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						                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
      2018 Annual Report

          April 2019

                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

                I. Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

    The Board of Directors and the directors, Supervisory Committee and

supervisors and Senior Executives of the Company hereby warrant that at the

year, there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important

omissions in this report and shall assume joint and several liability for the

authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.

    Mr. Chen Lue, The Company leader, Ms. Yang Chunling, Chief Financial

Officer and the person in charge of the accounting department (the person in

charge of the accounting) hereby confirm the authenticity and completeness of

the financial report enclosed in this annual report.

    Directors apart from the below mentioned have attended the Meeting for

annual report deliberation:

     Absent Director Name     Absent Director Title     Absent Reason               Attorney Name

      Jiang Chongguang        Independent Director    Work Arrangements                 Yu Haichun

    Due to the inability to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence as

the basis for expressing audit opinions on the financial statements, Reanda

Public Certified Accountants (LLP) issued an audit report that could reservation

opinions on the company. The board of directors and the board of supervisors of

the Company have made detailed explanations on relevant matters, to which

investors shall pay attention.

    Any plans for the future and other forward-looking statements mentioned

                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

in this Report shall Not be considered as absolute promises of the Company to

investors. Therefore, investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to possible

investment risks.

    Possible risks faced by the Company and countermeasures have been

explained in “Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis” herein, which

investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to.

    The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and

capitalizing of common reserves either.

                                                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.                  2018 Annual Report

                                                                      Table of Contents

I. Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions ...........................................................................................................................2
II. Basic Information of the Company and Financial index .....................................................................................................................6
IV. Management’s Discussion and Analysis ..........................................................................................................................................16
V. Important Events ...............................................................................................................................................................................44
VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders ............................................................................................148
VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares ..................................................................................................................................................156
VIII. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ...............................................................................................157
IX. Administrative structure ................................................................................................................................................................171
X. Specifications on Company Securities ............................................................................................................................................183
XI. Financial Statements .....................................................................................................................................................................184
XII. Documents Available for Inspection ............................................................................................................................................355

                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report


              Terms to be defined       Refers to                                  Definition

Company Law                             Refers to Company Law of the People’s Republic of China

Securities Law                          Refers to Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China

“CSRC”                                Refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission

Company, The Company, Sino Great Wall   Refers to Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.

Sino International                      Refers to Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.

Reanda                                  Refers to Reanda Certified Public Accountants LLP

SSE                                     Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Shenzhen Regulatory Authority           Refers to Shenzhen Regulatory Authority of China Securities Regulatory Commission

Reporting period                        Refers to January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018

Wuhan Commercial Worker Hospital        Refers to Wuhan Commercial Worker Hospital Co., Ltd.

Union Holdings                          Refers to Union Holdings Co., Ltd.

Rich Crown Investment                   Refers to Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.

Baden-Baden Hospital                    Refers to Acura Kliniken Baden-Baden GmbH

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

             II. Basic Information of the Company and Financial index

I.Company Information

Stock abbreviation:             Sino Great Wall; Sino-B                  Stock code:                 000018; 200018

Change of stock Abbreviation
(If any)

Stock exchange for listing      Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Name in Chinese                 神州长城股份有限公司

Chinese Abbreviation            神州长城

English name (If any)           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.

English Abbreviation (If any) Sino Great Wall; Sino-B

Legal Representative            Chen Lue

Registered address              26 Kuipeng Road, Kuiyong Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen

Postal code of the Registered

Office Address                  Sino Great Wall Building, No.3 Jinxiu Street,Economic Technology Development Zone , Beijing

Postal code of the office

Internet Web Site               www.sgwde.com

E-mail                          000018sz@sina.com

II. Contact person and contact manner

                                                            Board secretary                   Securities affairs Representative

Name                                        Yang Chunling                                Sun Yu

                                            Sino Great Wall Building, No.3 Jinxiu        Sino Great Wall Building, No.3 Jinxiu
Contact address                             Street,Economic Technology Development Street,Economic Technology Development
                                            Zone , Beijing                               Zone , Beijing

Tel                                         010-89045855                                 010-89045855

Fax                                         010-89045856                                 010-89045856

E-mail                                      1208806865@qq.com                            000018sz@sina.com

III. Information disclosure and placed

Newspapers selected by the Company for information Securities Times and Hongkong Commercial Daily.

                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


Internet website designated by CSRC for publishing
                                                        http: // www.cninfo. com. cn
the Annual report of the Company

The place where the Annual report is prepared and       Securities Department, Sino Great Wall Building, No.3 Jinxiu Street,
placed                                                  Economic Technology Development Zone, Beijing

IV. Changes in Registration

Organization Code                             91440300618801483A

Changes in principal business activities
since listing (if any)

Changes is the controlling shareholder in
the past (is any)

V. Other Relevant Information

CPAs engaged

Name of the CPAs                     Reanda Certified Public Accountants LLP

                                     11/F, Building E, Sino-Ocean International, No.210, Ciyuansi Beili, Chaoyang District,
Office address:
                                     Beijing, PRC

Names of the Certified Public
                                     Wang Xinyu, Zhou Zhonghua
Accountants as the signatories

The sponsor performing persist ant supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period.
√ Applicable □Not applicable

         Sponsor Name                       Office address                 Representatives         Period of supervision and guide

                                 6/F, A Unit, Fengming
Huatai United Securities Co.,    International Building, No.22,                                     September 27, 2015 to
                                                                  Wu Wenmin, Fang Yuhui
Ltd.                             Fengsheng Hutong, Xicheng                                         December 31, 2018
                                 District, Beijing

The Financial advisor performing persist ant supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period
√ Applicable □Not applicable

         Advisor Name                       Office address                 Representatives         Period of supervision and guide

                                 6/F, A Unit, Fengming
Huatai United Securities Co.,    International Building, No.22,                                    September 27, 2015 to
                                                                  Wu Wenmin, Fang Yuhui
Ltd.                             Fengsheng Hutong, Xicheng                                         December 31, 2018
                                 District, Beijing

VI. Summary of Accounting data and Financial index

May the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years

                                                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

□Yes √No

                                                                                Changed over last year
                                          2018                 2017                                             2016

Operating revenue                      2,426,987,687.02     6,497,124,980.52                     -62.65%     4,664,999,117.17

Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company     -1,704,739,736.40     380,090,990.82                     -548.51%      473,661,862.67

Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable
                                       -1,411,440,495.34     377,087,197.69                     -474.30%      470,274,602.37
to the shareholders of listed
company (Yuan)

Net cash flow generated by
                                         827,879,055.45    -1,781,868,618.65                    -146.46%    -1,687,875,813.94
business operation, net (Yuan)

Basic earning per share
                                                  -1.004                0.220                   -560.45%                  0.28

Diluted gains per share
                                                  -1.004                0.220                   -560.45%                  0.28

Net asset earning ratio (%)                   -142.85%                 19.35%                   -162.20%               31.18%

                                                              End of            Changed over last year
                                       End of 2018                                                          End of 2016
                                                               2017                       (%)

Gross assets                           9,603,455,934.89    11,667,845,186.30                     -17.69%     7,986,178,961.63

Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed company       235,202,473.51     2,151,482,467.52                     -89.07%     1,777,948,117.49

VII. The differences between domestic and international accounting standards

1.Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards
disclosed in the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards.

□ Applicable√Not applicable

                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

VIII. Main Financial Index by Quarters

                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                                First quarter           Second quarter           Third quarter          Fourth quarter

    Operating income                             923,442,740.92            663,528,834.32          672,083,613.81         167,932,497.97

    Net profit attributable to the
    shareholders of the listed                   218,523,628.75            -74,524,173.03         -118,516,821.76       -1,730,222,370.36

    Net profit after deducting of
    non-recurring gain/loss
                                                     56,977,615.63         -65,023,592.77         -144,157,168.17       1,284,719,983.995
    attributable to the shareholders
    of listed company

    Net Cash flow generated by
                                                 809,676,459.22            288,487,906.41          189,148,952.32        459,434,262.506
    business operation

Whether significant variances exist between the above financial index or the index with its sum and the financial index of the
quarterly report as well as semi-annual report index disclosed by the Company.
□ Yes √No

IX. Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                         Items                          Amount (2018)       Amount (2017)         Amount (2016)             Notes

    Non-current asset disposal gain/loss
    (including the write-off part for which                -1,181,511.77         -150,250.00          -564,833.40
    assets impairment provision is made)

    Government subsidy recognized in current
    gain and loss (excluding those closely
                                                         105,536,702.00         2,211,128.89           108,121.33
    related to the Company’s business and
    granted under the state’s policies)

    Profit due to the situation where
    investment costs for the company to
    obtain subsidiaries, associates and joint
    ventures are lower than the enjoyable fair
    Value of identifiable net assets of
    investees when making investments

    Profit/loss on fair value changes of
    transactional financial assets and liabilities
    & investment profit on disposal of                                                                 443,065.98
    transactional financial assets and liabilities
    as well as financial assets available for

                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 sale, except for effectively hedging
 business related to normal business
 operations for the Company

 Other non-operating income and
 expenditure except for the aforementioned   -397,654,450.87   1,444,308.74       5,296,814.65

 Less: Amount of influence of income tax                        501,394.50        3,668,000.60

     Influenced amount of minor
                                                      -19.58                          11,192.65
 shareholders’ equity (after tax)

 Total                                       -293,299,241.06   3,003,793.13       3,387,260.30            --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on
information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and
its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure
for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as
recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recognized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information
disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non-recurring gain/loss in the report period.

     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

III. Business Profile

Ⅰ.Main Business the Company is Engaged in During the Report Period

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry
Civil Engineering Construction
The company shall comply with disclosure requirements in Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information Disclosure Guidelines
No. 7-the Listed Company Engagement in Civil Engineering Construction Business
(I) Company main business scope and business model
      Within the report period, the core business of Sino Great Wall is the engineering construction and medical treatment and health
industry investment and management. The engineering construction mainly includes the international EPC and domestic PPP
business. The medical treatment and health industry investment and management mainly comprises the hospitals and medical
treatment operation management through engagement in the industry through several ways including acquisition of existing hospitals,
construction of new hospitals as well as building and investing the hospital PPP project, etc. At present, the company business covers
the house building, roads and bridges, power and chemical industry as well as medical treatment and health, etc. among many
countries and regions in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South Asia and Africa, etc.
          The company mainly engages in the foreign engineering construction through EPC, namely contracting the whole process or
several phases among the construction project design, purchase, construction and trail operation, etc. through integrating the
high-quality resources at home and abroad. For the domestic engineering construction, the company mainly adopts PPP mode,
namely the project operation mode through cooperation of the governmental and social capital. Under such mode, the government
will select the social capital with the investment and operation management capacity through the competitive ways and both parties
shall enter into the contract subject to the equality-based consultation principle, under which, the social capital shall provide public
services and the government shall pay the consideration against the social capital based on the public service achievement assessment
       The Company business includes the project development, financing, design, procurement and construction, etc. and it will also
participate in investment in and provision of operation services for high-quality projects with good development prospect.
(II) Engineering construction industry macro-situation, competition pattern and position in industry
        Foreign engineering: with the comprehensive advance of the “One Belt and One Road” initiative, the Company’ s contracted
engineering projects industry for other countries is in the good growth momentum wholly with continuous expansion of the industry
scale. During the reporting period, the company was awarded with the 138th medal in the “2018 ENR Top 250 International
Contractors” (ranked 39th among Chinese enterprises and 1st among Chinese private enterprises). According to statistics from the
Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, China's industry-wide foreign direct investment in 2018
was USD 129.83 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 4.2%. Turnover from overseas contracted projects reached USD 169.04
billion, with a year-on-year increase of 0.3%. The turnover of overseas contracted projects in 63 countries and regions along the “the
Belt and Road” was USD 89.33 billion, accounting for 52% of the total for the same period. The Chinese government has continued
to push forward the construction of "the Belt and Road" and has strengthened strategic docking with countries and regions along the
line. It has embraced a broader cooperation space in infrastructure construction, metallurgical engineering, equipment manufacturing
and other fields, and created more market opportunities for the company’s overseas business expansion.
(III) Company’s qualification
        At present, the Company possesses the construction certificates such as Constructional Engineering Construction General
Constructing-Grade      I, Highway     Engineering   General    Constructing-Grade      I;   Municipal   utility   construction   General

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Constructing-Grade I; Urban and road lighting engineering Constructing-Grade I;Environmental engineering Constructing-Grade I;
Design and construction of architectural decoration Constructing-Grade I, Electromechanical Equipment Installation Project
Specialized Contracting-Grade I, Construction Curtain Wall Project Specialized Contracting- Grade I, Fire Control Facilities Project
Specialized Contracting-Grade I, Possessing 10 first-class qualifications of professional contracting for engineering of waterproof,
anti-corrosion and insulation; meanwhile, possesses two class-a special-grade design qualifications of building curtain wall
engineering design and architectural decoration engineering design; in addition, possesses 5 second-class qualifications, including the
second-class general contracting qualification of construction of water conservancy and hydropower projects, the second-class of
general contracting of metallurgy engineering construction, the second-class qualification of professional contracting of steel structure
engineering, the second-class qualification of professional contracting of electronic and intelligent engineering and the second-class
general contracting qualification of mechanical and electrical engineering construction, and possesses the third-class general
contracting qualification of railway construction, the specialized contracting qualification for special projects and so forth
qualifications. The scope covers architecture, highways, railways, municipal utilities, water conservancy and hydropower,
petrochemical, electric power and other specialties. For the overseas market, the Company has always been developing the market,
accumulating the talent and technology and improving the adaptive capacity of oversea standards and the local project management
ability continuously for many years. For the domestic business, accumulates experience in aspects of the project bidding, financing
ways and operation management and forms its unique operation ways.
(IV) Financing Situation
    During the reporting period, the company's financing structure was reasonable and it better supported the
company's business development. The financing during the reporting period is as follows:
                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan
     No        Financing Channel           December 31,           Financing cost range                Structure
          1        Bank loans            1,664,568,470.43              5.2%-8.1%                      1年以内

                                           160,440,152.95              3.5%-5.2%                       1-2年

                                                          -                  -                         2-3年

                     Subtotal            1,825,008,623.38

          2      Trust financing           666,666,608.68              6.09%-9.9%                     1年以内

                                              876,250,000              6.65%-9.9%                      1-2年

                                              300,000,000                 6.56%                        2-3年

                     Subtotal            1,842,916,608.68

          3      Bond financing               100,000,000                 6.2%                         1-2年

                                              145,000,000                 6.2%                         2-3年

                     Subtotal                 345,000,000

          4           Notes                211,334,653.11                 0-10%                       1年以内

                      Total              4,224,259,885.17

(V) Quality Control System
      Quality is the life of engineering construction companies. Quality is the best display and promotion of the image of
construction companies. The company has always attached great importance to project quality management, has a dedicated QC
(Quality Control) department, and is fully responsible for the management of the company’s construction projects, forming a set of

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

effective and mature quality control processes and systems. Quality control measures have been continuously optimized to cover all
aspects and operate efficiently; quality management is scientific and standardized. During the reporting period, the company did not
have major project quality problems.
(VI) Safety Production Operation
      The company has firmly established the guiding principle of “safety first, prevention first”, attaches great importance to safety
production, carefully organizes safety education and training, adheres to the safety red line, strictly implements the safety production
responsibility system, and conducts in-depth safety inspections and hidden trouble investigations, enhances safety precautions, and
creates a safe, harmonious, standardized construction environment, and constantly improves the level of precision management of
safety production. During the reporting period, the company did not have major safety issues, all work was carried out in an orderly
manner, and the construction was safe and stable.

Ⅱ.Major Changes in Main Assets

1.    Major Changes in Main Assets

                     Main                                                         Major changes

 Equity assets                              The slight change

 Fixed assets                               Mainly due to the scrapping of vehicles and the sale of houses

                                            Mainly due to the transfer of Sino Great Wall Intelligent Real Estate (Zhanjiang) Co.,
 Intangible assets
                                            Ltd. to reduce intangible assets

                                            Mainly that the Sino Zhigu Industry (Yueyang) Co., Ltd. and Chengwu County
 Construction in process
                                            Shenguang Project Management Co., Ltd. merge the project under construction

2. Main Conditions of Overseas Assets

□ Applicable□√ Not applicable

Ⅲ.Analysis On core Competitiveness

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry
Civil Engineering Construction
      Sino Great Wall is a leading construction & engineering contractor in China with business covers various types construction &
engineering contracting. With leading projects such as PM, EPC, BT, BO and PPP, etc., The implementation of the National Strategy
of “One Belt, One Road” will provide a good opportunity for the company's overseas business development. The company continues
to increase efforts to open up overseas markets, thus the overseas project orders and the revenue have maintained a rapid annual
growth rate. Domestic business, With the continuous promotion of national PPP projects. The company will also usher in a better
development opportunity, the company's comprehensive strength, overseas influence and market competitiveness have increased year
by year.

1. Strategic positioning advantage
      The “Construction & Engineering contracting” and “Medical & Health Business” will be the company’s two strategic

                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

directions for future development. In 2013, the company set up the development goal “Making bigger and stronger overseas business,
and to become the world's leading international comprehensive construction & building service provider”. In 2016, the company set
up the “Medical & Health business” as another essential development direction. All of those are to comprehensively cater the needs
of the national strategies of “One Belt, One Road” and “Medical & Health Industry Development”. The good prospects of “One Belt,
One Road” projects and “Medical & Health Industry” will provide a broad market space for the company’s business development. In
terms of engineering contracting, the early-development advantage of overseas business enables the company to have rich
management experiences and high-quality customers and establish talented teams, thus laid a solid foundation for the company’s
overseas business development. In terms of the Medical & Health business, the company has set up project teams in many domestic
places such as Sichuan, Henan and Hubei, and the company has purchased Wuhan Commercial Worker Hospital and won the bids of
many medical PPP project. Also, the company has established cooperative relationships with many hospitals and has recruited many
kinds of talents in terms of medical, hospital management, investment and financing etc., thus provided a strong support for the
Medical & Health business development.
2. Standardized and high-efficient management system, fully market-oriented operation mechanism
      With the increasingly expanding of the company scale and business scope, the management for the company is becoming more
complex. However, the company timely set up the sound management system and the authorization system to standardize the
approval procedures, reduce the management hierarchy tiers and improve the work efficiency and execution, thus ensured the
efficient operation of the company’s business operation. For the operation mechanism, the company bravely faces the fierce
competition in the market, adheres to the market-oriented development, respects the objective laws of the market and constantly
improves its management level, thus to timely response to changes in the market and continuously improve the company's market
image, construction quality and profitability.
3. Integrated design and construction advantages
     The company has a wide range, high-ranking construction qualifications, and the company has integrated design and construction
experiences and good project management capabilities, so the company is able to provide integrated design and construction services
in terms of civil engineering, decoration, mechanical and electrical installation and full industry chain of curtain wall, and the
company can independently complete the whole process of construction project. The company can form a comprehensive advantage
in the field of building engineering, so it can reasonably schedule the procurement, labor use and construction plan, as well as the
company can constantly optimize the process to reduce the project costs. The company’s excellent design ability, sound construction
quality, high-efficient construction planning and the comprehensive high-quality service greatly enhanced the customers’
4. Costs advantages and quality-control advantages
     The core management staff of the company all have more than 10 years experiences of building and engineering construction.
Upon the deep understanding of the industry, the company established a relatively perfect material procurement, labor management
and quality control system. Through the price ceiling mode for procurement, the company screens the suppliers in the early stage of a
project, thus to ensure that the procurement costs of the project materials would be in a reasonable scope. By locking the technical
requirements and time requirements of the project, the company can lock the labor costs. The company has set up strict
quality-control system for the design drawing, raw material procurement and each aspect of the project construction management, thus
to strictly ensue the project construction quality, so the company has won good reputation and got trust and recognition by a great
number of customers.

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

                          IV. Management’s Discussion and Analysis

I. Overview

     2018 was an extremely difficult year for the company, with the global economic situation increasingly complicated,
international trade protection on the rise, growth rate of foreign engineering contracting industry slowed down and competition
intensified. Due to the national capital management policy at the beginning of 2018 and the environmental impact of deleveraging,
the company was subjected to loan recovery with different degrees such as loan withdrawal and loan cut, resulting in the liquidity
difficulties of the company's operating funds and triggering a series of chain reactions of operating difficulties. Overdue repayment
appeared in the financing of the company, its subsidiaries and banks and other financial institutions. Major accounts, some assets and
shares of subsidiaries were frozen by overdue financial institutions in pre litigation preservation, further causing some employees of
the company to default on their wages, some suppliers to default on their debts, and bidding for new projects was also greatly
affected. The company's operating income has been greatly reduced, and the annual operating results in 2018 show losses for the first
time. In 2018, the company realized operation income of RMB 2.431 billion, a decrease of 62.58% from the last year; realized the
operating profits of RMB- 1.48 billion, a decrease of 391.32% from the last year; and the net profit attributable to the parent
company was RMB -1.736 billion, a decrease of 556.66% from the last year.
     In terms of engineering construction, the company overcame difficulties and obstacles, rooted in the existing business area and
scale, and continued to steadily expand its business. During the reporting period, the company faced difficulties both domestically
and abroad. In terms of foreign business, the company undertook the traditional construction business-Cambodia Mekong River Villa
Project; Meanwhile, it actively participated in investment and financing, development, construction and operation projects, and
jointly develops Dongpoxi Comprehensive Park in Laos with international engineering companies; In addition, It completed and
delivered the residential and commercial buildings of the stock project NAGA Phase II Integrated entertainment in Cambodia and the
Cambodia Haoli Diamond Project, and maintained the normal operation of the stock projects in Cambodia, Russia, Sri Lanka,
Malaysia, Algeria and Myanmar regions. In terms of domestic business, the company has successfully connected with strategic
projects such as Chengdu Rennan Square Project, Future New World Project, Xinhui Hilton Hotel and Villa Project. Meanwhile, it
actively expands its major clients and reaches strategic cooperation intentions with well-known real estate developers and investment
companies, which are expected to sign high-value business contracts with the company in 2019.
     The medical and health industry is an important pillar in the company's transformation and development strategy. Due to the
influence of the adjustment of national financial policies, the company actively expanded the traditional construction business of
infrastructure, utilized existing resources, and strengthened horizontal integration. It is expected that some breakthroughs will be
made inMedical engineering and proton therapy projects in the future.
     In smart housing sector, it will locate the trend and accurately position it, and comprehensively push forward the
implementation of strategic development goals. In recent years, the Chinese government has successively issued relevant policies to
vigorously promote the transformation of the construction industry to construction industrialization. The company has set up a “Sino
Great Wall Intelligence Residential Co, LTD.” in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, to produce fabricated supporting products. During the
reporting period, the construction of the base's factory building framework was basically completed. Due to the financial
environment, the production line has not yet been established and put into production. Meanwhile, the company promoted the rural
assembly business and made a preliminary layout in key regions of the country.
     Faced with the financial difficulties, the company has made concerted efforts from top to bottom to conquer the difficulties. It
has successively carried out a series of reforms and innovations in enterprise management mode, timely investigated and re-elected
board members, integrated the senior management team, re-organized the business sectors, defined the responsibility assessment,
strengthened the asset preservation, comprehensively optimized control and other measures to effectively stimulate enterprise

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

development potential in adversity.

Ⅱ. Main business analysis

1. General

Refer to relevant contents of “1.Summarization” in “Discussion and Analysis of Management”.

2. Revenue and cost

(1) Revenue structure

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                         2018                                        2017                         Year-on-year
                             Amount              Proportion              Amount              Proportion         increase/decrease

 Total of operating
                         2,426,987,687.02                 100%       6,497,124,980.52                 100%               -62.65%

 On industry

 EPC                     1,853,545,312.44                76.37%      4,268,109,664.43               65.69%               -56.57%

                             6,971,646.83                 0.29%         19,119,855.94                 0.29%              -63.54%

 Decoration work           430,784,976.15                17.75%      2,015,057,491.48               31.01%               -78.62%

 Medical Service
                           135,685,751.60                 5.59%        132,427,255.48                 2.04%                2.46%

 Other                                                                  62,410,713.19                 0.96%             -100.00%

 On product

 EPC                     1,853,545,312.44                76.37%      4,268,109,664.43               65.69%               -56.57%

                             6,971,646.83                 0.29%         19,119,855.94                 0.29%              -63.54%

 Decoration work           430,784,976.15                17.75%      2,015,057,491.48               31.01%               -78.62%

 Medical Service
                           135,685,751.60                 5.59%        132,427,255.48                 2.04%                2.46%

 Other                                                                  62,410,713.19                 0.96%             -100.00%

 On Area

 Domestic                1,725,531,194.49                71.10%      3,750,012,620.09               57.72%               -53.99%

 Overseas                  701,456,492.53                28.90%      2,747,112,360.43               42.28%               -74.47%

                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

(2) Situation of Industry, Product and District Occupying the Company’s Business Income and Operating
Profit with Profit over 10%

√ Applicable □Not applicable
Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry
Civil Engineering Construction
                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                Increase/decrea    Increase/decrea
                                                                                                se of business        se of gross
                                                                            se of revenue in
                                                            Gross profit                          cost over the     profit rate over
                         Turnover        Operation cost                      the same period
                                                             rate (%)                           same period of     the same period
                                                                             of the previous
                                                                                                  previous year     of the previous
                                                                                year (%)
                                                                                                      (%)              year (%)

 On Industry

                      1,853,545,312.     1,854,176,312.
 EPC                                                              -0.03%            -56.57%            -38.80%             -29.05%
                                    44               80

                     430,784,976.15      494,437,274.02          -14.78%            -78.62%            -70.55%             -31.47%

 On Product

                      1,853,545,312.     1,854,176,312.
 EPC                                                              -0.03%            -56.57%            -38.80%             -29.05%
                                    44               80

                     430,784,976.15      494,437,274.02          -14.78%            -78.62%            -70.55%             -31.47%

 On Area

                      1,725,531,194.     1,817,363,558.
 Domestic                                                         -5.32%            -53.99%            -40.14%             -24.36%
                                    49               28

 Overseas            701,456,492.53      632,137,076.59            9.88%            -74.47%            -65.84%             -22.76%

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main business based on
latest on year’s scope of period-end.
□ Applicable   √Not applicable

(3) Whether the Company’s Physical Sales Income Exceeded Service Income

□ Yes √No

(4) Degree of Performance of the Significant Sales Contract Signed up to this Report Period

√ Applicable □Not applicable
Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

Civil Engineering Construction
The company is required to comply with the disclosure requirements of No. 7 of Shenzhen Stock Exchange's Industry Information
Disclosure Guidelines - Listed Companies Engaged in Civil Engineering Construction Business.

 Major            Business     Price    Repay    Financ   Prefer    Franchis     Operati       Source     of   Guarant      Investment
 Projects         Mode         Settin   ment     ing      ential    ing    (If   ng            Income          eed          Income
                               g        Arran    Metho    Policie   Applica      Period        And             Base         Protection
                               Policy   gemen    ds       s         ble)         (If           Attribution     Operati      Measures
                                        ts                                       Applica       (If             ons    (If   (If
                                                                                 ble)          Applicable)     Applica      Applicable)

 Subcontrac       EPC          Negoti   Execut   Bank     None      Not          Not           Constructio     Not          Not
 ted Project      General      ated     e        loan               applicab     applicab      n income        applicab     applicable
 of         the   contractin   pricin   accord                      le           le                            le
 Military         g            g        ing to
 Academy                                the
 of Kuwait                              contra
 National                               ct
 Ministry of

 Qatar            EPC          Negoti   Execut   Bank     None      Not          Not           Constructio     Not          Not
 Newport          General      ated     e        loan               applicab     applicab      n income        applicab     applicable
 NPP/0057         contractin   pricin   accord                      le           le                            le
 Housing          g            g        ing to
 and                                    the
 Infrastructu                           contra
 re                                     ct

 5     million    EPC          Negoti   Execut   Bank     None      Not          Not           Constructio     Not          Not
 tons / year      General      ated     e        loan               applicab     applicab      n income        applicab     applicable
 refinery         contractin   pricin   accord                      le           le                            le
 project     in   g            g        ing to
 Cambodia                               the

 Cambodia         EPC          Biddin   Execut   Bank     None      Not          Not           Constructio     Not          Not
 Haoli            General      g        e        loan               applicab     applicab      n income        applicab     applicable
 Diamond          contractin   pricin   accord                      le           le                            le
 Project          g            g        ing to
 (Phnom                                 the
 Penh                                   contra
 National                               ct

                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

 al       Area
 nt Project)

 PPP project      PPP mode     Biddin   Execut   Bank   None   Not        Not          Constructio    Not        Not
 of Baiyang                    g        e        loan          applicab   applicab     n income       applicab   applicable
 Lake                          pricin   accord                 le         le                          le
 Headquarte                    g        ing to
 rs                                     the
 Economic                               contra
 Port,                                  ct
 ,       Hunan

 Chongqing        Investme
 Yinglong         nt
 Lake Rural
 ion       Park

 Developme        EPC          Negoti   Execut   Bank   None   Not        Not          Constructio    Not        Not
 nt of the        General      ated     e        loan          applicab   applicab     n income       applicab   applicable
 Dongpoxi         contractin   pricin   accord                 le         le                          le
 Special          g            g        ing to
 Economic                               the
 Zone        in                         contra
 Vientiane,                             ct
 Laos        -

 General          EPC+F        Negoti   Execut   Bank   None   Not        Not          Constructio    Not        Not
 contracting      General      ated     e        loan          applicab   applicab     n income       applicab   applicable
 of       5000    contractin   pricin   accord                 le         le                          le
 sets        of   g            g        ing to
 modern                                 the
 affordable                             contra

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

 housing                                         ct
 projects in
 Republic of

Status of completed (completed acceptance) project during the reporting period:
                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                   Number        of     Item Amount     Acceptance        Revenue               Settlement          Repayment
 Business Model
                                   Projects                             Situation         Confirmation          Situation           Situation

 EPC General                                             1,100,000,00                     Revenue                                   1,080,142,72
                                                  1                     Handed over                             Unsettlement
 contracting                                                     0.00                     confirmed                                 2.26

Status of completed (non-completed acceptance) project during the reporting period:
                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

 Business Model                Number of Projects              Item Amount            Accumulated        Confirmed      Amount                   of
                                                                                      Revenue                           Non-completed Parts

 PPP mode                      1                               2,000,000,000.00       9,137,796.59                      1,990,862,203.41

 EPC+F             General     1                               2,000,000,000.00       0.00                              0.00

 Investment                    1                               10,000,000,000.00      0.00                              0.00

                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

 Project            Completi         Business         Start     Durat   Percentage    Current            Accumulate       Repay       Receivable
 Name               on               Model            Date      ion     of            Confirmed          d Confirmed      ment        s Balance
                                                                        Completio     Revenue            Revenue          Situati
                                                                        n                                                 on

 Subcontracte       2,100,00         EPC              June      1,460   57.00%                           1,174,079,61     483,55      716,094,88
 d Project of       0,000.00         General          21,       days                                     4.23             7,587.6     1.32
 the Military                        contracti        2015                                                                3
 Academy of                          ng
 Ministry of

 Qatar              1,500,00         EPC              March     971     100.00%       54,541,245.2       1,981,727,57     1,320,4     674,079,63
 Newport            0,000.00         General          20,       days                  6                  7.07             38,761.     6.78
 NPP/0057                            contracti        2015                                                                02
 Housing and                         ng

 5       million    4,268,00         EPC              May 4,    1,381   9.00%         0.00               369,885,008.     172,83      197,051,27

                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

 tons / year        0,000.00   General     2017      days                             26              3,735.0   3.20
 refinery                      contracti                                                              6
 project       in              ng

 Cambodia           1,100,00   EPC         August    1,996   100.00%   0.00           1,070,958,57    1,080,1   2,766,807.
 Haoli              0,000.00   General     14,       days                             5.31            42,722.   52
 Diamond                       contracti   2014                                                       26
 Project                       ng
 t Project)

 PPP project        2,000,00   PPP         Novem     1,095             9,137,796.59   9,137,796.59    -         10,051,576
 of      Baiyang    0,000.00   mode        ber 01,   days                                                       .25
 Lake                                      2017
 s Economic

 Chongqing          10,000,0   Investme
 Yinglong           00,000.0   nt
 Lake      Rural    0
 on          Park

 Developmen         8,736,00   EPC                   2,190
 t    of      the   0,000.00   General               days
 Dongpoxi                      contracti
 Special                       ng
 Zone          in

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

 Laos         -
 EPC General

 General            2,000,00    EPC+F
 contracting        0,000.00    General
 of 5000 sets                   contracti
 of     modern                  ng
 projects     in
 the Republic
 of Congo

Other notes□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Status of completed outstanding projects in inventory:
                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

 Accumulated          Costs    Accumulated                                      Already           Settled    Completed   Outstanding
                                                         Expected Loss
 Incurred                      Confirmed Gross Profit                           Amount                       Balance

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                            Completed Outstanding
            Project name                       Amount                    Already Settled Amount

Other Notes□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Does the company carry out overseas projects?

√ Yes □No

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

 Project name                         Amount                      Business Model               Completion

 Subcontracted Project of the         2,100,000,000.00            EPC General contracting      The civil construction structure and
 Military Academy of Kuwait                                                                    masonry of each building are
 National Ministry of Defence                                                                  completed, and the doors and
                                                                                               windows,          decoration,       and
                                                                                               electromechanical         professional
                                                                                               construction are in progress.

 Qatar      Newport     NPP/0057      1,500,000,000.00            EPC General contracting      Under finishing construction
 Housing      and    Infrastructure

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

 5 million tons / year refinery         4,268,000,000.00             EPC General contracting   Earthwork backfilling, earthmoving
 project in Cambodia                                                                           work;     construction      of    concrete
                                                                                               mixing           plant;          temporary
                                                                                               infrastructure      construction,       and
                                                                                               temporary camp construction

 Cambodia      Haoli      Diamond       1,100,000,000.00             EPC General contracting   The structure is completed and
 Project (Phnom Penh National                                                                  handed over, the podium building is
 Assembly                      Street                                                          completed and handed over, the
 Commercial/Residential Area                                                                   SOHU decoration is completed and
 Development Project)                                                                          handed     over;     the    APT      tower
                                                                                               decoration is completed and handed
                                                                                               over; the podium curtain wall is
                                                                                               completed and handed over; the
                                                                                               electromechanical construction is
                                                                                               completed and handed over

 PPP project of Baiyang Lake            2,000,000,000.00             PPP mode
 Headquarters Economic Port,
 Xingang District, Chenglingji,
 Hunan Province

 Chongqing      Yinglong        Lake    10,000,000,000.00            Investment
 Rural             Revitalization
 Demonstration Park Project

 Development of the Dongpoxi            8,736,000,000.00             EPC General contracting   On-site     camp      and        temporary
 Special Economic Zone in                                                                      construction are completed
 Vientiane,    Laos      -     EPC
 General Contract

 General contracting of 5000            2,000,000,000.00             EPC+F          General
 sets of modern affordable                                           contracting
 housing      projects    in     the
 Republic of Congo

(5) Composition of business cost

The company shall comply with disclosure requirements in Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information
Disclosure Guidelines No. 7-the Listed Company Engagement in Civil Engineering Construction Business.
Component of business cost
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                             2018                                     2017                          Increase /decrease
                                 Amount              Proportion            Amount              Amount                     Proportion

 Labor                        1,504,503,479.98              61.42%     2,765,222,215.84                56.59%                    -45.59%

 Material                      695,785,282.38               28.41%     1,483,612,055.43                30.36%                    -53.10%

                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

 Other                      249,211,872.51                 10.17%      527,498,994.96              10.80%              -52.76%

Industry Category
                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                                       2018                               2017                      Increase
       Industry         Items
                                             Amount           Proportion        Amount           Proportion        /decrease

                                       1,231,327,330.                        2,506,781,251.
 EPC                Labor                                           50.27%                            51.30%           -50.88%
                                                      77                                 44

 EPC                Material           522,483,649.03               21.33%                            26.33%           -59.40%

 EPC                Other              100,365,333.00               4.10%    433,230,315.67            8.87%           -76.83%

 Medical service                        99,316,403.49               4.05%     97,366,145.37            1.99%             2.00%

                                         1,570,644.56               0.06%     13,262,528.25            0.27%           -88.16%

                    Labor              273,176,149.21               11.15%   258,440,964.40            5.29%             5.70%

                    Material           173,301,633.35               7.07%    196,802,191.03            4.03%           -11.94%

                    Other               47,959,491.46               1.96%     94,268,679.29            1.93%           -49.12%

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                                       2018                               2017                      Increase
       Product          Items
                                             Amount           Proportion        Amount           Proportion        /decrease

                                       1,231,327,330.                        2,506,781,251.
 EPC                Labor                                           50.27%                            51.30%           -50.88%
                                                      77                                 44

 EPC                Material           522,483,649.03               21.33%                            26.33%           -59.40%

 EPC                Other              100,365,333.00               4.10%    433,230,315.67            8.87%           -76.83%

 Medical service                        99,316,403.49               4.05%     97,366,145.37            1.99%             2.00%

                                         1,570,644.56               0.06%     13,262,528.25            0.27%           -88.16%

                    Labor              273,176,149.21               11.15%   258,440,964.40            5.29%             5.70%

                    Material           173,301,633.35               7.07%    196,802,191.03            4.03%           -11.94%

                    Other               47,959,491.46               1.96%     94,268,679.29            1.93%           -49.12%


                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

(6) Whether Changes Occurred in Consolidation Scope in the Report Period

√ Yes □No
During the reporting period, the changes in the scope of consolidated statements are detailed in the notes to the financial reports.

(7) Relevant Situation of Significant Changes or Adjustment of the Business, Product or Service in the
Company’s Report Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Situation of Main Customers and Main Supplier

Information of Main Customers

 Total sales amount to top 5 customers (RMB)                                                                         1,175,772,799.58

 Proportion of sales to top 5 customers in the annual
 sales (%)

 Proportion of the sales volume to the top five customers
 in the total sales to the related parties in the year
Information of the Company’s top 5 customers

     No                           Name                            Amount (RMB)                            Proportion (%)

 1            Customer 1                                                  588,855,867.69                                       24.26%

 2            Customer 2                                                  323,621,751.26                                       13.33%

 3            Customer 3                                                  100,635,898.11                                        4.15%

 4            Customer 4                                                   84,152,835.11                                        3.47%

 5            Customer 5                                                   78,506,447.41                                        3.23%

 Total                             --                                   1,175,772,799.58                                       48.45%

Other notes of major customers
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Major suppliers

 Total purchase of top 5 Suppliers (RMB)                                                                              645,383,000.58

 Percentage of total purchase of top 5 suppliers in total
 annual purchase (%)

 Proportion of purchase amount from the top 5 suppliers

 in the total purchase amount from the related parties in                                                                       0.00%

 the year
Information about the top 5 suppliers

     No                           Name                            Amount (RMB)                              Proportion

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 1              Supplier 1                                                390,603,102.00                                     15.95%

 2              Supplier 2                                                 77,094,220.90                                      3.15%

 3              Supplier 3                                                 67,334,330.25                                      2.75%

 4              Supplier 4                                                 56,090,518.76                                      2.29%

 5              Supplier 5                                                 54,260,828.64                                      2.22%

 Total                               --                                   645,383,000.58                                     26.35%

Other notes of major suppliers
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                      2018                 2017                                                Notes
                                                                                e (%)

 Sale expenses                       28,300,802.42        32,213,247.97            -12.15%

                                    311,698,800.53      312,957,207.20              -0.40%

                                                                                               Mainly due to interest on bank loans
 Financial expenses               606,015,536.23        432,590,607.55              40.09%
                                                                                               and damages for breach of contract

4. R& D Expenses

√Applicable     □Not applicable
In order to enhance the company’s core competitiveness and meet the needs of sustainable development, the Company’s main R&D
direction during the reporting period was decoration engineering design, project general contracting, etc. Currently, each project has
been progressed as scheduled, and after practical application, the good economic and social benefits have been achieved.
Situation of Research and Development Input by the Company

                                                 2018                            2017                     Increase /decrease (%)

      Number of Research and
       Development persons                                     40                               146                         -72.60%

     Proportion of Research and
                                                            4.87%                             5.08%                          -0.21%
       Development persons

      Amount of Research and
  Development Investment (In                         31,536,641.34                 156,200,083.05                           -79.81%

     Proportion of Research and
     Development Investment of                              1.30%                             2.40%                          -1.10%
         Operation Revenue

                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

      Amount of Research and
      Development Investment                               0.00                             0.00                           0.00%
      Capitalization (In RMB)

     Proportion of Capitalization
     Research and Development
                                                         0.00%                            0.00%                            0.00%
     Investment of Research and
      Development Investment

The Reason of the Prominent Change in Total Amount of Research and Development Input Occupying the Business Income Year on
□Applicable √Not applicable
Explanation of the Reason for Substantial Changes in the Research and Development Input’s Capitalization Rate and Its
□Applicable     √Not applicable

5. Cash Flow

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                Items                         2018                             2017                 YoY Increase/Decrease (%)

 Subtotal of cash inflow
 received from operation                      8,406,131,087.26                10,789,046,921.79                           -22.09%

 Subtotal of cash outflow
 received from operation                      7,578,252,031.81                12,570,915,540.44                           -39.72%

 Net cash flow arising from
                                                827,879,055.45                -1,781,868,618.65                          -146.46%
 operating activities

 Subtotal of cash inflow
 received from investing                          3,824,000.00                     2,085,000.00                           83.41%

 Subtotal of cash outflow for
                                                195,480,772.24                 1,022,993,256.12                           -80.89%
 investment activities

 Net cash flow arising from
                                               -191,656,772.24                -1,020,908,256.12                           -81.23%
 investment activities

 Subtotal cash inflow received
                                              1,481,623,182.06                 5,092,144,392.35                           -70.90%
 from financing activities

 Subtotal cash outflow for
                                              2,638,553,654.50                 2,564,264,123.49                            2.90%
 financing activities

 Net cash flow arising from
                                             -1,156,930,472.44                 2,527,880,268.86                          -145.77%
 financing activities

 Net increase in cash and cash                 -521,454,793.60                  -296,482,731.93                           75.88%

                                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report


Notes to the year-on-year change of the relevant data
√Applicable       □Not applicable
In 2018, the company encountered liquidity difficulties, the scale of its operations shrank, and the inflow and outflow of operating
funds decreased from the previous year; Affected by this, foreign investment has decreased significantly; Meanwhile, due to
environmental influences such as bank loan withdrawal and financial deleveraging, the Company has difficulty in financing, the cash
inflow from financing has been greatly reduced, and the net cash flow from financing activities has been negative
Notes to the big difference between cash flow from operating activities and net profit in the reporting year
□Applicable      √Not applicable

III. Analysis of Non-core Business

□Applicable      √Not applicable

IV. Condition of Asset and Liabilities

1. Condition of Asset Causing Significant Change

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                               End of 2018                     End of 2017              Proport
                                          Proportion                     Proportion
                                                                                        increas      Notes to the significant change
                         Amount           in the total     Amount        in the total
                                          assets (%)                     assets (%)

                                                                                                  Mainly due to the deduction of
                       658,714,886.                      1,604,973,91
 Monetary funds                                6.86%                         13.76%     -6.90%    guarantee deposit on account of
                                     48                          6.12
                                                                                                  guarantee claim

 Account               4,202,594,25                      5,706,675,24                             Mainly due to the decrease of
                                             43.76%                          48.91%     -5.15%
 receivable                     8.24                             4.08                             income during the report period

                       717,531,578.                      556,839,325.
 Inventory                                     7.47%                          4.77%      2.70%
                                     23                             50

 Equity                                        1.11%                          0.00%      1.11%

                       158,746,947.                      174,537,150.
 Fixed assets                                  1.65%                          1.50%      0.15%
                                     91                             56

 Construction in       36,697,284.0
                                               0.38%     4,968,590.96         0.04%      0.34%
 process                              4

 Short-term            2,862,584,62                      3,477,200,42
                                             29.81%                          29.80%      0.01%
 loans                          9.01                             0.55

 Long-term             120,000,000.            1.25%     843,092,471.         7.23%     -5.98%    Mainly due to the repayment and

                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

 loans                            00                        02                              decrease of loans during the report

2. Asset and Liabilities Measured by Fair Value

□Applicable   √Not applicable

3. Restricted asset rights as of the end of this Reporting Period

                     Items                              Year-end book value                            Reason

Monetary funds                                                            532,947,089.60       Margin and frozen funds

Account receivable                                                        716,094,881.32               Pledge

Fixed asset                                                                15,963,305.27        Financial lease assets
                     Total                                              1,265,005,276.19

V. Investment situation

1. General condition

√Applicable □Not applicable

                             182,993,849.80                             840,948,723.77                                    78.24%

2. Condition of Acquiring Significant Share Right Investment during the Report Period

□Applicable   √Not applicable

3. Situation of the Significant Non-equity Investment Undergoing in the Report Period

□Applicable   √Not applicable

4. Investment of Financial Asset

(1) Securities investment

□Applicable   √Not applicable
The Company had no securities investment in the reporting period.

(2) Investment in Derivatives

□Applicable   √Not applicable
The Company had no investment in derivatives in the reporting period.

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.           2018 Annual Report

5. Application of the raised capital

√Applicable □Not applicable

(1) General application of the raised funds

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: 10,000 Yuan

 Year of     Way of      Total      Total         Total          Amount         Accumu         Proporti       Total         Use and         Amount
 Raising     Raising     raised     Amount        amount         of raised      lative         on        of   Amount        Whereab         of the
                         capital    of      the   of             capital        amount         raised         of      the   outs       of   Raised
                                    Raised        Raised         of which       of raised      capital        Unused        the              Fund
                                    Fund          Funds          the            capital        of which       Raised        Unused           with
                                    Used at                      purpose        of which       the            Fund at       Raised          over 2
                                    the                          was            the            purpose        the           Fund            Years’
                                                                 changed        purpose        has been       Current                       Idling
                                                                 in       the   has been       changed        Period
                                                                 report         changed        (%)

                                                  11,739.8                                                    13,760.1      replenis
 2015        lic           25,500            0                             0              0         0.00%                                            0
                                                            5                                                           5   hment of

                                                  11,739.8                                                    13,760.1
 合计              --      25,500            0                             0              0         0.00%                         --                 0
                                                            5                                                           5

                                                       Notes to use of raised capital

      Upon the approval from the CSRC with the document of the 2015-No.1774 Zheng Jian Xu Ke -Reply of the Major Asset
 Restructuring and the Issue of Shares to Objects such as Chen Lue to Purchase Assets and Raise Matching Funds by Shenzhen
 Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd., Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as:
 “company or the company”) had non-publicly issued 25,914,633 shares of RMB common share(A share), of which the par value
 per share was RMB 1.00, the issuing price per share was RMB 9.84, the total funds raised was RMB 254,999,988.72, and after
 deducting the issuance expenses of RMB 14,500,000.00 directly from the raised funds, the actual net amount of the raised funds
 is RMB 240,499,988.72.
      As of December 31, 2018, the company accumulatively used the raised funds of RMB 117,398,462.65, of which the
 Company used the raised funds of RMB 0 in 2018. By the end of 2018, the company accumulatively invested RMB
 100,000,000.00 in the overseas marketing network construction project and RMB 276,000 in the second phase of informatization
 construction project, and the taxes and charges and the intermediary fees related to this transaction was RMB 17,122,462.65, yet
 the not-yet-used balance of the raised funds was 137,601,526.07; besides, the idle raised funds used for temporarily
 supplementing the Company’s liquidity was RMB 139,327,254.00, the interest income from the special account for raised funds

                                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

 was RMB 1,732,150.44, the expenditure for the handling charges of the special account for raised funds was RMB 1,043.92, and
 the actual balance of the special account for raised funds was RMB 5,883.59.

(2) Promised projects of raised capital

√Applicable    □Not applicable
                                                                                                                        Unit: 10,000 Yuan

                                                                         Accum       Invest
                                                                                                  when                              Has
                                                                          ulated      ment
                           Project                                                                 the                               any
                                       Total       Total     Amoun       amount      progres                           Has the
                           change                                                                project   Benefit                materia
                                       raised      invest        t       investe     s ended                           predict
                                d                                                                  has      realize                    l
         Committed                     capital     ment      investe     d at the      the                                ed
                           (includi                                                              reached   d in the                change
     investment projects              investe      after     d in the    end of      reporti                            result
                             ng                                                                    the      reporti                 taken
       and investment                   d as       adjust     reporti      the         ng                                 be
                           partial                                                               predict      ng                    place
                                      commit       ment         ng       reporti     period                            realize
                           change                                                                  ed       period                   in
                                         ted        (1)       period       ng        (%) (3)                                 d
                                )                                                                applica                           feasibil
                                                                         period         =
                                                                                                   ble                               ity
                                                                           (2)       (2)(1)

 Committed investment projects

 1.             Overseas
 marketing       network   Yes         10,000      10,000                 10,000                                       Yes        No
 construction project

 Construction      Phase   No           2,500       2,500                   27.6      1.10%                            No         Yes

 3.Related taxes and                                                                                                   Not
 agency fees of this       No          13,000      13,000                            13.17%                            applica    Yes
 transaction                                                                                                           ble

 Subtotal of
 committed                      --     25,500      25,500                              --          --                        --        --
 investment projects

 Investment orientation for und arising out of plan

 Not applicable

 Total                          --     25,500      25,500            0                 --          --              0         --        --

 Situation about not       1. Phase II Information Construction Project: The Sino Great Wall has changed from its core business of
 coming up to              decoration construction before listing to its core business of general contracting after listing. After that, it
 schemed progress or       has gradually transitioned its core business to engineering construction and investment and management
 expected revenue          of medical and health industries. In recent years, the business model of listed companies has changed.
 and the reason (in        However, the phase II information construction project to be invested in at the initial stage of listing is

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

 specific project)       no longer suitable for the current development status.
                         2. Taxes and intermediary expenses related to the transaction of raised funds: The company has
                         registered for filing the special tax treatment for enterprise restructuring at the Dapeng New District
                         Local Taxation Bureau on May 26, 2016. The type of special tax treatment for enterprise restructuring is
                         equity acquisition, and the filing number is SDSPB [2016] No.22. For this reorganization of the
                         company, special reorganization is selected in terms of tax. The part of the value of the company's placed
                         assets that is equivalent to the value of the placed assets is recognized according to the original book
                         value of the placed assets. Therefore, the transfer income of the relevant assets is not recognized for the
                         time being during this reorganization, and the income tax liability is not generated for the time being
                         during this reorganization. In the later period, in case of any income from asset transfer, the company
                         will fulfill its tax obligations in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the tax law. In
                         order to maximize the use efficiency of raised funds and reduce financial expenses, the company held the
                         fourth meeting of the eighth board of directors on January 26, 2019, and deliberated and passed the
                         Proposal on Termination of Some Funded Investment Projects and Use of Funds Raised for Temporary
                         Supplementary Working Capital for Permanent Supplementary Working Capital. The Company plans to
                         terminate the raised funds investment project "Phase II Informatization Construction Project" and "taxes
                         and intermediary fees related to the raised funds transaction" and use the remaining raised funds of RMB
                         137,601,537.35 (excluding interest) for permanent replenishment of working capital. On February 13,
                         2019, the above proposal was reviewed and approved by the company's first extraordinary shareholders'
                         meeting in 2019.

 Notes to significant
                         Please refer to the above-mentioned "circumstances and reasons for not achieving the planned schedule
 change in feasibility
                         or expected revenue".
 of the project

 Amount, application     Not applicable
 and application
 progress of the
 unbooked proceeds

 About the change of     Applicable
 the implementation
 site of the projects
 invested with the

 Adjustment of the       Not applicable
 implementation way
 of investment funded
 by raised capital

 About the initial       Not applicable
 investment in the
 projects planned to
 be invested with the
 proceeds and the

                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report


                        In order to maximize the use efficiency of the raised funds and reduce financial expenses, the Company
                        will, in consideration of the funds use plan for the projects invested by the raised funds, use RMB 120
                        million of idle raised funds to temporarily supplement the liquidity, with a term of such use no more than
                        12 months, From the date of approval by the board of directors of the company, the special account for
                        raised funds shall be returned in full upon maturity. The matter has been examined and approved by the
 Using the idle         35th meeting of the seventh board of directors of the company, and the board of supervisors, independent
 proceeds to            directors and recommendation agencies of the company have all expressed their opinions of agreement.
 supplement the         During its use, the company did not change the use of the raised funds in disguised form, did not affect
 working capital on     the normal operation of the investment plan of the raised funds, and did not carry out securities and other
 temporary basis        risk investments. The company transferred out the raised capital of RMB 120,000,000.00 from August 1
                        in 2018. Due to a contract dispute in Bank of Ningbo, the Company's account number 23001892778 of
                        Bank of Shanghai Beijing Branch was deducted RMB 14,158,049.00 on August 8, 2018. Due to the
                        execution of (2018) W0928Z No.13610-251370, the company's account number 03002719068 was
                        deducted RMB 5,169,205.00 on October 25, 2018, resulting in the company's raised funds temporarily
                        supplementing the actual use amount of working capital by RMB 139,327,254.00, exceeding the amount
                        approved by the board of directors by RMB 327,254.00.

 Balance of the         Not applicable
 proceeds in process
 of project
 implementation and
 the cause

                        As of December 31, 2018, the unused raised funds are still in the raised funds account. The company
                        held the fourth meeting of the eighth board of directors on January 26, 2019, and deliberated and passed
 About application      the Proposal on Termination of Some Funded Investment Projects and Use of Funds Raised for
 and status of the      Temporary Supplementary Working Capital for Permanent Supplementary Working Capital. On
 proceeds unused        February 13, 2019, the above proposal was deliberated and passed by the company's first extraordinary
                        shareholders’ meeting in 2019. The unused fund raised by the company has permanently replenished the
                        working capital.

                        1. On March 6, 2019, the Company received the Decision on Taking Corrective Measures against Sino
                        Great Wall Co., Ltd. ([2019] No.11) from Shenzhen Supervision Bureau of China Securities Regulatory
                        Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision on Correction"). The Decision on Correction raises
                        the following questions regarding the use of the company's raised funds: the Management System for the
 Problems existing in   Use of Raised Funds does not involve the accountability mechanism for the illegal use of raised funds,
 application of the     and the provisions on the hierarchical examination and approval authority, decision-making procedures,
 proceeds and the       risk control measures, etc. for the use of raised funds are unclear, which do not conform to the provisions
 information            of Article 3 of the Guidelines No.2 for the Supervision of Listed Companies                  - Regulatory
 disclosure or other    Requirements for the Management and Use of Raised Funds by Listed Companies. Currently, the
 issues                 Company has fulfilled its obligations on the use of raised funds and information disclosure in accordance
                        with the Guidelines No.2 for the Supervision of Listed Companies - Regulatory Requirements for the
                        Management and Use of Raised Funds by Listed Companies, Measures for the Administration of
                        Information Disclosure by Listed Companies and Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On March
                        18, 2019, the Company held the fifth meeting of the eighth board of directors and deliberated and passed

                                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

                             the Proposal on revising the Management System of Raised Funds, improving the accountability
                             mechanism for illegal use of raised funds, and specifying the grading approval authority,
                             decision-making procedures and risk control measures for the use of raised funds.
                             2. In 2018, the board of directors of the company passed the Proposal on Temporary Replenishment of
                             Circulating Fund with Part of Idle Raised Funds and agreed to temporarily replenish the working capital
                             with 139 million yuan of raised funds. The company transferred out the raised capital of RMB
                             120,000,000.00 from August 1 in 2018. Due to a contract dispute in Bank of Ningbo, the Company's
                             account number 23001892778 of Bank of Shanghai Beijing Branch was deducted RMB 14,158,049.00
                             on August 8, 2018. Due to the execution of (2018) W0828Z No.13610-251370, the company's account
                             number 03002719068 was deducted RMB 5,169,205.00 on October 25, 2018, resulting in the company's
                             raised funds temporarily supplementing the actual use amount of working capital by RMB
                             139,327,254.00, exceeding the amount approved by the board of directors by RMB 327,254.00. In view
                             of the resolution of the Company’s first extraordinary shareholders' meeting on February 13, 2019 to
                             consider and pass the Proposal on Termination of Some Funded Investment Projects and Use of Funds
                             Raised for Temporary Supplementary Working Capital for Permanent Supplementary Working Capital,
                             the Company will no longer return the above-mentioned part of raised funds exceeding the amount
                             approved by the Board of Directors to the special account for raised funds.

(3) Changes of raised funds projects

□Applicable √Not applicable
The Company had no sales of major assets in the reporting period.

VI. Sales of major assets and equity

1. Sales of major assets

□Applicable √Not applicable
The Company had no sales of major assets in the reporting period.

2. Sales of major equity

√Applicable    □Not applicable

                                           Net               Propo                                    Whet     Whet
                                          profit              rtion    Pricin                          her      her
                                                    Influe                       Whet
                                 Trans       s               on on       g                             the     execu
                                                    nce of                        her       Relati
                                 action   contri             of the    princi                        involv     te as
                                                     the                         was         onshi
 Count     Sold                  price     bute                net      ples                           ed      sched       Discl   Discl
                      Sold                          sellin                        the       p with
     er    equiti                (Ten     ted by              profit   of the                         equiti   ule ed      osure   osure
                      date                           g of                        relate       the
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                                                     the                           d        center
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                                                     any                         ction
                                            the               bute       g                             the     d state
                                          listed               ted                                   owner      the

                                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

                                        comp                    amou                                    ship     reaso
                                        anies                   nt of                                   transf   ns and
                                        from                     the                                     er       the
                                         the                    equiti                                           adopt
                                       period                    es                                               ed
                                             -                  sellin                                           measu
                                        begin                    g to                                            rment
                                        to the                   the                                              s of
                                        sold                    listed                                            the
                                        date                    comp                                             comp
                                        (Ten                    anies                                             any
                                        thous                   to the
                                         and                    total
                                        yuan)                   amo9
                                                                 un t
                                                                of the

                                                    of the
                    Dece                            ated a
                    mber               -3,681       return      -0.88       fair             fair
 ructio     60%               9,000                                                 No                 Yes       Yes
                    6,                       .44    on                %     value            value
                    2018                            invest

VII. Analysis of the Main Share Holding Companies and Share Participating Companies

√Applicable   □Not applicable
Situation of Main Subsidiaries and the Joint-stock Company with over 10% net profit influencing to the Company
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

  Company         Company          Sectors         Registered             Total                                  Operating
                                                                                    Net assets      Turnover                    Net Profit
     Name           type          engaged in        capital              assets                                    profit

                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                              g survey
                              and design;
                              al curtain
 Sino Great                   wall;
 Wall                         project and
 Internation                  technology    1,000,000,   8,591,829,   880,871,99   2,330,186,    -916,877,2     -1,183,696,
 al                           study and     000             570.83          8.00      998.92            04.86       469.41
 Engineerin                   experiment
 g Co., Ltd.                  al
                              nt; sell
                              import and

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

                                   import and
                                   import and

Acquirement and disposal of subsidiaries in the Reporting period
√Applicable    □Not applicable

                    Name                                        Mode                                      Influence

 Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment
 Fund Management Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall Zhihui Building
 Industry (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall Jianjie Engineering Co.,

 Guangzhou Heebeina Interior design
 Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Yatian Decorative Design
 Engineering Co., Ltd.

Sino Great wall International Construction Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of the company and is the main of income and profits of the
company, which accounts for more than 90% of all the company’s operating income and net profit and the rest subsidiaries account
for less than 10% of all the company’s operating income and net profit, which weight less in the whole company’s operation.

VIII. Special purpose vehicle controlled by the Company

□Applicable √Not applicable

IX. Prospect for future development of the Company

(1) Strategy of the Company’s Development
       It is the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China in 2019. It is the key year for comprehensively building a well-off
society to achieve its first 100-year goal. The 2019 Government Work Report emphasizes that the central government will launch a
new round of comprehensive reform and opening-up and the second round of structural reforms in supply-side economics to further
stabilize employment, finance, foreign trade, foreign investment, investment and expectations, boost market confidence, and maintain
sustained and healthy economic development and overall social stability. In 2019, China will promote all-round opening to the
outside world, further expand the scope of opening up, optimize the layout of opening up, and further release the policy dividend.
1.     Building construction
       As one of the pillar industries of China’s economic development, construction plays an important role in national economy and
social life. During the “The thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, China's economic development has entered a new normal. The
economic structure has been optimized and upgraded, with its driving force shifted from investment-driven to innovation-driven.
China has entered a key period of reform in which the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources and the government

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

plays a better role as the core. New urbanization, coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the development of the
Yangtze River economic belt and the construction of "the Belt and Road" form an important driving force and valuable opportunity
for the future development of the construction industry. According to the latest research report on the development prospects of the
industry, in the medium and long term, with the continuous improvement of people’s requirements for quality of life and supporting
facilities, the sustainable development of the construction industry will be continuously promoted.
     In addition, with the steady recovery of macro-economy and the rapid advancement of new urbanization, the unfavorable
development trend of the construction industry market will be effectively alleviated, which will definitely have a positive impact on
the construction industry. Overseas, the resolution of the 19th National Congress on Constitution of the Communist Party of China
(Amendment) explicitly stated that the promotion of “the Belt and Road” construction and other contents shall be included in the
Party Constitution. Since 2017, the construction of “the Belt and Road” has entered a golden period of development, and the
economic exchanges and cooperation between China and the countries along the “the Belt and Road” will be closer. According to the
latest report of the Asian Development Bank, from 2016 to 2030, the demand for infrastructure in the Asian region is expected to
exceed USD 22.6 trillion, with an average annual demand of more than USD 1.5 trillion. The market of countries along the "the Belt
and Road" will continue to be the growth point and driving force for the development of the foreign contracted engineering industry,
and China's construction and decoration enterprises will usher in a golden development period for “going out”. Meanwhile, other
countries will continue to invest in infrastructure, and infrastructure development will continue to rise steadily. As a well-known
international engineering construction contractor, the company, relying on its rich construction experience and market image, will
earnestly seize the historic development opportunities in the overseas engineering contract market, carry out in-depth research and
project exploration in countries and regions with existing investment layout, and meanwhile continue to develop the overseas
business platform by using various advantageous resources, fully explore the “the Belt and Road” market, actively promote the
sustainable development of overseas business, further increase the proportion of overseas market performance in the company’s
overall performance, and strengthen the brand and status of private enterprise pioneer for "the belt and road initiative" of Sino Great
2.   Healthcare
     In 2018, the National Health Commission and the National Healthcare Security Administration were formally established. The
“Comprehensive Work Plan for Comprehensive Improvement of County-Level Hospitals (2018-2020)” issued by the People’s
Republic of China pointed out that by 2020, 500 county hospitals (including some impoverished county and county hospitals) and
county Chinese medicine hospitals will reach “third-level hospitals” and The service capacity requirements of “three-level Chinese
medicine hospitals” strive to make 90% of county hospitals and county hospitals in China meet the basic standards for medical
service capacity of county hospitals and county hospitals. County-level hospitals officially entered the stage of explosive
comprehensive construction, and China's medical engineering will usher in a golden period of development. During the reporting
period, the company invested in the Yinglong Lake Commercial Medical Treatment and Health Care Rural Complex Project
(Yinglong Lake Rural Revitalization Demonstration Project). The project integrates the herbal medicine health research institute, the
international medical treatment and health care zone, the hot spring resort sanitarium area and other sectors, implements the
"powerful combination" strategy, and collaborates with social capital to jointly build a modern medical care and rehabilitation
complex with complete functions and facilities.      Meanwhile, combining with the company's resource advantages, through the
construction of medical real estate and supporting medical treatment and health care engineering, a medical treatment and health care
development model with the company's characteristics in combination of medical treatment and health care and centered by medical
treatment is formed.
(2) The Company’s Development Strategy
     The company focuses its development strategy on two aspects: one is to strengthen the project contracting and investment of the
Belt and Road Initiative, and the other is to enhance the domestic medical investment. At present, the company has possessed
abundant projects in Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Africa. In the field of medical and health care, apart from
investing in the construction of health care engineering, it will further choose to purchase mature hospitals and introduce foreign

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

advanced proton therapy technologies and leading medical services. The company will give full play to the advantages of listed
companies in financing, engineering construction coordination, investment decision-making, medical expert resources and modern
corporate governance, gather medical experts from Beijing and Shanghai and hospital management experts, and strive to build a
hospital management group with important status and influence in the industry. Centering around the development strategies of
“enlarging and strengthening overseas business to become an integrated international construction services supplier” and “developing
the health-care industry”, in the future, the company will devote major efforts to developing abroad business and arranging the
medical industry so as to enhance its capacity for core competitiveness and profit constantly and eventually strive to build itself into a
prominent business group developed by the mutual driving forces of construction and health-care industry.
(3) The Company's Business Plans
     Facing the difficulties both domestically and internationally in 2018, the company will focus on the following work in 2019:
1.   Optimize the business structure and management system, and improve the company's performance appraisal system
     In 2019, in combination with the internal and external environment faced by the company for development, the company's
business organization and business structure will be adjusted upon the review of the company's board of directors; The company's
staffing will be re-combed, the salary and performance appraisal system will be formulated according to company management
structure and business model to reduce the personnel cost effectively, and control various expenses reasonably for more scientific and
efficient business management.
2.   Comb the internal control system to improve the level of fine management
     The company will re-comb its corporate governance system and strengthen construction of internal control systems to improve
its fine management level. According to the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau's decision to order the company to make
corrections, the company will fully supervise the implementation of the rectification measures in accordance with the contents of the
rectification report, make reasonable plans for the overall financial situation of the company, continue to consolidate the basic work
of financial accounting, form a stable financial control system, reduce management costs and financial risks, and well ensure the
safeguarding of the company's business development.
3.   Strengthen the collection of accounts receivable and actively promote debt restructuring
      In 2019, the company will intensify the collection of accounts receivable, include the collection of accounts receivable as a key
assessment index, set up a special "debt collection decision leading group", formulate a corresponding debt collection incentive
system, and link the collection of overdue accounts receivable with individual performance assessment. If necessary, legal
proceedings and assigned responsible persons will be used to strengthen the collection of overdue accounts receivable, and the
collection of accounts receivable will be implemented as a key special management work to effectively improve the company's asset
quality. Meanwhile, investment and financing capability is an important prerequisite for the medium and long-term stable
development of the enterprise. The company will resolve the existing on-balance-sheet litigation as soon as possible, enhance the
confidence of external financial institutions, actively adjust the loan structure, reduce the financing cost, realize the dynamic balance
of funds, promote the investment and financing activities on the right track, In addition, the company actively communicated and
sought solutions for current debt overdue, litigation and arbitration matters, and did not rule out the use of judicial restructuring and
debt restructuring to solve the company's current financial difficulties.
4.   Consolidate existing overseas projects and continue to expand overseas markets
     In 2019, the company will focus on the national strategic layout, continue to deepen the overseas market, strengthen exchanges
and cooperation with the governments of countries and regions along the "the Belt and Road", fully seize the construction project
opportunities brought by the countries and regions along the "the Belt and Road", focus on intensive cultivation in key markets,
continue to strengthen business expansion, strengthen the comprehensive management of EPC contracting for overseas projects,
refine the classification of management subjects, and further promote regional and project responsibility management, so as to meet
the relevant requirements of the company for professional business and fine management. Meanwhile, it will take root in the existing
business areas, moderately expand the volume of professional engineering, and actively expand the industrial energy construction
market in the advantageous market areas.

