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						 (A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)
Stock Code: 0042      股份編號:0042

                                                              Environmental, Social
                                                             and Governance Report
                                                                     環 境、社 會 及 管 治 報 告
                                  ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                 環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                   Contents 目錄

                About This Report       2     關於本報告

                      Environment       4     環境

                          Emissions     4     排放物

                   Use of Resources    13     資源使用

  Environment and Natural Resources    16     環境與天然資源

                             Social    18     社會

                       Employment      18     僱傭

                  Health and Safety    19     健康與安全

          Development and Training     20     發展與培訓

                    Labor Standards    21     勞工準則

          Supply Chain Management      22     供應鏈管理

              Product Responsibility   23     產品責任

                    Anti-corruption    24     反貪污

             Community Investment      26     社區投資

            Corporate Governance       27     企業管治

Guidelines and Index of This Report    29     本報告指引及索引
2   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                   About This Report 關於本報告

    This is the second Environmental, Social and Governance Report (the                本報告是東北電氣發展股份有限公司(「本公司」)
    “ESG Report”, the “Report”) of the Northeast Electric Development              及 其 附 屬 公 司(統 稱「本 集 團」、「我 們」)連 續 第
    Company Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively               二年發布的環境、社會及管治報告(「ESG報告」、
    referred to as the “Group”, or “We”). This report is prepared in accordance   「本 報 告」)。本 報 告 之 內 容 已 根 據《香 港 聯 合 交
    with the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (“ESG               易所有限公司證券上市規則 》(「上市規則」)附錄
    Reporting Guide”) stated in the Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing the            二十七所載之《環境、社會及管治報告指引》「ESG
    Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the              報 告 指 引」)之 要 求 而 編 制,旨 在 概 述 本 集 團 的
    “Listing Rules”) with an aim to summarize the Group’s measures, plans           ESG措施、計劃及成果以及展示其對可持續發展
    and achievements in respect of ESG and to demonstrate its commitment to            的承諾。
    sustainable development.

    The Report covers the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018.              本 報 告 之 涵 蓋 期 間 爲2018年1月1日 至2018年12月
    Given that the disposal of New Northeast Electric (Jinzhou) Power Capacitor        31日。考慮到原全資附屬公司新東北電氣(錦州)
    Co., Ltd., a former wholly owned subsidiary, and its subsidiary, Jinzhou           電力電容器有限公司及其附屬公司錦州錦容電器
    JinRong Electric Company Limited (collectively referred to as “Xin Jin            有 限 責 任 公 司(統 稱「新 錦 容」)已 於 本 年 度 內 完
    Rong”) was completed during the year, and that the business scale of Xin          成出售,同時其業務規模相對較小(2018年其收
    Jin Rong was comparatively small with its revenue accounted for 0.73% of           入占比爲0.73%),對環境、社會及企業管治方面
    that of the Group in 2018, which had an insignificant impact on environment,       整體影響幷不重大,故本報告著重彙報本公司及
    society and governance, this Report focuses on the performance of                  附 屬 公 司 阜 新 封 閉 母 綫 有 限 責 任 公 司(「阜 新 母
    environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance           綫」)於報告期內在環境保護、社會責任及企業管
    of the Company and its subsidiary, Fuxin Enclosed Busbar Co., Ltd. (the            治之表現。
    “Fuxin Busbar”) during the reporting period.

    The Group has established an ESG working group (the “Working Group”)             本集團已成立由相關部門人員及附屬公司指定人
    comprised of personnel from related departments and appointees designated          員 組 成 的ESG工 作 小 組(「工 作 小 組」),幷 指 派 工
    by subsidiaries. Members of the Working Group are assigned to collect data         作小組成員收集與ESG相關的數據及編制ESG報告。
    in connection with ESG and compile the ESG report. The Working Group               工作小組定期向董事彙報,協助評估及識別本集
    reports to the board of directors regularly, assists the Group to assess and       團於ESG層面的風險管理以及其內部監控系統是
    identify whether the risk management at ESG level and its internal monitoring      否合適及有效。工作小組檢討本集團的ESG表現,
    system are in place and effective. The Working Group reviews the Group’s          包括環境、勞工待遇及涉及ESG的其他層面信息。
    performance in respect of ESG, including environment, labour treatment and         董 事 爲ESG策 略 定 下 基 調,幷 負 責 確 保 合 規 有 效
    information of other areas in connection with ESG. The directors set the tone      的風險管理制度及內部監控體系運行。
    for ESG strategies and are responsible for compliant operation of the risk
    management system and the internal monitoring system.
                                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                                                         環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                               About This Report 關於本報告

Main businesses of the Group include research and development, design,            本集團主要業務包括輸變電設備相關産品的研
production and sales businesses of power transmission and transformation          發、設計、生産和銷售業務,主營産品主要爲封
equipment related products. Main products, including enclosed busbars,            閉母綫,主要應用於電力系統領域,用以提高輸
are principally used in the power system field to improve the transmission        電綫路的輸電能效,支持大功率電能的傳輸,是
efficiency of transmission lines and support the transmission of high-power       電力系統的重要設備。
electric energy, serving as the important equipment of power systems.

Actively realizing its environmental responsibility of “Friendly                 公司一直踐行「環境友好、保護家園」的環境觀,
Environment, Warm Home”, the Company strives to create an environment            懷著共建環境友好企業的願望,本著「以信持譽、
friendly enterprise. In line with the business objective of “Good Faith for      創新永 恒」的經營宗旨,通過全體員工與時俱進
Reputation, Everlasting Innovation”, it provides customers with better           的市場意識和拼搏進取的堅韌毅力,爲客戶提供
products and services through the concerted efforts of all employees to keep      更優質的産品及服務。
pace with the times and struggle ahead.

As a responsible and visionary enterprise, we create value to shareholders        作爲一家具有責任心及遠見的企業,我們通過優
and potential investors through optimising corporate governance,                  化營運管治、環境保護、培養人才和小區投資等
environmental protection, talent development and community investment,            方面的措施,爲股東和潜在投資者創造價值的同
and simultaneously support our business philosophy and objectives, promote        時,也可實現經營理念和業務目標,推動公司可
sustainable development strategy, implement environmental-friendly                持續發展,履行環境友好策略,肩負社會責任,
policies, fulfill corporate social responsibility, devote to sustainable talent   推動人才持續成長,爲建設更美好的和諧社會環
growth, and endeavor to build a more pleasant and harmonious environment.         境而奮鬥。

The Group actively improves its corporate governance structure to                 同時本集團積極完善公司法人治理結構,規範公
standardise its operation. The Group seriously complied with the provisions       司運作。本集團認真遵守《上市規則》附錄十四《企
of “Corporate Governance Code” and “Corporate Governance Report”              業管治守則》及《企業管治報告》的規定,幷在適
in the Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The        當的情况下采納其中所載的建議最佳常規。
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and, where appropriate, adopted the
recommended best practices as specified therein.
4   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                                Environment 環境

    Actively realizing its environmental responsibility of “Friendly             公司一直踐行「環境友好、保護家園」的環境觀,
    Environment, Warm Home”, the Company strives to create an                    構建環境友好企業。在報告期內,本集團認真執
    environment-friendly enterprise. During the reporting period, the Group       行國家環境保護法和節能環保等法律法規,嚴格
    conducted its business pursuant to the national laws and regulations on       控制污染物排放;同時,本公司堅持在節能减排
    environmental protection and energy conservation, and strictly managed        方面的投入,實施多項節能减排技改工程,重點
    pollutant emissions. At the same time, the Company continued its investment   落實「廢水」、「碳排放」和「廢棄物」管理,把從嚴
    in energy conservation and emission reduction and conducted many technical    管理與良性引導相結合,堅决落實節約資源的措
    transformation projects for energy conservation and emission reduction with   施,依法合規使用自然資源,深入推進環境友好
    a focus on implementation of the management of waste water, carbon            型企業建設,有效推動公司節能减排工作取得新
    emissions and wastes. By combining strict management and benign               成效,全年未發生環保事故。
    guidance, the Company strove to carry out measures to save resources. Its
    usage of natural resources was in compliance with laws and regulations. The
    construction of environment friendly enterprise was further promoted. The
    energy conservation and environmental protection achieved positive results,
    and no environmental incidents occurred in the whole year.

