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						Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd

    Semi-Annual Report 2009

    Important Notice: The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as directors,

    supervisors and senior executives of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter

    referred to as the Company) guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or

    misleading statements carried in the Report and will take individual and joint responsibilities

    for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.

    The semi-annual financial report 2009 has not been audited. This report is prepared both in

    Chinese and English. Should there be any difference in interpretation of the two versions, the

    Chinese version shall prevail.

    Mr. Zhong Xincai, Chairman of the Board as well as the General Manager and person in charge

    of accounting work, and Wang Shuqiong, Manager of Financial Department, hereby confirm

    that the financial report enclosed in this Semi-Annual Report is true and complete.


    I. Company Profile………………………………………………………………2

    II. Changes in Shares Capital and Particulars about Shares Held by Principal


    III. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives……………7

    IV. Report of the Board of Directors………………………………………………8

    V. Significant Events……………………………………………………………9

    VI. Financial Report……………………………………………………………13

    VII. Documents Available for Reference………………………….………………532

    I. Company Profile

    1. Legal name of the Company in Chinese: 佛山电器照明股份有限公司

    Abbr.: Foshan Zhaoming

    Legal Name of the Company in English: Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd

    Abbr.: FSL

    2. Stock exchange listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    Short form of the stock: Foshan Zhaoming (A share)

    Yue Zhaoming (B share)

    Stock code: 000541 (A share)

    200541 (B share)

    3. Registered and office address: No. 64, Fenjiang Road North, Chancheng District, Foshan

    City, Guangdong Province

    Post Code: 528000

    International Website: www.chinafsl.com

    E-mail: gzfsligh@pub.foshan.gd.cn

    4. Legal representative: Zhong Xincai

    5. Secretary of the Board of Directors: Lin Yihui

    Address: No. 64, Fenjiang Road North, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong


    Tel: (0757) 82966098, 82810239

    Fax: (0757) 82816276

    E-mail: gzfsligh@pub.foshan.gd.cn

    6. Newspapers designated for information disclosing: China Securities Journal, Securities

    Times, Hongkong Ta Kung Pao

    Website designated by CSRC: http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Place where the interim report is prepared and placed: Secretariat Office of Board of

    Directors, Office Building of the Company

    7. Main financial data and indices

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    At the end of this

    report period

    At the end of the

    last report period

    Increase/decrease at the end of

    this report period compared with

    the period-end of last year (%)

    Total assets 2,833,844,624.59 2,830,268,837.06 0.13%

    Owners’ equity(or shareholders’ equity) 2,519,151,420.20 2,601,745,087.26 -3.17%

    Net assets per share 2.57 3.72 -30.91%

    Report period (From

    Jan. to Jun. 2009)

    The same period

    of last year

    Increase/decrease of this report

    period year-on-year (%)

    Operating profit 93,814,743.80 199,771,253.27 -53.04%

    Total profit 100,400,432.01 202,623,983.63 -50.45%

    Net profit 71,180,439.19 159,920,282.08 -55.49%

    Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains

    and losses

    69,944,469.18 74,966,539.68 -6.70%

    Basic Earnings Per Share 0.07 0.16 -56.25%3

    Fully diluted earnings per share 0.07 0.16 -56.25%

    Profit margin on net assets 2.83% 6.30% -3.47%

    Net cash flow arising from operating activities 227,660,822.71 -6,724,791.22 3,485.40%

    Net cash flow per share arising from operating


    0.23 0.01 2,200.00%

    Items and amount of non-recurring gains and losses

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    Items Amount

    Annotation (if


    Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 6,175,726.04

    Tax return and tax reduction that exceeded mandate of examination and approval or without

    formal approval document


    Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses (excluding government

    subsidies with close relationship with the Company’s business and rationed government

    grants in line with the united standard and the state policy)


    Capital occupied from non-financial enterprise recorded into current gains and losses 866,199.10

    Gains and losses from combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets when

    the enterprise merged subsidiaries, affiliated companies and joint companies


    Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assets 0.00

    Gains and losses from entrusted investment or financing 0.00

    Provisions for impairment of recorded assets due to the force majeure factor, such as natural



    Gains and losses from debt restructuring 0.00

    Expense of enterprise reorganization, expense of employee allocation and integration

    expense, etc.


    Gains and losses exceeding fair value due to trading price lost fair 0.00

    Net current gains and losses of subsidiaries due to enterprise combination under the same

    control form period-begin till combination date


    Net gains and losses from contingencies irrespective of routine business 0.00

    Gains and losses from changes in fair value due to transaction financial assets and liabilities,

    and investment income from disposal of transaction financial assets, transaction financial

    liabilities and financial assets available for sale, excluding valid hedging related to routine

    operation of the Company


    Switching back impairment provision of accounts receivable with separate test on impairment 0.00

    Gains and losses from external entrusted loan 0.00

    Gains and losses from changes in fair value of investment property with subsequent

    measurement after adoption of fair value model


    Impact of one-off adjustment on current gains and losses according to requirements of laws,

    statutes concerning tax and accounting


    Income from trusteeship fees 0.00

    Other non-operating income and expense except the aforesaid items 79,891.27

    Other gains and losses accorded with definition of non-current gains and losses -5,158,859.85

    Impact on minority interests 0.00

    Impact on income tax -2,477,786.55

    Total 1,235,970.01 -4

    Attachment of Profit Statement

    Jan. to Jun. 2009 Jan. to Jun. 2008

    Profit margin on net

    assets (%)

    Earnings per share


    Profit margin on

    net assets (%)

    Earnings per share



























    Operating Profit 3.66 3.66 0.10 0.10 7.57 7.57 0.20 0.20

    Net profit 2.83 2.83 0.07 0.07 6.30 6.30 0.16 0.16

    Net profit after deducting

    non-recurring gains and losses

    2.78 2.78 0.07 0.07 2.95 2.95 0.08 0.08

    Difference between PRC GAAP and IFRS

    Unit: RMB Yuan


    Net profit 71,180,439.19 159,920,282.08

    Net assets 71,180,439.19 159,920,282.08

    Explanation for

    the difference

    There is no difference in net profit and net assets as of this report period measured based on

    PRC GAAP and IFRS.

    II. Changes in Shares Capital and Particulars about Shares Held by

    Principal Shareholders

    1. During the report period, the Company actualized capitalization of public reserves at the rate

    of capitalizing 4 shares per 10 shares. The total shares capital of the Company has changed,

    that is, the total of capital shares increased from former 698,974,104 shares up to 978,563,7415


    Statement on changes in shares capital of the Company (Unit: share)

    Prior to the change


    for this time (+/-)

    Subsequent to the change

    Type of share

    Number of




    Additional quantity

    from capitalization

    of public reserve

    Number of



    of share

    I. Shares subject to trading moratorium

    1. Shares held by foreign legal person 94,154,061 13.47 37,661,624 131,815,685 13.47

    2. Shares held by domestic legal person 3,281,552 0.47 1,312,621 4,594,173 0.47

    3. Shares held by domestic natural person 7,524 0.001 3,009 10,533 0.001

    4. Shares held by senior A shares 1,172,917 0.17 469,167 1,642,084 0.17

    management B shares 3,989,280 0.57 1,595,712 5,584,992 0.57

    Total number of shares subject to trading


    102,605,334 14.68 41,042,133 143,647,467 14.68

    II. Shares not subject to trading moratorium

    1. RMB common shares 439,483,050 62.88 175,793,220 615,276,270 62.88

    2. Domestically listed foreign shares 156,885,720 22.44 62,754,288 219,640,008 22.44

    Total number of shares not subject to

    trading moratorium

    596,368,770 85.32 238,547,508 834,916,278 85.32

    III. Total shares 698,974,104 100.00 279,589,641 978,563,745 100.005

    2. Statement on the top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject

    to trading moratorium as of 30 Jun. 2009

    Unit: Share

    Total number of shareholders 134,845

    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders

    Name of shareholders Nature of shareholders



    Total number

    of shares held

    Shares subject to trading

    moratorium held

    Shares pledged or


    OSRAM Prosperity Holding Co., Ltd Foreign corporation 13.47% 131,815,685 131,815,685 0

    Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd. Foreign corporation 10.50% 102,751,648 0 0



    Foreign corporation 1.21% 11,799,976 0 Unknown

    Hai Tong Securities (HK) Brokerage Ltd Foreign corporation 1.16% 11,388,832 0 Unknown

    Guangzhou Prosperity Lamps and

    Components Trade Co., Ltd

    Domestic non-stated


    1.04% 10,148,040 0 0



    Foreign corporation 0.97% 9,527,080 0 Unknown

    Zhuang Jianyi Foreign nature person 0.83% 8,155,732 8,155,732 0

    Industrial & Commercial Bank of

    China-Rongtong Shen Securities 100

    Index Fund

    Domestic non-stated


    0.64% 6,287,257 0 Unknown

    Chen Xun Domestic nature person 0.49% 4,788,538 0 Unknown

    Lu Shanqing Domestic nature person 0.37% 3,644,909 0 Unknown

    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium

    Name of shareholders Shares not subject to trading moratorium held Type of shares

    Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd. 102,751,648 A-share

    DBS VICKERS (HONG KONG) LTD A/C CLIENTS 11,799,976 B-share

    Hai Tong Securities (HK) Brokerage Ltd 11,388,832 B-share

    Guangzhou Prosperity Lamps and Components Trade

    Co., Ltd

    10,148,040 A-share


    Industrial & Commercial Bank of China-Rongtong

    Shen Securities 100 Index Fund

    6,287,257 A-share

    Chen Xun 4,788,538 A-share

    Lu Shanqing 3,644,909 A-share

    Zhao Xiyi 3,245,255 A-share


    Explanation on associated

    relationship among the top ten

    shareholders or


    Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, there exists association relationship among OSRAM

    Prosperity Holding Company Limited, Prosperity Lamps and Components Limited and Zhuang Jianyi, but they

    did not belong to acting-in-concert. The Company was unknown whether there is any associated relationship

    among the any other shareholders among the top ten shareholders and among the top ten shareholders not

    subject to moratorium, or whether there is any action-in-concert among them as described by the

    Administrative Rules on Information Disclosure about Changing of Shareholding Status.6

    3. Number of shares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares subject to moratorium and

    trading moratorium

    Unit: Share


    Name of shareholders subject to


    Shares subject to

    moratorium held

    Date of listing

    for trade

    Additional shares

    could list for trade

    Trading moratorium


    OSRAM Prosperity Holding Co.,


    131,815,685 25 Apr. 2011 131,815,685

    No listing and transfer may be

    taken within 5 years as of the

    date when the shares of the

    Company held by this company

    obtain the trading right.


    Foshan Agent of Agricultural

    Bank Trust Company

    1,689,188 Uncertain 1,689,188

    3 Foshan Jingmei Chemical Factory 675,675 Uncertain 675,675


    Foshan Xinghua Commercial

    Group Co., Ltd

    337,838 Uncertain 337,838


    Foshan Southern Industrial

    Development Co., Ltd

    337,837 Uncertain 337,837


    Foshan Hongtu E-education


    168,966 Uncertain 168,966


    Nanhai Jianfeng Glass Mosaic


    168,917 Uncertain 168,917


    Zhongda Parts Operation

    Department of Liwan District,


    111,488 Uncertain 111,488


    Foshan Tangtou Industry & Trade

    Company Sales Department

    101,353 Uncertain 101,353

    10 Foshan Jin Ge Mansion 87,973 Uncertain 87,973

    Not all materials for application

    on releasing trading

    moratorium were ready.7

    III. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

    1. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

    Name Duty

    Share held at



    Increase in

    this period


    in this


    Shares held

    at the report


    Reason of change



    Chairman of the

    Board as well as

    General Manager

    602,647 241,059 — 843,706 Shares from converting the

    public reserve into share capital



    Vice Chairman of

    the Board



    2,330,209 — 8,155,732

    Shares from converting purchase

    shares into share capital



    Standing Director,

    General Manager

    241,200 96,480 — 337,680

    Shares from converting the

    public reserve into share capital



    Director — — — — —



    Piscitell(i Pan


    Director — — — — —

    Ye Zaiyou Director — — — — —

    Liang Zhen



    — — — — —





    — — — — —





    — — — — —



    Chairman of the



    11,400 4,560 — 15,960

    Shares from converting the

    public reserve into share capital

    Li Jianwu Supervisor 39,007 15,603 — 54,610

    Shares from converting the

    public reserve into share capital



    Supervisor 13,843 5,537 — 19,380

    Shares from converting the

    public reserve into share capital



    Supervisor — — — — —



    Supervisor — — — — —



    Deputy GM 79,852 31,941 — 111,793

    Shares from converting the

    public reserve into share capital

    Lin Yihui Secretary of the


    59,417 23,767 — 83,184

    Shares from converting the

    public reserve into share capital



    Manager of

    Financial Dept.

    92,224 36,890 — 129,114

    Shares from converting the

    public reserve into share capital

    Total — 6,965,113 2,786,046 — 9,751,159 —8

    2. Engagement or dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior executives during the report


    During the report period, directors, supervisors and senior executives remained unchanged.

    IV. Report of the Board of Directors

    (I) During the report period, the Company kept a steady development in operation without

    significant change in any main financial target.

    (II) Operation during the report period

    The business scope of the Company remained unchanged during the report period. In

    accordance with the market status and the production and operation target for the year 2009,

    the Company has strengthened the operation management, controlled the costs, enlarged the

    market development force and expanded the production scale. Meanwhile, the Company

    accelerated development of production scale of Gaoming Industrial Park. At present, seventeen

    T8 product lines have been put into production. During the report period, the Company has

    kept a stable development in its production and operation as a whole. However, due to

    influence of financial crisis, export of products was under great pressure. Sales income of the

    first half year of 2009 registered a decrease from the same period of last year. From Jan. to Jun.

    2009, the Company has realized the income from main operations of RMB 73,867.97, down

    8.59% year-on-year, and total profit amounting to RMB 10,040.04, down 50.45% year-on-year,

    as well as net profit of RMB 7,118.04, down 55.49% year-on-year. Profit of the first half year

    of 2009 decreased over the same period of last year, mainly because the Company sold out 31

    million stocks of Communication Bank in the first half year of 2008 and increased investment

    income; but there were no investment income in the first half year of 2009. However, the main

    operations of the Company kept a stable development, with the gross profit rate increasing by

    4.54% over the same period of last year.

    2. Main operations classified according to industries and products

    Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan

    Income from



    Cost of





    ratio (%)


    of income from

    main operations

    year-on-year (%)


    of cost of main


    year-on-year (%)


    of gross profit ratio

    year-on-year (%)


    industry of light

    73,867.97 55,742.34 24.54% -8.59% -13.13% 4.54%

    Main operations classified according to products


    source products

    73,867.97 55,742.34 24.54% -8.59% -13.13% 4.54%

    The gross profit ratio as of this report period was 24.54%, a increase of 4.54 percent compared

    with the gross profit ratio of 20.00%% in the same period of last year, which was mainly

    because the Company controlled cost of production and operation in the first half year of 2009.9

    3. Main operation classified according to products

    Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan

    Region Income from main operations Increase/decrease of income from main operations

    Domestic 51,737.19 2.21%

    Overseas 21,318.69 -27.96%

    4. In the report period, the Company’s profit composing and main operations did not change.

    5. In the report period, there was no other operating business that greatly influenced the

    Company’s net profit except for investment income.

    (III) Investment during the report period

    1. Use of raised proceeds

    During the report period, the Company had no proceeds raised through share offering or the

    application of proceeds raised through previous share offering continued to the report period.

