

IV.Prediction of Business performance for January- March 2014.

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss
 probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and
 explanation of reason.

√Applicable    □ Not applicable
Fore-notice of earnings: Make up the deficits
Type of date filled for the prediction: Interval figures

                                                                  Same period of
                                 Year beginning to end of next
                                                                    the previous             Increase or decrease%
                                          report period

Estimated amount of
                                              0 --          100                  -412 --              -124.27% --     -100%
accumulative net

                                                                  深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文


Basic earnings per shares
                                         0 --          0.006            -0.02 --                       -130% --         -100%

                             Due to the effect of making up the deficits in the first half 2014 of Zhejiang Union Han
Notes to fore-notice of      gzhou Bay Ventures Co., Ltd. based on the equity method, the company expects the ac
earnings                     cumulative net profit for the period for January-June 2014 is estimated to be gains and
                             about RMB 0 million to RMB 1 million.

V. The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report period for
future reference

                                                                                                    Content of discussion and
       Date                 Place               Mode              Type                   Visitor
                                                                                                        materials provided

                    BOD office of the                                                              Enquiry of the house rentin
January 13, 2014                        By phone           Individual              Investor
                     Company                                                                       g situation of the company

                    BOD office of the                                                              Enquiry of the company's c
January 21, 2014                        By phone           Individual              Investor
                    Company                                                                        urrent situation

                                                          深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

                                            IV. Financial statement

1. Financial statement

1.Consolidated Balance sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen     Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        In RMB

                Items                         Year-end balance                 Year-beginning balance
Current asset:
  Monetary fund                                             65,124,233.00                        63,502,910.00

  Settlement provision
  Outgoing call loan
 Trading financial assets
 Bill receivable                                             1,500,000.00                         1,500,000.00

 Account receivable
  Prepayments                                                     34,377.00                         25,192.00

 Insurance receivable
Reinsurance receivable
 Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable
  Interest receivable                                                                               79,340.00

  Dividend receivable
 Other account receivable                                         41,829.00                        311,279.00

Repurchasing of financial assets
Non-current asset due in 1 year
  Other current asset
Total of current assets                                     66,700,439.00                        65,418,721.00

Non-current assets:
Loans and payment on other’s
behalf disbursed
  Disposable financial asset                                     629,999.00                        582,942.00

  Expired investment in possess

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 Long-term receivable
 Long term share equity
                                      66,572,839.00                         66,931,685.00
 Property investment                  23,322,790.00                         23,458,153.00

  Fixed assets                         6,684,926.00                          7,191,205.00

  Construction in progress
Engineering material
  Fixed asset disposal
  Production physical assets
 Gas & petrol
 Intangible assets                     1,810,383.00                          1,820,459.00

 R & D petrol
 Goodwill                              5,099,624.00                          5,099,624.00

  Long-germ expenses to be
Differed income tax asset
 Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets          104,120,561.00                        105,084,068.00

Total of assets                      170,821,000.00                        170,502,789.00

Current liabilities
  Short-term loans
  Loan from Central Bank
 Deposit received and hold for
 Call loan received
  Trade off financial liabilities
  Bill payable
  Account payable                      3,700,662.00                          3,186,939.00

 Advance payment                       1,076,937.00                          1,076,531.00

  Selling of repurchased financial
 Fees and commissions receivable
 Employees’ wage payable                977,937.00                          1,109,352.00

 Tax payable                           4,233,819.00                          4,250,191.00

 Interest payable

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 Dividend payable                        1,215,946.00                         1,215,946.00

  Other account payable                23,502,076.00                         22,663,345.00

 Reinsurance fee payable
 Insurance contract provision
 Entrusted trading of securities
Entrusted selling of securities
Non-current liability due in 1 year
Other current liability                  1,659,763.00                         1,547,263.00

Total of current liability             36,367,140.00                         35,049,567.00

Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan                         1,080,007.00                         1,101,349.00

 Bond payable
  Long-term payable                      8,302,089.00                         8,230,694.00

 Special payable
 Expected liabilities
Differed income tax liability             672,571.00                           702,735.00

