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大 冷B:关于召开2017年第二次临时股东大会的提示性公告(英文版)2017-11-07  

						Stock Code: 000530; 200530                                                Notice No: 2017-048
Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B

                   Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
 Precautions Notice on Holding the 2nd Extraordinary Shareholders’
                      General Meeting of 2017

The Company and its whole members of Board of Directors ensure that the public notice is real,
accurate and complete, and there are no any fictitious statements, serious misleading or
important omissions carried in this notice.

he company has published the notice on holding the 2nd Extraordinary Shareholders’ General
Meeting of 2017 in China Securities, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn on October 25,2017 ( Notice No:2017-045 ).The Shareholders’ General
Meeting was convened by the Board of Directors of the Company, and would be held by the way
of on-site votes plus network polling. In order to protect the lawful right and interests of investors,
and make a convenient way of shareholders to exercise the right to vote, the Company notified the
relevant issues as follows again:

I. Particulars about holding the meeting
1. The period of board session: The 2nd Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2017
2. Convener: The Board of Directors of the Company, holding the Shareholders’ General Meeting
after the deliberation of 16th Meeting of 7th Session of the Board.
3. The meeting is in line with the relevant laws and administrative regulations, departmental rules
and regulations, regulatory documents and relevant provisions of articles of association of the
4. Date of the meeting:
(1) On-site meeting: 3:30 pm, November 10, 2017
(2) Internet polling: the poll through network via trading system of SZSE will be at 9:30-11:30 am
and 1:00-3:00 pm dated November 10, 2017; any time from 3:00 pm November 9, 2017 to 3:00
pm November 10, 2017 will available for polling through internet poll system of SZSE.
5. Way of holding: On-site votes plus network polling .The Company will provide a voting as an
internet form to whole shareholders through the trading system and internet poll system
(http://wltp.cninfo.com.cn) of SZSE. Shareholders should participate in voting any time in the
network polling during the above mentioned time period.
6. Record date of the meeting
The record date of the meeting was November 3, 2017. B shareholders who wanted to attend the
meeting should buy shares of the Company no later than November 1, 2017.
7. Attendance
(1) All shareholders of the Company whose names appear on the register of the Shenzhen Branch
of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited while the close of trading at
noon on record date. The above mentioned shareholders of the Company have the right to attend
the meeting, they can attend the meeting through proxy by trust deed and shareholder of the
Company wouldn’t be necessary as the proxy.
The shareholders who should avoid voting on the meeting, shall not accept entrustment of other
shareholders to vote.
(2) Directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company
(3) Attorney engaged by the Company
(4) Other people the Board of Directors of the Company agreed to attend
8. Place of the meeting
The conference room on 3/F of the Company (106 Liaohe East Road, Dalian Economic and
Technological Development Zone)
II. Particulars about examination of the meeting
                                                The content of proposals

Proposal 1    The proposal on the Company’s satisfying of the conditions to issue exchangeable
              corporate bonds privately
Proposal 2    The proposal on the plan to issue exchangeable corporate bonds privately

    2.1       Category of bonds issued

    2.2       Way of issuing and amount to be issued

    2.3       Face value and issuing price

    2.4       The subscribers

    2.5       Term of bonds

    2.6       Coupon rate and way of repaying capital and interest

    2.7       Initial convertible price

    2.8       Guarantee measures

    2.9       Usage of proceed

   2.10       Special bank account for proceed

   2.11       Debt service guarantee mechanism

   2.12       Way of listing and transferring

   2.13       Other matters

   2.14       Effective period of the resolution
              The proposal on requesting the Shareholders’ General Meeting to authorize the Board
Proposal 3    and Board authorized person with full responsibility and power on the practical issues
              related to the private issuing of exchangeable corporate bonds
All the proposals should be passed by two-thirds or more of the votes held by the shareholders
present at the meeting. All the sub proposals of proposal 2 should be voted separately.
Details of the proposal could be found in the notice on resolution of the Board of Directors
published in China Securities, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and http://www.cninfo.com.cn/ on
October 25, 2017.
III. Code of proposals
                                                                                                    The column
Code of proposal                                The content of proposal
                                                                                                     can vote
      100           general proposal ,including all of the following proposals                           √
                    The proposal on the Company’s satisfying of the conditions to issue                 √
                    exchangeable corporate bonds privately
                    The proposal on the plan to issue exchangeable corporate bonds                       √
      2.01          Category of bonds issued                                                             √

