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特 力B:2012年年度报告(英文版)2013-04-09  

						Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                Annual Report of 2012


                          Annual Report 2012

                                    April 2013

              Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.           Annual Report of 2012

            Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading
statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all
responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of
the whole contents.

Zhang Ruili, Principal of the Company, Luo Bojun, person in charger of accounting
works and Fu Bo, person in charge of accounting organ (accounting principal) hereby
confirm that the Financial Report of 2012 Annual Report is authentic, accurate and

All directors are attending the Board Meeting for Report deliberation.

The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and
capitalizing of common reserves either.

Concerning the future planning involved in the Report, they do not constitute a
substantial commitment for investors. Investors are advised to exercise caution of
investment risks.

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                           Annual Report of 2012


Annual Report 2012 ........................................................................................................................... 1

Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase ................................................................. 2

Section II Company Profile ............................................................................................................... 6

Section III Accounting data and summary of finnaical indexes .................................................. 9

Section IV Report of the Board of Directors ................................................................................ 12

Section V Important Events .......................................................................................................... 31

Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders............................................... 43

Section VII Particulars about Directors, Supervisors,Senior Executives and Employees ........ 48

Section VIII Corporate Governance .............................................................................................. 56

Section IX Internal Control ............................................................................................................ 63

Section X Financial Report ............................................................................................................. 66

Section XI Documents available for reference ............................................................................ 190

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                     Annual Report of 2012


                      Items                         Refers to                                 Contents

CSRC                                                Refers to       China Securities Regulatory Commission

SZ Exchange                                         Refers to       Shenzhen Stock Exchange

                                                                    Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository & Clearing
Shenzhen Branch of SD&C                             Refers to
                                                                    Corporation Limited

Company, the Company, our Company, Tellus
                                                    Refers to       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Reporting period, this reporting period, this
                                                    Refers to       Year of 2012

Auto Industry and Trade Co.,                        Refers to       Shenzhen Auto Industry and Trade Corporation

RSM                                                 Refers to       RSM China Certified Public Accountants LLP

           Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.              Annual Report of 2012

                                    Major Risks Warning

The existing risk factor of the Company has been well-described in this Report,

for statement of future risks and countermeasures in way of development of the

Company please pay attention to the section of Report of the Board of Directors.

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                     Annual Report of 2012

                                         Section II Company profile

I. Company information

Short form of the stock         Tellus-A, Tellus-B                        Stock code                   000025, 200025

Stock exchange for listing      Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Name of the Company (in

Short form of the Company
(in Chinese)

Foreign name of the
                                Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd
Company(if applicable)

Legal representative            Zhang Ruili

Registrations add.              3/F, Tellus Building, Shui Bei Er Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen

Code for registrations add      518020

Offices add.                    15/F, Zhonghe Building, Shennan Middle Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

Codes for office add.           518031

Company website                 www.tellus.cn

Email                           sztljtgf@public.szptt.net.cn

II. Person/Way to contact

                                                         Secretary of the Board                     Rep. of security affairs

Name                                          Guo Dongri                                  Sun Bolun

                                              15/F, Zhonghe Building, Shennan Middle      15/F, Zhonghe Building, Shennan Middle
Contacts add.
                                              Road, Futian District, Shenzhen             Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

Tel.                                          (0755) 83989328                             (0755) 83989339

Fax.                                          (0755) 83989386                             (0755) 83989386

Email                                         guodongri@yahoo.com.cn                      s9239243@163.com

III. Information disclosure and preparation place

Newspaper appointed for information disclosure       Securities Times (Shenzhen) and Hong Kong Commercial Daily(H.K.)

Website for annual report publish appointed by

Preparation place for annual report                  Secretariat of the Board of Directors of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                        Annual Report of 2012

IV. Registration changes of the Company
                                                                        Registration NO. for
                                                                                                No. of taxation
                         Date for registration Place for registration        enterprise legal                      Organization code

                                               Administration      of
Initial registration     1986-11-10                                         440301103017750 440300192192210       19219221-0
                                               Industry          and

Registration at end                            Administration      of
                         2012-04-27                                         440301103017750 440300192192210       19219221-0
of report period                               Industry          and

                                               Before 26 May 1993, business scope of the Company: engaged in metal working
                                               machinery, general equipment, general component, abrasive tools, abrasive materials,
                                               instrument, micro motor, home appliances, electronic component, electronic device,
                                               electronic computer and accessories, auto parts, rubber products and construction
                                               materials. Self-operated products manufacture by the Company and owned enterprises
                                               such as self-used production raw materials, metal working machinery and general
                                               equipment; import & export of general component.

                                               Business scope of the Company changed dated 26 May 1993 as: engaged in metal
                                               working machinery, general equipment, general component, abrasive tools, abrasive
                                               materials, instrument, micro motor, home appliances, electronic component, electronic
                                               device, electronic computer and accessories, auto parts, rubber products, construction
                                               materials, metal materials, chemical materials and products, plastic products, hardware
                                               tools, warehousing & transportation and general equipment; self-operated products
                                               manufacture by the Company and owned enterprises such as self-used production raw
Changes of main business since listing (if
                                               materials and metal working machinery; import & export of general component; import
                                               and export business complies with the approval certificate (Shen Mao Guan Shen
                                               Zheng Zi No.098).

                                               Business scope of the Company changed dated 22 January 1997 as: develop enterprises
                                               (specific projects needs application); warehousing & transportation, processing on
                                               giving materials for machinery component and mechanic assembly. Domestic business
                                               and supply & marketing industry of materials (excluding monopolized commodity and
                                               commodity under special government control). Self-operated products manufacture by
                                               the Company and owned enterprises such as self-used production raw materials and
                                               metal working machinery; import & export of general component; import and export
                                               business complies with the approval certificate (Shen Mao Guan Shen Zheng Zi

                                               Business scope of the Company changed dated 3 December 2009 as: develop
                                               enterprises (specific projects needs application); develop and operate the real estate

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                    Annual Report of 2012

                                           business on the land with usage rights obtained legally; domestic business and supply
                                           & marketing industry of materials (excluding monopolized commodity and commodity
                                           under special government control); rental and management for self-owned property.
                                           Self-operated products manufacture by the Company and owned enterprises such as
                                           self-used production raw materials and metal working machinery; import & export of
                                           general component; import and export business complies with the approval certificate
                                           (Shen Mao Guan Shen Zheng Zi No.098).

                                           1. On 31 March 1997, the 159,588,000 state shares held by Shenzhen Investment
                                           Management Co., Ltd., the only non-circulation shareholder, were transfer to SDG;
                                           total share capital of the Company was 220,281,600 shares while 159,588,000 state
Previous changes for controlling
                                           shares held by SDG, a 72.45% in total share capital.
shareholders (if applicable)
                                           2. On 4 January 2006, the 13,717,440 shares, as the consideration of share merger
                                           reform, were transfer to account of A-shareholders from SDG. After share merger
                                           reform, SDG holds 66.22% of the total share capital of the Company.

V. Other relevant information

CPA engaged by the Company

Name of CPA                          RSM China Certified Public Accountants LLP

                                     3-9/F, West Tower, Zhonghai Real Estate Square, 7# Building, 8# Yard, Binhe Rd., Yong
Offices add. for CPA
                                     DingMen (W), Dongcheng District, Beijing

Signing Accountants                  Zhou Wuzhong, Qin Changming
Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

                         Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                  Annual Report of 2012

        Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes   √ No

                                                                                       Changes over last year
                                                 2012                  2011                                            2010

Operating income (RMB)                          419,642,661.31        403,282,098.80                   4.06%           38,634,879.27

Net      profit      attributable      to
shareholders        of      the     listed        7,146,259.35          2,157,675.12                  231.2%            3,584,445.78

Net      profit      attributable      to
shareholders of the listed company
                                                -15,060,776.70         -6,198,115.02                                    3,281,963.57
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses(RMB)

Net     cash      flow    arising   from
                                                  -7,756,382.47       -14,738,664.02                                    7,143,993.37
operating activities(RMB)

Basic earnings per share
                                                        0.0324                0.0098                  230.61%                 0.0163

Diluted earnings per share
                                                        0.0324                0.0098                  230.61%                 0.0163

Return on Equity (%)                                     3.95%                1.22%                    2.73%                  2.07%

                                                                                        Changes over end of
                                              End of 2012         End of 2011                                       End of 2010
                                                                                           last year (%)

Total assets (RMB)                              644,911,292.00        570,693,268.15                       13%       599,555,953.28

Net      assets      attributable      to
shareholder of listed company
(Owners equity attributable to                  184,675,401.61        177,365,899.51                   4.12%         175,274,602.44
shareholder of listed company )

II. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                        Annual Report of 2012

                                    Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed     Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed
                                                         company                                             company

                                                                                                                         Amount at
                                   Amount in this period     Amount in last period       Amount at period-end

Chinese GAAP                                7,146,259.35                  2,157,675.12           184,675,401.61            177,365,899.51

Items and amount adjusted by IAS

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                    Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed     Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed
                                                         company                                             company

                                                                                                                         Amount at
                                   Amount in this period     Amount in last period       Amount at period-end

Chinese GAAP                                7,146,259.35                  2,157,675.12           184,675,401.61            177,365,899.51

Items and amount adjusted by foreign accounting rules

3. Reasons for the differences of accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                Amount in      Amount in      Amount in
              Item                                                                                       Note
                                   2012           2011           2010

                                                                           Including the follow investment real estate sold by subsidiary
Gains/losses from the
                                                                           of the Company, Auto Industry & Trading Company: 3 sets of
disposal of non-current
                                                                           housing located 8/F, Dongfeng Building, B4 annex building
asset (including the          15,152,740.17 -2,474,496.72 233,137.69
                                                                           of 5#,6#,7# , A1 and B5 store and real estate 102, 4# office
write-off that accrued for
                                                                           building,    Weipeng Garden; disposing gains amounting as
impairment of assets)
                                                                           RMB 15,192,192.09

                                                                           The Company entered into “Agreement of Exempt From the
                                                                           Liability for Guarantee” with Shenzhen Shangbu Sub ranch of
                                                                           Agriculture Bank of China Co., Ltd. Shenzhen ABC exempts
                                                                           from liability of the Company for loan interest unpaid to
Gains/losses of debt                                                       Petrochemical Company and joint and several liabilities
restructure                                                                guarantee for the new interest since 20 May 2012. The
                                                                           amount involved in this lawsuits has been withdrawal for
                                                                           accrual liability RMB 87,568,728.57 in 2006; the RMB
                                                                           6,6401,271.43 were paid to Shenzhen ABC by agreement to
                                                                           fulfill guarantee responsibility; the exempted interest and

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                       Annual Report of 2012

                                                                          penalty interest have been transfer to non-operation income
                                                                          account in reporting period.

Other non-operating                                                       Last   year    including       removal   compensation    RMB
income and expenditure                                                    4,643,360.00 of 5 sets of bachelor dormitory; the liquidation
                                  65,402.35 13,464,148.60 251,775.43
except for the                                                            of claim unable to pay for over 10 years from debtor was
aforementioned items                                                      RMB 8,907,320.12.

Impact on income tax          7,398,899.92 2,637,516.45 106,680.89

Impact on minority
shareholders equity               -10,336.31     -3,654.71    75,750.02

Total                        22,207,036.05 8,355,790.14 302,482.21                                        --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                     Annual Report of 2012

                         Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Introduction

In 2012, under the leadership of the Board, all employees of the Company continues to surrounding the working
principle of stable development, seized the two major themes of key projects and enterprises routine operation,
overcoming economic turmoil and vary grand impact on the way of development from the restriction of objective
factors, key projects gains a breakthrough progress, the whole-year operation target was completed.

In reporting period, the Company achieved operation income of RMB 419.64 million in total with a y-o-y growth
of 4.06%; profit realized RMB 9.24 million in total with 39.85% up y-o-y; net profit attributable to owners of
parent company amounting as RMB 7.15 million, 231.20% up y-o-y; growth of the profit mainly because the
gains obtained from debt reorganization in this period and part of the investment real estate disposed.

II. Main business analysis
1. Introduction

Main business of the Company was auto sales, auto inspection and maintenance and accessory sales, property
rental and services ect; main business and its structure as well as main business ability show no major changes
compare with last period.

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB/CNY

             Item                 2012           2011                                                 Note
                                                             changes (%)

Operation income             419,642,661.31 403,282,098.80     4.06%

Operation cost               336,419,631.43 335,264,237.62     0.34%

Period expense                76,215,966.94 72,846,885.19      4.62%

Cash flow from operation -7,756,382.47 -14,738,664.02          47.37%      The account for vehichles received in advance increased

Subtotal of cash in-flow 31,634,090.29 20,976,554.05           50.81%      Cash received from disposal of investment real estate
from investment activities                                                 increased in this period

Subtotal of cash out-flow 64,322,848.76       2,322,621.53 2669.41% Expense of construction in progress increased and more
from investment activities                                                 investment in associated enterprise increased in this

Cash flow from financing 39,665,927.02 -12,096,262.57                      Loans from parent company and cash from bank loans
activities                                                                 increased in this period

In reporting period, major changes on profit structure and main influencing factors

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                    Annual Report of 2012

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB/CNY

              Item                          2012                      2011                   +,- amount                +,- (%)
Assets impairment losses                     11,158,962.81               5,114,839.34              6,044,123.47             118.17%
Investment gains                              4,907,776.00               8,080,990.33             -3,173,214.33             -39.27%
Income tax                                    8,264,624.20               5,354,382.93              2,910,241.27             54.35%
(1) Assets impairment losses: increase RMB 6.0441 million over same period of last year with 118.17% up,
mainly because the bad debt provision, provision for obsolete stock and fixed assets depreciation reserves are
accrual in this year;
(2) Investment gains: decrease RMB 3.1732 million over same period of last year with 39.27% down, mainly
because associated company –Shenzhen Zung Fu Tellus Auto Service Co., Ltd. has less profit in this period;
(3) Income tax: increase RMB 2.9102 million over same period of last year, mainly because Auto Industry
&Trading Company has more profit in this period while income tax expenses increased correspondingly.

Progress of the development strategy and operation planning that disclosed previously

Work report of the Board for year of 2011 has proposed the followed targets: in year of 2012, maintain the stable
operation in property rental business; perfect and strengthen the industry of auto post-service; seize opportunity
activity to promote the construction of Shuibei Jewelry Industrial Park; handling the problems left over by history

In this reporting period, the Company operating steady overcoming difficulties of soaring cost by pre-given
strategy orientation, the property rental and service business gains a profit of 0.81% up over that of 2011, which
provided a solid cash flow for the development of the Company.

In aspect of auto post-service, facing with the unfavorable factors of downturn industry and serious competition,
the Company gets over a difficulty, live in the present, maintain a stable business scale and reduce the losses to
accomplished whole-year operation target.

Key project of Shuibei Jewry Industrial Park is process smoothly and promoted steady by plan.

The lawsuit of Petrochemical guarantee reaches an accommodation in reporting period, reducing losses of the
Company, and the trouble of problems left over by history has been solved.
Reasons for difference of actual operation performance has 20% lower or higher than profit forecast of the Year disclosed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Revenue


In reporting period, operation income of the Company was RMB 419.64 million while income from main business
amounting as RMB 393.88 million, a y-o-y 0.46% down.

Main business income according to industry as:

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB/CNY

                      Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                            Annual Report of 2012

                                                                                                                 Main business profit margin
                 Industry                         Main business income             Main business cost

Auto sales                                                 251,410,681.00                     248,501,428.28                              1.16%

Auto inspection and maintenance and
                                                            47,965,398.31                       34,469,136.38                            28.14%
accessories sales

Property rental and service                                 94,499,183.06                       47,471,372.04                            49.77%

                    Total                                  393,875,262.37                     330,441,936.70                             16.10%

Business activities or main products with over 10% in total main business income or main business profit:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB/CNY
                                                           Main                                                          Increase/decrease of
                                                                      Increase/decrease of      Increase/decrease of
                      Main business Main business         business                                                       main business profit
      Products                                                        main business income       main business cost
                            income            cost         profit                                                        margin over last year
                                                                         over last year (%)      over last year (%)
                                                         margin (%)                                                                (%)

Auto sales            251,410,681.00 248,501,428.28          1.16%                    -1.99%                    0.36%                    -2.31%

Auto    inspection 47,965,398.31 34,469,136.38              28.14%                      5.54%                   -8.28%                   10.83%

and maintenance
and     accessories

Property       rental 94,499,183.06 47,471,372.04           49.77%                      0.81%                   -2.25%                    1.58%

and service

Whether income from physical sales larger than income from labors or not
√ Yes □ No

                                                                                                                      Increase/decrease y-o-y
         Industries                        Item                       2012                        2011

                               Sales volume                                     1,630                       1,589                        2.58%
Auto sales
                               Inventory                                          340                           132                  157.58%

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable □Not applicable
Inventory has more growth y-o-y mainly because suffer the influence of Sino-Japanese relations in 2012, Toyota Motor has a drop in
sales, while inventory growth.

Material orders in hands
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Material changes or adjustment for products or services of the Company in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Major sales of the Company

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                      Annual Report of 2012

Total top five clients in sales (RMB)                                                                                  28,621,967.55

Proportion in total annual sales volume for top five clients

Information of top five clients of the Company
□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Cost

Industry classification
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                       2012                                 2011
        Industry                                                                                                      Y-o-y changes
                             Item                          Ratio in operation                    Ratio in operation
   classification                           Amount                                Amount                                  (%)
                                                               cost (%)                              cost (%)

Auto sales          Raw materials        248,501,428.28              73.87%     247,610,749.18             73.86%               0.36%

Auto sales          Labor wages

Auto sales          Motive power

Auto sales          Depreciation

Auto inspection
and maintenance
                    Raw materials          21,415,255.23                6.37%    20,637,573.81              6.16%               3.77%
and accessories

Auto inspection
and maintenance
                    Labor wages            10,224,828.84                3.04%    11,500,470.19              3.43%            -11.09%
and accessories

Auto inspection
and maintenance
                    Motive power              339,905.72                0.1%       381,283.04               0.11%            -10.85%
and accessories

Auto inspection
and maintenance
                    Depreciation            1,173,121.85                0.35%     2,175,920.90              0.65%            -46.09%
and accessories

Auto inspection
and maintenance
                    Others                  1,316,024.74                0.39%     2,884,197.32              0.86%            -54.37%
and accessories

Property rental
                    Raw materials
and service

                        Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                    Annual Report of 2012

Property rental
                     Labor wages              7,817,065.41                2.32%    7,552,235.87              2.25%               3.51%
and service

Property rental
                     Motive power            22,539,850.48                6.7%    24,894,346.54              7.43%             -9.46%
and service

Property rental
                     Depreciation             6,625,551.77                1.97%    6,699,389.32                  2%               -1.1%
and service

Property rental
                     Others                  10,488,904.38                3.12%    9,415,875.44              2.81%               11.4%
and service

Product classification
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                          2012                                2011
       Product                                                                                                         Y-o-y changes
                              Item                           Ratio in operation                   Ratio in operation
  classification                              Amount                               Amount                                  (%)
                                                                 cost (%)                             cost (%)


Operation cost for year of 2012 was RMB 336,419,631.43, a 0.34% growth y-o-y.
Main business cost was RMB 330,441,936.70, a 0.99% down y-o-y.
Main suppliers of the Company

Total purchase amount from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                                    299,890,000.00

Proportion in total annual purchase amount for top five
suppliers (%)

Information of top five suppliers of the Company
□Applicable     √Not applicable

4. Expenses

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                 Item                              2012                             2011                           y-o-y growth

          Sales expenses                                  20,698,948.07                    19,891,677.92                             4.06%

      Administrative expenses                             45,435,681.23                    44,648,200.15                             1.76%

        Financial expenses                                10,081,337.64                     8,307,007.12                            21.36%

5. R&D expenses


                      Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                   Annual Report of 2012

6. Cash flow

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

               Item                             2012                           2011                      Y-o-y changes (%)

Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                   498,995,175.37                 481,325,073.34                             3.67%
operation activity

Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                   506,751,557.84                 496,063,737.36                             2.15%
operation activity

Net cash flow from operation
                                                    -7,756,382.47                  -14,738,664.02

Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                    31,634,090.29                   20,976,554.05                          50.81%
investment activity

Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                    64,322,848.76                     2,322,621.53                       2,669.41%
investment activity

Net cash flow from investment
                                                   -32,688,758.47                   18,653,932.52                        -275.24%

Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                   378,400,000.00                   27,200,000.00                        1,291.18%
financing activity

Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                   338,734,072.98                   39,296,262.57                            762%
financing activity

Net cash flow from financing
                                                    39,665,927.02                  -12,096,262.57

Net increased amount of cash
                                                       -781,042.07                  -8,196,406.38
and cash equivalent

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable □Not applicable

(1) Net cash flow from operation activity has a y-o-y growth of RMB 6.9823 million, mainly because account for
vehicle received in advance from Toyota Company increased;

(2) Subtotal of cash in-flow from investment activity increase RMB 10.6575 million over same period of last year,
mainly because cash received from disposal of investment real estate in this period increased;

(3) Subtotal of cash out-flow from investment activity increase RMB 62.0002 million over same period of last
year, mainly because in this period, RMB 33.50 million capital invested in Shenzhen Tellus Gem Investment Co.,
Ltd, and the land price and pre-phase expenses for Tellus Shuibei Jewelry Bullding (Phase I) paid in advance;

(4) Net cash flow from financing activity increase RMB 51.7622 million over same period of last year, mainly
because loans from parent company and cash from bank loans increased in this period.

Reasons of major difference between the cash flow of operation activity in report period and net profit of the Company
□Applicable   √Not applicable

                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                          Annual Report of 2012

III. Composition of main business

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                          Operating                           Gross profit ratio     of operating
                                           Operating cost                                               of operating cost   of gross profit
                           revenue                                   (%)             revenue y-o-y
                                                                                                           y-o-y (%)        ratio y-o-y (%)

According to industries

Auto sales              251,410,681.00       248,501,428.28                1.16%             -1.99%                0.36%             -2.31%

Auto    inspection
and maintenance
                          47,965,398.31       34,469,136.38             28.14%                  5.54%             -8.28%             10.83%
and     accessories

Property      rental
                          94,499,183.06       47,471,372.04             49.77%                  0.81%             -2.25%              1.58%
and service

According to products

Auto sales              251,410,681.00       248,501,428.28                1.16%             -1.99%                0.36%             -2.31%

Auto    inspection
and maintenance
                          47,965,398.31       34,469,136.38             28.14%                  5.54%             -8.28%             10.83%
and     accessories

Property      rental
                          94,499,183.06       47,471,372.04             49.77%                  0.81%             -2.25%              1.58%
and service

According to region

Shenzhen                393,875,262.37       330,441,936.70                16.1%

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main business based on
latest one years scope of period-end
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

IV. Assets and liability analysis

1. Major changes of assets

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                               End of 2012                     End of 2011                Ratio
                                       Ratio in total                   Ratio in total changes              Notes of major changes
                         Amount                          Amount
                                        assets (%)                       assets (%)      (%)

Monetary fund          55,145,531.39          8.55% 55,926,573.46                  9.8%   -1.25%

Account                 5,779,383.21            0.9%    6,926,224.94           1.21%      -0.31%

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report of 2012


Inventory            47,813,852.20              7.41% 30,218,346.71                     5.3%       2.11%

Investment real
                     96,666,571.61             14.99% 108,421,268.41                     19%       -4.01%

Long-term equity 186,572,923.3
                                               28.93% 143,657,138.71                 25.17%        3.76%
investment                          9

Fix assets                                      24.2% 164,608,682.41                 28.84%        -4.64%

Construction in
                     12,977,929.03              2.01%        2,461,073.03             0.43%        1.58%

2. Major changes of liability

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                    2012                                            2011
                                                                                                              Ratio changes       Notes of major
                                        Ratio in total assets                        Ratio in total assets
                      Amount                                       Amount                                         (%)                changes
                                                (%)                                          (%)

                    93,881,155.00                     14.56% 42,792,388.00                            7.5%              7.06%

                   143,000,000.00                     22.17% 4,680,000.00                           0.82%            21.35%

3. Assets and liability measure by fair value

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                    Gains/losses of                               Impairment         Amount
                     Amount at                             changes in fair                                        Sale amount in     Amount at
Item                                changes in fair                           accrual in this      purchased in
                    period-begin                           value reckoned                                           this period      period-end
                                            value                                   period          this period
                                                             into equity

Financial assets

3. financial
assets available     1,374,249.25          217,657.00        1,413,452.05                                                            1,591,906.25
for sale

Subtotal of
                     1,374,249.25          217,657.00        1,413,452.05                                                            1,591,906.25
financial assets

Total                1,374,249.25          217,657.00        1,413,452.05                                                            1,591,906.25

                             0.00                   0.00              0.00                                                                     0.00

Whether measurement attributes for main assets of the Company in report period have major changes or not

                   Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                      Annual Report of 2012

□ Yes   √No

V. Core competitive-ness analysis

Main business of the Company mainly divided into two parts, the auto sales & aftermarket service and property
rental & service
Auto sales & aftermarket service of the Company adopt business model of 4S store, comprehensive major
maintenance and fast repair beauty chain, authorize maintenance, special maintenance and auto inspections, and
owes a completed industry chain of automotive aftermarket and maintenance sales team with rich experiences. As
the slow development in auto sales market, the whole industry comes to a period of low-speed development and
fierce competition. The Company will complete operational target, base on the professional operation, and
standardized management, focus on gaining more profit and cutting expenses, maintain stable development,
controlling risks as well as seized opportunity to overcoming difficulties.
In aspect of property rental & service, the Company owes a certain property management experience and has
higher property management qualification and perfected internal management mechanism, also owes a brand
recognition in regional; most of the property rental and management are self-owned property, which has a lower
cost and a stable income. With the stable promotion of Tellus-Gem Golden Jewelry Industrial Park, the Company
will seize policy opportunity, taking full advantage of the development advantage of core base for Shenzhen
golden jewelry industry and combining actual condition of the Group, to explore the value-added service model of
high-end industry zone, higering property management standards and create a new profitability point for the

VI. Investment analysis

1. Equity investment outside

 (1) Investment outside

                                                        Investment outside

    Investment for year of 2012 (RMB)          Investment for year of 2011 (RMB)                         Changes

                            42,250,000.00                                    600,000.00                                    7,275%

                                                        Invested company

                                                                                          Proportion of equity in invested company
                  Name                                    Main business
                                                                                                  for listed company (%)

                                            Investment develop enterprise, property
Shenzhen Tellus Gem Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                                      50%
                                            management and rental

Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. Auto manufacture and repair                                                            25%

(2) Holding the equity of financial enterprise

                         Initial Amount of Proportion Amount of Proportion    Book      Gains and Accountin Source of
   Name         Type   investment
                       cost(RMB) stock-holdi   of     stock-holdi   of     value at the loss in the g subject stock

                      Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report of 2012

                                               ng at the stock-holdi ng at the stock-holdi end of the reporting
                                               beginning           ng at the        end of the           ng at the          period         (RMB)
                                                    of the         beginning             period         end of the          (RMB)
                                                 period                 of the          (Share)         period (%)
                                                (Share)           period (%)

Total                                  0.00                   0           --                      0           --                 0.00             0.00          --             --

(3) Securities investment
                                                                  of           Proportio Amount Proportio
                                          Initial            stock-hol            n of             of               n of         Book
                                                                                                                                               Gains and
                                         investmen ding at                     stock-hol stock-hol stock-hol value at
                        Short                                                                                                                  loss in the Accounti Source of
Variety of Code of
                       form of                  t                 the          ding at the ding at ding at the the end of
securities securities                                                                                                                          reporting ng subject           stock
                                         cost(RM beginning beginning the end of end of the the period
                                               B)             of the             of the       the period           period       (RMB)
                                                              period           period (% (Share)                    (%)

Total                                               0.00                  0        --                     0          --                 0.00        0.00         --             --

Explanation on equity of other listed company hold

2. Trust financing, derivative investment and entrusted loans

(1) Trust financing

                                                                                                                                                         In ten thousand yuan

                            Date for     Date for Determin                                    Actually                                                          Is a       Connecte
              Amount                                                           Principal                       Interest          by the        Impairme
                             trust            trust        e way for                          interest in                                                      related          d
 Trustee      for trust                                                        actually                        actually          legal            nt
                           financing financing remunerat                                          this                                                       transactio relationsh
           financing                                                            recover                        obtained procedure provision
                            begins            ends                ion                           period                                                        n or not          ip
                                                                                                                                s or not

Total                 0        --              --                 --                      0               0                 0      --                    0       --             --


(2) Investment of derivatives
Derivatives investment holds at period-end
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Entrustment loan
                                                                                                                                                             In 10 thousand yuan

                                                                                                                                                 Extension,          Countermeasur
                          Whether the                  Interest rate of                         Guarantor or               Use of loan
    Loan object                         Amount of loan                                                                                           overdue or            e for risks of
                          related party                     loan                                  collateral              objects fund
                                                                                                                                                  lawsuit               extension,

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                   Annual Report of 2012

                                                                                                                            overdue or

Total                       --                   0           --            --            --               --                     --


3. Application of raised proceeds

(1)Overall application of raised proceeds

                                                                                                                    In 10 thousand yuan

Total of raised proceeds                                                                                                                    0

                                                Overall application of raised proceeds

(2) Situation of committed project of raised proceeds

                                                                                                                    In 10 thousand yuan

                      Projects   Total                          of                                                               Project
                     changed committe                                      nt
                                           Total   Amount accumula                       Predicted    Profit       Reach the feasibility
Committed investment or not        d                                   program
                                         investme invested     ted                       useable     realized predicted               was
projects &investment (includin investme nt after     in                 till the
    of raised fund       g       nt of   adjustme reporting investme                      date of    in this        interest     changed
                     changed raised        nt (1)  period nt till the                     project     year           or not     hugely or
                     partially) capitals                              (3)=(2)/(1
                                                            year-end                                                                  not

Investment project commitment

Investment orientation for fund arising out of plan

Total                            --         0            0        0             0   --        --               0       --             --

Amount, usage and
progress of using for
                           Not applicable
fund raising out of the

Change of
implementation place
                           Not applicable
of investment project
of raised capitals

Regulation of
implementation ways
                           Not applicable
of investment project
of raised capitals

Invested in pre-phases
                           Not applicable
and replacement for

                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report of 2012

raised fund projects

supplement for the
                             Not applicable
current capitals with
idle raised capitals

Amount and reason for
surplus of raised
                             Not applicable
capitals when
implementing projects

(3)The changed project of raised proceeds

                                                                                                                                          In 10 thousand yuan

                                                                 Accumulati Progress of
                                                                                                                                                  Whether the
                                  Total                          on virtual           the
                                                                                                  Date of the                       Whether it       feasibility
              Correspondi        amount           Virtual           amount        investment
                                                                                                    project          Income         has come up        of the
Project after ng original       invested          amount            input         deadline the
                                                                                                   coming to       achieved in         to the         project
 the change     committed         after        input in the deadling the end of the
                                                                                                   scheduled           the           scheduled       changed
                  project      adjustment       reporting        end of the         reporting
                                                                                                  usable state      reporting         income         after the
                                   (1)                            reporting       (%)(3)=(2)/
                                                                      (2)              (1)

Total                  --                  0                 0                0        --              --                       0        --              --

Changing reason, decision procedure
and statement of disclosure(In specific N/A

4. Main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies

Particular about main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies

                                               Main                                                                Operating         Operating
  Company                                                    Register       Total assets        Net Assets                                            Net profit
                    Type      Industries products or                                                                revenue            profit
    name                                                     capital          (RMB)              (RMB)                                                 (RMB)
                                               service                                                              (RMB)              (RMB)

Auto                                       Sales of         RMB
                                                                            306,094,305. 201,875,122.                                19,349,090. 14,886,251.
Industry and Subsidiary Business           auto and         58.96                                                 38,335,826.49
                                                                                        40                  40                                  73                 69
Trade                                      accessories million

SD Huari                     Service                        $5              82,747,489.2 44,708,362.1                                                -1,135,480.5
                Subsidiary                 e and                                                                  50,740,054.74 -910,730.35
Automobile                   industry                       million                         6                7                                                     5
                                           and sales

                        Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                       Annual Report of 2012

Co.                                       of
Limited                                   accessories

                               Service                  RMB
Zhongtian                                 Property                55,233,594.7 20,880,797.7                      2,274,755.7 1,687,837.3
                  Subsidiary industry                   7.25                                      6,220,656.30
Industrial                                rental                            8               5                              1            5
Co., Ltd.

Toyota                                    Sales of      RMB 2     72,757,191.6                                   -7,597,703.8 -7,586,578.6
                  Subsidiary Business                                            -7,426,678.61 258,239,856.70
Automobile                                automobile million                7                                              0            9
Sales       Co.

                                          re of
g Auto                                                  RMB
                               Service    inspection              14,543,993.7                                   -5,271,879.0 -5,271,879.0
Vehicle           Subsidiary                            19.61                    2,898,500.99     3,439,833.17
                               industry   equipment                         4                                              3            3
Inspection                                              million
                                          for motor
Co., Ltd.

Xinyongton                                              RMB
                               Service    and repair              82,267,829.4 43,753,378.8                      -1,933,904.2 -4,810,512.6
g                 Subsidiary                            32.90                                    13,089,911.06
                               industry   of motor                          6               6                              5            0
Automobile                                              million
t Co. Ltd

Shenzhen                                  Real estate
SD Tellus                      Manufactu developm                 29,683,298.3 13,025,529.0
                  Subsidiary                            31.15                                             0.00 -293,814.10 -293,814.10
Real Estate                    ring       ent and                           7               0
Co., Ltd                                  operation

SD Tellus                                 Property      RMB
                               Service                            26,568,009.3 10,739,832.1
Property          Subsidiary              manageme 7.05milli                                     41,985,908.63 163,850.94 156,298.28
                               industry                                     7               4
Managemen                                 nt            on
t Co., Ltd

Tellus Real                               Trading
                               Service                  RMB 2
Estate            Subsidiary              agency of               2,747,169.27 2,585,098.96         318,170.00      5,024.12    15,024.12
                               industry                 million
Exchange                                  real estate
Co. Ltd

Shenzhen          Stock                   Sales of
                               Service                  RMB 30    510,998,649. 185,050,375. 1,981,963,848. 8,525,589.0 7,143,085.0
Zung Fu           jointly                 auto and

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report of 2012

Tellus Auto company       industry    maintenanc million                        00                 00                  00            0              0
Service Co.,                          e

               Stock                  re and
Dongfeng                  Manufactu                 RMB 100 283,598,462. 121,414,866.                                       8,013,302.7 6,427,780.3
               jointly                maintenanc                                                        237,664,777.99
Automobile                ring                      million                     78                 64                                6              9
               company                e of
Co., Ltd.

                                      Process of
Xinglong       Stock                                RMB
                          Manufactu mould and                   51,418,657.4 31,979,136.8
Machinery      jointly                              27.6333                                                                 -490,605.18 -524,446.14
                          ring         exportatio                                 3                2
Module Co., company                                 million

Notes of main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies
Particular about subsidiaries obtained or disposed in report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Major projects invested by non-raised fund

                                                                                                                             In ten thousand yuan

                                                                            Accumulated fund
        Project          Total investment      Invested in this year        actually till end of            Progress             Project benefit
                                                                                this period

Tellus Shuibei
Jewelry Bullding                      41,364               1,041.25                     1,287.35                       3.11%
 (Phase I)

Total                                 41,364               1,041.25                     1,287.35               --                        --

                                      Explanation on major projects invested by non-raised fund

Subsidiary of the Company, Zhongtian Company, was the implementing subject for the project; ended as 31 December 2012, the
project still in pre-phase stage of construction; the increase in this period mainly due to the pre-phase expenses for constructions.

VII. Special purpose vehicle controlled by the Company


VIII. Prospect for future development of the Company

(I) Development trend of the industry for the Company
1. Auto sales and automotive aftermarket business
Over a decade rapid development of Chinese automobile industry, a turning point turns to show up in way of
development and has a dramatically adjustment in recent year. In 2012, Chinas economy suffered a lot directly
from the continues unstable international political economic environment and soaring international oil prices; auto

                 Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                             Annual Report of 2012

sales and service industry facing a heavy impact, competitive pressures spreading from low-end economical auto
to high-end luxury brand auto. Being affected by unfavorable factors of Sino-Japanese relationship, auto-purchase
restriction and step out of the stimulate consumption policy, auto sales market is in a serious situation with profits
downing and fiercely competitive, and shows an unusual general deficit situation in the industry. Competition of
automotive aftermarket comes more and more harsh and fierce.
2. Property rental and service
With the large-scale, diversification and trans-regionalized for the property management enterprise in the Country,
industry concentration getting more and more better; under the slim profit from residential property management,
small-scale company will be eliminated while some of the famous property company implemented contraction
strategy, marketization of property management enterprise will upgrade and market competition comes to intense.
High-end property has a favorable profitability with more market attractiveness; clients from high-end property
requires more in aspect of professional competence, service idea, talent and brand, which promote the
development of large-scale and branding for property management and higering the industry concentration.
Existing superior enterprise will seize more market shares in incremental property management market by their
owned competiveness. Specialization of property service will comes more and more professional and the industry
will present a stronger professional service providers.

(II) Operation planning of the Company
1. Auto sales and automotive aftermarket business
The Company continues to overcome difficulties and adapt to the situation by development guideline of
“highlight-oriented, operation stabilized and scale maintenance”; externally, exploit distribution channels and
sales model, internally, focus on cost controlling to reduce deficit in sales. Proactively discover brand-new
marketing model, explore more for big clients and designated customer through standardized procedures and
highering efficiency; increase promotion items of vehicle care products, highering maintain gross margin and
output value for single vehicle, increase business of repairmen and accessory sales in order to improve income of
after-sales service. In accordance with general deployment and requirement of business adjustment for auto
service of the Company, chose opportunity to exit the unfavorable market steady for items or business orderly
with minimum cost, controlling the risks to reduce losses.

2. Property rental and service
Maintaining the stable operation of property rental business, under overcoming negative factor of soaring human
costs, create a service brand of Tellus Property, highering letting rate through upgrade service quality, provided a
stable cash flow support for the Company in way of development. Making the most of property resources,
plan-out market design, ensuring income from property operation shows no major fluctuation in construction
period of key projects, and ensuring rental price and letting rate of property will ascend with stable state. Take the
whole situation into account and plan accordingly in aspect of construction progress and capital for the
construction of Tellus Shuibei Jewelry Bullding (Phase I), guarantee the implementation of key project on
schedule. Take the construction of Tellus-Gem Jewelry Industry Park as opportunity, explore value-added service
model for jewelry professional market, expanding the service from foundation to value-added, improving service

(III) Operation planning
The Company will continues to insist on guiding ideology of “innovation-driven, adjustment & transition oriented
and aim at sustainable development”, closely surrounded by operation target of 2013, upholding the integration of

                 Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                            Annual Report of 2012

stable and development, seize opportunity, proactively, stimulated to promote development projects with all-out
effort; brand building, market extension and strive to searching new management model for Tellus; emphasize on
internal control and management, ensuring security, tap the potential and increase benefits with purpose of
highering operational ability and profitability for the enterprise.

(IV) Capital requirement in way of development

In 2013 the Company will play a platform role of listed company by innovation thinking and dual-wheel driving,
combine assets management with capital operation; on the one hand, seize financing ways and methods, take
operability, sustainability of enterprise and short/long/mid term benefit of the Group into consideration, determine
specific plan for financing projects; on other hand, liquidize remnant assets, raise funds for constructions and lay
the foundation of fully construction for projects. Capital requirement of future development strategy of the
Company mainly comes from the investment for Shuibei Jewelry Industry Park. And the Company will solve
capital resources by means of many channels.

(V) Risks probably confronted

1. Market competition intensifies

Being affected by the tight international political economy environment and slowing growth of Chinas economic
development, auto sales industry has a dramatically down in profit, gross margin of auto inspection and
maintenance business drop gradually, industry competition getting more and more serious. Based on the
requirement of market for property rental and management business, more and more professional and experience
talent team required, enterprises cost and market competition have been strengthen. On the one hand, the
Company will improve management standards, controlling cost to maintain a stable operation; On the other hand,
strengthen market exploitation, comply with current situation, rich the model of sales and service, discover new
profitability point combine with development of key projects, enhancing competitiveness of the enterprise,
upgrading profitability of the Company.

2. More pressure from cost

Domestic CPI still in high position, operation cost and expenses continues to soaring. Property rental and
management as well as auto repair belongs to the labor-intensive industry, the industry suffered a lot from labor
cost due to high proportion of basic-level operator, soaring cost of labor resources bringing a pressure on cost for
the Company. In order to solve this situation, the Company will organized its procedures, improved efficiency and
management standards, highering profit margin and lower impacts from soaring costs.

3. More pressure from capital

On one hand, general industry for auto sales are in an ill-conditioned, sales income suffering material influence;
on the other hand, self-generated cash flow hard to satisfy the development requirements totally due to
construction period of key projects, capital imbalance between supply and demand turns more and more obviously.
The Company will take vary means to financing, on one hand, continues to stabilize operation, maintain the stable
of routine operation cash flow, at the same time, liquidize remnant assts, dispose property with low-benefits
orderly and step out less efficiency projects in unfavorable market prospect, concentrate advantage resources for
key projects investment; one the other hand, proactively searching a steady financing channel, lower financing
cost to guarantee the promotion of key projects on schedule.