    1.     Emissions                                                              1.    排放物

           The Group strictly abides by national laws and regulations such as           本集團嚴格遵守《環境保護法》、《中華人
           Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China,             民共和國固體廢棄物污染環境防治法》、
           Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of         《大氣污染物綜合排放標準》和《環境空氣
           Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, Comprehensive Emission               質量標準》等國家法律法規,持續關注環
           Standard of Air Pollutants and Ambient Air Quality Standard,                 境保護和節能减排,高度重視產品製造過
           and constantly pays close attention to environmental protection,             程中對環境可能造成的影響,從而將節能
           energy conservation and emission reduction. The Group takes the              减排和環境保護作爲生產運營活動的一項
           possible impact on the environment during product manufacturing              重要工作。
           seriously. As a result, energy saving and emission reduction, as
           well as environmental protection have become a significant part in
           production and operation.
                                                          ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                                           環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                     Environment 環境

The Company is engaged in the research and development, design,         本公司從事於輸變電設備相關產品的研
production, and sales of power transmission and transformation          發、設計、生產和銷售的業務,屬機械加
equipment related products, belonging to the machining industry.        工行業。在日常生產運營中,公司嚴格按
In daily production and operation, our design is carried out in         照國家環保標準、設計規範進行設計,全
strict conformity with the national environmental protection            面落實企業環境保護制度,涉及有關廢氣
standards and design specifications; we implement the corporate         及 溫 室 氣 體 排 放 的「三 廢」治 理 均 達 到 國
environment protection system in an all-round way, and our              家有關排放標準。本公司制定了《環境因
“Three Wastes” treatment involving the emission of waste gases        素控制標準 》,對「產品的設計和開發」、
and greenhouse gases has satisfied relevant national emission          「產 品 的 製 造、包 裝 和 運 輸」、「廢 物 管
standards. The Company has developed Environmental Factors              理」、「原材料與自然資源的獲取」等環節
Control Standards to clearly define the details and requirements        提出明確的環境管理內容和要求。此外,
of environmental management for “design and development of             根據環境管理體系換版要求,修訂了相關
products”, “manufacturing, packaging and transportation of            文件中的環境因素識別評價控制程序和運
products”, “waste management”, “raw material and access to          行環境控制程序,幷通過認證公司現場審
natural resources” and other aspects. In addition, as required by      核,通過環境管理體系的認證。生產廠區
the certificate renewal of environmental management system, the         設置環保骨幹,層層簽訂環保責任書,實
control procedures on identification and evaluation of environmental    現「定人員、定責任、定任務、定獎懲」,
elements and control procedures on operational environment in           使環保管理控制指標涵蓋了全部操作崗
relevant documents have been revised while we passed the on-            位、全部員工。
the-spot review by the certification company and were accredited
by the environmental management system. In production plants,
environmental protection specialists are appointed, and persons
in charge at each level execute environmental protection liability
statements, which clarify responsible persons, responsibility,
tasks, rewards and punishment, making sure that control indicators
in connection with environmental protection cover all operational
positions and all staff.
6   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                                   Environment 環境

          As an enterprise engaging in rendering design and processing of                       作爲提供輸變電產品-封閉母綫設計及加
          enclosed busbars, a type of power transmission and transformation                     工的企業,本集團日常運營僅排放溫室氣
          product, the Group only emits greenhouse gases during day-to-day                      體,產生經過濾後已不帶有任何化學危險
          operation, and discharges industrial sewage and waste gases and                       物質的工業生產廢水和廢氣等污染物,均
          other pollutants. Such pollutants have been discharged free of any                    可以在達到環保標準的情况下直接排放;
          hazardous chemical substance after filtering, conforming to the                       產生少量的可忽略不計的粉塵烟霧;產生
          environmental standards applicable to direct emission. A negligible                   不超過60dB符合環保標準的機械噪音;在
          amount of dust and smoke and mechanical noise that does not exceed                    材料的加工過程中會產生固體邊角廢料的
          60 dB and meets the environmental standards are also produced in                      可回收廢棄物,如廢鋁、廢鐵和廢銅等,
          the process. The processing of materials produces recyclable wastes                   2018年共計産生18.2噸的固體廢弃物,較
          from solid leftover materials such as scrap aluminum, scrap iron, and                 去年微降5%。具體構成對照表如下:
          scrap copper. A total of 18.2 tons of solid wastes were generated in
          2018, a slight decrease by 5% as compared with that of the previous
          year. The specific composition is as follows:

            No. Type                              Substance emitted                     Amount/Weight in 2018              Amount/Weight in 2017
            序號 類型                             排放物                                   2018年數量╱重量                   2017年數量╱重量
             1     Atmospheric Emissions          Dust                                               0.116mg/m3                         0.145mg/m3
                   大氣排放                       粉塵
             2                                    Smog                                                          –                                 –
             3                                    Noise                                                 50-53DB                            52-54dB
             4                                    Carbon dioxide                                             1.7t                              2.32t
                                                  Nitrogen oxides                                            1.3t                                  –
             6     Sewage Emissions               Industrial wastewater                                   1245m                               550m
                   廢水排放                       生産廢水
             7                                    Sanitary wastewater                                     1418m                             2750m
             8     Wastes                         Recyclable waste                                           1.2t                               1.2t
                   廢弃物                         可回收廢物
             9                                    Non-recyclable waste                                        17t                                18t
                                                  Hazardous waste                                            0.8t                                  0

          Notes:                                                                        備注:
          1.     Due to the relocation of the plant, replacement of manufacturing       1.     因廠區搬遷,更換生産設備及新增環保設施,
                 equipment and purchase of environmental protection facilities,                較2017年産生氮氧化合物1.3t;
                 nitrogen oxides was increased to 1.3 tons over that in 2017;           2.     因廠區搬遷,新建工件噴淋清洗設施,生産廢
          2.     Due to the relocation of the plant and the construction of workpiece          水排放量較去年增加逾一倍;
                 spray cleaning facilities, the discharge amount of waste water from    3.     因廠區搬遷,投入新環保設施,環保設施需每
                 production has more than doubled over the past year;                          半 年 更 換 一 次 活 性 炭,進 而 産 生 危 險 廢 物-活
          3.     Due to the relocation of the plant, we have put to use new                    性炭0.8t。
                 environmental protection facilities which need to replace the
                 activated carbon every six months, generating hazardous waste - 0.8
                 ton of activated carbon.
                                                          ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                                         環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                    Environment 環境

1.1   Atmospheric Emissions                                             1.1   大氣排放

      Based on the business nature and production activities                  基於本集團的業務性質及生產活
      of the Group, daily operation only emits carbon dioxide,                動,日常運營僅排放二氧化碳、氮
      nitrogen oxides and a small amount of dust without any other            氧化合物及少量粉塵等物質,不產
      greenhouse gases. As a result, the Group’s operations have a           生其他溫室氣體,對環境的影響較
      slight impact over the environment. However, the Group is               低。儘管如此,本集團仍致力於培
      devoted to fostering and enhancing employees’ awareness                養及加强雇員於日常工作過程的環
      of environmental protection in their daily work, and actively           保意識幷積極持續地實施本集團的
      and continuously implements its environmental measures to               環保措施以降低溫室氣體排放。
      reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

      In respect of the emission of greenhouse gases, the Group               對於溫室氣體的排放,嚴格遵守《中
      strictly abides by Law of the People’s Republic of China on            華人民共和國大氣污染防治法 》,
      Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid              幷持續降低業務過程中產生的廢
      Waste, and continuously decreases waste gases produced                  氣。針 對 在 生 產 過 程 中 產 生 的 烟
      in operations. For the smoke, dust and other pollution                  塵、粉塵等污染物質,盡可能避免
      substances generated in the production process, open                    敞開式操作,幷設置排風裝置;針
      operation shall be avoided as far as possible, and ventilation          對機械設備在加工生產過程產生的
      devices shall be set up. For the noise pollution caused by              噪音污染,盡可能選用<60dB的低
      the mechanical equipment in processing and production, the              音降噪設備,防止噪音對工人的危
      equipment with noise < 60dB shall be selected to prevent                害。
      workers from the hazard of noise.

