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大 冷B:2010年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2010-10-26  



    §1 Important Notes

    1.1 The directors and the Board of Directors, the supervisors and the Supervisory Board, and

    Senior staff members of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company)

    hereby confirm that there are no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious

    misleading carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the

    reality, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.

    1.2 The Company’s quarterly financial report has not been audited.

    1.3 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Mr. Zhang He, Financial Majordomo and

    the head of Accounting Department Ms. Xu Junrao hereby confirm that the financial report of the

    quarterly report is true and complete.

    1.4 This report is written respectively in Chinese and in English. In the event of any discrepancy

    between the two above-mentioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

    §2 Company Profile

    2.1 Major accounting data and financial indexes

    2010.9.30 2009.12.31

    Increase/decrease over


    Total assets 2,841,341,005.15 2,706,288,741.35 4.99%

    Shareholder’s equity attributable to

    parent company

    1,735,878,323.22 1,689,604,922.90 2.74%

    Share capital 350,014,975.00 350,014,975.00 0.00%

    Net assets per share attributable to

    parent company

    4.96 4.83 2.69%



    over 2009.7-9(%)



    over 2009.1-9(%)

    Total operating income 397,233,345.08 9.45% 1,107,773,160.68 15.59%

    Net profit attributable to parent


    37,352,001.56 23.13% 109,157,433.37 17.49%

    Net cash generated from operating


    - - 53,068,969.74 -11.54%

    Net cash per share generated from

    operating activities

    - - 0.15 -11.76%

    Basic earnings per share 0.10 11.11% 0.31 14.81%

    Diluted earnings per share 0.10 11.11% 0.31 14.81%

    Return on equity 2.18%

    Increase 0.4

    percentage points


    Increase 0.91

    percentage points

    ROE after deducting non-recurring



    Increase 0.26

    percentage points


    Increase 0.81

    percentage points2

    Item of non-recurring gains and losses

    Amount from beginning of year

    to the end of report period

    Profit and loss from disposal of non-current assets -86,630.90

    Occasional return, reduction and exemption of taxes 174,754.25

    Government subsidies which were included in the current profits and losses 5,057,038.14

    Other non-operating incomes and expenses except the above mentioned 1,966,628.03

    Minority equity interests effects -347,273.06

    Income tax effects -1,509,276.18

    Total 5,255,240.28

    2.2 Total number and particulars of the shareholders by the end of the report period

    Total shareholders at the end of report period 33,968

    Particulars about shares held by the top ten negotiable shareholders not subject to conditional sales

    Name of shareholder EORP

    (shares) Type

    SANYO ELECTRIC CO LTD 35,001,500 B


    Zhongxinda Aoyin Leaders Growth Equity Fund 7,770,906 A

    Hua An Innovation Securities Investment Fund 4,022,875 A

    Essence Financing 2: positive-allocation collective asset management plan 2,678,514 A

    CITIC-Prudential Essential Growth Stock Fund 2,200,000 A

    CITIC-Prudential Prosperous Blue Chip Stock Fund 2,099,907 A


    Taiyuan Iron & Steel Investment Co., Ltd., Shanxi 1,775,000 A

    Dalian State-Owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. 1,650,000 A

    §3 Important Matters

    3.1 Major changes in main financial items and indexes, and description of the cause

    √ Applicable □ Inapplicable

    1. The advances was remarkably more than that at the beginning of the year mainly due to

    increase of the order quantity and of the prepayment for raw materials by the Company.

    2. The dividend receivable was remarkably more than that at the beginning of the year mainly due

    to that the associated companies have not begun to distribute the dividend.

    3. Other receivables was remarkably more than that at the beginning of the year mainly due to

    increase of the Company’s business volume and increase of the bid bonds.

    4. The financial assets available for sale was remarkably less than that at the beginning of the year

    mainly due to that the Company sold out its held 1.74 million negotiable shares of Dalian Rubber

    & Plastics Machinery Co., Ltd.

    5. The construction in progress was remarkably more than that at the beginning of the year mainly

    due to that the Casting Business Department was transformed and that the subsidiary company

    purchased equipment.3

    6. The intangible assets was remarkably more than that at the beginning of the year mainly due to

    that the Company purchased the land use right.

