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大 冷B:2015年半年度报告(英文版)2015-08-21  

						            Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
   2015 Semiannual Report

        August, 2015

                            Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

 Section 1     Important Notice, Table of Contents, and


The directors and the Board of Directors, the supervisors and the
Supervisory Board, and Senior staff members of Dalian
Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company)
hereby confirm that there are not any important omissions,
fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in this report,
and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the
reality, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.

All directors have attended this Board meeting of the Company.

The company plans to distribute no cash dividends, no bonus
shares and convert no reserve fund into capital stock.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Mr. Ji Zhijian,
Financial Majordomo Mrs. Rong Yan, and the head of Accounting
Department Mrs. Mao Chunhua hereby confirm that the financial
report of the semi-annual report is true and complete.

This report is written respectively in Chinese and in English. In the
event of any discrepancy between the two above-mentioned
versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                              Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report


Section 1 Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions ................................. 2
Section 2 About the Company .................................................................................... 5
Section 3 Summary of Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators ..................... 7
Section 4 Board of Directors' Report .......................................................................... 9
Section 5 Important Issues ....................................................................................... 15
Section 6 Change in Share Capital and Shareholders' Information ........................... 20
Section 7 Information on Preferred Stock ................................................................ 22
Section 8 Information on the Company’s Directors, Supervisors, Senior
Management ............................................................................................................ 23
Section 9 Financial Report ....................................................................................... 24
Section 10 Contents of Reference Documents ........................................................ 105

                                        Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

        Defined item                                                 Meaning
Reporting period          Stands for From Jan. 1, 2015 to Jun. 30, 2015
The Company, this Company Stands for Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
                                     Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industries Co., Ltd., one of the
Wuxin Refrigeration       Stands for
                                     controlled subsidiaries of this Company.
                                     Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd., one of
Sanyo High-Efficient      Stands for the mutual shareholding companies of the Company before, and the
                                     subsidiary of this Company now.
                                     Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd., one
Bingshan Ryosetsu         Stands for
                                     of the subsidiaries of the Company.
                                     Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd., one of the subsidiaries
Bingshan Metal Processing Stands for
                                     of the Company.
                                     Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd., one of the mutual
Panasonic Compressor                 shareholding companies of the Company, where the Company holds
                                     40% of its shares.
                                     Panasonic Cold-Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd., one of the mutual
Panasonic Cold-Chain                 shareholding companies of the Company, where the Company holds
                                     40% of its shares.
                                     Dalian Fuji-Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd., one of the mutual
Dalian Fuji-Bingshan      Stands for shareholding companies of this Company, where the Company holds
                                     49% of its shares.
                                     Keihin Grand-Ocean Cooling & Heating Industry (Dalian) Co., Ltd.,
Keihin Grand-Ocean        Stands for one of the mutual shareholding companies with this Company, where
                                     the Company holds 20% of its shares.
                                     A high-efficiency and energy-saving full-hermetic compressor using
Scroll compressor         Stands for
                                     advanced technology.
                                     The Product Data Management system, a technology managing all
                                     information and processes relating to products to provide
PDM                       Stands for information management in the whole life of product and establish a
                                     parallel collaborative environment for product design and
                                     manufacture within the enterprise.
                                     The Enterprise Resource Planning system, a enterprise information
                                     management system oriented to manufacturing industries for the
ERP                       Stands for
                                     integration management of material resources, financial resources
                                     and information resources.

                                          Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                        Section 2        About the Company

I.   Company information

Short form of the stock                                        DALENG GUFEN; DALENG-B
Stock code                                                     000530; 200530
Listed stock exchange                                          Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal name in Chinese                                          大连冷冻机股份有限公司
Short form of legal name                                       大冷股份
Legal English name                                             Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Abbreviation of legal English name                             DRC
Legal representative                                           Ji Zhijian

II. Contact persons and information

                      Secretary of the Board of Directors      Authorized representative for securities affairs
Name         Song Wenbao                                     Song Wenbao (proxy)
             Securities & Legal Affairs Department, No. 888, Securities & Legal Affairs Department, No. 888,
             Xinan Road, Shahekou District, Dalian           Xinan Road, Shahekou District, Dalian
Tel.         0411-86538130                                   0411-86538130
Fax          0411-86654530                                   0411-86654530
E-mail       000530@bingshan.com                             000530@bingshan.com

III. Other situations

1. Contact of company

If the registered address, office address and zip code, website, email box of the company had any
change in the report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The registered address, office address and zip code, website, email box of the company had no
change in the report period. Refer to the Annual Report for 2014 for details.

2. Information disclosure and place of preparation

If the information disclosure and the place of preparation had any change in the report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The name of newspaper for information disclosure selected by the company, the address of the
website designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission for carrying semi-annual report, the
place where the semi-annual report of the Company is prepared had no change in the report period.
Refer to the Annual Report for 2014 for details.

                                              Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

3.Registration variation

If registration varied in the report period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

According to the proposals of The Restricted Stock Incentive Plan Draft of the Company,as for the
resolution of the 15th meeting of the 6th session of the Board, March 4th 2015 was determined as the
grant date, awarding the 41 equity incentive objects with restricted shares amounting to 10,150,000
shares. After the completion of granting restricted stock, the total share capital of the Company has
changed from 350,014,975 shares to 360,164,975 shares, and the Company has completed the above
said business registration of change on May 28, 2015.

                                                             Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

      Section 3                Summary of Main Accounting Data and Financial


   I. Main accounting data and financial indicators

   Did the Company retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years due to change
   in the accounting policy and correction of accounting mistakes?
   √ Yes □ No

                                                                                                        Increase/decrease compared with
                   item                     2015.01-06                                                          previous period
                                                             Before adjustment    After adjustment             After adjustment
Operating revenue                          711,740,342.13       774,912,253.19         774,912,253.19                             -8.15%

Net      profit      attributable    to
                                            65,477,775.99        66,477,633.28          66,477,633.28                             -1.50%
shareholders of listed companies
Net     profit     belonging   to   the
shareholders of listed companies
                                            63,880,328.51        63,794,559.91          63,794,559.91                             0.13%
after        the     deduction      of
non-recurring profit and loss
Net cash flow from operating
                                          -130,589,921.37        -2,594,386.46          -2,594,386.46                                 --
Basic earning per share                              0.18                 0.19                   0.19                             -5.26%

Diluted earnings per share                           0.18                 0.19                   0.19                             -5.26%

Weighted average return on net
                                                    3.26%               3.49%                  3.49% Decrease 0.23 percentage points
asset yield

                                                                                                        Increase/decrease compared with
                                             2015.6.30                                                            2014.12.31

                                                              Before adjustment    After adjustment            After adjustment
Total assets                              4,122,114,054.42       3,053,930,248.25 3,053,930,248.25                                34.98%

Owner's equity attributable to
                                          2,891,763,301.60       1,967,027,256.13 1,967,027,256.13                                47.01%
shareholders of listed companies

   II. Difference of accounting data between as per Chinese accounting standards
   and as per International Accounting Standards
   The difference of accounting data between as per Chinese Accounting Standards and as per International
   Accounting Standards was 0.

                                           Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

III. Non-recurring profits and losses and their amounts

                             Item                                       Amount
 Disposal gains and losses of non-current asset                                   26,473.73

 Tax return or exemption exceeding authority or without
 formal authorization documents
 Government subsidies included in current profit or loss                      1,751,055.19

 Other non-operating revenue or expense                                          135,520.95

 Influence on income tax                                                         303,540.74

 Influence on minority shareholders                                               13,509.15

 Influence on net profit                                                      1,597,447.48

                                             Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                     Section 4 Board of Directors' Report

I. Summary

In first half of 2015, around by the operation principle of “Leading Innovation, Creating Value”, the
Company cope with the many challenges cool-headedly, response initiatively, driven by efficiency
implementation of the initial phase of restricted stock incentive plan, accelerate integration of
capital and resources and business model innovation, pursuit operation management efficiency &
quality, strive to achieved the operation goals and accumulate power for the rapid expansion in the

The Company gains operation revenue of 711.74 million Yuan in first half of 2015, representing
91.66% of the operation goals for first half of 2015, with a y-o-y decrease of 8.15%; total profit
achieved 70.37 million Yuan, realizing the operation goals for first half of 2015, with a y-o-y
decrease of 3.70%.

During the reporting period, the Company place extra emphasis on food refrigeration business,
engineering, trading and service business, optimized and improved a serial comprehensive solution
plans, took the initiative in value creation for the clients, actively cope with the changes in market.
Take the opportunity of the 2015 global cold-chain logistic summit, the Company present a
comprehensive display of value chain system with Bingshan-characteristic, and aggressively build a
value chain of internet+, escort for the food security.

During the reporting period, based on growth and profitability, the Company accelerated the
integration of capital and resources. Acquired 49% equity of Wuxin Refrigeration, turning Wuxin
Refrigeration as the wholly-owned subsidiary from controlling subsidiary, implementing one
operation, and creating differentiated products; acquired 30% equity of Sanyo High-Efficient, turns
Sanyo High-Efficient as the controlling subsidiary from affiliated company, introducing new
technology, and improving the heat exchange link of cold & heat industry chain; implemented
merger by absorption between the controlling subsidiary Bingshan Ryosetsu and wholly-owned
subsidiary Bingshan Metal Processing, improving the efficiency.

During the reporting period, around improving the sales platform and creating the service platform,
the Company accelerated integration of capital and resources and business model innovation.
Through one operation, to play the role on sales platform of Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd,
and to improve the ability of solution. Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd, the service
platform, put into operation officially, expended business and achieved initial results.

During the reporting period, the information construction of PDM and ERP have staging officially,
and the delicacy management improved orderly.

During the reporting period, the Company actively push forward the construction of virtual
technology R&D platform, and carried out the joint development program for the new products. The
Company has completed the design of origin pre-cooling setting and cooling heat-recovery unit and

During the reporting period, the Company actively push forward the construction of intelligent new
factory in an orderly manner.

During the reporting period, while eyes on maintaining traditional customers, the associated
company Panasonic Compressor continues to develop new clients, further to consolidate the
dominant status of Freon system in cold storage market. R32 scroll compressor rated as the
innovative products of the China Refrigeration Show, which will occupy the advantage in FTXS
switching. By strengthen supplier management, the perfect defectives declined obviously on a y-o-y

                                                Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

During the reporting period, the associated company Panasonic Cold-Chain actively create a new
mechanism of production and sales integration, continue to creating values for customers. Promote a
comprehensive solution plan for the intelligent convenience store, and open a first prototype store in
Jingan District, Shanghai City. Release the intelligent fresh distribution cabinet, extend the end of
cold-chain service to community from supermarket and convenience store.

During the reporting period, the associated company Dalian Fuji Bingshan achieved a new
progresses in market exploitation, sales volume of the vending machine in excess of 9,000 sets. By
mill type modification, organic combination of the vending machine and intelligent, mobile
payment, and with consideration to the double sales condition of foods and beverage, actually best
serve the customers and consumers.

II. Analysis of main business

Main financial data variations as compared to the same period of last year
                                                                        Monetary unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                            Increase or decrease
                                                      Same period of
                                    Report period                          from the same period           Reason for variation
                                                        last year
                                                                                of last year
Operating revenue                   711,740,342.13     774,912,253.19                     -8.15%
Operating cost                      562,347,397.92     609,950,440.82                     -7.80%
Selling and distribution expenses    35,327,320.58      48,901,400.51                    -27.76%
Administrative expenses              88,737,103.40      89,762,782.36                     -1.14%
                                                                                               Mainly due to increase of the loan
                                                                                               interest and decrease of the term
Financial expenses                    -1,831,323.45        -3,797,684.83                51.78%
                                                                                               deposit interest in the report
                                                                                               Mainly due to increase of the
Income tax                             5,691,645.31         3,751,633.86                51.71% amount of taxable income of the
                                                                                               subsidiaries of the Company.
Research     and     development
                                     39,001,713.24         38,870,289.68                 0.34%
                                                                                               Mainly due to increase of
Net cash flow coming from                                                                       complete sets of Engineering,
                                    -130,589,921.37        -2,594,386.46            -4,933.56%
operating activities                                                                            with collection period longer
                                                                                                than single equipment.
                                                                                                   Mainly due to increase of
Net cash flow coming from                                                                          payment f or Purchase and
                                     -24,130,819.83        19,644,529.66              -222.84%
investment activities                                                                              construction of fixed assets and
                                                                                               Mainly due to increase of cash for
Net cash flow coming from
                                       9,509,627.92    -49,481,272.95                  119.22% absorbing investment from equity
fund-raising activities
Net increase in cash and cash
                                    -145,466,342.45    -32,417,927.28                 -348.72%

The profit constitutions or profit sources of the company had an important change in the report
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The profit constitutions or profit sources of the company had no important change in the report

Extension of future development and plan into the report period as disclosed in such public
documents of the company as share-offering prospectus, capital-raising prospectus and assets
reorganization report, etc.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In such public documents of the company as share-offering prospectus, capital-raising prospectus
and assets reorganization report, etc. disclosed no extension of future development and plan into the
report period

                                                       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

     The company reviewed and summarized the progress of the operating plan disclosed in the earlier
     stage in the report period.
     The Company gains operation revenue of 711.74 million Yuan in first half of 2015, representing
     91.66% of the operation goals for first half of 2015, with a y-o-y decrease of 8.15%; total profit
     achieved 70.37 million Yuan, realizing the operation goals for first half of 2015, with a y-o-y
     decrease of 3.70%.

     III. Main business structure
                                                                                           Monetary unit: RMB yuan
                                                                              Increase/decrease of Increase/decrease Increase/decrease of
                                                                               operating revenues of operating costs gross profit from the
                         Operating revenue   Operating costs    Gross profit
                                                                             from the same period from the same same period of last
                                                                                   of last year    period of last year       year
By industry
Refrigeration      and                                                                                               Decrease 0.63 perc
                            703,214,354.35    556,138,449.36        20.91%                 -7.83%            -7.10%
air-conditioning                                                                                                           entage points
                                                                                                                    Increase 21.95 perc
Others                        8,525,987.78       6,208,948.56       27.18%                -28.57%           -45.11%
                                                                                                                           entage points
By product
Refrigeration      and
                                                                                                                      Decrease 0.63 perc
air-conditioning            703,214,354.35    556,138,449.36        20.91%                 -7.83%            -7.10%
                                                                                                                           entage points
                                                                                                                      Increase 21.95 perc
Others                        8,525,987.78       6,208,948.56       27.18%                -28.57%           -45.11%
                                                                                                                             entage points
By region
                                                                                                                    Increase2.06 percen
Northeast China             647,149,794.34    513,779,477.63        20.61%                  7.28%             4.56%
                                                                                                                             tage points
                                                                                                                          Increase 13.53
East China                   13,498,324.64       9,510,226.52       29.55%                12.17%             -5.90%
                                                                                                                       percentage points
                                                                                                                           Decrease 8.49
Central China                51,092,223.15      39,057,693.77       23.55%                -68.00%           -64.00%
                                                                                                                       percentage points

     IV. Analysis of core competence
     Boasting the most complete cooling and heating product chain in the industry, the Company can
     offer to customers the service of package projects from design, manufacture, installation to
     maintenance to well meet the customized demand of customers.
     Having the mature and perfect marketing network and after-sale service network, the Company can
     offer to customers in more regions the more rapid and considerate high-quality service.
     Taking refrigeration and air-conditioning as its main business, the Company effectively combines
     the independent R&D and the joint ventures and cooperation and has formed a unique development
     pattern appropriate to itself and the industry.
     In the report period, the Company's core competence was improved further by the actions such as
     integration of capital and resources and business model innovation.

     V. Analysis of investments

     1. External equity investments

     (1) External investments

                                                    External investments
      Investment in the report period (yuan) Investment in the same period of last year (yuan)                Amount of variation
                           1,033,513,959.00                                  1,023,539,191.23                                 0.97%

     (2) Held financial companies' equity

                                                               Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                                                      Proportion of share
                               Amount of primary Quantity (Shares)                          Book value at the
       Name of object held                                                equity in that                            Profit and loss within period
                                  investment            held                                  end of period
      Guotai           Junan
                                   30,098,895.00        30,098,895                  0.39%    1,032,013,889.41                                 0.00
      Secunities Co., Ltd
      Total                        30,098,895.00        30,098,895              -            1,032,013,889.41                                 0.00

              (3)Securities investment
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              During the reporting period, the Company does not exist securities investment.

              (4) Held other listed companies' equity
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              During the reporting period, the Company does not hole other listed companies’ equity.

              2. Trust management, derivative investments, and entrusted loans

              (1)Trust management
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              During the reporting period, the Company does not exist trust management.

              (2)Derivative investment
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              During the reporting period, the Company does not exist derivative investment.

              (3)Entrusted loans
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              During the reporting period, the Company does not exist entrusted loans.

              3. The use of funds raised
              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
              During the reporting period, the Company does not exist the use of funds raised.

              4. Analysis of major subsidiary companies and mutual shareholding companies
                                                                            Monetary unit: thousand yuan
                                                                              Registered                                   Operating      Net
              Name                    Type           Main product                           Total assets      Net assets
                                                                               capital                                      revenue      profit
Panasonic          Compressor mutual            Semi-hermetic,    and
                                                                      JPY6,200,000             1,832,998       1,076,292      985,412     80,005
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.             shareholding     scroll compressor
Dalian Fuji-Bingshan Vending Mutual             Producing and selling
                                                                      JPY1,800,000               353,492         208,791      209,861     25,329
Machine Co., Ltd.              shareholding     vending machines
Keinin-Grand Ocean Thermal
Technology       (Dalian) Co.,                  Air-conditioner for cars USD15,120.00            365,615         201,733      334,917     38,064

              VI. Estimation of the business performance for Jan.-Sept., 2015
              Estimation notice that the accumulated net profit from the beginning of year to the end of the next
              reporting period may be turned into loss or significantly change compared with the same period of
              the last year, and explanation of the cause
              □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

              VII. Explain to the “non standard audit report” from the board of directors,
              board of supervisors of the Company
              Not applicable.

                                          Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

VIII. Explain to the “non standard audit report” for last year from the board of
directors of the Company
Not applicable.

IX. Profit distribution and dividend payment

By giving consideration to both the return to shareholders and the Company's long-term
development, and in combination of the Company's profit made in the this year, the Company
formulated the 2014 annual dividend distribution plan of paying the cash of 1.5 yuan for every 10
shares. Reviewed and adopted at the Company's general meeting, the Company's Board of Directors
has implemented the plan in June 2015.
                            Special explanation of the cash dividend distribution policy
Did it comply with the Company's Articles of Association or the
resolutions at the general meeting?
Were the dividend distribution standard and proportion defined
and clear?
Were the decision-making procedure and system complete?                                  Yes
Did the independent directors play their role conscientiously?                           Yes
Did the minority shareholders have opportunities to fully express
their opinions and appeals? Were their legal rights and interests                        Yes
protected fully?
Were the condition and procedure for adjustment or change of
the cash dividend distribution policy compliant and transparent?

X. Profit distribution preplan, and preplan of share-granting with capital
accumulation fund of the Company for the reporting period
Not applicable.

                                                                   Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                 XI. Record of investigation, communication, interview and other activities in the
                 reporting period
                                                                                                                                    Main content
                  Reception     Reception     Reception                                                                           talked about and
Reception time                                                                         Reception object
                    place         mode        object type                                                                            information
                                                            He Siyuan from HUACHUANG SECURITIES Co., Ltd.; Wu Yang from
                                                            E FUND MANAGEMENT Co., Ltd.; An Qian from Fullgoal Fund
                                                            Management Co., Ltd.; Zhang Wei from Bank of Communications
                 Company's    Field                         Schroder Fund Management Co., Ltd. Xiao Qunxi from HUATAI
Jan. 14, 2015                                 Institution
                 office       investigation                 SECURITIES; Wan Fangfang from CHINA ASSET MANAGEMENT
                                                            CO.,LTD. Zhang Yu from TIANHONG MANAGEMENT Co., Ltd; Cai
                                                            Yi from Everbright Pramerica Fund Management Co., Ltd; Zhu Yuanfeng
                                                            from SHANGHAI HUILI ASSET MANAGEMENT CO.,LTD.;
                                                            Xu Jianhua from ORIENT SECURITIES CO.,LTD.; Zhang Zhao from
                 Company's    Field
Jan. 16, 2015                                 Institution   GF FUND MANAGEMENT CO.,LTD.; He Yiguang from GREAT
                 office       investigation
                                                            WALL FUND MANAGEMENT CO.,LTD.
                 Company's    Field
Jan. 19, 2015                                 Institution   Yu Huiling from Karst Peak Capital Limited.
                 office       investigation
                                                            Li Ming from GUOYUAN SECURITIES (HONG KONG); Wang Rui
Jan.27, 2015                  By telephone Institution      from Panther Asset Management Co., Ltd. Li Ran from South China
                                                            Growth Fund; Chen Changfeng from Valued Capital Ltd.
                 Company's    Field
Mar. 17, 2015                                 Institution   Huang Zhiqing from Heartland Capital Investment(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
                 office       investigation
                                                            Xu Jianhua and She Weichao from ORIENT SECURITIES CO.,LTD.; fundamentals
                                                            Huang Kun from GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES; Wang Qun from having            been
                                                            FORTUNE SECURITIES CO.,LTD. He Siyuan from HUA CHUANG publicly
                                                            SECURITIES; Hu Haofeng from HUATAI SECURITIES CO.,LTD; Shu disclosed
                                                            Hao from HUAAN FUND; Chen Linhai from Huatai-Pine Bridge
                 Company's    Field
Apr. 28, 2015                                 Institution   Investment; Chensi from ESSENCE FUND; Qifei from Changxin Asset
                 office       investigation
                                                            Management; Pan Mingxi from Guotai Asset Managemen; Zhangqiang
                                                            from MINSHENG ROYAL FUND MANAGEMENT CO.,LTD. Chengjin
                                                            from Franklin Templeton Sealand Fund Management Co., Ltd; Liu
                                                            Dongxin from INFORE CAPITAL CO.,LTD. ; Suxuan from Kai Sibo
                                                            investment manangment Co.,Ltd.
                 Company's    Field
May. 7, 2015                                  Institution   Miao Huaxin from PAG
                 office       investigation

                 Company's                                  He Siyuan from HUA CHUANG SECURITIES; Xiu Shiyu from ICBC
May. 15, 2014                 By telephone Institution
                                                            Credit Suisse Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Jun. 9, 2015                  By telephone Institution      Xiao Qunxi from HUATAI Securities.
                 Company's    Field                         He Siyuan from HUA CHUANG SECURITIES; Zhang Qiang from
Jun. 11, 2015                                 Institution
                 office       investigation                 UNO FUND MANAGEMENT CO.,LTD.

                                             Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                             Section 5 Important Issues

I. Company governing
On Feb. 12, 2015, the Company convened its 1st extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting in
2015 and by-elected Dai Dashuang, Liu Jiwei as the independent directors of the Company.
On May 20, 2015, the Company convened its 2014 shareholders’ general meeting and elected Wang
Yan as the independent director of the Company.
The actual situation of company governing has no difference from the Company Law and the
requirements of relevant regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission.

II. Major lawsuit and arbitration issues
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no major lawsuit and arbitration issues in the reporting period.

III. Media's queries
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no media's queries to the Company in the reporting period.

IV. Bankruptcy restructuring related matters
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no bankruptcy restructuring related matters to the Company in the reporting period.

V. Important transactions

1. Purchases of important assets
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Within reporting period, the Company acquired 30% equity of Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient
Refrigeration System Co., Ltd. from Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd., with the price of 26.99 million yuan.
The announcement about the equity transfer (announcement number: 2015-032) was published on
B038 of China Securities, A7 of HK Commercial Daily and Cninfo website.

Within reporting period, the Company acquired 19% equity of Wuhan New World Refrigeration
Industrial Co., Ltd. from Dalian Bingshan Group, acquired 30% equity of Wuhan New World
Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd. from Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd., with the price of 66.99 millions
yuan. The announcement about the equity transfer (announcement number: 2015-039) was
published on B043 of China Securities, A7 of HK Commercial Daily and Cninfo website.

2. Sales of important assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no sales of important assets matters of the Company in this reporting period.
3. Enterprise merger
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no enterprise merger matters to the Company in this reporting period.

VI. The implementation and effect of equity incentive
√Applicable □ Not applicable
On December 2014, The Company launched the first phase of restricted stock incentive plan,
intending to grant 10, 150 thousand shares restricted stock to the 41 incentive objects. On January,
2015, the CSRC conformed and recorded without objection to the restricted stock incentive plan
draft. On February, 2015, the 1st Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2015 of the
Company examined and adopted the restricted stock incentive plan draft of the Company and its
summary. On March 2015, the Board has implemented and completed granting the restricted stock.
For details, please see the series announcement on China Securities, HK Commercial Daily and
Cninfo website.

                                             Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

VII. Important associated transactions

1. Associated transactions related to normal business
In the reporting period, the total amount of normal associated transactions between the Company
and associated parties was 149,630 thousand yuan, accounting for 31.17% of the budgeted amount
for the year 2015. This included 58,370 thousand yuan, accounting for 27.80% of the budgeted
amount for the year 2015, for purchasing supporting products for package projects from associated
parties, and 91,260 thousand yuan, accounting for 33.80% of the budgeted amount for the year 2015,
from selling supporting parts and components to associated parties.

2. Associated transactions related to purchases or sales of assets
Within reporting period, the Company acquired 30% equity of Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient
Refrigeration System Co., Ltd. from Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd., with the price of 26.99 million yuan.
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. is the second larger shareholder of the Company, thus constitute associated
transaction. The announcement about the equity transfer (announcement number: 2015-032) was
published on B038 of China Securities, A7 of HK Commercial Daily and Cninfo website.

Within reporting period, the Company acquired 19% equity of Wuhan New World Refrigeration
Industrial Co., Ltd. from Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd., acquired 30% equity of Wuhan New
World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd. from Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd., with the price of 66.99
millions yuan. Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. is the controlling shareholder of the Company, and
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. is the second larger shareholder of the Company, thus constitute associated
transaction. The announcement about the equity transfer (announcement number: 2015-039) was
published on B043 of China Securities, A7 of HK Commercial Daily and Cninfo website.

3. Important associated transactions with joint external investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Current associated rights of credit and liabilities
Were there current non-operating associated rights of credit and liabilities?
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Other associated transactions
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. The non operating funds occupancy to the listing company by controlling
shareholder and its related party

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Important contracts and its performance

1. Trusting, contracting and leasing status

(1) Trusting status

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no trusting status with the Company in the reporting period.

(2) Contracting status

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no contracting status with the Company in the reporting period.

                                                           Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

             (3) Leasing status

             √ Applicable □Not applicable
             The company signed rental contract with MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd., and rent #
             6 workshop building located on No. 106 Liaohe East Rd, Dalian Economic and Technology
             Development Zone to MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd. The rental area is 15,259.04
             square meters, and the rental term till 16th July, 2029. The annual rent fee is RMB 4.2 million after
             considering the time value of money.

             2.   Guaranteeing status

             □ Applicable √ Not applicable
             There was no guaranteeing status with the Company in the reporting period.

             3.   Other important contracts

             □ Applicable √ Not applicable
             The Company had no other important contracts in the reporting period.

             X. Implementation of commitments

             1. Commitments of the Company or its shareholders holding 5% or higher of the shares in the
             reporting period or carried to the reporting period

             The implementation for management equity incentive plan has been performed currently.