    2. Significant investment projects by non-raised proceeds during the report period.

    During the report period, the Company has implemented the resolution passed in the

    Shareholders’ General Meeting to invest five projects by its self-owned capital of more than

    RMB 600 million within three to five years, namely, to arrange and make the investment of

    metal halide lamps, investment and expanded production of energy-saving lamps and

    fluorescent lamps based on plan. All projects for new lamps and accessories have been put into

    production, and sold together with optical source products of the Company.

    V. Significant Events

    1. During the report period, the Company implemented dividend distribution plan approved by

    the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2008, that is to distribute cash dividends at the rate of RMB

    2.20 for every 10 shares, meanwhile, implemented the plan of transferring share capital from

    capital reserve at the rate of 4 for 10.

    2. During the report period, there were no significant lawsuit and arbitration events in the


    3. During the report period, there were no significant purchase, sales and assets reorganization

    events in the Company.

    4. During the report period, associated transactions occurred in the Company:

    Associated transactions related to daily operation

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    Selling products and providing labor to

    related parties

    Purchasing products and receiving

    labor from related parties

    Related parties



    Proportion in same

    transaction amount



    Proportion in same

    transaction amount

    Prosperity Lamps and Components Limited 29,835,879.07 4.02% 0

    Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd. 900,788.18 0.12% 4,991,750.37 1.64%

    Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting Electrical Co.,


    7,959,292.57 1.07%

    OSRAM (China) Lighting Ltd. 15,489,747.91 2.09%10

    Foshan (Xinxiang) Electro-optical Machinery

    Co., Ltd.

    5,425,914.00 1.78%

    Hangzhou Times Lighting & Electrical Appliance

    Co., Ltd

    208,501.02 0.07%

    Total 54,185,707.73 7.31% 10,626,165.39 3.50%

    From January to June 2009, the Company paid sales commission of RMB 936,080.29 in

    total to Prosperity Lamps and Components Limited;

    The aforesaid transactions were all priced based on the market price, which was fair and just;

    The related transactions were necessary for the normal operation of the Company, which was

    benefit to the long-term development of the Company.

    No related transaction would adversely affect the independence of the Company.

    5. The Company never held stocks of other listed companies during the report period.

    6. Shares of non-listed financial enterprises and companies planned to list held during the

    report period

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    Except for the above said equity of three financial enterprises, the Company did not hold any

    equity of other non-listed financial enterprises, securities companies, insurance companies,

    trust companies and futures companies in the report period.

    7. Significant contract

    ① In the report period there was no significant trust, contract or lease of assets from other

    companies, nor trust, contract and lease of our Company’s assets to any other companies which

    occurred or extended to this report period.

    ② In the report period there was no significant guarantee in the Company occurred or extended

    to this report period.

    ③ In the report period there was no significant trust for financing the cash assets of the

    Company occurred or extended to this report period.

    8. In the report period, no shareholders of the Company holding more than 5% (including 5%)

    of Company’s shares or the Company has made any promise during the report period, or had

    any promises made before and extended to this report period, which may possibly influence the

    operation achievement and financial status of the Company.

    9. The independent directors have issued the special explanations and independent opinions for

    the related parities’ funds appropriation and external guarantee provided by the Company: As

    examined and verified by the independent directors of the Company regarding the external

    guarantee and the controlling shareholders’ and related parties’ funds appropriation, they

    believed that the Company neither provided external guarantee, rule-breaking guarantee in first

    Full name




    Number of

    shares held


    Proportion in

    equity of the


    Book value at


    Gains and

    losses in the

    report period

    Changes of

    owners’ equity in

    the report period

    China Everbright Bank 30,828,816.00 24,176,768 0.29% 30,828,816.00

    Guangdong Development Bank

    Foshan Branch

    500,000.00 229,792 0.002% 500,000.00

    Xiamen City Commercial Bank 115,009,875.00 49,950,000 9.99% 115,009,875.00

    Total 146,338,691.00 74,356,560.00 - 146,338,691.0011

    half year of 2009, nor borrowed or lent funds or appropriated the funds with controlling

    shareholder or related parties holding less 50% shares of the Company; meanwhile, there was

    no external guarantee or rule-breaking guarantee occurred in previous years and accumulated

    to 30 Jun. 2009, and no borrowing or lending the funds nor appropriation funds with

    controlling shareholder and related parties holding less 50% shares of the Company occurred in

    previous years and accumulated to 30 Jun. 2009.

    10. The Company’s financial report of this period has not been audited.

    11. Neither the Company nor its Board of Directors nor any of its directors has received any

    check, administrative punishment or notice of criticism circulated by the China Securities

    Regulatory Commission, or punishment from other administrative departments or public

    condemn from the Stock Exchange during the report period.

    12. Statement on reception of investigation, communication and interviews in the report period

    Reception time Reception place Reception way Visitor Main discussion and materials provided

    11 Feb. 2009 The Company Field investigation GF Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    12 Feb. 2009 The Company Field investigation Citic Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    12 Feb. 2009 The Company Field investigation Bohai Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    12 Feb. 2009 The Company Field investigation Zhonghai Fund Acquainting operation status of the Company

    4 Mar. 2009 The Company Field investigation CJIS Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    4 Mar. 2009 The Company Field investigation

    China Life Assets

    Management Co., Ltd

    Acquainting operation status of the Company

    9 Mar. 2009 The Company Field investigation China Merchants Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    9 Mar. 2009 The Company Field investigation Yinhua Fund Acquainting operation status of the Company

    12 Mar. 2009 The Company Field investigation Greatwall Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    1 Apr. 2009 The Company Field investigation Galaxy Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    1 Apr. 2009 The Company Field investigation Hong Yuan Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    1 Apr. 2009 The Company Field investigation Industrial Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    1 Apr. 2009 The Company Field investigation Tian Hong Fund Acquainting operation status of the Company

    24 Apr. 2009 The Company Field investigation GF Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    24 Apr. 2009 The Company Field investigation Chang Xin Fund Acquainting operation status of the Company

    13 May 2009 The Company Field investigation GE Assets Management Acquainting operation status of the Company

    15 May 2009 The Company Field investigation Essence Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    15 May 2009 The Company Field investigation Yinhua Fund Acquainting operation status of the Company

    19 May 2009 The Company Field investigation Sinolink Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company

    19 Jun. 2009 The Company Field investigation Guangzhou Securities Acquainting operation status of the Company12

    13. Reference for information disclosure of significant events of the Company in the report


    No. Date



    Contents of Public Notice

    1 16 Jan. 2009 2009-001

    Public Notice on Resolutions of the 14t h Meeting of the 5t h Board

    of Directors

    2 16 Jan. 2009 2009-002 Public Notice on related transaction of assignment of trademark

    3 24 Feb. 209 2009-003

    Public Notice on Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd Being

    cognized as Hi-tech Enterprise and Awarding state special

    appropriation for Replacement of incandescent lamp by Energy

    Saving Lamps

    4 9 Apr. 2009 2009-004 Summary of Annual Report 2008

    5 9 Apr. 2009 2009-005

    Public Notice on Resolutions of the 15t h Meeting of the 5t h Board

    of Directors

    6 9 Apr. 2009 2009-006

    Public Notice on the 6t h Meeting of the 5t h Supervisory


    7 9 Apr. 2009 2009-007

    Public Notice on Announcement of Holding the Shareholders’

    General Meeting 2008

    8 14 Apr. 2009 2009-008 Public Notice on Forecast of Rise of the 1s t quarter of 2009

    9 24 Apr. 2009 2009-009 The 1s t Quarterly Report 2009

    10 24 Apr. 2009 2009-010

    Public Notice on Popularization projects of High-Efficiency

    lighting products won the bidding

    11 27 May 2009 2009-011 Public Notice on the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2008

    12 3 Jun. 2009 2009-012

    Suggestive Public Notice on Releasing Shares subject to Trading


    13 12 Jun. 2009 2009-013

    Public Notice on Undertaking task of popularization of

    High-Efficiency lighting products

    14 19 Jun. 2009 2009-014

    二Public Notice on Implementation of Dividend Distribution and

    Proposal on Capital Reserve Transferring into Share Capital in


    All the above public notices were published on China Securities Journal, Securities Times and

    HK Ta Kung Pao as well as http://www.cinfo.com.cn.13

    VI. Financial Report(Unaudited)

    (I) Accounting Statement

    Balance Sheet (Attachment: Table I)

    Income Statement (Attachment: Table II)

    Cash Flow Statement (Attachment: Table III)

    Statement of Provision for Impairment of Assets(Attachment: Table IV)

    Consolidated Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity(Attachment: Table V)

    (II) Notes to Accounting Report

    I . Company Prof i l e

    Company History

    Foshan Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a joint-stock limited

    company jointly founded by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Company, Nanhai Wuzhuang Color Glazed

    Brick Field, and Foshan Poyang Printing Industrial Co. on Oct. 20, 1992 by raising funds under the approval

    of YGS (1992) No. 63 Document issued by the Joint Examination Group for Experimental Enterprises in

    Stock System of Guangdong Province and the Economic System Reform Commission of Guangdong

    Province, is an enterprise with its shares held by both the corporate and the natural persons. As approved by

    China Securities Regulatory Commission with Document (1993) No. 33, the Company publicly issued 19.3

    million shares of social public shares (A shares) to the public in Oct., 1993, and was listed in Shenzhen Stock

    Exchange for trade on Nov. 23, 1993. The Company was approved to issue 50,000,000 B shares on Jul. 23,

    1995. And, as approved to change into a foreign-invested stock limited company on Aug. 26, 1996 by (1996)

    WJMZEHZ No. 466 Document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the

    People’s Republic of China. On Dec. 11, 2000, as approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission

    with ZJGS Zi [2000] No. 175 Document, the Company additionally issued 55,000,000 A shares. At approved

    by the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2006, 2007 and 2008, the Company implemented the plan of

    capitalization of capital reserve, after the transfer, the registered capital of the Company has increased to

    RMB 978,563,745.00 Yuan. And the registration code for corporate business license is QGYZZ No. 002889.

    Legal representative: Zhong Xincai

    Address: No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Foshan, Guangdong Province

    Business Scope of the Company

    R&D and production of electro-optical source products, electro-optical source equipment and electro-optical

    accessories, sales of such products made by it on both the domestic and overseas markets, and the relevant

    engineering consultation service. The main products of the Company include all kinds of electro-optical

    source products.

    Basic Structure of the Organ of the Company

    Shareholders’ General Meeting is the highest authority organ of the Company, Board of Directors is an

    executive organ to carry out the provisions formulated by the Shareholders’ General Meeting, Board of

    supervisors is an internal supervision organ of the Company. and the General Manager is responsible for

    routine operation and management. Up till the end of the reporting period, the Company owns 8 holding

    subsidiaries such as Foshan Chanchang Lighting Components Co., Ltd., Foshan Chansheng Electronic14

    Ballast Co., Ltd., Foshan Modern Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co.,

    Ltd., Foshan Taimei Times Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd.,

    Prosperity (Nanjing) Lighting Components Co., Ltd. and Foshan Lighting Co., Ltd..

    I I . St a t ement of Compl i anc e wi th Corpor a t e Ac count ing St anda rds

    The financial statements prepared by the Company is in compliance with the requirements of Accounting

    Standard for Business Enterprises, which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as

    for the financial position and operating results & cash flows.

    I I I . Ba s e of Financ i a l St a t ement Pr epa r a t ion

    With sustaining operation as a postulate premise, the Company prepared the financial statement in

    accordance with the regulations related with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise – General

    Standard (CZBL No. 33) and the Circular of the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China on

    Printing and Issuing the Thirty-eight Specific Standards such as Accounting Standard

    for Business Enterprises No. 1 - Inventories (CK[2006] No. 3) promulgated by the Ministry of Finance on

    February 15, 2006, and the Circular of the Ministry of Finance on Printing and Issuing Accounting Standard

    for Business Enterprise - Application Guide (CK [2006] No. 18) (hereinafter referred to as “the new

    accounting standard”) promulgated by the Ministry of Finance on October 20, 2006, as well as the Circular

    on Issuing the No.7 Questions and Responses of Information Disclosure Standards of Public Companies

    ------ Compilation and Disclosure of the Comparative Financial Accounting Information during the

    Transition Period between the New and Old Accounting Standards issued by China Securities Regulatory

    Commission on February 15, 2007 and in line with the actual transactions and issues, and the following

    primary accounting policies and accounting estimates.

    IV. Ma in a c count ing pol i c i e s , a c count ing e s t ima t e s and me thods of pr epa r ing the Company’s

    consol ida t ed f inanc i a l s t a t ement

    Fiscal Year

    A fiscal year is accounted from January 1 to December 31.

    Functional Currency

    Renminbi is taken as functional currency of the Company.

    Accounting Basis and Principle

    The accounting basis of the Company is the accrual system; generally by adopting of historical cost as the

    accounting principle. And the Company adopts measurement replacement costs, net realizable values,

    present values and fair values when the confirmed accounting elements accord with the requirements of the

    accounting standard for business enterprise and can be reliably measured.

    Accounting Method for Foreign Currency

    Company day-to-day accounting operations for foreign currency non-monetary items is taken the medium

    price issued on the first day of the month on the foreign exchange market as a standard, being accounted on

    the basis of exchanged standard money. At end of each month, adjust the pecuniary resources and items with

    respect to money debtor and creditor account on the balance sheet under the price of that day on the foreign

    exchange market. The market benchmark rate on the same day when business is conducted is adopted for15

    the exchange rate of foreign currency. As for any project involved in foreign currency, the balance of the

    foreign currency is exchanged to RMB in accordance with the market benchmark rate at the end of the year.

    The balance between the exchanged RMB amount at the end of the year and the original carrying amount,

    which is related to the fix assets construction or purchase, shall be capitalized, and which is related to

    production and operation shall be counted into financial costs.

    Determination standard of cash and cash equivalents

    Cash equivalents refer to a kind of investment that has a short duration of repayment (within 3 months),

    mobility and low risk of price change, and is easy to be changed into a certain known amount of cash.

    Financial Instruments

    Financial Assets Classification, Recognition and Measurement

    —— Four sorts are divided by the Company in the initial recognition: transaction financial assets, loan and

    receivables, available-for-sale financial assets, and held-to-maturity investments. Carry out and evaluation at

    each end of term. For initial recognition of financial assets, fair value is adopted. As for transaction financial

    assets, related transaction costs are included in the current profit and loss. For other types of financial assets,

    related transaction costs are included in the initial amount identified.

    —— Transaction Financial Assets. Including the assets that the Company intends to sell in the near future at

    the fair value as a short-term profit gaining model, and its extended financial portfolio of assets, and

    derivative financial assets (designated as effective hedging tool for derivatives, financial guarantee contracts

    are derivatives, and not in an active market in the Price and its fair value can not be reliably measured linked

    to the interests of investment tools and are subject to the delivery settled equity instruments except

    derivatives.) Transaction financial assets are accounted at the fair value after trading and the profit or loss

    arising from change of faire value is accounted in the current profit and loss.

    —— Loan and Receivables: The Company would take those assets that have not return from the active

    market, fixed return amount or determined non-derivative financial assets to be loan and receivables, Which

    is measured in accordance with real interest rate after amortized cost. Any gaining or loss after termination

    or when value is reduced or when amortizing, is accounted in the current gains and losses.

