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						                                     The Third Quarterly Report 2012

I Important Statement

The Board of Directors , Supervisory Committee ,Directors , Supervisors, Senior Executives of the
Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements
carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness,
accuracy and completeness of the Report.

All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.

Mr. Zhou Yuming, Person in charge of the Company, Mr.Li Xiyuan , Person in charge of accounting works, Mr.
Xiao Laijiu ,CFO as well as person in charge of accounting institution represent and warrant the financial and
accounting report in the Third report is true and complete.

This report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. In case of discrepancy, the Chinese version shall

II. Basic Information of the Company
1..Main accounting data and indices

If retrospective adjustment has been carried our on financial reports of previous periods.
□ Yes √ No □ Not applicable

                                           2012.9.30                       2011.12.31              Increase /decrease(%)
    Total assets(RMB)                       12,901,279,927.96              11,802,427,175.92                              9.31%
Owner’s equity attributable to
the shareholders of the listed                 4,224,959,595.67               4,115,126,105.45                              2.67%
    company (RMB)
   Stock capital(Shares)                     1,257,117,748.00               1,257,117,748.00                                 0%
     Net assets per share
      attributable to the
   shareholders of the listed                                 3.36                        3.27                              2.67%
                                                         Increase/decrease in the                         Increase/decrease in the
                                                         report period compared     January-September     report period compared
                                  July-September 2012
                                                         with the same period of          2012            with the same period of
                                                             the last year(%)                                 the last year(%)
  Total turnover(RMB)                   283,863,936.55                     4.31%         828,113,102.52                     5.47%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed               68,005,779.73                    -17.2%        225,489,377.62                      -0.8%
   Net cash flow arising
 from operating activities --                            --                             512,268,846.01                      1.18%
 Net cash flow per share --                              --                                        0.41                     1.18%

  arising from operating
 Basic earnings per share
                                                       0.05                    -28.57%         0.18           0%
   Diluted earnings per
                                                       0.05                    -28.57%         0.18           0%
 Weighted average return
                                                     1.62%                        -0.34       5.36%        0.05%
    on equity(%)
Weighted average Return
   on net assets after
                                                     1.61%                      -0.34%        5.29%        -0.64%
deducting non-recurring
gains and losses(%)
Items and amount of non-current gains and losses deducted

√ applicable □ not applicable

                                                                      Amount from the
                                                                     beginning of year to
                             Items                                                               Remarks
                                                                   the end of report period
Gain/loss form disposal of non-current assets                                2,666,829.02
Tax refund, deduction and exemption that is examined and
approved by authority exceeding or has no official approval
Governmental Subsidy accounted as current gain/loss,
except for those subsidies at with amount or quantity fixed
by the national government and closely related to the
Company’s business operation.
Capital adoption fee collected from non-financial
organizations and accounted into current gain/loss
Gain/loss from differences between the cost of enterprise
merger and the fair value of recognizable net asset of the
invested entities
Gain/loss from non-monetary assets
Gain/loss from commissioned investment or assets
Asser impairment provisions provided for force-majeur
Gain/loss from debt reorganization
Enterprise reorganizing expenses, such as employee
placement fee and integration fee
Gain/loss from trade departing from fair value
Current net gain/loss of subsidiaries under same control
from beginning of term till date of consolidation
Gain/loss generated by contingent liabilities without
connection with main businesses
In addition to normal business with the company effective
hedging related business, holders of tradable financial
assets, transactions and financial liabilities arising from
changes in fair value gains and losses, as well as the
disposal of trading of financial assets, trading financial
liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets gains return
on investment;
Restoring of receivable account impairment provision tested

Gain/loss from commissioned loans
Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property
measured at fair value in follow-up measurement
Influence of one-time adjustment made on current gain/loss
account according to the laws and regulations regarding tax
and accounting
Consigning fee received for cosigned operation
Net amount of non-operating income and expense except
the aforesaid items
Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of
non-recurring gain/loss account
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity
Amount of influence of income tax                                          -974,682.62

Total                                                                     2,924,045.94                         --
The information of main accounting data and main financial indices of the company by the end of report
period...(Filling the adjustment explanation if retroactive adjusted)

            Items                    Amount(RMB)                                              Remarks