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                       Annual Report of 2012

IX. Explanation from the Board for “Qualified Opinion” from the CPA


X. Comparing with last year’s financial report, explain changes in aspect of accounting policy,
accounting estimates and calculation measures


XI. Particular about major accounting errors correction that needs retroactive re-statement
in reporting period


XII. Compare with last year’s financial report; explain changes in consolidation statement’s


XIII. Profit and dividend distribution

Formulation, execution or adjustment for profit distribution policy in reporting period, cash bonus policy in particular

In accordance with regulations of cash dividend regulated in Article of Association, the Company always,
formulated specific plan of cash dividend after deliberation from the Board and Shareholders General Meeting,
totally asking for opinions from independent directors, which guarantee interest of minorities, and disclose timely
and accuracy on Annual Report and relevant medial based on requirement of regulations and systems.
In accordance with requirement of “Notification on Serious Implementation on Relevant Requirement of Notice
of Further Implementation of Cash Dividend For Listed Company”, with purpose of guarantee interest of
investors, the Company convened the 2nd extraordinary meeting of 7th session of the Board dated 30 July 2012, the
“Proposal of Amendment on Article of Association” (revised correspondingly on cash dividend clause regulated
in original Article of Association) and “Proposal of Formulation of Shareholders Return Plan in the Next Three
Years (2012-2014)” were deliberated and approved in the Meeting, more details found in “Resolution Notice of
2nd extraordinary meeting of 7th session of the Board (No.: 2012-016)”. The “Proposal of Amendment on Article
of Association” and “Proposal of Formulation of Shareholders Return Plan in the Next Three Years
(2012-2014)” have been deliberated and approved in First Extraordinary Shareholders General Meeting of 2012.
The Company will follow the revised Article of Association, regulations and relevant rules, continues to
implemented relevant works with cash dividend concerned, attach importance to shareholder return and create
more return for shareholders.
Net profit attributable to shareholder of parent company in consolidation statement for year of 2012 amounting as
RMB 7,146,259.35; profit of 2012 plans to un-distribution and un-capitalizing, retained profit will cover deficit of
the previous year. The aforesaid profit distribution plan should deliberate and approve in Annual Shareholders
General Meeting of 2012.
Independent opinions on un-distribution profit plan from independent directors are as: accepting the decision of

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                         Annual Report of 2012

profit distribution for year of 2012, profit of 2012 plans to un-distribution and un-capitalizing, retained profit of
the Company will cover deficit of the previous year.
Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan of the Company are complied with relevant
regulations of Article of Association.

Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan in reporting period are complying with relevant regulations of
Article of Association.
Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan in latest three years (including the reporting period)

Profit of 2010 and 2011 are not distributed and no capitalizing, the retained profit were cover the deficit
The profit of 2012 plans no distribution and no capitalizing, retained profits were covering the deficit previously.

Cash dividend in latest three years
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                         Net profit attributable to     Ratio in net profit attributable to
                                      Amount for cash bonus (tax      shareholders of listed company shareholders of listed company
       Year for bonus shares
                                              included)               in consolidation statement for       contained in consolidation
                                                                                bonus year                       statement (%)

2012                                                           0.00                      7,146,259.35                                  0%

2011                                                           0.00                      2,157,675.12                                  0%

2010                                                           0.00                      3,584,445.78                                  0%

The Company gains profits in reporting period and the retained profit of parent company is positive but no plan of cash dividend
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XIV. Social responsibility

Base on fair principle, the Company always protects legal interest of creditors and suppliers, proactively care and
support business of community public cultural undertakings. Under premise of soaring benefits and sustainable
development, the Company emphasized on perfection of working situation and living environment for employees;
strengthen occupational protection and healthcare check-up, and take effective measures to supporting difficult
employees, improve salary for the employees step by step. Always attaches great importance to safety production,
totally implemented safety production responsibility system; seriously implemented responsibility of enterprise
entity based on “Production Safety Law”; concentrate on “three combinations”, that is combine totally inspection
with key spot test, combine census with plug up loophole and combine combat with emergency exercise; exercise
targeted specific examination regularly/ irregularly; place stress upon the personnel densely place for jewel
crafting enterprise and fire-fighting equipment of high-rise buildings, eliminate security risks, and totally 14
emergency exercise organized in whole year; conducting safety training to higher employees safety awareness.
Holding enterprise of the Group are realized pre-job safety training totally; Huari Company honor the title of
“Standard Enterprise of Safety Culture Construction” from Security Administration of Shenzhen; according to
characteristics of the Company, strengthen safety improvement, highering routine security prevention capacity
greatly, reduce and lower existing security hazard and risks, achieved safety production without major accidents

                 Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                 Annual Report of 2012

in whole year.

XV. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview
                                                                                 Contents discussed and
      Time               Place               Way          Type   Reception
                                                                                    material provided

                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                     Annual Report of 2012

                                                 Section V. Iimportant Events

I. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations of the Company

√Applicable          □Not applicable
                                  Amount Whether
                                  involved comes to                                                                Judgment
   Basic information of                                Progress of lawsuits              Trial results and                          Disclosure      Index of
                                   (in 10   accrual                                                              enforcement
   lawsuits (arbitration)                                     (arbitration)                 influence                                  date        disclosure
                                  thousand liability                                                               situation
                                   yuan)     or not

                                                       The             Company
                                                       entered                into
                                                       “Agreement                of
                                                       Exempt       From       the
Concerning            Shenzhen
                                                       Liability               for
Branch       of     Agriculture
                                                       Guarantee”            with The              amount
Bank of China sued to the
                                                       Shenzhen        Shangbu involved            in      the
Court for overdue payment
                                                       Sub         ranch          of lawsuit              was
RMB 57.6 million from
                                                       Agriculture Bank of withdrawal accrual
Shenzhen          Petrochemical
                                                       China Co., Ltd. on liability                      RMB                                     Found          in
Industrial          Corporation
                                                       13 December 2012. 87.5687 million in                                                      “Progress     of
                                                       The       two       parties 2006.                  The                                    Lawsuits”
company ” for short) and
                                                       confirmed that ended Company                                                              (No.:
guarantee by the Company
                                                       as 20 May 2012, the implements                                                            2012-033)
as well as its judgments,
                                                       Company bear joint guarantee                 liability                                    disclosed     on
the Company has disclosed                                                                                        Implemented
                                                       and several liability by agreement, after                                                 Securities
the details. (more details                                                                                       guarantee
                                  8,756.87 Yes         guarantee       for     the deducting principal                              2012-12-13 Times,     Hong
found in Securities Times                                                                                        liability     by
                                                       security offering to and                     interest,                                    Kong
and Hong Kong Ta Kung                                                                                            agreement
                                                       Shenzhen ABC for litigation cost and                                                      Commercial
Pao dated 11 September
                                                       loan principal RMB attorney                  charge,                                      Daily        and
2004 and 10 May 2006;
                                                       57.6      million,      the non-operation                                                 Juchao
Securities Times and Wen
                                                       interest and litigation income amounting                                                  Website dated
Wei Po dated 17 April
                                                       costs paid in advance as RMB 14.3775                                                      14 December
2007 and 19 February
                                                       from Petrochemical million,                       which                                   2012
2008 as well as Securities
                                                       company.               The brings                     a
Times and Hong Kong
                                                       Company                will corresponding
Commercial Daily dated
                                                       implement              loan influence               on
15 January 2010, 9 July
                                                       guarantee                       current profit.
2010 and 14 December
                                                       responsibility, paying
                                                       owed loan principal
                                                       and loan interest to
                                                       Shenzhen ABC and
                                                       litigation costs paid

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report of 2012

                                                  in       advance    RMB
                                                  66.4013                 for
                                                  company        in    total.
                                                  The Company wills
                                                  fulfill the guarantee
                                                  liability      by       the
                                                  aforsaid agreement,
                                                  Shenzhen             ABC
                                                  exempts              from
                                                  liability      of       the
                                                  Company for loan
                                                  interest     unpaid       to
                                                  Company and joint
                                                  and several liability
                                                  guarantees for the
                                                  new interest since 20
                                                  May 2012.

Questioned from media
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
No media questioned for the Company in reporting period

II. Particular about non-business fund occupation by controlling shareholders and its related

                                        Amount of             New
                                                                          repayment          Amount of
                                            the             holding                                                     Expected
  Name of                                                                 amount in          the end of                                Expected
                                         beginning         amount in                                       Expected    repayment
shareholder                                                                       the            the                                   repayment
     or                        Reason      of the              the                                         repayment   amount (in
                 time                                                       reporting reporting (in                                      time
                                        reporting (in reporting (in                                         method     10 thousand
   person                                                                    (in 10          10 thousand                                (month)
                                        10 thousand 10 thousand                                                          yuan)
                                                                            thousand           yuan)
                                           yuan)              yuan)

Total                                                  0              0                  0             0      --                   0      --

Ratio of total value at period-end in
net assets of period-end (%)

III. Bankruptcy reorganization

No bankruptcy reorganization occurred in reporting period

                   Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report of 2012

IV. Assets transaction

1. Purchase of assets

                                                               Net profit
                                            Net profit
                                                             contributed to
                                          contributed to
                                                               the listed
                                             the listed                       Ratio of
                                          Company from                        net profit
                                                             from the begin                         The related
                                           the purchase                       contribut
The other                                                     to the end of                         relationshi
 party of        Purchase           date to the end                           ed by the Related
                                                                      the                           p(applicabl
transacti Assets price (in               of the                               assets for transact                  Date of     Index of
  on or purchase    10     Progress                           reporting(in                             e for
  final     d    thousand           reporting(in 10                             listed     ion or                 disclosure   disclosure
                                                              10 thousand                             related
controlle          yuan)               thousand                               company       not
    r                                                        yuan)(applica                          transaction
                                    yuan))(applicab                            in total
                                                                 ble for                                 )
                                         le for enterprise                     profit
                                           merger under                          (%)
                                                             merger under
                                          the uncommon
                                                              the common

Overview of assets purchasing
No purchasing in reporting period

2. Assets sold

                                                           Ratio of
                                          Net                 net
                                      contribu               profit
  The                                    ted to            contribu
  other                                  listed              ted by                      The     Assets
                                                  Gains/lo                                                Credit
                                      Compan                                           related rights
party of                     Sales                   sses the sold Explana Related relations concern and
                                        y from                                                           liability Date of Index of
transacti Assets    Sales   price (in               from     assets tion on transacti hip(appl     ed
                                           the                                                           concern
                               10                 sales (in                             icable transferr           disclosu disclosu
  on or    sold      date             begin of                 for   price    on or                         ed
                            thousan                   10                                  for      ed
                                           the                                                            shifted     re       re
  final                     d yuan)               thousan listed setting       not     related ownersh
                                      reportin                                                           fully or
                                                  d yuan)                             transacti ip fully
controll                                g to                compan                                          not
                                      the sales                                           on)    or not
   er                                   date(in               y in
                                           10                total
                                       d yuan)               profit

Overview of assets sold
1) The property A1 and B5 of annex building of 5#, 6#, 7# Weipeng Garden owed by controlling subsidiary of the Company--
Shenzhen Auto Industry and Trade Corporation were transfer by bidding to nature person Yang Haifeng and Zan Qingli with RMB
1.17 million and RMB 1.63 million respectively; Room 102, Building 4, Weipeng Garden was listed negotiating transfer to nature
person He Huaquan with price of RMB 3.396 million. Relevant events please found in “Notice of Assets Sold”(No.: 2012-021)
published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) respectively dated 31

                        Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                      Annual Report of 2012

August 2012.

2) The property B4of annex building of 5#,6#,7# Weipeng Garden, Room 801, Dongfeng Building and other 10 properties owed by
controlling subsidiary of the Company-- Shenzhen Auto Industry and Trade Corporation were negotiating transfer to nature person
Chen Ping with price of RMB 7.3005 million and RMB 15.59 million respectively. Relevant events please found in “Notice of
Assets Sold”(No.: 2013-001) published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website
(http://www.cninfo.com.cn) respectively dated 8 January 2013.

3. Enterprise merger
In the reporting, the company has no enterprise merger.

V. Implementation and its influence of equity incentive plan

No implementation of equity incentive plan carried out in reporting period

VI. Material related transactions

1. Related transaction with daily operation concerned

                                                                                                 Proportio    Settlemen
                                            Pricing                                                 n to
                     Type of Content                  Price of of related                                     t method
          Related                         principles                                             amount of                  Market       Disclosur Index of
 Related              related of related               related transactio
         relationsh                       of related                                             transactio   of related
  party             transactio transactio            transactio n (10                                                         price       e date      disclosure
             ip                           transactio                                              n or the    transactio
                         n         n                      n    thousand
                                               n                                                 same type
                                                                 yuan)                                            n
Total                                                     --            --                   0          0%        --           --              --          --

2. Related transactions by assets acquisition and sold

                                                Related         Book         Assessm
                                                                                          Market                               gained
                                                transacti value of ent value                          Transfer Related
 Related                 Related    Related                                                 fair                                from
            Related                                on          transfer         of                    price (in transacti                     Date of Index of
transacti                transacti transacti                                              value (in                            assets
            relations                           explanati assets (in transfer                            10            on                 disclosur disclosur
   on                       on        on                                                     10                               transfer
               hip                               on on           10          assets (in               thousand settleme                         e          e
 parties                   type     content                                               thousand                             (in 10
                                                  price        thousand         10                     yuan)     nt mode
                                                                                           yuan)                              thousand
                                                 setting        yuan)        thousand

3. Main related transactions of mutual investment outside
                                     Mutual                                                                    Total assets    Net assets of Net profit of
                                                                               Main          Registered
   Mutual                          investments       Name of                                                  of companies      companies           companies
                     Related                                              business of         capital of
 investment                          pricing        companies                                                  invested (in     invested (in        invested (in
                 relationship                                             companies          companies
    party                           principle           invested                                               10 thousand     10 thousand          10 thousand
                                                                             invested         invested
                                                                                                                  yuan)               yuan)            yuan)

                        Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                      Annual Report of 2012

4. Contact of related credit and debt

Whether exist non-operating contact of related credit and debt or not
√Yes     □No
                                                                                              Balance of       Amount of the
                                                                            Whether exist                                         Balance at
                                                                                             period-begin         period
                               Related      Type of credit     Forming      non-operation                                        period-end (in
        Related party                                                                           (in 10         occurrence (in
                             relationship      and debt         reason        al capital                                          10 thousand
                                                                                              thousand          10 thousand
                                                                              occupying                                              yuan)
                                                                                                yuan)              yuan)

                                            Debts payable
SHENZHEN SDG                Parent                           Long-term
                                            to related                      No                             0           7,300             7,300
CO., LTD.                   company                          loans

                                            Debts payable
SHENZHEN SDG                Parent                           Current
                                            to related                      No                      4,627                  166           4,793
CO., LTD.                   company                          account

                                            Debts payable
SHENZHEN SDG                Parent                           Short-term
                                            to related                      No                      1,919                  -11           1,908
CO., LTD.                   company                          loans

5. Other significant related transactions

The Company entered into “Loan Agreement” with SHENZHEN SDG CO., LTD. (“SDG” for short) for
SEVENTY THREE MILLION YUAN loans from SDG with term of three years. The transaction constitute
related transaction due to the controlling shareholder of the Company is SDG.
Relevant details please found in “Notice of Related Transaction”(No.: 2012-034) published on Securities Times,
Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website respectively dated 26 December 2012.

Inquiry of disclosure website for relevant interim reports of material related transaction

                   Notice name                                Dated for disclosed               Website for interim report disclosed

Notice of Related Transaction                       2012-12-26                             Juchao Website

VII. Major contract and implantation

1. Trusteeship, contract and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

Explanation on trusteeship
No trusteeship
Items generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in reporting period for the Company
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                            Annual Report of 2012

(2) Contract

Explanation on contract
No contract
Items generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in reporting period for the Company
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

(3) Leasing

Explanation on leasing
No leasing
Items generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in reporting period for the Company
□Applicable      √Not applicable

2. Guarantee

                                                                                                                       In ten thousand yuan

                    Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)
                     Related                            Actual date of
                                                                                                                     Complete     e for
                   Announcem                             happening
   Name of the                 Guarantee                                   Actual           Guarantee      Guarantee implemen related
                        ent                               (Date of
Company guaranteed               limit                                 guarantee limit        type           term     tation or   party
                    disclosure                             signing
                                                                                                                         not     (Yes or
                       date                              agreement)
                                                  Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries
                     Related                            Actual date of
                                                                                                                     Complete           e for
                   Announcem                             happening
   Name of the                 Guarantee                                   Actual           Guarantee      Guarantee implemen          related
                        ent                               (Date of
Company guaranteed               limit                                 guarantee limit        type           term     tation or         party
                    disclosure                             signing
                                                                                                                         not           (Yes or
                       date                              agreement)
Total guarantee amount (total of the aforesaid items)


Explanation on guarantee with composite way

(1) Guarantee provided against regulations

                                                                                                                       In 10 thousand yuan

                                                                               guarantee                               Predicted
                            guarantee     Ratio in                                            Ratio in
               Relationsh                                                       against                                 amount       Predicted
                             against     net assets                                          net assets   Predicted
Guarantee       ip with                                Guarantee Guarantee regulation                                  relieve (in      date
                            regulation       at                                                  at       methods to
   name          listed                                   type        term       ended                                     10        relieve(mo
                              (in 10     period-end                                         period-end     relieve
                company                                                          before                                thousand         nth)
                            thousand        (%)                                                 (%)
                                                                                annual                                   yuan)
                                                                               report (in

                      Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                               Annual Report of 2012


Total                                 0            0%       --            --                  0           0%         --               --          --

3. Other material contracts
                                           value for
                           value of
                            amount                                    Base date                   Trading         Whether                    Implement
Company                                    involved
              Name of      involved                     Appraisal      of assets                  price (in    constitute       Related         ation
 entered                                      in                                    Pricing
             counterpar in contract                     agency (if evaluation                        10           related      relationshi ended as
  into a                                  contract(in                               principle
                 t           (in 10                     applicable)       (if                     thousand transaction                p       reporting
 contract                                     10
                           thousand                                   applicable)                  yuan)           or not                      period
                           yuan) (if
                                           yuan) (if

VIII. Implementation of committment

1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the Company in
reporting period or extending to reporting period.
                                                                                                     Commitment Commitment
        Commitments        Accepter                              Contents                                                                  Implementation
                                                                                                           time              period
                                       (I) Commitments during the work of Share Merger
                                       Reform of the Company:
                                       1. Commitments on Lock-up period
                                       (1) In accordance with the Measures for the
                                       Administration of the Share Merger Reform of
                                       Listed Companies, SDG would abide by the various
                                       laws, regulations and rules, and perform its statutory
                                       commitment duty.
                                       (2) Apart from the above-mentioned statutory
                                       commitment, SDG also made the following special
                                       commitment: with 36 months since the day the
                                       reform plan starts to take effect, SDG would not list
                                       at Shenzhen Stock Exchange and sell the shares of
                                       Tellus it held (except for the shares used to promote
                                       the administration level of Tellus).
Commitments for
                                       (3) The administration level would abide by the
                           SDG                                                                 2005-12-25                 Long-term        Implementing
Share Merger Reform                    laws, regulations and rules, and perform its statutory
                                       commitment duty.
                                       (4) SDG made the commitment: “The Promiser
                                       hereby promises that, if the Promiser failed to fulfill
                                       its commitment or not fully fulfill its commitment, it
                                       would compensate other shareholders for their
                                       losses suffered thereafter”.
                                       (5) SDG declared: “The Promiser would dutifully
                                       fulfill its commitments and shoulder corresponding
                                       legal responsibilities. The Promiser would transfer
                                       the shares held by it only if the assignee agree and
                                       have the ability to shoulder the commitment
                                       2. Special commitment concerning the incentive
                                       In order to effectively boost the core management

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                       Annual Report of 2012

                                     level and business backbones for long, SDG would
                                     take out its shares, not exceeding 10% in total
                                     number after the Share Merger Reform, and apply
                                     them to the boost of the administration level. The
                                     shares would be sold to the Companys
                                     administrative level over 3 years, with the selling
                                     price being the net asset value per share audited
                                     during the period nearest to the implementation.
                                     Before the implementation of the promoting plan by
                                     share selling each year, the administration level
                                     must prepay the Company a risk responsibility fund,
                                     i.e. 20% of the planned selling price; Should the
                                     work of the performance examination set by the
                                     Board failed to be finished, the paid risk
                                     responsibility fund would not be refunded and shall
                                     be owned by the Company. Detailed rules
                                     concerning the limitations on the administration
                                     level, such as the subscription conditions and risk
                                     responsibility fund, and boost plans would be set by
                                     the Board and submitted to relevant departments for
                                     approval. The implementation of the shares for
                                     promoting would be conducted strictly according to
                                     relevant laws and regulations, and the circulation
                                     conditions of these shares would be in conformity
                                     with relevant regulations set by the Shenzhen Stock
                                     3. Relevant expenses of this Share Merger Reform
                                     of Tellus would be paid by SDG.
Commitments in report
of    acquisition or
equity change

Commitments in assets

Commitments make in
Initial public offering or

Other commitments for
minority shareholders

Other commitments for
medium and small             Yes
Detail reasons for
un-complement and       N/A
further plan
Whether made a
promise to horizontal
competition and related No
transactions that
resulted or not
Solution term promised N/A

Solution way                 N/A

Complementation              Implementing

                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                          Annual Report of 2012

2. Concerning assts or project of the Company, which has profit forecast, and reporting period still in
forecasting period, explain reasons of reaching the original profit forecast

                                                          Forecast           Actual        Reasons failure
   Assets or                                                                                                 Disclosure date   Index of
                      Date starting   Date ended for    performance        performance       to reached
  project owes                                                                                                 for original    original
                      for forecast       forecast      currently (in 10 currently (in 10     forecast (if
 profit forecast                                                                                                forecast       forecast
                                                       thousand yuan) thousand yuan)         applicable)

IX. Appointment and non-reappointment (dismissal) of CPA

Accounting firm appointed

Name of domestic accounting firm                                            RSM China Certified Public Accountants LLP

Remuneration for domestic accounting firm (in 10
thousand Yuan)

Continuous life of auditing service for domestic
accounting firm

Name of domestic CPA                                                              Qin Changming, Zhou Wuzhong
Whether re-appointed accounting firms in this period or not
√Yes   □No
Whether re-appointed accounting firms during auditing period or not
□Yes √No

Whether completed approval process while changing accounting firms or not
√Yes □ No

Explanation on re-engagement and changes of accounting firms

The “Merge Statement” co-issued by Shenzhen Branch of China Audit International CPA Ltd. (“Shenzhen Branch
of CAICPA”) and RSM China Certified Public Accountants LLP was received by the Company in October 2012,
former Shenzhen Branch of CAICPA are merged with RSM China Certified Public Accountants LLP, the CPA
named RSM China Certified Public Accountants LLP (“RSM”) after mergered. All audit and verification legal
business of Shenzhen Branch of CAICPA will transfer to RSM for handling after merger. Before that, the contract
signed and implemented and reports issued under the name of CAICPA continues to remain in force, and RSM
continues to perform rights and obligation after business carried forward. In consideration of the above facts, the
Company will engage RSM as the audit institution for financial and internal control of 2012 of the Company from
CAICPA in order to maintain the continuity and stability of auditing works. The aforesaid event has been
deliberated and approved in 5th extraordinary meeting of 7th session of the Board dated 26 October 2012 and 2nd
extraordinary shareholders general meeting of 2012.

Appointment of internal control auditing accounting firm, financial consultant or sponsor
√ Applicable      □Not applicable

In reporting period, RSM China Certified Public Accountants was engaged by the Company as audit institute for internal control,
remuneration amounting as RMB 240,000.

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                       Annual Report of 2012

X. Explanation from Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors (if applicable) for
“Qualified Opinion” from the CPA


XI. Penalty and rectification

                                                                Type of
                                                                                Conclusion (if                          Index of
       Name               Type             Reasons          investigation and                       Disclosure date
                                                                                 applicable)                            disclosure

Explanation on rectification
No penalty and rectification occurred in reproting period
Particular about directors, supervisors, senior executives and shareholders with over 5% shares held suspected illegal dealings of the
stock of the Company and earnings of illegal dealings taken back by the Company that disclosed
□Applicable √ Not applicable

XII. Suspension and delisting after disclosure of annual report

No particular about suspension and delisting after annual report disclosed.

XIII. Explanation on other significant events

      Serial        Notice No.:                                  Content                             Date of publish in the newspaper

        1            2012-001         Resolution of 26th estraordinary meeting of 6th session of                2012-1-20
                                     the Board

        2            2012-002         Resignation of the Director and General Manager                           2012-2-24

        3            2012-003         Resolution of 21st estraordinary meeting of 6th session of                2012-2-24
                                      the Board

        4            2012-004         Performance forcast of first quarterly                                    2012-4-14

        5            2012-005         Resolution of 10th officially meeting of 6th session of the               2012-4-14

        6            2012-006         The 13th meeting of 6th session of supervisory committee                  2012-4-14

        7            2012-007         Summary of annual report 2011                                             2012-4-14

        8            2012-008         Abnormal fluctuation for stock price                                      2012-4-17

        9            2012-008         Summary of first quarterly report                                         2012-4-25

     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                       Annual Report of 2012

10    2012-009        Resolution of 23rd extraordinary meeting of 6th session of              2012-5-16
                       the Board

11    2012-010        The 15th meeting of 6th session of supervisory committee                2012-5-16

12    2012-011        Notice of Annual Shareholders General Meeting for year of               2012-5-16

13    2012-012        Resolution of Annual Shareholders General Meeting for                    2012-6-7
                      year of 2011

14    2012-013        Resolution of First Meeting of 7th session of supervisory                2012-6-8

15    2012-014        Resolution of First extraordianry meeting of 7th session of              2012-6-8
                      the Board

16    2012-015        Performance forcast of semi-annual report                               2012-7-14

17    2012-016        Resolution Notice of Second extraordianry meeting of 7th                2012-7-31
                      session of the Board

18    2012-017        Resolution Notice of Second Meeting of 7th session of                   2012-7-31
                      supervisory committee

19    2012-018        Notice of First Extraordinary Shareholders General                      2012-7-31
                      Meeting of 2012

20    2012-019        Notice of Correction for Network Voting of Shareholders                  2012-8-1
                     Genral Meeting

21    2012-020        Suggestive Notice of First Extraordinary Shareholders                   2012-8-11
                      General Meeting of 2012

22    2012-021        Summary of Semi-annual report of 2012                                   2012-8-16

23    2012-022        Resolution notice of first officially meeting of 7th session            2012-8-16
                     of the Board

24    2012-023        Resolution notice of 3rd meeting of 7th session of                      2012-8-16
                      supervisory committee

25    2012-024        Resolution of first extraordinary shareholders general                  2012-8-16
                      meeting of 2012

26    2012-021        Notice of assets sold                                                   2012-8-31

27    2012-025        Performance forecast of third quarterly of 2012                        2012-10-13

28    2012-026        Third quarterly reprot of 2012                                         2012-10-22

29    2012-027        Resolution notice of the Board (5th extraordinary of 7th               2012-10-30

              Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                      Annual Report of 2012

      30       2012-028        Changes of the audit institution of financial and internal            2012-10-30
                               control for year of 2012

      31       2012-029        Notice of 2nd extraordinary shareholders general meeting              2012-10-30
                               of 2012

      32       2012-030        Correction on changes of audit institution of financial and            2012-11-3
                               internal control

      33       2012-031        Specific notice on un-completed commitments from                       2012-11-7
                               shareholders, related party and the Company

      34       2012-032        Resolution notice of 2nd extraordinary shareholders                   2012-11-15
                               general meeting of 2012

      35       2012-033        Progress of lawsuits                                                  2012-12-14

      36       2012-034        Notice of related transaction                                         2012-12-26

      37       2012-035        Resolution notice of the Board (8th extraordianry of 7th              2012-12-26

XIV. Significant events of the subsidiaries


XV. Corporate bond offering


                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                        Annual Report of 2012

            Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

                                   Before change                   Increase/decrease in this time (+ , - )                  After change

                                               Ratio      New      Bonus    Capitalization of public                                   Ratio
                                  Amount                                                               Other Subtotal    Amount
                                                (%)       issue    share            reserve                                            (%)

I. Restricted shares            14,587,056      6.62%                                                                    14,587,056    6.62%

2. State-owned corporation
                                14,587,056      6.62%                                                                    14,587,056    6.62%

II. Un-restricted shares       205,694,544 93.38%                                                                       205,694,544 93.38%

1. RMB ordinary shares         179,294,544 81.39%                                                                       179,294,544 81.39%

2. Domestically listed
                                26,400,000 11.98%                                                                        26,400,000 11.98%
foreign shares

III. Total shares              220,281,600      100%                                                                    220,281,600     100%

Reasons for share changed
Approval of share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Ownership transfer of share changed
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in latest year and period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information necessary to disclose for the Company or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators

II. Securities issue and listing

1. Previous security offering in latest three years at period-end

 Stock/derivative                       Offering price (or        Circulation                                              End of trading
                        Offering date                                               Listing date        approved for
    securities                               interest rate)        number                                                       date


Convertible corporate bond, separably-traded convertible bond and corporate bonds


Explanation on security offering in previous three years

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                            Annual Report of 2012

2. Changes of total shares and shareholders structure as well as explanation on changes of assets and
liability structure


3. Existing internal staff shares

  Offering date of internal staff                                                                 Circulation numbers of internal staff
                                        Offering price for internal staff shares(RMB)
               shares                                                                                        shares(Share)

III. Shareholders and actual controller

1. Number of shareholders of the Company and share-holding

                                                                                                                              Unit: Share

Total shareholders in reporting                    Total shareholders ended as the 5th trading day before annual report
                                          17,450                                                                                     16,716
period                                             disclosed

                                        Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders

                                                        Total                                                         Number of shares
                                                                      Changes      Amount of        Amount of
                                      Proportion   shareholders at                                                     pledged/frozen
  Full name of           Nature of
                                       of shares                      in report    restricted       unrestricted
  Shareholders          shareholder                   the end of
                                       held (%)
                                                                          period   shares held      shares held    State of share Amount
                                                    report period

SHENZHEN           State-owned
                                         66.22%        145,870,560 0                14,587,056       131,283,504
SDG CO., LTD.      corporation

Wu Yongchun                                 0.3%           663,996 663,996                               663,996
                   nature person

Lin Fengyuan                               0.23%           512,858 0                                     512,858
                   nature person

SHANGHAI           Foreign
                                           0.23%           507,478 42800                                 507,478
SECURITIES         corporation

Zhang Xiaoming                             0.21%           463,961 22301                                 463,961
                   nature person

Kan Hui                                    0.16%           369,126 7400                                  369,126
                   nature person

Wang Shaoying                              0.15%           338,498 211998                                338,498
                   nature person

Li Taoran                                  0.14%           330,058 330058                                330,058
                   nature person

Shen Li            Domestic                0.14%           322,260 322260                                322,260

                        Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                        Annual Report of 2012

                        nature person

Chen Shufeng                                   0.13%           308,300 308300                                308,300
                        nature person

Strategy investors or general
corporation       comes      top   10
shareholders due to rights issue
(if applicable)

                                        Among the top ten shareholders, there exists no associated relationship between the state-owned
Explanation        on       associated legal persons shareholders Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd and other shareholders, and they do not
relationship among the top ten belong to the consistent actionist regulated by the Management Measure of Information
shareholders or consistent action Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies. For the other shareholders of
                                        circulation share, the Company is unknown whether they belong to the consistent actionist.

                                        Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held

                                                                                                                            Type of shares
       Shareholders name                        Amount of unrestricted shares held at year-end (Note 4)
                                                                                                                            Type       Amount

                                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
SHENZHEN SDG CO., LTD.                                                                               131,283,504

                                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Wu Yongchun                                                                                                  663,996

Lin Fengyuan                                                                                                 512,858 listed foreign

                                                                                                             507,478 listed foreign

                                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Zhang Xiaoming                                                                                               463,961

                                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Kan Hui                                                                                                      369,126

Wang Shaoying                                                                                                338,498 listed foreign

                                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Li Taoran                                                                                                    330,058

Shen Li                                                                                                      322,260 listed foreign

                                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Chen Shufeng                                                                                                 308,300

                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report of 2012

Expiation         on         associated
                                          Among the top ten shareholders, there exists no associated relationship between the state-owned
relationship or consistent actors
                                          legal persons shareholders Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd and other shareholders, and they do not
within the top 10 un-restrict
                                          belong to the consistent actionist regulated by the Management Measure of Information
shareholders and between top 10
                                          Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies. For the other shareholders of
un-restrict shareholders and top
                                          circulation share, the Company is unknown whether they belong to the consistent actionist.
10 shareholders

Explanation       on     shareholders
involved in securities margin N/A
trading business (if applicable)

2. Controlling shareholder of the Company


     Controlling                                  Date       Organization Register
                         rep./person in                                                                       Main business
     shareholder                            established            code       capital
                         charge of unit

                                                                                        Develop enterprise investment (specific projects needs
                                                                                        application);   develop   tourism   industry   investment;
                                                                                        operation and     development of real estate; domestic
SHENZHEN SDG                                                                            business and supply & marketing industry of materials
                         Liu Aiqun          1982-06-20 192194195              1582.82
CO., LTD.                                                                               (excluding monopolized commodity and commodity
                                                                                        under special government control); economic advisory
                                                                                        consultant (excluding restricted projects); import & export

Operation result,
financial status, cash
flow and future          -
strategy ect

Changes of controlling shareholder in reporting period
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

3. Actual controller of the Company


      Actual controller               rep./person in                      Organization code         Register capital          Main business
                                      charge of unit

Shenzhen               Municipal
Peoples             Government
                                      Zhang Xiaoli                     Not applicable           Not applicable           Not applicable
State-owned                  Assets
Supervision                    and

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report of 2012

Administration Commission

Operation result, financial
status, cash flow and future Not applicable
development strategy ect.

Equity          of          other
domestic/foreign            listed
company        controlled      by Not applicable
actual controller in reporting

Changes of actual controllers reporting period
□Applicable √Not applicable
Property right and controlling relationship between the actual controller and the Company is as follow:

         Shenzhen Municipal Peoples Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission


                                                      Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd.


                                                  Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Actual controller controlling the Company by entrust or other assets management

□Applicable √Not applicable
4. Particulars about other legal person shareholders with over 10% shares held
                                     Legal rep. /
                                                                                                                            Main operation
                                      Person in        Date of
  Legal person shareholder                                          Organization code              Register capital             business or
                                     charge of the foundation
                                                                                                                         management activities

IV. Share holding increasing plan proposed or implemented in reporting period from
shareholder of the Company and its concerted action person

                                                                                                                                Disclosure dated
Shareholder/conc                             Ratio of shares                           Ratio of shares
                      Shares holding                              Shares holding                           Initial disclosure      for end of
   erted action                            plans to increased                         actually increased
                     plans to increased                          actually increased                               date            shareholding
      person                                        (%)                                      (%)

Explanation on others

                   Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                  Annual Report of 2012

                   Section VII. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior

                                                       Executives and Employees

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                                     Increasing Decreasing
                                                                       Shares held
                                                                                     shares held shares held
                          Working             Start dated                  at                                       Shares held at
                                                          End date of
                 Title                Sex Age of office                                in this       in this
     Name                   status                        office term period-begin                                 period-end(Share)
                                                                                       period        period
                                                                                      (Share)        (Share)

Zhang                     Currently
            Chairman                  M    50 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
Ruili                     in office

            Director,     Currently
Luo Bojun                             M    51 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
            GM            in office

            Director,     Currently
Fu Bo                                 M    51 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
            CFO           in office

Zhang                     Currently
            Director                  M    54 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
Jianmin                   in office

Yu Lei      Director                  F    45 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
                          in office

Liu         Independent Currently
                                      F    59 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
Hongling    Director      in office

Wei         Independent Currently
                                      M    41 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
Shaohui     Director      in office

            Independent Currently
Ji Huibin                             M    43 2012-11-14 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
            Director      in office

Guan                      Currently
            Supervisor                M    59 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
Zhicai                    in office

Zhang                     Currently
            Supervisor                M    43 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
Xinliang                  in office

Fu                        Currently
            Supervisor                M    40 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
Chunlong                  in office

Wang                      Currently
            Supervisor                M    55 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
Guangye                   in office

Ke                        Currently
            Supervisor                F    45 2012-06-06 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
Wensheng                  in office

            Executive     Gurrently
Guo Jian                              M       2013-03-12 2015-06-05              0               0             0                     0
            Deputy GM in office

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                      Annual Report of 2012

Ren                           Currently
               Deputy GM                  M      50 2012-06-07 2015-06-05              0            0             0               0
Yongjian                      in office

               Deputy GM,
Guo                           Currently
               Secretary of               M      48 2012-06-07 2015-06-05              0            0             0               0
Dongri                        in office
               the Board

Fen Yu         Deputy GM                  M      46 2012-06-07 2015-06-05              0            0             0               0
                              in office

Zhang                         Office
               Director                   M      48 2012-06-06 2013-03-11              0            0             0               0
Junlin                        leaving

Shi                           Office
               Director                   M      55 2009-06-18 2012-06-06              0            0             0               0
Changyue                      leaving

               Director,      Office
Lv Hang                                   M      52 2011-06-15 2012-02-23              0            0             0               0
               GM             leaving

Jiang          Independent Office
                                          M      52 2012-06-06 2012-11-14              0            0             0               0
Hongjun        Director       leaving

               Independent Office
Ji Dejun                                  M      69 2009-06-18 2012-06-06              0            0             0               0
               Director       leaving

                                                                                       0            0             0               0

Total               --            --      --     --      --          --                0            0             0               0

II. Post-holding

Major working experience of directors, supervisors and senior executive at the present in latest five years

        Name                                  Main work experience and holding the post or taking part-time job
                    He ever took the posts of Divisional Manager of Financial Company of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
                    Development (Group) Company and Manager of Assets Department of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
                    Development (Group) Company; now, he takes the post of Chairman of the Board of the Group. At the same time,
                    he concurrently Chairman of the Board in Shenzhen Auto Industry and Trade Corporation (the controlling
Zhang Ruili
                    subsidiaries of the Company), Chairman of the Board in Shenzhen SD Huari Automobile Co. Ltd. (the controlling
                    subsidiaries of the Company), Chairman of Shenzhen Xinglong Machinery Module Co., Ltd. (the associated
                    company of the Company) and deputy chairman of Shenzhen Zung Fu Tellus Auto Service Co., Ltd. (the associated
                    company of the Company)
                    He ever took the posts of Deputy Manager of HR Dept. and Director of Human Resource Communication Training
                    Center in the Company, and Deputy General Manger of Shenzhen Auto Industry and Trade Corporation. Now he
                    serves as Director and General Manager of the Company, at the same time, he concurrently took the posts of
                    Director of Shenzhen Auto Industry and Trade Corporation (the controlling subsidiary of the Company), Director of
Luo Bojun           Shenzhen SD Huari Automobile Enterprise Co. Ltd. (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company), Chairman of the
                    Board of Shenzhen Teyao Investment Development Co., Ltd. (the controlling subsidiary of the Company),
                    Chairman of the Board of Shenzhen Tellus Xing Investment Co., Ltd. (jointed venture of the Company), Chairman
                    of the Board of Shenzhen Tellus Gem Investment Co., Ltd( the joint-venture company of the Company), deputy
                    chairman of Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. (the associated company of the Company) and           director

                  Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                     Annual Report of 2012

                 of Shenzhen Xinglong Mold Co., Ltd. (the associated company of the Company).
                 He ever took the posts of lecturer in Hunan College of Finance and Economics, Business Manager of Assets
                 Operation Department in Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd., CFO of Shenzhen SDG Xiaomeisha Tourism Center. He now
Fu Bin           acts as Director and CFO of the Group. At the same time, he concurrently took the post of Director of Shenzhen
                 Auto Industry and Trade Corporation (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company). And serve as the director of
                 China Perfect Machinery Industry Corp., Ltd. (the associated company of the Company).
                 He ever took the posts of secretary of committee for discipline inspection of Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd. Now he acts
                 as the deputy GM of Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd., director of the Company and at the same time, serve as the director
Zhang Jianmin
                 of Hon Kwok Sanhe Co., Ltd., director of Shenzhen International Enterprise Co., Ltd. and director of Shenzhen
                 SDG Information Co., Ltd. respectively.
                 She ever took the posts of secretary of international corporation dept. of Vocational Education Training Center of
                 Chaoyang District, Beijing, the deputy director, director and deputy chief of Luohu Branch of Shenzhen Home Land
Yu Lei           Planning Bureau, the vice director and director of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
                 of Peoples Government of Shenzhen; now she serves as deputy GM of SHENZHEN SDG CO., LTD. and Director
                 of the Company.
                 She ever took the posts of Assistant Accountant of Financial Department of Tianjin Components Industries
                 Corporation, Senior Staff of Tianjin Electronic Instruments Management Bureau, Deputy Head of Tianjin
Liu Hongling     Zhonghuan Certified Public Accountants, CFO of Shenzhen Yongxing Industrial and Commercial Corporation,
                 Head of Shenzhen Weiming Appraisal Institute, and Chairman of Shenzhen Sinocoms Appraisal Co., Ltd. Now she
                 serves as deputy GM of Beijing Jimkai Sinocoms Appraisal Co., Ltd. and independent director of the Company.
                 He ever took post of law assistant and full-time attorney of Guangdong Shu Jun Law Firm. Now he serves as senior
Wei Shaohui      partner of Guangdong Shu Jun Law Firm, and independent director of the Company; meanwhile serves as
                 independent director of Longhao Tiandi Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Click Technology Co., Ltd. respectively.
                 He ever took the posts of project manager, director of engineering dept. deputy GM and GM of Shenzhen Jianyi
                 Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd; director of engineering dept. and director of operation dept. of Shenzhen Jianyi
Ji Huibin
                 Industrial Co., Ltd. Now he serves as deputy GM of Pang Yuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and independent
                 director of the Company.
                 He ever took the posts of Workers, Head of Workshop Section, and Secretary Of Youth League Committee in
                 state-owned 5501 plant, and worked in Shenyang Agricultural Machinery Automotive Industry Bureau and
                 Shenyang Automotives Industry General Corporation. He also took the posts of Deputy Officer, Deputy Head and
                 Head of Enterprise Management Department, Director of Reform Office, Director of the Board, Vice Secretary
Guang Zhicai     General of the Board of Shenyang Jinbei Automotive Company Limited; Secretary of Party Committee and Deputy
                 GM of Shenzhen Radio Industry and Trade Corporation, Deputy GM of Shenzhen Liming Industry Corporation;
                 Deputy GM of Shenzhen SDG Liming Group Co., Ltd., Vice Chairman and GM and Secretary of Party Committee
                 of Shenzhen SDG Liming Group Co., Ltd., Chairman and Secretary of Party Committee of Shenzhen SDG Liming
                 Group Co., Ltd. Now he acts as Chairman of Supervisory Committee of the Company.
                 He ever took the post of Manager of Financial Dept in Machinery And Equipment Import And Export Company,
                 Deputy Manager of Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd. Now, he acts the supervisor of the group, Head of Audit and
Zhang Xinliang
                 Supervision Dept. and concurrently the Secretary of the supervisor committee of Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd, and
                 Supervisor of the Company.
                 He ever took the Business Deputy General Manager of HR Department of Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd., Deputy Team
Fu Chunlong      Leader in Work Team of Shenzhen Tefa Huatong Packaging Co., Ltd. Now, he is the Deputy Minister of HR
                 Department of Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd. and Supervisor of the Company.

                Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                    Annual Report of 2012

               He ever took the post of Deputy General Manger of Financial Department and Deputy General Manager of Auditing
               Department in Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.; Now he acts as the Manager of Auditing Department in Shenzhen
               Tellus Holing Co., Ltd and Employee Supervisor of the group. Meanwhile, he serves as supervisor of Shenzhen
               Auto Industry and Trade Corporation (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company), supervisor of Shenzhen Tellus
               Xinyongtong Auto Development Co., Ltd. (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company) and of Shenzhen SD Tellus
Wang Guangye   Property Management Co., Ltd. (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company); and serves as supervisors in the
               follow units as Shenzhen Xingyongtong Auto Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd. (the controlling subsidiaries of the
               Company), Shenzhen SD Tellus Real Estate Co., Ltd. (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company), Shenzhen
               Tellus Real Estate Exchange Co., Ltd. (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company), Shenzhen Xinglong Machinery
               Mold Co., Ltd. (affiliated company of the Company) and Shenzhen Tellus Gem Investment Co., Ltd. (joint-venture
               of the Company) respectively.
               She ever acts as the teacher in School of Guangdong Foreign Trade, major accountant of Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd.
               and deputy GM and GM of the Accounting and Financial Dept. of the Company. Now, she acts as the GM of
               Accounting and Financial Dept. and staff supervisor of the Company, director of Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong
               Auto Development Co., Ltd., director of the Shenzhen Zhongtian Industrial Co., Ltd.(controlling subsidiary of the
Ke Wensheng    Company), and Shenzhen Teyao Investment Development Co., Ltd.; serve as the supervisor of Shenzhen Tellus Real
               Estates Exchange Co., Ltd. (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company), Shenzhen SD Tellus Property
               Management Co., Ltd. (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company), Shenzhen Telihang Investment Co.,
               Ltd.(joint-venture of the Company), Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. And Shenzhen Auto Industry
               Imp-Exp Co., Ltd. (joint-venture of the Company) respectively.
               He ever took the posts of Software Engineer and Project Manager of Shenzhen Changhong Communication
               Equipment Co., Ltd., Business Deputy General Manager and Senior Engineer of Development Dept. and Business
               Management Dept., Deputy General Manager of Business Management Dept.1, Deputy Minister and Minister of
Guo Jian
               Buseness Management Dept. of Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd., Deputy GM of General Branch of Shenzhen SDG
               Xiaomeisha Tourism Center, Deputy GM of Shenzhen SDG Information Co., Ltd, Minister of Business
               Management Dept. of Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd; He now acts as the executive Deputy GM of the company.
               He ever took the posts of Manager of China Marketing Department of Shanghai Pepsi Food Co., Ltd. and Assistant
               General Manager of the Company. He now acts as Deputy General Manager and secretary of the Board of the
Guo Dongri
               Company. Meanwhile, he serves as director of Shenzhen Xinyongtong Motor Vehicle Inspection Equipment Co.,
               Ltd(the controlling subsidiary of the Company)
               He ever took the posts of Deputy Manager of Planning & Financial Dept. and Manager of Auditing Dept. in
               Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development (Group) Company; Director and CFO of the Company. He now
               acts as Deputy General Manager of the Company and concurrently holds the post of Director of Shenzhen Auto
               Industry and Trade Corporation (the controlling subsidiary of the Company), Director of Shenzhen Tellus Xing
Ren Yongjian   Investment Co., Ltd. (joint-venture of the Company), Director of Shenzhen Tellus Gem Investment Co.,
               Ltd.( joint-venture company of the Company) , Director of and of Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co.,
               Ltd.(associated company of the Company) and Director of Shenzhen Zung Fu Tellus Auto Service Co., Ltd.
               (associated company of the Company) and Director of Shenzhen Auto Industry Imp-Exp Co., Ltd. (joint-venture of
               the Company)
               He ever took the Deputy General Manger of Shenzhen Xianke Real-estate Co., Ltd., Manager of Investment
               Department of China Sports Group Industry Co., Ltd.; Director to the Office of General Manger of Shenzhen SDG
Feng Yu        Co., Ltd; and Supervisor of the Company. Now, he acts as Deputy General Manager of the Company. Meanwhile, he
               serves as director of Shenzhen Auto Industry and Trade Corporation (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company),
               Shenzhen SD Huari Auto Enterprise Co., Ltd. (the controlling subsidiaries of the Company)

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                        Annual Report of 2012

Post-holding in shareholders unit
√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                                    Whether receiving
                                                                              Office term         Office term       remuneration from
     Name                  Name of shareholders units           Position
                                                                               start from           ended           shareholders units
                                                                                                                           or not

Zhang Jianmin SHENZHEN SDG CO., LTD.                          Deputy GM                                            Yes

Yu Lei           SHENZHEN SDG CO., LTD.                       Deputy GM                                            Yes

                                                              Director of
                                                              audit &
Zhang Xinliang SHENZHEN SDG CO., LTD.                                                                              Yes

                                                              Director of
Fu Chunlong      SHENZHEN SDG CO., LTD.                       H&R                                                  Yes
Post-holding in other unit
√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                                    Whether receiving
                                                                              Office term         Office term
Name                           Name of other units              Position                                            remuneration from
                                                                               start from           ended
                                                                                                                     other units or not

                 Beijing Jimkai Sinocoms Appraisal Co.,
Liu Hongling                                                  Deputy GM                                            Yes

Wei Shaohui      Guangdong Shu Jun Law Firm                                                                        Yes

                 Pang Yuan Real Estate Development Co.,
Ji Huibin                                                     Deputy GM                                            Yes

III. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, determine basis and actual payment of remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives

The Company strictly in accordance with relevant regulations of “Management System of Human Resources of
Tellus Group” and “Remuneration Management Plan of Tellus Group (Practice)”, continues to perfect inspection
rules and seriously exercise performance evaluation, carry out remuneration based on evaluation results.
Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period

                                                              Total remuneration      Total remuneration
                                               Post-holding                                                        Remuneration actually
   Name                Title       Sex Age                    obtained from the             obtained from
                                                  status                                                           obtained at period-end
                                                                  Company              shareholders unit

Zhang                                         Currently in
             Chairman              M     50                             588,912.93                          0.00              588,912.93
Ruili                                         office

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report of 2012

                                                   Currently in
Luo Bojun Director, GM                 M      51                                493,261.49                        0.00         493,261.49

               Chairman of
Guan                                               Currently in
               supervisory             M      59                                505,402.21                        0.00         505,402.21
Zhicai                                             office

                                                   Currently in
Fu Bin         Director, CFO           M      51                                453,662.93                        0.00         453,662.93

Ren                                                Currently in
               Deputy GM               M      50                                453,662.93                        0.00         453,662.93
Yongjian                                           office

Guo                                                Currently in
               Deputy GM               M      48                                453,662.93                        0.00         453,662.93
Dongri                                             office

                                                   Currently in
Feng Yu        Deputy GM               M      46                                453,662.93                        0.00         453,662.93

Wang                                               Currently in
               Supervisor              M      55                                236,777.76                        0.00         236,777.76
Guangye                                            office

Ke                                                 Currently in
               Supervisor              F      45                                230,238.92                        0.00         230,238.92
Wensheng                                           office

Liu            Independent                         Currently in
                                       F      59                                 50,000.00                        0.00          50,000.00
Hongling       Director                            office

               Independent                         Currently in
Ji Huibin                              M      43                                  4,166.67                        0.00           4,166.67
               Director                            office

Wei            Independent                         Currently in
                                       M      41                                 29,166.69                        0.00          29,166.69
Shaohui        Director                            office

Lv Hang        Director, GM            M      52 Office leaving                 272,396.24                        0.00         272,396.24

Jiang          Independent
                                       M      52 Office leaving                  45,833.37                        0.00          45,833.37
Hongjun        Director

Ji Dejun                               M      69 Office leaving                  20,833.35                        0.00          20,833.35

     Total                --           --     --            --                 4,291,641.35                       0.00        4,291,641.35

Delegated equity incentive for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Post-leaving and dismissals for directors, supervisors and senior executives

        Name                   Title               Type                Date                                  Reasons

Shi Changyue        Director                Office leaving        2012-06-06       General election

Zhang Junlin        Director                Office leaving        2013-03-11       Work

Lv Hang             Director, GM            Office leaving        2012-02-23       Work

                     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                      Annual Report of 2012

Ji Dejun                             Office leaving      2012-06-06      General election

Jiang Hongjun                        Office leaving      2012-11-14      Work

V. Changes of core technology team or key technicians in reporting period (not including
directors, supervisors and senior executives)


VI. Employees of the Company

Employee in-post                                                                578
Retired employees expenses borne by the                                         322
                                              Professional composition
              Administration staff                                              137
                    Technician                                                   30
                Sales personnel                                                  15
                   Financial staff                                               49
              Production personnel                                              136
                                              Educational background
                      Master                                                     14
                Bachelor degree                                                  64
                   Junior college                                               128
           Technical secondary school                                            87
                       Other                                                    285

                 Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                           Annual Report of 2012

Remuneration policy: The Company strictly in accordance with relevant regulations of “Management System of
Human Resources of Tellus Group” and “Remuneration Management Plan of Tellus Group (Practice)” ,
formulated inspection rules and seriously exercise performance evaluation, carry out remuneration based on
evaluation results.

Training planning: the Company always attaches importance to the training and development work for employees;
create innovation into part of the long-term development strategy of the Company. Combine with current situation
of the Company, and take annual planning, position requirement and responsibility as well as enterprises
development needs into consideration, the Company formulated a systematic training plans and talent cultivation
projects; strengthen training works in aspect of multi-tiered, multi-channel, multi-field and multi-form, including
induction training for new employees, business training for on-job employees, operation skill training for workers
at the production line, upgrade training for manager, project development and risk control training, continues to
improve general quality for employees in order to achieve a win-win situation for the Company and employees.

                   Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                     Annual Report of 2012

                          Section VIII. Corporate Governance

I. Brief introduction about corporate governance

During the reporting period, the Company has been observing the Company Law, Securities Law and relevant
rules issued by the CSRC, for the purpose of improving its legal person governance structure and standardizing its
operation level. According to the Articles of Association, Procedure Rules of General Meeting, Procedure Rules of
Board of Directors, Procedure Rules of Supervisory Committee, Working Rules of Independent Directors,
Working Rules of General Manager and a series of rules and regulations, the Company maintained normal
performance of the duties and obligations of its general meeting, board of directors and supervisory committee.
Each of its directors and supervisors can perform their duties earnestly. Its corporate governance conformed to the
requirements of certain regulation documents issued by the CSRC concerning corporate governance of listed

According to the requirements of the Circular concerning Implementation of the Notice on Further
Implementation of Cash Dividend Issues of Listed Company (SZJGSZ(2012)No.43) issued by the securities
regulatory bureau of Shenzhen, for the purpose of further improvement of profit distribution policy especially the
cash dividend policy and stable return to shareholders as expected, the Company amended and improved its
Articles of Association, and formulated the Shareholders Return Plan for the Future 3 Years (2012-2014).

Besides, the Company prepared the Investment Management Rules, Decision Making System for Related
Transaction, External Guarantee Management System, Subsidiary Management Method, Financing Management
Internal Control System, Fraud Prevention Inspection and Reporting System as well as Working Rules of the
Strategic Committee according to the requirements for internal control works based on its actual conditions, thus
to improve the internal decision-making and operation mechanism and standardize legal person governance

Whether there are differences between the corporate governance and the "Company Law" and the relevant provisions of China
Securities Regulatory Commission
□ Yes √ No
There were no significant differences in corporate governance and the "Company Law" and the relevant provisions of China
Securities Regulatory Commission.

The development of special activities for corporate governance, and establishment and implementation of registration and
management system for inside information insider

(I)Implementation of special activity in respect of corporate governance
1. Actively participated in “insider transaction warning education exhibition”. Pursuant to the requirements of
“insider transaction warning education exhibition” conducted by the securities regulatory bureau of Shenzhen, the
bureau carried out “insider transaction warning education exhibition” from 22 October to 26 October. The
directors, supervisors, senior management, the secretary to the board, personnel in departments of finance, legal
affairs and risk management of the Company took active participation in this activity to receive relevant education
and make communications.

                Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                            Annual Report of 2012

2. Investor protection propaganda. Pursuant to the Circular on Investor Protection Propaganda Activity of Listed
Company (SZJGSZ(2012)No.60) issued by the securities regulatory bureau of Shenzhen, the Company carried out
investor protection propaganda and investor communication by certain means, to protect legal interests of
investors. The Company improved the detailed contents set out in the investor column and prepared propaganda
posters with the theme of “honest operation and rational investment” and “develop the concept of value
investment and build atmosphere for rational investment”. The posters were set out in the obvious position of its
bulletin board, thus to advertise the concept of value investment and guide investors to make rational judgment as
to the Companys value, and finally to make scientific investment decision.

3. Increase communications with investors and continue to enhance such communication. In detail, the Company
ensures normal operation of external consultant phone, and makes prompt response to the questions raised by
investors through phone and interactive channels.

4. According to the requirements of the Circular concerning Implementation of the Notice on Further
Implementation of Cash Dividend Issues of Listed Company issued by the CSRC, the Company amended certain
clauses of its Articles of Association concerning profit distribution policy based on its actual conditions, and
formulated the Shareholders Return Plan for the Future 3 Years (2012-2014) (hereinafter referred to as return
plan). The aforesaid amendments and return plan have been respectively considered and approved in the 2nd
extraordinary meeting of the 7th board and the 1st extraordinary general meeting of 2012, and the relevant
decision-making procedures were transparent and conformed to relevant regulations. The Company executed its
profit distribution policy in strict accordance to the Articles of Association. Formulation and execution of cash
dividend policy were in compliance with the Articles of Association and resolution of general meeting. The
dividend standard and proportion were clear, and the relevant decision-making procedure and mechanism were
complete. Independent directors had definite obligations and minority shareholders had opportunity to express
their opinions and demands, which promised protection of their legal interests. The Amendments to the Articles of
Association and the Shareholders Return Plan for the Future 3 Years (2012-2014) were set out in the website
www.cninfo.com.cn dated 31 July 2012.

(II) Determination and implementation of insider registration management system
The Company has been paying great attention to standardization of insider information management. In order to
standardize its insider information management, strengthen insider information confidentiality and disclose
information on a fair basis, according to relevant regulations, the Company considered and approved the
Information Disclosure Working System at the 5th extraordinary meeting of the 5th board on 20 July 2007. the
Insider Information Registration System was considered and approved at the 2nd meeting of the 6th board on 27
October 2009, pursuant to which, the Company expressly determined the principal organ in charge of information
disclosure, the internal reporting system, scope of insider information, insider information management rules,
filing registration methods and confidential obligations. The Company executed related policies in strict manner,
took effective measures before disclosing material sensitive information, minimized the scope of insider, and
made propaganda in respect of insider confidential obligations, thus to prevent escape of insider information and
insider transaction.

In 2012, the Company found that no insider took use of insider information to trade its stock out of line, and no

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report of 2012

insider had received supervisory measures and administrative punishment from the regulatory authorities due to
involvement in insider transaction.
II. Annual shareholders’ general meeting and extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting
held in reporting period
1. Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting in the report period
  Session of                                                                                         Date of
                   Date                Name of meeting motion                 Situation                               Index of disclosure
   meeting                                                                                         disclosure

                              Deliberated the follow proposals: 1)
                              “Work Report of the Board for year of
                              2011”; 2) “Work Report of Supervisory
                              Committee for year of 2011”; 3)
                              “Financial Result Report of 2011”;     4)
                              “Financial Budget for year of 2012”; 5) All proposals have
                                                                                                                “Resolution Notice of Annual
                              “Audit Report of 2011” (Chinese and been passed with
Annual                                                                                                          Shareholders General Meeting
                              English Version);     6) “Annual Report 100%           in   total
Shareholders                                                                                                    of 2011” (No.: 2012-012)
                              of 2011” (Chinese and English Version); voting rights of
General         2012-06-06                                                                         2012-06-07 published on Securities Times,
                              7) “Profit Distribution Plan of 2011”; 8) attendant
Meeting of                                                                                                      Hong Kong Commercial Daily
                              “Engagement of Audit Institution for shareholders              in
2011                                                                                                            and         Juchao       Website
                              year of 2012”; 9) “Engagement of Audit favor, 0 in against
                              Institution for Internal Control of 2012”; and 0 abstention
                              10) Decision-making Mechanism of
                              Related Transactions”; 11) “Election of
                              Directors for 7th Session of the Board”;
                              12) “Election of Supervisor for 7th
                              Session of Supervisory Committee”

2. Extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting in the report period

                                                  Name of meeting
 Session of meeting             Date                                        Situation              Date of disclosure       Index of disclosure

                                                                                                                            “Resolution Notice
                                                                                                                        of                 First
                                              1)     Proposal     of                                                    Extraordinary
                                              amendment           of All proposals have                                 Shareholders
                                              Article             of been    passed        with                         General Meeting of
First    Extraordinary
                                              Association;        2) 100% in total voting                               2012”            (No.:
                         2012-08-15           Proposal            of rights of attendant 2012-08-16                     2012-024) published
General Meeting of
                                              Formulation         of shareholders            in                         on Securities Times,
                                              Shareholder Return favor, 0 in against                                    Hong              Kong
                                              Plan in Next Three and 0 abstention                                       Commercial        Daily
                                              Years (2012-2014)                                                         and Juchao Website

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report of 2012

                                                                                                                          “Resolution    Notice
                                                1)    Proposal        of
                                                                                                                          of              Second
                                                increase independent
                                                directors     for     7th
                                                                            All proposals have                            Shareholders
                                                session of the Board;
Second                                                                      been   passed      with                       General Meeting of
                                                2)    Proposal        of
Extraordinary                                                               100% in total voting                          2012”           (No.:
                                                Changes of Audit
Shareholders          2012-11-14                                            rights of attendant 2012-11-15                2012-032) published
                                                Institution           of
General Meeting of                                                          shareholders         in                       on Securities Times,
                                                Financial of 2012; 3)
2012                                                                        favor, 0 in against                           Hong             Kong
                                                proposal of changes
                                                                            and 0 abstention                              Commercial       Daily
                                                of audit institution
                                                                                                                          and Juchao Website
                                                for internal control
                                                of 2012

III. Responsibility performance of independent directors in report period
1. The attendance of Board meetings and shareholders’ general meeting for independent directors
                                         Attendance of Board meetings for independent directors

                        Times of Board
                                                                                                                                Whether absent
                            meeting                                   Times of              Times of
Name of independent                           Times of present                                                 Times of         the Meeting for
                          supposed to                                attending by           entrusted
        director                                 in person                                                     Absence          the second time
                         attend in the                              communication           presence
                                                                                                                                in a row or not
                         report period

Liu Hongling                             16                   4                     11                   1                    0 No

Wei Shaohui                              10                   3                      7                   0                    0 No

Ji Huibin                                3                    0                      3                   0                    0 No

Ji Dejun                                 6                    2                      4                   0                    0 No

Jiang Hongjun                            13                   5                      8                   0                    0 No

Times presented in shareholders
general meeting by independent                                                                                                                    3

Explanation of absent the Board Meeting for the second time in a row

2. Objection for relevant events from independent directors

Whether independent directors come up with objection about companys relevant matters or not
□ Yes √ No
Independent directors has no objections for relevant events in reporting period

3. Other explanation about responsibility performance of independent directors
Whether the opinions from independent directors have been adopted or not
√Yes   □ No
Explanation on advice that accepted/not accepted from independent directors

                 Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                           Annual Report of 2012

In accordance with relevant laws and regulation of “Company Law”, “Securities Laws”, “Listing Rules for
Stocks” and “System of Independent Directors”, independent directors focus on the normative of Companys
operation, performed responsibility independently and carry out their duties diligently; issued independent and
fair-ness independent opinions on the audit institution, appointed in reporting period for financial report and
internal control of the Company, related transactions, capital contact with related parties and external guarantee,
profit distribution, amendment of article of association, director, independent director and senior executives
changes as well as other events needs independent opinions issued, which perfected supervision mechanism for
the Company and play a corresponding role in protecting legal interest of the Company and whole shareholders.

IV. Responsibility performance of subordinate special committee of the Board in report
The Company set three special committees under the board of directors, namely the strategic committee, the audit
committee as well as the remuneration and examination committee.
1. Duty performance of the strategic committee
The strategic committee of the board is specially set according to general meeting resolution and the Articles of
Association, responsible for study on the long term development strategy and material investment decisions and
raising its recommendations. The committee comprised of 5 directors, one of which is independent director, and
the committee is chaired by chairman of the board. During the reporting period, the committee performed its
duties according to the Working Rules of the Strategic Committee, with each of its members doing their best to
perform the respective duties. The Committee takes part in the discussion on the operation development planning
and related investment projects. Individual opinions and recommendations are encouraged. It emphasizes on legal
person governance and standardized operation. By raising measures to prevent operation risks, the committee
plays an important role in increasing the core competitiveness, strengthening scientific decisions and enhancing
efficiency of material investment decision as well as the quality of decisions.

2. Duty performance of the audit committee
During the reporting period, the committee performed its duties according to the Articles of Association and
Working Procedures of the Audit Committee. The committee pays close attention to the operation, finance and
implementation of standard internal control. It strengthens communications with the relevant responsible
departments within the Company, and reviews the effective appraisal on the internal control and corporate risk
management by means of telecommunication, investigation and reporting. It reviews that whether the operation,
finance and accounting policy of the Company follows relevant laws and rules, and provides management and
audit opinions.

During the annual audit, the audit committee took active attitude in relevant works. Prior to the official
involvement of RSM China Certified Public Accountant (hereinafter referred to as RSM) in the annual audit, the
committee determined the working arrangement for 2012 annual audit after negotiation with RSM on 5 November
2012, which has been submitted to the independent directors of the Company. On 6 January 2013, the audit
committee held meeting to review the financial statements prepared by the Company, and believed that the
preparation of such statements was in compliance with provisions of enterprise accounting principles, reflecting
the financial position as of the end of 2012 and operating results of 2012 on a truthful basis. Thus, the committee
agreed to submit the financial statements and related information to CAICPA for audit.

                   Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                    Annual Report of 2012

After the official audit by RSM, members of the audit committee made calls to enquire the audit progress, and
urged the accounting firm to complete audit as scheduled according to the working arrangement, so as to ensure
prompt disclosure of its annual report. Meanwhile, the committee conducted communications with the
accountants in respect of the issues found in audit works.

After the issuance of initial audit opinions by the accountants, the audit committee held meeting on 18 March
2013 to re-review the financial statements, and formed written opinions and resolutions in respect of the annual
financial statements, audit work summary report and reengagement of CPA, which were submitted to the board for
3. Duty performance of the remuneration and examination committee
During the reporting period, the remuneration and examination committee reviewed the remuneration of directors,
supervisors and senior management of the Company. The entire members of the committee believed that the
remuneration payment in the reporting period complied with the Companys performance examination system.
The remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management were determined according to the relevant
systems of the Company.

V. Works from Supervisory Committee
Whether the Company has risks or not in reporting period that found in supervisory activity from supervisory committee
□ Yes √ No
Supervisory committee has no objections for the supervise matters in reporting period

VI. Independency of the Company relative to controlling shareholders’ in aspect of businesses,
personnel, assets, institution and finance
The Company has been independent from the controlling shareholders in terms of business, personnel, asset,
institution and finance. The Company has independent and complete business and is able to operate
(I) Business: the Company belongs to independent legal person entity. Being completely independent from
controlling shareholders, it has independent and complete business system and is able to operate independently.
The Company has independent production, sales and service systems and its major business. There is no
inter-competition between the Company and its controlling shareholders and related parties.

(II) Personnel: the Company establishes complete labor, human resources and salary management systems. All the
senior management of the Company receives remuneration from the Company since they are employed by the
Company, and no one takes position in the enterprises owned by shareholders.

(III) Assets: the Company is completely independent from the controlling shareholder in terms of assets; each of
them is able to operate independently. The Company has complete and separate purchase system, production
system, sales system and relevant service system. Intangible assets including industry property, trademark and
non-proprietary technology are owned by the Company on separate basis.

(IV) Finance: the Company has independent financial accounting department which set independent accounting
calculation system and finance management system. No controlling shareholder intervenes in the capital

                Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                            Annual Report of 2012

application of the Company. The Company opens separate bank accounts. No capital is saved in the financial
company or settlement center account controlled by substantial shareholder or other related parties. The Company
pays taxes by law independently.

(V)Institution: the board, the supervisory committee and other internal institutions of the Company operate
independently. All the institutions of the Company are set according to the standards requirements applicable to
listed company and actual business natures of the Company. It has independent office location.

VII. Horizontal competition

VIII. Appraisal and incentive mechanism for senior executives
Board of the Company evaluated senior executives based on relevant regulations at end of this reporting period.

                 Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                           Annual Report of 2012

                                      Section IX. Internal control
I. Construction of internal control
According to the requirements of laws and regulations and regulatory documents including Basic Standards of
Enterprise Internal Control, Application Guidance for Enterprise Internal Control, Appraisal Guidance for
Enterprise Internal Control, Guidance on Standard Operation of Listed Company on the Main board of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange, the Company has been constructing healthy internal control system, implementing the relevant
requirements, strengthening supervision and inspection on execution of internal control, continuing to improve
governance level, advancing corporate standard operation and effectively preventing operation decision and
management risks, to ensure stable operation of the Company.

During the reporting period, the Company made constant improvement and optimization as to its internal control
system based on specific risks pursuant to Basic Standards of Enterprise Internal Control and Guidance on
Internal Control of Listed Company issued by relevant national authorities, so as to adapt to variable external
environment and internal management. Implementation of internal control works was organized by the board
directly. In particular, it formed the working mechanism for internal control works which was responsible by the
chairman of the board and involved by relevant departments. The Company established appraisal team for internal
control. The board of the Company authorized its audit department to take charge of the detailed implementation
of internal control appraisal and to make appraisal on the high-risk areas and units within the appraisal scope.

Appraisal scope as to internal control covers the major business and issues of the Company and its underlying
entity, especially the following areas with high risks: investment management risk, market environment risk,
merger & acquisition risk, policy risk, investment decision risk, property management risk, lawsuits risk, contract
management risk, capital management risk, etc.

Business and issues taken into account in appraisal scope includes: capital management, purchase management,
property lease management, auto sales management, auto maintenance management, fixed assets management,
equity investment management, financing management, overall budget, cost expense management, contract
management, financial report, human resources, related transaction, etc. the internal control of the above business
and issues covers major aspects of the operation management of the Company, without material omission.

Internal control appraisal works were conducted in strict accordance with the basic standards, appraisal guidance
and procedures as provided by its internal control appraisal method, with major procedures implemented by the
internal control appraisal team. Specifically, it first made the Self-appraisal Implementation Scheme for Internal
Control which determined the appraisal scope and technical standard, and delivered the relevant test notice. Later,
it formed internal control appraisal project team. Prior to implementation by such project team, it held training
meeting oriented for personnel participating in the test. After that, it carried out site works and completed
appraisal draft. During the appraisal, the working team adopted various methods including individual interview,
investigation, subject discussion, operation test, site inspection, sample and comparison analysis, to collect the
evidence to prove whether the design and operation of internal control was effective. Besides, it completed the
appraisal draft based on actual condition, and identified defect in internal control.

According to the requirement for recognition of material defect, important defect and normal defect provided in

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                        Annual Report of 2012

the Basic Standards and Appraisal Guidance, the Company, taking into account factors such as company scale,
industrial nature, risk preference and risk exposure, determined the specific recognition standard for internal
control defect applicable to the Company.

According to the above recognition standard, normal supervision and special supervision, there was no material
defect in the internal control of the Company during the appraisal. The Company engaged RSM to conduct
independent audit on its internal control.

II. Statement of the Board on responsibility for internal control
The board of directors and all the members guarantee that there is no false statement, misleading representation or
material omission in the content of this report, and take several and joint responsibility as to the truthfulness,
accuracy and completeness of the content.

To establish healthy internal control and effectively implement the same is the responsibility of the board. The
supervisory committee supervises the establishment and implementation of internal control by the board;
managers are in charge of normal operation of internal control.

Target of internal control: ensure legal operation on a reasonable basis, asset safety, truthful and complete of
financial report and related information, enhancement of operational efficiency and effects as well as realization of
development strategy. Since internal control has the inherent limit, guarantee for realization of such target is only
provided on a reasonable basis.

III. Bases for establishment of financial report internal control
The bases for establishment of financial report internal control are the Basic Standard of Enterprise Internal
Control and its affiliated guidance. During the reporting period, RSM issued the audit report with unqualified
During the reporting period, the Company found no material defect in the financial report internal control.

IV. Self-evaluation report of internal control
                            Details of major defects in self-evaluation report that found in reporting period

No major defects been found in internal control in reporting period

Date of self-evaluation report of
internal control (full-text) disclosed

Index of self-evaluation report of       Juchao website http://www.cninfo.com.cn, the appointed website for information disclosure by
internal control (full-text) disclosed Shenzhen Stock Exchange

V. Auditing report of internal control

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                     Auditing comments section in audit report of internal control

                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                      Annual Report of 2012

We consider that, according to relevant regulations and “Basic Rules of Internal Control for Enterprise”, Shenzhen Tellus Holding
Co., Ltd. maintained an efficiency internal control of financial report dated 31 December 2012, in all material aspects.

Date of audit report of internal
control (full-text) disclosed

Index of audit report of internal     Juchao website http://www.cninfo.com.cn, the appointed website for information disclosure by
control (full-text) disclosed         Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Whether CPA carries out qualified opinion for audit report of internal control or not
□Yes   √No
Whether the opinions are consistent in audit report of internal control carrying out by CPA and the self-evaluation report of the Board
√Yes □ No

VI. Establishment and enforcement of Accountability Mechanism for Major Errors in Annual
The “Accountability Mechanism for Major Errors in Annual Report Disclosure under the Name of Shenzhen
Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.” was deliberated and approved by 3rd Meeting of 6th Session of the Board, with purpose
of standard operation quality, enhancing the accuracy, true-ness, complete-ness and timely of the information
disclosed; strengthening on accountability for person who in charge of the annual information disclosure,
improving the quality and transparency of annual information that disclosed.

During the reporting period, the Company strictly follow requirement of mechanism, has no major accounting
errors correction, major omission supplementation and correction on performance forecast been found.

                            Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                       Annual Report of 2012

                                                     Section X. Financial Report

                                                               Auditors Report

                                                                                                               RSM CCPA Shen Zi [2013] No.2439

To the shareholders of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Company Limited:

     We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Company Limited (“the Company”), which comprise the

consolidated and company balance sheet as at 31 December 2012, and the consolidated and company income statement, the consolidated and

company cash flow statement, the consolidated and company statements of changes in equity for the year then ended, and notes to these financial


     Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

     The Companys management is responsible for the preparation of financial statements that give a true and fair view. This responsibility includes:

(1) Preparing financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. (2) Designing, implementing and

maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

     Auditor’s Responsibility

     Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Chinas

Auditing Standards for the Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the

audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

     An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures

selected depend on the auditors judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to

fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entitys preparation of the financial statements

in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of

the Companys internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of

accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

     Audit Opinions

     In our opinion, the companys financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and present fairly, in all

material respects, the financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2012, and the results of operations and cash flows of the Company for the

year then ended.

  Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                  Annual Report of 2012

     RSM China Certified Public              Certified Public Accountant:

Accountants Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch              Zhou Wuzhong,

           Beijing, China                                                    C

                                             Certified Public Accountant:

                                                   Qin Changming

                                                    9 April, 2013

                         Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                         Annual Report of 2012

                                            Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                      As at 31 December 2012
 Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding
                                                                                                           Currency: RMB Yuan
                      Item                           Note        Closing balance                  Opening balance

Current Assets:

     Monetary funds                                  Ⅶ、1              55,145,531.39
     Financial assets held-for-trading
     Note receivables

     Account receivables                             Ⅶ、2
                                                                         5,779,383.21                           6,926,224.94

     Prepayments                                     Ⅶ、4
                                                                         8,453,261.56                          12,953,848.48
     Premiums account receivable
     Dividends receivable

     Other receivables                               Ⅶ、3              12,294,045.05

     Inventories                                     Ⅶ、5              47,813,852.20
     Non-current asset due within one year

     Other current assets                            Ⅶ、6
Total current assets                                                   136,981,631.38                         117,068,417.11
Non-current Assets:

      Financial assets held-for-trade                Ⅶ、7
                                                                         1,591,906.25                           1,374,249.25

      Held-to-maturity investments                   Ⅶ、8
                                                                           100,000.00                             121,300.00

      Long-term receivables                          Ⅶ、9
      Long-term equity investments                                     186,572,923.39                         143,657,138.71
      Investment properties                                             96,666,571.61                         108,421,268.41
      Fixed assets                                                     156,061,636.80                         164,608,682.41
      Construction in progress                                          12,977,929.03
                                                       13                                                       2,461,073.03

                         Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                         Annual Report of 2012

      Materials for construction
      Disposal of fixed assets
      Bio-assets in production
      Oil and gas assets
      Intangible assets
                                                       14                  106,588.62                             164,088.54
      Development expenditure
      Long-term deferred expenses
                                                       15                  803,230.14                             846,883.52
      Deferred tax assets                                               26,709,762.78
                                                       16                                                      29,628,521.48
      Other non-current assets                                          26,339,112.00
Total non-current assets                                               507,929,660.62                         453,624,851.04
Total Assets                                                           644,911,292.00                         570,693,268.15

                               Consolidated Balance Sheet(Continued)
                                                      As at 31 December 2012
 Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding
                                                                                                           Currency: RMB Yuan
                        Item                         Note        Closing balance                  Opening balance
     Short-term loans
                                                       20               93,881,155.00                          42,792,388.00
     Financial liabilities held-for-trade
     Notes payable
     Accounts payable
                                                       21               23,626,617.53                          22,950,543.71
     Advance from customers
                                                       22               31,857,080.49                           2,070,889.22
     Employee benefits payable
                                                       23               12,581,105.70                          13,285,537.39
     Taxes and due payable
                                                       24               11,845,434.44                           7,627,833.60
     Premiums payables
      Dividends payable
                                                       25                1,455,297.72
     Other payables
                                                       26               99,275,953.73                          94,803,075.42
     Non-current liabilities due within one year
                                                       28               12,000,000.00                          88,020,000.00
                          Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                 Annual Report of 2012

    Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities
                                                                               286,522,644.61                          271,550,267.34

Non-current liabilities:
    Long-term loans
                                                        29                     143,000,000.00                             4,680,000.00
    Bonds payable
    Long-term payables
                                                        30                      12,981,872.24                             3,920,160.36
    Special payables
    Accrued liabilities
                                                        27                                                              87,568,728.57
    Deferred tax liabilities
                                                        16                        1,345,258.91                            1,592,459.86
    Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities
                                                                               157,327,131.15                           97,761,348.79

Total   liabilities
                                                                               443,849,775.76                          369,311,616.13

Owners' equity:
    Paid-in capital
                                                        31                     220,281,600.00                          220,281,600.00
    Capital reserve
                                                        32                        8,732,694.55                            8,569,451.80
    Less: treasury shares
    Special reserve
    Surplus reserve
                                                        33                        2,952,586.32                            2,952,586.32
    General risk reserve
    Undistributed profit
                                                        34                      -47,291,479.26                         -54,437,738.61
    Foreign exchange translation difference
Total owners' equity attributable to
parent company                                                                 184,675,401.61                          177,365,899.51

    Minority interests
                                                                                16,386,114.63                           24,015,752.51

 Total owners’equity
                                                                               201,061,516.24                          201,381,652.02

Total liabilities and owners’equity
                                                                               644,911,292.00                          570,693,268.15

   Legal representative: Zhang Ruili          Person in charge of accounting: Luo Bojun   Person in charge of accounting organ: Fu Bin

                               Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                        Annual Report of 2012

                                                            Balance Sheet
                                                         As at 31 December 2012
 Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd.                                                                  Currency: RMB Yuan

                         Item                              Note           Closing balance                  Opening balance

Current Assets:

    Monetary funds                                                                 1,614,187.49                          64,442.86

    Financial assets held-for-trade

    Notes receivable

    Accounts receivable                                    XIII、1


    Premiums receivable

    Dividends receivable

    Other receivables                                      XIII、2                53,031,898.91                      19,567,834.67


    Non-current asset due within one year
    Other current assets

Total current assets                                                              54,646,086.40                      19,632,277.53

Non-current Assets:
    Financial assets available-for-sale                                            1,591,906.25                       1,374,249.25

    Held-to-maturity investments

    Long-term receivable                                                                                              2,341,645.69

    Long-term equity investments                           XIII、3               412,739,079.62                     380,032,015.02

    Investment properties                                                         58,884,316.80                      61,849,532.64

    Fixed assets                                                                  18,963,289.36                      19,484,310.81

    Construction in progress                                                         235,849.10                         164,326.32

    Materials for construction

    Disposal of fixed assets
    Bio-assets in production

    Oil and gas assets

    Intangible assets                                                                                                   124,921.83
    Development expenditure


                                Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                       Annual Report of 2012

    Long-term deferred expenses                                                     106,861.96                           52,590.22

    Deferred tax assets                                                          14,064,022.84                       14,094,084.22

    Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                                                        506,662,747.80                      479,517,676.00

Total Assets                                                                    561,308,834.20                      499,149,953.53

                                                Balance Sheet (Continued)
                                                          As at 31 December 2012
 Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd.                                                                  Currency: RMB Yuan

                          Item                              Note         Closing balance                   Opening balance

Current liabilities:

    Short-term loans                                                            49,544,160.00                        14,544,160.00
    Financial liabilities held-for-trade
    Notes payable
    Accounts payable
    Advance from customers
    Employee benefits payable                                                     3,400,003.58                        3,056,874.78
    Taxes and due payable                                                          286,821.39                           281,051.07
    Interest payable
        Dividends payable
    Other payables                                                             268,460,296.54                       221,249,246.62
    Non-current liabilities due within one year                                   6,000,000.00                       41,480,000.00
    Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                                      327,691,281.51                       280,611,332.47

Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term loans                                                            101,500,000.00                         4,680,000.00
    Bonds payable
    Long-term payables
    Special payables
    Accrued liabilities                                                                                              87,568,728.57
    Deferred tax liabilities                                                       353,363.01                           298,948.76
    Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                                  101,853,363.01                        92,547,677.33
Total     liabilities                                                          429,544,644.52                       373,159,009.80

                            Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                 Annual Report of 2012

Owners' equity:

    Paid-in capital                                                                 220,281,600.00                             220,281,600.00
    Capital reserve                                                                    5,539,271.27                               5,376,028.52
    Less: treasury shares
    Special reserve
    Surplus reserves                                                                   2,952,586.32                               2,952,586.32
    General risk reserve
    Undistributed profit                                                            -97,009,267.91                            -102,619,271.11
Total owners' equity attributable to
                                                                                    131,764,189.68                             125,990,943.73
parent company
Total liabilities and owners' equity                                                561,308,834.20                             499,149,953.53
        Legal representative: Zhang Ruili       Person in charge of accounting: Luo Bojun   Person in charge of accounting organ: Fu Bin

                        Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                 Annual Report of 2012

                                   Consolidated Income Statement
                                       For the Year Ended 31 December 2012
Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd.                                                              Currency: RMB Yuan

                              Item                                  Note           Closing balance            Opening balance
Ⅰ.Total operating income                                                               419,642,661.31            403,282,098.80
 Including: Operating income                                      Ⅶ、35                419,642,661.31            403,282,098.80

Ⅱ.Total operating Costs                                                                429,717,301.49            418,191,728.10

 Including: Operating costs                                       Ⅶ、35                336,419,631.43            335,264,237.62

            Business tax and extra charges                        Ⅶ、36                   5,922,740.31              4,965,765.95

            Selling expenses                                      Ⅶ、37                 20,698,948.07              19,891,677.92