 Other non-current liabilities            836,792.00                           836,792.00

Total of non-current liabilities       10,891,459.00                         10,871,570.00

Total of liability                     47,258,599.00                         45,921,137.00

Owners’ equity
  Share capital                       169,142,356.00                        169,142,356.00

 Capital reserves                      39,687,048.00                         39,645,048.00

  Less:Shares in stock
 Special reserves
  Surplus reserves                     26,704,791.00                         26,704,791.00

 Common risk provision
  Undistributed profit                -109,203,874.00                      -108,059,131.00

Different of foreign currency
                                        -1,029,500.00                        -1,112,992.00
Total of owner’s equity belong to
                                      125,300,821.00                        126,320,072.00
the parent company
  Minority shareholders’ equity        -1,738,420.00                        -1,738,420.00

Total of owners’ equity              123,562,401.00                        124,581,652.00

Total of liabilities and owners’
                                      170,821,000.00                        170,502,789.00

                                                          深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Legal representative :Hu Yongfeng

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng

2. Balance sheet of Parent Company

Prepared by: Shenzhen     Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        In RMB

                Items                         Year-end balance                 Year-beginning balance
Current asset:
Monetary fund                                               10,173,310.00                        10,557,501.00

Trading financial assets
Bill receivable                                              1,500,000.00                         1,500,000.00

Account receivable
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Other account receivable                                    80,936,618.00                        80,967,376.00

Non-current asset due in 1 year
Other current asset
Total of current assets                                     92,609,928.00                        93,024,877.00

Non-current assets:
Disposable financial asset
Expired investment in possess
Long-term receivable
Long     term         share   equity
                                                            36,788,953.00                        36,788,953.00
Property investment                                          4,639,281.00                         4,723,575.00

Fixed assets                                                 4,384,712.00                         4,384,712.00

Construction in progress
Engineering material
Fixed asset disposal
Production physical assets
Gas & petrol

                                        深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Intangible assets                         1,810,383.00                          1,820,459.00

R & D petrol
Long-germ         expenses    to   be
Differed income tax asset
Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets              47,623,329.00                         47,717,699.00

Total of assets                         140,233,257.00                        140,742,576.00

Current liabilities
Short-term loans
Trade off financial liabilities
Bill payable
Account payable                             113,344.00                            113,344.00

Advance payment                             302,540.00                           302,540.00

Employees’ wage payable                    564,681.00                           677,181.00

Tax payable                                 647,295.00                           767,076.00

Interest payable
Dividend payable
Other account payable                     1,264,010.00                          1,158,902.00

Non-current liability due in 1 year
Other current liability                   1,659,763.00                          1,547,263.00

Total of current liability                4,551,633.00                          4,566,306.00

Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loan
Bond payable
Long-term payable
Special payable
Expected liabilities
Differed income tax liability             4,180,138.00                          4,180,138.00

Other non-current liabilities               836,792.00                           836,792.00

Total of Non-current liabilities          5,016,930.00                          5,016,930.00

Total of liability                        9,568,563.00                          9,583,236.00

Owners’ equity

                                                           深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Share capital                                               169,142,356.00                       169,142,356.00

Capital reserves                                             31,606,598.00                        31,606,598.00

Less:Shares in stock
Special reserves
Surplus reserves                                             26,309,287.00                        26,309,287.00

Provision of general risk
Undistributed profit                                        -91,995,313.00                       -91,500,667.00

Different of foreign currency
                                                             -4,398,234.00                        -4,398,234.00
Total of owners’ equity                                    130,664,694.00                       131,159,340.00

Total of liabilities and owners’
                                                            140,233,257.00                       140,742,576.00

Legal representative :Hu Yongfeng

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng

3.Consolidated Profit Statement

Prepared by: Shenzhen     Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                         In RMB

                Items                       Amount in this period                Amount in last period
I. Income from the key business                               2,432,585.00                         2,430,392.00

Incl:Business income                                         2,432,585.00                         2,430,392.00