             XI. The appointment and dismissal of accounting firms
             Does the semi-annual financial report has been audited?
             □ Applicable √ Not applicable
             The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

             XII. Punishment and rectification
             □ Applicable √ Not applicable

             XIII. Illegal delisting Risk Disclosure
             □ Applicable √ Not applicable

             XIV. Other important matters
             □ Applicable √ Not applicable

             XV. Index to the information announcements for major matters in the report
Announcement                                          Newspaper name and page for            Publishing        Website and path
    No.                        Item
                                                              publishing                        date            for publishing
                  Public Notice on Receiving
                  Record without Objection from China Securities Daily B030,        Hong
  2015-001                                                                                 Jan. 10, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                  CSRC to the Restricted stock Kong Commercial Daily A16
                  Incentive Plan Draft.
                  Announcement           of      the
                                                     China Securities Daily B060,   Hong
  2015-002        resolutions at the 14th meeting of                                       Jan. 23, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                     Kong Commercial Daily A18
                  the 6th Board of Directors
                  Notice on convening the 1st
                                                     China Securities Daily B060,   Hong
  2015-003        extraordinary general meeting in                                         Jan. 23, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                     Kong Commercial Daily A18
                  Statement of the Independent
                                                     China Securities Daily B060,   Hong
  2015-004        directors          candidates(Dai                                        Jan. 23, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                     Kong Commercial Daily A18

                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

           Statement of the Independent China Securities Daily B060, Hong
2015-005                                                                      Jan. 23, 2015         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           directors candidates(Liu Jiwei) Kong Commercial Daily A18
           Statement of the Independent
                                            China Securities Daily B016, Hong
2015-006   directors    nominee(To      Dai                                   Jan. 23, 2015         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                            Kong Commercial Daily A14
           Statement of the Independent China Securities Daily B016, Hong
2015-007                                                                      Jan. 23, 2015         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           directors nominee(To Liu Jiwei) Kong Commercial Daily A14
           Report on the Independent
                                              China Securities Daily B060, Hong
2015-008   directors public solicitation of a                                   Jan. 23, 2015       http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                              Kong Commercial Daily A18
           proxy vote
                                            China Securities Daily B016, Hong
2015-009   Estimated Performance for 2014                                     Jan. 23, 2015         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                            Kong Commercial Daily A14
           Precautions Notice on Holding
           the1stExtraordinary                 China Securities Daily B016,   Hong
2015-010                                                                             Feb. 06, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Shareholders’                      Kong Commercial Daily A14
           General Meeting of 2015
           Announcement           of      the
           resolutions      at     the     1st China Securities Daily A37,    Hong
2015-011                                                                             Feb. 13, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           extraordinary general meeting in Kong Commercial Daily A10
           Announcement           of      the
                                               China Securities Daily B002,   Hong
2015-012   resolutions at the 15th meeting of                                        Mar. 05, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                th                             Kong Commercial Daily B4
           the 6 Board of Directors
           Announcement           of      the
                                               China Securities Daily B002,   Hong
2015-013   resolutions at the 9th meeting of                                         Mar. 05, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                th                             Kong Commercial Daily B4
           the 6 Board of Supervisors
           Resolution of granting restricted China Securities Daily B002,     Hong
2015-014                                                                             Mar. 05, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           stock to incentive object           Kong Commercial Daily B4
           Public     Notice     on    Being
                                               China Securities Daily A16,    Hong
2015-015   Identified      as       High-tech                                        Mar. 20, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                               Kong Commercial Daily A10
           Public Notice on Completion of China Securities Daily B007,        Hong
2015-016                                                                             Mar. 25, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Granting Restricted Stock           Kong Commercial Daily A18
                                               China Securities Daily B054,   Hong
2015-017   2014 Annual Report Summary                                                Apr 24, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                               Kong Commercial Daily A18
           Announcement           of      the
                                               China Securities Daily B054,   Hong
2015-018   resolutions at the 16th meeting of                                        Apr 24, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                th                             Kong Commercial Daily A18
           the 6 Board of Directors
           Announcement           of      the
                                               China Securities Daily B054,   Hong
2015-019   resolutions at the 10th meeting of                                        Apr 24, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                th                             Kong Commercial Daily A18
           the 6 Board of Supervisors
2015-020   Notice on convening the 2014 China Securities Daily B054,          Hong
                                                                                     Apr 24, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           annual general meeting              Kong Commercial Daily A18
2015-021   Announcement of the 2015
                                               China Securities Daily B054,   Hong
           annual estimation of routine                                              Apr 24, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                               Kong Commercial Daily A18
           associated transactions
2015-022   Quarterly Report for the First China Securities Daily B054,        Hong
                                                                                     Apr 24, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Quarter, 2015                       Kong Commercial Daily A18
2015-023   Statement of the Independent China Securities Daily B054,          Hong
                                                                                     Apr 24, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           directors candidates(Wang Yan) Kong Commercial Daily A19
2015-024   Statement of the Independent
                                               China Securities Daily B054,   Hong
           directors nominee(To Wang                                                 Apr 24, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                               Kong Commercial Daily A19
2015-025   Public Notice on Not Having China Securities Daily B054,           Hong
                                                                                     Apr 24, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Actual Controller                   Kong Commercial Daily A19
2015-026   Precautions Notice on Holding China Securities Daily B054,         Hong
                                                                                     May. 14, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           the 2014 annual general meeting Kong Commercial Daily A19
2015-027   Announcement           of      the
                                               China Securities Daily B080,   Hong
           resolutions at the 2014 annual                                            May. 21, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                               Kong Commercial Daily A7
           general meeting
                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

2015-028   Public     Notice     on    Trade
           Suspension Brought by Planning China Securities Daily B014,        Hong
                                                                                     May. 25, 2015 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Private                             Kong Commercial Daily A6
           Issuing of A-shares
2015-029   Public Notice on Progress of
                                               China Securities Daily B003,   Hong
           Planning Private Issuing of                                               Jun.01, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                               Kong Commercial Daily A15
           A-shares Matters
2015-030   Announcement           of      the
                                               China Securities Daily B038,   Hong
           resolutions at the 17th meeting of                                        Jun.05, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                th                             Kong Commercial Daily A13
           the 6 Board of Directors
2015-031   Notice on convening the 2st
                                               China Securities Daily B038,   Hong
           extraordinary general meeting in                                          Jun.05, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                               Kong Commercial Daily A13
           Public Notice on Related
           Transaction of Equity Transfer China Securities Daily B038,        Hong
2015-032                                                                             Jun.05, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           ofDalian Sanyo High-Efficient Kong Commercial Daily A13
           Refrigeration System Co., Ltd.
2015-033   Public Notice on Trade
           Resumption Brought by               China Securities Daily B038,   Hong
                                                                                     Jun.05, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Planning Private Issuing of         Kong Commercial Daily A13
2015-034   Public Notice on the completion
                                               China Securities Daily B038,   Hong
           of the change of business                                                 Jun.05, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                               Kong Commercial Daily A13
2015-035   Public Notice of Dividend China Securities Daily B032,             Hong
                                                                                     Jun.16, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Distribution for year of 2014       Kong Commercial Daily A17
           Precautions Notice on Holding
           the        2nd      Extraordinary China Securities Daily B032,     Hong
2015-036                                                                             Jun.16, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Shareholders’                      Kong Commercial Daily A17
           General Meeting of 2015
2015-037   Announcement           of      the
           resolutions      at     the     2st China Securities Daily B043,   Hong
                                                                                     Jun.25, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           extraordinary general meeting in Kong Commercial Daily A7
2015-038   Announcement           of      the
                                               China Securities Daily B043,   Hong
           resolutions at the 18th meeting of                                        Jun.25, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                th                             Kong Commercial Daily A7
           the 6 Board of Directors
           Public Notice on Related
           Transaction of Equity Transfer
           of                                  China Securities Daily B043,   Hong
2015-039                                                                             Jun.25, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Wuhan           New         World Kong Commercial Daily A7
           Refrigeration Industrial Co.,
           Public Notice on Related China Securities Daily B043,              Hong
2015-040                                                                             Jun.25, 2015   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Transaction of Rental Housing Kong Commercial Daily A7
           Public Notice of after the
           completement of Dividend
           Distribution for year of 2014 to China Securities Daily B014, Hong
2015-041                                                                      Jun.30, 2015          http://www.cninfo.com.cn
           Adjustment of the reserve price Kong Commercial Daily A7
           and the number of shares issued
           for Private Issuing of A-shares

                                                            Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                    Section 6 Change in Share Capital and Shareholders'


            I. Change in share capital
            1. Change in share capital
                                                     Shares                                                   Shares
                                                (before change)                                        (after change)
                      items                                                  Changes
                                              number         proportion                         number              proportion
      I. Non-circulating share capital with
                                               19,224,451            5.50%   10,150,000           29,374,451                     8.16%
      restricted trade conditions
      3. Other domestic shares                 19,224,451            5.50%   10,150,000           29,374,451                     8.16%
      Including: Shares held by domestic
                                               19,213,921            5.49%                        19,213,921                     5.33%
      legal person
      Including: Shares held by
                                                  10,530             0.01%   10,150,000           10,160,530                     2.82%
      domestic natural person
      II. Circulating share capital           330,790,524        94.50%                          330,790,524                   91.84%
      1. Domestically listed
                                              215,790,524        61.64%                          215,790,524                   59.91%
      ordinary shares
      2. Domestically listed
                                              115,000,000        32.86%                          115,000,000                   31.93%
      foreign shares
      III. Total shares                       350,014,975        100.00%     10,150,000          360,164,975                  100.00%

            2. The reason for the Change in share capital
            The Company launched the first phase of restricted stock incentive plan,award the 41 equity
            incentive objects with restricted shares amounting to 10,150,000 shares.

            II. Number of shareholders and their shareholding

Total number of shareholders in the reporting period                                                                               31,725
                                                 Shareholding of top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                              Number of
                                                                                                                Number of
                                                                                       Proport       Total      shares with
                        Name                                     Nature                                                       shares or
                                                                                          ion       number         sale
                                                    Domestic non-state-owned
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                              21.34% 76,855,683 19,213,921
                                                    legal person
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                            Overseas legal person     9.72% 35,001,500
Lion flexible configuration hybrid securities
                                              Others                                    1.76%       6,350,263
investment fund
Fu Guo Zhong Zheng Reform of state owned
enterprise index Classification . Securities Others                                     1.53%       5,523,854
Investment Fund
                                              Domestic non-state-owned
Tibet Aier Medical Investment Co., Ltd                                                  1.10%       3,965,000
                                              legal person
Lin Zhenming                                  Overseas natural person                   0.73%       2,634,000
Sun Huiming                                   Domestic natural person                   0.68%       2,449,016
Jiang Youchang                                Domestic natural person                   0.64%       2,300,448
                                              Domestic non-state-owned
Dalian City Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.                                             0.45%       1,622,250
                                              legal person
                                              Overseas legal person                     0.41%       1,470,786
                                                       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                  Shareholding of top ten shareholders without sale restriction
                                                                  Number of shares without sale
                            Name                                                                        Type of shares
                                                                                                   RMB denominated ordinary
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                       57,641,762
                                                                                                   Domestically listed foreign
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                                                             35,001,500
                                                                                                   RMB denominated ordinary
Lion flexible configuration hybrid securities investment fund                         6,350,263
Fu Guo Zhong Zheng Reform of state owned enterprise index                                          RMB denominated ordinary
Classification . Securities Investment Fund                                                                 shares
                                                                                                   RMB denominated ordinary
Tibet Aier Medical Investment Co., Ltd                                                3,965,000
                                                                                                   Domestically listed foreign
Lin Zhenming                                                                          2,634,000
                                                                                                   Domestically listed foreign
Sun Huiming                                                                           2,449,016
                                                                                                   RMB denominated ordinary
Jiang Youchang                                                                        2,300,448
                                                                                                   RMB denominated ordinary
Dalian City Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.                                           1,622,250
                                                                                                   Domestically listed foreign
JOHCM INTERNATIONAL SMALL CAP EQUITY FUND                                             1,470,786
                                                                Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. had the association
Notes to the associated relationship and uniform actions of the relationship with Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. among the above
                       above shareholders                       shareholders. Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. holds 30% of Dalian
                                                                Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.'s equity.
            If the company shareholders had any agreed repurchase transaction in the report period
            □ Yes √ No

           III. Variation in controlling shareholders or actual controllers

           Variation in controlling shareholders in the report period
           □ Applicable √ Not applicable
           There were no changes in the controlling shareholder in the reporting period.

           Variation in actual controllers in the report period
           √ Applicable □ Not applicable
           According to the actual situation of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. and its controlling shareholders,
           and compared with the related laws and regulations, with the confirmation of Liaoning Huaxia law
           firm, the Company released the Public Notice on Not Having Actual Controller.(No: 2015-025),)
           which was published on B04 of China Securities, A19 of HK Commercial Daily and Cninfo website
           on April 24 2015.

           IV. Stock holdings plan from the Company’s shareholders in the report period
           □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                            Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                Section 7 Information on Preferred Stock
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the reporting period, the Company didn’t own preferred stock.

                                                         Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

               Section 8 Information on the Company’s Directors,

                      Supervisors, and Senior Management officers

       I. Changes in shareholding by directors, supervisors and senior managers

       √Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                   Increase on holding      Decrease in     Shares held at
                                                              Shares held at
                                        Office-holding                               of shares in this   holding of shares   the end of
      Name               Position                           beginning of period
                                             state                                        period           in this period      period
                                                                                         (shares)              (share)        (shares)
Ji Zhijian          Chairman              Incumbent                           0                 942,300                   0       942,300
Xu Junrao           Director              Incumbent                       3,900                 659,600                   0       663,500
Liu Kai             Director, GM          Incumbent                           0                 659,600                   0       659,600
Wang Zhiqiang       Director, DGM         Incumbent                           0                 376,900                   0       376,900
Kobayashi Noriaki   Vice Chairman         Incumbent                           0                        0                  0              0
Kijima Tadatoshi    Director              Incumbent                           0                        0                  0              0
Liu Caiping                             Leaving office                         0                     0                   0              0
Wang Huiquan                            Leaving office                         0                     0                   0              0
Xing Tiancai                            Leaving office                         0                     0                   0              0
Dai Dashuang                              Incumbent                            0                     0                   0              0
Liu Jiwei                                 Incumbent                            0                     0                   0              0
Wang Yan                                  Incumbent                            0                     0                   0              0
                    Chairman of Board
Yu Fuchun                                 Incumbent                     10,140                       0                   0         10,140
                    of Supervisors
Mao Chunhua         Supervisor            Incumbent                            0                     0                   0              0
Ma Yun              Supervisor            Incumbent                            0                     0                   0              0
Rong Yan                                  Incumbent                            0              376,900                    0       376,900
Li Wenjiang         DGM                   Incumbent                            0               376,900                   0        376,900
Song Wenbao         Board secretary       Incumbent                            0               282,800                   0        282,800
      Total                   --              --                      14,040                 3,675,000                   0      3,689,040
       II. Resignation, dismissal and election, engagement of company directors,
       supervisors, senior management officers
    Name            Position assumed                 Type                      Date                           Reason
                                        Leaving     office   when
Liu Caiping                             expiration of the term of May 20, 2015 expiration of the term of office
Wang Huiquan                            Leaving office                  Feb. 12, 2015 Resigned according to the relevant requirement
Xing Tiancai                            Leaving office                  Feb. 12, 2015 Resigned according to the relevant requirement
Dai Dashuang                            Be elected                      Feb. 12, 2015 The general meeting of shareholders by election
Liu Jiwei                               Be elected                      Feb. 12, 2015 The general meeting of shareholders by election
Wang Yan                                Be elected                      May 20, 2015 The general meeting of shareholders to election

                                                                       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                                   Section 9 Financial report

           I. The Company's semiannual financial report has not been audited.

           II. Accounting statement

                                                            BALANCE SHEET
            Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                  June 30, 2015                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                      30-June-2015                             31-Dec-2014
                                                                      Consolidation          Parent Company          Consolidation     Parent Company
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                                         365,011,773.84            260,938,973.86       508,511,466.02 407,573,197.89
Financial assets which are measured by fair value and
which changes are recorded in current profit and loss
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable                                                         48,780,136.31            40,794,557.06        14,855,957.70     15,711,896.93
Accounts receivable                                                    566,710,020.31            277,942,840.42       438,880,830.12 205,307,502.60
Accounts in advance                                                      42,581,468.71            22,619,683.04        19,053,269.75      8,470,706.14
Interest receivables                                                      2,491,608.34               2,491,608.34       4,998,982.40      4,998,982.40
Dividend receivable                                                      39,200,000.00            43,115,784.39
Other receivables                                                        40,188,760.41            22,774,783.60        34,266,444.02     21,265,905.54
Inventories                                                            292,455,943.91            146,700,214.72       314,879,106.56 164,069,128.20
Assets held for sale
Non-current asset due within one year
Other current assets                                                      1,428,520.15                786,802.37        2,335,139.79      1,659,559.91
                     Total current assets                            1,398,848,231.98            818,165,247.80 1,337,781,196.36 829,056,879.61
Non-current assets:
Finance asset held available for sales                               1,045,925,548.00          1,044,610,405.50        42,428,388.70     41,113,246.20
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term account receivable
Long-term equity investment                                          1,033,513,959.00          1,159,105,764.57 1,039,229,738.85 1,146,858,810.27
Investment property                                                      24,803,246.50            24,803,246.50        25,108,909.00     25,108,909.00
Fixed assets                                                           399,179,806.10            229,357,152.23       414,293,269.31 239,721,541.76
Construction in progress                                                 44,351,507.90            34,967,564.89        18,515,449.46     18,280,777.19
Engineering material
Disposal of fixed asset
Productive biological asset
Oil and gas asset
Intangible assets                                                      151,902,168.86             88,685,242.89       153,913,310.25     89,919,836.54
Expense on Research and Development
Long-term expenses to be apportioned                                      5,134,146.97               4,806,907.98       5,873,398.99      5,537,394.66
Deferred income tax asset                                                18,455,439.11               7,756,556.37      16,786,587.33      8,054,057.26
Other non-current asset
                    Total non-current asset                          2,723,265,822.44          2,594,092,840.93 1,716,149,051.89 1,574,594,572.88
                          Total assets                               4,122,114,054.42          3,412,258,088.73 3,053,930,248.25 2,403,651,452.49
           Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian Chief Financial Official: Rong Yan    Person in Charge of Accounting Mao Chunhua
                                                                   Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                          BALANCE SHEET (CONTINUED)
      Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                                June 30, 2015                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                      30-June-2015                                    31-Dec-2014
      Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
                                                          Consolidation          Parent Company           Consolidation          Parent Company
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans                                             60,000,000.00                                     60,000,000.00
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable                                               120,832,581.67           91,596,784.50           109,546,502.61               66,979,512.02
Accounts payable                                            545,355,348.00          308,429,134.56            511,076,537.82         302,053,679.95
Accounts received in advance                                104,820,567.76           37,895,560.18           137,629,315.42               96,325,866.23
Wage payable                                                 31,143,560.46            2,690,798.91             55,993,637.27              13,854,152.86
Taxes payable                                                17,205,482.56            3,404,861.70              2,642,729.69              -2,710,393.15
Interest payable
Dividend payable                                              2,643,678.92              533,156.00                533,156.00                533,156.00
Other accounts payable                                       59,512,717.45           20,578,331.35             60,075,814.04              49,270,430.42
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year
Other current liabilities
             Total current liabilities                      941,513,936.82          465,128,627.20           937,497,692.85          526,306,404.33
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans
Bonds payable
Long-term account payable
Long-term wage payable
Special accounts payable
Projected liabilities
Deferred income                                              50,227,845.00            3,996,845.00             52,773,884.19               5,985,884.19
Deferred income tax liabilities                             150,524,573.90          150,524,573.90
Other non-current liabilities
          Total non-current liabilities                     200,752,418.90          154,521,418.90             52,773,884.19               5,985,884.19
                   Total liabilities                     1,142,266,355.72           619,650,046.10           990,271,577.04          532,292,288.52
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital                                               360,164,975.00          360,164,975.00           350,014,975.00          350,014,975.00
Other equity instruments
Capital public reserve                                      633,448,214.29          633,448,214.29           582,288,006.29          582,288,006.29
Specialized reserve
Other comprehensive income                                  855,740,872.12 854,511,944.50                       2,768,286.72               1,539,359.10
Special preparation
Surplus public reserve                                      568,167,243.90 568,167,243.90                    545,788,247.99          545,788,247.99
Retained profit                                             474,241,996.29          376,315,664.94           486,167,740.13          391,728,575.59
Translation of foreign currency capital
  Total owner’s equity attributable to parent
                                                         2,891,763,301.60 2,792,608,042.63                 1,967,027,256.13        1,871,359,163.97
Minority interests                                           88,084,397.10                                     96,631,415.08
                Total owner’s equity                    2,979,847,698.70 2,792,608,042.63                 2,063,658,671.21        1,871,359,163.97
   Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity           4,122,114,054.42 3,412,258,088.73                 3,053,930,248.25        2,403,651,452.49
      Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian   Chief Financial Official: Rong Yan    Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Mao Chunhua

                                                      Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                       INCOME STATEMENT
 Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                 January-June, 2015    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                           January-June, 2015             January-June, 2014
                                                      Consolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent Company
I. Total sales                                          711,740,342.13     299,875,171.09   774,912,253.19    470,970,219.97
Including: Operating income                             711,740,342.13     299,875,171.09   774,912,253.19    470,970,219.97
II. Total operating cost                                692,522,643.78     291,977,877.31   763,013,964.64    467,279,899.71
Including: Operating cost                               562,347,397.92     247,322,955.72   609,950,440.82    386,947,532.84
Taxes and associate charges                               5,466,860.36       1,160,192.70     6,469,418.81      3,082,292.41
Selling and distribution expenses                        35,327,320.58       1,506,513.32    48,901,400.51     25,191,223.59
Administrative expenses                                  88,737,103.40      51,690,825.61    89,762,782.36     50,581,629.55
Financial expense                                        -1,831,323.45      -3,950,961.70    -3,797,684.83     -5,176,060.33
Impairment loss                                           2,475,284.97      -5,601,648.34    11,727,606.97      6,653,281.65
Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value
Gain/(loss) from investment                              48,393,081.52      52,308,865.91    56,334,258.74     58,434,258.74
Including: income form investment on affiliated
                                                         48,083,081.52      48,083,081.52    53,897,497.58     53,897,497.58
enterprise and jointly enterprise
III. Operating profit                                    67,610,779.87      60,056,159.69    68,232,547.29     62,124,579.00
Add: non-business income                                  2,768,512.07       2,043,822.27     5,049,995.17      4,294,350.32
Including: profit from non-current asset disposal              28,868.06         9,807.69         2,044.63          1,084.63
Less: non-business expense                                      4,465.70          437.18       206,820.12        104,144.94
Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                 2,394.33          437.18       129,041.96          54,144.94
IV. Total profit                                         70,374,826.24      62,099,544.78    73,075,722.34     66,314,784.38
Less: Income tax                                          5,691,645.31       1,108,713.27     3,751,633.86      2,100,279.73
V. Net profit                                            64,683,180.93      60,990,831.51    69,324,088.48     64,214,504.65
Net profit attributable to parent company                65,477,775.99      60,990,831.51    66,477,633.28     64,214,504.65
Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                   -794,595.06                        2,846,455.20
VI. After-tax net amount of other comprehensive
                                                        852,972,585.40     852,972,585.40       -11,250.00        -11,250.00
After-tax net amount of other comprehensive
                                                        852,972,585.40     852,972,585.40       -11,250.00        -11,250.00
incomes attributable to owners of the Company
(I) Other comprehensive incomes that will not be
reclassified into gains and losses
1. Changes in net liabilities or assets with a
defined benefit plan upon re-measurement
2. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive
incomes in investees that cannot be reclassified
into gains and losses under the equity method
(II) Other comprehensive incomes that will be
                                                        852,972,585.40     852,972,585.40       -11,250.00        -11,250.00
reclassified into gains and losses
1. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive
incomes in investees that will be reclassified into                                             -11,250.00        -11,250.00
gains and losses under the equity method
2. Gains and losses on fair value changes of
                                                        852,972,585.40     852,972,585.40
available-for-sale financial assets
3. Gains and losses on reclassifying
held-to-maturity investments into
available-for-sale financial assets
4. Effective hedging gains and losses on cash
5. Foreign-currency financial statement
translation difference
6. Other
                                                              Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

After-tax net amount of other comprehensive
incomes attributable to minority shareholders
VII Total comprehensive income                                   917,655,766.33            913,963,416.91           69,312,838.48     64,203,254.65
Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                 918,450,361.39            913,963,416.91           66,466,383.28     64,203,254.65
parent company
Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                     -794,595.06                                     2,846,455.20
minority shareholders
VIII. Earnings per share
(I) basic earnings per share                                                   0.18                                            0.19
(II) diluted earnings per share                                                0.18                                            0.19
 Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian   Chief Financial Official: Rong Yan    Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Mao Chunhua

                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                        CASH FLOW STATEMENT

    Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.                January -June, 2015          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                         January -June, 2015                       January -June, 2014
                                                 Consolidation       Parent Company        Consolidation      Parent Company
I. Cash flows arising from operating
Cash received from selling commodities
                                                                                           526,979,719.10        298,992,839.09
and providing labor services                      382,614,969.22        109,026,091.80
Write-back of tax received                            745,652.66                                38,095.13
Other cash received concerning operating
                                                   15,112,738.10          9,419,307.14      23,780,067.97         17,828,305.25
    Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                  398,473,359.98        118,445,398.94     550,797,882.20        316,821,144.34
             operating activities
Cash paid for purchasing commodities and
                                                  272,348,733.40        146,775,719.87     281,731,145.25        189,500,108.92
receiving labor service
Cash paid to/for staff and workers                152,175,815.25         66,965,526.52     154,450,749.32         90,376,223.25
Taxes paid                                         38,023,028.19         11,822,825.39      64,623,975.30         34,997,096.61
Other cash paid concerning operating
                                                   66,515,704.51         21,159,867.78      52,586,398.79         35,942,188.52
     Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                                  529,063,281.35        246,723,939.56     553,392,268.66        350,815,617.30
   operating activities
     Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                 -130,589,921.37       -128,278,540.62       -2,594,386.46        -33,994,472.96
II. Cash flows arising from investing
Cash received from recovering investment                                                    15,000,000.00         15,000,000.00
Cash received from investment income               19,113,061.37         19,113,061.37      20,655,571.40         20,622,121.40
Net cash received from disposal of fixed,
                                                       55,285.00               10,000.00        93,105.00
intangible and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units
Other cash received concerning investing
     Subtotal of cash inflow from investing
                                                   19,168,346.37         19,123,061.37      35,748,676.40         35,622,121.40
Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible
                                                   29,845,066.20         19,426,933.55      16,104,146.74           9,309,283.62
and other long-term assets
Cash paid for investment                           13,454,100.00         22,166,934.15
Net cash received from payment of
subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash paid concerning investing
     Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                   43,299,166.20         41,593,867.70      16,104,146.74           9,309,283.62
             investing activities
    Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                  -24,130,819.83         -22,470,806.33     19,644,529.66         26,312,837.78
III. Cash flows arising from financing
Cash received from absorbing investment            60,434,000.00         56,434,000.00
Including: Cash received from absorbing
minority shareholders' equity investment by         4,000,000.00
Cash received from loans                           27,360,000.00                             7,400,000.00
Other cash received concerning financing
                                                   32,953,876.63         16,145,665.64                0.00
     Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                  120,747,876.63         72,579,665.64       7,400,000.00
Cash paid for settling debts                       21,760,000.00                             3,900,000.00
Cash paid for dividend            and   profit
                                                   54,557,721.81         52,031,349.57      52,941,288.95
distributing or interest paying                                                                                   50,624,979.28
                                                               Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

Including: dividends or profit paid by
                                                                  392,000.00                                       1,500,000.00
subsidiaries to minority shareholders
Other cash paid concerning financing
                                                              34,920,526.90               20,975,652.64                39,984.00
      Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                             111,238,248.71               73,007,002.21           56,881,272.95        50,624,979.28
           financing activities
    Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                                9,509,627.92                 -427,336.57         -49,481,272.95       -50,624,979.28
IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation in
                                                                 -255,229.17                 -287,527.51               13,202.47              98.80
exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                            -145,466,342.45             -151,464,211.03          -32,417,927.28       -58,306,515.66
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                                             475,557,589.39              391,427,532.25          502,339,160.35       431,494,649.19
at the period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at
                                                             330,091,246.94              239,963,321.22          469,921,233.07       373,188,133.53
the period–end
  Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian   Chief Financial Official: Rong Yan    Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Mao Chunhua

