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						        Stock Code: 000553(200553)       Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A (B) NO. 2019-11

                                          ADAMA Ltd.
     Announcement on Expected Related-Party Transactions in the Ordinary
                        Course of Business in 2019

The Company and all members of the Company’s Board of Directors confirm that all information
disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete, with no false or misleading statement or material

I.       Basic Information on Related Party Transactions in the ordinary course of business

(I)      Overview of related-party transactions in the ordinary course of business

         The Company expects that in 2019 it and/or its subsidiaries (together the "Group
         Companies") will purchase raw materials/products, receive certain services, in a total
         amount that will not exceed RMB 1,198.78million, from subsidiaries controlled by China
         National Chemical Co., Ltd (“ChemChina”); and that the Group Companies will sell
         products, provide services, and be entrusted to sell products, in a total amount that will not
         exceed RMB715.65 million, to subsidiaries controlled by ChemChina. Such transactions
         hereinafter referred as the "related-party transactions".

         These estimations were performed based on the current available data and may change,
         inter alia, as a result of changes to the Group Companies` business and/or due to market
         conditions as well as due to further cooperation to be negotiated between the Group
         Companies and Syngenta.

         Related-party transactions of the above type performed by the Company in 2018 in the
         ordinary course of business amounted to RMB 1,143.51 million. The said amount is based
         on the current data available to the Company and has not been audited or reviewed by the
         Company's independent auditors. Please refer to the report for the full year and fourth
         quarter of 2018 to be duly disclosed by the Company.

         The related-party transactions matter has been reviewed and approved at the 11th Meeting
         of the 8th session of the Board of Directors of the Company. Among the five directors of
         the Company, there were three affirmative votes, zero negative votes and zero abstentions,
         while the two related-party directors (Mr. Yang Xingqiang and Mr. An Liru) refrained
         from voting.

         The related-party transactions matter shall be further approved by the Shareholders
         Meeting. China National Agrochemical Co., Ltd., and Jingzhou Sanonda Holdings Co., Ltd.
         will refrain from voting.
(II)      The types and amounts of expected related-party transactions in the ordinary course
          of business

                                                            The pricing    Contract amount
   Type of                              Content of                                              Amount
                                                            principle of     or estimated
related-party     Related party        related-party                                         incurred in the
                                                           related-party    amount not to
 transaction                            transaction                                           previous year
                                                            transaction         exceed
                                      Purchase of raw
                  Jiangsu Anpon
                  Electrochemical                          Market price        31,904            25,721
                                       ( including the
                     Co., Ltd.
                                    designated products)
                   Syngenta AG
                                      Purchase of raw
                       and its                             Market price        82,800            42,394
  Purchasing         Dacheng          Purchase of raw
raw materials                                              Market price         690               388
                  Agrochemical       materials/products
and products          Co., Ltd
 from related
                                      Purchase of raw
                     Chemical                              Market price         2,415            1,541
                  Machinery Co.,
                  Beijing Grand                            Market price
                                      Purchase of raw
                  AgroChem Co.,                                                 1,800            1,028
                     Sub-total               -                   -             119,609           71,072
 Selling raw       Syngenta AG
materials and          and its        Selling products     Market price        69,000            40,608
  products to       subsidiaries
related parties      Sub-total               -                   -             69,000            40,608

                  China National
                                     Value-added OA
                      Chemical                             Market price          65                62
                  Lianhai Testing     Testing Services     Market price          60                11
                      Co., Ltd.
services from
related parties
                      Chemical        Testing Services     Market price         144               119
                      Co., Ltd.
                      Sub-total              -                   -              269               192
                  Jiangsu Anpon
  Providing       Electrochemical    Consultancy and
                                                           Market price         1,996            1,172
  services to         Co., Ltd.     management services
related parties
                     Sub-total               -                   -              1,996            1,172
Accepting the     Jiangsu Anpon
                                       Entrusted Sale      Market price         569              1,065
 entrustment      Electrochemical
of the related       Co., Ltd.
 party to sell
                     Sub-total             -                      -              569               1,065
 its products

(III)     Actual related-party transactions in the ordinary course of business performed in the
          previous year

