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						                                        China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.                The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

Stock Code: 000024, 200024                        Stock ID: CMPD, CMPD B                Announcement No. 【CMPD】2011-025

                   China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.

                           The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

§1 Important Declaration
1.1 The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions,
fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for
the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.
1.2 The 3rd Quarterly Report is not audited by CPA.
1.3 Mr. Lin Shaobin - the legal representative, Mr. Huang Peikun – the chief financial officer, and Ms. Xu Yixia –
the manager of accounting department declare: the financial reports carried in this report is secured for its
truthfulness and completeness.
1.4 This report is prepared both in English and Chinese. When there is any conflict in understanding, the Chinese
version shall prevail.

§2 Company Profile
2.1 Financial highlights

                                                                                                                                 In RMB Yuan
                                                    2011.9.30                        2010.12.31                       Extent of Change (%)
             Gross Assets (RMB)                   71,675,215,687                                     59,818,240,763                    19.82%
      Owners’ equity attributable to the
                                                  20,164,782,237                                     18,207,431,836                    10.75%
  shareholders of the listed company (yuan)
            Capital shares (shares)                1,717,300,503                                      1,717,300,503                     0.00%
    Net asset per share attributable to the
     shareholders of the listed company                    11.74                                              10.60                    10.75%
                                                                       Changed over the same                          Changed over the same
                                                   Jul-Sept 2011                                     Jan-Sept 2011
                                                                       period of last year (%)                        period of last year (%)
               Turnover (yuan)                     4,380,778,392                       68.26% 12,472,263,536                           30.13%
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                     615,944,786                       63.51% 2,084,532,197                            46.09%
            listed company (yuan)
    Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                                   -                             - -2,741,396,512                     -22.49%
             operation (RMB)
    Net Cash flow per share generated by
                                                                   -                             -            -1.60                   -22.49%
      business operation (yuan/share)
    Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                   0.36                       63.51%                  1.21                    46.09%
   Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                  0.36                       63.51%                  1.21                    46.09%
             Weighted average net
                                                          3.11%            Increased by 0.94%               10.86%         Increased by 2.45%
            income/asset ratio (%)
          Weighted average net
    income/asset ratio less non-recurring                 3.11%            Increased by 0.96%               10.86%         Increased by 2.47%

                                       China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.        The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

Non-recurring gain and loss items
√ applicable    □ not applicable
                                                                                                                          In RMB Yuan
                              Non-recurring gain and loss items                                               Amount
Gain/loss of non-current assets                                                                                              -497,045
Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other than those closely
related to the Company’s common business, comply with the national policy and continues                                     1,619,000
to enjoy at certain fixed rate or amount.
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                                             -1,703,461
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity                                                                          -493,530
Influenced amount of income tax                                                                                               117,084
                                            Total                                                                            -957,952

2.2 Total of shareholders and the top 10 holders of unconditional shares

                                                                                                                              in shares
Total shareholders at the end of the report period
                                      Top ten holders of the shares without subscription limitation
                                                           Amount of unconditional shares
                Full name of shareholder                                                                      Categories
                                                            held at the end of report term
CM Zhangzhou Development Zone Ltd.                                                34,760,600                   A shares
National Social Insurance Foundation 102 Portfolio                                23,436,423                   A shares
Shangtou Morgan China Advantages Securities
                                                                                  20,270,000                   A shares
Investment Fund
                                                                                  18,882,045                   B shares
Fuguo Tianrui Fine Blend Open Fund                                                17,099,671                   A shares
Nuo’an Value Growth Stock & Securities Investment
                                                                                  17,091,616                   A shares
Shangtou Morgan Internal Power Stock Investment
                                                                                  13,899,848                   A shares
China Life Insurance Ltd. – conventional insurance
                                                                                  13,159,919                   A shares
product –005L-CT001
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                           12,392,660                   B shares
Yinhua – Dow Joans 88 Fine Selected Securities
                                                                                  12,099,687                   A shares
Investment Fund

                                       China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.      The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

§3       Significant Events
3.1 Details and causations of major change in major accounting subjects and financial indices

