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                        Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer
        Technologies Co., Ltd.
          2021 Annual Report

             April, 2022

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 Section 1 Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions

The directors and the Board of Directors, the supervisors and the
Supervisory Board, and Senior staff members of Bingshan Refrigeration &
Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) hereby confirm that there are not any important omissions,
fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in this report, and shall
take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
completeness of the whole contents.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Mr. Ji Zhijian,
Financial Majordomo Mrs. Wang Jinxiu and the head of Accounting
Department Mr. Li Sheng hereby confirm that the financial report of the
annual report is true and complete.

All the directors have attended this Board meeting of the Company.

There is no significant risk having adverse influence on attainment of the
Company's future development strategy and business targets. The
paragraph " The prospect of the Company's future development " in Section
3 of this Annual Report describes major risks the Company may be
confronted with, including the risk of Increasing market competition risk,
the market promotion for new product and new technology slow, the
Accounts receivable is on the high side and rising prices of raw materials.
See the related sections for the countermeasures to be taken by the Company.

The profit distribution proposal reviewed and adopted at this Board meeting
of the Company is: Based on the total capital stock of 843,212,507 shares, the
dividend of RMB 0.1 in cash (including tax) will be distributed for every 10
shares; The Company will not transfer the capital reserve to increase capital

This report is written respectively in Chinese and in English. In the event of
any discrepancy between the two above-mentioned versions, the Chinese
version shall prevail.

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Section 1 Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions………………………………………………………………………...2
Section 2 About the Company and Main Financial Indicators .................................................................................................................6
Section 3 Management discussion and analysis ....................................................................................................................................10
Section 4 Corporate governance ............................................................................................................................................................23
Section 5 Environmental and social responsibility ................................................................................................................................33
Section 7 Change in Share Capital and Shareholders' Information ........................................................................................................38
Section 8 Information on Preferred Stock..............................................................................................................................................42
Section 9 Information on Corporate bonds ............................................................................................................................................43
Section 10 Financial Report...................................................................................................................................................................44
Section 11 Reference Documents ........................................................................................................................................................188

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                                      Reference Documents

1.   The accounting statements bearing the signatures and seals of the legal representative, the financial
     majordomo and the accountants in charge.
2. The original copies of all the Company's documents and the original copies of the bulletins published on the
newspapers designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in the report period.
3. Time for reference: from Monday to Friday 8:00 - 11:30 (am)     1:00 - 4:30 (pm)
     Liaison persons: Mr. Song Wenbao, Ms Du Yu

     Tel: 0086-411-87968130

     Fax: 0086-411-87968125

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         Defined item          Stands for                                           Meaning

Reporting period               Stands for From Jan. 1, 2021 to Dec. 31 2021

The Company, this Company      Stands for Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
                                            Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industry Co., Ltd., one of the subsidiaries of the Company
Wuxin Refrigeration            Stands for
                                            where the Company holds 100% of its shares.
                                            Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering Co., Ltd., one of the subsidiaries of the Company where
Bingshan Engineering Company Stands for
                                            the Company holds 100% of its shares.
                                            Dalian Bingshan Guardian Automation Co., Ltd. one of the subsidiaries of the Company
Bingshan Guardian              Stands for
                                            where the Company holds 100% of its shares.
                                            Panasonic Appliances Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd. one of the associated companies of the
Panasonic Compressor           Stands for
                                            Company, where the Company holds 40% of its shares.
                                            Panasonic Appliances Cold-Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd. one of the associated companies of the
Panasonic Cold-Chain           Stands for
                                            Company, where the Company holds 40% of its shares.
                                            Panasonic Appliances Refrigerating System (Dalian) Co., Ltd., one of the
Panasonic Refrigerating System Stands for
                                            associated company of the Company, where the Company holds 20% of its shares
                                            Dalian Fuji-Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd., one of the associated companies of the
Fuji-Bingshan                  Stands for
                                            Company, where the Company holds 49% of its shares.
                                            Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Technology Co., Ltd., one of the associated companies of the
Jingxue Insulation             Stands for
                                            Company, where the Company holds 21.91% of its shares.

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             Section 2 About the Company and Main Financial Indicators
   I.    Company information

Short form of the stock                  Bingshan; Bingshan B
Stock code                               000530; 200530
Listed stock exchange                    Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal name in Chinese                    冰山冷热科技股份有限公司
Legal name abbreviation in Chinese       冰山冷热
Legal English name                       Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
Legal English name abbreviation          Bingshan
Legal representative                     Ji Zhijian
Registered address                       No.106, Liaohe East Road, Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone
Post code of Registered address          116630
                                         Due to the overall relocation, the registered address of the Company was changed
Historical changes of the Company's
                                         from 888 Southwest Road, Shahekou District, Dalian to 106 Liaohe East Road,
registered address
                                         Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone in March 2017.
Office address                           No.106, Liaohe East Road, Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone
Post code of Office address              116630
Internet web site of the Company         www.bingshan.cn
E-mail of the Company                    000530@bingshan.com

   II. Contact persons and information

                      Secretary of the Board of Directors                 Authorized representative for securities affairs
Name         Song Wenbao                                               Du Yu
             Bingshan Securities﹠Legal Affairs No.106, Liaohe         Bingshan Securities﹠Legal AffairsNo.106, Liaohe
Address      East Road, Dalian Economic and Technological              East Road, Dalian Economic and Technological
             Development Zone                                          Development Zone
Tel.         0411-87968130                                             0411-87968822
Fax          0411-87968125                                             0411-87968125
E-mail       000530@bingshan.com                                       000530@bingshan.com

   III. Information disclosure and place of preparation for inquiry

    Name of the newspaper designated by the Company for     China Securities Daily, Securities Times and Hong
    information disclosure                                  Kong Commercial Daily
    Address of the website designated by China Securities
    Regulatory Commission for publishing this Annual Report
    Place where this Annual Report was prepared for inquiry          Securities﹠Legal Affairs Department of the Company

   IV. Alteration to the registration
    Organization code                                         912102002423613009
    Change in main business since the Company was listed No change
    Changes in the holding shareholder                        No change

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         V. Other related information

         Accounting firm engaged by the Company
Name of accounting firm                     ShineWing CPAs (Special General Partnership)
Office location of accounting firm          9/F,A Building No.,8 north street of Chao Yang Men, Dong Cheng District Beijing, China
Name of signing certified public accountant Lin Li, Zhang Shizhuo
         Sponsor the Company appointed for performance of the consistent supervision duty in the reporting period
         □ Applicable √ Not applicable
         Financial consultant the Company appointed for performance of the consistent supervision duty in the reporting
         □ Applicable √ Not applicable
         VI. Main accounting data and financial indicators
         Did the Company retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years due to change in the
         accounting policy and correction of accounting mistakes?
         □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                                      Increase/decrease compared
                                                                   2021               2020                                                  2019
                                                                                                          with previous year

  Operating revenue                                             2,089,208,256.22   1,727,267,935.15                           20.95%      1,831,851,280.70

  Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies   -269,059,849.96      21,341,133.39                        -1,360.76%         89,112,113.43

  Net profit belonging to the shareholders of listed
  companies after the deduction of non-recurring profit and     -355,049,953.56        6,128,351.99                       -5,893.56%        21,406,535.65


  Net cash flow from operating activities                           1,518,218.37     -13,142,427.45                          111.55%        12,695,071.81

  Basic earnings per share                                                -0.319             0.025                        -1,376.00%                0.106

  Diluted earnings per share                                              -0.319             0.025                        -1,376.00%                0.106

  Weighted average return on net asset yield                             -8.31%              0.64%     Decrease 8.95 percentage points              2.63%

                                                                                                      Increase/decrease compared
                                                                2021.12.31         2020.12.31                                            2019.12.31
                                                                                                          with previous year

  Total assets                                                  5,735,570,604.67   5,681,568,328.36                            0.95%      5,525,503,256.26

  Owner's equity attributable to shareholders of listed
                                                                3,002,842,837.47   3,375,609,788.07                          -11.04%      3,379,565,029.89

         The net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company suffered a significant loss, mainly due to the
         following reasons: 1. Affected by the sharp rise in the price of raw materials and the intensification of market
         competition, the gross profit margin decreased by 5.59 percentage points year-on-year; 2. Due to the increase of
         long-term accounts receivable, the Company's provision for credit impairment loss increased according to the
         Company's asset impairment provision policy; 3, in antithetical couplet enterprises, the joint venture has
         implemented new financial instruments standards since January 1, 2021, and the credit loss has been increased
         considerably. Meanwhile, the price of the raw materials has been greatly increased and the impact of COVID-19
         on the new retail equipment leasing business has been greatly affected. The investment income of the joint venture
         has dropped by 149.93 million yuan.

         The lower of the Company’s net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gains and losses in the most
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      recent three fiscal years are all negative, and the audit report in the last year shows that the Company's ability to
      continue operations is uncertain
      □ Applicable √ Not applicable

      The lower of the net profit before and after non-recurring gains and losses is negative
      √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                    Item                       2021                2020                                        notes
      Operating income (yuan)             2,089,208,256.22     1,727,267,935.15
      Amount deducted from                                                        Income from sales of materials, rental of fixed assets
                                             62,109,983.70        59,331,578.30
      operating income (yuan)                                                     and labor services other than normal operation.
      Amount after deduction of
                                          2,027,098,272.52     1,667,936,356.85
      operating income (yuan)

      VII.1.Difference of accounting data between as per Chinese accounting standards and as per
      International Accounting Standards
      □ Applicable √ Not applicable
      2. Difference of accounting data between as per Chinese accounting standards and as per
      Foreign Accounting Standards
      The difference of accounting data between as per Chinese Accounting Standards and as per International
      Accounting Standards was 0.
      3.Explanation of reasons for differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign
      accounting standards
      √Applicable □Not applicable
      The difference of accounting data between as per Chinese Accounting Standards and as per International
      Accounting Standards was 0.
      VIII. The quarter main financial indicators
                                                               the first quarter the second quarter   the third quarter    the fourth quarter
Operating revenue                                              491,609,773.09      602,675,847.88       657,628,182.17       337,294,453.08
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies    -28,904,736.89       14,320,526.88       -26,965,424.33       -227,510,215.62
Net profit belonging to the shareholders of listed companies
                                                               -16,049,142.03         4,166,467.42      -39,026,942.89       -304,140,336.06
after the deduction of non-recurring profit and loss
Net cash flow from operating activities                         17,535,066.89      -46,422,903.17        33,753,508.29         -3,347,453.64
      IX. Non-recurring profits and losses and their amounts
                                   item                                             2021                    2020                  2019
  Disposal gains and losses of non-current asset                                    27,724,344.91            -169,550.05         1,132,131.30

  Government subsidies included in current profit or loss                           15,993,001.31          17,952,461.57         3,707,100.00

  Debt restructuring gains and losses                                                  819,297.68                                1,999,241.94

  Disposal gains from investments on financial assets
  available for sale, and gains from fair value change of                           55,245,024.14           4,362,148.57        72,282,942.52

  financial assets available for sale
  Other non-operating revenue or expense                                             -5,129,941.48         -4,643,229.90           481,549.43
  Others                                                                                                                           554,176.99
  Influence on income tax                                                             8,490,868.44          1,995,261.63        12,122,009.11
  Influence on minority shareholders                                                   170,754.52             293,787.16           329,555.29
  Total                                                              85,990,103.60    15,212,781.40    67,705,577.78
     Based on the changes in the controlling shareholders of Thermoking Container Temperature Control (Suzhou) Co.,
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Ltd. ("Suzhou Thermoking "), as well as the trend of business growth and profit improvement, the Company
adopted the price to book ratio method of comparable companies and considered the liquidity discount to measure
the fair value of Suzhou Thermoking in 2021. The income from changes in fair value was 47,971,962.90 yuan.

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                   Section 3 Management discussion and analysis
I.   The industry situation of the Company during the reporting period
1. Industry development trend
In recent years, the influence of refrigeration and air conditioning industry in China's national economy is growing,
conferring increasing influence upon consumption upgrade, food safety and livelihood improvement. Besides,
development model under high-end, intelligent, green and service is experiencing rapid growth. The field of
competition, competitors, products, connotation is constantly changing.
In 2021, the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry was facing a complex and severe market situation at home
and abroad. The problems of intensified market competition, increased cost pressure, and difficulty in improving
efficiency continued to plague the operation and development of the industry.
In 2022, the industry will continue to differentiate, competition will continue to intensify, difficulties and
opportunities coexist. Actively respond to the national "double carbon" strategy, the transformation and upgrading
of major enterprises in the industry will be further accelerated. Intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing
and service-oriented manufacturing will become increasingly prominent, and the pace of high-quality
development will be more robust.
2. Challenges and opportunities faced by the Company
(1)Opportunities faced by the Company
Energy conservation, carbon reduction and improving energy efficiency have become the consensus of the whole
society; Overall promotion of the national "double carbon" strategy; The carbon trading market was officially
launched and gradually expanded; Regional energy system and comprehensive energy utilization are encouraged
and supported by the state; The 14th five year plan for the development of cold chain logistics has been issued,
and the market demand for cold chain equipment is expected to grow rapidly; With the promulgation of the new
cold storage design standard, the use opportunities of ammonia refrigerant have increased.
With the strong technology bases, innovative business model, and system advantages, the Company is capable of
capturing the above opportunities in a good position.
(2)Challenges faced by the Company
The production license system is cancelled, and the traditional market competition is intensified; the cultivation of
energy conservation and emission reduction market still needs time; the transformation and upgrading process is
complex, and there may be significant risk factors that have not been identified.
3. Development planning of the Company
The Company will focus on the refrigeration and heating industries under the operation policy of innovation and
value creation, promote business integration with the parent company and subsidiaries as the core business,
integrate internal and external resources, upgrade the industrial chain, innovate business model, strengthen
technological innovation, improve and expand the business scale and development space, improve employees’
benefits and realize sustained, healthy and harmonious development, thus to become an enterprise trusted and
respected by customers, partners and the society.
4. Capital requirement and fund sourcing plan
In 2022, the capital expected to be required for the Company's production operation and capital operation will be
financed by its own funds and appropriate financing.
II. The Company’s Main business during the reporting period
Focusing on the hot and cold industry, the Company is committed to the development of industrial refrigeration
and heating business, commercial refrigeration business, air conditioning and environment business, engineering
and service business and new business fields, covering the key areas of the hot and cold industry chain and
creating a complete hot and cold industry chain.

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The Company's main products include piston and screw refrigeration compressors, pressure vessels, combined
warehouses, controlled atmosphere storage, quick freezer, ice maker, flake ice maker, granulator, etc., which are
used in national defense, scientific research, petroleum, chemical, textile, medicine, power generation, agriculture,
animal husbandry, fishery and catering service industries. The Company's product sales and comprehensive
solutions provide both domestic and international markets, with self-supporting sales as the main and channel
sales as the auxiliary.
During the reporting period, rigid demands such as food safety, consumption upgrading, energy conservation and
carbon reduction will benefit the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. At the same time, the refrigeration
and air conditioning industry is also facing the problems of intensified market competition, increased cost pressure,
and difficulty in improving efficiency. Facing the opportunities and challenges, focusing on the hot and cold
industry, the Company strengthened and optimized the professional work department, continued to deeply
cultivate the advantageous market segments such as cold chain logistics, petrochemical industry, beer and dairy
products, meat slaughtering, ship refrigeration, ice and snow venues and polysilicon, vigorously expanded CCUS,
ORC, photovoltaic and other new undertakings, and actively expanded and occupied the domestic market.
1. Industrial refrigeration and heating business
Industrial refrigeration is an important field reflecting the core technology of the Company. After years of
development, the Company has been close to the technical level of the main international competitors in the field
of industrial refrigeration, and has achieved catching up in some fields. Based on the traditional refrigeration, the
Company realizes the balance of cold and heat through the utilization of heat, which greatly improves the energy
utilization rate.
During the reporting period, the Company's "industrial and commercial open screw refrigeration unit and
refrigeration system" was selected as the Sixth Batch of manufacturing single champion products of the Ministry
of industry and information technology.
2. Commercial refrigeration business
Commercial refrigeration is the Company's core business. In China, the Company takes the lead in opening up the
green intelligent cold chain from the first kilometer of the field to the last 100 meters of the residential community,
which is the competitive advantage of the Company.
Focusing on food refrigeration, the Company has patented products pre-cooling from the field, all kinds of quick
freezing equipment and refrigeration facilities of various specifications, and China's leading experience in the
design and installation of large-scale ammonia and carbon dioxide refrigerators. On the basis of absorbing the
relevant experience of Japan, Europe and the United States, combined with China's new needs, to provide newer
products, better solutions and fresher experience for the field of food freezing and refrigeration.
3. Air conditioning and environment business
In recent years, relying on the complete industrial chain, the Company has continuously carried out transformation
and upgrading in the field of air conditioning and environment, developed more energy-saving and environmental
protection products around the blue sky project, and accelerated the transformation and upgrading from air
treatment to environmental governance.
At present, the Company has developed a series of innovative products around the market segments of
commercial air conditioning, central air conditioning and special air conditioning, and provides corresponding
solutions in different segments around these innovative products. For hospitals, electronic factories, high-end real
estate, rail transit and other fields, provide targeted solutions.
During the reporting period, in order to strengthen the special air conditioning business, the Company transferred
30% equity of Dalian Bingshan air conditioning equipment Co., Ltd. held by Showa Iron Industry Co., Ltd. After
this equity transfer, the Company held 100% equity of Dalian Bingshan air conditioning equipment Co., Ltd.
4. Engineering and service business
Cold and hot engineering and service are the Company's advantageous business fields. In recent years, the
Company has realized transformation and upgrading from the manufacturer of cold and hot equipment to the
service provider of comprehensive solution of cold and hot through the development of engineering and service
industry, and realized the dual wheel drive of the enterprise, and provided more professional and accurate services
to each segment market, and constantly created new value for customers and realized common growth.
At present, the Company focuses on petrochemical technology, refrigeration, central air conditioning, ice and
snow engineering, artificial environment and other market segments. Relying on the enterprise's industrial chain,
value chain and ecosystem, the Company provides services from consulting, planning, design to manufacturing,
installation, commissioning and service in the whole process and life cycle. At the same time, according to the
needs of customers, promote the combination of industry and finance, and provide services for customers through
the form of project general contracting and financial leasing.
5. New business

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With the deepening of China's economic transformation and upgrading, as well as the continuous introduction of
environmental governance policies, the domestic industrial energy conservation and environmental protection
industry is growing rapidly, the level of energy conservation and consumption reduction of enterprises and the
comprehensive utilization of resources is constantly improving, and the energy industrial structure has changed.
Strengthening the optimal utilization of energy has become a development trend. For low-grade energy recycling,
the Company provides customers with a series of energy-saving, environmental protection, efficient new products,
in line with the national strategic requirements of energy conservation, carbon reduction and sustainable
development, and contributes professional wisdom to the national carbon peak and carbon neutral strategy.
During the reporting period, the Company made good progress in CCUS, ORC, photovoltaic and other new
 III. Analysis of core competence
The Company focuses on main business of refrigeration and heating; independent R&D and joint
venture partnerships are cooperate with each other effectively; capital resources integration and
business model innovation are in a positive interaction; the community of business and interest are
being multi-storey created; the develop mode with Bingshan characteristic are formed.
The Company has the integrated refrigeration and heating industrial chain for offering kinds of
comprehensive solution services, including design, manufacture, installation and maintenance etc.,
and can satisfy individual requirements preferably.
The Company possesses a mature and solid marketing networks and after-sale service network
on/off-line, and can offer high quality and high value-added services more initiative and faster for
clients from around the city.
After overall relocation reform, the new factory of intelligence, environment protection, high
efficiency and safety are put into used, which produces a strong advantage for creating higher value
to the customers.
While move forward with transformation and upgrading for former business, the Company will
implement the cultivation for new kinetic energy, thus the sustainable healthy development will
come more and more feasible.
During the reporting period, the Company adhered to innovation, took the initiative to change,
solidly improved its technical power, marketing power, product power, engineering power and
service power, and further improved its core competitiveness.
IV. Analysis of main business
1. summarize
In 2021, the Company further focused on refrigeration and heating industries, deeply cultivated market
segments, focused on the improvement of main business and the cultivation of new drivers, continued to
improve innovation, improved quality and efficiency, and solidly enhanced its core competitiveness.
In 2021, the Company achieved an operating revenue of 2,089.21 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of
20.95%; The net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company was -269.06 million yuan,
resulting in a significant loss. The main reasons are as follows: first, affected by the sharp rise in the price of
raw materials and the intensification of market competition, the Company's gross profit margin decreased by
5.59 percentage points year-on-year; Second, due to the increase of long-term accounts receivable, the
Company's provision for credit impairment loss increased according to the Company's asset impairment
provision policy; Three, in antithetical couplet enterprises, the joint venture's implementation of the new
financial instruments standard since January 1, 2021, the increase in the credit loss increase and the
unfavorable impact of COVID-19's impact on the new retail equipment leasing business, the investment
income of the joint venture enterprises has dropped by about 149.93 million yuan.
During the reporting period, the Company adhered to integrity, innovation and initiative. The construction of

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corporate culture has been carried out in a pragmatic manner, unified ideas, woven dreams, and many core
technicians have returned. Strengthen the organization and vigorously promote the implementation of
market-centered integrated operation through organizational restructuring and business process reengineering.
The improvement of engineering power and manufacturing power were implemented in an orderly manner,
the orders increased significantly year-on-year, and the operating cash flow improved significantly. The
Company's "industrial and commercial open screw refrigeration unit and refrigeration system" was selected
as the Sixth Batch of manufacturing single champion products of the Ministry of industry and information
technology. The red water pre-cooling device of the Company was selected as the "innovative product of
2021 China Refrigeration Exhibition" and the "specialized and special new" product of Liaoning Province in
During the reporting period, Bingshan Engineering company, a subsidiary of the Company, optimized and
strengthened the professional work department and specialized deep cultivation of advantageous market
segments. Won the bid for the central kitchen project of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps (the
contract amount is about 340 million yuan), which is the largest single project contract in the Company's
history; Won the bid for the Shanghai Star indoor comprehensive ice and snow venue project (the contract
amount is about 130 million yuan), which is the largest ice and snow integration contract in China at present;
The market share of polysilicon jumped sharply, with a total contract amount of about 210 million yuan; CO2
projects erupted intensively and their influence increased rapidly; The CCUS project was implemented for
the second time, and the carbon neutralization solution was successfully expanded.
During the reporting period, Wuhan New World Refrigeration, a subsidiary of the Company, further
implemented product and solution optimization in combination with the national strategy of "carbon peak
and carbon neutralization". The commissioning and operation of the demonstration project of pressure
energy recovery and comprehensive utilization of cold energy in Wuhan Sanjintan natural gas pipeline
network was successful. The project with the largest installed power of single machine of ORC screw
expansion generator set - silbon petrochemical waste heat power generation project was successfully
undertaken. Marine screw expansion generator set was selected as "innovative products of 2021 China
Refrigeration Exhibition".
During the reporting period, Bingshan Guardian, a subsidiary of the Company, focused on energy-saving
control of cooling and heating system and strengthened technological innovation. Selected as the
"specialized and new" small giant enterprise in Liaoning Province in 2021. Scc60 console was selected as the
"specialized and special new" product of Liaoning Province in 2021. The research and application project of
edge intelligent equipment for real-time monitoring of distributed large-scale refrigeration equipment based
on 5G was selected as the first batch of science and technology research projects in Dalian in 2021.

2. Sales income and costs
(1) Sales income structure
                                   2021                                          2020
                                          Proportion to the                             Proportion to the
                       Amount                                         Amount                                increase/decrease
                                             Sales costs                                   Sales costs
Total sales income   2,089,208,256.22                             1,727,267,935.15                   100%              20.95%
By industry
Refrigeration and
air-conditioning     2,031,958,305.49                97.26%       1,680,314,480.42                 97.28%              20.93%
Others                  57,249,950.73                 2.74%           46,953,454.73                 2.72%              21.93%
By product

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   Industrial product                1,328,371,290.81                          63.58%           1,347,335,824.84                     78.00%                    -1.41%
   Installation works                  652,866,257.62                          31.25%            321,545,409.42                      18.62%                  103.04%
   Others                              107,970,707.79                            5.17%             58,386,700.89                      3.38%                  343.63%
   By region
   Domestic sales                    1,994,087,984.59                          95.45%           1,635,465,100.98                     95.45%                    21.93%
   Foreign sales                           95,120,271.63                         4.55%             91,802,834.17                      4.55%                     3.61%
   By sales model
   Total                             2,089,208,256.22                          100.00%          1,727,267,935.15                   100.00%                     20.95%

   (2) Main business structure
                                                                                                Increase/decrease of Increase/decrease
                                                                                                 operating revenues of operating costs Increase/decrease of gross profit
                                    Operating revenue        Operating costs     Gross profit
                                                                                                  on a year-on-year on a year-on-year       on a year-on-year basis
                                                                                                        basis              basis
   By industry
   Refrigeration and
                                     2,031,958,305.49        1,808,263,206.67         11.01%                20.93%             29.03% Decrease 5.59 percentage points
   By product

   Industrial product                1,328,371,290.81        1,137,346,738.60        14.38%                 -1.41%              3.37% Decrease 3.96 percentage points

   Installation works                  652,866,257.62          632,692,690.26          3.09%               103.04%            116.08% Decrease 5.85 percentage points

   Others                                  50,720,757.06        38,223,777.81        24.64%                343.63%            358.60% Decrease 2.46 percentage points

   By region

   Domestic sales                    1,936,838,033.86        1,729,446,885.07        10.71%                 21.93%                0.30 Decrease 5.61 percentage

   Foreign sales                           95,120,271.63        78,816,321.60        17.14%                  3.61%                0.10 Decrease 4.86 percentage

   By sales model

   Total                             2,031,958,305.49        1,808,263,206.67         11.01%                20.93%             29.03% Decrease 5.59 percentage points

   (3)Was the Company's sales income on material objects more than that on labor service?
   √ Yes □ No
               Industry category                               Item                         2021                         2020
                                                  Sales volume                                         1,921                      1,911                         0.52%
   Main refrigeration unit for
                                                  Production output                                    1,918                      1,916                         0.10%
   industrial or commercial use
                                                  Inventory level                                        383                        386                        -0.78%
   Reason for change in the related data by 30% or higher on a year-on-year basis
   □ Applicable √ Not applicable
   (4)Performance of major sales contracts and major procurement contracts signed by the company up to
   the reporting period
   □ Applicable √ Not applicable
   (5)Sales cost structure
                                                                        2021                                           2020
                                                                                                                           Proportion to the        Year-on-year
Industry category                   Item                                       Proportion to the
                                                            Amount                                         Amount                                 increase/decrease
                                                                                operating costs                              operating costs
                        Direct materials              1,549,104,567.26                   83.76% 1,190,876,714.73                      83.13%                   30.08%
                        Labor wages                        182,511,399.62                 9.87%         136,954,335.52                  9.56%                  33.26%
Refrigeration and Depreciation                              35,318,984.53                 1.91%           41,327,601.39                 2.88%                 -14.54%
air-conditioning        Utilities                           18,771,030.25                 1.01%           16,693,515.58                 1.17%                  12.45%
                        Others                              63,825,290.62                 3.45%           46,671,942.69                 3.26%                  36.75%
                        Total operating costs 1,849,531,272.29                         100.00% 1,432,524,109.91                      100.00%                   29.11%
                                                                                     14 / 188
    (6) Was the Company's consolidated range change during the reporting period?
    □ Applicable √Not applicable
    (7) Major change or adjustment in the Company's products or service in the reporting period
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable
    (8) Information on the Company's major customers and major suppliers
    Information on the Company's major customers
Total sales volume from top five customers (yuan)                                               432,519,530.82
Proportion of the total sales volume from top five customers to the annual sales volume                                              20.70%
Proportion of the related party total sales volume from top five customers to the annual sales volume              8.72%
    Information on the Company's top five customers
                                                                                              Proportion to the annual
      No.                      Name of customer                       Sales volume (yuan)
                                                                                                   sales volume
       1 Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                               127,490,433.60                     6.10%
       2      State Grid Integrated Energy Service Group Co., Ltd.                        108,357,798.18                             5.19%
              Xinjiang Silk Road Tianshan International Food City
       3                                                                                   88,318,144.83                             4.23%
              Investment Co., Ltd.
       4      BAC Dalian Co., Ltd.                                                         54,676,218.06                             2.62%
       5      Qingdao Fuji Farm Food Co., Ltd.                                             53,676,936.15                             2.57%
     Total                                ——                                            432,519,530.82                            20.70%
    Among the top five customers mentioned above, Panasonic cold chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd. and BAC Dalian Co.,
    Ltd. are related to the Company.

    Information on the Company's major suppliers
     Total purchase volume from top five suppliers (yuan)                                                                   350,270,525.77
     Proportion of the total purchase volume from top five suppliers to the annual purchases volume                                 17.36%
     Proportion of the related party total purchase volume from top five suppliers to the annual purchases volume                    2.19%

    Information on the Company's top five suppliers
                                                                                         Purchase             Proportion to the annual
       No.                              Name of supplier
                                                                                       volume (yuan)             purchase volume
        1      Shenyang Bao Gang Northeast Trade Co., Ltd.                                159,141,244.93                             7.89%
        2      Longkou Longpeng Precision Copper Pipe Co. Ltd.                             62,806,544.12                             3.11%
               Dalian Weijie Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installation Co.,
        3                                                                                  49,618,076.99                             2.46%
        4      Dalian Big ICER Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.                           44,236,639.71                             2.19%
        5      Weilian Heat Transfer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                       34,468,020.02                             1.71%
      Total                                      ——                                     350,270,525.77                            17.36%
    Among the top five suppliers mentioned above, Dalian Big ICER Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. had an
    associated relationship with the Company during the reporting period.

    3. Expenses
                                                                      Increase/decrease of gross
                                2021                    2020                                                Explain for major changes
                                                                     profit on a year-on-year basis
                                                                                                      Adjustment of personnel organizational
    Selling expenses          130,633,909.30        83,740,476.90                          56.00% structure and increase of performance
                                                                                                      appraisal salary of business personnel
    Administrative            170,613,436.15       160,295,370.53                            6.44%
                                                                     15 / 188
                                                                                               The decrease of bank borrowings leads
Financial expenses       13,941,926.23       26,479,309.37                          -47.35% to a corresponding decrease in interest
                                                                                               costs; Decrease in exchange losses
                                                                                               With the increase of operating revenue,
R&D expenses             65,269,765.23       49,158,256.78                            32.77%
                                                                                               R & D expenses increase accordingly
4. R&D expenditure
During the reporting period, the Company focused on the deep enthalpy energy system solutions, focused on the
key market segments in the wide temperature zone, and actively promoted the research and development, trial
production and optimization of new products.
Information on R&D expenditure
                                                             2021              2020          Increase/decrease on a year-on-year basis
 The quantity of the person engaged in R&D                          304               268                                      13.43%
 The quantity proportion of the person engaged in R&D           17.53%            10.77%                                         6.76%
 The spending amount on R&D(yuan)                     65,269,765.23 57,382,896.29                                            13.74%
 R&D spending accounts for the proportion of revenue             3.12%            3.32%              Decrease 0.20 percentage points
 The amount of R&D investment capitalization(yuan)                0.00              0.00                                       0.00%
 Capitalize R&D investment for the proportion of R&D
                                                                 0.00%            0.00%                                          0.00%
Reasons for the remarkable change in R&D spending accounts for the proportion of revenue compared with the
previous year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reasons for the substantial changes in the capitalization rate of R&D investment and its rationality
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5. Cash flows

                              Item                                         2021                 2020
 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                2,084,554,545.45 1,639,373,926.67                        27.16%
 Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities               2,083,036,327.08 1,652,516,354.12                        26.05%
 Net amount of cash flow generated in operating activities                 1,518,218.37       -13,142,427.45               111.55%
 Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                    324,356,502.38       184,194,481.36                  76.09%
 Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                    76,095,331.84        14,869,095.73                411.77%
 Net amount of cash flow generated in investing activities              248,261,170.54       169,325,385.63                  46.62%
 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                    347,516,847.94       390,021,419.37                 -10.90%
 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                   473,406,304.78       531,151,803.02                 -10.87%
 Net amount of cash flow generated in financing activities              -125,889,456.84      -141,130,383.65                 10.80%
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                              123,990,877.38        13,451,105.93                821.79%

Reason for change in the related data by 30% or higher on a year-on-year basis
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Net cash flow arising from operation activities have a significant increase on a y-o-y basis, mainly due to the
increase in cash received from the sale of goods and the provision of labor services.
2. Net cash flow arising from investing activities have a significant increase on a y-o-y basis, mainly because the
Company received the price of equity transfer of Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd. during the reporting

Reason for remarkable difference between the cash flows from the Company's operating activities in the reporting
period and the net annual profit.
                                                             16 / 188
   √ Applicable □ Not applicable
   There was a remarkable difference between the net amount of cash flow generated in operating activities of the
   Company and the net annual profit in the reporting period, mainly due to that the proportion of returns on
   investment to the total profit of the Company was higher.
   V. Analysis of the non-main business
   During the reporting period, Panasonic compressor, an associate of the Company, grew steadily with variable
   strain. Market development has been steadily promoted, and the market share of leading products has increased
   for two consecutive years. The research and development of 25HP high horsepower scroll compressor has been
   completed and mass production has been realized; CO2 rotor compressor has been successfully applied to the new
   generation of hydrogen fuel hybrid locomotive of CRRC; CO2 compressor officially landed in the European
   vending machine market.
   During the reporting period, Panasonic cold chain, an associate of the Company, continued to cultivate
   advantageous markets. The cooperation between Master Kang, Yuanqi forest and other beverage manufacturers
   was further expanded, and the beverage freezer market received large orders again. Actively respond to the
   personalized needs of key customers such as meituan optimization and miyue ice city, and the commercial cabinet
   business has achieved good growth. 45 mainstream best-selling products won the "leader" certificate of enterprise
   standard in 2021.
   During the reporting period, the Company's associated company, Panasonic Refrigerator System further improved
   its engineering and manufacturing capabilities. It won the bid for four large-scale vaccine cold storage projects,
   including Beijing Yizhuang pharmaceutical cold storage project and Sinopharm China biological Wuhan Xinguan
   vaccine storage project. Luoyang Dazhang Food Industrial Park, the largest EPC project till now, lasted nearly two
   years, has been successfully accepted. The newly developed 40HP high horsepower semi closed piston
   compressor was officially launched.
   During the reporting period, Fuji Bingshan, an associate of the Company, continued to promote the strengthening
   of leading products and the optimization of marketing mode. Focus on beverage machines, coffee machines,
   integrated machines and other leading products, expand the development of brand marketing, and promote special
   During the reporting period, Jingxue Energy Saving, an associated company of the Company, successfully
   obtained the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission for registration and was listed on the growth
   enterprise market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on June 18, 2021. The future development will be assisted by the
   capital market.
   VI. Analysis of assets & liabilities
   1. Remarkable change in assets
                                                                                                Monetary unit: RMB yuan
                             2021.12.31                        2020.12.31
                                                                                            Proportion         Explain for major
                                     Proportion to                   Proportion to the
                         Amount                         Amount                           increase/decrease         changes
                                    the total assets                    total assets
                                                                                                              Mainly because the
                                                                                                              Company received
Monetary funds         522,658,505.79         9.11%    373,445,731.67            6.57%                2.54% the equity transfer
                                                                                                              price of Panasonic
Accounts receivable    821,548,678.85        14.32%    817,011,955.75           14.38%               -0.06%
Contract assets        109,859,658.79         1.92%     91,430,011.60            1.61%                0.31%
                                                                                                              mainly because the
Inventories           1,014,527,127.82       17.69%    731,658,797.98           12.88%                4.81% company's
                                                             17 / 188
                                                                                                         projects increased in
                                                                                                         the current period,
                                                                                                         according       to   the
                                                                                                         requirements of the
                                                                                                         new             income
                                                                                                         standards,      income
                                                                                                         cannot               be
                                                                                                         recognized income.
Investment property     120,752,809.61     2.11%    126,288,477.92           2.22%              -0.11%
                                                                                                         mainly due to the
                                                                                                         transfer of 40%
                                                                                                         equity of Panasonic
                                                                                                         refrigeration held by

Long-term equity                                                                                         the company and the
                       1,231,504,533.45   21.47% 1,597,241,363.62           28.11%              -6.64%
investment                                                                                               decline of the
                                                                                                         investment income
                                                                                                         in associated
Fixed assets            855,395,405.85    14.91%    866,198,856.04          15.25%              -0.34%
Construction in
                         38,974,478.45     0.68%     34,254,599.42           0.60%               0.08%
Short-term loans         23,934,703.37     0.42%     27,449,505.03           0.48%              -0.06%
                                                                                                         Orders increased,
Contract liabilities    245,937,091.72     4.29%    282,971,600.00           4.98%              -0.69% and advances from
                                                                                                         customers increased
Long-term loans         499,719,963.40     8.71%    295,100,657.10           5.19%               3.52%
Lease liabilities       150,000,000.00     2.62%    160,000,000.00           2.82%              -0.20%
                          5,394,021.14     0.09%     13,818,476.46           0.24%              -0.15%
    2. Assets & liabilities which are measured by fair value
    √ Applicable □ Not applicable
    Other non-current financial asset measured in fair value is 239,304,098.83 yuan at the year beginning,and
    261,410,664.61 yuan at the year end, with a selling amount of 30,292,000.00yuan.
    3. Restrictions on asset rights as of the end of the reporting period
    By the end of reporting period, the Company’s asset rights was limited, including monetary funds 83,689,167.92
    yuan, the reason for the limitation is the deposit and the bank account were frozen; notes receivable 6,420,000.00
    yuan, the reason for the limitation is bank pledge.
    VII. Analysis of investments
    1.The overall situation
    √ Applicable □ Not applicable
           Investment in 2021(yuan)            Investment in 2020(yuan)                 Amount of variation
                        1,231,504,533.45                   1,597,241,363.62                                    -18.38%
    2.The significant equity investment during the reporting period
    □Applicable √Not applicable

                                                          18 / 188
     3 The significant non-equity investment during the reporting period
     □Applicable √Not applicable

     4.The financial asset investment
     (1) The securities investment
     √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                        Account                       Changes in the Accumulativ

                           Initial         ing                        profit and loss e change of
 Stock       Stock                                Book value at the                                  Current sale   Report period Book value in the Accounting Source
                        investment      measure                         of the fair     fair value
 code    abbreviation                                beginning                                         amount       profit and loss     ending          subjects     of funds
                            cost           ment                        value in this   credited to

                                         model                            period         equity

                                        fair                                                                                                             Other

                                        value                                                                                                          Non-current    Own
601211 Guotai Jun’an   11,210,008.00               196,511,440.24     4,426,602.88 4,426,602.88     32,812,417.98 11,656,207.36      200,547,043.12
                                        measure                                                                                                         financial     funds

                                        ment                                                                                                             assets

         total          11,210,008.00 --            196,511,440.24     4,426,602.88 4,426,602.88     32,812,417.98 11,656,207.36      200,547,043.12                    --
     Until 31 December, 2021, the Company held 11,210,008 numbers of shares of Guotai Jun’an Securities Co., Ltd. ,
     including 1,710,000 shares under refinancing and lending. The Company sold 1,700,000 numbers of shares of
     Guotai Jun’an, and received cash dividend RMB 7,229,604.48 Yuan during the reporting period.
     (2) Derivative investment
     □Applicable √ Not applicable
     During the reporting period, the Company does not exist derivative investment.
     5. The use of funds raised
     □Applicable √ Not applicable

     VIII. The material assets and equity sale
     1. The material assets sale
     □Applicable √Not applicable
     2. The material equity sale
     √Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                   19 / 188
                                       The      net                  percent
                                       profit                        age of
                                       contributed                   the net
                                       by       the                  profit
                                       equity to                     contrib                                             Impl
                             Transa                                                                             invol
                                       the listed     The            uted by                         Relati              eme
                             ction                                             Principl                         ved
                                       company        impact of      the                  Related    onship              nted   Discl
                             price                                             es    of                         has                     Discl
Counte     Sold       Sale             from     the   the sale       equity               transact   with                as     osur
                             (ten                                              Equity                           all                     osure
rparty     equity     date             beginning      on    the      sale to              ion or     the                 plan   e
                             thousa                                            Sale                             been                    Index
                                       of       the   Compan         the                  not        counte              ned    date
                             nd                                                Pricing                          transf
                                       current        y              total                           rparty              or
                             yuan)                                                                              erred
                                       period to                     net                                                 not
                                       the date of                   profit
                                       sale(ten                      of the
                                       thousand                      listed
                                       yuan)                         compan
                                                      This                                           g the
                                                      equity                                         directo
                                                      transfer                                       rs and
                                                      will help                                      superv
                                                      the                                            isors
                                                      Compan                                         of
                                                      y        to                                    Bingsh
                                                      properly                                       an
                                                      revitalize                                     Group,
                                                      long-ter                                       the
                                                      m equity                                       control
                                                      investme                                       ling
                                                      nt,                      Accord                shareh
                                                      optimize                 ing to                older
                                                      the asset                the                   of the
           y holds                                                                                                              Nov
                                                      structure                asset -               compa
           40                                                                                                                   emb
                                                      and help                 based                 ny,
           percent                                                                                                              er      http:/
Panaso                                                improve                  method                panaso
           equity     Dece                                                                                                      27,     /ww
nic                                                   the main                 to                    nic
           of         mber   17,493.                                                                                            2021    w.cni
Corpor                                      -1,499    business.      10.28%    determi    Yes        China      Yes      Yes
           Panason    13,        52                                                                                                     nfo.c
ation of                                              The                      ne the                directo
           ic         2021                                                                                                      Dece    om.c
China                                                 equity                   transfer              rs
           Refriger                                                                                                             mber    n/
                                                      transfer                 price of              serve
           ation                                                                                                                13,
                                                      received                 the                   as part
           (Dalian)                                                                                                             2021
                                                      funds,                   underly               of the
                                                      the                      ing                   directo
                                                      Compan                   equity..              rs and
                                                      y will be                                      superv
                                                      used to                                        isors.
                                                      suppleme                                       Panaso
                                                      nt                                             nic
                                                      working                                        China
                                                      capital or                                     is the
                                                      repay                                          affiliat
                                                      bank                                           ed
                                                      loans,                                         legal
                                                      reduce                                         person
                                                      financial                                      of the
                                                      costs.                                         compa

     IX. Analysis of major subsidiary companies and mutual shareholding companies
     √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                             Unit: ten thousand yuan (except for registered capital)

                                                                    20 / 188
                                                      registered                                                    Net profit
Company name        Type       The main business                      total assets      net assets      income

                               Vending machine
                               sales, installation, JPY 4,000
Fuji Bingshan   shareholding                                                   75,381         37,567       23,978                28
                               maintenance and      million
                               related consulting
                               and after-sales
                mutual         Refrigeration
Panasonic                                           JPY 4,650
                shareholding   Storage, Stainless                             187,260         21,472      151,325        -28,215
Cold-Chain                                          million
                company        Steel Kitchen
                               Equipment and
Panasonic                                           JPY 6,200
                shareholding   Scroll Compressor                              158,506       115,685       111,704          8,370
Compressor                                          million
                               New building
Jingxue                        energy-saving        RMB 101,000
                shareholding                                                  152,402         78,402       91,402          6,710
Insulation                     board, refrigerated thousand
                               storage door
                               building hardware, USD 18,064.5
Bingshan Metal shareholding                                                    36,998         30,413       46,791          4,849
                               plumbing             thousand
   Subsidiary companies obtained or disposed in the reporting period
   □Applicable √Not applicable

   X. The structured corporate bodies which the Company controlled
   □Applicable √Not applicable
   XI. Development prospect of the Company
   Major risks faced and countermeasures adopted by the Company
   (1)Increasing market competition risk
   Countermeasures: focus on the hot and cold industry, deeply cultivate the advantage market segmentation; rapidly
   improve the engineering and manufacturing power; orderly improve the level of intelligent manufacturing and
   service-oriented manufacturing; speed up the transformation and upgrading of inherent undertakings; accelerate
   the implementation of new kinetic energy cultivation; continue to build Bingshan enterprise and interest
   (2)Risk of slow marketing of new products and technologies
                                                                   21 / 188
Countermeasures: create differentiated competitiveness of new products and technologies; strengthen the
technology marketing and service marketing, and cultivate the market segmentation professionally; appropriate
use of financial leasing, contract energy management and other innovative models.
(3)Risk of high level of trade receivables
Countermeasures: strictly implement the project management system and further strengthen the management of
accounts receivable; enhance quality of contract through intensified customer credit assessment and contract
appraisal; effective control of increase in trade receivables by reduction of guarantee deposits, and taking bank
credit instruments as guarantee deposits; improve contract execution through stricter review on goods delivery,
intensified control on project construction and acceptance, and post-sale service; prepare special composition
solutions and incentive policy to accelerate settlement of trade receivables with relatively long aging.
(4)Risk of rising raw material prices
Countermeasures: the Company will actively respond to cost pressure by reducing material rates, centralized
procurement, expanding sales, adjusting selling prices, reducing expenses and other measures.

