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                          Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Quarterly Report For First Quarter, 2023

   Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer
           Technologies Co., Ltd.

                                     April, 2023

          Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Quarterly Report For First Quarter, 2023

                 Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
                    QUARTERLY REPORT FOR FIRST QUARTER, 2023

   Important Notes
   1.1 The directors and the Board of Directors, the supervisors and the Supervisory Board, and Senior staff
   members of Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
   Company) hereby confirm that there are no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading
   carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
   completeness of the whole contents.
   1.2 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, Financial Majordomo, and the head of Accounting
   Department hereby confirm that the financial report of the quarterly report is true and complete.
   1.3 This report is written respectively in Chinese and in English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two
   above-mentioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

   §1 Major accounting data
   1.1 Major accounting data and financial indexes

                                                                                                       Increase/decrease compared
                                                   January-March, 2023       January-March, 2022
                                                                                                           with previous year

  Operating revenue                                      1,072,560,425.76            580,124,203.74                          84.88%

  Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                            25,392,393.54             -12,758,270.89                       299.03%
  listed companies
  Net profit belonging to the shareholders of
  listed companies after the deduction of                   13,312,360.06               5,827,430.25                       128.44%
  non-recurring profit and loss
  Net cash flow from operating activities                 -158,425,157.75           -106,839,308.54                         -48.28%

  Basic earnings per share                                            0.03                     -0.02                       250.00%

  Diluted earnings per share                                          0.03                     -0.02                       250.00%

  Weighted average return on net asset yield                       0.84%                     -0.43% Increase 1.27 percentage points

                                                                                                       Increase/decrease compared
                                                     March 31, 2023          December 31, 2022
                                                                                                           with year beginning
  Total assets                                           7,493,875,954.26           7,601,935,329.60                         -1.42%

  Owner's equity attributable to shareholders of
                                                         3,031,583,225.38           3,006,190,831.84                             0.84%
  listed companies
   1.2 non-recurring gains and losses
   √ Applicable □ Inapplicable
          Item of non-recurring gains and losses           Amount from beginning of year to the end of report period
Disposal gains and losses of non-current asset                                                                6,743.57
Government subsidies included in current profit or loss                                                   2,533,270.09
Disposal gains from investments on other non-current
financial assets, or gains from fair value change of other                                                8,400,706.16
non-current financial assets
Other operating revenue or expense                                                                        1,963,520.45
Income tax effect                                                                                           729,811.18
Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                                                                     94,395.61
                            Total                                                                        12,080,033.48

   1.3 Major changes in main financial items and indexes, and description of the cause
   √ Applicable □ Inapplicable

              Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Quarterly Report For First Quarter, 2023
  (1). Other accounts receivable decreased by 31.58% compared to the beginning of the year, mainly due to refunds and refunds
  of bid security, reserve funds, etc.
  (2). Salary payable decreased 65.26% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the payment of provision
  employee compensation of last period-end during the reporting period.
  (3). Other accounts payable decreased 51.31% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the increase of current
  expenses such as the balance of reimbursement paid to individuals and the payment of freight.
  (4).The operating revenue increased by 84.88% year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in orders, as well as the inclusion of
  Sonyo Compressors and Sonyo Refrigeration System in the consolidation scope.
  (5).Sales expenses increased by 58.44% year-on-year, mainly due to the inclusion of Sonyo Compressors and Sonyo
  Refrigerators in the consolidation scope.
  (6). Management expenses increased by 78.50% year-on-year, mainly due to the inclusion of Sonyo Compressors and Sonyo
  Refrigerators in the consolidation scope.
  (7). R&D expenses increased by 117.49% year-on-year, mainly due to the inclusion of Sonyo Compressors and Sonyo
  Refrigerators in the consolidation scope.
  (8). Financial expenses increased by 216.69% year-on-year, mainly due to the inclusion of Sonyo Compressors and Sonyo
  Refrigerators in the merger scope, as well as an increase in mergers and acquisitions loans.
  (9). The investment income from affiliated enterprises and joint ventures decreased by 60.33% year-on-year, mainly due to the
  conversion of Sonyo Compressors and Sonyo Refrigerators into subsidiaries.
  (10). Gain from change in fair value increased 135.21% on a year-on-year basis, mainly due to the positive change of Goutai
  Junan share price.
  (11). Net cash flows arising from operating activities decreased 51.58 million yuan on a year-on-year basis, mainly due to the
  increase of product and engineering orders and the increase of cash paid for the purchase of raw materials and engineering
  (12).Net cash flow arising from investment activities decreased by 26.41 million yuan year-on-year, mainly due to the higher
  amount of cash received from investment income during the same period last year.
  (13).Net cash flows arising from financing activities increased 51.84 million yuan on a year-on-year basis, mainly due to an
  increase in working capital loans and a decrease in cash payments for debt repayment.