√ applicable    □ not applicable                                                                                 In RMB Yuan
       Items              2011.09.30         2010.12.31                                        Major causes
                                                              by %
    Transactional                                                      Increased by handover of NDF contracts in the period and
                             2,492,009            846,539      194%
   financial assets                                                    fluctuation of NDF market prices
 Long-term share
                           847,232,601       597,610,091        42%    Increase of investment in affiliates
 equity investment
  Construction in
                            57,093,544         23,327,061      145%    Increase of expenditures for power supply facilities
Differed income tax
                           285,273,849       460,455,365       -38%    Disburse of partial taxes
  Short-term loans       2,436,858,409      1,172,132,283      108%    Expanding of business scale
 Trade off financial                                                   Decreased by handover of NDF contracts in the period and
                            13,506,986         20,824,615      -35%
      liabilities                                                      fluctuation of NDF market prices
    Notes payable                       -    275,616,189      -100%    Repaying of due notes
Employees’ wage
                           128,052,049       207,232,511       -38%    Disburse of employees’ wages payable
  Interest payable         151,131,670       109,123,639        38%    Increase of total borrowing
 Dividend payable          360,988,522       124,209,948       191%    Increase of dividend payable
Non-current liability
                         4,507,386,972      2,357,741,683       91%    Transferring in of long term borrowings
    due in 1 year
Long-term payable           78,365,312          58,587,176      34%    Increase of mainbody maintainance fund
                                               Jan-Sept.     Changed
       Items             Jan-Sept 2011                                                         Major causes
                                                 2010         by %
     Turnover           12,472,263,536      9,584,685,607       30%    Increase of property clearance
  Business tax and
                         2,234,957,796      1,126,992,261       98%    Increased along with increase of property clearance income
   Sales expense           285,999,689       163,617,872        75%    Expanding of business scale
                           226,762,007       155,641,596        46%    Expanding of business scale
 Financial expenses        -26,790,947         -2,793,807      859%    Increase of exchange gains
Income from change
                             8,963,099           -860,876     1141%    Increased by fluctuation of NDF fair markets
    of fair value
 Investment income          58,294,066        38,558,420        51%    Increase of investment returns from affiliates
Income tax expenses        946,818,003       585,673,458        62%    Increase of total profit
Minor shareholders’
                           653,710,054       361,821,446        81%    Net profit from joint projects increaased

3.2 Progress of significant events, their influence, countermeasures, and analysis

3.2.1 None-standard opinions

□applicable    √ not applicable

3.2.2 Illegal providing of capital or guarantees to the holding shareholder or its related parties or external

□applicable    √ not applicable

3.2.3 Signing and execution of major business contracts

□applicable    √ not applicable

                                      China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.        The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

3.2.4 Misc.

□applicable    √ not applicable

3.3 Fulfilling of commitment issues made by the Company, shareholder, or substantial controller

√ applicable    □ not applicable
    Commitments                                              Content of Commitments                               Status of fulfilling
                                                                                                               In the report term,
Commitment in share                   Will input properties including high quality lands to support the
                    CMSIZ                                                                                      CMSIZ was fully
equity relocation                     Company’s development after the share equity relocation.
                                                                                                               acting as committed.
                                      CMSIZ, the controlling shareholder of the Company, promised not to
                                      conduct or participate with 3rd parties in any business or activities
Other commitments
                                      possibly competing with the Company in terms of business, new             In the report term,
                       CMSIZ          commodities and new technology in any forms (including but not            CMSIZ was fully
                                      limited to direct operation, indirect operation, joint investment). Never acting as committed.
                                      use the information obtained from the Company to conduct or
                                      participate in and competitive activities against the Company.

3.4 Estimated accumulative profit from the year beginning to the end of the next report period may be of
deficits; or in comparison with the same period of the previous year, give the warning of great change and
the notice to the reasons.