II. Total number of shareholders and top 10 holders of shareholders at the end of report period

Total number of shareholders at
the end of report period
                   Particulars about the shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders with unrestricted conditions
                                   Amount of tradable shares with                            Type and amount
   Full name of shareholder        unrestricted conditions held at
                                      the end of report period                    Type                              Amount
Guangdong Communication
                                                       103,379,742 RMB common shares                                     103,379,742
Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                     Foreign shares placed in
Xinyue Co., Ltd.                                        13,201,086                                                           13,201,086
                                                                     domestic exchange
Guangdong Yuecai Trust
                                                        12,174,345 RMB common shares                                         12,174,345
Investment Co., Ltd.
China Merchants Securities Co.,
        Ltd credit transaction
  guarantee securities accounts
                                                        11,896,090 RMB common shares                                         11,896,090
China Merchants Securities Co.,
        Ltd credit transaction
  guarantee securities accounts
China investment securities C
o., Ltd. credit transaction gua
rantee securities accounts Chi
                                                         7,015,760 RMB common shares                                          7,015,760
na Merchants Securities Co.,
Ltd credit transaction guarant
         ee securities accounts
Haerbin Daoli District, Treasury
                                                         6,022,531 RMB common shares                                          6,022,531
                Services Dept.
   Shanxi Huiteng International
                                                         3,716,200 RMB common shares                                          3,716,200
   Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.
           STICHTING PGGM                                            Foreign shares placed in
                                                         3,599,861                                                            3,599,861
               DEPOSITARY                                            domestic exchange

                                                                   Foreign shares placed in
                   Chen Shukai                         2,909,100                                                         2,909,100
                                                                   domestic exchange
                                                                   Foreign shares placed in
                   Lu Weiqiang                         2,888,848                                                         2,888,848
                                                                   domestic exchange
Notes to the related relationship Guangdong Communication Group Co., Ltd. is the parent company of Guangdong Expressway
between the shareholders or       Co., Ltd. and Xinyue Co., Ltd.. It is unknown whether there is relationship between other
their concerted action:           shareholders and whether they are persons taking concerted action specified in the Regulations on
                                  Disclosure of Information about Change in Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.

§3 Significant Events

1 Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and its reason.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Items of balance sheet
1. Monetary capital
Monetary capital increased by RMB 386 million and 37.84% over the beginning of the year mainly due to net
cash inflow of RMB 512 million from operating activities, net cash outflow of RMB 552 million from investing
activities and net cash inflow of RMB 425 million from financing activities.
Accounts receivable increased by RMB 30.52 million and 172.20% over the beginning of the year mainly due to
increase of toll income receivable from United Electronic Toll Center by Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. and
Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd.
3. Construction in progress
Construction in progress increased by RMB 961 million and 34.82% over the beginning of the year mainly due to
additional investment of RMB 661 million into Fokai Expressway expansion project and additional investment of
RMB 265 million in the overhaul of Fokai Expressway in current period.
4.Long-term prepaid expenses
Long-term prepaid expenses increased by RMB 1.3 million and 351.73% over the beginning of the year due to
increase of decoration expenses of offices in Litong Plaza leased by the parent company.
5.Short-term loan
Short-term loan decreased by RMB 282 million and 31.58% over the beginning of the year due to decrease of
working capital loan of the parent company by RMB 262 million, decrease of working capital loan of Guangdong
Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. by RMB 180 million and increase of working capital loan of Guangfo Expressway
Co., Ltd. by RMB 160 million in the current period.
6. Accounts payable
Accounts payable increased by RMB 54.49 million and 40.30% over the beginning of the year mainly due to
increase of accounts payable to Fokai Expansion Project.
7. Remuneration payable to staff and workers
Remuneration payable to staff and workers increased by RMB 0.88 million and 44.20% over the beginning of the
year mainly due to increase of ending balance.
8. Taxes and levies payable
Taxes and levies payable increased by RMB 36.55 million and 279.63% over the beginning of the year mainly
due to increase of balance of income tax payable.
9. Interest payable
Interest payable increased by RMB 38.68 million and 104.08% over the beginning of the year mainly due to
provision for medium term notes interest of RMB 50.93 million in current period.
10. Non-current liabilities to mature within one year
Non-current liabilities to mature within one year increased by RMB 1.037 billion and 269.95% over the beginning
of the year mainly due to increase of Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd.'s long-term loan to mature within
one year by RMB 1.077 billion.