In 2022, the Company will focus on the refrigeration and heating industry, continue to cultivate the advantageous
market segments such as cold chain logistics, petrochemical industry, beer and dairy products, meat slaughtering,
ship refrigeration, ice and snow venues and polysilicon, vigorously expand new businesses such as CCUS, ORC
and photovoltaic, solidly improve the five core competitiveness of marketing, technology, products, engineering
and services, and accelerate the improvement of its main business.
In 2022, the main business strategies are as follows:
(1) Marketing strengthening. Aiming at the product business, stabilize the traditional field, improve the market
share, and continue to lead the polysilicon segment market. For the engineering business, improve the order
quality of complete sets of projects and improve the self product ratio of engineering projects. For the energy
industry, take the carbon neutralization solution as the main development path to expand the markets of CCUS,
natural gas liquefaction, new energy and so on.
(2) Technology enhancement. With green refrigerant and zero carbon as the center and market segmentation
application as the goal, improve technology, implement application and help sales. Promote the standardization of
standard spectrum and sub modularization, and realize the standardization, serialization and modularization of
(3) Improvement of engineering power. Strengthen project management, fully implement the project budget,
control the whole process of operation, ensure profits and prevent risks. Optimize the work flow and promote the
standardization of safe and civilized construction and construction management. Refine the performance appraisal
to ensure the project duration and acceptance.
(4) Improvement of manufacturing power. By integrating engineering procurement and product procurement
business, optimize supply chain management and improve production assurance rate and sales satisfaction rate.
By improving the refining process, adding intelligent equipment and tools, and adding batch production lines,
ensure product quality and improve production capacity and production efficiency. Reduce the market defect rate
through measures such as quality team optimization, supplier management and control strengthening and process
management and control refinement.
The above-mentioned business plan does not represent the earnings forecast of listed companies for the year of
2022. Whether it can be achieved depends on the changes of market conditions and the efforts of management
teams and other factors. There are great uncertainties. Investors should pay special attention to it.
XII. Record of investigation, communication, and other activities in the reporting period
□Applicable √Not applicable

                                                     22 / 188
                                           Section 4 Corporate governance

        I. Basic situation of corporate governance

        Within the reporting period, the Company centered around the operation subject as “Leading innovation, Creating
        value” with the theme " integrity, innovation and return of the king"”, relying on the opportunity of overall
        relocation and transformation of the Company, to further deepen and perfect the normative internal control system
        and upgrade the governing level of the Company continuously.

        There were no problems with the Company concerning horizontal competition caused by restructures and other
        reasons. The main normal associated transactions between the Company and the associated companies included
        purchasing the supporting products for package projects from the associated companies, and selling the supporting
        parts and components to the associated companies and providing them with the labor service. Associated
        transactions between the Company and the associated companies are necessary for normal production and
        operation and helpful for the Company’s healthy development, and therefore will continue. The Company will
        strictly follow the related decision-making procedures and fulfill the obligation in information disclosure in order
        to further regulate associated transactions.
        Was there any deviation of the Company's corporate governance from the requirements in the Company Law and
        China Securities Regulatory Commission's regulations?
        □ Yes √ No
        There was no deviation of the Company's corporate governance from the requirements in the Company Law and
        China Securities Regulatory Commission's regulations.

        II. Status of the Company's business, staff, asset, organization and finance separations from
        the holding shareholder

        The Company was separated from the holding shareholder in business, staff, asset, organization and finance, and
        has the independent and complete business and operation capability.
        III. Horizontal competitions
        □ Applicable √ Not applicable
        IV Shareholders’ general meeting convened in the reporting period

        1. Annual Shareholders’ general meeting within this reporting period
                                                                             The proportion of
         Session number of meeting            The type of the meeting           participate            date          Disclosing date Disclosing index
  2020                                  Annual Shareholders’ general                                                                     http://www.cnin
                                                                                         29.38% May 14, 2021        May 15, 2021
  Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting meeting                                                                                           fo.com.cn
  The   1st   Extraordinary Shareholders’ Extraordinary    Shareholders’                                                                http://www.cnin
                                                                                         21.13% Dec.13, 2021        Dec.14, 2021
  General Meeting of 2021                 General Meeting                                                                                 fo.com.cn
        V. Information on the Company’s Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff
        1. basic information
                                                                                                 Shares       Increase on          Decrease in
                                                                                                                                                     Shares held
                                                                     Starting        Ending      held at       holding of           holding of
                                       Office-hol                                                                                                    at the end of
    Name               Position                     Sex     Age       date of        date of   beginning      shares in this       shares in this
                                       ding state                                                                                                       period
                                                                    office term office term of period            period               period
                                                                                                 (shares)       (shares)              (share)
                                                                     Mar. 27,        Jan.11,
Ji Zhijian      Chairman               Incumbent    M        54                                  1,528,830                     0                 0     1,528,830
                                                                        2014          2025
Fan Wen         Director               Incumbent    M        57       Jan.12,        Jan.11,         7,770                     0                 0                0
                                                                        23 / 188
                                                              2022        2025
               Vice Chairman/                                Jan.12,     Jan.11,
Yin Xide                               Incumbent   M   50                            90,080        0            0            0
               General manager                                2022        2025
               Director/ Board                               Jan.12,     Jan.11,
Song Wenbao                            Incumbent   M   48                           593,880        0            0       593,880
               secretary                                      2022        2025
                                                             Jan.12,     Jan.11,
Dono Shigeru Director                  Incumbent   M   60                                 0        0            0            0
                                                              2022        2025
Nishimoto      Director                Incumbent   M                     Jan.11,
                                                       55   Jun.5,2019                    0        0            0            0
Shigeyuki                                                                 2025
                                                   M        May.14,20    Jan.11,
Zhai Yunling   Independent director    Incumbent       58                                 0        0            0            0
                                                               21         2025
                                                   F        May.14,20    Jan.11,
Liu Yuanyuan Independent director      Incumbent       47                                 0        0            0            0
                                                               21         2025
                                       Incumbent   F        May.14,20    Jan.11,
Yao Hong       Independent director                    48                                 0        0            0            0
                                                               21         2025
               Chairman of the board                         Jan. 17,    Jan.11,
Hu Xitang                              Incumbent   M   54                                 0        0            0            0
               of Supervisors                                 2019        2025
                                                             Jan. 21,    Jan.11,
Dai Yuling     Supervisor              Incumbent   F   44                                 0        0            0            0
                                                              2016        2025
                                                             May.15,     Jan.11,
Li Sheng       Supervisor              Incumbent   M   42                                 0        0            0            0
                                                              2020        2025
               Chief Financial                               May.14,     Jan.11,
Wang Jinxiu                            Incumbent   F   51                             5,000        0            0         5,000
               Officer                                        2021        2025
               Deputy general                               Jan.12,202   Jan.11,
Yang Fuhua                             Incumbent   M   50                                 0        0            0            0
               manager                                          2         2025
               Deputy general                               Jan.12,202   Jan.11,
Lu Jun                                 Incumbent   M   56                             2,500        0            0         2,500
               manager                                          2         2025
                                                             Mar. 27,    Jan.12,
Xu Junrao      Director                 Leaving    F   59                           995,349        0            0       995,349
                                                              2014        2022
                                                             Otc.20,     Mar.26,
Fan Yuekun     Director DGM             Leaving    M   58                           210,000        0            0       210,000
                                                              2015        2021
                                                             Feb.12,     May.14,
Dai Dashuang Independent director      Incumbent   F   71                                 0        0            0            0
                                                              2015        2021
                                                             Feb.12,     May.14,
Liu Jiwei      Independent director    Incumbent   M   61                                 0        0            0            0
                                                              2015        2021
                                                             May.20      May.14,
Wang Yan       Independent director    Incumbent   F   58                                 0        0            0            0
                                                              2015        2021
               Chief Financial                               Jan. 21,    May.6
Ma Yun                                 Incumbent   M   50                            35,000        0            0        35,000
               Officer                                        2016        2022
Total                                                                              3,993,409       0            0   3,993,409
         During the reporting period, whether any directors or supervisors leave office or senior
         managers are dismissed
         √Applicable □Not applicable
         During the reporting period, Fan Yuekun, director and deputy general manager of the Company, resigned due to
                                                              24 / 188
   job changes and no longer held any positions in the Company after his resignation.
   During the reporting period, Ma Yun, chief financial officer of the Company, resigned due to job changes and no
   longer held any positions in the Company after his resignation.

   Changes of directors, supervisors, senior managers of the Company

     Name             Position held               Type                 Date                                 Reason
                                          Leave office after                       After the general election, Mr. Ding Jie no longer served
   Ding Jie          Vice Chairman                                 Jan 12,2022
                                           the end of term                                     as vice chairman of the Company
                                          Leave office after                         After the general election, Mrs. Xu Junrao no longer
  Xu Junrao             Director                                   Jan 12,2022
                                           the end of term                                    served as director of the Company
 Fan Yuekun          Director; DGM         Leaving office         March 26, 2021         Resign from the Company due to job changes
                                          Leave office after
Dai Dashuang       Independent director                            May 14, 2021                Leave office after the end of term
                                           the end of term
                                          Leave office after
   Liu Jiwei       Independent director                            May 14, 2021                Leave office after the end of term
                                           the end of term
                                          Leave office after
  Wang Yan         Independent director                            May 14, 2021                Leave office after the end of term
                                           the end of term
                                           Termination of
   Ding Jie                GM                                       Jan 1,2021          Termination of employment due to job changes
                     Chief Financial
   Ma Yun                                  Leaving office          May 6, 2021           Resign from the Company due to job changes
   Yin Xide             Director                be elected         May 14, 2021    By-election of director at general meeting of shareholders
 Zhai Yunling      Independent director         be elected         May 14, 2021    By-election of director at general meeting of shareholders
Liu Yuanyuan       Independent director         be elected         May 14, 2021    By-election of director at general meeting of shareholders
  Yao Hong         Independent director         be elected         May 14, 2021    By-election of director at general meeting of shareholders
   Yin Xide                GM                Appointed              Jan 1,2021               Appointed by the Board of Directors
                     Chief Financial
 Wang Jinxiu                                 Appointed             May 14, 2021              Appointed by the Board of Directors

   2.        Office holding

   Professional background, main work experiences and the main duties and responsibilities of incumbent directors,
   supervisors, senior managers of the Company
                                                                                                                                    main duties and
     Name         Position held Professional background                            Main work experience
                                doctorate degree in
                                                             Successively acting as GM, Chairman of Panasonic Cold-Chain.;             Related
                                management of the
Ji Zhijian         Chairman                                  Chairman and President of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.; responsibilities of
                                Dalian University of
                                                             Chairman of the Company.                                                the Chairman
                 Vice Chairman Graduated from Dalian served as sales director, copy director and General manager of                    Related
Yin Xide
                    and GM      University of                low-temperature logistics Equipment Division of Panasonic Cold responsibilities of

                                                                      25 / 188
                              Technology, majoring in Chain (Dalian) Co., LTD.; the General Manager of Panasonic                the Director
                              thermal engineering     Appliances Refrigerating System (Dalian) Co., Ltd .
                                                      served as vice Minister of Import and Export Department and
                                                      Minister of Import and Export Department of the Company; Assistant
Fan Wen          Director     Graduate degree                                                                                responsibilities of
                                                      general Manager and Vice President of DalianBingshan Group Co.,
                                                                                                                                the Director
                                                      LTD.; Director of Jiangsu JingXue Insulation Technology Co.,Ltd.
               Director and                                                                                                       Related
                              graduate from Zhejiang Successively acting as representative for securities affairs, board
Song Wenbao       Board                                                                                                      responsibilities of
                              University,CFA         secretary of the Company.
                Secretary                                                                                                    Board Secretary
                                                      served as technical director of beauty & Life Department, business
                                                      director and planning director of Kitchen Appliances Division, food
                                                      distribution business director, Kitchen space business director, HA
                              Graduated from Kyoto    business director and vice president of Panasonic Corporation;
Dono Shigeru     Director                                                                                                    responsibilities of
                              University in Japan.    Executive attendant of Panasonic Corporation. Currently, he is the
                                                                                                                                the Director
                                                      head of household appliances division, head of household appliances,
                                                      and president of China & Northeast Asia Co., LTD;; the supervisor of
                                                      Dalian Bingshan Group Co., LTD.
                                                      served as the director of Financial Planning Room and Finance
                                                      Department System Overall Room of Panasonic Corporation                     Related
Nishimoto                     graduated from Meiji
                 Director                             Headquarter; the director of Regional Financial Integration Room, responsibilities of
Shigeyuki                     university
                                                      CFO of Panasonic Corporation China & Northeast Asia Company; the          the Director
                                                      supervisor of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., LTD.
                                                      Professor of Law School of Dalian Maritime University, lawyer of            Related
               Independent Doctor of Law,             Beijing Jincheng Tongda (Dalian) Law Firm, legal adviser of Dalian responsibilities of
Zhai Yunling
                 director     professor, lawyer       Municipal People's Government, member/arbitrator of Dalian              the Independent
                                                      Arbitration Commission                                                      director
                                                      Professor of Accounting School of Dongbei University of Finance
                                                      and Economics, Director of Sino-German Management Control                   Related
               Independent                            Research Center, independent director of China Railway Tielong responsibilities of
Liu Yuanyuan                  Doctor of Accounting
                 director                             Container Logistics Co., LTD.,; independent director of Bank of         the Independent
                                                      Dalian Co., LTD.; independent director of Kincai (Liaoning) Life            director
                                                      Science and Technology Co., LTD.
                                                      Doctor of Management, School of Economics and Management,
                              graduate from China                                                                                 Related
                                                      Dalian University of Technology, Independent director of Shanghai
               Independent University of Political                                                                           responsibilities of
Yao Hong                                              Binku Network Technology Co., LTD., Independent director of Hualu
                 director     Science and Law,                                                                               the Independent
                                                      Zhida Technology Co., LTD., independent director of Harbin Hattou
                              professor of law                                                                                    director
                                                      Investment Co., LTD.
               Chairman of graduated from Nanjing                                                                                 Related
Hu Xitang       Board of      University of Science   served as the chairman of the labor union of the Company.              responsibilities of
               Supervisors and Technology                                                                                      the Supervisor
                                                      acting as the chief of the Financial Dept. of Dalian Bingshan Group
Dai Yuling     Supervisor     Senior Accountant                                                                              responsibilities of
                                                      Company Ltd.
                                                                                                                               the Supervisor

                                                               26 / 188
                                    graduated from Dalian      acting as the Director of Operation Management Department of                        Related
Li Sheng              Supervisor    University of              Dalian Bingshan Group Company Ltd;chief of the Financial Dept. of responsibilities of
                                    Technology                 the Company.                                                                  the Supervisor
                                                               served as engineer, deputy director and director of complete set
                                    graduated from Xi 'an      design Department of the Company; served as deputy General                          Related
Yang Fuhua              DGM         Jiaotong University,       Manager of Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering Co., LTD; served as responsibilities of
                                    Senior Engineer            chief engineer of the Company's business Headquarters and deputy                     DGM
                                                               Head of the Research and development Headquarters.
                                                               served as designer and vice minister of the Company; general Manager
                                    graduated from Jilin
                                                               of Dalian Bingshan Air-conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd; the Deputy                  Related
                                    University of
Lu Jun                  DGM                                    General Manager of Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering Co., LTD. ; responsibilities of
                                    Technology, Graduate
                                                               the assistant to the general Manager and head of the Operation and                  DGM
                                    degree, Senior Engineer.
                                                               Management Department of the Company.
                                                               served as cost accountant in finance Department of the Company and
                                                               Minister of Finance Department of DalianBingshan Air Conditioning                   Related
Wang Jinxiu             CFO         Senior accountant          Equipment Co., LTD.; served as the Director of the Financial responsibilities of
                                                               Management Department of the Company. served as Chief Financial                      CFO
                                                               Officer since May 2021.

   Office holding in shareholder unit
   √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                            If receiving remuneration or allowance from
Name of office holder              Shareholder unit name            Position held in shareholder unit
                                                                                                                          shareholder unit
Ji Zhijian                 Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Board, President                                      Yes
Fan Wen                    Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. Vice President                                                        Yes

   Office holding in other units
   √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                         If receiving
                                                                                                                                       remuneration or
           name                                         unit name                                  Position held in other unit
                                                                                                                                 allowance from other
         Ji Zhijian    Dalian Zhong Huida Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd.                                 Chairman                        No
                       Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd.                                    Chairman                        No
                       MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                         Chairman                        No
         Fan Wen       Dalian Niweisi LengNuan Technology Co., Ltd                                           Chairman                        No
                       Dalian Bingshan Lingshe Quick Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd                             Chairman                        No
                       Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd                                   Chairman                        No
         Yin Xide      Dalian Bingshan Group Construction Co., Ltd                                           Chairman                        No
                       China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Co., LTD.                              Independent director                 Yes
    Liu Yuanyuan Bank of Dalian Co., LTD.                                                               Independent director                 Yes
                       Kincai (Liaoning) Life Science and Technology Co., LTD.                          Independent director                 Yes
    Yao Hong           Shanghai Binku Network Technology Co., LTD.                                      Independent director                 Yes

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                  Hualu Zhida Technology Co., LTD.                                    Independent director               Yes
                  Harbin Hattou Investment Co., LTD.                                  Independent director               Yes
3. Remuneration paid to directors, supervisors, and senior management
Decision-making procedure, decision-making basis and actual payment of remuneration for directors, supervisors
and senior management
Decision-making procedure: the Company's remuneration plan for directors and supervisors was proposed by the
Company's Remuneration and Evaluation Committee of the Board of Directors, and after approval by the Board
of Directors, submitted to the general meeting for adoption and put into effect. The Company’s remuneration plan
for senior management was put into effect after approval by the Company’s Board of Directors.
Decision-making basis: it was decided on the basis of main responsibilities and importance of the concerned
position and the remuneration level of similar positions in other similar enterprises and evaluated and rewarded
through the Company’s examination procedure for assets operation performance.
The total amount of remunerations actually ( pre-tax ) paid by the Company to directors, supervisors, and senior
management was 371.15 thousand yuan.

Particulars about the annual remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior staff members
                                         Annual remuneration and allowance( pre-tax )paid by the Company
                                                               (ten thousand yuan)
     Ji Zhijian                                                           0
     Xu Junrao                                                            0
     Ding Jie                                                             0
     Yin Xide                                                           96.27
     Yokoo Sadaaki                                                        0
     Nishimoto Shigeyuki                                                  0
     Zhai Yunling                                                         8
     Liu Yuanyuan                                                         8
     Yao Hong                                                             8
     Hu Xitang                                                          77.49
     Dai Yuling                                                           0
     Li Sheng                                                           28.95
     Wang Jinxiu                                                        42.44
     Song Wenbao                                                        57.76
     Fan Yuekun                                                         18.41
     Ma Yun                                                             25.83
     Total                                                             371.15

VI. Performance of directors' duties during the reporting period
1.The situation of the board of Directors during this reporting period
       The meeting time                  Date of meeting              Date of disclosure           The meeting resolution

15th Meeting of 8th Session of
                                  March 19, 2021              March 20, 2021                  http://www.cninfo.com.cn
the Board

16th Meeting of 8th Session of
                                  April 22,2021               April 24,2021                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
the Board

17th Meeting of 8th Session of
                                  May 14,2021                 May 15,2021                     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
the Board

                                                           28 / 188
18th Meeting of 8th Session of
                                 August 24,2021           August 25,2021                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
the Board

19th Meeting of 8th Session of
                                 September 29,2021        September 30,2021             http://www.cninfo.com.cn
the Board

20th Meeting of 8th Session of
                                 October 27,2021          October 28,2021               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
the Board

21th Meeting of 8th Session of
                                 November 26,2021         November 27,2021              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
the Board

22th Meeting of 8th Session of
                                 December 23,2021         December 24,2021              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
the Board

2. Attendance of directors at the board of directors and general meetings of shareholders
During the reporting period, all directors were present in person at all board meetings where they were required to
be present.
3.Objections raised by directors to matters related to the company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Other instructions for the performance of directors' duties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VII. Execution of duties of the special committees under the Board of Directors in the
reporting period
The audit committee under the Board of Directors of the Company performs its duties in accordance with the
detailed rules for the implementation of the audit committee under the Board of Directors and the working
procedures for the annual report of the audit committee, supervises the Company's internal audit system and its
implementation, reviews the Company's financial information and its disclosure, and evaluates the work of
external audit institutions.
In the evaluation of the Company's internal control, the audit committee actively plays its responsibilities of
organization, leadership and supervision. According to the identification standard of internal control defects of the
Company, the annual internal control evaluation report of the Company was reviewed, and ShineWing Certified
Public Accountants was entrusted to conduct internal control audit. It is considered that the current situation of the
Company's internal control system meets the relevant requirements and has been well implemented. The annual
internal control evaluation report of the Company truthfully reflects the above facts.
During the annual audit of the company, the audit committee actively communicated and effectively coordinated
with the audit institution ShineWing certified public accountants. Before and after the audit, we have repeatedly
urged the audit institutions to promote the audit work with quality and quantity on the audit work plan and work
progress. After the completion of the audit, the annual financial report and annual report of the company were
carefully reviewed, and it was considered that the financial report of the company was comprehensive and true,
and the financial report and other information disclosed by the company were objective and true, which truly
reflected the annual financial situation of the company.
The Audit Committee believes that ShineWing Certified Public Accountants can abide by the independent,
objective and fair practice standards in providing annual audit services for the Company, audit the Company in
strict accordance with the new accounting standards, actively communicate with the audit committee and
independent directors, be diligent and responsible, and better complete the annual audit of the Company. It is
proposed that the Company renew the appointment of ShineWing Certified Public Accountants as the audit
institution of the Company in 2022.

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The remuneration and assessment committee under the Board of Directors of the Company performed its duties in
accordance with the implementation rules of the remuneration and assessment committee of the Board of
Directors of the Company, and reviewed the annual remuneration of the directors, supervisors and senior
managers of the Company.

VIII. Work of the Board of Supervisors
Was there any risk with the Company found by the Board of Supervisors in their supervision activities in the
reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Board of Supervisors had no objections to the matters under supervision in the reporting period.
IX Status of the Company's staff
1. As of Dec. 31, 2021 the Company and its subsidiary had 2,485 enrolled employees, including 1,299 persons
engaged in production; 338 persons engaged in marketing; 304 persons engaged in engineering and technology;
55 persons engaged in financing; and 489 persons engaged in management.
2. As of Dec. 31, 2021, among enrolled employees of the Company and its subsidiary, 76 persons have the
educational background of Master or higher; 718 persons have the educational background of university; 736
persons have the educational background of junior college; and 955 persons have the educational background of
secondary technical school or lower.
3. The Company applied the employee job performance wage system with distribution according to positions and
performance of an employee.
4. The Company formulated the annual training plan and gave purposeful training to an employee in consideration
of his/her post requirement.
5. Labor outsourcing
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
X. Profit distribution and dividend payment
By giving consideration to both the return to shareholders and the Company's long-term development, and in
combination of the Company's profit made in this year, the Company formulated the 2020 annual dividend
distribution plan of paying the cash of 0.1 yuan for every 10 shares. Reviewed and adopted at the Company's
general meeting, the Company's Board of Directors has implemented the plan in July 2021.
Formulation and implementation of the Company's cash dividend distribution policy in the reporting period
complied with the Company's Articles of Association and the general meeting's resolution, and the dividend
distribution standard and proportion were defined and clear and the applicable decision-making procedure and
system were complete. The independent directors agreed on it and the legal rights and interests of minority
shareholders were well protected.
                                   Special notes to cash dividend payout policy
If the regulations of the Articles of Association or the requirements of the shareholders of
the company meeting are met:
If the dividend payout standard and proportion is definite and clear-cut:                           Yes
If relevant decision-making procedure and mechanism is complete:                                    Yes
If the independent directors have performed their duties and played their due role:                 Yes
If small and medium shareholders have the opportunity to sufficiently express their
opinions and appeals and if their legal rights and interests are sufficiently protected:
If the condition and procedure for adjusting or changing the cash dividend payout policy
is compliant and transparent:

The Company made profit in the reporting period and the undistributed profit of the parent company was positive
but no cash dividend distribution plan was proposed.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Profit distribution preplan, and preplan of share-granting with capital accumulation fund of the Company
Bonus shares to be presented for every 10 shares (shares)                                                         0
Dividend to be distributed for every 10 shares (RMB yuan) (including tax)                                      0.1

                                                             30 / 188
Equity base for distribution preplan (shares)                                                                                 843,212,507
Total amount of cash dividend distribution (RMB yuan) (including tax)                                                        8,432,125.07
Profit distributable to the shareholders in the current year                                                               803,564,427.95
Proportion of cash dividend distribution accounting for total profit distribution                                                   100%
                                                    Cash dividend distribution policy:
When the development stage of the company belongs to a growth period with important fund disbursement arrangement(s), the
proportion of cash dividend distribution accounting for this profit distribution should reach 20% at minimum when conducting profit
                   Notes to details about preplan for profit distribution or capital stock increase with capital reserve

According to the audit by ShineWing CPAs (Special General Partnership), the net profit made by the parent company of the Company
in 2021 was RMB -86.252 million. Plus the initial undistributed profit of RMB 911.033 million and minus the dividend of RMB
8.432 million of common shares paid in 2020 and the drawn free surplus reserve of RMB 12.785 million (20%), the accumulated
profit distributable to the shareholders was RMB 803.564 million.
The Company’s profit distribution preplan for 2021:
Based on the total capital stock of 843,212,507 shares, the dividend of RMB 0.1 in cash (including tax) will be distributed for every
10 shares, the total cash dividend is RMB 8.432 million, and the cash dividend for B share is converted and paid in Hong Kong
If the share capital changes from the disclosure of this plan to the equity registration date of implementing the profit distribution plan,
the distribution proportion will be adjusted accordingly according to the principle that the total distribution amount remains
The above preplan shall be submitted to the 2021 shareholders’ general meeting for review and approval.
XI.The implementation and effect of equity incentive
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XII.Internal control system construction and implementation during the reporting period
1. Internal control construction and implementation
During the reporting period, the Company made positive innovation, took the initiative to change, and vigorously
promoted organizational strengthening. Implement market-centered integrated operation through organizational
restructuring, business process reengineering and management system revision. Through the project management
system, fully implement the project budget, control the whole process of operation, ensure profits and prevent
2. Details of material weakness in the internal control found in the reporting period described in the report
on self-evaluation of internal control.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no material weakness in the internal control found in the reporting period.
XIII.Management and control of subsidiaries during the reporting period
During the reporting period, the Company focused on strengthening the management control of subsidiaries from
the following aspects:
(1) The Company carefully identified, strictly managed and dynamically adjusted the directors, supervisors and
senior managers assigned to subsidiaries;
(2) The Company participated in the whole process of the preparation of the annual business plan of its
subsidiaries, made reasonable suggestions and gave appropriate guidance;
(3) The Company conducted monthly/quarterly tracking and annual assessment on the implementation of business
plans and compliance operations of subsidiaries.

                                                                 31 / 188
XIV.Report on self-evaluation of internal control or internal control audit report
1. Report on self-evaluation of internal control
    Details of material weakness in the internal control found in the reporting period described in the report on
                                          self-evaluation of internal control
There was no material weakness in the internal control found in the reporting period.
Date of disclosing the full text of the report on
                                                  Apr.23, 2022
self-evaluation of internal control
Disclosure reference to the full text of the      For the 2021 annual report on self-evaluation of internal control
report on self-evaluation of internal control     of the Company, visit the website www.cninfo.com.cn.

2. Internal control audit report
                     Description of the deliberation opinions in the internal control audit report
We think that as of Dec. 31, 2021, Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. had
maintained an effective internal control over the financial reports in all material aspects according to Basic
Enterprise Internal Control Specification and relevant regulations.
Date of disclosing the full text of
                                      Apr. 23, 2022
the internal control audit report
Disclosure reference to the full text For the 2021 annual internal control audit report of the Company, visit the
of the internal control audit report website www.cninfo.com.cn.
Did the accounting firm issue the internal control audit report with nonstandard opinions?
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Was the internal control audit report issued by the accounting firm consistent with the opinion in the
self-evaluation report of the Board of Directors?
√Yes □ No
XV. Rectification of problems in self inspection of special actions for governance of listed
Rectification problem 1 found by the Company: The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Supervisors did not
fully record all the key points of the supervisors' speeches
(1) Problem Description: during 2018, the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Supervisors were incomplete.
(2) Rectification Description: it is confirmed that there was no objection or abstention of supervisors in the voting
at the meeting of the Board of Supervisors in 2018, and the Board of Supervisors played a good role in
supervising the performance of the Board of Directors. The Board of Supervisors was changed in January 2019.
After self inspection in 2020, the Company standardized the content and form of minutes of meetings of the Board
of Supervisors as required, improved the key points of records, and ensured that the records were true, accurate
and complete.

Rectification problem 2 found by the Company: The current independent director has served for more than 6
consecutive years
(1) Problem Description: as of February 2021, Dai Dashuang and Liu Jiwei, independent directors of the
Company, have been reappointed in the Company for six years.
(2) Rectification instructions: the Company immediately communicated with independent directors Dai Dashuang
and Liu Jiwei, and made arrangements for the election of new independent directors. Later, Dai Dashuang and Liu
Jiwei submitted their resignation reports to the Company on March 19, 2021. On May 14, 2021, the new
independent directors of the Company were elected and approved by the general meeting of shareholders, and the
independent directors of the Company were successfully replaced, which had no material adverse impact on
corporate governance.

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                      Section 5 Environmental and social responsibility
   I.Major environmental issues

   The listed company and its subsidiaries whether belong to heavy pollution industry formulated by the state
   environmental protection department
   □Yes √ No
   Administrative penalties imposed for environmental problems during the reporting period
   □Yes √ No
                                  Main                               Distribution                     Pollutant
                                                        Number of                                                               Total    Excessiv
                                pollutant    Way of                     of the        Emission        discharge     Total
   Enterprise or subsidiary                             discharge                                                             approved      e
                                   and      discharge                 discharge     concentration     standard    discharge
                                                          outlet                                                              emissions emission
                                 features                               outlet                      implemented
                                                                                      138 ㎎/L
Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat                                       Unified                         DB21                                 Not over
                                COD         sequence        1                                                     9.816tons       None
Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.                                     discharged                                                           standard

                                                                                     6.66 ㎎/L
Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Ammonia                               Unified                         DB21                                 Not over
                                         sequence           1                                                     0.489tons       None
Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. nitrogen                            discharged                                                           standard

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat                                       Unified                                                              Not over
                                Dust        sequence        1                        10.6mg/m3 GB9078-1996 2.132 tons             None
Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.                                     discharged                                                           standard
   The Company received the new version of the "Sewage Discharge Permit" issued by the Dalian Ecological
   Environment Bureau in July 2020. The Company discharges within the limit according to the required emission
   concentration of the new version of "Sewage Discharge Permit".

   Measures and effects taken by the Company to reduce carbon emissions
   During the reporting period, the Company implemented the green, energy-saving and efficient lean production
   mode in the production process, continuously improved the operation mode, improved the operation efficiency,
   reduced the operation cost, and continued to move forward towards intelligent manufacturing and green
   During the reporting period, the Company used the roofs of some plants in the new plant area to build phase I
   photovoltaic power generation project by using the mode of self use and surplus power on the Internet, and
   connected to the grid in early November 2021. The installed power of the project is 3.4 MW, the annual power
   generation is about 4.08 million kwh, and the annual carbon dioxide emission is reduced by about 4,067 tons.
   During the reporting period, focusing on energy conservation and carbon reduction, the Company developed and
   applied high-efficiency compressor energy conservation, green refrigerant, CCUS (carbon capture, utilization and
   storage) and other technologies, and completed a number of energy conservation and carbon reduction projects
   with customers in the fields of coal mine waste heat recovery, liquefied natural gas cold energy utilization,
   petroleum refining and other fields, creating good economic and social benefits.

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II.Social responsibilities
The specific content of the Company's performance of social responsibility can be found in the Social
Responsibility Report disclosed on Juchao information website on April 23, 2022.
III. We consolidated and expanded our achievements in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization
In 2021, combined with its main business, the Company continued to consolidate the achievements of poverty
alleviation, invested 60,000 yuan in Songlin village, Guangmingshan Town, Zhuanghe City to aid the construction
of village level wireless broadcasting system project, and maintained the air conditioning equipment of villagers'
cultural activity center. Meanwhile, during the epidemic period in Zhuanghe City, the Company actively raised
about 20,000 yuan of epidemic prevention goods to provide support for the epidemic prevention work in Songlin

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                                          Section 6 Important items
 I   Implementation of commitments
 1. Commitments of the Company or its shareholders holding 5% or higher of the shares in the reporting
 period or carried to the reporting period
 □Applicable √Not applicable
 2. The company's assets or projects have earnings forecasts, and the reporting period is still in the period of
 earnings forecasts. The company explains the reasons why the assets or projects have reached the original
 earnings forecasts.
 □Applicable √Not applicable
 II. Non-operation capital occupation by holding shareholders and their related parties in the
 listed company
 □Applicable √Not applicable
 The Company had no capital occupation by the holding shareholders and their related parties in the listed
 company within this reporting period.
 III. Foreign guarantee in violation of regulations
 □ Applicable √ Not applicable
 IV. Explain to the “non standard audit report” last year from the board of directors of the
 □Applicable √Not applicable
 V. Explain to the “non standard audit report” from the board of directors, board of
 supervisors of the Company
 □Applicable √Not applicable
 VI. Change in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods or correction
 of major accounting mistakes in the reporting period, which should be retroactively restated
 compared with the financial statements of the previous year
 √Applicable □Not applicable
 On December 7, 2018, the Ministry of Finance issued the "notice on revising and Issuing the accounting standards
 for Business Enterprises No. 21 - leasing" (CK [2018] No. 35), and revised the accounting standards for Business
 Enterprises No. 21 - leasing (hereinafter referred to as the "new leasing standards"). Enterprises listed both at
 home and abroad and enterprises listed abroad and preparing financial statements using international financial
 reporting standards or accounting standards for business enterprises shall be implemented as of January 1, 2019;
 Other enterprises that implement the accounting standards for business enterprises shall implement them as of
 January 1, 2021. When preparing the financial statements of 2021, the Company implemented the relevant
 accounting standards and handled them in accordance with the relevant connection provisions.
 VII. Change in the range of consolidated statements compared with the financial statements
 of the previous year
 □Applicable √Not applicable

 VIII. Engagement and dismissal of the accounting firm
 Currently engaged accounting firm
Name of domestic accounting firm                                          ShineWing CPAs (Special General Partnership)
Remuneration paid to the domestic accounting firm (in 10 thousand yuan)                        107
Continuous audit service years of the domestic accounting firm                                  6
Name of certified public accountants with the domestic accounting firm               Lin Li, Zhang Shizhuo
Continuous audit service years of the certified public accountants            Lin Li 1 year, Zhang Shizhuo 3 years
 If the CPA firm retaining was changed in this period
 □Applicable √Not applicable
 Employment of internal control audit accounting firm, financial advisor or sponsor
 √ Applicable □ Not applicable
 During the reporting period, the Company hired ShineWing CPAs (Special General Partnership) as the Company's
 2021 audit institution to conduct an integrated audit of the Company's financial reports and internal control.

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IX. Facing suspend and terminate listing after the annual report disclosure
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
X. Bankruptcy restructuring related matters
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XI. Major lawsuit and arbitration issues
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XII. Punishment and rectification
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XIII.The credibility of companies and its controlling shareholder, actual controller
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The controlling shareholder of the Company and the Company don’t exist situation such as unfulfilled the court’s
effective judgments or failed to pay duly a large amount of debt during the reporting period.
XIV.Important associated transactions
1. Related party transactions related to daily operations
During the reporting period, the total amount of normal associated transactions between the Company and
associated parties was 514,680 thousand yuan, accounting for 74.59% of the budgeted amount for the year 2021.
This included 139,890 thousand yuan, accounting for 53.19% of the budgeted amount for the year 2021, for
purchasing supporting products for package projects from associated parties, and 374,790 thousand yuan,
accounting for 87.77% of the budgeted amount for the year 2021, from selling supporting parts and components to
associated parties.
2. Associated transactions related to purchases or sales of assets
□Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Important associated transactions with joint external investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Associated transactions related to rights and debts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5. Associated transactions with related financial companies
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
6. The transactions between the financial company controlled by the company and its related parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
7. Other associated transactions
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. In order to strengthen the financing of cold and hot industrial chain, boost sales and recycling, the Company
signed the equity transfer contract with Dalian Zhonghuida Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. and transferred
20% equity of Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. held by Dalian Zhonghuida
Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. The above matters were deliberated and adopted at the 15th meeting of the 8th
Board of Directors of the Company on March 19, 2021. The Company's announcement on related party
transactions of transferring the equity of Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. was
disclosed in China Securities Journal and cninfo.com (2021-004) on March 20, 2021.
2. In order to optimize the asset structure and help improve the main business, the Company signed an equity
transfer agreement with Panasonic electric (China) Co., Ltd. ("Panasonic China") and transferred all the 40%
equity of Panasonic refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd. to Panasonic China. The Company's announcement on related
party transactions on the transfer of equity of Panasonic refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd. was disclosed in China
Securities Journal and cninfo (2021-043) on November 27, 2021.
XVII. Major contract and its performance
1. Hosting, contracting and leasing status
(1) the hosting status
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(2)the contracting status
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(3) the leasing status
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                      36 / 188
The 13th meeting of the 7th board of directors of the Company was held on April 22, 2017, and approved to rent
out the old plant and land located in No 888, South West RD, Shahekou Districit, Dalian to Bingshan Wisdom.
The lease contract is from April 1, 2017 to December 31, 2036. The Company has signed the “estate leasing
contract” with Dalian Bingshan Wisdom based on the requirement of utilization of old land and plant and new
business foster plan. Current year’s lease premium is RMB 8.19 million.
On July 31, 2014, the Company and Lingzhong Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd. signed a supplementary
agreement to modify the house lease contract, and rent out the Building No. 6 of Workshop No. 106, Liaohe East
Road, Dalian Development Zone, to Lingzhong Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd.. The rental area is
15,259.04 square meters, and lease period will end on July 16, 2029, the annual rent is RMB 3.81 million.
The Company's subsidiary Bingshan Lingxie signed a house lease contract with Dalian Jingxue Energy Saving
Technology Co., Ltd. on June 1, 2017., and rent out the factory building located at No. 92 Tieshan West Road,
Dalian Development Zone, to Dalian Jingxue Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd.. The rental area is 3,653.76
square meters, and lease period from June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2022, the annual rent is RMB 1 million.
2. Guaranteeing status
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Entrust others to cash assets management
(1)Trust management
□Applicable √Not applicable
(2)Entrusted loans
□Applicable √Not applicable
(3)Other important contracts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XIX. Other important matters
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XX. Other important matters of subsidiary company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                    37 / 188
    Section 7 Change in Share Capital and Shareholders' Information
I. Change in share capital
1. Change in share capital
                                                                      Shares                      Shares
                                                             (before change)               (after change)
                                                         number            proportion    number            proportion
I. Non-circulating share capital with restricted trade
                                                           3,058,879             0.36%      3,130,189            0.37%
II. Circulating share capital                            840,153,628            99.64%    840,082,318           99.63%
1. Domestically listed ordinary shares                   598,653,628            71.00%    598,582,318           70.99%
2. Domestically listed foreign shares                    241,500,000            28.64%    241,500,000           28.64%
III. Total shares                                        843,212,507           100.00%    843,212,507           100.00%

The reason for the Change in share capital
During the reporting period, the Company employed Yin Xide, the general manager, and Wang Jinxiu, the chief
financial officer. Fan Yuekun, the director and deputy general manager of the Company, resigned, and Ma Yun,
the chief financial officer, resigned. The lock-in shares of senior executives changed, resulting in changes in the
composition of shares.
Approval of changes in shares
□ Applicable √Not applicable
The restricted shares changes
□ Applicable √Not applicable
II. Securities issuance and listing
1. Securities issuance in the report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Change in total shares of the Company and structure of shareholders
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Internal staff shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Shareholders and actual controller
1. Number of shareholders and their shareholding

                                                           38 / 188
Total number of shareholders in the                      Total number of shareholders as of the last month before
                                             54,572                                                                                   82,592
reporting period                                         disclosure of the annual report
                                                   Shareholding of top ten shareholders
                                                                                                              Number of          Number of
                                                                                   Proporti                   shares with         pledged
                      Name                                    Nature                          Total number
                                                                                      on                         sale             shares or
                                                                                                              restriction       shares frozen
                                                   Domestic non-state-owned
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                     20.27% 170,916,934                      0                 0
                                                   legal person
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                           Overseas legal person             8.72%      73,503,150                  0                 0
Lin Zhenming                                       Foreign natural person            0.80%       6,770,000
Wu An                                              Domestic natural person           0.53%       4,500,000
Xue Hong                                           Domestic natural person           0.43%       3,600,000
Dalian industrial development investment Co.,      Domestic non-state-owned
                                                                                     0.40%       3,406,725
Ltd.                                               legal person
Chen Yong                                          Domestic natural person           0.40%       3,339,378
Li Xiaohua                                         Domestic natural person           0.37%       3,145,608
Zhan Changcheng                                    Domestic natural person           0.35%       2,971,647
Chen Cirou                                         Domestic natural person           0.31%       2,635,550

                                      Shareholding of top ten shareholders without sale restriction
                                                                            Number of shares
                               Name                                                                            Type of shares
                                                                          without sale restriction
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                      170,916,934 RMB denominated ordinary shares
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                                                               73,503,150     Domestically listed foreign shares
Lin Zhenming                                                                            6,770,000     Domestically listed foreign shares
Wu An                                                                                   4,500,000     Domestically listed foreign shares
Xue Hong                                                                                3,600,000     Domestically listed foreign shares
Dalian industrial development investment Co., Ltd.                                      3,406,725 RMB denominated ordinary shares
Chen Yong                                                                               3,339,378 RMB denominated ordinary shares
Li Xiaohua                                                                              3,145,608 RMB denominated ordinary shares
Zhan Changcheng                                                                         2,971,647     Domestically listed foreign shares
Chen Cirou                                                                              2,635,550     Domestically listed foreign shares

                                                                       Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. had the association

Notes to the associated relationship and uniform actions of the above relationship with Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. among the above
                             shareholders                             shareholders. Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. holds 26.6% of Dalian
                                                                       Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.'s equity.

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2. Controlling shareholder of the Company

                                          Legal         Founding    Unified social
    Name of holding shareholder                                                                      Main business
                                      representative      date       credit code
                                                                                Research, development, manufacture, sales,
                                                                                service and installation of industrial refrigeration
                                                                                products, freezing and cold storage products,
                                                                    91210200241 large-, medium- and small-size air-conditioning
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.       Ji Zhijian       Jul. 3, 1985
                                                                    2917931     products, petrochemical equipment products,
                                                                                electronic and electric control products, home
                                                                                appliance products and environment protection
Shares held by the holding
shareholder in other overseas and
domestic listed companies as the      None
holding shareholder or ordinary
shareholder in the reporting period

Change in the holding shareholder in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Actual controller of the Company
The company has no actual controller.
According to the actual situation of the Company and its controlling shareholder, and compared with the related
laws and regulations including Company Law of People’s Republic of China, Management Regulation on Listing
Company Acquisition and Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with the confirmation of Liaoning
Huaxia law firm, the Company released the Public Notice on Not Having Actual Controller.(No: 2015-025),)
which was published on B04 of China Securities, A19 of HK Commercial Daily and Cninfo website on April 24

                                                              40 / 188
Commission ofDalian Municipality Government

                                               State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration

                                                                                                                                                                          Dalian State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Dalian Equipment Manufacture Investment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Panasonic Corporation of China
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dalan Zhonghuida Refrigeration

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dayang Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                   100%                                                         100%

                                                                                                      24.97%                                                        8.28%                                                   13.3%                             20.2%                                                     26.6%                              6.65%

                                                                                                                                                                            Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.


                                                                                                                                                                Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.

