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                        ADAMA Ltd.                                                                Third Quarter Report 2022

  Stock Code: 000553(200553)     Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B) Announcement No.2022-29

 The Company and all members of its board of directors hereby confirm that all
 information disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete with no false or misleading
 statement or material omission.

                                 ADAMA LTD.

             THIRD QUARTER REPORT 2022

ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) is a global leader in crop protection,
providing solutions to farmers across the world to combat weeds, insects and disease.
ADAMA has one of the widest and most diverse portfolios of active ingredients in the world,
state-of-the art R&D, manufacturing and formulation facilities, together with a culture that
empowers our people in markets around the world to listen to farmers and ideate from the
field. This uniquely positions ADAMA to offer a vast array of distinctive mixtures, formulations
and high-quality differentiated products, delivering solutions that meet local farmer and
customer needs in over 100 countries globally.

Please see important additional information and further details included in the Annex.

                                     October 2022

ADAMA Ltd.                                                         Third Quarter Report 2022

Important Notice

The Company’s Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and
senior managers confirm that the content of the Report is true, accurate and complete
and contains no false statements, misleading presentations or material omissions,
and assume joint and several legal liability arising therefrom.

Ignacio Dominguez, the person leading the Company (President and Chief Executive
Officer) as well as its legal representative, and Shahar Florentz, the person leading
the accounting function (Chief Financial Officer), hereby assert and confirm the
truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Financial Report.

The Third Quarter Report has not been audited.

This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any
discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                 Third Quarter Report 2022

I.      Main accounting and financial results
1. Whether the Company performs any retroactive adjustments to, or restatements of, its accounting data of last year due
to change in accounting policies or correction of accounting errors
√ Yes □ No
                            July -     July - September 2021       +/- (%)       January -    January - September 2021          +/- (%)
                          September     Before        After         After       September       Before         After             After
                            2022      adjustment adjustment      adjustment        2022       adjustment    adjustment        adjustment
Operating revenues
                          9,281,986    7,424,584     7,424,584     25.02%       28,077,814    22,488,364     22,488,364           24.85%
Net profit attributable
to shareholders of the     36,046      (370,952)     (370,952)    109.72%        768,144        (3,916)        (3,916)        19,715.53%
Company (RMB’000)
Net profit attributable
to shareholders of the
Company excluding           4,353      (384,112)     (384,112)    101.13%        659,376       (61,989)        (61,989)        1,163.70%
non-recurring profit
and loss (RMB’000)
Net cash flow from
operating activities      (212,839)     690,694      690,694      -130.82%      (1,558,700)   2,181,987       2,181,987        -171.43%
Basic EPS
                           0.0155       (0.1592)     (0.1592)     109.72%         0.3297       (0.0017)        (0.0017)       19,494.25%
Diluted EPS
                             N/A          N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A          N/A             N/A                N/A
Weighted average
                            0.16%       -1.73%        -1.73%       1.89%          3.44%         -0.02%         -0.02%             3.46%
return on net assets

                                                                        End of last year                                  +/- (%)
                           End of Reporting Period
                                                        Before adjustment            After adjustment             After adjustment

Total assets
                                59,206,445                 50,235,308                  50,235,308                        17.86%
Net assets attributable
to shareholders                 23,570,005                 21,075,083                  21,075,083                        11.84%

Reason for retroactive adjustments: According to ASBE 22 - Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement,
starting from 2022 the Group recorded the gain or loss from the disposal of derivative instruments in the “Gain(loss) from
Changes in Fair Value”. Before 2022, the Group recorded the abovementioned gain of loss in the “Investment income,
net”. The Company reclassified the “Gain(loss) from Changes in Fair Value” and the “Investment income, net” in the
corresponding period in 2021. Such change has no impact on the operating results or net assets.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                           Third Quarter Report 2022

2. Non-Recurring profit/loss
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB’000
                                                                    July - September            January - September
Item                                                                                                                     Note
                                                                           2022                        2022
Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including
                                                                                    2,490                      70,460
the offset part of asset impairment provisions)
Government grants recognized through profit or loss
(excluding government grants closely related to business of
                                                                                    5,952                      30,786
the Company and given at a fixed quota or amount in
accordance with government’s uniform standards)
Recovery or reversal of provision for bad debts which is
assessed individually during the years                                             24,153                      41,353
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the
above                                                                               3,958                      (6,282)
                                                                                                                       provision for
                                                                                                                       plan of
Other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring
                                                                                       (7)                     (5,852) employees at
profit or loss
                                                                                                                       g facilities.
Less: Income tax effects                                                            4,853                      21,697
Total                                                                              31,693                     108,768

Explanation of other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Mainly provisions for early retirement plan of employees at the Company’s Israeli manufacturing facilities as explained
above in the note.

