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大 冷B:2012年半年度报告(英文版)2012-08-21  

						Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                               2012 Semiannual Report

                   Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
                     2012 Semiannual Report


§1   Important Notes………………………………………………………………………2
§2   Comp any Profile…………………………………………………………………2
§3   Summary of Accounting Data and Business Data……………………………………3
§4   Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders…………………… 5
§5   Directors, Supervisors, Senior Staff Members and Employees of the Company……7
§6   Report of the Board of Directors……………………………………………………11
§7   Significant Events……………………………………………………………………15
§8   Financial Report………………………………………………………………………21
§9   Contents of Reference Documents……………………………………………………68

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                          2012 Semiannual Report

                     DALIAN REFRIGERATION CO., LTD.
                        2012 SEMIANNUAL REPORT

§1 Important Notes
1.1 The directors and the Board of Directors, the supervisors and the Supervisory Board, and
Senior staff members of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company)
hereby confirm that there are not any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious
misleading carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for
the reality, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.
This report is written respectively in Chinese and in English. In the event of any discrepancy
between the two above-mentioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
1.2 All the directors attended the related meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company.
1.3 The Company’s semiannual financial report has not been audited.
1.4 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Mr. Zhang He, Financial Majordomo
and the head of Accounting Department Ms. Xu Junrao hereby confirm that the financial report
of the semiannual report is true and complete.

§2 Company Profile
2.1 Basic information
Short form of the stock                           DALENG GUFEN; DALENG-B
Stock code                                        000530; 200530
Listed stock exchange                             Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal name in Chinese                             大连冷冻机股份有限公司
Legal English name and abbreviation               Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. DRC
Legal representative                              Zhang He
Registered address and office address             888 Xinan Road, Shahekou District, Dalian
Post code                                         116033
Internet web site of the Company                  www.daleng.cn
E-mail of the Company                             000530@bingshan.com
Newspapers selected by the Company for            China Securities Daily, Hong Kong
information disclosure                            Commercial Daily
Website designated by China Securities
Regulatory Commission for annual report
Place where annual report is kept                 Company’s Securities Dept.

2.2 Contact person and method
                                                            Authorized representative in charge
                    Secretary of the Board of Directors
                                                            of securities affairs
Name                Ms. Xu Junrao                           Mr. Song Wenbao
Contact address     Accounting Department of Dalian         Securities Department of Dalian
                    Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                 Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Telephone           0086-411-86538130                       0086-411-86654530
Fax                 0086-411-86641470                       0086-411-86654530
E-mail              000530@bingshan.com                     000530@bingshan.com

        Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report

        §3 Major Accounting Data and Financial Indexes
        3.1 Summary of the accounting data and indexes
                                                                                          Unit: RMB yuan
                                                                                  Increase/decrease compared with
                                               Report period (from Same period in
      Summary of the accounting data                                               the same period of the last year
                                                Jan. through Jun.)  the last year
Operating revenue                                   851,218,300.53 947,894,622.28                          -10.20%
Operating profit                                     66,150,849.41     113,418,892.26                           -41.68%
Total profit                                         72,456,490.00     118,510,728.61                           -38.86%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                     66,392,427.44       95,488,392.56                          -30.47%
listed companies
Net profit belonging to the shareholders of
listed companies after the deduction of non-         63,276,376.07       55,527,288.08                           13.96%
recurring profit and loss
Net cash flow from operating activities            -127,635,520.05    90,669,975.56                         -240.77%
                                                End of this report                  Increase/decrease compared with
                                                                   End of last year
                                                     period                              the end of last year (%)
Total assets                                      2,874,137,215.51 3,053,660,921.27                            -5.88%
Owner's equity attributable to shareholders
                                                  1,760,238,072.86 1,748,822,103.82                               0.65%
of listed companies
Share capital                                          350,014,975         350,014,975                            0.00%

                                                                                       Increase/decrease compared with
                                               Report period (from    Same period in
     Summary of the financial indexes                                                   the same period of the last year
                                                Jan. through Jun.)     the last year
Basic earning per share                                        0.19               0.27                           -29.63%
Diluted earnings per share                                     0.19               0.27                          -29.63%
Basic earning per share after deduction of
                                                               0.18               0.16                           12.50%
incidental profit and loss
Fully diluted return on net asset yield                      3.77%              5.32% Decrease 1.55 percentage points
Weighted average return on net asset yield                   3.81%              5.42% Decrease 1.61 percentage points
Fully diluted return on net asset after
                                                             3.59%              3.09%     Increase 0.50 percentage points
deduction of incidental profit and loss
Weighted average return on net asset after
                                                             3.63%              3.15%     Increase 0.48 percentage points
deduction of incidental profit and loss
Net cash flow from operating activities per
                                                              -0.36               0.26                         -238.46%
                                                End of this report                       Increase/decrease compared with
                                                                      End of last year
                                                     period                                   the end of last year (%)
Per share net assets belonging to the
                                                               5.03               5.00                            0.60%
shareholders of listed companies
Ratio of liabilities to assets                              35.47%             39.54% Decrease 4.07 percentage points

        3.2 Difference between applications of Chinese accounting standards and of the international
        accounting standards

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                     2012 Semiannual Report

3.3 Items of incidental gain/loss
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan
                           Items of incidental gain/loss                              Amount
Profit and loss from disposal of non-current assets                                         -178,586.55
Government subsidies which were included in the current profits and losses                    10,500.00
Other non-operating incomes and expenses except the above mentioned                        4,541,677.98
Minority interests effects                                                                  -218,761.87
Income tax effects                                                                        -1,038,778.19
                                       Total                                               3,116,051.37

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                         2012 Semiannual Report

§4 Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders

4.1 Change in share capital
Statement on changes in capital stock
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Statement on changes in shares with sale restriction
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4.2. Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders and those held by the top ten
shareholders without trading limited conditions
                                                                                       Unit: share
    Total number of shareholders                                                                             39,937
       Particulars about the shareholding by the top ten shareholders
                                                                                       Number of
                                                                           Total                      Number of
                                                              Sharehol                 shares with
        Name of shareholder            Nature of shareholder             number of                     pledged or
                                                              ding ratio             trading limited
                                                                           shares                    frozen shares
                                              Domestic non-state-owned
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                 21.96%     76,855,683          19,213,921
                                                    legal person
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                       Overseas legal person            10.00%     35,001,500
                                              Domestic non-state-owned
Lion Value Growth Stock Fund                                                     3.33%     11,638,614
                                                    legal person
                                              Domestic non-state-owned
Lion Growth Stock Fund                                                           2.22%      7,762,048
                                                    legal person
Xinhua Life Insurance Co., Ltd. -Dividend Domestic non-state-owned
                                                                                 0.73%      2,555,359
- Individual Dividend - 018L-FH002 sz               legal person
                                              Domestic non-state-owned
Everbright Securities Co., Ltd.                                                  0.72%      2,508,261
                                                    legal person
Dalian Industrial Development Investment Domestic non-state-owned
                                                                                 0.46%      1,622,250
Corp.                                               legal person
Shanghai HK Wanguo Securities                   Overseas legal person            0.45%      1,584,513
                                              Domestic non-state-owned
CSC Assets Management Co., Ltd.                                                  0.45%      1,575,000
                                                    legal person
Jiangxi International Trust Co., Ltd.'s Funds Domestic non-state-owned
                                                                                 0.43%      1,500,000
Trust (Jinshi 93)                                   legal person
       Particulars about the shareholding by the top ten shareholders without trading limited conditions
                                        Number of shares without trading limited
        Name of shareholder                                                                 Type of share
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                            57,641,762     RMB common shares
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                                                                   35,001,500 Domestically listed foreign shares
Lion Value Growth Stock Fund                                                               11,638,614     RMB common shares
Lion Growth Stock Fund                                                                      7,762,048     RMB ordinary shares
Xinhua Life Insurance Co., Ltd. -Dividend
                                                                                            2,555,359        RMB ordinary shares
- Individual Dividend - 018L-FH002 sz
Everbright Securities Co., Ltd.                                                             2,508,261        RMB ordinary shares
Dalian Industrial Development Investment
                                                                                            1,622,250        RMB ordinary shares
Shanghai HK Wanguo Securities                                                               1,584,513 Domestically listed foreign shares
CSC Assets Management Co., Ltd.                                                             1,575,000     RMB ordinary shares
Jiangxi International Trust Co., Ltd.'s Funds
                                                                                            1,500,000        RMB common shares
Trust (Jinshi 93)
    Description of the association
                                                Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. retains the association relationship with Sanyo Electric
   relationship between the above
                                                Co., Ltd. among the above shareholders. Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. holds 30% of Dalian
   shareholders or of the acting in             Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.'s equity.

4.3 Changes in the controlling shareholder and actual controllers
□Applicable    √ Not applicable

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                        2012 Semiannual Report

4.4 Introduction of especial situation for controlling shareholder and other actual controller
The holding shareholder of the Company is Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. That company
has the registered capital of 140.6 million yuan and is operating as a Sino-foreign joint
venture company. Its legal representative is Zhang He. Its business scope covers research &
development, manufacture, sale, service and installation of the products such as industrial
refrigerators, freezers and refrigerators, large-, mid- and small-size air-conditioners,
petrochemical equipment, electronic and electric appliances, household appliances and
environment protection equipment.
The actual controller of the Company is State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of Dalian Municipality Government.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report

§5 Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Staff Members
5.1 Particulars about changes in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior staff members
                                                                           Share         Share
     Name         Sex         Position       Age       Term of duty
                                                                          at BOY        at EOY
Directors (9 persons):
Zhang He            M      Chairman            75                            33,345       33,345
Mu Chuanjiang       M      Vice chairman       63                            29,445       29,445
Yang Bin            M      Director            56                                  0            0
Xu Junrao           F      Director            49                             3,900        3,900
Hidetoshi                                                 2009.5—
                    M      Director            60                                  0            0
Arima                                                      2012.5
Wang Weijie         M      Director            50                                  0            0
                           Independent                    2009.7—
Wang Huiquan        M                          69                                  0            0
                           director                        2012.5
                           Independent                    2009.7—
Xing Tiancai        M                          52                                  0            0
                           director                        2012.5
                           Independent                    2009.5—
Liu Caiping         F                          58                                  0            0
                           director                        2012.5
Supervisors (3 persons):
Yu Fuchun           M      Chairman            54                            10,140       10,140
Men Yuesheng        M      Supervisor          60                               975          975
Mao Chunhua         F      Supervisor          48                                  0            0
Senior staff members:
                           General                        2009.5—
Zhang He            M                          75                            33,345       33,345
                           manager                         2012.5
                           Standing deputy                2009.5—
Yang Bin            M                          56                                  0            0
                           general manager                 2012.5
                           Deputy general                 2009.5—
Zhang Hongzhi       M                          54                            27,462       27,462
                           manager                         2012.5
                           Deputy general                 2009.5—
Wang Dekun          M                          61                            18,525       18,525
                           manager                         2012.5
                           Deputy general                 2009.5—
Wang Zhiqiang       M                          51                                  0            0
                           manager                         2012.5
                           Deputy general                 2009.5—
Hu Xitang           M                          45                                  0            0
                           manager                         2012.5
                           majordomo                      2009.5—
Xu Junrao           F                          49                             3,900        3,900
                           secretary    of                 2012.5

5.2 The brief incumbency history of directors, supervisors and senior staff members
The directors and supervisors who hold positions in the shareholders’ companies: Zhang He holding
the position of the chairman of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.; Mu Chuanjiang holding the
position of the general manager of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                          2012 Semiannual Report

The brief incumbency history of each of the present directors, supervisors and senior staff members
and their holding or concurrently holding positions other than in the shareholder’s own unit:
                                                              Holding positions or concurrently holding positions of
   Name                  Brief incumbency history
                                                                   units other than the shareholder’s own unit
                                                            The chairman of Dalian Bingshan Group Imp. & Exp.
                                                            Co., Ltd.; the chairman of Dalian Bingshan Metal
                                                            Processing Co., Ltd.; the chairman of Dalian Jiale
                                                            Vending Machine Operation Co., Ltd.; the chairman of
                                                            Dalian Grand Ocean Thermo King Transport
                Having acted as the vice chief engineer,
                                                            Refrigeration Engineering Co., Ltd.; the chairman of
Zhang He        the plant manager, and the general
                                                            Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd.; the chairman
                manager and chairman of the company.
                                                            of Dalian Sanyo Home Appliance Co., Ltd.; the
                                                            chairman of Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration
                                                            System Co., Ltd.; the chairman of Dalian Bingshan
                                                            Group Cold-Drink Equipment Co., Ltd.; and the
                                                            chairman of Dalian Daleng Metal Processing Co., Ltd.
                Having acted as the plant deputy
                                                            The Chairman of Board of Directors of Linde
Mu              manager, the deputy general manager,
                                                            Engineering (Dalian) Co., Ltd; and the Chairman of
Chuanjiang      and the general manager and vice
                                                            Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd.
                chairman of the company.
                                                            The chairman of Beijing Bingshan Package Refrigerator
                Having acted as the chief of the Design
                                                            & Air Conditioner Co., Ltd.; the chairman of Beijing
                Dept., the chief of the Business
                                                            Huashang Bingshan Package Refrigerator & Air
                Planning Dept., the assistant to the
                                                            Conditioner Co., Ltd.; the chairman of Dalian Bingshan
Yang Bin        general manager, the deputy general
                                                            Group Sales Co., Ltd.; the chairman of Shanghai
                manager, the standing deputy general
                                                            Bingshan Package Refrigerator & Air Conditioner Sales
                manager and the director of the
                                                            Service Co., Ltd.; and the chairman of Dalian Bingshan
                                                            – P&A Recreation Development Engineering Ltd.
                Having acted as the deputy chief and
                the chief of the Finance Dept., the
Xu Junrao       assistant chief accountant, the financial                             None
                majordomo and the director of the
                Joined Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. in 1977
Hidetoshi       and acted as the managing director and
Arima           the commercial product company’s
                Acted as Guotai-Jun'an Securities Co.,
                Ltd. Shenzhen Branch’s assistant for
                general manager, Financial Head
                office’s general manager of Guotai-
                Jun'an Securities Co., Ltd., and Assets
                & Liabilities Administration
                Commission’s full-time director and
Wang Weijie                                                                           None
                Subsidiaries Management Workgroup’s
                director of Guotai-Jun'an Securities
                Co., Ltd., and office manager,
                discipline inspection and supervision
                office manager of the Board of
                Supervisors of Guotai-Jun'an Securities
                Co., Ltd.
                Acted as the standing committee
                member and vice secretary of Dalian
Wang            Municipal Party Committee and the           Director of Dalian Foundation for Justice & Courage;
Huiquan         secretary of Dalian Municipal               Independent director of Dashang Group Co., Ltd.
                Discipline Supervising Committee.
                Now retired.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                               2012 Semiannual Report
                                                              Director of Research Institution of Dalian Huaxin Trust
                 Acted as Vocational and Technical
                                                              Securities of Dongbei University of Finance and
                 College’s dean and Financial College’s
Xing Tiancai                                                  Economics;
                 dean of Dongbei University of Finance
                                                              Independent director of China CITIC Bank Corp. Ltd.;
                 and Economics.
                                                              Independent director of Bohai Ferry Co., Ltd.
                 Acted as the chief accountant of Dalian
Liu Caiping      Construction Holding Co., Ltd. Now           Deputy director of Dalian CPA Association
                 Having acted as the vice chairman of
Yu Fuchun                                                                                None
                 the Trade Union of the company.
                 Having acted as the chief of the Assets
Men              Management Dept., the chief of the
Yuesheng         Audit & Supervision Dept. and the
                 Price Dept. of the company.
Mao              Having acted as the deputy chief of the
Chunhua          Financial Dept. of the Company.
                 Having acted as the deputy chief of the
                                                              The chairman of Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigerator
Zhang            Chief Engineer’s Office, the chief
                                                              Co., Ltd.; and the chairman of Dalian Bingshan Group
Hongzhi          engineer and the deputy general
                                                              Refrigerator & Air-Conditioner Installation Co.
                 manager of the company.
                 Having acted as the deputy chief of the
                 workshop, the chief of the Imp. & Exp.
                 Dept., the assistant secretary of the
Wang Dekun                                                                               None
                 Party committee, the chairman of the
                 Trade Union, and the deputy general
                 manager of the company.
                 Having acted as the department’s
Wang             deputy chief and chief, the chief
Zhiqiang         engineer and the deputy general
                 manager of the company.
                 Having acted as the deputy chief of the
                 Political & Ideological Work Dept., the
                 secretary of Committee for Discipline
Hu Xitang                                                                                None
                 Inspection, the assistant secretary of the
                 Party committee and the deputy general
                 manager of the company.

5.3 Particulars about the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior staff members
                           The Company's remuneration plan for directors and supervisors was proposed by the
process for
                           Company's Remuneration and Evaluation Committee of the Board of Directors, and after
remuneration of
                           approval by the Board of Directors, submitted to the general meeting for implementation.
directors, supervisors
                           The Company's remuneration plan for senior management was put into effect after
and senior
                           approval by the Company's Board of Directors.
Decision basis for
                           It was decided on the basis of the main responsibilities and importance of the position
remuneration of
                           and the remuneration level of other applicable positions in other applicable enterprises
directors, supervisors
                           and evaluated and rewarded through the Company's examination procedure for assets
and senior
                           operation performance.
Actual payment of the
directors', supervisors'
and senior                 It was prepaid monthly in the reporting period.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                       2012 Semiannual Report

5.4 The changes of directors, supervisors and senior staff members

5.5 Employees
Total number of the incumbent staff                                          1,282
Number of retirees whose expenses are borne
by the Company
                               Professional occupation
                                                 Number persons of professional
        Type of professional occupation
Production staff                                                                761
Sales staff                                                                     200
Technical staff                                                                 167
Financial staff                                                                  14
Administrative staff                                                            140
               Type of education                       Number (persons)
Doctor                                                                            1
Master                                                                           15
Undergraduate                                                                   301
Junior college                                                                  242
Senior high school or lower                                                     723

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                           2012 Semiannual Report

§6 Report of the Board of Directors

6.1 Discussion and analysis on the management
 (1) Main businesses
In face of the adverse situation of economic downturn and drop in demand in the first half of 2012,
the Company focused on the marketing development, centered on quality and benefit, placed extra
emphasis on the energy-saving and eco-friendly products such as the new series of screw
compressors and the technical integration projects such as cold storage and air-conditioners,
proactively adjusted the marketing strategy, kept on improving the operation quality, promoted the
training of all employees on the ground, raised the productivity in the orderly way, and strived for
fulfillment of all major economic targets. In the 1st half year of 2012, the Company achieved sale
income RMB 851.22 million yuan, accounting for 48.64% of RMB 1.75 billion yuan as one of the
operating plan indicators of the Company for 2012, down by 10.20% from the same period of last
year; the total profits achieved is RMB 72.46 million yuan, accounting for 55.74% of RMB 130.00
million yuan as one of the operating plan indicators of the company for 2012, down by 38.86% from
the same period of last year.

In the reporting period, the Company grasped the development opportunity of cold chain logistics in
the period of the 12th Five-Year Plan, brought the advantages in package projects such as composite
cold storage and gas-adjusted preservation into full play, undertook many package projects for
industrial flagship enterprises such as China Resources, COFCO, Yurun, Yili and Synear, and made
a year-on-year growth of more than 20% comparably in the sales revenue on package projects.
In the reporting period, the first five-axis linkage CNC turning-milling center purchased by the
Company from Japanese Mazak Co., Ltd. has been commissioned successfully and put into normal
operation. The center can integrate several working procedures, significantly shortening the process
route. In addition, the Company actively imported the high-end rotor grinding machine and other
key machining equipment to further raise the equipment level and production capacity.

Whether was the Company's actual business performance above 20% lower or higher than the
earnings projection or business target for this reporting period that was disclosed in public:
□ Yes √ No

(2) Main subsidiaries and Sino-foreign joint venture companies
In the reporting period, the Company's subsidiary company Wuhan New World Refrigeration
Industry Co., Ltd. rose to the challenge and made the sales revenue of 202.42 million yuan with a
year-on-year increase of 19.70% and the net profit of 9.22 million yuan with essentially flatting
In the reporting period, Dalian Sanyo Compressor as the leading eddy compressor producer in
China put much effort to the DC inverter eddy compressor with retaining the superiority of high-
efficient constant-speed compressors; and actively developed the market by the advantage of its
scale and in the way of price adjusting. Affected by the downturn of downstream demand, its sales
revenue decreased somewhat year-on-year and further affected the profit-making.
In the reporting period, Dalian Sanyo Cold Chain practiced green growth and innovative growth and
was awarded the Dalian's first mayor's quality prize; made achievement in the work of refined
management and cost reduction, with the gross profit increased and the net profit increased by
15.25% year-on-year; formally ranked among the special equipment installers with the pressurized
piping installation license qualification awarded and further consolidated its industrial flagship
position; and put the full-automatic punching-rolling line into normal production and significantly
improved the beverage refrigerator in efficiency, cost, safety and quality.
In the reporting period, Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration successfully commissioned the low-temperature
waste hot water recycle unit as the key development product, which further expanded the
application field of the leading product lithium bromide chiller; and in the integrated operation with
Dalian Sanyo Air-Conditioner, optimized the resource allocation for the large air-conditioner
business and further enhanced the comprehensive strength in coping the market competition with
the productivity raised.
In the reporting period, Dalian Fuji-Bingshan Vending Machine laid stress on the multi-functional
vending machine for both cold and hot food and achieved remarkable performance in the market

  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report
  development with both the production output and the sales volume topping 5000 sets, and a year-
  on-year increase of sales revenue more than 50% and a significant year-on-year increase of net
  profit. With its foothold in Northeast China and the key deployment in the southeastern coastal
  central cities, the company extended its sales network to the western central cities and was
  perfecting it day by day.

  All risk factors which may cause adverse influence on fulfillment of the Company's future
  development strategy and business targets
  (1) The risk of continuous downturn of domestic and overseas economies and drop in demand
  leading to lack of orders.
  (2) The cost risk reflected in raw material price changing and increase of labor cost and of
  financing cost.

