Short Form of the Stock: Su Changchai A, Su Changchai B Stock Code: 000570, 200570 Public Notice No.: 2010-017 CHANGCHAI COMPANY, LIMITED SUMMARY OF SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2010 §1. Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of Changchai Company, Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report does not contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts and shall take individual and joint responsibility for the accuracy, truth and completeness of its contents. The Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2010 is abstracted from the full text of the Semi-annual Report 2010, which is published on the internet website in the mean time. The investors are suggested to read the full text to understand more details. 1.2 No directors, supervisors or senior executives have declared uncertainty or disagreement about the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of this report. 1.3 Director He jianguang were absent from the Board meeting due to some reasons, and respectively entrusted Director Shi Jianchun to vote on his behalf. 1.4 The financial report for the first half of 2010 has not been audited. 1.5 Person in charge of the Company Mr. Xue Guojun, person in charge of the accounting work Mr. He Jianguang and person in charge of accounting organization Mr. Jiang He hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in this Semi-Annual Report is true and complete. §2 Company Profile 2.1 Basic information Short form of the stock Su Changchai A, Su Changchai B Stock code 000570, 200570 Listed stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange Secretary to the Board Securities Affairs Representative Name Shi Jianchun He Jianjiang Contact address No. 123, Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu No. 123, Huaide Middle Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu Tel. (86)519-86610041 (86)519-86603656-3155 Fax (86)519-86630954 (86)519-86630954 E-mail 2.2 Major financial data and indices 2.2.1 Major accounting data and financial indices Unit: RMB Yuan At the end of this report At the period-end of Increase/decrease ofperiod last year the end of this report period compared with the period-end of last year (%) Total assets 3,007,912,252.62 2,940,087,431.89 2.31 Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company 1,802,931,811.62 1,797,529,734.74 0.30 Share capital 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 0.00 Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of the listed company (Yuan/share) 3.21 3.20 0.31 The report period (Jan. -Jun.) The same period of last year Increase/decrease of current period year-on-year (%) Total operating income 1,486,675,455.65 1,247,512,762.60 19.17 Operating profit 74,247,231.87 217,621,227.57 -65.88 Total profit 76,052,323.60 218,623,563.05 -65.21 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company 62,560,326.88 188,720,466.26 -66.85 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses 60,930,569.42 60,359,887.38 0.95 Basic EPS (Yuan/share) 0.11 0.50 -78.00 Diluted EPS (Yuan/share) 0.11 0.50 -78.00 ROE (%) 3.47% 12.06% -8.59 Net cash flows from operating activities 73,577,854.63 279,337,848.92 -73.66 Net cash flows per share from operating activities (Yuan/share) 0.13 0.75 -82.67 2.2.2 Items of non-recurring gains and losses √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Item Amount Remark Gains and losses from non-current asset disposal 1,579,785.08 Including: a net income of RMB 1,579,785.08 from fixed asset disposal Government subsidies recognized into current gains and losses (excluding those subsidies which are closely related to the Company’s business and are enjoyed at fixed amounts or proportions according to unified state standards) 623,730.84 Gains and losses from fair value changes in transactional financial 242,847.27assets and liabilities, and investment incomes from disposing transactional financial assets and liabilities and financial assets available for sale, excluding the effective hedging business related to the normal operation of the Company Other non-operating incomes and expenses besides the items above -398,424.19 Effect on income tax -345,796.31 Effect on minority interests (after tax) -72,385.23 Total 1,629,757.46 2.2.3 Difference between PRC GAAP and IFRS √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan PRC GAAP IFRS