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						                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


            2014 Annual Report

                April 2015

                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

             Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Terms

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management
staff of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant
that this report is factual, accurate and complete without any false record, misleading statement or
material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.
All directors have attended in person the board session for reviewing this report except the

 Name              Position           Reason for not attending the session in person       Name of the proxy

 Ye zaiyou         Director           ON business                                          Liu xingming

The Company’s profit distribution preplan upon review and approval of this board session: Based
on the total shares of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2014, a cash dividend of RMB 2.20 (tax included)
and 0 bonus shares (tax included) will be distributed for every 10 shares held by shareholders, and 3
shares will be increased to all shareholders for every 10 shares held by them with the capital
Pan Jie, company principal and chief of the accounting work, and Yin Jianchun, chief of the
accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in this
report is factual, accurate and complete.
GP Certified Public Accountants LLP has issued a standard unqualified audit report for the
The accounting data and financial report in this report have all been audited by GP Certified Public
Accountants LLP. This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any
understanding discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
The future plans and some other forward-looking statements involved in this report shall not be
considered as virtual promises of the Company to investors. And investors are kindly reminded to
pay attention to possible risks.

                                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


2014 Annual Report ........................................................................................................................... 1

Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Terms ...................................................................... 2

Section II. Company Profile .............................................................................................................. 6

Section III. Accouonting & Financial Indicator Highlights ........................................................... 8

Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors ................................................................................. 11

Section V. Significant Events ........................................................................................................... 46

Section VI. Changes in Shares & Particulars about Shareholders.............................................. 60

Section VII. Preferred Shares ......................................................................................................... 66

Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staff & Employees ......................... 67

Section IX. Corporate Governance ................................................................................................ 77

Section X. Internal Control ............................................................................................................. 86

Section XI. Financial Report ........................................................................................................... 88

Section XII. Documents Available for Reference ........................................................................ 204

                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                     Term              Refers to                             Specific contents

The Company, Company, FSL              Refers to Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

CSRC                                   Refers to China Securities Regulation Commission

SZSE                                   Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange

                                                   Shareholders’ General Meeting of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,
Shareholders’ General Meeting         Refers to

Board of Directors                     Refers to Board of Directors of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Supervisory Committee                  Refers to Supervisory Committee of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Annual report auditor, GP              Refers to GP Certified Public Accountants LLP

Yuan, Ten thousand Yuan, One Hundred               RMB Yuan, RMB Ten thousand Yuan, RMB One Hundred Million
                                       Refers to
Million Yuan                                       Yuan

                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                               Reminder of Major Risks

The Company is in face of risks concerning market competition, rising operating costs, collection of
accounts receivable, risk concerning investors’ claims for damages etc. Investors are kindly
reminded to pay attention to possible investment risks. For details, see “IX. Risks and
countermeasures” in Section IV in this report.

                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                             Section II. Company Profile

I. Company information

Stock abbreviation                 FSZM/YZMB                              Stock code                  000541/200541

Stock exchange listed with         Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company 佛山电器照明股份有限公司

Abbr. of the Chinese name of
the Company

English name of the Company
                                   FOSHAN ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING CO.,LTD
(if any)

Abbr. of the English name of
the Company (if any)

Legal representative of the
                                   Pan Jie

Registered address                 No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Postal code for the registered

Office address                     No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Postal code for the office

Internet   website     of    the

Email address                      gzfsligh@pub.foshan.gd.cn

II. Contact us

                                                           Company Secretary                 Securities Affairs Representative

Name                                           Lin Yihui                                Huang Yufen

                                               No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng   No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng
Contact address                                District, Foshan City, Guangdong         District, Foshan City, Guangdong
                                               Province, P.R.China                      Province, P.R.China

Tel.                                           (0757)82966062          82810239       (0757)82966028

Fax                                            (0757)82816276                         (0757)82816276

E-mail                                         fsl-yh@126.com                           fslhyf@163.com

                                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

III. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Newspapers designated by the Company for                  China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily, Ta Kung Pao
information disclosure                                    (HK)

Internet website designated by CSRC for disclosing
this report

                                                          Company Secretary Office, FSL Office Building, No. 64, Fenjiang North
Where this report is placed
                                                          Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

IV. Change of the registered information

                                                                                            Registration code of
                         Registration date    Registration place     Business license No.                          Organizational code

                                             Guangdong Province
                                             Administration for
Initial registration   20 Oct. 1992                                 440000400010049         440601190352575        19035257-5
                                             Industry &

                                             Guangdong Province
At the end of the                            Administration for
                       21 May 2014                                  440000400010049         440601190352575        19035257-5
reporting period                             Industry &

Changes of the main business since listing
(if any)

Changes of the controlling shareholder (if

V. Other information

The CPAs firm hired by the Company:

Name                                  GP Certified Public Accountants LLP

                                      10/F, Guangdong Holdings Tower, 555 DongFeng Road East, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Office address
                                      Province, P.R.China

Signing accountants                   Hong Wenwei and Chen Danyan

Sponsor engaged by the Company to conduct sustained supervision during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company to conduct sustained supervision during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

               Section III. Accounting & Financial Indicator Highlights

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the accounting policy or
correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No

                                                                                              Increase or decrease of
                                                2014                     2013                 this year over last year         2012

Operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                3,068,641,200.17         2,526,679,810.53                        21.45%        2,201,910,731.89

Net     profit        attributable   to
shareholders     of     the   Company          266,125,048.97           251,831,356.38                         5.68%          400,466,745.11
(RMB Yuan)
Net     profit    attributable to
shareholders of the Company after
                                               306,310,907.76           247,092,182.53                        23.97%          240,056,445.28
extraordinary gains and losses
(RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating
                                               305,638,745.34           204,756,881.88                        49.27%          437,396,852.06
activities (RMB Yuan)

Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                               0.270                         0.26                    3.85%                     0.41

Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                             0.270                         0.26                    3.85%                     0.41

Weighted average ROE (%)                                9.08%                     8.69%                        0.39%                  14.06%

                                                                                              Increase or decrease of
                                          As at 31 Dec. 2014      As at 31 Dec. 2013          this year-end than last    As at 31 Dec. 2012
                                                                                                   year-end (%)

Total assets (RMB Yuan)                      3,736,704,336.40         3,373,781,552.85                        10.76%        3,448,274,301.82

Net     assets        attributable   to
shareholders     of     the   Company        3,044,585,720.58         2,890,581,921.74                         5.33%        2,950,106,976.17
(RMB Yuan)

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                      Net profit attributable to shareholders of the          Net assets attributable to shareholders of the

                                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                     Company                                             Company

                                         2014                        2013                  Closing amount        Opening amount

According to Chinese
                                        266,125,048.97               251,831,356.38          3,044,585,720.58      2,890,581,921.74
accounting standards

Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards

According to international
                                        266,125,048.97               251,831,356.38          3,044,585,720.58      2,890,581,921.74
accounting standards

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the    Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                     Company                                             Company

                                         2014                        2013                  Closing amount        Opening amount

According to Chinese
                                        266,125,048.97               251,831,356.38          3,044,585,720.58      2,890,581,921.74
accounting standards

Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards

According to overseas
                                        266,125,048.97               251,831,356.38          3,044,585,720.58      2,890,581,921.74
accounting standards

3. Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                             2014                   2013                 2012                 Note

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current
assets (including the offset part of the asset       -1,287,703.94          9,418,476.76       182,392,244.82
impairment provisions)

Government grants recognized in the current
period, except for those acquired in the
ordinary course of business or granted at             2,174,021.86          1,031,790.96         1,633,073.56
certain quotas or amounts according to the
government’s unified standards

                                                                     2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Capital occupation charges on non-financial
enterprises that are recorded into current                    0.00        1,981,349.56           553,325.09
gains and losses

Gains due to that the investment costs for
the     Company      to   obtain    subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures are lower than
                                                        -17,112.47                 0.00                 0.00
the enjoyable fair value of the identifiable
net assets of the investees when making the

Gains and losses on change in fair value
from tradable financial assets and tradable
financial liabilities, as well as investment
income from disposal of tradable financial
                                                     2,962,781.37          -109,530.85           -84,637.47
assets and tradable financial liabilities and
financial assets available for sales except for
effective hedging related with normal
businesses of the Company

Non-operating income and expense other                                                                         Projected liability
                                                    -51,945,691.06       -7,368,961.02        -3,022,341.29
than the above                                                                                                 provisions

Other gain and loss items that meet the
definition of an extraordinary gain/loss

Less: Income tax effects                             -6,958,646.77          901,071.70        21,172,951.60

        Minority interests effects (after tax)         530,207.54          -687,120.14          -111,586.72

Total                                               -40,185,858.79        4,739,173.85       160,410,299.83                 --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary Gains and
Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                   Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

2014 witnessed both opportunity and worry for the lighting industry. The LED sector continued to
grow rapidly but unfavorable factors also grew such as the declining physical economy, ceaseless
new technologies, the continuous impact on the original business model, the worsening competition
environment and oversupply. In face of the complex and changeable industry environment, we
upheld “adjust structure, stabilize growth, focus on management and increase benefits” as our
guiding ideology, continued to adjust our product structure, optimized our marketing system,
enhanced our execution of the annual budget and operating plans so as to ensure a stable growth of
the business performance. For the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of
RMB 3068.6412 million, up 21.45% from the year earlier; total profits of RMB 319.1284 million,
up 6.68% year on year; and net profits of RMB 266.666 million, representing a YoY growth of
5.70%. In the reporting period, we worked on the following tasks:
1. Optimized product structure, and promoted the transformation and upgrade of traditional products
Y2014 is the year when LED encountered fast development. Based on market demand and changes,
the Company seized opportunities, input more on LED products in R&D, production, and sales,
launched a series of hit LED products and new LED products in due time. Sales revenue of LED
ascended from RMB 0.277 billion in 2013 to RMB 0.926 billion in 2014, representing a growth ratio
of 233.99%. The company successfully completed the transformation from traditional lighting to
LED, which made the Company grabbed a significant piece of pie in the developing LED market.
2. Enhanced innovation on channels, and ensured business growth
In 2014, the Company carried on innovation on channels, and continually perfected and optimized
marketing system. The Company reinforced on constructing exclusive shops, improved the capability
of showing the terminal image, and transited FSL from “a brand to the industry” to “a brand to the
public”. The Company carried out aggressive marketing strategies, convened 186 marketing
meetings across the country for the past year. The Company set up the business division of
commercial lighting and released Ming Jiang Hui, the high-end brand for the engineering channel. In
respect of E-business, the Company separately set us E-business division, authorized platforms

                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

including Tmall and Jing Dong for selling our products, expanded on-line distributors, and effectively
raised the exposure ratio of the Company to multiple channels. In respect of overseas market, the
Company positively took measures against the downturn of the gross export market, actively adjusted
product and client structure, put emphasis on chasing and serving key clients, developed potential
values of key clients, improved the business performance of single client, set up FSL brand team at
the same time, positively developed businesses in emerging market, obtained good result, over
fulfilled the goal set in the year-begin, and kept the sustainable and stable growth of overseas business.
In future, in deeper accordance with consuming habits and styles, the Company will further promote
the communitization of channels and enhance the end-service capability.
3. Vigorously developed new products, and added profit drivers
Aiming at LED product features including diversified kinds, rapid upgrading and replacement speed,
as well as short cycling periods, the front-line sales and R&D staffs of the Company researched deep
into the market, took market demands as orientation, continually developed new products, especially
new LED products, and enriched the Company’s product lines, which not only accelerated product
transformation of the Company, but also added new profit drivers for the Company.
4. Improved internal management level, and established scientific management system
Firstly, the Company improved management level and reinforced cost control. The Company applied
SAP system and effectively standardized production management; reinforced energy management,
improved energy-consuming equipment, and cut down energy cost; adopted the antitheses for
standard cost, and reduced the waste of raw materials; intensified on procurement management,
integrated procurement resources, and strengthened the capability of price-negotiation against raw
material suppliers; thoroughly carried out budget management, and reinforced the force of executing
budget management by supervising and controlling on budgets of departments.
Secondly, the Company put performance management into effect and mobilized the initiatives of
employees. The Company innovated remuneration mechanism, strengthened performance
assessment and human resource management, showed the remuneration principle of more pay for
more work, stuck up for the internal fairness and external competitiveness of remuneration, and
realized the mutual development of both the Company and employees.
5. Enhanced internal construction of the Company, and pushed forward the Company’s healthy

                                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

In the reporting period, in line with requirements for listed companies, the Company disclosed related
information in due time, standardized company operation, continuously and steadily impelled the
process of effective implementation of documents for operation system of internal control standards,
further strengthened the execution and practice of the system of internal control standards, and
consolidated internal control results on the basis of strengthening daily supervision and special

II. Main business analysis

1. Overview

Overview of the reporting period progress of development strategies and business plans disclosed in
previous periods:
In face of a declining physical economy and a complex and changeable industry environment in
2014, the Company, under the leadership of the board and management, stuck to the annual
operating plans, seized opportunities in time arising from the rapid growth of the LED sector, and
managed to achieve a stable growth in the main business through effective measures such as
adjusting the product structure, constantly updating products and technology, continuously
enhancing internal management, strictly controlling costs and vigorously expanding markets. For
the main business in the reporting period, sales income recorded RMB 3.041 billion, up 21.58%
from last year, of which the domestic sales income recorded RMB 2.161 billion, up 28.59% from
last year, and the overseas sales income recorded RMB 0.88 billion, up 7.2% from last year.

State the reasons why the Company’s actual business performance is 20% lower or higher than the earning forecast for the reporting
period which has been publicly disclosed earlier:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Changes in the main operational model
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Revenues

Is the Company's product sales revenue more than its service revenue?
√ Yes □ No

        Industry                 Item               Unit                 2014                  2013               YoY +/-%

                        Sales volume        Piece                       1,046,376,108        1,215,921,627               -13.94%
Lighting fixtures and
                        Output              Piece                         993,887,262        1,061,333,192                -6.35%
                        Stock               Piece                         134,763,101          145,193,725                -7.18%

                                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Reasons for any over-30% YoY movement of the data above:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Major orders on hand:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Significant change or adjustment of the Company’s products or services during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Major customers:

Total sales to the top 5 customers (RMB Yuan)                                                                           436,177,042.93

Ratio of the total sales to the top 5 customers to the
annual total sales (%)

Information about the top 5 customers:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Serial No.                Name of customer                         Sales (RMB Yuan)              Proportion in annual total sales (%)

     1       Enterprise unit 1                                                  248,392,951.31                                    8.09%

     2       Enterprise unit 2                                                   51,487,747.58                                    1.68%

     3       Enterprise unit 3                                                   49,252,633.46                                    1.61%

     4       Enterprise unit 4                                                   46,475,691.92                                    1.51%

     5       Enterprise unit 5                                                   40,568,018.66                                    1.32%

Total                             --                                            436,177,042.93                                  14.21%

Other information about the major customers
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Among the top 5 customers, the 3th customer and the 5th customer is a related party of the Company while the
other three are not.

3. Costs

Classified by industry:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                         2014                                    2013

                                                                Proportion in                           Proportion in
     Industry              Item                                                                                          YoY +/- (%)
                                             Amount         operating costs            Amount       operating costs
                                                                   (%)                                   (%)

Lighting fixtures
                                         2,230,438,495.76              99.26% 1,874,719,042.97                 99.00%            18.97%
and lamps

Lighting fixtures Raw materials
                                         1,438,316,556.44              64.01% 1,142,625,698.51                 60.45%            25.88%
and lamps

                                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Lighting fixtures Labor
                                           413,229,338.55              18.39%        368,240,867.93               19.48%             12.22%
and lamps

Lighting fixtures Depreciation
                                            58,899,983.77                2.62%        71,406,530.23                 3.78%            -17.51%
and lamps

Classified by product:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                       2014                                         2013

                                                               Proportion in                               Proportion in
     Product                Item                                                                                               YoY +/- (%)
                                             Amount            operating costs         Amount          operating costs
                                                                  (%)                                       (%)

                                         1,527,938,050.39         68.00%           1,654,087,055.19          87.50%              -7.63%
lighting products

Traditional         Raw materials
                                         985,303,382.84           43.85%           1,008,152,332.97          53.33%              -2.27%
lighting products

Traditional         Labor
                                         283,078,341.37           12.60%           324,903,326.24            17.19%             -12.87%
lighting products

Traditional         Depreciation
                                          40,348,804.30            1.80%            63,002,836.48             3.33%             -35.96%
lighting products

LED lighting
                                         702,500,445.37           31.26%           220,631,987.78            11.67%             218.40%

LED lighting        Raw materials
                                         453,013,173.60           20.16%           134,473,365.54             7.11%             236.88%

LED lighting        Labor
                                         130,150,997.18            5.79%            43,337,541.69             2.29%             200.32%

LED lighting        Depreciation
                                          18,551,179.47            0.83%             8,403,693.75             0.44%             120.75%

Major suppliers:

Total purchases from the top 5 suppliers (RMB Yuan)                                                                       289,432,957.72

Ratio of the total purchases from the top 5 suppliers to the
annual total purchases(%)

Information about the top 5 suppliers:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                               Procurement amount (RMB          Proportion in annual total procurement
 Serial No.                 Name of supplier
                                                                           Yuan)                                  amount (%)

      1       Enterprise unit 1                                                142,413,566.10                                         7.69%

                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

        2      Enterprise unit 2                                          58,431,987.28                                       3.15%

        3      Enterprise unit 3                                          33,978,824.72                                       1.83%

        4      Enterprise unit 4                                          28,049,218.92                                       1.51%

        5      Enterprise unit 5                                          26,559,360.70                                       1.43%

Total                              --                                    289,432,957.72                                      15.62%

Other information about the major suppliers
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Among the top 5 suppliers, the 4th supplier is a related party of the Company while the other four are not.

4. Expense

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

            Item                        2014                  2013                 YoY +/-%              Reason for change

Selling expenses             207,880,504.54           133,779,078.70            55.39%              Sales increased.

Administrative               236,233,239.29           199,917,005.49            18.17%

                             -9,565,959.04            -4,230,937.19             -126.10%            The interest on term deposits
Financial expenses

Income tax expenses          52,462,491.85            46,864,161.54             11.95%

Total                        487,010,276.64           376,329,308.54            29.41%

5. R&D expenses

In order to increase the market competitiveness of products, the Company proactively developed high-efficient
lighting products featuring energy saving and environmental protection, increased the R&D input for LED
products, continuously developed new products, and increased the technological contents of products through
continuously improving technologies and production processes. In the reporting period, the Company spent RMB
98,810,000.00          in R&D, accounting for3.22 % of the current operating revenues.

6. Cash flows

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

               Item                            2014                             2013                        YoY +/-(%)

Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                               2,975,103,040.68                  2,826,717,360.23                             5.25%
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                               2,669,464,295.34                  2,621,960,478.35                             1.81%
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating                    305,638,745.34                    204,756,881.88                            49.27%

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                     46,553,241.51                    130,801,370.00                               -64.41%
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                     98,620,391.12                    111,512,170.50                               -11.56%
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing
                                                    -52,067,149.61                     19,289,199.50                             -369.93%

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                   160,694,772.73                     307,968,509.92                               -47.82%
financing activities

Net cash flows from financing
                                                   -160,694,772.73                   -307,968,509.92                               -47.82%

Net increase in cash and cash
                                                     92,025,411.38                     -87,775,066.52                             204.84%

Reasons for any over-30% YoY movement of the data above:

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
1. Net cash flows from operating activities increased 49.27% from last year mainly because the goods payments received increased
and the payments for materials decreased.
2. Net cash flows from investing activities decreased 369.93% from last year mainly because the cash received from operating
activities decreased.
3. Net cash flows from financing activities decreased 47.82% from last year mainly because the dividends decreased.
4. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents increased 204.84% from last year mainly because the goods payments received increased
and the dividends paid decreased.

Reasons for a big difference between the operating cash flows and the net profit:

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                Increase/decrease                        Increase/decrease
                           Operating                        Gross profit rate     of operating                            of gross profit
                                          Operating cost                                            of operating cost
                           revenue                                (%)           revenue over last                        rate over last year
                                                                                                    over last year (%)
                                                                                    year (%)                                    (%)

Classified by industry:

Lighting fixtures
                        3,040,544,631.03 2,230,438,495.76            26.64%              21.58%               18.97%                  1.60%
and lamps

Classified by product:

                        2,114,355,116.21 1,527,938,050.39            27.74%               -4.91%              -7.63%                  2.21%
lighting products

                                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

LED lighting
                        926,189,514.82      702,500,445.37               24.15%            233.99%             218.40%                3.71%

Classified by region:

China               2,160,911,351.32 1,612,043,755.15                    25.40%             28.59%              24.72%                2.32%

Overseas                879,633,279.71      618,394,740.61               29.70%              7.20%               6.22%                0.65%

Where the Company’s accounting standard of the main business data above changed during the reporting period, give the main
business data of the latest year adjusted according to the accounting standard at the end of the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Asset and liability analysis

1. Major changes of asset items

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                          As at 31 Dec. 2014                 As at 31 Dec. 2013

                                       Proportion in                     Proportion in Proportion
                                                                                                           Explain any major change
                        Amount          total assets        Amount        total assets change(%)
                                           (%)                               (%)

Monetary funds     989,718,395.60            26.49% 897,675,824.22              26.61%      -0.12%

                   322,951,674.45             8.64% 390,216,735.62              11.57%      -2.93% Goods payments were collected.

                                                                                                     Inventories were increased to get
Inventories        625,794,972.48            16.75% 516,804,156.44              15.32%      1.43%
                                                                                                     ready for growing sales.

Investing real
                                0.00          0.00%               0.00          0.00%

                                                                                                     Equity interests in some joint
equity                  3,689,724.39          0.10% 18,203,091.82               0.54%       -0.44%
                                                                                                     ventures were sold.

                                                                                                     Some assets were disposed and
Fixed assets       463,267,701.29            12.40% 472,740,489.84              14.01%      -1.61%
                                                                                                     impairment provisions were made.

Construction in
                     90,862,098.21            2.43% 75,044,472.56               2.22%       0.21% Input to construction increased.

2. Major changes of liability items

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                       2014                              2013
                                           Proportion in                   Proportion in                     Explain any major change
                             Amount                           Amount                       change(%)
                                             total assets                   total assets

                                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                (%)                        (%)

Short-term borrowings             0             0%             0            0%            0%

Long-term borrowings              0             0%             0            0%            0%

3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                       Gain/loss on Cumulative fair Impairment         Amount
                                         fair value                                                  Amount sold in
                     Opening                         value change provisions in      purchased in                         Closing
      Item                             change in the                                                  the reporting
                     amount                          recorded into the reporting     the reporting                        amount
                                         reporting                                                       period
                                           period       equity        period            period

Financial assets

1. Financial
measured at
fair value and
of which
changes are
recorded into       3,903,197.90            8,660.00                                     11,660.00     3,903,197.90        20,320.00

                   62,634,402.88                       52,273,824.96                                                  114,908,227.84
ale financial

Subtotal of
                   66,537,600.78            8,660.00 52,273,824.96                       11,660.00     3,903,197.90 114,928,547.84
financial assets

Total of the
                   66,537,600.78            8,660.00 52,273,824.96                      116,600.00     3,903,197.90 114,928,547.84

                                0.00                                                                                            0.00

Did any significant change occur to the attribute of the Company’s main asset measurement during the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

4. Main assets overseas

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

V. Core competitiveness analysis

The core competitiveness of the Company mainly reflects on fours aspects listed below:
Channel advantage
The Company has been sticking to the marketing strategy of deeply focusing and refining channels. Through years
of development and experience accumulation, the Company currently has four major sales channels, which contains
the circulation and wholesales channel, the exclusive shop channel, the E-business retail channel, and the
engineering commercial lighting channel, forming a marketing network covering the whole country. Replying on
strong and perfect sales channels, products of the Company can rapidly enter the market, which has significantly
improved the Company’s market development capability and competitiveness.
Brand advantage
The Company keeps focusing on the positioning, core value, and features of FSL brand, and continually improved
the brand recognition and reputation of FSL brand by product design, end sales, advertisement, special lighting
exhibition, and so on. At present, FSL and Fen Jiang among the three brands of the Company are both famous
trademarks in China. The FSL brand has become one of the most influential and popular brands in China, and the
powerful brand influence has become the main driver for continuous sales growth of the Company.
Technology advantage
The Company has always been attaching importance to R&D of new products and technologies, increasing the input
on independent innovation on technologies and products, and perfecting the improvement process for R&D and
technique of all products. The Company absorbs and trains technical talents, set up innovative incentive mechanism
and performance mechanism, and fully provides with supports in fund, talents, and mechanisms.
Scale advantage
As one of the enterprises to first step into the industry of producing and selling lighting products, the Company
possesses the manufacture culture of refining production and the large-scale manufacturing capability by years of
experience accumulation. The Company has production bases in Foshan, Nanjing, Xinxiang, and Suzhou,
contributing annual output of over 99388.73 ten thousand units. The large-scale and centralized production brings
obvious economic benefits to the Company, which not only shows in manufacture cost of products, but also shows
in aspects such as raw material procurement and product pricing.

VI. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Investments in external parties

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                            Investments in external parties

 Investment amount in 2014 (RMB Yuan)   Investment amount in 2013 (RMB Yuan)                       +/-%

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                   Particulars about investees

                                                                                                      Proportion of the Company’s investment in
             Name of investee                             Main business
                                                                                                        the investee’s total equity interests (%)

Qinghai     Fozhao       Lithium   Energy Integrated development and utilization of
Exploitation Co., Ltd.                    salt lake brine resource.

                                          R&D, production and sale of lithium ion
                                          batteries and materials, solar, wind and
                                          other     renewable         energy         application
                                          products,     equipment           and          systems,
                                          energy-saving          optoelectronic                 and
Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power Energy      electronic    products,          equipment           and
Co., Ltd.                                 systems, and lithium power emergency
                                          supply, power-driven tools, transportation
                                          tools and chargers; operation and agent
                                          service of import and export of products
                                          and technologies; design and construction
                                          of lighting projects for cities and roads

                                          Electronic      products,         communication
                                          devices, household appliances, furniture,
                                          speakers, paper, paper products, chemicals
                                          for daily use, shoes, hats and garment;
Shenzhen Zhonghao (Group) Ltd.                                                                                                   Less than 5.00%
                                          domestic commerce, material supply and
                                          marketing (excluding goods operated, sold
                                          and     controlled     by     special          entities);
                                          supervision of the self-developed projects

                                          Production      and       sale       of        tungsten,
                                          molybdenum,      nickel       and         clad      metal
                                          products, diamond die, thin steel strips,
                                          electric light source products, power
                                          supply products, industrial gas and special
                                          equipment; production, installation, sale,
                                          mechanic      processing,        vehicle         repair,
Chengdu Hongbo Industrial Co., Ltd.       consulting     service,       sale        of        goods                                          6.94%
                                          (excluding     those      prohibited           by     the
                                          government from circulating), export of
                                          products produced by it or its member
                                          companies; import of needed mechanic
                                          equipment, components, raw and auxiliary
                                          materials; processing and compensation

Xiamen Bank                               Banking services                                                                                   6.91%

Foshan branch of Guangdong                Banking services                                                                        Less than 5.00%

                                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Development Bank

Foshan Fochen Road Development                      Building and operation of the Fochen
Company Limited                                     (Foshan Chencun) Road

(2) Equity-holdings in financial enterprises

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                             Initial        Opening         Opening         Closing           Closing          Closing          in the
Enterprise Enterprise investment equity-hol equity-hol equity-hol equity-hol book value reporting Accountin                                                  Equity
    name       variety    cost (RMB           dings         ding ratio          dings         ding ratio        (RMB            period         g title       source
                             Yuan)           (share)             (%)            (share)          (%)            Yuan)           (RMB

             Commerci 30,828,816                                                                              114,908,22 4,050,044. or-sale                Additional
Everbright                                23,546,768             0.06% 23,546,768                 0.06%
             al bank                .00                                                                             7.84                 10 financial      issue

Xiamen       Commerci 292,574,13 109,714,17                                109,714,17                         292,574,13 21,942,835 or-sale                Additional
                                                                 7.99%                            6.91%
Bank         al bank               3.00                6                                  6                         3.00             .20 financial         issue

branch of                                                                                                                                   Available-f
Guangdon Commerci                                            Less than                         Less than                                    or-sale        Additional
                          500,000.00          229,792                            229,792                      500,000.00
g            al bank                                             5.00%                            5.00%                                     financial      issue
Developm                                                                                                                                    assets
ent Bank

                          323,902,94 133,490,73                            133,490,73                         407,982,36 25,992,879
Total                                                            --                               --                                                           --
                                   9.00                6                                  6                         0.84             .30

(3) Securities investments

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                      Sharehold                   Sharehold                      Gain/loss
                                          Initial      Number                        Number                        Closing
                                                                          ing                          ing                          for
                                       investmen of shares                          of shares                       book
Variety of Code of       Name of                                      percentag                   percentag                      reporting Accounti Source of
                                          t cost       held at                       held at                        value
securities securities securities                                         e at                          e at                       period        ng title      stock
                                        (RMB          period-be                     period-en                      (RMB
                                                                       period-be                  period-en                       (RMB
                                        Yuan)              gin                            d                        Yuan)
                                                                          gin                           d                         Yuan)

                                       276,460,0                                                                                384,103.3 Transacti
Other        205008      14 Days                                                                                         0.00
                                            00.00                                                                                           4 onal

                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                          274,387,0                                          204,304.0 onal
Other   205007   7 Days                                               0.00
                             00.00                                                   8 financial

                          176,262,0                                                    onal
Other   205001   1 Day                                                0.00 20,437.19
                             00.00                                                     financial

                          623,006,2                                          157,934.7 onal
Other   204001   GC001                                                0.00
                             30.00                                                   8 financial

                          68,701,37                                                    onal
Other   204002   GC002                                                0.00 19,432.02
                               4.00                                                    financial

                          203,606,1                                                    onal
Other   204003   GC003                                                0.00 78,492.28
                             08.00                                                     financial

                          146,205,8                                                    onal
Other   204004   GC004                                                0.00 98,287.01
                             48.00                                                     financial

                          464,123,2                                          423,793.4 onal
Other   204007   GC007                                                0.00
                             05.00                                                   0 financial

                          117,711,7                                          112,622.1 onal
Other   204014   GC014                                                0.00
                             70.00                                                   2 financial

Stock   300385   XLHJ      7,365.00    500          0                 0.00 11,378.02

Stock   603328   YDDZ     15,310.00   1,000         0                 0.00 14,514.65 onal

                                                               2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


Stock      603188        YBGF    20,490.00        1,000              0                 0.00 21,963.00

Stock      601016        JNFD     2,170.00        1,000              0                 0.00 6,218.37

Stock      603456        JZYY    15,430.00        1,000              0                 0.00 17,018.07

Stock      300401        HYSW     3,505.00         500               0                 0.00 13,731.80

Stock      603688        SYGF     6,450.00        1,000              0                 0.00 20,272.42

                                 956,522.6                                                    964,543.4 onal
Stock      000027        SZNY                   172,600              0                 0.00
                                         4                                                            3 financial

Stock      002736        GXZQ    11,660.00        2,000         2,000             20,320.00        0.00

                         FZJQY   5,000,000                                                    -997,145. onal
Fund       BC0002                            5,000,000               0                 0.00
                         No. 2         .00                                                          30 financial

Other securities investments
                                      0.00           0    --         0     --          0.00        0.00       --      --
held at the period-end

                                 2,356,502                                                    1,571,900
Total                                        5,180,600    --    2,000      --     20,320.00                   --      --
                                   ,437.64                                                          .68

Disclosure date of the board
announcement on approval of      23 Jan. 2014
the securities investment

Disclosure date of the general

                                                                            2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

meeting announcement on
approval of the securities
investment (if any)

(4)Shareholdings in other listed companies

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

(1) Wealth management entrustment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

(2) Investment in derivatives

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

(3) Entrustment loans

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

3. Use of raised funds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

 Company         Company                                      Registered                             Operating    Operating
                                    Industry   products/ser                Total assets Net assets                               Net profit
    name          variety                                       capital                              revenues      profit

Foshan                                         Production
Chansheng                       Manufactur and                1,000,000.0 32,941,104. 13,301,554. 170,783,96 8,103,152.6 6,064,268.6
Electronic                      e              operation of 0                       79          66         4.01              9                8
Ballast Co.,                                   electronic

                                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Ltd.                                ballasts,
                                    s, electronic
                                    light source
                                    ,        home
                                    and        LED
                                    is required
                                    for          an
                                    to law, it
                                    shall        be

Foshan                   Manufactur Producer of                     102,539,68 97,526,937. 75,463,816. 5,555,886.6 4,073,814.3
Chanchang                e          lamps,            72,782,944.         4.21          02          96            0            6

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Electric                               electric          00
Appliances                             lighting
(Gaoming)                              products
Co., Ltd.                              and related

                                       and sales of
Foshan                                 lamps,
Taimei                                 household
                          Manufactur                                   58,766,291. 26,067,500. 185,149,90 13,405,810. 10,486,447.
Times        Subsidiary                appliances
                          e                              500,000.00            90           11         5.82          81           81
Lamps Co.,                             and fittings,
Ltd.                                   and       other

                                       nt and sale
                                       of electrical
                                       lighting and
                                       & electrical
                          Manufactur constructio                       53,914,719. 52,431,374. 1,629,992.3 -1,037,569.
Source       Subsidiary                                  50,000,000.                                                      -691,250.38
                          e            n and                                   22           26            3          10
Technology                                               00
Co., Ltd.
                                       e of lighting
                                       & electrical
                                       n and

               2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

service for
n projects;
design &
n and
service for
ng projects;
t and
ng project
l trade; and
and sale of
light source
is required
for an
to law, it
shall be

                                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                         ng lighting
                                         lamps       and
Nanjing                                  equipments;
Fozhao                                   lighting
Lighting                                 projects;
                            Manufactur                                    86,066,958. 67,350,984. 54,350,815. -2,454,726. -1,980,732.
Component Subsidiary                     energy-savi 41,683,200.
                            e                                                     39           72          02           51           33
s                                        ng                 00
Manufacturi                              technology
ng Co., Ltd.                             developmen
                                         t           and
                                         of relevant
                                         fittings; sale
                                         ed products

                                         and sale of
                                         products of
                                         source; and
FSL                                      sale         of
(Xinxiang)                  Manufactur components                         74,336,661. 36,938,068. 36,938,068. 5,489,566.0 4,712,022.2
               Subsidiary                                   35,418,439.
Lighting                    e            of      electric                         09           49          49            8            7
Co., Ltd.                                light
                                         , lamps and

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                       lease, lease,
                                       service for                     215,745,66 215,400,39                  6,471,257.7 4,853,398.2
Financing    Subsidiary   Finance                         200,000,00                                   0.00
                                       new-energy                            5.26         4.69                         0           7
Lease Co.,                                                0.00
                                       &          main
                                       ng lighting
                                       products &

                                       R&D         and
                                       of      electric
                                       light source
FSL                                    components
Lighting                               ,        home
                          manufactur                                   82,907,740. 27,675,126. 186,330,35 13,999,353. 10,248,592.
Equipment Subsidiary                   appliances, 15,000,000.
                          e                                                    65           91         0.42           09          30
Co., Ltd.                              socket             00

                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                      import and
                                      export      of
                                      and goods

                                      and sale of
                                      ctor lighting
                                      drive circuit
                                      and control
Mont                     Manufactur                                  48,813,032. 10,159,431. 42,289,128. -9,227,088. -6,629,012.
            Subsidiary                systems;         23,634,900.
Lighting                 e                                                   51           51          14           05           47
                                      (produced        00
Co., Ltd.
                                      only by
                                      design and
                                      of lighting
                                      ; import &
                                      export of
                                      ctor lighting
                                      drive circuit
                                      and control

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


Particulars about main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

—Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd. was invested and established by the Company and Mr. Ma
Henglai and had set up and obtained license for business corporation on 26 Aug. 2003. The Company holds 75%
equities of the said company; therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated
financial statements since the date of foundation.
On 24 Dec. 2013, the Company and Mr. Ma Henglai signed the equity transfer agreement. The Company
purchased 25% equity of Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd. held by Mr. Ma Henglai. After the
purchasing, the Company held 100% equity of Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.
—Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliances (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., which is a Sino-foreign joint venture invested and
established by the Company and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd, had obtained license for business
corporation on 23 Aug. 2005 through approval by Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming
District, Foshan with document “MWJMY Zi [2005] No. 79”. The Company holds 70% equities of the said
company; therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since
the date of foundation.
—Foshan Taimei Times Lamps Co., Ltd., which is a Sino-foreign joint venture invested and established by the
Company and Reback North America Investment Limited, had obtained license for Business Corporation on 5
Dec. 2005 through approval by Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming District, Foshan
with document “MWJMY Zi [2005] No. 97”. The Company holds 70% equities of the said company; therefore
the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since the date of
—FSL New Light Source Technology Co., Ltd. (its predecessor was “Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co.,
Ltd.” and it changed its name to “FSL New Light Source Technology Co., Ltd.” on 17 Dec. 2014), which is
invested and established by the Company together with Foshan Haozhiyuan Trading Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liangqi
Electric Co., Ltd, Changzhou Sanfeng Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Henan Xingchen Electrical & Lighting Co.,
Ltd., Foshan Hongbang Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Hebei Jinfen Trading Co., Ltd., obtaining its license for
Business Corporation on 27 Mar. 2009. The Company holds 60% equities of this company. Therefore the said
subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since the date of foundation.
On 25 Sep. 2009 and 19 Nov. 2010, the equity transfer agreement was signed between the Company and the
minority shareholders, in which the minority shareholders respectively transferred their equities of Foshan
Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. to the Company. After transfer, the Company holds 100% equities of
Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd.
—FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company which is invested and established by the
Company, obtaining its license for Business Corporation on 17 Apr. 2009. The Company holds 100% equities of
the said company, therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial
statements since date of foundation. On 27 Aug. 2013, the 3rd Session of the 7th Board of Directors reviewed and
approved to invest another RMB 2 million (land in an industrial park in Xinxiang, Henan Province and monetary
funds) in FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting, increasing the registered capital of FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting to RMB
—Guangdong Fozhao Financing Lease Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company invested and established by the
Company, which had obtained its license for Business Corporation on 31 May 2011. And the Company holds

                                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

100% equities of this company. Therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated
financial statements since the date of foundation.
—FSL Lighting Equipment Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company invested and established by the Company with
the registered capital of RMB 15 million, which had obtained its license for Business Corporation on 8 May 2013.
And the Company holds 100% equities of this company. Therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope
of the consolidated financial statements since the date of foundation.
—In accordance with the equity transfer agreement signed between the Company and Prosperity Lamps and
Components Ltd. on 27 Aug. 2008, Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd. transferred 100% equities of Nanjing
Fozhao Lighting Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (formerly known as “Prosperity (Nanjing) Lighting
Components Co., Ltd.”, and changed name to “Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.”
on 15 Nov. 2010.) to the Company. Therefore, Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. The said subsidiary was included into the scope of the
consolidated financial statements since the merger date.
—In accordance with the equity transfer agreement signed between the Company and Mr. Zhang Yingchun on 25
Apr. 2014, Mr. Zhang Yingchun transferred 34.09296% equities of Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd. to the
Company. At the same time, the Company increased another RMB 12.01 million to Suzhou Mont Lighting Co.,
Ltd., of which RMB 5.8849 million went to the registered capital and the other RMB 6.1251 million went to the
capital reserves. As such, the registered capital of Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd. went up to RMB 23.6349
million and the Company held 50.50% equities in it. The said subsidiary was included into the scope of the
consolidated financial statements since the completion date of the investment increase.