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

5.   Actively expand smart houses and build up medical treat and health care businesses
     In 2019, the company will continue to raise funds to complete the construction of the smart housing industry base in Zhanjiang
City, Guangdong Province, and ensure that it passes the commissioning acceptance and goes into production within the year;
Meanwhile, the company will accelerate the expansion of the smart housing sector in the domestic real estate industry, closely follow
the good policy of China to vigorously build the beautiful countryside, actively promote the construction of a new socialist
countryside, and strive to open a smart housing rural sector operation center in Xiong'an New Area in 2019, so as to build
high-quality village houses for farmers; In addition, in combination with the company's advantageous resources in the health care
sector and relying on the construction of health care facilities, the sales, operation and service of health care apartments, the company
actively created a new pattern of transformation and upgrading.
6.   Actively expand smart houses and profit growth points
     In 2019, the company will continue to raise funds to complete the construction of the smart housing industry base in Zhanjiang
City, Guangdong Province, to ensure that the trials will be completed and put into production during the year. At the same time, the
company will accelerate the expansion of the smart housing sector in the domestic real estate industry, closely following the country's
efforts to build beautiful villages. Policies, actively promote the construction of a new socialist countryside, and strive to open a
smart housing rural sector operation center in Xiong'an New District in 2019 to build high-quality village houses for the majority of
farmers; in addition, combined with the superior resources of the company's Kangyang plate, relying on Kang The construction of
facilities, the sales, operation and service of Kangyang Apartment will actively create a new pattern of transformation and upgrading
of the company.
(4) Main Risks faced by the Company and Solutions
1.   Macro economy and policy-related influences
     The company belongs to the construction industry. The change of economic cycle is closely related to the development of
construction industry, and factors such as the operation of national economy and the development of urbanization process will
directly affect the construction industry. The company's main business is in a fully competitive market with low industry barriers and
fierce competition. The company is in a period of rapid development, and the rapid development and expansion of domestic and
foreign businesses raise higher requirements for the company's organizational operations and project management.
     Solutions: Pay constant attention to the international and domestic economic situation to make reasonable prejudgment. Make
timely adjustment for operating strategy and marketing policy and make pre-arranged planning which copes with market changes to
guarantee the smooth realization for business goals in 2019.
2.   Risks Aggravated by the Market Competition
     As to the international market, on the one hand, the combinations among the strong ones of the giant international contractors in
Europe, America, Japan and South Korea are increasingly common, which can increasingly strength the aspects including the
technology, financing and management; on the other hand, more domestic enterprises have participated in the international market
competition of construction & engineering, intensified the overseas construction market competition. In the domestic market, with
the continuous rise of the attractiveness of medical engineering projects, many companies have participated in the construction of
medical engineering projects. Thus, the medical engineering projects have been more difficult to bid and have fierce competition,
which imposes a higher requirement on the Company's market expansion.
     Solutions: Strengthen team construction and take first-mover advantage of the Company’s overseas business. Draw lessons from
the past, improve the capacity of management and control for the Company’s own projects to constantly heighten the Company’s
core competitiveness.
3.   Management Risks Brought by Constant Business Scope Enlargement
     The company's business and scale continue to expand, putting forward higher requirements for the management of the
company's management mode, talent reserve, technological innovation and market development.
     Solutions: The company will continue to improve the management level, strengthen the talent reserve, adjust and improve the
management system, continue to strengthen the information management, and form big data precipitation and analysis of various

                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

data in the operation process through advanced technical means, so as to promote the improvement of management efficiency and
widen the management coverage.
4.    Operation-related risks
(1) Risks of period in project construction
     The engineering construction project may be affected by factors such as changes in project design, delays in the payment of
project funds, restrictions on transportation, power supply and water supply, land acquisition and relocation, and bad weather, etc.,
resulting in the failure to proceed as the project schedule agreed in the contract, the risk of the project not being completed and
delivered on schedule, and the impact on the company's operating performance and reputation.
(2) Risk of increased material price
     The construction industry is mainly about fixed cost contract, so gross profit margin is somehow sensitive to the fluctuation of
purchasing price of construction materials. The bulk materials used by the company mainly include concrete and steel. Due to the
long construction period in construction projects, the price increase of these bulk materials will directly lead to the increase of
construction costs, resulting in the difference between the actual construction costs and the project budget, affecting the company's
operating performance.
(3) Operational risks of overseas businesses
     Although the company's overseas businesses are mainly in Southeast Asia and other regions, the company will face potential
economic risks, exchange rate risks, political risks and other risks in the process of overseas business operation. In case of major
fluctuations or economic crises in the economic development of the countries or regions where the company's overseas target markets
are located, they will adversely affect the company's overseas business and the further development of new markets in the future.
     Solutions:For the above risks, the company will integrate internal and external resources, strengthen technological innovation
according to the professional development ideas, seek expansion of business areas and construction qualifications, improve operation
quality and benefits, create green and high-quality projects, realize multi-field professional construction operations and enterprise
development, and continuously upgrade brand strength.
5.    Risk of bad debt caused by accounts receivable
      Some countries have entered the debt repayment period, with increased financial pressure, increased risk of debt default,
insufficient confidence of investors, and scarce funds for infrastructure construction. The company has a large balance of accounts
receivable, and the high proportion of net accounts receivable to total assets is due to the characteristics of the industry. With the
expansion of the company's business scale, the balance of the company's accounts receivable is generally on the increase, and the
proportion of net accounts receivable to total assets is expected to remain at a relatively high level. The failure to recover the
company's accounts receivable in time will affect the company's capital turnover rate and cash flow from operating activities, thus
adversely affecting the company's production, operation and performance level.
      Solutions:Strengthen fund management, rationally allocate fund structure, and establish assessment mechanism for project fund
recovery to resolve and prevent potential fund risks.
6.    Risks of litigation and asset freeze caused by debt repayment
      Earlier, the company issued multiple announcements on litigation and arbitration matters in the designated information
disclosure media. As the overdue debts of the company and its subsidiaries are not paid off and the company is under investigation by
the CSRC, the company has been sued by some creditors and some of its bank accounts and company's assets have been frozen. The
overdue debts of the company may be subject to payment of relevant liquidated damages, late fees and penalty interests, increasing
the company's financial expenses, thus affecting the company's production and business operation, possibly weakening the
confidence of other creditors in the company, thus aggravating the company's financial tension and adversely affecting the company's
      Solutions:The Company will continue to pay attention to the follow-up progress, fulfill its information disclosure obligations in
a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations, strengthen the management of litigation-related matters, and employ
professional lawyers to actively respond to lawsuits so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the company. The company

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

is making every effort to raise debt service funds and properly handle the debt crisis. Does not rule out future borrowing judicial
restructuring, debt restructuring and other ways to solve the company's current financial difficulties.
7.   Risk of share suspension
     The company is currently being investigated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission because of suspected illegal
information disclosure. According to the relevant provisions of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules (Revised in November
2018), if the company is involved in the illegal material information disclosure and under other forced delisting situations stipulated
in Article 13.2.1, the company's shares will be subject to the delisting risk warning. The company's shares will be suspended on the
next trading day after the expiration of the 30-trading-day period in the delisting risk warning until the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
makes a decision on whether to suspend the listing of the company's shares within 15 trading days after the suspension. If the
investigation items that the company is involved in are not found to have any major illegal acts by the CSRC, the company's shares
will not be at risk of suspension.
     Solutions:The Company will actively cooperate with the CSRC to carry out investigations, and perform its information
disclosure obligations according to the relevant provisions of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules and disclose risk alert
announcements at least once a month.

X. About researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

1、Records about researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

 Reception time                  Way of reception              Types of visitors               Basic index

 March 8,2018                    Onsite investigation          Organization                    The interactive relation with the
                                                                                               investors     on   Shenzhen       Stock
                                                                                               Exchange platform about Sino Great
                                                                                               Wall International Engineering Co.,
                                                                                               Ltd: Record of the investors relations
                                                                                               activities on March 8, 2018.

 Reception times                                        1

 Reception agency amount                                3

 Reception personal number                              0

 Others                                                 0

 Whether     to   disclose,   reveal   or   disclose    No
 non-public material information

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

                                                  V. Important Events

I. Specification of profit distribution of common shares and capitalizing of common reserves

      Formulation, implementation and adjustment of profit distribution policy of common shares especially cash dividend policy
during the reporting period
√Applicable □Not applicable
      During the reporting period, the formulation and implementation of the company's cash dividend policy comply with the
provisions of the Articles of Association and the requirements of the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting. The dividend standard
and proportion are explicit and clear. Relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms are complete. Independent directors
fulfill their duties and play their due roles. The shareholders' meeting and the daily investor reception work provide small and
medium shareholders with the opportunity to fully express their opinions and demands, and the legitimate rights and interests of
small and medium shareholders are fully protected.

                                               Special cash dividend policy description

 Whether meets the requirements of the provisions of the
 articles of association or shareholders' meeting resolutions:

 Whether dividends standard and proportion are clear                 Yes

 Whether decision making and supervision mechanism for
 profit distribution are completed

 Whether independent directors perform their duties
 responsibly and play its due role:

 Whether the Minority shareholders have adequate opportunity
 to express their views and aspirations and Their legitimate         Yes
 rights and interests have been fully protected

 Whether the Cash dividend policy to adjust or change the
                                                                     Not applicable
 conditions and procedures are compliant and transparent

The profit distribution preplan or proposal and the preplan or proposal of conversion of the capital reserve into share capital in the
past three years (with the reporting period inclusive):
1. Profit distribution plan for 2016
the Company distributed cash dividends of RMB 0.60 (including tax) for every 10 shares based on the existing 1,698,245,011 shares.
with a total distribution of RMB 101,894,700.66. No bonus shares were given and no capital reserves were conversed. The remaining
un-allocated profit will be carried over to the next year. The 2016 profit distribution plan has been approved and implemented at the
2016 shareholders' meeting of the company.
2. Profit distribution plan for 2017
On April 23,2018,The 32nd meeting of the 7th board of directors of the company deliberated and approved the 2017 profit
distribution plan. The Company distributed cash dividends of RMB 0.40 (including tax) for every 10 shares based on the existing
1,698,245,011 shares. With a total distribution of RMB 67,929,800.44. No bonus shares were given, and no capital reserves were
conversed. The remaining un-allocated profit will be carried over to the next year. The 2017 profit distribution plan has been
approved and implemented at the 2017 shareholders' meeting of the company.

                                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

3. Profit distribution Preplan for 2018:
 On April 28, 2019,The 7th meeting of the 8th board of directors of the company deliberated and approved the 2018 profit
distribution plan. No cash dividend, no bonus shares, no capital reserve converted into share capital. The above profit distribution
plan shall be examined and approved by the company's 2018 annual shareholders' meeting. On April 28, 2019, the 7th session of the
8th Board of Directors of the company
Dividend distribution of the latest three years
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                            Ratio of the
                                                                                                                            total cash
                                                                                                                            bonus (other
                                      Net profit       Ratio in net
                                                                       Amount of         Proportion of                      included) in
                                     attributable         profit
                                                                           cash              cash                           net profit
                                    to the over of     attributable                                      Amount for
                  Amount for                                            dividends          dividends
                                     the parent        to the parent                                                        attributable
                  cash bonus                                            from cash         from cash      cash bonus
      Year                           company in        company in                                                           to common
                  (tax                                                   offer to           offer to     (tax
                                         the               the                                                              stock
                    included)                                          repurchase         repurchase
                                    consolidated       consolidated                                      included)
                                                                       shares of the     shares of the
                                      financial         financial
                                                                          funds              funds                          of listed
                                     statements         statements
                                                                                                                            contained in


 2018                       0.00                             0.00%                0.00          0.00%                0.00           0.00%

                   67,929,800.4     380,090,990.                                                         67,929,800.4
 2017                                                       17.87%                0.00          0.00%                               17.87%
                                4                 82                                                                   4

                   101,894,700.     473,661,862.                                                         101,894,700.
 2016                                                       21.51%                0.00          0.00%                               21.51%
                               66                 67                                                                  66

In the reporting period, both the Company’s profit and the parent company’s retained earnings were positive however not cash
dividend distribution proposal has been put forward.
□Applicable   √Not applicable

II. Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan for the Period

□Applicable   √Not applicable
The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and capitalizing of common reserves either.

                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

III. Commitments to fulfill the situation

1.The fulfilled commitments in the reporting period and under-fulfillment commitments by the end of the
reporting period made by the company, shareholder, actual controller, acquirer, director, supervisor,
senior management personnel and other related parties.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                Time of        Period of
             Commitment                           Type        Contents          making        commitmen     Fulfillment
                                    t maker
                                                                              commitment           t

 Commitment on share reform           No           No            No                               No            No

 Commitment in the acquisition
 report or the report on equity       No           No            No                               No            No

                                                            Shares                                         Fully
                                                            acquired by                                    completed
                                                            purchases of                                   (shares
                                                            assets                                         acquired
                                                            through                                        by Chen
                                                            issuing                                        Lue and
                                                            shares: “I                                    He Feiyan
                                                            will not                                       from
                                                            transfer the                                   issuing
                                                            new shares                                     shares to
                                                            of Victor                                      purchase
                                                            Onward                                         assets
                                                            Holdings                                       have been
                                                            acquired                                       released
 Commitments in assets            Chen Lue,                                   March
                                               Stock lock   through this                     36 months     from
 reorganization                    He Feiyan                                  19,2015
                                                            restructurin                                   restriction
                                                            g, including                                   on sale)
                                                            but not                                        Please refer
                                                            limited to                                     to the
                                                            the public                                     detailed
                                                            transfer                                       conted
                                                            through the                                    published
                                                            stock                                          on juchao
                                                            market or                                      information
                                                            by                                             website
                                                            agreement,                                     (www.cni
                                                            and I will                                     nfo.com.cn
                                                            not entrust                                    )on
                                                            anybody                                         October

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     else to                                        23,
     manage my                                      2018(Anno
     shares of                                      uncement
     Victor                                         No.:2018-1
     Onward                                         23)
     within 36
     from the
     date new
     shares list
     and before
     the date I’ve
     carried out
     n under this
     g(subject to
     whatever is
     referred to
     as “lock-up
     periods”). If
     the closing
     price of
     shares of
     were lower
     than this
     issue price
     for 20
     trading days
     in 6 months
     after the

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     has been
     or the final
     price were
     lower than
     this issue
     price 6
     months after
     has been
     the lock-up
     periods of
     my shares
     of Victor
     y prolonged
     for 6
     oned issue
     price will be
     according to
     the price
     after the
     etc. if
     behaviors of

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     of share
     shares, and
     etc., were
     during the
     periods. If
     were March
     19,2015 36
     Co., Ltd.
     The Third
     2015. 14
     by judicial
     or China
     n due to
     false record,
     statement or

                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                             omission of
                             provided or
                             disclosed, I
                             will not
                             transfer my
                             shares of the
                             before the
                             of the case
                             has been
                             made clear.
                             After the
                             periods, I
                             will sell or
                             transfer the
                             new shares
                             of the
                             from this
                             g following
                             of China

                             acquired by                                    Strict
                                               March 19,
     Chen Lue   Stock lock   matching                         36 months      performin
                             funds                                           g
                             raised: “I

                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                             will not
                             transfer the
                             new shares
                             of Victor
                             through this
                             issuing by
                             any way,
                             but not
                             limited to
                             the public
                             through the
                             market or
                             within 36
                             from the
                             date new
                             shares list.
                             If regulation
                             rules or
                             have longer
                             s for
                             periods, it
                             should be

                             Up to the
                             issue day of
                             the letter, I
                No capital   and other          March
     Chen Lue                                                  Long-term      performin
                occupation   corporations       19,2015
                             by me

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     funds of
     Sino Great
     Wall; After
     completed, I
     and other
     by me (if
     any), except
     for listed
     and their
     will not
     possess the
     funds of
     or Sino
     Great Wall
     by any way,
     cash in
     direct or
     etc. and try
     our best to
     avoid fund
     with listed
     or Sino
     Great Wall,
     which has

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     nothing to
     do with
     If Sino
     Great Wall
     due to the
     which was
     before the
     I will bear
     the total
     n for the
     from it by
     cash in
     order to
     Sino Great
     Wall won’t
     suffer any
     I will
     urge Sino
     Great Wall
     to establish

                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                              system and
                              t system

                              In view of
                              the fact that
                              the houses
                              rented by
                              Sino Great
                              Wall and it’s
                              I promise, if
                              Sino Great
                              Wall and its
                Cash                                                          Strict
                              subsidiaries,      March
     Chen Lue   compensatio                                     Long-term      performin
                              subsidiaries,      19,2015
                n                                                              g
                              by real
                              t department
                              or suffered
                              other losses
                              from it, I
                              agree to
                              the loss of
                              company by

                              During the
                Cash                             March                        Strict
     Chen Lue                 reporting                         Long-term
                compensatio                      19,2015                       performin
                              period, the

                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     n   project                                         g
         which Sino
         Great Wall
         is involved
         in is the
         project of
         Libo Grand
         referred to
         as “Libo
         which the
         before the
         Sino Great
         Wall is not
         involved in
         any other
         except for
         Libo project
         process. As
         to the
         existed in
         the Libo
         project, I
         promise as
         follows: if
         Sino Great
         Wall got

                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                              or suffered
                              loss resulted
                              from it, I
                              company by
                              I, within
                              will also
                              promise to
                              urge the
                              company to
                              legally so as
                              to avoid
                              ion of
                              process, i.e.,
                              at the time

                              “1. Up to                                     It has been
                Cash          October                                        fulfilled (on
                                                March 19,
     Chen Lue   compensatio   13th,2014,                       Long-term     May 21,
                n             the related                                    2018, Chen
                              expenses of                                    Lue paid

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     the                                            the
     litigation                                     company a
     and                                            payment of
     arbitration                                    RMB
     cases,                                         5,601,460.2
     including                                      1 for the
     the actual                                     difference
     price,                                         between the
     compensatio                                    lawsuit and
     n, penalty,                                    arbitration
     ligation                                       of parent
     costs, etc.                                    company
     which the                                      and
     parent-subsi                                   subsidiary
     diary                                          of Sino
     companies                                      Great Wall
     of Sino                                        Co., Ltd..
     Great Wall                                     For details
     needs to pay                                   information
     caused by                                      , please
     the final                                      refer to the
     results of                                     Announcem
     ligation and                                   ent on the
     arbitration                                    Payment of
     cases,                                         Cash by the
     exceed the                                     Controlling
     amount of                                      Shareholder
     liabilities                                    and the
     which                                          Actual
     recognized                                     Controller
     in the                                         to the
     “Audit                                        Company to
     Report”                                       Fulfill the
     made for                                       Commitme
     Sino Great                                     nt published
     Wall by                                        by the
     Ruihua CPA                                     company on
     (Special                                       the website
     Ordinary                                       of Juchao
     Partnership)                                   Information
     on the basis                                   (cninfo.com
     of the audit                                   .cn ) on
     base day of                                    May 22,
     July 31st,                                     2018.)

                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                              2014, I
                              promise to
                              bear the
                              balance by
                              ally so as to
                              diaries of
                              Sino Great
                              Wall won’t
                              suffer any
                              loss. 2. This
                              letter is

                              1. On
                              defect exists
                              in the lease
                              of house
                              property of
                              of Sino
                Cash                                                          Strict
                              Great Wall         March
     Chen Lue   compensatio                                     Long-term      performin
                              and its            19,2015
                n                                                              g
                              resulted in
                              inability for
                              of Sino
                              Great Wall
                              and its

                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     to continue
     leasing this
     property but
     having to
     relocate, or
     of Sino
     Great Wall
     and its
     can’t timely
     find suitable
     for lawful
     operation in
     related area,
     I will
     undertake to
     by cash for
     of Sino
     Great Wall’s
     which are
     caused by
     and finance
     due to the
     matters. 2. I
     undertake to
     ally bear the
     fines by

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     cash for
     of Sino
     Great Wall
     on condition
     that the
     rental house
     property of
     of Sino
     Great Wall
     and its
     is in
     absence of
     for filing
     leasing ,whi
     ch resulted
     in that
     of Sino
     Great Wall
     and its
     are fined by
     letter is

                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                              of Sino
                              Great Wall
                              or its son
                              haven’t paid
                              security or
                              fund for
                              according to
                              law, which
                              resulted in
                              any losses
                              to Sino
                Cash                                                          Strict
                              Great Wall ,       March 19,
     Chen Lue   compensatio                                     Long-term      performin
                              including          2015
                n                                                              g
                              for Sino
                              Great Wall
                              or its
                              to make
                              ry payment,
                              to be
                              resourced, I
                              will bear by
                              cash for the
                              fee of
                              l payment

                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                              and the
                              expense and
                              fee for
                              punished or
                              which is to
                              Sino Great
                              Wall and its
                              to avoid
                              from any
                              loss ”.

                              “At present,
                              Lvbang has
                              land use
                              right, of
                              which the
                              certificate is
                              Suzhou Guo
                Cash          No.Y20140                                       Strict
     Chen Lue   compensatio   86”, locates                     Long-term      performin
                n             in Danan                                         g
                              Suzhou City
                              with 32,966
                              meters of
                              area and the
                              purpose for

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     possesses its
     own factory
     meters of
     oned, which
     is the
     reserved on
     the former
     selling land.
     Lvbang is
     carrying out
     on for this
     factory and
     has acquired
     “License of
     n Land
     Planning ”w
     and issued
     housing and
     bureau, of
     which other

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     are in the
     process of
     handling “I
     undertake to
     and urge
     Lvbang on
     of the
     with factor
     on, and
     which is
     by relevant
     in reason of
     of title, or in
     which any
     dispute or
     exist in

                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                              which shall
                              be my
                              y to carry
                              out solution,
                              and I
                              undertake to
                              by cash for
                              which are
                              due to this
                              g no losses
                              occur to
                              Sino Great
                              Wall and
                              Lvbang for
                              this matter.

                              to the
                              t and Issue
                              of Share to
                Cash                                                         Strict
                              Buy               March 19,
     Chen Lue   compensatio                                    Long-term      performin
                              Asset”(herei     2015
                n                                                             g
                              referred to
                              ”) signed

                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     of Sino
     Great Wall
     and Union
     nt Group
     Co., Ltd
     referred to
     as“ Union
     Group”) on
     October 13,
     2014, all the
     rights and
     related to
     asset before
     the delivery
     date of
     shall be
     y to carry
     out solution;
     After the
     date, if any
     losses occur
     to Victor
     Holdings in
     reason of
     the liability
     transfer of

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     dispute or
     and other
     n related to
     Group or
     third party
     all losses for
     for the
     matters. I
     undertake, if
     Group and
     third party
     refuse to
     the losses
     caused by
     the above
     matters for

                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                              according to
                              the“ Agree
                              ment”, I
                              by cash for
                              the Victor
                              within 5
                              working day
                              in advance.
                              I will
                              reserve the
                              rights for
                              Group and
                              third party

                              to“ Agreem
                              ent of
                              Co., Ltd.,
     Chen Lue,                Chen Lue          May
                 e                                             Long-term     Completed
     He Feiyan                and He            11,2015
                              on” and its

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     agreement ,
     Chen Lue’s
     Sino Great
     Wall that
     the net
     deducted by
     losses and
     to the parent
     owners after
     audition of
     2015, 2016
     and 2017
     shall be
     more than
     RMB 345.8
     RMB 438.5
     million and
     RMB 538.2
     million. If
     the net
     profit of
     Sino Great
     Wall is less
     than the
     net profit
     above ,
     Chen Lue
     and He
     Feiyan will
     for listed
     company in

                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                               and its
                               l agreement

                               1. This
                               on is
                               planned to
                               place in
                               asset. At
                               has existed
                               between me
                               or other
                               under my
                               (if any) and
                               the listed
                               company in                                      Strict
     Chen Lue;   Independent                      September
                               staff, asset,                     Long-term      performin
     He Feiyan   competition                      30,2015
                               finance,                                         g
                               business of
                               Sino Great
                               ce exists in
                               both staff,
                               and no
                               exists. 2. I

                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     after this
     on, to
     ensure the
     between me
     or other
     under my
     f any) and
     the listed
     company in
     staff, asset,
     e in the
     staff, asset,
     business, as
     ce for Listed
     Ensure that
     the general

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     manger, the
     officer, the
     and the
     of the
     only accept
     salary in
     including no
     holding of
     any post
     director and
     in my
     enterprise or
     under my
     2.Ensure the
     e exists
     among the
     and salary
     t and me. 3.

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     and other
     ed by me
     have all
     through the
     and I will
     board and
     s decision
     Insurance of
     the Asset
     ce of Listed
     that the
     related to
     and the

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     that no
     of mine
     exists in
     capitals and
     assets of the
     Insurance of
     ce of Listed
     that the
     and the
     system set
     up by the
     rules. 2.
     Ensure that
     the listed

                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     ly opens a
     account, not
     sharing the
     same bank
     with me.
     that the
     staff of the
     holds no
     post in my
     and other
     under my
     4. Ensure
     that the
     pays taxes
     according to
     law. 5.
     Ensure that
     the listed
     makes the
     ly, I will not
     of the listed

                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     Insurance of
     ce of Listed
     that the
     sets up
     structure for
     the share
     that the
     s meeting,
     the board of
     director, the
     director, the
     and the
     according to

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     and articles
     n (5)The
     Insurance of
     the Business
     ce of Listed
     Company 1.
     Ensure that
     the listed
     the asset,
     and ability
     ly holding
     and sustain
     catering to
     the market.
     2. Ensure
     that I will
     the listed

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     s rights.
     that I or
     under my
     will avoid
     working on
     the listed
     4. Ensure to
     reduce the
     between me
     and the
     company or
     under my
     and the
     company as
     much as
     I will ensure

                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                the fair
                                according to
                                the principle
                                of market
                                culture and
                                the fair
                                price, and
                                fulfill the
                                and the
                                according to
                                laws and

                 Related        “1.Before        March 19,      Long term     Strict perfo
                 transactions   this              2015                         rming
                                on, the
                                fairness and
                                ess of
                                pricing and
     Chen Lue;
     He Feiya
                                s of
                                exist in the
                                f any)
                                between me
                                or the

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     under my
     f any) and
     Sino Great
     Wall which
     is planned
     to place
     asset in, no
     exists ;
     2.After this
     on, I or the
     under my
     will avoid
     and reduce
     the related
     with listed
     company as
     much as
     possible. As
     for any
     I or the
     under my
     will sign the
     according to
     laws and
     fulfill the

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     and fulfill
     for internal
     king and
     fulfill the
     according to
     and articles
     of listed
     which is to
     the fairness
     ess in
     pricing, to
     the fairness
     and to
     not to utilize

                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                            the related
                            to illegally
                            transfer the
                            capital and
                            profit of
                            and not to
                            utilize this
                            to engage in
                            which will
                            cause any
                            losses to
                            company or
                            s legitimate
                            rights. Once
                            I violate the
                            and cause
                            losses to the
                            company, I
                            the listed
                            for the
                            caused by
                            the this

                            During the                                      Fully
                            assets                                          completed
     Developme   Income                        March
                            reorganizati                      Long-term     (On March
     nt Group    disposal                      19,2015
                            on, the                                         29,     2018,
     Co., Ltd.
                            house                                           the

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     property                                       company
     and land                                       received an
     without                                        economic
     property                                       compensati
     certificate in                                 on of RMB
     the disposed                                   100 million
     assets                                         from
     within the                                     Shenzhen
     plant area of                                  Union
     Kuixin                                         Developme
     Community                                      nt
     of Kuichong                                    Investment
     Street of                                      Co.,    Ltd.,
     Longgang                                       and
     District and                                   promised to
     the expected                                   complete
     compensatio                                    the
     ns, as well                                    performanc
     as the                                         e.)
     to the
     regaining of
     planned as
     within the
     right of land
     use of
     Park of
     have not
     recorded in

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     that after the
     on, if Union
     or a third
     by Union
     ns or
     related to
     assets which
     are house
     and land
     as well as
     regaining of
     planned as
     Union will
     return the
     benefits to
     Holdings, in
     10 working
     days since
     The actual
     costs and
     fees during
     of the house

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     and land
     and the paid
     as well as
     the unpaid
     costs and
     fees for the
     reception of
     benefits for
     Group or its
     third party
     will be
     from the
     income. The
     benefits and
     costs and
     fees should
     jointly by
     Group and
     based on the
     June 25,
     of Victor

                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     Group and
     Sino Great
     Wall Signed
     that the land
     and houses
     of Victor
     located at
     the factory
     area of
     of Kuichong
     street office
     district (the
     land area is
     meters, the
     area of
     houses is
     among them
     meters of

                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                               buildings at
                               area are
                               within the
                               plan of
                               removal and
                               collection of
                               referred as
                               still belongs
                               to Victor
                               And the
                               benefits and
                               risks of the
                               real estate
                               are enjoyed
                               assumed by

                               According                                       Completed
                               to the Term                                     the
                               5.5.3 of                                        implementa
                               Agreement                                       tion    (On
                               on Major                                        March     29,
                               Asset                                           2018,     the
                 Cash          Replacemen                                      company
     Developme                                    March
                 compensatio   t and Asset                       Long-term     received an
     nt Group                                     19,2015
                 n             Purchase                                        economic
     Co., Ltd
                               Through                                         compensati
                               Issuing                                         on of RMB
                               Shares                                          100 million
                               (hereinafter                                    from
                               referred to                                     Shenzhen
                               as                                              Union

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     Agreement)                                     Developme
     signed on                                      nt
     October 13,                                    Investment
     2014 by the                                    Co.,   Ltd.,
     company                                        and
     and all                                        promised to
     shareholders                                   complete
     of Victor                                      the
     Onward Co.                                     performanc
     Ltd.. and                                      e.)
     Sino Great
     Wall, Victor
     obtain the
     letter of
     debts of the
     assets from
     the creditor
     before the
     date of
     delivery. In
     the situation
     of debts on
     due to the
     absence of
     consent, the
     company or

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     the third
     by the
     company is
     in charge of
     paying off
     debts or
     on the
     with the
     When there
     are losses
     caused by
     solutions of
     company or
     the third
     by the
     company or
     the third
     by the
     will fully
     for the
     losses of
     Holdings in
     5 working
     days after

                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     the notice.
     to the Term
     5.5.4 of
     after the
     date of
     of payment
     caused by
     assets as
     well as
     disputes in
     will be
     and solved
     by the
     company or
     the third
     by the
     and Victor
     assumes no
     y. When
     there are
     caused by it,

                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     company or
     the third
     by the
     will fully
     for the
     losses of
     Holdings in
     5 working
     days after
     the notice.
     to the Term
     5.6.1 of
     and based
     on the
     principle of
     according to
     the assets”,
     the labor
     ent, working
     injury and
     and other

                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     welfare and
     salary of all
     the staff in
     but not
     limited to
     Co., Ltd.
     The Third
     2015. 25
     awaiting job
     , retired
     etc) will be
     to the
     company or
     the third

                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     by the
     ons or
     matters (if
     any) due to
     of labor
     in advance
     with Victor
     company or
     the third
     by the
     will be in
     charge of
     that for the
     caused by
     matters such
     as the
     oned debt
     transfers of
     , unsettled

                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                                          company or
                                                          the third
                                                          by the
                                                          will fully
                                                          for the
                                                          losses of
                                                          due to the
                                                          based on the
                                                          in cash.

 Commitments make in initial public
                                        No    No          No                              No            No
 offering or re-financing

 Equity incentive commitment            No    No                                          No            No

 Other commitments for medium
                                        No    No                                          No            No
 and small shareholders

 Completed on time(Y/N)                 Yes

 If the commitments are not fulfilled
 on time, shall explain the specify     Nil
 reason and the next work plan

2.The existence of the company's assets or projects earnings forecasts and earnings reporting period is still
in the forecast period, the company has assets or projects meet the original profit forecast made and the
reasons explained

□Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

IV. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
No non-operating occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party in the period.

V. Explanation of the Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors (If applicable)on
the Qualified Auditor’s Report Issued by the CPAs.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Reanda Certified Public Accountants (LLP) audited the financial report of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the
Company") for 2018 and issued an Audit Report, (LADS Zi [2019] No 2333), which was unable to provide opinions. The board of
directors, board of supervisors and independent directors of the company issued the following relevant explanations:
1. Special Notes of the Board of Directors on Matters Involving Non-standard Audit Opinions in 2018 Financial Report
The board of directors believes that "matters that lead to the inability to express opinions" fully reveal the risks faced by the company
and objectively reflect the actual situation and financial situation of the company. The board of directors of the company agrees to the
audit report issued by Reanda Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) for the 2018 financial report of the
company that cannot express opinions. The Board of Directors of the Company will take effective measures to eliminate the above
risk factors as far as possible.
2. The opinions of the Board of Supervisors on the special statement of the Board of Directors on matters concerning the
non-standard audit opinion in the 2018 financial report
In the opinion of the Board of Supervisors: Reanda Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) has issued a
disclaimer audit report on the Company's 2018 financial report based on professional judgment. We respect the professional opinions
of the accountants and agree with the special statement of the Board of Directors on the matters covered in the disclaimer audit report.
The Board of Supervisors will actively cooperate with the Board of Directors, keep an eye on the development of the relevant work
of the Board of Directors and the management continuously, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the
Company and all shareholders. Meanwhile, the Board of Supervisors hopes that the Board of Directors and the management will take
effective measures to eliminate the contents mentioned in the audit report that lead to the inability to express opinions as soon as
possible, so as to effectively safeguard the interests of the majority of investors.
3. Independent opinions of the independent directors on matters concerning the non-standard audit opinion in the 2018 financial
After the relevant information consulted and communicating with the audit institution and relevant personnel, as an independent
director of the Company, we consider that the disclaimer audit report on the 2018 financial report of the Company issued by Reanda
Certified Public Accountants (LLP) is based on professional judgement, and we respect the professional opinions of the accountants
and agree with the special statement of the Board of Directors on the matters covered in the disclaimer audit report. The measures
taken or to be taken by the Board of Directors are conducive to eliminating the matters concerning this disclaimer audit report of
opinion and their impacts. We will urge the Board of Directors and the management of the Company to pay continuous attention to
this matter and earnestly safeguard the rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders.

VI. Explain change of the accounting policy, accounting estimate and measurement methods
as compared with the financial reporting of last year.

√Applicable □Not applicable
The format of financial statements of general enterprises has been revised in accordance with the provisions of Notice on Revision
and Issue of 2018 Format of Financial Statements for General Enterprises (CK [2018] No.15) issued by the Ministry of Finance.

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

VII. Explain retrospective restatement due to correction of significant accounting errors in
the reporting period

□Applicable √ Not applicable
No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the period.

VIII. Explain change of the consolidation scope as compared with the financial reporting of
last year.

√Applicable □Not applicable
During the reporting period, the changes in the scope of consolidated statements are detailed in the notes to the financial reports.

IX. Engagement/Disengagement of CPAs

CPAs currently engaged

 Name of the domestic CPAs                                           Reanda Certified Public Accountants LLP

 Remuneration for domestic accounting firm (Ten thousand

 Continuous life of auditing service for domestic accounting

 Name of domestic CPA                                                Wang Xinyu, Zhou Zhonghua

 Continuous life of auditing service for domestic accounting

Has the CPAs been changed in the current period
√ Yes □No
Whether change the appointment of account firm during the auditing period or not
□ Yes √No
Whether perform approval procedures when change the appointment of account firm or not
√ Yes □No
A detailed explanation of the change of employment and accounting firm
Due to the arrangement of project personnel of Shu Lun Pan CPAs (Special General Partnership) and other reasons, its 2018 annual
audit work time cannot match the company's plan; Meanwhile, considering that it has provided auditing services for the company for
many years, in order to ensure the independence and objectivity of the company's audit work, the fourth meeting of the company's
eighth board of directors and the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2019 deliberated and passed the Proposal on
Replacement of Accounting Firm, it was agreed to employ Reanda Public Certified Accountants (special general partnership) as the
company's 2018 annual financial report and internal control auditing body for a period of one year. For details, please refer to the
company's announcements 2019-007,2019-010 and 2019-016 published on Cninf on January 29, 2019 and February 14, 2019.
CPAs firm for the internal control audit
√applicable □ Not applicable
In the current year, the company engaged Reanda Certified Public Accountants LLP as the internal control audit accounting firm,
during the period, the company totally pays RMB 600,000 for the internal control audit expenses.

                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

X. Situation of Facing Listing Suspension and Listing Termination after the Disclosure of the
Yearly Report

□Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Bankruptcy reorganization

□Applicable √ Not applicable
No bankruptcy reorganization for the Company in reporting period.

XII. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations of the Company

√ Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Index to
      General                                                        Decisions and         Execution of     Disclosure      disclosed
                          (Ten       Provision       Progress
     information                                                         effects             decisions         date        informatio

                                                                    First-instance                                         On August
                                                                    judgment:                                              31, 2018, it
                                                                    Defendant I                                            was
                                                                    shall repay the                                        disclosed
                                                                    principal of 88,                                      in the 2018
                                                                    082,007.52                                            Semi-annu
                                                                    yuan and               The                             al Report
                                                                    overdue interest       Guangdong                       on Cninf;
                                                                    of 1,377,            Shenzhen                        On
                                                                    936.36 yuan;           Intermediate                    September
                                                     Second         Defendants II,         People's                        2018,
 Loan Contract
                                                     instance       III and IV shall       Court issued                    Announce
 Dispute Case with
                                                     judgment       be jointly and         (2019)           August         ment on
 Shenzhen                12,811.63        No
                                                     is given       severally liable;      Y03Z701          31,2018        the
                                                     and case       Defendant V            enforcement                     Company,
 Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                     is closed      shall assume           verdict, with                   Its
                                                                    the pledge             a mandatory                     Wholly-ow
                                                                    guarantee              enforcement                     ned
                                                                    responsibility         of 88,941,                    Subsidiarie
                                                                    and other              110.88 yuan.                    s and
                                                                    claims are                                             Controlling
                                                                    rejected. The                                          Shareholde
                                                                    second instance                                        rs
                                                                    judgment was                                           Receiving
                                                                    as follows: The                                         and <
     original verdict                                    Property
     was upheld.                                         Report
                                                         Order>; On
                                                         23, 2018,
                                                         ment on
                                                         Reply to
                                                         Letter on
                                                         al Report
                                                         25); On
                                                         20, 2019,
                                                         ment on
                                                         Reply to
                                                         Letter of
                                                         ment on
                                                         Progress of
                                                         Matters on

                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                     April 19,
                                                                                     ment No.:

                                                                                     On August
                                                                                     31, 2018, it
                                                                                     in the 2018
                                                                                     al Report
                                                                                     on Cninf;
                                                                                     ment on
                                    The                                              Its
                                    first-insta                                      Wholly-ow
 Financial loan
                                    nce                                              ned
 contract dispute
                                    verdict                                          Subsidiarie
 case of Zhuhai                                                       August
                    4,997.22   No   was                                              s and
 Branch of Xiamen                                                     31,2018
                                    closed                                           Controlling
                                    and an                                           Shareholde
 Bank Co., Ltd.
                                    appeal                                           rs
                                    was filed.                                       Receiving
                                                                                      and <
                                                                                     Order>; On
                                                                                     23, 2018,
                                                                                     ment on
                                                                                     Reply to
                                                                                     Letter on
                                                                                     al Report

                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                         25); On
                                                                                         20, 2019,
                                                                                         ment on
                                                                                         Reply to
                                                                                         Letter of

                                                                                         On August
                                                                                         31, 2018, it
                                                                                         in the 2018
                                                         On February
                                                         2, 2019,
                                                                                         al Report
                                                                                         on Cninf;
                                      The                                                On
                                      judgment                                           September
 Loan contract                                           Court issued
                                      is given                            August         2018,
 dispute case with   16,192.92   No              —      (2019)
                                      and the                             31,2018        Announce
 Li Qiaoli                                               Y03Z65
                                      case is                                            ment on
                                      closed.                                            the
                                                         verdict, with
                                                         a mandatory
                                                         million yuan
                                                                                         s and

                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                        and <
                                                                                       Order>; On
                                                                                       23, 2018,
                                                                                       ment on
                                                                                       Reply to
                                                                                       Letter on
                                                                                       al Report
                                                                                       25); On
                                                                                       20, 2019,
                                                                                       ment on
                                                                                       Reply to
                                                                                       Letter of

 Loan contract                     Waiting                                             On August
 dispute case of                   for the                                             31, 2018, it
 Shenzhen Brach    9,523.09   No   judgment    —      —                              was
 of Bank of                        of first                                            disclosed
 Ningbo                            instance.                                           in the 2018

      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                       al Report
                                       on Cninf;
                                       ment on
                                       s and
                                        and <
                                       Order>; On
                                       23, 2018,
                                       ment on
                                       Reply to
                                       Letter on
                                       al Report
                                       25); On
                                       20, 2019,

                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Reply to
                                                                                        Letter of

                                                                                        On August
                                                                                        31, 2018, it
                                                                                        in the 2018
                                                                                        al Report
                                                                                        on Cninf;
                                                        Shenzhen                        2018,
                                                        Intermediate                    Announce
                                                        People's                        ment on
 Loan contract                       The                Court issued                    the
 dispute case of                     judgment           (2018)                          Company,
 Industrial Bank                     is given           Y03Z2798,        August         Its
                    29,137.97   No              —
 (China) Shenzhen                    and the            with a           31,2018        Wholly-ow
 Houhai                              case is            mandatory                       ned
 Sub-branch                          closed.            enforcement                     Subsidiarie
                                                        of                              s and
                                                        293,399,781                     Controlling
                                                        yuan.                           Shareholde
                                                                                         and <
                                                                                        Order>; On
                                                                                        23, 2018,

                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                                                                 ment on
                                                                                 Reply to
                                                                                 Letter on
                                                                                 al Report
                                                                                 25); On
                                                                                 20, 2019,
                                                                                 ment on
                                                                                 Reply to
                                                                                 Letter of
                                                                                 ment on
                                                                                 Progress of
                                                                                 Matters on
                                                                                 April 19,
                                                                                 ment No.:

 Enforcement case   11,711.49   No   The   —      Under            September    On

                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 of Shaanxi            (2018)           enforcement      14,2018        September
 International Trust   XZZF Zi                                          2018,
 Co., Ltd              No. 140                                          Announce
                       execution                                        ment on
                       certificate                                      the
                       issued by                                        Company,
                       Xi'an                                            Its
                       Notary                                           Wholly-ow
                       Office                                           ned
                       has                                              Subsidiarie
                       become                                           s and
                       legally                                          Controlling
                       effective,                                       Shareholde
                       and                                              rs
                       Shaanxi                                          Receiving
                       Internatio                                        and <
                       applied to                                       Property
                       Beijing                                          Report
                       Second                                           Order>; On
                       Intermedi                                        October
                       ate                                              23, 2018,
                       People's                                         Announce
                       Court for                                        ment on
                       compulso                                         Reply to
                       ry                                               Inquiry
                       execution                                        Letter on
                                                                        al Report
                                                                        25); On
                                                                        20, 2019,
                                                                        ment on
                                                                        Reply to

                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                                     Letter of
                                                                                                     ment on
                                                                                                     Progress of
                                                                                                     Matters on
                                                                                                     April 19,
                                                                                                     ment No.:

                                     The                                                             On
                                     Notice of                                                       September
                                     Enforcem                                                        2018,
                                     ent from                                                        Announce
                                     Beijing                                                         ment on
                                     Third                                                           the
                                     Intermedi                                                       Company,
                                     ate                                                             Its
 Enforcement case
                                     People's                                                        Wholly-ow
 of CCB
                                     Court on                                                        ned
                                     the Case     Consumption         Under           September      Subsidiarie
 Asset              21,111.82   No
                                     of           restriction order   enforcement     18,2018        s and
                                     Notarizati                                                      Controlling
 (Shanghai) Co.,
                                     on of                                                           Shareholde
                                     Creditor's                                                      rs
                                     Rights                                                          Receiving
                                     Documen                                                          and <
                                     the                                                             Property
                                     Company                                                         Report
                                     and CCB                                                         Order>; On

                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                  Internatio                                                         February
                                  nal Asset                                                          20, 2019,
                                  Managem                                                            Announce
                                  ent                                                                ment on
                                  (Shangha                                                           Reply to
                                  i) Co.,                                                            Shenzhen
                                  Ltd. is                                                            Stock
                                  received                                                           Exchange's
                                                                                                     Letter of

                                               1. Confirm the                                        On
                                               outstanding                                           September
                                               loan principal                                        2018,
                                               of 49.8 million                                       Announce
                                               yuan and                                              ment on
                                               interest. 2. Pay                                      the
                                               interest of                                           Company,
                                               5,342,800 yuan                                        Its
                                               before July 25,                                       Wholly-ow
                                               2018. 3. Pay                                          ned
                                               interest of 15                                        Subsidiarie
                                               million yuan                                          s and
                                               before July 31,                                       Controlling
                                  The case     2018. 4. Pay                                          Shareholde
 Loan dispute case                is closed    principal of          Under            September      rs
                     4,980   No
 with Chen Jiang                  through      34.8 million          enforcement      18,2018        Receiving
                                  mediation    yuan before                                            and <
                                               lawsuit fee of                                        Property
                                               290,800 yuan                                          Report
                                               and                                                   Order>; On
                                               preservation fee                                      October
                                               of 5000 yuan                                          23, 2018,
                                               shall be borne                                        Announce
                                               by Sino Stock                                         ment on
                                               Company. Pay                                          Reply to
                                               off before July                                       Inquiry
                                               31, 2018. 6.                                          Letter on
                                               Other                                                 Semi-annu

                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                  defendants                                           al Report
                                                  shall pay off                                        of
                                                  jointly and                                          Shenzhen
                                                  severally. 7.                                        Stock
                                                  Chen Jiang                                           Exchange;
                                                  shall apply for                                      Announce
                                                  unsealing                                            ment on
                                                  within 3 days                                        Enforceme
                                                  after the                                            nt of
                                                  aforesaid                                            Company
                                                  payment is                                           Shares
                                                  completed. 8.                                        Held by
                                                  Failure to pay                                       Directors
                                                  the aforesaid                                        and Senior
                                                  amount may be                                        Executives
                                                  subject to                                           on January
                                                  enforcement. 9.                                      5, 2019;
                                                  Chen Jiang has                                       On
                                                  the priority of                                      February
                                                  compensation                                         20, 2019,
                                                  for the pledge                                       Announce
                                                                                                       ment on
                                                                                                       Reply to
                                                                                                       Letter of

                                                                                                       On October
                                                                                                       23, 2018,
                                                                                                       ment on
 Contract dispute                                                                                      Reply to
 case with Gome                                                                         October        Inquiry
                    4,285.52   No   was           —                   —
 Cinda Factoring                                                                        23,2018        Letter on
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                             Semi-annu
                                    and an
                                                                                                       al Report
                                    was filed.

                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                            20, 2019,
                                                                                            ment on
                                                                                            Reply to
                                                                                            Letter of
                                                                                            ment on
                                                                                            Progress of
                                                                                            Matters on
                                                                                            April 19,
                                                                                            ment No.:

                                                                                            ment on
                                                                                            Overdue on
 Financial loan                         Waiting
 contract dispute                       for the
                                                                             September      15, 2018;
 case with Bohai       36,492.18   No   judgment    —      —
                                                                             15,2018        Announce
 International Trust                    of first
                                                                                            ment on
 Co., Ltd.                              instance.
                                                                                            on October
                                                                                            9, 2018;

                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                              20, 2019,
                                                                                              ment on
                                                                                              Reply to
                                                                                              Letter of

                                                                                              ment on
                                                                                              Overdue on
                                                                                              15, 2018;
                                                                                              ment on
 Financial loan                         The
                                                                                              on October
 contract dispute                       first-insta
                                                                                              13, 2018;
 case with China                        nce                                    September
                       10,245.74   No                 —      —                              On
 Industrial                             verdict                                15,2018
 International Trust                    was
                                                                                              20, 2019,
 Limited                                closed
                                                                                              ment on
                                                                                              Reply to
                                                                                              Letter of

                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                                             ment on
                                                                                                             Progress of
                                                                                                             Matters on
                                                                                                             April 19,
                                                                                                             ment No.:

                                                      Sino Great Wall
                                                      shall repay the
                                                                                                             ment on
                                                      loan principal
                                                      of 100 million
                                                      yuan, the
                                                                                                             Overdue on
                                                                                                             15, 2018;
                                                      according to
                                                      the interest rate
                                                                                                             ment on
                                                      agreed in the
                                                      contract from
                                                      June 30, 2018
 Financial loan                         The           to August 7,
                                                                                                             on October
 contract dispute                       first-insta   2018, the
                                                                                                             13, 2018;
 case with China                        nce           overdue interest                        September
                       10,113.78   No                                        —                              On
 Industrial                             verdict       (default                                15,2018
 International Trust                    was           interest)
                                                                                                             20, 2019,
 Limited                                closed        calculated
                                                      according to
                                                                                                             ment on
                                                      the interest rate
                                                                                                             Reply to
                                                      agreed in the
                                                      contract from
                                                      August 8 in
                                                      2018 to the
                                                                                                             Letter of
                                                      repayment date,
                                                      and the

                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

      according to
      the interest rate
      agreed in the
      contract from
      July 5, 2018 to
      the actual
      repayment date;
      The Sino Great
      Wall shall pay
      the legal fee of
      80,000 yuan; If
      Sino Great Wall
      fails to fulfill
      the first and
      second debts
      above, China
      has the right to
      receive priority
      within the
      scope of this
      according to
      the Pledge
      Contract of
      signed by both
      parties; Chen
      Lue and He
      Feiyan shall
      bear joint and
      liabilities for
      the first and
      second debts
      above; Other
      claims are
      rejected. The
      case acceptance

                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                           fee is
                                           yuan, of which
                                           5050 yuan shall
                                           be borne by
                                           and 542,438.89
                                           yuan shall be
                                           borne jointly by
                                           Sino Great
                                           Wall, Chen Lue
                                           and He Feiyan.
                                           The case
                                           preservation fee
                                           of 5,000 yuan
                                           shall be shared
                                           by Sino Great
                                           Wall, Chen Lue
                                           and He Feiyan.

                                                                                                ment on
                                                                                                on October
                                                                                                13, 2018;
                                The                             The plaintiff                   February
 Bill dispute case              judgment                        has not yet                     20, 2019,
 with Jiaozuo                   is given                        applied for      October        Announce
                     305   No              —
 Junpeng Coal Co.,              and the                         enforcement      13,2018        ment on
 Ltd.                           case is                         for failure to                  Reply to
                                closed.                         perform                         Shenzhen
                                                                                                Letter of

                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                    ment on
                                                                                    on October
                                                                                    13, 2018;
                                 The                The plaintiff                   February
 Bill dispute case
                                 judgment           has not yet                     20, 2019,
 with Tongchuan
                                 is given           applied for      October        Announce
 New District         456   No              —
                                 and the            enforcement      13,2018        ment on
 Hengxin Building
                                 case is            for failure to                  Reply to
 Material Co., Ltd.
                                 closed.            perform                         Shenzhen
                                                                                    Letter of

                                                                                    ment on
                                                                                    on October
                                                                                    13, 2018;
                                 The                The plaintiff                   February
 Bill dispute case
                                 judgment           has not yet                     20, 2019,
 with Xian Bihui
                                 is given           applied for      October        Announce
 Road & Bridge        507   No              —
                                 and the            enforcement      13,2018        ment on
 Engineering Co.,
                                 case is            for failure to                  Reply to
                                 closed.            perform                         Shenzhen
                                                                                    Letter of

                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        n of
                                                                                        Trust Plan
                                                                                        for Trust
                                                                                        Loan on
                                                                                        14, 2018;
                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Overdue on
                                                                                        15, 2018;
                                     The                                                Announce
 Financial loan
                                     judgment                                           ment on
 contract dispute
                                     is given                            September      Receiving
 case with Datong   13,801.32   No              —      —
                                     and the                             14,2018        Civil
 Securities Co.,
                                     case is                                            Complaint
                                     closed.                                            on October
                                                                                        20, 2019,
                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Reply to
                                                                                        Letter of

                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Progress of
                                                                                        Matters on
                                                                                        April 19,
                                                                                        ment No.:

                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        on October
                                                                                        24, 2018;
                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Notice of
 Financial loan                                                                         Maturity of
 contract dispute                   Waiting                                             Debt on
 case of Ping An                    for a                                October        October
                     2,905.1   No               —      —
 International                      court                                24,2018        26, 2018;
 Financial Leasing                  decision.                                           On
 Co., Ltd.                                                                              February
                                                                                        20, 2019,
                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Reply to
                                                                                        Letter of

                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           on October
                                                                                           24, 2018;
                                                                                           20, 2019,
                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           Reply to
                                     The                                                   Shenzhen
                                     first-insta                                           Stock
                                     nce                                                   Exchange's
                                     verdict                                               Letter of
 Private loan
                                     was                                    October        Concern(A
 dispute case with   3,143.18   No                 —      —
                                     closed                                 24,2018        nnounceme
 Gong Lihong
                                     and the                                               nt
                                     company                                               No.::2019-
                                     has                                                   019) ;
                                     appealed                                              Announce
                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           Progress of
                                                                                           Matters on
                                                                                           April 19,
                                                                                           ment No.:

 Right of recourse                   Waiting                                               ment on
 dispute case with                   for the                                               Receiving
 Shenzhen Yi'an       301.89    No   judgment      —      —                              Civil
 Factoring Co.,                      of first                                              Complaint
 Ltd.                                instance                                              on October
                                                                                           24, 2018;

                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                           20, 2019,
                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           Reply to
                                                                                           Letter of
                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           Progress of
                                                                                           Matters on
                                                                                           April 19,
                                                                                           ment No.:

                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           Notice of
 Loan contract                          Waiting                                            Maturity of
 dispute case with                      for the                                            Debt on
 Zhongjiang            32,738.68   No   judgment   —      —                              September
 International Trust                    of first                                           29, 2018
 Co., Ltd.                              instance                                           ;
                                                                                           ment on

                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                         10, 2018;
                                                                                         20, 2019,
                                                                                         ment on
                                                                                         Reply to
                                                                                         Letter of

                                                                                         ment on
                                     The                                                 February
 Loan dispute case                   enforcem                                            13, 2019;
 with China                          ent                 In               February       On
                     2,140.87   No               —
 Railway Trust                       verdict             commission       13,2019        February
 Co., Ltd.                           has been                                            20, 2019,
                                     received.                                           Announce
                                                                                         ment on
                                                                                         Reply to
                                                                                         Letter of

                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


                                                                                           ment on
 Financial loan
 contract dispute
                                                                                           13, 2019;
 case with                           No trial
 Shenzhen Branch                     has yet                                February
                     7,017.76   No                 —      —                              February
 of Shanghai                         been                                   13,2019
                                                                                           20, 2019,
 Pudong                              held.
 Development Co.,
                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           Reply to
                                                                                           Letter of

                                                                                           ment on
 Financial loan
 Branch of China
                                     litigation.                                           on
 Minsheng Bank
                                                                                           13, 2019;
                                                                                           20, 2019,

                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                      ment on
                                                                                      Reply to
                                                                                      Letter of

                                                                                      ment on
 Enforcement case                                                                     February
 with Beijing                                                                         13, 2019;
 Zhongguancun                                                                         On
                                   Enforcem           In               February
 Sci-tech             736.1   No              —                                      February
                                   ent.               commission       13,2019
 Financing                                                                            20, 2019,
 Guaranty Co.,                                                                        Announce
 Ltd.                                                                                 ment on
                                                                                      Reply to
                                                                                      Letter of

 Sales contract                    No trial                                           ment on
 dispute case with                 has yet                             February       Receiving
                     489.33   No              —      —
 Jieyang Fangyuan                  been                                13,2019         and

                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                        13, 2019;
                                                                                        20, 2019,
                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Reply to
                                                                                        Letter of

                                                                                        ment on
 contract dispute                    No trial
 case with lvmeiyi                   has yet                             February
                     1,412.36   No              —      —                              13, 2019;
 Environmental                       been                                13,2019
 Construction                        held.
 Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        20, 2019,
                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Reply to
                                                                                        Letter of

                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


                                                                                      ment on
                                                                                      13, 2019;
                                                                                      20, 2019,
                                                                                      ment on
                                                                                      Reply to
 Contract of hired                 Waiting
 work dispute case                 for the
                                                                       February       Stock
 with Shanghai       219.97   No   judgment   —      —
                                                                       13,2019        Exchange's
 Disheng Wood                      of first
                                                                                      Letter of
 Co., Ltd.                         instance
                                                                                      ment on
                                                                                      Progress of
                                                                                      Matters on
                                                                                      April 19,
                                                                                      ment No.:

                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           19, 2019;
                                                                                           20, 2019,
                                                                                           ment on
 Loan dispute case                                                                         Reply to
 with Henan No.1                                                                           Shenzhen
                                     was                                    February
 Thermal Power       4,717.75   No                 —      —                              Stock
                                     closed                                 19,2019
 Construction Co.,                                                                         Exchange's
                                     and the
 Ltd.                                                                                      Letter of
                                                                                           019) ;
                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           Progress of
                                                                                           Matters on
                                                                                           April 19,
                                                                                           ment No.:

                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                         ment on
                                     Mediatio                                             on
                                     reached,                                            February
 Contract dispute
                                     waiting                                             19, 2019;
 case with Gome                                                           February
                      4,163.7   No   for the     —      —                              On
 Cinda Factoring                                                          19,2019
                                     court to                                            February
 Co., Ltd.
                                     deliver                                             20, 2019,
                                     the                                                 Announce
                                     mediation                                           ment on
                                     document                                            Reply to
                                                                                         Letter of

                                                                                         ment on
 Loan contract                                                                           
                                     judgment                             19,2019
 Li Shaoxiong                                                                            and
                                                                                         19, 2019;

                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                          20, 2019,
                                                                                          ment on
                                                                                          Reply to
                                                                                          Letter of

                                                                                          ment on
 Enforcement case                                                                         19, 2019;
                                      ent                 In               February
 with Bairui Trust   30,736.58   No               —                                      On
                                      verdict             commission       19,2019
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                February
                                      has been
                                                                                          20, 2019,
                                                                                          ment on
                                                                                          Reply to
                                                                                          Letter of

                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                      ment on
 of construction                                                                      February
                                   In the
 equipment with                                                                       19, 2019;
                                   trial of                            February
 Zhejiang Huatie     979.05   No              —      —                              On
                                   first                               19,2019
 Construction                                                                         February
 Support                                                                              20, 2019,
 Technology Co.,                                                                      Announce
 Ltd.                                                                                 ment on
                                                                                      Reply to
                                                                                      Letter of

                                                                                      ment on
                                   for the                                            
 case with Wang                                                        19,2019
                                   of first                                           and
                                   instance                                            on
                                                                                      19, 2019;

                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                        20, 2019,
                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Reply to
                                                                                        Letter of
                                                                                        ment on
                                                                                        Progress of
                                                                                        Matters on
                                                                                        April 19,
                                                                                        ment No.:

                                                                                        ment on
 Labor subcontract                 is issued
 Hunan Zhongjian     251.57   No   arbitratio   —      —
                                                                         19,2019        and
 Construction                      n and the
                                                                                        19, 2019;

                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                            20, 2019,
                                                                            ment on
                                                                            Reply to
                                                                            Letter of
                                                                            ment on
                                                                            Progress of
                                                                            Matters on
                                                                            April 19,
                                                                            ment No.:

                                                                            On August
                                                                            31, 2018, it
                                                                            in the 2018
 Loan contract                              the company
                                                                            al Report
 dispute case with                          has repaid the
                                                                            on Cninf;
 Beijing Tellhow                            loan, and the    August
                     3,017.5   No   —                                      On
 Intelligent                                plaintiff        31,2018
 Engineering Co.,                           withdrew and
                                                                            14, 2018,
 Ltd.                                       closed the
                                                                            ment on

                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                     s and
                                                                                     the Notice
                                                                                     nt and the
                                                                                     Order; On
                                                                                     23, 2018,
                                                                                     ment on
                                                                                     Reply to
                                                                                     Letter on
                                                                                     al Report

                                                                                     14, 2018,
 Contract dispute                                    Currrently,
 case for                                            the payment
                                  Nolle                                              Announce
 construction                                        has been
                                  prosequi                            September      ment on
 project with        59.85   No              —      completed
                                  and case                            14,2018        the
 Anhui Tiangan                                       and the case
                                  closed                                             Company,
 Construction Co.,                                   has been
 Ltd.                                                closed.

                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                           s and
                                                                                           the Notice
                                                                                           nt and the
                                                                                           Order; On
                                                                                           23, 2018,
                                                                                           ment on
                                                                                           Reply to
                                                                                           Letter on
                                                                                           al Report

 Right to recourse
 dispute case with
                                                           The plaintiff                   ment on
 China Arts                            Nolle
                                                           withdrew the                    Receiving
 Century                               prosequi                             August
                           43.8   No               —      lawsuit and                     Civil
 Construction &                        and case                             24,2018
                                                           closed the                      Complaint
 Decoration                            closed
                                                           case.                           on October
 Design (Beijing)
                                                                                           24, 2018
 Co., Ltd.

   Financial loan
                                        No trial                                                ment on
 contract case with
                                        has yet                              March 1,       Receiving
          SPD         7,977.89    No
                                         been                                  2019              on March

                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

                                                                                         1, 2019

  Financial loan                                                                         ment on
                                        No trial
 contract case with                                                                     Receiving
                                        has yet                         March 1,
        Shanghai      27,411.99   No                                                      on March
                                                                                         1, 2019

  Financial loan                                                                         ment on
                                        No trial
 contract case with                                                                     Receiving
                                        has yet                         March 1,
        Bank of       7,934.39    No                                                      on March
                                                                                         1, 2019

                                                                                         ment on
  Financial loan                                                                          and
                                       through                           8,2019
      Bank .Fuzhou                                                                      on April
                                                                                         8, 2019

                                                                                         ment on
 SPD Bank Beijing                      through                           8,2019
                                                                                        on April
                                                                                         8, 2019

  Financial loan                                                                        Announce
 contract case with                      In the                                          ment on
  Hunan Jinjude                          first                            April         Receiving
                            502   No
      Construction                     instance                          8,2019           and

                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

                                                                                              on April
                                                                                               8, 2019

                                                                                               ment on
 Dispute case over                                                                              and
                                       instance                                8,2019
  contract with Xu                                                                            on April
                                                                                               8, 2019

                                                                                               ment on
   Financial loan                                                                               and
                                       through                                 8,2019
 Bank .Guangzhou                                                                              on April
                                                                                               8, 2019

                                                                                               ment on
   Financial loan                                                                             Receiving
                                       The case
 contract case with                                                                            
       Branch                                                                                plication >
                                                                                              on April
                                                                                              13, 2019

                                                                                             20, 2019,
 Other small                                                                 October
                       4,411.59   No   —           —      —                               Announce
 litigations                                                                 23,2018
                                                                                             ment on
                                                                                             Reply to

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

                                                                                                                          Letter of
                                                                                                                          August 31,
                                                                                                                          2018, it
                                                                                                                          in the 2018
                                                                                                                          al Report
                                                                                                                          on Cninf
                                                                                                                          by 34.4954
                                                                                                                          yuan; On
                                                                                                                          20, 2019,
                                                                                                                          ment on
                                                                                                                          Reply to
                                                                                                                          Letter of

XIII. Situation of Punishment and Rectification

√ Applicable □Not applicable

                                                       Type         of       Conclusion (if                          Disclosure
 Name               Type          Reasons                                                         Disclosure date
                                                       Punishment            any)                                    index

                                  As             the   An                    As      of    the
                                  company         is   investigation is      disclosure date
                                  suspected       of   filed   or   an       of            this                      (www.cninfo.
                                  violating     laws   administrative        announcement,                           com.cn)
 Sino Great Wall                                                                                  October
                    The company   and regulations      punishment       is   the     company                         (Announceme
 Co., Ltd                                                                                         19,2018
                                  in information       imposed by the        has     not   yet                       nt
                                  disclosure,          China                 received      the                       No.:2018-121)
                                  according       to   Securities            China
                                  the     relevant     Regulatory            Securities

                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                 provisions       of   Commission        Regulatory
                                 the     Securities                      Commission's
                                 Law        of   the                     concluding
                                 People's                                comments        or
                                 Republic         of                     decisions       on
                                 China,          the                     relevant
                                 CSRC            has                     investigation
                                 decided          to                     matters.
                                 initiate        an
                                 investigation in
                                 the company.

