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						                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


            2012 Annual Report

                APRIL 2013

                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

               Section I. Important Notes, Contents & Explanation

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management
staff of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant
that this report does not contain any false record or misleading statement or omit any material fact
and shall hereby accept, individually and collectively, responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and
completeness of the contents carried in this report.
The Company’s profit allocation preplan upon review and approval of the Board of Directors:
Based on the total 978,563,745 shares of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2012, a cash dividend of RMB
3.1 (tax included) will be distributed for every 10 shares held by A-share and B-share holders, with
the total distributed cash dividends reaching RMB303,354,760.95, neither bonus shares being
sended,no converting capital reserve into share capital.
Zhong Xincai, company principal, Zhong Xincai, chief of the accounting work, and Wang Shuqiong,
chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the Financial Report
enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.
All directors have attended in person the board session for reviewing this report except the

 Name               Position               Reason for not attending the session in person       Name of the proxy

 Dou linping        Independent director   ON business                                          Liu zhenping

 Ye zaiyou          Director               ON business                                          Zhong xincai

 Michel Jean-paul   Director               ON business                                          Wu shengbo

No director, supervisor or senior executive has expressed their inability to guarantee or demurred at
the factuality, accuracy or completeness of the contents in this report.
GP Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. has issued a standard unqualified audit report for the
The accounting data and financial report in this report have all been audited by GP Certified Public
Accountants Co., Ltd.. This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any
understanding discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
The future plans and some other forward-looking statements involved in this report shall not be
considered as virtual promises of the Company to investors. And investors are kindly reminded to
pay attention to possible risks.

                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


Section I. Important Notes, Contents & Explanation..................................................................... 2

Section II. Company Profile.............................................................................................................. 6

Section III. Accounting & Financial Highlights.............................................................................. 9

Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors................................................................................. 13

Section V. Significant Events........................................................................................................... 33

Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders.............................................................................. 51

Section VII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staff & Employees........................... 56

Section VIII. Corporate Governance..............................................................................................67

Section IX. Internal Control............................................................................................................78

Section X. Financial Report.............................................................................................................80

Section XI. Documents Available for Reference.......................................................................... 176

                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                     Term                                                          Contents

CSRC                                               China Securities Regulation Commission

SZSE, the Stock Exchange                           Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company, the Company, our company, FSL             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Board of Directors                                 Board of Directors of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                          Refers Shareholders’ General Meeting of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,
Shareholders’ General Meeting
                                            to     Ltd.

Supervisory Committee                              Supervisory Committee of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Yuan, Thousand Yuan, Ten thousand Yuan, One Refers RMB Yuan, RMB Thousand Yuan, RMB Ten thousand Yuan, RMB One
Hundred Million Yuan                        to     Hundred Million Yuan

Annual report auditor, GP                          GP Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                Reminder of Major Risks

1. Risk of a fiercer competition
Currently, the Company is mainly engaged in lighting fixtures, lamps and LED products. With a
slower growth of the domestic economy and the continuous impact of the European debt crisis,
competition in the domestic lighting sector will become fiercer and the average profit rate of
traditional lighting products will gradually decrease. In view of that, the Company will further
increase the sales scale of the existing channels and the operating efficiency, input great effort in
expanding the secondary and third markets and proactively develop new products to resist any
operating risk and expand the room for survival and development.

2. Risk of rising costs
Along with growth of the domestic economy, the salaries offered by enterprises in the Pearl River
Delta are no longer attractive when compared with the inland, causing a labor shortage in the delta.
As a labor-intensive enterprise, the Company is to face the pressure of a rising labor cost.
Meanwhile, prices of raw materials may rise, too. All these impose a risk of rising costs and
decreasing profits on the Company. To cope with that, the Company will enhance internal
management, give play to its scale advantage, strengthen cost control, etc..

3. With favor and guidance of the government’s industrial policies, LED products start to enter an
era featuring fast-changing technologies and products, as well as a cut-throat competition. Therefore,
the Company will input great efforts in technological innovation and R&D, talent attraction,
channel promotion, marketing mode improvement, etc.. As such, the input-output ratio will stay
comparatively high in the short run, affecting the profit status and amount.

                                                                       2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                         Section II. Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation                    FSZM/YZMB                           Stock code                   000541/200541

Stock exchange listed with            Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company           佛山电器照明股份有限公司

Abbr. of the Chinese name of the

English name of the Company (if
                                      FOSHAN ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING CO.,LTD

Abbr. of the English name of the
Company (if any)

Legal     representative   of   the
                                      Zhong Xincai

                                      No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province,
Registered address

Postal code for the registered

                                      No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province,
Office address

Postal code for the office address 528000

Internet website of the Company       www.chinafsl.com

Email address                         gzfsligh@pub.foshan.gd.cn

II. For Contact

                                                         Company Secretary                    Securities Affairs Representative

Name                                        Zhou Xiangfeng                               Huang Yufen

                                            No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng       No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng
Contact address                             District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province,   District, Foshan City, Guangdong
                                            P.R.China                                    Province, P.R.China

Tel.                                        (0757)82966062       82810239              (0757)82966028

Fax                                         (0757)82816276                             (0757)82816276

E-mail                                      fsldsh@126.com                               fslhyf@163.com

                                                                           2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

III. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Newspapers designated by the Company for               China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News,
information disclosure                                 Securities Daily, Ta Kung Pao (HK)

Internet website designated by CSRC for
disclosing this report

                                                       Company Secretary Office, FSL Office Building, No. 64, Fenjiang North Road,
Where this report is placed
                                                       Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

IV. Change of the registered information

                                                                                                Registration code of
                           Registration date    Registration place       Business license No.                          Organizational code

                                               Guangdong Province
                                               Administration for
Initial registration     20 Oct. 1992                                    440000400010049        440601190352575        19035257-5
                                               Industry &

                                               Guangdong Province
Registration at end                            Administration for
                         13 May 2012                                     440000400010049        440601190352575        19035257-5
of     report period                           Industry &

Change of the Company’s main business         The main business of lighting fixtures and lamps of the Company has remained the
since listing (if any)                         same since its listing.

                                               On 23 Nov. 1993, the A-shares of the Company went public via Shenzhen Stock
                                               Exchange. As one of the promoter shareholders of the Company, Foshan State-owned
                                               Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (Foshan SASAC) was the biggest
                                               shareholder of the Company, holding 28.93 million shares, i.e. a 37.49% stake. In Jul.
                                               1995, the Company issued 50 million B-shares and Foshan SASAC held 52.074
                                               million A-shares, accounting for 28.32% of the Company’s total shares, making it the
                                               biggest shareholder of the Company. In Dec. 2000, the Company made an additional
                                               issue of 55 million A-shares and Foshan SASAC held 85.9221 million shares,
                                               accounting for 23.97% of the Company’s total shares, making it still the biggest
Changes of the controlling shareholder (if
                                               shareholder. On 15 Mar. 2006, the Company convened a general meeting on the stock
                                               right splitting reform, at which the plan for stock right splitting reform was reviewed
                                               and approved. The 85,922,100 shares of the Company (a stake of 23.97%) held by the
                                               formerly biggest shareholder Foshan SASAC were transferred to Osram Prosperity
                                               Holding Co., Ltd. (a stake of 13.47%) and Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited (a
                                               stake of 10.50%). At present, Osram Prosperity Holding Co., Ltd. (currently known as
                                               “Osram Holding Co., Ltd.”) is the biggest shareholder of the Company, holding
                                               131,815,685 shares, i.e. a stake of 13.47 % . And Prosperity Lamps & Components
                                               Limited is the second biggest shareholder of the Company, holding 102,751,648 shares,
                                               i.e. a stake of 10.50%.

                                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

V. Other information

The CPAs firm hired by the Company:

Name                                GP Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.

                                    10/F, Guangdong Holdings Tower, 555 DongFeng Road East, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Office address
                                    Province, P.R.China

Signing accountants                 Wang Shaohua and Chen Danyan

Sponsor engaged by the Company to conduct consistent supervision during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company to conduct consistent supervision during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                          2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                         Section III. Accounting & Financial Highlights

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the accounting policy or
correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No

                                                                                               Increase or decrease of
                                                 2012                     2011                 this year over last year         2010

Operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                 2,201,910,731.89         2,260,929,873.55                        -2.61%        1,956,068,628.79

Net     profit        attributable    to
shareholders     of     the   Company           400,466,745.11           291,660,093.73                        37.31%          263,776,242.98
(RMB Yuan)
 Net    profit    attributable to
shareholders of the Company after
                                                240,056,445.28           297,942,436.25                       -19.43%          254,762,928.20
extraordinary gains and losses
(RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating
                                                437,396,852.06           269,878,443.21                        62.07%          210,629,139.93
activities (RMB Yuan)

Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                 0.41                         0.30                   36.67%                     0.27

Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                               0.41                         0.30                   36.67%                     0.27

ROE (%)                                                 14.06%                   10.53%                         3.53%                   9.89%

                                                                                               Increase or decrease of
                                           As at 31 Dec. 2012      As at 31 Dec. 2011          this year-end than last    As at 31 Dec. 2010
                                                                                                    year-end (%)

Total assets (RMB Yuan)                       3,448,274,301.82         3,155,554,351.27                         9.28%        3,128,547,460.46

Net assets/owners’ equity
attributable to shareholders of the           2,950,106,976.17         2,790,878,659.33                         5.71%        2,766,913,027.29
Company (RMB Yuan)

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                       Net profit attributable to shareholders of the          Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                        Company                                                    Company

                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                             2012                     2011                   Closing amount        Opening amount

According to Chinese
                                          400,466,745.11              291,660,093.73           2,950,106,976.17       2,790,878,659.33
accounting standards

Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards

                                                     0.00                         0.00

According to international
                                          400,466,745.11              291,660,093.73           2,950,106,976.17       2,790,878,659.33
accounting standards

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                     Net profit attributable to shareholders of the      Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                      Company                                              Company

                                             2012                     2011                   Closing amount        Opening amount

According to Chinese
                                          400,466,745.11              291,660,093.73           2,950,106,976.17       2,790,878,659.33
accounting standards

Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards

According to overseas
                                          400,466,745.11              291,660,093.73           2,950,106,976.17       2,790,878,659.33
accounting standards

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Items                             2012                   2011                  2010                  Notes

Gain/loss on the disposal of non-current
assets (including the offset part of the asset      182,392,244.82           -7,121,088.70         3,196,962.59
impairment provisions)

Tax rebates, reductions or exemptions due to
approval beyond authority or the lack of
official approval documents

Government grants recognized in the current
year, except for those acquired in the
ordinary course of business or granted at              1,633,073.56          1,406,571.96          3,992,076.51
certain quotas or amounts according to the
country’s unified standards

Capital occupation charges on non-financial
enterprises that are recorded into current               553,325.09            418,615.75
gains and losses

                                                               2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Gains due to that the investment costs for
the Company to obtain subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures are lower than
the enjoyable fair value of the identifiable
net assets of the investees when making the

Gain/loss on non-monetary asset swap

Gain/loss on entrusting others with
investments or asset management

Asset impairment provisions due to acts of
God such as natural disasters

Gain/loss on debt restructuring

Expenses on business reorganization, such
as expenses on staff arrangements,
integration, etc.

Gain/loss on the part over the fair value due
to transactions with distinctly unfair prices

Current gains and losses of subsidies
acquired from business combination under
the same control as from period-begin to
combination date

Gain/loss on contingent events irrelevant to
the Company’s normal business

Gains and losses on change in fair value
from tradable financial assets and tradable
financial liabilities, as well as investment
income from disposal of tradable financial
                                                  -84,637.47         281,899.42          182,978.40
assets and tradable financial liabilities and
financial assets available for sales except for
effective   hedging   related     with   normal
businesses of the Company

Reversal of provision for impairment that
                                                                       7,944.50          225,016.27
made impairment test independently

Gain/loss on loans obtained by entrusting

Gain/loss on change of the fair value of
investing real estate of which the subsequent
measurement is carried out adopting the fair
value method

Effect on current gains/losses when a

                                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

one-off adjustment is made to current
gains/losses according to requirements of
taxation, accounting and other relevant laws
and regulations

Custody fee income when entrusted with

Non-operating income and expense other
                                                    -3,022,341.29           -754,082.64         3,320,283.04
than the above

Other gain and loss items that meet the
                                                       111,586.72           -269,418.95          -475,060.26
definition of an extraordinary gain/loss

Income tax effects                                  21,172,951.60           252,783.86          1,428,941.77

Minority interests effects (after tax)

Total                                              160,410,299.83         -6,282,342.52         9,013,314.78             --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary Gains and
Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                 Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

In 2012, both the international and domestic economies were struggling at the bottom. The
industrial transformation and the extremely grave export situation in particular affected the
operating results of the Company to a great extent. With various unfavorable factors, for 2012, the
Company achieved operating revenues of RMB 2.202 billion, down 2.61% over last year; total
profit of RMB 0.472 billion, up 32.96% over last year; net profit attributable to shareholders of
the company of RMB 0.4 billion, up 37.31% over last year; and after-tax EPS of RMB 0.41 per
According to the decisions and plans of the Board of Directors at the beginning of the year, the
Company adopted “enhance R&D, adjust the product structure, strengthen internal management and
strictly control costs” as the main line for operation and management and proactively carried out the
following work to constantly increase its comprehensive competitiveness.

1. It worked on R&D, proactively adjusting the product structure.

It proactively dealt with the new industrial policies such as elimination of incandescent lamps and
promotion of great lighting products. It increased input in developing new products, especially new
LED products. It developed products according to the government’s supportive policies, launched
new products with high technological contents and increased the weight of LED products in its
sales income through optimizing the product structure.

2. It worked on marketing management, increasing its internal strength and polishing its image.

The Company attached importance to improving marketing channels so as to ensure a sustainable
development. In terms of the domestic market, it enhanced the marketing teams around the country
and trainings for business personnel; strengthened internal management and improved the overall
capability of the team; and perfected the internal processes, adopted more flexible marketing
strategies, formulated policies to support key products and improved customer service. As for the
international market, the Company selectively attended some international or regional exhibitions
with a high reputation and a significant influence to primarily promote its own brands, and boost the
international reputation of its “FSL” brand. In terms of channel innovation, the Company developed
new customers via the convenient information network to save some marketing cost.

                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

3. The Company worked on internal management, attaching importance to management so as to
improve the operating performance.

Firstly, the Company improved its management capability and enhanced cost control. Using the
SAP system, it enhanced energy management, modified the equipment with high energy
consumption and reduced the energy cost. It also looked for new techniques and materials to
integrate the procurement resources and reduce the raw material cost. Meanwhile, it continued to
better the material quota mechanism to keep workshop production under control.

Secondly, the Company carried out performance management to motivate and encourage employees.
Through following up the accomplishment of all objectives and holding a performance review
meeting on a quarterly basis, the Company tried to beef up the accomplishment of objectives by all
of its departments. Meanwhile, it enhanced the role of performance appraisal and connected
employees’ remunerations with their performance indicator appraisal results to fully show the work
and achievements of all departments, create a lively atmosphere of “better performance, more
income” and boost development of the Company.

4. It worked on risk precaution, implementing the internal control rules in an all-rounded way.

During the reporting period, the Company proactively pushed forward the all-rounded
implementation of the internal control rules and effectively improved its internal control mechanism.
Through reviewing the business processes and conducting risk identification and assessment and
internal control effectiveness tests, the Company tried to find out its internal control defects and
rectify them to build up a sound internal control mechanism, effectively avoid and resist risks and
ensure a healthy development of the Company.

II. Main business analysis

1. Overview

In 2012, the Company proactively coped with the unfavorable international and domestic economic
situations, as well as the changes in the electric light source sector, and overcame various
difficulties such as rising costs of raw materials, labor and transportation, Renminbi appreciation
and a weak market demand. For the year, the Company achieved lighting sales revenues of RMB
2.157 billion, down 2.49% over last year, of which the domestic sales revenue stood at RMB 1.546
billion, up 11.87% over last year; and the export revenue stood at RMB 0.611 billion, down 26.03%

                                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

over last year.
In terms of the domestic sales, the Company mainly adopted measures such as developing new
products, adjusting the marketing strategy and tapping potentials in the third-and fourth-tier markets
to successfully ensure growth of the domestic sales. As for the export, since the incandescent lamp
prohibition decree took effect and the overseas economy was weak, the export sales decreased to
some degree.

State the reasons why the Company’s actual business performance is 20% lower or higher than the earning
forecast for the reporting period which has been publicly disclosed earlier:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Revenues

Is the Company’s goods selling revenue higher than the service revenue?
√ Yes □ No

         Industry                     Items                    2012                        2011                 YoY +/-(%)

                             Sales volume (piece)            1,185,758,696.00           1,343,636,741.00                    -11.75%
Lighting fixtures and
                             Output (piece)                  1,012,225,826.00           1,138,667,050.00                    -11.10%
                             Stock (piece)                     112,938,492.00              129,201,485.00                   -12.59%

Reasons for any over-30% YoY movement of the data above:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Major orders held:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Significant change or adjustment of the Company’s products or services during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Major customers:

Total sales to the top 5 customers (RMB Yuan)                                                                       253,740,925.35

Ratio of the total sales to the top 5 customers to the
annual total sales (%)

Information about the top 5 customers:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Serial No.                  Name of customer                   Sales (RMB Yuan)              Proportion in annual total sales (%)

     1         Customer 1                                                  97,766,982.47                                      4.44%

     2         Customer 2                                                  46,040,839.55                                      2.09%

                                                            2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

      3       Customer 3                                         39,178,281.43                                    1.78%

      4       Customer 4                                         36,401,195.43                                    1.65%

      5       Customer 5                                         34,353,626.47                                    1.56%

   Total                                                        253,740,925.35                                   11.52%

3. Costs

Classified by industry:
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                            2012                                      2011

                                                     Proportion in                           Proportion in      YoY +/-
  Industry            Item
                                  Amount            operating costs        Amount              operating          (%)
                                                        (%)                                 costs(%)

                                 1,598,108,805.64          98.02%        1,592,782,591.17           98.27%         0.33%
                 Raw materials   1,082,931,259.25          66.42%        1,076,576,906.77          66.42%          0.59%
fixtures and
                 Labor             235,434,016.61          14.44%         234,052,552.45           14.44%          0.59%
                 Depreciation       76,761,202.51            4.71%          78,125,574.99            4.82%         -1.75%

                                    12,297,471.44            0.75%          13,920,941.68            0.86%        -11.66%

   Hotel         Labor               6,417,566.12            0.39%           6,267,786.26            0.39%         2.39%

                 Expense             5,879,905.32            0.36%           7,653,155.42            0.47%        -23.17%

Classified by product:
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                            2012                                      2011

                                                    Proportion in                            Proportion in
  Product            Item                                                                                      YoY +/- (%)
                                  Amount            operating costs        Amount              operating
                                                       (%)                                  costs(%)

                                 1,598,108,805.64           98.02%       1,592,782,591.17          98.27%           0.33%
                 Raw materials   1,082,931,259.25           66.42%       1,076,576,906.77          66.42%           0.59%
                 Labor            235,434,016.61            14.44%        234,052,552.45           14.44%           0.59%
 and lamps
                 Depreciation      76,761,202.51             4.71%         78,125,574.99            4.82%          -1.75%

                                   12,297,471.44             0.75%         13,920,941.68            0.86%         -11.66%

    Hotel        Labor               6,417,566.12            0.39%           6,267,786.26           0.39%           2.39%

                 Expense             5,879,905.32            0.36%           7,653,155.42           0.47%         -23.17%


                                                                       2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total purchases from the top 5 suppliers (RMB Yuan)                                                               151,698,080.36

Ratio of the total purchases from the top 5 suppliers to the
annual total purchases(%)

Information about the top 5 suppliers:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                               Procurement amount (RMB     Proportion in annual total procurement
 Serial No.                 Name of supplier
                                                                        Yuan)                           amount (%)

      1       Suppliers 1                                                  45,078,957.92                                     3.33%

      2       Suppliers 2                                                  29,809,386.03                                      2.2%

      3       Suppliers 3                                                  27,036,423.79                                        2%

      4       Suppliers 4                                                  25,089,973.33                                     1.85%

      5       Suppliers 5                                                  24,683,339.29                                     1.82%

    Total                                                                 151,698,080.36                                    11.21%

4. Expense

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

              Item                             2012                             2011                        YoY +/-%

 Selling expenses                                109,867,531.15                 104,154,716.99                             5.48%

 Administrative expenses                         167,102,936.83                 150,580,090.88                            10.97%

 Financial expenses                              -10,988,942.10                   -7,494,610.15                          -46.62%

 Income tax                                       71,833,165.24                  57,872,709.83                            24.12%

The financial expenses decreased 46.62% over last year mainly because the interest income increased.

5. R&D expenses

Considering the government’s industrial policies and measures to encourage and support environment protection,
new light sources and new energy, the Company proactively develops high-efficient lighting products featuring
energy saving and environmental protection, increases the input for R&D and the new light source of LED and
beefs up product upgrading. In 2012, the Company spent RMB 70.56 million R&D, accounting for 3.2% of the
operating revenues.

6. Cash flows

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

               Item                              2012                            2011                       YoY +/-(%)

Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                  2,455,183,322.27                2,563,492,994.91                          -4.23%
operating activities

                                                                   2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                            2,017,786,470.21                   2,293,614,551.70                               -12.03%
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating
                                              437,396,852.06                     269,878,443.21                               62.07%

Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                              321,909,282.02                      38,595,680.90                              734.06%
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                              219,385,814.54                      80,485,400.28                              172.58%
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing
                                              102,523,467.48                     -41,889,719.38                              344.75%

Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                           0.00                                0.00                                0%
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                              244,774,840.33                     248,056,198.83                                -1.32%
financing activities

Net cash flows from financing
                                             -244,774,840.33                    -248,056,198.83                                  1.32%

Net increase in cash and cash
                                              294,759,139.59                     -21,161,881.80                            1,492.88%

Reasons for any over-30% YoY movement of the data above:

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
1. Net cash flows from operating activities increased 62.07% over last year, which was mainly because the cash
paid for goods and services decreased.
2. Net cash flows from investing activities increased 344.75% over last year, which was mainly because the cash
received from subsidiary disposal increased.
3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents increased 1,492.88% over last year, which was mainly because the
cash received from subsidiary disposal increased.

Reasons for a big difference between the operating cash flows and the net profit:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                          Increase/decrease                         Increase/decrease
                        Operating                     Gross profit rate     of operating                             of gross profit
                                    Operating costs                                            of operating costs
                        revenues                             (%)          revenues over last                        rate over last year
                                                                                               over last year (%)
                                                                              year (%)                                     (%)

                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Classified by industry:

Lighting fixtures
                    2,156,602,294.62 1,598,108,805.64                  25.9%               -2.32%               0.33%              -1.96%
and lamps

Hotel                     19,901,080.42      12,297,471.44             38.21%             -17.41%              -11.66%             -4.02%

Classified by product:

Lighting fixtures
                    2,156,602,294.62 1,598,108,805.64                  25.9%               -2.32%               0.33%              -1.96%
and lamps

Hotel                     19,901,080.42      12,297,471.44             38.21%             -17.41%              -11.66%             -4.02%

Classified by region:

Domestic            1,565,766,316.23 1,162,704,208.35                  25.74%              11.35%              15.09%              -2.41%

Overseas                610,737,058.81      447,702,068.73             26.69%             -26.05%              -24.94%             -1.09%

Where the Company’s accounting standard of the main business data above changed during the reporting period, give the main
business data of the latest year adjusted according to the accounting standard at the end of the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Asset and liability analysis

1. Major changes of asset items

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                            As at 31 Dec. 2012                   As at 31 Dec. 2011

                                          Proportion in                                           Proportion         Explain any major
                                                                               Proportion in
                          Amount           total assets       Amount                             change(%)              change
                                                                              total assets (%)

Monetary funds          985,450,890.74          28.58%       690,691,751.15           21.89%            6.69%

                        334,006,892.19            9.69%      300,223,854.32             9.51%           0.18%

Inventories             434,541,386.19            12.6%      493,613,449.06           15.64%            -3.04%

Investing real
                                   0.00              0%                0.00                0%              0%

Long-term equity
                        519,693,431.95          15.07%       447,024,125.94           14.17%              0.9%

Fixed assets            539,145,022.38          15.64%       643,078,677.62           20.38%            -4.74%

Construction in
                         95,684,569.86            2.77%       88,017,369.74             2.79%           -0.02%

                                                                           2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. Major changes of liability items

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   2012                                  2011
                                       Proportion in                         Proportion in                         Explain any major change
                       Amount                                Amount                             change(%)
                                      total assets (%)                      total assets (%)

                              0.00                   0%             0.00                 0%                  0%

                              0.00                   0%             0.00                 0%                  0%

3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                     Gain/loss on
                                                       Cumulative fair     Impairment          Purchased
                                      fair value                                                             Sold amount in
                    Opening                             value change     provisions in       amount in the                        Closing
     Item                            change in the                                                             the reporting
                     amount                             recorded into    the reporting         reporting                          amount
                                       reporting                                                                  period
                                                           equity            period             period

Financial assets

1. Financial
measured at
fair value and
of which
changes are
recorded into       4,097,366.22          -84,637.47                                                                             4,012,728.75

                   67,814,691.84                          4,002,950.56                                                          71,817,642.40
ale financial

Subtotal of
                   71,912,058.06          -84,637.47      4,002,950.56                                                          75,830,371.15
financial assets

Total of the
                   71,912,058.06          -84,637.47      4,002,950.56                                                          75,830,371.15

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                            0.00            0.00            0.00             0.00                                            0.00

Did any significant change occur to the attribute of the Company’s main asset measurement during the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

V. Core competitiveness analysis

As a leading enterprise of traditional electric light sources, the Company has always adhered to the
operation and management philosophy of “provide customers with quality products and services
through scientific management and advanced technologies”.

1. Channel development: The Company sticks to the market strategy of specifying channels. While
maintaining and enhancing its wholesale channel advantage, the Company accelerates development
of the franchised shops, improves the supermarket and e-commerce channels and constantly
improves the market layout and the network development so as to further increase its influence and
competitiveness in terms of retail and engineering channels.

2. Brand strategy: The Company continues to implement the brand strategy, providing best-quality
and efficient products for consumers and increasing the reputation of the “FSL” brand. Currently,
the Company has two famous brands—“FSL” and “Fenjiang”.

3. Technical innovation: Besides solidifying and enhancing the traditional lighting product and
technical      advantages,         the     Company          beefs      up     development          of    high-efficient       and
low-energy-consumption products. In Jan. 2012, the Company passed the relevant re-examination
and became one of the first “hi-tech enterprises” for 2011. It focuses on development of LED
products, constantly brings in senior professionals and develops LED products with proprietary IPR.
These products have produced remarkable results in the market, and their weight in all the
Company’s products are increasing in terms of production and sale. At the same time, the Company
will launch more new products and models with competitiveness to optimize the product structure
and upgrade its products.

                                                                         2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VI. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Investments in external parties

                                                   Investments in external parties

 Investment amount in 2012 (RMB Yuan)          Investment amount in 2011 (RMB Yuan)                               +/-%

                               83,999,916.00                                12,643,546.03                                         564.37%

                                                        Particulars about investees

                                                                                                         Proportion of the Company’s
           Name of investee                                     Main business                           investment in the investee’s total
                                                                                                               equity interests (%)

Qinghai    Fozhao        Lithium   Energy Integrated development and utilization of salt lake
Exploitation Co., Ltd.                    brine resource.

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power R&D, production, installation and sales of lithium ion
Battery Co., Ltd.                         battery and its control system

                                          R&D, production and sale of lithium ion batteries and
                                          materials, solar, wind and other renewable energy
                                          application     products,   equipment       and   systems,
                                          energy-saving optoelectronic and electronic products,
Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power             equipment       and   systems,    and   lithium     power
Energy Co., Ltd.                          emergency supply, power-driven tools, transportation
                                          tools and chargers; operation and agent service of
                                          import and export of products and technologies;
                                          design and construction of lighting projects for cities
                                          and roads

                                          Investment into hi-tech and innovative businesses,
Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital          trusteeship management and operation of venture
Company Limited                           capital of other venture capital companies; investment
                                          consulting service (excluding restricted fields)

                                          Investment, operation and management of self-owned
Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset
                                          funds; project planning; investment management                                              15.38%
Management Company Limited
                                          consulting service

                                          Electronic      products,    communication         devices,
                                          household appliances, furniture, speakers, paper,
                                          paper products, chemicals for daily use, shoes, hats
Shenzhen Zhonghao (Group) Ltd.            and garment; domestic commerce, material supply                                 Less than 5%
                                          and marketing (excluding goods operated, sold and
                                          controlled by special entities); supervision of the
                                          self-developed projects

                                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                           Production and sale of tungsten, molybdenum, nickel
                                           and clad metal products, diamond die, thin steel
                                           strips, electric light source products, power supply
                                           products, industrial gas and special equipment;
                                           production, installation, sale, mechanic processing,
Chengdu Hongbo Industrial Co., Ltd.        vehicle repair, consulting service, sale of goods                                                 6.94%
                                           (excluding those prohibited by the government from
                                           circulating), export of products produced by it or its
                                           member companies; import of needed mechanic
                                           equipment, components, raw and auxiliary materials;
                                           processing and compensation trade

Xiamen Bank                                Banking services                                                                                  9.99%

China Guangfa Bank Co., Ltd.               Banking services                                                                            Less than 5%

Foshan Fochen Road Development             Building and operation of the Fochen (Foshan
Company Limited                            Chencun) Road

(2)Equity-holdings in financial enterprises

                           Initial      Opening       Opening        Closing       Closing       Closing      in the
Enterprise Enterprise investment equity-hol equity-hol equity-hol equity-hol book value reporting Accountin                                Equity
    name       variety   cost (RMB       dings        ding ratio      dings        ding ratio     (RMB        period         g title       source
                           Yuan)        (share)          (%)         (share)          (%)         Yuan)       (RMB

             Commerci 30,828,816                                                                71,817,642 3,131,720. or-sale            Additional
Everbright                             23,546,768         0.06% 23,546,768             0.06%
             al bank             .00                                                                   .40             14 financial      issue

Xiamen       Commerci 208,574,21                                    105,494,40                  292,574,13 14,571,414                    Additional
                                       85,714,200         9.99%                        9.99%                              equity
Bank         al bank           7.00                                            0                      3.00         .00                   issue

branch of
Guangdon Commerci                                                                                                                        Additional
                         500,000.00      229,792               5%     229,792               5% 500,000.00                 equity
g            al bank                                                                                                                     issue
ent Bank

                         239,903,03 109,490,76                      129,270,96                  364,891,77 17,703,134
Total                                                     --                           --                                      --            --
                               3.00               0                            0                      5.40         .14

                                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(3) Securities investments

                                                               Sharehold                  Sharehold               Gain/loss
                                    Initial     Number                     Number                     Closing
                                                                  ing                        ing                     for
                                   investmen of shares                     of shares                    book
Variety of Code of       Name of                               percentag                  percentag               reporting Accounti Source of
                                     t cost      held at                    held at                    value
securities securities securities                                 e at                       e at                   period      ng title   stock
                                    (RMB        period-be                  period-en                   (RMB
                                                               period-be                  period-en                (RMB
                                    Yuan)         gin                         d                        Yuan)
                                                                  gin                        d                     Yuan)

                                   5,000,000                                                          4,012,728
Fund                                                                                                                          financial
                                          .00                                                               .75

Other securities investments
                                        0.00               0      --                  0      --            0.00        0.00       --       --
held at the period-end

                                   5,000,000                                                          4,012,728
Total                                                             --                         --                                   --       --
                                          .00                                                               .75

Disclosure date of the board
announcement on approval of        25 Nov. 2010
the securities investment

Explain shareholdings in other listed companies:

2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

(1)Wealth management entrustment


(2)Derivative investments


(3)Entrustment loans


3. Use of raised funds


                                                                                                                                           2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

Particulars about main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:

                                                                                                            Registered                                      Operating         Operating
                            Company                                                                                        Total assets     Net assets                                       Net profit
   Company name                             Industry            Main products/services                     capital (RMB                                   revenues (RMB      profit (RMB
                             variety                                                                                      (RMB Yuan)       (RMB Yuan)                                       (RMB Yuan)
                                                                                                              0,000)                                          Yuan)            Yuan)

Foshan      Chansheng                                    Production       and       operation        of
Electronic Ballast Co., Subsidiary       Manufacture     electronic       ballasts,          electronic BMB100             10,213,681.16   6,253,554.57    18,594,068.94     3,811,167.36   2,710,964.21
Ltd.                                                     transformers and electronic igniters

Foshan     Chanchang                                     Producer of lamps, electric lighting
Electric    Appliances                                   products      and        related      fittings,
                         Subsidiary      Manufacture                                                       BMB7,278       103,252,116.40 88,436,907.17 140,261,693.67        3,033,200.29   2,265,442.82
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.                                      providing relevant installation and
                                                         consulting services

Foshan Taimei Times                                      R&D, production and sales of
Lamps Co., Ltd.                                          lamps, household appliances and
                         Subsidiary      Manufacture                                                       RMB50           90,477,186.22 27,469,840.94 234,707,971.12        9,331,439.44   6,982,921.26
                                                         fittings, and other electric lighting

Nanjing         Fozhao                                   Production          of       energy-saving
Lighting Components                                      lighting      products,       lamps       and
Manufacturing     Co.,                                   lighting       equipments;            lighting
Ltd.                     Subsidiary      Manufacture     projects; energy-saving technology RMB4,168.32                    94,444,575.95 71,981,604.34     53,720,493.84 -1,478,103.12 -7,013,581.50
                                                         development and production of
                                                         relevant       fittings;           sale     of
                                                         self-produced products

Foshan        Lighting                                   R&D and production of lamps of
Lamps Co., Ltd.                                          electric light source and related
                         Subsidiary      Manufacture                                                       RMB500           8,074,819.13   8,074,619.96               0.00      14,472.89      10,854.67
                                                         electrical,    metal       and      nonmetal

                                                                                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

FSL         (Xinxiang)                                  Production and sale of equipments
Lighting Co., Ltd.                                      and products of electric light source;
                                                        and sale of components of electric
                         Subsidiary      Manufacture                                                RMB1,000      9,962,216.19    6,826,418.09            0.00    -897,545.82 -1,797,545.82
                                                        light   source,     related    materials,
                                                        electrical    materials,      automobile
                                                        components, lamps and fittings

Qinghai        Fozhao                                   Producing and selling lithium ion
Lithium Ion Battery                                     battery cathode materials
                         Subsidiary      Manufacture                                                RMB5,000     39,438,451.91 30,787,408.50        106,963.17 -8,078,719.99 -8,096,442.18
Cathode      Materials
Co., Ltd.

Guangdong      Fozhao                                   Financing lease, lease, lease
Financing Lease Co.,                                    consulting and guaranty, financing
Ltd.                                                    lease service for new-energy                                             206,474,444.5
                         Subsidiary      Finance                                                    RMB20,000   206,643,904.57                            0.00   5,528,994.65   4,261,123.43
                                                        automobiles & main components,                                                      3
                                                        energy-saving lighting products &

Guangdong      Fozhao                                   Production and sale of LED lighting
New Light Sources                                       products      and      LED       lighting
                         Subsidiary      Manufacture                                                RMB22,200     8,615,110.17    8,615,110.17    2,819,494.42    -295,068.16    -223,689.97
Technology Co., Ltd.                                    application       products;      lighting
                                                        product installation

Explain particulars about main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:

                                                                       2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Name of subsidiary                Purpose for acquiring or          Way of acquiring or disposing     Influence on the overall
                                  disposing the subsidiary in the   the subsidiary in the reporting   production and business
                                  reporting period                  period                            performance

Foshan      Gaoming        Fuwan For capital inflow and focusing                                      An investment gain of RMB
                                                                    Equity transfer
Landscape Resort Co., Ltd.        on electric light sources                                           192.29 million (before tax)

5. Significant projects invested with non-raised funds


VII. Entities controlled by the Company for special purposes


VIII. Outlook of the Company’s future development

1. Trends in the sector
It will become the main development trend in the lighting sector to gradually eliminate incandescent
lamps and accelerate development of high-efficient lighting products featuring energy saving,
environmental protection and low costs. Urbanization is speeding up. Traditional energy-saving
lighting products will not be washed out in the short run due to their moderate prices, mature
technologies and high quality. There is still a huge market space for traditional lighting products.
However, traditional lighting products are incomparable with LED lighting products due to the
latter’s high efficiency and low energy consumption. LED lighting products will be the next
mainstream in the lighting sector because they accord with the policies of energy saving,
environmental protection and living a green low-carbon life pursued by different countries.
Currently, the gradual implementation of the government’s huge amounts of subsidies, proactive
support from other industrial policies, decreasing product prices and fast technological innovation
will directly boost the domestic demand for LED lighting products.
2. Opportunities and challenges for the Company
(1) Opportunities
Recent years have seen energy saving & emission reduction becoming a common goal of different
countries in the world. Developed countries and regions started to prohibit incandescent lamps in
2009. On 1 Nov. 2011, the Chinese government unveiled the “Public Notice on Gradually
Prohibiting Import and Sale of General Service Incandescent Lamps”, deciding to carry out the
import and sale prohibition in stages according to the watt rates from 1 Oct. 2012. Therefore, there

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

will be good prospects for the traditional and LED lighting products. Growth of LED lighting
products is expected to be faster in the coming two years. Upon enhancement of internal and
external strength in the past year, the Company will, on the basis of sticking to its traditionally
advantageous products, seize the opportunities brought by a rising demand for LED lighting
application ends, input more for R&D, focus on developing the main business, expand the operating
range and enrich its product range. Meanwhile, it will give full play to the advantages of sufficient
self-owned funds, sound marketing channels and influential brands to rise to difficulties and push
production and operation to a new level.
(2) Challenges
The Company will face some difficulties in the production and operation in 2013. The domestic
economic growth is expected to slow down, the influential real estate macro-control policy will be
continuously enhanced, and the unfavorable effects of the European debt crisis will continue.
Although the U.S. has passed the severe financial crisis, its economy has not improved much,
creating an unfavorable condition for export of the Company. Meanwhile, competition in the
domestic lighting sector becomes increasingly fierce, bringing down the average profit rate. And the
rising costs of labor and raw materials also bring down the earnings.
3. Work plan for 2013
(1) The Company will continue to optimize the product structure by inputting more effort for
developing LED lighting products.
On the basis of maintaining its traditionally advantageous products, the Company will beef up
development of new products featuring energy saving, environmental protection and high
technological contents. It will continue to increase input for LED lighting products in terms of R&D,
production, sale, etc.; enrich the product range; and do a good job in technical renewal and reserve.
It will also expand the LED workshops and increase the production capacity. Meanwhile, it will
increase input for marketing and build up various marketing channels. Through a series of measures,
the Company will try to get a position in the market with its LED lighting products and lay a solid
foundation for its future development.
(2) The Company will enhance brand and channel development and promote a sustainable and
steady expansion of its market share.
The Company promotes its products by attending international or regional exhibitions with a high
reputation and a significant influence. It will continue to carry out the brand strategy, constantly
make technical innovations and develop products with proprietary IPR. It will also ensure the
product quality, properly increase advertising input and keep increasing the reputation and
popularity of its brands. In terms of channel development, it will maintain and enhance the existing
channels, help old customers with their development, properly add some new strong customers,
beef up its layout for the third-and fourth-tier markets, decentralize distributor management,
enhance market control and increase its influence in the retail and engineering channels.

