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大 冷B:关于限制性股票授予完成的公告(英文版)2016-12-02  

						  Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B; No: 2016-079

                     Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
       Public Notice on Completion of Granting Restricted Stock

  The Company and the whole members of Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration
  Co., Ltd. hereby confirm that there are no any important omissions, fictitious
  statements or serious misleading carried in this report.

  According to the report on granting the restricted stock to the incentive object
  deliberated by the 9th Meeting of 7th Session of the Board of Directors of Dalian
  Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (“the Company”), and the restricted stock plan draft of the
  Company, the Board has implemented and completed granting the restricted stock.
  The related details are as follows:

   I. The details of granting the restricted stock
   1. Granting day of the restricted stock: September 20, 2016
   2. Granting price: 5.62yuan per share
   3. The distribution of restricted stock among incentive objects:
                                               Number of granted Proportion to     Proportion
                                                    restricted         total         to total
       Name                Occupation
                                               stock(ten thousand   restricted        share
                                                     shares)          stock          capital
                      Director and general
     Ding Jie                                         50.00          3.881%          0.083%
                         deputy general
   Fan Yuekun                                         50.00          3.881%          0.083%
      Ma Yun                                          50.00          3.881%          0.083%
middle management personnel and other
 core personnel that should be incented             1,138.40        88.357%          1.902%
determined by the Board(115 person)
         Total(118 person)                     1,288.40           100.000%         2.151%
  Note: The above incentive object list is the same as the list disclosed on
  http://www.cninfo.com.cn by the Company dated on September 21, 2016.

  4. The source of the object stock: directional add-issuing A shares common stock of
  the Company
  5. The explanation to the arrangement of the restricted stock lock-up period
  Since the granting day, the restricted stock granted to incentive object will be in the
lock-up period of 12 months. During the lock-up period, the restricted stock (include
the stock dividends produced by the restricted stock) of incentive object from the
incentive plan will be locked, and shall not be transferred or used to repay the debt.
After the expiration of a lock-up period is the unlock period. The incentive object
shall unlock the restricted stock by three times in the next 36 months after 12 months
since the granting day. During the unlock period, if the unlock condition that the
incentive plan specified were achieved, the incentive object should apply to unlock
the restricted stock by three times. The first unlock period is the first year after the
lock-up period expired, and the number that the incentive object may apply to unlock
is 30 percent of the total number of the granted restricted stock. The second unlock
period is the second year after the lock-up period expired, and the number that the
incentive object may apply to unlock is 40 percent of the total number of the granted
restricted stock. The third unlock period is the third year after the lock-up period
expired, and the number that the incentive object may apply to unlock is 30 percent of
the total number of the granted restricted stock.

II. The information about capital verification to subscription money for granting stock
For details, please see the capital verification report issued by Da Hua Certified Public
Accountants (Special General Partnership) disclosed on http://www.cninfo.com.cn by
the Company dated on December 2, 2016.

III. The listing date of restricted stock granted
The listing date of restricted stock: December 6, 2016.

IV. The changes of share capital structure
                                                        Shares                           Shares
                        Items                                          Changes
                                                   (before change)                 (after change)

I. Non-circulating share capital with restricted
                                                          69,548,731   +12,884,000         82,432,731
trade conditions

II. Circulating share capital                            529,343,827                      529,343,827

1. Domestically listed ordinary shares                   356,843,827                      356,843,827

2. Domestically listed ordinary shares                   172,500,000                      172,500,000

III. Total shares                                        598,892,558   +12,884,000        611,776,558

The implementation of the equity incentive plan will not lead to equity distribution
does not meet the conditions for listing requirements.

V. The change to equity ratio of controlling shareholder of the Company
After the completion of granting the restricted stock, the total share capital of the
Company will increase to 611,776,558 shares from the original 598,892,558 shares,
which led to the change to equity ratio of controlling shareholder of the Company.
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company, held
122,083,524 shares of the Company with equity ratio of 20.38% to the total share
capital of the Company before granting the restricted stock. After completion of
granting the restricted stock, the equity ratio will change to 19.96%. The controlling
shareholder of the Company will not change due from granting the restricted stock.

VI. After completion of granting the restricted stock, the earning per share for year
2015 of the Company will be 0.21yuan after diluted calculation based on new total
share capital of 611,776,558 shares of the Company.

VII. The use plan of raised funds
The raised funds from the restricted stock incentive plan will be used to supplement
floating capital of the Company.

Hereby notify the above.

                       Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
                                       December 2, 2016