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                                                                                                      Abstract of 2023 Annual Report of ADAMA Ltd.

Stock Code: 000553(200553)                Stock Abbreviations: ADAMA A(B)                     Announcement No.2024-5

           Abstract of the 2023 Annual Report of ADAMA Ltd.

I. Important Reminder
The Abstract is from the full text of the Annual Report. Investors are advised to read the full text of the Annual
Report published on the media designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission for having a round
understanding of the Company’s performance, financial status and future development plan.

All the directors attended the Board of Directors meeting to review the Annual Report.

Non-standard auditor report
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Plan approved by the Board of Directors for dividend distribution of ordinary shares or increasing the capital by
the transfer of capital reserves.
□Applicable √Not applicable
The Company does not plan to distribute cash or share dividends, nor plan to transfer capital reserve to equity

Plan approved by the Board of Directors for dividend distribution of preferred shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II.       Basic information about the Company
1.     Company profile
Stock name                         ADAMA A, ADAMA B              Stock code                   000553, 200553
Stock exchange                     Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                                                                     Securities Affairs Representative &
Contact Information                             Board Secretary
                                                                                        Investor Relations Manager
Name                                                   Guo Zhi                                  Wang Zhujun
                                    6/F, No.7 Office Building, No.10 Courtyard, Chaoyang Park South Road, Chaoyang
                                   District, Beijing
Tel.                                             010-56718110                                  010-56718110
E-mail                                      irchina@adama.com                            irchina@adama.com

2.  Main Business or Products during the Reporting Period
Main Business and Products
The Company is a global leader in crop protection, engaging in the development, manufacturing and
commercialization of a wide range of crop protection products, that are largely off-patent. The Company provides
solutions to farmers to combat weeds, insects and disease, and sells its products in over 100 countries, through
approximately 60 subsidiaries worldwide.

The Company’s main products are herbicides, insecticides and fungicide, which protect agricultural and other crops
against weeds, insects and disease, respectively. The Company also utilizes its expertise to adapt such products also
for the development, manufacturing and commercialization of similar products for non-agricultural purposes
(Consumer and Professional Solutions). In addition, the Company leverages its core capabilities in the agricultural

                                                                           Abstract of 2023 Annual Report of ADAMA Ltd.

and chemical fields and operates in several other non-agricultural areas, none of which, individually, is material for
the Company. These activities, collectively reported as Intermediates and Ingredients, include primarily, (a) the
manufacturing and marketing of dietary supplements, food colors, texture and flavor enhancers, and food
fortification ingredients; (b) fragrance products for the perfume, cosmetics, body care and detergents industries; (c)
the manufacturing of industrial products and (d) other non-material activities.

The Company's business model integrates end-customer access, regulatory expertise, state-of-the art global R&D,
production and formulation facilities, thereby providing the Company a significant competitive edge and allowing
it to launch new and differentiated products that meet local farmers and customer needs in key markets.

The Company's primary operations are global, spanning activities in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific
(including China) and Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

General crop protection market environment
Key commodity crop prices declined substantially during 2023 as weather conditions normalized and the global
crop supply situation improved. However, key commodity crop prices were still relatively high through 2023,
supporting planted area and investment in crops, leading to healthy demand, at the farmer level, of crop inputs,
including crop protection products. However, due to very high channel inventory across all geographies, channel
demand was weak during 2023. The high interest rate environment coupled with low prices of active ingredient
from China, also encouraged the just-in-time purchasing approach adopted by the channel. As a result, sales into
the channel declined sharply across the entire industry. Going into 2024, channel inventories have improved across
most geographies but they have still not normalized everywhere. The cost environment further improved in 2023 as
active ingredient prices in China continued to decline all through 2023 reaching low levels.

Market Competition and the Company’s Market Share
The global crop protection market is dominated by seven multinational companies, including the Group, five of
which are originator companies. In the past decade, a number of mergers and acquisitions were completed among
the largest players in the crop protection industry. Nonetheless, the crop protection industry as a whole is relatively
decentralized, with a number of local manufacturers competing in each country against the global multinational
companies. The Group believes that entry barriers for the crop protection market are relatively high, although they
vary from region to region.