                                                                                 Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report


                 Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited                                       2015.01-06                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
           Items                                                  Lessen:          Other                                                              Minority          Total of
                                                                                               Surplus General risk         Retained                   equity         owners’ equity
                                 share capital     Capital suplus treasury comprehensiv                                                      Others
                                                                                               reserve    reserve            profits
                                                                    stock        e income
I. balance at the end of
                                  350,014,975.00      582,288,006.29               2,768,286.72            545,788,247.99   486,167,740.13            96,631,415.08 2,063,658,671.21
last year
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. Balance at the
                                  350,014,975.00      582,288,006.29               2,768,286.72            545,788,247.99   486,167,740.13            96,631,415.08 2,063,658,671.21
beginning of this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”         10,150,000.00       51,160,208.00             852,972,585.40             22,378,995.91   -11,925,743.84            -8,547,017.98     916,189,027.49
means decrease)
(I) Total comprehensive
                                                                                 852,972,585.40                              65,477,775.99              -794,595.06     917,655,766.33
(II) Capital increased and
                                   10,150,000.00       51,160,208.00                                                                                  -5,249,900.00      56,060,308.00
reduced by owners
  1.     Common        shares      10,150,000.00       51,160,208.00                                                                                  -5,249,900.00      56,060,308.00
increased by shareholders
  2. Capital increased by
holders of other equity
3.        Amounts           of
share-based         payments
recognized in owners’
  4. Other
  (III) Profit distribution                                                                                 22,378,995.91   -77,403,519.83            -2,502,522.92     -57,527,046.84
  1. Withdrawing surplus
                                                                                                            22,378,995.91   -22,378,995.91
public reserve
  2. Distribution to all                                                                                                    -54,024,746.25            -2,502,522.92     -56,527,269.17
owners (shareholders)
  3. Others                                                                                                                    -999,777.67                                 -999,777.67
  (IV) Internal carrying
forward of owners’ equity
  1. New increase of share
capital      from      capital
  2.     Convert      surplus
reserves to share capital
  3. Surplus reserves
make up losses
  4. Others
(V) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the
2. Used in the period
(VI) Other
  IV. Balance at the end of
                                  360,164,975.00      633,448,214.29             855,740,872.12            568,167,243.90   474,241,996.29            88,084,397.10 2,979,847,698.70
this period
                 Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian      Chief Financial Official: Rong Yan    Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Mao Chunhua

                                                                               Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                                                   Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
             Items                                                     Lessen:     Other                                                             Minority          Total of
                                                                                                 Surplus General risk      Retained                   equity         owners’ equity
                                     share capital      Capital suplus treasury comprehensi                                                Others
                                                                                                 reserve     reserve        profits
                                                                         stock ve income
I. balance at the end of last
                                       350,014,975.00    584,861,283.21                         505,533,065.25           466,608,867.000            102,089,597.39 2,009,107,787.85
1. Change of accounting                                    -2,783,286.72         2,783,286.72
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                       350,014,975.00    582,077,996.49          2,783,286.72 505,533,065.25              466,608,867.00            102,089,597.39 2,009,107,787.85
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                                   210,009.80            -15,000.00 40,255,182.74                19,558,873.13             -5,458,182.31      54,550,883.36
means decrease)
(I)     Total     comprehensive
                                                                                   -15,000.00                             115,439,722.39               -920,440.66     114,504,281.73
(II) Capital increased and
                                                             210,009.80                                                                              -2,281,000.00      -2,070,990.20
reduced by owners
  1. Common shares increased                                                                                                                         -2,281,000.00      -2,281,000.00
by shareholders
  2. Capital increased by
holders of other equity
3. Amounts of share-based
payments        recognized      in
owners’ equity
  4. Other                                                   210,009.80                                                                                                   210,009.80
  (III) Profit distribution                                                                      40,255,182.74            -95,880,849.26             -2,256,741.65     -57,882,408.17
  1. Withdrawing surplus                                                                         40,225,182.74            -40,255,182.74
public reserve
  2. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                                          -52,502,246.25             -2,256,741.65     -54,758,987.90
  3. Others                                                                                                                -3,123,420.27                                -3,123,420.27
  (IV)      Internal      carrying
forward of owners’ equity
  1. New increase of share
capital from capital reserves
  2. Convert surplus reserves
to share capital
  3. Surplus reserves make up
  4. Others
(V) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the period
2. Used in the period
(VI) Other
  IV. Balance at the end of this
                                       350,014,975.00    582,288,006.29          2,768,286.72 545,788,247.99              486,167,740.13             96,631,415.08 2,063,658,671.21
                 Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian    Chief Financial Official: Rong Yan    Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Mao Chunhua

                                                                              Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                            STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN OWNERS’ EQUITY

              Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited                                                 2015.01-06             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                        Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
             Items                                                                  Lessen:         Other                                                           Total of owners’
                                                        Other equity                                              Special           Surplus        Retained              equity
                                     share capital                   Capital suplus treasury comprehensiv
                                                         instrument                                             preparation         reserve         profits
                                                                                      stock       e income
I. balance at the end of last
                                       350,014,975.00                  582,288,006.29                   1,539,359.10              545,788,247.99   391,728,575.59     1,871,359,163.97
1. Change of accounting
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                       350,014,975.00                  582,288,006.29                   1,539,359.10              545,788,247.99   391,728,575.59     1,871,359,163.97
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”              10,150,000.00                   51,160,208.00                 852,972,585.40               22,378,995.91   -15,412,910.65       921,248,878.66
means decrease)
(I)     Total     comprehensive
                                                                                                      852,972,585.40                                60,990,831.51       913,963,416.91
(II) Capital increased and
                                        10,150,000.00                   51,160,208.00                                                                                    61,310,208.00
reduced by owners
  1. Common shares increased            10,150,000.00                   51,160,208.00                                                                                    61,310,208.00
by shareholders
  2. Capital increased by
holders of other equity
3. Amounts of share-based
payments        recognized      in
owners’ equity
  4. Other
  (III) Profit distribution                                                                                                        22,378,995.91   -76,403,742.16       -54,024,746.25
  1. Withdrawing surplus                                                                                                           22,378,995.91   -22,378,995.91
public reserve
  2. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                                                                   -54,024,746.25       -54,024,746.25
  3. Others
  (IV)      Internal      carrying
forward of owners’ equity
  1. New increase of share
capital from capital reserves
  2. Convert surplus reserves
to share capital
  3. Surplus reserves make up
  4. Others
(V) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the period
2. Used in the period
(VI) Other
  IV. Balance at the end of this
                                       360,164,975.00                  633,448,214.29                 854,511,944.50              568,167,243.90   376,315,664.94     2,792,608,042.63
              Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian   Chief Financial Official: Rong Yan          Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Mao Chunhua

                                                                              Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                                                        Owners’ equity attributable to parent company
             Items                                                                  Lessen:         Other                                                           Total of owners’
                                                        Other equity                                              Special           Surplus        Retained              equity
                                     share capital                   Capital suplus treasury comprehensiv
                                                         instrument                                             preparation         reserve         profits
                                                                                      stock       e income
I. balance at the end of last
                                       350,014,975.00                  583,632,355.59                                             505,533,065.25   372,591,025.04     1,811,771,420.88
1. Change of accounting
policy                                                                  -1,554,359.10                   1,554,359.10
2. Correction of errors in
previous period
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                       350,014,975.00                  582,077,996.49                   1,554,359.10              505,533,065.25   372,591,025.04     1,811,771,420.88
this year
III. Increase/ decrease of
amount in this year (“-”                                                210,009.80                      -15,000.00               40,255,182.74    19,137,550.55        59,587,743.09
means decrease)
(I)     Total     comprehensive
                                                                                                          -15,000.00                               111,894,979.54       111,879,979.54
(II) Capital increased and
                                                                          210,009.80                                                                                       210,009.80
reduced by owners
  1. Common shares increased
by shareholders
  2. Capital increased by
holders of other equity
3. Amounts of share-based
payments        recognized      in
owners’ equity
  4. Other                                                                210,009.80                                                                                       210,009.80
  (III) Profit distribution                                                                                                        40,255,182.74   -92,757,428.99       -52,502,246.25
  1. Withdrawing surplus                                                                                                           40,255,182.74   -40,255,182.74
public reserve
  2. Distribution to all owners
                                                                                                                                                   -52,502,246.25       -52,502,246.25
  3. Others
  (IV)      Internal      carrying
forward of owners’ equity
  1. New increase of share
capital from capital reserves
  2. Convert surplus reserves
to share capital
  3. Surplus reserves make up
  4. Others
(V) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the period
2. Used in the period
(VI) Other
  IV. Balance at the end of this
                                       350,014,975.00                  582,288,006.29                   1,539,359.10              545,788,247.99   391,728,575.59     1,871,359,163.97
              Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian   Chief Financial Official: Rong Yan          Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Mao Chunhua

                                                   Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

III. Notes to the accounting statement
 (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
1. General information
Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited (the “Company”) was reorganized from main part of former
Dalian Refrigeration Factory, and incorporated in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) on
December 18, 1993 as a joint stock limited company. The Company’s domestically listed RMB
denominated ordinary shares (“A shares”) and domestically listed foreign investment ordinary
shares (“B shares”) were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the PRC in December 1993 and
March 1998 respectively. The Company together with its subsidiaries is hereinafter collectively
referred to as the “Group”. As at 30 June, 2015, the registered capital of the Company was RMB
360,164,975.00. The address of the Company’s registered office is No.888 Xinan Road, Shahekou
District, Dalian, China. The parent company of the Company is Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.
The principal activities of the Company are manufacture, sale and installation of refrigeration
The financial statements were permitted to disclose by the board of directors of the Company on
19th August, 2015.

2. The scope of consolidation
There are 8 entities included in the current consolidated financial statements, including:
                                                                            Proportion of     Proportion of
             Names of subsidiaries                    Types       Level
                                                                          shareholding(%)   votes(%)

Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Installation    Fully owned    1            100               100
Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd.               Fully owned    1
                                                                                100               100
Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning Equipment           Holding
Co., Ltd.                                           subsidiary                  70                 70

                                                     Holding       1
Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd.                                      100               100
                                                     Holding       1
Dalian Bingshan Guardian Automation Co., Ltd.                                   60                 60
Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick Freezing              Holding       1
                                                                                70                 70
Equipment Co., Ltd.                                 subsidiary
Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co.,        Holding       1
                                                                                51                 51
Ltd.                                                subsidiary
                                                     Holding       1
Bingshan Technical Service (Dalian ) Co., Ltd.                                  60                 60

The subject included in consolidated financial statement in the reporting period increased the
Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd. over that of last period.
By the solution of the 11th meeting of 6th session of Board of Directors of the company, the company
purchased 10% shareholdings of Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd., and Dalian Bingshan
Group Sales Co., Ltd. became a whole holding subsidiary of the company. The company would
transfer 30% shareholdings of Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd. to Wuhan New World
Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd., but the equity transaction did not finish at the end of June 30,
2015, and the company held 100% shareholdings of Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd. in the
financial statements of first half of 2015.
By the solution of the 12th meeting of 6th session of Board of Directors of the company, the
company would purchase the subsidiary Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd., and the equity
transaction had been finished at the end of June 30, 2015., and the company held 100%
shareholdings of Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd. in the financial statements of first half
of 2015.
By the solution of the 12th meeting of 6th session of Board of Directors of the company, the
company will establish a joint company with Dalian Bingshan International Trade Co., Ltd. The
                                             Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

new company named Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd., and the registered capital is
RMB 20,000,000.00. The company will invest RMB 12,000,000.00 and hold 60% of shareholding
proportion. Till end of 30 June 2015, Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd. started
operations, and was included in the consolidated statement.

IV Basic of preparation of financial statements
1. Basic of preparation of financial statements
The financial statements have been prepared on the basic assumption of going concern and on the
accrual basis of accounting. The effects of evens and other transactions actually occurred and they
have been recorded and measured in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises issued by Ministry of Finance.

2. Going-concern
The company has the capacity to continually operate within 12 months at least since the end of
report period, and hasn‘t the major issues impacting on the sustainable operation ability.

V.The main accounting policies, accounting estimates and corrections of accounting errors
1. Declaration on following Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
Declaration from the Company: The financial statements made by the Company was in accordance
with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, which reflected the financial position, financial
performance and cash flow of the Company truly, objectively and completely.

2. Fiscal year
The Company adopts the calendar year as its fiscal year, i.e. from January 1 to December 31.

3. Operating Cycle
12 months are regarded as one operating cycle in the company, and which is as the division criterion
for the liquidity of assets and liabilities.

4. Functional currency
RMB was the functional currency of the Company.

5. Accounting method of business combination under the same control and not under the same
A. The Company adopts equity method for business combination under same control. The assets
and liabilities that the combining party obtained in a business combination shall be measured on
their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. The difference between the
carrying amount of net assets acquired by the combining party and the carrying amount of the
consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued) shall be adjusted to capital
surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earning is adjusted
respectively. The business combination costs that are directly attributable to the combination, such
as audit fees, valuation fees, and legal service fees and so on are recognized in profit or loss during
the current period when they occurred. The bonds issued for a business combination or the handling
fees, commissions and other expenses for bearing other liabilities shall be recorded in the amount of
initial measurement of the bonds or other debts. The handling fees, commissions and other expenses
for the issuance of equity securities for the business combination shall be credited against the
surplus of equity securities; if the surplus is not sufficient, the retained earnings shall be offset.
Where a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary company is formed due to a
business combination, the parent company shall, on the combining date, prepare consolidated
financial statements according to the accounting policy of the Company.
B. The Company adopts acquisition method for business combination not under same control. The
acquirer shall recognize the initial cost of combination under the following principles: a) When
business combination is achieved through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a business
combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities

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incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for control of the
acquiree; b) For the business combination involved more than one exchange transaction, the cost of
the combination is the aggregate cost of the individual transactions; c) The costs directly attributed
to business combination are included in the cost of combination; d) Where a business combination
contract or agreement provides for a future event which may adjust the cost of combination, the
Company shall include the amount of the adjustment in the cost of the combination at the
acquisition date if the future event leading to the adjustment is probable and the amount of the
adjustment can be measured reliably.
The acquirer shall, on the acquisition date, measure the assets given and liabilities incurred or
assumed by an enterprise for a business combination in light of their fair value, and shall record the
balances between them and their carrying amounts into the profits and losses at the current period.
The acquirer shall distribute the combination costs on the acquisition date, and shall recognize all
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it obtains from the acquiree. a. the acquirer
shall recognize the difference that the combination costs are over the fair value of the identifiable
net assets obtained from acquiree as goodwill; b. if the combination costs are less than the fair value
of the identifiable net assets obtained from acquiree, the acquirer shall reexamine the measurement
of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained from the
acquiree as well as the combination costs; and then after the reexamination, the result is still the
same, the difference shall be recorded in the profit and loss of the current period.
Where a relationship between a parent company and a subsidiary company is formed due to a
business combination, the parent company shall prepare accounting books for future reference,
which shall record the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
obtained from the subsidiary company on the acquisition date. When preparing consolidated
financial statements, it shall adjust the financial statements of the subsidiary company on the basis
of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the
acquisition date according to the Company’s accounting policy of “Consolidated financial
6. Basis of consolidation
(1) Scope of consolidation
Consolidated financial statements are included all subsidiaries of the parent.
(2) Increase or decrease of the subsidiaries
For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the same control,
when the consolidated balance sheet for the current period is being prepared, the beginning balances
in the consolidated balance sheet are made corresponding modification. For addition business
combination not under same control during the reporting period, the Company makes no adjustment
for the beginning balances in the consolidated balance sheet. When disposing subsidiary during the
reporting period, the Company makes no adjustment for the beginning balances in the consolidated
balance sheet. For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the
same control, when the consolidated income statement for the current period is being prepared, sales,
expense and profit for the period from the beginning of the consolidated period to the year end of
the reporting period are included in the consolidated income statement. For addition business
combination not under same control during the reporting period, revenue, expense and profit for the
period from acquisition date to the year end of the reporting period is included in the consolidated
income statement. When disposing subsidiary during the reporting period, sales, expense and profit
for the period from the beginning to the disposal date are included in the consolidated income
For any subsidiary acquired by the Company through business combination under the same control,
when the consolidated cash flow statement for the current period is being prepared, cash flow for
the period from the beginning of the consolidated period to the year end of the reporting period is
included in the consolidated cash flow statement. For addition business combination not under same
control during the reporting period, cash flow for the period from acquisition date to the year end of
the reporting period is included in the consolidated cash flow statement. When disposing subsidiary
during the reporting period, cash flow for the period from the beginning to the disposal date is
included in the consolidated cash flow statement.
(3)Principle of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of individual
subsidiaries which are included in the consolidation scope and prepared after adjustment of
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long-term equity investment under equity method and elimination effect of intra-group transaction.
(4) Minority interests
The portion of the equity of the subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is presented as
minority interest in the consolidated balance sheet. The portion of the profit or loss of the
subsidiaries that are not owned by the parent is presented as minority interest in the consolidated
income statement.
(5) Excess losses
The amount which losses of subsidiaries during the period exceeds the proportion of minority’s
obligation is offset minority interest as agreed in the subsidiaries’ association or agreement and
minorities have ability to bear the excess losses. Otherwise, the excess losses are offset equity of the
parent company. Profits made afterward by subsidiaries are attributable to equity of the parent
company before recovery of excess losses.

7. Joint venture arrangements classification and co-operation accounting treatment
A.Joint venture arrangements classification
Under the terms of the structure of the company, the legal form of the joint venture arrangements
agreed in the joint venture arrangements, other factors such as the relevant facts and circumstances,
the joint venture arrangements include co-operation and joint ventures.
The joint venture arrangement unreached by individual entity is divided into common business;
joint venture arrangement reached by individual entity usually classified as a joint venture; but there
is conclusive evidence that any of the following conditions are satisfied and the division of joint
venture arrangements in line with the relevant laws and regulations for the common business:
(1)The legal form of a joint venture arrangement shows that the joint venture party have rights and
bear obligations in respect of the relevant assets and liabilities.
(2)Contractual terms of the JV agreement arrangements agrees that the joint venture party have
rights and bear obligations in respect of the relevant assets and liabilities.
(3)Other relevant facts and circumstances indicate that the joint venture party have rights and bear
obligations in respect of the relevant assets and liabilities.
If joint venture parties enjoy almost all outputs associated with the joint venture arrangements, and
the settle of the liability arrangement continued reliance on joint venture the joint venture party
B. Accounting treatment of the joint operation
The Company confirms that the following items share a common interest in the business associated
with the Company, and audit in accordance with the provisions of the relevant enterprise accounting
(1)Confirm individual assets and common assets held based on shareholdings;
(2)Confirm individual liabilities and shared liabilities held based on shareholdings;
(3)Confirm the income from the sales revenue of co-operate business output
(4)Confirm the income from the sales of the co-operate business output based on shareholdings;
(5)Confirm the individual expenditure and co-operate business cost based on shareholdings.
The company co-operates to invest or sell assets (excluding the assets constituting the business),
before sold to third party, only confirm the part of transaction gains and losses that attributable to
other participants. Assets sold in accordance with "Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 8
Impairment of Assets" and other provisions, the Company confirmed all the loss.
The company co-operates to purchase assets (excluding the assets constituting the business), before
sold to third party, only confirm the part of transaction gains and losses that attributable to other
participants. Assets acquired in accordance with "Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 8
Impairment of Assets" and other provisions, the Company confirmed that part of loss based on
The Company is not entitled to jointly controlled, if the Company co-operate the relevant assets and
bear related liabilities, need accounting treatment based upon the above principles.
Otherwise, should be accounted in accordance with the relevant provisions of accounting standards.

8. The standard for recognizing cash equivalent when making cash flow statement
Cash equivalent means the highly liquid, very safe investment which can be easily converted into
cash, and the company can hold it for a very short time (3 months from the date of purchase).

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9. Method of foreign currency translation
When foreign currency translation occurs, the spot exchange rate on the date of translation (i.e., the
middle price of the intraday foreign exchange rate of RMB published by People’s Bank of China)
shall be converted into RMB for keeping accounts while the occurred foreign currency exchange or
the foreign exchange transactions shall be translated according to exchange rate adopted in actual
transactions. On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency
non-monetary items shall be treated in accordance with the following provisions:
The foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on balance sheet
date, of which happen during the normal business period shall be recorded into gains and losses at
the current period; of which happen during organization period shall be recorded into long-term
deferred expense. The exchange gains or losses caused by the borrowing belonging to acquiring
fixed assets shall be treated by the capitalization of borrowing costs.
Foreign currency non-monetary items shall be translated at spot rate on the date of transaction, not
changing the amount of functional currency.
The Company translates the financial statements of its foreign operation in accordance with the
following provisions: a) the asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a
spot exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date. Among the owner's equity items, except the ones
as "retained earnings", others shall be translated at the spot exchange rate ruling at the time when
they occurred;. b) The income and expense items in the income statements shall be translated with
approximate exchange rate of the sight rate on the transaction occurring date. The foreign exchange
difference arisen from the translation of foreign currency financial statements shall be presented
separately under the owner's equity in the balance sheet.

10. The recognition and measurement of financial instruments and the transfer of the
financial instruments
(1) Recognition of the financial assets
When an enterprise becomes a party to a financial instrument, it shall recognize a financial asset or
financial liability. Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the
recognition of it shall be terminated:
①Where the contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial assets are
②Where the said financial asset has been transferred and meets the conditions for recognizing the
termination of financial assets as provided for in Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.
23 – Transfer of Financial Assets. Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are
relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly.
(2) The classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
The financial assets or financial liabilities got or born by the Company are measured according to
the following classifications:
①The financial assets or financial liabilities which are measured at their fair value and the variation
of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period
The interest rate or cash dividend which was gained in the period when the financial assets held by
the Company are measured at its fair value and of which the variation is recorded into the profits
and losses in the current period shall be recognized as investment income. On balance sheet date,
the in change in the fair value of the financial asset or financial liability which is measured at its fair
value and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period; When the said financial assets of financial
liabilities are on disposal, the difference between the fair value and the amount in initial account
shall be recognized as investment income, meanwhile, the profits and losses arising from the change
in fair value shall be adjusted.
②The investments which will be held to their maturity
The investments which will be held to their maturity will regard the sum between the gained fair
value and the transaction expense thereof as the initially recognized amount. The interest on bonds
in payment, of which the mature interest is not drawn, shall be solely recognized as the receivables.
The interest revenue which is measured and recognized by the amortized cost and actual interest
rate during the period of the investments which will be held to their maturity shall be recorded into

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investment income. The actual interest rate which is recognized in the period of gaining the
investments which will be held to their maturity, shall maintain unchanged within the predicted term
of existence or within a shorter applicable term of the said investment which will be held to their
maturity. The little difference between actual interest rate and coupon rate of which interest revenue
can be measured at the coupon rate shall be recorded into the profits of losses in the current period.
When the investments which will be held to their maturity are on disposal, the difference between
the obtained price and investment book value shall be recorded into the profits and losses in the
current period.
③The accounts receivables
The creditor’s right receivable formed during the Company selling commodity outside or offering
labor shall be regarded as the initially recognize amount in according with the receivable price
stipulated in the contract or agreement signed between the Company and the buyers. When the
Company recovers or disposes the accounts receivable, the difference between the obtained price
and the book value of the accounts receivable shall be recorded into the profits and losses in the
current period.
④Financial assets available for sale
The financial assets available for sale will be regarded as the initial recognized amount in according
with the sum between the fair value obtained from the said financial assets and the transaction
expense thereof. The interest on bonds of which the mature interest rate is not drawn in the payment
or the cash dividend which is declared but not extended in the payment shall be solely recognized as
the receivables.
The interest rate or cash dividend gained during the period of holding the financial assets available
for sale shall be recorded into investment income. On balance sheet date, the financial assets shall
be measured through fair value, while the change in fair value is recorded into capital reserves
(other capital reserves).
When the financial assets are on disposal, the difference between the obtained price and the book
value of the financial assets shall be recorded into investment income, meanwhile, the amount on
proposal transferring out from the accumulated amount which is directly recorded into shareholders’
equity and arises from the variation of the fair value, shall be recorded into investment income.
⑤Other financial liabilities
Other financial liabilities are regarded as the initial recognized amount in accordance with the sum
between the fair value and the transaction expense thereof. The Company shall make subsequent
measurement on other financial liabilities on the basis of the post-amortization costs.
(3) Main recognition method for the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities
① the quotation in the active market shall be used to recognize the fair value of the financial assets
or financial liabilities existing in active market.
② If the financial instruments do not exist in the active market, the fair value shall be recognized by
value appraisal techniques.
③ as for the financial assets initially obtained of produced at source and the financial liabilities
assumed, the fair value thereof shall be determined on the basis of the transaction price of the
(4) Main impairment test method of the financial assets and impairment provision method
The recognition standard for impairment provision of the financial assets: the Company shall carry
out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial assets other than
those measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses
of the current period. Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has
been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made.
The withdrawal method for impairment provision of the financial assets: as for the impairment
provision of the financial assets is measured on the basis of post-amortization costs, if the current
value of the predicted future cash flow of the financial assets is below the difference in the carrying
amount of the said financial asset, the impairment provision of the financial assets shall be made; as
for the impairment provision of the financial assets available for sale, if the recoverable amount is
below the difference in the carrying amount, the impairment provision shall be made. Where a
sellable financial asset is impaired, even if the recognition of the financial asset has not been
terminated, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the owners’ equity

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which was directly included shall be transferred out and recorded into the profits and losses of the
current period.

11. Receivable accounts
(1) Recognition and providing of bad debt provision on individual receivable account with large
   Basis of recognition or standard
   amount of individual account        Top 5 of account receivables at year end
   with large amount
                                       Impairment test performed individually, bad debt provision will be
                                       provided at the difference of expected cash flow lower than the book
   Basis of bad debt provision
                                       value. Without bad debt provision needed provided through individually
                                       test, bad debt provision will be provided at age analysis method.

(2) Recognition and providing basis of bad debt reserves for group of receivable accounts with
similar characteristics of credit risks
①Basis of recognition and providing of bad debt provision
    Basis of recognition for groups

    Group of inner units               Accounts receivable due from subsidiaries included in consolidated scope

    Group by age analysis              With similar characteristics of credit risks

    Basis of bad debt provision

    Group of inner units               Individual identified method

    Group by age analysis              Age analysis method

②Age analysis
                                                               Provision     rates    for   Provision rates for
                                                               account receivables           other receivables
    Within 1 year, (included, same for the followings)                    5%                        5%
    1-2 years                                                            10%                       10%
    2-3 years                                                            30%                       30%
    3-4 years                                                            50%                       50%
    4-5 years                                                            80%                       80%
    Over 5 years                                                         100%                      100%

(3)Other minor amount
For the receivables which are not individually significant, and which individually significant but are
not provided provision individually, in accordance with credit risk characteristics, the method of
provision for bad debts is aging analysis method. The assessment is made collectively where
receivables share similar credit risk characteristics (including those having not been individually
assessed as impaired), based on their historical loss experiences, and adjusted by the observable
figures reflecting present economic conditions.

12. The classification, pricing and accounting methods for inventories; the recognition
standard and withdrawal method of the inventories falling price reserves
(1) Classification of the inventories: purchased materials, stocking materials, material cost
difference, entrusted processing materials, unfinished products, finished products, working on
project and etc.
(2) The inventory system is on the basis of perpetual inventory method.
(3) The inventories are priced by the historical cost method, so are the raw material and auxiliary
material, the sold material cost is carried over on the basis of first-in first-out method; the product
cost is accounted through standard cost method, the difference between the standard cost and
historical cost is undertaken by the cost of the finished goods in process, while the cost of sales is
carried over on the basis of weighted average method; low-value consumption goods will be
amortized once when drawn.
(4) As for the inventory write-down provided: each kind of inventories at the end of the report
period will be measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value, and a provision for inventory
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write-down will be established for any difference between the cost and the lower net realizable
value. The net realizable value refers to the value minus the predicted expense needed in the process
of completing the production and sales from the predicted price for sale and the taxes.

13. Classified as the assets held for sale
A. Recognition criteria for the classification of the assets held for sale
The company will recognize the combination parts of the enterprise (or non-current assets) which
simultaneously meet the following requirements, as the components of the assets held for sale.
(1) The components should be immediately sold under the current condition only according to the
usual terms of the parts sold.
(2) The enterprise has made resolution for the disposal of the components, the approval of
shareholders’ meeting or relevant authority agency if the shareholder’s approval is requested by the
(3) The enterprise has signed the irrevocable transfer agreement with the transferee.
(4) The transfer shall be completed within one year.
B. Accounting method for the classification of the assets held for sale
For the fixed assets held for sale, the company shall adjust the estimated net residual value of the
fixed assets in order to make it reflecting the amount after the disposal costs deducted from the fair
value, which doesn’t exceed the original book value of the fixed assets when the condition of
holding for sale is met. The impairment losses of the assets shall be regarded and recorded into the
current profits and losses if the original book value is more than the balance of the estimated net
residual value after adjusting. The fixed assets held for sale which not withdraw the depreciation or
amortization shall be measured according to the lesser one between the balances of the book value
or the fair value minus the disposal costs respectively.
The equity investment, intangible assets and other non-current assets held for sale shall be handled
as per above mentioned principles, but excluding the deferred income tax assets, the financial assets
regulated in ―Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.22 – Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments, the investment property and the biological assets measured by the fair value,
and the contractual right issued in the insurance contract.