    —— Available-for-sale Financial Assets: The Company’s such assets refer to non-derivative financial assets

    that are designated in the beginning to confirm available-for-sale financial assets, in addition to loans and

    receivables and held-to-maturity investment, and other non-derivative financial assets out of financial

    transactions assets, which is follow up measured at fair value of the profits or losses arising from fair value

    change, and is directly accounted into the owner's equity, until the termination of such financial assets being

    confirmed, or is accounted into current gains and losses when fair value is reduced. As the change of

    holding wills or holding capacity, air value could not be no longer calculated reliably, or the holding time

    has exceeded two entire fiscal years and fair value calculation becomes reasonable, such assets are measured

    by the Company based on amortized cost. The book value of such financial assets is taken as amortized cost.

    Related gains or losses of such financial assets that are originally calculated into directly owners' interests

    are treated as the following two models: ① For the financial assets that have a fixed maturity date, actual

    rate amortization method is adopted for the rest period and is accounted into the current gains and losses. For

    the difference between amortization costs and amount at the date of maturity, actual rate amortization

    method is adopted to account into current gains and losses. If occurring a value reducing in the following up

    later years, roll out related gains and losses of the owners’ interests and directly included in the current

    profits and losses. ② As for the financial assets that have no fixed deadline, take those as the owner's16

    equity until the financial assets in the subsequent accounting period or termination of impairment occurred

    during the confirmation transferred, included in current profit and loss.

    —— Held-to-maturity Investments: The Company divides the non-derivative financial assets that the

    management has a clear intention and has ability to hold to maturity, and has a fixed maturity date, and has a

    fixed return amount, to be held-to-maturity investments. For such assets, maturity investments in real interest

    rates, while sharing the cost to conduct a follow-up measurement, the termination of confirmed or

    amortization, impairment in the profits or losses, gains and losses included in the current period.

    held-to-maturity investment of the sale or re - Categories amount, so that the remaining part of the

    investment is still as held-to-maturity investment is not appropriate, the rest of the investment will be

    re-classified as available-for-sale financial assets, and to re-classification of the fair value of the carry-over,

    and in this fiscal year and after two full fiscal years, no longer the financial assets classified as

    held-to-maturity investments. in the weight classification, the remaining part of the investment cost more

    than its share of the difference between the fair values and included all the rights until the termination of

    financial assets available for sale to confirm or to the impairment occurred, included in current profit and


    Classification, Recognition and Measurement of Financial Liabilities

    — For initial recognition of financial liabilities, the Company divides it into two categories as follows:

    Transaction financial liabilities, and other financial liabilities. The former of which is included in the fair

    value and related costs are included in the current gains and losses; and the later of which of related costs are

    included in initial recognition amount.

    — Trading Financial Liabilities: Which refers to financial liabilities and financial liabilities and derivative

    financial liabilities that the Company for the repurchase fair value in the recent period for short-term profit

    gaining, model portfolio management tool (designated as effective hedging tool for derivatives, financial

    guarantee contracts are derivatives, and not in an active market in the Price and its fair value can not be

    reliably measured linked to the interests of investment tools and are subject to the delivery settled equity

    instruments except derivatives.) which are included in the current gains and losses based on the change of

    fair value

    — Other Financial Liabilities: Effective interest method and amortized cost are adopted for other financial

    liabilities; gains and losses generated from follow-up measurement of termination confirmation and

    amortization are included in current gains and losses.

    Confirmation of Fair Value of the Equity Instruments

    — For financial instruments existed in active market, which fair value is determined according to market

    price; for the financial instruments existed in non-active market, estimation is adopted to determine its faire

    value. And the estimation include current transaction of each party in the familiar markets and essential the

    same other faire values of financial instruments and currency flow analysis and black-Scholes option pricing


    Impairment Test of financial assets and declining-balance method

    —The Company checks book value of trading financial assets on the date balance sheet is made, as for the

    financial assets that have objective evidences to show the financial assets impairment occurred, aforesaid

    difference against the impairment provision.

    ——Measurement of financial assets impairment measured on basis of amortized cost

    If there is objective evidence to show that financial assets based on amortized cost are reducing, reduce book

    value of such assets to foreseen future the present value of cash flow (excluding the future credit losses), the

    amount accounted is the loss amount of assets, which are included in current gains and losses. Impairment17

    test is adopted for the major assets separately. For non-big amount of financial assets individual or a

    combination of impairment testing, does not exist have been identified by The value of objective evidence of

    the amount of individual assets, again with similar credit risk characteristics of financial assets constitute a

    combination of impairment testing, has been the basis of a single Provision for impairment of financial

    assets in the portfolio will no longer be tested for impairment. in the follow-up period and, if objective

    evidence shows that the value of financial assets has been restored, and with the objective to confirm the loss

    in respect of matters occurring after the original recognized impairment losses should be reversed, the gains

    and losses included in the current period. after it back The book value should not exceed Provision for

    impairment assuming no circumstances under which financial assets in the back, I share the cost. measured

    by share of the financial costs more than the actual loss of assets, and reduces related provision for

    impairment has been prepared.

    ——Available-for-sale Financial Assets

    If there is objective evidence to show that available-for-sale financial assets are reducing, even if the

    termination of such financial assets has not reached, the cumulative decline in a loss for owners directly

    included in the current gains and losses. The cumulative decline loss is the initial cost of such assets,

    deducted the amount of recovery and amortization, fair value when impairment occurs and net value of the

    original in the profit or loss.

    Standards of Provisions on Bad Debts of Receivables and Withdrawal

    — Bad debts are confirmed based on the following principles:

    — Uncollectable claim in the event that debtor’s bankruptcy after legal proceedings;

    — Debtor’s death that causes debt rights failure;

    — Debtor dose not fulfill obligations for three years and there is conclusive evidence to show that the

    recovery of claims is impossible, it may be listed to be bad debt after being approved by board of directors.

    — Allowance method is adopted for bad debts, and the provisions are as follows:

    — If at the end of term there is objective evidence to show receivables impairment, reduce its book value

    to future cash flows, and the amount is recognized as an asset impairment losses, included in the

    current gains and losses. The future present value of cash flow forecasted is determined on the basis

    of the original effective interest rate discounted (excluding credit losses that have not yet occurred),

    in addition to values of related guaranty. The original effective interest rate is the rate that is

    determined in the initial recognition of the receivable. As for short-term receivables there is small

    difference between forecasted future cash flow and present value, so there is no forecasted future cash

    flow discounted.

    — Impairment test separately to the receivable that has significant amount is required. If there is objective

    evidence to sow impairment of its occurrence, confirm its impairment loss and bad debts in accordance with

    its book value balance that is lower than future present value of cash flow. The significant amount refers

    to receivable balance that ranks the top five or accounting for 10 percent receivables in total.

    — If there is objective evidence to show impairment of a single non-major receivable, carry out

    impairment test and confirm impairment loss and provision for bad debt. For other individual non-significant

    amount of receivables, confirm its impairment loss and drawing bad debts provision on the basis of actual

    loss ratio of accordance receivables of prior year, and 6% present end balance of receivables (excluding

    consolidated financial statements of the exchanges between enterprises of internal funds.)

    Accounting Method of Inventory

    Inventory Category: Raw materials, products in processing, commissioned processing materials or finished

    products or semi-finished and consumables.18

    Inventory accounting: the inventories of the Company shall be made a daily accounting in the light of the

    planned cost. Where the inventories shall be measured in the light of the planned cost when obtained and

    outgone, and the cost difference shall be allotted month by month.

    Inventory system: a perpetual inventory system is adopted.

    Inventory Decline and Provision:In accordance with the individual inventory items to be lower than the net

    value of the difference between the cost of carrying inventory provision for decline in value. Finished

    products and materials for the sale can be used directly in the sale of the stock to the stock estimated selling

    price minus the estimated cost of sales and related taxes and fees after the amount of its net realizable value;

    need to go through the processing of materials inventory, production of finished products to the estimated

    selling price less the completion of the estimated cost will be , it is estimated that the cost of sales and related

    taxes and fees after the amount of its net realizable value.

    Accounting Method on Long-term Investment

    Long-term equity investment valuation

    —Long-term equity investment arising from corporate merger

    —As for the merger of the same type, the initial investment cost is taken according to the book value of

    long-term cost, and related cists directly are included the current gains and losses.

    —As for the merger of non-same type, the merger costs for the purchase of the Company in order to obtain

    control of the other party to pay the assets or liabilities and commitments issue of the rights and interests of

    the fair value of securities for the conduct of a corporate merger. Directly related to the costs included in

    cost of the investment. Contract or the merger agreement may affect the future costs of the merger agreement

    to purchase, if the estimate of future issues is likely to occur and the impact of the merger costs can be a

    reliable measurement of the amount of the Company shall be included in its cost of the investment.

    —Long-term equity investment based on currency payment. Take actual purchase price as the initial costs

    that include directly related costs with respect to long-term equity gaining, taxes and other necessary


    —Long-term equity investments based on issuance of equity securities. Take faire value of equity securities

    issued as initial investment cost.

    —Long-term equity investments invested by investors. Take value provided in the contract as initial

    investment cost, but except the value that is not fair.

    —Long-term equity investment based on non-monetary assets exchange (commercial-type exchange). Take

    fair value of such investment and related taxes as investment costs.

    —Long-term equity investment gained from debt restructuring. Creditor has the rights to share faire value of

    such share of the debtor's investment.

    Follow-up measurement and revenue recognition on long-term equity investment

    —Absorption costing method is adopted for the long-term equity investment that the Company is able to

    control, and the investment that can not be controlled by the Company, and major investment that there is no

    return from the market and it is impossible to measure its faire value. The cash dividends or net profit

    distribution declared by the invested organ is included in the current profit, but is limited to accumulative

    net profit distribution, the long-term investment that can be controlled by the Company, and fair value can

    not be reliably measured by the cost of long-term equity investment method. declared to be distributed by

    the investment of cash dividends or profits recognized as current investment income, but only Investment

    units to be accepted after the total investment in the net profits of the quota.19

    —Corporation's investment units have joint control or significant influence of the long-term equity

    investment by the equity method. Long-term equity investment than the initial investment cost of

    investment to be enjoyed by the investment unit fair value of identifiable net assets share, not adjusted

    long-term equity investment in the initial investment cost long-term equity investment is less than the initial

    investment cost of investment to be enjoyed by the investment unit fair value of identifiable net assets share,

    and its variance included in the current loss, while the long-term equity investment costs. confirmed by the

    investment units in a net loss to long-term equity investments and the book value of investments was

    essentially a unit of the long-term interests of net investment is reduced to zero. limit (the Company has to

    bear the additional losses with the exception of obligations). confirmation should be Investment units to be

    the share of net profit or loss when the investment was to achieve the investment units to the fair value of

    identifiable assets based on the investment unit's net profit was adjusted for confirmation - Company to be

    invested units with a common control or significant impact on the long-term equity investment by the equity

    method. long-term equity investment than the initial investment cost of investment to be enjoyed by the

    investment unit fair value of identifiable net assets share, and not the long-term equity investment of the

    initial investment cost, long-term equity investment is less than the initial investment cost of investment to

    be enjoyed by the investment unit fair value of identifiable net assets share, and its variance included in the

    current loss, while the long-term equity investment costs. confirmed by the investment units in a net loss to

    long-term equity investments and the book value of investments was essentially a unit of the long-term

    interests of net investment is reduced to zero. limit (the Company has to bear the additional losses with the

    exception of obligations). should have been recognized in the investment unit share of the net profit or loss,

    investment to be made of the investment units to the fair value of identifiable assets based on the investment

    unit's net profit was adjusted for confirmation.

    Impairment of long-term Investment

    —At the end of reporting period, the Company shall check each item of the long-term investments. If the

    recoverable amount of the assets are less than book value as market price declines or the Company invested

    runs business weak, and it is impossible to be recovered within the future period forecasted, take the

    difference of long-term investment of book value as the impairment provision. The recoverable amount in

    accordance with the fair value of assets minus the net cost of disposal of assets and expected future cash

    flows are the two values identified between higher. a long-term investment impairment losses recognized,

    and in the subsequent accounting period may not be back - Company in the end of the reporting period on

    the long-term investment itemized check, if the market value continued to decline due to investments or

    units operating conditions worsening reasons for its recoverable amount lower than the book value, and this

    could reduce the value of the estimated future period not restored, the recoverable amount will be lower than

    the long-term investment in the difference between the book value as a long-term investment for impairment.

    Recoverable according to the amount of the fair value of assets minus the net cost of disposal of assets and

    expected future cash flows between the present values of the higher determined. long-term investment

    impairment losses recognized, and in the subsequent accounting period shall not be reversed.

    Fixed Asset Valuation and Depreciation Methods

    Fixed asset criteria: company’s fixed assets are defined as the tangible assets for production and services,

    lease or management, which has more than one year of life-span for use, and has a higher unit value.

    Classification of fixed assets: buildings, machinery and equipment, transport equipment and other


    Fixed asset valuation and depreciation methods: Fixed assets at actual cost and straight-line method are

    adopted in accordance with the estimated economic life of fixed assets and the projected net residuals20

    depreciation rate. Various estimated economic life of fixed assets and depreciation rates are as follows:

    Categories Useful life Yearly depreciation rate Residuals rate

    Housing and building 3—25 31.67%-4.75% 5%

    Machinery and equipment 2—8 47.50%-11.88% 5%

    Transportation equipment 5—10 19%-9.50% 5%

    Other equipment 2—8 47.50%-11.88% 5%

    Fixed assets impairment provisions: The Company shall carry out check to each fixed asset at the end of

    term. If the recoverable value is less than book value because of market price decline, aged technologies,

    damage or long-time idle, the difference is adopted for its impairment provisions, which can not be returned

    as of being confirmed. Recoverable amount in accordance with the fair value of assets minus the net cost of

    disposal of assets and expected future cash flows of the present value identified between higher. future cash

    flows of assets is the value of assets in accordance with the sustainable use of process and the final disposal

    of produced by the estimated future cash flows, select appropriate discount rate for its discount rate after

    the to be determined. fixed assets for impairment: in the end of the reporting period on fixed assets itemized

    check, because if the market value continued to decline, or technological obsolescence, damage and

    long-term idle, and other factors, led to the recoverable amount of fixed assets below their book value,

    according to the difference Provision for impairment of fixed assets, an impairment loss of fixed assets

    identified, and in the subsequent accounting period shall not be reversed. recoverable amount in accordance

    with the fair value of assets minus the net cost of disposal of assets and expected future cash flows between

    the present values of the higher determined. future cash flows of assets is the value of assets in accordance

    with the sustainable use of process and the final disposal of produced by the estimated future cash flows,

    select appropriate discount rate for its discount After the amount to be determined.

    Accounting Methods for Construction-in-progress

    Actual cost is taking as a base for construction-in-progress. And it is transferred to be fixed assets when it

    reaches usable statue estimated at the provisionally estimated price. After final accounts of project, adjust

    book value according to actual cost. Purchase or construction of the production line with the conditions of

    capital assets specialized lending or borrowing of the general occupation of the borrower and the borrower

    interest in supporting specific borrowing costs in the purchase or construction of the production line with

    the conditions of capital assets can be used or can be scheduled for sale by the state before can be included

    in the amount of capital assets cost was included in the current loss. construction - in-progress at actual cost,

    and can be used to target by state temporarily transferred to the fixed assets valuation in the accounts for

    completion, according to the actual cost of adjusting the book value of fixed assets. acquisition or

    construction or the production of capital assets and the conditions of the specialized lending or borrowing

    of the general occupation of the borrower and the borrower interest in supporting specific borrowing costs

    in the purchase or construction of the production line with the conditions of capital assets can be used or

    can be scheduled for sale Before the state can be on the amount of capital assets included in the cost was

    included in the current loss.

