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						Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co.,Ltd.

    Quarterly Report for the Third Quarter of 2010 (Full text)

    §1 Important Notes

    1.1 The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company hereby warrant that there are no misstatement,

    misleading representation or important omissions in this report and shall assume joint and several liability

    for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.

    1.2 The Third quarterly financial report of the Company is not audited .

    1.3 Chairman of the Board of Directors Zhou Yuming, General Manager Li Xiyuan ,General accountant Xiao

    Liaijiu hereby confirmed that the Financial Report enclosed in the Quarterly is true and complete.

    §2 Basic Information

    2.1 Highlights of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators


    2010.9.30 2009.12.31 Increase /decrease(%)

    Total assets(RMB) 10,346,635,295.94 8,915,176,490.28 16.06%

    Owner’s equity attributable to

    shareholders of the listed company


    4,097,682,024.98 3,598,233,573.62 13.88%

    Stock capital(shares) 1,257,117,748.00 1,257,117,748.00 0.00%

    Net assets per share attributable to

    shareholders of the listed company


    3.260 2.862 13.91%

    July-September 2010

    Increase/decrease in

    the report period

    compared with the

    same period of the

    last year(%)



    Increase/decrease in

    the report period

    compared with the

    same period of the

    last year(%)

    Total turnover(RMB) 250,734,758.49 12.84% 751,794,708.28 8.32%

    Net profit attributable to

    shareholders of the listed company


    85,104,576.50 -5.08% 322,908,366.91 5.67%

    Net cash flow arising from operating


    - - 570,495,968.84 44.93%

    Net cash flow per share arising from - - 0.45 1.00%2

    operating activities(yuan/shares)

    Basic earnings per share


    0.07 0.00% 0.26 8.33%

    Diluted earnings per share


    0.07 0.00% 0.26 8.33%

    Weighted average return on equity


    2.21% -0.41% 7.88% -0.61%

    Weighted average Return on net

    assets after deducting non-recurring

    gains and losses(%)

    2.89% 0.24% 8.37% -0.03%

    Items of non-current gains and losses Year begin to end of report period Notes

    Gains and losses from the disposal of non-current assets -28,362,278.63

    Other non-business income and expenses besides the above



    Amount of influence of the above items on income tax. 6,731,845.41

    Total -19,994,642.80 -

    2.2 Total number of shareholders in the end of the report period and shares held by the top ten shareholders with

    unrestricted conditions


    Total number of shareholders at the end of report



    Share held by the top ten shareholders with unrestricted conditions

    Name of the shareholder

    Number of Unconditional shares held at

    the period-end

    Type of shares

    Guangdong Communication Group Co., Ltd. 103,379,742 RMB common shares

    Xinyue Co., Ltd. 13,201,086

    Foreign shares placed in domestic


    Guangdong Yuecai Trust Investment Co., Ltd. 12,174,345 RMB common shares

    Chen Haoming 3,369,457

    Foreign shares placed in domestic


    Lu Weiqiang 2,888,848

    Foreign shares placed in domestic


    Shanxi Huiteng International Freight Forwarding

    Co., Ltd.

    2,849,754 RMB common shares




    Foreign shares placed in domestic


    Chen Shukai 2,611,400

    Foreign shares placed in domestic


    Liu Wanping 2,569,407 RMB common shares

    Hu Airong 2,549,977 RMB common shares3

    §3 Significant Events

    3.1 Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and its reason.

    √ applicable □ not applicable

    (I) Items of balance sheet as compared with the beginning of this year

    1. Monetary capital

    Ending balance of monetary capital was RMB 342.49 million, which is composed of the following items:

    Year-beginning balance of monetary capital was RMB 218.75 million. The net cash flows from operating activities

    for this report period were RMB 570.49 million. Net cash flows from investing activities were RMB - 806.91

    million. Net cash flows from financing activities were RMB 359.94 million.

    2. Accounts receivable

    Accounts receivable increased by RMB 29.44 million and 248% over the beginning of the year due to increase of

    toll income receivable from United Electronic Toll Center by Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Fokai

    Expressway Co., Ltd.