Subsidiaries acquired or disposed during the reporting period:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                          Effect on the whole production
       Name of subsidiary           Purpose of acquisition/disposal       Way of acquisition/disposal
                                                                                                            and business performance

                                                                                                         The equity acquisition would
                                    To add new advantages and           Equity acquisition and           not affect the business
Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                    expand the main business            investment increase              continuity and management
                                                                                                         stability of the Company.

5. Significant projects invested with non-raised funds

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan

                  Total planned      Input for this   actual input as       Project           Project    Disclosure date     Disclosure
 Project name                                                                                                (if any)       index (if any)
                    investment          period            at the           progress           earnings

Suzhou Mont                                                                                                                Announcement
Lighting Co.,               2,436             2,436            2,436          100.00% -662.90            24 May 2014       title: Progress
Ltd.                                                                                                                       Announcement

                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                   on Acquisition
                                                                                                                   of Some Equity
                                                                                                                   Interests of and
                                                                                                                   Increasing the
                                                                                                                   Investment in
                                                                                                                   Suzhou Mont
                                                                                                                   Lighting Co.,
                                                                                                                   No.: 2014-023;
                                                                                                                   Website of

Total                       2,436           2,436            2,436         --             --              --               --

VII. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Mar. 2015
Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin to the end of the
next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons:

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Entities controlled by the Company for special purposes

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Outlook of the Company’s future development
(I) Industry trend
In the environment of energy saving, low carbon, and emission reduction, the energy saving and environmentally
friendly policies of countries have been successively implemented. Meanwhile, with the on-going performance
improvement and fast price decrease of LED products, the traditional lighting market has been shrinking, LED
lighting are being generally accepted by clients, and the penetration rate of terminal applications of LED lighting are
being continuously raised. To grasp the opportunity of rapid demand increase in LED lighting market, win more
market shares, as well as build up the influence of self-own brands, enterprises in the link of downstream LED
lighting applications with easier access fiercely compete in technology, product, price, and channels. The market
structure shows the coexistence of both flourishing demands and intensified competitions.
(II) Opportunities and challenges faced by the Company
1. Opportunities
Through the fast development of LED lighting in recent years, the field of terminal applications has been broadly
applied. Against the dual attack from the downturn of entity economy and the fiercer industry competitions, LED
enterprises will go into a situation where the strong becomes stronger and the weak becomes weaker, and as a result,

                                                            2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

enterprises lack of comprehensive competitiveness will be gradually eliminated.
After over 2 years of development, the scale of the Company’s LED products has been large, the capacity has
obtained sharp growth, the diversified product lines of LED series have been formed, new products have been
successively released, and the LED products of the Company have gained certain influence on the industry and
As a leading enterprise in the lighting industry with competitive edges in brand, technology, market and scale as
well as ample funds, the Company will continue to keep itself competitive in traditional lighting products and at
the same time vigorously promote LED products to benefit more from the continuous growth of the LED lighting
terminal application in the future.
2. Challenges
(1) Challenges brought by market competitions
In 2015, the production and operation of the Company will still be up against challenges brought by market
competitions. The growth of domestic economy will slow down, the depression trend of real estate industry will be
evident, and together with the affects from fiercer industry competitions, the product homogenization, and the more
and more drastic price battles, the gross margin of products will be hard to be increased and even decline, and the
phenomenon where companies in the industry only input more on production but gain no increase in revenue will be
increasingly widespread. The problem about how to establish technology, product, and service advantages in
competitions, conduct differentiate competitions, and structure a wide range of channel layout, has become the
challenge to the Company for realizing sustainable development.
(2) Challenges brought by company development
By development efforts for dozens of years, the scale of assets, personnel, and business of the Company has been
enlarging. As a result, higher requirements are raised for the Company’s management module. The Company is
confronted with challenges brought by a series of issues, including further improving current management system,
perfecting internal control system, enhancing management capability, and ensuring the Company’s smooth
(III) Risks faced by the Company in future and countermeasures
1. Risks of market competitions
Despite the powerful supports from the state for LED lighting, competitions in the industry in domestic market,
even in international market are fierce, performing in factors including brand, sales channels, and price. The
Company now possesses advantages in brand recognition, sales channels, and economies of scale, but with further
intensified market competitions, the Company might be negatively affected on profitability in future, leading to
higher difficulty for increasing market share. Therefore, the Company will continuously develop new products,
optimize marketing network, improve brand image, consolidate management on client relationship, sustainably
improve the core competitiveness of the Company, and ensure the persistent and healthy development of the

                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. Risks of rising operating cost
With the Company’s development, the management expenses, sales expenses, and labor expenses of the Company
will ceaselessly go up, which will further increase the operating cost of the Company. However, due to tough market
competitions, prices of current products of the Company are hardly to be raised up. Plus with possibly rising prices
of raw materials in future, the Company’s profitability will be negatively affected under dual pressure. Therefore,
the Company will try its best to improve the degree of machine automation to raise the labor productivity ratio,
further dig for supplier resources to cut down procurement cost, as well as defuse the risks brought by rising
operating cost by taking measures of improving management level, strengthening budget control, and cutting down
expense cost.
3. Risks of collecting accounts receivables
In order to well produce products and grasp market share, accounts receivables of the Company in recent years sums
up to a high amount. If distributors have difficulties in payment and default on good payments, there will be bad debt
risks for the Company. Therefore, in accordance with orders and sales of distributors, the Company will regularly
and comprehensively evaluate credit lines of distributors, improve the profitability of distributors by strengthening
service for distributors, and reducing bad debt risks by mortgaging real estates or other materials.
4. Risk concerning investors’ claims for damages
From Sept. 2013 to Mar. 2015, 2279 investors separately sued the Company to Guangzhou Intermediate People’s
Court for false securities statement, demanding civil compensations of RMB 335.8907 million and HKD 1.328
million in total from the Company for its illegal information disclosure. If the court ultimately rules the Company
to pay a large compensation, it would have a great impact on the Company’s subsequent operating results.
(IV) Work schedule in 2015
1. Aggressively expanding market and enlarging development space
Firstly, the Company will execute positive and rational marketing strategies, consolidate current channel advantages,
emphasize on construction of the channel of exclusive shops, the channel of engineering commercial lighting, and
the channel of E-business and retail, reinforce on refining management for markets, form a marketing network
featured by distinct structure, orderly work division, rational layout, and first-rate service, and raise the market
coverage and penetration rate. Secondly, the Company will strengthen the sense of client management, keep
attaching importance to follow-up service and potential value digging for regular and big clients, and positively
enlarge the development space of the Company by expanding new markets and clients. Thirdly, the Company will
strengthen marketing management, provide marketing staffs with professional training opportunities by relying on
consulting agencies for marketing management, and improve the capability of execution and practice of sales staffs.
Fourthly, the Company will complete international marketing network, strengthen international sales force, deeply
explore markets where stocks of traditional lighting will be replaced, and at the same time, aggressively explore

                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

emerging markets in the Middle East, South East Asia, and Eastern Europe.
2. Controlling cost and improving management efficiency
Under the pressure of rising operating cost, the Company will further intensify the sense of cost control, upgrade
techniques, innovate technologies, optimize product structure, control procurement cost, execute the system of
limited material-picking, and eliminate the waste in all links. The Company will upgrade energy-consuming
equipment by equipment renovation, and improve operating efficiency by saving energy and reducing consumption.
The Company will continue to do well in overall budget management, strictly control on expenses, reduce
over-planned and unplanned expenses, ensure cost advantage, and keep the market competitiveness of the Company
under the condition of ensuring product quality.
3. Strengthening the building of talent team, and improving the comprehensive quality of the team
The key point to keep innovation capability and competitiveness of the Company is talents. The Company will put
more force on induction of and training for talents, and put the talent reservation work for important departments of
administration, R&D, production, and sales in first priority. The Company will depend on Foshan Lighting College,
improve the ability of internal lecturers, and reinforce the training force while externally engaging professional
training institutions. The Company will establish a perfect human resources system and competitive remuneration
mechanism, optimize the remuneration and related system oriented by performance, and build a talent team with
high quality, so as to provide the Company with talents guarantee for its sustainable, steady, and healthy

X. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the
“non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XI. Explain any change of the accounting policies, the accounting estimates and the
accounting methods when compared to the financial report for last year

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

(1) Changes in important policies

In 2014, the Ministry of Finance revised the , the , the
 and the , and unveiled the , the  and the . The Company has adopted the aforesaid revised or new
accounting standards since 1 Jul. 2014 and the  since the 2014 Annual Report.

                                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Adjustments to items and amounts in the comparative financial statements according to the new and revised
accounting standards:

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

 Accounting         Accounting policy changes and their            Influence on relevant financial statement items(+/-)

 standard           influence on the Company                       Item                          1 Jan. 2013          31 Dec. 2013

              measured adopting the cost method.

                                                                   Transactional financial
                                                                                                 -4,012,728.75        -3,903,197.90

                                                                   Financial            assets
  and its application guideline          liabilities

 Statement                                                         Deferred incomes              19,353,441.69        11,092,550.73
 Presentation >
                                                                   Capital reserves              -35,523,341.07       -27,717,587.47

                                                                   Other         comprehensive
                                                                                                 35,523,341.07        27,717,587.47

Except for the financial statement items above, the accounting policy changes have no influence on the
Company’s total assets at the end of 2012 and 2013 as well as its net profits for 2012 and 2013.

 (2) Changes in accounting estimations

No such cases in the reporting period.

XII. Explain if any major correction of accounting errors occurred in the reporting period
and for that retroactive restatement was needed

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

No such cases in the reporting period.

XIII. Explanation of the changes of the consolidation scope compared to the last financial

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

On 23 Apr. 2014, the Company convened the 10th Session of the 7th Board of Directors, at which the  was reviewed and
approved. On 23 May 2014, the relevant formalities were completed with the relevant industry and commerce
administration. As such, the Company holds a stake of 50.5% in Suzhou Mont Lighting, which has been
consolidated by the Company.

XIV. Profit allocation and dividend payout
Formulation, execution or adjustment of the Company’s profit allocation policy during the reporting period:

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
According to the CSRC Notice on Further Implementing Matters Related to Cash Dividend Distribution of Listed
Companies (Zheng-Jian-Fa [2012] No. 37) and the Guangdong CSRC Notice on Further Implementing
Regulations Related to Dividend Distribution of Listed Companies (Guang-Dong-Zheng-Jian [2012] No. 91), in
order to further standardize the dividend mechanism, promote a scientific, sustained and stable dividend
mechanism and protect legal rights and interests of investors, in 2012, the Company convened a general meeting
to revise the dividend-related contents in its Articles of Association and specify the dividend conditions, the
lowest dividend ratio, the decision-making procedure, etc.. Meanwhile, it formulated the Management Rules for
Profit Distribution and the Return for Shareholder Plan for the Coming Three Years (2012-2014), specifying the
arrangements and forms of dividends, the cash dividend planning and the distribution intervals, which further
improved the decision-making and supervision procedures for dividend distribution. According to the Company’s
Articles of Association, the profit distributed in cash shall not be less than 30% of the distributable profit achieved
in the year.
The Company’s preplans for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital for the reporting
period were in compliance with relevant rules such as the Company’s Articles of Association.

                                           Special statement about the cash dividend policy

In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and the
resolution of the general meeting

Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                            Yes

Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                          Yes

Independent directors fulfilled their responsibilities and played their
due role.

Minority shareholders have the chance to fully express their
opinion and desire and their legal rights and interests were fully        Yes

In adjustment or alteration of the cash dividend policy, the              Yes

                                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

conditions and procedure were in compliance with regulations and

The Company’s preplans or plans for profit allocation and turning capital reserve into share capital for the recent

three years (including the reporting year):

For 2012, based on the total 978,563,745 shares of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2012, a cash dividend of RMB 3.1

(tax included and dividends for B-share holders paid in Hong Kong dollars) was distributed for every 10 shares

held by A-share and B-share holders, with the total distributed cash dividends reaching RMB 303,354,760.95.

For 2013, based on the total 978,563,745 shares of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2013, a cash dividend of RMB 1.6

(tax included and dividends for B-share holders paid in Hong Kong dollars) was distributed for every 10 shares

held by A-share and B-share holders, with the total distributed cash dividends reaching RMB 156,570,199.20.

For 2014, based on the total 978,563,745 shares of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2014, a cash dividend of RMB 2.20

(tax included and dividends for B-share holders paid in Hong Kong dollars) will be distributed for every 10 shares

held by A-share and B-share holders, with the total distributed cash dividends reaching RMB 215,284,023.90; and

3 shares will be increased, with capital reserves, to all shareholders for every 10 shares they hold, with the

increased shares totaling 293,569,124 shares. The profit allocation and capitalization of capital reserves preplan

can only be carried out upon review and approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting of the Company.

Cash dividend distribution of the Company over the recent three years:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                      Net profit        Ratio to net profit
                                                    attributable to       attributable to                                Ratio of cash
                                                                                               Cash offering to buy
                          Cash dividends         shareholders of the    shareholders of the                           offering to buy back
         Year                                                                                  back shares recorded
                           (tax included)         listed company in     listed company in                                shares to cash
                                                                                                as cash dividends
                                                   the consolidated      the consolidated                                  dividends
                                                 statement in the year statement in the year

2014                            215,284,023.90        266,125,048.97                80.90%                     0.00                 0.00%

2013                            156,570,199.20        251,831,356.38                62.17%                     0.00                 0.00%

2012                            303,354,760.95        400,466,745.11                75.75%                     0.00                 0.00%

The Company (including its subsidiaries) made profit in the reporting period and the retained profit of the Company (without
subsidiaries) was positive, but it did not put forward a preplan for cash dividend distribution:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XV. Pre-plan for profit allocation and turning capital reserve into share capital for the
reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Bonus shares for every 10 shares (share)                                                                                            0

Dividend for every 10 shares (RMB Yuan) (tax included)                                                                           2.20

Increased shares for every 10 shares (share)                                                                                        3

Total shares as the basis for the allocation preplan (share)                                                             978,563,745

Total cash dividends (RMB Yuan) (tax included)                                                                         215,284,023.90

Distributable profit (RMB Yuan)                                                                                        710,284,953.94

Percentage of the cash dividends in the total distributed                                                                   100.00%
profit (%)

                                                         Cash dividend policy:

Where the Company is in the mature development stage and has any major spending plan, cash dividends distributed shall account
for at least 40% in the profit allocation.

                     Details about the pre-plan for profit allocation and turning capital reserve into share capital

As audited by GP Certified Public Accountants LLP, the after-tax net profit of RMB 237,692,053.49 of the Company without

subsidiaries for 2014, plus the opening retained profit of RMB 632,837,008.55, minus the distributed profit of RMB

156,570,199.20 for 2013 (a cash dividend of RMB 1.6 for every 10 shares) and the statutory surplus reserves of RMB 3,673,908.90

for 2014, equals the closing profit distributable to shareholders of RMB 710,284,953.94. Considering the consistence of the profit

allocation principle, the Board of Directors proposed to allocate profit for 2014 as follows: Based on the total 978,563,745 shares of

the Company as at 31 Dec. 2014, a cash dividend of RMB2.20 (tax included and dividends for B-share holders paid in Hong Kong

dollars) will be distributed for every 10 shares held by A-share and B-share holders, with the total distributed cash dividends

reaching RMB 215,284,023.90; and 3 shares will be increased, with capital reserves, to all shareholders for every 10 shares they

hold, with the increased shares totaling 293,569,124 shares. The retained profit of RMB 495,000,930.04 will be carried forward

into the next year. The profit allocation and capitalization of capital reserves preplan can only be carried out upon review and

approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting of the Company.

XVI. Social responsibilities

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

The Company has always attached importance to the accomplishment of its social value. With “provide returns for

shareholders, provide a platform for employees, create value for customers and create prosperity for the society”

as its task, the Company proactively protects legal rights and interests of its employees and creditors; treats

suppliers, customers and consumers in an honest way; and proactively promotes environmental protection,

resource conservation & recycling, etc.. Meanwhile, it takes part in charity and public service activities, boosts the

local economy with its own development and promotes coordinative and harmonious development between the

Company and the society, the community and the nature.

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

During the reporting period, the Company enhanced R&D, promotion and sale of environment-friendly and

energy-saving products. It passed the ISO14001 environmental management system certification. Meanwhile, the

Company also passed the province’s voluntary clean production examination and won the title of “Clean

Production Enterprise in Guangdong Province”, making its own contribution to energy saving and emission

reduction. It planned to distribute cash dividends of RMB 215,284,023.90 (tax included) to its shareholders,

accounting for 80.90% of the net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company in the consolidated statements

for the reporting period, which effectively safeguarded the interests of its shareholders. It also fulfilled the safe

production objectives for the year, making its own contribution to social safety.

Does the listed company or any of its subsidiaries belong to the heavily polluting industries stipulated by the
environmental protection authorities of the country?

□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

Does the listed company or any of its subsidiaries have any other significant social security problems?

□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
Any administrative punishment during the reporting period?

□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

XVII. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                        Main discussion and
         Date                   Place    Way of reception       Visitor type          Visitor         materials provided by the

                                                                                GF Securities,
                                                                                China Southern
                                                                                Asset Management,
                                                                                CITIC Securities,
                                                                                GF Fund
                                                                                Management, Lion Production and operation of
3 Jan. 2014             The Company     Field research      Institution
                                                                                Fund Management, the Company
                                                                                Beijing Longrising
                                                                                Asset Management,
                                                                                Tianhong Asset
                                                                                PingAn Securities

                                                                                                     Production and operation of
6 Jan. 2014             The Company     Field research      Institution         China AMC
                                                                                                     the Company

                                                     2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                  International (Hong
                                                                  Kong), CIC
                                                                  International (Hong
                                                                  Kong), Value
                                                                  Partners, Manulife
                                                                  Asset Management,
                                                                                        Production and operation of
18 Feb. 2014   The Company   Field research   Institution         BlackRock, Allianz
                                                                                        the Company
                                                                  Global Investors,
                                                                  DIAM Asset
                                                                  (Hong Kong),

                                                                  Morgan Stanley
                                                                  (Taiwan), Keywise
                                                                                        Production and operation of
12 Mar. 2014   The Company   Field research   Institution         Capital (Hong
                                                                                        the Company
                                                                  Kong), Allianz
                                                                  Global Investors

                                                                  Great Wall Fund
                                                                  Invesco Great Wall,
                                                                  SWS MU Fund
                                                                  China Merchants
                                                                  Fund, Hong Kong
                                                                  China AMC,
                                                                  CITICPE, GF Fund
                                                                                        Production and operation of
6 May 2014     The Company   Field research   Institution         BOCOM
                                                                                        the Company
                                                                  Schroders, Penghua
                                                                  Fund, CITIC
                                                                  Securities, Foresea
                                                                  Life Insurance,
                                                                  Baoying Fund
                                                                  Qianhe Capital,
                                                                  Golden Eagle,
                                                                  Chang Xin Asset
                                                                  Fortune SG Fund

                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                          Galaxy AMC, E
                                                                          Fund Management,
                                                                          Lion Fund
                                                                          Orient Securities
                                                                          Asset Management,
                                                                          Hua An Fund
                                                                          Huashang Fund
                                                                          Management, CCB
                                                                          Principal Asset

                                                                          Yingda Securities,
                                                                          Consulting Co.,
                                                                          Ltd. CITIC
                                                                          RIAL Fund
                                                                          Management Co.,
                                                                                                 Production and operation of
5 Nov. 2014            The Company   Field research   Institution         Ltd., BOC
                                                                                                 the Company
                                                                          (China) Limited,
                                                                          Investment, Orient
                                                                          Shenzhen Dade
                                                                          Huifu Consultant
                                                                          Co., Ltd., China
                                                                          Fund Management,
                                                                          GTJA Allianz

                                                                                                 Production & operation and
1 Jan.-31 Dec. 2014    The Company   By phone         Individual          Individual investors
                                                                                                 lawsuits of the Company

Visiting times                                                                                                              6

Number of visiting institutions                                                                                            50

Number of visiting individuals                                                                                             96

                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Number of other visiting entities                                                                                   0

Was    any   material   undisclosed   information
disclosed, revealed or leaked?

                                                                            2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                             Section V. Significant Events

I. Significant lawsuits or arbitrations

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                       involved in           Forming                      Trial result and   Enforcement on
 Basic information                                       Progress of
                       the lawsuit       estimated                        influence of the   the judgment of    Disclosure      Disclosure
   of the lawsuit                                        the lawsuit
                       (arbitration)    liabilities or                         lawsuit          the lawsuit        date            index
    (arbitration)                                        (arbitration)
                       (RMB Ten               not?                          (arbitration)      (arbitration)

                                                         On 15 Nov.
                                                         2014 and 5
                                                         Dec. 2014,
                                                         Company         The Company has
In Mar. 2013,
                                                         received the made estimated
CSRC Guangdong
                                                          provisions                Not satisfied
                                                         from            according to the    with the
punishment on the                                                                                                             Announceme
                                                         Guangzhou first-instance            judgment of
illegal information                                                                                                           nt title:
                                                         Intermediat judgments of            Guangzhou
disclosure of the                                                                                                             Announceme
                                                         e Court,        these cases, which Intermediate
Company. 515                                                                                                                  nt about
                                                         ruling that     will directly       Court, the
plaintiffs                                                                                                                    Lawsuit
                                                         the             reduce the net      Company has
separately sued the RMB                                                                                                       Progress;
                                                         Company         profits of the      filed an appeal
Company to            73.4383                                                                                                 Announceme
                                       Yes               should          Company             to Guangdong      17 Nov. 2014
Guangzhou             million and                                                                                             nt No.:
                                                         make            (without            High Court.
Intermediate          HKD 82,000                                                                                              2014-040,
                                                         compensati subsidiaries) for        During the
People’s Court for                                                                                                           2014-044;
                                                         ons of RMB 2014 by RMB              appeal, the
false securities                                                                                                              Website of
                                                         000 to the      000 and the         Company does
statement,                                                                                                                    disclosure:
                                                         955             consolidated net    not have to
demanding civil                                                                                                               http://www.c
                                                         plaintiffs      profits attributable perform the
compensations                                                                                                                 ninfo.com.cn
                                                         and bear        to owners of the    obligation of
from the Company
                                                         court           Company             compensation.
for its illegal
                                                         acceptance (without
                                                         fees of         subsidiaries) by
                                                         RMB 000.        RMB 000.
                                                         with the

                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                      has filed an
                                      appeal to
                                      High Court.

                                      On 15 Nov.
                                      2014 and 5
                                      Dec. 2014,
                                      received the
                                       The Company has
In Mar. 2013,
                                      from           made estimated
CSRC Guangdong
                                      Guangzhou liability
administered an
                                      Intermediat provisions             Not satisfied
                                      e Court,       according to the    with the
punishment on the                                                                                        Announceme
                                      ruling that    first-instance      judgment of
illegal information                                                                                      nt title:
                                      the            judgments of        Guangzhou
disclosure of the                                                                                        Announceme
                                      Company        these cases, which Intermediate
Company. 672                                                                                             nt about
                                      should         will directly       Court, the
plaintiffs                                                                                               Lawsuit
                                      make           reduce the net      Company has
separately sued the                                                                                      Progress;
                      RMB             compensati profits of the          filed an appeal
Company to                                                                                               Announceme
                      87.0947   Yes   ons of RMB Company                 to Guangdong      6 Dec. 2014
Guangzhou                                                                                                nt No.:
                      million         000 to the     (without            High Court.
Intermediate                                                                                             2014-040,
                                      955            subsidiaries) for   During the
People’s Court for                                                                                      2014-044;
                                      plaintiffs     2014 by RMB         appeal, the
false securities                                                                                         Website of
                                      and bear       000 and the         Company does
statement,                                                                                               disclosure:
                                      court          consolidated net    not have to
demanding civil                                                                                          http://www.c
                                      acceptance profits attributable perform the
compensations                                                                                            ninfo.com.cn
                                      fees of        to owners of the    obligation of
from the Company
                                      RMB 000.       Company             compensation.
for its illegal
                                      Not            (without
                                      satisfied      subsidiaries) by
                                      with the       RMB 000.
                                      has filed an
                                      appeal to
                                      High Court.

                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

In Mar. 2013,
CSRC Guangdong
administered an
punishment on the
illegal information                                                                                   Announceme
disclosure of the                                                                                     nt title:
                                                   The lawsuits are
Company. 116                                                                                          Announceme
                                                   still in trial with
plaintiffs                                                                                            nt on Lawsuit
                                                   no judgment.
separately sued the RMB                                                                               Matters;
                                                   Therefore, the
Company to            22.5254                                                                         Announceme
                                    No   Pending   influence of these Inapplicable     15 Mar. 2014
Guangzhou             million and                                                                     nt No.:
                                                   lawsuits on the
Intermediate          HKD 546,600                                                                     2014-011;
                                                   Company is
People’s Court for                                                                                   Website of
                                                   unable to be
false securities                                                                                      disclosure:
                                                   known for now.
statement,                                                                                            http://www.c
demanding civil                                                                                       ninfo.com.cn
from the Company
for its illegal

In Mar. 2013,
CSRC Guangdong
administered an
punishment on the
illegal information                                                                                   Announceme
disclosure of the                                                                                     nt title:
                                                   The lawsuits are
Company. 457                                                                                          Announceme
                                                   still in trial with
plaintiffs                                                                                            nt on Lawsuit
                                                   no judgment.
separately sued the                                                                                   Matters;
                      RMB                          Therefore, the
Company to                                                                                            Announceme
                      82.2559       No   Pending   influence of these Inapplicable     17 Jan. 2015
Guangzhou                                                                                             nt No.:
                      million                      lawsuits on the
Intermediate                                                                                          2015-004;
                                                   Company is
People’s Court for                                                                                   Website of
                                                   unable to be
false securities                                                                                      disclosure:
                                                   known for now.
statement,                                                                                            http://www.c
demanding civil                                                                                       ninfo.com.cn
from the Company
for its illegal

                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

In Mar. 2013,
CSRC Guangdong
administered an
punishment on the
illegal information                                                                                   Announceme
disclosure of the                                                                                     nt title:
                                                   The lawsuits are
Company. 519                                                                                          Announceme
                                                   still in trial with
plaintiffs                                                                                            nt on Lawsuit
                                                   no judgment.
separately sued the RMB                                                                               Matters;
                                                   Therefore, the
Company to            70.5764                                                                         Announceme
                                    No   Pending   influence of these Inapplicable     17 Mar. 2015
Guangzhou             million and                                                                     nt No.:
                                                   lawsuits on the
Intermediate          HKD 699,363                                                                     2015-005;
                                                   Company is
People’s Court for                                                                                   Website of
                                                   unable to be
false securities                                                                                      disclosure:
                                                   known for now.
statement,                                                                                            http://www.c
demanding civil                                                                                       ninfo.com.cn
from the Company
for its illegal

II. Media’s queries

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

III. Occupation of the Company’s capital by the controlling shareholder or its related parties
for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

IV. Bankruptcy and reorganization

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

V. Asset transactions

1. Acquisition of assets

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                  ip between
                                                                                      Ratio of                        the
                                                                                       the net                    transaction
                                                         Influence     Influence       profit                     party and
Transactio       Asset       Transactio                                                             Related-pa
                                                          on the         on the      contribute                       the       Disclosure
 n party or    acquired       n price      Progress                                                     rty                                  Disclosure
                                                        Company’ Company’           d by the                    Company date (note
 ultimate     or bought (RMB Ten            (note 2)                                                transaction                                 index
                                                        s operation s gain/loss asset to the                      (applicable       5)
 controller        in        thousand)                                                                or not
                                                         (note 3)       (note 4)     Company                          for
                                                                                     to the total                 related-par
                                                                                     profit (%)                       ty

                                                                                                                                             ment title:
                                                                                                                                             ment on
                                                                                                                                             n of Some
                                                        The equity
                                                                                                                                             Interests of
              34.09296                                  would not
                                          The                                                                                                Increasing
              % equity                                 affect the
                                          relevant                                                                                           the
              interests of                              business       RMB
Zhang                                     assets                                                                  Inapplicabl 24 May         Investment
              Suzhou              1,235                 continuity -3.3476               -1.26% No
Yingchun                                  were all                                                                e             2014         in Suzhou
              Mont                                      and            million
                                          transferred                                                                                        Mont
              Lighting                                  manageme
                                          in.                                                                                                Lighting
              Co., Ltd.                                 nt stability
                                                                                                                                             Co., Ltd.;
                                                        of the
                                                                                                                                             ment No.:
                                                                                                                                             Website of

                                                                                2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. Sale of assets

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                             Net                                                  Relation
                                            profit                                                  ship
                                                                  Ratio of                                    Whether or not
                                           contribu                                               between
                                                                  the net                                      or not        the
                                            ted to     Gains                                        the
                                                                   profit                                       the       creditor’
                                             the           and                                    transacti
                                                                  contribu                                    ownersh s right
                                 Transact Compan losses                                  Related- on party
                                                                   ted by                                     ip of the     and
Transact                           ion     y from      arising                Pricing     party   and the                                         Disclos
            Asset      Disposa                                    the asset                                    asset      liabilitie Disclos
   ion                            price      the      from the                principl transacti Compan                                                ure
             sold       l date                                     to the                                     involve           s      ure date
  party                          (RMB period-b sales of                             e     on or      y                                              index
                                                                  Compan                                       d has      involve
                                 0’000)   egin to     assets                              not    (applica
                                                                  y to the                                     been        d have
                                             the       (RMB                                        ble for
                                                                    total                                      fully        been
                                           disposal 0’000)                                       related-
                                                                   profit                                     transferr     fully
                                            date                                                   party
                                                                    (%)                                          ed       transferr
                                            (RMB                                                  transacti
                                           0’000)                                                  ons)

                                                      The sale
                                                      of the
           15.38%                                                                                                                                 Complet
           equity                                                                                                                                 ion of
           interests                                                                                                                              the
Guangz of                                                                     With the                                                            Transfer
hou        Guangz                                                             assessm                                                             of
Finance hou                                                                   ent                                                                 Equity
                       15 Aug. RMB         RMB        business                                    Inapplic                             22 Nov.
Holding Pearl                                                       0.67% result as No                        Yes         Yes                     Interests
                       2014      852       178.48     continui                                    able                                 2014
s Group River                                                                 the                                                                 in
                                                      ty and
Co.,       Asset                                                              pricing                                                             Former
Ltd.       Manage                                                             base                                                                Joint
           ment                                                                                                                                   Venture;
           Co.,                                                                                                                                   Announ
                                                      of the
           Ltd.                                                                                                                                   cement

                                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


3. Business combination

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

VI. Implementation and influence of any equity incentive plan of the Company

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions arising from routine operation

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                e market
                                                                                        n in the
                                                                           Transacti                            price for
                                                               Transacti                 total
                            Type of   Contents                                on                                   the
 Related                                                          on                   amounts
                              the          of the    Pricing                amount                  Mode of transactio Disclosur Disclosur
transactio Relation                                            price(RM                   of
                        transactio transactio principle                     (RMB                    settlement n of the       e date       e index
  n party                                                       B Ten                  transactio
                              n              n                               Ten                                  same
                                                               thousand)               ns of the
                                                                           thousand)                            kind(RM
                                                                                       same kind
                                                                                                                 B Ten

Prosperity person
Lamps & that held                     Purchase                                                                                         www.cni
                        receiving                   Market                                          Remittanc               25 Apr.
Compone over 5%                       of                       681.17        681.17       0.37%                 681.17                 nfo.com.c
                        labor                       price                                           e                       2014
nts         shares of                 material                                                                                         n
Limited     the
                        from the

Prosperity A            Purchasin Purchase Market              2,804.92     2,804.92      1.51% Remittanc 2,804.92 25 Apr.             www.cni

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Electrical company g                  of         price                                e                    2014      nfo.com.c
(China)      controlled products material                                                                            n
Co., Ltd. by the          and
             related      receiving
             natural      labor
             person       service
                          from the

             party of
OSRAM                     and
             the legal                Purchase                                                                       www.cni
(China)                   receiving              Market                               Remittanc            25 Apr.
             person                   of                  4.00       4.00     0.00%                4.00              nfo.com.c
Lighting                  labor                  price                                e                    2014
             that held                material                                                                       n
Co., Ltd.                 service
             over 5%
                          from the
             shares of

Hangzhou                  products
Times                     and
             controlled               Purchase                                                                       www.cni
Lighting                  receiving              Market                               Remittanc            25 Apr.
             by the                   of                  310.83   310.83     0.17%               310.83             nfo.com.c
and                       labor                  price                                e                    2014
             related                  material                                                                       n
Electrical                service
Co., Ltd.                 from the

Prosperity                products
(Xinxiang                 and         Purchase
             controlled                                                                                              www.cni
) Lighting                receiving of           Market                               Remittanc            25 Apr.
             by the                                       39.40      39.4     0.02%                39.40             nfo.com.c
Machiner                  labor       equipmen price                                  e                    2014
             related                                                                                                 n
y Co.,                    service     ts
Ltd.                      from the

Hangzhou A                Selling                                                                                    www.cni
                                      Selling    Market                               Remittanc            25 Apr.
Times        company products                             3.22       3.22     0.00%                3.22              nfo.com.c
                                      products   price                                e                    2014
Lighting controlled and                                                                                              n

                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

and          by the       providing
Electrical related        labor
Co., Ltd. natural         service to
             person       the

             Legal        products
Prosperity person         and
Lamps & that held providing                                                                                               www.cni
                                       Selling    Market                                 Remittanc              25 Apr.
Compone over 5%           labor                            4,056.80   4,056.8    1.32%               4,056.80             nfo.com.c
                                       products   price                                  e                      2014
nts          shares of service to                                                                                         n
Limited      the          the
             Company related

Prosperity A              products
(Hangzho company and
u)           controlled providing                                                                                         www.cni
                                       Selling    Market                                 Remittanc              25 Apr.
Lighting by the           labor                            641.06     641.06     0.21%               641.06               nfo.com.c
                                       products   price                                  e                      2014
and          related      service to                                                                                      n
Electrical natural        the
Co., Ltd. person          related

             A            products
             company and
             controlled providing                                                                                         www.cni
Electrical                             Selling    Market                                 Remittanc              25 Apr.
             by the       labor                            112.51     112.51     0.04%               112.51               nfo.com.c
(China)                                products   price                                  e                      2014
             related      service to                                                                                      n
Co., Ltd.
             natural      the
             person       related

OSRAM party of
                          providing                                                                                       www.cni
(China)      the legal                 Selling    Market                                 Remittanc              25 Apr.
                          labor                            783.96     783.96     0.26%               783.96               nfo.com.c
Lighting person                        products   price                                  e                      2014
                          service to                                                                                      n
Co., Ltd. that held
             over 5%
             shares of

                                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


             acting-in- Selling
             concert     products
             party of    and
             the legal   providing                                                                                          www.cni
Asia                                  Selling    Market                                   Remittanc              25 Apr.
             person      labor                            4,925.26    4,925.26    1.61%               4,925.26              nfo.com.c
Pacific                               products   price                                    e                      2014
             that held service to                                                                                           n
             over 5%     the
             shares of related
             the         party

Shanghai company
Linxian      where a
Mechanic related                      Selling    Market                                   Remittanc              Inapplica Inapplica
                         labor                            30.86         30.86     0.01%               30.86
al &         natural                  products   price                                    e                      ble        ble
                         service to
Electrical person
Co., Ltd. takes a

             A           Selling
             company products
             where a     and
             related     providing                                                                                          www.cni
Lighting                              Selling    Market                                   Remittanc              25 Apr.
             natural     labor                            0.09            0.09    0.00%               0.09                  nfo.com.c
(Langfan                              products   price                                    e                      2014
             person      service to                                                                                         n
g) Co.,
             has         the
             influence related
             on          party

Prosperity person
Lamps & that held Sales               Sales
                                                 Market                                   Remittanc              Inapplica Inapplica
Compone over 5%          commissi commissi                142.84       142.84                         142.84
                                                 price                                    e                      ble        ble
nts          shares of on             on
Limited      the

Total                                                --     --       14,536.92     --         --        --             --         --

Details of large amount of sales returns         Naught

Necessity and continuity of related-party Due to the fact that the Company needed stable supply of good raw materials for its
transaction as well as reason of choosing production, such related-party transaction was necessary and will exist within a
the related party (but not other transaction long-term period.

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

parties) to conduct the said transaction       The Company’s partial products were sold through the related parties, which would
                                               drive the expansion of the production scale of the Company to a certain extent, so it
                                               belonged to the continuous related-party transactions and would exist within a
                                               long-term period.
                                               The Company’s routine related-party transactions with the related parties had no
Impacts of related-party transaction on
                                               influence on the independency of the Company, so the Company’s main business
independency of the Company
                                               wouldn’t form the reliance on or be controlled by the related parties.

Dependant degree of the Company on The Company’s related-party business with the related parties occupied a small
related party and relevant solutions for the proportion in the amount of the same kind of business, so its main business wouldn’t
dependence (if any)                            form the reliance on or be controlled by the related parties.

                                               In Apr. and Oct. 2014, the Company predicted the total amount of routine related-party
                                               transactions with the related parties of OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd., Osram Asia
                                               Pacific Ltd., Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited, Prosperity Electrical (China)
As for the prediction on the total amount of
                                               Co., Ltd., Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Times
routine related-party transactions to be
                                               Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd., Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.
occurred in the reporting period by relevant
                                               and Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical Machinery Co., Ltd. and in the purchase
types, the actual performance in the
                                               from related parties, the actual amount occurred in 2014 was of RMB 38.4032 million,
reporting period (if any)
                                               of 68.15 % of the 2014 estimated amount; in the sales to the related parties, the actual
                                               amount occurred in 2014 was of RMB 105.5376 million, of 75.38 % of the 2014
                                               estimated amount.

