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大 冷B:2018年半年度报告摘要(英文版)2018-08-25  

						               Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B; No: 2018-035

                                             Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
                                           2018 Semiannual Report Summary

               §1 Important Notes
               This summary is extracted from the original of the semiannual report. For more information, the
               investors are recommended to refer to the original.

               Company Profile
Short form of the stock                                                     DALENG GUFEN; DALENG-B
Stock code                                                                  000530; 200530
Listed stock exchange                                                       Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact persons              Secretary of the Board of Directors             Authorized representative in charge of securities affairs
Name                       Song Wenbao                                       Du Yu
                           DALENG GUFEN Securities﹠Legal
                                                                             DALENG GUFEN Securities﹠Legal AffairsNo.106,
                           Affairs No.106, Liaohe East Road,
Contact address                                                              Liaohe East Road, Dalian Economic and Technological
                           Dalian Economic and Technological
                                                                             Development Zone
                           Development Zone
Telephone                  0411-87968130                                     0411-87968822
Fax                        0411-87968125                                     0411-87968125
E-mail                     000530@bingshan.com                               000530@bingshan.com
               §2 Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indexes
               2.1 Main accounting data (Unit: RMB Yuan)
               Did the Company retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years due to
               change in the accounting policy and correction of accounting mistakes?
                □ Yes √ No
                                                                                                       Increase/decrease compared with the same
                                                                2018.1-6          2017.1-6
                                                                                                                  period of last year
Operating revenue                                             1,029,078,536.79   1,002,378,717.50                                               2.66%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies     59,017,542.28        98,260,163.09                                             -39.94%

Net profit belonging to the shareholders of listed
companies after the deduction of non-recurring profit and       57,185,177.31        69,960,863.49                                             -18.26%

Net cash flow from operating activities                        -115,328,757.17    -148,577,541.90                                              28.83%

Basic earnings per share                                                0.069               0.115                                              -40.00%

Diluted earnings per share                                              0.069               0.115                                              -40.00%

Weighted average return on net asset yield                              1.67%               2.95%                    Decrease 1.28   percentage points

                                                               2018.6.30         2017.12.31          Increase/decrease compared with      2017.12.31

Total assets                                                  5,577,520,750.60   5,619,621,500.67                                               -0.75%

Owner's equity attributable to shareholders of listed
                                                              3,346,184,485.59   3,416,531,064.91                                               -2.06%

                The Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies Significantly decreased with the
                same period last year, mainly because the intensified market competition and the tight budget
                during the reporting period led to a significant decrease in the income from complete sets of
                projects, and the increase in bank borrowings led to a significant increase in financial expenses,
                and also the Company sold 1.5 million shares of Guotai Junan stock in the same period last year
                and obtained investment income of about RMB 27,460 thousand Yuan.
                §3 Statement of shares held by the top ten common shareholders
Total number of shareholders in the reporting period                                                   49,814
                                                            Shareholding of top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                        Number of
                                                                                                                                            Number of
                                                                                                                        shares with
                      Name                                       Nature               Proportion    Total number                          pledged shares
                                                                                                                                          or shares frozen
                                                   Domestic non-state-owned legal
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                           19.98%       170,916,934                    0                  0
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                           Overseas legal person                   8.59%        73,503,150                    0                  0
Lin Zhenming                                       Overseas natural person                 0.74%            6,349,740                 0                  0
Haitong securities co. LTD                         State-owned legal person                0.70%            6,000,000                 0                  0
                                                   Overseas legal person                   0.64%            5,432,942                 0                  0
Sun Huiming                                        Domestic natural person                 0.51%            4,384,079                 0                  0
Wu An                                              Domestic natural person                 0.51%            4,359,900                 0                  0
Caitong Capital Kunze No. 2 Securities
                                                   Others                                  0.48%            4,114,534                 0                  0
Investment Fund
National Social Security Funds 104 Portfolio       Others                                  0.48%            4,105,157                 0                  0
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                            Overseas legal person                   0.41%            3,471,602                 0                  0

                                            Shareholding of top ten shareholders without sale restriction
                      Name                              Number of shares without sale restriction                        Type of shares

                                                   Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. had the association relationship with Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Notes to the associated relationship and uniform
                                                   among the above shareholders. Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. holds 26.6% of Dalian Bingshan Group
actions of the above shareholders
                                                   Co., Ltd.'s equity.

                §4 Variation in controlling shareholders or actual controllers
                Variation in controlling shareholders in the report period
                □ Applicable √ Not applicable
                Variation in actual controllers in the report period
                  □ Applicable √ Not applicable
                §5 Information on Preferred Stock
                □ Applicable √ Not applicable
                In the reporting period, the Company didn’t own preferred stock.
                §6 Corporate Bonds
                The Company’s non-public issuance of exchangeable corporate bonds was listed at the Shanghai
                Stock Exchange on August 6, 2018. Until June 30, 2018., the Company did not use bonds to raise
                funds. As of August 1, 2018, according to the using plan disclosed in the prospectus, the raised

funds of the Company’s non-public issuance of exchangeable corporate bonds have been used to
repay bank loans.
§7 Business discussion and analysis
In the first half of 2018, the Company adhered to the theme of “Committing to Innovation,
Focusing on Transformation, and Sharing”, insisted on developing industry-leading new products
and technologies that meet market demand, innovated and developed new markets, and cultivated
market segments, took the development and utilization of energy, especially the secondary energy,
as the continuous development point of transformation and upgrading strategy. By leveraging the
dual-creation platform, we made concerted efforts, assumed and shared together, and endeavored
to achieve the key business indicators. In the first half of 2018, the Company achieved operating
income of 1,029,078 thousand Yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 2.66%; achieved a total profit
of 61,712 thousand Yuan, with a year-on-year decrease of 41.17%, mainly due to the reduction in
the total project income because of intensified market competition and tight financial position, and
the increase in financial costs because of increase in bank loans during the reporting period, and
the Company sold 1,500,000 shares of Guotai Junan stock and gained about 27,460 thousand yuan
of investment income during the same period of last year.