Net profit 62,560,326.88 62,560,326.88 Net assets 1,802,931,811.62 1,802,931,811.62 Explanation on difference No difference §3 Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders 3.1 Statement on changes in shares □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2 Shares held by the top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders of tradable shares Unit: Share Total number of shareholders 114,543 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders Name of shareholder Nature of shareholder Proportion in total shares Total number of shares held Shares subject to moratorium held Shares pledged or frozen 1. State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Changzhou Municipal Government State-owned shareholder 30.02% 168,497,736 0 28,068,716 2. NORGES BANK Foreign corporation 0.16% 898,350 0 3. Li Tao Domestic natural person 0.15% 838,391 0 4. Tong Chunxia Domestic natural person 0.15% 821,900 0 5. Wei Xianming Domestic natural person 0.15% 820,000 0 6. GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) Foreign 0.15% 817,350 0LIMITED corporation 7. Yu Xiaoping Domestic natural person 0.14% 790,000 0 8. Shenzhen Huarong Century Investment Co., Ltd. Domestic corporation 0.13% 740,250 0 9. Ma Zeqi Domestic natural person 0.13% 712,500 0 10. Zhou Nan Domestic natural person 0.12% 670,141 0 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium Name of shareholders Number of shares not subject to trading moratorium held by the shareholder Type of shares 1. State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Changzhou Municipal Government 168,497,736 Renminbi ordinary shares 2. NORGES BANK 898,350 Domestically listed foreign shares 3. Li Tao 838,391 Domestically listed foreign shares 4. Tong Chunxia 821,900 Domestically listed foreign shares 5. Wei Xianming 820,000 Renminbi ordinary shares 6. GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED 817,350 Domestically listed foreign shares 7. Yu Xiaoping 790,000 Domestically listed foreign shares 8. Shenzhen Huarong Century Investment Co., Ltd. 740,250 Renminbi ordinary shares 9. Ma Zeqi 712,500 Domestically listed foreign shares 10. Zhou Nan 670,141 Renminbi ordinary shares Explanation on associated relationship and action-in-concert among the top ten shareholders It is unknown whether there was any associated relationship among the top ten tradable shareholders and among the top ten shareholders not subject to moratorium, or whether there is any action-in-concert among them as described by Measures for the Administrative of Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes. 3.3 Changes in controlling shareholder and actual controller of the Company □Applicable √Inapplicable §4 Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives 4.1 Particulars about changes in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives □Applicable √Inapplicable The number of stock option and limited stock held by the above directors, supervisors and senior management□Applicable √Inapplicable §5 Report of the Board of Directors 5.1 Main operations classified according to industries or products Unit: RMB Ten thousand Main operation classified according to industries Industries or products Operating income Operating cost Gross profit rate (%) Increase or decrease of operating income year-on-year (%) Increase or decrease of operating cost year-on-year (%) Increase or decrease of gross profit rate year-on-year (%) Diesels engines and fittings 147318.52 128056.36 13.08 19.41 19.78 -0.27 Main operation classified according to products Diesels engines and fittings 147318.52 128056.36 13.08 19.41 19.78 -0.27 Of which: total amount of related transactions that listed company sold products and provide labor service to its controlling shareholder and subsidiaries was zero in the report period. 