   6.1.1 Statement of core business classified according to industry or product (Unit: RMB
   thousand yuan)
                                                              Increase/d Increase/d
                                                              ecrease of ecrease of
Classified                                                                               Increase/decrease of
                                                              revenue      cost
according to                                   Gross                                     gross profit ratio
                   Revenue       Cost                         compared compared
industry or                                    profit ratio                              compared with the
                                                              with the     with the
product                                                                                  previous year (%)
                                                              previous     previous
                                                              year (%)     year (%)
                                       Classified according to industry
Industry                                                                                         Increase 1.74
                      851,218       676,485        20.53%       -10.20%      -12.12%
refrigeration                                                                                percentage points
                                       Classified according to product
Refrigeration                                                                                    Increase 1.74
                      851,218       676,485        20.53%       -10.20%      -12.12%
equipment                                                                                    percentage points
   6.1.2 Particulars about core business classified according to area (Unit: RMB thousand yuan)
                                                            Increase/decrease of revenue compared with the
             Area                     Revenue
                                                                         previous year(%)
Northeast China area                          627,232                                                  -16.53%
East China area                                  8,176                                                 -25.68%
Middle China area                             201,894                                                  +19.69%
   6.1.3 Explanation of reason of material change of core business and its structure
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   6.1.4 Explanation of reason of material change of profitability capability of core business (gross
   profit ratio) compared with the previous report period
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   6.1.5 Analysis of reason of material change of operating results and profit structure compared
   with the previous report period
   √Applicable □Inapplicable
   There was a material difference in the Company's profit makeup between this reporting period
   and the previous year, and the return on investment decreased by 48.97% year-on-year. The
   main reason was the transfer of the equity of the associated company -- Thermo King-Dalian
   Transport Refrigeration Co., Ltd. in the first half of 2011 causing much one-off return on
   6.1.6 Business nature, main products or service and net profit of share-holding companies
   contributing 10% of the Company's net profits
   √Applicable □Inapplicable
   Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd. The Company holds 40% shares of it. It’s main products
   are semi-hermetic piston compressors and eddy compressors.In the first half of 2012, it made
   the sales revenue of 967.98 million yuan and the net profit of 49.81 million yuan.
   Dalian Sanyo Cold Chain Co., Ltd. The Company holds 40% shares of it. It’s main products are
   commercial freezers & refrigerators.In the first half of 2012, it made the sales revenue of

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report
1,061.11 million yuan and the net profit of 29.77 million yuan.
Grand Ocean Showa Air-Conditioner (Dalian) Co., Ltd. The Company holds 20% shares of it.
It’s main products are air-conditioners for passenger cars.In the first half of 2012, it made the
sales revenue of 285.14 million yuan and the net profit of 38.35 million yuan.
6.1.7 Problems and difficulties in business operation
In the first half of 2012, continuous downturn of domestic and overseas economies and drop in
demand led to lack of orders, which prevented from fulfillment of the Company's main
business targets.In the second half of 2012, the Company will boost confidence, do solid work,
try to rid of the disadvantaged position, focus on the management of market development,
product quality, cost control and receivable accounts and cash flow, further improve the
internal control system, consolidate the basic management and strive for better fulfillment of
the annual business targets for 2012.
6.2 Investments of the Company
6.2.1 Overall use of raised capital
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.2.2 Utilization of promised projects of raised capital
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.2.3 Projects of changed raised capital
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.2.4 Important investment projects of non-raised capital
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.3 The Broad of Directors' modified business plan for the next half year
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.4 Estimation of the business performance for Jan.-Sept., 2012
Estimation notice that the accumulated net profit from the beginning of year to the end of the
next reporting period may be turned into loss or significantly change compared with the same
period of the last year, and explanation of the cause
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.5 The Board of Directors' explanation on the “non-standard audit report” from the accounting
firm in this reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.6 The Board of Directors' explanation on item change and solution referred in the “non-
standard audit report” from the accounting firm in the last year
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.7 The Board of Directors' discussion on causes and impacts of the Company's accounting
policies and estimates and corrections of material accounting errors
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.8 Formulation and implementation of the Company's cash dividend distribution policy
By giving consideration to both the return to shareholders and the Company's long-term
development, and in combination of the Company's profit made in the this year, the Company
formulated the 2011 annual dividend distribution plan of paying the cash of 1.5 yuan for every
10 shares. Reviewed and adopted at the Company's general meeting, the Company's Board of
Directors has implemented the plan in May 2012.
Formulation and implementation of the Company's cash dividend distribution policy in the
reporting period complied with the Company's Articles of Association and the general
meeting's resolution, and the dividend distribution standard and proportion were defined and
clear and the applicable decision-making procedure and system were complete. The
independent directors agreed on it and the legal rights and interests of minority shareholders
were well protected.
6.9 Proposal of profit distribution or converting capital reserve to bonus shares
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.10 The details that the Company's accumulated undistributed profit was positive as of the end
of 2011 but no cash dividend distribution plan was proposed
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.11 Establishment and implementation of the internal information insider registration and
management system

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                        2012 Semiannual Report
The Company has established the internal information insider registration and management
system and strictly complied with the related regulations. In the reporting period, no internal
information insider of the Company was found buying or selling the Company's shares by use
of internal information and no director, supervisor or senior manager was found illegally
buying or selling the Company's shares.
Self-examination to find if any internal information insider bought or sold the Company's
shares and derivatives, and the accountability
□ Yes √ No
Whether were there any tools of supervision and administrative punishment given to the listed
company and its related staff by the regulatory authority in implementation of the internal
information insider registration and management system or due to suspicion of doing insider
□ Yes √ No
6.12 Other disclosure items
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
6.13 The Company's liabilities, credit changes and cash arrangement for repayment of
borrowings in future years (this table is for listed companies issuing convertible bonds only)
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report

§7 Significant Events
7.1 Corporate governance
According to the normative document on corporate governance of listed companies issued by
China Securities Regulatory Commission, and in combination of its own actuality, the
Company timely established and improved the relevant systems. The actuality of corporate
governance had no deviation from the requirements in that document.
There were no problems concerning horizontal competition caused by restructures and other
reasons with the Company. The main normal associated transactions between the Company and
the associated companies included purchasing the supporting products for package projects
from the associated companies, selling the supporting parts and components to the associated
companies and providing the labor service. Associated transactions between the Company and
the associated companies were necessary for normal production and operation and helpful for
the Company’s healthy development, and therefore will continue. The Company will strictly
comply with the related decision-making procedures and fulfill the obligation in information
disclosure in order to further regulate associated transactions.
In the reporting period, the Company continuously improved its corporate governance by
further deepening and perfecting the construction of its internal control and regulation system.
7.2 Implementation of the profit distribution plan, the plan for converting capital reserve to
bonus shares or the share issuing plan formulated in previous periods and implemented in the
reporting period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The Company's 2011 annual dividend distribution plan has been implemented by the Board of
Directors in May 2012.
7.3 Major lawsuit and arbitration issues
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company had no major lawsuit and arbitration issues in this period.
7.4 Items related to bankruptcy reorganization
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.5 The Company's holding other listed companies' equities and financial institutions' equities
7.5.1 Security investments
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.5.2 Equities of other listed companies held by the Company
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.5.3 Equities of non-listed financial institutions held by the Company
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                             Change of
                Amount of                          of share     Book value at Profit and
Name of                          Quantity                                                    owner’s
                primary                            equity in    the end of     loss within
object held                      (Shares) held                                               equity within
                investment                         that         period         period
Guotai Junan
Secunities        30,098,895.00       30,098,895         0.49% 30,098,895.00            0.00          0.00
Co., Ltd
Total             30,098,895.00       30,098,895        --       30,098,895.00          0.00          0.00
7.5.4 Shares of other listed companies bought or sold by the Company
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.6 Asset transactions
7.6.1 Purchase of assets
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.6.2 Sales of assets
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.6.3 Exchange of assets
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.6.4 Business combination
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                        2012 Semiannual Report
7.6.5 Progress of the matter and impacts of sales of assets on the business results and financial
positions of the Company after the report on assets restructuring or the announcement on
acquisition of the sold assets was published
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.7 Explanation on the shareholding increase plan proposed or implemented by the Company's
major shareholder and its concerted actor in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.8 Implementation and impact of the corporate equity incentive
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.9 Important associated transactions
7.9.1 Associated transactions related to normal business
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                        The routine associate transactions of the Company involve a
                                        number of Associate parties, which reflects the aggregated
                                        industrial production mode of the company. With the products of
Necessity and continuity of associated the company expanding and developing increasingly, an
transactions, and cause of selecting industrial chain of fair scale in connection with refrigeration and
the associated party (none other        air-conditioning has taken shape. As the refrigeration and air-
trading parties in the market) for      conditioning package plants for customers involve a high
transaction                             requirement for the production technology, the accessories,
                                        contracted-out parts for some products come from our associate
                                        parties to ensure the quality of our products and the market
                                        Associated transactions of this Company with the associated
                                        parties are necessary for normal production and operation, and of
                                        positive significance for normal development of the Company
Impacts of associated transactions on and will continue in future. Associated transactions are
independency of the listed company confirmed by signing economic contracts. The methods of
                                        pricing and settling accounts are based on the market prices, and
                                        having no harm to the interests of the Company and of the
                                        In the report period, the total amount of normal associated
                                        transactions between the Company and associated parties was
                                        173,330 thousand yuan, accounting for 31.80% of the budgeted
Actual implementation of normal         amount for the year 2012. This included 90,350 thousand yuan,
associated transactions to occur in the accounting for 30.12% of the budgeted amount for the year
reporting period with estimation of the 2012, for purchasing supporting products for package projects
total amount by type                    from associated parties, and 82,990 thousand yuan, accounting
                                        for 33.87% of the budgeted amount for the year 2012, from
                                        selling supporting parts and components to associated parties.
                                        See the Explanatory Notes to Accounting Statements.
                                        The main normal associated transactions between the Company
                                        and the associated companies included purchasing the supporting
                                        products for package projects from the associated companies,
                                        selling the supporting parts and components to the associated
                                        companies and providing the labor service. As the special topic,
                                        the Company's normal associated transactions in this year and
                                        estimation of normal associated transactions in the next year
Description of associated transactions
                                        were submitted for review and adoption at the Board meeting
                                        and the general meeting taking place in April and May of each
                                        year and for disclosure after prior approval by the independent
                                        directors. The normal associated transactions within the
                                        estimated total amount will be disclosed in detail in the part
                                        “Relationship and transactions with associated parties” of the
                                        Company's annual report and semiannual report.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report

                                                                               (Unit: RMB’0000)
                                                                     purchasing auxiliary products for
                                 selling auxiliary spare parts to
                                                                      package projects from associate
                                        associate parties
    Associated party
                                                Proportion to the                      Proportion to the
                                 Amount              similar           Amount               similar
                                                  transactions                           transactions
Dalian Bingshan Group
Import&Export Co., Ltd.
                                   8,298.53                 9.74%         9,034.59                13.61%
and other associated
Total                               8,298.53                 9.74%           9,034.59               13.61%
Including:In the report period the Company made associative trade amounting to 70,175
thousand yuan in the form of products selling or labor providing for holding shareholders and
its subsidiaries.
7.9.2 Associated transactions in assets purchasing and selling
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.9.3 Important associated transactions with joint investments
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                        Registered           Assets Net profit
                                                                                                Progress of
                                                        capital of          scale of     of
                                             Major                                               important
                            Name of                      invested           invested invested
    Joint Associated                      business of              Curre                        undergoing
                            invested                    company            company company
  investor relationship                    invested                 ncy                         projects of
                            company                       (in ten            (in ten  (in ten
                                           company                                                invested
                                                        thousand           thousand thousand
                                                          yuan)               yuan)   yuan)
           legal entity
                                        sale and after-
Sanyo      holding       Dalian Sanyo
                                        sale service
Electric 10% of          Refrigeration                     345,000 JPY         55,040       312      No
                                        of large
Co., Ltd. DALENG Co., Ltd.
                                        ng air-
Description of important associated transactions with joint investments
Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Company Limited (hereinafter ‘DSR’) is a joint venture invested
by Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. (hereinafter ‘SE’)and Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited
(hereinafter ‘the Company’), and SE holds 60% equity of DSR and the Company holds 40%.
In order to fulfilling the strategic plan and developing refrigeration business of DSR, the
shareholders of DSR decided to invest another RMB110,000,000. The amount will be
contributed by the two shareholders respectively according to their proportion in DSR’s equity,
and the Company will contribute RMB44,000,000. The Company will contribute the amount
with its own fund. After the contribution, the Company’s proportion in DSR’s equity doesn’t
change. SE will also increase investment to DSR with its own fund.
Because SE holds 10% equity of the Company and is a related party of the Company, the
contribution is a common investment behavior.
7.9.4 Current associated rights of credit and liabilities
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Occupied funds and progress of returning scheme in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Accountability scheme proposed by the Board of Directors for incompletion of the return of
occupied non-operation funds by the listed company as of the end of the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report
7.9.5 Other important associated transactions
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.10 Important contracts and their implementation
7.10.1 Trusts, contracts and leases that made profits for the Company accounting for 10% or
higher of the total amount of profit of the Company
(1) Trusts
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
(2) Contracts
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
(3) Leases
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.10.2 Guarantees
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.10.3 Consigned financing
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.10.4 Implementation of important contracts in daily operation
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.10.5 Other important contracts
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.11 Details of issuing corporate bonds
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.12 Implementation of the undertakings
7.12.1 Undertakings of the Company or its shareholders holding 5% or higher of the shares in
the reporting period or carried to the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Undertaking matters for trial sales of state shares and implementation
Except the immature condition of being implementation for management share incentive
scheme, Dalian Bingshan Group strictly perform the commitment in share reform.
7.12.2 Explanation on the Company's assets or projects matching the original earnings
projection and the cause if there was the earnings projection for its assets or projects and the
reporting period was still in the earnings projection period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report

7.13 Record of investigation, communication, interview and other activities in the reporting
                                             Type of
                     Reception Reception                                      Topic in discussion and
  Reception time                            received      Received persons
                      location     form                                         provided information
                                                                              Information about the
                   Company’s By                                              fundamentals of the
Jan. 18, 2012                              Institution E Fund’s researchers
                   office      telephone                                      Company that have
                                                                              been disclosed in public
                                                                              Information about the
                                                       China Gold's and
                   Company’s By                                              fundamentals of the
Feb. 6, 2012                               Institution Taikang Asset’s
                   office      telephone                                      Company that have
                                                                              been disclosed in public
                                                       Lion Fund’s, Sinolink
                                                       Securities', CITIC     Information about the
                   Company’s By                       Securities', CITIC     fundamentals of the
Mar. 8, 2012                               Institution
                   office      telephone               China Securities’ and Company that have
                                                       Taikang Asset’s       been disclosed in public
                                                                              Information about the
                                                       Wanjia Assets' and
                   Company’s By                                              fundamentals of the
Mar. 13, 2012                              Institution Northeast Securities'
                   office      telephone                                      Company that have
                                                                              been disclosed in public
                                                                              Information about the
                                                       Hua An Fund’s and
                   Company’s By                                              fundamentals of the
Mar. 14, 2012                              Institution China Gold's
                   office      telephone                                      Company that have
                                                                              been disclosed in public
                                                                              Information about the
                   Company’s By                       CITIC Securities’     fundamentals of the
Apr. 25, 2012                              Institution
                   office      telephone               researchers            Company that have
                                                                              been disclosed in public
                                                                              Information about the
                   Company’s By                       China Gold's           fundamentals of the
May 31, 2012                               Institution
                   office      telephone               researchers            Company that have
                                                                              been disclosed in public
                                                                              Information about the
                   Company’s                          Cinda Securities’     fundamentals of the
Jun. 4, 2012                   investigati Institution
                   office                              researchers            Company that have
                                                                              been disclosed in public
7.14 Employment and dismissal of the accounting firm
Whether was the semiannual report audited?
□ Yes √ No
7.15 Punishment and rectification received by the listed company and its directors, supervisors,
senior management, shareholders, actual controllers and acquisitors
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.16 Description of other important issues
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
7.17 Material change in profitability and assets and credit standings of the underwriter of the
Company's convertible bonds
(This table is for listed companies issuing convertible bonds only.)
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                     2012 Semiannual Report

       7.18 Index of information disclosure
 Announce                                     Newspaper and page for    Date for        Website and path for
 ment No.                                            disclosing        disclosing           disclosing
           Indicative announcement            China Securities Daily
2012-001 (change in Hamon Investment's        B029, Hong Kong        Feb. 10, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           equity)                            Commercial Daily A9
                                              China Securities Daily
2012-002   2011 Annual Report Summary B014, Hong Kong                Mar. 8, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                              Commercial Daily A19
           Announcement on the                China Securities Daily
2012-003   resolutions at the 14th meeting of B014, Hong Kong        Mar. 8, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           the 5th Board of Directors         Commercial Daily A19
           Announcement on the                China Securities Daily
2012-004   resolutions at the 10th meeting of B014, Hong Kong        Mar. 8, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           the 5th Board of Supervisors       Commercial Daily A19
                                              China Securities Daily
           Notice for convening the 2011
2012-005                                      B014, Hong Kong        Mar. 8, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           annual general meeting
                                              Commercial Daily A19
           Announcement on the 2012           China Securities Daily
2012-006   annual estimation of normal        B014, Hong Kong        Mar. 8, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           associated transactions            Commercial Daily A19
           Announcement on the associated
                                              China Securities Daily
           transaction (transfer of 40% of
2012-007                                      B014, Hong Kong        Mar. 8, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           the equity of Dalian Sanyo Air-
                                              Commercial Daily A19
           Announcement on the associated
                                              China Securities Daily
           transaction (Increase of the
2012-008                                      B014, Hong Kong        Mar. 8, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           investment to Dalian Sanyo
                                              Commercial Daily A19
                                              China Securities Daily
           Supplementary announcement of
2012-009                                      B026, Hong Kong        Mar. 30, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           the 2011 annual report
                                              Commercial Daily A14
           Announcement on the                China Securities Daily
2012-010   resolutions at the 15th meeting of B026, Hong Kong        Mar. 30, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           the 5th Board of Directors         Commercial Daily A14
           Announcement on the                China Securities Daily
2012-011   resolutions at the 2011 annual B026, Hong Kong            Mar. 30, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           general meeting                    Commercial Daily A14
                                              China Securities Daily
           Quarterly Report for the First
2012-012                                      B147, Hong Kong        Apr. 24, 2012   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Quarter, 2012
                                              Commercial Daily A21
                                              China Securities Daily
           Announcement on the 2011
2012-013                                      B012, Hong Kong        May 16, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           annual dividend distribution
                                              Commercial Daily A14
           Announcement on the                China Securities Daily
2012-014   resolutions at the 17th meeting of A23, Hong Kong         May 18, 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           the 5th Board of Directors         Commercial Daily A22

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                            2012 Semiannual Report

§8 Financial Report
1. The Company's semiannual financial report has not been audited.
2. Accounting statements: see the attached statements.
3. Explanatory notes to the accounting statements
(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
Ⅰ.General information

Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited (the “Company”) was incorporated in the People’s Republic of China (the
“PRC”) on December 18, 1993 as a joint stock limited company. The principal activities of the Company are
manufacture, sale and installation of refrigeration equipments. The Company together with its subsidiaries is
hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Group”. The address of the Company’s registered office is No.888 Xinan
Road, Shahekou District, Dalian.

The Company’s domestically listed RMB denominated ordinary shares (“A shares”) and domestically listed foreign
investment ordinary shares (“B shares”) were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the PRC in December 1993
and March 1998 respectively.

As the China's Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Association published, the Company was put the first place for its
sales income and economy utility general index in the line; and its products were also been the first level for variety,
specification, market occupation rate and export sales in China's refrigeration industry.

Ⅱ. The main accounting policies, accounting estimates and corrections of accounting errors

1. Basic of preparation of financial statements
The financial statements have been prepared on the basic assumption of going concern and on the accrual basis of
accounting. The effects of evens and other transactions actually occurred and they have been recorded and measured
in accordance with the Chinese Accounting Standards (2006): Framework and other accounting standards.

2. Declaration on following Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
Declaration from the Company: The financial report made by the Company was in accordance with Accounting
Standard for Business Enterprises, which reflected the financial position, financial performance and cash flow of the
Company truly, objectively and completely.

3. Fiscal year
The Company adopts the calendar year as its fiscal year, i.e. from January 1 to December 31.

4. Functional currency
RMB was the functional currency of the Company.

5. Accounting method of business combination under the same control and not under the same control
(1) The Company adopts equity method for business combination under same control. The assets and liabilities that
the combining party obtained in a business combination shall be measured on their carrying amount in the combined
party on the combining date. The difference between the carrying amount of net assets acquired by the combining
party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued) shall be
adjusted to capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is adjusted
respectively. The business combination costs that are directly attributable to the combination, such as audit fees,
valuation fees, legal service fees and so on are recognized in profit or loss during the current period when they
occurred. The bonds issued for a business combination or the handling fees, commissions and other expenses for
bearing other liabilities shall be recorded in the amount of initial measurement of the bonds or other debts. The
handling fees, commissions and other expenses for the issuance of equity securities for the business combination
shall be credited against the surplus of equity securities; if the surplus is not sufficient, the retained earnings shall be
offset. Where a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary company is formed due to a business
combination, the parent company shall, on the combining date, prepare consolidated financial statements according
to the accounting policy of the Company.
(2) The Company adopts acquisition method for business combination not under same control. The acquirer shall
recognize the initial cost of combination under the following principles: a) When business combination is achieved
through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a business combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the
date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in
exchange for control of the acquiree; b) For the business combination involved more than one exchange transaction,
the cost of the combination is the aggregate cost of the individual transactions; c) The costs directly attributed to
business combination are included in the cost of combination; d) Where a business combination contract or
agreement provides for a future event which may adjust the cost of combination, the Company shall include the
amount of the adjustment in the cost of the combination at the acquisition date if the future event leading to the
adjustment is probable and the amount of the adjustment can be measured reliably.
The acquirer shall, on the acquisition date, measure the assets given and liabilities incurred or assumed by an

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                           2012 Semiannual Report
enterprise for a business combination in light of their fair value, and shall record the balances between them and their
carrying amounts into the profits and losses at the current period. The acquirer shall distribute the combination costs
on the acquisition date, and shall recognize all identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it obtains from
the acquiree. (1) the acquirer shall recognize the difference that the combination costs are over the fair value of the
identifiable net assets obtained from acquiree as goodwill; (2) if the combination costs are less than the fair value of
the identifiable net assets obtained from acquiree, the acquirer shall reexamine the measurement of the fair values of
the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained from the acquiree as well as the combination
costs; and then after the reexamination, the result is still the same, the difference shall be recorded in the profit and
loss of the current period.
Where a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary company is formed due to a business combination,
the parent company shall prepare accounting books for future reference, which shall record the fair value of the
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained from the subsidiary company on the acquisition date.
When preparing consolidated financial statements, it shall adjust the financial statements of the subsidiary company
on the basis of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the
acquisition date according to the Company’s accounting policy of “Consolidated financial statement”.

 6. Basis of consolidation
(1) Scope of consolidation
Consolidated financial statements are included all subsidiaries of the parent.
(2) Increase or decrease of the subsidiaries
For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the same control, when the
consolidated balance sheet for the current period is being prepared, the beginning balances in the consolidated
balance sheet are made corresponding modification. For addition business combination not under same control
during the reporting period, the Company makes no adjustment for the beginning balances in the consolidated
balance sheet. When disposing subsidiary during the reporting period, the Company makes no adjustment for the
beginning balances in the consolidated balance sheet. For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business
combination under the same control, when the consolidated income statement for the current period is being
prepared, sales, expense and profit for the period from the beginning of the consolidated period to the year end of the
reporting period are included in the consolidated income statement. For addition business combination not under
same control during the reporting period, revenue, expense and profit for the period from acquisition date to the year
end of the reporting period is included in the consolidated income statement. When disposing subsidiary during the
reporting period, sales, expense and profit for the period from the beginning to the disposal date are included in the
consolidated income statement.
For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the same control, when the
consolidated cash flow statement for the current period is being prepared, cashflow for the period from the beginning
of the consolidated period to the year end of the reporting period is included in the consolidated cash flow statement.
For addition business combination not under same control during the reporting period, cashflow for the period from
acquisition date to the year end of the reporting period is included in the consolidated cash flow statement. When
disposing subsidiary during the reporting period, cashflow for the period from the beginning to the disposal date is
included in the consolidated cash flow statement.
(3)Principle of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of individual subsidiaries which are
included in the consolidation scope and prepared after adjustment of long-term equity investment under equity
method and elimination effect of intragroup transaction.
(4) Minority interests
The portion of the equity of the subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is presented as minority interest in the
consolidated balance sheet. The portion of the profit or loss of the subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is
presented as minority interest in the consolidated income statement.
(5) Excess losses
The amount which losses of subsidiaries during the period exceeds the proportion of minority’s obligation is offset
minority interest as agreed in the subsidiaries’ association or agreement and minorities have ability to bear the excess
losses. Otherwise, the excess losses are offset equity of the parent company. Profits made afterward by subsidiaries
are attributable to equity of the parent company before recovery of excess losses.

7.The standard for recognizing cash equivalent when making cash flow statement
Cash equivalent means the highly liquid, very safe investment which can be easily converted into cash, and the
company can hold it for a very short time (3 months from the date of purchase).