    3. Prepayments

    Prepayments increased by RMB 162.35 million and 56% mainly because Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd.

    increased the payment for the expansion project of Fokai Expressway and its maintenance costs.

    4. Financial assets available for sale

    At the end of the period, the balance increased by RMB 830.40 million because the Company purchased 240

    million shares of China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. at the price of RMB 528 million in August 2009, which were

    accounted for as long-term equity investment. After China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. was successfully listed on

    August 18, 2010, the Company transferred the said investment from long-term equity investment into this account.

    After the listing of Everbright Bank, the difference between the fair value and investment cost of this asset, i.e.,

    RMB 302.40 million, was taken as the change of fair value of financial assets available for sale and accounted for

    as other capital surplus.

    5. Long-term equity investment

    Long-term equity investment decreased by RMB 200.13 million and 7% over the beginning of the year.The main

    reasons: (1) Partial long-term equity investment was transferred into financial assets available for sale for

    accounting after the listing of China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. so that long-term equity investment decreased by

    RMB 528 million. (2) In current period, the Company invested in Ganzhou Gankang Expressway Co., Ltd. and

    Guangdong Guangle Expressway Co., Ltd. so that investment cost increased by RMB 355.00 million in total. (3)

    Long-term equity investment increased by RMB 283.98 million through income of investment in joint stock

    subsidiaries in current period. The affiliated companies and joint venture companies in which the Company invested

    announced distribution of dividends so as to decrease long-term equity investment by RMB 311.11 million.

    Guanghui Expressway Co., Ltd. announced distribution of dividends of RMB 112.17 million for the period from the

    second half of 2009 to the second quarter of 2010. Zhaoqing Yuezhao Highway Co., Ltd. distributed dividends of

    RMB 24.46 million for the period from 2007 to 2009. Shenzhen Huiyan Expressway Co., Ltd. distributed dividends

    of RMB 60 million for 2009, Jingzhu Expressway Guanzhu Section Co., Ltd. distributed dividends of RMB 113.46

    million for 2009.

    6. Fixed assets4

    Fixed asset decreased by RMB 372.54 million and 9% over the beginning of the year. Main reason for decrease: (1)

    Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. received insurance indemnity of RMB 111.75 million for Jiujiang Bridge.

    RMB 97.3250 million was used to write off the original value of Jiujiang Bridge after repair. (2) In current period, 7

    intercommunication fly-over bridges along the expressway were dismantled in the expansion project of Fokai

    Expressway so as to decrease net fixed assets by RMB 52.7485 million. (3) Provision for depreciation of fixed

    assets was made so as to decrease net fixed assets.

    7. Construction in progress

    Construction in progress increased by RMB 840.72 million and 61% over the beginning of the year.

    Main reason for increase: The investment in the expansion project of Fokai Expressway increased by RMB 810.12


    8.Short-term loan

    Short-term loan decreased by RMB 204.00 million and 31% over the beginning of the year Reason for decrease:

    Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. repaid short-term loan of RMB 204.00 million.

    9.Accounts payable

    Accounts payable increased by RMB 149.49 million and 94% over the beginning of the year.

    Reasons for increase: (1) Accounts payable increased for the expansion project of Guangdong Fokai Expressway

    Co., Ltd. (2) Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. made payment for special project so as to decrease accounts payable.

    10.Remuneration payable to staff and workers

    Remuneration payable to staff and workers decreased by RMB 2.24 million and 47 over the beginning of the year.

    Main reason for decrease: The parent company paid the balance of wage of staff and workers payable at the end of


    11.Taxes and levies payable

    Taxes and levies payable increased by RMB 7.19 million and 173% over the beginning of the year.

    Main reason for change: In current period, Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. made provision of RMB 7.90

    million for income tax for the third quarter.

    12.Interest payable

    Interest payable decreased by RMB 9.32 million and 56% over the beginning of the year.Main reason for decrease:

    The balance of interest payable decreased by RMB 10.20 million because the parent company paid the interests of

    corporate bonds in current period.

