Short form of the Stock: Suchangchai A, Suchangchai B Stock Code: 000570, 200570 Notice Number: 2010-008 CHANGCHAI COMPANY, LIMITED THE FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT FOR YEAR 2010 §1 Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Changchai Company, Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Company) warrant that this report does not contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts and all information set forth herein are true, accurate and complete. 1.2 None of the directors, supervisors, senior management staffs demonstrated uncertainty or disagreement about the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of this quarterly report. 1.3 All directors of the Company attended the Board meeting. 1.4 The first quarterly financial report has not been audited. 1.5 Person in charge of the Company Mr. Xue guojun, person in charge of the accounting Mr. He Jianguang and person in charge of accounting organizations Mr. Jiang He hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in the Quarterly Report is true and complete. §2 Company Profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators Unit: RMB As at 31 Mar. 2010 As at 31 Dec. 2009 Increase/decrease (%) Total assets 3,019,331,501.89 2,940,087,431.89 2.70 Owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity) 1,879,223,887.47 1,797,529,734.74 4.54 Share capital 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 0.00 Net assets per share 3.35 3.20 4.69 Jan.-Mar. 2010 Jan.-Mar. 2009 Increase/decrease (%) Total sales 769,300,023.37 623,404,066.93 23.40 Net profit 39,894,552.73 33,923,390.49 17.60 Net cash flow arising from operating activities -4,050,892.81 176,366,986.69 -102.30 Net cash flow per share arising from operating activities -0.01 0.47 -102.13 Basic earnings per share 0.07 0.09 -22.22 Diluted earnings per share 0.07 0.09 -22.22Return on equity (%) 2.12 2.58 Down 0.46 Return on equity after deducting extraordinary gains and losses(%) 2.54 1.59 Up 0.95 Items of extraordinary gains and losses Unit: RMB Explanation on significant items of non-recurring gains and losses Naught 2.2 Total number of shareholders as at the end of reporting period and shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium Unit: Share Total shareholders at the end of report period 119017 Shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders Name of shareholder (full name) Number of shares not subject to trading moratorium Type of share 1. State-owned Assets Supervision & Management Committee of Changzhou Municipal People's Government 168,497,736 Renminbi Ordinary Shares 2. Beijing Zhongji Hongli Assets Management Co., Ltd 977,690 Renminbi Ordinary Shares 3. NORGES BANK 898,350 Domestically listed foreign shares 4. Li Tao 838,391 Domestically listed foreign shares 5. Yu Xiaoping 790,000 Domestically listed foreign shares 6. Ma Zeqi 712,500 Domestically listed foreign shares 7. Shenzhen Huarong Century Investment Co., Ltd 640,250 Renminbi Ordinary Shares 8. NIHK-CUSTOMERS’ SEGREGATED ACCOUNT 582,000 Domestically listed foreign shares 9. Shanghai Hongkong Wanguo Securities 568,490 Domestically listed foreign shares 10. Zhou Nan 528,241 Renminbi Ordinary Shares §3 Significant Events 3.1 Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and its reason √Applicable □Inapplicable Items of extraordinary gains and losses Amount from the year-begin to the end of reporting period Net non-operating income and expenses 461,181.07 Impact on income tax -8,320,558.36 Total -7,859,377.291. Receivable accounts increased71.45% over the year-begin, mainly because the Company sold goods on credit appropriately in the 1st quarter of 2009 according to agreement and plan to extend market. 2. Inventories reduced 40.14% over the year-begin, mainly because some inventories prepared for this quarter has been sold out in this period. 3、Account received in advance increased 66.54% over the year-begin, because the Company prepaid the part of payment for goods due to upward tendency in the price of raw materials. 4. Other accounts payable increased 42.43% over the year-begin, because the Company proposed sales favor in advance according to marketing policy of the Company. 5. Investment income decreased over the year-begin, because the Company sold 4,500,000 shares of Foton Motor held and gained RMB 14.71 million at the same period of last year. 3.2 The progress and influence of significant events and the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.3 The fulfillment of the commitment made by the Company, shareholders and the actual controller √Applicable □Inapplicable Commitments Promisee Content of commitments Implementation Commitment made when share merger reform State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government 1. No trading and transfer may be taken within 12 months as of the date when the share merger reform was implemented. 2. After expiration of the aforesaid undertaking, original non-tradable shares could be sold through listing and trading on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, but proportion of number of shares in total shares of the Company shall not exceed 5 percent within 12 months, as well as not exceed 10 percent within 24 months. The Committment has been implemented. Commitment concerning share trading moratorium Inapplicable Commitment in the acquisition report or the report on equity changes Inapplicable Commitment made in the significant asset reorganization Inapplicable Commitment made in the issuance Inapplicable Other commitments (including supplementary ones) Inapplicable 3.4 Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next report period compared with the same period of the last year according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons □Applicable √Inapplicable3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained 3.5.1 Whether there is the capital provided by the Company to the controlling shareholders or other related parties, or external guarantee in violation of established procedure □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5.2 Plan to the Share Holdings proposed or implemented by the shareholders holding over 30% equities of the Company in the reporting period □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5.3 Securities investment √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan No. Type of securities Securities code Short form of securities Initial investment amount (Yuan) Holding number Book value in period-end Proportion of total securities in period-end (%) Gains/losses in the report period 1 Stock 002384 Dongshan Precision 13,000.00 500 13,000.00 100.00% 0.00 Other securities investments held in period-end 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - Securities investment gain/loss sold out in the period - - - - - Total 13,000.00 500 13,000.00 100.00% 0.00 3.5.4 Equity of other listed companies held by the Company √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Stock code Short form of stock Initial investment amount Equity proportion in that of this company Book value at the period-end Profit and loss in the report period Change in the owners’ equity in the report period Subject for accounting calculation Source of shares 600166 Foton Motor 41,784,000.00 3.94% 737,311,250.00 0 32,873,750.00 Financial ass ets available for sale Exchange assets of Changcha i Group in 1999 600377 Ninghu Expressway 90,500.00 403,000.00 0 46,000.00 Financial ass ets available for sale Agreeme nt transfer Total 41,874,500.00 737,714,250.00 0 32,919,750.00 3.5.5Equity of non-listed financial enterprises held by the Company√Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Name Initial investment amount Number of shares held Equity proportion in that of this company Book value at the period-end Profit and loss in the report period Change in the owners’ equity in the report period Subject for accounting calculation Source of shares Bank of Jiangsu 38,000,000.00 38,000,000 0.48% 38,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 long-term equity investment sponsor shares Total 38,000,000.00 38,000,000 - 38,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 - - 3.5.6 Significant Contract in the reporting period □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5.7 Particulars about reception of researches, communications and interviews in the report period □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.6 Investment on derivative products □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.6.1 Quantity of invested derivative products at the period-end □Applicable √Inapplicable