5.2 Main operations classified according to areas Unit: RMB Ten thousand Area Operating income (RMB) Year-on-year increase/decrease (%) East China 65036.94 12.18 Northeast 8216.90 10.86 Southwest 15266.37 13.22 Central China 16459.60 34.65 North China 8310.90 -6.47 Northwest 4581.81 11.61 South China 10552.40 31.71 Export 9459.74 59.22 5.3 Reasons for significant changes in main operations and its structure □Applicable √Inapplicable 5.4 Explanation on reasons for significant changes in profitability of main operations (gross profit ratio) than that in the last year □Applicable √Inapplicable 5.5 Analysis to reasons for significant changes in profit breakdown compared with the previous year √Applicable □Inapplicable In the first half of 2009, the Company sold 4,500,000 “Foton Motor” shares held by it as transactional financial assets, which generated a before-tax income amounting to RMB 14,805,000. And the Company also sold 35,117,105 shares of “*ST Kama B” and gained a before-tax investment income reaching RMB 155,467,800. But there occurred no such just-for-once investment incomes in the first six months of 2010. 5.6 Utilization of the raised proceeds 5.6.1 Utilization of the raised proceeds □Applicable √Inapplicable 5.6.2 Change of projects □Applicable √Inapplicable5.7 Business plan revised by the Board of Directors for the second half year of 2010 □Applicable √Inapplicable 5.8 Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the warning of its significant change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason □Applicable √Inapplicable 5.9 Explanation of the Management Team on “Non-standard Auditors’ Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the report period □Applicable √Inapplicable 5.10 Explanation of the Board of Directors on changes and solutions of the issues involved in “Non-standard Auditors’ Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the last year □Applicable √Inapplicable §6 Significant Events 6.1 Acquisition and sales of assets and assets restructure 6.1.1 Assets acquired □Applicable √Inapplicable 6.1.2 Assets sold □Applicable √Inapplicable 6.1.3 Progress of these events and its influence on the operating results and financial status in the report period after the report on assets restructure or public notice on acquisition and sales of assets being published □Applicable √Inapplicable 6.2 Guarantees √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan External guarantee of the Company (excluding the guarantee for the shareholding subsidiaries) Name of the company guaranteed Date of occurrence (date of signing relevant agreement) Amount of guarantee Guarantee type Guarantee term Accomplishe d or not Guarantee for related party (yes or not) Total guarantee amount in the report period 0.00 Total guarantee balance at the end of the report period (A) 0.00 Guarantee for the subsidiaries from the Company Total guarantee amount for the subsidiaries in the report period 0.00 Total guarantee balance for the subsidiaries at the end of the report period (B) 1,150.00 Total guarantee amount from the Company(including the guarantee for the subsidiaries) Total guarantee amount (A+B) 1,150.00 The proportion of the total guarantee amount in the net asset of the Company 0.64% Including: Guarantee amount offered to shareholders, actual 0.00controllers and related parties (C) Guarantee amount for debt offered to the guarantee party whose asset-liability ratio was over 70% directly or indirectly (D) 0.00 Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% (E) 0.00 Total guarantee for the above*(C+D+E) 0.00 Explanation on joint responsibility of for undue guarantee Naught 6.3 Non-operating current related credits and liabilities □Applicable √Inapplicable In the report period, the accumulative capital in relation to the lawsuits and arbitrations in which the Company was involved reached RMB 14.36 million. And the said lawsuits and arbitrations were all cases carried down from the previous years to the report period. For more details, please refer to the notes of the financial statements in this report. 6.4 Material lawsuits and arbitrations √Applicable □Inapplicable 6.5 Other significant events and explanation on analysis to their influences and solutions □Applicable √Inapplicable 6.5.1 Securities investment √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Sequ ence No. Securities variety Stock code Short form of stock Initial investment amount (RMB) Number of shares held (share) Book value at period-end (RMB)) Proportion in total securities investment at period-end (%) Profits or losses in report period (RMB) 1 Convertibl e debt 113001 Convertible debt from BOC 473000.00 4730 478534.10 83.61 5534.10 2 Stock 601000 Tangshan Port 16400.00 2000 16400.00 2.87 0.00 3 Stock 002441 Zhong Yeda 19950.00 500 19950.00 3.49 0.00 4 Stock 002440 Runtu 31200.00 1000 31200.00 5.45 0.00 5 Stock 300094 Guolian Aquatic Products 7190.00 500 7190.00 1.26 0.006 