Reason for significant difference between
the transaction price and the market price

2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and sales of assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

3. Significant related-party transitions arising from joint investments in external parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

5. Other related-party transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VIII. Significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Particulars about leasing:
The Company and Shanghai Jiabao Industry & Commerce (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shanghai
Jiabao) signed , where Shanghai Jiabao agreed to license the Company to
exclusively use its trademarks “Hu Zi” (registration No.: 100940), “Lian He” (registration No.: 100950) and “Lian
He” (registration No.: 3603597) from 1 Jan. 2014 to 31 Dec. 2016; and the Company shall pay to Shanghai Jiabao
1% of the net sales of products produced by the Company and carrying the licensed trademarks as the license fee,
but it shall not be less than RMB 1 million per year (for details, see the “Announcement No. 2014-002 on Signing
” disclosed on http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 9 Jan. 2014).

Any leasing event incurring gain/loss reaching more than 10% of the total profits of the Company in the reporting
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

2. Guarantees provided by the Company
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

3. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

4. Other significant transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

IX. Fulfillment of commitments

1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares in the
reporting period or such commitments carried down into the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

2. The Company’s assets or projects exist profitable prediction and the reporting period is in such
prediction period, it states the profits from the assets or projects reaching original prediction and relevant
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

X. Engagement and disengagement of the CPAs firm
CPAs firm engaged at present

Name of domestic CPAs firm                            GP Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

Remuneration of domestic CPAs firm (RMB 0’000) 121.9

Consecutive years of the audit services provided by
domestic CPAs firm

Name of the certified public accountants from the
                                                      Hong Wenwei, Chen Danyan
domestic CPAs firm

Reengage the CPAs firm at current period or not?
□ Yes √ No
Particulars on engaging the audit firm for the internal control, financial adviser or sponsor

√Applicable □Inapplicable
During the reporting period, the Company engaged GP Certified Public Accountants (LLP) as the internal control
audit constitution owning to the needs of internal control audit, with the total paid audit expenses of RMB 508.80
thousand yuan .

XI. Explanation given by the Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors (if
applicable) regarding the “non-standard auditor’s report” issued by the CPAs firm for the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

XII. Punishments and rectifications

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

XIII. Possibility of listing suspension and termination after disclosure of this annual report

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XIV. Other significant events

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

The plan for the back door listing of Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. (“Guoxuan High-tech”),
where the Company held a stake, through Jiangsu Dongyuan Electrical Group Co., Ltd. (“Dongyuan Electrical”)
was reviewed and approved unconditionally by the Listed Company Merger and Reorganization Examination
Committee of CSRC on 2 Apr. 2015. Upon completion of the back door listing, the equity interests held by the
Company in Guoxuan High-tech would be converted to restricted equity interests in Dongyuan Electrical. (For
details, see Announcement No. 2015-008 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn dated 3 Apr. 2015.)

XV. Significant events of subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

XVI. Issue of corporate bonds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

     Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

1. Changes in shares
                                                                                                                                       Unit: Share

                                   Before the change                  Increase/decrease in the change (+,-)                 After the change

                                                           Issuance                  ion of
                                              Proportion                 Bonus                                                         Proportio
                                  Number                   of new                    public        Other        Subtotal   Number
                                                 (%)                     shares                                                         n (%)
                                                            shares                  reserve

                                  135,203,3                                                      -131,810,6 -131,810,6
                                                13.82%                                                                     3,392,721      0.35%
I. Restricted shares                    81                                                                 60         60

3. Shares held by other
                                  3,387,696       0.35%                                              5,025         5,025 3,392,721        0.35%
domestic investors

Among which: shares held
                                  3,057,918       0.31%                                                                    3,057,918      0.31%
by domestic corporations

     Shares         held     by
                                   329,778        0.03%                                              5,025         5,025    334,803       0.03%
domestic natural persons

4. Shares held by foreign 131,815,6                                                              -131,815,6 -131,815,6
                                                13.47%                                                                            0       0.00%
investors                               85                                                                 85         85

Among which: Shares held 131,815,6                                                               -131,815,6 -131,815,6
                                                13.47%                                                                            0       0.00%
by foreign corporations                 85                                                                 85         85

                                  843,360,3                                                      131,810,6 131,810,6 975,171,0
                                                86.18%                                                                                   99.65%
II. Non-restricted shares               64                                                                 60         60         24

                                  618,139,3                                                      131,810,6 131,810,6 749,949,9
1. RMB ordinary shares                          63.17%                                                                                   76.64%
                                        27                                                                 60         60         87

2.   Domestically          listed 225,221,0                                                                                225,221,0
                                                23.02%                                                                                   23.02%
foreign shares                          37                                                                                       37

                                  978,563,7                                                                                978,563,7
III. Total shares                              100.00%                                                                                  100.00%
                                        45                                                                                       45

Reasons for the changes in shares:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
1. In the reporting period, Chen Yu was hired as a vice GM of the Company, 75% of whose 6,700 shares in the
Company was thus locked up according to regulations. As such, the restricted shares increased by 5,025 shares.
2. The 131,815,685 restricted shares held by OSRAM Holding Company Limited in the Company became
non-restricted on 11 Dec. 2014.
3. Due to Item 1 and 2 above, the Company’s restricted shares decreased by 131,810,660 shares in the reporting

                                                                     2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

period, and the non-restricted shares increased by 131,810,660 shares.

Approval of the changes in shares

√Applicable □Inapplicable
Upon the review and approval of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen branch of China Securities
Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., the previously restricted 131,815,685 shares held by OSRAM Holding
Company Limited in the Company became tradable on 11 Dec. 2014 (for details, see the  disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn dated 9 Dec.
Transfer of share ownership
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Effects of the change in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the last year and last period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other contents that the Company considered necessary or were required by the securities regulatory authorities to

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: share

    Name of          Opening          Unlocked in          Increased in         Closing restricted       Reason for
                                                                                                                           Date of unlocking
   shareholder    restricted shares   current period       current period            shares               unlocking

OSRAM Holding
Company               131,815,685        131,815,685                        0                    0                         11 Dec. 2014

                                                                                                      For he is a senior
Chen Yu                           0                    0             5,025                    5,025

Total                 131,815,685        131,815,685                 5,025                    5,025           --                  --

II. Issuance and listing of securities

1. Securities issued in the three years ended 31 Dec. 2014

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
2. Changes in total shares of the Company and the shareholder structure, as well as the asset and liability

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

3. Existing staff-held shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Shareholders and actual controller

1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings
                                                                                                                                         Unit: share

                                                     Total number of
                                                                                                        Total number of
Total number of                                         common
common                                           shareholders on the
                                                                                                        shareholders with
shareholders at the                    135,929       fifth trading day                         95,828                                            0
                                                                                                        resumed voting
end of the reporting                             before the disclosure
                                                                                                        rights at period-end
period                                              date of the annual
                                                                                                        (if any) (see Note 8)

                  Shareholdings of shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5% or the top 10 shareholders

                                                          Total                                                      Pledged or frozen shares
                                                                        Increase/d Number
                                           Sharehold      shares                                Number of
                                                                         ecrease        of
     Name of              Nature of           ing         held at                               non-restric
                                                                        during the restricted
    shareholder          shareholder       percentag       the                                   ted shares     Status of shares Number of shares
                                                                        reporting     shares
                                             e (%)      period-en                                  held
                                                                         period        held

OSRAM Holding
                      Foreign                           131,815,6                                131,815,6
Company                                      13.47%
                      corporation                                 85                                       85

Prosperity Lamps
                      Foreign                           102,751,6                                102,751,6
&     Components                             10.50%
                      corporation                                 48                                       48

International         Foreign                           18,079,04                                18,079,04
Securities (Hong corporation                                        6                                       6
Kong) Co., Ltd.

VICKERS(HON Foreign                                     15,660,45                                15,660,45
G KONG) LTD           corporation                                   5                                       5

Zhang Yuan                                    0.99% 9,650,000                                    9,650,000

Zhuang Jianyi         Foreign individual      0.85% 8,324,132                                    8,324,132

BBH A/C               Foreign
                                              0.47% 4,592,770                                    4,592,770
VANGUARD              corporation

                                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                                  0.46% 4,517,889                          4,517,889
CHINA                corporation

Hou Chunhu                                        0.43% 4,200,000                          4,200,000

Agricultural Bank
of China Co.,
China Securities
                     Other                        0.39% 3,784,007                          3,784,007
Industry Index
Investment Fund

Strategic      investor      or     general
corporation becoming a top ten
shareholder due to placing of new
shares (if any) (see Note 3)

                                               Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited
Explanation         on            associated
                                               and Zhuang Jianyi were related parties and acting-in-concert parties. Apart from that, it’s
relationship or/and persons acting in
                                               unknown whether there was any associated relationship among other shareholders of the top
concert among the above-mentioned
                                               ten shareholders, or whether there is any action-in-concert among them regarding to
                                               Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies.

                                    Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders holding non-restricted shares

                                                                                                                   Type of shares
          Name of shareholder                  Number of non-restricted shares held at the period-end
                                                                                                                Type           Number

                                                                                                        RMB ordinary
OSRAM Holding Company Limited                                                            131,815,685                           131,815,685

Prosperity Lamps & Components                                                                           RMB ordinary
                                                                                         102,751,648                           102,751,648
Limited                                                                                                 share

Essence International Securities
                                                                                          18,079,046 listed foreign                 18,079,046
(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

                                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                         15,660,455 listed foreign             15,660,455

                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Zhang Yuan                                                                                9,650,000                              9,650,000

Zhuang Jianyi                                                                             8,324,132 listed foreign               8,324,132

BBH A/C VANGUARD                                                                                      Domestically
EMERGING MARKETS STOCK                                                                    4,592,770 listed foreign               4,592,770
INDEX FUND                                                                                            share

BOCHK INVESTMENT                                                                                      Domestically
FUNDS-BOCHK CHINA GOLDEN                                                                  4,517,889 listed foreign               4,517,889
DRAGON FUND                                                                                           share

Hou Chunhu                                                                                4,200,000 listed foreign               4,200,000

Agricultural Bank of China Co.,
Ltd.—SWS MU China Securities
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Environmental Protection Industry                                                         3,784,007                              3,784,007
Index Classification Securities
Investment Fund

Explanation          on         associated
                                             Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited
relationship or/and persons acting in
                                             and Zhuang Jianyi were related parties and acting-in-concert parties. Apart from that, it’s
concert among the top ten tradable
                                             unknown whether there was any associated relationship among other shareholders of the top
shareholders and between the top ten
                                             ten shareholders, or whether there is any action-in-concert among them regarding to
tradable shareholders and the top ten
                                             Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies.

Explanation     on        the   top    10
                                             Zhang Yuan, an individual shareholder, holds 0 shares in the Company through the common
shareholders      participating         in
                                             securities account and 9,650,000 shares through a credit trading guarantee securities account.
securities margin trading (if any) (see
                                             As such, the shares that he holds in the Company total 9,650,000 shares.
Note 4)

Did any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted common shareholders of the Company
conduct any promissory repo during the reporting period?
□ Yea √ No
No such cases in the reporting period.

2. Particulars about the controlling shareholder

The Company currently has no controlling shareholder or actual controller.
(1) The first principal shareholder of the Company is OSRAM Holding Company Limited, which was established

                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

in Hong Kong in Jun. 2004 with a registered capital of HKD 500,000. The company principal is Werner Hoffmann.
It has no actual business and currently holds a stake of 13.47% in the Company.
(2) The second principal shareholder of the Company is Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited, which was
established in Hong Kong in 1978 with a registered capital of HKD 2 million. Its legal representative is Zhuang
Jianyi. It specializes in sale, import & export of lighting products. It currently holds a stake of 10.5% in the
Illustration on relationship between the Company and its first principal shareholder

                        Siemens                   Siemens                    The public
                   Aktiengesellschaft       Pension-Trust e.V.

                      17%                             2.5%                         80.5%

                                            OSRAM Licht AG
                                            (a listed company)
                                    OSRAM Beteiligungen


                                               OSRAM Germany


                                                OSRAM Holding
                                               Company Limited

                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting
                                                      Co., Ltd.

4. Other corporate shareholders with a shareholding percentage above 10%

Except for the first and second principal shareholders—OSRAM Holding Company Limited and Prosperity
Lamps & Components Limited, no other corporate shareholders hold a stake over 10% in the Company.

IV. Shareholding increase scheme proposed or implemented by the shareholders and their
acting-in-concert parties during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period to the best knowledge of the Company.

                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                 Section VII. Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staffs and


I. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

                                                                                               Amount of Amount of
                                                                                                shares         shares        Amount of
                                                                                               increased decreased shares held
                            Tenure                                    Ending   held at the
  Name     Office title                Sex   Age        Start date                               at the        at the          at the
                            status                                     date    year-begin
                                                                                               reporting      reporting period-end
                                                                                                period         period         (share)
                                                                                                (share)        (share)

                                                        28 May       28 May
Pan Jie    of the         Current    Male          43                                      0              0              0              0
                                                        2013         2016

Liu                                                     28 May       28 May
           and            Current    Male          52                             351,280                 0              0     351,280
Xingming                                                2013         2016

Wu                                                      28 May       28 May
           Director       Current    Male          48                                      0              0              0              0
Shengbo                                                 2013         2016

Jrgen                                                   28 May       28 May
           Director       Current    Male          45                                      0              0              0              0
Dietrich                                                2013         2016

                                                        28 May       28 May
Ye Zaiyou Director        Current    Male          58                                      0              0              0              0
                                                        2013         2016

Yang                                                    28 May       28 May
           Director       Current    Male          37                                      0              0              0              0
Jianhu                                                  2013         2016

Liu        Independe                                    28 May       28 May
                          Current    Male          66                                      0              0              0              0
Zhenping nt Director                                    2013         2016

Dou        Independe                                    28 May       28 May
                          Current    Male          55                                      0              0              0              0
Linping    nt Director                                  2013         2016

Xue        Independe                                    28 May       28 May
                          Current    Male          46                                      0              0              0              0
Yizhong    nt Director                                  2013         2016

Zhang      Chairman Current          Male          40 17 Sep.        28 May        10,700                 0              0      10,700

                                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Yong        of the                                     2013        2016

                                                       21 May      28 May
Zhenghon Supervisor Current        Male           41                               20,560           0           0     20,560
                                                       2013        2016

Zhang                                                  21 May      28 May
            Supervisor Current     Male           37                                 6,400          0           0       6,400
Xuequan                                                2013        2016

Zhuang                                                 28 May      28 May
            Supervisor Current     Male           57                                     0          0           0           0
Rujia                                                  2013        2016

Zhang                                                  28 May      28 May
            Supervisor Current     Male           63                                     0          0           0           0
Yingqi                                                 2013        2016

            Company                                    28 May      28 May
Lin Yihui                Current   Male           60                                     0          0           0           0
            Secretary                                  2013        2016

Yin                                                    28 May      28 May
            CFO          Current   Male           39                                     0          0           0           0
Jianchun                                               2013        2016

                                                       28 May      28 May
Xie Qing    Vice GM      Current   Male           40                               12,950           0           0     12,950
                                                       2013        2016

                                                       28 May      28 May
Wei Bin     Vice GM      Current   Male           45                               15,684           0           0     15,684
                                                       2013        2016

Jiao                                                   17 Sep.     28 May
            Vice GM      Current   Male           42                               22,880           0           0     22,880
Zhigang                                                2013        2016

                                                       13 May      28 May
Chen Yu     Vice GM      Current   Male           42                                 6,700          0           0       6,700
                                                       2014        2016

Total            --          --       --     --            --           --        447,154           0           0    447,154

II. Post-holding situation

Main working experience of current directors, supervisors and senior management staffs over the past five years:
(1) Work experience of directors
Pan Jie: Male, born in Shanghai, 1971, has bachelor degree of the electric light source of Dept. of Illuminating
Engineering and Light Sources of Fudan University, master’s degree of optics and optoelectronics of GUCAS and
Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and master’s degree of FDSM and
Norwegian School of Management (B1). From Mar. 2001 to Jun. 2009,he acted as the General Manager of Asia
lighting business in Consumer and Industrial Products Group of General Electric Company; From Jul. 2009 to
Mar. 2011, he acted as CEO of Asian-Pacific region in America Lingji Electronics Co., Ltd.; From Apr. 2011 to
Jun. 2012, he acted as responsible person in Asian-Pacific region of Energy Electronics in the Energy Electronics
Dept. of GE; From Jul. 2012 to May 2013, he acted as CEO of Greater China Region in GE Water in Power
Generation and GE Group of General Electric Company. In May 2013, he was elected as the Chairman of the
Board of the Company.
Liu Xingming: Male, born in Xinhui, Guangdong Province in 1962, bachelor degree holder, engineer. He joined

                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

the Company in 1983, and acted as Vice GM from 1997 to 2005; acted as GM of the Company from Dec. 2005 to
Nov. 2008; acted as Vice GM of the Company in Dec. 2008; acted as Vice Director of the Board in Apr. 2011;
from Apr. 2012 up to now, he acted as the GM and Vice Director of the Board; after 1995, he was elected as the
Director of the Company.
Wu Shengbo: Male, American nationality, born in May 1966, bachelor degree of Thermal Engineering
Department of Tsinghua University, master degree of Mechanical Engineering of University of Nebraska-Lincoln
and master degree of Information Management System of American Keller Graduate School. From Aug. 1993 to
Dec. 2008, he worked in GE and successively acted as General Manager in China of Optimization & Control
Department of Energy Group and concurrently the President & CEO of Xinhua Control Engineering Co., Ltd.,
Operating General Manager of Control Solution Department in Asia-Pacific Area, etc.; from Jan. 2009 to Apr.
2012, he worked in Honeywell and acted as the General Manager of Process Control Department in China; since
Apr. 2012, he has been worked in OSRAM Holding Company Limited, acted as the President in Asia-Pacific Area;
since Apr. 2012, he was elected as the Director of the Company.
Werner Jrgen Dietrich Hoffmann: Male, German nationality, born in Jun. 1969, bachelor degree. He joined
Osram Asia Pacific Co., Ltd. from Jul. 2006 and had acted as E&C CFO of Commerce Department in Asia Pacific
Region and CFO MBA of Guangzhou Sino-German Electronic Co., Ltd.; acted as CFO of Sales Department, CFO
in Asia Pacific Region, and LUM & LS CFO of Commerce Department in Asia Pacific Region from Apr. 2008;
acted as CFO of Commerce Department in Asia Pacific Region from Apr. 2009; acted as CFO in Asia Pacific
Region from Oct. 2012 up to present. In May 2013, he was selected as the Director of 7th Board of Directors.
Ye Zaiyou: Male, born in Nanhai, Guangdong province in 1956,, junior middle school in educational background,
director of the Company from the 1st to 7th Board of Directors. He is currently the Chairman of the Board of
Nanhai Wuzhuang Global Ceramic Factory, also sponsor shareholder of the Company.
Yang Jianhu: Male, born in Shanghai in 1977, bachelor degree of inorganic nonmetallic materials in Shandong
Light Industry College, master’s degree of mineral crystal materials science of China University of Geosciences,
doctor’s degree of optoelectronic materials science of SIOM of CAS. From Jul. 2004 to Apr. 2009, he acted as
Senior Project Manager in General Electric (China) Co., Ltd; from May 2009 up to present, he acted as CTO of
Hangzhou Times Lighting & Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. In May, 2013, he was elected as the Director of the 7th
Board of Directors.
Liu Zhenping (Independent Director): Male, born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1948, a postgraduate from
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences with a title of senior accountant. Young intellectual in the Langjia Unit,
Yuhong District, Shenyang from Sept. 1968 to Sept. 1971; Accountant, Chief Accountant and then Chief of the
Financial Affairs at Accountancy Office of Shenyang Bulb Factory from Sept. 1971 to Nov. 1983; Vice Chief
(General Accountant) in Shenyang Bulb Factory from Nov. 1983 to Sept. 1992; Factory Director and Party
Committee Secretary of Shenyang Bulb Factory from Sept. 1992 to Jan. 1998; GM, Party Committee Secretary
and Chairman of the Board of Shenyang Northeast Lighting Co., Ltd. from Jan. 1998 to Jul. 2004; from Jul. 2004
till now, GM and Partner of Liaoning Huize Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.; Vice President of China
Association of Lighting Industry, Chief of Electric Light Source Specialized Committee since 1992; Deputy to
People’s Congress and a member of the Politics and Law Committee under the Standing Committee of the
People’s Congress in Tiexi District, Shenyang from 1992 to 2007. He was elected as the independent director of
the 6th Board of Directors in Jun. 2010.
Dou Linping (Independent Director): Male, born in Beijing in 1959, bachelor degree. Majoring in Metal
Materials and Heat Treatment at Beijing University of Technology from Sept. 1978 to Jul. 1982; worked in
Beijing Lamp Factory from Jul. 1982 to Mar. 1985 and Vice Section Chief in the Design Section early in 1984;
Chief of the Design Office in Beijing Lamps Research Institute from Mar. 1985 to Dec. 1992 and Vice Director of

                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

the Institute since 1990; worked in China Association of Lighting Industry from Jan. 1993 to May 2012. He has
been the Vice Secretary General of China Illuminating Engineering Society since Jun. 2012. And he was elected
as the independent director of the 6th Board of Directors in Jun. 2010.
Xue Yizhong (Independent Director): Male, born in Jul. 1968, from Xuzhou Anhui, master degree and owning
Lawyer Qualification Certificate, Economist Qualification Certificate and Political Worker Qualification
Certificate. From the year of 1993 to 2001, he successively worked as Vice Section Chief, Section Chief, Vice
Division Chief and Division Chief of International Business Division, Legal Affairs Division and Credit
Management Division (including Assets Risks Management Section, Property Credit Section, Foreign Currency
Credit Section, Project Credit Section and Industrial & Commercial Section and other functional departments);
from the year of 2001 till now, he worked in Grandall Law Firm and acted as the Senior Partner, Principal of
Financial Professional Committee and Management Partner of Shenzhen Office. From Aug. 2012, he was selected
as the Independent Director of the Company.

(2) Work experience of supervisors
Zhang Yong: Male, born in Hunan Changsha in Jun. 1974, college degree, mechanical engineer. From Jul. 1997,
he joined in the Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. and successively acted as Deputy Director and Director
of Lamp Filament Appliance Workshop from Oct. 1999 to Jun. 2008; acted as Factory Director of Gaoming
Fluorescent Lamp Factory and Factory Director of Gaoming Branch Factory from Jul. 2008 to Dec. 2008;
respectively acted as Department Director of Product Department, OEM Department, Mechanical Dynamics
Department and Infrastructure Department from Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2012; acted as General Manager Assistant from
Mar. 2013 up to present. In Sep. 2013, he was selected as the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the
Ye Zhenghong: Male, born in Jun. 1973, college degree, is Supervisor of the Company. He joined the Company
from Jul. 1995; worked in the Machine Repair Shop from Jul. 1997 to Jan. 2001; acted as Equipment
Management Director in T8 Fluorescent Lamp Factory from Feb. 2001 to Jan. 2005; acted as Director of Machine
Repair Workshop from May 2005 to Jan. 2007; acted as Chief Officer of Machinery Dynamic Department from
May 2006 to Dec. 2007; and acted as factory director of T8 Fluorescent Lamp Factory from Jan. 2008 up to
Zhang Xuequan: Male, born in Dec. 1977, college degree. He joined the Company from Oct. 1996, and acted as
Workshop Manager of Lamp Workshop from Apr. 2003 to May 2008; acted as the Department Director of the
Business Management Department of the Company from Jun. 2008 till now. He acted as the Supervisor of the
Company from May 2013.
Zhuang Rujia: Male, born in Oct. 1975, in Chaoyang, Guangdong Province, graduated from technical secondary
school. He consecutively acted as director of Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited for more than twenty
years, and was director of Zhejiang Prosperity Lighting Electrical Co., Ltd. and Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting
Electrical Co., Ltd.; he has experience of several years in operating & running and marketing strategy of lighting
industry. He acted as the Supervisor of the Company from Jun. 2010.
Zhang Yingqi: male, comes from Shanghai, born in Feb. 1951, a postgraduate. From May 2001 to Aug. 2010, he
worked as the General Manager in Guangzhou Pearl River Asset Management Co., Ltd. and held the post of
Chairman of the Board of Directors from Aug. 2010 to Jul. 2012; acted as the Supervisor of the Company from
May 2011.

(3) Work experience of senior management staffs
Lin Yihui: Male, born in Jiexi, Guangdong Province in 1954, graduated as postgraduate of Economic Class, and

                                                            2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

now is acting as Party Secretary of the Company. He was in active service in force from Dec. 1970 to 1986 and
acted as posts of command, battalion and group; works in Foshan International Trust and Investment Company
from 1986 to Sep. 2000 and acted as Section Chief and Vice GM and was in charge of the securities business of
the Company as well as host the works such as the underwritten offering and listing recommendation of the shares
of various companies over years; acted as Party Secretary of the Company from May till now. He was acted as the
Board Secretary in May, 2013.
Xie Qing: Male, born in Xinyi, Jiangsu Province in Apr. electric-light-source engineer. He graduated from
Nanjing Radio Industrial School in Jul. 1994, and worked in the General Bulbs Workshop of the Company upon
his graduation, and successively became the Chief of the production line after three months, technician of the
General Bulbs Workshop in Mar. 1996, Chief of Middle-grade Lamp Workshop in May 1997, Chief of Sing-end
Lamps Workshop from 1998 to 2010, and Deputy General Manager of the Company since Jun. 2010.
Wei Bin: male, born in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province in May 1969 and bachelor’s degree and was an engineer.
He joined in the Company in 1991, and responsible for the product development of the graduate school of the
Company from Mar. 1992 to Dec. 1996, acted as Workshop Manager of Energy Saving Lamp Workshop from Jan.
1997 to Dec. 2005, acted as Workshop Manager of HID Workshop from Jan. to Dec. 2005, acted as Workshop
Manager of T5 Workshop from 2006 to Nov. 2008, acted as the Department Director of the Technology
Department from Nov. 2008 to 2009 and acted as Vice GM of the Company from Sep. 2009.
Yin Jianchun: Male, born in Apr. 1975 in Shanghai, graduate degree. He acted as Cost Accountant in Dongfeng
Morse (Shanghai) from Jul. 1995 to Oct. 2000; acted as GL Accountant in Henkel Loctite China Co., Ltd. from
Dec. 2000 to Dec. 2001; acted as Financial Executive of Metso Automation (Shanghai) Company Operations
Center from Apr. 2002 to Aug. 2004; successively acted as Finance Manager of China manufacturing of Lighting
Division, Manager of China Business Planning Analysis of Industrial and Consumer Products Division, CFO of
Digital Energy Division of Asia Pacific Region, CFO of Energy Electronics Division of Asia Pacific Region and
Director of Global Business Planning Analysis of Energy Electronics Division. He acted as CFO of the Company
from May 2013.
Jiao Zhigang: Male, born in Shenqiu, Henan Province in May 1972, bachelor degree holder. He graduated from
South China University of Technology in Jul. 1994, and at the same year he entered Foshan Electrical and
Lighting Co., Ltd. He acted as Warehouse Director of the Company from Aug. 1995 to Sep. 2013, acted as
Department Director of Human Resources Department from May 2010 to Sep. 2013; selected as Employee
Supervisor from Mar. 2007 to Sep. 2013, and as Chairman of the Supervisory of the Company from May 2010 to
Sep. 2013. He acted as Vice GM of the Company in Sep. 2013.
Chen Yu: Male, born in Dec. 1972 in Guangdong Zhanjiang, college degree and engineer. He entered Foshan
Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. in Jul. 1994. And acted as workshop manager of parabolic reflector, coating film,
energy saving lamp, factory director of the branch factory of Gaoming and workshop manager of general bulbs
from Jan. 1997 to Dec. 2012, acted as Director of Production Department, OEM Department and Mechanical
Dynamics Department from Jan. to Aug. 2013, acted as Director of Production Department and OEM Department
from Sep. 2013 to May 2014 as well as acted as Vice GM of the Company from May 2014.

Post-holding in shareholders’ units
√Applicable □Inapplicable
 Name of the
person holding                                       Position in                                     Receives payment
                                                                   Beginning date   Ending date of
                      Name of shareholder’s unit   shareholder’s                                   from shareholder’s
  any post in                                                      of office term    office term
                                                         unit                                              unit?

                                                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


Zhuang Rujia     Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited Director                     28 Apr. 1989                        Yes

Post-holding in other units
√Applicable □Inapplicable
  Name of the
person holding                                                       Position in    Beginning date    Ending date of     Receives payment
                            Name of other unit
  any post in                                                        other unit     of office term     office term        from other unit?

   other units

Wu Shengbo
                 OSRAM Asia-Pacific Co., Ltd.                       President       1 Apr. 2012                         Yes

Werner Jrgen
Dietrich         OSRAM Asia-Pacific Co., Ltd.                       CFO             3 Oct. 2012                         Yes

                 Liaoning       Huize       Certified       Public General
Liu Zhenping                                                                        18 Jul. 2004                        Yes
                 Accountants Co., Ltd.                              Manager
Dou Linping      China Illuminating Engineering Society                             5 Jun. 2012                         Yes
Xue Yizhong      Grandall Law Firm                                                  17 May 2001                         Yes
                 Foshan Nanhai Wuzhuang Global Ceramic Chairman of
Ye Zaiyou                                                                           10 Aug. 1993                        Yes
                 Factory                                            the Board

III. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management staffs

Decision-making procedure, determining basis and actual payment for the remuneration of directors, supervisors
and senior management staffs
                                                 The Remuneration & Appraisal Committee under the Board of Directors decides the
                                                 remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management in accordance with the
Decision-making     procedure     for      the
                                                 Plan for Implementing the Equity Incentive Mechanism for Middle-and Top-Rank
remuneration of directors, supervisors and
                                                 Management Personnel reviewed and approved on the 2001 Annual Shareholders’
senior management
                                                 General Meeting, and the particulars on completing current main financial indexes &
                                                 operating goals, as well as the fulfillment of job responsibilities by them.

                                                 The remuneration of directors (excluding independent directors), supervisors and senior
                                                 management who withdraw remuneration in the Company are all decided in accordance
Basis for determining the remuneration of
                                                 with the Company’s Plan for Implementing the Equity Incentive Mechanism for
directors,    supervisors   and         senior
                                                 Middle-and Top-Rank Management Personnel and relevant appraisal indexes.
                                                 The allowance of independent directors should be granted according to the standard
                                                 reviewed and approved by 2010 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting.

Actual payment of the remuneration of The total remuneration (before tax) actually paid for the directors, supervisors and
directors,    supervisors   and         senior senior management staffs in 2014 were of RMB 11.4874 million.

                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management staffs of the Company during the reporting period
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan

                                                                                 Total                               Actual
                                                                             remuneration                         remuneration
    Name         Office title               Sex   Age       Tenure status                      gained from
                                                                            gained from the                       gained at the
                                                                              Company                              period-end

               Chairman         of
Pan Jie                              Male               43 Current                       243                                  243
               the Board

               Vice chairman
               of the Board
Liu Xingming                         Male               52 Current                  182.25                               182.25

Wu Shengbo     Director              Male               48 Current

Werner Jrgen
Dietrich       Director              Male               45 Current

Ye Zaiyou      Director              Male               58 Current

Yang Jianhu    Director              Male               37 Current

Liu Zhenping                         Male               66 Current                        10                                   10

Dou Linping                          Male               55 Current                        10                                   10

Xue Yizhong                          Male               46 Current                        10                                   10

               Chairman of
Zhang Yong                           Male               40 Current                   61.87                                61.87
               the Supervisory

Ye Zhenghong Supervisor              Male               41 Current                   33.26                                33.26

               Supervisor            Male               37 Current                   22.48                                22.48

Zhuang Rujia   Supervisor            Male               57 Current                                        50.39           50.39

Zhang Yingqi   Supervisor            Male               63 Current

Lin Yihui                            Male               60 Current                   92.13                                92.13

Yin Jianchun   CFO                   Male               39 Current                   145.8                                145.8

Xie Qing       Vice GM               Male               40 Current                   98.15                                98.15

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Wei Bin           Vice GM          Male                           45 Current                   92.13                           92.13

Jiao Zhigang      Vice GM          Male                           42 Current                   92.13                           92.13

Chen Yu           Vice GM          Male                           42 Current                   55.54                           55.54

Total                    --               --           --                  --               1,148.74            50.39       1,199.13

Particulars about the equity incentives granted for the directors, supervisors and senior management staffs of the
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Particulars about changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the

        Name            Position               Type              Date                                  Reason

Chen Yu             Vice GM          Engaged          13 May 2014           Engaged by the Board of Directors

V. Particulars about changes in core technical team or key technicians during the reporting
period (not directors, supervisors or senior management staffs)

There were no changes in the core technical team or key technicians during the reporting period.

VI. About employees

1. As to 31 Dec. 2014, the Company (branch companies and subsidiaries included) has 8944
employees in active service, and the professional structure and educational background are as
                                                                                      Proportion in total amount of
   Professional structure of employees                Amount
                                                                                             employees (%)

               Production staff                        7803                                     87.24 %

               Technical staff                          473                                      5.29%

                 Sales staff                            516                                      5.77%

           Administration staff                         108                                      1.21%

               Financial staff                              44                                   0.49%

                    Total                              8944                                      100%

                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                      Post Structure

                                                                                     Production staff
                                                                                     Technical staff
                                                                                     Sales staff
                                                                                     Administration staff
                                                                                     Financial staff

    Educational backbroud                Amount             Proportion in total amount of employees

     Above college level                  1002                              11.20%

Technical secondary school and            2016                              22.54%
      senior high school

   Below senior high school               5926                              66.26%

            Total                         8944                              100%

                       Staffs’   Education   Background      Structure

                                                                               Above college level
                                                                               Technical secondary school
                                                                               and senior high school
                                                                               Below senior high school

                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. The Company has signed the labor contracts with all its staffs and handled the social insurance for the staffs, as

well as established the public reserve funds system. There were no particulars in violation of laws and regulations

when executing the national employment system, labor protection system, social security system and medical

security system. And the Company need not undertake the expenses of resigned and retired staffs.

3. Employee’s remuneration policy

The employee’s remuneration of the Company was paid monthly in accordance with relevant remuneration

management system of the Company, and distributed the performance salary at the year-end according to its

business performance and appraisal result.

4. Employees’ training plan

According to the development needs, the Company set up Foshan Lighting University under the support of
relevant Education Department. According to the needs of the development strategies and functional departments,
the Company established the internal team of lecturer and made key training on the staffs of the marketing, R&D
and production departments by way of combination of internal & external training for making the skilled staffs to
teach business and technical knowledge regularly to the new staffs, so as to cultivate excellent talents team and
enhance its competiveness.

                                                                     2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                     Section IX. Corporate Governance

I. Basic information of corporate governance

During the reporting period, in strict accordance with relevant requirements of Company Law, Securities Law,

Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies and Rules of Stock Listing of Shenzhen Stock Exchange as

well as other relevant laws, rules and regulations, the Company continuously perfected the corporate governance

structure and set up an effective corporate governance system. At present, the Company has set up governance

structure of responsible Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and

managers, who performed right of decision-making, execution and supervision respectively according to their

duties; besides, the Company set up special committees of the Board of Directors and system for independent
directors. The Company strengthened information disclosure of principal shareholders and persons

acting-in-concert, forbidden shareholders of the Company to misapply their rights. The Company separated from

the principal shareholder in personnel, assets, business, financial affairs and organizational, and was absolutely

impendent. The Company timely revised and perfected various systems in accordance with the latest issued laws

& rules and relevant regulations of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. And the corporate governance is

basically in line with the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and regular documents.

The main systems (all published on www.cninfo.com.cn) established by the Company are as follows.
                                                             The latest session to review and approve the
     No.                    Name of system                                                                      Disclosure date

1          Articles of Association                        2012 Annual General Meeting                         2013.5.29

2          Rules of Procedure for Shareholders’ General The First Special Shareholders’ General Meeting 2012.8.22
           Meeting                                        for 2012

3          Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors      2012 Annual General Meeting                         2013.5.29

4          Rules of Procedure for Supervisory Committee   2012 Annual General Meeting                         2013.5.29

5、        Work System for Independent Directors          2012 Annual General Meeting                         2013.5.29

6          Rules for execution of Audit Committee         The 29th Session of the 6th Board of Directors      2013.4.26

7          Rules of Nomination Committee                  The 29th Session of the 6th Board of Directors      2013.4.26

8          Rules of Strategy Committee                    The 29th Session of the 6th Board of Directors      2013.4.26

9          Rules of Remuneration and Appraisal committ The 29th Session of the 6th Board of Directors         2013.4.26

10         Working Rules of GM                            The 29th Session of the 6th Board of Directors      2013.4.26

                                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

11                                                               The 3rd Session of the 5th Board of Directors     2007.8.28
        Administrative    Measures       on       Information


12                                                               The 3rd Session of the 5th Board of Directors     2007.8.28
        Management        System        on      Related-party


13                                                               The 3rd Session of the 5th Board of Directors     2007.8.28
        Management System on Securities Investment
                                                      rd               th
14      Management System on the Shares Held by The 23 Session of the 5 Board of Directors                         2010.4.29

        Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

        Staffs & Their Variation

15                                                               The 23 rd Session of the 5th Board of Directors   2010.4.29
        Internal Control System
                                                         rd               th
16      Accountability System on Material Errors in The 3 Session of the 5 Board of Directors                      2010.7.15

        Information Disclosure of Annual Report

17                                                               The 3rd Session of the 5th Board of Directors     2010.7.15
        Management System on Reporting of External


18                                                               The 16th Session of the 5th Board of Directors    2012.4.25
        Management       System    on        Registration   of

        Information Insiders

19                                                               The 17th Session of the 5th Board of Directors    2012.6.13
        Work System for Secretary to the Board

20                                                               The 18th Session of the 5th Board of Directors    2012.6.29
        Management System on Profits Distribution
                                                            st               th
21      Plan on Return for Shareholders in the Future The 21 Session of the 6 Board of Directors                   2012.6.29

        Three Years (from the Year of 2012 to 2014)

22                                                               The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors    2012.8.2
        Internal Audit System

23                                                               The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors    2012.8.2
        Financial Management System

24                                                               The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors    2012.8.2
        Method on Risks Assessment

25                                                               The 21st Session of the 6th Board of Directors    2012.8.2
        System on Anti-fraud and Reporting

26                                                               The 27th Session of the 6th Board of Directors    2012.12.12
        Management System on Assets Impairment


27      Working system on Investor Complaint Handling The 10th Session of the 7th Board of Directors               2014.4.25

28      Management System on External guarantee                  The 10th Session of the 7th Board of Directors    2014-4.25

Whether there was difference between the corporate governance and the Company Law and relevant rules of

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


□Yes √ No

There was no difference between the corporate governance and the Company Law and relevant rules of CSRC

Progress of corporate governance activities, promulgation and implementation of Registration System for

Information Insiders

The Company actively responded to the special inspection work of CSRC and CSRC Guangdong Bureau on

corporate governance and attended the work sessions on the corporate governance of listed companies, and it

promulgated and perfected various systems in accordance with requirements of CSRC and CSRC Guangdong

Bureau, so as to further improve its corporate governance structure and increase its governance level. At present,

the Company has promulgated the Management System for Information Insiders and the Management System on

Reporting of External Information, and during the period of preparing the periodical reports and occurring

significant events, requiring the relevant personnel truthfully and completely record the name list of the

information insiders involved in the links of reporting, transfer, preparation, examination, disclosure of inside

information before disclosure, time of knowing the inside information and the content, etc., and report the File of

Information Insiders according to the requirements of regulatory authorities. Through the above works, the

Company further standardized the management on record of information insiders, strengthened the confidential

work for inside information, effectively prevented the illegal behaviors of using inside information for trading,

and performed the fair principle in information disclosure, so as to protect the interest of the investors.