      Greenhouse gases of the Group mainly come from air                      本集團溫室氣體的排放主要來源於
      conditioning and seasonal heating in the office area. The               辦公區域的空調、季節性取暖等。
      Group started to implement stricter energy saving policies              由於2018年開始實施的進一步嚴格
      from 2018, by which the density of its greenhouse gas                   的節能政策,溫室氣體排放的密度
      emission is reduced by 26.72%. Details of such policies are             下降了約26.72%。該等政策的詳情
      described in the section of “Use of Resources”.                       將於「資源使用」章節闡釋。
8   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                                  Environment 環境

                 The Group’s emission of greenhouse gases is summarised         溫室氣體排放表現概要如下:
                 as follows:

                                                                                 Weight (tons of      Weight (tons of

                                                                                 carbon dioxide)      carbon dioxide)
                                                                              重量(噸二氧化碳)   重量(噸二氧化碳)

                                                                                           2018                 2017

                  Total emissions                                                            1.7                 2.32

                  Density (Emissions/Employees)                                             0.01               0.004

                 We have adopted the following measures to reduce                我們已采納下列措施以降低我們業
                 greenhouse gases emitted during our operations:                 務經營中所產生的溫室氣體的排放:

                         Relocation of Fufeng Busbars. The equipment                     阜封母綫搬遷新廠區。新廠
                         and process of the new plant have been renewed,                 區針對設備和工藝進行了
                         restructured and further upgraded; the working                  更新、改造幷進一步升級合
                         procedures of the workshops have been reasonably                理布局車間轉序,對廠房的
                         arranged; and the design planning of the plant has              設計規劃進行了優化改造,
                         been optimised, in order to improve and smoothen                使得工藝流程更加完善和流
                         the process flow and reduce emission from sources;              暢,從源頭上减少排放量;

                         The Company adopts energy-saving electric                       公司運營區域全部采用節能
                         appliances in the operation area, such as energy                型的電器,如節能燈,幷倡
                         saving lamp, and encourages employees to avoid                  導員工在自然光綫充足的時
                         turning on lights when the natural light suffices;              候,儘量不開燈;
                                                          ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                                         環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                      Environment 環境

              The Company applies energy-saving measures to                           采用製冷和空調系統節能措
              cooling and air conditioning systems, and encourages                    施,倡導員工在溫度適宜的
              employees to open windows to circulate air and shut                     時候,儘量開窗通風,關閉
              down air conditioners as much as possible when it is                    空調,節能减排;
              in moderate temperature, in an effort to save energy
              and reduce emission;

              We advocate green traveling by encouraging                              倡導員工綠色出行,上下班
              employees to take public transportation or shared                       儘量采用公共交通或共享單
              bicycles to reduce cars’ emission of exhaust gas;                      車,减少汽車的尾氣排放。

      Electricity consumption is deemed as the major source of                電力消耗被視爲間接溫室氣體排放
      indirect emission of greenhouse gases. The Group has                    的最主要來源。本集團已實施下文
      implemented the measures contained in the section of “Use              「資源使用」章節所載的措施,以减
      of Resources” below to reduce energy consumption and                   少能源消耗,從而减少碳排放。
      thus cutting carbon emission.

      Through such measures to reduce greenhouse gases,                       透過該等溫室氣體减排措施,雇員
      employees’ awareness of reducing greenhouse gases has                  對溫室氣體减排的意識有所提升。
      been increased.

1.2   Sewage Emissions                                                  1.2   廢水排放

      The Group has fully satisfied the regulations provided in               本集團已全面落實貫徹《中華人民
      the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention                共和國水污染防治法 》及國務院關
      and Control of Water Pollution and the Notice of the State              於《水 污 染 防 治 行 動 計 劃 的 通 知 》
      Council on Issuing the Action Plan for Prevention and                   的要求,集團內生產企業的日常業
      Control of Water Pollution. The daily operating activities of           務活動因新廠區建立了工件噴淋清
      the production companies under the Group have discharged                洗設施,較去年生產廢水排放量增
      more than twice the amount of wastewater than last year due             加逾一倍,但是生活廢水排放量較
      to the construction of the workpiece spray cleaning facilities          去 年 大 幅 下 降,下 降 幅 度 近50%。
      in the new plant. However, the discharge of domestic                    大部分供水及排水設施有物業管理
      wastewater has dropped significantly compared with last                 公司提供及管理,生活污水均按照
      year, down by approximately 50%. Most of the water supply               國家控制標準排放。
      and drainage facilities are provided and managed by property
      management companies, and the Group has discharged all
      domestic wastewater in accordance with the national control
10   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                                 Environment 環境

           1.3    Wastes                                                           1.3      廢棄物

                  According to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on                根據《中華人民共和國固體廢物污

                  Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid                染環境防治法 》等相關法律法規,
                  Waste and other applicable laws and regulations, we have                  我們制定了相關的規章制度及指

                  formulated relevant rules, regulations and guidelines and                 引,幷嚴格執行。

                  strictly implemented them.

                  1.31     Hazardous waste                                                  1.31     有害廢棄物

                           The Group is engaged in the machining industry,                           本集團從事機械加工行業,

                           and it does not produce any hazardous waste in its                        因其業務性質,在其生產運

                           production operations due to its business nature.                         營中,不會産生任何的有害

                           However, due to the relocation of the plant, we                           廢弃物,但是因廠區搬遷,

                           have put    to use new environmental protection                           投入新環保設施,環保設施

                           facilities which need to replace the activated carbon                     需每半年更換一次活性炭,

                           every six months, thus the activated carbon waste                         進而産生活性炭危險廢弃

                           was produced within the year. As for that , we                            物。因本集團於本年度內産

                           have prepared the guidelines on management and                            生活性炭有害廢弃物,我們

                           disposal of hazardous waste. Any harmful waste                            已制定管理及處置有害廢弃

                           produced will be disposed of in accordance with                           物的指引。對于産生的任何

                           relevant environmental protection rules.                                  有害廢弃物,我們必定按照

                                                                                   Weight (tons) in 2018     Weight (tons) in 2017
                                                                                              重量(噸)                重量(噸)
                                                                                                   2018                      2017
                           Total emissions                                                           0.8                        0
                           Density (Emissions/Million revenue)                                     0.024                     0.00
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                                                                                  環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                             Environment 環境

1.32   Non-hazardous Wastes                                             1.32   無害廢棄物

       Certain solid wastes inevitably produced during                         在原材料切割和加工過程中

       material cutting and processing mainly include                          會不可避免的產生一些無害

       recyclable wastes, non-recyclable wastes and                            固體廢物,主要包括可回收

       domestic garbage. We adopt the classification                           廢物、不可回收廢物和生活

       management and centralized disposal of non-                             垃圾。我們采用對無害固體

       hazardous solid wastes, by which recyclable                             廢物實行分類管理,集中處

       wastes are recycled regularly and reused while                          置的原則。對可回收廢物進

       non-recyclable wastes are handled by qualified                          行定期回收幷利用;對不可

       environmental protection units and domestic                             回收廢物則交給合資格的

       garbage are treated strictly in compliance with the                     環保單位處理;對於生活垃

       relevant regulations of China.                                          圾,嚴格按照國家相關規定

       The recyclable wastes mainly include scrap copper,
       scrap aluminium, scrap iron, and other leftover                         可回收廢物主要爲切割加工

       bits and pieces in the cutting and processing                           過程產生的銅、鋁、鐵等邊

       process. Owing to the factors such as technical                         角廢料,因新廠區搬遷完成

       transformation of equipment and processing                              設備和工藝技術改造、開工

       technique after completion of the relocation of the                     不足等綜合因素影響,2018

       plant, and low capacity utilisation rate, the total                     年 總 量 約 爲1.2噸,較 去 年

       amount of recyclable wastes was approximately 1.2                       持平。其他不可回收廢棄物

       tons in 2018, flat with last year. Other non-recyclable                 主要爲日常運營產生的垃

       wastes are mainly the garbage generated from daily                      圾,如紙張垃圾、食堂食物

       operations, such as paper waste and food waste from                     垃圾等,同比微降。主要無

       canteens, which has also reduced slightly year on                       害廢棄物排放表現概述:

       year. Discharge of the Group’s non-hazardous waste
       is summarised as follows:
12   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                                     Environment 環境

                                                                               Weight (tons) in 2018    Weight (tons) in 2017
                   Type                                                                   重量(噸)               重量(噸)
                   類型                                                                        2018                     2017
                   Recyclable waste – Copper                                                  0.18                       0.2
                   Recyclable waste – Aluminium                                               0.75                       0.8
                   Recyclable waste – Iron                                                    0.27                       0.2
                   Non-recyclable waste – Garbage                                               17                       18
                   Total                                                                       18.2                     19.2
                   Density (Emissions/Million revenue)                                        0.563                    0.594

                  We examine the amount of non-hazardous waste regularly,               我們定期檢查無害廢棄物的相關數
                  and implement a number of measures to reduce the                      目情况,幷推行多項减少產生廢棄
                  generation of waste, in order to reduce the impact of non-            物的措施,爲降低業務運營產生的
                  hazardous waste produced on the environment during                    無害廢棄物對環境的影響。本集團
                  business operation. To diminish the generation of waste,              推行處理有關廢棄物的措施幷推出
                  the Group takes measures in connection with the disposal              不同的减少廢棄物方法,以减低廢
                  of waste, and introduce different methods to reduce waste:            棄物產量。

                           Further optimise the design drawing, avoid                           進一步優化設計圖紙,减少
                           reworking, reduce the use of raw material and                        二次返工,减少原材料的使
                           production of scraps, through which the Group                        用及邊角料的產生,從源頭
                           decreases waste from sources;                                        上降低廢棄物的產生;
                                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
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                                           Environment 環境

                     Further regulate the use of office supplies, and                             進一步規範辦公用用品領
                     establish monthly quota for each employee;                                   用,按照每人每月固定額度

                     Adjust the changing pattern of printer consumables,                          調整打印耗材更換模式,倡
                     and encourage employees to print in black and white                          導員工儘量黑白打印和雙面
                     as well as on both sides and avoid colour printing and                       打印,减少彩色打印和單面
                     single-sided printing as much as possible;                                   打印;

                     Enhance the utilization rate of paper, recycle and use                       提高紙張使用率,回收和利
                     waste printing paper to reduce waste;                                        用打印廢紙,减少浪費;

                     Encourage employees to take meals at our canteen,                            鼓勵員工公司食堂就餐,按
                     and take food based on their consumption to avoid                            量索取,减少食物浪費。
                     waste of food.