    Impairment Provisions for Construction-in-progress: The Company shall carry out a comprehensive check to

    construction-in-progress at the end of each term. As for the project-in-progress that has been stopped for a

    long time and can not be continued restarting in the future 3 years, and there is no a certain value whatever in

    economic benefits or technical performance, or there is obvious evidence that may show the

    construction-in-progress impairment occurred, the impairment provision is based on the difference that thee

    recoverable amount less than book value. Once impairment loss of construction-in-progress is confirmed, it21

    can not be reversed.

    Valuation of Intangible Assets and Amortization Method

    Valuation of intangible assets

    —Cost of purchased intangible assets is accounted on the basis of actual expenditure of such assets when

    reaching its expected usage.

    —Expenditure in internal research and development phase. It would be valued into the current gains and

    losses when it occurs. As for the expenditure that may meet the conditions of capitalization, it shall be

    considered to be intangible asset cost.

    —Intangible assets invested by investors. It would be valued under relevant provisions in the contract, but

    except those that are unfair.

    —Intangible assets accepted from debtor's non-cash assets or that replacement of receivable claims shall be

    valued in accordance with the fair value.

    —Intangible assets in non-monetary transaction shall be valued in accordance with its fair value and its

    related tax costs.

    Amortization of intangible assets: As for intangible assets that have the limited life-span, straight-line

    amortization within its life-span is adopted. As for intangible assets that are impossible to be estimated for

    their future economic interests to the Company, it is considered to be intangible assets that have

    unpredictable life-span, upon which amortization is not carried out. As for the intangible assets, land use,

    the life-span is 50 years for average amortization.

    Impairment Provisions for intangible assets: It is required to conduct a comprehensive check to such

    intangible assets at the end of term. For the intangible assets that have already been replaced by new

    technology and its ability to create benefits for the Company suffered a great impact, or a significant

    decline of market price and impossible to be covered within its remained life-span, or the duration is out of

    protection by law, yet a certain utility value remained, or there is obvious evidence that may show the

    construction-in-progress impairment occurred, the impairment provision is based on the difference that thee

    recoverable amount less than book value. Once impairment loss of construction-in-progress is confirmed, it

    can not be reversed.

    Accounting Methods on Long-term Deferred Expenses

    Long-term deferred expenses refers to expenses paid but attributable to the current and subsequent

    accounting periods shall be accounted for as deferred charges or deferred expenses more than 1 year.

    Long-term deferred expense shall be recorded into book in the light of the actual expenditure, and amortized

    averagely in the light of straight-line method within benefit period. As for the long-term prepaid item that

    can not benefit future accounting, transfer all their remained value to the current gains and losses.

    Capitalized Accounting Method on Borrowing

    Capitalized the borrowing that meet the following conditions : Expenditure to acquire (including

    expenditure for the acquisition or construction or production line with the conditions of the capital assets to

    pay cash, or transfer of non-cash assets to bring in the form of interest-bearing debt expenditures) that has

    occurred; borrowing costs has occurred; and for assets intended use or sale of the state may be necessary

    for the acquisition or construction or production activities have already begun.

    Capitalized amount of borrowing interest: For purchase or construction of the production line with the

    conditions of capital assets and borrow specialized loan borrowers or occupier of the general interest in the22

    borrower, in the purchase or construction of the production line with the conditions of capital assets can be

    used or can be scheduled Before the state sales, according to the following methods of determining the

    amount of capital: the capitalization of interest on the amount of the borrower: purchase or construction of

    the production line with the conditions of capital assets and borrow specialized loan borrowers or occupier

    of the general interest in the borrower, in the acquisition or construction or production comply with the

    conditions of the capital assets can be used or can be scheduled for sale before the state, according to the

    following methods of determining the amount of capital:

    — Or borrowing that is for acquisition or construction of the production line with the conditions of capital

    assets and borrow specialized lending, specialized lending to the current actual interest costs, net borrowing

    will be used has yet to deposit funds in bank interest income or the temporary investment income defined as

    the amount of capital should be the cost - or for the acquisition or construction of the production line with

    the conditions of capital assets and borrow specialized lending, specialized lending to the current actual

    interest costs, less will be the borrower of funds not yet spent Interest income deposited in the bank or

    temporary investments of the amount of investment income should be defined as the cost of capital.

    —Or for the acquisition or construction of the production line with the conditions of capital assets and

    occupy the general borrowing, the Company According to the cumulative capital expenditure over specific

    borrowing part of the capital expenditure multiplied by the weighted average number of borrowers

    generally occupied by the capitalization rate to calculate the borrower determine general should be the

    capital of the amount of interest. Capitalization rate borrowers under the general calculation of the weighted

    average interest rate determined.

    Suspension of capitalization: In the event the capital assets acquired or constructed in the course of

    production is interrupted for over a continue three months, it is required to suspend capitalization of

    borrowing such borrowing. And during the interruption the borrowing is recognized as costs, reckoned in

    the current gains and losses till restarting of production. If the interruption is for purchased or produced in

    line with the conditions of the capital assets or sale of state can be the necessary procedures, or

    capitalization of borrowing costs, it is required to keep capitalization process of such borrowing.

    Employee Emolument

    Employee Emolument include various forms of compensation, salaries, bonuses, allowances, subsidies and

    trade unions benefit costs, employee benefits , medical insurance for employees, aged insurance,

    unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, maternity insurance, and other social insurance

    and housing accumulation fund, etc., in the accounting period. In the labor contract expires before the

    lifting of the trade unions and labor relations, or to encourage the workers to accept cuts to voluntary

    compensation recommendation (to dissolve labor relations plan or proposed cuts to be implemented, and

    the enterprises can not unilaterally withdraw), the companies confirmed The resulting projected liabilities,

    included in expense in the current period.

    Revenue Recognition Principle

    Company has products, commodities, the main ownership of the risks and rewards transfer to the buyer, the

    Company no longer the products, commodities, the right to continue to manage the implementation and

    practical control of the related revenue has been received or receivable has been made effective

    documentation, and with sales of the product, commodity-related costs can be measured reliably,

    recognized the achievement of sales revenue.

    Work completion percentage is adopted for income by providing labor services in the following conditions:

    If the income amount can be reckoned clearly; if transaction related economic interests can be flown in; If23

    transaction completion in progress can be determined reliably. In the event that costs in transaction process

    or in the future can be measured reliably;and if results of transactions of labor service providing can no be

    measured reliably and labor costs occurred can be compensated, revenue is recognized according to labor

    costs already occurred. If labor cost occurred can not be fully compensated, the amount recognized for

    labor cost is base on the amount that can be recognized. In the event that no labor cost can be compensated

    fully, no revenue is recognized.

    Revenue gained by providing others company's assets may be recognized if it meets the conditions as

    follows: income related to transaction can be flown into the Company; the amount of revenue can be

    measured reliably. As for the revenue gained by providing company’s assets shall be reckoned under

    relevant provisions in contract.

    Government subsidy

    No government subsidy may be recognized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously as

    follows: ① The enterprise can meet the conditions for the government subsidies; and ② The enterprise

    can obtain the government subsidies.

    If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or receivable

    amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value. If its fair

    value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount

    The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed

    within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. But the

    government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included in the current profits

    and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance with

    the circumstances as follows: Those subsidies used for compensating the related future expenses or losses

    of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current profits and losses

    during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or Those subsidies used for compensating the

    related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and


    Accounting Methods on Income Tax

    Balance sheet debt accounting is adopted for income tax. On the date that the balance sheet is made, the

    Company recognizes, according to results of deductible temporary differences and income tax rate, deferred

    income tax assets and corresponding deferred income tax income, and deferred income tax liabilities and its

    corresponding deferred income tax expense.

    Profit Distribution Method

    Under the corporate by-law, corporate profits distribution shall be carried out in order as follows:

    —Make up losses in the previous year;

    —Extracting 10 percent statutory provident funds and the extraction can not be continued no longer when

    accumulated amount reaches 50% registered capital;

    —Extraction of optional accumulation fund can be carried out as of being approved by General Assembly;

    —The remained profit can be distributed as of being approved by General Assembly;

    Preparation Method for Consolidated Financial Statements

    The Company takes all subsidiaries and branches into the consolidated range. The consolidated financial

    statements include the financial statements of parent company and individual financial statements of each24

    subsidiary and other relevant information. Any investment and internal exchange among parent company

    and its subsidiaries, affiliates, shall be consolidated one by one, after all internal transaction are neutralized.

    In the event accounting policies adopted in the subsidiaries are different from the parent companies, merging

    shall be carried out under the accounting policies of the parent company after adjustment which shall under

    the standard of the parent company.

    V. Ma jor Taxe s


    VAT of ales is 17% total sales income, according to the reference input tax deduction to allow deductions for

    the payment of the difference between the company export approval of the taxation departments since

    January 1, 2002 under the policy of tax exemption, crediting and return.

    Business Income Tax

    The Company was identified as a high-tech enterprise in December 2008, and obtained the “Certificate of

    High-tech Enterprise” with serial number GR200844000085 after approval by Department of Science and

    Technology of Guangdong Province, Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial

    Bureau of State Taxatio and Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Local Taxationon on 16 Dec. 2008. In

    accordance with relevant provisions in Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the

    Administration Measures for Identification of High-tech Enterprises promulgated in 2007, the Company

    enjoys a 15-percent rate for corporate income tax within three years since 1 Jan. 2008.

    The subsidiaries of the Company, including Foshan Taimei Times Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Chansheng

    Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd. and Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., are all

    productive foreign funded enterprises, so that the said three companies enjoy a preferential CIT policy of

    “Two plus three” (Exemption of enterprise income tax for the first two years of making profit, and 50% tax

    reduction for following three years). Of which, year 2007 is the first profit-making year that Foshan Taimei

    Times Lighting Co., Ltd. enjoys the said preferential policy of “Two plus three”, therefore, it should be

    allowed a 50 percent reduction in 2009. Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd. enjoyed the said

    preferential policy of “Two plus three” since 2004, thus it should be levied at an income tax rate of 25% in

    2009. As at 31 Dec. 2007, Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd. failed to enjoy the

    said preferential CIT policy, in the light of relevant provisions of the Notice concerning Carrying out the

    Transitional Preferential Policies on Corporate Income Tax (GF [2007] No. 39 document), it started to enjoy

    the said preferential policy of “Two plus three” from 2008, therefore, the said company should be exempted

    from the enterprise income tax in 2009.25

    VI . Subs idi a r i e s cont rol l ed by the Company

    General information of the shareholding subsidiaries

    Name of invested


    Date of








    invested by








    Main business



    Foshan Chanchang


    Components Co.,


    1989 Foshan USD180 USD72 40% Zhong Xincai

    Manufacturing bromine

    tungsten-arc lamps, special lighting

    source products and ancillary



    Foshan Chansheng

    Electronic Ballast

    Co., Ltd.

    2003 Foshan RMB100 RMB75 75% Zhong Xincai

    Manufacturing electronic ballasts,

    electronic transformers, electronic



    Foshan Modern

    Lighting Co., Ltd.

    2004 Foshan RMB500 RMB450 90% Ou Muben

    Research, development,

    production and sales of lighting

    appliances and household

    appliances and accessories and

    other lighting products


    Foshan Chanchang

    Electric Appliance

    (Gaoming) Co., Ltd. 2005 Foshan RMB6000 RMB4200 70% Zhong Xincai

    Production and operation of lamps,

    electric light source products and

    accessories, installation and

    related engineering consulting



    Foshan Taimei

    Times Lighting Co.,

    Ltd. 2005 Foshan RMB50 RMB35 70% Ou Muben

    Research, development,

    production, sales of lighting,

    household appliances and

    accessories and other lighting



    Foshan Gaoming

    Fuwan Landscape

    Resort Co., Ltd. 2006 Foshan RMB480 RMB480 100% Zhong Xincai

    In-progress of founding (tourist

    industry, catering service, sauna,

    foot-bathing, games, retail of

    beverages, sports on the water,



    Prosperity (Nanjing)


    Components Co.,

    Ltd. 2002 Nanjing RMB4168.32 RMB7200 100% Zhuang Jianyi

    Production of energy-saving

    photoelectric source products,

    lamps and lanterns, light source

    equipments, illumination

    engineering; technological

    development of energy-saving and

    production of relevant components;

    sales of self-production products


    Soshan Lighting

    Co., Lt.d

    2009 Foshan RMB500 RMB 300 60% Zhong Xincai Yes26

    —Foshan Chanchang Lighting Components Co., Ltd. was founded in 1989, and the company holds 40% of

    its shares. Under relevant provisions in the agreement between the company and Foshan Chanchang, the

    company owns the rights of essential holding. So it was taken into the consolidated financial statements. In

    accordance with the resolutions of board of directors of Foshan Chanchang, the company shall take charge

    of its management and the benefits gained this year shall be distributed on the basis of ratio of contributions.

    Owing to expiration of the term of the joint venture ended 30 Nov. 2008, the Board of this company decided

    to terminate its operation. Relevant liquidation matters are in progress.

    — Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd. Is a Sino-foreign joint ventures invested by

    the company and Prosperity Lamps and Components Co., Ltd, approved by Foreign Trade and Economic

    Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming District, Foshan (No. 79-2005) on August 23, 2005? And the company

    holds 70% shares and it has been taken to be consolidated financial statements since its founding. The

    company started running business since 2006.

    —Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. (the former name of FSL Times Lamps and Lanterns

    Co., Ltd.) is a company invested by our company and Rebecca North American Investment Inc, a

    Sino-foreign joint ventures, approved by Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming

    District, Foshan (No. 97-2005) on December 5, 2005, obtained its business license. And the company holds

    70% shares and it has been taken to be consolidated financial statements since its founding. The company

    put into production since 2006.

    —Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. was invested by the company and it was founded on

    November 23, 2006, obtaining its business license, And the company holds 70% shares and it has been taken

    to be consolidated financial statements since its founding. The company started running business since

    December 20, 2006.

    —Prosperity Lighting Components Co., Ltd., in accordance with the Equity Transfer Agreement signed with

    the Company on 27 Aug. 2008, transferred its 100% equity of Prosperity (Nanjing) Lighting Components

    Co., Ltd. to the Company. Therefore, Prosperity Nanjing became the wholly-owned subsidiary of the

    Company. The said company was included in the consolidated scope of the Company’s financial statement

    since 1 Jan. 2009.

    —Foshan Lighing Co., Ltd. was incorporated by the Company togeth Electric Appliance h Foshan Hao Zhi

    Yuan Trading Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liangqi Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Changzhou Sanfeng Electrical &

    Lighting Co., Ltd., Henan Xingchen Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Hongbang Electrical & Lighting

    Co., Ltd. and Hebei Jinfen Trading Co., Ltd., and get the business license on 27 Mar. 2009, whose 60%

    equities is held by the Company. Therefore, the said company was included in the consolidated scope of the

    Company’s financial statement from the date this company t is established.27

    — Minority interests and profits and losses of minority shareholders of controlling subsidiaries

    The first half year of 2009 The first half year of 2008

    Name of companies



    Profits and

    losses of





    Profits and losses

    of minority


    Foshan Chanchang Lighting Components

    Co., Ltd. 15,976,161.95 5,168,126.44 9,517,197.11 -123,150.71

    Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co.,

    Ltd. 1,397,984.33 120,261.06 1,762,486.14 527,703.36

    Foshan Modern Lighting Co., Ltd. 635,961.38 -12,924.27 602,022.61 -20,826.37

    Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance

    ( Gaoming) Co., Ltd. 20,536,308.10 3,152,623.18 18,199,461.94 272,123.59

    Foshan Taimei Times Lighting Co., Ltd. 1,173,262.04 316,514.29 2,468,517.03 682,756.08

    Foshan Lighting Co., Ltd. 2,340,302.97 340,302.97

    Total 42,059,980.77 9,084,903.67 32,549,684.83 1,338,605.95

    VI I . Not e s to Ma in I t ems of Consol ida t ed Financ i a l St a t ement s

    1. Monetary Funds

    Closing amount Opening amount

    Item Original





    Converted into







    Converted into


    Cash 4,290.51 49,105.08





    920,237,906.67 860,207,563.79



    USD870011.38 6.8319

    5,943,830.75 HKD90.28 0.8819 68.30


    Account EUR18665.48 9.6408

    179,950.16 USD344,002.73 6.8591 50,431,706.69



    funds EUR763,096.60 10.8302 180,291.42

    Total 926,365,978.09 17,000,000.00

    —All bank deposits are in the name of the company or the subsidiaries which are within the scope of

    consolidated financial statements.28

    2. Notes Receivable

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Bank acceptance bill 37,818,320.07 38,410,882.00

    Trade acceptance draft

    Total 37,818,320.07 38,410,882.00

    — Up till 30 June 2009, there are no trade acceptance draft receivable, undue bills discounted.