ADAMA is a leading company (in sales terms) among the crop-protection companies that focus on off-patent crop
protection solutions. The Company’s global crop protection market share was approximately 5.1% in 2023, based
on preliminary estimation made by AgBio Investor regarding total sales in the agrochemical industry, and 6.5% in

3.  Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
(1) Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators of the Latest Three Years

Whether the Company performed any retroactive adjustments to or restatement of its accounting data
√Yes □No

Reasons for Retroactive Adjustments or Restatement of the Accounting Data: Other reasons

                                                                                   Abstract of 2023 Annual Report of ADAMA Ltd.

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’000
                                                                    2022                                              2021
                                              2023         Before      After               +/- (%)            Before           After
                                                         adjustment adjustment                               adjustment      adjustment
Operating revenue (RMB’000)                  32,779,456   37,381,915 37,381,915                -12.31%       31,038,605      31,038,605
Net profit attributable to the
                                           (1,605,887)        609,391          609,391         -363.52%         157,397           157,397
shareholders (RMB’000)
Net profit attributable to the
shareholders, excluding
                                           (1,851,491)        490,428          501,621          -469.1%          77,853           106,438
non-recurring profit and loss
Net cash flows from operating
                                               2,617,877      940,745          940,745         178.28%         4,561,875         4,561,875
activities (RMB’000)
Basic EPS (RMB/share)                           (0.6893)        0.2616         0.2616          -363.49%           0.0676        0.0676
Diluted EPS (RMB/share)                             N/A            N/A            N/A               N/A              N/A           N/A
Weighted average return on equity               (7.13%)         2.76%          2.76%             -9.89%           0.74%         0.74%
                                                                  31.12.2022                                       31.12.2021
                                         31.12.2023         Before          After          +/- (%)            Before         After
                                                           adjustment adjustment                             adjustment adjustment
Total assets (RMB’000)                       55,405,803    57,980,489     57,980,489             -4.44%      50,235,308    50,235,308
Net assets attributable to the
                                              21,924,475   23,124,655        23,124,655           -5.19%      21,075,083      21,075,083
shareholders (RMB’000)

Reason for retroactive adjustments: The Company recognized the non-recurring profit and loss items in accordance
with the “Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to
the Public - Non-Recurring Profit and Loss (2023 Revised)” and made retrospective adjustments. The
implementation of this regulation has no significant impact on the non-recurring profit and loss in comparable
accounting periods.

(2) Main Accounting Data by Quarter
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB’000

                                                              Q1 2023           Q2 2023             Q3 2023             Q4 2023
Operating revenue                                               8,610,576          8,642,625            7,406,903            8,119,352
Net profit attributable to the shareholders                        83,273          (325,429)            (800,317)            (563,414)
Net profit attributable to the shareholders excluding
                                                                   44,893          (343,038)            (845,864)            (707,482)
non-recurring profit and loss
Net cash flows from operating activities                       (2,905,168)         2,840,292               590,706           2,092,047

Any material differences between the financial indicators above or their summations and those which have been
disclosed in quarterly or semi-annual reports
□ Yes √ No

4.  Shares and Shareholders
(1) Number of Common Shareholders and Preferred Shareholders with Vote Right Restored and
    Shareholding Table of Top-10 Shareholders

                                                                                                                             Unit: share
                                                                                        Total           Total number of
                                                                                    number of           preferred stockholder
Total number
                          Total number of shareholders on the                        preferred          with vote right
of shareholders
                   41,388 30th trading day before the disclosure      41,393        stockholde      0   restored on the 30th        0
at the reporting
                          date of the annual report                                 r with vote         trading day before the
                                                                                        right           disclosure date of the
                                                                                      restored          annual report
                    Shareholding of Top-10 Shareholders (Excluding Shares Lent for the Relending Financing)

                                                                                      Abstract of 2023 Annual Report of ADAMA Ltd.