□applicable    √ not applicable

3.5 Major events needs to be explained

3.5.1 Investment in securities

□applicable    √ not applicable

                                     China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.       The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

3.5.2 Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews

√ applicable    □ not applicable
                                                                                                Main content involved and material
     Time/date            Place            Way                           Visitors
                     Shekou          Telephone
2011.07.03                                         Orient Securities
                     Shenzhen        communication
                     Shekou          Telephone
2011.07.05                                         Individual investors
                     Shenzhen        communication
2011.07.07                           Field research   Lianhe Huatai, Jiashi Fund
2011.07.07                           Field research   Guotai Junan and its clients
2011.08.09                           Field research   CITIC Securities and its clients
                     Shekou                           Construction Bank International and its
2011.08.10                           Field research
                     Shenzhen                         clients
                     Shekou          Telephone
2011.08.09                                          JEFFERIES
                     Shenzhen        communication
                     Shekou                         Dongguan Securities, No.1 Securites,
2011.08.19                           Field research
                     Shenzhen                       Anbang Asset Management
2011.08.25                           Field research   Zhongtou Securities                       (1) Company business operation
                     Shekou                                                                     situation
2011.08.26                           Field research   Xiangcai Securities
                     Shenzhen                                                                   (2) Industrial development
                     Shekou                                                                     discussion
2011.09.07                           Field research   British Investment Co.
                     Shenzhen                                                                   (3) To provide announcements and
                     Shekou          Telephone                                                  promotion brochures
2011.09.08                                         Individual investors
                     Shenzhen        communication                                              (4) Visiting the sites of properties on
                     Shekou          Telephone                                                  sale, providing the prospectus
2011.09.08                                         Guotai Junan
                     Shenzhen        communication
                     Shekou          Telephone
2011.09.09                                         Ping’an Securities
                     Shenzhen        communication
2011.09.09                           Field research   Guoxin Securities and its clients
                     Shekou          Telephone
2011.09.15                                            Ruixin Fangzheng
                     Shenzhen        communication
                     Shekou          Telephone
2011.09.15                                            Orient Securities
                     Shenzhen        communication
                     Shekou          Telephone
2011.09.16                                            Individual investors
                     Shenzhen        communication
2011.09.16           Beijing         Field research   Investor
                     Shekou          Telephone
2011.09.16                                            Jinli Investment
                     Shenzhen        communication
2011.09.16                           Field research   CITIC Securities and its clients
2011.09.24           Shanghai        Field research Minsheng Securities
                     Shekou          Telephone
2011.09.28                                          Ping’an Securities
                     Shenzhen        communication

                                       China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.        The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

3.6 Investment in derivate financial instruments

√ applicable     □ not applicable
                                                          In the report term, the major market risks of derivate investment products
                                                          were the impacts of fluctuation of NDF contracts on the fair values. However
                                                          the Company’s purpose to involve in NDF trade was to lockup the exchange
                                                          rate and avoid the risks brought by borrowing of foreign currencies, thus it
Statement on analyzing and controlling of risks with      was on the basis of real borrowings in foreign currency, its trading amount
derivate investment in the report term (including but not and timing are matching with the borrowings of foreign currency and covers
limited to market risks, liquidity risks, credit risks,   the risks. The exchange rate of the future contract has been fixed as soon as
operation risks, and legal risks.                         been traded, therefore the risks are under control.
                                                          The Company has established the “Regulations of Trade of Derivate Financial
                                                          Instruments” which limited the categories, scale, authorization, operation
                                                          procedures, risk control, and information disclosure over the derivate
                                                          instruments. It provides a systematic ground for controlling of risks.
                                                          At end of December 2011, the 1-year RMB/USD NDF has quoted equal to
                                                          0.71% of devalue, while at end of December 2010, it was 2.26% of increase,
Change of derivate instrument market price or fair        fluctuation of fair value of NDF in September 2011 caused RMB8.96 million
value, information disclosing on the fair value, relative of gains, whereas the NDF contract handover has caused losses of RMB23.13
estimation and setting of indexes                         million. Market price basis is adopted by the Company in analyzing of
                                                          derivate instrument fair value, and the fair values are adjusted at end of each
Statement on major alternation in accounting polices
and accounting basis on derivate instruments comparing None
with last year
Particular comments of the independent directors on
                                                        Not applicable
investment of derivate instruments and risk controlling

