大 冷B:关于变更证券简称的公告(英文版)2020-03-24
Stock Code: 000530;200530 Notice No: 2020-005
Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B
Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
Public Notice of changing the securities abbreviation of the Company
Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) and
its whole members of Board of Directors ensure that the public notice is real, accurate
and complete, and there are no any important omissions, fictitious statements or
serious misleading carried in this notice.
The name of the Company has been changed from Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. to
Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co.,Ltd. ,which was published
in China Securities, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and http://www.cninfo.com.cn/ on
19, March 2020.
According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange rules, the abbreviation of Company
securities shall be derived from the full name of the Company, at the same time in
order to better focus on the Company development strategy, to adapt to the cold and
hot business layout, to further strengthen the brand construction, enhance the
Bingshan brand value, create hot and cold cause international well-known brand,
after the Company's application, and approved by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
since 24 March, 2020, the Company's securities abbreviation for A- share change
from“ Daleng Gufen” to“Bingshan”, the Company's securities abbreviation for B- share
change from “Daleng B” to “Bingshan B”,the Company's Stock Code will not be
Hereby notify the above.
Board of Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
24 March 2020