大 冷B:七届七次监事会议决议公告(英文版)2016-09-21
Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B; No: 2016-071
Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Public Notice on Resolution of the 7th Meeting
of the 7th Supervisory Committee
The Company and the Supervisory Committee of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. hereby confirm
that there are no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in
this report.
Please be advised that the 7th meeting of the 7th Supervisory Committee of Dalian Refrigeration
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) was held at the meeting room on the 5th floor of
the Company on September 20, 2016. All 3 supervisors attended the meeting. The meeting was
presided over by Mr. Yu Fuchun, the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee. The following
resolutions were examined and adopted at the meeting:
1. The report on granting the restricted stock to the incentive object.
The grant day is September 20,2016, complied with the provisions of the conditions about
incentive object in Listed Company Equity Incentive Management Measures and Memorandum
about the Related Matters of Equity Incentive (No.3) and the 2016 restricted stock incentive plan
of the Company.
After auditing whether the incentive object in the restricted stock incentive plan meet the grant
conditions, the Supervisory Committee thought that the incentive object met the qualifications of
related laws, rules and regulations including Company Law and Articles of Associations of the
Company; didn’t exist the situation publicly condemned or declared to be an unfit and improper
person by the stock exchange in the recent 12 months; didn’t exist the situation being given an
administrative punishment by CSRC because of major illegal behavior in the recent 12 months;
complied with the provisions of the conditions about incentive object in Listed Company Equity
Incentive Management Measures and Memorandum about the Related Matters of Equity Incentive
(No. 3) and the 2016 restricted stock incentive plan of the Company; the subject qualification as
the restricted stock incentive objects of the Company were legitimate and effective.
The incentive object in the restricted stock incentive plan of the Company were matched with the
incentive object set in restricted stock incentive plan which was approved on the 3rd Extraordinary
Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2016.
With 3 votes for, 0 vote against and 0 vote as abstention.
Documents available for reference
Proposal of the meeting with signature of attended supervisors
Supervisory Committee of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
September 21, 2016