Explanation of why the Company classified an item as non-recurring profit/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public. Non-recurring Profit
and Loss, and reclassified any non-recurring profit/loss items are given as examples in the said explanatory announcement
to recurrent profit/loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the Reporting Period, as well as reasons for
the changes
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                           Third Quarter Report 2022

General Crop Protection Market Environment
Preliminary projections estimate the global crop protection industry to increase by 14.5% in 20221. High crop prices
incentivized another year of increases in global planted areas, which drove higher crop protection volumes as well as by
higher pricing.

Crop prices remain elevated above historic averages despite decreasing somewhat in the last two quarters, after reaching
historically high levels in Q1 2022. Prices are expected to remain elevated into 2023, supported by key fundamentals
including very low stocks, unfavorable weather conditions in the Americas and parts of Europe and continued supply
disruptions exacerbated by the conflict in Ukraine as well as the energy crisis in Europe. However, weaker economic
conditions and broad-based monetary tightening could weigh on consumer demand, softening prices further.

Farmer profitability continues to face pressures from high production costs, mainly from high fertilizer prices, driven by a
surge in energy costs and the application of international economic sanctions to Russia and Belarus (both large fertilizer
exporters), as well as supply disruption and tight availability caused by the conflict in Ukraine. Despite this, farming activities
are nevertheless still very profitable in most regions.

Crude oil prices continued to decline in the third quarter of 2022 from the peak levels reached in the first quarter of 2022,
mainly due to concerns regarding the global economic outlook. Prices are, however, expected to remain elevated into the
fourth quarter of 2022 and beyond, due to low global inventory levels, uncertainty of Russia’s oil exports as well as the
OPEC+ decision to further limit oil production.

European gas prices and indirectly Asian spot LNG prices reached record highs in the third quarter of 2022 following the
sharp decline in Russian gas flows to Europe and a tight energy market. Meanwhile, prices in the United States reached
their highest summer levels since 2008.

Global container freight rates have dropped significantly in the third quarter of 2022, driven by a further weakening in
demand in the light of high inflation and slower-than-expected economic growth, easing port congestion. A large amount
of scheduled new deliveries of container vessel capacity, starting from the end of 2022, is expected to further soften port
congestion and put container shipping rates under pressure.

Prices for raw materials, intermediates and active ingredients reached peak levels towards the end of 2021; however,
since then there has been a general softening of prices in China and an increase in prices of such products in other
geographies. With strong global crop protection demand, and supply shortages driven by the energy crisis in Europe and
the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, as well as the ongoing "Zero COVID" policy in China, overall prices are expected to remain
above levels in recent years. In China, an increase in production capacity and an ease in logistic disruptions led to softening
of prices of many key raw materials, intermediates and active ingredients from China. In other geographies cost inflation,
energy prices, supply shortages and logistic challenges are driving procurement prices upward and impacting availability
of raw materials and intermediates.

1   Source: AgbioInvestor-Quarterly-Briefing-Service-PLUS_Q3-2022
ADAMA Ltd.                                                                              Third Quarter Report 2022

                                January -                                  January -         Same
                                              Same period
                               September                                  September         period
                                                last year      +/-%                                       +/-%
                                  2022                                       2022          last year
                               (000’RMB)                                 (000’USD)      (000’USD)
Operating income
                                28,077,814      22,488,364      24.85%      4,257,997      3,475,992       22.50%

 Cost of goods sold             20,838,317      16,143,819      29.08%      3,159,552      2,495,316       26.62%

 Sales & Marketing expenses      3,231,093       3,725,486      -13.27%      489,682         575,816       -14.96%

 General & Administrative
                                   972,450       1,020,945       -4.75%      147,192         157,812        -6.73%

 R&D expenses                      415,855         340,888      21.99%        63,027          52,692       19.61%