Items of profit statement as compared with the same period of the previous year
1. Financial expenses
Financial expenses increased by RMB 65.66 million and 40.47% year on year mainly due to: (1) increase of debt
principal; (2) The interest rate that was effective from July 7, 2011 applied to some original loans. The interest

rate after adjustment was highter than the original interest rate.
2.Non-business expenses

Notes of main items of cash flow statement
1 Other cash income related to operating activities
Other cash income related to operating activities decreased by 66.16% and RMB 88.03 million year on year
mainly due to decrease of cash inflows from business transactions between the parent company and Guangdong
Guanghui Expressway Co., Ltd. by RMB 55 million, decrease of project security deposit and performance
security deposit received by Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. by RMB 12.93 million and decrease of net
cash inflow from the difference between unsplit cash toll income received by Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. and
the part transferred out by RMB 6.53 million.
2. Other cash payment related to operating activities
Other cash payment related to operating activities decreased by 56.68% and RMB 81.64 million year on year
decrease of cash outflows from business transactions between the parent company and Guangdong Guanghui
Expressway Co., Ltd. by RMB 55 million and decrease of project security deposit and performance security
deposit returned by Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. by RMB 19.08 million.
3. Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets
Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets increased by
33741.49% and RMB 4.74 million year on year mainly due to receipt of RMB 4.1506 million by Guangdong
Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. from disposal of scrapped expanded guard rails.
4. Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets
It is mainly the payment of RMB 729 million by Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. for expansion project of
Xiebian-Sanbao Section and progress of overhaul project in current period. The year-on-year increase by 45.22%
and RMB 251 million is mainly due to the increase of investment in the above-mentioned projects in current
5. Cash paid for investment
In current period, the Company did not pay cash for external investment, In the same period of previous year, the
parent company contributed capital of RMB 290 million to Guangdong Guangle Expressway Co., Ltd. Therefore,
the amount of this item decreased by RMB 290 million year on year.
6. Cash received from absorption of investment
In current period, Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. received capital payment of RMB 102.94 million from
minority shareholders, which increased by 82.52% and RMB 46.54 million year on year due to increase of captial
payment by minority shareholders.
7. Cash received from obtaining loans
Cash received from obtaining loans increased by 108.85% and RMB 1.177 billion year on year, which is mainly:
(1) the bank loans, insurance fund loans and entrusted loans provided by affiliated enterprises received by the
parent company in current period, which total RMB 1.066 billion; (2) loans of RMB 853 million borrowed by
Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co., Ltd. from banks in current period; (3) loans of RMB 340 million borrowed by
Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. from banks in current period.
8. Cash repayments of debts
The amount of principal repayment increased by 123.91% and RMB 876 million year on year due to increase of
principal of due loans, which mainly are (1) repayment of due bank loan of RMB 682 million by the parent
company in current period; (2) repayment of bank loan of RMB 681 million by Guangdong Fokai Expressway Co.,
Ltd. in current period; (3) repayment of bank loans of RMB 220 million by Guangfo Expressway Co., Ltd. in
current period.

II. The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal

1. Non-standard Opinion

□applicable √ not applicable

2 The Company provided funds to its controlling shareholder or related parties and provided guarantees in
violation of established procedures.

□applicable √ not applicable

3.Signing and performance of significant contracts for daily operation

□applicable √ not applicable


□applicable √ not applicable
III. Companies or shareholders holding more than 5% equity during the reporting period or the commitments
continued to the reporting period.

IV. Prediction of Business performance for 2012.

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss
 probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and
 explanation of reason.

□applicable √ not applicable

V. Other significant events need to be explained

1.Securities investment

□applicable √ not applicable

2. Derivative Investment

□applicable √ not applicable

3.Particulars about derivatives investment held at the end of report period

□applicable √ not applicable

4. The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report period for
future reference

                                                                                                        Content of
        Date                Place             Mode                Type               Visitor          discussion and
                                                                                                    materials provided

5.Issue of corporate bond

Have the company issued any corporate bond
√ Yes □ No

    Document CSRC permit No.(2009) 849 issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission had been approved, The Company

conducted an online public offering of corporate bonds to public investors on September 21, 2009, and an offline offering of
corporate bonds to institutional investors from September 21 to 23, 2009.(The online public offering code is “101699”, named as “09
Guangdong Expressway Bond”).the amount of current company bond issuing is RMB 800 million. RMB 100/per bond, The issuing
price of each bond is RMB100 yuan. The Company issued 8 million corporate bonds at the price of RMB100 per bond. The coupon
rate is 5.1% and the term is five years.