                                 The Shenzhen
                                                                         Decision        on
                                 Bureau           of
                                                                         Measures        of
                                 Securities                                                                   (www.cninfo.
                                 Regulatory            Be investigated                                        com.cn)
 Sino Great Wall                                                         Supervision
                   The company   Commission            by a competent                         March 7,2019    (Announceme
 Co., Ltd                                                                Bureau          of
                                 will       conduct    authority                                              nt
                                 on-site                                                                      No.:2019-022)
                                 inspections      of
                                 the       company
                                 from May 2018
                                                                         ([2019] No.11)

                                                                         Decision on

                                 The Shenzhen                            Supervision

                                 Supervision                             Measures of

                                 Bureau of                               Shenzhen

                                 China                                   Supervision

 Chen Lue, Tian                  Securities                              Bureau of                            (www.cninfo.
 Wei, Tang                       Regulatory            Be investigated   China                                com.cn)
 Xianyong, Cui                   Commission            by a competent    Securities           March 7,2019    (Announceme
 Hongli and                      will conduct          authority         Regulatory                           nt
 Yang Chunling                   on-site                                 Commission                           No.:2019-022)
                                 inspections of                          [2019] No.12

                                 the company                             [2019]No.13
                                 from May 2018                           [2019]No.14
                                 onwards                                 [2019]No.15

                                 The Shenzhen          Be investigated   Decision on                          (www.cninfo.
 Chen Lue          Director                                                                   March 7,2019
                                 Supervision           by a competent    Administrative                       com.cn)

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                        Bureau of          authority           Supervision                           (Announceme
                                        China                                  Measures of                           nt
                                        Securities                             Shenzhen                              No.:2019-022)
                                        Regulatory                             Supervision
                                        Commission                             Bureau of
                                        will conduct                           China
                                        on-site                                Securities
                                        inspections of                         Regulatory
                                        the company                            Commission
                                        from May 2018                          ([2019] No.12)

Explanation on Rectification
√Applicable □Not applicable
On October 18, 2018, the company received the notice of investigation issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (No:
JDC Zi No. 18041). As the company is suspected of violating laws and regulations in information disclosure, according to the
relevant provisions of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, the CSRC has decided to initiate an investigation in the
company. On March 6, 2019, the company received the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau's Decision on Administrative
Supervision Measures (No 2019] 11, No. [2019] 12 , No. [2019] 13 ,No. [2019] 14 , No. [2019] 15, and No. [2019] 16) showing that
the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau had carried out on-site inspection of the company since May 2018, and the Shenzhen
Securities Regulatory Bureau had filed a case for investigation on the illegal disclosure of relevant information found in the
inspection; In addition, through inspection, it is also found that the company had the following problems "I. The income cost
accounting is not standardized, and expenses are charged through out-of-account fund accounts; II. It did not disclose the changes in
major items in a timely manner, the preparation of performance forecasts and performance report is not prudent; III. It has capital
exchanges of no real business foundation with a number of companies, and illegal foreign financial assistance; IV. The relevant
management system for raising funds is not perfect; V. Registration management for information insider is not standardized". The
Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau decided to take corrective measures against the company, the company's relevant directors,
senior management personnel, and issue warning letters to Mr. Chen Lue, Mr. Tian Wei, Mr. Tang Xianyong, Ms. Cui Hongli, Ms.
Yang Chunling (see 2018-121, 2019-022,2019-033) In response to the relevant problems found during the inspection against the
company, the company has made serious rectification in accordance with the matters involved in the Decision on Taking Corrective
Measures against Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. ([2019] No.11). In addition to the above matters, Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau
requires the company to employ a third party independent agency to conduct special inspections on the problems of NPP-0057 in
Xingang, Qatar, Cambodia Refinery and NAGA Casino Phase II project in Cambodia.
As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the company has not yet received the China Securities Regulatory Commission's
concluding comments or decisions on relevant investigation matters.

XIV. Credit Condition of the Company and its Controlling Shareholders and Actual

√Applicable □Not applicable
(I) The integrity of the company and its subsidiaries
1. The company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Sino International Engineering Co., Ltd. were incorporated into the list of
defaulters due to breach by the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court due to the dispute with Shaanxi International Trust
Company Limited over financial loan contract. Currently, the case is in enforcement.
2. Due to a dispute with CCB International Asset Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd over financial loan contract, the company and its

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

wholly-owned subsidiary Sino International Engineering Co., Ltd. were incorporated into the list of defaulters by the Beijing Third
Intermediate People's Court. Currently, the case is in enforcement.
3. The company was incorporated into the list of defaulters by Beijing Third Intermediate People's Court due to the dispute with
Bairui Trust Co., Ltd. over financial loan contract. Currently, the case is in enforcement.
4. Due to a dispute with China Railway Trust Co., Ltd. over financial loan contract, the company and its wholly-owned subsidiary
Sino International Engineering Co., Ltd. were incorporated into the list of defaulters by the Chengdu Intermediate People's Court.
Currently, the case is in enforcement.
5. The company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Sino International Engineering Co., Ltd. were incorporated into the list by the
Haidian District People's Court of Beijing for notarizing the enforcement of creditor's rights documents with Beijing Zhongguancun
Sci-tech Financing Guaranty Co., Ltd. Currently, the case is under trial.
6. Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, was incorporated into the list of defaulters by
Tangshan Intermediate People's Court for the dispute over the liability of victims of labor service providers with Cao Zhenrong.
Currently, the case is in enforcement.
7. Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, was incorporated into the list of defaulters by the
Tongzhou District People's Court of Beijing for its labor arbitration with Zhang Jie. Currently, the case is in enforcement.
For details of the above cases, please refer to the company's announcements 2018-107, 2018-125, 2018-109, 2019-018, 2019-019,
2019-015 published on Cninf (www.cninfo.com.cn) on September 14, 2018, October 23, 2018, September 18, 2018, February 19,
2019, February 20, 2019
(II) Integrity of controlling shareholders and actual controllers
1. Chen Lue, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company, has been incorporated into the list of defaulters, due to
his failure to perform the obligations specified in the effective legal documents, including:
1) In the dispute between the company and Shanxi International Trust Co., Ltd. over financial loan contract, Chen Lue, as the
guarantor and counter-guarantor, assumed joint and several guarantee liability for the above debts and was incorporated into the list
of defaulters by the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court. Currently, the case is in enforcement.
2) In the dispute between the company and China Railway Trust Co., Ltd. over financial loan contract, Chen Lue, as the guarantor of
the counter-guarantor, assumed joint guarantee liability for the debt and was incorporated into the list of defaulters by the Chengdu
Intermediate People's Court. Currently, the case is in enforcement.
3) Chen Lue was incorporated into the list of defaulters by Tongzhou District People's Court of Beijing for a dispute over private
lending with Xia Honggan. Currently, the case is in the process of enforcement.
4) In the case of notarization of creditor's rights documents between the company and Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech Financing
Guaranty Co., Ltd., Chen Lue, as the guarantor and counter-guarantor, assumed joint and several guarantee liabilities for the debts
and was incorporated into the list of defaulters by the Haidian District People's Court of Beijing. Currently, the case is under trial.
5) In the dispute between the company and Bairui Trust Co., Ltd. over financial loan contract, Chen Lue, as the guarantor and
counter-guarantor, assumed joint guarantee liability for the debt and was incorporated into the list of defaulters by the Beijing Third
Intermediate People's Court. Currently, the case is in enforcement.
6) In the case of dispute over the financial loan contract between the Company and CCB International Asset Management (Shanghai)
Co., Ltd., Chen Lue as the counter guarantor assumed a joint surety bond liability for the debt and was incorporated by Beijing Third
Intermediate People's Court into the list of defaulters. Currently, the case is in enforcement.
Regarding particulars of the preceding case, please refer to Announcement 2018-107, 2018-125, 2019-015, 2019-019, 2019-018, and
2018-109 published by the Company at Cninf (www.cninfo.com.cn) on September 14, 2018, October 23, 2018, February 13, 2019,
February 20, 2019, February 19, 2019 and September 18, 2018 respectively.
2. The Company's holding shareholder and actual controller Chen Lue held 583,454,556 shares of the Company, accounting for 34.36%
of its total capital stock. In the report period, all the shares held by Mr. Chen Lue were frozen and waited for being frozen,
attributable to a property preservation caused by his assumption of personal joint guarantee for a subsidiary to carry out business

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

financing. For more information, please refer to Announcement on Waiting to Freeze Shares of the Holding Shareholder 2018-112,
2018-124, 2018-139, 2018-143, 2018-145 ,2018-150.2018-153,2018-155,2019-017 and 2019-025 published by the Company at
Cninf (www.cninfo.com.cn) on September 22, 2018, October 23, 2018, November 2, 2018, November 14, 2018, November 15, 2018,
November 20, 2018, November 28, 2018 ,December 22, 2018, February 6,2019 and March 27, 2019 respectively.

XV. Implementation Situation of Stock Incentive Plan of the Company, Employee Stock
Ownership Plan or Other Employee Incentive Measures

√Applicable □ Not applicable
The second meeting of the seventh board of directors, the second meeting of the seventh board of supervisors and the 2015 third
extraordinary general shareholder meeting were respectively convened by the company on Nov 5, 2015 and Nov 23, 205, at which
the Proposal on the First Phase of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (draft) of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd
was examined and approved.
Please refer to the published on November 7, 2015 and November 24,2015 (www.cninfo.com.cn) on the relevant announcement.
On December 24, 2015, the company as the asset trustor of the ESOP asset management plan, together with the asset manager-
Xingzheng Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd. and the asset trustee- China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. signed the contract of
No.57 Xing Zheng Zi Guan Xin Zhong Assets Management Contract of the Collection Assets Management Plan which concretely
explained and stipulated the information included the basic information of the collection plan, participating in and withdrawal of the
collection plan, guarantee, classification of the collection plan, the management methods and the management rights of the customer
assets in the collection plan, the establishment of the collection plan, the expenses of the collection plan, the proceeds and its
distribution of the collection plan, investment philosophy and investment strategy, investment decision-making and risk control,
restrictions and prohibited behaviors of investment, information disclosure of the collection plan, transfer of the share of the
collection plan, non-transaction transfer ownership and freezing and so on.
Please refer to the published on December 29, 2015 (www.cninfo.com.cn) on the relevant announcement.
As of January 7, 2016, the company’s first phase of the employee stock ownership plan has completed the share-purchasing by means
of buying in the secondary security market, of which the average position price is RMB44.7578 per share, the total purchase quantity
is 833,187 shares which account for 0.1864% of the company's total share capital, and the total turnover is RMB37,291,630. The
lock-up period of the shares purchased under the plan is 12 months commenced from the date of this Announcement. Please refer to
the published on January 8, 2016 (www.cninfo.com.cn) on the relevant announcement.
  On November 20, 2017, with the consent of more than two-thirds of the holders presented at the holders’ meeting, the “Proposal
on the one-year extension of the company's first phase ESOP” was passed. On November 21, 2017, the company held the
twenty-sixth meeting of the seventh board of directors, which reviewed and adopted the “Proposal on the one-year extension of the
company's first phase ESOP”, and according to the voting result of the holders’ meeting, the board agreed to extend the duration of
the company's first phase ESOP by one year, meaning that the ESOP can sell shares within the afore-said extension of one year (until
November 23, 2018).If the shares are not sold before the expiration of the extended one year, a further meeting of the holders and the
meeting of the board of directors can be convened two months before the expiration to consider the follow-up matters. Please refer to
the published on November 22, 2017 (www.cninfo.com.cn) on the relevant announcement.

On November 20, 2018, attendees of the holders' meeting with 2/3 of shares agreed and adopted the Proposal on Extending the
Company's First Staff Shareholding Plan for One Year. On November 21, 2018, the Company convened the second meeting of the
eighth Board of Directors, deliberating and adopting the Proposal on Extending the Company's First Staff Shareholding Plan for One
Year. According to voting results at the holders' meeting, the Board of Directors agreed to extend the Company's first staff
shareholding plan for one year, i.e., the former expiry date was extended to one year later--November 23, 2019. In the duration, once

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

the Company's shares held in the staff shareholding plan are sold out, the staff shareholding plan may be terminated beforehand. If
shares are not sold upon the expiry of the extended period, a holders' meeting and meeting of Board of Directors may be convened 2
months before the expiration to deliberate relevant following matters. Please refer to the published on November 22, 2018
(www.cninfo.com.cn) on the relevant announcement.

XVI. Material related transactions

1. Related transactions in connection with daily operation

□Applicable    √ Not applicable

2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sold

□Applicable √ Not applicable
No related transactions by assets acquisition and sold for the Company in reporting period.

3. Related-party transitions with joint investments

□Applicable √ Not applicable
No main related transactions of joint investment outside for the Company in reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

□Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Other significant related-party transactions

√ Applicable □Not applicable

   On March 12, 2018, the company and Union Development Group Co., Ltd. and Chen Lue signed an Agreement
on the Economic Compensation for the Events after the Major Asset Restructuring Period of Shenzhen Victor
Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. On March 17, 2018, the company and Union Development Group and Mr.
Chen Lue signed a Supplementary Agreement on Agreement on the Economic Compensation for the Events after
the Major Asset Restructuring Period of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. On March 29, 2018,
the company received RMB 100 million as the economic compensation paid by Shenzhen Union Development
Investment Co., Ltd.
Website for temporary disclosure of the connected transaction

 Announcement                                    Date of disclosure                   Website for disclosure

 Announcement on Signing the Economic            March 20,2018                        http://www.cninfo.com.cn
 Compensation Agreement and Changes in
 Shareholders' Commitments and Related

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

 Announcement       on    the       Supplemental   March 20,2018                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
 Agreement for the Signing of the Economic
 Compensation Agreement

XVII. Particulars about significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Trusteeship

□Applicable √ Not applicable
No trusteeship, contract or leasing for the Company in reporting period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No any contract for the Company in the reporting period.

(3) Lease

√Applicable □ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company's leasing expenses were mainly the company’s office space and staff
quarters’ capital expenditures.

The company's profit and loss has reached more than 10% of the company's total profit during the reporting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable


√ Applicable □ Not applicable


                                                                                                                    Unit: 10,000 Yuan

                     Guarantee of the Company for the controlling subsidiaries (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)

                          Relevant       Amount        Date of                                                     Complet   Guarante
      Name of the         disclosur         of        happening                     Guarantee      Guarantee          e         e
                                                                      mount of
        Company                 e       Guarante       (Date of                        type          term          impleme      for
                          date/No.          e          signing                                                     ntation   associate

                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                         of                    agreement)                                                   or not        d

                         the                                                                                         parties

                      guarantee                                                                                      (Yes or

                         d                                                                                             no)


                                       Guarantee of the company for its subsidiaries
                                              Actual date of
                      guarantee    Amount                        Actual                                    Comple    Related
 Guarantee provided                             occurring                       Type of
                       and date     of the                      amount of                      Term         ted or   guarant
         to                                   (signing date                    guarantee
                          of      guarantee                     guarantee                                     not      ee
                                              of agreements
                                                                              The joint
                      March                   January
 Sino International                 70,000                          70,000    liability     1 year         No        No
                      31, 2016                16,2017

                                                                              The joint
                      May 20,                 October
 Sino International                 12,000                          12,000    liability     1 year         No        No
                      2017                    28,2016

                                                                              The joint
                      March                   February 20,
 Sino International                  7,000                            7,000   liability     1 year         Yes       No
                      31, 2016                2017

                                                                              The joint
                      May 20,                 March 12,
 Sino International                 12,000                          12,000    liability     1 year         No        No
                      2017                    2018

                                                                              The joint
                      March                   April 14,
 Sino International                 20,000                          20,000    liability     1 year         Yes       No
                      31, 2016                2017

                                                                              The joint
                      March                   January 3,
 Sino International                 18,000                          18,000    liability     1 year         Yes       No
                      31, 2016                2017

                                                                              The joint
                      May 20,                 June 7,
 Sino International                 12,000                          12,000    liability     1 year         Yes       No
                      2017                    2017

                                                                              The joint
                      March                   August 22,
 Sino International                 11,990                          11,990    liability     1 year         No        No
                      29, 2018                2018

                                                                              The joint
                      May 20,                 July 25,
 Sino International                 40,000                          40,000    liability     1 year         No        No
                      2017                    2017

                                                                              The joint
                      May 20,                 June 30,
 Sino International                 22,000                          22,000    liability     1 year         No        No
                      2017                    2017

                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                                                                  The joint
                         May 20,                  October 18,
 Sino International                    20,000                           20,000    liability    1 year         No       No
                         2017                     2017

                                                                                  The joint
                         May 20,                  November 22,
 Sino International                    10,000                           10,000    liability    1 year         No       No
                         2017                     2017

                                                                                  The joint
                         May 20,                  November 30,
 Sino International                    10,000                           10,000    liability    1 year         No       No
                         2017                     2017

                                                                                  The joint
                         March                    March 31,
 Sino International                      8,400                           8,400    liability    30 months      No       No
                         31, 2016                 2017

                                                                                  The joint
                         May 20,                  February 13,
 Sino International                      8,000                           8,000    liability    1 year         No       No
                         2017                     2018

                                                                                  The joint
                         May 20,                  December 20,
 Sino International                    20,000                           20,000    liability    1 year         No       No
                         2017                     2017

                                                                                  The joint
 Wuhan Commercial        March        10,889.8    January 18,
                                                                    10,889.81     liability    3 years        No       No
 Work Hospital           31, 2016             1   2017

                                                                                  The joint
 Sino Great Wall         March                    September 30,
                                         3,500                           3,500    liability    1 year         No       No
 Construction            29, 2018                 2018

 报告期内审批对子公司担保额                                       报告期内对子公司担保
                                                      1,000,000                                                        315,780
 度合计(B1)                                                     实际发生额合计(B2)

 报告期末已审批的对子公司担                                       报告期末对子公司实际
                                                      1,000,000                                                    258,779.81
 保额度合计(B3)                                                 担保余额合计(B4)


                          度相关     担保额                        实际担保                                   是否履
      担保对象名称                                实际发生日期                    担保类型       担保期                关联方
                          公告披        度                             金额                                   行完毕

                         Total of Company’s guarantee(namely total of the large three aforementioned)

                                                                  Total of actual guarantee
 Total of guarantee in the Period
                                                      1,000,000   in                                                   315,780
                                                                  the Period(A2+B2+C2)

                                                                  Total of actual guarantee
 Total of guarantee at Period-end
                                                      1,000,000   at period-end                                    258,779.81

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the
 net assets of the company(A4+B4+C4)


 Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
 associated parties(D)

 The debts guarantee amount provided for the Guaranteed
 parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or                                                              258,779.81

 Amount of guarantee exceeds 50% of net capital(F)                                                                      208,205.88

 Total Amount(D+E+F)                                                                                                    466,985.67

 Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating
 responsibilities for undue guarantees (If any)

 Explanations    on    external   guarantee       against   regulated
 procedures (If any)

Description of the guarantee with complex method

(2)Illegal providing of external guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No illegal providing of external guarantees in the report period.

3. Situation of Entrusting Others for Managing Spot Asset

(1) Situation of Entrusted Finance

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Situation of Entrusted Loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Other significant contract

Applicable √ Not applicable
Non existence

XVIII. Social responsibility

1. Execution of social responsibility
      In the report period, the Company took the initiative to fulfill the social responsibility. The Company highlighted work safety,

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

the safety management work of international projects and personnel in particular and kept improving its engineering construction
safety mechanism to implement occupational health guarantee and other measures with effort, put an end to major safety accidents,
and assure personal safety and health of staff; the Company kept improving its compensation and benefit system and modifying all
the labor and employment systems to create a harmonious employment relationship and provide broad development room for
employees with effort while giving a help to sick and needy employees to promote the harmonious development between employees
and society; the Company took the initiative to build a healthy and positive enterprise culture and highlighted improving the staff
quality by organizing training activities in a variety of forms on demand and frequently holding badminton, table tennis, and
basketball games and staff sports meetings to enrich the spare life of employees; besides, the Company paid all the taxes and dues in
full amount and carefully performed the social responsibility by law.

2. Precise poverty alleviation social responsibility

(1) Targeted poverty alleviation program

There is no precise poverty alleviation carried out in the period and no follow plan either.

(2) Annual precision poverty alleviation

(3) Accuracy of poverty alleviation

 Index                                               Measurement         Quantity / Status

 I. General situation                                ——                ——

 II. Breakdown Input                                 ——                ——

 1.    Poverty       alleviation   by   industrial   ——                ——

 2. Poverty alleviation by transfer employment       ——                ——

 3. Poverty alleviation by relocation                ——                ——

 4. Educational poverty alleviation                  ——                ——

 5. Health poverty alleviation                       ——                ——

 6. Ecological protection poverty alleviation        ——                ——

 7. Guarantee of all the details                     ——                ——

 8. Social poverty alleviation                       ——                ——

 9. Other projects                                   ——                ——

 III. Awards (Content and level)                     ——                ——

(4)Subsequent targeted poverty alleviation program

3. Information on environmental protection

The Listed Company and its subsidiary whether belong to the key sewage units released from environmental protection department

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

The Company and its subsidiaries do not belong to the key pollutant discharge units announced by the environmental protection

XIX. Other material events

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. At the tenth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors and 2016 second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on July
7, 2016 and July 25, 2016 respectively, the Company deliberated and adopted a Proposal on Private Placement of A-share Stocks of
Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. and planned to issue stocks to Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Co., Ltd., Beijing Anben Medical
Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and Mr. Zheng Jihua to raise funds of RMB 2.5 billion. On October 14, 2016, China Securities
Regulatory Commission accepted the Company's application for private placement of stocks. On February 16, 2017, the Company
convened the sixteenth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors and the eleventh meeting of the seventh Board of Supervisors,
deliberating and adopting the Proposal on Adjustment of the Company's Plan for Private Placement of Stocks to adjust the sum of
funds raised to RMB 900 million. On March 22, 2017, the Company's application for private placement of A-share stocks was
approved by CSRC Issue Review Committee. On July 21, 2017, the Company received a Reply to Approval of Private Placement of
Stocks Given to Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2017] No.1145) from China Securities Regulatory Commission. Due
to fluctuation in the capital market environment, the Company failed to complete matters of the private placement of stocks within 6
months after getting the approval for issue from China Securities Regulatory Commission (i.e., before January 4, 2018), hence the
reply of China Securities Regulatory Commission to the Company on the private placement of stocks became void and ineffective
spontaneously upon expiry (refer to the Company's Announcement 2016-052, 2016-065, 2017-009, 2017-010, and 2018-004 for
2. The Company convened the twenty-eighth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors and 2018 first extraordinary general meeting
of shareholders on January 19, 2018 and March 13, 2018 respectively, deliberating and adopting the Proposal on the Company's
Financing Plan by Bond Issue and Proposal on the Company's Financing Plan by Issue of Accounts Receivable Bonds and approving
the Company's plan to raise funds in the amount of not over RMB 2 billion by listed bonds at Beijing Financial Assets Exchange
(refer to the Company's Announcement 2018-006, 007, 050 for details). The Company suspended implementing its financing plan,
affected by market environment and its own current situation.
3. In December 2016, the Company received a letter of acceptance from its wholly-owned subsidiary Sino International that made up
a consortium with Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. to win the bid for "Phnom Penh Twin Tower World Trade Center
(Cambodia) Construction Project" (hereinafter referred to as the Twin Tower Project) with a sum of about USD 2.7 billion or RMB
17.128 billion (refer to the Company's Announcement 2016-108 for details). After receiving the letter of acceptance, the Company
took the initiative to help the owner handle financing-related work to promote further performance of the Twin Tower Project.
However, financing matters concerned in the project were not put into practice, affected by lots of objective factors. Based on a
comprehensive evaluation on risks for implementation and financing risks in the international project and such risk factors as whether
the economic benefit can be as expected upon the completion of the project, the Company considered the project to have many
uncontrollable risks. To further prevent business risks and safeguard shareholders' rights and interests, the Company decided to waive
the project (refer to the Company's Announcement 2018-014).
4. On January 26, 2018, Guizhou Bijie Public Resources Trading Center released an Announcement of Results of (Secondary)
Construction of PPP Project of Jinsha County Hospital, according to which, Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) won the bid for the "(Secondary) Construction of PPP Project of Jinsha County Hospital" beforehand in the investment
sum of about RMB 1,438,314,400 (refer to the Company's Announcement 2018-015). Due to a high uncertainty and risk in the return
on investment on the project, the Company terminated the project.
5. On February 12, 2018, the Company convened the twenty-ninth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors, deliberating and

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

adopting a Proposal on Acquisition of Shares of UPL Laos Co., Ltd., according to which, UPL (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD.
(hereinafter referred to as UPL Malaysia) transfered 30% of shares of UPL Laos Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as UPL Laos) to the
Company by signing an Agreement of Equity Cooperation on Laos Vientiane Dongphosy Special Economic Zone Project, UPL Laos
entered into a franchise agreement for 50+40 years with Laos Government by cash contribution of USD 10 million and advance
payment of USD 20 million for project construction put together as the consideration of acquisition and took full charge of matters of
development of Dongphosy as the franchisee to Dongphosy Special Economic Zone (refer to the Company's Announcement
2018-020 and 021). On June 12, 2018, the Company agreed with UPL Malaysia on transfer of 10% of shares, hence the Company's
shareholding ratio rose to 40%. Whereas the Company is experiencing a financial difficulty at the moment and has failed to perform
duties of advance payment and construction in the equity agreement and duties in the loan agreement, the Malaysian shareholder
UPL Malaysia sent a latter in request for a return of equity and filed an arbitration to Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre on
the dispute of equity in March 2019. Right now, the Company has hired an arbitrator duly in response to the suit.
6. On February 23, 2018, the Company received the “Mekong River Villa Project Bid-Winning Notice” issued by
OXLEYEMERALD (CAMBODIA) CO., LTD, and Sino International won the bid for the “Mekong River Villa Project” in
Cambodia, with the bid amount of USD 46.5 million (equivalent to RMB 295 million) (See the 2018-035 announcement of the
Company for details). As of the end of the reporting period, most of the on-site piling construction work has been completed, and the
relevant civil work has been in progress. As of the disclosure date of this report, both parties have agreed to terminate the contract
and the project is in the process of settlement.
7. In the report period, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Sino International invested RMB 100 million in founding a
wholly-owned subsidiary--Sino Great Wall Hebei Xiong'an Engineering Co., Ltd. at Xiong'an New Area, which obtained a Business
License issued by Hebei Xiong'an New Area Public Service Bureau on February 24, 2018 (refer to the Company's Announcement
8. The Company convened the thirty-first meeting of the seventh Board of Directors and 2018 second extraordinary general meeting
of shareholders on March 24, 2018 and March 29, 2018 respectively, deliberating and adopting a Proposal on the Company's
Eligibility for Public Offering of A-share Convertible Bonds and Proposal on the Company's Plan for Issue of Short-term Financing
Bonds among other proposals concerned, according to which, the Company was approved to do public offering of A-share
convertible bonds in a period of 6 years to raise funds in the amount of not higher than RMB 850 million; the Company was
approved to apply for subscribing and issuing short-term financing bonds in the sum of not over RMB 600 million to National
Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors, wherein the period of single issue of short-term financing bonds must not be
over 1 year (refer to the Company's Announcement 2018-044, 046, 047, and 050). The Company suspended implementing the
preceding financing plan, affected by market environment and its own current situation.
9. The Company convened the thirty-fourth meeting of the seventh Board of Directors and 2018 third extraordinary general meeting
of shareholders on June 4, 2018 and June 22, 2018 respectively, deliberating and adopting a Proposal on the Wholly-owned
Subsidiary Issuing USD Bonds Overseas. The Company was planned to issue bonds overseas in the amount of not higher than USD
300 million (including USD 300 million) and period of not longer than 5 years, wherein its new wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great
Wall Overseas Limited (subject to actual registered name, 100% of its shares attributable to Sino Hong Kong) played a major role
(refer to the Company's Announcement 2018-073, 074, and 055). The Company suspended implementing the preceding financing
plan, affected by market environment and its own current situation.
10. The Company convened the thirty-seventh meeting of the seventh Board of Directors on September 2, 2018, planned to invest
and found "Yinglonghu Development Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as the Project Company, whose final name is subject to the
name approved in industrial and commercial registration) with Chongqing Circum-Yinglonghu Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as Party A) and 7 village committees concerned at the project location (hereinafter referred to as Party C). The registered
capital of the Project Company was RMB 125 million, wherein Party A subscribed capital by earlier input of physical assets worth
RMB 23.75 million (subject to the audited amount) in the Yinglong Project, accounting for 19% of the registered capital; Sino Great
Wall contributed RMB 100 million by currency, accounting for 80% of the registered capital; Party C subscribed RMB 1.25 million

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

by currency or contribution in kind, accounting for 1% of the registered capital (refer to the Company's Announcement 2018-104 and
105). At the moment, the Project Company has been registered and project planning and design are underway.
11. The company held the sixth meeting of the eighth Board of Directors on April 12, 2019, deliberated and passed the Proposal on
Adjusting the Company's Organizational Structure and agreed to adjust the operating organization and business structure of the
company's headquarters. The company will implement a division system by sections and set up four operating organizations,
including the domestic traditional construction business sector (division), infrastructure business sector (division), overseas business
sector (division), smart housing and medical care business sector (division). After this adjustment, the organizational structure of the
company's headquarters is as follows: eight functional departments and offices, including the comprehensive office, the finance
department and the human resources department, as well as the above-mentioned four operating institutions (see the company's
announcement No 2019-028 for details).

XX. Significant event of subsidiary of the Company

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
In January 2018, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great Wall Intelligent Real Estate (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd. obtained a
Reply to Sino Great Wall on EIA Report for Residential Industrialization Base Construction Project, which was expected to speed up
construction of the Company's fabricated intelligent property R&D center and production base project, facilitate the Company to get
involved in the fabricated intelligent property construction area, add a new profit growth point to the Company and show a positive
impact on its future operation and development. For more details, please refer to Announcement of Voluntary Information Disclosure
on the Company Getting an EIA Reply to Fabricated Intelligent Property R&D Center and Production Base Construction Project
disclosed by the Company on January 4, 2018 (refer to the Company's Announcement 2018-003).Due to the shortage of project funds
and the mortgage of production base land to China Bohai Bank, the project is currently at a standstill.

                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

            VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal


Ⅰ.Changes in share capital

1. Changes in share capital

                                                                                                                        Unit: Share

                                  Before the change              Increase/decrease(+,-)                    After the Change

                                  Amount    Proporti                      Capitali
                                              on                          zation
                                                        Share               of
                                                                 Bonus                                        Quantit    Proport
                                                       allotme            commo        Other       Subtotal
                                                                 shares                                         y          ion
                                                         nt                  n

 1.Shares with conditional        681,305                                             -242,44      -242,44    438,85
                                            40.12%                                                                       25.84%
 subscription                        ,436                                               8,369        8,369      7,067

                                  681,305                                             -242,44      -242,44    438,85
 3.Other domestic shares                    40.12%                                                                       25.84%
                                     ,436                                               8,369        8,369      7,067

 Including :Domestic             42,479,                                             -42,479,     -42,479,
                                             2.50%                                                                  0     0.00%
 Legal person shares                 672                                                  672          672

 Domestic natural person          638,825                                             -199,96      -199,96    438,85
                                            37.62%                                                                       25.84%
 shares                              ,764                                               8,697        8,697      7,067

 II.       Shares         with    1,016,9                                             242,448      242,448    1,259,3
                                            59.88%                                                                       74.16%
 unconditional subscription        39,575                                                 ,369        ,369    87,944

                                  753,136                                             242,448      242,448    995,58
 1.Common shares in RMB                     44.34%                                                                       58.62%
                                     ,344                                                 ,369        ,369      4,713

 2.Foreign shares in              263,803                                                                     263,80
                                            15.54%                                                                       15.53%
 domestic market                     ,231                                                                       3,231

                                  1,698,2    100.00                                                           1,698,2     100.00
 III. Total of capital shares                                                                  0         0
                                   45,011          %                                                          45,011             %

Reasons for share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Approval of Change of Shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.          2018 Annual Report

Ownership transfer of share changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in latest year and period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information necessary to disclose for the company or need to disclose under requirement from security regulators
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Change of shares with limited sales condition

√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: Share

                                                              Number of
                                           Number of                             Restricted
                           Initial                            Increased                               Reason for              Date of
      Shareholder                          Unrestricted                         Shares in the
                         Restricted                           Restricted                              Restricted             Restriction
        Name                               Shares This                           End of the
                           Shares                             Shares This                               Shares               Removal
                                              Term                                 Term

                                                                                                    The major
                                                                                                    and the issue of    October
 Chen Lue                525,344,262        525,344,262                     0                   0
                                                                                                    shares to           24,2018
                                                                                                    purchase assets
                                                                                                    and raise
                                                                                                    matching funds

                                                                                                    The major
                                                                                                    and the issue of
 Chen Lue                  55,995,934                     0                 0      55,995,934                           --
                                                                                                    shares to
                                                                                                    purchase assets
                                                                                                    and raise
                                                                                                    matching funds

 Chen Lue                        382,500                  0    381,212,483       381,594,983                            Not applicable
                                                                                                    locking stock

                                                                                                    The major
 He Feiyan                 54,800,458        54,800,458                     0                   0   and the issue of
                                                                                                    shares to
                                                                                                    purchase assets
                                                                                                    and raise

                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

                                                                                     matching funds

                                                                                     The major
                                                                                     and the issue of    October
 He Sen                     1,637,435        1,637,435            0              0
                                                                                     shares to           24,2018
                                                                                     purchase assets
                                                                                     and raise
                                                                                     matching funds

 Jiutai Fund-                                                                       The major
 Bank of                                                                             asset
 Communications                                                                      restructuring
 -Jiutai Huitong                                                                    and the issue of    December 3,
                           42,479,672       42,479,672            0              0
 No.2 specific                                                                       shares to           2018
 customer asset                                                                      purchase assets
 management                                                                          and raise
 plan                                                                                matching funds

 Li Erlong                     619,050              0             0       619,050                        Not applicable
                                                                                     locking stock

 Yang Chunling                    46,125            0             0        46,125                        Not applicable
                                                                                     locking stock

 Liang Rong                           0             0       600,975       600,975                        Not applicable
                                                                                     locking stock

 Total                   681,305,436       624,261,827   381,813,458   438,857,067           --                 --

II. Issuing and listing

1. Explanation of the Situation of the Security Issue (No Preferred Shares) in the Report Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Change of asset and liability structure caused by change of total capital shares and structure

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. About the existing employees’ shares

□Applicable√Not applicable

                                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

III. Shareholders and actual controlling shareholder

1. Number of shareholders and shareholding

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Share

                                                                                                                Total preferred
 Total number                      Total                                 The total number                       shareholders at
 of common                         shareholders at                       of preferred shar                      the end of the
 shareholders                      the end of the                        eholders voting r                      month from
 at the end of        77,544       month from                  78,961    ights restored at                  0   the date of                0
 the                               the date of                           period-end                             disclosing the
 reporting                         disclosing the                         (if any) (See                         annual report
 period                            annual report                         Notes 8)                               (if any) (See
                                                                                                                Notes 8)

                        Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders

                    Nature          of     Proport     Numbe        Change     Amoun         Amount          Number of
                    shareholder            ion    of   r       of   s     in   t       of    of                 share
                                           shares      shares       reportin   restrict      un-restri     pledged/frozen
                                           held        held at      g          ed            cted
                                           (%)       period       period     shares        shares
                                                       -end                    held          held

                    Domestic                               583,45                  437,59     145,863      Pledge                 583,454,462
 Chen Lue                                  34.36%                   0
                    Natural person                          4,556                   0,917           ,639   Freeze                 583,454,556

 STYLE-SUCCE        Foreign legal                      92,970,                                 92,970,
                                            5.47%                   0                   0
 SS LIMITED         person                                   910                                    910

                    Domestic Non-
 Union Holdings                                        87,935,                                 87,935,
                    State-owned             5.18%                   0                   0
 Co., Ltd.                                                   921                                    921
                    legal person

                    Domestic                           54,800,                                 54,800,
 He Feiyan                                  3.23%                   0                   0                  Freeze                  54,800,458
                    Natural person                           458                                    458

 Jiutai Fund-
 Bank of
 -Jiutai Huitong                                      40,696,      1,782,9                    40,696,
                    Other                   2.40%                                       0
 No.2 specific                                               772    00                              772
 customer asset

 Rich Crown         Foreign legal                      23,235,                                 23,235,
                                            1.37%                   0                   0
 Investment Co.,    person                                   313                                    313

                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report


 Qinghai Heyi
                      Domestic Non-
 Industry                                             13,357,                             13,357,
                      State-owned           0.79%                 0                0                Pledge                  13,357,084
 Development                                                084                              084
                      legal person
 Co., Ltd.

                      Domestic                        12,300,     379300                  12,300,
 Huang Huaian                               0.72%                                  0
                      Natural person                        000   0                          000

                      Domestic                        5,852,8     -20133                  5,852,8
 Zhang Xubao                                0.34%                                  0
                      Natural person                         20   80                          20

                      Domestic                        4,775,7                             4,775,7
 Chen Lihong                                0.28%                 92300            0
                      Natural person                         60                               60

 Strategy investors or general legal
 person becomes top 10 shareholders
                                           Not applicable
 due to rights issued (if
 applicable)See Notes 3)

                                           The largest shareholder of Mr. Chen Lue and the Fourth largest shareholder of Ms. He
                                           Feiyan aforesaid are persons acting in concerted; The controlling shareholder of the
 Explanation on associated                 above-mentioned third shareholder Shenzhen Union Holdings Co.,Ltd. And Sixth
 relationship among the aforesaid          shareholder Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.. Is Union Development Group Ltd.; It is
 shareholders                              unknown whether there is relationship between other shareholders and whether they are
                                           persons taking concerted action specified in the Regulations on Disclosure of Information
                                           about Change in Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.

                                       Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                             Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end of            Name of the shareholder
        Name of the shareholder
                                                            the reporting period

 Chen Lue                                                                           145,863,639     Chen Lue              145,863,639

 STYLE-SUCCESS LIMITED                                                                 92,970,910                           92,970,910
                                                                                                    ESS LIMITED

 Union Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                              87,935,921   Holdings Co.,           87,935,921

 He Feiyan                                                                             54,800,458   He Feiyan               54,800,458

                                                                                                    Jiutai Fund-
                                                                                                    Bank of
 Jiutai Fund-Bank of                                                                               Communicatio
 Communications-Jiutai Huitong                                                                     ns-Jiutai
                                                                                       40,696,772                           40,696,772
 No.2 specific customer asset                                                                       Huitong No.2
 management plan                                                                                    specific
                                                                                                    customer asset

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report


                                                                                                 Rich Crown
 Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd.                                                    23,235,313   Investment            23,235,313
                                                                                                 Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                 Qinghai Heyi
 Qinghai Heyi Industry Development                                                               Industry
                                                                                    13,357,084                         13,357,084
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Development
                                                                                                 Co., Ltd.

 Huang Huaian                                                                       12,300,000   Huang Huaian          12,300,000

 Zhang Xubao                                                                         5,852,820   Zhang Xubao             5,852,820

 Chen Lihong                                                                         4,775,760   Chen Lihong             4,775,760

 Explanation on associated
                                          Mr. Chen Lue and Ms. He Feiyan are the unanimous persons; Union Development Group
 relationship or consistent action
                                          Co., Ltd. is the controlling shareholder of the Above –mentioned shareholder Union
 among the top 10 shareholders of
                                          Holdings Co., Ltd. And Rich Grown Investment Co., Ltd., It is unknown whether there is
 non-restricted negotiable shares and
                                          relationship between other shareholders and whether they are persons taking concerted
 that between the top 10 shareholders
                                          action specified in the Regulations on Disclosure of Information about Change in
 of non-restricted negotiable shares
                                          Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.
 and top 10 shareholders

 Notes to the shareholders involved
 in financing securities (if any) (See    Not applicable
 Notes 4)

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement
dealing in reporting period.
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy –back
agreement dealing in reporting period.

2. Controlling shareholder

Nature of Controlling Shareholders: Natural Person Holding
Type of Controlling Shareholders: Natural Person

 Name                                            Nationality                   Whether to obtain the right of abode in other
                                                                               countries or regions

 Chen Lue                                        China                         No

 Main occupations and duties                     Board Chairman of the Company

 Situation of domestic and abroad holding        Nil
 listed companies in the reporting period.

Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

3.Information about the controlling shareholder of the Company

Actual controller nature:Domestic natural person
Actual controller type:Natural person

 Name of actual controllers              Relationship      with   Nationality        Whether to obtain the right of abode in other
                                         the            actual                       countries or regions

 Chen Lue                                Self                     China              No

 He Feiyan                               Acting in concert        China              No
                                         (including agreed,
                                         relative and same

 He Sen                                  Acting in concert        China              No
                                         (including agreed,
                                         relative and same

 Main occupations and duties             Chen Lue: Chairman. He Feiyan: assuming no duty in the Company. He Sen: Vice General
                                         Manager of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.

 Situation of domestic and abroad        The Company's actual controller and persons acting in concert did not hold other listed
 holding listed companies in the         companies, save the Company, in the past decade.
 past 10 years

Changes of the actual controller in the reporting period
□Applicable √Not applicable
No Changes of the actual controller in the reporting period

                 Block Diagram of the ownership and control relations between the company and the actual controller

                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

The actual controller controls the company by means of trust or managing the assets in other way

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Particulars about other legal person shareholders with over 10% share held

□Applicable     √Not applicable

5. Situation of Share Limitation Reduction of Controlling Shareholders, Actual Controllers, Restructuring
Party and Other Commitment Subjects

□Applicable √Not applicable

                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                  VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
The Company had no preferred shares in the reporting period

                                                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.              2018 Annual Report

VIII. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

I. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                                          Amount        Amount
                                                                            Shares        of shares of shares                        Shares
                                                     Starting    Expiry     held at       increased decreased                        held at
                         Office                                                                                       changes
  Name     Positions                 Sex    Age       date of    date of     the           at the       at the                         the
                         status                                                                                      increase/d
                                                      tenure     tenure    year-begi reporting reporting                            year-end(
                                                                           n(share) period(sh period(sh                              share)
                                                                                            are)         are)

                                                    2015 年     2021 年
           Board                                                           583,454,5                                                583,454,5
Chen Lue               In office   Male           48 10 月 29 11 月 14                              0            0              0
           chairman                                                                56                                                        56
                                                    日          日

           Board                                    2015 年     2021 年
Li Erlong chairman, In office      Male           43 10 月 29 11 月 14      825,400                 0            0 -206,3501         619,050
           General                                  日          日

                                                    2015 年     2021 年
Liang      chairman,
                       In office   Male           49 10 月 29 11 月 14                0    801,300               0 -200,3252         600,975
Rong       Deputy
                                                    日          日

                                                    2018 年     2021 年
           Director    In office   Female         40 11 月 15 11 月 14                0             0            0              0              0
                                                    日          日

           Executive                                2018 年     2021 年
           deputy      In office   Male           50 11 月 15 11 月 14                0             0            0              0              0
           general                                  日          日

                                                    2018 年     2021 年
           Director    In office   Male           58 11 月 15 11 月 14                0             0            0              0              0
                                                    日          日

           Independ                                 2018 年     2021 年
           ent         In office   Male           46 11 月 15 11 月 14                0             0            0              0              0
           director                                 日          日

                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

Jiang     Independ                           2015 年   2021 年
Chonggua ent          In office   Male     43 10 月 29 11 月 14       0          0          0        0         0
ng        director                           日        日

          Independ                           2018 年   2021 年
          ent         In office   Male     55 11 月 15 11 月 14       0          0          0        0         0
          director                           日        日

          of the
                                             2018 年   2021 年
Wu        superviso
                      In office   Male     38 11 月 15 11 月 14       0          0          0        0         0
Xiaoming ry
                                             日        日

                                             2018 年   2021 年
Pang      Superviso
                      In office   Male     38 11 月 15 11 月 14       0          0          0        0         0
Aisheng   r
                                             日        日

          Employee                           2018 年   2021 年
          superviso In office     Male     54 11 月 15 11 月 14       0          0          0        0         0
          r                                  日        日

                                             2015 年   2021 年
Yang      CFO,
                      In office   Female   47 10 月 29 11 月 14   61,500         0          0        0    61,500
Chunling Secretary
                                             日        日
          to the
          board of

          Deputy                             2017 年   2021 年
          General     In office   Female   46 07 月 06 11 月 14       0          0          0        0         0
          Manager                            日        日

Fang      Deputy                             2018 年   2021 年
Xiangzho General      In office   Male     48 11 月 15 11 月 14       0          0          0        0         0
ng        Manager                            日        日

          Deputy                             2018 年   2021 年
          General     In office   Male     60 11 月 15 11 月 14       0          0          0        0         0
          Manager                            日        日

                                             2015 年   2018 年
Bai Bin   Director    Dimission Male       33 10 月 29 01 月 18       0          0          0        0         0
                                             日        日

                                             2018 年   2018 年
Tian Wei Director     Dimission Male       60 03 月 28 11 月 14       0          0          0        0         0
                                             日        日

                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                                                2000 年   2018 年
           Director    Dimission Male         56 05 月 12 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
                                                日        日

                                                2015 年   2018 年
Wang Lei Director      Dimission Male         55 10 月 29 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
                                                日        日

           Independ                             2015 年   2018 年
           ent         Dimission Male         53 10 月 29 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
           Director                             日        日

           Independ                             2015 年   2018 年
           ent         Dimission Male         55 10 月 29 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
           Director                             日        日

           of the
                                                2002 年   2018 年
Dong       superviso
                       Dimission Male         69 06 月 26 06 月 21          0          0          0        0         0
Binggen    ry
                                                日        日

           of the
Fang                                            2018 年   2018 年
Xianzhon               Dimission Male         48 06 月 21 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
g                                               日        日

                                                2015 年   2018 年
Huang   Superviso
                  Dimission Male              47 10 月 29 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
Shengde r
                                                日        日

                                                2015 年   2018 年
Wu       Employee
         Superviso Dimission Male             38 10 月 29 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
Xiaoming r
                                                日        日

                                                2017 年   2018 年
Tian Wei               Dimission Male         60 07 月 06 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
                                                日        日

           Deputy                               2017 年   2018 年
           General     Dimission Male         62 07 月 06 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
           Manager                              日        日

                                                2017 年   2018 年
Tang       Deputy
                       Dimission Male         45 07 月 06 11 月 14          0          0          0        0         0
Xianyong General
                                                日        日

Total            --       --        --   --          --        --    584,341,4   801,300          0 -406,675 584,736,0

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                         56                                          81

注:1 系被广东省深圳市福田区人民法院强制卖出,详见 2019 年 1 月 5 日披露于巨潮资讯网上的《关于董事及高管所持公
2 系被法院强制卖出

II. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

√ Applicable □Not applicable

      Name             Positions         Types       Date                             Reason

                                                 November    Elected as a non-independent director in the fourth
 He Yanjun          Director          Engaged
                                                 15,2018     extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of 2018

                    Director,                                Elected as a non-independent director in the fourth
                    Executive                                extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of 2018,
 Peng Lizhi         Deputy            Engaged                Appointed as the Executive Deputy general manager of
                    General                                  the company by the 1st meeting of the Eighth Board of
                    Manager                                  Directors

                                                 November    Elected as a non-independent director in the fourth
 Liang Yong         Director          Engaged
                                                 15,2018     extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of 2018

                    Independent                  November    Elected as independent director in the fourth
 Niu Hongjun                          Engaged
                    director                     15,2018     extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of 2018

                    Independent                  November    Elected as a non-independent director in the fourth
 Yu Haichun                           Engaged
                    director                     15,2018     extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of 2018

                                                             Elected as supervisor in the fourth extraordinary
                    Chairman of                              shareholders’ general meeting of 2018;Elected as
 Wu Xiaoming        the supervisory   Engaged                Chairman of the supervisory committee of the
                    committee                                Company by the 1st meeting of the Eighth Board of

                                                 November    Elected as Supervisor in the fourth extraordinary
 Pang Aisheng       Supervisor        Engaged
                                                 15,2018     shareholders’ general meeting of 2018

                    Employee                     October     Elected as employee supervisor by the employee repres
 Qin Yuanxin                          Engaged
                    supervisor                   29,2018     entative assembly of the company on October 29, 2018

                    General                      November    Appointed general manager of the company at the first
 Li Erlong                            Engaged
                    Manager                      15,2018     meeting of the eighth board of directors

 Fang                                            November    Appointed Deputy general manager of the company at
                    General           Engaged
 Xianzhong                                       15,2018     the first meeting of the eighth board of directors

                    Deputy                       November    Appointed Deputy general manager of the company at
 Zhang Jian                           Engaged
                    General                      15,2018     the first meeting of the eighth board of directors

                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report


                 Deputy                                          Appointed Deputy general manager and CFO of the
 Yang Chunling   General           Engaged                       company at the first meeting of the eighth board of
                 Manager, CFO                                    directors

                                   Leave the
                                   office while   November       No longer assuming the duty of non-independent
 Hu Yongfeng     Director
                                   office term    14,2018        director in the Company upon expiry of term

                                   Leave the
                                   office while   November       No longer assuming the duty of non-independent
 Tian Wei        Director
                                   office term    14,2018        director in the Company upon expiry of term

                                   Leave the
                                   office while   November       No longer assuming the duty of non-independent
 Wang Lei        Director
                                   office term    14,2018        director in the Company upon expiry of term

                                   Leave the
                 Independent       office while   November       No longer assuming the duty of independent director in
 Tang Jianxin
                 director          office term    14,2018        the Company upon expiry of term

                                   Leave the
                 Independent       office while   November       No longer assuming the duty of independent director in
 Zhang Yufeng
                 director          office term    14,2018        the Company upon expiry of term

                                   Leave the
                                   office while   January
 Bai Bin         Director                                        Resigned due to personal reasons
                                   office term    18,2018

                                   Leave the
                 Chairman of
                                   office while
 Dong Binggen    the supervisory                  June 21,2018   Resigned due to personal reasons
                                   office term

                                   Leave the
                 Chairman of                                     No longer assuming the duty of Chairman of the
 Fang                              office while   November
                 the supervisory                                 supervisory committee in the Company upon expiry of
 Xianzhong                         office term    14,2018
                 committee                                       term

                                   Leave the
 Huang                             office while   November       No longer assuming the duty of Supervisor in the
 Desheng                           office term    14,2018        Company upon expiry of term

 Wu Xiaoming     Employee          Leave the      November       No longer assuming the duty of Employee supervisor in

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

                    supervisor        office while       14,2018           the Company upon expiry of term
                                      office term

                                      Leave the
                                      office while       November          No longer assuming the duty of CFO in the Company
 Tang Xianyong      CFO
                                      office term        14,2018           upon expiry of term

                                      Leave the
                    General           office while       November          No longer assuming the duty of General Manager in the
 Tian Wei
                    Manager           office term        14,2018           Company upon expiry of term

                                      Leave the
                                      office while       November          No longer assuming the duty of Deputy General
 Wang Shaojun       General
                                      office term        14,2018           Manager in the Company upon expiry of term

III. Posts holding

Main working experience of current directors, supervisors and senior management staff
(1) Director
Chen Lue, male, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in April 1970, currently the doctoral students of
accounting specialty in Wuhan University, Senior Management MBA of Guanghua School of Management of Beijing University,
Senior Management MBA of School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, Bachelor in major of Food Science and
Nutritional Engineering of China Agricultural University, senior engineer. Since October 2001, he has been the director of Sino Great
wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., since April 2014, he has been the executive director of Sino Great Wall Investment (Beijing)
Co., Ltd; since October 2015, he has been the chairman of China Industry Investment Co., Ltd. From October 2015 to July 2017, he
has been the chairman and General Manger of the Company, Sine July 2017, He has been the Chairman of the Company.
Li Erlong, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, male, was born in September 1975, graduated from the Shandong
Building Materials Engineering College, MBA of Tsinghua University. He had served as the assistant to director of the National
Building Materials Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, the researcher for the China-Africa R&D Center of Artificial Crystal.
Since March 2005, he has been served as the general manager of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd; since
November 2007, he has been the manager of Beijing Sino Great Wall Decoration Design Co., Ltd.; since June 2014, he has been the
director of Sino Great Wall Internatioanal Engineering Co., Ltd., Since September 2015, he has been the director of China Industry
Investment Co., Ltd., since July 2016, he has been the chairman of Sino Great Wall Internatioanal Engineering Co., Ltd., Since
August 2016, he has been the executive director of Sino Great Wall Southwest Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Since November
2016, he has been the chairman of Sino Great Wall Jianye Engineering Co., Ltd., since December 2016, he has been the General
Manger of Sino Great Wall Development (Hengqin) Co., Ltd., From October 2015 to June 2017, he has been the Director and Genral
Manger of the Company, Since September 2017, he has been the executive director and General Manger of Sino Great Wall
Southwest Engineering Consulting Co . , Ltd . Sino Great Wall Southwest Commercial Trade Co., Ltd. And Sino Great Wall
Southwest Technology Co., Ltd., since February 2018, he has been the executive director of Sino Great Wall Hebei Xiongan
Engineering Co., Ltd.,From July 2017 to November 2018, he has been the Vice Chairman and Deputy General Manger of the
Company. Since November 2018, he has been the Vice Chairman and General Manger of the Company.
Liang Rong, Male      Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence,   was born in December 1969,graduated from civil

                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

engineering major of Shantou University and MBA of Senior Management of Nankai University, is a senior engineer. He had severed
as Assistant Engineer of Zhuhai Xinzhou Real Estate Co., Ltd, Quantity Surveyor of Japan Shimizu Construction Co., Ltd, and
Project Manager of Shenzhen Great Wall Furniture Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. From April 2003 to June 2016, he has been the
Executive General Manger of Sino Great Wall Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., since June 2014, he has been the Director Sino
Great Wall Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., since Novemer 2014, he has been the Diretor of Sino Great Wall International
Engineering(Macao) Co., Ltd., From October 2015 to June 2017, he has been the director and Deputy General Manger of the
Company, since August 2017, he has been the Chairman of Sino Great Wall Group Co., Ltd., Since September 2017, he has been the
Chairman of Kunming Sino Shengong Forestry Development Co., Ltd.,since October 2017, he has been the General Manager of Sino
Great Wall Guangxia (Wuhan )Medical Development Co., Ltd., since Decemer 2017, he has been the Chairman of Sino Great Wall
Health Management (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., and Director of Weifang Sino Great wall Health Development Co., Ltd., since March 2018,
he has been the Chairman of Renhui Sino Great wall Wine Culture Development Co., Ltd., Since July 2017, he has been the Vice
Chairman and Deputy General Manger of the Company.Since August 2017, he has been the Chairman of Sino Great Wall Group Co.,
Ltd. has assumed Kunming Sino Sengong Forestry Development Co., Ltd., a director of Sino Great Wall (Hong Kong) Real Estate
Co., Ltd., Chairman and a director of Alor Vista Development Sdn Bhd (Penang Bukit Mertajam Project Company) since September
2017, assumed the General Manager of Sino Great Wall Guangxia (Wuhan) Medical Development Co., Ltd. since October 2017,
assumed a director of SGW Ventures Sdn Bhd (Malaysia Management Company) since November 2017, assumed Chairman of Sino
Great Wall Health Management (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. and a director of Weifang Sino Great Wall Health Development Co., Ltd. since
December 2017, assumed a director of Cenang Resort Sdn Bhd (Cenang Company) and Chairman of Sino Great Wall Technology
Development Co., Ltd. since January 2018, assumed the Chairman of Renhuai Sino Great Wall Wine Culture Expo Park
Development Co., Ltd. since March 2018, assumed a director of Aofa Investment Co., Ltd. and Weifang Sino Great Wall Health Care
Industry Co., Ltd. since August 2018, and assumed a director of Weifang Binhai Sino Bincheng Hospital Co., Ltd. since September

He Yanjun , Female, a Hong Kong resident, born in May 1978, graduated from Southwest University of Political Science & Law,
majoring in law. She worked as a court clerk at Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court from July 2003 to August 2009; she assumed
the Legal Secretary and Manager Assistant of Office of the President, UDC Group Co., Ltd. from August 2009 to February 2011; she
has assumed the Legal Manager of UDC Holding Co., Ltd. since April 2015. Since November 2018, she has assumed a director of
the Company.
Peng Lizhi,Male , Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in September 1968,He is an MBA master, national
highway engineering constructor, and professor-level senior engineer. From 1990 to 2002, he worked at Second Engineering Division,
Second Highway Engineering Bureau, Ministry of Transportation; from 2003 to 2006, he assumed the Chief Engineer of Road &
Bridge South China Engineering Co., Ltd.; from 2006 to May 2016, he assumed Chairman and General Manager of Road & Bridge
North China Engineering Co., Ltd.; since June 2016, he has assumed Chairman and General Manager of Sino Great Wall
Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. From December 2017 to November 2018, he assumed Vice General Manager of the Company;
from November 2018, he has assumed a director and Standing Vice Manager of the Company.

Liang Yong, Male , Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in April 1960,He is an engineer graduating from
Ansteel Engineering College. He used to work at Ansteel Design Research Institute, Yantai Liaohai Hi-Tech Development Co., Ltd.,
Coastal Green Homeland (Anshan) Co., Ltd. and Coastal Green Homeland Central China Company among other companies. From
May 2008 to July 2009, he assumed the General Project Manager of Tianjin Haishun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.; from July
2009 to August 2011, he assumed General Project Manager of MCC Times Real Estate Co., Ltd.; from September 2011 to April 2012,
he assumed Vice President of Hubei Brandmont Investment Group Co., Ltd.; from April 2012 to August 2014, he assumed General
Manager of Nanyang Feifan Real Estate Co., Ltd.; from August 2014 to March 2016, he assumed General Manager Assistant of
CITIC Guoan Investment (Shanghai) Company; from April 2016 to March 2019, he assumed Vice General Manager of Real Estate

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Development Department of the Company; since November 2018, he has assumed a director of the Company.
Niu Hongjun, Male , Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in November 1972,He is a certified public
accountant in both China and Australia with a bachelor's degree awarded by School of Economic & Management, Shijiazhuang
Tiedao University, a master's degree awarded by Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences, Ministry of Finance, and a doctoral degree of
management awarded by Renmin Business School; since 2008, he has been a master supervisor at Business School of Beijing
Technology and Business University, working on specialized accountancy teaching and research; since 2009, he has been hired as a
financial consultant by Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China; since January 2015, he has assumed an independent
director of Jingwei Textile Machinery; from June 2016 to February 2018, he assumed an independent director of Cloud Live Tech
Group; since November 2018, he has assumed an independent director of the Company.
Jiang Chongguang, Male , Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, He is a doctor of economics, postdoctor, researcher,
part-time professor and visiting scholar to international institutions of higher education. He is the present Executive Vice President
and Secretary-General of China Insurance Innovation Research Institute, Executive Director of Health China Strategy Research
Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Deputy Director of Financial Technology Committee, Asian Financial Cooperation
Association, a consultant to Insurance Society of China and an independent director of Dezhan Big Health Co., Ltd. He is a senior
economist of Ivy Capital. Since 2015, he has acted as an independent director of the Company.
Yu Haichun ,Male, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in November 1962,He has a doctoral degree of civil
and commercial law awarded by China University of Political Science and Law. He used to be an
assistant-regimental-commander-level instructor of PLA Dalian Naval Academy, lawyer of Liaoning Fada Law Firm, lawyer and
partner of Beijing King & Capital Law Firm, secretary of the party committee and vice president of School of Insurance and
Economics at UIBE. From March 2013 to September 2018, he assumed secretary of the party committee and vice president of UIBE
Law School. Since September 2018, he has assumed a professor of UIBE Law School and Director of Research Center for Insurance
Policies and Laws. Since November 2018, he has assumed an independent director of the Company.

2. Supervisors
Wu Xiaoming, Male, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in November 1980, He has a bachelor's degree of
law awarded by School of Law, Guangdong Business School (presently known as GuangDong University of Finance & Economics).
He used to work at Haizhu Branch, Guangzhou Municipal Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision (the present
Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau of Haizhu District, Guangzhou). Since December 2008, he has assumed General
Manager Assistant and Legal Manager of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. Since June 2014, he has assumed
Chairman of Board of Supervisors of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.; from October 2015 to November 2018, he
assumed the Employee Supervisor of the Company; since November 2018, he has assumed Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of
the Company.
Pang Aisheng, Male, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in May 1981,He has a bachelor's degree awarded by
Guangdong Vocational Normal School (presently known as Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University) and MBA degree of senior
executives awarded by Zhejiang University. He used to be a project manager of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.;
since 2015, he has assumed Vice General Manager of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. and General Manager of
East China Division herein; since November 2018, he has assumed a supervisor of the Company.
Qin Yuanxin, male, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in November 1964, is a senior engineer, graduating
from Shandong Construction Engineering School with a bachelor's degree of engineering management. He used to be Technical
Director and Production Manager of Tongcheng Sixing Construction Installation Engineering Co., Ltd.; from March 1996 to
December 2004, he assumed the Production Manager and Project Manager of Anhui First Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.; since
March 2005, he has assumed Project Manager, Security Inspection Manager, Vice General Manager of Engineering Management
Center, Vice General Manager and Supervisor of Clearing Center of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. Since March
2005, he has assumed Standing Vice Manager of SPV Management Center of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Since November 2018, he

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

has assumed the Employee Supervisor of the Company.
3. Senior management personnel
Refer to the preceding "1. Members of Board of Directors" for resumes of Mr. Li Erlong, Mr. Liang Rong and Mr. Peng Lizhi.
Yang Chunling, female, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in February 1971, Bachelor in economics, master
in industrial engineering, accountant. She had served as employee in Sinotrans Henan Zhengzhou Logistic and Trading Company,
Deputy Minister of the securities department of Aeolus Tyre Co., Ltd, vice general manager and secretary of the board of directors of
Henan Yuhua New Material Co., Ltd. Since September 2015, she has been the director of Sino Cubic Investment Co., Ltd; since
March 2014, she has been the secretary of the board of directors of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd; From
October 2015 to November 2018,, she has been the secretary of the board of directors of the company.Since November 2014, she has
been the Deputy General Manager , CFO and secretary of the board of directors of the Company.

Cui Hongli, female, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in January 1972, graduated from Henan University
of Finance and Economics, CPA. She had been served in China Luoyang Float Glass Group Co.,Ltd, Beijing Jiayou Real Estate
Development Group Co.,Ltd and Yuancheng Industrial Group Co.,Ltd. Since July 2011, she has been the investment and finance
department manager, CFO of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd; From October 2015 to June 2017, she has been the
company’s CFO.Since July 2017, She has been the Deputy General Manger of the Company.
Fang Xianzhong male, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in February 1970, he has an EMBA degree
awarded by Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He used to assume an office staff of Beijing Jingdong Auto
Maintenance Group, Sales Manager of Beijing Gomatech Co., Ltd., General Manager of Business Unit of Founder Technology CO.,
Ltd., and Vice General Manager of Beijing Honglian Jiuwu Information Industry Co., Ltd. among other duties. From May 2002 to
December 2003, he assumed General Manager of Beijing Haiweixin Technology Co., Ltd.; from January 2004 to June 2010, he
assumed General Manager of Beijing Haiwei Xinda Technology Co., Ltd.; since July 2010, he has assumed Vice General Manager of
Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.; from June to November 2018, he assumed Chairman of Board of Supervisors of
the Company; since November 2018, he has assumed Vice General Manager of the Company.
Zhang Jian,male, Chinese nationality, no overseas permanent residence, born in August 1958,graduated from Central School of China
Communist Youth League with a specialized associate degree. He used to assume a company commander of Headquarters of
Kunming Military Command, a section chief of Qingdao Municipal People's Government, General Manager of Government Offices
Administration Trading Company, General Manager of Qingdao Shopping Mall of Beijing Chengxiang (a listed company), General
Manager of New City Plaza of South Group, General Manager of Qingdao Aoda Investment Development Company, Hongta Group,
and COO of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Shaanxi of Junhao Group among other duties. From January 2016 to March 2018, he
assumed Vice General Manager of Sino Great Wall Medical Investment Management Company; since April 2018, he has assumed
Vice General Manager of Sino Great Wall Real Estate Company; since November 2018, he has assumed Vice General Manager of
Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
Office taking in shareholder companies
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Offices taken in other organizations
√Applicable □Not applicable

 Name             Name of other units                           Position       Office    term   Office     term    Whether
                                                                               start from       ended              receiving
                                                                                                                   from other units
                                                                                                                   or not

 Chen Lue         Sino Great Wall International Engineering     Board          October                             No

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

               Co., Ltd.                                       chairman      17,2001

 Chen Lue      Sino Great Wall Investment (Beijing) Co.,       Executive     April       22,                     No
               Ltd.                                            director      2014

 Chen Lue      China Industry Investment Co., Ltd.             Board         September                           No
                                                               chairman      14,2015

 Chen Lue      Shenzhen Sino Dalue Investment Co.,Ltd.         Executive     February                            No
                                                               director      25,2015

 Chen Lue      Zhongshang Sino Aerospace Technology            Board         January                             No
               (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                             chairman      24,2017

 Li Erlong     China Industry Investment Co., Ltd.             Director      September                           No

 Niu Hongjun   Business Schooll of Beijing Technology          Master        September                           Yes
               and     Business University                     Supervisor    1,2008

 Niu Hongjun   Ministry of Commerce of the people's            Financial     January                             Yes
               republic of China                               advisory      15,2009

 Niu Hongjun   Jingwei Textile Machinery Co., Ltd.             Independen    January                             Yes
                                                               t Director    13,2015

 Jiang         Dezhan Healthcare Co., Ltd.                     Independen    October           October           Yes
 Chongguang                                                    t Director    25,2016           25,2021

 Jiang         CASS Healthy China Strategic Research           Executive     May 1,2015        May 1,2025        Yes
 Chongguang    Center.                                         director

 Jiang         IVY Capital                                     Senior        June 1,2015       June 1,2025       Yes
 Chongguang                                                    economist

 Jiang         Insurance Society of China                      Counselor     June 15,2016      June 15,2021      Yes

 Jiang         China Insurance Innovation Research             Executive     April 25,2016     April 25,2026     Yes
 Chongguang    Institute                                       vice
                                                               and general

 Jiang         Asian       Finance   Association   Financial   Associate     February          March 1,2023      No
 Chongguang    Science and Technology Committee                director      1,2018

 Yu Haichun    School of Law,UIBE                              Professor,    September                           Yes
                                                               Director of   13,2018
                                                               Policy and

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

 Yang              China Industry Investment Co., Ltd.           Director      September                                No
 Chunling                                                                      1,2015

Punishments to the current and leaving board directors, supervisors and senior managers during the report period by securities
regulators in the recent three years
□ Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Remuneration to directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, basis for determination and actual payment of the remuneration to directors , supervisors and senior
The Company's remuneration and appraisal committee formulates the remuneration plan, which is implemented after the approval by
the board of directors or after review and approval by the shareholders' general meeting; and it performances the evaluation of
directors and senior management personnel according to the performance evaluation standards and procedures; meanwhile, the
Company proposes the amount of remuneration and reward methods for directors, supervisors and senior managers according to the
post performance evaluation and salary distribution policy, which shall be approved by voting and finally be reported to the board of
directors for approval and implementation.
The Company formulates the remuneration plans or schemes based on the main scope, responsibilities, and importance of directors
and senior management positions and the remuneration levels of other related companies, and it pays the remuneration based on the
post performance evaluation results and the salary allocation policy.
Remuneration to directors, supervisors and senior executives in the reporting period
                                                                                                                       Unit: 10,000 Yuan

                                                                                                        Total                 actually
                                                                                                    remuneration         receives at the
      Name              Positions              Sex               Age           Office status
                                                                                                   received from             end of the
                                                                                                   the shareholder           reporting

 Chen Lue                               Male                            48   In office                          36.6    No

                     Vice Board
 Li Erlong                              Male                            43   In office                       52.15      No

                     Vice Board
 Liang Rong                             Male                            49   In office                          43.2    No
                     Deputy General

 He Yanjun           Director           Female                          40   In office                             0    Yes

 Peng Lizhi          Excutive           Male                            50   In office                       43.46      No
                     Deputy General

                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report


 Liang Yong      Director           Male     58   In office                     0.33       No

 Niu Hongjun                        Male     46   In office                     1.37       No

 Jiang           Independent
                                    Male     43   In office                          11    No
 Chongguang      Director

 Yu Haichun                         Male     55   In office                     1.37       No

                 Chairman of
 Wu Xiaoming     the supervisory    Male     38   In office                     1.76       No

 Pang Aisheng    Supervisor         Male     38   In office                     3.12       No

 Qin Yuanxin                        Male     54   In office                     1.24       No

                 Deputy General
                 Manager, CFO,
 Yang Chunling   Secretary to the   Female   47   In office                     22.8       No
                 board of

                 Deputy General
 Cui Hongli                         Female   46   In office                     22.8       No

 Fang            Deputy General
                                    Male     48   In office                      2.1       No
 Xianzhong       Manager

                 Deputy General
 Zhang Jian                         Male     60   In office                     7.31       No

 Hu Yongfeng     Director           Male     56   Dimission                          0     Yes

 Wang Lei        Director           Male     55   Dimission                          0     No

 Bai Bin         Director           Male     33   Dimission                          0     No

 Tian Wei        Director           Male     60   Dimission                          0     No

 Tang Jianxin                       Male     53   Dimission                     9.63       No

 Zhang Yufeng                       Male     55   Dimission                     9.63       No

                 Chairman of
 Dong Binggen    the supervisory    Male     69   Dimission                          0     Yes

                 Chairman of
                 the supervisory    Male     48   Dimission                      6.3       No

                                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

 Huang Shengde       Supervisor         Male                                  47   Dimission                   12.68       No

 Wu Xiaoming                            Male                                  38   Dimission                   12.34       No

 Tian Wei                               Male                                  60   Dimission                   77.53       No

                     Deputy General
 Wang Shaojun                           Male                                  62   Dimission                    52.5       No

                     Deputy Genral
 Tang Xianyong                          Male                                  45   Dimission                         35    No
                     Manager, CFO

 Total                      --                 --                  --                    --                  466.22               --

Incentive equity to directors, supervisors or/and senior executives in the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

V. Particulars about employees.

1. Number of staff, professional structure and educational background

 Number of in-service staff of the parent company(person)               59

 Number of in-service staff of the main subsidiaries(person)            762

 The total number of the in-service staff(person)                       821

 The total number of staff receiving remuneration in the current        821

 Retired staff with charges paid by the parent company and              17
 main subsidiaries (person)


 Classified according by Professions                                    Number of persons(person)

 Production                                                             251

 Sales                                                                  16

 Technical                                                              331

 Financial                                                              40

 Administrative                                                         61

 Other                                                                  122

 Total                                                                  821


 Classified according by Professions                                    Number of persons(person)

 Master’s Degree and bove                                              52

 Bachelor                                                               366

                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 College diploma                                           270

 Other                                                     133

 Total                                                     821

2. Remuneration policies

     Based on the principle of “external fairness and internal fairness”, the Company combines the company’s
overall strategic plan to provide competitive remuneration and benefits in the industry. Different post has different
remuneration, and the remuneration will be raised upon the excellent performance, and the staff remuneration
level will be determined according to the job responsibilities,

3.Training plan

      The Company builds its talent team by combining internal and external training methods and creates a
training system where a priority is given to specialized quality while other professional qualities aid. To be
specific, the Company explores and trains excellent internal lecturers and develops a variety of training
coursewares suitable to its own enterprise culture. The Company hires external consultants and experts in the
industry to impart and communicate new techniques and management skills. The Company implements its
training at three levels including project, department and company and fulfills a full coverage of its training work
by an on-line school, planned to hit a high rate of fulfillment, promote comprehensive qualities of employees step
by step and supplement sustainable and applicable talents to its following sound development.