   Financial Expenses              132,048       1,107,975      -88.08%       15,496         171,273       -90.95%

   Gain (loss) from Changes
                                (1,364,883)        173,806     -885.29%     (210,040)         26,571      -890.49%
   in Fair Value

Total Net Financial Expenses     1,496,931         934,169      60.24%       225,536         144,702       55.86%

Total profits                      901,110         244,550     268.48%       138,853          37,797      267.37%

 Income tax expenses               132,966         246,269      -46.01%       20,121          38,054       -47.13%

Net profit attributable to
                                   768,144         (3,916) 19,715.53%        118,732            (595) 20,054.96%
shareholders of the Company

EBITDA                           3,983,221       2,619,409      52.07%       604,598         404,900       49.32%

                                 Q3 2022         Q3 2021                    Q3 2022         Q3 2021
                                                                +/-%                                       +/-%
                                (000’RMB)      (000’RMB)                 (000’USD)      (000’USD)

Operating income (Revenues)        9,281,986      7,424,584       25.02%     1,359,044       1,147,469     18.44%

 Cost of goods sold                7,015,562      5,437,109       29.03%     1,027,235         840,308     22.25%

 Sales & Marketing expenses        1,072,004      1,219,050      -12.06%       156,961         188,399     -16.69%

 General & Administrative
                                    330,137         449,138      -26.50%        48,309          69,421     -30.41%

 R&D expenses                        141,117        113,948       23.84%        20,664          17,612     17.33%

 Financial Expenses                 570,273         659,185      -13.49%        83,487         101,884     -18.06%

 Gain (loss) from Changes in
                                    (23,165)        312,067     -107.42%        (3,392)         48,230    -107.03%
 Fair Value

Total Net Financial Expenses        593,438         347,118       70.96%        86,879          53,654     61.92%

Total profits                         67,736       (175,764)     138.54%         9,918         (27,178)   136.49%

 Income tax expenses                  31,690        195,188      -83.76%         4,639          30,164     -84.62%

Net profit attributable to
                                      36,046       (370,952)     109.72%         5,279         (57,342)   109.21%
shareholders of the Company

EBITDA                             1,211,159        666,988       81.59%       177,324         103,080     72.03%

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                       Third Quarter Report 2022

Note: Since the functional currency of main overseas subsidiaries is the USD, and the Company’s management review of
the Company’s performance is based on the USD results, following explanations and analysis are based on USD-
denominated numbers as listed above.

Analysis of Financial Highlights
(1)     Revenues
        Revenues in the third quarter grew by 18% (+25% in RMB terms; +24% in constant exchange rates (CER) terms)
        to $1,359 million, driven by a significant 18% increase in prices, a trend which started in the third quarter of 2021.
        The markedly higher prices were complemented by continued volume growth (+6%), and achieved despite supply
        challenges in certain markets, and the adverse impact of exchange rate movements in many regions. The Company
        achieved growth in sales in constant exchange rates across most regions.
        The accelerated growth in the quarter brought the first nine months sales to a record-high of $4,258 million, an
        increase of 22% (+25% in RMB terms; +26% in CER terms) driven by a 19% increase in prices and an 7% growth
        in volume.

Regional Sales Performance

                                       Q3 2022        Q3 2021        Change         9M 2022        9M 2021        Change
                                         $m             $m            USD             $m             $m            USD
Europe                                      211            220          -4.0%            861            825          4.3%
North America                               174            183          -4.7%            736            628         17.2%
Latin America                               548            372         47.3%           1,161            820         41.7%
Asia Pacific                                238            194         22.4%             958            677         41.4%
 Of which China                             156            121         28.9%             605            380         59.1%
India, Middle East & Africa                 187            178           5.3%            542            525          3.1%
Total                                     1,359          1,147         18.4%           4,258          3,476         22.5%

Europe: Increase in sales in the third quarter in constant exchange rate terms following distributors securing inventory
for the autumn season in the UK, Czech Republic, France, Romania, Benelux and Baltics. This growth in constant
exchange rate terms was achieved despite drought conditions across European countries such as Spain, France, Italy
and Germany impacting demand, as well as supply issues, high channel inventories in some countries and a loss of
sales due to the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

North America: In the US Ag market, sales decreased in the third quarter as the Company was negatively impacted by
the record low harvest of cotton as farmers abandoned non-irrigated fields due to extreme drought conditions across
Texas and other southwest regions. Drought in California continued to impact demand. With the North American market
in the midst of harvest season, renewed demand for crop protection is expected in anticipation of the upcoming Q1 2023
planting season.