8. Method of foreign currency translation
When foreign currency translation occurs, the spot exchange rate on the date of translation (i.e., the middle price of
the intraday foreign exchange rate of RMB published by People’s Bank of China) shall be converted into RMB for
keeping accounts while the occurred foreign currency exchange or the foreign exchange transactions shall be
translated according to exchange rate adopted in actual transactions. On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency
monetary items and foreign currency non-monetary items shall be treated in accordance with the following
The foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on balance sheet date, of which
happen during the normal business period shall be recorded into gains and losses at the current period; of which
happen during organization period shall be recorded into long-term deferred expense. The exchange gains or losses

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                          2012 Semiannual Report
caused by the borrowing belonging to acquiring fixed assets shall be treated by the capitalization of borrowing costs.
Foreign currency non-monetary items shall be translated at spot rate on the date of transaction, not changing the
amount of functional currency.
The Company translates the financial statements of its foreign operation in accordance with the following provisions:
a) the asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate ruling at the balance
sheet date. Among the owner's equity items, except the ones as "retained earnings", others shall be translated at the
spot exchange rate ruling at the time when they occurred;. b) The income and expense items in the income
statements shall be translated with approximate exchange rate of the sight rate on the transaction occurring date. The
foreign exchange difference arisen from the translation of foreign currency financial statements shall be presented
separately under the owner's equity in the balance sheet.

9. The recognition and measurement of financial instruments and the transfer of the financial instruments
(1) Recognition of the financial assets
When an enterprise becomes a party to a financial instrument, it shall recognize a financial asset or financial liability.
Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it shall be terminated:
① Where the contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial assets are terminated;
②Where the said financial asset has been transferred and meets the conditions for recognizing the termination of
financial assets as provided for in Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 23 – Transfer of Financial
Assets. Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition
of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly.
(2) The classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
The financial assets or financial liabilities got or born by the Company are measured according to the following
① The financial assets or financial liabilities which are measured at their fair value and the variation of which is
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period
The interest rate or cash dividend which was gained in the period when the financial assets held by the Company are
measured at its fair value and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses in the current period shall
be recognized as investment income. On balance sheet date, the in change in the fair value of the financial asset or
financial liability which is measured at its fair value and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses
of the current period, shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period; When the said financial
assets of financial liabilities are on disposal, the difference between the fair value and the amount in initial account
shall be recognized as investment income, meanwhile, the profits and losses arising from the change in fair value
shall be adjusted.
② The investments which will be held to their maturity
The investments which will be held to their maturity will regard the sum between the gained fair value and the
transaction expense thereof as the initially recognized amount. The interest on bonds in payment, of which the
mature interest is not drawn, shall be solely recognized as the receivables. The interest revenue which is measured
and recognized by the amortized cost and actual interest rate during the period of the investments which will be held
to their maturity shall be recorded into investment income. The actual interest rate which is recognized in the period
of gaining the investments which will be held to their maturity, shall maintain unchanged within the predicted term
of existence or within a shorter applicable term of the said investment which will be held to their maturity. The little
difference between actual interest rate and coupon rate of which interest revenue can be measured at the coupon rate
shall be recorded into the profits of losses in the current period. When the investments which will be held to their
maturity are on disposal, the difference between the obtained price and investment book value shall be recorded into
the profits and losses in the current period.
③ The accounts receivables
The creditor’s right receivable formed during the Company selling commodity outside or offering labor shall be
regarded as the initially recognize amount in according with the receivable price stipulated in the contract or
agreement signed between the Company and the buyers. When the Company recovers or disposes the accounts
receivable, the difference between the obtained price and the book value of the accounts receivable shall be recorded
into the profits and losses in the current period.
④ Financial assets available for sale
The financial assets available for sale will be regarded as the initial recognized amount in according with the sum
between the fair value obtained from the said financial assets and the transaction expense thereof. The interest on
bonds of which the mature interest rate is not drawn in the payment or the cash dividend which is declared but not
extended in the payment shall be solely recognized as the receivables.
The interest rate or cash dividend gained during the period of holding the financial assets available for sale shall be
recorded into investment income. On balance sheet date, the financial assets shall be measured through fair value,
while the change in fair value is recorded into capital reserves (other capital reserves).
When the financial assets are on disposal, the difference between the obtained price and the book value of the
financial assets shall be recorded into investment income, meanwhile, the amount on proposal transferring out from
the accumulated amount which is directly recorded into shareholders’ equity and arises from the variation of the fair
value, shall be recorded into investment income.

⑤ Other financial liabilities
Other financial liabilities are regarded as the initial recognized amount in accordance with the sum between the fair
value and the transaction expense thereof. The Company shall make subsequent measurement on other financial

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                         2012 Semiannual Report
liabilities on the basis of the post-amortization costs.
(3) Main recognition method for the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities
① The quotation in the active market shall be used to recognize the fair value of the financial assets or financial
liabilities existing in active market.
② If the financial instruments do not exist in the active market, the fair value shall be recognized by value appraisal
③ As for the financial assets initially obtained of produced at source and the financial liabilities assumed, the fair
value thereof shall be determined on the basis of the transaction price of the market.
(4) Main impairment test method of the financial assets and impairment provision method
The recognition standard for impairment provision of the financial assets: the Company shall carry out an inspection,
on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial assets other than those measured at their fair values
and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. Where there is any objective
evidence proving that such financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made.
The withdrawal method for impairment provision of the financial assets: as for the impairment provision of the
financial assets is measured on the basis of post-amortization costs, if the current value of the predicted future cash
flow of the financial assets is below the difference in the carrying amount of the said financial asset, the impairment
provision of the financial assets shall be made; as for the impairment provision of the financial assets available for
sale, if the recoverable amount is below the difference in the carrying amount, the impairment provision shall be
made. Where a sellable financial asset is impaired, even if the recognition of the financial asset has not been
terminated, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the owners’ equity which was
directly included shall be transferred out and recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

10. The recognition standard and the withdrawal method for the bad debt provision of the accounts
(1) Accounting method of bad debt provision for the individually significant receivables, the impairment test is
carried on individually. Standards of provision for bad debts of the individually significant receivables: top 5 of
account receivables at year end. Method of provision for bad debts of the individually significant receivables: aging
analysis with individual recognition method.
(2) For the receivables which are not individually significant, but which are assessed at high risk level through credit
risk combination. In accordance with credit risk characteristics, the method of provision for bad debts is aging
analysis with individual recognition method
The bad debt losses are accounted by the allowance method. The Company recognized the bad debt provision on the
basis of the accounts age analysis method based on the actual financial status and the cash flow of the debt units,
which shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. As for the accounts receivable of the related
party of the Company with continuous operation ability, the withdrawal of bad debt reserves should not reach 100%
at most. The proportion taking up the withdrawal of the bad debt provision for the accounts receivable in every
account age phase is described as follows:

                    Account age                          Proportion taking up the bad debt provision for the
                                                       accounts receivable and other accounts receivable (%)
    Within one year                                                               5
    One to two years                                                             10
    Two to three years                                                           30
    Three to four years                                                          50
    Four to five years                                                            80
    Over five years                                                              100

11. The classification, pricing and accounting methods for inventories; the recognition standard and
withdrawal method of the inventories falling price reserves
(1) Classification of the inventories: purchased materials, stocking materials, material cost difference, entrusted
processing materials, unfinished products, finished products, working on project and etc.
(2) The inventory system is on the basis of perpetual inventory method.
(3) The inventories are priced by the historical cost method, so are the raw material and auxiliary material, the sold
material cost is carried over on the basis of first-in first-out method; the product cost is accounted through standard
cost method, the difference between the standard cost and historical cost is undertaken by the cost of the finished
goods in process, while the cost of sales is carried over on the basis of weighted average method; low-value
consumption goods will be amortized once when drawn.
(4) As for the inventory write-down provided: each kind of inventories at the end of the report period will be
measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value, and a provision for inventory write-down will be established
for any difference between the cost and the lower net realizable value. The net realizable value refers to the value
minus the predicted expense needed in the process of completing the production and sales from the predicted price
for sale and the taxes.
12. The method for measuring long-term equity investment
(1). Confirmation of initial investment cost of long-term equity investment
For the consolidation of enterprises that under the same control, take the book value proportion of the owner’s equity
of consolidated party on consolidation date as initial investment cost of long-term equity investment. The balance of

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                         2012 Semiannual Report
initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and paid cash, transferred non-cash asset, and book value of
debt taken, should adjust capital public reserve; and adjust retained earning while the capital public reserve isn’t
enough to offset. For the consolidation of enterprises that under different control, take assets paid out in order to
acquire the control right of purchased party on purchase date, occurred or undertaken debt and fair value of issued
equity securities as initial investment cost of long-term equity investment. The long-term equity investment acquired
in other manners except from the enterprise consolidation, should confirm its initial investment cost according to
following regulations:
①. The long-term equity investment acquired by paying cash, should take purchasing price that actually paid as
initial investment cost. Initial investment cost including expense, tax and other necessary payout that directly related
with acquiring the long-term equity investment.
②. The long-term equity investment acquired by issuing equity securities, should take fair value of the issued equity
securities as initial investment cost.
③. The long-term equity investment invested by investors, should take the promised value in investment contract or
agreement as initial investment cost, excluding those promised in the contract or agreement that the value is not fair.
④. The long-term equity investment acquired by non-monetary asset exchange, its initial investment cost should be
confirmed according to Accounting Standards of Business Enterprise No.7—Non-monetary Asset Exchange.
⑤. The long-term equity investment acquired by debt reorganization, its initial investment cost should be confirmed
according to Accounting Standards No.12—Debt Restructuring.
(2). Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment
①. The following long-term equity investments adopt cost calculation method:
i. The long-term equity investment on the invested units controlled by the Company.
The investment of the Company on the subsidiaries and calculated on cost method and adjusted according to equity
method while compiling the consolidated financial statements.
ⅱ. The long-term investment that the Company hasn’t together control or material influence on invested party, and
hasn’t quoted price on active market so its fair value can’t be dependably measured.
②. The long-term equity investment that the Company has together control or material influence on the invested
party, adopt equity method to calculated.

13. The fixed assets pricing and depreciation method
(1) Definition of fixed assets
The fixed assets refer to the assets related to production and operation that has over 1 year lifetime.
(2). Classification
The fixed assets include property and plant, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, electric equipments and other
equipments etc.
(3). Pricing of fixed assets
The initial measurement of a fixed asset shall be made at its cost. The cost of a purchased fixed asset is based on the
actual expense; the cost invested to a fixed asset by the investor shall be ascertained in accordance with the value as
stipulated in the investment contract or agreement; the cost of a self-constructed fixed asset shall be formed by the
necessary expenses incurred for bringing the asset to the expected condition for use; the costs of fixed assets
acquired through the exchange of non-monetary assets, recombination of liabilities, merger of enterprises, and
financial leasing shall be respectively ascertained in accordance with the Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of Non-monetary Assets, the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 12 –
Debt Restructuring, the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21 – Leases.
(4).Deprecation method of fixed assets
Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate their cost to their residual values over their
estimated useful lives, as follows:
        Fixed assets             Estimated lifetime       Annual depreciation           Expected residual
                                                                   rates                     value rates
        Buildings                     20-40 years             2.25-4.85%                   3%、 5%、10%
        Machinery and equipment 10-22 years                     4.09-9.7%                  3%、 5%、10%
        Motor vehicles                  4-15 years               6-24.25%                  3%、 5%、10%
        Electric equipments                 5 years              18-19.4%                   3%、 5%、10%
        Other equipments               10-15 years                  6-9.7%                  3%、 5%、10%

The asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is
greater than its estimated recoverable amount.

14. Construction-in-progress
(1). Construction-in-progress represents buildings and plant under construction and machinery and equipment under
installation and testing, and is stated at cost.
(2). This includes cost of construction, plant and equipment and other direct costs plus borrowing costs which
include interest charges and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings used to finance these
projects during the construction period, to the extent these are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs.
(3). When construction engineering in process has reached the scheduled state in commission, and has proceeded the
final accounts of completing, validate all the actual expenses as the fixed asset; if the fixed asset has reached the
scheduled state in commission without proceeding the final accounts of completing, validate the cost and adjust the
original provisional estimated value according to the actual costs after finishing the final accounts of completing.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                          2012 Semiannual Report

15. The pricing and amortizing method of intangible assets
(1) Pricing of the intangible assets
The intangible assets shall be initially measured according to its cost.
① The cost of outsourcing intangible assets shall include the purchase price, relevant taxes and other necessary
expenditure directly attributable to intangible assets for the expected purpose.
② The cost of self-developed intangible assets shall include the total expenditures incurred during the period from
the time when it meets the following conditions to the time when the expected purposes of use are realized, except
that the expenditures which have already been treated prior to the said period shall not be adjusted.
ⅰ. It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale;
ⅱ. It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;
ⅲ. The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being
able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufacturing by applying the intangible assets or there
is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally.
ⅳ. It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets, with the
support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources;
ⅴ. The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.
③ The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the conventional value in
the investment contract or agreement.
④ The costs of intangible assets acquired from non-monetary assets transaction, debt recombination, government
subsides, and merger of enterprises shall be determined respectively according to the Accounting Standard for
Business Enterprises No. 7 - Non-monetary Assets, Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 12 – Debt
Restructurings, Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 16 – Government Grants and Accounting
Standard for Business Enterprises No. 20 – Business Combinations.
(2) Amortization of the intangible assets
①As for the intangible assets with limited service life, which are amortized by straight-line method when it is
available for use within the service period, shall be recorded into the current profits and losses. The Company shall,
at least at the end of each year, check the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets with limited
service life. When the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets are different from those before,
the years and method of the amortization shall be changed.
② Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be amortized. However, the Company shall check the service
life of intangible assets with uncertain service life during each accounting period. Where there are evidences to prove
the intangible assets have limited service life, it shall be estimated of its service life, and be amortized according to
the above method mentioned in (1).

16. Impairment of long-term assets
(1) At the end of accounting period, the Company shall check the long-term assets. There may be an impairment of
assets when the following signs occur. The recoverable amount shall be estimated and the asset impairment loss shall
be made in light of the difference that the recoverable amount of assets is less than the book value when the
impairment happens. The signs are stated as follows:
① The current market price of assets falls, and its decrease is obviously higher than the expected drop over time or
due to the normal use;
②The economic, technological or legal environment in which the enterprise operates, or the market where the assets
is situated will have any significant change in the current period or in the near future, which will cause adverse
impact on the enterprise;
③The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current period, and thus the
discount rate of the enterprise for calculating the expected future cash flow of the assets will be affected, which will
result in great decline of the recoverable amount of the assets;
④Any evidence shows that the assets have become obsolete or have been damaged substantially;
⑤ The assets have been or will be left unused, or terminated for use, of disposed ahead of schedule;
⑥ Any evidence in the internal report of the enterprise shows that the economic performance of the assets has been
or will be lower than the expected performance, for example, the net cash flow created by assets or the operating
profit (or loss) realized is lower (higher) than the expected amount;
⑦Other evidence indicates that the impairment of assets has probably occurred.
(2) The evidences to withdraw the impairment provision of long-term investment, fixed assets, construction in
process and intangible asset: at the end of the report period, the Company will withdraw the asset impairment
provision according to the difference that the recoverable amount of single asset is less than the book value. The
recoverable value shall be recognized according to the high one between the net amount of fair value deducting
disposal charge and the current value of the expected future cash flow of assets. If the recoverable amount of the
single asset cannot be obtained, the recoverable amount shall be recognized on the basis of the asset group to which
the asset belongs.
(3) The business reputation formed by merger of enterprises shall be distributed into the related asset group at the
end of every year, then the asset group shall have the impairment test to measure the recoverable amount, comparing
to the book value, if the recoverable amount of the asset group is less than the book amount, the difference shall first
charge against the book value of the business reputation which is apportioned to the asset group; if the book value of
the business reputation is not enough to charge against the difference, the uncharged balance shall be distributed by
the other assets of the asset group in accordance with the book value.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                        2012 Semiannual Report
(4) The recognition of the asset group under impairment test: the related minimum of asset groups that can share the
synergetic benefit brought from merger through the prediction of the Company.
(5) The above impairment losses of assets cannot be reversed as soon as they are recognized.

17. Calculation method of loan expenses
(1) The loan expenses occurred to the Company includes loan interest, amortization of reduction price and premium
price, assistant expenses and the exchange balance from foreign currency loan. The amortization of the interest,
discount or premium and exchange difference from, the specific loan for purchasing fixed assets, if meeting the
following three conditions, loan expenses should be capitalized.
① Asset disburses have been occurred.
② The borrowing costs has already incurred.
③ Purchase construction activity for achieving the asset utility condition has started. Other loan interest,
amortization of reduction price and premium price and the exchange balance from foreign currency loan should be
deemed as expenses of the period while they occur.
(2)Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization, the enterprise shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general
borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset
disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. Auxiliary
expense of general loan should be counted into current loss and interest.
(3)To determine capitalized amount: Capitalized interest for purchasing fixed asset at the end of the current period
is the accumulated expense and weight average asset multiplied capitalization rate. And the capitalization rate is
determined by following principles:
①Interest of the specialized loan for purchasing fixed assets is the capitalization rate;
②Above single specialized loan for purchasing fixed assets, the capitalization rate is the weighted average interest
rate of these general borrowings.
(4)Temporary stop of capitalization: If the purchase and building activities for fixed assets stop abnormally and the
interruption interval exceeds three months, the capitalization of borrowing cost should be stopped temporarily and
deemed as the expenses of current period until the re-start of purchasing and building activities for assets.
(5)Stop of capitalization: When the purchased fixed assets have reached the expected serviceable condition, stop the
capitalization of borrowing cost.

18. Calculating method on salary payable to staff
The staff’ salary means that the enterprise gives various remunerations for obtaining services providing by the
employees or other relevant expenses. It includes:
i. Staff’s salary, bonus, allowance and subsidy;
ii. Staff’s welfare;
iii. Hospitalization insurance, endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, occupational injury insurance and
childbirth insurance, etc. social insurances;
iv. Housing public reserve;
v. Labor union expenditure and personnel education expense;
vi. Non-monetary welfare;
vii. Compensation for rescinding the labor relationship with employee;
viii. Other expenses related with the services the employee supply.
During the accounting period of an employee' providing services to an enterprise, the Company shall recognize the
compensation payable as liabilities. Except for the compensations for the cancellation of the labor relationship with
the employee, the enterprise shall, in accordance with beneficiaries of the services offered by the employee, treat the
following circumstances respectively:
(1)The compensation for the employee for producing products or providing services shall be recorded as the product
costs and service costs;
(2)The compensation for the employee for any on-going construction project or for any intangible asset shall be
recorded as the costs of fixed asset or intangible assets;
(3)The compensation for the employee other than those as mentioned in Items (1) and (2) shall be recorded as profit
or loss for the current period.
The social insurance such as hospitalization insurance, endowment insurance, unemployment insurance,
occupational injury insurance and childbirth insurance; and housing public reserve handed by the company for the
staff should be calculated in proportion of total salary according to the relevant regulations of local government
during the accounting period of the services the employee supply to the company. Before the expiration of the
contract, the company rescinds the labor relationship between the company and the staff or encourage staff accept
the suggestion on compensation for accepting reduction at will, at the same time satisfy the following conditions,
projected liabilities occurs for confirming rescinding the labor relationship with employee and giving compensation
and is reckoned into current gains and losses:
i. The company officially established the plan on rescinding the labor relationship or brings forward the suggestions
on reduction at will, and will be implemented;
ii. The company could not singly withdraw rescinding the labor relationship or suggestions of reduction.

19. Measurement method of estimated debts
The obligation pertinent to Contingencies shall be recognized as estimated debts when the following conditions are
satisfied simultaneously:

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                         2012 Semiannual Report
(1) That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;
(2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance of the obligation;
(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.
The Company shall check the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. If there is any exact
evidence indicating that the book value cannot really reflect the current best estimate, the Company will adjust the
book value in accordance with the current best estimate.

20. Revenue recognition
(1) The recognition of the revenue from selling goods: the revenue from selling shall be recognized by the following
conditions: The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer by the
Company; the Company retains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the ownership
nor effective control over the sold goods; the relevant amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; the
relevant revenue and costs of selling goods can be measured in a reliable way.
(2) The recognition of the revenue from providing labor services: When the total revenue and costs from providing
labor can be measured in a reliable way; the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; the
schedule of completion under the transaction can be measured in a reliable way, the revenue from providing labor
shall be recognized.
When the outcome of a contract cannot be estimated reliably, contract revenue is recognized to the extent of contract
costs incurred where it is probable those costs will be recoverable. Contract costs are recognized when incurred.

21. Calculation method of government grants
The government grants related to the proceeds, if those used for compensating the relevant future expenses or losses
of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall, during the period when the relevant expenses are
recognized, recorded in the current profits and losses; or if those used for compensating the relevant expenses or
losses that have been incurred to the enterprise shall be directly recorded in the current profits and losses.
The government grants related to the assets shall be recognized as deferred income and shall be distributed averagely
in the related asset using period, then counted into current loss and interest. However, government subsidiary
according to nominated amount shall be counted into current loss and interest directly.

22. Income tax
Where there is difference (temporary difference) between the carrying amounts of the assets or liabilities and its tax
base, the deferred income tax assets or the deferred income tax liabilities shall be determined. According to tax law,
the deductible loss and tax deduction which can deduct the taxable amount in the subsequent years, regarding as
temporary difference, shall be recognized as the corresponding deferred income tax assets. As for the temporary
difference arising from the initial recognition of the goodwill, the corresponding deferred income tax liabilities.
When the temporary difference is arisen from the initial recognition of the assets or liabilities incurring in the
transaction which is not business combination and does not affect the accounting profits or the taxable amount (or
the deductible loss), the corresponding deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall not
recognized. On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be
measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be recovered or the
liabilities are expected to be settled. The Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets to the extent of the
amount of the taxable income which it is likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary
difference, deductible loss and tax deduction.
The deferred income tax liabilities arising from the temporary differences related to the investments of subsidiary
companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises shall be recognized. However, the deferred tax income assets
and deferred income tax liabilities shall not recognized which meet the conditions that the Company can control the
time of the reverse of temporary differences which are likely to be reversed in the expected future.

23. Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share = net profit attributable to common shareholders or net profit attributable to common
shareholders after deducting extraordinary items ÷ outstanding weighted average of ordinary shares
(2) Diluted earnings per share= net profit attributable to common shareholders or net profit attributable to common
shareholders after deducting extraordinary items ÷ outstanding weighted average of ordinary shares after adjusted
 (3) If the outstanding or potential common shareholders change during the report period but do not affect the total
amount of shareholders equity, the earnings per share should be recalculated.
If the above changes happened during the date of balance sheet and the date of financial statements approval, the
earnings per share of the report period should be recalculated.

24. Changes in accounting policies and estimates
(1) There is no change in accounting policies during the financial year.
(2) There is no change in accounting estimate during the financial year.