China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.Shenzhen branch completed registration of corporate bonds in the current period o
n September 28,2009.With the consent of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, company bond will be listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange since
Oct. 16th, 2009. The short name of the bond is “09 Guangdong Expressway Bond”, the stock code is “112009”.

§4 Appendix

1 Financial statements

Consolidated or not:
√Yes □ No□not applicable

All figures in the notes to the financial statements are in RMB yuan except for otherwise stated.

1. Consolidated Balance sheet

Prepared by::Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.


                                                          Year-end balance
                    Items                                                                           Year-beginning balance

Current asset:
   Monetary fund                                                       1,404,634,441.40                            1,018,999,531.05
   Settlement provision
   Outgoing call loan
   Trading financial assets
   Bill receivable
   Account receivable                                                     48,250,573.22                               17,726,118.11
        Prepayments                                                      129,509,847.20                              144,982,896.65
      Insurance receivable
   Reinsurance receivable
  Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable
   Interest receivable
   Dividend receivable                                                    69,360,130.21                               90,658,881.05
Other account receivable                                                  36,881,288.80                               37,983,304.82
      Repurchasing of financial assets
   Non-current asset due in 1 year
 Other current asset

Total of current assets               1,688,636,280.83    1,310,350,731.68

Non-current assets:
  Loans and payment on other’s
behalf disbursed
  Disposable financial asset           638,400,000.00      691,200,000.00
  Expired investment in possess
  Long-term receivable
 Long term share equity investment    2,966,631,772.31    2,918,288,171.88
  Property investment                     5,192,878.03        5,541,038.08
 Fixed assets                         3,832,731,015.56    4,063,417,803.17
 Construction in progress             3,721,169,390.61    2,760,092,723.87
  Engineering material
  Fixed asset disposal
  Production physical assets
 Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                  46,844,731.53       53,166,163.90
  R & D petrol
 Long-germ expenses to be
                                          1,673,859.09         370,543.34
  Differed income tax asset
  Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets          11,212,643,647.13   10,492,076,444.24
Total of assets                      12,901,279,927.96   11,802,427,175.92
Current liabilities
 Short-term loans                      609,970,000.00      891,470,000.00
  Loan from Central Bank
  Deposit received and hold for
     Call loan received
 Trade off financial liabilities
  Bill payable
  Account payable                      189,723,409.12      135,228,709.74
  Advance payment                         4,972,991.30        5,392,391.20
  Selling of repurchased financial
 Fees and commissions receivable
 Employees’ wage payable                 2,887,178.34        2,002,220.57
 Tax payable                            49,617,377.54       13,070,029.12
  Interest payable                      75,838,548.72       37,161,794.55
  Dividend payable                      29,369,831.21        29,154,211.10
 Other account payable                 267,711,507.28      319,750,258.89
  Reinsurance fee payable

 Insurance contract provision
  Entrusted trading of securities
 Entrusted selling of securities
  Non-current liability due in 1 year                        1,421,356,100.00                       384,200,000.00
  Other current liability
Total of current liability                                   2,651,446,943.51                     1,817,429,615.17

Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan                                             3,334,763,703.54                     3,309,764,803.54
     Bond payable                                            1,792,575,420.51                     1,790,792,109.05
  Long-term payable                                                  2,022,210.11                      2,022,210.11
  Special payable
  Expected liabilities
  Differed income tax liability                                121,410,741.27                       126,663,710.47
Other non-current liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                             5,250,772,075.43                     5,229,242,833.17
Total of liability                                           7,902,219,018.94                     7,046,672,448.34
Owners’ equity
  Share capital                                               1,257,117,748.00                     1,257,117,748.00
     Capital reserves                                        1,645,158,715.57                     1,697,958,715.57

  Less:Shares in stock
 Special Reserve
  Surplus reserves                                             191,496,386.02                       191,496,386.02
     Common risk provision
     Undistributed profit                                    1,131,186,746.08                       968,553,255.86
 Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owner’s equity belong to the
                                                             4,224,959,595.67                      4,115,126,105.45
parent company
Minor shareholders’ equity                                    774,101,313.35                       640,628,622.13
Total of owners’ equity                                     4,999,060,909.02                     4,755,754,727.58
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                    12,901,279,927.96                    11,802,427,175.92

legal representative :Zhou Yuming

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiyuan

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Xiao Laijiu

2. Balance sheet of the Parent Company

Prepared by::Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.