    7. The deferred income tax liability was remarkably less than that at the beginning of the year

    mainly due to the reversal after the Company sold out its held 1.74 million negotiable shares of

    Dalian Rubber & Plastics Machinery Co., Ltd.

    8. The financial expense was remarkably decreased year-on-year mainly due to that the loan

    amount was less than that in the same period of the previous year.

    9. The amount of income tax was remarkably increased year-on-year mainly due to increase of the


    3.2 Analytic description of major matters, their influence and solutions

    □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

    3.3 Undertaking matters for trial sales of state shares and implementation

    √ Applicable □Inapplicable

    Bingshan Group undertook that the Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.’s state shares held by it would

    not be listed for trading or assigned within 12 months from the date when their being allowed to

    be listed for trading in the A-share market; that the shares would not be listed for trading within 48

    months after expiry of the aforementioned undertaking.

    Bingshan Group well fulfilled the above undertaking.

    3.4 Precautions on forecasting that by the beginning of year till the end of the next report period,

    the accumulated net profit may be turned into loss or change greatly compared with that in the

    same period of the last year, and description of the cause

    □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

    3.5 Other important events

    3.5.1 Securities investment

    □ Applicable √ Inapplicable4

    3.5.2 Table of investigation, communication, interview received

    Date of


    Place of

    reception Way of reception Guest received

    Main content of

    discussion and



    Aug. 2, 2010 Field investigation Researchers from Fortis Haitong Fund

    Aug. 27, 2010 By telephone

    Researchers from GF Securities, and

    researchers from Fortune SGAM Fund

    Aug. 31, 2010 Field investigation

    Researchers from Everbright Securities,

    researchers from Huashang Fund, and

    researchers from Taikang Asset

    Sept. 2, 2010 Field investigation

    Researchers from Haitong Securities,

    researchers from Zheshang Securities,

    researchers from Congrong Investment, and

    researchers from Shanghai Qianshi


    Sept. 7, 2010 By telephone Researchers from Fortune SGAM Fund

    Sept. 8, 2010 Field investigation

    Researchers from CITIC-Prudential Fund,

    researchers from BOC International,

    researchers from China AMC, and researchers

    from ABN AMRO TEDA Fund

    Sept. 16, 2010 Field investigation

    Researchers from China Merchants Fund, and

    researchers from Huatai United Securities

    Sept. 27, 2010



    Field investigation Researchers from Western Securities

    Information about

    the fundamentals

    of the Company

    3.6 Derivatives investment

    □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

    §4 Financial Report (attached)

    Not audited.

    Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.

    October 27, 20105


    Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. September 30, 2010 Unit: RMB

    September 30, 2010 Dec.31, 2009

    Assets Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company

    Current assets:

    Monetary funds 371,003,302.26 269,992,366.91 403,139,585.35 304,973,089.79

    Transaction finance asset

    Notes receivable 37,797,093.64 27,121,975.64 40,209,996.20 21,335,155.82

    Accounts receivable 464,724,260.68 261,169,219.63 425,397,218.64 245,319,863.04

    Accounts in advance 38,234,235.14 13,055,445.51 25,596,323.14 7,044,245.77

    Dividend receivable 20,660,000.00 25,576,932.89 3,629,735.08 6,621,471.05

    Other receivables 26,672,021.00 10,472,030.33 19,043,927.34 9,797,715.20

    Inventories 285,962,530.10 168,447,514.68 277,566,058.11 192,852,790.37

    Non-current asset due within

    one year

    Other current assets

    Total current assets 1,245,053,442.82 775,835,485.59 1,194,582,843.86 787,944,331.04

    Non-current assets:

    Finance asset held available

    for sales

    6,384,000.00 6,384,000.00 18,883,800.00 18,883,800.00

    Held-to-maturity securities

    Long-term account receivable

    Long-term equity investment 1,024,042,752.39 1,154,090,981.31 1,003,792,955.33 1,133,841,184.25

    Investment property

    Fixed assets 352,403,538.56 197,836,705.11 366,005,762.61 213,493,488.86

    Construction in progress 22,850,653.05 6,754,891.51 7,151,868.41 691,197.90

    Engineering material

    Disposal of fixed asset

    Productive biological asset

    Oil and gas asset

    Intangible assets 174,789,054.29 104,127,619.05 101,642,968.01 29,785,134.96

    Expense on R&D


    Long-term expenses to be


    3,293,094.84 2,882,585.12 3,396,953.58 2,973,295.85

    Deferred income tax asset 12,524,469.20 7,212,148.77 10,831,589.55 5,466,574.25

    Other non-current asset

    Total non-current asset 1,596,287,562.33 1,479,288,930.87 1,511,705,897.49 1,405,134,676.07