Stock 300093 Golden glass 8100.00 500 8100.00 1.42 0.00 7 Stock 002443 Kingland Pipeline 11000.00 500 11000.00 1.92 0.00 Other securities investment held at period-end 0 0 0 0 0 Profits or losses from securities investment sold in report period — — — — 237313.17 Total 566840.00 — 572374.10 242847.27 6.5.2 Equity of other listed companies held by the Company √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Stock code Short form of stock Initial investment amount (RMB) Proportion in equity of this company Book value at the period-end (RMB) Profits or losses for the report period (RMB) Changes in owners’ equity in the report period 600166 Foton Motor 41784000.00 3.94% 620988750.00 0.00 -67192500.00 600377 Ninghu Expressway 90500.00 304500.00 0.00 -52500.00 Total 41874500.00 — 621293250.00 0.00 -67245000.00 6.5.3 Non-operating capital occupation by principal shareholders and its affiliated enterprises and progress of debt repayment □Applicable √Inapplicable 6.5.4 Implementation of commitments made by the Company, as well as its shareholders and actual controller √Applicable □Inapplicable Commitment Promisee Contents of commitment Implementation Commitment made in the share reform the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Changzhou People’s Government 1. No trading or transfer of the held non-tradable shares shall be conducted within 12 months since the date when the share merger reform was implemented. 2. After the expiration of the aforesaid commitment period, the original non-tradable shares could be sold through listing and trading on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, but the proportion of number of shares sold in total shares of the Company shall not exceed 5 percent within 12 months, as well as not exceed 10 percent within 24 months. All the said shares have been released from trading moratorium according to regulations.Commitment concerning share trading moratorium Inapplicable Commitment in the acquisition report or the report on equity changes Inapplicable Commitment made in the significant asset reorganization Inapplicable Commitment made in the issuance Inapplicable Other commitments (including supplementary ones) Inapplicable 6.5.5 Pre-plan of the Board of Directors for profit distribution or turning capital reserves into share capital □Applicable √Inapplicable 6.5.6 Items of other comprehensive income Unit: RMB Yuan Items Occurred amount in this period Occurred amount in the last period 1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial assets -67,245,000.00 269,048,677.05 Less: Effects on income tax generating from available-for-sale financial assets -10,086,750.00 40,357,301.55 Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into other comprehensive income in prior period Subtotal -57,158,250.00 228,691,375.50 2. Interests in the investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per equity method Less: Effects on income tax generating from the interests in the investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per equity method Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into other comprehensive income in prior period Subtotal 3. Profits/(losses) from cash flow hedging instrument Less: Effects on income tax generating from cash flow hedging instrument Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into other comprehensive income in prior period The adjustment value that is the converted initial recognition amount of arbitrage project Subtotal 4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial statements Less: Net value of disposal of oversea operations that recognized into current profit and loss Subtotal5. Other Less: Effects on income tax generating from the others that included into other comprehensive income Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into other comprehensive income in prior period Subtotal Total -57,158,250.00 228,691,375.50 6.6 Particulars about reception of research, communication and interview in this report period □Applicable √Inapplicable §7 Financial Report 7.1 Auditing opinions Financial Report √Un-audited □Audited 7.2 Financial statement 7.2.1 Balance Sheet Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Closing balance Beginning balance Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company Current assets: Monetary funds 800,969,743.08 773,682,332.19 770,721,154.44 732,773,854.30 