                     Items                        Year-end balance                  Year-beginning balance

Current asset:
       Monetary fund                 1,148,982,773.84    701,899,352.28
Trading financial assets
 Bill receivable
 Account receivable
  Prepayments                           1,446,420.00
  Interest receivable                      18,222.22         316,891.66
  Dividend receivable                 118,275,706.55     139,574,457.39
 Other account receivable               8,098,549.73       3,657,454.90
  Non-current asset due in 1 year
  Other current asset                  10,000,000.00     160,000,000.00
Total of current assets              1,286,821,672.34   1,005,448,156.23
Non-current assets:
  Disposable financial asset          638,400,000.00     691,200,000.00
   Expired investment in possess
 Long-term receivable
 Long term share equity investment   5,066,390,341.83   4,763,046,741.40
 Property investment                    4,940,739.78       5,288,899.83
  Fixed assets                          6,122,474.14       5,837,841.17
  Construction in progress
Engineering material
  Fixed asset disposal
  Production physical assets
 Gas & petrol
 Intangible assets
 R & D petrol
  Long-germ expenses to be
                                        1,673,859.09         335,238.40
Differed income tax asset
 Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets          5,717,527,414.84   5,465,708,720.80
Total of assets                      7,004,349,087.18   6,471,156,877.03
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                    219,970,000.00     481,470,000.00
  Trade off financial liabilities
  Bill payable
  Account payable
 Advance payment
 Employees’ wage payable                 141,924.86          88,015.62
 Tax payable                              136,883.39       1,912,304.18

 Interest payable                                                    68,039,864.04                          29,720,154.33
 Dividend payable                                                    13,064,639.09                          12,849,018.98
  Other account payable                                               2,643,739.43                        109,125,634.87
Non-current liability due in 1 year
Other current liability                                          159,422,463.03                             65,542,566.45
Total of current liability                                       463,419,513.84                           700,707,694.43

Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan                                                 750,000,000.00
 Bond payable                                                  1,792,575,420.51                          1,790,792,109.05
  Long-term payable                                                   2,022,210.11                           2,022,210.11
 Special payable
 Expected liabilities
Differed income tax liability
  Other non-current liabilities
Total of Non-current liabilities                               2,544,597,630.62                          1,792,814,319.16
Total of liability                                             3,008,017,144.46                          2,493,522,013.59
Owners’ equity
  Share capital                                                1,257,117,748.00                          1,257,117,748.00
 Capital reserves                                              1,645,306,856.32                          1,698,106,856.32

  Less:Shares in stock
 Special reserves
     Surplus reserves                                            191,496,386.02                           191,496,386.02
     Common risk provision
  Undistributed profit                                           902,410,952.38                           830,913,873.10
  Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owners’ equity                                       3,996,331,942.72                          3,977,634,863.44
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                       7,004,349,087.18                          6,471,156,877.03

Legal representative :Zhou Yuming

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiyuan

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Xiao Laijiu

3. Profit statement(Consolidated)of the report period

Prepared by::Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.


                     Items                           Report period                   Same period of the previous year
I. Total operating income                                        283,863,936.55                           272,127,868.29
Including:Operating income                                      283,863,936.55                           272,127,868.29
      Interest income
        Insurance gained