25. Correction of the accounting errors from previous term
There is no correction of the accounting error from previous term in this report period.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                         2012 Semiannual Report

Ⅲ. Taxation

1. Value added tax (“VAT”)
The Group is subject to VAT, which is a tax charged on top of the selling price at a general rate of 17% or 13% or
6% depending on different kinds of products. An input credit is available whereby VAT previously paid on
purchases of raw materials and semi-finished products can be used to offset the VAT on sales to determine the net
VAT payable.
2. The business tax rate is 5% or 3% of revenue.
3. Urban maintenance and construction tax is 7% of turnover tax payable.
4. Education surtax is 3% of turnover tax payable.
5. Income tax
(1)Income tax shall be measured at 25% in total.
(2)Income tax of subsidiaries and associates
Taxation on profit of subsidiaries and associates is calculated at the applicable rates in accordance with the relevant
tax regulations. Certain subsidiaries and associates enjoy preferential income tax policies with approvals from tax
authorities. The applicable income tax rates of major subsidiaries and associates for the report period are as follows:

                                                               Relationship with the      Applicable income tax
      Name of the entity                                                  Company                          rate
      Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Installation
                                                                          Subsidiary                        25%
       Co., Ltd.
      Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning Equipment Co.
                                                                          Subsidiary                        25%
      Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick Freezing
                                                                          Subsidiary                        25%
       Equipment Co., Ltd.
      Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd.                               Subsidiary                        25%

      Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co. Ltd.                           Subsidiary                        25%

      Dalian Bingshan Guardian Automation Co., Ltd.                       Subsidiary                        25%
      Shanghai Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment
                                                                          Subsidiary                        25%
       Sales Co., Ltd.
      Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co.,
                                                                          Subsidiary                        15%
       Ltd. (“WNWRI”)
      Wuhan New World Refrigeration Air Conditioner
                                                                          Subsidiary                        25%
       Engineering Co. Ltd.
      Dalian Daleng Metal Technology Co. Ltd.                             Subsidiary                        20%

Ⅳ. Business combination and consolidated financial statements

1. The principal activities of its subsidiaries are shown as below.
As of 30 June 2012 the Company had direct equity interests in the following subsidiaries, all of which were
incorporated in the PRC.

In the table below column ‘A’ represents ‘Other essential investment’, column ‘B’ represents ‘Amount of minority
interest in income statement deducted from minority interest’, and column ‘C’ represents ‘Balance after deduction of
losses of subsidiaries during the period exceeding the proportion of minority shareholders from equity of parent

All of the subsidiaries shown below are included in the consolidated scope.

                           Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                                2012 Semiannual Report

                                                                                                                                        Shareh   Voting
No                                  Catego   Registere     Business        Registered                                                                                      Minority
                Name                                                                         Business scope          Investment     A   olding   right    Consolidated                        B         C
.                                    ries    d address      nature           capital                                                                                        interest
                                                                                                                                        (%)    (%)
     Dalian Bingshan Group                                                                Installation and
     Refrigeration Installation                                                           testing of
1                                    Ltd.     Dalian      Installation   RMB20,040,000                             RMB20,040,000         100      100         Yes
     Co. Ltd . (“Installation                                                            refrigeration
     Company”)                                                                           equipment
     Dalian Bingshan Group                                                                Sale of refrigeration
2    Sales Co. Ltd . (“Sales        Ltd.     Dalian        Trading      RMB18,000,000    equipment                RMB16,200,000         90       90          Yes         3,849,969.40    963,405.46
     Dalian Bingshan Air-                                                                 Manufacture and
     Conditioning Equipment                                                               sale of accessories of
3                                    Ltd.     Dalian     Manufacturing   JPY700,000,000                            JPY490,000,000        70       70          Yes        20,793,277.72
     Co. Ltd. (“Bingshan Air-                                                            refrigeration
     Conditioning”)                                                                      equipment
     Dalian Bingshan Metal                               Manufacturing                    Process and sale of
4    Processing Co. Ltd.             Ltd.     Dalian                     USD2,350,000     metal punching parts     USD1,509,875         64.25    64.25        Yes         8,391,344.63
     (“Metal Processing”)
     Dalian Bingshan Guardian                            Manufacturing                    Research, design and
5       Automation Co., Ltd.         Ltd.     Dalian                      GBP210,000      develop refrigerator      GBP126,000           60       60          Yes         3,452,190.77
                                                                                          automation parts
     Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu                            Manufacturing                    Manufacture and
6    Quick Freezing Equipment        Ltd.     Dalian                     USD1,000,000     sale of deep-freezing     USD700,000           70       70          Yes         2,408,560.36    531,153.39
     Co., Ltd.                                                                            equipment
                                                                                          Design, manufacture,
                                                                                          sale, installation and
     Wuhan New World                                                                      test of screw type
7    Refrigeration Industrial Co.    Ltd.     Wuhan      Manufacturing   RMB30,000,000    refrigeration            RMB17,980,400         51       51          Yes        55,686,661.30   1,860,333.05
     Ltd. (“WNWRI”)                                                                     compressor and
                                                                                          Manufacture of
                                                                                          metal founding parts
                                                                                          and pipe parts;
     Dalian Daleng Metal
8                                    Ltd.     Dalian     Manufacturing   RMB20,000,000    process of metal         RMB20,000,000         100      100         Yes
     Technology Co. Ltd.
                                                                                          parts(Preparing to
     Wuhan New World                                                                      Design, installation,
     Refrigeration Air                                                                    test and repair of
9                                    Ltd.     Wuhan       Installation   RMB8,000,000                               RMB400,000            5       100         Yes
     Conditioner Engineering                                                              refrigeration
     Co. Ltd.                                                                             equipment
     Ningbo Bingshan                                                                      Design, installation,
     Refrigeration Air                                                                    test and repair of
10                                   Ltd.    Ningbo       Installation   RMB3,000,000                              RMB1,530,000                   51          Yes         1,600,395.78    977,566.68
     Conditioner Engineering                                                              refrigeration
     Co. Ltd.                                                                             equipment

                           2. The changes of consolidated scope
                           No changes of consolidated scope happened during the current period.

      Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                           2012 Semiannual Report

      Ⅴ. Notes to the consolidated financial statements

      1 Monetary fund
                             Item                                          30-06-2012                                     31-12-2011
                         Cash on hand                                                134,137.65                                          101,242.57
                         Cash in bank                                            441,500,734.49                                      680,841,246.73
                            Others                                                   189,577.20                                        9,435,000.00
                            Total                                                441,824,449.34                                      690,377,489.30

          Particular about foreign monetary funds included in the cash in bank:
                                                30-06-2012                                                      31-12-2011
                           Original                                    RMB                     Original                                   RMB
          currency                          Exchange rate                                                      Exchange rate
                           currency                                  equivalent                currency                                 equivalent
      USD                     2,513.05                6.3249           15,894.79                61,112.29               6.3009           385,062.43
      JPY                  192,024.00               0.079648           15,294.33               207,024.00             0.081103            16,790.27
      EUR                            0.34                9.8169                 3.34            15,028.34               8.1625           122,668.83
      GP                                                                                         6,518.67               9.7116            63,306.72
        Total                                                          31,192.46                                                         587,828.25

      2 Notes receivable
                             Item                                          30-06-2012                                     31-12-2011
      Bank acceptance                                                             29,751,887.18                                   49,506,312.00
      Trade acceptance                                                               798,674.14                                   11,842,910.44
                             Total                                                30,550,561.32                                   61,349,222.44
               (1)There is no pledged notes receivable at the end of report period.
               (2) The top five notes receivable endorsed but not matured:
    No.                         Company                             Issued date                                Amount                    Notes
                Nantong Changhai Food Additive Co.,
     1                                                               2012.04.24              2012.10.24        5,000,000.00        Bank acceptance
     2          Tiandi Science & Technology Co., Ltd.                2012.03.23              2012.09.23        3,204,000.00        Bank acceptance
                China Coal No. 3 Construction (Group)
     3          Corp. Ltd. Electromechanical                         2012.02.29              2012.08.29        2,500,000.00        Bank acceptance
                Engineering Dept.
     4          Jiangsu Haixing Chemical Co., Ltd.                   2012.03.29              2012.09.29        2,428,892.20        Bank acceptance
                Yinquan Coal Development Co., Ltd. of
     5                                                               2012.05.04              2012.11.04        1,267,500.00        Bank acceptance
                Shenmu, Shaanxi
      3 Accounts receivable
      (1) Classified by account nature
                                                     30-06-2012                                                            31-12-2011
                                      Balance               Provision for doubtful debt                     Balance               Provision for doubtful debt
                                                Proportion                        Proportion                          Proportion                      Proportion
                              Amount                              Amount                              Amount                            Amount
                                                   (%)                                 (%)                               (%)                             (%)
Receivables that are
Receivables not
                           531,559,151.03             100     93,637,840.26             17.62      433,570,314.80           100      81,298,017.00        18.75
significant but with
high risk in groups
Other insignificant
          Total            531,559,151.03             100     93,637,840.26             17.62      433,570,314.80           100      81,298,017.00        18.75

   Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                 2012 Semiannual Report

   The aging of accounts receivable and related provisions for bad debts
                                           30-06-2012                                                31-12-2011
    Account ages                            Proportion      Provision for bad                        Proportion        Provision for bad
                          Amount                                                   Amount
                                               (%)               debts                                  (%)                 debts
   Within1 year          280,962,664.29          52.86         14,048,133.21     230,503,978.78           53.16           11,528,235.18
   1 to 2 years          121,049,851.08          22.77         12,104,985.11      84,559,871.64           19.50            8,455,987.18
   2 to 3 years           60,789,785.37          11.44         18,236,935.61      53,882,190.43           12.43           16,164,657.14
   3 to 4 years           30,927,991.46              5.82      15,463,995.73      30,496,447.83               7.03        15,414,614.52
   4 to 5 years           20,225,341.15              3.80      16,180,272.92      19,982,171.01               4.62        15,588,867.87
   Over 5 years           17,603,517.68              3.31      17,603,517.68      14,145,655.11               3.26        14,145,655.11
         Total           531,559,151.03              100       93,637,840.26     433,570,314.80               100         81,298,017.00
   (2) There is no receivable account of the Company that have been written off before this report period but recovered
   in this period.
   (3) During the report period, there is no receivable being recovered by debts reconstruction.
   (4)The write-off of accounts receivable

    Name of company            The nature of accounts receivable         Written off        Reason              Related party transaction

        Clients (15)                    Sale of goods                   686,375.74       ①                     No
   ①Description of writing off: The Company's receivables written-off in this reporting period were mainly those
   treated by the subsidiary company and the sub-subsidiary company —— Wuhan New World Refrigeration
   Industries Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Bingshan Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Engineering Co., Ltd. for long-overdue
   receivables mainly because some account has been submitted to the court and the lawsuit has been won, but no
   assets could be implemented, some account has been in arrears too long but the amount was relatively less, and some
   account was unreceivable due to the customer's refusing to pay with the excuse of generation of the field expenses.
   (5) No arrearage from the shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the equity of the Company existed in the
   balance of accounts receivable.
   (6) The first five arrearage entities listed in the balance of accounts receivable
                                                     The relationship with the                                         Proportion
                    Company                                                            Amount           Age
                                                             Company                                                      (%)
   COFCO Meat (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                          Non-affiliated          21,320,682.30 Less than 1 year         4.01
   COFCO Meat (Suqian) Co., Ltd.                           Non-affiliated          15,756,917.20 Less than 1 year         2.96
   Dalian Xinghai Bay Development &
                                                           Non-affiliated          11,242,693.00      3 to 4 years        2.12
   Construction Management Center
   BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                          Non-affiliated            9,100,157.20 Less than 1 year        1.71
   Zhengzhou Synear Foodstuff Co., Ltd.                    Non-affiliated            7,250,000.00 Less than 1 year        1.36
                       Total                                                            64,670,449.70                                      12.16
    (7) The amount of accounts receivable due from related companies are RMB 10,640,630.20, 2.00% of total accounts
   receivable. Please refer to the Ⅵ 6 of the notes.
   (8) There is no accounts receivable being ended reorganization or being negotiated during the report period.

   4 Accounts paid in advance
   (1) The aging of accounts paid in advance
                                              30-06-2012                                          31-12-2011
        Account ages
                                      Amount           Proportion (%)                     Amount             Proportion (%)
        Within1 year                  60,191,110.86               85.45                    44,980,515.35                98.34
        1 to 2 years                   9,945,655.47               14.12                       359,977.06                 0.79
        2 to 3 years                     304,492.09                0.43                       399,674.20                 0.87
           Total                      70,441,258.42                 100                    45,740,166.61                  100
   (2) The first five arrearage entities listed in the balance of accounts paid in advance
                                                 The relationship
                 Company                             with the              Amount            Age                               Reasons
Inductotherm Industries (Shanghai) Ltd.           Non-affiliated      9,101,000.00      Less than 1 year             Prepayment for goods
Henan Province Mine Crane Co., Ltd.              Non-affiliated          3,852,338.00       Less than 1 year         Prepayment for goods
Shenzhen Keleng Commercial                                                                                           Prepayment for goods
                                                 Non-affiliated          3,372,645.84       Less than 1 year
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Xinan Foundry Machinery Co.,                                                                                    Prepayment for goods
                                                 Non-affiliated          2,660,000.00       Less than 1 year

            Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                                     2012 Semiannual Report
     Dalian Hongyang Foundry Machinery                                                                                                             Prepayment for goods
                                                                    Non-affiliated              2,558,500.00            Less than 1 year
     Co., Ltd.
                               Total                                                           21,544,483.84

            (3) No arrearage from the shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the equity of the Company existed in the
            balance of accounts paid in advance.
            (4) The accounts paid in advance aged more than 1 year is for the contract purchase which has not yet settled.
            (5) The amount of accounts paid in advance due from related companies is RMB 218,231.00, 0.31% of total
            accounts paid in advance. Please refer to the Ⅵ 6 of the notes.

            5 Dividends receivable
                                                                           Current year        Current year
                      Items                          31-12-2011                                     disposal         30-06-2012              Reasons
                                                                             addition                                                                          impairment

Dividends receivable, within 1 year
                                                       27,875.00                                     27,875.00
  Wuhan Steel and Electricity Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                            Not due to
  Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                      4,800,000.00       2,400,000.00          2,400,000.00                                  No
                                                                                                                                        payment date

                                                                                                                                            Not due to
  Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                                        16,000,000.00       4,800,000.00         11,200,000.00                                  No
                                                                                                                                        payment date

  Daliian        Sanyo          High-Efficient                                                                                              Not due to
                                                                            1,250,000.00            625,000.00          625,000.00                                 No
Refrigeration System Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          payment date

                      Total                            27,875.00           22,050,000.00       7,852,875.00         14,225,000.00

            6 Other accounts receivable
            (1) Classified by account nature

                                                                    30-06-2012                                                                     31-12-2011

                                                 Balance                     Provision for doubtful debt                          Balance                   Provision for doubtful debt
                                                           Proportion                                Proportion                              Proportion                         Proportion
                                        Amount                                  Amount                                   Amount                                 Amount
                                                              (%)                                       (%)                                     (%)                                (%)
 Receivables that are
    individually significant
 Receivables not
 individually significant but       22,613,652.63                   100        4,938,030.26               21.84         19,380,312.30               100        4,042,479.39          20.86
 with high risk in groups

 Other insignificant items

              Total                 22,613,652.63                   100        4,938,030.26               21.84         19,380,312.30               100        4,042,479.39          20.86

                 The aging of other accounts receivable and related provisions for bad debts
                                                        30-06-2012                                                              31-12-2011
             Account age                                                      Provision for bad                                    Proportion         Provision for bad
                                       Amount          Proportion (%)                                          Amount
                                                                                    debts                                             (%)                  debts
            Within1year            13,256,922.37                 58.63              662,846.12                  9,051,755.08             46.70              452,587.75
             1 to 2 years           3,046,454.32                 13.47              304,645.43                  4,485,926.12             23.15              434,592.60
             2 to 3 years           2,723,776.43                 12.04              817,132.93                  3,033,043.77             15.65              909,913.14
             3 to 4 years               843,889.40                  3.73            421,944.70                    100,684.38                0.52             50,342.19
             4 to 5 years                55,745.16                  0.25                44,596.13               2,569,296.19             13.26            2,055,436.95
             Over 5 years           2,686,864.95                 11.88            2,686,864.95                    139,606.76                0.72            139,606.76
                Total              22,613,652.63                     100          4,938,030.26                 19,380,312.30                 100          4,042,479.39

            (2) There is no amount of provision for bad debts written back during the report period.
            (3) During the report period, there is no other account receivable being recovered by debts reconstruction.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                        2012 Semiannual Report
(4) The write-off of other accounts receivable
                                 The nature of other accounts
 Name of company                                                         Written off         Reason                  Related party transaction
      Clients (6)                 Sale of goods                 22,037.00          ①                      No
①Description of writing off: The Company's other receivables written-off in this reporting period was mainly those
treated by the sub-subsidiary company —— Ningbo Bingshan Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Engineering Co.,
Ltd. for long-overdue other receivables mainly because some account has been in arrears too long but the amount
was relatively less.
(5) There is no balance of other accounts receivable due from the shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the
equity of the Company.
(6) The first five arrearage entities of other accounts receivable
                                                 The relationship
                  Company                                                          Amount                 Age                 Proportion
                                                with the Company
Gao Yulong                                          Non-affiliated            1,432,000.00                  1-2 years              6.33
Tianjin Construction Team
                                                    Non-affiliated            1,000,000.00                  2-3 years              4.42
Communication Service Center
Haobang Chemical Co., Ltd. of
                                                    Non-affiliated              500,000.00          Less than 1 year               2.21
Shandong Province
COFCO Meat (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                      Non-affiliated              450,000.00          Less than 1 year               1.99
Nanjing Gangfeng Industrial Co., Ltd.               Non-affiliated              393,121.24          Less than 1 year               1.74
                         Total                                                3,775,121.24                                         16.69
(7) The amount of other accounts receivable due from related companies are RMB 30,000.00, 0.13% of total accounts
receivable. Please refer to the Ⅵ 6 of the notes.
(8) There is no other accounts receivable being ended reorganization or being negotiated during the report period.

7 Inventories
(1) Cost

                                                     30-06-2012                                                    31-12-2011
                                                     Provision for                                                 Provision for
                                    Book balance    impairment of        Book value        Book balance           impairment of       Book value
                                                      inventories                                                   inventories
    Raw materials                   70,524,477.44    9,392,188.03        61,132,289.41      74,184,207.21          9,392,188.03       64,792,019.18
    Materials on Consignment
                                     6,757,174.56                         6,757,174.56       7,888,273.73                              7,888,273.73
    for further processing
    Low-value consumptions             180,109.17                          180,109.17          268,402.65                                  268,402.65
    Work-in-progress                58,852,356.95                        58,852,356.95      83,241,115.98                             83,241,115.98
    Self-manufactured semi-
                                    39,271,243.80                        39,271,243.80      27,871,925.60                             27,871,925.60
    finished products
    Finished goods                 129,167,528.07    4,537,913.02       124,629,615.05    175,711,078.72           4,537,913.02      171,173,165.70
    Constructing projects           47,768,092.98                        47,768,092.98      69,159,453.37                             69,159,453.37
                 Total             352,520,982.97   13,930,101.05       338,590,881.92    438,324,457.26          13,930,101.05      424,394,356.21

(2) Provision for impairment of inventories
                                                                                       Current year
                                                    Current year
     Item                        31-12-2011                                              disposal                            30-06-2012
                                                                            Reversal                Written-off

Finished goods                      4,537,913.02                                                                                4,537,913.02

Raw materials                       9,392,188.03                                                                                9,392,188.03

        Total                      13,930,101.05                                                                              13,930,101.05

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                            2012 Semiannual Report

(3) Details of provision for impairment of inventories
                                                                                                Proportion of reversal of
                               The bases of provision for
         Item                                                      Reasons for reversal        provision for impairment of
                               impairment of inventories
                                                                                              inventories to closing balance

                            The book balance is higher than
    Finished goods
                                  recoverable amount.

                            The book balance is higher than
    Raw materials
                                  recoverable amount.

8 Financial assets available for sale
There is no available-for-sale financial asset in the report period.

9、Investment to Associates and Joint ventures

                                 Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                                        2012 Semiannual Report

                                                                  Legal                                         Sharehol   Voting                                             30-06-2012
No                                                 Registere                  Business         Registered                             30-06-2012           30-06-2012                          Total Income of     Net profit of
                   Name             Categories                  represent                                         ding     right                                               Total net
 .                                                 d address                    nature           capital                              Total assets        Total liabilities                      2012.01-06        2012.01-06
                                                                 person                                         (%)      (%)                                                assets


       Dalian Bingshan –

       P&A Recreation              Sino-foreign
1                                                   Dalian      Yang Bin      Installation     USD250,000         50%       50%       17,423,326.06          12,136,301.13      5,287,024.93     10,488,342.20       -473,914.73
       Development                 joint venture

       Engineering Co., Ltd.

       Dalian Jiale Vending
2      Machine Operation                            Dalian      Zhang He       Trading       JPY500,000,000       50%       50%       30,084,676.97           1,264,252.38     28,820,424.59       9,321,033.85      -301,888.19
                                   joint venture
       Co., Ltd.

ⅡJoint venture

       Dalian Bingshan Group

1      Import & Export Co. ,           Ltd          Dalian      Zhang He       Trading        RMB5,000,000        24%       24%       82,414,894.90          33,979,397.82     48,435,497.08     117,703727.74     4,565,524.73


       Dalian Grand Ocean

       Thermo King                 Sino-foreign                               Manufactu
2                                                   Dalian      Zhang He        ring           USD850,000         40%       40%       22,262,362.38          14,209,715.54      8,052,646.84       8,052,863.74      -591,650.23
       Transport Refrigeration     joint venture

       Engineering Co., Ltd

       Dalian Sanyo                Sino-foreign                Watanabe       Manufactu
3                                                   Dalian                      ring         JPY3,450,000,000     40%       40%      550,396,273.79        184,511,288.37     365,884,985.42    196,332,398.48     3,120,236.33
       Refrigeration Co., Ltd.     joint venture                 Yoshio

       Dalian Honjo Chemical       Sino-foreign                   Honjo       Manufactu
4                                                   Dalian                      ring         JPY260,000,000       30%       30%       35,596,190.91           5,814,271.59     29,781,919.32     20,952,784.68     2,497,538.62
       Co., Ltd.                   joint venture                Yukinovi

       Dalian Sanyo Cold-          Sino-foreign                Watanabe       Manufactu
5                                                   Dalian                      ring         JPY4,650,000,000     40%       40%     1,506,884,212.66       982,846,596.14     524,037,616.52   1,061,106,834.27   29,774,696.39
       chain Co., Ltd              joint venture                 Yoshio

       Grand Ocean-showa
                                   Sino-foreign                               Manufactu
6      Auto Air Conditioning                        Dalian     Takumi Ishii     ring          USD15,117,890       20%       20%      350,119,974.63          97,546,731.29    252,573,243.34    285,140,593.18    38,345,528.63
                                   joint venture
       (Dalian) Co., Ltd.

       Dalian Sanyo                Sino-foreign                Watanabe       Manufactu
7                                                   Dalian                      ring         JPY6,200,000,000     40%       40%     1,776,627,450.95       968,757,300.31     807,870,150.64    967,978,626.96    49,806,726.80
       Compressor Co., Ltd.        joint venture                 Yoshio

       Dalian Sanyo Meica          Sino-foreign                               Manufactu
8                                                   Dalian      Zhang He        ring         JPY400,000,000       30%       30%      155,312,719.75          63,555,114.65     91,757,605.10    101,618,652.22     4,167,584.07
       Electronics Co., Ltd.       joint venture

       Dalian Sanyo Home           Sino-foreign                               Manufactu
9                                                   Dalian      Zhang He        ring         JPY2,200,000,000   10.91%     10.91%    197,439,608.66        114,329,796.58      83,109,812.08     24,390,724.38    -39,029,837.58
       Appliance Co., Ltd.         joint venture

       Beijing Huashang

       Bingshan Refrigeration      Sino-foreign
10                                                  Beijing     Yang Bin       Trading        RMB1,000,000        49%       49%       12,439,685.32          10,722,838.24      1,716,847.08     10,326,819.93         62,102.18
       and Air-conditioning        joint venture

       Machinery Co., Ltd.