Settlement fund reserve Dismantle fund Transaction financial asset 572,374.10 Notes receivable 67,834,743.30 60,004,743.30 83,834,240.00 76,174,240.00 Account receivable 403,658,371.80 369,873,054.48 255,668,271.46 218,589,252.04 Account paid in advance 16,886,791.62 15,069,974.73 23,512,432.19 24,502,835.32 Premium receivables Receivables from reinsurers Reinsurance contract reserve receivables Interest receivable Dividend receivable Other account receivable 18,799,047.07 7,408,289.89 15,656,250.31 14,418,443.89 Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell Inventories 307,865,529.22 234,977,061.34 370,423,764.66 312,897,677.55 Non-current assets due within 1 year Other current assets 135,131.40 133,419.55 Total current assets 1,616,721,731.59 1,461,015,455.93 1,519,949,532.61 1,379,356,303.10 Non-current assets: Loans and advanceAvailable for sale financial assets 621,293,250.00 621,293,250.00 688,538,250.00 688,538,250.00 Held to maturity investments 10,000,000.00 Long-term account receivable Long-term equity investment 60,708,368.14 142,048,168.14 60,708,368.14 112,048,168.14 Investing property 69,426,904.43 69,426,904.43 70,531,074.83 70,531,074.83 Fixed asset 432,064,197.53 377,628,125.73 430,555,693.45 374,070,571.63 Project in construction 105,999,675.85 105,358,344.12 65,803,686.54 65,543,304.34 Engineering material Fixed asset disposal Bearer biological asset Oil assets Intangible assets 91,115,616.76 88,861,899.03 103,418,318.00 101,134,909.93 Development expense Goodwill Long-term expense to be apportioned Deferred tax assets 582,508.32 582,508.32 582,508.32 582,508.32 Other non-current assets Total of non-current assets 1,391,190,521.03 1,405,199,199.77 1,420,137,899.28 1,412,448,787.19 Total assets 3,007,912,252.62 2,866,214,655.70 2,940,087,431.89 2,791,805,090.29 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 31,500,000.00 41,500,000.00 Borrowing from Central Bank Deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions Placements from banks and other financial institutions Transaction financial liabilities Notes payable 335,289,100.00 318,170,000.00 323,666,300.00 294,380,000.00 Account payable 445,489,176.80 407,098,751.50 459,360,350.72 422,014,864.70 Account received in advance 60,493,742.68 57,546,332.70 37,892,215.77 36,868,917.59 Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase Handling charges and commission payable Employee’s compensation payable 28,512,794.67 24,560,704.13 49,743,183.62 44,412,398.41 Tax payable -3,849,824.71 213,550.77 -6,934,188.05 -1,294,677.52 Interest payable dividend payable 3,891,433.83 3,243,179.97 3,891,433.83 3,243,179.97 Other account payable 167,061,268.94 159,874,419.63 119,130,766.55 120,169,477.26 Due to reinsurers Insurance contract reserve Customer deposits Amount payables under security underwritingNon-current liabilities due within 1 year Other current liabilities 1,727,834.71 334,297.88 Total current liabilities 1,070,115,526.92 970,706,938.70 1,028,584,360.32 919,794,160.41 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 Debentures payable Long-term payables Specific purpose account payables Provisions for contingent liabilities Deferred tax liabilities 86,912,812.50 86,912,812.50 96,999,562.50 96,999,562.50 Other non-current liabilities 6,333,000.00 6,333,000.00 6,060,000.00 6,060,000.00 Total non-current liabilities 123,245,812.50 123,245,812.50 103,059,562.50 103,059,562.50 Total liabilities 1,193,361,339.42 1,093,952,751.20 1,131,643,922.82 1,022,853,722.91 Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity) Paid-in capital (or share capital) 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 561,374,326.00 Capital surplus 665,871,061.26 675,550,247.45 723,029,311.26 732,708,497.45 Less: Treasury Stock Specific reserves Reserved fund 262,059,351.41 262,059,351.41 262,059,351.41 262,059,351.41 General risk provision Retained earnings 313,627,072.95 273,277,979.64 251,066,746.07 212,809,192.52 Foreign exchange difference Total owners' equity attributable to holding company 1,802,931,811.62 1,772,261,904.50 1,797,529,734.74 1,768,951,367.38 Minority interest 11,619,101.58 10,913,774.33 Total owner’s equity 1,814,550,913.20 1,772,261,904.50 1,808,443,509.07 1,768,951,367.38 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 3,007,912,252.62 2,866,214,655.70 2,940,087,431.89 2,791,805,090.29 7.2.2 Income Statement Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited Jan.-Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan In current period The same period of last year Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Total operation income 1,486,675,455.65 1,498,628,361.73 1,247,512,762.60 1,255,320,258.61 Including: Sales income 1,486,675,455.65 1,498,628,361.73 1,247,512,762.60 1,255,320,258.61 Interest income Premium income Handling charges and commission income II. Total operation cost 1,419,173,571.05 1,434,391,178.32 1,201,087,846.36 1,214,002,985.79 Including: Cost of sales 1,287,727,677.72 1,315,285,655.58 1,083,838,249.11 1,106,419,500.15 Interest expenses Handling charges and commission expensesSurrender value Net amount of claims Net amount of insurance contract reserve withdrawn Expenditure on policy dividends Reinsurance premium expenses Taxes and associate charges 174,893.55 111,622.19 Selling expenses 51,194,531.22 47,503,047.78 55,539,292.48 53,477,331.68 Administrative expenses 81,383,842.99 74,136,284.41 61,026,897.65 54,740,529.53 Financial expenses -1,307,374.43 -2,533,809.45 -3,217,766.99 -4,533,199.69 Impairment loss 3,789,551.92 3,898,824.12 Add: gain from change in fair value (“-” means loss) 5,534.10 -16,440,300.00 -16,440,300.00 Gain from investment (“-” means loss) 6,739,813.17 6,502,500.00 187,636,611.33 187,636,611.33 Including: income form investment in affiliated enterprise and joint ventures Foreign exchange difference (“-” means loss) III. Operation profit (“-” means loss) 74,247,231.87 70,739,683.41 217,621,227.57 212,513,584.15 Add: non-operation income 5,984,057.24 5,532,540.35 6,169,392.10 3,377,541.64 Less: non-business expense 4,178,965.51 4,108,049.91 5,167,056.62 5,167,056.62 Including: loss from non-current asset disposal IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 76,052,323.60 72,164,173.85 218,623,563.05 210,724,069.17 Less: income tax expense 12,786,669.47 11,695,386.73 27,909,581.78 27,440,194.03 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 63,265,654.13 60,468,787.12 190,713,981.27 183,283,875.14 Attributable to owners of parent company 62,560,326.88 60,468,787.12 188,720,466.26 183,283,875.14 Minority interest 705,327.25 1,993,515.01 VI. Earnings per share (I) Basic earnings per share 0.11 0.50 (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.11 0.50 VII. Other composite income -57,158,250.00 -57,158,250.00 228,691,375.50 228,705,375.50 VIII. Total composite income 6,107,404.13 3,310,537.12 419,405,356.77 411,989,250.64 Attributable to owners of parent company 5,402,076.88 3,310,537.12 417,415,341.76 411,989,250.64 Minority interest 705,327.25 1,990,015.01 7.2.3 Cash Flow Statement Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited Jan.-Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan In current period The same period of last year Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent companyI. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service 1,505,587,808.41 1,503,082,113.31 1,381,845,211.2 0 1,362,060,681.8 6 Net increase of deposits from customers and due from banks Net increase of loans from the central bank Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial institutions Cash received from premium of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of savings of policy holders and investment fund Net increase of disposal of tradable financial assets Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions Net increase of borrowed inter-bank funds Net increase of buy-back funds Tax refunds received 8,197,024.83 5,794,682.48 Other cash received relating to operating activities 12,585,252.55 11,928,811.41 3,436,274.54 2,970,907.40 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 1,518,173,060.96 1,515,010,924.72 1,393,478,510.5 7 1,370,826,271.7 4 Cash paid for purchase of commodities and reception of service 1,254,234,969.24 1,257,962,515.57 975,548,726.70 1,006,219,223.9 5 Net increase of customer lending and advance Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank and amount due from banks Cash for paying claims of the original insurance contract Cash for paying interest, handling charges and commissions Cash for paying policy dividends Cash paid to and for employees 121,374,684.34 108,737,449.09 99,411,807.47 89,838,515.04 Various taxes paid 23,288,817.95 19,871,179.06 9,855,748.36 4,997,007.37 