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大 冷B:2015年第一季度报告正文(英文版)2015-04-24  

						Stock Code: 000530; 200530             Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B;           No: 2015-022

                             DALIAN REFRIGERATION CO., LTD.


§1 Important Notes
1.1 The directors and the Board of Directors, the supervisors and the Supervisory Board, and Senior staff
members of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are
no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in this report, and shall take all
responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.
1.2 All the directors have attended this Board meeting of the Company.
1.3 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Mr. Ji Zhijian, Financial Majordomo Mrs. Rong Yan, and
the head of Accounting Department Mrs. Mao Chunhua hereby confirm that the financial report of the quarterly
report is true and complete.
1.4 This report is written respectively in Chinese and in English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two
above-mentioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

§2 Company Profile
2.1 Major accounting data and financial indexes
                                            January-March,         January-March,         Increase/decrease over the
                                                 2015                   2014               same period of last year
Total operating income                       393,941,332.13          374,282,883.67                             5.25%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                              22,435,890.92           20,642,828.05                            8.69%
listed companies
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
listed companies after deducting              22,373,319.52           20,709,697.13                            8.03%
non-recurring gains/losses
Net cash generated from operating
                                            -128,634,794.42          -52,200,052.13                         -146.43%
Basic earnings per share                               0.06                    0.06                             0.00%
Diluted earnings per share                             0.06                    0.06                             0.00%
                                                                                             Increase 0.05 percentage
Return on equity                                         1.13%               1.08%
                                                                    December 31,          Increase/decrease over the
                                               March 31, 2015
                                                                        2014                   end of last year
Total assets                                   3,122,025,088.31    3,053,930,248.25                             2.23%
Owner’s     equity     attributable      to
                                               2,047,116,199.05    1,967,027,256.13                            4.07%
shareholders of listed companies
                                                       Amount from beginning of year to the end of report
       Item of non-recurring gains and losses
Tax returned/reduced by chance                                                                     619.81
Non-operating income and expense, net                                                           97,863.78
Income tax effect                                                                               23,607.50
Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                                                        12,304.69
                        Total                                                                   62,571.40

 2.2 Total number and particulars of the shareholders by the end of the report period
 Total shareholders at the end of report period                                     33,705

 Particulars about shares held by the top ten negotiable shareholders not subject to conditional sales

                      Name of shareholder                            EOY (shares)              Type
 Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                         57,641,762             A
 Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                                                35,001,500             B
 Lion flexible configuration hybrid securities investment fund            5,727,033             A
 Everbright Baode securities investment fund                              5,000,000             A
 Tibet Aier Medical Investment Co., Ltd.                                  4,699,359             A
 Zhongrong International Trust Co., Ltd.-Rongda Wenyeng
                                                                          3,148,124              A
 securities investment trust plans of assembled funds
 Shanghai International Trust Co., Ltd.                                   2,998,942              A
 BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                  2,736,554              B
 Jiang Youchang                                                           2,017,566              A
 Sun Huiming                                                              1,959,911              B

 §3 Important Matters
 3.1 Major changes in main financial items and indexes, and description of the cause
 √ Applicable □ Inapplicable
 1. The notes receivable remarkably increased in comparison with the beginning of the year, mainly due to
 increase of the cargo account with notes receivable from customers.
 2. The amount of advances remarkably increased in comparison with the beginning of the year, mainly due
 to the advances for purchase of the equipment and for the project.
 3. The project in construction remarkably increased in comparison with the beginning of the year,
 mainly due to the increase of civil engineering construction.
 4. The notes payable remarkably increased in comparison with the beginning of the year, mainly due to
 increase of paying the purchase money with notes payable by the Company.
 5. The employee’s compensation payable remarkably decreased in comparison with the beginning of year,
 mainly due to that the provision for employee’s compensation payable allotted at the end of the previous
 period was paid in this period.
 6. The taxes payable remarkably increased in comparison with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the
 increase of value added tax.
 7. The financial expenses remarkably increased, mainly due to decrease of the term deposit with less
 interest revenue.
 8. The assets impairment losses remarkably decreased, mainly due to decrease of the accounts receivable
 more than one years and decrease of the provision for bad debits in the same period.
 9. The net cash flow from operating activities remarkably declined, mainly due to the decrease of cash
 received from sales of goods or rendering of services.
 10. The net cash flow from investing activities remarkably declined, mainly because the Company paid the
 equity transfer money of Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd.
 11. The net cash flow from financing activities remarkably increased, mainly because the Company
 received the restricted equity subscription money paid by incentive object.
     3.2 Undertaking matters for trial sales of state shares and implementation
     √ Applicable □Inapplicable
     The implementation for management equity incentive plan has been performed during the reporting period.
     3.3 Precautions on forecasting that by the beginning of year till the end of the next report period, the accumulated
     net profit may be turned into loss or change greatly compared with that in the same period of the last year, and
     description of the cause
     □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
     3.4 Table of investigation, communication, interview received
                                                                                                                      Topic in discussion
  Reception      Reception                    Type of received
                             Reception form                                        Received persons                     and provided
    time          location                        persons
                                                                 He Siyuan from HUA CHUANG Securities.; Jin
                                                                 Wuyang from E FUND MANAGEMENT Co., Ltd.;
                                                                 Zhang Wei from Bocom Schroders; Xiao Qunxi from
                                                                 HUA TAI Securities; Wan Fangfang from China Asset
                Company’s Field
Jan. 14, 2015                                 Institution        Management Co., Ltd.; Meng Xia from Harvest Fund;
                office     investigation
                                                                 Zhang Yu from TIAN HONG FUND MANAGEMENT
                                                                 Co., Ltd. Cai Yi from Everbright Pramerica FUND
                                                                 MANAGEMENT Co., Ltd.; Zhu Yuanfeng from
                                                                 SHANGHAI HULI ASSET MANAGEMENT Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Xu Jianhua from Orient Securities Co., Ltd; Zhang Information about
                Company’s Field
Jan. 16, 2015                                 Institution        Zhao from GF Securities; He Yiguang from Great Wall the fundamentals of
                office     investigation
                                                                 Fund Management Co.,Ltd.                            the Company
                Company’s Field
Jan. 19, 2015                                 Institution        Yu Huiling from Karst Peak Capital Limited
                office     investigation
                                                                 Li Ming from GUOYUAN Securities(Hong
                                                                 Kong) ;Wang Rui from Panther Asset Management Co.,
                Company’s Field
Jan. 27, 2015                                 Institution        Ltd; Li Ran from South China PE Investment
                office     investigation
                                                                 Fund;Chen Changfeng from Shenzhen City River Asset
                                                                 Management Co., Ltd;
                Company’s Field                                 Huang Zhiqing from Hanlun investment consulting
Mar. 17 2015                                  Institution
                office     investigation                         (ShangHai) Co., Ltd;

                                                            Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
                                                                                April 22, 2015