14. Long-term equity investment
A. Investment cost confirmation
(1) For the long term equity investment from enterprise merger, the detailed accounting policy,
please refer to the accounting method of merger of enterprises under or not under the same
controller in Note IV / (V). While, the long term equity investment acquired through liability
reorganization is booked on the basis of fair value.
 (2) The long-term equity investments acquired by other ways
For the long-term equity investment acquired by the cash payment method, the purchase price of
actual payment as the initial investment cost, which includes costs, taxes and other necessary
expenses directly relevant to the long-term equity investment acquired.
For the long-term equity investment acquired by the issuance of the equity securities, the fair value
of the issuance of the equity securities as the initial investment cost. The transaction costs occurred
in the issuance or acquirement of own equity instruments can be deducted from the equity for those
that can be directly included in the equity transactions.
The non-monetary asset exchange for a commercial real income and assets or the fair value other
assets can be reliably measured, the initial investment cost should be determined according to
long-term equity investment exchanged through the non-monetary asset exchange, unless there is
evidence showing that for the fair value of assets is more reliable; the non-monetary asset exchange
which does not meet the above premises, the book value of the exchanged assets to and the relevant
fees and taxes to be paid should be the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment.
The initial investment cost of the long-term equity investments obtained through debt restructuring
should be determined in accordance with fair value.
B. Follow-up measurements & recognitions of profits or losses
(1) Cost method
The company can adopt the cost method to account the long-term equity investment controlled by
the invested party and follow the initial investment cost to calculate the price and add or take back
the investment and adjust the costs of long-term equity investment.
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Except for the price of actual payment in acquiring investment or the cash dividends or profits
declared but not issued yet included in the consideration, the company shall recognize the cash
dividends or profits delivered by the invested party as the current investment returns.
(2) The equity method
The company shall adopt the equity method to account the long-term equity investment of the joint
ventures and the cooperative enterprises, and use the measurement of the fair value and record the
changes into the profits and losses for the parts of the equity investment of the joint ventures
indirectly held by risk investment agency, mutual fund, trust company or other similar bodies
including the investment-link-insurance funds.
For the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is more than the balance of the
shares of the fair value of the identifiable net assets from the invested party in investment, the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment shouldn’t be adjusted. If less, recorded into the
current profits and losses.
The investment returns and other comprehensive incomes will be respectively recognized as per the
shares of the net profits and losses and other comprehensive returns realized by those shared and
undertaken invested parties after the company acquires the long-term equity investment, and the
book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted simultaneously. Also, the shared parts
shall be calculated according to the profits and cash dividends delivered by the invested party, and
the book value of long-term equity investment shall be reduced correspondingly. For other changes
in owner’s equity of the invested parity except for net profits and losses, other comprehensive
returns and profits distribution, the book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and
the owner’s equity should be recorded into.
The shared portions of the net profits and losses of the invested party shall be recognized by the
company after the net profits of the invested party are adjusted based on the fair value of the
identifiable assets from the invested party when acquiring the investment. Also, the profits and
losses of investment are recognized on the basis of the offset of the shared proportion for the
internal transaction profits and losses issued but not realized yet between the company and the joint
venture and the cooperation enterprises.
The following steps should be taken when the company confirms to share the losses of the invested
party: First, offset the book value of the long-term equity investment. Then, offset the book value of
the long-term receivables after recognize the investment losses based on the book value of
long-term equity of the net investment from the invested party if the book value of the long-term
equity investment is insufficient to offset. Last, recognize the estimated loads as per the estimated
liability undertaken and record into the current investment losses if additional liability is still needed
to undertake based on the provisions of investment contract or agreement after above-mentioned
For the profits realized by the invested party during the future period, the company shall handle
based on the opposite steps after deducting the unconfirmed losses undertaken, and resume the
recognized investment returns after reduce the confirmed book balance of estimated liabilities and
resume other book values of long-term rights and investments of the net investment from the
invested party.
C. Transformation of accounting method for the long-term equity investment
(1) The fair value measurement transformed to the equity method
For the equity investments originally held by the company and having non-control, joint control or
major impact on the invested party through the accounting treatment as per the confirmation of
financial instrument and the measurement criterion, which can have significant impact or haven’t
control on the invested party due to the additional investment, the sum of the fair value of the equity
investment originally held and the new investment costs based on the recognition of ―Accounting
Standards for Enterprises No.22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments‖ shall
be regarded as the initial investment costs accounted by the equity method.
If the equity investment held originally can be classified as the financial assets for sale, the
difference between the fair value and the book value, and the variation in the accumulative fair
value of other comprehensive returns recorded originally will be transferred into the current profits
and losses accounted by the equity method.
If the initial investment costs accounted by the equity method is less than the difference between the
portions of the fair value of the identifiable net assets shared from the invested party on the
additional investment date calculated and recognized as per the new shareholding proportion after
the additional investment, the book value of long-term equity investment should be adjusted and
which shall be recorded into the current nonbusiness incomes.
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(2) The fair value measurement or the equity method transformed to the cost method
For the equity investments originally held by the company and having non-control, joint control or
major impact on the invested party through the accounting treatment as per the confirmation of
financial instrument and the measurement criterion, or the long-term equity investments in the joint
ventures and the cooperative enterprises held originally, which can have control on the invested
party under non-common control due to the additional investment, the sum of the book value of the
equity investment originally held and the new investment costs in preparation of individual financial
statement shall be regarded as the initial investment costs accounted by the cost method.
Other comprehensive returns accounted and recognized for the equity investment held prior to the
purchase date by adopting the equity method, should be conducted the accounting treatment
according to the same basis of relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the invested party.
If the equity investment held before the purchase date is conducted the accounting treatment
according to the relevant provisions of ―Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.22 –
Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments‖, the variation in the accumulative fair
value of other comprehensive returns recorded originally shall be transferred to the current profits
and losses accounted by the cost method.
(3) The equity method transformed to the fair value measurement
If the company loses the joint control or major impact on the invested party due to disposal of part
of equity investments, the remaining equity after disposed should be accounted according
to ―Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22 – Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments‖, and the balance between the fair value and the book value shall be
recorded into the current profits and losses on the date of joint control or major impact lost.
Other comprehensive returns accounted and recognized for the original equity investment by
adopting the equity method, should be conducted the accounting treatment according to the same
basis of relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the invested party when stop to account by
the equity method.
(4) The cost method transforming to the equity method
If the company loses the control of the invested party due to disposal of part of equity investments,
and the remaining equity after disposed can have joint control or major impact on the invested party
in preparation of individual financial statement, the equity method shall be adopted to conduct
accounting and the remaining equity shall be regarded to use the equity method to account and
adjust when acquiring.
(5) The cost method transforming to the fair value measurement
If the company loses the control of the invested party due to disposal of part of equity investments,
and the remaining equity after disposed can’t have joint control or major impact on the invested
party in preparation of individual financial statement, the relevant provisions of ―Accounting
Standards for Enterprises No.22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments‖
should be followed to conduct the accounting treatment, and the balance between the fair value and
the book value shall be recorded into the current profits and losses on the date of control lost.
D. Disposal of the long-term equity investment
The difference between the book value and the price acquired actually in disposal of the long-term
equity investment should be recorded into the current profits and losses. The long-term equity
investment accounted by the equity method shall be conducted the accounting treatment of part of
other original comprehensive returns as per the corresponding proportion on the same basis of the
relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the invested party when the disposal of the
If the following one or multiply requirements are met for all transaction terms, conditions and
economic impact in disposal of the equity investment of subsidiary, the multiply transactions will be
regarded as the package deal to conduct the accounting treatment:
(1) These transactions are signed simultaneously or after the consideration of the influence each
(2) These transactions should be as a whole to achieve a complete business result.
(3) One transaction occurs depending on the issuance of at least other one transaction.
(4) It is uneconomic for one transaction, but economic with other transactions.
For the control on the original subsidiary lost due to disposal of part of the equity investment or
other reasons and the non-package deal, the relevant accounting treatment should be respectively
conducted for the individual financial statement and the consolidated financial statements:
(1) In the individual financial statement, the difference between the book value and the price
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acquired actually in disposal of the equity shall be recorded into the current profits and losses. If the
remaining equity after disposed can have joint control or major impact on the invested party, the
equity method shall be adopted to conduct accounting and the remaining equity shall be regarded to
use the equity method to account and adjust when acquiring. If the remaining equity after disposed
can’t have joint control or major impact on the invested party, the relevant provisions
of ―Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial
Instruments‖ should be followed to conduct the accounting treatment, and the balance between the
fair value and the book value shall be recorded into the current profits and losses on the date of
control lost.
(2) In the consolidated financial statements, for all the transactions before the control on subsidiary
lost, and the balance between the disposal price and the long-term equity investment respectively
minus the net assets from the purchase date or the combination date of subsidiary, the capital
reserves (stock premium) shall be adjusted, or the retained earnings shall be adjusted when the
capital reserves are insufficient. When the control on the subsidiary lost, the remaining equity
should be measured again according to the fair value on the control lost date. The difference of the
consideration acquired by the disposal of equity and the fair value of the surplus equity minus the
net assets portion of the original subsidiary calculated from the purchase date a per the original
stock proportion shall be recorded into the current investment income after the control lost and
offset the business reputation. Other comprehensive returns relevant to the original subsidiary shares
investment shall be transferred into the current investment returns when the control lost.
For the package deal for all the transactions in disposal of the equity investment till the control lost,
all the transactions will be conducted the accounting treatment as a deal to dispose and the relevant
accounting treatment should be respectively conducted for the individual financial statement and the
consolidated financial statements:
(1) In the individual financial statement, all the differences between the book value of the long-term
equity investment of the prices disposed and the equity disposed before the control lost shall be
recognized as other comprehensive incomes and recorded into the current profits and losses in the
control lost.
(2) In consolidated financial statement, all the differences between the net assets portions of
subsidiary of the prices disposed and the investment disposed before the control lost shall be
recognized as other comprehensive incomes and recorded into the current profits and losses in the
control lost.
E. Criteria of the judgment of joint control and significant impact
If the company controls an arrangement together with other parties according to the relevant
agreement, the activity decision-making with significant impact for the arrangement should be
achieved after the unanimous agreement gained from the control parties, which is regarded as the
joint control of one arrangement with other parties and the arrangement is belong to the cooperative
The cooperative arrangement achieved by the independent body which should be as the cooperative
enterprises and the equity method shall be adopted to account according to the relevant agreement to
judge when the company has rights to the net assets of the independent body. If hasn’t rights, the
independent body shall be as the joint operation, the company shall recognize the items related to
the benefit portions of joint operation and the accounting treatment should be conducted according
to the relevant provisions of accounting standards for enterprises.
The significant impact refers to the investor has rights to participate in decision-making for the
finance and operation policy of the invested party, but can’t control or jointly control the setup of
these policies with other parties. The company has made judgment of significant impact on the
invested party through the following one or multiply conditions and under comprehensive
consideration of all facts and status.
(1) There are representatives in the board of Directors or equivalent authorities of the invested party.
(2) Participate in the setup process of finance and operation policies of the invested party.
(3) There is major transactions occurred among the invested parties.
(4) Dispatch the management to the invested party.
(5) Offer the key technical data to the invested party.

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15. Investment real estates
The term Investment real estates refers to the real estates held for generating rentand/orcapital
appreciation, including the right to use any land which has already been rented, the right to use any
land which is held and prepared for transfer after appreciation & the right to use any building which
has already been rented.
The investment real estates are accounted by the cost, the purchased investment real estates include
the cost of the purchase price, related taxes and fees and other expenses which can be directly
attributable to the assets; the costs of investment real estate self constructed include the necessary
expenses to construct the asset to reach the predicted use state.
The Group adopts the cost method to conduct follow-up measurement on investment real estates are
accounted devaluations and amortized. The expected service life, net residual rate and value
depreciation rates of investment real estate are the same with fixed assets or intangible assets.
If the investment real estate is changed to self use, since the date of change, investment real estate
shall be converted into fixed assets or intangible assets. The function of self-use real estate is to earn
rent or capital appreciation, then since the date of change, the fixed assets or intangible assets shall
be converted into investment real estate. When the conversion happens, the book value before the
conversion will be the book value after the conversion.
When the investment real estate is disposed of, or permanently terminates its use and no economic
benefits are expected from its disposal, terminate the confirmation of the investment real estate.
Disposal income of investment property for sale, transfer, disposal of scrap or being destroyed is
charged to current profit or loss after deducting its book value and related taxes.

16. Fixed assets
(1) Confirmation conditions
Fixed assets refer to physical assets owned for purpose of production, service providing, leasing or
management, and operation with service life of more than one year. Fixed assets are recognized
when all of the following conditions are satisfied:a. Financial benefits attached to the fixed asset is
possibly inflowing to the Company; b. The cost of the fixed asset can be reliable measured.
(2)The initially measurement of fixed assets
The fixed assets of the company shall be initially measured by costs. Of which, the fixed assets
costs purchased include purchase price, import duties, other relevant taxes and other expenses that
make the fixed assets can be used. The costs of self-constructed fixed assets are the expenses arisen
from the construction of the assets reaching the expected use status. The fixed assets invested by the
investors shall be recorded into the accounting value according to the value agreed in the investment
contract or agreement, but the unfair value agreed in the contract or agreement shall be bookkept as
per the fair value. If the price for purchase of the fixed assets is beyond the usual credit term and
delay in payment, and there actually is financial, the cost of fixed assets shall be recognized based
on the present value of purchase price. The difference between the price paid actually and the
present value of purchase price shall be recorded into the current profits and losses within the credit
period except for the capitalization granted.
(3) The subsequent expenditure and disposal of fixed assets
a. Deprecation method of fixed assets
The fixed assets depreciation should be withdrawn within the expected service life according to the
recorded value minus the estimated net residual value. For the fixed assets after the impairment
provision withdrawn, the amount of depreciation shall be recognized according to the book value
after the impairment provision deducted and the usable service life in the future.
The company determines the service life and the estimated net residual value of the fixed assets
according to the nature and use of the fixed assets, reviews the service life, the estimated net
residual value and depreciation method of the fixed assets at the end of the year, and makes the
corresponding adjustment if it is different to the original estimated value.
Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate their cost to their residual
values over their estimated useful lives, as follows:
                                                                                     Expected residual   value
Fixed assets                   Estimated lifetime        Annual depreciation rates
Buildings                      20-40 years               2.25-4.85%                  3%、 5%、10%
Machinery and equipment        10-22 years               4.09-9.7%                   3%、 5%、10%
Motor vehicles                 4-15 year                 6-24.25%                    3%、 5%、10%
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Electric equipments            5 years                 18-19.4%                3%、 5%、10%
Other equipments               10-15 years             6-9.7%                  3%、 5%、10%
b. The subsequent expenditure of the fixed assets
The subsequent expenditure relevant to the fixed assets shall be recorded into the costs of the fixed
assets if the recognition requirements of the fixed assets are met. If not met, recorded into the
current profits and losses when occurring.
c. The disposal of the fixed assets
The fixed assets shall be derecognized when the assets are disposed and can be used or there is no
economic benefit from the disposal. The amount of the book value and the relevant taxes deducted
from the disposal incomes of the fixed assets sold, transferred, scraped or damaged.
(4) Cognizance evidence and pricing method of financial leasing fixed assets
The fixed assets acquired by the company in line with the following one or several criteria shall be
recognized as the fixed assets acquired under finance leases: (1) at the expiration of the lease, the
ownership of the leased assets shall be transferred to the company. (2) the company has the option
to purchase the leased assets, the purchase price is expected be far lower than the fair value of the
leased assets under the implementation of option right, so that it can be reasonably determined that
the company shall exercise the option on the acquisition date. (3) the lease term is the majority for
the leased assets even if the ownership no transferred. (4) the present value of the minimum lease
payments of the company almost is equal to the fair value of the leased assets on the acquisition
date. (5) For the special nature of the leased assets, only the company can use if no major
modification made.
For the fixed assets acquired under finance leases, the company takes less of the fair value of the
leased asset on the acquisition date and the present value of the minimum lease payments as
recorded value. Also, the minimum lease payments are accounted as the recorded value for the
long-term payables, and the difference are as the unconfirmed financing fees. The initial direct
expenses, such as commission charge, attorney fees, travel expenses and stamp duty attributable to
the lease item occurred in the process of the lease negotiation and the signature of lease contract,
shall be recorded into the leased assets value. The unrecognized financing charges in each period
during the lease term are amortized by effective interest method.
The company adopts the depreciation policy in line with its own fixed assets to count and draw the
depreciation of fixed assets acquired under finance leases. If the ownership of lease assets acquired
at the expiration of lease can be reasonably confirmed, the depreciation will be recognized in the use
life of lease assets. If can’t be confirmed, the shorter period between the lease term and the use life
of lease assets will be recognized as the depreciation.

17. Construction-in-progress
(1) Categories of projects under construction
The company shall measure the self-constructed constructions in progress at the actual cost, which
comprises those expenditures necessarily incurred for bringing the asset to working condition for its
intended use, including materials costs, labor costs, relevant taxes paid, capitalized loans, indirect
expense for apportion, etc.. The constructions in progress of the company should be accounted by
the project classification.
(2)Standard and timing for transferring of projects under construction to fixed assets
All the expenditures that bring the construction in process to the expected condition for use shall be
the credit value of the fixed asset. If the fixed asset construction in process has already reached the
expected condition for use, but hasn’t been made the final account; it shall be carried forward to a
fixed asset according to its estimated value based on the budget, cost or actual cost of the
construction starting from the date when it reaches the expected condition for use, and the fixed
asset shall be depreciated according to the company’s depreciation policy for fixed assets. After the
final account has been made, the original provisional estimated value shall be adjusted according to
the actual cost, but the depreciation which has originally been counted & drawn shall not be

18.   Loan expenses
(1)Recognition principles for capitalizing of loan expenses
Borrowing expenses occurred to the Company that can be accounted as purchasing or production of
asset satisfying the conditions of capitalizing, are capitalized and accounted as cost of related asset.
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Other borrowing expenses are recognized as expenses according to the occurred amount, and
accounted into gain/loss of current term.
The assets meeting capital conditions refer to the fixed assets, investment real estates and
inventories which are constructed or produced in a long time to reach the predicted use or sale state.
When a loan expense satisfies all of the following conditions, it is capitalized: a. Expenditures on
assets have taken place, asset expenditures include the assets used to construct or produce the assets
which meet the capitalization conditions, and expend by cash or transferring non-cash assets or
bearing interest debt; b. Loan costs have taken place; c. The construction or production activities to
make assets to reach the intended use or sale of state have begun.
(2) Duration of capitalization of Loan costs
The capitalization period refers to the period from starting capitalization of loan costs to the stop of
capitalization, the period of the break of capitalization of Loan costs is not included.
When the construction or production meets the intended use or sale of state of capitalization
conditions, the Loan costs should stop capitalization. When the construction or production meets the
conditions of capitalization and can be used individually, the capitalization of the loan costs of the
assets should be stopped.
Where each part of a asset under acquisition and construction or production is completed separately
and is ready for use or sale during the continuing construction of other parts, but it can not be used
or sold until the asset is entirely completed, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased
when the asset is completed entirely.
(3) Capitalization Suspension Period
Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally
and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs
shall be suspended. If the interruption is a necessary step for making the qualified asset under
acquisition and construction or production ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of
the borrowing costs shall continue. The borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be
recorded into the profits & losses at the current period, till the acquisition and construction or
production of the asset restarts.
(4)Calculation of the amount of capitalization of Loan costs
Interest expense due to specialized Loan and its auxiliary expenses shall be capitalized before the
asset which satisfies the capitalizing conditions reaches its useable or saleable status.
Interest amount of common Loan to be capitalized equals to accumulated asset expense less
weighted average of specialized loan part of asset expense multiplies capitalizing rate of common
Loan occupied. Capitalizing rate is determined according to weighted average interest of common
If the Loan has discount or premium, the discount or premium amount should be determined
according to actual interests in each accounting period. The interest amount should be adjusted in
each period.

19.Intangible assets and R&D expenses
The intangible assets refer to the identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance owned
or controlled by the company, including software, land use rights, knowhow and etc.
(1)The initial measurement of intangible assets
The cost of the purchased intangible assets includes its buying price, relevant tax and the othe
expenses that are directly attributed to this assets meeting its predetermined objective and other
expenses that occur. The buying price of intangible assets is over the deferred payment under
normal credit conditions, which has the nature of financing materially, the cost of intangible assets
is determined on the basis of the present value of its buying price.
We acquire the mortgaged intangible assets from debtors through debt restructuring and determine
the entry value on the basis of the fair value of the intangible assets,we have the balance between
the book value of debt restructuring and the fair value of intangible assets used for mortgage
charged to the current profit and loss.
The entry value of the non-monetary assets exchanged into by the non-monetary assets are
determined on the basis of the fair value of the assets exchanged out if the exchange of
non-monetary assets has commercial nature and the assets exchanged into or out can be reliably
measured, unless there is authentic evidence indicating that the fair value of assets exchanged into
are more reliable; if the non-monetary assets that cannot meet the above prerequisite use the book
value of the assets exchanged out and relevant taxes payable as the cost of the non-monetary assets,
the profit and loss is not confirmed.
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The entry value of the intangible assets acquired by the absorption merger under the control of one
company is determined by the book value of the merged party; the entry value of the intangible
assets acquired by the absorption merger that is not under the control of one company is determined
by the fair value.
The cost of the intangible assets developed internally includes the materials consumed in developing
the assets, cost of service, registration fees, other patent used in developing, amortization of
concession and interest charges meeting the capitalization conditions and othe direct costs that occur
before the intangible assets meeting the predetermined objective.
(2)Subsequent measurement
The Company acquired intangible assets at the time of analysis to determine its life, is divided into a
finite useful life and intangible assets with indefinite useful life.
a. The intangible assets that have limited serviceable life are amortized by the straight-line method
during the period when the assets can bring about economic interests. The details are as follow:
Items                            Useful life                 Judging by
Land use rights                  50 years                    Purchase contract
Software                         5-10 years                  Predicted useful life

b. Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be amortized. However, the Company shall
check the service life of intangible assets with uncertain service life during each accounting period.
Where there are evidences to prove the intangible assets have limited service life, it shall be
estimated of its service life, and be amortized according to the above method.
(3) The specific standards of the classification of research and development stages of internal R&D
projects of the company
Research stage: the stage of the creative and planned investigation and research activities that is to
acquire and understand new scientific or technological knowledge.
Development stage: the stage that the research achievement or other knowledge are applied in some
plans or designs for the production of newly or substantially improved materials, devices, products
and other activities before the commercial production or usage.
The expenditure of internal research and development projects in the research stage shall be
recorded into the current profits and losses when occurring.
(4) The special standards of the conformation of capitalization for the expenditure in development
The expenditures of internal research and development projects in the development stage shall be
recognized as the intangible assets when the following requirements are simultaneously met:
a. Complete the intangible assets to make it usable or for sale and have the technical feasibility.
b. Have the intention to complete the intangible assets for using or sales.
c. The mode for the economic interest produced by the intangible assets includes the evidence of
there being the market for the products produced by the intangible assets or for the intangible assets
by self, and the usefulness for the assets used internal.
d. There are sufficient technical, financial resources and other resources for support to complete the
development of the intangible assets and there is ability to use or sell the intangible assets.
e. The expenditure belong to the intangible assets in the development stage can be reliably
The expenditure in the development stage but above-mentioned requirements not met, shall be
recorded into the current profits and losses when occurring. The development expenses recorded
into the profits and losses during previous period shall not be recognized again in the future period.
The capitalized expenses in the development stage are shown as the development costs on the
balance sheet, and shall be transferred to the intangible assets from the date that the project reaching
to the intended use.

20. Impairment of long-term assets
(1) At the end of accounting period, the Company shall check the long-term assets. There may be an
impairment of assets when the following signs occur. The recoverable amount shall be estimated
and the asset impairment loss shall be made in light of the difference that the recoverable amount of
assets is less than the book value when the impairment happens. The signs are stated as follows:
① The current market price of assets falls, and its decrease is obviously higher than the expected
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drop over time or due to the normal use;
②The economic, technological or legal environment in which the enterprise operates, or the market
where the assets is situated will have any significant change in the current period or in the near
future, which will cause adverse impact on the enterprise;
③The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current period,
and thus the discount rate of the enterprise for calculating the expected future cash flow of the assets
will be affected, which will result in great decline of the recoverable amount of the assets;
④Any evidence shows that the assets have become obsolete or have been damaged substantially;
⑤ The assets have been or will be left unused, or terminated for use, of disposed ahead of schedule;
⑥ Any evidence in the internal report of the enterprise shows that the economic performance of the
assets has been or will be lower than the expected performance, for example, the net cash flow
created by assets or the operating profit (or loss) realized is lower (higher) than the expected
⑦Other evidence indicates that the impairment of assets has probably occurred.
(2) The evidences to withdraw the impairment provision of long-term investment, fixed assets,
construction in process and intangible asset: at the end of the report period, the Company will
withdraw the asset impairment provision according to the difference that the recoverable amount of
single asset is less than the book value. The recoverable value shall be recognized according to the
high one between the net amount of fair value deducting disposal charge and the current value of the
expected future cash flow of assets. If the recoverable amount of the single asset cannot be obtained,
the recoverable amount shall be recognized on the basis of the asset group to which the asset
(3) The business reputation formed by merger of enterprises shall be distributed into the related
asset group at the end of every year, then the asset group shall have the impairment test to measure
the recoverable amount, comparing to the book value, if the recoverable amount of the asset group
is less than the book amount, the difference shall first charge against the book value of the business
reputation which is apportioned to the asset group; if the book value of the business reputation is not
enough to charge against the difference, the uncharged balance shall be distributed by the other
assets of the asset group in accordance with the book value.
(4) The recognition of the asset group under impairment test: the related minimum of asset groups
that can share the synergetic benefit brought from merger through the prediction of the Company.
(5) The above impairment losses of assets cannot be reversed as soon as they are recognized.

21. Long-term amortizable expenses
The long-term amortizable expense refers to all the expenses that occurred and undertaken in the
current period or with the amortization limit of more than 1 year for the company. The long-term
amortizable expense shall be amortized within the benefit period according to the direct method.
The details are as follow:

                     Items                      Amortized years                      Notes
   Rental expenses                                  30 years
   Decoration expenses and etc.                     3 years

22. Payroll
The payroll means that the enterprise gives various remunerations for obtaining services providing
by the employees or other relevant expenses. It includes the short-term compensation, the welfare
after demission, the demission welfare and the welfare of the long-term employees.
(1)The short-term compensation
Employee compensation refers to the reward or compensation of various modes provided by the
Company which wants to receive the service offering by the employees or to execute the release of
the labor relationship. The employee compensation including the short-term salary, departure
benefits, demission benefits and other long-term employee benefits.
The short-term compensation actually happened during the accounting period when the active staff
offering the
service for the Company should be recognized as liabilities and is included in the current gains

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and losses or relevant assets cost.
(2)The welfare after demission
The Company divides the departure benefits plan into defined contribution plans and defined benefit
plans. Benefits plan of after demission refer to the agreement between the Company and employees
on the departure benefits, or the regulations or methods formulated by the Company for providing
welfares after demission for the employees. Of which, defined contribution plans refers to the
departure benefits plan that the Company no more undertake the further payment obligations after
the payment and deposit of the fixed expenses for the independent funds; defined benefit plans
refers to the departure benefits plan except for the defined contribution plans.
A. Defined contribution plans
During the accounting period when providing the service for the employees, the Company will
recognize the deposited amount as the liabilities which measured by defined contribution plans and
include in the current gains and losses or the relevant assets cost.
B. Defined benefit plans
Other long-term employee benefits the Company had not executed the defined contribution plans or
met with the conditions of defined benefit plans.
(3)The demission welfare
When the Company is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor
relationship or the layoff proposal, or when recognizing the costs or expenses related to the
reorganization of paying the demission welfare, should recognize the payroll liabilities from the
demission welfare and include in the current gains and losses.
(4)The welfare of the long-term employees
The Company provides the other long-term employee benefit for the employees, and for those met
with the defined contribution plans, should be disposed according to the above accounting polices of
the defined contribution plans; the others except for the former, should be recognized according to
above accounting polices of the defined benefit plans and measure the net liabilities or net assets of
other long-term employee benefits.