    Total assets 2,841,341,005.15 2,255,124,416.46 2,706,288,741.35 2,193,079,007.11

    Legal representative: Zhang He

    Person in charge of accounting organ: Xu Junrao

    Principal of accounting organ: Xu Junrao6


    September 30, 2010 Dec.31, 2009

    Liabilities and shareholders’ equity

    Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company

    Current liabilities:

    Short-term loans 60,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 50,000,000.00

    Transaction financial liabilities

    Notes payable 94,080,522.24 68,668,675.16 119,785,760.78 86,390,969.71

    Accounts payable 461,566,595.03 277,368,105.04 394,117,576.34 265,214,427.00

    Accounts received in advance 231,119,746.63 129,668,380.15 180,479,306.45 105,565,661.24

    Wage payable 32,262,947.46 9,673,234.08 42,215,810.06 17,906,388.85

    Taxes payable 6,042,069.45 4,443,863.57 5,452,830.38 1,265,221.74

    Dividend payable 3,505,909.97 533,156.00 5,683,185.71 533,156.00

    Other accounts payable 42,042,591.96 8,519,907.27 47,248,597.16 15,970,462.37

    Non-current liabilities due within

    one year

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities 930,620,382.74 548,875,321.27 854,983,066.88 542,846,286.91

    Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term loans 10,200,000.00 10,200,000.00

    Bonds payable

    Long-term account payable

    Special accounts payable

    Projected liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities 1,448,071.00 1,448,071.00 4,144,026.92 4,144,026.92

    Other non-current liabilities 72,384,858.50 20,862,348.50 70,052,440.14 17,694,437.14

    Total non-current liabilities 84,032,929.50 32,510,419.50 74,196,467.06 21,838,464.06

    Total liabilities 1,014,653,312.24 581,385,740.77 929,179,533.94 564,684,750.97

    Shareholders’ equity

    Share capital 350,014,975.00 350,014,975.00 350,014,975.00 350,014,975.00

    Capital public reserve 591,215,185.25 589,986,257.63 599,303,053.00 598,074,125.38

    Surplus public reserve 412,250,374.19 412,250,374.19 399,190,859.34 399,190,859.34

    Retained profit 382,397,788.78 321,487,068.87 341,096,035.56 281,114,296.42

    Total owner’s equity attributable to

    parent company

    1,735,878,323.22 1,673,738,675.69 1,689,604,922.90 1,628,394,256.14

    Minority interests 90,809,369.69 87,504,284.51

    Total owner’s equity 1,826,687,692.91 1,673,738,675.69 1,777,109,207.41 1,628,394,256.14

    Total liabilities and shareholder’s


    2,841,341,005.15 2,255,124,416.46 2,706,288,741.35 2,193,079,007.11

    Legal representative: Zhang He

    Person in charge of accounting organ: Xu Junrao

    Principal of accounting organ: Xu Junrao7


    Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. July-September, 2010 Unit: RMB

    Items July-September, 2010 July-September, 2009

    Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company

    I. Total sales 397,233,345.08 254,573,624.38 362,926,575.98 232,782,946.07

    Including: Operating income 397,233,345.08 254,573,624.38 362,926,575.98 232,782,946.07

    II. Total operating cost 394,420,896.78 258,470,336.35 361,988,203.86 234,148,829.98

    Including: Operating cost 325,758,654.70 217,706,982.87 300,593,173.31 196,216,043.10

    Taxes and associate charges 1,289,656.62 829,317.43 1,783,473.90 1,221,391.52

    Selling and distribution expenses 27,175,310.32 16,389,542.10 23,210,252.36 14,292,516.03

    Administrative expenses 42,175,284.59 23,096,579.33 34,724,911.28 21,078,625.74

    Financial expense 1,039,557.55 447,914.62 1,890,628.03 1,340,253.59

    Impairment loss -3,017,567.00 -214,235.020 0.00

    Add: gain from change in fair value 0.00 0.00

    Gain/(loss) from investment 34,129,799.03 34,129,799.03 29,648,278.41 31,062,344.13