  Type of                                                             Actually
related-par                                Content of related         incurred     Estimated
                     Related party                                                                Difference
     ty                                      transaction               amount       amount
                     Jiangsu Anpon
                                             Purchase of raw
                  Electrochemical Co.,                                 25,523          31,660      19.38%
                                          Purchasing designated
                     Jiangsu Anpon
                                          products manufactured                                    96.95%
                  Electrochemical Co.,                                  198             6,500
                                          only for the Company
 Purchasing               Ltd.
  materials       Syngenta AG and its        Purchase of raw
                                                                       42,394          95,000      55.37%
    and              subsidiaries           materials/products
from related        Beijing Grand              Purchase of raw
                                                                       1,028            2,250      54.31%
   parties        AgroChem Co., Ltd.              materials
                  Shandong Dacheng           Purchase of raw                                          -
                                                                        388               -
                 Agrochemical Co., Ltd      materials/products
                   Bluestar (Beijing)
                                             Purchase of raw
                  Chemical Machinery                                   1,541              -           -
                       Co., Ltd
                       Sub-total                      -                71,072          135,410     47.51%
                  Syngenta AG and its
  products                                     Selling products        40,608          46,000      11.72%
 and goods
 to related                                                                                        11.72%
                       Sub-total                      -                40,608          46,000

                     China National                                                                  55%
                                               Value-added OA           62               40
                  Chemical Information
                      Jiangsu Lianhai                                                                 -
  services                                     Testing Services         11                -
                    Testing Co., Ltd.
from related
                    Zhonglan Lianhai
                  (Shanghai) Chemical                                                                 -
                                               Testing Services         119               -
                 Engineering Technology
                        Co., Ltd.
                        Sub-total                     -                 192              40         380%
 Providing           Jiangsu Anpon
                                           Consultancy and
 services to      Electrochemical Co.,                                 1,172            1,500      21.87%
                                          management services
   related                Ltd.
   parties              Sub-total                     -                1,172            1,500      21.87%
 Accepting           Jiangsu Anpon
     the          Electrochemical Co.,          Entrusted Sale         1,065            925        15.13%
entrustment               Ltd.
    of the        Research Institute of                                                 150        64.67%
                                                Entrusted Sale          53
   related         Chemical Industry
party to sell
                Anhui Kelihua Chemical
its products                                    Entrusted Sale              189             600          68.5%
                       Co., Ltd.
                        Sub-total                      -                   1,307           1,675        21.97%
by the board
of directors
   for the
                To ensure the stable operation of its normal business and improve efficiency, the Company
                estimated the cap of the related party transactions in 2018, and then submitted the proposal to the
between the
                shareholders’ meeting for consideration and approval. The actual amount recorded was lower by
                more than 20% of the estimated amount, as a result of normal business operations, according to
                which the Company and its relevant related parties determined the levels of sales and/or the
 amount of
                procurement of products and services from one another based on to their actual business demands.
daily related
   and the

     by the
independent     The transactions between related parties that have occurred in 2018 are all needed by the normal
directors for   and daily operation of the Company. All the transactions were conducted in line with market
  the major     practice and the laws and regulations; They have served the Company's long-term interests and met
 difference     requirement of development strategies. The gap between the actual amount and the estimation of
between the     the transactions between related parties in 2018, is a reasonable and proper result of the market
     actual     conditions and the actual needs of the Company. Such gap will neither trigger any major impact on
   occurred     production and operation, nor harm the interests of the Company and its minority shareholders, as
 amount of      well as will not compromise the independency of the Company.
daily related
    and the

1. Please refer to the announcement on June 8, 2018 for the 2018 expected related-party transactions
of the Company (Announcement number 2018-28).

2. The Company is a global crop protection company, with sales amounting to RMB 23,819 million
in 2017, such that the total related party transactions performed in 2018 represents only a relatively
low proportion of the overall business of the Company, 4.8% of its total 2017 sales.

In 2018 the total cost of procurement of raw materials and products amounted to RMB 14,212
million out of which only 5% was from related parties.

II.       Introduction to Related Parties and Their Relationships with the Company

            1. Jiangsu Anpon Electrochemical Co., Ltd. (legal representative: An Liru; registered
               address: No. 30, Huagong Road, Huai’an City) has registered capital of RMB51.38
               million and mainly undertakes the businesses related to basic chemical engineering,
               pesticide products and thermoelectric steam. The main financial data as of September
               30, 2018 are: operating revenue of RMB1,182.7 million , net profit of RMB
     67.41million, total assets of RMB1,586.29 million, net assets of RMB503.39million.

     Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the
     actual control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules
     of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the

     Analysis of performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Jiangsu
     Anpon Electrochemical Co., Ltd. produces and operates normally and is in good
     operational and financial conditions and thus has a good performance capability. After
     searching on the website of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a
     dishonest party subject to enforcement.

2. Beijing Grand AgroChem Co., Ltd. (legal representative: Yang Lin; registered address:
   No. 66, Anding Street North, Daxing District, Beijing) has registered capital of RMB
   10.5 million and mainly undertakes the development, production and sales of new
   special pesticide adjuvants and the development and process study of
   environmentally-friendly pesticide preparations and provides relevant technical
   services and consultations for pesticide enterprises. The main financial data as of
   September 30, 2018 are: operating revenue of RMB105.48 million, net profit of RMB
   7.05million, total assets of RMB54.22 million, net assets of RMB39 million.

     Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the
     actual control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules
     of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the

     Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company,
     Beijing Grand AgroChem Co., Ltd. produces and operates normally and is in good
     operational and financial conditions and thus has a good contract performance
     capability. After searching on the website of disclosure of enforcement information of
     China, it is not a dishonest party subject to enforcement.

3.     China National Chemical Information Center (legal representative:Shui Min;
     registered address: No. 53 Anwai Xiaoguan Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing) has
     registered capital of RMB150 million and mainly undertakes the businesses related to
     chemical information analysis and consultation, software development and network
     technologies and services. The main financial data as of the date September 30, 2018
     are: operating revenue of RMB177.86 million, net profit of RMB 18.48 million, total
     assets of RMB764.4 million, net assets of RMB639.26 million.

     Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the
     actual control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules
     of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the

     Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company,
     China National Chemical Information Center operates normally and is in good
     operational and financial conditions and thus has a good contract performance
     capability. After searching on the website of disclosure of enforcement information of
     China, it is not a dishonest party subject to enforcement.

4.   Syngenta AG (legal representative: n/a; registered address: Schwarzwaldallee 215
     4058 Basel) has the registered capital of RMB 41.33 million and mainly undertakes
     the businesses related to crop protection, seeds. The main financial data as of the date
     September 30, 2018 are: operating revenue of RMB65,181.59 million, total assets of
     RMB151,631.32 million, net assets of RMB28,424.85million.

     Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the
     actual control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules
     of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the

     Analysis of contract performance capability: Syngenta AG and its subsidiaries produce
     and operate normally andare in good operational and financial conditions and thus
     have a good contract performance capability. After searching on the website of
     disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to

5.    Shandong Dacheng Agrochemical Co., Ltd (legal representative:Huang Jianjun;
     registered address: No. 25 Honggou Road, Zhangdian District, Zibo City) has
     registered capital of RMB540 million and mainly undertakes the businesses related to
     sales of fertilizer, manufacture and sale of chemical equipment and parts, import and
     export of goods, wholesale and retail of chemical products (excluding dangerous and
     preventable chemicals). The main financial data as of the date September 30, 2018 are:
     operating revenue of RMB9.33 million, net profit of RMB 7.72 million, total assets of
     RMB858.89 million, net assets of RMB-911.49 million.

     Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the
     actual control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules
     of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the

     Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company,
     Shandong Dacheng Agrochemical Co., Ltd. operates normally and can perform its
     obligations under the contract. After searching on the website of disclosure of
     enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to enforcement.

6.   Bluestar (Beijing) Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. (legal representative:Kang Jianzhong;
     registered address: No. 5, Xingye Street, Beijing Economic and Development Zone)
     has registered capital of RMB955.55 million and mainly undertakes the businesses
     related to production of chemical machinery and equipment, production of type III
     pressure vessels, design, maintenance and installation of chemical machinery and
     equipment, technical consultation, technical services, technical training. The main
     financial data as of the date September 30, 2018 are: operating revenue of RMB470.21
     million, net profit of RMB 31.29 million, total assets of RMB1,192.89 million, net
     assets of RMB 721.54 million.

     Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the
     actual control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules
     of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the

     Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company,
     Bluestar (Beijing) Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. operates normally and is in good
     operational and financial conditions and thus has a good contract performance
            capability. After searching on the website of disclosure of enforcement information of
            China, it is not a dishonest party subject to enforcement.

       7.   Jiangsu Lianhai Testing Co., Ltd. (legal representative: Wang Yanning; registered
            address: No. 51, Chaoyang West Street, Haizhou District, Lian Yungang City) has
            registered capital of RMB 6 million and mainly undertakes the businesses related to
            development of testing and analysis technology, R&D, sales and installation of testing
            instruments, testing equipment and environmental protection equipment, integration of
            testing software and environmental protection software, operation and maintenance of
            automatic monitoring equipment. The main financial data as of the date September 30,
            2018 are: operating revenue of RMB15.98 million, net profit of RMB 1.57 million,
            total assets of RMB12.57 million, net assets of RMB 12.59 million.

            Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the
            actual control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules
            of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the

            Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company,
            Jiangsu Lianhai Testing Co., Ltd. operates normally and is in good operational and
            financial conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After
            searching on the website of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a
            dishonest party subject to enforcement.

