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						                                                               Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

  Stock code: 000022/200022   Abbreviation of the stock: Chiwan A/Chiwan B    Announcement serial No.2012-032


                      Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report
                     For the Six Months Ended 30 June 2012

                                          I. Important Notes
(I)   The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors, supervisors and senior
        management staff of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the
        Company”) hereby confirm that there exists no omission, misstatement, or misleading information in
        this report, and accept, individually and collectively, the responsibility for the factuality, accuracy
        and completeness of the contents of this report. The report is abstracted from the semi-annual report
        2012, which is published on the internet website http://www.cninfo.com.cn in the mean time. The
        investors are suggested to read the full text of the Semi-Annual Report 2012 to understand more
(II) All directors, supervisors and senior management staff agreed to and guaranteed the correctness,
        accuracy and completeness of the contents of the Semi-Annual Report.
(III) This Semi-Annual Report has been reviewed and approved by the Fourth session of the Seventh
        Board of Directors of the Company.
(IV) Due to business reasons, Director Mr.Yuan Yuhui and Director & Executive Vice GM Mr. Zhang
        Ning did not attend the meeting and have given their consent to the full contents of this semi-annual
        report and appointed Director Mr. Tian Junyan and Director Mr. Fan Zhaoping respectively as their
        proxies to attend and speak at the meeting on their behalf.
(V) The Financial Report enclosed in the Semi-Annual Report 2012 of the Company has not been
        audited by a CPAs firm.
(VI) Chairman of the Board Mr. Zheng Shaoping, as well as Chief Financial Officer of the Company Mr.
        Zhang Jianguo and Financial Manager Ms. Ma Zhihong hereby confirm that the financial report
        contained herein is true and complete.
(VII) The Semi-Annual Report is written in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy between
        the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                         II. Company Profile
  (I)   Basic information
  A-share code               000022                    B-share code                200022
  A-share abbreviation       Chiwan A                  B-share abbreviation        Chiwan B
  Stock exchange listed with         Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                              Company Secretary             Securities Affairs Representative
  Name                               Ms. Bu Dan                           Ms. Hu Jingjing
  Address                            8/F., Chiwan Petroleum Building, Shenzhen, PRC
  Tel                                0755-26694222                        0755-26694222
  Fax                                0755-26684117                        0755-26684117
  E-mail                             cwh@cndi.com                         cwh@cndi.com

                                                                 Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

(II) Financial highlights
1. Major accounting data
Any retrospective adjustment in previous financial statements?
□ Yes √ No

                                                   As at 30 Jun. 2012        As at 31 Dec. 2011          +/- (%)
Total assets (Yuan)                                       6,980,962,668             6,540,228,435             6.74%
Total equity attributable to equity holders of
                                                         3,432,061,493              3,467,796,751               -1.03%
the Company (Yuan)
Share capital (share)                                       644,763,730               644,763,730               0.00%
Net assets per share attributable to equity
                                                                   5.323                      5.378             -1.02%
holders of the Company (Yuan/share)
Asset-liability ratio (%)                                       40.58%                     37.22%              3.36%
                                                    Jan.-Jun. 2012             Jan.-Jun. 2011            +/- (%)
Revenue (Yuan)                                             854,104,190                844,983,574              1.08%
Operating profit (Yuan)                                    365,218,883                403,107,347             -9.40%
Total profit (Yuan)                                        368,527,624                403,297,147             -8.62%
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the
                                                            222,035,234               258,357,428           -14.06%
Company (Yuan)
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the
Company after extraordinary gains and losses                219,634,546               258,193,085           -14.93%
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                              0.344                      0.401         -14.21%
Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                            0.344                      0.401         -14.21%
Weighted average return on net assets (%)                         6.24%                      7.78%           -1.54%
Weighted average return on net assets
                                                                  6.17%                      7.78%              -1.61%
after extraordinary gains and losses (%)
Net cash flow from operating activities
                                                            348,987,301               301,380,845               15.80%
Net cash flow per share arising from
                                                                   0.541                      0.467             15.85%
operating activities (Yuan/share)
2. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                   Items                                         Amount           Note (if applicable)
Net gains on disposal of non-current assets                                          1,098,272
Government grants in current year profit                                               411,252
Other non-operating income/ (expense), net                                           1,799,217
Minority interests effects (after tax)                                                (716,299)
Tax effects                                                                           (191,754)
Total                                                                                2,400,688             --

3. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the international and
Chinese accounting standards respectively
□Applicable √Inapplicable
4. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the overseas and
Chinese accounting standards respectively
□Applicable √Inapplicable
                                                                                   Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

           III. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders
   (I)      Changes in share capital

      √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                  Before the change                         Increase (+)/ decrease (-)                          After the change
                                                           Issue of
                                               Percentage                  Bonus     Reserves                                              Percentage
                                Number                    additional                                Other       Sub-total      Number
                                                  (%)                      issue     to stocks                                                (%)
 1.Shares subject to trading
                                    754,504         0.12%                                           -50,852       -50,852        703,652       0.11%
 a. State-owned shares
 b.     State-owned     legal
 person shares
 c. Other domestic shares
 Including: Shares held by
 domestic legal persons
 Shares held by domestic
 d. Shares held by overseas
 Including: Shares held by
 overseas legal persons
 Shares held by overseas
 e. Shares held by senior
                                    754,504         0.12%                                           -50,852       -50,852        703,652       0.11%
 management staff
 2. Shares not subject to
                                644,009,226       99.88%                                             50,852        50,852 644,060,078         99.89%
 trading moratorium
 a.      Ordinary     shares
                                464,789,805       72.09%                                                    0              0 464,789,805      72.09%
 denominated in RMB
 b. Domestically listed
                                179,219,421       27.79%                                             50,852        50,852 179,270,273         27.79%
 foreign shares
 c. Overseas listed foreign
 d. Others
 3.Total shares                 644,763,730         100%                                                                     644,763,730        100%
      ※ Restricted shares held by some senior management staff changed because the trading moratorium on them was lifted as these
         management staff retired.