During the reporting period, the Company’s subsidiary Wuxin Refrigeration accelerated the
strategic transformation, the natural gas pipeline network pressure energy generation and cold
energy recovery system, mine return air waste heat direct utilization system and other landmark
new products realized commercial use in multiple projects in many places. Among the enterprises
funded by the Company, Wuxin Refrigeration took the lead in launching the pilot project of
dual-creation incentives to further stimulate the internal motivation of strategic transformation.

During the reporting period, the Company’s subsidiary Bingshan Engineering Company continued
to deepen the hot and cold market segment by virtue of its high value-added deep enthalpy energy
solutions. Bingshan Engineering Company achieved new breakthroughs in the ice and snow
industry and won the bid for the toboggan run simulation test section project in the Olympic
Winter Games, and was awarded the Grade A Qualification for the general contracting of
electromechanical engineering.

During the reporting period, Bingshan Service Company, the Company’s subsidiary, quickly
expanded its producer services by virtue of the first service model in the industry, and its
operating income increased by approximately 30% on a year-on-year basis. Bingshan Service
Company united high quality customers through the generator room hosting and related services,
established strategic cooperation with Mengniu Dairy, Anheuser-Busch InBev, and others, and
signed an agreement about accessory repair and group-buying. With the support of Liaoning
Provincial Government, the 4S service model of ammonia-related refrigeration enterprises began
to be promoted to cities in the province except Dalian. Bingshan sharing service platform was
built orderly, and began to provide services for Bingshan-funded enterprises such as Fuji Bingshan,
Spindle, and so on.. Bingshan Service Company won the A rating certificate of refrigeration and
air conditioning for China equipment maintenance and installation enterprise competence.

During the reporting period, Panasonic Compressor, the Company’s associated company, actively
promoted the transformation and focused on developing high-margin customers and markets. The

sales volume of horizontal scroll compressors for electric buses has recovered significantly. The
horizontal scroll compressor for rail transit air conditioning has achieved good results in the
expansion in subway, light rail and other fields. The sales volume of dedicated compressor for
refrigeration increased significantly on a year-on-year basis. The horizontal DC inverter fully
enclosed electric scroll compressor was selected into the “2018 Energy Conservation and
Environmental Protection Product Catalogue of Chinese Association of Refrigeration”.

During the reporting period, Panasonic Cold Chain, an associated company of the Company,
conformed to the new trend of consumption and further expanded and subdivided the blue ocean
market. For the convenience store business, it made effective cooperation with key customers such
as Hema Fresh, Jingdong, OurHours, Lawson, and so on, and the income achieved a year-on-year
growth of about 30%. For commercial kitchen business, Panasonic Cold Chain won the bid for the
Great Hall of the People project. And it was awarded the First Batch of Green Factories in
Liaoning Province.

During the reporting period, Panasonic Refrigeration System, the Company’s associated company,
successfully applied the CO2 refrigeration compressor to the cold chain system of Beijing CFS
Market, which realized the first commercial use of the CO2 transcritical piston refrigeration
compressor unit in the domestic supermarket retail field. It also won the bid for Jingdong Beijing
Daxing Pharmaceutical Storage Project and Wuhan Cold Storage Project, and the total contract
amount is over 60 million Yuan.

During the reporting period, the Company’s associated company, Fuji Bingshan, further promoted
the development of product intelligence, modularization, and diversification, and newly added
platform machine product line based on the six product lines of beverage machine, food machine,
liquor machine, dairy machine, coffee machine, and lunch box machine so as to quickly respond
to the demand of new retail platform, actively deployed in the international market, and has
covered Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, Australia, and Southeast Asian countries. It is
the first in the industry to introduce R1234yf new refrigerant production line, leading the industry
safety and green environmental development trend.

During the reporting period, the Company actively promoted the cultivation and incubation of new
businesses while the original business was undergoing transformation and upgrading. Kelvin, an
indirect joint venture company, focused on the unmanned retail field, strengthened the unmanned
retail smart terminals and Internet platforms, and strived to open up the online and offline
consumption scenarios; Bingshan Huahuida, the Company’s indirect joint venture, effectively
expanded the financial leasing business around high-quality customers in Bingshan cold and hot
business, boosted the sales of all investment enterprises in Bingshan, speeded up the withdrawal of
funds and improved the cash flow of business activities; Bingshan Wisdom Company, the
Company’s indirect joint venture company, cooperated in the comprehensive utilization of the old
factory area and has achieved remarkable results in the investment promotion at present, and the
remoulding work is proceeding orderly.
§8 Matters related to financial report
8.1 Change in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods compared with
the financial statements of the previous year

□Applicable√A Inapplicable
8.2 Correction of major accounting mistakes in the reporting period, which should be retroactively
□Applicable√A Inapplicable
8.3 Explanation on change of consolidation scope in the report period compared with the latest
annual report
√Applicable □Inapplicable
The board of directors of the Company’s subsidiary Wuxin Refrigeration decided to acquire
27.27% equity of Wuhan Lanning Energy Technology Co., Ltd., an original associated Company
of Wuxin Refrigeration. After the transfer, Wuhan Lanning Energy Technology Co., Ltd. became a
subsidiary of Wuxin Refrigeration. As of June 30, 2018, the above equity transaction has been
                                     Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
                                                     August 25, 2018