      2.02          Way of issuing and amount to be issued                                               √

      2.03          Face value and issuing price                                                         √

      2.04          The subscribers                                                                      √

      2.05          Term of bonds                                                                        √

      2.06          Coupon rate and way of repaying capital and interest                                 √

      2.07          Initial convertible price                                                            √

      2.08          Guarantee measures                                                                   √

      2.09          Usage of proceed                                                                     √

      2.10          Special bank account for proceed                                                     √

      2.11          Debt service guarantee mechanism                                                     √

      2.12          Way of listing and transferring                                                      √

      2.13          Other matters                                                                        √

      2.14          Effective period of the resolution                                                   √
                    The proposal on requesting the Shareholders’ General Meeting to
                    authorize the Board and Board authorized person with full responsibility
      3.00                                                                                               √
                    and power on the practical issues related to the private issuing of
                    exchangeable corporate bonds
IV. Registration way of spot meeting
1. Registration way
(1) Personal ID card accompanied by the shareholding certificates and stock account card must be
taken for individual shareholders. If attended the meeting by proxy, the attendant must hold the ID
copy of the client, power of attorney, shareholding certificates, stock account card along with
agent’s ID card for registration;
(2) For corporate shareholders, the copy of the business license, certificate of identity of the legal
representative, power of attorney, shareholding certificates along with ID of proxy must be
(3) The shareholders in other places can register in way of letter, fax or e-mail.
(4) Registration time
From November 6, 2017 to November 10, 2017, until the host announced the end of the meeting
registration on the spot meeting
(5) Place of registration
The Securities and Legal Affairs Department of the Company
2. Contact way of the meeting
Contact telephone number: (86-411)-87968822
Fax: (86-411)-87968125
Contact Person: Ms. Du Yu
Contact Address: 106 Liaohe East Road, Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone
                   Securities and Legal Affairs Department, Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Post Code: 116630
The spot meeting will be a period of half a day. Transportation and boarding expenses for
attendance shall be paid by the participants themselves.
V. Operational process of network polling
In the shareholders’ general meeting, shareholders can participate in voting through the trading
system and internet polling system (http://wltp.cninfo.com.cn) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
(More details please see the attachment 1)
VI. Documents available for reference
1. Resolution and Announcement documents of the 16th Session of the 7th Board of Directors of
     the Company;
2. Other relevant documents according to the SZSE.

                                             Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
                                                          November 7, 2017
Attachment 1
                          Operational process of network polling

I. The process of network polling
1. Voting code: 360530; Voting abbreviation: “Daleng voting”
2. The proposal and vote opinion
The proposal is not the cumulative voting proposal. Fill the vote opinion for, against or abstention.
3. The shareholder vote for general proposal means the same voting result for all proposals.
If the shareholder voted for general proposal and for individual proposal at the same time, the first
effective voting should prevail. If the shareholder voted for general proposal after relevant
proposal voting, the voting result for relevant proposal should prevail, and other un-voted
proposals would base on the result voting for general proposal. If voted for relevant proposal after
voting for general proposal, the result voting for general proposal should prevail.
II. Vote via trading system of SZSE
1. Voting period: 9:30-11:30 am, 1:00-3:00 pm November 10, 2017
2. Shareholders can participate in voting through the trading system.
III. Voting via internet poll system
1. Voting period: The voting via internet poll system will start at 3:00 pm November 9, 2017, and
close at 3:00 pm November 10, 2017.
2. Shareholders voting via internet poll system, according to the regulation of Business
Implementation of Network Service Identity Verification for Investors of SZSE (Revised in April
2016), shareholders must choose the digital certificate or service password for identity
3. The shareholders may vote on-line via logging in http://wltp.cninfo.com.cn with service
password or digital certificate.
      Attachment 2
                                       Authorized Letter of Attorney

      Hereby entrust Mr. /Ms.                  to attend the 2nd Extraordinary Shareholders’ General
      Meeting of 2017 of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. on behalf of himself or herself and execute vote
      rights on behalf.

      Consigner (signature):                          ID No. of consigner:

      Shareholder account No. of consigner:

      Amount of shares held by consigner: A/B

      Consignee:                                     ID No. of consignee:

      Date of entrustment:

      The term of validity for the entrustment:

      Consigner (signature or seal):

      Consignee (signature):

      The exercise of voting rights are as follows:(The attorney should be filled by “√” in voting esult)
                                                                                                 Type of voting result
Code of proposal                           The content of proposals
                                                                                              For    Against Abstention

     100           general proposal ,including all of the following proposals
                   The proposal on the Company’s satisfying of the conditions to
                   issue exchangeable corporate bonds privately
                   The proposal on the plan to issue exchangeable corporate bonds
     2.01          Category of bonds issued

     2.02          Way of issuing and amount to be issued

     2.03          Face value and issuing price

     2.04          The subscribers

     2.05          Term of bonds

     2.06          Coupon rate and way of repaying capital and interest

     2.07          Initial convertible price

     2.08          Guarantee measures

     2.09          Usage of proceed

     2.10          Special bank account for proceed
2.11   Debt service guarantee mechanism

2.12   Way of listing and transferring

2.13   Other matters

2.14   Effective period of the resolution
       The proposal on requesting the Shareholders’ General Meeting to
       authorize the Board and Board authorized person with full
       responsibility and power on the practical issues related to the
       private issuing of exchangeable corporate bonds