                                                         2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(3) The Company will improve its management capability to boost development.
In 2013, the Company will adopt various measures to improve its internal management capability
and reduce operating costs. It will optimize resource allocation, integrate marketing personnel,
enhance performance appraisal to with a clear division of rights and responsibilities to motivate its
employees. Through upgrading management, the Company will further ensure the fulfillment of its
operating objectives.

IX. Explanation of the Board of Directors concerning the “non-standard audit report” issued
by the CPAs firm for the reporting period


X. Explain change of the accounting policy, accounting estimate and measurement methods as
compared with the financial reporting of last year


XI. Explain retrospective restatement due to correction of significant accounting errors in the
reporting period


XII. Explain change of the consolidation scope as compared with the financial reporting of
last year

Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. was formerly a wholly‐owned subsidiary of the
Company incorporated in 2006, which was consolidated since its incorporation. In Oct. 2012, upon review
and approval of its Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Company entrusted Fo Shan City Rong Xin Auction
Co., Ltd. to auction 100% equity interests of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd.. According
to the auction result, the said equity interests were transferred to Guangdong Tuanyi Investment Group Co.,
Ltd. and Foshan Hongyi Property Investment Co., Ltd. at the consideration of RMB 317.05 million. All the
consideration was paid up in Nov. 2012 and the alteration of the registered information of Foshan Gaoming
Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. with the administration for industry and commerce was completed.
Therefore, the base day for the transfer was 30 Nov. 2012. After the transfer, the Company has lost control
over Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. and thus deconsolidated it.

XIII. Profit allocation and dividend distribution

Formulation, execution or adjustment of the Company’s profit distribution policy, especially the cash dividend
policy, during the reporting period:

According to the CSRC Notice on Further Implementing Matters Related to Cash Dividend

                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Distribution of Listed Companies (Zheng-Jian-Fa [2012] No. 37) and the Guangdong CSRC Notice
on Further Implementing Regulations Related to Dividend Distribution of Listed Companies
(Guang-Dong-Zheng-Jian [2012] No. 91), in order to further standardize the dividend mechanism,
promote a scientific, sustained and stable dividend mechanism and protect legal rights and interests
of investors, in the reporting period, the Company convened a general meeting to revise the
dividend-related contents in its Articles of Association and specify the dividend conditions, the
lowest dividend ratio, the decision-making procedure, etc.. Meanwhile, it formulated the
Management Rules for Profit Distribution and the Return for Shareholder Plan for the Coming
Three Years (2012-2014), specifying the arrangements and forms of dividends, the cash dividend
planning and the distribution intervals, which further improved the decision-making and supervision
procedures for dividend distribution. According to the Company’s Articles of Association, the profit
distributed in cash shall not be less than 30% of the distributable profit achieved in the year.

The Company’s preplans for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital for the reporting

period were in compliance with relevant rules such as the Company’s Articles of Association.

The Company’s preplans or plans for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital for the recent

three years (including the reporting year):

For 2010, based on the total 978,563,745 shares of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2010, a cash
dividend of RMB 2.5 (tax included and dividends for B-share holders paid in Hong Kong dollars)
will be distributed for every 10 shares held by A-share and B-share holders, with the total
distributed cash dividends reaching RMB 244,640,936.25.

For 2011, based on the total 978,563,745 shares of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2011, a cash
dividend of RMB 2.5 (tax included and dividends for B-share holders paid in Hong Kong dollars)
will be distributed for every 10 shares held by A-share and B-share holders, with the total
distributed cash dividends reaching RMB 244,640,936.25.

For 2012, based on the total 978,563,745 shares of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2012, a cash
dividend of RMB 3.1 (tax included and dividends for B-share holders paid in Hong Kong dollars)
will be distributed for every 10 shares held by A-share and B-share holders, with the total
distributed cash dividends reaching RMB 303,354,760.95. The profit allocation preplan shall be
carried out upon review and approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting of the Company.

                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Cash dividend distribution of the Company over the recent three years:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                         Ratio the amount of cash
                                                                         Net profit attributable to
                                                                                                         dividend to the net profit
                                      Amount of cash dividend        shareholders of the Company in
              Year                                                                                     attributable to shareholders of
                                            (tax included)            the consolidated statement for
                                                                                                            the Company in the
                                                                                 the year
                                                                                                        consolidated statement (%)

2012                                                303,354,760.95                    400,466,745.11                           75.75%

2011                                                244,640,936.25                    291,660,093.73                           83.88%

2010                                                244,640,936.25                    263,776,242.98                           92.75%

The Company (including its subsidiaries) made profit in the reporting period and the retained profit of the Company (without
subsidiaries) was positive, but it did not put forward a preplan for cash dividend distribution:

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Social responsibilities

The Company has always attached importance to the accomplishment of its social value. With
“provide returns for shareholders, provide a platform for employees, create value for customers and
create prosperity for the society” as its task, the Company proactively protects legal rights and
interests of its employees and creditors; treats suppliers, customers and consumers in an honest way;
and proactively promotes environmental protection, resource conservation & recycling, etc..
Meanwhile, it takes part in charity and public service activities, boosts the local economy with its
own development and promotes coordinative and harmonious development between the Company
and the society, the community and the nature.
During the reporting period, the Company enhanced R&D, promotion and sale of
environment-friendly and energy-saving products. It passed the ISO14001 environmental
management system certification. Meanwhile, the headquarters of the Company also smoothly
passed the voluntary examination for a clean production site, making its own contribution to energy
saving and emission reduction. It prepare to distribute cash dividends of RMB 303,354,760.95 (tax
included) to its shareholders, accounting for 75.75% of the net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company in the consolidated statements for the reporting period, which effectively safeguarded
the interests of its shareholders. It also fulfilled the safe production objectives for the year, making
its own contribution to social safety.

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

XV. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

                                                                                                         Main discussion and
 Time of reception   Place of reception    Way of reception       Visitor type          Visitor        materials provided by the

3 Feb. 2012          The Company          Field research      Institution         Founder Securities Operation of the Company

23 May 2012          The Company          Field research      Institution         Guosen Securities   Operation of the Company

                                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                             Section V. Significant Events

I. Significant lawsuit or arbitration

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no significant lawsuit or arbitration during the reporting period.
Media’s questions
√Applicable □Inapplicable
    Explanation on media’s questions                               Disclosure date                           Disclosure index

                                                                                                Name of announcement: Announcement on
                                                                                                Explanation for the Report of the Media on
                                                                                                the Company’s Related-party Relationship
                                                     13 Jul. 2012
                                                                                                & Related-party Transactions;
                                                                                                Announcement No.: 2012-031; Disclosure
                                                                                                index: http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
In Jul. 2012, after the Company had                                                             Name of announcement: Announcement on
disclosed      the     relevant      related-party                                              the Company’s Related-party Relationship
transactions as a supplementation, the                                                          with Foshan Nanhai Bright Electrical
media still doubted that the Company                                                            Appliance Co., Ltd. and Other Enterprises
might have related-party relation and                                                           & Routine Related-party Transactions with
transactions         with    other       relevant                                               Them for 2009-2011, Announcement on
corporations and these events had not been                                                      Explanation        about        Related-party
reviewed by the board or the general                                                            Relationship and Transaction Arising from
                                                     2 Aug. 2012
meeting and disclosed.                                                                          Jointly Contributing and Incorporating in
                                                                                                2009 Foshan Lighting Lamps Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                with    Shanghai      Liangqi      Electrical
                                                                                                Appliance Co., Ltd. and Foshan Hongbang
                                                                                                Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. & Equity
                                                                                                Transfer; Announcement No.: 2012-037,
                                                                                                2012-038;          Disclosure         index:

II. Particulars about non-operating occupation of funds of the Company by the controlling
shareholder and the related parties
There was no non-operating occupation of funds of the Company by the controlling shareholder and
the related parties

III. Asset transactions

1. Acquisition of assets

                                                                                                                                                            2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. Sale of assets

                                                                                Ratio of
                                              Net profit       Gains and         the net                                         Relationship
                                                                                                                                                    Whether or      Whether or not
                                            contributed to      losses           profit                                          between the
                                 Transact                                                                                                                not the     the creditor’s
                                            the Company         arising        contribute                                      transaction party
Transact                           ion                                                                         Related-part                        ownership of           right and
               Asset   Disposa                from the         from the         d by the          Pricing                          and the                                               Disclosure
  ion                             price                                                                        y transaction                            the asset         liabilities                    Disclosure index
                sold    l date              period-begin        sales of        asset to         principle                        Company                                                   date
 party                           (RMB                                                                               or not                         involved has      involved have
                                                to the          assets             the                                          (applicable for
                                 0’000)                                                                                                             been fully          been fully
                                            disposal date       (RMB           Company                                           related-party
                                                                                                                                                    transferred          transferred
                                            (RMB 0’000)        0’000)        to the total                                      transactions)
                                                                               profit (%))

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Name of
Shenzhe                                                                                                                                                                                               Announcement on
n Meilu                                                                                                                                                                                               Transferring the
           Shenzhe                                                                             With the
Trade                                                                                                                                                                                                 Equity of Shenzhen
           n           28 Jun.                                                                 assessment
Develop                            2,220                   0               0             0%                   No              Inapplicable        No               No                  29 Jun. 2012 Liangke Venture
           Liangke 2012                                                                        result as the
ment                                                                                                                                                                                                  Capital Co., Ltd.;
           Venture                                                                             pricing base
Co.,                                                                                                                                                                                                  Announcement No.:
Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                                  2012-018; Disclosure

Guangd 100%                                                                                                                                                                                           Name of
                                                                                               With the
ong        equity                                                                                                                                                                                     announcement:
                       30 Oct.                                                                 assessment
Tuanyi of                         31,705          -358.90 19,229.11               34.62%                      No              Inapplicable        Yes              Yes                 1 Nov. 2012 Announcement on
                       2012                                                                    result as the
Investm Foshan                                                                                                                                                                                        Progress Regarding
                                                                                               pricing base
ent        Gaomin                                                                                                                                                                                     Transferring the

                                                                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
Group      g Fuwan                                                                                                                                  Equity of Foshan
Limited, Landsca                                                                                                                                    Gaoming Fuwan
Foshan pe                                                                                                                                           Landscape Resort Co.,
Hongyi Resort                                                                                                                                       Ltd. by Way of Public
Property Co.,                                                                                                                                       Auction;
Investm Ltd.                                                                                                                                        Announcement No.:
ent Co.,                                                                                                                                            2012-064; Disclosure
Ltd.                                                                                                                                                website:

Notes to the sale of assets:
(1) On 28 Jun. 2012, the 18th Session of the 6th Board of Directors was convened, at which the “Proposal on Transferring Equities of Shenzhen Liangke Venture
Capital Co., Ltd.” was reviewed and approved. In the afternoon of 28 Jun. 2012, the Company signed the “Equity Transfer Agreement” with Shenzhen Meilu Trade
Development Co., Ltd., transferring the 18.5% equity interests of Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Co., Ltd. to the latter at the price of RMB 22.20 million.
However, due to the transferee Shenzhen Meilu Trade Development Co., Ltd. hasn’t paid the equity transfer payment totally, the Company’s 18.5% equity held in
Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Co., Ltd. hasn’t been transferred to it. Up to 6 Feb. 2013, the transferee had paid RMB 8.50 million for the equity transfer and it
promised to pay the rest, interest and overdue fine before 15 Jun. 2013. It won’t cause any negative influence on the continuity of business and stability of the
management level for the Company from the sales of 18.5% equity interests held in Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Co., Ltd.

(2) The Company convened the 22nd Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 16 Aug. 2012, at which reviewed and approved the Proposal on Transferring the Equity
of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. by Way of Public Auction; on 30 Oct. 2012, the Company entrusted Foshan City Rongxin Auction Co., Ltd.
to put up 100% equity of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. for auction, as a result, Guangdong Tuanyi Investment Group Limited and Foshan
Hongyi Property Investment Co., Ltd. successfully acquired 100% equity of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. with the price of RMB 0.31705
billion; After receiving the equity transfer payment of RMB 0.31705 billion, the Company completed the equity transfer on 18 Nov. 2012. It won’t cause any
negative influence on the continuity of business and stability of the management level for the Company from the sales of 100% equity of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan
Landscape Resort Co., Ltd..

                                                                                                                                       2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
IV. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions relevant to routine operation

                                                                               Pricing principle Transactio                                     Settlement
                                           Type of the       Content of the                                    Transaction in same kind                        Market price
                                                                                    of the        n price                                     method of the                   Disclosure     Disclosure
Related party        Relationship         related-party       related-party                                   amount (RMB         of                              (RMB
                                                                                related-party     (RMB                                         related-party                       date        index
                                           transaction        transaction                                        0’000)      transactions                       0’000)
                                                                                 transaction      0’000)                                      transaction

Prosperity        A company           Purchasing products
Electrical        controlled by the   and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                                                      http://www.cni
                                                                              Market price      162.82               162.82         0.12% Remittance           162.82         2012.4.25
(China) Co.,      related natural     service from the      materials                                                                                                                      nfo.com.cn
Ltd.              person              related parties

                  A company           Purchasing products
                  controlled by the   and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                                         Inapplicab
Lighting and                                                                  Market price      3.25                   3.25              0% Remittance         3.25                        Inapplicable
                  related natural     service from the      materials                                                                                                         le
Electrical Co.,
                  person              related parties

                  A company           Purchasing products
                  affected by the     and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                                                      http://www.cni
Electrical &                                                                  Market price      2.37                   2.37              0% Cheque             2.37           212.8.29
                  related natural     service from the      materials                                                                                                                      nfo.com.cn
Lighting Co.,
                  person              related parties

Nanhai            A company           Purchasing products
Guangming         controlled by the   and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                                                      http://www.cni
                                                                              Market price      399.29               399.29         0.29% Cheque               399.29         212.8.29
Electric          related natural     service from the      materials                                                                                                                      nfo.com.cn
Appliance         person              related parties
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                            2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foshan           A company           Purchasing products
Feidelun         affected by the     and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                        Market price   893.23     893.23    0.66% Cheque           893.23       212.8.29
Electric Co.,    related natural     service from the       materials                                                                                       nfo.com.cn
Ltd.             person              related parties

                 A company           Purchasing products
                 controlled by the   and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                        http://www.cni
Optoelectronic                                                          Market price   207.27     207.27    0.15% Remittance       207.27       212.8.29
                 related natural     service from the       materials                                                                                       nfo.com.cn
s Technology
                 person              related parties
Co., Ltd

Kaixiang         A company           Purchasing products
Electric         affected by the     and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                        Market price   309.90      309.9    0.23% Remittance       309.90       212.8.29
Lighting         related natural     service from the       materials                                                                                       nfo.com.cn
Source Co.,      person              related parties

Swanki           A company           Purchasing products
(Foshan)         controlled by the   and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                        Market price   3.22         3.22      0% Cheque            3.22         212.8.29
Electric         related natural     service from the       materials                                                                                       nfo.com.cn
Corporation      person              related parties

Zlamp            A company           Purchasing products
(Foshan)         controlled by the   and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                        Market price   18.60        18.6    0.01% Cheque           18.60        212.8.29
Enterprise       related natural     service from the       materials                                                                                       nfo.com.cn
Co., Ltd.        person              related parties

Prosperity       A shareholder       Selling products and
Lamps &          holding over 5%     providing labor        Sales of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                        Market price   5,625.70   5,625.7   2.55% Remittance       5,625.70     2012.4.25
Components       equity of the       service to the related products                                                                                        nfo.com.cn
Limited          Company             parties

Prosperity       A company           Selling products and Sales of      Market price   498.13     498.13    0.23% Remittance       498.13       2012.4.25 http://www.cni

                                                                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(Hangzhou)      controlled by the   providing labor          products                                                                                        nfo.com.cn
Lighting and    related natural     service to the related
Electrical Co., person              parties

Prosperity      A company           Selling products and
Electrical      controlled by the   providing labor          Sales of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                        Market price   151.39      151.39    0.07% Remittance       151.39       2012.4.25
(China) Co.,    related natural     service to the related products                                                                                          nfo.com.cn
Ltd.            person              parties

OSRAM           A company           Selling products and
(China)         affected by the     providing labor          Sales of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                        Market price   1,354.72   1,354.72   0.62% Remittance       1,354.72     2012.4.25
Lighting Co., related natural       service to the related products                                                                                          nfo.com.cn
Ltd.            person              parties

                A company           Selling products and
                affected by the     providing labor          Sales of                                                                                        http://www.cni
Electrical &                                                            Market price   504.95      504.95    0.23% Cheque           504.95       212.8.29
                related natural     service to the related products                                                                                          nfo.com.cn
Lighting Co.,
                person              parties

Foshan          A company           Selling products and
Feidelun        affected by the     providing labor          Sales of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                        Market price   548.80       548.8    0.25% Cheque           548.80       212.8.29
Electric Co.,   related natural     service to the related products                                                                                          nfo.com.cn
Ltd.            person              parties

Kaixiang        A company           Selling products and
Electric        affected by the     providing labor          Sales of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                        Market price   198.30       198.3    0.09% Remittance       198.30       212.8.29
Lighting        related natural     service to the related products                                                                                          nfo.com.cn
Source Co.,     person              parties

Swanki          A company           Selling products and Sales of       Market price   113.72      113.72    0.05% Cheque           113.72       212.8.29    http://www.cni

                                                                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(Foshan)          controlled by the   providing labor          products                                                                                      nfo.com.cn
Electric          related natural     service to the related
Corporation       person              parties

Zlamp             A company           Selling products and
(Foshan)          controlled by the   providing labor          Sales of                                                                                      http://www.cni
                                                                            Market price   136.62   136.62   0.06% Cheque           136.62       212.8.29
Enterprise        related natural     service to the related products                                                                                        nfo.com.cn
Co., Ltd.         person              parties

Lighting &
                  A company           Selling products and
                  affected by the     providing labor          Sales of                                                                                      http://www.cni
Department of                                                               Market price   17.14     17.14   0.01% Cheque           17.14        212.8.29
                  related natural     service to the related products                                                                                        nfo.com.cn
                  person              parties

                  A company           Selling products and
                  affected by the     providing labor          Sales of                                                                                      http://www.cni
District Shijia                                                             Market price   26.53     26.53   0.01% Cheque           26.53        212.8.29
                  related natural     service to the related products                                                                                        nfo.com.cn
Lighting Co.,
                  person              parties

Prosperity        A shareholder       Purchasing products
Lamps &           holding over 5%     and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                        http://www.cni
                                                                            Market price   176.56   176.56   6.63% Remittance       176.56       2012.4.25
Components        equity of the       service from the         equipments                                                                                    nfo.com.cn
Limited           Company             related parties

                  A company           Purchasing products
                  controlled by the   and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                        http://www.cni
Electro-Optica                                                              Market price   14.87     14.87   0.56% Remittance       14.87        2012.4.25
                  related natural     service from the         equipments                                                                                    nfo.com.cn
l Machinery
                  person              related parties
Co., Ltd

                                                                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                 A company           Purchasing products
                 controlled by the   and receiving labor Purchase of                                                                                           http://www.cni
Lighting                                                                    Market price   3.27       3.27    0.12% Remittance       3.27         2012.4.25
                 related natural     service from the       equipments                                                                                         nfo.com.cn
                 person              related parties
Co., Ltd.

                                     Selling products and
                 Associated          providing labor        Collection of                                                                         Inapplicab
Guoxuan                                                                     Market price   120.01   120.01   33.04% Cheque           120.01                    Inapplicable
                 enterprise          service to the related rent                                                                                  le
Power Energy
Co., Ltd.

Foshan           A company           Selling products and
Feidelun         affected by the     providing labor        Collection of                                                                                      http://www.cni
                                                                            Market price   22.69     22.69    6.25% Cheque           22.69        212.8.29
Electric Co.,    related natural     service to the related rent                                                                                               nfo.com.cn
Ltd.             person              parties

                 A company           Selling products and
                 affected by the     providing labor        Collection of                                                                                      http://www.cni
Electric                                                                    Market price   43.60      43.6   12.01% Cheque           43.60        212.8.29
                 related natural     service to the related rent                                                                                               nfo.com.cn
                 person              parties
Materials Co.,

Swanki           A company           Selling products and
(Foshan)         controlled by the   providing labor        Collection of                                                                                      http://www.cni
                                                                            Market price   1.66       1.66    0.46% Cheque           1.66         212.8.29
Electric         related natural     service to the related rent                                                                                               nfo.com.cn
Corporation      person              parties

Guangdong        Associated          Selling products and Collection of     Market price   6.52       6.52    4.86% Cheque           6.52         Inapplicab Inapplicable

                                                                                                                               2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Fozhao           enterprise          providing labor          water &                                                                                               le
Guoxuan                              service to the related electricity fee
Power Energy                         parties
Co., Ltd.

Foshan           A company           Selling products and
                                                              Collection of
Feidelun         affected by the     providing labor                                                                                                                           http://www.cni
                                                              water &           Market price   22.10              22.1       16.49% Cheque            22.10         212.8.29
Electric Co.,    related natural     service to the related                                                                                                                    nfo.com.cn
                                                              electricity fee
Ltd.             person              parties

                 A company           Selling products and
Ruibeike                                                      Collection of
                 affected by the     providing labor                                                                                                                           http://www.cni
Electric                                                      water &           Market price   12.60              12.6         9.4% Cheque            12.60         212.8.29
                 related natural     service to the related                                                                                                                    nfo.com.cn
Lighting                                                      electricity fee
                 person              parties
Materials Co.,

Swanki           A company           Selling products and
                                                              Collection of
(Foshan)         controlled by the   providing labor                                                                                                                           http://www.cni
                                                              water &           Market price   2.27               2.27        1.69% Cheque            2.27          212.8.29
Electric         related natural     service to the related                                                                                                                    nfo.com.cn
                                                              electricity fee
Corporation      person              parties

Zlamp            A company           Selling products and
                                                              Collection of
(Foshan)         controlled by the   providing labor                                                                                                                           http://www.cni
                                                              water &           Market price   3.56               3.56        2.66% Cheque            3.56          212.8.29
Enterprise       related natural     service to the related                                                                                                                    nfo.com.cn
                                                              electricity fee
Co., Ltd.        person              parties

Total                                                                                    --           --     11,605.66       3.23%          --               --         --           --

Details of large amount of sales returns                                        Naught

Necessity and continuity of related-party transaction as well as reason of Due to the Company needed stable supply of good raw materials for its production, such related-party transaction was

                                                                                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

choosing the related party (but not other transaction parties) to conduct necessary and will exist within a long-term period.
the said transaction                                                      The Company’s partial products were sold through the related parties, which would drive the expansion of the
                                                                          production scale of the Company to a certain extent, so it belonged to the continuous related-party transactions and
                                                                          would exist within a long-term period.
                                                                          The Company’s routine related-party transactions with the related parties had no influence on the independency of the
Impacts of related-party transaction on independency of the Company
                                                                          Company, so the Company’s main business wouldn’t form the reliance on or be controlled by the related parties.

Dependant degree of the Company on related party and relevant solutions The Company’s related-party business with the related parties occupied a small proportion in the amount of the same
for the dependence (if any)                                               kind of business, so its main business wouldn’t form the reliance on or be controlled by the related parties.

                                                                          In Apr. 2012, the Company predicted the total amount of routine related-party transactions with the related parties of
                                                                          OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd., Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited, Prosperity Electrical (China) Co.,
                                                                          Ltd., Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd. and Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.,
As for the prediction on the total amount of routine related-party and in the purchase from related parties, the actual amount occurred in 2012 decreased by 88.2% over that predicted
transactions to be occurred in the reporting period by relevant types, the for 2012, which was mainly due to the Company decreased the purchasing amount of partial raw materials from the
actual performance in the reporting period (if any)                       related parties under the influence of the overall economic environment, and also purchased partial raw materials from
                                                                          the new suppliers; in the sales to the related parties, the actual amount occurred in 2012 decreased by 27.3% over that
                                                                          predicted for 2012, which was mainly due to the sales amount decreased under the influence of the overseas economic

Reason for significant difference between the transaction price and the
market price


During the reporting period, the Company found that its related-party transactions occurred with its partial related parties (including Swanki (Foshan) Electric

Corporation, Zlamp (Foshan) Enterprise Co., Ltd., Foshan Nanhai Guangming Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Foshan Hongbang Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd.,

Foshan Feidelun Electric Co., Ltd., Xiamen Jiandawei Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing Kaixiang Electric Lighting Source Co., Ltd., Haolin Lighting &

Electrical Department of Foshan Chancheng District and Foshan Gaoming District Shijia Lighting Co., Ltd.) were not in its statistics of prediction for the routine

related-party transactions after check, and on 29 Aug. 2012, it supplemented to disclose the routine related-party transactions occurred with the above related parties

from Jan. to Aug. 2012

                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and sales of assets


3. Significant related-party transitions with joint investments


4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

Was there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?
□ Yes √ No

5. Other significant related-party transactions

During the reporting period, the Company disclosed the significant related-party transactions
occurred in previous period but not yet disclosed as follows:
(1) In 2009, the Company made an investment of RMB 29.23 million to incorporate Qinghai
Fozhao Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd. with its related party (Hong Kong) Qinghai Tianji
Rare Elements Technology Development Co., Ltd. and two other companies.

(2) In 2010, the Company made an investment of RMB 25.50 million to incorporate Qinghai
Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. with its related party Qinghai Weili New
Energy Materials Co., Ltd. and three other companies.

(3) In 2009, the Company invested RMB 3 million to jointly incorporate Foshan Lighting Lamps
Co., Ltd. with the related parties of Shanghai Liangqi Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. and Foshan
Hongbang Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. and other four enterprises, and the Company held 60%
equity of Foshan Lighting Lamps Co., Ltd. at that time. Then, the Company successively acquired
all the equity of other six shareholders, therefore, Foshan Lighting Lamps Co., Ltd. is the
wholly-funded subsidiary of the Company now.

(4) In 2010, the Company’s shareholding company—Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy Exploitation
Co., Ltd. contributed RMB 55.5 million (including RMB 27.75 million paid by cash and RMB
27.75 million paid by the appraised value of patented technology) to jointly invest on Qinghai Salt
Lake Fozhao Lanke Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. with its related enterprise—Qinghai Power New
Energy Material Co., Ltd..

(5) The Company’s shareholding company—Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.

                                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

provided a total amount of loans as RMB 8,325,470.60 to its related enterprise of Qinghai Salt Lake
Fozhao Lanke Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. for two times in 2010 and 2011 respectively, and the
above loans had been repaid on 1 Apr. 2011.

(6) The Company’s controlled subsidiary—Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials
Co., Ltd. provided a loan of RMB 25 million to its related enterprise of Qinghai Fozhao Lithium
Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd. in 2011, and the interest and principal of the above loan had been
repaid to Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. on 2 Apr. 2011.

(7) In 2010, the Company contributed RMB 0.16 billion to jointly invest on Hefei Guoxuan
High-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. with its related enterprise of Qinghai Power New Energy
Material Co., Ltd..

The website to disclose the interim announcements on significant related-party transactions
                                                           Disclosure date of the interim
        Name of the interim announcement                                                    Website to disclose the interim announcement

Announcement on Explaining the Relationship
and Related-party Transaction with (Hong
Kong)      Qinghai     Tianji     Rare       Elements
Technology Development Co., Ltd. Jointly 13 Jul. 2012                                       www.cninfo.com.cn
Incorporating Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy
Exploitation Co., Ltd. with the Company in

Announcement on Explaining the Relationship
and Related-party Transaction with Qinghai
Weili New Energy Materials Co., Ltd. Jointly
                                                        13 Jul. 2012                        www.cninfo.com.cn
Incorporating Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion
Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. with the
Company in 2010.

Announcement          on       Explanation      about
Related-party Relationship and Transaction
Arising     from     Jointly     Contributing    and
Incorporating in 2009 Foshan Lighting Lamps
                                                        2 Aug. 2012                         www.cninfo.com.cn
Co., Ltd. with Shanghai Liangqi Electrical
Appliance Co., Ltd. and Foshan Hongbang
Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. & Equity

Announcement          on       Explanation      about
Related-party Relationship and Transaction 2 Aug. 2012                                      www.cninfo.com.cn
Arising from the Company’s Shareholding

                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Company as Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy
Exploitation Co., Ltd. Jointly Investing in
2010 on Qinghai Salt Lake Fozhao Lanke
Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. with Qinghai
Power New Energy Co., Ltd.

Announcement         on    Explanation      about
Related-party Relationship and Transaction
Arising from the Company’s Shareholding
Company as Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy
                                                    2 Aug. 2012                 www.cninfo.com.cn
Exploitation Co., Ltd. Providing Loans to
Qinghai Salt Lake Fozhao Lanke Lithium
Industry   Co.,   Ltd.    in   2010   and   2011

Announcement         on    Explanation      about
Related-party Relationship and Transaction
Arising from the Company’s Controlled
Subsidiary as Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion 2 Aug. 2012                            www.cninfo.com.cn
Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. Providing
a Loan of RMB 25 million to Qinghai Fozhao
Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd. in 2011

Announcement         on    Explanation      about
Related-party Relationship and Transaction
Arising from the Company Jointly Investing
                                                    9 Oct. 2012                 www.cninfo.com.cn
on Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power Energy
Co., Ltd. with Qinghai Power New Energy
Material Co., Ltd.

V. Significant contracts and execution

1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease

There was no significant trusteeship, contract or lease for the Company during the reporting period.

2. Guarantees provided by the Company

During the reporting period, there were no external guarantees or guarantees for subsidiaries
provided by the Company.

3. Other significant contracts


                                                                           2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VI.Performance of commitments

1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s
shares in the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting period


2. The Company’s assets or projects exist profitable prediction and the reporting period is in
such prediction period, it states the profits from the assets or projects reaching original
prediction and relevant reasons

During the reporting period, the Company didn’t make any profitable prediction and the reporting
period wasn’t in such prediction period

VII. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm
CPAs firm engaged at present
Name of domestic CPAs firm                             GP Certified Public Accountants

Remuneration of domestic CPAs firm (RMB 0’000) 72

Consecutive years of the audit services provided by
domestic CPAs firm

Name of the certified public accountants from the
                                                       Wang Shaohua, Chen Danyan
domestic CPAs firm

Reengage the CPAs firm at current period or not?
□ Yes √ No
Particulars on engaging the audit firm for the internal control, financial adviser or sponsor
□Applicable √Inapplicable

VIII. Punishment and rectification

                                                            Punishment type
       Name              Type             Reason                 for the                                 Disclosure date   Disclosure index

                                     On 4 Jul. 2012,                                                                       Name of
                                     the Company                                                                           announcement:
                                     received the                                                                          Announcement
Foshan Electrical                    “Decision on                                                                         on Receiving an
                                                            Administrative       measures        have
and Lighting Co., Company            Ordering Foshan                                                    6 Jul. 2012        Administrative
                                                            regulation           been taken.
Ltd.                                 Electrical and                                                                        Regulatory
                                     Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                    Measure Decision
                                     to Take                                                                               of Guangdong
                                     Rectification                                                                         CSRC Bureau;

                                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                        Measures ([2012]                                                                   Announcement
                                        No. 9)” issued by                                                                 No.: 2012-024;
                                        Guangdong                                                                          disclosure
                                        CSRC.                                                                              website:

                                                                                                                           Name of
                                        On 4 Jul. 2012,
                                        the        Company
                                                                                                                           on Receiving an
                                        received        the
                                        “Decision        on
                                        Ordering      Zhong                         Rectification
                    Director and                                                                                           Measure Decision
                                        Xincai to Make a Administrative             measures        have
Zhong Xincai        concurrent senior                                                                      6 Jul. 2012     of Guangdong
                                        Public                 regulation           been taken.
                    management staff                                                                                       CSRC Bureau;
                                        ([2012] No. 10)”
                                                                                                                           No.: 2012-025;
                                        issued            by

                                                                                                                           Name of
                                                                                                                           on the Company’s
                                                                                                                           Staff Receiving
                                        Trading the                                 CSRC charged a
                                                               Administrative                                              the
                    Senior              stocks by using                             fine of RMB
Zou Jianping                                                   punishment from                             24 Sept. 2012   Administrative
                    management staff inside                                         100,000 for Zou
                                                               CSRC                                                        Punishment from
                                        information                                 Jianping
                                                                                                                           No.: 2012-052;

                                        Involved in                                 On 6 Mar. 2013,                        Name of
Foshan Electrical                       illegal and            Initiated an         CSRC                                   announcement:
and Lighting Co., Company               incompliant            investigation by     Guangdong              5 Nov. 2012     Announcement
Ltd.                                    information            CSRC                 Bureau issued the                      on Significant
                                        disclosure                                  Written Decision                       Events;

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                          on Administrative                   Announcement
                                                          Punishment, at                      No.: 2012-065;
                                                          which ordering                      Disclosure
                                                          the Company to                      website:
                                                          rectify and giving                  www.cninfo.com.
                                                          the warnings as                     cn
                                                          well as imposing
                                                          a fine of RMB
                                                          400,000; giving a
                                                          warning to Zhong
                                                          Xincai and
                                                          imposing a fine
                                                          of RMB 150,000;
                                                          giving a warning
                                                          to Zou Jianping
                                                          and imposing a
                                                          fine of RMB
                                                          warnings to Liu
                                                          Xingming and
                                                          Zhao Yong and
                                                          imposing the fine
                                                          of RMB 30,000
                                                          giving warnings
                                                          to Xie Qing and
                                                          Wei Bin.

Explanation on the rectification:

As for the Written Decision of CSRC Guangdong Bureau on Administrative Regulatory Measures
(2012) No. 9— Decision on Ordering Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. to Adopt
Rectification Measures and Notification of Investigation from CSRC (YZDCT Zi No. 12081), the
Company has supplemented to disclose relevant announcements on 13 Jul. 2012 and 2 Aug. 2012
respectively. Meanwhile, it engaged the Shenzhen Branch of Allbright Law Offices (hereinafter
referred to as “Allbright Law Offices”) as the special legal advisor on the rectification &
standardization of the related-party transactions & information disclosure of the Company, and
engaged GP Certified Public Accountants (hereinafter referred to as “GP”) to check the authenticity
and fairness of transactions regarding the Company selling products to and purchasing goods from
as well as paying processing fee to the related parties, and GP issued the Report on Executing
Agreed Proceedings for relevant Transaction Facts of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. .

                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

The Company paid special attention to such events after their occurrence, and in order to prevent
such events from happening again, it learned lessons from the case and adopted the measures as

1. It reinforced the construction of internal control especially financial management on its
controlled subsidiaries and important shareholding companies, and established the effective control
mechanism for them.

2. It perfected the system on registration & update for related parties and reinforced the
management on the files of related parties as well as combed relevant information, so as to clearly
define the detailed information of the related parties of the Company and update it timely, and
further ensure the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information of related parties.

3. It conducted special training on current directors, supervisors and senior management staffs of
the Company, so as to make them systematically know the content of securities laws, rules and
standardized documents, and get familiar with the basic knowledge of securities market, as well as
strengthen the awareness of standardized operation.

After implementing the above rectification measures, the Company has strengthened its awareness
and level of standardized operation, perfected the construction of internal control and enhanced the
quality of information disclosure.

Particulars about the directors, supervisors, senior management staffs and shareholders holding over
5% shares of the Company involving in illegal trading the Company’s stocks and the Company has
disclose to recover the illegal income
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Explanation on other significant events

The Company convened the 18th Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 28 Jun. 2012, at which
reviewed and approved the Proposal on Transferring Equity of Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital
Co., Ltd.. However, due to the transferee Shenzhen Meilu Trade Development Co., Ltd. hasn’t paid
the equity transfer payment totally, the Company’s 18.5% equity held in Shenzhen Liangke Venture
Capital Co., Ltd. hasn’t been transferred to it. Up to 6 Feb. 2013, the transferee had paid RMB 8.50
million for the equity transfer and it promised to pay the rest、interest and fine for delaying payment
before 15 Jun. 2013. After all the equity transfer payment being paid totally and the transfer of
equity being completed, the Board of Directors of the Company will disclose the announcement on
the subsequent progress timely.