Interest income
Insurance fee earned
Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                       2,959,613.00                         3,442,926.00

Incl:Business cost                                            724,283.00                           948,594.00

Interest expense
Fee and commission paid
Insurance discharge payment
Net claim amount paid
Insurance policy dividend paid

                                              深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Insurance policy dividend paid
Reinsurance expenses
Business tax and surcharge                        116,647.00                           125,716.00

Sales expense                                      73,907.00                            91,723.00

Administrative expense                          1,957,807.00                          2,006,565.00

Financial expenses                                 86,969.00                           168,792.00

Asset impairment loss                                                                  101,536.00

Add:Gains from change of fir
value (“-”for loss)
Investment gain(“-”for loss)                 -617,645.00                         -1,633,169.00

Incl: investment       gains     from
Gains from currency exchange
(“-”for loss)
III. Operational profit(“-”for loss          -1,144,673.00                        -2,645,703.00

Add:Non-business income                                                                 1,942.00

Less:Non business expenses                                                             19,024.00

Incl : Loss from disposal of
non-current assets
IV.Total profit(“-”for loss)                  -1,144,673.00                        -2,662,785.00

Less:Income tax expenses
V. Net profit(“-”for net loss)              -1,144,673.00                        -2,662,785.00

Including: Net profit realized by
the entity taken over before the
Net profit attributable to the
                                                -1,144,673.00                        -2,662,785.00
owners of parent company
Minority shareholders’ equity
VI. Earnings per share:                 --                                  --

(I)Basic earnings per share                           -0.01                                -0.02

(II)Diluted earnings per share                          -0.01                                -0.02

VII. Other comprehensive income                   125,492.00                            -95,420.00

VIII. Total comprehensive income                -1,019,181.00                        -2,758,205.00

Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the                -1,019,181.00                        -2,758,205.00
parent company

                                                            深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Total comprehensive income
attributable minority shareholders

Legal representative :Hu Yongfeng

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng

4. Profit statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: Shenzhen    Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                              In RMB

Items                                       Amount in this period                  Amount in last period

I. Income from the key business                                     415,960.00                             481,360.00

  Lessl:Business cost                                               84,293.00                              84,293.00

Business tax and surcharge                                           24,633.00                              37,953.00

     Sales expense
 Administrative expense                                        1,229,898.00                           1,198,710.00

    Financial expenses                                          -428,218.00                            -326,156.00

 Asset impairment loss
Add:Gains from change of for
value (“-”for loss)
Investment gain(“-”for loss)
   Incl: investment gains from
II. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                         -494,646.00                            -513,440.00

 Add:Non-business income
 Less:Non- business expenses                                                                                6,927.00

Incl:Loss from disposal of
non-current assets
III.Total profit(“-”for loss)                                 -494,646.00                            -520,367.00

  Less:Income tax expenses
IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss)                             -494,646.00                            -520,367.00

V. Earnings per share:                              --                                     --

(I)Basic earnings per share                                               0                                      0

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                             0                                      0

                                                          深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

VI. Other comprehensive income                                       0.00                                 0.00

VII. Total comprehensive income                               -494,646.00                          -520,367.00

Legal representative :Hu Yongfeng

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng

5. Consolidated Cash flow statement

Prepared by: Shenzhen    Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                        In RMB

               Items                       Amount in this period                Amount in last period
I.Cash flows      from     operating
Cash received from sales of goods
                                                             2,432,585.00                         2,917,174.00
or rending of services
Net increase of customer deposits
and capital kept for brother
Net increase of loans from central
Net increase of inter-bank loans
from other financial bodies
Cash received against original
insurance contract
Net     cash    received          from
reinsurance business
Net increase of client deposit and
Net increase of trade financial
asset disposal
Cash received as interest,
processing fee and commission
Net increase of inter-bank fund
Net increase      of   repurchasing

                                      深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Tax returned
Other cash received from business
                                        1,159,632.00                           339,164.00
Sub-total of cash inflow                3,592,217.00                          3,256,338.00