   (II) Top ten shareholders and top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium
                                                              37,751 at the end of the reporting period, among which 28,999 are shareholders of
Total number of shareholders
                                                              A shares and 8,752 are shareholders of B shares

                 Shareholdings of top ten shareholders (all being shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium)
                                                               Nature of
                                                                                             Shares no             Shares                      Type of
                                                              shareholder    Shareho                                              Shares
                                                                                             subject to           subject to                    shares
                                                               (holder of     lding                                              pledged
             Name of shareholder (full name)                                                  trading              trading                    (A, B, H
                                                              A shares or    percenta                                            or frozen
                                                                                            moratorium           moratorium                   or other
                                                              holder of B       ge                                                (share)
                                                                                              (share)              (share)                     shares)
                                                               Holder of
CHINA NANSHAN DEVELOPMENT (GROUP) INC.                                        57.52%             370,878,000           0             0        A shares
                                                                A shares
                                                               Holder of
KEEN FIELD ENTERPRISES LIMITED                                                 8.31%              53,567,385           0           N/A        B shares
                                                                B shares
CMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON ASIAN GRW FD GTI                      Holder of
                                                                               7.43%              47,914,954           0           N/A        B shares
5496                                                            B shares
                                                               Holder of
GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV. CORP.- A/C "C"                                    0.92%               5,951,444           0           N/A        B shares
                                                                B shares

                                                                              Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

                                                            Holder of
ICBC-BOSERA SELECTION STOCK FUND                                              0.63%             4,079,823         0           N/A            A shares
                                                            A shares
                                                            Holder of
EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND                                                      0.55%             3,576,266         0           N/A            B shares
                                                            B shares
                                                            Holder of
OMERS ADMINISTRATION CORPORATION(SC03)                                        0.5%              3,238,309         0           N/A            B shares
                                                            B shares
                                                            Holder of
TEMPLETON CANADA EMERGING MKTS FUND                                           0.41%             2,671,924         0           N/A            B shares
                                                            B shares
                                                            Holder of
TEMPLETON ASIAN GROWTH FUND                                                   0.41%             2,648,652         0           N/A            B shares
                                                            B shares
FTIF-TEMPLETON EMERGING              MKT     SMALLER        Holder of
                                                                              0.39%             2,522,279         0           N/A            B shares
COMPANIES FUND                                              B shares
                                                           Except Keen Field Enterprises Limited, China Nanshan Development (Gro
                                                           up) Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “CND”) does not have any relations wit
Explanation on associated relationship among the top ten
shareholders:                                              h the shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium. The C
                                                           ompany does not know if there are any inter-relations among other
                                                           shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium.

   (III) Change of the controlling shareholder and the actual controller

      □Applicable √Inapplicable

       IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
      Shareholding changes of directors, supervisors and senior management
                                    Number of    Number of     Number of     Number of                                 Number of
                                      shares        shares        shares       shares             Shares subject to   stock options
                                                                                                                                           n for
          Name          Title         held at   increased in decreased in      held at          trading moratorium       held at
                                    year-begin    reporting     reporting    period-end               (share)          period-end
                                      (share)  period (share) period (share)   (share)                                   (share)
      Zheng         Chairman of                                                                                                         Uncha
                                       212,652             0              0           212,652               159,489                   0
      Shaoping      the Board                                                                                                           nged
      Wang Fen      Director             82,632            0              0            82,632                61,974                   0
      Fan Zhaoping Director              53,877            0              0            53,877                40,407                   0
      Yuan Yuhui    Director             14,040            0              0            14,040                10,530                   0
                    Deputy                                                                                                                Uncha
      Zhang Ning                       146,991             0              0           146,991               110,243                   0
                    General                                                                                                               nged
      Zhao                                                                                                                              Uncha
                    Supervisor           64,954            0              0            64,954                48,716                   0
      Chaoxiong                                                                                                                         nged
      Ni Keqin      Supervisor           38,772            0              0            38,772                29,079                   0
      Qu Jiandong General              127,254             0              0           127,254                95,440                   0
      Zhao Qiang General                 15,103            0              0            15,103                11,327                   0
      Zhang       General                                                                                                                 Uncha
                                         98,782            0              0            98,782                74,087                   0
      Jianguo     Manager,                                                                                                                nged
      Xiong                                                                                                                               Uncha
                  General                83,147            0              0            83,147                62,360                   0
      Haiming                                                                                                                             nged

                                                                     Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

                                V. Report of the Board of Directors
(I) Core businesses in different industries and products

                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan
                                       Core businesses in different industries
                                                                                         YoY +/- of       YoY +/- of
                                                  Operating profit      YoY +/- of
     Business       Revenue      Operating cost                                          operating        Operating
                                                   margin (%)            revenue
                                                                                           cost          profit margin
  Cargo handling 797,795,156       359,229,748            54.97%                0.94%          7.24%            -4.60%

(II) Core businesses in different areas

                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan
                  Area                            Operating revenue                             +/- YOY
  Mainland PRC                                                   850,895,987                                      1.04%
  Hong Kong                                                           3,208,203                                 12.02%

(III) Reasons for any significant change in main business and its structure
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
(IV) Reasons for any significant change in profitability of main business (gross profit rate) compared with
       that in the last year
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
(V) Analysis on reasons of significant changes in profit breakdown compared with the last year
  □Applicable √Inapplicable

(VI) Particulars about utilization of the raised funds

  1. Utilization of the raised funds
  √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                      Unit: ’000 Yuan
  Total raised funds                                                                                            500,000
  Raised funds input in the reporting period                                                                    500,000
  Accumulative input raised funds                                                                               500,000
  Raised funds with changed use in the reporting
  Accumulative raised funds with changed use                                                                             0
  Proportion of accumulative raised funds with
  changed use
                                        General utilization of the raised funds
  The raised funds have been used for repaying bank loans and supplementing working capital.
  2. Change of projects invested with raised funds
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
(VII) Revision of the Board of Directors’ business plan for the second half of the year
  □Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                           Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

(VIII) Business performance estimate for Jan.-Sept. 2012
  Warnings of estimated possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the period
  from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same period of last year,
  as well as the reasons
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
(IX) Explanation of the Board of Directors on “Non-standard Auditing Report” issued by the CPA firm
       for the reporting period
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
(X) Explanation of the Board of Directors on changes and solutions of the issues involved in the
      “Non-standard Auditing Report” issued by the CPA firm for last year
  □Applicable √Inapplicable