4.Outsourcing situation

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                         IX. Administrative structure

I. Basic state of corporate governance

The company’s governance meets the requirements of regular documents on the governance of the listed companies issued by China
Securities Regulatory Commission.
In the report period, the Company kept improving its standard operation and management system, optimized its management
structure, further standardized its operation and raised its management standard by abiding by Company Law, Securities Law, Stock
Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies and relevant laws and
regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission in combination with its own actual situation.
As the end of the report period, the Company's actual management situation agreed with normative documents published by China
Securities Regulatory Commission regarding governance of listed companies. Specifically showed in the following respects:
1. Shareholders and General Meeting of Shareholders: the Company can safeguard rights to be informed and participate granted to
shareholders by law in all respects, convene and hold a General Meeting of Shareholders in accordance with provisions and
requirements in the Rules for General Meeting of Shareholders of Listed Companies and Rules of Procedure at General Meeting of
Shareholders among others, and ensure that all the shareholders, minority shareholders in particular, were granted with the right to be
informed and capacity to exercise their rights. In the report period, the Company complied with relevant provisions in the Company
Law and Articles of Association and had the witness of a lawyer in convening each General Meeting of Shareholders and ensuring
sufficient number of shareholders with sufficient number of shares attended each meeting. Shareholders attending each meeting can
exercise their rights fully in principle of independence.
2. Relationship between holding shareholders and the listed company: holding shareholders behaved and conducted no act that
directly or indirectly intervened in the Company's decision-making and business activities by bypassing the General Meeting of
Shareholders; the Company was independent from holding shareholders regarding personnel, assets, finance, institution and business
and the Company's Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors can make independent operation. The Company was independent
from holding shareholders regarding personnel, assets, finance, institution and business among others.
3. The Directors and The Board of Directors: the Board of Directors includes four special committees, such as Audit Committee,
Nomination Committee, Strategy Committee and Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, which has provided a favorable support to
the company for the decision-making related issues. Each special committee has operated according to their work responsibilities and
procedure rules, made research and examination for the relative business and major issues of the company, and expressed the
professional opinions in the Board of Directors to offer support and advice for the scientific decision-making of the Board and ensure
the Board’s work more scientific and efficient. Also, the organization of the Board of Directors is in line with the requirement of laws
and regulations, and the independent directors play an important role in the corporate decision-making. So, the company attaches
importance to the function of the independent directors. In the company’s management, the independent directors make careful
review and express the independent views for the financial audit, the affiliated transactions and other issues.
(4)Supervisors and the supervisory committee: The number and composition of the Supervisory Committee of the Company
complied with the requirements of laws and regulations. The Supervisory Committee of the Company formulated the Rules of
Procedure of the Supervisory Committee. The supervisors of the Company were able to perform their duties seriously, take the
attitude of being responsible for all shareholders and supervise the legality and regulation conformity of the Company's finance and
the duty performance of the directors, managers and other senior executives of the Company.
5. Regarding information disclosure and transparency: the Company discharged its duties of information disclosure as specified in
relevant laws and regulations as well as System for Management of Information Disclosure. The Company enhanced communication

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

with investors in a variety of channels to promote their understanding and recognition of the Company. The Company took such
communication measures as carefully handling the visit and consultation of each shareholder and duly giving a reply to questions
raised by investors at the interactive platform to ensure that all the shareholders were granted with a fair opportunity to acquire
information and guarantee their right to be informed.
6. Regarding performance assessment and incentive & constraint mechanisms: in the report period, the Company kept improving the
performance evaluation indicator and incentive & constraint mechanisms for senior executives under the instruction of the
Compensation and Evaluation Committee of Board of Directors, wherein their compensation was combined with the Company's
business performance and total development plan and personal working performance, an annual integrated quantitative and
qualitative evaluation was organized on senior executives' fulfillment of duties and senior executives were hired in an open and
transparent way and in compliance with laws and regulations.
7. Regarding stakeholders: the Company fully respected and safeguarded legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders, implemented
a benefit coordination and balance among society, shareholders, the Company, employees and other parties, and enhanced
communication and exchange of the parties to jointly promote sustainable and robust development of the Company.
Does there exist any difference in compliance with the corporate governance , the PRC Company Law and the relevant provisions of
□ Yes √ No
There exist no difference in compliance with the corporate governance , the PRC Company Law and the relevant provisions of

II. Independence and Completeness in business, personnel , assets, organization and finance

The company is completely separate with the controlling shareholder in terms of the business, personnel, assets,
organizations, finance and other aspects, possessing independent and complete business and independent operating
1. Business: the Company had independent decision-making and execution agencies, built independent business
departments which, independent from holding shareholders, actual controllers and other companies under control,
handled businesses, and conducted no related transaction of horizontal competition or significant loss of fairness
with holding shareholders, actual controllers and other companies under control.
2.Personnel:The company has a completely independent personnel management and salary system. The company’s
senior manager personnel all are work in the company and receiving remunerations, and they do not hold any
other posts except the post of director or receive remunerations in the controlling shareholder and its affiliated
enterprises. The company's financial staffs do not concurrently hold posts in the controlling shareholder and its
affiliated enterprises.
3. Assets: the Company owned independent sites for office and business operation and other assets, possessed
production systems pertaining to production and operation, boasted equipment related to production and operation
by law and had independent purchase and sales systems and supporting facilities; the Company's holding
shareholders and actual controllers did not occupy the Company's funds, assets or other resources.
4. Agencies: the Company built a full and independent internal institutional framework and functional system out
of its own development, where departments with specific duties defined worked together well and agencies were
fully independent from each other in operation. Meanwhile, the Company set an independent decision-making
agency, office agency and site for production and operation management and the setting of agencies and
production and operation activities were immune from the intervention of other units or individuals.
5.Finance:The company has a standardized financial accounting system, with an independent financial accounting
department, full-time accounting personnel and independent accounting system, being able to make financial

                                                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

decisions independently. The company has set up the independent bank account and independently pays the tax.
The situation of the free-occupying of the company’s assets and funds by the controlling shareholder and its
affiliated enterprises does not exist.

III. Horizontal Competitions

□Applicable√Not applicable

IV. Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings in the Reporting

1. Annual General Meeting

                                              Investor                                                         Disclosure
        Sessions               Type                              Meeting Date         Disclosure date
                                         participation ratio                                                     index
                                                                                                            The first
 The first                                                                                                  General meeting
 provisional           Provisional                                                                          in 2018
 shareholders’        shareholders’               51.78%     March 28,2018         March 29,2018          (No.2018-050)
 General meeting in    General Meeting                                                                      published on
 2018                                                                                                       Juchao Website
                                                                                                            March 29,2018

                                                                                                            The Second
 The Second                                                                                                 General meeting
 provisional           Provisional                                                                          in 2018
 shareholders’        shareholders’               38.84%     April 9,2018          April 10,2018          (No.2018-053)
 General meeting in    General Meeting                                                                      published on
 2018                                                                                                       Juchao Website
                                                                                                            April 10,2018

                                                                                                            Annual General
                                                                                                            Meeting of 2017
 Annual General        Annual General                                                                       (No.2018-071)
                                                    34.50%     May 16,2018           May 17,2018
 Meeting of 2017       Meeting                                                                              published on
                                                                                                            Juchao Website

                                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

                                                                                                                      fo.com.cn)on May

                                                                                                                      The Third
 The Third                                                                                                            General meeting
 provisional           Provisional                                                                                    in 2018
 shareholders’        shareholders’                     34.50%       June 21,2018            June 22,2018           (No.2018-081)
 General meeting in    General Meeting                                                                                published on
 2018                                                                                                                 Juchao Website
                                                                                                                      fo.com.cn)on June

                                                                                                                      The Fourth
                                                                                                                      General meeting
 The Fourth
                                                                                                                      in 2018
 provisional           Provisional
                                                                       November                November               (No.2018-147)
 shareholders’        shareholders’                     39.64%
                                                                       15,2018                 16,2018                published on
 General meeting in    General Meeting
                                                                                                                      Juchao Website

2. Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred stockholders whose voting rights restore

□ Applicable √Not applicable

V. Responsibility performance of independent directors in report period

1. The attending of independent directors to board meetings and shareholders’ general meeting

 The attending of independent directors

 Independent                                                                                               是否连续两
                      本报告期应                        以通讯方式
 Directors                              现场出席董                      委托出席董         缺席董事会      次未亲自参       出席股东大
                      参加董事会                        参加董事会
                                         事会次数                         事会次数             次数        加董事会会           会次数
                         次数                             次数

 Tang Jianxin                    12                 1            11                   0                0   否                            1

 Zhang Yufeng                    12                 2              9                  0                1   否                            0

 Jiang                           14                 3            11                   0                0   否                            2

                                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


 Niu Hongjun                      2                1                1                0                0    否                          1

 Yu Haichun                       2                1                1                0                0    否                          1

Notes to failure to personally attend Board Meetings Successively Twice

2.Objection of independent directors on some relevant issues

Objection of independent directors on some relevant issues
□ Yes √No

3. Other notes to duty performance of independent directors

Has an independent director’s advice to the Company been accepted
√Yes □ No
Explanation on acceptance of or failure to accept an independent director’s advice to the Company.
      In accordance with Instruction for Listed Companies on Building an Independent Director System, Guide to Listed Companies
on Standardized Operation, Articles of Association, and Working System of Independent Directors among other provisions, the
Company's independent directors held an responsible attitude towards the Company and shareholders herein, faithfully performed
their duties in due diligence, took the initiative to attend relevant meetings, carefully deliberated all the proposals, objectively
expressed their own opinions and viewpoints, and conducted a thorough survey on the Company with effort to understand the
Company's production and operation, personnel management, financial management, and internal control among other information
and implementation of resolutions of the Board of Directors and General Meeting of Shareholders.
      In the report period, they delivered independent opinions concerning the Company's financing plans, external guarantees, hiring
of an auditing agency, use of funds raised, profit distribution plans, election of the Board of Directors, alteration of promised matters
and related transactions and other matters. They carefully debriefed operation from the management and communicated with certified
public accountants responsible for the annual audit while preparing, examining and disclosing regular reports. By rich specialized
knowledge and industrial experience, they played a positive part in improving the Company's supervision mechanism, promoting the
Board of Directors to make scientific decisions and standardize operation, and safeguarding rights and interests of minority
shareholders by offering many reference opinions and valuable suggestions regarding the Company's development strategies,
institutional improvement, financial management, and standardized operation among others.

VI. Duty Performance of Special Committees under the Board of Directors in the Reporting

The board of directors of the Company has special committees including audit committee, remuneration and appraisal committee,
strategy committee and nomination committee. According to the scope of authority specified in the working rules for them, the
committees conducted study and put forward opinions and suggestions for reference by the board of directors for decision making.
1.Information about fulfillment of the audit Committee of the Board of Directors during
Audit Committee gave a full play to its supervision and auditing functions. In the report period, it deliberated such matters as the
Company's financial information, internal control, substitution of an accounting firm, and relevant reports on preservation of funds
raised and formed and submitted resolutions to the Board of Directors; while auditing annual financial reports, it meticulously
reviewed the Company's financial audit reports and delivered audit opinions, communicated with certified public accountants for the

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

annual audit through a communication meeting and other forms, and urged the progress of the audit work to guarantee the success of
the annual audit work.
2. Fulfillment of Duties of the Compensation and Evaluation Committee of the Board of Directors
Compensation and Evaluation Committee kept improving the Company's compensation policy and evaluation mechanism and took
the initiative to promote deepening the management reform. In the report period, the Compensation and Evaluation Committee
convened meetings, supervised and assessed standards for fulfillment of performance and assessment on directors and senior
executives and implementation of the standards, carried out appointment and evaluation procedures for directors and senior
executives and examined the annual basic pay of each senior executive.
3. Fulfillment of duties of Strategy Committee
Strategy Committee helped the Company determine development plans, improve investment decision-making procedures, make
more scientific decisions, and improve its management structure by studying and offering advice for the Company's longterm
development strategies and major investment decisions. In the report period, the Strategy Committee convened a total of five
meetings, deliberating and adopting the Company's proposals regarding foreign investment, financing planning, etc.
4.Fulfillment of duties of Nomination Committee of Board of Directors
Nomination Committee devoted itself in due diligence, offering an instruction on improving the leader assessment mechanism and
talent promotion system and enhancing back-up talent reserves among others and keeping studying and following the Company's
needs for senior executives. In the report period, the Nomination Committee convened meetings to examine qualifications of general
manager candidates and candidates of the eighth board of senior executives.

VII. Work of the supervisory Committee

Did the supervisory Committee find any risk existing in performing the supervision activities in the reporting period?
□Yes √No
The supervisory Committee has no objection against any matters under supervision in the reporting period

VIII. Assessment and incentive Mechanism for Senior executives

The company established the evaluation system based on the targeted responsibility system and adopted signing the annual
responsibility appraisal agreement for the evaluation of the company’s senior management personnel which specified the KPI and
evaluation method with methods related to the evaluation results. During the reporting period, the companies had conformed to the
measures of the targeted responsibility system to assess and evaluate the senior management personnel performances, which
presented in the annual performance.

IX. Internal control situations

1.    Specific situations on major defects of internal control discovered during report period

√Yes □ No

                         Details of major defects of internal control discovered during the reporting period

 1. Income cost accounting is not standardized. The company’s claim for a project in Cambodia was US$ 1.13 million (equivalent
 to approximately RMB 7 million), which was confirmed in writing by Party A in 2018, but the company confirmed the income in
 2017. According to the company's accounting policy, the 7 million yuan income is confirmed to have an intertemporal situation.
 2. Insider information registration management is not standardized. The company made a memorandum of progress on major
 events in the planning of major asset placements in 2018, but none of the participants in the memorandum and the notified

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 personnel signed the memorandum. Violation of the provisions of Articles 6 and 10 of the "Regulations on the Establishment of
 Insider Information Registration Management System for Listed Companies". 4. The management of raised funds is not
 standardized. (1) The excess use of the raised funds was not corrected and was not disclosed in time. The 35th meeting of the 7th
 Board of Directors and the 23rd meeting of the 7th Board of Supervisors reviewed and approved the Proposal on Temporarily
 Replenishing Working Capital with Partially Raised Funds, and agreed to use the idle raised funds of 139 million yuan.
 Temporary replenishment of working capital. Upon inspection, the company's fund-raising account was deducted by the court on
 October 25, 2018 by more than 5.1 million yuan, resulting in the company's actual use of supplementary liquidity totaling more
 than the approved supplementary liquidity quota of 327,300 yuan. (2) The management system for raised funds is not perfect.
 The company's "Management System for the Use of Raised Funds" does not involve the accountability mechanism for the use of
 raised funds in violation of regulations. The regulations on the approval authority for the use of raised funds, decision-making
 procedures, and risk control measures are not clear, and are not in compliance with the "Guidelines for the Supervision of Listed
 Companies No. 2 - - Article 3 of the Regulation Requirements for the Management and Use of Funds Raised by Listed
 Companies. 5. Disposal of company assets and subsidiaries' equity without approval. (1) On December 14, 2017, the company's
 wholly-owned subsidiary Shenzhou Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (International Engineering Company) and
 Shenzhen Qianhai Shijie Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. signed the “Non-Recourse Domestic Factoring Business Contract”. 》,
 for the international engineering company's accounts receivable for non-recourse factoring business. According to the provisions
 of the “Articles of Association”, the processing of the factoring business belongs to the decision-making authority of the board of
 directors of the company. When the company handled the factoring business, it was not reviewed and approved by the company's
 board of directors. (2) On November 20, 2018, the general manager's office meeting of the company made a transfer of 60% of
 the shares of Shenzhou Great Wall Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhou Jianye) (accounting
 for 100% of the shares held by the company). Decide. On November 27, 2018, the company signed an equity transfer agreement
 with the counterparty. According to the company's articles of association (Article 112) If the transaction occurred in the company
 belongs to any of the following circumstances, the board of directors shall review: ..., (2) the transaction target (such as equity)
 accounted for the relevant business income in the most recent fiscal year. The company's most recent audited annual audited
 operating income of more than 10%, and the absolute amount exceeds 10 million yuan;). The company transferred the equity of
 Shenzhou Jianye without the approval of the board of directors of the company. 6. The fund management is not standardized. (1)
 Providing financial assistance to the outside without approval. From 2016 to 2017, the company's wholly-owned subsidiary
 Shenzhou Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. and Beijing Anlu Lai Sen Building Materials Co., Ltd., Beijing Hongda
 Guangfa Construction Labor Co., Ltd., Beijing Puya Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. Payment business. The above
 matters were not approved by the company's board of directors. The company held the sixth meeting of the eighth board of
 directors on April 12, 2019, and reviewed and approved the “Proposal on Supplementary Review of External Financial
 Provisions”. (2), without approval, handling financing business. In 2018, the company conducts financing activities with
 financial institutions, non-financial institutions and individuals without the approval of the company's normal approval process.
 (3) Losing control over some bank deposits. During the inspection of bank deposits and capital flows at the end of the period, it
 was found that the company was unable to provide bank balances on the balance sheet date of some bank accounts and bank
 statements during the audit period, and failed to effectively control some bank deposits to ensure the safety of funds. (4) The
 problem of fund raising. In the case of tight capital of the company, multiple borrowings overdue and litigation, there are still
 large non-operating payments that have not been cleared. 7. Tax management is not standardized. Lack of invoice management
 and other tax management systems, resulting in illegal construction costs. 8. Project management is out of control. Due to
 company reasons, some overseas projects of the company's subsidiary Shenzhou International Engineering Co., Ltd. have
 stagnated, and the company has lost control of the project. During the audit of the company's overseas projects, we did not obtain
 satisfactory audit evidence for the procedures such as letters and interviews.9. In 2018, the company involved more disputes. In
 response to such litigation cases, the company has not established a litigation management system, and has not timely and
 effectively managed information related to litigation in the case of receiving multiple litigation cases.

                                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

2.    Self-evaluation report on internal control

 Disclosure date of appraisal report on
                                              April 30,2019
 internal control

 Disclosure index of appraisal report on      Juchao Website:(http://www.cninfo.com.cn), Selfevaluation report of internal
 internal control                             control in 2018 on April 30,2019

 Proportion of total unit assets covered by
 appraisal in the total assets of the
 consolidated financial statements of the

 Proportion of total unit incomes covered
 by appraisal in the total business
 incomes of the consolidated financial
 statements of the company

                                                  Standards of Defects Evaluation

                    Category                                Financial Report                              Non-financial Report

                                              Material Defect:                                   Material Defect:

                                              1.Fraud of directors, supervisors and              1.Violation of national laws or

                                              senior management;                                 regulations, normative documents and
                                                                                                 significant decision making lacking
                                              2.Material errors appear in the Company’s
                                                                                                 scientific and system may lead to
                                              financial report published;
                                                                                                 invalid system, no rectification for
                                              3. The certified public auditor finds
                                                                                                 material or major defect or other
                                              material wrong reporting in the current
                                                                                                 situations that materially affect
                                              financial statement, while the Company
                                                                                                 the Company; 2. Violation of
                                              has not found such reporting during its
                                                                                                 regulations led to punishment from
                                              operation;4. The audit committee and audit
                                                                                                 government department or regulatory
                                              department of the Company exercise
                                                                                                 authority. Violation of management
                                              invalid supervision upon internal control;
                                                                                                 system or internal control procedure
 Standard                                     5.The result of internal control assessment
                                                                                                 led to major business disputes. Ranges
                                              hasn’t been rectified, especially the
                                                                                                 of material litigation led to great
                                              material or major defects;
                                                                                                 losses;3.The working initiatives of
                                              6.Important business is lack of system
                                                                                                 staffs was damaged at a great level,
                                              control or the system loses its validity.
                                                                                                 and the working efficiency was
                                              Major Defects:1. No recognized
                                                                                                 substantially decreased, which exerted
                                              accounting standards were followed when
                                                                                                 major adverse effects on the culture
                                              choosing and applying the accounting
                                                                                                 and cohesion of the enterprise, and led
                                                                                                 to serious turnover of core
                                              2.No anti-fraud program and control                teams;4.Negative news spreads in the
                                              measures were established; 3.No                    whole business scope( including the
                                              corresponding control mechanism was                extension to industry chain ), or is
                                              established or implemented for treating the        concerned by national medias or public

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                             abnormal or special accounting, and it is      ones, which will substantially damage
                                             lack of compensating control;4.One or          the enterprise’s reputation, and the
                                             more frauds appeared during the financial      negative effects can’t be eliminated all
                                             report process, and which couldn’t            the time;5.The Company involved
                                             reasonably guarantee that the formulated       punishment from CSRC and involved
                                             financial report would reach the goals of      warnings from stock exchange.
                                             being actual and accurate. General Defect:
                                             Other defects besides material defect and
                                             major defect.

                                             (1) Material Defect: amount with wrong
                                             reporting ≧ 10% of total profit amount;
                                             amount with wrong reporting ≧ 10% of          Material Defect: Due to the internal
                                             operating income; amount with wrong            control defect of non-financial report,
                                             reporting≧ 10% of total asset; amount         it may exert impacts of over RMB 10
                                             with wrong reporting≧10% of net               million(including RMB10 million ) on
                                             assets;(2) Major Defect: 5% of total profit    the total profit amount.Major Defect:
                                             amount≦amount with wrong reporting﹤          Due to the internal control defect of
                                             10% of total profit amount; 5% of              non-financial report, it may exert
 Standards of Quantitation                   operating income≦amount with wrong            impacts of over RMB 5 million
                                             reporting﹤10% of operating income ;5%         (including 5 million but less than 10
                                             of total asset≦amount with wrong              million) on the total profit amount.
                                             reporting﹤10% of total asset;5% of net        General Defect:Due to the internal
                                             assets ≦amount with wrong reporting﹤         control defect of non-financial report,
                                             10% of net assets;(3) General Defect:          it may exert impacts of below RMB 5
                                             amount with wrong reporting﹤5% of             million.
                                             operating income. amount with wrong﹤
                                             5% of total asset; amount with wrong
                                             reporting﹤5% of net assets.

 Number of major defects in financial

 Number of major defects in non
 financial reporting (a)

 Number of important defects in financial

 Number of important defects in non
 financial reporting(a)

X. Internal Control audit report

√ Applicable □Not applicable

                                        Review opinions in the internal control audit report

 Reanda Certified Public Accountants (LLP) conducted an audit of the effectiveness of internal control over the Company’s

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 financial statements as of December 31, 2018, and issued the Reanda 's No. 2334-[2019] Internal Control Audit Report, with
 issuance of the following opinion: We consider that due to the above-mentioned material deficiency and its impact on the
 achievement of the control objectives, Sino Great Wall failed to remain effective in all major aspects in the Internal control of
 financial reporting in accordance with the Basic Rules for Internal Control of Enterprises and the related regulations on
 December 31, 2018.

 Disclosure of internal audit report    Disclosure

 Disclosure date of audit report
                                        April 30,2019
 of internal control (full-text)

 Disclosure index of audit report
 of internal control (full-text)

 Internal audit report’s opinion       Negative opinions

 Non-financial reporting the
 existence of significant               Yes
Has the CPAs issued a qualified auditor’s report of internal control .
√Yes □No
Statement of internal control audit report issued by accounting firm with non-standard opinions
In this internal control audit, Reanda Certified Public Accountants (LLP) notices the following significant defects in the internal
control of the Company's financial reporting:
1. The accounting of income and cost is not standardized. Of the Company's revenue claimed in relation to a project in Cambodia,
USD 1.13 million (equivalent to approximately RMB 7 million) was confirmed in writing by Party A in 2018, but the Company
recognized the revenue in 2017. According to the accounting policies of the Company, the revenue of RMB 7 million is recognized
as intertemporal.
2. Inventory management is not standardized. The management of raw materials is lack of improved system and standard. The raw
materials purchased by the Company for project construction, such as steel, are only accessible in the material purchase and
warehousing management process. The materials purchased and warehoused are directly included in the construction cost of the
construction project of the Company. The actual cost of the issued inventory is not determined by the first-in first-out method,
weighted average method or individual valuation method in accordance with the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 1 - Inventory. It is impossible to accurately measure the quantity and amount of raw materials collected for
the current project and those of raw materials at the end of the period.
3. The insider registration management of insider information is not standardized. A memorandum of major events progress was
prepared in preparation for major assets acquisition in 2018, but none of the participants and insiders indicated in the memorandum
signed the memorandum for confirmation. It violates the provisions of Article 6 and Article 10 of the Provisions on Listed
Companies Establishing Insider Registration Management System of Insider Information.
4. The management of raised funds is not standardized.
(1) The excessive use of the raised funds has not been corrected and disclosed in a timely manner. At the 35th session of the seventh
meeting of the Board of Directors and the 23rd session of the seventh meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Company, the
Proposal on Temporary Replenishment of Circulating Fund with Part of Idle Raised Funds was considered and adopted, and the
Company was allowed to temporarily supplement circulating funds with idle raised funds of RMB 139 million. Upon inspection, the
raised funds account of the Company was deducted by more than RMB 5.1 million by the court on October 25, 2018, resulting in the
total amount actually used by the Company to supplement circulating funds exceeding the approved amount RMB 327,300 to
supplement circulating funds. (2) The management system of raised funds is not sound. The Company's Management System for Use
of Raised Funds does not involve the responsibility assigning mechanism for the illegal use of raised funds, and the provisions on the

                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

hierarchical approval authority, decision-making procedures and risk control measures for the use of raised funds are not clear, which
does not conform to Article 3 of Guidelines for Supervision of Listed Companies No. 2 -Supervision Requirements for the
Management and Use of Raised Funds of Listed Companies.
5. The assets of the Company and equity of subsidiaries are disposed without approval.
On December 14, 2017, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (International Engineering Company), wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company, entered into a Non-recourse Domestic Factoring Contract with Shenzhen Qianhai Shihong Commercial
Factoring Co., Ltd. to handle non-recourse factoring business on the accounts receivable of International Engineering Company.
Pursuant to the Articles of Association, handling the factoring business falls within the decision-making authority of the Board of
Directors of the Company. When the Company handles the factoring business, it has not been reviewed and approved by the Board of
Directors of the Company. (2) On November 20, 2018, the General Manager of the Company made the decision to transfer 60%
equity (accounting for 100% of the Company holding its shares) of Sino Great Wall Jianye Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as Sino Great Wall Jianye Engineering) at the office meeting. On November 27, 2018, the Company entered into an equity
transfer agreement with the counterparty. According to the Articles of Association (Article 112 Where the transactions of the
Company fall into any of the following circumstances, the Board of Directors shall review and approve them: . (2) The operating
income related to the transaction object in the latest fiscal year accounts for more than 10% of the audited operating income of the
Company in the latest fiscal year, and the absolute amount exceeds RMB 10 million;).
6. Funds management is not standardized.
(1) The financial assistance is provided externally without approval. From 2016 to 2017, Sino Great Wall International Engineering
Co., Ltd., wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, engaged in many loans entrusted payment business with Beijing Anlulaisen
Building Materials Co., Ltd., Beijing Hongda Guangfa Construction Labor Service Co., Ltd. and Beijing Puya Architectural
Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. The above matters have not been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company. The
Company held the sixth session of the eighth meeting of the Board of Directors on April 12, 2019, at which the Proposal on
Supplementary Consideration of Providing External Financial Assistance was considered and adopted. (2) Financing business is
handled without approval. In 2018, the Company conducted financing to financial institutions, non-financial institutions and
individuals without going through the normal approval process of the Company. (3) The control over some bank deposits is lost.
During the examination of bank deposits and capital flow at the end of the period, it was found that the Company was unable to
provide bank deposit balances on the balance sheet date of some bank accounts and bank statements during the audit, and failed to
implement effective control over some bank deposits to ensure the safety of funds. (4) Fund raising problems. Under the
circumstance that the Company is short of funds, many loans are overdue and cause litigation, there are still large amounts of
non-operating receivables and payables outstanding. For example, as of the balance sheet date, the Company shall receive RMB
332,026,600 from Longyan Hengda Engineering Co., Ltd. and RMB 158,129,600 from Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Steel Co., Ltd.
7. The tax management is not standardized.
On December 7, 2018, the Second Taxation Office of Beijing Tongzhou District Taxation Bureau of the State Taxation
Administration shall issue the Notice on Tax Matters (JTEST [2018] No.13) to Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.,
subsidiary of the Company. According to the self-inspection of the Company, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.,
subsidiary of the Company, obtained those listing the expenditures into construction cost of RMB 42.9313 million as a suspect in
writing false VAT ordinary invoices, intelligence VAT ordinary invoices of other provinces and out-of-control VAT special invoices,
thus the taxable income shall be increased by RMB 6.4397 million. The tax management of the Company is not standardized, and the
invoice management and other tax management systems are lacked, resulting in listing the expenditures into the construction cost of
the project in violation of regulations.
8. Project management is out of control. As a result of the company's reasons, the Kuwait Military Academy, the Cambodian Oil
Refinery and other projects of Sino International Engineering Co., Ltd., subsidiary of the Company, have been halted, and the
Newport Project in Qatar, the Kuwait Ministry of Finance Building Project and other projects have been stalled. The Company has
lost control over the above mentioned projects. In the process of auditing the above overseas projects of the Company, we failed to

                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

obtain satisfactory audit evidence through confirmation, interview and other procedures. We are unable to implement further audit
procedures or substitute audit procedures to obtain adequate and appropriate audit evidence due to the failure of the Company to
provide complete external information.
9. Guarantee is provided externally without approval. According to Article 5, Chapter I of the Management System for External
Guarantee of the Company, "the Company shall not provide external guarantee without the consideration and approval of the general
meeting of stockholders or the Board of Directors". On April 18, 2018, the Company (Party B, obligor to balance supplement) signed
a balance supplement agreement with the Zhongyuan Trust (Party A, creditor) and Sino Great Wall (Fugou) High-speed Railway
Area Investment Co., Ltd. (Party C, debtor). Article 2.2 of the Agreement stipulates that "Where Party C fails to repay any amount or
installment of funds payable (including but not limited to the principal of the loan, interest, compound interest, penalty interest,
liquidated damages, compensation, fund possession cost, creditor's rights realization fee, etc.) on time for any reason in accordance
with the Trust Loan Contract (Main Contract), Party A shall have the right to send written notice to Party B to require Party B to
fulfill the obligation to balance supplement. Balance supplement amount = principal and interest of Party A's principal creditor's
rights and other receivables of Party A - principal and interest of principal creditor's rights actually received by Party A and other
receivables of Party A." The above balance supplement agreement fails to go through the examination and approval procedures in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company. 10. In 2018, the Company was involved in a number of cases and disputes.
For this kind of litigation cases, the Company has not established a litigation affair management system, and has failed to manage the
information related to litigation timely and effectively in the case of receiving multiple litigation cases.
Effective internal control can provide reasonable assurance for the truthfulness and completeness of financial reports and related
information, while the above-mentioned major defects make the internal control of Sino Great Wall lose this function.
The above-mentioned major defects have been included in the enterprise internal control evaluation report. In 2018 financial
statement auditing of Sino Great Wall, we have considered the impact of above-mentioned major defects on the nature, time and
scope of the audit process.

In this internal control audit, Reanda Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) noted that the company's
non-financial reporting internal controls have the following major deficiencies:
1. In 2018, the Great Wall of China involved more disputes. In response to such litigation cases, the company has not established a
litigation management system, and has not timely and effectively managed information related to litigation in the case of receiving
multiple litigation cases. Due to the above-mentioned major defects, we remind users of this report to pay attention to the risks
involved. It should be pointed out that we do not express opinions or provide guarantees on the internal control of non-financial
reporting of the Great Wall of China. This paragraph does not affect the audit opinion issued on the effectiveness of internal control
over financial reporting.
Does the internal control audit report issued by the CPAs agree with the self-assessment report of the Board of Directors
√Yes □No

                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

                             X. Specifications on Company Securities

Whether the company has any corporate bonds that are publicly issued and listed on the stock exchange, and that are not due or not
fully repaid on the date of approval of the annual report

                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

                                        XI. Financial Statements

1. Audit report

 Types of Audit Opinions                            Disclaimer of Opinion

 Signature Date                                     April 28, 2019

 Auditor                                            Reanda      Certified   Public   Accountants   (special     general

 Report No.                                         Reanda SZ [2019] No. 2333

 Chinese Certified Public Accountant:               Wang Xinyu and Zhou Zhonghua

                                                 Audit Report

                                             Audit report

                                                                                         Reanda SZ [2019] No. 2333

To all shareholders of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.:

     I. Opinions
     We have audited the financial statements of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as
“Sino Great Wall”), including the consolidated and parent company’s balance sheet as of December 31,
2018, the consolidated and parent company’s income statement, the consolidated and parent company’s
cash flow statement, the consolidated and parent company’s statement of changes in shareholder’s equity
and the notes to financial statements of Year 2018.
     We won’t express any opinions on the attached financial statements of Sino Great Wall. Due to the
matters described in the section “Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion”, we are unable to obtain sufficient and
appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion on the financial statements.

      II Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion
     1. Internal control failure
     During our review of the rationality behind and effectiveness of the internal control design related to
the financial statements of Sino Great Wall on December 31, 2018, we found that many internal control
failures have had a significant and extensive impact on the financial statements. (More details in Internal
Control Audit Report, Reanda SZ [2019] No. 2333) We performed the audit based on sampling. Therefore,
in the case of invalid internal control, no sufficient and appropriate audit evidence could be obtained
through this procedure to serve as the basis for an audit opinion.
     2. Limited scope of audit
     ①As of the audit report date, the Company has not obtained sufficient confirmation letters to its
bank deposits, accounts receivable, other receivables, prepayments, long-term and short-term loans,
                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

accounts payable, advance receipts, other payables, and notes payable and the confirmed amount is small.
Besides, there is no alternative audit procedures to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to
verify the authenticity and accuracy of the deposits and payments mentioned above.
      ② During the audit of the Company’s important engineering projects, procedures such as
confirmation in writing and interviews, failed to yield satisfactory audit evidence. Due to the Company’s
failure to provide complete external information, we are unable to further implement audit procedures or
alternative procedures to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence for the revenue and cost of the
      Sino Great Wall launched a non-recourse factoring business with Dagang Financial Leasing
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. in June 2016. In December 2017, it launched another non-recourse factoring
business with Shihong Factoring Co., Ltd. As of the end of 2018, the Company received 140.954 million
RMB and 91.153 million RMB respectively from the original debtors, which were not transferred to the
factoring parties. We couldn’t obtain satisfactory audit evidence during our verification of this transaction
and are unable to determine the nature of the transaction and its impact on the company’s financial
      3. Failure to project the impact of project suspension, law suit and claim for damages
      Many of the Company’s projects were suspended during construction, its major bank accounts were
frozen, employees dismissed, and some project related guarantees were claimed. A large amount of debts
was overdue and involved in litigation. Completed projects with unsettled inventory and investment
expenses may have the risk of impairment, and the accounts receivable confirmed by the project may
have bad debt risk. The guarantee may result in claim for loss, and the litigation may result in loss from
lawsuit. Due to the largely uncertain impact of matters mentioned above, we are unable to evaluate the
Company's judgment on the them.
      4. Significant uncertainties in continued operations
      In 2018, the Company’s major bank accounts were frozen with overdue debts, many of which are
involved in litigation. Projects under construction were suspended and employees were dismissed with
overdue salaries. The Company is faced with fund shortage to sustain its operation and its financial status
is worsening, resulting in huge amount of loss in 2018. The above situation indicates that there is
significant uncertainty in the Company’s ability to continue its operations. We are unable to determine
whether it is appropriate for Sino Great Wall to apply the continued operations assumption to prepare the
2018 financial statements.
      5. Investigation of China Securities Regulatory Commission
      The Company received the Notification of Investigation (No. JDCZ19041) from China Securities
Regulatory Commission, which decided to investigate the Company in accordance with Securities Law of
the People's Republic of China on suspicion of law-breaking operations. As of the issue date of the
financial statements, the investigation had not come to any conclusion.
      III The Management and Governance Team’s Responsibilities for the Financial Statements
      The management of the Company (hereinafter referred to as “the Management”) shall be responsible
for compiling financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
for the true and fair presentation as well as designing, executing and protecting the internal control related
to the compilation of financial statements so as to make the financial statements be free from any serious
misstatement caused by frauds and errors.
      In the preparation of the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the
continued operation ability of Sino Great Wall, disclosing the matters related to continued operations (if
applicable), and applying the continued operations assumption unless it is planned to liquidate, terminate

                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

operations or make other necessary realistic choice.
     The governance team is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of Sino Great
     IV CPA’s Responsibility for Auditing Financial Statements
     Our responsibility is to conduct our audit in accordance with Chinese CPA Standards on Auditing
and present an audit report. Due to the matters described in the section “Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion”,
we are unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion on the financial
     According to the Code of Ethics for Chinese Certified Public Accountants, we are independent of
Sino Great Wall and perform other duties in terms of professional ethics.

      Reanda Certified Public Accountants       Chinese Certified Public Accountant:
         (special general partnership)          (Engagement Partner):

                     Beijing China                Chinese Certified Public Accountant:

                                                                 April 28, 2019

II. Financial Statements

Unit in the financial statements: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                    Item                      Ending balance                          Opening balance

 Current assets

      Monetary resources                                  658,714,886.48                        1,604,973,916.12

      Deposit reservation for balance

      Funds lent

      Financial assets measured with fair
 value and having the change of fair value
 recorded in the gain or loss of current

                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


        Derivative financial assets

        Notes receivable and accounts
                                              4,204,113,048.24                        5,994,876,806.96

          Including: notes receivable             1,518,790.00                          288,201,562.88

                  Accounts receivable         4,202,594,258.24                        5,706,675,244.08

        Advance payment                        220,261,619.13                           225,208,527.88

        Premiums receivable

        Reinsurance accounts receivable

        Reinsurance contract reserves

        Other accounts receivable             2,186,223,361.40                        1,674,675,360.28

          Including: accrued interest

                  Dividends receivable

        Redemptory monetary capital for

        Inventories                            717,531,578.23                           556,839,325.50

        Assets held for sale                   105,075,792.00

        Non-current assets coming due
 within one year

        Other current assets                      5,795,797.44                           17,126,911.05

 Total current assets                         8,097,716,082.92                       10,073,700,847.79

 Non-current assets:

        Disbursement of advances and

        Available-for-sale financial assets     10,338,500.00                            10,338,500.00

        Held-to-maturity investments

        Long-term accounts receivable           16,708,613.19                            14,328,557.82

        Long-term equity investments           106,837,810.83

        Investment real estate

        Fixed assets                           158,746,947.91                           174,537,150.56

        Construction in progress                36,697,284.04                                4,968,590.96

        Capitalized biological assets

        Oil and gas assets

        Intangible assets                       99,921,251.67                           127,524,445.00

                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

      Development costs

      Goodwill                                27,268,234.53                            64,494,271.55

      Long-term deferred expenses               6,727,688.90                           10,124,913.15

      Deferred income tax assets             117,983,727.91                           118,233,337.36

      Other non-current assets               924,509,792.99                         1,069,594,572.11

 Total non-current assets                   1,505,739,851.97                        1,594,144,338.51

 Total assets                               9,603,455,934.89                       11,667,845,186.30

 Current liabilities:

      Short-term loans                      2,862,584,629.01                        3,477,200,420.55

      Borrowings from the central bank

      Absorption of deposits and
 interbank deposit

      Loans from banks and other
 financial institutions

      Financial liabilities measured with
 fair value and having the change of fair
 value recorded in the gain or loss of
 current period

      Derivative financial liabilities

      Notes payable and accounts payable    1,926,243,130.15                        2,626,177,075.77

      Advances from customers                478,101,743.92                           146,379,852.67

      Financial assets sold under
 repurchase agreements

      Handling charges and commissions

      Employee compensation payable           86,414,858.86                            21,911,542.07

      Taxes and surcharges payable           393,957,887.52                           357,445,477.71

      Other accounts payable                2,212,412,970.43                          537,070,684.98

         Including: interest payable         280,806,670.49                            16,105,263.85

                  Dividends payable             8,541,818.64

      Reinsurance accounts payable

      Reserves for insurance contracts

      Receivings from vicariously traded

      Receivings from vicariously sold

      Liabilities held for sale

                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

      Non-current liabilities coming due
                                             975,719,981.55                           820,422,471.45
 within one year

      Other current liabilities                                                       121,529,600.95

 Total current liabilities                 8,935,435,201.44                         8,108,137,126.15

 Non-current liabilities:

      Long-term loans                        120,000,000.00                           843,092,471.02

      Bonds payable                          254,801,342.47                           345,000,000.00

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual debts

      Long-term accounts payable                 322,990.35                            81,945,567.86

      Long-term employee compensation

      Estimated liabilities                    2,958,723.15                                3,414,189.15

      Deferred income

      Deferred income tax liabilities         24,369,456.18                            26,088,961.71

      Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities               402,452,512.15                         1,299,541,189.74

 Total liabilities                         9,337,887,713.59                         9,407,678,315.89

 Total owners’ equity:

      Capital stock                        1,698,245,011.00                         1,698,245,011.00

      Other equity instruments

         Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual debts

      Capital reserve                      -1,298,846,540.07                       -1,299,349,701.74

      Less: treasury stock

      Other comprehensive income                 -50,380.95                                 858,242.13

      Special reserve                         21,026,082.43                           164,231,078.18

      Surplus reserve                         84,394,441.23                            84,394,441.23

      General risk reserves

      Undistributed profits                 -269,566,140.13                         1,503,103,396.72

 Total equity attributable to owners of
                                             235,202,473.51                         2,151,482,467.52
 Parent Company

      Minority equity                         30,365,747.79                           108,684,402.89

 Total owners’ equity                       265,568,221.30                         2,260,166,870.41

 Total liabilities and owners’ equity     9,603,455,934.89                        11,667,845,186.30

                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Legal Representative: Chen Lue

Accounting Principal: Yang Chunling

Head of the Accounting Department: Yang Chunling

2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                     Item                          Ending balance                             Opening balance

 Current assets

      Monetary resources                                        46,778,625.47                             407,959,304.60

      Financial assets measured with fair
 value and having the change of fair value
 recorded in the gain or loss of current

      Derivative financial assets

      Notes receivable and accounts

          Including: notes receivable

                  Accounts receivable

      Advance payment                                                                                          3,865,500.01

      Other accounts receivable                              2,986,852,664.14                           3,690,967,483.22

          Including: accrued interest

                  Dividends receivable                         100,000,000.00                             100,000,000.00


      Assets held for sale

      Non-current assets coming due
 within one year

      Other current assets                                          2,604,075.38                               2,175,646.45

 Total current assets                                        3,036,235,364.99                           4,104,967,934.28

 Non-current assets:

      Available-for-sale financial assets

      Held-to-maturity investments

      Long-term accounts receivable

      Long-term equity investments                           3,323,211,536.66                           3,311,211,536.66

      Investment real estate

                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

      Fixed assets                                36,371.12                                  52,246.48

      Construction in progress

      Capitalized biological assets

      Oil and gas assets

      Intangible assets

      Development costs


      Long-term deferred expenses               1,074,666.67                                168,284.84

      Deferred income tax assets

      Other non-current assets               728,328,020.00                           550,524,570.00

 Total non-current assets                   4,052,650,594.45                        3,861,956,637.98

 Total assets                               7,088,885,959.44                        7,966,924,572.26

 Current liabilities:

      Short-term loans                      2,189,866,602.21                        2,287,870,000.00

      Financial liabilities measured with
 fair value and having the change of fair
 value recorded in the gain or loss of
 current period

      Derivative financial liabilities

      Notes payable and accounts payable      95,000,000.00                           537,227,578.11

      Advances from customers

      Employee compensation payable           15,016,143.39                                1,580,335.12

      Taxes and surcharges payable            97,149,029.10                            97,124,633.81

      Other accounts payable                1,347,473,661.05                          392,422,663.75

         Including: interest payable         243,458,030.15                            13,002,236.21

                  Dividends payable             8,541,818.64

      Liabilities held for sale

      Non-current liabilities coming due
                                             866,250,000.00                           700,000,000.00
 within one year

      Other current liabilities

 Total current liabilities                  4,610,755,435.75                        4,016,225,210.79

 Non-current liabilities:

      Long-term loans                                                                 800,000,000.00

      Bonds payable                                                                   100,000,000.00

         Including: preferred stock

                  Perpetual debts

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

      Long-term accounts payable

      Long-term employee compensation

      Estimated liabilities

      Deferred income

      Deferred income tax liabilities

      Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities                                                                             900,000,000.00

 Total liabilities                                               4,610,755,435.75                        4,916,225,210.79

 Total owners’ equity:

      Capital stock                                              1,698,245,011.00                        1,698,245,011.00

      Other equity instruments

          Including: preferred stock

                 Perpetual debts

      Capital reserve                                            1,237,956,472.37                        1,237,956,472.37

      Less: treasury stock

      Other comprehensive income

      Special reserve

      Surplus reserve                                               26,309,287.00                           26,309,287.00

      Undistributed profits                                       -484,380,246.68                           88,188,591.10

 Total owners’ equity                                           2,478,130,523.69                        3,050,699,361.47

 Total liabilities and owners’ equity                           7,088,885,959.44                        7,966,924,572.26

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                     Items               Amount incurred of current period            Amount incurred of last period

 I. Gross operating income                                   2,426,987,687.02                            6,497,124,980.52

      Including: operating income                            2,426,987,687.02                            6,497,124,980.52

               Interest income

               Insurance premiums

               Handling charges and
 commission income

 II. Gross operating cost                                    3,906,818,404.18                            5,990,935,078.96

      Including: operating cost                              2,449,500,634.87                            4,886,354,499.66

                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                 Interest expenditure

                 Handling charges and
 commission expenditure

                 Surrender value

                 Net payments for
 insurance claims

                 Net provision insurance

                 Expenditures dividend

                 Reinsurance expenses

                 Taxes and surcharges             4,790,660.57                                4,533,005.61

                 Selling expenses                28,300,802.42                            32,213,247.97

                 Management expenses            311,698,800.53                           312,957,207.20

                 R&D expenses

                 Financial expenses             606,015,536.23                           432,590,607.55

                   Including: interest

                            Interest income                                               15,353,873.68

                 Asset impairment loss          506,511,969.56                           322,286,510.97

          Plus: Other incomes                        52,040.48                                2,211,128.89

              Investment income (Losses
                                                 30,219,918.01                                -387,601.37
 are marked with a “-”)

              Including: Income from
 investment in jointly-run enterprises
 and joint ventures

              Profits from changes in fair
 value (Losses are marked with a “-”)

              Exchange earning (Losses
 are marked with a “-”)

              Proceeds from asset
 disposal (Losses are marked with a                                                           -150,250.00

 III. Operating profit (Losses are
                                              -1,449,558,758.67                          507,863,179.08
 marked with a “-”)

          Plus: Non-Operating Income            128,699,835.85                                 156,426.78

          Less: Non-Operating
                                                395,623,593.98                            -3,030,152.73

                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 IV: Total profit (Losses are marked
                                                -1,716,482,516.80                          511,049,758.59
 with a “-”)

          Less: Expense of income tax               3,281,922.60                           127,003,731.76

 V. Net profit (Losses are marked with
                                                -1,719,764,439.40                          384,046,026.83
 a “-”)

          (I) Net profits from continued
 operations (Losses are marked with a

          (II) Net profits from
 discontinued operations (Losses are
 marked with a “-”)

          Net profit attributed to the parent
                                                -1,704,739,736.40                          380,090,990.82
 company’s owners

          Profit and loss of minority
                                                  -15,024,703.00                                3,955,036.01

 VI. Net of tax for other
                                                     -908,623.08                                 858,242.13
 comprehensive income

      Net of tax for comprehensive
 income attributed to the parent                     -908,623.08                                 858,242.13
 company’s owners

          (I) Other comprehensive income
 that cannot be reclassified into profit
 or loss

                 1. Remeasure the change
 in the defined benefit plan

                 2. Other comprehensive
 income that cannot be transferred
 with equity method

          (II) Other comprehensive
 income to be reclassified into profit               -908,623.08                                 858,242.13
 or loss

                 1. Other comprehensive
 income that can be transferred with
 equity method

                 2. Gains and losses from
 changes in fair value of
 available-for-sale financial assets

                 3. Held-to-maturity
 investment reclassified as gains and
 losses on available-for-sale financial

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                4. Effective portion of
 cash flow hedge gains and losses

                5. Balance from
 conversion of foreign-currency                                            -908,623.08                                     858,242.13
 financial statements

                6. Others

      VI. Net of tax for other
 comprehensive income attributed to
 minority stockholders

 VII. Total amount of composite
                                                                    -1,720,673,062.48                                 384,904,268.96

        Total amount of composite
 benefits attributed to the parent                                  -1,705,648,359.48                                 380,949,232.95
 company’s owners

        Total amount of composite
 benefits attributed to minority                                       -15,024,703.00                                     3,955,036.01

 VIII. Earnings per share

        (I) Basic earnings per share                                            -1.004                                           0.220

        (II) Diluted earnings per share                                         -1.004                                           0.220

f the enterprise is merged under the same control in the current period, the net profit realized by the merged party before the merger shall be
RMB , and the net profit realized by the merged party in the last period shall be RMB

Legal Representative: Chen Lue

Accounting Principal: Yang Chunling

Head of the Accounting Department: Yang Chunling

4. Parent company’s income statement

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                    Items                      Amount incurred of current period                Amount incurred of last period

 I. Operating income                                                       197,962.06                                      240,558.55

        Less: operating cost                                                       0.00                                      1,482.50

             Taxes and surcharges                                           232,339.11                                     486,860.22

             Selling expenses                                             1,041,800.14                                     793,644.62

             Management expenses                                        46,082,221.37                                  48,845,134.77

             R&D expenses

             Financial expenses                                        439,946,225.01                                  94,901,413.49

                                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                 Including: interest

                         Interest income

               Asset impairment loss           14,901,696.51                                7,489,577.66

          Plus: Other incomes                                                                   7,211.91

               Investment income (Losses
 are marked with a “-”)

               Including: Income from
 investment in jointly-run enterprises
 and joint ventures

               Profits from changes in fair
 value (Losses are marked with a “-”)

               Proceeds from asset
 disposal (Losses are marked with a

 II. Operating profit (Losses are
                                              -502,006,320.08                          -52,270,342.80
 marked with a “-”)

          Plus: Non-Operating Income          100,000,000.00                                        0.01

          Less: Non-Operating

 III: Total profit (Losses are marked
                                              -504,639,037.34                          -52,270,342.79
 with a “-”)

          Less: Expense of income tax

 IV. Net profit (Losses are marked
                                              -504,639,037.34                          -52,270,342.79
 with a “-”)

          (I) Net profits from continued
 operations (Losses are marked with a

          (II) Net profits from
 discontinued operations (Losses are
 marked with a “-”)

 V. Net of tax for other comprehensive

          (I) Other comprehensive income
 that cannot be reclassified into profit
 or loss

                 1. Remeasure the change
 in the defined benefit plan

                 2. Other comprehensive
 income that cannot be transferred
                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 with equity method

      (II) Other comprehensive
 income to be reclassified into profit
 or loss

              1. Other comprehensive
 income that can be transferred with
 equity method

              2. Gains and losses from
 changes in fair value of
 available-for-sale financial assets

              3. Held-to-maturity
 investment reclassified as gains and
 losses on available-for-sale financial

              4. Effective portion of
 cash flow hedge gains and losses

              5. Balance from
 conversion of foreign-currency
 financial statements

              6. Others

 VI. Total amount of composite
                                                               -504,639,037.34                          -52,270,342.79

 VII. Earnings per share

      (I) Basic earnings per share

      (II) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                    Items                 Amount incurred of current period        Amount incurred of last period

 I. Cash flow from operating activities

      Cash received from sales of
                                                              3,468,136,123.20                        4,642,883,579.49
 goods and rending of services

      Net increase in customer
 deposits and interbank deposits

      Net increase for borrowing from
 the central bank

      Net increase in placements from
 other financial institutions

      Cash premiums received on

                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 original insurance contracts

      Cash received from re-insurance

      Net increase in deposits and
 investments from insurers

      Net increase for disposals of
 financial assets measured as fair
 value and the variation included in
 current profit and loss

      Interest, handling charges and
 commissions received

      Net increase in placements from
 financial institutions

      Net increase in repurchasing
 business capital

      Receipts of tax refunds                 3,982,148.20                           11,520,458.96

      Other cash received relating to
                                          4,934,012,815.86                        6,134,642,883.34
 operating activities

 Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                          8,406,131,087.26                       10,789,046,921.79
 operating activities

      Cash payments for goods
                                          2,715,043,669.32                        5,007,872,564.26
 purchased and services received

      Net increase in loans and
 advances to customers

      Net increase in deposits with the
 central bank and other financial

      Payments of claims for original
 insurance contracts

      Interest, handling charges and
 commissions paid

      Commissions on insurance
 policies paid

      Cash payments to and on behalf
                                           262,092,659.22                           380,713,969.98
 of employees

      Payments of all types of taxes        72,091,894.26                           212,006,262.08

      Other cash payments relating to
                                          4,529,023,809.01                        6,970,322,744.12
 operating activities

 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                          7,578,252,031.81                       12,570,915,540.44
 operating activities
                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 Net cash flows from operating
                                             827,879,055.45                        -1,781,868,618.65

 II. Cash flows from investing

         Cash received from disposals
 and withdrawals of investment

         Cash received from returns on

         Net cash received from disposals
 of fixed assets, intangible assets and          424,000.00                                  85,000.00
 other long-term assets

         Net cash received from disposals
 of subsidiaries and other business

         Other cash payments relating to
 investing activities

 Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                3,824,000.00                               2,085,000.00
 investing activities

         Cash payments to acquire and
 construct fixed assets, intangible             9,496,541.03                           48,204,408.85
 assets and other long-term assets

         Cash payments to acquire
                                             182,993,849.80                           840,948,723.77

         Net increase in secured loans

         Net cash payments for
 acquisitions of subsidiaries and other                                                    2,340,123.50
 business units

         Other cash payments relating to
                                                2,990,381.41                          131,500,000.00
 investing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                             195,480,772.24                         1,022,993,256.12
 investing activities

 Net cash flows from investing
                                            -191,656,772.24                        -1,020,908,256.12

 III. Cash flows from financing

         Cash received from investors         12,490,000.00                            30,240,000.00

         Including: Cash received from
 minority shareholders

         Cash received from borrowings      1,414,923,533.71                        4,537,777,192.35

                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

      Proceeds from issuance of bonds                                                                   344,800,000.00

      Other cash received relating to
                                                                 54,209,648.35                          179,327,200.00
 financing activities

 Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                              1,481,623,182.06                        5,092,144,392.35
 financing activities

      Cash repayments of amounts
                                                              2,438,563,678.82                        1,998,607,849.12

      Cash payments for distribution
 of dividends or profits, or cash                               177,477,175.65                          332,584,990.54
 payments for interest expenses

      Including: Subsidiary
 companies’ payment to minority
 shareholders for distribution of
 dividends or profit

      Other cash payments relating to
                                                                 22,512,800.03                          233,071,283.83
 financing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                              2,638,553,654.50                        2,564,264,123.49
 financing activities

 Net cash flows from financing
                                                             -1,156,930,472.44                        2,527,880,268.86

 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                   -746,604.37                          -21,586,126.02
 changes on cash and cash equivalents

 V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                               -521,454,793.60                         -296,482,731.93

      Plus: Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                647,222,590.48                          943,705,322.41
 at the beginning of period

 VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                125,767,796.88                          647,222,590.48
 end of period

6. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                  Items                   Amount incurred of current period        Amount incurred of last period

 I. Cash flow from operating activities

      Cash received from sales of
 goods and rending of services

      Receipts of tax refunds

      Other cash received relating to
                                                              3,916,915,819.93                        4,283,071,598.59
 operating activities

 Sub-total of cash inflows from                               3,916,915,819.93                        4,283,336,918.59

                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

 operating activities

         Cash payments for goods
 purchased and services received

         Cash payments to and on behalf
 of employees

         Payments of all types of taxes          234,343.88                                396,447.37

         Other cash payments relating to
                                            2,670,055,342.90                        5,546,418,464.78
 operating activities

 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                            2,670,289,686.78                        5,547,309,153.04
 operating activities

 Net cash flows from operating
                                            1,246,626,133.15                       -1,263,972,234.45

 II. Cash flows from investing

         Cash received from disposals
 and withdrawals of investment

         Cash received from returns on

         Net cash received from disposals
 of fixed assets, intangible assets and
 other long-term assets

         Net cash received from disposals
 of subsidiaries and other business

         Other cash payments relating to
 investing activities

 Sub-total of cash inflows from
 investing activities

         Cash payments to acquire and
 construct fixed assets, intangible                                                         65,440.00
 assets and other long-term assets

         Cash payments to acquire
                                             160,000,000.00                           696,324,570.00

         Net cash payments for
 acquisitions of subsidiaries and other
 business units

         Other cash payments relating to
 investing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                             160,000,000.00                           696,390,010.00
 investing activities

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

 Net cash flows from investing
                                                                       -160,000,000.00                               -696,390,010.00

 III. Cash flows from financing

      Cash received from investors

      Cash received from borrowings                                     840,650,000.00                               3,085,070,000.00

      Proceeds from issuance of bonds                                                                                  99,800,000.00

      Other cash received relating to
 financing activities

 Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                                        840,650,000.00                               3,184,870,000.00
 financing activities

      Cash repayments of amounts
                                                                      1,902,673,705.66                                980,200,000.00

      Cash payments for distribution
 of dividends or profits, or cash                                       100,441,437.45                                282,451,200.03
 payments for interest expenses

      Other cash payments relating to
 financing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                                      2,003,115,143.11                               1,293,651,200.03
 financing activities

 Net cash flows from financing
                                                                      -1,162,465,143.11                              1,891,218,799.97

 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
 changes on cash and cash equivalents

 V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                        -75,839,009.96                                 -69,143,444.48

      Plus: Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                         99,547,899.86                                168,691,344.34
 at beginning of period

 VI. Cash and cash equivalents at end
                                                                         23,708,889.90                                 99,547,899.86
 of period

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Amount of the current period
                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                                       Current period

                                             Equity attributable to owners of Parent Company                           Mino       Total
                        Capi        Other equity     Capit    Capit     Other    Capit    Capit     Other    Capit      rity      owne
                        tal         instruments        al       al      equit      al      al       equit      al      equit        rs’

                                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

                         stoc                       reserv     stock     y       reserv   stock     y      reserv        y       equit
                          k     Pref   Per            e                instru      e              instru     e        Capit        y
                                erre   petu                            ments                      ments                  al      Other
                                 d      al                                                                            stock      equit
                                stoc   debt                                                                                        y
                                 k      s                                                                                        instru

                         1,69                       -1,29                                                  1,503                 2,260
 I. Balance at the                                                               164,2    84,39                       108,6
                         8,24                       9,349              858,2                                ,103,                 ,166,
 end of the last                                                                 31,07    4,441                       84,40
                         5,01                        ,701.             42.13                               396.7                 870.4
 year                                                                             8.18      .23                          2.89
                         1.00                             74                                                      1                    0

 adjustments for
 changes in

 Correction of
 errors in prior

 under common


                         1,69                       -1,29                                                  1,503                 2,260
 II. Balance at                                                                  164,2    84,39                       108,6
                         8,24                       9,349              858,2                                ,103,                 ,166,
 the beginning of                                                                31,07    4,441                       84,40
                         5,01                        ,701.             42.13                               396.7                 870.4
 the year                                                                         8.18      .23                          2.89
                         1.00                             74                                                      1                    0

 Increases/decrea                                                                                           -1,77                 -1,99
                                                                       -908,     -143,                                -78,3
 ses in the                                         503,1                                                  2,669                 4,598
                                                                       623.0     204,9                                18,65
 current period                                     61.67                                                   ,536.                 ,649.
                                                                             8   95.75                                   5.10
 (“-” for                                                                                                      84                 10

                                                                                                            -1,70                 -1,71
 (I) Total                                                                                                            -15,0
                                                                       -50,3                               4,739                 9,814
 comprehensive                                                                                                        24,70
                                                                       80.95                                ,736.                 ,820.
 income                                                                                                                  3.00
                                                                                                                 40                 35

 (II) Capital                                       503,1              -858,                                          -63,2       -63,6

                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

 contributed or     61.67   242.1                          93,95       49,03
 reduced by                    3                                2.10    2.56

 1. Common
 shares                                                    490,0       490,0
 contributed by                                            00.00       00.00

 2. Capital
 contributed by
 holders of other

 3. Amounts of
 recognized in
 owners’ equity

                            -858,                           -63,7      -64,1
 4. Others                  242.1                          83,95       39,03
                               3                                2.10    2.56

                                                   -67,9               -67,9
 (III) Profit
                                                  29,80                29,80
                                                    0.44                0.44

 1. Withdrawal of
 surplus reserves

 2. Withdrawal of
 general risk

 3. Profits
                                                   -67,9               -67,9
 distributed to
                                                  29,80                29,80
 owners (or
                                                    0.44                0.44

 4. Others

 (IV) Internal
 carry-forward of
 owners’ equity

 1. Conversion of
 capital reserves
 into paid-in
 capital (or
 capital stock)

 2. Conversion of
                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

 surplus reserves
 into paid-in
 capital (or
 capital stock)

 3. Surplus
 offsetting losses

 earnings of
 changes in
 defined benefit

 5. Others

                                                                                 -143,                                              -143,
 (V) Special
                                                                                 204,9                                             204,9
                                                                                 95.75                                             95.75

 1. Amount                                                                       -143,                                              -143,
 withdrawn in the                                                                204,9                                             204,9
 current period                                                                  95.75                                             95.75

 2. Amount used
 in the current

 (VI) Others

                     1,69                            -1,29
 IV. Balance at                                                                  21,02      84,39             -269,   30,36        265,5
                     8,24                            8,846              -50,3
 the end of the                                                                  6,082      4,441            566,1    5,747        68,22
                     5,01                             ,540.             80.95
 current period                                                                       .43     .23            40.13         .79      1.30
                     1.00                                  07

Amount of the last period
                                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                        Last period

                                           Equity attributable to owners of Parent Company                                         Total
                                 Other equity                                                                         Mino
                                 instruments                                                                           rity
                                                                        Other                       Other                          equit
                     Capi                            Capit                       Capit                       Capit     equit
        Item                                                            equit                       equit                            y
                            Pref     Per                        Capit                       Capit
                      tal                              al                          al                          al          y
                            erre    petu                         al       y                  al       y                            Other
                     stoc                   Oth      reserv                      reserv                      reserv   Capit
                             d        al                        stock   instru              stock   instru                         equit
                      k                        ers     e                           e                           e           al
                            stoc    debt                                ments                       ments                            y
                             k        s                                                                                            instru

                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                         1,69   -1,29                                                       1,830
 I. Balance at the                              65,68   84,39           1,228,   52,53
                         8,24   9,349                                                       ,482,
 end of the last                                7,868   4,441            970,4   4,755
                         5,01   ,701.                                                       872.5
 year                                             .14     .23            98.86        .10
                         1.00     74                                                           9

 adjustments for
 changes in

 Correction of
 errors in prior

 under common


                         1,69   -1,29                                                       1,830
 II. Balance at                                 65,68   84,39           1,228,   52,53
                         8,24   9,349                                                       ,482,
 the beginning of                               7,868   4,441            970,4   4,755
                         5,01   ,701.                                                       872.5
 the year                                         .14     .23            98.86        .10
                         1.00     74                                                           9

                                                98,54                    274,1   56,14      429,6
 ses in the                             858,2
                                                3,210                    32,89   9,647      83,99
 current period                         42.13
                                                  .04                     7.86        .79    7.82
 (“-” for

 (I) Total                                                               380,0   3,955      384,9
 comprehensive                                                           90,99    ,036.     04,26
 income                                                                   0.83        01     8.97

 (II) Capital
                                                                         -4,06   52,19      48,13
 contributed or
                                                                        3,392.    4,611     1,219
 reduced by
                                                                            31        .78     .47

 1. Common
                                                                                 30,24      30,24
                                                                                 0,000      0,000
 contributed by
                                                                                      .00     .00

 2. Capital

                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 contributed by
 holders of other

 3. Amounts of
 recognized in
 owners’ equity

                                    -4,06   21,95      17,89
 4. Others                         3,392.    4,611     1,219
                                       31        .78     .47

                                    -101,              -101,
 (III) Profit
                                    894,7              894,7
                                    00.66              00.66

 1. Withdrawal of
 surplus reserves

 2. Withdrawal of
 general risk

 3. Profits
                                    -101,              -101,
 distributed to
                                    894,7              894,7
 owners (or
                                    00.66              00.66

 4. Others

 (IV) Internal
 carry-forward of
 owners’ equity

 1. Conversion of
 capital reserves
 into paid-in
 capital (or
 capital stock)

 2. Conversion of
 surplus reserves
 into paid-in
 capital (or
 capital stock)

 3. Surplus
 offsetting losses

                                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.         2018 Annual Report

 earnings of
 changes in
 defined benefit

 5. Others

                                                                                      98,54                                              98,54
 (V) Special
                                                                                      3,210                                              3,210
                                                                                        .04                                                 .04

 1. Amount                                                                            98,54                                              98,54
 withdrawn in the                                                                     3,210                                              3,210
 current period                                                                         .04                                                 .04

 2. Amount used
 in the current

 (VI) Others

                     1,69                               -1,29                                                                            2,260
 IV. Balance at                                                                       164,2      84,39           1,503,     108,6
                     8,24                              9,349                858,2                                                         ,166,
 the end of the                                                                       31,07      4,441            103,3     84,40
                     5,01                               ,701.               42.13                                                        870.4
 current period                                                                        8.18        .23            96.72         2.89
                     1.00                                   74                                                                                  1

8. Statement of Changes in Equity of Owners of Parent Company

Amount of the current period
                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                                                           Current period

                                       Other equity                                                                       Undis
                                        instruments                          Less:                                        tribut        Total
         Item        Capita                                      Capital               compre       Special   Surplus
                               Prefer     Perpe                            treasury                                        ed          owners
                     l stock                          Other      reserve               hensive      reserve   reserve
                                red        tual                              stock                                        profit       ’ equity
                                                        s                              income
                               stock       debts                                                                            s

 I. Balance at the   1,698,                                      1,237,9                                                  88,18        3,050,6
 end of the last      245,0                                      56,472.                                                  8,591.       99,361.
 year                 11.00                                          37                                                         10           47

 adjustments for
 changes in

                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

 Correction of
 errors in prior


 II. Balance at        1,698,   1,237,9                         88,18        3,050,6
 the beginning of      245,0    56,472.                        8,591.        99,361.
 the year              11.00        37                                10         47

 Increases/decrea                                               -572,        -572,56
 ses in the current                                             568,8        8,837.7
 period (“-” for                                              37.78             8

 (I) Total                                                      -504,        -504,63
 comprehensive                                                  639,0        9,037.3
 income                                                         37.34             4

 (II) Capital
 contributed or
 reduced by

 1. Common
 contributed by

 2. Capital
 contributed by
 holders of other

 3. Amounts of
 recognized in
 owners’ equity

 4. Others

 (III) Profit                                                                -67,929
 distribution                                                                ,800.44

 1. Withdrawal of
 surplus reserves

 2. Profits                                                     -67,9        -67,929
 distributed to                                                 29,80        ,800.44

                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 owners (or                                                    0.44

 3. Others

 (IV) Internal
 carry-forward of
 owners’ equity

 1. Conversion of
 capital reserves
 into paid-in
 capital (or
 capital stock)

 2. Conversion of
 surplus reserves
 into paid-in
 capital (or
 capital stock)

 3. Surplus
 offsetting losses

 earnings of
 changes in
 defined benefit

 5. Others

 (V) Special

 1. Amount
 withdrawn in the
 current period

 2. Amount used
 in the current

 (VI) Others

 IV. Balance at      1,698,   1,237,9                         -484,     2,478,1
 the end of the      245,0    56,472.                         380,2     30,523.
 current period      11.00        37                          46.68         69

Amount of the last period
                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                      Last period

         Item            Capita                             Capital             Capital                Capital              Capital
                                   Prefer   Perpe
                         l stock    red     tual            stock                   stock               stock                stock
                                   stock    debts

 I. Balance at the       1,698,                             1,237,9                                               242,3     3,204,8
 end of the last          245,0                             56,472.                                               53,63     64,404.
 year                     11.00                                 37                                                 4.55         92

 adjustments for
 changes in

 Correction of
 errors in prior


 II. Balance at          1,698,                             1,237,9                                               242,3     3,204,8
 the beginning of         245,0                             56,472.                                               53,63     64,404.
 the year                 11.00                                 37                                                 4.55         92

 Increases/decrea                                                                                                 -154,     -154,16
 ses in the current                                                                                               165,0     5,043.4
 period (“-” for                                                                                                43.45              5

 (I) Total                                                                                                        -52,2
 comprehensive                                                                                                    70,34
 income                                                                                                            2.79

 (II) Capital
 contributed or
 reduced by

 1. Common
 contributed by

 2. Capital
 contributed by
 holders of other
                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


 3. Amounts of
 recognized in
 owners’ equity

 4. Others

                                           -101,     -101,89
 (III) Profit
                                           894,7     4,700.6
                                           00.66          6

 1. Withdrawal of
 surplus reserves

 2. Profits
                                           -101,     -101,89
 distributed to
                                           894,7     4,700.6
 owners (or
                                           00.66          6

 3. Others

 (IV) Internal
 carry-forward of
 owners’ equity

 1. Conversion of
 capital reserves
 into paid-in
 capital (or
 capital stock)

 2. Conversion of
 surplus reserves
 into paid-in
 capital (or
 capital stock)

 3. Surplus
 offsetting losses

 earnings of
 changes in
 defined benefit

 5. Others

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

 (V) Special

 1. Amount
 withdrawn in the
 current period

 2. Amount used
 in the current

 (VI) Others

 IV. Balance at     1,698,                   1,237,9                                        88,18        3,050,6
 the end of the     245,0                    56,472.                                       8,591.        99,361.
 current period     11.00                        37                                               10         47

III. Basic Information of the Company

      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company” or the "Company”) is a limited
liability company restructured by Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Printing Co., Ltd. and altered its name
to Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. upon the approval of the People's Government of
Shenzhen Municipality on November 19, 1991. The Company’s enterprise uniform social credit code:
91440300618801483A. It was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1992.
      On July 23, 2015, the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission approved the “Approval on
Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.’s Material Assets Reorganization, Issuance of Stock
Shares to Chen Lve and Others, Asset Purchase, and Raising of Supporting Fund” ([2015] No. 1774). The
company issued 251,849,593 shares to 17 shareholders of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. including Chen Lve
to purchase a 100% stake in Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. Meanwhile, it also
issued 25,914,633 shares in a non-public manner to the 17 shareholders and raised a total of RMB
      On July 29, 2015, the listed company received the total newly added capital of RMB 251,849,593
contributed by all shareholders of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. On July 30, 2015, Ruihua Certified Public
Accountants (Special General Partnership) verified the numbers and issued the “Capital Verification
Report” (Ruihua Yanzi [2015] No. 48250011). After the change, the registered capital became RMB
420,991,949 with capital stock of RMB 420,991,949. On December 4, 2015, the company changed its
name to Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
      On May 6, 2016, the general meeting of stockholders reviewed and approved the 2015 plan of
converting capital reserve into share capital. The specific plan was: Based on the total capital stock of
446,906,582 shares issued as of December 31, 2015, all shareholders would receive 28 shares for every
10 shares, with the total amount of converted capital stock reaching 1,251,338,429 shares. After the
transfer, the total capital stock would be increased to 1,698,245,011 shares. As of December 31 2016, the
Company’s total capital stock was 1,698,245,011 shares, of which 1,434,441,780 were outstanding A
shares, and 263,803,231 were outstanding B shares. Chen Lve held 582,944,556 A shares, accounting for
34.33% of the total. He was the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the Company.
      The industries involved are the architectural decoration industry and other construction industries. As
of December 31, 2018, the Company has issued capital stock of RMB 169,824,500 shares in total with
the registered capital of RMB 169,824,500; the registration address is located at No. 26, Kuipeng Road,
                                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

Baishigang, Kuichong Subdistrict, Dapeng New District, Shenzhen City and the headquarter address is:
Sino Great Wall Tower, No. 3, Jinxiu Road, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area.
     The operating activities of the Company include: production and operation of textile goods and the
needed raw materials, accessories, mechanical equipment, clothes of various face fabrics and provision of
relevant services (excluding those products managed by the current license, performing as per the license
if there is one). 70% of the products are for export. A branch has set up in Shanghai. Supplemented
operating activities: engaging in businesses of quota-free license management, acquisition and export of
non-monopolized commodity. The actual controller of the Company is Chen Lve. The financial
statements have been reported on April 26, 2018 after the approval of all directors (board of directors) of
the Company.
     For the subsidiaries of the Company that were included in the combination scope in 2018, please
refer to “Note VIII. Equity in Other Subjects”. For details of the changes in the combination scope of the
Company for the current year, please refer to “Note VII. Change of Combination Scope”.