        §2 shareholders information
        2.1 Total number and particulars of the shareholders by the end of the report period
Total number of shareholders in the reporting period                                                                            61,099
                                                  Shareholding of top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                          Number of
                                                                                                            Number of
                      Name                                   Nature             Proportion Total number                   shares or
                                                                                                            with sale
                                                   Domestic non-state-owned
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                    20.27% 170,916,934                 0
                                                   legal person
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                           Overseas legal person            8.72%      73,503,150             0
Zhang Sufen                                        Domestic natural person          0.93%       7,830,000             0
Lin Zhenming                                       Foreign natural person           0.80%       6,730,000             0
Chen Xianlai                                       Domestic natural person          0.77%       6,518,500             0
Mao Shunhua                                        Domestic natural person          0.65%       5,507,268             0
Chen Yong                                          Domestic natural person          0.51%       4,333,600             0
Xue Hong                                           Domestic natural person          0.43%       3,600,000             0
Dalian industrial development investment Co.,      Domestic non-state-owned
                                                                                    0.40%       3,406,725             0
Ltd.                                               legal person
Chen Cirou                                         Domestic natural person          0.40%       3,374,280             0
                                    Shareholding of top ten shareholders without sale restriction
                                                            Number of shares without sale
                          Name                                                                          Type of shares
Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.                                                  170,916,934   RMB denominated ordinary shares
Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.                                                          73,503,150   Domestically listed foreign shares
Zhang Sufen                                                                        7,830,000   RMB denominated ordinary shares
Lin Zhenming                                                                       6,730,000   Domestically listed foreign shares
Chen Xianlai                                                                       6,518,500   RMB denominated ordinary shares
               Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Quarterly Report For First Quarter, 2023
Mao Shunhua                                                                  5,507,268 RMB denominated ordinary shares
Chen Yong                                                                    4,333,600 RMB denominated ordinary shares
Xue Hong                                                                     3,600,000 Domestically listed foreign shares
Dalian industrial development investment Co., Ltd.                           3,406,725 RMB denominated ordinary shares
Chen Cirou                                                                   3,374,280 Domestically listed foreign shares

                                                                       Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. had the association relationship with
 Notes to the associated relationship and uniform actions
                                                                       Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. among the above shareholders. Sanyo Electric
                  of the above shareholders                            Co., Ltd. holds 26.6% of Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd.'s equity.

Explanation on the participation of the top 10 ordinary shareholders
         in margin trading and securities lending business

         Note: At the end of the reporting period, the total number of shareholders of the Company was 61,099, including
         53,857 A-share shareholders and 7,242 B-share shareholders.

         2.2 Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders of the company
         □Applicable √Inapplicable

         §3 Other important matters
         □Applicable √Inapplicable

         §4 Financial Report (attached)
         Not audited.

                                                       Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
                                                                               April 26, 2023

         Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Quarterly Report For First Quarter, 2023

                                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
       Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.   March 31, 2023      Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Items                                           31-Mar-2023                 1-Jan-2023
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                                                       853,844,610.15          1,006,165,899.18
Transaction financial assets
Financial assets which are measured by fair value and which changes
are recorded in current profit and loss
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable                                                                     468,295,665.50           505,945,261.18
Accounts receivable                                                                1,603,152,057.97          1,409,978,442.95
Receivables financing                                                                 74,536,558.56             58,792,792.70
Accounts in advance                                                                  194,298,154.06           171,991,468.12
Other receivables                                                                     35,163,339.52             51,394,474.24
     Interest receivables
     Dividend receivable                                                                2,751,127.55                14,495.00
Inventories                                                                        1,275,316,729.29          1,395,344,780.24
Contract assets                                                                      221,226,623.68           225,790,875.78
Assets held for sale
Non-current asset due within one year                                                 15,715,631.52             15,715,631.52
Other current assets                                                                  33,794,186.00             33,499,577.60
Total current assets                                                               4,775,343,556.25          4,874,619,203.51
Non-current assets:
Finance asset held available for sales
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term account receivable                                                            5,162,458.90             5,162,458.90
Long-term equity investment                                                          566,321,122.40           562,987,771.94
Other non-current financial assets                                                   158,351,567.47           149,950,861.31
Investment property                                                                  113,886,774.36            115,332,918.20
Fixed assets                                                                        1,196,467,911.57         1,229,029,368.93
Construction in progress                                                             129,783,279.27            115,577,902.54
Right-of-use asset                                                                    27,467,715.74             30,941,662.26
Productive biological asset
Oil and gas asset
Intangible assets                                                                    166,422,187.16           168,076,720.07
Expense on Research and Development
Goodwill                                                                             248,345,508.41           248,345,508.41
Long-term expenses to be apportioned                                                    6,428,525.17             6,486,566.92
Deferred income tax asset                                                             99,895,347.56             95,424,386.61
Other non-current asset
Total non-current asset                                                            2,718,532,398.01          2,727,316,126.09
                                   Total assets                                    7,493,875,954.26          7,601,935,329.60
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans                                                                     300,142,121.90           274,052,990.15
Financial liabilities which are measured by fair value and which
changes are recorded in current profit and loss
Derivative financial liabilities

         Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Quarterly Report For First Quarter, 2023
Transaction financial liabilities
Notes payable                                                                          657,829,792.74                618,944,384.85
Accounts payable                                                                      1,543,630,846.50             1,586,098,060.59
Accounts received in advance
Contract liability                                                                     599,927,107.41                647,645,820.57
Wage payable                                                                             41,063,233.44               118,216,683.23
Taxes payable                                                                            35,694,840.09                33,691,523.62
Other accounts payable                                                                   32,645,482.47                67,054,250.25
Interest payable
Dividend payable                                                                            533,156.00                   533,156.00
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year                                              66,488,644.67                63,105,954.56
Other current liabilities                                                              198,040,125.75                204,650,003.24
Total current liabilities                                                             3,475,462,194.97             3,613,459,671.06
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans                                                                        715,100,000.00                715,100,000.00
Bonds payable
     Preferred stock
     Perpetual bond
Lease liability                                                                          13,549,427.18                11,230,532.05
Long-term account payable                                                                31,948,205.66                31,009,644.16
Long-term wage payable
Special payable
Anticipation liabilities                                                                 18,588,480.94                18,805,967.43
Deferred income                                                                          99,338,888.60                99,754,346.39
Deferred income tax liabilities                                                          54,004,297.99                52,306,365.68
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                                          932,529,300.37                928,206,855.71
                                Total liabilities                                     4,407,991,495.34             4,541,666,526.77
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital                                                                          843,212,507.00                843,212,507.00
Other equity instruments
Preferred stock
Perpetual bond
Capital public reserve                                                                 717,097,098.38                717,097,098.38
Less:Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income                                                                2,208,669.73                  2,208,669.73
Special preparation
Surplus public reserve                                                                 825,226,634.15                825,226,634.15
Generic risk reserve
Retained profit                                                                        643,838,316.12                618,445,922.58
Total owner’s equity attributable to parent company                                  3,031,583,225.38             3,006,190,831.84
Minority interests                                                                       54,301,233.54                54,077,970.99
Total owner’s equity                                                                 3,085,884,458.92             3,060,268,802.83
              Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity                             7,493,875,954.26              7,601,935,329.60
 Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng

             Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Quarterly Report For First Quarter, 2023

                                    CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT
  Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.           January-March, 2023       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Items                                             January-March, 2023        January-March, 2022
I. Total sales                                                                              1,072,560,425.76             580,124,203.74
II. Total operating cost                                                                    1,039,597,110.06             577,913,040.39
Including: Operating cost                                                                     893,235,841.55             498,267,124.81
              Taxes and associate charges                                                       7,355,461.08               3,902,568.08
              Selling and distribution expenses                                                44,194,998.88              27,893,989.00
              Administrative expenses                                                          55,492,524.43              31,089,049.53
              R&D expenses                                                                     30,168,249.27              13,871,052.81
              Financial expense                                                                 9,150,034.85               2,889,256.16
                  Including: interest expense                                                   9,229,081.55               3,488,895.03
                             interest income                                                    2,817,923.65               1,293,302.61
Add: Other income                                                                               1,247,311.30               1,330,265.28
     Gain/(loss) from investment                                                                4,117,367.95               9,816,076.84
     Including: income from investment on affiliated enterprise and jointly
enterprise                                                                                      4,117,367.95              10,379,456.43