    — There is no payment of a shareholder who holds over 5% (including 5%) of the company shares in

    closing balance of notes receivable.

    3. Accounts Receivable

    Closing amount Opening amount

    Items Aging




    Provision for

    bad debts







    Provision for

    bad debts











    1 year



    2,751,975.06 6% 66,455,617.69 28.47%

    3,987,337.06 6%






    amounts but



    credit risk





    1 year





    159,367,996.09 68.27%









    4,589,949.57 1.97%









    920,465.14 0.39%










    124,561.93 6% 435,237.00 0.13%






    16,123,150.40 233,433,521.05 100.00%


    — The total amount of arrearages of the first five units in the closing balance of receivables is RMB

    45,866,250.98Yuan, accounting for 17.07 of the accounts receivable balance.29

    — See Note 9 for dues from shareholders holding more than 5% (including 5%) of the company’s stock in

    the closing balance of accounts receivable.

    4. Prepayment

    Closing amount Opening amount








    Within 1 year 22,387,659.70




    1-2 years 16,200,273.80




    2-3 years 332,482.96


    Over 3 years

    Total 38,920,416.46




    —The closing balance of prepayment has decreased by RMB 10,593,497.39 Yuan than the opening balance,

    a decrease of 21.39%.

    —There is no prepayment to shareholders holding more than 5% (including 5%) of the company’s stock in

    the closing balance of prepayments.

    5. Other Receivables

    Closing amount Opening amount

    Items Aging





    for bad









    for bad






    1 year

    21,836,559.64 36.38% 1,310,193.58 6% 7,690,602.46 16.15% 461,436.15 6%









    36,500,000.00 76.66% 2,190,000.00 6%



    36,500,000.00 60.82% 2,190,000.00 6%






    amounts but



    credit risk


    1 year

    106552.5 0.22% 106,552.50 100%


    1 year

    1,020,289.62 1.70% 61,217.38 6% 2,377,127.27 2.06% 55,451.07 6%




    660,187.40 1.10% 39,611.24 1,586,453.80 3.33% 94,863.22 6%30




    6% 253,550.67 0.54% 15,213.04 6%




    6% 494,718.00 1.04% 29,683.08 6%

    Total 60,017,036.66 100.00% 3,601,022.20 49,009,004.70 2,953,199.06

    —The total amount of arrearages of the first five units in the closing balance of other receivables is RMB

    58,336,559.64 Yuan, accounting for 97.20 of the other accounts receivable balance.

    — There is no due from shareholders holding more than 5% (including 5%) of the company’s stock in the

    closing balance of other receivables.

    6. Inventory

    Closing amount Opening amount


    Amount Provision for falling price Amount Provision for falling price

    Raw material

    55,519,795.24 65,063,701.07

    Good in process

    13,451,378.24 7,213,267.32

    Consigned materials for



    Finished goods

    122,542,348.17 165,352.58 125,754,902.45 165,352.58


    semi-finished products

    67,005,066.85 91,404,649.94

    Low value consumables

    457,796.27 217,394.00

    Total 258,976,384.77 165,352.58 289,653,914.78 165,352.58

    7. Long-term Investment

    Opening amount Closing amount



    Provision for


    Increase for the

    current period

    Decrease for the

    current period Amount

    Provision for


    Stock investment 11,850,000.00 5,850,000.00 11,850,000.00 5,850,000.00

    Other long-term


    183,233,201.04 3,298,904.81

    183,233,201.04 3,298,904.81

    Total 195,083,201.04 9,148,904.81 195,083,201.04 9,148,904.81

    Details of various types of long-term investment are as follows:31

    — Stock investment


    Nature of


    Number of


    Proportion in

    the investee’s





    Market price at the


    Provision for




    (Group) Co., Ltd.



    650,000 Below 5% 5,850,000.00 - 5,850,000.00

    Chengdu Hongbo

    Industrial Co.,




    5,000,000 6.94% 6,000,000.00 - -

    Total 11,850,000.00 - 5,850,000.00

    — Shenzhen Zhonghao (Group) Co., Ltd is insolvent, so the total depreciation reserve is withdrawn from

    this investment.

    — Other equity investment


    Term of





    in the





    for the current




    Provision for


    Guangdong Development

    Bank Foshan Branch 500,000.00 Below 5% 500,000.00 -

    Foshan Fochen Road

    Development Company


    13,175,627.38 7.66% 13,175,627.38 -

    China Everbright Bank 30,828,816.00 0.29% 30,828,816.00 -

    Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset

    Management Company


    10,000,000.00 15.38% 10,000,000.00 3,298,904.81

    Shenzhen Liangke Venture

    Capital Company Limited 50 years 13,718,882.66 18.50% 13,718,882.66 -

    Xiamen Commercial Bank 115,009,875.00 9.99% 115,009,875.00 -

    Total 183,233,201.04 183,233,201.04 3,298,904.81

    — A heavy losses incurred by Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset Management Company Limited in 2008 , the

    provision for impairment of long-term equity investment amounting to RMB 3,298,904.81 has been

    withdrawn by the Company in 2008 in the light of the difference that recoverable amount is lower than

    carrying value of long-term investment.32

    8. Fixed Assets and Accumulated Depreciation

    Items Opening amount

    Increase in the

    current period

    Decrease in the

    current period

    Closing amount

    Original value of

    fixed assets

    Housing and

    building 511,842,013.23 15,186,599.82 12,457,658.01 514,570,955.04


    equipments 1,023,995,053.43 18,369,694.12 6,599,723.71 1,035,765,023.84


    equipments 13,918,352.93 146,337.61 97,300.00 13,967,390.54

    Other equipment 16,328,582.03 9,567,446.21 189,850.00 25,706,178.24

    Total 1,566,084,001.62 43,270,077.76 19,344,531.72 1,590,009,547.66



    Housing and

    building 206,097,646.01 13,741,108.61 731,340.14 219,107,414.48


    equipments 600,133,868.37 47,847,390.43 3,296,095.55 644,685,163.25


    equipments 9,302,300.29 508,859.86 12,397.60 9,798,762.55

    Other equipment 9,352,737.01 1,204,945.19 183,125.27 10,374,556.93

    Total 824,886,551.68 63,302,304.09 4,222,958.56 883,965,897.21

    Net value 741,197,449.94 706,043,650.45

    — Increase of fixed assets is mainly due to transfer-in from construction in process after completion of

    installation and testing of such equipment as T8, Metal halogen lamp, high -tension line in Power Supply

    Room 2# in the Industrial Park.

    —Provision for impairment of fixed assets are as follows:

    Items Opening amount

    Increase in the

    current period

    Decrease in the

    current period

    Closing amount

    Machinery equipments 2,043,648.78 - - 2,043,648.78

    — The provision for impairment of fixed assets on machinery equipments, which such equipments fail to

    meet demands of production processes and may result in losses, was withdrawn by the Company.33

    9. Construction in Process

    Name of projects Opening amount

    Increase in the

    current period


    transferred into

    fixed assets


    decrease Cclosing amount





    Fuwan Lighting Industrial Park


    - -




    T8 production line








    T5 fluorescent light production line








    Staff dormitory and power project of the

    Fuwan Industrial Park







    SAP system








    Hard glass furnace








    Workshop (II) of energy-saving lamps in

    Fuwan Industrial Park








    Flue gas scrubber of glass furnace and

    desulphurization system of Gaoming


    - -





    Flue gas scrubber of tank furnace and

    desulphurization system for Quadrant 3








    Fugang Restaurant and its supporting facilities







    8# Furnace in Fuwan Industrial Park


    - -





    Overhaul of 6# glass furnace for Quadrant 3 - - Self-owned 67%34

    3,218,669.27 3,218,669.27 fund

    high -tension line in Power Supply Room 2# in

    Fuwan Industrial Park and distribution





    - Self-owned



    T8 3rd workshop in the Fuwan Industrial Park




















    —None of the items of projects under construction has any interest to be capitalized and exchange gain or loss.

    —As at 30 Jun. 2009, the Company has no project under construction that needs to be withdrawn provision for impairment.

    10. Intangible Assets

    Types Original amount

    Opening amount Increase in the

    current period

    Transfer out

    in the current


    Amortization in

    the current period Closing amount

    Term left for




    Land use right

    214,654,209.88 191,397,059.58


    189,595,401.36 214,654,209.88


    and purchase

    Patent right

    200,000.00 103,333.14

    7,200,000.00 -

    510,000.02 6,793,333.12 200,000.00

    Input by

    investors and


    Total 214,854,209.88 191,500,392.72

    2,311,658.24 196,388,734.48 214,854,209.88

    —Increase of patent right is due to that Trademark QL of Foshan Chanchang Lighting Components Co., Ltd. was purchased by the Company in

    the reporting period.

    —As at 30 Jun. 2009, the Company never had the need to withdraw provision for impairment of intangible assets.35

    11. Long-term Deferred Expenses

    Types Original amount Opening amount

    Increase in

    the current



    in the current




    Term left for







    1 years






    2 years



    238,067.40 170,815.28

    12. Deferred Income Tax Assets and Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Deferred income tax assets 16,889,762.29 17,359,253.59

    Deferred income tax liabilities 16,889,762.29 17,359,253.59

    — The Company calculates deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities according to regulations

    of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises-Income Tax and based on temporary differences.

    13. Accounts Payable

    —The closing balance of accounts payable is RMB 181,345,007.39 Yuan. The amount of items with an age of

    more than 3 threes is RMB 2,257,217.42 Yuan.

    —See Note IX for details of amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of the voting rights of the

    Company in the closing balance of accounts payable.

    14. Account collected in advance

    — The closing balance of account collected in advance is RMB 10,674,616.56 , a decrease of RMB 5,391,172.46

    over the period-begin, down by 34%.

    —No amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of the voting rights of the Company is included in the

    balance of account collected in advance.

    15. Employee Compensation Payable




    Increase in the

    current period

    Payment in the

    current period Closing amount

    Salary, bonus and allowance





    Welfare expense




    Equity incentive fund



    Labor-union expenditure


    Social insurance charges










    — The Company has no default on emoluments payable to staff.36

    16. Taxes Payable

    Type of taxation Closing amount Opening amount

    Corporate income tax 5,516,174.39 -2,903,369.60

    VAT 69,793.94 -10,251,310.16

    Other 11,155,659.11 2,526,045.73

    Total 16,741,627.44 -10,628,634.03

    17. Other Payables

    —The closing balance of other payables is RMB Yuan. The amount of items with an age of more than 3 threes

    is RMB Yuan, which caused by the deposit paid by agents.

    — The closing balance of other payables is RMB than the opening balance, a drop of RMB over the

    period-begin, which was because the Company paid accounts that is due in the reporting period.

    —See Note IX for details of amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of the voting rights of the

    Company in the closing balance of other payables.

    18. Share Capital

    Prior to the change


    for this time (+/-)

    Subsequent to the


    Type of share

    Number of





    quantity from

    capitalization of

    public reserve

    Number of



    of share

    I. Shares subject to trading


    1. Shares held by foreign

    legal person

    94,154,061 13.47 37,661,624 131,815,685 13.47

    2. Shares held by domestic

    legal person

    3,281,552 0.47 1,312,621 4,594,173 0.47

    3. Shares held by domestic

    natural person

    7,524 0.001 3,009 10,533 0.001

    A shares 1,172,917 4. Shares held by 0.17 469,167 1,642,084 0.17



    B shares

    3,989,280 0.57 1,595,712 5,584,992 0.57

    Total number of shares

    subject to trading moratorium

    102,605,334 14.68 41,042,133 143,647,467 14.68

    II. Shares not subject to

    trading moratorium

    1. RMB common shares 439,483,050 62.88 175,793,220 615,276,270 62.88

    2. Domestically listed foreign


    156,885,720 22.44 62,754,288 219,640,008 22.44

    Total number of shares not

    subject to trading moratorium

    596,368,770 85.32 238,547,508 834,916,278 85.32

    III. Total shares 698,974,104 100.00 279,589,641 978,563,745 100.0037

    — As approved by the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting 2008, the Company transferred capital reserve into

    share capital at the rate of 4 for 10 based on the total share capital of 698,974,104 shares as at Dec. 31, 2008,

    increasing by 279,589,641 shares, as a result, the total share capital is 978,563,745 shares.

    19. Capital Reserve

    Items Opening amount

    Increase in

    the current


    Decrease in the

    current period

    closing amount

    Share premium

    859,157,193.53 279,589,641.00 579,567,552.53

    Provision for equity investment 4,514.43 0.00 4,514.43

    Change in fair value 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Other 7,403,887.57 0.00 196.63 7,404,084.20

    Total 866,565,595.53 0.00 279,589,837.63 586,976,151.16

    — Decrease of share premium for the current period is caused by the conversion of RMB 279,589,641 Yuan of

    capital reserves to share capital according to the resolutions of the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting 2008.

    20. Surplus Reserves

    Items Opening amount

    Increase in

    the current


    Decrease in

    the current


    Closing amount

    Statutory surplus

    reserves 371,440,759.66 371,440,759.66

    Discretionary surplus

    reserve 136,886,568.36 136,886,568.36

    Total 508,327,328.02 508,327,328.02

    21. Retained Profit

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Net profit 71,180,439.19 159,920,282.08

    Plus: Retained profit as at 31 Dec. 2008 374,103,756.83 303,717,464.60

    Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserves 0.00

    Appropriation of discretionary surplus reserves 0.00

    Cash dividends or profits payable 0.00

    Retained profit 445,284,196.02 463,637,746.68

    Of which: Cash dividends to be distributed 0.0038

    22. Operating Income and Operating Cost

    — Category of operating income and operating cost is listed as follows:

    Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008


    Revenue Cost Revenue Cost

    Main operation 738,679,727.79 557,423,427.88 802,127,297.64 641,666,615.99

    Other 1,133,311.31 1,075,172.44 11,718,781.96 5,195,817.64

    Total 739,813,039.10 558,498,600.32 813,846,079.60 646,862,433.63

    — The total amount of sales revenue from the first five customers of the Company is RMB 79,397,256.70 Yuan in

    the current period, accounting for 10.73%% of the total sales revenue of the company.

