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*ST神城 (000018)
2025-03-07 15:00



						                                                             Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2019

Stock code: 000018 ,200018      Stock ID : *ST Sino Great Wall ,*ST Sino B         Announcement No. 2019-104

                                           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.

                   Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2019

I. Important notes
The summary is abstract from full-text of summary of the semi-annual report, for more details information ,
investors should found in the full-text of summary of the semi-annual report that published on website of
Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other website appointed by CSRC.
All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Semi-Annual Report. No disagreement was raised
by the directors, supervisors, and senior managements.
Non-standard auditor’s opinion
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Preliminary plan for profit distribution to the common shareholders or turning the capital reserve into the share
capital for the reporting period, which has been reviewed and approved at the board meeting
□ Applicable √Not applicable
The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and capitalizing of common reserves either.
Preliminary plan for profit distribution to the preference shareholders for the reporting period which has been
reviewed and approved at the board meeting
□ Applicable √Not applicable

II. Basic information about the company

1. Company profile

Stock ID                              *ST Sino Great Wall ,*ST Sino B Stock code                 000018、200018
Stock exchange                        Shenzhen Stock Exchange
  Contact person and contact manner                  Board secretary                      Securities affairs Representative
Name                                  Yang Chunling                                 Sun Yu
                                      Sino Great Wall Building, No.3 Jinxiu Street, Sino Great Wall Building, No.3 Jinxiu Street,
Contact address                       Economic Technology Development Zone , Economic Technology Development Zone ,
                                      Beijing                                       Beijing
Tel                                   010-89045855                                  010-89045855
Email.                                1208806865@qq.com                             000018sz@sina.com

2. Major accounting data and financial indicators
Indicate by tick mark whether the Company needs to retroactively restate any of its accounting data.
□ Yes √No

                                                                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2019

                                                        Reporting period         Same period of last year             YoY+/-(%)
Operating income(RM B)                                        256,367,221.67           1,586,971,575.24                         -83.85%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                             -1,416,774,391.50             143,999,455.72                      -1,083.87%
of the listed company(RMB)
Net profit after deducting of non-recurring
gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of                  -951,716,601.10             -33,506,685.35                       2,740.38%
listed company(RM B)
Cash flow generated by business operation,
                                                               -422,152,026.80           1,098,164,365.63                        -138.44%
net(RM B)
Basic earning per share(RM B/Share)                                    -0.8343                     0.0848                      -1,083.84%
Diluted gains per share(RM B/Share)                                    -0.8343                     0.0848                      -1,083.84%
Weighted average ROE(%)                                              -298.54%                       6.61%                        -305.15%
                                                 As at the end of the reporting
                                                                                As at the end of last year            YoY+/-(%)
Gross assets (RM B)                                           7,971,610,486.31           9,603,455,934.89                         -16.99%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                             -1,184,353,287.94             235,202,473.51                        -603.55%
the listed company (RMB)

3.Shareholders and shareholding

                                                                                                                                  In Shares
                                                                        Number of shareholders of
Total Number of common
                                                                        preferred stocks of which
shareholders at the end of the                                   69,421 voting rights recovered in the                                   0
reporting period
                                                                        report period(If any)
                                                  Shareholdings of Top 10 shareholders

 Shareholders                        Proportion of       Number of                                                   Number of share
                     Nature of                                                                                       pledged/frozen
                                      shares held       shares held at Amount of restricted shares held
                                        (%)            period -end                                         State of share    Amount
                  Domestic                                                                                  Pledge            583,454,462
Chen Lue                                      34.36%     583,454,556                        437,590,917
                  Natural person                                                                            Freeze            583,454,556
STYLE-SUCCE Foreign legal
                                                5.47%     92,970,910
SS LIM ITED person
               Domestic Non-
Union Holdings State-owned
                                                5.18%     87,935,921
Co., Ltd.
               legal person
He Feiyan                                       3.23%     54,800,458                                        Freeze              54,800,458
                  Natural person
Jiutai Fund -
Bank          of
s    -   Jiutai
Huitong No.2 Other                              2.40%     40,696,772
customer asset
Rich Crown
                Foreign legal
Investment Co.,                                 1.37%     23,235,313
Lei Shizhang                                    0.88%     15,000,000
                  Natural person
Qinghai Heyi      Domestic Non-                 0.79%     13,357,084                                        Pledge              13,357,084
Industry          State-owned

                                                               Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2019

Development      legal person
Co., Ltd.
Huang Huaian                              0.68%      11,480,000
                 Natural person
Liu Yong                                  0.41%       7,044,352
                 Natural person
                                 The largest shareholder of M r. Chen Lue and the Fourth largest shareholder of M s. He Feiyan
                                 aforesaid are persons acting in concerted; The controlling shareholder of the above-mentioned
Explanation on associated        third shareholder Shenzhen Union Holdings Co.,Ltd. And Sixth shareholder Rich Crown
relationship among the aforesaid Investment Co., Ltd.. Is Union Development Group Ltd.; It is unknown whether there is
shareholders                     relationship between other shareholders and whether they are persons taking concerted action
                                 specified in the Regulations on Disclosure of Information about Change in Shareholding of
                                 Shareholders of Listed Companies.
Notes to the shareholders
involved in financing securities   Nil
(if any)

4. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the reporting period.
Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the reporting period.