                                               VI. Significant Events
(I) Purchase, sales and reorganization of assets
  1. Purchase of assets
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
  2. Sale of assets
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
  3. Status of acquisition, sale or reorganization of assets since relevant announcements were released and the
  influence on business and finance
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
(II) Guarantees
  √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                Unit: ’000 Yuan
                              External guarantee the Company provided (excluding the guarantee for subsidiaries)
                           Disclosure                      Actual
                                                                           Actual                                              Guarantee
                              date of    Amount for occurrence date                        Type of      Period of    Executed
    Guaranteed party                                                     guarantee                                            for a related
                             relevant     guarantee       (date of                        guarantee     guarantee     or not
                                                                           amount                                             party or not
                         announcement                   agreement)
       Total external guarantee line                                   Total actual occurred amount
      approved during the reporting                                 0 of external guarantee during                                        0
                period(A1)                                                the reporting period(A2)
  Total external guarantee line that has                              Total actual external guarantee
     been approved at the end of the                                0     balance at the end of the                                       0
          reporting period(A3)                                              reporting period(A4)
                                                Guarantee for the subsidiaries of the Company
                           Disclosure                      Actual
                                                                            Actual                                             Guarantee
                              date of    Amount for occurrence date                        Type of      Period of    Executed
    Guaranteed party                                                      guarantee                                           for a related
                             relevant      guarantee      (date of                        guarantee     guarantee     or not
                                                                           amount                                             party or not
                         announcement                   agreement)
  Dongguan Chiwan                                                                                     21 Oct.
  Wharf Company          22 Jul. 2011        200,000 21 Oct. 2011               95,000 Guarantee      2011-20 Oct.   No        No
  Limited                                                                                             2016
  Dongguan Chiwan                                                                                     9 Feb.
  Wharf Company          22 Jul. 2011        200,000 9 Feb. 2012               100,000 Guarantee      2012-8 Feb.    No        No
  Limited                                                                                             2017
  Total guarantee line approved for the                                Total actual occurred amount
    subsidiaries during the reporting                         200,000        of guarantee for the                                   100,000
                  period                                                   subsidiaries during the

                                                                            Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

                     (B1)                                                       reporting period(B2)
     Total guarantee line that has been                                   Total actual guarantee balance
    approved for the subsidiaries at the                        1,000,000 for the subsidiaries at the end                            195,000
      end of the reporting period(B3)                                       of the reporting period(B4)
                                Total guarantee amount of the Company (including the guarantee for the subsidiaries)
                                                                           Total actual occurred amount
   Total guarantee line approved during
                                                                  200,000     of guarantee during the                                100,000
       the reporting period(A1+B1)
                                                                             reporting period(A2+B2)
     Total guarantee line that has been
                                                                          Total actual guarantee balance
   approved at the end of the reporting
                                                                1,000,000 at the end of the reporting                                195,000
  Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4) to the net assets of
  the Company
  Of which:
  Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and related
  Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed party whose
  asset-liability ratio is not less than 70% directly or indirectly(D)
  Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of net assets(E)                                                                      0
  Total amount of the above three guarantees(C+D+E)                                                                                        0
  Explanation on possible bearing joint responsibility of liquidation The subsidiaries use the credit lines and take the responsibility of
  due to immature guarantee                                               repayment, and the Company takes the joint responsibility.
  Explanation on provision of guarantees for external parties in
  violation of the prescribed procedure

(III) Non-operating credits and liabilities with related parties

  √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                     Unit: ’000 Yuan
                                                Lending funds to related parties             Borrowing funds from related parties
              Related parties
                                              Trading amount          Balance                Trading amount         Balance
  China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.                      592,580.86                 60,066.58                       0                        0
  Total                                               592,580.86                 60,066.58                       0                        0
  The Company did not provide any funds to controlling shareholder and its subsidiaries during the reporting period
  with the balance being zero.

(IV) Significant litigations and arbitrations
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
(V) Other significant events, as well as their influence and solutions
  1. Securities investment
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
  2. Equity of other listed companies held by the Company
  √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan
                                                                Gains/ Changes in
                              Initial               Book value (losses)   owners’
   Stock Short name of the            g percentage                                               Accounting
                           investment                    at       in    equity during                             Source of Shares
   code        stock                  in the listed                                                 Title
                             amount                 period-end reporting reporting
                                                                period     period
                                                                                                                 Legal person shares
               JiangSu                                                                                           with trading rights
  600377                        1,120,000        0.02%    5,870,000          -       135,000 ale financial
              Expressway                                                                                         obtained through a
                                                                                                               stock right split reform
              Shenzhen                                                                           Long-term
  400032    Petrochemical       3,500,000        0.26%      382,200          -               -     equity       Legal person shares
           Industry (Group)                                                                      investment

                                                                             Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

             Co., Ltd.
            Guangdong                                                                             Long-term
  400009 Guang Jian Group          27,500        0.02%       17,000           -               -     equity         Legal person shares
         Limited Company                                                                          investment
  Total                         4,647,500       --        6,269,200           -        135,000        --                   --

  3. Non-operational capital occupied by the principal shareholder and subsidiary enterprises and progress
  in clearing debt
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
  The accountability plan put forward by the Board of Directors when the Company had not completed collecting
  the capital occupied for non-operating purposes by the end of the reporting period
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
  4. Fulfillment of commitments
  Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior management, shareholders holding more
  than 5% shares of the Company, actual controller or any other relevant party in this reporting period, or such
  commitments carried down into this reporting period
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
  5. Pre-plan of the Board of Directors for profit distribution or turning capital reserves into share capital
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
  6. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                                      Items                                       This reporting period        Same period of last year
  1. Gain/(loss) arising from available-for-sale financial assets                                   180,000                 (1,230,000)
  Less: Income tax relating to available-for-sale financial assets                                 (45,000)                     295,200
  Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that
                                                                                                          -                              -
  recognized into other comprehensive income in prior period
                                    Subtotal                                                       135,000                      (934,800)
  2. Attributable share measured at equity method in other
  comprehensive income of the invested entity
  Less: Effects of income tax generating from Attributable share
  measured at equity method in other comprehensive income of the
  invested entity
  Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that
  was recorded into other comprehensive income in previous period
  3. Gain/(loss) arising from effective hedging portion of cash flow
  hedging instruments
  Less: Income tax relating to cash flow hedging instruments
  Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that
  was recorded into other comprehensive income in previous period
  The adjustment value that is the converted initial recognition amount of
  arbitrage project
  4. Exchange differences arising from translating foreign operations
  Less: Net amount of disposal of foreign operations that is transferred
  into profit and loss in the current period
  5. Other
  Less: Effects of income tax generating from other recorded into other
  comprehensive income
  Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that
  was recorded into other comprehensive income in previous period
                                      Total                                                        135,000                      (934,800)