            General and administrative expense                    Ⅶ、38                 45,435,681.23              44,648,200.15

            Financial expense                                     Ⅶ、39                 10,081,337.64               8,307,007.12

            Impairment losses of assets                           Ⅶ、41                 11,158,962.81               5,114,839.34

    Add: Gains from changes in fair value ("-" means loss)

         Investment income ("-" means loss)                       Ⅶ、40                   4,907,776.00              8,080,990.33
           Including: Investment income from associates and
                                                                                           4,256,541.71             10,053,234.53
joint venture
Ⅲ.Operating profit ("-" means loss)                                                      -5,166,864.18             -6,828,638.97
    Add: Non-operating income                                     Ⅶ、42                 14,553,855.33              13,650,574.29
    Less: Non-operating expenses                                  Ⅶ、43                     150,447.76                217,355.98
          Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                  121,282.97                  31,131.29
Ⅳ.Total profit ("-" means loss)                                                           9,236,543.39              6,604,579.34
    Less: Income tax expenses                                     Ⅶ、44                   8,264,624.20              5,354,382.93
Ⅴ.Net profit ("-" means loss)                                                               971,919.19              1,250,196.41
   Net attributable to owners of parent company                                            7,146,259.35              2,157,675.12
   Minority interests                                                                     -6,174,340.16               -907,478.71
Ⅵ.Earnings per share
   Basic Earnings per share                                       Ⅶ、45                          0.0324                     0.0098
   Diluted Earnings per share                                     Ⅶ、45                          0.0324                     0.0098
Ⅶ.Other comprehensive income                                     Ⅶ、46                     163,242.75                 -66,378.05
Ⅷ.Total comprehensive income                                                              1,135,161.94              1,183,818.36
  Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent company                      7,309,502.10              2,091,297.07
  Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interests                           -6,174,340.16               -907,478.71

 Legal representative: Zhang Ruili         Person in charge of accounting: Luo Bojun   Person in charge of accounting organ: Fu Bin

                          Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                               Annual Report of 2012

                                                       Income Statement
                                         For the Year Ended 31 December 2012
 Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd.                                                             Currency: RMB Yuan

                                                                          Amount for the current
                            Item                              Note                                     Amount for the prior period

Ⅰ.Total operating income                                     XIII、4             14,936,256.61                   13,353,977.17

           Less:Operating cost                                XIII、4               4,205,086.89                   4,085,746.61

                          Business tax and extra charges                              836,430.39                     747,822.71

                          Selling expenses

                          General and administrative
                                                                                  17,869,230.46                   16,752,065.61

                            Financial expense                                       4,102,486.94                   3,166,247.88

                            Impairment losses of assets                             2,214,726.96                     929,897.61

           Add: Gain from changes in fair value ("-"
means loss)

                      Investment income ("-" means loss)      XIII、5               5,523,097.47                   9,282,156.62

                      Including: Investment income from
                                                                                    2,689,622.59                   8,810,834.39
associates and joint venture

II.Operating profit ("-" means loss)                                               -8,768,607.56                  -3,045,646.63

           Add: Non-operating income                                              14,409,107.14                    4,448,953.90

           Less:Non-operating expenses                                                      435.00

                      Including: Loss on disposal of
non-current assets

III.Total profit ("-" means loss)                                                   5,640,064.58                   1,403,307.27

          Less: Income tax expenses                                                    30,061.38                     771,878.65

IV.Net profit ("-" means loss)                                                      5,610,003.20                     631,428.62

V.Other comprehensive income                                                          163,242.75                      -66,378.05

                        Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                  Annual Report of 2012

VI.Total comprehensive income                                                          5,773,245.95                      565,050.57

     Legal representative: Zhang Ruili     Person in charge of accounting: Luo Bojun    Person in charge of accounting organ: Fu Bin

                            Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report of 2012

                              Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                                               For the Year Ended 31 December 2012
Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd.                                                                                Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                               Amount for the      Amount for the
                                      Item                                                     Note
                                                                                                               current period       prior period
Ⅰ. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                                                  490,650,957.82       471,409,532.23
    Refund of taxes and levies
    Cash received relating to other operating activities                                   Ⅶ、47、(1)          8,344,217.55         9,915,541.11
    Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                                                   498,995,175.37       481,325,073.34
    Cash paid for goods and services                                                                            388,463,315.67       381,645,655.40
    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                                      56,067,397.03        56,611,287.67
    Cash paid on taxes and levies                                                                                22,713,007.72        19,396,595.02
    Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                       Ⅶ、47、(2)         39,507,837.42        38,410,199.27
    Sub-total of Cash Outflows                                                                                  506,751,557.84       496,063,737.36
    Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                                                     -7,756,382.47       -14,738,664.02
Ⅱ. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
    Cash received from return of investments
    Cash received investing income                                                                                 4,255,528.29         5,721,322.23
    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                                                                 27,378,562.00          1,001,100.00
    intangible assets and other long assets
    Net cash flows from disposal subsidiary and other operating unite                                                                  9,254,131.82
    Other cash received relating to investing activities                                   Ⅶ、47、(3)                               5,000,000.00
    Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                                                    31,634,090.29        20,976,554.05
    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                                                 30,822,848.76          2,322,621.53
long assets
    Cash paid on investments                                                                                     33,500,000.00
    Net cash paid on obtain subsidiary and other operating unite
   Cash paid on other investing activities
   Sub-total of Cash Outflows                                                                                    64,322,848.76         2,322,621.53
   Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                                                     -32,688,758.47        18,653,932.52
Ⅲ. Cash flow from Financing Activities
    Cash received from investments                                                                                                       400,000.00
    Including: Cash received from investments by minority interests of subsidiaries                                                      400,000.00
    Cash received from borrowing                                                                                378,400,000.00        26,800,000.00
    Cash received from issuing bonds
    Cash received from other financing activities
    Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                                                   378,400,000.00        27,200,000.00
    Cash repayments on borrowed amounts                                                                         322,611,233.00        32,640,000.00
    Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits                                                       15,575,489.98         6,435,162.57
    Including: Dividends or profit paid to minority interests of subsidiaries
   Cash payments on other financing activities                                             Ⅶ、47、(4)            547,350.00           221,100.00
   Sub-total of cash Outflows                                                                                   338,734,072.98        39,296,262.57
   Net cash flows from financing activities                                                                      39,665,927.02       -12,096,262.57
Ⅳ. Effect of foreign exchange rate on cash                                                                          -1,828.15           -15,412.31
Ⅴ. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                              Ⅶ、48、(1)           -781,042.07        -8,196,406.38
    Add: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                                         55,926,573.46        64,122,979.84
Ⅵ. Cash equivalents at the end of the period                                              Ⅶ、48、(2)         55,145,531.39        55,926,573.46

  Legal representative: Zhang Ruili                Person in charge of accounting: Luo Bojun          Person in charge of accounting organ: Fu Bin

                           Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                  Annual Report of 2012

                                                  Cash Flow Statement
                                          For the Year Ended 31 December 2012
 Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd.                                                                   Currency: RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Amount for the current
                              Item                                    Note                                     Amount for the prior period
Ⅰ. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                              14,936,256.61                  13,432,725.24
    Refund of taxes and levies
    Cash received relating to other operating activities                                    16,747,415.69                  10,194,792.89
    Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                               31,683,672.30                  23,627,518.13
    Cash paid for goods and services
    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                 10,566,015.15                  10,360,300.36
    Cash paid on taxes and levies                                                            3,013,316.53                   2,855,742.88
    Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                        14,029,304.76                   8,938,768.67
    Sub-total of Cash Outflows                                                              27,608,636.44                  22,154,811.91
    Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                        XIII、6                  4,075,035.86                   1,472,706.22
Ⅱ. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
    Cash received from return of investments
    Cash received investing income                                                            4,255,528.29                  5,721,322.23
    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
    intangible assets and other long assets
    Other cash received relating to investing activities
    Sub-total of Cash Inflows                                                                 4,255,648.29                  5,721,322.23
    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                                673,083.78                      81,060.64
other long assets
    Cash paid on investments                                                                33,500,000.00
    Cash paid on other investing activities
    Sub-total of cash outflows                                                              34,173,083.78                      81,060.64
    Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                               -29,917,435.49                   5,640,261.59
Ⅲ. Cash flow from Financing Activities
    Cash received from investments
    Cash received from borrowing                                                           268,000,000.00
    Cash received from issuing bonds
    Cash received from other financing activities
    Sub-total of cash inflows                                                              268,000,000.00
    Cash repayments on borrowed amounts                                                    229,260,000.00                   4,480,000.00
    Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits                                  11,167,847.06                   2,882,201.02
    Cash payments on other financing activities                                                180,000.00
    Sub-total of cash Outflows                                                             240,607,847.06                   7,362,201.02
    Net cash flows from financing activities                                                27,392,152.94                  -7,362,201.02
Ⅳ. Effect of foreign exchange rate on cash                                                            -8.68                   -10,865.55
Ⅴ. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                       XIII、6                   1,549,744.63                    -260,098.76
    Add: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                         64,442.86                     324,541.62
Ⅵ. Cash equivalents at the end of the period                                                 1,614,187.49                      64,442.86

    Legal representative: Zhang Ruili        Person in charge of accounting: Luo Bojun   Person in charge of accounting organ: Fu Bin

                                                                                                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                                                    Annual Report of 2012

                                                                                                                                       CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGE IN OWNER'S EQUITY
                                                                                                                                                                  For the Year Ended 31 December 2012
 Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Amount for the current year                                                                                                                                         Amount for the prior year

                                                                                       Attribute to the equity of parent company                                                                                                                          Attribute to the equity of parent company
                                                                                              Less:                                                                         Minority interests   Total owners' equity                                           Less:                                                                          Minority in
                                                    Paid-in capital (or                                 Special                     General                                                                             Paid-in capital (or                              Special                     General
                                                                          Capital reserve   Treasury              Surplus reserve             Undistributed profit Others                                                                   Capital reserve   Treasury             Surplus reserve             Undistributed profit   Others
                                                     Share capital)                                     reserve                     reserve                                                                              Share capital)                                  reserve                     reserve
                                                                                             shares                                                                                                                                                            shares
1.Balance at the End of Last Period                   220,281,600.00         8,569,451.80                            2,952,586.32                -54,437,738.61                24,015,752.51         201,381,652.02      220,281,600.00      8,635,829.85                           2,952,586.32                 -56,595,413.73                  24,523

   Add: Changes of accounting policies

          Prior year adjustments


2. Balance at the Beginning of the Year               220,281,600.00         8,569,451.80                            2,952,586.32                -54,437,738.61                24,015,752.51         201,381,652.02      220,281,600.00      8,635,829.85                           2,952,586.32                 -56,595,413.73                  24,523
3. Increase/Decrease movements in this
                                                                              163,242.75                                                           7,146,259.35                -7,629,637.88             -320,135.78                           -66,378.05                                                          2,157,675.12                     -507
Year ("-" means loss)
(I) Net Profit                                                                                                                                     7,146,259.35                -6,174,340.16              971,919.19                                                                                               2,157,675.12                     -907

(II) Gain/Loss to Owners' Equity Directly                                     163,242.75                                                                                                                  163,242.75                           -66,378.05

Subtotal of (I)and (II)                                                       163,242.75                                                           7,146,259.35                -6,174,340.16            1,135,161.94                           -66,378.05                                                          2,157,675.12                     -907

(III) Capital Injected and Reduced by Owners                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         400

a. Capital injected by owners                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        400

b. Payment for shares included in owners' equity

c. Others

(IV) Profit Distribution                                                                                                                                                       -1,455,297.72           -1,455,297.72

a. Withdrawal surplus reserve

b. Provisions withdrawn for general risk

c. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                    -1,455,297.72           -1,455,297.72

d. Others

(V) Internal transfers of owners' equity
 a. Capitalisation of Additional paid-in capital;
(or share capital)
 b. Capitalization of surplus reserve (or share
c. Making up losses of surplus reserve

d. Others

(VI) Special Reserve

a. Withdrawal of special reserve

b. Use of special reserve

(VII) Others

4. Balance at the end of the period                   220,281,600.00         8,732,694.55                            2,952,586.32                -47,291,479.26                16,386,114.63         201,061,516.24      220,281,600.00      8,569,451.80                           2,952,586.32                 -54,437,738.61                  24,015

                                                                                        Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                                            Annual Report of 2012

                                                                                                                         STATEMENT OF CHANGE IN OWNER'S EQUITY
                                                                                                                                      For the Year Ended 31 December 2012
 Prepared by:Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd.
                                                                                                   Amount for the current year                                                                                                     Amount for the prior year

                      Item                              Paid-in                           Less:                                                                                                                           Less:
                                                                         Capital                   Special     Surplus      General      Undistributed      Total owners'     Paid-in capital (or                                  Special
                                                      capital (or                       Treasury                                                                                                    Capital   reserve   Treasury             Surplus reserve Undistribute Total owners' equity
                                                                         reserve                   reserve    reserve       reserve         profit             equity          Share capital)                                      reserve
                                                    Share capital)                       shares                                                                                                                          shares                                d profit

1.Balance at the End of Last Period                    220,281,600.00    5,376,028.52                        2,952,586.32                 -102,619,271.11    125,990,943.73    220,281,600.00         5,442,406.57                            2,952,586.32                   -103,250,699.7

   Add: Changes of accounting policies

          Prior year adjustments


2. Balance at the Beginning of the Year                220,281,600.00    5,376,028.52                        2,952,586.32                 -102,619,271.11    125,990,943.73    220,281,600.00         5,442,406.57                            2,952,586.32                   -103,250,699.7
3. Increase/Decrease movements in this
                                                                           163,242.75                                                       5,610,003.20       5,773,245.95                              -66,378.05                                                               631,428.6
Year ("-" means loss)
(I) Net Profit                                                                                                                              5,610,003.20       5,610,003.20                                                                                                       631,428.6

(II) Other comprehensive income                                            163,242.75                                                                            163,242.75                              -66,378.05

Subtotal of (I)and (II)                                                    163,242.75                                                       5,610,003.20       5,773,245.95                              -66,378.05                                                               631,428.6
(III) Capital Injected and Reduced by
a. Capital injected by owners
 b. Payment for shares included in owners'
c. Others

(IV) Profit distribution

a. Withdrawal surplus reserve

b. Provisions withdrawn for general risk

c. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)

d. Others

(V) Internal transfers of owners' equity
 a. Capitalisation of Additional paid-in capital;
(or share capital)
 b. Capitalisation of surplus reserve (or share
c. Making up losses of surplus reserve

d. Others

(VI) Special Reserve

a. Withdrawal of current period

b. Use of special reserve

(VII) Others

4. Balance at the end of the period                  220,281,600.00     5,539,271.27                         2,952,586.32                  -97,009,267.91    131,764,189.68    220,281,600.00         5,376,028.52                            2,952,586.32                   -102,619,271.1

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.               Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

                         SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.
                                     Notes to Financial Statements
   (For the Year Ended 31 December, 2012                             Expressed in RMB Yuan)

Ⅰ、 Corporation profile
1.1 Company’s history
Shenzhen Tellus Holding Company Limited (―the Company‖) was developed from the Shenzhen Tellus
Machinery Co.,Ltd., which established on 11 October, 1986. On 2nd January, 1992, with the approval of
Shenzhen Municipal People‘s Government ―shen fu ban fu (1992), No. 1850‖, Shenzhen Tellus
Machinery Co.,Ltd. reorganized to a public limited company and renamed to Shenzhen Tellus
Machinery Holding Company Limited. On 15 March 1993, with the approval of Bank of China Shenzhen
branch ―Shen Ren Yin Fu Zi (1993) No.92‖, the Company issued registered shares A 259.8 million
shares, B 200 million shares with par value per share of 1 yuan.            On 30 June 1994, the Company
changed name to Shenzhen Tellus Holding Company Limited with the approval of Shenzhen
administrative bureau for industry and commerce .Number of business license for enterprise legal
person: 440301103017750. The headquarters of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Company Limited located
at Tellus Building level 3, Shuibei second Road, Luohu, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province.
The company and its subsidiaries provided automobile overall services, including automobile retailing,
inspection and maintenance, production of inspection equipment, property lease and property
management service, etc. The group belongs to wholesale industry of resource, materials, and
electronic equipment.
The capital structure of the Company at listing date:

                             Category                               Amount (share)                 Ratio(%)

1. Non-tradable shares

     Include: State shares                                                    120,900,000                       72.45

Sub-total of non-tradable shares                                              120,900,000                       72.45

2. Tradable shares

      -A                                                                       25,980,000                       15.57

      -B                                                                       20,000,000                       11.98

     Sub-total tradable shares                                                 45,980,000                       27.55

                             Total                                            166,880,000                      100.00

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

Change of capital structure after established:
(1)Issue bonus shares in 1993
 According to the decision made by general meeting of shareholders in 1993, the company distributed
a 2 for 10 bonus shares with cash dividend of RMB 0.5 , the capital increased from 1,668.8 million
shares to 2,002.56 million shares.
On 22 April 1994,the Shenzhen Stock Management Office agreed about plan of distributing bonus .
After plan, the company‘s capital structure changed as follows:

                             Category                                Amount(share)                 Ratio(%)

   State - owned shares                                                      145,080,000                          72.45

   Public shares                                                              31,176,000                          15.57

   RMB special stock(B shares)                                              24,000,000                          11.98

                             Total                                           200,256,000                       100.00

(2)Issue bonus shares and increase capital in 1994
  On 28 May 1995, the Group shareholder meeting agreed about plan of distributing bonus and
increasing capital. On the basis of 2,002.56 million shares in the end of 1994, the Group distributed 0.5
of 10 shares, and give RMB 0.5 from every increasing 0.5 share capital. After the Group‘s share capital
increased to 2,202.816 million shares.
After plan, the company‘s capital structure changed as follows:

                             Category                                Amount(share)                 Ratio(%)

   State - owned shares                                                        159,588,000                         66.22

   Public shares                                                                34,293,600                         21.80

   RMB special stock(B shares)                                                26,400,000                         11.98

                             Total                                             220,281,600                        100.00

(3)Majority shareholder change in 1997
On 31st March 1997, with the approval of Shenzhen Municipal People‘s Government ―shen fu han
(1997), No. 19‖ and China Securities Regulatory Commission ―zheng jian han shang (1997), No. 5‖,
Shenzhen Investment Administrative Company transferred its 159,588,000 shares to Shenzhen Te Fa
(Group) Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as ―the Te Fa Group‖). The shares transferred
represent 72.45% of the total issued shares of the Company.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.              Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

(4)The reform of listing non-tradable shares in 2006
In December 2005, shenzhen, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
agreed about the plan of reforming non-tradable shares.
On 4th January 2006, the Te Fa Group gave 13,717,440 shares to the holders of tradable shares of the
company in the A share market. After the split-share reform was completed, The Te Fa Group holds
66.22% of the shares capital of the Company.
    After the split-share reform, the company‘s capital structure changed as follows:

                             Category                              Amount(share)                 Ratio(%)

   State - owned shares                                                      145,870,560                         66.22

   Public shares                                                              48,011,040                         21.79

   RMB special stock(B shares)                                              26,400,000                         11.99

                             Total                                           220,281,600                        100.00

Till the end of 2012, the Company had issued 2,202.816 million shares, details in Note 7.29.
The Company‘s business scope includes induatrial projects, operating real estate under gaining
land-use right, mainland commerce, goods and materials business , (Government monopolistic goods
and materials are not included.),leasing and managing own property, import and export business of
internal production materials and accessories.Import and export business comply with the approval
certificate (Shen Mao Guan Zheng Zi No.098).
The Group‘s mother company is Shenzhen Te Fa (Group) Company Limited, and its ultimate controller
is shenzhen the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.
The financial statements of the Company are authorized to be issued to the public on 9 rd April, 2013 by
the Board of Directors.
    Ⅱ、 Basis of Preparation
 The financial statements of the Company have been prepared on the basis of going concern in
conformity with Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the Accounting Systems
for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of People‘s Republic of China in February
2006, and Accounting Standards (order No.38 of the Ministry of Finance) and Compilation Rules for
Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.15—General Provisions on
Financial Reports (2010 Revision) issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).
According to the relevant accounting regulations in Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, the Group has adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Except for certain financial
instruments which are measured by at fair value, the Group adopts the historical cost as the principle of

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.              Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

measurement in the financial statements. Where assets are impaired, provisions for asset impairment
are made in accordance with relevant requirements.
Ⅲ、 Statement of Compliance with Enterprise Accounting Standards
The financial statements of the Group comply are recognized and measured in accordance with the
regulations in the Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and they give a true and fair
view of the financial position, business result and cash flow of the Group as of 31 December 2012. In
addition, the financial statements of the Company and the Group comply, in all material respects, with
the revised disclosing requirements for financial statements and the notes Compilation Rules for
Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.15—General Provisions on
Financial Reports (2010 Revision)‘ issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) in 2010.
Ⅳ、 Important Accounting Principles and Accounting Estimates
1、 Accounting period
The accounting period of the Group is classified as annual period and interim period. Interim period
refers to the reporting period shorter than a complete annual period. The accounting period of the
Group is the calendar year from January 1 to December 31.
2、 Monetary Unit
Renminbi (RMB) is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Group and its
domestic subsidiaries operate. Therefore, the Group and its domestic subsidiaries choose RMB as their
functional currency. The Group adopts RMB to prepare its functional statements.
3、Basis of accounting
A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more separate entities into
one reporting entity. Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving
enterprises under common control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common
(1)Business combination involving entities under common control
A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which
all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and
after the combination, and that control is not transitory. For a business combination involving
enterprises under common control, the party that, on the combination date, obtains control of another
enterprise participating in the combination is the absorbing party, while that other enterprise
participating in the combination is a party being absorbed. Combination date is the date on which the
absorbing party effectively obtains control of the party being absorbed.
The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the enterprise

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                  Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

being combined at the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets
obtained and the carrying amount of consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value of
shares issued) is adjusted to the capital premium (or share premium) in the capital reserve. If the
balance of the capital premium (or share premium) is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained
The cost of a combination incurred by the absorbing party includes any costs directly attributable to the
combination shall be recognized as an expense through profit or loss for the current period when
(2)Business combination involving entities not under common control
A business combination involving enterprises not under common control is a business combination in
which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both
before and after the business combination. For a business combination not involving enterprises under
common control, the party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another enterprise
participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise participating in the
combination is the acquiree. Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains
control of the acquiree.
For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the combination cost
including the sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or
assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer. The intermediary expenses incurred by the
acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services etc and other
associated administrative expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or
loss when they are incurred. The transaction cost arose from issuing of equity securities or liability
securities shall be initially recognized as equity securities or liability securities.
The contingent consideration related to the combination shall be booked as combination cost at the fair
value at the acquisition date. If, within the 12 months after acquisition, additional information can prove
the existence of related information at acquisition date and the contingent consideration need to be
adjusted, goodwill can be offset. For a business combination achieved in stages that involves multiple
exchange transactions, the equity interest in the acquiree previously held before the acquisition date
re-assessed at the fair value at the acquisition date, with any difference between its fair value and its
carrying amount is recorded as investment income. The other comprehensive income of the acquiree
before the acquisition date relating to the previously held interest in the acquiree is transferred to
investment income. Combination cost is the aggregate of the carrying amount of the equity interest held
in the acquiree prior to the acquisition date and the fair value of the cost of the additional investment at
the acquisition date.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

Combination cost of the acquirer‘s interest and identifiable net assets of the acquirer acquired through
the business combination shall be measured by the fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of
combination exceeds the acquirer‘s interest in the fair value of the acquiree‘s identifiable net assets, the
difference shall be recognized as goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer‘s
interest in the fair value of the acquiree‘s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be accounted for
according to the following requirements: (i) the acquirer shall reassess the measurement of the fair
values of the acquiree‘s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and measurement of the
cost of combination; (ii) if after that reassessment, the cost of combination is still less than the
acquirer‘s interest in the fair values of the acquiree‘s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall recognize
the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the current period.
Where the temporary difference obtained by the acquirer was not recognized due to inconformity with
the conditions applied for recognition of deferred income tax, if, within the 12 months after acquisition,
additional information can prove the existence of related information at acquisition date and the
expected economic benefits on the acquisition date arose from deductible temporary difference by the
acquiree can be achieved, relevant income tax assets can be recognized, and goodwill offset. If the
goodwill is not sufficient, the difference shall be recognized as profit of the current period.
Apart from above, the differences shall be taken into profit or loss of the current period if the recognition
of deferred income tax assets is related to the combination.
4、Preparation of consolidated financial statements
(1)The scope of consolidated financial statements
The scope of consolidation in the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of
control. Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to
obtain benefits from its operating activities. The scope of consolidation includes the Group and all of the
subsidiaries. Subsidiary is an enterprise or entity under the control of the Group.
(2)Preparation of the consolidated financial statements
The subsidiary of the Group is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date when the
control over the net assets and business decisions of the subsidiary is effectively obtained, and
excluded from the date when the control ceases. For a subsidiary disposed of by the Group, the
operating results and cash flows before the date of disposal (the date when control is lost) are included
in the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriate. For a
subsidiary disposed during the period, no adjustment is made to the opening balance of the
consolidated financial statements.
For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not under common control, the operating
results and cash flows from the acquisition (the date when the control is obtained) are included in the

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriated; no
adjustment is made to the opening balance and comparative figures in the consolidated financial
statements. Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a business
combination involving enterprises under common control, the financial statements of the subsidiary are
included in the consolidated financial statements. The results of operations and cash flow are included
in the consolidated balance sheet and the consolidated income statement, respectively, based on their
carrying amounts, from the date that common control was established, and the opening balances and
the comparative figures of the consolidated financial statements are restated.
When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from those of the Group,
the Group makes necessary adjustments to the financial statements of the subsidiary based on the
Group‘s own accounting period or accounting policies. Where a subsidiary was acquired during the
reporting period through a business combination not under common control, the financial statements
was re-conciliated on the basis of the fair value of identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition.
Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealized profit or loss arising from intra-group
transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements.
Minority interest and the portion in the net profit or loss not attributable to the Group are presented
separately in the consolidated balance sheet within shareholders‘ equity and net profit. Net profit or loss
attributable to minority shareholders in the subsidiaries is presented separately as minority interest in
the consolidated income statement below the net profit line item. When the amount of loss for the
current period attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the minority
shareholders‘ portion of the opening balance of owners‘ equity of the subsidiary, the excess is allocated
against the minority interests.
When the Group loses control of a subsidiary due to the disposal of a portion of an equity investment or
other reasons, the remaining equity investment is re-measured at its fair value at the date when control
is lost. The difference between 1) the total amount of consideration received from the transaction that
resulted in the loss of control and the fair value of the remaining equity investment and 2) the carrying
amounts of the interest in the former subsidiary‘s net assets immediately before the loss of the control
is recognized as investment income for the current period when control is lost. The amount recognized
in other comprehensive income in relation to the former subsidiary‘s equity investment is reclassified as
investment income for the current period when control is lost. The retained interest is subsequently
measured according to the rules stipulated in the ―Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.2—Long-term equity investment‖ or ―Chinese Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.22—Determination and measurement of financial instruments‖ . Details in Note 4. 7
―Financial instruments‖ or Note 4.10 ‖Long-term equity investments ‖.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

5、Cash and Cash equivalent
Cash and cash equivalents of the Group include cash on hand, ready usable deposits and investments
having short holding term (normally will be due within three months from the day of purchase), with
strong liquidity and easy to be exchanged into certain amount of cash that can be measured reliably
and have low risks of change.
6、Foreign exchange
(1)Translation in foreign exchange transactions
The foreign currency transactions are recorded, on initial recognition in the functional currency, by
applying the spot exchange rate on the date of the transaction (an exchange rate that approximates
the actual spot exchange rate on the date of transaction). The exchange of foreign currency and
transactions related to the foreign exchange are translated at the spot exchange rate.
(2)Translation of monetary foreign currency and non-monetary foreign currency
At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated using the spot exchange rate
at the balance sheet date. All the exchange differences thus resulted are taken to profit or loss, except
for ①those relating to foreign currency borrowings specifically for construction and acquisition of
qualifying assets, which are capitalized in accordance with the principle of capitalization of borrowing
costs. ②The exchange difference from changes of other account balance of foreign currency monetary
items available-for-trade is recorded into profit or loss except for amortized cost.
Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at historical cost shall still be translated at the spot
exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date, and the amount denominated in the functional
currency is not changed. Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at fair value are translated at
the spot exchange rate prevailing at the date when the fair values are determined. The exchange
difference thus resulted are recognized in profit or loss for the current period or as capital reserve.
7、Financial instruments
(1)Determination of financial assets and liabilities‘ fair value
Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between
knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm‘s length transaction. For a financial instrument which has an
active market, the Group uses quoted price in the active market to establish its fair value. The quoted
price in the active market refers to the price that can be regularly obtained from exchange market,
agencies, industry associations, pricing authorities; it represents the fair market trading price in the
actual transaction.
For a financial instrument which does not have an active market, the Group establishes fair value by
using a valuation technique. Valuation techniques include using recent arm‘s length market transactions
between knowledgeable, willing parties, reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models.
(2)Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets
All regular way purchases or sales of financial assets are recognized and derecognized on a trade date
basis. On initial recognition, the Group‘s financial assets are classified into one of the four categories,
including financial assets at fair value though profit or loss, held-to maturity investments, loans and
receivables and available-for-trade financial assets. A financial asset is recognized initially at fair value.
In the case of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are
immediately charged to the profit and loss of the current period; transaction costs relating to financial
assets of other categories are included in the amount initially recognized.
① Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss:
Including financial assets held-for-trade and financial assets designated at fair value through profit or
Financial asset held-for-trade is the financial asset that meets one of the following conditions:
         A. the financial asset is acquired for the purpose of selling it in a short term;
        B. the financial asset is a part of a portfolio of identifiable financial instruments that are
collectively managed, and there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise recently manages
this portfolio for the purpose of short-term profits;
  C. the financial asset is a derivative, except for a derivative that is designated and effective hedging
instrument, or a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is linked to and must be settled by
delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price from an active market) whose fair
value cannot be reliably measured. For such kind of financial assets, fair values are adopted for
subsequent measurement.
Financial asset is designated on initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss only when it
meets one of the following conditions:
  A. the designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistency in the measurement or
recognition of relevant gains or losses that would otherwise arise from measuring the financial
instruments on different bases.
  B.a group of financial instruments is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis,
and is reported to the enterprise‘s key management personnels. Formal documentation regarding risk
management or investment strategy has prepared.
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are subsequently measured at the fair value. Any
gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value and any dividends or interest income earned on
the financial assets are recognized in the profit or loss.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

② Investment held-to maturity
Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments
and fixed maturity that an entity has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Such kind of
financial assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.
Gains or losses arising from derecognition, impairment or amortization are recognized in profit or loss
for the current period.
Effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounted estimated future cash flows through the
expected life of the financial asset or financial liability or, where appropriate, a shorter period to the net
carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability.
When calculating the effective interest rate, the Group shall estimate future cash flow considering all
contractual terms of the financial asset or financial liability without considering future credit losses, and
also consider all fees paid or received between the parties to the contract giving rise to the financial
asset and financial liability that are an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs, and
premiums or discounts, etc.
③ Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed determinable payment that are not
quoted in an active market. Financial assets classified as loans and receivables by the Group include
note receivables, account receivables, interest receivable dividends receivable and other receivables.
Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest
method. Gain or loss arising from derecognition, impairment or amortization is recognized in profit or
④ Financial assets available-for-trade
Financial assets available-for-trade include non-derivative financial assets that are designated on initial
recognition as available for trade, and financial assets that are not classified as financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss, loans and receivables or investment held-to-maturity.
Financial assets available-for-trade are subsequently measured at fair value, and gains or losses
arising from changes in the fair value are recognized as other comprehensive income and included in
the capital reserve, except that impairment losses and exchange differences related to amortized cost
of monetary financial assets denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in profit or loss, until the
financial assets are derecognized, at which time the gains or losses are released and recognized in
profit or loss.
Interests obtained and dividends declared by the investee during the period in which the financial
assets available-for-trade are held, are recognized in investment gains.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                  Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

(3)Impairment of financial assets
The Group assesses at the balance sheet date the carrying amount of every financial asset except for
the financial assets that measured by the fair value. If there is objective evidence indicating a financial
asset may be impaired, a provision is provided for the impairment.
The Group makes an impairment test for a financial asset that is individually significant. For a financial
asset that is not individually significant, it is included in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk
characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment [or individually assessed for impairment]. If no
objective evidence of impairment incurs for an individually assessed financial asset (whether the
financial asset is individually significant or not individually significant), it is included in a group of
financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment. Assets
for which an impairment loss is individually recognized is not included in a group of financial assets with
similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment.
① Impairment on held-to maturity investment, loans and receivables
The financial assets measured by cost or amortized cost write down their carrying value by the
estimated present value of future cash flow. The difference is recorded as impairment loss. If there is
objective evidence to indicate the recovery of value of financial assets after impairment, and it is related
with subsequent event after recognition of loss, the impairment loss recorded originally can be reversed.
The carrying value of financial assets after impairment loss reversed shall not exceed the amortized
cost of the financial assets without provisions of impairment loss on the reserving date.
② Impairment loss on available-for-trade financial assets
When decision is made with all related factors on whether the fall of fair value investment of an equity
instrument available-for-trade is significant or non-transient, it indicates impairment of such equity
instrument investment, in which, ―significant‖ means over 20% of fall in fair value and ―non-transient‖
means over 12 months of subsequent fall.
When an available-for-trade financial asset is impaired, the cumulative loss arising from declining in fair
value that had been recognized in capital reserve shall be removed and recognized in profit or loss. The
amount of the cumulative loss that is removed shall be difference between the acquisition cost with
deduction of recoverable amount less amortized cost, current fair value and any impairment loss on
that financial asset previously recognized in profit or loss.
If, after an impairment loss has been recognized, there is objective evidence that the value of the
financial asset is recovered, and it is objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss
was recognized, the initial impairment loss can be reversed and the reserved impairment loss on
available-for-trade equity instrument is recorded in the profit or loss, the reserved impairment loss on
available-for-trade debt instrument is recorded in the current profit or loss.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                  Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

The equity instrument where there is no quoted price in an active market, and whose fair value cannot
be reliably measured, or impairment loss on a derivative asset that is linked to and must be settled by
delivery of such an unquoted equity instrument shall not be reversed.
(4)Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer
The Group derecognizes a financial asset when one of the following conditions is met:
      1) the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired;
      2) the enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset to a third party
under a ―pass-through‖ arrangement; or
      3) the enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset and either (a)
has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) has neither transferred nor
retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset.
If the enterprise has neither retained all the risks and rewards from the financial asset nor control over
the asset, the asset is recognized according to the extent it exists as financial asset, and correspondent
liability is recognized. The extent of existence refers the level of risk by the financial asset changes the
enterprise is facing.
For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognition criteria, (a). the carrying
amount of the financial asset transferred; and (b) the sum of the consideration received from the
transfer and any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognized in other comprehensive income, is
recognized in profit or loss.
If a part of the transferred financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying amount of the
transferred financial asset is allocated between the part that continues to be recognized and the part
that is derecognized, based on the relative fair value of those parts. The difference between (a) the
carrying amount allocated to the part derecognized; and (b) the sum of the consideration received for
the part derecognized and any cumulative gain or loss allocated to the part derecognized which has
been previously recognized in other comprehensive income, is recognized in profit or loss.
(5)Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
The Group‘s financial liabilities are, on initial recognition, classified into financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. For financial liabilities at fair value through profit or
loss, relevant transaction costs are immediately recognized in profit or loss for the current period, and
transaction costs relating to other financial liabilities are included in the initial recognition amounts.
①Financial liabilities measured by the fair value and the changes recorded in profit or loss
The classification by which financial liabilities held-for-trade and financial liabilities designed at the initial
recognition to be measured by the fair value follows the same criteria as the classification by which

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                  Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

financial assets held-for-trade and financial assets designed at the initial recognition to be measured by
the fair value and their changes are recorded in the current profit or loss.
For the financial liabilities measured by the fair value and changes recorded in the profit or loss, fair
values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the gains or losses on the change of fair value
and the expenses on dividends or interests related to these financial liabilities are recognized in profit or
loss for the current period.
②Other financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities that linked with equity instruments, which do not have a quoted price in an
active market and their fair value cannot be measured reliably, is subsequently measured by cost Other
financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.
Gains or losses arising from derecognition or amortization are recognized in profit or loss for the current
The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) when the underlying present obligation (or part
of it) is discharged or cancelled or has expired. An agreement between the Group (an existing borrower)
and existing lender to replace original financial liability with a new financial liability with substantially
different terms is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition
of a new liability.
When the Group derecognizes a financial liability or a part of it, it recognizes the difference between the
carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial liability) derecognized the consideration
paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or new financial liabilities assumed) in profit or loss.
(7) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
When the group has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financial assets
and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial asset and
settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shall be offset and
the net amount is presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above circumstances, financial assets
and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance sheet and shall not be offset.
(8) Equity instruments
An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Group after
deducting all of its liabilities. The consideration received from issuing equity instruments, net of
transaction costs, are added to owners‘ equity.
All types of distribution (excluding stock dividends) made by the Group to holders of equity instruments
are deducted from owners‘ equity. The Group does not recognize any changes in the fair value of equity

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                  Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

8、Account receivables
The account receivable by the Group includes account receivables, and other receivables.
(1)Criteria for recognition of bad debts:
         The Company carries out an inspection on the balance sheet date. Where there is any
objective evidence proving that the receivables have been impaired, an impairment provision shall be
         ①A serious financial difficulty occurs to the issuer or debtor;
         ②The debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations, for example, fails to pay or delays
the payment of interests or the principal, etc.;
         ③The debtor will probably become bankrupt or carry out other financial reorganizations;
         ④ Other objective evidences showing the impairment of the receivables.
(2)Method for bad debts provision
① Provisions of bad debts in account receivables that is individually significant.
     The Group treats account receivables over RMB 1,000,000 and other receivables over RMB
500,000 as individually significant items.
For an account receivable that is individually significant, the asset is individually assessed for
impairment, and the amount of impairment is recognized in profit or loss if there is objective evidence of
impairment is included in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and
collectively assessed for impairment. An account receivable for which an impairment loss is individually
recognized is not included in a group of account receivables with similar credit risk characteristics and
collectively assessed for impairment.
② Provisions of bad debts in account receivables that individually insignificant items with similar credit
risk characteristics that have significant risk:
A.Evidence of credit risk characteristics
     Whether the financial asset is individually significant or not individually significant, it is included in a
group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment.
Such credit risk reflects the repayment of all due amount under the contract, and is related to the
estimation of future cash flow expected to be derived from the assets.

Evidence of portfolios:

                 Item                                                Evidence of portfolios

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

 Aging portfolios                              Use the aging of account receivables as credit risk characteristics

B.Provision by credit risk characteristics
按 During the group impairment test, the amount of bad debts provisions is determined by the assessed
result from the experience of historical loss and current economic status and the existing loss in the
estimated account receivables according to the set of account receivables and credit risk characteristic.
Provisions for difference portfolios:

                        Item                                          Method of provision

 Aging portfolios                                                    Provision by Aging

a. Provision by Aging analysis

                        Aging                 Accounts receivable(%)                      Other receivables(%)

Within 1 year(inclusive)                                             No provision                                    No provision

1-2 years (inclusive)                                                            5                                             5

2-3 years (inclusive)                                                           20                                            20

Over 3 years                                                                    50                                            50

③ Provisions of bad debts that is individually insignificant.
The Group treats account receivables under RMB 1,000,000 and other receivables under RMB 500,000
as individually insignificant items.
For the account receivables not individually significant, the Group assesses the account receivables
individually for impairment when are of following characteristics: if there is objective evidence indicating
the impairment, the impairment loss is recognized at the difference between the present value of future
cash flow less the carrying amount, and provision is made accordingly. For example, account
receivables with related parties; account receivables under litigations or arbitrations, or account
receivables with obvious indication that debtor cannot fulfill the obligation of repayment.
(3)The reversal of bad debts provision
If there is objective evidence of recovery in value of account receivables, and the recovery can be
related to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized
impairment loss is reversed and recognized in profit or loss. However, the reversal shall not result
in a carrying amount that exceeds what the amortized cost would have been had the impairment
loss not been recognized at the date the impairment is reversed.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                        Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

(1)Classification of inventory
    The Group‘s inventory mainly include raw materials, goods in stock, work-in-progress and low value
    consumables, etc.

(2)Valuation method of inventories upon delivery
    Inventories are initially carried at the actual cost and delivered at the value by weighted average method. The low value

    consumables and packaging should be amortized in equal installment.

(3)Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in value
of inventories
Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated
costs of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. Net realizable
value is determined on the basis of clear evidence obtained, and takes into consideration the purpose
of holding inventories and effect of post balance sheet events.
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of the cost and net realizable value. If
the net realizable value is below the cost of inventories, a provision for decline in value of inventories is
made. The provision for inventories decline in value is normally determined by the difference of the cost
of individual item less its realizable value.
After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances that previously
caused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the net realizable value of
inventories is higher than their cost, the original provision for decline in value is reversed and the
reversal is included in profit or loss for the period.
    (4)Inventory system is maintained for stock system.