    — Breakdown of the revenue of the main operation is as follows:

    Segment items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Domestic sales 517,371,935.32


    Export sales 213,186,871.30


    Total 730,558,806.62


    —Breakdown of the revenue from hotels is as follows:

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Revenues from hotels 8,120,921.17


    23. Taxes and Associate Charges

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    City maintenance and

    construction tax 3,367,512.30 3,868,498.79

    Educational surtax 1,458,302.09 1,660,795.14

    Business tax 430,534.39 499,340.47

    Other 8,025.55 0.00

    Total 5,264,374.33 6,028,634.40

    24. Administrative expenses

    The current administrative expense has increased by RMB 8,112,935.96 Yuan than that of last year, up by 21.45

    %, which was mainly due to increase of labor cost and office overhead along with expansion of business scale.

    25. Sales expenses

    The current sales expense has increased by RMB 10,706,398.83 Yuan over the same period of last year, up by

    38.76 %, which was caused by increase of transport expenses and advertising and publicity costs in order to

    ensure sales.39

    26. Financial expense

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Interest expense 0.00


    Less: Interest revenue 6,189,956.77


    Exchange loss 3,244,483.50


    Less: Exchange gain 0.00

    Other 1,072,992.60


    Total -1,872,480.67


    The current financial expense has decreased by RMB 452,345.38 Yuan than that of last year, a drop of 31.85 %,

    which was mainly due to increase of bank interest income in the reporting period.

    27. Assets Impairment Losses

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Loss on bad debts 1,274,045.07 7,587,598.30

    Loss on falling price

    of inventories

    Loss on impairment of


    Loss on impairment of

    fixed assets

    Loss on impairment of

    construction in


    Loss on impairment of

    intangible assets


    Total 1,274,045.07 7,587,598.30

    28. Investment Income

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Income from stock and fund investment 110,418,926.17

    Income from bond investment

    Profits distributed from affiliated or joint venture

    corporations 1,420,800.00

    Amortized investment cost of Foshan Fochen Highroad

    Development Company Limited

    Total 1,420,800.00 110,418,926.17

    The current investment income has decreased by RMB 108,998,126.17 Yuan than that of last year, a drop of

    98.71%, which was mainly because of no income from securities investment in the reporting period.40

    29. Non-operating Income

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Governmental reward 330,000.00 1,895,412.00

    Accounts payable that need

    not be paid 0.00

    Net income on disposal of

    fixed assets 3,660,000.00 1,940,599.50

    Other 7,719,839.09 61,428.56

    Total 11,409,839.09 3,897,440.06

    30. Non-operating expenses

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Loss on disposal of

    fixed assets 4,066,273.96 1,041,799.73

    Other 757,876.92 2,909.97

    Total 4,824,150.88 1,044,709.70

    31. Income Tax Expense

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Income tax payable for the

    current period

    19,697,957.01 49,433,202.39

    Deferred income tax


    437,132.13 -8,068,106.79

    Income tax expense for the

    current period

    20,135,089.14 41,365,095.60

    32. Earnings per Share

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Basic earnings per share 0.07 0.16

    Diluted earnings per share 0.07 0.16

    —The above mentioned earnings per share are calculated according to the Rules for the Compilation of

    Information Disclosures by the Companies That Offer Securities to the Public No.9-Computation and Disclosure

    of Rate of Return on Common Stockholders’ Equity (revised in 2007). See note 14 for details of the computation


    33. Other Cash Received Relating to Operating Activities

    Other cash received relating to operating activities is RMB 14,700,803.27 Yuan in the first half year of 2009,

    main items are as follows:41

    Items Amount

    Interest revenue 11,771,768.29

    Rent 438,598.11

    34. Other Cash Paid Relating to Operating Activities

    Other cash received relating to operating activities is RMB 19,686,975.53 Yuan in the first half year of 2009, main

    items are as follows:

    Items Amount

    Transport charges 16,019,546.06

    35. Other Cash Received Relating to Investing Activities

    Other cash received relating to investing activities is RMB 10,000,000 Yuan in the first half year of 2009,

    which are invested by the State in the Company’s energy-saving lamp workshop and supporting facilities of water

    and power according to the relevant notice issued by National Development and Reform Commission.

    36. Supplemental information of cash flow statement

    Supplemental information Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    1. Transferring net profit into cash flows of operating activities:

    Net profit 80,265,342.87 161,258,888.03

    Plus: Provision for assets impairment 1,274,045.07 7,587,598.30

    Depreciation of fixed assets 62,055,384.65 70,293,223.15

    Amortization of intangible assets 2,311,658.24 1,565,207.35

    Amortization of long-term deferred expenses 92,232.00 102,232.02

    Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other

    long-term assets (income is listed as “-”)

    -6,793,726.04 -898,799.77

    Losses on change in fair value(income is listed as “-”) -

    Financial expense(income is listed as “-”) 1,072,992.60 4,569,928.68

    Investment losses(income is listed as “-”) -1,420,800.00 -110,418,926.17

    Deferred tax – credit item(Less: debt item) -187,037.92 -21,346,752.64

    Decrease of inventories (increase is listed as “-”) 30,677,530.01 -57,819,872.43

    Decrease in operating receivables (increase is listed as “-”) -54,715,426.68 -159,396,126.14

    Increase in operating payables (decrease is listed as “-”) 113,018,627.91 97,778,608.40


    Net cash flows arising from operating activities: 227,650,822.71 -6,724,791.22

    2. Investing and financing activities that do not involving significant

    cash receipts and payments

    Conversion of debt into capital

    Reclassify convertible bonds to be expired within one year as

    current liabilities

    Fixed assets financed by financing leases

    3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents:

    Closing balance of cash 926,365,978.09 1,055,147,688.5142

    Less: Opening balance of cash 927,868,735.28 1,098,078,385.11

    Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents

    Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents

    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -1,502,757.19 -42,930,696.60

    VIII. Notes to the Financial Statement of Parent Company

    1. Accounts Receivable

    Closing amount Opening amount

    Items Aging





    forbad debts







    forbad debts







    1 year



    2,751,975.06 6% 66,455,617.69 26.64%

    3,987,337.06 6%



    amounts but



    credit risk

    Over 3


    6% 1664255.56 0.67%

    1664255.56 100%


    1 year





    175,402,156.23 70.32%









    4,541,147.86 1.82%









    920,465.14 0.37%





    Over 3




    124,561.93 6% 435,237.00 0.17%






    15,638,250.51 249,418,879.48 100.00%


    —The total amount of arrearages of the first five units in the closing balance of accounts receivable is RMB

    45,866,250.98 Yuan, accounting for 17.60 of accounts receivable balance.

    —See Note IX for details of amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of the voting rights of the

    Company in the closing balance of accounts receivable.43

    2. Other Receivables

    Closing amount Opening amount

    Items Aging





    forbad debts







    forbad debts




    1 year



    1,553,279.63 6% 8,746,914.18 15.38%








    36,500,000.00 64.17%





    36,500,000.00 44.20%


    6% 10,655.50 0.19%





    amounts but



    credit risk


    1 year


    1 year



    188,290.67 6% 9,087,790.91 15.98%





    1,692,384.79 2.98%







    1,006,401.23 6% 253,550.67 0.44%










    16,512.77 6% 494,718.00 0.86%




    82,574,738.18 100.00%

    4,954,484.29 56,786,014.05 100.00%


    —The total amount of arrearages of the first five units in the closing balance of other receivables is RMB

    62,387,993.87 Yuan, accounting for 75.55 of the other receivables balance.

    —No amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of the voting rights of the Company is included in the

    balance of other receivables.44

    3. Long-term Equity Investment

    Opening amount Closing amount






    Decrease in

    the current


    Increase in

    the current








    11,850,000.00 5,850,000.00 11,850,000.00 5,850,000.00

    Other equity


    310,963,590.88 3,298,904.81 3,000,000.00 313,963,590.88 3,298,904.81

    Total 322,813,590.88 9,148,904.81 325,813,590.88 9,148,904.81

    —Stock investment

    Name of invested enterprise

    Nature of


    Number of


    Proportion in the


    registered capital



    Market price

    as at 30 Jun.


    Provision for


    Shenzhen Zhonghao

    (Group) Co., Ltd.


    shares 650,000 Below 5% 5,850,000.00 - 5,850,000.00

    Chengdu Hongbo Industrial



    shares 5,000,000 6.94% 6,000,000.00 - -

    Total 11,850,000.00 - 5,850,000.00

    —Other equity investment

    Name of invested


    Term of


    Opening amount


    in the




    Increase/decrease in

    the current period

    Closing amount

    Provision for




    Bank Foshan




    5% - 500,000.00 -

    Foshan Fochen



    Company Limited

    13,175,627.38 7.66% 13,175,627.38 -

    China Everbright


    30,828,816.00 0.29% 30,828,816.00 -


    Commercial Bank

    115,009,875.00 9.99% 115,009,875.00 -


    Zhujiang Asset

    10,000,000.00 15.38% 10,000,000.00 3,298,904.8145


    Company Limited


    Liangke Venture

    Capital Company


    50 years

    13,718,882.66 18.50% - 13,718,882.66 -




    Components Co.,


    3,330,389.84 40% - 3,330,389.84 -



    Electronic Ballast

    Co., Ltd.

    10 years

    750,000.00 75% - 750,000.00 -

    Foshan Modern

    Lighting Co., Ltd.

    4,500,000.00 90% - 4,500,000.00 -





    (Gaoming) Co.,


    42,000,000.00 70% - 42,000,000.00 -

    Foshan Taimei

    Times Lighting

    Co., Ltd.

    350,000.00 70% - 350,000.00 -

    Foshan Gaoming

    Fuwan Landscape

    Resort Co., Ltd.

    4,800,000.00 100% - 4,800,000.00 -




    Components Co.,


    72,000,000.00 100% - 72,000,000.00 -

    Foshan Lighting

    Co., Ltd. - 60% 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 -

    Total 310,963,590.88 3,000,000.00 313,963,590.88 3,298,904.8146

    4. Investment Income

    Items Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Income from stock Investment 110,418,926.17

    Profits distributed from affiliated or joint venture

    corporations 1,420,800.00

    Amortized investment cost of Foshan Highroad

    Development Company Limited

    Total 1,420,800.00 110,418,926.17

    The current investment income has decreased by RMB 108,998,126.17 Yuan than that of last year, a drop of

    98.71 %, which was mainly because of no income from securities investment in the reporting period.

    IX. Re l a t ed Pa r t i e s and Re l a t ed Pa r ty Tr ans a c t ions

    Relationships between Related Parties

    —related parties with controlling relationships with the Company

    ——Related parties with controlling relationships with the Company are as follows:

    Name of enterprises Registration address Main business


    with the








    Chanchang Lighting

    Components Co.,


    15 Fenjiang North

    Road, Foshan

    Manufacturing bromine tungsten-arc lamps,

    special lighting source products and ancillary

    devices, sales in home and export sales

    Joint venture


    under actual





    Foshan Chansheng

    Electronic Ballast

    Co., Ltd.

    15 Fenjiang North

    Road, Foshan

    Manufacturing electronic ballasts, electronic

    transformers, electronic triggers.

    Subsidiary 75207544-3



    Foshan Modern

    Lighting Co., Ltd.

    15 Fenjiang North

    Road, Foshan

    Research, development, production and sales

    of lighting appliances and household

    appliances and accessories and other lighting


    Subsidiary 76571028-2



    Foshan Chanchang

    Electric Appliance

    (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.


    Industrial Park,

    Gaoming District,


    Production and operation of lamps, electric

    light source products and accessories,

    installation and related engineering

    consulting business.

    Subsidiary 77920377-5



    Foshan Taimei Times

    Lamps and Lanterns

    Co., Ltd.


    Industrial Park,

    Gaoming District,


    Research, development, production, sales of

    lighting, household appliances and

    accessories and other lighting products.

    Subsidiary 78203558-1



    Foshan Gaoming

    Fuwan Landscape

    Resort Co., Ltd.

    Side of the

    Hengjiang Reservoir,

    Hefu Road, Hecheng

    In-progress of founding (tourist industry,

    catering service, sauna, foot-bathing, games,

    retail of beverages, sports on the water,

    Subsidiary 79623406-3



    Street, Gaoming

    District, Foshan City


    Foshan Lighting Co.,


    Hefu Road East,

    Cangjiang Industrial

    Park, Gaoming District,


    Business scope: research, development and

    production of electric light source products

    and related accessories of electrical

    engineering materials, metal materials and

    non-metal materials. Sales of the above

    products in domestic and foreign market, and

    offer relevant technical service and

    engineering project

    Subsidiary 68638090-8



    —Registered capital of related parties with controlling relationships with the Company and its change

    Name of enterprises At the period-begin

    Increase in this


    Decrease in

    this period

    At the period-end

    Foshan Chanchang Lighting Components

    Co., Ltd.

    USD1,800,000.00 - - USD1,800,000.00

    Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co.,


    RMB1,000,000.00 - - RMB1,000,000.00

    Foshan Modern Lighting Co., Ltd. RMB 5,000,000.00 - - RMB 5,000,000.00

    Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance

    (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.

    RMB60,000,000.00 - - RMB60,000,000.00

    Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns

    Co., Ltd.

    RMB500,000.00 - - RMB500,000.00

    Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort

    Co., Ltd.

    RMB4,800,000.00 - - RMB4,800,000.00

    Foshan Lighting Co., Ltd RMB5,000,000 - RMB5,000,000

    —Stock or equity held by related parties with controlling relationship the Company and its change

    Name of enterprises At the period-begin



    Increase in this


    Decrease in

    this period

    At the period-end



    Foshan Chanchang Lighting

    Components Co., Ltd.

    USD720,000.00 40% - - USD720,000.00 40%

    Foshan Chansheng Electronic

    Ballast Co., Ltd.

    RMB750,000.00 75% - - RMB750,000.00 75%

    Foshan Modern Lighting Co.,


    RMB4,500,000.00 90% - - RMB4,500,000.00 90%

    Foshan Chanchang Electric

    Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.

    RMB42,000,000.00 70% - - RMB42,000,000.00 70%

    Foshan Taimei Times Lamps

    and Lanterns Co., Ltd.

    RMB350,000.00 70% - - RMB350,000.00 70%

    Foshan Gaoming Fuwan

    Landscape Resort Co., Ltd.

    RMB4,800,000.00 100% - - RMB4,800,000.00 100%

    Foshan Lighting Co., Ltd RMB3,000,000.00 - RMB3,000,000.00 60%48

    —Related parties without controlling relationship with the Company

    Name of related parties Relationship with the company

    Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd. Controlled by the Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company

    Hangzhou Times Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd. Controlled by the Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company

    Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd. Controlled by the Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company

    Prosperity Lamps Components Co., Ltd.

    A shareholder holding over 50% equity of the Company, and

    controlled by the Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company

    Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical Machinery Co., Ltd Controlled by the Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company

    OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd. Controlled by the Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company

    Related Transactions

    —Purchase of raw materials

    Amount in current period Amount in last period

    Name of enterprises



    of the


    for the




    Percentage of

    the purchase

    for the current


    Prosperity Lamps Components Co., Ltd. 5,217,031.92 1.26%

    Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd. 4,991,750.37 1.83% 2,413,235.90 0.58%

    OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.

    Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical Machinery

    Co., Ltd 147,000.00


    Prosperity (Foshan) Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd

    Hangzhou Times Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd. 208,501.02 0.08%

    Total 5,347,251.39 1.96% 7,630,267.82 1.84%

    — Sale of products

    Amount in current period Amount in last period

    Name of enterprises


    Percentage of the sale

    for the current period


    Percentage of the

    sale for the current


    Prosperity Lamps Components Co., Ltd. 29,290,109.71 4.11% 36,049,711.34 4.49%

    Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical

    Co., Ltd. 7,902,793.30 1.11% 7,165,372.44 0.89%

    Hangzhou Times Lighting and Electrical Co.,


    Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd. 900,788.18 0.13% 2,488,006.99 0.31%

    Prosperity (Nanjing) Lighting Components

    Co., Ltd.

    OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd. 15,486,190.33 2.17% 29,027,447.92 3.62%

    Total 53,579,881.52 7.52% 74,730,538.70 9.32%49

    — Sale of Materials

    Amount in current period Amount in last period

    Name of enterprises


    Percentage of the

    sale for the current



    Percentage of

    the sale for the

    current period

    Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and

    Electrical Co., Ltd. 56,499.27 0.19% 240,099.16 0.03%

    OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd. 3,557.58 0.01% 21,132.80 0.00%

    Prosperity Lamps Components Co., Ltd. 545,769.36 1.85%

    Total 605,826.21 2.05% 404,284.79 0.05%

    —Purchase of fixed assets

    Amount in current period Amount in last period

    Name of enterprises


    Proportion of purchase

    of fixed assets for the

    current period


    Proportion of purchase

    of fixed assets for the

    current period

    Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical

    Machinery Co., Ltd

    5,278,914.00 16.70% 1,243,800.00 1.92%

    Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and

    Electrical Co., Ltd.

    Total 5,278,914.00 16.70% 1,243,800.00 1.92%

    —Payment of sales commissions

    The company signed the product sales commission agreement with Prosperity Lamps Components Co., Ltd. and

    its supplementary agreement. According to the general practice of international market trade, the company pays

    product sales commission to Prosperity Lamps Components Co., Ltd. according to a certain percentage (between

    5% and 10%) of the actual amount of goods purchased from the company. Sales commissions are paid RMB

    936,080.29 in the first half year of 2009.

    —Balance of receivables and payables of related parties

    Related parties Amount at the period-end Amount at the period-begin

    Accounts receivable

    Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and

    Electrical Co., Ltd.

    5,397,457.62 4,607,179.14

    Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd. 969,395.90 1,927,019.92

    OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd. 3,373,936.59 4,055,123.41

    Prosperity Lamps Components Co., Ltd. 13,192,534.65 7,603,340.59

    Accounts payable

    Prosperity Lamps Components Co., Ltd. 0.00 229,562.82

    Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd. 0.00 119,656.00


    Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical

    Machinery Co., Ltd.

    6,176,095.57 173,900.5750

    Other payables

    Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical

    Machinery Co., Ltd.

    0.00 5,000,000.00

    Prosperity Lamps Components Co., Ltd. 0.00 12,174,789.08

    XI. Contingent events

    As at 30 Jun. 2009, the Company has no contingent events that need to be disclosed.

    XII. Commitments

    In accordance to the equipment purchase and construction contracts signed by the Company, the Company shall

    pay RMB 3,841 Yuan for relevant items in 2009.

    XIII. Events after Balance Sheet Date

    The Company has no significant events after balance sheet date

    XIV. Suppl ement a ry Informa t ion

    1. Non-recurring gains and losses

    The company collects and calculates non-recurring profit and loss items of the consolidated financial statement

    according to relevant regulations of the Answers & Questions on Regulations on Information Disclosure by

    Companies That Offer Securities to the Public of the China Securities Regulatory Commission No.1

    –Non-recurring Profit and Loss (2008).

    Items Amount

    Annotation (if


    Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 6,175,726.04

    Tax return and tax reduction that exceeded mandate of examination and approval or without

    formal approval document


    Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses (excluding government

    subsidies with close relationship with the Company’s business and rationed government

    grants in line with the united standard and the state policy)


    Capital occupied from non-financial enterprise recorded into current gains and losses 866,199.10

    Gains and losses from combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets when

    the enterprise merged subsidiaries, affiliated companies and joint companies


    Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assets 0.00

    Gains and losses from entrusted investment or financing 0.00

    Provisions for impairment of recorded assets due to the force majeure factor, such as natural



    Gains and losses from debt restructuring 0.00

    Expense of enterprise reorganization, expense of employee allocation and integration

    expense, etc.


    Gains and losses exceeding fair value due to trading price lost fair 0.00

    Net current gains and losses of subsidiaries due to enterprise combination under the same

    control form period-begin till combination date


    Net gains and losses from contingencies irrespective of routine business 0.00

    Gains and losses from changes in fair value due to transaction financial assets and liabilities,

    and investment income from disposal of transaction financial assets, transaction financial

    liabilities and financial assets available for sale, excluding valid hedging related to routine


    operation of the Company

    Switching back impairment provision of accounts receivable with separate test on impairment 0.00

    Gains and losses from external entrusted loan 0.00

    Gains and losses from changes in fair value of investment property with subsequent

    measurement after adoption of fair value model


    Impact of one-off adjustment on current gains and losses according to requirements of laws,

    statutes concerning tax and accounting


    Income from trusteeship fees 0.00

    Other non-operating income and expense except the aforesaid items 79,891.27

    Other gains and losses accorded with definition of non-current gains and losses -5,158,859.85

    Impact on minority interests 0.00

    Impact on income tax -2,477,786.55

    Total 1,235,970.01 -

    2. Return on Equity and Earnings per Share of Consolidated Financial Statements

    The company calculates the return on equity and earnings per share of consolidated financial statements within the

    report period according to the requirements of the Rules for the Compilation of Information Disclosures by the

    Companies That Offer Securities to the Public No.9-Computation and Disclosure of Return on Equity (revised in

    2007) complied by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

    Return on equity (%)

    Earnings per share

    Items (Yuan)

    Fully diluted Weighted average EPS-basic EPS-diluted

    Net profit attributable to common

    shareholders of the Company

    2.83 2.83 0.07 0.07

    The first

    half year of


    Net profit attributable to common

    shareholders of the Company after

    deduction of non-recurring profit and loss

    2.78 2.78 0.07 0.07

    Net profit attributable to common

    shareholders of the Company

    6.30 6.30 0.16 0.16

    The first

    half year of


    Net profit attributable to common

    shareholders of the Company after

    deduction of non-recurring profit and loss

    2.95 2.95 0.08 0.08

    Formulas for computing various indexes are as follows:

    (1) Fully diluted return on equity =P÷E

    Of which: P is the net profit belonging to common stockholders of the company or the net profit belonging to

    common stockholders of the company after deduction of non-recurring profit and loss;E is the closing net assets

    belonging to common stockholders of the company.

    (2) Weighted average yield of net assets =P/(E0+NP÷2+Ei×Mi÷M0-Ej×Mj÷M0±Ek×Mk÷M0)

    Of which: P is the net profit belonging to common stockholders of the company or net profit belonging to

    common stockholders of the company after deduction of non-recurring profit and loss;NP is the net profit

    belonging to common stockholders of the company; E0 is the opening net assets belonging to common

    shareholders of the company; Ei is the net assets newly added due to issuance of new shares or debt-to-equity

    swap during the report period and belonging to common shareholders of the company; Ej is the net assets

    decreased due to counter-purchase or cash bonus and belonging to common shareholders of the company; M0 is

    the number of months of the report period; Mi is the number of months from the month following the increase of52

    net assets to the end of the report period; Mj is the number of months from the month following the decrease of

    net assets to the end of the report period; Ek is the change in net assets caused by other transactions or events; Mk

    is the number of months from the month following the change of net assets to the end of the report period.

    (3)Basic earnings per share=P÷S

    S= S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0-Sj×Mj÷M0-Sk

    Of which: P is the net profit belonging to common stockholders of the company or net profit belonging to

    common stockholders of the company after deduction of non-recurring profit and loss; S is the weighted mean of

    the outstanding stock; S0 is the sum of shares at the beginning of the period; S1 is the number of shares increased

    due to conversion of accumulation funds to capital stock or distribution of stock dividends during the report

    period; Si is the number of shares increased due to issuance of new shares or debt-to-equity swap during the report

    period; Sj is the number of shares decreased due to counter-purchase during the report period; Sk is the number of

    shares reduced within the report period; M0 is the number of months of the report period; Mi is the number of

    months from the month following the increase of net assets to the end of the report period; Mj is the number of

    months from the month following the decrease of net assets to the end of the report period.

    (4)Diluted earnings per share=[P+(Diluted potential common stock dividends confirmed as expenses -

    conversion charge)×(1-income tax rate)]/(S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0-Sj×Mj÷M0—Sk+ weighted mean of common

    stock increased by subscription warrants, stock options and convertible bonds )

    Of which: P is the net profit belonging to common stockholders of the company or the net profit belonging to

    common stockholders of the company after deduction of non-recurring profit and loss.

    The Company has no diluted potential ordinary share.

    3. Provision for Impairment of Assets

    Decrease in current period


    Amount at


    Increase in

    current period


    witching back



    Amount at


    Provision for bad debts

    18,450,127.53 1,274,045.07

    - -


    Provision for falling price

    of inventory

    165,352.58 -

    - -


    Provision for impairment

    of long-term investment

    9,148,904.81 -

    - -


    Provision for impairment

    of fixed assets

    2,043,648.78 -

    - -


    Provision for impairment

    of construction in


    - -

    - -


    Provision for impairment

    of intangible assets

    - -

    - -



    29,808,033.70 1,274,045.07

    - -


    VII. Documents Available for Reference

    1. Text of the Semi-Annual Report 2009 carried the autograph of the chairman of the Board.

    2. Financial Report carried signature and seal of person in charge of the Company, person in charge

    of accounting work and person in charge of the accounting firm.

    3. Original copies of all the documents of the Company and original manuscripts of public notices

    disclosed publicly in newspapers designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission within the

    reporting period.

    4. Original copies of Articles of Association of the Company.

    5. Other related materials

    Board of Directors of

    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd

    18 Aug. 200954

    Balance Sheet

    Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. 30 Jun. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Closing amount Opening amount


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Current assets:

    Monetary funds 926,365,978.09 852,436,518.24 927,868,735.28 886,298,530.33

    Settlement fund reserve

    Dismantle fund

    Transaction financial asset

    Notes receivable 37,818,320.07 37,444,240.60 38,410,882.00 37,950,500.00

    Account receivable 252,596,022.99 244,999,258.01 217,936,592.58 234,306,060.48

    Account paid in advance 38,920,416.46 38,917,411.46 49,513,913.85 45,534,243.85

    Premium receivables

    Receivables from reinsurers

    Reinsurance contract reserve


    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable 1,376,373.53

    Other account receivable 56,416,014.46 77,620,253.89 46,055,805.64 53,938,618.08

    Financial assets purchased

    under agreements to resell

    Inventories 258,811,032.19 222,404,138.70 289,488,562.20 275,737,997.20

    Non-current assets due within 1


    Other current assets

    Total current assets 1,570,927,784.26 1,473,821,820.90 1,569,274,491.55 1,535,142,323.47

    Non-current assets:

    Loans and advance

    Available for sale financial assets

    Held to maturity investments

    Long-term account receivable

    Long-term equity investment 185,934,296.23 316,664,686.07 185,934,296.23 313,664,686.07

    Investing property

    Fixed asset 704,000,001.67 633,081,896.89 739,153,801.16 650,536,282.48

    Project in construction 159,533,230.38 129,788,250.69 126,808,534.41 116,670,796.50

    Engineering material

    Fixed asset disposal

    Bearer biological asset

    Oil assets

    Intangible assets 196,388,734.48 166,838,710.26 191,500,392.72 161,838,003.50

    Development expense


    Long-term expense to be


    170,815.28 76,895.42 238,067.40 169,127.42

    Deferred tax assets 16,889,762.29 17,054,648.08 17,359,253.59 17,274,045.17

    Other non-current assets55

    Total of non-current assets 1,262,916,840.33 1,263,505,087.41 1,260,994,345.51 1,260,152,941.14

    Total assets 2,833,844,624.59 2,737,326,908.31 2,830,268,837.06 2,795,295,264.61

    Current liabilities:

    Short-term borrowings

    Borrowing from Central Bank

    Deposits and due to banks and

    other financial institutions

    Placements from banks and other

    financial institutions

    Transaction financial liabilities

    Notes payable

    Account payable 181,345,007.39 145,701,625.92 109,342,560.80 116,090,609.10

    Account received in advance 10,674,616.56 10,000,000.00 16,065,789.02 15,246,368.29

    Financial assets sold under

    agreements to repurchase

    Handling charges and commission


    Employee’s compensation


    37,079,715.60 15,244,098.07 37,637,138.30 36,870,520.50

    Tax payable 16,741,627.44 37,056,007.53 -10,628,634.03 -10,688,266.86

    Interest payable

    dividend payable 723,431.20 723,431.20 1,521,857.82

    Other account payable 26,068,825.44 22,938,125.28 43,159,960.81 42,649,059.53

    Due to reinsurers

    Insurance contract reserve

    Customer deposits

    Amount payables under security


    Non-current liabilities due

    within 1 year

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities 272,633,223.63 231,663,288.00 197,098,672.72 200,168,290.56

    Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term borrowings

    Debentures payable

    Long-term payables

    Specific purpose account payables 450,000.00 450,000.00

    Provisions for contingent


    Deferred tax liabilities

    Other non-current liabilities

    Total non-current liabilities 450,000.00 450,000.00

    Total liabilities 272,633,223.63 231,663,288.00 197,548,672.72 200,618,290.56

    Owner’s equity (or shareholders’


    Paid-in capital (or share capital) 978,563,745.00 978,563,745.00 698,974,104.00 698,974,104.0056

    Capital surplus 586,976,151.16 586,971,636.73 866,565,595.53 866,561,081.10

    Less: Treasury Stock

    Special reserve

    Reserved fund 508,327,328.02 508,327,328.02 508,327,328.02 508,327,328.02

    General risk provision

    Retained earnings 445,284,196.02 431,800,910.56 527,878,059.71 520,814,460.93

    Foreign exchange difference

    Total owners' equity attributable

    to holding company

    2,519,151,420.20 2,505,663,620.31 2,601,745,087.26 2,594,676,974.05

    Minority interest 42,059,980.76 30,975,077.08

    Total owner’s equity 2,561,211,400.96 2,505,663,620.31 2,632,720,164.34 2,594,676,974.05

    Total liabilities and owner’s


    2,833,844,624.59 2,737,326,908.31 2,830,268,837.06 2,795,295,264.61

    Person in charge the Company: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting work: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting officer: Wang Shuqiong57

    Income Statement

    Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. Jan.-Jun. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Current period Same period of the previous year


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Total sales 739,813,039.10 767,644,119.09 813,846,079.60 801,749,802.49

    Including: Sales 739,813,039.10 767,644,119.09 813,846,079.60 801,749,802.49

    Interests income

    Premium income

    Handling charges and

    commission income

    II. Total cost of sales 647,419,095.30 687,813,967.06 724,493,752.50 716,671,287.25

    Including: Cost of sales 558,498,600.32 610,594,438.58 646,862,433.63 646,256,470.17

    Interests expenses

    Handling charges and

    commission income

    Cash surrender value

    Net amount of claims

    Net amount withdrawn from

    the insurance contract reserve

    Expenditure on policy


    Reinsurance premium

    Taxes and associate charges 5,264,374.33 4,701,897.40 6,028,634.40 5,529,293.87

    Selling and distribution


    38,330,515.48 33,258,962.45 27,624,116.65 23,787,648.91

    Administrative expenses 45,924,040.77 38,427,671.95 37,811,104.81 30,122,081.18

    Financial expense -1,872,480.67 -1,705,626.15 -1,420,135.29 -1,316,149.68

    Impairment loss 1,274,045.07 2,536,622.83 7,587,598.30 9,291,942.80

    Add: gain/(loss) from change

    in fair value (“-” means loss)