(VI) Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period
                                                                      Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

                                                                                                    Main discussion and
      Time of          Place of      Way of       Type of
                                                                             Visitor                materials provided
     reception        reception     reception     visitor
                                                                                                     by the Company
  30 Jan. 2012                                   Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
                                                 China         International       Fund
                                                 Management Co., Ltd., Alliance
                                                 Bernstein Holding L.P., Cambiar
  17 May 2012                                    Investors,        Samsung       Asset
               Shenzhen                          Management (Hong Kong) Limited, Basic information of
                                                 Harvest Global Investments Ltd., operations           and
                                                 CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets              investments of the
                                                 Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Company and the
  18 May 2012           One-on-one institutional Kong) Limited, Alliance bernstein financial status of
                         meeting     investor (singapore) ltd.                          the Company
                                                 First State Investments, H.R.L.
                                                 Morrison & Co Capital Management, Information
                                                 Graeme Thomson Merricks Capital, provided: Brochure
                                                 Nuveen Asset Management, BEA of the Company
  11 Jun. 2012 Hongkong                          Union      Investment     Management
                                                 Limited , Daiwa Asset Management
                                                 Hong Kong Limited, Turiya Advisors
                                                 Asia, Heqi Investment, Janchor
                                                 Partners Limited

                                                VII. Financial Report
(I) Audit opinion
  Has this interim report been audited?
  □ Yes √ No
(II) Financial statements
  Consolidated statements or not?
  √ Yes □ No
  1. Consolidated balance sheet
  Prepared by Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited

                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                 Items                  Note(s)             30 June 2012                       31 December 2011

    Current assets:

      Cash at bank and on hand                                             790,131,255                        478,788,943

      Settlement reserve                                                               0                                 0

      Dismantle fund                                                                   0                                 0

      Transaction financial asset                                                      0                                 0

      Notes receivable                                                       1,700,000                                   0

      Accounts receivable                                                  235,817,902                        230,797,003

      Advances to suppliers                                                  5,698,872                            3,497,668

      Premiums receivable                                                              0                                 0

                                              Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

       Reinsurance premiums
                                                           0                                    0

       Receivable reinsurance
                                                           0                                    0
contract reserves

       Interest receivable                          576,788                                51,667

       Dividends receivable                                0                                    0

       Other receivables                          15,162,962                           11,833,877

       Buying back the sale of
                                                           0                                    0
financial assets

       Inventories                                23,170,684                           23,500,358

       Non-current assets due within 1
                                                           0                                    0

       Other current assets                        1,003,913                            1,003,913

  Total current assets                         1,073,262,376                          749,473,429

  Non-current assets:

       Loans and advance                                   0                                    0

       Available-for-sale financial
                                                   5,870,000                            5,690,000

       Held to maturity investments                        0                                    0

       Long-term receivables                               0                                    0

       Long-term equity investments            1,476,552,028                        1,436,856,420

       Investment properties                      34,071,352                           34,679,229

       Fixed assets                            2,568,430,962                        2,482,077,688

       Construction in progress                  524,825,660                          517,818,144

       Engineering material                                0                                    0

       Disposal of fixed assets                            0                                    0

       Production biological assets                        0                                    0

       Oil-gas assets                                      0                                    0

       Intangible assets                       1,020,478,476                        1,038,926,892

       Production biological assets                        0                                    0

       Goodwill                                   10,858,898                           10,858,898

       Long-term prepaid expenses                 60,829,394                           62,488,532

       Deferred tax assets                        56,592,308                           59,250,919

       Other non-current assets                  149,191,214                          142,108,284

  Total non-current assets                     5,907,700,292                        5,790,755,006

  Total assets                                 6,980,962,668                        6,540,228,435

                                              Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

  Current liabilities:

     Short-term borrowings                     1,104,030,000                        1,418,830,000

     Borrowing from Central Bank                           0                                    0

     Deposits and sue to banks and
                                                           0                                    0
other financial institutions

     Call loan received                                    0                                    0

     Transaction financial liabilities                     0                                    0

     Notes payable                                 2,180,143                            8,704,900

     Accounts payable                             74,755,527                          160,112,954

     Advances from customers                       6,106,710                            5,045,311

     Financial assets sold for
                                                           0                                    0

     Handling charges and
                                                           0                                    0
commissions payable

     Employee benefits payable                    42,619,933                           55,945,867

     Taxes payable                                78,374,151                          121,781,050

     Interests payable                             6,091,942                            1,637,790

     Dividends payable                           623,066,943                          365,161,451

     Other payables                               58,710,176                           50,809,293

     Reinsurance premiums payable                          0                                    0

     Insurance contract reserves                           0                                    0

     Money received for acting
                                                           0                                    0
trading of securities

     Money paid for acting
                                                           0                                    0
underwriting of securities

     Current portion of non-current
                                                  29,734,456                           14,951,750

     Other current liabilities                             0                                    0

  Total current liabilities                    2,025,669,981                        2,202,980,366

  Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term borrowings                        170,000,000                           90,000,000

     Bonds payable                               496,142,466                                    0

     Long-term payables                                    0                                    0

     Special payable                              83,901,108                           81,790,541

     Accrued liabilities                                   0                                    0

     Deferred tax liabilities                      1,187,500                            1,142,500

                                                            Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

    Other non-current liabilities                                 56,128,848                         58,250,957

  Total non-current liabilities                                  807,359,922                        231,183,998

  Total liabilities                                          2,833,029,903                        2,434,164,364

Owner’s equity:

    Share capital                                                644,763,730                        644,763,730

    Capital surplus                                              166,361,055                        166,226,055