23. Measurement method of estimated debts
(1) Recognition of estimated liabilities
a. The obligation pertinent to contingencies shall be recognized as estimated debts when the
following conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;
b. It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance
of the obligation;
c. The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.
The Company shall check the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. If there is
any exact evidence indicating that the book value cannot really reflect the current best estimate, the
Company will adjust the book value in accordance with the current best estimate.
(2) Accounting of estimated liabilities
Estimated liabilities shall be conducted initial measurement according to the best estimates of
related existing liabilities, when the company recognizes the optimum estimation, it shall be in
overall consideration of risks, uncertainty and time value of currency and other factors related to
contingent matters. When the influence of time value of money is significant, the optimum
estimates shall be determined by discounting relevant future cash outflow
The optimum estimates are conducted as follows:
If there is a continuous range (or area) for the necessary expenses and the same result possibility
within the range, the optimum estimate is recognized according to the middle value, namely the
average of upper limit and lower limit of amount within the range.
If there no exits a continuous range (or area) for the necessary expenses or the different result
possibility within the range even if there is a continuous range, and if there are contingent matters
related to individual item, the optimum estimate is recognized according to the amount that has
most possibility to occur. If there are contingent matters involving multiple items, the optimum
estimate is counted and confirmed as per all the possible results and associated probabilities.
It can be recognized separately as assets when estimated liabilities are paid by the company but can
be fully or partly compensated by a third party and the compensation mostly sure can be received,
which does not exceed the book value of estimated liabilities.

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24. Share-based compensation
(1)Share-based compensation types
Share-based compensation divides into equity settlement and cash settlement.
(2) Determining methods for fair value of equity instruments
The fair value of equity instruments such as options granted and existing in the active market can be
determined by reference to the quotations in the active market. Otherwise, it is determined by option
pricing model, which should take into account the following factors: a. exercise prices of options;b.
validity of options; c. current prices of underlying shares; d. estimated volatility of share prices; e.
estimated dividends; f. risk-free interest rate of options within validity.
When determining the equity instruments fair value of the granted date, the company considers the
impact of the market conditions and non-vesting conditions as specified in Share-based
compensation agreements. If there are non-vesting conditions and employees or any other parties
satisfy all non-market vesting conditions (for example, service period), Share-based compensation
can be recognized as costs and expenses for received services.
(3)Basis of best exercisable equity instruments estimate
Every balance sheet day during the vesting period, the company makes best estimate according to
the most updated number of employees that are eligible to exercise their options and adjusts the
quantity of exercisable equity instruments. On vesting dates, the final estimated quantity of
exercisable equity instruments is consistent with the actual exercisable quantity.
(4)Accounting treatment for implementation, amendment and termination of share-based
Share-based compensation by equity settlement is calculated according to the fair value of granted
equity instruments. The Company can count it in costs and expenses by reference to the fair value of
the granted date and increase capital reserve accordingly if it can be exercised immediately after
being granted. If it cannot be exercised till services or performance meets the conditions during the
vesting period, then on every balance sheet date during the vesting period, received services can be
counted in related costs or expenses and capital reserve by reference to best estimates of exercisable
equity instruments quantity and its fair value of the granted date. No adjustments will be made on
already recognized costs or expenses and ownership equity after vesting dates.
For share-based compensation by cash settlement, the fair value is measured by reference to that of
the liabilities determined based the shares or other equity instruments the company undertakes. The
company can count it as costs and expenses by reference to the fair value of the granted date and
increase liabilities accordingly if it can be exercised immediately after being granted. If it cannot be
exercised till services or performance meets the conditions during the vesting period, then on every
balance sheet date during the vesting period, received services can be counted in related costs or
expenses and liabilities by reference to best estimates of exercisable equity instruments quantity and
the fair value of the liabilities the company undertakes. On every balance sheet date and settlement
date before the related liabilities are cleared, the fair value is re-calculated and the changes are
counted in current profit and loss.
(5) Equity instruments changes and accounting treatment
If the granted equity instruments are cancelled during the vesting period, the company treats it as
accelerated vesting and counts in current profit and loss the amounts that should be recognized
during the rest vesting period and recognizes capital reserve accordingly at the same time. If
employees or other parties can choose but fail to satisfy non-vesting conditions during the vesting
period, the Company sees this as cancellation of granted equity instruments.

25. Revenue recognition
(1) The recognition of the revenue from selling goods: the revenue from selling shall be recognized
by the following conditions: The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been
transferred to the buyer by the Company; the Company retains neither continuous management right
that usually keeps relation with the ownership nor effective control over the sold goods; the relevant
amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; the relevant revenue and costs of selling
goods can be measured in a reliable way.
(2) Giving of asset using rights: Income from giving of assets is recognized when satisfying
requirements: related economic benefit flows in very possibly, income can be measured reliably.
1) Amount of interest income is calculated according to the time and actual interest rate of the
monetary capital is used by other party.
2) Income of using fee is calculated upon the charge period and calculation provided by the related
contract or agreement.
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(3) Labor revenues
When the results of the transaction of the company could be reliable estimated (that is the total
revenues and the total costs of labor service could be reliable measured and the completion degree
of the labor service could be reliable with the relevant price accounts could flow in), the company
would recognized the realization of the revenues on the settlement date according to the completion
percentage method. When the results of the transaction of the company could not be reliable
estimated, the company should recognized the revenues on the settlement date acc company ording
to the labor service cost amount which had occurred and be estimated that could be compensated
and include the happened cost in the current gains and losses.
(4)Construction contracts
When the result of the construction contract is able to be evaluated reliably at the balance sheet date,
the income and cost of the contract are recognized on completion percentage basis.
If the result of the construction contract is not able to be evaluated reliably, but the contract cost
maybe recovered, the income is recognized at the cost actually recovered, and the cost of the
contract is recognized as contract expenses of the current period when it is occurred.
1) Contract progress is recognized at the ratio of accumulative actual cost on the predicted complete
2) In case the expected total cost is greater than the total income, the expected loss will be
recognized as expense of the current period. If the construction is in process, the balance is
accounted as inventory impairment provision; if the contract is not executed, the balance is
accounted as expected liability.
  (5) Assets transfers with buy-back conditions
If the company signs buy-back agreement with the purchase party when selling products or
transferring other assets, it should make a judgment whether the product sale satisfies revenue
recognition conditions. As buy-back after sale is financing transaction, the company does not
recognize sales revenue when delivering products or assets. During buy-back, interests are put aside
and counted in financial expenses based on the differences between buy-back and sales prices.

26. Calculation method of government grants
The government grants related to the proceeds, if those used for compensating the relevant future
expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall, during the
period when the relevant expenses are recognized, recorded in the current profits and losses; or if
those used for compensating the relevant expenses or losses that have been incurred to the enterprise
shall be directly recorded in the current profits and losses.
The government grants related to the assets shall be recognized as deferred income and shall be
distributed averagely in the related asset using period, then counted into current loss and interest.
However, government subsidiary according to nominated amount shall be counted into current loss
and interest directly.

27. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liability
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are calculated and recognized according to the differences
(temporary differences) between the taxation base of assets and liabilities and the book value. As at
balance sheet dates, both are calculated at applicable tax rates during the period it is anticipated to
take the assets back or clear the liabilities.
(1) References for confirmation of deferred income tax assets
  The Company recognizes the deferred tax income assets arising from deductible temporary
differences to the limit of the deductible losses and taxable income that it probably would achieve to
reduce deductible temporary differences and carry forward. However, it does not recognize those
arising from the initial measurements of assets or liabilities in the following transactions.
a.Transactions are not business merge; b. It neither affects the accounting profit nor taxable income
or deductible losses while transactions being made.
For the deductible temporary differences related to the investments by associated enterprises, which
meet the following conditions, deferred tax assets should be recognized accordingly: the temporary
differences are probable to revert in the foreseeable future and it is very likely to achieve taxable
income to deduct such differences.
(2)The confirmation basis of deferred income tax liabilities
The Company recognizes the payable but not paid yet taxable temporary differences of current or
prior periods as deferred tax liabilities, which exclude the following:
                                             Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

a. The temporary differences that are formed at initial measurement of goodwill;
b. Non-business merge transactions or events that neither affect accounting profits nor the
temporary differences arising from taxable income (or deductible losses);
c. The taxable temporary differences related to the investments by the subsidiaries and associated
enterprises, which can revert in a controllable timing but will not revert in the foreseeable future.

(1) Accounting of operational leasing
a. The leasing fees paid for the leased assets by the company shall be recorded as the current
expense according to the straight-line method in the whole lease term not excluding the rent free
period. The initially direct expense related to the lease transactions paid by the company shall be
recognized as the current expense.
When the assets lessor has assumed the lease-related expenses which should be borne by the
company, the company shall deduct these expenses from the total amount of rent, amortize in the
lease term according to the rents after deducted and record as the current expenses.
b. The leasing fees received for the leased assets by the company shall be recognized as the lease
income according to the straight-line method in the whole lease term not excluding the rent free
period. The initially direct expense related to the lease transactions paid by the company shall be
recognized as the current expense. For a large of amount, it will be capitalized and recorded as the
current revenue based on the same confirmation of lease income during the whole lease period.
When the company has assumed the lease-related expenses which should be borne by the lessee, the
company shall deduct these expenses from the total amount of rent and amortize in the lease term
according to the rents after deducted.
(2) Accounting Method for Financing Leases
a. The assets acquired under financing leases: the lower value between the fair value of leased assets
and the present value of the minimum lease payments is recognized as the recorded value, the
minimum lease payments are recognized as the recorded value of long-term payables, and the
difference is recognized as unrecognized finance expense at the inception of the lease.
The company shall adopt the effective interest method to amortize and record as the financial costs
during the assets lease term.
b. Finance leased assets: the company inception of the lease, the finance lease receivables, the
difference between the present value and the residual value of its unsecured recognized as
unrealized financing income recognized in the respective period of future lease rental income
received, initial direct costs related to the transaction with the rental companies, and included in the
initial measurement of the finance lease receivable and reduce the amount of revenue recognized
over the lease term.

29. Changes in significant accounting policies and estimates
(1) Change of main accounting policies
Not applicable.
(2) Change of main accounting estimations
Not applicable.

1. Value added tax (‘VAT’)
The Group is subject to VAT, which is a tax charged on top of the selling price at a general rate of
17% or 13% or 6% depending on different kinds of products. An input credit is available whereby
VAT previously paid on purchases of raw materials and semi-finished products can be used to offset
the VAT on sales to determine the net VAT payable.
2. The business tax rate is 5% or 3% of revenue.
3. Urban maintenance and construction tax is 7% of turnover tax payable.
4. Education surtax is 3% of turnover tax payable.
5. Local education surtax is 2% of turnover tax payable.
6. Income tax

                                                  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

(1)The parent company’s income tax was measured at 15%.
(2)Income tax of subsidiaries and associates
Taxation on profit of subsidiaries and associates is calculated at the applicable rates in accordance
with the relevant tax regulations. Certain subsidiaries and associates enjoy preferential income tax
policies with approvals from tax authorities. The applicable income tax rates of major subsidiaries
and associates are as follows:
                                                                  Relationship with      Applicable income
                        Names of the entities                         the Company         tax rate in 2015
 Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Installation Co., Ltd.               Subsidiary                    25%

 Dalian Binshan Group Sales Co., Ltd.,                                    Subsidiary                    25%

 Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co. Ltd.                                Subsidiary                    25%

 Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.              Subsidiary                    25%

 Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning Equipment Co. Ltd.                      Subsidiary                    25%

 Dalian Bingshan Guardian Automation Co., Ltd.                            Subsidiary                    25%

 Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd.                       Subsidiary                    15%

The parent company was affirmed to be hi-tech enterprise by Dalian Municipal Bureau of Science
and Technology, Dalian Municipal Bureau of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation Dalian
Municipal Office and Dalian Local Taxation Bureau, and WNWRI was affirmed to
be hi-tech enterprise by Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology, Wuhan Municipal
Bureau of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation Wuhan Municipal Office and Wuhan Local
Taxation Bureau. Their applicable income tax rates were 15% for 2015.

VII. Notes to the consolidated financial statements
1. Monetary fund

                    Items                               30-06-2015                         31-12-2014
                Cash on hand                                         61,557.65                          67,783.07
                Cash in bank                                  330,029,689.29                       457,395,413.41

            Other monetary fund                                34,920,526.90                        51,048,269.54

                    Total                                     365,011,773.84                       508,511,466.02

The restrained amount of monetary fund is shown as below.

                               Items                                 30-06-2015                 31-12-2014
Deposit for bank acceptances                                             30,005,360.47              46,780,736.99

Deposit for letter of credit                                                                         2,860,552.55

Deposit for letter of guarantee                                           4,915,166.43               1,406,980.00

Cash in bank for warrant
                               Total                                     34,920,526.90              51,048,269.54

                                                       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

        2. Notes receivable

                              Items                          30-06-2015                           31-12-2014
        Bank acceptance                                             28,510,188.32                             4,111,157.06
        Trade acceptance                                            20,269,947.99                            10,744,800.64
                              Total                                 48,780,136.31                            14,855,957.70

        (1) There is no pledged notes receivable at the end of the reporting period.
        (2) The notes receivable endorsed but not matured at the end of the reporting period.

                      Items               The derecognization amount                    Not derecognization amount

        Bank acceptance                                      109,953,542.84

                      Total                                  109,953,542.84

        (3) The reason of the ending balance of notes receivable decreased 228.35% compared with the
        beginning balance was the notes payment increased.

        3. Accounts receivable
        (1) Classification


             Categories                          Balance                      Provision for doubtful debts
                                                                                                                     Book value
                                        Amount             Proportion          Amount           Proportion

Bad debt provided on group
                                      680,938,857.71          100.00%      114,228,837.40            16.78%       566,710,020.31

                Total                 680,938,857.71          100.00%      114,228,837.40            16.78%       566,710,020.31



             Categories                          Balance                      Provision for doubtful debts
                                                                                                                     Book value
                                        Amount             Proportion          Amount           Proportion

Bad debt provided on group
                                      555,119,550.49          100.00%      116,238,720.37            20.94%       438,880,830.12

                Total                 555,119,550.49          100.00%      116,238,720.37            20.94%       438,880,830.12

        Accounts receivable which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group

         Account      ages
                                      Amount                  Provision for bad debts             Proportion rates
          Within 1 year                  448,748,434.71                  22,437,421.71                               5.00%
           1 to 2 years                   99,762,970.06                   9,976,297.01                            10.00%
           2 to 3 years                   49,338,636.27                  14,801,590.88                            30.00%
           3 to 4 years                   26,581,381.60                  13,290,690.80                            50.00%
           4 to 5 years                   13,922,990.37                  11,138,392.30                            80.00%
          Over 5 years                    42,584,444.70                  42,584,444.70                           100.00%
              Total                      680,938,857.71                 114,228,837.40

                                                   Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

(2) Provision for bad debts accrued, regain or switch back in the period
In the current period, RMB 1,923,170.15were accrued provision for bad debts, and RMB 61,453.00
were regained.
Receivable accounts written off before but regained during the current period:

                       Companies                            Received amount        Regained form          Notes
Shandong Qi Long Chemical Co., Ltd.                                 38,000.00       Bank deposits
Linan Fengye food Co., Ltd.                                         23,453.00       Bank deposits
                         Total                                      61,453.00

(3) Accounts receivable being written-off during the current period

                         Items                                                  Written off amount
                       38 Clients                                                 3,994,506.12

The reasons of accounts receivable being written-off include termination of operation and
disability of payment, winning lawsuits but not finding executable assets, small balance being not
collected for long time, and disagreement rework charges etc, and the accounts receivable being
written-off during the current period was permitted by the board of directors.
 (4) Top 5 on amount of accounts receivable
                                                                                    Proportion       Provision for bad
                       Companies                                 Amount
                                                                                       (%)                 debts
Dalian Xinghai Bay Development and Construction
Management Centre                                                                          3.38           11,831,693.00
Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration Equipment
Co., Ltd.                                                                                  3.08            1,048,918.35
Dalian Zhongyi Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                19,200,000.00              2.82              960,000.00

FAW Car Co., Ltd.                                                                          1.21
                                                                 8,241,529.00                                412,076.45
Xu Zhou Yu Run Agricultural Products global
                                                                 8,200,000.00              1.20              410,000.00
purchasing Co. Ltd.

                         Total                                  79,642,589.08             11.69           14,662,687.80

4. Advances to suppliers
(1) The aging of advances to suppliers

                                          30-06-2015                                       31-12-2014
   Account      ages
                                 Amount                Proportion                Amount                 Proportion
Within 1 year                    42,504,696.71                 99.82%             18,897,672.41                   99.18%
1 to 2 years                        20,507.00                  0.05%                 121,597.34                   0.64%
2 to 3 years                        28,265.00                  0.07%                    6,000.00                  0.03%
3 to 4 years                        28,000.00                  0.06%                  28,000.00                   0.15%
        Total                    42,581,468.71            --                      19,053,269.75             --
The ending balance of account paid in advance increased 123.49% over that of period-begin, mainly
because the amount for procurement paid in advance increased.

                                                              Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

      (2)Top 5 on amount of advances to suppliers
                               Companies                                     Amount                         Ages            Reasons
                                                                                                                        Prepayment for
      Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co. , Ltd.                      5,921,284.85          13.91      2015
      Dalian construction engineering labor insurance                                                                   Prepayment for
                                                                            4,442,808.00          10.43      2015
      management office finance payment account                                                                              goods
                                                                                                                        Prepayment for
      Hei Longjiang Da Zhou Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.               2,657,300.00           6.24      2015
                                                                                                                        Prepayment for
      Dalian Yida construction engineering Co., Ltd.                        2,031,335.00           4.77      2015
      State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co., Ltd. Dalian                                                               Prepayment for
                                                                            1,897,529.19           4.46      2015
      Power Supply Company                                                                                                   goods

                                   Total                                   16,950,257.04          39.81

      5. Interest receivable

                     Items                                     30-06-2015                                 31-12-2014
            Interest on Term Deposits                                       2,491,608.34                             4,998,982.40
                      Total                                                 2,491,608.34                             4,998,982.40
      The ending balance of interest receivable decreased 50.16% over that of period-begin, mainly
      because the basis of deposit reduce, then the undue interest income declined

      6. Dividends receivable

                              Names                                      30-06-2015                       31-12-2014

      Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co. , Ltd.                               5,200,000.00

      Panasonic Cold-Chain (Dalian) Co. , Ltd.                              34,000,000.00

                              Total                                         39,200,000.00
       The ending balance of dividend receivable increased larger over that of period-begin, mainly due
      to the undue dividend receivable increased.

      7. Other accounts receivable
      (1) Classification


             Items                                  Balance                     Provision for doubtful debts
                                                                                                                     Book value
                                           Amount             Proportion         Amount          Proportion

Bad debt provided on group basis       45,706,963.73             100.00%       5,518,203.32           12.07%        40,188,760.41

             Total                     45,706,963.73             100.00%       5,518,203.32           12.07%        40,188,760.41

                                                                 Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report


             Items                                     Balance                     Provision for doubtful debts
                                                                                                                       Book value
                                             Amount           Proportion             Amount           Proportion

Bad debt provided on group basis       39,244,121.02                 100.00%       4,977,677.00           12.68%     34,266,444.02

               Total                   39,244,121.02                 100.00%       4,977,677.00           12.68%     34,266,444.02

      There is no major single amount and bad debt provision provided individually.

      Other accounts receivable which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group:

          Account       ages
                                               Amount                       Provision for bad debts            Proportion rates
      Within 1year                                32,061,809.90                          1,603,090.50                        5.00%
      1 to 2 years                                    9,143,496.96                         914,349.70                       10.00%
      2 to 3 years                                    1,335,517.48                         400,655.24                       30.00%
      3 to 4 years                                     770,260.44                          385,130.22                       50.00%
      4 to 5 years                                     904,506.45                          723,605.16                       80.00%
      Over 5 years                                    1,491,372.50                       1,491,372.50                      100.00%
                Total                             45,706,963.73                          5,518,203.32

      (2)    Provision for bad debts accrued, regain or switch back in the period
      In the current period, RMB 552,114.82 were accrued provision for bad debts, and no bad debts were

      (3) The write-off of other accounts receivable during the current year

                                   Items                                                     Written off amounts
                                 2 Clients                                                        11,588.50

      The write-off other accounts receivable was written off and the reason was not being collected for long
      (4) The nature of other accounts receivable

                         Items                                    30-06-2015                                  31-12-2014

      Guarantee deposits                                         28,489,385.64                             25,442,507.63
      Petty cash                                                 9,426,310.54                              4,758,015.42
      To or fro accounts                                         3,591,846.32                              3,954,641.30
      Prepayments over settlement periods                        3,557,444.96                              4,047,765.86

      Others                                                      641,976.27                               1,041,190.81

                         Total                                   45,706,963.73                             39,244,121.02

                                                          Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

      (5) Top 5 on amount of other accounts receivable
                                                                                                       Proportio      Provision for
                 Companies                     Contents               Amount              Ages
                                                                                                           n           bad debts
      Dalian Tianbao Green Food                                                       Less than 1
                                    Performance bonds 18,000,000.00                                      39.38%            900,000.00
      Co., Ltd                                                                           year
      Dalian Tianyi Info-Technology Prepayments over
                                                       1,779,500.00                    1-2 years             3.89%         177,950.00
      Co., Ltd.                     settlement periods
      Jinzhou Dalian New District                                                   Less than 1
      organs and institutions of        Deposits in security      1,586,623.95       year ,1-2               3.47%         102,482.37
      financial accounting center
      Tianjin Construction Team
      Communication          Service    Guarantee deposits        1,000,000.00     Over     5 years          2.19%     1,000,000.00
                                                                                      Less than 1
      Dalian Detai Town Gas China
                                        Deposits in security          600,000.00      year ,1-2             1.31%          80,000.00
      Co., Ltd.
                   Total                                         22,966,123.95                           50.24%        2,260,432.37

      8. Inventories
      (1) Costs

                                                 30-06-2015                                                    31-12-2014
           Items                                 Provision for                                                 Provision for
                             Book balance       impairment of         Book value          Book balance        impairment of         Book value
                                                  inventories                                                   inventories

Raw materials                 49,400,713.52      7,463,862.07         41,936,851.45        51,805,680.92       7,463,862.07        44,341,818.85
Materials            on
consignment for further        2,208,539.66                            2,208,539.66         2,394,839.67                             2,394,839.67
                                   34,525.65                              34,525.65              81,422.57                              81,422.57
Work-in-progress              73,150,888.91      1,192,940.12         71,957,948.79        81,736,391.62       1,192,940.12        80,543,451.50
                              31,696,935.39      2,532,083.34         29,164,852.05        27,189,545.15       2,532,083.34        24,657,461.81
semi-finished products
Finished goods               113,388,913.49      2,884,241.52      110,504,671.97         124,845,367.55       2,884,241.52       121,961,126.03

Constructing projects         36,648,554.34                           36,648,554.34        40,898,986.13                           40,898,986.13

         Total               306,529,070.96     14,073,127.05      292,455,943.91         328,952,233.61      14,073,127.05       314,879,106.56

       (2) Provision for impairment of inventories
                                                 Current year addition                Current year     disposal
        Items                  31-12-2014                                                                                      30-06-2015
                                                 Provision       Others        Reversal       Written-off         Others

 Finished goods               2,884,241.52                                                                                     2,884,241.52

 Raw materials                7,463,862.07                                                                                     7,463,862.07

 Work-in-progress             1,192,940.12                                                                                     1,192,940.12

                              2,532,083.34                                                                                     2,532,083.34
 semi-finished products
           Total             14,073,127.05                                                                                   14,073,127.05

      The Company carried out impairment test for the inventory at period-end, there are no inventory
      falling price reserves need to be accrued in the Period.
                                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

           9. Other current assets

                                Items                                        30-06-2015                                 31-12-2014

           Enterprise income tax prepaid                                                   641,717.78                              1,400,309.96

           Prepaid expenses                                                                786,802.37                                934,829.83

                                Total                                                    1,428,520.15                              2,335,139.79
           The ending balance of other current assets decreased 38.83% over that of period-begin, mainly
           because the advance payment of income tax are decreased in the Period.

           10. Available for sale financial assets

                                                          30-06-2015                                                      31-12-2014
                    Items                                Provision for                                                   Provision for
                                     Book balance                                  Book value        Book balance                              Book value
                                                          impairment                                                      impairment
           Debt instruments
           available for sale
           Equity instruments
                                     1,051,150,318.80         5,224,770.80        1,045,925,548.00      47,653,159.50        5,224,770.80        42,428,388.70
           available for sale
              Measured by fair
                                     1,033,596,054.30         1,582,164.89        1,032,013,889.41
              Measured        by        17,554,264.50         3,642,605.91          13,911,658.59       47,653,159.50        5,224,770.80        42,428,388.70
                    Total            1,051,150,318.80         5,224,770.80        1,045,925,548.00      47,653,159.50        5,224,770.80        42,428,388.70

           (1) Equity instruments available for sale measured by Fair value

                                                                                       Equity t instruments     Debt instruments
                                          Items                                                                                                Total
                                                                                        available for sale      available for sale

           Cost of Equity instrument/ amortized cost of debt instrument                      30,098,895.00                                   30,098,895.00

           Fair value                                                                     1,033,596,054.30                             1,033,596,054.30

           The total amount of fair value change in other
                                                                                            852,972,585.40                                  852,972,585.40
           comprehensive income

           The amount of impairment                                                            1,582,164.89                                   1,582,164.89

                                          Total                                           1,032,013,889.41                             1,032,013,889.41

           (2) Equity instruments available for sale measured by cost at the end of current year

                                                                                  Book balance
                Names                                                 Increased                Decreased
                                                  Beginning                                                        Ending
                                                                    during current           during current                           Shareholding(%)
                                                   balance                                                         balance
                                                                        period                   period
Liaoning Mike Group Co., Ltd.                      1,020,000.00                                                  1,020,000.00                            3.57
Guotai Junan Investment Management                                                                                                                       0.22
Co., Ltd.                                          3,057,316.00                                                  3,057,316.00
Thermo King Container Temperature                                                                                                                      17.80
Control (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.                        11,207,806.00                                                 11,207,806.00
Wuhan Steel and Electric Co., Ltd.                 1,315,142.50                                                  1,315,142.50                            0.06
Liaoning Enterprises United Industry                                                                                                                      4.2
Company                                             105,000.00                                                     105,000.00
Zibo Traction Motor Co., Ltd.                       849,000.00                                                     849,000.00                            0.76
                Total                          17,554,264.50                                                    17,554,264.50

                                                  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                                             Provision for impairment
                                                                             Decreased                         dividends
               Names                                        Increased
                                         Beginning                            during           Ending          during the
                                                          during current
                                          balance                             current          balance       current period
Liaoning Mike Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     310,000.00
Guotai     Junan          Investment
                                         2,688,605.91                                        2,688,605.91
Management Co., Ltd.
Thermo King Container Temperature
Control (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

Wuhan Steel and Electric Co., Ltd.
Liaoning Enterprises United Industry
                                           105,000.00                                          105,000.00
Zibo Traction Motor Co., Ltd.              849,000.00                                          849,000.00
               Total                     3,642,605.91                                        3,642,605.91         310,000.00

On 26 June 2015, Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. (“Guotai Junan” for short) listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange,
stock code 601211; as for the 30,098,895 shares of Guotai Junan, the Company measured the shares on fair value.