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 45,696,734.80 40,822,295.89 29,324,379.12 24,909,039.56 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating 1,444,595,206.33 1,427,393,439.61 1,114,140,661.6 1,125,963,785.9activities 5 2 Net cash flows from operating activities 73,577,854.63 87,617,485.11 279,337,848.92 244,862,485.82 II. Cash Flows from investment activities: Cash received from disposal of investments 36,911,141.63 36,911,141.63 Cash received from investment income 6,739,813.17 6,502,500.00 187,339,903.02 187,339,903.02 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 26,045,985.49 26,031,054.23 177,877.01 177,877.01 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary or other business units Other cash received relating to investment activities Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities 32,785,798.66 32,533,554.23 224,428,921.66 224,428,921.66 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 82,785,627.24 78,162,015.84 67,712,080.24 63,680,764.75 Cash paid for investment 10,566,840.00 30,000,000.00 Net increase of pledged loans Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units Other cash paid relating to investment activities Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities 93,352,467.24 108,162,015.84 67,712,080.24 63,680,764.75 Net cash flows from investment activities -60,566,668.58 -75,628,461.61 156,716,841.42 160,748,156.91 III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from absorbing investment Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from investment of minority interest Cash received from borrowings 51,500,000.00 30,000,000.00 57,700,000.00 20,000,000.00 Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash received relating to financing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 51,500,000.00 30,000,000.00 57,700,000.00 20,000,000.00 Cash paid to repay loans 31,500,000.00 41,400,000.00 Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit 2,762,597.41 1,080,545.61 4,033,686.23 2,213,344.50 Including: dividends or profit paid to minority shareholders by subsidiariesOther cash payments relating to financing activities 1,112,800.00 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 34,262,597.41 1,080,545.61 46,546,486.23 2,213,344.50 Net cash flows from financing activities 17,237,402.59 28,919,454.39 11,153,513.77 17,786,655.50 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 30,248,588.64 40,908,477.89 447,208,204.11 423,397,298.23 Add: beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents 770,721,154.44 732,773,854.30 400,278,967.15 378,820,707.08 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 800,969,743.08 773,682,332.19 847,487,171.26 802,218,005.317.2.4 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited For the first half year of 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Amount for the current period Amount for the previous period Owners’ equity attributable to parent company Owners’ equity attributable to parent company Items Paid-in capital (or share capital) Capital reserve Less: treasur y stock Specifi c reserve s Surplus public reserve Genera l risk reserve Retaine d profit Other s Minority interests Total owners ’ equity Paid-in capital (or share capital) Capital reserve Less: treasur y stock Specifi c reserve s Surplus public reserve Genera l risk reserve Retaine d profit Others Minorit y interest s Total owners ’ equity I. Balance at the end of last year 561,374, 326.00 723,02 9,311.2 6 262,05 9,351.4 1 251,06 6,746.0 7 10,913,7 74.33 1,808,4 43,509. 07 374,249, 551.00 272,484,1 86.26 240,36 9,344.9 2 260,78 3,005.9 4 7,335,0 74.29 1,155,2 21,162. 41 Add: change of accounting policy Correction of errors in previous periods Others II. Balance at the beginning of this year 561,374, 326.00 723,02 9,311.2 6 262,05 9,351.4 1 251,06 6,746.0 7 10,913,7 74.33 1,808,4 43,509. 07 374,249, 551.00 272,484,1 86.26 240,36 9,344.9 2 260,78 3,005.9 4 7,335,0 74.29 1,155,2 21,162. 41 III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this year (“-” means decrease) -57,158 ,250.00 62,560, 326.88 705,327. 25 6,107,4 04.13 228,694,8 75.50 188,72 0,466.2 6 1,990,0 15.01 419,40 5,356.7 7 (I) Net profit 62,560, 326.88 705,327. 25 63,265, 654.13 188,72 0,466.2 6 1,993,5 15.01 190,71 3,981.2 7 (II) Gain/loss recorded in owners’ equity directly -57,158 ,250.00 -57,158 ,250.00 228,694,8 75.50 -3,500. 