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                                 Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Short Form of the Stock: Bingshan; Bingshan B; No: 2022-018

             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
                             2021 Annual Report Summary

         I. Important Notes

         This summary is extracted from the original of the annual report. For more information, the
         investors are recommended to refer to the original.

         Note to the “Non-standardized Opinion”
         □Applicable √Inapplicable

         The profit distribution proposal
         √Applicable □Inapplicable

         Transfer the capital reserve to increase capital stock
         □Applicable √Inapplicable

         The profit distribution proposal reviewed and adopted at this Board meeting of the Company is:
         based on the total share capital of the Company of 843,212,507 shares, pay to all shareholders the
         cash dividend of 0.1 yuan (inclusive the tax) for every 10 shares .The Company will not transfer
         the capital reserve to increase capital stock.
         II. Company Profile
         §1 Company Profile
Short form of the stock                                        Bingshan; Bingshan B
Stock code                                                     000530; 200530
Listed stock exchange                                          Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                     Secretary of the Board of Directors       Authorized representative in charge of securities affairs
Name                Song Wenbao                                Du Yu
                    Securities﹠Legal Affairs No.106,
                    Liaohe East Road, Dalian                   Securities﹠Legal AffairsNo.106, Liaohe East Road,
Contact address
                    Economic and Technological                 Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone
                    Development Zone
Telephone           0411-87968130                              0411-87968822
Fax                 0411-87968125                              0411-87968125
E-mail              000530@bingshan.com                        000530@bingshan.com

         §2 Company Profile
           Brief introduction of main business or products during reporting period
         Focusing on the hot and cold industry, the Company is committed to the development of
         industrial refrigeration and heating business, commercial refrigeration business, air
         conditioning and environment business, engineering and service business and new business

fields, covering the key areas of the hot and cold industry chain and creating a complete hot and
cold industry chain.
  During the reporting period, the Company adhered to integrity, innovation and initiative. The
construction of corporate culture has been carried out in a pragmatic manner, unified ideas,
woven dreams, and many core technicians have returned. Strengthen the organization and
vigorously promote the implementation of market-centered integrated operation through
organizational restructuring and business process reengineering. The improvement of
engineering power and manufacturing power were implemented in an orderly manner, the
orders increased significantly year-on-year, and the operating cash flow improved significantly.
The Company's "industrial and commercial open screw refrigeration unit and refrigeration
system" was selected as the Sixth Batch of manufacturing single champion products of the
Ministry of industry and information technology. The red water pre-cooling device of the
Company was selected as the "innovative product of 2021 China Refrigeration Exhibition" and
the "specialized and special new" product of Liaoning Province in 2021.
During the reporting period, Bingshan Engineering company, a subsidiary of the Company,
optimized and strengthened the professional work department and specialized deep cultivation
of advantageous market segments. Won the bid for the central kitchen project of Xinjiang
production and Construction Corps (the contract amount is about 340 million yuan), which is
the largest single project contract in the Company's history; Won the bid for the Shanghai Star
indoor comprehensive ice and snow venue project (the contract amount is about 130 million
yuan), which is the largest ice and snow integration contract in China at present; The market
share of polysilicon jumped sharply, with a total contract amount of about 210 million yuan;
CO2 projects erupted intensively and their influence increased rapidly; The CCUS project was
implemented for the second time, and the carbon neutralization solution was successfully
During the reporting period, Wuhan New World Refrigeration, a subsidiary of the Company,
further implemented product and solution optimization in combination with the national
strategy of "carbon peak and carbon neutralization". The commissioning and operation of the
demonstration project of pressure energy recovery and comprehensive utilization of cold
energy in Wuhan Sanjintan natural gas pipeline network was successful. The project with the
largest installed power of single machine of ORC screw expansion generator set - silbon
petrochemical waste heat power generation project was successfully undertaken. Marine screw
expansion generator set was selected as "innovative products of 2021 China Refrigeration
During the reporting period, Bingshan Guardian, a subsidiary of the Company, focused on
energy-saving control of cooling and heating system and strengthened technological innovation.
Selected as the "specialized and new" small giant enterprise in Liaoning Province in 2021.
Scc60 console was selected as the "specialized and special new" product of Liaoning Province
in 2021. The research and application project of edge intelligent equipment for real-time
monitoring of distributed large-scale refrigeration equipment based on 5G was selected as the
first batch of science and technology research projects in Dalian in 2021.