10、Long-term equity investments
(1)Determination of Investment cost
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of
the long-term equity investment shall be carrying value of the absorbing party‘s share of the owners‘
equity of the party being absorbed at the date of combination. For a business combination not involving
enterprise under common control, the combination cost including the sum of fair value, at the
acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the
acquirer. The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services,
valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative expenses attributable to the
business combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred. Transaction fee of equity
securities or debt securities issued by purchaser‘s business combination, which should be calculated in
initializing confirming amount of equity securities or debt securities.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.               Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

The equity investments other than the long-term equity through combination shall be initially measured
by cost. The cost shall be recognized to the difference in the way of acquisition of long-term equity
investment. Theses ways include the cash purchase price the Group actually paid, the fair value of
equity security issued by the Group, value specified in the investment contract or agreement, the fair
value or carrying value of the asset out in the transaction of non-monetary asset exchanges, and the
fair value of the long-term equity investment. Other direct cost, tax and necessary expenses related to
the acquisition of long-term equity investment are recognised in investment cost.
(2)Subsequent Measurement
Cost method shall be adopted in a long-term equity investment where the investing enterprise does not
have common control or significant influence over the investee, the investment is not quoted in an
active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably. Where an investing enterprise can
exercise common control or significant influence over the investee, a long-term investment shall be
accounted for using the equity method. When an investing enterprise can no longer exercise joint
control or common control nor significant influence over the investee, and its fair value cannot be
measured reliably, a long-term investment shall be counted as financial asset ready-for trade.
A long-term equity investment where cost method is adopted in the Company‘s financial statements can
exercise controls over the investee.
① Cost method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost. Except for
cash dividends or profits declared but not yet paid that are included in the price or consideration
actually paid upon acquisition of the long-term equity investment, investment income is recognized in
the period in accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends or profit distributions declared by
the investee.
② Equity method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investing enterprise‘s
interest in the fair values of the investee‘s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, no
adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost of a long-term
equity investment is less than the investing enterprise‘s interest in the fair values of investee‘s
identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the difference shall be charged to profit or loss for the
current period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall adjusted accordingly.
Under the equity method, the Group recognizes its share of the net profit or loss of the investee for the
period as investment income or loss for the period. The Group recognizes it share of the investee‘s net
profit or loss based on the fair value of the investee‘s individual separately indentible assets, etc at the
acquisition date after making appropriate adjustments to confirm with the Group‘s accounting policies

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

and accounting period. Unrealized profits or losses resulting from the Group‘s transactions with its
associates and joint ventures are recognized as investment income or loss to the extent that those
attributable to the Group‘s equity interest are eliminated. However, unrealized losses resulting from the
Group‘s transactions with its investees on the transferred assets, in accordance with "Accounting
Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets", are not eliminated. Changes in owners‘ equity
of the investee other than net profit or loss are correspondingly adjusted to the carrying amount of the
long-term equity investment, and recognized as other compressive income which is included in the
capital reserve.
When the investee is recognized net losses, reduce the carrying value of long-term equity investments
and long-term equity of net investment (in substance) in investee to zero. In addition, the Group has the
obligations on additional losses, then the expected obligation as estimated liabilities and included in the
current investment losses. Where the net profit from investee units, restoration confirm the amount of
revenue sharing after offset the amount of unrecognized loss sharing.
For long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures which had been held by the Group
before its first time adoption of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises in 01-01-2007, where
the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group‘s interest in the
investee‘s net assets at the time of acquisition, the excess is amortized and is recognized in profit or
loss on a straight line basis over the original remaining life.
③ Acquisition of minority interest
The difference between newly increased equity investment due to acquisition of minority interests and
portion of net asset cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date is adjusted as capital reserve. If
the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the excess are adjusted against returned
④ Disposal of long-term equity investment
Where the parent company disposes long-term investment in a subsidiary without a change in control,
the difference in the net asset between the amount of disposed long-term investment and the amount of
the consideration paid or received is adjusted to the owner‘s equity. If the disposal of long-term
investment in a subsidiary involves loss of control over the subsidiary, the related accounting policies in
Note 4.2.(2) applies.
On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received
and receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period. For along-term
equity investment accounted for using the equity method, the amount included in the owners‘ equity
attributable to the percentage interest disposed is transferred to profit or loss for the period. For any
retained interest, it shall be subsequently measured according to the related accounting policies in

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.               Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

regard of long-term equity investments or financial assets as described above if its carrying amount is
recognized as long-term equity investments or other related financial assets. Retroactive adjustment is
made on the basis of relevant policies if the retained interests are settled from cost method to equity
(3) Recognition of investee under common control or significant influence
Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain
benefits from its operating activities. Common control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over
an economic activity, and exists only when the strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the
activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power
to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint
control over those policies. When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise
control or significant influence over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the investee held
be the investing enterprise or other parties that are currently exercisable or convertible shall be
(4)Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision
The company assesses the long-term equity investment at the balance sheet date whether there is any
indication of impairment. If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall
estimate its recoverable value of the asset. If the recoverable value of the asset is less than its carrying
amount, a provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly.
Once an impairment loss is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.
11、Investment properties
Investment property is property held to earn rental or for capital appreciation or both. It includes a land
use right that is leased out, a land use right held for transfer upon capital appreciation, and a building
that is leased out.
The investment properties shall be initially measured in light of their cost when getting it and make a
follow-up measurement to the investment real estate through the cost pattern on the date of the
balance sheet. The test method of depreciation or impairment of the buildings is the same as fixed
assets, the test method of depreciation or impairment of the land use rights is the same as intangible
The details of assess method and impairment provision for investment properties are in Note4.17
―Impairment of non-current non-financial assets‖.
Where an investment property is disposed or no longer in use permanently and no economic benefits
shall be obtained from the disposal, derecognized the investment property. The income from sale,

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                  Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

transfer or disposal of the investment property is recorded in the profit or loss after deduction of its
carrying amount and related tax.
12、Fixed assets
(1)The conditions of recognition
Fixed assets refers to the tangible assets that are held for the sake of producing commodities,
rendering labor service, renting or business management and their useful life is in excess of one fiscal
(2)The method for depreciation
Fixed assets are stated at cost and consider the impact of expected costs of abandoning the initial
measurement. From the following month of state of intended use, the straight-line method is used for
different categories of fixed assets to take depreciation. The recognition of the classification, useful life
and estimated residual rate are as follows:

                                                                          Estimated residual value
                    Category                  Expected useful life                                   Depreciation(%)

 Building & construction                                             35                          3                 2.77

 Machines & equipments                                               12                          3                 8.08

 Vehicles                                                            7                           3                13.86

 Electronic appliances                                               7                           3                13.86

 Office and other equipment                                          7                           3                13.86

 Private housing renovation costs                                    10                          0                10.00

Expected net residual value of fixed assets is the balance of the Group currently obtained from the
disposal of the asset less the estimated costs of disposal amount, assuming the asset is out of useful
life and state the expected service life in the end.
(3) Measurement and recognition of fixed assets
Impairment and provisions of fixed assets are disclosed on Note 4.17 ―Impairment of non-current
non-financial assets‖.
A fixed asset is recognized only when the economic benefits associated with the asset will probably
flow to the Company and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Subsequent expenditure
incurred for a fixed asset that meet the recognition criteria shall be included in the cost of the fixed
asset, and the carrying amount of the component of the fixed asset that is replaced shall be
derecognized. Otherwise, such expenditure shall be recognized in profit or loss in the period in which

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.               Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

they are incurred.
The revenue from selling or transferring, or disposing a fixed asset is booked into profit and loss after
deduction of carrying value and related tax.
The Group conducts a review of useful life, expected net realizable value and depreciation methods of
the fixed asset at least on an annual base. Any change is regarded as change in accounting estimates.
13、Construction in progress
Construction in progress is measured at its actual cost. The actual costs include various construction
expenditures during the construction period and other relevant costs. Construction in progress is
transferred to a fixed asset when it is ready for intended use.
Testing method for provision impairment of construction in progress and accrued method for provision
impairment please refer to Note 4.17 Impairment of non-current financial assets‘.
14、Borrowing costs
The borrowing costs shall include interests on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on
borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. Where the
borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable to the acquisition and construction
or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recorded into the costs of
relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual
amount incurred, and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses.
Where funds are borrowed for a specific-purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalized is the actual
interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned from
depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the
temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are borrowed for a general-purpose, the amount of
interest to be capitalized on such borrowings is determined by applying a weighted average interest
rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of accumulated expenditure on the asset over and
above the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. During the capitalization period, exchange
differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing denominating in foreign currency are all capitalized.
Exchange differences in connection with general-purpose borrowings are recognized in profit or loss in
the period in which they are incurred.
Assets qualified for capitalization are the fixed assets, investment properties or inventories which need
a long time of construction or production activities before ready for intended used or sale. Capitalization
of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or production of a
qualifying asset is interrupted by activities other than those necessary to prepare the asset for its
intended use or sale, when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. Borrowing

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                  Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

costs incurred during these periods recognized as an expense for the current period until the
acquisition, construction or production is resumed.
15、Intangible assets
(1)Recognition and calculation of intangible asset
The term ―intangible asset‖ refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets without physical shape,
possessed or controlled by enterprises.
The intangible assets are initially measured by its cost. Expenses related to intangible assets, if the
economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the enterprise and the cost of
intangible assets can be measured reliably, shall be recorded as cost of intangible assets. The
expenses other than this shall be booked in the profit or loss when they occur.
Land use rights that are purchased by the Group are accounted for as intangible assets. Buildings,
such as plants that are developed and constructed by the Group, and relevant land use rights and
buildings, are accounted for as intangible assets and fixed assets, respectively. Payments for the land
and buildings purchased are allocated between the land use rights and the buildings; if they cannot be
reasonably allocated, all of the land use rights and buildings are accounted for as fixed assets.
When an intangible asset with a definite useful life is available for use, its original cost is amortized over
its estimated useful life using the straight-line method . An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life
is not amortized.
        For an intangible asset with a definite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortization
method at the end of the period, and makes adjustment when necessary.. An additional review is also
carried out for useful life of the intangible assets with indefinite useful life. If there is evidence showing
the foreseeable limit period of economic benefits generated to the enterprise by the intangible assets,
then estimate its useful life and amortize according to the policy of intangible assets with definite useful
(2)Methods of impairment assessment and determining the provision for impairment losses of
intangible assets
Testing method for provision impairment of intangible assets and accrued method for provision
impairment please refer to Note 4.17 Impairment of non-current financial assets‘.
16、Long-term prepaid expenses
Long-term prepaid expenses represent expenses incurred that should be borne and amortized over the
current and subsequent period together of more than one year. Long-term prepaid expenses are
amortized by using straight line method.
17、Impairment of non-current non-financial assets

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.               Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

Non-financial assets with non-current nature include fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible
assets with definite useful lives, investment properties measured by cost methods and long-term equity
investment on subsidiaries, jointly operations. The Company assesses whether there are any indicators
of impairment for all non-financial assets at the balance sheet date, and impairment test is carried out
and recoverable value is estimated if such an indicator exits. Goodwill and intangible assets with
indefinite useful lives, as well as intangible assets not ready for use, are tested for impairment annually
regardless of indicators of impairment.
Impairment of loss is calculated and provisions taken by the difference if the recoverable value of the
assets is lower than the book value. The recoverable value is the higher of estimated present value of
the future expected cash flows from the asset and net fair value of the asset less disposed cost. The
fair value of asset is determined by the sales agreement price within an arm‘s length transaction. In
case there is no sales agreement, but there is active market of assets, the fair value can be determined
by the selling price. If there is neither sales agreement nor active market, the fair value of the asset can
be estimated based on the best information obtained.
Disposal expenses include expenses related to the legislation, taxes, transportations and the direct
expense for the asset to be ready for sale. When calculating the present value of expected future cash
flows from an asset or asset group, the management shall estimate the expected future cash flows from
the asset or asset group and choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of
those cash flows.
Provision for asset impairment is calculated and determined on the individual basis. If the recoverable
of individual asset is hard to estimate, the recoverable amount can be determined by the asset group
where subject asset belongs. Asset group is the smallest set of assets that can have cash flow in
Once the loss from above asset impairment is recognized, the recoverable part cannot be reserved in
the subsequent periods.
18、Accrued liabilities
Accrued liabilities (or Provisions) are recognized when following obligations related to a contingency are
satisfied simultaneously. They are (a) such obligation is the present obligation of the Group, (b)it is
probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and (c) the
amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.
The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the
present obligation at the balance sheet date, taking into account factors pertaining to a contingency
such as risks, uncertainties and time value of money.
Where all or some of the expenditure required to settle a provision is expected to be reimbursed by a

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.               Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

third party, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset only when it is virtually certain that
reimbursement will be received, and the amount of reimbursement recognized does not exceed the
carrying amount of the provision.
(1)Revenue from sales of goods
Revenue from selling goods can be recognized only when the Group has transferred to the buyer the
significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; the Group retains neither continuing
managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the
goods sold; the relevant economic benefits may flow into the enterprise, and the associated costs
incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably.
The Company recognize revenue of selling automobiles after received payments with sales contract.
(2)Revenue from rendering service
When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably at the
balance sheet date, revenue associated with the transaction is recognized using the percentage of
completion method. The stage of completion of a transaction for rendering services is determined
based on the proportion that costs incurred to date bear to the estimated total costs of the transaction.
The outcome of a transaction involving rendering of services can be estimated reliably when all of the
following conditions are satisfied:
          ①the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;
          ② it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group;
          ③the stage of completion of the transaction can be measured reliably;
          ④the costs incurred and to be incurred for the transaction can be measured reliably.
If the outcome of a transaction involving rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably, the revenue
is recognized by the cost incurred and estimated compensation, and the actual cost is booked into
profit and loss. No revenue is recognized if the cost incurred cannot be recovered.
The Company recognizes revenue of providing automobile repair service after received payments or
has collection right.
(3)Royalty Revenue
According to the contract or agreement, the revenue is recognized on an accrual basis.
(4)Interest Income
The amount of interest revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with the length of
time for which the enterprise's cash is used by others and the actual interest rate.
20、Government Grants

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.               Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

Government grants are transfer of monetary assets and non-monetary assets from the government to
the Group at no consideration, excluding the capital invested by the government as equity owner.
Government grant can be classified as grant related to the assets and grants related to the income.
If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount
received or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a non-monetary asset, it is measured at
fair value. If the fair value cannot be reliably determined, it is measured at a nominal amount. A
government grant measured at a nominal amount is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the
A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized to
profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset. For a government grant related to income, if the
grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent period, the grant is
recognized as deferred income, and recognized in profit or loss over the periods in which the related
costs are recognized. If the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred,
the grant is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.
For repayment of a government grant already recognized, if there is a related deferred income, the
repayment is offset against the carrying amount of the deferred income, and any excess is recognized
in profit or loss for the period. If there is no related deferred income, the repayment is recognized
immediately in profit or loss for the period.
21、Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1)Income tax of the current period
At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities or assets for the current and prior periods, are
measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax laws.
The calculation for income tax expenses in the current period is based on the taxable income according
to the related tax laws after adjustment to the accounting profit of the current accounting.
(2)Deferred income tax assets and liabilities
For temporary differences between the carrying amount of certain assets or liabilities and their tax base,
or between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not recognized as assets or liabilities and
their tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, deferred tax assets and liabilities are
recognized using the balance sheet liability method.
For temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and the initial recognition of
an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business combination) that affects neither the
accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) at the time of transaction, no deferred tax
asset or liability is recognized.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

For taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and associates, and
interests in joint ventures, no deferred income tax liability related is recognized except where the Group
is able to control the timing of reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary
difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. All deferred income tax liabilities arising from
taxable temporary differences except the ones mentioned above are recognized.
For temporary deductible differences associated with the initial recognition of an asset or liability arising
from a transaction (not a business combination) that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable
profits (or deductible losses) at the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset is recognized. For taxable
temporary deductible differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and associates, and
interests in joint ventures, no deferred income tax asset related is recognized if it is impossible to
reversal the temporary difference in the foreseeable future, or it is not probable to obtain taxable
income which can be used for the deduction of the temporary difference in the future.
Except mentioned above, the Group recognizes other deferred income tax assets that can deduct
temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which
the deductible temporary differences can be utilized.
For the deductible losses and tax credit that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets for deductible
temporary differences are recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be
available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized.
At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates according to
tax laws, that are expected to apply in the period in which the asset is realized or the liability is settled.
At the balance sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying amount of deferred tax assets. If it is no
longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available in future periods to allow the benefits of the
deferred tax assets to be used, the Group reduces the carrying amount of deferred tax assets. The
amount of such reduction is reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be

(3)Income Tax Expenses
Income tax expenses consist of current income tax and deferred income tax.
The expenses from income tax and deferred income tax, as well as the revenue, shall be recorded into
profit or loss in current accounting period, except expense for income tax of the current period and
deferred income tax that booked into other income or equity and adjusted carrying value of deferred
income tax goodwill arose from business combination.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

A finance lease is a lease that transfers in substance all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of
an asset. Title may or may not eventually be transferred. An operating lease is a lease other than a
finance lease.
(1)The Group as Lessee under Operating Lease
Lease payments under an operating lease are recognized by a lessee on a straight-line basis over the
lease term, and either included in the cost of the related asset or charged to profit or loss for the current
period. The contingent rents shall be recorded in the profit or loss of the period in which they actually
(2)The Group as Leaser under Operating Lease
Lease income from operating leases shall be recognized by the leaser in profit or loss on a straight-line
basis over the lease term. Initial direct cost of significance in amount shall be capitalized when incurred.
If another basis is more systematic and rational, that basis may be used. Contingent rents are credited
to profit or loss in the period in which they actually arise.
23、Employee Benefits
During the accounting period of an employee‘ providing services to the Group, the Group recognizes
the compensation payable as liabilities.
The Group participates in the employees social security system set up by government agencies,
including pensions, medical insurance, housing fund and other social security system, and the
corresponding expenditures are included in the cost of related assets or the profit or loss.
When an enterprise terminates the employment relationship with employees before the end of the
employment contracts or provides compensation as an offer to encourage employees to accept
voluntary redundancy, a provision shall be recognized for the compensation arising from termination of
employment relationship with employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the
current period. The enterprise cannot unilaterally withdraw from the termination plan or the redundancy
The early retirement plan adopts the same principles of termination benefits. Salaries and social
insurance (from the date of ceasing services to the date of normal retirement) are paid by the Group,
subject to the conditions to be recognized in profit or loss (termination benefits).
24、Changes in major accounting policies and accounting estimates
(1)Changes of accounting policies
The group do not have any changes of accounting policies in this reporting period.
(2)Changes of accounting estimates
The group do not have any changes of accounting estimates in this reporting period.
25、Correction of previous accounting errors

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

The group do not have any previous accounting errors to correct in this reporting period.
26、Significant account judgment and estimates
The Group is required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of
items in the financial statements that cannot be measured accurately, due to the internal uncertainties
of operation activities. These judgments, estimates and assumptions are based on historical
experiences of the Group‘s management as well as other factors that are considered to be relevant.
These judgments, estimates and assumptions may affect value of the financial statements in revenue,
expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingency at the balance sheet date. However,
the result derived from those uncertainties in estimates may lead significant adjustments to the carrying
amounts of the assets or liabilities affected in the future.
The Group has reviews the judgments, estimates and assumptions regularly on the basis of going
concern. Where the changes in accounting estimates only affect the period when changes occurred,
and they are recognized within the same period. Where the changes in accounting estimates affect
both current period and future period, the changes are recognized within the period of change and
future period.
At balance sheet date, the followings are the significant areas where the Group needs to make
judgment, estimates and assumptions over the value of items in the financial statements:
(1)Provisions for bad debts
According to the relevant accounting policies of the Group in receivables, allowance method is used for
bad debt‘s calculation. The impairment of receivables is calculated based on the assessment of
recoverable of receivables. Assurance of receivable impairment needs judgments and estimations from
the management. The difference between actual results and original estimates shall have impact on the
carrying amount of receivables and receivable bad debt provisions or the reverse during the change of
(2)Impairment of inventories
The Group measures inventories by the lower of cost and realizable net value according to the
accounting policies in regard of inventories and provisions for decline in value of inventories is made if
the cost is higher than their net realizable value, and obsolete and slow-movement inventories.
Inventories decline in value to net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course
of business. Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear evidence obtained, and takes into
consideration the purposes of holding inventories and effect of post balance sheet events. The
difference between the actual result and the original estimates shall have impact on reverse of the
carrying amount of the inventories and their decline in value or provisions during the period of change.
(3)Impairment of non-financial, non-current assets
The Company assesses whether there are any indicators of impairment for all non-current assets other

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

than financial assets at the balance sheet date. For an intangible asset that has indefinite useful life,
impairment test is made in addition to the annual impairment test if there is any indication of impairment.
For non-current assets other than financial assets, impairment test is made when there is any indication
that its account balance cannot be recovered.
Impairment exists when the recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less cost of
disposal and present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset.
Net value between the difference of fair value and disposal cost is determined by reference of the price
of similar product in a sale agreement in an arm‘s length transaction or an observable market price less
the additional cost directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.
When estimating the present value of future cash flow, significant judgments are made over the asset‘s
production, selling price and relevant operating expenses, and discount rate used to calculate present
value. All available materials that are considered to be relevant shall be used in the estimation of
recoverable value. These materials include estimations of production, selling price and operating
expenses based on reasonable and supportable assumptions.
(4)Depreciation and amortization
Investment property, fixed assets and intangible assets are depreciated and amortized using the
straight-line method over their useful lives after taking into account residual value. The useful lives are
regularly reviewed to determine the depreciation and amortization costs charged in each reporting
period. The useful lives are determined based on historical experience of similar assets and the
estimated technical changes. If there is an indication that there has been a change in the factor used to
determine the depreciation or amortization, the rate of depreciation or amortization is revised.
(5)Deferred income tax assets
The group shall recognize all unused tax losses as deferred tax assets to the extent that it is probable
that future taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax losses and unused tax credits
can be utilized. This requires the management of the Group make a lot of judgments over the
estimation of time period, value and tax planning strategies when future taxable profit incurs so that the
value of deferred tax assets can be determined.
(6)Income tax
There are some transactions where ultimate tax treatments and calculations have uncertainties in the
Group‘s dairy operation. It‘s need Tax office to approve for some items to make expenditure before tax
needs approval from competent tax authorities. If there is any difference between finalized
determination value and their initial estimations value, the difference shall have the impact on the
income tax and deferred income tax of the current period during the final determination.
(7)Accrued liabilities
According to the contract rules, obtained knowledge and historical experience to estimate and calculate

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                  Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

provision on products‘ quality, predicted contract lost, late delivery and liquidated damages.Accrued
liabilities (or Provisions) are recognized when following obligations related to a contingency are satisfied
simultaneously. They are (a) such obligation is the present obligation of the Group, (b)it is probable that
an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and (c) the amount of the
obligation can be measured reliably. The determination and calculation of accrued liabilities on great
extent rely on judgments of manage level. The group should assess the relevant risk, uncertainty and
time value of currency when judging those obligations.
Ⅴ、Principal Taxes Applied
1、 Taxes and their rates

 Category                                                                    Tax rate (%)

                                     The rate for domestic sales is 17%, pay as the difference of output tax less allowable
 Value Added Tax
                                     input tax.

 Business Tax                        Business tax rate is the 5% of taxable income

 City Construction Tax               City construction tax rate is 7% of turnover tax.

 Education surtax                    Education surtax rate is 3% of turnover tax.

 Local education surcharge           Local education surcharge is 2% of turnover tax.

 Enterprise Income Tax *             Income tax is calculated with the ratio of 25%.

*Note:According to the Notice by the PRC State Council on the Implementation of the Grandfathering
Preferential Policies under the PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law Decree No. [2007] 39, as from 1 st
January 2008, the enterprises that have enjoyed preferential tax rates shall be taxed at rates to be
increased from the current rate to the full rate under the EIT law within a period of 5 years. Among
others, the enterprises that have been taxed at 15% currently shall be taxed at 18% in 2008, 20% in
2009, 22% in 2010, 24% in 2011 and 25% in 2012. The Company and its subsidiaries (except
Shenzhen Dongchang Yongtong Automobile Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen
Xinyongtong Dongxiao Automobile Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd.) are taxed at 25% in 2012.

          SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                        NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

          Ⅵ、Business Combination & Consolidated Financial Statements
          1、Information of subsidiaries
          (1)Subsidiaries acquired from establishment or investment(Expressed in 10,000 Yuan)

                                                Type of       Registered   Nature of    Registered                              Type of      Legal      Organization     Real       Balance of other items that in substance
            Name of subsidiaries                                                                         Business scope
                                              subsidiaries      place       business     capital                                Company     person         code        investment          constitutes net investment

Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile
                                             fully-owned su                                          Automobile inspection &
Development Co. ,Ltd                                          Shenzhen      Service       3290                                  Co., Ltd   Li Jinlong   192171903        5767                          --
                                                bsidiary                                                      repair
(The Xinyongtong)

Shenzhen Tefa Tellus Property Management fully-owned su                                                                                      Fang
                                                              Shenzhen      Service        705        Property management       Co., Ltd                192185088         502                          --
Co.,Ltd(The Tellus Property)                    bsidiary                                                                                    Zhidong

Shenzhen Tefa Tellus Real Estate Co.,        fully-owned su                Manufactur                                                        Fang
                                                              Shenzhen                    3115            Manufacture           Co., Ltd                192195470        3115                          --
Ltd(The Real Estate)                            bsidiary                       e                                                            Zhidong

Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate Exchange Co., fully-owned su                                                                                     Fang
                                                              Shenzhen      Service        200          Real estate agent       Co., Ltd                192282945         200                          --
Ltd(The Exchange)                               bsidiary                                                                                    Zhidong

Shenzhenxinyongtong Automobile Inspection       holding                                              Production of automobile               Huang
                                                              Shenzhen      Service       1961                                  Co., Ltd                715275892        1000                          --
Equipment Co.,Ltd(The Inspection)              subsidiary                                             inspection equipment                   Peibo

                                                                                                         Automobile and
                                                holding                                                                                      Ren
                                                               Hezhou       Service        500         accessories selling,     Co., Ltd                576807800         60                           --
                                               subsidiary                                                                                  Yongjian
Guangxi Tellus Automobile Service Co.,Ltd.                                                                   Leasing

Shenzhen Dongchang Yongtong Automobile          holding
                                                              Shenzhen      Service        150        Automobile inspection     Co., Ltd   Li Jinglong 775581736          143                          --
Inspection Equipment Co.,Ltd.                  subsidiary

          SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                 Type of       Registered   Nature of     Registered                                        Type of              Legal   Organization        Real          Balance of other items that in substance
           Name of subsidiaries                                                                                Business scope
                                               subsidiaries      place      business       capital                                      Company              person          code         investment              constitutes net investment

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Dongxiao Automobile          holding
                                                               Shenzhen      Service         150            Automobile inspection           Co., Ltd        Li Jinlong   775581744            143                             --
Inspection Equipment Co.,Ltd.                   subsidiary

Shenzhen Shiquan Industrial Co.,Ltd.          fully-owned su                                                Induatrial&supply and                                Fang
                                                               Shenzhen     Business         200                                            Co., Ltd                     192474111            150                             --
                                                 bsidiary                                                        marketing                                  Zhidong

                                                                                                                                                                         The amount of losses attributed to the minority
                                                                                                                          included in the
                                                                              Holding                                                                 Minority equity shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the minority
                                Name of subsidiaries                                        Voting proportion%        consolidated finiancial                                                                                      Note
                                                                            proportion%                                                                  interest           shareholders‘ portion of the equity of the
                                                                                                                      statements(yes or no)

          Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile Development
          Co. ,Ltd                                                             100                   100                        Yes                         --                                  --

          (The Xinyongtong)

          Shenzhen Tefa Tellus Property Management Co.,Ltd(The
                                                                               100                   100                        Yes                         --                                  --
          Tellus Property)

          Shenzhen Tefa Tellus Real Estate Co., Ltd(The Real Estate)           100                   100                        Yes                         --                                  --

          Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate Exchange Co., Ltd(The
                                                                               100                   100                        Yes                         --                                  --

          Shenzhenxinyongtong Automobile Inspection Equipment
                                                                                51                     51                       Yes                        142                                  --
          Co.,Ltd(The Inspection)

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                                                                                       The amount of losses attributed to the minority
                                                                                               included in the
                                                           Holding                                                    Minority equity shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the minority
                    Name of subsidiaries                               Voting proportion%   consolidated finiancial                                                                       Note
                                                         proportion%                                                     interest         shareholders‘ portion of the equity of the
                                                                                            statements(yes or no)

Guangxi Tellus Automobile Service Co.,Ltd.                   60               60                     Yes                   31                                 --

   Shenzhen Dongchang Yongtong Automobile Inspection
                                                             95               95                     Yes                   -18                                --
                     Equipment Co.,Ltd.

   Shenzhen Xinyongtong Dongxiao Automobile Inspection
                                                             95               95                     Yes                    -8                                --
                     Equipment Co.,Ltd.

            Shenzhen Shiquan Industrial Co.,Ltd.            100               100                    Yes                    --                                --

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                        NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

   (2)Subsidiaries acquired through business combination under common control (Expressed in 10,000 Yuan)
                                                                                                                                                                                      Balance of other items

                                                    Type of       Registered   Nature of   Registered                           Type of                   Organization     Real         that in substance
             Name of subsidiaries                                                                          Business scope                  Legal person
                                                  subsidiaries      place      business      capital                            Company                      code        investment      constitutes net

  Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trading       fully-owned su                                            Automobile and
                                                                  Shenzhen     Business      5896                               Co., Ltd    Zhang Ruili   192194881        12625                --
Co.,Ltd.(The Automobile Industry and Trading)      bsidiary                                             accessories selling


  Shenzhen Tefa Huari Automobile Enterprise         holding                                                maintenance &
                                                                  Shenzhen     Service      USD500                              Co., Ltd    Zhang Ruili   618830081        1922                 --
                   Co.,Ltd.                        subsidiary                                           production and sales
                                                                                                           of accessories

                                                 fully-owned su
    Shenzhen Zhongtian Industrial Co.,Ltd.                        Shenzhen     Service        725             Leasing           Co., Ltd   Fang Zhidong   192182485        1071                 --

  Shenzhen Huari Toyota Automobile Co.,Ltd.                       Shenzhen     Business       200        Automobile selling     Co., Ltd    Li Jinlong    19237652X         181                 --

 Shenzhen Huari Anxin Automobile Inspection         holding
                                                                  Shenzhen     Service        150       Automobile Inspection   Co., Ltd    Li Jinlong    781385280         150                 --
             Equipment Co.,Ltd.                    subsidiary

  Shenzhen Automobile Industry supply and           holding                                                Automobile and
                                                                  Shenzhen     Service       1111                               Co., Ltd   Cen Weinin     192189193         648                 --
              marketing Co.,Ltd.                   subsidiary                                            accessories selling

  SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                                                                                                The amount of losses attributed to the
                                                                                               Included in the
                                                           Holding                                                                              minority shareholders of a subsidiary
                 Name of subsidiaries                                  Voting proportion%   consolidated financial   Minority equity interest                                             Note
                                                         proportion%                                                                             exceeds the minority shareholders‘
                                                                                            statements(yes or no)
                                                                                                                                                portion of the equity of the subsidiary

Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trading Co.,Ltd.(The
                                                            100               100                    Yes
          Automobile Industry and Trading)                                                                                     --                                --

  Shenzhen Tefa Huari Automobile Enterprise Co.,Ltd.         60               60                     Yes                     1,788                                --

 Shenzhen Zhongtian Industrial Co., Ltd(The Zhongtian)      100               100                    Yes                        --                                --

      Shenzhen Huari Toyota Automobile Co.,Ltd.              60               60                     Yes                      -297                                --

Shenzhen Huari Anxing Automobile Inspection Equipment
                                                            100               100                    Yes                        --                                --

  Shenzhen Automobile Industry supply and marketing
                                                            100               100                    Yes                        --                                --

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                        NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

3、The Company has no any entities with special purpose or that the Company has no any controlling
entities through the way of trustee or leasing.
4、There is no entity newly included and no longer included in the consolidation scope during the year.
Ⅶ、Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The notes below except special noting, the opening balance is 1st January 2012, the closing balance is
31st December 2012.Company‘s accounting year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.
1、Monetary assets
                                                 Closing balance                                        Opening balance

           Items                                     Exchange           RMB                                  Exchange           RMB
                                Original currency                                      Original currency
                                                        rate          equivalent                               rate           equivalent

           Cash                                                         148,896.54                                              246,498.05

      Include:RMB                              —             —       141,052.63                      —              —      194,395.63

                HKD                      5,123.55        0.8109            4,154.43              29,172.55          0.8107       23,650.19

                USD                        577.00        6.2855            3,626.73               1,433.00          6.3009        9,029.19

                YEN                        860.00        0.0730               62.75           239,494.94            0.0811       19,423.04

       Cash at bank                                                   54,996,344.76                                          55,679,936.81

    Include:RMB                                —             —     54,996,344.76                     —              —   55,679,936.81

   Other cash balances                                                       290.09                                                 138.60

      Include:RMB                              —             —            290.09                     —              —          138.60

            Total                                                     55,145,531.39                                          55,926,573.46

2、Accounts receivable
(1)Accounts receivable are analysed by categories as follows:
                                                                                                  Closing balance

                               Items                                               Book amount                Provision for bad debts

                                                                              Amount          Ratio %          Amount            Ratio %

     Receivables that are individually significant and impaired             20,131,654.12            40.47    20,131,654.12         100.00

The aging analysis of the receivables that are grouped and impaired           9,508,414.02           19.11     3,729,030.81           39.22

    Receivables that are individually insignificant and impaired            20,106,006.63            40.42    20,106,006.63         100.00

                               Total                                        49,746,074.77          100.00     43,966,691.56           88.38

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                      NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                                                      Opening balance

                                 Items                                                  Book amount                   Provision for bad debts

                                                                                 Amount           Ratio %              Amount          Ratio %

       Receivables that are individually significant and impaired               20,131,654.12             40.86       20,131,654.12        100.00

 The aging analysis of the receivables that are grouped and impaired            11,708,523.54             23.77        4,782,298.60         40.84

      Receivables that are individually insignificant and impaired              17,424,882.53             35.37       17,424,882.53        100.00

                                 Total                                          49,265,060.19            100.00       42,338,835.25         85.94

(2) The aging analysis of the receivables that are grouped and impaired is as follows:
                                           Closing balance                                                 Opening balance
                                 Amount                              Ratio %                     Amount                          Ratio %

   Within 1 year                          1,066,184.90                           2.14                    1,096,064.27                           2.23

   1 to 2 years                            553,615.48                            1.11                      578,077.36                           1.17

   2 to 3 years                            570,727.36                            1.15                      816,924.15                           1.66

   Over 3 years                          47,555,547.03                          95.60                  46,773,994.41                        94.94

       Total                             49,746,074.77                         100.00                  49,265,060.19                       100.00

(3)Provision for bad debts
① as at 31 December 2012, Receivables that are individually significant and impaired are analysed as
                                                                           Provision for bad     Ratio
               Name of companies                     Book amount                                                           Reason
                                                                                 debts            %

Shenzhen Jinlu trade Co.,Ltd.                          9,846,607.00            9,846,607.00      100%                 Withdraw uncertain

Guangdong Zhanjiang Sanxing antomobile                                                                            Aging long,not expected to
                                                       4,060,329.44            4,060,329.44      100%
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                   withdraw

Huizhou Jiandacheng Co.,Ltd.                           2,021,657.70            2,021,657.70      100%              Not expected to withdraw

                                                                                                                  Aging long,not expected to
Jianglin automobile factory                            1,191,059.98            1,191,059.98      100%

                                                                                                                  Aging long,not expected to
Guangdong Province commodity group                     1,862,000.00            1,862,000.00      100%

                                                                                                                  Aging long,not expected to
Yangjiang Automobile trade Co.,Ltd.                    1,150,000.00            1,150,000.00      100%

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                       Total                 20,131,654.12           20,131,654.12            100%

② The aging analysis of the receivables :
                                             Closing balance                                            Opening balance

            Duration                  Book amount              Provision for bad                 Book amount                Provision for

                                 Amount           Ratio %             debts               Amount               Ratio %       bad debts

          Within 1 year          1,066,184.90         11.22                    --             1,096,064.27           9.36                   --

          1 to 2 years            553,615.48            5.82           26,800.59               578,077.36            4.94       28,513.87

          2 to 3 years            570,727.36            6.00          114,146.65               816,924.15            6.98      163,384.83

          Over 3 years           7,317,886.28         76.96          3,588,083.57             9,217,457.76          78.72    4,590,399.90

              Total              9,508,414.02        100.00          3,729,030.81         11,708,523.54           100.00     4,782,298.60

③As at 31 December 2012, Receivables that are individually insignificant and impaired are analysed
as follows:
                                                                Ratio %       Provision for bad
           Name of companies            Book amount                                                                Reason

Dadong                                          801,380.16             100%           801,380.16 Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Qinglin                                         695,848.00             100%           695,848.00 Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Shanghai Automobile industry supply
                                                641,341.90             100%           641,341.90
and sales Co.,Ltd.                                                                                   Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Zhongqi Trading                                 558,000.00             100%           558,000.00 Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Guangdong Province commodity group
                                                395,400.00             100%           395,400.00
Automobile trade branch                                                                              Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Yunnan Lanjian                                  389,640.00             100%           389,640.00 Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Guangdong Province commodity trade
                                                387,000.00             100%           387,000.00
center                                                                                               Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Others                                     16,237,396.57               100%         16,237,396.57 Aging long,not expected to withdraw

                  Total                 20,106,006.63                  100%    20,106,006.63

(4)During the reporting period, no receivables were canceled after verification.

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 (5)As at 31 December 2012, no balances included in above accounts receivable are due from the
 shareholders of the Company who hold over 5% shares with voting rights.
 (6)As at 31 December 2012, the company‘s five largest accounts receivable balances are analysed
 as follows:

                                                          Relationship with the                                                % of total accounts
                 Name of companies                                                     Amount                   Duration
                                                                   company                                                     receivable balance

Shenzhen Jinlu trade Co.,Ltd.                               Non-related party            9,846,607.00     Over 5 years                      19.79

Guangdong Zhanjiang Sanxing automobile Co.,Ltd.             Non-related party            4,060,329.44           Over 5 years                   8.16

Huizhou Jiandacheng Co.,Ltd.                                Non-related party            2,021,657.70     Over 5 years                         4.06

Guangdong Province commodity group                          Non-related party            1,862,000.00     Over 5 years                         3.74

Jianglin automobile factory                                 Non-related party            1,191,059.98     Over 5 years                         2.39

                         Total                                                         18,981,654.12                                        38.14

 (7)Accounts receivable and advance money due from related parties see NoteⅧ.6.(1) for details.
 3、Other receivables
 (1)Accounts receivable are analysed by categories as follows:
                                                                                                    Closing balance

                                   Items                                              Book amount                    Provision for bad debts

                                                                                   Amount         Ratio %            Amount            Ratio %

Other receivables that are individually significant and impaired                  36,436,823.34         58.18       36,436,823.34          100.00

The aging analysis of the other receivables that are grouped and impaired         17,285,866.44         27.60        4,991,821.39           28.88

Other receivables that are individually insignificant and impaired                 8,905,637.07         14.22        8,905,637.07          100.00

                                   Total                                          62,628,326.85     100.00          50,334,281.80           80.37

                                                                                                    Opening balance

                                   Items                                              Book amount                    Provision for bad debts

                                                                                   Amount         Ratio %            Amount            Ratio %

Other receivables that are individually significant and impaired                  36,437,380.71         61.34       36,437,380.71          100.00

The aging analysis of the other receivables that are grouped and impaired         16,893,445.37         28.44        5,850,021.85           34.63

Other receivables that are individually insignificant and impaired                 6,076,219.82         10.22        6,076,219.82          100.00

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                      NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                                                       Opening balance

                                    Items                                               Book amount                 Provision for bad debts

                                                                                    Amount            Ratio %        Amount          Ratio %

                                    Total                                         59,407,045.90         100.00     48,363,622.38            81.41

 (2)The aging analysis of the other receivables that are grouped and impaired is as follows:
                                              Closing balance                                              Opening balance
                                    Amount                          Ratio %                       Amount                       Ratio %

    Within 1 year                            4,113,751.71                        6.56                    3,781,218.18                         6.37

     1 to 2 years                            3,059,600.15                        4.89                      771,779.12                         1.30

     2 to 3 years                             692,631.80                         1.11                      959,348.32                         1.61

    Over 3 years                            54,762,343.19                       87.44                   53,894,700.28                       90.72

           Total                            62,628,326.85                      100.00                   59,407,045.90                    100.00

 (3)Provision for bad debts
 ① As at 31 December 2012, other receivables that are individually significant and impaired are
 analysed as follows:
                                                                          Provision for bad   Ratio
             Name of companies                       Book amount                                                         Reason
                                                                                debts             %

Zhongqi Huanan Automobile sales Co.,Ltd.               9,832,956.37            9,832,956.37    100%       Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Shenzhen Nanfang industry and trade                                                                       Aging long,not expected to withdraw
                                                       7,359,060.75            7,359,060.75    100%

                                                                                                           Win in the case, this company do not
ShenZhen ZhongHao (Group) Co.,Ltd.                     5,000,000.00            5,000,000.00    100%
                                                                                                                    have asset to pay.