Very strong growth in sales in Canada enabled by the in-house production of cereal herbicide which supported the cereal
season before harvest.

The Consumer & Professional business presented slower sales in the quarter. On the professional side, initial market
price reductions, high levels of inventory in the channel and anticipation of decreases in costs of goods led to a slowdown
in the market. On the consumer side, inflationary pressures are softening overall market demand.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                         Third Quarter Report 2022

Latin America: Strong growth in sales in Brazil, driven by prices and volume supporting the anticipated soybean, corn,
sugarcane and cotton fourth quarter crop seasons; sales which in 2021 were also included in the fourth quarter.

In other LATAM countries the higher sales reflect the strong demand across the region and were achieved despite some
adverse weather conditions and inventory in the channel.

Asia Pacific: The Company's strong growth in Asia Pacific was led by the sales of raw material, intermediates and fine
chemicals in China, driven by continued strong demand, in light of the strong global demand for crop protection and
achieved despite an ease in fine chemical prices. The sales in China of ADAMA's branded portfolio also continued to
grow nicely, despite the strong competition in the market.

In the wider APAC region, growth in sales in the quarter was also achieved led by strong sales in Asian countries such
as Thailand, Korea and Indonesia due to favorable seasonal conditions and with the return of face-to-face business post-
COVID. In the Pacific region fungicide sales grew nicely following favorable seasonal conditions. This growth was
achieved despite high channel inventories in parts of Asia.

India, Middle East and Africa: Sales in the third quarter were led by India and represent the peak season for sales in
this country due to the monsoon season. Despite this, heavy rainfall negatively impacted insecticide and fungicide sales
in certain crops and overall sales were also impacted by some supply constraints.

(2)    Cost of Goods and Gross Profit
       In the reported results, as of Q4 2021, following recent changes in the guidelines in China, the transportations costs
       to third parties and its marketing subsidiaries and opex idleness have been reclassified from operating expenses to
       costs of goods (not impacting the operating results), while these expenses were not recorded in the cost of goods
       in the third quarter and first nine months of 2021, but rather in the operating expenses.
       Additionally, certain extraordinary charges related largely to a temporary disruption of the production of certain
       products were adjusted in the third quarter and first nine months of 2021. These charges have significantly declined
       since Q1 2022, as the relocation and upgrade of the manufacturing Jingzhou site in China has been completed and
       is now at a high level of operation.
       Excluding the impact of the abovementioned items, the higher gross profit was mainly driven by the markedly higher
       prices, complemented by continued volume growth, which offset the higher logistic, procurement and production
       costs, as well as the negative impact of exchange rates.

(3)    Operating Expenses:
       Operating expenses include Sales and Marketing, General and Administration and R&D.
       Please refer to the explanation above regarding the reclassification of certain transportation costs and idleness from
       operating expenses to COGs.
       Additionally, the Company recorded certain non-operational charges within its operating expenses amounting to
       RMB 20 million ($ 3 million) in Q3 2022 in comparison to RMB 41 million ($ 6 million) in Q3 2021, and RMB 202
       million ($ 31 million) in 9M 2022 in comparison to RMB 210 million ($ 32 million) in 9M 2021, mainly as follows:
       (i) Non-cash amortization charges in respect of Transfer assets received and written-up related to the 2017
       ChemChina-Syngenta acquisition. The proceeds from the Divestment of crop protection products in connection with
       the approval by the EU Commission of the acquisition of Syngenta by ChemChina, net of taxes and transaction
       expenses, were paid to Syngenta in return for the transfer of a portfolio of products in Europe of similar nature and
       economic value. Since the products acquired from Syngenta are of the same nature, and with the same net
       economic value as those divested, the Divestment and Transfer transactions had no net impact on the underlying
       economic performance of the Company. These additional amortization charges will continue until 2032 but at a