IV. Basis for Preparation of Financial Statements

1. Basis of Preparation

      The Company has prepared financial statements based on sustained operation as basis, according to
the transactions and matters having occurred actually, and in accordance with the Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises – Basic Rules (Issued by the Order No. 33 of the Ministry of Finance, amended
in accordance with the Order No. 76 of the Ministry of Finance), the 42 detailed accounting rules,
Guidelines for Application of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, Interpretation of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other relevant regulations issued and amended on
February 15, 2006 and afterwards (hereinafter jointly referred to as “Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises”), as well as the disclosure provisions of the Preparation Rules for Information Disclosure by
Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.15 – General Provisions on Financial Report (Amended
in 2014) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
      According to the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the
accounting of the Company is based on the accrual basis. Except for certain financial instruments, the
measurement of the financial statements is based on historical cost. If the asset is impaired, the
corresponding provision for impairment will be made in accordance with relevant regulations.

2. Sustained Operation

     The Company had the ability of sustained operation within 12 months since the end of the reporting
period, and did not have significant matters affecting its sustained operation.

V. Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

      Whether the Company is subject to special industrial requirements for disclosure
      Civil engineering construction
      Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates remind:
      The major business of the company is the civil engineering construction industry, which is subject to the special
                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

industrial requirements for disclosure.

1. Statement on Observing Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

     The financial statements prepared by the Company meet the requirements of Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises, and reflect the Company’s financial standing as of December 31, 2018 and its
operating results, cash flow, and other relevant information in 2018 authentically and completely. In
addition, all material aspects of the financial statements of the Company are in line with the disclosure
provisions regarding financial statements and notes stipulated in the Preparation Rules for Information
Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.15 – General Provisions on Financial
Report (Amended in 2014) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission.

2. Fiscal Period

       From Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 in the Gregorian calendar is one fiscal year.

3. Business Cycle

The Company takes 12 months as a business cycle and uses it as a standard for the liquidity of assets and liabilities.

4. Recording Currency
The Company adopts RMB as recording currency.

      5. Method for Accounting Treatment of Business Combination under and Not under the Same Control

      Business combination under the same control: The assets and liabilities obtained by the Company from business combination are

measured as per the book value of the combined party’s assets and liabilities (including the goodwill formed from the final controller’s

acquisition of the combined party) on the date of combination in the final controller’s consolidated financial statements. For the balance

between the book value of net assets obtained from the combination and the book value of combination consideration paid (or the total book

value of shares issued), the capital stock premium in capital reserve will be adjusted; and if the capital stock premium in the capital reserve is

insufficient to write down, the retained earnings will be adjusted.

      Business combination not under the same control: The assets paid as consideration for business combination and the liabilities incurred

or undertaken by the Company on the date of purchasing will be measured as per fair value, and the balance between the fair value and its

book value will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period. The Company confirms the balance that the “combination cost” is bigger

than “the fair value shares of the purchased party’s distinguishable net assets obtained from the combination” as goodwill; and records after

checking the balance that the “combination cost” is smaller than “the fair value shares of the purchased party’s distinguishable net assets

obtained from the combination” in the gain or loss of the current period.

      The intermediary expenses incurred for business combination, like audit, legal service, appraisal and consulting, etc., and other directly

related expenses will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period when incurred; the transaction expenses of equity securities issued

for business combination will be used to write down the equity.

6. Method for Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements
      (1) Principles for determining the scope of consolidated financial statements

                                                                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

      The consolidation scope of the Company’s consolidated financial statements is determined based on control. Control means that the

Company has the power to the investee, enjoys variable returns by participating in the relevant activities of the investee, and has the ability to

use the power over the investee to affect the amount of the returns. The scope of consolidation includes the Company and all subsidiaries.

Subsidiaries refer to the entities controlled by the Company.

      The company will conduct a reassessment once the relevant facts and circumstances have changed and the relevant elements involved in

the above definition of control have changed.

      (2) Method for Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

      The Company prepares consolidated financial statements based on itself and each subsidiary’s financial statements, and according to

other relevant materials. For preparing consolidated financial statements, the Company deems the whole enterprise group as an accounting

subject, and reflects the enterprise group’s overall financial standing, operating results and cash flow according to the confirmation,

measuring and presentation requirements of relevant enterprise accounting standards, and according to uniform accounting policies.

      The accounting policies and accounting period of all the subsidiaries incorporated into the consolidation scope of consolidated financial

statements are consistent with those adopted by the Company. If the accounting policies and accounting period adopted by the subsidiaries

are inconsistent with those adopted by the Company, then when consolidated financial statements are prepared, necessary adjustments will

be made according to the Company’s accounting policies and accounting period. For the subsidiaries obtained through business combination

not under the same control, their financial statements will be adjusted based on the fair value of distinguishable net assets on the date of

purchasing. For subsidiaries obtained through business combination under the same control, their financial statements will be adjusted based

on the book value of their assets and liabilities (including the goodwill formed from the final controller’s acquisition of the subsidiaries) in

the final controller’s financial statements.

      The shares belonging to minor shareholders of subsidiaries’ owners’ equity, net gain or loss of current period, and composite benefits of

current period will be listed independently under the owners' equity in consolidated balance sheet, the net profit and total composite benefit

in consolidated profit statement respectively. The balance formed from that “the loss of current period shared by subsidiaries’ minor

shareholders” exceeds “the shares shared by the minor shareholders in the subsidiaries’ owners’ equity at the beginning of period” will be

used to write down minor shareholders’ equity.

      ① Increase of subsidiaries or businesses

      In the reporting period, if subsidiaries or businesses are increased for business combination under the same control, the opening amount

in the consolidated balance sheet will be adjusted; the income, expense, and profit of the subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of the

very period of combination to the end of the reporting period will be incorporated into the consolidated profit statement; the cash flow of the

subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of the very period of combination to the end of the reporting period will be incorporated into

the consolidated cash flow statement, and meanwhile, relevant items in comparative statements will be adjusted, and the report subjects after

combination will be deemed as having always existed from the time point when the final controller starts the control.

      If it’s available to impose control on invested parties under the same control for reason of additional investment, etc., each party

participating in the combination will be deemed to exist and make adjustments according to present state when the final controller starts the

control. The equity investments held before obtaining the right to control the combined parties, relevant gain or loss already confirmed from

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

“the date when original equity is obtained and the date when the combining party and the combined party are under the same control,

whichever is later” to the date of combination, other composite benefits, and the changes of other net assets will be used to write down the

opening retained benefit of the period of comparative statement or the gain or loss of the current period respectively.

      In the reporting period, if subsidiaries or businesses are increased for business combination not under the same control, the opening

amount of consolidated balance sheet will not be adjusted; the income, expense and profit of the subsidiaries or businesses from the date of

purchasing to the end of reporting period will be incorporated into the profit statement respectively; and the cash flow of the subsidiaries or

businesses from the date of purchasing to the end of reporting period will be incorporated into the cash flow statement.

      If it is available to impose control on the invested parties not under the same control for reason of additional investment, etc., then the

purchased parties’ stock equity held before the date of purchasing will be re-measured by the Company as per the fair value of the stock

equity on the date of purchasing, and the balance between the fair value and its book value will be recorded in the investment yield of the

current period. If the purchased parties’ equity held before the date of purchasing involves other composite benefits under accounting with

equity method, as well as changes of other owners’ equity except for net gain or loss, other composite benefit and profit distribution, then

relevant other composite benefit and changes of other owner’s equity will be converted into the investment yield in the very period to which

the date of purchasing belongs, excluding the other composite benefits arising from the changes of the net liabilities or net assets of benefit

plan measured and set up over again by the invested parties.

      ② Disposal of Subsidiaries or Businesses

      In the reporting period, if the Company disposes some subsidiaries or businesses, then the income, expense and profit of such

subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of the period to the date of disposal will be incorporated into the consolidated profit statement;

the cash flow of the subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of period to the date of disposal will be incorporated into cash flow


      If the Company loses the right to control invested parties for disposal of partial equity investments or other reasons,
the remained equity investments after disposal will be re-measured by the Company as per their fair value on the date
when the control right is lost. The balance of “the sum of the consideration obtained from disposal of equity and the fair
value of the remained stock equity” minus “the sum of the net asset shares enjoyed in original subsidiaries and calculated
continuously from the date of purchasing or date of combination according to original shareholding proportion and the
goodwill” will be recorded in the investment yield of the very period when control right is lost. Other composite benefits
related to original subsidiaries’ equity investments, or the changes of other owners’ equity except for other composite
benefits and profit distribution, will be converted into the investment yield of the very period when the control right is
lost, excluding the other composite benefits arising from the changes of the net liabilities or net assets of benefit plan
measured and set up over again by the invested parties.
      In case of any declination on the shareholding proportion of the Company and herein losing the control rights over
its subsidiary arising from the capital increase contributed by other investors, it shall conduct accounting treatment in the
light of the aforesaid principles.
      If the Company disposes the equity investments in subsidiaries by steps through multiple transactions until losing
the right to control the subsidiaries, and if the clauses, terms and economic influences of various transactions for
                                                                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

disposing the equity investments in the subsidiaries meet one or several of the following circumstances, such multiple
transactions will generally be subject to accounting treatment as package transaction:
                  a.    These transactions are concluded simultaneously or in condition of considering mutual influences;
                  b.    Only the entirety of these transactions could achieve a complete business result;
                  c.    The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one of the other transactions;
                  d.    A transaction is not economical independently, but economical if considered together with other
      If various transactions of disposing the equity investments in subsidiaries until losing the control right belong to
package transaction, the Company will execute accounting treatment of various transactions as a transaction of disposing
subsidiaries until losing control right; but the balance between the price of every disposal before losing control right and
the subsidiaries’ net asset shares enjoyed and corresponding to the investments disposed will be confirmed as other
composite benefits in the consolidated financial statements, and transferred into the gain or loss of the very period when
the control right is lost.
      If various transactions of disposing the equity investments in subsidiaries until losing the control right do not belong
to package transaction, then before losing control right, the Company will execute accounting treatment according to
relevant policies about partial disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries in condition of not losing control right; if
control right is lost, the accounting treatment will be carried out according to general method for treatment of
      For the balance between “the long-term equity investments newly obtained from purchasing of minor stock equity”
and “the net asset shares to be enjoyed in the subsidiaries according to newly increased shareholding proportion and
calculated continuously from the date of purchasing (or the date of combination)”, the capital stock premium in the
capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet will be adjusted; if the capital stock premium in the capital reserve is not
sufficient to write down, the retained benefit will be adjusted.
            For the balance between “the disposal price obtained from disposal of partial long-term equity investments in subsidiaries in
condition of not losing control right” and “the net asset shares to be enjoyed in the subsidiaries, corresponding to the disposal of long-term
equity investments, and calculated continuously from the date of purchasing or the date of combination”, the capital stock premium in the
capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet will be adjusted; if the capital stock premium in the capital reserve is not sufficient to write
down, the retained benefit will be adjusted.

7. Classification of Joint Venture Arrangements and Accounting Method of Joint Operations

     A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control. The
Company classifies joint venture arrangements into joint operations and joint ventures in line with the
rights and obligations in joint venture arrangements. A joint operation refers to a joint arrangement
whereby the Company has rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the
arrangement. A joint venture refers to a joint arrangement whereby the Company has rights to the net
assets of the arrangement.
     The Company adopts equity method for accounting of investments in joint ventures in line with the
accounting policy described in Note IV. 13, “Long-term Equity Investments Subject to Accounting with
                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

Equity Method”.
     As a joint operator, the Company recognizes in relation to its interest in a joint operation: its assets,
including its share of any assets held jointly, and its liabilities, including its share of any liabilities
incurred jointly; its revenue from the sale of its share of the output of the joint operation; its share of the
revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; and its expenses, including its share of any
expenses incurred jointly.
     When the Company, as a joint operator, invests in or sells assets to a joint operation (such assets do
not constitute businesses, the same below), or purchases assets from the joint operation, the Company
only recognizes the portion of the profits and losses arising from such transactions that is attributable to
other participants in the joint operation before such assets are sold to third parties. If such assets are
subject to asset impairment losses stipulated in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.8
of Asset Impairment, etc., in case that the Company invests in or sells assets to the joint operation, the
Company will fully recognize such losses incurred thereof; in case that the Company purchases assets
from the joint operation, the Company will recognize its share of such losses incurred thereof.

8. Standard for Determination of Cash and Cash Equivalents

     When compiling the cash flow statement, the Company's cash on hand and the deposit, which can be
used to make payment at any time, should be confirmed as the cash. The investment, having four features
of short duration (expired within three months from the acquisition date), strong mobility, being easy to
be changed into known cash, low value change risk at the same time, should be confirmed as the cash

9. Foreign-Currency Businesses and Conversion of Foreign-Currency Statements

     Foreign-Currency Businesses
     Foreign-currency businesses are converted into RMB for book-keeping with the approximate
exchange rate of the spot exchange rate on transaction date as the exchange rate for conversion. The
balance of foreign-currency monetary items on the date of balance sheet will be converted with the spot
exchange rate on the date of balance sheet, and the balance of exchange arising from hereof will be
recorded in the gain or loss of the current period, except for that the balance of exchange arising from
special foreign-currency loan related to the purchasing and construction of assets meeting capitalization
conditions is treated in line with the principle for capitalization of borrowing costs.
     Conversion of Foreign-Currency Statements
     The asset and liability items in the balance sheet will be converted with the spot exchange rate on the
date of balance sheet; for the owner’s equity, except for “undistributed profit”, all the other items will be
converted with the spot exchange rate when they are incurred. The revenue item and the expense item in
the Profit Statement are converted with the approximate exchange rate of the spot exchange rate on
transaction date.
     For disposal of foreign business operation, the balance from conversion of foreign-currency financial
statements related to such foreign operation shall be transferred from owner’s equity to the gain or loss of
the very period of disposal.

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10. Financial Instruments

      Financial instruments include financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments.
      (1) Classification of Financial Instruments
      When initially confirmed, financial assets and financial liabilities are classified into: Financial assets
or financial liabilities measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or
loss of current period, including tradable financial assets or financial liabilities, and financial assets or
financial liabilities directly specified to measure with fair value and having the change of fair value
recorded in the gain or loss of the current period; held-to-maturity investments; accounts receivable;
available-for-sale financial assets; and other financial liabilities, etc.
      (2) Confirmation Basis and Measuring Method of Financial Instruments
      ①Financial assets (financial liabilities) measured with fair value and having the change of fair value
recorded in the gain or loss of current period
When they are obtained, fair value (after deduction of cash dividends already declared but not paid yet, or
bond interests with interest payment period expired but having not been acquired) will be taken as initial
confirmed amount, and relevant transaction expenses will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current
      During the holding period, the interests or cash dividends obtained will be confirmed as investment
yield, and at the end of period, the change of fair value will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current
      During disposal, the balance between the fair value and initial amount entered into account will be
confirmed as investment yield, and meanwhile, the gain or loss on change of fair value will be adjusted.
      ② Held-to-maturity investments
      When they are obtained, the sum of fair value (after deduction of bond interests with interest
payment period expired but having not been acquired) and relevant transaction expanses will be taken as
initial confirmed amount.
      During the holding period, interest income will be calculated and confirmed as per amortized cost
and actual interest rate, and recorded in investment yield. The actual interest rate will be determined when
being obtained, and maintained unchanged during the predicted survival period or applicable shorter
      During disposal, the balance between the acquisition price and the book value of such investment
will be recorded in investment yield.
      ③ Accounts receivable
      For the creditor’s rights receivable formed from the Company’s sale of goods or rendering of labor
services, and the other enterprises’ creditor’s rights held by the Company and excluding the debt
instruments having an offer in active market, including accounts receivable and other accounts receivable,
etc., the contract or agreement price receivable from purchasers will be taken as the initially confirmed
amount; if the receivables have financing nature, they will be initially confirmed as per their present
      In case of recovery or disposal, the balance between the acquisition price and the book value of
accounts receivable will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period.
      ④ Available-for-sale financial assets
      When they are acquired, the sum of fair value (after deduction of cash dividends already declared but
not paid yet, or bond interests with interest payment period expired but having not been acquired) and
relevant transaction expenses will be taken as initially confirmed amount.

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     During the holding period, the interests or cash dividends obtained will be confirmed as investment
yield. At the end of period, they will be measured as per fair value, and the change of fair value will be
recorded in other composite benefit. However, the equity instrument investments which have no offer in
active market and of which the fair value cannot be reliably measured, and the derived financial assets
which are linked with the equity instruments and settled through delivery of the equity instruments will be
measured as per cost.
     During disposal, the balance between the acquisition price and the book value of financial assets will
be recorded in the gain or loss of investment; meanwhile, the amount of corresponding disposal part and
originally recorded in the accumulative amount of change in the fair value of other composite benefit
directly will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period.
     ⑤ Other financial liabilities
     The sum of their fair value and relevant transaction expenses will be taken as initially confirmed
amount. The amortized cost will be adopted for follow-up measurement.
     (3) Confirmation Basis and Measurement Method of Financial Assets Transferred
     If the Company transfers financial assets, and transfers nearly all risks and rewards on the ownership
of such financial assets to the transfer-in party, the Company will terminate the confirmation of the
financial assets; if the Company reserves nearly all risks and rewards on the ownership of the financial
assets, the Company will not terminate the confirmation of such financial assets.
     When judging whether the transfer of financial assets meets the above-mentioned conditions for
terminating the confirmation of financial assets, the Company will follow the “Substance Over Form”
principle. The Company distinguishes the transfer of financial assets into overall transfer and partial
transfer of financial assets. If the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for termination
of confirmation, the balance of the following two amounts will be recorded in the gain or loss of the
current period:
     ① The book value of the financial assets transferred;
     ② The sum of the consideration received for the transfer and the accumulative amount of change in
the fair value originally recorded in the owner’s equity directly (involving the circumstance that the
financial assets transferred are available-for-sale financial assets);
     If partial transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for termination of confirmation, the overall
book value of the financial assets transferred will be amortized between the confirmation-terminated part
and non-confirmation-terminated part as per respective relative fair value, and the balance of the
following two amounts will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period:
     ① The book value of the confirmation-terminated part;
     ② The consideration for the confirmation-terminated part and the amount of corresponding
confirmation-terminated part in the accumulative amount of change in the fair value originally recorded
in the owner's equity directly (involving the circumstance that the financial assets transferred are
available-for-sale financial assets);
     If the transfer of financial assets does not meet the conditions for termination of confirmation, the
financial assets will be confirmed continuously, and the consideration received will be confirmed as a
financial liability.
     (4) Conditions for Terminating the Confirmation of Financial Liabilities
     If the current obligation of financial liabilities is rescinded completely or partially, the confirmation
of such financial liabilities or part of them will be terminated; if the Company signs an agreement with
creditors to replace the existing financial liabilities by means of undertaking new financial liabilities, and
the contract clauses for new financial liabilities are substantially different from the contract clauses for

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existing financial liabilities, the confirmation of the existing financial liabilities will be terminated, and
new financial liabilities will be confirmed at the same time.
      If all or partial contract clauses for existing financial liabilities are amended substantially, the
confirmation of the existing financial liabilities or part of them will be terminated, and meanwhile, the
financial liabilities after amendment of clauses will be confirmed as a new financial liability.
      If the confirmation of financial liabilities is terminated completely or partially, the balance between
the book value of the financial liabilities of which the confirmation is terminated and the consideration
paid (including non-cash assets transferred out or the new financial liabilities undertaken) will be
recorded in the gain or loss of the current period.
      If the Company buys back partial financial liabilities, then on the date of buyback, the Company will
distribute the overall book value of the financial assets according to the relative fair value of the part
confirmed continuously and the confirmation-terminated part. The balance between the book value
distributed to the confirmation and the consideration paid (including non-cash assets transferred out or the
new financial liabilities undertaken) will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period.
      (5) Method for Determining the Fair Value of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
      For financial instruments having an active market, their fair value will be determined as per the offer
in the active market. For financial instruments not having an active market, their value will be determined
by estimation technique. In case of estimation, the Company will adopt estimation techniques which are
applicable under present circumstances and supported by sufficient available data and other information,
select input values consistent with the asset or liability characteristics considered by market participants
in the transactions of relevant assets or liabilities, and preferentially use relevant observable input values.
Non-observable input values will be used only under the circumstance that relevant observable input
values cannot be obtained or such values obtained are not practicable.
      (6) Method for Testing and Accounting Treatment of Depreciation of Financial Assets (Excluding
Accounts Receivable)
      Except for the financial assets measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded
in the gain or loss of the current period, the Company checks the book value of financial assets on the
date of balance sheet. If some objective evidence proves that some financial asset depreciates, the
Company will withdraw depreciation reserve for this financial asset.
      ① Depreciation reserve of available-for-sale financial assets:
      If the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets drops severely at the end of period, or such
trend of drop is predicted to be non-temporary after comprehensively considering various relevant factors,
the Company will confirm that the available-for-sale financial assets depreciate, will transfer out the
accumulative losses arising from the drop of fair value originally recorded in the owner’s equity directly,
and confirm the impairment loss.
      For available-for-sale debt instruments with impairment loss confirmed, if in a later fiscal period, the
fair value rises and the rise is objectively related to the matters occurring after confirmation of original
impairment loss, then the originally confirmed impairment loss will be transferred back and recorded in
the gain or loss of the current period.
      The impairment loss on available-for-sale equity instrument investments will not be transferred back
through gain or loss.
      ② Impairment reserve for held-to-maturity investments:
Held-to-maturity investments

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11. Notes Receivable and Accounts Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable with Significant Single Amount and Having Bad Debt Reserve Withdrawn

 Judgment basis or amount standard of significant single          The Company recognizes accounts receivable for a single
 amount                                                           project with the balance ≥ RMB 10 million and other accounts
                                                                  receivable from a single relevant unit with the balance ≥ RMB
                                                                  2 million as accounts receivable with significant single

 Method for withdrawal of bad debt reserve with significant       The Company will carry out impairment test independently for
 single amount and withdrawn independently:                       accounts receivable with significant single amount. If such
                                                                  accounts receivable are proved impairing through the test, the
                                                                  Company will determine the impairment loss and withdraw
                                                                  bad debt reserve according to the balance that the present value
                                                                  of its future cash flow is lower than its book value. The
                                                                  accounts receivable not impairing as proved in single test, will,
                                                                  together with the accounts receivable with insignificant single
                                                                  amount, be divided into many portfolios according to similar
                                                                  credit risk characteristics. Then according to certain proportion
                                                                  of the balance on the date of balance sheet of the portfolios of
                                                                  these accounts receivable, the Company will calculate and
                                                                  determine impairment loss and withdraw bad debt reserve.

(2) Accounts Receivable with Bad Debt Reserve Withdrawn as per the Portfolios Classified Based on Credit Risk

 Portfolio name                                                   Method for withdrawal of bad debt reserve

 Account aging portfolio                                          Account age analysis method

 Combination of affiliated parties within the range of

Those with bad debt reserve withdrawn by means of account analysis in the portfolios:
√ Apply     □ Not Apply

 Account age                                Withdrawal rate of accounts receivable      Withdrawal rate of other receivables

 Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                     5.00%                                        5.00%

 1-2 years                                                                   10.00%                                        10.00%

 2-3 years                                                                   30.00%                                        30.00%

 3-4 years                                                                   50.00%                                        50.00%

 4-5 years                                                                   80.00%                                        80.00%

 More than 5 years                                                          100.00%                                      100.00%

Those with bad debt reserve withdrawn by means of percentage of total accounts receivable outstanding:

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√ Apply    □ Not Apply
Those with bad debt reserve withdrawn by other means:
√ Apply    □ Not Apply

(3) Accounts Receivable with Insignificant Single Amount but Having Bad Debt Reserve Withdrawn Separately:

The Company needs to comply with disclosure requirements of the Guidelines No.7 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Industry
Information Disclosure — Civil Engineering of Listed Companies.

 Reasons for independent withdrawal of bad debt reserve            On the date of balance sheet, for the other accounts receivable
                                                                   with insignificant single amount and having obvious sign of
                                                                   impairment, the Company will determine impairment loss and
                                                                   withdraw bad debt reserve according to the balance that the
                                                                   present value of their future cash flow is lower than their book

 Method for withdrawal of bad debt reserve                         On the date of balance sheet, the Company will execute
                                                                   impairment test of the accounts receivable with insignificant
                                                                   single amount but having bad debt reserve withdrawn
                                                                   separately. If such accounts receivable are proved impairing
                                                                   during the test, the Company will determine impairment loss
                                                                   and withdraw bad debt reserve according to the balance that
                                                                   the present value of their future cash flow is lower than their
                                                                   book value.

12. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with disclosure requirements of special industries
Civil Engineering

     (1) Classification of Inventories
     Inventories mainly include raw materials, engineering construction, merchandise inventory,
work-in-process, low value consumables, etc.
     (2) Method for Pricing of Inventories Delivered
     During the delivery of inventory, it is priced in terms of the method of weighted mean.
     (3) Basis for Determining the Net Realizable Value of Different Types of Inventories
     For commodity stocks directly for sale, such as finished products, merchandise inventory, and
materials for sale, etc., their net realizable value is confirmed during normal production and operation as
per the amount after deduction of estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes from the estimated sales
price of such inventories; for material stocks needing processing, their net realizable value will be
determined during normal production and operation as per the amount after deduction of costs estimated
to incur until completion of work, estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes from the estimated sales
price of finished products; for the inventories held for executing sales contract or labor service contract,
their net realizable value will be calculated on the basis of contract price. If the quantity of inventories
held is more than the quantity ordered under sales contract, the net realizable value of the excessive
inventory will be calculated based on general sales price.
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     At the end of period, inventory depreciation reserve is withdrawn as per single inventory item;
however, for plentiful inventories of relatively low unit price, inventory depreciation reserve will be
withdrawn by the type of inventory; for inventories related to the product series produced and sold in a
same region, having the same or similar final use or objective, and difficult to measure by separating from
other items, inventory depreciation reserve will be withdrawn in a consolidated way. Except for that some
conclusive evidence proves abnormality of market price on the date of balance sheet, the net realizable
value of inventory items will be determined based on the market price on the date of balance sheet.
     The net realizable value of inventory items at the end of this period will be determined based on the
market price on the date of balance sheet.
     (4) Perpetual inventory taking system is adopted for inventory taking system.
     (5) Method for Amortization of Low-Value Easily-Consumed Articles and Packing
     One-off writing-off method is adopted for low-value easily-consumed articles; one-off writing-off
method is adopted for packing.

13. Assets Held for Sale

     The Company classifies the non-current assets or disposal group meeting the following conditions as
assets held for sale:
     (1) Based on the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, they can be
sold immediately under current conditions;
     The sale is very likely to happen, that is, the Company has already made a resolution on a sales plan
and obtained an assuring purchase commitment and it is expected that the sale will be completed within
one year. Where regulations require the approval of relevant power organ or regulatory department of the
Company before they can be sold, the approval has been obtained.

14. Long-term Equity Investments

      (1) Standards for Judgment of Common Control and Significant Influences
      Common control indicates the jointly-owned control on some arrangement as per relevant provisions,
and relevant activities of such arrangement must be unanimously agreed by the participants sharing the
control right before being decided. If the Company and other joint operators impose common control on
invested units and have the right to the invested units’ net assets, the invested units will be the Company’s
joint ventures.
      Significant influences indicate having the right to participate in making decisions on an enterprise’s
financial affairs and business operation, but could not control or jointly control together with other parties
the making of these policies. If the Company could impose significant influences on invested units, the
invested units will be the Company’s associates.
      (2) Determination of Initial Investment Cost
      ① Long-term Equity Investments Formed from Business Combination
      Business combination under the same control: If the Company pays combination consideration by
paying cash, transferring non-cash assets or undertaking debts and issuing equity securities, the Company
will take the book value shares of the combined party’s owners’ equity obtained on the date of
combination in the final controller’s consolidated financial statements as the initial investment cost of
long-term equity investments. If the Company could impose control on invested units under the same
control for reason of additional investment, etc., the Company will confirm on the date of combination the

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initial investment cost of long-term equity investments as per the book value shares of the combined
party’s net assets to be enjoyed in the final controller’s consolidated financial statements after
combination. For the balance between “the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments on the
date of combination” and “the sum of the book value of long-term equity investments before combination
and the book value of newly paid consideration for further obtaining shares on the date of combination”,
the Company will adjust the capital stock premium; and if the capital stock premium is not enough to
write down, the Company will write down the retained benefits.
      Business combination not under the same control: The Company takes the combination cost
determined on the date of purchasing as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments. If the
Company could impose control on invested units not under the same control for reason of additional
investment, etc., the Company will take the sum of the book value of originally held equity investments
and the newly increased investment cost as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments
which are subject to accounting with cost method instead.
      ② Long-term Equity Investments Obtained by Other Means
      For long-term equity investments obtained by means of payment in cash, the purchasing price
actually paid will be taken as initial investment cost.
      For long-term equity investments obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of the equity
securities issued will be taken as initial investment cost.
      In the precondition that non-monetary asset exchange has business nature, and the fair value of
exchanged-in or exchanged-out assets could be measured reliably, the fair value of exchanged-out assets
and relevant expenses payable will be determined as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investments obtained from non-monetary assets exchange, unless some conclusive evidence proves that
the fair value of exchanged-in assets is more reliable; for non-monetary assets exchange not meeting the
above-mentioned precondition, the book value of exchanged-out assets and relevant taxes payable shall
be taken as the initial investment cost of exchanged-in long-term equity investments.
      For long-term equity investments obtained through debt reorganization, their initial investment cost
will be determined based on fair value.
      (3) Follow-up Measurement and Gain or Loss Confirmation Method
      ① Long-term Equity Investments Subject to Accounting with Cost Method
      The Company adopts cost method for accounting of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries.
Except for the cash dividends or profits included in the price or consideration actually paid when
investments are obtained, and already announced but not paid, the Company confirms the investment
yield of the very period according to the cash dividends or profits enjoyed by the Company and declared
to grant by invested units.
      ② Long-term Equity Investments Subject to Accounting with Equity Method
      The Company adopts equity method for accounting of long-term equity investments in associates
and joint ventures. For the balance that the initial investment cost is bigger than the fair value shares of
invested units’ distinguished net assets which shall be enjoyed by the Company, the Company will not
adjust the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments; for the balance that the initial
investment cost is smaller than the fair value shares of invested units’ distinguished net assets which shall
be enjoyed by the Company, the Company will adjust the book value of long-term equity investments and
record it in owner’s equity.
      When confirming the shares of invested units’ net gain or loss to be enjoyed, the Company will
adjust and confirm the invested units’ net profit based on the fair value of the invested units’
distinguishable net assets when investments are obtained, and according to the Company’s accounting

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policies and fiscal period. If the invested units prepare consolidated financial statements during the
holding of investments, the accounting will be conducted based on the amount attributing to the invested
units in the net profit in the consolidated financial statements, other composite benefits, and changes of
other owner’s equity.
      For the gain or loss on the non-realized internal transactions between the Company and jointly-run
enterprises/ joint ventures, the part attributing to the Company will be calculated as per the proportion to
be enjoyed, will be written down, and on this basis, the investment yield will be confirmed. The gain or
loss on non-realized internal transactions done with invested units will be fully confirmed if belonging to
asset impairment loss. During the period of holding investment, as for the invested entity preparing
consolidated financial statements, carry out accounting based on the invested entity’s attributable amount
of the net profit, other comprehensive income and other changes in equity in the consolidated financial
      The unrealized gains or losses on internal transaction occurring among the company, associates and
joint ventures will confirm the investment income on the basis of offsetting the company’s attributable
part calculated according to the entitlement proportion. The unrealized losses on internal transaction
occurring in the invested entity belonging to assets impairment loss will be confirmed in full amount. If
the assets of investment or asset-sale transactions occurring among the company, associates and joint
ventures constitute the business, the accounting treatment shall be carried out according to the related
policies disclosed in “IV. (4) Method for Accounting Treatment of Business Combination under and Not
under the Same Control” and “IV. (5) Method for Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements”.
      When the Company determines to share the losses of the invested entity, it will be treated in the
order as follows: firstly, the book value of long-term equity investments will be offset. Secondly, if the
book value of the long-term equity investment is not sufficient to be offset, the recognition of losses of
the investment will be continued to the extent of the book value of other long-term rights and interests
which substantially form the net investment made to the invested entity, and the book value of long-term
accounts receivable will be offset. Finally, after the above-mentioned treatment, if the Company still
undertakes extra obligations according to the provisions of investment contract or agreement, the
Company will confirm accrued liabilities with obligations predicted to undertake, and record them in the
investment loss of the current period.
      ③ Disposal of Long-Term Equity Investments
      For disposal of long-term equity investments, the balance between their book value and actual
acquisition price will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period.
      For long-term equity investments with equity method adopted for accounting, when such
investments are disposed, the part originally recorded in other composite benefits will be subject to
accounting treatment according to corresponding proportion and on the same basis adopted by invested
units to directly dispose relevant assets or liabilities. The owner’s equity confirmed for change of other
owner’s equity except for net gain or loss, other composite benefit and profit distribution of invested units
will be carried forward into the gain or loss of the current period, excluding the other composite benefits
arising from the change of net liabilities or net assets of invested units’ new measurement and setting of
benefit plan.
      If the Company loses common control or significant influences on invested units for reason of
disposal of partial equity investments, etc., the remained equity after disposal will be subject to
accounting according to the standards for the confirmation and measurement of financial instruments, and
the balance between the fair value and book value of such remained equity investments on the date when
the Company losing common control or significant influences will be recorded in the gain or loss of the

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current period. Other composite benefits confirmed for accounting with equity method of original equity
investments will be subject to accounting treatment with the same basis adopted by invested units to
directly dispose relevant assets or liabilities when the accounting with equity method is terminated. The
owner’s equity confirmed for change of other owner’s equity except for invested parties’ net gain or loss,
other composite benefit and profit distribution will be totally transferred in the gain or loss of the current
period when the accounting with equity method is terminated.
     In case the control right on the invested unit is deprived due to disposal of part of equity investment,
increase of investment by other investment parties on subsidiaries causing decrease of holding proportion
of the company, when preparing certain financial statement, the residual equity shall be checked by equity
method if having common control or major effect on invested unit, and adjusted as the residual equity is
checked by the equity method from being obtained; If the remaining equity cannot exert joint control or
significant influence on the invested unit, it shall take accounting treatment according to the relevant
provisions of financial tools and measurement rules, and the difference between the fair value and book
value on the date of losing control shall be included in the current profits and losses.
     If the equity disposed is obtained from business combination for reason of additional investment,
and when individual financial statements are prepared,
     cost method or equity method is adopted for accounting of the remained equity after disposal, the
other composite benefits and other owner’s equity confirmed for accounting with equity method of the
equity investments held before the date of purchasing will be carried forward by proportion; if the
remained equity after disposal is subject to accounting treatment according to the standards for
confirmation and measurement of financial instruments, the other composite benefits and other owner’s
equity will be carried forward completely.

15. Investment Real Estate

Investment real estate measurement model
Costing accounting
Method of depreciation or amortization

      The company's investment real estate includes the land use right held and prepared to transfer after
increment, the buildings already leased (including the buildings used for leasing after completion of
self-construction or development activities, and buildings in construction or development and to be used
for leasing in future).
      The Company adopts cost mode to measure the existing investment real estates. For investment real
estate measured with cost mode – the buildings used for leasing, the Company will adopt the depreciation
policy, which is the same for fixed assets, and for the land use right for leasing, the Company will adopt
the amortization policy which is the same for intangible assets.

16. Fixed Assets

1. Fixed asset recognition conditions

Fixed assets indicate the tangible assets held for producing goods, rendering labor services, leasing or operation management, and having a
service life of more than one fiscal year. No fixed asset may be recognized unless it simultaneously meets the conditions as follows:
(1)   The economic benefits pertinent to the fixed asset are likely to flow into the enterprise;
(2)   The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.

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2. Depreciation method for various fixed assets

                                                              Depreciation life                                Annual depreciation
             Type             Depreciation method                                      Salvage rate (%)
                                                                   (Year)                                            rate (%)

 House and buildings          Straight-line method      20                         5                         4.75

 Mechanical equipment         Straight-line method      10                         5                         9.5

 Transportation               Straight-line method
                                                        7                          5                         13.57

 Electronic equipment         Straight-line method
                                                        3-5                        5                         19.00-31.67
 and other equipment

3. Recognition basis and valuation method for fixed assets under financing lease

Where the leasing agreement signed between company and the lessor specifies either of the conditions as follows, the lease will be
recognized as a finance lease:
(1)   The ownership of the leasing asset belongs to this company at the expiration of the lease;
(2)   Company has the option to buy the asset at a price to be far lower than the fair value of the asset at the date when the option becomes
(3)   The lease term covers the major part of the use life of the leased asset;
(4)   The present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date does not have too large differences with the fair value of
the asset.
On the starting date of the Company’s leasing, the fair value of leased assets and the present value of the minimum rent payment, whichever
is lower, will be taken as the entry value of leased-in assets, and the minimum rent payment will be taken as the entry value of long-term
accounts payable, and the balance will be taken as non-confirmed financing cost.

17. Construction in Progress

Whether the company is required to comply with special industry disclosure requirements
Civil Engineering Construction

For construction in progress, the necessary expenditure incurred for making the constructed assets reach
the predetermined usable state will be taken as the entry value of the fixed assets. If the constructed fixed
assets have reached the predetermined usable state, but the completion settlement has not been handled,
then since the date when such assets reach the predetermined usable state, the Company will transfer such
assets into fixed assets as per estimated value and based on engineering budget, construction cost, or
actual cost of engineering, etc., and will withdraw fixed asset depreciation according to the Company’s
policy for fixed asset depreciation; after handling of completion settlement, the Company will adjust
original temporarily estimated value as per actual cost, but will not adjust originally withdrawn
depreciation amount.

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18. Borrowing Costs

      Borrowing costs include loan interest, discount or premium amortized, auxiliary expense, and
exchange balance arising from foreign-currency loan, etc.
      1. Principle for Confirmation of Borrowing Cost Capitalization
      The Company’s borrowing costs, if available to directly attribute to the construction or production of
assets meeting capitalization conditions, will be capitalized and recorded in the cost of relevant assets;
and other borrowing costs will be confirmed as expenses and recorded in the gain or loss of current period
as per their amount incurred when they are incurred.
      Assets meeting capitalization conditions indicate the fixed assets which need to experience quite a
long term of construction or production activities before reaching the predetermined usable or salable
state, as well as investment real estates and inventories, etc.
      Borrowing costs will be capitalized if simultaneously meeting the following conditions:
      (1) Asset expenditure has occurred, including the payment in cash for purchasing and construction
or production of assets meeting capitalization conditions, transfer of non-cash assets, or undertaking of
interest-bearing debts;
      (2) Borrowing costs have occurred;
      (3) The purchasing and construction or production activities necessary for making assets reach
predetermined usable or salable state have started.
      2. Period for capitalization of borrowing costs
      Capitalization period indicates the period of from the time point when capitalization of borrowing
costs starts to the time point when capitalization stops, excluding the period when the capitalization of
borrowing costs is suspended.
      If the assets purchased and constructed or produced and meeting capitalization conditions reach the
predetermined usable or salable state, the capitalization of borrowing costs will stop.
      If some items of the assets purchased and constructed or produced and meeting capitalization
conditions are completed separately and could be used independently, the capitalization of borrowing
costs for such assets will stop.
      If each part of the assets purchased and constructed or produced is completed respectively, but
cannot be used or sold until the whole assets are completed, the capitalization of borrowing costs may be
stopped when the assets are totally completed.
      3. Period for suspension of capitalization
      If the assets meeting capitalization conditions are broken abnormally during purchasing and
construction or production process, and the suspension lasts for more than 3 months successively, the
capitalization of borrowing costs will be suspended; if such suspension is a necessary procedure for
making the assets purchased and constructed or produced and meeting capitalization conditions reach the
predetermined usable state or salable state, the capitalization of borrowing costs will continue. The
borrowing costs occurring during suspension period will be confirmed as gain or loss in the current period,
and the capitalization of borrowing costs will continue after the construction and purchasing or
production activities of such assets restart.
      4. Method for calculation of borrowing costs capitalization rate and capitalized amount
      For the special loan obtained for purchasing and construction or production of assets meeting
capitalization conditions, the capitalized amount of borrowing costs will be determined as per the amount
after “the borrowing costs actually incurred in the very period of special loan” minus “the interest income
obtained from bank deposit or the investment yield obtained from temporary investment of the non-used

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loan fund”.
     For general loans occupied for purchasing and construction or production of assets meeting
capitalization conditions, the borrowing costs amount to be capitalized of general loans shall be calculated
and determined as per the “weighted mean of asset expenditure that accumulative asset expenditure
exceeds the special loan” multiplied by the capitalization rate of general loan. The capitalization rate is
generally calculated and determined as per the weighted mean interest rate of general loan.

19、Biological Assets

20、Oil and Gas Assets

21. Intangible assets

      Intangible assets refer to identifiable non-monetary assets without physical form owned or controlled
by the Company. The intangible assets of the Company mainly include land use right and software
      1. Pricing Method of Intangible Assets
      The Company initially measures the intangible assets as per the cost when they are acquired.
      The cost of purchased intangible assets includes purchasing price, relevant taxes, and other
expenditures directly for making the assets reach the predetermined use. If the price for purchasing
intangible assets is delayed in payment by exceeding normal credit conditions, and the intangible assets
have financing nature substantially, the cost of intangible assets will be determined based on the present
value of purchasing price.
      As for the intangible assets obtained from debt reorganization and used by debtors for repaying debts,
their entry value will be determined based on the fair value of such intangible assets, and the balance
between the book value of reorganized debts and the fair value of the intangible assets used for repaying
debts will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period.
      In the precondition that non-monetary asset exchange has the essence of commerce, and the fair
value of exchanged-in or exchanged-out assets could be measured reliably, the entry value of the
intangible assets obtained from non-monetary asset exchange will be determined based on the fair value
of exchanged-out assets, unless conclusive evidence proves that the fair value of exchanged-in assets is
more reliable; for the non-monetary asset exchange not meeting the above-mentioned precondition, the
book value of exchanged-out assets and relevant taxes payable will be taken as the cost of exchanged-in
intangible assets, and the gain or loss won’t be confirmed.
     The Company analyzes and judges the service life of intangible assets when obtaining them.
     Intangible assets with limited service life are amortized with straight-line method within the period
when they bring about economic benefits for the enterprise; if it’s impossible to predict the period when
the intangible assets could bring about economic benefits to the enterprise, the intangible assets will be

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deemed to have uncertain service life, and won’t be amortized.
    2. Estimate on the service life of intangible assets with limited service life:
                 Items                 Service life                   Amortization method

Software royalty                         5 years                       Straight-line method

Land use right                          50 years                       Straight-line method

    At the end of every year, the Company checks the service life and amortization method of the
intangible assets with limited service life. As checked, the service life and amortization method of
intangible assets at the end of this year were not different from previous estimates.
        3. Concrete Standard for Division of Research Stage and Development Stage
        The Company’s expenditure for internal research and development projects is divided into the
expenditure at research stage and expenditure at development stage.
        Research stage: The stage of unique and planned investigation and research activities conducted for
obtaining and understanding new scientific or technological knowledge.
        Development stage: The stage of applying research findings or other knowledge to some plan or
design, in order to produce new or substantially improved materials, devices and products, etc. before
commercial production or use.
        4. Concrete Conditions for Capitalization of Expenditure at Development Stage
        The expenditure at development stage of internal research and development projects will be
confirmed as intangible assets when simultaneously meeting the following conditions:
        (1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets and make them available for use or
        (2) The Company has the intent to complete, use or sell the intangible assets;
        (3) The way by which intangible assets produce economic benefit could prove the usability of such
intangible assets, including proving that the products produced with such intangible assets have markets,
or such intangible assets have markets, and intangible assets would be used internally;
        (4) The Company has sufficient technical, financial resources and other resources to support the
completion of the development of such intangible assets, and the Company has the ability to use or sell
such intangible assets.
     (5) The expenditure attributing to the development stage of such intangible assets could be measured

22. Long-term Asset Impairment

     If there is any sign of impairment in long-term equity investments, investment real estates measured
by the cost model, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite service life and other
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long-term assets at the balance sheet date, an impairment test will be made. If the result of impairment
test proves that the recoverable amount of assets is lower than their book value, the depreciation reserve
will be withdrawn as per their balance and recorded in the impairment loss. The recoverable amount
indicates the net amount after the fair value of assets minus the disposal expenses, and the present value
of predicted future cash flow of the assets, whichever is higher. Asset depreciation reserve is calculated
and confirmed based on single assets. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of single assets,
the recoverable amount of asset portfolio will be determined as per the asset portfolio to which the assets
belong. Asset portfolio indicates the minimum asset group which could independently produce cash
      Goodwill will be subject to impairment test at least at the end of every year.
      The Company carries out impairment test of goodwill, and amortizes the book value of the goodwill
formed from business combination to relevant asset group by reasonable means since the date of
purchasing; if it is difficult to amortize the book value to relevant asset group, the Company will amortize
it to relevant asset group, the Company will amortize it to relevant asset group portfolio. When the book
value of goodwill is amortized to relevant asset group or asset group portfolio, the Company will execute
amortization as per the proportion of the fair value of each asset group or asset group portfolio to the total
fair value of relevant asset group or asset group portfolio. If it is difficult to measure the fair value reliably,
the Company will execute amortization as per the proportion of the book value of each asset group or
asset group portfolio to the total book value of relevant asset group or asset group portfolio.
      When impairment test is carried out for relevant asset groups or asset group portfolios including
goodwill, if the asset groups or asset group portfolios relevant to goodwill have the sign of impairment,
the Company will carry out impairment test of the asset group or asset group portfolio excluding goodwill,
calculate recoverable amount, compare it with relevant book value, and confirm corresponding
impairment loss. And then conduct impairment test on asset groups or asset group combination with
goodwill, compare book values of relevant asset groups or asset group combination (including the book
value of amortized goodwill) with recoverable amounts, if the recoverable amounts of relevant asset
groups or asset group combination are lower than their book values, the impairment loss of goodwill will
be recognized. Once any loss of asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be turned back in the future
accounting period.

23. Long-term Deferred Expenses

     Long-term deferred expenses indicate various expenses having been incurred, to be shared in present
period and later periods, and having an amortization period of more than one year.
     (1) Amortization Method
     Long-term deferred expenses will be averagely amortized within the benefit period;
     (2) Amortization Life
     It shall be determined as agreed in contracts or during the expected benefit period.

24. Employee Compensation

1. Accounting Method of Short-Term Remuneration

     During the fiscal period when employees provide services for the Company, the Company confirms
the short-term remuneration incurred actually as liabilities, and records them in the gain or loss of the

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current period or the cost of relevant assets.
     For the social insurance premiums and housing fund paid by the Company for employees, the trade
union outlay and employee education outlay withdrawn as per regulations, the Company calculates and
determines corresponding amount of employees’ remuneration as per the withdrawal basis and
withdrawal proportion regulated during the fiscal period when employees provide services for the
     If employees’ welfare expense is non-monetary welfare and could be measured reliably, they will be
measured as per fair value.

2. Accounting Method of Post-Demission Welfare

     Defined contribution plans
     As for the basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance paid by the Company for
employees according to relevant provisions of local government, the amount payable will be calculated as
per the base amount and proportion of payment regulated by local place and recorded in the gain or loss
of the current period or the cost of relevant assets during the fiscal period when the employees provide
services for the Company.

3. Accounting Method of Dismissal Welfare

      If being unavailable to unilaterally revoke the dismissal welfare provided for rescission of labor
relationship plan or staff cut-down suggestions, or when confirming the costs or expenses related to
reorganization involving the payment of dismiss welfare (whichever is earlier), the Company will confirm
the employee compensation liabilities arising from dismiss welfare, and record them in the gain or loss of
the current period.

4. Accounting Method of Other Long-term Welfares

Other long-term welfares provided by the company to employees in accordance with the defined contribution plans shall be subject to
accounting treatment in accordance with the defined contribution plans; otherwise shall be subject to accounting treatment in accordance
with the defined benefit plan.

25. Accrued Liabilities

     1. Standard for Confirmation of Accrued Liabilities
     If the obligations related to the contingencies like lawsuits, debt guarantees, loss contracts,
reorganization matters, etc. simultaneously meet the following conditions, the Company will confirm
such obligations as accrued liabilities:
     (1) The obligations are current obligation undertaken by the Company;
     (2) The implementation of such obligations will probably induce that economic benefits flow out of
the Company;
     (3) The amount of such obligations could be measured reliably.

      2. Measures for Measurement of Various Accrued Liabilities
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     The Company initially measures the accrued liabilities as per the optimum estimated amount of
expenditures necessary for implementation of relevant current obligations.
     When determining the optimum estimated amount, the Company comprehensively considers the
risks related to contingencies, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors. If the time value of
money has significant influences, the optimum estimated amount will be determined after discounting
with relevant future cash outflow.
     The optimum estimated amount is treated by the following circumstances respectively:
     If the expenditure needed has a continuous scope (or range), and the possibility for various results to
occur is the same within this scope, then the optimum estimated amount will be determined as per the
middle value of this scope, namely the average of the upper-limit and lower-limit amounts.
     If the expenditure needed does not have a continuous scope (or range), or there is a continuous scope,
but the possibility for various results to occur within this scope is not the same, for example,
contingencies involve single item, the optimum estimated amount will be determined as per the amount
which will occur most possibly; if contingencies involve multiple items, the optimum estimated amount
will be calculated and determined as per various possible results and relevant probability.
     If the Company’s expenditure needed for discharging accrued liabilities is predicted to compensate
by third parties fully or partially, then the compensation amount will be confirmed independently as assets
when being ascertained basically available to receive, and the compensation amount confirmed won’t be
more than the book value of the accrued liabilities.

26. Share-Based Payment

     The share-based payment of the Company refers to the transaction through granting equity
instruments or undertaking equity-instrument-based liabilities to obtain the services provided by
employees [or other parties]. The Company’s share-based payment is divided into the share-based
payment settled with equity and the share-based payment settled in cash.
     1. Share-based payment settled with equity and equity instruments
     The share-based payment settled with equity, if used to exchange for employees’ services, will be
measured with the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees. If the Company makes
share-based payment with restricted shares, then the shares subscribed with investment by employees
shall not be circulated in the market or transferred before meeting unlocking conditions and being
unlocked; if the unlocking conditions regulated in the final Stock Incentive Plan are not satisfied, the
Company will buy back shares at the predetermined price. When obtaining the money paid by employees
for subscribing restricted shares, the Company will confirm capital stock and capital reserve (capital stock
premium) as per the stock subscription money obtained, and meanwhile, will confirm a liability and
inventory stock as per the full amount of buyback obligation. On every date of balance sheet within the
waiting period, the Company will make the optimum estimate on the quantity of exercised equity
instruments according to follow-up information such as the latest acquired change in the number of
right-exercising employees, whether meeting regulated performance conditions, etc., on this basis, and
according to the fair value on the date of granted, the Company will record the services obtained in the
very period in relevant cost or expense, and increase capital reserve correspondingly. After exercising
date, the Company will not adjust the total amount of relevant confirmed cost or expense and owner’s
equity. However, it’s available to exercise rights immediately after being granted, it will be recorded in
relevant cost or expense as per fair value on the date of granted, and capital reserve will be increased

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      For the share-based payment not exercised finally, the Company will not confirm cost or expense,
unless the exercise conditions are market conditions or non-excisable conditions. No matter whether
market conditions or non-excisable conditions are satisfied, if only non-market conditions among
excisable conditions are satisfied, it will be deemed as excisable. If the clauses of share-based payment
settled with equity are amended, the services obtained will be confirmed at least according to the clauses
before amendment. In addition, any amendment increasing the fair value of equity instruments granted, or
alterations beneficial for employees on the date of amendment will be confirmed as increase of services
      If share-based payment settled with equity is cancelled, the Company will treat it as accelerated
exercise on the date of cancellation, and confirm the non-confirmed amount immediately. If employees or
other parties could choose to meet non-exercisable conditions, but do not meet such conditions within
waiting period, the Company will treat this as cancelation of share-based payment settled with equity.
However, if new equity instruments are granted, and the new equity instruments granted are recognized to
replace the cancelled equity instruments on the granted date of the new equity instruments, the granted
alternative equity instruments will be treated by the means the same as those for amending the terms and
conditions for treatment of original equity instruments.

27. Other financial instruments such as preferred stocks and perpetual bonds, etc.

28. Income

      Should the company comply with the disclosure requirements of specific industries?
      Civil engineering construction industry
      The company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of "the Guidelines No.7 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Industry
Information Disclosure—Listed Companies Engaging in the Civil Engineering Construction Business".
      1.     General principles for recognition of revenue from sales of goods:
      (1) The significant risk and the rewards of the goods ownership has been transferred to the Buyer by the Company.
      (2) The Company neither reserves the continuous management right which is generally associated with ownership nor carries out
effective control of sold commodities.
      (3) Related income amount can be measured in a reliable way;
      (4) The relevant economic benefits may flow into the Company;
      (5) Relevant costs occurred or to be occurred can be measured in a reliable way.

      2.     Specific principles
      (1) Service revenue
      The service revenue provided by the Company mainly refers to the revenue of engineering design. In case that the results from
provision of labor transactions can be estimated reliably, the revenue shall be recognized as per the important milestones specified by the
design contract. Namely, the revenue is recognized as per the percentage of the workload of important milestones of the completed design in
the total design workload and the expected recoverable contract amount.
      If the result of providing service transaction cannot be estimated in a reliable way, the service revenue shall be determined according
to the service costs which has generated and expected to be compensated. The existing service costs are calculated as the period charges.
When it is not probable that the costs incurred will be recovered, revenue is not recognized.
      Provided that sales of commodity and provision of labor can be distinguished and separately measured in the contract or agreement

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signed by the Company with other enterprises, sales of commodity and provision of labor shall be separately disposed. Provided that sales of
commodity and provision of labor cannot be distinguished, or can be distinguished but cannot be separately measured, the entire contract
shall be disposed as sales of commodity.
       (2) Income from construction contracts
       Under the circumstance that the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated in a reliable way, the contract revenue and the
contract costs shall be recognized in light of the percentage-of-completion method on the date of the balance sheet. The percentage of
completion is determined in the proportion of the accumulated actual contract costs among the estimated total contract costs.
       If the outcome of a contraction contract cannot be estimated in a reliable way, but the contract costs can be recovered, the contract
revenue shall be recognized in accordance with the recoverable actual contract costs and the contract costs shall be recognized as contract
expenses in the current period they are incurred; if the contract costs cannot be recovered, they shall be recognized as contract expenses
immediately when they are incurred and no contract revenue shall be recognized. If uncertainties, due to which the outcome of a construction
contract cannot be measured in a reliable way, have passed out of existence, the revenues and expenses pertinent to the construction contract
shall be determined in the percentage-of-completion method.
       If the estimated total contract costs exceed the total contract revenue, the estimated loss is recognized as the expenses for the period.
       The cost and the gross profit (loss) accumulatively incurred and recognized of a construction-in-progress contract and the settled price
are presented in the balance sheet with a net amount after offset. The part of the sum of the cost and the gross profit (loss) accumulatively
incurred from a construction-in-progress contract exceeding over the settled contract price is presented as inventory; and the part of the
settled contract price exceeding over the cost and the gross profit (loss) accumulatively incurred from a construction-in-progress is presented
as advance payment.
       (3) Recognized income of hospital business
       The income of hospital mainly comes from the outpatient and inpatient departments, and the income recognition is done at the time of
patient’s settlement.
       For the outpatient income, as the patients turning to the outpatient treatment do not need the inpatient treatment generally, the
treatment duration is short, the settlement is made with the hospital at the end of the treatment and treatment and medicine expense is paid.
Financially, such outpatient income shall be recognized at the day of receipt.
       For the inpatient income, as the patient needs to be treated in the hospital for a certain period and a part of the medical expense shall
be prepaid when be admitted to hospital, the inpatient income shall not be recognized at this moment. When discharging from the hospital,
the patient will settle the medical expense for the hospitalization and the hospital will issue the invoice to the patient. In such case, the
income from the inpatient is recognized financially.