Jinbeili Household Company                             2,706,983.51            2,706,983.51    100%       Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Shenzhen Xinxintai trade Co.,Ltd.                      2,418,512.90            2,418,512.90    100%                     Unwithdraw

Shenzhen Petrochemical Group                           1,895,155.10            1,895,155.10    100%              not expected to withdraw

Huatong casing Co.,Ltd.                                1,212,373.79            1,212,373.79    100%       Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Heyuan dongfeng                                             930,000.00          930,000.00     100%       Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Shenzhen South Great Wall investment                        819,460.91          819,460.91     100%                Withdraw uncertain

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                             Provision for bad        Ratio
               Name of companies                         Book amount                                                           Reason
                                                                                    debts                %


Shenzhen       Xiandao      chemical     materials                                                              Aging long,not expected to withdraw
                                                             708,072.26              708,072.26       100%

Shenzhen Baodong real estateCo.,Ltd.                         609,773.00              609,773.00       100%      Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Others                                                     2,944,474.75            2,944,474.75       100%      Aging long,not expected to withdraw

                        Total                             36,436,823.34          36,436,823.34       100%

 ②The aging analysis of the other receivables that are grouped and impaired is as follows:
                                                      Closing balance                                            Opening balance

             Duration                       Book amount                 Provision for bad                Book amount                Provision for bad

                                       amount          ratio(%)            debts                  amount            ratio(%)         debts

 Within 1 year                         4,113,751.71            23.80                     --           3,781,218.18          22.38                    --

 1 to 2 years                          3,059,600.15            17.70          145,932.51                 771,779.12          4.57           36,724.11

 2 to 3 years                           692,631.80              4.01          139,526.36                 959,348.32          5.68         143,949.19

Over 3 years                           9,419,882.78            54.49        4,706,362.52             11,381,099.75          67.37        5,669,348.55

                Total              17,285,866.44              100.00        4,991,821.39             16,893,445.37        100.00         5,850,021.85

 ③ As at 31 December 2012, other receivables that are individually insignificant and impaired are
 analysed as follows:
                                                                                     Provision for bad
             Name of companies                  Book amount         ratio(%)                                              Reason

Huangshengchang                                       463,912.46          100.00              463,912.46      Aging long,not expected to withdraw

ABC north of renming branch                           247,219.98          100.00              247,219.98      Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Staffs‘purchasing for real estate                    217,892.57          100.00              217,892.57      Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Liang Rrongde                                         182,133.26          100.00              182,133.26      Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Shensha Trade                                         134,835.20          100.00              134,835.20      Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research
                                                      130,000.00          100.00              130,000.00      Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Others                                                7,529,643.6         100.00              7,529,643.6     Aging long,not expected to withdraw

                    Total                            8,905,637.07                           8,905,637.07

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

(4) During the reporting period, no other receivables were canceled after verification.
(5)As at 31 December 2012, no balances included in above other receivable are due from the
shareholders of the Company who hold over 5% shares with voting rights.
(6)As at 31 December 2012, the company‘s five largest other receivable balances are analysed as

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                   Relationship with the                                                  % of total other
               Name of companies                                                Amount                  Duration
                                                          company                                                    receivable balance

Zhongqi Huanan Automobile sales Co.,Ltd.             Non-related party          9,832,956.37      Over 3 years                         15.70

Shenzhen Nanfang industry and trade
                                                     Non-related party          7,359,060.75      Over 3 years                         11.75

ShenZhen ZhongHao (Group) Co.,Ltd.                   Non-related party          5,000,000.00      Over 3 years                          7.98

Shenzhen kaifeng Automobile Co., Ltd.                Non-related party          4,413,728.50      Over 3 years                          7.05

Shenzhen           Junfengcheng    investment
                                                     Non-related party          3,643,360.00        1-2years                            5.82
decelopment Co.,Ltd.

                       Total                                                   30,249,105.62                                           48.30

(7)Other receivable and prepayments due from related parties see NoteⅧ、.6.(1) for details.
4、Advance to suppliers
(1)The aging of advance to suppliers is analysed below:
                                            Closing balance                                             Opening balance
                                  Amount                         Ratio %                       Amount                        Ratio %

  Within 1 year                            8,157,751.52                     96.50                 12,487,409.73                         96.40

   1 to 2 years                             158,623.00                       1.88                       282,874.86                       2.18

   2 to 3 years                             126,153.94                       1.49                       124,553.10                       0.96

  Above 3 years                              10,733.10                       0.13                        59,010.79                       0.46

           Total                           8,453,261.56                    100.00                 12,953,848.48                        100.00

(2) As at 31 December 2012, the company‘s several larger advance to suppliers balances are
analysed as follows:

                                                Relationship with the                            Time of
              Name of companies                                            Amount                                    Unsettled reason
                                                     company                                   prepayment

                                                                                                                     Relevant goods or

    FAW Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd.                  supplier             4,371,361.91                      2012           services

                                                                                                                     were not provided

                                                                                                                     Relevant goods or

Toyota Motor (China)Investment Co., Ltd.              supplier             3,598,839.61                      2012           services

                                                                                                                     were not provided

                      Total                                                7,970,201.52

(2)As at 31 December 2012, no balances included in above advance to suppliers are due from the

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

shareholders of the Company who hold over 5% shares with voting rights.

(1)Categories of inventory
                                                                         Closing balance
                                        Amount                        Provision for impairment                          Net book value

      Raw materials                              15,257,453.44                      14,771,812.17                                  485,641.27

      Consumables                                     27,015.13                                      --                             27,015.13

      Stock products                             61,784,214.30                      14,483,018.50                               47,301,195.80

          Total                                  77,068,682.87                      29,254,830.67                               47,813,852.20

                                                                         Opening balance
                                        Amount                        Provision for impairment                          Net book value

      Raw materials                              15,302,401.53                      11,519,156.61                                3,783,244.92

      Consumables                                     26,110.13                                      --                             26,110.13

      Stock products                             40,332,010.16                      13,923,018.50                               26,408,991.66

          Total                                  55,660,521.82                      25,442,175.11                               30,218,346.71

(2)Provision for impairment

                                                         Current year               Current year decreases
            Items              Opening balance                                                                               Closing balance
                                                            provisions             Reversals              Written-off

       Raw materials                11,519,156.61              3,252,655.56                     --                      --       14,771,812.17

        Consumables                              --                          --                 --                      --                     --

       Stock products               13,923,018.50                 560,000.00                    --                      --       14,483,018.50

            Total                   25,442,175.11              3,812,655.56                     --                      --       29,254,830.67

(3)Reasons for reversal and written-off of provision

                                                                    Reason for reverse inventory                % of total reversal amount
          Items             Basis for inventory provision
                                                                         provision in current year                           balance

                           net realizable value lower than
      Raw materials
                                    inventory cost

     Stock products        net realizable value lower than

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                                 Reason for reverse inventory        % of total reversal amount
              Items                       Basis for inventory provision
                                                                                   provision in current year                  balance

                                                 inventory cost

 6、Other current assets

                         Item                                             Closing balance                           Opening balance

Deductible input tax                                                                        7,495,557.97                                          --

                         Total                                                              7,495,557.97                                          --

 7、Available-for-sale financial assets
                         Items                                        31 December 2012                              31 December 2011

Available-for-sale equity investments                                                       1,591,906.25                            1,374,249.25

include:Shares of     China Merchants Bank                                                 1,591,906.25                            1,374,249.25

less:Provision for Bad Debt                                                                          --                                          --

                         Total                                                              1,591,906.25                            1,374,249.25

 8、Held-to-maturity investments
                         Item                                             Closing balance                           Opening balance

Treasury Securities                                                                          120,000.00                               121,300.00

Less:Provision for Bab Debt                                                                  20,000.00                                           --

                         Total                                                               100,000.00                               121,300.00

 9、Long-term receivables
                                   Item                                                Closing balance                  Opening balance


  Long-term receivables which essentially contribute to the net
                                                                                                  2,179,203.68                     2,341,645.69
 investment of invested entity

 Include:Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services Chain Co.,Ltd.*                                     2,179,203.68                     2,341,645.69

  Total Book Balance                                                                              2,179,203.68                     2,341,645.69

 Less:Provision for Bab Debt                                                                     2,179,203.68                                --

 Book value                                                                                                    --                  2,341,645.69

 *Note:This entity is a related entity of our company, the non-operating receivable essentially contribute
 to the net investment of invested entity .Till the end of 2012, the total liabilities exceed total asset of
 Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services Chain Co.,Ltd., the owner‘s equity is negative. The Company

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

   have decreased book value of long-term equity investment in Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services
   Chain Co.,Ltd. to zero. During the reporting period, the Company decided to quit joint stock running and
   clear equity in Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services Chain Co.,Ltd. Base on the above condition, bad
   debt provision has been changed in full amount of relevant long-term equity investment.
   10、Long-term equity investments
   (1)Disclosure by category

                               Item                                 Opening balance         Decrease        Increase             Closing balance

    Investment in joint ventures                                       34,007,714.13       33,969,318.69               --           67,977,032.82

    Investment in associates                                           99,170,438.81        9,074,302.58               --          108,244,741.39

    Other equity investments                                           41,736,238.39                   --              --           41,736,238.39

    Less: Impairment provision                                         31,257,252.62         127,836.59                --           31,385,089.21

                               Total                                  143,657,138.71       42,915,784.68               --          186,572,923.39

   (2)Details of long-term equity investments
                                                    Measurement          Cost of
                  Investee                                                              Opening balance     Movement             Closing balance
                                                       method          investment

Shenzhen      Tellus     Jimeng        Investment
                                                    Equity method       61,852,480.00      25,433,598.67    33,817,001.47            59,250,600.14

Shenzhen Tellus Xing Investment Co.,Ltd.            Equity method       13,600,000.00       8,574,115.46      152,317.22              8,726,432.68

Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical Models
                                                    Equity method        2,400,000.00       6,240,588.58      -262,333.84             5,978,254.74

Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services Chain
                                                    Equity method         800,000.00                   --                   --                      --

Shenzhen Ren fu Tellus Automobiles Services
                                                    Equity method       10,500,000.00      65,767,551.50      -999,920.25            64,767,631.25

Shenzhen Automobile Industrial Import and
                                                    Equity method        4,737,500.00       8,252,899.91        -7,592.87             8,245,307.04
Export Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen      Dongfeng      Automobile       Co.,
                                                    Equity method       23,277,044.85      17,458,319.96    10,356,945.10            27,815,265.06

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Tenology Co.,Ltd.              Equity method         496,000.00         568,705.88        -25,799.64               542,906.24

Shenzhen      Xinyongtong          Pump      and
                                                    Equity method         155,000.00         127,836.59                     --          127,836.59
Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Automobile Service Equity method                     300,000.00         217,902.03          1,929.61               219,831.64

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                    Measurement      Cost of
                     Investee                                                       Opening balance    Movement        Closing balance
                                                       method       investment


Shenzhen Xinyongtong Dongxiao Automobile
                                                    Equity method      175,000.00        175,593.10          35.83           175,628.93
Parts Sales Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Xinda Inspection
                                                    Equity method      400,000.00        312,423.19       10,928.42          323,351.61
Eqiupment Co.,Ltd

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Consulting Co.,Ltd             Equity method       48,000.00         48,618.07         110.22            48,728.29

Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobiles
                                                    Equity method      504,000.00                 --              --                     --
Services Co.,Ltd.

China Perfect Machinery Industry Co.,Ltd.           Cost method     10,176,617.20      10,176,617.20              --      10,176,617.20

Hunan Changyang Industrial Co.,Ltd.*Note①          Cost method      6,900,000.00       1,810,540.70              --       1,810,540.70

Shenzhen Hanli         Hi-technology   Ceramics
                                                    Cost method      3,466,000.00       1,956,000.00              --       1,956,000.00
Co.,Ltd. *Note①

Shenzhen             Jiecheng          Electronic
                                                    Cost method      3,150,000.00       3,225,000.00              --       3,225,000.00

Shenzhen Jingwei Industrial Co.,Ltd.                Cost method      4,000,000.00       4,000,000.00              --       4,000,000.00

Shenzhen Moscow Co.,Ltd.                            Cost method        825,000.00        825,000.00               --         825,000.00

Wuhan Weite Hotel                                   Cost method        640,000.00        640,000.00               --         640,000.00

Shenzhen     Xiandao       chemical    materials
                                                    Cost method      7,256,401.38       4,751,621.62              --       4,751,621.62

Shenzhen       Petroleum        &      Chemical
                                                    Cost method        700,000.00        700,000.00               --         700,000.00

Nanfang Automobile Repairing center *Note①         Cost method      6,700,000.00       6,700,000.00              --       6,700,000.00

China Automobile industry shenzhen trading
                                                    Cost method        400,000.00        400,000.00               --         400,000.00
Co.,Ltd. *Note①

Shenzhen     General       Standard     software
                                                    Cost method        500,000.00        500,000.00               --         500,000.00

Shenzhen     torch     spark    plug   Industrial
                                                    Cost method         17,849.20         17,849.20               --          17,849.20

Zhongqi South China automobile sales
                                                    Cost method      2,250,000.00       2,250,000.00              --       2,250,000.00
Co.,Ltd. *Note①

Electrombile project                                Cost method        600,000.00        600,000.00               --         600,000.00

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                               Measurement               Cost of
                     Investee                                                           Opening balance         Movement             Closing balance
                                                     method          investment

Shenzhen Jinhe standard molds Co.,Ltd.         Cost method                453,440.00          453,440.00                     --             453,440.00

Zhongqi Training center                        Cost method                600,000.00          600,000.00                     --             600,000.00

Shenzhen Bailiyuan Power Co.,Ltd.*Note①       Cost method               1,320,000.00        1,320,000.00                    --            1,320,000.00

Mililong(Zeng Wengang)                       Cost method                162,000.00          162,000.00                     --             162,000.00

Shenzhen Yiming Automobile Trading Co.,Ltd.    Cost method                200,001.10          200,001.10                     --             200,001.10

Shenzhen Bisike Machine Co.,Ltd.               Cost method                302,368.57          302,368.57                     --             302,368.57

Hongkong Rishen International Co.,Ltd.         Cost method                145,800.00          145,800.00                     --             145,800.00

                      Total                                         170,010,502.30       174,914,391.33         43,043,621.27            217,958,012.60

                                                                              Reason for                               Impairment
                                                          Voting right disagreement between        Impairment           provision        Cash dividend
                    Investee                  ding
                                                              (%)          shareholding and         provision         recognised in in current year
                                                                              voting right                            current year

Shenzhen Tellus Jimen Investment Co.,Ltd.            50             50                                           --                 --                 --

Shenzhen Tellus Xing Investment Co.,Ltd.             50             50                                           --                 --                 --

Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical Models
                                                     30             30                                           --                 --      105,000.00

Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services
                                                     40             40                                           --                 --                 --
Chain Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen RenFu Tellus Automobiles
                                                     35             35                                           --                 --     3,500,000.00
Services Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Automobile Industrial Import and
                                               35.75            35.75                                            --                 --                 --
Export Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd.               25             25                                           --                 --                 --

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Technology
                                                     31             31                                           --                 --                 --
Tenology Co.,Ltd.

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                             Reason for                           Impairment
                                                           Voting right disagreement between   Impairment          provision        Cash dividend
                    Investee                   ding
                                                              (%)          shareholding and    provision         recognised in in current year
                                                                             voting right                        current year

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Pump and
                                                      31             31                          127,836.59        127,836.59                   --
Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Automobile Service
                                                      30             30                                     --                 --               --

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Dongxiao
                                                      35             35                                     --                 --               --
Automobile Service Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Xinda Inspection
                                                      40             40                                     --                 --               --
Eqiupment Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Xinyongtong consulting Co.,Ltd.              30             30                                     --                 --               --

Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile
                                                      18             18                                     --                 --               --
Service Co., Ltd.

China Pufa Machinery Industry    Co., Ltd.       5.30               5.30                                    --                 --      601,902.79

Hunan Changyang Industrial
                                                36.55            36.55                         1,810,540.70                    --               --

Shenzhen Hanli Hi-technology Ceramics
                                                      80             80                        1,956,000.00                    --               --

Shenzhen Jiecheng Electronic
                                                      45             45                        3,225,000.00                    --               --

Shenzhen Jingwei Industrial Co.,Ltd.            12.50            12.50                         4,000,000.00                    --               --

Shenzhen Moscow Co.,Ltd.                         7.00               7.00                         825,000.00                    --               --

Wuhan Weite Hotel                                                                                640,000.00                    --               --

Shenzhen Xiandao chemical materials
                                                      40             40                        4,751,621.62                    --               --

Shenzhen Petroleum & Chemical Co.,Ltd.       10 万股          10 万股                            700,000.00                    --               --

Nanfang Automobile Repairing center
                                                  100               100                        6,700,000.00                    --               --

China Automobile industry shenzhen
                                                      40             40                          400,000.00                    --               --
trading Co.,Ltd. *Note①

Shenzhen General Standard software
                                                      25             25                          500,000.00                    --               --

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                         Reason for                           Impairment
                                                       Voting right disagreement between   Impairment          provision        Cash dividend
                  Investee                 ding
                                                          (%)          shareholding and     provision        recognised in in current year
                                                                         voting right                        current year

Shenzhen torch spark plug Industrial
                                                  49             49                            17,849.20                   --               --

Zhongqi South China automobile sales
                                                  49             49                         2,250,000.00                   --               --

Electrombile project                        11.10            11.10                           600,000.00                    --               --

Shenzhen Jinhe Standard Model Co.,Ltd.      15.00            15.00                           453,440.00                    --               --

Zhongqi Training center                      6.25               6.25                         600,000.00                    --               --

Shenzhen Bailiyuan Power Co.,Ltd.*
                                            25.00            25.00                          1,320,000.00                   --               --

Mililong(Zeng Wengang)                     6.25               6.25                         162,000.00                    --               --

Shenzhen Yiming Automobile Trading
                                                                                             200,001.10                    --               --

Shenzhen Bisike Machine Transportation
                                                 7.5             7.5                                    --                 --               --

Hongkong Rishen National Co.,Ltd.                7.5             7.5                         145,800.00                    --               --

                   Total                                                                   31,385,089.21       127,836.59         4,206,902.79

   *Note①These companies have terninated their business, and the Tellus does not have signficant
   influence on them, accrued impairment provision on full amount.
   * Note②The company increase capital to Shenzhen Tellus Jimeng Investment Co., Ltd. by RMB
   335million based on the holding shares proportion.
     * Note③Dongfeng Automobile (Huizhou)Co., Ltd.(short as ―the Dongfeng Huizhou Co., Ltd.‖)
   increased capital to the Tellus‘s associate(Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co.,Ltd. by 350Million in
   2011. The industry and commerce change procedure was finished in April 26, 2011. According the the
   resolution of Shareholders' Meeting of Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. After the procedure of
   increase capital completed, the Dongfeng Huizhou Co., Ltd. sold all held shares to th original two
   shareholders of Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. those two shareholders‘ shareholding ratio
   recover to 75% and 25%, the total transfer price is 350million. The Dongfeng Huizhou CO., Ltd. do not
   hold shares anymore after the transformation, at the meantime, before the transformation, the two
   original shareholders possess the right based on the original shareholding                                 ratio, the Dongfeng

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                        NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 Huizhou Co., Ltd. do not possess any right. The purpose of the Dongfeng Huizhou participate the
 capital increase of Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. is not possess the shareholding right of
 Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. in a long-term.
 In2012, the subsidiary(Auotmobile industy and Trading Co., Ltd.) acquired 25% shareholding of
 Shenzhen Dongfeng Co., Ltd. that held by Dongfeng Huizhou Co., Ltd. before by 87.5 million, the
 procedure of industry and commerce change registeration was finished in Dec.12, 2012. The Shenzhen
 Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd transfer the capital reserve and retained earnings to capital by
 20,000,000.00, the total amount of capital increased in Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trading
 Controlling Company is RMB 5,000,000.00,the shareholding ratio remain constant.
 (3)restriction on transfermation of financial resource to investee.
 As above, the Auotmobile industy and Trading Co., Ltd. acquired 25% shareholding of Shenzhen
 Dongfeng Co., Ltd. that held by Dongfeng Huizhou Co., Ltd. before by 87.5 million, the price of stock
 right acquisition have not pay yet. The Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd. 、Huizhou Dongfeng
 Co., Ltd. and Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. signed the 《Debt and credit conversion agreement》,
 Huizhou Dongfeng Co., Ltd. convert the creditor‘s right to Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd.
 The Automobile Industy and Trading Co., Ltd. signed the 《Debt repayment agreement》and the
 supplemental agreement, agreed that:①the amount of 87.5million repaid from Jan.18, 2012, payment
 in full by the Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd. in Jan. 18, 2019.②From Dec. 12, 2012,
 counting the overdue surcharge of RMB 5,630,155.88 principal (87.5million deduct the amount of
 retained earnings transferd to registerd capital-the Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd. obtained
 RMB 3,119,844.12 retained earnings,Calculation of once a year,by the interest published by the
 People‘s bank in Dec. 31, 2011.③The Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd. pay off the dabts
 and surcharge by the retained earnings in Shenzhen Dongfeng Co., Ltd. Pay the surcharge first, the
 remains pay off the debts.
 (4)Unrecognized investment losses

                                                                  2012                                 2011
                   Investee                       Unrecognized                          Unrecognized      unrecognized
                                                   investment       investment losses investment losses investment losses
                                                 losses in 2012                            in 2011

Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile Service
                                                       98,187.75             623,557.79        123,566.89       525,370.04
Co., Ltd.

                    Total                              98,187.75             623,557.79        123,566.89       525,370.04

 (5)Details of Joint ventures and Associates

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

   ① Details of Joint ventures
                               Type of         Registere                                                                           Voting proportion
           Investee                                       Legal person       Nature of business      Registered capital proportion
                              company          d location                                                                                 (%)

     Shenzhen Tellus                                                         Focus on industy、
   Jimeng Investment        Limited liablity                  Zhang Ruili   property management       123,704,960.00         50           50
           Co.,Ltd.                                                               and lease

                                                                             Focus on industy、

  Shenzhen Tellus Xing                          Shenzhe                     property management
                            Limited liablity                  Lou Bojun                               27,200,000.00          50           50
   Investment Co.,Ltd.                              n                       and buying and selling

                                                                             of Automobile parts

                       Total asset at the                                                                          incidence
                              end              Total liability at   Net asset at the Total operating Net profit in relation             Organization
                                                  the end                 end        revenue in 2012    2012                               code

Shenzhen Tellus
Jimeng Investment        127,121,626.90            8,620,426.64      118,501,200.26                   --   634,002.94                      670026381
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                 associate

Shenzhen Tellus
Xing Investment           27,726,349.65              278,556.86       27,447,792.79      1,200,726.60        -6,903.17                     682008316
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                 associate

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

② Details of Associates
                                                                   Registered                                                                                                                Voting proportion
                 Investee                        Type of company                    Legal person                        Nature of business                     Registered capital proportion
                                                                    location                                                                                                                        (%)

Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Zhang Ruili        Real estate lease                                               27,633,300.00          30               30
Models Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Wu Yonggang        Automobile Matainance and lease                                  2,000,000.00          40               40
Chain Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen         Rem        Fu      Tellus
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Tan Yanling        Sales and repair of Benz                                        30,000,000.00          35               35
Automobiles Services Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen     Automobile          Industrial
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     HuangWeiqiang      Import and export of Automobile Parts                           13,250,000.00       35.75            35.75
Import and Export Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co.,
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Xue Tiansheng      Manufacturing and repairing automobile                        100,000,000.00           25               25

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Inspection
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Li Jinlong         Technique inspection of motor vehicle                            1,600,000.00          31               31
Tenology Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Pump and                                                                      Consulting of Pump repair teconology and environmental
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Lan Zhongxin                                                                          500,000.00          31               31
Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd.                                                                   teconology

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Automobile                                                                    Automobile Matainance ; automobile beauty and sales of
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Li Jianjun                                                                          1,000,000.00          30               30
Service Co.,Ltd.                                                                                     automobile parts

Shenzhen    Xinyongtong          Dongxiao                                                          Second type automobile Matainance and sales of automobile
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Li Jianjun                                                                            500,000.00          35               35
Automobile Service Co., Ltd.                                                                         parts

Shenzhen         Xinyongtong        Xinda
                                              Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Huang Peibo        Develop and sales of equipment inspection teconology             1,000,000.00          40               40
Inspection Eqiupment Co.,Ltd.

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                                                                     NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                             Registered                                                                                                                            Voting proportion
              Investee                     Type of company                    Legal person                                Nature of business                         Registered capital proportion
                                                              location                                                                                                                                    (%)

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Xinda Test                                                                   Automobile management teconology             consult ; Internet
                                        Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Lan Zhongxin                                                                                       142,080.00             30                30
Eqiupment Co.,Ltd.                                                                                maintenance

Shenzhen      Tellus     Xinyongtong
                                        Limited liablity     Shenzhen     Li Jinlong              Automobile Matainance                                                    2,800,000.00             18                18
Automobiles Services Co.,Ltd.

                                                                   Total asset at the                                                                                                  incidence
                                                                                          Total liability at the   Net asset at the   Total operating revenue in     Net profit in                       Organization
                             Investee                                       end                                                                                                        relation
                                                                                                  end                    end                    2012                    2012                                code

Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical Models Co.,Ltd.                             51,418,657.43         19,439,520.61         31,979,136.82                            --      -524,446.14 associate              192172420

Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services Chain Co.,Ltd.                         1,819,092.19          9,623,767.76         -7,804,675.57                1,663,481.89        -306,105.02 associate              767583926

Shenzhen Ren Fu Tellus Automobiles Services Co.,Ltd.                    510,998,649.00        325,948,274.00        185,050,375.00             1,981,963,848.00      7,143,085.00 associate               774131792

Shenzhen Automobile Industrial Import and Export Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                                 192190506
                                                                          45,490,562.01         22,426,766.10         23,063,795.91               23,734,006.34          38,639.20 associate

Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                    19218689X
                                                                        283,598,462.78        159,843,527.87        121,414,866.64               237,664,777.99      6,427,780.39 associate

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Tenology Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                    674800717
                                                                           2,745,394.18          1,064,083.74          1,681,310.44                2,509,101.97         -83,224.66 associate

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Pump and Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                           674823599
                                                                            422,655.80               86,243.66           336,412.14                            --                    -- associate

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Automobile Service Co.,Ltd.                           3,112,168.83          2,379,396.70            732,772.13                7,7 09,609.02          6,432.04 Subsidiary             68376659X

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                Total asset at the                                                                                                 incidence
                                                                                     Total liability at the   Net asset at the     Total operating revenue in      Net profit in                    Organization
                             Investee                                  end                                                                                                         relation
                                                                                             end                    end                         2012                  2012                              code


Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobiles Services Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                             683763583
                                                                      2,920,818.85          2,419,021.92            501,796.93                    2,525,588.18             102.37 associate

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Xinda Inspection Eqiupment Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                              678587925
                                                                      4,294,682.46          3,486,303.43            808,379.03                    5,225,207.79         27,321.06 associate

Shenzhen Xinyongtong consulting Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                                              685393889
                                                                       336,510.72              174,441.51           162,069.21                         33,532.00           367.39 associate

Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobiles Services Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                             685350360
                                                                      2,626,879.39          4,334,931.29         -1,708,051.90                    4,359,682.57       -654,584.98 associate

(6)Details of impairment provision for long-term equity investments

                                                    Item                                                            Opening balance                     Increase             Decrease           Closing balance

Investment in associates

   Shenzhen Xinyongtong Pump and Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd.*                                                                        --                127,836.59                 --                127,836.59

Other long-term equity investments

   Shenzhen Xiandao chemical materials Co.,Ltd.                                                                                  4,751,621.62                         --                --              4,751,621.62

   Hunan Changyang Industrial Co.,Ltd.                                                                                           1,810,540.70                         --                --              1,810,540.70

   Shenzhen Hanli Hi-teconology ceramics Co.,Ltd.                                                                                1,956,000.00                         --                --              1,956,000.00

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                   Item         Opening balance        Increase         Decrease        Closing balance

  Shenzhen Jiecheng Electronic Co.,Ltd.                                 3,225,000.00               --              --           3,225,000.00

   Shenzhen Jingwei Industrial Co.,Ltd.                                 4,000,000.00               --              --           4,000,000.00

   Shenzhen Moscow Co.,Ltd.                                               825,000.00               --              --             825,000.00

   Wuhan Weite Hotel                                                      640,000.00               --              --             640,000.00

  Shenzhen Petroleum & Chemical(group) Co.,Ltd.                           700,000.00               --              --             700,000.00

   Nanfang Automobile Repairing center                                  6,700,000.00               --              --           6,700,000.00

   Shenzhen General Standard software Co.,Ltd.                            500,000.00               --              --             500,000.00

   Shenzhen torch spark plug Industrial Co.,Ltd.                           17,849.20               --              --              17,849.20

   Zhongqi South China automobile sales                                 2,250,000.00               --              --           2,250,000.00

   China Automobile industry shenzhen trading Co.,Ltd.                    400,000.00               --              --             400,000.00

   Electrombile Project                                                   600,000.00               --              --             600,000.00

   Shenzhen Jinhe standard molds Co.,Ltd.                                 453,440.00               --              --             453,440.00

   Zhongqi Training center                                                600,000.00               --              --             600,000.00

   Shenzhen Bailiyuan Power Co.,Ltd.                                    1,320,000.00               --              --           1,320,000.00

   Mililong(Zeng Wengang)                                               162,000.00               --              --             162,000.00

   Shenzhen Yiming Automobile Trading Co.,Ltd.                            200,001.10               --              --             200,001.10

    Hongkong Rishen National Co.,Ltd.                                     145,800.00               --              --             145,800.00

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                    Item          Opening balance        Increase         Decrease        Closing balance

                                    Total                31,257,252.62       127,836.59              --          31,385,089.21

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                     NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 *Note : Shenzhen Xinyongtong Pump and Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. held the
 shareholders‘meeting in March 1, 2012, resolute to winding process. The company recognizes
 impairment provison by the full invested long-term equity investment amount on Shenzhen Xinyongtong
 Pump and Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.
 11、Investment properties
 (1)Details of investment properties
                    Item                      Opening balance             Increase            decrease        Ending balance

Investment properties subsequently measure
                                                 108,421,268.41                         --     11,754,696.8       96,666,571.61
 by cost method

less : impairment provision for investment
                                                                --                      --               --                    --

                   Total                         108,421,268.41                         --     11,754,696.8       96,666,571.61

 (2)Investment properties measure by cost method

                       Item                      Opening balance            Increase          decrease        Ending balance

1、Total historical cost                             181,002,443.71                      --   16,695,155.19      164,307,288.52

Houses and buildings                                 181,002,443.71                      --   16,695,155.19      164,307,288.52

2 、 Total accumulated depreciation and
                                                      72,581,175.30          5,235,624.58     10,176,082.97       67,640,716.91

Houses and buildings                                  72,581,175.30          5,235,624.58     10,176,082.97       67,640,716.91

3、Total impairment provison                                         --                  --              --                    --

Houses and buildings                                                 --                  --              --                    --

4、Total book value                                  108,421,268.41                                               96,666,571.61

Houses and buildings                                 108,421,268.41                                               96,666,571.61

 Note :① The depreciation for current year is RMB 5,235,624.58.
 ②In 2012,the subsidiary(automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd.) disposed some investment
 properties (book value total in RMB2,168,080.91,historical cost is RMB 2,781,543.29), disposal
 revenue is RMB 15,192,192.09.
 ③In 2012,the subsidiary(Zhongtian Co., Ltd.) renovates the investment properties amounting to RMB
 4,350,991.31 in book value, RMB13,913,611.90 in historical cost, relate asset transferd to construction
 in progress.
 ④Approved by the general meeting, investment properties amounting to RMB 1,219,032.79 in book

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

value(historical cost is RMB 1,795,398.44) were signed a sales contract, the full amount received in
advance amounting to RMB 9,077,100.00.                  In DEC. 30, 2012, signed the housing transfer
confirmation, this advance payment is not carry-over to revenue as the transfer procedure is in
The detail is as following:

                                                                           expected disposal costs        expected disposal
          Fixed asset name            Book value       Fair value

 Dongfeng the 8th floor room 801
                                   1,219,032.79           8,715,531.00                      508,317.60         2013 年内
 to 810

(3)Investment properties of ownership or use-right restriction
In Dec.31, 2012,the investment properties amounting to RMB93,904,009.36 in book value(historical
cost is RMB159,286,942.55) were security mortgaged for                             China Citic Bank Shenzhen
Branch(《Comprehensive credit contract》 amounting to 600million loan ) and Pudong Development
Bank Shenzhen Branch(《Financing Limit Agreement》amounting to 900million). The ending balance of
mortgaged loan is 510million          short-term borrowings(NoteⅦ、20)、700million long-term borrowings
(NoteⅦ、29) and 120million non-current liabilities due within one year (NoteⅦ、28).
(4)Up to Dec.31, 2012, there are no accruing provisions for impairment of investment properties as
there is no impairment occurring in investment properties.
12、Fixed assets
(1)General information

               Item                Opening balance             Increase                        Decrease         Closing balance

1、Historical cost                    321,653,421.91                      2,178,793.12          5,566,896.65      318,265,318.38

 :Houses and buildings               273,796,002.58                        51,282.06           2,386,032.55      271,461,252.09

Machinery equipments                   18,935,503.16                       398,692.81              86,543.37       19,247,652.60

Transportation vehicles                 8,854,965.40                       827,114.02           1,803,868.27         7,878,211.15

Electronic equipments                  10,580,447.28                      584,964.23               73,192.91        11,092,218.60

Other equipments                        6,625,012.39                       316,740.00           1,217,259.55         5,724,492.84

Self-housing renovation costs           2,861,491.10                                   --                 --         2,861,491.10

2、Cumulative depreciation                                   Addition      Recognition

Total cumulative depreciation         152,817,177.49                      8,170,586.53          4,360,624.51      156,627,139.51

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                               NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

               Item                  Opening balance              Increase                  Decrease        Closing balance

 :Houses and buildings                 114,574,507.90                       6,173,688.32   2,144,707.74      118,603,488.48

Machinery equipments                     15,402,311.12                        333,282.11      155,483.62       15,580,109.61

Transportation vehicles                   6,557,126.38                        533,945.79      792,878.79         6,298,193.38

Electronic equipments                     8,125,472.65                        524,485.63       88,262.89         8,561,695.39

Other equipments                          6,069,907.73                        225,121.70    1,179,291.47         5,115,737.96

Self-housing renovation costs             2,087,851.71                        380,062.98               --        2,467,914.69

3 、 Net Book Value         before

impairment allowance                    168,836,244.42                                                        161,638,180.87

 :Houses and buildings                 159,221,494.68                                                        152,857,763.61

      Machinery equipments                3,533,192.04                                                           3,667,542.99

     Transportation vehicles              2,297,839.02                                                           1,580,017.77

      Electronic equipments               2,454,974.63                                                           2,530,523.21

  Other equipments                          555,104.66                                                            608,754.88

 Self-housing renovation costs              773,639.39                                                            393,576.41

4、Impairment allowance                   4,227,562.01                       1,371,009.06      22,029.00         5,576,542.07

 :Houses and buildings                   3,577,414.70                                 --      22,029.00         3,555,385.70

      Machinery equipments                  650,147.31                        995,913.64               --        1,646,060.95

     Transportation vehicles                           --                        6,165.00              --            6,165.00

      Electronic equipments                            --                      17,984.71               --          17,984.71

  Other equipments                                     --                      69,562.98               --          69,562.98

 Self-housing renovation costs                         --                     281,382.73               --         281,382.73

5、Net Book Value                       164,608,682.41

 :Houses and buildings                 155,644,079.98

      Machinery equipments                2,883,044.73

     Transportation vehicles              2,297,839.02

      Electronic equipments               2,454,974.63

  Other equipments                          555,104.66

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                Item                   Opening balance              Increase                Decrease    Closing balance

 Self-housing renovation costs                   773,639.39

Note:The depreciation for current year is 8,170,586.53. The amount of construction in progress
transferred to fixed-assets is 0.
(2)Fixed assets of ownership or use-right restriction
In Dec. 31, 2012, the houses and buildings (historical cost is RMB36,216,402.19, book value is
RMB3,621,640.22) and Machinery equipments ((historical cost is 36,216,402.19,book value is
RMB4,418,472.87 in Dec.12,2011) were mortgaged as sercurity for short-term borrowings amounting to
RMB 220 million. Details refer to Ⅶ、20.
(3)The Company had no temporary idle fixed assets at the end of this period
(4)The Company had no fixed assets gerenated by financing lease out at the end of this period
(5)The Company had no fixed assets gerenated by operating lease out at the end of this period
(6)The Company had no fixed assets for sale at the end of this period
(7)Fixed assets with not completed Premises Permit

                                          Item                                  Historical cost        Book value

Tellus building underground park and Conversion layer                                29,918,843.50        15,532,917.16
Yongtong building                                                                   103,389,580.16        53,951,645.95
Shuibei Zhongtian building                                                            2,722,490.41         1,340,788.20
Automobile building                                                                  33,707,119.96        23,029,061.29
Floor 1 of business housing,Baoan                                                     1,867,500.00         1,086,966.93
Five sets of business housings,Baoan                                                    590,040.00           343,430.16
Zhonghe building                                                                      8,312,377.03         6,488,416.77
5B,NO.4,Weipeng garden Building                                                         357,905.78           298,371.38
Floor 3 to 5, the 3rd factory building, Taoyuan Load                                  2,860,500.00         1,108,076.67
West of the 16th apartment house, Taohua Yuan                                         2,210,725.54         1,169,277.29
NO.1 factory building, Taoyuan Load                                                   2,902,634.00         2,024,449.30
NO.2 factory building, Taoyuan Load                                                   3,491,960.00         2,437,608.99
Half of the 16th building,Tanhuayuan                                                  2,210,725.54         1,185,845.11

                                         Total                                      194,542,401.92       109,996,855.20

As the historical reason, the timing of deal with premises permit is unforeseen.
(8)Impairment provision for fixed assets
The Tellus recognize RMB1,371,009.06 impairment provision for fixed assets in current year, the
reason is that the subsidiary (Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile development)recognize the fixed assets
provision for disposed the automobile maintanence equipment . The collectible amount is decided by

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                       NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 the asset group‘s predict cash inflow.
 The subsidiary (Zhongtian Co., Ltd.) disposed the assets that accured impairment provision, and
 reversed this accoured impairment provision amounting to 22,029.00.
 13、Construction in progress
 (1)Details of construction in progress

                                                    Closing balance                                                      Opening balance

              Item                                      Provision for         Net carrying              Carrying         Provision for      Net carrying
                                Carrying amount                                                         amount           impairment           amount
                                                        impairment               amount
Tellus International Jewelry
Square(the first stage)           12,873,529.03                        --     12,873,529.03           2,461,073.03                 --        2,461,073.03

Others                                     104,400.00                    --         104,400.00                      --               --                     --

              Total                 12,977,929.03                        --     12,977,929.03           2,461,073.03                 --        2,461,073.03

 (2)Significant changes in Construction in progress

                                                 Opening                                 Transferred to fixed
         Project               Budget                                    Increase         assets in current               Decrease        Closing balance
                                                 balance                                        year

Tellus     International
Jewelry Square(the first
                            4,136.4million       2,461,073.03            10,412,456.00                         --                    --       12,873,529.03

           Total                                 2,461,073.03            10,412,456.00                         --                    --       12,873,529.03

                            Cumulative                                    Rate of interest
                                               :Borrowing costs          capitalisation for
                            borrowing                                                               % of investment : Percentage of
           Project                             capitalised in the         the current year                                                Source of finance
                              costs                                                                      budget        completion
                            capitalised          current year                 (%)
Tellus     International
Jewelry Square(the first
                                          --                        --                         --             3.11%                        Self-financing

           Total                          --                        --                         --

 *Note:The subsidiary (Zhongtian CO., Ltd.) is the mainly implement party of this project. Up to Dec. 31,
 2012, this project is in pre-construct stage, the increase amount in this reporting year mainly caused by

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                     NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 pre -project cost.
 14、Intangible assets
 (1)Details of intangible assets

                    Item                       Opening balance                  Increase          Decrease        Closing balance

 Ⅰ、Total carrying amount                              325,000.00                           --              --             325,000.00

 Trademarks                                                 75,000.00                        --              --              75,000.00

 Software                                               250,000.00                          --               --             250,000.00

 Ⅱ、Total accumulated amortization①                   160,911.46                   57,499.92               --             218,411.38

 Trademarks                                                 26,744.96                 7,500.00               --              34,244.96

 Software                                               134,166.50                   49,999.92               --             184,166.42

 Ⅲ、Total provision for impairment                                --                       --               --                     --

 Trademarks                                                        --                       --               --                     --

 Software                                                          --                       --               --                     --

 Ⅳ、Total net carrying amount                          164,088.54                                                          106,588.62

 Trademarks                                                 48,255.04                                                        40,755.04

 Software                                               115,833.50                                                           65,833.58

 Note:①The current year amortization is RMB 57,499.92.