       8.   Zhonglan Lianhai (Shanghai) Chemical Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (legal
            representative: Liu Zhikui; registered address: No. 5656, Huaxia West Street, Pudong,
            Shanghai) has registered capital of RMB 5 million and mainly undertakes the
            businesses related to potassium salt, potassium chemical technology and products,
            project investment and other professional technologies and product technology
            development, technology transfer, technology design, technical training, production
            and sales of self-developed products, project management, chemical engineering
            survey and design. The main financial data as of the date September 30, 2018 are:
            operating revenue of RMB680 thousand, net profit of RMB 5 thousand, total assets of
            RMB2.91 million, net assets of RMB 2.62 million.

            Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the
            actual control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules
            of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the

            Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company,
            Zhonglan Lianhai (Shanghai) Chemical Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. operates
            normally and is in good operational and financial conditions and thus has a good
            contract performance capability. After searching on the website of disclosure of
            enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to enforcement.

III.   Main Content of Related-Party Transactions

       1.    Main content

             (1) All related-party transactions between the Group Companies and the relevant
                 related parties should be carried out based on market terms and according to the
                 principles of voluntariness, equality, mutual benefit, justice and fairness and
                without prejudice to the interests of the Company.

           (2) If there is any available state fixed price, then the state fixed price shall prevail; if
               the state fixed price is inapplicable or not applicable any more, then the market
               price shall prevail; if the market price is inapplicable or not applicable any more,
               then both parties shall determine the exact and fair pricing standards they believe
               to be based on relevant data.

      2.   Signing of transaction agreement

           The Group Companies will conclude contracts with the relevant related parties
           according to their production and operation requirements and their ordinary course
           business practices.

IV.   Purpose of Related-Party Transaction and its Impact on the Company

      These related-party transactions are necessary for the daily business operation of the Group
      Companies. They mainly aim to capitalize on the Group Companies’ unique positioning
      and profile, achieve cost savings, increase the Company’s sales and market share and to
      drive its profitable growth. Based on the understanding of the related-parties’ business
      performance, credit status and performance capability, the Group Companies have selected
      them to conduct transactions in the ordinary course of business. The related-party
      transaction activities follow the principle of fairness and justice, they will not adversely
      affect the Company and its non-related party shareholders. The Board of Directors of the
      Company holds that the related-party transactions benefit the continuity and stability of the
      Company’s business operations, and has a positive impact on the normal operations of the
      Company. Those transactions will not impact the independence of the Company.

V.    Independent Directors’ Opinions

      The Company’s independent directors have given separate opinions on the related party
      transactions matter: The Group's related-party transactions performed in the ordinary
      course of business are mainly to purchase or sell goods, materials and services from/to the
      related parties based on the principles of justice and fairness and the pricing standards
      consistent with those of non-related parties, in order to capitalize on the Group’s unique
      positioning and profile, achieve cost savings, increase the Company’s sales and market
      share and to drive its profitable growth. All such transactions shall conform to relevant
      national laws and regulations, as applicable, and market-oriented principles, and shall not
      influence the independence of the Company or damage the interests of the Group
      Companies and their other shareholders. The decision-making procedures for these related
      party transactions conform to the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the
      Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, the Articles of Association and
      other laws and regulations. We agree on this proposal and submit it to the General Meeting
      of Shareholders for deliberation.

VI.   Opinion of Guotai Jun’an Securities Co., Ltd as the Financial Consultant

      After verification, the independent financial consultant is of the opinion that the estimated
      related-party transactions in the ordinary course of business of ADAMA Ltd. are necessary
      for the daily business operation of the Company. Pricing of these related-party transactions
      follows the market price. These transactions do not harm the interest of small and medium
      shareholders of the Company or affect independence of the Company. Aforementioned
      transaction matters have been approved at the 11th Meeting of the 8th session of the Board
       of Directors of the Company, on which occasion related directors withdrew from the
       voting, independent directors expressed affirmative opinions and necessary procedures
       were implemented. The related-party transaction matter is subject to approval of the
       General Meeting of Shareholders. CNAC and Jingzhou Sanonda Holding Co., Ltd as
       related shareholders will withdraw from the voting. Above deliberation procedures are in
       line with the Company Law, AoA of the Company and relevant rules. The independent
       financial consultant does not have objection to the matter of estimated related-party
       transactions for 2019 in the ordinary course of business of ADAMA Ltd..

VII.   Documents for Future Reference

       1. The resolution made at the 11th Meeting of the 8th session of the Board of Directors of
          the Company;

       2. Independent directors’ prior written approval;

       3. Independent directors’ opinions;

       4. Opinion of Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd on the Expected Related Party
          Transactions in the Ordinary Course of Business in 2019 of the Company.

       The Announcement is hereby given.

                                                            The Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd.

                                                                               February 21, 2019