    Less: Treasury stock                                                  0                                   0

    Appropriative reserve                                                 0                                   0

    Surplus reserves                                             464,704,268                        421,692,405

    Provisions for general risks                                          0                                   0

    Undistributed profits                                    2,169,839,880                        2,248,722,001

    Foreign exchange translation
                                                                 -13,607,440                        -13,607,440

  Total equity attributable to equity
                                                             3,432,061,493                        3,467,796,751
holders of the Company

  Minority interests                                             715,871,272                        638,267,320

  Total owners' equity                                       4,147,932,765                        4,106,064,071

  Total liabilities and owner’s
                                                             6,980,962,668                        6,540,228,435

2. Balance sheet of the Company
                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                Items                   Note(s)   30 June 2012                      31 December 2011

  Current assets:

    Cash at bank and on hand                                     524,294,556                        187,090,694

    Transaction financial asset                                           0                                   0

    Notes receivable                                                      0                                   0

    Accounts receivable                                           27,399,639                         16,623,725

    Advances to suppliers                                          1,174,504                           1,210,724

    Interest receivable                                             978,651                             206,151

    Dividends receivable                                         487,148,749                        529,289,881

    Other receivables                                            276,871,104                        243,256,537

    Inventories                                                    1,138,048                            922,921

    Non-current assets due within
                                                                          0                                   0
1 year

    Other current assets                                                  0                                   0

  Total current assets                                       1,319,005,251                          978,600,633

                                              Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

  Non-current assets:

     Available-for-sale financial
                                                   5,870,000                            5,690,000

     Held to maturity investments                          0                                    0

     Long-term receivables                        11,004,304                           11,004,304

     Long-term equity investments              2,016,694,745                        2,002,116,574

     Investment properties                        26,067,446                           26,547,149

     Fixed assets                                150,658,965                          156,481,155

     Construction in progress                       614,894                               614,894

     Engineering material                                  0                                    0

     Disposal of fixed assets                              0                                    0

     Production biological assets                          0                                    0

     Oil-gas assets                                        0                                    0

     Intangible assets                            63,966,597                           65,552,356

     Production biological assets                          0                                    0

     Goodwill                                              0                                    0

     Long-term prepaid expenses                    5,740,235                            5,770,046

     Deferred tax assets                          30,277,687                           29,709,461

     Other non-current assets                              0                                    0

  Total non-current assets                     2,310,894,873                        2,303,485,939

  Total assets                                 3,629,900,124                        3,282,086,572

  Current liabilities:

     Short-term borrowings                       334,530,000                          584,530,000

     Transaction financial liabilities                     0                                    0

     Notes payable                                 2,180,143                            7,493,900

     Accounts payable                             12,366,569                           12,225,607

     Advances from customers                       4,025,361                            3,907,291

     Employee benefits payable                    34,453,595                           31,818,160

     Taxes payable                                 1,282,311                            1,392,629

     Interests payable                             8,023,787                            2,361,250

     Dividends payable                           257,905,492                                    0

     Other payables                              850,444,424                          749,075,206

     Current portion of non-current
                                                           0                                    0

     Other current liabilities                             0                                    0

                                                            Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

  Total current liabilities                                  1,505,211,682                        1,392,804,043

  Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term borrowings                                                  0                                    0

     Bonds payable                                                496,142,466                                   0

     Long-term payables                                                    0                                    0

     Specific payables                                                     0                                    0

     Accrued liabilities                                                   0                                    0

     Deferred tax liabilities                                       1,187,500                            1,142,500

     Other non-current liabilities                                         0                                    0

  Total non-current liabilities                                   497,329,966                            1,142,500

  Total liabilities                                          2,002,541,648                        1,393,946,543

  Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                                                644,763,730                          644,763,730

     Capital surplus                                              153,573,328                          153,438,328

     Less: Treasury stock                                                  0                                    0

     Appropriative reserve                                                 0                                    0

     Surplus reserve                                              464,704,268                          421,692,405

     Undistributed profits                                        364,317,150                          668,245,566

     Foreign exchange translation
                                                                           0                                    0

  Total owners' equity                                       1,627,358,476                        1,888,140,029

  Total liabilities and owner’s
                                                             3,629,900,124                        3,282,086,572

3. Consolidated income statement
                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                 Items                 Note(s)   Jan.-Jun. 2012                       Jan.-Jun. 2011

I. Revenue                                                        854,104,190                          844,983,574

     Including: Operating income                                  854,104,190                          844,983,574

                  Interest income                                          0                                    0

                 Premium income                                            0                                    0

                  Handling charges
                                                                           0                                    0
and commission income

II. Total cost of sales                                           528,580,915                          500,320,424

     Including: Cost of sales                                     384,494,159                          359,809,074

                Interests expenses                                         0                                    0

                Handling charges and                                       0                                    0

                                                Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

commission expenses

               Cash surrender value                          0                                    0

              Net amount of claims                           0                                    0

              Net amount of
withdrawn from the insurance                                 0                                    0
contract reserve

              Expenditure on policy
                                                             0                                    0

              Reinsurance premium                            0                                    0

              Tax and levies on
                                                    34,220,412                           34,992,446

              Selling and distribution
                                                             0                                    0

              General and
                                                    74,188,318                           76,912,960
administrative expenses

                                                    35,678,026                           28,605,944
income/(expenses) - net

              Asset impairment
                                                             0                                    0

     Add: Gain/(loss) from change
                                                             0                                    0
in fair value (“-” means loss)

             Investment income(“-”
                                                    39,695,608                           58,444,197
means loss)

             Including: share of
                                                    39,695,608                           58,084,197
results of associates

             Foreign exchange
                                                             0                                    0
difference (“-” means loss)

III. Operating profit (“-” means loss)           365,218,883                          403,107,347

     Add: non-operating income                       3,503,559                              287,103

     Less: non-operating expenses                     194,818                                97,303

            Including: Loss on
                                                      104,100                                67,124
disposals of non-current assets

IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                368,527,624                          403,297,147

     Less: Income tax (expenses)/
                                                    68,888,438                           66,792,459

V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                   299,639,186                          336,504,688

  Including: Net profit attributable
                                                             0                                    0
to the merged party before business