 15、Long-term prepaid expenses
                                                                                                                            Reason for
                                                                                                Other        Closing
                 Item                     Opening balance       Increase         Amortization reductions                      other

Renovation costs                                 91,369.29                 --         43,105.92        --     48,263.37

Hotel equipments reformation                    185,959.66                 --        185,959.66        --              --

Subsequent restructurof properties              480,553.25        286,663.00         274,797.14        --    492,419.11

Insurance fee for pledge and commitment

fee for loan                                     89,001.32        299,244.13         125,697.79        --    262,547.66

                 Total                          846,883.52        585,907.13         629,560.51        --    803,230.14

 16、Deferred tax assets and liabilities
 (1)Recognized deferred tax assets and liabilities

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

① Recognized deferred tax assets
                                                     Closing balance                                     Opening balance
             Item                                            Deductible temporary                                   Deductible temporary
                                   Deferred tax assets       difference and tax loss        Deferred tax assets     difference and tax loss
                                                                 carried forwards                                       carried forwards

Allowance for bad debt                     21,749,365.77                 86,997,463.04           24,629,182.27               98,516,728.96
Impairment allowance for fixed
assets                                       3,711,034.83                14,844,139.31             3,711,034.83              14,844,139.31
Offset of internal unrealized
profit                                       1,249,362.18                 4,997,448.72            1,288,304.38                5,153,217.52

              Total                      26,709,762.78                 106,839,051.07            29,628,521.48            118,514,085.79

② Recognized deferred tax liabilities

                                                     Closing balance                                    Opening balance

             Item                     Deferred tax           Taxable temporary                                      Taxable temporary
                                                                                        Deferred tax liabilities
                                       liabilities               differences                                            differences

Depreciation of fixed assets                991,895.90                   3,967,583.60              1,293,511.10                5,174,044.40
Changes in the fair value of
available-for-sale  financial
assets recognized in capital                353,363.01                   1,413,452.05                298,948.76                1,195,795.05

             Total                        1,345,258.91                   5,381,035.65              1,592,459.86                6,369,839.45

(2)Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                      Item                                    Closing balance                                  Opening balance

Deductible temporary differences                                                18,924,793.99                                 13,278,179.60

Deductible losses                                                               11,924,047.39                                 13,075,844.48

                      Total                                                     30,848,841.38                                 26,354,024.08

(3)Deductible losses, for which no deferred tax assets are recognized, will expire in the following

                      Year                             Closing balance                 Opening balance                  Remarks

2012                                                                           --               9,584,526.39

2013                                                             13,206,219.44                13,364,264.00

2014                                                              7,363,389.12                10,462,181.85

2015                                                              9,152,014.82                  9,217,491.00

2016                                                              9,674,914.68                  9,674,914.68

      SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                       NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

  2017                                                              8,299,651.49                               --

                          Total                                    47,696,189.55                52,303,377.92

      17、Other non-current assets

                                    Item                                          Closing balance                        Opening balance

  Prepaid 50% land price of Tellus International Jewelry Square(the
  first stage)                                                                                                                               --

                                    Total                                                      26,339,112.00                                 --

      18、provision for asset impairment

                                                                                                      Decrease                  Closing balance
                      Item                       Opening balance              Increase
                                                                                               Reversal         Expanded

Ⅰ.Bad debt provision                                 90,702,457.63 5,827,461.60                          --        49,742.19      96,480,177.04

II.     Provision     for     impairment    of
                                                                   --             20,000.00               --               --          20,000.00
held-to-maturity investments

III.Provision for decline in value of
                                                      25,442,175.11            3,812,655.56               --               --      29,254,830.67

IV.Provision        for      impairment     of
                                                      31,257,252.62             127,836.59                --               --      31,385,089.21
long-term investments

Ⅴ、Provision for impairment of fixed
                                                       4,227,562.01            1,371,009.06               --        22,029.00       5,576,542.07

                     Total                           151,629,447.37           11,158,962.81               --        71,771.19     162,716,638.99


 19、Assets of ownership or use-right restriction

                       Item                  Closing balance                        Reason of restriction

Subtotal of assets be used in guarantee:

Invested real estate                                93,904,009.36 Mortgaged by bank loan

Fixed assets                                         3,621,640.22 Mortgaged by bank loan

                       Total                        97,525,649.58

 20、Short-term loans
 (1)General information

                       Item                        Closing balance                           Opening balance

Mortgaged loans                                                     73,000,000.00                           16,800,000.00

Credit loans                                                        20,881,155.00                           25,992,388.00

                       Total                                        93,881,155.00                           42,792,388.00

 Types and amount of mortgaged assets refer to Note Ⅶ、11 andⅦ、12。
 The ending balance of credit loans includes RMB 19,081,155.00 loan borrowed from the holding
 company (Shenzhen Tefa Group Co., Ltd.), the company do not set the expire date.
 (2)There are no overdue short-term loans in the end of the period.
 21、Accounts payable
 (1)General information

                         Item                       Closing balance                         Opening balance

                  accounts payable                              23,626,617.53                               22,950,543.71

                         Total                                  23,626,617.53                               22,950,543.71

 (2)Accounts payable to shareholders holding at least 5% of the Company‘s shares with voting power
 or to related parties in the reporting period. Please refer to NoteⅧ 、6 、Related parties‘ transaction.
 (3)accounts payable due for more than 1 year as at the reporting date
                                                                                                 If paid after reporting
                       Creditor                    Amount               Reason for unpaid

Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Co.,Ltd.                     6,054,855.46 Related parties unpaid                  no

                        Total                          6,054,855.46

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 22、Advances from customers
 (1)Aging analysis

                        Item                                Closing balance                             Opening balance

 Within in 1 year                                                           31,106,429.79                            1,349,175.53

 1 to 2 year                                                                    29,139.00                                 20,000.00

 2 to 3 year                                                                    20,000.00                                 15,300.21

 Over 3 year                                                                   701,511.70                              686,413.48

                       Total                                                31,857,080.49                            2,070,889.22

 The balance of advance in customer over year 3 mainly cause by the advance payment of the
 subsidiary (the inspection Equipment Co., Ltd.). This amount donot transferred to revenue as the
 client did not check upon delivery.
 (2)There are no advances from customers to shareholders holding at least 5% of the Company‘s
 shares with voting power or to related parties in the reporting period.

 23、Employee benefits payable

               Item                  Opening balance          Increase                      decrease           Closing balance
Ⅰ 、 Wages and salaries,
bonuses, subsidies and                     10,234,986.18         42,219,821.90                 42,746,519.84          9,708,288.24

Ⅱ、Employee benefits                                  --         1,741,386.03                  1,741,386.03                      --

Ⅲ、Social insurance                          535,508.36          8,033,318.24                  8,001,670.74              567,155.86

Ⅳ、Housing provident fund                  2,012,522.62          2,800,793.93                  3,158,926.17          1,654,390.38

Ⅴ 、 Labor union fee and
                                              459,670.23          1,045,847.30                   897,096.31               608,421.22
employee education fee

Ⅵ    、   Redemption           of
                                                       --            70,000.00                    70,000.00                       --
termination of labor contract

Ⅶ、Others                                     42,850.00                 9,237.62                   9,237.62               42,850.00

               Total                       13,285,537.39         55,920,405.02                 56,624,836.71         12,581,105.70

 Note:①There are no item in arrears in employee benefits payable.②The balance of employee
 benefits payable would pay in quarter 1 to quarter 2.


 24、Taxes and fees payable

                         Item                        Closing balance                     Opening balance

VAT                                                                     160,856.59                  -2,105,520.09

Business tax                                                            236,808.56                     672,190.86

Enterprise income tax                                                  4,823,547.78                  2,510,351.45

Property tax                                                            964,194.62                   1,004,745.34

Land VAT                                                               5,276,705.05                  5,276,705.05

Land tax                                                                 21,183.50                                --

Personal income tax                                                      94,962.92                         53,078.01

Urban construction and maintenance tax                                   78,919.05                         66,275.21

Education surcharge                                                     129,126.79                     109,308.39

Embankment protection fees                                                 6,569.42                         1,348.46

Others                                                                   52,560.16                      39,350.92

                         Total                                      11,845,434.44                    7,627,833.60

 25、Dividends payable

                        Company name                   Closing balance                   Opening balance

Zhongjing Auto Co., Ltd, ACU Enterprise Co., Ltd                       1,455,297.72                               --

                            Total                                      1,455,297.72                               --

 The subsidiaries (the Tefa Huari Automobile enterprise the Huari Toyota Automobile selling service)
 distributed the previous annual profit, but the Japanese shareholders do not pay the shock dividend yet.
 26、Other payables
 (1)General information

                            Item                           Closing balance                Opening balance

Related parties transactions and loan、interest                          52,943,107.79              50,654,624.16

Deposit、security bond                                                    5,710,153.00               5,912,228.10

Solicitor‘s fee of the petrochemical company case                        6,650,000.00                            --

Others                                                                   33,972,692.94              38,236,223.16

                            Total                                        99,275,953.73              94,803,075.42

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                       NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

(3)the Company have other payables which were due to parties having 5% or above shareholdings
see NoteⅧ.6、(accounts receivable from related parties)for details.

(3)Large amount of other payables due for more than 1 year

                                                                                                                  Post reporting date
                  Creditor                         Amount                 Reason for pending settlement

                                                                      There are no expire dated decide by
Shenzhen Tefa Group Co., Ltd.                        47,929,481.35                                          No
                                                                      the holding company

                   Total                             47,929,481.35

(4)Large amount of other payables

                      Creditor                        Closing balance                                   Content

Shenzhen Tefa Group Co., Ltd.                                   47,929,481.35 Transaction with Related parties and loan 、interest

                       Total                                    47,929,481.35

       27、Accrued liabilities

              Item                       Opening balance                 Increase                Decrease             Closing balance

 External guarantee                             87,568,728.57                           --           87,568,728.57                      --

              Total                             87,568,728.57                           --           87,568,728.57                      --

       Note:External guarantee see NoteⅫ(other significant events) for details.
       28、Non-current liabilities due within one year
       (1)General information non-current liabilities

                                 Item                                       Closing balance                  Opening balance

Long-term borrowings due within one year(NoteⅦ、29)                               12,000,000.00                          88,020,000.00

                                 Total                                               12,000,000.00                          88,020,000.00

       (2)Long-term borrowings due within one year
       ① General information

                               Item                                      Closing balance                     Opening balance

Mortgaged loans                                                                     12,000,000.00                           88,020,000.00


                 Item                     Closing balance           Opening balance

                 Total                              12,000,000.00              88,020,000.00

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

         ② Top five long-term borrowings due within one year

                                                                               Interest                                Opening
               Creditor                  Start date        Expiry date                     Currency Closing balance
                                                                               rate(%)                               balance
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                             2009/8/10                 2012/2/10       6.65        RMB                --    1,240,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                             2009/8/10                 2012/5/10       6.65        RMB                --    1,240,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                             2009/8/10                 2012/8/10       6.65        RMB                --   48,360,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                               2010/2/5                 2012/2/5     6.9825        RMB                --     120,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                               2010/2/5                 2012/5/5     6.9825        RMB                --     120,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                               2010/2/5                 2012/8/5     6.9825        RMB                --     120,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                               2010/2/5                2012/11/5     6.9825        RMB                --     120,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                             2009/7/31                 2012/1/20       6.65        RMB                --     700,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                             2009/7/31                 2012/4/20       6.65        RMB                --     700,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                             2009/7/31                 2012/7/31       6.65        RMB                --   27,300,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                             2009/5/31                 2012/2/29       6.65        RMB                --     100,000.00

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,
Fuhua Branch                             2009/5/31                 2012/5/31       6.65        RMB                --    7,900,000.00

China Citic Bank,Shenzhen Branch         2012/7/27                               7.0725        RMB      6,000,000.00              --
                                                      quarterly   repaid )

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,                    12/12/27(15million
                                         2012/9/27                               6.4575        RMB      6,000,000.00              --
Shenzhen Branch
                                                      quarterly   repaid )

                 Total                                                                                 12,000,000.00   88,020,000.00

           ③There are no overdue long-term borrowings due within one year
  29、       Long-term borrowings
①Disclosure of           Long-term borrowings by Category

                                  Item                                               Closing balance            Opening balance

Mortgaged loan                                                                                 82,000,000.00           92,700,000.00

Credit loan                                                                                    73,000,000.00                       --

Less:Non-current liabilities due within one year(NoteⅦ、25)                                12,000,000.00           88,020,000.00

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                           NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                     合 计                                                        143,000,000.00              4,680,000.00

 Types and mounts of asset mortgaged is refered to NoteⅦ、11.
 Credit loan borrowed from holding company (Shenzhen Tefa Group Co., Ltd.)
 ②Top five debtor of            long-term borrowings

                                             Borrowing      Borrowing       Interest rate                                    Opening
             Loan compay                                                                     Currency   Closing balance
                                          Beginning date    ending date       (%)                                          balance
 Shanghai Pudong            Development
 Bank,Fuhua Branch                              2010/2/5        2013/2/5        6.9825        RMB                      --   4,680,000.00

 Shenzhen Tefa Group Co., Ltd.                2012/12/25      2015/12/24            6.00       RMB           73,000,000.00

 China      Citic      Bank,Shenzhen
                                               2012/7/27    2015/7/27            7.0725        RMB                                     --
 Branch                                                                                                      28,500,000.00
 Shanghai Pudong Development
                                               2012/9/27    2015/9/27            6.4575        RMB                                     --
 Bank,Shenzhen Branch                                                                                       41,500,000.00

                    Total                                                                                   143,000,000.00   4,680,000.00

 30、Long-term Payables
 (1)Disclosure of              Long-term Payables by Category

                              Item                                        Closing balance                          Opening balance

Employee housing deposit                                                                     3,908,848.40                     3,908,848.40

Technical innovation                                                                           11,311.96                         11,311.96

Dongfeng Automobile Co.,Ltd. *Note①                                                         9,061,711.88                               --

                             Total                                                          12,981,872.24                     3,908,848.40

 *Note①details refer to NoteⅦ、10、(3).

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                                                                                NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

31、Share capital
                        Item                    Opening balance                               Changes for the period(+              -)                                    Closing balance

                                                                              New issue of    Bonus        Capitalization of
                                              Amount              %                                                                 Other        Subtotal          Amount                     proportion
                                                                                 share        issue        surplus reserve

Ⅰ.Restricted tradable shares

1. State-owned shares                                     --             --              --           --                       --           --              --                  --                             --

2. State-owned legal person shares             14,587,056.00          6.62%              --           --                       --           --              --       14,587,056.00                          6.62%

3. Other domestic-owned shares                            --             --              --           --                       --           --              --                  --                             --

Including: Domestic legal person ownership                --             --              --           --                       --           --              --                  --                             --

Domestic nature person                                    --             --              --           --                       --           --              --                  --                             --

4. Foreign-owned shares                                   --             --              --           --                       --           --              --                  --                             --

Including: Foreign legal person ownership                 --             --              --           --                       --           --              --                  --                             --

 Foreign nature person                                    --             --              --           --                       --           --              --                  --                             --

Total restricted tradable shares               14,587,056.00          6.62%              --           --                       --           --              --       14,587,056.00                          6.62%

Ⅱ、Tradable shares

1. Ordinary shares denominated in RMB         179,294,544.00      81.39%                 --           --                       --           --              --      179,294,544.00                         81.39%

2. Foreign-owned shares listed domestically    26,400,000.00      11.98%                 --           --                       --           --              --       26,400,000.00                         11.98%

3. Foreign-owned shares listed overseas                   --             --              --           --                       --           --              --                  --                             --

4. Others                                                 --             --              --           --                       --           --              --                  --                             --

Total tradable shares                         205,694,544.00      93.38%                 --           --                       --           --              --      205,694,544.00                         93.38%

Ⅲ、Total shares                              220,281,600.00          100%               --           --                       --           --              --      220,281,600.00                          100%

Note:Tradable shares including the amount of 131,283,504shares hold by the holding company(The Tefa Group).

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                             NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 32、Capital reserve
                             Item                                                     Increase             Decrease          Closing balance

Capital premium                                                    3,024,773.35                     --                  --        3,024,773.35

Other comprehensive income                                           896,846.29            163,242.75                   --        1,060,089.04

    :Fair value changes of equity-settled share-based
                                                                     896,846.29            163,242.75                   --        1,060,089.04
 equity instrument

Other reserves                                                     4,647,832.16                     --                  --        4,647,832.16

                             Total                                 8,569,451.80            163,242.75                   --        8,732,694.55

 33、Surplus reserve

                 Item                      Opening balance             Increase                    Decrease              Closing balance

 Statutory surplus reserve                          2,952,586.32                     --                            --           2,952,586.32

                 Total                              2,952,586.32                     --                            --           2,952,586.32

 34、Undistributed profit
 (1)Movements of undistributed profit

                                                                                                                               Rate of
                               Item                                       2012                       2011

Before adjustment: Undistributed profits at the end of prior
                                                                         -54,437,738.61              -56,595,413.73

Adjustment: Total undistributed profits at beginning of year
                                                                                          --                       --
(Increase +, decrease -)

After adjustment: Undistributed profits at beginning of year             -54,437,738.61              -56,595,413.73

Add: Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent                   7,146,259.35                2,157,675.12

       Loss set off by surplus reserves                                                   --                       --

       Others                                                                             --                       --

 Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve                                         --                       --

       Appropriation to discretionary surplus reserve                                     --                       --

       Ordinary dividends declared                                                        --                       --

Capitalization of surplus reserve                                                         --                       --

Undistributed profits at the end of period                               -47,291,479.26              -54,437,738.61

  SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 (2)Explanation for profit distribution
 According to the approval of general meeting of shareholders in April 12, 2012, the Company
 undistributed its dividends to all shareholders in 2011, and do not increase the capital reserve.
 (3)Appropriation to surplus reserve by subsidiaries
 Shenzhen Tefa Huari Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd. had surplus reserve RMB 124,473.86 in 2012, of
 which RMB 74,684.32 is attributable to the parent company.
 Shenzhen Huari Toyota Automobile sales Co., Ltd. had surplus reserve RMB 325,876.94 in 2012,of
 which RMB 195,526.16 is attributable to the parent company.
 35、         Operating Revenues and Operating Costs
 (1)        Operating Revenues and Operating Costs

                             Item                                               2012                                    2011

Principal operating income                                                             393,875,262.37                          395,701,745.71

Other operating income                                                                  25,767,398.94                            7,580,353.09

                             Total                                                     419,642,661.31                          403,282,098.80

Principal operating cost                                                               330,441,936.70                          333,752,041.61

Other operating cost                                                                     5,977,694.73                            1,512,196.01

                             Total                                                     336,419,631.43                          335,264,237.62

 (2)Principal operating activities (classified by industry)

                                                                  2012                                              2011
        Name of industry
                                             Operating income             Operating costs      Operating income          Operating costs

Sales of automobile                                 251,410,681.00            248,501,428.28        256,520,802.72             247,610,749.18

Inspection and manintanance of
                                                        48,800,035.00          35,303,773.07            46,175,786.21           38,309,656.14
 automobile 、sales of parts

Lease and services                                      94,499,183.06          47,471,372.04            93,735,367.66           48,561,847.17

Sub-total                                           394,709,899.06            331,276,573.39        396,431,956.59             334,482,252.49

Less: offset the internal amount                          834,636.69              834,636.69              730,210.88               730,210.88

                   Total                            393,875,262.37            330,441,936.70        395,701,745.71             333,752,041.61

 (3)Principal operating activities(classified by geographical areas)
                                                    2012                                                     2011
 Name of geographical
            area                     Operating income           Operating costs         Operating income                Operating costs

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                               2012                                                  2011
Name of geographical
           area                Operating income        Operating costs          Operating income              Operating costs

Shenzhen                              394,709,899.06       331,276,573.39                  396,431,956.59           334,482,252.49
                                      394,709,899.06       331,276,573.39                  396,431,956.59           334,482,252.49
Less: offset the internal
amount                                    834,636.69           834,636.69                     730,210.88                 730,210.88

           Total                      393,875,262.37       330,441,936.70                  395,701,745.71           333,752,041.61

 (4)Operating income from the Company‘s top 5 customers

                      Period                           Total operating income                    % of total operating income

2012                                                                     28,621,967.55                                         6.82%

2011                                                                     23,018,457.92                                         5.71%

 36、Business taxes and surcharges

                      Item                                        2012                                      2011

Business tax                                                                 4,665,746.74                              3,880,789.57

City construction and maintenance tax                                         733,366.51                                 632,058.80

Education surcharges                                                          523,627.05                                 452,917.58

                      Total                                                  5,922,740.31                              4,965,765.95

 Note: Details of business taxes and surcharges please refer to NoteⅤ、taxes.
 37、Selling expenses
                      Item                                      2012                                        2011

Employment benefits                                                      10,226,661.89                                10,097,883.00

Advertisement                                                               1,295,163.59                                 591,440.37

Depreiciation                                                               1,276,680.81                               1,439,589.17

Office                                                                      1,076,426.41                                 941,656.36

Tax                                                                          943,100.49                                  950,641.83

Water and electricity fee                                                    457,013.53                                  469,637.02

Goods freight                                                                615,381.89                                  288,796.54


Entertainment expenses                              464,899.14                  455,801.70

Travel expenses                                     418,194.75                  322,065.92

Exhibition and meeting expenses                     286,043.20                  268,373.00

Others                                            3,639,382.37                 4,065,793.01

                        Total                    20,698,948.07                19,891,677.92

 38、        Administration expenses

                        Items            2012                          2011

Staff cost                                      22,876,737.10                 23,780,343.40

Taxes and fees                                   3,349,618.90                  3,275,467.06

Office expenses                                  2,689,957.70                  3,113,949.10

Travel expenses                                  2,189,761.84                  2,280,175.50

Entertainment expenses                           1,786,406.81                  1,746,399.10

Depreiciation and Amortisation                   1,631,881.08                  2,215,983.46

Consultation and service fee                     1,235,127.00                   777,343.89

Advertising expense                              1,003,972.50                   721,000.00

Leasing management fee                            707,148.52                    706,786.72

Water and electricity fee                         408,820.92                    408,285.72

Others                                           7,556,248.86                  5,622,466.20

                        Total                   45,435,681.23                 44,648,200.15

 39、Financial expenses

                        Items            2012                          2011

Interest expenses                                9,427,253.26                  7,961,955.26

Less: Interest income                             407,866.09                    344,519.07

Less:interest capitalized                                 --                            --

Exchange difference                                  7,717.88                    -95,256.41

Less:Exchange difference capitalized                      --                            --

Others                                           1,054,232.59                   784,827.34

                        Total                   10,081,337.64                  8,307,007.12

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                               NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 40、Investment income
 (1)Investment income

                                                  Item                                           2012                    2011

Income generated from long-term equity investments measured by cost method                           601,902.79           437,747.48

Income generated from long-term equity investments measured by equity method                     4,256,541.71        10,053,234.53

Gains on disposal of long-term equity investment                                                             --      -2,443,566.43

Gains on tradable financial aeest in the period                                                       48,625.50            33,574.75

Gains on disposal of expired tradable financial aeest                                                   706.00                     --

                                                  Total                                          4,907,776.00            8,080,990.33

 Note:Except the Note Ⅶ、10、 3), there are no other significant limitations exist in regain investment
 income in Tellus.
 (2)Income from long-term equity investments measured at cost method

                                  Investee                                      2012                              2011

China Pufa Machinery Industry Co.,Ltd.                                                 601,902.79                         437,747.48

                                    Total                                              601,902.79                         437,747.48

 (3)income on long- term equity investment measured by equity method

                      Investee                            2012                 2011                     Reason of changes

Shenzhen Ren Fu Tellus Automobiles Services
                                                           2,500,079.75         9,762,798.85 Income of investee decreased

Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd.                     1,606,945.10         1,196,739.31 Income of investee increased

Others                                                      149,516.86           -906,303.63

                        Total                              4,256,541.71        10,053,234.53

 41、Impairment losses

                                    Item                                        2012                              2011

Impairment losses for bad debts                                                       5,827,461.60                       1,905,540.58

Inventory valuation loss                                                              3,812,655.56                       3,209,298.76

impairment loss for held-to-maturity investment                                         20,000.00                                  --

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                      Item                                            2012                             2011

impairment loss for long- term equity investment                                              127,836.59                                    --

Impairment allowance for fixed assets                                                        1,371,009.06                                   --

                                    合      计                                           11,158,962.81                        5,114,839.34

 42、Non-operating income

                                                                                                                      Included in current

                                 Category                                 2012                      2011              year non-recurring

                                                                                                                        profit and loss

 Gain on non-current asset disposals                                             81,831.05                  201.00               81,831.05

 Within: Gain on fixed asset disposals                                           81,831.05                  201.00               81,831.05

          Gain on disposal of intangible assets                                         --                       --                          --

 Gain on debt restructuring *Note①                                       14,377,457.14                          --         14,377,457.14

 Gain on non-monetary assets exchange                                                   --                       --                          --

 Gain on unable to paid account                                                         --           8,907,320.12                            --

 demolition compensation of 5 sets of bachelor quarters in
                                                                                        --           4,643,360.00                            --
 The Parts Co,.Ltd.

 Government assistance                                                                  --                       --                          --

 Others                                                                          94,567.14              99,693.17                94,567.14

                                  Total                                   14,553,855.33             13,650,574.29           14,553,855.33

 *Note①details refer to NoteⅫ、other significant events

 43、Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                              Included in current year
                      Category                       2012                             2011
                                                                                                            non-recurring profit and loss

 Loss on non- recurring asset disposals                      121,282.97                        31,131.29                        121,282.97

 Within: Loss on fixed asset disposals                       121,282.97                        31,131.29                        121,282.97

  Loss on intangible assets disposals                                --                               --                                     --

 Loss on debt restructuring                                          --                               --                                     --

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                        NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                                                                  Included in current year
                   Category                                  2012                         2011
                                                                                                               non-recurring profit and loss

 Loss on non-monetary assets exchange                                        --                          --                                    --

 Donation                                                                    --                          --                                    --

 Others                                                              29,164.79                   186,224.69                           29,164.79

                     Total                                          150,447.76                   217,355.98                          150,447.76

 44、Income tax expenses
                                 Category                                                 2012                              2011

Current tax calculated in accordance with relevant tax law                                      5,647,480.70                       3,584,670.93

Deferred tax                                                                                    2,617,143.50                       1,769,712.00

                                   Total                                                        8,264,624.20                       5,354,382.93

 45、Computation of basic earnings per share(EPS) and diluted earnings per share
 Basic EPS is calculated by dividing net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent by the weighted
 average number of issued shares. The start date of ordinary shares issued in the period for the purpose
 of calculation of basic earnings per share is the date on which subscription becomes receivable per
 contract of issuance.
 Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the results of adjustment of net profit attributable to
 shareholders of the parent for the interest expense for the dilutive convertible instruments, the expected
 gain or expense at the time of conversion and their related income tax implication by the sum of the
 weighted average number of issued shares for calculation of baisc earnings per shares and the
 weighted average number of potential shares from convertible instruments.
 For the purpose of calculation of the weighted average number of potential shares from convertible
 instruments, the conversion date for dilutive conventible instruments issued in prior period and dilutive
 convertible instruments issued in the period is the the 1st date of the period and the issue date

 (1)General disclosure
                                                                           2012                                      2011
                 Category of earning
                                                             Basic EPS            Diluted EPS         Basic EPS              Diluted EPS

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                        NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                          0.0324      0.0324                0.0098                0.0098

Recurring profit or loss attributable to ordinary
                                                                         -0.0684     -0.0684               -0.0281               -0.0281

 (2)The calculation of EPS and diluted EPS
 ① Net profit attributable for ordinary shareholders for the calculation of basic EPS:

                                          Item                                            2012                         2011

Net profit attributable for ordinary shareholders                                                7,146,259.35               2,157,675.12

         : From continuing operation                                                             7,146,259.35               2,157,675.12

          From curtailed operation                                                                         --                          --

Recurring profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders                               -15,060,776.70                 -6,198,115.02

           : From continuing operation                                                       -15,060,776.70                 -6,198,115.02

           From curtailed operation                                                                        --                          --

 In this reporting period, there are no diluted potential ordinary shares exist in the company,
 therefore,diluted EPS is equal basic EPS.
 ② When calculating the basic earnings per share, the denominator is the weighted average number of
 outstanding ordinary shares, calculated as follows:

                                      Item                                         2012                              2011

Number of ordinary shares issued at beginning of year                                 220,281,600.00                   220,281,600.00

Add: the number of ordinary shares issued this year                                                   --                               --

Less: the number of ordinary shares bought back this year                                             --                               --

Number of ordinary shares at the end of year                                          220,281,600.00                   220,281,600.00

 46、Other Comprehensive earnings
                                                   Item                                           2012                 2011

①    Gain/(loss) arising from available-for-sale financial assets                                  217,657.00               -108,828.50

   Less: Tax effects arising from available-for-sales financial assets                               54,414.25                -42,450.45

         Net amount included in other comprehensive income in the prior periods that is
                                                                                                                --                     --
transferred to profit or loss for the period

                                                 Sub-total                                          163,242.75                -66,378.05

②Other                                                                                                         --                     --

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                              Item                                         2012              2011

    Less:Tax effects arising from the share of other comprehensive income                             --                  --

         Net amount included in other comprehensive income in the prior periods                        --                  --

                                            Sub-total                                                  --                  --

                                             Total                                          163,242.75             -66,378.05

 47、Notes to items in the cash flow statements
 (1)Other cash receipts relating to operating activities

                                    Item                                          2012                      2011

Current accounts from related parties                                                    100,000.00                568,432.60

Amount pledged and guaranteed                                                        2,024,602.64              1,933,058.14

Interest income                                                                          473,998.49                268,410.14

Other income                                                                         5,745,616.42              7,145,640.23

                                    Total                                            8,344,217.55              9,915,541.11

 (2)Cash paid relating to other operating activities

                                   Items                                          2012                      2011

Current accounts from associates                                                         675,000.00                413,150.00

Operating expense                                                                   11,474,231.74             14,953,176.14

Administrating expense                                                              21,744,239.25             17,232,607.82

Pledge,deposit                                                                       1,175,247.31              2,033,865.97

Other advance payment                                                                    159,084.95            1,470,940.81

Others                                                                               4,280,034.17              2,306,458.53

                                    Total                                           39,507,837.42             38,410,199.27

 (3)Cash received relating to other investing activities

                                   Items                                          2012                      2011

Withdraw fixed deposit                                                                            --           5,000,000.00

                                    Total                                                         --           5,000,000.00

 (4)Cash paid relating to other financing activities

                                   Items                                          2012                      2011

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                     Items                                           2012                  2011

Cash paid for financing                                                                     547,350.00            221,100.00

                                     Total                                                  547,350.00            221,100.00

 48、Supplementary information to the statement of cash flows
 (1)Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities to net profit

                                     Category                                         2012                 2011

①Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities to net profit:

Net profit                                                                                   971,919.19       1,250,196.41

Add: Loss on asset impairment                                                           11,158,962.81         5,114,839.34

    Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets, biological assets held for

production                                                                              13,406,211.11        15,301,508.01

    Amortisation of intangible assets                                                         57,499.92            57,499.92

     Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                             629,560.51           650,771.69

     Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term

assets(deduct: gains)                                                                  -15,152,740.17         -4,612,228.71

    Losses on scrapping of fixed assets      (deduct: gains)                                          --              496.00

     Loss of fair value variation (deduct: gains)                                                     --                   --
     Financial expenses (deduct: gains)                                                     9,974,603.26      8,273,915.07
     Losses from investments (deduct: gains)                                            -4,907,776.00         -8,080,990.33
     Decrease in deferred tax assets (deduct: increase)                                     2,918,758.70      2,343,913.08
     Increase in deferred tax liabilities (deduct: decrease)                                 -301,615.20          -370,116.39
     Decrease in inventories (deduct: increase)                                        -21,408,161.05         -8,381,690.95
     Decrease in operating receivables (deduct: increase)                               -9,202,882.45         6,898,938.70
     Increase in operating payables (deduct: decrease)                                      4,099,276.90     -33,185,715.86

Others                                                                                                --                   --

Net cash flows from operating activities                                                -7,756,382.47        -14,738,664.02

②Investing and financing activities that do not affect cash receipt and payment:

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                               NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                      Category                                                      2012                               2011

      Liabilities converted capital                                                                                    --                              --

      Reclassify convertible bonds to be expired within one year as current

liability                                                                                                              --                              --

      Fixed assets subject to finance leases                                                                           --                              --

③Net cincrease in cash and cash equivalents:

      Cash at the end of the period                                                                   55,145,531.39                       55,926,573.46

      Less: cash at the beginning of the period                                                       55,926,573.46                       64,122,979.84

      Add: cash equivalents at the end of the period                                                                   --                              --

      Less: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                                            --                              --

      Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                         -781,042.07                        -8,196,406.38

 (2)Constitution of cash and cash equivalents

                                      Item                                                  Opening balance                       Ending balance

①Cash                                                                                              55,145,531.39                         55,926,573.46

               :Cash holding                                                                          148,896.54                             246,498.05

                Current cash at bank                                                                54,996,344.76                         55,679,936.81

               Current other monetary funds                                                                   290.09                               138.60

②Cash equivalents                                                                                                --                                   --

               :Invested bonds expire in Three months                                                            --                                   --

③     Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                                                  55,145,531.39                         55,926,573.46

 Ⅷ、Related parties and related party transaction
 1、General information of the parent company

                                                                 Company           Registered            Legal
      Name of the parent company               relationship                                                                        Type of business
                                                                    type             place          representative

                                                                                                                            Real estate development
Shenzhen tefa Group Co., Ltd.                Parent company                      Shenzhen         Liu Aiqun                 and      management, 、
                                                                                                                            domestic commerce


  SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

   Name of the parent                                Share holding                                                                       Organization
                            Registered capital                            Voting proportion(%)                 Final control
        company                                       proportion%                                                                               code

                                                                                                   Shenzhen State-owned Assets
 Shenzhen tefa Group
                                 15,828.2million                  66.22                      66.22 Supervision and Administration              192194195
 Co., Ltd.

            Details refer to NoteⅥ、1、Subsidiaries.。
  3、Associates and joint ventures
  Details refer toNoteⅦ、10、(5)。
  4、Other related parties

                       Other related party                                Relationship to the Company                       Institution code

 Shenzhen Tefa Swan Industrial Co.,Ltd.                            Subsidiary of parent company              192473856

Shenzhen Mechanical Equipment Import and Export Co.,Ltd. Subsidiary of parent company                        19034097X

 Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Co.,Ltd.                                Subsidiary of parent company              279365997

 Hong Kong Jia Yu Investment Co.,Ltd                               Subsidiary of parent company

 Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate(Yue Yang) Co.,Ltd.                    Subsidiary of parent company

 Shenzhen Development Center Construction Management Subsidiary of parent company                            192260957


Shenzhen Yang Chun Real Estate Co.,Ltd.                            Subsidiary of parent company

 Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate(Long Gang) Co.,Ltd.                   Subsidiary of parent company

  5、Related party transactions
  (1)goods 、service and lease transactions
     ①Purchase goods/ Procurement of goods / Receiving service / Receiving lease

                                                                                     2012                                         2011

                                                      pricing                                Propotion in                                 Propotion in
            Related party           Transaction      principle
                                                                           Amount              Similar                 Amount                  Similar

                                                                                          transactions(%)                            transactions(%)

  Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Housing
                                                   Market price               58,000.00                  34.13            100,000.00                   48.89
  Automobile Service Co., Ltd.     rental

       ②Selling goods/providing service/leasing

SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                                    2012                                         2011

                                                                                                                                        Propotion in
                                                         pricing                             Propotion in
        Related party               Transaction         principle                                                                         Similar
                                                                         Amount                Similar               Amount

Shenzhen Ren Fu Tellus Houses
                                                  Market price           5,150,000.00                 10.27%           5,150,000.00           10.69%
Automobile Service Co.,Ltd. leasing

Shenzhen            Xinyongtong Houses
                                                  Market price             322,701.00                  0.64%             309,204.00            0.64%
Automobile Service Co., Ltd.       leasing

Shenzhen            Xinyongtong Equipment
                                                  Market price                      --                       --           60,969.00           26.00%
Automobile Service Co., Ltd.       leasing

Shenzhen            Xinyongtong
                                                  Market price             236,700.00                  0.47%             226,800.00            0.47%
Dongxiao    Automobile     Parts
Sales Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen            Xinyongtong
                                                  Market price                      --                       --           31,800.00           13.56%
Dongxiao    Automobile     Parts
Sales Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen            Xinyongtong Equipment
                                                  Market price             141,680.00                100.00%             141,700.00           60.43%
Tenology Co., Ltd.                 leasing

    ①Tellus is the leasor

                                                                                                                     Lease income
                                                                                                          Date of                          Lease
             lessor                            lessee               Type of lease Date of Starting                    recognition
                                                                                                          ending                           income

                                   Shenzhen Ren Fu Te Li
Shenzhen          Tellus(Group)
                                   Automobile             Service Houses leasing         2005-1-1        2025-1-1     Contract price      5,150,000.00
Holding Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen                  Tellus Shenzhen         Xinyongtong

Xinyongtong           Automobile Automobile Service Co., Houses leasing                  2012-4-1        2015-3-31    Contract price       322,701.00

Development Co., Ltd.              Ltd.

Shenzhen                  Tellus Shenzhen         Xinyongtong Houses leasing             2012-4-1        2015-3-31    Contract price       236,700.00

  SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

  Xinyongtong         Automobile Dongxiao Automobile Parts

  Development Co., Ltd.               Sales Co., Ltd.

  Shenzhen                  Tellus
                                      Shenzhen         Xinyongtong Equipment
  Xinyongtong         Automobile                                                      2008-7-1        2016-6-30    Contract price        141,680.00
                                      Tenology   Co., Ltd.        leasing
  Development Co., Ltd.