                                              The actual controller controlled the Company through a trust or other asset management
                                              □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                              4. Other legal-person shareholders holding of 10% or more shares
                                              □ Applicable √ Not applicable
                                              5.、controlling shareholders, actual controllers, restructuring the constraint to the stake and other
                                              commitments underweight
                                              □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   41 / 188
                       Section 8 Information on Preferred Stock
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the reporting period, the Company didn’t own preferred stock.

                                                      42 / 188
                       Section 9 Information on Corporate bonds

The Company’s non-public issuance of exchangeable corporate bonds was listed at the Shanghai Stock Exchange
on August 6, 2018. As of August 1, 2018, according to the using plan disclosed in the prospectus, the raised funds
of the Company’s non-public issuance of exchangeable corporate bonds have been used to repay bank loans. The
special account for the Company's 2018 exchangeable corporate bonds fund raising was cancelled in March 2019.
Till the reporting period, the Company's exchangeable corporate bondholders exchanged a total of 8.3889 million
shares. The current balance is zero at the end of the reporting period.

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                          Section 10 Financial Report

 1. Opinion

 We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Bingshan Refrigeration &
 Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd (“Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Company”),
 which comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2021,
 and the consolidated and company income statements, the consolidated and company
 cash flow statements, the consolidated and company statements of changes in equity for
 the year then ended, and notes to these financial statements.

 In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements have been prepared in
 accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, in
 all material respects and present fairly the consolidated and the financial position of
 Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Company as at 31 December 2021, and of their
 consolidated and the company’s financial performance and cash flows for the year then

 2. Basis for Opinion

 We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing for Chinese
 Certified Public Accountants. Our responsibilities under those standards are further
 described in the “Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements”
 section of our report. We are independent of Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Company
 in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Chinese Certified Public Accountants, and we
 have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities of the code. We believe that the audit
 evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit.

 3. Key Audit Matters

 Key audit matters are those matters that we consider, in our professional judgment, were
 of most significance in our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These
 matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole
 and, in forming our audit opinion thereon, and we do not express a separate opinion on
 these matters.

Revenue Recognition
Key Audit Matter                      How the matter was addressed in the audit
                                           44 / 188
Revenue of Bingshan Refrigeration The main audit procedures carried out for
& Heat Company and its addressing the key audit matters are as follows:
subsidiaries mainly come from sales 1. Understand and evaluate effectiveness of
                                      design and operation of the management ‘s
of products and installation. The key
                                      internal control over revenue
concern about the sales revenue is
                                      2. Carried out analytical review and evaluate
due to the large sales quantities and the reasonableness of sales income and gross
any potential misstatements existing profit margin by segmenting the business and
in the revenue recognition within sales in conjunction with industry development
the appropriate accounting period. and actual situation of Bingshan Refrigeration &
Key concern about installation Heat Company.
income is because the accounting 3. Sampling test the sales contracts, identify the
                                      clause and condition in respect to the contract
involved by significant accounting
                                      performance obligation, consideration and risk
estimate and judgment. Having
                                      and reward transfer of the ownership. Evaluate
considered these matters, we the              revenue    recognition    of     Bingshan
recognized revenue recognition as Refrigeration & Heat Company whether it is in
key audit matters.                    line with the accounting standards.
                                      4. Sampling select product sales revenue
                                      record, reconcile to sales invoice, contracts,
                                      dispatch note, acceptance note; Sampling select
                                      installation sales revenue record, reconcile to
                                      invoice, installation contracts and completion
                                      report and Evaluate the recognition of revenue
                                      whether is in line with the accounting standards
                                      5. Checking actual installation cost by
                                      reviewing the contract, invoice and supportive
                                      document with signature for the equipment
                                      received to evaluate the cost whether it really
                                      6. Sampling select the transactions before and
                                      after the balance sheet date, carry out
                                      confirmation procedure, test the dispatch note
                                      and other supporting documents so to ensure
                                      whether the transaction is recorded into the
                                      appropriate accounting period.

 4. Other Information

 The management of Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Company (hereinafter referred to as
 the “Management”) is responsible for the other information. The other information
 comprises the information included in the Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Company
 2021 annual report, but does not include the financial statements and our auditor’s
 report thereon.

                                          45 / 188
 Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do
 not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

 In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the
 other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially
 inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or
 otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

 If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material
 misstatement of the other information, we are required to report that fact. We have
 nothing to report in this regard.

  5. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for
the Financial Statements

 The Management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in
 accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to achieve fair
 presentation; and designing, implementing and maintaining internal control which is
 necessary to enable that the financial statements are free from material misstatement,
 whether due to fraud or error.

 In preparing the financial statements, the Management is responsible for assessing
 Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Company’s ability to continue as a going concern,
 disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern
 basis of accounting unless the Management either intends to liquidate Bingshan
 Refrigeration & Heat Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative
 but to do so.

 Those charged with governance are responsible to overseeing Bingshan Refrigeration &
 Heat Company’s financial reporting process.

 6. Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

 Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
 as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to
 issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high
 level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with
 auditing standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
 Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are generally considered material if,
 individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
 economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

 During the course of audit in accordance with auditing standards, we exercise
 professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism. We also carry out the
                                           46 / 188
following works:

    (1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,
        whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive
        to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to
        provide a basis for our audit. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement
        resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may
        involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the
        override of internal control.

    (2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to
        design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for
        the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of its internal control
        (this sentence would be deleted in circumstance when we are also responsible to
        issue an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control in conjunction with the
        audit of the financial statements).

    (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness
        of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Management.

    (4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the Management’s use of the going concern
        basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a
        material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast
        significant doubt on Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Company’s ability to
        continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists,
        we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related
        disclosures in the financial statements in accordance with the auditing standards
        or, if such disclosures are inadequate, we shall modify our opinion. Our
        conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our
        auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause Bingshan
        Refrigeration & Heat Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

    (5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial
        statements, and also whether the financial statements represent the underlying
        transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

    (6) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to the financial
        information of Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat entities or business activities,
        and issue an audit opinion. We are responsible for guiding, supervising and
        performing group audits and take full responsibility for audit opinions.

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters,
the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings etc., including
                                          47 / 188
any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied
with those relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate
with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on
our independence and related safeguards, where applicable.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine
those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of
the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in
our auditor’s report unless law or regulation prohibited public disclosure about the
matter or when, in rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be
communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would
reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

ShineWing Certified Public Accountants LLP          CPA: Lin Li     (Engagement Partner)

                                                    CPA:Zhang Shizhuo

China, Beijing                                      April 22, 2022

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 II. Accounting statement
                                      Consolidated Balance Sheet
         Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.   31 December, 2021 Unit: RMB Yuan
                           ITEMS                                       31 December 2021                     31 December 2020
Current Assets:
 Monetary funds                                                                 522,658,505.79                          373,445,731.67
 Settlement provision
 Loans to banks and other financial institutions
 Financial asset held for trading
 Derivative financial assets
 Notes receivable                                                               166,430,365.74                          139,121,037.78
 Accounts receivable                                                            821,548,678.85                          817,011,955.75
 Receivable financing                                                            43,704,310.38                           61,737,282.56
 Prepayments                                                                    182,701,403.55                          154,481,509.35
 Insurance receivables
 Reinsurance Receivable
 Provision of reinsurance contract reserve receivable
 Other receivables                                                               60,340,096.45                           67,527,176.86
     including: interest receivable                                                          -                               46,879.68
              dividend receivable                                                 1,003,568.75                               25,923.75
 Financial assets purchased under agreement to resell
 Inventories                                                                  1,014,527,127.82                          731,658,797.98
 Contractual asset                                                              109,859,658.79                           91,430,011.60
 Held for sale assets
 Non-current assets due within 1-year                                            14,990,989.30                        42,003,576.60
 Other current assets                                                            24,525,076.71                        23,214,091.44
            Total Current Assets                                              2,961,286,213.38                     2,501,631,171.59
Non-Current Assets:
  Loan and payment on other's behalf disbursed
  Debt investment
  Other debt investment
  Long-term receivables                                                                                               65,867,973.25
  Long-term equity investment                                                 1,231,504,533.45                     1,597,241,363.62
  Other equity instrument investment
  Other non-current financial assets                                            261,410,664.61                          239,304,098.83
  Investments properties                                                        120,752,809.61                          126,288,477.92
  Fixed assets                                                                  855,395,405.85                          891,147,058.82
  Construction in process                                                        38,974,478.45                           34,254,599.42
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                                            23,934,703.37
  Intangible assets                                                             142,592,738.10                          145,442,721.24
  Development cost
  Goodwill                                                                        1,750,799.49                            1,750,799.49
  Long-term prepaid expense                                                       8,088,684.23                            9,660,538.07
  Deferred tax asset                                                             89,879,574.13                           68,979,526.11
  Other non-current assets
            Total Non-current Assets                                          2,774,284,391.29                     3,179,937,156.77
                       Total Assets                                           5,735,570,604.67                     5,681,568,328.36

                                                            49 / 188
                                   Consolidated Balance Sheet (continued)
             Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.         31 December, 2021 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                  ITEMS                                                  31 December 2021                      31 December 2020
Current Liabilities:
 Short-term borrowings                                                                             245,937,091.72                      282,971,600.00
 Financial liability held for trading
 Derivative financial liabilities
 Notes payable                                                                                     380,033,039.56                      295,151,372.38
 Accounts payable                                                                                  919,871,927.53                      767,267,232.43
 Advance received                                                                                                                                   -
 Contractual liability                                                                             499,719,963.40                      295,100,657.10
 Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase
 Deposits received and hold for others
 Entrusted trading of securities
 Entrusted underwriting of securities
 Employee pay payables                                                                              35,148,782.48                       31,125,808.94
 Taxes and duties payable                                                                           13,514,847.82                        9,714,194.25
 Other payables                                                                                     55,284,140.21                       43,017,466.38
 including: interest payable                                                                                    -                        1,839,166.81
        dividend payable                                                                             3,008,156.00                          533,156.00
 Fees and commissions payable
 Amount due to reinsurance
 Held for sale liabilities
 Non-current liabilities due within 1-year                                                         24,175,388.12                         37,157,126.41
 Other current liabilities                                                                        195,213,206.91                        152,173,946.30
                Total Current Liabilities                                                       2,368,898,387.75                      1,913,679,404.19
Non-current Liabilities:
 Insurance contract provision
 Long-term borrowings                                                                              150,000,000.00                      160,000,000.00
 Bonds Payable                                                                                                                                      -
      including: preference share
             perpetual debt
 Lease liability                                                                                     5,394,021.14
 Long-term payables                                                                                 19,998,913.29                       14,622,463.75
 Long-term employee payables
 Provision                                                                                                                                7,592,239.01
 Deferred income                                                                                   106,185,323.82                       104,457,568.86
 Deferred Tax liabilities                                                                           35,596,349.70                        32,010,364.83
 Other non-current liabilities                                                                                                                       -
              Total Non-current Liabilities                                                       317,174,607.95                        318,682,636.45
                           Total Liabilities                                                    2,686,072,995.70                      2,232,362,040.64
Owners Equity(or Shareholders Equity):
 Paid-in capital(Share capital)                                                                   843,212,507.00                      843,212,507.00
  Other equity instrument
   Including:preference share
           perpetual capital securities
  Capital reserve                                                                                  720,215,866.78                      726,768,468.00
  Less: Treasury stock
  Other comprehensive income                                                                          2,178,681.73                        2,501,459.77
  Chartered reserve
  Surplus reserves                                                                                 809,471,199.64                      805,525,775.33
△Provision for general risk
  Undistributed profit                                                                            627,764,582.32                        997,601,577.97
      Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company                                      3,002,842,837.47                      3,375,609,788.07
  Minority interest                                                                                46,654,771.50                         73,596,499.65
                          Total Equity                                                          3,049,497,608.97                      3,449,206,287.72
              Total Liabilities and Equity                                                      5,735,570,604.67                      5,681,568,328.36
     Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng
                                                                     50 / 188
                                       Balance Sheet of Parent Company
         Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.    31 December, 2021 Unit: RMB Yuan
                           ITEMS                                   31 December 2021                       31 December 2020
Current Assets:
 Monetary funds                                                                      391,077,589.19              208,325,740.71
 Tradable financial asset
 Derivative financial assets
 Notes receivable                                                                     61,036,803.62               42,858,563.72
 Accounts receivable                                                                 408,719,275.78              408,625,925.91
 Receivable financing                                                                  5,427,828.26                5,752,810.30
 Prepayments                                                                          57,409,521.75               62,620,914.33
 Other receivables                                                                    54,222,825.18               41,183,397.14
     including: interest receivable                                                              -                       46,879.68
               dividend receivable                                                    25,100,920.84
 Inventories                                                                         339,977,048.51              255,635,206.96
 Contractual assets                                                                   50,916,025.04               38,366,253.50
 Held for sale assets
 Non-current assets due within 1-year                                                 13,281,553.63               19,488,435.75
 Other current assets                                                                  8,871,387.69                      27,637.13
               Total Current Assets                                             1,390,939,858.65               1,082,884,885.45
Non-Current Assets:
 Debt investment
 Other debt investment
 Long-term receivables                                                                                            45,964,783.15
 Long-term equity investment                                                    1,923,394,225.05               2,280,377,981.04
 Other equity instrument investment
 Other non-current financial assets                                                  260,095,522.11              237,888,956.33
 Investments properties                                                               95,850,052.41              100,762,366.02
 Fixed assets                                                                        680,392,162.13              721,701,015.39
 Construction in process                                                              28,279,901.38                9,160,965.22
 Production biological assets
 Oil-gas assets
 Right-of-use assets                                                                  15,636,361.47
 Intangible assets                                                                    73,679,019.01               76,619,078.55
 Development cost
 Long-term unamortized expense                                                         6,766,442.52                8,259,220.68
 Deferred tax asset                                                                   16,806,287.61               13,940,130.98
 Other non-current assets
                   Total Non-current Assets                                     3,100,899,973.69               3,494,674,497.36
                        Total Assets                                            4,491,839,832.34               4,577,559,382.81

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                             Balance Sheet of Parent Company (continued)
             Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.         31 December, 2021 Unit: RMB Yuan
                            ITEMS                                             31 December 2021                           31 December 2020
Current Liabilities:
 Short-term borrowings                                                                   230,373,666.72                                276,011,600.00
 Financial liability held for trading
 Derivative financial liabilities
 Notes payable                                                                           238,051,362.81                                202,747,834.50
 Accounts payable                                                                        318,798,749.33                                254,630,956.73
 Advance received                                                                                                                                   -
 Contractual liability                                                                   115,654,933.60                                 67,468,174.27
 Employee pay payables                                                                    13,551,313.90                                 11,187,502.65
 Taxes and duties payable                                                                  2,667,309.95                                  4,244,948.37
 Other payables                                                                           23,508,139.39                                 17,179,194.67
 including: interest payable                                                                          -                                  1,839,166.81
        dividend payable                                                                     533,156.00                                    533,156.00
 Held for sale liabilities
 Non-current liabilities due within 1-year                                                 1,918,874.53                                 25,000,034.00
 Other current liabilities                                                                68,871,944.99                                 50,815,558.18
                  Total Current Liabilities                                            1,013,396,295.22                                909,285,803.37
Non-current Liabilities:
 Long-term borrowings                                                                    150,000,000.00                                160,000,000.00
 Bonds Payable                                                                                                                                      -
      including: preference share
               perpetual debt
 Lease liability                                                                          13,243,055.41
 Long-term payables
 Long-term employee payables
 Provision for liabilities
 Deferred income                                                                          66,992,823.82                                 64,121,068.86
 Deferred Tax liabilities                                                                 35,596,349.70                                 32,010,364.83
 Other non-current liabilities
                Total Non-current Liabilities                                            265,832,228.93                                 256,131,433.69
                           Total                                                       1,279,228,524.15                               1,165,417,237.06
Owners Equity(or Shareholders Equity):
 Paid-in capital(Share capital)                                                         843,212,507.00                                843,212,507.00
 Other equity instrument
   Including:preference share
           perpetual capital securities
 Capital reserve                                                                         755,146,592.54                                771,270,562.83
 Less: Treasury stock
 Other comprehensive income                                                                 1,216,581.06                                 1,539,359.10
 Chartered reserve
 Surplus reserves                                                                        809,471,199.64                                 805,525,775.33
 Undistributed profit                                                                    803,564,427.95                                 990,593,941.49
                       Total Equity                                                    3,212,611,308.19                               3,412,142,145.75
                Total Liabilities and Equity                                           4,491,839,832.34                               4,577,559,382.81

     Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng

                                                                     52 / 188
                                              Consolidated Income Statement
              Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.   January- December, 2021 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                       Item                                                        This year                   Last year
Ⅰ、Total operating revenue                                                                     2,089,208,256.22          1,727,267,935.15
 Including: Operating revenue                                                                   2,089,208,256.22          1,727,267,935.15
   Interest income
   Earned premiums
   Fees and commission income
Ⅱ、Total cost of operation                                                                     2,248,942,160.16          1,767,653,636.63
 Including: Cost of operation                                                                   1,849,531,272.29          1,432,524,109.91
   Interest expenses
   Fees and commission expenses
   Payments to surrenders of insurance contracts
   Net amount of insurance claims expenses
   Net charges of provision for insurance contracts
   Dividends policy expenses
   Reinsurance expenses
   Taxes and surcharges                                                                             18,951,850.96            15,456,113.14
   Selling and distribution expenses                                                              130,633,909.30             83,740,476.90
   Administrative expenses                                                                        170,613,436.15            160,295,370.53
   R&D                                                                                              65,269,765.23            49,158,256.78
   Financial expenses                                                                               13,941,926.23            26,479,309.37
       Including: Interest expenses                                                                 16,718,288.26            22,795,380.51
              Interest income                                                                        5,193,155.75              2,435,386.06
   add: other income                                                                                10,799,794.83            20,104,570.39
      investment income (Loss listed with "-")                                                    -47,447,292.15            104,437,155.73
       Including: income from investments in associates and joint ventures                        -58,045,519.63             91,883,843.64
             Gain arising from derecognition of financial asset measured at
amortized cost
       Exchange gain (Loss listed with "-")
       Gain on hedging of net exposure (Loss listed with "-")
       Gain on FV change (Loss listed with "-")                                                     52,398,565.78           -14,797,607.68
       Loss on impairment of credit(Loss listed with "-")                                         -90,798,013.99            -34,717,562.20
       Loss on impairment of assets(Loss listed with "-")                                         -49,626,686.83            -13,476,398.01
       Gain on asset disposal(Loss listed with "-")                                                     59,272.29                  -169,550.05
Ⅲ、Operating profit (Loss listed with "-")                                                      -284,348,264.01             20,994,906.70
   Add: Non-operating income                                                                         4,474,706.92              1,411,389.75
   Less: Non-operating expenses                                                                      9,619,390.42              8,141,253.63
Ⅳ、 Total profit (Loss listed with "-")                                                         -289,492,947.51             14,265,042.82
    Less: Income tax expenses                                                                     -14,303,353.47             -8,584,766.51
Ⅴ、Net profit (Net loss listed with "-")                                                        -275,189,594.04             22,849,809.33
   (I) Classification by continuity                                                              -275,189,594.04             22,849,809.33
   1、Net profit from continuing operation                                                       -275,189,594.04             22,849,809.33
   2、Net profit from discontinuing operation
   (II) Classification by ownership                                                              -275,189,594.04             22,849,809.33
   1、Net profit attributable to equity holders(shareholders) of the Company                     -269,059,849.96             21,341,133.39
   2、Minority interest                                                                            -6,129,744.08               1,508,675.94
Ⅵ、 Other comprehensive income net off tax                                                                      -                          -
   Net other comprehensive income net off tax attributable to equity
holders(shareholders) of the parent company                                                                      -                          -
                                                             53 / 188
 (Ⅰ)Items that may not be reclassified subsequently to the income statement                                               -                         -
 1.Change in net asset/liability from remeasurment on defined benefit plan
  2.Under equity method, proportionate share of other comprehensive income
in invested company that may not be reclassified subsequently to the income
  3.FV change of other equity instrument investment
 4.FV change of own credit risk
 (Ⅱ)Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement                                                   -                         -
  1.Under equity method, proportionate share of other comprehensive income
invested company that may be reclassified subsequently to the income
 2.FV change of other debt instrument investment
 3.Financial assets reclassfied into other comprehensive income
 4.Credit impairment provision of other debt investment
 5.Cash flow hedges effective portion
 6.Foreign currency translation difference
 Net other comprehensive income net off tax attributable to Minority interest
Ⅶ、Total comprehensive income                                                                          -275,189,594.04                   22,849,809.33
 Total comprehensive income attributable to parent Company                                              -269,059,849.96                   21,341,133.39
 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interest                                              -6,129,744.08                   1,508,675.94
Ⅷ、 Earnings per share
 (Ⅰ)Basic earnings per share                                                                                        -0.319                       0.025
 (Ⅱ)Diluted earnings per share                                                                                      -0.319                       0.025
         Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng

                                                                         54 / 188
                                            Income Statement of Parent Company
              Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.        January- December, 2021 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               Item                                                            This year                  Last year
Ⅰ、Operating revenue                                                                                         833,501,935.55              751,021,670.44
Less: Cost of operation                                                                                       737,122,594.46              616,299,098.91
   Taxes and surcharges                                                                                         11,713,347.51               8,800,692.80
   Selling and distribution expenses                                                                            62,191,872.24              41,031,582.10
   Administrative expenses                                                                                      84,579,442.49              77,436,050.28
   R&D                                                                                                          23,153,016.46              20,145,122.54
   Financial expenses                                                                                           11,949,817.04              15,362,883.21
        Including: Interest expenses                                                                            14,788,914.23              15,405,378.98
                 Interest income                                                                                 4,726,261.06               1,973,796.92
Add: Other income                                                                                                1,854,962.57               5,367,222.70
    Investment income (Loss listed with "-")                                                                   -16,105,494.35             115,121,934.09
     Including: income from investments in associates and joint ventures                                       -58,058,060.45              92,790,086.32
Gain arising from derecognition of financial asset measured at amortized cost

    Gain on hedging of net exposure (Loss listed with "-")
    Gain on FV change (Loss listed with "-")                                                                    52,398,565.78             -14,797,607.68
    Loss on impairment of credit(Loss listed with "-")                                                         -13,408,727.47              -5,231,482.28
    Loss on impairment of assets(Loss listed with "-")                                                         -12,126,565.07             -12,846,106.32
    Gain on asset disposal(Loss listed with "-")                                                                       -399.28               -706,217.34
Ⅱ、Operating profit (Loss listed with "-")                                                                    -84,595,812.47              58,853,983.77
  Add: Non-operating income                                                                                           1,548.54                  3,900.06
 Less: Non-operating expenses                                                                                      885,498.38                108,725.25
Ⅲ、 Total profit (Loss listed with "-")                                                                       -85,479,762.31              58,749,158.58
     Less: Income tax expenses                                                                                     772,605.54              -5,177,760.99
Ⅳ、Net profit (Net loss listed with "-")                                                                      -86,252,367.85              63,926,919.57
    1、Net profit from continuing operation                                                                    -86,252,367.85              63,926,919.57
    2、Net profit from discontinuing operation
Ⅴ、 Other comprehensive income net off tax                                                                                   -                       -
  (Ⅰ)Items that may not be reclassified subsequently to the income statement                                                 -                       -
  1.Change in net asset/liability from remeasurment on defined benefit plan
  2.Under equity method, proportionate share of other comprehensive income in invested
company that may not be reclassified subsequently to the income
  3.FV change of other equity instrument investment
  4.FV change of own credit risk
  (Ⅱ)Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement                                                     -                       -
  1.Under equity method, proportionate share of other comprehensive income invested
company that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement
  2.FV change of other debt instrument investment
  3.Financial assets reclassfied into other comprehensive income
  4.Credit impairment provision of other debt investment
  5.Cash flow hedges effective portion
  6.Foreign currency translation difference
Ⅵ、Total comprehensive income                                                                                 -86,252,367.85              63,926,919.57
Ⅷ、 Earnings per share
  (Ⅰ)Basic earnings per share
  (Ⅱ)Diluted earnings per share
         Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng

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                                      Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
             Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.   January- December, 2021 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                        Item                                                       This year              Last year
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
   Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services                                   1,998,747,405.23         1,538,738,032.26
   Net increase in deposits from customers and inter-banks deposits
   Net increase in loans from central bank
   Net increase in loans from other financial institutions
   Cash receipts of premium of direct insurance contracts
   Net cash received from reinsurance contracts
   Net increase in deposits from insurance policy holders and investment
  Cash receipts of interest, fees and commission
  Net increase in placement from banks and other financial institution
  Net increase in sales and repurchase operations
  Entrusted trading of securities
  Cash received from taxes refund                                                                   21,514,050.68            18,519,826.50
  Cash received relating to other operating activities                                              64,293,089.54            82,116,067.91
           Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                   2,084,554,545.45         1,639,373,926.67
   Cash paid for goods and services                                                              1,501,614,080.55         1,121,134,021.73
   Net increase in loans and disbursement to customers
   Net increase in deposit with central bank and inter-banks
   Cash paid for claims of direct insurance contracts
   Net increase of loans to other banks
   Cash paid for interest, fee and commission
   Cash paid for dividends of insurance policies
   Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                         350,456,810.15           314,253,416.05
   Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                                 68,388,963.77            70,148,337.99
   Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                                162,576,472.61           146,980,578.35
           Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                                  2,083,036,327.08         1,652,516,354.12
     Net cash flows from operating activities                                                        1,518,218.37           -13,142,427.45
2. Cash flows from investment activities:
    Cash received from return of investments                                                         1,703,262.34             3,196,000.00
    Cash received from investments income                                                          110,699,788.36           141,629,646.76
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                                       754,551.68             1,624,834.60
   long-term assets
    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units                       211,198,900.00            37,744,000.00
   Cash received relating to other investing activities
           Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                     324,356,502.38           184,194,481.36
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets                  30,695,331.84            14,869,095.73
   Cash paid for investments                                                                        45,400,000.00
   Net increase in pledged deposits
   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash paid relating to other investing activities
           Sub-total of cash outflow from investing activities                                      76,095,331.84            14,869,095.73
    Net cash flows from investing activities                                                       248,261,170.54           169,325,385.63
3. Cash flows from financing activities
   Cash received from investment absorption
   Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from investment absorpotion of
   non-controlling interest
   Cash received from loans granted                                                                263,670,518.89           333,531,600.00
   Cash received relating to other financing activities                                             83,846,329.05            56,489,819.37
           Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                     347,516,847.94           390,021,419.37
   Cash paid for settlement of borrowings                                                          336,679,560.00           405,812,000.00
   Cash paid for dividends, profits appropriation or payments of interest                           24,739,356.41            47,142,841.87
   Including: Dividens and profits paid to non-controlling interest
   Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                                111,987,388.37            78,196,961.15
          Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                     473,406,304.78           531,151,803.02
    Net cash flows from financing activities                                                      -125,889,456.84          -141,130,383.65
                                                                  56 / 188
4. Effect of changes in foreign exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents                                    100,945.31                  -1,601,468.60
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                              123,990,877.38                  13,451,105.93
   Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                                    314,978,460.49                 301,527,354.56
6. Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                                               438,969,337.87                 314,978,460.49
        Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng

                                   Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company
             Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.        January- December, 2021 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Item                                                      This year                           Last year
  1.Cash flow from operating activities
     Cash receipts from sale of goods or rendering of services                                                  765,232,022.05            697,805,239.15
     Refunds of taxes                                                                                                          -            8,601,797.19
     Other cash receipts in operating activities                                                                  25,372,394.89            30,807,494.95
               Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                              790,604,416.94            737,214,531.29
     Cash payments for goods and services acquired                                                              570,924,816.02            522,795,640.64
     Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                                                                106,175,901.94             94,837,857.19
     Tax and duties payments                                                                                      32,561,028.64            38,287,456.09
     Other cash payments for operating activities                                                                 53,337,644.37            47,268,602.90
              Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                                              762,999,390.97            703,189,556.82
                     Net cash flows from operating activities                                                     27,605,025.97            34,024,974.47
  2.Cash flows from investing activities
     Cash receipts from return of investments                                                                       1,700,000.00            2,800,000.00
     Cash receipts from investments income                                                                      113,318,424.61            144,821,456.80
     Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                              -              972,185.00
     long-term assets
     Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries and other businesses                                       211,198,900.00             37,744,000.00
     Other cash receipts in investing activities
               Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                              326,217,324.61            186,337,641.80
     Cash payments for acquired fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term                               10,487,613.09            10,438,744.28
     Cash payments for investment                                                                                 54,165,615.00           100,000,000.00
     Net cash payments for acquisition of subsidiaries and other businesses
     Other cash payments in investing activities
               Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                                               64,653,228.09           110,438,744.28
                    Net cash flows from investment activities                                                   261,564,096.52             75,898,897.52
  3.Cash flows from financing activities
     Cash received from capital injection
     Cash receipts from borrowings                                                                              227,000,000.00            315,011,600.00
     Other cash receipts in financing activities                                                                  23,123,472.43               743,155.00
               Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                              250,123,472.43            315,754,755.00
     Cash paid for settlement of borrowings                                                                     311,478,560.00            347,082,000.00
     Cash paid for dividends, profits appropriation or payments of interest                                       21,455,435.22            45,119,746.25
     Other cash payments in financing activities                                                                  21,611,560.00            23,123,472.43
               Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                             354,545,555.22            415,325,218.68
                       Net cash flows from financing activities                                                -104,422,082.79            -99,570,463.68
  4.Effect of changes in foreign exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents                                          -16,318.79                 5,763.51

                                                                        57 / 188
5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents                                                                 184,730,720.91            10,359,171.82
Add: the beginning balance of cash and cash equivalent                                                       185,202,268.28           174,843,096.46
6.The ending balance of cash and cash equivalent                                                             369,932,989.19           185,202,268.28
     Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng

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                                                                               Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholder’s Equity
                                                                       Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.                                                  2020.01-12                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                                                                               Current year
                                                                                                                                       Equity attributable to the equity holders of the Company

            Item                                             Paid-up capital                   Other equity instrument                                                       Other                                                         △Ge
                                                             (share capital)                                                     Capital reserves           Less:        comprehensiv         Special           Surplus reserves           neral       Undistribute       Other       Sub-total           Minority interests     Total equity
                                                                                       preferenc       perpetua                                             Treasur        e income          reserves                                       risk         d profits        s
                                                                                                                others                                          y                                                                          provi
                                                                                         e share         l bond
                                                                                                                                                            shares                                                                         sion
1. Balance at end of last year                                 843,212,507.00                  -             -           -          726,768,468.00               -         2,501,459.77                 -           805,525,775.33            -       997,601,577.97         -    3,375,609,788.07           73,596,499.65        3,449,206,287.72
  Add: Changes in accounting policies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -
       Correction of prior periods errors                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -
       Business combination within the same control                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -
       Others                                                                                                                                                                                                         -8,839,959.60                    -79,559,636.71               -88,399,596.31                                  -88,399,596.31
2. Balance at beginning of current year                        843,212,507.00                                -           -          726,768,468.00               -         2,501,459.77                 -           796,685,815.73            -       918,041,941.26         -    3,287,210,191.76           73,596,499.65        3,360,806,691.41
3. Increase/ Decrease for current year (Decrease
listed with "-")                                                               -                             -           -            -6,552,601.22              -          -322,778.04                 -            12,785,383.91            -       -290,277,358.94        -    -284,367,354.29           -26,941,728.15         -311,309,082.44
 (Ⅰ)Total of comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -269,059,849.96             -269,059,849.96            -6,129,744.08         -275,189,594.04
 (Ⅱ)Capital contribution and reduction                                      -                             -           -            9,571,369.07               -                   -                  -                          -          -                       -      -       9,571,369.07           -18,336,984.07           -8,765,615.00
   1.Ordinary share                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -                                             -
2.Capital contributed by other equity instrument
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -                                             -
   3.Share-based payments charged to equity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -                                             -
   4.Others                                                                                                                           9,571,369.07                                                                                                                                   9,571,369.07           -18,336,984.07           -8,765,615.00
 (III)Profit appropriations                                                  -               -             -           -                          -            -                   -                  -            12,785,383.91            -        -21,217,508.98        -       -8,432,125.07           -2,475,000.00          -10,907,125.07
  1.Appropriation to surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                                12,785,383.91                     -12,785,383.91                             -                                             -
  2.Appropriation to general risks provision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -                                             -
  3.Appropriation to equity holders (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                                   -8,432,125.07                -8,432,125.07           -2,475,000.00          -10,907,125.07
  4.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -                                               -
 (IV)Transfer within equity                                                  -               -             -           -                          -            -                   -                  -                          -          -                       -      -                    -                      -                      -
  1.Transfer of capital reserve to capital (share capital)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -                                             -
     2.Transfer of surplus reserves to capital (share
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -                                             -
  3.Surplus reserves making up of losses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -                                             -
  4.Carried over the change in net asset/liability from
remeasurment on defined benefit plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -                                             -
      5.Transfer of other comprehensive to retained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -                                             -
  6.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -                                             -
 (V)Special reserves                                                             -               -             -           -                          -            -                   -                  -                          -          -                                                   -                      -                      -
  1.Provision for special reserve                                                                                                                                                            3,799,007.87                                                                            3,799,007.87                                     3,799,007.87
  2.Utilisation of special reserve                                                                                                                                                           3,799,007.87                                                                            3,799,007.87                                     3,799,007.87
 (VI)Others                                                                                                                       -16,123,970.29                          -322,778.04                                                                                             -16,446,748.33                                  -16,446,748.33
4、Balance at end of current year                              843,212,507.00                                -           -          720,215,866.78               -         2,178,681.73                 -           809,471,199.64            -       627,764,582.32         -    3,002,842,837.47           46,654,771.50        3,049,497,608.97

                                                                                                                                                            59 / 188
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Last year
                                                                                                                                                            Equity attributable to the equity holders of the
                           Item                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Minorit
                                                              Paid-up capital            Other equity instrument                                                                  Other                                               △General                                                                                       Total equity
                                                              (share capital)                                                       Capital reserves      Less: Treasury      comprehensiv             Special       Surplus reserves    risk         Undistribute           Others          Sub-total
                                                                                   preferenc       perpetua                                                  shares             e income              reserves                        provision         d profits
                                                                                     e share         l bond
1. Balance at end of last year                                843,212,507.00                              -                -         726,768,468.00                   -         2,501,459.77                     -    768,723,812.53         -       1,038,358,782.59                     3,379,565,029.89 74,562,823.71            3,454,127,853.60
   Add: Changes in accounting policies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -                                        -
       Correction of prior periods errors                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -                                        -
       Business combination within the same control                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -                                        -
       Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -                                        -
2. Balance at beginning of current year                       843,212,507.00                              -                -         726,768,468.00                   -         2,501,459.77                     -    768,723,812.53         -       1,038,358,782.59             -       3,379,565,029.89 74,562,823.71            3,454,127,853.60
3. Increase/ Decrease for current year (Decrease
                                                                           -                              -                -                      -                   -                      -                   -     36,801,962.80         -         -40,757,204.62             -          -3,955,241.82     -966,324.06             -4,921,565.88
listed with "-")
 (Ⅰ)Total of comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                                                                   21,341,133.39                        21,341,133.39     1,508,675.94            22,849,809.33
 (Ⅱ)Capital contribution and reduction                                  -                              -                -                      -                   -                      -                   -                -          -                       -            -                      -                  -                        -
   1.Ordinary share                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -                                           -
       2.Capital contributed by other equity instrument                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -                                           -
   3.Share-based payments charged to equity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -                                        -
   4.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -                                        -
  (III)Profit appropriations                                             -               -              -                -                      -                   -                      -                   -     36,801,962.80         -         -62,098,338.01             -         -25,296,375.21    -2,475,000.00          -27,771,375.21
   1.Appropriation to surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                                 36,801,962.80                   -36,801,962.80                                    -                                        -
   2.Appropriation to general risks provision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -                                        -
   3.Appropriation to equity holders (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                                 -25,296,375.21                       -25,296,375.21    -2,475,000.00          -27,771,375.21
   4.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -                                        -
  (IV)Transfer within equity                                             -               -              -                -                      -                   -                      -                   -                -          -                       -            -                      -                  -                     -
   1.Transfer of capital reserve to capital (share capital)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -                                        -
2.Transfer of surplus reserves to capital (share capital)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -                                        -
   3.Surplus reserves making up of losses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -                                        -
   4.Carried over the change in net asset/liability from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -                                           -
remeasurment on defined benefit plan
         5.Transfer of other comprehensive to retained                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -                                           -
   6.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -                                           -
  (V)Special reserves                                                        -               -              -                -                      -                   -                      -              -                     -          -                       -            -                   -                     -                   -
   1.Provision for special reserve                                                                                                                                                                   3,239,077.20                                                                            3,239,077.20                               3,239,077.20
   2.Utilisation of special reserve                                                                                                                                                                  3,239,077.20                                                                            3,239,077.20                               3,239,077.20
 (VI)Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -                                         -
4、Balance at end of current year                             843,212,507.00                              -                -         726,768,468.00                   -         2,501,459.77                     -    805,525,775.33         -        997,601,577.97              -       3,375,609,788.07 73,596,499.65            3,449,206,287.72
                                        Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian                                                           Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu                                             Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng

                                                                                                                                                              60 / 188
                                               Statement of Changes in Shareholder’s Equity of Parent Company
                                               Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.                                    2020.01-12             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                                                        Current year

                                                                    Paid-up                  Other equity instrument                                                        Other
                                 Item                                                                                                Capital reserves Less:                                       Special           Surplus reserves Undistributed            Others           Total equity
                                                                    capital (share                                                                                      comprehensiv
                                                                    capital)       preferenc         perpetua                                            Treasury         e income               reserves                            profits
                                                                                                                    others                               shares
                                                                                     e share           l bond
1. Balance at end of last year                                      843,212,507.00         -                -                -       771,270,562.83             -         1,539,359.10                      -       805,525,775.33        990,593,941.49               -         3,412,142,145.75
  Add: Changes in accounting policies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -
       Correction of prior periods errors                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -
       Others                                                                                                                                                                                                        -8,839,959.60        -79,559,636.71                        -88,399,596.31
2. Balance at beginning of current year                             843,212,507.00                          -                -       771,270,562.83             -         1,539,359.10                      -       796,685,815.73        911,034,304.78               -         3,323,742,549.44
3. Increase/ Decrease for current year (Decrease listed with
                                                                                     -                      -                -       -16,123,970.29             -          -322,778.04                      -        12,785,383.91       -107,469,876.83               -       -111,131,241.25
 (Ⅰ)Total of comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                                                      -86,252,367.85                        -86,252,367.85
 (Ⅱ)Capital contribution and reduction                                            -                      -                -                   -              -                      -                    -                    -                    -                -                         -
  1.Ordinary share                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -
        2.Capital contributed by other equity instrument holders                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -
  3.Share-based payments charged to equity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -
  4.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -
 (III)Profit appropriations                                                        -                      -                -                   -              -                      -                    -        12,785,383.91        -21,217,508.98               -         -8,432,125.07
  1.Appropriation to surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                                12,785,383.91        -12,785,383.91                                         -
  2.Appropriation to equity holders (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                      -8,432,125.07                         -8,432,125.07
  3.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -
 (IV)Transfer within equity                                                        -                      -                -                   -              -                      -                    -                    -                    -                -                         -
  1.Transfer of capital reserve to capital (share capital)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -
        2.Transfer of surplus reserves to capital (share capital)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -
  3.Surplus reserves making up of losses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -
  4.Carried over the change in net asset/liability from
remeasurment on defined benefit plan
         5.Transfer of other comprehensive to retained earnings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -
  6.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -
 (V)Special reserves                                                                   -       -              -                -                   -              -                      -                    -                    -                    -                -                         -
  1.Provision for special reserve                                                                                                                                                              3,799,007.87                                                                          3,799,007.87
  2.Utilisation of special reserve                                                                                                                                                             3,799,007.87                                                                          3,799,007.87
 (VI)Others                                                                                                                        -16,123,970.29                        -322,778.04                                                                                          -16,446,748.33
4、Balance at end of current year                                   843,212,507.00           -              -                -       755,146,592.54             -         1,216,581.06                      -       809,471,199.64        803,564,427.95               -         3,212,611,308.19

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                                                                                                                                                                 Last year

                                                             Paid-up                  Other equity instrument                                                         Other
                           Item                                                                                               Capital reserves Less:                                      Special           Surplus reserves Undistributed           Others             Total equity
                                                             capital (share                                                                                       comprehensiv
                                                             capital)       preferenc         perpetua                                            Treasury          e income             reserves                            profits
                                                                              e share           l bond       others                               shares
1. Balance at end of last year                               843,212,507.00         -                -                -       771,270,562.83                        1,539,359.10                    -       768,723,812.53       988,765,359.93                       3,373,511,601.39
   Add: Changes in accounting policies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -
       Correction of prior periods errors                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -
       Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -
2. Balance at beginning of current year                      843,212,507.00                          -                -       771,270,562.83             -          1,539,359.10                    -       768,723,812.53       988,765,359.93               -       3,373,511,601.39
3. Increase/ Decrease for current year (Decrease
                                                                              -                      -                -                   -              -                     -                    -        36,801,962.80         1,828,581.56               -         38,630,544.36
listed with "-")
 (Ⅰ)Total of comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                                              63,926,919.57                         63,926,919.57
 (Ⅱ)Capital contribution and reduction                                     -                      -                -                   -              -                     -                    -                    -                   -                -                        -
  1.Ordinary share                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -
2.Capital contributed by other equity instrument holders                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -
  3.Share-based payments charged to equity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -
  4.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -
 (III)Profit appropriations                                                 -                      -                -                   -              -                     -                    -        36,801,962.80       -62,098,338.01               -         -25,296,375.2
  1.Appropriation to surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                        36,801,962.80       -36,801,962.80                                    -
  2.Appropriation to equity holders (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                            -25,296,375.21                         -25,296,375.2
  3.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -
 (IV)Transfer within equity                                                 -                      -                -                   -              -                     -                    -                    -                   -                -                        -
  1.Transfer of capital reserve to capital (share capital)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -
2.Transfer of surplus reserves to capital (share capital)                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -
  3.Surplus reserves making up of losses                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -
  4.Carried over the change in net asset/liability from
remeasurment on defined benefit plan
5.Transfer of other comprehensive to retained earnings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -
  6.Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -
 (V)Special reserves                                                            -       -              -                -                   -              -                     -                    -                    -                   -                -                        -
  1.Provision for special reserve                                                                                                                                                      3,239,077.20                                                                       3,239,077.20
  2.Utilisation of special reserve                                                                                                                                                     3,239,077.20                                                                       3,239,077.20
 (VI)Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -
4、Balance at end of current year                            843,212,507.00           -              -                -       771,270,562.83             -          1,539,359.10                    -       805,525,775.33       990,593,941.49               -       3,412,142,145.75
                     Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian                                             Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu                                      Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng

                                                                                                                              62 / 188
III. Notes to the accounting statement
 (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd (the “Company”) previously
named as Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited, was reorganized and reformed from main
part of former Dalian Refrigeration Factory. On December 8, 1993, the Company           went to the
public as a listed company at Shenzhen Stock Exchange Market. On March 20, 1998, the
Company successfully went to the public at B share market and listed at Shenzhen Stock
Exchange Market with total share capital of RMB350,014,975.00Yuan.

According to the 13th meeting of the 6th generation of board, extraordinary general meeting for
2015 fiscal year and ' Restricted share incentive plan (draft)' , the Company planned to
introduce A ordinary shares to incentive objectives, which was 10,150,000 number of shares
would be granted to 41 share incentive objectives at granted price of RMB5.56Yuan per share.
Up   to   March    12,   2015,    the   Company      received   new    added    share   capital   of

The general meeting for 2015 fiscal year held on April 21, 2016 approved the profit distribution
policy for the year of 2015, which agrees the profit distribution based on the total 360,164,975
number of shares as share capital, paid share dividend of 5 common shares for every 10 shares
through capital reserve. The policy stated above was fully implemented on May 5, 2016, and
the registered capital was altered to 540,247,462.00Yuan.

The 17thmeeting of the 6th generation of board was held on June 4, 2015 and the 2nd interim
shareholders’ meeting was held on June 24, 2015, meeting deliberated and passed the proposal
of non-public offering of ‘A shares’. China’s Securities Regulatory Commission issued SFC
license [2015]3137 on December 30, 2015, approving that new non-public offering cannot
exceeded 38,821,954 numbers of shares. The company implemented the post meeting
procedures for China’s Securities Regulatory Commission, which is regarding adjustment of
bottom price and the number of the shares issued after the implementation of profit distribution
policy of 2015 in May, 2016, and accordingly revised the upper limit of non-public offering of
share to58,645,096 number of new ‘A shares’. The company issued the non-public offering of
58,645,096 number of ‘A shares’ to 7 investors, and as a result, the total number of shares of the
Company is changed to 598,892,558 shares, and the par value is 1yuan per share and the total
share capital is 598,892,558.00Yuan.