II. Particulars about annual shareholders’ general meeting and special shareholders’ general
meeting held during the reporting period

1. Particulars about annual shareholders’ general meeting held during the reporting period

       Session              Convening date    Name of proposal            Resolution         Disclosure date      Disclosure index

                                             1.   2013        Annual                                           Name                  of
                                             Work Report of the                                                announcement:
                                             Board;      2.     2013                                           Announcement        on
                                             Annual Work Report                                                Resolutions Made at
2013             Annual                      of the Supervisory All the proposals are                          the    2013      Annual
Shareholders’            28 May 2014        Board; 3. Proposal approved         at    the 29 May 2014         Shareholders’
General Meeting                              on   2013        Annual session                                   General       Meeting;
                                             Report      and      Its                                          Announcement No.:
                                             Abstract; 4. Proposal                                             2014-024; disclosure
                                             on   2013        Annual                                           website:
                                             Financial Statement                                               www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                            2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                               Report; 5. Proposal
                                               on       2013    Annual
                                               Profit     Distribution
                                               Pre-plan; 6. Proposal
                                               on the 2014 Annual
                                               Transactions;           7.
                                               Proposal        on     the
                                               Engaging        of     the

2. Particulars about special shareholders’ general meeting held during the reporting period

During the reporting period, there was no any special shareholders’ general meeting held during the reporting
period of the Company.

3. Particulars about special shareholders’ general meeting held by the preferred shareholders with
recovered voting rights

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Performance of the Independent Directors

1. Particulars about the Independent Directors attending the board sessions and the shareholders’ general

                                 Particulars about the Independent Directors attending the board sessions

                                                                                                                             Failing to present
                                                                      Presence by
Name of independent     Due presence           Presence in                                 Entrusted                         in person for two
                                                                    telecommunicati                        Absence (times)
      directors            (times)           person (times)                             presence (times)                     consecutive
                                                                      on (times)
                                                                                                                             sessions or not

Liu Zhenping                             9                     2                    7                  0                 0 No

Dou Linping                              9                     2                    7                  0                 0 No

Xue Yizhong                              9                     1                    7                  1                 0 No

Presence of independent directors in
shareholders’ general meeting

2. Particulars about Independent Directors propose objection on relevant events

Did Independent Directors raise any disagreement about matters of the Company?

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

√ Yes □ No
                                            Events with objection put forward by the
       Name of independent directors                                                               Contents of the objection
                                                     Independent Directors

                                                                                        According to the 2 teleconferences and the
                                                                                        relevant     data    inquired   from     the
                                                                                        assessment companies through letters by
                                           Proposal on Contribution and Subscribing Deputy General Manager Office of the
                                           the   Additional   Shares   of    Quanfeng Company, the general feeling of the future
Liu Zhenping
                                           Optoelectronic Science & Technology operating conditions and the effective
                                           (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.                        estimations was of much uncertainty of
                                                                                        Quanfeng, and suggested that whether
                                                                                        could      entrust   well-known   assessment
                                                                                        institutions to execute the re-assessment.

                                                                                        Agreed with the strategy of actively
                                                                                        developing the overseas market through
                                                                                        carefully review the relevant materials and
                                           Proposal on Contribution and Subscribing
                                                                                        listen to the advice of each Directors
                                           the   Additional   Shares   of    Quanfeng
Xue Yizhong                                                                             among the teleconferences, but had not
                                           Optoelectronic Science & Technology
                                                                                        confidence in the larger age of the actual
                                           (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        controller of the investees as well as the
                                                                                        development ability among the overseas
                                                                                        market such as America.

3. Other explanation on performance of independent directors

Whether the advices of independent directors for the Company were adopted or not?
√ Yes □ No
Explanation on the advices of independent directors for the Company being adopted

During the reporting period, in accordance with the requirements of Company Law, Code of Governance of Listed
Companies, Guidance on the Establishment of the Independent Directors System of the Listed Companies,
Articles of Association and relevant systems, the independent directors of the Company attended the board
sessions held during the reporting period, carefully reviewed the proposals proposed on the sessions, paid
attention to the operation of the Company, performed the duties sincerely and diligently, and issued independent
opinion on the related-party transactions, equity transfer, purchasing the equity of the controlled subsidiaries, etc.,
as well as proposed many precious advices on perfection of systems and decision of routine operation of the
Company, so as to play an active role in protecting the legal right of the Company and its shareholders.

IV. Performance of the Special Committees under the Board during the reporting period

(I) Work situation of the Audit Committee
According to the related provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as
well as the Rules of Implementation for the Audit Committee of the Board, the Audit Committee diligently
performed the following work duties:
                                                            2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

1. On 28 Jan. 2014, the Audit Committee convened a session and reviewed as well as approved the following two
(1) Reviewed and approved the main time arrangement of the 2013 audit work;
(2) Reviewed and approved the report of the 2013 main financial data of Ministry of Finance.
Had not discovered any significant problem of the 2013 main financial data of the Company after carefully
reviewed and the 2013 main financial data and pretax profits analysis submitted by Ministry of Finance and
listened to the report from the financial staffs. Since there is a period of time between this preliminary review of
the financial statements and the formal issuance of the auditor’s report and the financial statements, we hereby
remind the Company’s Financial Department to pay attention to dealing with the follow-up affairs after the date of
Balance Sheet in strict compliance with the New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, so as to ensure
the factuality, fairness and completeness of the financial statements.
2. On 15 Apr. 2014, the Audit Committee convened a session and reviewed the financial statements submitted by
the Company, on which the registered accountants had issued their preliminary audit opinions, including the
balance sheet as at 31 Dec. 2013, the profit statement, the statement of changes in shareholders’ equity and the
cash flow statement as of the fiscal year 2013, as well as the notes to the said financial statements.
After the communication with the registered accountants regarding their preliminary audit opinions, as well as our
further referring to the supplementary account books and records, the Audit Committee believed that the Company
had handled the events after the balance sheet date in strict compliance with the New Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises; And the Company has prepared its financial statements in accordance with the New
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the related financial system of the Company, which are a fair
presentation of the financial position of the Company as at 31 Dec. 2013, as well as the operating results and cash
flows for the year then ended. All members of the Audit Committee signed to approve the following proposals:
(1) 2013 annual financial and accounting report of the Company;
(2) Summary report by the Audit Committee on the 2013 annual audit performed by GP Certified Public
(3) GP Certified Public Accountants has been serving as the Company’s annual auditor for more than twenty years.
And it performed competently, diligently and responsibly during the 2013 annual auditing. Therefore, the Audit
Committee hereby proposes to renew the employment of GP Certified Public Accountants LLP as the annual
auditor for the year 2013;
(4) 2013 annual work report and 2014 work plan of Audit Department.
3. The Audit Committee convened a session on 5 Aug. 2014 to approve with consensus of the Proposal on the
2014 Semi-annual Withholding the Equity Incentive Fund.
(II) Work situation of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
1. On 15 Apr. 2014, based on the completion status of the Company’s major financial targets and business
objectives in 2013, the work scopes and main responsibilities of the Company’s present directors, supervisors and
other senior management staffs, and the completion status of indexes concerning the performance assessment of
the Company’s directors, supervisors and other senior management staffs, the Committee conducted an
assessment in regard to the remuneration of the directors, supervisors and other senior management staffs and
believed that the remuneration range for the directors, supervisors and other senior management staffs were
decided and adopted in accordance with the relevant stipulations in the Management System on Decision of
Remuneration; The Company’s provision for the incentive funds was in line with the requirements of the Equity
Incentive Mechanism for Middle-and Top-Rank Management Staffs, and the Company’s incentives to its
middle-and top-rank management staffs and its operational and technical professionals was in accordance with
relevant laws and regulations, which would promote the close connection of interest among the management staffs,

                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

the Company and its shareholders.
2. On 5 Aug. 2014, the Board of Directors and the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee held the meeting
which reviewed and approved the Proposal on the 2014 Semi-annual Withholding the Equity Incentive Fund.
V. Performance of the Supervisory Committee
Whether the Supervisory Committee finds the Company existing risks or not in the supervisory activities during
the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
There was no objection to the supervisory events of the Board of Supervisors during the reporting period.

In 2014, the Company continued to perform its duties diligently in accordance with the stipulations of the
Company Law, Code of Governance of Listed Company and Articles of Association as well as other relevant rules,
and actively protected the interest of the Company, its shareholders and staffs.
I. Work situation of the Supervisory Committee during the reporting period
The Supervisory Committee convened three sessions during the reporting period. And the Chairman of the
Supervisory Committee took part in the sessions held by the Board of Directors and the management team
meetings, participating in the discussion of the Company’s important decisions. Sessions held by the Supervisory
Committee are specified as follows:
1. On 23 Apr. 2014, the 5th Session of the 7th Supervisory Committee was held at the Conference Room on 5/F of
the Company building. 5 supervisors were supposed to attend the meeting and all of them were actually present.
The session was in accordance with the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Chairman
of the Supervisory Committee, presided over the session, with the resolutions approved as follows:
(1) The 2013 Annual Work Report of the Supervisory Committee;
(2) The 2013 Annual Report and its Summary, including both versions in the Chinese language and English
(3) The 2013 Annual Financial Statement Report;
(4) The 2013 Annual Profit Distribution Pre-plan;
(5) The Proposal on Continue to Engage the CPA Firm;
(8) The Proposal on the 2013 Annual Self-appraisal Report on Internal Control;
(9) The First Quarterly Report in 2014 for the Company.
2. On 26 Aug. 2014, the 6th session of the 7th supervisory committee was held in the meeting room of the 5/F of
the Company’s office building. 5 supervisors were supposed to attend and all of them participated in the meeting.
The meeting complied with Company Laws and Articles of Association and chairman of the supervisory
committee, presided over the meeting, which the meeting reviewed and approved the 2014 Semi-annual Report
and Abstract.
3. The Company convened the 7th Session of the 7th Supervisory Committee by way of telecommunication on 28
Oct. 2014, the five supervisors, who should attend the session, all voted on the proposals proposed on the session
and consensus to review and approve the Third Quarterly Report in 2014.
II. Independent opinions from the Supervisory Committee on the following matters:
1. About the Company’s operation in accordance with the law. During the reporting period, the Company’s
supervisors have supervised on the procedures for convening the shareholders’ general meetings and Board
sessions, the resolutions and decision-making procedures, particulars on the execution of resolutions made at the
shareholders’ general meeting by the Board, particulars on the duty performance of the senior executives of the
                                                                2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Company and particulars on the execution of the management systems of the Company in accordance with
relevant laws and regulations, and sat in on the shareholders’ general meetings and Board sessions. The
Supervisory Committee is of the opinion that the Board and the senior executives of the Company were
scrupulous, diligent, responsible, honest and self-contained, and with compliant and legal decision-making
procedures, as well as scrupulously executed the resolutions made at the shareholders’ general meetings over the
past year; during the reporting period, the Board of Supervisors found out no any behavior that against the laws,
regulations and Articles of Association of the Directors, Senior Executives when executing the duty and at the
same time harmed the interests of the Company.
2. About the inspection on the Company’s financial status. During the reporting period, the Supervisory
Committee actively fulfilled the responsibility for inspecting financial status of the Company, examined foreign
investment of the Company and issued audit opinion on regular reports. The Supervisory Committee is of the
opinion that the audit report and the explanation on related matters provided by GP Certified Public Accountants
LLP is a factual reflection of the Company’s financial position and operating results.
3. About acquisition and sale of significant assets. During the reporting period, there existed no acquisition of
significant assets; the Company only purchased the equity of one controlled subsidiary and sold the 51% equity of
Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. held by the Company. The Supervisory
Committee held the opinion that trading price of the above transactions was all based on assessment results and
very reasonable. The trading procedure was in conformity with laws, which brought no damage to the interests of
the Company.
4. About the related transactions. The Supervisory Committee held the opinion that in 2013, the routine related
transactions between the Company and the related enterprises were the needs for the normal operation business
and were proper business practices, with the prices were fair and reasonable, which did no harm to the interests of
the Company.

5. About construction of internal control. During the reporting period, according to Basic Standards for Internal
Control jointly issued by five ministries and commissions including Ministry of Finance and CSRC, and its
supporting guidelines and other relevant regulations, the Company comprehensively presented the business
process, further perfected the internal control system and strengthened the supervision and inspection of the
internal control. The Supervisory Committee holds the opinion that at present the Company has established
complete, normative and effective internal control system and strictly executed relevant work that reached the
objection of the internal control of the Company and met with the requirements of the relevant laws and
regulations as well as the Securities Regulation Institution.

VI. Particulars about independence of the Company from controlling shareholders in
business, personnel, assets, organizations and finance

There existed no controlling shareholder or actual controller in the Company and the Company is separate from
the first largest shareholder and the second largest shareholder in five aspects including business, personnel, assets,
organizations and finance. The Company has independent and complete business and ability of independent

                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VII. Horizontal competition

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Assessment and incentive for senior executives

In the reporting period, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, according to “Establishing Stock Incentive
Institution for Senior and Middle-level Management” passed by 2001 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting and
current operation results, distributed remuneration to Senior Executives.

                                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                         Section X. Internal Control

I. Construction of Internal Control

In the reporting period, according to the relevant requirements such as the Basic Standards for Internal Control
and Supporting Guidelines of Internal Control jointly issued by five ministries and commissions including
Ministry of Finance and CSRC, the Company formulated a comprehensive internal control management system
combined with the actual situation, self characteristics and management requirements, which especially strengthen
the internal control system construction of the main aspects such as the financial report, external guarantee,
significant investment and related transactions.
During the reporting period, the Company had overall sorted out and optimized the internal control process and
each department managed the business, steadily promoted the Company to effectively execute the process of the
normative system documents of the internal control and normative the operation level according to the process; on
the basic of strengthening the daily supervisions and the special inspection to solidify the internal control results.
During the reporting period, the overall situation of the internal control was fairly well without any situation of
significant defects of the internal control.

II. Statement on the Responsibility for Internal Control from the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors and all its directors hereby ensure that this announcement contains no false information,
misleading statement or material omission, and shall be jointly and severally liable for the factuality, accuracy and
completeness of the information carried in this announcement.
Establishing, perfecting and effectively conducting internal control is the liability of the Board of Directors;
establishment and implementation of internal control conducted by the Board is under the supervision of the
supervisory committee; the management is responsible for organizing and guiding daily operation of internal
The goals of the Company’s internal control: reasonably guarantee the legality and compliance of the Company’s
operating management, safety of assets, authenticity and completeness of financial report and relevant information;
improve efficiency and results of operation; promote the strategic development of the Company.

III. Bases of financial statements of internal control

In accordance with national accounting principles and relevant laws and regulations, the Company formulated
“Financial Administration System” on the basis of its own actual situation and standardized financial
administration and accounting calculation; clarified responsibility and rights of relevant departments and positions
in the process of formulating financial statements to ensure the factuality, completeness and accuracy of financial
statements. Up to the end of reporting period, no significant defect was found in internal control of financial

IV. Self-assessment report of internal control

 Specific details about significant defects of internal control during the reporting period found in self-assessment report of internal

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

During the reporting period, no significant defect was found in internal control.

Disclosure date of whole article of
self-assessment report of internal 27 Apr. 2015

Index for disclosure of whole
                                       Name of announcement: 2014 Annual Self-assessment Report of Internal Control; website of
article of self-assessment report of
                                       disclosure: www.cninfo.com.cn.
internal control

V. Audit report or authentication report of internal control

Internal control audit report
                              Audit opinion paragraph in the Auditor’s Report for the Internal Control

GP Certified Public Accountants (LLP) considered that: Foshan Lighting maintained effective internal control of the financial
report in all significant aspects according to the Basic Standards for Internal Control and relevant regulations on 31 Dec. 2014.

Disclosure date of the Auditor’s
                                       27 Apr. 2015
Report on Internal Control

Disclosure index of the Auditor’s Name of announcement: Audit Report of Internal Control; website of disclosure:
Report on Internal Control             www.cninfo.com.cn.

Whether the CPAs firm issues an Auditor’s Report on Internal Control with non-standard opinion or not?
□ Yes √ No
Whether the Auditor’s Report on Internal Control from the CPAs firm is in consistent with the Self-appraisal
Report from the Board or not?
√ Yes □ No

VI. Establishment and implementation of institution of clarifying responsibility for major
mistakes in annual report

In order to improve the normative operation of the Company, with the approval of the 3 rd session of the 6th board
of directors, the Company formulated “Institution of Clarifying Responsibility for Major Mistakes in Information
Disclosed of Annual Report”. Formulation of this institution clarified the responsibility and rights of persons in
charge of disclosing information of annual report, emphasized responsibility of persons in charge of disclosing
information of annual report and further enhanced quality and transparency of information disclosure of annual
report. In the reporting period, there existed no significant mistake in information disclosure of annual report.

                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                        Section XI. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Type of audit opinion                                         Standard unqualified audit opinion

Date of signing the auditor’s report                         23 Apr. 2015

Name of audit firm                                            GP Certified Public Accountants

Document No. of the auditor’s report                         GHSS Zi [2015] No. G14042580010

Name of the CPA                                               Hong Wenwei, Chen Danyan

                                             Text of the Auditor’s Report

                                                 Audit Report

                                                                              GHSS Zi [2015] No. G14042580010

All shareholders of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.:

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (the
“Company”), which comprise the Company’s and consolidated balance sheets as at 31 Dec. 2014, the
Company’s and consolidated income statements, the Company’s and consolidated cash flow statements, the
Company’s and consolidated statements of changes in shareholders’ equity for the year then ended, and notes
to the financial statements.

1. The management’s responsibility for the financial statements

The management of the Company is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. Such a responsibility includes: (1)
preparing financial statements according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and make
them a fair presentation; and (2) designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the
preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

2. Auditor’s responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We have
conducted our audit in accordance with the Audit Standards for Chinese Registered Accountants, which
require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance as to whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of

                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those
risks assessments, the auditor considers the internal control related to the preparation of the financial
statements so as to design proper audit procedures but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the Company’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of
accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as
evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate, which provides a basis for
us to express auditing opinion.

3. Audit opinion

In our opinion, the financial statements of the Company have been prepared according to the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises in all material aspects, which give a fair view of the Company’s financial
position as at 31 Dec. 2014 and the Company’s operating results and cash flows for the year then ended.

     GP Certified Public Accountants                                  CPA: Hong Wenwei


                                                                      CPA: Chen Danyan

           China           Guangzhou

                                                                         23 Apr. 2015

                                                            2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

II. Financial statements

The unit in financial statements is RMB Yuan.
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                       31 Dec. 2014
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Item                                 31 Dec. 2014                               31 Dec. 2013

Current Assets:

  Monetary funds                                                      989,718,395.60                             897,675,824.22

  Settlement reserves

  Intra-group lendings

  Financial assets measured at fair
value of which changes are recorded in                                     20,320.00                               3,903,197.90
current profits and losses

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable                                                    250,993,285.13                             154,142,432.66

  Accounts receivable                                                 322,951,674.45                             390,216,735.62

  Accounts paid in advance                                             12,551,566.91                              24,054,319.34

  Premiums receivable

  Reinsurance premiums receivable

  Receivable      reinsurance   contract

  Interest receivable                                                   2,101,275.54                               1,304,200.33

  Dividend receivable

  Other accounts receivable                                            74,122,844.63                              24,145,083.88

  Financial assets purchased under
agreements to resell

  Inventories                                                         625,794,972.48                             516,804,156.44

  Assets held for sale

  Non-current assets due within 1 year

  Other current assets                                                 31,783,068.68                               9,408,829.51

Total current assets                                             2,310,037,403.42                            2,021,654,779.90

Non-current assets:

  Loans by mandate and advances

  Available-for-sale financial assets                                 581,157,988.22                             536,585,258.45

                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term accounts receivable

  Long-term equity investment                       3,689,724.39                               18,203,091.82

  Investing real estate

  Fixed assets                                    463,267,701.29                              472,740,489.84

  Construction in progress                         90,862,098.21                               75,044,472.56

  Engineering materials

  Disposal of fixed assets

  Production biological assets

  Oil-gas assets

  Intangible assets                               187,114,129.71                              173,234,598.73

  R&D expense

  Goodwill                                          7,360,330.45

  Long-term deferred expenses                         918,958.73

  Deferred income tax assets                       41,696,214.79                               28,924,666.74

  Other non-current assets                         50,599,787.19                               47,394,194.81

Total of non-current assets                     1,426,666,932.98                            1,352,126,772.95

Total assets                                    3,736,704,336.40                            3,373,781,552.85

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Borrowings from Central Bank

  Customer bank deposits and due to
banks and other financial institutions

  Intra-group borrowings

  Financial liabilities measured at fair
value of which changes are recorded in
current profits and losses

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable

  Accounts payable                                399,330,968.48                              270,968,881.44

  Accounts received in advance                     60,842,257.61                               45,620,298.34

  Financial assets sold for repurchase

  Handling charges and commissions

  Payroll payable                                  58,315,210.64                               60,636,740.85

                                               2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Tax payable                                          13,881,113.81                               19,571,121.78

  Interest payable

  Dividend payable

  Other accounts payable                               21,923,820.48                               35,613,570.14

  Reinsurance premiums payable

  Insurance contract reserves

  Payables     for     acting   trading   of

  Payables for acting underwriting of

  Liabilities held for sale

  Non-current liabilities due within 1

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                             554,293,371.02                              432,410,612.55

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

       Of which: preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payables

  Specific payables

  Estimated liabilities                                61,438,275.16

  Deferred income                                      10,955,833.27                               11,092,550.73

  Deferred income tax liabilities                      15,516,937.71                                 4,891,338.97

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                          87,911,046.14                               15,983,889.70

Total liabilities                                     642,204,417.16                              448,394,502.25

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                       978,563,745.00                              978,563,745.00

  Other equity instruments

       Of which: preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                                    589,892,717.59                              589,876,519.74

                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income                             72,150,338.69                              27,717,587.47

  Specific reserves

  Surplus reserves                                      626,168,440.86                             622,494,531.96

  Provisions for general risks

  Retained profits                                      777,810,478.44                             671,929,537.57

Total equity attributable to owners of
                                                   3,044,585,720.58                            2,890,581,921.74
the Company

  Minority interests                                     49,914,198.66                              34,805,128.86

Total owners’ equity                              3,094,499,919.24                            2,925,387,050.60

Total liabilities and owners’ equity              3,736,704,336.40                            3,373,781,552.85

Legal Representative: Pan Jie                    Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Pan Jie
Accounting Manager: Yin Jianchun

2. Balance sheet of the Company

                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Item                   31 Dec. 2014                               31 Dec. 2013

Current Assets:

  Monetary funds                                        685,652,777.19                             581,390,386.39

  Financial assets measured at fair
value of which changes are recorded in                       20,320.00                               3,903,197.90
current profits and losses

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable                                      240,920,585.13                             153,942,432.66

  Accounts receivable                                   335,793,103.52                             428,330,282.09

  Accounts paid in advance                               16,580,637.31                              29,435,327.20

  Interest receivable

  Dividend receivable

  Other accounts receivable                             142,329,039.45                              71,612,354.13

  Inventories                                           578,978,618.17                             472,321,376.79

  Assets held for sale

  Non-current assets due within 1 year

  Other current assets                                   27,359,093.82                               3,790,803.20

Total current assets                               2,027,634,174.59                            1,744,726,160.36

Non-current assets:

                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Available-for-sale financial assets             581,157,988.22                              536,585,258.45

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term accounts receivable

  Long-term equity investment                     445,639,664.15                              435,793,031.58

  Investing real estate

  Fixed assets                                    362,743,711.79                              370,702,024.40

  Construction in progress                         88,784,906.41                               74,051,205.53

  Engineering materials

  Disposal of fixed assets

  Production biological assets

  Oil-gas assets

  Intangible assets                               125,206,977.08                              129,859,177.45

  R&D expense


  Long-term deferred expenses

  Deferred income tax assets                       33,978,127.89                               26,102,706.56

  Other non-current assets                         48,778,664.19                               47,394,194.81

Total of non-current assets                     1,686,290,039.73                            1,620,487,598.78

Total assets                                    3,713,924,214.32                            3,365,213,759.14

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Financial liabilities measured at fair
value of which changes are recorded in
current profits and losses

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable

  Accounts payable                                447,190,248.26                              321,372,591.12

  Accounts received in advance                     56,335,813.10                               45,547,349.36

  Payroll payable                                  56,655,167.35                               60,356,477.70

  Tax payable                                       5,496,341.46                               13,335,938.26

  Interest payable

  Dividend payable

  Other accounts payable                           89,738,558.57                               60,963,050.92

  Liabilities held for sale

  Non-current liabilities due within 1

                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                       655,416,128.74                             501,575,407.36

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

       Of which: preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Long-term payables

  Long-term payroll payables

  Specific payables

  Estimated liabilities                          61,438,275.16

  Deferred income                                10,180,833.31                              10,162,550.77

  Deferred income tax liabilities                12,733,711.71                                4,891,338.97

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                    84,352,820.18                              15,053,889.74

Total liabilities                               739,768,948.92                             516,629,297.10

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                 978,563,745.00                             978,563,745.00

  Other equity instruments

       Of which: preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                              586,987,786.91                             586,971,589.06

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income                     72,150,338.69                              27,717,587.47

  Specific reserves

  Surplus reserves                              626,168,440.86                             622,494,531.96

  Retained profits                              710,284,953.94                             632,837,008.55

Total owners’ equity                          2,974,155,265.40                          2,848,584,462.04

Total liabilities and owners’ equity          3,713,924,214.32                          3,365,213,759.14

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item              2014                                      2013

                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

I. Total operating revenues                            3,068,641,200.17                            2,526,679,810.53

Including: Sales income                                3,068,641,200.17                            2,526,679,810.53

          Interest income

          Premium income

          Handling charge and commission

II. Total operating costs                              2,718,773,419.24                            2,274,276,457.59

Including: Cost of sales                               2,247,054,674.63                            1,890,307,790.64

          Interest expenses

          Handling charge and commission


          Net claims paid

          Net amount withdrawn for the
insurance contract reserve

          Expenditure on policy dividends

          Reinsurance premium

          Taxes and associate charges                     26,249,721.78                               28,328,966.85

          Selling and distribution expenses              207,880,504.54                              133,779,078.70

          Administrative expenses                        236,233,239.29                              199,917,005.49

          Financial expenses                               -9,565,959.04                               -4,230,937.19

          Asset impairment loss                           10,921,238.04                               26,174,553.10

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair
                                                            1,105,462.10                                 -109,530.85
value (“-” means loss)

        Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”
                                                          19,214,574.68                                -6,870,117.46
means loss)

        Including:   share    of   profits   in
                                                           -9,117,917.64                              -12,820,601.90
associates and joint ventures

        Foreign exchange gains (“-” means

III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                  370,187,817.71                              245,423,704.63

        Add: non-operating income                         12,059,815.30                               74,021,240.13

          Including: Gains on disposal of
                                                               25,197.24                              16,855,838.60
non-current assets

        Less: non-operating expense                       63,119,188.44                               20,295,815.37

          Including: Losses on disposal of                  1,312,901.18                              11,040,784.18

                                                     2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

non-current assets

IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                         319,128,444.57                              299,149,129.39

     Less: Income tax expense                                52,462,491.85                               46,864,161.54

V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                            266,665,952.72                              252,284,967.85

     Net profit attributable to owners of
                                                            266,125,048.97                              251,831,356.38
the Company

     Minority shareholders’ income                             540,903.75                                   453,611.47

VI. After-tax net amount of other
                                                             44,432,751.22                                -7,805,753.60
comprehensive incomes

     After-tax     net     amount     of     other
comprehensive incomes attributable to                        44,432,751.22                                -7,805,753.60
owners of the Company

         (I) Other comprehensive incomes
that will not be reclassified into gains and

           1. Changes in net liabilities or
assets with a defined benefit plan upon

           2. Enjoyable shares in other
comprehensive incomes in investees that
cannot be reclassified into gains and
losses under the equity method

         (II) Other comprehensive incomes
that will be reclassified into gains and                     44,432,751.22                                -7,805,753.60

           1. Enjoyable shares in other
comprehensive incomes in investees that
will be reclassified into gains and losses
under the equity method

           2. Gains and losses on fair
value    changes      of    available-for-sale               44,432,751.22                                -7,805,753.60
financial assets

           3.    Gains      and     losses     on
reclassifying                held-to-maturity
investments        into     available-for-sale
financial assets

           4. Effective hedging gains and
losses on cash flows

           5. Foreign-currency financial

                                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

statement translation difference

           6. Other

     After-tax    net        amount    of    other
comprehensive incomes attributable to
minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive incomes                                      311,098,703.94                               244,479,214.25

     Attributable       to    owners    of     the
                                                                      310,557,800.19                               244,025,602.78

     Attributable             to        minority
                                                                          540,903.75                                   453,611.47

VIII. Earnings per share

     (I) Basic earnings per share                                               0.270                                            0.26

     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                            0.270                                            0.26

Where business mergers under the same control occurred in this reporting period, the net profit achieved by the merged parties
before the business mergers was RMB 0, with the corresponding amount for the last period being RMB 0.

Legal Representative: Pan Jie                                      Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Pan Jie
Accounting Manager: Yin Jianchun

4. Income statement of the Company

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                                    2014                                          2013

I. Total sales                                                      3,096,764,562.67                             2,591,467,316.18

  Less: cost of sales                                               2,368,497,388.05                             2,000,004,624.37

     Business taxes and surcharges                                     17,435,087.65                                23,564,384.08

     Distribution expenses                                            202,316,154.50                               132,331,966.43

     Administrative expenses                                          192,372,199.33                               176,727,982.04

     Financial costs                                                   -1,234,608.56                                 2,200,383.53

     Impairment loss                                                    9,984,446.80                                23,470,722.45

  Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair
                                                                        1,105,462.10                                  -109,530.85
value (“-” means loss)

     Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”
                                                                       24,102,619.56                                 -2,895,017.94
means loss)

     Including: income form investment
                                                                       -9,117,917.64                               -12,820,601.90
on associates and joint ventures

II. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                332,601,976.56                               230,162,704.49

  Add: non-operating income                                            10,524,371.67                                73,707,658.82

                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

     Including: Gains on disposal of
                                                              23,548.17                               16,855,838.60
non-current assets

  Less: non-operating expense                             62,732,365.11                               18,646,442.42

     Including: Losses on disposal of
                                                             986,923.01                                 9,458,698.27
non-current assets

III. Total profit (“-” means loss)                     280,393,983.12                              285,223,920.89

  Less: Income tax expense                                42,701,929.63                               39,011,248.51

IV. Net profit (“-” means loss)                        237,692,053.49                              246,212,672.38

V. After-tax net amount of other
                                                          44,432,751.22                                -7,805,753.60
comprehensive incomes

  (I) Other comprehensive incomes that
will not be reclassified into gains and

     1. Changes in net liabilities or
assets with a defined benefit plan upon

     2.   Enjoyable        shares   in    other
comprehensive incomes in investees
that cannot be reclassified into gains
and losses under the equity method

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes
that will be reclassified into gains and                  44,432,751.22                                -7,805,753.60

     1.   Enjoyable        shares   in    other
comprehensive incomes in investees
that will be reclassified into gains and
losses under the equity method

     2. Gains and losses on fair value
changes of available-for-sale financial                   44,432,751.22                                -7,805,753.60

     3.     Gains         and    losses     on
reclassifying                held-to-maturity
investments        into     available-for-sale
financial assets

     4. Effective hedging gains and
losses on cash flows

     5.    Foreign-currency         financial
statement translation difference

     6. Other

                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VI. Total comprehensive incomes                            282,124,804.71                              238,406,918.78

VII. Earnings per share

    (I) Basic earnings per share

    (II) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                         2014                                       2013

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash       received        from    sale     of
                                                          2,870,280,032.72                           2,760,533,549.58
commodities and rendering of service

  Net      increase     of    deposits      from
customers and dues from banks

  Net increase of loans from the central

  Net increase of funds borrowed from
other financial institutions

  Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts

  Net cash received from reinsurance

  Net increase of deposits of policy
holders and investment fund

  Net increase of disposal of financial
assets measured at fair value of which
changes are recorded into current gains
and losses

  Cash received from interest, handling
charges and commissions

  Net        increase        of     intra-group

  Net increase of funds in repurchase

  Tax refunds received                                      83,215,180.15                               49,324,227.66

  Other cash received relating to
                                                            21,607,827.81                               16,859,582.99
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating                   2,975,103,040.68                           2,826,717,360.23

                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


  Cash paid for goods and services                    1,671,417,602.90                            1,780,879,109.79

  Net increase of customer lendings
and advances

  Net increase of funds deposited in the
central bank and amount due from

  Cash for paying claims of the original
insurance contracts

  Cash for paying interest, handling
charges and commissions

  Cash for paying policy dividends

  Cash paid to and for employees                        531,774,390.53                              452,728,987.91

  Various taxes paid                                    253,524,039.74                              233,834,120.80

  Other cash payment relating to
                                                        212,748,262.17                              154,518,259.85
operating activities

Subtotal     of    cash    outflows       from
                                                      2,669,464,295.34                            2,621,960,478.35
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities                305,638,745.34                              204,756,881.88

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from withdrawal of
                                                         17,867,112.02                               60,520,000.00

  Cash       received     from   return    on
                                                         28,561,925.28                                 3,347,062.10

  Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                   124,204.21                               24,189,200.00
long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units

     Other cash received relating to
                                                                   0.00                              41,710,000.00
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing
                                                         46,553,241.51                              130,801,370.00

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                    85,450,244.80                               68,192,170.50

  Cash paid for investment                                1,657,260.00                               43,320,000.00

  Net increase of pledged loans

                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units

   Other cash payments relating to
investing activities

Subtotal        of     cash   outflows     from
                                                            98,620,391.12                              111,512,170.50
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities                   -52,067,149.61                               19,289,199.50

III.     Cash        Flows    from    Financing

       Cash      received      from       capital

       Including:      Cash    received    from
minority shareholder investments by

       Cash received from borrowings

       Cash received from issuance of

       Other cash received relating to
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing

       Repayment of borrowings                               2,000,000.00

       Cash paid for interest expenses and
                                                           158,694,772.73                              307,968,509.92
distribution of dividends or profit

        Including: dividends or profit paid
                                                             2,094,876.38                                 4,613,748.97
by subsidiaries to minority shareholders

        Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Sub-total       of     cash    outflows    from
                                                           160,694,772.73                              307,968,509.92
financing activities

Net cash flows from financing activities                  -160,694,772.73                             -307,968,509.92

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                              -851,411.62                                -3,852,637.98
changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                            92,025,411.38                               -87,775,066.52

        Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                           897,675,824.22                              985,450,890.74
cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash                       989,701,235.60                              897,675,824.22

                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


6. Cash flow statement of the Company

                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                          2014                                       2013

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash       received      from    sale      of
                                                         2,962,985,771.22                           2,796,103,254.38
commodities and rendering of service

  Tax refunds received                                     83,196,128.84                               49,324,227.66

  Other cash received relating to
                                                           27,112,666.62                               26,000,876.63
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                         3,073,294,566.68                           2,871,428,358.67

  Cash paid for goods and services                       2,161,534,616.00                           2,068,333,446.26

  Cash paid to and for employees                          198,295,463.89                              280,927,345.18

  Various taxes paid                                      163,108,324.71                              181,812,293.01

  Other cash payment relating to
                                                          240,583,729.43                              150,050,526.54
operating activities

Subtotal     of    cash    outflows        from
                                                         2,763,522,134.03                           2,681,123,610.99
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities                  309,772,432.65                              190,304,747.68

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from retraction of
                                                           17,867,112.02                               60,520,000.00

  Cash       received     from    return    on
                                                           33,449,970.16                               14,112,476.36

  Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                     104,421.11                               34,186,710.03
long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units

  Other cash received relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing
                                                           51,421,503.29                              169,167,713.88

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
                                                           73,509,478.18                               65,066,431.02
intangible assets and other long-term

                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


   Cash paid for investment                                  1,657,260.00                              105,320,000.00

   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units

   Other cash payments relating to
investing activities

Subtotal        of     cash   outflows     from
                                                            99,526,738.18                              170,386,431.02
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities                   -48,105,234.89                                -1,218,717.14

III.     Cash        Flows    from    Financing

       Cash      received      from       capital

       Cash received from borrowings

       Cash received from issuance of

       Other cash received relating to
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing

       Repayment of borrowings

       Cash paid for interest expenses and
                                                           156,570,199.20                              303,354,760.95
distribution of dividends or profit

        Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Sub-total       of     cash    outflows    from
                                                           156,570,199.20                              303,354,760.95
financing activities

Net cash flows from financing activities                  -156,570,199.20                             -303,354,760.95

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                              -851,767.75                                -3,852,637.98
changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                           104,245,230.80                             -118,121,368.39

        Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                           581,390,386.39                              699,511,754.78
cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                           685,635,617.19                              581,390,386.39

                                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan


                                                        Equity attributable to owners of the Company

                                           Other equity
                                                                                      Other                                        Minorit    Total
           Item                             instruments                    Less:                               General
                              Share                             Capital              compre Specific Surplus             Retaine     y       owners’
                                        Prefer Perpet                     treasury                              risk
                              capital                           reserve              hensive reserve reserve             d profit interests equity
                                         red    ual     Other              stock                               reserve
                                        shares bonds