2.   Use of Resources                                                         2.   資源使用

     The Group strictly abides by the national laws and regulations                本集團嚴格遵守國家有關資源保護的法律
     on resource protection, such as Provisional Regulations on the                法 規,如《節 約 能 源 管 理 暫 行 條 例》、《工
     Control of Energy Conservation, Technical Regulations on Energy               程機械、標準通用行業節能設計技術規定》
     Conservation Design of Engineering Machinery and Standard and                 和《機械行業節能設計規範》,幷致力於優
     Common Industry, and Design Code for Energy Conservation of                   化業務營運的資源運用,主動推行措施以
     Machinery Industry. We are committed to optimizing the use of                 於營運中提高資源效率及采用環保方式。
     resources, proactively implement measures to improve resource                 我們的日常運營主要使用電力及水,本集
     efficiency and adopt an environmentally friendly approach in our              團已根據達致更高能源效率及减少非必要
     operations. Our daily operations mainly use electricity and water. The        材料使用的目標,制定相關政策及程序以
     Group has established policies and procedures to effectively utilize          有效利用資源,最大程度節約資源。
     resources and maximize resources conservation in accordance with
     the objectives of achieving higher energy efficiency and reducing the
     use of non-essential materials.
14   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                                   Environment 環境

           2.1    Energy Consumption                                                          2.1        能源消耗

                  The main energy consumption of the Group in its daily                                  本集團於日常營運的主要能源消耗

                  operations is electricity consumption and water consumption.                           爲電力消耗及水消耗。

                                                                                          Density (per                               Density (per

                           Type of                                  Consumption       Million revenue)        Consumption        Million revenue)

                   No.     resource         Unit                           in 2018      密度(每百萬                  in 2017      密度(每百萬

                   序號    資源類型         單位                      消耗量2018           收入)2018             消耗量2017          收入)2017

                   1       Power            Kw                          1,180,000           36,521.20                501,000           15,191.02

                   2       Water            M                               2,663               82.42                    3,218             97.57

                  Note:                                                                                  備注:

                  1.      Due to the relocation of the old plant to a larger                             1.       因搬遷廠房,廠區面積較舊
                          new plant, and as the electric boiler was used for                                      廠區擴大,加之冬季供暖采
                          heating in winter, the total power consumption was                                      用電鍋爐,總耗電量較去年
                          significantly increased to 1,180,000Kw.                                                 大幅增加至1,180,000Kw。

                  The Group has established rules and regulations to achieve                             本集團制定了規則及規例以達到節
                  the goal of saving electricity and using electricity efficiently,                      約用電及有效使用電力的目標,旨
                  with the aim of reducing waste and reducing environmental                              在减少浪費及降低對環境的影響。
                  impact. The relevant specific measures are as follows:                                 相關具體措施如下:

                          Use energy-efficient equipment and appliances in                                        於運營、辦公室及生活區域
                          operation, office and living areas;                                                     全部采用節能型的設備及電

                          Advocate employees to avoid turning on lights when                                      倡導雇員在自然光綫充足的
                          the natural light suffices;                                                             時候,儘量不開燈;

                          Advocate employees to open windows to circulate                                         倡導雇員在溫度適宜的時
                          air and shut down air conditioners as much as                                           候,儘量開窗通風,關閉空
                          possible when it is in moderate temperature;                                            調;
                                                           ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
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                                     Environment 環境

               Encourage employees to turn off their computers                        鼓勵雇員在長時間外出時關
               (hosts or monitors) when they are out for a long time,                 閉計算機(主機或顯示器),
               and put the computer to sleep when they go out for                     幷在其中午外出就餐時將計
               lunch at noon;                                                         算機轉至休眠狀態;

               Surrender the tenancy of the unused office area and                    退租閑置的辦公區域,提高
               increase the usage rate of the venue.                                  場地的使用率。

               Therefore, through these energy-saving measures,                因此,透過該等節能措施,雇員對
               employees’ awareness of energy conservation has                節約能源的意識得以提高。
               been increased.

2.2   Water Consumption                                                  2.2   水源消耗

      The daily operating activities consumed more than twice                  因新廠區建立了工件噴淋清洗設
      the amount of water used in last year due to the construction            施,業務活動的耗水量較去年增加
      of the workpiece spray cleaning facilities in the new plant.             逾一倍,但是生活用水耗水量較去
      However, the consumption of domestic water has dropped                   年 大 幅 下 降,下 降 幅 度 近50%。生
      significantly compared with last year, down by approximately             活用水均來自於市政用水,大部分
      50%. Domestic water is sourced from municipal water                      供水設施由物業管理公司提供及管
      supply. Most of the water supply facilities are provided                 理,故采購適合水源與本集團不相
      and managed by property management companies, so the                     關。
      procurement of suitable water sources is not relevant to the

      We encourage all employees to develop the habit of saving                我們鼓勵所有雇員養成節約用水
      water. We continue to strengthen the publicity of water                  的習慣。我們不斷加强節約用水宣
      conservation and post water-saving reminders in the pantry               傳、幷於茶水間張貼節水提示籍此
      room to guide employees to use water reasonably.                         引導雇員合理用水。

      For industrial water, we have installed water recycling                  對於生産中的用水,建立水循環處
      facilities and adopted the water recycling treatment, by                 理設施,采用循環水處理方法,清
      which the rinsing water is reused after it is recycled and               洗用水經回收過濾後循環使用,降
      filtered, and thus the water consumption has been reduced.               低水源的消耗。
16   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                                 Environment 環境

           2.3    Use of Packaging Material                                           2.3      包裝材料使用

                  Based on the nature of our business, during processing                       基 於 我 們 的 業 務 性 質,在 來 料 加

                  of materials provided by foreign clients, production and                     工、生產及後期包裝過程中,本集

                  packaging, the Group will consume a large amount of                          團會消耗大量用於產品包裝的包裝

                  packaging materials for product packaging. In 2018, a total                  材 料,2018年 共 計 使 用6.25噸 的 包

                  of 6.25 tons of packaging materials was used, and the amount                 裝用材料總量,同比耗材量大幅降

                  of consumables was significantly reduced by 4.75 tons year                   少4.75噸,具體對照如下:

                  on year, the specific comparison is as follows:

                   Type                                                               Weight (tons) in 2018      Weight (tons) in 2017
                   類型                                                                     重量(噸)2018             重量(噸)2017
                   Wooden box                                                                           2.6                        4.1
                   Carton                                                                             0.35                         0.4
                   Plastic                                                                              0.3                        1.5
                   Box iron                                                                              3                          5
                   Total                                                                              6.25                         11
                   Density (Weight/Revenue in millions)                                               0.19                       0.33

     3.    Environment and Natural Resources                                     3.   環境與天然資源

           As a continuing commitment to corporate social responsibility,             作爲對企業社會責任的持續承諾,我們意
           we recognize the importance of reducing the negative impact of             識到减低業務營運對環境的負面影響之重
           business operations on the environment. We are also committed to           要性。我們亦致力於達致可持續發展以爲
           achieving sustainable development to create long-term value for the        社區環境及投資者創造長期價值。
           community environment and investors.
                                                            ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                                             環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                      Environment 環境

In order to reduce the potential impact on the environment and natural    爲了减少對環境和天然資源的潜在影響,
resources, the Group continued to promote internal management,            本 集 團 持 續 推 進 內 部 管 理、不 斷 發 掘 內
continuously explore internal energy saving potential, implement          部節能潜力,落實節能减排,减少資源消
energy conservation and emission reduction, reduce resource               耗,實施各種節約資源的措施,比如取消
consumption, and implement various resource saving measures,              不必要的辦公裝修及工程改造,對於辦公
such as eliminating unnecessary office decoration and engineering         區域裝修和改造,滿足最低的辦公需求即
renovation. As for the decoration and renovation of the office            可;减少不必要的會議出差,儘量使用電
area, meeting the minimum office needs will suffice. In addition,         子通訊設備的視頻會、電話會溝通溝通解
reducing unnecessary business trips and holding video conference          决相關事宜;簡化會場布置,不製作不必
and phone meetings using electronic communication equipment to            要的易拉寶、演講台KT板等,只印刷必要
communicate and solve related issues also help energy conservation        的桌牌、橫幅、提示板,幷盡可能提高重
and emission reduction. Furthermore, we simplify the layout of            複使用效率。
the venue, reduce unnecessary roll screen, podium KT board, etc.,
print the necessary table cards, banners, reminder boards only, and
maximize the efficiency of reuse as much as possible.