According to the ‘Restricted Share Incentive Plan(draft) of Dalian Refrigeration Company
Limited for the year of 2016’ and the ‘Proposal regarding the shareholders’ meeting authorized
the board of directors to implement the Restricted Share Incentive Plan’ approved on the 3rd
provisional general meeting held on September 13, 2016, the 9th meeting of the 7th generation of
board deliberated and passed the ‘Proposal about granting the restricted shares to incentive
targets’ on September 20, 2016 and set September 20 , 2016 as share granted date, and granted
                                               63 / 188
12,884,000 number of restricted shares to 118 incentive targets at granted price of 5.62Yuan per
share. By November 22, 2016, The Company has actually received the newly subscribed
registered share capital of 12,884,000.00Yuan subscribed by incentive targets.

On May 19, 2017, the general meeting for 2016 fiscal year was held and profit appropriation
scheme for 2016 FY was approved, which was every 10 shares will be increased by 4 shares
through capital reserve based on the total 611,776,558 number of shares. After the profit
appropriation scheme, the registered capital was changed to RMB856,487,181.00Yuan.

On December 28, 2017, The Company held the 3rd extraordinary shareholders meeting in 2017,
and reviewed and approved the “Proposal on Repurchasing and Retiring Partially Restricted
Stocks of the 2016 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan”. On March 8, 2018, after The Company's
repurchase and cancellation, The Company implemented the corresponding capital reduction
procedures according to law. The registered capital of The Company was changed from
856,487,181.00Yuan to 855,908,981.00 Yuan.

On May 4, 2018, The Company held the 21st meeting of the 7th Board of Directors, and
reviewed and approved the “Proposal on Repurchasing and Retiring Partially Restricted Stocks
of the 2015 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan". On June 29, 2018, after The Company's
repurchase and cancellation, The Company implemented the corresponding capital reduction
procedures according to law. The registered capital of The Company was changed from
855,908,981.00 Yuan to 855,434,087 .00Yuan.

On January 17th, 2019, the 1st interim shareholders’ meeting was held and approved for
“Proposal on Termination of the 2016 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan and Repurchasing and
Retiring Restricted Stocks Plan”. Up to February 25th, 2019, The Company has completed the
repurchasing and retiring stocks plan, respectively The Company shall perform the
corresponding capital reduction procedures in accordance with the law and the registered capital
decreased from 855,434,087.00Yuan to 843,212,507.00Yuan.

On December 20th, 2019, The Company held the 7th meeting of the 8th Board of Directors and
approved to change The Company’s name from Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited to
Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.

The old address of the Company’s registered office as same as head office is No.888 Xinan
Road, Shahekou District, Dalian, China. In 2017, The Company relocated to new factory and
changed its address to No.16 Liaohe East RD, Dalian Economic&Technology Development
Zone(‘DDZ’), Dalian China as same as HQ’s address. The parent company of The Company is
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd., and there is no ultimate controller regulated by the relevant
law, regulations and rules.

The Company is in industrial manufacturing sector, mainly engaged in industrial refrigeration,
refrigerated and frozen food storage, and manufacture and installation of central

                                             64 / 188
air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment. The scope of business includes research and
development, design, manufacture, sale, lease, installation and repair of refrigeration and heat
equipment, accessories, spare parts, and energy-saving and environmental protection products;
Technical services, technical consultation, technical promotion; Design, construction,
installation repair and maintenance of complete sets of refrigeration and air conditioning
projects, mechanical and electrical installation projects, steel structure projects, anti-corrosion
and heat preservation works; Rental of premises; Transport of ordinary goods; Property
management; Low temperature storage; Import and export of goods and technologies. (With the
exception of projects subject to approval according to law, independently carry out business
activities according to law with the business license).

II. The scope of consolidation

There are 14 entities included in the current consolidated financial statements. This year, entities
within the consolidation scope aren’t changed comparing to last year. For the specific
information of the consolidation scope, see the notes of “VII. The Change of Scope of
Consolidation” and “VIII. The Equity in Other Entities”.

III. Financial Statements Preparation Basis

  (1) Preparing basis

The Company’s financial statements are prepared on the basis of going concern assumption,
according to the actual occurred transactions and events and in accordance with ‘Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises’ and relevant regulations, and also based on the note IV
“Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates”.

  (2) Going concern

The Company has the capacity to continually operate within 12 months at least since the end of
report period, and hasn‘t the major issues impacting on the sustainable operation ability.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

1. Declaration for compliance with accounting standards for business enterprises

The financial statements are prepared by the Company according to the requirements of
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise, and reflect the relative information for the
financial position, operating performance, cash flow of the Company truly and fully.

2. Accounting period

The Company adopts the Gregorian calendar year as accounting period from Jan 1 to Dec 31.

3. Operating cycle

                                               65 / 188
The Company sets twelve months for one operating cycle and as the liquidity criterion for assets
and liability.

4. Functional currency

The Company adopts RMB as functional currency.

5. Accounting for business combination under same control and not under same control

As an acquirer, the assets and liabilities that the Company obtained in a business combination
under the same control should be measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the
consolidated financial statements on the combining date. As for the balance between the
carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of
the consideration paid by it, the capital surplus shall be adjusted. If the capital surplus is not
sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

For a business combination not under same control, the asset, liability and contingent liability
obtained from the acquirer shall be measured at the fair value on the acquisition date. The
combination cost shall be the fair value, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities
incurred or assumed and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control of
the acquire, and sum of all direct expenses(if the combination is achieved in stages, the
combination cost shall be the sum of individual transaction). The difference when combination
cost exceeds proportionate share of the fair value of identifiable net assets of acquire should be
recognized as goodwill. If the combination cost is less than proportionate share of the fair value
of identifiable net assets of acquiree, firstly, fair value of identifiable asset, liability or
contingent liability shall be reviewed, and so the fair value of non-monetary assets or equity
instruments issued in the combination consideration , after review, still the combination cost is
less than proportionate share of the fair value of identifiable net assets of acquire, the difference
should be recognized as non-operating income.

6. Method of preparation of consolidated financial statements

All subsidiaries controlled by the Company and structured entities are within the consolidation

If subsidiaries adopt different accounting policy or have different accounting period from the
parent company, appropriated adjustments shall be made in accordance with the Company
policy in preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

All significant intergroup transactions, outstanding balances and unrealized profit shall be
eliminated in full when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Portion of the
subsidiary’s equity not belonging to the parent, profit, loss for the current period, portion of
other comprehensive income and total comprehensive belonging to minority interest, shall be
presented separately in the consolidated financial statements under “minority interest of
equity”, ”minority interest of profit and loss”, “other comprehensive income attributed to
                                                66 / 188
minority interest” and “total comprehensive income attributed to minority interest” title.

If a subsidiary is acquired under common control, its operation results and cash flow shall be
consolidated since the beginning of the consolidation period. When preparing the comparative
consolidated financial statements, adjustments shall be made to relevant items of comparative
figures as regarded that reporting entity established through consolidation has been always there
since the point when the ultimate controlling party starts to have the control.

If a business consolidation under common control is finally achieved in stages, consolidation
accounting method shall be disclosed additionally for the period in which the control is obtained.
For example, if a business consolidation under common control is finally achieved in stages,
when preparing the consolidated financial statements, adjustments shall be made for the current
consolidation status as if consolidation has always been there since the point when the ultimate
controlling party starts to control. In preparation of comparative figures, asset and liability of the
acquiree shall be consolidated into the Company’s comparative financial statements, but to the
extent no earlier than the point when the Company and acquiree are both under ultimate control
and relevant items under equity in comparative financial statements shall be adjusted for net
asset increased in combination. To avoid the duplicated computation of net asset of acquiree, for
long-term equity investment held by the Company before the consolidation, relevant profit and
loss, other comprehensive income and movement in other net asset, recognized for the period
between the combination date and later date when original shareholding is obtained and when
the Company and the acquiree are under common control of same ultimate controlling party,
shall be respectively used for writing down the opening balance of retained earnings of
comparative financial statements and profit and loss for the current period.

If a subsidiary is acquired not under common control, its operation results and cash flow shall
be consolidated since the beginning of the consolidation period. In preparation of the
consolidated financial statements, adjustments shall be made to subsidiary’s financial statements
based on the fair value of its all identifiable assets, liability or contingent liability on the
acquisition date.

If a business consolidation under non-common control is finally achieved in stages,
consolidation accounting method shall be disclosed additionally for the period in which the
control is obtained. For example, if a business consolidation not under common control is
finally achieved in stages, when preparing the consolidated financial statements, the acquirer
shall remeasure its previously held equity interest in the acquiree at its acquisition-date fair
value and recognize the resulting gain or loss as investment income for the current period. Other
comprehensive income, under equity method accounting rising from the interest held in
acquiree in relation to the period before the acquisition, and changes in the value of its other
equity other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit appropriation shall
be transferred to investment gain or loss for the          period in which the acquisition incurs,

                                                67 / 188
excluding the other comprehensive income from the movement on the remeasurement of ne
asset or liability of defined benefit plan.

When the Company partially disposes of the long –term equity investment in subsidiary without
losing the control over it, in the consolidated financial statements, the difference, between
disposals price and respective disposed value of share of net assets in the subsidiary since the
acquisition date or combination date, shall be adjusted for capital surplus or share premium, no
enough capital surplus, then adjusted for retained earnings.

When the Company partially disposes of the long –term equity investment in subsidiary and
lose the control over it, in preparation of consolidated financial statements, remaining share of
interest in the subsidiary shall be remeasured on the date of losing control. Sum of the share
disposal consideration and fair value of remaining portion of shareholding minus the share of
the net assets in the subsidiary held based on the previous shareholding percentage since the
acquisition date or combination date, the balance of above is recognized as investment gain/loss
for the period and goodwill shall be written off accordingly. Other comprehensive income
relevant to share investment in subsidiary shall be transferred to investment gain /loss for the
period on the date of losing control.

When the Company partially disposes of the long –term equity investment in subsidiary and
lose the control over it by stages, if all disposing transactions are bundled, each individual
transaction shall be seen as a transaction of disposal of a subsidiary by losing control. The
difference between the disposal price and         the share of the net assets in the subsidiary held
before the date of losing control, shall be recognize as other comprehensive income until the
date of losing control where it is transferred into investment gain/ loss for the current period.

7. Joint arrangement classification and joint operation accounting

The Company’s joint arrangement includes joint operation and joint venture. For joint operation,
The Company as a joint operator shall recognize its own assets and its share of any assets held
jointly, its liabilities and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly, its revenue from the sale of
its share of the output arising from the joint operation, its share of the revenue from the sale of
the output by the joint operation; and its expenses, including its share of any expenses incurred
jointly. When an entity enters into a transaction with a joint operation in which it is a joint
operator, such as a sale or contribution of assets, it is conducting the transaction with the other
parties to the joint operation and, as such, the joint operator shall recognize gains and losses
resulting from such a transaction only to the extent of the other parties’ interests in the joint

8. Cash and cash equivalent

The cash listed on the cash flow statements of the Company refers to cash on hand and bank
deposit. The cash equivalents refer to short-term (normally with original maturities of three

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months or less) and liquid investments which are readily convertible to known amounts of cash
and subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9. Translation of foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency transaction

Foreign currency transactions are translated at the spot exchange rate issued by People’s Bank
of China (“PBOC”) on the 1st day of the month when the transactions incurred. Monetary assets
and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into RMB at the exchange rate prevailing at
the balance sheet day. Exchange differences arising from the settlement of monetary items are
charged as in profit or loss for the period. Exchange differences of specific borrowings related
to the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset should be capitalized as occurred, before the
relevant fixed asset being acquired or constructed is ready for its intended uses.

(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items in the foreign currency balance sheet should be translated at a spot
exchange rate at the balance sheet date. Among the owner’s equity items except “undistributed
profit”, others should be translated at the spot exchange rate when they are incurred. The
income and expense should be translated at spot exchange rate when the transaction incurs.
Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements should be presented separately
under the other comprehensive income title. Foreign currency cash flows are translated at the
spot exchange rate on the day when the cash flows incur. The amounts resulted from change of
exchange rate are presented separately in the cash flow statement.

10. Financial assets and financial liabilities

The Company shall recognize a financial asset or a financial liability when the Company
becomes party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

(1) Financial assets

1)   Classification, recognition and measurement

The Company shall classify financial assets as measured at amortized cost, fair value through
other comprehensive income or fair value through profit or loss on the basis of both the
Company’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual cash flow
characteristics of the financial asset.

A financial asset shall be measured at amortized cost if both of the following conditions are met:
①the financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets
in order to collect contractual cash flows;②the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise
on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the
principal amount outstanding. At initial recognition, the Company shall measure the financial
asset at its fair value and take any transaction costs that are directly attributable to the financial

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asset into account. Subsequently the Company shall measure the financial asset at amortized
cost. A gain or loss on a financial asset measured at amortized cost, which isn’t any part of
hedging relationship shall be recognized in profit or loss when the financial asset is
derecognized, impaired, involved in foreign exchange or amortized for any difference arising
between the initial recognized amount and due amount by applying effective interest method.
The financial assets of this category include: receivable, notes receivable and other receivables.

A financial asset shall be measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if both of
the following conditions are met: ①the financial asset is held within a business model whose
objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets and
②the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are
solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. At initial
recognition, the Company shall measure this financial asset at its fair value and take any
transaction costs that are directly attributable to the financial asset into account. A gain or loss
on a financial asset measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, which          is not
part of hedging relationship shall be recognized in other comprehensive income apart from a
gain or loss on credit loss, foreign exchange and interest of the financial asset calculated by
effective interest method. Accumulated gain or loss previously in the other comprehensive
income shall be accounted in the profit or loss account when the financial asset is derecognized.
The financial assets of this category include: receivable financing.

The Company recognized interest revenue based on effective interest method. Interest revenue
shall be calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of a
financial asset, except for: ①purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets. For those
financial assets, the Company shall apply the credit-adjusted effective interest rate to the
amortized cost of the financial asset from initial recognition. ②financial assets that are not
purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets but subsequently have become
credit-impaired financial assets. For those financial assets, the Company shall apply the
effective interest rate to the amortized cost of the financial asset in subsequent reporting periods.

The Company designates an investment as fair value measured through other comprehensive
income if an equity instrument held is not for trading. Once the decision is made, it is an
irrevocable election. At initial recognition, the Company shall measure the equity instrument
investment not for trading at its fair value and take any transaction costs that are directly
attributable to the financial asset into account. Any other gain or loss (including foreign
exchange gain or loss) shall be accounted in other comprehensive income and shall not be
subsequently transferred to profit or loss, unless the dividend received is accounted in profit or
loss (excluding the recovered investment cost). Accumulated gain or loss previously in the other
comprehensive income shall be out of it and into retained earnings when the financial asset is

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Apart from classified as the amortized cost financial assets and as fair value through other
comprehensive income financial assets, a financial asset is classified as fair value through profit
or loss. At initial recognition, the Company shall measure this financial asset at its fair value and
take any transaction costs that are directly attributable to the financial asset into account. Any
gain or loss on FVTPL shall be accounted into profit and loss. The financial assets of this
category include: tradable financial asset other non-current financial asset.

A financial asset shall be classified as fair value through profit or loss if it is recognized
contingent consideration through business combination, which is not under same control

2)   Recognition and measurement of transfer of financial assets

A financial asset is derecognized when any one of the following conditions is satisfied: ①the
rights to receive cash flows from the asset is terminated, ②the financial asset has been
transferred and the Company transfers substantially all risks and rewards relating to the
financial assets to the     transferee, ③the financial asset has been transferred to the transferee,
the Company has given up its control of the financial asset although the Company neither
transfers nor retains all risks and rewards of the financial asset.

In the case where the financial asset as a whole qualifies for the derecognition conditions, the
difference between the carrying value of transferred financial asset at the derecognition date and
the sum of the consideration received for transfer and the accumulated amount of changes in fair
value in respect of the amount of partial derecognition ( financial assets involved in transfer
must qualify the following conditions: the financial asset is held within a business model whose
objective is to hold financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows; the contractual
terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of
principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding) , that was previously recorded under
other comprehensive income is transferred into profit or loss for the period.

In the case where only part of the financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying
amount of financial asset being transferred is allocated between the portions that to be
derecognised and the portion that continued to be recognised according to their relative fair
value. The difference between the amount of consideration received for the transfer and the
accumulated amount of changes in fair value that was previously recorded in other
comprehensive income for the asset partially qualified for derecognition (the financial asset is
held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order to collect
contractual cash flows; the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to
cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding)
and the above-mentioned allocated carrying amount is charged to profit or loss for the period.

(2) Financial liabilities

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     1)     Classification, basis for recognition and measurement

The company shall classify all financial liabilities as subsequently measured at amortized cost
by applying effective interest method, except the followings:

①financial liability measured at fair value through profit or loss including tradable financial
liability (derivative instrument of financial liability included) and designated as financial
liability measured at fair value through profit or loss. They are subsequently measured at fair
value. The net gain or loss arising from changes in fair value, dividends and interest paid related
to such financial liabilities are recorded in profit or loss for the period in which they are

② financial assets transfers that do not qualify for derecognition or financial liability is formed
from continuing involvement in transferred assets. This type of liability shall be measured in
accordance with the financial assets transfer standard.

③ financial guarantee contract not in the above category of ①or ② and loan commitment
which is not in the category ① at the below the market loan rate.

After initial recognition, the Company as an issuer of such a contract shall subsequently
measure it at the higher of: the amount initially recognized less the cumulative amount of
income recognized in accordance with the revenue standards and the amount of the loss
allowance determined in accordance with the financial instrument impairment standard.

The Company shall account the financial liability as it measured at fair value through profit or
loss if the financial liability is formed by contingent consideration recognized by the buyer
through business combination that is not under common control.

     2)     Financial liability derecognition

A financial liability is derecognized when the underlying present obligations or part of it are
discharged. Existing financial liability shall be derecognized and new financial liability shall be
recognized when the Company signs the agreement with creditor to undertake the new financial
liability in replacement of existing financial liability, and the terms of agreement are different in
substance. Any significant amendment to the agreement as a whole or part o it is made, then the
existing liabilities or part of it shall be derecognized and financial liability after terms
amendment shall be recognized as a new financial liability. The difference between the carrying
amount of the financial liability derecognized and the consideration paid is recognized in profit
or loss for the period.

(3) Fair value measurement of financial asset and financial liability

The Company uses the price in the primary market for financial assets and liability fair value
measurement, if no primary market exists, the price in the most advantageous market shall be
used for fair value measurement and applicable valuation techniques which enough data is

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available for and supported by other information shall be adopted. Input for fair value
measurement has 3 levels: level 1 input is the unadjusted quoted price for identical asset or
liability available at the active market on the measurement date; level 2 input is the directly or
indirectly observable input for relevant asset or liability apart from level 1 input; level 3 input is
the unobservable input for relevant asset or liability.

(4) Financial asset and financial liability offset

Financial asset and financial liability shall be presented in the balance sheet separately and
cannot be offset, unless the following conditions are all met: ①the Company has the legal right
to recognized offset amount and the right is enforceable. ②the Company plans to receive or a
legal obligation to pay cash at net amount.

(5) Distinguishment between financial liability and equity instrument and accounting

Financial liability and equity instrument shall be distinguished in accordance with the following
standards: ① if the Company cannot unconditionally avoid paying cash or financial asset to
fulfil a contractual obligation, the contractual obligation is qualified or financial liability. For
certain financial instrument, although there are no clear terms and conditions to include
obligation of paying cash or other financial liability, contractual obligation may indirectly be
formed through other terms and conditions. ② the Company’s own equity instrument shall also
be considered whether it is the substitute of cash, financial asset or it is the remaining equity,
after the issuer deducts liability, enjoyed by the equity holder , if it must or can be used to settle
a financial asset. If the former, the instrument is a financial liability of the issuer, otherwise it is
an equity instrument of the issuer. In certain circumstances, financial instrument contract is
classified as financial liability, if financial instrument contract specifies the Company must or
can use its own equity to settle the financial instrument, the contractual amount of right or
obligation equals to that of the numbers of own equity instrument available or to be paid
multiplied by fair value when settling, nevertheless the amount is fixed, or varied partially or
fully based on the its own equity’s market price(such as interest rate, certain commodity’s or
financial instrument’s price variance).

When classifying a financial instrument (or its component) in the consolidated statements, the
Company takes all terms and conditions agreed by the Company member and instrument holder
into consideration. If the Company due to the instrument, as a whole, bears settlement
obligation by paying cash, other financial asset or other means resulted in financial liability, the
instrument shall be classified as financial liability.

If a financial instrument or its component is financial liability, any gain or loss, interest,
dividend, and any gain or loss from buy back or refinancing shall be accounted in profit or loss.

If a financial instrument or its component is an equity instrument, when it was issued (including
refinancing), bought back, sold or withdrawn, any change shall be regarded as equity change

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and no fair value change shall be recognized.

(6) Financial asset impairment

Based on expected credit loss, the Company shall apply the impairment requirements for the
recognition and measurement of a loss allowance for the followings: ① a financial asset
measured at amortized cost; ② a financial asset measured at FVTOCI(the financial asset is
held within a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash
flows and selling financial assets and the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on
specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal
amount outstanding.); ③ lease receivable; ④ a contractual asset.

Expected credit loss is the weighted average of credit losses with the respective risks of a
default occurring as the weights. A credit loss herein is referred to as the present value, at
original effective rate, of the difference between the contractual cash flows that are due to the
Company under the contract; and the cash flows that the Company expects to receive, that's the
present value of the total cash shortage.

The Company shall always measure the loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected
credit losses for the following items: ①receivables or contract assets originated from trade
within regulation of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 – Revenue, regardless
any significant financing component is contained. ②Receivable of finance lease payment ③
receivable of operating lease payment.

Apart from the above items, other financial assets shall be assessed for impairment loss
allowance ①if the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantly since
initial recognition, the Company shall measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument
at an amount equal to 12month expected credit losses. ②if there have been significant
increases in credit risk, the Company shall measure the loss allowance for a financial instrument
at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses, at the reporting date. ③ if purchased
or originated financial asset is impaired, the Company shall measure the loss allowance for a
financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses, at the reporting

For a financial asset measured at FVTOCI(the financial asset is held within a business model
whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial
assets and the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows
that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.) , the
Company shall apply the impairment requirements for the recognition and measurement of a
loss allowance for financial assets that are measured at fair value through other comprehensive
income. However, the loss allowance shall be recognized in other comprehensive income,
impairment loss or gain shall be accounted into profit and loss and shall not reduce the carrying
amount of the financial asset in the statement of financial position. Credit loss allowance
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increase or reverse for financial instrument other than a financial asset measured at FVTOCI
shall be accounted into profit and loss as impairment loss or gain.

  1) Assessment of significant increase in credit risk

At each reporting date, the Company shall assess whether the credit risk on a financial
instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition. To make that assessment, the
Company shall compare the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the
reporting date with the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the date of
initial recognition. However, the Company may assume that the credit risk on a financial
instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition if the financial instrument is
determined to have low credit risk at the reporting date. In general, if the contractual payments
are more than 30 days past due, it indicates the increase in the credit risk unless reasonable and
supportable information , which is available without undue cost or effort to indicate no
significant increases in credit risk since initial recognition, even though the contractual
payments are more than 30 days past due. The Company considers reasonable and supportable
information, that is available without undue cost or effort including forward looking.

If in the aspect of individual instrument, the Company can't obtain sufficient evidence about
credit risk increased significantly at a reasonable cost, but portfolio evaluation is feasible, the
Company will group the instruments and assess whether the credit risk increased significantly
based on the portfolio in accordance with the common characteristics of credit risk of financial

  2) Measurement of expected credit losses

The Company shall measure expected credit losses of a financial instrument in a way that
reflects: ①an unbiased and probabilityweighted amount that is determined by evaluating a
range of possible outcomes; ② the time value of money; and ③reasonable and supportable
information that is available without undue cost or effort at the reporting date about past events,
current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.

The Company determines the credit loss of lease receivable and financial guarantee contracts
based on the individual asset or contract.

The Company determines the expected credit loss of trade receivable and contract asset on the
basis of portfolios, which are considered by expected credit loss measurement reflection, by
reference to historical experience of credit loss and by comparison of receivable past due days/
receivable age with default risk rate, unless the single credit loss is separately recognized for
contractual payments that is significant in amount and credit impaired.

The Company determines the expected credit loss of a financial asset measured at FVTOCI(the
financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting
contractual cash flows and selling financial assets and the contractual terms of the financial

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asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest
on the principal amount outstanding.) and a financial asset measured at amortized cost on the
basis of portfolio unless the single credit loss is separately recognized for contractual payments
that is significant in amount and credit impaired.

The Company groups the financial instruments based on the portfolio in accordance with the
common characteristics of credit risk which involves type of financial instrument, credit risk
grade, geographic location and industry of debtors.

The Company measures the expected credit loss on financial instrument based on the

①financial asset, credit loss is the present value of difference between the receivable of
contracted cashflow and expected cashflow.

②lease receivable, credit loss is the present value of difference between the receivable of
contracted cashflow and expected cashflow. Cash flow used for measurement of credit loss is
consistent with the cash flow used for lease receivable in accordance with leasing standard.

The Company adopts simplified approach for trade receivables, contract assets that do not
contain a significant financing component, and shall always measure the loss allowance at an
amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses.

Impairment requirements is to assess whether credit risk has been significantly increased since
initial recognition at each reporting date, if there have been significant increases in credit risk,
the Company shall measure the loss allowance for a financial instrument at an amount equal to
the lifetime expected credit losses, at the reporting date, if the credit risk on a financial
instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company shall measure
the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12month expected credit

When assessing expected credit losses, the Company considers all reasonable and supportable
information, including that which is forward-looking.

The Company shall measure expected credit losses of a financial instrument in a way that
reflects: an unbiased and probabilityweighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range
of possible outcomes; The time value of money; and reasonable and supportable information
that is available without undue cost or effort at the reporting date about past events, current
conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.

The Company directly lowers the book value of the financial asset when contractual cash flow
cannot be fully or partially recollected within rational expectation any longer.

The Company also assesses the expected credit loss of financial asset measured at amortized
cost based on age portfolio, other than past due credit loss assessment based on individual item.

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11. Provision for Impairment of Trade receivables

The Company’s receivables include notes receivable, receivable, receivable expected credit loss
recognition and accounting.

  (1) Recognition of provision for impairment

On the basis of expected credit loss, the Company always measures the loss allowance at an
amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses for trade receivables which do not contain a
significant financing component and are generated in accordance with No 14-Revenue Standard
of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise. For trade receivables which do contain a
significant financing component, the Company chooses as its accounting policy to measure the
loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses.

If the receivable is generated from transactions in accordance with No14-Revenue Standard and
despite any significant financing component is contained or not, it shall be measured for the loss
allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses.

  (2) Expected credit loss risk portfolio assessment method based on portfolio

The Company separately assesses the credit risk of financial assets which have significantly
different the credit risk, such as receivable with dispute or involved in litigation and arbitration;
There are clear signs indicating the debtor is unlikely to fulfill the repayment obligations of the
receivables or the receivables with significantly different credit risk due to contacted repayment

Apart from the financial asset to be assessed for credit risk separately, the Company divides the
financial assets into different group based on common characteristics of risk and assesses the
risk based on the portfolio.

①Notes receivable

Based on the acceptor credit risk of notes receivable as the common risk characteristics, it is
divided into different categories and determined for expected credit loss accounting estimate

Portfolio category                           Expected credit loss accounting estimate policy
                                         Lower credit risk assessed by the management, no
Bank acceptance note portfolio
                                         expected credit loss recognition
Commercial acceptance note               Same as receivables portfolio and provided for excepted
portfolio                                credit loss allowance based on expected credit loss rate

②Trade receivables and other receivables

Apart from the trade receivables and other receivables to be assessed for credit risk separately,
based on the counterparty as the common risk characteristics, it is divided into different
categories and determined for expected credit loss accounting estimate policy.
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Portfolio category                           Expected credit loss accounting estimate policy
Related parties portfolio within the     Lower credit risk assessed by the management, no
consolidation                            expected credit loss recognition
Other related parties and non-related
                                         Excepted credit loss rate for allowance
parties portfolio

The Company prepares the comparison table between receivables aging and expected credit loss
rate within lifetime and work out the expected credit loss by reference to historical credit loss
experience in combination with current situation and future forecast of economy condition.

The Company shall measure expected credit losses of a financial instrument in a way that
reflects: an unbiased and probabilityweighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range
of possible outcomes; The time value of money; and reasonable and supportable information
that is available without undue cost or effort at the reporting date about past events, current
conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.

The Company prepares the comparison table between receivables aging and fixed provision rate
and work out the expected credit loss by reference to historical credit loss experience.

On the balance sheet date, expected credit loss of receivable shall be calculated. If the expected
credit loss is larger than the book value of the provision of receivable impairment, the difference
shall be recognized as receivable impairment loss, debit to “credit impairment loss”, credit to
“provision for bad debt”. Alternatively, the difference is recognized as impairment gain and
reversed journal entry shall be made.

Actually incurred credit loss shall be debit to “provision for bad debt”, credit to “notes
receivable”, “receivable”, “other receivable” based on the approved amount to be written off as
it is assured as uncollectible receivable. If the amount to be written off is bigger than the
provision for impairment loss, the difference is debit to “credit impairment loss”

12. Receivable financing

During the liquidity management of the Company, majority of the bill receivables is endorsed or
discounted prior to the bill due date and endorsed or discounted bill receivables are
derecognized after the all risks and rewards have been transferred to the counter party. The
business model for managing bill receivables is not only for collecting contractual cash flows
but also for selling the financial assets as its objective, therefore it is classified as financial
assets that are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income

13. Other receivable

Other receivable shall be measured based on the followings:① the credit risk on a financial
asset has not increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company shall measure the
loss allowance at an amount equal to 12month expected credit losses.② there have been
significant increases in credit risk, the Company shall measure the loss allowance for a financial
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instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses. ③purchased or originated
credit-impaired financial assets, the Company shall measure the loss allowance for a financial
instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses.

Assessment is based on the portfolio. The Company is unable to obtain the sufficient evidence
on the credit risk significant increase at the rational cost at individual instrument level, but it is
feasible to assess whether the credit risk increased significantly based on the portfolio.
Therefore, the Company groups the other receivable for credit risk increase assessment based on
the common risk characteristic such as age, nature and the industry in which debtors are.

14. Inventories

Inventories are materials purchasing, raw material, low-valuable consumable, materials
processed on commission, working-in-progress, semi-finished goods, variance of semi-finished
goods, and finished goods, etc.

The inventories are processed on perpetual inventory system, and are measured at their actual
cost on acquisition. Weighted average cost method is taken for measuring the inventory
dispatched or used. Low value consumables and packaging materials is recognized in the
income statement by one-off method.

After year-end thorough inventory check, at the balance sheet date inventory impairment should
be provided or adjusted according to inventory category. For the finished goods, raw material
held for sale and work-in-progress etc which shall be sold directly, the net realizable value
should be confirmed at the estimated selling price less estimated selling expenses and related tax
and expenses. The raw material held for production, its realizable value should be confirmed at
the estimated selling price of finished goods less estimated cost of completion, estimated selling
expenses and related tax.

15. Contract asset

  (1) Recognition and criterion

Contract asset is an entity’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the
entity has transferred to a customer when that right is conditioned on something other than the
passage of time. For example, the Company sold two goods that can be clearly distinguished to
the client, then the Company has the right to consideration in exchange of the goods because
one of the goods are delivered, but the consideration’s collection is conditioned on the other
goods delivery, in this case, the right to consideration shall be recognized as contract asset.

  (2) Expected credit loss recognition and accounting of contract asset

Expected credit loss recognition of contract asset is referred to the Note XI. Provision for
Impairment of Trade receivables.

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On the balance sheet date, expected credit loss of contract asset shall be calculated and the
difference shall be recognized as the impairment loss if the loss figure worked out is bigger than
the carrying amount of the provision for impairment of contract asset, and debit “asset
impairment loss”, credit “provision for impairment of contract asset”. On the contrary, the
Company shall recognize the difference as impairment profit and keep the opposite accounting

If the actual credit loss incurred and the contract asset is unable to be collected with
confirmation, after the approval is given, the loss shall be written off   based on the approved
amount and debit “provision for impairment of contract asset”, credit “contract asset”. If the
amount to be written is greater than the provision, the difference shall be debited to “asset
impairment loss”.

16. Contract cost

  (1) Assets recognition methods in relation to contract cost

Assets relevant to contract cost in the Company include cost to fulfill the contract and cost to
obtain a contract.

If the costs incurred in fulfilling a contract with a customer are not within the scope of another
Standard, an entity shall recognize an asset from the costs incurred to fulfill a contract only if
those costs meet all of the following criteria: the costs relate directly to a contract or to an
anticipated contract, including direct labor, direct materials and overheads which is clearly
stated to be borne by the client and any other cost in line with the contract; the costs enhance
resources of the entity that will be used in performance obligations in the future; and the costs
are expected to be recovered.

An entity shall recognize an asset as the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with a
customer if the entity expects to recover those costs. an entity may recognize the incremental
costs of obtaining a contract as an expense when incurred if the amortization period of the asset
t is one year or less. The incremental costs of obtaining a contract are those costs that an entity
incurs to obtain a contract with a customer that it would not have incurred if the contract had not
been obtained (for example, a sales commission). Costs to obtain a contract that would have
been incurred rather than the incremental cost expected to be recovered shall be recognized as
an expense when incurred, unless those costs are explicitly chargeable to the customer
regardless of whether the contract is obtained

  (2) Amortization of asset relevant to contract cost

An asset recognized in accordance with contract cost shall be amortized on a systematic basis
that is consistent with the transfer to the customer of the goods or services to which the asset

  (3) Impairment of asset relevant to contract cost
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When determining the impairment loss of the assets related to the contract cost, the Company
shall firstly determine the impairment loss of the assets related to the contract that are
recognized in accordance with the other accounting standards. If the book value of the asset is
higher than the remaining consideration expected to be obtained by the Company for the
transfer of the goods related to the asset and the estimated cost to be incurred for the transfer of
the goods related to the asset, the excess part shall be withdrawn as an impairment provision and
recognized as an impairment loss of the asset.

An entity shall recognize in profit or loss a reversal of some or all of an impairment loss
previously recognized when the impairment conditions no longer exist or have improved. The
increased carrying amount of the asset shall not exceed the amount that would have been
determined (net of amortization) if no impairment loss had been recognized previously.

17.Long-term receivable

Refer to 10. (6) Impairment of financial assets.

18. Long-term equity investment

Long term equity investments are the investment in subsidiary, in associated company and in
joint venture.

Joint control is the contractual agreement sharing of control over an economic activity by all
participants or participants’ combination and decisions or policies relating to the operating
activity of the entity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing the control.

Significant influence exists when the entity directly or indirectly owned 20% or more but less
than 50% shares with voting rights in the investee company. If holding less than 20% voting
rights, the entity shall also take other facts or circumstances into accounts when judging any
significant influences. Factors and circumstances include: representation on the board of
directors or equivalent governing body of the investee, participation in financial or operating
activities policy-making processes, material transactions between the investor and the investee,
interchange of managerial personnel or provision of essential technical information.

When control exists over an investee, the investee is a subsidiary of an entity. The initial
investment cost for long-term equity investment acquired through business combination under
common control, is the carrying amount presented in the consolidated financial statements of
the share of net assets at the combination date in the acquired company. If the carrying amount
of net assets at the combination date in the acquired company is negative, investment shall be
recognized at zero.

If the equity of investee under common control is acquired by stages and business combination
incurs in the end, an entity shall disclose the accounting method for long-term equity investment
in the parent financial statement as a supplemental. For example, if the equity of investee under
common control is acquired by stages and business combination incurs in the end, and it’s a
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bundled transaction, the entity shall regard all transactions as a one for accounting. If it’s not a
bundled transaction, the carrying amount presented in the consolidated financial statements of
the share of net assets at the combination date in the acquired company since acquisition is
determined as for the initial cost of long-term equity investment. The difference between the
cost initially recognized and carrying amount of long-term equity investment prior to the
business combination plus the newly paid consideration for further share acquired, and capital
reserve shall be adjusted accordingly. If no enough capital reserve is available for adjustment,
retain earnings shall be adjusted.

If long-term equity investment is acquired through business combination not under common
control, initial investment cost shall be the combination cost.

If the equity of investee not under common control is acquired by stages and business
combination incursion the end, an entity shall disclose the accounting method for long-term
equity investment in the parent financial statement as a supplemental. If the equity investment
of investee not under common control is acquired by stages and business combination incursion
the end, and it’s a bundled transaction, the entity shall regard all transactions as a one for
accounting. If it’s not a bundled transaction, the carrying amount of the equity investment held
previously plus newly increased investment cost are taken as the initial investment cost under
cost model. If equity investment is held under equity method before the acquisition date, other
comprehensive income under equity method previously shall not be adjusted accordingly. When
disposing of the investment, the entity shall adopt the same basis as the investee directly
disposing of related assets or liability for accounting treatment. Prior to acquisition date, if the
share is designated as non-tradable equity instrument measured at FV through other
comprehensive income, the accumulated change on fair value previously recorded in other
comprehensive can not be transferred into current profit and loss.

Apart from the long-term equity investments acquired through business combination mentioned
above, the cost of investment for the long-term equity investments acquired by cash payment is
the amount of cash paid. For long-term equity investment acquired by issuing equity
instruments, the cost of investment is the fair value of the equity instrument issued. For
long-term equity investment injected to the entity by the investor, the investment cost is the
consideration as specified in the relevant contract or agreement.

The Company adopts cost method to account for investment in subsidiary and equity method for
investment in joint venture and affiliate.

Long-term equity investment subsequently measured under cost model shall increase the
carrying amount of investment by adjusting the fair value of additional investment and relevant
transaction expenses. Cash dividend or profit declared by investee shall be recognized as
investment gain/loss for the period based on the proportion share in the investee.

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Long-term equity investment subsequently measured under equity method shall be adjusted for
its carrying amount according to the share of equity increase or decrease in the investee. The
entity shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profits or losses based on the fair value of
the investee’s individual identifiable assets at the acquisition date, after making appropriate
adjustments thereto in conformity with the accounting policies and accounting period, and
offsetting the unrealized profit or loss from internal transactions entered into between the entity
and its associates and joint ventures according to the shareholding attributable to the entity and
accounted for as investment income and loss based on such basis.
On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the carrying value and the
consideration actually received is recognized as investment income for the period. For
long-term investments accounted under equity method, other comprehensive income recorded
shall be accounted on the same basis as the investee directly disposing of related assets or
liability when equity method is not used any longer. The movements of shareholder’s equity,
other than the net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution previously
recorded in the shareholder’s equity of the Company are recycled to investment income for the
period on disposal.
Where the entity has no longer joint control or significant influence in the investee company as
a result of partially disposal of the investment, the remaining investment will be accounted for
in line with the Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments Standard -No 22 of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises(No7 Caikuai [2017]), and the difference
between the fair value of remaining investment at the date of losing joint control or significant
influence and its carrying amount shall be recognized in the profit or loss for the year. Other
comprehensive income recognized from previous equity investment under equity model shall be
accounted for and carried over on the same basis as the investee directly disposing of related
assets or liability when stopping using under equity model. The movements of shareholder’s
equity, other than the net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution
previously recorded in the shareholder’s equity of the Company are recycled to investment
income for the period on disposal.
Where the entity has no longer control over the investee company as a result of partially
disposal of the investment, the remaining investment will be changed to be accounted for using
equity method providing remaining joint control or significant influence over the investee
company. The difference between carrying amount of disposed investment and consideration
received actually shall be recognized in the profit and loss for the period as investment gain or
loss, and investment shall be adjusted accordingly as if it was accounted for under equity model
since acquisition. Where the entity has on longer joint control or significant influence in the
investee as a result of disposal, the investment shall be changed to be accounted for in
accordance with the Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments Standard -No 22 of

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Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises(No7 Caikuai [2017]), and difference between
the carrying amount and disposal consideration shall be recognized in profit and loss for the
period, and the difference between the fair value of remaining investment at the date of losing
control and its carrying amount shall be recognized in the profit or loss for the year as
investment gain or loss.
If the entity loses its control through partially disposal of investment by stages and it’s not a
bundled transaction, the entity shall account for all transactions separately. If it’s a bundled
transaction, the entity shall regard all transactions as one disposal of subsidiary by losing control,
but the difference between disposal consideration and carrying amount of the equity investment
disposed prior to losing control, which arises from each individual transaction shall be
recognized as other comprehensive income until being transferred into profit and loss for the
period by the time of losing control.

    19. Investment property

The investment property includes property and building and measured at cost model

                                                           Estimated net
                                 Useful life
Category                                                 residual value rate   Annual depreciation rate
Housing and Buildings                 40                        3%                      2.43%

    20. Fixed assets

    Recognition criteria of fixed assets: defined as the tangible assets which are held for the
    purpose of producing goods, rendering services, leasing or for operation & management, and
    have more than one year of useful life.

    Fixed assets shall be recognized when the economic benefit probably flows into the Company
    and its cost can be measured reliably. Fixed assets include: building, machinery,
    transportation equipment, electronic equipment and others.

    All fixed assets shall be depreciated unless the fixed assets had been fully depreciated and are
    still being used and land is separately measured. Straight-line depreciation method is adopted
    by the Company. Estimated net residual value rate, useful life, depreciation rate as follows:

                                        Useful life          Estimated net residual        Annual
    No   Category
                                           (years)               value rate (%)       depreciation rate
1        Housing and Buildings                 20-40              3%,5%,10%                 2.25-4.85%
2        Machinery equipment                   10-22              3%,5%,10%                  4.09-9.7%
3        Transportation equipment               4-15              3%,5%,10%                     6-24.25%
4        Electronic equipment                        5            3%,5%,10%                     18-19.4%
5        Others equipment                      10-15              3%,5%,10%                       6-9.7%

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The Company should review the estimated useful life, estimated net residual value and
depreciation method at the end of each year. If any change has occurred, it shall be regarded
as a change in the accounting estimates.

21. Construction in progress

Constructions in progress are carried down to fixed assets based on the construction budget
and actual costs on the date when completing and achieving estimated usable status, and the
fixed assets should be withdrawn deprecation in the next month. Adjustment will be
conducted upon confirmation of their actual values after implementing the completion and
settlement procedures.

22. Borrowing costs

The borrowing costs incurred which can be directly attribute to the fixed assets, investments
properties, inventories requesting over 1 year purchasing or manufacturing so to come into
the expected condition of use or available for sale shall start to be capitalized when
expenditure for the assets is being occurred, borrowing cost has occurred, necessary
construction for bringing the assets into expected condition for use is in progress. The
borrowing costs shall stop to be capitalized when the assets come into the expected condition
of use or available for sale. The borrowing costs subsequently incurred should be recorded
into profit and loss when occurred. The borrowing costs should temporarily stop being
capitalized when there is an unusual stoppage of over consecutive 3 months during the
purchase or produce of the capitalized assets, until the purchase or produce of the asset

The borrowing costs of special borrowings, deducting the interest revenue of unused
borrowings kept in the bank or the investment income from transient investment should be
capitalized. The capitalized amount of common borrowings should be calculated as follows:
average assets expenditure of the accumulated assets expenditure excesses the special
borrowing, multiplied by the capital rate. The capital rate is the weighted average rate of the
common borrowings.

23. Right-of-use assets

An asset that represents a lessee’s right to use an underlying asset for the lease term.

(1) Initial recognition

At the commencement date, a lessee shall measure the right-of-use asset at cost.

The cost of the right-of-use asset shall comprise:

① the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability,

② any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives
received, which is the incremental cost for the lease
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③ any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee which is the incremental cost

④ an estimate of costs to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the
underlying asset, restoring the site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to
the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease, unless those costs are incurred
to produce inventories.

(2) Subsequent measurement

After the commencement date, a lessee shall measure the right-of-use asset applying a cost
model. To apply a cost model, a lessee shall measure the rightofuse asset at cost less any
accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses; and adjusted for any
remeasurement of the lease liability specified in the lease standard

Depreciation of right-of -use asset

Since the commencement date, the Company shall depreciate the right-of-use asset.
Depreciation shall be made in the month of lease commencement and shall be accounted in
the cost of related asset or profit and loss.