    Including: income form investment on

    affiliated enterprise and jointly enterprise

    33,829,799.03 33,829,799.03 29,648,278.41 29,648,278.41

    Foreign exchange difference

    III. Operating profit 36,942,247.33 30,233,087.06 30,586,650.53 29,696,460.22

    Add: non-business income 5,674,847.81 5,305,930.38 4,471,210.46 2,101,396.11

    Less: non-business expense 66,097.70 480.78 125,503.25 55,245.81

    Including: loss from non-current asset disposal 5,741.20 480.78 51,927.16 51,927.16

    IV. Total profit 42,550,997.44 35,538,536.66 34,932,357.74 31,742,610.52

    Less: Income tax 2,753,907.45 1,036,866.02 1,126,177.48 1,873,510.60

    V. Net profit 39,797,089.99 34,501,670.64 33,806,180.26 29,869,099.92

    Net profit attributable to parent company 37,352,001.56 34,501,670.64 30,334,809.93 29,869,099.92

    Minority shareholders’ gains and losses 2,445,088.43 0.00 3,471,370.33 0.00

    VI. Earnings per share

    (I) basic earnings per share 0.10 0.09

    (II) diluted earnings per share 0.10 0.09

    Ⅶ. Other comprehensive income 1,552,500.00 1,552,500.00 -871,400.00 -871,400.00

    Ⅷ. Total comprehensive income 41,349,589.99 36,054,170.64 32,934,780.26 28,997,699.92

    Total comprehensive income attributable to

    parent company

    38,904,501.56 36,054,170.64 29,463,409.93 28,997,699.92

    Total comprehensive income attributable to

    minority shareholders

    2,445,088.43 0.00 3,471,370.33 0.00

    Legal representative: Zhang He

    Person in charge of accounting organ: Xu Junrao

    Principal of accounting organ: Xu Junrao8


    Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. January-September, 2010 Unit: RMB

    Items January-September, 2010 January-September, 2009

    Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company

    I. Total sales 1,107,773,160.68 708,688,651.94 958,336,722.44 579,808,768.29

    Including: Operating income 1,107,773,160.68 708,688,651.94 958,336,722.44 579,808,768.29

    II. Total operating cost 1,085,943,164.36 708,098,437.51 943,966,188.33 579,427,893.02

    Including: Operating cost 896,216,234.19 596,980,200.50 774,875,258.89 477,432,526.81

    Taxes and associate charges 4,467,934.50 3,127,970.86 4,015,465.78 2,481,671.66

    Selling and distribution expenses 63,679,295.73 34,083,538.85 52,440,679.97 27,646,243.70

    Administrative expenses 112,941,632.28 65,363,667.05 94,150,856.76 58,698,173.99

    Financial expense 2,405,513.87 1,475,203.08 7,308,542.40 6,355,500.83

    Impairment loss 6,232,553.79 7,067,857.17 11,175,384.53 6,813,776.03

    Add: gain from change in fair value

    Gain/(loss) from investment 96,438,456.44 103,250,626.78 81,709,709.82 86,145,511.52

    Including: income form investment on

    affiliated enterprise and jointly enterprise

    75,721,554.46 75,721,554.46 57,460,041.32 57,460,041.32

    Foreign exchange difference

    III. Operating profit 118,268,452.76 103,840,841.21 96,080,243.93 86,526,386.79

    Add: non-business income 9,064,049.62 7,423,055.61 8,318,751.54 5,010,080.35

    Less: non-business expense 333,248.29 151,864.23 249,288.48 80,634.69

    Including: loss from non-current asset disposal 180,056.60 151,864.23 102,782.04 77,316.04

    IV. Total profit 126,999,254.09 111,112,032.59 104,149,706.99 91,455,832.45

    Less: Income tax 9,637,659.36 5,177,499.04 2,885,816.61 1,637,635.07

    V. Net profit 117,361,594.73 105,934,533.55 101,263,890.38 89,818,197.38

    Net profit attributable to parent company 109,157,433.37 105,934,533.55 92,908,709.60 89,818,197.38

    Minority shareholders’ gains and losses 8,204,161.36 8,355,180.78

    VI. Earnings per share

    (I) basic earnings per share 0.31 0.27

    (II) diluted earnings per share 0.31 0.27

    Ⅶ. Other comprehensive income -8,087,867.75 -8,087,867.75 5,736,175.00 5,736,175.00