                                                                                                                      Pledged or frozen
                                                                                         Number of shares held             shares
                                          Nature of   Holding          Number of
          Name of shareholder                                                              subject to trading
                                         shareholder percentage         shares                                        Status of Amo
                                                                                                                       shares   unt
                                         State-owned                                                             --            --    --
Syngenta Group Co., Ltd.                                    78.47%    1,828,137,961
                                          legal person
China Cinda Asset Management Co.,        State-owned                                                             --            --    --
                                                             1.34%       31,115,916
Ltd.                                      legal person
Bosera Funds-China Merchants Bank-                                                                               --            --    --
Bosera Funds Xincheng No.2                     Others        0.28%        6,500,000
Collective Asset Management Plan
Hong Kong Securities Clearing                Overseas                                                            --            --    --
                                                             0.27%        6,374,253
Company Ltd. (HKSCC)                      legal person
                                             Domestic                                                            --            --    --
Wu Feng                                                      0.27%        6,190,669
Bosera Funds-Postal Savings Bank-                                                                                --            --    --
Bosera Funds Xincheng No.3                     Others        0.26%        6,000,000
Collective Asset Management Plan
Zhu Shenglan                                 Domestic                                                            --            --    --
                                                             0.25%        5,756,000
China Universal Fund-Industrial Bank-                                                                            --            --    --
China Universal-Strategic
                                               Others        0.19%        4,400,000
Enhancement No.3 Collective Asset
Management Plan
Qichun County State-owned Assets         State-owned                                                             --            --    --
Operation Center                                             0.18%        4,169,266
                                          legal person
Bosera Funds-Postal Savings Bank-                                                                                --            --    --
Bosera Funds Xincheng No.4                     Others        0.17%        4,000,000
Collective Asset Management Plan
                                                      Syngenta Group Co., Ltd. is not related party or acting-in-concert party as
                                                      prescribed in the Administrative Methods for Acquisition of Listed Companies
Explanation on associated relationship or/and persons to other shareholders. It is unknown to the Company whether shareholders
                                                      above are related parties or acting-in-concert parties as prescribed in the
                                                      Administrative Methods for Acquisition of Listed Companies.
                                                         Shareholder Wu Feng held 4,809,943 shares of the Company through a
                                                         common securities account and 1,380,726 shares of the Company through a
Particular about shareholder participate in the
                                                         credit collateral securities trading account, altogether 6,190,669 shares.
securities lending and borrowing business ( if any)
                                                         Shareholder Zhu Shenglan held 5,756,000 shares of the Company through a
                                                         credit collateral securities trading account.

Involvement of Top 10 Shareholders in Lending of Shares in the Relending Financing of Funds and Securities
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

Change of the Top 10 Shareholders from the Previous Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not Applicable
                              Change of the Top 10 Shareholders from the Previous Reporting Period

                                        Addition or                                            Shares in General Shareholders’
                                                          Shares Lent for the Relending
                                        Withdrawal                                          Accounts, Credit Accounts and Lent for
                                                          Financing at the Ending Period
                                          Shares                                            the Relending Financing at the Ending
    Full Name of the Shareholder                           and Amount not yet Returned
                                        during the                                           Period and Amount not yet Returned
                                        Reporting                          Proportion of                            Proportion of
                                                             Total                                 Total
                                          Period                         the Total Equity                         the Total Equity
 Zhu Shenglan                             Addition             0                0               5,756,000              0.25%
 Qichun County State-owned Assets
                                          Addition             0                0                4,169,266                 0.18%
 Operation Center
 Bosera Funds-Postal Savings Bank-        Addition             0                0                4,000,000                 0.17%

                                                                  Abstract of 2023 Annual Report of ADAMA Ltd.

 Bosera Funds Xincheng No.4
 Collective Asset Management Plan
 Wang Xiuqin                           Withdrawal   0         0              3,181,579            0.14%
 Portfolio No.503 of National Social
                                       Withdrawal   0         0                  0                  0
 Security Fund
 CITIC Securities - Huarong
 Ruitong Equity Investment
 Management Co., Ltd. - CITIC          Withdrawal   0         0                  0                  0
 Securities - Changfeng Single Asset
 Management Plan

(2) Number of Preferred Shareholders and Shareholding Table of Top-10 Preferred Shareholders
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None in the Reporting Period.

(3) Block Diagram of Equity and Control Relationship between the Company and Actual controller

5.  Corporate Bonds on the Reporting Date
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III.     Important Matters
For introduction to Company business during the reporting period, please refer to Section III. Management
Discussion and Analysis of the full text of 2023 Annual Report.

                                                                                              ADAMA Ltd.

                                                                    Legal Representative:Steve Hawkins

                                                                                          March 27th, 2024