When determining the depreciation method, straight line method is used for depreciation
based on the expected way of consuming of economic benefit related to the right-of-use asset.

The Company shall follow the following principles when determining the depreciation life of
the use-right asset: if the ownership of the leased asset can be reasonably determined at the
end of the lease term, depreciation shall be calculated and deducted during the remaining
service life of the leased asset; Where it is not certain that the ownership of the leased asset
can be acquired at the end of the lease term, depreciation shall be calculated during the period
of the shorter of the lease term and the remaining service life of the leased asset.


The Company shall depreciate the right-of-use asset subsequently based on the book value
after impairment loss deduction if impairment is applicable.

24. Intangible assets

The intangible assets of the Company refer to land use right and software, patent,
non-patented technology and other intangible asset should be measured at actual costs. For
acquired intangible assets, the actual costs are measured at actual price paid and relevant
other expenses. The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined
according to the stated value in the investment contract or agreement, except for those of
unfair value in the contract or agreement, which the actual costs should be determined by the
fair value.

Land use right shall be amortized evenly within the amortization period since the remised
date.ERP system software and other intangible assets are amortized over the shortest of their
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estimated useful life, contractual beneficial period and useful life specified in the law.
Amortization charge is included in the cost of assets or expenses, as appropriate, for the
period according to the usage of the assets. At the end of the year, for definite life of
intangible assets, their estimated useful life and amortization method shall be assessed. Any
change shall be treated as change on accounting estimate.

25. Impairment of long-term assets

The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that
long-term equity investments, investment property, fixed assets, construction in progress,
right-of-use assets and intangible assets with definite useful life may be impaired. If there is
any indication that an asset may be impaired, the asset will be tested for impairment.
Goodwill and intangible asset with infinite useful life are tested for impairment annually no
matter there is any indication of impairment or not.

Estimate of recoverable amount is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and the present
value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset.

If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount
shall be impaired and the difference is recognized as an impairment loss and charged to profit
or loss for the period. Once an impairment loss on the assets is recognized, it is not reversed
in a subsequent period.

After assets impairment loss is recognized, depreciation and amortization of the impaired
asset shall be adjusted in the following period so that the adjusted carrying amount (less
expected residual value) can be depreciated and amortized systematically within the
remaining life.

Goodwill arising in a business combination and intangible asset with infinite useful life are
tested for impairment annually no matter there is any indication of impairment or not.

When assessing goodwill for impairment, the carrying amount of goodwill shall be allocated
evenly to the assets group or assets portfolio. When testing the assets group or assets portfolio
including goodwill, if there is any indication of impairment , ignoring the goodwill and
testing the assets group or assets portfolio alone so to work out the recoverable amount and
comparing to its carrying amount and recognize the impairment loss. After that, testing the
assets group or assets portfolio with goodwill together, comparing the carrying amount of the
assets group or assets portfolio (including goodwill allocation) with recoverable amount,
goodwill impairment shall be recognized when the recoverable amount is lower than its
carrying amount.

26. Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses of the Company refer to leasing expenses, redecoration expense
and others. The expenses should be amortized evenly over the beneficial period. If the
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deferred expense cannot take benefit for the future accounting period, the unamortized
balance of the deferred expenses should be transferred into the current profit or loss. The
amortization period should be determined by the contract. If the contract without the
amortization period specification, leasing expenses will be amortized within 10 years and
30years; redecoration expense and others will be amortized within 3 years.

27. Contract liability

An entity’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the entity has
received consideration (or the amount is due) from the customer. If a customer pays
consideration, or an entity has a right to an amount of consideration that is unconditional
before the entity transfers a good or service to the customer, the entity shall present the
contract as a contract liability when the payment is made or the payment is due (whichever is

28. Employee benefits

Employee’s benefit comprises short-term benefit, post-employment benefit, termination
benefit and other long-term employee’s benefit.

Short-term benefit includes salary, bonus, allowance, welfare, social insurance, housing funds,
labor union expense, staff training expense, during the period in which the service rendered
by the employees, the actually incurred short term employee benefits shall be recognized as
liability and shall be recognized in P&L or related cost of assets based on benefit objective
allocated from the service rendered by employees.

Post-employment benefits include the basic pension scheme and unemployment insurance etc.
Based on the risk and obligation borne by the Company, post-employment benefits are
classified into defined contribution plan and defined benefit plan. For defined contribution
plan, liability shall be recognized based on the contributed amount made by the Company to
separate entity at the balance sheet date in exchange of employee service for the period and it
shall be recorded into current profit and loss account or relevant cost of assets in accordance
with beneficial objective.

Termination benefits are employee’s benefit payable as a result of either an entity’s decision
to terminate an employee’s employment before the contract due date or an employee’s
decision to accept voluntary redundancy in exchange for those benefits. An entity shall
recognize the termination benefits as a liability and an expense at the earlier date when the
entity cannot unilateral withdraw the termination benefits due to employment termination
plan or due to redundancy suggestion, or when the entity can recognize the restructuring cost
or expense arising from paying termination benefits.

Other long-term employee’s benefit refers to all other employee benefits other than short-term
benefit, post-employment benefit and termination benefit.

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If other long-term employee’s benefit is qualified as defined contribution plan, contribution
made shall be recognized as liabilities accordingly for the period in which the service are
rendered by the employee and recognized in the profit or loss for the current period or
relevant cost of assets. Except other long-term employee’s benefit mentioned above,
obligation arising from defined benefit plan shall be recognized in the profit or loss for the
current period or relevant cost of assets in accordance with the period when the service are
rendered by the employee.

29. Lease obligation

(1) Initial measurement of the lease liability

At the commencement date, a lessee shall measure the lease liability at the present value of
the lease payments that are not paid at that date.

1) The lease payments

The lease payments included in the measurement of the lease liability comprise the following
payments for the right to use the underlying asset during the lease term that are not paid at the

commencement date: ① fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments) less any
lease incentives receivable;② variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate,
initially measured using the index or rate as at the commencement date;③ the exercise price
of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option ④ payments of
penalties for terminating the lease, if the lessee will certainly exercise an option to terminate
the lease during the lease term.⑤ amounts expected to be payable by the lessee under
residual value guarantees;

2) Discount rate

When calculating the present value of the lease payments, interest rate implicit in the lease
shall be used. The rate of interest that causes the present value of the lease payments and the
unguaranteed residual value to equal the sum of the fair value of the underlying asset and any
initial direct costs of the lessor. If the rate cannot be readily determined, the Company shall
use the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate, which is the rate of interest that a lessee would
have to pay to borrow over a similar term, and with a similar security, the funds necessary to
obtain an asset of a similar value to the right-of-use asset in a similar economic environment.
The implicit interest rate is relevant to the followings: ①the Company’s own situation:
solvency     and creditability ② “borrow term”: lease term ③ “borrowed fund” amount:
lease liability amount ④“pledge condition”: nature and quality of underlying assets ⑤
economic environment includes the jurisdiction in which the lessee is located, the currency of
denomination, and when the contract was signed. The Incremental borrowing rate is derived
by the Company based on the bank lending rate and adjusted for the above factors.

(2) Subsequent measurement
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After the commencement date, the Company shall measure the lease liability by: ①
increasing the carrying amount to reflect interest on the lease liability; ② reducing the
carrying amount to reflect the lease payments made; ③ remeasuring the carrying amount to
reflect any reassessment or lease modifications.

Interest on the lease liability in each period during the lease term shall be the amount that
produces a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the lease liability and
be recognized as in profit or loss unless its capitalization. A constant periodic rate of interest
is the discounting rate used for initial measurement of lease liability, or revised discounting
rate for lease liability remeasurement because of the lease payment or lease change.

(3) Remeasurement

After the lease commencement date, lease payment shall be remeasured if the following
circumstances incurred, and the lease liability shall be remeasured at the present value which
is based on the revised lease payment and revised discounting rate. A lessee shall recognize
the amount of the remeasurement of the lease liability as an adjustment to the right-of-use
asset. However, if the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset is reduced to zero and there is
a further reduction in the measurement of the lease liability, a lessee shall recognize any
remaining amount of the remeasurement in profit or loss. ①change of in-substance fixed
payments (subject to original discounting rate) ② change of amounts expected to be payable
under residual value guarantees(subject to original discounting rate) ③ change of an index
or a rate used for future lease payments(subject to revised discounting rate) ④ change in
assessment of a buy option(subject to revised discounting rate) ⑤ change in assessment of a
renew option or termination option or actual situation(subject to revised discounting rate).

30. Provision

When the Company has transactions such as commitment to externals, discounting the trade
acceptance, unsettled litigation or arbitration which meets the following criterion, provision
should be recognized: It is the Company's present obligation; carrying out the obligation will
probably cause the Company's economic benefit outflow; the obligation can be reliably

Provision is originally measured on the best estimate of outflow for paying off the present

When determining the best estimate, need to consider the risk, uncertainty, time value of
monetary relevant to contingent items. If the time value of monetary is significant, the best
estimate will be determined by discounted cash outflow in the future.

When compensation from the 3rd party is expected for full or partial contingent liability
settlement, the compensation shall be recognized as an asset separately and measured at no
more than the book value of contingent liability.

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31. Share based payment

An equity-settled share-based payment in exchange for the employee’s services is measured
at the fair value at the date when the equity instruments are granted to the employee. Such fair
value during the vesting period of service or before the prescribed exercisable conditions are
achieved is recognized as relevant cost or expense on a straight-line during the vesting period
based on the best estimated quantity of exercisable equity instruments, accordingly increase
capital reserve.

A cash-settled share-based payment is measured at the fair value at the date at which the
Company incurred liabilities that are determined based on the price of the shares or other
equity instruments. If it is immediately vested, the fair value of the liabilities at the date of
grant is recognized as relevant cost or expense, and corresponding liabilities. If it is
exercisable only when the vesting period of service is expired or the prescribed conditions are
achieved, the fair value of liabilities undertaken by the Company are re-measured at each
balance sheet date based on the best estimate of exercisable situation. According to the fair
value which the Company incurred liabilities, and recognizing acquired services as costs or
expenses, and adjust liabilities accordingly.

The fair value of the liabilities is re-measured at each balance sheet date. Any changes are
recognized in the profit or loss for the year.

If the granted equity instruments are cancelled within the vesting period (apart from the
situation where the vesting condition is not satisfied), the equity instrument shall be treated as
accelerated vesting and regarded as all share based payment plan satisfying vesting condition,
and all expense during the remaining vesting period shall be accounted at the same period
when the granted equity instruments are cancelled.

32. Principle of recognition and measurement of revenue

Accounting policy

The revenue of the Company is mainly from selling goods, providing engineering installation

The Company shall recognize revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies a performance
obligation by transferring a promised good or service to a customer. An asset is transferred
when (or as) the customer obtains control of that asset.

If the contract includes two or more performance obligations, at the inception date of contract,
the Company shall allocate the transaction price to each performance obligation identified in
the contract on a relative standalone selling price ratio basis and measure the revenue at the
allocated transaction price to each performance.

The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be

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entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer, excluding
amounts collected on behalf of third parties. The determined transaction price shall be limited
to the extent where the maximum reversal amount of revenue recognized with the least
possibility once the uncertainty related to the variable consideration is removed. The
Company shall recognize a refund liability if the entity receives consideration from a
customer and expects to refund some or all of that consideration to the customer. Where a
significant financing component exists in the contract, the transaction price shall be measured
at the assumed price that the payment is made by cash as the client receive the control right of
goods or services. The difference between the promised consideration and the cash selling
price shall be amortized within the contract period at effective interest rate. The Company
need not take the financing component into the consideration if the entity expects, at contract
inception, that the period between when the entity transfers a promised good or service to a
customer and when the customer pays for that good or service will be one year or less.

When the Company transfers control of a good or service over time, it satisfies a performance
obligation and recognizes revenue over time only if one of the following criteria is met,
otherwise it shall be the performance obligation at a point in time.

(1) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the entity’s
    performance as the entity performs

(2) the Company’s performance creates or enhances an asset (for example, work in progress)
    that the customer controls as the asset is created or enhanced

(3) the entity’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the entity and
    the entity has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date

 If it is performance obligation over time, the Company shall recognize the revenue in
 accordance with the progress of performance obligation and measure the progress based on
 input method. In the circumstances, the Company may not be able to reasonably measure the
 progress of a performance obligation, but the Company expects to recover the costs incurred
 in satisfying the performance obligation. In those circumstances, the entity shall recognize
 revenue only to the extent of the costs incurred until such time that it can reasonably
 measure the progress of the performance obligation.

 It satisfies a performance obligation at a point in time when the control right of goods or
 services are received by the client, and revenue shall be recognized. Judging whether the
 client has received the control right, the following indicators shall be considered:

 (1) The entity has a present right to payment for the asset

 (2) The legal title to the asset has been transferred to the customer

 (3) The Company has transferred physical possession of the asset to the client

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 (4) The Company has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of an asset
     to the customer

 (5) The customer has accepted the goods or service

 The right of receiving the consideration the Company entitled to, as the goods or service
 have been transferred, shall be listed as contract asset and impairment provision shall be
 based on the expected credit loss. Unconditioned right of receiving the consideration shall be
 listed as receivable. The obligation shall be listed as contract liability where the Company
 has received consideration, but services or goods not transferred to the customer.

.33. Government grants

 A government grant shall be recognized when the Company complies with the conditions
 attaching to the grant and when the Company is able to receive the grant.

 Assets-related government grant is the government fund obtained by the Company for the
 purpose of long-term assets purchase and construction or establishment in the other forms.
 Income-related grants are the grant given by the government apart from the assets-related
 grants. If no grant objective indicated clearly in the government documents, the Company
 shall judge it according to the principle mentioned above.

 Where a government grant is in the form of a transfer of monetary asset, it is measured at the
 amount received. Where a government grant is made on the basis of fixed amount or
 conclusive evidence indicates relevant conditions for financial support are met and expect to
 probably receive the fund, it is measured at the amount receivable. Where a government
 grant is in the form of a transfer of non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value. If fair
 value cannot be determined reliably, it is measured at a nominal amount of RMB1 Yuan.

 Assets-related government grants are recognized as deferred income or directly offsetting
 the book value of the asset, and Assets-related government grants recognized as deferred
 income shall be evenly amortized to profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset.

 Any assets are sold, transferred, disposed off or impaired earlier than their useful life expired
 date, the remaining balance of deferred income which hasn’t been allocated shall be carried
 forward to the income statement when the assets are disposed off.

 Income-related government grants that is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be
 incurred in subsequent periods are recognized as deferred income and credited to the
 relevant period when the related expenses are incurred. Government grants relating to
 compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred are charged directly to the
 profit or loss for the period. Government grants related to daily business, shall be recognized
 as other income in accordance with business nature or offsetting related expenses, otherwise,
 shall be recognized as non-operating income or expenses.

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 If any government grant already recognized needs to be returned to the government, the
 accounting shall be differed according to the following circumstances:

 1)   originally recognized as offsetting of related assets' book value, assets book value shall
      be adjusted,

 2)   if any deferred income, book value of deferred income shall be offset, excessive portion
      shall be accounted into income statement,

 3)   Other situation, it shall be accounted into income statement directly.

34. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

The deferred income tax assets or the deferred income tax liabilities should be recognized
according to the differences (temporary difference) between the carrying amount of the assets
or liabilities and its tax base. Deferred income tax assets shall be respectively recognized for
deductible tax losses that can be carried forward in accordance with tax law requirements for
deduction of taxable income in subsequent years. No deferred income tax liabilities shall be
recognized for any temporary difference arising from goodwill initially recognition. No
deferred income tax assets or liabilities shall be recognized for any difference arising from
assets or liabilities initial recognition on non-business combination with no effect on either
accounting profit or taxable profit (or deductible tax loss). At the balance sheet date, deferred
income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are
expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or liability is settled.

Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable
profit will be available to offset the deductible temporary difference, deductible loss and tax

35. Lease

(1) Lease identification

Lease: A contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to use an asset (the underlying
asset) for a period of time in exchange for consideration. At inception of a contract, the entity
shall assess whether the contract is, or contains, a lease. A contract is, or contains, a lease if
the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in
exchange for consideration. In order to confirm whether the right to control the use of an
identified asset for a period of time has been conveyed, the Company assess whether the
client in the contract has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from use
of the asset throughout the period of use and has the right to direct the use of the identified
asset during the period of using the identified asset.

For a contract that is, or contains several leases, the Company shall separate the contract and
account each lease separately. The Company shall account for each lease component

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separately from non-lease components of the contract if the contract contains lease and
non-lease components.

(2) As a leasee

1) Recognition

At the commencement date, the Company as a lessee shall recognize a right-of-use asset and
a lease obligation. Recognition and measurement of right-of-use asset and a lease obligation
is referred to 23. Right-of -use asset and 29. Lease obligation

2) Lease modification

Lease modification is a change in the scope of a lease, or the consideration for a lease, that
was not part of the original terms and conditions of the lease (for example, adding or
terminating the right to use one or more underlying assets, or extending or shortening the
contractual lease term). Lease modification effective date is the date when both parties agree
to a lease modification.

The Company shall account for a lease modification as a separate lease if both condition are
satisfied: ① the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one
or more underlying assets or extending the contractual lease term. ② the consideration for
the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-alone price for the increase in
scope or the contractual lease term extension and any appropriate adjustments to that
stand-alone price to reflect the circumstances of the particular contract.

For a lease modification that is not accounted for as a separate lease, at the effective date of
the lease modification the Company shall: allocate the consideration in the modified contract;
determine the lease term of the modified lease and remeasure the lease liability by
discounting the revised lease payments using a revised discount rate. The Company used the
interest rate implicit in the lease for the remainder of the lease term as discounting rate. The
lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at the effective date of the modification will be used if the
interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be readily determined. The effect on above
adjustments of lease liability shall be accounted respectively in accordance with the
followings: ①decreasing the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset to reflect the partial or
full termination of the lease for lease modifications that decrease the scope of the lease. The
lessee shall recognize in profit or loss any gain or loss relating to the partial or full
termination of the lease. ② making a corresponding adjustment to the right-of-use asset for
all other lease modifications.

3) Short-term lease and low value asset lease

The Company has chosen not to recognize the right-of-use asset and lease liability for
short-term lease ( lease term less than 12 months) and low value asset when it is single leased
new asset. In this case, lease payment will be accounted directly in profit or loss or on the
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straight-line basis in profit or loss.

(3) As a lessor

Based on the assessment of (1) lease contract or lease contract contained, as a lessor, at the
inception date, lease is classified as finance lease and operating lease.

A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards
incidental to ownership of an underlying asset. Other lease is classified as an operating lease
unless a finance lease.

Examples of situations that individually or in combination would normally lead to a lease
being classified as a finance lease are: ①the lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset
to the lessee by the end of the lease term; ②the lessee has the option to purchase the
underlying asset at a price that is expected to be sufficiently lower than the fair value at the
date the option becomes exercisable for it to be reasonably certain, at the inception date, that
the option will be exercised; ③the lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the
underlying asset even if title is not transferred(not shorter than 75% of leased asset life); ④
at the inception date, the present value of the lease payments amounts to at least substantially
all of the fair value of the underlying asset( not lower than 90% of leased asset FV); ⑤ the
underlying asset is of such a specialized nature that only the lessee can use it without major
modifications. Indicators of situations that individually or in combination could also lead to a

lease being classified as a finance lease are: ①if the lessee can cancel the lease, the lessor’s
losses associated with the cancellation are borne by the lessee; ②gains or losses from the
fluctuation in the fair value of the residual accrue to the lessee; ③the lessee has the ability to
continue the lease for a secondary period at a rent that is substantially lower than market rent.

1) Financing lease

Initial measurement

At the commencement date, the Company shall recognize the lease payment receivable and
derecognize of finance lease asset. When initially measuring the lease payment receivable, net
lease investment value shall be used for the lease payment receivable.

Net lease investment value equals to the any residual value guarantees plus the PV of undue
lease receivable discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease. Lease receivable is that
lessor conveys the right to use an asset (the underlying asset) for a period of time in exchange
for consideration including ① fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments) less
any lease incentives receivable;② variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate,
initially measured using the index or rate as at the commencement date;③ the exercise price
of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option ④ payments of
penalties for terminating the lease, if the lessee will certainly exercise an option to terminate
the lease during the lease term.⑤ residual value guarantees expected by the lessee and the
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independent 3rd party relevant to the lessee with the economic ability to guarantee.

Subsequent measurement

The Company shall recognize interest income over the lease term based on a constant
periodic rate, which is the implicit discounting rate of return on the lessor’s net investment in
the lease.( if sublease applicable, implicit rate of sublease can not be determined, original
discounting rate of lease shall be adopted after adjustment for initial direct expense relevant to
sublease) or when finance lease modification is not accounted as an separate lease, adjusted
discounting rate will be adopted for the lease since it is classified as finance lease assuming
modification took effect at the commencement date of lease.

Lease modification

The Company shall account for a finance lease modification as a separate lease if both
condition are satisfied: ① the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the
right to use one or more underlying assets. ② the consideration for the lease increases by an
amount commensurate with the stand-alone price for the increase in scope or the contractual
lease term extension and any appropriate adjustments to that stand-alone price to reflect the
circumstances of the particular contract.

For a finance lease modification that is not accounted for as a separate lease, if the lease
would have been classified as an operating lease and the modification have been in effect at
the inception date, the lessor shall account for the lease modification as a new lease from the
effective date of the modification; and measure the carrying amount of the underlying asset as
the net investment in the lease immediately before the effective date of the lease modification.

2) Operating lease

Lease income

Lease payment received shall be recognized as lease income on a straight-line basis within the

Incentive measures

If the lease-free period is provided, the Company will allocate the total lease income in the
whole lease period on the straight-line basis regardless of lease-free period, and the lease
income shall be recognized during the rent-free period. If the Company bears some expenses
of the lessee, such expenses shall be deducted from the total lease income and the remaining
balance of lease income shall be allocated within the lease period.

Initial direct expense

The Company shall add initial direct costs incurred in obtaining an operating lease to the
carrying amount of the underlying asset and recognize those costs as an expense over the
lease term on the same basis as the lease income.
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The depreciation policy for depreciable underlying fixed assets subject to operating leases
shall be consistent with the lessor’s normal depreciation policy for similar assets.
Amortization for other underlying assets subject to operating lease shall be on reasonable
systematic basis.

Variable lease payment

The variable lease payments obtained by the Company related to operating leases, which are
not included in the lease payment received, shall be included in the current profit and loss
when actually incurred

Operating lease modification

A lessor shall account for a modification to an operating lease as a new lease from the
effective date of the modification, considering any prepaid or accrued lease payments relating
to the original lease as part of the lease payments for the new lease.

(4) Special lease

Sales and lease back

1) as a seller and a leasee

In accordance with Revenue Standard-No.14 of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, the Company assesses whether the transfer of the asset is a sale. If the transfer of
assets is not a sale, the Company shall continue to recognize the transferred assets and at the
same time recognize a financial liability equal to the transfer income, and recognize, measure
the financial liability in accordance with the Recognition and Measurement of Financial
Instruments Standard- No. 22 - Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. If the transfer
of assets is a sale, the Company shall measure the right-of-use asset arising from the
leaseback at the proportion of the previous carrying amount of the asset that relates to the
right of use retained by the Company. Accordingly, the Company shall recognize only the
amount of any gain or loss that relates to the rights transferred to the buyer-lessor.

2) as a buyer and a leasor

If the transfer of assets is not a sale, the Company shall not recognize the transferred asset and
shall recognize a financial asset equal to the transfer proceeds. It shall account for the
financial asset applying Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments Standard- No.
22 - Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. If the transfer of assets is a sale, the
Company shall account for the purchase of the asset applying applicable Standards.

36. Held for sale

(1) Any non-current assets or disposal group shall be classified as held for sale if the

                                             98 / 188
following criteria are met: 1) According to the similar transactions for selling such assets or
disposal group in practice, the assets must be available for immediate sale under current
condition. 2) The sale is highly probable with decision made on a probable selling proposal
and the firm purchase commitment has been obtained, the sale is expected to be completed
within one year. Certain regulations request that approvals must be given by relevant
authority or supervision regulator before the assets can be sold. Prior to the assets initially
classified as held for sale or disposal group, the carrying amounts of the asset (or all the assets
and liabilities in the disposal group) shall be measured in accordance with applicable
accounting standards. The Company shall recognize an impairment loss and account it in to
income statement for the current period, for any initial or subsequent write- down of the asset
(or disposal group) to its fair value less costs to sell if the carrying amount is higher than its
fair value less costs to sell. In the meantime, provision for assets impairment shall be made.

(2) The Company acquires a non-current asset(or disposal group) exclusively with a view
to its subsequent resale, it shall be classified as held for sale at the acquisition date only if the
condition of “expected sale can be completed within one year” can be met and also other
conditions of classified as held for sale can highly probably be met within a short period
following the acquisition(usually with three months). When measuring a newly acquired asset
(or disposal group) meeting the criteria to be classified as held for sale, it shall be measured at
the lower of its carrying amount had it not been so classified and fair value less costs to sell.
Except the non-current assets or disposal group acquired as part of a business combination,
the difference between its fair value less costs to sale and initial carrying amount is
recognized in the income statement.

(3) The Company that loss of control of a subsidiary due to a sale plan of its investment
shall classify its subsidiary planned for sale as a whole as held for sale in the single financial
statement of the parent only if the investment in subsidiary meets the criteria of held for sale,
regardless of whether the Company will retain a proportion of equity interest in its former
subsidiary after sale, and classify all assets and liabilities of the subsidiary as held for sale in
the consolidated financial statements

(4) The Company shall recognize a gain for any subsequent increase in fair value less
costs to sell of an asset and shall reverse the impairment to the extent that previously
recognized when being classified as held for sale, the revisable amount is recognized in the
income statement for the period. Any impairment from the period when the assets are not
classified as held for sale cannot be reversed.

(5) The impairment loss recognized for a disposal group shall reduce the carrying amount
of goodwill of disposal group first, and then reduce the carrying amount of the non-current
assets based on its proportion on the book.

(6)The Company shall recognize a gain for any subsequent increase in fair value less costs

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  to sell of a disposal group and shall reverse the impairment to the extent that previously
  recognized when being classified as held for sale, in accordance with applicable measuring
  standards, the revisable amount is recognized in the income statement for the period. Any
  impairment from the period when the assets are not classified as held for sale and reduced
  goodwill cannot be reversed.

  (7)For any subsequently reversed amount, after the impairment loss is recognized for held
  for sale disposal group, the Company shall increase the carrying amount of disposal group
  based on the proportion of carrying amount of non-current assets excluding goodwill.

  (8) Non-current assets classified as held for sale or disposal group shall not be depreciated
  or amortized, interest and other expenses attributable to the liabilities of a disposal group
  classified as held for sale shall continue to be recognized.

  (9) When held for sale assets or disposal group cannot meet the criteria for held for sale
  classification so that they are not recognized as held for sale or non-current asset will be
  removed from disposal group, they shall be measured at the lower of the following amounts:
  ⑴carrying amount of assets prior to it classified as held for sale, which is the amount after
  depreciation, amortization or impairment adjustment as it had not been classified as held for
  sale ; ⑵recoverable amount.

  (10)When the Company derecognizes the held for sale assets or disposal group, the
remaining unrecognized gain or loss shall be accounted in the income statement.

  37. Discontinued operation

  When meeting any one of the following criteria, the component can be identified separately
  and the component has already been disposed off or classified as held for sale: (1) the
  component represents one independent main business or one single main business area; (2)
  the component plans to be part of the related plan which represents one independent main
  business or one single main business area; (3) the component was specially acquired for

  38. Other significant accounting policies, accounting estimates

  When preparing the financial statements, the management needs to use accounting estimate
  and assumption, which will have effect on the application of accounting policy and amount of
  asset, liability, income and expense. The actual circumstance maybe differs from the estimates.
  The management needs to continuously assess the key assumption involved by estimate and
  the judgment on uncertainty. Effect on the accounting estimate shall be recognized during the
  period when estimate is changed and in future.

  The following accounting estimate and key assumption will trigger the significant risk of
  significant adjustment on the book value of asset and liability during the period of future.

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(1) Impairment of financial instrument

The Company uses expected credit loss model to assess any impairment of financial asset.
When applying expected credit loss model, the Company shall take all necessary factors into
account as requested such as significant judgment, estimate and all reasonable and
supportable information including forward looking information. Repayment history in
conjunction with economic policy, macro environment ratio, industry and sector risk etc shall
also be considered when judging expected change of debtor’s credit risk.

(2) Provision of inventory impairment

Inventory is periodically evaluated at the net realizable value and any cost higher than NRV
shall be recognized as inventory impairment loss. When evaluating the NRV, net realizable
value is determined by deducting the expected selling expense and relative tax from the
estimated selling price. When actual selling price or cost differs from the previous estimates,
management will make adjustment on NRV. Therefore, the results based on the present
experience may differ from the actual results, which caused the adjustment on the carrying
amount of inventory in the book. Provision for inventory impairment may vary with the
above reasons. Any adjustment on provision for inventory impairment will affect the income

(3) Provision of goodwill impairment

Each year, goodwill shall be assessed for any impairment. Recoverable amount of assets
group or asset portfolio including goodwill shall be the present value of future cash flow,
which needs estimates for calculation.

If management adjust the gross profit margin adopted by the present value of future cash flow
calculation of assets group or asset portfolio, adjusted gross profit margin is lower than the
margin applied, the impairment is required.

If management adjust the discounting rate before tax applied by the present value of future
cash flow calculation of assets group or asset portfolio, adjusted discounting rate before tax is
higher than the rate applied, the impairment is required.

If actual profit margin or discounting rate before tax is higher or lower than management’s
estimate, any impairment recognized before cannot be reversed.

(4) Provision of fixed asset impairment

At the balance sheet date, the management shall implement impairment test on buildings,
plant and machinery etc which has any impairment indicator. The recoverable amount of FA
is the higher of PV of future cash flow and net value of fair value after disposal cost, the
calculation needs accounting estimate.

If management adjust the gross profit margin adopted by the present value of future cash flow

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  calculation of assets group or asset portfolio, adjusted gross profit margin is lower than the
  margin applied, the impairment is required.

  If management adjust the discounting rate before tax applied by the present value of future
  cash flow calculation of assets group or asset portfolio, adjusted discounting rate before tax is
  higher than the rate applied, the impairment is required.

  If actual profit margin or discounting rate before tax is higher or lower than management’s
  estimate, any impairment recognized before cannot be reversed.

  (5) Recognition of deferred tax assets

  Estimate on deferred tax assets needs making estimation of taxable income and applied tax
  rate in the following years in future. Whether deferred tax asset can be realized depends on
  the enough probable taxable profit obtained in future. Tax rate change in future and the timing
  of temporary difference reverse may also affect the income tax expense(income)and the
  balance of deferred tax. Any change of estimate described here will cause the deferred tax

  39. Changes in Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates

  (1)       Change in significant accounting policies

Changes on accounting policy and reasons                           Approval progress        Memo
On December 7th, 2018, the Ministry of Finance announced
amendment to “No.21-Lease of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises"(No35 Caikuai [2018]) (hereinafter
referred to as “new lease standard”). Since January 1, 2019,
the new lease standard took effect for either the company both The accounting policy
listed in overseas and domestic or IFRS or Accounting change has been
Standards for Business Enterprises adoption of the company approved by the 18 Note
listed overseas. The rest of domestic listed companies shall meeting of the 8
adopt the standard since January 1, 2021. When preparing the generation of board.
financial statements for 2021FY, the policy has been adopted
and the accounting has been done in accordance with this

Note. New lease standard

New standard took effect since January 1, 2021. New standard improves the lease definition,
add lease identification, split or merge; withdraw the classification for operating lease and
finance lease, requesting to recognize right-of-use asset and lease obligation for all lease apart
from short-term lease and low value asset lease, at the lease inception date. Improve the

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   subsequent measurement of lease as a lessor, add accounting and disclosure request for lease
   modification and reassessment of buy option. Lease recognition and measurement as a lessor
   and lessee under new lease standard is referred to No.35 of accounting policy of this Note.

   Any existing contract prior to the beginning of the first adoption year, shall not be reassessed by
   the Company for lease or contained lease on the first adoption date.

   The Company adjusts the opening figure of retain earnings and relevant other items in the
   statements for cumulative effect on new lease standard first adoption without adjustment of
   comparative figures. Operating lease before first adoption date shall be measured for lease
   obligation based on the PV of remaining lease payment at incremental borrowing rate on the
   first adoption date and for all leases, right-of-use asset shall be adjusted for lease prepayment in
   line with the lease obligation amount.

   Lease modification or lease contract signed after first adoption date, at inception of a contract,
   the entity shall assess whether the contract is, or contains, a lease in accordance with new lease
   standard. A contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of
   an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. New lease standard has no
   significant effect on the lease contract scope within the defined lease contract.

   New lease standard adoption effect on opening balance of balance sheet

            Consolidated balance sheet

                                                                   Effect on new
       Effected Items               December 31st,2020                                 January 1st,2021
                                                                 standard adoption

Fixed asset                              891,147,058.82              -24,948,202.78        866,198,856.04
Right-of-use asset                                       -            27,449,505.03         27,449,505.03
Non- current liability due
                                          37,157,126.41                1,340,825.77         38,497,952.18
within one year
Lease obligation                                         -            13,818,476.46         13,818,476.46
Long-term payable                         14,622,463.75              -12,657,999.98           1,964,463.77

            Balance sheet of parent company

                                                                   Effect on new
           Effected Items            December 31st,2020                                January 1st,2021
                                                                 standard adoption

Right-of-use asset                                           -         1,775,041.11           1,775,041.11
Non- current liability due within
                                            25,000,034.00                986,385.93         25,986,419.93
one year
                                                  103 / 188
                                                                  Effect on new
        Effected Items               December 31st,2020                                January 1st,2021
                                                                standard adoption

Lease obligation                                            -          788,655.18               788,655.18

     (2)          Changes in significant accounting estimates


   V. Taxation

    1. The main applicable tax and rate to the Company as follows:

                 Tax                          Tax base                            Tax rate
   Value-added tax (VAT)           Sales revenue or Purchase                6%、9%、13%、
   City construction tax           Value-added tax payables                         7%
   Education surcharge             Value-added tax payables                         3%
   Local education surcharge       Value-added tax payables                         2%
   Enterprise income tax(EIT)      Current period taxable profit                15% or 25%
                                   70% of cost of own property
   Real estate tax                 or revenue from leasing                     1.2% or 12%
   Land use tax                    Land using right area              Fixed amount per square meter
                                                                         According to the relevant
   Other tax
                                                                      provisions of the state and local

   Notes for tax entities with different EIT rate

   Tax entities                                                                          EIT rate
   Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co. ,Ltd                              15%
   Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering Co., Ltd.                                               25%
   Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd.                                                     25%
   Dalian Bingshan Air-conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd.                                      15%
   Dalian Bingshan JiaDe Automation Co., Ltd.                                                15%
   Dalian Bingshan Lingshe Quick Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.                                25%
   Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd.                                        15%
   Bingshan Technical Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd.                                           15%
   Dalian Bingshan International Trading Co. ,Ltd                                            25%
   Dalian Niweisi LengNuan Techonoligy Co., Ltd.                                             15%
   Dalian Xinminghua Electrical Technology Co., Ltd                                          15%
   Ningbo Bingshan Air-conditioning Refrigeration Engineering Co., Ltd                       25%
   Chengdu Bingshan Refrigeration Engineering Co., Ltd.                                      25%

                                                    104 / 188
Tax entities                                                                        EIT rate
Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co. ,Ltd                          15%
Wuhan New World Air-conditioning Refrigeration Engineering Co., Ltd                   25%
Wuhan Lanning Energy Technology Co., Ltd                                              25%

 2. Tax preference

 The Company obtained the qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 3rd
 December, 2020 approved by Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau,
 Dalian State Tax Bureau and Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202021200646, and
 the validity duration is three years. According to the tax law, the Company can be granted for
 the preferential tax policy of enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

 The Company’s subsidiary, Dalian Bingshan Air-conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd. obtained
 the qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 3rd December, 2020 approved by
 Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and
 Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202021200672, and the validity duration is three
 years. According to the tax law, the Company can be granted for the preferential tax policy of
 enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

 The Company’s subsidiary, Dalian Bingshan JiaDe Automation Co., Ltd. obtained the
 qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 15th December, 2021 approved by
 Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and
 Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202121200765, and the validity duration is three
 years. According to the tax law, the Company can be granted for the preferential tax policy of
 enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

 The Company’s subsidiary, Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd obtained the
 qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 15th November, 2021 approved by
 Hubei Science Technology Bureau, Hubei Finance Bureau, Hubei State Tax Bureau and Hubei
 Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202142001696, and the validity duration is three
 years. According to the tax law, the Company can be granted for the preferential tax policy of
 enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

 The Company’s subsidiary, Bingshan Technical Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd. obtained the
 qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 3rd December, 2020 approved by
 Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and
 Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202021200540, and the validity duration is three
 years. According to the tax law, the Company can be granted for the preferential tax policy of
 enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

 The Company’s subsidiary, Dalian Niweisi LengNuan Techonoligy Co., Ltd. obtained the
 qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 3rd December, 2020 approved by

                                              105 / 188
 Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and
 Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202021200570, and the validity duration is three
 years. According to the tax law, the Company can be granted for the preferential tax policy of
 enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

 The Company’s subsidiary, Dalian Xinminghua Electrical Technology Co., Ltd obtained the
 qualification of high and new technology enterprises on 3rd December, 2020 approved by
 Dalian Science Technology Bureau, Dalian Finance Bureau, Dalian State Tax Bureau and
 Local tax Bureau. The Certificate No. is GR202021200699, and the validity duration is three
 years. According to the tax law, the Company can be granted for the preferential tax policy of
 enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

VI. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

 The following disclosure date on this financial statement without special indication, “opening”
 refers to January 1, 2021; “closing” refers to December 31, 2021; “current period” refers to the
 period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021; and “last period” refers to the period from
 January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020; with the currency unit RMB.

  1. Cash and cash in bank

Item                                                  Closing Balance          Opening Balance
Cash on hand                                                    99,580.64                154,668.54
Cash in bank                                               443,177,237.30           316,921,397.57
Other cash and cash equivalents                              79,381,687.85           56,369,665.56
Total                                                      522,658,505.79           373,445,731.67
  Including: sum of deposits overseas

Note: Other cash and cash equivalents is restricted, including deposit for bank acceptance notes
of 64,672,285.64 Yuan, guarantee deposit of 14,438,026.76Yuan, peasant worker deposit of
271,375.45Yuan, and frozen amount of 4,307,480.07 Yuan by the bank due to litigation total of

  2. Notes receivable
  (1) Category of notes receivable
Items                                             Closing Balance             Opening Balance
Bank acceptance notes                                     163,956,682.86            109,424,884.35
Trade acceptance notes                                      2,473,682.88             29,696,153.43
Total                                                     166,430,365.74            139,121,037.78
  (2) Pledged notes receivable up to the end of year.