                                                                 Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf


              Attributable to equity
                                                                      222,035,234                           258,357,428
holders of the Company

         Minority interest                                             77,603,952                            78,147,260

VI. Earnings per share(attributable
to equity holders of the                                    --                                   --

        (I) Basic earnings per share                                        0.344                                 0.401

        (II) Diluted earnings per share                                     0.344                                 0.401

Ⅶ.Other comprehensive income                                            135,000                               -934,800

Ⅷ.Total comprehensive income                                         299,774,186                           335,569,888

        Attributable to equity holders
                                                                      222,170,234                           257,422,628
of the company

        Minority interest                                              77,603,952                            78,147,260

4. Income statement of the Company
                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                  Items                    Note(s)   Jan.-Jun. 2012                        Jan.-Jun. 2011

I. Revenue                                                            108,222,494                            93,475,369

        Less: Cost of sales                                            69,009,886                            62,270,145

             Tax and levies on
                                                                        4,455,600                             3,935,057

             Selling and distribution
                                                                               0                                     0

           General and administrative
                                                                       30,696,327                            34,237,253

           Finance income/(expenses)
                                                                       25,360,143                            19,525,431
- net

           Asset impairment
                                                                               0                                     0

        Add: Gain/(loss) from change
                                                                               0                                     0
in fair value (“-” means loss)

             Investment income (“-”
                                                                       17,255,283                            24,181,344
means loss)

             Including: share of results
                                                                       14,578,171                            15,614,034
of associates

II. Operating profit (“-” means loss)                                -4,044,179                            -2,311,173

        Add: non-operating income                                         29,431                               209,757

        Less: non-operating expenses                                           0                                23,195

                                                              Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

     Including: Loss on disposals of
                                                                            0                               23,175
non-current assets

III. Total profit (“-” means loss)                               -4,014,748                            -2,124,611

     Less: Income tax (expenses)/
                                                                   -1,003,687                            -4,343,674

IV. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                  -3,011,061                             2,219,063

V. Earnings per share                                    --                                    --

     (I) Basic earnings per share                                           0                                    0

     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                        0                                    0

Ⅵ.Other comprehensive income                                        135,000                               -934,800

Ⅶ.Total comprehensive income                                      -2,876,061                             1,284,263

5. Consolidated cash flow statement
                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                   Items                    Jan.-Jun. 2012                             Jan.-Jun. 2011

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

     Cash received from rendering of
                                                              843,999,861                               769,059,834

     Net increase of deposits from
                                                                        0                                        0
customers and dues from banks

     Net increase of loans from the
                                                                        0                                        0
central bank

     Net increase of funds borrowed
                                                                        0                                        0
from other financial institutions

     Cash received from premium of
                                                                        0                                        0
original insurance contracts

     Net cash received from reinsurance
                                                                        0                                        0

     Net increase of savings of policy
                                                                        0                                        0
holders and investment fund

     Net increase of disposal of tradable
                                                                        0                                        0
financial assets

     Cash received from interest,
                                                                        0                                        0
handling charges and commissions

     Net increase of borrowed
                                                                        0                                        0
inter-bank funds

     Net increase of buy-back funds                                     0                                        0

     Tax refunds received                                               0                                        0

     Cash received relating to other                            9,561,867                                13,260,433

                                                   Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

operating activities

          Sub-total of cash inflows                853,561,728                             782,320,267

        Cash paid for goods and services           219,617,430                             198,385,053

        Net increase of customer lending
                                                            0                                        0
and advance

        Net increase of funds deposited in
the central bank and amount due from                        0                                        0

        Cash for paying claims of the
                                                            0                                        0
original insurance contract

        Cash for paying interest, handling
                                                            0                                        0
charges and commissions

        Cash for paying policy dividends                    0                                        0

        Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                   115,596,097                             113,064,057

        Payments of taxes and levies               147,052,342                             143,455,455

        Cash paid relating to other
                                                    22,308,558                              26,034,857
operating activities

          Sub-total of cash outflows               504,574,427                             480,939,422

Net cash flows from operating activities           348,987,301                             301,380,845

II. Cash Flows from investing activities:

        Cash received from disposals of
                                                            0                                        0

        Cash received from returns on
                                                            0                                  360,000

        Net cash received from disposals
                                                     5,034,352                                 384,000
of fixed assets and intangible assets

        Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiary or other operating business                      0                                        0

        Other cash received relating to
                                                            0                                        0
investing activities

         Sub-total of cash inflows                   5,034,352                                 744,000

        Cash paid to purchase fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term              279,090,274                             235,549,565

        Cash paid relating to other
                                                            0                                        0
investing activities

                                                  Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

     Net increase of pledged loans                         0                                        0

     Net cash paid from disposal of
                                                           0                              100,284,181
subsidiaries and other business units

     Payment of cash relating to other
                                                           0                                        0
investing activities

        Sub-total of cash outflows               279,090,274                              335,833,746

Net cash flows from investing activities        -274,055,922                             -335,089,746

III. Cash Flows from Financing

     Cash received by investors                            0                               91,940,000

     Including: Cash received in
                                                           0                               91,940,000
subsidiary by minority shareholders

     Cash received from borrowings               662,730,000                              521,050,000

     Cash received from issuance of
                                                 496,000,000                                        0

     Other cash received relating to
                                                           0                                        0
financing activities

         Sub-total of cash inflows              1,158,730,000                             612,990,000

     Cash repayments of borrowings               882,530,000                              410,550,000

     Cash payments for interest
expenses and distribution of dividends            39,729,067                               26,224,557
or profits

     Including: Distribution of
dividends and profits to minority                          0                                        0
shareholders in subsidiary

     Cash paid relating to other
                                                      60,000                                1,041,000

     Sub-total of cash outflows                  922,319,067                              437,815,557

Net cash flow from financing activities          236,410,933                              175,174,443

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                           0                                        0
changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net (decrease)/increase in cash and
                                                 311,342,312                              141,465,542
cash equivalents

     Add: Cash and cash equivalents at
                                                 478,788,943                              781,720,083
beginning of year

VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                 790,131,255                              923,185,625
end of this period

                                                                Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

6. Cash flow statement of the Company
                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                    Items                     Jan.-Jun. 2012                             Jan.-Jun. 2011