       Dalian Fuji Bingshan
                                   Sino-foreign                   Asahi       Manufactu
11     Vending Machine Co.,                         Dalian                      ring         JPY1,800,000,000     49%       49%      202,977,164.95          72,089,714.20    130,887,450.75    121,660,873.78    10,367,653.62
                                   joint venture                Hideehiko

       Dalian Sanyo High-
                                   Sino-foreign                               Manufactu
12     Efficient Refrigeration                      Dalian      Zhang He        ring         RMB80,000,000        25%       25%      116,063,224.33          27,292,982.81     88,770,241.52     67,650,955.76     -2,643,690.98
                                   joint venture
       System Co., Ltd.

                  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                                              2012 Semiannual Report

                  10、Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                                      Provision for
                                Calculatio                                                                           Shareholdin   Voting right   Provision for                         Cash dividend of the
No.               Name                        Initial cost    Beginning balance    Changes        Ending balance                                                    impairment of the
                                n method                                                                              g(%)         (%)         impairment                              current period
                                                                                                                                                                     current period

      Dalian Bingshan –

      P&A Recreation            Equity
1                                              1,034,675.00        2,880,469.82     -236,957.37       2,643,512.45       50            50
      Development               method

      Engineering Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Jiale Vending
2     Machine Operation                       18,750,000.00       14,561,156.38     -150,944.10     14,410,212.28        50            50
      Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Bingshan
3     Group Import &                           1,200,000.00       10,528,793.37    1,095,725.94     11,624,519.31        24            24
      Export Co. , Ltd.

      Dalian Grand Ocean

      Thermo King               Equity
4                                              2,871,708.00        3,457,718.84     -236,660.09       3,221,058.75       40            40
      Transport Refrigeration   method

      Engineering Co., Ltd

      Dalian Sanyo              Equity
5                                             85,416,929.20      105,676,566.88   41,071,100.35    146,747,667.23        40            40                                                      4,800,000.00
      Refrigeration Co., Ltd.   method

      Dalian Honjo              Equity
6                                              3,908,911.50        9,259,232.78     -369,612.69       8,889,620.09       30            30                                                      1,073,918.58
      Chemical Co., Ltd.        method

      Dalian Sanyo Cold-        Equity
7                                            134,658,753.75      210,145,798.94    2,957,088.27    213,102,887.21        40            40                                                      8,000,000.00
      chain Co., Ltd            method

      Grand Ocean-showa
8     Auto Air Conditioning                   24,402,234.58       42,845,542.95    7,669,105.73     50,514,648.68        20            20
      (Dalian) Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Sanyo              Equity
9                                            176,953,841.88      319,147,751.40    2,328,875.46    321,476,626.86        40            40                                                     16,000,000.00
      Compressor Co., Ltd.      method

      Dalian Sanyo Meica        Equity
10                                             9,649,590.00       27,081,570.31     650,275.22      27,731,845.53        30            30                                                        600,000.00
      Electronics Co., Ltd.     method

      Dalian Sanyo Home         Equity
11                                            19,666,212.00       11,694,400.00                     11,694,400.00       10.91         10.91         11,694,400.00
      Appliance Co., Ltd.       method

      Beijing Huashang

      Bingshan Refrigeration    Equity
12                                              490,000.00           794,216.13      30,430.07         824,646.20        49            49
      and Air-conditioning      method

      Machinery Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Bingshan H2O3
13    Environmental                            2,731,377.50          505,268.76     -505268.76
      Solution Co. , Ltd.

      Dalian Fuji Bingshan
14    Vending Machine Co.,                    66,416,364.00       59,054,700.59    5,080,150.27     64,134,850.86        49            49

                  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                                              2012 Semiannual Report

                                                                                                                                                                      Provision for
                                Calculatio                                                                           Shareholdin   Voting right   Provision for                         Cash dividend of the
No.               Name                        Initial cost    Beginning balance    Changes        Ending balance                                                    impairment of the
                                n method                                                                              g(%)         (%)         impairment                              current period
                                                                                                                                                                     current period

      Daliian Sanyo High-
15    Efficient Refrigeration                 20,000,000.00       24,103,483.12   -1,858,048.93     22,245,434.19        25            25                                                      1,250,000.00
      System Co., Ltd.

      Zibo Electric Traction
16    Machine Group Co.,                        849,000.00           849,000.00                        849,000.00       1.52           1.52            849,000.00

      Liaoning Mec Group         Cost
17                                             1,020,000.00        1,020,000.00                       1,020,000.00      3.57           3.57
      Co., Ltd.                 method

      Guotai Junan               Cost
18                                            30,098,895.00       30,098,895.00                     30,098,895.00       0.49           0.49          1,582,164.89
      Securities Co., Ltd.      method

      Guotai Junan
19    Investment                               3,057,316.00        3,057,316.00                       3,057,316.00      0.22           0.22          2,688,605.91
      Management Co., Ltd.

      Thermo King

      Container Temperature      Cost
20                                            11,207,806.00       11,207,806.00                     11,207,806.00       17.8           17.8
      Control (Suzhou) Co.,     method

      Liaoning Enterprises
21    United Industry                           105,000.00           105,000.00                        105,000.00        4.2           4.2             105,000.00

      Dalian Bingshan
22    Group Materials                           250,000.00           250,000.00                        250,000.00        5              5
      Trading Co., Ltd.

      Shenyang Sanyo Air-        Cost
23                                            34,098,618.72       34,098,618.72                     34,098,618.72        10            10            9,620,025.72
      conditioner Co., Ltd.     method

      Wuhan Steel and            Cost
24                                             1,315,142.50        1,315,142.50                       1,315,142.50      0.056         0.056
      Electricity Co., Ltd.     method

                    Total                    650,152,375.63      923,738,448.49   57,525,259.37    981,263,707.86        --             --          26,539,196.52                0.00         31,723,918.58

                  (1)According to the resolution of the Board of Directors, the Company increased the investment of 44,810,220.00
                  yuan to Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd. with the investment ratio of 40% in the reporting period.
                  (2)According to the resolution of the Board of Directors, the Company assigned the equity of Dalian Sanyo Air-
                  Conditioner Co., Ltd. to Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd. in the reporting period.
                  (3)In the reporting period, Dalian Bingshan Water Environment Equipment Co., Ltd., the associated company
                  originally holding 33% of the shares, received the “Notice for Approval of Cancelling the Registration with the
                  Administration for Industry & Commerce” and has been cancelled.
                  (4)In the reporting period, Japanese Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. increased 1.6 billion yen of investment to Dalian Sanyo
                  Home Appliance Co., Ltd. so that the Company's shareholding decreased from 40% to 10.91%. Now, Dalian Sanyo
                  Home Appliance Co., Ltd. is in the process of liquidation.
                  (5)In the reporting period, Guotai-Jun'an Securities Co., Ltd. increased its equity from 4.7 billion yuan to 6.1 billion
                  yuan and the Company's shareholding decreased from 0.64% to 0.49%.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                        2012 Semiannual Report

11 Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets details
                                                           Current year         Current year
                                      31-12-2011                                                    30-06-2012
                                                               addition           disposal

1. Original value                      843,456,140.79          11,259,689.10      1,568,962.83       853,146,867.06

Including: Buildings                   267,130,473.45                                                267,130,473.45
           Machinery                   533,179,012.47            9,601,571.41     1,001,108.86       541,779,475.02
           Vehicles                     25,950,387.92            1,318,261.97       481,764.30        26,786,885.59

           Other equipments             17,196,266.95             339,855.72         86,089.67        17,450,033.00

2. Accumulated depreciation            490,886,268.07          16,265,608.88      1,257,353.56       505,894,523.39

Including: Buildings                   102,037,036.05            3,146,791.15                        105,183,827.20
           Machinery                   362,118,183.48          11,531,716.20        888,427.59       372,761,472.09
            Vehicles                    13,673,650.99            1,052,992.98       291,445.26        14,435,198.71

           Other Equipments             13,057,397.55             534,108.55         77,480.71        13,514,025.39

3.Net book value                       352,569,872.72                                                347,252,343.67

Including: Buildings                   165,093,437.40                                                161,946,646.25
           Machinery                   171,060,828.99                                                169,018,002.93

           Vehicles                     12,276,736.93                                                 12,351,686.88

           Other Equipments               4,138,869.40                                                 3,936,007.61

4.Provision for impairment                6,932,065.53                                                 6,932,065.53

Including: Buildings
            Machinery                     6,932,065.53                                                 6,932,065.53


           Other Equipments

5.Fixed assets net                     345,637,807.19                                                340,320,278.14

Including: Buildings                   165,093,437.40                                                161,946,646.25
           Machinery                   164,128,763.46                                                162,085,937.40
           Vehicles                     12,276,736.93                                                 12,351,686.88

           Other Equipments               4,138,869.40                                                 3,936,007.61

(2) All the accumulated depreciation increased during the current period was depreciation of the current period.
(3) The original value of fixed assets RMB 1,809,770.40 transferred from construction in progress during the report
(4) There were no idle fixed assets during the current period.
(5) There were no leased fixed assets during the current period.
(6) Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co. Ltd. borrowed RMB 10,000,000 from bank and mortgaged with
its building and land use rights. Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co. Ltd. borrowed RMB 3,000,000 from bank
and mortgaged with its building and land use rights.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                 2012 Semiannual Report

(7) Fixed assets without owner’s certificates

                                   Items                                                      Reason                      Expected time
 Buildings of Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.          Final accounts audit unfinished           Handling
 Buildings of Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co. Ltd.                            Final accounts audit unfinished           Handling
 Workshop of Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning Equipment Co. Ltd.                    Less some documents                      Handling
 Departments from debts reconstruction                                              Less some documents                      Handling

12 Construction in progress
   Name of                                                Current year      Current year                                                  Percentage of
                      Budget           31-12-2011                                                 30-06-2012          Sources of funds    completion
   projects                                                addition          decrease
 Buildings         40,000,000.00     25,378,529.17        1,761,802.00                           27,140,331.17                                68%
                                                                                                                      generated fund
 Machinery         21,500,000.00       8,767,716.90       6,066,406.49        1,809,770.40       13,024,352.99                                69%
                                                                                                                      generated fund
 Others                                    56,410.26          84,615.38        141,025.64
                                                                                                                      generated fund
     Total                         34,202,656.33      7,912,823.87 1,950,796.04 40,164,684.16
(1) No interests capitalized during the current period.
(2) The amount of construction in progress RMB 1,809,770.40 was transferred to fixed assets, and RMB 141,025.64
was transferred to intangible assets.

13 Intangible assets
(1) Intangible assets details
                                                               Current year              Current year
              Item                     31-12-2011                                                                    30-06-2012
                                                                addition                  disposal
 1.Original cost
 Land use rights                       186,624,687.38                                                                186,624,687.38
 Non-patented technology                   515,224.41                                                                    515,224.41
 Others                                  5,278,244.99                141,025.64                                        5,419,270.63
             Total                     192,418,156.78                141,025.64                                      192,559,182.42
 Land use rights                        21,160,681.01               1,866,248.66                                      23,026,929.67
 Non-patented technology                   515,224.41                                                                    515,224.41
 Others                                  1,989,403.29                 179,385.09                                       2,168,788.38
             Total                      23,665,308.71               2,045,633.75                                      25,710,942.46
 3. .Net book value
 Land use rights                       165,464,006.37                                                                163,597,757.71
 Non-patented technology
 Others                                  3,288,841.70                                                                  3,250,482.25
             Total                     168,752,848.07                                                                166,848,239.96
 4.Provision for impairment
 Land use rights
 Non-patented technology
 5. .Net value
 Land use rights                       165,464,006.37                                                                163,597,757.71
 Non-patented technology
 Others                                  3,288,841.70                                                                  3,250,482.25
             Total                     168,752,848.07                                                                166,848,239.96

(1) The amount of construction in progress RMB 141,025.64 was transferred to intangible assets.
(2) RMB2,045,633.75 yuan of intangible assets was amortized in this period.
(3) As the intangible assets without book value was higher than the recoverable amount by the end of the period, no
provisions for impairment of intangible assets were drawn.
 (4) Please refer to the Ⅴ 11 of the notes for land use rights mortgaged.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                         2012 Semiannual Report

14 Long-term prepayments
             Item                                      Current year              Current year
                                    31-12-2011                                                           30-06-2012
                                                         addition                  disposal
1.Original cost

Employee dormitory use right          4,154,348.90                                                        4,154,348.90
             Total                    4,154,348.90                                                        4,154,348.90
2. Amortization
Employee dormitory use right          1,034,351.96           69,239.16                                    1,103,591.12
             Total                    1,034,351.96           69,239.16                                    1,103,591.12
3. .Net book value

Employee dormitory use right          3,119,996.94                                                        3,050,757.78
             Total                    3,119,996.94                                                        3,050,757.78
      Employee dormitory use right is amortized during 30 years.

15 Deferred tax assets/Deferred tax liabilities

                     Item                                           30-06-2012                              31-12-2011

Deferred tax assets

Provision for bad debts                                       12,584,118.35                              10,033,578.86

Provision for obsolete inventory                               3,482,525.26                               3,482,525.26

Impairment provision of fixed assets                           1,733,016.38                               1,733,016.38

Employee’s compensation payable

                     Total                                    17,799,659.99                              15,249,120.50

Deferred tax liabilities
Fair value changes of financial assets
available for sale

      (2)Temporary differences
                                 Items                                                          Amount
Provision for bad debts                                                                                  63,658,645.58
Provision for obsolete inventory                                                                         13,930,101.05
Impairment provision of fixed assets                                                                      6,932,065.53
                                   Total                                                                 84,520,812.16

            Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                            2012 Semiannual Report

            16、Provision for impairment
                                                                                                            Current year
                                                                                  Current year
                           Items                              31-12-2011                                      disposal                      30-06-2012
                                                                                                 Reversal            Written off
1.Bad debts provision                                       85,340,496.39        13,943,786.87                           708,412.74        98,575,870.52
2.Provision for obsolete inventories                        13,930,101.05                                                                  13,930,101.05
3.Provision for the impairment of financial assets
available for sale
4.Provision for the impairment of held to maturity
5.Provision for the impairment of long-term equity
                                                            26,539,196.52                                                                  26,539,196.52
6.Provision for the impairment of investing property
7.Provision for the impairment of fixed assets               6,932,065.53                                                                   6,932,065.53
8.Provision for the impairment of construction
9.Provision for the impairment of construction in
10.Provision for the impairment of bearer biological
11.Provision for the impairment of oil assets
12.Provision for the impairment of intangible assets
13.Provision for the impairment of goodwill
14.Provision for the impairment of other assets
                        Total                              132,741,859.49        13,943,786.87                           708,412.74       145,977,233.62
            17 Short-term loans
                     Terms of borrowing                               30-06-2012                               31-12-2011
            Credit loan
            Mortgage loan                                                    13,000,000.00                                    13,000,000.00
                               Total                                         13,000,000.00                                    13,000,000.00
            (1) Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co. Ltd. borrowed short-term loan RMB 10,000,000 from bank and
            mortgaged with its building and land use rights. Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co. Ltd. borrowed RMB
            3,000,000 from bank and mortgaged with its building and land use rights.
            (2)There was no short-term loan due to pay at the end of the report period.
            18 Notes payable
                           Item                                30-06-2012                                    31-12-2011
            Bank acceptance notes                                            74,738,983.60                               125,670,686.44
            Trade acceptance notes                                                                                        15,285,000.00
                               Total                                             74,738,983.60                           140,955,686.44
            19 Accounts payable
                                                            30-06-2012                                31-12-2011
                                                     Amount          Proportion (%)              Amount          Proportion (%)
                 Within1 year                     453,548,577.87                   92.24          458,315,354.35                      94.66
                     1 to 2 years                    23,072,200.56                  4.69            17,589,713.33                      3.63
                     2 to 3 years                      8,352,130.93                 1.70             2,249,786.40                      0.47
                     3 to 4 years                      1,500,680.67                 0.31             1,405,852.84                      0.29
                     4 to 5 years                       891,341.23                  0.18             1,184,993.81                      0.24
                 Over 5 years                          4,340,123.65                 0.88             3,421,981.30                      0.71
                     Total                  491,705,054.91                100              484,167,682.03                100
            (1) No amount due to the shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the equity of the Company existed in the
            balance of accounts payable at the end of current period.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                             2012 Semiannual Report

(2) There was no big amount among the accounts payable aged more than 1 year.
(3) The amount of accounts payable due to related companies is RMB 31,807,143.58, 6.47% of total accounts
payable. Please refer to the Ⅵ 6 of the notes.

20 Accounts received in advance
                                            30-06-2012                                       31-12-2011
                                  Amount              Proportion(%)                     Amount          Proportion(%)
     Within1 year                198,059,024.03                     76.72                304,736,655.03           85.33
      1 to 2 years                 25,051,799.14                     9.70                 25,539,905.52            7.15
      2 to 3 years                  9,271,518.11                     3.59                 24,714,918.23            6.91
      3 to 4 years                 24,218,354.25                     9.38                  1,606,430.41            0.45
      4 to 5 years                  1,113,356.88                     0.43                   197,122.10             0.06
     Over 5 years                     451,153.21                     0.18                   339,778.31             0.10
          Total                  258,165,205.62                      100                 357,134,809.60             100
(1)There were no accounts due to the shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the equity of the Company
existed in the balance of accounts received in advance at the end of current period.
(2)Most of the amount of accounts received in advance aged more than one year was unsettled contract payments on
construction in progress.
(3) The amount of accounts received in advance due to related companies is RMB 9,536,022.46, 3.69% of total
accounts received in advance. Please refer to the Ⅵ 6 of the notes.

21 Employee’s compensation payable
                                                                     Current year         Current year
                     Item                         31-12-2011                                              30-06-2012
                                                                      addition             reduction
1.Wages     and    salaries,     bonuses,
allowances and subsidies                      30,325,073.64          93,143,841.76       109,701,820.20   13,767,095.20

2.Staff welfare                               20,652,536.32           4,247,830.76         3,756,465.62   21,143,901.46
3.Social insurance                                 195,841.71        19,706,160.76        19,902,002.47
Including:①Medical insurance                      18,406.18         4,949,578.38         4,967,984.56
       ②Retirement pension                        147,249.40        12,438,476.21        12,585,725.61
       ③Unemployment insurance                     14,724.94         1,260,426.21         1,275,151.15
       ④injury insurance premium                     9,571.21          618,551.83          628,123.04
       ⑤Pregnancy insurance                          5,889.98          439,128.13          445,018.11
       ⑥Housing subsidies
       ⑦Heating subsidies
       ⑧Total insurance
4. Housing fund                                   1,289,250.94       10,113,960.37        10,105,418.97    1,297,792.34
5.Labor union fee and employee
education fee                                     1,166,763.70        1,514,718.13         1,846,139.03     835,342.80
6.Non-currency welfare
7. Redemption for terminations of labor
contract                                                                    22,351.14         22,351.14


                     Total                    53,629,466.31         128,748,862.92       145,334,197.43   37,044,131.80

There was no amount delay paid at the end of the report period.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                            2012 Semiannual Report

22 Taxes payable
                      Item                                      30-06-2012                       31-12-2011
Value-added tax                                                       6,053,970.17                         -626,308.27
Business tax                                                          1,993,029.60                        1,277,350.56
City maintenance and construction tax                                 1,028,729.92                         213,399.77
Enterprise income tax                                                 3,604,207.11                       17,037,356.99
Individual income tax                                                 1,667,288.33                         139,325.05
Stamp duty                                                                 35,432.24                         55,699.29
Extra-charges for education                                               494,723.50                         79,802.85
Extra-charges for local education                                         234,635.03                       127,773.25
Water project fund/River route maintenance fee                            555,753.00                       679,286.85
Safeguard fund for disables                                                   408.00                              648.00
Embankment tax                                                                                               25,875.55
Price adjustment fund                                                                                        -1,658.60
                      Total                                          15,668,176.90                       19,008,551.29
23 Dividend payable
              Name of investors                              30-06-2012                              31-12-2011

Legal person shares                                                      4,033,156.00                      3,783,156.00
                      Total                                              4,033,156.00                      3,783,156.00
The amount of dividend payable at the end of the report period included dividend payable to Dalian Bingshan Group
Co. Ltd. RMB 950,000.00 and dividend payable to Japan Sanyo Electricity Co., Ltd. RMB 1,500,000.00 which hold
over 5% (including 5%) of the equity of the Company.
24 Other accounts payable
                                         30-06-2012                                  31-12-2011
                                Amount             Proportion(%)               Amount              Proportion(%)
     Within 1 year                  17,083,258.84                41.31                  23,675,178.21                47.99
      1 to 2 years                   1,465,271.03                 3.54                    4,500,077.11                9.12
      2 to 3 years                   2,925,362.03                 7.08                    5,019,636.13               10.17
      3 to 4 years                   4,900,986.13                11.85                    2,548,816.72                5.17
      4 to 5 years                   1,998,107.04                 4.83                    5,338,779.62               10.82
      Over 5 years                  12,982,230.68                31.39                    8,254,451.06               16.73
         Total                      41,355,215.75                  100                  49,336,938.85                 100
 (1) There were RMB 11,018,144.20 due to the shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the equity of the
Company——Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd., and mainly because subsidiary company borrowed for moving to
new location.
(2) The amount of other accounts payable due to related companies is RMB 11,641,129.81, 28.15% of total other
accounts payable. Please refer to the Ⅶ 4 of the notes.
(3) Most of the amount of other accounts payable aged more than one year was owed to Dalian Bingshan Group
Co., Ltd.
25 Other non-current liabilities —Deferred income
                                 Item                                             30-06-2012               31-12-2011
Contribution to subsidiary company relocation                                           557,000.00           1,114,000.00
Subsidy fund for highly effective heat pump and related system                          292,550.50                585,101.00
                                    Total                                               849,550.50           1,699,101.00
For the above deferred incomes, it should be carried forward in 2012 as the schedule for transferring it into the profit

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                             2012 Semiannual Report

26 Long term loans
There was no long term loan in the report period.

27 Other non-current liabilities —Deferred income
                                 Item                                              30-06-2012               31-12-2011
 Subsidy fund for big screw refrigeration research project                              14,472,119.79       18,167,711.15
Subsidy fund for highly effective heat pump and related system                           5,459,596.00        5,459,596.00
Contribution to subsidiary company relocation                                           49,016,002.00       49,016,003.00
Big capacity of sea water pre-freeze project of Project 863                             13,809,945.60       12,069,945.60
                                   Total                                                82,757,663.39       84,713,255.75
The balance of above items didn’t meet the conditions being converted to income at the end of the report period.