    Investment income (“-” means


    1,420,800.00 1,420,800.00 110,418,926.17 110,418,926.17

    Including: income form

    investment on affiliated enterprise

    and jointly enterprise

    Foreign exchange difference

    (“-” means loss)

    III. Business profit (“-” means


    93,814,743.80 81,250,952.03 199,771,253.27 195,497,441.41

    Plus: non-operation income 11,409,839.09 465,173.45 3,897,440.06 3,873,458.93

    Less: non- operation expense 4,824,150.88 553,958.88 1,044,709.70 1,041,799.73

    Including: loss from

    non-current asset disposal

    IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 100,400,432.01 81,162,166.60 202,623,983.63 198,329,100.6158

    Less: Tax expense 20,135,089.14 16,401,414.09 41,365,095.60 40,789,503.46

    V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 80,265,342.87 64,760,752.51 161,258,888.03 157,539,597.15

    Attributable to parent company 71,180,439.19 64,760,752.51 159,920,282.08 157,539,597.15

    Minority interest 9,084,903.68 1,338,605.95

    VI. Earnings per share

    (I) basic earnings per share 0.07 0.16

    (II) diluted earnings per share 0.07 0.16

    Person in charge the Company: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting work: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting officer: Wang Shuqiong59

    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd

    Supporting Statement to the Income Statement

    Return on Equity and Earnings per Share

    Jan.-Jun. 2009 Jan.-Jun. 2008

    Items Return on equity (%) Earnings per share (RMB) Return on equity (%) Earnings per share (RMB)

    Fully diluted

















    3.66 3.66 0.10 0.10 7.57 7.57 0.20 0.20

    Net profit 2.83 2.83 0.07 0.07 6.30 6.30 0.16 0.16

    Net profit




    gains and


    2.78 2.78 0.07 0.07 2.95 2.95 0.08 0.0860

    Cash Flow Statement

    Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. Jan.-Jun. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Current period Same period of the previous year


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Ⅰ.Cash flows from operating activities:

    Cash received from sale of commodities

    and rendering of service

    806,092,242.90 775,196,453.91 833,003,995.91 820,705,695.54

    Net increase of deposits from customers

    and dues from banks

    Net increase of loans from the central


    Net increase of funds borrowed from other

    financial institutions

    Cash received from premium of original

    insurance contracts

    Net cash received from reinsurance


    Net increase of savings of policy holders

    and investment fund

    Net increase of disposal of tradable

    financial assets

    Cash received from interest, handling

    charges and commissions

    Net increase of borrowed inter-bank funds

    Net increase of buy-back funds

    Tax refunds received 8,393,944.52 8,393,944.52 1,355,892.33 1,354,108.33

    Other cash received relating to operating


    14,700,803.27 17,842,089.60 12,138,199.24 12,250,332.22

    Subtotal of cash inflows from operating


    829,186,990.69 801,432,488.03 846,498,087.48 834,310,136.09

    Cash paid for purchase of commodities

    and reception of service

    437,024,191.79 453,178,837.73 558,504,530.59 565,893,436.90

    Net increase of customer lending and


    Net increase of funds deposited in the

    central bank and amount due from banks

    Cash for paying claims of the original

    insurance contract

    Cash for paying interest, handling charges

    and commissions

    Cash for paying policy dividends

    Cash paid to and for employees 92,109,149.41 79,808,693.89 159,034,300.32 148,984,870.87

    Various taxes paid 52,715,851.25 42,027,289.71 73,214,061.69 65,024,047.86

    Payment of cash relating to operating 19,686,975.53 26,641,635.50 62,469,986.10 62,127,214.5161


    Subtotal of cash outflows from operating


    601,536,167.98 601,656,456.83 853,222,878.70 842,029,570.14

    Net cash flows from operating activities 227,650,822.71 199,776,031.20 -6,724,791.22 -7,719,434.05

    Ⅱ. Cash flows from investment activities:

    Cash received from disposal of


    571,205,033.41 571,205,033.41

    Investment income 1,420,800.00 2,797,173.53 246,465,680.96 246,465,680.96

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed

    assets, intangible assets and other

    long-term assets

    -697,200.00 5,312,884.50 5,312,884.50

    Net cash received from disposal of

    subsidiary or other operating business


    Other cash received relating to investment


    10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00

    Subtotal of cash inflows from investment


    10,723,600.00 12,797,173.53 822,983,598.87 822,983,598.87

    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,

    intangible assets and other long-term


    83,215,330.08 85,231,807.60 64,628,328.27 59,439,346.14

    Cash paid for investment 9,574,789.08 12,574,789.08 531,394,913.49 531,394,913.49

    Net increase of pledged loans

    Net cash paid by subsidiaries and other

    operating units

    Payment of cash relating to other

    investment activities

    26,370.54 26,370.54

    Subtotal of cash outflows from investment


    92,790,119.16 97,806,596.68 596,049,612.30 590,860,630.17

    Net cash flows from investment activities -82,066,519.16 -85,009,423.15 226,933,986.57 232,122,968.70

    Ⅲ.Cash flows from financing activities

    Cash received from capital contribution 2,000,000.00

    Of which: cash received from capital

    contribution to subsidiaries by minority


    Cash received from borrowings

    Cash received from issuance of bonds

    Other cash received relating to financing


    Subtotal of cash flows from financing



    Cash repayments of amounts borrowed

    Cash paid interest expenses and

    distribution of dividends or profit

    146,542,767.52 146,083,976.34 260,116,420.17 260,116,420.17

    Of which: stock dividends and profits62

    paid to minority shareholders by


    Payment of cash relating to other

    financing activities

    Subtotal of cash outflows from financing


    146,542,767.52 146,083,976.34 260,116,420.17 260,116,420.17

    Net cash flows from financing activities -144,542,767.52 -146,083,976.34 -260,116,420.17 -260,116,420.17

    Ⅳ. Effect of foreign exchanges on cash

    and cash equivalents

    -2,544,293.22 -2,544,643.80 -3,023,471.78 -3,023,471.78

    Ⅴ . Net increase of cash and cash


    -1,502,757.19 -33,862,012.09 -42,930,696.60 -38,736,357.30

    Plus: beginning balance of cash and cash


    927,868,735.28 886,298,530.33 1,098,078,385.11 1,062,083,375.17

    Ⅵ .Closing balance of cash and cash


    926,365,978.09 852,436,518.24 1,055,147,688.51 1,023,347,017.87

    Person in charge the Company: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting work: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting officer: Wang Shuqiong63

    Supporting Statement to the Cash Flow Statement

    Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. Jan.-Jun. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Supplementary information Current period

    Same period of the

    previous year

    1. Transferring net profit into cash flows of operating activities:

    Net profit 80,265,342.87 161,258,888.03

    Plus: Provision for assets impairment 1,274,045.07 7,587,598.30

    Depreciation of fixed assets 62,055,384.65 70,293,223.15

    Amortization of intangible assets 2,311,658.24 1,565,207.35

    Amortization of long-term deferred expenses 92,232.00 102,232.02

    Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other

    long-term assets (income is listed as “-”)

    -6,793,726.04 -898,799.77

    Losses on change in fair value(income is listed as “-”) -

    Financial expense(income is listed as “-”) 1,072,992.60 4,569,928.68

    Investment losses(income is listed as “-”) -1,420,800.00 -110,418,926.17

    Deferred tax – credit item(Less: debt item) -187,037.92 -21,346,752.64

    Decrease of inventories (increase is listed as “-”) 30,677,530.01 -57,819,872.43

    Decrease in operating receivables (increase is listed as “-”) -54,715,426.68 -159,396,126.14

    Increase in operating payables (decrease is listed as “-”) 113,018,627.91 97,778,608.40


    Net cash flows arising from operating activities: 227,650,822.71 -6,724,791.22

    2. Investing and financing activities that do not involving significant

    cash receipts and payments

    Conversion of debt into capital

    Reclassify convertible bonds to be expired within one year as

    current liabilities

    Fixed assets financed by financing leases

    3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents:

    Closing balance of cash 926,365,978.09 1,055,147,688.51

    Less: Opening balance of cash 927,868,735.28 1,098,078,385.11

    Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents

    Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents

    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -1,502,757.19 -42,930,696.60

    Person in charge the Company: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting work: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting officer: Wang Shuqiong64

    Statement to the Provision for Impairment of Assets

    (Consolidated accounting statement)

    Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. Jan.-Jun. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Decrease in the reporting period


    Opening book


    Withdrawal in

    the reporting

    period Reversed amount Writing-off

    Closing book


    I. Reserve for bad debts 18,450,127.53 1,274,045.07 19,724,172.60

    II. Reserve for falling price of inventory 165,352.58 165,352.58

    III. Provision for impairment of

    financial assets available for sale

    IV. Provision for impairment of

    held-to-maturity investment

    V. Provision for impairment of

    long-term equity investment

    9,148,904.81 9,148,904.81

    VI. Provision for impairment of

    investment real estate

    VII. Provision for impairment of fixed


    2,043,648.78 2,043,648.78

    VIII. Provision for impairment of

    project materials

    IX. Provision for impairment of

    construction in progress

    X. Provision for impairment of

    productive biological assets

    Of which: Provision for impairment

    of mature productive biological assets

    XI. Provision for impairment of oil–gas


    XII. Provision for impairment of

    intangible assets

    XIII. Provision for impairment of


    XIV. Other

    Total 29,808,033.70 1,274,045.07 31,082,078.77

    Person in charge the Company: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting work: Zhong Xincai

    Person in charge of accounting officer: Wang Shuqiong65

    Consolidated Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity

    Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. 30 Jun. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Amount for the current period Amount for the previous period

    Owners’ equity attributable to parent company Owners’ equity attributable to parent company

    Items Paid-up

    capital (or

    share capital)

    Capital reserve

















    Retained profits







    Total of owners’



    capital (or

    share capital)

    Capital reserve













    Surplus reserve



















    Total of owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 698,974,104.00 866,565,595.53 508,327,328.02 527,878,059.71 30,975,077.08 2,632,720,164.34 465,982,737.00 1,436,625,679.93 508,327,328.02 576,317,365.16 31,211,078.87 3,018,464,188.98

    Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous



    II. Balance at the beginning of this


    698,974,104.00 866,565,595.53 508,327,328.02 527,878,059.71 30,975,077.08 2,632,720,164.34 465,982,737.00 1,436,625,679.93 508,327,328.02 576,317,365.16 31,211,078.87 3,018,464,188.98

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount

    in this year (“-” means decrease)

    279,589,641.00 -279,589,444.37 -82,593,863.69 11,084,903.68 -71,508,763.38 232,991,367.00 -570,060,084.40 -48,439,305.45 -236,001.79 -385,744,024.64

    (I) Net profit 71,180,439.19 9,084,903.68 80,265,342.87 224,160,595.11 1,285,856.03 225,446,451.14

    (II)Gain/loss listed to owners’

    equity directly

    196.63 0.00 196.63 -337,068,717.40 -337,068,717.40

    1. Net amount on changes in book

    value of financial assets available

    for sale

    -449,424,956.54 -449,424,956.54

    2. Effect on changes in other

    owners’ equity of invested units

    under equity method66

    3. Effect on income tax related to

    items listed to owners’ equity

    112,356,239.14 112,356,239.14

    4. Others 196.63 196.63

    Subtotal of (I)and (II) 196.63 71,180,439.19 9,084,903.68 80,265,539.50 -337,068,717.40 224,160,595.11 1,285,856.03 -111,622,266.26

    (III) Input an reduced capital of


    2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

    1. Input capital of owners

    2. Amount of Shares included in

    the owners’ equity

    3. Others 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

    (IV) Profit distribution

    -153,774,302.88 -153,774,302.88



    -1,521,857.82 -274,121,758.38

    1.Withdrawing surplus public


    2. Withdrawing general risk




    -1,521,857.82 -274,121,758.38

    3.Distribution to owners


    -153,774,302.88 -153,774,302.88


    (V)Internal carrying forward of

    owners’ equity

    279,589,641.00 -279,589,641.00 232,991,367.00 -232,991,367.00

    1. New increase of capital (share

    capital) from capital reserves

    279,589,641.00 -279,589,641.00 232,991,367.00 -232,991,367.00

    2. Convert surplus reserves to

    capital(share capital)

    3. Surplus reserves make up


    4. Others

    IV. Balance at the end of this


    978,563,745.00 586,976,151.16 508,327,328.02 445,284,196.02 42,059,980.76 2,561,211,400.96 698,974,104.00 866,565,595.53 508,327,328.02 527,878,059.71 30,975,077.08 2,632,720,164.34

    Person in charge the Company: Zhong Xincai Person in charge of accounting work: Zhong Xincai Person in charge of accounting officer: Wang Shuqiong67

    Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity of Parent Company

    Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. Jan.-Jun. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Amount for the current period Amount for the previous period

    Items Paid-up capital

    (or share capital)

    Capital reserve








    Surplus reserve Retained profits

    Total of owners’


    Paid-up capital

    (or share capital)

    Capital reserve




    y stock





    Surplus reserve Retained profits

    Total of owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 698,974,104.00 866,561,081.10 508,327,328.02 520,814,460.93 2,594,676,974.05 465,982,737.00 1,436,621,165.50 508,327,328.02 566,317,089.19 2,977,248,319.71

    Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous period


    II. Balance at the beginning of this year 698,974,104.00 866,561,081.10 508,327,328.02 520,814,460.93 2,594,676,974.05 465,982,737.00 1,436,621,165.50 508,327,328.02 566,317,089.19 2,977,248,319.71

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this year

    (“-” means decrease)

    279,589,641.00 -279,589,444.37 -89,013,550.37 -89,013,353.74 232,991,367.00 -570,060,084.40 -45,502,628.26 -382,571,345.66

    (I) Net profit 64,760,752.51 64,760,752.51 227,097,272.30 227,097,272.30

    (II)Gain/loss listed to owners’ equity directly 196.63 196.63 -337,068,717.40 -337,068,717.40

    1. Net amount on changes in book value of

    financial assets available for sale

    -449,424,956.54 -449,424,956.54

    2. Effect on changes in other owners’ equity

    of invested units under equity method

    3. Effect on income tax related to items listed

    to owners’ equity

    112,356,239.14 112,356,239.14

    4. Others 196.63 196.63

    Subtotal of (I)and (II) 196.63 64,760,752.51 64,760,949.14 -337,068,717.40 227,097,272.30 -109,971,445.10

    (III) Input an reduced capital of owners

    1. Input capital of owners

    2. Amount of Shares included in the owners’


    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution -153,774,302.88 -153,774,302.88 -272,599,900.56 -272,599,900.56

    1.Withdrawing surplus public reserve68

    2.Distribution to owners (shareholders) -153,774,302.88 -153,774,302.88 -272,599,900.56 -272,599,900.56


    (V)Internal carrying forward of owners’ equity 279,589,641.00 -279,589,641.00 0.00 232,991,367.00 -232,991,367.00

    1. New increase of capital (share capital)

    from capital reserves

    279,589,641.00 -279,589,641.00 0.00 232,991,367.00 -232,991,367.00

    2. Convert surplus reserves to capital(share


    3. Surplus reserves make up losses

    4. Others

    IV. Balance at the end of this period 978,563,745.00 586,971,636.73 508,327,328.02 431,800,910.56 2,505,663,620.31 698,974,104.00 866,561,081.10 508,327,328.02 520,814,460.93 2,594,676,974.05

    Person in charge the Company: Zhong Xincai Person in charge of accounting work: Zhong Xincai Person in charge of accounting officer: Wang Shuqiong