3.6.1 Derivate financial instrument stock at end of report term

√ applicable     □ not applicable
                                                                                                                         In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                 Amount of the contract
                                       Amount of the contract Amount of the contract        Gain/loss in the
        Category of contracts                                                                                   at end of term on the net
                                        at beginning of term     at end of term              report term
                                                                                                                        asset (%)
NDFContracts                                 2,337,860,822            1,143,882,000            -14,161,928                      5.67%
                Total                           2,337,860,822            1,143,882,000            -14,161,928                      5.67%

                                       China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.     The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

§4 Attachments

4.1 Balance Sheet

Prepared by China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd. Ended September 30, 2011             RMB Yuan
                                                                 Ending balance                  Balance at the beginning of year
                                                         Consolidated      Parent company        Consolidated      Parent company
Current asset:
  Monetary capital                                     12,347,304,089.00 3,316,810,192.00 9,676,385,052.00 3,701,866,661.00
  Settlement provision
  Outgoing call loan
  Transactional financial assets                            2,492,009.00                             846,539.00
  Notes receivable
  Account receivable                                       96,574,361.00                         102,603,093.00
  Prepayment                                                4,993,692.00                            5,598,968.00
  Insurance receivable
  Reinsurance receivable
  Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable
  Interest receivable
  Dividend receivable                                                      1,986,481,528.00                        2,169,117,072.00
  Other account receivable                              4,748,868,069.00 24,476,556,122.00 4,144,714,137.00 19,692,350,788.00
  Repurchasing of financial assets
  Inventories                                          46,978,016,344.00                       38,699,347,411.00
  Non-current asset due in 1 year                            441,926.00                              936,793.00
  Other current asset                                   1,239,742,590.00                         980,538,674.00
Total of current asset                                 65,418,433,080.00 29,779,847,842.00 53,610,970,667.00 25,563,334,521.00
Non-current assets
  Disburse of consigned loans
  Available-for-sale financial asset
  Expired investment in possess
  Long-term receivable                                  1,318,904,337.00 1,020,600,666.00 1,260,737,445.00          981,013,052.00
  Long-term share equity investment                      847,232,601.00 3,718,601,532.00         597,610,091.00 3,538,956,943.00
  Investment real estates                               3,323,417,914.00                        3,438,215,323.00
  Fixed assets                                           255,877,248.00           401,071.00     260,939,762.00         367,487.00
  Construction in process                                  57,093,544.00                          23,327,061.00
  Engineering goods
  Fixed asset disposal
  Production physical assets
  Gas & petrol
  Intangible assets
  R&D expense
  Long-term amortizable expenses                          168,983,114.00                         165,985,049.00
  Differed income tax asset                              285,273,849.00                          460,455,365.00
  Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                             6,256,782,607.00 4,739,603,269.00 6,207,270,096.00 4,520,337,482.00
Total of assets                                        71,675,215,687.00 34,519,451,111.00 59,818,240,763.00 30,083,672,003.00