28 Share capitals
                                                       Issuance     of   Shares   converted
                Item                  31-12-2011                                                  Others       30-06-2012
                                                       new shares        from reserve
I. Non-circulating share capital
with restricted trade conditions
1. State-owned shares
2. Shares held by domestic
legal persons
3. Other domestic shares              19,306,034.00                                                            19,306,034.00
 Including: Shares held by
                                           92,113.00                                                               92,113.00
domestic natural person
II. Circulating share capital
1. Domestically listed ordinary
                                     215,708,941.00                                                           215,708,941.00
shares (A-share)
2. Domestically listed ordinary
                                     115,000,000.00                                                           115,000,000.00
shares (B-share)
  III. Total                         350,014,975.00                                                           350,014,975.00

29 Capital surpluses
                                                             Current year          Current year
           Item                     31-12-2011                                                             30-06-2012
                                                              addition              reduction
Capital premium                      513,645,432.79                                                        513,645,432.79

Other capital surplus                 73,191,789.03                                                         73,191,789.03

          Total                      586,837,221.82                                                        586,837,221.82

30 Surplus reserves
                                                             Current year               Current year
               Item                  31-12-2011                                                             30-06-2012
                                                              addition                   reduction
Surplus reserves                     445,492,052.28             13,506,661.29                              458,998,713.57
            Total                    445,492,052.28             13,506,661.29                              458,998,713.57
The increase of the surplus reserves was because the other reserved capital were withdrawn on the basis of 20% of
the Company’s net profit of 2011 according to the resolution of the Shareholders’ General Meeting of year 2011.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                             2012 Semiannual Report

31 Retained earnings
                        Items                                    Amount                 Extraction or allocation proportion

Retained earnings at the end of prior year                       366,477,854.72

Add: Changes in accounting policies
At beginning of the year after retrospective
Add: Net profit                                                   66,392,427.44

Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserves

                                                                                       20% of net profit of the Company of
Appropriation of other reserved capital                           13,506,661.29
                                                                                       year 2011

Cash dividends                                                    52,502,246.25        RMB 0.15 per share
Appropriation of employee’s welfare and bonus
fund in foreign invested company
Retained earnings at the end of the current year                 364,387,162.47
32 Revenue and cost of sales
(1)Business income and cost
             Items                                  2012.01-06                                     2011.01-06
Operating income                                               851,218,300.53                                947,894,622.28
  Key business income                                          837,302,305.15                                931,151,231.12
  Other business income                                         13,915,995.38                                 16,743,391.16
Operating cost                                                 676,485,145.01                                769,799,892.96
  Key business cost                                            663,416,851.11                                754,394,019.76
  Other business cost                                           13,068,293.90                                 15,405,873.20
(2) Key business(type):
                                       2012.01-06                                             2011.01-06
  Name of type
                            Revenue                     Cost                    Revenue                       Cost

Manufacturing              837,302,305.15            663,416,851.11             931,151,231.12               754,394,019.76

(3) Key business(product):
                                       2012.01-06                                             2011.01-06
 Name of product
                            Revenue                     Cost                    Revenue                       Cost
                           837,302,305.15            663,416,851.11             931,151,231.12               754,394,019.76
(4) Key business(region):
                                             2012.01-06                                         2011.01-06
   Name of region
                                 Revenue                       Cost                   Revenue                   Cost

North-east of China              627,232,098.55           504,624,152.61             751,473,152.49          626,443,148.63

East of China                      8,175,753.92             6,601,965.43              11,000,357.30             8,411,035.40

Centre of China                  201,894,452.68           152,190,733.07             168,677,721.33          119,539,835.73

         Total                   837,302,305.15           663,416,851.11             931,151,231.12          754,394,019.76

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                      2012 Semiannual Report

(5) Top five customers
                            Name                                    Revenue             Percentage of total business
                                                                                                income (%)
Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.                      61,826,093.68                  7.26
Zhengzhou Synear Foodstuff Co., Ltd.                                 24,362,190.60                  2.86
COFCO Meat (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                                       23,800,605.98                  2.80
Huanghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. of Shandong Province                 17,078,550.26                  2.01
Ejina Banner Sanhe Chemical Co., Ltd.                                10,111,111.11                  1.19
                            Total                                   137,178,551.63                 16.12
33 Business taxes and surcharges
               Item                 2012.01-06         2011.01-06                  Basis of taxes calculated
Business tax                           1,065,033.92    1,165,427.42      3% or 5% of Revenue
City maintenance and
                                       3,205,048.05    2,941,562.73      7% of Business tax and Value-added tax
construction tax
Additional education Fees              1,468,466.10    1,266,346.26      3% of Business tax and Value-added tax
Local educational fee                   955,822.78          802,071.12   2% of Business tax and Value-added tax
Embankment expenses                     111,143.15            5,852.18
Others                                                        5,113.93
               Total                   6,805,514.00    6,186,373.64

34 Selling and distribution expenses
                         Items                              2012.01-06                        2011.01-06
Handle official business expenses                                   2,400,317.89                       2,485,684.76
Salaries and subsidies                                            21,683,526.31                       19,954,021.34
Depreciation expenses                                                273,208.23                            265,535.38
Transportations expenses                                            6,586,964.11                       7,030,153.45
Entertainment expenses                                              4,302,663.49                       4,014,439.03
Traveling expenses                                                  6,443,032.41                       7,627,741.44
Maintenance and repair expenses                                     3,620,302.38                       2,708,096.15
Advertise and bids expenses                                         1,135,852.92                       1,271,190.71
Others                                                               749,032.49                            411,338.42
                         Total                                    47,194,900.23                       45,768,200.68

35 Administrative expenses
                         Items                              2012.01-06                        2011.01-06
Handle official business expenses                                   6,106,308.77                       6,778,797.44
Salaries and subsidies                                            52,155,029.15                       49,957,689.75
Depreciation expenses                                               3,587,274.79                       3,756,953.22
Transportations expenses                                             834,648.81                        1,046,451.63
Entertainment expenses                                              1,964,632.15                       1,616,092.45
Traveling expenses                                                  1,779,844.42                       1,611,122.52
Maintenance and repair expenses                                     2,574,549.52                       4,166,276.11
Advertise expenses                                                   228,217.25                            108,237.00
Other taxes                                                         4,273,050.16                       4,505,493.35
Insurance expenses                                                  1,804,720.89                       1,482,221.60
Research and development expenses                                    742,8943.7                        6,675,141.17
Amortization of long term assets                                    2,114,872.91                       2,144,425.42

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                          2012 Semiannual Report

Design consultant and test service expenses                            1,808,814.77                     2,192,575.99
Others                                                                 1,464,456.05                     1,741,942.01
                        Total                                         88,125,363.34                    87,783,419.66

36 Financial expenses
                        Items                                   2012.01-06                     2011.01-06
Interest expenses                                                       691,458.36                      2,141,136.06
Less: interest income                                                  3,552,147.62                     1,094,277.01
Losses on exchange                                                       96,314.50                          69,508.39
Less: gain on exchange                                                       2,635.48                        5,152.86
Other expenses                                                          249,980.61                        277,101.29
                        Total                                         -2,517,029.63                     1,388,315.87

37 Impairment losses
                             Items                                 2012.01-06                   2011.01-06
Bad debt provision                                                      13,943,786.87                  11,670,249.65
Provision for obsolete inventories
Provision for the impairment of available-for-sale
financial assets
Provision for the impairment of held to maturity
Provision for the impairment of long-term equity
Provision for the impairment of investing property
Provision for the impairment of fixed assets
Provision for the impairment of construction materials
Provision for the impairment of construction in progress
Provision for the impairment of bearer biological assets
Provision for the impairment of oil assets
Provision for the impairment of intangible assets
Provision for the impairment of goodwill
Provision for the impairment of other assets
                          Total                                         13,943,786.87                  11,670,249.65
38、Gain/ (loss) from investments
(1) Categeries

                       Items                                     2012.01-06                       2011.01-06

Calculated by cost method                                                                                3,009,889.50

Calculated by equity method                                             44,944,226.71                  35,342,590.94
Investment income due to disposal of the equity
                                                                              26,001.99                49,768,242.00
of associated company
                        Total                                           44,970,228.70                  88,120,722.44
(2) Calculated by cost method(more than 5% of profit)
                     Name                         2012.01-06           2011.01-06            Reason of changes
Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.                                       3,009,889.50       No dividend distribution
                     Total                                              3,009,889.50

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                             2012 Semiannual Report

(3) Calculated by equity method(more than 5% of profit)
                         Name                              2012.01-06              2011.01-06               Reason of changes
Dalian Sanyo Cold-chain Co., Ltd                            10,957,088.27            9,506,908.21        Increase of business profit
Grand Ocean-showa Auto Air Conditioning
                                                             7,669,105.73            6,870,056.64        Increase of business profit
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                           18,328,875.46           23,641,535.89      Decrease of operating income
Dalian Sanyo Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.                                              -8,014,452.98              equity transferred
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd.               5,080,150.27            2,091,301.35        Increase of business profit
                         Total                              42,035,219.73           34,095,349.11
(4)There was no severe constrict on the collection of the investment earnings.

39 Non-business incomes
                                Item                               2012.01-06                     2011.01-06
         Gain on the disposal of non-current assets                            23,500.00                  99,194.20
         Penalty and fine income                                            124,212.00                   400,000.00
         Subsidy fund from government                                    1,092,997.66                    427,723.29
         Deferred income                                                 4,545,142.86                  3,605,050.50
         Debts need not paid                                                773,202.01                   750,795.43
         Others                                                                 6,775.95                  85,017.31
                                Total                                    6,565,830.48                  5,367,780.73
     (2) Subsidy fund from government
                     Items                       2012.01-06         2011.01-06                         Explanations
Patent grant and award                                10,500.00                      According to the related regulations
Others                                           1,082,497.66         427,723.29     Tax refund
                     Total                       1,092,997.66         427,723.29

40 Non-business expenses
                         Item                                     2012.01-06                         2011.01-06
Loss on the disposal of non-current assets                                     202,086.55                     29,234.67
Fines and penalties                                                              2,569.00                      4,036.56
Donation expenditure                                                                                         200,000.00
Others                                                                          55,534.34                     42,673.15
                     Total                                                     260,189.89                    275,944.38

41 Income tax expense
                  Item                                  2012.01-06                                2011.01-06
Current income tax expense                                        6,182,954.68                            18,958,629.49
Deferred income tax expense                                      -2,550,539.49                            -1,821,786.08
                Total                                             3,632,415.19                            17,136,843.41

      Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                          2012 Semiannual Report

      42、Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share calculation process
      (1)Calculation of basic earning per share
                              Item                                            No.                    2012.01-06                 2011.01-06
Profit or loss attributable to the Company                                      1                      66,392,427.44             95,488,392.56
Profit or loss after deducting extraordinary gain or loss
                                                                                2                      63,276,376.07             55,527,288.08
attributable to the Company
the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding            3=4+5+6*10/9-7*11/9-
                                                                                                         350,014,975              350,014,975
during the period(So)                                                           8
the number of ordinary shares at the beginning of the
                                                                                4                        350,014,975              350,014,975
the number of additional ordinary shares issued on capital
surplus transfer or share dividends appropriation(S1)
the number of ordinary shares issued in exchange for cash or
issued as a result of the conversion of a debt instrument to                    6
ordinary shares during the period(Si)
reduced number of ordinary shares such as shares buy
the number of a reverse share split(Sk)                                         8
the months during the period(Mo)                                                9                                    6                         6
the months from the following month after issuing
incremental shares to the end of the period(Mi)
the months from the following month after reducing shares to
the end of the period(Mj)
Basic earnings per share                                                     12=1/3                               0.19                       0.27
Basic earnings per share deducting extraordinary gain or loss                13=2/3                               0.18                       0.16

      (2) For the diluted potential ordinary shares, the net profits attributed to ordinary shareholders during the reporting
      term and the weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares should be adjusted separately, and it shall be
      used to calculate the diluted earnings per share. Under the circumstances to issue the diluted potential ordinary
      shares such as convertible bonds, stock options, stock warrants, the diluted earnings per share shall be calculated in
      the light of the formula as follow: Diluted Earnings Per Share =P1/(S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0–Sj×Mj÷M0–Sk+ The
      weighted average number of incremental ordinary shares on warrants, options, convertible debt and so on)
      P1represents the amounts attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company in respect of: (a) Profit or loss
      attributable to the Company; and (b) Profit or loss after deducting extraordinary gain or loss attributable to the
      Company, adjust according to the accounting standards for enterprises and other relevant provisions. The Company
      considered in sequence from dilutive potential ordinary shares to get the lowest earnings per share.

      43、Other comprehensive income
                                        Items                                       2012.01-06              2011.01-06
      1、Gain/(loss) on financial assets available for sale                                                   36,471,900.00
      Less:Income tax infection on financial assets available for sale                                        8,367,975.00
      Net amount transferred into profit and loss at current period that
      reckon into other comprehensive income at former period
                                     Subtotal                                                                 28,103,925.00

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                     2012 Semiannual Report

                                 Items                                    2012.01-06        2011.01-06
2、Net amount of comprehensive income of invested company
belonging to the company
Less: Income tax infection
Net amount transferred into profit and loss at current period that
reckon into other comprehensive income at former period
Less: Income tax infection
Net amount transferred into profit and loss at current period that
reckon into other comprehensive income at former period
                                 Total                                                        28,103,925.00

44. Relevant information about cash flow statement
(1) Other cash received relating to operating activities
                             Item                                    2012.01-06
Returns travel expense receivable                                        2,004,720.76
Deposit received                                                         5,845,512.00
Financial allocation                                                     1,750,500.00
Interest income                                                          3,552,147.62
Others                                                                   2,910,245.05
                             Total                                      16,063,125.43
(2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities
                             Item                                    2012.01-06
Travel expense                                                           8,876,368.97
Deposit paid                                                             6,119,700.00
Sales expenditure                                                       17,174,325.89
Administrative expenditure                                              19,606,623.34
Bank fees                                                                 249,980.61
Others                                                                   2,012,239.68
                             Total                                      54,039,238.49
(3) Other cash paid relating to financing activities
                             Item                                    2012.01-06
Discount interest for acceptance notes                                       70,927.69
                             Total                                           70,927.69

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                        2012 Semiannual Report

45 Complementary information for consolidated cash flow statement
(1) The relationship between the net profit and the net cash flows from operating activities
                                     Item                                        2012.01-06          2011.01-06
1. Reconciliation from the net profit to the cash flows from operating
Net profit                                                                        68,824,074.81      101,373,885.20
Add: Provisions for assets impairment                                             13,943,786.87       11,670,249.65
     Depreciation of fixed assets                                                 16,274,896.88       16,746,611.41
     Amortization of intangible assets                                             2,045,633.75         2,075,186.26
   Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                         69,239.16          69,239.16
     Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-
                                                                                     169,656.32           -69,959.53
term assets (gains, -)
     Losses on scrapping of fixed assets (gains, -)                                     8,930.23
     Losses on variation of fair value (gains, -)
     Finance expenses (income, -)                                                    797,054.21         2,313,987.72
     Investment losses (gains, -)                                                -44,998,103.70       -88,120,722.44
     Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase, -)                                 -2,550,539.49       -1,821,786.08
     Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease, -)                                                 8,367,975.00
     Decrease in inventory (increase, -)                                          85,803,474.29       -11,795,597.64
     Decrease in operating receivables (increase, -)                             -87,893,219.92      -132,215,799.61
     Increase in operating payables (decrease, -)                               -180,130,403.46      182,076,706.46
                  Net cash flows from operating activities                      -127,635,520.05       90,669,975.56
2. Investing and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts and
     Conversion of debt into capital
     Convertible bonds to be expired within one year
     Fixed assets under finance lease
3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents
     Cash at the end of the period                                               441,824,449.34      625,558,513.48
     Less: Cash at the beginning of the period                                   681,077,489.30      491,775,575.71
     Plus: Cash equivalents at the end of the period
     Less: Cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
     Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                  -239,253,039.96      133,782,937.77

  (2) Cash and cash equivalents

                                        Item                                       2012.01-06           2011.01-06

   1.Cash                                                                           441,824,449.34      681,077,489.30
     Including: cash on hand                                                            134,137.65          101,242.57
     Bank deposits that can be used for payment whenever necessary                  441,500,734.49      680,841,246.73
      Other monetary capital that can be used for payment whenever
   necessary                                                                            189,577.20          135,000.00
   2.cash equivalents
     Including: Bonds mature within 3 months
   3.Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                    441,824,449.34      681,077,489.30

               Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                                                      2012 Semiannual Report

               Ⅵ.Related Party Relationships and Transactions
               1、Information of parent company
                                                                                        Legal                                                         The parent          The parent          ultimate
 Name of                Principal                               Registered                                  Nature of                                 company's           company's          controllin    Organization
                                             Nature                              representative                               Registered capital     shareholding         voting right       g party of       Code
 enterprise             activities                               address                                     business                                    (%)                  (%)                the
                                                                                        person                                                                                               Company


Dalian                     and

Bingshan               manufactory           Sino-foreign                                                   Manufact                                                                       SASAC
                                                                 Dalian               Zhang He                                RMB140,600,000.00         21.96%              21.96%                          24129179-3
Group Co.,                  of               joint venture                                                       ure                                                                       of Dalian

Ltd.                   refrigeration


                                                                              Registe              Legal                                                            The             The
                Name of invested                 Nature of                                                              Nature of                                company's       company'
   No.                                                              Type        red         representative                               Registered capital      shareholdi       s voting       Organization Code
                       company                   enterprise                                                              business                                  ng (%)        right (%)
                                                                              address             person

              Dalian         Bingshan              Limited

       1      Group       Refrigeration           liabilities      Industry   Dalian        Zhang Hongzhi               Installation    RMB20,040,000.00            100              100            24236769-X

              Installation Company                company

              Dalian         Bingshan              Limited
       2                                          liabilities      Trading    Dalian             Yang Bin                 Trading       RMB18,000,000.00            90               90             70216986-3
              Group Sales Company

              Dalian Bingshan Air-
                                                   Limited                                      Yamamoto
       3      Conditioning                        liabilities      Industry   Dalian                                   Manufacturing    JPY700,000,000.00           70               70             60488234-X
              Equipment Co., Ltd.

              Dalian         Bingshan
       4      Metal Processing Co.,               liabilities      Industry   Dalian             Zhang He              Manufacturing     USD2,350,000.00           64.25           64.25            70215200-9

              Dalian         Bingshan
       5      Guardian Automation                 liabilities      Industry   Dalian            Mike Murphy            Manufacturing     GBP210,000.00              60               60             73640895-7
              Co., Ltd.

              Dalian         Bingshan

              Ryosetsu           Quick             Limited                                        Yamati
       6                                          liabilities      Industry   Dalian                                   Manufacturing     USD1,000,000.00            70               70             74787148-8
              Freezing      Equipment                                                            Yashuhiro

              Co., Ltd.

              Wuhan New World                      Limited
       7      Refrigeration                       liabilities      Industry   Wuhan         Mu Chuanjiang              Manufacturing    RMB30,000,000.00            51               51             61640057-1
              Industrial Co., Ltd.
              Wuhan New World
              Refrigeration            Air
       8                                          liabilities      Industry   Wuhan              Ding Jie               Installation   RMB8,000,000.00               5               100            78930854-6
              Conditioner                         company

              Engineering Co., Ltd.
              Dalian Daleng Metal
       9                                          liabilities      Industry   Dalian             Zhang He              Manufacturing    RMB20,000,000.00            100              100            66920026-6
              Technology Co., Ltd.                company

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                       2012 Semiannual Report

3、Joint venture and associate companies
                                                                                 Relationship with the
                          Name of the related parties                                                      Organization Code
Dalian Bingshan – P&A Recreation Development Engineering Co., Ltd.                   Joint venture            72600341-1

Dalian Jiale Vending Machine Operation Co., Ltd.                                      Joint venture            76079627-5

Dalian Bingshan Group Import&Export Co., Ltd.                                     Associated company           72886492-8
Dalian Grand Ocean Thermo King Transport Refrigeration Engineering
                                                                                  Associated company           60485722-4
Co., Ltd
Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                              Associated company           60480245-0

Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd.                                                   Associated company           60483825-0

Dalian Sanyo Cold-chain Co., Ltd                                                  Associated company           60481691-6

Grand Ocean-showa Auto Air Conditioning (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                        Associated company           60486851-3

Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                                                 Associated company           60482029-6

Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd.                                          Associated company           60482091-5

Dalian Sanyo Home Appliance Co., Ltd.                                             Associated company           60486096-8

Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Machinery
                                                                                  Associated company           74261540-X
Co., Ltd.
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd.                                    Associated company           75158208-0

Daliian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd.                       Associated company           78733517-X

For details, please refer to the Ⅴ.9 of the notes.

4、Other type of the related parties
            Name of the related parties                       Relationship with the Company              Organization Code
Dalian Bingshan Group Cold Drink Equipment Co.,
                                                         Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group                24239741-8
Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment
                                                         Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group                11857056-X
Co., Ltd.
Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory             Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group                11853975-7

Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co. , Ltd.         Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group                72886492-8
Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment
                                                         Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group                80139721-2
Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan Group Materials Trading Co. , Ltd        Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group                74437418-7

Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd.                  Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group        60487379-3

Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.               Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group        76077536-X
Dalian Mahe Level Control Electrical Appliances
                                                         Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group        60486775-6
Co., Ltd.
Linde Engineering (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                     Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group        77301721-8

BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                                     Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group        60492102-X

Linde Engineering (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.                   Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group        77356588-X

                                Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                              2012 Semiannual Report

                                          5、The transactions between the Company and the related parties
                                          (1) Purchases of goods from related parties/ Sales of goods to related parties
                                                                                                                        2012.01-06                                      2011.01-06
                                                                     Details of           Rule of
            Name of the related parties              Item           transaction         price setting                         Proportion of the same type                    Proportion of the same type
                                                                                                            Amount                                          Amount
                                                                                                                               transaction amount ( %)                        transaction amount ( %)

Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd.               Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price                                                          760,000.00                0.10

Dalian Sanyo Cold-chain Co., Ltd                   Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price         3,911,260.61                0.59                7,218,605.08               0.94

Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                  Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price         1,729,316.36                0.26                2,742,806.51               0.36

Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd.           Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price                                                          494,282.88                0.06

Dalian Bingshan Group Cold Drink
                                                   Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price        13,403,725.85                2.02               14,864,833.34               1.93
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration
                                                   Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price        25,093,366.27                3.78               30,685,423.86               3.99
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment
                                                   Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price         6,579,617.42                0.99                5,849,353.51               0.76

Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd.            Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price           397,880.35                0.06                 960,100.00                0.12

BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                               Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price         2,529,9951.7                3.81               30,716,126.31               3.99

Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export
                                                   Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price        10,672,874.76                1.61                8,032,313.01               1.04
Co. , Ltd

Dalian Bingshan Group Materials Trading
                                                   Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price         2,129,367.84                0.32                5,252,279.78               0.68
Co. , Ltd

Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.         Purchases     Purchases of goods     Market price         1,128,500.39                0.17                1,770,942.81               0.23

Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                 Sales         Sales of goods       Market price            18,472.05               0.002                1,388,601.71               0.15

Dalian Sanyo Cold-chain Co., Ltd                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price         6,079,572.13                0.71               10,453,459.51               1.10

Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                    Sales         Sales of goods       Market price         3,896,475.10                0.46                5,903,604.11               0.62

Dalian Bingshan Group Cold Drink
                                                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price         2,212,929.91                0.26                2,715,630.76               0.29
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration
                                                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price         1,827,758.11                0.21                2,961,286.10               0.31
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment
                                                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price         4,072,537.01                0.48                2,671,662.46               0.28

Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export
                                                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price        61,826,093.68                7.26               68,737,105.79               7.25
Co. , Ltd

Dalian Bingshan – P&A Recreation
                                                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price                                                           82,478.63                0.01
Development Engineering Co., Ltd.

Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration
                                                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price           235,854.70                0.03                 391,452.99                0.04
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Beijing Huashang Bingshan Serial
                                                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price           497,102.36                0.06                7,681,692.67               0.81
Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.

Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co.,
                                                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price         1,683,376.19                0.20                1,118,994.75               0.12

Shenyang Sanyo Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.             Sales         Sales of goods       Market price            12,255.56               0.001

Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.           Sales         Sales of goods       Market price            75,625.64                0.01                  87,357.26                0.01

Daliian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration
                                                     Sales         Sales of goods       Market price           547,259.10                0.06                 302,399.72                0.03
System Co., Ltd.

                                (2) Leasing fees from related party
                                The Company signed an agreement with Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. to lease the floor space of 530 sq. m. in
                                the office building to Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. with a lease term of 3 years at the annual rent of RMB
                                95,400.00 yuan.