                                                                                                                          Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

11. Long-term equity investments

                                    Beginning                                 Gains and losses   Adjustment                Cash bonus or      Provision for                               for
            Name                                                                                               Changes                                               Ending balance
                                     balance                                  recognized         of      other             profits           impairment of                             impairme
                                                   Increased      Decreased                                    of other                                     Others
                                                                              under the equity   comprehensiv              announced  to       the current                                 nt
                                                                              method             e income                  issue                 period
ⅠJoint venture
Dalian Bingshan – P&A
Recreation      Development         3,553,919.97                                  -377,150.35                                                                           3,176,769.62
Engineering Co., Ltd.
           subtotal                 3,553,919.97                                  -377,150.35                                                                           3,176,769.62
Ⅱ Associates
Dalian Bingshan Engineering
                                   13,716,985.57                                 1,302,858.87                                                                          15,019,844.44
&Trading Co.,Ltd.
Panasonic         Refrigeration
                                  155,826,086.27                                -3,011,036.73                                 5,200,000.00                            147,615,049.54
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Dalian Honjo Chemical Co.,
                                    9,403,913.18                                   231,620.31                                 1,203,061.37                              8,432,472.12
Panasonic          Cold-Chain
                                  215,573,606.48                                 2,965,904.37                                 8,000,000.00                            210,539,510.85
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Keinin-Grand Ocean Thermal
Technology      (Dalian) Co.,      42,333,942.39                                 7,612,764.78                                 9,600,000.00                             40,346,707.17
Panasonic          Compressor
                                  432,515,006.40                                29,441,902.46                                34,000,000.00                            427,956,908.86
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Dalian        Sanyo Meica
                                   23,233,848.71                                  -889,967.73                                                                          22,343,880.98
Electronics Co., Ltd.
MHI Bingshan Refrigeration
                                   29,294,087.63                                -2,308,578.44                                                                          26,985,509.19
(Dalian) Co.,Ltd.
Beijing Huashang Bingshan
Refrigeration              and
                                    1,425,989.62   1,754,200.00                   -512,013.13                                                                           2,668,176.49
Air-conditioning Machinery
Co., Ltd.
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending
                                   89,896,843.61                                12,411,144.13                                                                         102,307,987.74
Machine Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                Beginning                                  Gains and losses   Adjustment                Cash bonus or      Provision for                                for
           Name                                                                                             Changes                                               Ending balance
                                 balance                                   recognized         of      other             profits           impairment of                              impairme
                                                Increased      Decreased                                    of other                                     Others
                                                                           under the equity   comprehensiv              announced  to       the current                                  nt
                                                                           method             e income                  issue                 period
Daliian Sanyo High-Efficient
Refrigeration System Co.,      22,455,509.02                                    105,357.69                                                                          22,560,866.71
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending
                                                2,450,000.00                  1,110,275.29                                                                           3,560,275.29
Machine Sales Co., Ltd.
         subtotal                               4,204,200.00                 48,460,231.87                                58,003,061.37                           1,030,337,189.38
           Total                                4,204,200.00                 48,083,081.52                                58,003,061.37                           1,033,513,959.00

(1) As for the resolution of the Board, the Company increased RMB 3.5084 million for the Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration AC Complete Plant Co., Ltd.
After capital increased, the Company’s proportion of contribution did not change, holding 49% equity of Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration AC Complete
Plant Co., Ltd. The Company invested RMB 1.7542 million till end of 30 June 2015.
(2) As for the resolution of the Board, the Company and Fuji Electric jointly invested the Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Sales Co., Ltd. with registered capital of
RMB 5 million. The Company contributed RMB 2.45 million with 49% equity of the Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Sales Co., Ltd. held. Till end of 30 June 2015,
the Company invested RMB 2.45 million.

                                            Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

12. Investment property

(1)Investment property details
                    Items                  Buildings      Land-use-rights                      Total
                                                                             in progress
1. Original value
(1)Beginning balance                      25,259,944.57                                    25,259,944.57
(2)Current year addition
     Transferred from Inventories\Fixed
   asset-original cost\Construction  in
     Enterprise merger increase

     Shareholders invest
     Transferred from other
(3)Current year disposal
     Transferred to other
(4)Ending balance                         25,259,944.57                                    25,259,944.57
2.Accumulated depreciation
(1)Beginning balance                        151,035.57                                       151,035.57
(2)Current year addition                    305,662.50                                       305,662.50
   provision or amortization                305,662.50                                       305,662.50
   Enterprise merger increase
   Transferred from other
(3)Current year disposal
   Transferred to other
(4)Ending balance                           456,698.07                                       456,698.07
3..Provision for impairment
(1)Beginning balance
(2)Current year addition
   provision or amortization
   Enterprise merger increase
   Transferred from other
(3)Current year disposal
   Transferred to other
(4)Ending balance
4.Book value
(1)Ending book value                      24,803,246.50                                    24,803,246.50
(2)Beginning book value                   25,108,909.00                                    25,108,909.00

                                                  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

(2) Investment property without owner’s certificates

                                 Items                               Book value               Reasons
# 6 workshop building on No. 106 Liaohe East Rd, Dalian
                                                                     24,803,246.50 Final accounts uncompleted
Economic and Technology Development Zone
                                 Total                               24,803,246.50

(3) Explanation of investment property
The company signed rental contract with MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co.,Ltd., and rent #
6 workshop building located on No. 106 Liaohe East Rd, Dalian Economic and Technology
Development Zone to MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd. The rental area is 15,259.04
square meters, and the rent term till 16th July, 2029. The annual rent fee is RMB 4.2 million after
considering the time value of money.
13. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets details
             Items                 Buildings       Machinery         Vehicles                              Total
1. Original value
(1)Beginning balance             351,970,071.36   568,188,704.97   25,291,805.92     18,442,757.75   963,893,340.00
(2)Current year addition             607,362.38      588,868.38      672,655.56       1,263,925.11       3,132,811.43
  Purchased                          443,000.00      588,868.38      172,655.56       1,263,925.11       2,468,449.05
  Transferred          from
  Construction in progress           164,362.38                                                           164,362.38
  Enterprises merger
  Shareholders investment
  Leased in from financing
  Other transferred in                                               500,000.00                           500,000.00
(3)Current year reduction                               8,743.59     162,960.00        109,805.28         281,508.87
  Disposal                                              8,743.59     162,960.00        109,805.28         281,508.87
  Leased         out      from
  Other transferred out
(4)Ending balance                352,577,433.74   568,768,829.76   25,801,501.48     19,596,877.58   966,744,642.56
2.Accumulated depreciation
(1)Beginning balance             121,972,177.31   397,048,925.70   14,903,060.69     13,383,677.27   547,307,840.97
(2)Current year addition           4,238,025.56    12,393,679.74    1,009,345.11       577,510.29       18,218,560.70
   Provision                       4,238,025.56    12,393,679.74    1,009,345.11       577,510.29       18,218,560.70
   Enterprises         merger
   Other transferred in
(3)Current year disposal                                8,306.41     146,664.00         98,824.52         253,794.93
   Disposal                                             8,306.41     146,664.00         98,824.52         253,794.93
   Leased        out      from
   Other transferred out
  (4)Ending balance              126,210,202.87   409,434,299.03   15,765,741.80     13,862,363.04   565,272,606.74
3..Provision for impairment

                                                          Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

               Items                      Buildings         Machinery          Vehicles                            Total
    (1)Beginning balance                                     2,292,229.72                                        2,292,229.72
    (2)Current year addition
      Enterprises         merger
      Other transferred in
    (3)Current year disposal
      Leased        out        from
      Other transferred out
    (4)Ending balance                                        2,292,229.72                                        2,292,229.72
    4.Net Book value
    (1)Ending book value                226,367,230.87    157,042,301.01     10,035,759.68    5,734,514.54     399,179,806.10
    (2)Beginning book value             229,997,894.05    168,847,549.55     10,388,745.23    5,059,080.48     414,293,269.31

    (2)There were no idle fixed assets during the current period.
    (3) Fixed assets without owner’s certificates

                       Items                                Book value                             Reasons
     Buildings                                                       65,359,619.05        Final accounts uncompleted

                       Total                                         65,359,619.05
    (4) Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd. borrowed RMB60,000,000 from bank and
    mortgaged with its buildings, machinery and land-use-rights with total book value
    RMB172,787,581.89 which included book value of buildings RMB76,773,439.62 and book value
    of machinery RMB41,508,458.27. Please refer to the note Ⅴ.18.
    14. Project in construction
   (1) Details
                                                                        Transferred Other
                                                                         into fixed decreas                                     Percen
                                       Balance of                          assets     ed        Balance of      Sources of      tage of
  Items            Budget                             during current
                                       31-12-2014                          during   during      30-06-2015        funds         compl
                                                                          current   current                                      etion
                                                                           period   period
              353,080,000.00          17,594,050.11   26,000,420.82      164,362.38            43,430,108.55     generated       13%
Machinery         1,000,000.00          921,399.35                                                921,399.35     generated       92%
  Total       354,080,000.00          18,515,449.46   26,000,420.82      164,362.38            44,351,507.90

    (2) There was no provision for impairment needed withdrawn.
    (3) Construction in process increased 139.54% over that of last Period, refers to investment for the
    new factory.

                                                   Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

15. Intangible assets
(1) Intangible assets details

                  Items                  Land-use-rights        Knowhow        Others             Total
1. Original value

(1)Beginning balance                     176,504,398.53          515,224.41   10,023,747.44   187,043,370.38
(2)Current year addition                                                        169,316.25       169,316.25
    Purchase                                                                    169,316.25       169,316.25
    Internal        research       and
     Enterprises merger increase
     Shareholders invest
     Other transferred in
(3)Current year disposal
     Other transferred out

(4)Ending balance                        176,504,398.53          515,224.41   10,193,063.69   187,212,686.63
2. Amortization
(1)Beginning balance                      28,866,655.89          515,224.41    3,748,179.83    33,130,060.13
(2)Current year addition                   1,765,044.77                         415,412.87      2,180,457.64
     Provision                             1,765,044.77                         415,412.87      2,180,457.64
    Enterprises merger increase
    Other transferred in
(3)Current year disposal
     Other transferred out
(4)Ending balance                         30,631,700.66          515,224.41    4,163,592.70    35,310,517.77
3..Provision for impairment
(1)Beginning balance
(2)Current year addition
  Enterprises merger increase
  Other transferred in
(3)Current year disposal
  Other transferred out
(4)Ending balance
4.Net book value
(1)Ending book value                     145,872,697.87                        6,029,470.99   151,902,168.86
(2)Beginning book value                  147,637,742.64                        6,275,567.61   153,913,310.25

(2) There were no intangible assets increased by internal research and development.

                                                      Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

(3) Please refer to the note Ⅴ.18 for land-use-rights mortgaged.

16. Long-term deferred expenses
                                                           Increased           Amortized
              Items                     31-12-2014       during current       during current                        30-06-2015
                                                             period               period

Employee’s dormitory use right        2,704,561.98                                 69,239.16                       2,635,322.82

Renovation and rebuilding              3,085,642.38                               645,759.24                        2,439,883.14

Inspection services                       83,194.63                                 24,253.62                         58,941.01

              Total                    5,873,398.99                               739,252.02                        5,134,146.97

17. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Deferred income tax assets had not been off-set

                                                  30-06-2015                                    31-12-2014
              Items                      Deductible                                    Deductible
                                         temporary        Deferred tax assets          temporary         Deferred tax assets
                                         difference                                    difference
Provision for assets impairment           99,035,680.34           17,724,007.91         98,014,616.89           16,786,587.33

Equity incentive expenses                  4,876,208.00             731,431.20

              Total                      103,911,888.34           18,455,439.11         98,014,616.89           16,786,587.33

(2) Deferred liabilities tax assets had not been off-set

                                                  30-06-2015                                    31-12-2014
              Items                   Taxable temporary      Deferred tax         Taxable temporary            Deferred tax
                                         differences          liabilities            differences                liabilities
Changes in fair value of
available for sale financial assets    1,003,497,159.30          150,524,573.90

              Total                    1,003,497,159.30          150,524,573.90

(3)Temporary difference which not recognized deferred income tax assets

                            Items                                         30-06-2015                     31-12-2014
Provision for impairment                                                      42,301,487.95                     44,791,908.06
Deductible losses                                                             15,493,479.78                         9,725,928.72
                            Total                                             57,794,967.73                     54,517,836.78
The temporary difference was not recognized as deferred income tax assets, because it is uncertain
if there will be enough taxable income.
(4) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due the following years
                 Items                        30-06-2015                  31-12-2014                      Notes
2017                                                  975,555.72               975,555.72
2018                                                 4,717,859.29            4,717,859.29
2019                                                 4,032,513.71            4,032,513.71
2020                                                 5,767,551.06
                 Total                           15,493,479.78               9,725,928.72                      --

                                              Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

18. Short-term loans

           Terms of loans                     30-06-2015                            31-12-2014
Mortgage loan                                       60,000,000.00                                60,000,000.00

                Total                               60,000,000.00                                60,000,000.00

(1) Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd. borrowed short-term loan RMB60,000,000
from bank and mortgaged with its buildings, machinery and land-use-rights.
19. Notes payable

                Items                         30-06-2015                             31-12-2014

Trade acceptance notes                                                                             6,241,714.55

Bank acceptance notes                               120,832,581.67                               103,304,788.06

                Total                               120,832,581.67                               109,546,502.61

20. Accounts payable

                Items                         30-06-2015                             31-12-2014
Payable for materials                                498,213,365.90                           475,503,139.38
Payable for projects                                    32,474,626.71                             6,919,723.26
Payable for equipments                                  14,667,355.39                           28,653,675.18

                Total                                545,355,348.00                           511,076,537.82

 There was no big amount among the accounts payable aged more than 1 year.

21. Accounts received in advance
(1) Details

                Items                         30-06-2015                            31-12-2014
Advances on sales                                    104,820,567.76                         137,629,315.42
                Total                                104,820,567.76                         137,629,315.42

(2) Accounts received in advance aged over 1 year

                       Items                  30-06-2015                              Reasons
Inner Mongolia Datang Dingwang Chemical
                                              1,962,000.00           Unsettled contract payments on sets projects
Co. Ltd.
Jiangsu Ruixiang Chemical Co., Ltd.           1,563,950.00           Unsettled contract payments on sets projects

Yanzhou Coal Mine Yishan Chemical Co., Ltd.     960,135.60           Unsettled contract payments on sets projects

                       Total                  4,486,085.60

                                                Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

22. Payroll payable
(1) Details
                                                     Increased during     Decreased during
              Items                31-12-2014                                                        30-06-2015
                                                      current period       current period
Short-term salary                   55,993,637.27      115,035,849.24           139,885,926.05       31,143,560.46
Departure      welfare-defined
contribution plans                                      17,131,851.20            17,131,851.20

Termination benefits                                         218,428.00            218,428.00
              Total                 55,993,637.27      132,386,128.44           157,236,205.25       31,143,560.46

The ending balance of wages payable decreased 44.38% over that of period-begin, mainly because
the year-end bonus for year of 2014 are paid in the Period.
(2)Short-term salary
                                                                 Increased            Decreased
                      Items                   31-12-2014       during current       during current     30-06-2015
                                                                   period               period
1.Wages and salaries, bonuses, allowances
and subsidies                                25,570,229.67      87,399,253.66       110,195,220.36     2,774,262.97

2.Staff welfare                              25,205,874.20       4,250,497.52         4,780,809.79    24,675,561.93

3.Social insurance                            1,698,790.15       6,719,060.58         7,687,421.16       730,429.57

Including: ①Medical insurance                                  6,012,082.06         6,012,082.06

          ②       Work-related     injury
                                                                   472,923.64           472,923.64

           ③Matemity insurance                                    234,054.88           234,054.88

           ④Housing subsidies                1,698,790.15                              968,360.58       730,429.57

4. Housing funds                              2,466,435.12      14,224,102.31        14,295,204.03     2,395,333.40

5.Labor union fund and employee
education fee                                 1,052,308.13       2,258,753.17         2,743,088.71       567,972.59

6. Non-currency welfare                                            184,182.00           184,182.00

                      Total                  55,993,637.27     115,035,849.24       139,885,926.05    31,143,560.46

The non-currency welfare of the current year was 184,182.00yuan,which amortization of long-term
expenses of employee’s dormitory use right, and dining hall expenses and etc.
Among the salary, bonus, allowance and subsidies, RMB 4,876,208.00 equity incentive expenses
are included.
(3) Defined contribution plans
                                                     Increased during     Decreased during
                  Items            31-12-2014                                                        30-06-2015
                                                      current period       current period
     Basic retirement pension                           14,567,686.87            14,567,686.87
     insurance                                               968,087.75            968,087.75

     Heating fees                                          1,596,076.58           1,596,076.58
                  Total                                 17,131,851.20            17,131,851.20

The company took part in the government’s basic retirement pension and unemployment insurance

                                                 Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

according to the related legislation, and paid the insurance expenses every month and recorded as
expenses or costs of assets. There was no other obligation of payment.
(4)There was no amount delay paid at the end of the current year.

23. Taxes payable

                            Items                               30-06-2015               31-12-2014
Value-added tax                                                    4,509,550.67                   -3,127,955.12
Business tax                                                       2,610,297.16                   1,991,177.27
Enterprise income tax                                              6,413,120.85                   2,568,733.67
Individual income tax                                              1,490,496.69                     396,325.29
City maintenance and construction tax                                616,937.05                     291,424.15
Land use tax                                                         217,274.89                     217,274.87
Education surtax                                                     249,018.68                     110,082.07
Local education surtax                                               160,806.41                       67,685.90
Water project fund/River route maintenance fee                         8,231.90                       11,139.52
Safeguard fund for disables                                                660.00                       544.00
Dike maintenance fee                                                   3,941.67                       13,509.20
Stamp duty                                                            62,646.59                     102,788.87

Non resident enterprise tax                                          862,500.00

                            Total                                 17,205,482.56                   2,642,729.69

The reason of the ending balance increased 551.05% compared with the beginning balance was
enterprise income tax payable and value-added tax payable increased.
24. Dividend payable

      Name of investors                 30-06-2015              31-12-2014                 Reasons
                                                                                    Some shareholders     not
Legal person shareholders                 2,643,678.92                533,156.00
              Total                       2,643,678.92                533,156.00

The reason of the ending balance increased 395.85% compared with the beginning balance was
dividends unpaid.
25. Other accounts payable
(1) Details

                 Items                           30-06-2015                         31-12-2014
Loan from non-financial institutes                        24,487,500.00                     18,096,524.00
Cash pledge and security deposit                          14,371,908.67                     13,721,523.03
Apply for reimbursement and unpaid                        16,298,266.10                     14,117,136.22
Cash from related parties                                     504,856.34                         510,097.66
Receipts under custody                                        666,024.51                    11,164,903.53
Others                                                     3,184,161.83                      2,465,629.60
                 Total                                    59,512,717.45                     60,075,814.04

                                                          Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

 (2) Major amount aging over 1 year
              Name of investors                        30-06-2015                         Unpaid reason
                                                                        Subsidiary company borrowed for removal and
 Dalian Bingshan Group          Co., Ltd.              10,000,000.00
                     Total                             10,000,000.00

 26. Deferred revenue
                                                                       Decreased during
          Items                 31-12-2014        during current                                30-06-2015       Reasons
                                                                        current period
Associated with assets         51,077,394.00                                   849,549.00       50,227,845.00
Associated with earnings        1,696,490.19                                1,696,490.19
          Total                52,773,884.19                                2,546,039.19        50,227,845.00       --

 Subsidy from government

                                            Increase        Converted to
                                            d during        non-business           Other
    Liabilities           31-12-2014                                                              30-06-2015        Notes
                                             current     incomes during           decrease
                                             period        current period
Subsidy fund for                                                                                                   Associated
highly effective
heat pump and              4,289,394.00                        292,549.00                         3,996,845.00       with the
related system                                                                                                          asset
Contribution to                                                                                                    Associated
company                   46,788,000.00                        557,000.00                        46,231,000.00       with the
relocation                                                                                                              asset
Big capacity of                                                                                                    Associated
sea          water
pre-freeze project         1,696,490.19                      1,696,490.19                                            with the
of Project 863                                                                                                        income
      Total               52,773,884.19                      2,546,039.19                        50,227,845.00

 27. Share capitals
                                                                 Issuance of        converted
                  Items                      31-12-2014                                            Others        30-06-2015
                                                                 new shares           from
 I. Non-circulating share capital
                                               19,224,451           +10,150,000                                    29,374,451
 with restricted trade conditions
 1. State-owned shares
 2. Shares held by domestic legal
                                               19,213,921                                                          19,213,921
 3. Other domestic shares                          10,530           +10,150,000                                    10,160,530
  Including: Shares held           by
                                                   10,530           +10,150,000                                    10,160,530
 domestic natural person
 II. Circulating share capital                330,790,524                                                         330,790,524
 1. Domestically listed ordinary
                                              215,793,449                                                         215,790,524
 shares (A-share)
 2. Domestically listed ordinary
                                              115,000,000                                                         115,000,000
 shares (B-share)
 III. Total                                   350,014,975           +10,150,000                                   360,164,975

 As for the resolution of the 15th meeting of the 6th session of the Board, March 4th 2015 was determined as the

                                                         Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

grant date, award the 41 equity incentive objects with restricted shares amounting to 10,150,000 shares.
28. Capital surpluses
                                                 Increased during current         Decreased during current
       Items                31-12-2014                                                                               30-06-2015
                                                          period                          period
Capital premium            515,188,976.98                     46,284,000.00                                         561,472,976.98
Other          capital
                            67,099,029.31                       4,876,208.00                                         71,975,237.31
       Total               582,288,006.29                     51,160,208.00                                         633,448,214.29

The share premium increased in the Period, refers to the share premium recognized by orientate
offer for equity incentive objects, other capital reserves refers to the equity incentive expenses.
29. Other comprehensive income

          Items             31-12-2014         Amount for the                                                         30-06-2015
                                                                          Less:income      attribute to
                                                period before        *                                         **
                                                                              tax           the     parent
                                                 income tax
I.Later           can’t
reclassified       into
profit and loss of
II. Later reclassified
into profit and loss
of other                     2,768,286.72       1,003,497,159.30           150,524,573.90    852,972,585.40           855,740,872.12
1. Later reclassified
into profit and loss of
other comprehensive
income of long term          2,768,286.72                                                                               2,768,286.72
accounting by equity
2. Changes in fair
value recognized in
gains and losses of                             1,003,497,159.30           150,524,573.90    852,972,585.41           852,972,585.40
the available-for-sale
financial assets
3. Foreign currency
differences          of
financial statements
          Total              2,768,286.72       1,003,497,159.30           150,524,573.90    852,972,585.40           855,740,872.12
*Less:Previously recognized in profit or loss in other comprehensive income
**After-tax attribute to minority shareholder
Other comprehensive income recognized in the Period refers to the shares of Guotai Junan, held by
the Company are measured by fair value.
30. Surplus reserves
                                                                   Increased during         Decreased during
               Items                        31-12-2014                                                               30-06-2015
                                                                    current period           current period

Statutory surplus reserves                  272,675,444.95                                                          272,675,444.95

Other reserved capital                      273,112,803.04               22,378,995.91                              295,491,798.95

               Total                        545,788,247.99               22,378,995.91                              568,167,243.90

                                                     Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

The increase of the surplus reserves were because the other reserved capital
RMB22.379-million-yuan was withdrawn on the basis of 20% of the company’s net profit of 2014
according to the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders of year 2014.
31. Retained earnings

                           Items                                    2015               Extraction or allocation proportion

Retained earnings at the end of prior year                   486,167,740.13

Add: Changes in accounting policies

At beginning of the year after retrospective adjustment      486,167,740.13

Add: Net profit of the current period                         65,477,775.99

Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserves

Appropriation of other reserved capital                       22,378,995.91              20% of net profit of year 2014
Appropriation of employee’s welfare and bonus fund
in foreign invested company                                        999,777.67

Cash dividends                                                54,024,746.25                RMB 0.15 per share of year 2014

Dividends transferred to share capital

Retained earnings at the end of the current period           474,241,996.29

32. Total operating income and operating cost
(1) Total operating income and cost

                                             2015.01-06                                         2014.01-06
                                   Income                   Cost                   Income                      Cost
Key business                     703,214,354.35           556,138,449.36          762,976,180.18             598,638,940.68
Other business                     8,525,987.78             6,208,948.56           11,936,073.01              11,311,500.14
        Total                    711,740,342.13           562,347,397.92          774,912,253.19             609,950,440.82

33. Taxes and surcharges

                   Items                                     2015.01-06                              2014.01-06
Business tax                                                           1,465,636.16                               836,183.52
City maintenance and construction tax                                  2,284,878.37                            3,211,160.39
Education surtax                                                        985,263.05                             1,377,841.69
Local education surtax                                                  655,805.10                                918,538.25
Dike maintenance fee                                                       75,277.68                              125,694.96
                   Total                                               5,466,860.36                            6,469,418.81

34. Selling and distribution expenses

                         Items                                     2015.01-06                         2014.01-06
Handle official business expenses                                          2,892,181.98                        2,479,958.80
Salaries and subsidies                                                   15,972,653.49                        25,847,629.40
Depreciation expenses                                                        253,348.11                           250,494.54
Transportations expenses                                                   4,077,525.44                        6,609,873.54
Entertainment expenses                                                     2,404,142.35                        3,170,406.48
Traveling expenses                                                         7,215,386.47                        6,261,527.19
Maintenance and repair expenses                                            1,429,195.03                        3,040,090.24

                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

Advertisement and bids expenses                                         554,869.98                       804,797.22
Others                                                                  528,017.73                       436,623.10
                         Total                                        35,327,320.58                    48,901,400.51

35. Administrative expenses

                         Items                                 2015.01-06                       2014.01-06
Handle official business expenses                                      6,415,197.31                     6,261,525.85
Salaries and subsidies                                                50,794,074.60                    51,370,661.40
Depreciation expenses                                                  3,515,372.56                     3,573,094.77
Transportations expenses                                                507,034.43                       745,869.70
Entertainment expenses                                                 1,292,750.44                     2,230,602.65
Traveling expenses                                                     1,811,111.96                     1,987,252.27
Maintenance and repair expenses                                        2,345,494.31                     2,988,658.33
Advertisement expenses                                                   95,386.88                       430,705.79
Other taxes and fees                                                   4,303,683.83                     4,232,710.57
Insurance expenses                                                     1,880,493.01                     1,586,520.05
Research and development expenses                                     10,335,005.70                     8,959,019.18
Amortization of long term assets                                       2,243,366.80                     2,166,811.00
Design consultant and test service expenses                            2,511,459.14                     2,723,594.26
Others                                                                  686,672.43                       505,756.54
                         Total                                        88,737,103.40                    89,762,782.36

36. Financial expenses

                         Items                                 2015.01-06                       2014.01-06
Interest expenses                                                      2,531,600.00                     1,578,018.01
Less:Interest income                                                   5,005,928.14                     5,861,187.92
Losses on exchange(Less: Gain on exchange)                              260,322.22                       106,537.45
Other expenses                                                          382,682.47                       378,947.63
                         Total                                        -1,831,323.45                    -3,797,684.83
The financial expenses increased 51.78% over that of last period, mainly because the loan interest
increased and basis of deposit decreased in the Period, then the interest income declined.
37. Impairment losses
                                   Items                                       2015.01-06            2014.01-06
Provision for bad debts                                                               2,475,284.97     11,727,606.97
Provision for obsolete inventories
Provision for the impairment of available-for-sale financial assets
Provision for the impairment of held to maturity investments
Provision for the impairment of long-term equity investments
Provision for the impairment of investing property
Provision for the impairment of fixed assets
Provision for the impairment of construction materials
Provision for the impairment of construction in progress
Provision for the impairment of bearer biological assets
Provision for the impairment of oil assets
Provision for the impairment of intangible assets
Provision for the impairment of goodwill
Provision for the impairment of other assets
                                  Total                                               2,475,284.97     11,727,606.97

                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

The loss from assets devaluation decreased 78.89% over that of last period, mainly because the
accrual bad debt losses decreased in the Period
38. Gain/ (loss) from investment
(1) Details

                          Items                                      2015.01-06                   2014.01-06
Calculated by equity method                                              48,083,081.52                  53,897,497.58
Calculated by cost method
Gain from disposal associated company                                                                      681,816.41
Gain from holding of financial assets available for sale                      310,000.00                 1,754,944.75
Gain from disposal financial assets available for sale
                          Total                                          48,393,081.52                  56,334,258.74

(2) There was no severe constrict on the collection of the investment earnings.
39. Non-business incomes
                                                                                     The     amount     recorded    in
                  Items                      2015.01-06            2014.01-06        non-recurring gains and losses of
                                                                                     current period
Gain on the disposal of non-current
                                                 28,868.06              2,044.63                            28,868.06
Penalty and fine income                          43,208.00            122,360.26                            43,208.00
Subsidy fund from government                     56,012.50            638,030.76                            56,012.50
Deferred income                              2,546,039.19           4,284,535.75                         1,696,490.19
Debts need not paid                              88,269.78                                                  88,269.78
Others                                            6,114.54              3,023.77                               6,114.54
                  Total                      2,768,512.07           5,049,995.17                         1,918,963.07

 (2) Subsidy fund from government

                       Items                                    2015.01-06        2014.01-06       Explanations
Subsidy for information construction from Dalian
Municipal Bureau of Finance
Aid for patent from Dalian Intellectual Property
Service Centre
Subsidy of economic support policy                                43,400.00         76,300.00     Related to gain
Subsidy for social security                                       11,165.00                       Related to gain
Subsidy for circular economy project
Award for QC team
Aid for patent from Wuhan Intellectual Property
Subsidy and award for patent
Mayor’s Quality Award
Financial incentive award for increasing production
and sales
Subsidy for science and technology development
Subsidy for small and medium-sized enterprises
exploiting international market
Financial award for export
Taxes given back                                                   1,447.50        561,730.76     Related to gain
International market developing fund for small and
mid size enterprises

                                                         Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                           Items                                   2015.01-06       2014.01-06         Explanations
Subsidy for the first set of important technology
Reward for promoting increase of industry of year
Subsidy for patent from Wuhan Intellectual Property
Subsidy for disposal of useless vehicles
                           Total                                     56,012.50        638,030.76             --
The non-operation revenue decreased 45.18% over that of last period, mainly due to the declined of
deferred income in the Period.
40. Non-business expenses
                                                                                             The amount recorded in
                   Items                         2015.01-06            2014.01-06        non-recurring gains and losses of
                                                                                                  current period
Loss on the disposal of non-current assets               2,394.33        129,041.96                                 2,394.33

Fines and penalties                                      2,071.37         11,514.40                                 2,071.37

Others                                                                    66,263.76

                   Total                                 4,465.70        206,820.12                                 4,465.70

The non-operation expenditure decreased 97.84% over that of last period, mainly because the losses
from fixed assets disposal decreased in the Period.
41. Income tax expenses
(1) Details:

                 Items                                     2015.01-06                              2014.01-06
Current income tax expense                                           7,360,497.09                           5,937,957.94
Deferred income tax expense                                         -1,668,851.78                          -2,186,324.08
               Total                                                 5,691,645.31                           3,751,633.86

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense

                                     Items                                                         2015.01-06
Total profits                                                                                               70,374,826.24
Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant
Influence of different tax rate suitable to subsidiary                                                       4,151,259.99
Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                                       -817,872.20
Influence of non taxable income                                                                              -7,807,535.63
Influence of not deductable costs, expenses and losses                                                            163,878.83
Influence of deductable losses of deferred income tax assets
derecognized used in previous period
Influence of deductible temporary difference or deductible losses
of deferred income tax assets derecognized in reporting period.
                             Income tax expenses                                                             5,691,645.31

The income tax expenses increased 51.71% over that of last period, mainly because the taxable
income tax from the subsidiaries increased.