               §3 Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indexes
               3.1 Main accounting data (Unit: RMB Yuan)
               Did the Company retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years due to
               change in the accounting policy and correction of accounting mistakes?
               □Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                                      Increase/decrease compared
                                                                   2021               2020                                                       2019
                                                                                                          with previous year

Operating revenue                                               2,089,208,256.22   1,727,267,935.15                           20.95%           1,831,851,280.70

Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies     -269,059,849.96      21,341,133.39                        -1,360.76%              89,112,113.43

Net profit belonging to the shareholders of listed
companies after the deduction of non-recurring profit and       -355,049,953.56        6,128,351.99                       -5,893.56%              21,406,535.65


Net cash flow from operating activities                             1,518,218.37     -13,142,427.45                          111.55%              12,695,071.81

Basic earnings per share                                                  -0.319             0.025                        -1,376.00%                      0.106

Diluted earnings per share                                                -0.319             0.025                        -1,376.00%                      0.106

Weighted average return on net asset yield                               -8.31%              0.64%     Decrease 8.95 percentage points                   2.63%

                                                                                                      Increase/decrease compared
                                                                2021.12.31         2020.12.31                                                 2019.12.31
                                                                                                          with previous year

Total assets                                                    5,735,570,604.67   5,681,568,328.36                            0.95%           5,525,503,256.26

Owner's equity attributable to shareholders of listed
                                                                3,002,842,837.47   3,375,609,788.07                          -11.04%           3,379,565,029.89

               3.2 The quarter main financial indicators (Unit: RMB Yuan)
                                                                    the first quarter the second quarter       the third quarter         the fourth quarter
  Operating revenue                                                  491,609,773.09       602,675,847.88          657,628,182.17            337,294,453.08
  Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies        -28,904,736.89        14,320,526.88          -26,965,424.33           -227,510,215.62
  Net profit belonging to the shareholders of listed companies
                                                                     -16,049,142.03          4,166,467.42         -39,026,942.89           -304,140,336.06
  after the deduction of non-recurring profit and loss
  Net cash flow from operating activities                             17,535,066.89       -46,422,903.17           33,753,508.29             -3,347,453.64

         §4 Share Capital and Shareholders' Information
         4.1 Statement of shares held by the top ten shareholders
Total number of shareholders in the                      Total number of shareholders as of the last month before
                                                54,572                                                                             82,592
reporting period                                         disclosure of the annual report
                                                 Shareholding of top ten shareholders
                                                                                                           Number of          Number of
                                                                                Proporti                   shares with         pledged
                      Name                                   Nature                        Total number
                                                                                   on                         sale             shares or
                                                                                                           restriction       shares frozen
                                                 Domestic non-state-owned
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                  20.27% 170,916,934                      0                 0
                                                 legal person
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                         Overseas legal person            8.72%      73,503,150                  0                 0
Lin Zhenming                                     Foreign natural person           0.80%       6,770,000
Wu An                                            Domestic natural person          0.53%       4,500,000
Xue Hong                                         Domestic natural person          0.43%       3,600,000
Dalian industrial development investment Co.,    Domestic non-state-owned
                                                                                  0.40%       3,406,725
Ltd.                                             legal person
Chen Yong                                        Domestic natural person          0.40%       3,339,378
Li Xiaohua                                       Domestic natural person          0.37%       3,145,608
Zhan Changcheng                                  Domestic natural person          0.35%       2,971,647
Chen Cirou                                       Domestic natural person          0.31%       2,635,550

                                                                      Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. had the association
Notes to the associated relationship and uniform actions of the above relationship with Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. among the above
                             shareholders                             shareholders. Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. holds 26.6% of Dalian
                                                                      Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.'s equity.

         4.2 The total number of preferred shareholders and the shareholding of the top 10 preferred
         shareholders of the company
         □Applicable √Inapplicable
         4.3 Particulars about controlling shareholders and actual controller of the Company

§5 The status of bonds in existence on the date of approval of the annual report
□Applicable √Inapplicable
III. Important items
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
                                                    April 23, 2022
