北京大成(杭州)律师事务所 关于浙江英特集团股份有限公司 2021 年 限 制 性 股 票 激 励 计 划 调整及预留授予事项的 法律意见书 北京大成(杭州)律师事务所 www.dentons.cn 中国浙江省杭州市上城区钱江路 1366 号华润大厦 A 座 18 楼 18/F, Block A, China Resources Building, 1366 Qianjiang Road, Hangzhou,China Tel: 86571-85176093 Fax: 86571-85084316 ! ! ! ! dentons.cn "#! !"#$%&$''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''$( ")*+ ....................................................................................................... 4 ,)-./012 ......................................................................................... 5 !,#$34$''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''$5 ")6789:;<=>?@ABCADEFG .......................................... 6 ,)6789:;<=CHIJK ............................................................. 10 L)6789:;?@ABCHIJK ...................................................... 11 M"N6789:;?@ABO .......................................................... 11 M,N6789:;?@ABCABPQ)ABRSTABUV ....... 11 MLN6789:;?@ABCABWX ........................................... 12 !L#$6789:;CYZ[\]$ ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''$^_ !`#$Ya$'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''$^( Eric Silwamba, Jalasi and Linyama Durham Jones & Pinegar LEAD Advogados Rattagan Macchiavello Arocena Jiménez 2 de Aréchaga, Viana & Brause Lee International Kensington Swan Bingham Greenebaum Cohen & Grigsby Sayarh & Menjra Larraín Rencoret For more information on the firms that have come together to form Dentons, go to dentons.com/legacyfirms dentons.cn 北京大成(杭州)律师事务所 关于浙江英特集团股份有限公司 2021 年限制性股票激励计划 调整及预留授予事项的 法律意见书 (2022)成杭律专字第【481】号 $$ $ bcdefghijklmno$$ pqdefghijklmnoMrstuvnowxvfghiwNEyz{| M}~N-.1Mrstuv6wNC2…-‰6f ghiCfghi$‘’‘^$“m”[j89:;Mrstuv6789:;w xv89:;wN<=>?@AB12C2…-–—6-.pqT no…‰Mrstuvno…‰wN)T…‰Mrstuv …‰wN) nojD89¤…‰Mrstuv¤…‰wNl… -…§C§¨-.n-CG)°§±Tno C6789:;H6…-\]$$ $ $ Eric Silwamba, Jalasi and Linyama Durham Jones & Pinegar LEAD Advogados Rattagan Macchiavello Arocena Jiménez 3 de Aréchaga, Viana & Brause Lee International Kensington Swan Bingham Greenebaum Cohen & Grigsby Sayarh & Menjra Larraín Rencoret For more information on the firms that have come together to form Dentons, go to dentons.com/legacyfirms dentons.cn !"#$%&$ ")*+$ $ 6…-\]l0sxtuHls+c$$ no)fghi$ $ defghijklmno$ 6789:;$ $ defghijklmno ‘’‘^ “m”[j89:;$ defghijklmno ‘’‘^ “m”[j89:; 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