    13.Other payables

    Other payables increased by RMB 59.87 million and 36% over the beginning of the year.

    Main reasons for increase: (1) Other payables of Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. increased by RMB 9.25 million,

    which is mainly the to-be-split networking toll incorporated into the liquidation account in current period. (2) Other

    payables of Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. increased by RMB 36.60 million, including to-be-split

    networking toll of RMB 3.74 million incorporated into the liquidation account in current period.5

    14.Non-current liabilities to mature within one year

    Non-current liabilities to mature within one year decreased by RMB 100 million and 67 % over the beginning of the

    year. Main reason for decrease: Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. repaid partial matured loans.

    15.Long-term loan

    Long-term loan increased by RMB 964.09 million and 34% over the beginning of the year. Main reason for

    increase: Long-term loan of Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. increased.

    16.Bonds payable

    Bonds payable increased by RMB 160 million over the beginning of the year. Main reason for increase: Provision

    for interest was made.

    17.Capital surplus

    Capital surplus increased by RMB 302.4 million and 20% over the beginning of the year.

    Reason for increase: The fair value of shares held by the Company increased after the listing of China Everbright

    Bank Co., Ltd.

    18.Undistributed profit

    Undistributed profit increased by RMB 197.05 million and 29% over the beginning of the year.

    Main reason for increase: Distribution of dividends and inward transfer of net profit in current period.

    (II) Items of profit statement as compared with the same period of the previous year

    1. Operating income

    Operating income increased by RMB 57.77 million and 8.13% year on year due to increase of vehicle traffic

    volume caused by economic recovery, completion of Guangfo Expansion Project and opening of Jiujiang Bridge to


    2. Operating cost

    Operating cost increased by RMB 93.65 million and 33% year on year mainly due to increase of depreciation

    expenses and Special cost.

    3. Business tax and surtax

    Business tax and surtax increased by RMB 3.52 million and 15% year on year mainly due to increase of toll


    4.Management expenses

    Management expenses decreased by RMB 2.18 million and 3% year on year.

    5. Financial expenses

    Financial expenses increased by RMB 23.15 million and 23% year on year mainly because the parent company

    made provision for interests of corporate bonds issued in September 2009 and the capitalization of borrowing costs6

    stopped after the expansion project of Guangfo Expressway got ready for intended use in December 2009.

    6. Investment income

    Investment income increased by RMB 79.70 million and 39% year on year mainly because the income from

    investment Guangdong Guanghui Expressway Co., Ltd., Jingzhu Expressway Guangzhu Section Co., Ltd.

    Guangdong Maozhan Expressway Co., Ltd. , Guangdong Jiangzhong Expressway Co., Ltd. and Zhaoqing Yuezhao

    Highway Co., Ltd. accounted for on equity basis respectively increased by RMB 28.57 million, RMB 19.91 million,

    RMB 12.78 million, RMB4.61 million and RMB 21.05 million. The investment in China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd.

    was accounted for on cost basis. It distributed cash dividends of RMB 1.02 million in current period.

    7. Income tax expenses

    Income tax expenses decreased by RMB 16.18 million and 27% year on year mainly because the total amount of

    profit earned by Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. in the report period

    decreased by year on year.

    8. Net profit for the owners of the parent company

    Net profit for the owners of the parent company increased by RMB 17.33 million and 6% year on year due to the

    combined influence of the above factors.

    9. Other composite income

    The composite income in current period is RMB 302.40 million. There was no such income in the same period of

    the previous year. The reason for obtaining other composite income is that the parent company accounted for the

    equity investment in China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. as financial assets available for sale after its listing. RMB

    302.40 million increased as the change of fair value was accounted for as capital surplus, which shall be recognized

    as other composite income according to requirements of relevant standards.

    (III) Notes of main items of cash flow statement

    1. Other cash receipt related to operating activities

    This item changed greatly as compared with the same period of the previous year because the accounting method of

    liquidation accounts changed and toll liquidation accounts were included for accounting from the end of 2009. This

    item mainly includes the cash of RMB 790.58 million transferred into toll liquidation accounts.