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                         Third Quarter Report 2022

      reducing rate, yet will still be at a meaningful level until 2028; (ii) Charges related mainly to the non-cash amortization
      of intangible assets created as part of the Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) on acquisitions, with no impact on the
      ongoing performance of the companies acquired; and (iii) Incentive plans - share-based compensation.
      Excluding the impact of the abovementioned non-operational charges, the higher operating expenses in the quarter
      and first nine months reflect the strong growth of the business, higher transportation and logistics costs driven by
      both an increase in freight costs and volumes transported, an increase in expenses attributed to company success-
      based employee compensation, the inclusion of a recent acquisition (in the nine-month period) and moderated by
      the positive impact of exchange rates.
      In addition, in the first quarter of 2022 the Company recorded a doubtful debt provision for trade receivables in

(4)   Financial Expenses
      “Financial Expenses” alone mainly reflect interest payments on corporate bonds and bank loans as well as foreign
      exchange gains/losses on the bonds and other monetary assets and liabilities before the Company carries out any
      The impact of Financial Expenses (before hedging) is an expense of RMB 132 million ($15 million) for the nine
      months of 2022 compared with an expense of RMB 1,108 million ($171 million) for the corresponding period in
      Given the global nature of its operational activities and the composition of its assets and liabilities, the Company, in
      the ordinary course of its business, uses foreign currency derivatives (forwards and options) to hedge the cash flow
      risks associated with existing monetary assets and liabilities that may be affected by exchange rate fluctuations.
      The impact of the hedging transactions which is recorded in “Gains/Losses from Changes in Fair Value” is a net
      loss of RMB 1,365 million ($210 million) in the nine months of 2022 compared with a net gain of RMB 174 million
      ($27 million) in the corresponding period in 2021.
      The aggregate of Financial Expenses and Gains/Losses from Changes in Fair Value (hereinafter as “Total Net
      Financial Expenses”), which more comprehensively reflects the financial expenses of the Company in supporting
      its main business and protecting its monetary assets/liabilities, amounts to RMB 1,497 million ($226 million) in the
      nine months of 2022 compared with RMB 934 million ($145 million) in the corresponding period in 2021.
      The higher financial expenses were mainly driven by the net effect of the high Israeli CPI on the ILS-denominated,
      CPI-linked bonds and higher hedging costs on exchange rates. In the nine-month period in 2022, these expenses
      also included the valuation of put options attributed to minority stakes of a subsidiary fully consolidated from Q3

(5)   Income Tax Expenses
      In 2022, the Company recognized a higher deferred tax asset, related to inter-group sales, that led to a decline in
      the tax on income.
      The significantly higher tax expenses in the third quarter of 2021 reflected the high growth in end-market sales,
      which incur higher tax rates, as well as the impact of a significantly weaker BRL on non-monetary tax assets.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                   Third Quarter Report 2022

Changes in main assets and liabilities

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB’000
                                End of
                                             End of last
      Assets and liabilities   Reporting                    +/- (%)                      Explanation
  Cash at bank and on                                                Increasing payments for procurement and
                                 3,719,929      5,818,835    -36.07%
  hand                                                               investments in CIP projects
                                                                     Mainly increase in receivables in respect of
  Other receivables                985,358        691,939     42.41%
                                                                     securitization transaction
                                                                     Higher inventory levels mainly to support
                                                                     expected future sales, in light of anticipated
  Inventories                   17,381,277     11,750,162     47.92%
                                                                     supply shortages, logistic challenges and
                                                                     inventory costs increases.
                                                                     Changes are mainly due to investments as part
  Construction in progress       2,956,191      2,143,400     37.92%
                                                                     of upgrade projects
  Deferred tax assets            1,313,913        723,075     81.71% Mainly due to increase in inter-group sales

  Short-term loans               3,139,729        874,755   258.93% Additional short-term financing

  Bills payable                  1,131,105        493,376   129.26% Due to higher level of procurement
  Derivative financial
                                   356,162        243,316     46.38% Changes due to revaluation of derivatives
  Derivative financial
                                   803,087        176,206   355.77% Changes due to revaluation of derivatives
                                                                     Mainly increase in accrued expenses for
  Other payables                 1,975,130      1,342,188     47.16% logistics and bond interests, and liabilities in
                                                                     respect of securitization transaction