Items                                                            Closing pledged amount
Bank acceptance notes                                                                  6,420,000.00
                                              106 / 188
Total                                                                                          6,420,000.00

  (3) Notes receivable endorsed or discounted but not mature at the end of year

Item                                Closing amount no more                  Closing amount still
                                           recognized                                recognized
Bank acceptance notes                                                                        148,851,791.08
Trade acceptance notes                                                                           220,000.00
Total                                                                                        149,071,791.08

  (4) There is no transfer to receivable as the drawer’s default of performance of obligation

  (5) Categories according to bad debts provision

                                                     Closing Balance
         Items             Booking balance                    Provision
                                                                                              Booking value
                           Amount            %             Amount                  %
Bad debts
provision based on       166,617,129.06   100.00             186,763.32        0.11            166,430,365.74
Including: bank
                         163,956,682.86    98.40                        -               -      163,956,682.86
acceptance notes
Trade acceptance
                           2,660,446.20      1.60            186,763.32              7.02        2,473,682.88
         Total           166,617,129.06   100.00             186,763.32              0.11      166,430,365.74


                                                    Opening balance
        Items              Booking balance                  Provision
                                                                                            Booking value
                           Amount            %           Amount              %
Bad debts
provision based on       141,363,100.56 100.00           2,242,062.78       1.59             139,121,037.78
Including: bank
                         109,424,884.35    77.41                    -            -           109,424,884.35
acceptance notes
Trade acceptance
                          31,938,216.21    22.59         2,242,062.78       7.02              29,696,153.43
         Total           141,363,100.56 100.00           2,242,062.78       1.59             139,121,037.78

  Categories based on group

                                                           Closing Balance
                                   Booking balance            Provision                Provision(%)
                                             107 / 188
                                                             Closing Balance
                                    Booking balance              Provision         Provision(%)
 Trade acceptance notes                    2,660,446.20            186,763.32             7.02
 Total                                     2,660,446.20            186,763.32              —

  (6) Bad debt provision of notes receivable accrued, collected and reversed

                  Opening                   Change during the year                          Closing
                  balance        Accrued        Collected/reversed Written-off              Balance
Bad debt
                 2,242,062.78               -            2,055,299.46              -        186,763.32
Total            2,242,062.78               -            2,055,299.46              -        186,763.32

  (7) Notes receivable written off: none

  3. Accounts receivable

    (1) Category of accounts receivable

                                                         Closing Balance
         Items              Booking balance                      Provision
                                                                                         Booking value
                            Amount              %            Amount            %
receivable with
                                       -            -                      -       -                     -
individual amount
and separate bad
debt provision
receivable with bad
debt provision
                        1,193,312,546.52    100.00          371,763,867.67     31.15      821,548,678.85
based on the
characters of credit
risk portfolio
Including: aging as
characteristics of      1,193,312,546.52    100.00          371,763,867.67     31.15      821,548,678.85
credit risk
         Total          1,193,312,546.52    100.00          371,763,867.67     31.15      821,548,678.85


                                                        Opening balance
                            Booking balance                    Provision               Booking value

                                                108 / 188
                                 Amount           %           Amount          %
receivable with
                                 9,375,092.34     0.85         262,313.88     2.80          9,112,778.46
individual amount
and separate bad
debt provision
receivable with bad
debt provision
                            1,089,352,275.04     99.15    281,453,097.75    25.84        807,899,177.29
based on the
characters of credit
risk portfolio
Including: aging as
characteristics of          1,089,352,275.04     99.15    281,453,097.75    25.84        807,899,177.29
credit risk
       Total                1,098,727,367.38    100.00    281,715,411.63    25.64         817,011,955.75

  1) Accounts receivable with the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method

                                                               Closing Balance
                Aging                       Accounts            Provision for        Drawing proportion
                                            receivable            bad debts                 (%)
         Within 1 year                     523,064,082.35         36,719,098.59             7.02
           1 to 2 years                    173,592,528.16         29,059,389.21            16.74
           2 to 3 years                     90,996,620.72         28,054,258.17            30.83
           3 to 4 years                    172,830,349.33         85,257,211.32            49.33
              4 to 5years                  144,183,323.44        104,028,267.86            72.15
          Over 5 years                      88,645,642.52         88,645,642.52           100.00
                 Total                    1,193,312,546.52       371,763,867.67             —

  (2) Receivable listed by aging

                     Aging                                          Closing Balance
                 Within 1 year                                                           523,064,082.35
                  1 to 2 years                                                           173,592,528.16
                  2 to 3 years                                                            90,996,620.72
                  3 to 4 years                                                           172,830,349.33
                  4 to 5years                                                            144,183,323.44
                 Over 5 years                                                             88,645,642.52

                                                  109 / 188
                        Total                                                         1,193,312,546.52

      (3)Bad debt provision of current period

                                              Change during the year
                      Opening                                                              Closing
    Category                            Accrued       Collected/
                      balance                                         Written-off          Balance
    Bad debt
                281,715,411.63        98,150,920.76   276,589.05       7,825,875.67     371,763,867.67
    Total        281,715,411.63       98,150,920.76   276,589.05       7,825,875.67     371,763,867.67

      (4) Accounts receivable written off in current period

    Item                                                              Written off amount
    Receivable actually written off                                                        7,825,875.67

     Key debtors written off

Company name                     Nature        amount            reason                           party
Beijing Bingshan                                                litigation
Refrigeration and Air             Trade                                         Board
                                                805,309.06       expired                             No
Conditioning Equipment          receivable                                      meeting
Co., Ltd
Yingkou Shenzhen-Hong             Trade                         litigation      Board
                                                667,528.00                                           No
Kong Co. LTD                    receivable                       expired        meeting
Singapore JX
INSULATION                        Trade                         litigation      Board
                                                571,170.91                                           No
ENGINEERING PTE                 receivable                       expired        meeting
Jiangxi Saiwei LDK Solar          Trade                         litigation      Board
                                                475,621.94                                           No
Polysilicon Co., LTD            receivable                       expired        meeting
Zengyi E-business                 Trade                         litigation      Board
                                                288,056.88                                           No
(Wuhan) Co., Ltd                receivable                       expired        meeting
                                                              court judged,
Xinjiang Sanhai                                               client has no
                                  Trade                                         Board
Preservation Garden Co.                         285,000.00                                           No
                                receivable                    enforceable       meeting
Shandong Linjia Chemical          Trade                          contract       Internal
                                                268,034.19                                           No
Technology Co., LTD             receivable                    termination       approval
Qinghai Taifeng Xianxing
                                  Trade                         litigation      Board
Lithium Energy                                  260,000.00                                           No
                                receivable                       expired        meeting
Technology Co. LTD

Dalian Xinghai Bay                                               project
                                  Trade                                         Board
Development &                                   248,693.00    disband, no                            No
                                receivable                                      meeting
Construction Center
                                                              money to pay

                                                  110 / 188
Company name                    Nature         amount                   reason                                  party
                                                                     court judged,
Dalian Xuelong Industry         Trade                                client has no           Board
                                               231,600.00                                                        No
Group Co. Ltd                 receivable                             enforceable             meeting

Dazhou City Fuxing
                                Trade                                  litigation            Board
Market Development Co.                         200,000.00                                                        No
                              receivable                                expired              meeting
Total                             —          4,301,013.98                —                   —                —

        (5) The top five significant accounts receivable categorized by debtors

                                                                                    % of the
   Company                       Closing Balance           Aging                                       Balance of
                                                                                    total AR
   State Grid Intergrated
   Energy Service Group             43,253,684.30       Within 1 year                 3.62              3,036,408.64
   Panasonic Cold-chain
                                    37,390,849.92       Within 1 year                 3.13              2,624,837.66
   (Dalian) Co., Ltd
   Xinyi Yuanda
                                                         3-4 years
   Construction and
                                    32,748,744.00        4-5 years                    2.74             25,281,907.38
   Installation Engineering
                                                         over 5years
   Co., Ltd.
   Qingchengxian Zhongyi
                                    24,375,000.00         1-2 years                   2.04              4,080,375.00
   Energy Co.,Ltd
   Dalian Xinghai Bay
                                                          4-5 years
   Development &                    24,020,836.00                                     2.01             18,577,302.85
                                                         over 5years
   Construction Center
   Total                           161,789,114.22                -                   13.54             53,600,831.53

   4. Finance receivable

               Items                    Closing Balance                             Opening Balance
     Notes receivable                           43,704,310.38                                       61,737,282.56
               Total                            43,704,310.38                                       61,737,282.56

   5. Prepayments

         (1) Aging of prepayments

                                       Closing Balance                                Opening Balance
   Items                        Amount              Percentage                   Amount                Percentage
                                                        (%)                                               (%)
   Within 1 year              146,457,045.63                    80.16       111,133,100.83                      71.93
   1 to 2 years                16,304,629.82                     8.92          24,880,404.77                    16.11
                                                    111 / 188
2 to 3 years              12,765,104.33                  6.99       9,313,439.77                  6.03
Over 3 years               7,174,623.77                  3.93       9,154,563.98                  5.93
Total                    182,701,403.55              100.00       154,481,509.35               100.00

  Significant prepayments over 1 year

Company                              Closing Balance             Aging           Unsettled Reasons
Dalian Hengtong Refrigeration                                   2-3 years        Contract is not fully
Equipment engineering Co., Ltd             5,720,000.00
                                                                3-4 years           implemented
                                                            Within 1 year
Dalian Shengda Construciton                                                      Contract is not fully
                                           3,878,617.15         1-2 years
Enginering Co., Ltd                                                                 implemented
                                                                2-3 years
PT MULTI SUKSES                                             Within 1 year        Contract is not fully
ENGINEERING                                                     1-2 years           implemented
Shanghai POMA Automation                                                         Contract is not fully
                                           2,090,625.02     Over 5 years
Equipment Co., Ltd                                                                  implemented
Nanjing Bingshan Mechanical                                                      Contract is not fully
                                           1,785,408.00         1-2 years
and Electrical Co.,Ltd                                                              implemented
Total                                     16,012,471.50            —                     —

   (2) The top five significant advances to suppliers categorized by debtors

                                                                                      % of the total
Company                                                                 Aging          advances to
Shenyang Baogang Northeast
Trading Co., Ltd                              15,480,717.06       Within 1year             8.47
Dalian Shentong Electric Co., Ltd.            15,019,165.34       Within 1year             8.22
Angang Steel Company Ltd                       5,858,716.72       Within 1year             3.21
Dalian Hengtong Refrigeration                                        2-3 years
Equipment engineering Co., Ltd                 5,720,000.00                                3.13
                                                                    3-4 years
Shanghai Qingneng Cold Chain Equi
pment Engineering Co., LTD                     4,270,859.96       Within 1year             2.34

Total                                         46,349,459.08               -               25.37

  6. Other receivables

         Items                   Closing Balance                         Opening Balance
 Interest receivable                                                                       46,879.68
 Dividend receivable                        1,003,568.75                                   25,923.75
 Other receivables                         59,336,527.70                              67,454,373.43
          Total                            60,340,096.45                              67,527,176.86

                                             112 / 188
    6.1 Interest receivable

    (1) Classification

 Items                                         Closing Balance                      Opening Balance
 Interest on term deposits                                                                     46,879.68
 Total                                                                                         46,879.68

    6.2. Dividends receivable

    (1) Classification

 Company                                          Closing Balance                   Opening Balance
 Guotai Junan Securities                                       952,000.00                               -
 Wuhan Steel and Electricity Co., Ltd.                          51,568.75                      25,923.75
 Total                                                        1,003,568.75                     25,923.75

    6.3. Other receivables

    (1) The categories of other receivable according to nature

 Items                                         Closing Balance                      Opening Balance
 Deposits                                                26,933,345.60                      26,232,362.26
 Petty cash                                                   5,654,074.94                   5,325,764.44
 Receivables and payables                                36,138,235.04                      47,714,138.78
 Others                                                       1,609,350.55                   1,619,770.46
 Total                                                   70,335,006.13                      80,892,035.94

    (2) The bad debt provision of other receivables

                       1st stage          2nd stage                   3rd stage
                                      Expected credit
   Bad debt         Expected credit                              Expected credit loss
                                       loss within the                                         Total
   provision         loss within 12                            within the whole period
                                      whole period (no
                        months                                  (impairment incurred)
Opening                                                  -                              -
                      13,437,662.51                                                           13,437,662.51
balance during            —                 —                          —                     —
the year
--transfer to the
2nd stage
--transfer to the                                                                                       -
                       3,276,389.66                      -                   3,276,389.66
3rd stage

                                                  113 / 188
                         1st stage                2nd stage                  3rd stage
                                              Expected credit
   Bad debt           Expected credit                                   Expected credit loss
                                               loss within the                                           Total
   provision           loss within 12                                 within the whole period
                                              whole period (no
                          months                                       (impairment incurred)
--reverse to the
2nd stage
----reverse     to
the 1st stage
Accrued                                 -                        -                 893,557.46            893,557.46
Reverse                  1,001,325.54                            -                             -       1,001,325.54
Written off              2,331,416.00                            -                             -      2,331,416.00
                         6,828,531.31                            -               4,169,947.12         10,998,478.43

     (2) Other receivable listed by account aging

                                Aging                                Closing Balance

                           Within 1 year                                                        52,507,621.43
                            1-2 years                                                              4,641,078.98
                            2-3 years                                                              3,440,749.25
                            3-4 years                                                              3,349,594.88
                            4-5 years                                                              2,226,014.47
                          Over 5 years                                                             4,169,947.12
                                Total                                                           70,335,006.13

     (4) Provision for bad debt

                                                   Change during the year
Category                                    Accrued     Collected/rev                              Closing Balance
                      balance                                                Written-off
Bad debt
                     13,437,662.51                  -         107,768.08 2,331,416.00                  10,998,478.43
Total                13,437,662.51                  -         107,768.08 2,331,416.00                  10,998,478.43

    (5) Other receivables written off in current period: none.

                                                        114 / 188
                               Item                                    Amount to be written off

               Other receivables written off actually                                        2,331,416.00

        Key other receivable written off

Company name                 Nature             Amount               Reason                             party
                                                             Court judged, client
Dalian Lihua Coating       Receivable                                                  Internal
                                            1,650,000.00      has no enforceable                            No
Equipment                   &payable                                                   approval
Dalian Changde                                               Court judged, client
                           Receivable                                                  Internal
                                                677,416.00   has no enforceable                             No
Welding Co.,Ltd            &payable                                                    approval
Total                          —           2,327,416.00               —                  —               —

         (6) Other receivables from the top 5 debtors

                                                                                     % of           Closing
               Name                 Category                             Aging      the total     Balance of
                                                                                      OR           Provision
 Hangzhou Zhonghong Ne
                                                                        Within 1
 w Energy                             Refund         28,895,000.00                   41.08         1,204,921.50
                                                                        Within 1
 PICC Dalian Branch                 Compensation      5,000,000.00                    7.11          208,500.00
 Agriculture Bureau of Moyu                                             1-2years
                                      Deposit         2,548,847.50                    3.62          577,236.44
 County                                                                 2-3 years
 Cangzhou Lingang Renguo                                                Within 1
                                      Deposit         2,000,000.00                    2.84            83,400.00
 Chemical Co., LTD                                                        year
 Dalian DETA Hong Kong
                                      Deposit         1,125,000.00      3-4 years     1.60         1,125,000.00
 &China Gas Co.,Ltd
 Total                                               39,568,847.50          -        56.25         3,199,057.94

         (7) Other receivables from government grant: none

         7. Inventories

         (1) Categories of inventories

                                                                  Closing Balance
                                      Book value         Provision for decline          Net book value
   Raw materials                     166,815,875.73                  4,570,316.95             162,245,558.78
   Working in progress               171,554,710.97                  1,929,842.21             169,624,868.76
   Finished goods                    300,140,274.98                 29,448,083.12             270,692,191.86

                                                      115 / 188
                                                              Closing Balance
                                    Book value        Provision for decline           Net book value
Low-value consumable                     51,817.59                            -                 51,817.59
semi-finished products               30,747,861.83                            -             30,747,861.83
Cost to fulfill the
contract                            295,750,380.56               11,185,200.11             284,565,180.45
Materials on
consignment for further                887,585.94                             -                887,585.94
Goods in transit                     86,049,156.11                            -             86,049,156.11
Properties written off
debtors                              14,866,010.00                5,203,103.50                9,662,906.50
          Total                 1,066,863,673.71                 52,336,545.89            1,014,527,127.82


                                                              Opening Balance
                                    Book value        Provision for decline           Net book value
Raw materials                       103,332,663.42                1,064,716.71             102,267,946.71
Working in progress                 117,243,035.94                1,929,842.21             115,313,193.73
Finished goods                      244,721,287.34                2,528,193.70             242,193,093.64
Low-value consumable                   171,759.42                                              171,759.42
semi-finished products               28,814,287.69                                          28,814,287.69
Cost to fulfill the
contract                            193,840,972.71                                         193,840,972.71
Materials on
consignment for further                480,473.35                                              480,473.35
Goods in transit                     33,573,632.23                                          33,573,632.23
Properties written off
debtors                              20,206,542.00                5,203,103.50              15,003,438.50
          Total                     742,384,654.10               10,725,856.12             731,658,797.98

   (2) Provision for decline in the value of inventories

                                       Increase                   Decrease
                     Opening                                                                  Closing
   Item                                                 Reverse/          Others
                     Balance            Accrual                                               Balance
                                                       Written- off     transferred
                     1,064,716.71      3,619,173.37      113,573.13                   -       4,570,316.95
                     2,528,193.70     31,526,166.74    4,606,277.32                   -      29,448,083.12
Cost to
                                -     11,185,200.11                 -                 -      11,185,200.11
fulfill the
                                                  116 / 188
                                            Increase                    Decrease
                       Opening                                                                            Closing
        Item                                                    Reverse/          Others
                       Balance               Accrual                                                      Balance
                                                              Written- off      transferred
   WIP                1,929,842.21                        -                 -                 -           1,929,842.21
   written off        5,203,103.50                        -                 -                 -           5,203,103.50
        Total        10,725,856.12         46,330,540.22      4,719,850.45                    -          52,336,545.89

        Accrual for provision for decline in the value of inventories

                                        Basis for net realizable value
   Item                                                                         Reasons for reverse/write-off
   Raw materials                           The amount deducting the                     Sold within the year
  Finished goods                            expected cost to product                   Scrap within the year
                                        completion, selling expense and
   Completed constructing
                                        relative tax from the estimated                           ——
   projects unsettled
                                                    selling price.

        8. Contract asset

        (1) Details

                                 Closing Balance                                       Opening Balance
Item             Carrying                                              Carrying           provision          Book value
                                    Provision        Book value
                 amount                                                 amount
                125,891,499.90      16,031,841.11    109,859,658.79   104,165,706.10      12,735,694.50       91,430,011.60
Total           125,891,499.90      16,031,841.11    109,859,658.79   104,165,706.10      12,735,694.50       91,430,011.60

        (2) Provision for impairment

Item                             Accrued               Reverse              Collected/written off               Reason
Undue warranty                   3,296,146.61
Total                            3,296,146.61

        9. Noncurrent asset due within one year

       Item                                                     Closing Balance               Opening Balance
       Long term receivable due within 1 year                              14,990,989.30            42,003,576.60
       Total                                                               14,990,989.30            42,003,576.60

        10. Other current assets

                                                          117 / 188
 Item                                                  Closing Balance            Opening Balance
 Prepaid income tax presented at net amount
                                                                380,483.32                   390,518.40
 after offsetting
 VAT to be deducted                                        23,989,939.28              22,375,761.22
 Prepaid turnover tax                                                     -                    1,876.94
 Prepaid expenses                                               154,654.11                   445,934.88
 Total                                                     24,525,076.71              23,214,091.44

  11. Long term receivable

  (1) Details

Item                                                           Closing Balance
                                                                   Provision                Book value
Lease premium
---Unrealized financing income
Goods sold by installments
Services rendered by installments


Item                                                           Opening Balance
                                                                   Provision                Book value
Lease premium
---Unrealized financing income
Goods sold by installments              71,750,205.16                 5,882,231.91          65,867,973.25
Services rendered by installments
Total                                   71,750,205.16                 5,882,231.91          65,867,973.25

  (2) Provision for bad debt

                       1st stage           2nd stage                  3rd stage
                                      Expected credit loss       Expected credit loss
Bad         debt    Expected credit
                                       within the whole           within the whole              Total
provision           loss within 12
                                          period (no             period (impairment
                                         impairment)                  incurred)
                       9,218,793.44                        -                            -    9,218,793.44

                                              118 / 188
                        1st stage           2nd stage               3rd stage
                                       Expected credit loss    Expected credit loss
Bad           debt   Expected credit
                                        within the whole        within the whole             Total
provision            loss within 12
                                           period (no          period (impairment
                                          impairment)               incurred)
balance during
the year
--transfer to
the 2nd stage
--transfer to
the 3rd     stage
--reverse to the
2nd stage
----reverse     to
the 1st stage
Reverse                 4,636,661.13                       -                          -   4,636,661.13
Cancelation             3,430,522.73                       -                          -   3,430,522.73
Written off
                        1,151,609.58                       -                          -   1,151,609.58

Note:the difference between opening balance and closing balance of bad debt provision and
long-term receivable is the part of non-current asset due within one year.

                                               119 / 188
             12.Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                                              Provision for
                                                                                         Increase/Decrease                                                  Ending balance
                                                                      Gains and                                                        Provision
                        Beginning                                        losses          Adjustment                    Cash bonus         for
                         balance                                      recognized          of other      Change of       or profits    impairment
                                         Increased    Decreased                                                                                    Others
                                                                       under the        comprehensiv   other equity   announced to       of the
                                                                        equity            e income                        issue         current
                                                                        method                                                          period

Refrigeration           163,867,472.86               147,270,127.38    -14,994,567.44    -322,778.04                   1,280,000.00
(Dalian) Co., Ltd
Cold-Chain              205,987,069.49                                -112,859,182.84                                  2,797,849.22                           90,330,037.43
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Compressor              462,033,107.31                                  30,800,342.18                                 32,773,200.00                          460,060,249.49
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Dalian Honjo
Chemical Co., Ltd.
                          8,746,197.03                                    741,303.19                                    561,233.70                             8,926,266.52
Ocean Thermal
                         55,934,955.38                                   4,864,112.90                                  2,000,000.00                           58,799,068.28
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Beijing Huashang
Refrigeration and
                          2,121,951.69                                     17,990.49                                                                           2,139,942.18
Machinery Co.,
Dalian Fuji
Bingshan Vending        184,454,138.22                                 -35,798,123.47                                                                        148,656,014.75
Machine Co., Ltd.
MHI Bingshan
Refrigeration            14,891,119.67                                     32,684.20                                                                          14,923,803.87
(Dalian) Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                          120 / 188
                                                                                                                                                                                     Provision for
                                                                                             Increase/Decrease                                                    Ending balance
                                                                          Gains and                                                          Provision
                       Beginning                                             losses          Adjustment                      Cash bonus         for
                        balance                                           recognized          of other      Change of         or profits    impairment
                                         Increased        Decreased                                                                                      Others
                                                                           under the        comprehensiv   other equity     announced to       of the
                                                                            equity            e income                          issue         current
                                                                            method                                                            period
Dalian Bingshan
Group Huahuida
Financial Leasing
                                    -    44,046,635.07                        742,684.48                                                                            44,789,319.55
Co., Ltd
Dalian Fuji
Bingshan Vending
Machine Sales Co.,
                           43,546.35                                           -43,546.35                                                                                        -
Jiangsu Jingxue
                      203,208,828.97                                        14,646,669.36                  -16,123,970.29                                          201,731,528.04
Panasonic cold
Machine System         30,034,799.53                                         2,341,469.67                                    3,895,484.27                           28,480,784.93
(Dalian) Co., Ltd
Dalian Bingshan
Metal Technology      173,158,546.15                                        23,785,030.56                                   28,648,633.78                          168,294,942.93
Wuhan Sikafu
Power Control
Equipment Co.,
                        4,360,034.66                                           12,540.82                                                                             4,372,575.48
Total                1,508,841,767.31   44,046,635.07    147,270,127.38    -85,710,592.25    -322,778.04   -16,123,970.29   71,956,400.97                         1,231,504,533.45

                                                                                              121 / 188
13. Other non-current financial assets

Item                                          Closing Balance             Opening Balance
Financial assets classified as FVTPL                    261,410,664.61          239,304,098.83
Including: equity instruments                           261,410,664.61          239,304,098.83
Total                                                   261,410,664.61          239,304,098.83

14. Investment property

(1) Investment property measured as cost model
                   Item                                      Land-use-rights        Total
 I. Initial cost
 1. Opening balance                      232,232,862.29         26,094,438.38   258,327,300.67
 2. Increase                                             -                  -                -
 (1) Purchase                                            -                  -                -
 (2) Transferred from fixed assets                       -                  -                -
 3. Decrease                               1,638,372.22                     -     1,638,372.22
 (1) Disposal                              1,638,372.22                     -     1,638,372.22
 (2)Transferred to other                                 -                  -                -
 4. Closing Balance                      230,594,490.07         26,094,438.38   256,688,928.45
 II. Accumulated depreciation
 1. Opening balance                      120,254,007.46         11,784,815.29   132,038,822.75
 2. Increase                               4,964,628.38            521,888.76     5,486,517.14
 (1)Provision or amortization              4,964,628.38            521,888.76     5,486,517.14
 (2) Acquired from business
 combination                                             -                  -                -
 3. Decrease                               1,589,221.05                     -     1,589,221.05
 (1) Disposal                              1,589,221.05                     -     1,589,221.05
 (2) Transferred to other                                -                  -                -
 4. Closing balance                      123,629,414.79         12,306,704.05   135,936,118.84
 III. Impairment reserve
 1. Opening balance                                      -                  -                -
 2. Increase                                             -                  -                -
 (1)Provision or amortization                            -                  -                -
 3. Decrease                                             -                  -                -
 (1) Disposal                                            -                  -                -

                                            122 / 188
                     Item                                                 Land-use-rights               Total
 (2) Transferred to other                                            -                      -                       -
 4. Closing balance                                                  -                      -                       -
 IV. Book value
 1. Closing book value                            106,965,075.28             13,787,734.33          120,752,809.61
 2. Opening book value                             111,978,854.83            14,309,623.09          126,288,477.92

   15. Fixed assets

Items                                            Closing Book Value                  Opening Book Value
Fixed asset                                                  855,395,405.85                         866,198,856.04
Fixed asset disposal                                                          -                                     -
Total                                                        855,395,405.85                         866,198,856.04

   (1) Fixed assets detail

                         Property&           Machinery       Transportation         Other
Item                                                                              equipment               Total
                            buildings        equipment       equipment

I. Initial cost

1.Opening balance       681,009,688.70      598,423,183.53      13,816,050.64     67,611,429.29      1,360,860,352.16

2. Increase              14,334,194.44       37,939,787.74          731,097.72     1,432,195.72        54,437,275.62

(1) Purchase                4,923,745.23     20,134,853.79          731,097.72     1,413,883.28        27,203,580.02

(2) Transferred
                            9,410,449.21     17,804,933.95                    -      18,312.44         27,233,695.60


(3) Acquired from

business                                -                -                    -                 -                   -


3. Decrease                                  19,109,659.24         1,632,948.89    7,507,883.83        28,250,491.96

(1) Disposal                                 19,109,659.24         1,632,948.89    7,507,883.83        28,250,491.96

(2) Transferred to
                                        -                -                    -                 -                   -

(3)Acquired from

business                                -                -                    -                 -                   -


4.Closing balance       695,343,883.14      617,253,312.03      12,914,199.47     61,535,741.18      1,387,047,135.82

                                                       123 / 188
                      Property&        Machinery       Transportation         Other
Item                                                                        equipment           Total
                      buildings        equipment       equipment

II. Accumulated


1.Opening balance    110,559,657.19   321,922,328.23         9,532,630.58   52,129,560.62    494,144,176.62
2. Increase           20,785,743.79    36,857,989.35          749,782.79     5,191,605.31     63,585,121.24
(1)Accrued            20,785,743.79    36,857,989.35          749,782.79     5,191,605.31     63,585,121.24
(2)Acquired from


combination                       -                -                    -               -                 -
3. Decrease                            17,718,578.63         1,475,972.81    7,158,775.99     26,353,327.43
(1) Disposal                           17,718,578.63         1,475,972.81    7,158,775.99     26,353,327.43
(2) Transferred to

other                             -                -                    -               -                 -
(3)Acquired from


combination                       -                -                    -               -                 -
4.Closing balance    131,345,400.98   341,061,738.95         8,806,440.56   50,162,389.94    531,375,970.43
III. Impairment


1.Opening balance                        517,319.50                                             517,319.50
2. Increase                       -                -                    -               -                 -
(1)Accrued                        -                -                    -               -                 -
3. Decrease                       -      241,559.96                     -               -       241,559.96
(1) Disposal                      -      241,559.96                     -               -       241,559.96
4.Closing balance                 -      275,759.54                     -               -       275,759.54
IV.Book value

1.Closing book
                     563,998,482.16   275,915,813.54         4,107,758.91   11,373,351.24    855,395,405.85

2.Opening book
                     570,450,031.51   275,983,535.80         4,283,420.06   15,481,868.67    866,198,856.04

  (2) Temporarily idle fixed assets: none.

  (3) Fixed assets leased out under operating lease: none.

   16. Construction-in-progress

Item                                       Closing book value                  Opening book value
Construction-in-progress                               38,974,478.45                        34,254,599.42
                                                 124 / 188
         Construction materials                                               -
         Total                                                  38,974,478.45                    34,254,599.42

            (1) Construction-in-progress details

                                  Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                    Book balance      Provision      Book Value            Book balance    Provision      Book value
Buildings &
                     2,457,434.83             -      2,457,434.83           3,628,913.65                   3,628,913.65
Improvement of
                    26,282,497.83             -     26,282,497.83           3,724,069.06                   3,724,069.06
Software of
intelligent          1,069,880.60             -      1,069,880.60           1,843,202.03                   1,843,202.03
project of
pressure energy                   -           -                       -    15,893,749.49                  15,893,749.49
in natural gas
Financing lease
                     9,164,665.19             -      9,164,665.19           9,164,665.19                   9,164,665.19
Total               38,974,478.45             -     38,974,478.45          34,254,599.42                  34,254,599.42

            (2) Change in the significant construction in progress

                       Opening                                Transfer to                               Closing
       Name                               Increase                                     Other
                        balance                             FA/ Intangible                              balance
   Buildings &
   reconstruction      3,628,913.65     10,112,439.62             9,410,449.21                   -      4,330,904.06
   of machinery        3,724,069.06     22,394,788.54             1,709,829.00                   -     24,409,028.60
   Software of
   intelligent         1,843,202.03         83,185.83                 856,507.26                 -      1,069,880.60
   project of
   energy in          15,893,749.49        219,667.90            16,113,417.39                   -                 -
   natural gas
   lease item          9,164,665.19                   -                           -              -      9,164,665.19
         Total        34,254,599.42     32,810,081.89            28,090,202.86                   -     38,974,478.45


                                                          125 / 188
                                                       Progress                             Including:
                                       Percent of
                                                          of             Accumulated       accumulated             Interest
                                      investment                                                                                 Source of
  Name             Budget                            construction         capitalized       capitalized         capitalization
                                        against                                                                                    funds
                                                                            interest      interest of the         rate(%)
Buildings &
reconstructi     15,241,000.00          28.42            28.42
on                                                                                                                               financing
nt of            50,358,032.00          48.47            48.47
machinery                                                                                                                        financing
Software of
intelligent       3,330,750.00          32.12            32.12
manufacture                                                                                                                      financing
project of
pressure                                                                                                                            Self
energy in        19,614,500.00          100.00          100.00
natural gas
                 15,020,000.00          61.02            61.02              837,440.00                                           financing
lease item
Total                            —       —               —                        —                —                   —      —

                 17. Right-of-use assets

                                                    Land use                          Non
               Item                                                     Patent                     Others           Total
                                                      right                          Patent
               I. Initial cost
               1.Opening balance                    2,501,302.25     29,049,058.84            -   526,894.11    32,077,255.20

               2. Increase                          2,326,296.24                 -   334,540.86             -    2,660,837.10

               (1) lease in                         2,326,296.24                 -   334,540.86             -    2,660,837.10

               3. Decrease                                      -       814,368.45            -             -      814,368.45

               4.Closing balance                    4,827,598.49     28,234,690.39   334,540.86   526,894.11    33,923,723.85

               1.Opening balance                                -     4,601,162.49            -    26,587.68     4,627,750.17

               2. Increase                          1,654,921.59      3,673,481.35   111,513.62   117,114.00     5,557,030.56

               (1)Accrued                           1,654,921.59      3,673,481.35   111,513.62   117,114.00     5,557,030.56

               3. Decrease                                      -       195,760.25            -             -      195,760.25

               4.Closing balance                    1,654,921.59      8,078,883.59   111,513.62   143,701.68     9,989,020.48

               III. Impairment reserve

                                                                    126 / 188
                               Land use                                    Non
  Item                                                Patent                               Others              Total
                                  right                                   Patent

  1. Opening balance                          -                   -                  -              -                   -

  2. Increase                                 -                   -                  -              -                   -

  3. Decrease                                 -                   -                  -              -                   -

  4.Closing balance                           -                   -                  -              -                   -

  IV. Book value
  1. Closing book value         3,172,676.90        20,155,806.80        223,027.24       383,192.43        23,934,703.37

  2. Opening book value         2,501,302.25        24,447,896.35                         500,306.43        27,449,505.03

    18. Intangible assets

                             Land use                                    Non-
Item                                                Patent                                 Others               Total
                                right                                   Patent
I. Initial cost
1.Opening balance           151,187,270.24        17,630,188.82       5,000,000.00       30,994,907.82      204,812,366.88

2. Increase                               -                   -                  -        5,053,917.37         5,053,917.37

(1) Purchase                              -                   -                  -        4,197,410.11         4,197,410.11

(2) increase via merge                    -                   -                  -                      -                   -

(3) Transferred from
                                          -                   -                  -         856,507.26           856,507.26
3. Decrease                               -                   -                  -        2,041,480.71         2,041,480.71

(1) Disposal                              -                   -                  -        2,041,480.71         2,041,480.71

(2)Transferred to
                                          -                   -                  -                      -                   -
investment property
4.Closing balance           151,187,270.24        17,630,188.82       5,000,000.00       34,007,344.48      207,824,803.54

1.Opening balance            36,211,973.05         6,038,799.65       2,500,004.00       14,618,868.94        59,369,645.64

2. Increase                   3,061,044.46         1,572,360.20        500,000.00         2,769,845.85         7,903,250.51

(1)Accrued                    3,061,044.46         1,572,360.20        500,000.00         2,769,845.85         7,903,250.51

(2)Increase from merger                   -                   -                  -                      -                   -

3. Decrease                               -                   -                  -        2,040,830.71         2,040,830.71

(1) Disposal                              -                   -                  -        2,040,830.71         2,040,830.71

(2) Transferred to other                  -                   -                  -                      -                   -

4.Closing balance            39,273,017.51         7,611,159.85       3,000,004.00       15,347,884.08        65,232,065.44

III. Impairment reserve

                                                  127 / 188
                                Land use                           Non-
Item                                              Patent                         Others            Total
                                    right                         Patent

1. Opening balance
2. Increase                                 -               -              -               -                -

(1)Accrued                                  -               -              -               -                -

(2) Others                                  -               -              -               -                -

3. Decrease                                 -               -              -               -                -

(1) Disposal                                -               -              -               -                -

(2) Transferred to other                    -               -              -               -                -

4.Closing balance                           -               -              -               -                -

IV. Book value
1. Closing book value          111,914,252.73   10,019,028.97   1,999,996.00   18,659,460.40   142,592,738.10

2. Opening book value          114,975,297.19   11,591,389.17   2,499,996.00   16,376,038.88   145,442,721.24

       19. Goodwill

    (1) Original cost of goodwill

                                             Increased during              Decreased during
                                               current year                  current year
                            Opening                                                                    Closing
          Name                              Enterprises
                            Balance                                                                    Balance
                                              merger      Other          Disposal      Other
 Dalian Niweisi
                           1,440,347.92                                                               1,440,347.92
 Techonoligy Co.,
 Dalian Bingshan
 Group Construction         310,451.57                                                                  310,451.57
 Co., Ltd
        Total              1,750,799.49                                                               1,750,799.49

    (2) Goodwill impairment provision

 In the year 2015, the book value of equity investment of Dalian Niweisi LengNuan Technology
 Co., Ltd exceeds the fair value of the proportion of the acquired company’s identifiable net asset.
 The difference between the book value of equity investment of 48, 287,589.78 Yuan and the
 identifiable net asset’s fair value of Dalian Sanyo High-efficient Refrigeration System Co., Ltd
 of 46,847,241.86 Yuan on the acquisition date of July 31st ,2015 is recognized as goodwill of
 1,440,347.92 Yuan on The Company consolidated financial report at the end of the year.

 In the year 2016, Dalian Bingshan Group Construction Co., Ltd purchases shares of Dalian
 Bingshan Baoan Leisure Industry Co., Ltd and gains control. The transferred price is based on
 the net asset of Dalian BingshanBaoan Leisure Industry Co., Ltd on June 30th , 2016. Negotiated

                                                128 / 188
        with Dalian Bingshan Baoan Leisure Industry Co., Ltd’s shareholder Baoan Water Project
        (China) Limited Company, the transfer price is the combination cost on the purchasing date
        which is 5,359,548.42 Yuan, the fair value of proportion of Dalian BingshanBaoan Leisure
        Industry Company’s identifiable net asset is 5,049,096.85 Yuan on the purchasing day, therefore,
        goodwill is 310,451.57Yuan on the purchasing date. Dalian Bingshan Group Construction Co.,
        Ltd absorbed Dalian Bingshan Baoan Leisure Industry Co., Ltd in 2019.

        The book value of goodwill from business combination of Dalian Niweisi LengNuan
        Technology Co., Ltd and Dalian Bingshan Baoan Leisure Industry Co., Ltd which are not under
        same control shall be allocated into the relevant asset group using the reasonable method since
        acquisition date and taken impairment test on relevant asset group where the goodwill is
        included. The obvious impairment indication of the goodwill hasn’t been found. Thus no
        goodwill impairment provision has been made.

           20. Long-term unamortized expense

                                    Opening                                           Other          Closing
  Item                                              Increase        Amortization
                                    Balance                                          Decrease        balance
Employee’s dormitory use
                                   1,873,692.06                         138,478.32                  1,735,213.74
Renovation and rebuilding          1,172,157.14                         151,335.00                  1,020,822.14
Membership fee for golf              423,500.00                          16,500.00                    407,000.00
Technology entrance fee of
                                     466,781.25                         373,425.00                     93,356.25
cold and heat machinery
Greenland of new factory           5,724,407.62                         892,115.52                  4,832,292.10
Total                              9,660,538.07                      1,571,853.84                   8,088,684.23

           21. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

           (1) Deferred tax assets without offsetting

        Item                          Closing balance                           Opening balance
                                 Deductible       Deferred tax              Deductible       Deferred tax
                             temporary difference    assets             temporary difference    assets
        Provision for
        credit impairment       367,572,645.45      77,433,815.32          298,515,515.22    60,167,592.33
        Provision for
        impairment of             55,608,764.16     10,412,376.27            23,719,518.02     4,011,984.07
        Provision                               -                   -         7,171,726.51     1,792,931.63
        Deductible loss                         -                   -         3,581,714.09      895,428.52
        Unrealized profit
        from internal             13,555,883.61      2,033,382.54            14,077,263.75     2,111,589.56
        Total                   436,737,293.22      89,879,574.13          347,065,737.59     68,979,526.11

                                                        129 / 188
       (2) Deferred tax liabilities without offsetting

Item                                     Closing balance                         Opening balance
                                    Taxable        Deferred tax             Taxable        Deferred tax
                                  temporary          liabilities          temporary          liabilities
                                   difference                              difference
Change on FV of other
non-current financial          237,308,998.02      35,596,349.70        213,402,432.24       32,010,364.83
Total                          237,308,998.02      35,596,349.70        213,402,432.24       32,010,364.83

       (3) Unrecognized deferred tax assets details

Item                                           Closing balance                   Opening balance
Deductible temporary difference                           30,659,975.23                    3,738,153.26
Deductible loss                                          224,773,151.64                  107,036,874.97
Total                                                    255,433,126.87                  110,775,028.23

   (4) Unrecognized deductible loss of deferred tax assets expired years

Year                              Closing balance            Opening balance              Notes
2022                                      716,158.09               716,158.09
2023                                  16,458,262.38              16,458,262.38
2024                                  61,554,422.97              62,405,136.73
2025                                  21,436,832.18              27,457,317.77
2026                                 124,607,476.02
Total                                224,773,151.64             107,036,874.97

   22. Short-term borrowing

   (1) Category of short term borrowing

Loan category                           Closing balance                      Opening balance
Credit loan                                       230,373,666.72                         276,011,600.00
Mortgaged loan                                      9,025,000.00                           6,960,000.00
Pledged loan                                        6,538,425.00
Total                                             245,937,091.72                         282,971,600.00

   23. Notes payable

Notes Category                                Closing balance                  Opening balance
Bank acceptance notes                               372,141,300.89                       293,073,330.48
Commercial acceptance notes                              7,891,738.67                      2,078,041.90
Total                                               380,033,039.56                       295,151,372.38

   Note: There is no due note unpaid at the year end.

                                                 130 / 188
           24. Accounts payable

           (1) Accounts payable

         Item                                    Closing balance                    Opening balance
         Material payments                              558,353,834.37                      459,748,015.17
         Project payments                               328,569,617.62                      227,092,621.70
         Equipment payments                               31,092,321.64                      76,820,952.59
         Others                                            1,856,153.90                        3,605,642.97
         Total                                          919,871,927.53                      767,267,232.43

           (2) Main accounts payable with age over 1 year

                                                                                          Reason of unpaid
                            Name of company                                                 or not carried
        Haoxing Nengtou(Beijing) Assets management Co.,Ltd               7,039,659.99     Payment is undue
        Lixingkai (Beijing) Energy System Technology Co.,Ltd             4,772,705.82     Payment is undue
        Guangdong Shenling Environmental System Co., LTD                 3,354,251.85     Payment is undue
        Heilongjiang Longleng Technology Co., Ltd                        3,209,930.00     Payment is undue
        Hangzhou Zhonghong New Energy Co., Ltd                           2,914,000.00     Payment is undue
        Total                                                           21,290,547.66                      —

           25. Contract liability

           (1)    Details

        Item                                                       Closing balance        Opening balance
        Received in advance due from unrealized revenue              499,719,963.40          295,100,657.10
        Total                                                        499,719,963.40          295,100,657.10

           (2)    Significant change on the book value

        Item                                     Change amount                       Change reason
                                                                              According to the contract,
        Received in advance due from
                                                         204,619,306.30     received the payment from the
        unrealized revenue
                                                                                     client in advance
        Total                                            204,619,306.30

           26. Employee’s payable

           (1) Category of employee’s payable

Item                                Opening balance          Increase            Decrease          Closing balance
Short-term employee’s                 31,125,808.94       327,144,789.45     323,122,028.02             35,148,570.37

                                                       131 / 188
Item                                  Opening balance           Increase            Decrease        Closing balance
Post-employment benefit
                                                               32,661,497.29      32,661,285.18                   212.11
–defined contribution plan
Termination benefits
Other welfare due within 1
Total                                     31,125,808.94       359,806,286.74     355,783,313.20        35,148,782.48

                 (2) Short-term employee’s payables

        Item                       Opening balance          Increase            Decrease        Closing balance
        Salaries, bonus,
                                       26,526,326.00      262,869,852.53       258,139,697.01      31,256,481.52
        allowance, and subsidy
        Welfare                         3,080,018.99       15,255,636.90        16,486,324.24       1,849,331.65
        Social insurance                   16,445.29       20,092,705.81        20,108,489.90            661.20
        Include: Medical
                                           14,860.20       15,790,951.51        15,805,811.71                     -
                                                               106,401.57         106,401.57                      -
                On-duty injury
                                                             2,228,615.47        2,227,954.27            661.20
                                            1,585.09         1,966,737.26        1,968,322.35                     -
        Housing funds                                      21,190,651.04        20,885,458.23         305,192.81
        Labor union and
                                        1,503,018.66         4,922,833.61        4,688,949.08       1,736,903.19
        training expenses
        Short-term leave with
                                                                          -                 -                     -
        Short term profit share
                                                                          -                 -                     -
        Others                                               2,813,109.56        2,813,109.56                     -
        Total                          31,125,808.94      327,144,789.45       323,122,028.02      35,148,570.37

                 (3) Defined contribution plan

        Item                             Opening           Increase             Decrease           Closing
                                         balance                                                   balance
        Pension                                           31,621,058.85         31,621,058.85                 -
        Unemployment insurance                             1,040,438.44          1,040,226.33           212.11

                                                          132 / 188
Item                             Opening       Increase               Decrease            Closing
                                 balance                                                  balance
Company annuity plan                                          -                   -                   -
Total                                         32,661,497.29           32,661,285.18           212.11

        27. Tax payable

  Item                                            Closing balance            Opening balance
  Value-added tax                                           8,428,289.41              2,830,255.88
  Enterprise income tax                                       825,185.23              3,114,706.06
  Real estate tax                                           1,910,131.37              1,899,793.53
  Land use tax                                              1,094,769.07              1,094,760.28
  Individual income tax                                       471,053.12                216,213.81
  Stamp duty                                                  477,653.78                151,410.38
  City maintenance and construction tax                       178,955.65                238,887.83
  Education surcharge                                         127,825.46                167,925.89
  River toll fee                                                  984.73                   240.59
  Total                                                    13,514,847.82              9,714,194.25

       28. Other accounts payable

 Item                                              Closing balance           Opening balance
 Interest payable                                                       -              1,839,166.81
 Dividend payable                                            3,008,156.00               533,156.00
 Other accounts payable                                     52,275,984.21             40,645,143.57
 Total                                                      55,284,140.21             43,017,466.38

   28.1 Interest payable

    Item                                            Closing balance         Opening balance

    Interest on short term loan                                                   1,703,750.01
    Interest on corporate bond                                                        135,416.80
    Total                                                                         1,839,166.81

   28.2 Dividend payable

       Item                                         Closing balance         Opening balance

       Ordinary share dividend                              3,008,156.00              533,156.00
       Total                                                3,008,156.00              533,156.00

   28.3 Other accounts payable

        (1) Other payables categorized by payments nature

                                               133 / 188
Payments nature                                 Closing balance                    Opening balance
Cash pledge and security deposit                            11,879,889.59                    8,518,729.05
Apply for reimbursement and unpaid                          10,784,375.08                   11,557,803.69
Receipts under custody                                        2,449,487.90                   6,191,124.03
Others                                                      27,162,231.64                   14,377,486.80
Total                                                       52,275,984.21                   40,645,143.57

        29. Non-current liabilities due within one year

   Item                                              Closing balance               Opening balance
   Bond payable due within one year                                          -           25,000,034.00
   Long-term payable due within one year                       13,876,415.99              2,399,351.64
   Lease obligation due within one year                        10,298,972.13             11,098,566.54
   Total                                                       24,175,388.12             38,497,952.18

        30. Other current liabilities

   Item                                                   Closing balance          Opening balance
   Notes payable endorsed not derecognized                    143,288,366.08           121,572,682.35
   Output Vat to be carried forward                            51,924,840.83             30,601,263.95
   Total                                                      195,213,206.91           152,173,946.30

        31. Long-term borrowing

        (1) Category of long-term borrowing

   Category                                         Closing Balance               Opening Balance
   Guarantee loan                                          150,000,000.00              160,000,000.00
   Total                                                   150,000,000.00              160,000,000.00

  Note: In year 2016, the Development Fund from China Development Bank gave support to the
  Company’s intelligent and green equipment of cold chain and service industry base project and
  provided special fund to the Company’s holding shareholder, Bingshan Group. The fund is 0.15
  billion Yuan with 10year’s expiration at 1.2% rate. Once the fund arrived, Bingshan Group gave
  it to the Company at the same rate of 1.2% in lump sum. The above fund needed to be
  warranted by the Company. The guarantee seems to be given for the holding shareholder, but it
  is for the Company itself in fact.

        32. Lease obligation

        (1) Details of lease obligation

   Category                                       Closing balance                Opening balance
   Lease payment                                      16,861,280.02                     27,625,677.55
   Less: unrecognized finance expense                     1,168,286.75                    2,708,634.55

                                                  134 / 188
        Category                                     Closing balance          Opening balance
        Non-current liability due within 1 year          10,298,972.13                    11,098,566.54
        Net lease liability                               5,394,021.14                   13,818,476.46

          (2) Maturity

         Category                                                             Closing Balance
         Minimum lease payment for an irrevocable operating lease:
         1st year after balance sheet date                                               11,178,301.29
         2nd year after balance sheet date                                                4,502,179.39
         3rd year after balance sheet date                                                 442,954.02
         Subsequent years                                                                  737,845.32
         Total                                                                           16,861,280.02

           33. Long term accounts payable

                    Item                      Closing Balance                  Opening Balance
       Long term accounts payable                        19,998,913.29                      1,964,463.77
       Total                                             19,998,913.29                      1,964,463.77

           33.1Category by nature

        Nature                                Closing Balance                 Opening Balance
        Financial lease borrowings                       19,998,913.29                     1,964,463.77
        Total                                            19,998,913.29                     1,964,463.77

           34. Provision

        Nature                                    Closing Balance            Opening Balance
        Open litigation                                                                   7,592,239.01
        Total                                                                             7,592,239.01

         35. Deferred income

           (1) Category of deferred income

Item                          Opening Balance         Increase           Decrease           Closing Balance
Government subsidy               104,457,568.86      8,135,944.83         6,408,189.87        106,185,323.82
Total                            104,457,568.86      8,135,944.83         6,408,189.87        106,185,323.82

           (2) Government subsidy

                                                     135 / 188
                                                                                            The value                          Related
                                                         Into non-
  Government              Opening                                         Into other        offset cost         Closing          with
                                          Increase       operating
  subsidy item            Balance                                          income          and expense          Balance          asset/
                                                                                             this year                         income

Subsidy fund for
highly effective                                                                                                                Asset
heat pump and                48,412.65                                                        48,412.65                        related
related system

Contribution to
subsidiary                                                                                                                      Asset
company                  40,104,000.00               -           -    1,114,000.00                        -    38,990,000.00   related

Application of
NH3 and CO2
instead of R22
screw                                                                                                                           Asset
refrigerating            16,398,350.48   8,135,944.83            -                     -   2,028,323.87        22,505,971.44   Related
condensing unit

Compressor IC                                                                                                                   Asset
system                    3,907,129.99               -           -                     -     368,769.72         3,538,360.27   related

Ultrasonic                                                                                                                      Asset
intelligent defrost       3,716,010.90               -           -          30,000.00        264,833.48         3,421,177.42   related/
technology                                                                                                                     Income

Eco Compressor                                                                                                                  Asset
project                  22,529,321.64               -           -                     -   2,553,850.15        19,975,471.49   related

R290 replacement
of R22 large                                                                                                                    Asset
industrial screw         13,006,663.20               -           -                     -                  -    13,006,663.20   related

R290 replacement
of R22                                                                                                                          Asset
industrial double         4,747,680.00                                                                          4,747,680.00   related
stage screw unit

Total                                                                                                                            —
                        104,457,568.86   8,135,944.83            -    1,144,000.00         5,264,189.87       106,185,323.82

           Note: Asset related grant shall be offset the cost or expense within the asset’s useful life; income
           related grant shall be booked into other income or offset cost or expense if it is relevant to daily
           activity, otherwise it shall be booked into non-operating income.