                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

42. Relevant information about cash flow statement
(1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

                           Items                                 2015.01-06                     2014.01-06
Government grants                                                           54,565.00                      76,300.00
Received travel expense receivable                                      1,014,539.73
Deposit received                                                        5,113,665.00                  14,137,606.36
Received amount paid on behalf of related companies                        644,271.81                  3,665,453.62
interest income                                                         7,513,302.20                   4,279,561.80
Others                                                                     772,394.36                  1,621,146.19
                           Total                                       15,112,738.10                  23,780,067.97

(2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities

                   Items                                2015.01-06                            2014.01-06
Borrowing of travel expense                                      4,880,283.65                          7,920,321.99

Deposit paid                                                     4,360,672.45                          3,911,850.00

Expenditure                                                     45,836,364.92                         39,706,895.07

Bank handling charges                                                382,682.47                         338,963.63

Others                                                          11,055,701.02                           708,368.10

                   Total                                        66,515,704.51                         52,586,398.79

(3)    Cash receipts related to other financing activities

                    Items                                 2015.01-06                            2014.01-06
Guarantee money took back                                         32,953,876.63
                    Total                                         32,953,876.63

(4) Other cash paid relating to financing activities

                     Items                                    2015.01-06                         2014.01-06
Interests on discount of bill acceptance                                                                   39,984.00

Guarantee money paid                                                     34,920,526.90
                     Total                                               34,920,526.90                     39,984.00

43. Complementary information for consolidated cash flow statement
(1) The relationship between the net profit and the net cash flows from operating activities

                                     Items                                        2015.01-06           2014.01-06
1. Reconciliation from the net profit to the cash flows from operating
Net profit                                                                         64,683,180.93        69,324,088.48
Add: Provisions for assets impairment                                               2,475,284.97        11,727,606.97
      Depreciation of fixed assets                                                 18,524,223.20        18,243,165.48
      Amortization of intangible assets                                             2,180,457.64         2,103,901.84
      Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                       739,252.02          358,885.66
     Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                         -28,868.06        -611,114.76
      Losses on scrapping of fixed assets                                                 2,394.33           56,295.68

                                                       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

     Losses on variation of fair value
     Finance expenses                                                                 2,486,829.17      1,684,555.46
     Investment losses                                                              -48,393,081.52    -55,652,442.33
     Decrease in deferred tax assets                                                 -1,668,851.78     -2,184,574.08
     Increase in deferred tax liabilities
     Decrease in inventory                                                          22,423,162.65     54,052,680.59
     Decrease in operating receivables                                            -106,331,110.05    -126,192,171.87
     Increase in operating payables                                                 -87,682,794.87    24,494,736.42
                 Net cash flows from operating activities                         -130,589,921.37      -2,594,386.46
2. Investing and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts and
     Conversion of debt into capital
     Convertible bonds to be expired within one year
     Fixed assets under finance lease
3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents
     Cash at the end of the period                                                 330,091,246.94    469,921,233.07
     Less: Cash at the beginning of the period                                     475,557,589.39    502,339,160.35
     Plus: Cash equivalents at the end of the period
     Less: Cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
     Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    -145,466,342.45     -32,417,927.28

(2) Cash and cash equivalents

                                     Items                                      2015.01-06           2014.01-06

1.Cash                                                                          330,091,246.94       475,557,589.39

     Including: cash on hand                                                          61,557.65           67,783.07

     Bank deposits that can be used for payment whenever necessary              330,029,689.29       457,395,413.41
    Other monetary capital that can be used for payment whenever
2.Cash equivalents

 Including: Bonds mature within 3 months

3.Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the current period         330,091,246.94       475,557,589.39
 Including: Cash or cash equivalents which was restricted in use of the
Company and subsidiaries in the group

44. The assets with the ownership or use right restricted

      Items                  30-06-2015                                         Reasons
Monetary fund                     34,920,526.90   Guarantee money
Fixed assets                    118,281,897.89    Subsidiaries’ assets mortgaged for loans
Intangible assets                 54,505,684.00   Subsidiaries’ assets mortgaged for loans
      Total                     207,708,108.79

                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

45. Foreign currency monetary items
                                  Ending balance of Original                                   Ending balance of RMB
            Items                                                  Exchange rate
                                          currency                                                    equivalent
Monetary fund
Included: USD                                        13,153.06                  6.1136                          80,412.55
          EUR                                             5.60                  6.8699                              38.47
          JPY                                       311,671.00             0.050052                             15,599.76
          GBP                                       116,927.58                  9.6422                        1,127,439.11
Accounts receivable
Included: GBP                                       188,090.65                  9.6422                        1,813,607.67
Accounts payable
Included: GBP                                        36,399.28                  9.6422                         350,969.14

VIII. Changes of consolidation scope
By the solution of the 12th meeting of 6th session of Board of Directors of the company, the
company established a joint company with Dalian Bingshan International Trade Co., Ltd. The new
company named Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd., and the registered capital was
RMB 20,000,000.00. As at 31st December 2014, Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.
got the business license, but not received the capital and not started to operate and not included in
the company’s consolidated statements. Till end of 30 June 2015, Bingshan Technology Service
(Dalian) Co., Ltd. started operations, and was included in the consolidated statement of the
IX. Equity in other entities
1. Equity in subsidiary
(1) The structure of the enterprise group

                                          Main                                           Shareholding
                                                      Registered     Business                (%)                Obtaining
        Name of subsidiaries             business
                                                       address        nature                                     method
                                         address                                         Direct    Indirect
Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration
Installation Co., Ltd. (“Installation   Dalian         Dalian      Installation         100                    Establish
Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co.,
                                         Dalian         Dalian        Trading            100                    Establish
Ltd. (“Sales Company”)
Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning
Equipment Co., Ltd. (“Bingshan          Dalian         Dalian     Manufacturing          70                    Establish
Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing
                                         Dalian         Dalian     Manufacturing         100                    Establish
Co., Ltd. (“Metal Processing”)
Dalian        Bingshan       Guardian
                                         Dalian         Dalian     Manufacturing          60                    Establish
Automation Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick
                                         Dalian         Dalian     Manufacturing          70                    Establish
Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.
Wuhan New World Refrigeration
                                         Wuhan          Wuhan      Manufacturing          51                    Purchase
Industrial Co., Ltd. (“WNWRI”)
Bingshan technical service (dalian)
                                         Dalian         Dalian       Services             60                    Establish
Co., Ltd.
Wuhan New World Refrigeration Air                                   Installation
                                         Wuhan          Wuhan                              5         95         Establish
Conditioner Engineering Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Bingshan Refrigeration Air
                                         Ningbo        Ningbo       Installation                     51         Establish
Conditioner Engineering Co., Ltd.

①All the    holding proportion in subsidiaries were the same with voting proportion;

                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

②The company held over 50% voting proportion in subsidiaries;
③ The company could control these subsidiaries;
④By the solution of the 12th meeting of 6th session of Board of Directors of the company , the
company established a joint company with Dalian Bingshan International Trade Co., Ltd. The new
company named Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd., and the registered capital was
RMB 20,000,000.00. The company will invest RMB 12,000,000.00 and hold 60% of shareholding
proportion. As at 31st December 2014, Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd. got the
business license, but not received the capital and not started to operate and not included in the
company’s consolidated statements. Till end of 30 June 2015, Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian)
Co., Ltd. started operations, and was included in the consolidated statement.
(2) Important Non-wholly-owned Subsidiary
                                                      Profit\loss            Current pay
                                    Shareholding of                                                equity of
                                                    attributable to          dividends to
       Name of subsidiaries             minority                                                   minority           Notes
                                                       minority                minority
                                    shareholders(%)                                              shareholders
                                                     shareholders            shareholders
 Wuhan New World Refrigeration
                                             49          -3,076,345.70                           56,750,416.92
 Industrial Co., Ltd.

 (3) The main financial information of subsidiaries                                             ten thousand yuan

       Name of subsidiaries              Current     No-current                    Current        No-current         Total
                                                                   Total assets
                                          assets       assets                     liabilities     liabilities     liabilities
 Wuhan New World Refrigeration
                                        25,059.86    20,631.58      45,691.44     28,029.25        4,623.10       32,652.35
 Industrial Co., Ltd.


       Name of subsidiaries              Current     No-current                    Current        No-current         Total
                                                                   Total assets
                                          assets       assets                     liabilities     liabilities     liabilities
 Wuhan New World Refrigeration
                                        24,968.78    20,184.66      45,153.44     26,886.27        4,678.80       31,565.07
 Industrial Co., Ltd.


                                  2015.01-06                                                    2014.01-06
                                                    Cash                                                     Cash
 Name of                  The total                                                 The total
                                         Total      flows                                          Total     flows
subsidiaries   Operating amount of                                       Operating amount of
                                     comprehensiv   from                                       comprehensiv from
                income comprehensive                                      income comprehensive
                                       e income   operating                                      e income operating
                           income                                                    income
                                                  activities                                               activities
Wuhan New
Refrigeration 10,366.39       -549.28          -549.28        -549.27    15,965.69       312.51              312.51      2,540.51
Co., Ltd.

2. The transaction of the company with its owner’s equity share changed but still controlling
the subsidiary
(1) Note to owner’s equity share changed in subsidiaries
By the solution of the 11th meeting of 6th session of Board of Directors of the company , the
company purchased 10% shareholdings of Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd., and Dalian
Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd. became a whole holding subsidiary of the company. The company
would transfer 30% shareholdings of Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd. to Wuhan New World
Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd., but the equity transaction did not finish until the date June 30,

                                                  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

2015, and the company held 100% shareholdings of Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd. in the
financial statements of first half of 2015.
By the solution of the 12th meeting of 6th session of Board of Directors of the company, the
company would purchase the subsidiary Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd., and the equity
transaction finished until the date June 30, 2015, so the company held 100% shareholdings of
Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd. in the financial statements of first half of 2015.
(2) The transaction’s influence to equity of minority shareholders and attributable to the owner's
equity of the parent company
                               Items                                     Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd.

 Cash                                                                                  9,249,900.00
 Total Purchase cost                                                                   9,249,900.00
 Less:Net assets calculated by the proportion of shareholding
 of the transaction
 Difference                                                                                                             -
                                   th               th
Being approved by the 12 meeting of the 6 session of the Board, the 35.75% equity of original
controlling subsidiary-Dalian Bingshan Metal Process Co., Ltd. are transferred by the Company,
based on the pricing standards-the book value of the owner’s equity attributable to parent company
ended as 31 August 2014 under the name of Dalian Bingshan Metal Process Co., Ltd., the
transferring price was RMB 9,249,900.00.
3. Equity in joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise
(1)The important of joint ventures or affiliated companies

                                                 Main           Register                        Shareholding
     Name of joint ventures or affiliated                                                                          Accountin
                                                business          ed        Business nature               Indire
                companies                                                                      Direct              g methods
                                                address         address                                     ct

Joint ventures:
Dalian Bingshan – P&A Recreation                                                                                      Equity
                                                 Dalian         Dalian        Installation      50%
Development Engineering Co., Ltd                                                                                       method
Affiliated companies:
Keinin-Grand Ocean Thermal Technology                                                                                  Equity
                                                 Dalian         Dalian       Manufacturing      20%
(Dalian) Co., Ltd                                                                                                      method
Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd           Dalian         Dalian       Manufacturing      40%
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co.,                                                                              Equity
                                                 Dalian         Dalian       Manufacturing      49%
Ltd.                                                                                                                   method

(2)The main financial information of joint ventures

                           Items                            30-06-2015/2015.01-06                31-12-2014/2014.01-06
 Current assets                                                    9,634,599.72                         11,558,920.00
 Including: Cash and cash equivalents                              1,252,965.34                         2,892,025.92
 Non-current assets                                                 461,003.24                           213,621.85
 Assets total                                                     10,095,602.96                         11,772,541.85
 Current liabilities                                               3,733,184.38                         4,616,122.53
 Non-current liabilities
 Total liabilities                                                 3,733,184.38                         4,616,122.53
 Minority interests
 Equity to the parent company                                      6,362,418.58                         7,156,419.32

                                                      Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                            Items                          30-06-2015/2015.01-06            31-12-2014/2014.01-06
  Net assets calculated according to the
  shareholding proportions                                       3,181,209.29                    3,578,209.66

  Adjusting events
  —Unrealized profits of insider trading
  —Employee’s welfare and bonus fund in foreign
                                                                  -4,439.67                       -24,289.69
  invested company
  Book value of equity investment of joint ventures              3,176,769.62                    3,553,919.97
  Fair value of equity investment with public offer
  Operating income                                               703,985.12                      7,446,769.63
  Finance expenses                                                 -535.21                         -246.95
  Income tax                                                                                     159,398.86
  Net profit                                                     -794,000.74                     478,196.58
  Other comprehensive income
  Total comprehensive income                                     -794,000.74                     478,196.58
  The dividends received from joint ventures during
  current year

(3) The main financial information of affiliated companies

                    Items                   Keinin-Grand Ocean                             Dalian Fuji Bingshan
                                                                  Panasonic Compressor
                                            Thermal Technology                             Vending Machine Co.,
                                                                    (Dalian) Co., Ltd
                                             (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                     Ltd.
Current assets                                  262,994,046.16         1,476,278,713.90           290,926,516.52
Non-current assets                              102,621,777.49          356,719,720.58             62,565,731.09
Total assets                                    365,615,823.65         1,832,998,434.48           353,492,247.61
Current liabilities                             163,882,289.72          756,705,748.73            141,363,866.25
Non-current liabilities                                                                             3,336,569.64
Total liabilities                               163,882,289.72          756,705,748.73            144,700,435.89
Minority interests
Equity to the parent company                    201,733,533.93         1,076,292,685.75           208,791,811.72
Net assets calculated according to the
                                                 40,346,707.17          430,517,074.30            102,307,987.74
shareholding proportions
Adjusting events
—Unrealized profits of insider
 —Employee’s welfare and bonus fund
 in foreign invested company
Book value of equity investment of
                                                 40,346,707.17          427,956,908.86            102,307,987.74
affiliated companies
Fair value of equity investment with
public offer
Operating income                                334,917,403.41          985,412,375.73            209,861,461.28
Net profit                                       38,063,823.88            80,005,169.74            25,328,865.57
Net profit of discontinuing operation
Other comprehensive income

                                                 Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                    Items                Keinin-Grand Ocean                             Dalian Fuji Bingshan
                                                               Panasonic Compressor
                                         Thermal Technology                             Vending Machine Co.,
                                                                 (Dalian) Co., Ltd
                                          (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                     Ltd.
Total comprehensive income                    38,063,823.88           80,005,169.74             25,328,865.57
The current dividends received from
joint ventures


                    Items                Keinin-Grand Ocean                             Dalian Fuji Bingshan
                                                               Panasonic Compressor
                                         Thermal Technology                             Vending Machine Co.,
                                                                 (Dalian) Co., Ltd
                                          (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                     Ltd.
Current assets                               229,755,347.05         1,533,547,513.54           201,931,675.02
Non-current assets                           109,589,146.12          358,157,107.39             62,589,896.32
Total assets                                 339,344,493.17         1,891,704,620.93           264,521,571.34
Current liabilities                          127,674,781.29          796,714,218.88             77,636,760.15
Non-current liabilities                                                                          3,421,865.04
Total liabilities                            127,674,781.29          796,714,218.88             81,058,625.19
Minority interests
Equity to the parent company                 211,669,711.88         1,094,990,402.05           183,462,946.15
Net assets calculated according to the
                                              42,333,942.39          437,996,160.82             89,896,843.61
shareholding proportions
Adjusting events
—Unrealized profits of insider
 —Employee’s welfare and bonus fund
 in foreign invested company
Book value of equity investment of
                                              42,333,942.39          432,515,006.40             89,896,843.61
affiliated companies
Fair value of equity investment with
public offer
Operating income                             286,306,907.58         1,255,325,747.10           194,187,243.81
Net profit                                    20,800,431.70           92,039,692.56             20,008,126.71
Net profit of discontinuing operation
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income                    20,800,431.70           92,039,692.56             20,008,126.71
The current dividends received from
joint ventures

(4) Summary financial information of insignificant affiliated companies

                      Items                     30-06-2015/2015.01-06              31-12-2014/2014.01-06
Total book value of investment of
                                                              459,725,585.61                    470,930,026.48
affiliated companies
The total of following items according to
                                                                          --                                   --
the shareholding proportions
      Net profit                                                 -964,253.70                     19,944,975.85
      Other comprehensive income
      Total comprehensive income                                 -964,253.70                     19,944,975.85

                                                   Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

    (5) No significant restrictions of the ability of joint venture or associated enterprise transfer funds
   to the company.
    (6)No excess loss of joint venture or associated enterprise.
    (7)No commitment related to joint venture or affiliated company needed disclose.
    (8)No Contingent liabilities related to joint venture or affiliated company needed disclose.
   X. The risk related financial instruments
   The Company faces a variety of financial risks in the course of operation: credit risk, liquidity risk
   and market risk (mainly exchange risk and interest rate risk). The objective of the company‘s risk
   management is to obtain a proper balance between the risks and benefits, reduce the risks‘ negative
   impact on the company's operating performance.

   1. Credit risk
   The credit risk of the company included monetary fund, accounts receivable, notes receivable and
   other accounts receivable etc. The management made credit policies and supervised changes of
   these credit explosure.
   The company's working capital was in bank with higher credit rating, so there was no significant
   credit risk, nor significant losses due to the default of other entity.
   Company mainly faces customer credit risk caused by the credit sale. The Company would make an
   evaluation on new customers‘ credit risk before signing new contracts, which includes external
   credit rating and bank reference letter (when available) under certain circumstances. The Company
   sets quota on credit sale for each customer and such quota is the maximum amount without
   additional approvals. As at June 30, 2015, the big five customers of accounts receivable was 11.69%
   of total accounts receivable, and as at 31st December 2014 that was 10.86%.
   Except guarantee events disclosed in the notes, there was no other credit risk of guarantee of the

   2. Liquidity risk
   Liquidity risk was referred to the risk of shortage of funds incurred when the enterprise perform the
   obligation of settlement by cash or other financial assets.
   The financial department of the company continued to monitors the short term or long term capital
   needs to ensure maintain plenty of cash flow. And the same time they also monitor the condition of
   bank loan agreements and obtain commitments from banks to provide plenty of fund.
   As at June 30, 2015, the company’s financial assets and financial liabilities in line with non discount
   cash flow of the contracts as following:
      Items                             Original value of                            1-2     2-5
                      Book value                                  Within 1 year                     Over   5 years
                                            the book                                years   years
Monetary fund         365,011,773.84      365,011,773.84          365,011,773.84
Notes receivable       48,780,136.31       48,780,136.31           48,780,136.31
                      566,710,020.31      680,938,857.71          566,710,020.31
                        2,491,608.34        2,491,608.34            2,491,608.34
                       39,200,000.00       39,200,000.00           39,200,000.00
                       40,188,760.41       45,706,963.73           40,188,760.41
Available      for
sale     financial   1,045,925,548.00   1,051,150,318.80                                            1,045,925,548.00
    Subtotal         2,108,307,847.21   2,233,279,658.73         1,062,382,299.21                   1,045,925,548.00
                       60,000,000.00       60,000,000.00           60,000,000.00
Notes payable         120,832,581.67      120,832,581.67          120,832,581.67
                      545,355,348.00      545,355,348.00          545,355,348.00

                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

     Items                               Original value of                            1-2      2-5
                      Book value                                  Within 1 year                         Over    5 years
                                             the book                                years    years
compensation           31,143,560.46        31,143,560.46           31,143,560.46
Taxes payable          17,205,482.56        17,205,482.56           17,205,482.56
                        2,643,678.92         2,643,678.92            2,643,678.92
Other payables         59,512,717.45        59,512,717.45           59,512,717.45
   Subtotal           836,693,369.06       836,693,369.06          836,693,369.06


      Items                               Original value of                            1-2       2-5
                       Book value                                  Within 1 year                         Over    5 years
                                              the book                                years     years
Monetary fund          508,511,466.02       508,511,466.02          508,511,466.02
Notes receivable        14,855,957.70         14,855,957.70          14,855,957.70
                       438,880,830.12       555,119,550.49          438,880,830.12
Interest receivable      4,998,982.40          4,998,982.40           4,998,982.40
Other receivables       34,266,444.02         39,244,121.02          34,266,444.02
Available for sale
                        42,428,388.70         47,653,159.50                                              42,428,388.70
financial assets
    Subtotal          1,043,942,068.96    1,170,383,237.13        1,001,513,680.26                       42,428,388.70
                        60,000,000.00         60,000,000.00          60,000,000.00
Notes payable          109,546,502.61       109,546,502.61          109,546,502.61
Accounts payable       511,076,537.82       511,076,537.82          511,076,537.82
compensation            55,993,637.27         55,993,637.27          55,993,637.27
Taxes payable            2,642,729.69          2,642,729.69           2,642,729.69
Dividend payable           533,156.00            533,156.00             533,156.00
Other payables          60,075,814.04         60,075,814.04          60,075,814.04
    Subtotal           799,868,377.43       799,868,377.43          799,868,377.43

   3. Market risk
   (1) Exchange rate risk
   Most of the company’s business located in China, and settled with RMB. But the company
   defined exchange rate risk of foreign currency assets and future foreign currency transaction
   (mainly including USD,JPY,HKD and GBP). The financial department of the company monitors
   the company’s foreign currency transaction and the scale of foreign assets and liabilities, and
   decreases exchange rate risk.
   ①During the current year the company didn’t buy any forward foreign exchange contract or swap
   ② As at June 30,2015, the company’s foreign currency assets and foreign currency liabilities listed
   in RMB as following:

                                               Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                       USD             JPY                GBP            EUR                Total
Foreign currency
financial assets,
Monetary fund         80,412.55        15,599.76      1,127,439.11          38.47            1,223,489.89
                                                      1,813,607.67                           1,813,607.67
    Subtotal          80,412.55        15,599.76      2,941,046.78          38.47            3,037,097.56
Foreign currency
financial liability
Accounts payable                                          350,969.14                          350,969.14
    Subtotal                                              350,969.14                          350,969.14


                        USD              JPY                GBP           EUR                Total
Foreign currency
financial assets,
Monetary fund           91,285.75         8,353.65        2,283,436.54          41.75        2,383,117.69
                                                          2,578,861.20                       2,578,861.20
    Subtotal            91,285.75         8,353.65        4,862,297.74          41.75        4,961,978.89
Foreign currency
financial liability
Accounts payable                                           347,383.81                         347,383.81
    Subtotal                                               347,383.81                         347,383.81

③ The sensitive analysis:
As at June 30, 2015, because the company’s foreign currency assets or liabilities were small, the
change of foreign exchange rate had little impact to the company’s net profit or shareholders' equity.
(2) Interest rate risk
The interest risk of the Group incurred from bank loan, interest rate risk of a floating interest rate of
financial liabilities that lead to the company facing cash flow interest rate risk, financial liabilities
with a fixed interest rate lead to the company facing cash flow interest rate risk. The company
determined the proportion of fixed interest rate and floating interest rate according the current
market circumstance. As at 1st December 2014, the subsidiary of the company Wuhan New World
Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd. borrowed short term loan RMB 60,000,000.00 with fixed interest
The financial department of the company continuously monitors the interest rates level, and the
management would make some adjustment to face interest rate increasing.
The sensitive analysis:
Base on the assumption of interest rate change of 50 BP, the company’s net profit of first half of
2015 will increase or decrease RMB 300,000.

                                                       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

XI. Related Parties Relationships and Transactions
1. Information of the company’s parent company

   Name of            Registered          Nature of          Registered          The parent         The parent
                                                                                 company's           company's
   enterprise           address             business            capital         shareholding        voting right
Bingshan Group          Dalian           Manufacture       140,600,000.00          21.34%             21.34%
Co., Ltd.