                                                   2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

X. Significant events of subsidiaries of the Company

1. The Company convened the 18th Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 28 Jun. 2012, at which
reviewed and approved the Proposal on Liquidating and Writing off the Controlled Subsidiary
Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources Technology Co., Ltd., and the liquidating and write-off
work has been completed in the middle of March 2013, and the Company also disclosed the
Announcement on Completion of Writing Off the Controlled Subsidiary on 18 Mar. 2013.

2. The Company convened the 22nd Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 16 Aug. 2012, at which
reviewed and approved the Proposal on Transferring the Equity of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan
Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. by Way of Public Auction (for details, please refer to the public notice
published on www.cninfo.com.cn dated 17 Aug. 2012 with announcement no. 2012-046); on 30 Oct.
2012, the Company entrusted Foshan City Rongxin Auction Co., Ltd. to put up 100% equity of
Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. for auction, as a result, Guangdong Tuanyi
Investment Group Limited and Foshan Hongyi Property Investment Co., Ltd. successfully acquired
100% equity of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. with the price of RMB
0.31705 billion   (for details, please refer to the public notice published on www.cninfo.com.cn
dated 1 Nov. 2012 with announcement no. 2012-064); on 18 Nov. 2012, Foshan Gaoming Fuwan
Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. completed the issue on transferring the equity of Foshan Gaoming
Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. (for details, please refer to the public notice published on
www.cninfo.com.cn dated 20 Nov. 2012 with announcement no. 2012-066); from then on, the
Company no longer held any equity of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd..

                                                                          2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

         Section VI. Change in Share Capital and Particulars about


I. Particulars about the changes in share capital

                                Before the change                  Increase/decrease in the change (+,-)                After the change

                                                        Issuance                  ion of
                                           Proportion                 Bonus                                                        Proportio
                               Number                   of new                    public      Other        Subtotal    Number
                                              (%)                     shares                                                        n (%)
                                                         shares                  reserve

I. Shares subject to trading 137,190,4                                                                                 137,192,6
                                             14.02%                                              2,175        2,175                  14.02%
moratorium                           40                                                                                      15

1. Shares held by the State

2.    Shares     held     by
state-owned corporation

3. Other shares held by
                               4,286,189       0.44%                                                                   4,286,189      0.44%
domestic corporation

 Including: shares held by
domestic non-state-owned 3,760,618             0.38%                                          -27,025       -27,025 3,733,593         0.38%

 Shares held by domestic
                                525,571        0.05%                                           27,025        27,025     552,596       0.05%
natural person

4. Shares held by foreign 131,815,6                                                                                    131,815,6
                                             13.47%                                                                                  13.47%
investment                           85                                                                                      85

Including: shares held by 131,815,6                                                                                    131,815,6
                                             13.47%                                                                                  13.47%
foreign corporation                  85                                                                                      85

Shares held by foreign
natural person

5. Shares held by senior
                               1,088,566       0.11%                                             2,175        2,175 1,090,741         0.11%
management staffs

II. Shares not subject to 841,373,3                                                                                    841,371,1
                                             85.98%                                             -2,175        -2,175                 85.98%
trading moratorium                   05                                                                                      30

                               616,152,2                                                                               616,150,0
1. RMB ordinary shares                       62.96%                                             -2,175        -2,175                 62.96%
                                     68                                                                                      93

2.   Domestically       listed 225,221,0                                                                               225,221,0
                                             23.02%                                                                                  23.02%
foreign shares                       37                                                                                      37

                                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

3. Overseas listed foreign

4. Others

                             978,563,7                                                                         978,563,7
III. Total shares                            100%                                                                               100%
                                     45                                                                              45

Reason for the changes in share capital:
27025 shares subject to trading moratorium were changed from the shares held by domestic
non-state-owned corporation to the shares held by domestic natural person; due to the original Vice
GM Zhao Yong resigned on 26 Dec. 2012, his shares held were totally changed to shares subject to
trading moratorium, and the shares subject to trading moratorium increased 2175 shares.

II. Issuance and listing of securities

1. Issuance of securities over the past three years

The Company had no issuance of securities over the past three years.

2. Explanation on changes in share capital & the structure of shareholders, the structure of
assets and liabilities

There was no change in share capital and the structure of shareholders during the reporting period.

3. Particulars about staff shares

The Company had no staff shares during the reporting period.

III. Particulars about the shareholders and actual controller

1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholding

                                                                                                                     Unit: Share
Total number of shareholders at                     Total number of shareholders on the fifth trading day before
                                          154,375                                                                            150,535
the reporting period                                the disclosure date of the annual report

                        Particulars about shares held by shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5%

                                                                  Increase/                             Pledged or frozen shares
                                                                   decrease Number of Number of
                                      Shareholdin Total shares
     Name of            Nature of                                   during    non-tradabl tradable
                                     g percentage held at the                                           Status of     Number of
   shareholder         shareholder                                   the       e shares        shares
                                          (%)        period-end                                          shares            shares
                                                                  reporting      held          held

                                                                         2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

OSRAM Holding
                       Foreign                                                   131,815,68
Company                                         13.47% 131,815,685 0                                 0
                       corporation                                                       5

Prosperity Lamps
                       Foreign                                                                102,751,6
&     Components                                 10.5% 102,751,648 0                     0
                       corporation                                                                  48

VICKERS(HON Foreign                                                                           14,558,49
                                                 1.49%    14,558,494 1,143,351           0
G     KONG) LTD corporation                                                                          4

                       Foreign                                                                10,506,21
Company                                          1.07%   10,506,212 -400,000            0
                       corporation                                                                   2

                       Domestic natural
Zhang Yuan                                       0.98%     9,600,001                     0 9,600,001

EAST          ASIA
SECURITIES             Foreign
                                                 0.97%     9,527,080 0                   0 9,527,080
COMPANY                corporation

                       Foreign natural
Zhuang Jianyi                                    0.85%     8,324,132 -80,000             0 8,324,132

Prosperity Lamps
                       non-state-owned           0.57%     5,586,815 675,675       675,675 4,911,140
&     Components
Trade Co., Ltd.

                       Domestic natural
Zhao Xiyi                                        0.32%     3,100,000                     0 3,100,000

The       Customer
Credit       Trading
Guarantee              Domestic
Securities             non-state-owned            031%     3,033,502                     0 3,033,502
Account           of corporation
Guosen Securities
Co., Ltd.

Strategic     investor     or     general
corporation becoming a top ten
shareholder due to placing of new
shares (if any)

Explanation on associated                   Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited

                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

relationship or persons acting in       and Zhuang Jianyi exist related relationship, and they are acting-in-concert. Apart from this,
concert among the above-mentioned it’s unknown whether there is any associated relationship among other shareholders of the top
shareholders:                           ten shareholders, or whether there is any action-in-concert among them regarding to
                                        Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies.

                Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium

                                                                                                               Type of shares
       Name of shareholder                  Number of tradable shares held at the year-end
                                                                                                            Type           Number

Prosperity Lamps & Components                                                                      RMB ordinary
                                                                                    102,751,648                              102,751,648
Limited                                                                                            share

                                                                                     14,558,494 listed foreign                  14,558,494

Taifook Securities Company
                                                                                     10,506,212 listed foreign                  10,506,212
Limited-Account Client

                                                                                                   RMB ordinary
Zhang Yuan                                                                            9,600,001                                  9,600,001

                                                                                      9,527,080 listed foreign                   9,527,080

Zhuang Jianyi                                                                         8,324,132 listed foreign                   8,324,132

Guangzhou Prosperity Lamps &                                                                       RMB ordinary
                                                                                       4,911,140                                 4,911,140
Components Trade Co., Ltd.                                                                         share

                                                                                                   RMB ordinary
Zhao Xiyi                                                                             3,100,000                                  3,100,000

The Customer Credit Trading
                                                                                                   RMB ordinary
Guarantee Securities Account of                                                       3,033,502                                  3,033,502
Guosen Securities Co., Ltd.

The Customer Credit Trading
Guarantee Securities Account of                                                                    RMB ordinary
                                                                                      2,937,581                                  2,937,581
Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Co.                                                                    share

Explanation on associated
                                      Among the top ten tradable shareholders of the Company, Prosperity Lamps & Components
relationship or/and persons acting
                                      Limited and Zhuang Jianyi exist related relationship, and they are acting-in-concert. Apart from
in concert among the top ten
                                      this, it’s unknown whether there is any associated relationship among other shareholders of the
tradable shareholders and between
                                      top ten tradable shareholders, or whether there is any action-in-concert among them regarding to
the top ten tradable shareholders
                                      Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies.
and the top ten shareholders

                                                            2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. Particulars about the controlling shareholder and actual controller

There exists no so called controlling shareholder or actual controller.
(1) The first principal shareholder of the Company is OSRAM Holding Company Limited, which
was established in Hong Kong in Jun. 2004 with registered capital of HKD 500,000, the company
principal is Werner Hoffmann, it has no substantial operations and it currently held 13.47% equity
of the Company.
(2) The second principal shareholder of the Company is Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited,
which was established in Hong Kong in 1978 with registered capital of HKD 2 million and Legal
Representative being Zhuang Jianyi, main business scope covering sales and exportation of lighting
products, import and export trade; currently held 10.5% equity of the Company.
Illustration on relationship between the Company and its first principal shareholder

                               Germany SIEMENS


                                OSRAM Germany


           OSRAM Holding Company Limited


                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd

3. Particulars about other corporate shareholders with shareholding proportion over 10%

During the reporting period, there was no corporate shareholders holding over 10% shares of the
Company except the above first principal shareholder of OSRAM Holding Company Limited and
second principal shareholder of Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited.

IV. Particulars on shareholding increase scheme proposed or implemented by the
shareholders and act-in-concert persons during the reporting period

No shareholding increase scheme proposed or implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert
persons during the reporting period.

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Section VII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staffs and


I. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

                                                                                                   Amount of Amount of
                                                                                                    shares         shares        Amount of
                                                                                                   increased decreased shares held
                              Tenure                                      Ending    held at the
   Name      Office title                 Sex   Age        Start date                                at the        at the          at the
                              status                                       date     year-begin
                                                                                                   reporting      reporting period-end
                                                                                                    period         period         (share)
                                                                                                    (share)        (share)

             of      the Current       Male           69 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013          876,206                 0              0     876,206

             of      the
             Board and Current         Male           50 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013          351,280                 0              0     351,280
             ly General

                                                                        12 Apr.
Michael      Director       Former     Male           64 Jun. 2010                             0              0              0              0

Joerg                                                                   23 Jul.
             Director       Former     Male           49 Jun. 2010                             0              0              0              0
Thaele                                                                  2012

Wu                                                         23 May
             Director       Current    Male           46                Jun. 2013              0              0              0              0
Shengbo                                                    2012

                                                           21 Aug.
Jean-paul Director          Current    Male           49                Jun. 2013              0              0              0              0

Liu          Independe
                            Current    Male           64 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013                   0              0              0              0
Zhenping nt director

Dou          Independe
                            Current    Male           53 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013                   0              0              0              0
Linping      nt director

Zhang        Independe                                                  24 Jul.
                            Former     Female         39 Jun. 2010                             0              0              0              0
Haixia       nt director                                                2012

                                                            2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Xue         Independe                             21 Aug.
                          Current   Male     44               Jun. 2013             0          0           0           0
Yizhong     nt director                           2012

Ye Zaiyou Director        Current   Male     56 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013                 0          0           0           0

                                                  26 May      26 Dec.
Zhao Yong Director        Former    Male     46                                8,700           0           0      8,700
                                                  2011        2012

            Supervisor Current      Male     40 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013           22,880           0           0     22,880

Zhenghon Supervisor Current         Male     39 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013           20,560           0           0     20,560

            Supervisor Current      Male     47 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013            3,900           0           0      3,900

            Supervisor Current      Male     55 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013                 0          0           0           0

Zhang                                             26 May
            Supervisor Current      Male     61               Jun. 2013             0          0           0           0
Yingqi                                            2011

                                                  12 Jun.
Xie Qing    General       Current   Male     38               Jun. 2013       12,950           0           0     12,950

     Zhou                                         5 Jan.
                  and     Current   Male     51               Jun. 2013             0          0           0           0
Xiangfeng                                         2011
                 to the

                                                  14 Dec.
Wei Bin     General       Current   Male     43               Jun. 2013       15,684           0           0     15,684

Wang        Financial
                          Current   Female   50 Jun. 2010 Jun. 2013          140,013           0           0    140,013
Shuqiong Manager

Zou                                               14 Dec.     24 Sept.
            General       Former    Male     57                                     0          0           0           0
Jianping                                          2011        2012

Total                                                                      1,452,173                           1,452,173

II. Post-holding situation
Main working experience of current directors, supervisors and senior management staffs over the
past five years:
                                                   2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(1) Work experience of directors
Zhong Xincai: Male, born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in 1943,, of technical secondary school
education, who is currently Chairman of the Board. He was assigned to the Company after his
graduation from Nanjing Radio Industrial School in 1964 and has been working here ever since.
Successively since 1979 he acted as chief of workshop, production and technical section chief,
deputy factory director, and then the factory director; since 1985 he acted as Manager of the
Company; since 1992, he was successively acted as Chairman of the Board, General Manager as
well as Sectary of the Party Committee. He has been engaged in production work of electric light
source for over 40 years, possessed rich professional knowledge in electric light source as well
enterprise management experience. He has been honorably awarded advanced worker by Ministry
of Light Industry, nationwide and provincial excellent enterpriser; provincial and municipal Party
Representative, and the Deputy to the Eighth and the Ninth Provincial People's Congresses.

Liu Xingming: Male, born in Xinhui, Guangdong Province in 1962, bachelor degree holder,
engineer, and is currently Executive Director and Deputy General Manager of the Company. He
joined the Company in 1983, and once worked as Chief of workshop, assistant to general manager.
He was Deputy General Manager of the Company from 1997 to 2005 and acted as General Manager
from Dec. 2005 to Nov. 2008; acted as Deputy General Manager of the Company since Dec. 2008
and was in charge of sales business, and was in charge of new energy business and LED business in
2011; concurrently worked as the Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company since Apr. 2011, and
General Manager of the Company since Apr. 2012. Since 1995 he has been elected as director of the

Wu Shengbo: Male, American nationality, born in May 1966, bachelor degree of Thermal
Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, master degree of Mechanical Engineering of
University of Nebraska-Lincoln and master degree of Information Management System of
American Keller Graduate School. From Aug. 1993 to Dec. 2008, he worked in GE and
successively acted as General Manager in China of Optimization & Control Department of Energy
Group and concurrently the President & CEO of Xinhua Control Engineering Co., Ltd., Operating
General Manager of Control Solution Department in Asia-pacific Area, etc.; from Jan. 2009 to Apr.
2012, he worked in Honeywell and acted as the General Manager of Process Control Department in
China; since Apr. 2012, he has been worked in OSRAM Holding Company Limited, acting as the
President in Asia-Pacific Area.

Michel Jean-paul Henri: Male, American nationality, born in Dec. 1963, bachelor degree of Finance
& Accounting of Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Reims. From 1 Sept. 2002, he joined OSRAM
Group and successively acted as Chief of Assets Management Department, Supervisory Officer of
General Illumination Business and CFO of North America Area; now he is the CFO of OSRAM
Asia-pacific Co., Ltd., mainly responsible for the financial performance and strategic development
of OSRAM Group in the Asia-pacific area.

Ye Zaiyou: Male, born in Nanhai, Guangdong province in 1956,, junior middle school in
educational background, director of the Company from the 1st to 6th Board of Directors. He is
currently the Chairman of the Board of Nanhai Wuzhuang Global Ceramic Factory, also sponsor
shareholder of the Company.

Dou Linping (Independent Director): Male, born in Beijing in 1959, bachelor degree. Majoring in
Metal Materials and Heat Treatment at Beijing University of Technology from Sept. 1978 to Jul.
1982; worked in Beijing Lamp Factory from Jul. 1982 to Mar. 1985 and Vice Section Chief in the

                                                   2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Design Section early in 1984; Chief of the Design Office in Beijing Lamps Research Institute from
Mar. 1985 to Dec. 1992 and Vice Director of the Institute since 1990; worked in China Association
of Lighting Industry from Jan. 1993 to May 2012. He has been the Vice Secretary General of China
Illuminating Engineering Society since Jun. 2012. And he was elected as the independent director of
the 6th Board of Directors in Jun. 2010.

Liu Zhenping (Independent Director): Male, born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1948, a
postgraduate from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences with a title of senior accountant. Young
intellectual in the Langjia Unit, Yuhong District, Shenyang from Sept. 1968 to Sept. 1971;
Accountant, Chief Accountant and then Chief of the Financial Affairs at Accountancy Office of
Shenyang Bulb Factory from Sept. 1971 to Nov. 1983; Vice Chief (General Accountant) in
Shenyang Bulb Factory from Nov. 1983 to Sept. 1992; Factory Director and Party Committee
Secretary of Shenyang Bulb Factory from Sept. 1992 to Jan. 1998; GM, Party Committee Secretary
and Chairman of the Board of Shenyang Northeast Lighting Co., Ltd. from Jan. 1998 to Jul. 2004;
From Jul. 2004 till now, GM and Partner of Liaoning Huize Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.;
Vice President of China Association of Lighting Industry, Chief of Electric Light Source
Specialized Committee since 1992; Deputy to People’s Congress and a member of the Politics and
Law Committee under the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress in Tiexi District,
Shenyang from 1992 to 2007. He was elected as the independent director of the 6th Board of
Directors in Jun. 2010.

Xue Yizhong (independent director): Male, born in Jul. 1968, from Xuzhou Anhui, master degree
and owning Lawyer Qualification Certificate, Economist Qualification Certificate and Political
Worker Qualification Certificate. From the year of 1993 to 2001, he successively worked as Vice
Section Chief, Section Chief, Vice Division Chief and Division Chief of International Business
Division, Legal Affairs Division and Credit Management Division (including Assets Risks
Management Section, Property Credit Section, Foreign Currency Credit Section, Project Credit
Section and Industrial & Commercial Section and other functional departments); from the year of
2001 till now, he works in Grandall Law Firm and acts as the Senior Partner, Principal of Financial
Professional Committee and Management Partner of Shenzhen Office.

(2) Work experience of supervisors
Jiao Zhigang: Male, born in Shenqiu, Henan Province in May 1972, bachelor degree holder, is
Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company. His administrative post is management
storage, motorcade and logistics of the Company, including domestic distribution. He graduated
from South China University of Technology in Jul. 1994, and at the same year he entered Foshan
Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. to work until now.

Ye Zhenghong: Male, born in Jun. 1973, college degree, is Supervisor of the Company. He
graduated from Shenyang Industrial College with Metallurgy Machinery major in Jul. 1995. He was
assigned to Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. in Jul. 1995; worked in Machine Repair Shop
form Jul. 1995 to Jun. 1997; worked in Machinery Dynamic Department from Jul. 1997 to Jan.
2001; acted as Equipment Management Director in T8 Fluorescent Lamp factory from Feb. 2001 to
Jan. 2005; acted as Director of Machine Repair Workshop from May 2005 to Jan. 2007; acted as
Chief Officer of Machinery Dynamic Department from May 2006 to Dec. 2007; and acted as
factory director of T8 Fluorescent Lamp factory from Jan. 2008 till now.

Yang Xudong: Male, born in Oct. 1965, college degree, the Supervisor of the Company. He
graduated from Heilongjiang Electronic Industry School in Jul. 1987 and worked as a technician in
Heilongjiang Fularji Power Plant from Jul. 1987 to Jun. 1994; he worked in Nanhai Power Plant I

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

from Jun. 1994 to Jul. 2007; he has been serving as the Deputy Factory Director in Gaoming
Branch of the Company since Jul. 2007. He is also a Deputy to the 9th People’ Congress of
Guangdong Province.

Zhuang Rujia: Male, born in Oct. 1975, in Chaoyang, Guangdong Province, graduated from
technical secondary school, the Supervisor of the Company. He consecutively acted as director of
Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited for more than twenty years, and was director of Zhejiang
Prosperity Lighting Electrical Co., Ltd. and Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting Electrical Co., Ltd.; he
has experience of several years in operating & running and marketing strategy of lighting industry.

Zhang Yingqi, male, comes from Shanghai, born in Feb. 1951, a postgraduate. From Nov.
1968 to Feb. 1969, he worked as a worker at the No. 7 Loading Area of Shanghai Port Bureau;
from Feb. 1969 to Aug. 1986, he served as a cadre in the air force of Guangzhou military
region; from Aug. 1986 to Dec. 1993, he acted as secretary and manager of Guangzhou Pearl
River Enterprises Group; from Dec. 1993 to Sep. 2003, he worked in Guangzhou Pearl River
Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. as the General Manager; from May 2001 to Aug. 2010,
he worked as the General Manager in Guangzhou Pearl River Asset Management Co., Ltd. and
held the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors from Aug. 2010 to Mar. 2012, and; since
Dec. 2002, he has been serving as a supervisor in Guangzhou Pearl River Beer Co., Ltd; then
since May 2011, he has been serving as a supervisor in the Company.

(3) Work experience of senior management staffs
Wei Bin: male, born in May 1969, nationality: Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, graduated from
South China University of Technology, bachelor’s degree and was an engineer. He worked in the
Company since 1991, studies in general bulbs workshop till Mar. 1992; from Mar. 1992 to the end
of 1996, he was responsible for development of products in research institute; from Jan. 1997 to
Dec. 2004, he acted as director of energy saving lamp workshop; from Jan. to Dec. 2005, he acted
as director of HID workshop; from 2006 to Nov. 2008, he acted as director of T5 workshop; from
Nov. 2008 to Sep. 2009, he was acting as Head of Technology Department. And he has been
working as the Deputy General Manager of the Company since Sep. 2009, and continued to be
engaged as the Deputy General Manager of the Company in Dec. 2011.

Xie Qing: Male, born in Apr. 1974, electric-light-source engineer, is the Deputy General Manager
of the Company. He graduated from Nanjing Radio Industrial School in Jul. 1994, and worked in
the General Bulbs Workshop of the Company upon his graduation, and successively became the
Chief of the production line after three months, technician of the General Bulbs Workshop in Mar.
1996, Chief of Middle-grade Lamp Workshop in May 1997, Chief of Sing-end Lamps Workshop
from 1998 to 2010, and Deputy General Manager of the Company since Jun. 2010, and continued to
be engaged as the Deputy General Manager of the Company in Dec. 2012.

Wang Shuqiong: Female, born in Qinghai in Apr. 1962, a graduate of technical secondary school,
currently Financial Department Manager. She worked in Qinghai Bulb Factory in Jul. 1982, and
then transferred to Qinghai Xining Financial Bureau in Dec. 1988. She joined Foshan Electrical and
Lighting Co., Ltd. in Apr. 1993 and worked herein until now.

Zhou Xiangfeng, male, was born in Dec. 1961. He belongs to Chinese nationality and has no
right of permanent residence abroad. He graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics
and Law with a master degree majoring in economics. He once worked as a lecturer in the
School of Economics of Hainan University, the fully-authorized securities representative of
Guangdong Macro Co., Ltd., the office director in Guangzhou Branch and the general manager

                                                                           2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

of Huangpu Business Office of China Securities Co., Ltd., and the secretary to the board of
directors, the director of listing office, as well as the head of strategy development department
of Guangdong Nanfang Soda Ash Industrial Co., Ltd. He began to be the Secretary to the Board
of the Company on 8 Jan. 2011, and concurrently took the post of Deputy GM of the Company on
15 Aug. 2011.

Post-holding in shareholders’ units
√Applicable □Inapplicable
  Name of the
person holding
                                                                  Position in                                       Receives payment
                                                                                Beginning date    Ending date of
  any post in               Name of shareholder’s unit          shareholder’s                                     from shareholder’s
                                                                                of office term     office term
                                                                      unit                                                unit?

Zhuang Rujia      Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited Director                28 Apr. 1989                       Yes

Post-holding in other units
√Applicable □Inapplicable
  Name of the
person holding                                                    Position in    Beginning date   Ending date of    Receives payment
                                Name of other unit
  any post in                                                     other unit     of office term    office term       from other unit?

  other units

Wu Shengbo
                  OSRAM Asia-Pacific Co., Ltd.                   President      1 Apr. 2012                        Yes

                  OSRAM Asia-Pacific Co., Ltd.                   CFO            1 Sept. 2002                       Yes
Jean-paul Henri

                  Liaoning       Huize     Certified      Public General
Liu Zhenping                                                                    18 Jul. 2004                       Yes
                  Accountants Co., Ltd.                          Manager
                  Shenyang Zhongzhou Shenghua Financial General
Liu Zhenping                                                                    5 Aug. 2011                        Yes
                  Management Co., Ltd.                           Manager
Dou Linping       China Illuminating Engineering Society                        5 Jun. 2012                        Yes
Xue Yizhong       Grandall Law Firm                                             17 May 2001                        Yes
                  Foshan Nanhai Wuzhuang Global Ceramic Chairman of
Ye Zaiyou                                                                       10 Aug. 1993                       Yes
                  Factory                                        the Board

III. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

Decision-making procedure, determining basis and actual payment for the remuneration of directors,
supervisors and senior management staffs
Decision-making      procedure      for   the
                                                The Remuneration & Appraisal Committee under the Board of Directors decides the
remuneration of directors, supervisors and
                                                remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management in accordance with the
senior management

                                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                 Plan for Implementing the Equity Incentive Mechanism for Middle-and Top-Rank
                                                 Management Personnel reviewed and approved on the 2001 Annual Shareholders’
                                                 General Meeting, and the particulars on completing current main financial indexes &
                                                 operating goals, as well as the fulfillment of job responsibilities by them.
                                                 The remuneration of directors (excluding independent directors), supervisors and senior
                                                 management who withdraw remuneration in the Company are all decided in accordance
Basis for determining the remuneration of with the Company’s Plan for Implementing the Equity Incentive Mechanism for
directors,     supervisors    and         senior Middle-and Top-Rank Management Personnel and relevant appraisal indexes.
management                                       The allowance of independent directors should be submitted to the 2010 Annual
                                                 Shareholders’ General Meeting for review and approval after being reviewed and
                                                 approved by the Board of Directors.

Actual payment of the remuneration of            The total remuneration (before tax) actually paid for the directors, supervisors and
directors, supervisors and senior                senior management staffs in 2012 was RMB 7,714,232.

Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management staffs of the Company during the
reporting period
                                                                                             Total               Total              Actual
                                                                                         remuneration        remuneration       remuneration
     Name           Office title           Sex             Age         Tenure status    gained from the      gained from         gained at the
                                                                                       Company (before       shareholder’s     period-end(RM
                                                                                       tax)(RMB Yuan)             unit             B Yuan)

                  Chairman         of
 Zhong Xincai                           Male                      69 Current                1,620,000.00                          1,620,000.00
                  the Board

                  Vice chairman
                  of the Board
 Liu Xingming                           Male                      50 Current                1,000,000.00                          1,000,000.00

Wu Shengbo        Director              Male                      46 Current

Jean-paul         Director              Male                      49 Current

Joerg Thaele      Director              Male                      49 Former

Michael           Director              Male                      64 Former

Liu Zhenping                            Male                      64 Current                  100,000.00                 0.00       100,000.00

                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Dou Linping                        Male      53 Current               100,000.00              0.00      100,000.00

Zhang Haixia                       Female    39 Former                 64,867.00                         64,867.00

Xue Yizhong                        Male      44 Current                41,665.00                         41,665.00

Ye Zaiyou      Director            Male      56 Current

Zhao Yong      Director            Male      46 Former                600,000.00                        600,000.00

               Chairman       of
Jiao Zhigang   Supervisory         Male      40 Current               650,000.00                        650,000.00

Ye Zhenghong Supervisor            Male      39 Current               270,000.00                        270,000.00

Yang Xudong    Supervisor          Male      47 Current               120,000.00                        120,000.00

Zhuang Rujia   Supervisor          Male      55 Current                     0.00 HKD890,125.00

Zhang Yingqi   Supervisor          Male      61 Current

Xie Qing       General             Male      38 Current               650,000.00                        650,000.00

Wei Bin        General             Male      43 Current               650,000.00                        650,000.00

               Manager       and Male        51 Current               650,000.00                        650,000.00
               Secretary to the

Wang           Financial
                                   Female    50 Current               750,000.00                        750,000.00
Shuqiong       Manager

Zou Jianping   General             Male      57 Former                447,700.00                        447,700.00

Particulars about the equity incentives granted for the directors, supervisors and senior management
staffs of the Company
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

IV. Changes in engagement and dismissal of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
Staffs within the reporting period

      Name              Position            Type                Date                                 Reason

Francis Michael                                                             Mr. Francis Michael Piscitelli resigned from the post of
                    Director          Left the office   12 Apr. 2012
Piscitelli                                                                  director of the Company due to personal reason

                    Chairman of the
                                                                            Mr. Zhong Xincai resigned from the post of general
                    Board and
Zhong Xincai                          Left the office   20 Apr. 2012        manager of the Company due to personal reason, and
                                                                            only takes the post of the chairman of the board
                    General Manager

                                                                            Mr. Joerg Thaele resigned from the post of director of the
Joerg Thaele        Director          Left the office   23 Jul. 2012
                                                                            Company due to personal reason

                    Independent                                             Ms. Zhang Haixia resigned from the post of independent
Zhang Haixia                          Left the office   24 Jul. 2012
                    Director                                                director of the Company due to personal reason

                    Vice General                                            Mr. Zou Jianping resigned from the post of vice general
Zou Jianping                          Left the office   24 Sept. 2012
                    Manager                                                 manager of the Company due to personal reason

                    Director and                                            Mr. Zhao Yong resigned from the post of director and
Zhao Yong           Vice General      Left the office   26 Dec. 2012        vice general manager of the Company due to personal
                    Manager                                                 reason

V. Particulars about changes in core technical team or key technicians during the reporting
period (not directors, supervisors or senior management staffs)

There were no changes in the core technical team or key technicians during the reporting period.

VI. About employees

As to 31 Dec. 2012, the Company has 7657 employees in active service, and the professional
structure and educational background are as follows:

                                                                                      Proportion in total amount of
   Professional structure of employees                  Amount

               Production staff
                                                         6909                                     90.23

               Technical staff
                                                          453                                      5.92

                 Sales staff
                                                          223                                      2.91

             Administration staff
                                                           40                                      0.52

               Financial staff
                                                           32                                      0.42

                                                                2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                    7657                                     100

                                 Staffs’ Professional Structure Chart

                                                                                             Production staff
                                                                                         Sales staff

                                                                                         行政人员 staff
                                                                                             Financial staff


    Educational backbroud                        Amount                   Proportion    in     total    amount   of

     Above college level
                                                   921                                       12.03

Technical secondary school and
                                                  1863                                       24.33
      senior high school

  Below senior high school
                                                  4873                                       63.64

                                                  7657                                       100

                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                        Staffs’ Education Background Structure Chart

                                                                                       Above college level

                                                                                       Technical secondary school and senior high school

                                                                                       Below senior high school

2. The Company has signed the labor contracts with all its staffs and handled the social insurance
for the staffs, as well as established the public reserve funds system. There were no particulars in
violation of laws and regulations when executing the national employment system, labor protection
system, social security system and medical security system. And the Company need not undertake
the expenses of resigned and retired staffs.

3. Employee’s remuneration policy

The employee’s remuneration of the Company was paid monthly in accordance with relevant
remuneration management system of the Company, and distributed the performance salary at the
year-end according to its business performance and appraisal result.

4. Employees’ training plan

The Company established the internal team of lecturers in accordance with the development needs
of the Company, making the skilled staffs to teach business and technical knowledge regularly to
the new staffs; meanwhile, it made key training on the staffs of the marketing, R&D and production
departments by way of combination of internal & external training according to the needs of the
development strategies and functional departments of the Company, so as to cultivate excellent
talents team and enhance its competiveness.

                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                               Section VIII. Corporate Governance

I. Basic information of corporate governance

During the reporting period, in strict accordance with relevant requirements of Company Law,
Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies and Rules of Stock Listing of
Shenzhen Stock Exchange as well as other relevant laws, rules and regulations, the Company
continuously perfected the corporate governance structure and set up an effective corporate
governance system. At present, the Company has set up governance structure of responsible
Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and managers,
who performed right of decision-making, execution and supervision respectively according to their
duties; besides, the Company set up special committees of the Board of Directors and system for
independent directors. The Company strengthened information disclosure of principal shareholders
and persons acting-in-concert, forbidden shareholders of the Company to misapply their rights. The
Company separated from the principal shareholder in personnel, assets, business, financial affairs
and organizational, and was absolutely impendent. The Company timely revised and perfected
various systems in accordance with the latest issued laws & rules and relevant regulations of CSRC
and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. And the corporate governance is basically in line with the
requirements of relevant laws, regulations and regular documents.
The main systems (all published on www.cninfo.com.cn) established by the Company are as
                                                           The latest session to review and approve the
    No.                      Name of system                                                                Disclosure date

1                                                          The First Special Shareholders’ General       22 Aug. 2012
           Articles of Association
                                                           Meeting for 2012

           Rules of Procedure for Shareholders’ General   The First Special Shareholders’ General       22 Aug. 2012
           Meeting                                         Meeting for 2012

                                                           The First Special Shareholders’ General       22 Aug. 2012
3          Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors
                                                           Meeting for 2012

                                                           The First Special Shareholders’ General       22 Aug. 2012
4          Rules of Procedure for Supervisory Committee
                                                           Meeting for 2012

5、        Work System for Independent Directors           The Third Session of the Fifth Board of        28 Aug. 2007

                                                                2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


6    Working Rules of GM                                     The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors   2 Aug. 2012

7    Administrative     Measures       on      Information   The Third Session of the Fifth Board of          28 Aug. 2007

     Disclosure                                              Directors

8    Management System on Related-party Transactions         The Third Session of the Fifth Board of          28 Aug. 2007


9    Management System on Securities Investment              The Third Session of the Fifth Board of          28 Aug. 2007


10   Management System on the Shares Held by                 The 23rd Session of the 5th Board of Directors   29 Apr. 2010
     Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

     Staffs & Their Variation

11   Internal Control System                                 The 23rd Session of the 5th Board of Directors   29 Apr. 2010

12   Accountability System on Material Errors in             The Third Session of the Sixth Board of          15 Jul. 2010
     Information Disclosure of Annual Report

13   Management System on Reporting of External              The Third Session of the Sixth Board of          15 Jul. 2010

     Information                                             Directors

14   Management       System     on     Registration    of   The 16th Session of the 6th Board of Directors   25 Apr. 2012

     Information Insiders

15   Work System for Secretary to the Board                  The 17th Session of the 6th Board of Directors   13 Jun. 2012

16   Management System on Profits Distribution               The 18th Session of the 6th Board of Directors   29 Jun. 2012

17   Plan on Return for Shareholders in the Future Three     The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors   29 Jun. 2012
     Years (from the Year of 2012 to 2014)

18   Internal Audit System                                   The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors   2 Aug. 2012

19   Financial Management System                             The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors   2 Aug. 2012

20   Method on Risks Assessment                              The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors   2 Aug. 2012

21   System on Anti-fraud and Reporting                      The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors   2 Aug. 2012

22   Management       System    on    Assets   Impairment    The 27th Session of the 6th Board of Directors   12 Dec. 2012


                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

There was no difference between the corporate governance and the Company Law and relevant
rules of CSRC
Progress of corporate governance activities, promulgation and implementation of Registration
System for Information Insiders
The Company actively responded to the special inspection work of CSRC and CSRC Guangdong
Bureau on corporate governance and attended the work sessions on the corporate governance of
listed companies, and it promulgated and perfected various systems in accordance with
requirements of CSRC and CSRC Guangdong Bureau, so as to further improve its corporate
governance structure and increase its governance level. At present, the Company has promulgated
the Management System for Information Insiders and the Management System on Reporting of
External Information, and during the period of preparing the periodical reports and occurring
significant events, requiring the relevant personnel truthfully and completely record the name list of
the information insiders involved in the links of reporting, transfer, preparation, examination,
disclosure of inside information before disclosure, time of knowing the inside information and the
content, etc., and report the File of Information Insiders according to the requirements of regulatory
authorities. Through the above works, the Company further standardized the management on record
of information insiders, strengthened the confidential work for inside information, effectively
prevented the illegal behaviors of using inside information for trading, and performed the fair
principle in information disclosure, so as to protect the interest of the investors.
The Company’s former Vice General Manager Mr. Zou Jianping and relevant personnel used the
inside information for trading stocks of the Company during the period of planning & promoting
the investment in new energy project in 2009, who received the administrative punishment of
CSRC on 20 Sept. 2012 (for details, please refer to the public notice published on
www.cninfo.com.cn dated 24 Sept. 2012, with announcement no. 2012-052), the Company would
learn from the case and organize the directors, supervisors, senior management staffs and relevant
personnel possibly contacting the inside information to learn relevant laws, rules and systems, so as
to increase their awareness of standardized operation and confidence, and more strictly execute the
Management System for Registration of Information Insiders.