                                        China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                                       2,436,858,409.00 2,180,647,000.00 1,172,132,283.00       998,021,500.00
  Loan from Central Bank
  Deposit received and hold for others
  Call loan received
  Trade off financial liabilities                           13,506,986.00                        20,824,615.00
  Notes payable                                                                                 275,616,189.00
  Account payable                                        4,239,840,266.00                      4,757,667,163.00
  Prepayment received                                   14,073,845,326.00                     11,268,654,826.00
  Selling of repurchased financial assets
  Fees and commissions receivable
  Employees’ wage payable                                128,052,049.00        960,782.00      207,232,511.00      5,371,108.00
  Tax payable                                             569,314,865.00       6,977,236.00     614,789,018.00      5,240,509.00
  Interest payable                                        151,131,670.00      66,435,289.00     109,123,639.00     83,065,942.00
  Dividend payable                                        360,988,522.00      83,210,318.00     124,209,948.00
  Other account payable                                  6,472,153,478.00 6,787,196,695.00 5,743,381,514.00 5,825,384,664.00
  Reinsurance fee payable
  Insurance contract provision
  Entrusted trading of securities
  Entrusted selling of securities
  Non-current liability due in 1 year                    4,507,386,972.00 1,761,245,000.00 1,856,422,159.00       500,000,000.00
  Other current liability                                2,543,209,194.00                      2,357,741,683.00
Total of current liability                              35,496,287,737.00 10,886,672,320.00 28,507,795,548.00 7,417,083,723.00
Non-current liabilities
  Long-term borrowings                                  12,303,793,987.00 8,036,970,500.00 9,995,835,344.00 6,783,316,000.00
  Bond payable
  Long-term payable                                         78,365,312.00                        58,587,176.00
  Special payable
  Anticipated liabilities                                 102,090,679.00                        106,289,589.00
  Differed income tax liability
  Other non-recurring liabilities                            3,816,700.00                          3,816,700.00
Total of non-current liabilities                        12,488,066,678.00 8,036,970,500.00 10,164,528,809.00 6,783,316,000.00
Total of liability                                      47,984,354,415.00 18,923,642,820.00 38,672,324,357.00 14,200,399,723.00
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
  Capital paid in (or share capital)                     1,717,300,503.00 1,717,300,503.00 1,717,300,503.00 1,717,300,503.00
  Capital reserves                                       8,478,831,944.00 8,927,054,193.00 8,484,453,421.00 8,927,054,193.00
  Less: Shares in stock
  Special reserves
  Surplus reserves                                        899,462,584.00     848,511,191.00     899,462,584.00    848,511,191.00
  Common risk provision
  Retained profit                                        8,819,363,362.00 4,102,942,404.00 6,940,907,225.00 4,390,406,393.00
  Different of foreign currency translation               249,823,844.00                        165,308,103.00
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 20,164,782,237.00 15,595,808,291.00 18,207,431,836.00 15,883,272,280.00
Minor shareholders’ equity                              3,526,079,035.00                      2,938,484,570.00
Total of owners’ equity                                23,690,861,272.00 15,595,808,291.00 21,145,916,406.00 15,883,272,280.00
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                71,675,215,687.00 34,519,451,111.00 59,818,240,763.00 30,083,672,003.00

                                           China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.     The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

4.2 Income Statement of the report term

Prepared by China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd. July - September 2011            In RMB Yuan
                                                                     Amount of the Current Term        Amount of the Previous Term
                               Items                                                   Parent                              Parent
                                                                    Consolidated                       Consolidated
                                                                                      company                             company
I. Total revenue                                                  4,380,778,392.00                   2,603,531,682.00
Incl. Business income                                             4,380,778,392.00                   2,603,531,682.00
       Interest income
       Insurance fee earned
       Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                           3,100,999,822.00 43,779,380.00 2,045,986,856.00        1,083,075.00
Incl. Business cost                                               1,891,526,536.00                   1,681,823,998.00
       Interest expense
       Fee and commission paid
       Insurance discharge payment
       Net claim amount paid
       Net insurance policy reserves provided
       Insurance policy dividend paid
       Reinsurance expenses
       Business tax and surcharge                                   954,253,734.00                    264,067,014.00
       Sales expense                                                126,049,860.00                      51,472,808.00
       Administrative expense                                        83,669,278.00    7,530,312.00      54,462,202.00    5,492,202.00
       Financial expenses                                            45,493,648.00 36,249,068.00        -5,847,041.00    -4,409,127.00
       Asset impairment loss                                              6,766.00                           7,875.00
  Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)             -6,921,167.00                     -30,778,750.00
       Investment gain (“-“ for loss)                               7,031,956.00    9,694,566.00      13,104,466.00 49,171,156.00
          Incl. Investment gains from affiliates                     -6,702,643.00   -1,666,403.00      -4,381,817.00      639,400.00
     Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                          1,279,889,359.00 -34,084,814.00     539,870,542.00 48,088,081.00
  Plus: Non business income                                             563,474.00                        3,909,274.00     317,133.00
  Less: Non-business expenses                                         1,857,551.00                        3,082,595.00
     Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                      86,051.00                         120,666.00
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                 1,278,595,282.00 -34,084,814.00     540,697,221.00 48,405,214.00
  Less: Income tax expenses                                         360,084,823.00                    150,931,253.00       947,514.00
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                  918,510,459.00 -34,084,814.00     389,765,968.00 47,457,700.00
     Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company        615,944,786.00 -34,084,814.00     376,691,534.00 47,457,700.00
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                    302,565,673.00                      13,074,434.00
VI. Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                           0.3587                             0.2194
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                        0.3587                             0.2194
VII. Other misc. incomes                                             80,047,319.00                      37,203,132.00    1,101,908.00
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                        998,557,778.00 -34,084,814.00     426,969,100.00 48,559,608.00
     Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the
                                                                    695,992,105.00 -34,084,814.00     406,338,049.00 48,559,608.00
parent company
     Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders        302,565,673.00                      20,631,051.00
Merger of entities under common control, the net profit realized by the merged party was RMB0.00.