II.       Information regarding the Shareholders
1.        Total number of ordinary shareholders and preference shareholders who had resumed their voting
          rights, and shareholdings of top 10 shareholders at the period-end
                                                                                                              Unit: share
                                                                               Total number of preference
                                             40,410 (the number of ordinary A
                                                                               shareholders    who      had
Total number of ordinary shareholders at the share shareholders is 27,109; the
                                                                               resumed their voting right at     0
end of the Reporting Period                  number of B share shareholders
                                                                               the end of the Reporting
                                             is 13,301)
                                                                               Period (if any)
                                          Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders
      Name of shareholder        Nature of Shareholding          Number of       Number of        Pledged or frozen
                                shareholde percentage           shares held       restricted           shares
                                     r                                           shares held      Status      Number
Syngenta Group Co., Ltd.          State-
                                                 78.47%        1,828,137,961          --            --           --
China        Cinda        Asset   State-
Management Co., Ltd.              owned
                                                  1.34%           31,115,916          --            --           --
Portfolio No.503 of National
                                  Others          0.60%           14,000,000          --            --           --
Social Security Fund
CITIC Securities-Huarong
                                  Others          0.55%           12,885,900          --            --           --
Ruitong Equity Investment

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                   Third Quarter Report 2022

Management Co., Ltd.-CITIC
Securities-Changfeng Asset
Management Plan for Single
Qualified Investor
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Overseas
Company Limited                      legal         0.43%            9,932,401         --             --           --
Bosera             Funds-China
Merchants Bank- Bosera Funds
                                    Others         0.28%            6,500,000         --             --           --
Xincheng No.2 Collective Asset
Management Plan
WANG Xiuqin                         natural        0.27%            6,316,461
Bosera Funds-Postal Savings
Bank- Bosera Funds Xincheng
                                    Others         0.26%            6,000,000         --             --           --
No.3       Collective      Asset
Management Plan
China Merchants Bank –
                                    Others         0.24%            5,489,800         --             --           --
Tianhong CSI 500 ETF
WU Feng                             natural        0.21%            5,001,015         --             --           --
                                   Shareholdings of top 10 non-restricted shareholders
        Name of shareholder             Number of non-restricted                      Type of shares
                                      shares held at the period-end           Type                       Number
Syngenta Group Co., Ltd.                    1,828,137,961              RMB ordinary share          1,828,137,961
China Cinda Asset Management
                                               31,115,916              RMB ordinary share               31,115,916
Co., Ltd.
Portfolio No.503 of National Social
                                               14,000,000              RMB ordinary share               14,000,000
Security Fund
CITIC Securities-Huarong Ruitong
Equity Investment Management
Co.,      Ltd.-CITIC     Securities-           12,885,900              RMB ordinary share               12,885,900
Changfeng Asset Management
Plan for Single Qualified Investor
Hong Kong Securities Clearing
                                                9,932,401              RMB ordinary share                9,932,401
Company Limited
Bosera Funds-China Merchants
Bank- Bosera Funds Xincheng
                                                6,500,000              RMB ordinary share                6,500,000
No.2 Collective Asset Management
WANG Xiuqin                                     6,316,461              RMB ordinary share                6,316,461
Bosera Funds-Postal Savings
Bank- Bosera Funds Xincheng
                                                6,000,000              RMB ordinary share                6,000,000
No.3 Collective Asset Management
China Merchants Bank – Tianhong
                                                5,489,800              RMB ordinary share                5,489,800
WU Feng                                        5,001,015              RMB ordinary share                5,001,015
                                  Syngenta Group Co., Ltd. is not a related party or acting-in-concert party as
                                  prescribed in the Administrative Methods for Acquisition of Listed Companies to other
Related or act-in-concert parties
                                  shareholders. It is unknown to the Company whether shareholders above are related
among the shareholders above
                                  parties or acting-in-concert parties as prescribed in the Administrative Methods for
                                  Acquisition of Listed Companies.
Top 10 ordinary shareholders Shareholder Wu Feng held 3,591,189 shares of the Company through an ordinary
conducting   securities   margin securities trading account and 1,409,826 shares of the Company through a credit
trading                           collateral securities trading account, the total sum of which is 5,001,015 shares.