II. Particulars about annual shareholders’ general meeting and special shareholders’ general
meeting held during the reporting period

1. Particulars about annual shareholders’ general meeting held during the reporting period

       Session         Convening date        Name of proposal              Resolution         Disclosure date     Disclosure index

                                        1.   2011   Annual   Work                                               Name                 of
                                        Report of the Board; 2.                                                 announcement:
                                        2011Annual Work Report of                                               Announcement        on
2011        Annual                                                    All the proposals are
                                        the Supervisory Board; 3.                                               Resolutions Made at
Shareholders’       23 May 2012                                      approved    at    the 24 May 2012
                                        Proposal on 2011 Annual                                                 the    2011      Annual
General Meeting                                                       session
                                        Report and Its Abstract; 4.                                             Shareholders’
                                        Proposal on 2011 Annual                                                 General       Meeting;
                                        Financial Statement Report;                                             Announcement No.:

                                                                         2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                        5. Proposal on 2011 Annual                                                        2012-014; disclosure
                                        Profit Distribution Pre-plan;                                                     website:
                                        6. Proposal on Reengaging                                                         www.cninfo.com.cn
                                        GP        Certified         Public
                                        Accountants as the Audit
                                        Firm of the Company in
                                        2012; 7. Proposal on the
                                        2012        Annual      Routine
                                        Related-party Transactions;
                                        8. Proposal on Election of
                                        Mr.       Wu      Shengbo       as

2. Particulars about special shareholders’ general meeting held during the reporting period

      Session          Convening date          Name of proposal                   Resolution            Disclosure date     Disclosure index

                                        1. Proposal on Election of
                                        Mr.       Xue     Yizhong       as
                                        Independent        Director;    2.
                                        Proposal on Election of Mr.
                                        Michel Jean-paul Henri as
                                        Director; 3. Proposal on
                                        Management         System      on                                                 Name                 of
                                        Profits      Distribution;      4.                                                announcement:
                                        Proposal on Plan on Return                                                        Announcement         on
                                        for    Shareholders      in    the                                                Resolutions Made at
The First Special                       Future Three Years (from                                                          the     First    Special
                                                                             All the proposals are
Shareholders’                          the Year of 2012 to 2014); 5.                                                     Shareholders’
                     21 Aug. 2012                                            approved       at    the 22 Aug. 2012
General    Meeting                      Proposal on Revising the                                                          General Meeting for
for 2012                                Articles of Association of                                                        2012;
                                        the Company; 6. Proposal                                                          Announcement No.:
                                        on Revising the Rules of                                                          2012-047; disclosure
                                        Procedure for Shareholders’                                                      website:
                                        General          Meeting;       7.                                                www.cninfo.com.cn
                                        Proposal on Revising the
                                        Rules     of     Procedure     for
                                        Board       of    Directors;    8.
                                        Proposal on Revising the
                                        Rules     of     Procedure     for
                                        Supervisory Committee

The        Second                       Proposal on Transferring the The               proposal    is                     Name                 of
Special              17 Oct. 2012       Equity of Foshan Gaoming approved                   at    the 18 Oct. 2012        announcement:
Shareholders’                          Fuwan Landscape Resort session                                                    Announcement         on

                                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

General    Meeting                            Co., Ltd. by Way of Public                                                         Resolutions Made at
for 2012                                      Auction                                                                            the Second Special
                                                                                                                                 General Meeting for
                                                                                                                                 Announcement No.:
                                                                                                                                 2012-061; disclosure

III. Performance of the Independent Directors

1. Particulars about the independent directors attending the board sessions and the
shareholders’ general meetings

                              Particulars about the independent directors attending the board sessions

                                                                                                                                      Failing to present
                                                                       Presence by
Name of independent     Due presence            Presence in                                      Entrusted                            in person for two
                                                                     telecommunicati                               Absence (times)
      directors             (times)            person (times)                              presence (times)                           consecutive
                                                                        on (times)
                                                                                                                                      sessions or not

Liu Zhenping                             16                     5                     11                       0                   0 No

Dou Linping                              16                     5                     11                       0                   0 No

Zhang Haixia                             10                     2                     8                        0                   0 No

Xue Yizhong                               6                     3                     3                        0                   0 No

Presence of independent directors in
shareholders’ general meeting (times)

2. Particulars about independent directors propose objection on relevant events

Did independent directors raise any disagreement about matters of the Company?
√ Yes □ No
      Name of independent director                      What the disagreement is about                             Contents of the disagreement

                                                                                                          The three independent directors were of
                                                Proposal      on      the   treatment           of     the the opinion that: The “Equity Transfer
                                                Company’s          equity-holdings        in        Hefei Agreement”    was    signed     with    Hefei
                                                Guoxuan Hi-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. Guoxuan Marketing Planning Co., Ltd. on
Liu Zhenping, Dou Linping and Xue & the termination of the “Equity Transfer 14 Jul. 2010 upon approval of the
Yizhong                                         Agreement” signed by the Company and Company’s                         Board   of    Directors.    The
                                                Hefei Guoxuan Marketing Planning Co., contract is now still in execution. If the
                                                Ltd. on an earlier date                                   equity cannot be transferred on the
                                                                                                          conditions     mentioned     in   the     board
                                                                                                          resolution on 12 Sept. 2012, the three

                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                       independent directors are against the
                                                                       termination    of    the   “Equity   Transfer
                                                                       Agreement” on an earlier date so that the
                                                                       Company can avoid unnecessary loss. So
                                                                       the three independent directors have voted
                                                                       against the proposal (for more details, see
                                                                       the “Announcement No. 2012-056 on
                                                                       Resolutions of the 25th Session of the 6th
                                                                       Board of Directors” disclosed by the
                                                                       Company       on    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                       dated 26 Sept. 2012).

Explanation about the disagreement raised
by independent directors

3. Other explanation on performance of independent directors

Whether the advices of independent directors for the Company were adopted or not?
√ Yes □ No
Explanation on the advices of independent directors for the Company being adopted

During the reporting period, in accordance with the requirements of Company Law, Code of
Governance of Listed Companies, Articles of Association and relevant systems, the independent
directors of the Company attended the board sessions held during the reporting period, carefully
reviewed the proposals proposed on the sessions, paid attention to the operation of the Company,
performed the duties sincerely and diligently, and issued independent opinion on the related-party
transactions, equity transfer, external financial subsidies, etc., as well as proposed many precious
advices on perfection of systems and decision of routine operation of the Company, so as to play an
active role in protecting the legal right of the Company and its shareholders.

IV. Performance of the Special Committees under the Board during the reporting period

(I) Work situation of the Audit Committee

According to the related provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen
Stock Exchange, as well as the Rules of Implementation for the Audit Committee of the Board, the
Audit Committee diligently performed the following work duties:
1. On 18 Jan. 2012, the Audit Committee convened a session and carefully reviewed the financial
statements submitted by the Company’s Financial Department, including the balance sheet as at 31
                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Dec. 2011, the profit statement, the statement of changes in shareholders’ equity and the cash flow
statement as of the fiscal year 2011, as well as the notes to the said financial statements. Special
attention has been paid to the authenticity and completeness of the accounting data, as well as
whether the financial statements are in strict compliance with the 38 specific rules, including the
newly issued Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and the Company’s regulations
concerning financial affairs. And the Audit Committee believed that the Company’s financial
statements basically reflect the financial situation, operating results and cash flow of the Company
during the reporting period.

Since there is a period of time between this preliminary review of the financial statements and the
formal issuance of the auditor’s report and the financial statements, we hereby remind the
Company’s Financial Department to pay attention to dealing with the follow-up affairs after the date
of Balance Sheet in strict compliance with the New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises,
so as to ensure the factuality, fairness and completeness of the financial statements.

2. On 16 Apr. 2012, the Audit Committee convened a session and reviewed the financial statements
submitted by the Company, on which the registered accountants had issued their preliminary audit
opinions, including the balance sheet as at 31 Dec. 2011, the profit statement, the statement of
changes in shareholders’ equity and the cash flow statement as of the fiscal year 2011, as well as the
notes to the said financial statements.

After the communication with the registered accountants regarding their preliminary audit opinions,
as well as our further referring to the supplementary account books and records, the Audit
Committee believed that the Company had handled the events after the balance sheet date in strict
compliance with the New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises; And the Company has
prepared its financial statements in accordance with the New Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises and the related financial system of the Company, which are a fair presentation of the
financial position of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2011, as well as the operating results and cash
flows for the year then ended. All members of the Audit Committee signed to approve the following

(1) 2011 annual financial and accounting report of the Company;

(2) Summary report by the Audit Committee on the 2011 annual audit performed by GP Certified
Public Accountants Co., Ltd.;

(3) GP Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. has been serving as the Company’s annual auditor for

                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

more than ten years. And it performed competently, diligently and responsibly during the 2011
annual auditing. Therefore, the Audit Committee hereby proposes to renew the employment of GP
Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. as the annual auditor for the year 2012.

3. The Audit Committee convened a session on 27 Aug. 2012 to review the Work Report &
Summary on Internal Audit of the Company submitted by the Audit Department and Proposal on
Engagement of Principal of the Audit Department of the Company.

4. The Audit Committee convened a session on 27 Nov. 2012 to review the Work Report on Internal
Audit of the Company submitted by the Audit Department.

(II) Work situation of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
During the reporting period, based on the completion status of the Company’s major financial
targets and business objectives in 2011, the work scopes and main responsibilities of the Company’s
present directors, supervisors and other senior management staffs, and the completion status of
indexes concerning the performance assessment of the Company’s directors, supervisors and other
senior management staffs, the Committee conducted an assessment in regard to the remuneration of
the directors, supervisors and other senior management staffs and believed that the remuneration
range for the directors, supervisors and other senior management staffs were decided and adopted in
accordance with the relevant stipulations in the Management System on Decision of Remuneration;
The Company’s provision for the incentive funds was in line with the requirements of the Equity
Incentive Mechanism for Middle-and Top-Rank Management Staffs, and the Company’s incentives
to its middle-and top-rank management staffs and its operational and technical professionals was in
accordance with relevant laws and regulations, which would promote the close connection of
interest among the management staffs, the Company and its shareholders.
(III) Work situation of the Strategy Committee
During the reporting period, the Strategy Committee made research and issued advices on the
Company’s operation development situation, and significant capital operation & assets management
projects needing the approval of the Board of Directors stipulated in the Articles of Association.

V. Performance of the Supervisory Committee
Whether the Supervisory Committee finds the Company existing risks or not in the supervisory
activities during the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

In 2012, the Company continued to perform its duties diligently in accordance with the stipulations
of the Company Law, Code of Governance of Listed Company and Articles of Association as well
as other relevant rules, and actively protected the interest of the Company, its shareholders and

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(I) Work situation of the Supervisory Committee during the reporting period
The Supervisory Committee convened three sessions during the reporting period. And the Chairman
of the Supervisory Committee took part in the sessions held by the Board of Directors and the
management team meetings, participating in the discussion of the Company’s important decisions.
Sessions held by the Supervisory Committee are specified as follows:
1. On 23 Apr. 2012, the 5th Session of the 6th Supervisory Committee was held at the Conference
Room on 5/F of the Company building. Five supervisors were supposed to attend the meeting and
four of them were actually present. Supervisor Mr. Zhuang Rujia, who was on a business trip at that
time, entrusted Supervisor Jiao Zhigang to vote on his behalf. The session was in accordance with
the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Jiao Zhigang, Chairman of
the Supervisory Committee, presided over the session, with the resolutions approved as follows:
(1) The 2011 Annual Work Report of the Supervisory Committee;
(2) The 2011 Annual Report and its Summary, including both versions in the Chinese language and
English language;
(3) The 2011 Annual Financial Statement Report;
(4) The 2011 Annual Profit Distribution Pre-plan;
(5) The Proposal on Re-engagement of CPAs Firm;
(6) The Proposal on the 2011 Annual Self-appraisal Report on Internal Control;
(7) The First Quarterly Report in 2012 for the Company.
2. The Company convened the 6th Session of the 6th Supervisory Committee by way of
telecommunication on 25 Jul. 2012, the five supervisors, who should attend the session, all voted on
the proposals proposed on the session, and approved the Proposal on Revising the Rules of
Procedures for Supervisory Committee with five yes-votes.
3. On 27 Aug. 2012, the 7th session of the 6th supervisory committee was held in the meeting room
of the 5th floor of the Company’s office building. 5 supervisors were supposed to attend and 4 of
them participated in the meeting. Mr. Zhuang Rujia asked for a leave and entrusted Jiao Zhigang,
the supervisor, to vote instead of him. The meeting complied with Company Laws and Articles of
Association. Jiao Zhigang, chairman of the supervisory committee, presided over the meeting and
reviewed and approved the following resolutions:
(1) 2012 semi-annual report and abstract (Chinese and English version)
(2)Proposal on Conducting No Profit distribution and No Transfer of Capital Reserve to Common
Shares during the First Half Year of 2012

(II)Independent opinions from the Supervisory Committee on the following matters:
1. About the Company’s operation in accordance with the law. During the reporting period, the
Company’s supervisors have supervised on the procedures for convening the shareholders’ general
meetings and Board sessions, the resolutions and decision-making procedures, particulars on the

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

execution of resolutions made at the shareholders’ general meeting by the Board, particulars on the
duty performance of the senior executives of the Company and particulars on the execution of the
management systems of the Company in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and sat in
on the shareholders’ general meetings and Board sessions. The Supervisory Committee is of the
opinion that the Board and the senior executives of the Company were scrupulous, diligent,
responsible, honest and self-contained, and with compliant and legal decision-making procedures,
as well as scrupulously executed the resolutions made at the shareholders’ general meetings over the
past year; besides, the Company found that some related-party transactions occurred in previous
periods failed to be disclosed timely and some original senior management staffs gained
punishment from CSRC for using the inside information to trade, apart from these, the Company’s
Board of Directors and senior management staffs hadn’t any other behaviors in violation of the laws,
rules and the Articles of Association.

2. About the inspection on the Company’s financial status. During the reporting period, the
Supervisory Committee actively fulfilled the responsibility for inspecting financial status of the
Compnay, examined foreign investment of the Company and issued audit opinion on regular reports.
The Supervisory Committee is of the opinion that the audit report and the explanation on related
matters provided by GP Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. is a factual reflection of the
Company’s financial position and operating results.
3. About acquisition and sale of significant assets. During the reporting period, there existed no
acquisition of significant assets; the Company sold 18.5% equities of Shenzhen Liang Ke Venture
Capital Co., Ltd. and 100% equities of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Holiday Village Co.,
Ltd., the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. The Supervisory Committee held the opinion
that trading price of the above transactions was all based on assessment results and very reasonable.
The trading procedure was in conformity with laws, which brought no damage to the interests of the
4. About the related transactions. The Supervisory Committee held the opinion that the prices of
related transactions in 2012 were fair and reasonable, which did no harm to the interests of the
5. About construction of internal control. During the reporting period, according to Basic Standards
for Internal Control jointly issued by five ministries and commissions including Ministry of Finance
and CSRC and relevant regulations of Guangdong Securities Bureau, the Company employed
professional consultancy of internal control and conducted overall check and rectification as to the
internal control system. The Supervisory Committee holds the opinion that at present the Company
has established complete, normative and effective internal control system and strictly executed
relevant work and construction of internal control institution is in conformity with relevant laws,
regulations and requirements of regulatory departments.

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VI. Particulars about independence of the Company from controlling shareholders in business,
personnel, assets, organizations and finance
There existed no controlling shareholder in the Company and the Company is separate from the first
largest shareholder and the second largest shareholder in five aspects including business, personnel,
assets, organizations and finance. The Company has independent and complete business and ability
of independent management.

VII. Horizontal competition

VIII. Assessment and incentive for senior executives
In the reporting period, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, according to “Establishing
Stock Incentive Institution for Senior and Middle-level Management” passed by 2011 Annual
Shareholders’ General Meeting and current operation results, distributed remuneration to senior

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                              Section IX. Internal Control
I. Construction of Internal Control
In the reporting period, the Company, according to Basic Standards for Internal Control and
Supporting Guidelines of Internal Control jointly issued by five ministries and commissions
including Ministry of Finance and CSRC and Notification on Standardizing Internal Control of
Listed Companies Inside the Jurisdiction from Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau,
formulated and disclosed “Working Plan and Implementation Scheme of Standardizing Internal
In order to ensure the smooth development of implementation of internal control normative system,
the Company founded leading group and project group of internal control. Chairman of the board of
directors acts as head of leading group and hold the responsibility for organizing, supervising,
examining and ratifying implementation of internal control in the Company and subsidiaries.
Manager of financial department of the Company acts as head of project group and hold the
responsibility for routine work of internal control and putting the implementation scheme of internal
control into effect. Meanwhile, in order to keep normative system of internal control in conformity
with requirements of regulatory departments, the Company employed professional consultancy of
internal control as advisor of internal control implementation; the experts conducted training for
leaders in the Company and its subsidiaries and employers who are responsible for internal control,
which further promoted the overall and profound development of internal control. Up to the end of
the reporting period, the Company, according to Working Plan and Implementation Scheme of
Standardizing Internal Control formulated rectification and reform plan on defects of internal
control, rectified the defects found in the plan one by one and then formed report on rectifying
defects and revised “Internal Control Brochure”.

II. Statement on the Responsibility for Internal Control from the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors and all its directors hereby ensure that this announcement contains no false
information, misleading statement or material omission, and shall be jointly and severally liable for
the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the information carried in this announcement.
Establishing, perfecting and effectively conducting internal control is the liability of the Board of
Directors; establishment and implementation of internal control conducted by the Board is under the
supervision of the supervisory committee; the management is responsible for organizing and
guiding daily operation of internal control.
The goals of the Company’s internal control: reasonably guarantee the legality and compliance of
the Company’s operating management, safety of assets, authenticity and completeness of financial
report and relevant information; improve efficiency and results of operation; promote the strategic
development of the Company.

III. Bases of financial statements of internal control
In accordance with national accounting principles and relevant laws and regulations, the Company
formulated “Financial Administration System” on the basis of its own actual situation and
standardized financial administration and accounting calculation; clarified responsibility and rights
of relevant departments and positions in the process of formulating financial statements to ensure
the factuality, completeness and accuracy of financial statements. Up to the end of reporting period,

                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

no significant defect was found in internal control of financial statements,

IV. Self-assessment report of internal control

  Specific details about significant defects of internal control during the reporting period found in
                              self-assessment report of internal control
One major defect in related party identification and the decision-making procedure & disclosure of
related-party transactions was detected in the reporting period. To correct the defect, the Company
took some rectification measures, including formulating and revising relevant rules, hiring an
intermediary agency to investigate the relevant related-party transactions, disclosing the relevant
related-party transactions as a supplementation, conducting special trainings for directors,
supervisors, senior management staff, etc. After these rectifications, the internal control design
related to the said major defect was completed and running effectively. By the end of the reporting
period, the Company had formulated internal control over the business and matters included in the
appraisal scope, which ran effectively. The internal control objectives were achieved, with no
major defect.
Disclosure date of whole
article of self-assessment 26 April 2013
report of internal control
Index for disclosure of
whole        article   of Name of announcement: 2012 Annual Self-assessment Report of
self-assessment report of Internal Control; website of disclosure: www.cninfo.com.cn
internal control

V. Audit report of internal control
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

VI. Establishment and implementation of institution of clarifying responsibility for major
mistakes in annual report
In order to improve the normative operation of the Company, with the approval of the 3rd session of
the 6th board of directors, the Company formulated “Institution of Clarifying Responsibility for
Major Mistakes in Information Disclosed of Annual Report”. Formulation of this institution
clarified the responsibility and rights of persons in charge of disclosing information of annual report,
emphasized responsibility of persons in charge of disclosing information of annual report and
further enhanced quality and transparency of information disclosure of annual report. In the
reporting period, there existed no significant mistake in information disclosure of annual report

                                                            2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                        Section X. Financial Report

I. Audit report
Type of audit opinion                                          Standard unqualified audit opinion

Date of signing the auditor’s report                          24 Apr. 2013

Name of audit firm                                             GP Certified Public Accountants

Document No. of the auditor’s report                          GHSS Zi [2013] No. 12005130016

                                              Text of the Auditor’s Report

                                                 Audit Report

                                                                    Guang-Kuai-Suo-Shen-Zi【2012】No. 12005130016

All shareholders of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.:

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (the
“Company”), which comprise the Company’s and consolidated balance sheets as at 31 Dec. 2012, the
Company’s and consolidated income statements, the Company’s and consolidated cash flow statements, the
Company’s and consolidated statements of changes in shareholders’ equity for the year then ended, and notes
to the financial statements.

I. The management’s responsibility for the financial statements

The management of the Company is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. Such a responsibility includes: (1)
preparing financial statements according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and make
them a fair presentation; and (2) designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the
preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

II. Auditor’s responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We have
conducted our audit in accordance with the Audit Standards for Chinese Registered Accountants, which
require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance as to whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of
the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those
risks assessments, the auditor considers the internal control related to the preparation of the financial
statements so as to design proper audit procedures but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the Company’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of
accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as
evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate, which provides a basis for
us to express auditing opinion.

III. Audit opinion

In our opinion, the financial statements of the Company have been prepared according to the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises in all material aspects, which give a fair view of the Company’s financial
position as at 31 Dec. 2011 and the Company’s operating results and cash flows for the year then ended.

GP Certified Public Accountants                           CPA: Wang Shaohua

                                                          CPA: Chen Danyan

       Guangzhou China                                        24April 2013

                                               2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

II. Financial statements
The unit in financial statements is RMB Yuan.
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                  Closing balance                           Opening balance
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                         985,450,890.74                             690,691,751.15

Settlement fund reserve                                          0.00                                           0.00

Dismantle fund                                                   0.00                                           0.00

Transaction financial asset                               4,012,728.75                              4,097,366.22

Notes receivable                                       175,907,019.08                             120,417,089.71

Account receivable                                     334,006,892.19                             300,223,854.32

Account paid in advance                                 12,383,426.98                              41,032,860.94

Premium receivables                                              0.00                                           0.00

Receivables from reinsurers                                      0.00                                           0.00

Reinsurance       contract    reserve
                                                                 0.00                                           0.00
  Interest receivable                                      530,542.81                                 506,347.11

  Dividend receivable                                            0.00                                           0.00

  Other account receivable                              56,196,390.54                              18,851,280.96

  Financial assets purchased
                                                                 0.00                                           0.00
under agreements to resell
  Inventories                                          434,541,386.19                             493,613,449.06

  Non-current assets due within 1
                                                                 0.00                                           0.00
  Other current assets                                    2,935,179.47                                          0.00

Total current assets                                2,005,964,456.75                            1,669,433,999.47

Non-current assets:
Loans and advance                                                0.00                                           0.00

Available for sale financial assets                     71,817,642.40                              67,814,691.84

Held to maturity investments                                     0.00                                           0.00

  Long-term account receivable                                   0.00                                           0.00

  Long-term equity investment                          519,693,431.95                             447,024,125.94

  Investing property                                             0.00                                           0.00

                                         2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Fixed asset                                   539,145,022.38                              643,078,677.62

  Project in construction                        95,684,569.86                               88,017,369.74

  Engineering material                                    0.00                                            0.00

Fixed asset disposal                                      0.00                                            0.00

  Bearer biological asset                                 0.00                                            0.00

  Oil assets                                              0.00                                            0.00

  Intangible assets                             150,424,391.76                              218,637,493.54

  Development expense                                     0.00                                            0.00

  Goodwill                                                0.00                                            0.00

  Long-term        expense    to    be
                                                          0.00                                            0.00
  Deferred income tax assets                     23,003,056.72                               21,547,993.12

  Other non-current assets                       42,541,730.00

Total of non-current assets                   1,442,309,845.07                            1,486,120,351.80

Total assets                                  3,448,274,301.82                            3,155,554,351.27

Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings                                     0.00                                            0.00

Borrowings from Central Bank                              0.00                                            0.00

Deposits and due to banks and
                                                          0.00                                            0.00
other financial institutions
Borrowings from banks and other
                                                          0.00                                            0.00
financial institutions
   Transactional             financial
                                                          0.00                                            0.00
  Notes payable                                           0.00                                            0.00

  Accounts payable                              246,652,513.45                              196,871,864.30

  Accounts received in advance                   19,632,316.50                               18,464,449.37

Financial assets sold           under
                                                          0.00                                            0.00
agreements to repurchase
Handling      charges              and
                                                          0.00                                            0.00
commissions payable
  Employee’s          compensation
                                                 63,086,369.68                               53,489,679.18
  Taxes and fares payable                        58,992,047.62                                -2,082,582.68

  Interest payable                                        0.00                                            0.00

  Dividend payable                                        0.00                                            0.00

                                            2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Other accounts payable                            37,085,568.58                               27,119,424.60

Due to reinsurers                                            0.00                                            0.00

Insurance contract reserve                                   0.00                                            0.00

Amount payable for acting trading
                                                             0.00                                            0.00
Amount payable for                 acting
                                                             0.00                                            0.00
underwriting securities
  Non-current        liabilities     due
                                                             0.00                                            0.00
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities                                  0.00                                            0.00

Total current liabilities                          425,448,815.83                              293,862,834.77

Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings                                         0.00                                            0.00

Debentures payable                                           0.00                                            0.00

Long-term payables                                           0.00                                            0.00

Specific-purpose               account
                                                             0.00                                            0.00
  Accrued liabilities                                        0.00                                            0.00

Deferred income tax liabilities                      6,268,824.89                                5,668,382.31

Other non-current liabilities                       19,353,441.69                               17,677,441.69

Total non-current liabilities                       25,622,266.58                               23,345,824.00

Total liabilities                                  451,071,082.41                              317,208,658.77

Shareholders’ equity
Share capital                                      978,563,745.00                              978,563,745.00

Capital surplus                                    625,595,757.07                              622,193,249.09

Less: Treasury Stock                                         0.00                                            0.00

Special reserve                                              0.00                                            0.00

Surplus reserve                                    622,494,531.96                              583,537,290.22

General risk provision                                       0.00                                            0.00

Retained earnings                                  723,452,942.14                              606,584,375.02

Foreign exchange difference                                  0.00                                            0.00

Total owners' equity attributable
                                                 2,950,106,976.17                            2,790,878,659.33
to holding company
Minority interests                                  47,096,243.24                               47,467,033.17

Total owners’ equity                            2,997,203,219.41                            2,838,345,692.50

                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                        3,448,274,301.82                            3,155,554,351.27

Legal Representative: Zhong Xincai                     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhong Xincai
Accounting Manager: Wang Shuqiong

2. Balance sheet of parent company
Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                        Closing balance                              Opening balance
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                                 699,511,754.78                              412,626,723.50

Transaction financial asset                                      4,012,728.75                                4,097,366.22

Notes receivable                                               167,509,926.71                              117,057,089.71

Account receivable                                             362,956,611.71                              321,717,684.58

Account paid in advance                                         12,705,111.19                               19,337,394.94

  Interest receivable                                                    0.00                                            0.00

  Dividend receivable                                                    0.00                                            0.00

  Other account receivable                                      82,043,309.37                               61,235,503.93

  Inventories                                                  389,680,405.66                              441,232,800.79

  Non-current assets due within 1
                                                                         0.00                                            0.00
  Other current assets                                           2,935,179.47                                            0.00

Total current assets                                         1,721,355,027.64                            1,377,304,563.67

Non-current assets:
Available for sale financial assets                             71,817,642.40                               67,814,691.84

Held to maturity investments                                             0.00                                            0.00

  Long-term account receivable                                           0.00                                            0.00

  Long-term equity investment                                  880,176,969.18                              817,501,125.94

  Investing property                                                     0.00                                            0.00

  Fixed asset                                                  443,001,716.36                              544,553,576.11

  Project in construction                                       66,216,618.10                               41,158,543.29

  Engineering material                                                   0.00                                            0.00

Fixed asset disposal                                                     0.00                                            0.00

  Bearer biological asset                                                0.00                                            0.00

  Oil assets                                                             0.00                                            0.00

                                            2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Intangible assets                                130,800,094.82                              199,532,111.28

  Development expense                                        0.00                                            0.00

  Goodwill                                                   0.00                                            0.00

  Long-term        expense       to    be
                                                             0.00                                            0.00
  Deferred income tax assets                        20,724,220.91                               21,386,906.12

  Other non-current assets                          41,783,700.00                                            0.00

Total of non-current assets                      1,654,520,961.77                            1,691,946,954.58

Total assets                                     3,375,875,989.41                            3,069,251,518.25

Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings                                        0.00                                            0.00

   Transactional                financial
                                                             0.00                                            0.00
  Notes payable                                              0.00                                            0.00

  Accounts payable                                 265,603,565.11                              183,223,573.81

  Accounts received in advance                      19,586,999.28                               19,276,919.50

  Employee’s            compensation
                                                    63,084,499.68                               53,120,689.68
  Taxes and fares payable                           58,950,265.18                                1,005,639.26

  Interest payable                                           0.00                                            0.00

  Dividend payable                                           0.00                                            0.00

  Other accounts payable                            38,631,089.33                               31,370,556.92

  Non-current          liabilities    due
                                                             0.00                                            0.00
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities                                  0.00                                            0.00

Total current liabilities                          445,856,418.58                              287,997,379.17

Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings                                         0.00                                            0.00

Debentures payable                                           0.00                                            0.00

Long-term payables                                           0.00                                            0.00

Specific-purpose                 account
                                                             0.00                                            0.00
  Accrued liabilities                                        0.00                                            0.00

Deferred income tax liabilities                      6,268,824.89                                5,668,382.31

Other non-current liabilities                       10,218,441.73                               10,387,441.69

                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total non-current liabilities                                   16,487,266.62                               16,055,824.00

Total liabilities                                              462,343,685.20                              304,053,203.17

Shareholders’ equity
Share capital                                                  978,563,745.00                              978,563,745.00

Capital surplus                                                622,494,930.13                              619,092,422.15

Less: Treasury Stock                                                     0.00                                            0.00

Special reserve                                                          0.00                                            0.00

Surplus reserve                                                622,494,531.96                              583,537,290.22

General risk provision                                                   0.00                                            0.00

Retained earnings                                              689,979,097.12                              584,004,857.71

Foreign exchange difference                                              0.00                                            0.00

Total owners’ equity                                        2,913,532,304.21                            2,765,198,315.08

Total liabilities      and      owners’
                                                             3,375,875,989.41                            3,069,251,518.25

Legal Representative: Zhong Xincai                     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhong Xincai
Accounting Manager: Wang Shuqiong

3. Consolidated profit statements
Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                Item                          Current amount                              Last-term amount
I. Total operating revenue                                   2,201,910,731.89                            2,260,929,873.55

Including: Operating income                                  2,201,910,731.89                            2,260,929,873.55

        Interest income                                                  0.00                                            0.00

        Premium income                                                   0.00                                            0.00

      Handling charges              and
                                                                         0.00                                            0.00
commission income
II. Total operating cost                                     1,926,164,570.86                            1,892,933,932.01

Including: Operating cost                                    1,630,429,477.94                            1,620,862,551.60

        Interest expenses                                                0.00                                            0.00

      Handling charges              and
                                                                         0.00                                            0.00
commission expenses
        Cash surrender value                                             0.00                                            0.00

        Net amount of claims                                             0.00                                            0.00

        Net         provision       for                                  0.00                                            0.00

                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

insurance contract reserve
       Expenditure       on    policy
                                                         0.00                                            0.00
        Reinsurance premium                              0.00                                            0.00

Taxes and associate charges                     23,233,814.54                               25,814,560.10

Sales and distribution expenses                109,867,531.15                              104,154,716.99

Administrative expenses                        167,102,936.83                              150,580,090.88

Financial expenses                             -10,988,942.10                                -7,494,610.15

Asset impairment loss                            6,519,752.50                                 -983,377.41

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in
                                                   -84,637.47                                 -889,545.48
fair value (“-” means loss)
Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”
                                               207,689,597.70                                -5,491,145.47
means loss)
Including:        income        form
investment         on      affiliated
                                               -10,330,609.99                                -7,949,712.62
enterprises      and     jointly-run
Foreign exchange difference (“-”
                                                         0.00                                            0.00
means loss)
III. Business profit (“-” means
                                               483,351,121.26                              361,615,250.59
Add: non-operation income                        3,156,834.84                                4,361,809.74

Less: non-business expense                      14,444,931.60                               10,830,409.12

Including: loss from non-current
                                                 9,936,458.71                                7,128,432.51
asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)            472,063,024.50                              355,146,651.21

Less: Income tax expense                        71,833,165.24                               57,872,709.83

V. Net profit (“-” means loss)               400,229,859.26                              297,273,941.38

Including: net profit of the merged
                                                         0.00                                            0.00
party before the merger
Attributable to parent company                 400,466,745.11                              291,660,093.73

Minority interests                                -236,885.85                                5,613,847.65

VI. Earnings per share                  --                                         --

(I) basic earnings per share                             0.41                                             0.3

(II) diluted earnings per share                          0.41                                             0.3

Ⅶ. Other comprehensive income                   3,402,507.98                              -23,053,525.44

Ⅷ. Total comprehensive income                 403,632,367.24                              274,220,415.94

                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Attributable to owners of parent
                                                               403,869,253.09                              268,606,568.29
  Attributable       to      minority
                                                                  -236,885.85                                5,613,847.65
As to the merger which occurred among companies under the same control and during this period, net profit
of the merged party before the merger is: 0.00RMB

Legal Representative: Zhong Xincai                     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhong Xincai
Accounting Manager: Wang Shuqiong

4. Profit statement of parent company
Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Item                         Current amount                              Last-term amount
I. Operating revenue                                         2,216,844,850.02                            2,262,221,459.27

Including: Operating cost                                    1,682,102,048.21                            1,676,318,053.17

Taxes and added charges                                         19,629,425.59                               22,868,216.59

Sales and distribution expenses                                105,359,987.08                               99,130,328.42

Administrative expenses                                        145,108,688.14                              130,480,939.46

Financial expenses                                              -3,585,394.00                                -3,606,408.54

Asset impairment loss                                            6,930,522.03                                 -959,224.76

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in
                                                                   -84,637.47                                 -889,545.48
fair value (“-” means loss)
Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”
                                                               199,549,193.84                                2,443,378.73
means loss)
Including: income form
investment on affiliated
                                                               -10,330,609.99                                -7,949,712.62
enterprises and jointly-run
II. Business profit (“-” means
                                                               460,764,129.34                              339,543,388.18
Add: non-operation income                                        2,716,267.40                                3,488,609.35

Less: non-business expense                                       4,902,423.79                               10,116,642.57

Including: loss from non-current
                                                                 1,903,917.31                                7,085,058.37
asset disposal
III. Total profit (“-” means loss)                           458,577,972.95                              332,915,354.96

Less: Income tax expense                                        69,005,555.55                               51,881,712.45

IV. Net profit (“-” means loss)                              389,572,417.40                              281,033,642.51

                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

V. Earnings per share                                  --                                          --

(I) basic earnings per share
(II) diluted earnings per share
VI. Other comprehensive income                                   3,402,507.98                              -23,053,525.44

VII. Total comprehensive income                                392,974,925.38                              257,980,117.07

Legal Representative: Zhong Xincai                     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhong Xincai
Accounting Manager: Wang Shuqiong

5. Consolidated cash flow statement
Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
               Item                           Current amount                              Last-term amount
I. Cash flows from operating
  Cash received from sale of
commodities and rendering of                                 2,381,547,105.10                            2,480,085,498.99
  Net increase of deposits from
customers and dues from banks
  Net increase of loans from the
central bank
   Net increase of funds borrowed
from other financial institutions
   Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts
   Net cash received              from
reinsurance business
  Net increase of savings of
policy holders and investment
   Net increase of disposal of
tradable financial assets
  Cash received from interest,
handling     charges      and
   Net increase of borrowings
from banks and other financial

                                       2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Net increase of buy-back funds
  Tax refunds received                         47,914,470.99                               64,821,377.95

  Other cash received relating to
                                               25,721,746.18                               18,586,117.97
operating activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                            2,455,183,322.27                            2,563,492,994.91
       operating activities
    Cash paid for goods and
                                            1,362,553,158.60                            1,669,574,884.48
   Net increase of        customer
lending and advance
  Net increase of funds deposited
in the central bank and amount
due from banks
   Cash for paying claims of the
original insurance contract
  Cash for      paying     interest,
handling       charges          and
  Cash for       paying     policy
  Cash paid to and for employees              349,423,602.39                              329,714,926.39

  Various taxes paid                          167,276,167.33                              164,245,447.33

   Other payment of cash relating
                                              138,533,541.89                              130,079,293.50
to operating activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                            2,017,786,470.21                            2,293,614,551.70
      operating activities
  Net cash flows from operating
                                              437,396,852.06                              269,878,443.21
II. Cash Flows from investment
  Cash       received         from
withdrawing investments
  Cash received from investment
                                               26,729,133.84                                3,458,567.15
  Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets              1,528,546.04                                1,033,474.13
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiary or other operating

                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

business units
     Other cash received relating
to investment activities
       Subtotal of cash inflows
                                             321,909,282.02                               38,595,680.90
from investment activities
  Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and other           51,920,198.54                               67,885,400.28
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment                    83,999,916.00                               12,600,000.00

  Net increase of pledged loans
  Net cash paid to acquire
subsidiaries and other operating
  Payment of cash relating to
other investment activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                             219,385,814.54                               80,485,400.28
     investment activities
 Net cash flows from investment
                                             102,523,467.48                              -41,889,719.38
III. Cash Flows from Financing
    Cash received from absorbing
   Including: Cash received by
subsidiaries from increase in
minority interests
    Cash         received     from
    Cash received from issuance
of bonds
    Other cash received relating to
financing activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from
       financing activities
    Cash repayments of amounts
    Cash    paid    for interest
expenses and distribution of                 244,774,840.33                              248,056,198.83
dividends or profit

                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

     Including: dividends or profit
paid by subsidiaries to minority                                   133,904.08                                3,415,262.58
      Other cash payments relating
to financing activities
 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                               244,774,840.33                              248,056,198.83
       financing activities
  Net cash flows from financing
                                                              -244,774,840.33                             -248,056,198.83
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes on cash and cash                                          -386,339.62                                -1,094,406.80
V. Increase in cash and cash
                                                               294,759,139.59                              -21,161,881.80
     Add : Balance of cash and
                                                               690,691,751.15                              711,853,632.95
cash equivalents at year-begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                               985,450,890.74                              690,691,751.15
equivalents at the end of the year