    Ⅷ. Total comprehensive income 109,273,726.98 97,846,665.80 107,000,065.38 95,554,372.38

    Total comprehensive income attributable to

    parent company

    101,069,565.62 97,846,665.80 98,644,884.60 95,554,372.38

    Total comprehensive income attributable to

    minority shareholders

    8,204,161.36 8,355,180.78

    Legal representative: Zhang He

    Person in charge of accounting organ: Xu Junrao

    Principal of accounting organ: Xu Junrao9


    Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. January -September , 2010 Unit: RMB

    January -September, 2010 January -September, 2009

    Items Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company

    I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:

    Cash received from selling commodities and

    providing labor services

    1,133,165,411.28 656,091,635.83 810,585,711.26 512,483,884.10

    Write-back of tax received 265,906.95 573,640.04

    Other cash received concerning operating


    48,504,311.30 30,187,959.47 29,784,739.62 17,991,135.24

    Subtotal of cash inflow arising from

    operating activities

    1,181,935,629.53 686,279,595.30 840,944,090.92 530,475,019.34

    Cash paid for purchasing commodities and

    receiving labor service

    829,242,149.35 484,902,519.38 510,172,769.32 329,916,536.99

    Cash paid to/for staff and workers 135,076,067.59 84,613,610.19 121,202,958.07 75,734,622.14

    Taxes paid 73,887,467.26 50,786,232.68 69,907,636.50 40,203,519.07

    Other cash paid concerning operating activities 90,660,975.59 48,803,427.21 79,665,869.20 36,512,508.81

    Subtotal of cash outflow arising from

    operating activities

    1,128,866,659.79 669,105,789.46 780,949,233.09 482,367,187.01

    Net cash flows arising from operating


    53,068,969.74 17,173,805.84 59,994,857.83 48,107,832.33

    II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:

    Cash received from recovering investment 1,715,976.33 1,715,976.33

    Cash received from investment income 58,936,094.46 62,825,367.88 55,325,134.02 55,280,534.02

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed,

    intangible and other long-term assets

    49,230.51 36,000.00 77,755.00 63,655.00

    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries

    and other units

    Other cash received concerning investing


    4,537,620.00 4,537,620.00

    Subtotal of cash inflow from investing


    60,701,301.30 64,577,344.21 59,940,509.02 59,881,809.02

    Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and

    other long-term assets

    89,952,076.37 72,265,936.00 7,837,827.59 2,618,952.85

    Cash paid for investment

    Other cash paid concerning investing activities

    Subtotal of cash outflow from investing


    89,952,076.37 72,265,936.00 7,837,827.59 2,618,952.85

    Net cash flows arising from investing


    -29,250,775.07 -7,688,591.79 52,102,681.43 57,262,856.17

    III. Cash flows arising from financing


    Cash received from absorbing investment

    Cash received from loans 63,500,000.00 60,200,000.00 54,269,500.00 50,000,000.00

    Other cash received concerning financing


    Subtotal of cash inflow from financing


    63,500,000.00 60,200,000.00 54,269,500.00 50,000,000.00

    Cash paid for settling debts 55,680,497.00 50,000,000.00 103,660,000.00 100,000,000.00

    Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing

    or interest paying

    63,707,368.67 54,665,700.00 64,162,039.18 59,307,371.25

    Other cash paid concerning financing activities 45,044.43 124,000.00

    Subtotal of cash outflow from financing


    119,432,910.10 104,665,700.00 167,946,039.18 159,307,371.25

    Net cash flows arising from financing


    -55,932,910.10 -44,465,700.00 -113,676,539.18 -109,307,371.25

    IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation in

    exchange rate

    -21,567.66 -236.93 316.99 -10.03

    V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -32,136,283.09 -34,980,722.88 -1,578,682.93 -3,936,692.78

    Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at

    the period -begin

    403,139,585.35 304,973,089.79 312,337,783.75 228,316,557.10

    VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the


    371,003,302.26 269,992,366.91 310,759,100.82 224,379,864.32

    Legal representative: Zhang He

    Person in charge of accounting organ: Xu Junrao

    Principal of accounting organ: Xu Junrao