I. Balance at the 978,56                                                                                                                     2,925,3
                                                                589,876              27,717,         622,494             671,929 34,805,
end         of          the 3,745.                                                                                                           87,050.
                                                                ,519.74               587.47         ,531.96             ,537.57 128.86
previous year                     00                                                                                                               60

   Add: change of
accounting policy

         Correction of
errors in previous

mergers under the
same control


II. Balance at the 978,56                                                                                                                    2,925,3
                                                                589,876              27,717,         622,494             671,929 34,805,
beginning of the 3,745.                                                                                                                      87,050.
                                                                ,519.74               587.47         ,531.96             ,537.57 128.86
year                              00                                                                                                               60

III.          Increase/
decrease         in     the                                     16,197.              44,432,         3,673,9             105,880 15,109, 169,112
period (“-” means                                                  85               751.22           08.90             ,940.87 069.80 ,868.64

   (I)                Total
                                                                                     44,432,                             266,125 540,903 311,098
                                                                                      751.22                             ,048.97         .75 ,703.94

   (II)           Capital
                                                                                                                                   16,663, 16,663,
increased              and
                                                                                                                                    042.43 042.43
reduced by owners

         1. Common
shares increased
by shareholders

         2. Capital

                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

increased by
holders of other
equity instruments

       3. Amounts
of share-based
recognized in
owners’ equity

                                                                              16,663, 16,663,
       4. Other
                                                                               042.43 042.43

                                                                    -160,24              -158,66
  (III)           Profit                          3,673,9                     -2,094,8
                                                                    4,108.1              5,075.5
distribution                                        08.90                       76.38
                                                                          0                    8

                                                  3,673,9          -3,673,9
Appropriations to
                                                    08.90             08.90
surplus reserves

Appropriations to
general             risk

                                                                    -156,57              -158,66
Appropriations to                                                             -2,094,8
                                                                    0,199.2              5,075.5
owners              (or                                                         76.38
                                                                          0                    8

       4. Other

  (IV)       Internal
carry-forward        of
owners’ equity

       1.          New
increase of capital
(or share capital)
from capital public

       2.          New
increase of capital
(or share capital)
from           surplus

       3.      Surplus
reserves            for
making up losses

                                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

       4. Other

(V)             Specific

       1. Withdrawn
for the period

       2. Used in the

                                                             16,197.                                                                        16,197.
(VI) Other
                                                                  85                                                                              85

                           978,56                                                                                                           3,094,4
IV.             Closing                                      589,892              72,150,         626,168             777,810 49,914,
                           3,745.                                                                                                           99,919.
balance                                                      ,717.59               338.69         ,440.86             ,478.44 198.66
                               00                                                                                                                 24

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan


                                                     Equity attributable to owners of the Company

                                        Other equity                                                                             Minorit
                                                                                   Other                                                     Total
          Item                           instruments                                                                                y
                                                                        Less:                               General
                           Share                             Capital              compre Specific Surplus             Retaine               owners’
                                                                       treasury                              risk                interest
                                     Prefer Perpet                                                                                           equity
                           capital                           reserve              hensive reserve reserve             d profit
                                      red    ual                        stock                               reserve                 s
                                     shares bonds

I. Balance at the 978,56                                                                                                                    2,997,2
                                                             590,072              35,523,         622,494             723,452 47,096,
end        of        the 3,745.                                                                                                             03,219.
                                                             ,416.00               341.07         ,531.96             ,942.14 243.24
previous year                  00                                                                                                                 41

   Add: change of
accounting policy

       Correction of
errors in previous

mergers under the
same control


II. Balance at the 978,56                                                                                                                   2,997,2
                                                             590,072              35,523,         622,494             723,452 47,096,
beginning of the 3,745.                                                                                                                     03,219.
                                                             ,416.00               341.07         ,531.96             ,942.14 243.24
year                           00                                                                                                                 41

III.        Increase/
                                                             -195,89              -7,805,7                            -51,523, -12,291 -71,816,
decrease        in   the
                                                                6.26                53.60                              404.57 ,114.38 168.81
period (“-” means

                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


  (I)              Total
                                           -7,805,7                            251,831 453,611 244,479
                                             53.60                             ,356.38      .47 ,214.25

  (II)         Capital
                            -195,89                                                      -8,130, -8,326,8
increased            and
                               6.26                                                      976.88      73.14
reduced by owners

        1. Common
shares increased
by shareholders

        2. Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments

        3. Amounts
of share-based
recognized in
owners’ equity

                            -195,89                                                      -8,130, -8,326,8
        4. Other
                               6.26                                                      976.88      73.14

                                                                               -303,35             -307,96
  (III)            Profit                                                                -4,613,
                                                                               4,760.9             8,509.9
distribution                                                                             748.97
                                                                                     5                   2

Appropriations to
surplus reserves

Appropriations to
general              risk

                                                                               -303,35             -307,96
Appropriations to                                                                        -4,613,
                                                                               4,760.9             8,509.9
owners               (or                                                                 748.97
                                                                                     5                   2

        4. Other

  (IV)        Internal
carry-forward         of
owners’ equity

        1.          New

                                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

increase of capital
(or share capital)
from capital public

       2.            New
increase of capital
(or share capital)
from               surplus

       3.      Surplus
reserves               for
making up losses

       4. Other

(V)            Specific

       1. Withdrawn
for the period

       2. Used in the

(VI) Other

                             978,56                                                                                                        2,925,3
IV.            Closing                                      589,876               27,717,          622,494             671,929 34,805,
                             3,745.                                                                                                        87,050.
balance                                                      ,519.74              587.47              ,531.96           ,537.57 128.86
                                 00                                                                                                             60

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan


                                        Other equity instruments                              Other
                                                                                   Less:                                                   Total
            Item              Share                                    Capital               comprehe Specific      Surplus    Retaine
                                        Preferre Perpetu                          treasury                                                owners’
                             capital                        Other      reserve                nsive       reserve    reserve   d profit
                                        d shares al bonds                          stock                                                  equity

I. Balance at the
                             978,563,                               586,971,5                27,717,58              622,494,5 632,837 2,848,584
end of the previous
                              745.00                                      89.06                   7.47                  31.96 ,008.55      ,462.04

  Add: change of
accounting policy

       Correction of
errors in previous

                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.



II. Balance at the
                               978,563,   586,971,5           27,717,58            622,494,5 632,837 2,848,584
beginning of the
                                745.00       89.06                 7.47                31.96 ,008.55       ,462.04

III.          Increase/
decrease         in     the                                   44,432,75            3,673,908 77,447, 125,570,8
period (“-” means                                                1.22                   .90    945.39      03.36

   (I)                Total
                                                              44,432,75                         237,692 282,124,8
                                                                   1.22                         ,053.49      04.71

   (II)          Capital
increased               and
reduced by owners

         1. Common
shares increased
by shareholders

         2. Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments

         3. Amounts
of share-based
recognized in
owners’ equity

         4. Other

   (III)              Profit                                                       3,673,908              -156,570,
distribution                                                                              .90               199.20

                                                                                   3,673,908 -3,673,9
Appropriations to                                                                                               0.00
                                                                                          .90     08.90
surplus reserves

Appropriations to                                                                                         -156,570,
owners                  (or                                                                                 199.20

         3. Other

   (IV)          Internal

                                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

carry-forward          of
owners’ equity

       1.            New
increase of capital
(or share capital)
from capital public

       2.            New
increase of capital
(or share capital)
from               surplus

       3.      Surplus
reserves               for
making up losses

       4. Other

(V)            Specific

       1. Withdrawn
for the period

       2. Used in the

(VI) Other                                                          16,197.85                                                          16,197.85

IV.            Closing 978,563,                                     586,987,7              72,150,33             626,168,4 710,284 2,974,155
balance                       745.00                                    86.91                   8.69                 40.86 ,953.94       ,265.40

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan


                                        Other equity instruments                            Other
                                                                                 Less:                                                   Total
            Item              Share                                  Capital               comprehe Specific     Surplus    Retaine
                                        Preferre Perpetu                        treasury                                               owners’
                             capital                        Other    reserve                nsive      reserve    reserve   d profit
                                        d shares al bonds                        stock                                                  equity

I. Balance at the
                             978,563,                               586,971,5              35,523,34             622,494,5 689,979 2,913,532
end of the previous
                              745.00                                    89.06                   1.07                 31.96 ,097.12       ,304.21

  Add: change of
accounting policy

       Correction of
errors in previous

                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


II. Balance at the
                               978,563,   586,971,5           35,523,34            622,494,5 689,979 2,913,532
beginning of the
                                745.00       89.06                 1.07                31.96 ,097.12      ,304.21

III.          Increase/
decrease         in     the                                   -7,805,75                       -57,142, -64,947,8
period (“-” means                                                3.60                        088.57       42.17

   (I)                Total
                                                              -7,805,75                       246,212 238,406,9
                                                                   3.60                        ,672.38      18.78

   (II)          Capital
increased               and
reduced by owners

         1. Common
shares increased
by shareholders

         2. Capital
increased by
holders of other
equity instruments

         3. Amounts
of share-based
recognized in
owners’ equity

         4. Other

   (III)              Profit                                                                             -303,354,
distribution                                                                                               760.95

Appropriations to
surplus reserves

Appropriations to                                                                                        -303,354,
owners                  (or                                                                                760.95

         3. Other

   (IV)          Internal
carry-forward            of

                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

owners’ equity

       1.         New
increase of capital
(or share capital)
from capital public

       2.         New
increase of capital
(or share capital)
from         surplus

       3.    Surplus
reserves           for
making up losses

       4. Other

(V)          Specific

       1. Withdrawn
for the period

       2. Used in the

(VI) Other

IV.          Closing 978,563,     586,971,5           27,717,58            622,494,5 632,837 2,848,584
balance                  745.00      89.06                 7.47                31.96 ,008.55     ,462.04

                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

I. Company profile

1. Overview of the Company
Foshan Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a joint-stock limited
company jointly founded by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Company, Nanhai Wuzhuang Color Glazed
Brick Field, and Foshan Poyang Printing Industrial Co. on Oct. 20, 1992 by raising funds under the approval
of YGS (1992) No. 63 Document issued by the Joint Examination Group for Experimental Enterprises in
Stock System of Guangdong Province and the Economic System Reform Commission of Guangdong
Province, is an enterprise with its shares held by both the corporate and the natural persons. As approved by
China Securities Regulatory Commission with Document (1993) No. 33, the Company publicly issued 19.3
million shares of social public shares (A shares) to the public in Oct., 1993, and was listed in Shenzhen Stock
Exchange for trade on Nov. 23, 1993. The Company was approved to issue 50,000,000 B shares on Jul. 23,
1995. And, as approved to change into a foreign-invested stock limited company on Aug. 26, 1996 by (1996)
WJMZEHZ No. 466 Document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the
People’s Republic of China. On Dec. 11, 2000, as approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission
with ZJGS Zi [2000] No. 175 Document, the Company additionally issued 55,000,000 A shares. At approved
by the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2006, 2007 and 2008, the Company implemented the plan of
capitalization of capital reserve, after the transfer, the registered capital of the Company has increased to
RMB 978,563,745.00 Yuan. And the registration code for corporate business license is QGYZZ No. 002889.

Legal representative: Mr. Pan Jie
Address: No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Foshan, Guangdong Province

2. Business Scope of the Company
R&D and production of electro-optical source products, electro-optical source equipment and electro-optical
accessories, raw materials of electric light sources, lamps & fittings, electrical materials, motorcycle
components, household appliances, electric switches, electrical outlets, fire control products, ventilation
devices, LED products, lithium ion batteries and relevant materials; domestic and overseas sale of the
aforesaid products; relevant engineering consulting services. (Where a license is required, it must be
obtained according to the government’s rules before operation.)

3. Consolidation financial statement scope
The consolidation scope of the financial statement including the Company and the 9 subordinate subsidiaries
such as Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast
Co., Ltd., Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd., Nanjing
Fozhao Lighting Components Co., Ltd., FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Electrical and Lighting
New Light Source Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Fozhao Leasing Co., Ltd., and Foshan Lighting Lamps
& Components Co., Ltd.

4. Approval and Issue of the Financial Report
The Financial Report was approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on 23 Apr. 2015.

                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

II. Basis for preparation of financial statements

1. Preparation basis

With the going-concern assumption as the basis and based on transactions and other events that actually
occurred, the Group prepared financial statements in accordance with the Application Guidance of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises and other regulations issued and revised from 15 Feb. 2006 onwards (hereinafter jointly referred
to as “the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”, “China Accounting Standards” or “CAS”)。

2. Continuation

There will be no such events or situations in the 12 months from the end of the reporting period that will
cause material doubts as to the continuation capability of the Company.

III. Important accounting policies and estimations of the Company

1. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Group are in compliance with in compliance with the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises, which factually and completely present the Company’s, and the Group’s
financial positions as at 31 Dec. 2014, business results and cash flows for the year of 2014, and other
relevant information.

2. Fiscal Year

A fiscal year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 Dec. according to the Gregorian calendar.

3. Operating cycle

A normal operating cycle refers to a period from the Group purchasing assets for processing to realizing cash
or cash equivalents. An operating cycle for the Group is 12 months, which is also the classification criterion
for the liquidity of its assets and liabilities.

4. Recording Currency

Renminbi is the recording currency for the Company.

5. Accounting treatment methods for business combinations under the same control or not under the
same control

(1) Business combinations under the same control

A business combination under the same control is a business combination in which all of the combining
enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or the same parties both before and after the business
combination and on which the control is not temporary. In a business combination under the same control,
the party which obtains control of other combining enterprise(s) on the combining date is the combining

                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

party, the other combining enterprise(s) is (are) the combined party. The “combining date” refers to the date
on which the combining party actually obtains control on the combined party.

The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination shall be measured on
the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As for the balance between
the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the
consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), the additional paid-in capital (share
premium) shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital (share premium) is not sufficient to be offset, the
retained earnings shall be adjusted. Consolidation date is the date that the combine party actually acquired
the control right on the combined party.

(2) Business combinations not under the same control

A business combination not under the same control is a business combination in which the combining
enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or the same parties both before and after the
business combination.

Among a business combination not under the same control, for the Intermediary fee and other relevant
management expenses such as the expenses for audit, legal services and assessment, and other administrative
expenses of the purchase party, which are recorded into the profits and losses in the current period; The
trading expenses for the equity securities or debt securities issued by the acquirer as the combination
consideration shall be recorded into the amount of initial measurement of the equity securities or debt
securities. As for the difference between the fair value of the paid assets and its book value should be
included in the current gains and losses. Purchase date refers to the date that the combine party actually
acquired the control right on the combined party.

The purchase party executes the distribution of the combined cost on the purchase date and recognizes the
fair value of each identifiable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities acquired from the purchased party.
The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the
identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as business reputation; the difference that the combined
cost smaller than the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired from the purchased party should be
included in the gains and losses.

6. Methods for preparing consolidated financial statements

(1) Principle for determining the consolidation scope

Recognize the consolidation scope of the consolidated financial statements based on control and the special
purpose entities controlled by the parent company are also included in the consolidation scope of the
consolidated financial statements. Exemption clause: if the parent company is the investment entity and
without any subsidiary that provides the relevant service for the investment activities, should not compile the
consolidated financial statements.

                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(2) Adopted accounting methods of the consolidated statements

The Company includes the subsidiaries and the special purpose entities with actual control rights into the
scope of the consolidated financial statements.

The Company compiles the consolidated financial statement according to the No. 33 of ASBE-Consolidated
Financial Statement and the relevant regulations and offset all the significant internal transactions and
contracts within the consolidation scope when merger. Among the shareholders equity of the subsidiaries
which not attributed to the part that owned by the parent company, should be individually listed under the
shareholders’ equity of the consolidated financial statement as the minority shareholders’ equity.

The financial statements of subsidiaries are necessary adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies
and accounting period of the Group during the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, where
the accounting policies and the accounting periods are inconsistent between the Group and subsidiaries when
compiling the consolidated financial statements.

As for the subsidiaries acquired from the enterprise combine not under the same control, the individual
financial statement should be adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets on the purchase
date when compiling the consolidated financial statements; as for the subsidiaries acquired from the
enterprise combine under the same control, should be regarded as exist as the current state when each
involved combine party starting to execute the control in the ultimate control party, and should include the
assets, liabilities, operating results and the cash flow in the consolidated financial statements since the
year-begin of the combine period and to adjust the previous compared financial statement according to the
above principles.

When the disposing the subsidiary during the reporting period, should include the operating results and the
cash flow from the period-begin to the disposing date into the consolidated financial statement of the

7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations

A joint arrangement refers to an arrangement jointly controlled by two participants or above and be divided
into joint operations and joint ventures.

When the Company is the joint venture party of the joint operations, should recognize the following items
related to the interests share of the joint operations:

(1) Recognize the assets individually held and the assets jointly held by recognizing according to the holding

(2) Recognize the liabilities undertook individually and the liabilities jointly held by recognizing according
to the holding share;

(3) Recognize the revenues occurred from selling the output share of the joint operations enjoy by the

                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(4) Recognize the revenues occurred from selling the assets of the joint operations according to the holding

(5) Recognize the expenses individually occurred and the expenses occurred from the joint operations
according to the holding share of the Company.

When the Company is the joint operation party of the joint ventures, should recognize the investment of the
joint ventures as the long-term equity investment and be measured according g to the said methods of the
notes of the long-term equity investment of the financial statement.

8. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents

In the Group’s understanding, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, any deposit that can be used
for cover, and short-term (usually due within 3 months since the day of purchase) and high circulating
investments, which are easily convertible into known amount of cash and whose risks in change of value are

9. Foreign currency businesses and translation of foreign currency financial statements

(1) Foreign currency business

Foreign currency shall be recognized by employing systematic and reasonable methods, and shall be
translated into the amount in the functional currency at the exchange rate which is approximate to the spot
exchange rate of the transaction date. On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items shall be
translated at the spot exchange rate. The balance of exchange arising from the difference between the spot
exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initial recognition or prior
tot the balance sheet date shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period except that the
balance of exchange arising from foreign currency borrowings for the purchase and construction or
production of qualified assets shall be capitalized. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the
historical cost shall still be translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.

(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance
sheet date. Among the owner’s equity items, except for the items as “undistributed profits”, other items shall
be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time when they are incurred. The revenues and the expenses
items of the income statement should be translated according to the spot rate on the exchange date. The
difference of the foreign currency financial statements occurred from the above translation should be listed
under the “other comprehensive income” item of the owners’ equity of the consolidated financial statement.
As for the foreign currency items which actually form into the net investment of the foreign operation, the
exchange difference occurred from the exchange rate changes should be listed under the “other
comprehensive income” of the owners’ equity among the consolidated financial statement when compile the
consolidated financial statement. When disposing the foreign operation, as for the discounted difference of

                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

the foreign financial statement related to the foreign operation should be transferred in the current gains and
losses according to the proportion. The foreign cash flow adopts the spot exchange rate on the occurring date
of the cash flow. And the influenced amount of the exchange rate changes should be individually listed
among the cash flow statement.

10. Financial instruments

(1) Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets

Financial assets shall be classified into the following four categories when they are initially recognized:
financial assets measured at fair value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the
current period, loans and the account receivables, financial assets available for sale and the investments which
will be held to their maturity.

① Financial assets measured at fair value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for
the current period refer to financial assets held by the Company for the purpose of selling in the near future,
including transactional financial assets, or financial assets designated by the management in the initial
recognition to be measured at fair value with variations recorded in the gains and losses for the current period.
Financial assets measured at fair value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the
current period are subsequently measured at their fair values. Interest or cash dividends arising from such
assets during the holing period are recognized as investment gains. Gains or losses arising from fair value
changes are recorded in the gains and losses for the current period at the end of the reporting period. When
such assets are disposed, the difference between their fair values and initially recognized amounts is
recognized as investment gains and the gains and losses arising from fair value changes are adjusted

② Loan and accounts receivable: the non-derivative financial assets for which there is no quoted price in the
active market and of which the recoverable amount is fixed or determinable shall be classified as loan and
accounts receivable. The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its loan and accounts receivable
on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate, from which gains and losses,
when loan and accounts receivable are terminated from recognizing, or are impaired or amortized, shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

③ Available-for-sale Financial Assets: the non-derivative financial assets which are designated as
available-for-sale financial assets when they are initially recognized as well as the non-derivative financial
assets other than loans and accounts receivables, investments held until their maturity; and transaction
financial assets. The Company shall make subsequent measurement on available-for-sale financial assets at
fair value and recognize the interests or the cash bonus acquired the holding period as the investment income,
as well as directly include the profits or losses formed by the changes of the fair value into the owners’ equity
at the period-end, until the said financial assets shall be transferred out when they are terminated from
recognizing or are impaired, which shall be recorded into the profits and losses of current period.

                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

④ Held-to-maturity Investments: non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date of maturity, a fixed or
determinable recoverable amount and which the Company’s management holds for a definite purpose or the
Company’s management is able to hold until its maturity. The Company shall make subsequent measurement
on its Held-to-maturity Investments on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest
rate, from which gains and losses, when loan and accounts receivable are terminated from recognizing, or are
impaired or amortized, shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

(2) Classification, Recognition and Measurement of Financial Liabilities

Financial liabilities shall be classified into the following two categories when they are initially recognized: (1)
the transactional financial liabilities; and (2) other financial liabilities. The financial liabilities initially
recognized by the Company shall be measured at their fair values. For the transactional financial liabilities,
the transaction expenses thereof shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period; for
other categories of financial liabilities, the transaction expenses thereof shall be included into the initially
recognized amount.

① As for the financial liabilities measured by fair value and its changes be included in the current gains and
losses, which including trading financial liabilities and the financial liabilities be appointed to be measured by
fair value with the changes be included in the current gains and losses when being initially recognized, should
be executed subsequent measurement according to the fair value with the profits or losses formed by the
changes of the fair value be included in the current gains and losses.

② Other financial liabilities: The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its other financial
liabilities on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate, from which gains and
losses, when other financial liabilities are terminated from recognizing or amortized, shall be recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period.

(3) Recognition and measurement of financial asset transfers

As for the Company transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a financial asset
to the transferee, should derecognize the financial assets; as for maintained nearly all of the risks and rewards
related to the ownership of a financial asset, should continue to recognize the transferred financial assets and
recognize the received counter price as a financial liability. Where the Company does not transfer or retain
nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a financial asset (that is to say, it is not under a
circumstance as mentioned in Article 7 of these Standards), it shall deal with it according to the circumstances
as follows, respectively: (1)If it gives up its control over the financial asset, it shall stop recognizing the
financial asset; (2)If it does not give up its control over the financial asset, it shall, according to the extent of
its continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset, recognize the related financial asset and
recognize the relevant liability accordingly.

If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the difference
between the amounts of the following 2 items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period:

                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(1) The book value of the transferred financial asset; (2) the sum of consideration received from the transfer,
and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities.

If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the entire book value of
the transferred financial asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion
whose recognition has not been stopped, be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and
the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall be included into the profits and losses of the
current period: (1)The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped; (2)The sum of
consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and the portion of the accumulative amount
of the changes in the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities which is corresponding to the
portion whose recognition has been stopped.

(4) De-recognition conditions of financial liabilities

Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition
of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Group (debtor) enters into an agreement with
a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial liabilities by way of any new financial liability, and if the
contractual stipulations regarding the new financial liability is substantially different from that regarding the
existing financial liability, it terminates the recognition of the existing financial liability, and at the same time
recognizes the new financial liability. If executed practical modification on the whole or part of the contract
regulations of the existing financial liabilities, should terminate to recognize the existing financial liabilities or
certain part of it and at the same time recognize the revised financial liabilities as a new financial liabilities.

Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the enterprise concerned shall
include into the profits and losses of the current period for the gap between the book value which has been
terminated from recognition and the considerations it has paid (including the non-cash assets it has transferred
out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed).

If the Company re-purchase part of the financial liabilities, should distribute the whole book value of the
financial liabilities according to the comparatively fair value between the continued reorganization part and
the terminated reorganization part on the re-purchase date. And the difference between the book value
distributed to the terminated recognition part and the counter price of the paid part (including the rolled out
non-cash assets or the new financial liabilities undertook) should be included in the current gains and losses.

(5) Recognition method of the fair value of the financial assets and the financial liabilities

As for the financial instruments for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the active market
shall be used to determine the fair values thereof. Where there is no active market for a financial instrument,
the Company concerned shall adopt value appraisal techniques to determine its fair value. The value appraisal
techniques mainly include the prices adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest
market transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial
instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing model,

                                                            2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


(6) Impairment test of financial assets (excluding the accounts receivable) and withdrawal method of
impairment provision

The Company inspects the book value of the financial assets on the balance sheet date to judge whether there
are evidences indicate that the financial assets had occurred impairment owning to the occurrence of one or
multiple events.

As for the measurement for impairment of financial assets measured on the basis of the post-amortization
costs, where there is any objective evidence proving that a financial asset measured on the basis of
post-amortization costs is impaired, should be recognized by the carrying amount of the difference between
the said financial asset which shall be written down to the current value of the predicted future cash flow
(excluding the loss of future credits not yet occurred) and the amount of the as written down which shall be
recognized as loss of the impairment of the asset. When calculating the current value of the estimated future
cash flow, should adopt the original effective interests’ rate of the financial assets as the discount rate. The
book value of the assets should be written down to the estimated recoverable amount through impairment
provision items with the written down amount be included in the current gains and losses. As for the
financial assets with individual significant amount, should adopt the individual assessment for ensure
whether there are objective evidences indicate the impairment provision and as for the other assets with
insignificant amount, should be inspected by individual or group assessment for ensure whether there are
objective evidences indicate the impairment provision.

As for the financial assets measured by cost, if there are evidences indicate the impairment of the financial
instruments without market price which had not measured by fair value because the fair value could not be
reliable measured, the amount of the impairment losses should be measured by the difference between the
book value of the financial assets and the current value of the estimated future cash flow acquired from the
discounting measurement of the current market return rate of the similar financial assets.

Where an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of
the fair value of the owner’s equity which was directly included shall be transferred out and recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period.

11. Receivables

(1) Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which the bad debt provision is made individually

Definition or amount criteria for an account    Accounts receivable with a significant single amount refer to the top five
receivable with a significant single amount     accounts receivable with the largest balances or accounts accounting for
                                                over 10% of the total balance of receivables.

Making separate bad-debt provisions for         Where there is objective evidence proving that the Company is not able to
accounts receivable with a significant single   recover the full amount of an account receivable according to the original
amount                                          terms in relation to the account, an independent impairment test is carried
                                                out on the account receivable and the bad-debt provision is made according

                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                    to the difference between the present value of the account’s future cash
                                                    flows and the account’s carrying amount. If the independent impairment test
                                                    shows that the account receivable has not been impaired, the balance of the
                                                    account is put into the corresponding group and the bad-debt provision is
                                                    made using the balance percentage method.

(2) Accounts receivable which the bad debt provision is withdrawn by credit risk characteristics

Grouping criteria:

                                                                                          Making bad-debt provisions for accounts
   Group name                                  Group name
                                                                                                receivable on the group basis

                        The accounts receivable with similar credit risks
                        characteristics formed from other common business                 Percentage balance method
transaction group
                        except for the internal business

                                                                                         Withdraw the bad debt provision according
                        The accounts receivable with similar credit risks
Internal transaction                                                                     to the difference between the lower amount
                        characteristics formed from the related party business
group                                                                                    of the current value of the future cash flow
                        among the consolidated financial statement
                                                                                         than its book value

(3) Accounts receivable which the bad debt provision is withdrawn by balance risk characteristics and the
withdrawal method of the bad debts provision of the other accounts receivable

—For receivable groups for which bad-debt provisions are made using the balance percentage method:

                     Group name                            Provision ratio for account               Provision ratio for other
                                                                receivables (%)                          receivables (%)

 Common transaction groups                                            6%                                       6%

(4)Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad-debt provision is made

 Reason        of       individually
                                        There are definite evidences indicate the obvious difference of the returnability.
 withdrawing bad debt provision

 Withdrawal method for bad debt         Withdraw the bad debt provision according to the difference of which the future cash
                                        flow lower than the book value.

—As for other receivables (including notes receivable, prepayments, interest receivable, long-term
receivables, etc.), bad-debt provisions are made according to the differences between the present values of
their future cash flows and their carrying amounts.

12. Inventory

Inventory category: raw materials, products in processing, materials for consigned processing, finished
products, semi-manufactured semi-finished products, and low-value consumption goods.

                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Accounting of inventory: raw materials and finished products shall be measured at actual cost, while
weighted average method shall be adopted when receiving or outgoing.

Recognition of provision for falling price of inventory and withdrawal: The Company shall make provision
for falling price of inventory on the basis of each item of inventory at the balance that net realizable value is
lower than carrying cost. For finished goods, merchandise inventories, and available for sale materials which
are applied directly for sales of stock inventory, the amount after deducting the estimated sale expense and
relevant taxes from the estimated sell price of the inventory shall be recognized as the net realizable value.
For material inventories which need to be processed, the amount after deducting the estimated cost of
completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of produced finished
goods shall be recognized as the net realizable value.

Inventory system: a perpetual inventory system

13. Long-term equity investments

(1) Recognition of provision for falling price of inventory and withdrawal

① For the merger of enterprises under the same control, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the share of the
book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment,
and the direct relevant expenses occurred for the merger of enterprises shall be included into the profits and
losses of the current period.

② For the merger of enterprises not under the same control, The combination costs shall be the fair values,
on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued
by the Company in exchange for the control on the acquiree, and all relevant direct costs incurred to the
acquirer for the business combination. Where any future event that is likely to affect the combination costs is
stipulated in the combination contract or agreement, if it is likely to occur and its effects on the combination
costs can be measured reliably, the Company shall record the said amount into the combination costs.

③ The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost
which is actually paid. The cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtainment of the long-term
equity investment, taxes and other necessary expenses.

④ The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair
value of the equity securities issued.

⑤ The cost of a long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets (having commercial
nature) shall be recognized base on taking the fair value and relevant payable taxes as the cost of the assets

⑥ The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be recognized at
the fair value.

(2) Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment and recognized method of investment income

                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

① The long-term equity investment of the Company that is able to control the invested enterprise should be
measured by cost method. The dividends or profits declared to distribute by the invested entity shall be
recognized as the current investment income.

② The Company measured the long-term equity investment of the joint ventures and the associated
enterprises by equity method. If the cost of the long-term equity investment is more than the Company's
attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the cost of
the long-term equity investment may not be adjusted;

③ If the cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the Company's attributable share of the fair value
of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the difference shall be included in the current
profits and losses and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted simultaneously. The
Company shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the long-term equity
investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially form the net investment made to the
invested entity are reduced to zero, unless the investing enterprise has the obligation to undertake extra losses.
The Company shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when it
obtains the investment, recognize the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after
it adjusts the net profits of the invested entity.

(3) Provision for impairment of long-term investment

The Company shall conduct inspection to long-term investment item by item at the end of reporting period. If
the market price of long-term investment falls into sustained decline or the invested enterprise’s operation
status grow worse, which will cause that the recoverable amount is lower than carrying value, moreover, such
reduced value will not be restored in predicted future period, then the negative balance between the
recoverable amount and carrying value of long-term investment shall be measured as provision for
impairment of long-term investment. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of
the net amount of the fair value of the long-term equity investment minus the disposal expenses and the
current value of the expected future cash flow of the long-term equity investment. Once any loss of
impairment of the long-term investment is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting

14. Measurement of Fixed Assets and Depreciation

(1) Recognition conditions of fixed assets

Fixed assets of the Company refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows:
they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business
management; and their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year and unit price is higher.

(2) Category of fixed assets

Housing and building, machinery equipment, transportation vehicle and electronic equipment;

                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(3) Depreciation method of each fixed assets

The fixed assets should be withdrew and depreciated within the useful lift by adopting straight-line
depreciation since the next month when reached the estimated available state. The appraisal economical
useful life and depreciation rate are listed as below:
         Categories                   Useful life           Annual depreciation rate            Residuals rate
 Housing and building
                                       3—25                    31.67%-3.80%                          5%
 Machinery equipments
                                        2—8                    47.50%-11.88%                         5%

 Transportation vehicle
                                       5—10                    19.00%-9.50%                          5%

 Electronic equipment                   2—8                    47.50%-11.88%                         5%

The “expected net salvage value” refers to the expected amount that the Company may obtain from the
current disposal of a fixed asset after deducting the expected disposal expenses at the expiration of its
expected useful life.

(4) Impairment test method and withdrawal method of the impairment provision of the fixed assets

The Company shall carry out inspection to fixed assets item by item every year. If the recoverable amount
is lower than carrying value due to sustained decline of market price of fixed assets or technological
obsolescence, damage or long-term idle, then the provision for impairment of fixed assets shall be
withdrawn on the basis of the balance hereof. Once any loss of impairment of the fixed assets is recognized,
it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods. The recoverable amount shall be determined
in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of the fixed assets minus the disposal expenses
and the current value of the expected future cash flow of the fixed assets. The current value of future cash
flow of assets shall be recognized based on the amount after the predicated future cash flow occurred in the
process of continuous services and when the final disposal is discounted by adopting proper discount rate.

15. Construction in Progress

Construction in progress shall be measured at actual cost. Constructions in progress shall be carried down
to fixed assets by adopting provisional estimate when bringing to the expected conditions for use. After
completion and settlement procedures, the Company shall adjust the carrying value of fixed assets at the
actual cost. As for interests on borrowings incurred to special-borrowing loans or general borrowing for the
acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization and the ancillary expense
incurred to special-borrowing loans, those incurred before a qualified asset under acquisition, construction
or production is ready for the intended use or sale shall be capitalized into capitalized cost, while those
incurred after a qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended
use or sale shall be included into the profits and losses of the current period.
Provision for impairment of construction in progress: the Company shall carry out overall inspection to the
construction in progress at the end of the reporting period. If the construction in progress has been stopped

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for a long time and cannot be continued restarting in the coming three years, and such construction in
progress has already fallen behind, whatever in performance or in technology, resulting in an uncertainty to
economic benefit of the Company, and there is an obvious evidence shows that the construction in progress
has been impaired, then provision for impairment of the construction in progress shall be withdrawn based
on the negative balance between the recoverable amount of single construction in progress and carrying
value. Once any loss of impairment of the construction in progress is recognized, it shall not be switched
back in the future accounting periods.

16. Borrowing costs
Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company can be directly attributable to the acquisition and
construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recorded into the
costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual
amount incurred, and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses.
The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements:
the asset disbursements have already incurred, which shall include the cash, transferred non-cash assets or
interest bearing debts paid for the acquisition and construction or production activities for preparing assets
eligible for capitalization; the borrowing costs has already incurred; and the acquisition and construction or
production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already
To-be-capitalized amount of interests of borrowing: As for interests of borrowing occurred
special-borrowing loans or general borrowing for the acquisition and construction or production of assets
eligible for capitalization, those incurred before a qualified asset under acquisition, construction or
production is ready for the intended use or sale shall be capitalized based on the following methods:
As for special-borrowing loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual cost
incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the
unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment.

17. Intangible assets

(1) Measurement of intangible assets

① The cost of outsourcing intangible assets shall be measured at actual expenditures occurred for reaching
the expected use purpose.

② The research expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shall be
recorded into the profit or loss for the current period. The development expenditures for its internal research
and development projects of the Company may be confirmed as cost of intangible assets when they satisfy
capitalization conditions.

                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

③ The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the conventional
value in the investment contract or agreement, except for those of unfair value in the contract or agreement.

④ The intangible assets received by the Company through accepting debtor’s non-cash assets for
compensation for debts, or by receivables, shall be measured at the fair value of the intangible assets

⑤ The cost invested into intangible assets by non-monetary transaction shall be determined according to
the fair value of non-monetary assets and relevant payable taxes.

(2) Amortization of intangible assets

Intangible assets with limited service life shall be amortized by the straight-line method within its estimated
service life. If it is unable to forecast the period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to
the Company, it shall be regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain service life. Intangible assets with
uncertain service life may not be amortized.

(3) Provision for impairment of intangible assets

The Company shall made overall inspection to the intangible asset at the end of reporting period. If the
intangible assets have already been replaced by other new technologies, resulting in the Company’s ability
to create economic benefits suffering materials adverse influence, or a sustained decline of market price of
intangible assets and impossible to be recover within the residual amortization years, or certain intangible
asset has exceeded the term protected by law but still part of useful value is remained, or there is an obvious
evidence shows that the intangible assets has been impaired, then provision for impairment of the intangible
assets shall be withdrawn based on the balance between the recoverable amount of single intangible assets
and carrying value. Once any loss of impairment of the intangible assets is recognized, it shall not be
switched back in the future accounting periods.

18. Long-term Deferred Expense

Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year (one year
excluded) that have occurred but attributable to the current and future periods. Long-term deferred expense
shall be recoded into book in the light of the actual expenditure, and amortized averagely within benefit
period. In case of no benefit in the future accounting period, the amortized value of such project that fails to
be amortized shall be transferred into the profits and losses of the current period.

19. Payroll

(1) Accounting treatment of short-term compensation

Short-term compensation mainly including salary, bonus, allowances and subsidies, employee services and
benefits, medical insurance premiums, birth insurance premium, industrial injury insurance premium,
housing fund, labor union expenditure and personnel education fund, non-monetary benefits etc. The

                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

short-term compensation actually happened during the accounting period when the active staff offering the
service for the Group should be recognized as liabilities and is included in the current gains and losses or
relevant assets cost. Of which the non-monetary benefits should be measured according to the fair value.

(2) Accounting treatment of the welfare after demission

If an enterprise cancels the labor relationship with any employee prior to the expiration of the relevant labor
contract or brings forward any compensation proposal for the purpose of encouraging the employee to
accept a layoff, and should recognize the payroll liabilities occurred from the demission welfare base on the
earlier date between the time when the Group could not one-sided withdraw the demission welfare which
offered by the plan or layoff proposal owning to relieve the labor relationship and the date the Group
recognizes the cost related to the reorganization of the payment of the demission welfare and at the same
time includes which into the current gains and losses. But if the demission welfare is estimated that could
not totally pay after the end of the annual report within 12 months, should be disposed according to other
long-term payroll payment.

Welfare after demission mainly includes setting drawing plan. Of which setting the drawing plan mainly
includes basic endowment insurance and unemployment insurance, and the corresponding payable and
deposit amount should be included into the relevant assets cost or the current gains and losses when

(3) Accounting treatment of the demission welfare

The inside employee retirement plan is treated by adopting the same principle with the above dismiss ion
welfare. The group would recorded the salary and the social security insurance fees paid and so on from the
employee’s service terminative date to normal retirement date into current profits and losses (dismiss ion
welfare) under the condition that they meet the recognition conditions of estimated liabilities.