Legal Representative: Zhong Xincai                     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhong Xincai
Accounting Manager: Wang Shuqiong

6. Cash flow statement of parent company
Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
               Item                           Current amount                              Last-term amount
I. Cash flows from operating
  Cash received from sale of
commodities and rendering of                                 2,390,552,016.17                            2,454,381,553.70
  Tax refunds received                                          47,914,470.99                               64,821,377.95

  Other cash received relating to
                                                                22,387,293.70                               13,632,400.76
operating activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                             2,460,853,780.86                            2,532,835,332.41
       operating activities
    Cash paid for goods and
                                                             1,484,604,775.70                            1,787,726,506.82
  Cash paid to and for employees                               291,808,054.96                              276,515,396.13

                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Various taxes paid                         135,663,851.80                              137,328,799.92

   Other payment of cash relating
                                             131,406,374.13                              110,612,475.52
to operating activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                           2,043,483,056.59                            2,312,183,178.39
      operating activities
  Net cash flows from operating
                                             417,370,724.27                              220,652,154.02
II. Cash Flows from investment
  Cash       received         from
withdrawing investments
  Cash received from investment
                                              27,130,846.06                               18,621,319.65
  Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets             1,399,354.41                                  106,751.64
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiary or other operating             315,073,197.79
business units
     Other cash received relating
to investment activities
       Subtotal of cash inflows
                                             343,603,398.26                               19,641,710.91
from investment activities
  Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and other           28,397,908.80                               35,537,799.22
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment                   117,199,916.00                              227,600,000.00

  Net cash paid to acquire
subsidiaries and other operating
  Payment of cash relating to
other investment activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                             229,063,524.80                              263,137,799.22
     investment activities
 Net cash flows from investment
                                             114,539,873.46                             -243,496,088.31
III. Cash Flows from Financing

     Cash received from

                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

absorbing investment
    Cash       received       from
    Cash received from issuance
of bonds
    Other cash received relating to
financing activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from
       financing activities
    Cash repayments of amounts
    Cash    paid    for interest
expenses and distribution of                                   244,640,936.25                              244,640,936.25
dividends or profit
      Other cash payments relating
to financing activities
 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                               244,640,936.25                              244,640,936.25
       financing activities
  Net cash flows from financing
                                                              -244,640,936.25                             -244,640,936.25
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes on cash and cash                                          -384,630.20                                -1,087,040.54
V. Increase in cash and cash
                                                               286,885,031.28                             -268,571,911.08
     Add : Balance of cash and
                                                               412,626,723.50                              681,198,634.58
cash equivalents at year-begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                               699,511,754.78                              412,626,723.50
equivalents at the end of the year

Legal Representative: Zhong Xincai                     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhong Xincai
Accounting Manager: Wang Shuqiong

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
Current amount
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
          Item                                                  Current amount

                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                            Equity attributable to owners of parent company
                                capital           Less: Specifi Surplu Genera Retain        Minority
                                         Capital                                                      owners’
                                  (or            treasur    c       s     l risk  ed Others interests
                                         reserve                                                       equity
                                 share           y stock reserve reserve reserve profit
I. Balance at the end of        978,563,7 622,193,                  583,537           606,584,           47,467,03 2,838,345,
the previous year                   45.00     249.09                 ,290.22            375.02                 3.17      692.50

  Add:      change         of
accounting policy
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
II. Balance at the 978,563,7 622,193,                               583,537           606,584,           47,467,03 2,838,345,
beginning of the year  45.00 249.09                                  ,290.22            375.02                 3.17      692.50

III. Increase/ decrease of
                                            3,402,50                 38,957,          116,868,            -370,789. 158,857,52
amount in the year (“-”
                                                7.98                  241.74            567.12                   93           6.91
means decrease)
                                                                                      400,466,            -236,885. 400,229,85
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                        745.11                   85           9.26

  (II)Other                                 3,402,50                                                                  3,402,507.
comprehensive incomes                           7.98                                                                           98

                                            3,402,50                                  400,466,            -236,885. 403,632,36
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                7.98                                    745.11                   85           7.24

  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners
    1. Capital paid in by
     2.   Amounts   of
share-based   payments
recognized in owners’
     3. Others
                                                                     38,957,           -283,59            -133,904. -244,774,8
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                                      241.74          8,177.99                   08       40.33

     1. Appropriations to                                            38,957,           -38,957,
surplus reserves                                                      241.74            241.74

    2. Appropriations to
general risk provisions

                                                         2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

    3. Appropriations to                                                           -244,64            -133,904. -244,774,8
owners (or shareholders)                                                          0,936.25                   08       40.33

     4. Other
carry-forward of owners’
     1. New increase of
capital from capital public
     2. New increase of
capital  from    surplus
     3. Surplus reserves
for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
                              978,563,7 625,595,                622,494           723,452,           47,096,24 2,997,203,
IV. Closing balance
                                  45.00   757.07                 ,531.96            942.14                 3.24     219.41

Amount of the last year
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Amount of the last year
                                          Equity attributable to owners of the Company
             Item              capital          Less: Specifi Surplu Genera Retain        Minority
                                       Capital                                                      owners’
                                 (or           treasur    c       s     l risk  ed Others interests
                                       reserve                                                       equity
                                share          y stock reserve reserve reserve profit
I. Balance at the end of the 978,563 645,246,                   555,433           587,668,           45,268,44 2,812,181,
previous year                 ,745.00 774.53                     ,925.97            581.79                 8.10     475.39

      Add: retroactive
adjustment because of
merger among enterprises
under the same control

                                                       2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Add:      change           of
accounting policy
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
II.   Balance     at     the 978,563 645,246,                 555,433           587,668,           45,268,44 2,812,181,
beginning of the year             ,745.00    774.53            ,925.97            581.79                 8.10      475.39

III. Increase/ decrease of
                                            -23,053,           28,103,          18,915,7           2,198,585 26,164,217
amount in the year (“-”
                                             525.44             364.25             93.23                  .07            .11
means decrease)
                                                                                291,660,           5,613,847 297,273,94
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                  093.73                  .65           1.38

  (II)             Other                    -23,053,                                                            -23,053,52
comprehensive incomes                        525.44                                                                     5.44

                                            -23,053,                            291,660,           5,613,847 274,220,41
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                             525.44                               093.73                  .65           5.94

  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners
    1. Capital paid in by
     2.    Amounts   of
share-based    payments
recognized in owners’
    3. Others
                                                               28,103,           -272,74            -3,415,26 -248,056,1
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                                364.25          4,300.50                 2.58       98.83

     1. Appropriations to                                      28,103,           -28,103,
surplus reserves                                                364.25            364.25

    2. Appropriations to
general risk provisions
    3. Appropriations to                                                         -244,64            -3,415,26 -248,056,1
owners (or shareholders)                                                        0,936.25                 2.58       98.83

    4. Other
  (V)            Internal
carry-forward of owners’
     1. New increase of
capital from capital public

                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

     2. New increase of
capital  from    surplus
    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
                              978,563 622,193,                      583,537           606,584,           47,467,03 2,838,345,
IV. Closing balance
                                  ,745.00   249.09                   ,290.22            375.02                 3.17     692.50

Legal Representative: Zhong Xincai                          Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhong Xincai
Accounting Manager: Wang Shuqiong

8. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity of parent company
Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
Current amount
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                       Current amount
                                                             Less:                            General            Total
             Item                  capital     Capital              Specific     Surplus              Retained
                                                           treasury                             risk           owners’
                                  (or share    reserve              reserve      reserve               profit
                                                             stock                            reserve           equity
I. Balance at the end of the 978,563,74 619,092,42                              583,537,29              584,004,85 2,765,198,
previous year                      5.00       2.15                                     0.22                    7.71     315.08

  Add:       change          of
accounting policy
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning 978,563,74 619,092,42                              583,537,29              584,004,85 2,765,198,
of the year                        5.00       2.15                                     0.22                    7.71     315.08

III. Increase/ decrease of                    3,402,507.                        38,957,241              105,974,23 148,333,98
amount in the year (“-”                            98                                 .74                    9.41           9.13

                                                2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

means decrease)
                                                                                           389,572,41 389,572,41
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                  7.40           7.40

  (II) Other comprehensive         3,402,507.                                                            3,402,507.
incomes                                   98                                                                      98

                                   3,402,507.                                              389,572,41 392,974,92
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                          98                                                      7.40           5.38

  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners
    1. Capital paid in by
     2.     Amounts    of
share-based      payments
recognized    in   owners’
     3. Others
                                                                   38,957,241               -283,598,1 -244,640,9
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                                           .74                   77.99       36.25

     1. Appropriations       to                                    38,957,241               -38,957,24
surplus reserves                                                           .74                    1.74

    2. Appropriations        to
general risk provisions
    3. Appropriations to                                                                    -244,640,9 -244,640,9
owners (or shareholders)                                                                         36.25       36.25

     4. Other
  (V)                   Internal
carry-forward      of   owners’
     1. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

     1. Withdrawn for the

                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

    2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
                                  978,563,74 622,494,93                          622,494,53              689,979,09 2,913,532,
IV. Closing balance
                                        5.00        0.13                                1.96                    7.12      304.21

Amount of the last year
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    Amount of the last year
                                                              Less:                            General            Total
             Item                  capital     Capital               Specific      Surplus             Retained
                                                            treasury                             risk           owners’
                                  (or share    reserve               reserve       reserve              profit
                                                              stock                            reserve           equity
I. Balance at the end of the 978,563,74 642,145,94                                555,433,92             575,715,51 2,751,859,
previous year                      5.00       7.59                                      5.97                    5.70      134.26

  Add:       change          of
accounting policy
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning 978,563,74 642,145,94                                555,433,92             575,715,51 2,751,859,
of the year                        5.00       7.59                                      5.97                    5.70      134.26

III. Increase/ decrease of
                                               -23,053,52                         28,103,364              8,289,342. 13,339,180
amount in the year (“-”
                                                    5.44                                 .25                      01            .82
means decrease)
                                                                                                         281,033,64 281,033,64
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                                2.51           2.51

  (II) Other comprehensive                     -23,053,52                                                              -23,053,52
incomes                                             5.44                                                                       5.44

                                               -23,053,52                                                281,033,64 257,980,11
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                    5.44                                                        2.51           7.07

  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners
    1. Capital paid in by
     2.     Amounts        of
share-based       payments
recognized in owners’ equity
    3. Others

                                                          2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                              28,103,364              -272,744,3 -244,640,9
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                                                     .25                   00.50       36.25

     1. Appropriations       to                                               28,103,364              -28,103,36
surplus reserves                                                                     .25                    4.25

    2. Appropriations        to
general risk provisions
    3. Appropriations to                                                                              -244,640,9 -244,640,9
owners (or shareholders)                                                                                   36.25       36.25

     4. Other
   (V) Internal carry-forward
of owners’ equity
     1. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of
capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
    3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
                                  978,563,74 619,092,42                       583,537,29             584,004,85 2,765,198,
IV. Closing balance
                                        5.00       2.15                             0.22                    7.71     315.08

Legal Representative: Zhong Xincai               Person‐in‐charge of the accounting work: Zhong
Xincai                      Accounting Manager: Wang Shuqiong

                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

I. Company profile
Company History

Foshan Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a joint-stock limited company jointly
founded by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Company, Nanhai Wuzhuang Color Glazed Brick Field, and Foshan Poyang
Printing Industrial Co. on Oct. 20, 1992 by raising funds under the approval of YGS (1992) No. 63 Document issued by the
Joint Examination Group for Experimental Enterprises in Stock System of Guangdong Province and the Economic System
Reform Commission of Guangdong Province, is an enterprise with its shares held by both the corporate and the natural persons.
As approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission with Document (1993) No. 33, the Company publicly issued 19.3
million shares of social public shares (A shares) to the public in Oct., 1993, and was listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange for
trade on Nov. 23, 1993. The Company was approved to issue 50,000,000 B shares on Jul. 23, 1995. And, as approved to
change into a foreign-invested stock limited company on Aug. 26, 1996 by (1996) WJMZEHZ No. 466 Document issued by
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People’s Republic of China. On Dec. 11, 2000, as approved by
China Securities Regulatory Commission with ZJGS Zi [2000] No. 175 Document, the Company additionally issued
55,000,000 A shares. At approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2006, 2007 and 2008, the Company implemented the
plan of capitalization of capital reserve, after the transfer, the registered capital of the Company has increased to RMB
978,563,745.00 Yuan. And the registration code for corporate business license is QGYZZ No. 002889.

Legal representative: Mr. Zhong Xincai

Address: No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Foshan, Guangdong Province

Business Scope of the Company

R&D and production of electro-optical source products, electro-optical source equipment and electro-optical
accessories,raw materials of electric light sources, lamps & fittings, electrical materials, motorcycle components,
household appliances, electric switches, electrical outlets, fire control products, ventilation devices, LED products,
lithium ion batteries and relevant materials; domestic and overseas sale of the aforesaid products; relevant engine
ering consulting services. (Where a license is required, it must be obtained according to the government’s rules be
fore operation.)

Basic Organizational structure of the Company

Shareholders’ General Meeting is the highest authority organ of the Company, Board of Directors is an executive organ to
carry out the provisions formulated by the Shareholders’ General Meeting, Board of supervisors is an internal supervision
organ of the Company, and the General Manager is responsible for routine operation and management. Up till the end of the
reporting period, the Company owns nine actually controlled subsidiaries, i.e. Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming)
Co., Ltd., Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd., Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Nanjing Fozhao
Lighting Components Co., Ltd., FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., Qinghai
Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources Technology Co., Ltd. and
Guangdong Fozhao Leasing Co., Ltd..

                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Approval and Issue of the Financial Report

The Financial Report was approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on 24 Apr. 2013.

Statement of Compliance with Corporate Accounting Standards

The financial statements prepared by the Company is in compliance with the requirements of Accounting Standard for
Business Enterprises, which gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as for the financial status and
operating results & cash flows.。

II. Basis for preparation of financial statements

With going-concern assumption as the basis, the Company prepares its financial statement in light of the actual transactions
and matters, as well as the accounting standard for business enterprise-basic standard promulgated by the Ministry of Finance
of PRC in 15 Feb. 2006, other specific accounting standards, and the relevant provisions of application guide and interpretation,
as well as the following primary accounting policies and accounting estimates.

III. Main accounting policies, accounting estimates and preparation methods
of the Company ’ s consolidated financial statements
Fiscal Year

A fiscal year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 Dec. according to the Gregorian calendar.

Recording Currency

Renminbi is the recording currency for the Company.

Accounting Basis and Principle

The accounting basis of the Company is the accrual system; generally by adopting of historical cost as the accounting principle.
And the Company adopts measurement replacement costs, net realizable values, present values and fair values when the
confirmed accounting elements accord with the requirements of the accounting standard for business enterprise and can be
reliably measured.

Accounting Method for Foreign Currency
Foreign currency shall be recognized by employing systematic and reasonable methods, and shall be translated into the amount
in the functional currency at the exchange rate which is approximate to the spot exchange rate of the transaction date. On the
balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate. The balance of exchange
arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of
initial recognition or prior tot the balance sheet date shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period except
that the balance of exchange arising from foreign currency borrowings for the purchase and construction or production of
qualified assets shall be capitalized. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the historical cost shall still be
translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.

                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Recognition Standards for Cash and Cash Equivalents

The term “cash” refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time. The term “cash equivalents”
refers to short-term ( within 3 months from the purchase date) and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to
known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

Financial Instruments
Financial Assets Classification, Recognition and Measurement
—Financial assets shall be classified into the following four categories when they are initially recognized: financial assets
measured at fair value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period, loans and the
account receivables, financial assets available for sale and the investments which will be held to their maturity. Financial assets,
at their initial recognition, shall be measured at fair value. As for financial assets measured at fair value and of which variations
are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period, the relevant trading expenses shall be directly recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period; for other categories of financial assets, the transaction expenses thereof shall be
included into the initially recognized amount.
— —Financial assets measured at fair value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period
refer to financial assets held by the Company for the purpose of selling in the near future, including transactional financial
assets, or financial assets designated by the management in the initial recognition to be measured at fair value with variations
recorded in the gains and losses for the current period. Financial assets measured at fair value and of which variations are
recorded in the profits and losses for the current period are subsequently measured at their fair values. Interest or cash
dividends arising from such assets during the holing period are recognized as investment gains. Gains or losses arising from
fair value changes are recorded in the gains and losses for the current period at the end of the reporting period. When such
assets are disposed, the difference between their fair values and initially recognized amounts is recognized as investment gains
and the gains and losses arising from fair value changes are adjusted accordingly.
— — Loan and accounts receivable: the non-derivative financial assets for which there is no quoted price in the active market
and of which the recoverable amount is fixed or determinable shall be classified as loan and accounts receivable. The Company
shall make subsequent measurement on its loan and accounts receivable on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting
the actual interest rate, from which gains and losses, when loan and accounts receivable are terminated from recognizing, or
are impaired or amortized, shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
— — Available-for-sale Financial Assets: the non-derivative financial assets which are designated as available-for-sale
financial assets when they are initially recognized as well as the non-derivative financial assets other than loans and accounts
receivables, investments held until their maturity; and transaction financial assets. The Company shall make subsequent
measurement on available-for-sale financial assets at fair value, and the profits and losses arising from the change in the fair
value shall be directly recorded into the owner’s equity, until the said financial assets shall be transferred out when they are
terminated from recognizing or are impaired, which shall be recorded into the profits and losses of current period. Where the
intention of holding or the ability to hold changes, or the fair value can not be reliably measured any more, or the term of
holding has exceeded "two complete accounting years", which makes it no longer suitable to measure the available-for-sale
financial assets at its fair value, the Company concerned may measure the said financial assets on the basis of
post-amortization cost. And such post-amortization cost at the re-classification day shall be the carrying amount of the
financial assets. The gains or losses that are related to the said financial assets and that are directly included in the owner’s
equity shall be dealt with according to the following provisions: (1) Where such financial asset has a fixed date of maturity, it
shall be amortized within the remaining period of the said financial asset by adopting the actual interest rate method and be

                                                                   2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The gap between the post-amortization cost of the financial asset and
the amount on the maturity date shall also be amortized within the remaining period of the said financial asset by adopting the
actual interest rate method and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. If, during the subsequent
accounting period, the financial asset is impaired, the relevant profits and losses that were included in the owner’s equity shall
be transferred out and be recorded into the current profits and losses. (2) Where such financial asset does not have a fixed date
of maturity, it shall remain in the owner’s equity. Where such financial asset is transferred out when it is impaired or
determined from recognizing during the remaining period of accounting that follows, and shall be recorded into the profits and
losses of the current period.
— — Held-to-maturity Investments: non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date of maturity, a fixed or determinable
recoverable amount and which the Company’s management holds for a definite purpose or the Company’s management is able
to hold until its maturity. The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its Held-to-maturity Investments on the basis
of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate, from which gains and losses, when loan and accounts
receivable are terminated from recognizing, or are impaired or amortized, shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the
current period. Where part of the held-to-maturity investment is sold or the re-classified amount thereof is considerably large,
so that the remainder of the said investment is no longer suitable to be classified as a held-to-maturity investment, the
Company shall re-classify the remainder of the said investment as an available-for-sale financial asset, and shall make
subsequent measurement on it according to its fair value on the re-classification day, and no longer re-classify the said
financial asset as held-to-maturity investment in the current fiscal year and the subsequent two complete accounting years. The
gap between the carrying amount of the said remnant part of the investment at the re-classification day and the fair value shall
be computed into the owner’s equity. And when the said available-for-sale financial asset is impaired or transferred out when it
is terminated from recognition, it shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

Classification, Recognition and Measurement of Financial Liabilities

— — Financial liabilities shall be classified into the following two categories when they are initially recognized: (1) the
transactional financial liabilities; and (2) other financial liabilities. The financial liabilities initially recognized by the Company
shall be measured at their fair values. For the transactional financial liabilities, the transaction expenses thereof shall be
directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period; for other categories of financial liabilities, the transaction
expenses thereof shall be included into the initially recognized amount.
— — Transactional financial liabilities: such financial liabilities held by the Company for the purpose for repurchasing at the
fair value in the near future, and financial liabilities formed a part of combination of financial instruments which are managed
by way of short-term profit making in the near future, and derivative financial liabilities (the designated derivative instruments
which are effective hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial guarantee contracts, and the derivative
instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investment for which there is no quoted price in the active market,
whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which shall be settled by delivering the said equity instruments) shall be
classified as transactional financial liabilities. Subsequent measurement of transaction financial liabilities shall be measured at
fair value, and the profits and losses arising from the change in the fair value shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the
current period.
— — Other financial liabilities: The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its other financial liabilities on the basis
of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate, from which gains and losses, when other financial liabilities
are terminated from recognizing or amortized, shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

Determination of the Fair Value of Financial Instruments

                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

—As for the financial instruments for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the active market shall be used to
determine the fair values thereof. Where there is no active market for a financial instrument, the Company concerned shall
adopt value appraisal techniques to determine its fair value. The value appraisal techniques mainly include the prices adopted
by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon their own free will, the current fair
value obtained by referring to other financial instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and
the option pricing model, etc.
Impairment test of financial assets and withdrawal method of impairment provision
—The Company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial assets other
than those transactional financial assets. Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has been
impaired, an impairment provision shall be made.
— — Measurement for impairment of financial assets measured on the basis of the post-amortization costs
Where there is any objective evidence proving that a financial asset measured on the basis of post-amortization costs is
impaired, the carrying amount of the said financial asset shall be written down to the current value of the predicted future cash
flow (excluding the loss of future credits not yet occurred), and the amount as written down shall be recognized as loss of the
impairment of the asset and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. An impairment test shall be made
on the financial assets with significant single amounts. With regard to the financial assets with insignificant single amounts, an
impairment test may be carried out by independent or combination. Where, upon independent test, the financial asset has not
been impaired, it shall be included in a combination of financial assets with similar risk features so as to conduct another
impairment test. The financial assets which have suffered from an impairment loss in any single amount shall not be included
in any combination of financial assets with similar risk features for any impairment test. During the follow-up period, if there
is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said financial asset has been restored, and it is objectively related to the
events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment-related losses as originally recognized shall be reversed and be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. However, the reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than
the post-amortization costs of the said financial asset on the day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for
the impairment. Where any financial asset measured on the basis of post-amortization costs is recognized as having loss, the
relevant impairment provision withdrawn shall be written off.
—   — Available-for-sale financial assets
Where a available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, even if the recognition of the financial asset has not been terminated, the
accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the owner’s equity which was directly included shall be
transferred out and recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The accumulative losses that are transferred out
shall be the net amount obtained from the initially obtained costs of the sold financial asset after deducting the principals as
taken back, the current fair value and the impairment-related losses as was recorded into the profits and losses of the current

Calculation of bad-debt provisions for accounts receivables
—For accounts receivables with a significant single amount and for which bad-debt provisions are made separately:

Definition   or    amount    Accounts receivable with a significant single amount refer to the top five accounts receivable with
criteria for an account      the largest balances or accounts accounting for over 10% of the total balance of receivables.
receivable     with      a
significant single amount

Making separate bad-debt     Where there is objective evidence proving that the Company is not able to recover the full amount of
provisions for accounts      an account receivable according to the original terms in relation to the account, an independent
receivable     with      a   impairment test is carried out on the account receivable and the bad-debt provision is made according

                                                                2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

significant single amount    to the difference between the present value of the account’s future cash flows and the account’s
                             carrying amount. If the independent impairment test shows that the account receivable has not been
                             impaired, the balance of the account is put into the corresponding group and the bad-debt provision is
                             made using the balance percentage method.

—Accounts receivable for which bad-debt provisions are made on the group basis

Grouping criteria:

                       Group name                                                          Criteria

                                                              Accounts receivable arising from other common transactions
Common transaction group                                      than internal transactions are classified according to credit risk

                                                              Accounts receivable arising from internal transactions within the
Internal transaction group                                    scope of the consolidation statements are classified according to
                                                              credit risk features.

Making bad-debt provisions for accounts receivable on the group basis:

                       Group name                                               Method for making provisions

Common transaction group                                                          Balance percentage method

                                                              The bad-debt provision is made according to the difference
Internal transaction group                                    between the present value of the group’s future cash flows and
                                                              the group’s carrying amount.

—For receivable groups for which bad-debt provisions are made using the balance percentage method:

              Group name                    Provision ratio for account receivables    Provision ratio for other receivables (%)

      Common transaction groups                               6%                                         6%

—Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad-debt provision is made independently
— —When can the bad-debt provision be made independently for an account receivable with an insignificant amount
When there is conclusive evidence proving that obvious difference exists in the recoverability.
— —Method for making bad-debt provisions for the said accounts receivables
The bad-debt provision is made according to the difference between the present value of the account’s future cash flows and
the account’s carrying amount.
As for other receivables (including notes receivable, prepayments, interest receivable, long-term receivables, etc.), bad-debt
provisions are made according to the differences between the present values of their future cash flows and their carrying

Accounting Method of Inventory
Inventory category: raw materials, products in processing, materials for consigned processing, finished products,
semi-manufactured semi-finished products, and low-value consumption goods.
Accounting of inventory: raw materials and finished products shall be measured at actual cost, while weighted average method
shall be adopted when receiving or outgoing.
Inventory system: a perpetual inventory system

                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Recognition of provision for falling price of inventory and withdrawal: The Company shall make provision for falling price of
inventory on the basis of each item of inventory at the balance that net realizable value is lower than carrying cost. For finished
goods, merchandise inventories, and available for sale materials which are applied directly for sales of stock inventory, the
amount after deducting the estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sell price of the inventory shall be
recognized as the net realizable value. For material inventories which need to be processed, the amount after deducting the
estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of produced finished
goods shall be recognized as the net realizable value.

Measurement Method of Long-term Investment
Measurement of long-term equity investment
— Long-term equity investment for the merger of enterprises
—— For the merger of enterprises under the same control, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the share of the book value of
the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment, and the direct relevant
expenses occurred for the merger of enterprises shall be included into the profits and losses of the current period.
—— For the merger of enterprises not under the same control, The combination costs shall be the fair values, on the
acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the Company in
exchange for the control on the acquiree, and all relevant direct costs incurred to the acquirer for the business combination.
Where any future event that is likely to affect the combination costs is stipulated in the combination contract or agreement, if it
is likely to occur and its effects on the combination costs can be measured reliably, the Company shall record the said amount
into the combination costs.
—— The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost which is
actually paid. The cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtainment of the long-term equity investment, taxes
and other necessary expenses.
—— The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair value of the
equity securities issued.
—— The cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the investment contract or
agreement except the unfair value stipulated in the contract or agreement.
—— The cost of a long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets (having commercial nature) shall be
recognized base on taking the fair value and relevant payable taxes as the cost of the assets received.
—— The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be recognized at the fair value.

Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment and recognized method of investment income
—The long-term equity investment of the Company that is able to control the invested enterprise and which of the Company
that does not do joint control or does not have significant influences on the invested entity, and has no offer in the active
market and its fair value cannot be reliably measured, it shall be measured by employing the cost method. Except for the
declared but not distributed cash dividends or profits included in the price or consideration actually paid when an investment is
obtained, the dividends or profits declared to distribute by the invested entity shall be recognized as the current investment
—A long-term equity investment of the Company that does joint control or significant influences over the invested entity shall
be measured by employing the equity method. If the cost of a long-term equity investment is more than the Company's
attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the cost of the long-term
equity investment may not be adjusted. If the cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the Company's attributable

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the difference shall be included in the
current profits and losses and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted simultaneously. The Company shall
recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term
rights and interests which substantially form the net investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero, unless the
investing enterprise has the obligation to undertake extra losses. The Company shall, on the ground of the fair value of all
identifiable assets of the invested entity when it obtains the investment, recognize the attributable share of the net profits and
losses of the invested entity after it adjusts the net profits of the invested entity.

Provision for impairment of long-term investment
—The Company shall conduct inspection to long-term investment item by item at the end of reporting period. If the market
price of long-term investment falls into sustained decline or the invested enterprise’s operation status grow worse, which will
cause that the recoverable amount is lower than carrying value, moreover, such reduced value will not be restored in predicted
future period, then the negative balance between the recoverable amount and carrying value of long-term investment shall be
measured as provision for impairment of long-term investment. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the
higher one of the net amount of the fair value of the long-term equity investment minus the disposal expenses and the current
value of the expected future cash flow of the long-term equity investment. Once any loss of impairment of the long-term
investment is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods.

Measurement of Fixed Assets and Depreciation
Recognition of fixed assets: Fixed assets of the Company refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features
as follows: they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; and
their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year and unit price is higher.
Category of fixed assets: housing and building, machinery equipment, transportation vehicle and other.
Measurement of fixed assets and depreciation method: fixed assets shall be measured at actual cost. Depreciation rate shall be
recognized by employing the straight-line method and in accordance with appraisal economical useful life and predicated net
residuals. The appraisal economical useful life and depreciation rate are listed as below:

            Categories                      Useful life             Annual depreciation rate            Residuals rate
 Housing and Building                                 3—25                        31.67%-4.75%                          5%

 Machinery equipments                                  2—8                       47.50%-11.88%                          5%

 Transportation vehicle                               5—10                              19%-9.50%                       5%

 Other                                                 2—8                       47.50%-11.88%                          5%
Provision for impairment of fixed assets: The Company shall carry out inspection to fixed assets item by item every year. If the
recoverable amount is lower than carrying value due to sustained decline of market price of fixed assets or technological
obsolescence, damage or long-term idle, then the provision for impairment of fixed assets shall be withdrawn on the basis of
the balance hereof. Once any loss of impairment of the fixed assets is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future
accounting periods. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of
the fixed assets minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the expected future cash flow of the fixed assets. The
current value of future cash flow of assets shall be recognized based on the amount after the predicated future cash flow
occurred in the process of continuous services and when the final disposal is discounted by adopting proper discount rate.

Accounting Measurement of Construction in Progress

                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Construction in progress shall be measured at actual cost. Constructions in progress shall be carried down to fixed assets by
adopting provisional estimate when bringing to the expected conditions for use. After completion and settlement procedures,
the Company shall adjust the carrying value of fixed assets at the actual cost. As for interests on borrowings incurred to
special-borrowing loans or general borrowing for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization and the ancillary expense incurred to special-borrowing loans, those incurred before a qualified asset under
acquisition, construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale shall be capitalized into capitalized cost, while
those incurred after a qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale shall
be included into the profits and losses of the current period.
Provision for impairment of construction in progress: the Company shall carry out overall inspection to the construction in
progress at the end of the reporting period. If the construction in progress has been stopped for a long time and cannot be
continued restarting in the coming three years, and such construction in progress has already fallen behind, whatever in
performance or in technology, resulting in an uncertainty to economic benefit of the Company, and there is an obvious
evidence shows that the construction in progress has been impaired, then provision for impairment of the construction in
progress shall be withdrawn based on the negative balance between the recoverable amount of single construction in progress
and carrying value. Once any loss of impairment of the construction in progress is recognized, it shall not be switched back in
the future accounting periods.

Measurement of Intangible Assets and Amortization Method
Measurement of intangible assets
—— The cost of outsourcing intangible assets shall be measured at actual expenditures occurred for reaching the expected use
—— The research expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shall be recorded into the
profit or loss for the current period. The development expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the
Company may be confirmed as cost of intangible assets when they satisfy capitalization conditions.
—— The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the conventional value in the
investment contract or agreement, except for those of unfair value in the contract or agreement.
— —The intangible assets received by the Company through accepting debtor’s non-cash assets for compensation for debts, or
by receivables, shall be measured at the fair value of the intangible assets received.
— —The cost invested into intangible assets by non-monetary transaction shall be determined according to the fair value of
non-monetary assets and relevant payable taxes.
Amortization of intangible assets: Intangible assets with limited service life shall be amortized by the straight-line method
within its estimated service life. If it is unable to forecast the period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to
the Company, it shall be regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain service life. Intangible assets with uncertain service life
may not be amortized. The Company’s intangible assets is mainly land use right, which is amortized averagely by the service
life (50 years).
Provision for impairment of intangible assets: the Company shall made overall inspection to the intangible asset at the end of
reporting period. If the intangible assets have already been replaced by other new technologies, resulting in the Company’s
ability to create economic benefits suffering materials adverse influence, or a sustained decline of market price of intangible
assets and impossible to be recover within the residual amortization years, or certain intangible asset has exceeded the term
protected by law but still part of useful value is remained, or there is an obvious evidence shows that the intangible assets has
been impaired, then provision for impairment of the intangible assets shall be withdrawn based on the balance between the
recoverable amount of single intangible assets and carrying value. Once any loss of impairment of the intangible assets is
recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods.

                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Measurement of Long-term Deferred Expenses

Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year (one year
excluded) that have occurred but attributable to the current and future periods. Long-term deferred expense
shall be recoded into book in the light of the actual expenditure, and amortized averagely within benefit
period. In case of no benefit in the future accounting period, the amortized value of such project that fails to
be amortized shall be transferred into the profits and losses of the current period.

Measurement of Capitalization of Borrowing Costs
The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements: (1) The asset
disbursements have already incurred, which shall include the cash, transferred non-cash assets or interest bearing debts paid for
the acquisition and construction or production activities for preparing assets eligible for capitalization; (2) The borrowing costs
has already incurred; and (3) The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset
for its intended use or sale have already started.
To-be-capitalized amount of interests of borrowing: As for interests of borrowing occurred special-borrowing loans or general
borrowing for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, those incurred before a
qualified asset under acquisition, construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale shall be capitalized based on
the following methods:
— —As for special-borrowing loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, the
to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan at
the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a
temporary investment.
— —Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization,
the Company shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying
the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by
the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the
weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.
Suspension of capitalization: Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted
abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be
suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period, till the acquisition and construction or production of the asset restarts. If the
interruption is a necessary step for making the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production ready for the
intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall continue.

Recognition and Measurement of Estimated liabilities
Recognition of estimated debts: The obligation such as external guaranty, pending litigation or arbitration, product quality
assurance, layoff plan, loss contract, restructuring and disposal of fixed assets, pertinent to a contingencies shall be recognized
as an estimated debts when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: ① That obligation is a current obligation of
the enterprise; ② It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance of the
obligation; and ③ The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.
Measurement of estimated debts: The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the
necessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation. To determine the best estimate, the Company shall take into
full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors pertinent to the Contingencies. If the time

                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

value of money is of great significance, the best estimate shall be determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of
cash. If there is a sequent range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within this range are equally likely to occur,
the best estimate shall be determined in accordance with the middle estimate within the range. In other cases, the best estimate
shall be conducted in accordance with the following situations, respectively: ① If the Contingencies concern a single item, it
shall be determined in the light of the most likely outcome. ② If the Contingencies concern two or more items, the best
estimate should be calculated and determined in accordance with all possible outcomes and the relevant probabilities. ③ When
all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated debts of an enterprise is expected to be compensated
by a third party, the compensation should be separately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that the
reimbursement will be obtained. The Company shall check the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. The
Company shall, subject to change, make adjustment to carrying value to reflect the current best estimate.

Employee Compensation
The employee compensation refers to all kinds of payments and other relevant expenditures given by the Company during the
accounting period of an employee' providing services to the Company, including: wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies for
the employees; welfare expenses for the employees; social insurances such as medical insurance, endowment insurance,
unemployment insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance and other, which are paid by the Company to the
employee, and housing accumulation fund. If the Company cancels the labor relationship with any employee prior to the
expiration of the relevant labor contract or brings forward any compensation proposal for the purpose of encouraging the
employee to accept a layoff (the cancellation of labor relationship or proposal on voluntary layoff will execute it soon, and The
Company is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or the layoff), the Company shall
recognize the estimated liabilities incurred hereof, and shall simultaneously record them into the profit or loss for the current

Recognition of revenue
No revenue shall be realized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously: a. The significant risks and rewards of
ownership of the goods or products have been transferred to the buyer by the enterprise; b. The Company retains neither
management right nor effective control over the sold goods or products; c. The relevant revenue has been received or valid
evidence has been obtained, d. relevant cost related to sales of goods and products can be measured in a reliable way.

Specific principles for recognition of the “domestic sale and export” incomes of the Company:
(1) Method for recognition of the domestic sale income:
According to the buyer’s requirements, the Company delivers to the buyer the products that have been considered qualified
upon examination. The amount of the income has been determined and the sales invoice has been issued. The payment for the
delivered products has been received in full or is expectedly recoverable.
(2) Method for recognition of the export income:
The Company produces the products according to the contract signed with the buyer. After the products have been examined as
qualified, the Company completes the customs clearing procedure for export. The shipping company loads the products for
shipping. The amount of the income has been determined and the export sales invoice has been issued. The payment for the
delivered products has been received in full or is expectedly recoverable.
Revenue from providing services shall be recognized by adopting the percentage-of-completion method when following
conditions shall be met simultaneously: The amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; The relevant economic
benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; The schedule of completion under the transaction can be confirmed in a reliable
way; and the costs incurred or to be incurred in the transaction can be measured in a reliable way. If the Company can not
measure the result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services in a reliable way, and the cost of labor services

                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from the providing of labor services shall be recognized in accordance
with the amount of the cost of labor services incurred. If the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate in
full, the revenue shall be recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost of labor service can be compensated; if all cost
of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate and no revenue from the providing of labor services may be
The revenue from abalienating of right to use the Company’s assets may be recognized when the following conditions are met
simultaneously: a. the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow to the Company; and b. the amount of revenues can be
measured in a reliable way. The user charge receivable should be measured and confirmed as operating revenue in accordance
with the period and method of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or agreement.