 Commission charge and commission
II. Total operating cost                             265,396,431.73                  255,893,018.72
Including:Operating cost                            139,705,831.46                  154,845,889.63
        Interest expense
Commission chare and commission
        Cash surrender value
  Net amount of expense of compensation
 Net amount of withdrawal of insurance
contract reserve
        Bonus expense of guarantee slip
        Reinsurance expense
        Operating tax and extras                      10,486,850.47                    9,819,742.72
      Sales expenses
        Administration expenses                       43,579,215.04                   33,844,250.63
     Financial expenses                               71,624,534.76                   57,383,135.74
Losses of devaluation of assets
 Add :Changing income of fair value
 Investment income                                    80,525,538.01                   87,729,313.67
Including:Investment income on affiliate
                                                      80,525,538.02                   87,729,313.66
 company and joint venture
 Exchange income
III. Operating profit                                 98,993,042.83                  103,964,163.24
Add :Non-operating income                              861,614.09                      395,082.27
  Less:Non-operating expense                           189,403.46                      273,212.04
Including :Disposal loss of non-current
IV. Total profit                                      99,665,253.46                  104,086,033.47
Less:Income tax                                      17,729,346.50                   12,775,861.21
V. Net profit                                         81,935,906.96                   91,310,172.26
  Including: Net profit realized by the
entity taken over before the takeover
Net profit attributable to owner’s equity of
                                                      68,005,779.73                   82,135,472.84
parent company
     Minority shareholders’ gains and
                                                      13,930,127.23                    9,174,699.42
VI. Earnings per share:                        --                              --

(I)Basic earnings per share                                  0.05                            0.07

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                0.05                            0.07
VII. Other comprehensive income                      -43,200,000.00                  -96,000,000.00
VIII. Total comprehensive income                      38,735,906.96                   -4,689,827.74
Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                      24,805,779.73                  -13,864,527.16
the owner of the parent company
 Total comprehensive income attributable
                                                      13,930,127.23                    9,174,699.42
minority shareholders
Enterprise combination under same controlling at the end of current period. the net profit for the
enterprise to be combined is 0..00..

Legal representative :Zhou Yuming

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiyuan

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Xiao Laijiu

4. Profit statement(Parent Company)of the report period

Prepared by::Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.


                     Items                           Report period                   Same period of the previous year
I. Business income                                                    4,406,339.18                           1,410,212.08
  Less:Business cost                                                  116,053.35                              116,053.35
     Business tax and surcharge                                        209,678.57                                   46.72
      Sales expense
 Administrative expense                                              26,060,235.66                          13,998,506.53
    Financial expenses                                               32,441,581.40                          17,940,325.30
 Asset impairment loss
  Add:Gains from change of fir
value (“-”for loss)
  Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                   80,525,538.02                        130,909,044.87
  Incl: investment gains from
                                                                     80,525,538.02                          87,729,313.66
II. Operational profit                                               26,104,328.22                        100,264,325.05
 Add:Non-business income
 Less:Non business expenses
      Incl:Loss from disposal of
non-current assets
III.Total profit                                                     26,104,328.22                        100,264,325.05
     Less:Income tax expenses
IV. Net profit                                                       26,104,328.22                        100,264,325.05
V. Earnings per share                                     --                                        --
(I)Basic earnings per share                                                 0.02                                      0.08
 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                               0.02                                      0.08
VII. Other comprehensive income                                  -43,200,000.00                            -96,000,000.00
VIII. Total comprehensive income                                 -17,095,671.78                              4,264,325.05

Legal representative :Zhou Yuming

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiyuan

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Xiao Laijiu

5. Profit statement(Consolidated )from year-begin to the end of report period

Prepared by::Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.


                    Items                       Report period                   Same period of the previous year
I. Total operating income                                   828,113,102.52                           785,170,946.81
Including:Operating income                                 828,113,102.52                           785,170,946.81
      Interest income
        Insurance gained
 Commission charge and commission
II. Total operating cost                                    795,489,540.74                           692,261,808.57
Including:Operating cost                                   415,778,263.53                           406,574,693.67
        Interest expense
Commission chare and commission
        Cash surrender value
  Net amount of expense of compensation
 Net amount of withdrawal of insurance
contract reserve
        Bonus expense of guarantee slip
        Reinsurance expense
        Operating tax and extras                                30,613,396.38                          28,666,689.42
      Sales expenses
        Administration expenses                             121,211,692.06                             94,794,917.81
     Financial expenses                                     227,886,188.77                           162,225,507.67
Losses of devaluation of assets                                   -142,376.38                              -7,985.84
 Add :Changing income of fair value
 Investment income                                          276,505,425.97                           258,198,720.46
Including:Investment income on affiliate
                                                            244,585,425.98                           235,494,720.45
 company and joint venture
 Exchange income
III. Operating profit                                       309,271,364.13                            351,115,844.54
Add :Non-operating income                                       6,160,108.66                           4,936,972.65
  Less:Non-operating expense                                     961,803.27                           55,036,151.25
Including :Disposal loss of non-current
                                                                  183,643.81                           54,625,699.42
IV. Total profit                                            314,469,669.52                           301,016,665.94
Less:Income tax                                                50,319,873.91                          53,470,995.78
V. Net profit(“-”for net loss                            264,149,795.61                           247,545,670.16
  Including: Net profit realized by the
entity taken over before the takeover
 Net profit attributable to the
                                                            225,489,377.62                           227,301,160.07
owners of parent company
  Minority shareholders’ equity                                38,660,417.99                          20,244,510.09