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                         Third Quarter Report 2022

2.     Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top 10 of such at the period-end
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III.   Other Significant Events
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                                  Third Quarter Report 2022

IV. Financial Statements
i. Financial Statements
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by ADAMA Ltd.
                                                       30 September 2022
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB’000
                                 September 30,    December 31,                                         September 30,      December 31,
Item                                                                            Item
                                     2022             2021                                                 2022               2021
Current assets:                                                   Current liabilities:
  Cash at bank and on hand            3,719,929       5,818,835    Short-term loans                           3,139,729         874,755
  Financial assets held for
                                          1,632           1,479     Derivative financial liabilities            803,087         176,206
  Derivative financial assets           356,162         243,316     Bills payable                             1,131,105         493,376
 Bills receivable                       118,148          81,992     Accounts payable                          7,191,302       6,294,163
 Accounts receivable                 10,130,337       8,362,493     Contract liabilities                      1,505,390       1,381,311
  Receivables financing                  60,526         120,157     Employee benefits payable                 1,157,872       1,247,979
 Prepayments                            443,550         379,788     Taxes payable                               436,530         368,682
 Other receivables                      985,358         691,939     Other payables                            1,975,130       1,342,188
                                                                    Non-current liabilities due
  Inventories                        17,381,277      11,750,162                                               1,857,482       1,795,754
                                                                     within one year
  Other current assets                1,145,605         938,453     Other current liabilities                   452,442         412,909
Total current assets                 34,342,524      28,388,614   Total current liabilities                  19,650,069      14,387,323
Non-current assets:                                               Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term receivables                  66,369          56,234     Long-term loans                           4,193,134       3,498,912
  Long-term equity investments           24,836          15,335     Debentures payable                        7,951,541       7,797,131
  Other equity investments              159,774         152,118     Lease liabilities                           451,940         362,086
  Investment properties                   3,305           3,716     Long-term accounts payable                  104,716          95,699
                                                                    Long-term employee benefits
  Fixed assets                        8,872,837       8,048,389                                                 827,283         792,358
  Construction in progress            2,956,191       2,143,400     Provisions                                  205,374         186,430
  Right-of-use assets                   582,470         463,915     Deferred tax liabilities                    378,787         380,138
  Intangible assets                   5,496,798       5,326,288     Other non-current liabilities             1,873,596       1,660,148
  Goodwill                            4,895,961       4,409,599   Total non-current liabilities              15,986,371      14,772,902
  Deferred tax assets                 1,313,913         723,075   Total liabilities                          35,636,440      29,160,225
  Other non-current assets              491,467         504,625   Shareholders’ equity:
Total non-current assets             24,863,921      21,846,694     Share capital                             2,329,812       2,329,812
Total assets                         59,206,445      50,235,308     Capital reserves                         12,977,172      12,977,171
                                                                    Other comprehensive
                                                                                                              1,365,249        (432,384)
                                                                    Special reserves                             17,748          19,857
                                                                    Surplus reserves                            240,162         240,162
                                                                    Retained earnings                         6,639,862       5,940,465
                                                                  Total equity attributed to the
                                                                                                             23,570,005      21,075,083
                                                                  shareholders of the company
                                                                  Non-controlling interests                           -               -
                                                                  Total equity                               23,570,005      21,075,083
                                                                  Total liabilities and equity               59,206,445      50,235,308

        Ignacio Dominguez                               Shahar Florentz                                      Shahar Florentz
        Legal representative                      Chief of the accounting work                         Chief of the accounting organ

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                 Third Quarter Report 2022