(4) Accounting treatment of the welfare of other long-term staffs

The other long-term welfare that the Group offers to the staffs, if met with the setting drawing plan, should
be accounting disposed according to the setting drawing plan, while the rest should be disposed according
to the setting revenue plan.

20. Estimated liabilities

(1) Recognition of estimated debts

The obligation such as external guaranty, pending litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance, layoff
plan, loss contract, restructuring and disposal of fixed assets, pertinent to a contingencies shall be
recognized as an estimated debts when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: ① That
obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise; ② It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out
of the enterprise as a result of performance of the obligation; and ③ The amount of the obligation can be

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measured in a reliable way.

(2) Measurement of estimated debts

The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary
expenses for the performance of the current obligation. If there is a sequent range for the necessary expenses
and if all the outcomes within this range are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined in
accordance with the middle estimate within the range. In other cases, the best estimate shall be conducted in
accordance with the following situations, respectively: ① If the Contingencies concern a single item, it shall
be determined in the light of the most likely outcome. ② If the Contingencies concern two or more items,
the best estimate should be calculated and determined in accordance with all possible outcomes and the
relevant probabilities. ③ When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated
debts of an enterprise is expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation should be separately
recognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will be obtained. The
Company shall check the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. The amount of
compensation is not exceeding the book value of the recognized estimated liabilities.

21. Recognition of revenue

(1) No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are met

① The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer by the

② The Company retains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the
ownership nor effective control over the sold goods;

③ The revenue amount and the relevant cost which had occurred or will occur could be reliable measured;

④ The relevant economic benefits may flow into the Company.

(2) Specific principles for recognition of the “domestic sale and export” incomes of the Company:

① Method for recognition of the domestic sale income:

According to the buyer’s requirements, the Company delivers to the buyer the products that have been
considered qualified upon examination. The amount of the income has been determined and the sales
invoice has been issued. The payment for the delivered products has been received in full or is expectedly

② Method for recognition of the export income:

The Company produces the products according to the contract signed with the buyer. After the products
have been examined as qualified, the Company completes the customs clearing procedure for export. The
shipping company loads the products for shipping. The amount of the income has been determined and the

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export sales invoice has been issued. The payment for the delivered products has been received in full or is
expectedly recoverable.

(3) The Company provides the external labor service with the revenues should be recognized according to
the following methods:

① The labor service started and completed during the same accounting year should be recognized as
revenues when the labor service completed. While if the starting and the completion of the labor service
attribute to different accounting year, and the Company can, on the date of the balance sheet, reliably
estimate the outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services it provides, it shall recognize the
relevant revenue from providing services employing the percentage-of-completion method.

② If an enterprise can not, on the date of the balance sheet, measure the result of a transaction concerning
the providing of labor services in a reliable way, it shall be conducted in accordance with the following
circumstances, respectively: If the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the
revenue from the providing of labor services shall be recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost
of labor services incurred, and the cost of labor services shall be carried forward at the same amount; If the
cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate, the revenue shall be recognized in accordance
with the amount of the cost of labor service can be compensated, and regard the occurred labor cost as the
current cost; if all cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate and no revenue from the
providing of labor services may be recognized and regard the occurred labor cost as the current cost.

(4) The revenue from abalienating of right to use assets consists of interest revenue and royalty revenue, and

no revenue from abalienating of right to use assets may be recognized unless the following conditions are
met simultaneously:

① The relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the Company;

② The amount of revenues can be measured in a reliable way.

③ The royalty revenue of the revenue from abalienating of right to use assets, should be recognized as the
operation revenue according to the chargeable time as well as the calculation method stipulated by the
relevant contracts and agreements.

22. Government Subsidies

No government subsidy may be recognized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously: (1) The
Company can meet the conditions for the government subsidies; and (2) The Company can obtain the
government subsidies.

If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or receivable
amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value. If its fair
value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount.

The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed

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within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. But the
government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included in the current profits
and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance with
the circumstances as follows: (1) Those subsidies used for compensating the related future expenses or
losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current profits and
losses during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized; or (2) Those subsidies used for
compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be directly included in the
current profits and losses.
23. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Basic of recognizing the deferred income tax assets

① As for the book value and the tax base of the assets and the liabilities exist deductible temporary
difference, the Company shall recognize the deferred income tax liability arising from a deductible
temporary difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and
which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference according to the applicable tax rate of the
period which recovered the estimated assets or paid off the liabilities.

② On the balance sheet date, if there is any exact evidence showing that it is likely to acquire a sufficient
amount of taxable income in a future period to offset against the deductible temporary difference, the
deferred income tax assets unrecognized in prior periods shall be recognized.

③ The book value of deferred income tax assets shall be reviewed at each balance sheet date. If it is
unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable income to offset against the benefit of the deferred income tax asset, the
book value of the deferred income tax assets shall be written down. Any such write-down should be
subsequently reversed where it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be available.

(2) Basic of recognizing the deferred income tax liabilities

As for the book value and the tax base of the assets and the liabilities exist payable temporary difference,
the Company shall recognize the deferred income tax liability arising from a payable temporary difference
according to the applicable tax rate of the period which recovered the estimated assets or paid off the

24. Lease

(1) Accounting treatment of operating lease

For the leasee of he operating lease, the rent expenses from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee
in the relevant asset costs or the profits and losses of the current period by using the straight-line method
over each period of the lease term. The initial direct costs shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the
current period; the contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in
which they actually arise. A lessor shall include the assets subject to operating leases in relevant items of its

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balance sheets in light of the nature of the asset;The rents from operating leases shall be recorded in the
profits and losses of the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term;
the initial direct costs incurred to a lessor shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
As for the fixed assets subject to operating leases, the lessor shall calculate the depreciation of it by
adopting depreciation policy for similar assets; as for other leased assets, systematic and reasonable
methods shall be adopted for its amortization; the contingent rents shall be recorded in the profits and losses
of the period in which they actually arise.

(2) Accounting treatments of financial lease

On the lease beginning date, a lessee shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the
present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the entering value in an
account, recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as the entering value in an account of
long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the
long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges; the initial direct costs such as commissions,
attorney's fees and traveling expenses, stamp duties directly attributable to the leased item incurred during
the process of lease negotiating and signing the leasing agreement shall be recorded in the asset value of the
current period; when amortizing the unrecognized financial charges during each period within the lease
term, should recognize the current financial expenses by the actual interests rate; and the contingent rental
should be included the current gains and losses when actually arise When a lessee calculates the present
value of the minimum lease payments, if it can obtain the lessor's interest rate implicit in the lease, it shall
adopt the interest rate implicit in the lease as the discount rate. Otherwise, it shall adopt the interest rate
provided in the lease agreement as the discount rate. In case the lessee cannot obtain the lessor's interest
rate implicit in the lease and no interest rate is provided in the lease agreement, the lessee shall adopt the
borrowing interest rate of the bank for the same period as the discount rate. If it is reasonable to be certain
that the lessee will obtain the ownership of the leased asset when the lease term expires, the leased asset
shall be fully depreciated over its useful life. If it is not reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain
the ownership of the leased asset at the expiry of the lease term, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated
over the shorter one of the lease term or its useful life. On the beginning date of the lease term, a lessor
shall recognize the sum of the minimum lease receipts on the lease beginning date and the initial direct
costs as the entering value in an account of the financing lease values receivable, and record the
unguaranteed residual value at the same time; the balance between the sums of the minimum lease receipts,
the initial direct costs and the unguaranteed residual value, and the sum of their present values shall be
recognized as unrealized financing income; the unrealized financing income shall be allocated to each
period during the lease term; the lessor shall calculate the financing income at the current period by
adopting the effective interest rate method; contingent rents shall be recognized as an expense in the period
in which they are actually incurred.

25. Other comprehensive income

Other comprehensive income refers to the gains and losses which had not been recognized from the current

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gains and losses according to the regulations of the accounting standard. And should be classified as the
following two categories for presentation:

(I) As for the other comprehensive income items which could not be re-classified in the gains and losses
during the afterwards accounting period which mainly including the re-measurement of the changes of the
net liabilities or the net assets of the defined benefit plan and the shares enjoyed among the other
comprehensive income which could not be re-classified in the gains and losses during the afterwards
accounting period of the investees that measured according to the equity method etc.

(II) Re-classified the other comprehensive income items during the afterwards accounting period when
meeting with the stipulated conditions, which mainly including the shares enjoyed among the among the
other comprehensive income which be re-classified in the gains and losses during the afterwards accounting
period when meeting with the stipulated conditions, the gains or losses form by the changes of the fair
value of the available-for-sale financial assets, the gains or losses from the held-to-maturity investment
which be re-classified as available-for-sale financial assets, the part of the gains or losses occurred from the
hedging tool of the cash flow which attribute to the effective hedging and the discounted difference of the
foreign currency financial statement etc.

26. Method for Profit Distribution

In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Company’s profit shall be distributed in order as

—Making up losses in the previous year;

—Appropriating 10% net profit as statutory public reserve, if accumulative appropriated amount reaches
over 50% of registered capital, the Company may no longer appropriate;

—Appropriating discretionary public reserve after approval by the Shareholders’ General Meeting;

—Retained profit shall be distributed according to the resolution of the Shareholders’ General Meeting.

27. Changes in main accounting policies and estimates

(1) Change of accounting policies

In 2014, Ministry of Finance revised No. 2 of ASBE-Long-term Equity Investment, No. 9 of
ASBE-Employee Compensation, No.30 of ASBE-Presentation of Financial Statement, No. 33 of
ASBE-Presentation of Consolidated Financial Statement and issued the specific regulations of No. 39 of
ASBE-Measurement of Fair Value, No. 40 of ASBE-Joint Venture Arrangement and No. 41 of ASBE-
Disclosure of the Equity among Other Entities, which be executed by the Company since 1 Jul. 2014. And
No. 37 of ASBE-Presentation of Financial Instruments is executed since the starting of the 2014 annual

                                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Adjustments to items and amounts in the comparative financial statements according to the new and revised
accounting standards:

 Accounting        Accounting policy changes and their           Influence on relevant financial statement items(+/-)

 standard          influence on the Company                      Item                           1 Jan. 2013       31 Dec. 2013


                                                                                                -4,012,728.75     -3,903,197.90
                                                                 financial assets

                                                                 Financial             assets
  and its application guideline
 Statement                                                       Deferred incomes               19,353,441.69     11,092,550.73
                                                                 Capital reserves               -35,523,341.07    -27,717,587.47


                                                                 comprehensive                  35,523,341.07     27,717,587.47


Except for the financial statement items above, the accounting policy changes have no influence on the
Company’s total assets at the end of 2012 and 2013 as well as its net profits for 2012 and 2013.

 (2) Change of accounting estimates

There was no any change of the accounting estimates of the Company during the reporting period.

                                                               2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

IV. Main taxes
1. Turnover tax and additional taxes

            Item                    Basis of tax payment (fees)                    Taxes (fees) rate           Notes

     Business tax                          Operating income                              5%

   Added-value tax                          Sales revenues                               17%

 Urban construction
        tax                           Turnover taxes payable                           7%/5%

 Education surcharge                  Turnover taxes payable                             3%

   Local education
                                      Turnover taxes payable                             2%

2. Corporate income tax

                        Company name                                       Tax rate                        Notes

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                     15%                          Notes 1

Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.                                               15%                          Notes 2

Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.                      25%

Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.                                25%

Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd.                             25%

Foshan Electrical and Lighting New Light Source Technology
Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Co., Ltd.                                 25%

FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting Co., Ltd.                                            25%

Foshan Lighting Lamps & Components Co., Ltd.                                 25%

Guangdong Fozhao Leasing Co., Ltd.                                           25%

Notes 1: The Company was identified as a high-tech enterprise in Dec. 2008, and passed the re-examination
for the First Batch High-tech Enterprise in 2011 on 23 Aug. 2011, as well as won the “Certificate of
High-tech Enterprise” with serial number GR201144000059 after approval by Department of Science and
Technology of Guangdong Province, Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial
Bureau of State Taxation and Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Local Taxation. In accordance with relevant

                                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

provisions in Corporate Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administration
Measures for Identification of High-tech Enterprises promulgated in 2007, the Company paid the corporate
income tax based on a tax rate of 15% within three years since 1 Jan. 2011.

The Company had submitted the reexamine materials of the high-tech enterprise qualification on 2 Jul. 2014
and had passed the re-examination for the First Batch High-tech Enterprise in 2014 of Guangdong Province
as well as won the “Certificate of High-tech Enterprise” with serial number GR201444001411 after approval
by Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Department of Finance of Guangdong
Province, Guangdong Provincial Bureau of State Taxation and Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Local
Taxation on 17 Mar. 2015. In accordance with relevant provisions in Corporate Income Tax Law of the
People's Republic of China and the Administration Measures for Identification of High-tech Enterprises
promulgated in 2007, the Company paid the corporate income tax based on a tax rate of 15% within three
years since 1 Jan. 2014.

Notes 2: The subordinate subsidiary of the Company, Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd. was identified as a
high-tech enterprise and won the “Certificate of High-tech Enterprise” with serial number GR201232000797
after approval by Department of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province, Department of Finance of
Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of State Taxation and Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Local
Taxation on 6 Aug. 2012. n accordance with relevant provisions in Corporate Income Tax Law of the
People's Republic of China and the Administration Measures for Identification of High-tech Enterprises
promulgated in 2007, the Company paid the corporate income tax based on a tax rate of 15% within three
years since 1 Jan. 2012.

3. Other taxes

Paid according to the relevant regulation of the tax law.

V. Notes to Main Items of Consolidated Financial Statements
1. Monetary funds

                   Item                                  Closing balance                        Opening balance

                                             13,150.43                              6,626.15
Bank deposits                                915,022,578.88                         891,208,601.93

Other currency funds                         74,682,666.29                          6,460,596.14

                  Total                      989,718,395.60                         897,675,824.22

Of which: the total amount of the accounts
                                             -                                      -
deposited in overseas

                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

—All bank deposits are in the name of the Company or the subsidiaries which are within the scope of
consolidated financial statements.
—The closing other monetary funds were mainly the refundable deposits in securities companies, Alipay
balance and quality guarantee deposits, of which the quality guarantee deposits of RMB 17,160.00 is
restricted in use.

2. Financial assets measured by fair value and the changes be included in the current gains and losses
                                                                   Closing fair value          Opening            fair
Item                                                                                           value
Financial assets appointed to be measured by fair value with
the changes be included in the current gains and losses
       Of which: Funds                                             -                           3,903,197.90
Stocks                                                             20,320.00                                  -
Total                                                              20,320.00                   3,903,197.90
3. Notes receivable
(1) Notes receivable listed by category
Item                                      Closing balance                      Opening balance
Bank acceptance bill                      126,676,364.36                       154,142,432.66
Commercial acceptance bill                124,316,920.77                                       -
Total                                     250,993,285.13                       154,142,432.66
—The closing balance of the notes receivable at the period-end had increased of RMB 96,850,852.47 with
the growing rate of 62.83%, which was mainly due to the Company adopted the commercial acceptance bill
to execute accounts settlement.
(2) Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the period-end

(3) Notes receivable which had endorsed by the Company or had discounted and had not due on the balance
sheet date at the period-end
                                   Amount of recognition termination        Amount        of       not   terminated
                                   at the period-end                        recognition at the period-end
Bank acceptance bill               111,357,980.01                                          -
Total                              111,357,980.01                                          -
(4) Notes receivable which had endorsed by the Company had not due on the balance sheet date at the

                                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 (5) Notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to executed the contract or

4. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by category
                                                                              Closing balance
                                                   Book balance                     Bad debt provision
                                                                 Proportion                          Proportion       Book value
                                             Amount                                Amount
                                                                    (%)                                 (%)

Significant single amounts and
make independent        provision for -                      -                -                  -                -
impairment losses

Accounts receivable withdrawn
bad debt provision according to 343,565,611.11               99.81            20,613,936.66      6.00             322,951,674.45
credit risks characteristics

Of which: balance group               343,565,611.11         99.81            20,613,936.66      6.00             322,951,674.45
Accounts receivable with
insignificant single amount for
which bad debt provision              664,739.65             0.19             664,739.65         100.00                        -
separately accrued
                Total                 344,230,350.76         100.00           21,278,676.31      6.18             322,951,674.45

                                                                              Opening balance
                                                   Book balance                     Bad debt provision
                                                                 Proportion                          Proportion       Book value
                                             Amount                                Amount
                                                                    (%)                                 (%)

Significant single amounts and
make independent provision for -                             -                -                  -                -
impairment losses

Accounts receivable withdrawn
bad debt provision according to 415,124,186.83               100.00           24,907,451.21      6.00             390,216,735.62
credit risks characteristics

Of which: balance group               415,124,186.83         100.00           24,907,451.21      6.00             390,216,735.62
Accounts receivable with
insignificant single amount for
which bad debt provision                              -             -                      -          -                        -
separately accrued
                Total                 415,124,186.83         100.00           24,907,451.21      6.00             390,216,735.62
—Within the combination, analysis of accounts receivable that make provision for losses by balance
percentage method:
                                          Closing balance                                       Opening balance
   Account age

                                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                   Withdrawal                                        Withdrawal
                             Accounts           Bad debt                             Accounts         Bad debt
                                                                   proportion                                        proportion
                            receivable          provision                           receivable        provision
                                                                      (%)                                               (%)
  Within 1 year          306,937,691.65      18,416,261.48         6.00          400,771,383.02   24,046,282.98      6.00
1-2 years                29,157,612.10       1,749,456.73          6.00          8,937,973.75     536,278.43         6.00
2-3 years                4,582,143.84        274,928.63            6.00          4,757,260.70     285,435.64         6.00
Over 3 years             2,888,163.52        173,289.82            6.00          657,569.36       39,454.16          6.00
       Total             343,565,611.11      20,613,936.66         6.00          415,124,186.83   24,907,451.21      6.00

—Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued

                Content                   Book balance        Bad debt           proportion                    Reason

Shanghai Jinshen Electric Co., Ltd.       200,000.00        200,000.00          100.00               Eatimatediy uncollectinle

Hangzhou         Huage        Lighting
                                          186,220.00        186,220.00          100.00               Eatimatediy uncollectinle
Engineering Co., Ltd.

Kunming             Hongguangming
                                          278,519.65        278,519.65          100.00               Eatimatediy uncollectinle
Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd.

                 Total                    664,739.65        664,739.65          100.00

(2) Accounts receivable increased of the enterprise combine as well as withdrawn, reversed or collected
during the reporting period

The increase of the bad debt provision of the enterprise combine of the reporting period was of RMB99,394.75, the withdrawn

bad debt provision amount was of RMB 0.00 with the reversed bad debt provision amount of RMB 3,691,456.02.

(3) The actual write-off accounts receivable

                                                                                                   Whether occurred from the
  Name of the units                Nature                   Amount                 Reason
                                                                                                      related transactions

Verification of small                                                       Estimated not to                   No
amount                         Goods payment           36,713.63
                                                                            be recovered

        Total                                          36,713.63

                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(4) Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears party

                                                                                 Aging       Proportion of the       Closing
                                                                                               total year end     balance of bad
                Name of units                   Nature        Closing balance                 balance of the      debt provision
                                                                                              receivable (%)

                                                Goods                           Within 1
Enterprise unit 1                                         19,092,583.73                      5.55                1,145,555.02
                                                payment                           year

                                                Goods                           Within 1
Enterprise unit 2                                         13,267,801.82                      3.85                796,068.11
                                                payment                           year

                                                Goods                           Within 2
Enterprise unit 3                                         10,141,244.40                      2.95                608,474.66
                                                payment                           years

                                                Goods                           Within 1
Enterprise unit 4                                         9,546,635.80                       2.77                572,798.15
                                                payment                           year

                                                Goods                           Within 1
Enterprise unit 5                                         7,800,400.78                       2.27                468,024.05
                                                payment                           year

                       Total                      /       59,848,666.53             /        17.39               3,590,919.99

(5) Account receivable which terminate the recognition owning to the transfer of the financial assets


(6) The amount of the assets and liabilities formed by the transfer and the continues involvement of accounts


5. Prepayment

(1) List by aging analysis

                                                      Closing balance                           Opening balance
                                      Amount                  Proportion (%)              Amount               Proportion (%)
Within 1 year                   11,552,758.71          92.04                    21,791,005.82           90.59
1 to 2 years                    807,228.91             6.43                     1,716,958.54            7.14
2 to 3 years                    144,407.98             1.15                     48,253.97               0.20

Over 3 years                    47,171.31              0.38                     498,101.01

               Total            12,551,566.91          100.00                   24,054,319.34

                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

—The balance of prepayments has decreased by RMB 11,502,752.43 compared with the period-begin, an
decrease of 47.82%, which was mainly due to the advertising expenses and materials had been put into
settlement of the last period.

(2) Top 5 of the closing balance of the prepayment colleted according to the prepayment target
               Name of the customers                  Relationship            Amount                         Proportion

                                                                          1,860,058.71          Within 1
Enterprise unit 1                                      supplier                                             14.82

                                                                          1,351,731.40          Within 1
Enterprise unit 2                                                                                           10.77

                                                      Non-related                               Within 1
Enterprise unit 3                                                         842,722.44                        6.71

                                                      Non-related                               Within 1
Enterprise unit 4                                                         691,653.44                        5.51

                                                      Non-related                               Within 1
Enterprise unit 5                                                         445,676.67                        3.55

                            Total                            /            5,191,842.66             /        41.36

6. Interest receivable

(1) Category of interest receivable
                    Item                          Closing balance                           Opening balance

Bank deposits on a regular basis       2,101,275.54                              1,304,200.33

                    Total              2,101,275.54                              1,304,200.33

(2) Significant overdue interest

7. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by category
                                                                     Closing balance
                                          Book balance                     Bad debt provision
                                                      Proportion                         Proportion        Book value
                                       Amount                             Amount
                                                         (%)                                (%)

                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Significant single amounts and
make independent provision for -                               -                 -                      -                   -
impairment losses

Other       accounts          receivable
withdrawn bad debt provision
                                           78,854,090.02       100.00            4,731,245.39           6.00                74,122,844.63
according       to        credit   risks

Of which: balance group                    78,854,090.02       100.00            4,731,245.39           6.00                74,122,844.63
Accounts receivable with
insignificant single amount for
which bad debt provision                             -                 -                    -                -                         -
separately accrued
                  Total                    78,854,090.02       100.00            4,731,245.39           6.00                74,122,844.63


                                                                                 Opening balance

                  Item                               Book balance                        Bad debt provision
                                                                   Proportion                               Proportion           Book value
                                                 Amount                                 Amount
                                                                      (%)                                      (%)

Significant single amounts and
make independent provision for -                               -                 -                      -                   -
impairment losses

Other       accounts          receivable
withdrawn bad debt provision
                                           25,686,259.45       100.00            1,541,175.57           6.00                24,145,083.88
according       to        credit   risks

Of which: balance group                    25,686,259.45       100.00            1,541,175.57           6.00                24,145,083.88
Accounts receivable with
insignificant single amount for
which bad debt provision                                 -             -                    -                    -                         -
separately accrued
                  Total                    25,686,259.45       100.00            1,541,175.57           6.00                24,145,083.88

—Within the combination, analysis of accounts receivable that make provision for losses by balance percentage method:

                                             Closing balance                                           Opening balance
     Aging                                                          Withdrawal                                                      Withdrawal
                           Other accounts          Bad debt                           Other accounts                 Bad debt
                                                                    proportion                                                      proportion
                             receivable            provision                            receivable                   provision
                                                                       (%)                                                             (%)
Within 1 year             76,519,433.45         4,591,166.01        6.00             22,226,990.87           1,333,619.45           6.00
1 to 2 years              1,360,286.72          81,617.20           6.00             146,433.33              8,786.00               6.00
2 to 3 years              101,694.08            6,101.64            6.00             2,897,030.66            173,821.84             6.00

                                                                                     415,804.59              24,948.28
Over 3 years              872,675.77            52,360.54           6.00                                                            6.00

                                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                            Closing balance                                          Opening balance
     Aging                                                          Withdrawal                                              Withdrawal
                           Other accounts         Bad debt                          Other accounts           Bad debt
                                                                    proportion                                              proportion
                             receivable           provision                           receivable             provision
                                                                       (%)                                                     (%)

        Total          78,854,090.02          4,731,245.39          6.00                                  1,541,175.57      6.00

—The closing balance of the other accounts receivable at the period-end increased of RMB 53,167,830.57 over the

period-begin with the growing rate of 206.99%, which was mainly due to the promotion financial subsidies of the efficient

lighting products of the reporting period had not been settled.

(2) Bad debt provision increased of the enterprise combine as well as withdrawn reversed or collected during
the reporting period:

The increase of the bad debt provision of the enterprise combine of the reporting period was of RMB 0.00, the withdrawn bad

debt provision amount was of RMB3,190,069.82 with the reversed bad debt provision amount of RMB 0.00.

(3) The actual write-off other accounts receivable


(4) Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts
                      Nature                                    Closing book balance                        Opening book balance

Promotion financial subsidies of the efficient         59,524,157.04                                 -

lighting products

VAT export tax refunds                                 9,474,039.36                                  17,593,990.28

Performance earnest money                              3,844,371.53                                  1,766,135.60

Employee loans and petty cash                          2,130,228.48                                  1,604,560.63
Rent and water and electricity charges                  1,131,824.72                                     194,305.94

Relevant        accounts     of    street    lights    2,523,547.23                                  3,979,145.17


Other                                                  225,921.66                                    548,121.83

                                                       78,854,090.02                                 25,686,259.45

(5) Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears party

                                                                                 Aging      Proportion of the total         Closing
            Name of units                     Nature      Closing balance                  year end balance of the       balance of bad
                                                                                           accounts receivable (%)       debt provision
                                            subsidies of                       Within 2
Enterprise unit 1                           the efficient 59,524,157.04                   75.49                          3,571,449.42
                                               lighting                          years

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                Aging        Proportion of the total      Closing
            Name of units                  Nature             Closing balance               year end balance of the    balance of bad
                                                                                            accounts receivable (%)    debt provision

                                        VAT export                              Within 1
Enterprise unit 2                                             9,474,039.36                 12.01                       568,442.36
                                        tax refunds


                                        money          for

                                        relevant                                Within 1
Enterprise unit 3                                             2,523,547.23                 3.20                        151,412.83
                                        accounts        of                        year

                                        street       lights


                                         Performance                            Within 1
Enterprise unit 4                          earnest   1,380,000.00                          1.75                        82,800.00
                                            money                                 year

                                         Performance                            Within 1
Enterprise unit 5                          earnest   1,000,000.00                          1.27                        60,000.00
                                            money                                 year

                Total                            /            73,901,743.63                93.72                       4,434,104.61

(6) Accounts receivable involved with government subsidies
                                                                                                                 Estimated received
  Name of units          Project of government subsidies              Closing balance        Closing age
                                                                                                               time, amount and basis

                        Promotion financial subsidies of the
 Finance Bureau                                                        59,524,157.04        Within 2 years              2015
                             efficient lighting products

(7) Other account receivable which terminate the recognition owning to the transfer of the financial assets


(8) The amount of the assets and liabilities formed by the transfer and the continues involvement of other
accounts receivable


8. Inventory

(1) Changes of the increase/decrease of the inventory
                                       Closing balance                                             Opening balance
     Item                                Falling price                                               Falling price
                    Book balance                                  Book value       Book balance                        Book value
                                           reserves                                                    reserves

                                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Raw materials     66,135,274.34     2,950,206.73        63,185,067.61      70,269,329.70          3,170,835.38           67,098,494.32

                  153,424,838.87    2,183,082.98        151,241,755.89     121,442,224.71         2,102,946.36           119,339,278.35

Finished goods 419,125,198.44       9,718,644.81        409,406,553.63     335,274,523.00         6,158,637.61           329,115,885.39
fugitive items    1,961,595.35                  -       1,961,595.35       1,250,498.38                        -         1,250,498.38
     Total        640,646,907.00    14,851,934.52       625,794,972.48     528,236,575.79         11,432,419.35          516,804,156.44

(2) Falling price reserves of inventory
                                                    Increased amount                         Decreased amount

                                                         Increase of the
     Item         Opening balance                                                           Reverse or                    Closing balance
                                        Withdrawal          enterprise         Other                         Other


Raw materials 3,170,835.38          -                  450,787.05          -              671,415.70     -               2,950,206.73

                 2,102,946.36       54,536.77          125,352.60          -              99,752.75      -               2,183,082.98

                                                       125,615.14                     -                        -
Finished goods 6,158,637.61         8,368,087.47                                          4,933,695.41                   9,718,644.81

                 11,432,419.35      8,422,624.24       701,754.79                     - 5,704,863.86               -     14,851,934.52

9. Other current assets
                 Item                                    Closing balance                                 Beginning balance
     Deductible input tax of VAT
                                            31,783,068.68                                    9,408,829.51
                                            31,783,068.68                                    9,408,829.51

10. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) List of available-for-sale financial assets
                                                                                 Closing balance
                  Item                                                            Depreciation
                                                     Book balance                                                      Book value
Available-for-sale equity instruments

          Measured by fair value           114,908,227.84                         -                      114,908,227.84

       Measured by cost                    472,099,760.38                      5,850,000.00              466,249,760.38

                  Total                    587,007,988.22                      5,850,000.00              581,157,988.22

                                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                                                                        Opening balance
                     Item                                                                 Depreciation
                                                            Book balance                                                Book value
Available-for-sale equity instruments

          Measured by fair value                 62,634,402.88                            -                     62,634,402.88

         Measured by cost                        483,099,760.38                     9,148,904.81                473,950,855.57

                     Total                       545,734,163.26                     9,148,904.81                536,585,258.45

(2) Available-for-sale financial assets measured by fair value at the period-end
                                                                                              Changed amount of
                                   Cost of the equity                                            the fair value
                                 instruments/amortized                                          accumulatively             Withdrawn
         Category                                                   Fair value
                                  cost of the liabilities                                      included in other        impairment amount
                                       instruments                                              comprehensive
     Trading shares of
     China Everbright        30,025,476.44                     114,908,227.84             84,882,751.40                                -
                             30,025,476.44                     114,908,227.84             84,882,751.40                                -

(3)Available for sale financial assets measured by cost method                              at period-end

                                 Closing balance                                        Bad provision
                                                                                                                         Propor        Cash
Investee       Opening       Incre                        Closing     Opening       Incre        Decreas      Closing     tion       dividends
                                         Decrease         balance                                             balance
               balance           ase                                  balance           ase         e
              10,000,00                 10,000,00                     3,298,90                  3,298,90
Manage                       -                        -                             -                      -                     -           -
ment          0.00                      0.00                          4.81                      4.81
                                                                                                                         Less t
Zhongha       5,850,000.                              5,850,000.      5,850,00                             5,850,00
                             -          -                                           -           -                          han               -
o             00                                      00              0.00                                 0.00             5%
              6,000,000.                              6,000,000.
Industria                    -          -                             -             -           -          -             6.94%               -
l Co.,        00                                      00
Xiamen        292,574,1      -          -             292,574,1       -             -           -          -             6.91%       21,942,83

                                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Bank          33.00                              33.00                                                                            5.20

Co., Ltd.
Develop       500,000.0                          500,000.0
                           -         -                          -             -          -           -               than             -
ment          0                                  0                                                                    5%
Co., Ltd.
Develop       8,175,627.             1,000,000   7,175,627.
                           -                                    -             -          -           -              7.66%             -
ment          38                     .00         38
High-tec      160,000,0                          160,000,0                                                           14.84
                               -                                                  -
h Power       00.00                  -           00.00          -                        -           -                  %             -
Co., Ltd.
Total         483,099,7              11,000,00   472,099,7      9,148,90                 3,298,90    5,850,00                21,942,83
                               -                                                  -
              60.38                  0.00        60.38          4.81                     4.81        0.00                         5.20
-On 15 Aug. 2014, the Company signed Equity Transaction Contract with Guangzhou Finance Holdings
Group Co., Ltd., the Company transferred its equity of Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset Management Company
Limited to Guangzhou Finance Holdings Group Co., Ltd. On 6 Nov. 2014, Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset
Management Company Limited had finished the relevant equity change procedure. As of 31 Dec. 2014, the
Company no longer held equity of Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset Management Company Limited

-Revenue from Foshan Fochen Road Development Company Limited has been recorded into unified
collection and allocation system of road-bridge tolls. The Company regards such investments balances as
right to earnings, which shall be amortized within the remaining period of business of this company. In
current period, an investment cost of RMB 1,000,000.00 was amortized.

(4) Changes of the impairment of the available-for-sale financial assets during the reporting period

                                                                                                      Of which:
                                                                 Of which:
                       Balance of the                                                                 recovered         Balance of the
                                                              transferred from
                         withdrawn          Withdrawal                                 Decreased     and reversed         withdrawn
    Category                                                        other
                       impairment at         amount                                     amount         after the        impairment at
                      the period-begin                                                               period of the      the period-end
                                                                                                      fair value

Available for sale
equity                9,148,904.81                    -                   -           3,298,904.81              -      5,850,000.00

Total                 9,148,904.81                    -                   -           3,298,904.81              -      5,850,000.00

                                                            2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(5) Relevant notes of the fair value of the available-for-sale equity instruments which seriously fell or
temporarily fell but not withdrawn the impairment provision


11. Long-term equity investment

                                           Gains                             Cash                                  balance
Investe     Opening                         and        Adjustme     Chan    bonus     Withdr            Closing       of
  es        balance   Additi               losses         nt of      ges       or     awal of           balance    impair
                               Reduced                                                                              ment
                       onal               recogniz       other       of     profits   impair    Oth
                               investm                                                                             provisi
                      invest              ed under     comprehe     other   annou      ment     er
                                 ent                                                                                 on
                       ment                  the         nsive      equit    nced     provisi
                                           equity       income        y        to       on
                                           method                            issue

I. Joint ventures

Energy     12,807,6                       -9,117,9                                                      3,689,72
                      -        -                       -            -       -         -         -                  -
Exploit    42.03                          17.64                                                         4.39
           5,395,44            5,395,44
  n                       -                                   -                           -         -
Power      9.79                9.79       -                         -       -                           -          -

           18,203,0            5,395,44   -9,117,9                                                      3,689,72
 Total                    -                                   -                           -         -
           91.82               9.79       17.64                     -       -                           4.39       -
- In Jun 2013, the Meeting of Board of Director s had reviewed and approved the Proposal on the
Liquidation and Cancellation of Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd. The investee
company Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd. had completed the liquidation procedures on
3 Jun. 2014. .

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

12. Fixed assets and accumulated depreciation

(1) List of fixed assets

                                     Houses and      Machinery                Transportation      Electronic
                                      buildings      equipment                                                        Total
                                                                               equipment          equipment

I. Original book value:

     1. Opening balance      543,991,872.91       907,994,520.44      19,540,957.54            17,930,333.21    1,489,457,684.10
     2. Increased amount
of the period            24,839,216.09            50,051,303.30       2,053,119.87             5,486,385.31     82,430,024.57

     (1) Purchase            -                    16,645,720.76       1,946,499.87             4,526,088.05     23,118,308.68
     (2) Transfer of
project under construction 24,839,216.09          31,885,574.55       -                        726,244.85       57,451,035.49

   (3) Enterprises
                             -                    1,520,007.99        106,620.00               234,052.41       1,860,680.40
combination increase
     3. Decreased amount
of the period            86,372.00                41,923,325.13       827,481.39               585,444.47       43,422,622.99

     (1) Disposal or Scrap       86,372.00         17,251,017.07          827,481.39            487,322.34       18,652,192.80

                                 -                 24,672,308.06          -                     98,122.13        24,770,430.19
   (2) Equipment


                                 568,744,717.00    916,122,498.61         20,766,596.02         22,831,274.05    1,528,465,085.68
  4. Closing balance

II. Accumulated


                                 316,586,563.58    672,113,058.11         12,995,943.08         10,767,623.13
     1. Opening balance                                                                                         1,012,463,187.90

                                 21,793,173.10    54,592,864.94           1,493,488.54          2,479,162.27    80,358,688.85
     2. Increased amount

of the period

                                 21,793,173.10    54,312,192.28           1,433,514.64          2,350,237.98    79,889,118.00
      (1) Withdrawal

                                                   280,672.66             59,973.90             128,924.29
   (2) Enterprises
                             -                                                                                  469,570.85
combination increase

                                 77,734.80        33,166,342.66           772,025.39            539,063.04      34,555,165.89
     3. Decreased amount

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                     Houses and      Machinery                Transportation         Electronic
                                      buildings      equipment                                                           Total
                                                                               equipment             equipment

of the period

     (1) Disposal or Scrap       77,734.80        15,937,141.77           772,025.39               461,594.88      17,248,496.84

                                 -                 17,229,200.89          -                        77,468.16        17,306,669.05
   (2) Equipment


                                 338,302,001.88    693,539,580.39         13,717,406.23            12,707,722.36    1,058,266,710.86
  4. Closing balance

III. Impairment


     1. Opening balance      -                     4,254,006.36       -                        -                    4,254,006.36

                                                   3,000,000.00                                                     3,000,000.00
      2. Increased amount
                             -                                        -                        -
of the period

                                                   323,332.83                                                       323,332.83
     3. Decreased amount
                             -                                        -                        -
of the period

                                                   6,930,673.53                                                     6,930,673.53
  4. Closing balance         -                                        -                        -

IV. Book value

                                 230,442,715.12    215,652,244.69         7,049,189.79             10,123,551.69    463,267,701.29
  1. Closing book value

                                 227,405,309.33    231,627,455.97         6,545,014.46             7,162,710.08     472,740,489.84
  2. Opening book value

-The decrease of equipment transformation mainly was original value of fixed assets and accumulated
depreciation of enterprise equipment transformation transfer into accounting of projects under construction.