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                         2012 Semiannual Report

(3)Guarantee with related companies

6 Amounts due from/to related parties
(1) Notes receivable
                 Name of the related parties                             30-06-2012                    31-12-2011

Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                                                 135,834.10                  270,646.95

Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.                                                          10,388,746.99

Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                     222,288.50

(2) Accounts paid in advance
                Name of the related parties                              30-06-2012                    31-12-2011
Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                                                   2,487.00                    2,487.00
Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                              156,000.00
Dalian Sanyo Cold-chain Co., Ltd.                                                  59,744.00                   33,719.00
BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                                                                                           15,164.00

(3) Accounts receivable
                                                                  30-06-2012                       31-12-2011
                                                                          Provision                        Provision
              Name of the related parties
                                                               Amount      for bad              Amount      for bad
                                                                            debts                            debts
Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                           1,810,570.58        90,528.53       480,500.00     24,025.00
Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                        1,097,645.75        54,882.29   1,764,817.10       88,240.86
Dalian Sanyo Cold-chain Co., Ltd.                           2,730,852.75       136,542.64   1,996,079.59       99,803.98
Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment Co.,
                                                               640,985.77       32,049.29         4,114.25        205.71
Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.                657,425.60       32,871.28
Dalian Bingshan – P&A Recreation Development
                                                                                                263,278.20     13,163.91
Engineering Ltd.
Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and Air-
                                                            1,839,035.48        91,951.77   2,271,108.48      113,555.42
conditioning Machinery Co., Ltd.
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd.              1,198,654.02        59,932.70       629,102.93     31,455.15
Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co.,
                                                               665,460.25       33,273.01       489,444.02     24,472.20
Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.                                                       20,850.00      1,042.50

(4) Other accounts receivable
                                                        30-06-2012                              31-12-2011
      Name of the related parties                          Provision for bad                         Provision for bad
                                             Amount                                 Amount
                                                                 debts                                     debts
BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                        30,000.00                1,500.00        30,000.00                  1,500.00

(5) Notes payable
                    Name of the related parties                             30-06-2011                 31-12-2010
 Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd.                                            96,000.00
 Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                         9,200,000.00                3,000,000.00
 Dalian Bingshan Group Cold Drink Equipment Co., Ltd.                              550,000.00                7,494,750.00
 BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                                                                                         101,000.00

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report

 Dalian Bingshan Group Materials Trading Co. , Ltd.                600,000.00        1,310,000.00
 Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory                    1,300,000.00          800,000.00
 Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.                                     1,257,800.00

(6) Accounts payable
                   Name of the related parties               30-06-2012           31-12-2011
  Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory                     685,052.32         1,905,582.64
 Dalian Bingshan Group Cold Drink Equipment Co., Ltd.           10,009,658.47        6,378,338.18
 BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                                           15,641,169.95       14,345,501.95
 Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.         2,694,412.07        7,079,055.83
 Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                   80,000.00
 Dalian Sanyo Cold-chain Co., Ltd.                                   9,516.00            5,709.40
 Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd.                                              285,191.58
 Dalian Sanyo Home Appliance Co., Ltd.                              42,823.00           42,823.00
 Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd.                           453,403.00          457,903.00
 Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.                     6,447.91        2,608,467.69
 Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                                 229,653.27          101,429.52
 Dalian Bingshan Group Materials Trading Co., Ltd                1,382,203.88
 Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.                        652,803.71            4,258.25

(7) Accounts received in advance
                   Name of the related parties               30-06-2012           31-12-2011
  Dalian Bingshan – P&A Recreation Development
                                                                   770,100.00          770,100.00
  Engineering Ltd.
 Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.             8,415.30          458,695.30
 Shenyang Sanyo Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.                            3,536.00
 Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                            2,007,000.00        2,008,923.50
 Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co. , Ltd.                5,869,471.16        2,026,840.60
 Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                               3,128.48
 Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and Air-
                                                                   877,500.00          150,000.00
 conditioning Machinery Co., Ltd.

(8) Other Accounts payable
                 Name of the related parties                 30-06-2012           31-12-2011
 Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                11,018,144.20       11,337,177.87
 Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory                      101,000.00          101,000.00
 Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co. , Ltd.                  521,985.61          444,527.31
 Dalian Bingshan H2O3 Environmental Solution Co. , Ltd.                                560,139.68
(9) Dividend payable
                 Name of the related parties                 30-06-2012           31-12-2011
 Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                   950,000.00        1,900,000.00
Ⅷ. Commitments
Ⅸ.Unadjusted events after the Balance Sheet Date
Ⅹ.Other significant events

      Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                       2012 Semiannual Report

      Ⅺ.Notes to the financial statements of the parent company
      1 Accounts receivable
      (1) Classified by account nature
                                                      30-06-2012                                                       31-12-2011
                                       Balance               Provision for doubtful debt                Balance               Provision for doubtful debt
                                                 Proportion                      Proportion                       Proportion                     Proportion
                                Amount                           Amount                           Amount                           Amount
                                                    (%)                             (%)                              (%)                            (%)
Receivables that are
Receivables not
individually                 296,554,201.69            100    60,535,022.34          20.41     238,526,668.29           100    52,920,054.93         22.19
significant but with
high risk in groups
Other insignificant

          Total              296,554,201.69            100    60,535,022.34          20.41     238,526,668.29           100    52,920,054.93         22.19

      The aging of accounts receivable and related provisions for bad debts

                                                          30-06-2012                                                       31-12-2011
                                                           Proportion     Provision for bad                                 Proportion      Provision for bad
                  Ages                Amount                                                          Amount
                                                              (%)               debts                                          (%)                debts
              Within1 year        127,405,924.09                42.96           6,370,296.20        108,128,040.69              45.33           5,391,015.53

              1 to 2 years           81,074,451.48              27.34           8,107,445.15         52,598,212.49              22.05           5,259,821.25

              2 to 3 years           42,702,015.09              14.40         12,810,604.53          32,408,419.05              13.59           9,722,525.72
              3 to 4 years           18,193,995.08               6.13           9,096,997.54         19,695,131.79               8.26           9,847,565.90

              4 to 5 years           15,140,685.15               5.11         12,112,548.12          14,988,688.68               6.28          11,990,950.94

              Over 5 years           12,037,130.80               4.06         12,037,130.80          10,708,175.59               4.49          10,708,175.59

               Total          296,554,201.69                100       60,535,022.34      238,526,668.29           100     52,920,054.93
      (2) There is no receivables not individually significant but with high risk in groups during the report period.
      (3) There is no receivable account of the Company that has been written off before this report period but recovered
      in this period.
      (4) There is no accounts receivable being recovered by debts reconstruction during the report period.
      (5) There is no receivable account of the Company being written off in the report period.
      (6) No arrearage from the shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the equity of the Company existed in the
      balance of accounts receivable.
      (7) The first five arrearage entities listed in the balance of accounts receivable
                                                        The relationship
                       Company                                                     Amount              Age            Proportion (%)
                                                       with the Company
      COFCO Meat (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                           Non-affiliated         21,320,682.30             Less than 1 year                 7.19
      COFCO Meat (Suqian) Co., Ltd.                            Non-affiliated         15,756,917.20             Less than 1 year                 5.31
      Dalian Xinghai Bay Development &
                                                               Non-affiliated         11,242,693.00                3-4 years                     3.79
      Construction Management Center
      Inner Mongolia Sucon Silicone Co., Ltd.                  Non-affiliated          6,369,000.00                1-2 years                     2.15
      Dalian Jinyu New Energy Technological
                                                               Non-affiliated          5,500,000.00        4-5 years, over 5 years               1.86
      Development Co., Ltd.

                             Total                                                    60,189,292.50                                             20.30

         Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                        2012 Semiannual Report

         (8) The amount of accounts receivable due from related companies are RMB 2,925,977.58, 0.99% of total accounts
                                                                       The relationship
                                                                                                                        Proportion of total accounts
                               Name                                        with the                 Amount
                                                                                                                               receivable (%)
         Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and                     Associated
                                                                                                   1,589,035.48                       0.54
         Air-conditioning Machinery Co., Ltd.                             company
         Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                                                         1,330,070.58                       0.45
         Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration                          Subsidiary of
                                                                                                       6,871.52                       0.002
         Equipment Co., Ltd.                                           Bingshan Group

                               Total                                                               2,925,977.58                       0.99

         (9) There is no accounts receivable being ended reorganization or being negotiated during the reporting period.

         2 Other accounts receivable
         (1) Classified by account nature

                                                          30-06-2012                                                             31-12-2011

                                       Balance                  Provision for doubtful debt                      Balance                 Provision for doubtful debt
                                                 Proportion                           Proportion                           Proportion                        Proportion
                                Amount                             Amount                                Amount                               Amount
                                                    (%)                                  (%)                                   (%)                              (%)
Receivables that are
   individually significant
Receivables not
individually significant but   8,225,939.60               100          601,267.79           7.31         6,137,857.60            100          653,158.56          10.64
with high risk in groups

Other insignificant items

           Total               8,225,939.60               100          601,267.79           7.31         6,137,857.60            100          653,158.56          10.64

         The ageing of other accounts receivable and related provisions for bad debts
                                           30-06-2012                                         31-12-2011
             Ages                          Proportion Provision for bad                        Proportion                            Provision for
                            Amount                                               Amount
                                              (%)             debts                               (%)                                 bad debts
         Within1 year      6,069,671.02        73.78          303,483.55         2,859,183.68      46.58                                142,959.18
         1 to 2 years      1,830,924.82        22.26          183,092.48         2,447,569.64      39.88                                244,756.96
         2 to 3 years          300,000.00             3.65                90,000.00            805,759.52             13.13             241,727.86
         3 to 4 years                                                                               3,260.00            0.05              1,630.00
         4 to 5 years            3,260.00             0.04                 2,608.00                     1.00                                   0.80
         Over 5 years           22,083.76             0.27                22,083.76                22,083.76            0.36             22,083.76
             Total          8,225,939.60           100          601,267.79         6,137,857.60           100        653,158.56
         (2) There is no receivables not individually significant but with high risk in groups during the reporting period.
         (3) There is no amount of provision for bad debts written back during the reporting period.
         (4) During the reporting period, there is no other account receivable being recovered by debts reconstruction.
         (5) During the reporting period, there is no other accounts receivable written-off.
         (6) There is no balance of other accounts receivable due from the shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the
         equity of the Company.

                      Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                                       2012 Semiannual Report

                      (7) The first five arrearage entities of other accounts receivable
                                                                    The relationship with
                                      Company                                                                               Amount                       Age               Proportion (%)
                                                                        the Company
                      Gao Yulong                                                     Non-affiliated                        1,432,000.00              1-2 years                     17.41
                      COFCO Meat (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                                 Non-affiliated                         450,000.00         Less than 1 year                     5.47
                      Zheng Xiaolong                                                 Non-affiliated                         300,000.00               2-3 years                      3.65
                      Fund Accounting Center for
                      Institutions of Dalian Economic &                              Non-affiliated                         265,950.62               1-2 years                      3.23
                      Technical Development Zone
                      Xu Lihua                                                       Non-affiliated                         215,000.00         Less than 1 year                     2.61
                                             Total                                                                         2,662,950.62                                            32.37
                      (8) There was no amount of other accounts receivable due from related companies at the end of the period.
                      (9) There is no other accounts receivable being ended reorganization or being negotiated during the reporting period.

                      3 Long-term equity investments
                      (1) Details of long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                                             Provision for     Cash dividend of
                                Calculatio                                                                                    Sharehold   Voting right     Provision for
No.               Name                           Initial cost    Beginning balance     Changes            Ending balance                                                   impairment of the     the current
                                n method                                                                                      ing(%)      (%)          impairment
                                                                                                                                                                            current period          period

      Dalian Bingshan –

      P&A Recreation             Equity
1                                                 1,034,675.00       2,880,469.82      -236,957.37           2,643,512.45        50           50
      Development               method

      Engineering Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Jiale Vending
2     Machine Operation                          18,750,000.00      14,561,156.38      -150,944.10          14,410,212.28        50           50
      Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Bingshan
3     Group Import &                              1,200,000.00      10,528,793.37     1,095,725.94          11,624,519.31        24           24
      Export Co. , Ltd.

      Dalian Grand Ocean

      Thermo King
4     Transport                                   2,871,708.00       3,457,718.84      -236,660.09           3,221,058.75        40           40

      Engineering Co., Ltd

      Dalian Sanyo               Equity
5                                                85,416,929.20     105,676,566.88    41,071,100.35         146,747,667.23        40           40                                                 4,800,000.00
      Refrigeration Co., Ltd.   method

      Dalian Honjo               Equity
6                                                 3,908,911.50       9,259,232.78      -369,612.69           8,889,620.09        30           30                                                 1,073,918.58
      Chemical Co., Ltd.        method

      Dalian Sanyo Cold-         Equity
7                                               134,658,753.75     210,145,798.94     2,957,088.27         213,102,887.21        40           40                                                 8,000,000.00
      chain Co., Ltd            method

      Grand Ocean-showa
8     Auto Air Conditioning                      24,402,234.58      42,845,542.95     7,669,105.73          50,514,648.68        20           20
      (Dalian) Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Sanyo               Equity
9                                               176,953,841.88     319,147,751.40     2,328,875.46         321,476,626.86        40           40                                                16,000,000.00
      Compressor Co., Ltd.      method

                     Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                                   2012 Semiannual Report

                                                                                                                                                                      Provision for     Cash dividend of
                                Calculatio                                                                               Sharehold   Voting right   Provision for
No.               Name                       Initial cost     Beginning balance     Changes            Ending balance                                               impairment of the     the current
                                n method                                                                                 ing(%)      (%)        impairment
                                                                                                                                                                     current period          period

      Dalian Sanyo Meica         Equity
10                                            9,649,590.00       27,081,570.31      650,275.22           27,731,845.53      30           30                                                 600,000.00
      Electronics Co., Ltd.     method

      Dalian Sanyo Home          Equity
11                                           19,666,212.00       11,694,400.00                           11,694,400.00    10.91         10.91       11,694,400.00
      Appliance Co., Ltd.       method

      Beijing Huashang

      Bingshan Refrigeration     Equity
12                                               490,000.00         794,216.13       30,430.07              824,646.20      49           49
      and Air-conditioning      method

      Machinery Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Bingshan H2O3
13    Environmental                           2,731,377.50          505,268.76     -505,268.76
      Solution Co. , Ltd.

      Dalian Fuji Bingshan
14    Vending Machine Co.,                   66,416,364.00       59,054,700.59    5,080,150.27           64,134,850.86      49           49

      Daliian Sanyo High-
15    Efficient Refrigeration                20,000,000.00       24,103,483.12    -1,858,048.93          22,245,434.19      25           25                                               1,250,000.00
      System Co., Ltd.

      Zibo Electric Traction      Cost
16                                               420,000.00         420,000.00                              420,000.00     0.76         0.76           420,000.00
      Machine Co., Ltd.         method

      Liaoning Mec Group          Cost
17                                            1,020,000.00        1,020,000.00                            1,020,000.00     3.57         3.57
      Co., Ltd.                 method

      Guotai Junan                Cost
18                                           30,098,895.00       30,098,895.00                           30,098,895.00     0.49         0.49         1,582,164.89
      Securities Co., Ltd.      method

      Guotai Junan
19    Investment                              3,057,316.00        3,057,316.00                            3,057,316.00     0.22         0.22         2,688,605.91
      Management Co., Ltd.

      Thermo King

      Container Temperature       Cost
20                                           11,207,806.00       11,207,806.00                           11,207,806.00     17.8         17.8
      Control (Suzhou) Co.,     method

      Liaoning Enterprises        Cost
21                                               105,000.00         105,000.00                              105,000.00      4.2          4.2           105,000.00
      UnitedIndustryCo.,Ltd.    method

      Dalian Bingshan
22    Group Materials                            250,000.00         250,000.00                              250,000.00      5             5
      Trading Co., Ltd.

      Shenyang Sanyo Air-         Cost
23                                           34,098,618.72       34,098,618.72                           34,098,618.72      10           10          9,620,025.72
      conditioner Co., Ltd.     method

      Dalian Bingshan
24    Group Refrigeration                    20,036,841.62       20,036,841.62                           20,036,841.62     100           100
      Installation Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Bingshan             Cost
25                                           16,200,000.00       16,200,000.00                           16,200,000.00      90           90
      Group Sales Company       method

                     Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                                             2012 Semiannual Report

                                                                                                                                                                                      Provision for     Cash dividend of
                                 Calculatio                                                                                       Sharehold    Voting right      Provision for
No.               Name                           Initial cost       Beginning balance     Changes            Ending balance                                                         impairment of the     the current
                                 n method                                                                                         ing(%)       (%)           impairment
                                                                                                                                                                                     current period          period

      Dalian Bingshan Metal        Cost
26                                               12,501,344.60          12,501,344.60                          12,501,344.60       64.25          64.25
      Processing Co., Ltd.       method

      Dalian Bingshan Air-
27    Conditioning                               36,506,570.00          36,506,570.00                          36,506,570.00         70            70                                                     2,450,000.00
      Equipment Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Bingshan
28    Guardian Automation                         1,522,117.80           1,522,117.80                            1,522,117.80        60            60                                                     1,537,220.05
      Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Bingshan

      Ryosetsu Quick               Cost
29                                                5,745,097.40           5,745,097.40                            5,745,097.40        70            70
      Freezing Equipment         method

      Co., Ltd.

      Wuhan New World
30    Refrigeration Industrial                   17,980,400.00          17,980,400.00                          17,980,400.00         51            51                                                     2,550,000.00
      Co., Ltd.

      Wuhan New World

      Refrigeration Air            Cost
31                                                    400,000.00          400,000.00                              400,000.00         5             100
      Conditioner                method
      Engineering Co., Ltd.

      Dalian Daleng Metal          Cost
32                                               20,000,000.00          20,000,000.00                          20,000,000.00        100            100
      Technology Co., Ltd.       method

                    Total                       779,300,604.55      1,052,886,677.41    57,525,259.37        1,110,411,936.78                                    26,110,196.52                           38,261,138.63

                         (2)Listed with kinds of long term investment:
                                              Item                                                  30-06-2012                                                31-12-2011
                     Subsidiaries                                                                                130,892,371.42                                         130,892,371.42
                     Associates                                                                                  882,208,204.91                                         824,295,044.07
                     Joint venture                                                                                17,053,724.73                                           17,441,626.20
                     Other long-term equity investments                                                           80,257,635.72                                           80,257,635.72
                                              Total                                                           1,110,411,936.78                                      1,052,886,677.41
                     Less: Provision for impairment of
                                                                                                                  26,110,196.52                                           26,110,196.52
                     long-term equity investments
                                       Net                                                                    1,084,301,740.26                                      1,026,776,480.89

                     (3) Provision for impairment on long-term equity investment

                                              Name of invested company                                                          30-06-2012                         31-12-2011

                     Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                               1,582,164.89                           1,582,164.89
                     Guotai Junan Investment Management Co., Ltd.                                                                    2,688,605.91                           2,688,605.91
                     Liaoning Enterprises United Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                       105,000.00                             105,000.00
                     Shenyang Sanyo Air Conditioner Co., Ltd.                                                                        9,620,025.72                           9,620,025.72
                     Dalian Sanyo Home Appliance Co., Ltd.                                                                         11,694,400.00                          11,694,400.00
                     Zibo Electric Traction Machine Co., Ltd.                                                                             420,000.00                             420,000.00
                                                                Total                                                              26,110,196.52                          26,110,196.52

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                       2012 Semiannual Report

4 Revenue and cost of sales
(1)Business income and cost
             Items                              2012.01-06                                 2011.01-06
Operating income                                          505,055,917.77                              638,661,382.66
  Key business income                                     493,081,985.13                              623,794,929.86
  Other business income                                       11,973,932.64                            14,866,452.80
Operating cost                                            410,724,964.56                              538,378,671.32
  Key business cost                                       398,810,722.34                              524,346,961.48
  Other business cost                                         11,914,242.22                            14,031,709.84
(2) Key business(type)
                                        2012.01-06                                      2011.01-06
  Name of type
                            Revenue                    Cost                   Revenue                   Cost

Manufacturing               493,081,985.13           398,810,722.34           623,794,929.86          524,346,961.48

(3) Key business(product)
                                        2012.01-06                                      2011.01-06
 Name of product
                            Revenue                    Cost                   Revenue                   Cost
                            493,081,985.13           398,810,722.34           623,794,929.86          524,346,961.48
(4) Key business (region)
                                        2012.01-06                                      2011.01-06
 Name of region
                            Revenue                    Cost                   Revenue                   Cost
North-east of
                            493,081,985.13           398,810,722.34           623,794,929.86          524,346,961.48
(5) Top five customers
                                                                                                  Percentage of total
                               Name                                           Revenue
                                                                                               business income (%)
Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.                                58,165,722.50                    11.52
COFCO Meat (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                                                 23,800,605.98                     4.71
Zhengzhou Synear Foodstuff Co., Ltd.                                           17,112,190.60                     3.39
Huanghai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. of Shandong Province                           17,078,550.26                     3.38
COFCO Meat (Suqian) Co., Ltd.                                                   9,921,932.48                     1.96
                               Total                                          126,079,001.82                    24.96

5 Gain/ (loss) from investments
(1) Categery
                                       Item                                          2012.01-06         2011.01-06
Gain arising from dividends of subsidiaries                                          6,537,220.05      10,864,126.72
Long-term equity investment income accounted for by using the equity method         44,944,226.71      35,342,590.94
Investment income due to disposal of the equity of associated company                   26,001.99      49,768,242.00
                     Total                                                          51,507,448.75      95,974,959.66

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                          2012 Semiannual Report

(2) Gain arising from dividends of subsidiaries
                Name of invested company                             2012.01-06     2011.01-06              Reason of changes
Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.                                                    3,009,889.50        No distributed dividend
Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd.                 2,450,000.00    1,050,000.00       More distributed dividend
Dalian Bingshan Guardian Automation Co., Ltd.                        1,537,220.05    1,704,237.22       Less distributed dividend
Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd.                   2,550,000.00    5,100,000.00       Less distributed dividend
                             Total                                   6,537,220.05   10,864,126.72
(3) Long-term equity investment income accounted for by using the equity method
               Name of invested company                             2012.01-06        2011.01-06               Reason of changes
Dalian Sanyo Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                 1,060,880.35       2,158,424.61   Decrease of operating income
Dalian Sanyo Cold-chain Co., Ltd                                    10,957,088.27       9,506,908.21   Increase of business profit
Grand Ocean-showa Auto Air Conditioning (Dalian) Co., Ltd.           7,669,105.73       6,870,056.64   Increase of business profit
Dalian Sanyo Compressor Co., Ltd.                                   18,328,875.46     23,641,535.89    Decrease of operating income
Dalian Bingshan Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.                      1,095,725.94        604,760.26    Increase of business profit
Dalian Grand Ocean Thermo King Transport Refrigeration
                                                                      -236,660.09        -338,998.05   Increase of business profit
Engineering Co., Ltd

Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd.                                        704,305.89        423,931.10    Increase of business profit

Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd.                             1,250,275.22       1,534,049.64   Decrease of operating income
Dalian Sanyo Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.                                                 -8,014,452.98   Equity transferred
Dalian Sanyo Home Appliance Co., Ltd.                                                  -3,585,762.21   In the process of liquidation
Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
                                                                        30,430.07        -212,500.95   Increase of business profit
Machinery Co., Ltd.

Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd.                       5,080,150.27       2,091,301.35   Increase of business profit
Daliian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd.           -608,048.93       1,100,307.66   Decrease of operating income
Dalian Bingshan – P&A Recreation Development Engineering
                                                                      -236,957.37        -182,263.76   Decrease of operating income
Co., Ltd.

Dalian Jiale Vending Machine Operation Co., Ltd.                      -150,944.10        -254,706.47   Increase of business profit
                            Total                                   44,944,226.71     35,342,590.94
(4)There was no severe constrict on the collection of the investment earnings.