                                           China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.     The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

4.3 Income Statement from the beginning of year to the end of report term

Prepared by China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd. Jan - September 2011             In RMB Yuan
                                                                    Amount of the Current Term         Amount of the Previous Term
                               Items                                                   Parent                               Parent
                                                                   Consolidated                       Consolidated
                                                                                      company                              company
I. Total revenue                                                 12,472,263,536.00                   9,584,685,607.00
Incl. Business income                                            12,472,263,536.00                   9,584,685,607.00
       Interest income
       Insurance fee earned
       Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                           8,853,878,941.00 110,915,536.00 7,252,650,667.00        -3,787,095.00
Incl. Business cost                                               6,132,948,247.00                   5,809,187,731.00
       Interest expense
       Fee and commission paid
       Insurance discharge payment
       Net claim amount paid
       Net insurance policy reserves provided
       Insurance policy dividend paid
       Reinsurance expenses
       Business tax and surcharge                                 2,234,957,796.00                   1,126,992,261.00
       Sales expense                                                285,999,689.00                    163,617,872.00
       Administrative expense                                       226,762,007.00 20,456,709.00      155,641,596.00 14,708,166.00
       Financial expenses                                           -26,790,947.00 90,458,827.00          -2,793,807.00 -18,495,261.00
       Asset impairment loss                                              2,149.00                            5,014.00
  Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)              8,963,099.00                         -860,876.00
       Investment gain (“-“ for loss)                              58,294,066.00 29,542,500.00       38,558,420.00 69,177,015.00
          Incl. Investment gains from affiliates                     38,906,676.00   -4,400,411.00        -4,974,053.00   -1,763,851.00
     Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                          3,685,641,760.00 -81,373,036.00 2,369,732,484.00 72,964,110.00
  Plus: Non business income                                           3,923,209.00                     12,819,515.00        317,133.00
  Less: Non-business expenses                                         4,504,715.00                        8,186,280.00
     Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                     528,644.00                          397,313.00
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                 3,685,060,254.00 -81,373,036.00 2,374,365,719.00 73,281,243.00
  Less: Income tax expenses                                         946,818,003.00      14,893.00     585,673,458.00      6,948,955.00
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                2,738,242,251.00 -81,387,929.00 1,788,692,261.00 66,332,288.00
     Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company      2,084,532,197.00 -81,387,929.00 1,426,870,815.00 66,332,288.00
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                    653,710,054.00                    361,821,446.00
VI. Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                           1.2138                              0.8309
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                        1.2138                              0.8309
VII. Other misc. incomes                                             78,894,264.00                     75,749,313.00        450,931.00
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                      2,817,136,515.00 -81,387,929.00 1,864,441,574.00 66,783,219.00
     Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the
                                                                  2,163,426,461.00 -81,387,929.00 1,478,813,190.00 66,783,219.00
parent company
     Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders        653,710,054.00                    385,628,384.00
No merger of entities under common control since the beginning of year till the end of report period, therefore the net profit

                                         China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.     The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

contributed by the merged entity was RMB0.00.