(2) List of temporarily idle fixed assets


(3) Fixed assets leased in from financing lease


                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(4) Fixed assets leased out from operation lease


(5) Details of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property


13. Construction in progress

(1) List of construction in progress

                                   Closing balance                                     Opening balance
     Item                             Impairment                                         Impairment
                    Book balance                       Book value      Book balance                         Book value
                                       provision                                          provision

Construction in
                  94,558,082.50    3,695,984.29      90,862,098.21   78,740,456.85     3,695,984.29      75,044,472.56

     Total        94,558,082.50    3,695,984.29      90,862,098.21   78,740,456.85     3,695,984.29      75,044,472.56

                                                                                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(2) Changes of significant construction in progress

                                                                                                                                                  Of which:
                                                                                  Other                   Proportion                                            Capitalizatio
                                                                Amount that                                                       Accumulativ     amount of
                                                  Increased                     decrease                 estimated of   Project                                 n rate of the
 Name o f          Estimated       Opening                     transferred to                  Closing                            e amount of         the                        Capital
                                                  amount of                     d amount                  the project   progres                                  interests of
   item             number         balance                      fixed assets                   balance                             capitalized    capitalize                    resources
                                                  the period                      of the                 accumulativ     s (%)                                    the period
                                                               of the period                                                        interests     d interests
                                                                                 period                  e input (%)                                                 (%)
                                                                                                                                                     of the
Lighting       14,800,000.0    12,247,062.6                    12,247,062.6                                                                                                     Self-raise
                                              -                                 -          -             82.75          100.00    -              -              -
Industrial     0               4                               4                                                                                                                 d funds

LED Lamps
               10,380,000.0                                    10,515,617.0                                                                                                     Self-raise
and lanterns                   9,763,878.38   751,738.62                        -          -             101.31         100.00    -              -              -
               0                                               0                                                                                                                 d funds

Automatic      10,570,000.0                                                                                                                                                     Self-raise
                               9,429,749.02   406,650.83       9,836,399.85     -          -             93.06          100.00    -              -              -
Production     0                                                                                                                                                                 d funds


District                                                                                   8,149,794.2                                                                          Self-raise
               8,600,000.00    8,149,794.29   -                -                -                        94.77          94.77     -              -              -
                                                                                           9                                                                                     d funds
Hard Glass


                                                                                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                              Of which:
                                                                              Other                   Proportion                                            Capitalizatio
                                                            Amount that                                                       Accumulativ     amount of
                                              Increased                     decrease                 estimated of   Project                                 n rate of the
 Name o f       Estimated         Opening                  transferred to                  Closing                            e amount of         the                        Capital
                                              amount of                     d amount                  the project   progres                                  interests of
   item          number           balance                   fixed assets                   balance                             capitalized    capitalize                    resources
                                              the period                      of the                 accumulativ     s (%)                                    the period
                                                           of the period                                                        interests     d interests
                                                                             period                  e input (%)                                                 (%)
                                                                                                                                                 of the

LED second                                                                             4,423,879.6                                                                          Self-raise
               4,500,000.00   3,804,487.14   619,392.50    -                -                        98.31          98.31     -              -              -                d funds
workshop                                                                               4

7#、9# kiln    2,870,000.00   2,835,008.92   27,000.00     2,862,008.92     -          -             99.72          100.00    -              -              -                d funds
                                             3,647,740.0                               3,647,740.0                                                                          Self-raise
d products     5,070,000.00   -                            -                -                        71.95          80.00     -              -              -                d funds
of lamps and                                 0                                         0
workshop II

Fuwan Load
and   unload                                 7,922,823.8                               7,922,823.8                                                                          Self-raise
               9,800,000.00   -                            -                -                        80.85          90.00     -              -              -
station                                      0                                         0                                                                                     d funds
                                             5,053,672.0                               5,053,672.0                                                                          Self-raise
d products     7,600,000.00   -                            -                -                        66.50          80.00     -              -              -                d funds
of lamps and                                 0                                         0
workshop I

                                                                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                             Of which:
                                                                             Other                   Proportion                                            Capitalizatio
                                                           Amount that                                                       Accumulativ     amount of
                                             Increased                     decrease                 estimated of   Project                                 n rate of the
 Name o f         Estimated       Opening                 transferred to                  Closing                            e amount of         the                        Capital
                                             amount of                     d amount                  the project   progres                                  interests of
   item            number         balance                  fixed assets                   balance                             capitalized    capitalize                    resources
                                             the period                      of the                 accumulativ     s (%)                                    the period
                                                          of the period                                                        interests     d interests
                                                                            period                  e input (%)                                                 (%)
                                                                                                                                                of the
department    15,000,000.0                  4,030,000.0                               4,030,000.0                                                                          Self-raise
                              -                           -                -                        26.87          30.00     -              -              -
of Gaoming    0                             0                                         0                                                                                     d funds
8#9# floors

Reformation                                 5,906,298.8                               5,906,298.8                                                                          Self-raise
              5,915,000.00    -                           -                -                        99.85          99.85     -              -              -
of 6# kiln                                  2                                         2                                                                                     d funds

                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(3) List of the withdrawal of the impairment provision of the construction in progress

                                                              Withdrawal amount        Decreased amount
                  Item                      Opening balance                                                       Closing balance
                                                                    of the period           of the period

Third district hard glass kiln          3,695,984.29                         -                      -         3,695,984.29

     Total                              3,695,984.29                         -                      -         3,695,984.29

14. Intangible assets

(1) List of intangible assets

                  Item                       Land use right          Patent right          Software license            Total

I. Original book value

     1. Opening balance                 211,719,938.60        200,000.00               1,636,664.95           213,556,603.55
     2. Increased amount of the
 period                                 -                     20,500,700.00            19,529.92              20,520,229.92

     (1) Purchase                       -                     -                        -                      -

     (2) Internal research              -                     -                        -                      -

     (3)     Enterprise   combination
                                        -                     20,500,700.00            19,529.92              20,520,229.92

     3. Decreased amount of the
                                        -                     -                        19,529.92              19,529.92

     (1) Disposal                       -                     -                        19,529.92              19,529.92

     4. Closing balance                 211,719,938.60        20,700,700.00            1,636,664.95           234,057,303.55

II. Accumulative amortization

     1. Opening balance                 40,070,782.26         196,667.06               54,555.50              40,322,004.82
     2. Increased amount of the         4,344,643.08          1,949,192.94             346,862.92             6,640,698.94

                                        4,344,643.08          1,300,572.94             342,779.28             5,987,995.30
         (1) Withdrawal

(2) Enterprise combination increase     -                     648,620.00               4,083.64               652,703.64

                                        -                     -                        19,529.92              19,529.92
         3. Decreased amount of the

                                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                 Item                     Land use right            Patent right             Software license             Total


                                      -                      -                           19,529.92                  19,529.92
    (1) Disposal

                                      44,415,425.34          2,145,860.00                381,888.50                 46,943,173.84
          4. Closing balance

III. Impairment provision

    1. Opening balance                -                      -                           -                          -
     2. Increased amount of the
 period                               -                      -                           -                          -

         3. Decreased amount of the
                                      -                      -                           -                          -

          4. Closing balance          -                      -                           -                          -

IV. Book value

    1. Closing book value             167,304,513.26         18,554,840.00               1,254,776.45               187,114,129.71

    2. Opening book value             171,649,156.34         3,332.94                    1,582,109.45               173,234,598.73

(2) Details of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of land use right


15. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

   Name of the investees or the           Opening                    Increase                       Decrease               Closing
     events formed goodwill               balance        Formed from the
                                                                                   Other        Dispose    Other           balance
                                                       business combination

                                                -      7,360,330.45                  -              -           -       7,360,330.45
Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                -      7,360,330.45                  -              -           -       7,360,330.45

- On balance sheet date, the calculation of the fair value of the identifiable assets & liabilities, book value,
the combination costs and goodwill of Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd., see note VI. 1. Enterprise
combination not under same control.

                                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(2) Impairment provision of goodwill

-The Company conducted impairment test to the asset group formed by the purchasing of Suzhou Mont
Lighting Co., Ltd during the current petiod., there was no Impairment provision of goodwill should be

16. Long-term unamortized expenses

                        Openi                                                                                         Other
                          ng                        Increase                        Amortization amount                            Closing
         Item                                                                                                        decreas
                        balanc          Enterprise                                Enterprise        Reporting                      balance
                           e                                   Other                                                    e
                                       combination                               combination         period

Rent plant to
                             -       790,348.26           798,925.00         460,276.47           210,038.06                -    918,958.73

         Total               -       790,348.26           798,925.00         460,276.47           210,038.06                -    918,958.73

17. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets had not been off-set

                                                     Closing balance                                       Opening balance
            Item                     Deductible temporary       Deferred income tax           Deductible temporary      Deferred income tax
                                         difference                    assets                     difference                   assets

                                     57,338,514.05                  8,767,114.24
Provision for assets
                                                                                          54,978,452.59                     8,459,053.84

                                     75,006,724.40                  11,339,084.49
Depreciation of fixed
                                                                                          79,688,338.30                     11,973,373.90

                                     36,914,977.82                  5,537,246.67          40,578,541.85                 6,086,781.28
Payroll payable

Change of fair value of
                                 -                              -                         1,096,802.10                      164,520.32
tradable financial assets

                                     2,493,469.57                   374,020.44
Internal transaction
                                                                                          -                             -
unrealized internal profit

                                     61,438,275.16                  9,215,741.27          -                             -
Estimated liabilities

                                 35,034,691.49                  6,463,007.68              8,963,749.61                      2,240,937.40
Undistributed deficit

                                 268,226,652.49                 41,696,214.79             185,305,884.45                28,924,666.74

                                                                     2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities had not been off-set

                                                   Closing balance                                    Opening balance
              Item                Deductible temporary       Deferred income tax         Deductible temporary   Deferred income tax
                                      difference                  liabilities                difference              liabilities

Change of fair value of
                                  8,660.00                   1,299.00                -                          -
trading financial liabilities

Assets evaluation rising in
value         of     enterprise
                                  18,554,840.00              2,783,226.00            -                          -
combination          not under
same control

Change of fair value of
available for sale financial      84,882,751.40              12,732,412.71           32,608,926.47              4,891,338.97

    Total                         103,446,251.40             15,516,937.71           32,608,926.47              4,891,338.97

(3) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed by net amount after off-set


(4) List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                      Item                                  Closing amount                               Opening amount

                                                            -                                 2,834,560.95
Undistributed deficit

                                                            -                                 4,725,429.56
Internal transaction unrealized internal


                                                            -                                 7,559,990.51

(5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due the following years


18. Other non-current assets
                      Item                                  Closing balance                              Opening balance

                                              41,755,700.00                                    41,755,700.00
        Purchase of land and relevant

         payment of right verification

                                              8,844,087.19                                     5,638,494.81
     Equipment expense in advance

                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                     50,599,787.19                               47,394,194.81

19. Accounts payable

(1) List of accounts payable

                   Item                            Closing balance                         Opening balance

          Accounts payable           399,330,968.48                             270,968,881.44

- Closing balance of account payable increased RMB 128,362,087.04 , 47.37 % comparing to that in opening
period, which mainly due to the Company's business expansion, the account payable for goods increased

(2) Notes of significant accounts payable aging over one year


20. Advance from customers

(1) List of advance from customers

                   Item                            Closing balance                         Opening balance

      advance from customers         60,842,257.61                              45,620,298.34

- Closing balance of advance from customers increased RMB 15,221,959.27 , 33.37 % comparing to that in
opening period, which mainly due to the increase of sale orders at period -end, the closing balance of
advance from customers increased accordingly.

(2) Significant advance from customers aging over one year


21. Payroll payable

(1) List of Payroll payable

                 Item                Opening balance           Increase            Decrease          Closing balance

                                  60,636,740.85           494,330,064.26      496,651,594.47        58,315,210.64
I. Short-term salary

                                               -                                                                -
II. Benefits after departure                              35,309,973.97       35,309,973.97

                                               -                          -                -                    -
III. Termination benefits

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                   Item                    Opening balance              Increase                 Decrease               Closing balance

                                                        -                          -                        -                        -
IV.Other benefits due within one


                   Total               60,636,740.85                529,640,038.23           531,961,568.44        58,315,210.64

(2) List of Short-term salary

                           Item                       Opening balance            Increase             Decrease
I. Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy              60,250,113.05               436,926,486.35      439,258,130.06          57,918,469.34
II. Employee welfare                                                -         22,423,919.28       22,423,919.28                           -
III. Social insurance                                               -         26,259,168.37       26,259,168.37                           -
Including: 1. Medical insurance premiums                            -         20,151,317.21       20,151,317.21                           -
   2. Work-related injury insurance                                 -         2,997,459.56        2,997,459.56                            -
3. Maternity insurance                                              -         3,092,249.60        3,092,249.60                            -

                                                                    -         18,142.00           18,142.00                               -
        4. Other

IV. Housing fund                                  -                           3,858,258.90        3,850,202.72            8,056.18
V. Labor union budget and employee education      386,627.80                  4,862,231.36        4,860,174.04            388,685.12
Total                                             60,636,740.85               494,330,064.26      496,651,594.47          58,315,210.64

(3)Lists of benefits after departure
                   Item                    Opening balance              Increase                 Decrease               Closing balance

                                                  -                                                                            -
Defined contribution plans                                          35,309,973.97            35,309,973.97

                                                  -                                                                            -
                   Total                                            35,309,973.97            35,309,973.97

Of which: lists of defined contribution plans:

                   Item                    Opening balance              Increase                 Decrease               Closing balance

I. Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy   -                            33,749,250.91            33,749,250.91          -
II. Unemployment insurance                        -                 1,560,723.06             1,560,723.06                       -
                                                  -                 35,309,973.97            35,309,973.97                      -

(4)there was no default payroll payable in the balance of payroll payable

22. Taxes payable
                    Item                                    Closing balance                                 Opening balance

Corporate income tax                                                                          7,830,829.28
                                                                     2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                    Item                                      Closing balance                           Opening balance

VAT                                                                                          4,364,194.29
Urban maintenance and construction tax          1,095,674.02                                  1,063,705.63
Property tax                                    2,364,425.73                                  2,549,072.08
Land use tax                                    1,128,469.31                                  1,962,169.95
Other                                          2,028,138.76                                  1,801,150.55
                   Total                       13,881,113.81                                 19,571,121.78

23. Other accounts payable

(1) Other accounts payable listed by nature of the account

                           Item                                     Closing balance                         Opening balance

performance bond                                          7,542,858.19                             7,537,926.17

Share purchase                                            -                                        1,994,500.00

Relevant fees of sale                                     1,589,924.29                             1,608,161.56

current account                                           8,076,410.52                             16,211,581.70

Other                                                    4,714,627.48                             8,261,400.71
                        Total                            21,923,820.48                            35,613,570.14

(2) Other significant accounts payable with aging over one year

                                  Item                                                       Closing balance

current account                                                       8,076,410.52

24. Estimated liabilities

               Item                          Closing balance                    Opening balance                    Reason

Estimated lawsuit                                                                                      Securities false statement
compensation                                                                           -               liability disputes

               Total                     61,438,275.16                                 -

-On 15 Nov. 2014 and 5 Dec. 2014, the Company respectively received Civil Judgment (2013) SZFJMCZNo.
5 and Civil Judgment (2013) SZFJMCZNo. 756, issued by Guangzhou Intermediate Peoples Court, the
judgment required the Company pay the compensation of RMB 60,410,789.16 for each plaintiff of 955 cases
of civil action upon securities false statement liability disputes, and the Company bare the litigation fee
RMB 1,027,486.00 . The Company rejected to accept the judgment, and filed a suit to Guangdong Higher
People's Court, the relevant procedures had not yet been finished, the Company withdrawn estimated

                                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

liabilities RMB 61,438,275.16 in line with the above judgment temporarily.

25. Deferred income
             Item                        Opening balance                       Increase                 Decrease                Closing balance
Government subsidies                  11,092,550.73                    210,000.00                 346,717.46                 10,955,833.27
Total                                 11,092,550.73                    210,000.00                 346,717.46                 10,955,833.27

—Items involved in government subsidies:
                                                                           Amount accrued in
                                        Opening         Amount of                                       Other            Closing       Related to the
                Item                                                         non-business
                                        balance        newly subsidy                                   changes           balance       assets/ income

LED       production     technical                                                                                               Related to the
                                      9,852,274.95 -                       -                       -                9,852,274.95 assets
transformation project

Production line of 50 million
                                                                                                                                       Related to the
energy-saving           fluorescent 929,999.96         -                   155,000.00              -                774,999.96         assets

Project    of     FGD     fly   ash                                                                                                    Related to the
                                      197,166.82       -                   168,999.96              -                28,166.86          assets
removal of furnace system

No electrolytic capacitor drive                                                                                                        Related to the
                                      113,109.00       210,000.00          22,717.50                            -   300,391.50
power supply technology                                                                                                                         assets

                Total                 11,092,550.73 210,000.00             346,717.46                           -   10,955,833.27

26. Share capital
                                                                                Increase/decrease (+/-)
                                  Opening          Newly                   Capitalization                                                   Closing
           Item                                                Bonus
                                  balance          issue                     of public             Other                Subtotal            balance
                                                   share                     reserves
  I. Shares subject to
  trading moratorium
   1. Shares held by
 domestic corporation                              -           -           -                  -                     -                   3,057,918
   2.Shares held by
  foreign corporation                              -           -           -                  -131,815,685          -131,815,685        -
  3. Shares held by
domestic natural person                            -           -           -                  5,025                 5,025               334,803
  4. Shares held by
foreign natural person                                     -       -               -                        -                      -              -

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                            Increase/decrease (+/-)
                                 Opening       Newly                    Capitalization                                              Closing
            Item                                           Bonus
                                 balance       issue                      of public             Other             Subtotal          balance
                                               share                      reserves
   Total shares subject to                         -
    trading moratorium                                         -               -             -131,810,660       -131,810,660      3,392,721
  II. Shares not subject to
     trading moratorium
      1. RMB ordinary
           shares                              -           -            -                    131,810,660        131,810,660       749,949,987
   2. Domestically listed
       foreign shares                              -           -               -                            -             -       225,221,037
  Total shares not subject
   to trading moratorium                           -           -               -             131,810,660        131,810,660       975,171,024
      III. Total shares       978,563,745          -           -               -                        -                 -       978,563,745

  27 Capital reserve
            Item                Opening balance                    Increase                      Decrease                Closing balance

  Share premium               582,653,147.29           -                                 -                            582,653,147.29
  Other capital reserve
                              7,223,372.45             16,197.85                                        -             7,239,570.30
                              589,876,519.74           16,197.85                                        -             589,892,717.59

  - Capital reserve increase RMB 16,197.85 was the net income from the Company’s sale of odd lots stock, in line with the

  Announcement on the sale of odd lots stock relevant events issued by China Securities Depository and Clearing Co. , Ltd.

  Shenzhen Branch, the Securities Company accepted the entrustment form listed companies with selling odd lots stock and

  returned the net income to the listed companies, meanwhile, the listed companies recorded the bet income into relevant capital

  reserve of equity of shareholders.

  28. Other comprehensive income

                                                                        Reporting period

                                                    Less: Amount
                                                   transferred into                                                   After-ta
                   Opening                                                                                                            Closing
   Item                                             profit and loss                                                       x
                   balance           Amount                                                         After-tax         attribut
                                                    in the current                Less:                                               balance
                                     incurred         period that                                  attribute to         e to
                                                                               income tax
                                      before       recognized into                                 the parent         minorit
                                                         other                   expense
                                   income tax                                                       company               y
                                                   comprehensive                                                      shareho
                                                   income in prior                                                      lder

Other comprehensive income reclassify into profits and losses

  Profits or                                                                  7,841,073.74
losses from
                27,717,587.47     52,273,824.96                     -                             44,432,751.22               -    72,150,338.69
 the change
of fair value

                                                                     2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

of available
  for sale

   Total        27,717,587.47    52,273,824.96                   -            7,841,073.74      44,432,751.22            -        72,150,338.69

  29. Surplus reserve

           Item,                Opening amount               Increase in 2014                Decrease in 2014           Closing amount
  Statutory surplus
  reserves                  485,607,963.60             3,673,908.90                   -                            489,281,872.50
  Discretionary surplus
  reserve                   136,886,568.36                            -                              -             136,886,568.36
                            622,494,531.96             3,673,908.90                                  -             626,168,440.86

  30. Retained profit

                                Item                                            Amount in 2014                     Amount in 2013
  Retained profit as at the end of last year before adjustment            671,929,537.57                     723,452,942.14
  Total opening retained profit adjusted (increase +, decrease -)         -                                                  -
  Opening retained profit after adjustment                                671,929,537.57                     723,452,942.14
  Plus: Net profit attributable to parent company for current
  period                                                                  266,125,048.97                     251,831,356.38
  Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserves                       3,673,908.90                       -
       Dividends distributed for ordinary shares                          156,570,199.20                     303,354,760.95
  Closing retained profit                                                 777,810,478.44                     671,929,537.57
  Of which: Cash dividends to be distributed                              215,284,023.90                     156,570,199.20

  -In accordance with Pre-plan for profit allocation and capitalization of capital reserves for 2014 approved by
  the Board of Directors on 23 Apr. 2015, based on the total 978,563,745 shares as at the end of 2014, the
  Company intends to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 2.20 (tax included) for every 10 shares held by all
  shareholders., with the total distributed cash dividends reaching RMB 215,284,023.90;And the Company
  also plans to increase 3shares for every 10 shares held by all shareholders with the capital reserves. A total of
  293,569,124 shares will be increased. The profit allocation and capitalization of capital reserves replan needs
  to be examined by the Shareholders’ General Meeting.

  31. Revenue and Cost of Sales

  (1) Revenue, Cost of Sales

                                                      2014                                                       2013
               Item                    Revenue                       Cost                        Revenue                         Cost
  Main operation                3,040,544,631.03          2,230,438,495.76                2,500,948,588.28          1,874,719,042.97
  Other operation               28,096,569.14             16,616,178.87                   25,731,222.25             15,588,747.67
  Total                         3,068,641,200.17          2,247,054,674.63                2,526,679,810.53          1,890,307,790.64

  (2) Breakdown of main operation according to products:
                                                      2014                                                       2013
                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                     Revenue                      Cost                  Revenue                    Cost

                               926,189,514.82           702,500,445.37           277,311,578.04           220,631,987.78

                               2,114,355,116.21         1,527,938,050.39         2,223,637,010.24         1,654,087,055.19
Traditional lighting

                               3,040,544,631.03         2,230,438,495.76         2,500,948,588.28         1,874,719,042.97

(3) Breakdown of main operation according to areas
                                                    2014                                               2013
           Item                      Revenue                      Cost                  Revenue                    Cost

                                                                                  1,680,415,391.83        1,292,521,996.08
Domestic                        2,160,911,351.32           1,612,043,755.15

                                                                                 820,533,196.45           582,197,046.89
Oversea                        879,633,279.71           618,394,740.61

                               3,040,544,631.03         2,230,438,495.76         2,500,948,588.28         1,874,719,042.97

(4) Top five customers in sales income:
                                                                                          Proportion in total operating revenue
                    Customer                               Operating revenue

Enterprise unit 1                                 248,392,951.31                        8.09
Enterprise unit 2                                 51,487,747.58                          1.68
Enterprise unit 3                                 49,252,633.46                          1.61
Enterprise unit 4                               46,475,691.92                           1.51
Enterprise unit 5                               40,568,018.66                           1.32

                      Total                     436,177,042.93                          14.21

32. Business tax and surcharges

                    Item                                      2014                                       2013

City maintenance and construction tax     14,406,425.48                                  15,839,647.85

Educational surtax                        6,196,766.24                                 6,804,256.43

Local education surtax                    4,131,177.20                                 4,536,170.95

Business tax                              1,515,352.86                                 1,148,891.62

                    Total                 26,249,721.78                                28,328,966.85

33. Sales expenses
                     Item                                       2014                                      2013

Transportation expenses                     68,265,682.55                                49,884,125.00

Business propagandize fee                   42,587,178.71                                20,355,616.73

Payroll                                     34,327,695.10                                21,790,785.47

                                                                2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Service charges on promotion of                26,676,646.80                              20,401,524.23

energy-saving products

Sales promotion fee                            10,694,435.28                              5,974,202.58

Travel charge                                  6,896,228.68                               5,681,601.46

Dealer meeting expense                         4,798,758.39                               1,595,312.83

 Other                                    13,633,879.03                                  8,095,910.40

                   Total                  207,880,504.54                                  133,779,078.70

34. Management expenses

                   Category                                    2014                                        2013

Employee payroll                          122,535,253.45                                 105,418,134.95
Welfare fee                               21,037,089.42                                  19,684,813.92

Depreciation charges                      21,458,705.08                                   17,016,041.69
Tax expense                               16,740,361.93                                   15,631,548.74
Office expenses                           7,582,643.42                                    7,409,712.83
Expenses on amortization of intangible    5,987,995.30                                    4,177,812.27
Land rent and management fee              7,562,686.75                                   6,029,313.67
Others                                    33,328,503.94                                  24,549,627.42
Total                                     236,233,239.29                                 199,917,005.49

35. Financial expense

                   Category                                    2014                                        2013

Interest expense                          29,697.15                                  -
Less: Interest revenue                    15,697,401.54                              12,681,427.36
Exchange loss                             4,806,513.22                               7,022,097.90
Others                                    1,295,232.13                               1,428,392.27
Total                                     -9,565,959.04                              -4,230,937.19

36. Assets Impairment Losses

                              Item                                            2014                            2013

Bad debts losses                                                -501,386.20                       5,226,627.78

Impairment losses of inventory                                  8,422,624.24                      12,997,934.67

Impairment losses of fixed assets                               3,000,000.00                     4,254,006.36
Impairment losses of construction in process                                  -                  3,695,984.29

                                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total                                                           10,921,238.04                      26,174,553.10

37. Gain and loss on the changes in fair value

                                Source                                              2014                           2013

Financial assets measured at fair value and changes recorded into
                                                                       1,105,462.10                    -109,530.85
current profits and losses

                                 Total                                 1,105,462.10                    -109,530.85

38 Investment income

                             Item                                            2014                             2013

Long-term equity investment calculated by equity method         -9,117,917.64                  -12,820,601.90
Investment income obtained through holding available-for-sale
financial assets                                                25,992,879.30                  1,365,712.54
Investment income obtained through disposal of long-term
equity investment                                               -17,112.47                     -4,877,695.00

Investment income obtained through disposal of available for

sale financial assets                                           1,784,824.81                   8,481,117.34
Investment income obtained through disposal of financial
assets measured at fair value and changes recorded into         72,494.46                      -
current profits and losses

Other                                                           499,406.22                     981,349.56

                             Total                              19,214,574.68                  -6,870,117.46

(1) Long-term equity investment calculated by equity method

                             Investor                                           2014                             2013

Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.                 -9,117,917.64                    -12,543,975.96
Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd.                                 -                  -276,625.94
Total                                                             -9,117,917.64                    -12,820,601.90

(2) Investment income obtained through holding available-for-sale financial assets

                             Investor                                           2014                             2013

Xiamen Bank Co., Ltd.                                             21,942,835.20

China Everbright Bank                                             4,050,044.10                     1,365,712.54

                              Total                               25,992,879.30                    1,365,712.54

                                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(3) Investment income obtained through disposal of long-term equity investment

                            Investor                                        2014                           2013

Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.                                             -4,877,695.00

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd.               -17,112.47                                   -
Total                                                         -17,112.47                      -4,877,695.00

(4) Investment income obtained through disposal of available for sale financial assets

                            Investor                                        2014                           2013

Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset Management Company Limited           1,784,824.81                    -

Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Company Limited                            -                 8,481,117.34

                             Total                            1,784,824.81                    8,481,117.34

(5) Investment income obtained through disposal of financial assets measured at fair value and changes
recorded into current profits and losses

                              Item                                          2014                           2013

Fund                                                          -997,145.30                     -

Stock                                                         1,069,639.76                                     -

                             Total                            72,494.46                                        -

(6) Other

                              Item                                          2014                           2013

Repurchase business of bond collateral type offers            1,499,406.22                    -

Foshan Fochen Road Development Company Limited                -1,000,000.00                   -1,000,000.00

Interest income from the entrustment loan to Qinghai Fozhao

Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.                                       -                 1,981,349.56

Total                                                         499,406.22                      981,349.56

39. Non-operating gains
                                                                                                   Recorded in the amount
                   Item                               2014                         2013              of the non-recurring
                                                                                                       gains and losses
        Total gains from disposal of      25,197.24                    16,855,838.60               25,197.24
             non-current assets

                                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Including: Gains from disposal of fixed
                assets                     25,197.24                        69,339.39                   25,197.24
    Gains from disposal of intangible
               assets                      -                                16,786,499.21               -
                                           -                                54,247,540.40
Fiscal subsidy for high efficiency

lighting product promotion                                                                              -
                                           2,174,021.86                         1,031,790.96
Government subsidy                                                                                      2,174,021.86

Account payable not need to pay            8,135,171.18                     -                           8,135,171.18
                 Other                     1,725,425.02                     1,886,070.17                1,725,425.02
                 Total                     12,059,815.30                    74,021,240.13               12,059,815.30

-Government subsidies recorded into current profits and losses
                                                                                                              Related to the
                          Item                                      2014                        2013
                                                                                                              assets/ income
Project of FGD fly ash removal of furnace system                                       168,999.96           Related to the assets
Production line of 50 million energy-saving fluorescent                                                     Related to the assets

                                                                                                                    Related to the
Leading growth project award                               976,478.00                  -

                                                                                                                    Related to the
Subsidies for technology standard strategy project         105,000.00                  -

                                                                                                                    Related to the
Special fund (external development service)                116,000.00                  -

                                                                                                                    Related to the
Government financial incentives                            100,000.00                  -

                                                                                                                    Related to the
Subsidies for construction projects                        139,646.50                  -

Project funds of Foshan supporting economic                                                                         Related to the
                                                           -                           200,000.00
development                                                                                                               income

                                                                                                                    Related to the
No electrolytic capacitor drive power supply technology    22,717.50                   142,891.00

                                                                                                                    Related to the
Reward for well-known trademark                            -                           100,000.00
                                                           390,179.90                      264,900.00
Other scattered government grants                                                                                   Related to the

                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                      Related to the
                           Item                                        2014                     2013
                                                                                                                      assets/ income

Total                                                          2,174,021.86             1,031,790.96
                                                                                                                          Related to the


40. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                              The amount included in
                   Item                                  2014                          2013                  the current non-recurring
                                                                                                                  gains and losses
Total losses from disposal of non-current
                  assets                       1,312,901.18                   11,040,784.18                  1,312,901.18
Including: Losses from disposal of fixed
                 assets                        1,312,901.18                   11,040,784.18                  1,312,901.18

Donation                                       231,000.00                     6,430,000.00                   231,000.00

Estimated lawsuit compensation                 61,438,275.16                  -                              61,438,275.16

Other                                          137,012.10                     2,825,031.19                   137,012.10

Total                                          63,119,188.44                  20,295,815.37                  63,119,188.44

41 Income tax expense

(1) Lists of income tax expense

                  Item                                          2014                                           2013
Current income tax expense                   63,065,433.36                                    52,785,771.56
Deferred income tax expense                  -10,602,941.51                                  -5,921,610.02
Total                                        52,462,491.85                                   46,864,161.54

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense

                                             Item                                                                2014
Total profits                                                                                   319,128,444.57
Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant regulations                            47,869,266.69
Influence of different tax rate suitable to subsidiary                                          4,669,010.45
Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                       3,279,945.36
Influence of non taxable income                                                                 -3,898,931.89
Influence of not deductable costs, expenses and losses                                          1,960,655.91
Influence of deductable losses of deferred income tax assets derecognized used in
previous period

 Influence of unrealized profits of internal transaction of deferred income tax assets
derecognized used in previous period

Income tax expense                                                                              52,462,491.85

                                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

42. Supplementary information to cash flow statement

(1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities

                    Item                                  2014                                       2013

Deposit interest                         14,900,326.33                              11,907,769.84

Income from property and rental of

equipment                                                                           2,245,893.98

Income from subsidy                                                                 784,700.00

Other                                                                               1,921,219.17

                   Total                                                            16,859,582.99

(2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities

                    Item                                  2014                                       2013

Transport charges                        68,265,682.55                              49,884,125.00

Advertising expense                      42,587,178.71                              18,643,715.42

Expense for energy saving product
                                         26,676,646.80                              20,401,524.23

Sales promotion fee                      10,694,435.28                              5,974,202.58

Office expense                           7,582,643.42                               7,409,712.83

Land lease and administration
                                         7,562,686.75                               6,029,313.67

Travel expense                           6,896,228.68                               5,681,601.46

Dealer meeting expense                   4,798,758.39                               1,595,312.83

Other                                    37,684,001.59                              38,898,751.83

                   Total                 212,748,262.17                             154,518,259.85

(3) Other cash received relevant to investment activity

                    Item                                  2014                                       2013

Cash deposit regained for land bidding                                              41,710,000.00

                                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                   Total                                                                 41,710,000.00

43. Supplementary information to cash flow statement

(1) Information of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating activities

                                 Item                                             2014                              2013
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
 operating activities
Net profit                                                             266,665,952.72                252,284,967.85
Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                    10,921,238.04             26,174,553.10
     Depreciation of fixed assets                                      79,889,118.00                 83,574,972.81
     Amortization of intangible assets                                 5,987,995.30                  4,177,812.27
     Amortization of long-term deferred expense                        210,038.06                    -
     Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment,
intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains: negative)         514,331.14                    -5,815,054.42

     Losses on retirement of fixed assets                              773,372.80                    -
     Losses from variation of fair value                               -1,105,462.10                 109,530.85
     Financial cost                                                    881,108.77                    3,852,637.98
     Investment loss (gains: negative)                                 -19,214,574.68                6,870,117.46
    Decrease in deferred income tax assets                             -10,409,654.51
(“+” means increase)                                                                               -5,921,610.02

       Increase in deferred income tax liabilities                     -193,287.00
(“-” means decrease)                                                                               -

     Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                        -114,087,591.08               -96,501,258.95
     Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities         -79,704,991.15
(increase: negative)                                                                                 -24,641,328.86

     Increase in payables from operating activities                    164,511,151.03
(decrease: negative)                                                                                 -39,408,458.19

Net cash flows generated from operating activities                     305,638,745.34                204,756,881.88
2. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

  Closing balance of cash                                              989,701,235.60                        897,675,824.22

  Less: opening balance of cash                                        897,675,824.22                985,450,890.74

  Closing balance of cash equivalents                                  -                                 -

  Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents                            -                                 -

  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                            92,025,411.38                 -87,775,066.52

(2) Net Cash paid of obtaining the subsidiary

                                          Item                                                               2014

                                                               2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Cash and cash equivalents paid in reporting period of the enterprise combination
in reporting period

Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by the Company on purchase date

Add: Cash and cash equivalents paid in reporting period of the enterprise

combination in previous period

Net cash gained from the subsidiary

(3) Net Cash receive of disposal of the subsidiary


(4) Cash and cash equivalents

                                   Item                                            Closing balance              Opening balance
I. Cash                                                                        989,701,235.60              897,675,824.22
Including: Cash on hand                                                        13,150.43                       6,626.15
      Bank deposit on demand                                                   915,022,578.88                  891,208,601.93
      Other monetary funds on demand                                           74,665,506.29                   6,460,596.14
II. Cash equivalent                                                            -                           -
Including: Bond investment due in three months                                 -                           -
III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                              989,701,235.60              897,675,824.22

44 The assets with the ownership or use right restricted
                   Item                                Closing book value                            Restricted reason

Monetary capital                                                                            The quality guarantee deposit

45. Foreign currency monetary items
                                 Closing foreign currency                                             Closing convert to RMB
            Item                                                         Exchange rate
                                         balance                                                              balance

Monetary capital

Including: USD                 2,130,061.24                     6.1190                           13,033,844.73

          EUR                  1,168.30                         7.4556                           8,710.38

Account receivable

Including: USD                 11,022,714.88                    6.1190                           67,447,992.35

                                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VI. Changes of merge scope

Business merger not under same control

(1) Business merger not under same control in reporting period

                                    Time and place of
                                                               Cost of gaining the        Proportion of stock      Way to gain the
       Name of acquiree             gaining the stock
                                                                  stock rights                  rights              stock rights

Suzhou Mont Lighting Co.,              30 Apr. 2014
                                                            2,436.00                      50.50%                     Acquisition


                                                                                                                   Net profits of
                                                                                        Income of acquiree
                                                           Recognition basis of                                 acquiree during the
       Name of acquiree             Purchase date                                       during the purchase
                                                              purchase date                                      purchase date to
                                                                                         date to period-end
Suzhou Mont Lighting Co.,         30 Apr. 2014
Ltd.                                                       Resolution of board

                                                         directors, Equity transfer

                                                          agreement, The capital       42,289,128.14            -6,629,012.47

                                                           increase agreement,

                                                           Payment document

(2) Combined cost and goodwill

Combined cost                                                                         Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.

--Cash                                                                                                               24,360,000.00

--Fair value of non-cash assets

Combined cost                                                                                                        24,360,000.00

Less: Obtained proportion of net identifiable assets                                                                 16,999,669.55

Goodwill                                                                                                               7,360,330.45

(3) The identifiable assets and liabilities of acquiree at purchase date

                                                                             Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                          Fair value on purchase date              Book value on purchase date


Monetary capital                                        12,847,113.68                         12,847,113.68

                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                      Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                     Fair value on purchase date          Book value on purchase date

Notes receivable                                501,300.00                           501,300.00
Account receivable                              5,735,863.78                         5,735,863.78
Account paid in advance                         2,295,165.90                         2,295,165.90

Other account receivable                        2,602,127.49                         2,602,127.49

Inventories                                     12,606,249.01                        12,606,249.01

  Other current assets                          299,209.64                           299,209.64

  Fixed asset                                   1,391,109.55                         1,391,109.55

  Intangible assets                             19,867,526.28                        15,446.28

Long-term expense to be apportioned             330,071.79                           330,071.79

  Deferred income tax assets                    2,361,893.54                         2,361,893.54


Short-term borrowings                           2,000,000.00                         2,000,000.00

  Accounts payable                              17,904,203.05                        17,904,203.05
  Accounts received in advance                  1,501,245.00                         1,501,245.00
  Employee’s compensation payable              788,972.51                           788,972.51
  Taxes and fares payable                       8,633.12                             8,633.12

Other accounts payable                          1,994,053.00                         1,994,053.00

Deferred income tax liabilities                 2,977,812.00                         -

Net assets                                      33,662,711.98                        16,788,443.98

Less: Minority interests                        16,663,042.43                        8,310,279.77

Obtained net assets                             16,999,669.55                        8,478,164.21

VII. Equity in other entities

1. Equity in subsidiary

(1) The structure of the enterprise group

                                         Main                                              Proportion of
                                                      Registrati      Nature of          shareholding (%)        Way of
         Name of the subsidiary        operating
                                                      on place        business                                   gaining
                                         place                                       Directly     Indirectly
Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast
                                            Foshan      Foshan       Production     100.00        -              Newly
Co., Ltd.