2.   Consolidated income statement for the period from the year-beginning to the end of the Reporting Period
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB’000
                                                                           January-September, January-September,
                                                                                  2022               2021
1. Total operating Income                                                            28,077,814        22,488,364
    Less:      Cost of sales                                                         20,838,317        16,143,819
               Taxes and surcharges                                                      80,507            82,359
               Selling and Distribution expenses                                      3,231,093         3,725,486
               General and Administrative expenses                                      972,450         1,020,945
               Research and Development expenses                                        415,855           340,888
               Financial expenses (income)                                              132,048         1,107,975
                     Including: Interest expense                                        525,681           462,725
                                 Interest income                                        111,595            45,487
    Add:       Investment income, net                                                    10,889             4,408
                 Including: Income from investment in associates
                                                                                        10,889                  4,408
                    and joint ventures
               Gain (loss) from changes in fair value                               (1,364,883)               173,806
               Credit impairment reversal (losses)                                     (97,785)                  9,685
               Asset Impairment reversal (losses)                                     (132,121)               (39,358)
               Gain (loss) from disposal of assets                                       62,491                  9,246
2. Operating profit                                                                     886,135               224,679
   Add: Non-operating income                                                             38,257                 46,564
   Less: Non-operating expense                                                           23,282                 26,693
3. Total profit                                                                         901,110               244,550
   Less: income tax expense                                                             132,966               246,269
4. Net profit                                                                           768,144                (1,719)
   4.1 Classified by nature of operations
       4.1.1 Continuing operations                                                     768,144                 (1,719)
   4.2 Classified by ownership                                                               -                       -
       4.2.1 Shareholders of the Company                                               768,144                 (3,916)
       4.2.2 Non-controlling interests                                                       -                   2,197
5. Other comprehensive income net of tax                                             1,797,634                (30,850)
   Other comprehensive income net of tax attributable to shareholders
                                                                                     1,797,634                (30,850)
      of the Company
    5.1 Items that will not be reclassified into profit/loss                             75,796                (5,474)
        5.1.1 Re-measurement of defined benefit plan liability                           75,796                (5,474)
    5.2 Items that were or will be reclassified to profit or loss                    1,721,838               (25,376)
        5.2.1 Effective portion of gains or loss of cash flow hedge                    (24,433)               237,449
        5.2.2 Translation differences of foreign financial statements                1,746,271              (262,825)
   Other comprehensive income net of tax attributable to Non-controlling
                                                                                              -                        -
6. Total comprehensive income for the period                                         2,565,778                (32,569)
   Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders
                                                                                     2,565,778                (34,766)
     of the Company
   Total comprehensive income attributable to Non-controlling interests                       -                 2,197
7. Earnings per share
     7.1 Basic earnings per share (RMB/ share)                                          0.3297                (0.0017)
     7.2 Diluted earnings per share (RMB/ share)                                           N/A                     N/A

      Ignacio Dominguez                            Shahar Florentz                          Shahar Florentz
       Legal representative                  Chief of the accounting work             Chief of the accounting organ

ADAMA Ltd.                                                                                   Third Quarter Report 2022

3.    Consolidated cash flow statement for the period from the year-beginning to the end of the Reporting
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB’000
                                                                        January-September,       January-September,
                                                                               2022                     2021
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
   Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services                     26,141,756               21,454,588
   Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                     240,522                 133,814
   Cash received relating to other operating activities                               729,056                 563,811
   Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                             27,111,334              22,152,213
   Cash paid for goods and services                                               22,192,149               14,368,965
   Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                          3,130,092               2,789,320
   Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                   771,897                 344,129
   Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                 2,575,896               2,467,812
   Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                           28,670,034               19,970,226
   Net cash flows from operating activities                                       (1,558,700)               2,181,987
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
   Cash receipts from disposal of investments                                          5,887                     3,864
   Cash received from investment income                                                1,588                       867
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                      71,850                    19,964
     and other long-term assets
   Cash received for other investing activities                                        2,325                    8,562
   Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                81,650                   33,257
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                   1,968,585                1,803,236
     long-term assets
   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries or other
                                                                                             -                655,039
     business units
   Cash paid for other investing activities                                            89,395                   86,228
   Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                             2,057,980                2,544,503
   Net cash flows from investing activities                                       (1,976,330)              (2,511,246)
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
   Cash received from borrowings                                                   3,909,042                4,369,565
   Cash received relating to other financing activities                               26,750                  522,649
   Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                             3,935,792                4,892,214
   Cash repayment of borrowings                                                    1,324,163                2,655,257
   Cash payment for dividends, profit distributions or interest                      571,867                  490,113
    Including: dividends paid to non-controlling interest                             39,074                   35,904
   Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                  932,457                  300,907
   Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                            2,828,487                3,446,277
   Net cash flows from financing activities                                        1,107,305                1,445,937
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                     311,082                  (11,381)
5. Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                           (2,116,643)               1,105,297
   Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                   5,759,480                3,835,071
6. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                              3,642,837                4,940,368

ADAMA Ltd.                  Third Quarter Report 2022

ii.   Auditor’s report
Is this Report audited?

□ Yes √ No

This Report is unaudited.

                                    Board of Directors
                                         ADAMA Ltd.
                                    October 27, 2022