VI. Earnings per share:                             --                                        --

(I)Basic earnings per share                                                 0.18                                      0.18

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                               0.18                                      0.18
VII. Other comprehensive income                                  -52,800,000.00                           -242,400,000.00
VIII. Total comprehensive income                                 211,349,795.61                              5,145,670.16
Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                 172,689,377.62                            -15,098,839.93
the owner of the parent company
 Total comprehensive income attributable
                                                                     38,660,417.99                          20,244,510.09
minority shareholders
Enterprise combination under same controlling at the end of current period. the net profit for the
enterprise to be combined is 0.00.

Legal representative :Zhou Yuming

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiyuan

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Xiao Laijiu

6.. Profit statement(Parent company)from Year-begin to the end of report period

Prepared by::Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.


                     Items                           Report period                   Same period of the previous year
I. Business income                                                    9,019,146.26                           3,201,099.03
  Less:Business cost                                                  348,160.05                              348,160.05
     Business tax and surcharge                                        471,393.55                              101,948.18
      Sales expense
 Administrative expense                                              67,012,246.01                          45,962,350.76
    Financial expenses                                           107,707,984.38                             49,413,140.86
 Asset impairment loss
  Add:Gains from change of fir
value (“-”for loss)
  Investment gain(“-”for loss)                               300,873,606.31                           330,631,541.63

  Incl: investment gains from
                                                                 244,585,425.98                           235,494,720.45
II. Operational profit                                           134,352,968.58                           238,007,040.81
 Add:Non-business income                                                                                    3,391,900.00

 Less:Non business expenses                                                  1.90                                 230.00

      Incl:Loss from disposal of
non-current assets
III.Total profit                                                 134,352,966.68                           241,398,710.81
     Less:Income tax expenses
IV. Net profit                                                   134,352,966.68                           241,398,710.81
V. Earnings per share                                     --                                        --
(I)Basic earnings per share                                                 0.11                                      0.19

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                               0.11                                      0.19
VII. Other comprehensive income                                  -52,800,000.00                           -242,400,000.00
VIII. Total comprehensive income                                     81,552,966.68                          -1,001,289.19

Legal representative :Zhou Yuming

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiyuan

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Xiao Laijiu

7. Cash flow statement(Consolidated)from year-begin to the end of report period

Prepared by::Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.


                   Items                             Report period                   Same period of the previous year
I.Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                                 790,555,585.24                           760,844,443.16
rending of services
  Net increase of customer deposits
and capital kept for brother company
    Net increase of loans from
central bank
    Net increase of inter-bank loans
from other financial bodies
Cash received against original
insurance contract
    Net cash received from
reinsurance business
    Net increase of client deposit
and investment
   Net increase of trade financial
asset disposal
Cash received as interest, processing
fee and commission
 Net increase of inter-bank fund
     Net increase of repurchasing
    Tax returned                                                                                               124,000.00
Other cash received from business
                                                                     43,821,050.66                        131,850,929.00
    Sub-total of cash inflow                                     834,376,635.90                           892,819,372.16
 Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                                     76,451,149.68                          97,974,268.87
  merchandise and services
 Net increase of client trade and