6、Supplementary information of cash flow statement
                        Supplementary information                                   2012.01-06         2011.01-06
1. Reconciliation from the net profit to the cash flows from operating
Net profit                                                                           65,100,553.12       96,599,744.96
Add: Provisions for assets impairment                                                 7,563,076.64       10,388,939.23
      Depreciation of fixed assets                                                   10,113,983.87       10,379,575.86
      Amortization of intangible assets                                               1,270,594.62        1,287,101.72
    Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                         60,473.82            60,473.82
     Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-
term assets (gains, -)
     Losses on scrapping of fixed assets (gains, -)                                        321.27
      Losses on variation of fair value (gains, -)
      Finance expenses (income, -)                                                      92,165.31         1,536,457.49

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                     2012 Semiannual Report

     Investment losses (gains, -)                                              -51,507,448.75     -95,974,959.66
     Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase, -)                              -1,890,769.16      -2,112,770.92
     Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease, -)                                             8,367,975.00
     Decrease in inventory (increase, -)                                       45,350,870.65       40,943,492.85
     Decrease in operating receivables (increase, -)                           -48,212,493.64     -82,293,859.24
     Increase in operating payables (decrease, -)                             -128,596,217.47      89,995,516.35
                  Net cash flows from operating activities                    -100,654,889.72      79,169,149.95
2. Investing and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts and
     Conversion of debt into capital
     Convertible bonds to be expired within one year
     Fixed assets under finance lease
3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents
     Cash at the end of the period                                            389,182,297.39      502,041,279.72
     Less: Cash at the beginning of the period                                585,557,597.61      373,620,785.42
     Plus: Cash equivalents at the end of the period
     Less: Cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
     Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                -196,375,300.22     128,420,494.30

  (2) Cash and cash equivalents

                                        Item                                    2012.01-06          2011.01-06

   1.Cash                                                                        389,182,297.39     585,557,597.61
     Including: cash on hand                                                          16,523.03          29,443.74
     Bank deposits that can be used for payment whenever necessary               389,165,774.36     585,528,153.87
      Other monetary capital that can be used for payment whenever
   2.cash equivalents
     Including: Bonds mature within 3 months
   3.Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                 389,182,297.39     585,557,597.61
    Including: Cash or cash equivalents which was restricted in use of the
   Company and subsidiaries in the group

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                      2012 Semiannual Report

Ⅻ. Other supplementary Information

1 Non-recurring profits and losses
                   Non-recurring gains and losses item                        2012.01-06       2011.01-06
 1. Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets                              -178,586.55    49,838,201.53
 2.Tax return or exemption exceeding authority or without formal
 authorization documents
 3.Governmental subsidy written into current gains and losses                    10,500.00     2,755,500.00
 4. Interest from non-financial enterprises written into current gains and
 5.Gains/Losses on debt restructuring
 6.Reversal of provision for impairment of long-term assets
 7. Investment income due to disposal of the available-for-sale financial
 8. Other net income and expense from non-operation                           4,541,677.98          989,103.03

                                  Total                                       4,373,591.43    53,582,804.56
 Less:Affected amount of income tax from non-recurring gains and
                                                                              1,038,778.19    13,322,076.47
                   Non-recurring gains and losses, net                        3,334,813.24    40,260,728.09
 Included: Attributable to minority interest                                    218,761.87       299,623.61
           Attributable to parent company                                      3,116,051.37    39,961,104.48

2 Earnings per share

                                                               The weighted                   EPS
                         Item                                  average ROE
                                                                   (%)           Basic EPS           Diluted EPS

Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary
                                                                   3.81               0.19                 0.19
Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary
shareholders after deducting non-recurring gains and               3.63               0.18                 0.18

       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                          2012 Semiannual Report

       ⅩⅢ、Details and reasons for the special change of the financial statements items
       1、The special change items of balance sheet

                                                                                    Change Ratio
        Items of balance sheet            2012.06.30          2011.12.31                                                Reasons
                                                                                                         Decrease of monetary fund received
                                                                                                         in cargo account settlement; increase
Monetary funds                           441,824,449.34     690,377,489.30                -36.00
                                                                                                         of investment; increase of purchasing
                                                                                                         fixed assets.
                                                                                                         Increase of cargo account paid with
Notes receivable                          30,550,561.32      61,349,222.44                -50.20
                                                                                                         notes in the report period
                                                                                                         Mainly due to increase of prepaid
                                                                                                         cargo account for relocation and
Account paid in advance                   70,441,258.42      45,740,166.61                54.00
                                                                                                         reconstruction of the foundry
                                                                                                         Mainly due to increase of undue
Dividend receivable                       14,225,000.00             27,875.00         50931.39
                                                                                                         receivable dividend.
                                                                                                         Mainly due to decrease of purchase
Notes payable                             74,738,983.60     140,955,686.44                -46.98
                                                                                                         Payment of the bonus pre-drawn in
Employee’s compensation payable          37,044,131.80      53,629,466.31                -30.93
                                                                                                         the end of 2011 in this report period.
                                                                                                         Amortization of incomes in the report
Other current liabilities                    849,550.50       1,699,101.00                -50.00

       2、The special change items of income statement

                                                                          Change Ratio
  Items of income statement        2012.01-06          2011.01-06                                                      Reasons

Financial expense                                                                                  Increase of term deposits in the report period,
                                   -2,517,029.63       1,388,315.87             -281.30
                                                                                                   leading to increase of interest.
Gain/(loss) from investment                                                                        Mainly due to the associated company's equity
                                   44,970,228.70    88,120,722.44               -48.97
                                                                                                   sold out in 2011.
                                                                                                   Mainly due to the associated company's equity
Income tax                          3,632,415.19    17,136,843.41               -78.80             sold out in 2011, leading to increase of the
                                                                                                   expense of income tax in this period.
                                                                                                   Mainly due to the associated company's equity
                                                                                                   sold out in 2011, leading to significantly
Net profit                         68,824,074.81   101,373,885.20               -32.11
                                                                                                   increase of the return on investment in that

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                         2012 Semiannual Report

§9 Reference Documents
1. The original copy of the semi-annual report bearing the signature and seal of the legal
2. The accounting statements bearing the signatures and seals of the legal representative, the
financial majordomo and the accountants in charge.
3. The original copies of all the Company's documents and the original copies of the bulletins
published on the newspapers designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in the
report period.

                          Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited

                                                     August 20, 2012

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                2012 Semiannual Report

                                  CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

   Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited        30 June 2012                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                Items                          Ending balance                         Beginning Balance
                                      Consolidation      Parent company        Consolidation     Parent company
Current Assets:
 Monetary funds                         441,824,449.34       389,182,297.39     690,377,489.30       594,857,597.61
 Transaction financial asset
 Notes receivable                        30,550,561.32        16,438,591.16      61,349,222.44        51,237,973.23
Account receivable                      437,921,310.77       236,019,179.35     352,272,297.80       185,606,613.36
Account paid in advance                  70,441,258.42        39,218,855.83      45,740,166.61        16,322,595.52
 Dividend receivable                     14,225,000.00        19,225,000.00          27,875.00         2,550,000.00
 Other account receivable                17,675,622.37         7,624,671.81      15,337,832.91         5,484,699.04
 Financial assets purchased under
agreements to resell
 Inventories                            338,590,881.92       157,768,961.41     424,394,356.21       203,119,832.06
 Non-current assets due within 1
 Other current assets
          Total current assets        1,351,229,084.14       865,477,556.95    1,589,499,240.27     1,059,179,310.82
Non-current assets:
Available for sale financial assets
Held to maturity investments
 Long-term account receivable
 Long-term equity investment            954,724,511.34     1,084,301,740.26     897,199,251.97      1,026,776,480.89
 Investing property
 Fixed asset                            340,320,278.14       173,290,716.35     345,637,807.19       174,783,093.86
 Project in construction                 40,164,684.16        28,581,155.19      34,202,656.33        26,480,045.35
 Engineering material
Fixed asset disposal
 Bearer biological asset
 Oil assets
 Intangible assets                      166,848,239.96        98,838,288.42     168,752,848.07       100,108,883.04
 Development expense
 Long-term expense to be
                                          3,050,757.78         2,670,926.75        3,119,996.94         2,731,400.57
 Deferred tax assets                     17,799,659.99        11,770,307.94      15,249,120.50          9,879,538.78
 Other non-current assets
       Total non-current assets       1,522,908,131.37     1,399,453,134.91    1,464,161,681.00     1,340,759,442.49
              Total assets            2,874,137,215.51     2,264,930,691.86    3,053,660,921.27     2,399,938,753.31

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                  2012 Semiannual Report


     Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited           30 June 2012                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Items                          Ending balance                         Beginning Balance
                                        Consolidation      Parent company        Consolidation     Parent company
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings                      13,000,000.00                           13,000,000.00
 Transaction financial liabilities
 Notes payable                             74,738,983.60        45,600,000.00     140,955,686.44     114,926,347.95
Account payable                           491,705,054.91      328,340,264.84      484,167,682.03     319,035,202.48
Account received in advance               258,165,205.62      125,878,255.03      357,134,809.60     176,699,547.11
 Employee’s compensation payable          37,044,131.80         7,340,482.24      53,629,466.31      22,616,177.81
 Tax payable                               15,668,176.90         9,279,930.13      19,008,551.29      14,406,741.42
Dividend payable                            4,033,156.00           533,156.00       3,783,156.00         533,156.00
Other account payable                      41,355,215.75        34,574,354.45      49,336,938.85      48,687,496.38
 Non-current liabilities due within 1
 Other current liabilities                    849,550.50           292,550.50        1,699,101.00        585,101.00
       Total current liabilities          936,559,475.08      551,838,993.19     1,122,715,391.52    697,489,770.15
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings
Debentures payable
Long-term payables
Specific purpose account payables
Provisions for contingent liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities              82,757,663.39        33,741,661.39       84,713,255.75     35,697,252.75
     Total non-current liabilities         82,757,663.39        33,741,661.39       84,713,255.75     35,697,252.75
           Total liabilities            1,019,317,138.47      585,580,654.58     1,207,428,647.27    733,187,022.90
Owner’s equity
Share capital                             350,014,975.00      350,014,975.00      350,014,975.00     350,014,975.00
Capital surplus                           586,837,221.82      585,608,294.20      586,837,221.82     585,608,294.20
Less: Treasury Stock
Reserved fund                             458,998,713.57      458,998,713.57      445,492,052.28     445,492,052.28
Retained earnings                         364,387,162.47      284,728,054.51      366,477,854.72     285,636,408.93
Foreign exchange difference
Total owners' equity attributable to
                                        1,760,238,072.86    1,679,350,037.28     1,748,822,103.82   1,666,751,730.41
holding company
Minority interest                          94,582,004.18                            97,410,170.18
         Total owner’s equity          1,854,820,077.04    1,679,350,037.28     1,846,232,274.00   1,666,751,730.41
 Total liabilities and owner’s equity  2,874,137,215.51    2,264,930,691.86     3,053,660,921.27   2,399,938,753.31

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                   2012 Semiannual Report

                            CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT

     Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited         2012.01-06                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Items                              2012.01-06                                2011.01-06
                                        Consolidation       Parent company        Consolidation       Parent company
I. Total sales                            851,218,300.53       505,055,917.77       947,894,622.28        638,661,382.66
Including: Operating income               851,218,300.53       505,055,917.77       947,894,622.28        638,661,382.66
II. Total operating cost                  830,037,679.82       494,695,199.14       922,596,452.46        627,343,017.40
Including: Operating cost                 676,485,145.01       410,724,964.56       769,799,892.96        538,378,671.32
Taxes and associate charges                 6,805,514.00          3,492,433.19        6,186,373.64          4,157,740.66
Selling and distribution expenses          47,194,900.23        23,645,801.67        45,768,200.68         23,199,346.74
Administrative expenses                    88,125,363.34        52,352,128.39        87,783,419.66         50,537,300.73
Financial expense                          -2,517,029.63         -3,083,205.31        1,388,315.87            681,018.72
Impairment loss                            13,943,786.87          7,563,076.64       11,670,249.65         10,388,939.23
Add: gain from change in fair value
Gain/(loss) from investment                44,970,228.70        51,507,448.75        88,120,722.44        95,974,959.66
Including: income form investment
on affiliated enterprise and jointly       44,944,226.71        44,944,226.71        35,342,590.94        35,342,590.94
Foreign exchange difference
III. Operating profit                      66,150,849.41        61,868,167.38       113,418,892.26       107,293,324.92
Add: non-business income                    6,565,830.48          5,242,716.25        5,367,780.73         3,901,563.72
Less: non-business expense                    260,189.89                321.27          275,944.38           220,888.98
Including: loss from non-current
                                              202,086.55                321.27              29,234.67         16,852.42
asset disposal
IV. Total profit                           72,456,490.00        67,110,562.36       118,510,728.61       110,973,999.66
Less: Income tax                            3,632,415.19          2,010,009.24       17,136,843.41        14,374,254.70
V. Net profit                              68,824,074.81        65,100,553.12       101,373,885.20        96,599,744.96
Net profit attributable to parent
                                           66,392,427.44        65,100,553.12        95,488,392.56        96,599,744.96
Minority shareholders’ gains and
                                            2,431,647.37                              5,885,492.64
VI. Earnings per share                       --                                        --
(I) basic earnings per share                         0.19                                     0.27
(II) diluted earnings per share                      0.19                                     0.27
Ⅶ. Other comprehensive income                                                       28,103,925.00        28,103,925.00
Ⅷ. Total comprehensive income             68,824,074.81        65,100,553.12       129,477,810.20       124,703,669.96
Total comprehensive income
                                           66,392,427.44        65,100,553.12       123,592,317.56       124,703,669.96
attributable to parent company
Total comprehensive income
                                            2,431,647.37                              5,885,492.64
attributable to minority shareholders

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                          2012 Semiannual Report

                          CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT

   Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited              2012.01-06                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Items                                       2012.01-06                   2011.01-06
                                                            Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company
1. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services    610,935,011.88 358,969,357.54 851,665,064.33 544,693,583.03
Refund of tax and fare received
Other cash received relating to operating activities         16,063,125.43        12,118,081.11    15,459,958.35 10,404,109.48
                 Sub-total of cash inflows                  626,998,137.31       371,087,438.65   867,125,022.68 555,097,692.51
Cash paid for goods and services                            488,730,718.32       317,344,034.68   534,625,960.59 337,781,384.62
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                     131,990,555.94        80,846,375.01   119,988,099.63 71,462,444.11
Tax and fare paid                                            79,873,144.61        52,112,455.99    55,853,826.61 35,662,947.71
Other cash paid relating to operating activities             54,039,238.49        21,439,462.69    65,987,160.29 31,021,766.12
                Sub-total of cash outflows                  754,633,657.36       471,742,328.37   776,455,047.12 475,928,542.56
          Net cash flow from operating activities          -127,635,520.05      -100,654,889.72    90,669,975.56 79,169,149.95
2. Cash Flows arising from Investment Activities:
Cash received from return of investments                           579,183.60       579,183.60   6,313,174.25   6,313,174.25
Cash received from investment income                            17,526,793.58    21,586,138.63 108,609,764.60 110,286,126.82
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                   47,186.00                         169,484.45         63,504.45
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other operating
Other cash received relating to investment activities                                            2,755,500.00   2,755,500.00
                 Sub-total of cash inflows                      18,153,163.18    22,165,322.23 117,847,923.30 119,418,305.52
Cash paid for acquiring fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                27,997,185.63    20,573,308.86     14,950,489.68    10,733,774.62
and other long-term assets
Cash paid for acquiring investments                             44,810,220.00    44,810,220.00      7,897,000.00     7,897,000.00
Other cash paid relating to investment activities
                Sub-total of cash outflows                   72,807,405.63 65,383,528.86           22,847,489.68 18,630,774.62
          Net cash flow from investing activities           -54,654,242.45 -43,218,206.63          95,000,433.62 100,787,530.90
3. Cash Flows arising from Financing Activities:
Cash received from absorbing investment
Cash received from borrowings                                    4,000,000.00                       3,610,000.00
Other proceeds relating to financing activities
                 Sub-total of cash inflows                       4,000,000.00                       3,610,000.00
Cash paid for settling debt                                      3,000,000.00                      52,110,000.00    50,000,000.00
Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profit or
                                                                57,895,300.95    52,502,246.25      3,162,738.77     1,536,457.49
reimbursing interest
Including: Cash paid for distribution of dividends or
profit to minority shareholders by shareholding                  4,772,524.03                       1,136,158.14
Other cash payments relating to financing activities             70,927.69                            161,150.43
                Sub-total of cash outflows                   60,966,228.64        52,502,246.25    55,433,889.20    51,536,457.49
          Net cash flow from financing activities           -56,966,228.64       -52,502,246.25   -51,823,889.20   -51,536,457.49
4. Influence on cash due to fluctuation in exchange rate          2,951.18                42.38       -63,582.21           270.94
5. Increase in cash and cash equivalents                   -239,253,039.96      -196,375,300.22   133,782,937.77   128,420,494.30
Add : Cash and cash equivalents at year-begin               681,077,489.30       585,557,597.61   491,775,575.71   373,620,785.42
6.Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year          441,824,449.34       389,182,297.39   625,558,513.48   502,041,279.72

        Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                    2012 Semiannual Report


        Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited                                     2012.01-06             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
            Items                                                                                                                    Minority          Total of
                                                                     Lessen:                       General
                                  share capital     Capital suplus treasury Surplus reserve          risk  Retained profits Others    equity         owners’ equity
                                                                      stock                        reserve
I. balance at the end of last
                                   350,014,975.00     586,837,221.82              445,492,052.28             366,477,854.72          97,410,170.18    1,846,232,274.00
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                   350,014,975.00     586,837,221.82              445,492,052.28             366,477,854.72          97,410,170.18    1,846,232,274.00
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                                                         13,506,661.29               -2,090,692.25         -2,828,166.00        8,587,803.04
means decrease)
(I) Net profit                                                                                                66,392,427.44           2,431,647.37       68,824,074.81
(II) Other comprehensive
 Subtotal of (I)and (II)                                                                                      66,392,427.44           2,431,647.37       68,824,074.81
 (III) Input an reduced capital
of owners
 1. Input capital of owners
 2.Amount of Shares included
in the owners’ equity
 3. Others
 (IV) Profit distribution                                                          13,506,661.29              -68,483,119.69         -5,259,813.37      -60,236,271.77
 1. Withdrawing surplus
                                                                                   13,506,661.29              -13,506,661.29
public reserve
 2. Withdrawing general risk
 3. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                              -52,502,246.25         -5,259,813.37      -57,762,059.62
 4. Others                                                                                                     -2,474,212.15                             -2,474,212.15
 (V)Internal carrying forward
of owners’ equity
 1. New increase of capital
(share capital) from capital
 2. Convert surplus reserves to
capital(share capital)
 3. Surplus reserves make up
 4. Others
 IV. Balance at the end of this
                                   350,014,975.00     586,837,221.82              458,998,713.57             364,387,162.47          94,582,004.18    1,854,820,077.04

        Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                    2012 Semiannual Report

                                                            Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
            Items                                                                                                                    Minority          Total of
                                                                     Lessen:                       General
                                  share capital     Capital surplus treasury Surplus reserve         risk  Retained profits Others    equity         owners’ equity
                                                                      stock                        reserve
I. balance at the end of last
                                   350,014,975.00      590,783,185.25             421,079,823.34              364,217,259.03         92,389,404.73    1,818,484,647.35
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. balance at the beginning of
                                   350,014,975.00      590,783,185.25             421,079,823.34              364,217,259.03         92,389,404.73    1,818,484,647.35
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                              -3,945,963.43              24,412,228.94                2,260,595.69          5,020,765.45       27,747,626.65
means decrease)
(I) Net profit                                                                                                 81,621,060.33         11,839,578.09       93,460,638.42
(II) Other comprehensive
                                                        -3,945,963.43                                                                                    -3,945,963.43
 Subtotal of (I)and (II)                                -3,945,963.43                                          81,621,060.33         11,839,578.09       89,514,674.99
 (III) Input an reduced capital
of owners
 1. Input capital of owners
 2.Amount of Shares included
in the owners’ equity
 3. Others
 (IV) Profit distribution                                                          24,412,228.94              -79,360,464.64         -6,818,812.64      -61,767,048.34
 1. Withdrawing surplus
                                                                                   24,412,228.94              -24,412,228.94
public reserve
 2. Withdrawing general risk
 3. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                              -52,502,246.25         -6,818,812.64      -59,321,058.89
 4. Others                                                                                                     -2,445,989.45                             -2,445,989.45
 (V)Internal carrying forward
of owners’ equity
 1. New increase of capital
(share capital) from capital
 2. Convert surplus reserves to
capital(share capital)
 3. Surplus reserves make up
 4. Others
 IV. Balance at the end of this
                                   350,014,975.00      586,837,221.82             445,492,052.28              366,477,854.72         97,410,170.18    1,846,232,274.00

        Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                         2012 Semiannual Report

                                   STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN OWNERS’ EQUITY

        Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited                                      2012.01-06           Unit: RMB Yuan
            Items                                                                                                                         Total of owners’
                                                                        Lessen: treasury                                                       equity
                                  share capital     Capital surplus                          Surplus reserve        Retained profits
I. balance at the end of last
                                   350,014,975.00      585,608,294.20                             445,492,052.28        285,636,408.93       1,666,751,730.41
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. balance at the beginning of
                                   350,014,975.00      585,608,294.20                             445,492,052.28        285,636,408.93       1,666,751,730.41
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                                                                         13,506,661.29           -908,354.42          12,598,306.87
means decrease)
(I) Net profit                                                                                                           65,100,553.12          65,100,553.12
(II) Other comprehensive
 Subtotal of (I)and (II)                                                                                                 65,100,553.12          65,100,553.12
 (III) Input an reduced capital
of owners
 1. Input capital of owners
 2.Amount of Shares included
in the owners’ equity
 3. Others
 (IV) Profit distribution                                                                          13,506,661.29         -66,008,907.54        -52,502,246.25
 1. Withdrawing surplus
                                                                                                   13,506,661.29         -13,506,661.29
public reserve
 2. Withdrawing general risk
 3. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                                         -52,502,246.25        -52,502,246.25
 4. Others
 (V)Internal carrying forward
of owners’ equity
 1. New increase of capital
(share capital) from capital
 2. Convert surplus reserves to
capital(share capital)
 3. Surplus reserves make up
 4. Others
 IV. Balance at the end of this
                                   350,014,975.00      585,608,294.20                             458,998,713.57        284,728,054.51       1,679,350,037.28

        Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                                                         2012 Semiannual Report

            Items                                                                                                                        Total of owners’
                                                                        Lessen: treasury                                                      equity
                                  share capital     Capital surplus                          Surplus reserve       Retained profits
I. balance at the end of last
                                   350,014,975.00      589,554,257.63                             421,079,823.34       295,017,577.69       1,655,666,633.66
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. balance at the beginning of
                                   350,014,975.00      589,554,257.63                             421,079,823.34       295,017,577.69       1,655,666,633.66
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                              -3,945,963.43                              24,412,228.94         -9,381,168.76         11,085,096.75
means decrease)
(I) Net profit                                                                                                          67,533,306.43          67,533,306.43
(II) Other comprehensive
                                                        -3,945,963.43                                                                          -3,945,963.43
 Subtotal of (I)and (II)                                -3,945,963.43                                                   67,533,306.43             63,587,343
 (III) Input an reduced capital
of owners
 1. Input capital of owners
 2.Amount of Shares included
in the owners’ equity
 3. Others
 (IV) Profit distribution                                                                          24,412,228.94        -76,914,475.19        -52,502,246.25
 1. Withdrawing surplus
                                                                                                   24,412,228.94        -24,412,228.94
public reserve
 2. Withdrawing general risk
 3. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                                        -52,502,246.25        -52,502,246.25
 4. Others
 (V)Internal carrying forward
of owners’ equity
 1. New increase of capital
(share capital) from capital
 2. Convert surplus reserves to
capital(share capital)
 3. Surplus reserves make up
 4. Others
 IV. Balance at the end of this
                                   350,014,975.00      585,608,294.20                             445,492,052.28       285,636,408.93       1,666,751,730.41