Meanwhile, we focus on the environmental education and advocacy           同時,重視員工的環保教育和宣傳工作,
among staff to raise the awareness of our people to understand            以提高員工明白節約資源的重要性,鼓勵
the importance of resource conservation. They are encouraged to           他們充分利用資源,發揮其最大效能,且
make full use of resources, to maximize their effectiveness and to        杜絕資源使用中出現浪費現象。鼓勵雇員
avoid wastage of resources. We encourage employees to actively            積極參與環境公益活動,安排員工參加大
participate in environmental public welfare activities, and arrange       股東海航集團志願者協會舉辦的「關愛海
for employees to participate in the publicity activities of “Caring      洋活動-放生魚苗」、「清潔海岸綫」、「單
for Marine – Release Fry”, “Cleaning Coastline” and “Cycling         車50公 里 綠 色 出 行」宣 傳 活 動。此 外,積
50km for Green Travel” organized by the substantial shareholder          極倡導員工積極在日常生活中踐行綠色公
HNA Volunteer Association. In addition, we actively encourage             益活動,如儘量少開車上下班,乘坐公共
employees to actively practice green public welfare activities in         交通綠色出行方式;儘量减少食堂工作餐
their daily lives, such as driving to and from the workplace as little    的浪費等。
as possible, taking the green model of public transportation, and
minimizing the waste of working meals in the canteen.
18   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                                                            Social 社會

     The Group always adheres to the talent concept of “Believing, Employing,        本 集 團 始 終 堅 持「相 信 人、使 用 人、培 養 人、激
     Cultivating, Motivating and Developing Talents”, builds people-oriented         勵人、造就人」的人才理念,建設以人爲本的和
     harmonious labor relations and strives to create a non-discriminatory and        諧勞動關係,致力打造非歧視、平等的工作環境;
     equal working environment, strengthens occupational health protection and        加强職業健康保護,充分保障員工健康和工作安
     fully protects the health and work safety of employees, continuously improves    全;不斷完善薪酬分配體系,爲員工提供具吸引
     salary distribution systems to provide attractive remuneration packages and      力的薪酬待遇和晋升機會,以及準備充足的資源
     promotion opportunities for employees, as well as adequate resources for         提供各種培訓;不斷加强供應鏈管理,落實產品
     training, continuously enhances supply chain management, fulfills product        責任,推動企業持續健康發展,最大限度地兼顧
     responsibility, promotes sustainable and sound development of the Company,       各相關方利益;積極開展小區投資及反貪污,維
     gives maximum consideration to the interests of all relevant parties, actively   護小區穩定,促進小區和諧發展。
     promotes community investment and anti-corruption, maintains stability and
     promotes harmonious development of the community.

     1.      Employment                                                               1.     僱傭

             Human resources are the cornerstone supporting the sustainable                  人力資源是支撑本集團持續發展的基石。
             development of the Group. Therefore, we develop relevant                        因此,我們制訂相關僱傭政策、采納以人
             employment policies, adopt people-oriented management and                       爲本的管理幷幫助雇員充分發揮潜力。相
             help employees reach their full potential. Relevant employment                  關僱傭政策已正式成文,其涵蓋招聘、補
             policies have been formally documented, covering recruitment,                   償、晋升、工時及休息期間、多元化及平
             compensation, promotion, working hours and rest periods, diversity,             等機會等。在招募和晋升的過程中,以品
             equal opportunities and other factors. During the staff recruitment             德、學識、能力、體格及應聘崗位的要求
             and promotion, morality, knowledge, ability, physical fitness and job           爲標準,爲員工提供平等機會,員工不會
             requirements are used as the selection standards. We provide equal              因種族、性別、年齡、國籍、宗教信仰等
             opportunities to employees and they are not discriminated against               因素受到不平等對待,致力打造公平、全
             because of their race, gender, age, nationality or religion. We devote          面、多元化及平等的企業文化。
             to building a fair, comprehensive, diverse and equality corporate

             In formulating relevant policies and procedures, the Group strictly             在制定相關政策和程序的時候,嚴格遵守
             follows the relevant labour laws and regulations, strictly forbids any          相關勞動法律法規,嚴格禁止任何不道德
             unethical employment approaches, including child labor and forced               的雇用手法,包括在工作場所雇用童工和
             labor in the workplace, ensures employees to enjoy labor rights                 强迫勞工,保護員工依法享有勞動權利和
             and perform their obligations in accordance with laws, maintains                履行勞動義務,保持工作崗位相對穩定,
             relatively stable positions, actively promotes the full employment,             積極促進充分就業,切實履行社會責任。
             fulfills social responsibilities, and avoids mass dismissal of                  避免在正常經營情况下批量辭退員工,增
             employees under normal operation conditions to increase social                  加社會負擔。
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                                                                                                        環境、社會及管治報告 2018

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     During the year, the Group is not aware of any material violations              於本年度,本集團幷不知悉存在任何有關
     of laws and regulations relating to employment and labor practices.             僱傭及勞動實務的法律及法規的重大違規

2.   Health and Safety                                                          2.   健康與安全

     The Group attaches great importance to the employees’ health                   本集團重視員工的健康與安全,致力爲雇
     and safety, and is committed to providing employees with a safe                 員提供安全健康的工作環境。我們設立安
     and healthy working environment. We set up a safety plan and                    全計劃,建立了安全生產和職業病防治方
     established rules and regulations on safe production and occupational           面 的 規 章 制 度,其 載 有 健 康 安 全 管 理 方
     disease prevention, which contain health and safety management                  案,以保障安全及預防事故。本集團堅决
     programmes to ensure safety and prevent accidents. The Group                    嚴格執行國家職業安全衛生標準和規範,
     strictly implements national standards and norms of occupational                注 意 工 作 安 全,如 加 工 設 備 機 械 和 新 增
     safety and health, pays attention to the work safety, such as installing        設備傳動部分均應安裝安全防護罩,設置
     safety protective covers for processing equipment machinery                     警示標記,加强生産設備的經常性維護管
     and new transmission parts of equipment, setting up warning                     理,按照職業健康發放幷要求佩戴面具、
     marks, strengthening the regular maintenance and management of                  眼鏡等防護用品。做好防塵、防噪音、防
     production equipment, and providing protective articles including               暑降溫、防止事故發生,保證職工安全生
     masks and safety goggles in accordance with occupational health                 產,防止工傷事故發生,
     requirements, performs dust, noise and heatstroke prevention, avoids
     accidents, ensures production safety for employees, and avoids work

     Also, the Group insists on the principle of taking precautions as the           同時,貫徹預防爲主的原則,采用多種形
     main task, enhances its employees’ sense of safety in various ways,            式 增 强 員 工 安 全 意 識,加 强 勞 動 安 全 教
     strengthens occupational safety education, extensively commences                育,廣泛開展安全生產宣傳教育培訓,對
     promotion, education and training on production safety, and                     應急情况進行安全演練,對新入職的員工
     conducts emergency drills, while safety education will be provided              首先進行安全培訓,重視崗位培訓,對於
     to new employees once they join the Group. With great emphasis                  特殊崗位實行資格認證制度,定期開展安
     on employee induction and orientation, we have implemented a                    全生產檢查活動,及時排除安全隱患,提
     qualification authentication system on special posts and carried out            供職業健康安全和環境管理水平。
     regular safety inspection for workplace to remove hidden safety risks
     timely and improve occupational health and safety and environment
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           In terms of employee care, the Group actively organizes cultural and           於員工關愛方面,本集團積極組織開展文
           sports activities to enrich employees’ life, organizes them to conduct        體活動,豐富生活,不定期組織員工開展
           basketball or badminton activities from time to time, and organizes            籃球或者羽毛球活動、組織適齡單身青年
           single youths of appropriate age to participate in blind dates.                參加鵲橋會相親等。

           During the year, the Group is not aware of any violation of laws               於本年度,本集團幷不知悉存在任何對本
           and regulations relating to health and safety which has a significant          集團有重大影響且嚴重違反健康及安全的
           impact on the Group. In addition, we will continue to devote sufficient        相關法律及法規的情况。此外,我們將繼
           resources to maintaining and improving safety management to                    續投放足够資源,致力維護及提升安全管
           reduce risks associated with health and safety.                                理,以减低涉及對健康及安全的風險。