  (3)Gurarantee between related parties
  There are no guarantee exist between related parties in this report period
  (4)Borrowed and lent fund from related parties

                                                                                  Date of        Date of
                  Related parties                                Amount                                                  Illustration
                                                                                  Starting        ending


Shenzhen Tefa Development Center Construction
                                                                 5,000,000.00      2011/11/1     2012/10/31 For fund flow,redeemed
Management Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Tefa Group       Co.,Ltd.                              73,000,000.00     2012/12/25     2015/12/24

Shenzhen Tefa Group       Co.,Ltd.                              45,000,000.00       2012/8/1      2012/9/30 redeemed

Shenzhen Tefa Group       Co.,Ltd.                              60,000,000.00       2012/5/7      2012/5/11 redeemed

  (5)Lending between related parties
                                     Related parties                                           2012                           2011

 Tellus as the lender:

 Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical Models Co.,Ltd.                                                         76,249.97                         76,041.64

 Tellus as the borrower:

 Shenzhen Tefa Development Center Construction Management Co.,Ltd.                                    280,618.89                        286,336.00

 Shenzhen Tefa Group        Co.,Ltd.                                                               2,067,969.39                      1,588,687.52

  Pricing policy: Payment for the use of state funds is measured by market interest rate.
  (6)Remuneration to key management personel

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                      Range of annual remuneration                            2012                                2011

Total                                                                                 42.9million                          39.1million

Within: (Number of management peronnel in each range)

Over 2 million                                                                                 10                                  10

1.5 million to 2 million                                                                        0                                    1

1million to1.5million                                                                           0                                    0

Less than 1 million                                                                             5                                    3

 6、Receivables from and payables to related parties
 (1)Receivables owed by and advances paid to related parties

                                                                   Ending balance                          Opening balance

                              Items                                            Provision for                             Provision for
                                                           Book amount                              Book amount
                                                                                 bad debt                                 bad debt

 Accounts receivable:

 Shenzhen Xinyongtong Automobile Service Co.,Ltd.               927,602.00           193,247.50         850,301.00            61,838.80

 Shenzhen Xinyongtong Dongxiao Automobile Parts Sales
                                                                680,400.00           141,750.00         623,700.00            45,360.00

                              Total                            1,608,002.00          334,997.50        1,474,001.00          107,198.80

 Other receivables:

 Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services Chains Development
                                                               1,360,257.00          205,500.00         770,000.00            88,000.00

 Shenzhen Xinyongtong Tenology Co.,Ltd.                         176,480.22            16,000.00          80,000.00              4,000.00

 Shenzhen Xinyongtong Xinda Inspection Eqiupment Co.,Ltd        512,131.47                     --       498,893.47                       --

 Shenzhen Pilot New Chemical Materials Co.,Ltd.                 708,072.26           708,072.26         708,072.26           708,072.26

 Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical Models Co.,Ltd.                 1,882,211.38          845,949.48        1,805,961.41          807,928.66

 Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile Service Co.,Ltd.        224,020.16            32,033.03         267,716.62              9,979.33

 Shenzhen Tellus Xing Investment Co.,Ltd.                           571.95                     --          1,172.19                      --

 Shenzhen Tellus Jimeng investment Co.,Ltd.                        9,973.86                    --                 --                     --

                              Total                            4,873,718.30      1,807,554.77          4,131,815.95        1,617,980.25

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                   NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                    Ending balance                           Opening balance

                           Items                                              Provision for                            Provision for
                                                          Book amount                             Book amount
                                                                                bad debt                                bad debt

Long-term receivables

Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Services Chain Co.,Ltd.             2,179,203.68      2,179,203.68        2,341,645.69                       --

                            Total                              2,179,203.68      2,179,203.68        2,341,645.69                       --

(2)Payables to related parties、and received in advance from related parties

                                    Items                                     Ending balance                    Opening balance

short-term borrowings

Shenzhen Tefa Group     Co.,Ltd.                                                        19,081,155.00                  19,192,388.00

Shenzhen Tefa Development Center Construction Management Co.,Ltd.                                       --              5,000,000.00

                                    Total                                               19,081,155.00                  24,192,388.00

Accounts payable:

Zhenzhen Tefa Real Estate Co., Ltd.                                                        6,054,855.46                 6,054,855.46

                                    Total                                                  6,054,855.46                 6,054,855.46

Other payables:

Shenzhen Tefa Real Estate Co., Ltd.                                                           335,701.34                  335,701.34

Hongkong Yujia Investment Co., Ltd.                                                        1,882,483.80                 1,987,638.36

Shenzhen Tefa Swan Enterprise Co.,Ltd.                                                         20,703.25                   20,703.25

henzhen Mechanical Equipment Import and Export Co.,Ltd.                                       769,116.90                  387,833.70

Shenzhen Tefa Group     Co.,Ltd.                                                        47,929,481.35                  46,272,271.96

Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate(Long Gang) Co.,Ltd.                                            1,095,742.50                 1,095,742.50

Shenzhen Tellus Yan Chun Real Estate Co.,Ltd.                                                 476,217.49                  476,217.49

Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical Models Co.,Ltd.                                                  78,515.56                   78,515.56

Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Technoledge Co., Ltd.                                          355,145.60                                  --

                                    Total                                               52,943,107.79                  50,654,624.16

Long-term payables

Shenzhen Tefa Group     Co.,Ltd.                                                        73,000,000.00                                  --


                           Items                                    Ending balance           Opening balance

                           Total                                             73,000,000.00                     --

1、Significant lawsuits and arbitrations
(1)In October of 2005, a lawsuit was brought before Shenzhen Luo Hu District People‘s Court by the
Company, which was the recognizor of Jintian Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd. (―Jintian‖) to require Jintian to
redress RMB 4,081,830 (principal: RMB 3,000,000, interest: RMB 1,051,380, legal fare: RMB 25,160
and executive fare: RMB 5,290, which were all dealt as a loss in last report term.) It was the amount
money that was distrained forcibly. The Fu Tian District People‘s Court had adjudged that the Company
won the lawsuit and the forcible execution had been applied by the Company.
In April 2006 Shenzhen Development Bank brought an accusation against Jintian‘s overdueing loan two
million U.S. dollars and the company who guaranteed for this case. The company took on the principal
and all interest. After that, the company appealed to Shenzhen Luohu District People's Court, asking
Jintian to repay 2,960,490 U.S. dollars and interest. In 2008, it reached Shen Luo No.937 Civil
Reconciliation Agreement(2008) after the mediating action taken by the Shenzhen Luohu District
People's Court. The agreement is as follows: If Jintian repay 2,960,490 U.S. dollars before October 31,
2008, the company will exempt all the interest. If Jintian can not settle the amount on time, it will pay
the penalty in accordance with the People's Bank of China RMB benchmark lending rate over the same
period.. The company has not yet received the money from Jintian at the end of the Octorber 31, 2012.
(2)、Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (―Real Estate Co.,‖), a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the company, entered into a Joint Property Construction Contract with Shenzhen Jinlu
Industrial and Trade Company (―Jinlu Company‖) at November 29, 1994 to build a real estate in
Shenzhen. Real Estate Co. paid RMB 9,800,000 to Jinlu Company as of December 31, 1996. However,
Jinlu Company breached the contract and cooperated with Guangzhou Military Area Shenzhen
Property Administrative Department (―GMAA‖) to develop the real estate and paid the RMB9,800,000
received from Real Estate Co. to GMAA. Therefore, Real Estate Co. lodged a claim against Jinlu
Company. The Futian District People‘s Court admitted GMAA as the third party of this case according to
the law of the PRC. It was ruled by the Futian District People‘s Court that the contract was of no effect;
GMAA shall repay Jinlu Company the principal of RMB9,800,000 、 interests and judicial proceeding
expense, which shall be transferred to Real Estate Co. within three days of the reception by Jinlu
Company. GMAA applied for further trial that was allowed, and the original judgement was suspended
during the retrial. Since the target of the litigation was located out of Futian District, the second trial was
undertaken by the Shenzhen Intermediate People‘ Court at March 18, 2003, which overruled the
judgment of the Futian District People‘s Court. The Shenzhen Intermediate People‘s Court admitted


that the original contract entered between Real Estate Co. and Jinlu Company was still effective.
As Real Estate Co.was still under negotiation with Jinlu Company, in the opinion of directors, no further
provision was deemed necessary as of the balance sheet date. Up to the date of the approval of these
financial statements, the settlement consultation of the two parties was still on going. The company has
recognized bad debt provision in full to developing fund of Tellus Real Estate.
(3)、In June 20, 2012,the Company received the civil judgment from the Shenzhen Futian People‘s
Court, about the contract dispute between Shenzhen Guangming Watch Co., Ltd. and People‘s
Construction Bank of China-Shenzhen Baoan Branch, due to the Ezhou Liantai Investment consulting
Co., Ltd. Sued Tellus‘s subsidiary- Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd.
Guangming Watch Co., Ltd. is an associate of Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd.,
The Automobile Industry and Trading participated 10% of shares to Guangming Watch Co., Ltd. in 1990.
The Guangming Watch lent 20 million short-term loans for 9month in Dec. 12, 1990. The Guangming
Watch repaid 1million in Oct. 1992.
According to Shenzhen Baoan People‘s Court (1996) Bao Fa ―Jing‖ Zi NO.183 civil judgment, verdict
the Guangming Watch Co., Ltd. repays the principal and interest of 19million loan, and the civil
judgment of Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court (1996) Shen Zhong Fa (Jing yi Zhong) Zi
NO.563remain the first judgement. The Guangming Watch Co., Ltd. did not repay the loan after the
verdiction. Then the Construction Bank apply enforcement, token back 16.4million,there are no more
other assets to execut, Shenzhen Baoan People‘s Court verdict Termination of execution by Shen Bao
Fa ―zhi‖Zi NO.220 in May 20, 2003. The original debtor Construction Bank transfered the debt to Asset
Management Co., Ltd. in June, 2004, gone by several time transformations, Ezhou Liantai Investment
consulting Co., Ltd. acquired the claim power in April, 2008.
Guangming Watch Co., Ltd. was canceled the business licence by Shenzhen Adminstration of Industry
and Commerce in Feb. 28, 2002. Ezhou Liantai Investment consulting Co., Ltd. sued Guangming
Watch Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd., the plaintiff want the court
verdict Guangming Watch Co., Ltd. repay 36.07million debts and the interest formed after May 11, 2012.
Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd. as the last shareholder, did not establish a
liquidate team to liquidate the associate in legal deadline, ―should bear the joint liability‖.The Futian
court call the first treatment for this litigation. As the case is complicated, the court did not give a
decision on the court.
The Tellus connot predict the result of the litigation,according《Sino-foreign Joint Ventures Law》section
four:―the format for Joint Ventures is limited liability company,every party of the Joint Ventures share
the profit and undertake the risk 、loss depends on registered capital assets. The company only own
10% of shares in Guangming Watch Co., Ltd., the capital is sufficient, so we don‘t need to undertake

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                        NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

other liability.
Ⅹ、Commitment issues
1、Significant Commitment issues
Capital commitment

                              Item                           Ending balance                  Opening balance

 Signed but not confirmed in financial report

- commitment of purchase long-term assets *                            26,339,111.00                             --

                              Total                                    26,339,111.00                             --

*Note:The subsidairy(Zhongtian Co., Ltd.) gained the land using right by remising method , land
payable is RMB 52,678,223(Inculding remised charge of land use right、charge of land development
and charge of municipal facilities).Zhongtian Co., Ltd. Paid 50% of the land price, according to the land
remise agreement,the remaining amount(RMB26,339,111.00) should be paid in one year.
Ⅺ、Subsequent Event
1、 Significant subsequent event
(1) In march 28, 2013, the company approved the proposal of selling the Dongfeng Building sixth,
           seven-story in the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2013.
(2)Guangxi Tellus Automobile Service Co., Ltd. is an associate, owned by the Tellus‘s subsidiary
(Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd.) and Guangxi Hezhou Guidongsong Power Transformation
Engineering Co., Ltd.), the registered capital is 50 million, paid-up capital is 10 million.                   The
Automobile Industry and Trading Co., Ltd. hold 60% of stock right, due to the environment changes and
company strategy adjustment, in March 12, 2013, the general meeting of shareholder decides to
terminate of Guangxi Tellus‘s operation, then get in dissolut and liquidate stage. Up to Dec. 31, 2012,
the book value of net assets is RMB 783,527.03 in Guangxi Tellus Co., Ltd.
2、Subsequent dividends distribution
Pursuant to the resolution of Board at the Board of Directors‘ meeting on April 9, 2012, the company
does not            distribute dividends in 2012, and not increase capital reserve .The allocation of profit
resolution need the board of shareholders to approval.
Ⅻ、Other significant events
1、Debts Restructuring
In December 31, 2012,Tellus Signed a contract with Agricultural Bank of China Limited by Share Ltd
Shenzhen Shangbu Branch(hereinafter referred to as―Shenzhen Agricultural Bank ‖) , the contract is

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                           NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 〈Exempt from guarantee liability agreement〉. The two partied agreed that up to May 20, 2012, the
 company provide guarantee to Petrochemical Corporation(石化公司) for 576 millionl loan、interest
 and advanced judicial proceeding expense, induced Tellus have to undertake the liability of joint
 Now, Tellus discharge the duty of loan guarantee to pay the 576million loan 、interest and advanced
 judicial proceeding expense total in 66,401,271.43 for Petrochemical Corporation , the Tellus would pay
 this amount in 1 month after the agreement effective to Agricultural Bank appointed account in one-time.
 After the Tellus discharge the duty as agreed, the Agricultural Bank agree to exempt the joint suretyship
 liablity of Tellus for the unpaid loan interest and increased interest after May 20, 2012.
 Tellus counted the Accrued liabilities for 87,568,728.57 in 2006. In December 25, 2012, the company
 paid 66,401,271.43 to the Agricultural Bank, discharged the guarantee liability , and recorded the
 interest as non-operating income.
 2、Assets and liabilities measured by fair value

                                                                  Changes in
                                                 Opening                              Accumulated changes         Current year         Closing
                    Category                                    current year fair
                                                 balance                                recored in equity         impairment          balance

                 Financial assets

             Tradable financial assets           1,374,249.25         217,657.00               1,413,452.05                 --        1,591,906.25

              Total financial assets             1,374,249.25         217,657.00               1,413,452.05                 --        1,591,906.25

 XIII、Notes to Items in the Financial Statements of the Company
 1、Accounts receivable
 (1)           Accounts receivable by categories

                                                                                                    Closing balance
                                    Category                                         Carrying amount                   Bad debt provision
                                                                                    Amount             (%)            Amount              (%)

Accounts receivable of which provision for bad debts is of individually
                                                                                               --            --                  --              --

Accounts receivable of which provision for bad debts are accrued by
                                                                                               --            --                  --              --

Accounts receivable of which provision for bad debts is of individually
                                                                                      484,803.08       100.00         484,803.08           100.00

                                         Total                                        484,803.08       100.00         484,803.08           100.00

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                                                       Closing balance

                               Category                                               Carrying amount               Bad debt provision

                                                                                 Amount              (%)                   Amount        (%)

Accounts receivable of which provision for bad debts is of individually
                                                                                                --             --                   --             --

Accounts receivable of which provision for bad debts are accrued by
                                                                                                --             --                   --             --

Accounts receivable of which provision for bad debts is of individually
                                                                                      484,803.08           100.00          484,803.08          100.00

                                   Total                                              484,803.08           100.00          484,803.08          100.00

 (2)Accounts receivable by aging balance

                                             Closing balance                                               Opening balance
                                   Amount                         (%)                          Amount                               (%)

Within 1 year                                         --                         --                                   --                           --

1-2 years                                             --                         --                                   --                           --

2-3 years                                             --                         --                                   --                           --

Over 3 years
                                              484,803.08                  100.00                           484,803.08                          100.00

        Total                                 484,803.08                  100.00                           484,803.08                          100.00

 (3)Bad debt provision
   Bad debt provision of accounts receivable which is of individually significant
                                                                Amount of bad         Proportion of
  Content of accounts receivable           Carrying amount                                                      Reasons for the provision
                                                                   debt                 provision

Shenzhen Bijiashan Entertainment
                                                   172,000.00             100%            172,000.00 Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Saige Retail Store                                  97,806.64             100%             97,806.64 Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Guangzhou       Lemin   Computer
                                                    86,940.00             100%             86,940.00 Aging long,not expected to withdraw

Other Companies                                    128,056.44             100%            128,056.44 Aging long,not expected to withdraw

                Total                              484,803.08             100%            484,803.08

 (4)There are no clearance of large receivables exist in this reporting period.

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

 (5)As at 31 December 2011, no balances included in above accounts receivable are due from the
 shareholders of the Company who hold over 5% shares with voting rights.
 (6)Top five other receivables
                                               Relationship with the                                                 % of total accounts
                Name of companies                                            Amount              Duration
                                                    company                                                          receivable balance

 Shenzhen         Bijiashan   Entertainment
                                                   Third Party                172,000.00      3 年以上                               35.48

 Saige Retail Store                                Third Party                 97,806.64      3 年以上                               20.17

 Guangzhou Lemin Computer Center                   Third Party                 86,940.00      3 年以上                               17.93

 Lanzhou Daichuan Electronic        Co.,Ltd.       Third Party                 37,308.00      3 年以上                                 7.70

 Sichuan Shentong Electronic Computer
                                                   Third Party                 28,764.00      3 年以上                                 5.93

                      Total                                                   422,818.64                                             87.21

 (7)There are no Accounts receivable due from related parties.
 2、Other receivables
 (1)Disclosure by category

                                                                                                   Closing Balance

                                    Category                                     Carrying amount               Allowance for bad debt

                                                                               Amount              %           Amount                %

Other receivables of which provision for bad debts is of individually
                                                                              12,286,066.45          18.09    12,286,066.45           100.00

Other receivables of which provision for bad debts are accrued by
                                                                              54,484,027.78          80.21     1,452,128.87                2.67

Other receivables of which provision for bad debts is of individually
                                                                               1,157,688.20            1.70    1,157,688.20           100.00

                                     Total                                    67,927,782.43        100.00     14,895,883.52            21.93

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                                                                                                           Opening balance
                                   Category                                              Carrying amount                     Bad debt provision
                                                                                       Amount           (%)              Amount               (%)

 Other receivables of which provision for bad debts is of individually
                                                                                      12,286,623.82         35.69        12,286,623.82            100.00

 Other receivables of which provision for bad debts are accrued by
                                                                                      20,983,882.89         60.95            1,416,048.22            6.75

 Other receivables of which provision for bad debts is of individually                 1,157,688.20           3.36           1,157,688.20         100.00

                                      Total                                           34,428,194.91        100.00        14,860,360.24             43.16

   (2)Other receivables by aging balance
                                                Closing balance                                                 Opening balance
                                      Amount                           (%)                            Amount                           (%)

  Within 1 year                               51,641,333.54                      76.03                     18,019,423.97                           52.34

  1-2 years                                     111,541.64                            0.16                       76,041.64                          0.22

  2-3 years                                      76,041.64                            0.11                      106,541.64                          0.31
  Over 3 years
                                              16,098,865.61                      23.70                     16,226,187.66                           47.13
                                              67,927,782.43                     100.00                     34,428,194.91                          100.00

   (3)Bad debt provision
   ① Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually significant
                                                                       Amount of bad            Proportion of
       Content of accounts receivable              Carrying amount                                                      Reasons for the provision
                                                                               debt               provision

ShenZhen ZhongHao (Group) Co.,Ltd.                      5,000,000.00         5,000,000.00              100.00% Unwithdraw

                                                                                                                     Aging long , not expected to
Jinbeili electrical appliances Co.,Ltd.                 2,706,983.51         2,706,983.51              100.00%

                                                                                                                     Aging long , not expected to
Shenzhen Petrochemical Group                            1,895,155.10         1,895,155.10              100.00%

                                                                                                                     Aging long , not expected to
Huatong casing Co.,Ltd.                                 1,212,373.79         1,212,373.79              100.00%

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                             Amount of bad       Proportion of
         Content of accounts receivable           Carrying amount                                                           Reasons for the provision
                                                                                   debt            provision

Shenzhen Xiandao chemical materials                                                                                  Aging long , not expected to
                                                           708,072.26              708,072.26           100.00%
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                             withdraw

                                                                                                                     Aging long , not expected to
Others                                                     763,481.79              763,481.79           100.00%

                       Total                            12,286,066.45         12,286,066.45             100.00%

   ②Bad debt provision by portfolios
                                                  Closing balance                                               Opening balance
                 Age                      Carrying amount                    Bad debt               Carrying amount                     Bad debt
                                      Amount                (%)              provision            Amount               (%)              provision

  Within 1 year                       51,452,507.57            94.44                      --      18,019,423.97              85.87                      --

  1 to 2 years                             94,041.64              0.17              4,202.08          76,041.64                0.36           3,802.08

  2 to 3 years                             76,041.64              0.14             17,208.33         106,541.64                0.51          21,308.32

  Over 3 years                         2,861,436.93               5.25        1,430,161.09         2,781,875.64              13.26        1,390,937.82

               Total                  54,484,027.78           100.00          1,452,128.87        20,983,882.89             100.00        1,416,048.22

   ④        Bad debt provision of other receivables which is of individually insignificant
                                                                         Proportion of
   Content of other receivables           Carrying amount                                  Amount of bad debt        Reasons for the provision

  Staffs‘purchasing     for   real                                                                              Aging long , not expected to
                                                       217,892.57              100.00%             217,892.57
  estate                                                                                                         withdraw

                                                                                                                 Aging long , not expected to
                                                       939,795.63              100.00%             939,795.63
  Others                                                                                                         withdraw

             合        计                          1,157,688.20                                  1,157,688.20

   (4)During the reporting period, no other receivables were cleared.
   (5)As at 31 December 2011, no balances included in above other receivable are due from the
   shareholders of the Company who hold over 5% shares with voting rights.
   (6)Top five other receivables
                                                       Relationship to the                                                       % of total other
                  Name of companies                                                   Amount            Duration
                                                           Company                                                             receivable balance

   SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                             NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

   ShenZhen ZhongHao (Group) Co.,Ltd.                  Third party                5,000,000.00          Over 3 years                              7.36

   Jinbeili electrical appliances Co.,Ltd.             Third party                2,706,983.51          Over 3 years                              3.99

   Shenzhen Petrochemical Industry (Group)
                                                      Other investee              1,895,155.10          Over 3 years                              2.79
   Co., Ltd.

   Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical Model
                                                        associate                 1,882,211.38           1 to 4 years                             2.77

   Huatong casing Co.,Ltd.                             Third party                1,212,373.79          Over 3 years                              1.78

                       Total                                                     12,696,723.78                                                   18.69

   (7)Other receivable due from related parties
                                                                                                                              % of total other
                Name of companies                      Relationship to the Company                 Amount
                                                                                                                             receivable balance

  Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical Model
                                                                  associate                             1,882,211.38                               2.77

  Shenzhen Xiandao chemical materials Co.,Ltd.             associate(liquidated)                       708,072.26                                1.04
  Shenzhen Tellus Jimeng Investment Co.,Ltd.                     Joint venture                              9,973.86                               0.01
  Shenzhen Tellus Xing Investment Co.,Ltd.                       Joint venture                               571.95                                   --
                     合        计                                                                       2,600,829.45                               3.83

   3、 Long-term equity investments by types
   (1)Disclosure by category

                          Item                                Opening balance          Increase                Decrease              Closing balance

Investment in subsidiaries                                      263,839,543.61                     --                          --       263,839,543.61

invested in joint ventures                                       34,007,714.13        33,969,318.69                            --        67,977,032.82

Invested in associates                                           72,008,140.08                     --            1,262,254.09            70,745,885.99

Other equity investments                                         28,084,779.52                     --                          --        28,084,779.52

Less:provisions for long-term equity investment
                                                                 17,908,162.32                     --                          --        17,908,162.32

                          Total                                 380,032,015.02        33,969,318.69              1,262,254.09           412,739,079.62

   (2)Details of long-term equity investments
                                                 Accounting                                                      [Increase
                   Investee                                      Investment cost      Opening balance                               Closing balance
                                                  method                                                        /decrease]

  Shenzhen Tefa Tellus Real Estate
                                               Cost method           31,152,888.87        31,152,888.87                        --      31,152,888.87

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                        NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                   Accounting                                             [Increase
                   Investee                                      Investment cost   Opening balance                          Closing balance
                                                     method                                               /decrease]

Shenzhen      Tefa       Tellus      Property
                                                 Cost method        5,021,970.88        5,021,970.88                   --       5,021,970.88
Management Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile
                                                 Cost method       57,672,885.22       57,672,885.22                   --      57,672,885.22
Development Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen     Zhongtian.shiye        Industrial
                                                 Cost method       10,708,622.90       10,708,622.90                   --      10,708,622.90

Shenzhen     Automobile        Industry   and
                                                 Cost method      126,251,071.57     126,251,071.57                    --     126,251,071.57
Trading Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen     Tefa      Huari      Automobile
                                                 Cost method       19,224,692.65       19,224,692.65                   --      19,224,692.65
Enterprise Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate Exchange
                                                 Cost method        2,000,000.00        2,000,000.00                   --       2,000,000.00

Shenzhen     Huari     Toyota     Automobile
                                                 Cost method        1,807,411.52        1,807,411.52                   --       1,807,411.52

Shenzhen      Xinyongtong         Automobile
                                                 Cost method       10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00                   --      10,000,000.00
Inspection Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Tellus Jimeng Investment
                                                 Equity method     61,852,480.00       25,433,598.67      33,817,001.47        59,250,600.14

Shenzhen Tellus Xing Investment Co.,Ltd. Equity method             13,600,000.00        8,574,115.46         152,317.22         8,726,432.68

Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical Model
                                                 Equity method      2,554,392.64        6,240,588.58        -262,333.84         5,978,254.74

Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Service
                                                 Equity method        800,000.00                     --                --                     --
Development Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Ren          Fu-Tellus Automotive
                                                 Equity method     10,500,000.00       65,767,551.50        -999,920.25        64,767,631.25
Service Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Xiandao chemical materials
                                                 Cost method        7,256,401.38        4,751,621.62                   --       4,751,621.62

Hunan Changyang Industrial Co.,Ltd.              Cost method        6,900,000.00        1,810,540.70                   --       1,810,540.70

Shenzhen Hanli ceramics Co.,Ltd.                 Cost method        3,466,000.00        1,956,000.00                   --       1,956,000.00

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                      Accounting                                                     [Increase
                     Investee                                            Investment cost   Opening balance                              Closing balance
                                                          method                                                     /decrease]

Shenzhen Jiecheng Electronic Co.,Ltd.               Cost method             3,150,000.00            3,225,000.00                  --        3,225,000.00

China      Perfect      Machinery        Industry
                                                    Cost method            10,176,617.20       10,176,617.20                      --       10,176,617.20

Shenzhen Jingwei Industrial Co.,Ltd.                Cost method             4,000,000.00            4,000,000.00                  --        4,000,000.00

Shenzhen Mosike Co.,Ltd.                            Cost method               825,000.00             825,000.00                   --          825,000.00

Wuhan Weite Hotel                                   Cost method               640,000.00             640,000.00                   --          640,000.00

Shenzhen       Petroleum        &    Chemical
                                                    Cost method               700,000.00             700,000.00                   --          700,000.00

                      Total                                               390,260,434.83      397,940,177.34         32,707,064.60        430,647,241.94

                                          Proportion Proportion of                                                         Provision
                                              of     voting power             Explanation of the         Provision for        for
                                                                                                                                      Cash dividend for
              Investee                    ownership      in the            inconsistency between                         impairmen
                                                                                                                                         the period
                                           interest    investee             these two proportions      impairment losses t losses for
                                           held (%)       (%)                                                             the period
Shenzhen Tefa Tellus             Real
Estate Co.,Ltd.                                     100            100                                                 --          --                 --
Shenzhen Tefa Tellus Property
Management Co., Ltd.                                100            100                                                 --          --                 --
Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong
Automobile      Development                         100            100                                                 --          --                 --
Shenzhen           Zhongtian.shiye
Industrial Co.,Ltd                                  100            100                                                 --          --                 --
Shenzhen Automobile Industry
and Trading Co.,Ltd.                                100            100                                                 --          --                 --
Shenzhen Tefa Huari Automobile
Enterprise Co.,Ltd.                                  60             60                                                 --          --         423,211.13
Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate
Exchange Co.,Ltd.                                   100            100                                                 --          --                 --
Shenzhen      Huari             Toyota
Automobile Co.,Ltd.                                  60             60                                                 --          --       1,759,735.46

Shenzhen           Xinyongtong
Automobile           Inspection                      51             51                                                 --          --                 --
Equipment Co.,Ltd.

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                           NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                         Proportion Proportion of                                                Provision
                                             of     voting power       Explanation of the       Provision for       for
                                                                                                                            Cash dividend for
            Investee                     ownership      in the      inconsistency between                      impairmen
                                                                                                                               the period
                                          interest    investee       these two proportions   impairment losses t losses for
                                          held (%)       (%)                                                    the period

Shenzhen         Tellus        Jimen
                                                 50            50                                               --         --                     --
Investment Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen         Tellus         Xing
                                                 50            50                                               --         --                     --
Investment Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Xing Long Mechanical
                                                 30            30                                               --         --         105,000.00
Model Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen     Tellus       Automobile
                                                 40            40                                               --         --                     --
Service Development Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen      Zung         Fu-Tellus
                                                 35            35                                               --         --       3,500,000.00
Automotive Service Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Xiandao chemical
                                                 40            40                                 4,751,621.62             --                     --
materials Co.,Ltd.

Hunan Changyang Industrial
                                              36.55         36.55                                 1,810,540.70             --                     --

Shenzhen      Hanli         ceramics
                                                 80            80                                 1,956,000.00             --                     --

Shenzhen Jiecheng Electronic
                                                 45            45                                 3,225,000.00             --                     --

China      Perfect        Machinery
                                               5.30          5.30                                               --         --                     --
Industry Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen     Jingwei        Industrial
                                              12.50         12.50                                 4,000,000.00             --                     --

Shenzhen Mosike Co.,Ltd.                          7             7                                   825,000.00             --                     --

Wuhan Weite Hotel                                                                                   640,000.00             --                     --

Shenzhen         Petroleum          & 10 million 10 million sh
                                                                                                    700,000.00             --                     --
Chemical Co.,Ltd.                            shares          ares

              Total                                                                              17,908,162.32             --       5,787,946.59

 *Note①The company increase the investment of Shenzhen Tellus Jimeng Investment Co., Ltd.
 (3) There are no limitations exist in liability of switching financial resources to investees in long-term
 equity investment.
 (4)Provision for impairment of long-term investments

                                Item                                Opening balance          Increase           Decrease        Closing balance

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                           NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                              Item                                 Opening balance           Increase          Decrease          Closing balance

Other long-term equity investments

   Shenzhen Xiandao chemical materials Co.,Ltd.                             4,751,621.62                --                  --         4,751,621.62

   Hunan Changyang Industrial Co.,Ltd.                                      1,810,540.70                --                  --         1,810,540.70

   Shenzhen Hanli ceramics Co.,Ltd.                                         1,956,000.00                --                  --         1,956,000.00

   Shenzhen Jiecheng Electronic Co.,Ltd.                                    3,225,000.00                --                  --         3,225,000.00

   Shenzhen Jingwei Industrial Co.,Ltd                                      4,000,000.00                --                  --         4,000,000.00

   Shenzhen (Moscow) Co.,Ltd.                                                 825,000.00                --                  --          825,000.00

   Wuhan Weite Hotel                                                          640,000.00                --                  --          640,000.00

   Shenzhen Petroleum & Chemical (group)Co.,Ltd.                              700,000.00                --                  --          700,000.00

                             Total                                         17,908,162.32                --                  --      17,908,162.32

 4、Operating income and operating costs
 (1)Operating income and operating costs

                                                                                                                      Amount for the
                             Item                                    Amount for the current year
                                                                                                                           last year

Principal operating income                                                                 14,936,256.61                            13,353,977.17

Other operating income                                                                                  --                                         --

                             Total                                                         14,936,256.61                            13,353,977.17

Principal operating cost                                                                    4,205,086.89                               4,085,746.61

Other operating cost                                                                                    --                                         --

                             Total                                                          4,205,086.89                               4,085,746.61

 (2)Principal operating activities (classified by industries)

                                                                                                             Amount for the
                                            Amount for the current year
    Name of industry                                                                                           last year

                                     Operating income           Operating costs             Operating income                Operating costs

Rent service                                 14,936,256.61                4,205,086.89              13,353,977.17                      4,085,746.61

          Total                              14,936,256.61                4,205,086.89              13,353,977.17                      4,085,746.61

 (3)Principal operating activities(classified by geographical areas)

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

  Name of geographical                     Amount for the current year                              Amount for the prior period

           area                  Operating income              Operating costs             Operating income             Operating costs

Shenzhen                                    14,936,256.61                4,205,086.89               13,353,977.17                 4,085,746.61

           Total                            14,936,256.61                4,205,086.89               13,353,977.17                 4,085,746.61

 (4)Operating income from the Company‘s top 5 customers

                      Period                                    Total operating income             Proportion to total operating income(%)

                       2012                                                         8,065,624.00                                         54.00

                       2011                                                         7,349,819.50                                         55.04

 5、Investment Income
 (1)Details of Investment income
                                                                                                                      Amount for the
                              Name of investee                                   Amount for the current year
                                                                                                                         last year

Investment income from long-term investments under cost method                                  2,784,849.38                         437,747.48

Income from long-term investments under equity method                                           2,689,622.59                      8,810,834.39

Income generated from tradable financial assets                                                     48,625.50                         33,574.75

                                   Total                                                        5,523,097.47                      9,282,156.62

 Note:There are not significant restrict in investment income regain.

 (2)Investment income from long-term investments under cost method
                                                                                                                      Amount for the
                              Name of investee                                   Amount for the current year
                                                                                                                         last year

China Perfect Machinery Industry Co.,Ltd.                                                          601,902.79                        437,747.48

Shenzhen Tefa Huari Automobile Enterprise Co.,Ltd(The Hua Ri )*Note①                              423,211.13                                --

Shenzhen Huari Toyota Automobile Co., Ltd(The Huari Toyota)*Note①                              1,759,735.46                                 --

                                   Total                                                        2,784,849.38                         437,747.48

 * Note①the holding subsidiary company(The Hua Ri and The Huari Toyota) distributed the profit of
 previous years.
 (3)Income from long-term investments under equity method

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                      NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                                       Amount for the
                   Name of investee                      Amount for the current year                            Reasons for changes
                                                                                          last year

Shenzhen Ren Fu Tellus Automobiles Services Co.,
                                                                       2,500,079.75            9,762,798.85 Investee‘s profit decrease

Others                                                                   189,542.84             -951,964.46 Investee‘s profit decrease

                          Total                                        2,689,622.59            8,810,834.39

 6、Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                          Item                                         Current year                  Last year

(1)Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating

Net profit                                                                                    5,610,003.20                   631,428.62

Add: Provision for impairment loss of assets                                                  2,214,726.96                   929,897.61

       Depreciation of fixed assets, bio-assets, and natural gas                              4,087,243.29                 4,030,171.42

       Amortization of intangible assets                                                         47,499.96                       47,499.96

       Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                               69,826.02                   122,097.84

       Loss on non-current assets disposal (gain as in "-")                                           435.00                              --

       Loss on scrap of fixed assets (gain as in"-")                                                      --                              --

       Loss on fair value changes (gain as in"-")                                                         --                              --

       Financial costs (gain as in "-")                                                       4,102,486.94                 3,166,247.88

       Investment loss (gain as in "-")                                                      -5,523,097.47                 -9,282,156.62

       Decrease in deferred tax assets(increase as in "-")                                       30,061.38                   771,878.65

       Increase of deferred tax liabilities(increase as in "-")                                54,414.25                                --

       Decrease of inventories (increase as in "-")                                                       --                              --

       Decrease of operating receivables((increase as in "-")                             -29,837,414.79                 5,224,636.17

       Increase in operating payables(decrease as in "-")                                  23,218,851.12                 -4,168,995.31

       Others                                                                                             --                              --

Net cash flows from operating activities                                                      4,075,035.86                 1,472,706.22

(2)Investing and financing activities that do not affect cash receipt and

Liabilities converted capital                                                                             --                              --

Convertible loan due within one year                                                                      --                              --

Fixed assets subject to finance leases                                                                    --                              --

(3)Net increase in cash and cash equivalents:

Cash at the end of the period                                                                 1,614,187.49                       64,442.86

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                             NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                        Item                                                 Current year                        Last year

Less: cash at the beginning of the period                                                                  64,442.86                     324,541.62

Add: cash equivalents at the end of the period                                                                    --                             --

Less: cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                                             --                             --

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                             1,549,744.63                      -260,098.76

 XIV、Supplementary information
 1、Non-recurring profit and loss

                                                  Item                                                       Current year            Last year

Gains from disposals of non-current assets after expending impairment provisions *Note①                       15,152,740.17          -2,474,496.72

Exceeded-authority approved, non-official approved or accidental tax repayment and          relief                          --                   --

Government grants recognized through profit or loss for the current reporting period, excluding

grants which are closely related to the Company‘s operating activities and of which the quota or                           --                   --
approval is eligible for automatic renewal in accordance with relevant regulations

Financial resource usage fees charged on non-financial institution recognized through profit or
                                                                                                                            --                   --
loss for the current reporting period

Gains arising from bargain purchase in business combination and investments in associates and
                                                                                                                            --                   --
joint ventures

      Non-monetary asset exchange                                                                                           --                   --

      Consigned investment and asset management                                                                             --                   --

Impairment provision resulting from force majeure, e.g. natural disasters                                                   --                   --

debt restructuring *Note②                                                                                     14,377,457.14                     --

Entity restructuring expenses, e.g., expenditure for layoff of employees, integration expenses, etc.                        --                   --

Profit or loss attributable to the evidently unfair portion of transaction price, being transacted price
                                                                                                                            --                   --
in excess of fair transaction price, of a transaction

Net profits or losses achieved by an acquired under-common-control entity during the period from
                                                                                                                            --                   --
the start of the period to the acquisition date

Gains or losses arising from contingent events unconnected with the Company‘s daily operating
                                                                                                                            --                   --

Fair value changes of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities held and gains or

losses arising from disposals of tradable financial assets, tradable financial liabilities and
                                                                                                                            --                   --
available-for-sale financial assets, excluding hedging contracts relevant to the Company‘s daily
operating activities

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                             NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                      Item                                                  Current year           Last year

Reversal of provision for account receivables that are tested for impairment losses individually                           --                      --

Profit or loss on entrusted loans                                                                                          --                      --

Profit or loss on changes in the fair value of investment properties that are subsequently
                                                                                                                           --                      --
measured using the fair value model

Effects on profit or loss of one-off adjustment to profit or loss for the period according to the period
                                                                                                                           --                      --
requirements of tax laws and accounting laws and regulations

Custodian fees earned from entrusted operation                                                                             --                      --

Other non-operating income or expenses other than the above *Note③                                                 65,402.35       13,464,148.60

Other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss                                             --                      --

                                                   Subtotal                                                  29,595,599.66          10,989,651.88

Tax effects                                                                                                   -7,398,899.92         -2,637,516.45

Effects attributable to minority interests (after tax)                                                              10,336.31            3,654.71

                                                     Total                                                   22,207,036.05           8,355,790.14

 Note:‖+‖ means income or gain and ―-‖ means loss or expense
 The Group defines items as non-recurring profit or loss items according to ―Information Disclosure and
 Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No.1---Non-recurring Profit or
 Loss‖(CSRC No.[2008]43)
 *Note①Contains the subsidiary (The Automobile Industry and Trading) proceeds of investment
 properties –3 sets of eighth floor of Dong Feng building , podium building B4 of
 NO.5、NO.6、NO.7 of Wei Peng park, shops A1、b5 and room NO.105 of the fourth business building,
 The disposal proceeds is RMB 15,192,192.09.
 *Note②detail refer to Note Ⅻ、Other significant affairs.
 *Note③Last year contains the relocation compensation                               of 5 sets of bachelordom dormitory which
 amount to RMB 4,643,360.00, liquidation of debt                            in RMB 8,907,320.12,as unable to pay the debts to
 the debtors more than 10 years due they without recourse.
 2、Rate of return on net assets and earnings per share

                                                  Rate of the weighted average net                Earnings per share (RMB/share)
                Profit category
                                                               profit                       Basic EPS                 Diluted earnings per share

Net    profit   attributable      to   ordinary
                                                                            3.95%                          0.0324                          0.0324

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                              NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                           Rate of the weighted average net       Earnings per share (RMB/share)
             Profit category
                                                        profit                Basic EPS             Diluted earnings per share

Recurring profit or loss attributable to
                                                                    -8.32%                -0.0684                       -0.0684
ordinary shareholders

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                     NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

3、Abnormal financial statements items and description of reasons

                                Adjusted balance                    Changes

          Item                                             Changed            Ratio of                    Illustration
                             2012             2011
                                                            amount            change


                                                                                          The prepaid automobile payment decrease
Prepayments                8,453,261.56   12,953,848.48   -4,500,586.92         -34.74%
                                                                                           in the subsiary-Huari Toyota Co., Ltd.

                                                                                          ending    balance     of    inventories      in
Inventories               47,813,852.20   30,218,346.71   17,595,505.49          58.23%
                                                                                           subsidiary( the Huari Toyota) increased

                                                                                          Deductible input tax,the subsidiary-Huari

                                                                                          Toyota       increased     the   amount      of
Other current assets       7,495,557.97              --    4,871,209.13         100.00%
                                                                                          automobile purchased at the end of the


Long-term                                                                                 extracting the bad debts in the entire
                                     --    2,341,645.69   -2,341,645.69        -100.00%
receivables                                                                               amount

                                                                                          the prophase expenditure of the land and
Construction         in
                          12,977,929.03    2,461,073.03   10,516,856.00         427.33%   project of Tellus international jewelry
                                                                                          square(the first stage) is increased

                                                                                          50% land price prepaid on              Tellus
Other       non-current
                          26,339,112.00              --   26,339,112.00         100.00%   international jewllery square( the first

Liability          and

owners’ equity:

                          93,881,155.00   42,792,388.00   51,088,767.00         119.39%   increase in bank mortgage loans

                                                                                          increase in house sale in advance      of the

Advance           from                                                                    subsidiary (The Automobile Industry and
                          31,857,080.49    2,070,889.22   29,786,191.27       1438.33%
customers                                                                                 Trading) automobile advance payment of

                                                                                          the subsidiary(The Huari Toyota)

                                                                                          Mainly caused by the increases in closing
Taxes       and   fees
                          11,845,434.44    7,627,833.60    4,217,600.84          55.29%   balance of business income tax and
                                                                                          deductible input VAT reclassified to other

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                   Adjusted balance                     Changes

         Item                                                  Changed            Ratio of                     Illustration
                                2012             2011
                                                                amount            change

                                                                                              current asset

                                                                                              ( the Huari Toyota) distribute the previous

                                                                                      newly annual profit, but the Japanese
Dividends payable             1,455,297.72              --     1,455,297.72
                                                                                  increased shareholders do not pay the shock

                                                                                              The    ending    balance     of     non-current
liabilities due within       12,000,000.00   88,020,000.00   -76,020,000.00         -86.37%
                                                                                              liabilities due within one year decreased
one year

                                                                                              Borrow money from holding company and
                            143,000,000.00    4,680,000.00   138,320,000.00       2955.56%    newly increased RMB 700 million bank
                                                                                              mortgage loan

                                                                                              Long-term       payables        increase      in

Long-term payables           12,981,872.24    3,920,160.36     9,061,711.88         231.16%   subsidiary(The Automobile Industry and


Accrued liabilities                     --   87,568,728.57   -87,568,728.57        -100.00%   restructuring debts in related items

                                                                                              Losses in wholly owned subsidiary and
Minority interests           16,386,114.63   24,015,752.51    -7,629,637.88         -31.77%
                                                                                              distribute profit from prior year

Profit     and   loss


                                                                                              Increase in accrued special provision for
Loss     on      asset
                             11,158,962.81    5,114,839.34     6,044,123.47         118.17%   bad-debt 、 Provision for inventory and
                                                                                              provision of fixed assets

                                                                                              the profit of the associate (Shenzhen Ren

Investment income             4,907,776.00    8,080,990.33    -3,173,214.33         -39.27%   Fu Tellus Automobiles Services Co.,

                                                                                              Ltd. )Reduced

                                                                                              accrued income tax increase by 20.628
Income                tax
                            8,264,624.20     5,354,382.93    2,910,241.27           54.35% million、deferred Income Tax increase by
                                                                                              8.474 million

 SHENZHEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                     NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                               Adjusted balance                     Changes

          Item                                             Changed            Ratio of                      Illustration
                            2012             2011
                                                            amount            change

Cash flow:

Net    Cash      Flows
                                                                                            Proceeds of aotumobile advance from
from         Operating   -7,756,382.47   -14,738,664.02    6,982,281.55          47.37%
                                                                                            customers increased

Sub-total of Cash
                                                                                            Increase in cash inflow from disposal of
Inflows           from   31,634,090.29   20,976,554.05    10,657,536.24          50.81%
                                                                                            Investment real estate
Investing Activities

Sub-total of Cash
                                                                                            Cash outflow form construction in progress
Outflows          from   64,322,848.76    2,322,621.53    62,000,227.23       2669.41%
                                                                                            and increased investment in related parties
Investing Activities

Net cash flows from                                                                         Increase in cash inflow in borrow money
                         39,665,927.02   -12,096,262.57   51,762,189.59       negative to
financing activities                                                                        from holding company and bank increased

             Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.                        Annual Report of 2012

                    Section XI. Documents available for Reference
The Company reserved completed integrated documents for CSRC, SZSE, relevant departments and public
investor for reference, including:
1. Original Accounting Statement of 2012 carrying the signatures and seals of the legal representative,
general manager, CFO and manager of Financial Department;
2. Original Auditors Report (Chinese and English Version) carrying the seals of accounting firms, and
signatures and seals of the CPA;
3. All original documents and notifications of the Company disclosed in newspapers that designated by
CSRC in report period;
4. Annual report disclosed in other securities market (Summary)

                                                       Signature of the Chairman: Zhang Ruili

                                                                     Board of Director of
                                                               Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.
                                                                                9 April 2013