5.Number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of top 10 of them

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preference shareholders in the reporting period

6.Corporate bonds

Are there any corporate bonds publicly offered and listed on the stock exchange, which were undue before the
 approval date of this report or were due but could not be redeemed in full?

III. Pe rformance discussion & analysis

1.Performance Review for Reporting period

Is the company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?
Civil Engineering Construction
In the first half of 2019, due to the escalation of trade tensions and the tightening of credit in major economies, the
differentiation of major economies in the world has intensified and uncertainty has increased. The world economic
situation is facing downward risks. China's overall economic operation is within a reasonable range, continuing
the overall steady and steady development trend. Although the company is still affected by last year's national
capital management policy and the different degrees of loan collection by financial institutions such as loan
withdrawal and loan interruption, the company's operating c apital is with difficulty in liquidity, which has
triggered a series of chain reactions of operating difficulties. The company's operating income has been greatly
reduced. The company has overcome many difficulties and actively responded to them. During the reporting
period, the company actively solved the problem of back pay for some employees and increased the dunning

                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2019

effort for accounts receivable, for which the initial results have been achieved currently. In the first half of 2019,
the company realized operating income of 256 million yuan, with a year-on-year decrease of 83.85%; Operating
profit was -951 million yuan, with a year-on-year decrease of 5583.63%; Net profit attributable to the parent
company was -1.417 billion yuan, with a year-on-year decrease of 1083.87%.
In terms of engineering construction, the company overcame difficulties and obstacles, rooted in the existing
business area and scale, and continued to steadily expand its business. During the reporting period, the company
faced difficulties both domestically and abroad. In terms of foreign business, the company continues to maintain
the normal operation of existing projects in Cambodia, Russia, Malaysia and Algeria. It actively promotes the
settlement, litigation, accounts receivable recovery and activation of shutdown projects. Meanwhile, it is expected
to sign a high-value business contract in 2019 by making use of the good relationship of existing major customers
and tracking the target projects in Southeast Asia. In terms of domestic business, the first and second phases of the
"Qinyuanli" real estate project in Chengdu, with a total construction area of about 200,000 square meters, have
been capped. The Xiangfu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Kaifeng City, Henan Province and
the Anyang Second People's Hospital are under active construction. Other large health projects such as medical
care and old-age care are also being promoted.
The medical and health industry is an important pillar in the company's transformation and development strategy,
and the company focuses on developing its own building capacity and brand in medical engineering construction.
Through cooperation with relevant professional organizations, proton hospital projects will be actively promoted
to be implemented, the scientific and technological content of the company's medical and health sector will be
elevated, and the profitability of the medical and health business will be improved.
In smart housing sector, it will locate the trend and accurately position it, and comprehensively push forward the
implementation of strategic development goals. In recent years, the Chinese government has successively issued
relevant policies to vigorously promote the transformation of the construction industry to construction
industrialization. The company's "Sino Great Wall Smart Housing Co., Ltd." set up in Zhanjiang, Guangdong,
produces fabricated supporting products. During the reporting period, due to the financial environment, the
production line has not yet been established and put into operation. Meanwhile, the company promoted the rural
assembly business and made a preliminary layout in key regions of the country.
Faced with the financial difficulties, the company has made concerted efforts from top to bottom to conquer the
difficulties. It has successively carried out a series of reforms and innovations in enterprise management mode,
timely investigated and re-elected board members, integrated the senior management team, re-organized the
business sectors, defined the responsibility assessment, strengthened the asset preservation, comprehensively
optimized control and other measures to effectively stimulate enterprise development potential in adversity.

2.Maters related to financial report

(1) Reason for changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods as compared to the
financial report for the prior year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.
  (2) Reason for retrospective restatement to correct major accounting errors during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.
(3) Reason for changes in scope of the consolidated financial statements as compared to the financial report for
the prior year
√ Applicable □Not applicable
(1)Newly established subsidiaries for the current period

(1)Newly established subsidiaries for the current period
           Name                      Business plant        Registered      Share-holding ratio(%)        Acquired way

                                                                Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-Annual Report 2019

                                                                address         Directly        Indirectly
Sino Great Wall Decoration
Engineering (Beijing ) Co.,              Beijing                 Beijing          100                              Establish
(2)Other reasons for decreasing of subsidiaries in the current period

                                                                                                Basis for
                                                                             The time point
                                                                                             determining the Disposition gains and
           Name                    Share-holding ratio      Disposition way at which control
                                                                                             point of loss of       losses
                                                                                 is lost         control.
                                                                                              Industrial &
  Suzhou Lvbang Woods                                                                         commercial
                                         100%                     Sell       April 26,2019
   Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                      registration of