     3.    Development and Training                                                  3.   發展與培訓

           In order to meet the development needs of the Company and the                  爲了配合公司發展需要以及員工職業生涯
           career planning of the employees, it is very important for us to               規劃,不斷提高員工質素和工作能力,培
           continuously improve the quality and work ability of our staff, and to         育人才及提升人力資本的技能對我們至關
           cultivate talents and enhance the skills of human capital. The Group           重要,本集團建立內部規章制度,發展著
           has established internal rules and regulations, and developed training         重創造價值及滿足其客戶、人才及社會需
           strategies focusing on creating value and satisfying the needs of its          求的培訓策略。
           customers, talents and society.
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     We understand the importance of keeping up with the latest trends in             我們瞭解培訓及發展對員工緊貼業內的最
     the industry and the changing pace of the domestic market for staff              新趨勢及現時國內市場不斷變化步伐的重
     training and development. We make full use of our internal resources             要性,充分利用其內部資源爲雇員舉辦不
     to provide different forms of training for employees, including intern           同形式的培訓,包括實習生培訓、新員工
     training, new employees’ induction training, business backbone                  崗前入職培訓、業務骨幹培訓、企業誠信
     training, corporate integrity and compliance culture training, training          合規文化培訓,安全生産操作規程及勞動
     on operating instructions of safe production and usage of labour                 保護使用培訓、新安全法培訓以提升專業
     protection appliances, and training on the new laws in relation to               人員的知識和技能。
     safety, to enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals.

     We also encourage employees to participate in training and obtain                我們亦鼓勵雇員參與培訓及取得專業資
     professional qualifications. Participation in various training                   格。參加各種培訓計劃,如交易所指定培
     programmes, such as the follow-up training of secretary of the                   訓機構開展的董秘後續培訓,上市公司財
     board provided by the Exchange’s designated training institutions,              務總監後續培訓,獨立董事合規培訓及董
     the follow-up training of the listed company’s financial controllers,           秘資格培訓等,可令雇員更深入提升彼等
     the independent directors’ compliance training and the training for             基本的技巧及專業知識。本集團亦鼓勵分
     qualifications of secretary of the board, etc., will enable employees            享知識及經驗的文化。
     to further enhance their basic skills and professionalism. The Group
     also encourages a culture of sharing knowledge and experience.

4.   Labor Standards                                                             4.   勞工準則

     As defined by laws and regulations, child labor and forced labor                 誠如法律法規所界定,於招聘過程中嚴禁
     are strictly prohibited during the recruitment process. The Group                僱傭童工及强制勞工。本集團嚴格遵守相
     strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations and has formulated              關 法 律 法 規,制 定 了《員 工 管 理 制 度》等
     the “Staff Management System” and other systems. It endeavors to               制度,努力爲員工創造良好工作環境的同
     create a better working environment for its staff, and at the same time          時,也减少了勞動用工風險,幷有效拒絕
     reduces exposure to labor employment risks, as well as efficiently               童工和强迫勞動現象。
     eliminates the use of child and forced labor.

     The personal data collected by the Group during the recruitment                  本集團於招聘過程中收集的個人資料以
     process is used to select suitable candidates and verify the candidate’s        挑選合適的候選人及核實候選人的個人
     personal data. The information collected is only used to understand              資料。收集的資料只用作瞭解申請人的背
     the background of the applicant. The human resources department                  景。人力資源部門亦須確保已仔細檢查身
     must also ensure that the identity documents have been carefully                 份證明文件,尤其核實年齡。倘涉及違規
     examined, in particular the age. If a violation is involved, it will be          情况,其將根據情况處理。
     handled as the circumstances may require.
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           During the year, the Group is not aware of any material violation of           於本年度,本集團幷不知悉任何重大違反
           laws and regulations relating to child labor and forced labor.                 童工及强制勞工相關法律及法規的事宜。

     5.    Supply Chain Management                                                   5.   供應鏈管理

           The Group has always focused on protecting the interests of                    集團一向重視消費者、供貨商和客戶權益
           consumers, suppliers and clients, valued its relationships with                保護,重視與供貨商的關係(包括分包商)
           suppliers (including subcontractors) and regarded them as important            及視彼等爲重要商業夥伴,對消費者、供
           business partners, treated them in good faith, and shall not pursue            貨商和客戶恪守誠信,不得依靠虛假宣傳
           benefits through fraudulent promotion and false advertisements. We             以及虛假廣告牟利。切實提高產品質量和
           shall strengthen the quality of our products and services in earnest,          服務水平,特別是要保證其提供的商品或
           especially ensuring the product or service safety, with an effort to           者服務的安全性,努力爲社會提供優質安
           provide safe and healthy products and services with high quality for           全健康的產品和服務。
           the society.

           We have established a sound management system for supply chain                 我們建立了良好的供應鏈系統管理制度。
           system. In order to strengthen the selection of suppliers, the Group           爲强化選擇供貨商,本集團歡迎合資格、
           welcomes the participation of qualified, competent and quality                 有能力及優質供貨商參與。本集團采購部
           suppliers. The Group’s procurement department and marketing                   門及營銷部門專責制定該等政策以標準化
           department are responsible for formulating these policies to                   供貨商的管理及改善經營標準。爲保證產
           standardize supplier management and improve operating standards.               品質量和降低生產成本,公司組織專業的
           The Company’s professional review panel has conducted stringent               評審團對供貨商的資質、技術水平、生產
           accreditation on suppliers’ qualification, technological capacity,            能力等方面進行嚴格評審,將通過評選的
           productivity and others to guarantee product quality and reduce                供貨商進入協作單位名單,產品生產所需
           production costs. Only those accredited suppliers will be on the               的原材料由協作單位供應。
           list of cooperative units, by which the raw materials necessary for
           production are offered.

           The Group maintains close liaison with our suppliers to monitor their          本集團與我們的供貨商維持緊密的聯繫以
           performance and ensure compliance with our service commitments.                監察他們的表現,確保符合我們的服務承
           During the year, the Group is not aware of any major suppliers’               諾。於本年度,本集團幷不知悉任何主要
           actions or practices that had a significant negative impact on business        供貨商有對商業道德、環境保護、人權及
           ethics, environmental protection, human rights and labour practices.           勞工常規造成重大負面影響的行爲或慣例。
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6.   Product Responsibility                                                     6.   產品責任

     Focusing on product quality, the Group has built first-class production         本集團非常重視產品質量,建立了國內一
     conditions in China and a strict quality management system. During              流 的 生 產 條 件 及 嚴 格 的 質 量 管 理 體 系。
     the year, we experimented with and developed the main isolated-phase            於 本 年 度 內,實 驗 開 發600MW機 主 離 相 母
     busbars with 600MW, the pilot project in line with IEC international            綫IEC國 際 標 準 形 式 項 目,幷 通 過 該 項 目
     standards. With the said project, the Company also won the project              成功簽訂「巴拿馬1X420MW機組離相及共箱
     “Panama 1X420MW unit of isolated-phase and nonsegregated-                      母綫」項目,取得國際認可的實驗報告可
     phase busbars”. The Company could evade the market environment                 以規避國內低價中標的市場環境,開發國
     with low bid domestically, and tap into the international market by             際市場。此外,研究開發母綫除濕系統的
     virtue of internationally acclaimed lab report. In addition, the R&D            樣機試製,幷成功應用於朝陽燕山湖電廠
     and trial-production of the busbars dehumidifying system have                   1#機廠變壓器、備變共箱母綫的改造工程
     been successfully applied in the transformation of Unit 1# plant                中,可有效解决機組停機後母綫受潮濕空
     & standby transformer nonsegregated-phase busbars in Chaoyang                   氣影響致使絕緣强度下降的問題。
     Yanshan Power Plant, which could effectively deal with the decrease
     of dielectric strength of busbars caused by humid air after a unit stops

     The Group also attaches great importance to customer satisfaction.              本集團亦高度重視客戶的滿意程度,以用
     Oriented to customer satisfaction and excellent quality, the Group              戶滿意爲宗旨,爲追求卓越的質量,本集
     has formulated various quality and safety inspection policies for               團就不同產品制定相關的質量及安全檢驗
     different products. Before manufacturing any product, it confirms               政策,於製造任何產品前與客戶溝通及確
     with customers on mutual expectations and directions for such                   認彼此等對產品的期望及方向,幷積極於
     product, keeps in touch with and coordinates with customers while               提供服務的過程中與客戶進行重複溝通協
     providing services to them.                                                     調。