Net increase of savings n central
bank and brother company
Cash paid for original contract claim
 Cash paid for interest, processing
fee and commission
 Cash paid for policy dividend
  Cash paid to staffs or paid for
                                         132,932,547.89     104,356,715.58
 Taxes paid                               50,335,601.37      40,188,293.22
  Other cash paid for business
                                          62,388,490.95     144,027,416.53
  Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                         322,107,789.89     386,546,694.20
  business activities
  Cash flow generated by business
                                         512,268,846.01     506,272,677.96
operation, net
II.Cash flow generated by investing
 Cash received from investment
 Cash received as investment gains       249,460,576.39     316,786,224.31
Net cash retrieved from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and       4,754,729.60          14,050.00
other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational
Other investment-related cash
 Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                         254,215,305.99     316,800,274.31
investment activities
Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets          805,851,971.46     554,904,577.96
and other long-term assets
Cash paid as investment                                     290,000,000.00
Net increase of loan against pledge
Net cash received from subsidiaries
and other operational units
Other cash paid for investment
Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                         805,851,971.46     844,904,577.96
investment activities
 Net cash flow generated by
                                        -551,636,665.47    -528,104,303.65
III.Cash flow generated by financing
     Cash received as investment         102,935,000.00      56,397,500.00
   Incl: Cash received as investment
from minor shareholders
     Cash received as loans             2,258,690,000.00   1,081,490,000.00

     Cash received from bond
  Other financing –related ash
   Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                                               2,361,625,000.00                          1,137,887,500.00
financing activities
     Cash to repay debts                                       1,583,035,000.00                           707,000,000.00
 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                                                 347,926,625.44                           376,123,027.79
Incl: Dividend and profit paid by
subsidiaries to minor shareholders
Other cash paid for financing
  Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                               1,936,431,625.44                          1,083,123,027.79
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                                                 425,193,374.56                             54,764,472.21
IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash                                           -190,644.75                             -17,188.56
V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                 385,634,910.35                             32,915,657.96
 Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                               1,018,999,531.05                           258,881,333.75
equivalents at the beginning of term
VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                               1,404,634,441.40                           291,796,991.71
equivalents at the end of term

Legal representative :Zhou Yuming

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiyuan

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Xiao Laijiu

8. Cash flow statement(Parent Company)from year-begin to the end of report period

Prepared by::Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd.


                   Items                             Report period                   Same period of the previous year
I.Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from sales of goods or
rending of services
    Tax returned                                                                                               124,000.00
Other cash received from business
                                                                     99,479,347.89                          80,945,428.04
  Sub-total of cash inflow                                       100,456,124.11                             81,069,428.04
     Cash paid for purchasing of

merchandise and services
  Cash paid to staffs or paid for
                                         36,679,346.68     25,074,243.19
 Taxes paid                                 688,359.37        117,105.16
  Other cash paid for business
                                         35,253,552.01    122,511,084.25
  Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                         72,621,258.06    147,702,432.60
  business activities
  Cash flow generated by business
                                         27,834,866.05     -66,633,004.56
operation, net
II.Cash flow generated by investing
 Cash received from investment
 Cash received as investment gains      273,828,756.72    359,965,955.52
Net cash retrieved from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and                           13,500.00
other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational
Other investment-related cash
                                        164,972,427.76    157,881,266.94
 Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                        438,801,184.48    517,860,722.46
investment activities
Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets           1,756,912.80        827,086.00
and other long-term assets
    Cash paid as investment             255,000,000.00    479,192,500.00
Net cash received from subsidiaries
and other operational units
Other cash paid for investment
                                         10,000,000.00    205,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                        266,756,912.80    685,019,586.00
investment activities
 Net cash flow generated by
                                        172,044,271.68    -167,158,863.54
III.Cash flow generated by financing
  Cash received as investment
     Cash received as loans            1,065,990,000.00   601,490,000.00
     Cash received from bond
  Other financing –related ash
   Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                       1,065,990,000.00   601,490,000.00
financing activities
  Cash to repay debts                   682,490,000.00    175,000,000.00
  Cash paid as dividend, profit, or     130,635,071.42    179,370,107.64

Other cash paid for financing
  Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                                          818,595,071.42    354,370,107.64
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by
                                                          247,394,928.58    247,119,892.36
IV. Influence of exchange rate
alternation on cash and cash                                 -190,644.75        -17,188.56
V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                          447,083,421.56     13,310,835.70
 Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                          701,899,352.28    179,597,767.35
equivalents at the beginning of term
VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                         1,148,982,773.84   192,908,603.05
equivalents at the end of term

Legal representative :Zhou Yuming

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:Li Xiyuan

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Xiao Laijiu

II.Auditor’s report

Auditor’s opinions        Unaudited
Text of Auditing report