Government Subsidies
No government subsidy may be recognized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously: (1) The Company can
meet the conditions for the government subsidies; and (2) The Company can obtain the government subsidies.
If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or receivable amount. If a
government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a
reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount.
The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within the useful lives
of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. But the government subsidies measured at their nominal
amounts shall be directly included in the current profits and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be
treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: (1) Those subsidies used for compensating the related
future expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current profits and
losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or (2) Those subsidies used for compensating the related
expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

Accounting Treatment of Income Tax
Income tax shall be measured by adopting balance sheet approach. On the balance sheet day, deferred income tax assets and
relevant deferred income tax income shall be recognized based on the deductible temporary difference and result calculated at
the applicable income tax rate; deferred income tax liabilities and relevant deferred income tax expense shall be recognized
based on taxable temporary difference and result calculated at the applicable income tax rate.

Method for Profit Distribution
In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Company’s profit shall be distributed in order as follows:
—Making up losses in the previous year;
—Appropriating 10% net profit as statutory public reserve, if accumulative appropriated amount reaches over 50% of
registered capital, the Company may no longer appropriate;
—Appropriating discretionary public reserve after approval by the Shareholders’ General Meeting;
—Retained profit shall be distributed according to the resolution of the Shareholders’ General Meeting.

Business Combinations
The term "business combinations" refers to a transaction or event bringing together two or more separate enterprises into one
reporting entity. The Company shall recognize assets and liabilities obtained for business combinations on the combining date

                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

and acquisition date. The "combining date" or “acquisition date” refers to the date on which the combining party actually
obtains control on the combined party.
In a business combination under the same control, the assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business
combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As for the
balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the
consideration paid by it, the additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be
offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
In a business combination not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the fair values, on the acquisition date, of
the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control
on the acquiree. The positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains
from the acquiree shall be recognized as business reputation. The negative balance between the combination costs and the fair
value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period
after the reexamination.

Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements shall include the Company and all its subsidiaries. The
operating outcomes and financial status of the subsidiaries shall be included in the consolidated financial statements from start
date of the control to end date of the control.
The subsidiaries that the Company obtains due to business combination under the same control shall be included into the scope
of consolidation when preparing the consolidated financial statements of the current period, and the beginning balance in the
consolidated financial statement and prior comparison sheet shall be adjusted accordingly.
As for the subsidiaries that the Company obtains due to business combination not under the same control, their financial
statements shall be adjusted based on the fair value of each identifiable asset and liability determined on the combining date
when preparing the consolidated financial statements of the current period. Such combined subsidiaries shall be included into
the scope of consolidation from the combining date.
If the accounting period and accounting policies adopted by a subsidiary are different from those adopted by the Company,
when preparing the consolidated financial statement, necessary adjustments shall be made to the financial statements of the
subsidiary under the accounting period and accounting policies adopted by the Company. Within the scope of consolidation, all
significant transactions between the enterprises, balance and unrealized profits and losses shall be offset when preparing the
consolidated financial statement. As for the unrealized losses occurred in the internal transaction, if there is a evidence shows
that such loss is impairment loss on relevant assets, it shall not be offset. The equity and profits & losses attributable to
minority shareholders of the subsidiary shall be particularly presented in the item of “shareholder’s equity” in the consolidated
balance sheets and in the item of “net profit” in the consolidated income statement respectively.

Change in accounting policies and accounting estimates and corrections of prior accounting errors
During the reporting period, there is no change in accounting policies or accounting estimates and no correction of prior
accounting errors.

IV. Major Taxes

                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VAT on sales is calculated based on 17% of sales revenue. VAT is calculated and paid based on the difference of VAT on sales
deducting deductible input VAT. Tax on exports managed by the Company, as approved by the taxation departments, is paid by
adopting the policy of “tax exemption, tax deduction and tax rebate” since 1 Jan. 2002.

Corporate Income Tax

The Company was identified as a high-tech enterprise in Dec. 2008, and passed the re-examination for the First Batch
High-tech Enterprise in 2011 on 23 Aug. 2011, as well as won the “Certificate of High-tech Enterprise” with serial number
GR201144000059 after approval by Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Department of Finance
of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial Bureau of State Taxation and Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Local Taxation.
In accordance with relevant provisions in Corporate Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administration
Measures for Identification of High-tech Enterprises promulgated in 2007, the Company paid the corporate income tax based
on a tax rate of 15% within three years since 1 Jan. 2011.

The subsidiary of the Company, Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., is a productive foreign funded
enterprise, and since 2008, the first profit-making year, it can enjoy the preferential CIT policy of “Two plus three”, therefore
the said company should be allowed a 50% reduction of the enterprise income tax in 2012, as at the rate of 12.5%.

The subsidiaries of the Company, including Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., Foshan Chansheng Electronic
Ballast Co., Ltd., Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd., Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Manufacturing
Co., Ltd., Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang) Co., Ltd., Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., Qinghai Fozhao
Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd., Guangdong Fozhao Leasing Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Fozhao New Light
Sources Technology Co., Ltd. , whose enterprise income tax rate is 25%.

V. Subsidiaries controlled by the Company
The subsidiaries received by the Company through establishment or investment
                            Regi                      Amount                                                             Con
                    Date             Registered
   Name of                  strati                  invested by                  Legal                                   solid
                     of                capital                       Equity
   invested                  on                         the                     represe           Main business          ated
                    found            (RMB’0000                      owned
  company                   plac                     Company                    ntative                                  state
                    ation                 )
                              e                    (RMB’0000)                                                           ment

Foshan                                                                                      Manufacturing
Chansheng                                                                                   electronic       ballasts,
                            Fosh                                                Zhong
Electronic          2003              RMB100          RMB75           75%                   electronic                   Yes
                             an                                                 Xincai
Ballast      Co.,                                                                           transformers           and
Ltd.                                                                                        electronic triggers.

                                                                                            Production             and
                                                                                            operation of lamps,
                                                                                            electric light source
                                                                                            products               and
Electric                    Fosh                                                Zhong
                    2005             RMB7278        RMB5094           70%                   accessories,                 Yes
Appliance                    an                                                 Xincai
                                                                                            installation           and
                                                                                            related      engineering
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            and            consulting

                                                       2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foshan                                                                         development,
Taimei Times                                                                   production and sales
                          Fosh                                        Zhao
Lamps        and   2005           RMB50      RMB35         70%                 of lighting, household         Yes
                           an                                         Yong
Lanterns Co.,                                                                  appliances              and
Ltd.                                                                           accessories and other
                                                                               lighting products.

                                                                               R&D and production
Foshan                                                                         of electric light source
Lighting                                                                       lamp       products     and
                          Fosh                                       Zhong
Lamps        and   2009          RMB500     RMB507         100%                relevant            electric   Yes
                           an                                        Xincai
Lanterns Co.,                                                                  engineering materials,
Ltd.                                                                           metal      material     and
                                                                               non-metal material

                                                                               Production and sales
                                                                               of electric light source
                                                                               equipment               and
                                                                               electric light source
Foshan                                                                         products,      sales     of
Electrical    &                                                                accessories of electric
                          Xinx                                       Zhong
Lighting           2009          RMB1000    RMB1000        100%                light source, electric         Yes
                          iang                                       Xincai
(Xinxiang)                                                                     light source materials,
Co., Ltd.                                                                      electric     engineering
                                                                               materials, accessories
                                                                               for motor vehicles,
                                                                               lamps                   and
                                                                               Production and sales
Lithium Ion                                                          Zhong
                          Qing                                                 of lithium ion battery
Battery            2010          RMB5000    RMB2550        51%                                                Yes
                           hai                                       Xincai    cathode      materials
Materials Co.,
                                                                               Financial leasing and
Guangdong                                                                      service       for      new
Fozhao                    Fosh                                                 energy cars and main
                   2011          RMB20000   RMB20000       100%      Xingmi                                   Yes
Leasing Co.,               an                                                  accessories,
Ltd.                                                                           energy-saving lighting
                                                                               products and projects
Guangdong                                                                      Production and sales
Fozhao       New                                                               of LED light sources
                          Fosh                                       Zhong
Light Sources      2011          RMB22200   RMB1000       54.95%               and     LED         lighting   Yes
                           an                                        Xincai
Technology                                                                     application products;
Co., Ltd.                                                                      lighting      installation

                                                                2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


—Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., who is the Sino-foreign joint ventures invested and established
by the Company and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd, had obtained license for business corporation on 23 Aug. 2005
through approval by Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming District, Foshan with document “MWJMY
Zi [2005] No. 79”. The Company holds 70% equities of the said company, therefore the said subsidiary was included into the
scope of the consolidated financial statements since date of the foundation.
—Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., who is the Sino-foreign joint ventures invested and established by the
Company and Reback North America Investment Limited, had obtained license for Business Corporation on 5 Dec. 2005
through approval by Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming District, Foshan with document “MWJMY
Zi [2005] No. 97”. The Company holds 70% equities of the said company, therefore the said subsidiary was included into the
scope of the consolidated financial statements since date of foundation.
—Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. is limited liability company, which is invested and established by the
Company together with Foshan Haozhiyuan Trading Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liangqi Electric Co., Ltd, Changzhou Sanfeng
Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Henan Xingchen Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Hongbao Electrical & Lighting Co.,
Ltd., Hebei Jinfen Trading Co., Ltd., obtaining its license for Business Corporation on 27 Mar. 2009. The Company holds 60%
equities of this company. Therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements
since date of the foundation. The said company had put into production in May 2009. On 25 Sep. 2009, the equity transfer
agreement was signed between the Company and Foshan Haozhiyuan Trading Co., Ltd., in which Foshan Haozhiyuan Trading
Co., Ltd. transferred 10% equities of Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. to the Company. After transfer, the
Company holds 70% equities of Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd.. On 19 Dec. 2010, the Company signed Equity
Transfer Contract with Shanghai Liangqi Electric Co., Ltd, Changzhou Sanfeng Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Henan
Xingchen Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Hongbao Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., and Taizhou Luqiao Hengyu
Lighting Equipment Trading Company. Since then, the above said minority shareholder respectively transferred 6% of their
holding equities of Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. to the Company, the Company held 100% equities of
Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. after the transfer.
—Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang) Co., Ltd. is limited liability company with the registered capital of RMB 10 million,
which is invested and established by the Company, obtaining its license for Business Corporation on 17 Apr. 2009. As at 31
Dec. 2009, the Company had invested RMB 5 million in this company, holding 100% equities of this company. Therefore the
said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since date of foundation.
—Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. is limited liability company, which is invested and
established by the Company together with Hefei Lixin Energy Material Co., Ltd., Qinghai Power New Energy Material Co.,
Ltd., Lithium Energy Holdings, Ltd. and Jianagsu Guogang Communication Engineering Co., Ltd.. On 25 Oct. 2010, Qinghai
Fozhao Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd. received Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person, of which the
Company holds 51% equities of the company, and it was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since
date of foundation.

—Guangdong Fozhao Leasing Co., Ltd. is limited liability company, which is invested and established by the Company,
obtaining its license for Business Corporation on 31 May 2011. And the Company holds 100% equities of this company.
Therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since date of foundation.

—Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources Technology Co., Ltd. , who is the Sino-foreign joint ventures invested and
established by the Company and Bright Technology & Venture Limited (registered in Hong Kong), had obtained license for
Business Corporation on 7 Jun. 2011 through approval by Foshan Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, with

                                                                2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

document “FWJMY Zi [2011] No. 39”. And the registered capital was RMB 222 million. The Company had already input the
capital of RMB 10 million, accounting for 54.95% equity of the company, and included the company into the scope of the
consolidated financial statements since its establishment. In Jun. 2012, the Company signed an Agreement on Termination of
Cooperation with Bright Technology & Venture Limited (registered in Hong Kong), both parties unanimously agreed to
dissolve Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources Technology Co., Ltd., and relevant procedures on cancelling the company has
been finished in Mar. 2013.

The subsidiary for business combination not under the same control
                  Date                                 Amount                                                           solid
  Name of                  Regist     Registered                                 Legal
                   of                              invested by the Equity                                               ated
   invested                ration       capital                                 represe         Main business
                 found                                Company        owned                                              state
  company                  place    (RMB’0000)                                 ntative
                  ation                              (RMB’0000)                                                        men
                                                                                            Production            of
                                                                                            photoelectric     source
                                                                                            products, lamps and
                                                                                            lanterns, light source
Lighting                  Nanjin                                                Zhong
                  2002              RMB4168.32        RMB7200        100%                   engineering;                Yes
Components                    g                                                 Xincai
                                                                                            development           of
g Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            energy-saving        and
                                                                                            production of relevant
                                                                                            components; sales of

— In accordance with the equity transfer agreement signed between the Company and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd
on 27 Aug. 2008, Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd. transferred 100% equities of Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(used to known as “Prosperity (Nanjing) Lighting Components Co., Ltd.”, and changed name to
“Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.” on 15 Nov. 2010.) to the Company. Therefore, Prosperity
(Nanjing) Lighting Components Co., Ltd. became the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. The said subsidiary was
included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since merger date.

Change of consolidation scope and reason
Information about the disposal of subsidiaries in the reporting period:

                                                                                                            Net profit from the
                                                                           Net assets on disposal
           Name of company                    Acquisition period                                            beginning of current
                                                                                                           period to disposal day
Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape
                                            January to November in            122,782,123.95                   -3,588,971.59
Resort Co., Ltd.

                                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                              Net profit from the
                                                                             Net assets on disposal
               Name of company                 Acquisition period                                            beginning of current
                                                                                                             period to disposal day


—Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. originally was the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and
founded in 2006, obtaining its license for Business Corporation since its foundation. In Oct. 2012, upon review and approval of
its Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Company entrusted Fo Shan City Rong Xin Auction Co., Ltd. to auction 100% equity
interests of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd.. According to the auction result, the said equity interests were
transferred to Guangdong Tuanyi Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Foshan Hongyi Property Investment Co., Ltd. at the
consideration of RMB 317.05 million. All the consideration was paid up in Nov. 2012 and the alteration of the registered
information of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. with the administration for industry and commerce was
completed. Therefore, the base day for the transfer was 30 Nov. 2012. After the transfer, the Company has lost control over
Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. and thus deconsolidated it.
Minority interests and profits and losses of minority shareholders attributable to the holding subsidiaries

                                                  As at 31 Dec. 2012 or Year 2012                As at 31 Dec. 2011 or Year 2011

                Name of company                                        Profits and losses                            Profits and losses
                                               Minority interests                             Minority interests
                                                                          of minority                                   of minority

Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co.,
Ltd.                                                1,563,388.63             677,741.05           1,019,551.66             269,242.19

Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.                               26,531,072.16              679,632.85          25,851,439.31           2,695,142.18

Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns
                                                    8,240,952.28           2,094,876.38           6,146,075.90           4,613,748.97
Co., Ltd.
Qinghai FSL Lithium Ion Battery Cathode
Materials Co., Ltd                                10,760,830.17            -4,212,256.67         14,973,086.84          -1,441,165.15

Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources
                                                                -            523,120.54             -523,120.54           -523,120.54
Technology Co., Ltd.
Total                                             47,096,243.24             -236,885.85          47,467,033.17           5,613,847.65

VI. Notes to Main Items of Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary Funds
                                   Closing amount                                             Opening amount
                       Amount in
        Item                         Exchange          Amount in             Amount in            Exchange          Amount in
                                        rate             RMB               foreign currency           rate             RMB

Cash                                                         4,646.82                                                 102,890.33

Bank deposits                                        980,371,648.14                                                688,662,470.16

                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 Of which:
 RMB account                                            972,782,849.67                                        677,998,462.61

      account                 93.15       0.8109                 75.53              93.05        0.8107                  75.44

      account           1,152,484.15      6.2855          7,243,939.12       1,560,740.53        6.3009         9,834,070.00

      Account              41,452.32      8.3176           344,783.82         101,667.64         8.1625          829,862.11

 currency funds                                           5,074,595.78                                          1,926,390.66

 Of       which:
 RMB                                                      5,074,595.78                                          1,926,390.66

 Total                                              985,450,890.74                                            690,691,751.15

 -Closing monetary funds increased by RMB 294,759,139.59 over the opening amount, representing a growth of
 42.68%, which was mainly because the Company got paid for transferring equity interests of Foshan Gaoming
 Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd..
 —All bank deposits are in the name of the Company or the subsidiaries which are within the scope of consolidated financial
 —Other monetary capital is refundable deposit the Company deposited in exchange company under the company name.

 2. Tradable Financial Assets

                   Items                                Closing balance                      Opening balance

 Tradable financial assets
                                                         4,012,728.75                          4,097,366.22

 —Tradable financial assets are detailed as follows:

                 Item                   Closing               Closing market value           Impairment reserve

         Fund investment                  5,000,000.00                    4,012,728.75                               -

                Total                                                                                                -
                                          5,000,000.00                    4,012,728.75

 3. Notes Receivable

                   Item                             Closing balance                         Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill                                              175,907,019.08                       120,417,089.71

Total                                                             175,907,019.08                       120,417,089.71

 —Up till 31 Dec. 2012, there is no undue trade acceptance draft receivable discounted or pledged.
 —Closing balance of notes receivable increases by RMB 55,489,929.37 as compared with the opening amount, representing
 a growth of 46.08%, which is mainly because more customers adopted notes settlement in the reporting period.

 —There is no amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of voting shares of the Company in the closing balance of

                                                                            2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

notes receivable.
4. Accounts Receivable
—Net account receivable as at 31 Dec. 2012 stands at RMB 334,006,892.19, which is classified as follows:
                                                     Closing balance                                                   Opening balance

                                      Book balance                 Bad debt provision                      Book balance               Bad debt provision
                                                Proportion                           Proportion                    Proportion                   Proportion
                                   Amount                        Amount                               Amount                          Amount
                                                     (%)                                (%)                            (%)                         (%)

Significant single amounts
and      make       independent
                                            -                -              -                     -           -                   -         -                -
provision for impairment

Accounts receivable that make provision for impairment loss according to ages combination

Normal              business
                                355,326,481.06       100.00        21,319,588.87              6.00 319,387,079.08 99.66 19,163,224.76                    6.00

Subtotal of combination         355,326,481.06       100.00        21,319,588.87              6.00 319,387,079.08 99.66 19,163,224.76                    6.00

Not significant single
amounts       but      make
                                                 -           -                          -         -       1,102,004.37       0.34     1,102,004.37 100.00
independent         provision
for impairment losses

            Total               355,326,481.06       100.00        21,319,588.87              6.00 320,489,083.45 100.00 20,265,229.13                   6.30

—Within the combination, analysis of accounts receivable that make provision for losses by balance percentage method
                                      Closing balance                                                              Opening balance

                         Book balance                 Bad debt provision                          Book balance                    Bad debt provision

Account age                                                                                                                                     Withdrawal
                                      Proporti                                  al                                Proporti
                       Amount                         Amount                                    Amount                          Amount          proportion
                                      on (%)                          proportion                                  on (%)

Within 1 year        347,188,347.90      97.71 20,831,300.88                         6.00 316,320,222.51            99.04 18,979,213.35                  6.00

1-2 years              6,915,023.55       1.95        414,901.41                     6.00      1,682,904.52           0.53      100,974.27               6.00

2-3 years              1,150,735.43       0.32         69,044.13                     6.00         950,098.63          0.30        57,005.92              6.00

Over 3 years              72,374.18       0.02             4,342.45                  6.00         433,853.42          0.13        26,031.21              6.00

Total                355,326,481.06     100.00 21,319,588.87                         6.00 319,387,079.08           100.00 19,163,224.76                  6.00

—The actual written-off accounts receivable during the current period

                    Name of company                               Type of                   Written-off             Reasons of           Whether arising
                                                                 accounts                    amount                 written-off            from related
                                                                 receivable                                         receivables            transactions

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou         Yaotong    Lighting       Appliances                                      Estimatedly
                                                             Loan             721,509.44                                    No
Trading Co., Ltd.                                                                           uncollectible

                                                                                            Estimatedly                     No
Ningxia Senpu Lighting & Electrical Co., Ltd.                Loan             205,660.34    uncollectible

Jilin    Changchun      Meijia     Shopping       Mall                                      Estimatedly                     No
                                                             Loan             184,263.00
Yongchun Wholesale Haitian Lamps                                                            uncollectible

                                                                                            Estimatedly                     No
Dongda Commerce&Trade Co., Ltd. (Wang Jian)                  Loan             142,107.94    uncollectible

                                                                                            Estimatedly                     No
Chongqing Shenghui Lighting Co., Ltd.                        Loan               95,807.86   uncollectible

                                                                                            Estimatedly                     No
Zhuji Fluorescent Lamps Factory                              Loan               46,312.71   uncollectible

Foshan     City     Gaoming      District    Langling                                       Estimatedly                     No
Hardware & Electrical Products Wholesale                     Loan               36,859.28   uncollectible

                                                                                            Estimatedly                     No
Verification of small amount                                 Loan             168,476.89    uncollectible

                        Total                                                1,600,997.46

—Particulars on the top five debtors
                                                             Closing amount                       Opening amount
                                                         Amount            Proportion           Amount           proportion
Total and proportion of the top five units in
                      debt                               85,616,456.54         24.09%        101,970,937.99          31.81%

—Main entities

                                Relationship with the                                                       Proportion to
  Ranking of entities                                        Amount in arrear            Ages
                                     Company                                                             accounts receivable

         No. 1                      Non-related                 30,319,268.30        Within 1 year            8.53%

         No. 2                      Non-related                 25,124,587.40        Within 1 year            7.07%

                                    Non-related                 12,079,454.06        Within 1 year            3.40%
         No. 3

                                      Related                       9,094,765.88     Within 1 year            2.56%
         No. 4

                                    Non-related                     8,998,380.90     Within 1 year            2.53%
         No. 5

         Total                                                  85,616,456.54                                 24.09%

—Please refer to Note VII for more details on amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of voting shares of the
Company in the closing balance of accounts receivable.

                                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

5. Prepayments
Balance of prepayments as at 31 Dec. 2012 stands at RMB 12,383,426.98, which is classified according to ages as follows:

                                           Closing amount                                        Opening amount
   Account age
                               Amount                 Proportion (%)                  Amount                  Proportion (%)

Within 1 year
                                10,364,024.71                       83.69              39,163,913.07                       95.45
1-2 years
                                 1,140,000.00                         9.21                1,327,501.87                         3.24
2-3 years
                                   831,986.27                         6.72                           -                            -
Over 3 years
                                    47,416.00                         0.38                 541,446.00                          1.31
                                12,383,426.98                      100.00              41,032,860.94                      100.00
—Arrears of the top five entities in the closing balance of prepayments total RMB 9,563,958.13, accounting for 77.23% of
the prepayment balance. Details are as follows:

 Customer          Relationship with the             Amount                    Account age               Proportion in total

   Unit 1          Non-related supplier                                        Within 1 year
                                                       4,035,611.39                                                        32.59
   Unit 2          Non-related supplier                                      1 year to 2 years
                                                       1,810,595.17                                                        14.62
   Unit 3          Non-related supplier                                        Within 2 year
                                                       1,733,694.70                                                        14.00
   Unit 4          Non-related supplier                                        Within 1 year
                                                       1,219,570.00                                                            9.85
   Unit 5          Non-related supplier                                      1 year to 2 years
                                                            764,486.87                                                         6.17
                                                       9,563,958.13                                                        77.23

—The balance of prepayments has decreased by RMB 28,649,433.96 compared with the period-begin, a decrease of 69.82%,
which was mainly because payment in advance in line with the original agreement had reduced.

—There is no amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of voting shares of the Company in the balance of

6. Interest receivable

                    Items                                    Closing balance                         Opening balance

Deposit interest                                                             530,542.81                              506,347.11

Total                                                                        530,542.81                              506,347.11

7. Other Receivables
Net amount of other receivables as at 31 Dec. 2012 stands at RMB 56,196,390.54, which is detailed as follows according to

                                                                         2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                     Closing balance                                   Opening balance

                                          Book balance          Bad debts provision         Book balance         Bad debts provision
                                                     Propor                   Propor                   Propor
                                        Amount          tion     Amount        tion       Amount         tion     Amount
                                                                                                                                on (%)
                                                        (%)                    (%)                       (%)

Significant single amounts and
make independent provision for                          72.88
impairment losses

Accounts receivable that make provision for impairment loss according to ages combination

                                      15,411,053.7                                      20,054,554.2             1,203,273.2
Normal business combination                             26.93 924,663.24        6.00                     99.47                     6.00
                                                 8                                                 1                       5

                                      15,411,053.7                                      20,054,554.2             1,203,273.2
Subtotal of combination                                 26.93 924,663.24        6.00                     99.47                     6.00
                                                 8                                                 1                       5

Not significant single amounts
but      make          independent      106,552.50       0.19 106,552.50 100.00          106,552.50         0.53 106,552.50      100.00
provision for impairment losses

                                      57,227,606.2        1,031,215.7                   20,161,106.7        1,309,825.7
               Total                               100.00                       1.80                 100.00                        6.50
                                                 8                  4                              1                  5

—Details about accounts receivable with significant individual amount and provision for bad debts are as follows:

                            Entity                                       Type of accounts              Amount in arrear        Account age

 Trading center for tendering and bidding in Gaoming                 Cash deposit of land                                       Within one
                       District, Foshan                                      bidding                                                      year

—Within the combination, analysis of accounts receivable that make provision for losses by balance percentage method

                                      Closing balance                                              Opening balance

                        Book balance             Bad debts provision                   Book balance               Bade debts provision

                                                                Withdraw                                                         Withdraw
Account age
                                      Proporti                      al                            Proportion                        al
                       Amount                    Amount                          Amount                            Amount
                                       on (%)                    proportio                            (%)                       proportion
                                                                  n (%)                                                            (%)

Within      1
                       9,546,737.79              572,804.27
year                                     62.00                        6.00     19,054,865.17          95.02%     1,143,291.91

1-2 years              5,133,212.60      33.31   307,992.76           6.00        496,002.78           2.47%        29,760.17            6.00

2-3 years               373,909.63        2.47    22,434.58           6.00            39,387.08        0.20%         2,363.22            6.00

Over 3 years            357,193.76        2.22    21,431.63           6.00        464,299.18           2.32%        27,857.95            6.00

Total              15,411,053.78 100.00          924,663.24           6.00     20,054,554.21        100.00%      1,203,273.25            6.00

—Particulars of other accounts receivable on top five units in debt

                                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                            Closing balance                         Opening balance
                                                     Amount             Proportion              Amount              Proportion
   Total of the top five units in debt and
                  proportion                       47,422,014.51              82.87%       14,079,521.97                   69.84%

—Main units of other accounts receivable

                       Relationship with                                                                         Proportion to
Ranking of units                                         Amount in arrear                   Ages
                           the Company                                                                              accounts
       No. 1                                               41,710,000.00                                                    72.88
                             relationship                                               Within 1 year

       No. 2                                               1,810,595.17                                                      3.16
                           relationship                                                1 year to 2 years
                                                           1,568,550.00                                                      2.74
       No. 3                 relationship                                              1 year to 2 years

                                                           1,325,380.25                                                      2.32
       No. 4               relationship                                                 Within 1 year

                                                           1,007,489.09                                                      1.76
       No. 5               relationship                                                 Within 1 year

       Total                                                        47,422,014.51                                           82.87

—Bad debt provisions for closing other receivables with significant single amounts or insignificant but being conducted an
independent impairment test on:

                                                  Book              Ages             Bad debt      Withdrawal              Reasons
                                                 balance                                                 ratio

Fangcheng County Yuli Glass Tube Co.,                                                                                  Estimated to be
                                               106,552.50          Over 3 years     106,552.50             100.00
Ltd.                                                                                                                   unrecoverable
—The period-end balance of other accounts receivable has increased by RMB 37,066,499.57 compared with the period-begin,
a increase of 183.85%, which was mainly because the Company submitted RMB 41,710,000.00 of cash deposit for land
bidding to trading center for tendering and bidding in Gaoming District, Foshan.
—There is no amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of voting shares of the Company in the balance of other

—Please refer to Note Ⅷ for more details of related parties’ accounts receivable in closing balance of other accounts

8. Inventory
Net inventory as at 31 Dec. 2012 stands at RMB 434,541,386.19, which is detailed as follows according to types:

                                               Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                             Book balance      Falling price       Book value Book balance Falling price                   Book value
                                                  reserve                                    reserve
Raw materials
                               83,862,206.49        178,720.29 83,683,486.20 162,792,136.75                            - 162,792,136.75

Goods in process                1,956,894.15        391,372.89      1,565,521.26     9,753,974.52                      -    9,753,974.52

                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Finished goods                   248,832,503.39                     - 248,832,503.39 228,698,848.07                        - 228,698,848.07

Self-made       half-finished
                                   98,555,279.40                    - 98,555,279.40 90,753,861.70                          - 90,753,861.70

Low-value fugitive items            2,035,287.92          130,691.98    1,904,595.94       1,614,628.02                    -    1,614,628.02

                                 435,242,171.35           700,785.16 434,541,386.19 493,613,449.06                         - 493,613,449.06
—Provisions for inventory price falling

                                                                                           Decrease in this period
                Item                                                                                                 Closing book balance
                                                                                           Written in Writing off
                                         Opening book balance Provision for this period

        Raw materials                                        -             178,720.29               -            -             178,720.29

        Goods in process                                     -             391,372.89               -            -             391,372.89

        Finished goods                                       -                         -            -            -                      -
        Self-made half-finished
                                                             -                         -            -            -                      -
        Low-value             fugitive
                                                             -             130,691.98               -            -             130,691.98

        Total                                                -             700,785.16               -            -             700,785.16
9. Other current assets

                       Item                                      Closing balance                             Beginning balance

        Deductible input tax of VAT                                                                                                         -

                       Total                                                                                                                -

10. Financial assets available for sale
Particulars on financial assets available for sale
                    Item                                 Fair value at period-end                   Fair value at year-begin
 Trading shares of China Everbright
                                                                         71,817,642.40                                 67,814,691.84
                                                                         71,817,642.40                                 67,814,691.84

—On 18 Aug. 2010, shares of China Everbright Bank were listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Company holds 23,546,768
shares in total with the fair value reaching RMB71,817,642.40 at the end of the year, an increase of RMB4,002,950.56 compared with
the beginning. The Company made provision for deferred income tax liabilities of RMB 600,442.58 of which the difference of
RMB 3,402,507.98 recorded into capital reserve.

11. Long-term equity investment

                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Net amount of long-term equity investment as at 31 Dec. 2012 stands at RMB 519,693,431.95, which is detailed as follows
according to types:
                           Opening amount                                                      Closing amount
                                                        Increase in this   Decrease in
        Items                          Impairment                                                         Impairment
                        Amount                              period         this period      Amount
                                         reserve                                                            reserve
Investment       to
affiliated             41,354,303.71                -                  - 10,330,609.99    31,023,693.72                -

Other investments     414,818,727.04 9,148,904.81        83,999,916.00 1,000,000.00      497,818,643.04 9,148,904.81

Total                 456,173,030.75 9,148,904.81 127,673,748.04 8,406,278.37            528,842,336.76 9,148,904.81

                                                                                                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Particulars on category of long-term equity investment are listed as follows:
—Investment to affiliated entities
                                                                                                                                                    Voting rights             Explanation for                  Cash
                         Accounting        Investment         Opening                                            Closing        Shareholding           ratio in          equity-holding ratio and            bonus in
  Invested entity                                                               increase      decrease
                          method              costs           balance                                            balance        proportion(%)         invested         voting rights ratio in invested        current
                                                                                                                                                     entity (%)           entity are not in accord            period
Qinghai        FSL
Lithium     Energy                                                                                                                                                                           In accord                  -
Exploitation Co.,                        38,000,000.00     28,710,757.68                     3,359,139.69     25,351,617.99              38.00%           38.00%
Ltd.                   Equity method
Guangdong Fozhao
Guoxuan      Power                       12,600,000.00     12,643,546.03                     6,971,470.30       5,672,075.73             50.00%           50.00%                             In accord                  -
Energy Co., Ltd.       Equity method

                                         50,600,000.00     41,354,303.71                   10,330,609.99      31,023,693.72                                                                                             -

                                                                                 Total closing liabilities                                         Total operating revenue in
           Invested entity                Total closing assets amount                                             Closing net assets amount                                                 Net profit in 2012
                                                                                         amount                                                              2012
Qinghai FSL Lithium            Energy
Exploitation Co., Ltd.                                  148,388,182.85                        81,673,398.67                     66,714,784.18                                    -                       -8,839,841.28

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power
Energy Co., Ltd.                                         34,904,445.74                        23,560,294.28                     11,344,151.46                    26,772,293.25                       -13,942,940.59

Total                                                   183,292,628.59                      105,233,692.95                      78,058,935.64                    26,772,293.25                       -22,782,781.87

—Other investment
                                                                                                                   Equity-hol                        for                             Impairm
                                                                                                                                   Voting       equity-holdi
                     Account                                                                                       ding ratio                                                           ent
                                       Initial           Opening         Increase/decre                                          rights ratio   ng ratio and        Impairment                    Cash bonus
 Invested entity       ing                                                                    Closing balance          in                                                             reserve
                                  investment cost        balance              ase                                                in invested    voting rights         reserve                    for this period
                     method                                                                                         invested                                                          for this
                                                                                                                                  entity (%)       ratio in
                                                                                                                   entity (%)                                                         period
                                                                                                                                                 entity are

                                                                                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                          not in
Liangke Venture       Cost
                                  13,718,882.66      13,718,882.66                 -     13,718,882.66       18.50%          18.50%      In accord
Capital Company      method
Zhujiang Asset
Management                        10,000,000.00      10,000,000.00                 -     10,000,000.00       15.38%          15.38%      In accord      3,298,904.81            -    9,025,999.70
                      Cost                                                                                      Less       Less than
Zhonghao                           5,850,000.00       5,850,000.00                  -      5,850,000.00                                  In accord      5,850,000.00            -                -
                     method                                                                                  than5%              5%
(Group) Ltd.
Chengdu Hongbo
Industrial Co.,                    6,000,000.00       6,000,000.00                  -      6,000,000.00        6.94%          6.94%      In accord                  -           -                -
Xiamen Bank                      208,574,217.00     208,574,217.00    83,999,916.00     292,574,133.00         9.99%          9.99%      In accord                  -           -   14,571,414.00
                      Cost                                                                                  Less than      Less than
Development                          500,000.00         500,000.00                  -        500,000.00                                  In accord                  -           -                -
                     method                                                                                       5%             5%
Bank Co., Ltd.
Foshan Fochen
Development                       20,757,600.00      10,175,627.38     -1,000,000.00       9,175,627.38        7.66%          7.66%      In accord                  -           -                -
Hefei Guoxuan
High-tech Power                  160,000,000.00     160,000,000.00                  -   160,000,000.00       14.90%          14.90%      In accord                  -           -                -
Energy Co., Ltd.

Total                              425,400,699.66     414,818,727.04 82,999,916.00         497,818,643.04                                                   9,148,904.81          - 23,597,413.70
—Revenue from Foshan Fochen Road Development Company Limited has been recorded into unified collection and allocation system of road-bridge tolls. The Company regards such investments
balances as right to earnings, which shall be amortized within the remaining period of business of this company. In current period, an investment cost of RMB 1,000,000.00 was amortized.
—In Jun. 2012, the Company signed the “Equity Transfer Agreement” with Shenzhen Meilu Trade Development Co., Ltd., planning to transfer the 18.50% equity interests of Shenzhen Liangke Venture
Capital Company Limited it held to the latter. Up to 31 Dec. 2012, the Company had received an advance of RMB 5 million for the transfer. And the equity transfer has not been concluded completely.

                                                               2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

12. Fixed Assets and Accumulated Depreciation
Net fixed assets as at 31 Dec. 2012 stands at RMB 539,145,022.38, which is detailed as follows:

                                                  Increase in this         Decrease in this
         Items           Opening amount                                                            Closing amount
                                                     period                   period

 Original value of
 fixed assets:

 Housing           and
 building                 580,481,571.86              4,367,038.96            35,143,700.85            549,704,909.97

 equipments              1,137,198,454.92            18,810,301.55            46,380,638.90          1,109,628,117.57

 equipments                18,384,942.28              1,804,280.04                358,986.00            19,830,236.32

 Other equipment           19,814,086.56              1,641,524.11              2,877,302.83            18,578,307.84

 Total                   1,755,879,055.62            26,623,144.66            84,760,628.58          1,697,741,571.70


 Housing           and
 building                 283,741,107.65             27,324,742.18              5,972,746.25           305,093,103.58

 equipments               805,249,314.05             61,739,682.63            39,310,519.09            827,678,477.59

 equipments                12,853,704.70              1,510,601.46                278,278.65            14,086,027.51

 Other equipment           10,690,501.68              1,781,441.80              2,021,169.87            10,450,773.61

 Total                   1,112,534,628.08            92,356,468.07            47,582,713.86          1,157,308,382.29


 Housing           and
 building                                -                           -                        -                      -

 equipments                   265,749.92              1,288,167.03                265,749.92              1,288,167.03

 equipments                              -                           -                        -                      -

 Other equipment                         -                           -                        -                      -

 Total                        265,749.92              1,288,167.03                265,749.92              1,288,167.03

 Net value

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 Housing             and
 building                       296,740,464.21                                                                     244,611,806.39

 equipments                     331,683,390.95                                                                     280,661,472.95

 equipments                       5,531,237.58                                                                           5,744,208.81

 Other equipment                  9,123,584.88                                                                           8,127,534.23

 Total                          643,078,677.62                                                                     539,145,022.38

—Construction in progress with original value of RMB 25,671,564.44 was transferred into fixed assets in the report period.

—Depreciation amount recorded into operating cost, operating expenses and administrative expenses totaled RMB
92,356,468.07 in 2012.