     During the communication with customers, the Group gathers                      在與客戶溝通過程匯總,本集團尊重客戶
     customers’ information and has respects for customers’ rights                 信息資產的價值及權利,幷嚴格遵守客戶
     to their information assets and the value of such assets, in strict             數據安全管理系統及標準。我們亦嚴格遵
     compliance with systems and standards of customers’ data security              守保密責任,防止泄漏機密數據的數據。
     management. We also stringently perform the responsibility for
     confidentiality, preventing confidential data leakage.
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           In accordance with the Group’s polices and to comply with applicable         於廣告宣傳品標簽的細節上,遵循本集團
           laws and regulations in an all-round way, we base our advertising             的政策,以客戶的利益爲依歸,幷全面遵
           and labeling on customers’ benefits and further disseminate positive         守相關的法規及規定,進一步向客戶宣揚
           information to customers and prohibit publication of violence,                正面訊息,嚴禁發布暴力、色情、仇恨、
           pornography, hatred, superstition, gambling and other negative                迷信、賭博等任何負面訊息。

           The Company shall standardize the production process, establish a             公司規範生產流程,建立嚴格的產品質量
           strict product quality control and inspection system, strictly control        控制和檢驗制度,嚴把質量關,禁止缺乏
           the quality, and prevent the products without quality assurance or            質量保障、危害人民生命健康的產品流向
           jeopardizing the life and health of the people from flowing into the          社會。重視產品的售後服務,售後發現存
           society. The Company shall think highly of the after-sales service of         在嚴重質量缺陷、隱患的產品,應當及時
           products. If it finds products with serious quality defects or hidden         召回或采取其他有效措施,最大限度地降
           dangers after they are sold, it shall timely recall them or take other        低或消除缺陷、隱患產品的社會危害。
           effective measures to minimize or eliminate the social harm that may
           be caused by these products.

     7.    Anti-corruption                                                          7.   反貪污

           The Group has zero tolerance for any corrupt, fraud and other                 本集團對任何貪腐、欺詐及所有違反職業
           unethical behavior. Pursuant to the Criminal Law of the People’s             道德的行爲零容忍。根據《中華人民共和
           Republic of China, Prevention of Bribery Ordinance implemented                國刑法》、香港廉政公署所執行的《防止賄
           by Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong                     賂條例》和其他相關國家的法律法規,本
           and the laws and regulations of other relevant countries, the Group           集團始終重視反腐倡廉制度建設,重視及
           has always focused on combating corruption and building a clean               維護開展業務方式的誠信、誠實及公平,
           environment, treasured and maintained due integrity, honesty and              致力於營造一個和諧、清廉的工作環境。
           fairness when conducting businesses, and committed to fostering a
           harmonious and honest working environment.
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At present, the Group has formulated various internal control             目前本集團已制定《不兼容職務分離控制
systems and process control procedures such as Separation Control         制度》、《員工行爲準則》、《舉報及投訴管
System for Incompatible Positions, Code of Conduct for Employees,         理制度》和《反舞弊管理制度》等一系列內
Reporting and Complaint Management System, and Anti-fraud                 控管理制度和流程控制程序,嚴格監控和
Management System, to strictly monitor and prevent all kinds of           防範公司或職工與客戶、供貨商進行的各
illegal commercial bribery activities carried out by the Company          類非法商業賄賂活動;妥善保管消費者、
or employees with customers and suppliers; to properly keep the           供貨商和客戶的個人資料,不得非法使用
personal information of consumers, suppliers and customers which          或轉售上述個人資料牟利;提供良好的售
shall not be illegally used or resold for profits; and to provide good    後服務,妥善處理消費者、供貨商和客戶
after-sales service and properly handle complaints and suggestions        等提出的投訴和建議。
from consumers, suppliers and customers.

At the same time, we have established a strict corporate governance       同時我們遵照上市規則及《證券及期貨條
mechanism in accordance with the listing rules and the Securities and     例》制定嚴格企業管治機制,禁止任何資
Futures Ordinance to prohibit any fraudulent activities in the capital    本市場上的欺詐行爲。此外,我們亦鼓勵
market. Aside from this, we also encourage employees to report            員工舉報任何形式的不當行爲,例如客戶
any form of misconduct, such as the abuse of power and bribery by         或雇員濫權及賄賂,且本集團會就有關舉
customers or employees. The Group will investigate into and collect       報進行調查取證,幷向監管及執法機關舉
evidence on these reports and report them to the regulatory and law       報;在積極推進預防腐敗體系建設中,不
enforcement authorities; and periodically carry out incorruptible         定期對員工進行開展廉潔培訓,推進廉潔
training on employees and promote the construction of incorruptible       文化建設,要求所有員工均應以正直、不
culture and require all employees to perform honestly, impartially        偏不倚及誠實的態度行事,養成嚴格遵守
and with integrity, and develop the habit of strictly abiding by rules    規章制度的習慣。
and regulations in the process of actively promoting the construction
of corruption prevention system.

During the year, the Group is not aware of any serious impact on the      於本年度,本集團幷不知悉任何因違反賄
Group due to violations of laws and regulations regarding bribery,        賂、勒索、欺詐及洗黑錢方面的法律法規
extortion, fraud, and money laundering.                                   而對本集團造成嚴重影響的情况。
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     8.    Community Investment                                                  8.   社區投資

           The Group believes that participating in social engagement and             本集團相信透過社會參與及貢獻以回饋社

           contributing to society are forms of showing corporate citizenship.        會爲表現企業公民責任的形式。我們亦看

           We also see the potential to nurture corporate culture and inspire         到培養企業文化及於日常工作中啓發雇員

           our employees towards social concerns in the daily work life. We           對社會關注的潜力。作爲本集團策略發展

           would maintain stability and promotes harmonious development of            的一部分,本集團致力於維護社區穩定,

           the community as a part of the strategic development of the Group.         促進社區和諧。

           The Group encourages its employees to devote some time and                 本集團積極鼓勵員工付出時間及發揮所長

           leverage their strengths to community work, by which they will have        參與社區工作,藉此給予雇員瞭解更多社

           more opportunities to learn about social and environmental problems        會及環境問題的機會,幷增强本集團的企

           and the Group’s corporate value is boosted. We took part in the           業價值。積極融入參加股東單位牽頭組織

           community activities organized under the leadership of corporate           的社區活動,組織員工參加海航志願者協

           shareholders, and organized employees to participate in the blood          會與聯合海南省血液中心聯合開展的愛心

           donation activities jointly conducted by HNA Volunteer Association         獻血活動,組織員工周末前往海口市福利

           and Hainan Provincial Blood Center and to visit the elderly living         院,看望孤寡老人及留守兒童。公司對社

           alone and stay-at-home children in Haikou City Welfare House at            區生活困難人員及家庭進行定期慰問走訪。

           weekends. The Company periodically organizes visits to people and
           households badly off in the communities and offers relief to them.
                                                           ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                                             環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                     Corporate Governance 企業管治

The Company has been actively enhancing its corporate governance        本集團嚴格按照《中華人民共和國公司法》、《中
structure and standardizing its operations through strictly complying   華人民共和國證券法》等有關規定,積極完善公
with relevant provisions such as the Company Law of the People’s       司法人治理結構,規範公司運作。本公司董事會
Republic of China and the Securities Law of the People’s Republic      致力繼續提高企業管治的水平,幷堅信良好的企
of China. The Board of the Company is committed to maintaining          業管治是公司業務的長遠成功及可持續發展關鍵
a high standard of corporate governance, and believes that good         之點。
corporate governance practices are crucial to the success and
sustainable development of the Company’s business in the long run.

During the reporting period, the Company has fully complied with        在報告期內,本集團全面遵守《香港聯合交易所
all code provisions set out in the Corporate Governance Code            上市規則》附錄十四《企業管治守則》及《企業管
and Corporate Governance Report in Appendix 14 to the Rules             治報告》的規定,幷在適當的情况下采納其中所
Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong       載的建議最佳常規。
Kong Limited and, where appropriate, adopted the recommended
best practices as specified therein.