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

        Cash received from rendering of
                                                                96,137,954                                 82,842,309

        Tax refunds received                                             0                                         0

        Other cash received relating to
                                                               102,777,370                                238,196,844
other operating activities

          Sub-total of cash inflows                            198,915,324                                321,039,153

        Cash paid for goods and services                        49,335,471                                 47,999,210

        Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                31,767,672                                 31,366,176

        Payments of taxes and levies                             5,126,031                                  4,601,568

        Cash paid relating to other
                                                               227,696,304                                 90,814,629
operating activities

         Sub-total of cash outflows                            313,925,478                                174,781,583

Net cash flows from operating activities                       -115,010,154                               146,257,570

II. Cash Flows from investing activities:

        Cash received from disposals of
                                                               190,206,180                                270,300,000

        Cash received from returns on
                                                                49,519,615                                 52,149,964

        Net cash received from disposals
                                                                   206,060                                   169,500
of fixed assets and intangible assets

        Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiary or other operating business                                   0                                         0

        Cash received relating to other
                                                                         0                                         0
investing activities

         Sub-total of cash inflows                             239,931,855                                322,619,464

        Cash paid to purchase fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                            7,359,401                                  3,389,647

        Cash paid relating to other
                                                                         0                                319,200,000
investing activities

        Net cash paid from disposal of
                                                                         0                                         0
subsidiaries and other business units

                                                                               Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

     Payment of cash relating to other
                                                                                            0                                                0
investing activities

     Sub-total of cash outflows                                                  7,359,401                                      322,589,647

Net cash flows from investing activities                                       232,572,454                                           29,817

III. Cash Flows from Financing

     Cash received by investors                                                             0                                                0

     Cash received from borrowings                                             263,030,000                                      266,050,000

     Cash received from issuance of
                                                                               496,000,000                                                   0

     Other cash received relating to
                                                                                            0                                                0
financing activities

        Sub-total of cash inflows                                              759,030,000                                      266,050,000

     Cash repayments of borrowings                                             513,030,000                                      266,050,000

     Cash payments for interest
expenses and distribution of dividends                                          26,298,438                                       20,772,531
or profits

     Cash paid relating to other
                                                                                       60,000                                      820,000

     Sub-total of cash outflows                                                539,388,438                                      287,642,531

Net cash flow from financing activities                                        219,641,562                                      -21,592,531

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                                            0                                                0
changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net (decrease)/increase in cash and
                                                                               337,203,862                                      124,694,856
cash equivalents

     Add: Cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                               187,090,694                                      494,364,355
beginning of year

VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                               524,294,556                                      619,059,211
end of this period

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity
Amount for the reporting period

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                                                             Amount of this period

                                                  Attributable to equity holders of the company
              Items                                     Lessen: Appropr                 General Undistri             Minority
                                    Share     Capital                        Surplus                                              owners’
                                                        treasury   iative                 risk     buted    Others   interest
                                    capital   surplus                        reserve                                               equity
                                                         stock     reserve              reserve   profits

I. Balance at the end of last       644,763 166,226,                         421,692              2,248,72 -13,607, 638,267,3 4,106,064,

                                                                        Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

year                                   ,730      055                    ,405              2,001      440         20         071

       Add: change of accounting

            Correction of errors
in previous period


II. Balance at the beginning of     644,763 166,226,                 421,692            2,248,72 -13,607, 638,267,3 4,106,064,
this year                              ,730      055                    ,405              2,001      440         20         071

III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-” means

                                                                                        222,035,           77,603,95 299,639,18
(I) Net profit
                                                                                            234                   2           6

(II) Other comprehensive
                                              135,000                                                                   135,000

                                                                                        222,035,           77,603,95 299,774,18
Sub-total of above (I) and (II)               135,000
                                                                                            234                   2           6

(III) Input an reduced capital of
                                          0        0    0        0         0        0         0        0          0           0

1. Investment by shareholders

2. Amount of Shares included
in the owners’ equity

3. Others

                                                                     43,011,8           -300,91                       -257,905,4
(IV) Profit appropriation                 0        0    0        0                  0                  0          0
                                                                          63              7,355                              92

1. Appropriation to surplus                                          43,011,8           -43,011,
reserve                                                                   63                863

2. Withdrawing general risk

3. Profit distribution to equity                                                        -257,90                       -257,905,4
owners                                                                                    5,492                              92

4. Others

(V) Transfer within owners’
                                          0        0    0        0         0        0         0        0          0           0

1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital

2. Convert surplus reserves to
capital (or share capital)

                                                                              Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

3. Surplus reserves used to
offset accumulated losses

4. Others

(Ⅵ)Appropriative reserve                                                                                                                 0

1.Current year additions

2. Current year reductions


IV. Balance at the end of this     644,763 166,361,                         464,704             2,169,83 -13,607, 715,871,2 4,147,932,
period                                ,730       055                           ,268                9,880      440           72         765

Amount for last year

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                                            Amount of last year

                                                 Attributable to equity holders of the company
                 Items                                 Lessen: Appropr                General Undistri               Minority
                                   Share     Capital                        Surplus                                              owners’
                                                       treasury   iative               risk      buted     Others    interest
                                   capital   surplus                        reserve                                               equity
                                                        stock     reserve             reserve    profits

I. Balance at the end of last      644,763 144,909,                         383,570             2,079,72 -13,419, 567,608,7 3,807,157,
year                                  ,730       755                           ,404                4,472      303           74         832

Add:Retrospective adjustment
of business combinations
involving enterprises under
common control

       Add: change of accounting

            Correction of errors
in previous period


II. Balance at the beginning of    644,763 144,909,                         383,570             2,079,72 -13,419, 567,608,7 3,807,157,
this year                             ,730       755                           ,404                4,472      303           74         832

III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-” means

                                                                                                505,645,             162,130,5 667,775,66
(I) Net profit
                                                                                                     137                    31              8

(II) Other comprehensive                     -667,70                                                       -188,13
income                                             0                                                            7

                                             -667,70                                            505,645, -188,13 162,130,5 666,919,83
Sub-total of above (I) and (II)
                                                   0                                                 137        7           31              1