—The building and housing in the fixed assets decreased in the reporting period mainly due to the Company transferred the
equity of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. in the reporting period and no longer included it into the scope
of consolidated financial statements, the assets of hotel decreased correspondingly.
—Up until 31 Dec. 2012, there had existed no fixed assets temporarily idle, rent in by financial leasing or held for sale.
—At the end of the reporting period, the Company withdrew the impairment provision for partial idle machinery equipments at
the balance of its recoverable amount lower than its book value.

13. Construction in Process

Balance of construction in process as at 31 Dec. 2012 stands at RMB 95,684,569.86, which is detailed as follows:

                                        Closing balance                                             Opening balance
        Item                               Impairment                                                  Impairment
                      Book balance                          Net book value       Book balance                                Net book value
                                             reserve                                                     reserve

 Construction in
       process        97,787,652.94       2,103,083.08       95,684,569.86          88,017,369.74                        -     88,017,369.74

        Total         97,787,652.94       2,103,083.08       95,684,569.86          88,017,369.74                        -     88,017,369.74

—Changes in construction in process:

                                                                             transferred into
Name      of     construction                          Increase in this      fixed assets in
project                           Opening amount           period            current period         Other decrease           Closing amount

Fuwan Lighting Industrial
                                    24,413,496.48         5,490,101.32                                                         29,903,597.80
Park                                                                                            -                    -

Furnace                             18,762,363.62         1,657,462.02          1,546,663.78           6,831,043.03            12,042,118.83

Standard C Workshop                 10,565,870.61           198,234.00                          -                    -         10,764,104.61

                                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                            transferred into
Name      of     construction                        Increase in this       fixed assets in
project                         Opening amount             period           current period           Other decrease        Closing amount

Fuwan production
workshop of lithium                            -           7,931,663.63                        -                      -        7,931,663.63

Production lines of T8
                                   1,045,345.49            9,214,406.47        3,226,526.01                           -        7,033,225.95
and metal-halide lamps

LED second workshop                            -           1,625,986.42                        -                      -        1,625,986.42

Rebuilding of liya line            4,991,410.74                         -      4,728,080.61                           -          263,330.13

Production line of lithium
                                  21,769,179.10            2,959,556.46        7,963,471.12                           -       16,765,264.44
iron phosphate

Other                              6,469,703.70        14,852,607.07           8,206,822.92             1,657,126.72          11,458,361.13

Total                             88,017,369.74        43,930,017.39          25,671,564.44             8,488,169.75          97,787,652.94
—None of the items of projects under construction has any interest to be capitalized and exchange gain or loss.
—“Other decrease” of the current period resulted from faulty items.

—Details of construction in process are as follows:

                                                              Withdrawal amount         Decrease of current
Item                               Opening balance                                                                        Closing balance
                                                               of current period                   period

Production line of lithium
iron phosphate                                         -             2,103,083.08                              -               2,103,083.08

Total                                                  -             2,103,083.08                              -               2,103,083.08

—At the end of the reporting period, the Company withdrew the impairment provision for partial projects in construction with
uncertain economic benefits for the Company in the future at the balance of its recoverable amount lower than its book value.

14. Intangible Assets

               Type                Opening balance             Increase in 2012          Decrease in 2012                 Closing balance

Original value of intangible

Land use right
                                      255,453,517.63                               -               67,719,021.32             187,734,496.31
Patent right
                                          200,000.00                               -                           -                 200,000.00
                                      255,653,517.63                               -               67,719,021.32             187,934,496.31
Accumulated amortization

Land use right
                                       36,859,357.11                4,887,139.89                    4,413,059.47              37,333,437.53

                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Patent right
                                          156,666.98                20,000.04                         -             176,667.02
                                        37,016,024.09            4,907,139.93              4,413,059.47          37,510,104.55
Provision for impairment
of intangible assets

Land use right

Patent right


Net value of intangible

Land use right
                                       218,594,160.52                                                           150,401,058.78
Patent right
                                            43,333.02                                                                23,332.98

Total                                  218,637,493.54                                                           150,424,391.76

—The land use right in the intangible assets decreased due to the Company transferred the equity of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan
Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. in the reporting period and no longer included it into the scope of consolidated financial statements,
the assets of hotel decreased correspondingly.
—Up to 31 Dec. 2012, the Company has no provision for impairment of intangible assets that need to be withdrawn.

15. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities
—Recognized deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

                               Items                                       Closing amount                 Opening amount

Deferred income tax assets:

Provision for assets impairment                                                       4,819,079.54                4,664,829.42

Depreciation of fixed assets                                                          9,501,888.63               11,748,793.61

Payroll payable                                                                       6,501,646.52                4,998,975.02

Fair value change gains and losses of trading financial assets                         148,090.69                   135,395.07

Unrecovered loss                                                                      2,032,351.34                             -

Total                                                                                23,003,056.72               21,547,993.12

Deferred income liabilities:

Fair value changes on financial assets available for sale                             6,268,824.89                5,668,382.31

Total                                                                                 6,268,824.89                5,668,382.31

—Items of assets/liabilities leading to temporary difference and relevant amount:

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 Items                                                                        Closing balance                  Opening balance

Deferred income tax assets:

Provision for assets impairment                                                          31,469,905.02                     30,989,709.61
Depreciation of fixed assets                                                             63,345,924.23                     78,145,883.78
Payroll payable                                                                          43,344,310.15                     33,326,500.15
Fair value change gains and losses of trading financial assets                              987,271.25                       902,633.78
Unrecovered loss                                                                          8,129,405.37                                  -
Total                                                                                  147,276,816.02                     143,364,727.32
     Deferred income liabilities:

     Fair value changes on financial assets available for sale                           41,792,165.96                     37,789,215.40
     Total                                                                               41,792,165.96                     37,789,215.40

16. Provision for Assets Impairment
                                                                                      Decrease in 2012
                                  Opening         Increase in                                                                 Closing
             Items                                                    Written-back       Written-off        Other
                                    balance         2012                                                                      balance
                                                                        amount            amount           decrease

Provision for bad debts of
accounts receivable            20,265,229.13      2,698,211.33                    -     1,600,997.46                       21,319,588.87

Provision for bad debts of
other receivables               1,309,825.75      -270,494.10                     -                    -                    1,031,215.74

Provision for falling price
of inventory                                  -    700,785.16                     -                    -              -      700,785.16

Provision for impairment
of long-term investment         9,148,904.81                     -                -                    -              -     9,148,904.81

Provision for impairment
of fixed assets                   265,749.92      1,288,167.03                    -                    -   265,749.92       1,288,167.03

Provision for impairment
of construction in process                    -   2,103,083.08                    -                    -              -     2,103,083.08

Total                          30,989,709.61      6,519,752.50                    -     1,600,997.46       316,719.96      35,591,744.69

17. Other non-current assets
                      Items                              Closing balance                                   Opening balance

 Relevant items about purchasing land
                                                                          41,755,700.00                                                 -
        and identifying land rights

    Payment in advance of facilities                                         786,030.00                                                 -

                                                               2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                     Total                                          42,541,730.00                                            -

18. Payroll payable
                       Items                         Closing balance                             Opening balance

             Accounts payable                        246,652,513.45                              196,871,864.30

—There were no payments aged more than 3 years in the closing balance of accounts payable.
—Among the closing balance, accounts payables from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company, please refer to Note VII.

19. Advance from customers
                     Items                           Closing balance                             Opening balance

       Advance from customers                            19,632,316.50                            18,464,449.37

—The closing balance of the advance from the customers is all advances on sales. There was no advance from customers aged
more than 3 years.

—Among the closing balance of the advance from the customers, there was no advance from customers due from shareholders
with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company.

20. Payroll payable
             Items                Opening balance            Increase in 2012       Payment in 2012        Closing balance

Employee welfare                           422,989.50           271,426,894.50         271,794,014.00              55,870.00

Labor union fee                          53,066,689.68           30,166,364.00          20,202,554.00         63,030,499.68

Social insurance                                     -           12,085,918.00          12,085,918.00                        -

Including:              Medical
insurance                                            -            1,033,411.98           1,033,411.98                        -

       Basic         endowment
insurance                                            -           43,304,847.56          43,304,847.56                        -

insurance                                            -           16,090,166.80          16,090,166.80                        -

       Injury         insurance
premium                                              -           21,884,930.06          21,884,930.06                        -

       Pregnancy insurance                           -            1,585,374.24           1,585,374.24                        -

Housing fund                                         -            2,633,303.19           2,633,303.19                        -

             Total                                   -            1,111,073.27           1,111,073.27                        -

                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

              Items                 Opening balance         Increase in 2012         Payment in 2012      Closing balance

Employee welfare                                      -          1,002,856.85             1,002,856.85                      -

Labor union fee                          53,489,679.18         359,020,292.89          349,423,602.39        63,086,369.68

—There was no payroll payable in arrears in the Company.

21. Taxes payable
As at 31 Dec. 2012, the Company’s balance of taxes payable is RMB 58,992,047.62, the details as below:

                  Taxes                               Closing balance                           Opening balance

Corporate income tax                                               37,238,233.41                             20,972,034.61

VAT                                                                11,124,036.95                             -28,142,151.69

Other                                                              10,629,777.26                               5,087,534.40

                      Total                                        58,992,047.62                              -2,082,582.68

22. Other Payables

                      Items                           Closing balance                           Opening balance

              Other payables                                       37,085,568.58                             27,119,424.60

—The closing balance of other payables increased RMB9,966,143.98 compared with the beginning of the year, an increase of
36.75%, which is mainly because the Company received in advance RMB 5 million as part of the transfer fee from the
planning transfer of shares of Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Company Limited.
—Among the closing balance, there were no other payables due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the
voting shares of the Company.

23. Deferred Income

                      Items                           Closing balance                           Opening balance

Government grants

Including: governments grants related
to benefits                                                                      -                                          -

         Governments grants related to
assets                                                             19,353,441.69                             17,677,441.69

Total                                                              19,353,441.69                             17,677,441.69

—Details about government grants

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

            Items               Closing balance       Opening balance                                 Remark

The         project        of
energy-saving           lamp       9,852,274.95           9,852,274.95                     Fa-Gai-Tou-Zi (2008) No. 3174
transformed             from
incandescence lamp
Project of lithium iron
                                   4,400,000.00           4,400,000.00                Ning-Kai-Nan-Guang-Cai[2011]No.62
Annual production of
2,750t              cathode
                                   2,000,000.00                         -                   Qing-Jing-Tou [2011] No.534
materials     of      lithium

Production line of 50                                                         Government grant for pointed industry investment
million      energy-saving         1,084,999.96           1,240,000.00        besides “4 plus 8” key industries for Y2010 of Nanjing
fluorescent lamp                                                              Finance Bureau

Research project of key
technology                on
industrialization         of       1,000,000.00           1,000,000.00                     Qing-Ke-Fa-Ji-Zi[2011] No.136
production of 2000 ton
Project of FGD fly ash
removal       of      furnace        366,166.78                535,166.74                    Nan-Fu-Fu[2009]No. 689
Production project of
555a/t ferrous sulfate               500,000.00                500,000.00             Ning-Kai-Nan-Guang-Cai[2011]No.12
Research of production
                                     150,000.00                150,000.00             Ning-Kai-Nan-Guang-Cai[2011]No.56
technology of LiFePO4

Total                             19,353,441.69          17,677,441.69

24. Share Capital
                         Opening amount                          Increase/decrease in 2011                       Closing amount

   Item                           Proportion                     subject to                                                 Proportio
                                                   tion of
                      Number                                      trading          Other        Subtotal       Number
                                      %            capital                                                                     n%
                                                                  m listed
I.    Shares
subject to

                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

held      by
                  3,760,618        0.38               -          -           -27,025.00    -27,025.00         3,733,593     0.38
2 . Shares
held      by
                 131,815,685      13.47               -          -                -             -            131,815,685    13.47
held     by
domestic          1,614,137        0.17               -          -           29,200.00      29,200.00         1,643,337     0.17
held    by
foreign                 -                             -          -                -             -
Total shares
subject to
                 137,190,440      14.02               -          -           2,175.00       2,175.00         137,192,615    14.02
II. Shares
not subject
to trading
1.     RMB
ordinary         616,152,268      62.96               -          -           -2,175.00      -2,175.00        616,150,093    62.96
y      listed    225,221,037      23.02               -          -                -             -            225,221,037    23.02
Total shares
not subject
                 841,373,305      85.98               -          -           -2,175.00      -2,175.00        841,371,130    85.98
to trading
III.   Total
                 978,563,745      100.00              -          -                -             -            978,563,745   100.00

25. Capital Reserve
         Items                 Opening amount             Increase in 2012            Decrease in 2012            Closing amount

Share premium
                                  582,653,147.29                              -                          -           582,653,147.29
Provision for equity
investment                                 4,514.43                           -                          -                 4,514.43

Other capital reserve
                                   39,535,587.37                3,402,507.98                             -            42,938,095.35
                                  622,193,249.09                3,402,507.98                             -           625,595,757.07

                                                                   2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

—On 18 Aug. 2012, the shares of China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. were listed in trading center of Shanghai Stock Exchange.
The total amount of shares of Everbright Bank held by the Company is 23,546,768.00 shares. The fair value at the end of the
period reached RMB71,817,642.40, an increase of RMB4,002,950.56 compared with the beginning of the year. According
to relevant regulations, the Company transferred and increased RMB600,442.58of deferred income tax liabilities, after which,
transferred RMB3,402,507.98 of capital reserve.

26. Surplus reserve
         Items                Opening amount                Increase in 2012          Decrease in 2012            Closing amount

Statutory surplus
                                    446,650,721.86              38,957,241.74                            -           485,607,963.60
Discretionary surplus
                                    136,886,568.36                             -                         -           136,886,568.36
                              583,537,290.22              38,957,241.74                                  -           622,494,531.96
—The Company withdrew statutory at 10% of net profit after tax in current period.

27. Retained profit
                            Items                                          Amount in 2012                    Amount in 2011

Retained profit as at the end of last year before adjustment
                                                                                   606,584,375.02                    587,668,581.79
Total opening retained profit adjusted
                                                                                                 -                                 -
Opening retained profit after adjustment
                                                                                   606,584,375.02                    587,668,581.79
Plus: Net profit attributable to parent company for current
                                                                                   400,466,745.11                    291,660,093.73
Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserves
                                                                                    38,957,241.74                     28,103,364.25
     Dividends distributed for ordinary shares
                                                                                   244,640,936.25                    244,640,936.25
Closing retained profit
                                                                                   723,452,942.14                    606,584,375.02
Of which: Cash dividends to be distributed
                                                                           303,354,760.95                 244,640,936.25
—Concerning the dividends distribution for ordinary shares in the current period, the Company, according to the relevant
resolution made at the 2011 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting and based on the total shares of 978,563,745 shares as at 31
Dec. 2011, distributed RMB 2.50 (tax included) in cash for every 10 shares to all shareholders with the total distributed cash
standing at RMB 244,640,936.25.

— In accordance with the profit distribution plan for the year 2012 approved by the Board of Directors on 24 Apr. 2013, the
Company intends to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 3.1 (tax included) for every 10 shares to all shareholders based on total
share capital of 978,563,745 as at 31 Dec. 2012, with total cash dividends distributed standing at RMB 303,354,760.95 (tax
included). The said profit distribution plan needs to be examined by the Shareholders’ General Meeting.

28. Operating Income and Operating Cost
— Category of operating income and operating cost is listed as follows:

                                                     2012                                                  2011
                                      Revenue                      Cost                   Revenue                      Cost

                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Main operation                   2,176,503,375.04         1,610,406,277.08            2,231,991,152.83          1,606,703,532.85

Others                              25,407,356.85           20,023,200.86               28,938,720.72             14,159,018.75

Total                            2,201,910,731.89         1,630,429,477.94            2,260,929,873.55          1,620,862,551.60

—Breakdown of main operation income according to industries:

                                                2012                                                 2011
                                   Revenue                   Cost                      Revenue                     Cost

Lighting equipments and
lamps                            2,156,602,294.62         1,598,108,805.64            2,207,894,596.38          1,592,782,591.17

Income from hotel                   19,901,080.42           12,297,471.44               24,096,556.45             13,920,941.68

Total                            2,176,503,375.04         1,610,406,277.08            2,231,991,152.83          1,606,703,532.85

—Breakdown of main operation income from products sales according to regions:

                                                2012                                                 2011
                                   Revenue                   Cost                      Revenue                     Cost

Domestic sales                                                                        1,382,027,354.70           996,350,213.97
                                 1,545,865,235.81         1,150,406,736.91
Export sales                                                                           825,867,241.68            596,432,377.20
                                  610,737,058.81           447,702,068.73
Total                                                                                 2,207,894,596.38          1,592,782,591.17
                                 2,156,602,294.62         1,598,108,805.64
—Top five customers in sales income:

                                                                                         Proportion in total operating revenue
                 Customer                           Operating revenue

               Customer 1                                             97,766,982.47                                        4.44

               Customer 2                                             46,040,839.55                                        2.09

               Customer 3                                             39,178,281.43                                        1.78

               Customer 4                                             36,401,195.43                                        1.65

               Customer 5                                             34,353,626.47                                        1.56

                  Total                                             253,740,925.35                                        11.52

29. Taxes and Associate Charges
                  Items                             2012                              2011                  Measurement basis

City maintenance and construction tax               12,465,024.44                 14,030,069.75           7% of turnover tax

Educational surtax                                     8,973,081.55               10,003,095.25          3-5% of turnover tax

Business tax                                           1,791,328.69                   1,773,623.54       5% of taxable income

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Others                                           4,379.86                    7,771.56                            -

                   Total                    23,233,814.54               25,814,560.10

30. Selling expenses
                   Category                        2012                                      2011

Transportation expenses                                     44,342,768.44                            41,484,136.42

Service   charges    on    promotion   of
energy-saving products                                       7,823,647.86                            12,353,959.70

Payroll                                                     15,433,893.73                            12,164,046.06

Business propagandize fee                                   18,846,712.50                            15,837,539.92

Commission                                                   3,519,809.08                             3,985,634.90

Travel charge                                                5,199,349.68                             4,198,012.85

Other                                                       14,701,349.86                            14,131,387.14

Total                                                     109,867,531.15                            104,154,716.99

31. Management expense
                   Category                        2012                                      2011

Employee payroll                                            98,170,753.73                            77,332,960.52

Depreciation charges                                        14,357,603.10                            14,172,069.84

Tax expense                                                 23,173,565.36                            16,739,053.02

Office expenses                                              5,380,990.74                             5,740,769.83

Expenses on amortization of intangible
assets                                                       4,907,139.93                             4,963,497.25

Land rent and management fee
                                                             4,762,629.60                             4,751,099.83

Others                                                      16,350,254.37                            26,880,640.59

Total                                                     167,102,936.83                            150,580,090.88

32. Financial expense
                   Category                       2012                                       2011

Interest expense                                                        -                                            -

                                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Less: Interest revenue                                                     12,854,988.88                               9,113,296.71

Exchange loss                                                                 655,904.94                                    -88,288.32

Others                                                                      1,210,141.84                               1,706,974.88

Total                                                                      -10,988,942.10                              -7,494,610.15

33. Assets Impairment Losses

                   Items                                            2012                                     2011

Bad debts losses                                                            2,427,717.23                              -983,377.41

Impairment losses of inventory                                               700,785.16                                            -

Impairment losses of fixed assets                                           1,288,167.03                                           -

Impairment losses of construction in
process                                                                     2,103,083.08                                           -

Total                                                                       6,519,752.50                              -983,377.41

34. Gains and Loss on the changes in fair value

                                                                                   2012                             2011

Income from changes in fair value of trading financial
                                                                                       -84,637.47                     -889,545.48

35. Investment Income
                             Items                                                 2012                             2011
Income from long-term equity investments calculated by
cost method                                                                         22,597,413.70                    -1,000,000.00

Long-term equity investment calculated by equity method                            -10,330,609.99                    -7,949,712.62

Investment income obtained through holding trading financial
assets                                                                                          -                          34,360.63

Investment income obtained through disposal of available-for-sale
financial assets                                                                                -                     1,123,051.10

Investment income obtained through disposal of trading financial
assets                                                                                          -                          14,033.17

Investment income obtained through holding available-for-sale
financial assets                                                                     3,131,720.14                     2,287,122.25

Investment income obtained through disposal of long-term equity
investment                                                                         192,291,073.85                                  -

                                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                       207,689,597.70                -5,491,145.47

—Income from long-term equity investments calculated by cost method:

                            Investor                                               2012                          2011

Xiamen Bank Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        14,571,414.00                               -

Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset Management Company Limited
                                                                                         9,025,999.70                               -

Foshan Fochen Road Development Company Limited
                                                                                        -1,000,000.00                -1,000,000.00

                                                                                        22,597,413.70                -1,000,000.00

—Long-term equity investment calculated by equity method

                            Investor                                               2012                          2011

Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -3,359,139.69                -7,993,258.65

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -6,971,470.30                    43,546.03

                                                                                       -10,330,609.99                -7,949,712.62

—Investment income obtained through disposal of available-for-sale financial assets

                            Investor                                               2012                          2011

China Everbright Bank
                                                                                         3,131,720.14                2,287,122.25

—Investment income obtained through disposal of long-term equity investment

                            Investor                                               2012                          2011

Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd.
                                                                                       192,291,073.85                               -

36. Non-operating income
                                                                                                            Amount recorded into
                  Items                        Occurred amount in 2012         Occurred amount in 2011      current non-operating

Total    gains     from     disposal     of
                                                               290,921.39                        7,343.81               290,921.39
non-current assets

Including: Gains from disposal of fixed
assets                                                         290,921.39                                               290,921.39

  Gains from disposal of intangible
assets                                                                     -

Government subsidy                                           1,633,073.56                    1,406,571.96            1,633,073.56

Accounts payable that irrecoverable due
to the creditor                                                102,246.09                               -               102,246.09

                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Other                                                     1,130,593.80                   2,947,893.97              1,130,593.80

                                                          3,156,834.84                   4,361,809.74              3,156,834.84

—Items of government grants are listed as follows:

Item                                                                               2012                          2011

Fiscal subsidy for promotion projects of efficient lighting products                     537,765.06                             -

Rewards for processing trade enterprises                                                           -                500,000.00

Special development funds of international market in Guangdong
province                                                                                 221,000.00                             -

Appropriated funds for upgrading and transferring processing trade
into self-owned brand                                                                              -                200,000.00

Project of FGD fly ash removal of furnace system                                         168,999.96                 168,999.96

Production line of 50 million energy-saving fluorescent lamp                             155,000.04                 155,000.04

Reward for big tax-payer                                                                 100,000.00                 100,000.00

Development funds of international market for export enterprises                                                    126,000.00

2011 special funds for energy-saving from province                                         90,000.00

Other scattered government grants                                                        360,308.50                 156,571.96

                                                                                        1,633,073.56              1,406,571.96

37. Non-operating expense
                                                                                                        Amount recorded into
                                                Occurred amount in           Occurred amount in
                  Items                                                                                 current non-operating
                                                       2012                        2011

Losses on disposal of fixed assets
                                                         9,936,458.71                   7,128,432.51              9,936,458.71

                                                         4,508,472.89                   3,701,976.61              4,508,472.89

                                                        14,444,931.60                  10,830,409.12             14,444,931.60

38. Income tax expense
                 Items                                         2012                                       2011

Current income tax expense                                             73,288,228.84                             56,958,204.68

                                                                   2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                   Items                                          2012                                     2011

Deferred income tax expense                                              -1,455,063.60                              914,505.15

Total                                                                    71,833,165.24                            57,872,709.83

39. Earnings per share

                   Items                                          2012                                     2011

Basic earnings per share                                      0.41                                        0.30

Diluted earnings per share                                    0.41                                        0.30

—The above earnings per share are calculated in accordance with the Rules for the Compilation of Information Disclosures by
the Companies that Offer Securities to the Public No. 9- Calculation and Disclosure of Net Return of Equity and Earnings per
Share (revised in 2010). Please refer to NoteⅩⅢ for details of the calculation process

40. Other comprehensive income
                                      Items                                         Occurred amount in     Occurred amount in
                                                                                           2012                    2011

1. Gain/(loss) arising from available-for-sale financial assets                            4,002,950.56           -25,430,509.44

Less: Effects of income tax generating from available-for-sale financial
                                                                                            600,442.58             -4,068,295.48

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recorded
                                                                                                      -             1,691,460.44
into other comprehensive income in previous period

                                                                                           3,402,507.98           -23,053,674.40
2. Other
                                                                                                      -                   148.96

Less: Effects of income tax generating from other recorded into other
                                                                                                      -                           -
comprehensive income

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recorded
                                                                                                      -                           -
into other comprehensive income in previous period

                                     Subtotal                                                         -                   148.96
                                                                                           3,402,507.98           -23,053,525.44

41. Other Cash Received Relating to Operating Activities

Other cash received relating to operating activities is RMB 25,721,746.18 in 2012, main items are as below:
                             Items                                                            Amount

Deposit interest                                                                                                   12,830,793.18

                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Accounts current                                                                                                 6,000,000.00

Income from subsidy                                                                                              3,309,073.56

Income from property and rental of equipment                                                                     2,750,353.64

42. Other Cash Paid Relating to Operating Activities
Other cash received relating to operating activities is RMB138,533,541.89 in 2012, main items are as below:
                               Items                                                      Amount

Transport charges                                                                                               44,342,768.44

Advertising expense                                                                                             18,846,712.50

Expense for product promotion                                                                                    7,823,647.86

Office expense                                                                                                   9,200,527.03

Land lease and administration expense                                                                            4,762,629.60

Travel expense                                                                                                   5,199,349.68

Commission                                                                                                       3,519,809.08

43. Other Cash Paid Relating to Investment Activities
Other cash received relating to investment activities is RMB 83,465,700.00 in 2012, main items are as below:
                               Items                                                      Amount

Cash paid for purchase of land and identification of land
rights                                                                                                          41,755,700.00

Cash deposit for land bidding                                                                                   41,710,000.00

44. Supplemental information of cash flow statement
                        Supplemental information                                2012                           2011

1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
 operating activities

Net profit                                                                      400,229,859.26                 297,273,941.38

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                            6,519,752.50                   -983,377.41

     Depreciation of fixed assets                                                92,356,468.07                 106,212,058.02

     Amortization of intangible assets                                             4,907,139.93                  4,963,497.25

                                                                  2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                       Supplemental information                                    2012                         2011

     Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                                   -                            -

     Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment,
intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains: negative)                         385,214.31                  6,978,862.41

     Losses on retirement of fixed assets                                            9,513,614.72                   142,226.29

     Losses from variation of fair value                                                  84,637.47                 889,545.48

     Financial cost                                                                    386,339.63                  1,094,406.80

     Investment loss (gains: negative)                                            -207,689,597.70                  5,491,145.47

   Decrease in deferred income tax assets
(“+” means increase)                                                               -1,455,063.60

     Increase in deferred income tax liabilities
(“-” means decrease)

     Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                     57,879,761.90              -128,056,411.03

     Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
(increase: negative)                                                               -86,577,439.76

     Increase in payables from operating activities
(decrease: negative)                                                               160,856,165.33

Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                 437,396,852.06               269,878,443.21

2. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

  Closing balance of cash                                                          985,450,890.74               690,691,751.15

  Less: opening balance of cash                                                    690,691,751.15               711,853,632.95

  Closing balance of cash equivalents                                                             -                            -

  Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents                                                       -                            -

  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                        294,759,139.59                -21,161,881.80

—Information about disposal of subsidiaries in this period

                                    Item                                                  2012                    2011

Information about disposal of subsidiaries

1. Price of disposing subsidiaries and other operating entities                                                                -

                                                               2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2 . Cash and cash equivalents obtained from disposal of subsidiaries and
                                                                                   315,073,197.79                              -
other operating entities

  Less:Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries and other operating
                                                                                   21,421,595.65                               -

3 . Net value of cash obtained from disposal of subsidiaries and other
                                                                                   293,651,602.14                              -
operating entities

4.Net profit of disposed subsidiaries                                                                                         -

     Current assets                                                                                                            -
     Non-current assets                                                                                                        -
     Current liabilities                                                                                                       -
     Non-current liabilities                                                                                                   -

—Cash and cash equivalents

                                       Items                                       Closing balance          Opening balance

I. Cash
                                                                                      985,450,890.74            690,691,751.15

Including: Cash on hand
                                                                                            4,646.82                102,890.33

     Bank deposit on demand
                                                                                      980,371,648.14            688,662,470.16

     Other monetary funds on demand
                                                                                        5,074,595.78               1,926,390.66

II. Cash equivalent

Including: Bond investment due in three months

III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                     985,450,890.74            690,691,751.15

VII. Related Parties and Related Party Transaction
Relationship between related parties
—Related parties with controlling relationship with the Company
—Related parties with controlling relationship with the Company are as follows:

                           Registration                                                                  Organization       Legal
          Name                                        Main business                     with the
                               place                                                                        code        representative

                                                                   2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                           Registration                                                                  Organization        Legal
        Name                                             Main business                     with the
                               place                                                                         code        representative

Foshan Chansheng            64 Fenjiang
                                               Manufacturing electronic ballasts,
Electronic     Ballast     North Road,       electronic transformers and electronic      Subsidiary      75207544-3      Zhong Xincai
Co., Ltd.                     Foshan

Foshan Chanchang            Cangjiang
                                              Production and operation of lamps,
Electric Appliance        Industrial Park,     electric light source products and
                                                                                         Subsidiary      77920377-5      Zhong Xincai
(Gaoming)          Co.,      Gaoming          accessories, installation and related
                                             engineering and consulting business.
Ltd.                      District, Foshan

Foshan         Taimei       Cangjiang         Research, development, production
                          Industrial Park,     and sales of lighting, household
Times Lamps and                              appliances and accessories and other        Subsidiary      78203558-1      Zhong Xincai
Lanterns Co., Ltd.        District, Foshan            lighting products.

                            Side of the
Foshan       Gaoming      Reservoir, Hefu    Making arrangement (tourist industry,
                                             catering service, sauna, foot-bathing,
Fuwan       Landscape     Road, Hecheng                                                  Subsidiary      79623406-3      Zhong Xincai
                                             games, retail of beverages, sports on
Resort Co., Ltd.              Street,                  the water, chess)
                          District, Foshan
                                                  Production of energy-saving
Nanjing       Fozhao
                                              photoelectric source products, lamps
Lighting                  Honglan Town,      and lanterns, light source equipments,
                                                   illumination engineering;
Components                Lishui County,                                                 Subsidiary      74539880-X      Zhong Xincai
                                                 technological development of
Manufacturing Co.,           Nanjing            energy-saving and production of
                                                 relevant components; sales of
                                                    self-production products
                          Hefu Road E.,
Foshan       Lighting       Cangjiang        R&D and production of electric light
                                              source lamp products and relevant
Lamps              and    Industrial Park,                                               Subsidiary      68638090-8      Zhong Xincai
                                             electric engineering materials, metal
Lanterns Co., Ltd.           Gaoming           material and non-metal material
                          District, Foshan

                            428, Office
                                             Production and sales of electric light
                             Building,        source equipment and electric light
Foshan Electrical &
                           Management        source products, sales of accessories
Lighting (Xinxiang)                           of electric light source, electric light   Subsidiary      68818685-0      Zhong Xincai
                           Board, Henan      source materials, electric engineering
Co., Ltd.
                             Xinxiang           materials, accessories for motor
                                                vehicles, lamps and components
                          Industrial Park

Qinghai       Fozhao       4th Floor, 26
Lithium Ion Battery            Road,         Manufacturing and selling lithium ion
                            Nanchuan              battery cathode materials              Subsidiary      69854199-1      Zhong Xincai
Cathode      Materials
                          Industrial Park
Co., Ltd.                 District, Xining

                                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                            Registration                                                                       Organization        Legal
       Name                                                Main business                         with the
                                place                                                                              code        representative
                                             Financing lease, lease, consultancy
                                             and guarantee of lease; financing lease
Guangdong Fozhao            64 Fenjiang
                                             of new-energy mobile and main                                                          Liu
Financial    Leasing        North Road,                                                        Subsidiary      57641298-0
                                             components,             lighting       and                                          Xingming
Co., Ltd.                       Foshan
                                             energy-saving products, as well as
                                             some project
Guangdong Fozhao          Hecheng Street     Production and sales of LED light
New Light Sources         (Fuwan),           source      products,     LED      lighting
                                                                                               Subsidiary      57643390-9      Zhong Xincai
Technology         Co.,   Gaoming            appliance products and installation of
Ltd.                      District, Foshan   lighting

Notes: Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. was originally the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and
founded in 2006. In Oct. 2012, upon review and approval of its Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Company entrusted Foshan
City Rong Xin Auction Co., Ltd. to auction 100% equity interests of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd.. In
Nov. 2012, the alteration of the registered information of Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. was finished.
After finishing transferring equities, the Company owned no controlling rights to Fuwan Landscape Resort.

——Registered capital of related parties existing controlling relationship with the Company and its change
                   Name                      Opening amount            Increase in 2012         Decrease in 2012     Closing amount
Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast
Co., Ltd.                                        1,000,000.00                              -                   -           1,000,000.00

Foshan        Chanchang           Electric
Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.                   72,782,944.00                              -                   -          72,782,944.00

Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and
Lanterns Co., Ltd.                                    500,000.00                           -                   -            500,000.00

Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape
Resort Co., Ltd.                                 4,800,000.00            121,200,000.00                        -      126,000,000.00

Nanjing        Fozhao            Lighting
Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.              41,683,200.00                              -                   -          41,683,200.00

Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns
Co., Ltd.                                          5,000,000.00                            -                   -            5,000,000.00

Foshan      Electrical      &     Lighting
(Xinxiang) Co., Ltd.                            10,000,000.00                              -                   -          10,000,000.00

Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery
Cathode Materials Co., Ltd.                     42,000,000.00                              -                   -          42,000,000.00

Guangdong          Fozhao       Financial
Leasing Co., Ltd.                              200,000,000.00                                                  -      200,000,000.00

Guangdong      Fozhao       New      Light
Sources Technology Co., Ltd.                    10,000,000.00                                                  -          10,000,000.00

——Shares or equity held by related parties existing controlling relationship with the Company and its change

                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                            Proportion      Increase in        Decrease in          Closing       Proportion
        Name              Opening amount
                                               (%)            2011                2011           amount              (%)
Foshan Chansheng
Electronic     Ballast        750,000.00          75                      -                  -      750,000.00           75
Co., Ltd.
Foshan Chanchang
Electric Appliance
                            50,948,060.84            70                   -                  -    50,948,060.84                70
(Gaoming)          Co.,

Foshan         Taimei
Times Lamps and               350,000.00          70                      -                  -      350,000.00           70
Lanterns Co., Ltd.

Foshan       Gaoming
Fuwan       Landscape        4,800,000.00        100      121,200,000.00      126,000,000.00                  -            -
Resort Co., Ltd.

Nanjing       Fozhao
Components                  41,683,200.00        100                      -                  -    41,683,200.00         100
Manufacturing Co.,

Foshan       Lighting
Lamps              and       5,000,000.00        100                      -                  -     5,000,000.00         100
Lanterns Co., Ltd.

Foshan Electrical &
Lighting (Xinxiang)         10,000,000.00        100                                         -    10,000,000.00         100
Co., Ltd.

Qinghai       Fozhao
Lithium Ion Battery
                             25,500,00.00         51                                         -     25,500,00.00          51
Cathode Materials
Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Fozhao
Financial     Leasing                            100                                         -                          100
                           200,000,000.00                                                        200,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Fozhao
New Light Sources
                            10,000,000.00       54.95                                        -    10,000,000.00        54.95
Technology       Co.,

                                                                2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

—Related parties without controlling relationship with the Company
—Joint venture
 Name of                                                                                                                                Organi
               Enterprise    Registered     Corporate         Business         Registered   Shareholding       ration
  invested                                                                                                                 Relation     zation
                  type         place       representative      nature           capital         ratio             in
   entity                                                                                                                                code
                                                                                                               d entity

               Company                                          t and
Lithium                                                                        RMB 100                                    Joint-stock   699188
               of limited     Qinghai      Zhong Xincai     utilization of                      38%             38%
Energy                                                                          million                                   company        00-2
                liability                                     salt lake
Co., Ltd.
               Company                                      and sales of
 Guoxuan                                                                                                                  Joint-stock   577878
               of limited     Qinghai        Li Zhen        lithium ion        50 million       50%             50%
   Power                                                                                                                  company        27-2
                liability                                   battery and
Energy Co.,
                                                             its control

—Other related parties
                 Name of related parties                                     Relationship with the Company

Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd.                    Company controlled by related natural person

Hangzhou Times Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd.                           Company controlled by related natural person

Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                                    Company controlled by related natural person

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                                           Shareholder owning over 5% shares

Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical Machinery Co.,
                                                                           Company controlled by related natural person

Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.                         Company controlled by related natural person

OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.                                           Company influenced by related natural person

Qinghai Salt Lake Fozhao Lanke Lithium Industry Co.,
                                                                                    Subsidiary of joint venture

                                                                   Company of which family member of Chairman of the Board
Foshan Hongbang Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            has shareholding

Foshan Nanhai Guangming Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.         Company controlled by family member of Chairman of the Board

Foshan Feidelun Electric Co., Ltd.                           Company controlled by family member of Chairman of the Board

                                                                2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 Xiamen Jiandawei Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.        Company controlled by family member of Chairman of the Board

 Foshan Gaoming Ruibeike Electricity-lights Material          Company of which family member of Chairman of the Board has
 Co., Ltd.                                                                         indirect shareholding

                                                              Company of which family member of Chairman of the Board has
 Nanjing Kaixiang Electricity-lights Lighting Co., Ltd.