29. Governmental subsidy

     A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by this company
from the government. Government subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent to assets and
government subsidies pertinent to income.
     The assets-related government subsidy refers to government subsidies that are obtained by the
Company used for purchase or construction, or forming the long-term assets by other ways. Government
subsidies pertinent to income refer to the governmental subsidies except governmental subsidies pertinent
to assets.
     (1) The judgment basis and accounting treatment method of assets-related government subsidy
       1. Recognition time
     In case the governmental subsidies are monetary assets, it shall be calculated according to the
received amount or the receivable amount. If a governmental subsidy is a nonmonetary asset, it shall be
measured at its fair value or at its nominal amount in case that the fair value cannot be reliably obtained.
The governmental subsidies calculated according to nominal amount shall be directly included in the

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current profits and losses.
      2. Accounting treatment
      Governmental subsidy related to assets will be used to write down the book value of relevant assets
or be confirmed as deferred income. If being confirmed as deferred income, the governmental subsidy
will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period within the service life of relevant assets with
reasonable and systematic methods (if being related to the Company’s daily activities, the governmental
subsidy will be recorded in other benefits; if not, they will be recorded in non-operating income).
      (1) The judgment basis and accounting method of income-related government subsidy
      The income-related government subsidy, if being used to compensate the Company’s relevant cost
expenses or losses in later period, will be confirmed as deferred income, and be recorded in the gain or
loss of the current period (if being related to the Company’s daily activities, the governmental subsidy
will be recorded in other benefits; if not, they will be recorded in non-operating income) or be used to
write down relevant cost expenses or losses during the period of confirmation on relevant cost expenses
or losses; if being used to compensate the Company’s relevant cost expenses or losses already incurred,
the governmental subsidy will be directly recorded in the gain or loss of the current period (if being
related to the Company’s daily activities, the governmental subsidy will be recorded in other benefits; if
not, they will be recorded in non-operating income) or be used to write down relevant cost expenses or

30. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

      For deductible temporary difference, deferred income tax assets will be confirmed within the limit of
the taxable income which will probably be obtained in future period and be used to offset deductible
temporary difference. As for deductible losses and taxes rebate which could be carried forward to later
years, corresponding deferred income tax assets will be confirmed within the limit of the future taxable
income which will probably be obtained to offset deductible losses and taxes.
      For taxable temporary difference, deferred income tax liabilities will be confirmed except for under
special circumstances.
      The special circumstances under which deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities
are not confirmed include: the initial confirmation of goodwill; other transactions or matters (except for
business combination) of which the occurrence won’t affect accounting profit or taxable income (or
deductible loss).
      If the Company has statutory right to settle with net amount, and has the intention to settle or obtain
assets with net amount, and the discharge of debts is conducted simultaneously, the income tax assets of
the current period and the income tax liabilities of the current period will be presented with the net
amount after offsetting.
      If the Company has the statutory right to settle the income tax assets of the current period and the
income tax liabilities of the current period with net amount, and the deferred income tax assets and
deferred income tax liabilities are related to the income tax levied by a same tax administration
department from a same tax payment subject, or are related to different tax payment subjects, but in every
important period when deferred income tax assets and liabilities are transferred back in future, if the tax
payment subjects involved intend to settle the income tax assets and liabilities of the very period with net
amount or to obtain assets and discharge liabilities simultaneously, deferred income tax assets and
deferred income tax liabilities will be presented with the net amount after offsetting.

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1.    Accounting treatment method for operating lease

     (1) The rent paid by the Company for rented assets will be amortized with straight-line method
within the whole lease term including the rent-free period, and recorded in the expense of the current
period. The initial direct expenses paid by the Company and related to leasing transaction will be
recorded in the expense of the current period.
     If the asset lessor undertakes the lease-related expenses which shall be assumed by the Company, the
Company shall deduct such expenses from the total rent, amortize the remained rent within the lease term,
and record it in the expense of the very period.
     (2) The rent collected by the Company for leasing out assets will be amortized with straight-line
method within the whole lease term including the rent-free period, and confirmed as lease-related income.
The initial direct expenses paid by the Company and related to leasing transaction will be recorded in the
expense of the very period; if the amount is relatively big, the amount will be capitalized, and will be
recorded in the income of the very period by installments within the whole lease term on the basis same
as that for confirmation of lease-related income.
     If the Company undertakes lease-related expenses which shall be undertaken by the lessee, the
Company will deduct such expenses from the total amount of rent income, and distributed the remained
rent expense within the lease term.

2.    Accounting treatment method for finance lease

      (1) Assets rented through finance lease: On the date when the renting starts, the Company takes the
fair value of rented assets and the present value of minimum rent payment, whichever is lower, as the
entry value of rented assets, takes the minimum rent payment as the entry value of long-term accounts
payable, and takes the balance as non-confirmed financing expense. The Company adopts actual interest
rate method to amortize the non-confirmed financing expenses within the asset lease term, and records
them in financial expenses. The Company records the initial direct expenses incurred in the value of
rented assets.
      (2) Assets leased out through finance lease: On the date when leasing starts, the Company confirms
the balance between “the sum of finance lease account receivable and non-guaranteed balance” and their
present value as non-realized financing income, and confirms it as lease income within each future period
when rents are received. The Company records the initial direct expenses related to leasing transaction in
the initial measured amount of finance lease account receivable, and reduces the income amount
confirmed within the lease term.

32. Other Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

       1. Important Accounting Judgment and Estimates
       When applying accounting policies, the Company needs to make judgment, estimation and assumption of the book
value of the statement items that cannot be accounted accurately due to the uncertainty of business activities. Based on
the past experience of the company's management and other relevant factors, these judgments, estimates, and
assumptions will impact the disclosure of reported amount of income, expenses, assets, and liabilities and the contingent
liabilities on the balance sheet date. However, there may exists differences between the actual results caused by the
uncertainty of these estimates and the current estimates of the company's management, which may lead to a significant
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adjustment of the book amount of the affected assets or liabilities in the future.
      The Company will regularly review the above-mentioned judgments, estimates and assumptions on the basis of
continuing operations. In case the changes of accounting estimates only impact the period of change, the impacted
number shall be confirmed in the period of change; in case the changes impact both the period of change and the future,
the impacted number shall be confirmed in the period of change and the future.
      On the date of balance sheet, the Company shall judge, estimate and assume the amount of the financial statement
items in the following important areas.

       (1) Accrued liabilities
       The Company shall estimate and judge the possibility that the accrued liabilities may lead to the current obligations
undertaken by the Company based on available evidence. If the management consider that there is such a possibility, and
they are able to make a reliable estimation of the expenditures required, then the Company will recognize the best
estimated amount of the expenditure required to fulfill the current obligations of the estimated liabilities as the accrued
liabilities. Changes in these estimates may result in significant adjustments of accrued liabilities.

      (2) Withdrawal of the bad debt reserves
      The Company will use allowance method to account the loss of bad debt in accordance with the accounting policy
of receivables. The impairment of receivables is based on the recoverability of estimated receivables. The appraisal of
impairment of receivables requires the judgment and estimate of the management. The difference between the actual
result and the original estimate will affect the book value of the receivables and the withdrawal or transferal of the bad
debt reserve of the receivables during the period when the estimate is changed.

      (3) Inventory depreciation reserve
      In accordance with the inventory accounting policy, the Company will account based on the lower one of the cost
and net realizable value. For the inventory with a cost higher than that of the net realizable value and the outdated
inventory, it will withdraw the inventory depreciation reserve. The impairment of inventory to net realizable value is
based on the marketability and the net realizable value of estimated inventory. The appraisal of inventory impairment
requires the management to make judgment and estimate on the basis of obtaining solid evidence and taking into account
the purpose of holding inventory and the impact of matters after the balance sheet date. The difference between the
actual result and the original estimate will impact the book value of inventory and the withdrawal or transferal of the
inventory depreciation reserve during the change of the estimate.

      (4) Impairment of financial assets available for sale
      The Company’s determination of the impairment of financial assets available for sale depends on the judgment and
assumption of the management to a large extent to determine whether the impairment loss needs to be confirmed in the
income statement. When making judgments and assumptions, the Company needs to assess the degree and duration that
the fair value of the investment is lower than the cost, as well as the financial condition and short-term business outlook
of the invested objects, including the industry situation, technological innovation, credit rating, default rate and the risk
of the peers.

      (5) Long-term asset depreciation reserve
      The Company shall judge the sign of possible impairment of non-current assets other than financial assets on the
balance sheet date. For intangible assets with uncertain service life, impairment test should be conducted when there are
signs of impairment except the annual impairment test. The non-current assets other than financial assets will have
impairment tests when there is sign that their book value is unrecoverable.

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      It indicates depreciation when the book value of asset or group of assets is higher than the recoverable amount,
which is the higher of the net amount after the fair value minus the disposal expenses and the present value of the
predicted future cash flow.
      The net amount after the fair value minus the disposal expenses is confirmed as the amount after agreed sales price
of similar asset in a fair transaction or observable market price minus the incremental costs directly attributable to the
disposal of asset.
      When estimating the present value of future cash flow, it is necessary to make judgments on the output, selling
price, relevant operating costs of the asset (or group of assets) and the discount rate to calculate the present value. The
Company will use all relevant material available when estimating the recoverable amount, including projections of
production, selling prices and relevant operating costs based on reasonable and supportable assumptions.
      The Company shall test goodwill impairment annually, which requires estimating the present value of the future
cash flow of the asset groups or portfolio of asset groups apportioned with goodwill. When estimating the present value
of future cash flow, the Company shall estimate the cash flow generated by the future asset group or portfolios of asset
groups, and choose the appropriate discount rate to determine the present value of future cash flow.

      (6) Depreciation and amortization
      The Company shall withdraw depreciation and amortization according to the straight-line method within the
service life after considering the residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets. The Company shall regularly review
the service life to determine the amount of depreciation and amortization to be included in each reporting period. It shall
determine the service life based on the past experience of similar assets and expected technological updates. If there are
big changes in previous estimates, the depreciation and amortization amount will be adjusted in the future.

      (7) Deferred income tax asset
      The Company will confirm deferred income tax assets for all unused tax losses when it is likely to offset losses
with enough taxable profits. This requires the management of the Company to make many judgments to estimate the
time and amount of future taxable profits to determine the amount of deferred income tax assets in combination with tax
planning strategy.

      (8) Income tax
      There is some uncertainty in the final tax treatment and calculation of some deals in the company’s normal
business activities. Whether part of the projects can be itemized before tax need the approval of the tax department. If
there is difference between the final result confirmed of these tax matters and the original estimated amount, then the
difference will impact the income tax and deferred income tax of the final period confirmed.

      2. Correction of Accounting Error
       (1) Reasons and content of the correction of accounting error
      ① The Company confirmed the claim income of the project of Cambodia in 2017. Among it, the actual written
         confirmation of the claim amount of USD 1.13 million (equivalent to RMB XX thousand yuan) by party A is
         in 2018, which is intertemporal. Besides, the project and two other projects of Cambodia are being accounted.
         Their revenue cost was not accounted according to the actual project progress. What should have been
         accounted in 2016 was included in 2017. As a result, the operating profit of 2016 is 12 million yuan less.
      ② In 2016 and 2017, there were accounts opened in the name of employees used to pay the employee’s salary
         and other costs. Among them, the amount in 2016 is 1.9885 million yuan and the amount in 2017 is 3.8529
         million yuan. As a result, the cost in 2016 was 1.9885 million yuan less, and the cost in 2017 was RMB 3.8529
         yuan less.

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

         ③     During the tax audit, it was found that the invoices of the construction cost of the Company in 2017 were
              illegal, including illegal general VAT invoice, general VAT invoice of other provinces, and abnormal VAT
              invoice, with a total amount of 42.9313 million yuan. As a result, the payable income tax of the Company in
              2017 was 6.4397 million yuan less.

       (2) Methods of correction of accounting error and its impact on financial statement
      Considering that the amount of the above accounting errors is not significant, and has little impact on the
company's assets liabilities at relevant time and the profits and losses during the period, the Company will adopt the
prospective application method to correct the accounting errors. The impact on the 2018 financial statement is as
Matters                                      Have an impact The impacted statement item              Corrected amount
                                           or not

Intertemporal claim income                 No

Cost paid by personal cards                Yes                Administration expense of 2018         +5,841,400.00

                                                                 Other account payable of 2018                    +5,841,400.00

     Illegal cost invoice                  Yes                Income tax of 2018                     +6,439,691.12

                                                                       Tax payable of 2018                        +6,439,691.12

33. Correction of Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

(1) Correction of Important Accounting Policies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

    Contents of and reasons for change of        Approval procedures                         Notes
    accounting policies

     According to the provisions of the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on the Revision and Issuance of
the Format of Financial Statement of General Enterprises in 2018, (CK (2018) No. 15), the format of
financial statement of general enterprises has been revised. The Company has prepared financial
statements in the reporting period in accordance with the new reporting format stipulated by the Ministry
of Finance. The specific subjects and amount affected are listed as follows:
No.                Name of the affected statement item                                                 Affected


                 Retroactive adjustment method

1                January 1, 2018 Note receivable and account receivable                                5,994,876,806.96

2                January 1, 2018 Account receivable                                                    -288,201,562.88

3                January 1, 2018 Account receivable                                                    -5,706,675,244.08

4                January 1, 2018 Note receivable and account payable                                   2,626,177,075.77

5                January 1, 2018 Notes Payable                                                         -906,597,988.15

                                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

6                 January 1, 2018 Account payable                                                          -1,719,579,087.62

7                 January 1, 2018 Other account payable                                                    16,105,263.85

(2) Change of Important Accounting Estimates

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

34. Other

VI. Taxes

1. Main Types of Taxes and Tax Rate

    Taxes                                           Taxation basis                              Tax rate

    VAT                                             For the taxable income, the output tax      0%、3%、6%、11%、17%
                                                    should be calculated based on relevant
                                                    tax rate, and the VAT shall be paid based
                                                    on the difference after deducting the
                                                    input tax that is allowed to be deducted
                                                    in the current period

    Urban maintenance and construction tax          Paid as per 7%, 5% and 1% of the            7%、5%、1%
                                                    turnover tax paid actually.

    Enterprise income tax                           Paid as per 15% and 25% of taxable          15%、25%

    Educational surtax                              Paid as per 3% of the turnover tax paid     3%

    Local educational surtax                        Paid as per 2% of the turnover tax paid     2%

Illustration for disclosure of tax payers of different corporate income tax rate

                            Name of tax payers                                                   Income tax rate

    Changzhi Shenzhou Laodingshan Industrial Co., Ltd.                      25%

    Xiangfen County Taoshan Construction Co., Ltd.                          25%
    Sino Great Wall (Xihua) Economic Development Zone Investment
    Co., Ltd.

    Liupanshui Central People’s Hospital Investment Co., Ltd.              25%

    Sino Zhigu Industrial (Yueyang) Co., Ltd.                               25%

    Sino Great Wall Guangxia (Wuhan) Medical Development Co., Ltd.          25%

    Sino Great Wall Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd.                     25%

    Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC                                   25%

                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Sino Great Wall Medical Investment Management Co., Ltd.          25%

 Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.              15%

 Fujian Sino Great Wall Mingyihui Medical Investment Co., Ltd.    25%

 Sino Great Wall Medical Investment (Hubei) Co., Ltd.             25%

 Hubei Yuanyaotong Supply Chain Co., Ltd.                         25%

 Sino Great Wall Medical Management (Inner Mongolia) Co., Ltd.    25%

 Sino Great Wall Health Management (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.            25%

 Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.   25%

 Sino Great Wall New Energy (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                   25%

 Wu’an Juhe Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.                         25%

 Shanghai Lingrui International Trading Co., Ltd.                 25%

 Shenzhen Hongtulve Industrial Co., Ltd.                          25%

 Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Co., Ltd.                  25%

 Sino Great Wall Southwest Science and Technology Co., Ltd.       25%

 Sino Great Wall Southwest Commercial and Trading Co., Ltd.       25%

 Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Consultation Co., Ltd.     25%

 Sino Great Wall Decoration and Design Co., Ltd.                  25%

 Suzhou Lvbang Wood Industry Technology Co., Ltd.                 25%

 Huichang County Zhongcheng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.    25%

 Great Wall Biaodian Energy Co., Ltd.                             25%

 Kunming Sino Forest Industry Development Co., Ltd.               25%

 Sino Great Wall Development (Hengqin) Co., Ltd.                  25%

 Sino Great Wall Real Estate (Hubei) Co., Ltd.                    25%

 SGW America LLC                                                  21%

 Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited                               17%

 Far eastern international engineering company,LLC                20%

 Sino Great Wall(Philippines) International Corporation           30%

 Sino Wai Man International Engineering Limited                   12%

 Sino Great Wall (HK) Property Co., Limited                       17%

 SGW HPEngineeringConstructionSDN.BHD                             24%

 SGW VENTURES SDN.BHD.                                            24%

 SGW CONSTRUCTION (LANGKAWI) SDN.BHD.                             24%


 Shenzhou Changcheng(Lao)Co., Ltd                               25%

                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Sino International Engineering (Laos) Co., Ltd.                  25%

 Sino Great Wall Investment (Laos) Co., Ltd.                      25%

 Sino Great Wall Group (UK) Co., Limited                          19%

 Sino Great Wall International Engineering     (MM) Co., Ltd      25%

 Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd               0%

 Inrich Me Engineering Co., Ltd                                   17%

 SINO                                                             GREAT

 Sino Great Wall International Engineering (Thailand) Co., Ltd.   20%

 Sino Great Wall International Engineering (CNMI) Co., LLC.       21%

 SINO GREAT WALL(USA).INC                                       21%

 PT.SINO GREAT WALL INVESTMENT INDONESIA                          25%


 Anshun Sino Great Wall Real Estate Development and
 Construction Co., Ltd.

 Beijing Sino Xinda Real Estate Co., Ltd.                         25%

 Sino Great Wall Hebei Xiong’an Engineering Co., Ltd.            25%

 Sino Great Wall Scientific and Technologic Development Co.,

 Weifang Sino Great Wall Medical care and Health Industry
 Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall (Guangzhou) Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.       25%

 Zhongda Chancheng Industrial (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.               25%

 Sino Rongju Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.                    25%

 Chengwu County Shenguang Engineering Project
 Management Co., Ltd.

 Sino Boda (Zhanjiang) Industrial Co., Ltd.                       25%

 Sino Great Wall Industrial (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.                 25%

2. Tax Preferences

      (1) As verified by Beijing Municipal Office, SAT in 2013 as per Tax Category Verification Notice,
the taxable income of Sino Great Wall Design shall be 10% of the total income.
      (2) According to provisions in Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Several Issues
Concerning the Administration of Collection of Income Tax of Enterprises Operating Business across
Different Regions and Paying Taxes on a Consolidated Basis (GSF (2008) No.28) on March 10, 2008, the
head office (parent company) of the operation units and the place of business, being established within
territory of China and running business across China without the legal personality (i.e. running production
and operation activity across regions) shall be deemed as the enterprise for consolidated taxation. If the
parent Company adopt the consolidated taxation method and the head office and the branches intend to
                                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

prepay the enterprise income tax by stages, 50% of such taxes shall be amortized to the branches and
prepaid, while the other 50% shall be prepaid by the head office. The amortization ratio of each branch
shall be 0.35:0.35:0.30 among the operating income, the staff salary and the total assets of each; the final
settlement of annual corporate income tax shall be made to the tax authority by the parent Company and
shall never amortized to the branches.
      (3) Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Sino Hong Kong”) and Inrich
Me Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Inrich Me”) under the subsidiary Company of the
Company are enterprises established in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which shall pay
the enterprise profit tax at the rate of 16.5%. SINO GREAT WALL INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING
(MACAU) CO., LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as “SINO MACAU”) is an enterprise established in
the Macao Special Administrative Region, which shall pay the net profit tax and observe the progressive
tax rate.
      (4) Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Sino
International”), the wholly-owned subsidiary Company of the Company, was granted the Certificate of
High & New Technological Enterprise on November 24, 2015 which was jointly approved and issued by
Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, Beijing Finance Bureau, Beijing Municipal
Office, SAT and Beijing Local Taxation Bureau. Sino International was identified as the high and new
technological enterprise (Certificate No.: GR201511003125; Issue date: November 24, 2015; Term of
Validity: Three Years), i.e. Sino International shall pay the enterprise income tax at the rate of 15% in
2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively.
      (5) According to Notice of Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation on Pilot for
Comprehensive Implementation of Business Tax Replaced by Value-added Tax (CS (2016) No.36),
Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital LLC, the wholly-owned subsidiary Company of the Company was
entitled to the preferential policies of being exempted from VAT since May 1, 2016.

3. Other

      According to provisions in the Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on the Tax Policies for Implementing across the Country
the Pilot Program of Levying Value-Added Tax in Lieu of Business Tax on the Transportation Industry and Some Modern Service Industries
(CS (2012) No.71) on July 31, 2012, the design business of Sino Great Wall Decoration and Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
“Sino Great Wall Design”) under the subsidiary Company of the Company was changed to taxable item of value-added tax from the that of
the business tax with the value-added tax rate of 3% since September 1, 2012 and Sino Great Wall Design was deemed as the small-scale

VII. Notes to Items in Consolidated Financial Statements

1.    Monetary Resources

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

 Items                                      Ending balance                              Opening balance

 Cash on hand                               3,116,229.51                                4,614,087.16

                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Bank deposit                                122,651,567.37              642,608,503.33

 Other monetary resources                    532,947,089.60              957,751,325.63

 Total                                       658,714,886.48              1,604,973,916.12

 Including: the total amount of overseas     51,902,846.57

Other description

Items                                                 Ending balance     Opening balance

Bank acceptance guarantee deposit                     230,602,428.53     349,043,551.56

Guarantee bond                                        181,351,839.27     555,665,432.94

Fixed time deposits or call deposits used for guarantee 100,024,675.00   50,000,000.00

Overseas funds with limited remittance                873,465.90         22,098.66

Bond for wages of migrant workers                     303,963.07         3,020,242.47

Freezing                                              19,790,717.83

Total                                                 532,947,089.60     957,751,325.63

2. Financial assets measured with fair value and having the change of fair value recorded in the gain or loss of
the current period

                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

 Items                                       Ending balance              Opening balance

Other description:

3. Derived financial assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Notes Receivable and Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

 Items                                       Ending balance              Opening balance

 Notes receivable                            1,518,790.00                288,201,562.88

 Accounts receivable                         4,202,594,258.24            5,706,675,244.08

 Total                                       4,204,113,048.24            5,994,876,806.96

(1)Notes Receivable

1) Classified Presentation of Notes Receivable
                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

                      Items                                    Ending balance                                   Opening balance

Bank acceptance                                                                             0.00                                    15,544,160.00

Trade acceptance                                                                    1,518,790.00                                 272,657,402.88

Total                                                                               1,518,790.00                                 288,201,562.88

2) Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period
                                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                  Items                                                Amounts pledged at the end of the period

Bank acceptance                                                                                                                              0.00

Trade acceptance                                                                                                                             0.00

Total                                                                                                                                        0.00

3) Notes Receivable Already Endorsed or Discounted by the Company at the End of Period, but Not Coming Due Yet on the Date of Balance
                                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                                Confirmation-terminated amount at the end          Non-confirmation-terminated amount at
                                                                     of period                                  the end of period

Bank acceptance                                                                     4,608,144.88                                             0.00

Trade acceptance                                                                   95,940,000.00                                             0.00

Total                                                                            100,548,144.88                                              0.00

4) Bills turned into account receivables due to the default of the drawer of the Company at the end of term
                                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                  Items                                               End-of-period arrears among the receivables

Trade acceptance                                                                                                                 444,932,329.41

Total                                                                                                                            444,932,329.41

Other description

(2)Accounts receivable

1) Classified Disclosure of Accounts Receivable
                                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                              Ending balance                                              Opening balance

                               Book balance       Bad debt reserve                      Book balance          Bad debt reserve
          Type                                                             Book
                                                                                                                      Withdrawal      Book value
                          Amount Proportion Amount              al         value     Amount Proportion      Amount

Accounts receivable
                          716,094,               286,437,                429,656,9
with significant single                13.72%                 40.00%
                              881.32               952.53                    28.79
amount and having bad

                                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

debt reserve withdrawn

Accounts receivable
with bad debt reserve                                                              6,332,9
                           4,503,30             730,372,              3,772,937                           626,240,4                   5,706,675,2
withdrawn as per the                  86.28%                 16.22%                15,727. 100.00%                          9.89%
                           9,614.80               285.35                 ,329.45                              83.49                         44.08
portfolio of credit risk                                                                 57

                           5,219,40             1,016,81              4,202,594                           626,240,4                   5,706,675,2
Total                                 100.00%                56.22%                15,727. 100.00%                          9.89%
                           4,496.12             0,237.88                 ,258.24                              83.49                         44.08

Accounts receivable with significant single amount and having bad debt reserve withdrawn independently at the end of term:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

Accounts receivable (per                                                     Ending balance
            unit)               Accounts receivable            Bad debt reserve          Withdrawal proportion         Reasons for withdrawal

                                                                                                                      Shutdown for the project
China Harbor
                                                                                                                      of Military Academy,
Engineering Company                     716,094,881.32              286,437,952.53                         40.00%
                                                                                                                      Ministry of National

Total                                   716,094,881.32              286,437,952.53                   --                          --

Accounts receivable with bad debt reserve withdrawn by means of account age analysis in the portfolios:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                                                                  Ending balance
            Account age
                                          Accounts receivable                     Bad debt reserve                  Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year

                                                    1,435,285,534.03                          71,769,102.30                                5.00%

1-2 years                                           2,038,443,035.35                      190,125,609.54                                 10.00%

2-3 years                                             555,716,897.18                      166,715,069.14                                 30.00%

3-4 years                                             358,293,199.04                      179,146,599.52                                 50.00%

4-5years                                               76,448,267.42                          61,158,613.94                              80.00%

More than 5years                                       64,205,580.84                          64,205,580.83                             100.00%

Total                                               4,528,392,513.86                      733,120,575.26

Description about the basis for determining the portfolio:

     ②Situations of bad debt reserves withheld, recycled or reversed in this term
        The amount of bad debt reserve withdrawn in the current period was RMB 393,318,044.30; and
the amount of bad debt reserve recovered or transferred back in the current period was RMB 0.00.
     ③Accounts Receivable Actually Cancelled after Verification in the Current Period: none.
     ④Top 5 Owning Parties Classified by Ending Balance of Accounts Receivable
                                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

     The aggregate amount of the top 5 owning parties classified by ending balance of accounts
receivable was RMB 2,441,187,064.70, accounting for 46.55% of the total amount of accounts
receivable at the end of the year, and the aggregate amount of bad debt reserve ending balance
withdrawn was RMB 498,149,003.15.
                                                                                          Ending balance
                    Unit name                      Accounts receivable           Proportion to total accounts                Bad debt reserve

                                                                                          receivable (%)
China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd.                    831,409,897.23                                       15.85              313,687,509.07
POWERCHINA Construction Group Ltd.                       674,079,636.78                                       12.85                73,244,894.27

Oxley Gem (Cambodia)Co., Ltd                             426,011,027.46                                           8.12             25,469,397.37

Henan NO.1 Thermal Power                                 298,264,504.82                                           5.69             65,526,002.54
Construction Company
Cambodia Petrochemical Co., Ltd.                         211,421,998.41                                           4.03             20,221,199.90
                       Total                           2,441,187,064.70                                       46.55              498,149,003.15

     ⑤Accounts receivable of which the recognition is terminated due to the transfer of financial assets:
     ⑥Amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring accounts receivable and continuous
involvement: none.

In the portfolio, other receivables of bad debts withdrawn with the balance percentage method:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the portfolio, other receivables of bad debts withdrawn with other methods:
The company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information Disclosure Guide No. 7
- Listed Companies Engaged in Civil Engineering Construction Business.
2) Bad Debt Reserves Withdrawn, Recovered or Transferred Back in the Current Period
The amount of bad debt reserves withdrawn in current period is RMB 393,318,044.30 and the amount of bad debt reserves recovered or
reversed in current period is RMB 0.
Important amounts of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in current period:
                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                   Unit name                        Amounts recycled or reversed                            Recycle Method

3) Accounts Receivable Actually Cancelled after Verification in the Current Period
                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                  Items                                              Amounts cancelled after verification

Important cancelation after verification of other accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                   Procedures                Whether the
                                                                           Reasons for
                         Nature of accounts   Amounts cancelled                                   performed for          payment is generated
       Unit name                                                         cancelation after
                               receivable       after verification                               cancelation after            by related
                                                                                                   verification              transaction

Note for accounts receivable cancelled after verification:

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

4) Top 5 Owing Parties Classified by the Ending Balance of Other Accounts Receivable

                                                                                       Ending balance
                     Unit name                     Accounts receivable          Proportion to total accounts           Bad debt reserve

                                                                                      receivable (%)
China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd.                    831,409,897.23                                    15.85            313,687,509.07
POWERCHINA Construction Group Ltd.                       674,079,636.78                                    12.85                73,244,894.27

Oxley Gem (Cambodia) Co., Ltd                            426,011,027.46                                        8.12             25,469,397.37

Henan NO.1 Thermal Power                                 298,264,504.82                                        5.69             65,526,002.54
Construction Company
Cambodia Petrochemical Co., Ltd.                         211,421,998.41                                        4.03             20,221,199.90
                       Total                           2,441,187,064.70                                    46.55            498,149,003.15

5) Other accounts receivable of which the recognition is terminated due to transfer of financial assets
6) Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of other receivables and continuous involvement
Other description:

5. Advance Payment

(1)Presentation of Advance Payments by Account Age

                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                              Ending balance                                         Opening balance
        Account age
                                    Amount                     Proportion                   Amount                     Proportion

Within 1 year                        207,889,106.39                         71.74%           212,854,246.00                         94.51%

1-2 years                               8,022,057.24                        21.31%            11,257,454.64                         5.00%

2-3 years                               3,620,871.70                        6.17%                903,997.25                         0.40%

More than 3 years                         729,583.80                        0.78%                192,829.99                         0.09%

Total                                220,261,619.13                --                        225,208,527.88                --

Description of reasons why the advance payments of an important amount with account age more than 1 year are not settled in time:

(2)Top 5 Advance Payment Objects Classified by the Ending Balance of Advance Payments

     (2)Top 5 Advance Payment Objects Classified by the Ending Balance of Advance Payments
     The aggregate amount of the top 5 advance payment objects classified by the ending balance of
advance payments was RMB 85,197,913.66, accounting for 38.60% of the total amount of the ending
balance of advance payments.

            Unit name              Relationship Ending balance Proportion to the                     Advance            Reasons for not

                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

                                       with the                          total ending         payment time              settlement
                                       company                            balance of
                                                                        payments (%)
Jiangsu Juye Jianshe Group Co., Subcontractor         27,020,017.56                 12.24      Within 2 year      Advance payment for
Ltd.                                                                                                              subcontracted project
Zhongcheng Jianye Construction Subcontractor          25,421,813.77                 11.52      Within 2 year      Advance payment for
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         subcontracted project
Shandong      Zhiyuan        Building Subcontractor   11,430,371.93                  5.18      Within 1 year      Advance payment for
Installation Engineering Co., Ltd.                                                                                subcontracted project
Longyan         City         Hengda Subcontractor     11,552,049.40                  5.23      Within 1 year      Advance payment for
Engineering Co., Ltd.                                                                                             subcontracted project
Xi'an Bihui Road and Bridge Subcontractor              9,773,661.00                  4.43      Within 1 year      Advance payment for
Engineering Co., Ltd.                                                                                             subcontracted project
               Total                                  85,197,913.66                 38.60


Other description:

6. Other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                     Items                              Ending balance                               Opening balance

Other accounts receivable                                             2,186,223,361.40                            1,674,675,360.28

Total                                                                 2,186,223,361.40                            1,674,675,360.28

(1)Interest receivable

1) Classification of interest receivable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                     Items                              Ending balance                               Opening balance

2) Important overdue interest
                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                            Whether impairment
       Borrowing unit              Ending balance        Overdue time              Overdue reason          occurs and the basis for
                                                                                                                its judgment

Other description:

(2)Dividends receivable

1) Dividends receivable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan
                                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

          Items (or the invested unit)                           Ending balance                                  Opening balance

2) Important dividends receivable over one year of account age
                                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                         Whether impairment
  Items (or the invested
                                   Ending balance                  Account age            Reason for not recycling occurs and the basis for
                                                                                                                              its judgment

Other description:

(3)Other accounts receivable

1) Classified Disclosure of Other Accounts Receivable
                                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                              Ending balance                                               Opening balance

                              Book balance          Bad debt reserve                     Book balance          Bad debt reserve
          Type                                                               Book
                                                                                                                        Withdrawal    Book value
                           Amount Proportion Amount               al         value     Amount Proportion     Amount

Other accounts
receivables that are
individually significant   22,402,9               2,000,00                 20,402,98
                                         0.95%                   8.93%
and for which individual      80.00                    0.00                     0.00
bad debt reserves are

Other accounts
receivable with bad debt
reserve withdrawn as       2,341,17               175,357,                 2,165,820                        145,657,4                 1,674,675,3
                                         98.92%                  7.49%                 32,846. 100.00%                       8.07%
per the portfolio of       7,867.34                 485.94                   ,381.40                            86.56                        60.28
credit risk

Other accounts
receivable with
insignificant single       2,963,00               2,963,00
                                         0.13%                100.00%
amount and having bad          5.73                    5.73
debt reserve withdrawn

                           2,366,54               180,320,                 2,186,223                        145,657,4                 1,674,675,3
Total                                 100.00%                                          32,846. 100.00%
                           3,853.07                 491.67                   ,361.40                            86.56                        60.28

Other accounts receivables that are individually significant and for which individual bad debt reserves are withdrawn at the end of the period:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

                                                                              Ending balance
        Other accounts
                                   Other accounts
   receivable (per unit)                                       Bad debt reserve          Withdrawal proportion        Reasons for withdrawal

Accounting Center of
Forestry Bureau of                                                                                                  Low likelihood of
                                           2,000,000.00                  2,000,000.00                     100.00%
Yongqiao District,                                                                                                  recycling
Suzhou City

ACURA Kliniken
Group Baden-Baden                         20,402,980.00                                                             Assets held for sale
Total                                     22,402,980.00                  2,000,000.00                --                          --

Other accounts receivable with bad debt reserve withdrawn by means of account age analysis in the portfolios:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                                                                  Ending balance
            Account age
                                         Other accounts receivable                Bad debt reserve                  Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year

                                                    1,980,686,398.10                        99,034,319.91                                 5.00%

1-2 years                                             248,752,112.99                        24,875,211.30                                10.00%

2-3 years                                              49,079,589.31                        14,723,876.79                                30.00%

3-4 years                                              48,461,428.86                        24,230,714.43                                50.00%

4-5 years                                                 8,524,872.84                       6,819,898.27                                80.00%

More than 5 years                                         5,673,465.24                       5,673,465.24                              100.00%

Total                                               2,341,177,867.34                      175,357,485.93

Description about the basis for determining the portfolio:

        ②Classified Disclosure of Other Accounts Receivable by Nature
                         Nature of accounts                                Ending book balance                Book balance at the
                                                                                                               beginning of year
Tender bond, performance bond and deposit                                               359,746,410.63                  564,988,488.94
Pretty Cash and personal intercourse funds                                              400,356,527.19                   45,065,829.65
Intercourse funds of the organization                                                1,534,777,052.09                 1,191,088,012.16
Others                                                                                   71,663,863.16                   19,190,516.09
                               Total                                                 2,366,543,853.07                 1,820,332,846.84

     ③Bad Debt Reserves of Other Accounts Receivable Withdrawn, Recovered or Transferred Back in
the Year
        The amount of bad debt reserves withdrawn in current period is RMB34,911,005.11.
        ④Top 5 Owing Parties Classified by the Ending Balance of Other Accounts Receivable
               Unit name                  Nature of accounts Ending balance Account age Proportion to total ending                      Bad debt reserve

                                                                                                     balance of other accounts           Ending balance

                                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                                                                          receivable (%)
Longyan City Hengda Engineering Intercourse            funds       335,179,148.00 Within         2                         14.16            21,608,957.40
Co., Ltd.                                of the organization                         year
POWERCHINA Construction Group Intercourse              funds       250,908,351.38 1-2 years                                 10.6            25,090,835.14
Ltd.                                     of the organization

Yueyang Public             Resource Tender bond                    131,500,000.00 1-2 years                                 5.56            13,150,000.00
Trading Center
Hebei Xuxing Industrial Co., Ltd.        Tender bond                   55,000,000.00 1-2 years                              2.32              5,500,000.00
China Harbor Engineering Company Intercourse           funds           54,278,966.48 Within      3                          2.29              6,330,428.72
Ltd.                                     of the organization                         year
                Total                           ——               826,866,465.86        ——                              34.93            71,680,221.26

       ⑥Accounts Receivable Involving Governmental Subsidy: none.
       ⑦Other accounts receivable of which the recognition is terminated due to transfer of financial assets: none.
       ⑧Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of other receivables and continuous involvement: none.

In the portfolio, other receivables of bad debts withdrawn with the balance percentage method:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the portfolio, other receivables of bad debts withdrawn with other methods:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2) Situations of bad debt reserves withheld, reversed or recycled in this term
The amount of bad debt reserves withdrawn in current period is RMB             and the amount of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in
current period is RMB      .
Important amounts of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in current period:
                                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                   Unit name                           Amounts reversed or recycled                            Recycle method

3) Status of actual verified other receivables in current period
                                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                  Item                                                  Amounts cancelled after verification

Important cancelation after verification of other accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                      Procedures             Whether the
                                                                              Reasons for
                          Nature of other        Amounts cancelled                                   performed for     payment is generated
       Unit name                                                           cancelation after
                        accounts receivable       after verification                             cancelation after            by related
                                                                                                      verification           transactions

Notes on other accounts receivable cancelation after verification:
4) Classification of Other Accounts Receivable by Nature
                                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

             Nature of accounts                            Ending book balance                    Book balance at the beginning of year

Tender bond, performance bond and
                                                                               359,746,410.63                                 564,988,488.94

                                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

Pretty cash and intercourse funds of
                                                                              400,356,527.19                                     45,065,829.65

Intercourse funds of the organization                                     1,534,777,052.09                                    1,191,088,012.16

Others                                                                         71,663,863.16                                     19,190,516.09

Total                                                                     2,366,543,853.07                                    1,820,332,846.84

5) Top 5 Owing Parties Classified by the Ending Balance of Other Accounts Receivable
                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                                                                               Proportion to total
                                                                                               ending balance of             Bad debt reserve
        Unit name       Nature of accounts        Ending balance          Account age
                                                                                                   other accounts            Ending balance

6) Accounts Receivable Involving Governmental Subsidy
                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                             Governmental subsidy                                                                    Estimated possession
         Unit name                                             Ending balance          Ending account age
                                  project name                                                                      time, amount and basis

7) Other accounts receivable of which the recognition is terminated due to transfer of financial assets
8) Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of other receivables and continuous involvement
Other description:

7. Inventories

Whether the company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of the real estate industry

(1)Classification of Inventories

                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                         Ending balance                                               Opening balance
                      Book balance      Depreciation reserve     Book value         Book balance      Depreciation reserve       Book value

 Raw materials           110,557.92                                110,557.92       1,810,694.49                                 1,810,694.49

                       10,708,600.50                             10,708,600.50        9,328,819.66                                9,328,819.66

Completed and
unsettled assets
formed by the         678,132,183.22         4,354,226.05       673,777,957.17     516,478,683.84          5,051,867.60         511,426,816.24

                       30,299,350.36                             30,299,350.36      34,272,995.11                                34,272,995.11

Others                   2,635,112.28                             2,635,112.28

                                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

Total                  721,885,804.28        4,354,226.05   717,531,578.23    561,891,193.10       5,051,867.60     556,839,325.50

Whether the company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information Disclosure Guide
No. 4 - Listed Companies Engaged in the Seed Industry and Planting Business
The company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information Disclosure Guide No. 11
- Listed Companies Engaged in the Jewelry Related Business

(2)Depreciation Reserve of Inventories

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                         Amount increased of current period Amount decreased of current period
        Items        Opening balance                                         Transferred-back                      Ending balance
                                           Withdrawn           Others                               Others
                                                                              or written-off

Completed and
unsettled assets
formed by the             5,051,867.60                                             697,641.55                          4,354,226.05

Total                     5,051,867.60                                             697,641.55                          4,354,226.05

(3)Description about Capitalized Amount of Borrowing Costs Contained in Ending Balance of Inventories

(4)The completed and unsettled assets formed by the construction contract at the end of the period

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                               Items                                                            Amount

Aggregate costs incurred                                                                                          18,506,213,679.77

Aggregate gross profits acknowledged                                                                               4,332,256,515.21

Minus: estimated losses                                                                                                4,354,226.05

      Amount settled                                                                                              22,160,338,011.76

Completed and unsettled assets formed by the construction

Other description:

8、Assets Held for Sale

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

           Items               Ending book value              fair value         Estimated disposal cost   Estimated disposal time

                                                                                                           February 02, 2019

                                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

Including: fixed assets                             0.00

Investment real estate                              0.00

Equity investment                     105,075,792.00

                                                    0.00                                                       February 02, 2019


Total                                 105,075,792.00                                                                         --

Other description:
        Note: in order to improve the company's financial situation and revitalize its effective assets, the company decided to transfer 94% of
the equity of Acura Kliniken Baden-Baden GmbH. The company signed the equity transfer agreement with Hong Kong Congzhong
Investment Co., Ltd. on February 2, 2019, with the transfer price of RMB 190 million.
        (2)Impairment provision of assets held for sale
             Items              Book value at the          Amount         Amount decreased of current              Ending balance

                                 beginning of the      Withdrawn of                    period
                                       year            current period       Amount         Other amount
                                                                           recovered            decreased
Non-current assets held for
Including: fixed assets
Investment real estate
Equity investment
Disposal group held for
Including: fixed assets
Investment real estate
Equity investment
             Total                                                                               ——                  ——
     (3)At the end of the year, the accumulated amount of other comprehensive incomes related to the
above non-current assets held for sale was RMB 0.00.
(4)It is no longer classified as assets held for sale and removal from Disposal group held for sale this
year: none.

9. Non-current Assets Due Within One Year

                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                   Ending balance                                 Opening balance

Other description:

10. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.           2018 Annual Report

                      Items                                        Ending balance                                   Opening balance

Advance tax                                                                               291,392.34                                      1,779,133.63

Input tax to be deducted or verified                                                    5,504,405.10                                     15,347,777.42

Total                                                                                   5,795,797.44                                     17,126,911.05

Other description:

11. Financial Assets Available for Sale

(1)Financial assets available for sale

                                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                                                  Ending balance                                               Opening balance
             Items                                    Depreciation                                              Depreciation
                                  Book balance                             Book value        Book balance                                Book value
                                                        reserve                                                   reserve

Available-for-sale equity
                                  10,338,500.00                           10,338,500.00      10,338,500.00                               10,338,500.00

Measured at Costs                 10,338,500.00                           10,338,500.00      10,338,500.00                               10,338,500.00

Total                             10,338,500.00                           10,338,500.00      10,338,500.00                               10,338,500.00

(2)Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Measured by Fair Value at the End of Period

                                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

      Classification of
                                Available-for-sale equity     Available-for-sale debt
financial assets available                                                                                                            Total
                                        instruments                     instruments:
           for sale

(3)Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Measured by Cost at the End of Period

                                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                                 Book balance                                          Depreciation reserve                 Proportion
                              Amount       Amount                                      Amount      Amount                   of shares
 Invested       At the                                                    At the                                                            dividends
                              increased decreased         Ending                       increased decreased      Ending         held in
   units      beginning                                                  beginning                                                          of current
                              of current of current       amount                       of current of current    amount       invested
              of the year                                               of the year                                                           period
                               period       period                                      period      period                  units (%)

              10,338,500                                10,338,500
on &                                                                                                                            19.00%
                       .00                                        .00
g Co., Ltd.

              10,338,500                                10,338,500
Total                                                                                                                            --
                       .00                                        .00

                                                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

(4)Changed situations of impairment of financial assets available for sale during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

      Classification of
                               Available-for-sale equity       Available-for-sale debt
financial assets available                                                                                                           Total
                                         instruments                instruments:
          for sale

(5)Description of the ending fair value of the available-for-sale equity instruments seriously reduced or
non-temporarily reduced with impairment reserve not withdrawn

                                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                                                   The decline in         Continuous            Amount of             Reason for
                      Investment cost Ending fair value fair value relative               decline time         impairment           impairment not
                                                                       to cost             (months)             withdrawn             withdrawn

Other description

12. Held-to-maturity Investment

(1)Held-to-maturity investment

                                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                              Ending balance                                                 Opening balance
       Items                                    Depreciation                                                   Depreciation
                          Book balance                               Book value           Book balance                                Book value
                                                   reserve                                                          reserve

(2)Important held-to-maturity investment at the end of the period

                                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

       Bond project                       Par value               Par interest rate             Actual interest rate                Due date

(3)Reclassified held-to-maturity investment of the current period

Other description

13. Long-Term Accounts Receivable

(1)Long-Term Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                          Ending balance                                        Opening balance                      Range of discount
                          Book balance     Bad debt reserve    Book value        Book balance    Bad debt reserve      Book value            rate

                                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

Accounts               16,708,613.19                      16,708,613.19 14,328,557.82                        14,328,557.82

Total                  16,708,613.19                      16,708,613.19 14,328,557.82                        14,328,557.82        --

(2)Long-Term accounts receivable of which the recognition is terminated due to transfer of financial assets

     Notes: Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited, the subsidiary company of the Company, concluded and
signed the cooperation agreement with Hong Kong Yick Hing Construction Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as "Hong Kong Yick Hing”) on October 10, 2017 on the jointly founding of SGW. Yick Hing
Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited (hereinafter referred to as "SGW. Yick Hing
Construction”), with Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited contributing HKD 6 million and holding 60%
shares and Hong Kong Yick Hing contributing HKD 4 million and holding 40% shares. The business of
SGW. Yick Hing Construction shall be managed by the Board of Directors. There are three seats in the
Board of Directors, with two for Sino Great Wall and one for Hong Kong Yick Hing. However, only the
director appointed by Yick Hing can serve as the chairman of the Board of Directors meeting, in case of
whose absence from the Board of Directors meeting, an alternate shall take this place. In the event of the
same votes, the chairman of the Board of Directors meeting has the right to vote the casting vote; the
resolution of the Board of Directors shall be issued via the majority vote but the director of Hong Kong
Yick Hing possesses the veto right and has the right to agree that the revenue shall be calculated as the
long-term receivables based on constant rate of return.
     (2)Long-term accounts receivable of which the recognition is terminated due to transfer of
financial assets: none.
     (3)Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of long-term accounts receivable and
continuous involvement: none.

(3)Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of long-term accounts receivable and continuous

Other description

14. Long-term Equity Investments

                                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                          Changes of current period

                                                Gains and
                                                losses on     Other                 Declare
                                                                                                 Depreciat                       balance
                        Additiona               investmen comprehe                      the
 Invested    Opening                Negative                             Other                      ion                Ending          of
                            l                      ts         nsive                 payment
   units     balance                investmen                           changes                   reserve    Others   balance depreciati
                        investmen               recognize    income                   of cash
                                        t                               in equity                withdraw                              on
                            t                    d with     adjustmen               dividends
                                                                                                    n                             reserve
                                                 equity         ts                  or profits

                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

I.            Joint ventures

II.           Jointly-run enterprises

Sino Great
               24,000,00                -420,828.                                                23,579,17
                     0.00                     29                                                        1.71
) Co., Ltd.

                            83,258,63                                                            83,258,63
                                 9.12                                                                   9.12
Sdn Bhd


Develop        25,292,31                                                   25,292,31             25,292,31 25,292,31
ment Sdn             2.68                                                       2.68                    2.68        2.68

               49,292,31 83,258,63      -420,828.                          25,292,31             132,130,1 25,292,31
                     2.68        9.12         29                                2.68                  23.51         2.68

               49,292,31 83,258,63      -420,828.                          25,292,31             132,130,1 25,292,31
                     2.68        9.12         29                                2.68                  23.51         2.68

Other description

15. Investment Real Estate

(1)Investment real estate using cost measurement

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2)Investment real estate using fair value measurement

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3)Investment real estate with the certificate of title not transacted

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                                                                            Reason(s) for the failure to transact the
                       Items                        Book value
                                                                                       certificate of title

Other description

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

16、Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                    Items                           Ending balance                           Opening balance

Fixed assets                                                    158,746,947.91                              174,537,150.56

Total                                                           158,746,947.91                              174,537,150.56

(1)Fixed assets

                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                            Houses and       Mechanical       Transportation        Transportation
        Items                                                                                                   Total
                            buildings        equipment          Equipment             equipment

I. Original book

1. Opening balance          103,857,727.50    99,011,854.51      41,578,019.37         14,847,444.63        259,295,046.01

2. Amount increased
                                 45,846.63     9,855,943.68          2,397,598.49         788,453.06            13,087,841.86
of current period

(1)Purchase                    45,846.63     9,855,943.68          2,397,598.49         788,453.06            13,087,841.86

(2)Transfer-in of
construction in

(3)Increase of

3. Amount decreased
                                565,613.95     3,796,972.94          4,934,924.28       1,685,768.99            10,983,280.16
of current period

(1)Disposal or
                                565,613.95     3,796,972.94          4,934,924.28       1,685,768.99            10,983,280.16

4. Ending balance           103,337,960.18   105,070,825.25      39,040,693.58         13,950,128.70        261,399,607.71

II. Accumulative

1. Opening balance           15,127,800.94    30,513,047.92      16,465,368.36          9,502,963.24            71,609,180.46

2. Amount increased
                             14,889,879.21    10,245,735.16          8,611,485.05       2,173,342.31            35,920,441.73
of current period

(1)Withdrawn               14,889,879.21    10,245,735.16          8,611,485.05       2,173,342.31            35,920,441.73

3. Amount decreased             223,358.68        26,600.00          4,624,998.26            2,005.45            4,876,962.39

                                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

of current period

(1)Disposal or
                              223,358.68             26,600.00           4,624,998.26             2,005.45            4,876,962.39

4. Ending balance          29,794,321.47          40,732,183.08         20,451,855.15       11,674,300.10        102,652,659.80

III. Depreciation

1. Opening balance

2. Amount increased
of current period


3. Amount decreased
of current period

(1)Disposal or

4. Ending balance

IV. Book value

1. Ending book
                           73,543,638.71          64,338,642.17         18,588,838.43         2,275,828.60       158,746,947.91

2. Opening book
                           84,132,304.96          66,390,485.16         20,774,962.84         3,239,397.60       174,537,150.56

(2)Temporarily idle fixed assets

                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

          Items       Original book value                         Depreciation reserve    Book value                  Note

(3)Fixed asset rented through financing lease

                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

           Items            Original book value                                 Depreciation reserve          Book value

House buildings                     11,152,810.36             10,554,734.50                                            598,075.86

                                    34,196,914.00             18,831,684.59                                          15,365,229.41

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

(4)Fixed assets leased through operating leases

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                             Items                                                       Ending book value

(5)Fixed assets with the certificate of title not transacted

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                                                                                          Reason(s) for the failure to transact the
                    Items                                   Book value
                                                                                                       certificate of title

Suzhou plants                                                             8,574,218.59 Being processed

International engineering                                                19,863,248.79 Being processed

Other description

(6)Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                    Items                               Ending balance                                 Opening balance

Other description

17.Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

           Items                           Ending balance                                          Opening balance

Construction in progress                                       36,697,284.04                                                  4,968,590.96

Total                                                          36,697,284.04                                                  4,968,590.96

(1)Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                                       Ending balance                                            Opening balance
        Items                           Depreciation                                               Depreciation
                      Book balance                          Book value         Book balance                               Book value
                                          reserve                                                     reserve

Equipment and
Construction in        36,697,284.04                        36,697,284.04        4,968,590.96                                 4,968,590.96

Total                  36,697,284.04                        36,697,284.04        4,968,590.96                                 4,968,590.96

(2)Change of Important Projects of Construction in Progress in Current Period

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.               2018 Annual Report

                                            Amount                                                                    Including:
                                                                                Proportio               Accumula
                                Amount transferre         Other                                                        Amount
                                                                                   n of                    tive                      Current
                                increased    d into      amount                                                       of interest
Name of      Budget   Opening                                        Ending accumulat         Project   amount of                    interest     Capital
                                   of        fixed      decreased                                                     capitalizat
     items   amount   balance                                        balance ive project progress        interest                   capitalizat    source
                                 current    assets in   in current                                                    ion in the
                                                                                 input to               capitalizat                  ion rate
                                 period     current      period                                                        current
                                                                                the budget                 ion
                                             period                                                                     period

ui City
(tentativ             2,630,91 2,370,53                              5,001,44
e name)                  0.96       7.98                                 8.94

of the
ng of
                      1,112,88 7,363,47                              8,476,35
Lake                                                                                         67%
                         0.00       1.41                                 1.41
c Port,

                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report


of Radio
                                    15,792,3                     15,792,3
Televisio                                                                           13%
                                      51.48                         51.48
n Media
u County

                      3,743,79 25,526,3                          29,270,1
Total                                                                       --        --                                       --
                             0.96     60.87                         51.83

(3)Impairment provision of project under construction withdrawn in the period

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                     Items                            Current withdrawal amount                      Reason for withdrawal

Other description

(4)Engineering materials

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                                   Ending balance                                    Opening balance
            Items                                    Depreciation                                      Depreciation
                                    Book balance                       Book value     Book balance                      Book value
                                                       reserve                                           reserve

Other description:

18. Productive Biological Asset

(1)Productive biological assets measured at costs

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2)Productive biological assets measured according to fair value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

19. Oil and gas assets

□Applicable √ Not applicable

20. Intangible Assets

(1)Intangible Assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

         Items            Land use right        Patent right                  Software                  Total

I. Original book

1. Opening balance          132,460,370.94                                      4,551,469.92        137,011,840.86

2. Amount increased
of current period


(2)Internal research
and development

decreased of current

3. Amount decreased
                             23,839,368.35                                                              23,839,368.35
of current period


                             23,839,368.35                                                              23,839,368.35
scope reduction

4. Ending balance           108,621,002.59                                      4,551,469.92        113,172,472.51

II. Accumulative

1. Opening balance               6,882,267.85                                   2,605,128.01             9,487,395.86

2. Amount increased
                                 3,062,788.20                                     902,968.92             3,965,757.12
of current period


3. Amount decreased
                                  201,932.14                                                              201,932.14
of current period


                                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

                                  201,932.14                                                                                201,932.14
scope reduction

4. Ending balance                9,743,123.91                                                   3,508,096.93           13,251,220.84

III. Depreciation

1. Opening balance

2. Amount increased
of current period


3. Amount decreased
of current period


4. Ending balance

IV. Book value

1. Ending book
                                98,877,878.68                                                   1,043,372.99           99,921,251.67

2. Opening book
                               125,578,103.09                                                   1,946,341.91          127,524,445.00

The proportion of ending intangible assets generated via internal R&D of the Company in the balance of intangible assets.

(2)Conditions of land use right with incomplete certificates of title

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                                                                          Reason(s) for the failure to transact the
                     Items                                   Book value
                                                                                                     certificate of title

Other description:

21. Development Expenditure

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                    Opening                                                                                                 Ending
      Items                        Amount increased of current period        Amount decreased of current period
                     balance                                                                                                balance

Other description

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

22. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

Name of invested
      units or the
                     Opening balance Amount increased of current period Amount decreased of current period    Ending balance
 matters forming

Shenzhen Yatian
Design                   6,724,316.91                                        6,724,316.91                                   0.00
Engineering Co.,

                       27,257,314.49                                                                               27,257,314.49
Workers Hospital

Sino Great Wall
                       17,948,978.53                                                                               17,948,978.53
Engineering Co.,

Sino Great Wall
                         6,943,534.86                                        6,943,534.86
Construction Co.,

Alor Vista
Development Sdn          5,609,206.72                                                          5,609,206.72

TRADING &                5,547,635.00                                                                               5,547,635.00

Far eastern
                           10,920.04                                                                                  10,920.04
company, LLC

         Total         70,041,906.55                                        13,667,851.77      5,609,206.72        50,764,848.06

(2) Depreciation Reserve of Goodwill

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan
                                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Name of invested
      units or the
                     Opening balance Amount increased of current period Amount decreased of current period           Ending balance
 matters forming

Shenzhen Yatian
Engineering Co.,

Workers Hospital

Sino Great Wall
                                          17,948,978.53                                                                  17,948,978.53
Engineering Co.,

Sino Great Wall
Construction Co.,

Alor Vista
Development Sdn

TRADING &                5,547,635.00                                                                                     5,547,635.00

Far eastern
company, LLC

         Total           5,547,635.00     17,948,978.53                                                                  23,496,613.53

Relevant information of goodwill-related asset group or portfolio

       (3) Process of impairment test of goodwill
       Sino Great Wall Southwest Engineering Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, has stopped all
construction projects and has negative net assets. Given the failure to project positive future operation, the
Company decides to record full goodwill impairment.

Description of process of goodwill impairment test, key factors (including estimated growth rate at the time of future cash flow value
estimation, growth rate during the stable period, profit rate, discount rate and) and the method to confirm the loss of goodwill impairment:
Influences of goodwill impairment test

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Other description

23. Long-term deferred expense

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                             Amount increased of Amount amortized              Other amount
          Items          Opening balance                                                                            Ending balance
                                                current period         of current period         decreased

                              7,029,913.15           1,207,117.00            4,103,741.48               56,698.69           4,076,589.98

Overseas fees for
                              3,095,000.00                                   1,903,525.81                                   1,191,474.19
letter of guarantee

Others                                               2,235,044.00             775,419.27                                    1,459,624.73

Less: Long-term
deferred expenses
coming due within 1

Total                        10,124,913.15           3,442,161.00            6,782,686.56               56,698.69           6,727,688.90

Other description

Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Non-offset deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                              Ending balance                                        Opening balance
           Items            Deductible temporary     (1) Deferred Income Tax        Deductible temporary      (1) Deferred Income Tax
                                 difference                      Assets                    difference                 Assets

Asset depreciation
                                    700,024,233.95               107,117,209.33              766,127,594.16            118,233,337.36

Deductible losses                    43,486,026.03                10,871,506.51

Total                               743,510,259.98               117,988,715.84              766,127,594.16            118,233,337.36

(2) Non-offset deferred income tax liabilities

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                              Ending balance                                        Opening balance
           Items              Taxable temporary        Deferred Income Tax           Taxable temporary         Deferred Income Tax
                                 difference                    Liabilities                 difference               Liabilities

Appraised increment of
assets for business                  97,477,824.72                24,369,456.18              105,725,885.86                26,088,961.71
combination not under

                                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

the same control

Total                                   97,477,824.72                24,369,456.18              105,725,885.86                26,088,961.71

(3) Offset deferred income tax assets or liabilities

                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                Offset amount of                                         Offset amount of
                                                           Balance of deferred tax                                 Balance of deferred tax
                             deferred tax assets and                                   deferred tax assets and
          Items                                            assets and liabilities at                                assets and liabilities at
                             liabilities at the end of a                                  liabilities at the
                                                             the end of a period                                   the beginning of a period
                                      period                                           beginning of a period

(1) Deferred Income Tax
                                                                    117,983,727.91                                           118,233,337.36

Deferred Income Tax
                                                                     24,369,456.18                                            26,088,961.71

(4) Details of unconfirmed deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                    Ending balance                                   Opening balance

Deductible temporary difference                                               506,759,969.56                                  20,178,730.17

Deductible losses                                                           1,297,146,979.98                                  79,207,601.38

Total                                                                       1,803,906,949.54                                  99,386,331.55

(5) Deductible losses of unconfirmed deferred income tax assets due in the following years

                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

              Year                          Ending balance                      Opening balance                           Note

Other description:

25. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                    Ending balance                                   Opening balance

PPP Project investment                                                        664,524,570.00                                 610,524,570.00

Advance payment for purchasing
                                                                              129,221,120.79                                 283,729,420.79
long-term assets

Other project investment                                                      121,953,450.20                                 175,340,581.32

Others                                                                           8,810,652.00

Less: Amount due within a year

Total                                                                         924,509,792.99                               1,069,594,572.11

                                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

Other description:

(1) Description of PPP Project
 Projects                    Registered            Subscribed      Shareholding       Opening             Amount          Amount       Closing
                             capital               investment      proportion         amount              increased of decreased       amount
                                                   amount (ten                        (ten thousand       current         of current
                             (ten thousand                                                                                             (ten thousand
                                                   thousand                           Yuan)               period          period
                             Yuan)                                                                                                     Yuan)
                                                                                                          (ten thousand

 Luyi          Shuguang                 9,600.00        4,896.00                51%            4,896.00                                    4,896.00
 Medical       Industrial
 Construction        Co.,
 Huichang         County                9,559.00        8,507.51                89%            8,507.51                                    8,507.51
 Sino     Great      Wall
 Medical       Industrial
 Service Co., Ltd.
 Sino     Great      Wall              13,050.65        7,830.39                60%            7,830.39                                    7,830.39
 (Fugou) High-speed
 Railways         District
 Investment Co., Ltd.

 Anyang Sino Great                                     25,346.00                90%           25,346.00                                   25,346.00
 Wall           Medical                26,680.00
 Service Co., Ltd.
 Sino     Great      Wall               3,986.16        3,587.54                90%                            3,600.00                    3,800.00
 (Fugou) Jialu River                                                                            200.00
 Investment Co., Ltd.

 Sino     Great      Wall               4,191.00        3,771.90                90%            3,772.56                                    3,772.56
 (Fugou)          Fitness
 Center       Investment
 Co., Ltd.
 Sino     Great      Wall               5,000.00        4,500.00                90%            4,500.00                                    4,500.00
 Shaanxi           Fuyan
 Industrial          Park
 Investment Co., Ltd.

                                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Wuchuan City Sino                                                80%                      800.00                      800.00
 Great Wall People’s          21,700.00      17,360.00
 Hospital Investment
 CO., Ltd.

 Wuchuan City Sino              6,000.00       4,800.00           80%                                                    0.00
 Great Wall Chinese
 Medicine        Hospital
 Investment         CO.,

 Guizhou        Hongqiao                                          80%                    1,000.00                   1,000.00
 Sino     Great     Wall       15,200.00      11,400.00
 Healthcare         Real
 Estate        Investment
 Co., Ltd.
 Gongxian           Sino       15,000.00      13,500.00           40%       6,000.00                                6,000.00
 Investment Co., Ltd.

 Total                         66,386.81      51,393.34                    61,052.46    25,700.00                  66,452.46

     The PPP Project Company invested by the Company shall be operated in accordance with the
established way. The rights, obligations, and related activities under which the Project Company be
controlled are established through explicit contract terms or arrangements at the beginning of the
establishment. In addition, there are representatives sent by the government among the members of the
Board of Directors of the Project Company and the variable returns of the Project Company are generally
fixed. The Project Company is not within the control scope of the Company, so the PPP Project Company
is not included in the scope of the consolidation.
     (2) Advance payment for purchasing long-term assets include: Housing payment of 129,221,120.79
RMB which can be used to offset liabilities.
         (3) Other project investment
          No.        Company Name                                          Amount
           1         UPL LAO CO., LTD.                                                                 63,803,450.00
           2         Sino Hengda Engineering Co., Ltd.                                                 58,150,000.20
                     Total                                                                           121,953,450.20

26. Short-term Loans

(1) Classification of Short-Term Loans

                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                Ending balance                        Opening balance

                                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

Pledged loan                                                                 50,000,000.00                           150,000,000.00

Mortgaged loan                                                              112,696,582.10                         2,137,870,000.00

Guaranteed loan                                                        2,650,398,046.91                            1,114,073,017.67

Credit loan                                                                  49,490,000.00

Trade acceptance for which endorsement
and discounting have been conducted
while still being unmatured at the balance
sheet date

Total                                                                  2,862,584,629.01                            3,477,200,420.55

Description for classification of short-term loans:

(2) Description for overdue but unpaid short-term loans

The total overdue but unpaid short-term loans by the end of this period is 1,562,683,719.03 RMB, in which details of significant overdue but
unpaid short-term loans are as follow:
                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                             Late payment interest
         Borrower                Ending balance             Interest rate              Overdue period

DBS Bank                                 47,081,552.00                      3.15% September 27, 2018

Bank of Ningbo
                                         43,233,518.83                      6.09% June 1, 2018
Shenzhen Branch

Xiamen International
                                         44,291,741.54                      7.00% May 26, 2018
Bank Zhuhai Branch

Chang'an International
                                      115,874,736.70                        7.00% June 22, 2018
Trust Co., Ltd.

Industrial International
                                      100,000,000.00                        8.60% August 9, 2018
Trust Co., Ltd.

Bridge Trust Co., Ltd.                300,000,000.00                        7.50% August 21, 2018

Shanghai Pudong
Development Bank
                                         70,000,000.00                      6.09% August 29, 2018
Shenzhen Center District

Bank of Jiujiang Zhuhai
                                         97,768,794.96                            August 22, 2018

Shenzhen Rural
Commercial Bank Futian                    9,200,000.00                      6.09% September 16, 2018

Shenzhen Rural
Commercial Bank Meilin                    8,800,000.00                      6.09% November 17, 2018

                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

Shenzhen Rural
Commercial Bank Meilin              27,800,000.00                       November 17, 2018

China Bohai Bank
                                    50,000,000.00                5.22% December 21, 2018
Shenzhen Branch

China Bohai Bank
                                    50,000,000.00                5.22% December 21, 2018
Shenzhen Branch

CITIC Trust Co., Ltd.              210,000,000.00                7.65% June 28, 2018                                   16.00%

Industrial International
                                   100,000,000.00                8.00% September 29, 2018
Trust Co., Ltd.

Industrial Bank Houhai
                                   288,633,375.00                8.00% October 17, 2018

Total                             1,562,683,719.03         --                      --                          --

Other description:

     Note: ① The loan is due on September 27, 2018. Considering the Company failed to pay back on
time due to fund shortage, DBS Bank Beijing Branch has withdrawn a guarantee deposit of 50 million
RMB to back up the overdue loan. The loan has not be paid back but DBS Bank has waived further
interest charges by September 27, 2018.

27. Changes are measured by the fair value and will be recorded in the gain or loss of the current period

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                     Items                           Ending balance                         Opening balance

Other description:

28. Derived financial liabilities

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

29. Notes payable and accounts payable

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                     Items                           Ending balance                         Opening balance

Notes payable                                                   1,034,087,499.72                           906,597,988.15

Accounts payable                                                 892,155,630.43                          1,719,579,087.62

Total                                                           1,926,243,130.15                         2,626,177,075.77

                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

(1) Classified presentation of notes receivable

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                     Type                               Ending balance                           Opening balance

Trade acceptance                                                     471,267,864.12                             283,190,010.00

Bank acceptance                                                      562,819,635.60                             623,407,978.15

Total                                                              1,034,087,499.72                             906,597,988.15

Overdue but unpaid notes receivable by the end of the period is 427,190,071.71 RMB.