                                                                                 Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

(III) Input an reduced capital of             20,774,0                                                                 71,166,00
                                          0                  0             0         0        0          0         0               91,940,000
owners                                             00                                                                         0

                                              20,774,0                                                                 71,166,00
1. Investment by shareholders                                                                                                      91,940,000
                                                   00                                                                         0

2. Amount of Shares included
in the owners’ equity

3. Others

                                                                               38,122,            -336,64              -163,627, -462,153,5
(IV) Profit appropriation                 0         0        0             0                  0                    0
                                                                                   001                7,608                 985              92

1. Appropriation to surplus                                                    38,122,            -38,122,
reserve                                                                            001                 001

2. Withdrawing general risk

3. Profit distribution to equity                                                                  -298,52              -163,627, -462,153,5
owners                                                                                                5,607                 985              92

4. Others

(V) Transfer within owners’
                                          0         0        0             0         0        0          0         0          0              0

1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital

2. Convert surplus reserves to
capital (or share capital)

3. Surplus reserves used to
offset accumulated losses

4. Others

(Ⅵ)Appropriative reserve

1.Current year additions

2. Current year reductions

(VII)Others                                                                                                           990,000 2,200,000

IV. Balance at the end of this      644,763 166,226,                           421,692            2,248,72 -13,607, 638,267,3 4,106,064,
period                                 ,730       055                             ,405                2,001    440           20          071

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company
Amount for the reporting period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                                                               Amount of this period
                                       Share       Capital       Lessen:       Appropriat   Surplus      General   Undistribut       Total

                                                                                    Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

                                       capital       surplus       treasury       ive reserve    reserve        risk         ed profits   owners’
                                                                    stock                                      reserve                    equity

                                      644,763,73 153,438,32                                     421,692,40                   668,245,56 1,888,140,
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                                 0             8                                           5                          6         029

     Add: change of accounting

            Correction of errors in
previous period


II. Balance at the beginning of       644,763,73 153,438,32                                     421,692,40                   668,245,56 1,888,140,
this year                                        0             8                                           5                          6         029

III. Increase/ decrease of amount
in this year (“-” means decrease)

(I) Net profit                                                                                                               -3,011,061 -3,011,061

(II)Other comprehensive income                        135,000                                                                              135,000

Subtotal of (I) and (II)                              135,000                                                                -3,011,061 -2,876,061

(III) Input an reduced capital of
                                                 0             0              0             0              0             0            0              0

1. Investment by shareholders

2. Amount of Shares included in
the owners’ equity

3. Others

                                                                                                                             -300,917,3 -257,905,4
(IV) Profit appropriation                        0             0              0             0 43,011,863                 0
                                                                                                                                     55            92

1.Appropriation to surplus                                                                                                   -43,011,86
reserves                                                                                                                              3

2. Withdrawing general risk

3. Profit distribution to equity                                                                                             -257,905,4 -257,905,4
owners                                                                                                                               92            92

4. Others

(V) Transfer within owners’
                                                 0             0              0             0              0             0            0              0

1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital

2. Convert surplus reserves to
capital(or share capital)

                                                                                     Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

3.Surplus reserves used to offset
accumulated losses

4. Others

(VI) Appropriative reserve                                                                                                                             0

1.Current year additions

2.Current year reductions


IV. Balance at the end of this        644,763,73 153,573,32                                      464,704,26                   364,317,15 1,627,358,
period                                            0             8                                           8                          0         476

Amount for last year

                                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                                    Amount of last year

                                                                    Lessen:                                     General                      Total
                 Items                  Share         Capital                      Appropriat     Surplus                     Undistribut
                                                                    treasury                                     risk                       owners’
                                        capital       surplus                      ive reserve    reserve                     ed profits
                                                                     stock                                      reserve                     equity

                                      644,763,73 154,106,02                                      383,570,40                   574,774,54 1,757,214,
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                                  0             8                                           4                          1         703

     Add: change of accounting

            Correction of errors in
previous period


II. Balance at the beginning of       644,763,73 154,106,02                                      383,570,40                   574,774,54 1,757,214,
this year                                         0             8                                           4                          1         703

III. Increase/ decrease of amount
in this year (“-” means decrease)

                                                                                                                              430,118,63 430,118,63
(I) Net profit
                                                                                                                                       3               3

(II)Other comprehensive income                        -667,700                                                                              -667,700

                                                                                                                              430,118,63 429,450,93
Subtotal of (I) and (II)                              -667,700
                                                                                                                                       3               3

(III) Input an reduced capital of
                                                  0             0              0             0              0             0            0               0

1. Investment by shareholders

2. Amount of Shares included in
the owners’ equity

3. Others

                                                                     Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

                                                                                                     -336,647,6 -298,525,6
(IV) Profit appropriation                   0          0         0         0 38,122,001          0
                                                                                                            08         07

1.Appropriation to surplus                                                                           -38,122,00
reserves                                                                                                     1

2. Withdrawing general risk

3. Profit distribution to equity                                                                     -298,525,6 -298,525,6
owners                                                                                                      07         07

4. Others

(V) Transfer within owners’
                                            0          0         0         0           0         0           0          0

1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital

2. Convert surplus reserves to
capital(or share capital)

3.Surplus reserves used to offset
accumulated losses

4. Others

(VI) Appropriative reserve

1.Current year additions

2.Current year reductions


IV. Balance at the end of this      644,763,73 153,438,32                      421,692,40            668,245,56 1,888,140,
period                                      0          8                               5                     6        029

                                                                 Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012-Chiwan Wharf

(III) Notes to the financial statements
  1. Changes in main accounting policies or estimates, correction of any significant accounting error and the
  influenced amounts
  (1)Change of accounting policies
  Were the main accounting policies changed during the reporting period?
  □ Yes √ No
  (2)Change of accounting estimates
  Were the main accounting estimates changed during the reporting period?
  □ Yes √ No
  (3)Correction of accounting errors
  Was any accounting error made in previous periods discovered in the reporting period?
  □ Yes √ No
  2. Reasons for any change of the consolidation scope
  □Applicable √Inapplicable
  3. If a non-standard audit report is issued, the Company should make relevant notes.
  □Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                              For and on behalf of the Board

                                                                    Zheng Shaoping
                                                      Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited
                                                              Dated 21 August 2012