     Gain/(loss) from change in fair value                                                      8,400,706.16             -23,861,817.44
     Credit impairment loss (loss as “-“)                                                   -16,010,380.50              -7,027,144.32
     Assets impairment loss (loss as “-“)                                                     -3,411,761.41               -559,933.94
     Gain/(loss) from asset disposal                                                                6,743.57                   1,328.76
III. Operating profit                                                                          27,313,302.77             -18,090,061.47
Add: non-business income                                                                        2,004,115.73                 939,431.78
Less: non-business expense                                                                         40,595.28                  39,496.07
IV. Total profit                                                                               29,276,823.22             -17,190,125.76
Less: Income tax                                                                                3,661,167.12              -5,232,554.10
V. Net profit                                                                                  25,615,656.10             -11,957,571.66
     (I) Net profit from continuous operation
     (II)Net profit from discontinuing operation
     Net profit attributable to parent company                                                 25,392,393.54             -12,758,270.89
     Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                                                     223,262.56                 800,699.23
VI. After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes
   After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes attributable to owners
of the Company
     (I) Other comprehensive incomes that will not be reclassified into gains
and losses
       1. Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan upon
       2. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in invests that
cannot be reclassified into gains and losses under the equity method
     (II) Other comprehensive incomes that will be reclassified into gains and
       1. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in invests that will
be reclassified into gains and losses under the equity method
         2. Changes in the fair value of other debt investments
         3. Gains and losses on fair value changes of available-for-sale financial
       4. The amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive
       5. Held-to-maturity investments are reclassified as saleable financial
asset gains and losses

          Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Quarterly Report For First Quarter, 2023
      After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes attributable to
minority shareholders
VII Total comprehensive income                                                                25,615,656.10               -11,957,571.66
  Total comprehensive income attributable to parent company                                   25,392,393.54               -12,758,270.89
  Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders                               223,262.56                  800,699.23
VIII. Earnings per share
  (I) basic earnings per share                                                                         0.03                        -0.02
  (II) diluted earnings per share                                                                     0.03                         -0.02
  Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian   Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu   Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng

            Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. Quarterly Report For First Quarter, 2023

                                 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT
    Prepared by Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.            January-March, 2023          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Items                                            January-March, 2023         January-March, 2022
I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
  Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor services                                848,311,616.94             500,361,015.88
  Write-back of tax received                                                                           6,265,704.09               3,578,931.71
  Other cash received concerning operating activities                                                 28,555,774.47              18,461,468.38
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities                                            883,133,095.50             522,401,415.97
  Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service                                   711,343,062.20             473,893,381.54
  Cash paid to/for staff and workers                                                                 224,231,527.95             101,373,036.54
  Taxes paid                                                                                          42,840,851.22              13,478,309.63
  Other cash paid concerning operating activities                                                     63,142,811.88              40,495,996.80
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities                                         1,041,558,253.25             629,240,724.51
Net cash flows arising from operating activities                                                    -158,425,157.75            -106,839,308.54
II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
  Cash received from recovering investment                                                                                          300,000.00
  Cash received from investment income                                                                    14,495.00              27,612,431.60
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets                        180,542.32                  98,000.00
  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units
  Other cash received concerning investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                                                        195,037.32              28,010,431.60
  Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets                               14,142,179.85               5,116,381.41
  Cash paid for investment
  Net cash paid for achievement of subsidiaries and other business units
  Other cash paid concerning investing activities                                                                                10,428,455.96
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                                                    14,142,179.85              15,544,837.37
Net cash flows arising from investing activities                                                     -13,947,142.53              12,465,594.23
III. Cash flows arising from financing activities
  Cash received from absorbing investment
  Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders' equity investment by
  Cash received from loans                                                                           178,525,821.90             147,000,000.00
  Cash received from issuing bonds
  Other cash received concerning financing activities                                                 58,691,779.74              96,864,996.29
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                                    237,217,601.64             243,864,996.29
  Cash paid for settling debts                                                                       147,000,000.00             187,633,750.00
  Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying                                    7,471,261.97               5,179,787.72
  Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders
  Other cash paid concerning financing activities                                                     62,728,621.32              82,872,922.79
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                                                   217,199,883.29             275,686,460.51
Net cash flows arising from financing activities                                                      20,017,718.35             -31,821,464.22
IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation in exchange rate                                               -406,667.62                  86,419.22
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                        -152,761,249.55            -126,108,759.31
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -begin                                       921,663,803.17             438,969,337.87
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period–end                                          768,902,553.62            312,860,578.56
    Legal Representative: Ji Zhijian Chief Financial Official: Wang Jinxiu       Person in Charge of Accounting Organization: Li Sheng