 Swanki (Foshan) Electric Corporation                         Company controlled by family member of Chairman of the Board

 Zlamp (Foshan) Enterprise Co., Ltd.                          Company controlled by family member of Chairman of the Board

 Foshan      Chancheng    Haolin       Lighting   Appliance
                                                              Company controlled by family member of Chairman of the Board

 Foshan Gaoming Shijia Lighting Co., Ltd.                     Company controlled by family member of Chairman of the Board

 Zhong Yongliang                                                          Family member of Chairman of the Board

 Related transaction
 —Purchase of raw materials
                         Content of        Pricing method                 2012                              2011
 Name of enterprise        related          and decision                         Proportion                        Proportion
                                                                 Amount                            Amount
                         transaction        procedure of                         in sale of                        in sale of
Prosperity Lamps
                         Purchase of
and Components                              Market price                    -                 -   13,939,936.36        0.83%

Prosperity Electrical    Purchase of
                                            Market price        1,628,235.52         0.12%         8,903,714.18        0.53%
(China) Co., Ltd.         materials

Qinghai Salt Lake
Fozhao Lanke             Purchase of
                                            Market price                    -                 -       17,094.02        0.00%
Lithium Industry          materials
Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Times
                         Purchase of
Lighting Appliance                          Market price           32,478.63         0.00%                    -        0.00%
Co., Ltd.

Foshan       Hongbang
                         Purchase of
Lighting Appliance                          Market price           23,717.95         0.00%                    -        0.00%
Co., Ltd.

Foshan         Nanhai
                         Purchase of
Guangming Electric                          Market price        3,992,938.50         0.29%         3,474,478.04        0.21%
Appliance Co., Ltd.

Foshan        Feidelun   Purchase of
                                            Market price        8,932,306.42         0.66%        15,376,292.36        0.92%
Electric Co., Ltd.        materials

                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Xiamen       Jiandawei
Optoelectronics              Purchase of
                                             Market price      2,072,667.92         0.15%       1,329,736.13         0.08%
Technology           Co.,     materials

Nanjing      Kaixiang
                             Purchase of
Electricity-lights                           Market price      3,099,033.79         0.23%       5,254,611.23         0.31%
Lighting Co., Ltd.

Swanki       (Foshan)        Purchase of
                                             Market price        32,188.03          0.00%          18,123.07         0.00%
Electric Corporation          materials

Zlamp        (Foshan)        Purchase of
                                             Market price       185,963.58          0.01%         338,428.79         0.02%
Enterprise Co., Ltd.          materials

         Total                                                19,999,530.34         1.47%      48,652,414.18         2.90%

 —Sale of products
                                                                          2012                             2011
                                             Pricing method
                                Content of    and decision                       Proportion
                                                                                                                   in sale of
   Name of enterprise            related      procedure of                       in sale of
                                                                 Amount                           Amount              the
                               transaction       related                         the current
                                               transaction                         period

 Prosperity Lamps and             Sale of
                                              Market price                           2.55%                            3.13%
 Components Ltd.                 products                      56,256,978.74                     70,784,499.56
 (Hangzhou) Lighting              Sale of
                                              Market price                           0.23%                            0.32%
 and Electrical Co.,             products                       4,981,340.14                      7,264,800.11
 Prosperity Electrical            Sale of
                                              Market price                           0.07%                            0.08%
 (China) Co., Ltd.               products                       1,513,877.09                      1,863,671.90
 OSRAM          (China)           Sale of
                                              Market price                           0.62%                            0.70%
 Lighting Co., Ltd.              products                      13,547,174.42                     15,831,431.81
 Foshan          Hongbang
                                  Sale of
 Lighting        Appliance                    Market price      5,049,521.65         0.23%                            0.27%
                                 products                                                         6,174,003.99
 Co., Ltd.
 Foshan         Feidelun          Sale of
                                              Market price      5,487,986.66         0.25%                            0.43%
 Electric Co., Ltd.              products                                                         9,715,422.35
 Nanjing        Kaixiang
                                  Sale of
 Electricity-lights                           Market price      1,983,044.01         0.09%                            0.20%
                                 products                                                         4,605,082.92
 Lighting Co., Ltd.
 Swanki       (Foshan)            Sale of
                                              Market price      1,137,216.50         0.05%                            0.04%
 Electric Corporation            products                                                           827,775.59
 Zlamp        (Foshan)            Sale of
                                              Market price      1,366,176.14         0.06%                            0.22%
 Enterprise Co., Ltd.            products                                                         4,969,348.67

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foshan    Chancheng
                                 Sale of
Haolin      Lighting                              Market price           171,422.25            0.01%                                0.02%
                                products                                                                        522,947.79
Appliance Department
Foshan      Gaoming
                                 Sale of
Shijia Lighting Co.,                              Market price           265,280.68            0.01%                                            -
                                products                                                                                   -

          Total                                                       91,760,018.28            4.17%     122,558,984.69             5.41%

—Sale of materials
                                                      Pricing                     2012                              2011
                                                   method and
                                  Content of                                             Proportion                            Proportion
      Name of enterprise            related                                              in sale of                        in sale of the
                                                   procedure of       Amount                             Amount
                                  transaction                                            the current                            current
                                                                                           period                                period

Prosperity        (Hangzhou)
                                    Sale of
Lighting and Electrical                            Market price                                            33,688.97                0.23%
Co., Ltd.

Foshan               Gaoming
Ruibeike                            Sale of
                                                   Market price                                                                   66.70%
Electricity-lights Material        materials                                                            16,947,310.94

Co., Ltd.

             Total                                                                                      17,014,688.88             67.16%

—Purchase of fixed assets
                                              Pricing method                 2012                                   2011
                           Content of           and decision                        Proportion in
                                                                                                                      Proportion in
Name of enterprise             related          procedure of                         purchase of
                                                                    Amount                             Amount        purchase of the
                           transaction            related                            the current
                                                                                                                      current period
                                                transaction                              period

Prosperity        Lamps
                           Purchase of
and       Components                            Market price      1,765,550.71               6.63               -                           -

(Xinxiang)                 Purchase of
                                                Market price        148,679.49               0.56               -                           -
Electro-Optical            equipment
Machinery Co., Ltd

                           Purchase of
(Xinxiang) Lighting                             Market price         32,718.66               0.12 851,750.00                        1.16%
Machinery Co., Ltd.

          Total                                                    1,946,948.86              7.31 851,750.00                        1.16%

                                                                2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

— Payment of selling commission
The Agreement on Products Sales Commission and Supplementary Agreement were signed between the Company and
Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd., in which the Company should pay product sales commission to Prosperity Lamps and
Components Ltd. according to a certain percentage (between 3% and 5%) of the actual amount of goods purchased from the
Company. In 2011 and 2012, the Company paid selling commission RMB 3,212,235.44 and RMB 2,888,006.72

—Collection of rent and charges for water and electricity
                                                                                                       Charges for water and
                             Name of entity                                          Rent

Foshan Feidelun Electric Co., Ltd.                                                    226,864.27                   221,046.00

Foshan Gaoming Ruibeike Electricity-lights Material Co., Ltd.                         436,023.29                   126,000.00

Swanki (Foshan) Electric Corporation                                                   16,610.20                     22,710.00

Zlamp (Foshan) Enterprise Co., Ltd.                                                            -                     35,600.00

Guangdong Fo Zhao Guo Xuan Power Battery Co., Ltd.                                1,200,056.12                       65,158.97

Total                                                                             1,879,553.88                     470,514.97

—Payment for rents

The Company leased factories with the space of 5,205 square meters and affiliated facilities located in crossing of Xin Fu Cun
Road, Luo Cun Wu Zhuang from Zhong Yongliang. The leasing period is from Sep. 2010 to Aug. 2012. The rents paid to
Zhong Yongliang were respectively RMB 416,400.00         in 2012 and RMB 624,600.00 in 2011.

—Balance of accounts receivable of related parties
                                                          Closing amount                            Opening amount
                Related parties                                           Bad debt                                Bad debt
                                                   Book balance                             Book balance
                                                                          provision                               provision

Accounts receivable

Prosperity      (Hangzhou)    Lighting    and           806,749.31          48,404.96          1,201,743.37
Electrical Co., Ltd.

Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                 456,177.84          27,370.67              370,715.87        22,242.95

OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.                      3,488,281.07         209,296.86          3,322,883.17        199,372.99

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                  9,094,765.88         545,685.95         12,222,599.77        733,355.99

Shanghai Liangqi Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.                       -                  -           54,084.00          3,245.04

                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foshan Hongbang Lighting Appliance Co.,                           -                -                            225,531.89

Foshan Feidelun Electric Co., Ltd.                                -                -        6,321,733.01        379,303.98

Nanjing Kaixiang Electricity-lights Lighting                      -                -                              53,950.08
Co., Ltd.

Swanki (Foshan) Electric Corporation                              -                -          314,970.41          18,898.22

Zlamp (Foshan) Enterprise Co., Ltd.                               -                -        4,514,426.58        270,865.59

Other receivables

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy
Co., Ltd.                                                342,799.42       20,567.97            166,927.87

—Balance of accounts payable and payment in advance of related parties
                           Related parties                                 Closing amount             Opening amount

Accounts payable

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                                                           -               1,106,025.91

Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                                                        -                590,377.66

OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                               -                  52,950.60

Foshan Feidelun Electric Co., Ltd.                                                             -             6,201,852.04

Xiamen Jiandawei Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                          -               260,171.93

Nanjing Kaixiang Electricity-lights Lighting Co., Ltd.                                         -               299,243.18

Swanki (Foshan) Electric Corporation                                                           -                 21,204.00

Zlamp (Foshan) Enterprise Co., Ltd.                                                    26,272.39                 57,761.71

Foshan Nanhai Guangming Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.                                   23,686.61                          -
Other accounts payable

Zhong Yongliang                                                                                -               208,200.00

Guangdong Fo Zhao Guo Xuan Power Battery Co., Ltd.                                       300.00                           -
Payment in advance

Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.                                             -               166,570.32

Qinghai Salt Lake Fozhao Lanke Lithium Industry Co., Ltd.                                      -               982,905.98

VIII. Notes to the Financial Statements of Parent Company

                                                                           2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

1. Accounts Receivable
Net account receivable as at 31 Dec. 2011 stands at RMB 362,956,611.71, which is detailed as follows according to varieties:

                                           Closing balance                                                  Opening balance

                            Book balance                    Bad debt provision               Book balance                  Bad debt provision
                                         Proportion                       Proportion                       Proportion                     Proportion
                         Amount                            Amount                          Amount                         Amount
                                               (%)                           (%)                              (%)                            (%)

receivable with
                                     -               -                -             -                  -              -               -              -
significant single
Accounts receivable allotted in combination for bad debt provisions

Combinations of
 ordinary       342,362,672.46                  89.27 20,541,760.35             6.00 312,386,733.31            91.46 18,743,204.00              6.00
Combinations of
 internal       41,135,699.60                   10.73                 -             - 28,074,155.27               8.22                -              -
Subtotal         of
                      383,498,372.06           100.00 20,541,760.35             5.36 340,460,888.58            99.68 18,743,204.00              5.51
receivable with
single     amount
                                     -               -                -             -    1,102,004.37             0.32 1,102,004.37           100.00
individually for
bad           debt
        Total         383,498,372.06           100.00 20,541,760.35             5.36 341,562,892.95           100.00 19,845,208.37              5.81

—Aging analysis of balances of accounts receivable allotted for bad debt provisions by balance-percentage method in

                                     Closing balance                                                       Opening balance

                        Book balance                     Bad debt provision                 Book balance                  Bad debt provision
                                   Proportion                         Proportion                       Proportion                         Proportion
                     Amount                              Amount                          Amount                           Amount
                                         (%)                              (%)                               (%)                              (%)

Within      1
year            334,314,599.78            97.66 20,058,875.99                6.00 309,508,041.11              99.08 18,570,482.47               6.00

1-2 years         6,889,843.55             2.01          413,390.61          6.00       1,622,803.91           0.52       97,368.23             6.00

2-3 years         1,109,827.23             0.32           66,589.63          6.00        943,303.01            0.30       56,598.18             6.00

Over        3
                       48,401.90           0.01            2,904.12          6.00        312,585.28            0.10       18,755.12             6.00

                                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total          342,362,672.46        100.00 20,541,760.35              6.00 312,386,733.31           100.00 18,743,204.00          6.00

—Accounts receivable actually cancelled after verification in the current period

                                                   Nature of             Amount
                                                                                                                             Arising from related
              Name of entity                        account           cancelled after          Reason for cancellation
                                                                                                                              transactions or not
                                                  receivable           verification

Guangzhou Yaotong Lighting Appliances                                                        Of long aging that estimated
                                                        Loan              721,509.44                                                  No
Trading Co., Ltd.                                                                                    irrecoverable
Ningxia Senpu Lighting & Electrical Co.,                                                     Of long aging that estimated
                                                        Loan              205,660.34                                                  No
Ltd.                                                                                                 irrecoverable
Jilin Changchun Meijia Shopping Mall                                                         Of long aging that estimated
                                                        Loan              184,263.00                                                  No
Yongchun Wholesale Haitian Lamps                                                                     irrecoverable
                                                                                             Of long aging that estimated
Dongda Trading Co., Ltd. (Wang Jian)                    Loan              142,107.94                                                  No
                                                                                             Of long aging that estimated
Chongqing Shenghui Lighting Co., Ltd.                   Loan               95,807.86                                                  No
Foshan City Gaoming District Langling
                                                                                             Of long aging that estimated
Hardware & Electrical Products Wholesale                Loan               36,859.28                                                  No
                                                                                             Of long aging that estimated
Qingdao Tora Automotive Parts Co., Ltd.                 Loan               27,463.10                                                  No
                                                                                             Of long aging that estimated
Jiangxi Wang Baojun                                     Loan               24,870.32                                                  No
                                                                                             Of long aging that estimated
Shengzhen General Technology Co., Ltd.                  Loan               13,659.00                                                  No
Jilin Changchun Haitian Dongda Trading                                                       Of long aging that estimated
                                                        Loan                   4,123.99                                               No
Co., Ltd.                                                                                            irrecoverable
                                                                                             Of long aging that estimated
Xiangfan Xianxing Trading Co., Ltd.                     Loan                   3,958.32                                               No
                                                                                             Of long aging that estimated
Scattered arrears of small amount                       Loan                    526.42                                                No

                    Total                                               1,460,809.01

—The top five entities owing accounts receivable
                                                               Closing amount                               Opening amount
                                                         Amount                 Proportion               Amount             Proportion
Total amount and proportion of the top
                                                         106,864,279.23               27.86%             112,634,205.30        32.98%
five entities owing arrears

—Main entities owing accounts receivable
                                    Relation with the                                                           Proportion in accounts
             Rank                                              Arrear amount                   Age
                                       Company                                                                        receivable

                                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

No.1                                                               30,319,268.30            With 1 year
                                           relationship                                                                            7.91%

No.2                                                               25,124,587.40            With 1 year
                                           relationship                                                                            6.55%

No.3                                                               24,318,660.93            With 1 year
                                           relationship                                                                            6.34%

No.4                                                               16,815,508.67            With 1 year
                                           relationship                                                                            4.38%

No.5                                                               10,286,253.93            With 1 year
                                           relationship                                                                            2.68%

                Total                                            106,864,279.23                                                   27.86%

2. Other receivables

Net amount of other receivables as at 31 Dec. 2011 stands at RMB 82,043,309.37, which is detailed as follows according to

                                                 Closing balance                                       Opening balance

                                     Book balance            Bad debt provision           Book balance             Bad debt provision
                                               Proportion                 Proportio                  Proportion                 Proportio
                                  Amount                     Amount                    Amount                      Amount
                                                  (%)                      n (%)                          (%)                    n (%)

Other receivables with
                              41,710,000.00         50.35                          -
significant single
       t ll tt d
Other receivables allotted in combination for bad debt provisions

Combinations of ordinary 11,445,824.68              13.82 686,749.49           6.00 18,450,853.59          29.55 1,107,051.22            6

Combinations of internal
                                  29,574,234.18     35.70             -            - 43,891,701.56         70.28            -            -

Subtotalof combinations           41,020,058.86     49.52 686,749.49           1.67 62,342,555.15          99.83 1,107,051.22        1.78

Other    receivables       with
                                     106,552.50        0.13 106,552.50       100.00    106,552.50           0.17   106,552.50        100
insignificant            single
           Total                  82,836,611.36 100.00 793,301.99              0.96 62,449,107.65         100.00 1,213,603.72        1.94

—Aging analysis of balances of other receivables allotted for bad debt provisions by balance-percentage method in

                            Entity                                    Type of accounts               Amount in arrear       Account age

 Trading center for tendering and bidding in Gaoming                 Cash deposit of land
                        District, Foshan                                    bidding                                         Within one year

                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

—Within the combination, analysis of accounts receivable that make provision for losses by balance percentage method

                                     Closing balance                                             Opening balance

                        Book balance             Bad debts provision              Book balance               Bade debts provision

                                                              Withdraw                                                        Withdra
Account age
                                      Proporti                    al                             Proporti                       wal
                      Amount                     Amount                         Amount                         Amount
                                       on (%)                 proportio                           on (%)                      proporti
                                                                n (%)                                                         on (%)

Within          1
year                  8,445,314.98       73.79   506,718.90        6.00        17,697,795.27        95.92     1,061,867.73       6.00

1-2 years             2,496,171.43       21.81   149,770.29        6.00          290,357.18          1.57         17,421.43      6.00

2-3 years               170,809.63        1.49    10,248.58        6.00               9,622.08       0.05            577.32      6.00

Over 3 years            333,528.64        2.91    20,011.72        6.00          453,079.06          2.46         27,184.74      6.00

Total                11,445,824.68 100.00        686,749.49        6.00        18,450,853.59 100.00           1,107,051.22       6.00

—Bad debt provisions for closing other receivables with significant single amounts or insignificant but being conducted an
independent impairment test on:

                                                   Book                 Ages             Bad debt         Withdrawal           Reasons
                                                  balance                                                    ratio

Fangcheng County Yuli Glass Tube Co.,                                                                                      Estimated to be
                                                 106,552.50            Over 3 years    106,552.50            100.00%
Ltd.                                                                                                                        unrecoverable

—Particulars of other accounts receivable on top five units in debt
                                                              Closing balance                              Opening balance
                                                       Amount               Proportion              Amount              Proportion
   Total of the top five units in debt and
                    proportion                     69,918,577.77                 84.40%           51,680,634.83               82.77%

—Main units of other accounts receivable

                        Relationship with the                                                                          Proportion to
Ranking of units                                          Amount in arrear                         Ages
                                Company                                                                                  accounts
        No. 1                                                          41,710,000.00                                          50.35%
                               relationship                                                 Within 1 year

        No. 2           Related relationship                           18,531,850.07                                          22.37%
                                                                                           1 year to 2 years

                        Related relationship                            3,447,517.10                                           4.16%
        No. 3                                                                               Within 1 year

                        Related relationship                            3,229,210.60                                           3.90%
        No. 4                                                                               Within 1 year

                                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                         Related relationship                          3,000,000.00                                         3.62%
        No. 5                                                                                   Within 1 year

        Total                                                         69,918,577.77                                         84.40%

3. Long-term equity investment
Net amount of long-term equity investment as at 31 Dec. 2012 stands at RMB880,176,969.18 , which is detailed as follows
according to types:

                                   Opening amount                                                                  Closing amount
                                                                 Increase in this       Decrease in this
                                                Impairment           period                 period                           Impairment
                                Amount                                                                          Amount
                                                  reserve                                                                      reserve

Investment               to
affiliated enterprises        370,477,000.00                 -   126,524,240.02         131,324,240.02     365,677,000.00    5,193,462.77

Investment      to   joint
venture                        41,354,303.71                 -                      -     10,330,609.99     31,023,693.72                 -

Other investments             414,818,727.04 9,148,904.81         83,999,916.00            1,000,000.00    497,818,643.04    9,148,904.81

                              826,650,030.75 9,148,904.81        210,524,156.02          142,654,850.01    894,519,336.76 14,342,367.58

                                                                                                                              2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

—Investment to subsidiaries

                                                                                                  Equity-hol       Voting
                                                                                                                                  ng ratio and
                                                                                                  ding ratio        rights                                         Impairment        Cash bonus
                               Investment       Opening        Increase/decre                                                     voting rights   Impairment
     Invested entity                                                            Closing balance       in           ratio in                                        reserve for        for this
                                  costs          balance            ase                                                             ratio in        reserve
                                                                                                   invested       invested                                         this period         period
                                                                                                  entity (%)      entity (%)
                                                                                                                                   entity are
                                                                                                                                     not in

Foshan       Chansheng
Electronic Ballast Co.,          750,000.00      750,000.00                 -       750,000.00      75.00%          75.00%         In accord                   -                 -   401,712.22
Foshan       Chanchang
Electric      Appliance        42,000,000.00   42,000,000.00                -    42,000,000.00      70.00%          70.00%         In accord                   -                 -               -
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.
Foshan Taimei Times
                                 350,000.00      350,000.00                 -       350,000.00      70.00%          70.00%         In accord                   -                 -               -
Lamps and Lanterns Co.
Foshan Gaoming Fuwan
Landscape Resort Co.,           4,800,000.00    4,800,000.00   -4,800,000.00                  -               -               -    In accord                   -                 -               -
Prosperity     (Nanjing)
Lighting     Components        72,000,000.00   72,000,000.00                -    72,000,000.00     100.00%         100.00%         In accord                   -                 -               -
Co., Ltd.
FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting
                               10,000,000.00   10,000,000.00                -    10,000,000.00     100.00%         100.00%         In accord                   -                 -               -
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                 2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

FSL Lamps Co., Ltd.               5,077,000.00        5,077,000.00                 -      5,077,000.00     100.00%        100.00%         In accord                   -                 -                     -

Qinghai FSL Lithium Ion
Battery           Cathode
                                 25,500,000.00       25,500,000.00                 -     25,500,000.00     51.00%          51.00%         In accord        5,193,462.77      5,193,462.77                     -
Materials Co., Ltd

Guangdong       Fozhao
Financial Leasing Co.,       200,000,000.00         200,000,000.00                 -    200,000,000.00     100.00%        100.00%         In accord                   -                 -
Guangdong Fozhao New
Light            Sources         10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00                 -     10,000,000.00     54.95%          54.95%         In accord                   -                 -                     -
Technology Co., Ltd.

          Total              370,477,000.00         370,477,000.00     -4,800,000.00    365,677,000.00                                                     5,193,462.77      5,193,462.77          401,712.22

—Investment on joint ventures

                                                                                                               Equity-ho       Voting
                                                                                                                                                 between                          Impairmen
                                                                                                               lding ratio     rights                                                                  Cash
                      Accountin           Initial            Opening        Increase/decrea      Closing                                      equity-holdin      Impairment        t reserve
  Invested entity                                                                                                    in        ratio in                                                              bonus for
                       g method       investment cost        balance               se            balance                                        g ratio and        reserve         for this
                                                                                                                invested      invested                                                              this period
                                                                                                                                               voting rights                        period
                                                                                                               entity (%)    entity (%)
                                                                                                                                                 ration in

Qinghai       FSL       Equity
Lithium     Energy                      38,000,000.00      28,710,757.68      -3,359,139.69    25,351,617.99     38.00%         38.00%          In accord                     -                -                  -
Exploitation Co.,

                                                                                                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Fozhao
Guoxuan      Power                    12,600,000.00     12,643,546.03       -6,971,470.30       5,672,075.73         50.00%       50.00%        In accord                     -                -                -
Energy Co., Ltd.

       Total                          50,600,000.00     41,354,303.71      -10,330,609.99      31,023,693.72                                                                  -                -                -

—Other investment

                                                                                                                                         Explanation for
                                                                                                         Equity-hol                       equity-holding                          Impairm
                     Account                                                                             ding ratio                      ratio and voting                           ent
                                     Initial           Opening          Increase/d                                       rights ratio                        Impairment                            Cash bonus
 Invested entity       ing                                                             Closing balance         in                          rights ratio in                        reserve
                                 investment cost        balance          ecrease                                         in invested                           reserve                         for this period
                     method                                                                               invested                        invested entity                         for this
                                                                                                                         entity (%)
                                                                                                         entity (%)                          are not in                           period

Liangke Venture       Cost
                                  13,718,882.66       13,718,882.66                -    13,718,882.66      18.50%             18.50%         In accord                    -                -                    -
Capital Company      method
Zhujiang Asset
Management                        10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00                -    10,000,000.00      15.38%             15.38%         In accord       3,298,904.81                  -       9,025,999.70
                      Cost                                                                                Less than        Less than
Zhonghao                           5,850,000.00        5,850,000.00                -      5,850,000.00                                       In accord       5,850,000.00                  -                    -
                     method                                                                                         5%            5%
(Group) Ltd.
Chengdu Hongbo
Industrial Co.,                    6,000,000.00        6,000,000.00                -      6,000,000.00         6.94%          6.94%          In accord                    -                -                    -
                                                                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                    Cost                                      83,999,91
Xiamen Bank                 208,574,217.00   208,574,217.00               292,574,133.00     9.99%       9.99%       In accord                    -           -   14,571,414.00
                   method                                          6.00

Development         Cost                                                                   Less than   Less than
                               500,000.00       500,000.00            -      500,000.00                              In accord                    -           -               -
Bank,    Foshan    method                                                                       5%          5%
Foshan Fochen
                    Cost                                      -1,000,00
Development                  20,757,600.00    10,175,627.38                 9,175,627.38     7.66%       7.66%       In accord
                   method                                          0.00
Hefei Guoxuan       Cost
High-tech Power             160,000,000.00   160,000,000.00               160,000,000.00    14.90%      14.90%       In accord
                   method                                             -
Energy Co., Ltd.

Total                       425,400,699.66   414,818,727.04               497,818,643.04                                              9,148,904.81            -   23,597,413.70

                                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

4. Operating Income and Operating Cost
— Category of operating income and operating cost is listed as follows:

                                                     2012                                                  2011
                                        Revenue                   Cost                      Revenue                     Cost

Main operation                      2,106,072,502.48           1,599,051,580.98             2,176,074,483.70         1,607,095,565.22

Others                                  110,772,347.54            83,050,467.23               86,146,975.57             69,222,487.95

Total                               2,216,844,850.02           1,682,102,048.21             2,262,221,459.27         1,676,318,053.17

—Breakdown of main operation income according to industries:

                                                     2012                                                  2011
                                        Revenue                   Cost                      Revenue                     Cost

Lighting equipments and
lamps                               2,106,072,502.48           1,599,051,580.98             2,176,074,483.70         1,607,095,565.22

Total                               2,106,072,502.48           1,599,051,580.98             2,176,074,483.70         1,607,095,565.22

—Breakdown of main operation income from products sales according to regions:

                                                     2012                                                  2011
                                        Revenue                   Cost                       Revenue                    Cost

Domestic sales
                                     1,495,335,443.67          1,151,349,512.25             1,350,207,242.02         1,010,663,188.02
Export sales
                                        610,737,058.81           447,702,068.73              825,867,241.68            596,432,377.20
                                     2,106,072,502.48          1,599,051,580.98             2,176,074,483.70         1,607,095,565.22
—Top five customers in sales income:

                 Customer                                Operating revenue                   Proportion in total operating revenue (%)

                 Customer 1                                                 97,766,982.47                                         4.41

                 Customer 2                                                 46,040,839.55                                         2.08

                 Customer 3                                                 39,178,281.43                                         1.77

                 Customer 4                                                 37,022,266.52                                         1.67

                 Customer 5                                                 34,353,626.47                                         1.55

                   Total                                                   254,361,996.44                                        11.47

5. Investment Income

                                                                        2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                 Items                                             2012                              2011
Income from long-term equity investments calculated by cost
method                                                                                22,999,125.92                        6,968,884.83

Income from long-term equity investments calculated by equity
method                                                                               -10,330,609.99                     -7,949,712.62

Investment income obtained through disposaling long-term equity
investments                                                                         183,748,957.77                                    -

Investment         income obtained through holding trading financial
assets                                                                                 3,131,720.14                        2,287,122.25

Investment income obtained through disposal of available-for-sale
financial assets                                                                                    -                      1,123,051.10

Investment income obtained through disposal of trading financial
assets                                                                                              -                        14,033.17

                                                                                    199,549,193.84                         2,443,378.73

—Income from long-term equity investments calculated by cost method:

                                Investor                                          2012                              2011

Xiamen Bank Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      14,571,414.00                                   -

Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset Management Company Limited
                                                                                         9,025,999.70                                 -

Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co.

Chanchang Electric Appliance Company
                                                                                                    -                            -61.20

Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          401,712.22                                  -

Foshan Fochen Road Development Company Limited
                                                                                      -1,000,000.00                     -1,000,000.00

                                                                                      22,999,125.92                        6,968,884.83

—Long-term equity investment calculated by equity method

                                Investor                                          2012                              2011

Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      -3,359,139.69                     -7,993,258.65

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      -6,971,470.30                          43,546.03

                                                                                     -10,330,609.99                     -7,949,712.62

—Investment income obtained through disposal of long-term equity investment

                                Investor                                          2012                              2011

                                                                           2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         183,748,957.77                                  -

—Investment income obtained through disposal of available-for-sale financial assets

                              Investor                                                 2012                            2011

China Everbright Bank
                                                                                              3,131,720.14                    2,287,122.25

6. Supplemental information of cash flow statement
                        Supplemental information                                       2012                        2011

1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
 operating activities

Net profit                                                                             389,572,417.40              281,033,642.51

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                                   6,930,522.03                 -959,224.76

     Depreciation of fixed assets                                                       78,057,631.25               91,656,969.27

     Amortization of intangible assets                                                    4,960,309.92                5,482,362.67

     Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                                        -                           -

     Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment,
intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains: negative)                                284,727.27              6,985,469.65

     Losses on retirement of fixed assets                                                 1,335,549.92                    98,852.15

     Losses from variation of fair value                                                       84,637.47               889,545.48

     Financial cost                                                                           384,630.20              1,087,040.54

     Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                 -199,549,193.84               -2,443,378.73

    Decrease in deferred income tax assets
(“+” means increase)                                                                                                 936,304.16

     Increase in deferred income tax liabilities
(“-” means decrease)                                                                                                             -

     Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                         51,552,395.13             -101,889,451.04

     Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
(increase: negative)                                                                                               -51,749,949.24

     Increase in payables from operating activities
(decrease: negative)                                                                                               -10,476,028.64

Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                     417,370,724.27              220,652,154.02

                                                           2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                      Supplemental information                        2012                         2011

2. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

  Closing balance of cash                                             699,511,754.78               412,626,723.50

  Less: opening balance of cash                                       412,626,723.50               681,198,634.58

  Closing balance of cash equivalents                                                 -                          -

  Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents                                           -                          -

  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           286,885,031.28              -268,571,911.08

—Constitution of cash and cash equivalents

                                  Items                             Closing balance               Opening balance

I. Cash
                                                                             699,511,754.78               412,626,723.50

Including: Cash on hand
                                                                                   3,240.45                     5,769.20

     Bank deposit on demand
                                                                             694,433,918.55               410,694,563.64

     Other monetary funds on demand
                                                                               5,074,595.78                 1,926,390.66

II. Cash equivalent
                                                                                          -                             -

Including: Bond investment due in three months                                            -                             -

III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                            699,511,754.78               412,626,723.50

IX. Significant events
Stock incentive fund
The proposal on establishing stock incentive mechanism for middle and senior management staff was approved at
the shareholders’ general meeting 2001 held on 16 May 2002, of which, with annual net return on equity being 6%
as KPI, if only the annual net return on equity could reach to 6%, the stock incentive funds shall be appropriated
based on 5% of net profit, withdrawal percentage of inventive fund will be increased simultaneously with the
growth ratio of net return on equity. Such proposal had started to implement from the fiscal year of 2001. The
stock incentive fund of RMB 30 million was withdrawn for the year then ended.
X. Contingent Events
As at 31 Dec. 2012, the Company has no contingent events that need to be disclosed.

XI. Commitments
Up to 31 Dec. 2012, the Company has no significant events that need to be disclosed.

                                                                     2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

XII. Events after Balance Sheet Date
Preplan for profit distribution

In accordance with the preplan on profit distribution for the year 2012 approved by the Board of Directors on 24
Apr. 2013, based on total share capital of 978,563,745 shares as at 31 Dec. 2012, the Company intends to
distribute a cash dividend of RMB3.1(tax included) for every 10 shares to all shareholders, totaling RMB
303,354,760.95 (tax included) in cash. The said preplan on profit distribution shall be implemented under the
approval by the Shareholders’ General Meeting.

XIII. Supplementary Information
1. Extraordinary gains and losses
Item of extraordinary gains and losses are calculated according to related provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission,
“Interpretation Notice for Information Disclosures by Companies that Offer Securities to the Public No. 1: Extraordinary Gains and
Losses (revised in 2008)”
                             项     目                                           2012                            2011

Gains on disposal of non-current assets, including reversal of the
impairment loss                                                                    182,392,244.82                    -7,121,088.70

Government grant recognized in profits and losses of the current
year, except for those government subsidies closely related to the
Company’s business, and received at national statutory standard                     1,633,073.56                     1,406,571.96

and amount
Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional assets and
liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of transactional
financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial                       -84,637.47                      281,899.42
assets, other than valid hedging related to the Company’s common
Included in current profit and loss against the non-financial
enterprises occupation fee funds collected                                              553,325.09                      418,615.75

Reversal of impairment provisions of receivables separately
conducted for impairment test                                                                     -                        7,944.50

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                      -3,022,341.29                      -754,082.64

Subtotal                                                                           181,471,664.71                    -5,760,139.71

Less: Influenced amount of income tax (“-” shows decrease)                        21,172,951.60                       252,783.86

Influenced amount of minor shareholders’ gains and losses                              -111,586.72                     269,418.95

Net extraordinary gains and losses attributable to common
shareholders of the Company                                                        160,410,299.83                    -6,282,342.52

2. Return on Equity and Earnings per Share in the Consolidated Financial Statement
According to the requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission, “Compilation Rules for Information Disclosures by the
Companies that Offer Securities to the Public No. 9: Calculation and Disclosure of Net Return of Equity and Earnings per Share

                                                                      2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(revised in 2010)”, net return on equity and earnings per share presented in the consolidated financial statement are calculated in the
reporting period:

                                                   Return on equity (%)                  Earnings per share (RMB Yuan)
                                                    Weighted average                   Basic EPS                  Diluted EPS

                     Net profit attributable
                         to the Company’s
                                                            14.06                          0.41                        0.41
                     common shareholders

                    Net profit attributable
      2012          to      the    Company’s
                    common        shareholders
                    after           deducting               8.43                           0.25                        0.25
                    extraordinary gains and

                     Net profit attributable
                         to the Company’s
                                                            10.53                          0.30                        0.30
                     common shareholders

                    Net profit attributable
       2011         to      the    Company’s
                    common        shareholders
                    after           deducting               10.76                          0.30                        0.30
                    extraordinary gains and

Formulas for computing various indexes are as follows:
(1) Weighted average ROE =P0/(E0+NP÷2+Ei×Mi÷M0– Ej×Mj÷M0±Ek×Mk÷M0)
Of which: P0 refers to Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company or net profit attributable to
common shareholders of the Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses; NP refers net profit
attributable to common shareholders of the Company; E0 refers to opening net assets attributable to common
shareholders of the Company; Ei refers to additional net assets attributable to common shareholders of the
Company due to new share issuance or turning debts into shares in the report period; Ej refers to reduced net
assets attributable to common shareholders of the Company due to buy-back business or cash dividends in the
report period; M0 refers to the number of months during the report period; Mi refers to the number of months
from the next month when net assets increased to the end of the report period; Mj refers to the number of months
from the next month when net assets decreased to the end of the report period; Ek refers to change of
increase/decrease of net assets due to other transaction events; Mk refers to the number of months from the next
month when other net assets changed the end of the report period.

(2) Basic EPS =P0÷S
S= S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0– Sj×Mj÷M0-Sk(= total number of shares at the period-begin + the number of shares
increased due to transferring capital reserve into share capital + number of shares increased due to issuance of new

                                                             2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

shares * the next month for increase of shares/the number of months during the report period)
Of which: P0 refers to net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares or net profit attributable to
shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses; S weighted average number
of ordinary shares issued out; S0 refers to total number of shares at the period-begin; S1 refers to the number of
shares increased due to transferring capital reserve into share capital or dividend distribution of shares during the
report period; Si refers to the number of shares increased due to issuance of new shares or debt for equity swap
during the report period; Sj refers to the number of shares decreased due to stock repurchase during the report
period; Sk refers to the number of split-share during the report period; M0 refers to the number of months during
the report period; Mi refers to the number of months from the next month to the end of the report period for
increase of shares; Mj refers to the number of months from the next month to the end of the report period for
decrease of shares
Denominator of EPS for 2011 and 2012 being: S= 978,563,745shares

(3) Diluted EPS =P1/ ( S0 + S1 + Si×Mi÷M0–Sj×Mj÷M0–Sk+ weighted average amount of ordinary shares
increased due to subscription warrant, stock options, convertible bonds, etc.)

Of which, P1 refers to net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares or net profit attributable to
shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses. The Company considered all
influence of dilutive potential ordinary share against net profit and made adjustment according to the provisions of
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise. When the Company calculated diluted EPS, it shall consider all
influence of dilutive potential ordinary share against net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares
or net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses,
till to minimum diluted EPS.

                                                    2012 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                      XI. Documents Available for Reference

Investors and relevant departments can refer to the following materials in office of secretary to the
Board in office building of the Company:

1. Financial statements signed and sealed by legal representative, principal of accounting work, and
manager of finance department;

2. Original document of audit report stamped by accountant firm, signed and sealed by certificated

3. In the reporting period, all originals of the Company’s documents and public notices have been
publicly disclosed in China Securities Journal, Securities Times, and Ta Kung Pao;

4. Original Annual Report 2012 signed by Chairman of the Board.

                                                            Board of Directors
                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                               24 April 2013