4.4 Cash Flow Statement from the beginning of year to the end of report term.

Prepared by China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd. Jan - September 2011           In RMB Yuan
                                                              Amount of the Current Term           Amount of the Previous Term
                                                            Consolidated      Parent company     Consolidated        Parent company
I. Net cash flow from business operation
     Cash received from sales of products and
                                                          15,304,266,416.00                     9,768,811,329.00
providing of services
     Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept
for brother company
      Net increase of loans from central bank
     Net increase of inter-bank loans from other
financial bodies
      Cash received against original insurance contract
      Net cash received from reinsurance business
      Net increase of client deposit and investment
      Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
   Cash received as interest, processing fee, and
      Net increase of inter-bank fund received
      Net increase of repurchasing business
      Tax returned                                           10,218,775.00                         15,311,948.00
      Other cash received from business operation          3,537,025,543.00    694,166,656.00 1,991,535,324.00        527,535,307.00
        Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 18,851,510,734.00    694,166,656.00 11,775,658,601.00       527,535,307.00
     Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and
                                                          13,986,361,635.00                     9,334,463,626.00
      Net increase of client trade and advance
    Net increase of savings in central bank and brother
      Cash paid for original contract claim
   Cash paid for interest, processing fee and
      Cash paid for policy dividend
      Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                717,426,729.00      13,885,841.00     512,454,736.00        8,088,763.00
      Taxes paid                                           3,293,842,132.00     11,158,506.00 2,330,350,396.00         14,832,736.00
      Other cash paid for business activities              3,595,276,750.00 4,373,059,785.00 1,836,456,513.00 2,447,713,601.00
         Sub-total of cash outflow from business
                                                          21,592,907,246.00 4,398,104,132.00 14,013,725,271.00 2,470,635,100.00
           Cash flow generated by business operation,
                                                          -2,741,396,512.00 -3,703,937,476.00 -2,238,066,670.00 -1,943,099,793.00
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving
      Cash received as investment gains                        1,284,166.00    182,635,544.00           360,094.00     45,334,075.00
     Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                 54,538.00                               90,097.00
intangible assets, and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or
                                                                                                  171,724,601.00      154,691,540.00
other operational units
      Other investment-related cash received

                                        China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2011 (Full text)

         Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment
                                                             1,338,704.00    182,635,544.00    172,174,792.00     200,025,615.00
     Cash paid for construction of fixed assets,
                                                            54,040,101.00         18,800.00     22,039,532.00           40,900.00
intangible assets and other long-term assets
     Cash paid as investment                               234,022,744.00    184,045,000.00     28,125,469.00      10,000,000.00
     Net increase of loan against pledge
     Net cash received from subsidiaries and other
operational units
     Other cash paid for investment activities              22,189,927.00                        1,971,145.00
         Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment
                                                           310,252,772.00    184,063,800.00     52,136,146.00      10,040,900.00
          Net cash flow generated by investment           -308,914,068.00      -1,428,256.00   120,038,646.00     189,984,715.00
   III. Cash flow generated by financing
     Cash received as investment                            51,250,000.00                      490,673,905.00
     Incl. Cash received as investment from minor
                                                            51,250,000.00                      490,673,905.00
     Cash received as loans                               7,997,007,616.00 4,816,970,500.00 6,859,617,476.00 1,694,293,000.00
     Cash received from bond placing
     Other financing-related cash received
        Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 8,048,257,616.00 4,816,970,500.00 7,350,291,381.00 1,694,293,000.00
     Cash to repay debts                                  1,605,240,821.00 1,085,970,500.00 1,773,897,397.00      794,022,000.00
     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests           816,286,205.00    408,260,583.00    525,785,040.00     354,394,448.00
    Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to
                                                           292,451,476.00                      256,640,389.00
minor shareholders
     Other cash paid for financing activities                                                  871,199,830.00
         Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing
                                                          2,421,527,026.00 1,494,231,083.00 3,170,882,267.00 1,148,416,448.00
          Net cash flow generated by financing            5,626,730,590.00 3,322,739,417.00 4,179,409,114.00      545,876,552.00
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and
                                                            -32,084,534.00     -2,430,154.00   -14,674,492.00       -1,752,640.00
cash equivalents
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents              2,544,335,476.00   -385,056,469.00 2,046,706,598.00 -1,208,991,166.00
     Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                          8,914,595,308.00 3,701,866,660.00 8,775,661,067.00 6,268,540,841.00
beginning of term
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of
                                                         11,458,930,784.00 3,316,810,191.00 10,822,367,665.00 5,059,549,675.00

4.5 Auditors’ Report

Auditor’s opinion: not audited.