(1) Information of the company’s parent company
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. Is a sino–foreign joint venture located No.888 Xinan Road,
Shahekou District, Dalian, China. The legal representative person of Dalian Bingshan Group Co.,
Ltd. Is Homma Tetsuro, and the registered capital is RMB140.6 million. The registered business
operation period is from 3rd July 1985 to 2nd July 2035. The business scope include research,
development, manufacture, sales, service and installment of refrigeration product, freezing and
cooling product, different size of air-conditioners, petrochemical equipment, electronic and
electronic control product, home electronic appliance, environment protect equipment and etc.
(Business needed administrative permission must have the administrative license. )
(2) There is no ultimate controller of the Company.
2. The information of the subsidiaries please refers to IX.1 of this note.
3. The information of the affiliated company and joint venture please refers to IX.3 of this
The companies had related party transaction with the company during the current period or had
transaction balance at the end of last period, including:

             Names of the joint ventures or affiliated companies                  Relationships with the Company
Dalian Bingshan – P&A Recreation Development Engineering Co., Ltd                 Joint venture of the Company
Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co. , Ltd                                 Affiliated company of the Company
Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                       Affiliated company of the Company
Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd                                                  Affiliated company of the Company
Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                          Affiliated company of the Company
Keinin-Grand Ocean Thermal Technology (Dalian) Co., Ltd                         Affiliated company of the Company
Panasonic compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                          Affiliated company of the Company
Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd                                         Affiliated company of the Company
Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Machinery
                                                                                Affiliated company of the Company
Co., Ltd
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd                                   Affiliated company of the Company
Daliian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd                      Affiliated company of the Company
MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                    Affiliated company of the Company
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine sales Co., Ltd                             Affiliated company of the Company

4. Other type of the related parties

                 Names of the related parties                               Relationships with the Company
Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd                    Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group
Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory                              Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group
Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd                  Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group
Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd                               Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group
Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd                            Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group

                                                  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

               Names of the related parties                                 Relationships with the Company
Dalian Mahe Level Control Electrical Appliances    Co., Ltd       Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group
Linde Engineering (Dalian) Co., Ltd                               Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group
BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                                                  Joint venture of Dalian Bingshan Group
Linde Engineering (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd                             Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan Group

5. The transactions between the Company and the related parties
(1) The transactions between the Company and the related parties, whose balance sheet has been
included in the consolidated statement and between the parties themselves have been offset.
(2) Purchases of goods from related parties

                                                              Details of
             Names of the related parties                                            2015.01-06             2014.01-06
 Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.              Purchases of goods               716,562.50          884,503.24
 Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                 Purchases of goods              3,304,862.95       7,433,527.78
 Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                 Purchases of goods               784,752.13           32,239.21

 Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd                 Purchases of goods               100,828.42          195,764.27
 Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment
                                                         Purchases of goods              6,421,503.17      22,424,166.91
 Co., Ltd
 Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory            Purchases of goods              4,812,153.85       3,807,851.00

 Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd                  Purchases of goods               322,813.68          133,333.33

 BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                                     Purchases of goods          13,730,297.37         25,317,502.60

 Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co. , Ltd         Purchases of goods          25,668,455.04          8,482,546.92

 Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd               Purchases of goods               155,961.17          534,598.40
 Daliian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System
                                                         Purchases of goods               763,338.56        1,068,325.94
 Co., Ltd
 Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd           Purchases of goods               242,187.94
 Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and
                                                         Purchases of goods              1,350,427.36
 Air-conditioning Machinery Co., Ltd
                        Total                                                        58,374,144.14         70,314,359.60

Sales of goods to related parties
                                                                            Details of
                   Names of the related parties                            transaction          2015.01-06          2014.01-06

 Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                           Sales of goods             1,781,171.34        4,947,472.34

 Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                              Sales of goods           15,006,735.92        10,599,811.03

 Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                              Sales of goods             3,404,239.17        3,637,584.26

 Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd               Sales of goods              667,450.61             919,806.39

 Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory                         Sales of goods              806,213.11         3,179,698.09

 BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                                                  Sales of goods                                 1,090,316.25

 Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co. , Ltd                      Sales of goods           40,431,688.39       51,801,413.84

 Dalian Bingshan – P&A Recreation Development Engineering
                                                                      Sales of goods                    6,538.47          84,999.99
 Co., Ltd

                                                     Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                                                           Details of
                      Names of the related parties                        transaction         2015.01-06        2014.01-06

 Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd               Sales of goods          280,132.48           173,671.79
 Beijing Huashang Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment Co.,
                                                                        Sales of goods        20,449,376.92     33,544,521.62
 Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd                          Sales of goods         5,074,438.78      1,367,412.63

 Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd                              Sales of goods           51,224.53            69,888.46

 Daliian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd             Sales of goods          401,446.85           255,563.57

 MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co.,Ltd                            Sales of goods         2,702,016.14          795,707.71

 Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd                                 Sales of goods          194,966.55

                                 Total                                                        91,257,639.26   112,467,867.97

(3) Leasing fee from related party
                                                                          Rental income of         Rental income of
                     Lessee                          Leasing assets        current period          previous period
 Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                        Offices
 Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading
 Co. , Ltd
 MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian)
                                                      Workshops                 2,100,000.00

                     Total                                                      2,100,000.00

Leasing fee to related party
                                                                            Rental fees of          Rental fees of
                     Leaser                          Leasing assets         current period         previous period
 Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                        Offices

The Company signed a leasing agreement with Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd., and leased 576
㎡ of offices to Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. The rental of offices is RMB 103,680.00 per year,
and the effective period of the contract is 2 years.
The Company rent office and garage of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd., and the rental is
RMB142,572.00 per year for 3 years.
The company signed rental contract with MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd., and rent #
6 workshop building located on No. 106 Liaohe East Rd, Dalian Economic and Technology
Development Zone to MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd. The rental area is 15,259.04
square meters, and rent term till 16th July, 2029. The annual rent fee is RMB 4.2 million considering
the time value of money.
(4) No guarantee with related companies.
(5) The borrowing of funds from related party

 Name of the related party            Amount          Starting date   Ending date               Explanation
Dalian Bingshan Group Co.,                                                              Borrowed for moving to new
                                    10,000,000.00      2006.09.01
Ltd.                                                                                    location
Dalian Bingshan Group Co.,                                                              Borrowed for building new
                                    10,000,000.00      2015.02.16
Ltd.                                                                                    building
             Total                  20,000,000.00

The Company’s subsidiary Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.

                                                  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

borrowed RMB 10,000,000.00 from Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. for moving to new location,
and the interests are counted same as bank loan.
The Company’s subsidiary Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industry Co., Ltd. borrowed RMB
10,000,000.00 from Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. for building new location, and the interests
are counted same as bank loan.
(6)Related party asset transfer and debt restructuring
Not applicable.
6. Amounts due from/to related parties
(1) Accounts receivable

                                                                  30-06-2015                        31-12-2014
             Names of the related parties                                  Provision                       Provision
                                                             Amount         for bad         Amount          for bad
                                                                             debts                           debts

Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                 1,216,391.58        63,569.58        91,852.00       7,367.60

Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.              2,500,731.01       125,036.55     2,735,787.19     136,789.36

Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                 6,224,616.79       311,230.84     2,082,509.89     109,302.98

Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd.              960,950.07     48,047.50     1,155,043.14      57,752.16

BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                                           5,600.00        280.00         5,600.00           280.00

Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment Co.,
                                                             380,455.52     19,022.78       378,597.55      18,929.88
Dalian Bingshan – P&A Recreation Development
                                                              65,180.00      3,259.00       215,180.00      10,759.00
Engineering Ltd.
Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and
                                                           20,978,367.08   1,083,718.35   3,713,359.64     220,467.98
Air-conditioning Machinery Co., Ltd.

Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd.          3,568,795.65       178,439.78       318,714.88      15,935.74

Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System
                                                             389,104.32     19,455.22       142,907.59       7,145.38
Co., Ltd.

MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.           1,007,786.86        50,389.34       461,942.00      23,097.10

Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd.                      127,286.20      6,364.31

(2) Notes receivable

                        Names of the related parties                              30-06-2015            31-12-2014

Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                             1,868,896.93          1,868,896.93

Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd.                                   12,130,543.83

Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd.                             223,496.21

Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                                 280,507.23        1,875,903.71

Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                              498,649.81          227,535.94

Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd                           1,200,000.00          2,000,000.00
Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Machinery
                                                                                   5,000,000.00          5,000,000.00
Co., Ltd

                                                  Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

(3) Accounts paid in advance
                Names of the related parties                           30-06-2015               31-12-2014

Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory                                 317,250.00

Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                         1,214.00

Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                             510.00

BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                                                                672.00

Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd.                            5,963,284.85             2,698,283.12

 (4) Other accounts receivable

                                                          30-06-2015                        31-12-2014

         Name of the related party                                                                   Provision
                                                               Provision for bad
                                                 Amount                                Amount         for bad
 Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration
                                                  34,598.32              1,729.92
 and Air-conditioning Machinery Co., Ltd

 Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                               137,520.50        6,876.03

 (5) Accounts payable

                  Names of the related parties                         30-06-2015               31-12-2014
 Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory                               3,118,623.11             1,507,966.95
 BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                                                      18,393,016.94            21,593,357.00
 Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                    4,722,049.29             6,536,438.32
 Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                                           195,000.00
 Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                      12,531.00                  12,531.00
 Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd.                                     76,603.41               221,236.85
 Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd.                                     391,999.00               269,499.00
 Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd.                            9,750,412.34             2,849,467.19
 Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                     159,210.00                      25.50
 Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.                                  134,381.61               251,907.04
 Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd.                 1,185,745.90              792,639.78
 Beijing Bingshan Serial Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                    67,008.00

 (6) Notes payable

                  Names of the related parties                         30-06-2015               31-12-2014
 Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      760,794.55
 Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                    4,000,000.00             8,000,000.00
 BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                                                        145,432.00               700,000.00
 Dalian Bingshan Group Materials Trading Co. , Ltd.                          250,000.00
 Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd.                             357,244.17               649,748.52
 Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory                               1,900,000.00              300,000.00
 Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd.                  500,000.00               600,000.00
 Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd.                                                                 52,000.00

                                                      Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

 (7) Accounts received in advance

                             Names of the related parties                              30-06-2015           31-12-2014

 Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd.                                           1,669,075.20        394,474.36
 Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Machinery
 Co., Ltd.

(8) Other accounts payable

                   Names of the related parties                               30-06-2015                  31-12-2014

 Dalian Bingshan Group          Co., Ltd.                                        20,489,740.68              10,015,792.27
 Dalian Third Refrigeration Equipment Factory                                         1,000.00                   1,000.00

 Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd.                                     18,173.95                  17,441.44

 MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                     483,441.71                  475,863.95

XII Share-based payment

1. Overall situation
Total equity instrument awarded by the Company in the Period                                              10,150,000.00
Total equity instrument exercised in the Period                                                           10,150,000.00
Total equity instrument that out of operation in the Period
                                                                                5.56Yuan/Share, in three phases, the
Range of the outstanding exercise price for stock option at period-end           remaining period in        contract
and remaining period of the contract                                             respectively has 12 months, 24
                                                                                 months and 36 months
Range of the outstanding exercise price for other equity instrument at
period-end and remaining period of the contract

2. Share-based payment settled by equity
                                                              In line with the fair value of the restricted shares at
Determination method for the fair value of equity
                                                              grant date (not determining the fair value change after
instrument at grant date
                                                              grant date)
Determination basis for the number of exercising equity
                                                              Determined by actual exercising numbers
Reason of major difference between the estimation in
the Period and last period
The aggregate amount of share-based payment that
reckoned into capital reserve with equity settlement
Total expenses recognized by share-based payment that
settle by equity in the Period
                        th                  th
According to the 13 meeting of 6 session of the Board, resolution of the 1st extraordinary general
meeting of 2015 and regulation of Restricted Shares Incentive Plan (Draft), the Company awarded
the restricted shares to 41 equity incentive objects by way of orientate offering of A ordinary shares,
totally 10,150,000 shares are rewarded with price of 5.56 Yuan/Share, and the capital amounting to
RMB 56,434,000.00 in total after raised.
The equity incentive objects of the Company including the directors serves in the Company
(subsidiary included), the high-level management and other core employees that recognized as
incentive objects by the Board while the equity incentive plan announced, the supervisors,
independent directors, foreign directors and foreign managers are excluded.

XⅢ.    Commitments and Contingency
1. No major commitments to be disclosed till June 30, 2015.

                                           Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

2. No other contingency needed disclosed till June 30, 2015.

XIV Post balance sheet issues
1. Significant events had not adjusted
(1) Issue shares
The resolution of 17th meeting of 6th session of the Board has deliberated and approved the plan of
private placement of RMB ordinary shares (A-share), the fund raised are used in the relocation
reform project of the Company.

(2) Investment
As for the 17th meeting of 6th session of the Board, the Company purchased the 30% equity of
Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd held by the Dalian Bingshan Group Co.,
Ltd. Dalian Sanyo High-Efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd. comes to the subsidiary of the
Company after equity transfer completed.
As for the 18th meeting of 6th session of the Board, the Company purchased the 19% equity of
Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industry Co., Ltd. held by the Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd
and the 30% equity of Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industry Co., Ltd. held by Sanyo Electric
Co., Ltd. The Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industry Co., Ltd. comes to the wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company after equity transfer completed.
As for the 19th meeting of 6th session of the Board, the Company purchased the 29.212 percent
equity of Changzhou Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd. with 130 million yuan. In which, 25
percent equity of Jingxue Freezing held by Jingxue Industry and Trade and 4.212 percent equity of
Jingxue Freezing held by Jingxue Investment .Changzhou Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.
comes to the affiliated company of the Company after equity transfer completed.

(3) Subsidiary absorbing and merging subsidiary
Resolution of 15th meeting of 6th session of the Board of directors agreed the Company’s
subsidiary Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd. to absorb and merge
Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd. The benchmark date for absorbing and merging was
made on 31st December 2014. After absorbing and merging, Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick
Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd. will be the surviving company.

(4) Significant lawsuit, arbitration and commitment
Not applicable.

2. Significant sales return after balance sheet day
Not applicable.
3. There was no other post balance sheet significant events except above mentioned.

XV. Other important things needed disclosed.
1. There was no corrections of prior period accounting errors during the current period.
2. There was no debt restructuring during the current period.
3. There was no assets exchange during the current period.
4. The Company didn’t design employer pension plan.
5. There was no discontinuing operation during the current period.
6. Segments information
(1) Standards and accounting policies of reporting segment
The company determines operating segment according to its organization structure, management
rules, inside reporting system. The operating segment should satisfy following conditions:
① The operating segment could generate income and incure expenses from normal operating

                                            Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

②The management could evaluate its operating effect, and then decide resources assignment and its
operating performance;
③The segment’s information of financial position and results of operations and cash flow could be
The company determines reporting segment based on operating segments. The reporting segment
should satisfy one of the following conditions::
① The operating segment’s income should be over 10% of total income;
② The number of the operating segment’s profit(or loss) should be over 10% of the number of total
profit and the number of total losses.
The transfer prices between segments were decided according to the market prices. The expenses of
common assets used by segments and other common expenses should be divided among the
segments according to the income.
(2) Elements of determining reporting segment and types of reporting segments’ products and
The company determined three reporting segments according to the geographic area, including
Northeast China, Central China and East China. The Northeast China segment included the
company’s head office and subsidiaries located in Dalian. The Central China segment included
subsidiary company Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd. And the East China
segment included subsidiary’s subsidiary company Ningbo Bingshan Refrigeration Air Conditioner
Engineering Co., Ltd.
(3) The financial information of reporting segments

              Items            Northeast
                                            Central China     East China       Offset       Total
1 Operating income              86,325.76       10,366.39        1,349.83      26,867.95    71,174.03
Including: Income from
                                64,714.98        5,109.22        1,349.83                   71,174.03
external transaction
    Income from internal
                                21,610.78        5,257.17                      26,867.95
2 Selling expenses              78,672.32       10,962.98        1,254.03      26,476.37    64,412.96
Including: Investment income
from associates and joint        4,808.31                                                    4,808.31
    Impairment on assets           257.10                            -9.57                    247.53
   Depreciation and
                                 1,599.01          539.83            5.55                    2,144.39
3 Operating profits(loss)        7,868.83         -540.89          101.12        391.58      7,037.48
4 Income tax                       538.48             8.40          22.28                     569.16
5 Net profit(loss)               7,330.34         -549.28           78.84        391.58      6,468.32
6 Total assets                 402,829.06       45,691.44        1,759.07      38,068.16   412,211.41
7 Total liabilities             95,107.58       32,652.35        1,246.00      14,779.29   114,226.64
8 Other significant non cash
                                 3,314.44          993.56           21.92                    4,329.92
    Capital expenditure          3,314.44          993.56           21.92                    4,329.92

The accounting policies of every operating segment were the same with described in the note IV.The
main accounting policies, accounting estimates and corrections of accounting errors.

                                                        Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

    7. There was no significant event which would affect the decision of investor during the
    current period.

    XVI. Notes to the financial statements of the parent company
    1. Accounts receivable
    (1) Classified by accounts nature


       Categories                         Balance                        Provision for doubtful debt
                                                                                                             Book value
                                 Amount             Proportion           Amount            Proportion
Major single amount and
bad     debt     provision
provided individually
Bad debt provided on
                               342,519,951.14          100.00%         64,577,110.72            18.85%      277,942,840.42
group basis
Minor single amount but
bad     debt     provision
provided individually
          Total                342,519,951.14          100.00%         64,577,110.72            18.85%      277,942,840.42


       Categories                         Balance                        Provision for doubtful debt
                                                                                                             Book value
                                 Amount             Proportion           Amount            Proportion
Major single amount and
bad     debt     provision
provided individually
Bad debt provided         on
                               277,119,839.64          100.00%         71,812,337.04            25.91%      205,307,502.60
group basis
Minor single amount but
bad     debt     provision
provided individually

          Total                277,119,839.64          100.00%         71,812,337.04            25.91%      205,307,502.60

    Accounts receivable which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group.
      Account      ages
                                     Amount                      Provision for bad debts           Proportion rates
    Within 1 year                         217,923,809.11                    6,985,356.92                              5.00%
    1 to 2 years                           41,125,235.35                    4,112,523.53                          10.00%
    2 to 3 years                           29,859,188.65                    8,957,756.59                          30.00%
    3 to 4 years                           15,918,040.97                    7,959,020.48                          50.00%
    4 to 5 years                            5,656,119.31                    4,524,895.45                          80.00%
    Over 5 years                           32,037,557.75                   32,037,557.75                        100.00%
          Total                           342,519,951.14                   64,577,110.72

    (2) Provision for bad debts accrued, regain or switch back in the period
    In the current period, RMB 5,988,915.93 was regained.

    (3) The write-off of accounts receivable during the reporting period

                                                              Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                Items                                                     Written off amount
                              16 clients                                                      1,246,310.39

      The reasons of accounts receivable write-off include termination of operation and disability of
      payment, winning lawsuits but not finding executable assets, small balance not being collected for
      long time, and disagreement rework charges etc.
        (4) Accounts receivable top 5 on amount
                                                                                                               Provision for bad
                         Companies                                   Amount            Proportion (%)
      Dalian    Xinghai    Bay    Development and
                                                                   11,242,693.00                   3.28              11,242,693.00
      Construction Management Centre
      Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and
                                                                    9,064,857.08                   2.65                453,242.85
      Air-conditioning Machinery Co., Ltd.
      Xuzhou Yurun agricultural products global
                                                                    8,200,000.00                   2.39                410,000.00
      procurement center
      Yili Twinings Biological Technology Co., Ltd.                 7,190,812.00                   2.10                359,540.60

      COFCO Meat(Suqian)Co., Ltd.                                 7,178,265.85                   2.10               2,121,817.76

                              Total                                42,876,627.93                  12.52              14,587,294.21
      The ending account receivable increased 35.38% over that of period-begin, mainly because the
      account receivable for goods from subsidiaries increased.
      2. Other accounts receivable
      (1) Classified by account nature

            Items                                   Balance                   Provision for doubtful debt
                                                                                                                      Book value
                                           Amount             Proportion       Amount             Proportion
Major single amount and bad
debt provision provided
Bad debt provided on group                  24,941,184.54          100.00%         2,166,400.94              8.69%      22,774,783.60
Minor single amount but bad
debt provision provided
            Total                           24,941,184.54          100.00%         2,166,400.94              8.69%      22,774,783.60



            Items                                   Balance                   Provision for doubtful debt
                                                                                                                      Book value
                                           Amount             Proportion       Amount             Proportion
Major single amount and bad
debt     provision  provided
Bad debt provided on group                  23,056,627.39          100.00%         1,790,721.85              7.77%      21,265,905.54
Minor single amount but bad
debt     provision  provided
            Total                           23,056,627.39          100.00%         1,790,721.85              7.77%      21,265,905.54

      Other accounts receivable which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group

                                                     Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

 Account       ages
                                      Amount                   Provision for bad debts            Proportion rates

Within 1year                            20,572,848.85                     1,028,642.45                            5.00%

1 to 2 years                             2,874,837.59                       287,483.76                          10.00%

2 to 3 years                               659,047.48                       197,714.24                          30.00%

3 to 4 years                               250,000.00                       125,000.00                          50.00%

4 to 5 years                               284,450.62                       227,560.49                          80.00%

Over 5 years                               300,000.00                       300,000.00                         100.00%

      Total                             24,941,184.54                     2,166,400.94

(2) Provision for bad debts accrued, regain or switch back in the period

In the current period, RMB 387,267.59 was accrued provision for bad debts, and no amount was
switched back or regained.

(3)The other accounts receivable need to be written off during the reporting period.

                           Items                                                 Written off amount
                          2 clients                                                  11,588.50

The reasons of accounts receivable write-off include termination of operation and disability of
payment, winning lawsuits but not finding executable assets, small balance not being collected for
long time, and disagreement rework charges etc.
 (4) The nature of other accounts receivable

                  Items                               30-06-2015                                 31-12-2014
Guarantee deposits                                               22,141,139.57                            20,951,410.09
Petty cash                                                        1,020,544.97                                  97,241.00
To or fro accounts
Prepayments over settlement periods                               1,779,500.00                             2,007,976.30
                  Total                                          24,941,184.54                            23,056,627.39

(5) Top 5 on amount of other accounts receivable
                                                                                                               balance of
        Companies                       Nature          Amount                Age          Proportion
                                                                                                              provision for
                                                                                                                bad debts
Dalian Tianbao Green Food          Performance                            Less than 1
                                                      18,000,000.00                              72.17%         900,000.00
Co., Ltd                           bonds                                     year
Dalian Tianyi InfoTech Co.,
                                   over settlement      1,779,500.00      1 to-2 years            7.13%         177,950.00
Jinzhou     Dalian  New                                                   Less than 1
District     organs  and           Guarantee                              year, 1 to 2
                                                        1,586,623.95                              6.36%         102,482.37
institutions of financial          deposits                               years,2 to 3
accounting center                                                            years.
Dalian Detai Town Gas              Guarantee                             1 to 2 years;2
                                                         600,000.00                               2.41%          80,000.00
China Co., Ltd.                    deposits                                to 3 years

                                                      Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                                                                                                     balance of
        Companies                     Nature                Amount                   Age          Proportion
                                                                                                                    provision for
                                                                                                                      bad debts
Dalian municipal
construction engineering         Migrant
                                 workers wages              500,000.00         2 to3 years                2.00%          150,000.00
labor insurance                  margin
management center

           Total                                        22,466,123.95                                    90.07%     1,410,432.37

3. Long-term equity investments

                                               30-06-2015                                                31-12-2014
       Nature                                   Provision
                                                                                                         Provision for
                           Book balance            for         Book value            Book balance                           Book value
Subsidiaries                  125,591,805.57                       125,591,805.57      107,629,071.42                        107,629,071.42
Joint       ventures&
                            1,033,513,959.00                      1,033,513,959.00    1,039,229,738.85                      1,039,229,738.85
affiliated companies
       Total                1,159,105,764.57                      1,159,105,764.57    1,146,858,810.27                      1,146,858,810.27

                                                                                                                Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

(1) Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                 Provision for   Provision
                                                        Beginning                          Decreased during                     impairment of
                       Names                                             during current                       Ending balance                        for
                                                         balance                            current period                        the current
                                                                                                                                    period       impairment
Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Installation Co.,
                                                         20,036,841.62     2,712,834.15                         22,749,675.77
Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Company                      12,936,700.00                                          12,936,700.00
Dalian Bingshan Metal Processing Co., Ltd                12,501,344.60     9,249,900.00                         21,751,244.60
Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd      36,506,570.00                                          36,506,570.00
Dalian Bingshan Guardian Automation    Co., Ltd           1,522,117.80                                           1,522,117.80
Dalian Bingshan Ryosetsu Quick Freezing Equipment
                                                          5,745,097.40                                           5,745,097.40
Co., Ltd
Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd        17,980,400.00                                          17,980,400.00
Wuhan New World Refrigeration Air Conditioner
                                                           400,000.00                                              400,000.00
Engineering Co., Ltd
Bingshan Technology Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                             6,000,000.00                          6,000,000.00
                        Total                           107,629,071.42    17,962,734.15                        125,591,805.57

                                                                                                                          Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

      (2) Joint ventures& affiliated companies

                                                                         Gains and losses    Adjustment     Chang    Cash bonus or       for                                  Provision
           Names                                                         recognized          of     other   es of    profits         impairment            Ending balance        for
                                  balance        Increased   Decreased                                                                            Others
                                                                         under the equity    comprehens     other    announced to       of the                               impairment
                                                                         method              ive income     equity   issue             current
1. Joint ventures
Dalian Bingshan – P&A
Recreation    Development         3,553,919.97                               -377,150.35                                                                      3,176,769.62
Engineering Co., Ltd
          Subtotal                3,553,919.97                               -377,150.35                                                                      3,176,769.62
2. Affiliated companies
Dalian              Bingshan
Engineering & Trading Co. ,      13,716,985.57                              1,302,858.87                                                                     15,019,844.44
Panasonic       Refrigeration
                                155,826,086.27                             -3,011,036.73                              5,200,000.00                          147,615,049.54
(Dalian) Co., Ltd
Dalian Honjo Chemical Co.,
                                  9,403,913.18                                231,620.31                              1,203,061.37                            8,432,472.12
Panasonic         Cold-Chain
                                215,573,606.48                              2,965,904.37                              8,000,000.00                          210,539,510.85
(Dalian) Co., Ltd
Keinin-Grand           Ocean
Thermal           Technology     42,333,942.39                              7,612,764.78                              9,600,000.00                           40,346,707.17
(Dalian) Co., Ltd
Panasonic         Compressor
                                432,515,006.40                             29,441,902.46                             34,000,000.00                          427,956,908.86
(Dalian) Co., Ltd
Dalian        Sanyo Meica
                                 23,233,848.71                               -889,967.73                                                                     22,343,880.98
Electronics Co., Ltd
MHI Bingshan Refrigeration
                                 29,294,087.63                             -2,308,578.44                                                                     26,985,509.19
(Dalian) Co.,Ltd

                                                                                                                              Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                                                                             Gains and losses    Adjustment     Chang    Cash bonus or       for                                   Provision
          Names                                                              recognized          of     other   es of    profits         impairment            Ending balance         for
                                  balance         Increased      Decreased                                                                            Others
                                                                             under the equity    comprehens     other    announced to       of the                                impairment
                                                                             method              ive income     equity   issue             current
Beijing Huashang Bingshan
Refrigeration           and
                                  1,425,989.62    1,754,200.00                   -512,013.13                                                                      2,668,176.49
Air-conditioning Machinery
Co., Ltd
Dalian     Fuji   Bingshan
                                 89,896,843.61                                 12,411,144.13                                                                    102,307,987.74
Vending Machine Co., Ltd
Daliian Sanyo High-Efficient
Refrigeration System Co.,        22,455,509.02                                    105,357.69                                                                     22,560,866.71
Dalian     Fuji   Bingshan
Vending Machine Sales Co.,                        2,450,000.00                  1,110,275.29                                                                      3,560,275.29
         Subtotal              1,035,675,818.88   4,204,200.00                 48,460,231.87                             58,003,061.37                         1,030,337,189.38
           Total               1,039,229,738.85   4,204,200.00                 48,083,081.52                             58,003,061.37                         1,033,513,959.00

                                                                       Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

4. Total operating income and operating cost
(1)Business income and cost

                                                             2015.01-06                                    2014.01-06
                                                   Income                    Cost               Income                    Cost
Key business                                       294,886,893.24          244,284,674.93       460,374,451.87          377,487,851.62
Other business                                        4,988,277.85           3,038,280.79        10,595,768.10            9,459,681.22
                 Total                             299,875,171.09          247,322,955.72       470,970,219.97          386,947,532.84

5. Gain/ (loss) from investments
                                          Items                                                 2015.01-06              2014.01-06

Gain arising from dividends of subsidiaries                                                         3,915,784.39          2,100,000.00

Long-term equity investment income accounted for by using the equity method                        48,083,081.52         53,897,497.58

Gain on selling equity of associate company                                                                                681,816.41

Gain from holding of financial assets available for sale                                             310,000.00           1,754,944.75

Gain from disposal financial assets available for sale

                                          Total                                                    52,308,865.91         58,434,258.74

XVII. Other supplementary Information
1. Non-recurring profits and losses
                            Non-recurring gains and losses items                                    Amount                 Notes

1. Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets                                                          26,473.73

2.Tax return or exemption exceeding authority or without formal authorization documents                    1,447.50

3.Governmental subsidy written into current gains and losses                                          1,751,055.19

4. Interest from non-financial enterprises written into current gains and losses

5.Gains/Losses on debt restructuring

6.Reversal of provision for impairment of long-term assets
7. Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset and liabilities, and investment
gains from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable financial
assets, other than valid period value instruments related to the Company’s common

8.Other net income and expense from non-operation                                                        135,520.95


Less:Affected amount of income tax from non-recurring gains and losses                                  303,540.74

Net amount of non-recurring gains and losses

Included: Attributable to minority shareholders’ equity                                                  13,509.15

                   Attributable to the owners of parent company                                       1,597,447.48

                                                                    Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

2. Earnings per share

                                                                        The weighted                   EPS
                                                                        average ROE      Basic EPS           Diluted EPS
Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders            3.26%            0.18                0.18

Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders
                                                                           3.18%            0.18                0.18
after deducting non-recurring gains and losses

3. The differences between domestic and international accounting standards
There were no significant differences between domestic and international accounting standards among the
Company’s financial statements of the current period.

                                                         Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. 2015 Semiannual Report

                              Section 10 Reference Documents

1.   The accounting statements bearing the signatures and seals of the legal representative, the financial
     majordomo and the accountants in charge.
2.   The original copies of all the Company's documents and the original copies of the bulletins published on the
newspapers designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in the report period.
3.   Time for reference: from Monday to Friday 8:00 - 12:00 (am)     1:00 - 5:00 (pm)
     Liaison persons: Mr. Song Wenbao,Miss Du Yu
     Tel: 0086-411-86538130
     Fax: 0086-411-86654530

                                             Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
                                                             August 19, 2015