                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                            Main                                        Proportion of
                                                      Registrati     Nature of        shareholding (%)          Way of
         Name of the subsidiary           operating
                                                      on place       business                                   gaining
                                            place                                   Directly   Indirectly

                                                                    and sales                                established

Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance                                Production                                   Newly
                                             Foshan    Foshan                      70.00       -
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.
                                                                    and sales                                established

Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and                                      Production                                   Newly
                                             Foshan    Foshan                      70.00       -
Lanterns Co., Ltd.
                                                                    and sales                                established

Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources                                 Production                                   Newly
                                             Foshan    Foshan                      100.00      -
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                and sales                                established

Foshan      Electrical    &   Lighting                             Production                                   Newly
                                          Xinxiang    Xinxiang                     100.00      -
(Xinxiang) Co., Ltd.
                                                                    and sales                                established

                                                                     Finance                                    Newly
Guangdong Fozhao Leasing Co., Ltd.           Foshan   Foshan                       100.00      -
                                                                       lease                                 established

Foshan Lighting Lamps & Components                                 Production                                   Newly
                                             Foshan   Foshan                       100.00      -
Co., Ltd.
                                                                    and sales                                established

Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components                                 Production
                                          Nanjing      Nanjing                     100.00      -              Acquisition
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                             and sales
                                         Suzhou       Suzhou
Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                     50.50       -              Acquisition
                                                                    and sales

                                                                                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(2) Significant not wholly owned subsidiary

                                            Shareholding                                                                                                     Balance of minority
                                                                   The profits and losses arbitrate to         Declaring dividends distribute to
                Name                        proportion of                                                                                                   shareholder at closing
                                                                      the minority shareholders                     minority shareholder
                                         minority shareholder                                                                                                      period
Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance      30.00%                   1,222,144.31                             -                                             29,258,081.11
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.
Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns   30.00%                   3,145,934.34                             2,094,876.38                                  7,820,250.02
Co., Ltd.

                                         49.50%                   -3,827,174.90                                        -                                 12,835,867.53
Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                         /                        540,903.75                               2,094,876.38                                  49,914,198.66

(3) The main financial information of significant not wholly owned subsidiary

                                                                                                    Closing balance
                                             current assets      Non-current assets       Total   assets         Current    liabilities   Non-current liability      Total liability
Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance      63,532,557.96          39,007,126.25         102,539,684.21            5,012,747.19              -                       5,012,747.19
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.
Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns   49,205,594.26          9,560,697.64          58,766,291.90             32,698,791.79             -                       32,698,791.79
Co., Ltd.

                                         40,855,146.44          7,957,886.07          48,813,032.51             38,653,601.00             -                       38,653,601.00
Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                                                                                   Opening balance
                                             current assets      Non-current assets       Total   assets         Current    liabilities   Non-current liability      Total liability

                                                                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance      64,645,229.94             42,155,367.64          106,800,597.58        13,347,474.92            -                      13,347,474.92
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.
Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns   84,242,709.34             7,404,471.99           91,647,181.33         69,083,207.77            -                      69,083,207.77
Co., Ltd.

                                         -                         -                      -                     -                        -                      -
Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                          2014                                                                               2013
                                                                     Total                                                                              Total
       Name              Operation                                                  Operating cash         Operation                                                    Operating cash
                                             Net profit          comprehensive                                                  Net profit          comprehensive
                          revenue                                                       flow                revenue                                                         flow
                                                                    income                                                                             income
Foshan Chanchang
Electric Appliance    75,463,816.96      4,073,814.36       4,073,814.36           -13,988,182.76     147,411,873.93     5,016,215.49           5,016,215.49        -9,264,972.83
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.
Foshan Taimei Times
Lamps and Lanterns    185,149,905.82     10,486,447.81      10,486,447.81          13,679,219.95      227,267,740.56     10,473,295.85          10,473,295.85       16,266,328.20
Co., Ltd.

Suzhou Mont
                      42,289,128.14      -6,629,012.47      -6,629,012.47          -4,404,066.24      -                  -                      -                   -
Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                             2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. Equity in joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise

(1) Significant joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise


 (2) Main financial information of insignificant associated enterprise

  Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation Co.,             Closing balance/2014               Opening balance /2013


Total investment book value                          3,689,724.39                        12,807,642.03

Total of the followings calculated by shareholding


   Net profits                                       -9,117,917.64                       -12,543,975.96

   Other comprehensive income                        -                                   -

   Total comprehensive income                        -9,117,917.64                       -12,543,975.96

(3) Note to the significant restrictions of the ability of associated enterprise transfer funds to the Company


(4) The excess loss of associated enterprise


(5) Contingent liabilities related to associated enterprise investment


VIII. The risk related financial instruments

The financial instruments of the Company included: monetary funds, accounts receivable, notes receivable,
accounts payable, etc. The details of each financial instrument see relevant items of note V.

The main risks of the Company due to financial instruments were credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk.
 The operating management of the Company was responsible for the risk management target and the
 recognition of the policies.

1 Credit risk,

Credit risk was one party of the contract failed to fulfill the obligations and causes loss of financial assets of
the other party. The credit risk the Company faced was selling on credit which leads to customer credit risk.

                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

The Company will evaluate credit risk of new customer, and set credit limit, once the balance of account
receivable over credit limit, require the customer to pay or producing and delivering goods shall be approved
by the management of the Company.

The Company through monthly aging analysis of account receivable and monitoring the collection situation
of the customer ensured the overall credit risk of the Company was in control scope. Once appear abnormal
situation, the Company should conduct necessary measures to requesting the payment timely.

2. Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk was referred to there risk of incurring capital shortage when performing settlement obligation
 in the way of cash payment or other financial assets. The policies of the Company were to ensure that there
 was sufficient cash to pay the due liabilities. The liquidity risk was centralized controlled by the financial
 department of the Company. The financial department through supervising the balance of the cash and
 securities can be convert to cash at any time and the rolling prediction of cash flow in future 12 months to
 ensure the Company have sufficient cash to pay the liabilities under the case of all reasonable prediction,
 Each financial liability of the Company was estimated due within 1 year.

3. Market risk

Market risk was referred to risk of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument changed due to
the change of market price, including: exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risk.

A. Exchange rate risk

Exchange rate risk was referred to the possible loss due to changes of exchange rate in the financial activities
that economic agents held or used the foreign exchange. The Company’s export business was settled by
USD which avoided exchange risk the Company faced in transaction. .

B. Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk was referred to risk of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument changed
due to the change of market interest risk. There was no bank loan in the Company, thus no RMB benchmark
interest rate changes

C. Other price risk


IX. The disclosure of the fair value

Closing fair value of assets and liabilities calculated by fair value

                                  Item                                       Closing fair value
Available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                 2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

     Of which; circulation stock of China Everbright Bank

Financial assets calculated by fair value and changes

record into current profits or losses

Of which; stock

X. Related party and related Transaction

1. Information related to parent company of the Company

There is no direct controlling parent company in the Company.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

See details to Notes VII. 1. Equity in subsidiaries

3. Information on the joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company

See details to Notes VII. 2. Equity in joint ventures or associated enterprises

4. Information on other related parties of the Company

                          Name                                                           Relationship
Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd.                  Company controlled by related natural person
Hangzhou Times Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd.                         Company controlled by related natural person
Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                                  Company controlled by related natural person
Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                                          Shareholder owning over 5% shares
Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical Machinery Co.,
                                                                         Company controlled by related natural person
Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.                       Company controlled by related natural person

                                                               Acting-in-concert party of a corporation with a stake over 5% in
OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        the Company
                                                               Acting-in-concert party of a corporation with a stake over 5% in
OSRAM Asia Pacific Ltd.                                                                 the Company

Prosperity Xiteke Lighting (Langfang) Co., Ltd.                          Company influenced by related natural person

Shanghai Linxian Mechanical and Electrical Equipment
                                                                  Related natural person as a senior manager in the company
Co., Ltd.
Qinghai Salt Lake Fozhao Lanke Lithium Industry Co.,
                                                                                  Subsidiary of joint venture

                                                                2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

5. List of related-party transactions

(1) Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

Lists of acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

                  Related-party                           Content                   2014                        2013

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                Purchase of materials   6,811,656.25             7,001,541.05
Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.             Purchase of materials   28,049,218.92            31,059,474.48

  Prosperity Xiteke Lighting (Langfang) Co.,
                                                    Purchase of materials   -                        1,352,030.64

      OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.              Purchase of materials   40,000.00                62,400.00
     Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical
                                                    Purchase of materials   -                        29,709.50
              Machinery Co., Ltd
Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co.,
                                                    Purchase of materials   -                        3,435.90
Hangzhou Times Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd.         Purchase of materials   3,108,325.40             22,822.21

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                 Sales commission       1,428,446.03             2,052,070.96

                                                        Purchase of
Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                                        -                        7,729,555.20

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy                   Purchase of
                                                                            -                        2,521,367.52
Co., Ltd.                                                equipment

Prosperity       (Xinxiang)       Electro-Optical       Purchase of
                                                                            393,964.96               876,239.32
Machinery Co., Ltd                                       equipment

Qinghai Salt Lake Fozhao Lanke Lithium              Consignment loan -
                                                                                           -         1,981,349.56
Industry Co., Ltd.                                        interest

                      Total                                    /            39,831,611.56            54,691,996.34

Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service
                  Related-party                           Content                   2014                        2013

   Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.               Sale of products      40,568,018.66            53,945,797.44
Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical
                                                      Sale of products      6,410,557.09             4,401,210.70
                 Co., Ltd.
    Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.           Sale of products      1,125,059.16             1,114,611.61
      OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.                Sale of products      7,839,576.54             10,441,638.78
             OSRAM Asia Pacific Ltd.                  Sale of products      49,252,633.46            11,666,807.92

Shanghai Linxian Mechanical and Electrical
                                                      Sale of products      308,556.24               -
Equipment Co., Ltd.

                                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

    Hangzhou Times Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd.            Sale of products          32,243.59                      -

    Prosperity Xiteke Lighting (Langfang) Co.,
                                                           Sale of products          923.08                                 -

    Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy                                                                -          58,023.24
    Co., Ltd.

                            Total                                  /                 105,537,567.82                 81,628,089.69

    (2) Information of related lease

    The Company was lessor:
                                                                                                                                      The lease income
                                                                  Category of leased              The lease income                       confirmed
                         Name of lessee
                                                                       assets                   confirmed in this year
                                                                                                                                        in last year

                                                                                               -                                222,120.00
Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd.                            Rental

                                                                                               90,000.00                                   -
Shanghai Linxian Mechanical and Electrical Equipment
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                               90,000.00                        222,120.00
                              Total                                          /

    6. Related party account receivables and account payables

    (1) Balance of account receivables of related party

                                                                  Closing balance                                  Opening balance

                       Related party                                                Bad debt                                           Bad debt
                                                          Book balance                                       Book balance
                                                                                    provision                                         provision

    Account receivable

    Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical
                     Co., Ltd.                        3,448,847.23               206,930.83          2,100,275.77                 126,016.55

           Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.    837,052.54                 50,223.15           561,151.46                   33,669.09
            OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.          2,630,821.95               157,849.32          3,090,949.47                 185,456.97

    Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.              6,365,602.04               381,936.12          9,415,621.92                 564,937.32

    OSRAM Asia Pacific Ltd.                           13,267,801.82              796,068.11          5,261,448.50                 315,686.91

    Shanghai Linxian Mechanical and Electrical        44,374.26                  2,662.46            -                            -

                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Equipment Co., Ltd.

Other non-current assets

Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical
                                                   836,309.00              -                   -                          -
Machinery Co., Ltd

(2) Balance of account payables of related party

                             Related party                                         Closing balance                 Opening balance

Account payable

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                                           2,558,944.00                573,328.59

Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                                        8,885,342.91                1,649,840.46

Hangzhou Times Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd.                                    739,825.37                  9,830.77

Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical Machinery Co., Ltd                       234,694.87                  -

Other account payable

Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.                                     7,400.00                       7,400.00

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                                              408,827.77                   -

Receivable in advance

Shanghai Linxian Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.                         6,610.68            -

7 Rewards for the key management personnel

      Item                      Post                                2014                                           2013

                                                     2,430,000.00                                  1,275,000.00
Pan Jie                      President

                                                     1,822,500.00                                  1,287,500.00
 Liu Xingming         Vice    president &GM

                                                     618,700.00                                    410,000.00
                       Chief of the board of
  Zhang Yong

                                                     921,300.00                                    704,200.00
   Lin Yihui           Secretary of the board

                                                     1,458,000.00                                  810,000.00
 Yin Jianchun                   CFO

                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

     Item                  Post                              2014                                2013

                                            4,740,800.00                         4,713,600.00
    Other                    /

                                             11,991,300.00                        9,200,300.00
     Total                   /

     -The rewards for PanJie and Yin Jianchun were calculated since them holding the posts in Jun. 2013
XI. Commitments

1. Significant commitments

Significant commitments at balance sheet date
As of 31 Dec. 2014, there was no significant commitment or contingency in the Group.

2. Contingency

The Company respectively received five batches of Citation, Notice of Apperance and other relevant legal
documents from Guangzhou Intermediate Peoples Court on 17 Sep. 2013, 7 Jan. 2014, 13 Mar 2014, 16 Jan.
2015 and16 Mar. 2015. The Guangzhou Intermediate Peoples Court had accepted and heard a total of 2279
cases of civil lawsuits to the Company about Securities False Statement Liability Disputes.2279 plaintiffs
respectively instituted lawsuits to Guangzhou Intermediate Peoples Court and required the Company to bear
civil liability and pay the compensation about the aforesaid Information disclosure violations. the claim amount
of above cases was RMB 335,880,665.30 and HKD 1,327,843.81 , of which the amount of prosecute the
Company and part of the directors, executive officers at the same time the company and part of the directors,
executive officers was RMB 6,266,661.31 and HKD 10,622.68.

As the report issue date, the Company respectively received Civil Judgment (2013) SZFJMCZNo. 5 and
Civil Judgment (2013) SZFJMCZNo. 756, issued by Guangzhou Intermediate Peoples Court, the judgment
required the Company pay the compensation of RMB 60,410,789.16 for each plaintiff of 955 cases of civil
action upon securities false statement liability disputes, and the Company bare the litigation fee RMB
1,027,486.00 . The Company rejected to accept the judgment, and filed a suit to Guangdong Higher People's
Court, the relevant procedures had not yet been finished, the Company withdrawn estimated liabilities RMB
61,438,275.16 in line with the above judgment temporarily.

In addition, the above cases, there were 1324 cases involving total claim amount of RMB 205,024,204.64
and HKD 1,327,843.81 ( of which meanwhile accused the Company or part of present directors of the
Company, senior executive RMB 4,564,105.54 and HKD 10,622.68) which as the report issue date, the cases
have not yet been heard.

XII. Events after balance sheet date

1. Pre-plan for profit allocation and turning capital reserve into share capital

-In accordance with the profit allocation and capitalization of capital reserves for 2014 approved by the
                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Board of Directors on 23 Apr. 2015, based on the total 978,563,745 shares as at the end of 2014, the
Company intends to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 2.20 (tax included) for every 10 shares held by all
shareholders., with the total distributed cash dividends reaching RMB 215,284,023.90;And the Company
also plans to increase 3shares for every 10 shares held by all shareholders with the capital reserves. A total of
293,569,124 shares will be increased. The profit allocation and capitalization of capital reserves replan needs
to be examined by the Shareholders’ General Meeting.

XIII. Other significant events

1、Stock incentive fund

The proposal on establishing stock incentive mechanism for middle and senior management staff was
approved at the shareholders’ general meeting 2001 held on 16 May 2002, of which, with annual net return
on equity being 6% as KPI, if only the annual net return on equity could reach to 6%, the stock incentive
funds shall be appropriated based on 5% of net profit, withdrawal percentage of inventive fund will be
increased simultaneously with the growth ratio of net return on equity. Such proposal had started to
implement from the fiscal year of 2001. The stock incentive fund of RMB 13 million was withdrawn for the
year then ended.

2、Particulars on back door listing of joint stock company Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power Energy
Co., Ltd.

On 9 Sep. 2014, the Company received paper announcement from joint stock company Hefei Guoxuan
High-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd.( Hereinafter referred to as " Guoxuan High-tech ") which was: Draft of
Guoxuan High-tech plan to listing through buying shell of Jiangsu Dongyuan Elec'l Grp
Co.,Ltd.( Hereinafter referred to as " Dongyuan Elec'l "), the draft had been reviewed and approved by the
board of directors of Dongyuan Elec'l,. The back door listing of Guoxuan High-tech through Dongyuan
Electrical was approved by the Listed Company Merger and Reorganization Examination Committee of
CSRC upon review on 2 Apr. 2015. Up to the date when this financial report is approved for release, the
relevant transaction hasn’t been concluded yet.

3.Segment Information

There was no independently baring risk or rewards different from other parts, neither separable business
divisions nor area divisions in the Company.


There was no other significant event to be disclosed.

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

XIV. Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable classified by category

                                                  Book balance                    Provision for bad debts
                                                                Proportion                           Proportion       Book value
                                           Amount                                  Amount

Accounts        receivable    with

significant single amount and
                                     -                      -                -                   -                -
individually withdrawn bad debt


Accounts receivable withdrawal of

bad debt provision of by credit 355,364,408.20              99.81            19,571,304.68       5.51             335,793,103.52

risks characteristics:

Of which: Balance group              326,188,411.47         91.62            19,571,304.68       6.00             306,617,106.79

        Internal business group      29,175,996.73          8.19             -                   -                29,175,996.73

Accounts        receivable    with
insignificant single amount and
                                     664,739.65             0.19             664,739.65          100.00                           -
individually withdrawn bad debt

                                     356,029,147.85         100.00           20,236,044.33       5.68             335,793,103.52


                                                                             Opening balance
                                                  Book balance                    Provision for bad debts
                                                                Proportion                           Proportion       Book value
                                           Amount                                  Amount

Accounts        receivable    with

significant single amount and
                                     -                      -                -                   -                -
individually withdrawn bad debt


                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Accounts receivable withdrawal of

bad debt provision of by credit 452,687,518.72                     100.00      24,357,236.63             5.38               428,330,282.09

risks characteristics:

Of which: Balance group                  405,953,943.93            89.68       24,357,236.63             6.00               381,596,707.30

                                                                                        -                       -
         Internal business group         46,733,574.79             10.32                                                    46,733,574.79

Accounts        receivable        with
insignificant single amount and
                                                         -             -                    -              -                                -
individually withdrawn bad debt

                                         452,687,518.72            100.00      24,357,236.63             5.38               428,330,282.09

-In the group, account receivable adopting internal business group

                         Entity                                      Closing balance                                Opening balance

  Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.              14,244,606.23
        Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance
                (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.                                                                 4,805,233.33
    Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns
                    Co.,Ltd.                                                                        35,264,887.89

 Nanjing      Fozhao       Lighting       Components
                                                             3,992,927.76                           -
 Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

 Guangdong       Fozhao      New      Light    Sources
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang) Co.,
                                                             1,096,283.97                           5,876,755.98

 FSL Lighting Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                                   18,735.50

 Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                             29,175,996.73                          46,733,574.79

-In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

                                              Closing balance                                           Opening balance
        Aging                 Accounts            Provision for      Proportion         Accounts               Provision for       Proportion
                             receivable             bad debts           (%)            receivable                bad debts            (%)
                                                              2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                         Closing balance                                      Opening balance
       Aging                 Accounts        Provision for   Proportion          Accounts          Provision for    Proportion
                            receivable         bad debts        (%)             receivable           bad debts         (%)

Within 1 year          291,351,476.72       17,481,088.58    6.00            392,366,020.60      23,541,961.24      6.00

1-2 years              27,781,507.87        1,666,890.48     6.00            8,237,973.75        494,278.42         6.00
2-3 years              4,232,143.84         253,928.63       6.00            4,757,260.70        285,435.64         6.00
Over 3 years           2,823,283.04         169,396.99       6.00            592,688.88          35,561.33          6.00

                                                                             405,953,943.93      24,357,236.63
        Total          326,188,411.47       19,571,304.68    6.00                                                   6.00

-Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision

                  Content                    Book balance      Bad debt           Proportion (%)                 Reason

Shanghai Jinshen Electric Co., Ltd.         200,000.00       200,000.00         100.00                 Estimated irrecoverable

Hangzhpou          Huage         Lighting
                                            186,220.00       186,220.00         100.00                 Estimated irrecoverable
 Engineering Co., Ltd.

Kunming Hongguangming Commerce
                                            278,519.65       278,519.65         100.00                 Estimated irrecoverable
Co., Ltd.

                   Total                    664,739.65       664,739.65         100.00

(2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

The amount of bad debt provision was RMB 0.00; the amount of reversed or recovered bad debt provision in
the report period was of RMB4, 084,478.67.

(3) Particulars of the actual verification of accounts receivable during the reporting period

     Item                   Nature            Amount                Reason           Whether occurred from related transaction

Small amount                                                    Estimated                                No
                            Loan            36,713.63
of verification                                                irrecoverable

     Total                                  36,713.63

                                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 (4) Top five of account receivable of closing balance collected by arrears party

                                                                                                                        Closing balance
             Name of the entity                  Nature    Closing balance           Aging          Proportion (%)        of bad debt

Enterprise unit 1                                 Loan    19,092,583.73           Within 1 year   5.36

Enterprise unit 2                                                                                                       796,068.11
                                                  Loan    13,267,801.82           Within 1 year   3.73

Enterprise unit 3                                         10,141,244.40
                                                  Loan                            Within 2 years 2.85                   608,474.66

Enterprise unit 4                                                                                                       572,798.15
                                                  Loan    9,546,635.80            Within 1 year   2.68

Enterprise unit 5                                                                                                       468,024.05
                                                  Loan    7,800,400.78            Within 1 year   2.19

                    Total                           /     59,848,666.53                 /         16.81                 3,590,919.99

 (5) Derecogniziton of account receivable due to the transfer of financial assets


 (6) Assets and liabilities formed by transferring account receivable and its continuous involvement


 2. Other account receivable

 (1) Other account receivable classified by category

                                                                              Closing balance
                                                   Book balance                     Provision for bad debts
                                                                 Proportion                            Proportion       Book value
                                               Amount                               Amount
                                                                    (%)                                   (%)

 Other accounts receivable with

 significant single amount and
                                         -                   -                -                    -                -
 individually withdrawn bad debt


 Other       accounts       receivable

 withdrawal of bad debt provision 147,003,635.15             100.00           4,674,595.70         3.18             142,329,039.45

 of by credit risks characteristics:

 Of which: Balance group                 77,909,928.64       21.02            4,674,595.70         6.00             73,235,332.94

         Internal business group         69,093,706.51       78.98            -                    -                69,093,706.51

                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Other accounts receivable with
insignificant single amount and
                                                     -               -                         -                  -                     -
individually withdrawn bad debt

                Total                    147,003,635.15        100.00           4,674,595.70             3.18               142,329,039.45


                                                                                Opening balance
                                                   Book balance                       Provision for bad debts
                                                                   Proportion                                Proportion         Book value
                                                Amount                                Amount
                                                                      (%)                                       (%)

Other accounts receivable with

significant single amount and
                                         -                     -                -                        -                  -
individually withdrawn bad debt


Other       accounts       receivable

withdrawal of bad debt provision 72,971,393.08                 100.00           1,359,038.95             1.86               71,612,354.13

of by credit risks characteristics:

                                         22,650,649.31         31.04            1,359,038.95             6.00
Of which: Balance group                                                                                                     21,291,610.36

                                         50,320,743.77         68.96                   -                          -
        Internal business group                                                                                             50,320,743.77

Other accounts receivable with
insignificant single amount and
                                                     -                   -                 -                  -                         -
individually withdrawn bad debt

                                         72,971,393.08         100.00           1,359,038.95             1.86               71,612,354.13

-The        period-end       balance          of    other     accounts          receivable         has            increased      by     RMB
74,032,242.07 ,101.45%compared with that in last year, which mainly due to the unsettlement of
government subsidy for efficient lighting promotion project.

-In the group, other account receivable adopting internal business group

                         Entity                                     Closing balance                                   Opening balance

 Foshan      Chanchang        Electric       Appliance
 (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.                                                                                4,909,760.46

                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.          1,974,306.64

 Guangdong       Fozhao     New       Light   Sources
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                           -

 Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co.,
 Ltd.                                                                                           2,360,556.77

 Nanjing       Fozhao      Lighting      Components
 Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                                                        13,111,850.07

 Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang) Co.,
 Ltd.                                                                                           3,986,348.74

 FSL Lighting Equipment Co., Ltd.                       51,879,342.55

                        Total                           69,093,706.51                           50,320,743.77

-In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt

                                              Closing balance                                       Opening balance
        Aging                   Accounts          Provision for      Proportion     Accounts            Provision for   Proportion
                                receivable         bad debts            (%)         receivable            bad debts        (%)

Within 1 year              75,605,537.19          4,536,332.23       6.00         21,660,380.27                         6.00

1-2 years                  1,348,286.72           80,897.20          6.00          114,694.08          6,881.63         6.00
2-3 years                  101,694.08             6,101.64           6.00          486,435.49          29,186.13        6.00
Over 3 years               854,410.65             51,264.63          6.00         389,139.47          23,348.37         6.00

        Total              77,909,928.64          4,674,595.70       6.00                             1,359,038.95      6.00

(2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

The amount of bad debt provision was RMB 3,315,556.75 ; the amount of reversed or recovered bad debt
provision in the report period was of RMB 0.00

(3) Particulars of the actual verification of accounts receivable during the reporting period


(4) Other account receivable classified by account nature

                  Nature                                 Closing book value                           Opening book value

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Internal business group                         69,093,706.51                             50,320,743.77

Finance     subsidy         for   efficient     59,524,157.04                             -

lighting promotion project.

VAT export tax refunds                          9,474,039.36                              17,593,990.28

Performance bond                                3,279,191.60                              1,759,585.60

Staff borrow and deposit                        1,802,527.06                              1,123,146.95

Rental and utilities                             1,128,036.38                                 192,882.17

Related payment of street light                  2,523,547.23                                 1,568,550.00


Other                                           178,429.97                                412,494.31

                                                147,003,635.15                            72,971,393.08

(5) The top five other account receivable classified by debtor at period end

              Entity                          Nature         Closing balance      Aging            Proportion%    balance of bad
                                                                                                                  debt provision
                                      Finance subsidy
                                        for efficient
Enterprise unit 1                         lighting           59,524,157.04     Within 2 years 40.49               3,571,449.42
Enterprise unit 2                     Export         rebates 9,474,039.36      Within I year    6.44              568,442.36

                                       Advancing the
                                         street lamp
Enterprise unit 3                        installation        2,523,547.23      Within I year 1.72                 151,412.83
                                        payment for
Enterprise unit 4                             Margin         1,380,000.00      Within I year 0.94                 82,800.00

Enterprise unit 5                                            1,000,000.00      Within I year 0.68                 60,000.00

              Total                              /           73,901,743.63           /          50.27             4,434,104.61

                                                           2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(6) Account receivable involving government subsidies

                                                                                                   Estimated recovering
Name of entity                    Item                     Closing balance     Closing aging
                                                                                                  time, amount and basis

   Financial      Finance subsidy for efficient lighting
                                                           59,524,157.04       Within 2 years              2015
    Bureau                 promotion project.

(7) Other account receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets


(8) Assets and liabilities formed by transferring other account receivable and its continuous involvement


                                                                                                                                     2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

3. Long term equity investment

                                                                     Closing balance                                                                  Closing balance
                                         Book balance               Bad debt provision          Book value               Book balance                 Bad debt provision          Book value

Investment to subsidiary           441,949,939.76               -                         441,949,939.76            417,589,939.76                -                        417,589,939.76

Investment to associate enterprises 3,689,724.39                                  -       3,689,724.39              18,203,091.82                               -          18,203,091.82

              Total                445,639,664.15                                 -       445,639,664.15            435,793,031.58                              -          435,793,031.58

 (1) Investment to subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                                                                                                            Withdrawn          Closing balance of

                                                     Opening balance                     Increase        Decrease      Closing balance            impairment provision                impairment

Entity                                                                                                                                        in the reporting period                   provision
Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.      2,744,500.00               -                     -                2,744,500.00             -                            -
    Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance
            (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.                    42,000,000.00              -                     -                42,000,000.00            -                            -

  Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and
                                                   350,000.00                 -                     -                350,000.00               -                            -
          Lanterns Co., Ltd.
    Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components
          Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                  72,000,000.00              -                     -                72,000,000.00            -                            -

Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources
                                                   50,077,000.00              -                     -                50,077,000.00            -                            -
Technology Co., Ltd.
 Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang) Co.,
                     Ltd.                          35,418,439.76              -                     -                35,418,439.76            -                            -
Guangdong Fozhao Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.       200,000,000.00             -                     -                200,000,000.00           -                            -

                                                                                                                                      2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

      FSL Lighting Equipment Co., Ltd.
                                             15,000,000.00             -                       -                       15,000,000.00               -                                -

Suzhou Mont Lighting Co., Ltd.                                -        24,360,000.00                    -              24,360,000.00                               -                             -

                   Total                     417,589,939.76            24,360,000.00                    -              441,949,939.76                              -                             -

     (2) Investment to associated enterprise

                                                                                       Increase/ decrease

                                     addit                                                                                                                                                               Closing
                                     ional                         Profits or losses                                                                                   Ot                            balance of
    Entity        Closing balance                 negative                                  of other         Other          Equities or profits            Bad debt            Closing balance
                                     inves                        recognized under                           equity                                                    he                                bad debt
                                                 investment                             comprehens          changes             declare to issue       provision
                                     tmen                          equity method.                                                                                          r                             provision
                                                                                           ive income
 Qinghai FSL
Lithium Energy
 Exploitation    12,807,642.03       -       -                    -9,117,917.64        -                -                   -                          -               -       3,689,724.39          -
   Co., Ltd.
Guoxuan Power    5,395,449.79            -   5,395,449.79                     -                    -               -                    -                      -           -             -                    -
  Energy Co.,
    Total        18,203,091.82           -   5,395,449.79         -9,117,917.64                    -           -                        -                      -           -   3,689,724.39                   -

                                                                       2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

4. Revenue and Cost of Sales

 (1) Revenue, Cost of Sales

                                                      2014                                                 2013
                                      Revenues                 Operating costs             Revenues               Operating costs

        Main operations          3,074,905,433.08            2,356,699,902.95       2,486,962,211.23           1,923,694,963.65
        Other operations        21,859,129.59            11,797,485.10              104,505,104.95             76,309,660.72
          Total                 3,096,764,562.67         2,368,497,388.05           2,591,467,316.18           2,000,004,624.37

 (2) Main business (Classified by industry)

                                                      2014                                                 2013
                                  Revenue of sales              Costs of sales         Revenue of sales            Costs of sales

                                886,818,873.41           661,932,568.81             277,217,445.76             220,560,321.16

                                2,188,086,559.67         1,694,767,334.14           2,209,744,765.47           1,703,134,642.49
Traditional lighting

                                3,074,905,433.08         2,356,699,902.95           2,486,962,211.23           1,923,694,963.65

(3) Breakdown of main operation according to areas

                                                      2014                                                 2013
                                  Revenue of sales              Costs of sales         Revenue of sales            Costs of sales

Domestic sales                  2,195,459,421.66         1,738,416,539.06           1,666,429,014.78           1,341,497,916.76
Overseas sales                  879,446,011.42           618,283,363.89             820,533,196.45             582,197,046.89
Total                           3,074,905,433.08         2,356,699,902.95           2,486,962,211.23           1,923,694,963.65

(4) The revenue of sales from the top five customers

                     Customer                                 Operating income                            Proportion (%)

Enterprise unit 1                                    248,392,951.31                         8.02
Enterprise unit 2                                    51,487,747.58                          1.66
Enterprise unit 3                                    49,252,633.46                          1.59
Enterprise unit 4                                   46,475,691.92                          1.50
Enterprise unit 5                                   40,568,018.66                          1.31

                       Total                        436,177,042.93                         14.08

                                                                        2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

5. Investment income

                              Item                                               2014                               2013

Long-term equity investment calculated by cost method               4,888,044.88                    10,765,414.26

Long-term equity investment calculated by equity method             -9,117,917.64                   -12,820,601.90

Investment income during the period of the held of available

for sale financial assets                                           25,992,879.30                   1,365,712.54

Investment income from the disposal of long-term

equity investment                                                   -17,112.47                      -11,668,009.74

Investment income obtained through disposal of available for sale

financial assets                                                    1,784,824.81                    8,481,117.34
Investment income obtained through disposal of financial assets
measured at fair value and changes recorded into current            72,494.46                       -
profits and losses

Other                                                               499,406.22                      981,349.56

                             Total                                  24,102,619.56                   -2,895,017.94

 (1) Long-term equity investment calculated by cost method

                             Investor                                                2014                             2013

Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co.,Ltd.                       4,888,044.88                      10,765,414.26

                              Total                                   4,888,044.88                      10,765,414.26

(2) Long-term equity investment calculated by equity method

                             Investor                                                2014                             2013

        Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.             -9,117,917.64                     -12,543,975.96
      Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd.                               -                   -276,625.94

                              Total                                   -9,117,917.64                     -12,820,601.90

(3) Investment income during the period of the held of available for sale financial assets

                             Investor                                                2014                             2013

                                                                  2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Xiamen Bank Co., Ltd.                                         21,942,835.20

China Everbright Bank                                         4,050,044.10                       1,365,712.54

                             Total                            25,992,879.30                      1,365,712.54

(4) Investment income from the disposal of long-term equity investment

                           Investor                                          2014                               2013

Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.             -                                  -10,288,737.23

Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources Technology Co., Ltd.       -                                  -1,379,272.51

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd.               -17,112.47                                    -

                             Total                            -17,112.47                         -11,668,009.74

(5) Investment income obtained through disposal of available for sale financial assets

                           Investor                                          2014                               2013

Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset Management Company Limited           1,784,824.81                       -

Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Company Limited                            -                    8,481,117.34

                             Total                            1,784,824.81                       8,481,117.34

(6) Investment income obtained through disposal of financial assets measured at fair value and changes recorded into
current profits and losses

                             Item                                            2014                               2013

Fund                                                          -997,145.30                        -

Stock                                                         1,069,639.76                                  -

                             Total                            72,494.46                                     -

(7) Other

                             Item                                            2014                               2013

Repurchase business of bond collateral type offers            1,499,406.22                       -

                                                                         2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                               Item                                                  2014                                 2013

Foshan Fochen Road Development Company Limited                         -1,000,000.00                       -1,000,000.00

Interest income from the entrustment loan to Qinghai Fozhao

Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.                                               -                      1,981,349.56

Total                                                                  499,406.22                          981,349.56

XV. Supplementary materials

1. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

Item of extraordinary gains and losses are calculated according to related provisions of China Securities Regulatory
Comnission,”Interpretation Notice for Information Disclosures by Companies that Offer Securities to the Public No. 1:Extraordinary
Gains and Losses (revised in 2008)”


Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets                                                         -1,287,703.94

Government grants recognized in the current period, except for those acquired in the ordinary
course of business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the government’s unified          2,174,021.86

Gains due to that the investment costs for the Company to abtain subsidiaries,associates and joint
wentures are lower than the enjoyable fair value of the identifitable net assets of the investees the      -17,112.47
investees when making the investments

Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional assets and liabilities, and investment gains
from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets,   2,962,781.37
other than valid hedging related to the Company’s common businesses
Included in current profit and loss against the non-financial enterprises occupation fee funds

Reversal of impairment provisions of receivables separately conducted for impairment test                  -
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                            -51,945,691.06
Other gain and loss items that meet the definition of an extraordinary gain/loss                           1,499,406.22
Subtotal                                                                                                   -46,614,298.02
Less: Influenced amount of income tax (“-” shows decrease)                                               -6,958,646.77
Influenced amount of minor shareholders’ gains and losses                                                 530,207.54

Net extraordinary gains and losses attributable to common shareholders of the Company                      -40,185,858.79

                                                               2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. Return on Equity and Earnings per Share in the Consolidated Financial Statement
According to the requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission, “Compilation Rules for Information
Disclosures by the Companies that Offer Securities to the Public No. 9: Calculation and Disclosure of Net Return
of Equity and Earnings per Share (revised in 2010)”, net return on equity and earnings per share presented in the
consolidated financial statement are calculated in the reporting period:
                                               Return on equity (%)               Earnings per share (RMB Yuan)
                                                 Weighted average              Basic EPS                  Diluted EPS

                 Net profit attributable 9.08                          0.27                       0.27
                  to the Company’s
                 common shareholders

                 Net profit attributable 10.45                         0.31                       0.31
      2014        to the Company’s
                 common shareholders
                    after deducting
                extraordinary gains and

3.The process of calculating return on equity weighted average is listed as followed:

                     Item                                    Order                    2014                     2013

Net profit attributable to the Company’s common
                                                                1             266,125,048.97          251,831,356.38
Net profit attributable to the Parent Company’s
common shareholders after deducting income                      2             -40,185,858.79          4,739,173.85
tax influence
Net profit attributable to the Company’s
common shareholders after deducting income                   3=1-2            306,310,907.76          247,092,182.53
tax influence

Months from next month of the issuance of new
shares or bonds converting to hares increased to                4             -                       -
the end of reporting period
Months from next month of other transactions
or events caused he increase or decrease in net                 5             -                       -
assets to the end of reporting period

Months in the reporting period                                  6             12                      12

Opening net assets attributable           to     the
                                                                7             2,890,581,921.74        2,950,106,976.17
Company’s common shareholders

                                                          2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                     Item                               Order                     2014                    2013
Net assets increased by the issuance of new
shares or bonds converting to shares in the               8              -                       -
reporting period
Net assets increase caused by other transactions
                                                          9              -                       -
events in the reporting period
Net assets decreased by repurchase or cash
                                                          10             156,570,199.20          303,354,760.95
dividends in the reporting period
Months from next month of distribution of cash
                                                          11             7                       7
dividends to the end of reporting period
Closing net assets attributable         to   the
                                                          12             3,044,585,720.58        2,890,581,921.74
Company’s common shareholders
The weighted average net assets attributable to    13=7+1*50%+8*4/6
                                                                         2,932,311,830.03        2,899,065,710.47
the Company’s common shareholders                  -10*11/6±9*5/6
Return on equity weighted average( net profit
attributable to the Company’s common                  14=1/13           9.08%                   8.69%
Return on equity weighted average( net profit
attributable to the Company’s common
                                                       15=3/13           10.45%                  8.52%
shareholders after deducting non-current profit
or loss)

                                                    2014 Annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                Section XII. Documents Available for Reference

Investors and relevant departments can refer to the following materials in office of secretary to the
Board in office building of the Company:

1. Financial statements signed and sealed by legal representative, principal of accounting work, and
manager of finance department;
2. Original document of audit report stamped by accountant firm, signed and sealed by certificated
3. In the reporting period, all originals of the Company’s documents and public notices have been
publicly disclosed in China Securities Journal, Securities Times, and Ta Kung Pao;

4. Original Annual Report 2014 signed by Chairman of the Board.

                                                                      Board of Directors
                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                        23 April 2015