    2. Cash paid for goods and services

    This item mainly includes the payment for special works, maintenance costs and networking charging service fees.

    3. Taxes and levies paid

    This item mainly includes the income tax and business tax paid by the Company.

    4. Other cash payment related to operating activities

    This item changed greatly as compared with the same period of the previous year because the accounting method of

    liquidation accounts changed and toll liquidation accounts were included for accounting from the end of 2009. This

    item mainly includes: (1) Networking charge of RMB 370.55 million transferred from toll income liquidation

    account of Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd.; (3) Networking charge of RMB 412.10 million transferred7

    from toll income liquidation account of Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd.

    5. Cash received from returns on investment

    This item mainly includes the dividends of RMB 112.17 million for the period from the second half of 2009 to the

    second quarter of 2010 distributed by Guanghui Expressway Co., Ltd., dividends of RMB 24.46 million for the

    period from 2007 to 2009 distributed by Zhaoqing Yuezhao Highway Co., Ltd., dividends of RMB 60 million for

    2009 distributed by Shenzhen Huiyan Expressway Co., Ltd., dividends of RMB 98 million for 2009 distributed by

    Jingzhu Expressway Guangzhu Section Co., Ltd. and RMB 1.02 million for 2009 distributed by China Everbright

    Bank Co., Ltd.

    6. Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets

    This item mainly includes: (1) Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. settled the payment of RMB 53.48 million for Yayao

    and Xiebian expansion projects; (2) Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. made progress payment of RMB

    648.19 million for expansion projects.

    7. Cash paid for investment

    This item mainly includes investment of RMB 45 million in Ganzhou Gankang Expressway Co., Ltd. and RMB

    310 million in Guangdong Guangle Expressway Co., Ltd.

    8. Cash received from absorption of investment

    This item mainly includes the capital contribution of RMB 35.02 million by another shareholder of Guangdong

    Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd.

    9. Cash received from obtaining loans

    This item mainly includes (1) long-term loan of RMB 1028.21 million borrowed by Guangdong Fokai Expressway

    Co., Ltd. from banks in current period; (2) loans of RMB 350 million borrowed by Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd.

    from banks in current period.

    10. Cash repayments of debts

    This item mainly includes the repayment of bank loan of RMB 350 million by Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. and

    repayment of bank loan of RMB 367.12 million by Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. in current period.

    11. Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits or interest reimbursement

    This item mainly includes dividends of RMB 129.58 million distributed in current period and payment of corporate

    bond interests of RMB 40.80 million and bank loan interests of RMB 162.27 million. Of which, (1) the parent

    company paid corporate bond interests of RMB 40.80 million and distributed dividends of RMB 126.07 million in

    total for the current year and previous year; (2) Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. distributed dividends of

    RMB 3.51 million and paid loan interests of RMB 140.64 million; (3) Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. paid loan

    interests of RMB 21.63 million.

    3.2 The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal.

    3.2.1 Non-standard Opinion

    □applicable √ not applicable8

    3.2.2 The Company provided funds to its controlling shareholder or related parties and provided guarantees in

    violation of established procedures.

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.2.3 Signing and performance of significant contracts for daily operation

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.2.4 Other

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.3 The fulfillment of the commitment made by the Company , shareholders and the actual controller

    √ applicable □ not applicable

    Items of commitments Promisee Content of



    Promise in share holding structure


    N/A N/A N/A

    Commitments made in Acquisition

    Report or Reports on Change in


    N/A N/A N/A

    Commitments made in Material

    assets Reorganization

    N/A N/A N/A

    Commitments made in issuing N/A N/A N/A

    Other commitments(Including:

    supplementary commitments)



    Group Co.,Ltd. as

    a controlling

    shareholder of the

    Company and

    Xinyue Company

    Limited as its

    person acting in



    Communication Group

    Co.,Ltd. as a controlling

    shareholder of the

    Company and Xinyue

    Company Limited as its

    person acting in concert

    increased part of A stocks

    and B stocks of the

    Company by Stock

    Trading System of

    Shenzhen Stock

    Exchange on December

    11, 2008, and promised

    that they would not

    reduce their stocks of the

    Company during the

    execution of the plan of

    stock increase and within

    the legal time limit. The

    plan of increase in

    purchasing shares

    was complete on

    December 10, 2009.