(2) Presentation of accounts payable

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                     Items                              Ending balance                           Opening balance

Project construction cost                                            870,866,176.06                           1,704,130,649.60

Payment for purchasing long-term assets

Payment for medicine                                                  17,497,130.23                                 15,448,438.02

Others                                                                   3,792,324.14

Total                                                                892,155,630.43                           1,719,579,087.62

(3) Significant accounts receivable with account age of more than 1 year

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                     Items                              Ending balance                  Causes for non-payment or carryover

Other description:

30. Items received in advance

(1) Presentation of items received in advance

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                     Items                              Ending balance                           Opening balance

Unfinished project with settled
construction cost

Advance payment for project construction
                                                                     391,350,850.34                             145,513,588.44

Advance payment for medical treatment                                     845,407.87                                  866,264.23

Advance payment for lease                                             43,733,325.87

Advance payment for rent                                              31,322,073.00

Total                                                                478,101,743.92                             146,379,852.67

                                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

(2) Significant items received in advance with account age of more than 1 year

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                      Items                               Ending balance                   Causes for non-payment or carryover

(3) Description for unfinished project with settled construction cost due to end-of-period contract conclusion

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                              Items                                                           Amount

Accrued occurred cost                                                                                            1,449,011,469.60

Accrued recognized gross profit                                                                                    290,007,053.46

      Settled amount                                                                                             1,749,868,609.90

Unfinished project with settled construction cost arising from
contract conclusion

Other description:

31. Long-term payroll payable

(1) Presentation of long-term payroll payable

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                                        Amount increased of       Amount decreased of
          Items                Opening balance                                                                Ending balance
                                                           current period            current period

I. Short-term
                                      20,727,897.18              368,573,235.31          303,232,214.76                86,068,917.73

2. Post-demission
welfare - defined                      1,183,644.89               20,080,481.96           20,918,185.73                  345,941.13
contribution plans

Total                                 21,911,542.07              388,653,717.27          324,150,400.49                86,414,858.86

(2) Presentation of short-term remuneration

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                                        Amount increased of       Amount decreased of
          Items                Opening balance                                                                Ending balance
                                                           current period            current period

1. Salary, bonus,
                                      20,075,245.00              324,705,806.14          259,868,209.60                84,912,841.53
allowance and subsidy

2. Employees’ welfare
                                                                  23,251,690.71           22,328,108.54                  923,582.18

3. Social insurance
                                         599,087.72               11,728,150.40           12,274,222.84                   53,015.28

                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

        Including: Medical
                                         504,031.41            10,323,842.07                10,824,592.08                    3,281.40
        insurance premium

            injury insurance               22,668.30              594,546.56                   601,117.51                  16,097.35

                                           72,388.01              809,761.77                  848,513.25                   33,636.53
        insurance premium

4. Housing fund                            53,564.46            8,084,058.90                 7,958,144.62                 179,478.74

5. Labor union outlay
and employees’                                                   803,529.16                  803,529.16
education outlay

Total                                  20,727,897.18          368,573,235.31               303,232,214.76               86,068,917.73

(3) Presentation of Drawing Plans Set Up

                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                                                       Amount increased of        Amount decreased of
            Items                Opening balance                                                               Ending balance
                                                          current period             current period

1. Basic pension
                                        1,154,346.00           19,327,824.90                20,136,651.60                 345,519.30

2. Unemployment
                                           29,298.89              752,657.06                  781,534.13                      421.83
insurance premium

Total                                   1,183,644.89           20,080,481.96                20,918,185.73                 345,941.13

Other description:

32. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                      Items                              Ending balance                               Opening balance

Value-added tax                                                            85,518,697.30                                32,678,325.28

Enterprise income tax                                                  221,830,373.42                               239,018,994.88

Personal income tax                                                         6,468,895.33                                  374,031.94

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                      4,026,082.61                                 3,928,587.22

Educational surtax                                                          3,001,921.43                                 2,983,381.35

Other taxes                                                                73,111,917.43                                78,462,157.04

Total                                                                  393,957,887.52                               357,445,477.71

Other description:

                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

33. Other accounts payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                    Items                   Ending balance                             Opening balance

Interest payable                                        280,806,670.49                                   16,105,263.85

Dividends payable                                            8,541,818.64

Other accounts payable                                1,923,064,481.30                               520,965,421.13

Total                                                 2,212,412,970.43                               537,070,684.98

(1) Interest payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                    Items                   Ending balance                             Opening balance

Payment of principal at maturity and
                                                        142,367,316.80                                   10,819,629.22
interest in installments

Interest payable on short-term loans                    137,060,010.22                                    5,285,634.63

Interests withdrawn for overdue notes                        1,379,343.47

Total                                                   280,806,670.49                                   16,105,263.85

Significant overdue but unpaid interest
                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                   Borrower                 Overdue amount                           Causes for overdue

Great Wall Guoxing Financial Leasing Co.,
                                                             1,862,398.37 Capital shortage

CITIC Trust Co., Ltd.                                    18,755,539.19 Capital shortage

Industrial International Trust Co., Ltd.                 11,534,803.45 Capital shortage

Industrial Bank Houhai Branch                            11,388,850.54 Capital shortage

Bohai International Trust Co., Ltd.                      25,430,142.49 Capital shortage

Xiamen International Bank Zhuhai Branch                      4,236,900.04 Capital shortage

Bank of Ningbo Shenzhen Branch                               4,149,615.44 Capital shortage

Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank Futian
                                                              326,957.92 Capital shortage

Wanxiang Trust Co., Ltd.                                     6,164,383.56 Capital shortage

Zhongjiang International Trust Co., Ltd.                 48,926,568.27 Capital shortage

Baoshang Bank Shenzhen Branch                            16,118,737.07 Capital shortage

Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank Meilin
                                                             1,036,262.79 Capital shortage

China Bohai Bank Shenzhen Branch                             2,760,164.38 Capital shortage

                                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Shaanxi International Trust Co., Ltd.                                       18,150,565.60 Capital shortage

Chang'an International Trust Co., Ltd.                                       7,952,291.31 Capital shortage

Industrial International Trust Co., Ltd.                                    14,470,421.04 Capital shortage

Bridge Trust Co., Ltd.                                                      36,052,715.11 Capital shortage

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
                                                                             3,738,211.58 Capital shortage
Shenzhen Center District Branch

Bank of Jiujiang Zhuhai Branch                                               6,599,149.57 Capital shortage

China Minsheng Bank Shenzhen Branch                                          4,286,407.31 Capital shortage

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
                                                                             6,317,529.17 Capital shortage
Fulicheng Subbranch

China Railway Trust Co., Ltd.                                                2,724,608.75 Capital shortage

Ping'an International Financial Leasing
                                                                               816,385.59 Capital shortage
Co., Ltd.

Bank of Beijing Shuangxiu Subbranch                                         24,843,680.56 Capital shortage

Total                                                                     278,643,289.10                      --

Other description:

(2) Dividends payable

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                  Ending balance                             Opening balance

Common stock dividends                                                       8,541,818.64

Total                                                                        8,541,818.64

Other description, including reasons for significant dividends in arrears for over a year:

(3) Other accounts payable

1) Presentation of other accounts payable by the nature of accounts
                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                  Ending balance                             Opening balance

Tender bond, performance bond and
                                                                            29,414,375.04                                48,363,917.10

Personal intercourse funds and withheld
                                                                          266,550,420.26                                 14,453,897.51

Intercourse funds of the organization                                     841,985,904.64                             450,793,562.35

Payment for subscription of non-public
                                                                                33,536.80                                 4,500,000.00

Others                                                                    785,080,244.56                                  2,854,044.17

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

Total                                                                 1,923,064,481.30                                520,965,421.13

2) Other significant accounts receivable with account age of more than 1 year
                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                Ending balance                      Causes for non-payment or carryover

Other description

34. Liabilities held for sale

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                Ending balance                                 Opening balance

Other description:

35. Non-current liabilities coming due within one year

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                Ending balance                                 Opening balance

Long-term loans coming due within 1 year                                906,690,152.95                                820,422,471.45

Long-term account payable coming due
within 1 year

Total                                                                   975,719,981.55                                820,422,471.45

Other description:

36. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                Ending balance                                 Opening balance

Output taxes to transfer                                                                                              121,529,600.95

Total                                                                                                                 121,529,600.95

Increase or decrease of short-term bonds payable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                                                                Interests               Amount
                                                                   Issue of                  ion of
  Bond                     Date of   Bond     Issued    Opening                 withdraw                repaid of            Ending
           Par value                                               current                  premium
  name                       issue   period   amount    balance                 n as per                current             balance
                                                                    period                     or
                                                                                par value                period

Other description:

                                                                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.         2018 Annual Report

37. Long-term loans

(2) Classification of long-term loans

                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                    Ending balance                                Opening balance

Mortgaged loan                                                                                                              16,839,164.49

Guaranteed loan                                                          1,026,690,152.95                                 826,253,306.53

Less: Long-term loans coming due within
1 year (see Note VI, 25)

Total                                                                      120,000,000.00                                 843,092,471.02

Description for classification of long-term loans:
Other description: including the range of interest rate:

38. Bonds payable

(1) Bonds payable

                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                    Ending balance                                Opening balance

First period bond financing plan of Sino
Great Wall International Engineering Co.,                                  254,801,342.47                                 245,000,000.00
Ltd. in 2017

Qianhai Wutong Private Bond No.

Total                                                                      254,801,342.47                                 345,000,000.00

(2) Increase or decrease of bonds payable (excluding other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities,
like preferred stocks and perpetual bonds, etc.)

                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                                                                  Interests               Amount
                                                                       Issue of                ion of                  Other
     Bond                Date of     Bond       Issued      Opening               withdraw                repaid of                 Ending
            Par value                                                  current                premium                  amount
     name                   issue    period     amount      balance               n as per                 current                 balance
                                                                       period                    or                   decreased
                                                                                  par value                period

            100,000,0                         99,800,00 100,000,0                 6,200,000               106,200,0
Qianhai                 1/6/2017 1/6/2019                                  0.00                                                         0.00
                00.00                                0.00      00.00                    .00                   00.00

                                                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

Bond No.

2. First
plan of
Great          245,000,0 10/31/201 10/31/202 245,000,0 245,000,0                      9,801,342                                  254,801,3
Wall              00.00 7              0              00.00       00.00                     .47                                      42.47
ng Co.,
Ltd. in

               345,000,0                          344,800,0 345,000,0                 16,001,34             106,200,0            254,801,3
Subtotal                                                                       0.00
                  00.00                               00.00       00.00                    2.47                00.00                 42.47

ar amount
within a
year (see
Note VI,

                                                  344,800,0 345,000,0                 16,001,34             106,200,0            254,801,3
   Total          --            --         --                                  0.00
                                                      00.00       00.00                    2.47                00.00                 42.47

(3) Description of conversion conditions and time for convertible corporate bonds


(4) Description of other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities

Basic description of financial instruments including preferred stocks and perpetual bonds issued at the end of a period
Presentation of changed situations of financial instruments including preferred stocks and perpetual bonds issued at the end of a period
                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

      Issued                                      Amount increased of current         Amount decreased of
                            Opening                                                                                     Ending
   financial                                                  period                     current period
 instruments           Amount        Book value     Amount        Book value      Amount          Book value     Amount        Book value

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Description of other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities
Other description

39. Long-term account payable

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                    Ending balance                           Opening balance

Long-term account payable                                                        322,990.35                               81,945,567.86

Total                                                                            322,990.35                               81,945,567.86

(1) Presentation of other accounts payable by the nature of accounts

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                    Ending balance                           Opening balance

Accrued financial lease outlay                                                   322,990.35                               81,945,567.86

Other description:

(2) Special account payable

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                               Amount increased of Amount decreased                                  Reason for
        Items             Opening balance                                                     Ending balance
                                                   current period        of current period                            formation

Other description:

40. Long-term payroll payable

(1) Chart of long-term payroll payable

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                    Ending balance                           Opening balance

(2) Changed situations of benefit plan measured and set up

Present value of benefit plan measured and set up
                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                     Items                         Amount incurred of current period             Amount incurred of last period

Asset set up:

                                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                     Items                         Amount incurred of current period                 Amount incurred of last period

Net liabilities or net assets of benefit plan measured and set up
                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                     Items                         Amount incurred of current period                 Amount incurred of last period

Explanation on the content of benefit plan set up and related risks, impact on the company’s cash flow, timing and uncertainties:
Explanation on the sensitivity analysis result and significant actuarial assumptions of benefit plan set up:
Other description:

41. Accrued liabilities

                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

               Items                         Ending balance                     Opening balance                Reason for formation

Pending actions                                        2,958,723.15                          3,414,189.15

Total                                                  2,958,723.15                          3,414,189.15                 --

Other descriptions, including significant assumptions and appraisal of significant accrued liabilities:

42. Deferred income

                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                               Amount increased of Amount decreased                                        Reason for
         Items            Opening balance                                                         Ending balance
                                                  current period         of current period                                 formation

Projects involving governmental subsidy:
                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                  Subsidy       recorded in                      Cost offset
                                                                recorded in                                                     Related to
   Liability      Opening        increased     non-operatin                      expenses          Other        Ending
                                                               other benefits                                                  assets/Relate
      items          balance    over current     g income                       over current      changes       balance
                                                                over current                                                   d to income
                                   period       over current                       period

Other description:

43. Other Non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                     Ending balance                               Opening balance

Other description:

                                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

44. Capital Stock

                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                                      Increase/Decrease (+/-)
                      Opening                              Shares             Shares
                                       New shares                                                                             Ending balance
                       balance                          presented for converted from            Others           Subtotal
                                                             free         public reserve

Total amount        1,698,245,011.                                                                                             1,698,245,011.
of shares                        00                                                                                                       00

Other description:

45. Other equity instruments

(1) Basic description of financial instruments including preferred stocks and perpetual bonds issued at the end of
a period

(2) Presentation of changed situations of financial instruments including preferred stocks and perpetual bonds
issued at the end of a period

                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

      Issued                                      Amount increased of current       Amount decreased of
                          Opening                                                                                           Ending
   financial                                                 period                     current period
 instruments         Amount      Book value         Amount          Book value     Amount         Book value       Amount        Book value

Explanation on the reason for increase, decrease or change of other current equity instruments and the accounting methods:
Other description:

46. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                             Amount increased of           Amount decreased of
            Items                Opening balance                                                                        Ending balance
                                                                current period                current period

Capital premium (capital
                                       -857,285,524.28                                                                       -857,285,524.28
stock premium)

Other capital reserve                  -442,064,177.46                    503,161.67                                         -441,561,015.79

Total                                 -1,299,349,701.74                   503,161.67                                        -1,298,846,540.07

Other description, including explanation on the reason for increase, decrease or change of current special reserve:

47. Inventory stock

                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

            Items                Opening balance             Amount increased of           Amount decreased of          Ending balance

                                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.         2018 Annual Report

                                                            current period               current period

Other description, including explanation on the reason for increase, decrease or change of current inventory stock

48.     Other composite benefits

                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                                        Amount incurred of current period

                                                                      Less: Current
                                                         Amount                                                     After-tax
                                                                      gain and loss                   After-tax
                                                        incurred of                                                  amount
                                           Opening                        from           Less:         amount                        Ending
                   Items                                 current                                                   attributed to
                                           balance                    conversion of Expense of attributed to                        balance
                                                          period                                                      minor
                                                                      other previous income tax the parent
                                                          before                                                   shareholder
                                                                       composite                      company
                                                           taxes                                                        s

II. Other composite benefits to be                                                                                                  -50,380.9
                                           858,242.13 -50,380.95         858,242.13           0.00 -908,623.08              0.00
re-classified as gain and loss                                                                                                                5

         Balance from conversion of                                                                                                 -50,380.9
                                           858,242.13 -50,380.95                                     -908,623.08
foreign-currency financial statements                                                                                                         5

Total of other composite benefits          858,242.13 -50,380.95         858,242.13           0.00 -908,623.08

Other description, including adjustment of initial carrying amount of hedged items converted from the effective portion of gain or loss of
cash flow hedge

Special reserve

                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                         Amount increased of          Amount decreased of
           Items                 Opening balance                                                                     Ending balance
                                                            current period               current period

Work safety expense                   164,231,078.18                                         143,204,995.75                  21,026,082.43

Total                                 164,231,078.18                                         143,204,995.75                  21,026,082.43

Other description, including explanation on the reason for increase, decrease or change of current special reserve:

50. Surplus reserve

                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                         Amount increased of          Amount decreased of
           Items                 Opening balance                                                                     Ending balance
                                                            current period               current period

Statutory surplus reserve               84,394,441.23                                                                        84,394,441.23

Total                                   84,394,441.23                                                                        84,394,441.23

Description, including explanation on the reason for increase, decrease or change of current surplus reserve

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

51. Undistributed profit

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                        Items                                Amount of current period                   Amount of last period

Undistributed profit at the end of last period
                                                                           1,503,103,396.72                          1,228,970,498.86
before adjustment

Undistributed profit at beginning of the year after
                                                                           1,503,103,396.72                          1,228,970,498.86

Plus: Net profit attributed to the parent company’s
                                                                           -1,704,739,736.40                           380,090,990.83
owners in the current period

      Common stock dividends payable                                          67,929,800.44                           -101,894,700.66

Others                                                                                                                     -4,063,392.31

Ending undistributed profit                                                 -269,566,140.13                          1,503,103,396.72

Details of undistributed profit at beginning of the year:
1) Undistributed profit affected by the tracking and adjustment carried out in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises and related regulations.
2) Undistributed profit affected by change of accounting methods.
3) Undistributed profit affected by significant accounting errors.
4) Undistributed profit affected by change of accounting scope after business combination under the same control.
5) Undistributed profit affected by other adjustments.

52.Operating Income and Operating Cost

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                       Amount incurred of current period                     Amount incurred of last period
                                       Income                     Cost                     Income                      Cost

Main businesses                        2,426,404,120.17        2,448,895,755.44            6,496,576,893.36          4,886,041,528.62

Other businesses                            583,566.85               604,879.43                  548,087.16                  312,971.04

Total                                  2,426,987,687.02        2,449,500,634.87            6,497,124,980.52          4,886,354,499.66

53.Taxes and Surcharge

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                     Items                         Amount incurred of current period              Amount incurred of last period

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                      1,925,156.82                                   1,884,723.85

Educational surtax                                                          1,461,672.67                                   1,399,860.90

Property tax                                                                  136,902.96

Land use tax                                                                   95,436.15

Vehicle and vessel usage tax                                                      660.00

                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Stamp duty                                                        1,136,171.01

Business tax                                                                                                   -141,646.64

Other taxes                                                          34,660.96                                1,390,067.50

Total                                                             4,790,660.57                                4,533,005.61

Other description:

54.Selling Expenses

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                     Items                Amount incurred of current period         Amount incurred of last period

Employee Compensation                                             4,952,958.61                                8,019,452.92

Travel expenses                                                     169,017.69                                 723,327.21

Business entertainment expense                                      430,325.64                                 379,837.66

Advertising and promotion expenses                                                                              16,293.68

Construction maintenance fees                                    20,496,867.63                               16,040,272.66

Others                                                            2,251,632.85                                7,034,063.84

Total                                                            28,300,802.42                               32,213,247.97

Other description:

55.Management Expenses

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                     Items                Amount incurred of current period         Amount incurred of last period

Employee Compensation                                           179,468,828.70                           146,060,526.13

Administrative expenses                                           6,753,534.24                               15,110,557.60

Rental                                                           14,188,202.29                               19,054,037.35

Travel expenses                                                   9,449,221.53                               13,611,200.61

Business entertainment expense                                   10,737,792.07                                8,668,113.32

Depreciation fees of fixed assets                                11,878,149.07                               11,262,728.55

Vehicle expenses                                                  1,259,121.59                                3,538,337.07

Long-term deferred expense amortization                           3,947,660.60                                4,360,113.43

Consulting fee                                                   27,870,502.23                               59,415,179.05

Conference                                                          140,828.39                                 718,194.44

Litigation Fee                                                    3,039,464.22

Intangible asset amortization                                     3,522,205.28

Others                                                           39,443,290.32                               31,158,219.65

Total                                                           311,698,800.53                           312,957,207.20

                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Other description:

56.R&D Expenses

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                     Items                 Amount incurred of current period         Amount incurred of last period

Other description:

57.Financial Expenses

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                     Items                 Amount incurred of current period         Amount incurred of last period

Interest expenditure                                             721,751,253.62                           294,207,584.82

Less: Interest income                                             17,750,530.72                               14,448,977.61

Net Interest Expenses                                            704,000,722.90                           279,758,607.21

Exchange gain or loss                                           -118,130,856.86                           124,220,566.01

Discount interest

Handling charges and others                                       20,145,670.19                               28,611,434.33

Total                                                            606,015,536.23                           432,590,607.55

Other description:

58.Asset Impairment Loss

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                     Items                 Amount incurred of current period         Amount incurred of last period

I. Bad debt loss                                                 463,968,319.90                           316,738,875.97

II. Inventory depreciation loss                                     -697,641.55

V. Impairment losses on long-term equity

XIII. Goodwill impairment loss                                    17,948,978.53                                5,547,635.00

Total                                                            506,511,969.56                           322,286,510.97

Other description:

59.Other Income

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

         Sources of other income           Amount incurred of current period         Amount incurred of last period

Subsidy for post stabilization                                        38,940.28                                 250,194.89

Commerce Commission bounty                                                                                     1,960,934.00

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

Return of handling charges on personal
income tax

60.Investment Yield

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                      Items                         Amount incurred of current period              Amount incurred of last period

Gain on long-term equity investments subject
to accounting with equity method

Investment yield obtained from disposal of
long-term equity investments

Proceeds from wealth management products                                        4,686,911.15                               -387,601.37

Total                                                                         30,219,918.01                                -387,601.37

Other description:

61.Profits from Changes in Fair Value

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

  Sources of profits from changes in fair
                                                 Amount incurred of current period                Amount incurred of last period

Other description:

62.Proceeds from Asset Disposal

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

  Sources of proceeds from asset disposal        Amount incurred of current period                Amount incurred of last period

Disposal of fixed assets                                                                                                   -150,250.00

63.Non-Operating Income

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                          Amount recorded in the
                                   Amount incurred of current
             Items                                                   Amount incurred of last period     non-recurring gain or loss of
                                                                                                               current period

Gains from debt restructuring                     100,000,000.00

Awards for steady growth                            5,526,702.00

Nonpayment intercourse funds                       22,972,420.86

Gains from disposal of
non-current assets

Others                                                   84,587.85                      156,426.78

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.         2018 Annual Report

Total                                             128,699,835.85                            156,426.78

Governmental subsidies included in gain or loss of current period:
                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                             subsidies                         Amount
                                                                            Whether it is                       Amount          Related to
   Subsidy         Granting                                affect gain or                     incurred of
                                Reasons      Nature/type                       special                         incurred of    assets/Relate
       items         subjects                                loss in the                       current
                                                                              subsidy                          last period     d to income
                                                              current                           period

Awards for
                                                                                                                              Related to
steady                                                                                       5,526,702.00

Subsidy for
                                                                                                                              Related to
post                                                                                            38,940.20

Return of
                                                                                                                              Related to
charge on                                                                                       13,100.20
income tax

Other description:

64.Non-Operating Expenditure

                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                              Amount recorded in the
                                   Amount incurred of current
                Items                                                Amount incurred of last period         non-recurring gain or loss of
                                                                                                                   current period

Donation outlay                                                                             240,000.00

Loss from non-current asset
                                                    1,297,636.91                                                               1,297,636.91

Overdue fine                                       11,774,955.74                                                              11,774,955.74

Loss by default                                   403,761,833.33                                                             403,761,833.33

Others                                              5,133,452.12                         -3,270,152.73                         5,133,452.12

Total                                             395,623,593.98                         -3,030,152.73

Other description:

                                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

65.Expense of Income Tax

(I) Table of Income Tax

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                     Items                         Amount incurred of current period          Amount incurred of last period

Expense of income tax in the current
                                                                          12,135,333.39                               172,349,309.88

Deferred income tax expenses                                              -8,853,410.79                               -45,345,578.12

Total                                                                      3,281,922.60                               127,003,731.76

(II) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Expense of Income Tax

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                               Items                                              Amount incurred of current period

Total profit                                                                                                    -1,716,482,516.80

Expense of income tax calculated with statutory [or applicable]
tax rate

Influences of different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries                                                           -3,982,736.66

Influences of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                            126,689,992.39

Influences of deductible temporary difference or deductible loss
of non-confirmed deferred income tax assets in the current                                                         304,484,844.65

Expense of income tax                                                                                                   3,281,922.60

Other description:

66.Other Composite Benefits

For more details, please see Notes to Financial Statement.

67.Items of Cash Flow Statement

(I) Cash Received Relating to Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                     Items                         Amount incurred of current period          Amount incurred of last period

Interest income                                                            6,994,835.15                                 6,963,410.83

Bond, deposit and other intercourse funds                              4,926,888,796.41                          6,125,468,343.62

Governmental subsidy                                                          51,435.00                                 2,211,128.89

Others                                                                        77,749.30

                                                                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Total                                                                   4,934,012,815.86                         6,134,642,883.34

Description on cash received relating to other operating activities:

(II) Cash Paid Relating to Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                    Items                         Amount incurred of current period           Amount incurred of last period

Handling charges                                                         235,185,395.07                                25,037,998.96

Warranties and deposit expenses                                          190,984,798.40                            545,286,663.39

Selling Expenses                                                            1,076,050.17                               71,903,447.59

Management Expenses                                                       50,611,015.00                            305,349,194.66

Current account                                                         4,051,155,412.98                         6,022,745,439.52

Others                                                                        11,137.39

Total                                                                   4,529,023,809.01                         6,970,322,744.12

Description on cash paid relating to other operating activities:

(III) Cash Received Relating to Other Investment Activities

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                    Items                         Amount incurred of current period           Amount incurred of last period

Description on cash received relating to other investment activities:

(IV) Cash Paid Relating to Other Investment Activities

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                    Items                         Amount incurred of current period           Amount incurred of last period

Cash balance of subsidiaries in disposal of

Bond paid for land auction                                                                                         131,500,000.00

Total                                                                       2,990,381.41                           131,500,000.00

Description on cash paid relating to other investment activities:

(V) Cash Received Relating to Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                    Items                         Amount incurred of current period           Amount incurred of last period

Received company/personal financing
                                                                          54,209,648.35                            166,727,200.00

Non-public warranties                                                                                                  12,600,000.00

                                                                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

Total                                                                          54,209,648.35                            179,327,200.00

Description on cash received relating to other financing activities:

(VI) Cash Paid Relating to Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                       Items                      Amount incurred of current period                Amount incurred of last period

Paid company/personal financing fund                                           22,511,749.85                            178,321,283.83

Paid trust deposit                                                                                                          48,600,000.00

Paid financing fees                                                                                                          6,150,000.00

Others                                                                              1,050.18

Total                                                                          22,512,800.03                            233,071,283.83

Description on cash paid relating to other financing activities:

68.Supplementary Data of Cash Flow Statement

(I) Supplementary Data of Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                Supplementary Data                      Amount of current period                       Amount of last period

1.        Net profit adjusted to cash flow of
                                                                       --                                        --
operating activities:

Net profit                                                                  -1,719,764,439.40                           384,046,026.83

Plus: Asset depreciation reserve                                              506,759,969.56                            322,286,510.97

Depreciation of fixed assets, depreciation of
oil and gas assets, and depreciation of                                        35,920,441.73                                17,923,017.62
productive biological assets

Intangible asset amortization                                                   3,965,757.12                                 2,653,220.75

Long-term deferred expense amortization                                         6,782,686.56                                17,222,764.37

Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets (income
represented with “-”)

Loss from fixed asset retirement (Income is
represented with “-”)

Financial expenses (income represented with
                                                                              721,751,253.62                            294,207,584.82

Investment loss (income represented with                                      -29,219,919.01                                  387,601.37

                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


Decrease of deferred income tax assets
                                                            -5,949,436.23                           -41,934,678.02
(increase represented with “-”)

Increase of deferred income tax liabilities
                                                               -53,653.31                               -1,380,927.06
(decrease represented with “-”)

Decrease of inventories (increase represented
                                                         -160,692,252.73                           -222,529,694.72
with “-”)

Decrease of operating items receivable
                                                         1,284,162,666.35                         -2,467,941,286.77
(increase represented with “-”)

Increase of operating items payable
                                                          183,034,469.42                            -86,959,008.81
(decrease represented with “-”)

Net amount of cash flow from operating
                                                          827,879,055.45                          -1,781,868,618.65

2.        Major investment and financing
activities not involving cash revenue and           --                                       --

3.        Net change of cash and cash
                                                    --                                       --

Ending balance of cash                                    125,767,796.88                            647,222,590.48

Less: Opening balance of cash                             647,222,590.48                            943,705,322.41

Net increment of cash and cash equivalents               -521,454,793.60                           -296,482,731.93

(II) Net Amount of Cash Paid for Acquisition of Subsidiaries in Current Period

                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan


Wherein:                                                                           --

Wherein:                                                                           --

Wherein:                                                                           --

Other description:

(III) Net Amount of Cash Received from Disposal of Subsidiaries in Current Period

                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report


Wherein:                                                                                              --

Wherein:                                                                                              --

Wherein:                                                                                              --

Other description:

(IV) Composition of Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                       Items                                 Ending balance                                Opening balance

I.      Cash                                                             125,767,796.88                                 647,222,590.48

Including: Cash on hand                                                       3,116,229.51                                   4,614,087.17

Bank deposit available for payment anytime                               122,651,567.37                                 642,608,503.33

III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                         125,767,796.88                                 647,222,590.48

Other description:

69.Notes to Items in Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

Explain names of "other" items that adjust the ending balance of last year and the amount adjusted and other items:

70.Assets with Ownership or Use Right Restricted

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                       Items                               Ending book value                          Reason for restriction

Monetary Resources                                                       532,947,089.60 Guarantee deposit and frozen fund

Fixed assets                                                                 15,963,305.27 Finance lease assets

Accounts receivable                                                      716,094,881.32 Pledge

Total                                                                  1,265,005,276.19                           --

Other description:

71.Foreign-Currency Monetary Items

(I) Foreign-Currency Monetary Items

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                                       Ending balance in foreign                                       Ending balance in RMB after
               Items                                                 Exchange rate for conversion
                                               currency                                                            conversion

Monetary Resources                                --                                 --

Wherein: USD                                           1,079,139.41 6.8632                                                   7,406,349.58

                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report


            HKD                      345,733.97 0.8762                                       302,932.10

            QAR                       48,391.43 1.8848                                        91,210.45

            BUK                    24,542,203.15 0.0044                                      108,446.54

            IDR                     2,955,569.10 0.0005                                         1,395.00

        Russian Ruble (RUB)        14,477,133.45 0.0986                                     1,427,445.36

            PHP                     8,409,386.87 0.1306                                     1,098,400.48

            MYR                      561,416.73 1.6479                                       925,164.25

            MOP                      109,037.47 0.8500                                        92,680.21

Accounts receivable           --                          --

Wherein: USD                       61,883,264.10 6.8632                                424,717,218.17



            QAR               357,701,359.03 1.8848                                    674,212,418.07

            MYR                    60,603,384.88 1.6479                                    99,868,923.99

            MOP                     1,362,817.67 0.8500                                     1,158,373.92

Advance Payment

Wherein: USD                         190,698.15 6.8632                                      1,308,799.55

      Russian Ruble (RUB)           7,869,840.23 0.0986                                      775,966.25

            MYR                      121,322.96 1.6479                                       199,929.32

Other accounts receivable:

Wherein: USD                        3,495,233.16 6.8632                                    24,030,248.49

            EUR                     2,600,000.00 7.8473                                    20,402,980.00

            HKD                         1,474.18 0.8762                                         1,291.68

            QAR               136,466,367.94 1.8848                                    257,218,256.48

            BUK               202,697,842.51 0.0046                                          936,810.18

        Russian Ruble (RUB)         9,583,296.61 0.0986                                      944,913.05

            PHP                      146,997.00 0.1306                                        19,200.16

            MYR                     1,000,168.97 1.6479                                     1,648,188.49

            LAK               375,243,716.39 0.0008                                          301,125.13

Accounts payable

Wherein: USD                       38,973,517.01 6.8632                                267,483,041.94

            QAR                     5,928,511.95 1.8534                                    10,987,967.45

            BUK                     1,121,875.00 0.0044                                         4,959.81

            PHP                       44,130.43 0.1306                                          5,764.13

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

           MYR                                        26,092,854.29 1.6479                                                 42,998,675.51

Items Received in Advance:

Wherein: USD                                            354,069.48 6.8632                                                   2,430,049.66

Other accounts payable:

Wherein: USD                                            608,672.04 6.8632                                                   4,177,437.95

           HKD                                              407.62 0.8762                                                        357.16

           PHP                                             8,447.15 0.1306                                                      1,103.33

           MYR                                           24,542.40 1.6479                                                     40,443.42

           AUD                                             6,270.00 4.8250                                                    30,252.75

Long-term loans                                  --                                --

Wherein: USD



Other description:

(II) Description of Overseas Operating Entities; In Particular, Important Overseas Operating Entities Should
Disclose Their Main Business Place, Recording Currency and the Basis for Selection; Reasons for Changes in the
Recording Currency Should Also Be Disclosed.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable


Disclosure of hedging items and related hedging instruments and qualitative and quantitative information on hedged risks in accordance with
the hedging category:

73.Governmental Subsidy

(I) Basic Facts about Governmental Subsidies

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                       Amount recorded in the gain or
              Type                           Amount                          Presented items
                                                                                                          loss of the current period

(II) Refund of Governmental Subsidy

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other description:

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

74. Miscellaneous

VIII. Change of Combination Scope

(I)     Business Combination not under the Same Control

1.      Business combination not under the same control in current term:

                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                               The            The
                                                                                                           purchased      purchased
                                                                                             Basis for       party’s     party’s net
 Name of the Time point of        Cost of      Proportion of     Way to
                                                                               Date of     determining income from        profit from
     purchased      equity         equity         equity       acquire the
                                                                              purchasing    the date of    the date of    the date of
       party      acquisition   acquisition      acquired      stock equity
                                                                                            purchasing purchasing to purchasing to
                                                                                                           the end of      the end of
                                                                                                              term           term


2. Combination cost and goodwill

                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                         Combination cost

Method to determine the fair value of combination cost, contingent consideration and its changes:
Main reasons for large amount of goodwill:

3.      Identifiable assets and liabilities of the purchased party on the date of purchasing

                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                                  Fair value on the date of purchasing       Book value on the date of purchasing

Method to determine the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities:
Contingent liabilities from the purchased party during the combination:

4. Gains or losses on re-measurement as per fair value of equity held before the date of purchasing

Is there such transaction that realizes combination through several steps of transactions and obtains control right during reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

                                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

5. Relevant descriptions for failure to reasonably determine combination consideration and fair value of identifiable assets and
liabilities of the purchased party on the purchasing date or at the end of current combination term.

6. Others

(II) Business Combination under the Same Control

1.     Business combination under the same control in current term

                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                                                                The            The
                                                                             combined       combined
                                                                                                               The            The
                Proportion of    Basis for                     Basis for       party’s     party’s net
                                                                                                            combined       combined
 Name of the       gained        business                    determining income from        profit from
                                              Combination                                                     party’s     party’s net
     combined     equities      combination                       the      the beginning the beginning
                                                  date                                                     income in the profit in the
      party      during the      under the                   combination to the end of to the end of
                                                                                                           comparative comparative
                combination. same control                        date        the current    the current
                                                                                                              period         period
                                                                            combination combination
                                                                                term           term


2. Combination cost

                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                         Combination cost

Contingent consideration and its changes:

3. The combined party’s book value of assets and liabilities on the combination date

                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                                          Combination date                          At the end of the last term

Contingent liabilities from the combined party during the combination:

(III) Counter Purchase

Transaction basic information, basis to determine a transaction as a counter purchase, remaining assets of the listed company, whether
liabilities are part of businesses and basis to determine it, determination of combination cost, adjusted equity amount and its calculation when
dealt per equity transaction:

                                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

(IV) Disposal of Subsidiaries

Is there a single disposal of investments in a subsidiary, that is, loss of control right?
√ Yes □ No
                                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                                          of profit
                                                                                                                              Method and loss
                                                                                                                                 to          on
                                                                      price and
                                                                                                                              determin investme
                                                                                  Remaini      Book       Fair     Gain or e the fair        nts
                                                         Basis for                   ng       value of value of    loss on    value of converte
                                                                      net asset
                                                         determin                 proportio     the        the     re-measu     the        d from
                         Proporti    Way of    Time                   share of
Name of Price of                                          ing the                   n of      remainin remainin rement remainin            other
                         on of the    the     point of                   the
   the      the stock                                      time                    stock      g stock    g stock      of      g stock compreh
                          stock      equity    losing                 subsidiar
subsidiar      equity                                    point of                 equity at equity at equity at remainin equity at         ensive
                          equity     stock     control                   y
      y     disposal                                      losing                  the date the date the date       g stock    the date     gains
                         disposed disposal      right                 correspo
                                                          control                 of losing of losing of losing equity as of losing related to
                                                                      nding to
                                                           right                   control    control    control   per fair   control the stock
                                                                                    right      right      right     value     right and    equity
                                                                                                                               major      investme
                                                                                                                              assumpti nts of the
                                                                      nt in the
                                                                                                                                ons       original

Sino                                                     Completi
Great                                                    on of
Wall                                                     industria
(Beijing)                                                l and
            1,000,00                          January
Investme                 100.00% Transfer                commerc 6,207.57
                  0.00                        24, 2018
nt Fund                                                  ial
Manage                                                   registrati
ment                                                     on of
Co., Ltd.                                                changes

Sino                                                     Completi
Great                                                    on of
Wall                                                     industria
Zhihui                                                   l and
            84,000,0                          August                  72,235,4                24,000,0 24,000,0
Housing                   56.00% Transfer                commerc                   44.00%
                 00.00                        10, 2018                   77.48                  00.00      00.00
Property                                                 ial
(Zhanjia                                                 registrati
ng) Co.,                                                 on of
Ltd.                                                     changes

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                     on of
                                          Decemb l and
Construc 90,000,0                                                 22,054,2
                       60.00% Transfer er 06,        commerc
tion           00.00                                                27.07
                                          2018       ial
tion Co.,
                                                     on of

Guangzh                                              on of
ou                                                   industria
Heraben                                              l and
                                          October                 -565,924
na              1.00 100.00% Transfer                commerc
                                          16, 2018                     .41
Interior                                             ial
Design                                               registrati
Co., Ltd.                                            on of

                                                     on of
n Yatian
                                                     l and
on          5,500,00                      January                 15,953,3
                       70.00% Transfer               commerc
Design          0.00                      18, 2018                  94.16
ing Co.,
                                                     on of

Is there disposal by steps of investments in a subsidiary through several transactions and losing control right in the current term?
□ Yes √ No

(V) Changes of Combination Scope for Other Reasons

Describing other reasons for the changes of combination scope (e.g. newly-established subsidiary, liquidation of a subsidiary) and related

                                                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.            2018 Annual Report

6. Miscellaneous

IX. Equity in Other Subjects

(I)        Equity in Subsidiaries

1.         Composition of the enterprise group

      Name of the           Main business                                                                 Shareholding proportion                     Acquisition
                                                    Registered place         Business nature
       subsidiary                  place                                                                  Direct                 Indirect                 method

About a subsidiary’s shareholding proportion different from voting proportion:
Basis for controlling the invested party while holding half or less voting rights and not controlling the invested party despite holding half or
more voting rights:
Basis for controlling the important structured entity incorporated into the combination scope:
Basis to confirm whether a company is an agent or a consignor:

2. Main non-sole subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                                                          Gains and losses of             Dividends declared to             Equity balance of
                                       Shares of minority
 Name of the subsidiary                                                minority shareholders in minority shareholders in minority shareholders at
                                                                              current term                     current term                 the end of the term

About minority shareholders’ shareholding proportion different from voting proportion:

3. Main financial information of important non-sole subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

Name of                                     Ending balance                                                             Opening balance
      the                   Non-curr                                Non-curr                              Non-curr                               Non-curr
                Current                     Total       Current                     Total       Current                 Total      Current                       Total
subsidiar                     ent                                      ent                                   ent                                    ent
                 assets                    assets     liabilities                 liabilities   assets                  assets     liabilities                 liabilities
       y                     assets                                 liabilities                            assets                                liabilities

                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                    Amount incurred of current term                                                Amount incurred of last term

                                                                                  Cash flow                                                               Cash flow
 Name of the                                              Total amount                                                              Total amount
                     Operating                                                      from           Operating                                                   from
     subsidiary                            Net profit     of composite                                               Net profit     of composite
                          income                                                  operating         income                                                operating
                                                             benefits                                                                  benefits
                                                                                  activities                                                               activities


                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

4. Major limitations on using corporate group assets and liquidating corporate group liabilities

5. Financial and other support for structured entities incorporated into the combined financial statement


(II) Transactions When Owned Equity Shares of a Subsidiary Changed but Still Control the Subsidiary

1. About change of owned equity shares of a subsidiary

2. Influence of transactions on parent company’s owned equity and the equity of minority shareholders

                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan


(III). Equity in Joint Ventures and Jointly-run Enterprises

1. Important joint ventures and jointly-run enterprises

                                                                                    Shareholding proportion                Accountant
Name of the joint                                                                                                         arrangement
   venture and       Main business                                                                                       method for joint
                                        Registered place   Business nature
      jointly-run         place                                                     Direct             Indirect           ventures and
      enterprise                                                                                                           jointly-run

About a joint venture or jointly-run enterprise’s shareholding proportion different from voting proportion:
Basis for holding 20% or less voting rights but exerting important influence, or holding 20% or more voting rights but not exerting important

2. Main financial information of important joint ventures

                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                                 Ending balance/Amount incurred of           Opening balance/Amount incurred of last
                                                             current term                                         term


3. Main financial information of important jointly-run enterprises

                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                                 Ending balance/Amount incurred of           Opening balance/Amount incurred of last
                                                             current term                                         term

                                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.          2018 Annual Report


4. Financial information summary of not important joint ventures and jointly-run enterprises

                                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                    Ending balance/Amount incurred of           Opening balance/Amount incurred of last
                                                               current term                                             term

Joint ventures:                                                       --                                                 --

Total number of the following items
                                                                      --                                                 --
calculated by shareholding proportion

Jointly-run enterprises:                                              --                                                 --

Total number of the following items
                                                                      --                                                 --
calculated by shareholding proportion


5.     About major limitations on joint ventures and jointly-run enterprises’ capability of capital transfer to the company

6. Excess deficit incurred by joint ventures and jointly-run enterprises

                                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                      Accumulated unconfirmed              Unconfirmed losses of the
 Name of the joint venture and                                                                                     Accumulated unconfirmed
                                     losses accrued in the previous        current term (or shared net
        jointly-run enterprise                                                                                       losses in current term
                                                  term                     profits of the current term)


7. Unconfirmed undertakings related to the investments of joint ventures

8. Contingent liabilities related to the investments of joint ventures or jointly-run enterprises

(IV). Important Joint Operation

     Name of the joint                                                                           Shareholding proportion/Owned shares
                         Main business place     Registered place          Business nature
        operation                                                                                         Direct                 Indirect

About shareholding proportion or owned shares in the joint operation different from voting proportion:
Basis for classifying a single entity as joint operation:

5. Equity in structured entities not incorporated into the combined financial statement

About structured entities not incorporated into the combined financial statement:

                                                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

6. Others

X. Risks Related to Financial Instruments

XI. Disclosure of Fair Values

1. Closing fair values of assets and liabilities measured with fair value

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

 Item                       Closing fair values

                                 Level 1 fair value     第二层次公允价值计           第三层次公允价值计
                                   measurement                     量                        量

 I. Continuous fair value   --
                                                                   --                        --                          --

 II. Non-continuous fair    --
                                                                   --                        --                          --
 value measurement

2. Basis for determining market prices of items of continuous and non-continuous Level 1 fair value

3. Qualitative and quantitative information of estimation techniques and key parameters adopted for items of
continuous and non-continuous Level 2 fair value measurements

4. Qualitative and quantitative information of estimation techniques and key parameters adopted for items of
continuous and non-continuous Level 3 fair value measurements

5. Adjustments between the beginning and the closing book values and sensitivity analysis of non-observable
parameters for items of continuous Level 3 fair value measurement

6. Reasons for and policies for deciding the time for conversion between different levels for items of continuous
fair value measurement during the current period

7. Estimation technique changes during the current period and reasons for the changes

8. Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities non-measured with fair value

9. Others

XII. Related Parties and Related Transactions

1. Information about Parent Company of the Company

  Name of Parent                                                                             Shareholding           Voting right
                       Registered place          Business nature        Registered capital
        Company                                                                              proportion of         proportion of

                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.        2018 Annual Report

                                                                                           Parent Company         Parent Company
                                                                                            to the Company        to the Company

Description about Parent Company of the Company
The final controller of the Company is Chen Lue.
Other description:

2. Information about Subsidiaries of the Company

Please refer to Note VIII. 1 “Equity in Subsidiaries”.

3. Information about Joint Ventures and Associates of the Company

Please refer to Notes.
Other joint ventures or associates that had balances from related party transactions with the Company during the current period or the
previous period:

                 Name of joint venture or associate                                 Relationship with the Company

 Cenang Resort Sdn Bhd                                              An associate of which the Company holds 40% shares

Other description

4. Information about Other Related Parties

                     Name of other related party                                    Relationship with the Company

 Shenzhen Hualian Development Investment Co., Ltd.                  An affiliated company of shareholder

                                                                    Bai Bin, a former director of the Company, acts as its
 Kunwu Jiuding Investment Management Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Investment Director

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

                                                              Wang Lei, a former director of the Company, acts as its
 Shanghai Heyi Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co.,
                                                              A company controlled by the actual controller

                                                              A company controlled by Wang Lei, a former director of the
 Qinghai Heyi Commerce Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall Investment (Beijing) Co., Ltd.               A company controlled by Chen Lve, a director of the Company

 Yang Chunling                                                Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Company

 Fang Xianzhong                                               Vice President of the Company

 Chen Lve                                                     Actual controller of the Company

                                                              Brother-in-law of the shareholder and actual controller of the
 He Sen

 Luyi Shuguang Medical Industrial Investment Construction
                                                              A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company
 Co., Ltd.

 Huichang County Sino Great Wall Medical Industrial
                                                              A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company
 Construction Service Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall (Fugou) High-speed Railways District
                                                              A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company
 Investment Co., Ltd.

 Anyang Sino Great Wall Medical Management Service Co.,
                                                              A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company

 Sino Great Wall (Fugou) Jialu River Comprehensive Control
                                                              A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company
 Investment Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall (Fugou) National Fitness Center Investment
                                                              A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company
 Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall Shaanxi Fuyan Industrial Park Investment
                                                              A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company
 Co., Ltd.

 Wuchuan City Sino Great Wall People’s Hospital              A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company

 Wuchuan Sino Great Wall TCM Hospital Investment Co., Ltd.    A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company

 Guizhou Hongqiao Sino Great Wall Medical Real Estate
                                                              A PPP Project Company controlled by the Company
 Investment Co., Ltd.

Other description

                                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

5. Related Transaction

(1)Related transactions for the provision and receipt of labor services for merchandises purchased and sold

Purchase goods/Service acceptance
                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                            Content of
                                                                        Approved          Whether exceed the
      Related Party           related         Current amount                                                            Last Amount
                                                                     transaction quota     transaction limited

Purchase goods/Service acceptance
                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                           Content of related
           Related Party                                                    Current amount                       Last Amount

 Sino Great Wall (Fugou)
 High-speed Railways District        PPP project construction                                                            108,664,988.71
 Investment Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall (Fugou)
 Fitness     Center   Investment     PPP project construction                                                             42,981,344.98
 Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall People’s
 Hospital Co., Ltd. in               PPP project construction                       21,553,398.06

 Sino Great Wall Traditional
 Chinese Medicine Investment         PPP project construction                       19,149,594.63
 Co., Ltd. in Wuchuan

 Total                                                                             119,209,440.10                        347,760,072.27

Related transactions for the provision and receipt of labor services for merchandises purchased and sold

(2)Related Trusteeship/contract and entrusted management/packaging situation

Table on company’s trusteeship/contract
                                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

       Name of             Name of         Type of asset        Beginning date     End date of       Pricing basis of        Confirmed

                                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

 entrusting/contr    trustee/contract   trustee/contract             of            trustee/contract          trustee               trustee
      act-out part      ing party              ing          trustee/contract              ing            earning/contrac      earning/contrac
                                                                     ing                                   ting earning           t earning

Note of related trustee/contracting
Table on company’s trusteeship/contract-out
                                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                         Pricing basis of
                                                             Beginning date                                                      Confirmed
       Name of          Name of          Type of asset                                 End date of           trustee
                                                                     of                                                            trustee
 entrusting/contr    trustee/contract   trustee/contract                           trustee/contract      earning/contrac
                                                            trustee/contract                                                  earning/contrac
      act-out part      ing party              ing                                        ing                ting-out
                                                                     ing                                                          t earning

Note of related trustee/contracting

(3)Related tenancy situation

The company as the lessor
                                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                                            Current confirmed rental
           Name of renter               Type of leased assets                                                 Last confirmed rental income

The company as the renter:
                                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                                             Current confirmed rental
           Name of renter               Type of leased assets                                                 Last confirmed rental income

Note of related tenancy situation

(4)Related guarantee situation

The company as the guarantee:
                                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

 Secured party               Amount guaranteed           Beginning         date   of    End date of guarantee          Finished or yet

 Sino Great Wall Co.,        200,000,000.00              2017. 01 .13                   2018.01.12.                    Yes

 Sino Great Wall Co.,        200,000,000.00              2018.01.17.                    2019.01.16.                    No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,        800,000,000.00              2017.04.17.                    2018.10.17.                    No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,        50,000,000.00               2017.05.17.                    2018.05.16.                    No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,        400,000,000.00              2017.06.23.                    2018.06.22.                    No

                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.07.10.   2018.07.09.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.08.24.   2018.08.23.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   100,000,000.00   2017.06.28.   2018.12.21.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   100,000,000.00   2017.08.09.   2018.08.08.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   130,000,000.00   2017.08.22.   2018.08.21.              Yes

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.08.23.   2018.08.22.              Yes

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   130,000,000.00   2018.09.30.   2019.09.29.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2018.11.02.   2019.09.29.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   200,000,000.00   2017.08.30.   2018.08.30.              Yes

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   200,000,000.00   2018.09.08.   2019.03.08.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   50,000,000.00    2017.11.17.   2018.11.17.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   200,000,000.00   2017.10.26.   2018.05.27.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   100,000,000.00   2016.10.27.   2017.10.27.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   200,000,000.00   2016.04.19.   2018.04.19.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   400,000,000.00   2016.06.28.   2018.06.27.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   300,000,000.00   2017.05.10.   2020.05.10.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   200,000,000.00   2017.08.03.   2019.02.03.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.08.10.   2019.02.10.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.08.16.   2019.02.16.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.08.03.   2019.08.03.              No

                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report


 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.08.10.   2019.08.10.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.08.16.   2019.08.16.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   300,000,000.00   2017.09.18.   2019.09.18.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.09.25.   2019.09.25.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.09.29.   2019.09.29.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.10.13.   2019.10.13.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2017.10.18.   2019.10.18.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   160,000,000.00   2018.04.04.   2019.04.03.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,                    2018.04.04.   2019.10.03.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   250,000,000.00   2017.01.11.   2018.01.10.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   100,000,000.00   2016.09.30.   2018.09.29.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   101,590,000.00   2018.12.28.   2019.12.28.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   500,000,000.00   2016.11.12.   2017.11.12.              Yes

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   700,000,000.00   2017.11.16.   2018.11.05.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   130,000,000.00   2016.10.28.   2017.09.28.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   70,000,000.00    2017.02.28.   2018.02.27.              Yes

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   120,000,000.00   2018.03.12.   2019.03.11.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   200,000,000.00   2017.04.11.   2018.03.31.              Yes

 Sino Great Wall Co.,   180,000,000.00   2017.01.03.   2018.01.02.              Yes

                                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           120,000,000.00      2017.06.07.               2018.05.22.              Yes

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           119,900,000.00      2018.08.22.               2019.08.21.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           400,000,000.00      2017.07.25.               2018.07.24.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           220,000,000.00      2017.06.30.               2018.06.30.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           200,000,000.00      2017.10.18.               2018.10.17.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           100,000,000.00      2017.11.22.               2018.11.21.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           84,000,000.00       2017.03.31.               2019.09.30.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           100,000,000.00      2017.11.30.               2018.11.30.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           80,000,000.00       2018.02.13.               2019.02.13.              No

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           200,000,000.00      2017.12.28.               2018.12.27.              No

 Sino        Great      Wall    50,000,000.00       2017.09.30.               2018.09.29.              No
 Construction Co. LTD.

 Wuhan               Business   108,898,099.51      2017.01.18.               2020.01.17.              No
 Professional        Hospital
 Co., Ltd.

The company as the secured party
                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

 Secured party                  Amount guaranteed   Beginning     date   of   End date of guarantee    Finished or yet

 Chen Lue, Sino Great           130,000,000.00      2016.10.28.               2017.09.28.              No
 Wall Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           70,000,000.00       2017.02.28.               2018.02.27.              Yes
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           120,000,000.00      2018.03.12.               2019.03.11.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           200,000,000.00      2017.04.11.               2018.03.31.              Yes
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Sino Great Wall Co.,           180,000,000.00      2017.01.03.               2018.01.02.              Yes

                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Ltd., Chen Lue, He

 Sino Great Wall Co.,         120,000,000.00   2017.06.07.   2018.05.22.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Sino Great Wall Co.,         119,900,000.00   2018.08.22.   2019.08.21.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue, Sino
 Great Wall Investment
 (Beijing)    Co.,     Ltd,
 Suzhou Lvbang Wood
 Industry     Technology
 Co., Ltd., Sino Great
 Wall             Southwest
 Engineering Co., Ltd.

 Chen Lue, Sino Great         400,000,000.00   2017.07.25.   2018.07.24.              No
 Wall Zhihui Housing
 Property     (Zhanjiang)
 Co.,     Ltd.,      Wuhan
 Business Professional
 Hospital    Co.,     Ltd.,
 China             Industry
 Investment Co., Ltd.,
 Sino Zhigu Industrial
 (Yueyang) Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall Co.,         220,000,000.00   2017.06.30.   2018.06.30.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Sino Great Wall Co.,         200,000,000.00   2017.10.18.   2019.10.17.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Sino Great Wall Co.,         100,000,000.00   2017.11.22.   2018.11.21.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Sino Great Wall Co.,         84,000,000.00    2017.03.31.   2019.09.30.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Sino Great Wall Co.,         100,000,000.00   2017.11.30.   2018.11.30.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Beijing Zhongguancun         230,000,000.00   2016.02.22.   2018.03.22.              No
 Sci-tech         Financing
 Guaranty Co., Ltd.

 Beijing Zhongguancun         150,000,000.00   2018.03.22.   2020.09.10.              No
 Sci-tech         Financing
 Guaranty Co., Ltd.

 Chen Lue                     5,500,000.00     2015.02.11.   2018.02.11.              No

 Chen Lue                     5,500,000.00     2015.02.11.   2018.02.11.              No

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Chen Lue                    5,500,000.00     2015.07.30.   2018.07.30.              No

 Chen Lue                    5,500,000.00     2015.08.03.   2018.08.03.              No

 Chen Lue                    12,000,000.00    2016.01.13.   2018.01.13.              No

 Chen Lue                    12,000,000.00    2016.03.29.   2018.03.29.              No

 Chen Lue                    12,000,000.00    2016.03.29.   2018.03.29.              No

 Beijing Zhongguancun        245,000,000.00   2017.10.31.   2020.10.30.              No
 Sci-tech        Financing
 Guaranty Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall Co.,        80,000,000.00    2018.02.13.   2019.02.13.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue

 Sino Great Wall Co.,        200,000,000.00   2017.12.28.   2018.12.27.              No
 Ltd., Chen Lue, He

 Beijing Zhongguancun        150,000,000.00   2017.12.14.   2019.12.13.              No
 Sci-tech        Financing
 Guaranty Co., Ltd.

 Sino       Great     Wall   270,000,000.00   2017.03.13.   2018.03.13.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue, He Feiyan

 Sino       Great     Wall   200,000,000.00   2017.01.13.   2018.01.12.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue, He Feiyan

 Sino       Great     Wall   200,000,000.00   2018.01.17.   2019.01.16.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino       Great     Wall   800,000,000.00   2017.04.17.   2018.10.17.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Chen Lue                    300,000,000.00   2017.08.21.   2018.08.21.              No

 Sino       Great     Wall   50,000,000.00    2017.05.17.   2018.05.16.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino       Great     Wall   400,000,000.00   2017.06.23.   2018.06.22.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Sino     Great    Wall                    2017.07.10.   2018.07.09.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great    Wall                    2017.08.24.   2018.08.23.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great    Wall   200,000,000.00   2017.06.28.   2018.12.21.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great    Wall   100,000,000.00   2017.08.09.   2018.08.08.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great    Wall   130,000,000.00   2017.08.22.   2018.08.22.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.

 Sino     Great    Wall                    2017.08.23.   2018.08.22.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.

 Sino     Great    Wall   130,000,000.00   2018.09.30.   2019.09.29.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.

 Sino     Great    Wall                    2018.11.02.   2019.09.29.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.

 Sino     Great    Wall   200,000,000.00   2017.08.30.   2018.08.30.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great    Wall   200,000,000.00   2018.09.08.   2018.08.30.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great    Wall   50,000,000.00    2017.11.17.   2018.11.17.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great    Wall   200,000,000.00   2017.10.26.   2018.05.27.              No

                                                                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great   Wall    100,000,000.00   2016.10.27.   2017.10.27.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great   Wall    200,000,000.00   2016.04.19.   2018.04.19.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue, He Feiyan

 Sino     Great   Wall    400,000,000.00   2016.06.28.   2018.06.27.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great   Wall    300,000,000.00   2017.05.10.   2020.05.10.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue, He Feiyan

 Sino     Great   Wall    200,000,000.00   2017.08.03.   2019.02.03.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great   Wall                     2017.08.10.   2019.02.10.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great   Wall                     2017.08.16.   2019.02.16.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great   Wall                     2017.08.03.   2019.08.03.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great   Wall                     2017.08.10.   2019.08.10.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino     Great   Wall                     2017.08.16.   2019.08.16.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Sino        Great    Wall    300,000,000.00   2017.09.18.   2019.09.18.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino        Great    Wall                     2017.09.25.   2019.09.25.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino        Great    Wall                     2017.09.29.   2019.09.29.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino        Great    Wall                     2017.10.13.   2019.10.13.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino        Great    Wall                     2017.10.18.   2019.10.18.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino        Great    Wall    250,000,000.00   2017.01.11.   2018.01.10.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Chen Lue, He Feiyan          600,000,000.00   2017.04.07.   2018.04.07.              Yes

 Chen Lue                     100,000,000.00   2017.04.28.   2018.04.28.              Yes

 Chen Lue, He Feiyan,         100,000,000.00   2016.09.30.   2018.09.30.              Yes
 Sino China Great Wall
 Co., Ltd.

 Shenzhen Small and           100,000,000.00   2017.01.06.   2019.01.05.              Yes
 Medium         Enterprises
 Credit          Financing
 Guarantee Group Co.,

 Sino        Great    Wall    101,590,000.00   2018.12.28.   2019.12.28.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino        Great    Wall    500,000,000.00   2016.11.12.   2017.11.12.              No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

                                                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

 Sino        Great      Wall   160,000,000.00             2018.04.04.                 2019.10.03.                No
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

 Sino China Great Wall         50,000,000.00              2017.09.30.                 2018.09.29.                No
 Co., Ltd.

 Sino China Great Wall         108,898,099.51             2017.01.18.                 2020.01.17.                No
 Co., Ltd.

 Sino China Great Wall         32,000,000.00              2018.12.21.                 2019.12.20.                No
 Co., Ltd., Sino Great
 Wall         International
 Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Chen Lue

Note on related guarantee

(5)Related party fund borrowing

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

        Related party            Borrowing amount               Beginning date              End date                      Note

                               Sino Great Wall
 Borrowing                     Investment (Beijing)                  3,590,000.00
                               Co., Ltd.


(6)Related party asset transferring and debt restructing

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                           Content or related
           Related party                                                         Current amount                    Last amount

                                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

(7)Reward of key management persons

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                     Project                           Current amount                             Last amount

(8)Other related transactions

6、Receivables and payables of related party


                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

      Project name             Related party          Ending book value                      Beginning book value

                                                                   Reserve for                               Reserve for
                                               Book balance                           Book balance
                                                                    bad-debt                                    bad-debt

 JD Capital
 Management Co.,                                    77,613.49              7,761.35      1,227,613.49               61,380.67
 Ltd. and its related

 Lhasa JD Capital
 Management Co.,                                   160,000.00             48,000.00        160,000.00               16,000.00
 Ltd. and its related

 Shanghai Heyi
 Supply Chain
                                                 2,469,164.81           246,916.48       2,469,164.81              123,458.24
 Management Co.,

 Huichang County
 Sino Great Wall
 Medical Industrial                             78,155,590.97        3,907,779.55      133,278,732.83             6,663,936.64
 Service Co., Ltd.

                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 Sino Great Wall
                                                            45,962,983.37             2,298,149.17
 Railways District
 Investment Co.,

 Sino Great Wall
 (Fugou)        Fitness
                            4,445,215.33    444,521.53       8,545,215.33              427,260.77
 Center Investment
 Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall
 People’s Hospital
                           19,724,082.47    986,204.12
 Co., Ltd. in

 Total                    105,031,667.07   5,641,183.04    191,643,709.83             9,590,185.49

 Other receivables

 Yang Chunling               530,000.00      26,500.00

 Fang Xianzhong              227,789.60      24,066.88         227,789.60               12,648.96

 Sino Great Wall
 Investment                     9,500.00        950.00            9,500.00
 (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

 Sino Great Wall
 Investment                 1,060,000.00     53,000.00
 (Beijing) Co., Ltd,

 Luyi        Shuguang
 Medical Industrial
 Investment                 4,220,171.89    418,999.46       4,159,817.24              207,990.86
 Construction Co.,
 Sino Great Wall
 (Fugou)          Jialu
 Comprehensive               217,569.20       3,851.67          19,464.20                  973.21
 Investment       Co.,
 Sino Great Wall
 Shaanxi        Fuyan
 Industrial       Park      5,195,923.58    400,761.72       2,819,310.85              140,965.54
 Investment       Co.,

 Sino Great Wall
                           23,773,722.22   1,188,686.11        188,000.00                9,400.00
                                                                  Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.     2018 Annual Report

 Railways District
 Investment Co.,

 Sino Great Wall
 (Fugou)      Fitness
                                     573,300.00      28,665.00
 Center Investment
 Co., Ltd.
 Wuchuan         City
 Sino Great Wall
 People’s Hospital               35,626,341.47   1,818,500.17         743,661.85               37,183.09
 Investment     CO.,
 Wuchuan         City
 Sino Great Wall
 People’s Hospital                  343,018.86      34,301.89         343,018.86               17,150.94
 Investment     CO.,

 Yanjin County
 Sino Great Wall
 Drainage Network                    400,000.00      20,000.00
 Construction Co.,

 Total                            72,177,336.82   4,018,282.90        8,510,562.60             426,312.60


                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

           Project name    Related party          Ending book value           Beginning book value

 Qinghai Heyi Commercial
 Co., Ltd.

 Total                                                                                        3,190,000.00

 Deposit received:

 Qinghai Heyi Commercial                                  244,863,301.51                              0.00

                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

 Co., Ltd.

 Wuchuan City Sino Great
 Wall        People’s   Hospital        12,360,000.00                            0.00
 Investment CO., Ltd.

 Total                                  257,223,301.51

 Other payables

 Sino Great Wall Investment
 Co., Ltd.

 He Sen                                    200,000.00                       628,600.00

 Chen Lue                                  153,613.00

 Yang Chunling                               22,106.90

 Anyang Sino Great Wall
 Medical Management Service             159,973,316.87                 100,000,016.87
 Co., Ltd.

 Total                                  163,939,036.77                 100,628,616.87

7. Promise of related party


8. Other

XIII. Share payment

1. Overall situation of share payment

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

2. Share payments settled in equity

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

                                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

3. Share payments settled in cash

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

4. Modification and termination of share payment


5. Other

XIV. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Important commitments

Important commitments on the balance sheet date

           1) Outstanding letter of guarantee
              In order to ensure the smooth completion of the project, the company, upon the request of the
        employer, applied for the issuance of a performance guarantee at a commercial bank or a guarantee
        institution. By December 31st of 2018, the outstanding letter of guarantee was 1,440,006,713.84
        yuan, of which 1,044,136,514.99 yuan is the outstanding performance guarantee and
        204,736,366.85 yuan is the outstanding advance payment guarantee.
              The outstanding balance is as follows (exchange rate: 1 USD =6.8632 yuan):
Item/currency                       Amount      of    RMB Amount     of    USD USD-equivalent-to-RM Total
                                    guarantee             guarantee ($)        B amount

Letter of guarantee that has 220,208,723.00                500,000.00           3,431,600.00           223,640,323.00
expired but has not yet been paid
in respect of which a claim has
been filed before the expiration
date ①

Letter of guarantee that has not 826,278,870.95            28,988,473.00        198,953,687.89        1,025,232,558.84
expired and has not been settled

Total     outstanding   letter    of 1,046,487,593.95      29,488,473.00        202,385,287.89        1,248,872,881.84
guarantee ③ = ①+②

Unexpired letter of guarantee 180,000,000.00                                                           180,000,000.00
which a claim has been filed
against but no payment has been
made for ④

Total     outstanding   letter    of 400,208,723.00        500,000.00           3,431,600.00           403,640,323.00
guarantee claimed ⑤=①+④

        2) The company has no other important commitments that need to be disclosed.