00 228,69 1,375.50 1. Net amount on changes in fair value of financial assets available for sale -57,158 ,250.00 -57,158 ,250.00 304,940,5 00.50 304,94 0,500.5 0 2. Effect on changes in other owners’ equity of invested units under equity method -10,500.0 0 -10,500 .00 3. Effect of income tax recorded in owners’ equity -76,235,1 25.00 -76,235 ,125.00 4. Other -3,500. 00 -3,500. 00 Subtotal of (I) and (II) -57,158 ,250.00 62,560, 326.88 705,327. 25 6,107,4 04.13 228,694,8 75.50 188,72 0,466.2 6 1,990,0 15.01 419,40 5,356.7 7 (III)Input and reduced capital of owners 1. Capital input by owners 2. Amount of shares-based payment recorded in owner’s equity 3. Other (IV) Profit distribution 1. Appropriating surplus reserve 2. Appropriating general risk reserve 3. Distribution to owners(shareholders) 4. Other (V) Internal carry-over of owner’s equity 1. Transferring capital reserve into capital (share capital) 2. Transferring surplus reserve into capital (share capital) 3. Making up losses with surplus reserve 4. Other IV. Balance as at the period-end 561,374, 326.00 665,87 1,061.2 6 262,05 9,351.4 1 313,62 7,072.9 5 11,619,1 01.58 1,814,5 50,913. 20 374,249, 551.00 501,179,0 61.76 240,36 9,344.9 2 449,50 3,472.2 0 9,325,0 89.30 1,574,6 26,519. 18 7.2.5 Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity of Parent Company Prepared by Changchai Company, Limited For the first half year of 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Amount for the current period Amount for the previous period Items Paid-in capital (or share capital) Capital reserve Less: treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus public reserve General risk reserve Retained profit Total owners’ equity Paid-in capital (or share capital) Capital reserve Less: treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus public reserve General risk reserve I. Balance at the end of last year 561,374,326. 00 732,708,49 7.45 262,059,35 1.41 212,809,19 2.52 1,768,951,3 67.38 374,249,55 1.00 282,163,372.4 5 240,369,34 4.92 234,663,87 3.15 1,131,446,1 41.52 Add: change of accountingpolicy Correction of errors in previous periods Others II. Balance at the beginning of this year 561,374,326. 00 732,708,49 7.45 262,059,35 1.41 212,809,19 2.52 1,768,951,3 67.38 374,249,55 1.00 282,163,372.4 5 240,369,34 4.92 234,663,87 3.15 1,131,446,1 41.52 III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this year (“-” means decrease) -57,158,25 0.00 60,468,787 .12 3,310,537.1 2 228,705,375.5 0 183,283,87 5.14 411,989,25 0.64 (I) Net profit 60,468,787 .12 60,468,787. 12 183,283,87 5.14 183,283,87 5.14 (II) Gain/loss recorded in owners’ equity directly -57,158,25 0.00 -57,158,250 .00 228,705,375.5 0 228,705,37 5.50 1. Net amount on changes in fair value of financial assets available for sale -57,158,25 0.00 -57,158,250 .00 304,940,500.5 0 304,940,50 0.50 2. Effect on changes in other owners’ equity of invested units under equity method 3. Effect of income tax recorded in owners’ equity -76,235,125.0 0 -76,235,125 .00 4. Other Subtotal of (I) and (II) -57,158,25 0.00 60,468,787 .12 3,310,537.1 2 228,705,375.5 0 183,283,87 5.14 411,989,25 0.64 (III)Input and reduced capital of owners 1. Capital input by owners2. Amount of shares-based payment recorded in owner’s equity 3. Other (IV) Profit distribution 1. Appropriating surplus reserve 2. Distribution to owners (shareholders) 3. Other (V) Internal carry-over of owner’s equity 1. Transferring capital reserve into capital (share capital) 2. Transferring surplus reserve into capital (share capital) 3. Making up losses with surplus reserve 4. Other IV. Balance as at the period-end 561,374,326. 00 675,550,24 7.45 262,059,35 1.41 273,277,97 9.64 1,772,261,9 04.50 374,249,55 1.00 510,868,747.9 5 240,369,34 4.92 417,947,74 8.29 1,543,435,3 92.167.3 Notes to financial statement 7.3.1 Should there be any changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting errors, give the relevant contents, reasons and the amount influenced. □Applicable √Inapplicable 7.3.2 Significant changes in consolidation scope for the reporting period and reasons □Applicable √Inapplicable 7.3.3 If the financial report of the Company is produced as “Non-standard Opinion”, the Company should make the relevant matters and notes. □Applicable √Inapplicable Board of Directors of Changchai Company, Limited 19 Aug. 2010