    Up to the publishing date of this report,

    Guangdong Provincial Transport Group Co.,

    Ltd. and Xinyue Company Limited as its

    person acting in concert have not reduced

    their stocks of the Company. Therefore, this

    promise is still being performed.9

    3.4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss

    probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and

    explanation of reason.

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.5 Other significant events need to be explained

    3.5.1 Stock investment

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.5.2 Reception of investigations, communications ,or interviews company held in the report period.

    In the report period, the company did not accept investigations, communications, or interviews.

    3.6 Particulars about derivatives investment

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.6.1 Particulars about the positions of derivatives investment at the end of report period.

    □applicable √ not applicable10

    §4 Appendix

    4.1 Balance sheet

    Prepared by:Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co.,Ltd. September 30,2010 Unit:RMB

    Year-end balance

    Year-beginning balance


    Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company

    Current asset:

    Monetary fund 342,491,409.57 147,656,229.17 218,754,995.03 113,474,208.24

    Settlement provision

    Outgoing call loan

    Trading financial assets

    Bill receivable

    Account receivable 41,313,585.34 11,873,742.02

    Prepayments 454,785,168.49 292,435,314.87

    Insurance receivable

    Reinsurance receivable

    Provisions of Reinsurance

    contracts receivable

    Interest receivable 132,750.00 531,000.00

    Dividend receivable 15,459,045.51 35,121,531.88

    Other account receivable 39,289,013.72 6,338,722.09 31,395,116.40 3,397,319.61

    Repurchasing of

    financial assets

    Inventories 186,356.29 220,142.91

    Non-current asset due in 1


    Other current asset 400,000,000.00

    Total of current assets 893,524,578.92 189,249,233.14 554,679,311.23 517,402,527.85

    Non-current assets:

    Loans and payment on

    other’s behalf disbursed

    Disposable financial asset 830,400,000.00 830,400,000.00

    Expired investment in



    Long-term receivable

    Long term share equity


    2,613,152,154.46 3,833,865,723.98 2,813,284,533.76 3,928,018,103.28

    Property investment 6,121,304.73 5,869,166.58 6,508,675.44 6,217,326.63

    Fixed assets 3,702,707,101.55 6,347,532.80 4,075,251,730.31 4,333,177.25

    Construction in progress 2,229,678,086.58 1,388,953,103.9811

    Engineering material

    Fixed asset disposal

    Production physical assets

    Gas & petrol

    Intangible assets 60,941,111.51 66,342,785.41

    R & D petrol


    Long-germ expenses to be


    110,958.19 156,350.15

    Differed income tax asset 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00

    Other non-current asset

    Total of non-current assets 9,453,110,717.02 4,776,482,423.36 8,360,497,179.05 3,938,568,607.16

    Total of assets 10,346,635,295.94 4,965,731,656.50 8,915,176,490.28 4,455,971,135.01

    Current liabilities

    Short-term loans 450,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 654,000,000.00 100,000,000.00

    Loan from Central Bank

    Deposit received and hold

    for others

    Call loan received

    Trade off financial liabilities

    Bill payable

    Account payable 308,506,438.58 159,018,048.20

    Advance payment 7,588,507.31 7,456,276.76

    Selling of repurchased

    financial assets

    Fees and commissions


    Employees’ wage payable 2,521,371.40 138,161.76 4,765,766.41 3,744,813.81

    Tax payable 11,348,337.41 169,245.88 4,159,074.15 335,875.55

    Interest payable 7,205,036.57 1,133,333.33 16,523,915.41 11,373,158.33

    Dividend payable 19,384,157.69 12,829,995.56 13,205,176.58 13,205,176.58

    Other account payable 224,877,904.18 173,082,267.12 165,005,234.22 2,586,897.36

    Reinsurance fee payable

    Insurance contract provision

    Entrusted trading of


    Entrusted selling of


    Non-current liability due in

    1 year

    50,000,000.00 150,000,000.00

    Other current liability 79,010,228.67

    Total of current liability 1,081,431,753.14 287,353,003.65 1,174,133,491.73 210,256,150.30

    Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term loan 3,784,964,803.54 2,820,874,803.5412

    Bond payable 790,976,433.15 790,976,433.15 789,376,380.58 789,376,380.58

    Long-term payable 2,022,210.11 2,022,210.11 2,022,210.11 2,022,210.11

    Special payable

    Expected liabilities

    Differed income tax


    115,360,562.26 115,352,612.14

    Other non-current liabilities

    Total of non-current


    4,693,324,009.06 792,998,643.26 3,727,626,006.37 791,398,590.69

    Total of liability 5,774,755,762.20 1,080,351,646.91 4,901,759,498.10 1,001,654,740.99

    Owners’ equity

    Share capital 1,257,117,748.00 1,257,117,748.00 1,257,117,748.00 1,257,117,748.00

    Capital reserves 1,837,306,856.32 1,837,306,856.32 1,534,906,856.32 1,534,906,856.32

    Less:Shares in stock

    Special reserve

    Surplus reserves 130,342,184.11 130,342,184.11 130,342,184.11 130,342,184.11

    Common risk provision

    Undistributed profit 872,915,236.55 660,613,221.16 675,866,785.19 531,949,605.59

    Different of foreign currency


    Total of owner’s equity belong to

    the parent company

    4,097,682,024.98 3,885,380,009.59 3,598,233,573.62 3,454,316,394.02

    Minor shareholders’ equity 474,197,508.76 415,183,418.56

    Total of owners’ equity 4,571,879,533.74 3,885,380,009.59 4,013,416,992.18 3,454,316,394.02

    Total of liabilities and owners’


    10,346,635,295.94 4,965,731,656.50 8,915,176,490.28 4,455,971,135.01

    4.2 Profit statement of the report period

    Prepared by:Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co.,Ltd. July-September 2010 Unit:RMB

    Report period Same period of the previous year


    Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company

    I. Total operating income 250,734,758.49 1,223,700.00 222,209,919.85 2,000.00

    Including:Operating income 250,734,758.49 1,223,700.00 222,209,919.85 2,000.00

    Interest income

    Insurance gained

    Commission charge and

    commission income

    II. Total operating cost 208,289,785.95 22,962,258.03 179,483,876.80 12,780,399.54

    Including:operating cost 133,855,975.62 116,053.35 114,159,349.00

    Interest expense

    Commission charge and

    commission expense

    Cash surrender value

    Net amount of expense of


    Net amount of withdrawal of13

    insurance contract reserve

    Bonus expense of guarantee slip

    Reinsurance expense

    Operating tax and extras 8,804,915.88 62,286.33 7,415,668.55 100.00

    Sales expenses

    Administration expenses 25,179,633.24 11,132,848.91 26,564,169.01 11,363,459.76

    Financial expenses 40,449,261.21 11,651,069.44 31,344,690.24 1,416,839.78

    Losses of devaluation of assets

    Add:changing income of fair


    Investment income 93,973,966.04 93,973,966.04 71,522,720.97 136,022,720.97

    Including:Investment income on

    affiliated company and joint


    92,955,200.95 92,955,200.95 71,522,720.97 71,522,720.97

    Exchange income

    III. Operating profit 136,418,938.58 72,235,408.01 114,248,764.02 123,244,321.43

    Add:non-operating income 1,040,289.70 76,500.00 493,735.93

    less:non-operating expense 48,103,500.44 76,141.46

    Including:disposal loss of

    non-current assets


    IV. Total profit 89,355,727.84 72,311,908.01 114,666,358.49 123,244,321.43

    Less:expense of income tax -505,553.89 14,488,486.32

    V. Net profit 89,861,281.73 72,311,908.01 100,177,872.17 123,244,321.43

    Net profit attributable to owner’s

    equity of parent company

    85,104,576.50 72,311,908.01 89,656,938.50 123,244,321.43

    Minority shareholders’ gains

    and losses

    4,756,705.23 10,520,933.67

    VI. Earnings per share

    (i)Basic earnings per share 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.10