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

2. Contingencies

      (1) Important contingencies on the balance sheet date
      (1) Contingent liabilities arising from pending litigation/arbitration and their financial implications
      1) Dispute over the loan contract with Bohai International Trust Co., Ltd.
      On April 28th of 2017, the company signed a loan agreement with Bohai International Trust Co.,
Ltd., with a loan amount of 300 million yuan. Chen Lue and He Feiyan, the actual controllers of Sino
Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.(the company's subsidiary), made a joint liability guarantee.
On September 25th of 2018, Bohai International Trust Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with the Higher People's
Court of Hebei Province, requesting the company to pay the principal of 300 million yuan, interest of
2,504,316.67 yuan (from June 21st of 2018 to the date of full payment, provisionally calculated until
August 6th of 2018), default interest of 2,212,489.89 YUAN (from July 10th of 2018 to the date of full
payment, provisionally calculated until August 6th of 2018), and liquidated damages of 60 million yuan.
Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen Lue and He Feiyan shall bear joint and several
liabilities, and jointly bear lawyer fees of 200,000 YUAN, pre-litigation preservation fees of 5,000 yuan
and case acceptance fees.As of the balance sheet date, the case has not yet been concluded.
      2) Dispute over the loan contract with China Industrial International Trust Limited
      On July 13th of 2017, the company signed a trust loan agreement with China Industrial International
Trust Limited with a loan amount of 100 million yuan. Chen Lue, the actual controller of Sino Great Wall
International Engineering Co., Ltd.(the company's subsidiary), made a joint liability guarantee. On
October 9th of 2018, China Industrial International Trust Limited filed a lawsuit with the Higher People's
Court of Fujian Province, requesting the company to pay the principal of 100 million yuan along with
interest, default interest and compound interest (calculated from May 9th of 2018 to the actual date of
repayment by the defendant in accordance with the standards of the contract, the result of provisional
calculation until August 6th of 2018 is 2,277,354.05 yuan).Moreover, the company is requested to pay
lawyer fees of 180,000 YUAN and the legal costs of the case. Sino Great Wall International Engineering
Co., Ltd. and Chen Lue shall be jointly and severally liable. As of the balance sheet date, the case has not
yet been concluded.
      3) Dispute over the loan contract with China Industrial International Trust Limited
      On September 23rd of 2016, the company signed a trust loan agreement with China Industrial
International Trust Limited with a loan amount of 100 million yuan. Chen Lue and He Feiyan (actual
controllers of Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., the company's subsidiary) made a joint
liability guarantee. On October 9th of 2018, China Industrial International Trust Limited filed a lawsuit
with the Higher People's Court of Fujian Province, requesting the company to pay the principal of 100
million yuan along with interest, default interest and compound interest (calculated from May 9th of 2018
to the actual date of repayment by the defendant in accordance with the standards of the contract, the
result of provisional calculation until August 6th of 2018 is 957,777.78 YUAN).Moreover, the company
is requested to pay lawyer fees of 180,000 YUAN and the legal costs of the case. China Industrial
International Trust Limited is entitled to be paid in priority for the receivables under the Accounts
Receivable Pledge Contract numbered CIIT [2016] 0479XTXY and CIIT [2016] 0479XTXY2.Chen Lue
and He Feiyan shall be jointly and severally liable. As of the balance sheet date, the case has not yet been
      4) Dispute over the loan contract with Datong Securities Co., Ltd.
      On April 27th of 2017, the company signed a trust loan agreement with Datong Securities Co., Ltd.,
with a loan amount of 400 million yuan. The actual loans amounted to 138.07 million YUAN. Sino Great

                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. and its actual controllers Chen Lue and He Feiyan made a joint
liability guarantee. On September 28th of 2018, China Industrial International Trust Limited filed a
lawsuit with the Shanghai Financial Court, requesting the company to pay the principal of 134.07 million
yuan, the loan interest of 3,943,237.50 yuan from June 20th of 2018 to September 17th of 2018 based on
the principal of 134.07 million yuan, and the overdue interest at a rate of 24% as of September 17th of
2018. The guarantors shall bear joint and several liabilities and jointly bear the litigation costs. As of the
balance sheet date, the case has not yet been concluded.
      5) Dispute over bill recourse right with Shenzhen Yi'an Baoli Co., Ltd.
      On April 12th of 2018, the company issued 6 electronic commercial acceptance bills to Zhongcheng
Jianye Construction Co., Ltd., totaling 10 million yuan. Later, Zhongcheng Jianye Construction Co., Ltd.
transferred the bills to Shenzhen Yi'an Baoli Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.,
Chen Lue and He Feiyan made a joint liability guarantee. On November 27th of 2018, Shenzhen Yi'an
Baoli Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with the Shenzhen Longgang District People's Court, requesting the
Company to pay the principal (3 million YUAN) of the matured bill of exchange, interest of 2,416.67
yuan (from the maturity date of the bill to the date of full payment, calculated provisionally to September
30th of 2018), and fixation fees of 1,500 yuan for electronic evidence. Moreover, the company and
guarantors are requested to pay default interest of 15,000.00 yuan (from the maturity date of the bill to the
date of full payment, calculated on the basis of 3 million yuan at a rate of 5/10000 per day, provisionally
calculated until September 30th of 2018) and to jointly bear the litigation and other costs. As of the date
of balance sheet, the case has not yet been concluded.
      6) Private lending dispute with Gong Lihong
      On March 30, 2018, the Company and Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. and Chen
Lue as co-borrowers signed a loan agreement with Gong Lihong with a loan amount of 30 million yuan.
The company's subsidiary Wuhan Business Professional Hospital Co., Ltd. provided joint liability
guarantee for it. On September 29, 2018, Gong Lihong filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Futian
District, Shenzhen, requesting the Company, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen
Lue and Wuhan Business Professional Hospital Co., Ltd. as co-payers to repay the principal of 30 million
yuan and an interest of 1,190,000.00 yuan (calculated according to the monthly profit of 2%, from July 25,
2018 to the date of prosecution, after which interest continues to be calculated at the monthly interest rate
of 2% to the date of actual repayment), and jointly bear attorney fees of 220,000.00 yuan, costs of
preservation of 21,833 yuan and related litigation costs. As of the date of balance sheet, the case has not
yet been concluded.
      7) Financial loan contract dispute with Zhongjiang International Trust Co., Ltd.
      On August 21, 2017, the company signed a trust loan agreement with Zhongjiang International Trust
Co., Ltd., with a loan amount of 300 million yuan, for which Sino Great Wall International Engineering
Co., Ltd. and its actual controller Chen Lue made joint liability guarantee and Sino Great Wall
International Engineering Co., Ltd. pledged its accounts receivable. On November 1, 2018, Zhongjiang
International Trust Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with the Jiangxi Higher People's Court, requesting the court to
order an early expiration of the loan and other unexpired business contracts, the company's repayment
of the principal of 300 million yuan, payment of an interest (including default interest and compound
interest) of 12,386,825.17 yuan (interest calculated tentatively to September 28, 2018), a penalty of
15,000,000.00 yuan, and bearing of all the charges, attorneys' fees, travel expenses, etc. At the same time,
Zhongjiang International Trust Co., Ltd. shall have the right to receive priority payment for the accounts
receivable under the Accounts Receivable Pledge Contract of 04728646000565579073 signed with Sino
Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. The guarantor shall bear joint and several liabilities and

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

jointly bear the litigation expenses and maintenance costs. As of the date of balance sheet, the case has
not yet been concluded.
      8) Contract dispute with Shanghai Ctrip Hongrui International Travel Service Co., Ltd. and Shanghai
Huacheng Southwest International Travel Service Co., Ltd.
      On July 1, 2016, the company signed a business travel service agreement with Shanghai Ctrip
Hongrui International Travel Service Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Huacheng Southwest International Travel
Service Co., Ltd. From May to September, 2018, the company failed to pay the booked airfares on
schedule. On November 19, 2018, Shanghai Ctrip Hongrui International Travel Service Co., Ltd. and
Shanghai Huacheng Southwest International Travel Service Co., Ltd. Ltd. filed a lawsuit with the People's
Court of Changning District of Jianghai City, requesting the company to pay a total of 389,766 yuan for
air tickets and hotels in August and September 2018, and an overdue fine of 8828.22 yuan in
May-September (until the actual payment date). As of the date of balance sheet, the case has not yet been
      9) Loan contract dispute with Li Shaoxiong
      At the beginning of May 2018, the company signed a loan agreement with Li Shaoxiong with a loan
amount of 50 million yuan. The loan period was three months. On October 25, 2018, Chen Lue, He
Feiyan, China Industry Investment Co., Ltd., Tang Xianyong and Sino Great Wall Group made joint and
several liability guarantees for the contract. Li Shaoxiong filed an arbitration with the Shenzhen
International Court of Arbitration, requesting the company's immediately return of the principal and
interest (based on the principal of 50 million yuan and a monthly interest of 3%; calculated from August 8,
2018 to the date of the full repayment of the principal of the loan, tentatively counted to 31.5 million yuan
on October 9, 2018) of the loan of 50 million yuan. At the same time, the company was required to pay
liquidated damages (based on the loan principal of RMB 50 million, calculated from August 8, 2018 to
the date of the full repayment of the loan principal, and tentatively counted to 3.15 million yuan on
October 9, 2018). The company was also required to bear a legal fee of 2,254,198.80 yuan and an
arbitration fee. The company, together with the guarantor, shall jointly bear the costs of preservation of
5,000 yuan, a warranty fee of 49,969.92 yuan, travel expenses, etc. As of the date of balance sheet, the
arbitral decision has not been made.
      10) Loan contract dispute with Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. Shen'zhen Branch
      On August 29, 2017, the company signed a loan agreement with Shanghai Pudong Development
Bank Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch to borrow 70 million yuan from the bank. Sino Great Wall International
Engineering Co., Ltd. and the actual controller of the company, Chen Lue and He Feiyan made a joint
liability guarantee. On January 2, 2019, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch
filed a lawsuit with Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court, requesting the Court to adjudge the company
to repay the principal of 70 million yuan and the related interest, compound interest and penalty interest
(the accrued interest as of July 5, 2018 is 177,625.00 yuan, after which the interest, default interest and
compound interest shall be collected according to the contract and relevant regulations of the People's
Bank of China). The guarantor shall bear joint and several liabilities and jointly bear the litigation
expenses. As of the date of balance sheet, the results have not yet been concluded.
      11) Loan contract dispute with Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch
      On May 31, 2017, the company signed a loan agreement with Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. Shenzhen
Branch for a loan of 50 million yuan. On June 21, 2017, the company signed a Cooperation Agreement on
Guaranteed Discount of Commercial Acceptance Bills, with the maximum amount as 50 million yuan.
Chen Lue, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. and Sino Great Wall Investment (Beijing)
Co., Ltd. made joint liability guarantee and pledged their respective property rights. On August 20, 2018,

                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch filed a lawsuit with Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court,
requesting the Court to adjudge the company to return the principal of 44,734,233.41 yuan and the related
interest of 215,674.92 yuan (including default interest and compound interest as of July 9, 2018); adjudge
the company to return the advance of 43,236,631.80 yuan for the commercial acceptance bills and the
related default interest of 281,038.11 yuan (temporarily calculated as of July 9, 2018); adjudge the
company to repay the discounted amount of commercial acceptance bills, which is 6,763,368.20 yuan,
and the related default interest until the date of repayment; adjudge that the bank has the priority to get
repaid in light of the related pledges of the guarantors. The guarantors shall bear joint and several
liabilities and jointly bear the litigation expenses. As of the date of balance sheet, the results have not yet
been concluded.
      12) Financial loan contract dispute with Xiamen International Bank Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Branch
      On May 27, 2017, the company borrowed 50 million yuan from Xiamen International Bank Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Branch but failed to repay the principal and interest after the maturity in May 2018. On July 3,
2018, Xiamen International Bank Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Branch filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of
Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai. On September 29, 2018, the Court ruled in the first instance that: the
company shall repay the principal of 44,010,311.18 yuan, the interest of 895,528.99 yuan, the default
interest of 447,764.50 yuan and compound interest of 2189.08 yuan as of September 11, 2018 to Xiamen
International Bank Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Branch; shall pay the interest, default interest and compound interest
from September 12, 2018 until the principal and interest are actually paid off (the interest is calculated on
the basis of the outstanding principal of 44,010,311.18 yuan and the interest rate of 60.9% higher than the
benchmark one-year loan interest rate, and the penalty interest and compound interest are halved). Sino
Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. and Chen Lue shall be jointly and severally liable for the
relevant debts. The litigation cost of 291,661.00 yuan and the preservation fee of 5000.00 yuan shall be
jointly borne by the company and the guarantors. The company appealed to Zhuhai Intermediate People's
Court on October 19, 2018 because the Court did not consider the part that has been repaid. As of the date
of balance sheet, the results of the second instance have not yet been concluded.
      13) Loan contract dispute with Shenzhen Dingsheng Trade Co., Ltd.
      The company borrowed 50 million yuan from Shenzhen Guodingsheng Trade Co., Ltd. on March 10,
2018 and another 50 million yuan on March 20. The company failed to fully repay the principal and
interest upon maturity. On July 18, 2018, Shenzhen Guodingsheng Trade Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with
Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court. On October 15, 2018, the Court ruled in the first instance that: The
company shall repay the principal of 88,082,007.52 yuan and the overdue interest (the overdue interest as
of July 26, 2018 is 1,377,936.36 yuan, and the overdue interest as of July 27 is calculated on the basis of
the outstanding principal at an annual interest rate of 24% until the actual pay-off date) to Shenzhen
Guodingsheng Trade Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen Lue and Li
Erlong shall be jointly and severally liable for the relevant debts. Shenzhen Guodingsheng Trade Co., Ltd.
has the priority to receive compensation from the collateral pledged by China Industry Investment Co.,
Ltd. The litigation cost of 481,167.00 yuan shall be jointly borne by the company and the guarantors. The
company appealed to the Guangdong Provincial Higher People's Court on October 8, 2018 because the
calculation of the remaining principal and interest was wrong when the Court made the judgment. As of
the date of balance sheet, the results of second instance have not yet been concluded.
      14) Loan contract dispute with Ping An International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
      On March 3, 2017, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as "International
Engineering"), the company's subsidiary, borrowed 84 million yuan from Ping An International Financial
Leasing Co., Ltd. Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. and the actual controller Chen Lue provided joint liability

                                                                       Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

guarantee for such loan. Since Sino Great International Engineering Co., Ltd. failed to repay the principal
due on August 31, 2018 to Ping An International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Ping An International
Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with the Pudong New Area People's Court in Shanghai,
requesting the Court to adjudge Sino Great International Engineering Co., Ltd. to repay the understanding
principal and interest totaling 29,050,995.68 yuan (after deducting the deposit of 12,600,00.00 yuan);
adjudge Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. to pay the liquidated damages (based on the
unpaid amount due for each period and as per the daily interest rate of 0.08% from the date of breach of
contract to the actual pay-off date); adjudge Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. and Chen Lue to bear the joint and
several liabilities for repayment, Sino Great International Engineering Co., Ltd., Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
and Chen Lue to jointly bear the litigation cost, property preservation cost and other cost for realizing the
creditor's rights. As of the date of balance sheet, the case has not yet been heard.
      15) Labor contract dispute with Lei Hongxiang
      On April 17, 2015, the company's subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
(referred to as "International Engineering") signed a Construction Contracting Agreement with Lei
Hongxiang. According to the agreement, Lei Hongxiang shall be responsible for all works of water,
electricity, mason, wood and painting and the relevant added works for interior decoration of Nanjing
Poly Jiangxinzhou Zijin Masion undertaken by International Engineering. As the International
Engineering failed to pay the remaining project cost of 734,330 yuan to Lei Hongxiang, Lei Hongxiang
filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Jianye District, requesting the Court to adjudge International
Engineering to pay the remaining project cost and liquidated damages totaling 818,688.20 yuan; adjudge
Hangzhou Yingtianxia Construction Co., Ltd., as the labor subcontractor of the project, to bear the joint
and several liability; adjudge International Engineering and Hangzhou Yingtianxia Construction Co., Ltd.
to jointly bear the litigation cost and preservation cost of the case. As of the date of balance sheet, the
results have not yet been concluded.
      16) Purchase and sales contract dispute with Guangdong Haomei Aluminium Co., Ltd.
      In December 2016, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to "International
Engineering"), the company's subsidiary, signed an aluminum profile procurement contract with
Guangdong Haomei Aluminium Co., Ltd. As the International Engineering failed to clear the payment to
Guangdong Haomei Aluminium Co., Ltd., Guangdong Haomei Aluminium Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with
People's Court of Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City, requesting the Court to adjudge International
Engineering to pay the contract price of 604,034.94 yuan; adjudge International Engineering to pay the
liquidated damages (overdue interest shall be paid at 150% of the bank loan interest rate for the same
period from June 25, 2017 until it is paid off); and adjudge international engineering to bear the litigation
costs of this case. As of the date of balance sheet, the results have not yet been concluded.
      17) Labor dispute with Hunan Zhongjian Construction Labor Co., Ltd.
      On March 15, 2016 and in February 2017, the company's subsidiary, Sino Great Wall International
Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to International Engineering) signed two Labor Subcontracting
Agreements with Hunan Zhongjian Construction Labor Co., Ltd. As International Engineering failed to
fulfill its obligations as agreed in the contract, Hunan Zhongjian Construction Labor Co., Ltd. filed an
arbitration with Beijing Arbitration Commission, requesting the Commission to rule to rescind the two
Labor Sub-contracting Agreements; rule International Engineering to compensate Hunan Zhongjian
Construction Labor Co., Ltd. for various loss totaling 2,515,717.43 yuan; rule International Engineering
to bear the arbitration cost of this case. As of the date of balance sheet, the arbitral decision has not been
      18) Construction contract dispute with Nanchang Wanda City Investment Co., Ltd.

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

     On October 16, 2014, the company's subsidiary, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
(referred to "International Engineering") signed Subcontracting Agreement with Nanchang Wanda City
Investment Co., Ltd. and China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. (not involved in
this case). As Nanchang Wanda City Investment Co., Ltd. failed to pay the project price on schedule,
International Engineering filed an arbitration with China International Economic and Trade Arbitration
Commission, requesting the Commission to rule Nanchang Wanda City Investment Co., Ltd. to pay the
remaining project price of 6,323,181.65 yuan to International Engineering; rule Nanchang Wanda City
Investment Co., Ltd. to pay the interest of project price (from the January 12, 2018 to actual pay-off date)
to International Engineering; rule Nanchang Wandan City Investment Co., Ltd. to bear the arbitration cost
and lawyer's fee paid by International Engineering. As of the date of balance sheet, the results have not
yet been concluded.
     19) Decoration contract dispute with Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd.
     On March 15, 2012, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to "International
Engineering"), the company's subsidiary, signed Contract on Fine Decoration of Building 14 in 1.3
Section of Qujiang Project. As Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd. failed to pay the project fund
and warranty fund on schedule, International Engineering filed a lawsuit with People's Court of Yanta
District, Xi'an City, requesting the Court to adjudge Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd. to pay the
remaining project fund of 141,849.78 yuan to International Engineering; rule Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real
Estate Co., Ltd. to return the amount of 151,505.41 yuan for warranty to International Engineering; Rule
Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd. to pay liquidated damages for the overdue payable balance of
the project (calculated on the basis of 141,849.78 yuan and as per the default interest rate of five-year
loan announced by the People's Bank of China, from April 10, 2015 until the actual pay-off date); rule
Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd. to pay the overdue warranty fund and liquidated damages
(calculated on the basis of 151,505.41 yuan and as per the default interest rate of the same type of loan
announced by the People's Bank of China until the actual pay-off date; of which, the part with 106,053.79
yuan as the base number should be calculated from May 30, 2014; the part with 45,451.6 yuan as the base
number should be calculated from May 30, 2017). As of the date of balance sheet, the case has not yet
been concluded.
     20) Decoration contract dispute with Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd.
     In December 2012, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to "International
Engineering"), the company's subsidiary, signed Contract on Fine Decoration of Building 20, Building 28
and Building 29 in 2.2 Section of Qujiang Project. As Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd. failed to
pay the project fund on schedule, International Engineering filed a lawsuit with People's Court of Yanta
District, Xi'an City, requesting the Court to adjudge Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd. to pay the
remaining project fund of 836,231.53 yuan to International Engineering; adjudge Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou
Real Estate Co., Ltd. to return the warranty fund of 1,500,894.19 yuan to International Engineering;
adjudge Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd. to pay liquidated damages for the overdue payable
balance of the project (calculated on the basis of 836,231.53 yuan and as per the default interest rate of
one-year to five-year loan announced by the People's Bank of China, from April 11, 2015 until the actual
pay-off date); adjudge Xi'an Vanke Kaizhou Real Estate Co., Ltd. to pay the overdue warranty fund and
liquidated damages (calculated on the basis of 1,500,894.19 yuan and as per the default interest rate of the
same type of loan announced by the People's Bank of China until the actual pay-off date; Of which, the
part with 1,050,625.93 yuan as the base number should be calculated from June 14, 2015 to the actual
pay-off date. The liquidated damages for this part until June 13, 2018 are 320,816.13 yuan). As of the date
of balance sheet, the case has not yet been concluded.

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      21) Purchase and sales contract dispute with Zhejiang Jianlifang Wood Industry Co., Ltd.
      On December 19, 2014, the company's subsidiary, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co.,
Ltd. (referred to International Engineering) signed Contract on Supply and Installation of Wood Veneer
and Wood Furniture with Zhejiang Jianlifang Wood Industry Co., Ltd. After that, both parties made an
agreement on the additional works which were signed by managers of the both parties and confirmed that
such agreement is an attachment to the afore-said contract. As International Engineering failed to clear the
project fund to Zhejiang Jianlifang Wood Industry Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Jianlifang Wood Industry Co., Ltd.
filed an arbitration with Beijing Arbitration Commission, requesting the Commission to rule International
Engineering to pay the remaining project fund of 993,108.95 yuan under the Contract on Supply and
Installation of Wood Veneer and Wood Furniture and compensate Zhejiang Jianlifang Wood Industry Co.,
Ltd. for the interest loss from the agreed payment date to the actual pay-off date as per the benchmark
interest rate of the same type of loan for the same period announced by the People's Bank of China; rule
International Engineering to bear the arbitration cost and lawyer's fee totaling 38,000 yuan of this case. As
of the date of balance sheet, the arbitral decision has not been made.
      22) Purchase and sales contract dispute with Shanghai Wusheng Industrial Co., Ltd.
      On August 18, 2016, the company's subsidiary, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
(referred to "International Engineering") signed Asia Materials (Equipment) Subcontract Contract for
Supply with Shanghai Wusheng Industrial Co., Ltd. As International Engineering failed to clear the
payment to Shanghai Wusheng Industrial Co., Ltd., Shanghai Wusheng Industrial Co., Ltd. filed an
arbitration with Shanghai Arbitration Commission, requesting the Commission to rule International
Engineering to pay the contract price of 267,594.37 yuan to Shanghai Wusheng Industrial Co., Ltd; rule
International Engineering to pay the liquidated damages for overdue payment from May 5, 2017 to the
actual pay-off date as per the benchmark interest rate of the loan for the same period announced by the
People's Bank of China and the liquidated damages as of August 4, 2018 is 15,888.42 yuan; rule
International Engineering to bear the arbitration cost of this case; Rule International Engineering to bear
lawyer's fee of 10,000.00 yuan. As of the date of balance sheet, the arbitral decision has not been made.
      23) Loan contract dispute with Gome Cinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd.
      On February 12, 2018, Gome Cinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. signed a Factoring Contract
with the Company’s subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as “International Engineering”) and Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., agreeing that within the
term of cooperation and the credit line, Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. may transfer its
accounts receivable for International Engineering to Gome Cinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. to
apply for factoring financing. After the expiration of factoring financing, the International Engineering
will pay the interest of factoring financing to Gome Xinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. On February
12, 2018, Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. transferred its accounts receivable of 14,564,590.97
yuan for International Engineering to Gome Cinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. for factoring
financing of 11,600,000.00 yuan according to the above-mentioned Factoring Contract and signed the
Accounts Receivable Transfer Financing Application. At the same time, Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel
Co., Ltd. transferred a commercial acceptance bill with the International Engineering as the drawer and
the Company as the Acceptor to Gome Cinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd., and the commercial
acceptance bill expired on August 10, 2018. On May 28, 2018, Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.
transferred its accounts receivable of 27,294,442.23 yuan for International Engineering to Gome Cinda
Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. for factoring financing of 21,800,000.00 yuan according to the
above-mentioned Factoring Contract and signed the Accounts Receivable Transfer Financing Application.
At the same time, Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. transferred a commercial acceptance bill

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with the International Engineering as the drawer and the Company as the Acceptor to Gome Cinda
Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd., and the commercial acceptance bill expired on November 23, 2018. As
International Engineering, Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. and the Company did not fulfil their
respective responsibilities before the expiration of the term of factoring financing and the bill, Gome
Cinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Chaoyang District,
ordering the International Engineering to pay 14,564,590.97 yuan of principal of the accounts receivable,
63,800.00 yuan of overdue interest, and 131,081.32 yuan of liquidated damages for overdue payment of
accounts receivable; ordering the International Engineering to pay 27,294,442.23 yuan of principal of the
accounts receivable, 492,922.22 yuan of interests during actual financing, 3,696.92 yuan of liquidated
damages for overdue payment of interests, 99,916.67 yuan of overdue interest, 204,708.32 yuan of
liquidated damages for overdue payment of accounts receivable; ordering the Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron &
Steel Co., Ltd. to pay 11,600,000.00 yuan of repurchase money and 87,000.00 yuan of default interest for
overdue repurchase; ordering Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. to pay 21,800,000.00 yuan of
repurchase money and 163,500.00 yuan of default interest for overdue repurchase; ordering the
International Engineering, Wuhan Jiutai Weiye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. and the Company to undertake the
litigation costs, attorney fees, property preservation fees, security guarantee fees, travel expenses, notary
fees of the case and other costs to realized the creditor’s right. As of the balance sheet date, the case has
not been concluded.
      24) Construction dispute with Changzhou Green Furniture Co., Ltd.
      In May 2017, Changzhou Green Furniture Co., Ltd. and a subsidiary of the Company, Sino Great
Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “International Engineering”) orally
agreed that Changzhou Green Furniture Co., Ltd. undertook the decoration engineering of Jinjiang
Sunshine Town Feili Bay and fine decoration and installation engineering of public area in Tower 01-A,
Xiamen Huarun Center (Plot 2013P16). It was later negotiated by both parties that Changzhou Green
Furniture Co., Ltd. withdrew from the construction, and both parties signed the Withdrawal Settlement
Agreement on September 7, 2017. As the International Engineering failed to pay the project payment,
Changzhou Green Furniture Co., Ltd., filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Jinjiang City, Fujian
Province, ordering the International Engineering to repay 560,000.00 yuan of principal of the project
payment to Changzhou Green Furniture Co., Ltd. with a penalty of 39,680.00 yuan (calculated as of
January 5, 2018), and ordering the International Engineering to undertake the litigation costs of this case.
As of the balance sheet date, the case has not been concluded.
      25) Sales contract dispute with KINGKOIL (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
      On November 22, 2016, the Company’s subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “International Engineering”) signed a Bedclothes Purchase Contract with
KINGKOIL (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. After the delivery of the goods by KINGKOIL (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., the
International Engineering failed to make the payment as agreed in the Contract. KINGKOIL (Shanghai)
Co., Ltd. filed an arbitration application with Beijing Arbitration Commission, ordering the International
Engineering to pay the repurchase price of RMB 25,466.00, and liquidated damages of RMB 1,151.20
(from January 7, 2018 to the actual payment date, temporarily calculate as of October 8, 2018 at the bank
loan interest rate for the same period) to KINGKOIL (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; ordering the International
Engineering to bear the arbitration fee of the case. As of the balance sheet date, the case has not yet been
      26) Case of revocation of the arbitration with Beijing Yuhe Borui Culture Development Co., Ltd.
      On February 14, 2017, Xiao Yang, Xue Piao, et al., on bebalf of the Company’s subsidiary, Sino
Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “International Engineering”)

                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

signed a Software Procurement Contract with Beijing Yuhe Borui Culture Development Co., Ltd. Since
the International Engineering failed to pay for the remaining project payments, Beijing Yuhe Borui
Culture Development Co., Ltd. filed an arbitration application with the Beijing Arbitration Commission,
claiming the remaining project payments and the liquidated damages for overdue payment. After
arbitration, the Beijing Arbitration Commission made a ruling on August 31, 2018, rejecting the
arbitration application of Beijing Yuhe Borui Culture Development Co., Ltd. On November 27, 2018,
Beijing Yuhe Borui Culture Development Co., Ltd. decided that the Beijing Arbitration Commission had
violated the law and applied to the the Beijing Fourth Intermediate People's Court for revocation of the
arbitration. As of the balance sheet date, the case has not been concluded.
      27) Supply and installation contract dispute with Dongguan Kema Decoration Furniture Co., Ltd.
      On December 1, 2016, the Company’ subsidiary, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “International Engineering”) and Dongguan Kema Decoration Furniture Co.,
Ltd. signed a Wood Veneer and Furniture Supply and Installation Contract. Since the International
Engineering owed Dongguan Kema Decoration Furniture Co., Ltd. the contract payment of 771,387.98
yuan and refused to pay it at the repeated urging by Dongguan Kema Decoration Furniture Co., Ltd.,
Dongguan Kema Decoration Furniture Co., Ltd. filed an arbitration application with the Beijing
Arbitration Commission, ordering the International Engineering to pay the money immediately and
assume the economic loss caused to the applicant due to delayed payment, including the interest loss
during the capital occupation period, attorney fees and other losses incurred in realizing the creditor's
right. As of the balance sheet date, the case has not been concluded.
      28) Construction contract dispute with Tong Xianfeng, Zhou wenfa v. Fan Zeyan, Sino Great Wall
International Engineering Co., Ltd. and Anhui Weike Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
      In February 2016, the Company’s subsidiary, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “International Engineering”) undertook the decoration engineering project of
public commercial area in Wulishan Tianjie, Yaohai District, Hefei City from Anhui Weike Industrial
Development Co., Ltd. After undertaking the project, the International Engineering illegally
subcontracted the entire paving of ground brick, toilet wall and floor tile to Fan Zeyan, who then
subcontracted part of the project to Tong Xianfeng and Zhou Wenfa. They completed related engineering
tasks at the end of 2016. However, the International Engineering and Fan Zeyan did not make the
remaining project payments as agreed in relevant agreements. In such a case, Tong Xianfeng and Zhou
wenfa filed a lawsuit to the People's Court of Yaohai District, ruling Fan Zeyan and the International
Engineering to pay the original project payments of 45,500 yuan and interests of 2,047.50 yuan. As of the
balance sheet date, the case has not been concluded.
      29) Steel Parts, Bolts, Stone Pendant and Dry Hanging Adhesive Supply Contract dispute with
Beijing Huaye Xingcheng Technology Co., Ltd.
      On March 2, 2017, the Company’s subsidiary, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “International Engineering”) and Beijing Huaye Xingcheng Technology Co.,
Ltd. signed the Steel Parts, Bolts, Stone Pendant and Dry Hanging Adhesive Supply Contract. Since the
International Engineering failed to make the supply payment on time and still refused to pay it at the
repeated urging, Beijing Huaye Xingcheng Technology Co., Ltd. filed an arbitration application with the
Beijing Arbitration Commission, ordering the International Engineering to pay the supply payable of
172,474.07 yuan and the liquidated damages for overdue payment at 0.5% of the payable per day. As of
the balance sheet date, the case has not been concluded.
      30) Sales contract dispute with Jieyang Fangyuan Stone Co., Ltd.
      On August 14, 2016, the Company’s subsidiary, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.

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(hereinafter referred to as “International Engineering”) and Jieyang Fangyuan Stone Co., Ltd. signed a
Stone Material (Equipment) Supply and Subcontracting Contract. Due to the malicious default in
payment for goods by the International Engineering, Jieyang Fangyuan Stone Co., Ltd. filed an arbitration
application with the Guangzhou Arbitration Commission, ruling the International Engineering to pay
3,343,649.45 yuan for supply of stone materials and the liquidated damages for overdue payment at 1‰
of the actual payable per day. As of the balance sheet date, the case has not been concluded.
      31) Contract dispute with Beijing Jingsheng Taihua Jinshu Jiegou Co., Ltd.
      To construct the glass curtain wall for the expansion project of the Polly Airport Terminal in Ethiopia,
Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jingsheng Taihua Jinshu Jiegou Co., Ltd.
signed the Steel Supply Contract on August 29, 2016 and January 11, 2017 respectively. Among them, the
contract signed on August 29, 2016 stipulates that the total amount of the contract is 700,000 yuan. The
actual amount settled by both parties is 753,574.75 yuan. Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co.,
Ltd. actually paid 675,000 yuan and 78,574.75 yuan is still owed. As for the contract signed on January
11, 2017, the project has been suspended due to the reason of Sino Great Wall International Engineering
Co., Ltd., resulting in that 118 pieces of Y-type steel has been processed but not delivered by the applicant,
with the value of 201,673.8 yuan. Since Y-type steel is made to order for special type of products and
cannot be used elsewhere after processing, it has become a pile of scrap. Sino Great Wall International
Engineering Co., Ltd. has not paid the above payments. Beijing Jingsheng Taihua Jinshu Jiegou Co., Ltd.
filed an arbitration application with the Beijing Arbitration Commission, requesting the International
Engineering to make the balance payment of 78,574.75 yuan stipulated in the contract signed on August
29, 2016, payment of 382,375.67 yuan in the contract signed on January 11, 2017, processing and
materials payment of products that were not delivered of 201,673.8 yuan, and pay corresponding interests
of 33,572.96 yuan (tentatively calculated at the loan interest rate of the People's Bank of China for the
same period with 662,624.22 yuan as the base value as of the second day of the last delivery date, namely
from July 14, 2017 to the date of actual payment by the respondent), and at the same time, requesting
Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. to pay 20,000 yuan of legal fees due to rights
protection. As of the balance sheet date, the case has not been concluded.
      32)Case of Purchase Contract of Guangdong Newpearl Ceramics Group Co., Ltd.
      On July 25, 2017, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd., Guangdong Newpearl
Ceramics Group Co., Ltd. and Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd. entered into the Contract for Supplying
Wall and Floor Tiles for the Project of 1-4 Floors of the Basement and 1-2 Floors of the Skirt Building of
Intercontinental Hotel at No. 4 Land Parcel of Pazhou Village, Guangzhou City (Guang Zhou Pa Zhou
Cun Xiang Mu He 20160037). Because Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. has not made
payment for the goods through Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd., which has constituted a breach of
contract, Guangdong Newpearl Ceramics Group Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of
Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, requesting Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. to pay a
total of RMB781,353.24 for goods and overdue interest of 13,170.68 yuan (The interest rate is calculated
based on the loan interest rate of the People's Bank of China for the same period, and is subject to upward
adjustment of 50% with reference to the overdue penalty interest rate. The date of overdue is tentatively
scheduled for November 2, 2018, and the interest is accrued up to the date on which the payment is
actually fully settled. The payment is 92 days overdue calculated from August 1, 2018 to November 2,
2018, so the overdue interest is 781353.24*4.35%*(1+50%)/360*93= 13170.68 yuan);and requesting
Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. to bear the legal costs of the case. As of the date of
balance sheet, the case has not yet been concluded.
      33)Case of Stone Supply Contract of Lvmeiyi Company

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      On June 25, 2015, Lvmeiyi Horticulture Greening Engineering Co., Ltd. and Sino Great Wall
International Engineering Co., Ltd. entered into Contract for Purchasing and Partially Installing Wood
Finishes, Wood Doors, Wardrobes for Fine Decoration Project of Old Rooms and the Newly Built
Catering Complex of Jing Feng Hotel of the General Logistics Department of PLA, and Stone Products
Supply Contract. On June 27, 2015, they entered into Supplementary Agreement on the Contract for
Supplying Stones, Wall and Floor Tiles, Wooden Doors, Wardrobes, and Wood Finishes. On January 20,
2017 and May 8, 2017, the project leader team carried out the completion acceptance. At present, the
project is in actual use. The actual value of wood finishes, wooden doors and wardrobes supplied
amounted to 12,082,635.91 yuan, in which, 7,963,329.64 yuan has been paid, and 4,119,306.27 yuan is
still unpaid. The penalty amounted to 2,142,039.26 yuan (4,119,306.27*0.36/12*(17 10/30)). The project
was successfully completed and accepted on May 8, 2017. The actual value of stones supplied amounted
to 19,117,159 yuan, in which 13,910,374 yuan has been paid, and 5,206,785 yuan is still unpaid. The
penalty amounted to 2,655,460.35 yuan (5206785*0.36/12*17). The project was successfully completed
and accepted on May 8, 2017. Lvmeiyi Horticulture Greening Engineering Co., Ltd. filed an arbitration
application with the Beijing Arbitration Commission, requesting Sino Great Wall International
Engineering Co., Ltd. to pay the principal of 9,326,091.27 yuan, and penalty of 4,797,499.61 yuan,
totaling 14,123,590.88 yuan;and requesting Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. to
entirely bear the arbitration fees. As of the balance sheet date, the case has not yet been concluded.
      34)Case of Contract Dispute with Gome Xinda
      On April 26, 2018, Gome Xinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd., Sino Great Wall International
Engineering Co., Ltd., and Zhanjiang City Chikan Yasheng Meile Trading Co., Ltd. entered into the
Factoring Contract (No. GMBL-GBL-180420-BJ-YSML-001), pursuant to which, within the cooperation
period and credit line, Zhanjiang City Chikan Yasheng Meile Trading Co., Ltd. can transfer its accounts
receivable due from Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. to Gome Xinda Commercial
Factoring Co., Ltd. and apply for factoring financing with Gome Xinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd.
After the expiration of factoring financing, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. will pay
the interest of factoring financing to Gome Xinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. If Sino Great Wall
International Engineering Co., Ltd. fails to make full payment in time, Sino Great Wall International
Engineering Co., Ltd. shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract. At the same time,
Gome Xinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. has the right to request Zhanjiang City Chikan Yasheng
Meile Trading Co., Ltd. to repurchase accounts receivable. If Zhanjiang City Chikan Yasheng Meile
Trading Co., Ltd. fails to repurchase accounts receivable within the specified time, it shall bear the
corresponding liability for breach of contract. On April 26, 2018, pursuant to the Accounts Receivable
Transfer        Financing        Application        under        the       Factoring       Contract    (No.
GMBL-GBL-180420-BJ-YSML-001-1), Zhanjiang City Chikan Yasheng Meile Trading Co., Ltd.
transferred the account receivable of 39,974,980.00 yuan due from Sino Great Wall International
Engineering Co., Ltd. to Gome Xinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd., and applied for the factoring
financing amount of 30,000,000.00 yuan. The interest rate of the factoring financing is 11%, at an
annualized basis. The term of the factoring financing is 180 days from the date on which Gome Xinda
Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. makes payment of factoring financing. On May 11, 2018, Gome Xinda
Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. paid the factoring financing amount of 3,000,0000.00 yuan to Zhanjiang
City Chikan Yasheng Meile Trading Co., Ltd. On October 23, 2018, upon which the term of the factoring
financing expired, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. did not pay the accounts
receivable and the interest thereon, Zhanjiang City Chikan Yasheng Meile Trading Co., Ltd. did not fulfill
the obligation of repurchase. Gome Xinda Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with the

                                                                      Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

People's Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing City, requesting Sino Great Wall International Engineering
Co., Ltd., pursuant to accounts receivable under the Accounts Receivable Transfer Financing Application
(No. GMBL-GBL-180420-BJ-YSML-001-1), to pay the principal of the accounts receivable of
39,974,980.00 yuan, interest of 1,512,500 yuan, overdue interest of 45,833.33 yuan (tentatively scheduled
for October 28, 2018), the penalty for overdue payment for accounts receivable of 99,937.45 yuan
(tentatively scheduled for October 28, 2018), and the penalty for overdue payment for interest of 3,781.25
yuan (tentatively scheduled for October 28, 2018), totaling 41,637,032.03 yuan. requesting Zhanjiang
City Chikan Yasheng Meile Trading Co., Ltd. to bear part of the repurchase obligation within the scope of
the principal amount of 30,000,000.00 yuan, interest of 1,512,500 yuan and default interest for overdue
repurchase of 63,025 yuan (tentatively scheduled for October 28, 2018); and requesting Sino Great Wall
International Engineering Co., Ltd. and Zhanjiang City Chikan Yasheng Meile Trading Co., Ltd. to bear
all expenses for realization of obligation right such as litigation fees, property preservation fees, and
security guarantee fees. As of the date of balance sheet, the case has not yet been concluded.
      35)Case of Contract Dispute with Henan First Thermal Power Construction Co., Ltd.
      In 2015, Henan First Thermal Power Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Henan First
Thermal Power) and Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. entered into a loan agreement,
pursuant to which, Henan First Thermal Power will lend 30 million yuan to Sino Great Wall International
Engineering Co., Ltd., with a monthly interest rate of 1%, and Sino Great Wall International Engineering
Co., Ltd. shall return 30 million yuan before December 31, 2015. The interest rate will be changed to
monthly interest rate of 1.5% after the repayment is overdue. As of September 2018, Sino Great Wall
International Engineering Co., Ltd. had not repaid the amount. Therefore, Henan First Thermal Power
filed a lawsuit on September 17, 2018, requesting repayment of the principal, interest, and remittance fees
totaling 47,177,460.94 yuan. The case went on trial on December 12, 2018 and has not yet been
      36)Case of Dispute on Stone Products Supply Contract of Fujian Province Nan'an City Feiwang
Stone Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd.
      On June 7, 2015, Fujian Province Nan'an City Feiwang Stone Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as Stone Company) and Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. entered into the
Stone Products Supply Contract, pursuant to which, Stone Company provided stones with a total value of
3,516,152.30 yuan to Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. From July 1, 2015 to April 26,
2016, Sino Great Wall paid a total of 2.6 million yuan to the Stone Company, and has not paid any
amount to the Stone Company since then. On October 9, 2018, the Stone Company filed an arbitration
application with the Beijing Arbitration Commission, requesting payment for the goods of 916,152.30
yuan and related interest(The interest is calculated based on the arrears, from January 10, 2016 to the date
on which the payment for goods is actually settled). The case was accepted by the Beijing Arbitration
Commission on October 29, 2018 and has not yet been concluded.
      37)Case of Sales Contract Dispute with Shenzhen Strive Industrial Co., Ltd.
      On March 25, 2017, Shenzhen Strive Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Industrial
Company) and Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. entered into a supply contract,
According to the contract, Sino Great Wall paid an advance payment of 80,000.00 yuan to the Industrial
Company. The Industrial Company provided goods worth yuan 263,963.29 to Sino Great Wall in three
batches on April 8, 2017, May 4, 2017, and May 10, 2017, respectively. Then, however, Sino Great Wall
was reluctant to pay the remaining payment. It only paid 100,000 yuan on March 8, 2018, and the
remaining payment of 83,963.29 yuan has not been paid. On October 18, 2018, the Industrial Company
filed an arbitration application with the Beijing Arbitration Commission, requesting Sino Great Wall

                                                                         Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

International Engineering Co., Ltd. to pay the remaining payment of 83,963.29 yuan, transportation
expenses, travel expenses, and cost of lost labor of 8,000.00 yuan due to the application for arbitration, as
well as arbitration fees. The case was accepted by the arbitration commission on November 2, 2018, and
has not yet been concluded.
      38)Case of Contract Dispute of Shenzhen Fangyuan Ronghua Metal Engineering Co., Ltd.
      On April 7, 2017, Shenzhen Fangyuan Ronghua Metal Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to
as Ronghua Company) and Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. entered into a supply and
processing contract, pursuant to which, Ronghua Company provides metal products and processing
services to Sino Great Wall, with a total value of 314,905.00 yuan. As of the date of filing the lawsuit,
Sino Great Wall only paid a processing fee of 170,000 yuan. However, as of the date of filing the lawsuit,
the one-year warranty period for the project had expired, and Sino Great Wall should pay 95% of the
processing fee. On October 25, 2018, Ronghua Company filed a lawsuit requesting Sino Great Wall to
pay the processing fee of 144,905.00 yuan, and interest of 7,684.55 yuan, as well as related litigation
costs. At present, the case has not yet been concluded.
      39) Financial loan contract dispute with Baoshang Bank Limited
      On January 14, 2018, Sino Great Wall signed a Loan Contract for Liquidity with Baoshang Bank
Limited, which agreed to grant a loan of 200 million yuan to Sino Great Wall for a period of 12 months,
paying interest on a monthly basis, and repaying the principal and interest of the loan in one lump sum on
the maturity date of the loan. On January 17, 2018, Baoshang Bank issued loans to Sino Great Wall. Sino
Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. and its actual controllers Chen Lue and He Feiyan
provided joint liability guarantees, and at the same time agreed that Chen Lue shall not pledge the 60
million shares of Sino Great Wall held by him. On October 24, 2018, Baoshang Bank announced that the
debt had expired in advance, and the company was sued for failing to repay the above loan within the
required time. Baoshang Bank has requested the following: the court shall order Sino Great Wall to repay
the loan principal of 200 million yuan to Baoshang Bank; the court shall order Sino Great Wall to pay an
interest of 4,458,750 yuan and a compound interest of 55,890.37 yuan to Baoshang Bank, and from
November 20, 2018, the principal of the remaining loan and the remaining interest shall be used as the
basis for the company's payment of the default interest and compound interest to Baoshang Bank
respectively in accordance with the annual interest rate of 9.8755%, until the date when the debts are fully
settled; the court shall order Sino Great Wall and Chen Lue to hold jointly liabilities for the above debts;
the court shall order He Feiyan to hold jointly liabilities for the above-mentioned debts within the scope
of the joint property with Chen Lue; the court shall order the defendants to bear all the expenses paid by
the plaintiff for the recovery of the claims, such as the litigation fee, costs of preservation, the counsel fee,
etc. As of the date of balance sheet, the case has not yet been heard.
      40) Leasing contract dispute with Zhejiang Huatie Construction Equipment
      Sino Great Wall Southwest Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, signed
the Steel Pipe Leasing Contract with Zhejiang Huatie Construction Support Technology Co., Ltd., which
stipulated the rental price of the steel pipe leased goods. The quantity of the leased goods was based on
the invoice. From the date of the lessee's shipment to the date of the return of the lessor's warehouse, the
lessee shall pay 70% of the rent every 3 months and settle the entire rent within 3 months after the leased
property is removed. After the conclusion of the contract, the lessor provided the leased items such as
steel pipes and fasteners. The miscellaneous expenses incurred in the performance of the contract were
1593635.57 yuan, and no payment was made by Sino Great Wall Southwest Construction Engineering
Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Huatie Construction Support Technology Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit, requesting:
termination of the Steel Pipe Leasing Contract; immediate payment of rental and miscellaneous fees from

                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

Southwest Construction of 1593635.57 yuan (tentatively until March 6, 2018); immediate return of leased
goods such as steel mesh, steel pipe, crossbar, etc., or a compensation of 8084676.16 yuan for the price;
the liquidated damages for overdue payment of 112213.10 yuan (tentatively until March 6, 2018 from the
date of signing the contract; after that, the rent shall be collected on the basis of 1593635.57 yuan by one
thousandth of the amount per day until the date of payment of the rent); joint and several liabilities to be
held by Guo Xiaoyi for liquidation; and bearing of the litigation costs. As of the date of balance sheet, the
case has not yet been concluded.
      41) Contract Dispute with the People's Government of Chapan Township, Yingshan County
      On January 30, 2016, the company's subsidiary Sino Great Wall Southwest Construction
Engineering Co., Ltd. (formerly known as: Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd.) signed the
Construction Contract of Small and Micro Water Conservancy Projects in Tanping Village, Chapan
Township, Yingshan County with the People's Government of Chapan Township, Yingshan County, and
was contracted to undertake the construction of small and micro water conservancy projects in Tanping
Village, Chapan Township, Yingshan County. The construction period was from February 15th, 2016 to
May 31st, 2016, and the contract price was 1862300 yuan. After the signing of the contract, the
Southwest Construction Company carried out part of the construction work, and the construction was
completely shut down in May 2017. After many unsuccessful negotiations, the People’s Government of
Chapan Township of Yingshan County sued the Southwest Construction Company and requested the
termination of the previously signed contract of the construction project, payment of liquidated damages
from the Southwest Construction Company, compensation for economic losses, and bearing of legal
      42) Labor Dispute
      In 2018, the Comapny's subsidiary Shenzhen Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. was
submitted to arbitration for labor and personnel disputes by 51 people, including Qi Deyun, requesting the
company to pay a total of 5,068,538.15 yuan in arrears of wages, overtime, bonuses, compensation for
termination of labor relations, reimbursed expenses, etc. As of the date of balance sheet, the arbitration is
      43) Dispute with Xu Zhigui over the Decoration Contract
      Xu Zhigui, as the actual construction worker of the interior decoration project of Four Stars A and B
Hotels (Building B) in Wanda City, Nanchang, completed and delivered the interior mechanical and
electrical installation project to Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. According to the
contract agreement and additional contract price, Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
owed Xu Zhigui 1040716.25 yuan for the decoration work.Xu Zhigui filed a lawsuit and requested that
Nanchang Wanda City Investment Co., Ltd., Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. and
Hangzhou Yingtianxia Construction Co., Ltd. shall be ordered to jointly pay the arrears of 10,407,616.25
yuan for the decoration work and the interest on the arrears of decoration payments (calculated at the
same period loan interest rate of the People's Bank of China from March 11, 2016 to the time of payment
of the arrears), and to jointly bear the litigation fees.
      (2) Contingent liabilities formed by providing debt guarantees to other enterprises/institutions and
their financial implications.

(2) Important contingencies not required to be disclosed by the company shall also be explained

The company does not have important contingencies that need to be disclosed.

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.    2018 Annual Report

3. Others

XV. Matters after the balance sheet date

1. Important non-adjusting events

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

 Item                                Contents                       effects on financial conditions   Reasons     for     inestimable
                                                                    and operating results             effects

2. Profit distribution

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

3. Sales return

4. Description of other events after the balance sheet date

XVI. Other important events

1. Correction of accounting errors in the prior period

(1) Retrospective restatement method

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

      Correction contents of the
                                                                       Report items of various
          accounting errors              Treatment procedure                                                Cumulative effects
                                                                     affected comparative periods

(2) Prospective application method

      Correction contents of the accounting                                                    Reasons for adopting prospective
                                                         Approval procedure
                     errors                                                                           application method

 Company expenses disbursed by means
                                                                                            The amount is of no significant
 except for the personal card accounts of       Resolution of the board of directors
 the actual controllers and senior executives

                                                                                              Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.           2018 Annual Report

2. Debt restructuring

3. Asset replacement

(1) Non-monetary asset exchange

(2) Other asset replacement

4. Annuity plan

5. Discontinued operation

                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                Discontinued operation
       Item     Revenue             Expense         Total profit       Income tax expense   Net profit      profits attributable to the
                                                                                                          owner of the parent company

Other notes

6. Segment information

(1) Determination basis and accounting policy of the reporting segments

Accounting policy of the reporting segments:
As businesses in domestic architectural decoration, outbound architectural decoration and medical sectors
are not associated with each other, there is no price transfer among the segments; medical businesses are
operated by the Company and independent subsidies. Outbound architectural decoration business shall be
accounted by overseas companies according to regions in which the projects under construction is located
by establishing independent account sets for 8 main projects in Qatar, Kuwait, Cambodia, Sri Lanka,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Maldives and Saipan. There are no expenses indirectly attributable to various
segments to be apportioned. And outbound architectural decoration business data also consist of financial
figures from the account sets of the above 8 main projects.
              Domestic architectural          Outbound architectural    Medical
Item                                                                                          Offset                      Total
                decoration sector               decoration sector        sector

              Current     Last          Curr             Last          Curre                 Current     Last              Current      Last

                                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.           2018 Annual Report

                  period       period           ent           perio            nt                           period       period              period        perio

                                               perio            d             perio                                                                          d

                                                d                              d

 I.                                                                                        I.
              1,713,614,392. 4,055,226,176. 617,181,344.1 2,747,112,360. 135,685,751.                   1,713,614,392. 4,055,226,176. 2,496,411,771 6,497,124,980.
 Operating                                                                                 Operating
                    65                  75              8             43             60                       65                  75               .38                52
 income                                                                                    income

 Of which:                                                                                 Of which:

 foreign      1,713,614,392. 4,055,226,176. 617,181,344.1 2,747,112,360. 135,685,751.      foreign      1,713,614,392. 4,055,226,176.

 trade              65                  75              8             43             60    trade              65                  75

 income                                                                                    income

 Income                                                                                    Income
 from                                                                                      from
 inter-segm                                                                                inter-segm

 ent trade                                                                                 ent trade

                                                                                                                                         2,518,924,719 4,886,354,499.

 II.          1,823,342,781. 3,376,128,111 561,946,596.4 1,850,501,055 99,316,403.4        II.          1,823,342,781. 3,376,128,111               .23                66

 Operating          16              .31                 0           .12               9    Operating          16              .31

 cost                                                                                      cost

 Of which:                                                                                 Of which:
              1,823,342,781. 3,376,128,111 561,946,596.4 1,850,501,055 99,316,403.4                     1,823,342,781. 3,376,128,111
 foreign                                                                                   foreign
                    16              .31                 0           .12               9                       16              .31
 trade cost                                                                                trade cost

 Cost of                                                                                   Cost of
 inter-segm                                                                                inter-segm
 ent trade                                                                                 ent trade

 Ⅲ. Asset                                                                                 Ⅲ. Asset
                               233,324,136.1 445,662,546.                     10,313,351                                 233,324,136.1 562,914,387.9       323,067,604.8
 impairment 90,665,168.24                                     92,834,249.44                impairment 90,665,168.24
                                        8              73                           .51                                           8                   0                6
 loss                                                                                      loss

 Ⅳ.                                                                                       Ⅳ.                                           37,225,793.86     18,664,799.34

 Depreciat                                                                                 Depreciat
              25,439,978.2                                                    13,617,861                25,439,978.2
 ion and                       8,485,049.12 3,297,464.80 2,669,193.11                      ion and                       8,485,049.12
                   9                                                                .75                      9
 amortizati                                                                                amortizati

 on costs                                                                                  on costs

 V. Total     -1,454,805,513                   -353,395,19 616,507,925.7 -15,055,00        V. Total     -1,454,805,513                   -1,819,685,02     663,236,724.4
                               -3,420,438.20                                                                             -3,420,438.20
 profit            .15                                0.80            4            6.40    profit            .15                                 7.26                  8

 Ⅵ. Income                                                                                Ⅵ. Income
                                               -31,794,530.                   2,561,747.                                                 -3,162,256.01     11,921,876.40
 tax          27,790,032.39     92,409.54                     10,327,779.55                tax          27,790,032.39     92,409.54
                                                       69                           82
 expense                                                                                   expense

 Ⅶ. Net      -1,482,595,545                   -321,600,66 606,950,602.7 -17,616,75        Ⅶ. Net      -1,482,595,545                   -1,816,522,77     651,314,841.4
                               -3,512,847.74                                                                             -3,512,847.74
 profit            .54                                0.11            5            4.22    profit            .54                                 1.25                  5

 Ⅷ. Total    14,713,980,506 16,528,958,963 4,092,433,748 4,411,681,112. 348,963,251.      Ⅷ. Total    14,713,980,506 16,528,958,963 9,763,085,782. 21,254,377,131

 assets            .82              .06                .17            49             61    assets            .82              .06                     40              .56

 Ⅸ. Total    12,593,571,839 16,505,938,299 2,511,243,436 4,414,287,247. 301,650,637.      Ⅸ. Total    12,593,571,839 16,505,938,299 9,596,028,675. 15,743,967,165

                                                                                          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

 liabiliteis     .66           .90         .32         85             75   liabiliteis    .66          .90                   32          .45

((2) Financial information of reporting segments


(3) If the Company lacks reporting segments or is not allowed to disclose total assets and total liabilities of the
reporting segments, please provide reasons

(4) Other notes

7. Other important transactions and events affecting investors' decisions

8. Others

XVII. Notes to main items on the Financial Statements of the parent company

1. Notes receivable and accounts receivable

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                       Item                              Closing balance                           Beginning balance

(1) Notes receivable

1) Notes receivables are listed by class
                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                       Item                              Closing balance                           Beginning balance

Bank acceptance                                                                    0.00                                           0.00

Trade acceptance                                                                   0.00                                           0.00

2) Notes receivable of the Company pledged at the end of the period
                                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                  Item                                             Amount pledged at the end of the period

Bank acceptance                                                                                                                            0.00

Trade acceptance                                                                                                                           0.00

3) Notes receivable endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period and undue on the balance sheet date
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                    Amount for which the recognition             Amount for which the recognition did not
                                                    terminated at the end of the period               terminate at the end of the period

Bank acceptance                                                                           0.00                                             0.00

Trade acceptance                                                                          0.00                                             0.00

4) Notes converted to accounts receivable by the Company at the end of the period due to the non-performance of
the drawer

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                             Item                                    Amount converted to accounts receivables at the end of the period

Trade acceptance                                                                                                                           0.00

Other notes

(2) Accounts receivable

1) Disclosure of accounts receivable by class
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                             Closing balance                                           Beginning balance

                           Book balance         Bad-debt provision                Book balance            Bad-debt provision
        Class                                                          Book
                                    Proportio                                              Proportio                 Accruing      Book value
                        Amount                  Amount proportio       value    Amount                   Amount
                                         n                                                       n                  proportion

Receivables with a significant individual amount and individual provision for bad debts at the end of the period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Receivables for which bad-debt provision is made by aging analysis method in the set:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Receivables for which bad-debt provision is made by balance percentage method in the set:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Receivables for which bad-debt provision is made by other methods in the set:
2) Bad-debt provisions set aside, recovered or carried back during the reporting period
During the reporting period, there were altogether RMB bad-debt provision set aside and RMB bad-debt provision recovered or carried back.
Bad-debt provisions recovered or carried back in the current period with significant amount are as follows:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

                    Unit name                         Amount recovered or carried back                     Recovery method

3) Receivables actually written off in the current period are as follows:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                   Item                                                         Amount written off

Significant receivables written off are as follows:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                        Is the amount
                                                                     Reasons for writing          Writing-off           incurred by the
        Unit name           Receivable nature   Amount written off
                                                                                off                procedure              connected

Notes to receivable write-off:
4) Receivables ranking top five on the ending balance list based on the concentration degree of the borrower
5) Receivables for which the recognition is terminated due to the transfer of financial assets
6) Asset and liability amounts incurred by the transfer of accounts receivables and continuing involvement
Other notes:

2. Other receivables

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                     Item                                    Closing balance                              Beginning balance

Dividends receivable                                                         100,000,000.00                               100,000,000.00

Other receivables                                                           2,886,852,664.14                             3,590,967,483.22

Total                                                                       2,986,852,664.14                             3,690,967,483.22

(1) Interests receivable

1) Classification of interests receivable
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                     Item                                    Closing balance                              Beginning balance

2) Significant overdue interests
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                   Whether impairment occurs and the
        Borrower             Closing balance          Overdue time           Overdue reasons
                                                                                                                judgment basis

Other notes:

(2) Dividends receivable

1) Dividends receivable
                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

 Item (or the invested party)                   Closing balance                                Beginning balance

                                                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.           2018 Annual Report

 Sino       Great        Wall        International      100,000,000.00                                      100,000,000.00
 Engineering Co., Ltd.

 Total                                                  100,000,000.00                                      100,000,000.00

2) Significant dividends receivable with an aging of more than 1 year
                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                                    Whether impairment
  Item (or the invested                                                                              Reasons for recovery
                                          Closing balance                      Aging                                               occurs and the judgment
            party)                                                                                         failure

Sino Great Wall
                                                                                                The dividends are not
International Engineering                     100,000,000.00 1-2
                                                                                                actually paid
Co., Ltd.

Total                                         100,000,000.00                    --                               --                             --

Other notes:

(3) Other receivables

1) Disclosure of other receivables by class
                                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                    Closing balance                                                   Beginning balance

                                Book balance                                                   Book balance             Bad-debt provision
         Class                                                        Accrui
                           Amoun            Proport     Amoun           ng                    Amo        Proport
                                                                                                                       Amount       proportio
                                 t            ion           t         proport                  unt         ion

 Other receivables
 for which bad-debt
 provision is made          2,909,9                                              2,886,8
                                             100.00     23,116,                               ,182,      100.00         8,215,2                      3,590,967
 according to               69,569.                                    0.79%     52,664.                                               0.23%
                                                    %   905.63                                692.3              %        09.12                        ,483.22
 characteristic                      77                                                14
 portfolio of credit

Other receivables with a significant individual amount and individual provision for bad debts at the end of the period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other receivables for which bad-debt provision is made by aging analysis method in the set:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                                            Closing balance
                                                    Other receivables                   Bad-debt provision                        Accruing proportion

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

Sub-items within 1 year

Within 1 year                                       204,032,509.97                     10,201,625.50                              5.00%

Sub-total (within 1 year)                           204,032,509.97                     10,201,625.50                              5.00%

1 - 2 years                                         116,005,431.09                      11,600,543.11                            10.00%

2 - 3 years                                            4,382,456.75                      1,314,737.03                            30.00%

Total                                               324,420,397.81                      23,116,905.63

Notes to the determination basis for the set:
Other receivables for which bad-debt provision is made by balance percentage method in the set:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other receivables for which bad-debt provision is made by other methods in the set:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2) Bad-debt provisions set aside, recovered or carried back during the reporting period
During the reporting period, there were altogether 14,839,141.69 yuan bad-debt provision set aside and 0.00 yuan bad-debt provision
recovered or carried back.
Bad-debt provisions carried back or recovered in the current period with significant amount are as follows:
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                    Unit name                        Amount carried back or recovered                    Recovery method

3) Other receivables actually written off in the current period are as follows:
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                  Item                                                         Amount written off

Significant other receivables written off are as follows:
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                     Is the amount
                             Nature of other                          Reasons for writing        Writing-off         incurred by the
        Unit name                               Amount written off
                              receivables                                     off                procedure             connected

Notes to the write-off of other receivables:
4) Classification of other receivables by nature
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

               Nature of payment                            Closing book balance                      Beginning book balance

Current payment between units                                             2,757,783,997.09                           3,506,887,491.95

Reserve fund                                                                      666,710.88                                 142,590.46

Cash deposit and pledge                                                     151,379,709.93                                 92,152,609.93

Others                                                                            139,151.87

Total                                                                     2,909,969,569.77                           3,599,182,692.34

5) Other receivables ranking top five on the ending balance list based on the concentration degree of the borrower
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.       2018 Annual Report

                                                                                               Proportion in the
                                                                                                                       Closing balance of
        Unit name         Nature of payment          Closing balance               Aging      total closing balance
                                                                                                                       bad-debt provision
                                                                                              of other receivables

Sino Great Wall
International            Current payment              2,394,022,760.68 Within 1 year                       83.30%
Engineering Co., Ltd.

Wuhan Commercial
Worker Hospital Co., Current payment                         89,886,449.10 Within 1 year                    3.13%

Sino Great Wall
                         Current payment                     59,000,000.00 Within 1 year                    2.05%
Engineering Co., Ltd.

Committee of Fuping
                         Deposit                             50,000,000.00 1 - 2 years                      1.74%             5,000,000.00
Development Zone

                         Payment transferred
DBS Beijing Branch       to the account as                   50,000,000.00 Within 1 year                    1.74%             2,500,000.00

Total                              --                 2,642,909,209.78              --                     91.87%             7,500,000.00

6) Receivables covered by governmental subsidy
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                               Name of government                                                               Estimated time, amount
          Unit name                                              Closing balance           Closing aging
                                   subsidy project                                                                 and basis of the receipt

7) Other receivables for which the recognition is terminated due to the transfer of financial assets
8) Asset and liability amounts incurred by the transfer of other receivables and continuing involvement
Other notes:

3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                         Closing balance                                            Beginning balance
        Item                                 Provision for                                             Provision for
                       Book balance                                Book value        Book balance                            Book value
                                             impairment                                                impairment

Investment in
                      3,323,211,536.66                          3,323,211,536.66 3,311,211,536.66                         3,311,211,536.66

Total                 3,323,211,536.66                          3,323,211,536.66 3,311,211,536.66                         3,311,211,536.66

                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

(1) Investment in subsidies

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                 Provision for    Closing balance
                          Beginning       Increase in the   Decrease in the
  Invested party                                                              Closing balance impairment in the   of provision for
                           balance        current period    current period
                                                                                                 current period     impairment

Sino Great Wall
                       3,079,451,536.66                                       3,079,451,536.66
Engineering Co.,

                         97,000,000.00                                          97,000,000.00
Worker Hospital
Co., Ltd.

Sino Great Wall
Investment                 5,000,000.00                                           5,000,000.00
Management Co.,

Changye City
                         10,000,000.00                                          10,000,000.00
Industrial Co., Ltd.

Xiangfen County
                         10,000,000.00                                          10,000,000.00
Construction Co.,

Shenzhou Zhigu
                        109,760,000.00                                         109,760,000.00
(Yueyang) Co.,

Ningling County
Inner Lake
Shanty-town                                  5,000,000.00                         5,000,000.00
Construction Co.,

Chengwu County
Engineering                                  7,000,000.00                         7,000,000.00
                                                                                                     Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

Co., Ltd.

Total               3,311,211,536.66        12,000,000.00                            3,323,211,536.66

(2) Investment in associated companies and joint ventures

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                 Increase or decrease in the current period

                                                Gains and                                                                            Closing
                                                losses on Adjustme                                                                    balance
                        Additiona               investmen    nt of                                                                        of
Investing Beginnin                  Reduced                                 Other     distributio Provision              Closing
                            l                       t        other                                                                   provision
  party     g balance               investmen                               equity    n of cash         for     Others   balance
                        investmen               recognize comprehe                                                                      for
                                        t                               changes dividends impairment
                            t                     d by       nsive                                                                   impairme
                                                                                      or profits
                                                 equity     income                                                                        nt

Ⅰ. Joint venture

Ⅱ. Associated companies

(3) Other notes

4. Operating revenue and operating cost

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                    Amount incurred in the current period                           Amount incurred in last period
                                      Revenue                        Cost                          Revenue                    Cost

Other businesses                            197,962.06                                                  240,558.55                    1,482.50

Total                                       197,962.06                                                  240,558.55                    1,482.50

Other notes:

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                    Item                           Amount incurred in the current period                 Amount incurred in last period

Income from long-term equity investment
calculated by cost method

Total                                                                                                                        100,000,000.00

                                                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.      2018 Annual Report

6. Others

XVIII. Supplementary information

1. Breakdown of non-recurring gains and losses in the current period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                               Item                                        Amount                                  Notes

Gains and loss from the disposal of non-current assets                            -1,181,511.77

Government subsidy recognized in current gains and losses
(excluding those closely related to the Company’s business
and granted according to the unified national standard quota
or quantity)

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
aforementioned items

      Influences on minority equity                                                       -19.58

Total                                                                          -293,299,241.06                       --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for
Companies Publicly Issuing Securities-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring gain/loss items that are listed in the
Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Publicly Issuing Securities-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and
have been defined as recurring gain/loss items, it is necessary to explain the reasons.
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

2. Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                                                   Earnings per share
        Profits in the reporting period     Weighted average return on equity      Basic earnings per share       Diluted earnings per
                                                                                          (yuan/share)            share (yuan/share)

Net profits attributable to common
                                                                       -124.70%                          -1.004                   -1.004
stockholders of the parent company

Net profits attributable to common
stockholders of the Company after                                      -103.49%                           -0.84                    -0.84
deducting non-recurring gains and loss

3. Accounting data differences under domestic and international accounting standards

(1) Differences in net profits and assets in the financial reports disclosed in accordance with International and
Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

                                                                        Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

(2)Differences in net profits and assets in the financial reports disclosed in accordance with overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

(3) Descriptions of reasons for accounting data differences occurring under domestic and foreign accounting
standards; if adjustment is made for data audited by an overseas audit institution, the name of the institution
shall be provided

4. Others

                                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.   2018 Annual Report

                             XII. Documents Available for Inspection

Ⅰ. 2018 Financial Statements with signatures and seals of the legal representative, person in charge of the accounting work and
person in charge of the accounting institution.
Ⅱ. Original of Auditor Report with the seal of the accounting firm and signatures and seals of the CPAs.
Ⅲ. All originals of the Company documents and announcements publically disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn, Security Times and
Hong Kong Commercial Daily.

Note: The report is prepared in Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version
shall prevail.