Cash paid for purchasing of
merchandise and services
Net increase of client trade and
Net increase of savings n central
bank and brother company
Cash paid for original contract
Cash paid for interest, processing
fee and commission
Cash paid for policy dividend
Cash paid to staffs or paid for
                                          781,251.00                           743,566.00
Taxes paid                                546,399.00                           360,551.00

Other cash paid for business
                                          968,826.00                          1,164,975.00
Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                        2,296,476.00                          2,269,092.00
business activities
Cash flow generated by business
                                        1,295,741.00                           987,246.00
operation, net
II.Cash flow       generated    by
Cash received from investment
Cash received as investment gains
Net cash retrieved from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets,                                             37,000.00
and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal
of    subsidiaries   or   other
operational units
Net cash received from disposal
of    subsidiaries   or   other
operational units

                                        深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Sub-total of cash inflow due to
investment activities
Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and          30,895.00                            31,461.00
other long-term assets
Cash paid as investment
Net increase of loan against
Net     cash     received    from
subsidiaries and other operational
Other cash paid for investment
Sub-total of cash outflow     due to
                                             30,895.00                            31,461.00
investment activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                            -30,895.00                              5,539.00
III.Cash flow      generated      by
Cash received as investment
Incl: Cash received as investment
from minor shareholders
Cash received as loans
Cash received from bond placing
Other financing       –related   ash
Sub-total of cash inflow from
financing activities
Cash to repay debts                                                            10,000,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
Incl: Dividend and profit paid by
subsidiaries to minor shareholders
Other cash paid for financing
Sub-total of cash outflow due to
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by                                                    -10,000,000.00

                                                          深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash                                  356,477.00                           -100,570.00
V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                             1,621,323.00                        -9,107,785.00
Add: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of                             63,502,910.00                        52,227,262.00
VI.Balance of cash and cash
                                                            65,124,233.00                        43,119,477.00
equivalents at the end of term

Legal representative :Hu Yongfeng

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng

6. Cash flow statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: Shenzhen   Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                        In RMB

               Items                      Amount in this period                 Amount in last period
I.Cash flows     from      operating
Cash received from sales of goods
                                                              415,960.00                           939,510.00
or rending of services
Tax returned
Other cash received from business
                                                              654,549.00                           419,915.00
Sub-total of cash inflow                                     1,070,509.00                         1,359,425.00

Cash paid for purchasing of
merchandise and services
Cash paid to staffs or paid for
                                                              523,197.00                           524,657.00
Taxes paid                                                    344,353.00                           162,342.00

Other cash paid for business
                                                              587,150.00                           486,750.00

                                      深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                        1,454,700.00                          1,173,749.00
business activities
Cash flow generated by business
                                         -384,191.00                           185,676.00
operation, net
II.Cash flow       generated    by
Cash received from investment
Cash received as investment gains
Net cash retrieved from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets,                                             22,000.00
and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal
of    subsidiaries   or   other
operational units
Other cash receivable           for
investment activities
Sub-total of cash inflow due to
investment activities
Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and
other long-term assets
Cash paid as investment
Net     cash     received    from
subsidiaries and other operational
Other cash paid for investment
Sub-total of cash outflow   due to
investment activities
Net cash flow generated by
III.Cash flow      generated    by
Cash received from absorbing
Cash received as loans
Cash received from bond placing

                                                           深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度报告全文

Other financing       –related   ash
Sub-total of cash inflow from
financing activities
Cash to repay debts                                                                               10,000,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
Other cash paid for financing
Sub-total of cash outflow due to
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash
V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                              -384,191.00                         -9,792,324.00
Add: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of                             10,557,501.00                         17,293,510.00
VI.Balance of cash and cash
                                                            10,173,310.00                          7,501,186.00
equivalents at the end of term
Legal representative :Hu Yongfeng
Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Zhang Jinliang
Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Ren Changzheng
II. Report of the Auditors
Whether the First Quarter Report has been audited or not
□ Yes √ No
The First Quarter Report hasn’t been audited.
                          The Board of Directors of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Board chairman Yongfeng

                                                                     April 24, 2014