    (ii)Diluted earnings per share 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.10

    VII. Other composite income 302,400,000.00 302,400,000.00

    VIII. Total composite income 392,261,281.73 374,711,908.01 100,177,872.17 123,244,321.43

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to owners of parent


    387,504,576.50 374,711,908.01 89,656,938.50 123,244,321.43

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to minority


    4,756,705.23 10,520,933.67

    4.3 Profit statement from Year-begin to period-end

    Prepared by:Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co.,Ltd. January-September 2010 Unit:RMB

    Report period Same period of the previous year


    Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company

    I. Total operating income 751,794,708.28 7,239,420.00 694,026,669.60 5,600.00

    Including:Operating income 751,794,708.28 7,239,420.00 694,026,669.60 5,600.00

    Interest income

    Insurance gained

    Commission charge and14

    commission income

    II. Total operating cost 597,572,529.16 67,210,846.36 483,817,549.59 38,053,282.24

    Including:operating cost 375,468,175.73 348,160.05 281,819,027.25

    Interest expense

    Commission charge and

    commission expense

    Cash surrender value

    Net amount of expense of


    Net amount of withdrawal of

    insurance contract reserve

    Bonus expense of guarantee slip

    Reinsurance expense

    Operating tax and extras 26,469,753.33 368,486.48 22,949,640.75 280.00

    Sales expenses

    Administration expenses 72,280,248.83 31,419,031.08 74,461,082.40 35,325,584.03

    Financial expenses 123,354,351.27 35,075,168.75 100,201,262.84 2,727,418.21

    Losses of devaluation of assets 4,386,536.35

    Add:changing income of fair


    Investment income 283,980,273.17 314,167,571.73 204,280,950.84 389,629,312.13

    Including:Investment income on

    affiliated company and joint


    282,961,508.08 282,961,508.08 197,164,880.41 197,467,633.20

    Exchange income

    III. Operating profit 438,202,452.29 254,196,145.37 414,490,070.85 351,581,629.89

    Add:non-operating income 17,031,053.69 343,210.70 1,513,650.96 34,525.00

    less:non-operating expense 52,726,005.32 163,965.70 553,515.15

    Including:disposal loss of

    non-current assets

    52,241,371.51 70,692.18

    IV. Total profit 402,507,500.66 254,375,390.37 415,450,206.66 351,616,154.89

    Less:expense of income tax 44,770,751.44 60,953,723.80

    V. Net profit 357,736,749.22 254,375,390.37 354,496,482.86 351,616,154.89

    Net profit attributable to owner’s

    equity of parent company

    322,908,366.91 254,375,390.37 305,571,609.77 351,616,154.89

    Minority shareholders’ gains

    and losses

    34,828,382.31 48,924,873.09

    VI. Earnings per share

    (i)Basic earnings per share 0.26 0.20 0.24 0.28

    (ii)Diluted earnings per share 0.26 0.20 0.24 0.28

    VII. Other composite income 302,400,000.00 302,400,000.00

    VIII. Total composite income 660,136,749.22 556,775,390.37 354,496,482.86 351,616,154.89

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to owners of parent


    625,308,366.91 556,775,390.37 305,571,609.77 351,616,154.89

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to minority


    34,828,382.31 48,924,873.0915

    4.4 Cash flow statement from Year-begin to period-end

    Prepared by:Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co.,Ltd. January-September 2010 Unit:RMB

    Report period Same period of the previous year


    Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company

    I. Cash flows from operating


    Cash received from sales of

    goods or rending of services

    720,277,916.89 671,805,564.83

    Net increase of customer

    deposits and capital kept for

    brother company

    Net increase of loans

    from central bank

    Net increase of inter-bank

    loans from other financial


    Cash received against

    original insurance contract

    Net cash received from

    reinsurance business

    Net increase of client

    deposit and investment

    Net increase of trade

    financial asset disposal

    Cash received as interest,

    processing fee and


    Net increase of inter-bank

    fund received

    Net increase of repurchasing


    Tax returned

    Other cash received from

    business operation

    844,138,341.41 748,972,535.60 77,021,302.17 1,046,538,909.13

    Sub-total of cash inflow 1,564,416,258.30 748,972,535.60 748,826,867.00 1,046,538,909.13