To protect the interests of the Group and the shareholders while        爲保障集團及股東利益及提升公司價值,集團一
enhancing the corporate value, the Group has been adopting a            直以來奉行良好的企業管治架構實務及程序。董
sound structure, good practices and proper procedures of corporate      事會是本集團的最高管理機構,現由六名執行董
governance. The Board of Directors, now comprised of six                事及三名獨立非執行董事組成。本年度內,及時
executive directors and three independent non-executive directors,      增補董事,委任了非大股東背景的董事,幷進一
is the highest governing body of our Group. During the year, the        步在董事會中引進與酒店業務背景的董事和委任
directorships were filled promptly. The Group appointed directors       一名女性董事,有利於打造董事成員多元化的治
who has no background in relation to substantial shareholders, and      理環境。
included a director who has the experience of hospitality business
and appointed a female director, which is favorable to create a
governance environment featuring with board diversity.
28   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                               Corporate Governance 企業管治

           In strict compliance with good corporate governance principles,           董事會堅守良好的企業管治原則幷有明確分工,
           the Board has clear division of responsibilities. The Chairman is         主席負責管理及領導董事會,確保本集團維持强
           responsible for the management and leadership of the Board to ensure      而有效的企業管治實務及程序。總裁負責本集團
           that our Group maintains strong and effective corporate governance        業務之日常管理運作,於董事會其他成員及其他
           practices and procedure. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible       高級管理層之協助下,緊密監控本集團之營運及
           for the daily management and operation of our Group’s business,          財務業績,找出經營中不足之處,幷作出所有必
           who, with the assistance of the other Board members and other             需及適當行動改善該等不足,其亦負責訂立本集
           senior management members, closely monitors the operation and             團未來業務計劃及策略,待董事會批准。董事會
           financial results of our Group, identifies the operational deficiencies   之下已設戰略發展委員會、投資管理委員會、薪
           and carries out all necessary and appropriate actions to correct          酬委員會、提名委員會及審計審核委員會,幷根
           such deficiencies. The Chief Executive Officer is also responsible        據實際情况,及時調整委員會成員,爲充分發揮
           for formulating our Group’s future business plans and strategies         委員會在公司治理方面職能方面奠定基礎。各委
           which are subject to the Board’s approval. There are the Strategic       員會根據其所屬職權範圍,定期評估及審查其工
           Development Committee, the Investment Management Committee,               作的有效性。
           the Remuneration Committee, the Nomination Committee and the
           Audit Committee under the Board, the membership of which will
           be adjusted in time based on actual circumstances, so as to lay a
           foundation to give a full play of their functions regarding corporate
           governance. Each committee regularly evaluates and reviews the
           effectiveness of its work in accordance with its terms of reference.

           During the reporting period, the Board of the Company has strictly        在報告期內,本公司董事會嚴格遵守法律及監管
           observed the policies and practices stipulated by laws and regulatory     規定方面的政策及常規,幷以此制定及修訂公司
           requirements, and also formulated and amended its regulations with        規章制度,不斷完善企業管治政策及常規,持續
           reference to those policies and practices, with an aim to perfect our     關注董事及高級管理人員的培訓及持續專業發展,
           corporate governance policies and practices. The Company continues        幷積極開展內部審查整改工作,以提高公司管治
           to focus on the training and continuing professional development of       水平。
           directors and senior management, and actively carries out internal
           review and rectification work to improve the level of the Company’s

           The Group reviews the Governance Code in a timely manner                  本集團會適時檢視管治守則,强化內部監控、完
           to strengthen the internal control and improve the prevention             善風險防範與管理,確保符合最新的監管要求。
           and management of risks. Compliance with the latest regulatory            有關本集團更詳盡的企業管治政策和程序及其他
           requirements is thus ensured. For the more detailed corporate             數據,請參閱本公司2018年年報內所載之企業管
           governance policies and procedures of our Group and other                 治報告。
           information, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report set out
           in the Annual Report 2018 of our Company.
                                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                                                                   環境、社會及管治報告 2018


The Company has complied with “comply or explain” provisions set out in               本公司已遵守《香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上
the ESG Reporting Guide in Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing the Listing               市規則》附錄二十七《環境、社會及管治報告指引》
of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The table below               所載的「不遵守就解釋」條文,下表爲彙報守規情
sets forth an overview of our compliance with the provisions.                           况的概要。

Areas, Aspects, KPIs                        “Comply or explain” Provisions                                                            Reference
範圍、層面及關鍵績效指標                   「不遵守就解釋」條文                                                                           page

A Environmental

Aspect A1                                   Emissions
層面A1                                      排放物

General Disclosure                          Information on:                                                                                4-6
一般披露                                    (a) the policies; and

                                            (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the

                                            issuer relating to air and greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water and land, and

                                            generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.


KPI A1.1                                    The types of emissions and respective emissions data.                                          6
關鍵績效指標A1.1                            排放物種類及相關排放數據

KPI A1.2                                    Greenhouse gas emissions in total (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per      8
關鍵績效指標A1.2                            unit of production volume, per facility).


KPI A1.3                                    Total hazardous waste produced                                                                 10
關鍵績效指標A1.3                            (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per



KPI A1.4                                    Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g.         11
關鍵績效指標A1.4                            per unit of production volume, per facility).

30   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                 GUIDELINES AND INDEX OF THIS REPORT 本報告指引及索引

     Areas, Aspects, KPIs           “Comply or explain” Provisions                                                             Reference
     範圍、層面及關鍵績效指標      「不遵守就解釋」條文                                                                            page

     KPI A1.5                       Description of measures to mitigate emissions and results achieved.                             7-9
     關鍵績效指標A1.5               描述減低排放量的措施及所得成果

     KPI A1.6                       Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, reduction                   10-12
     關鍵績效指標A1.6               initiatives and results achieved.

     Aspect A2                      Use of Resources
     層面A2                        資源使用

     General Disclosure             Policies on the efficient use of resources, including energy, water and other raw               12
     一般披露                       materials.

     KPI A2.1                       Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total       13
     關鍵績效指標A2.1               (kWh in ’000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).


     KPI A2.2                       Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per               13
     關鍵績效指標A2.2               facility).

     KPI A2.3                       Description of energy use efficiency initiatives and results achieved.                         13-14
     關鍵績效指標A2.3               描述能源使用效益計劃及所得成果

     KPI A2.4                       Description of whether there is any issue in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water      14
     關鍵績效指標A2.4               efficiency initiatives and results achieved.

     KPI A2.5                       Total packaging material used for finished products (in tonnes) and, if applicable, with       14-15
     關鍵績效指標A2.5               reference to per unit produced.
                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                                                   環境、社會及管治報告 2018


Areas, Aspects, KPIs        “Comply or explain” Provisions                                                             Reference
範圍、層面及關鍵績效指標   「不遵守就解釋」條文                                                                            page

Aspect A3                   The Environment and Natural Resources
層面A3                     環境及天然資源

General Disclosure          Policies on minimising the issuer’s significant impact on the environment and natural         15-16
一般披露                    resources.

KPI A3.1                    Description of the significant impacts of activities on the environment and natural            15-16
關鍵績效指標A3.1            resources and the actions taken to manage them.

B Social

Aspect B1                   Employment
層面B1                     僱傭

General Disclosure          Information on:                                                                                 17
一般披露                    (a) the policies; and

                            (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the

                            issuer relating to compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working

                            hours, rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and other benefits

                            and welfare.

                            視以及其他待遇及福利的:(a) 政策;及(b) 遵守對發行人有重大影響的相關


Aspect B2                   Health and Safety
層面B2                     健康與安全

General Disclosure          Information on:                                                                                18-19
一般披露                    (a) the policies; and

                            (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the

                            issuer relating to providing a safe working environment and protecting employees from

                            occupational hazards.

32   環境、社會及管治報告 2018

                 GUIDELINES AND INDEX OF THIS REPORT 本報告指引及索引

     Areas, Aspects, KPIs           “Comply or explain” Provisions                                                               Reference
     範圍、層面及關鍵績效指標      「不遵守就解釋」條文                                                                              page

     Aspect B3                      Development and Training
     層面B3                         發展及培訓

     General Disclosure             Policies on improving employees’ knowledge and skills for discharging duties at work.           19-20
     一般披露                       Description of training activities.

     Aspect B4                      Labour Standards
     層面B4                         勞工準則

     General Disclosure             Information on:                                                                                  20-21
     一般披露                       (a) the policies; and

                                    (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the

                                    issuer relating to preventing child and forced labour.


     Aspect B5                      Supply Chain Management
     層面B5                         供應鏈管理

     General Disclosure             Policies on managing environmental and social risks of the supply chain.                          21
     一般披露                       管理供應鏈的環境及社會風險政策

     Aspect B6                      Product Responsibility
     層面B6                         產品責任

     General Disclosure             Information on:                                                                                  22-23
     一般披露                       (a) the policies; and

                                    (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the

                                    issuer relating to health and safety, advertising, labelling and privacy matters relating to

                                    products and services provided and methods of redress.

                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 2018
                                                                                                   環境、社會及管治報告 2018


Areas, Aspects, KPIs        “Comply or explain” Provisions                                                             Reference
範圍、層面及關鍵績效指標   「不遵守就解釋」條文                                                                            page

Aspect B7                   Anti-corruption
層面B7                     反貪污

General Disclosure          Information on:                                                                                23-24
一般披露                    (a) the policies; and

                            (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the

                            issuer relating to bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering.


Aspect B8                   Community Investment
層面B8                     社區投資

General Disclosure          Policies on community engagement to understand the needs of the communities where               25
一般披露                    the issuer operates and to ensure its activities take into consideration the communities’