                  36. Share capital

                                                              136 / 188
                 Opening          New                   Transfer from                                    Closing
Item                                         Share
                 balance         share                      capital         others     Subtotal          balance
                                 issued                     reserve
Total share
               843,212,507.00                                                                           843,212,507.00

              37. Capital reserves

      Items                           Opening              Increase             Decrease       Closing Balance
      Share premium                  659,622,044.20        9,571,369.07                    -      669,193,413.27
      Other capital reserves          67,146,423.80                     -      16,123,970.29       51,022,453.51
      Total                          726,768,468.00        9,571,369.07        16,123,970.29      720,215,866.78

          Note1: the increased share premium of capital reserve is the amount of that the consideration
          paid for purchasing minority interest of Dalian Bingshan Air-conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd
          is less than the share of the identifiable net asset in the subsidiary.

          Note2: other capital reserve decreased during the year is the dilution of shareholding from
          29.21% to 21.91% due to Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Technology Co.,Ltd new shares issued in
          June in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, so goodwill and share of the net assets in Jiangsu Jingxue
          Insulation Technology Co.,Ltd decreased.

                                                          137 / 188
             38. Other comprehensive income

                                                             Current year

                                     Amount                                 After-tax
                      Opening        for the      Previously                             After-tax        Closing
     Items                                       recognized in    Less:    attribute
                      Balance         period                                             attribute to     Balance
                                                 profit or loss   income    to the
                                      before                                             minority
                                     income        into other       tax     parent
                                       tax      comprehensive               company
I.Later can’t
into profit and
loss of other
II. Later
into profit and
loss of other       2,501,459.77                  322,778.04                                            2,178,681.73
income that can
be transferred to   2,501,459.77                  322,778.04                                            2,178,681.73
profit or loss
under the equity
comprehensive       2,501,459.77                  322,778.04                                            2,178,681.73
income total

             39. Surplus reserves

          Item                                   Opening                                                Closing
                                                                        Increase        Decrease
                                                  Balance                                               Balance
          Statutory surplus reserve            347,216,790.47                      -            - 347,216,790.47
          Discretionary surplus reserve        449,469,025.26      12,785,383.91                - 462,254,409.17
          Total                                796,685,815.73      12,785,383.91                - 809,471,199.64

          Note: The Company made FY2020 profit appropriation plan within the reporting period.
          According to the general meeting on May 15, 2021, 20% of net profit is provided for
          discretionary surplus reserve.

              40. Undistributed profits

          Item                                                             Current year             Last year
          Closing balance of last year                                      997,601,577.97       1,038,358,782.59
          Add: Adjustments to the opening balance of
                 undistributed profits
                                                            138 / 188
 Item                                                          Current year             Last year
        Including: additional retrospective adjustments                        -
        according to the new accounting standards
        Change on accounting policy                                            -
        Correction of prior period significant errors                          -
        Change on combination scope under same                                 -
        Other factors                                             -79,559,636.71
 Opening balance of current year                                 918,041,941.26        1,038,358,782.59
 Add: net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                                 -269,059,849.96         21,341,133.39
 parent company in the year
 Less: Provision for statutory surplus reserves                                -           6,392,691.96
         Provision for any surplus reserves                       12,785,383.91          30,409,270.84
         Provision of general risk                                             -
         Dividends payable for common shares                        8,432,125.07         25,296,375.21
         Common stock dividends converted to equity                            -
         Extract employee rewards and welfare funds                            -
 Closing balance of current year                                 627,764,582.32         997,601,577.97

          Adjustment of opening undistributed profit

          The Company adopts the new financial instrument standard earlier than its affiliates.
          During the period when the affiliates did not adopt the new standard, the Company did
          not adjust the financial statement of affiliates under equity method due to restriction to
          the objective condition. In accordance with the 5th implementation feedback of
          Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises in 2021 given by Accounting Division of
          Ministry of Finance, the Company made an adjustment to the opening balance of
          financial statements of FY 2021 under equity method as the affiliates adjusted the
          opening balance since January 1,2021 in accordance with the new standard.

     41. Operating revenue and cost

          (1) Details

Items                                Current year                              Last year
                         Sales revenue         Cost of sales        Sales revenue        Cost of sales
Revenue from
                        2,031,958,305.49      1,808,263,206.67      1,680,314,480.42   1,401,374,951.04
principle operation
Revenue from
                            57,249,950.73       41,268,065.62         46,953,454.73       31,149,158.87
other operation
Total                   2,089,208,256.22      1,849,531,272.29      1,727,267,935.15   1,432,524,109.91

                                                 139 / 188
         (2) Main revenue from contract details

  Contract classification                                                  Total
  Classified at products type                                              2,031,958,305.49
            Manufacture products                                           1,328,371,290.81
            Project installation                                             652,866,257.62
            Other products and service                                        50,720,757.06
  Classified at geography location                                         2,031,958,305.49
           domestic                                                        1,936,838,033.86
            overseas                                                          95,120,271.63

    42. Taxes and surcharges

Items                                                   Current year           Last year
City construction tax                                       2,697,059.55            1,611,470.71
Education surcharge                                         1,937,881.46            1,147,208.51
Property tax                                                7,889,230.05            7,337,286.22
Land use tax                                                4,770,267.58            4,068,191.93
Vehicle and vessel tax                                      1,628,433.67            1,253,726.37
Stamp duty                                                     25,419.48              31,694.48
Others                                                          3,559.17                6,534.92
Total                                                      18,951,850.96           15,456,113.14

    43. Selling expenses

Items                                                   Current year           Last year
Employee benefit                                           79,027,032.72           40,196,358.86
Official business expense                                  17,287,793.62           14,256,723.26
Maintenance and repair expense                             10,817,179.44            5,527,611.04
Travel expense                                              9,309,818.45           10,998,391.78
Business entertaining expense                               9,790,470.43            9,966,831.47
Advertisement and bids expense                              2,335,235.14            2,139,949.39
Depreciation expense                                        1,781,527.37             227,836.85
Other expense                                                 284,852.13             426,774.25
Total                                                     130,633,909.30           83,740,476.90

    44. Administrative expenses

Items                                             Current year               Last year
Employee benefit                                   104,074,747.58              101,631,233.81
Official expense                                        17,723,620.65              17,274,897.46
Depreciation expense                                    12,382,260.68              10,423,498.19
Maintenance and repair expense                           8,501,811.94               6,754,128.80
                                            140 / 188
Items                                              Current year                  Last year
Long-term assets amortization                            7,564,598.02                7,508,381.76
Travel expense                                           5,387,065.85                2,885,657.48
Design consultant and test service expense               4,398,890.50                5,024,778.03
Safety production cost                                   3,799,007.87                3,239,077.20
Business entertaining expense                            2,248,318.02                2,335,952.36
Insurance expense                                          931,137.81                  764,446.72
Advertisement expense                                      875,051.39                  364,933.57
Transportation expense                                     671,904.44                  702,607.23
Other taxes and fee                                        559,693.52                   83,529.05
Other expense                                            1,495,327.88                1,302,248.87
Total                                               170,613,436.15                 160,295,370.53

    45. Technology development expense

 Items                                           Current year                 Last year
 Employee benefit                                        46,269,704.41            38,877,014.74
 Raw material                                            11,493,089.36              4,479,120.55
 Depreciation and amortization expense                    4,541,949.24              4,524,355.03
 Other expense                                            2,965,022.22              1,277,766.46
 Total                                                   65,269,765.23            49,158,256.78

    46. Financial expenses

Items                                                      Current year             Last year
Interest expenses                                             16,718,288.26         22,795,380.51
Less: interest income                                          5,193,155.75          2,435,386.06
Add: exchange loss                                              -898,833.22          3,199,444.76
Add: others expenditure                                        3,315,626.94          2,919,870.16
Total                                                         13,941,926.23         26,479,309.37

    47. Other income

Items                                              Current year                   Last year
Government subsidy                                        10,728,811.44             18,938,565.95
Personal income tax handling fee refund                       70,983.39                688,552.44
Job stability subsidy                                                    -             477,452.00
Total                                                     10,799,794.83             20,104,570.39

    48. Investment income

Items                                                             Current year       Last year
Long-term equity investment gain under equity method             -85,710,592.25     79,024,253.68
                                             141 / 188
  Gain from disposal of long-term equity investment                   27,665,072.62      12,859,589.96
  Gain from holding of tradable financial assets
  Gain from disposal of tradable financial assets
  Gain from FV remeasurement of the remaining shares after
  losing control
  Gain from holding of other noncurrent financial assets                  7,255,249.48    5,372,826.87
  Gain from disposal of other no-ncurrent financial assets                2,523,680.32    7,180,485.22
  Gain on Debt restructuring                                               819,297.68
  Total                                                              -47,447,292.15 104,437,155.73

       49. Gain on fair value change

  Source of gain on FV change                     Current year                      Last year
  Other noncurrent financial assets                       52,398,565.78                  -14,797,607.68
  Total                                                   52,398,565.78                  -14,797,607.68

       50. Credit impairment loss (loss listed as“-“)

  Items                                                        Current year              Last year
  Credit impairment loss on notes receivable                        2,055,299.46          1,310,734.78
  Credit impairment loss on receivable                            -97,597,742.66         -20,792,681.30
  Credit impairment loss on other receivable                         107,768.08           -6,016,822.24
  Credit impairment loss on long term receivable                    4,636,661.13          -9,218,793.44
  Total                                                           -90,798,013.99         -34,717,562.20

       51. Assets impairment losses (loss listed as “-“)

  Items                                                        Current year              Last year
  Loss of contract asset impairment                                -3,296,146.61          -5,065,258.60
  Loss on impairment of inventory and cost to
                                                                  -46,330,540.22          -8,411,139.41
  fulfill the contract obligation
  Total                                                           -49,626,686.83         -13,476,398.01

       52. Gain on assets disposal (loss listed as “-“)

                                                                                    Amounts recognized
                                                                                        into current
              Item                       Current year             Last year
                                                                                    non-recurring profit
                                                                                           or loss
Gain on non-current assets
                                                 59,272.29         -169,550.05                  59,272.29
Including: gain on non-current
assets disposal not classified as                59,272.29         -169,550.05                  59,272.29
held for sale
       Including: gain on fixed                  59,272.29         -169,550.05                  59,272.29
                                                   142 / 188
assets disposal
            Total                            59,272.29           -169,550.05                    59,272.29

      53. Non-operating income

  (1)     Non-operating income list

                                                                                Amounts recognized
                                                                                into   non-recurring
                    Item                Current year           Last year
                                                                                profit or loss for the
  Gain on debts restructuring                          -        681,549.89                               -
  Other items                             1,491,460.42          729,839.86               1,491,460.42
  Contract withdrawn and received in
  advance transferred to                  2,983,246.50                      -            2,983,246.50
  non-operating income
  Total                                   4,474,706.92         1,411,389.75              4,474,706.92

      54. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                Amounts recognized
                                                                                 into non-recurring
                     Item                 Current year          Last year
                                                                                profit or loss for the
  Non-current assets scrap loss            1,474,287.01         238,773.51               1,474,287.01
  Outward donation                            60,000.00          60,000.00                  60,000.00
  Expected loss for open litigation                        -   7,592,239.01                              -
  Compensation                             7,680,000.00                                  7,680,000.00
  Inventory shortage                            2,303.16                                       2,303.16
  Others                                     402,800.25         250,241.11                 402,800.25
  Total                                    9,619,390.42        8,141,253.63              9,619,390.42

      55. Income tax expenses

      (1) Income tax expenses

   Items                                        Current year                      Last year
   Current income tax expenses                         3,010,709.68                     7,201,935.68
   Deferred income tax expenses                     -17,314,063.15                     -15,786,702.19
   Total                                            -14,303,353.47                      -8,584,766.51
      (2)    Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense

  Items                                                                         Current year

                                              143 / 188
Items                                                                         Current year
Consolidated total profit this year                                                -289,492,947.51
Income tax expenses at applicable tax rate                                          -43,423,942.13
Effect on subsidiary applied to different tax rate                                  -14,992,264.33
Effect on prior period income tax                                                      479,768.28
Effect on non-taxable income
Effect on non-deductible cost, expense and loss                                      22,098,662.07
Effect on use of deductible loss from unrecognized deferred
tax assets in the prior period                                                       -1,819,963.78
Effect on temporary difference or deductible loss from
unrecognized deferred tax assets this year                                           31,231,561.02

Effect on deduction/ exemption of income tax
R&D expenditure accelerated deduction                                                -7,877,174.60
Income tax expense                                                                  -14,303,353.47

    56. Other comprehensive income

Refer to the note “VI.38 Other comprehensive income” for details.

    57. Notes to cash flow statement

    (1) Cash receipt/payment of other operating/investing/financing activities

   1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

 Items                                                    Current year             Last year
 Government grants                                           14,489,543.00           24,996,436.54
 Received travel expense refund                               2,497,395.96            4,828,777.61
 Deposit given back                                          41,513,085.25           36,950,909.92
 Receivable from relate party                                             -          11,000,000.00
 Interest income                                              4,037,645.63            2,637,279.19
 Receivable from the 3rd party                                            -            177,570.52
 Others                                                       1,755,419.70            1,525,094.13
 Total                                                       64,293,089.54           82,116,067.91

   2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities

 Items                                                     Current year             Last year
 Business travel borrowing                                     9,534,563.41           7,009,973.81
 Deposit paid                                                42,860,074.05           47,940,846.54
 Expenditure                                                 91,537,037.91           74,311,911.83
 Unsettled AR/AP among related party                          11,027,444.39          11,000,000.00
 Bank handling charges                                         3,024,534.78           2,375,268.90
 Others                                                        4,592,818.07           4,342,577.27
                                              144 / 188
Items                                                           Current year             Last year
Total                                                            162,576,472.61          146,980,578.35

   3) Others cash received relating to financing activities

Items                                                           Current year             Last year
Collection of guarantee money at the year end                        56,369,665.56        30,591,791.66
Sale leaseback and financial lease                                   27,476,663.49        25,898,027.71
Total                                                                83,846,329.05        56,489,819.37

   4) Others cash paid relating to financing activities

Items                                                           Current year             Last year
Payment of guarantee money                                           75,003,788.58        56,369,665.56
Sale& leaseback and financial lease                                  22,971,894.19        21,827,295.59
Purchase of minority interest                                         8,765,615.00
lease premium                                                         5,246,090.60
Total                                                            111,987,388.37           78,196,961.15

   (2) Supplementary information of consolidated cash flow statement

Items                                                                   Current year        Last year
1. Adjusting net profit into cash flows of operating                        ——              ——
Net profit                                                             -275,189,594.04      22,849,809.33
Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                  49,626,686.83      13,476,398.01
        Provision for impairment of credit                               90,798,013.99      34,717,562.20
        Depreciation of fixed assets, Amortization of
                                                                         85,379,019.94      76,389,416.86
mineral resources, and biological assets
        Depreciation of right-of-use assets                               5,557,030.56
        Amortization of intangible assets                                 7,903,250.51       6,731,291.97
        Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                       1,571,853.84       1,986,307.40
     Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                            -59,272.29        169,550.05
     long-term assets (income listed with”-”)
     Losses on write-off of fixed assets (income listed
                                                                          1,536,590.17        238,773.51
     Change of fair value profit or loss                                -52,398,565.78      14,797,607.68
   Financial expense (income listed with”-”)                           18,951,092.91      22,795,380.51
   Investment loss (income listed with”-”)                             47,447,292.15    -104,437,155.73
   Decrease of deferred tax assets(increase listed with”-”)           -20,900,048.02      -6,581,861.03
   Increase of deferred tax liabilities(decrease listed with”-”)        3,585,984.87      -9,204,841.16

                                                  145 / 188
Items                                                                 Current year            Last year
    Decrease of inventories (increase listed with”-”)              -324,479,019.61        -180,341,865.83
    Decrease of operating receivables (increase listed
                                                                      -45,570,227.23         -61,894,148.27
       Increase of operating payables (decrease listed with”-”)     407,758,129.57         155,165,347.05
         Others                                                                        -
       Net cash flows arising from operating activities                 1,518,218.37         -13,142,427.45
2. Significant investment and financing activities
unrelated to cash income and expenses
    Liabilities transferred to capital                                                 -
    Convertible bonds within 1 year                                                    -      25,000,034.00
    Financing leased fixed assets                                                      -
3. Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalent
Closing balance of cash                                               438,969,337.87         314,978,460.49
Less: Opening balance of cash                                         314,978,460.49         301,527,354.56
Add: Closing balance of cash equivalent
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalent
Net increase of cash and cash equivalent                              123,990,877.38          13,451,105.93

    (3) Cash and cash equivalents

Items                                                               Current year            Last year
Cash                                                                438,969,337.87         314,978,460.49
Including: Cash on hand                                                  99,580.64            154,668.54
Bank deposit used for paying at any moment                          438,869,757.23         314,823,791.95
Other monetary fund for paying at any moment                                       -
Deposit fund in central bank available for payment                                 -
Cash equivalent
Including: bonds investment with maturity in 3 months                              -
Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                        438,969,337.87         314,978,460.49

Cash and cash equivalents restricted in the parent
company or subsidiary

    58. The assets with the ownership or use right restricted

                  Items                      Current year                      Reasons
Monetary fund                                   83,689,167.92         Guarantee money frozen fund
Notes Receivable                                 6,420,000.00                      Pledge
Fixed asset                                     89,417,838.05                      Pledge

                                                   146 / 188
              Items                     Current year                     Reasons
Investment asset                           38,955,728.90                  Pledge
Intangible asset                            8,266,573.44                  Pledge

Note: The bank account of Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co., Ltd is frozen due to litigations,
the amount is 3,407,480.07 Yuan. Dalian Bingshan Group Engineering Co., Ltd ’s bank account
is frozen due to litigations, the amount is 900,000 Yuan.

Dalian Niweisi LengNuan Techonoligy Co., Ltd. pledged the bank acceptance note to China
Merchants bank Dalian Branch as guarantee for issuing the commercial acceptance note.

Dalian Xinminghua Electrical Technology Co., Ltd. pledged the bank acceptance note to China
Merchants bank Dalian Jinpu Branch as guarantee for issuing the commercial acceptance note.

Dalian Bingshan Air-conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd. pledged the bank acceptance note to
ICBC bank Dalian DDZ Branch as guarantee for issuing the commercial acceptance note.

The Company’s subsidiary, Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industry Co., LTD., mortgaged its
fixed assets, intangible assets and the investment real estate to China EverBright Bank Co.,
LTD., Wuhan Branch, as an integrated limit of credit used for local and foreign loans, trade
financing, discount, acceptance, letter of credit, letter of guarantee, factoring, guarantee and
other specific credit business.

    59. Monetary category of foreign currency

    (1)      Monetary category of foreign currency

                                   Closing Balance          Exchange       Closing Balance
                                  (foreign currency)          Rate              (RMB)
Cash                                                                                2,660,385.74
Including:USD                              409,800.64         6.3757               2,612,773.25
             GBP                                   0.10        8.6064                       0.86
             JPY                            859,183.00       0.055415                  47,611.63
Accounts receivable                                                                29,819,217.13
Including: USD                            4,254,703.76         6.3757              27,126,714.76
           GBP                              170,311.86         8.6064               1,465,771.99
           JPY                          22,137,154.00        0.055415               1,226,730.38
Accounts payable                                                                    5,104,241.14
Including: USD                              734,147.40         6.3757               4,680,703.58
           Euro                               1,330.00         7.2197                   9,602.20
           GBP                               37,274.28         8.6064                320,797.36
           JPY                            1,720,000.00       0.055415                 93,138.00

    60. Government Grants
                                             147 / 188
(1) Basic information

                                                                       Amount recognized
        Category               Amount                 Disclosure       in current profit and
Efficiency pump and its                       Deferred income/cost
                               7,800,000.00                                       48,412.65
supporting systems                               of sales/expense
Relocation compensation       42,332,000.00                                    1,114,000.00
                                              income/other income
Application of combined                       Deferred income/cost
compression NH3&Co2           29,409,622.81                                    2,028,323.87
replace R22                                      of sales/expense
Refrigeration Compressor                      Deferred income/cost
Intelligent Manufacturing      5,000,000.00                                      368,769.72
System Fund                                      of sales/expense
                                              Deferred income/cost
Ultrasonic       defrosting
technology                     9,841,800.00   of sales/expense/other             294,833.48
Environmental protection
and energy saving
refrigeration and air                         Deferred income/cost
conditioning compressor       31,000,000.00                                    2,553,850.15
                                                 of sales/expense
industrialization project
R290 replace R22              13,006,663.20      Deferred income                           -
R290 replace R22 twin
                               4,747,680.00      Deferred income                           -
stage screw sets
R22 update                     4,675,798.59          Other Income              4,675,798.59
Dalian Jinpu Finance
Center-after R&D               1,544,700.00          Other Income              1,544,700.00
investment subsidy
High-tech enterprise
recognition subsidy             793,000.00           Other Income                793,000.00
Xiaojuren subsidy of
Dalian industry &               600,000.00           Other Income                600,000.00
information bureau
R&D subsidy of
Dongkejing No.2021-28           568,800.00           Other Income                568,800.00
Subsidy of FY2021               400,000.00           Other Income                400,000.00
Export credit insurance
premium support fund            263,500.00           Other Income                263,500.00
Vocational skills training
subsidies                       234,810.00           Other Income                234,810.00
Technology reward of
2020-Dalian Science             200,000.00           Other Income                200,000.00
Technology Bureau
Service standardized
subsidy by Liaoning             150,000.00           Other Income                150,000.00

                                         148 / 188
                                                                                          Amount recognized
                     Category                  Amount                   Disclosure       in current profit and
            Market Supervision
            Manufacture innovation
            center special funds                  80,000.00            Other Income                    80,000.00
            Others                                74,202.85            Other Income                    74,202.85
                   Total                     152,722,577.45                  -                     15,993,001.31

            VII. Change of Consolidation Scope

                  There are no changes in scope of consolidation

            VIII. Interest in other entity

                1. Equity of subsidiaries

                  (1) Organization structure of group company

                                 Main                                             Shareholding
                                              Registered         Business              (%)           Obtaining
  Name of subsidiaries          business
                                               address            nature                              method
                                address                                          Direct Indirect
Dalian Bingshan Group
                                 Dalian         Dalian         Installation       100                 Establish
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan Group
                                 Dalian         Dalian           Trading          100                 Establish
Sales Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan
Air-conditioning                 Dalian         Dalian        Manufacturing       100                 Establish
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan JiaDe
                                 Dalian         Dalian        Manufacturing       100                 Establish
Automation Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan Lingshe
Quick Freezing                   Dalian         Dalian        Manufacturing       100                 Establish
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Wuhan New World
Refrigeration Industrial        Wuhan           Wuhan         Manufacturing       100               Acquisition
Co., Ltd.
Bingshan Technical
Service (Dalian)               Dalian         Dalian           Services         100                 Establish
Dalian Xinminghua
                                 Dalian         Dalian          Electronic        100               Acquisition
Electrical Technology
                                                           149 / 188
                                Main          Registered         Business           Shareholding         Obtaining
  Name of subsidiaries
                               business        address            nature                (%)               method
Co., Ltd                       address

Dalian Niweisi LengNuan
                                Dalian         Dalian        Manufacturing          55                  Acquisition
Technology Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan
International Trading           Dalian         Dalian            Service            100                 Acquisition
Wuhan New World
                                Wuhan          Wuhan           Installation                  100         Establish
Refrigeration Engineering
Co., Ltd
Wuhan Lanning Energy
                                Wuhan          Wuhan             Trading                     54.55      Acquisition
Technology Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Bingshan
                                Ningbo         Ningbo          Installation                      51      Establish
Refrigeration Engineering
Co., Ltd
Chengdu Bingshan
Refrigeration Engineering      Chengdu         Chengdu           Services                        51      Establish
Co., Ltd.

               1)    All the proportion of shareholding in subsidiaries were the same with voting right.

               2)    The Company held over 50% voting right in subsidiaries and could control these
               subsidiaries with over 50% voting right.

                 (2) There are no significant non-subsidiaries.

               2. Equity in joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise

       (1)        The important affiliated companies

                                                                                          Shareholding (%)
  Name of joint ventures or                       Registered             Business                                Accounting
    affiliated companies                           address                nature                                  methods
                                                                                          Direct      Indirect

Panasonic Cold-chain                                                                                                  Equity
(Dalian) Co., Ltd                    Dalian          Dalian            Manufacturing        40

                                                           150 / 188
                                                                                  Shareholding (%)
 Name of joint ventures or                       Registered         Business                          Accounting
   affiliated companies                           address            nature                            methods
                                                                                  Direct   Indirect

Dalian Fuji Bingshan                                                                                    Equity
Vending Machine Co., Ltd            Dalian         Dalian         Manufacturing     49
Panasonic Compressor                                                                                    Equity
(Dalian) Co., Ltd                   Dalian         Dalian         Manufacturing     40
Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation                                                                              Equity
                                   Changzhou     Changzhou        Manufacturing   21.91
Technology Co.,Ltd                                                                                     method
Dalian Bingshan Metal                                                                                   Equity
                                    Dalian         Dalian         Manufacturing   49.00
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                   method
         1) The Company has the same percentage of shareholding and voting right in joint-venture or
             affiliated company.

         2) The Company doesn’t have affiliated company which has significant influence although being
             held less than 20% voting rights.

         3) The Company doesn’t have joint venture or affiliated companies which have no significant
             influence although being held 20% or more voting rights.

                                                      151 / 188
           (2)The key financial information of affiliated companies

                                                                                   Closing balance/Current year
                              Dalian Fuji Bingshan                                         Panasonic               Jiangsu Jingxue
Items                                                    Panasonic Cold-chain                                                               Dalian Bingshan Metal
                                Vending Machine                                           Compressor            Insulation Technology
                                                            (Dalian) Co., Ltd           (Dalian) Co., Ltd              Co.,Ltd               Technology Co., Ltd.
                                     Co., Ltd
Current assets                       519,702,256.24              1,581,760,317.20            1,277,834,286.47         1,288,722,048.45               330,379,711.49
Including: Cash and cash
                                      41,894,346.04                    22,381,748.30          112,967,780.24            197,139,783.12               133,070,727.90
Non-current assets                   234,103,971.93                   290,838,647.69          307,229,051.83            235,300,482.93                39,596,544.29
Total assets                         753,806,228.17              1,872,598,964.89            1,585,063,338.30         1,524,022,531.38               369,976,255.78
Current liabilities                  373,521,152.88              1,051,572,145.31             396,672,114.65            709,690,258.17                65,843,251.71
Non-current liabilities                4,618,886.45                    12,302,083.99           29,936,172.21             29,832,096.59                              -
Total liabilities                    378,140,039.33              1,063,874,229.30             426,608,286.86            739,522,354.76                65,843,251.71
Minority interests                                  -                              -                        -               484,306.52                              -
Equity to the parent
                                     375,666,188.84                   214,723,516.35         1,156,846,384.28           784,015,870.10               304,133,004.07
Net assets calculated
according to the                     148,440,479.34                    85,889,406.54          462,738,553.71            171,770,036.98               149,025,171.99
shareholding proportions
Adjusting events                                    -                              -                        -                           -                           -
—Goodwill                               226,689.29                     4,440,630.89                        -            29,961,491.06                19,269,770.94
—Unrealized profits of
                                                    -                              -                        -                           -                           -
insider trading
--Others                                  -11,153.88                               -            -2,678,304.22                                                       -

                                                                                 152 / 188
                                                                          Closing balance/Current year
                           Dalian Fuji Bingshan                                   Panasonic               Jiangsu Jingxue
Items                                             Panasonic Cold-chain                                                             Dalian Bingshan Metal
                            Vending Machine                                      Compressor            Insulation Technology
                                                    (Dalian) Co., Ltd          (Dalian) Co., Ltd              Co.,Ltd               Technology Co., Ltd.
                                 Co., Ltd
Book value of equity
investment of affiliated         148,656,014.75             90,330,037.43            460,060,249.49            201,731,528.04               168,294,942.93
Fair value of equity
investment with public                        -                           -                        -                           -                           -
Operating income                 239,782,015.85          1,513,254,711.28           1,117,036,108.61           914,019,079.37               467,909,048.44
Financial expense                  5,192,848.35             24,987,011.19               1,116,677.52             1,535,270.95                  -961,474.38
Income tax expense                    30,729.79            -27,060,054.40             11,921,990.57              9,147,959.86                 7,639,671.65
Net profit                           284,537.72           -282,147,957.09             83,697,007.01             67,100,790.28                48,486,526.57
Net profit of
                                              -                           -                        -                           -                           -
discontinuing operation
Other comprehensive
                                              -                           -                        -                           -                           -
Total comprehensive
                                     284,537.72           -282,147,957.09             83,697,007.01             67,100,790.28                48,486,526.57
The current dividends
received from joint                           -              2,797,849.22             32,773,200.00                            -             28,648,633.78

Items                                                                          Opening balance/Last year

                                                                        153 / 188
                                  Dalian Fuji Bingshan       Panasonic                                      Jiangsu Jingxue            Dalian Bingshan
                                                                               Panasonic Compressor
                                   Vending Machine          Cold-chain                                   Insulation Technology       Metal Technology Co.,
                                                                                 (Dalian) Co., Ltd
                                        Co., Ltd          (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                                                  Ltd.
Current assets                           499,408,572.43     1,315,768,176.02          1,245,467,964.26            858,059,356.79             499,408,572.43
Including: Cash and cash
                                         64,731,708.77        55,444,887.64            146,464,797.70             163,037,732.91            191,576,206.68
Non-current assets                      252,283,994.86       238,629,720.75            309,811,760.93             192,469,083.17             44,431,510.18
Total assets                            751,692,567.29     1,554,397,896.77           1,555,279,725.19          1,050,528,439.96            377,420,835.98
Current liabilities                     359,742,781.58     1,048,933,029.30            366,066,971.54             478,133,992.64             63,065,326.29
Non-current liabilities                  16,568,134.59                     -            18,343,806.70              13,138,693.27                          -
Total liabilities                       376,310,916.17     1,048,933,029.30            384,410,778.25             491,272,685.91             63,065,326.29
Minority interests                                    -                   -                         -                 375,245.30
Equity to the parent company            375,381,651.12       505,464,867.47           1,161,637,377.27            558,880,508.75            314,355,509.69
Net assets calculated according
                                        183,937,009.05       202,185,946.99            464,654,950.91             163,260,174.22            154,034,199.75
to the shareholding proportions
Adjusting events                                      -                    -                         -                           -                        -
—Goodwill                                  226,689.29         4,440,630.89                          -             39,948,654.75             19,269,770.94
—Unrealized profits of insider
                                                      -                    -                         -                           -                        -
--Others                                              -         -639,508.39              -2,621,843.60                           -             -145,424.54
Book value of equity
investment of affiliated                184,454,138.22       205,987,069.49            462,033,107.31             203,208,828.97            173,158,546.15
Fair value of equity investment
                                                      -                    -                         -                           -                        -
with public offer
Operating income                        217,703,041.83     1,393,251,936.08            905,805,839.02             772,785,891.15            405,008,117.04

                                                                          154 / 188
                                                                                  Opening balance/Last year
                                 Dalian Fuji Bingshan      Panasonic                                        Jiangsu Jingxue            Dalian Bingshan
Items                                                                           Panasonic Compressor
                                  Vending Machine         Cold-chain                                     Insulation Technology       Metal Technology Co.,
                                                                                  (Dalian) Co., Ltd
                                       Co., Ltd         (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                                                    Ltd.
Financial expense                        3,239,090.65       26,378,537.05                -1,428,218.52              1,660,123.13              -2,347,078.64
Income tax expense                                  -         -497,086.07               10,206,548.28               8,171,271.84              9,841,964.14
Net profit                             -18,525,706.44       19,984,637.30               81,932,612.51              60,206,578.50             59,356,953.86
Net profit of discontinuing
                                                    -                       -                        -                           -                        -
Other comprehensive income                          -                       -                        -                           -                        -
Total comprehensive income             -18,525,706.44       19,984,637.30               81,932,612.51              60,206,578.50             59,356,953.86
The current dividends received
                                                    -                       -           36,026,000.00                            -           28,510,920.84
from joint ventures

                                                                        155 / 188
          (3)Summary financial information of insignificant affiliated companies

                          Items                          Current year              Last year
     Affiliated company
     Total book value of investment of affiliated         158,059,185.33           364,039,638.82
     The total of following items according to the
     shareholding proportions
           Net profit                                       2,067,871.70           -61,011,181.99
           Other comprehensive income                                    -                       -
           Total comprehensive income                       2,067,871.70           -61,011,181.99

     (4) Significant restrictions of the ability of affiliated companies transferring funds to the


     (5) Contingency related to joint venture or affiliated company need to be disclosed.


IX. Risk Related to Financial Instruments

The main financial instruments held by the Company are borrowings, accounts receivable,
accounts payable, other non-current financial asset etc. The detailed explanation is referred to
the note No.VI. The related risks of these financial instruments and the risk management policy
conducted to reduce these risks by the Company are introduced as below. The Company
management conducts to manage and monitor these risks exposure and control these risks under
certain risk level.

   1. Objectives and policies of each risk management

The objectives of risk management conducted by the Company are to reach the balance between
risk and profit return by reducing the negative influence to operating performance to the
minimum level as well as maximizing the shareholders’ and other investors’ profits. Based on
these objectives, the basic risk management policy is to recognize and analyze all sorts of risk
that the Company faced with, to set up the proper risk tolerance bottom line conducting risk
management, as well as to monitor these risks in a timely and effective manner, and to ensure
these risks under the limit level.

     (1) Market risk
        1) Exchange rate risk

Most of the Company’s business is located in China, and settled with RMB. But the Company
                                             156 / 188
defined exchange rate risk of assets, liabilities dominated in foreign currency and future
transaction dominated in foreign currency (mainly including USD, JPY, EURO,HKD and GBP).
The financial department of the Company monitors the Company’s foreign currency transaction
and the scale of foreign assets and liabilities, and decreases exchange rate risk. During the
current year the Company did not agree any forward foreign exchange contract or currency
swap contract .As at 31st December 2021, the Company’s assets and liabilities dominated in
foreign currency are listed in RMB as following:

Items                                          Closing Balance              Opening balance
Monetary fund-USD                                          2,612,773.25            15,790,643.22
Monetary fund-JPY                                             47,611.63             2,714,504.45
Monetary fund-GBP                                                  0.86                     66.32
Receivable- GBP                                            1,465,771.99             1,331,614.56
Receivable -USD                                           27,126,714.76            34,739,431.77
Receivable -JPY                                            1,226,730.38             2,162,789.04
Payables -USD                                              4,680,703.58              6,553,114.36
Payables - EURO                                                9,602.20               148,041.19
Payables -JPY                                                93,138.00              2,526,739.93
Payables - GBP                                              320,797.36
The Company paid close attention to the effect on FX risk.

        2) Interest rate risk
The interest risk of the Company incurred from bank loan, risk of a floating interest rate of financial
liabilities that lead to the Company facing cash flow interest rate risk, financial liabilities with a fixed
interest rate lead to the Company facing cash flow interest rate risk. The company determined the
proportion of fixed interest rate and floating interest rate according the current market circumstance. The
Company and Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd borrowed long-term loan RMB 150,000,000.00 with
fixed interest rate.

The financial department of the Company continuously monitors the interest rates level, and the
management would make some adjustment to lower the interest rate risk according to the latest market
situation. Climbing interest rate will increase the cost of newly increased interest-bearing liability and
interest expense for unsettled interest-bearing liability at floating rate and have adverse effect on the
business performance.

The sensitive analysis:

As at 31st December 2021, based on the assumption of interest rate change of 50 BP, the Company’s net
profit of current year will increase or decrease1. 3946 million Yuan.

        3) Price risk
                                              157 / 188
The price risk of the Company is mainly commodity price risk. The Company sells products at market
prices. As the national economy enters the "new normal", the manufacturing industry is under great
economic downward pressure, and the drastic fluctuations of bulk material prices have a certain impact
on the Company's operations.

    (2) Credit risk

The credit risk of the Company comes from monetary fund, notes receivable, accounts receivable, and
other accounts receivable etc. The management made credit policies and monitored changes of this
credit exposure.

The Company's monetary fund was in bank with higher credit rating, so there was no significant credit
risk, nor significant losses due to the default of other entity. Upper limit policy is adopted to avoid any
credit risk from financial institution.

The Company made relevant policy to control credit risk exposure from receivable, other receivable and
notes receivable. The Company assesses the client’s credit background according to the client’s financial
performance, possibility of obtaining guarantee from the 3rd party, credit record and other factors such
as current market. The Company will periodically monitor the credit situation of the client and will take
measures such as prompt letter, shorten credit period or cancel the credit to ensure the overall credit risk
within the controllable scope.

As at 31st December 2021, the top five customers of receivable accounts balance are

      (3) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk was referred to the risk of shortage of funds incurred when the enterprise fulfill the
obligation of settlement by cash or other financial assets. The way to manage the liquidity risk is to
ensure enough fund available to fulfill the liability by due date in prevention from unacceptable loss of
or reputation damage to the Company. The Company periodically analyze the liability structure and
expiry date and the financial department of the Company continued to monitors the short term or
long-term capital needs to ensure maintain plenty of cash flow. And the same time they also monitor the
condition of bank loan agreements and obtain commitments from banks to reduce liquidity risks.

The fund mainly comes from bank loan. By December 31st, 2021, the credit limit still available is 468.95
million Yuan and short-term credit limit available is 468.95 million Yuan.

As at 31st December 2021, the Company’s financial assets and financial liabilities in line with non
discounted cash flow of the contracts as following: Currency unity:10kYuan

                                              158 / 188
                                  Within 1
Items                                              1-2 years       2-5 years      Over 5 years              Total

Financial Assets
Cash and cash in bank              52,265.85                   -            -                   -           52,265.85
Notes receivable                   16,643.04                   -            -                   -           16,643.04
Accounts receivable                82,154.87                   -            -                   -           82,154.87
Financing receivable                 4,370.43                  -            -                   -            4,370.43
Other Receivable                     6,034.01                  -            -                   -            6,034.01
Contract asset                     10,985.97                   -            -                   -           10,985.97
Non-current asset due
                                     1,499.10                  -            -                   -            1,499.10
within 1 year
Other noncurrent
                                             -                 -            -           26,141.07           26,141.07
financial asset
Financial Liabilities
Short-term loan                    24,593.71                   -            -                   -           24,593.71
Notes Payable                      38,003.30                   -            -                   -           38,003.30
Accounts payable                   91,987.19                   -            -                   -           91,987.19
Other payable                        5,528.41                  -            -                   -            5,528.41
Employee’s payable                  3,514.88                  -            -                   -            3,514.88
Tax payable                          1,351.48                  -            -                   -            1,351.48
Non-current        liability
                                     2,417.54                  -            -                   -            2,417.54
due within 1 year
Long-term loan                               -                 -   15,000.00                    -           15,000.00
Lease obligation                             -         333.39         169.12               36.89               539.40
Long-term payable                            -                 -    1,999.89                    -            1,999.89

X. Disclosure of Fair Value
 1. Amount and measurement level of the assets and liabilities measured at fair value at the year

                                                   Fair value at the year end

                       First level           Second level            Third level
                  measurement of fair       measurement of         measurement of                   Total
                          value                  fair value          fair value

assets                                —                      —                   —                           —
measured at
FV available                                         159 / 188

for sale
                                                Fair value at the year end

                      First level        Second level               Third level
                  measurement of fair   measurement of            measurement of      Total
                        value                 fair value            fair value

                                    -     43,704,310.38                           -    43,704,310.38

non-current            200,547,043.12                         -     60,863,621.49     261,410,664.61
financial asset

Total                  200,547,043.12    43,704,310.38-             60,863,621.49     305,114,974.99

 2. Basis for Market price of first level measurement of fair value

 Equity instrument portion of the other noncurrent financial asset is measured at the unadjusted
 closing quoted price on stock market on December 31, 2021.

 3. For continuous and discontinuous 2nd level of FV, valuation technique adopted and key
 parameter quantitive and qualitive information.

 Bank acceptance notes (receivable financing) as measured at fair value through other
 comprehensive income is within this scope. Bank acceptance notes held by the Company
 mainly are high credit grading from the large commercial bank. As the remaining maturity is
 short and credit risk is very low, on the balance sheet date, the book value of bank acceptance
 notes receivable is similar to fair value.

 4. For continuous and discontinuous 3rd level of FV, valuation technique adopted and key
 parameter quantitive and qualitive information.

 The share investment in the non-listed company is within this scope, where neither active
 market for invested company’s share nor market price is available for reference, and it is not
 feasible to obtain the relevant observable input value. The Company adopts the 3rd level
 unobservable input to measure FV, which is the comparable company’s share price to book
 value method together with liquidity factor.

 5. For continuous 3rd level of FV, adjusted information of opening and closing balance and
 sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameter.


 6. Assets continuously measured at fair value have switched among different level during the

                                                  160 / 188
 7. Changes of valuation technique and reasons for changes


 8. Assets and liability are disclosed at FV rather than measured at FV


XI. Related Parties Relationship and Transactions

(I) Related parties’ relationship

1. Parent company and ultimate controller

   (1) Parent company and ultimate controller

Parent           Registered          Business         Registered      Shareholding        Voting
company           address             nature            capital        percentage         power
                                                                          (%)           percentage

                   Dalian           Manufacture     158,580,000.00        20.27            20.27
Group Co.,

Note: Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. is a Sino –foreign joint venture located No.106 Liaohe
East Road, DDZ, Dalian, China. The legal representative of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. is
Mr. Ji Zhijian, and the registered capital is RMB158.58 million. The registered business
operation period is from 3rd July 1985 to 2nd July 2035. The business scope include research,
development, manufacture, sales, service and installment of refrigeration equipment, cooling
and freezing equipment, different size of air-conditioners, petrochemical equipment, electronic
and electronic- control products, home electronic appliance, environment protect equipment and
etc. (unless the licenses needed)

  (2) Change of registered capital of controlling shareholder

Controlling shareholder       Opening balance         Increase     Decrease       Closing balance
Dalian Bingshan Group           158,580,000.00                                     158,580,000.00
Co., Ltd.

  (3) Change of proportion of controlling shareholder’s shareholding and equity

Controlling                 Shareholding amount                    Ratio of shareholding(%)

                                                161 / 188
shareholder          Closing balance      Opening balance              Ratio        Ratio at
                                                                  at year end     beginning of

Dalian Bingshan
Group Co., Ltd.        170,916,934.00        170,916,934.00            20.27         20.27

2. Subsidiaries

Referrer to the content in the Note “VIII. 1. (1) Organization structure of group company”.

