大 冷B:七届二十四次董事会议决议公告(英文版)2018-11-24
Stock Code: 000530, 200530 Notice No: 2018-043
Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B
Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Resolution of 24th Meeting of 7th Session of the Board
Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) and its whole members of Board of
Directors ensure that the public notice is real, accurate and complete, and there are
no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in this
I. Calling of the Board Meeting
1. The Notice on holding of the Board Meeting was served by written form on 15
November 2018.
2. The Board Meeting held by communication vote dated 23 November 2018.
3. Nine Directors should present for voting and all of them are present actually.
4. The Meeting was regarded as abiding the relevant laws, administrative regulation,
department rules, normative documents as well as the Article of Association.
II. Deliberation of the Board Meeting
1. Report on disposal of the shares of Liaoning Mike Group Co., Ltd. held by the
Liaoning Mike Group Co., Ltd will repurchase the shares of the Company in Liaoning
Mike Group Co., Ltd, the repurchase amount is 21,588.4 thousand yuan.
9 votes in favor; 0 vote objection; 0 vote waived.
2. Report on selling some Guotai Junan shares.
Agrees on the Company’s selling no more than three million Guotai Junan shares
through the trade system of Shanghai Securities Exchange in right time before 30 June
9 votes in favor; 0 vote objection; 0 vote waived.
III. Documents available for reference
1. Proposal of the Meeting with signature of attended directors and seal of the Board.
Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd
24 November 2018