    Cash paid for purchasing

    of merchandise and services

    86,898,899.48 68,019,463.00

    Net increase of client

    trade and advance

    Net increase of savings n

    central bank and brother


    Cash paid for original

    contract claim

    Cash paid for interest,

    processing fee and


    Cash paid for policy16


    Cash paid to staffs or paid

    for staffs

    81,905,135.58 23,607,380.21 70,894,042.28 19,425,110.72

    Taxes paid 66,922,532.58 95,331.35 70,642,162.76 157,525.81

    Other cash paid for business


    758,193,721.82 671,283,624.74 145,632,926.71 845,842,147.35

    Sub-total of cash outflow

    from business activities

    993,920,289.46 694,986,336.30 355,188,594.75 865,424,783.88

    Cash flow generated by

    business operation, net

    570,495,968.84 53,986,199.30 393,638,272.25 181,114,125.25

    II. Cash flow generated by


    Cash received from

    investment retrieving


    Cash received as investment


    295,651,106.96 306,175,919.15 242,970,801.62 424,036,261.63

    Net cash retrieved from

    disposal of fixed assets,

    intangible assets, and other

    long-term assets

    333,400.00 305,800.00 7,320.00 6,120.00

    Net cash received from

    disposal of subsidiaries or

    other operational units

    Other investment-related

    cash received


    Sub-total of cash inflow due

    to investment activities

    295,984,506.96 614,112,189.15 243,775,121.62 424,042,381.63

    Cash paid for construction

    of fixed assets, intangible

    assets and other long-term


    746,978,144.40 2,763,341.00 727,352,837.15 419,320.00

    Cash paid as investment 355,917,500.00 460,977,500.00 562,500,000.00 562,500,000.00

    Net increase of loan

    against pledge

    Net cash received from

    subsidiaries and other

    operational units

    Other cash paid for

    investment activities


    Sub-total of cash outflow

    due to investment activities

    1,102,895,644.40 463,740,841.00 1,289,855,365.59 562,919,320.00

    Net cash flow generated by


    -806,911,137.44 150,371,348.15 -1,046,080,243.97 -138,876,938.37

    III. Cash flow generated by


    Cash received as investment 35,020,000.00

    Incl: Cash received as

    investment from minor


    Cash received as loans 1,378,210,000.00 1,393,630,000.00 90,000,000.00

    Cash received from bond


    788,800,000.00 788,800,000.00

    Other financing –related

    ash received

    Sub-total of cash inflow

    from financing activities

    1,413,230,000.00 2,182,430,000.00 878,800,000.00

    Cash to repay debts 717,120,000.00 440,000,000.00 40,000,000.00

    Cash paid as dividend,

    profit, or interests

    336,170,586.46 170,387,696.12 349,216,111.23 127,775,175.97

    Incl: Dividend and profit

    paid by subsidiaries to minor


    Other cash paid for

    financing activities

    Sub-total of cash outflow

    due to financing activities

    1,053,290,586.46 170,387,696.12 789,216,111.23 167,775,175.97

    Net cash flow generated by


    359,939,413.54 -170,387,696.12 1,393,213,888.77 711,024,824.03

    IV.Influence of exchange rate

    alternation on cash and cash


    212,169.60 212,169.60 -172.43 -172.43

    V.Net increase of cash and

    cash equivalents

    123,736,414.54 34,182,020.93 740,771,744.62 753,261,838.48

    Add: balance of cash and

    cash equivalents at the

    beginning of term

    218,754,995.03 113,474,208.24 350,765,725.76 41,195,556.89

    VI. Balance of cash and cash

    equivalents at the end of term

    342,491,409.57 147,656,229.17 1,091,537,470.38 794,457,395.37

    4.5 Auditor’ report

    Auditor’s opinions: Not audited