3. Affiliated company and joint venture

The information of the affiliated company and joint venture please refers to the note “VIII. 2.(1)
The significant affiliated company and joint venture’. The Company had transactions with
related parties during the current period or last period, including:
   Names of the joint ventures or affiliated
                                                           Relationships with the Company
 Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd                 Affiliated company of the Company

 Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd                    Affiliated company of the Company

 Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd                    Affiliated company of the Company

 Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd                            Affiliated company of the Company
 Keinin-Grand Ocean Thermal Technology
                                                           Affiliated company of the Company
 (Dalian) Co., Ltd
 Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration and
                                                           Affiliated company of the Company
 Air-conditioning Machinery Co., Ltd
 Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co.,
                                                           Affiliated company of the Company
 MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co.,Ltd.              Affiliated company of the Company
 Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Sales
                                                           Affiliated company of the Company
 Co., Ltd
 Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Technology
                                                           Affiliated company of the Company
 Dalian Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd                 Subsidiary of affiliated company
 Shanghai Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co.,
                                                            Subsidiary of affiliated company
 Panasonic Cold Machine System (Dalian) co.,
                                                           Affiliated company of the Company
 Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co.,Ltd                  Affiliated company of the Company
 Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial
                                                           Affiliated company of the Company
 Leasing Co., Ltd
 Wuhan Sikafu Power Control Equipment Co.,             Affiliated wholly owned subsidiary of the
 Ltd                                                                   Company

4. Other related parties
                                               162 / 188
           Name of related party                               Related party relationship
Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration                      Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan
Equipment Co., Ltd                                                       Group
                                                         Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan
Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd
                                                         Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan
BAC (Dalian) Co., Ltd
Linde Hydrogen Refill Station                            Affiliated company of Dalian Bingshan
Equipment(Dalian) Co.,Ltd                                                Group
Dalian Pate Technology Co.,Ltd                            Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group
Dalian Bingshan Group Management
                                                         Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group
Consulting Co., Ltd
Alphavita Bio-scientific (Dalian) Co., Ltd.           Subsidiary of Dalian Bingshan Group
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Intelligent Control System     Affiliated company of Subsidiary of Dalian
Co., Ltd.                                                        Bingshan Group
                                                    Affiliated company of Subsidiary of Dalian
Dalian Kaierwen Science Co.,Ltd
                                                                 Bingshan Group
                                                    Affiliated company of Subsidiary of Dalian
Dalian Bingshan Huigu Development Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Bingshan Group

(II) Related Party transactions

1. Purchase of goods, offer and receive labour services etc inter-group transactions

    (1)    Purchase of goods/receive labour services

Related party                              Content            Current year         Last year
Panasonic Cold Machine System            Purchases of
(Dalian) co., Ltd                           goods                 8,212,752.63         6,204,102.31
Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co.,    Purchases of
Ltd.                                        goods                 5,942,676.17         5,734,790.46
                                         Purchases of
BAC (Dalian) Co., Ltd                                            26,483,606.45     38,558,623.38
Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co.,       Purchases of
Ltd                                         goods                 8,274,236.08         6,771,058.02
Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation               Purchases of
Technology Co.,Ltd                          goods                34,088,451.31     12,637,825.68
Dalian Jingxue Freezing Equipment        Purchases of
Co., Ltd                                    goods                             -          31,132.74
Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration      Purchases of
Equipment Co., Ltd                          goods                44,236,639.71     25,610,580.45
Dalian Bingshan Huigu Development        Purchases of
Co., Ltd.                                   goods                  1,154,661.47
                                         Purchases of
Dalian Pate Technology Co.,Ltd                                     4,288,651.47        4,424,140.00
Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co.,       Purchases of
Ltd                                         goods                  1,895,034.78        3,165,693.81
Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co.,       Purchases of
Ltd                                         goods                   236,234.00          239,127.13
Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology         Purchases of
Co., Ltd                                    goods                    61,988.75          185,173.85
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending             Purchases of
Machine Co., Ltd                            goods                  2,018,187.51         367,523.32

                                             163 / 188
Related party                               Content           Current year        Last year
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending              Purchases of
Machine Sales Co., Ltd                       goods                 330,309.73
                                          Purchases of
Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd                                     152,920.35
                                          Purchases of
Dalian Kaierwen Science Co.,Ltd                                  2,488,250.00
Dalian Bingshan Group Hua Hui Da          Purchases of
Financial Leasing Co, .Ltd                   goods                                25,898,027.71
                                          Purchases of
Dalian Bingshan Group                                               27,471.70          9,759.29
Total                                                          167,605,586.21    129,837,558.15

       (2)   Sales of goods/ labour services provision

Related party                                   Content         Current year      Last year
Panasonic Cold-chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd       Sales of goods     127,490,433.60    93,027,572.31
Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co.,
                                             Sales of goods      43,839,502.05    45,338,115.66
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine
                                             Sales of goods      19,081,218.00    18,376,724.10
Co., Ltd
Panasonic Cold Machine System
                                             Sales of goods      35,590,082.15    30,951,802.17
(Dalian) co., Ltd
MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian)
                                             Sales of goods      16,781,616.57     8,338,788.98
Co., Ltd.
Beijing Huashang Bingshan
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning           Sales of goods         -41,476.27      617,094.02
Machinery Co., Ltd.
Panasonic compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd       Sales of goods      28,338,724.95

Dalian Pate Technology Co.,Ltd               Sales of goods         452,182.08     1,318,667.79
Keinin-Grand Ocean Thermal
                                             Sales of goods        -309,481.22     1,048,376.71
Technology (Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine
                                             Sales of goods                           94,850.24
Sales Co., Ltd
Dalian Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co.,
                                             Sales of goods       1,099,672.68     1,133,622.82
BAC (Dalian) Co., Ltd                        Sales of goods      54,676,218.06    37,735,772.48
Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration
                                             Sales of goods       3,876,812.87     4,876,532.38
Equipment Co., Ltd
Dalian Bingshan Huigu Development
                                             Sales of goods       8,376,384.88     9,909,504.28

                                              164 / 188
Related party                                   Content         Current year      Last year
Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                                             Sales of goods      22,747,787.61   38,052,648.77
Financial Leasing Co.,Ltd
Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd       Sales of goods       7,572,022.06    4,561,140.10
Wuhan Sikafu Power Control Equipment
                                             Sales of goods           2,831.86      817,593.80
Co., Ltd
Dalian Fuji Bingshan Intelligent Control
                                             Sales of goods        297,951.75       205,929.20
System Co., Ltd
Alphavita Bio-scientific (Dalian) Co.,
                                             Sales of goods       2,820,207.93    1,865,032.81
Linde Hydrogen Refill Station
                                             Sales of goods       2,097,847.50
Equipment(Dalian) Co.,Ltd
Dalian Bingshan Group                        Sales of goods                         139,331.33
Total                                                           374,790,539.11 303,580,734.60

2. Assets Lease

       (1)   Assets rent out

                                           Category of        Current year        Last year
        Lessor                 Lessee      assets rent
                                               out            Lease Income       Lease Income

                       Dalian Bingshan
Heat Transfer                                 Office               132,110.09       132,110.09
Technologies           Group Co., Ltd.
Bingshan               MHI Bingshan
Heat Transfer                                 Plant              3,809,523.80      3,809,523.80
Technologies           (Dalian) Co.,
Co.,Ltd                Ltd.
Bingshan               Dalian Bingshan
                       Huigu               Land/propert
Heat Transfer                                                    8,190,302.14      8,190,552.35
Technologies           Development              y
Co.,Ltd                Company
Bingshan               Panasonic
                       Cold-Chain           Employee
Heat Transfer                                                       37,577.98        39,339.45
Technologies           (Dalian) Co.,        dormitory
Co.,Ltd                Ltd
Bingshan               Panasonic
                       Compressor           Employee
Heat Transfer                                                       91,428.56       114,285.70
Technologies           (Dalian) Co.,        dormitory
Co.,Ltd                Ltd

                                             165 / 188
                                                  Category of           Current year             Last year
             Lessor                 Lessee        assets rent
                                                      out               Lease Income         Lease Income

       Bingshan              Panasonic
       Refrigeration&        Refrigeration           Employee
       Heat Transfer                                                             49,321.09          63,412.88
       Technologies          (Dalian) Co.,           dormitory
       Co.,Ltd               Ltd.
       Dalian Bingshan
       Lingshe Quick         Dalian Jingxue
       Freezing              Energy Saving           Plant and
       Equipment Co.,                                                       1,005,111.44         1,005,111.44
                             Technology Co.,           office
       Ltd                   Ltd.

       Wuhan New World       Wuhan Sikafu
       Refrigeration         Power Control
                                                       Plant                    308,074.95         212,990.08
       Industry Co. Ltd      Equipment Co.,

           (2)     Assets under lease

                                                                  Category of
                                                                                  Current year      Last year Lease
          Lessor                         Lessee                   assets rent
                                                                                    Lease fees            fees
Dalian Bingshan Group          Bingshan Refrigeration&
Huahuida Financial Leasing     Heat Transfer                          FA             413,238.94
Co.,Ltd                        Technologies Co.,Ltd
Dalian Bingshan Group          Dalian Xinminghua
Huahuida Financial Leasing     Electrical Technology                  FA            3,722,231.90        3,621,571.20
Co.,Ltd                        Co., Ltd
Dalian Bingshan Group          Dalian Bingshan JiaDe
Huahuida Financial Leasing     Automation Co., Ltd.                   FA             418,837.77
Dalian Bingshan Group          Wuhan New World
Huahuida Financial Leasing     Refrigeration Industry Co.             FA          18,339,569.52       14,690,379.43
Co.,Ltd                        Ltd
Dalian Bingshan Group          Wuhan Lanning Energy
Huahuida Financial Leasing     Technology Co., Ltd                    FA              24,295.00         2,814,560.00

       3. Warranty provided by Related Parties
       The national development fund planned to support the Company’s intelligent and green
       equipment of cold chain and service industry base project, and provide the special fund to the
       controlling shareholder of the Company, Bingshan Group. Please refer to the “ Note VI. 32 long
       term borrowings”.

       4. Funds borrow from /lent to related party

                                                      166 / 188
   Name of the            Take                              Starting      Ending
                                        Amount                                         Explanation
   related party         in/out                               date         date
Dalian Bingshan                                                                         Project fund
Group Co., Ltd.        Take in      150,000,000.00         2016.03.14   2026.03.13      investment
Dalian Bingshan
Group Huahuida
Financial Leasing      Take in         2,145,251.09        2021.06.15   2024.05.15
Dalian Bingshan
Group Huahuida
Financial Leasing      Take in        18,119,468.87        2021.11.15   2026.10.15
Dalian Bingshan
Group Huahuida
Financial Leasing      Take in         8,619,474.00        2021.02.15   2023.01.15
Dalian Bingshan
Group Huahuida
Financial Leasing      Take in        10,000,000.00        2021.06.01   2024.05.01
Dalian Bingshan
Group Huahuida
Financial Leasing      Take in         5,063,480.54        2021.08.15   2023.07.15
Total                               193,947,674.50

The national development fund planned to support the Company’s intelligent and green
equipment of cold chain and service industry base project, and provide the special fund to the
controlling shareholder of the Company, Bingshan Group in 2016. After the above funds are in
place, Bingshan Group will allocate the funds to the Company in full and without any additional
charge. The above special fund is 0.15 billionYuan in total, the loan interest is fixed interest rate
at 1.2% annual rate and paid interest 1,852,000Yuan for this year.

5. Other transactions among the related parties

Item                                transaction                 Current year         Last year
Dalian Bingshan Group Sold equity of affiliated
Co.,Ltd                  company
Dalian Zhonghuida
                         Purchase equity of affiliated
Refrigeration                                                     45,400,000.00
Technology Co., LTD
Total                                                             45,400,000.00      74,007,700.00

In March 2021, Bingshan Refrigeration& Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd bought 20%
shareholding in Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida Financial Leasing Co.,Ltd from Dalian
Zhonghuida Refrigeration Technology Co., LTD. This share transfer has been approved through
15th meeting of the 8th directors’ meeting and announced for related party transaction.

                                               167 / 188
 6. Management Remuneration

  Item                                            Current year                  Last year
  Total remuneration                                     3,711,500.00               3,792,100.00

 (III) Balances with Related party

 1.Accounts receivable due from related parties

                                                                       Closing Balance
         Item                  Related party                                        Bad debt
                                                            Book Balance
Accounts receivable BAC (Dalian) Co., Ltd                     12,548,585.90           880,910.73
                    Beijing Huashang Bingshan
                    Refrigeration and
Accounts receivable Air-conditioning Machinery Co.,           10,125,260.53          6,110,824.22
Accounts receivable Alphavita Bio-scientific (Dalian)            1,164,159.66            81,724.01
                    Co., Ltd.
Accounts receivable Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending                 5,656,023.33         398,096.17
                    Machine Co., Ltd.
Accounts receivable Dalian Bingshan Huigu                          439,268.00            63,813.46
                    Development Company
Accounts receivable Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers                1,942,559.40         136,367.67
                    Co., Ltd
Accounts receivable MHI Bingshan Refrigeration                   1,803,184.94         126,583.58
                    (Dalian) Co.,Ltd.
Accounts receivable Panasonic Cold Machine System                4,963,341.40         348,426.57
                    (Dalian) Co., Ltd
Accounts receivable Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian)             37,390,849.92         2,624,837.66
                    Co., Ltd
Accounts receivable Panasonic Compressor (Dalian)                4,021,698.75         282,323.25
                    Co., Ltd
Accounts receivable Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian)             6,861,805.71         481,698.76
                    Co., Ltd
Accounts receivable Dalian Fuji Bingshan Intelligent              175,200.00             12,299.04
                    Control System Co., Ltd.
Contract asset      Dalian Bingshan Group
                    Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd               75,000.00             12,555.00

Contract asset      Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian)
                    Co., Ltd                                       11,000.00                772.20
Contract asset      Panasonic Cold Machine System                 166,000.00             27,788.40
                    (Dalian) Co., Ltd
Prepayment          Panasonic Cold Machine System
                    (Dalian) Co., Ltd                            2,225,656.57
Prepayment          Dalian Bingshan Group
                    Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd              157,531.70

Prepayment          Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers
                    Co., Ltd                                       341,215.00                    -

Prepayment          Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
                    Financial Leasing Co.,Ltd                      951,659.80                    -

Prepayment          BAC (Dalian) Co., Ltd                        1,607,378.00
                                             168 / 188
                                                                        Closing Balance
       Item                      Related party                                      Bad debt
                                                                 Book Balance
Prepayment             Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian)
                       Co., Ltd                                    3,161,000.00                   -

Receivable             Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending
                       Machine Co., Ltd.                           2,060,929.41                   -
Receivable             Panasonic Cold Machine system
                       (Dalian) Co., Ltd                           4,197,610.38
Receivable             Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian)
                       Co., Ltd                                   18,720,000.00                   -
Receivable             Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian)
                       Co., Ltd                                      242,878.69                   -
                       BAC (Dalian) Co., Ltd                       7,341,688.27
                       Wuhan Sikafu Power Control
Other receivable                                                     148,423.28            6,189.25
                       Equipment Co., Ltd
                       Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian)
Other receivable                                                      18,079.63             753.92
                       Co., Ltd


                                                                          Opening Balance
     Item                        Related party                                       Bad debt
                                                                   Book Balance
                   BAC (Dalian) Co., Ltd                             9,504,843.22     667,239.99
Accounts           Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration
                   and Air-conditioning Machinery Co., Ltd           7,240,855.23    3,675,419.18
                   Alphavita Bio-scientific (Dalian) Co., Ltd.         796,179.45         55,891.80
Accounts           Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine
                   Co., Ltd.                                         6,782,271.29     476,115.44
                   Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd            2,099,049.80     147,353.30
Accounts           MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian)
                   Co.,Ltd.                                          1,381,832.96         97,004.67
Accounts           Panasonic Cold Machine system (Dalian)
                   Co., Ltd                                          5,009,806.43     351,688.41
                   Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd           31,200,329.39    2,190,263.12

                                                169 / 188
                                                                    Opening Balance
     Item                      Related party                                  Bad debt
                                                             Book Balance
                 Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd        170,229.87        11,950.14
                 Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd   10,217,335.97      717,256.99
Accounts         Wuhan Sikafu Power Control Equipment
                 Co., Ltd                                       36,484.00         2,561.18
Accounts         Dalian Fuji Bingshan Intelligent Control
                 System Co., Ltd.                              140,000.00         9,828.00
Contract asset   Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration
                 Equipment Co., Ltd.                             75,000.00        5,265.00
Contract asset   Panasonic Cold Machine system (Dalian)
                 Co., Ltd                                        72,500.00        5,089.50
Prepayment       Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration
                 Equipment Co., Ltd.                            222,875.00

Prepayment       Panasonic Cold Machine system (Dalian)
                 Co., Ltd                                       343,673.53
Prepayment       Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd            3,938.00
Prepayment       Dalian Kaierwen science Co., Ltd              1,445,000.00
Prepayment       Dalian Bingshan Huigu Development Co.,
                 Ltd.                                           114,756.00

Prepayment       Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Co., Ltd         207,390.00
                 Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation Technology
Prepayment                                                     6,397,458.41
                 BAC (Dalian) Co., Ltd                        10,501,112.93
Receivable       Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine
financing        Co., Ltd.                                      494,341.48
Receivable       Panasonic Cold Machine system (Dalian)
financing        Co., Ltd                                      6,185,494.14
                 Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd      16,320,000.00
                 Panasonic Compressor (Dalian) Co., Ltd        1,025,446.21
                 Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd     5,049,112.09
                 Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian) Co., Ltd        6,400,000.00     449,280.00
                 Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd     4,125,319.49     289,597.43
                 Dalian Bingshan Group                       36,263,700.00    2,371,645.98

  2.Accounts Payable due from Related Party

                                              170 / 188
      Item                    Related party              Closing Balance       Opening Balance

Accounts Payable     BAC Dalian Co., Ltd                     11,326,144.36        24,377,268.45
                     Dalian Bingshan Group
Accounts Payable                                             18,626,438.61         5,805,008.65
                     Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.
                     Dalian Bingshan Pate Technology
Accounts Payable                                              3,921,294.33         1,988,696.08
                     Co., Ltd
                     Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers
Accounts Payable                                              1,160,849.00          695,784.00
                     Co., Ltd
                     Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation
Accounts Payable                                              4,512,235.92         4,542,624.08
                     Technology Co.,Ltd
                     Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending
Accounts Payable                                                145,500.00          414,000.00
                     Machine Sales Co., Ltd.
                     Panasonic Cold Machine System
Accounts Payable                                             17,401,521.28        14,096,385.66
                     (Dalian) Co., Ltd
                     Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian)
Accounts Payable                                                187,071.99         7,109,782.64
                     Co., Ltd
                     Panasonic Compressor (Dalian)
Accounts Payable                                              1,785,651.94         1,805,998.72
                     Co., Ltd
                     Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian)
Accounts Payable                                              1,350,094.85         1,207,795.95
                     Co., Ltd.
                     Dalian Bingshan Metal
Accounts Payable                                                 70,047.29
                     Technology Co., Ltd
Accounts Payable     Dalian Kaierwen science Co., Ltd           128,750.00
Other payable        Dalian Bingshan Group                                          800,000.00
                     Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending
Other payable                                                   268,500.00
                     Machine Co., Ltd.
                     MHI Bingshan Refrigeration
Other payable                                                   170,000.00          170,000.00
                     (Dalian) Co., Ltd.
                     Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian)
Other payable                                                    19,500.00
                     Co., Ltd.
                     Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation
Other payable                                                    70,000.00           70,000.00
                     Technology Co.,Ltd
                     Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers
Contract liability                                                         -       1,769,911.50
                     Co., Ltd
Contract liability   Panasonic Cold Machine System
                     (Dalian) Co., Ltd                        1,410,975.05        10,752,300.88
Contract liability   Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian)
                     Co., Ltd.                                    2,831.86
Contract liability   Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian)
                     Co., Ltd                                 1,819,735.06           87,977.15
Contract liability   Wuhan Sikafu Power Control
                     Equipment Co., Ltd                          76,228.67
Notes Payable        BAC (Dalian) Co., Ltd                    3,932,858.40          869,502.00
                     Dalian Bingshan Group
Notes Payable                                                 7,377,503.92         8,124,711.01
                     Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd
Notes Payable        Dalian Honjo Chemical Co., Ltd             172,800.00
                     Dalian Bingshan Pate Technology
Notes Payable                                                   880,000.00         1,600,000.00
                     Co., Ltd

                                             171 / 188
      Item                      Related party                  Closing Balance          Opening Balance

                     Jiangsu Jingxue Insulation
Notes Payable                                                             492,450.00
                     Technology Co.,Ltd
                     Panasonic Cold Chain (Dalian)
Notes Payable                                                            1,657,321.00       1,657,321.00
                     Co., Ltd
                     Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers
Notes Payable                                                            1,517,200.00        150,000.00
                     Co., Ltd
                     Panasonic Cold Machine System
Notes Payable                                                                                112,010.00
                     (Dalian) Co., Ltd
                     Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
Lease payable                                                            4,055,686.70      13,545,495.63
                     Financial Leasing Co., Ltd..
                     Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
liability      due                                                      25,727,284.78      14,089,410.56
                     Financial Leasing Co., Ltd..
within 1 year
Long          term   Dalian Bingshan Group Huahuida
payable              Financial Leasing Co., Ltd..                       23,543,375.62       2,022,529.96

(IV) Related Party Commitment

XII. Share-Based Payment

XIII. Contingency

The Company sold refrigerating house equipment to Guizhou Pubu Cold Chain Food
Investment Co.,Ltd (“Pubu Cold Chain”) in the form of finance lease. The Company as a seller
singed finance lease contract with Huahuida as a buyer as well as a lessor and Pubu Cold Chain
as a lessee. The contract price is 25.705million Yuan. In case the lease premium is delayed by
the lessee, the Company needs to pay lease premium on behalf of the lessee and be obliged to
the buy back responsibility. Pubu Cold Chain issued an unconditional, irrevocable and
joint liability counter guarantee, and the Company is the beneficiary. Guarantee scope covers
the full liability because of the sales in the form of finance lease.

As at 31 December 2021, the balance of the guarantee obligation of the finance lease is RMB
24,210,316.00Yuan. There is no situation where the Company needs to bear the liability as the
Pubu Cold Chain’s default.

As at 31 December 2021, The Company does not have any other contingencies for disclosure
apart from the above matters.

XIV. Commitment

As at 31 December 2021, The Company does not have any other significant commitments.

                                                172 / 188
XV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

     1. Significant events had not adjusted

The 2nd meeting of the 9th generation of board was held on 21st January 2022 and approved the
“ announcement of share transfer of Bingshan Technical Service (Dalian) Co.,Ltd”, and agree
to sell 100% of shareholding of Bingshan Technical Service (Dalian) Co.,Ltd to Dalian
Bingshan Group( Bingshan Group), Dalian Zhonghuida Refrigeration Technology Co., LTD
(Zhonghuida),       Dalian   Zhixintong     Enterprise      Management   Partnership   (Limited
partnership)( Zhixintong) at 25.8882million Yuan.

The formal ‘contract of share transfer’ was signed by Bingshan Group, Zhonghuida and
Zhixintong on March 3, 2022. Change of shareholding has been registered in Industrial and
Commercial Bureau.

     2. Information about profit distribution

The 4th meeting of the 9th generation of board was held on 22nd April 2022 and approved the
profit distribution policy for the year of 2021, based on 843,212,507.00 numbers of share in
total, paying out cash dividend of 0.1Yuan for every 10 shares (before tax) and cash dividend of
B shares are paid in Hong Kong dollars.

     3. Sales Return

There is no significant sales return after the balance sheet date.

     4. Except the subsequent event disclosed above, the Company has no other significant
subsequent event.

XVI. Other Significant Events

  1. Error correction and effect in previous period

  2. Debt Restructuring

  3. Asset exchange
   (1) The exchange of non-monetary assets


   (2) The exchange of other assets


  4. Annuity Plan
                                                173 / 188

  5. Operation termination


  6. Segment Information

The management of the Company divided the Company into 3 segments based on the
geographic area: Northeast China, Central China, and East China. The Northeast is the
Company’s general headquarters and the subsidiaries registered in Dalian. The Central is the
subsidiary of the Company, Wuhan New World Refrigeration Industrial Co., Ltd and its
subsidiary, Wuhan Cooling Engineering, Wuhan Lanning, and Chengdu Bingshan. The East is
the subsidiaries of the Company, and they are Ningbo Bingshan Air-conditioning Refrigeration
Engineering Co., Ltd.

(1) The basis and accounting policies of reporting segments
The internal organization structure, management requirements and internal report scheme are
the determination basis for the Company to set the operating segments. The segments are those
satisfied the following requirements.

     1).The segment can generates revenue and incur expenses.

     2).The management personnel can regularly evaluate the operation results of segments and
        allocate resource, assess its performance.

     3).The financial situation, operation results, cash flow and other accounting information of
        segments can be acquired.

The Company confirms the report segments based on the operating segments. The transfer price
among segments is set base on the market price. The assets and related expenses in common use
are allocated to different segments based on their proportion of revenue.

(2)The financial information of reporting segments
                                                                Amount unit :Ten thousands Yuan
                                                                      Current year
           Items                Northeast            Central
                                                                        East China      Offset       Total
                                 China               China
1 Operating income               256,027.70           25,718.92             2,053.40   -74,879.19   208,920.83
2 Cost                            233,714.74          22,681.37             2,162.77   -73,605.74   184,953.14
    Impairment loss on
                                    2,814.40               2,175.47           -11.48       -15.72     4,962.67
    Impairment loss on
                                    8,774.42                401.39             -0.28       -95.73     9,079.80
    Depreciation and
                                    9,528.95                865.71              0.46                 10,395.12

                                               174 / 188
                                                                      Current year
             Items                 Northeast            Central
                                                                        East China               Offset          Total
                                    China               China
 3 Investment income from
                                      -5,805.80                1.25                    -                  -     -5,804.55
 associates and joint venture
 4 Operating profits(loss)           -20,972.88           -4,940.69             -401.00          -2,634.72    -28,949.29
 5 Income tax                         -1,523.69               69.04               16.50              7.82       -1,430.33
 6 Net profit(loss)                  -19,449.19           -5,009.73             -417.50          -2,642.54    -27,518.96
 7 Total assets                      645,264.51          46,674.73          1,205.60           -119,589.17    573,555.67
 8 Total liabilities                 283,157.04          33,070.52          1,241.14            -48,861.39    268,607.31

 7. Other important transactions and matters affect the investor's decision

 The Company hasn’t had other important transactions and matters affect the investor's decision
 in this period.

 XVII. Notes to the Main Items of the Financial Statements of Parent Company

   1. Accounts receivable

     (1) Accounts receivable category

                                                        Closing Balance
        Item                    Booking balance                       Provision
                                                                                                Booking value
                             Amount               %            Amount              %
   receivable with
 individual amount
  and separate bad
    debt provision
receivable with bad
    debt provision
                         490,329,366.12           100.00      81,610,090.34        16.64        408,719,275.78
     based on the
characters of credit
     risk portfolio
  (1) Accounting
            age as       279,002,384.85             56.90     81,610,090.34        29.25        197,392,294.51
 (2) Related party
                         211,326,981.27             43.10                   -              -    211,326,981.27

                                                  175 / 188
                                                   Closing Balance
       Item                  Booking balance                  Provision
                                                                                  Booking value
                           Amount              %          Amount           %
       Total             490,329,366.12      100.00     81,610,090.34     16.64   408,719,275.78


                                                     Opening Balance
        Item                 Booking balance                 Provision              Booking
                            Amount           %           Amount           %         balance
Accounts receivable
  with significant
 individual amount
  and separate bad
   debt provision
Accounts receivable
    with bad debt
 provision based on       474,709,875.38    100.00      66,083,949.47     13.92   408,625,925.91
  the characters of
 credit risk portfolio
(1) Accounting age
                          250,449,415.13     52.76      66,083,949.47     26.39   184,365,465.66
       as characters
(2) Related party
                          224,260,460.25     47.24                                224,260,460.25
        Total             474,709,875.38    100.00      66,083,949.47     13.92   408,625,925.91

    1) The bad debt provisions of accounts receivable in the portfolio is accrued under
        accounting aging analysis method:

                                                      Closing Balance
           Aging                                        Provision for bad Drawing Proportion
                             Accounts receivable
                                                              debts                (%)
       Within 1 year                 134,087,659.57           9,412,953.70         7.02
         1-2 years                    56,560,751.26           9,468,269.76         16.74
         2-3 years                    12,732,034.09           3,925,286.11         30.83
         3-4 years                    24,408,237.52         12,040,583.57          49.33
         4-5 years                    15,980,988.18         11,530,282.97          72.15
       Over 5 years                   35,232,714.23         35,232,714.23         100.00
           Total                     279,002,384.85         81,610,090.34           —

                                            176 / 188
        (2) Bad debt provision

                           Aging                                             Closing Balance
                       Within 1 year                                                          289,214,483.23
                         1-2 years                                                            112,760,908.87
                         2-3 years                                                             12,732,034.09
                         3-4 years                                                             24,408,237.52
                         4-5 years                                                             15,980,988.18
                       Over 5 years                                                            35,232,714.23
                           Total                                                              490,329,366.12

        (3) Bad debt provision

                                                 Change during the year
Category                                 Accrued          Collected/                           Closing Balance
                      balance                                                Written-off
Bad        debt
                      66,083,949.47    16,379,650.72        269,500.00          584,009.85        81,610,090.34
Total                 66,083,949.47    16,379,650.72        269,500.00          584,009.85        81,610,090.34

        (4) Accounts receivable written off in current period.

   Item                                                                    Written off amount
   Receivable actually written off                                                               584,009.85

        (5) The top five significant accounts receivable categorized by debtors

                                                                                   % of          Closing
   Company                                                         Aging          the total     Balance of
                                                                                    AR          Provision
   Xinyi Yuanda Construction                                    3-4years
   and Installation Engineering         32,748,744.00           4-5years            6.68       25,281,907.38
   Co., Ltd.                                                    Over 5 years
   Qingcheng Zhongyi Energy
                                        24,375,000.00           1-2years            4.97        4,080,375.00
   Co., Ltd
   Xinjiang Dongfang New
                                        10,146,500.00           Within 1 year       2.07         712,284.30
   Energy Co.,Ltd
   Guangzhou R&F Properties
                                         9,879,861.21             3-4years          2.01        4,873,735.53
   Co., Ltd
   Ningxia Wangwa Coal Co.,
                                         9,131,495.12             2-3years          1.86        2,533,601.22
   Total                                86,281,600.33                              17.59       37,481,903.43

         2. Other Receivables

                                                    177 / 188
                   Item                         Closing Balance                        Opening Balance
  Interest receivable                                                                             46,879.68
  Dividend receivable                                       25,100,920.84
  Other receivable                                          29,121,904.34                     41,136,517.46
  Total                                                     54,222,825.18                     41,183,397.14

        2.1 Interest receivable

        (1) Interest receivable category

                     Item                         Closing Balance                      Opening Balance
  Interest on term deposits                                                                       46,879.68
  Total                                                                                           46,879.68

        2.2 Dividend receivable

                          Item                                   Closing Balance            Opening Balance
Bingshan Technical Service (Dalian) Co.,Ltd.                         24,148,920.84
Guotai Junan Securities                                                   952,000.00
Total                                                                  25,100,920.84

        2.3 Other receivable

        (1) The category of other receivables

  Items                                           Closing Balance                      Opening Balance
  Share transfer                                                                              36,263,700.00
  Deposits                                                  20,112,243.72                      3,640,939.00
  Petty cash                                                     344,848.03                      557,035.76
  Receivables and payables                                  10,466,237.65                      5,697,595.21
  Total                                                     30,923,329.40                     46,159,269.97

        (2) The bad debt provision of other receivable

                            1st stage           2nd stage             3rd stage
                                                                   Expected credit
                                              credit loss
  bad         debt      Expected credit                            loss within the
                                              within the                                       Total
  provision               loss within 12                               whole
                             months                                period(impair
                                                                   ment incurred)
                             5,022,752.51                    -                     -           5,022,752.51
  Opening                               —                  —                                           —
                                                   178 / 188
                        1st stage        2nd stage            3rd stage
                                                           Expected credit
                                         credit loss
bad         debt     Expected credit                       loss within the
                                         within the                                 Total
provision             loss within 12                           whole
                         months                            period(impair
                                                           ment incurred)
balance during
the year
--transfer to
the 2nd stage
--transfer to
                           862,625.00                          862,625.00
the 3rd    stage
--reverse       to
the 2nd stage
----reverse to
the 1st stage
Accrued                                                        335,940.00             335,940.00
Reverse                  1,229,851.45                                               1,229,851.45
Written off              2,327,416.00                  -                   -        2,327,416.00
                           602,860.06                  -     1,198,565.00-          1,801,425.06

    (3) Other receivable listed by account aging

                          Aging                                   Closing Balance

                       Within 1 year                                             8,184,022.32
                        1-2 years                                               20,967,321.97
                        2-3 years                                                  573,420.11
                        3-4 years                                                           -
                        4-5 years                                                           -
                      Over 5 years                                               1,198,565.00
                          Total                                                30,923,329.40

      (4) Bad debt provision.

                                             179 / 188
                                               Change during the year
                       Opening                                                              Closing
 Category                            Accrued     Collected/reve
                        balance                                       Written-off           Balance
 Bad debt
                      5,022,752.51                     893,911.45      2,327,416.00        1,801,425.06
 Total                5,022,752.51                     893,911.45      2,327,416.00        1,801,425.06

        (5) Other receivables from the top 5 debtors

                                                                                % of          Closing
          Name               Category                             Aging        the total     Balance of
                                                                                 OR          Provision
Cangzhou Lingang             Security
Renguo Chemical                             2,000,000.00       Within 1 year     6.47        83,400.00
Co., LTD                      deposit
Dalian Delta HK
                              Deposit       1,100,000.00       Over5 years,      3.56       1,100,000.00
China Gas Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Dongfang            Security
                                            1,000,000.00       Within 1 year     3.23          41,700.00
New Energy Co.,Ltd           deposit
Hebei Veyong Bio-            Security
                                               865,980.00      Within 1 year     2.80          36,111.37
Chemical Co.,Ltd             deposit
Ningxia Runyang
Silicon Material Tech                          800,000.00      Within 1 year     2.59          33,360.00
nology Co., LTD
Total                                       5,765,980.00                        18.65       1,294,571.37

                                                 180 / 188
3. Long-term equity investments

  (1) Category of long-term equity investments

                                                         Closing Balance                                                 Opening Balance
                                    Closing Balance          Provision             Book Value         Opening Balance         Provision           Book Value
    Investment of subsidiaries         696,262,267.08                      -       696,262,267.08       687,496,652.08                           687,496,652.08
    Investment of affiliates
                                     1,227,131,957.97                      -     1,227,131,957.97     1,504,481,732.65                          1,504,481,732.65
    and JV
              Total                  1,923,394,225.05                      -     1,923,394,225.05     2,191,978,384.73                          2,191,978,384.73

  (2) Investments of subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                 Provision for
                                                                                                                                impairment of         Provision for
        Subsidiaries names               Opening Balance           Increase                Decrease        Closing Balance                            impairment
                                                                                                                                  the current          at year end
Dalian Bingshan Group Construction
Co., Ltd                                      193,749,675.77                                                 193,749,675.77
Dalian Bingshan Group Sales Co.,
Ltd                                              20,722,428.15                                                20,722,428.15
Dalian Bingshan Air-Conditioning
Equipment Co., Ltd                               36,506,570.00    8,765,615.00                                45,272,185.00
Dalian Bingshan Jiade Automation
Co., Ltd                                          6,872,117.80                                                 6,872,117.80
Dalian Bingshan Lingshe Quick
Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd                      59,356,051.19                                                59,356,051.19
Dalian Niweisi LengNuan
Technology Co., Ltd                              48,287,589.78                                                48,287,589.78

                                                                               181 / 188
                                                                                                                                                          Provision for
                                                                                                                                                          impairment of           Provision for
         Subsidiaries names                        Opening Balance                   Increase               Decrease           Closing Balance                                    impairment
                                                                                                                                                           the current             at year end
Wuhan New World Refrigeration
Industrial Co., Ltd                                    184,674,910.81                                                            184,674,910.81
Bingshan Technical Service
(Dalian) Co.,Ltd.                                      22,024,000.00                                                            22,024,000.00
Dalian Xinminghua Electronics Co.,
Ltd.                                                     43,766,243.72                                                            43,766,243.72
Dalian Bingshan International
Trading Co., Ltd                                         71,537,064.86                                                            71,537,064.86
Total                                                  687,496,652.08               8,765,615.00                                 696,262,267.08

  (3) Joint ventures& affiliated companies
                                                                        Gains and                                                                                                           Provision
                                                                                    Adjustment                                                   for
                      Beginning                                            losses                                                                                                              for
     Investee                                                                         of other  Changes of             Cash bonus or         impairment            Ending balance
                       balance         Increased     Decreased          recognized                                                                        Others                          impairment
                                                                                    comprehensi other equity         profits announced          of the
                                                                         under the                                                                                                         at year end
                                                                                     ve income                                                 current
                                                                      equity method
1. Affiliated
Refrigeration         163,867,472.86                 147,270,127.38      -14,994,567.44   -322,778.04            -            1,280,000.00            -        -                     -
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Cold-chain (Dalian)   205,987,069.49           -                 -      -112,859,182.84            -             -            2,797,849.22            -        -          90,330,037.43
Co., Ltd
Compressor            462,033,107.31           -                 -        30,800,342.18            -             -           32,773,200.00            -        -         460,060,249.49
(Dalian) Co., Ltd

                                                                                                182 / 188
                                                                        Gains and                                                                                                        Provision
                                                                                    Adjustment                                                  for
                     Beginning                                             losses                                                                                                           for
     Investee                                                                         of other  Changes of            Cash bonus or         impairment            Ending balance
                      balance         Increased       Decreased         recognized                                                                       Others                        impairment
                                                                                    comprehensi other equity        profits announced          of the
                                                                         under the                                                                                                      at year end
                                                                                     ve income                                                current
                                                                      equity method
Dalian Honjo
Chemical Co., Ltd      8,746,197.03              -                -         741,303.19         -               -               561,233.70            -        -         8,926,266.52
Ocean Thermal
Technology            55,934,955.38              -                -        4,864,112.90        -               -             2,000,000.00            -        -        58,799,068.28
(Dalian) Co., Ltd
Beijing Huashang
Refrigeration and      2,121,951.69              -                -          17,990.49         -               -                        -            -        -         2,139,942.18
Machinery Co., Ltd
Dalian Fuji
Bingshan Vending     184,454,138.22              -                -      -35,798,123.47        -               -                        -            -        -       148,656,014.75
Machine Co., Ltd
MHI Bingshan
Refrigeration         14,891,119.67              -                -          32,684.20         -               -                        -            -        -        14,923,803.87
(Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Dalian Bingshan
Group Huahuida
Financial Leasing                -    44,046,635.07               -         742,684.48         -               -                        -            -        -        44,789,319.55
Co., Ltd
Dalian Fuji
Bingshan Vending
Machine Sales Co.,       43,546.35               -                -          -43,546.35        -               -                        -            -        -
Jiangsu Jingxue
Insulation           203,208,828.97              -                -       14,646,669.36        -   -16,123,970.29                       -            -        -       201,731,528.04
Technology Co.,Ltd
Panasonic Cold
Machine System        30,034,799.53              -                -        2,341,469.67        -               -             3,895,484.27            -        -        28,480,784.93
(Dalian) Co., Ltd

                                                                                            183 / 188
                                                                          Gains and                                                                                                              Provision
                                                                                      Adjustment                                                       for
                    Beginning                                                losses                                                                                                                 for
        Investee                                                                        of other  Changes of                 Cash bonus or         impairment            Ending balance
                     balance           Increased       Decreased          recognized                                                                            Others                         impairment
                                                                                      comprehensi other equity             profits announced          of the
                                                                           under the                                                                                                            at year end
                                                                                       ve income                                                     current
                                                                        equity method
Bingshan Metal
Technical Service
(Dalian) Co.,      173,158,546.15               -                -        23,785,030.56            -                -            28,648,633.78            -        -       168,294,942.93
Total               1,504,481,732.65   44,046,635.07   147,270,127.38      -85,723,133.07   -322,778.04   -16,123,970.29           71,956,400.97            -        -      1,227,131,957.97

                                                                                                  184 / 188
   4. Operating revenue and cost

Item                                 Current year                        Last year
                              Revenue               Cost         Revenue             Cost
Revenue from main
                           785,491,401.27 707,799,558.39 710,173,991.25 589,797,068.56
Revenue from other
                            48,010,534.28      29,323,036.07   40,847,679.19     26,502,030.35
Total                      833,501,935.55 737,122,594.46 751,021,670.44 616,299,098.91

   5. Investment income

 Items                                                         Current year       Last year
 Long-term equity investment gain under equity method          -85,723,133.07    79,930,496.36
 Gain from disposing long-term equity investment               27,665,072.62     12,859,589.96
 Gain from holding of available for sale financial assets                   -
 Gain from disposal of financial assets available for sale                  -
 Gain from holding of tradable financial assets                             -
 Gain from disposing of tradable financial assets                           -
 Long-term equity investment gain under cost method            32,102,543.64     10,200,459.43
 Gain from holding of other noncurrent financial assets         7,229,604.48      5,346,903.12
 Gain from disposal of other noncurrent financial assets        2,620,417.98      6,784,485.22
 Total                                                         -16,105,494.35   115,121,934.09

XVIII. Approval of Financial Statements

 The parent and consolidated financial statements of the Company were approved by the Board
 of Directors of The Company on April 22, 2022.

                                              185 / 188
Supplementary Information to the Financial Statements

1. Non-operating profit or loss

 Items                                                                        Current year    Notes
 Gain or loss from disposal of non-current assets                             27,724,344.91
 Override, no formal approval or accidental tax refund, deduction or
 Government grants recorded into profit or loss during current period         15,993,001.31
 Expenses for using funds from non-financial institution recognized
 in current profit/loss
 Gains from acquisition of subsidiary or associates when initial cost
 is less than the fair value of identifiable net asset of invested
 Profits/loss from non-monetary assets exchange
 Profits/loss from investments or management of assets entrusted by
 Assets impairment provision accrued due to force majeure, e.g.:
 suffering natural disasters
 Profit or loss from debts restructuring                                         819,297.68
 Expenses of enterprise restructuring
 Gain/loss on excessive part from the transaction where the trading
 price is obviously unfair.
 Net gain/loss of subsidiary from combination under same control
 between the beginning of year and consolidation date.
 Gains/ loss from contingencies arising from the normal business of
 the Company
 Gain/loss from change of fair value by holding the tradable financial
 asset and liabilities, and or disposing of the tradable financial asset
 and liabilities, available for sale financial assets, other than effective
 hedging in relation to the Company’s normal business
 Reversal of impairment provision of accounts receivable separately
 tested for impairment
 The profits/loss from external entrusted fund
 The profits/gains from changes of fair value for investment property
 subsequently measured at fair value model
 Effects of gain/loss from one-off adjustments of gain/loss based on
 laws and regulations of taxation and accounting.
                                                186 / 188
 Items                                                                     Current year      Notes
 Custodian fees obtained from entrusted operations
 Non-operating revenue and expense besides the above items                 -5,129,941.48
 Other profit or loss
 Subtotal                                                                  94,651,726.56
 Effect on income tax                                                       8,490,868.44
 Attributable to minority shareholders’ equity (after tax)                   170,754.52
 Total                                                                     85,990,103.60

2. Return on equity and earnings per share
In accordance with the provisions of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, “Corporate
Information Disclosure and Compilation Rules for Public Offering of Securities No. 9 –
Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings Per Share (2010 Revision)”,
the Company’s 2021 annual weighted average net Return on assets, basic earnings per share and
diluted earnings per share are as follows:

                                                              Weighted       Earnings per share
                                                              average                (EPS)
Profit of report period                                       return on        Basic       Diluted
                                                              net assets       EPS           EPS
Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company      -8.31%          -0.32         -0.32
Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses
                                                              -10.97%          -0.42         -0.42
attributable to shareholders of parent company

                                              187 / 188
                      Section 11 Reference Documents

3.   The accounting statements bearing the signatures and seals of the legal representative, the
     financial majordomo and the accountants in charge.
4.   The original copy of the auditor's report bearing the seal of the certified public accountants and
     the signatures and seals of the certified accountants.
5.   The original copies of all the Company's documents and the original copies of the bulletins
     published on the newspapers designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in the
     report period.
6.   Time for reference: from Monday to Friday 8:00 - 11:30 (am)       1:00 - 4:30 (pm)
     Liaison persons: Mr. Song Wenbao,Mrs Du Yu
     Tel: 0086-411-87968130
     Fax: 0086-411-87968125

                                     Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat TransferTechnologies Co., Ltd.

                                                                                          April 23, 2022

                                                188 / 188